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Name: 20160205_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 5, 2016
3201 lines.

This podcast discusses various topics including Kathleen Willey's allegations against Bill and Hillary Clinton, the ongoing debate over Bernie Sanders' policies, and concerns regarding Hillary Clinton's potential presidency. The show promotes products available at InfowarsLife.com such as BioPQQ formula, ProPure ProMax shower filter, and Super Mel Vitality supplement. The discussion also covers individualism, ISIS members disguising as refugees, destructive individuals driven by envy and anger, the push for Marco Rubio as an establishment candidate, voter turnout at caucuses and conventions, Fox News' narrative on Trump, Mises Circle event on martial law and Bernie Sanders, vaccine news, Pro Flowers promoting Valentine's Day deals, Nutra Crush Shakes offering weight loss support, Supernatural Silver protecting against diseases without damaging gut flora, alternative cable packages, and a conversation about martial law and the 2016 election. A tragic story of a mother whose son has autism allegedly caused by vaccines is also shared while criticizing government control and a bill on California vaccines and licensing is discussed.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, they've done it.
They have overloaded this broadcast today in the next four hours.
It is going to be even more jam-packed than usual on this Friday worldwide transmission.
Richard Reeves is going to be popping in at the end of the hour.
He's on the ground in New Hampshire, going to be reporting tonight on the nightly news, right through the weekend at Infowars.com with video reports on the Sunday broadcast, 4 to 6 p.m.
as well, and then right through, of course, to the big event early next week.
Sean Stone, a filmmaker, actor, documentary talk show host in his own right, son of Oliver Stone, friend of mine.
Sean Stone will be joining us today to talk about all the things that are happening geopolitically in the world, everything from Edward Snowden
to the police state here in America.
We also have an interview they're going to release tomorrow that Kit Daniels got at a big Ron Paul event over the weekend.
He got an interview with Ron Paul but also with Lou Rockwell.
It's a very powerful interview with Rockwell's intel, Lou Rockwell's intel on Obama's plans to perhaps actually bring in martial law before he leaves office.
I kind of want to just go ahead and release that today, but we're going to play the part about martial law coming up because it's so important.
And we have, of course, a Democrat senator from Connecticut coming out and saying that's what the Republicans are trying to set up with Obama.
I mean, this is really going on.
This is the time where the rhetoric that we've used in the past to describe what was coming is being proven as accurate.
Let's look at DrugsReport.com right now.
That's one of the biggest banks in the world.
Sounds alarm.
World economy in death spiral.
You click on it.
It's not InfoWars.com saying that.
We've actually had articles using the image of the Grim Reaper.
We're called fear porn dealers.
We don't get Pulitzer Prizes for being exactly right five years beforehand.
We get attacked.
But I'm sure CNBC will get an award for this or something.
World economy trapped in death spiral.
And of course their answer to this is to give more power to the establishment who has engineered this and more credit lines of unlimited taxpayer money to the very same six, really it's about five now, some have consolidated, global mega banks who openly launder the money and run the drugs on record.
I mean just completely on record.
And then they send police out to schools to tell kids don't use drugs.
I'm not against the police officers, I'm just saying it's stupid.
The school on one hand is pushing all this speed and all these other psychotropic drugs on the kids, all these amphetamine based systems and all these serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Antidepressants that are so dangerous and linked to doubling suicide and all sorts of mental disorders and the rest of it.
20-something percent of the population is now on this country.
And they look at us with a straight face and say, we need to lecture your kids, don't use illegal drugs.
And the government is shipping them in, to destabilize civilization along with the money.
It's just like they say, give your rights up, civil emergency, martial law in Europe, don't criticize the open borders, don't criticize socialism, we're going to arrest Le Pen, the frontrunner in the French election, because she criticized open borders.
But it's the government bringing in the radical terrorists who are attacking, and then they use that pretext to take the freedom.
Where is the 2 plus 2 equals 4 logic to recognize that's happening and realize the criminals have hijacked our governments globally?
George Orwell, in his allegory 1984, based on his time in MI6 and OSS before that, where he was a propagandist at BBC,
He says freedom is the ability to say 2 plus 2 equals 4.
If you can do that, everything else follows.
And O'Brien tortures him until he can't say 2 plus 2 equals 4 anymore.
And then O'Brien says, we've won.
But even though we've won and broken you, we're still gonna shoot you in the back of the head one day when you don't know it's coming and incinerate you and erase your name from history.
Because we're devil worshippers, Winstons.
It's been revealed a secret 291 code is being used in Sweden to cover up thousands of crimes involving migrants.
According to a report in a Swedish newspaper, around 5,000 incidents have been kept secret for the last four months, including hundreds of cases of violence, assaults, two terror threats, and four rapes.
The incidents have been covered up because of a directive from the National Operational Department that any information pertaining to the behavior of refugees be censored.
Last month it was also reported that police weren't to use descriptions of refugee criminals so as not to appear racist.
And Germany's top broadcaster ZDF is also refusing to run crime stories about Muslim rape suspects because in the words of editor-in-chief, we don't want to inflame the situation and spread the bad mood.
And the former head of ZDF revealed the station takes orders from the government on what to report and that journalists are not allowed to say anything negative about the refugees.
You can find more reports at InfoWars.com.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, you can see, you can feel, you can hear, you can smell the fires of global turmoil ratcheting up.
Look at this headline from grudgereport.com CNBC.
World economy trapped in death spiral.
We're going to be getting to that report obviously here in detail today.
We are also going to be interviewing a raft of guests here on the broadcast.
We are obviously going to be breaking down the latest developments and polls out of New Hampshire.
And our own Richard Reeves is going to be joining us from the ground there at the end of the hour.
Sean Stone, filmmaker, son of Oliver Stone, is joining us.
Kathleen Willey.
Of course, one of Clinton's victims, who's not been speaking out quite a bit as of late, but we've been able to get her on through some of our connections.
And of course, John Rappaport will be joining us to cover the waterfront, Zika and more, and Rob Dewey will be quarterbacking the fourth hour, and we'll have a ton of special reports and key information then as well.
But before I get into this article, Citi, world economy trapped in death spiral.
It's important to know that the Russians basically have admitted to simulating nuclear attacks with their new high-tech... I don't want to say copies, but they're similar planes to, say, the B-1 bomber.
I guess a more modern version of those.
Army and Marine Corps chief says it's time for women
To register for the draft.
Oh, feminism is here.
You get to pay more taxes.
You get to be a slave.
You get to be drafted.
You get to be used as cannon fodder.
So this just gets better and better.
And there, of course, Bernie Sanders wants compulsory national service.
Obama wants that, too.
And, of course, both military and domestic, where you wear little uniforms and march around.
That'll be your new job.
And then they give you government rations.
Oh, there won't be free welfare in the future.
The fattening and domestication of the American people is coming to an end, just as it's doing in Europe.
And the pension funds will be taken over by the big megabanks for your protection, but there will be fees applied.
And over the years, your pensions will be shrunk down to about 20% of what they were.
And then if you survive all the cancer viruses you've been injected with, you might be able to retire and have two or three jobs and get a small stipend of your money that wasn't
Leaked and leached out of you.
But the answer of the lottery ticket sports fan face painter culture will be screaming for more wealth redistribution as the economy shrinks, as things unravel.
And why would the ultra-rich be honchoing, be driving, be orchestrating, be conducting
Be executing, blueprinting, masterminding, quarterbacking.
Why would they be running the big socialist commie revolution?
Because socialism and communism don't exist.
Except in two ways that actually help the people.
And in all the other hundreds of permutations, it is always a way to take the general wealth by select groups who then consolidate it, skim it, decide where it's spit to control the engineering of society into a total domestication.
The two ways it works is if you do, say, have North Sea oil
Off the coast of Scotland, worth, even in a depreciated economy, trillions and trillions and trillions.
Some estimates are upwards of 15 trillion of recoverable resources just in waters that Scotland has as territorial areas.
And if you were to have companies come in who bid and give the highest percentage to the government, and if you had direct payments of the money, highly transparent, after expenses, with profit for the companies,
In a bad market, you're talking about thousands of pounds a year per individual.
And in a booming oil-based economy, we're talking tens of thousands of pounds a year, or even more, and free school and infrastructure.
And there's examples of this in Alaska and other areas.
It's smaller.
But yeah, that's socialism at work.
If it's a shared communal resource,
Government could never figure out how to extract it properly, would break all the rules, wouldn't be accountable, but you bring in providenters, they could do it.
And then you have the Philosopher King model of Muammar Gaddafi, where you again have some of the most pure water in Africa and their huge aquifer.
You've got great gas, sweet oil, sweet crude, meaning it doesn't need a lot of refinement.
And in the decades of the oil boom, he turned that place into a paradise in many areas and created real infrastructure and real jobs and actually had lotteries and things where they just gave people jobs.
And then if he didn't perform, you were fired, but folks did perform and the economy just grew and was supporting much of Africa.
Yeah, socialism worked there, it really did.
But only because they had liquid gold coming out of the ground and someone that actually gave it to the people.
But he didn't give it to them and say you can't have a man in the house.
He didn't give it to them and say you can't have a job.
He didn't give it to them and say, oh, here's your welfare check but you can't try to get another job now and get on your feet and never get out of debt.
Oh, here's a welfare check but you can't have a man in the house.
Oh here's a welfare check, or here's your social security check you paid in to get and you deserve, but oh sorry you can't have another job after you're 65, 66 and then try to uplift the economy and your family.
We want you at a low level.
And that's what socialists always do.
So it's the people driving socialism, driving communism, they always have the same pipe dreams, always the same sales job, always the same story, always run by the very same groups, the big mega banks.
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, look into it for yourself.
They have been funding the Bolsheviks since 1970.
The richest, most powerful, ruthless companies in the world
And they're running the whole show.
And the reason I'm getting into this is at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to air a piece I shot for the Nightly News, going over Bernie Sanders and the fact that he is the one percent.
But beyond that, it's the point zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, zero.
And then it goes on from there.
We actually did the math again last night.
We have a report.
And I was then digging into it last night.
Want to do another report today, doing searches.
And it blew me away.
I was criticizing Sanders in this report, which he deserves, but I was pointing out that a micron of one percent, we're going to show the numbers coming up, but we're talking 6,000 people out of 7.5 billion, has 90% of the 55% or so of the world economy they have.
You see,
All of the 1% up to just this tiny little percentage has 10% of that 55% of the total wealth.
And it's that majority of the 1%, you could say the 2% as well, that in every metric, every economic textbook it's known, is the very blood cells of the body politic of the economy.
Why do you think the globalists like Bernie Sanders and Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan and the Southern Poverty Law Center and Hillary Clinton and all these elites and the Rothschilds and Rockefellers worldwide are exterminating the middle class?
Argentina, until about the 50s or so, was richer than the United States and was behind Switzerland and Luxembourg as the richest country in the world.
The saying was, as rich as an Argentine.
They were free market.
They had science, factories, art.
Probably superior culture to the United States.
They let the globalists in.
They are in a living hell.
I've read the reports.
I've had reporters down there.
Ted Anderson went down there.
He said he would see good-looking families.
I said, what do you mean by that?
He goes, like professional people.
Living in doorways.
When 18-wheelers tump over with cows on board, the Washington Post report, thousands will just come running out of the bushes with hatchets and knives just gobbling blood and guts, like in a movie.
Like something out of The Revenant.
And it's all because they sold out to the globalists and bought into it.
And the same thing's coming here, boys and girls.
And don't forget who did it to you, and they're gonna have all these stupid young people, and all these dumb folks that grew up with their parents giving everything, all these iPod heads, and all these soft, gimme-everything yuppies, are gonna walk right into the arms of Bernie Sanders, who I'm telling you folks is the second coming of V.I.
He's a dangerous, evil, evil man.
He knows full well who he works for.
His rhetoric and everything he does.
When it came down to that key vote to finally audit the Fed when they had the votes, he killed it.
Now he knew they didn't have the votes last month, he voted again to audit it.
He's a piece of filth.
And he knows exactly what he's doing preying on you and your family.
And they've pretty much blown our economic engine, we're stalled out, we're on fire.
And now the enemy's coming over the gates, folks, literally and figuratively.
The Border Patrol's come out and said, we have no border.
We've been ordered to stand down.
Red alert.
And again, folks, when your country has no border and the elite are giving the people that come in all this free stuff and turning them into basically communists, it's red alert.
It's, if you want to go to a Vietnam analogy, it's Firebase overrun, Firebase overrun, Firebase.
I mean, this is 21st century warfare.
Everybody wants it, you got it.
They are gonna hammer you and your family.
The Red Brigades are coming!
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Okay, let's just do this before I get back into socialism and what it stands for.
But notice the more liberal we get, the more socialist we get.
Time Magazine with the cover, we're all socialists now.
With Obamacare three years ago and that passed.
I'll break it down in the next segment, but I want to hit some other news.
But notice foreign banks that own insurance companies write Obamacare to double and triple your prices, cut your care, massively reduce your choices,
And then their profits go up in the first two years alone, 47.8% globally.
According to the big international insurance consortium numbers they released last year.
Just on screwing America globally, their profits go up 47% with a bunch of fake socialist dirtbags making millions of dollars a year at CNN and MSNBC that fly around in helicopters and eat caviar all day with taxpayer stimulus money funding MSNBC.
Lecturing people that make $200,000 a year individually that they're in the 1%.
Horse manure!
These people are con artists.
Let me explain.
People go, who are educated, they go, how is it that socialists don't know it becomes corrupt and blows up everywhere and is terrible?
Why do they promote it?
They should know better.
They know better!
They know full well it's a takeover of the economy.
They're bank robbers!
The globalists took over the banks.
They robbed the banks at the top.
That's how you really rob a bank.
You take it over.
Then you buy off the government.
Then you screw everybody.
Then you put on dumbed-down television for 65 years and turn the public into a bunch of jellyfish.
Excuse me.
Let's just continue here.
But how do you not just point that out?
What's more, of course we told you this two years ago, the stand-down order includes a requirement that the whereabouts of illegals released not be tracked.
Yeah, remember how they won't tell the governors where the refugees are going?
But ho, don't you worry.
Oh, the police are listening to your cell phone with the stingray systems.
Don't you worry.
You've got license plate reading cameras up everywhere tracking you.
Oh, don't you worry.
We're going to search your kids at school.
Oh, don't you worry.
They're passing laws to forcibly inoculate you.
Don't you worry.
If I get on an airplane and fly to D.C.
or anywhere else to cover something,
They know exactly who I am, and they direct me over to have my bags torn apart, and the same thing happens to my crew.
And if I point out, you know, our borders are wide open, they'll either say, yeah, I know I'm a listener, this is terrible, you know, we're trying to unionize, or, you know what?
You want to miss your flight?
Keep your mouth shut!
You know what that message is?
This is all about you learning how to be a slave, boy.
This is all teaching you how to submit, how to break your will.
People go, why is the German and French government bringing in millions of illegals from war-torn areas who just got kicked out by the Russians out of Syria to rape, murder, and kill, and just run around and just urinate, defecate, and rape everybody?
That's in the news today.
They just do all this bizarreness, and the police that's come out all over Europe are ordered to cover it up, officially.
You go, that's crazy, that's madness.
No, it's not.
Because when there's unrest, they're gonna start arresting... Oh, I'm sorry, they already are.
The French and the Germans.
And they're gonna put them in the prisons.
And they're going to take the quote, Muslim migrants and put them through a quick program and three or four years later they're going to come out of socialist education systems, college, and they're going to be wearing black uniforms, come into those jail cells and they're going to kick the teeth into those Germans.
And you know what?
When they rape their wives, they deserve it.
Because they want to be slaves?
They are.
And so are we.
Jokes of the planet!
And when you sit there, people sometimes say to me, hey man, just comply.
When I come into U.S.
Customs from taking the family on a vacation, the lady says, Oh, Alex Jones, got any contraband?
This says you got $500 of stuff.
Exactly what do you have?
Some jewelry for kids, family gifts.
Is it exactly $500?
I said, probably less.
Oh, you mean you lied?
No, I didn't have all the... Well, just search me.
Oh, we are!
Oh, we are!
We got Alex Jones!
Take him in the back!
It's our country now!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Democrats nationwide are feeling the burn with latest polls showing Bernie Sanders is nearly tied with Hillary Clinton.
Sanders also bests Hillary in the favorability rating.
Bernie's at 9 points and Hillary is at negative 17.
In recent days, political observers have called her voice loud, flat, harassing to the ear, and that her tone is punishing.
Of course, this just means everyone is being sexist, critiquing her impassioned tone on the campaign trail, and they point out how forceful tones are the trademark of Bernie Sanders.
And in the sharpest debate yet, Sanders went after Clinton for being a slave to Wall Street interests.
To his credit, Sanders doesn't have a super PAC raising huge sums from Wall Street like Clinton, but he was still able to raise $5 million more than his opponent in January.
This should be a loud wake-up call for the Clinton campaign, who once considered the nomination a sure bet.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com
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Fortune favors the bold.
It's Alex Jones.
When I was young I was the nicest guy I knew
Bernie wants us to live under the heavenly socialist communist system like China.
Well, you never heard the left criticize that Mao Zedong killed over 80 million people.
The Chinese government admits, biggest mass murder in history.
That's why there's so many liberal trendy places in Austin, in Denver, in New York, in LA, in San Francisco named after Mao.
And people go and love, play on their iPhones in the free market and their Chinese slave goods.
And they drink beer and expensive wine and giggle about how fun it is to wear red stars.
You couldn't put more bad luck on you.
You couldn't trash your mojo better.
Wearing swastika armbands, you stupid snot-nosed crud, that live off the backs of everybody that fought Nazism and Communism.
You need to have your jaws broken!
Don't you worry, reality's gonna crash in on you trash, who lowered our defenses, who brought the Republic down.
Oh, we're already gone.
And you celebrate it, like you've joined the globalists, mounting America's head on the wall!
Your great victory!
The mass rape of women across Europe, the national draft coming in for women, the families falling apart, women degraded into nothing but sexual objects, all in the name of Gloria Steinem and the Central Intelligence Agency program!
Bernie Sanders with his fake Einstein hair and his, I'm a man of the people!
We go out and talk to Bernie Sanders supporters, they can hardly talk.
They're like him.
I want free stuff!
As if the New World Order is going to give you anything free.
Oh, it's free like a piece of cheese.
When a little mouse comes out and it smells it and goes to bite it and wha-BAM!
Breaks your neck!
But you're stupider than a little mouse.
You can see all the countries and all the people caught in the mouse traps, caught in the big bear traps.
You know what you do?
You go into a trendy shop and some capitalist strip.
And you go in and you snuggle in with that credit card that daddy put money in for the trust fund.
And you put on that little fur-rimmed coat and you're all sexy with your Cameron Sickle on and your Che Guevara, you know, shirt from Rage Against the Machine and the whole Capitalist Record Company system selling it to you.
And you go out on the street and you walk into McDonald's and you have yourself a double latte.
Oh, yeah!
Pathetic scum!
Oh, how you'll burn in the camps later.
Wishing you'd done something.
I mean, you are the ultimate chumps.
The ultimate buffoons.
The ultimate schmucks.
See, I've got so much news, and then when I read it, you're in the break looking at more of it coming in, I get so upset.
But the public had so much freedom.
They were so wealthy, even our poorest, they had no idea that what they're replacing it with is abject slavery.
CNBC reports, city world economy trapped in death spiral, but don't worry, let the globalists run things more, they'll fix it.
Some analysts, including those at Citi, have turned bearish on the world economy this year.
Following a equity route in January and weaker economy data, out of China and the US, the world appears to be trapped in a circular reference death spiral.
Citi strategist, led by Jonathan Stubbs, said in a report,
And then it just goes on from there.
And notice the stronger the U.S.
dollar gets, that means the weaker.
Because everyone runs to it, the last big ship sinking.
Stronger U.S.
dollar, weaker oil, commodities prices, weaker world trade, petrodollar liquidity, weaker EM and global growth, and repeated ad infinitum, this would lead to
Oilmageddon, a significant and synchronized global recession and a proper modern-day equity bear market.
And it goes on.
Let's just stop there.
This is an engineered plan on record.
Now, let's go to the next little article that just came out, Bloomberg Business.
Like this little juicy for you?
Keep telling you, the Chinese communist and the media, the left spins it, and having them post years ago, Jones hates Chinese getting into Hollywood.
Like when Republicans would criticize Chinese, you know, government getting missile secrets from Clinton, from Laura Allen Hughes, they'd go on CNN.
Why is it, you know, the racism of the Republicans against Chinese?
You give a communist government your missile secrets?
Well, just say it's politically correct.
You know, don't let them, you're against the Muslims raping your nine-year-old daughter in Germany?
Why, you're a, you're a, you're a Islamophobe.
The police say, well, we can't stop them because that'd be racist.
That's actually happening.
I'm not exaggerating.
Chicago Stock Exchange says it's being sold to Chinese-led group.
So the left on one side will say, you're just being racist against the Chinese saying they're buying up Hollywood.
And then dictating what films can come out.
I go see almost any film now and it's cut to red flags and the Chinese Politburo saving America or feeding American kids.
I mean, I went and saw The Martian and a couple other movies with my kids and there's Chinese government literal malpropaganda.
NASA's boosters won't get it to Mars, but don't worry.
The Chinese, uh, Mao-Tian rocket will get us there, and it shows them saluting.
Why are you helping the Americans?
They're good people, and they need our rockets because they're dumb.
Thank you, Chang-Chu.
I mean, you know, it's just total bull.
We got our boosters from the Russians, and we don't need those.
They destroyed the German-designed Saturn rocket design that's better than what the Russians have today!
Gave away the Panama Canal!
Shut down a thousand of our power plants!
We are under attack!
Fourteen Godzillas wouldn't be this deadly!
You imagine if Godzilla came out of the ocean in Houston and tore up five power plants, it'd be the biggest news the planet ever saw.
Because it's fantasy, it's not real.
But the government under UN control shuts down over a thousand plants and then lets globalist Soros and General Electric companies stay open, and Warren Buffett's system stay open, while sabotaging our pipelines.
We are under military attack!
We are done!
If you don't wake up,
And what's crazy is, every Special Forces person I run into, from the Marines, from the Navy, from the Army, I mean, I know current and former Delta Force people.
I know the folks that train the Delta Force, and they know everything that's going on.
And they say the American people are weak, they don't understand anything, we can't do anything.
It's actually true.
The American people are just running around like the most brain-damaged morons in a trance,
While a 21st century Blitzkrieg is taking everything we got down to make us dependent, and man, the boa constrictor is wrapping around us, and is just now starting to squeeze.
And boy, when it squeezes, and the public goes into collective panic, gasping for air with their eyes bugging out, the snake's gonna be right in their face going, relax, don't resist me, and it's all gonna be over soon, I love you.
I'm trying to tell the public, that snake isn't your friend, but you go look at these college students and people, I mean, to a person, they are so mindless and stupid.
At every major college I go to, I just, I mean, I guarantee you, those people will sit back while I get arrested and put in a camp in a minute.
Because I found the dumber the person, the more they're into authoritarianism, but from a distance.
They do the oxy, get off on it.
Like MSNBC getting up there all the time going, good, arrest the Tea Party, good, audit the Christians, good, good, get them, get them, get their kids belong to us.
You see Harris Perry, that crazed look in her eye.
No one's hardworking because of black slaves.
Never say anyone's hardworking.
I control the whole language, not you.
A cult of venomous trash.
I'm going to get into the whole stock market situation.
And then they have the right wing come out and go, the extreme right wing come out and go, oh, you claim the Chinese are influencing our policies in Saudi Arabia.
Israel agent.
All these pseudo-intellectuals who have like 70 IQs just go, Israel!
As if that's the only thing in the universe, because I don't obsess on it.
When I've made films exposing the corruption in Israel, and I'm not against Israel, like I'm not against America, or Russia, or China.
I'm against the corrupt elites!
But that's why we're also done, even our pseudo-intellectuals, to sit around
And just come up with little terms like the pseudo-left says everyone's racist that doesn't agree with them, and then the ultra-racist right-wing says everyone works for Israel that doesn't bow to them, and then all they do is infight with each other all day.
It is splendid idiocy.
And then look at these other headlines.
Paris attack leader said he slipped in with 90 extremists.
Oh, and look, get the Pulitzer Prize.
It's in Business Insider and Reuters.
German spy chief ISIS is sending terrorists to Europe disguised as refugees.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you realize that ISIS in February of 2015, nine months before attacks began in Europe, said they were running the immigrant wave and that it was actually their people that they'd send in?
To take over Syria?
To actually occupy the homes and run the facilities and run the markets?
That they'd been kicked out and they were sending them into Europe?
That they were gonna run sleeper cells?
Oh my gosh, give German intelligence a gold star!
A year later they reported on it.
Ooh, can you believe the intel they've got?
Code 921.
Swedish police cover up thousands of crimes involving refugees.
Rape, murder, robbery, and... pooping in the pool.
Sweden, ISIS flag and pray for Allah threat painted on school wall.
All over the U.S.
I see articles every day where official core curriculum, Common Core, teaches folks to submit to the will of Allah.
Nancy Pelosi invokes the Prophet Muhammad at National Prayer Breakfast.
Multicultural toilets for the global defecation.
I'm not kidding, that's the quote.
Seek to stop migrants pooping on the floor.
Why you being racist?
Multiple reports have emerged of recent arrivals finding themselves utterly mystified by Western bathrooms.
What do you mean in Texas bathrooms they gotta put signs up now saying don't poop in the corner?
Richard Reeves covered it down there at one of those big big truck stops.
Saudi Arabia ready to send ground troops into Syria.
Yes, to back their Al Qaeda forces.
Chicago Seminary urges students to wear white privileged glasses to learn how bad you are.
That's just some of the love.
But don't worry, Bernie Sanders is going to save you.
I'm going to go to this Bernie Sanders report in a moment, then I'm going to have to skip just one break today and then that's it because I got Richard Reeves coming up just for about five minutes at the start of the next hour to give us an update on what's happening in New Hampshire.
Guys, I just dropped my sheet over the side there.
Will you please give that to me?
Thank you.
It's right over here on the corner.
I need it.
Before I go any further, though, look, if you're not spreading the word about this broadcast, you're nuts.
We are in a savage 110% truth assault on the globalist, pulling no punches, in death-defying viciousness.
Thank you.
This is the real deal.
This is the organic, spontaneous response to the globalist.
And we're taking action.
And that's why we're attacked from the corners of the compass, 360.
Because we are over the target, we are committed, we're not backing down, we're not stopping.
If you do not tell folks about Infowars.com forward slash show and all the free podcasts and iPhone and Droid apps and the free video feeds.
Might as well just go join George Soros.
And I know most of you are, but we need to all redouble our efforts, myself included.
If you are not telling friends and family and neighbors and folks at work and people at the grocery store and the gas station and at four-way stops about the local AM and FM stations that carry the show, and if you're not supporting their sponsors, or at least telling them you support them and telling friends about those sponsors and thanking those stations, they are fighting the New World Order with us.
These are patriots.
And the fact is, people now know what I've warned of is real, even though it's horrific.
They know we're doing this to try to save the country.
Yeah, we're skipping the network break, guys.
Now, before we go any further, people need to understand that this is a planned totalitarian takeover and isn't going to be soft for much longer.
It's going to be hard, it's going to be rough, it's going to be burning hot.
So when I get animated and upset and everything starts bouncing off the walls, it's because as a man who's dialed in, watching the systematic takedown of prosperity and of freedom, and who's replacing it, and knowing we're going to the clutches of the ultimate scientific terror, I'm struggling.
I'm fighting for my life, folks.
And people need to understand, this is a death battle.
And what's a death battle?
It's another way of saying fight to the death.
They are not going to stop.
They're not going to back off.
Serving them, giving in to them will only destroy you and your family faster.
And as things start getting nastier, you're going to realize you have nothing to do but resist.
And they're trying to program everybody to get violent.
That's not the answer.
At this stage, it isn't Syria.
Al Qaeda forces are attacking.
They start arresting people in mass, sending people to relocation camps, you know, demonizing patriots on the air.
Then you got to defend yourself.
And, you know, all these folks that want to play soldier against the American people don't get a chance.
And I don't relish that, because the globalists are the ones that are going to win in that.
But you will fail.
And they know you're going to be destroyed.
I'm talking to the security services of the so-called U.S.
You are a row of shark teeth that are going to fall out in the fight with us.
And they got more rows coming up.
They intend the next row to get knocked out.
Then the third big row comes in.
You're delusional if you serve the system and think you're part of the winning team.
Shining on with Beelzebub is not winning.
Be smart.
Most people in the system have now chosen sides.
That's why the globalists are so scared.
They want to start a huge war with Russia or China to get the people in the government to line up and do what they're told, because of an outside threat.
Now, briefly, before I go to this Bernie Sanders piece, we've introduced AnthroPlex.
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And we want to grow our war chest going into this depression because I think it's going to get really, really bad.
I think I know it is.
We need to fuel up to take off on a biggest assault run ever.
And we may get destroyed a week from now or two years from now or never.
You don't know how Providence works, but Providence is with you when you just gut up, commit, and don't care anymore.
Look, I'm not afraid, folks.
In fact, I'm still alive.
I just wish people would join me and cross the barrier and just get through the world's intimidation, stop caring what people think about you, and just stand up and just say, it's happening, new world order, world government, rally the people, be a Paul Revere in your area.
Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, or 888-253-3139.
You know what's sick?
And I'm a man, and I can't help I'm competitive, but I've never really for a long time feared death or being incarcerated or shut down or destroyed, and I've been committed and put in God's hands even though I want to be there for my children.
But I still didn't like my enemies and so-called competitors, people that thought they were my competitors, winning if something happened to me.
And in the last year or so, I've even transcended, not jealousy, but when someone attacks you, it's not jealousy.
It's like they're trying to destroy you because they're jealous, and then you don't want them to win or grind you down.
That used to be one of my motivations.
I am so much stronger now that I just could care less about lies at all or people wanting to destroy me.
I have just transcended it.
Thank you, Christ.
Thank you, Christ, for that.
And folks can notice I'm more hardcore, I'm more vicious, I'm more focused, I'm quicker, because this is it.
It's not coming, it's here.
This is the beginning.
And whether it's the final tribulation and the crisis, there's many Antichrists that come before the Antichrist, this is tribulation.
And they've taken over the churches, they've taken over the systems, we're in so much trouble.
I don't know if I can go to all the report now, I kind of ran out of time, but here's part of the Bernie Sanders report from the Nightly News, breaking down the facts of the cave.
Here it is.
Let me show in a parable to what extent our nature is enlightened or unenlightened.
Uh, Bernie Sanders.
Uh, she's female.
No power.
Envision human figures living in an underground cave.
No, I don't really follow politics, really.
You know, he's a socialist, I believe, and I believe in what he stands for.
Plato, one of the most famous Greek philosophers and historians in world history, famously had his allegory of the cave.
If you're brought up in a box, like some of these young women we've heard about who were kidnapped at birth and lived in a trailer until they were 15 years old, you believe that the confines of that box is the universe and is that world.
And your captor that comes in to feed you a few times a day and rape you or whatever the case may be, you think that's your father, your mother figure, your God figure.
That's everybody to you.
And that's why I'm shooting this here in this twilight with just one light above me, is to illustrate visually, not just with facts and statistics,
That we are being kept in the dark, and no one more so than Bernie Sanders' supporters.
This is not a pitch for Hillary or anybody else.
The point is, you're really being kept in the dark.
What Bernie Sanders is engaged in has been funded for over 150 years by European royalty, the aristocracy, as well as the new robber baron class that was forming in the last 150 years, to scapegoat free market as the problem,
And to sell communism and socialism and wealth redistribution as a solution when the elites themselves are international in scope, largely exempt from the taxes like Google and General Electric and Warren Buffett today, who calls for higher taxes on the middle class that he calls the rich, but is the biggest recipient, of course, of the 2008 banker bailout.
So this is how this scam works.
The ultra-rich going after the middle class.
So when Sanders says the 1% is the enemy,
Well, 90% of the 1% hardly have any of the wealth.
When you do the math of 7.5 billion people in the world and 6,000 elite managers and owners, according to the Kissinger Group and the book, Superclass, written by Rothkopf, the elite themselves say there's 6,000 that own and rule half the wealth of the world.
And that's back when that book was written eight years ago.
It's closer to 60% of the wealth now.
And so they're desperate to scapegoat the middle class for what they've done.
As if Bernie Sanders is greedy and bad because he has $600,000.
Or, you know, makes a quarter million a year as a senator.
No, he buys houses, he buys cars, he buys services.
It's that middle class and upper middle class that funds everything.
Folks, what I'm going to do, because I went to this late...
We're going to pause it right there and back up about 10 seconds.
Come back in that next little segment and go to it.
Because what I didn't finish up saying earlier was, doing research on this last night, Sanders is always pushing 1%, 1%, they're the enemy, they're bad, they stole it.
But then I actually found an article out of PolitiFact that found his statement is true, that Sanders knows this of course, and said exactly what I just said in this report.
Bernie Sanders says top 0.1% in US have almost as much wealth as the bottom 90.
And he means that of the bottom 90 of the 1%.
Well, actually, we have the real math for you.
And I'm not bragging, but I'm proud of the power of this broadcast.
We're the ones, when they started this 1% stuff 6-7 years ago, that went in and said it was .0000000, depending on how you calculated it, after that.
So we have the latest numbers coming up.
So it's the very elites shicking the public on the 1%, the 2%.
The general public thinks somebody with a nicer car stole it.
So, this is class warfare by the elite against the general public.
It's totally sickening.
We're going to show you the proof when we're back in 70 seconds with the second hour.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Got some really informative guests coming up after the break, but right now I was mentioning that after I shot this video yesterday, I actually was searching the 0.1% and found that Bernie Sanders has now lately in some speeches been saying it's not really the 1%, it's the 0.1%.
Shouldn't they have to pay billions?
Yeah, but they already rigged the system and then it turns out they're the ones behind the scenes promoting this and he's their front guy.
It's like the Federal Reserve banks opposed the Federal Reserve passage in 1913 publicly to try to fool the public into supporting it.
It still didn't work, so they rammed it through on December 23rd in the dead of night.
Here's the rest of the report.
Elite managers and owners, according to the Kissinger Group, and the book, Superclass, written by Rothkopf, the elite themselves say there's 6,000 that own and rule half the wealth of the world, and that's back when that book was written eight years ago.
It's closer to 60% of the wealth now.
And so they're desperate to scapegoat the middle class for what they've done.
As if Bernie Sanders is greedy and bad because he has $600,000.
Or, you know, makes a quarter million a year as a senator.
No, he buys houses, he buys cars, he buys services.
It's that middle class and upper middle class that funds everything.
But I want to show you the math, and it varies.
You know, there's some estimates that U.S.
wealth is close to 90 trillion, public, private, you name it.
Some estimates as much as 250 billion globally in real assets, government and private, including charities.
But if you look at the derivatives, 2.2 is what our own government says they believe there is worldwide.
2,200 trillion and growing.
It's derivatives, it's fake.
Only Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, and a few others own it.
Only they've been allowed, the megabanks, to engage in such crimes.
The same ones that fix the stock market, fix the interest rates, fix the currency rates.
So let's come out of Plato's cave and look, not at the 1% that's our enemy, but the point after the 1%.
This is of the 1%.
The point, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.
It's been a while since I did this, so we're going to see what the latest numbers are.
When we crunch them, we've got some of them pulled up.
So let's come out of the cave.
And again, we're not offering all the answers in the universe as we come out of the cave, as Plato said.
There are other mysteries once you come out, and other truths, and other things to discover.
It's just one more box we've transcended.
But we've got Josh Owens here with some of this pulled up from establishment sources.
CNN, how close are you to the top 1%?
Then they'll say it's between a quarter million to four hundred thousand dollars.
They debate which is the 1%.
But if you're making that a year as a household, both people two hundred and something thousand dollars, then you're the evil 1%, okay?
But if you, and I guess you've had time to do this now, divide seven and a half billion people into six thousand that they admit have more than half the wealth, let's just say half,
We come up with an astounding number.
So, uh, now we have this number. 0.0000008421.
So, that's the ultra elite.
They always say 1% has half the wealth.
No, no.
It is that tiny 6,000 that has more than half the wealth.
If you actually do the math, which we've done, and actually look at the rest of the 1%, or even the 2%, you could take the wealth
Of the bottom two percent, all of that first point and most of the second point, and it wouldn't run the U.S.
for even a year or two.
Now, the U.S.
has a $19 trillion debt as of Monday.
It's now Thursday going into Friday.
So think about that.
Think about that.
You're being told that one percent's the enemy all day when it's that very elite that's telling you that they're the problem.
We're not saying Bernie's this evil guy because he's one percent.
And of course the little socialist go, that's cause you're one of the one of the one percent.
It's the dumbest argument I've ever seen.
Do you know what socialism and communism delivers?
Hell on earth.
Bernie Sanders for sure, probably.
Okay, so you're feeling the Bern, uh, any particular reason?
Probably as a student, all of his policies about, um, tuition free college.
Tuition free college.
Free college.
I don't know if it'll be possible, but it works for me.
Who would pay for the free tuition?
Hopefully the rich people of America.
I mean, this is the most gang mentality dumbed down.
It's like, we want to elect Hitler.
He says he'll invade France and give us free stuff.
I mean, this is a paradical, conquest-borne system that we're now in.
Alex Jones reporting for InfoWars.com.
Are you still inside the cave?
We'll be back.
On the other side, I'm Alex Jones.
The head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency said ISIS is sending terrorists to Europe disguised as refugees.
A German newspaper cited the chief saying the agency had received more than 100 tip-offs that Islamic State fighters were among the refugees currently staying in Germany.
On Thursday, German forces arrested two men suspected of links to ISIS preparing an attack on the German capital.
It was a tipster who led to the whereabouts of the Belgian who led the November 13 attacks on Paris.
According to testimony from the woman, the Islamic State group commander told her he had entered France without documents among a group of 90 people, including other militants that had scattered around the Paris region.
The woman said he'd been planning additional attacks on a nursery school, a shopping mall, and a police station before she turned his location over to police.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
For the next 30 minutes, we're going to cover the waterfront with a really interesting filmmaker, talk show host, researcher.
Of course, that's Sean Stone, and he's also the son of the famous director Oliver Stone.
Really one of my favorite screenwriters.
Talk about Conan, things like Scarface, Fly Pelican.
I tell ya.
We're going to be talking to him about the clash of civilizations, he's traveled to Iran, you name it, researched it, predicted now what we see happening.
Again, we're not wanting war with the Muslims, but you bring in the radical jihadists, they attack.
Then you have your pretext to go in and attack countries that didn't even attack us, just like Saudi Arabia is involved in 9-11.
Then we attack, of course, Iraq.
So he wants to get into that.
He wants to get into what's happening in Europe, what's developing here in the United States.
I mean, now a world government with the Pope calling for it is out in the open.
But I also want to pick his brain.
Because I'm going to be on his show today about Hollywood.
We have seen so many people come out and say, I'm not a liberal, I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian, I like 1776.
And then we do research and we find out those folks are anti-globalist, anti-New World Order.
We have Chris Carter coming out saying he's a big listener of the show.
We're going to be talking to him soon.
You know, modeled some of the new X-Files off this show and my character.
That's just an example of the success of questioning things.
And of course, Sean Stone hosted with Jesse Ventura's son the hit program American Conspiracy and more.
So he's done so much.
I want to get his pulse on the state of the world.
And he also has some fun.
He's gone around and done a big spoof film on these TV paranormal shows.
It's very, very exciting.
He's directed scores of films in his own right.
Was about to do a big one with Rowdy Piper until he died.
That was very, very sad.
We always appreciate him getting Piper on the show, but he'll live forever through they live.
So, Mr. Stone, thank you so much for coming on.
But also, let's plug your radio slash TV program you're doing that's so popular.
Tell folks about that.
Yeah, well, we're doing Buzzsaw, obviously, which you know you're going to be on a little bit later.
And that's been online since 2013 with Tyrel Ventura and Tabitha Wallace, who ultimately split off to do Watching the Hawks for RT.
And I also do that program with them.
And that's on RT Global, isn't it?
That's one of the biggest shows in the world.
International, exactly.
So we're really trying to cover the whole span of things from alternative news on television to the online sector and then, as you mentioned, film.
So, you know, we're trying to basically keep spreading the message and raising consciousness in every capacity that we can.
Well, it's very, very exciting.
Tell folks exactly where they find Buzzsaw.
So Buzzsaw is, uh, it's YouTube.
I mean, that's where it lives really on YouTube, but there's a homepage, which is the lip.tv slash shows slash Buzzsaw.
And we've got, we've done like 150 episodes at this point.
And, you know, across the spectrum from politics to the esoteric, to the extraterrestrial, uh, to the economic.
We've had Jim Rogers on recently.
I know you've interviewed, uh, we had Oliver Yannick most recently on Buzzsaw talking about the immigrant, uh, crisis in Europe and basically how
Amazing all the work you're doing and it's so exciting.
Let's get into Hollywood first before we get into all these other classic civilizations.
Am I wrong in saying...
There's a major revolt against the orthodoxy of saying you're conservative or you're liberal.
It's kind of like your dad has said in his big history series, just the whole thing we're told isn't real.
We have to rethink the whole thing.
I mean, is there a rebellion in Hollywood and in culture in general that's accelerating?
I seem to really be seeing it erupt like Mount St.
Helens, or is that just a pre-eruption, or am I wrong?
No, I mean, I think that there could be.
It's difficult to put your pulse on what really is in Hollywood, because I'll tell you, aside from the Academy level of Hollywood, which, I mean, look at the Oscars the last few years, you can see the Masonic symbolism all over it, and you see the fingerprints of government.
For example, when Michelle Obama handed out the Oscar to Argo, remember that year a few years ago?
And the idea of this relationship of politics
Military and entertainment.
Yes, there's always been a certain marriage there.
We've seen how politicians... Oh, obviously it's the top of the pyramid for mind control.
I mean, totally, I agree with you.
But I'm saying there's more of a rebellion against that.
Well, let's get into symbolism then, because you're an expert on that.
But now, Super Bowl, Grammys, Emmys, huge pyramids, human sacrifice, Satan worship.
I mean, it is just over the top.
What is the point?
Are they trying to bring something in?
Well, sure.
I mean, take David Bowie's passing.
If you're a fan of Bowie's, obviously it's tragic, but it was also very sudden and on the night of the Golden Globe.
So we've seen the last few years that oftentimes you'll see on the eve of one of these ceremonies, whether it was Philip Seymour Hoffman on the eve of the Super Bowl, or Whitney Houston on the Grammys, or Whitney Houston's daughter, I think the following... And your scotch is breaking up.
He releases a music video of him dying three days before.
Are you saying maybe he committed suicide as part of the ritual?
No, I'm not saying anything as far as suicide or even necessarily murder.
What I'm saying is that if you believe in these forces that oftentimes are being invoked through rituals, then perhaps they are induced events.
Maybe these are induced sacrifices.
Well sure, what do you think about Randy Quaid then?
Because we know there are some big lawyers and folks out there that have been connected to getting rid of people so they can take their money.
I mean undoubtedly that happens.
But what do you think about these supposed Hollywood Mafia and the Hitsquads?
Sure, and I think we've seen certain indications that's a real thing and that's been talked about.
We tried to get Randy in our film, actually, the same one that we wanted to get Roddy Piper in, and Randy couldn't get into the country because of what's happened ever since he came out speaking on this topic and he's been basically run out of the country.
So I do think that there is a real component to that.
Ultimately, again, I think there's tears.
Remember, there's the higher level of power and then there's the ones who are awake who are like the Chris Carters and like my father and others who basically just say, look, we're going to speak our truth.
And there could be a rallying cry because we see the disintegration of media's control through the studio.
We're good to go.
That's right.
Make no mistake, from Bohemian Grove to Skull and Bones to the Super Bowl, they are conducting high-level mystery school rituals, believing that entities are giving them power.
Whether that's real or not, the elite believe that they are in contact with interdimensional beings giving them power on Earth.
Yes, absolutely.
And we go into that in this new movie, when we talk about Paranormal Activity Security Squad, you'll get a taste of that realm in which the elites are dealing with, although we do it with a lot of sense of humor.
Sure, that's a good way to get it to folks, is comedy, and there's also some lovely ladies in there, so it's always fun to have them in a film.
But I mean, I want to talk about the film, but getting serious, you told me, you know, off-record, some pretty interesting stuff about the Illuminati and things.
I personally had some establishment run-ins with that type of stuff going on, but for those that don't know, there's obviously more than one Illuminati, and there are a lot of different cults and things, but a lot of high-level stuff.
Are you ever going to tell folks about any of that?
I think, you know, to be honest, it's such an experiential sort of perspective, in a sense.
It's almost, it's too empirical to necessarily try to convince people.
I mean, we've talked on your show about certain things that I've heard about and experiences I've had of, you know, phone calls from 666 numbers and things that sound demonic that say they want my soul.
Maybe other, you know, maybe other artists have experienced that.
Well, sure, that's folks messing with you, but you told me about more than that over in old jolly old England.
Okay, I'm just joking.
Let's just move on.
Let's just move on.
Okay, Sean Stone here with us today, and we have limited time.
We'll have him back for a full hour in the near future.
We appreciate his time.
Getting into your... Let's get into the symbolism first because you want to talk about that, but then you wanted to talk about nuclear fusion, how they're trying to suppress truly free energy, CERN, where all this is going.
Obviously, we're leading towards some type of energy moment where we do reach this
Energy singularity?
I mean, what would you call it?
Yeah, maybe.
Singularity could be a good way to describe it.
Singularity basically is a point, right, when everything transforms, your entire perspective shifts, your whole understanding.
If we achieve this sort of, the free energy technologies that have been talked about by various people from Kesha in Europe to Nassim Harriman and others, and those are the more public ones.
I've heard guys from behind the scenes who are working, for example, out at Montauk at that old lab out there, who've described, you know, various energy that could actually create even time travel.
I think if we actually achieve this kind of energy, it's going to transform our entire consciousness of reality, Alex.
Because remember, we are physically energetic beings.
We are not really matter, right?
At the level of atoms moving in motion, we're mostly energy.
We're a blueprint that organizes matter into an energy matrix.
So the more that we can, I think the energy revolution is important because it'll help transform how we even perceive our physical environment.
Imagine that nuclear fusion is accomplished and that we could actually then work on the, what's now, what's called the plasma torch, which is still being devised, but it would be, you could basically close the material system.
So you could recycle everything on the planet.
You could basically take all
Our good old friend Skype coming in and out.
Go back and repeat what you said the last 10 seconds about the plasma torch.
The nuclear fusion concept of using plasma to close the material cycle so that you could recycle all material on the planet, all waste.
Always products across the globe.
No more shipping off your garbage to China or selling off scrap paper or whatnot.
You could actually break it down to its basic elements and re-utilize it.
Well we know a lot of technologies have been developed and are listed as disruptive by the establishment and the cartels, the big oil companies and banks and they've actually been shelving it.
For a long time, a la Raiders of the Lost Ark, the allegory of the huge warehouse with, you know, just full of all the things they're hiding.
I mean, do you think the establishments can ever let us get to that level?
Because they are clearly suppressing things.
Yes, there is a suppression.
I think even sometimes people talk about UFO sightings and there are very real people, you know, colonels and lieutenants and people from the Air Force and pilots who will tell you about UFOs they've seen.
And a lot of that, I believe, is frankly military tech, like high-end military tech that could have been evolved.
What do you think about top moonwalkers, top astronauts saying that there were spaceships out there?
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, look,
Again, whether or not that's an extraterrestrial component, which frankly we could go into all day.
I was told by Raymond Teague, and he had national security letters on his wall.
He had presidential commendation with his name on it, you know, for Ronald Reagan and stuff for being in it.
He was a front line guy running cameras on the moon, Skylab.
He came over a couple times where he thought he was going to die, and he just was like programmed.
He's a great guy.
He couldn't tell me when I met with him here at the office of Hotel Dune for like 18 years.
He's good friends with my dad, and he would get to the point and just couldn't tell me, even though he knew he was about to die.
His heart was going out.
He died about a month after I met with him last, a few years ago.
And he said, look, we went to the moon, we have, there's other technologies, there's another NASA, and that's what the astronauts saw, but he couldn't even get it all out, and just wouldn't, he wouldn't, he'd be ready to tell me, and then he wouldn't tell me.
Almost like he'd been programmed.
And again, I mean, these are the kind of things that we discuss on bus all the time because we're trying to explain to people, look, there's more to this world than you can imagine.
And so why not allow your curiosity to take hold and listen to these people's stories?
Why do you think he'd say he was coming to tell me?
Because I go out to dinner with all his friends with him.
He didn't have to tell me.
I'm going to tell you everything.
He would get here and then he just couldn't do it.
Yeah, I mean, look, there could be a mind control component.
Look, if you think Stanley Kubrick in any capacity was involved in shooting the moon landings, and this is not to say that we didn't go to the moon, but I would doubt the government would let you see the actual moon landings.
I wouldn't be surprised.
That's what he told me.
That's what he basically said is they didn't want to show the public really what we had.
So if you take Kubrick and you look at his body of work, what it's all about, it talks about mind control programming, like Clockwork Orange, right?
How do you control the minds of people in your society?
2001, obviously, the evolution of our space program and artificial intelligence, which we're now seeing coming up in this century.
As you said, 2001, right?
21st century.
And then, yeah, so many programming components.
Do you know Vivian Kubrick?
I don't know her.
Have you interviewed her yet?
Talk about, because she was like his protege.
He was, she was his favorite.
She was like, you know, doing a lot of the movies and the soundtracks and stuff.
And man, I tell you, the stuff I learned about Stanley Kubrick, I can't, I'm not allowed to tell anybody, but it's mind blowing.
I mean, you notice he's also in The Shining is all about being psychic.
And, uh, you know, the Kubrick, and the stuff she was telling me, I already had known because I'd read a few books about him, you know, obviously really into him, uh, especially decades ago.
I don't wanna waste our time here together, but sometime, I'm not gonna tell you this stuff, obviously it was in Congress, but just the generality of it, that the CIA, the FBI kept visiting him saying, how do you know this?
How do you know this?
And he didn't really have contacts.
Kubrick just knew.
I'm not gonna say any more.
Well, I mean, that's also what you could say is the Illuminati level of consciousness, which is what we say.
It's not... Illuminati is not all bad.
People say Illuminati like it's all evil.
No, there's different... No, it's like they're slightly communicating with each other.
Yeah, there's levels of knowledge and awareness, and that's, you know, I think that's really what we're talking about here, is where does that information come from?
Even the artist has to tap into something higher, which is the realm of the imagination, or it could be astral, but you have to tap into something in order to create in the physical realm.
Why don't you just tell them?
Go ahead and tell everybody.
Come on, just tell them.
Why do we have to sit here?
Okay, go ahead.
No, so again, I mean, so energy is the key.
I mean, that's kind of what we're trying to drive at, I do believe.
He's torturing me with a Skype.
You do believe in your Skype cutout.
Go ahead.
I think the government has levels of technology even involving jump rooms, teleportation, even involving time travel as have been alleged on conspiracy theory.
People like this who've come out and talked to me privately on these topics.
So that's all energetics.
That means that what we live in is a matrix of energy and the more that we as human beings become aware of it and able to hone that energy and basically manifest
Yeah, I think that's one way to look at it.
Uh, dumbed down at a certain level, but then again, you could talk about the unconscious mind and how, um, how do you say, we all have this tremendous potential in us.
And, you know, even look at the elite utilizing religion and fundamentalism and these insane belief systems.
And that's what we're seeing playing out in the clash of civilizations formality.
They want the most dumbed-down religious programming they can, like radical Islam and stuff, to overwrite the Middle East, the most radical, dumbed-down Christianity to dominate.
I mean, they are truly trying to sabotage the consciousness.
Correct, correct.
And at the same time, you could say that it's also going to promote and spark the good people to retaliate against that.
The real Muslims, the real Christians, the real Jews, the real...
I agree.
That retaliation is already happening.
Do you believe we've entered the epic battle?
Or is this just the first shockwaves of it?
I think we're in it.
I think this is it.
I think it's getting heavy.
And you can feel it energetically, it's getting heavy.
They're trying to push this world war and I think that the good are standing up and the conscious ones are stopping it.
Because we could have been in world war by now, frankly, over Syria.
Let's talk about that.
I mean, you've been all over the world.
You've done a lot of research into it.
The West is moving U.S.
forces and they're actually battling Russians now for over a year in Ukraine.
It's just wild aggression.
The elites really are, and I hate to say America's the bad actor because it's more complex than that, but these evil forces really are trying to start a large war.
It's old.
I mean, look, we've talked about this before, the New World Order agenda, going back to the start of the 20th century.
It's the British Empire basically saying, look, the British Empire is coming to its end.
How do we keep it going?
We're going to incorporate America into the British Empire.
And I think my dad's Untold History series also helped explain that, that the British Empire strategy was to bring America into its fold, basically vis-a-vis the Russians.
Let's be clear, exactly.
They sold the intelligentsia in the 30s and 40s, let's merge with Russia and have world peace, because the globalists had taken it over and put in communism.
We were going to be merging with their own creation.
But now Russia has shaken free of that to a great extent and has really become the wild card, yet again, from a European globalist-based takeover like Napoleon and Hitler.
So again, Russia again holds out as the wild card, as the due sex.
Do you agree with that statement?
Yes, absolutely.
I think Russia, China, the whole BRICS banking concept is important because ideally they're talking about development, right?
Promoting development and industry.
And that's what we've shut down in our country.
That's one thing that really people aren't talking about is we've been de-industrialized.
Literally, intentionally, they have shut down our industries, they've destroyed our working class, they're working on destroying our middle class, right?
Our infrastructure is going to shit.
And that's just the... excuse me, I don't know how else to say that word, but really, we're on that path right now, and it's a very...
Dark path for America.
So as opposed to focusing on bringing up and raising up our American economy internally and our own people and our own market, why are we focused on what McDonald's wants and what the oil companies want and this entire global corporate agenda that has nothing to do with the actual American wage work, wage employee, doesn't help our wages, only helps the overall banking system.
They can offer us more debt and more, and that's supposed to replace our wages?
It can't work.
Wow, we've only got two minutes left.
I'm going to be on your show today.
I appreciate you having me on with that.
Again, Sean Stone's our guest.
Paranormal Activity Security Squad.
I want to play a clip from this.
If we have that ready, then have you describe the new piece that you're doing.
It's like a satire.
Here it is.
I found you.
We'll find you.
The time is near.
Come on!
I swear!
I am Mace Senpai!
Call this Mike!
If you're feeling estranged, I'll explain.
Super sensual.
All right, Sean.
This is an excuse for you to act like Lynn Danzig.
Call me.
With a bunch of, uh, harpies.
Who sent you, demon?
That's why I don't go out to Los Angeles.
The angels get lost.
Magic is the only way.
Alright, now tell us what this is a trailer for.
This looks really interesting.
Oh, they're carrying a baron.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Paranormal Activity Security Squad.
It's a film we'll be releasing online.
We talked about the destruction of this overall studio complex by releasing movies online through, you know, through self-distribution and our own platform is right, and creating clips and whatnot to make things viral and accessing the market.
But this film itself will get you into the dimension.
It's exciting!
I want to have you back on Paranormal Activity Security Squad.
Thank you so much.
We got Kathleen Willey coming on with the planting rape train.
Stay with us.
Thank you, Sean.
I'll be on your show today, brother.
It's been revealed a secret 291 code is being used in Sweden to cover up thousands of crimes involving migrants.
According to a report in a Swedish newspaper, around 5,000 incidents have been kept secret for the last four months, including hundreds of cases of violence, assaults,
Two terror threats and four rapes.
The incidents have been covered up because of a directive from the National Operational Department that any information pertaining to the behavior of refugees be censored.
Last month it was also reported that police weren't to use descriptions of refugee criminals so as not to appear racist.
And Germany's top broadcaster ZDF is also refusing to run crime stories about Muslim rape suspects because in the words of editor-in-chief, we don't want to inflame the situation and spread the bad mood.
And the former head of ZDF revealed the station takes orders from the government on what to report and that journalists are not allowed to say anything negative about the refugees.
You can find more reports at InfoWars.com.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or your mind.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
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Don't forget InfoWars Nightly News five nights a week 7 o'clock Central Standard Time and then of course this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Central live Sunday radio slash TV broadcast as well hosted out of the Situation Room.
Coming up after our guest leaves us
World economy seems trapped in death spiral.
Chicago Stock Exchange says it's being sold to Chinese-led group.
And more.
This is the amazing type stuff.
Bernie Sanders tells third world populations they can't have vacations, cars or air conditioning because he's so liberal and socialist like Bernie Sanders.
But Obama has spent $74 million on taxpayers' money on holidays alone.
But that's okay, because they're the ruling elite.
Now, coming up in a moment, one of the victims of the Clinton abuse train, Kathleen Willey, joins us, who never wanted to speak out.
She's a very valiant lady, but got subpoenaed, got drug into it, and the Clintons attacked her.
And now it's becoming a big issue.
I mean, is Clinton coming towards his
Bill Cosby, critical mass moment, and I've seen Kathleen and others who I've done a lot of interviews with make the comment that, you know, how dare they have Clinton out there on the trail?
And why would women in America go for Hillary just because she's a woman?
I mean, does she really stand up for women?
How about for the Constitution?
I don't care what you are, man or woman, as long as you're a Constitutionalist.
But she joins us.
I'm not going to go over her whole bio, but the Clintons just won't go away.
So it's like a blast from the past.
We had her on several times back in the 90s, and then I think once since then when the Clintons reemerged.
And we know she's sick of this like everybody else is, but the Clintons just keep coming back.
Kathleen Willey was a White House volunteer aide who was forced to go on 60 Minutes.
Um, and essentially assaulted her in 93.
And that, of course, started coming out after she got subpoenaed and brought in and the rest of it.
She's had a lot of courage.
Some of the other women, famous women, have said they're afraid they're going to be killed.
That they're not going to commit suicide.
And of course they've tried to financially go after and destroy her.
That's why it's important to get this story out and also try to support Kathleen Willey.
Her book is available on Amazon, you name it, and on our website, Target.
Caught in the crosshairs of Bill and Hillary Clinton, Kathleen Willey.
So Kathleen, thank you for joining us.
We see some of the tabloid covers talking about Hillary for prison.
And we see, you know, Congress, you know, wondering why she hasn't been indicted yet.
But, I mean, they run the Justice Department.
Overall, before we get into your story for folks, what is this like?
I mean, it's traumatizing for me, and I'm not just saying that to be a drama queen.
I'm sick of the Clintons.
I've been on air 21 years.
I've been covering them since the day I, you know, got into TV and radio.
And I know how bad they are, and it's just sick to see some of the dumbed-down constituents
In this weird relationship with him that isn't even there.
It's like watching cult followers, you know, drink the Jim Jones cyanide laced Kool-Aid.
It's very, very sad to watch.
I mean, what's it like for you to actually been assaulted by this guy?
Well, first of all, it's a pleasure to be on your show.
Thank you.
What is it like for me?
I think, I think, and I pretty much
Put it behind me as best I can.
Things certainly quieted down there for a long time.
But when she started talking about running for president, I just thought to myself, I'm like you, when are these people going to just leave?
It's just, they never give up.
They are always in our faces.
I mean, you just can't, we can't get rid of them.
And that's why I had one of those 3 a.m.
aha moments.
I did a short interview right before she announced.
And I said, it's going to be nothing but a scandal a day.
And I thought, like I said, 3 a.m.
I said, yeah, that sounds like a good website name.
And I remember telling the administrator, the guy who helped me, I said, there'll be some days when there's not a lot of news.
I'll dig some stuff up.
Well, you know what?
They made it real easy for me because a lot of days there have been three and four scandals that have come up.
But I think the thing that really, really, really set me off more than anything was that commercial of her saying that, you know, if you've been raped or sexually assaulted, you have the right to be believed and you have the right to be listened to.
And I am here.
We're here.
And I just thought to myself, I can't believe what I'm watching.
I really did.
I had to rewind that commercial five times to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.
And I just thought of all the people in this world to come out and say something like that.
The woman has no moral core.
She will do anything, say anything, whatever it takes to get what she wants.
Now looking at this, and we have one of the Clinton's victims here with us, one of the more prominent ones who got sucked into all of this, Kathleen Willey, the book Target.
When we look at these people, you know, there you are working on the White House, you're not against the Democrats, you don't have an axe to grind.
Most of these other women didn't either.
He settled some of these cases, and then they turn around and these so-called liberal women don't back you up because it's really just about a power structure.
It's not about empowering women.
They're trying to draft women out of the military, and that's the Democrats.
I guess they want to own women.
Looking at how they operate, I think it was Roger Stone, one of Trump's advisers, that made the point that Bill Clinton rapes them physically and that Hillary rapes them psychologically.
Being in the White House, they say she was co-president.
Now they say maybe she did more than he did.
This will be her third and fourth term.
She'll outdo Roosevelt if she gets in.
Who really ran things?
What was it like?
Who are these people?
Who's worse, Bill or Hillary?
That's a hard one.
I mean, he's a pervert, and a predator, and a rapist, and she's the enabler.
So, that's hard for me to say.
I mean, he can give a devil his due.
I mean, he does, he is charming, and he does have a lot of charisma.
You know, people, you know, are drawn to him.
Um, but she's totally unlikable.
Totally and completely unlikable.
And I've seen her rants and her raves and her appearance.
I mean, I didn't see her a lot.
Actually, I never saw a lot of them while I worked in the White House.
It's really funny.
My first position there was in the East Wing in the Social Office, and that is where
All right.
A social office was, I mean, all the things social.
Receptions, the Christmas at the White House, state dinners, you name it.
Christmas parties every night of the month of December.
So you're a charming, you know, person.
You're into hospitality.
You're in there because you do have a great record.
You're working at the White House.
You're not looking for trouble.
By the way, I should add,
Since the last time you were on with us, I know you were on Megyn Kelly and pointed out you've had a neck injury, and so I just appreciate you even being able to come on, and I also know your speech is great, but I know it affects a little bit of folks who are wondering why you sound a little bit different than the last time you were on.
I do?
Just a little bit, but I mean, your phone's a little bit breaking up too, but maybe we just back off of it a tiny bit, but what I'm saying is we appreciate you despite the fact that you have a neck injury coming on the show.
I want much better now.
Okay, good, good.
Oh, now your phone just got a lot clearer.
Good, your phone just got a lot clearer.
Well, so, fantastic.
So let's go back then, let's go back then to the White House as you were continuing, please.
I guess, yeah, we never really saw them a lot.
I thought I would see her more because when I moved from the East Wing and got a part-time job in the West Wing, her office was right next to mine.
So the elevator opened right at the door to the council's office where I was.
So I would see her every day she came in.
And, you know, some days you could hear her screaming and, you know, throwing her tantrums.
I never really had a whole lot of contact with her.
But the same thing happened to me that happened to Ronita when she realized, when she tells the story after she was raped by Bill Clinton, a couple weeks later, that Hillary shot her out and grabbed her hand and thanked her for all you're doing.
A woman just knows these things, and that's when she said, she knows all about what he did to me.
And she was very frightened because she felt intimidated by what this woman was saying and the look on her face.
But I was never really, I mean, I was in her presence during campaigning at a number of
But he was more a friend of my late husband and mine than she was.
But the really first formal introduction I had with her was very weird.
It was after the job that I had.
I had gone and asked for a part-time job.
And, you know, if you remember, that was the same day that my husband took his own life.
But I did get a part-time job in the council's office.
But a couple of years later,
I was invited to be a part of two delegations, the two World Summits, which I thought was kind of odd, but I realize now it was just something, it was one of those things to make sure that I stayed quiet about what had happened in the Oval Office.
So that's when I met her in Copenhagen and she was, that was right after they were elected and they were very popular and rock stars.
The huge, big concert hall, you know, auditorium, it was huge.
I mean, standing room only.
For her speech.
And the people that actually are in the delegation, there are about 40 of them, and they wanted to do all the heavy lifting.
I mean, they worked all the wee hours of the morning sorting out all the language.
Karen, so what happened?
And they worked really hard.
And so they asked me if I could try to set up a meeting with her, so that they could meet her.
And so I went to her staff, and I
And they said she was busy, and I kind of got irritated.
I said, well, get on busy, okay?
Because these men and women have really worked hard.
I've seen them.
I've worked with them.
And so finally, she agreed.
She came in, shook everybody's hands, and just made nice with people.
You could tell she really wasn't interested in engaging with anybody.
But I was the last person.
Thank you.
That, um, she knew.
I mean, I, I just, I just thought that's the first thing I thought.
I understand she made a big intense deal.
I mean, I mean, his attack on women is well known.
The raping, the settling cases, how he bites them on the face, what he does.
I mean, you got out light compared to a lot of the women that was still, I know, terrible and traumatic, especially how they persecuted you later.
But is it that he's a sex addict or is he psycho?
Does he like to abuse women?
I mean, what is it?
I think he's, I think that he's a perverted
Psychopath, that's what I think he is.
Listen, I know Juanita, and I sat down when I first met her, and she told me that whole story face to face.
And by the time she was done, we were both sobbing.
And I mean, she was just traumatized and telling me that whole story that many years later, as the day it happened.
He brutally raped that woman, okay?
I can't say it any clearer than that.
And she's not the only one.
And one of the reasons that I set up my website and my Facebook page, which is A Scandal A Day, was two things.
To educate the younger voters who were not even born or were too young.
When all of this happened in the White House with Monica and everybody else.
And my second mission was to give anybody who had been sexually abused or raped by Bill Clinton a safe haven to tell their story.
Well, you've done a great job.
Do we have any idea how many women he's raped or attacked or abused?
More than Bill Cosby.
Many more than both causes.
Now, of course, this is a manifestation of his mental illness or his psychopathic, sadistic behavior, but imagine whatever weirdnesses he's into as well.
Because, I mean, it's so alien to me to force sex on a woman.
I mean, I mean, that's as alien as, you know, I was born on Mars.
Well, what kind of... I mean, let me just go to show you the caliber of these people.
I mean, look at what he... I mean, he travels around on a private plane called the La Liga Express.
With Jeffrey Epstein, who is a convicted pedophile, a felon.
That's right.
They go to Orgy Island, his private island, and he brings in young girls to entertain them.
And when I say young girls, I'm saying underage girls.
He brings in.
There's a couple names for that.
One is human trafficking, and the other is pedophilia.
Now, I don't know.
Did you see George Bush doing that?
I couldn't.
Certainly not flying around in airplanes with people convicted of it.
Now, expanding on that, and that's all come out in the news, is that why the Clintons can't be brought down?
Is it because they know where the skeletons are buried and have had other politicians out there?
I think they're going to be brought down.
I have utmost faith in James Comey.
I have followed his career.
He worked here in Richmond.
So you have a new FBI director willing to take on the Clinton pedophile program?
He's got a wonderful reputation.
Well I know this, I know this Kathleen.
There's got to be some point, I know our government's corrupt, where enough is enough.
I mean, does Bill have to rape a 15 year old girl in the White House steps before anybody does it?
Or maybe they'll say she's being sexist against the Democrats if we don't like, accept it.
I mean, maybe they'll say pass a law to make it legal for him to... I just don't get why the feminist movement... You're right.
We need to get rid of these people.
Kathleen Willoughby, we gotta go to break.
We'll do five more minutes with the other side.
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We're good.
We are back live in a few minutes left with one of the main Clinton victims who then helped organize women to fight back once the Clintons tried to come after her and others.
Kathleen Willey, the book's target.
We're going to talk to her in a moment.
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Let's go ahead now and go back to Kathleen Willey.
Seeing them back, seeing them return, I'd even forgotten about Clinton and all these Democrats flying around on that jet with their top donor to that
Pedophile Island.
I mean you can't make, that's been on CNN and Fox News.
Why do you think she hasn't gotten in trouble yet?
Is it the blackmail?
And Clinton looks like he's on death's doorstep.
He looks like a reanimated... He does.
He's got one foot in the grave.
You know what?
This is very unkind of me.
I don't have one ounce of pity or sorrow for either one of them.
I just really don't.
They have done
So many bad things and hurt so many innocent people.
I just think, you know, harm is a good thing.
And I think it's catching up with them.
Not just... I mean, everybody's talking about, you know, is Comey... I think Comey is doing a good job.
Everybody's saying, well, what's taking him so long?
Isn't it fair to be in jail?
And I just have to kind of, you know, on my website, it's just to remind people, this man has a lot on his plate.
And he also, he is well respected, highly regarded, he's patriotic, honest to a fault,
You know, I saw him a couple of weeks ago before Senate Subcommittee, and he sat down, and all six foot eight of them standing there were taking the oath, you know, before he sat down, and he looked at the committee and he said, ladies and gentlemen, the first thing I want to say is this.
I don't give a rip about politics.
My agents don't give a rip about politics, but we do give a rip about the truth.
And the truth is what you'll get.
And I believe that.
I believe everything he says, I think he plays his cards close to the deck.
Uh, which is right up Clinton's alley, obviously.
Uh, but it sounds like a little sweet on the new FBI director, and I hope he'll stand up as a knight in shining armor for the women of this country.
Uh, but I know you're doing it, Kathleen Willey, so thank you so much, uh, for what you've been up to.
God bless you.
Oh, I forgot to ask you one question.
Stay there for 60 seconds.
I want to ask you about Trump.
I want to ask you if you like how he's been exposing it and nobody else has.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We've got an ammunition just inside the doorway.
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The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
I don't plan to be a daredevil like stunt drivers or special forces people, but I'll do what I have to in a situation I can turn off my fear or use it.
But I'd be more afraid of not fighting tyranny and letting it win.
I mean, that's the real fear intellectually.
That's what you should be afraid of, is letting them fully take over.
Which they're trying to do.
They want to dominate and totally control.
And so I'd forgotten to ask Kathleen Willey, one of the Clinton victims,
One of the most prominent ones has been speaking out the most valiantly.
Where are the American men?
You know, you're talking about James Comey, the new FBI director, hoping he'll do something.
And we'll see if that happens.
Let's put pressure on them, obviously, to do their job.
I know it's hard to go up against these crime syndicates.
And the word is there's a big stalemate in D.C.
because she's blackmailing folks right now.
But what do you...
I like Trump.
He says it like it is.
And I thanked him publicly on an interview that I did.
For asking the hard questions.
Nobody's brought that up.
No mainstream media reporter has asked her any of the questions.
I mean, this woman threatens my children's lives, okay?
What kind of a mother?
Let's talk about that.
I mean, you were pretty... I mean, I was getting off in other areas.
Just in the two, three minutes we have left, let's go through what you've witnessed the Clintons do and what they've personally done to you.
Personally, what they did to me was- I mean, threaten your kids!
Let's talk about that.
Well, after I got the, um, after I was subpoenaed by Paula Jones's attorney, you know, I was never gonna tell that story.
That story was gonna go to my grave with me.
I just, it's a bad story.
But I had told some friends, and Paula's lawyers hired an investigator, and they found me, and they subpoenaed me, and, um,
My lawyer and I spent months trying to get out of that.
I did not want to have to testify in that.
I just didn't want to do it.
And all of a sudden, the president's attorney, Bob Bennett, became our new best friend.
He was driving down here to Richmond a couple times a month, and he was trying very hard
To get me to sign an affidavit that nothing happened.
And also, he was trying very hard to find out what happened.
And, um... And when you wouldn't do it, what happened to your... I mean, how did she threaten your children?
Well, a lot of things started happening around here.
I live in a very rural place, and I mean, private roads.
And, um, you know, I had pets disappear.
My tires were slashed, three of them with a nail gun.
I found somebody roaming around the outside of my house at 3 o'clock in the morning one morning.
I was very careful about telling anybody that I was going to be out of town because I didn't want anybody to know until I got there.
We're good to go.
The woman never showed up, but I mean, you know, they were following me.
Oh no, I understand.
They were following me.
They knew my routine and two days before my deposition, we just couldn't get out of it.
I was out walking early one morning.
Yes, I agree.
Gotta go to break again.
Gotta finish the story now.
Democrats nationwide are feeling the burn, with latest polls showing Bernie Sanders is nearly tied with Hillary Clinton.
Sanders also bests Hillary in the favorability rating.
Bernie's at 9 points, and Hillary is at negative 17.
In recent days, political observers have called her voice loud, flat, harassing to the ear, and that her tone is punishing.
Of course, this just means everyone is being sexist, critiquing her impassioned tone on the campaign trail, and they point out how forceful tones are the trademark of Bernie Sanders.
And in the sharpest debate yet, Sanders went after Clinton for being a slave to Wall Street interests.
To his credit, Sanders doesn't have a super PAC raising huge sums from Wall Street like Clinton, but he was still able to raise $5 million more than his opponent in January.
This should be a loud wake-up call for the Clinton campaign, who once considered the nomination a sure bet.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we've kept Kathleen Willey over a little bit because I was going into the Clintons and their background instead of just the abuse.
But I realized something.
I started getting nauseated listening to her and upset, more so than I pretty much ever do.
And I was having, I'm not being dramatic, flashbacks to being on the air during the 90s and the harassment that I got from the Clintons that I haven't even really gotten into.
I don't think so.
When I see a picture of Hillary Clinton, I physically... I'm just tired of them!
It's like some jerk neighbor that, like, you move to get away from them and they move.
That, you know, next door to you again.
That's just a jerk neighbor!
Or some, you know, cousin you don't like and then you go to a family reunion and they come sit right by you and that's irritating?
It's like ten times that.
You know, I'll make a lot more money, probably, if Hillary gets in with talk radio and the market will grow in libertarian conservative talk.
But I don't want that.
I just want my country back.
And I'm not being dramatic here.
I was talking about being traumatized by the Clintons when they called me into the radio station where I was number one at night in the slot and they said, you stop talking about Bill Clinton or you're fired.
They had a new manager.
And I said, has this come down from the owners?
And he goes, oh yeah.
We've been contacted all the way up in Pennsylvania.
This is in Austin, Texas.
The owners have been contacted.
And they've never had this happen before.
And by the way, they're big Democrats.
You're going to shut your mouth or you're going to be off the radio.
This is my first radio job.
I've been there four years, had taken my show to number one.
I was already syndicated.
I was doing that out of my house.
And I didn't really argue.
I said, well, I'll try to, you know, but I can't, I can't stop telling the truth.
And a few weeks later, they fired me.
And the guy laughed and said, your career's over.
You're a loser.
Ha ha ha.
I tried to start a fight with me.
And I was like, whatever, dude.
I went home, you know, talked to like people on 30 something stations and now it's almost 200.
But I'm not getting distraught about myself.
I wanted to finish up and go to John Rappaport.
But I don't know what it is about the Clintons.
It's starting to happen with Obama, but not as bad.
It's just been like eight years since he's ran and stuff.
I physically can't look at Newt Gingrich anymore.
I'm not even trying to whine, I'm a pretty tough guy.
But it's the evilness of them, and the being forced to study them, and being forced to know their lies, and then she starts reminding me how our kids got threatened, and them trying to kill our animals, and all the folks they've killed, and all the CIA guys I've had on about them, and all the bad things they've done, and then the whistleblowers that have died, and... I just... I'm not even scared of them, I'm sick of them!
You know, it's like a...
My mom has had a lot of nice cats, but she had one when I was in high school.
That was nothing but sweet to animals.
It still didn't like me.
It was this black Persian cat, and it would urinate on my bed.
And of course, I washed my own clothes, made my own bed, and, you know...
I don't know.
You weren't going to go public, as you said, until they threaten your kids, threaten your family.
We're in your backyard at 3 in the morning, rural area.
They try to destroy you in business.
I know you're losing your house right now, and I just want to say... Well, Roger Stone has been kind enough to set up a GoFundMe page for me, and, you know, I have a terrible time asking for help, but I just find, you know, somebody finally sat me down and said, listen, there are a lot of people that want to help you.
You have just got to let them do it, because
I mean, I'm looking at a February 19th sale date of my house.
I know, and if people appreciate what you've done, they need to go to your, and I was about to do that, go to ascandaladay.com, there's links to your GoFundMe site, A Scandal A Day, Kathleen Willey, and they need to donate today, and we're trying to help whistleblowers like yourself and Edward Snowden and others that have been obviously persecuted for doing the right thing, but you are a hero.
Now you heard me just do three or four minutes,
I don't know why Hillary, especially more than Bill, I actually have a somatic response now of feeling sickened when I see them.
Do you have that same feeling?
And then in closing... I can't... I couldn't... I can't... When they had that debate the other... I can't look at her.
I can't look at her anymore.
I can't listen to that cackle of hers.
I can't... The arrogance, the evil.
Everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie.
I'll tell you what, I went to see 13 Hours a couple of nights ago.
And I've met those three guys.
Conto, Oz, and Pig.
And I've met and spoke with them.
These are really humble, honorable men.
Aren't they the opposite of Hillary?
I've got an email back and forth with one of them.
I saw that movie and I cried all the way home.
I was so angry.
I don't
Um, was coming my way and he just looked like a jogger and he stopped me and he said, did you, did you ever find your cat?
Because he had just disappeared into the night.
And, um, he was an old guy and didn't go out much.
And, um, so I put signs up around the neighborhood.
It was a nail and he had a collar on and he had his name tag on.
And he asked me if I ever found my cat, and I just thought he was a neighbor.
And I said, no.
And I said, you know, every time I drive in the driveway, I hope he's sitting on a porch.
And that's funny.
He said, yeah, that's Bullseye.
He was a nice cat.
And I said, have you seen him?
I mean, do you have him?
And he just looked at me again.
He said, yeah, he was a really nice cat.
And that's when I thought to myself, something's up here.
I asked him who he was.
I said, who are you?
What do you want?
And then he asked me about my children by name.
Right then, he did get his ass beat so bad.
That's why I don't do that at my house.
Boy, if the government comes around and does that, you're going to get your neck broken.
I mean, that's my default.
You come up on my yard and threaten my kids, you're going to get hurt bad.
I'll tell you.
That's what I said, mama bear.
We know what the good news is, that's when you went public, that's when you went after them, that's when you organized all the women.
So, you're more of a man than almost all these men out here, lady.
You don't go around threatening other people's children.
I'm sorry.
You just don't.
And it was so insidious.
What did he say when he said that?
What else did he say?
He asked me by name.
And then he said, now your son, he's still in college, you know, in this town.
I'm not going to say his name.
He was threatening you.
What do you look like?
Do you look like government?
Do you look like an assassin?
Do you look like a scumbag?
I remember you telling me this story 15 years ago.
I got physically nauseous.
So how did it end for folks?
And I'll be very honest with you, Alex.
I had, when they threatened my children's lives, I thought, you know what?
I can't let that happen.
I'm just going to have to lie under oath.
I cannot, you know, I have to protect my children.
And something just clicked, you know what I mean?
When we got to the point, you know, we went with the federal judge and I had to finally start talking.
Yeah, I told them something told me.
Tell the story.
Tell the story.
I know, when the rubber met the road, it happens so often with patriots and heroes, is that first they're scared, but when it comes to it, they go, you know what, I'm not going to be scared.
Because that's when they'd probably come after you, is if you hadn't told the truth.
Kathleen, Willie, everybody needs to go and support you at Ascandleday.com.
God bless you, ma'am, and we'll talk to you again very, very soon.
I appreciate it so much and thanks for putting that up.
Everybody should buy your book or at least go donate to Keep Your House.
God bless you.
And folks, I don't have a lot of patriots on like her and try to support them.
I'm going to try to get those Navy SEALs on as well from Benghazi.
We're going to skip this network break.
I'm not doing this anymore, obviously, this week, and I'm cutting back on it, but I want to have more time with John Rappaport.
I appreciate him holding investigativejournalist, no morefakenews.com while I go through all that, but I realize now psychoanalyzing, he's a smarter psychology guy than even I am.
He just cuts right to it.
I'm not being dramatic.
I felt great.
I was having a good show.
I was covering a lot of important news.
I felt like I was doing good.
I started listening to the Clintons and remembering all the other women and the stories, because I probably interviewed 20 of them back in the 90s.
And I got beyond nauseous.
It's like a sickness in the soul where it's evil that I have to focus on the Clintons.
But so many people say, good, just give into it, ignore it, go enjoy your own life.
No, they're going to run over us if we do that.
But I don't know what it is about Hillary.
But she just focusing on her sorrows too.
I don't want to look at it.
And there's only a few other people like this.
But I can't look at them anymore.
And sometimes I just catch you know.
Then on the cover of a newspaper or on TV, and I actually turn away like it's Medusa, and I'm not being dramatic.
You're a really smart guy when it comes to being in investigator journals, but psychology and a lot more.
And I want to get into Zika and the world economy and everything with you, but cover in the waterfront for the next 10 minutes with you, sir.
Mr. Rappaport, you just heard me for the last 10 minutes talking about that.
I almost had to stop talking in a minute.
I mean, I couldn't even figure out what I was going to say, trying to analyze some key, some answer to all of this is, why is Hillary so evil?
Or so many of the people I know say they can't look at her.
Even people that are Democrats now are turning against her.
What is it about Hillary?
I mean, is she now the archetype of an arrogant, above-the-law witch, or what is it?
Well, I can only give you my reaction, Alex, and that is she could be the next president.
That's it!
I realize the great evil, another wave of evils coming, and I just think of her ruling me.
That's it!
That's it!
You know, I mean, if she were just, you know, running a candy store downtown and you could see right away when you look at her, hey, there's something really wrong here.
Okay, you buy, you know, whatever it is, a couple of bottles of water and you walk out.
But she could be the next president.
And then, consider what's going to happen.
And it just goes on and on and on and on.
And the power keeps increasing.
She gets closer to the top, closer to her ultimate goal.
It's one lie after another after another.
And you can see what's behind it.
I mean, this is not going to be an easy presidency, believe me, if she wins.
I mean, this is...
A titanic catastrophe, because she is counting on getting revenge on everybody.
Because she is the type of person who believes that everybody has to pay.
Because nobody has been completely loyal to her all the way through, and she deserves, you know, unquestioning obedience and so on and so forth.
Oh, you know there's going to be a persecution.
Can you imagine her, the getting even that's going to happen when she gets in?
That's it!
I've physically realized I'm in danger.
I've already been jacked with by the Clintons when I had one one-hundredth the power I have now and I'm on their enemies list and when they brought up Infowars, Richard Reeves talked to her and they heard Infowars, they all turned like vampires at high noon.
I guess I just realized that I'm in danger.
I think that's what it is.
Yeah, I think so.
You know, that's, uh, you see somebody at the top and you, like, uh, take Merkel, for example, even.
I mean, there she is, and what is she saying out front?
She's saying as if she's kind of mystified by this whole, you know, migrant wave of invasion into Europe.
It's almost as if, you know, that's the front that she's presenting.
Why would anyone, you know, we need people, you know, population is dropping and so forth, and you hear one lie after another flooding down onto the carpet.
It's like she doesn't know Peter Sutherland, the head of the UN migrant program, signed a deal with her five years ago to bring them all in, that they advertised, come here, everything's free, that they made a deal with Turkey as a conduit to bring them in.
They know they're invaders into Syria, not even Syria.
She doesn't know there's hundreds of rapes a day.
She doesn't know they
Of course not.
And so you see that every time you look at her.
You can see behind that front.
You know, she's just a little old lady down at the corner.
Who's, you know, sitting there selling newspapers.
Only she's the head of Germany.
And so you know that behind this little front is tremendous, you know, everything is a lie.
Every single thing is a lie.
It's a plan.
That comes up.
It's the same with Hillary.
It's the same with Bill.
It's the same with all of them, you know?
And then you think, well, how could this be?
How could a human being exist in that atmosphere of doing nothing but lying all the time?
If I do anything wrong, I'm wracked with guilt, even if I do it by accident.
How do these people operate?
So they get into that, you know, underwater universe where everything is corrupt and everything is evil.
They want to be there.
That's the thing that people don't, aren't willing to accept.
They want to be there.
That's where, you know, they thrive.
It's like a certain kind of an insect.
You know, you've got to put that insect in a swamp, and it's got to be warm, and so on and so forth, and it's got to have a lot of, you know, junk there.
It's their environment, and they want to turn the world into their hell that they're comfortable in.
Because when they look outside the swamp and they see there are people moving around living their lives, you know, reasonably satisfied or even very happy or whatever, they can't stand that because that's the reflection.
Because our souls are bigger and stronger than theirs, but we don't seek the power, so they see us as a rival and a threat.
That's why they want to dominate us.
That is the key to their entire system.
When I say the good Illuminati versus the bad Illuminati, Illuminati just means enlightened, light, freedom.
God's the light, folks.
They're the false light, so they call it the Illuminati, but they're not bringing light.
They're not bringing enlightenment.
They created the Illuminati to take over the Renaissance that was the true enlightenment,
That was the true power, that was the real, original Christians before the establishment church.
And that's what 1776 and all of it was, folks.
And there's a battle between those two forces.
The problem is, since they took it over, after Washington's death, they've exterminated the original Enlightenment leadership, folks.
They're gone.
But we have to take it back up against them.
Rappaport, I'm sorry I'm ranting.
This is just getting too heavy for me.
It's okay.
You know, when I was, I guess I was 19,
I read Dostoyevsky's novel, The Idiot.
That's a perfect image of what I'm talking about here.
Because here was just an innocent guy, and he fell into the complete corruption of Russian aristocracy at the time.
And when those corrupt, terminally corrupt people looked at him, they saw a reflection of what they could never be.
What they could never be.
You know, because they were...
Ensconced in evil and manipulation and so forth.
And there was some little tiny piece of their soul that was still aware and awake that this character was, you know, a kind of a shining light that they could never have, they would never have.
And so their only motivation after a certain point became destroy him.
Destroy him.
So it's the same thing with these people.
They look out at the world and they see something they can never have because they have entered into the swamp.
That's where they live, underwater.
That's where they want to live.
That's where they're comfortable.
But they can still see out.
Enough to know that they can never have the one thing that they really would desire, so they have to kill it.
It's just the same allegory of Sleeping Beauty, you know, these archetypes tell us the truth, where the witch demands the kids, they won't give them to her, they hide them, but then they sneak the kids back out, she gets happily married, and what she hates is the man and the woman, the family loving each other, prosperity.
She comes down off her big mountain as a dragon to try to kill everybody.
Kill the innocent.
Kill the innocent because they represent what you can never have, the thing that you want.
And that's what they're living with, these people.
So they have to keep on lying and lying and getting to greater level and committing crimes and getting to a greater level of power so that they can wreak their revenge and do more destruction.
And that's where she's going.
And that's revenge just on us not being in their universe.
Exactly, that's all it is.
You're not where I am, so I have to kill you.
You know, and if you said, when you put it that way, or when I put it that way, you see how completely insane it is, but that's the formula on which they're operating.
What do you think of their minions?
What's wrong with their minions?
I mean, their minions aren't really evil on average.
How do they follow such idiocy?
Yeah, well, they're completely deluded for one thing.
You know, a lot of them are true believers, which means that they see in, say, for example, Hillary, something that they aspire to or they believe is good because they are true believers.
And you see this in every age, every era in society, the history of the planet.
Some complete tyrant who has an enormous number of not just soldiers, but you know Sycophants and admirers and so forth who don't see what's actually there They see what they want to see and then you have the wheedling corrupt manipulating courtiers at court, you know as in the old
Monarchies and so forth that are always maneuvering for a better position.
That's where they want to live.
They want to be in a situation where there is a single power at the top and that they can maneuver and manipulate and scheme and, you know, connive their way and see how high they can get.
Stay there.
Absolutely on target.
John Rappaport, the deep secrets here.
This is how it really works.
But it's not secrets at all.
It's prima facie.
It's a conquest economy, a crony economy, not an economy based on your literature, your art, what you built, what you grew, what you did, that your family's known for telling the truth, that you do what you say you're gonna do.
That's the chivalrous renaissance economy of innovation.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The head of Germany's domestic intelligence agency said ISIS is sending terrorists to Europe disguised as refugees.
A German newspaper cited the chief saying the agency had received more than 100 tip-offs that Islamic State fighters were among the refugees currently staying in Germany.
On Thursday, German forces arrested two men suspected of links to ISIS preparing an attack on the German capital.
It was a tipster who led to the whereabouts of the Belgian who led the November 13 attacks on Paris.
According to testimony from the woman, the Islamic State group commander told her he had entered France without documents among a group of 90 people including other militants that had scattered around the Paris region.
The woman said he'd been planning additional attacks on a nursery school, a shopping mall, and a police station before she turned his location over to police.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Sometimes when you're too close to a problem and you don't see it, that's my only blind spot.
And I was asking the crew during the break, you know, did it sound dramatic that I was having an anxiety attack?
I don't really have those.
Other than like, you know, you get a call from, you know, wherever you hear your kid's been hurt or something, you have an anxiety attack for 30 seconds.
It's more of like just a nausea, a frustration, a, you know, oh, the Clinton's ruling over us, knowing that more evil's coming.
And the crew was like, no, that makes more sense than a lot of stuff you say.
So I'm glad folks get where I'm coming from.
I'm not being dramatic.
It's just, this is real for me.
We're not up here trying to put a bad face on this to have fun.
We're putting a real face on this to get people to wake up to stop it.
Now, you guys have a channel open or something in there.
I'm getting a buzzfeed.
I think one of your intercoms is on.
Just so you know.
I can tell a channel's up.
No big deal.
It's just at a certain point to just calmly go along each day.
You got it, thanks.
To just calmly go along each day
Like I'm talking about the price of tomatoes or something and I'm a farm report.
Oh look, the Chinese are buying the U.S.
mercantile stock exchange.
Oh look, world economy is imploding.
Top banks say death spiral.
Sell everything you have.
Oh, no big deal.
Oh look, the government knew they were shipping in actual ISIS into Europe.
German intelligence.
Okay, German spy chief.
ISIS is sending terrorists into Europe disguised as refugees.
I mean, ISIS said that in February of last year, one year ago.
It's actually one year ago tomorrow, on the 6th.
Just, you know, code 291, Swedish police cover up thousands of crimes involving refugees.
It just goes on and on.
Russia simulated nuclear strike against Sweden, NATO admits.
Army and Marine Corps chiefs, it's time for women to register for drafts.
I've got two daughters.
That fundamentally makes me in between wanting to throw up and punch somebody in the nose!
And then I realized, getting angry is normal!
I am not in a trance, I am not brainwashed, I am sick of it!
And I'm sick of the Clintons with all their crimes, getting away with all of it.
The fact that they're known criminals.
I mean, if I was dealing with Obama in 15 years again, and facing the prospect of 8 years of that, and the way things are moving now with Democrats admitting they're trying to pass martial law bills in Congress to make the President God.
And the Republicans are behind it.
I mean, what are they planning?
What's so big?
I can feel, not just intellectually or geopolitically, see I'm right, but I can feel my gut going, no, Alex, it's worse than you're saying.
And I've never been like this.
I rant and rave to release steam, but I'm telling you, John Rappaport, NoMoreFakeNews.com, author, great info at his site, folks.
Check it out today.
Piercing insight, as I say.
You really do have it.
Are you feeling the energy level rise, both positive and negative?
But I mean, now I almost feel like something really evil is rising, though, in the midst of it.
I've been feeling a lot of positive energy and seeing it, but now I feel like the gates of hell have been opened or something.
I'm feeling a new energy enter the country and the world that is just really bad.
I mean, it's bad.
It's death, Rappaport.
Are you seeing that?
I'm getting a very weird feeling about the presidential season, Alex.
It's sort of taken a different kind of a turn.
I'm looking across the board at the possibilities and who's getting pushed to the front and who's getting pushed to the back.
And I'm seeing, you know, there's Hillary.
There she is.
She's got 500 delegates, superdelegates already locked up.
These are the people that are not affected by the primaries that just walk into the nominating convention and cast a vote for her.
And if that's the case, you know, here she comes.
And then whoever the Republicans put up, you know, who's it going to really be when all is said and done?
And how easy is it going to be for her to just kind of roll over everybody with her?
Hell, she'll just blow their airplane up.
She doesn't care.
And then she's president.
You know, and then here comes the revenge.
You know, so yeah, I see the weird twisting that's happening in this presidential campaign.
I see it over and over again.
And, uh, it's not a good thing.
It's a really bad thing.
It's... You know, you've been an investigative journalist for big papers, done investigative journalism for major TV magazines.
I mean, you're an investigative journalist, first and foremost.
In your 40 years, or, correct me if I'm wrong, I think it's 40-something years as a journalist, have you ever seen such a crazy climate?
Oh, absolutely not.
Are you kidding?
It gets bigger and worse and stranger all the time.
You know, the antidote to that is that so many people wake up that they just stop giving their informed consent.
I mean, that's the ultimate antidote, is that people see, okay, this is spinning completely out of control.
This isn't even a good imitation of what the Republic is supposed to be.
You know, this is like a bad, bad,
Uh, you know, horror movie on a small budget.
I mean, they aren't even trying to make it seem real anymore.
It's just right out in the open.
And it's not like it's some group that just wants to skim money but still wants the country to do well.
I'd fight that because it always leads to worse corruption like we see now.
But this is like hardcore, your kids are ours.
We're taking your guns.
We're bringing in ISIS.
We're putting poison in your water.
We're going to forcibly shoot you up.
We're going to make you eat GMO.
We hate you.
I mean, it's just so evil.
Yeah, that's the thing.
That's that's what it feels like.
The gloves are off.
OK, for a while we were pretending that, you know.
This is a really good thing that we're doing, and we still talk that talk, but really it doesn't matter anymore.
All that you need to know is you're going to put all of your loyalty in us because once we get there, you have no other choice.
And then we know getting there is worse.
Cashless society, shutting off our food, totally enslaving us.
We're being taken into the dungeon.
They told us they were taking us to a candy stand.
We're a five-year-old kid and now they're putting chains on our arms.
And now we realize, oh really?
We really are in a in a psycho's dungeon.
You know, once I was testifying in front of a subcommittee in Nevada about anti-depressant drugs and violence in children because they had a school shooting out there.
And I was sitting in the subcommittee room.
This is a state legislature of Nevada.
About which I knew... The representatives, right?
Go back 10 seconds, your Skype just blurbed.
Repeat what you just said.
So I'm sitting in this committee room.
Looking at these representatives there at this legislative hearing, just trying to get a read and a feel for what's going on.
And then all of a sudden, a woman enters the room and I find out she is the Attorney General of the state of Nevada.
And all of a sudden, all these representatives are, you know, gathering around her like little creatures, you know, to get their little piece of goodwill or that she would smile at them or engage in conversation with them.
And then she tells an anecdote about Bill Clinton coming to town, and this and that.
A higher power, you know.
And everybody's laughing, uh, obsessively.
You're watching minion sprites hopping around the goblin, and then the goblin told you of a, of a, of a dragon king, and they, ooh!
It's a hierarchical, ooh!
They're minions!
That's what it is.
You see, that's it.
That's it.
That's the story.
So that's how you can have
This bureaucracy in Washington and other places, in all the state capitals, even in, you know, cities, whatever, you know.
That are just gobbling up everything because that's what these people do.
They just kind of hang around and they just kind of attach themselves like little leeches and barnacles and creatures to the next person up the line and they on and on and on all the way to the top.
And the person who's at the top, and this was something that I realized too when I was sitting in that legislative room, the person at the top feels that.
All the, you know... The worship.
All the pyramid... yeah, all the way down.
So if... Like a Greek god doesn't exist unless they're worshipped.
They're becoming a god in their own mind, in their own egomania.
They can feel all that.
And it's not just an illusion.
It's real because everybody's in that universe.
Everybody's playing that.
Everybody's doing that.
So, you know, you look at the old French courts.
I don't know, what did you have, a couple of hundred people that were vying for attention?
I mean, now you've got a million people, more than a million, millions of people inside government bureaucracies that are just feeding this kind of vile energy all the way up the line to the top, and then you have the President steps out on a platform and looks down at all of this like some sort of, you know, God at the top of the pyramid looking down and says, this is my
This is my empire.
This is what I've got.
And all these people owe me, and they must do what I say they will do.
I mean, wow, that's an awesome amount of corruption.
But then none of them are producers.
They have to go out then and find somebody as a vampire to siphon blood off, to then go give it to their god, and we don't have any blood left.
So they bring in Bernie saying, chop everybody's heads off, that'll give us more blood.
And then all these little spoiled minions that are the next generation of the system, they're going, yes, blood, blood.
I mean, have you seen the interviews we've done and Mark Dice have done?
We don't edit these.
We will show every person we talk to.
Yeah, I know.
And they actually, 9 out of 10 say, put gun owners in forced labor camps or kill them.
Uh, they say, uh, elect Karl Marx, they say the most vile evil you can imagine, and they actually think they're good.
But the weird paradox was, used to a slayer that was in an army of, say, centurions going out to dominate and kill, had to fight men to at least take it.
Now, it's just little bots of jello all just going around going, evil, evil, your blood is ours, and they don't even have any strength to take it.
We all just roll over in a trance and give it to them.
So it's an army of slugs of ruling over us.
And many of them are college slugs now.
You know, and I was just talking to somebody about this.
You will now get people, most of the people who get to the college level can't even be taught anymore because they weren't prepared enough.
They weren't educated.
Nobody bothered.
Nobody really cared and nobody put it to them.
Look, you're here to learn this.
You gotta learn something, understand?
You know?
So none of that happened.
All they were taught were values and slogans and mottos and all kinds of cheap kind of idealism, ridiculous stuff.
And then they arrive at colleges.
Professors, even the good ones, take one look around and want to just run into the night.
It's just intellectual tinfoil.
It's like Mardi Gras beads.
There's no value.
And all they do is just throw up stuff.
Martin Luther King's racist.
Pull him down now.
Have you heard about that?
It's just mindlessness.
So, you know, what what do you think these kids are going to do?
They're just going to attach themselves to the latest piece of corruption, you know, and they're going to say, well, we want to be part of this.
We want to be part of this because we don't have anything else.
So this is the minion phenomenon in all of its glory stretches out into so many dimensions of society.
This is the end of the individual, this is the end of free will, this is the rise of just stupid, dumb, drooling, mindless servants who won't even know they're being commanded headlong off cliffs by their gods, by their psycho gods.
And even in the intellectual class, you go into these giant research labs like the National Institutes of Health or something.
And what do you have?
You have highly educated researchers who are doing the same thing.
They're reaching out for the next little grant money, they're reaching out for the next little project, the next little promotion appointment status.
And they're so selfish, they're planning their next vacation perfectly and they hate all their underlings and tell them they're all stupid and love to go before the Dean and grovel and, oh, can I meet Bill Gates when he comes to town?
They're so empty.
And this is, I mean, we're talking about thousands and thousands of employees, right?
And so you take NIH, you take National Security Agency, the CIA, I mean, FDA, just keep multiplying, IRS, and you've got the same thing.
You know?
Or the biggest media outlets?
What's the word from the top?
What are we supposed to do here?
How am I supposed to behave and how do I act and react and how can I, you know, mince my way ahead a little bit and get a little bit more... And there's new downloads every week now of how you're supposed to behave as they change the language and how you're supposed to conform to prove you're a servant of Sorin.
Yeah, exactly.
So you get the latest directive and okay, this is what I'm supposed to do now.
This is the word.
Last week it was that, but now it's the opposite.
Who cares?
I mean, it's the double think of Orwell.
And so this is what society is becoming.
And so it all comes back to the individual, because if the individual can't stand up for himself and say, this is who I am, this is what I mean, this is what I say, this is what I believe, I can think, you know, I understand, I have power, and this is the way it was supposed to be set up,
But now it's all gone.
But I'm not gone.
I'm not going away.
Nobody's going to push me out the door.
Doesn't matter what people say.
You know, now, if enough people had that, then things would start to turn around because then informed consent would be withdrawn in a thousand different ways.
Too many ways for them to stop it.
But it all depends upon that, because they are aiming to completely destroy not only the individual, but the concept of the individual.
Exactly, and people point at this and they say, it's screwing everything up!
Why would they want to hurt the money-making?
Folks, the globalists control the issuance of currency and credit.
It's like Mao's override of China killing 84 million people.
It wasn't a failure.
David Rockefeller, when he died,
When Mal died, wrote the New York Times article praising him, saying it worked wonderfully and how Mal followed his program.
So, that's the issue.
You can read that article.
It's online.
This is what they want.
They want to end the old system.
And the old system isn't perfect, but what they're bringing in is the most dishonorable, anti-human, anti-liberal.
That's what makes me mad as John, is I love Thomas Jefferson.
I'm a real liberal.
I'm tolerant, live and let live.
I really
You know, to a point, I'm a Christian, I'm somewhat conservative at the same time.
I make some of my conservative audience mad because I am so libertarian.
But that's just who I am.
I'm fundamentally that way.
I don't look down my nose like a Pharisee because of what somebody does in their bedroom.
But then the people that are in a bedroom that I'm not even attacking say, you have kids and you're a man and you gotta give that up.
They want to destroy who I am.
And so that's what's so crazy is that it's a weird cult claiming it's liberal, but liberal means you accept everybody, but you keep your identity.
They say, no, we tell you what to accept and you give up your identity.
Well, that's the Borg.
That's not liberal.
You know, there are armies of sociologists out there that have infiltrated universities.
And really their whole theme is the individual doesn't exist at all.
That was always a hallucination.
I mean, I'm serious about this.
I've got a quote from a guy.
No, they admit it.
They say, get rid of that, trick people they have no will, then your will is theirs.
But let me tell you, those sociologists from the CIA, they got will.
You bet.
And then you find somebody, you know, who struggles their way, works their way, whatever they do.
They appear to get to the top in some way, and then they turn around and they say, I don't want anybody else to get to the top.
So however I got to the top, that's now off the table.
What I want now is control of what everybody can do and can't do because I'm at the top.
Let's come back and talk about that with John Rappaport.
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All right, I'm gonna go ahead and end this segment and then throw it to Rob Dew, who's gonna have good old Richard Reeves from New Hampshire and all that news coming up in the fourth hour.
We do three hours Alex Jones, an hour of one of our great researchers anchors here broadcasting worldwide.
Then I'll be back this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
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Now going back to John Rappaport, who I appreciate joining us from nomorefakenews.com.
Be sure and bookmark that as well, folks.
And just because you're awake doesn't mean others are.
Pass the stories on.
I'm not lecturing.
We've seen everybody.
When it comes down to it, more of it is the TV sickness, like space sickness with no gravity, not being on the ground, not being agrarial, you know, not being on the Earth.
We are being separated from our humanity.
And part of that's our own development, part of that's artificial.
But everything you do is to do that.
I think so much of it is that the artificiality allows people to believe the larger lies that are intensifying.
What do you think the few secrets are in the four minutes we have left, or three minutes, to break free at the beginning, like a little chicken coming out of an egg with our egg tooth, into a wider world?
How do we come out of Plato's cave?
A person's got to ask himself, what do I believe?
You know, what's my conviction?
That word conviction doesn't have anything to do with prison, although that's the way it's used now.
What's your convictions?
What are the basic convictions that you have?
And then what are you going to do about it?
You know, if a person sets out on that road, they are going to arrive somewhere important.
That's where the power's at.
That's where it is.
And if you don't seek the power and do it with a pure heart, you will get the power.
You'll get somebody else's power if you don't find your own.
That's for sure.
That's the way it works out.
So, to me, that's where it starts, you know, and I see some people do it, I see other people that don't.
I see other people that, you know, they're always on a wobble course, they're always wobbling.
What are my convictions?
Well, I don't know, I'm not sure, I'm looking, you know, this looks good, that sounds good, I'd like to buy this, etc., etc., etc., but there's no core, there's no center there.
You know, what are you alive for?
It's what your convictions are.
That's what you gotta find.
You gotta decide that you are conscious and do have free will because that itself is a choice.
And there's so many people now who are convinced that's not the case.
So, you bet.
You better understand that you're free.
Because if you don't think so, you're just giving it all away.
That's right.
I want to have you up for a full hour to talk about the myth that we don't have free will.
The enemy I've talked to, they know we have free will, how powerful humanity is.
But they need us off the field.
John Rappaport, God bless you, my friend.
Have a great weekend.
That's a great soul right there.
We'll be back with the fourth hour.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome, welcome everyone to the fourth hour of Overdrive for the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Rob Dew.
This is Friday, February 5th.
If you've just joined us, Alex had an amazing show today.
And the Sean Stone interview is very interesting.
Ended with John Rappaport and Kathleen Willey.
So if you did not check it out, check it out tonight on our YouTube channel, the Alex Jones Channel.
We'll have the full show up there for you to watch and enjoy.
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You can jump on and check out the show that way.
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And you can share your username and password with up to 20 people.
So, I've got a ton of stuff to talk about.
I'm gonna have some vaccine news at the bottom of the hour that's pretty amazing.
The vaccines that they keep telling you to take don't seem to be working.
Wow, what a surprise.
And they're, of course, they'll be saying you just need more of them.
I'm going to be looking at people that are kicking out these vaccine mongers out of places like Hawaii, but then they're coming or springing up in places like Richmond.
I'm also going to show you a video that, to me, proves that cops are not here to protect you.
And it didn't happen in our country.
And I'm just saying, you know, they used to have protecting the serve on their cars and now they don't.
And this is what happens when the poop really hits the fan.
And also I'm going to show you a debate excerpt from Dinesh D'Souza, who debated Bill Ayers.
And we're going to have Richard Reeves on the ground in New Hampshire.
But first, let's go to John Bowne's report on what happened when Obama went to the Muslim temple.
Here it is.
Yesterday, Obama stirred the pot of intolerance at a Baltimore mosque.
The Obama administration would have us all believe his speech is a needed effort to assure Muslim Americans that they will not be subjected to bigotry while he shepherds in Syrian refugees into small American towns to fuel Sharia no-go areas akin to the rape and murder invasion being waged on Europe.
There was an open display of the Koran and the word Allah placed behind the president 99 times.
A stark contrast to Obama's speeches at Christian churches, where, for example, at Georgetown University in 2012, the White House had the name of Christ covered up by request.
The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.
But, to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated.
Back in June of 2009, Obama gave a speech addressed to the Muslim world, titled, A New Beginning, No Less.
In the speech, Obama went on to avoid the word terrorism, and announced the future plans to end sanctions with Iran.
Two years later, Egypt was in chaos, in the throes of a violent revolution, waged by the Muslim Brotherhood, accelerated by President Obama's ties to its members.
The attacks of September 11, 2001,
And the continued efforts of these extremists to engage in violence against civilians has led some in my country to view Islam as inevitably hostile not only to America and Western countries, but also to human rights.
All this has bred more fear and more mistrust.
So long as our relationship is defined by our differences,
We will empower those who sow hatred rather than peace.
As the Holy Quran tells us, be conscious of God and speak always the truth.
American Muslims have been practicing their religion peacefully in the United States since the first mosque was built way back in 1929.
Of course, Americans aren't wiping out Muslims, but in the Middle East, Muslims are wiping out Christians at a rate of 100,000 per year.
Meanwhile, the U.S.
Justice Department is clearing the way to toughen laws regarding material support to designated domestic terror groups.
I don't know.
Globalist puppet President Obama is subtly terrorizing the citizens of the United States with a meek anti-American rhetoric.
You can see the rest at the Alex Jones Channel and it was on last night, The Infowars Nightly News, so join us there at 7 p.m.
We'll be back with Richard Reeves on the ground.
Stay tuned.
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Let's go to Dr. Group.
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I'm always looking for ways to naturally get the body to start producing these hormones and balancing themselves.
The counters, the stuff they've been throwing at us.
Results will vary overall.
All I know
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, we have a team in New Hampshire right now, or actually almost in New Hampshire.
They landed in Boston this morning.
They're gonna be driving up there.
It's Richard Reeves and Matt Weber.
Matt's a control room guy who works on the live show and he also does step in to do field reporting and he's become a very valuable member of the team.
And right now, last night I texted those two guys and I said, I want you to talk to everybody that you meet in New Hampshire and just ask them one question and get this on tape.
Are they going to be voting for Marco Rubio?
Because I am just astounded at how he came out of nowhere in Iowa to place third because we know Microsoft was counting the votes and that's his second biggest donor.
And so I'm wondering if that will be the same in New Hampshire because now if you look at, let's see, here's the story out of the Boston Globe.
New Globe poll shows Rubio closing in on Trump in New Hampshire.
So this looks to be the wonderkind they're going to force on us, Marco Rubio.
And here's another interesting story out of the Miami New Times.
Marco Rubio's childhood friend tied to Miami's most infamous gay porn case.
And it talks about Marco got arrested back in a park that was well known to be like a, you know, sort of like a public brothel.
Yeah, so, Marco Rubio is a very, he's, this guy can definitely be controlled.
And that is why you see him rising in the polls.
So, without further ado, Richard Reeves, can you hear me?
Yes sir, Rob Dew, and what you're looking at right now is the steeple of the Old North Church.
We are in fact, right now, we just landed shortly a while ago in Boston, Massachusetts, and behind us at the backdrop is the Old North Church, and just imagine the situation had Paul Revere not done his famous work that night of shining the lights and the steeple of the Old North Church and making his midnight ride, because potentially that's what we've got to, you know, potentially
We are shining the light.
Alex Jones, Rob Dew, the whole crew at Infowars is shining the light on the New World Order red coat invasion.
But with Rand Paul dropping out, which I know you want to talk about Marco Rubio, so we'll talk about Marco Rubio first, but Rand Paul's dropping out could be literally like Paul Revere not doing the ride that night.
So with regards to Marco Rubio,
The push for Marco Rubio, the way I figure it, is you've got the anti-establishment vote adding up right now.
In Iowa, for example, it added up to 67%, which tells me that the potential
Out there for an establishment candidate to get consolidated votership would be roughly around 33%.
So what I see are the powers that be doing their very best to get that full 33% of the establishment, GOP, the old guard GOP people to rally around and push Marco Rubio.
And I would like to remind you that in fact, we did see in that caucus that we were actually, that Matt and I did live on Skype.
We saw, in fact, if I remember correctly, it was 108 votes for Marco Rubio and 56 votes for Donald Trump in second place.
So the Marco Rubio zombie bots, New World Order controlled, Fox News controlled bots, they are indeed out there.
They are for real.
As a matter of fact,
Right now when we pulled up to the Old North Church, there's a small tour bus here and it contained a load of Floridians up here to support on their way to New Hampshire for Marco Rubio.
So there are...
30 to 33 percent of the bots that potentially get consolidated for Marco Rubio and that is the case.
And they're literally busing in supporters because I don't think they see the same support in New Hampshire that they're going to see in Florida for Rubio because that's where he's from, that's where he's a senator.
And that's really scary that they're going to push.
They know Jeb Bush doesn't have a chance but they go, well we got this other guy, he's our backup.
And you know, he's like a Mitt Romney, John McCain, as far as I'm concerned, just there to be a placeholder, to do nothing, to allow Hillary Clinton, or in the last two elections, Barack Obama, just allow him to march right in.
Well, Rob, the New World Order has as many backup plans as there are letters in the alphabet.
They've got at least 26 backup plans.
Marco Rubio's probably plan B or plan C already, because we know Jeb Bush was, at least on the Republican side, their plan A.
Marco Rubio's Plan B or C. That may or may not work.
But man, let me tell you, the GOP still has a delegate strategy in the works.
And let me kind of segue into the Rand Paul dropping out.
Sure, go ahead.
I'll let you know why this is critical.
I think it's a key mistake that Rand Paul has dropped out this pronto in the race.
First of all, there's a big debate coming up tomorrow night.
He would have had probably the largest platform to hit the barbed wire on issues, to put news out there, to let people know what's going on out there against the New World Order.
He could have been on there tomorrow night.
He blew that chance.
He's not going to be on the stage tomorrow night.
And even bigger, in my book, is
That potentially with Rand Paul dropping out, is that percentage that Rand Paul is getting, those people are hot to go to precinct primaries, precinct conventions, precinct caucuses, and potentially him dropping out really impacts the level of Patriots that end up going to Cleveland in July.
And we need to get the word out that everybody that's liberty and freedom-minded, constitutional-minded, just because Rand Paul has stepped out of the race, do not back out by any means.
Make sure and go out and vote.
Make sure and be in your caucuses, be in your precinct conventions, and get yourself to Cleveland.
Because if not, what the GOP is counting on is they're counting on the old guard establishment, GOP party hacks to show up at their conventions and caucuses and end up filling up Cleveland and then they'll put in whoever they want.
They'll put in Mitt Romney or whoever, Marco Rubio, they'll try to get Bush.
And so Rand Paul stepping out right now, I tell you, it's really frustrating because I don't think that Rand Paul gave Alex Jones a five-minute phone call in this decision-making process, and that's irritating because we, the InfoWarriors, Alex Jones, all the whole audience out there and everybody... But very supportive of the Pauls, very supportive of what they've been doing.
Right, in 2008, Ron Paul could win a House district in, you know, around Victoria, Texas on his own.
But the 2008 campaign, Alex Jones, the Infowarriors, all the audiences out there listening to the broadcast today, it's you guys that we made it all together.
We made the Ron Paul phenomenon happen.
That's right.
And that enthusiasm, that diligence of the volunteerism, the working that they're willing to do, the phone calls they're willing to make, the doors they're willing to knock on,
We're good to go.
The RNC, the Republican National Convention down in Florida in 2012, Iowa was one of those states.
It was because those people that went to those caucuses the night of the Iowa caucus back in 2012 followed through with the convention process.
They went to their county convention, senatorial district, state convention and they followed up through and they made it as a majority up to the RNC in 2012 and they were prepared to deliver a majority of their votes
At the RNC for Ron Paul.
And Paul beats five other people that are still in the race.
He finished fifth.
He had a respectable finish.
He had a respectable finish.
And I understand the thinking that, you know, I've got a hot race in my Senate seat.
But you know what?
He could have done himself a lot of good by being in this big national debate.
Built a lot of capital.
Because New Hampshire, that's what everybody's looking at now.
This is the first primary.
This is what people are gearing for.
And this is going to set the tone.
Iowa, sometimes, you know, Rick Santorum won it last election.
He's nowhere.
He already dropped out.
But he won it last time.
He got 1% of the vote this time.
Right, right.
Right, as a matter of fact, I even talked about that the Saturday after we were in Dubuque, Iowa, the Saturday after the Fox debate where Trump put on the Veterans Fundraising event.
I talked about that how on Saturday, basically Fox News had an ignore blackout on Donald Trump.
They started focusing strictly on a battle between Rubio and Cruz, Rubio and Cruz, Rubio and Cruz, Cruz-Rubio, and they were boosting Rubio up over and over.
And then, sure enough, that has continued that, okay, Fox is playing the angry bits of Trump's speeches, but he's not coming on live like he was.
They're not lavishing these interviews on him like they were.
And so, yeah, Fox is really ticked off.
The battle between Trump and Fox is not over because Roger Ailes, as a matter of fact, we've probably had reports on Infowars, but Rush Limbaugh came out here in the last two or three days, how he's liking Marco Rubio all of a sudden too.
Of course, of course.
He's going to be the anointed one.
He's who they're going to push on us.
He was plan B, plan C. Maybe they thought Christie could do it for a while, but you know, it's definitely
They're definitely shoving it in our face, and it's really disgusting.
Hey, when we come back from break, I want to play you a couple clips.
Kid Daniels went and interviewed Lou Rockwell, you know, speaking of Rand Paul and libertarianism, at the Mises Circle event that was in Houston, Texas on January 30th.
He has two clips, one about martial law and one about Bernie Sanders.
So I'd like to play those and get your comments on them.
And I've also got some vaccine news.
We've got Richard Reeves on the ground in Boston.
Right where Paul Revere lit the light and then made that famous midnight ride to go warn people that the British were coming.
I actually was there in Lexington and Concord watching one of the reenactments back in 2009 when Oath Keepers was there holding their...
I guess it was one of their first big ceremonies that they were holding there, and they had to get special permission because the people of Lexington did not want to allow real patriots into their hallowed ground.
They only wanted their controlled version of events, which is what we're going on with today.
Same thing.
Looking at this Republican nomination process.
So we'll be right back.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
It's Overdrive.
I'm Rob Duhosin.
We've got Richard Reeves in Boston.
We'll be right back.
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You know, practically martial law.
Well, that's what they wanted.
I've always thought that one of the things that happened after 9-11, I wouldn't say it was entirely a military coup, but it had aspects of a military coup.
No question, the military took on far more power than it ought to have.
And I would argue probably it shouldn't have any power, but certainly it was massively increased.
Very, very unfortunately.
So, and we know this is what they'd like.
They'd like to, if some
Just like in Paris.
If some city is giving them trouble, you know, maybe not paying the property taxes in a future depression, send in the troops.
Interesting point.
I mean, the IMF, World Bank, they could ask Obama to deploy troops to this terrible country that's behind on their debts.
Even though the debts are designed for them not to get out of.
So you could literally have American troops maybe going in and occupying countries and taking their natural resources and assets to settle these so-called debts.
Or confiscating our guns.
There you go.
That was Lou Rockwell.
That's an excerpt from an interview that Kit Daniels is going to release tomorrow.
And we're going to play another clip on Bernie Sanders coming up.
But, you know, talking about the world economy, we have Citi saying, world economy seems trapped in death spiral.
That came out just three hours ago on MSNBC.
And Richard, you're at the spot where a few years ago, after the Boston Marathon bombing in Watertown, they went door-to-door, pulling people out of their homes at gunpoint.
And the FBI claimed they didn't know who these guys were, yet they had interviewed the older boy, Tamerlan, and his mom.
A couple years before it, yet they go on TV going, we don't know who these guys are, you need to help us.
So you're kind of in the epicenter of, you know, the New World Order's martial law grip.
I think that's where you're going to see it first.
If anything breaks down, it's going to be in the Northeast.
You got Baltimore, you got those cities like that, Chicago, definitely.
So, you know, what do you think about that?
Well, all these major cities in the Northeast, you know, you've got the major bridges where they can just create total bottlenecks and checkpoints very easily.
So yes, you're right.
And that, you know, the Boston Marathon bombing, that was a textbook New World Order.
Run through test case of, uh, you know, bringing in martial law.
So, you know, we saw some of that martial law happen here recently with that big, uh, you know, blizzard that they had three or four weeks ago.
Telling people to stay in their homes.
Chris Christie's acting like Napoleon trying to, you know, up his presidential cred as a nom, as a candidate.
And so yes, that's just it.
That's why a 2016 election, to me, is so important.
The way I see it is, because as Larry Nichols just said yesterday, folks, make sure and listen to that archive of Larry Nichols yesterday with Alex if you didn't hear it, is 2016 may be our last election where we've got even a chance of making a difference.
Yeah, black box voting is a concern.
You know, there's a lot of concerns along the way.
But nonetheless, if we show up, you know, the reason that we're in the shape we're in is because good men and good women have done nothing for so long.
And if we just show up here in 2016, we've got a chance to reverse a lot of this and get our country back.
I really believe that.
I totally agree, and that's why we have you on the ground, to point out anything that may look fudgy or fuzzy.
And I really want you to find some Marco Rubio supporters, because I am amazed that any of them out there really exist.
It was like, you know, for years... Well, I know that we can get in that...
That fortress down there in Austin in our Central Command Center and start believing that, you know, that, you know, but it's just a situation that kind of sometimes people get in a bubble.
The Marco Rubio people really are out there, but it's that old GLP, it's that old Establishment Guard, like I said, that old Establishment Guard.
I agree, I agree, but they don't put signs up.
They're not, they're not fervent fans, you know.
When Ron Paul was out there, you saw Ron Paul signs everywhere.
I never saw a John McCain sign or a Mitt Romney sign.
You know, never.
And it's just like, then they just come out of the woodwork on their walkers or canes or whatever.
You know, they believe in the establishment because they've put all their money into it.
So they still want, they just think the government's going to give them that little bit of freedom left with their social security.
So they want to keep the system as it is and not have any positive change.
They just want to keep the fractional reserve banking, the Federal Reserve.
They want it all just to sit here so we live in perpetual debt.
Well, the top-down word from the GOP establishment is telling the GOP minions, the establishment minions, hey, Marco Rubio right now.
That's what they're being told right now.
They're being led that way in different fashions, media and organizational at the county level, etc.
Yes, Marco Rubio, people really are out there.
As a matter of fact, just this past Sunday, we went to an event in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he probably had about 500 people on a Sunday.
But then the following Monday, the next day, in the middle of the workday, Donald Trump had 1,000 people.
So, yes, they're out there.
I don't think Marco Rubio should be polling anywhere near Donald Trump.
But he has got the big media push, and he's got the big money push, because one thing you'll notice is that Marco Rubio, when he's giving a speech and he's speaking in public or whatever,
I don't think I've ever heard him put out his website.
I don't think I've ever heard him request, hey, donate a dollar, donate $20 or whatever.
So that's kind of telling me that, hey.
Money's not an issue for Marco Rubio.
Yeah, I believe it.
And I think people are siphoning their super PAC funds over to him now that they see the writing on the wall that people aren't buying a third Bush presidency.
Hey, Rob?
Rob, we are going to be signing off.
We'll come back in when we get to New Hampshire later today.
Sounds good.
We'll get you on the nightly news.
Thanks, Richard Greaves, reporting live from Boston.
I'm Rob Dew.
We're going to be back here.
I got some exciting vaccine news, so stay tuned.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Let's go to Dr. Group.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are halfway through the fourth hour of Overdrive.
Thanks for joining us.
This is Rob Due, sitting in as host of the Alex Jones Show Overdrive Hour.
And if you are listening to this on the radio and you'd like to watch a TV version of this, go to InfoWars.com forward slash show and you can watch TV video.
And Alex Jones is coming in right now with some big announcement.
Well, no, it's just that, oh my gosh, I didn't realize that.
I was just sitting there on the couch at a research meeting with the Swedish Bikini team, and I'm joking.
Seriously, I dropped the ball earlier.
I don't mean to interrupt.
I just wanted to ask Kidd if he'd covered it yet.
Ron Paul came out, and there's video of it.
It's on InfoWars.com.
I look like an evangelist preacher, man.
I didn't realize I had my hair like that.
See, I was sitting on the couch having a meeting about stuff, and I'm sitting there playing with my hair.
Anyways, getting back to what I was saying, this is just spontaneous teleprompter freeze, you can tell.
Ron Paul, Cruz on Libertarian, he's owned by Goldman Sachs.
Whoa, that's huge.
That's a big blow and that's good for Trump.
So we need to get that article out, that's really important.
Sorry, I just haven't gotten it.
And here's the quote, I mean, he and Hillary have more in common than we would with Cruz and Trump.
Yeah, he's still kind of hitting it Trump right there.
Ted Cruz isn't a free market libertarian, Ron Paul warned to his son's former supporters on Friday.
Take a guy like Cruz, people are liking the Cruz.
They think he's for the free market.
And in reality, he's owned by Goldman Sachs.
Well, his wife works for Goldman Sachs.
I mean, that's the key right there.
They did.
They gave him some low interest loans.
Ron Paul, I get Trump's not perfect, but here's the deal.
The whole establishment is obviously against Trump.
For real.
So, okay, fine.
Who are we going to support then?
Marco Rubio.
That's who they want to push on us.
That's our saver.
Thanks, Alex, for jumping in.
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Let's get to, guys, I'm going to switch things up on you.
Let's get to this Fox News Latino story and it's video.
Six Mexican cops run from cartel hitmen who execute men in front of his family.
And I'm doing this to illustrate the fact that here in our
country we've had uh... we we have an invasion of the cartel they're coming in to the united states to deliver drugs takeout hits on people uh... it's happening it's happening on our southern border southern borders wide open we've shown you the video of the guys bringing giant packages across the river paddling across and i think we actually have a video that mcbreen put in so y'all could pull that video up because i do want to play it and I'll narrate over it but um... we showed you the video of the guys
Throwing the drugs into the car and then running back over.
I mean, it's just wide open.
And the Border Patrol was there right before that.
And 10 minutes before the guys came across, they'd drive away.
It's a game.
It's a game.
But if you get caught with these drugs, you're going into jail for a long time.
You're going to be on parole.
You're going to have your underwear sniffed nonstop by these people.
So let's go to the video.
I'll kind of narrate it for those watching on TV.
It's a portrait cell phone cam, which, you know, please, if you're going to take video, just turn your camera sideways.
It makes it a lot easier for us video people.
So let's roll that video.
And there's the cops running.
They have body armor and semi-automatic weapons.
They're running to their truck right now.
And they're about to drive off.
Look, there goes the truck.
And this lady's like, hey, what are you guys doing?
You're leaving.
And now it cuts to inside the house.
You can see the cartel men grab this guy.
And they're dragging him outside.
And you're going to hear the gunshots in a second.
And this is just below our border.
This is right south of us.
This is happening.
And there you go.
The cartel went after this guy.
He was a merchant.
I mean, just four state police officers and two municipal town officers fled.
And so the police are not going to protect you when it hits the fan.
And so you have to protect yourself, which is why we have to have a Second Amendment.
That illustrates right there why you have to have a Second Amendment and why you have to viciously protect it when people go after it.
And here's a video from Dinesh D'Souza, and I'm going to get to this vaccine news.
We've still got plenty of time left.
Here's Dinesh D'Souza.
He was at the University of Michigan debating Bill Ayers on the topic, what's so exceptional about America?
And it had 15,000 viewers online and 500 people there.
And here they are talking about how Dinesh, you know, gives some money to a candidate.
He gets eight months in prison.
Bill Ayers bombs the Pentagon.
Nothing happens.
So here's that clip.
So I think our criminal justice system is catastrophic and needs to be dramatically changed.
One of the things I think is also catastrophic in it is that the political system is something that's now for sale.
It's on the auction block.
And Dinesh referred to his time in custody.
Were you in custody?
I'm not sure.
I was in overnight custody.
He had an assistant drop him off at his sleeping quarters overnight.
I offered to write him a letter to the judge asking him not to put Dinesh in prison.
He turned it down because I was going to advocate that he go to North Carolina and register voters, which would fit the crime of corrupting the political process in New York.
But no, I think the criminal justice system is deeply corrupt, and it's corrupted by politics.
The inequity of our criminal justice system is on full display right on this podium right here.
So I gave $20,000 of my own money over the campaign finance limit.
I got eight years, eight months in overnight confinement.
Eight months or eight years?
Eight months.
You said eight years.
You bombed the Pentagon and tried to bomb all kinds of other things.
What are you cheering for?
How much time... How much time did you... How much time did you do in the slammer?
Yeah, how much... He did nothing.
So they're illustrating the inequities of the justice system.
If you're in, if you're in the in crowd, you can do whatever you want.
Like this guy, Martin Shkreli.
There's some, I saw in the video, he was doing some testimony.
Well, he actually went to his fifth amendment.
He invoked it.
And, you know, here's a guy who's not part of the system.
And yeah, he's probably a jerk.
You know, I don't know the guy.
But here you got a guy who raised the price of this AIDS drug.
You know, which he can legally do.
But people are hammering him, saying he's a gutless weasel, all this stuff.
And then he also got the Wu-Tang, the only Wu-Tang album that's ever been printed of their new album.
But anyway, beside the point.
He gets thrown to the wolves and everybody's like, yeah, we got one.
We got him.
He's nothing.
He's nothing.
He's small time compared to what goes on with the vaccine industry.
Which brings me to my next set of topics.
This is out of Quartz in India.
An Indian biotech company has been developing Zika vaccines for over a year.
Maybe they knew something we didn't know because this just started hitting the news a couple weeks ago.
And one of the scientists says, we never expected the virus to become a serious issue.
But now they've stepped up their plans to rush the vaccine to development.
And this is, let's see, the name of the company I don't have in front of me right now, but they're developing two versions.
One uses DNA that belongs to the Zika virus.
So they're going to inject DNA of the virus into your body.
And the other is an inactivated version of the virus.
And they think that's going to be the most
Cost-effective and the best one that's gonna have the better chance of success and Vaccines are tough for pharmaceutical companies success rates are low and costs are high they noted in this article Which I agree success rates are low these things don't really work And what they're doing is injecting things like aluminum and mercury and polysorbate 80 into your body
And telling you it's for your health.
Now we go to a CNN article.
Whooping cough protection fades fast after Tdap booster study finds.
Does not provide long-lasting protection.
They found it protected about 69% of adolescents against whooping cough in the first year, but then it dropped to 57% in the second year, 25% in the third, and 9% in the fourth year.
So 91% ineffective.
That's even worse than the flu shot.
And now you're seeing this.
Here's another article.
Why are so many California kids getting whooping cough despite being vaccinated?
And they say, you know, most of these kids get it by the time they're six, so the population should have been fully inoculated, but they're getting 10 and 11 year olds are getting it, so that's four years later.
You're seeing a 9% effectiveness right there.
And they can't figure out what it is, why they can't figure out why this is the case.
So their solution will be to give more kids vaccines and give them more of the booster.
It's like, you're not getting enough of this garbage, so we're going to have to give you more.
Now let's look at where's this other one from for the article from Hawaii yes Hawaii lawmakers kill vaccine bill after heated debate after listening to residents speak out against vaccines and saying they cause everything from autism to the Zika virus Hawaii lawmakers killed a bill to speed up the state's processing for adopting federal vaccination guidelines the bill would have allowed the state Health Department to easily adopt the federal rules which some opponents of the measure fear would result in more vaccination of course it
They're going to find anything they can and inject it into your body.
Now, you have a bill HB 1342.
This is out of the Richmond Sunlight tracking Virginia's General Assembly since 2007.
This bill is immunization requirements related to an administration of vaccines.
And basically, when you go in and read the lawyer language here, they want to make every child at a public, private,
We're good to go.
The Advisory Council of the Immunization Practices in the American Academy of Pediatrics.
So, which includes the hepatitis vaccine, the diphtheria toxoid, the tetanus toxoid, which is in the DTAP, which is in the diphtheria pertussis, which is whooping cough.
So they want to inject that whooping cough vaccine into you, which they say is not even effective now after the fourth year of getting it.
Just a freedom alert, the bill did fail.
This bill did fail?
Very good.
And that came out in late January, so the fact that it did fail, and they had crossed out pieces in here to allow people to, even from a doctor, opt out of this.
Licensing here, so they were they were gonna make this as draconian as the California bill So luckily it did fail and that's good news when how did you where'd you find that you just look it up?
That's on the bills website said the outcome was that it did fail.
Oh, okay?
But that's what they're trying to pull they're trying to put these things in and they're gonna keep trying it and unless people get up and Stand up.
I interviewed a lady last night her son six years old has autism.
This is for the nightly news We interviewed her for about five minutes.
She's putting on an event in Dayton, Ohio and
I tell you, it was really sad.
Her little boy jumped in on camera, cute little kid, but you can tell, like, he is severely damaged.
And she says it was after he got the MMR vaccine, right after that developed autism, and severely limited.
And man, it was just sad to see, when you see the real face of what these parents have to go through.
I mean, being a parent is hard enough when you have kids that have all their faculties.
My 10-year-old makes his own lunch, cooks his own food.
He's super independent.
But it's so hard raising kids.
Can you imagine kids that can't do any of that?
And that's what we're bringing in a world of children that can't do anything for themselves.
One, they're being trained that way.
And two, they're being destroyed by these toxic vaccines.
And you just look at the, here's one of the DTaP vaccine inserts.
I printed it out really big.
And it talks about getting Guillain-Barre, having encephalitis, encephalopathy, and let's just go to the, oh, blood and lymphatic system disorders, cardiac disorders, all these post-marking events that happen after you get the vaccine, and that they're now gonna tell you you have to get more of the Tdap vaccine, and also has aluminum hydroxide as an adjuvant, and polysorbate 80, both of which are known carcinogens, so.
There you go.
That's what they want to do to your kids.
They want to inject that into them.
It boggles my mind that that is the world we're coming into and that more people aren't standing up.
So you need to have events in your area.
You need to get involved.
You need to speak out against what they're trying to do to our children because it is a devastating
It's just devastating.
I almost have no words to describe how I felt last night while I was interviewing this lady and just looking at the face of her son and just seeing that here's a kid who had so much potential and yet it was snuffed out because of a syringe.
Something this big just snuffed out his potential.
It's really sad.
And so that's all really I have to say about that.
Educate yourself before you vaccinate and read the damn insert.
Do we have time for the Bernie Sanders clip with Kit Daniels?
Okay, let's go ahead and go to that.
This is Lou Rockwell on Bernie Sanders.
This should be interesting.
I think a lot of people, they think government's there to protect them, but reality is government's simply a monopoly on the use of force in a given territory, so government, all it's there to do is to not only protect its monopoly, but to expand it.
Well, you only have to look at, you know, every paper you have to sign dealing with the government, there's a threat.
If you don't do what they want, they're going to come and get you, and they have the power to jail you.
IRS, like, envelopes, they send you... Well, you know, a parking ticket.
They have the power to jail you.
If you sufficiently resist, they have the power to kill you.
I mean, this is not a nice organization.
This is a deadly, I would argue, government is mankind's greatest earthly enemy.
And the wars it does, the looting it does, the control, it makes us all much poorer than we would be otherwise.
It hinders the market, hinders parents in their raising of their children, hinders community development, hinders businesses, churches.
We really are a very bad bunch of people.
And we're supposed to think that they're superior to us, they're morally superior, because they're concerned about, well, the public interest, the public good.
Where in our nasty little lives, we're concerned about our private interests.
Because the government has its own interests, which is in power, and growth, money, control.
Their interest, unlike the interest of the butcher, he'd like to sell you more meat.
But you don't have to buy the meat.
The government, you've got to buy the meat, and you don't get the meat.
So it's a bad operation.
So with all that said, what do you say to Bernie Sanders supporters that think that you just get Sanders in office and everything's going to be hunky-dory?
Well, I'd say a lot of these people have very good instincts.
They don't like the crony capitalism.
They don't like the banks.
They don't like Wall Street.
Big investment.
Not just all stocks and bonds, but big investment banks.
Goldman Sachs.
And that's what you're going to get.
You're going to get more of that with Bernie Sanders and all the ring race that want to just say more government.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
So we covered this earlier when Alex popped in to talk about this article.
Ron Paul Cruz, not a libertarian, he's owned by Goldman Sachs and if you scroll down, we got video of him.
Kid Daniels went out to the event at the Mises Institute in Houston and there is the video and you know, Kid Daniels working on a weekend.
All right, there he is asking the question.
He went to the event, asked a question.
That's what you need to be doing out there.
Bring your phone with you and record it and then put it up on YouTube and send us a link.
And that's how the news works in citizen journalism, right, Jakari Jackson, who was a member of the citizen journalism posse before he came here.
Yeah, you just gotta be ready.
You know, you go out to these events and you never know if you'll have a chance to get a question.
But if you do, you know, you have to be ready for it.
You take your camera, you take your phone, you take anything you can so you can get this documented and present that out to the public.
Like what Richard Reeves did to Hillary Clinton.
We have Hillary Clinton gold now floating around this office.
A target of opportunity.
Whether it's that or when David Knight talked to her at the book signing here in Austin.
You just never know, so you have to be ready.
Exactly, exactly.
So what's coming up tonight on the Nightly News?
Well, we will be talking about Hillary because when she says there's a massive white
I think so.
291, the Swedish police covering up thousands of crimes involving the refugees.
That's a Paul Joseph Watson article.
Also, similar to what you were talking about with Kid Daniels article, Kurt Nimmel has an article, the men behind Ted Cruz, neocons, and a CIA propagandist.
And also, we will re-air the Sean Stone interview that Alex Jones did earlier today.
That was a pretty weird interview.
Let me tell you, Sean Stone is out there.
Talking about teleportation and leap portals and
Well, I couldn't believe half of it when I was watching it.
Well, you'll get to see it again.
Oh my gosh.
Tonight you guys have another chance to take a look at it.
It was a really good interview, though.
Alex was asking questions, getting answers.
It was one of those just bam, bam, bam, back and forth, which was a really good interview.
He also interviewed Kathleen Willey, which I thought was, she's a powerful woman.
I never realized she really stepped up and said, no, I'm not going to take it anymore, and got mad as hell.
And that's what we need you to do out there.
Get mad as hell.
Join us in our fight for liberty and freedom.
That's what we're doing here.
We're here because we want to be, but we're here because we have to be, too.
We are going to lose this country and lose our way of life if we just let people like Bernie Sanders get in control, because there ain't gonna be no free college.
Well, that's the thing people need to understand.
It's not us, you know, me, Rob Doo, Alex Jones against the world.
It involves you at home as well.
You can't expect us to do everything because people, you know, they send me stuff.
I'm sure you get more than I do.
Hey, come out to our city council meeting.
Like, bro, you go to your city council meeting with your phone, film it.
And even if the mayor flips you off like they do here in Austin.
Put it up on YouTube, let people see what's going on in your city council.
Or if they say, we're going to get your guns as soon as we get this done, we get that on video.
You know, it's just, you got to be out there and be ready with a camera, ready to go.
That's the only thing.
And you can use their own words against them.
You don't even have to lie or twist it.
This is the city council, or the city councilman at the time in Austin, Texas saying, hey, you keep your sign down there saying stop the gun ban, because we're going to make the sign legitimate here in a second.
And, you know, so that's all I can say.
You gotta just really get off the couch, get off your butt, get active, have events, even if it's three people showing up.
Three people can do a lot.
Three people, I've seen three people, you know, just about move mountains.
If they work together, form a plan, and just go out and do it.
Don't wait for perfection.
It's never gonna be perfect.
So stay tuned for the InfoWars Nightly News tonight.
Jakari Jackson is going to be hosting 7 p.m.
I'm your host Rob Dew.
You've been watching the fourth hour of Overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
That comes on every day Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
and then back on Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
And then we have the Nightly News at 7 p.m.
and sometimes it goes from 7 to 10 30.
Lately, we've been doing a lot of those marathon broadcasts live, making fun of these idiots that want to control you.
Control you, that's what they want.
So get active and get awake!
Alright, we'll see you next time.