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Name: 20160204_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 4, 2016
3369 lines.

This passage summarizes a speech by Louisiana Senator Albert Guillory on why he switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. He criticizes the Democratic Party for moving too far left, not representing basic American values and relying too much on government support for blacks. Instead, he praises the core principles of individual freedom and self-reliance in the Republican Party. Guillory reflects on his decision to switch parties after a racist remark by a Democratic leader and expresses concern about the sickness he believes is present in America.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The first place Obama visited internationally once he was officially president was Cairo, where he gave a speech basically praising the more radical tenets of Islam and enthralling much of the Muslim world because he spoke better than top imams.
It's taken me a while to figure out exactly what's going on here in its full scope but we now have a deep analysis of it.
We're going to go over that today.
What does it mean that he went to this mosque in Baltimore and then spoke out against basically extremism and he's always constantly criticizing Christians and quote Christian extremism on days like Easter and more.
What is the whole point here?
We're going to break that down.
Uh, coming up, and also Joe Biggs is coming in right after the first break.
Associated Press, uh, the police are now reporting they have the witnesses.
It's confirmed that the attackers that came in and struck, of course, uh, and shot up the nightclub were embedded with, quote, immigrants.
We always knew that, but the media lied about it.
Now they're claiming there's a whole bunch of them embedded.
But first, here's a key report with Jakari Jackson on College Keele and their worship of the Byrne.
Last night we saw the results of the Iowa caucus, where Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio came in first, second, and third, respectively.
On the Democratic side, we saw Mrs. Clinton have a very narrow, and many people say debated, victory over Bernie Sanders.
So we're here at the University of Texas, and we're going to find out which of the candidates are best for the people here.
Hey, how you doing, sir?
We're asking people who their favorite presidential candidate is.
Uh, Bernie Sanders.
Right now?
Probably go with Hillary Clinton or Rubio.
Hillary Clinton or Rubio.
Any particular reasons why?
I want someone more towards the center.
Bernie Sanders, for sure, probably.
Okay, so you're feeling the Bern.
Any particular reason?
Probably as a student, all of his policies about tuition-free college.
I don't know if it'll be possible, but it works for me.
Who would pay for the free tuition?
Hopefully the rich people of America.
How's he going to pay for all the free stuff that he's
Suggesting he's going to give.
I think, you know, he's going to try like, you know, obviously, you know, use tax money to pay for it.
Not Donald Trump.
There's my answer.
Why not the Donald?
I just think he's like, not as involved in politics as he should be in order to be our president.
I feel like he's too business minded.
Bernie Sanders.
Any particular reason?
No, I don't really follow politics, really.
I just don't like Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.
How you doing, miss?
We're asking people who their favorite presidential candidate is.
Any particular reasons?
She's a female, and everyone else, I just... I don't know.
She's a female!
I feel out of all the ones that are candidates right now, like she would- Girl power!
Is there any particular policy that you like about her?
Um... No, I guess just that she's a Democrat.
I guess that'd be the only- Democrat moment.
Why not Bernie if she's a Democrat?
No, because she's female, so... Sorry.
Ask her, do you know how to wipe her butt?
That's why.
Anything in particular with Bernie?
Well, I mean, this clear issue of the 1% and the... Clear free goody.
Clear free goody.
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He just seems like a good guy.
You know, he's a socialist, I believe, and I believe in what he stands for.
We had a referendum last year, I don't know if you're aware of it, where Scotland had the opportunity to break free from the United Kingdom, and I was very much in favour of that because we wanted a socialist government.
Let me ask you this, let's say 20 years from now you have that UT education, you have your big career and whatever, and you're doing good, would you be okay paying for somebody else's tuition at that point?
I think it's for the responsibility of the upper class of America to take care of the lower class.
Well there you have it.
The majority of the people we've talked to in the short time we've been here at the University of Texas support the Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
By the way, that report is so scary.
I'm going to play that again with Beggs' report because these people are idiots.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Obama hid Jesus at Catholic University, but allows a lot to be widely displayed during Islamic sinner speech.
So it should be pretty obvious now to everyone at this point in time that President Obama does indeed have a double standard when it comes to religions, especially if it rhymes with Christian.
This article is up at InfoWars.com.
From declaring that the United States is no longer a Christian nation to denying Syrian Christians entry into the country, President Obama's distaste
For the followers of Jesus are as obvious as the nose on your face.
But with less than a year left in his presidency, Obama hasn't given up on dissing Christians at every opportunity.
For example, President Obama gave a speech at a mosque in the Islamic Society of Baltimore on Wednesday.
While standing in front of a glass wall where the word Allah was written 99 times in Arabic calligraphy, the president took a stab at a Republican presidential hopeful, Donald Trump, by stating there was inexcusable anti-Islamic rhetoric in the political sphere.
This has been Joe Bates with InfoWars.com.
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Joe Biggs, my friends, is standing by right now to break down the latest that's in the Associated Press.
Harris, a tax leader, said he entered France in group of 90.
Now, we're going to get back to this in a moment, and it ties into a new report.
German police arrest three Islamist terrorists during raids at buildings, including asylum, seeker centers after tip-off of planned severe acts of terrorism.
They already covered up, of course, the plan to blow up a soccer stadium, football stadium.
This is new breaking today.
And why is this important?
We know at least six of the original nine that they were able to get and kill were asylum seekers that came in through Greece and Italy.
That was in the news days after confirmed their names, photos taken by the Italians and by the Greek police before they were sent on into Europe.
We're going to do a whole report detailing this in The Mountainly News tonight, but we're going to go over it right now as well.
Got a big show lined up, but we're going to start with this right now.
Then we learned that there were dozens and dozens of others all over France, in Belgium.
I sent Joe Biggs and the crew over there.
They would go to areas of Belgium and Paris, where they would go five, six miles in any direction, and no one would let them in the convenience store, in a restaurant, on the street, and then would run out and say, get out of here, you know, infidels, screaming.
Joe Biggs said it was crazier than being in Afghanistan and Iraq.
I mean, it was, get out of here.
But of course, they tell you that there are no no-go zones in Europe, but we have endless footage.
We just played some yesterday of people being beaten up in England for being English and driving through the city.
What are you doing here, you Brit?
Ah, he hit you!
I mean, this is what's going on.
And then we have the Democrats and the Socialists in Europe and here in the U.S.
just saying, bring in Unlimited.
They're not bringing them in from Jordan.
They're not bringing them in from other countries that are Middle Eastern, that are more pro-Western.
They're bringing them in from the most radical areas, and they're Wahhabist.
And you can type in, King of Jordan says the public is ready to revolt over asylum seekers.
They've only taken 5,000.
And Jordan, which is Muslim predominantly, is ready to revolt.
They're the type of Muslims that let their daughters actually go to school and let them out of the house, you know.
You let your cat out, you know, to go out at night or whatever.
Well, I mean, they let their daughters out.
They treat them a lot better.
That's why, of course, the feminists, the liberals hate them and say they're not taking enough in.
Saudi Arabia, that keeps women as actual slaves, hasn't taken one asylum seeker.
So, that's some of the background news on all this, setting the table
For Obama hid Jesus at Catholic University, actually hid it for his speech, hung a drape over it, but allows Allah to be widely displayed during Islamic sinner speech right behind him.
In fact, they added it for the speech.
And remember, when the Iranian Ayatollah visited two weeks ago to Italy, all over the path he drove and the buildings he visited, they covered Roman statues, breasts and genitals.
So the message under political correctness is bend over completely backwards.
For anything Islamic.
Listen, I'm the guy that was against the Iraq war.
I was against it all from day one.
I don't want to have a clash of civilizations.
But the clash is now here and we know the angle of it.
Bring it in and make the West give up its free speech to pacify the Muslims.
I'm not doing it ever.
And people are like, whoa, he is like the last few years on fire against Islam.
Islam, you can debate where it came from, what it stands for, what it does.
It's been taken over by radicals.
Even Louis Faircon agreed with me on that a month ago in an interview.
He said it's a failed religion.
Boy, when the radical Muslims don't have Louis Fairchild anymore, they're not doing too good, are they?
I mean, that's how crazy this is, ladies and gentlemen.
And there have been some good periods in Islam where it was actually a force of good.
I mean, I've had historians on about that, about a 200-year period.
But it did invade Europe before, the Crusades were a response to that, and I'm sick of hearing that the West
Must capitulate to Islam and then Islam combines forces with radical socialists, communists and others who are promoting it to be their foot soldiers in the takeover.
So to detail this, remember.
All the news reports, all the newscasts going, these were Parisians, these were French that did this.
There wasn't one person at the nightclub attack that killed all those people last year.
There wasn't one person that wasn't French.
That way they could say they weren't even Muslims.
Kind of like San Bernardino was workplace violence.
Yeah, so was Pearl Harbor.
So is 9-11, I guess.
And of course, it turned out it was a jihad plan trained in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
So, not one Paris attacker, there it is, has been identified as a Syrian refugee.
See, that's the headline.
They ran that sucker, I've got it on screen, everywhere.
And we were like, day one, going, wait a minute.
The Italian government?
The Greek government?
There it is, London Independent.
Eight terrorist suspects named.
Paris attacks.
Not the folks that were killed, but just who they named.
So far not refugees.
So far are not refugees.
Have no EU passports.
And that was a deliberate demonization campaign of anybody reporting the facts.
It was a deliberate disinformation campaign to steer people away.
It was known day one.
So I sent Joe Biggs and crew
Over there to witness what was really going on in Paris, but also across the border in Brussels, Belgium, and it was a three ring circus.
And we knew immediately that they were infiltrating and asylum seekers.
Now, how do we know that?
Because we're crack reporters or because I even sent folks over to France?
Nine months before the attacks last December, remember there were a bunch of attacks in Europe, not just the one in Paris.
There were more than 15 attacks total in France alone that month.
They got swept under the rug.
Bombings, burnings, shootings.
Only the big event got attention.
Remember what happened?
It was in the Associated Press, it was in Reuters, it was all over the news at the time.
ISIS pledges to send 500,000 refugees to Europe as part of invasion plan and promised to implant terrorists within it.
You can pull those headlines up, just type in ISIS promised 500,000 migrant wave and I guess they quadrupled down because millions came in.
More than 2 million last year, not 500,000.
There it is, Daily Mail.
ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe as a psychological weapon in chilling echo of Gaddafi's prophecy that the Mediterranean will become a sea of chaos.
And that was from February 2015, as I just said, nine months before the attacks.
Now my memory served correctly right there.
And it does about 95% of the time.
That's why I just say stuff and they check it.
As I've gotten older and more stressed, it used to be almost 100% accurate.
It's failing some.
So you gotta double check what I say.
But they just did it and I was exactly right there.
I messed up some gun statistics the other day, but I was still overall generally right.
And I'm going to go back over that soon with a clarification.
But the point is, gun crime's been going way down, and most of it's suicide, and it's a huge red herring that guns are the big threat in this country.
But I digress.
Joe Biggs is here for this segment and the next, then big Trump insider, Shadow.
Pretty much campaign head advisors joining us, Roger Stone, a flotilla of other guests, a Democratic senator that has switched over to be a Republican joining us, just a lot more coming up today.
But Joe Biggs, the frustration to have ISIS say we're infiltrating in the migrants,
To have their imams say, we're going to rape your women and take over with a sexual jihad all over the news.
To have them say what they're going to do, watch it happen, go over there, prove it, and still have media go, there were no Muslims in the Paris attacks.
There were no Muslims in San Bernardino.
It's workplace violence.
I mean, I pretty much heard that from the Austin police chief, who's a nice guy, yesterday again.
I mean, it's political correctness.
They feel like if they don't say this, he's racist.
I have to note, Arte Saavedra is pretty conservative, you know, behind closed doors.
But, you know, even he goes along with this.
It gets crazier and crazier.
And now, we'll get into this new report from the Associated Press and the French police where the truth is coming out big time, Joe Biggs.
Well, exactly.
The woman who tipped police of the Islamic State commander of the November 13th attacks in Paris says that he entered the Paris region with a multinational group of people over 90.
So that's 90 people that came in.
There was only a few attackers that were involved with that actual attack at the Bataclan Theater and other places right down the road from the Charlie Hebdo attacks just months later.
And then, you know, like you said, we even have a president that is coming out and
We're good to go.
Who said that the reason those attacks happened was simply because of the open border situation and that the ISIS militants were going to use that refugee crisis as a way to exploit that open border, use fake passports, come in and carry out attacks.
And yet we're told every day to be loving and accepting of this entire thing.
I mean, it's completely and totally ridiculous.
It's a total example of PSYOP that we're being overrun, we're being attacked, they're attacking women.
It's total Stone Age totalitarianism and then we're told we're bad if we don't accept it and then change our free speech and our rights for this radical version of Islam that's taking over Islam itself.
And what I don't understand, there's a guy who actually promotes rape.
He's actually going to be in Texas here in the next few days holding a meet-up group where he can talk about pro-rape agendas and things like that.
And I want you to go confront him.
I know you're already planning on it.
And that's bad.
And the people are mad about that.
But it's okay if we allow these migrants to come over.
We've seen the video footage over in Europe where they are raping women down in subway areas.
Well, they're now saying it's their culture to grab your nine-year-old daughter off the street.
So the police are saying, just keep your nine-year-olds in.
They actually say this.
Well, they're teaching women to use the force to push these attackers away.
By the way, since I mentioned that, it sounds so insane.
Will you guys re-pull Paul's article from yesterday and have that video ready?
It links to mainstream news in Europe saying don't just vomit or urinate on a man trying to rape you like they teach in the U.S.
instead of just pulling out a .357 Magnum.
No, no.
Use force beams.
Bizarre video.
Use the force to stop rape.
I guess do a ghost dance, too.
That'll bring back your freedom as well.
Stay with us, Joe Biggs.
We're going to break it all down straight ahead.
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So, about four million, quote, refugees that the French and German and other governments admit to, it's probably twice that, generally is, have been brought in just last year alone.
It was about half that number the year before, and similar the year before.
So we're talking six, seven, eight million
They claim that 30-something, then 40-something, then 50-something total Syrian refugees have been brought into Texas, but they won't tell the governor where or when in the last year.
All I know is there's 321 listed on the Anderson High School website, my alma mater, in North Austin, and Jakari Jackson went over there a month and a half ago.
Reportedly now there's hundreds more there, but that hasn't been put on their website yet.
But they give demographics on the AISD website.
We went and checked.
The average high school has over 200 from Syria, Libya, or other areas of North Africa right now.
And these aren't the people that the Al-Qaeda folks invaded.
These are the Al-Qaeda folks now, after they've done looting a lot of them, are now coming here.
Some are legitimate refugees, but a lot of them aren't.
That's what ISIS promised to do in videos and press releases in February of 2015.
Now, by November and December, we saw attacks all over Europe.
But they've also been directed to rape the infidels, and it translates out to a nasty word that they use in South Africa today against black people.
For some reason, it's the same word.
I'm not going to use it.
It's like the N-word.
And the point is, but it begins with a K.
Or you could also use a C. The point is, is that the killing of blacks, the raping of women, because according to the Wahhabis, blacks are cursed slaves.
Well, the passages call them really racist names.
Raising head, things like that.
It's very evil stuff.
And you have to understand, folks, they're not just sexist.
They're very, very racist.
And it's out of control, and Joe Biggs was on Iraq several tours, Afghanistan several tours, went up against this, and he was telling me what he saw in Europe was scarier than what he saw over there on average, the concentration of the loons.
Because there are a lot of folks in these Arab countries and Muslim countries that don't like what's going on and like America, like the West, but it seems like you've got to be an anti-Western scumbag to be let in.
So Joe Biggs getting into the article itself
AP, the ringleader, and now 90 people entering France that they haven't caught yet, admitting that they came in as refugees.
We've always known this, but why would it suddenly be in the AP, Joe?
Well, so what happened is the attacker entered the Paris region among a multinational group of 90 extremists that's still scattered in the area.
Now, in an interview aired Thursday by RMC television and confirmed by her lawyer, the woman identified only as Sonia said, Abdullah Hamid Aboud,
Was proud of the attack that killed over 130 people in Paris.
You know, there was a lot that happened in the Bataclan theater.
They stormed in shooting people.
There was an American band, Eagles of Death Metal, that was playing.
But these were white privileged folks.
They deserved it, right?
Oh yeah, of course, apparently.
Sonia was with Abu's female cousin when they picked him up from a deserted stretch of road.
I don't know.
There was only a few people involved in that attack.
There's still tons more that are in that area waiting.
Now she said he told her he had entered France without documents among a group of the 90 that included both Europeans and Arabs.
So there, you know that it's not just Europeans, it's not just French, there are Arabs coming from outside of that area into that area.
And they were using that refugee crisis, they were using fake passports.
We've seen those reports as well.
And we've known this since day one.
I mean, ISIS said this was their plan.
They've done it.
But they play down the numbers.
It's like these Air Force bases.
I have mainstream articles going, it appears thousands are being brought into the airbase outside of San Francisco, but we will not be given the details.
We've been asking for months.
And there's just hundreds every few days arriving.
They bring them in.
If it's 300 and something at the high school that I went to in just the last year,
But they say it's only 50-something in the whole state of Texas.
How big do you think the numbers really are, Joe?
I mean, you gotta look at it this way.
Every time I fly, I fly, I spent three days here last week.
Every time I go through security, I'm patted down, I'm harassed, my bags have to be gone through.
But we're getting reports out of JFK or whatever up in New York where they're just letting people out.
You're letting them fly through without any kind of documentation.
Oh, that's confirmed.
Plane load after plane load after plane load.
Just landing from anywhere.
You say, you just walk on through.
So without documentation, how can we really tell how bad it truly is?
And that's the big secret here.
Leave us alone then, okay?
Don't try to grope my children or me when I fly, when they know full well who I am.
They'll even say, oh hi Alex, and then go grope me and pull, dig, what's this?
It's a camera, moron!
You've got my ID, you ran me through a database, I have no criminal record, I'm not calling for violence, leave me alone!
It came out five years ago.
Well, you know what?
They let the Saudi Arabians through without messing with their hoods.
I want you to finish up on this, Joe.
Bottom line, what you think's going on.
When we come back, we're segwaying straight to our guest, Roger Stone, the huge Trump insider.
We're on the march.
Stay with us.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I can't believe Bill Clinton has the nerve to campaign for Hillary.
I can't believe he's still going out there and showing his face.
Article up at Infowars.com.
Paula Jones, who once sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, tells Inside Edition how furious she is to see the former president campaigning for his wife.
Hold on, Paula.
You're mad at Bill Clinton for campaigning for his wife, but you're not mad at Hillary Clinton, who allowed people to dine Benghazi.
You're not mad at the fact that there is a person who's being investigated by the FBI running for president, and guess what?
She helped cover up what Bill did to you.
But you're okay with her running, but you're not okay with him being there.
That makes a lot of sense.
I can't believe he's got the nerve to do it.
Jones, a former Arkansas state employee, made headlines in 94.
When she accused Clinton of propositioning her and exposing himself, Clinton reportedly paid her $850,000 in an out-of-court settlement, although Jones says she only walked away with $151,000 after paying lawyer fees.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
We are...
Messing around with Mr. Stone's Skype right now.
I may get a phone.
Going back to him here in about four or five minutes.
Big Trump insider to break down the latest on the establishment's campaign to torpedo Donald Trump.
It has never been more blaringly obvious the establishment is scared to death.
As white as a sheet of the great orange pumpkin king, Donald Trump.
Who does have the eye of the tiger.
That's why he's orange.
Big ol' tiger, folks.
Joe Biggs is here.
Really serious news.
He's going to finish up with Paris attackers.
Leader said he entered France in group of 90 Associated Press.
Confirming everything we've said, what ISIS said.
It's just a fact.
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Now, before we go to Roger Stone, the big Trump insider, formerly the head of his campaign.
To break down the inside baseball of what's going on.
I don't really need too much inside baseball to know what's going on.
Now Mark O. Rubio has surged to number two in New Hampshire from nowhere.
Now, magically, Cruz is in trouble.
They want to get rid of Cruz and Trump, folks.
And Cruz played that dirty trick with the whole Ben Carson deal.
We're going to be breaking it all down, coming up with Mr. Stone here in a moment.
But going back to Joe Biggs, again, I cannot make a big enough deal about this.
I was already planning to have you in today.
I'm glad when I got here, you were saying, hey, look, Associated Press, 90 sleeper cell folks came in with this
individual that commanded the Paris attacks who himself was a foreigner of course they're all foreigners how dare them set up and say the French did this or the Germans did this or it's German men groping and raping women and pooping in the pool when you look at all the videos it's a bunch of out-of-control frothing jihadis that would have just been street gangs killing their own people months before
And we're supposed to be accepting that.
And we're supposed to sit here and watch what's happening over in Europe, and then allow that to happen here without saying anything.
Like you said, we're supposed to just bend over backwards for what is going on, and just allow it to happen.
Or literally bend over.
Yeah, exactly.
And if we get on social media, you know, Mark Zuckerberg, Angela Merkel linked up together talking about how they want to ban any kind of anti-Islamic speech or anything like that.
But now you have, in Daily Mail, German police arrest three Islamist terrorists during raids at buildings, including asylum seeker centers, after tip-off of planned severe attacks of violence.
Continue to happen is continuing to happen.
They said over 450 officers in raids across Germany We're hunting for Algerians linked to Isis a woman and two Algerian men have been taken into custody One man arrested was wanted for training at an Isis terror camp in Syria But we're supposed to ignore that pretend like it's not happening cover up Jesus and
Just not even question the fact that our president is going to mosques, giving speeches, denying Christianity, you know, and promoting... Well, on Easter he gets up and did a speech criticizing radical Christians.
We even put a compilation together, like, before Christmas, any Christian holiday, he bad-mouths Christians.
What is the agenda?
I mean, this is insane.
You know, what's happening?
You know, scratch a... what is it?
Scratch a... scratch a lie, find a thief.
You know, we're finding out who this man really is.
I do believe he is a Muslim.
And he is trying to push that stuff.
I don't think it's any other thing than that.
He is a Muslim and he is a Wahhabist who is funding a Jihad, not just against Christians, but against other Muslim groups.
So even if he's not physically a Muslim, he might as well be because he's helping radical Islam engage in mass murder.
Look at Syria.
I mean, he aids and abets him.
I mean, he's dropping off...
We're good to go.
Our government is run by criminals.
Obama is aiding and abetting ISIS, and the only candidate really talking about that now is Donald Trump.
Thank you, Joe Biggs.
Thank you.
That is Joe Biggs, former Staff Sergeant, highly decorated U.S.
Army, and we point that out when he gets into ISIS and al-Qaeda because he is a ground-level expert on it, to again report on what's happening and unfolding.
Now we are joined by the man that formerly headed up the strategy for Donald Trump's campaign.
He's a best-selling author, researcher.
We sell many of his books at Infowarsstore.com for many years.
But his latest book deals with the sex crimes of Bill Clinton and how his wife Hillary has been defending those.
He's got a new book coming out on the Bushes as well.
But before we get to that, he's also been exposing Ted Cruz, and we saw a dirty trick
With Ted Cruz the other night, undoubtedly his campaign, repeatedly tweeting that Ben Carson had quit, leaving off the end part of CNN, quit that night and gone home, hadn't quit the campaign trail, to try to get folks obviously to swing over to
The Cruz campaign.
But getting away from that, I want him to give us his breakdown of that.
Going to New Hampshire, we see Marco Rubio suddenly surging because all the media says is Rubio surging, Rubio surging, Fox, CNN, MSNBC.
Is that to cover up electioneering, staging elections, or is that to create kind of a perception that he's winning?
I don't
Something like a Karl Rove or a David Gergen in my view.
And so that's obviously why he's one of the top advisors to Donald Trump.
And he backs Trump because he believes he's the only prurienti establishment candidate.
If you see the demonization, if you see Davos attacking Trump, the Bilderberg Group attacking Trump, the editor of the Financial Times of London saying anybody but Trump, and their money going against Trump, how could you not support Trump, but separate from that?
Now, Hillary and what's happening with her.
So much to go over in just the 15 minutes or so that we have with Roger Stone of StoneZone.com.
Roger, I know you're a very, very busy man.
Thank you for coming on with us today.
Alex, I'm always honored to be with you because you cut right through the BS and you get right to the important stuff.
And let's face it, there's a lot going on today.
Well, you heard me throw out a few of the pieces.
What's most important?
What should we focus on first?
Well, I do think that Trump is on to something here.
What was done to him in Iowa is insidious.
Look, dirty tricks are something I know a little bit about, and this is a little more precision than people realize.
The Cruz people willfully planted a story on CNN, on MSNBC, that Ben Carson was getting out of the race.
Prior to that, they had prepared, through an enormously expensive targeting and voter identification program, a list of the phone numbers and emails of those who were for Carson.
Those people were then contacted in the hours before the caucus and told, CNN has reported Carson is getting out, switch your vote to Cruz.
Now, just a shift of three votes per precinct
From Carson to Cruz would have cheated Donald Trump out of his first place finish, which is precisely what I think happened.
Now, the other thing I learned after enormous examination
Was how underprepared the Trump campaign was on the ground in Iowa.
In all honesty, they ran a third-rate campaign.
They did not have the kind of infrastructure and financing that they needed to identify and target their votes.
Trump's incredible showing in Iowa, despite those two disadvantages, shows me again that there's something spontaneous and natural and real about the Trump phenomenon.
I agree.
This is a giant dude.
Because despite dirty tricks, despite no ground game, despite having a campaign team that, you know, isn't as professional as some, he still came in a dominant second.
Should have been a huge landslide first place.
Yes, I think that's a very good recap.
So it speaks to the inherent strength of Trump.
Now, historically, let's look at this.
Ronald Reagan skipped the last debate in Iowa.
It was very controversial.
He was criticized for it.
He bounced back in New Hampshire.
He then won South Carolina, which was, by the way, moved to the Saturday before the other Southern primaries by some of my colleagues and I.
And then he won South Carolina, meaning he was set up to sweep the South, the nomination, and the presidency.
History can repeat itself here.
Trump can win in New Hampshire.
I wish that he were there instead of South Carolina and Arkansas this week.
I don't call those shots.
But he does still have a strong lead.
Here's what's most interesting.
The guy crawling up his back
According to an unaligned but very reliable pollster that I just hung up with, one of the giants in Republican politics, a guy who has no axe to grind, tells me Trump is still number one in New Hampshire, but Rubio is indeed moving up fast.
Based, as you said, on the reports in the media that he's moving up fast.
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy here.
But the order of finish right now, if it were held today in New Hampshire, would be Trump first, Rubio second, and Cruz a distant third, with Ben Carson then fourth.
So Rubio's the man to watch.
The Carson candidacy, pardon me, the Cruz candidacy, in my opinion, Alex, has reached its high watermark in Iowa.
How big a game changer was it that he pulled that dirty trick and that it's done so so slickly where they take the front part of a CNN report, cut the end off, clearly had it all pre-planned when they got attacked to then come out and claim it was all a misunderstanding.
They covered their tracks a little too cleanly.
It's a little too open and shut.
It's blaring what they did when you read the five or six tweets and statements.
Yeah, look, did it shift three votes per precinct?
It very well may have.
At a minimum, though, it has negated his victory.
He has had no bump.
Ted Cruz has gotten no bump in the polls in New Hampshire.
I think his victory has now been sully.
Is Iowa going to have a do-over?
Is there going to be a lawsuit?
But Cruz doesn't get the momentum out of this that might normally be expected because of the circumstances of this revealed dirty trick.
Again, the establishment is rallying around Rubio.
Chris Christie, John Kasich, and the worst of all, Jeb Bush.
These candidacies are moribund.
They're done.
Rubio is where the establishment is putting their money, where they're putting their oomph.
And frankly, at this point, he is the man for Donald Trump to be.
Well, one more thing I like about Donald Trump is he's smart, his crew's smart, you're smart.
If you guys wanted to run this type of classical dirty trick, you probably could have done this and gotten a bunch of Carson votes, but you didn't do it.
And so, plus I'm seeing these ads, Trump talked about this, where Trump wants your guns or Trump is for Obamacare or
When everybody knows he's been against Obamacare from the start.
I mean, they're really pulling out the lies right now.
And that segues into, once you speak to that, sir, I think more than just push polling we know is happening in New Hampshire, more than just the self-fulfilling prophecy of Marco Rubio surging, Marco Rubio surging every channel.
He gets the establishment money, Microsoft backing him, Goldman Sachs, all the usual players.
Is that they may be getting ready to pull some hanky-panky in New Hampshire and are just trying to sell the public that Rubio comes from nowhere and maybe even beats Trump or he comes in second as they're now saying in many polls coming out today and so they can then position him as the new leader to try to destroy Trump.
So obviously he's the guy to take down and he's so easy to take down because this guy is about as conservative as Hillary Clinton when you really get to his whole history and his whole past.
I mean I am just
Marco Rubio is just a piece of work, so that's quite a mouthful, but what do you say to that, sir?
Well, I think you've got it exactly right.
Look, the Rubio people haven't been shy about this.
Their strategy has always been 3-2-1.
Third place in Iowa, second place in New Hampshire, first place in South Carolina.
They've revealed their game plan.
And they're well positioned right now to pull that off.
I don't want to undersell Marco Rubio in terms of talent.
He is a very capable salesman and he puts the best face on being a neocon, being a warmonger that I've ever seen.
He makes you feel patriotic about the fact that we should go off and march off and send men and women to war in countries where we have no inherent interest and it's really just being done to feed the munitions manufacturers.
But he puts a very compelling face on it.
Don't underestimate this guy.
He's far more dangerous than, say, Jeb Bush, because he's far more compelling.
But I don't think his rise in New Hampshire is artificial.
It's real.
He is coalescing the establishment people, the establishment Republican voters who like things just the way they are today, who would be happier with a Republican Congress and a President Hillary Clinton if the alternative is Donald Trump.
You put your finger on it, Alex.
The folks at Davos, the people on Wall Street, the lobbyist consulting class in Washington, they are wetting their pants about the idea of a reform presidency under Donald Trump.
Oh my God, a guy we can't buy, a guy we can't bully, a guy who suspects the truth about 9-11, a guy who is going to call fraud on all of the machinations of the political establishment.
He really could be a revolutionary figure and he has scared the daylights out of the insiders.
There's the headline, Top Bilderberg, Global Elite, Must Stop Donald Trump.
And that is the Financial Times of London's editor, who is basically their mouthpiece, a guy that calls for totalitarian world government in articles like And Now For World Government.
But it's not just hype.
I mean, you've got Barry Goldwater.
I think that's Barry Goldwater in that painting behind you, don't you?
Yes, indeed.
Now, folks that don't know who he was, who were younger, don't follow politics, he was the proto-Ron Paul.
I mean, would have made an amazing president, and free market type guy, the whole nine yards, spoke out against the Trilateral Commission, the plan to take over America, the globalists.
Really, Reagan was kind of, I would say, his protege to a great extent.
That's whose knee he sat at.
And they sold it because Goldwater was against all these wars and garbage, a true Republican, a true constitutionalist in George Washington, that he was going to start a nuclear war and the big mushroom cloud and kill everybody.
And that's exactly what they say with Trump.
He'll cause a big disaster.
He's a big warmonger when he's against all these different wars.
So it's an inversion of reality.
What do we do?
Because obviously, I don't think he's really slipped since what happened in Iowa, but it could, in some people's brain, with this talking point, his infallibility, his invincibility aura shield is down.
It's down.
He's falling, he's falling.
Rubio, Rubio, Rubio's rising.
I mean, like it's a horse race.
This isn't a horse race.
How do we make sure this doesn't happen?
Point out that Rubio looks like he's too young, they're letting him come in, he's got a bunch of dirt in his closet, and he's designed to fall to Hillary?
Because folks,
I'm no top expert like you, but I've been watching this stuff for 30 years on air for 20, Mr. Stone, and to me, if you put Rubio in, he is going to make sure Hillary wins one way or another, probably a ringer, and everybody deserves what they get then, because we're not going to have separation of powers with Hillary.
She's going to go for broke and take over.
I know I'm ranting.
Am I wrong or am I right?
I think you're right.
Look, I think the easiest way to address the question of Marco Rubio vis-a-vis Donald Trump is to point out that Rubio is funded by a cabal of Wall Street billionaires.
Paul Singer, Sheldon Adelson, the Koch brothers, and billionaire car dealer Norman Brayman.
Marco's wife is on Brayman's payroll in what I suspect is a no-show job.
Marco does not have the independence that it would take to bring the fundamental reform that America needs to save ourselves.
So he's a quizling.
He's a very talented guy.
By the way, he's a very nice fellow.
I was in the green room at Fox with him last week.
He was very cordial.
We're both Floridians.
I voted for him.
In his race against Charlie Chris, who was a rhino, who was at that time a Republican in name only.
But Marco Rubio doesn't have the experience, doesn't have the seasoning, doesn't have the executive ability of a Donald Trump.
Trump is a guy who's built a multi-billion dollar business.
When you see Rubio give these speeches, they're exactly cadenced like a 10-year-old at a school play who's memorized it.
Reminds me of my 11-year-old daughter at a school play.
She does a great job, but it's memorized.
I mean, I'm not being mean.
He just comes off as amateurish.
He's not going to become the president, folks.
If you don't vote for Trump in New Hampshire and in South Carolina, it's a vote for Hillary Clinton.
So all you fake Republicans out there, if you don't do this, you're the morons.
Look, I totally agree.
Trump's problem here is a fundamental one, and that is before he can dispatch Marco Rubio, he must first dispose of Ted Cruz.
Ted Cruz, at this point, has no prospect of being the nominee.
And although I have to admit, I was initially very impressed with Ted and his current rhetoric and his brief record in the U.S.
Senate, when I dug in further, everything I found was troubling.
He was a top issue advisor to George W. Bush.
It was Ted Cruz who recruited John Roberts to the Bush team.
John Roberts, as Supreme Court Justice, would ultimately get us to Obamacare.
Ted went to Harvard and Princeton.
Not many conservatives coming out of there.
I'm just saying, as he would say.
His wife, Heidi,
Deputy NSC Director to Condoleezza Rice.
Then, Deputy U.S.
Trade Representative to Robert Zoellick, where she worked on our current China trade policy.
By the way, Alex, those things are airbrushed out of her wiki biography like they never happened.
Then she goes on to work for Goldman Sachs.
And it turns out that the, that the Cruzes have a secret sweetheart loan from Goldman Sachs to finance his Senate race.
And then Ted lies and says, no, no, the money to finance my Senate race came from my wife cashing out her retirement.
But there was no cash out of her retirement.
Turns out it's a loan.
Now we learned that Heidi Cruz is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, where she worked on some of their crazy, lefty, one-world government schemes.
Bottom line, I just don't trust Ted Cruz.
I don't really believe that he's a conservative.
I think he's a self-styled Trojan horse with a very short record as a conservative to position him solely for this race.
He is an insider acting like an outsider.
So he could be the ultimate sleeper operative?
I think he's the Canadian Manchurian candidate.
He's in this race right now to draw votes from Donald Trump so that Donald Trump can fall to Marco Rubio.
It's a one-two play.
I'm sorry, I just don't buy the idea that Ted Cruz is committed to the Liberty Agenda.
He's committed to the CFR agenda.
To the Goldman Sachs agenda.
What do we do then?
I mean, look, obviously we get your book.
Put that on screen.
We sell it.
We bought a bunch of them.
They're selling out.
Jeb and the Bush crime family.
It's now available.
But we also have his book on the Clinton's war on women.
Give this to these women we talked to that say, I'm voting for her.
She's a woman.
It's going to be a war, folks, to get the information out.
Get out there.
Vote in these primaries.
Speak out.
Trump is still the leader.
But the brainwashing has gone into high gear.
He's got to win New Hampshire big.
You've got to talk to folks in that state and just say, look, the whole establishment's against Trump.
It's real.
It's not rhetoric.
The money's against him.
You're idiots if you don't support Trump.
It's so obvious.
Some people, a minority of them, say, Alex, you never endorse candidates.
You know, why are you just
Let me lay this out for you.
I really believe
That Hillary Clinton can be defeated.
But she cannot be defeated the way, say, John McCain took on Barack Obama.
Traveling all over the United States talking about what a great guy and what a great senator Barack Obama was.
To beat Hillary, you gotta get right up in her grill.
You have to destroy her.
With her role as an accessory after the fact in threatening and intimidating and bullying Bill's sexual assault victims.
You have to get right up in her grill on her disastrous tenure as Secretary of State where she is in essence functioned as an operative for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Betraying our allies in the Middle East and setting up our enemies.
And then lastly,
You have to go after the epic corruption of the Clinton Foundation.
Now, Donald Trump is uniquely positioned to do that.
Because he gave $125,000 to the Clinton Foundation, believing that he was giving to a charity.
He didn't know they were going to steal.
Mr. Stone, I know you've got to go soon.
70-second break.
Come back for five minutes and finish up if you can.
Stay with us, folks.
Second hour straight ahead on Alex Jones.
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Ladies and gentlemen, if I was a sociopath, or a psychopath, I would be trying to get Hillary Clinton elected.
I would not be actually opposing her with everything I've got, even risking my life and having top whistleblowers on routinely.
And having the Justice Department snooping around my life.
And the IRS harassing people.
But I do it because I care about my family.
And if Hillary got elected, that'll make talk radio and what libertarian conservatives do even bigger.
But the country's gonna die.
There isn't much time left, just like that great article in Politico, you know, how Donald Trump did it, I think was the headline, and he was really planning, agonizing, it's got Roger Stone in it, you know, debating, you know, when he should get in the race, when he shouldn't.
There he is, you know, really deciding, hey, I can't let him destroy this country.
Does that mean Trump's perfect?
The point is, he's not owned by them, and they're scared.
And it just comes down to that.
And I can tell you're really engaged in this as well, Mr. Stone.
So closing points on what we do to make sure he wins and what we do to stop the dirty tricks, what we do to make sure he dominates so that he can destroy Hillary Clinton in the upcoming election.
Yeah, I mean, sadly, if the party nominates either Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, neither one of them will engage Hillary on the issues in which she's engaged.
You know, just weeks ago, she tried to play the gender card and Donald Trump jammed it right back down her throat.
No, Hillary, you're not an advocate for women.
You're an abuser of women.
You have terrified and terrorized and bullied women who have gotten in the way of your and your husband's rise to power.
Only Trump will take that fight to her.
The others will fold.
Even Rand Paul, who I like, tossed this softball in the last debate.
Took a total pass, let it go right over the plate.
Softballs are the way to lose.
Notice when Trump hammered her with a, you don't want to go there Hillary, with all your defending Bill the abuser, it's disgusting, that's his quote, she shut up so quick and that bully put her tail between her legs.
Yeah, and now she says she's not going to respond to any of these charges, which by the way won't work, because I'm convinced that Hillary's victims
Very brave and courageous women like Juanita Broderick, Kathleen Willey, Sally Miller, Paula Jones.
You're going to see them all over television this fall if Donald Trump is the nominee.
You're going to see them speaking out specifically about what happened to them at the hands of Bill and then at the hands of Hillary.
Only Trump can spearhead an effort to take her on frontally.
These other candidates, their job is to lose.
And then the Congressional Republicans go back to a cozy relationship with the Democratic president, and this country goes down the drain.
And they blame the takeover agenda on the Democrats, which they've worked with.
We've got a minute and a half left.
I want to talk about both your books, InfoWarsTore.com, Exposing the Bushes and the Clintons.
Everybody's got to get these and get them out to the people you know that are undecided.
But in closing,
Predictions so far, if Trump continues on his course, how does this break out in the upcoming primaries in New Hampshire, in South Carolina, and other areas?
Well, here is the good news.
Look, I've been a critic of Trump's campaign in Iowa.
I've also been the biggest booster of Trump's candidacy on television.
You'll see me again this weekend on CNN with Mike Smirconish on Saturday morning, on Fox,
Yeah, why doesn't Trump bring you back to head stuff up right now?
My God.
Because every time he follows your strategy, he wins.
Well, Trump is his own strategist, and you really can't argue with it.
He's gotten himself as far as he has.
I frankly think I can do more good from the outside, appearing on programs like this, and telling folks what's really going on.
Sure, so tell us what happens in 60 seconds.
Very simple.
Here's the good news.
Donald Trump's organization in South Carolina is second to none.
He has the very best people in the business there and they know what they're doing.
They are superbly well organized and they have developed their own targeting and voter profiling information.
So if Trump can win New Hampshire, he is poised to win big in South Carolina, which I, by the way, predict will be a face-off with Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz will be an afterthought.
If he wins South Carolina, and he will, he is then poised to sweep the South and he will be the nominee.
Whole new ballgame.
It will be the worst day in the life
Hillary and Bill Clinton.
I think so.
But the followers of Jesus are as obvious as a nose on your face.
But with less than a year left in his presidency, Obama hasn't given up on dissing Christians at every opportunity.
For example, President Obama gave a speech at a mosque in the Islamic Society of Baltimore on Wednesday.
While standing in front of a glass wall where the word Allah was written 99 times in Arabic calligraphy, the president took a stab at a Republican presidential hopeful, Donald Trump, by stating there was inexcusable anti-Islamic rhetoric in the political sphere.
This has been Joe Bez with InfoWars.com
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, you have the former top Clinton insider who ran their campaigns gubernatorially and then got out once he was president because of the crimes they were committing, Larry Nichols.
And by the way, Larry didn't even want us to show him on camera.
He was aiming at the top of his head.
He's always asking me, you know, not to get into the details of what he's going through medically.
But he is battling very, very serious cancer.
And he's got a tracheotomy in right now, and he wanted to cover it up, how he's talking, and didn't want to show the bottom of his face.
And I said, look, Larry,
People need to know how sick you are while you're battling this.
He's having surgery constantly.
He's in the hospital.
Sometimes he can't come on because he's in such bad shape.
He knows, though, they can also sneak in the hospital and kill him.
So he doesn't want to talk about the fact of how sick he is.
But if they're going to do that, it's known how sick he is to begin with.
But he is knocking on heaven's door, in my opinion.
And I know the look of somebody that's fighting for their life, looking at him on Skype a minute ago.
He just had to go to the bathroom, too.
He's so sick.
So we're waiting.
We can do a shot for TV viewers right now.
We're waiting for Nichols, who's there at his couch by his bed, fighting the Clintons that hard.
And he was a Green Beret in special operations, in black ops all over the world, when he got hired in for the Clintons to be basically his dirty tricks operative.
And he knows physically where the bodies are buried.
Hadn't told me where they are, but I mean, that's why he's still alive.
They really fear him.
And we just hope, and he hopes, he can stay around through this election.
And that said, the guy lost everything.
He didn't even ask me to do this today.
Can't get business or anything doing all this.
The medical bills, you name it.
I'm going to put up his P.O.
box right now.
NicholsLive at AOL.com.
And really, most of his problems is the guy, last time I talked to him, was selling his furniture.
We even went up there to interview him in Arkansas, selling his furniture to pay for his medical bills, battling lung cancer, folks.
NicholsLive at AOL.com.
And right now, this is the big secret.
He's already signed his Do Not Resuscitate orders.
He's just trying to stay alive through pure will to try to defeat the globalists in this election.
So let's put it back on screen for folks to support him right now.
NicholsLive at AOL.com.
And Larry, I want to add you spilled the beans because I'm not going to sit here.
I got a tracheotomy in your neck and the whole thing and cover it up and not explain to people how sick you are while you're doing this.
And sometimes you've had to be on the phone because you have to crawl over.
Some of these shows in your bed, but let's put it back on screen for TV viewers and radio listeners.
Nichols Live, one word, Nichols Live, at AOL.com on PayPal.
And then Larry Nichols, 58, Kingsington Drive, Conway, Arkansas, 72034.
That said, it's because people that tell the truth need to be supported.
We were just talking to one of the famous women that Clinton settled with over rape.
And she wasn't even asking for help.
I had just heard through insiders that they've been messing with her, having people harass her, trying to take her house.
They come after you, folks.
And everybody goes, well, we better just shut up and not fight the establishment.
That's how we got here.
They come after your name, your treasure, your family, your health, everything.
That's why almost every guest I have on, I'm like, hey, get their book, get their video, support them.
The Clintons, when it came out in the secret documents,
I don't know.
It is.
How they were going to shut down the media, how they were going to take over, how they'd call anybody a conspiracy theorist that criticized them for crimes, and how they couldn't allow any media, liberal or conservative, to develop that they didn't control, and it was them threatening ABC, CBS, NBC, you name it, in 1993, as soon as they got in the White House.
And man, you see those talking points?
You see the media following them today.
So, that's what happens.
They come after you.
And the problem is, so many people stood up now that it's like the waves used to be so big because there were so few, it'd crush you.
Now, have the waves gotten smaller or has liberty gotten bigger?
The wave's still hitting us in the chest.
There's a lot of them.
But there's people that were there at first, like Nichols, that is under the water, folks.
So that's why we need to support these people.
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Now, that said, it's important to support our frontline guests that are such activists for liberty and risk their lives.
It's just as important to support InfoWars.
It's just as important to support the sponsors of GCNLive.com.
But it's even more important that you spread the word about the broadcast, that you pray for those that are on the broadcast.
We need those prayers, folks.
We need God's providence.
And that you also support our local AM and FM affiliates.
They're sponsors.
Become a sponsor.
Or just make a donation to that station.
Buy them a billboard.
Just get it done.
Now's the time for the maximum effort.
All right, I don't normally start plugging at the start of an hour, but I wanted to talk about Larry.
When he's going through, I'd really like to talk about his own physical issues, and maybe before you go, you'll go ahead and let us know.
We got you till about 40 after, then I'm gonna blitzkrieg through economic news, election news, military news.
We haven't covered yet, Obama in the mosque, totally sickening.
He literally, when he goes to a church, has them cover up Christ with a hood, like he's being abducted.
But here they hung up the name of Allah a hundred times behind him.
Again, it's a rubbing it in the face.
And he criticized Christians and hate speech while he was there.
Just like he does on Easter.
Just like he does on Christmas.
I mean, it's crazy.
But we're going to get into that later.
I know you've got your latest intel from your sources.
You bet, Alex.
Thank you.
Thanks for having me.
Oh, hell, it's just a mess.
Let's don't worry with it.
It's uh, it's something I'll fight through because Alex, this is the last chance we get to try to do anything to save this country.
And to be quite honest, it's now or never.
And as you saw in the Iowa caucus, uh, Cruz has taken several of the plays out of the playbook for the Clintons.
Dirty tricks.
And, uh,
I'd like to tell you about something that's going on, if I may, which is a little bit out of the Clinton world, but I got some news about the Clinton world.
Out of the Clinton world, you need to know, folks, the National Chambers of Commerce, a man named Donahue, they are pouring millions, millions into stopping Trump.
They're in bed with Karl Rove and the boys.
And that's where a lot of the funding, but Alex, here's the kicker.
The RNC with Karl Rove, the establishment, they've gone around to Fox, to Mark Levin, to Limbaugh, to you name it.
They've gone to all of Glenn Beck, all of these places, putting pressure on them.
Stop Trump.
Talk bad about him.
And that's inside baseball.
I want you to break it down.
The good news is Limbaugh has pretty much said no to them.
And boy, the word is they're going after him now.
They're going after him.
I'm proud of Limbaugh because he's done some good, some bad.
But here at the end, I think he's choosing America.
Well, I think even Russ Limbaugh understands there are times in this country, Alex, where you have to go beyond self.
It might be easier for Limbaugh with the millions he's got to be able to have integrity.
I don't know.
But thank God he has fought it and is fighting it to date.
Now, Hillary, here's the news about that.
Hillary has warned that if they indict her, she will release all the information she has on everyone in Washington.
Even Republicans, Alex, are going to Obama.
They don't indict her.
She will destroy Washington.
I happen to know what she has.
She can release all of the secrets that are to never be told about Washington, D.C., and she is holding that over their heads.
And if anybody wonders why, there can be all of this evidence and yet no indictment.
That's why.
You also got to know she's very upset that she has a shadow candidacy in Joe Biden.
Stay there.
I'm going to come right back.
Give me the floor, Larry Nichols, on the inside scoop on the Clintons right now and where all this is going.
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Larry Nichols is our guest.
Huge news at DrudgeReport.com.
And I'm going to copy his headline with a screenshot of Drudge, post it to InfoWars, and then post part of the article under it with our link to Jakari Jackson's report a year and a half ago with the emergency manager of McAllen, Texas, saying we've been ordered to ship the illegals in, load them on buses, and the Border Patrol pays to ship them into the U.S.
This has been going on for two years.
This is an Examiner article.
Border agent, we might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether.
They're being told, don't show up to court, don't do anything.
Might as well abolish immigration laws.
It's already been done by Fiat, folks.
That's why they're told, let the illegals in from all over the world landing at JFK.
And it just keeps happening every day.
And they go, oh, it's an accident.
And it's not an accident, folks.
Fine, let all the illegals in and drop down the wages and we implode.
Here's the issue.
Citizens still are going to be harassed.
And be groped.
It's a takeover.
A criminal takeover.
And the sky's the limit.
And the Republicans will do nothing.
And they say Donald Trump's disqualified for saying, stop this.
We have no nation.
This is global government.
That's what's happening.
And thank God it's finally in other newspapers after us exposing it a year and a half ago.
I don't want to be the only one exposing this.
I asked a border agent about it on Fox News six months after.
We hear reports that you helped ship them in.
He goes, yes, it's secret, I can't tell you, but we're ordered to, quote, complete the smuggling process.
You know, Alex,
This is what I've tried to tell, and I know you and I both.
Well, we told this 23 years ago about Bill Clinton.
This is what they want.
This is what they're doing, and when you think in terms, folks, of illegals, you better think of a driver's license, and you better think of voting.
That's why I say to you, oh, this is our last election.
Oh, there'll be other elections, but this is the last one.
If we don't win, we will be relevant.
Now back to Hillary, Alex.
She's got the files on all of them.
I'm talking about the raw FBI data, the stuff she can tell.
She will bring them all down and she has made it quite clear.
You indict me, everyone goes.
I hear all the time what's this new FBI director to me or whatever and he's beyond reproach.
He is da da da.
Are you kidding me, folks?
I don't care if he's a Republican.
I don't care if he's the Pope.
Do you really believe Obama would appoint someone to head up the FBI that he doesn't control?
Surely you don't.
Now, back to this race with Trump.
Alex, I like to give two reasons.
Normally, you know, normally I don't come on and endorse or not endorse any candidate.
I don't do that.
My job is stay with the Clintons and do what I vowed to do.
But see, with Trump, it's different.
Trump is not a politician.
That's a good point.
Number one.
Now he's bought several of them.
He'll admit that he's bought them.
He's not one.
And then when I see the massive effort, in some cases, Alex, I think you're right.
It's unprecedented what the party, the establishment is doing to bring him down.
That's the greatest endorsement the man could have.
But then Hillary get in that and never happened.
You know, Alex, for everybody that's listening and you know, you're getting fed up and you think, well, my gosh, how much more has got to come out on the email things until they indict Hillary?
Let me tell you, folks, Hillary and her crew brought it out.
They know the end of this game with the emails.
If she gets prosecuted, her defense attorney is going to say, well give us all of those documents or we're going to have to use them in our defense.
And you're going to say, whoa, we can't give you those documents to use in your defense.
You said that was going to happen.
Now they've declared them reclassified.
You said that four months ago, they do that.
They've done the exact thing.
So you're not going to be, so it's going to be no price.
And Hillary knows that.
So Biden and Elizabeth Ward, even though they're sitting in the bullpen to come on board, they've got problems with Hillary.
Cruz, Rubio, Alex, here's what I say to Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio.
You're not going to make it to the top, boys.
You have my word, Ted Cruz, that I will make sure the world knows who you are, just who you are and what you are.
And Alex, you know me.
I don't say stuff like that idly.
It's going to come out.
Then you got Rubio.
Now you have to watch the sleeper in this race.
Stay there.
I want to get back to Rubio, back to Cruz in a moment.
And I want to hear from you months before what's going to be on the cover of the Enquirer, because you've done that again and again.
It keeps coming out.
So I want to hear how we defeat Hillary, how we beat Obama, and how we get a president in there that is not a globalist stooge.
Stay with us, folks.
It's Key Intel, straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
The borders are down.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The borders are down.
The Republic is imploding.
This is an emergency transmission.
I can't believe Bill Clinton has the nerve to campaign for Hillary.
I can't believe he's still going out there and showing his face.
Article up at Infowars.com.
Paula Jones, who once sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, tells Inside Edition how furious she is to see the former president campaigning for his wife.
Hold on, Paula.
You're mad at Bill Clinton for campaigning for his wife, but you're not mad at Hillary Clinton, who allowed people to dine Benghazi.
You're not mad at the fact that there is a person who's being investigated by the FBI running for president, and guess what?
She helped cover up what Bill did to you.
But you're okay with her running, but you're not okay with him being there.
That makes a lot of sense.
I can't believe he's got the nerve to do it.
Jones, a former Arkansas State employee, made headlines in 94.
When she accused Clinton of propositioning her and exposing himself, Clinton reportedly paid her $850,000 in an out-of-court settlement, although Jones says she only walked away with $151,000 after paying lawyer fees.
You can find more reports like this at Infowars.com.
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This is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
This is the heart of 1776!
It's 12 o'clock, Americans.
Another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
It's not a joke, folks.
This is the true takedown of America.
In slow motion.
By stealth.
It's 11.59 at Radio Free America, and this is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache.
It's 12 o'clock, Americans, another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
But they took a lot of people away.
People that they thought were gonna make trouble for them.
People that had guns and things they wanted.
They just took them away.
Re-education camps, that's what they call it.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents.
Or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
I have decided we really need camps for adults.
And we need a tent pass that you all run.
I mean, really.
All persons of Japanese descent were required to register.
Now they were taken to racetracks and fairgrounds where the army almost overnight had built assembly centers.
I'm a sorry citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
I mean, we've got a lot of constitutionless and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
Plus, you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
These people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they're disloyal to the United States.
It's our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community
That's what we're doing here, and let's not kid about it.
We're building a domestic army because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
Put your gun down, really?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Are you some kind of a constitutionalist?
So these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
But it's a new kind of war.
They're destroying our economy.
They're imploding our borders.
They are bringing in dependents who can be a new political class.
They are openly demonizing free speech.
And they're trying to set us up to prepare for war with the military and the police.
And my message to the military and police is this.
That's why I gave a big donation to the Fallen Police Officers Program and also, you know, for the Police Officers Program that have kids that have cancer and stuff.
Same reason I give money to Meals on Wheels and the rest of it and Salvation Army.
Because I'm trying to do good here.
I don't want to be enemies with the police.
But let me tell you, the enemies have seized this country.
You got the Border Patrol coming out saying, it's all gone.
We're told to let everybody go.
There's no border.
It's total treason.
You understand, our government is captured by criminals.
Americans have a right right now to physically fight back.
That's not smart strategy at this point.
But they're preparing down the road when we lose these battles to come after the Patriots, and then it all kicks off because folks just can't go along with it.
We're living in history right now.
That's why I aired that Red Dawn intro.
But it came from within, not from without, folks.
Came from Goldman Sachs, who's come out today.
I'm gonna get to this after Larry leaves us.
This is a very important article.
Goldman Sachs says it may be forced to fundamentally question how capitalism is working, and it goes on to basically say Goldman Sachs says that it doesn't have efficacy, that it's not ethical.
So Goldman Sachs comes in, set up after 1900, uses its money to fund the Bolshevik Revolution, uses money to create crony capitalism to take our tax money.
That's Bloomberg reporting this.
And now is set to destroy it, blaming it for what it's done when it runs the whole show.
That's beautiful.
And who's it run?
Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz.
Who does it hate?
Who's not given one dollar?
That'd be smart for them to slip a donation that Trump doesn't even know about and say, oh look, we gave a donation.
The point is, I don't give my ideas, the point is, I mean, this is it.
This is the crony capitalist wrecking your ladder up.
They're in the hot air balloon.
They already got off the ground.
They want to cut that rope so you can't get up there and then laugh at you and blame that on the Patriot movement.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
And the more socialism they call for, the more there's a tiny one-half of one-tenth of one percent that has all the wealth.
Then they sick the giant unwashed masses that can't pay for anything.
On the middle class, it's annihilated.
And the ladder up, the stairway up to wealth is gone.
And you commit us to third world status and elite victory.
You know Latin America and Africa and Eastern Europe and Asia don't need to be third world.
You know their elites write books bragging they keep them poor outside their armored fortresses.
That's what makes them God.
They can buy your daughter for a dollar.
And places like Thailand.
And now you're gonna live it here.
You're gonna be good slaves.
And Larry, you know, you did a lot of classified stuff, I know, in the military in Central and South America.
We ought to have you on for a full hour sometime just to talk about your experiences and things you did.
I know a lot of the stuff with the Clintons was illegal, so you can't really get into that.
That's some of the, you know, bodies are buried stuff, which I don't know.
But sometimes it's just good to get that stuff out there.
I know you're keeping it as an ace in the hole.
And obviously, you know, if you do die from this cancer, which we hope doesn't happen, I'm sure a lot of that's going to come out.
I just wonder if the folks that have it have got the huevos you've got and will release it.
I do not have it.
And that's not because I'm even afraid.
I'm afraid to lose my life for nothing thinking I have something I don't.
But getting back to the Clintons, getting back to where we are in a society, getting back to the world we're in, what their next moves are.
You were warning Ted Cruz saying, I've got the dirt on you, buddy.
You know, you're never going to be there.
I mean, I say just go ahead and start bringing that out now to torpedo him.
And then let's expand into Rubio.
Well, I intend to.
One of the things that needs to be done right now about Iowa, and they better do it quick, this is a suggestion, and I know because I did it against Clinton.
How do you think I got him impeached?
Ben Carson needs to file a complaint with the FCC.
He also needs to go across the street and file a federal complaint in the federal court.
Now, he needs to find three people, or Trump, somebody needs to find three people
That we're going to vote for Carson, went into that room when they heard that, flipped their vote.
And with those three people, they can file a theft by deception charge, criminal charge against Cruz.
Trust me, Cruz is done.
Now, I don't have standing, but that has never stopped me before of interceding in something that I felt like I needed to intercede in.
Then you got to know about Rubio.
See, you have to know the confidential flowchart, their strategy flowchart, the, uh, what do you, what do you want to call them?
The hierarchy, the establishment.
Chain of command.
Chain of command.
Well, this is a flowchart for how to push, get it folks, you're not going to believe it, Jeb Bush in.
You see, Jeb Bush is sitting there.
Now, if Trump, if Rubio and Cruz,
Beat Trump and drive them out.
Then it'll be Rubio and Cruz.
Then they have the same stuff on Cruz that I have.
And then when they get rid of Cruz, they're going to go after Rubio.
Now, they're going to point out that Rubio's queer.
I didn't.
That ain't me.
I'm telling you what they're going to do.
They're going to point out that he is about as homosexual or queer as there is a homosexual queer.
And once again, that's not me, Rubio.
That's them.
When they eliminate Cruz, Rubio, and they have done away with Trump, guess who's in line then, buddy?
Jeb Bush.
And you got a brokered election, which insiders admit they're planning.
They're brokering the election.
Folks in a primary, I've told you before, Alex has told you, in a primary it's all about money.
Who has the most money stays till the end.
And then,
You've got somebody that's an oddbark like Trump.
Here comes Trump.
He doesn't need that money.
He'll do it on his own.
But they plan to remove him.
They plan to get rid of him and use Cruz and Rubio to do it.
And I will not let that stand.
I will not.
And trust me, Alex, I don't know how much you know about Ted Cruz, but... No, I don't ever want to know anything about people individually until it's time to drop the hammer on them, and then I want to know that information right the moment it's released where I'm not standing next to the explosion.
Well, Ted Cruz is not what he's purported to be.
I mean, anyway, I'm going to leave it at that for now, but don't worry.
Hell's coming to Cruz.
Trust me.
Hillary's safe.
I still get this stuff where she's going to be indicted, she's going to be indicted.
Alex, think about it.
If Hillary was going to be indicted with the email thing, there's enough evidence there to start the indictment.
And we have everything else Benghazi, the list goes on and on.
But what about this?
What about the FBI then releasing its investigation and saying she should have... They can't.
In fact, I saw articles now that they're not releasing the Whitewater draft indictments they had on her for that.
I mean, they're gonna, if Toomey really has put 100 FBI agents that are above everybody and were really doing a good job, he's gotta submit to Loretta Lynch.
He's gotta submit the case to her.
And then she's gotta make the decision whether to prosecute.
And I'm telling you guys, nobody in Washington wants Hillary indicted because it means their end.
It's their end.
So just know, quit worrying about the FBI.
If, to me, the FBI Director is as squeaky clean as everybody says he is.
Haven't we reached a moment though, because a lot of evidence is, that the FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, didn't die like they said in his bedroom, but they were sick of him blackmailing both sides, and so he kind of had a little accident.
And I'm not saying I want that to happen to Hillary.
I'm not at that level.
I don't want to be involved.
I'm a guy that just sits here and looks at the info, because I want to be here at the end of this for my kids.
And I can do even bolder stuff than I do.
The point is, I don't
You know, Alex, I'm afraid you're right.
I really am.
I'm afraid you're right.
Now remember, this is a plague that stays with the Clintons.
Whenever the Clintons are involved, when he was governor, when Bill Clinton was president, people die around this
A couple like you have never seen.
And I'm afraid that what you're describing may be on someone's drawing board.
Hillary right now had better be getting her butt puckered because she's right between, in a way, Obama's in the same shape I am.
He's in between Hillary and something she's wanted since she was four years old.
And the only way to get rid of a problem who's already convicted in the court of public opinion is bringing your party down where they're losing every state and every governorship is to make her a hero where she falls out and has a stroke?
That's about it.
Remember this, Hillary's going to come out of this email scandal.
And you might as well just get ready for the reports.
It's going to be, oh, these mean old right-wing conservative Republicans conspiracy.
They've thrown all these things about the emails and they knew there was something there.
She said it again last night.
She said the vast right-wing conspiracy has gotten better funding.
And then it's all there.
But think about it, folks.
She lived through it.
And I'll tell you, she's wanting to lose New Hampshire.
She wanted to lose Iowa, but then it looked like it might be such a negative that she backed out.
But Hillary has got to lose New Hampshire for her playbook to actually work.
She's got to be Alex the underdog.
You can never run a Clinton.
Never run a Clinton until they're the underdog.
And then they will rise up out of the ashes like a phoenix.
And then she says, I'm under attack, protect me and I'll protect you.
Then all of her followers feel like she needs them and they're part of her life.
It's all a big sucker job.
That's right.
Look, Bill and Hillary count on we the people to be the first three rows of a wrestling match, Alex.
The first three rows of a wrestling match as the Clintons
And I used to define it.
Those are the people that sit right up on the front three rows.
You can obviously see the fighters drawing their punches.
You can see that they're all tricks.
They're not really hitting each other and straight in the nose with a brick.
You see all of that.
You're right there.
Then they get up and believe it.
And walk out.
Let's spend a few minutes separately on, when we come back from break, on what you think Trump should do to win and what we can do to help him do that.
Because obviously the whole system's against him.
It's for real, it's not show, it's not a foil.
But separately, let's get for just two or three minutes before we go to break, into how you got recruited by the Clintons, what you were doing in the Special Forces in Latin America, and how that expertise, you know, helped you now see what's happening to America itself.
Well, I have been
I've been involved in a lot of things in different operations, and I had decided I was through with that.
I ended up going to work for Bill at the Arkansas Development Finance Authority.
I had seen too much, it was getting too rough, and I noticed in the racket I was in, Alex, there were no gray hairs.
And what I mean by that, nobody lived beyond 35.
When you got to 35, you'd been in the middle of enough stuff that you knew too much.
So now, they throw you into missions that you're not going to come out alive on.
That's exactly what I saw with my family as well.
It's incredible, yeah.
So then, I'd had it, went to Bill, said I need a cush job for a few months just to cool off.
He put me into Arkansas Development Finance Authority, made me the marketing director, and I'd been there a couple weeks and I got to noticing, but it don't do what it says it does.
And that's when they showed me the second set of books.
Now, at the same time that went down, Adolfo Calero, head of the Contras, called me and said, Larry, Congressman Tommy Robinson wants to come down here, and he's your friend.
You've got to bring him.
I said, whoa, I'm not coming back.
And in that conversation, Adolfo said, what is this Contra drug money stuff?
And Alex, I was there.
If they were selling drugs, selling cocaine for weapons, I didn't see it, and I was on the ground.
But it made me check it out, and lo and behold, what I found, folks, is $100 million a month.
Where did I come up with that figure?
I came up with that figure from the books I had at ADFA.
$100 million a month was being laundered through the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, through Dan Laster's brokerage firm,
And distributed by Don Tyson and Tyson Foods.
And so I went to Bill and said, Bill, here's what's going on.
He played like he didn't know anything about it.
I knew he was lying.
He knew I knew he was lying.
Remember who I was.
And that's when our war started, Alex.
They started roasting me.
And you see, I was brought into Bill in the first place by a man named Mr. Witt Stevens.
He and his brother Witt and Jack Stevens owned Arkansas, Louisiana Gas, and they were the kingmakers of the day.
They owned everything.
You didn't run for dog catcher in a humnock Arkansas unless they approved it.
And Mr. Witt told me there was a boy that he wanted me to make to be governor, and he was attorney general, and that's when and how I met Bill Clinton.
And that's how I met Hillary.
Larry Nichols, stay there.
We'll be right back and finish up the story and get your advice to Donald Trump.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
This is GCN.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Senator Albert Guillory is going to be joining us.
He's one of these many Republicans who was just a Democrat who switched parties, part of this huge landslide that is taking place.
And he's going to be joining us coming up for about 20-30 minutes in the next hour.
Then I will get to the other news and clips that I mentioned because there is so much to obviously cover on that front.
But here's another article.
We don't just have border agent.
We might as well abolish our immigration laws altogether.
Yeah, Joe Biggs is on video driving through one of these checkpoints 70 miles inside the U.S.
Hadn't even been to Mexico.
They want to search the vehicle.
Is it Joe Biggs?
I forgot which reporter.
I think it was Joe.
And we played it last year.
That was Joe.
And he goes, why?
The border's open anyways.
And they go, yeah, you're right.
Actually, just go on in.
Start laughing.
Because, I mean, it's a certain point where the TSA wants to grope my genitals or grab my children and all the naked body scanners.
I'm like...
I know you let illegals through without any IDs.
I see it all the time.
I used to see it before it was in the news.
I'd be sitting there.
They go, how do you know they're illegals?
Give me a break, folks.
Especially if they're illegals from the Middle East or illegals from Mexico.
I mean, culturally, you see them going, talking and saying, I have no papers.
They just let you through.
Now that's in the news.
And again, people go, why don't you like those poor people?
Why am I discriminated against?
I don't deserve it.
It's not for security.
It's to train me to be a slave.
Excuse me.
And now there's this new Daily Caller article we're posting at Infowars.com.
Lawmaker says he's never read anything that's more sensitive than information in Hillary's top secret emails.
Republican Chris Stewart.
Yeah, can you imagine what she's really doing with all this?
And a lot of intel is, and I think she might have put really super secret stuff in there as a form of blackmail, knowing people would get it, and then she could threaten to have that come out in the investigation they leaked to begin with to bring down all of Washington itself, and that what's in the emails is the threat itself, and that's what Nichols hinted at six months ago, and now I'm putting pieces together.
I see him nodding.
Am I on to something here?
Yeah, you're exactly where you're supposed to be.
That's how it works, Alex.
You just laid out the play.
We used to call them scams.
That's the scam.
She couldn't hold Washington at bay unless she had had the New York Times release the story about the emails.
And the further they deal and further they get along in the emails... They're digging into her blackmail operation.
Now, this is dangerous, so you never gave out the answer.
Did I figure it out?
Yes, you did.
You figured it out exactly.
And now you know what I'm talking about, why all of a
And now they're going to fight to defend her because they're defending themselves.
The racket I was in, it's tough.
And it's for a hardball.
And Alex, people just got to realize this is for the presidency of the United States and soon to be Bill Clinton, the Secretary General of the United Nations.
What do you think Trump needs to look out for?
What does Trump need to look out for?
Well, what Trump needs to do is he needs to communicate.
I wish he would communicate with me or some of his people.
And I would tell Trump that you need to stay being you.
Do not let the media get you over a barrel like, you know, when he was apologizing or when he was thanking everybody in Ohio, Iowa.
You know, he still needs to be Trump.
Stay Trump.
Then, Alex, he needs to come to you and probably three or four other broadcast entities and set up his own network.
His own network.
And totally bypass the right-wing media.
And by doing that, anybody that wants to learn about Trump will have to come to him, Alex.
And they'll hear the story, the whole story.
And if they go through Fox, CNN, MSNBC, what they're going to hear is a story that is totally wrong.
Let's hear more of that strategy back in 70 seconds.
Then the state senator joins us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So we have Eden right there.
What's his name?
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's all crystal clear now.
All of Congress, the people on intelligence committees, the other secretaries of states, all of them have pretty much had double sets of emails, just like the head of the EPA had to resign when she got caught with it, and by them going after Hillary on this,
Now the fact that they've all done it, she can hold them up right there and then she's been in charge of the State Department and in the White House before that.
They know where the bodies are buried and out of this can start hanging a whole bunch of people.
And so now you see Petraeus not being demoted.
Now you see him backing off his conviction.
Now you see all this.
Look at this headline right here.
This just came in.
Lawmaker says he's never read anything that's more sensitive than information in Hillary's top secret emails.
Oh, that's why they can't be released?
Condoleezza Rice, NBC News.
Colin Powell got classified info on personal emails.
Oh, is he gonna go down too?
Now, is that the extent of the honeypot they've suckered themselves into, the bear trap?
Larry Nichols, former top Clinton insider, or is there more?
Well, there's more, Alex.
I messed up.
I thought I was going to be here until 1240.
I'm supposed to be on another program right now.
I understand.
I'll go ahead and finish up.
Well, the truth is, yeah, there's more.
There's more that's going to come.
What's going to happen today is she's going to keep feeding out more, and the more she feeds out, Alex, the deeper Washington's done.
My job is to make sure she's done, and I will.
Trust me.
Other advice to Trump that I know you've got to go.
Trump needs to beat Trump.
He needs to set up a network of his own.
A network of his own.
I don't mean buy one, but I mean use you and other networks and do his own lines of communication.
And stay after Cruz, because Cruz is bad.
And I'll make sure he knows what he needs to know.
All right.
Thank you so much, Mr. Nichols.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you.
We're all praying for you, buddy.
All right.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you so much.
Thanks for the time.
I want to be clear here.
I don't know all the particular inside baseballs he's getting into.
That guy does have a lot of really amazing and creepy sources, obviously.
And he's been dead on so far about so much.
I just don't like it, actually, because it makes me sick how twisted and screwed up this country's gotten.
And to just know that we're more and more an economy based on fraud,
Based on insider deals, and then I have to read articles with Goldman Sachs saying capitalism's to blame when they run the whole stinking mess.
I mean, the top of the pyramid when it comes to physically what we see in finances, there's obviously families above that, but the top of the pyramid, the visible pyramid, is Goldman Sachs.
And they're in Bloomberg and everywhere else going, capitalism's bad, we're going to have to rework it.
Yeah, we're going to have to raise taxes up to 80% and give it to ourselves as banker bailouts because we're so liberal and tax-exempt offshore.
Here's Bernie Sanders to teach you about socialism.
And then we go down to UT the night after the Iowa caucuses, Tuesday.
It was on the nightly news that night, but I heard it today with Jakari Jackson.
He basically showed everybody he talked to and almost all of them are just like, I like Bernie, he gonna give me some free stuff.
Foreigners, white, black, they don't care.
Everybody's the same.
They're all the same inside their brains.
They have become collectivist.
They're just like, I don't know if I'll really get free college, but it'd be nice.
It'd be as if you're gonna get something free.
Without trading something else.
You're going to get brainwashed.
You're going to get the jobs they want to give you to engineer the economy.
That's the military-industrial complex.
That's the undue influence of the technological elite that control the military-industrial complex, to fully quote Eisenhower.
They just create this fake economy, like the fake derivatives black hole, to just feed all the wealth and jobs and culture into it.
So we're all busy chasing our tails over here in La La Land while they're building Elysium.
They've already broke away.
They're laughing at us.
This is Bernie Sanders and I'm quite upset.
If you guys saw the Iowa Caucus the other night, you would know that I worked extremely hard for these votes.
And the people that were working in the Iowa Caucus took what I worked hard for and gave it to someone else.
A lying, cheating, horrible human being by the name of Hillary Clinton.
And I, I don't understand how anybody could like something like this.
That you work hard for something your whole life and you earn something and then you're expected to give it to someone else who's not as deserving and is too lazy or more of a piece of crap than you are.
What kind of person would even think about something like that?
Hey that'd be you Bernie Sanders.
Guess you just felt the Bern.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com.
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It's Alex Jones.
In the beginning, to quote Mark Twain, in the beginning a patriot is a scarce man hated, feared, and scorned.
But in time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
He's outgoing Senator Albert Guillory of Louisiana, a big leader in that state for a long time, won't go over his whole bio, albertguillory.com, G-U-I-L-L-O-R-Y, will tweet out his website.
Was it a year ago or more, one of his videos went super viral, tens of millions of views on different platforms, and he was really one of the first to lead now what is a collapse at state and federal level.
I don't know.
Democrat light types we've seen like John Boehner.
So this guy's a real leader.
I remember playing this at the time when he gave the speech, but I wanted to get him on now because this has really gained steam.
It's a four-minute video.
We're going to post it back to Infowars.com.
We'll play a few minutes of it where he gets into the Democratic Party.
I mean, this is something I always grew up knowing.
My grandfather came back from World War II.
East Texas, our whole family, a lot of them were in politics.
And then they were Democrats.
They weren't racist or anything, but they were Southern Democrats.
And East Texas is the South.
Rest of Texas really isn't.
It's about as southern as you can get in East Texas.
And the family kind of got upset.
He was a war hero guy and all this stuff.
B-17 pilot, whole nine yards.
They came back and said, we're going to have a civil rights movement that Eisenhower and others were pushing and he ran for office and won out there.
And the family was kind of mad at him for a while because he was a Republican.
Now I've always wondered how I got flipped to the party of the Klan became the representative of minorities, then the Republicans of Abraham Lincoln, of the Civil Rights Act, of Eisenhower, of my grandfather, they became the racist bad guys.
Even though growing up my grandfather was still alive, I remember literally, I mean I'm not joking, at holidays and stuff, upwards of 15 people showing up with pies and food, black folks, at our house.
But that's how they invert reality.
And it doesn't mean the Republicans haven't played racial politics as well, but the Democrats with their grand dragon, Senator Byrd, it's really a sick joke.
And I'm not saying all Democrats have that connection, it's just a fact.
So let's play part of this clip and then go to him for about 30-40 minutes here, and then we're gonna cover news and stuff we haven't gotten to yet.
But let's go ahead and go to this gentleman's breakdown of why he left the Democratic Party after decades in it, serving in the Navy and Vietnam and
Many, many years in the State House, and then the Senate, and so much more.
And he was also elected to the Louisiana Justice Hall of Fame for his work in law enforcement as well, or law and government.
But let's go ahead and go to this clip.
My name is Elbert Lee Guillory, and I'm the Senator for the 24th District, right here in beautiful Louisiana.
Recently, I made what many are referring to as a bold decision to switch my party affiliation to the Republican Party.
I wanted to take a moment to explain why I chose to become a Republican.
And also to explain why I don't think it was a bold decision at all.
It is the right decision.
Not only for me, but for all my brothers and sisters in the black community.
You see, in recent history, the Democrat Party has created the illusion that their agenda and their policies are what's best for black people.
Somehow it's been forgotten that the Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an abolitionist movement with one simple creed that slavery is a violation of the rights of man.
Frederick Douglass called Republicans the party of freedom and progress and the first Republican president was Abraham Lincoln.
The author of the Emancipation Proclamation.
It was Republicans in Congress who authored the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, giving former slaves citizenship, voting rights, and due process of law.
The Democrats, on the other hand, were the party of Jim Crow.
It was Democrats who defended their rights of slave owners.
It was the Republican President Dwight Eisenhower who championed the Civil Rights Act of 1957.
But it was the Democrats in the Senate who filibustered the bill.
You see, at the heart of liberalism is the idea that only a great and powerful big government can be the benefactor of social justice for all Americans.
But the left is only concerned with one thing.
And they disguise this control as charity.
Programs such as welfare, food stamps, these programs aren't designed to lift black Americans out of poverty.
They were always intended as a mechanism for politicians to control the black community.
The idea that blacks, or anyone for that matter, need the government to get ahead in life is despicable.
And even more important, this idea is a failure.
Our communities are just as poor as they have always been.
Our schools continue to fail children.
Our prisons are filled with young black men who should be at home, being fathers.
Our self-initiative and our self-reliance have been sacrificed in exchange for allegiance to our overseers, who control us by making us dependent on them.
Sometimes I wonder if the word freedom is tossed around so frequently in our society that it has become a cliché.
The idea of freedom is complex and it's all-encompassing.
It's the idea that the economy must remain free of government persuasion.
It's the idea that the press must operate without government intrusion.
And it's the idea that the emails and phone records of Americans should remain free from government search and seizure.
It's the idea that parents must be the decision makers in regards to their children's education, not some government bureaucrat.
But most importantly, it is the idea that the individual must be free to pursue his or her own habits, free from government dependence and free from government control.
Because to be truly free is to be reliant on no one.
Other than the author of our destiny.
These are the ideas at the core of the Republican Party.
And it is why I am a Republican.
So my brothers and sisters of the American community, please join with me today in abandoning the government plantation and the party of disappointment.
So that we may all echo the words of one Republican leader who famously said,
Free at last.
Free at last.
Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.
That's Albert Guillory, Senator, and whether he was successful politically doing that or not, the numbers nationwide and the movement that he helped start is huge.
And it's so sad to see the University of Oregon, this was mainstream news last week, trying to pull down part of Martin Luther King's famous speech about children of all colors coming together.
They said, well, you didn't have transsexuals in there, so he's racist.
This is the craziness of political correctness now, just bondage over people's minds, and the outgoing Senator Elbert Guillory joins us at elbertguillory.com.
That's probably the most powerful four minutes on the subject of what the Democratic Party was, is, and continues to be.
And so I really appreciate him coming on, and for his leadership with what he's been doing, not just in Louisiana, but all over the country.
Thank you, sir.
Alex, it is a great honor to be here with you.
Let's get back to why you decided to do this, where it's going, what you've gone through now in your state, and where you see this going.
Well, I'm running for the United States Congress right now, the 4th District of Louisiana.
I think that America's at a crossroads.
We can either go up
To the top of the mountain, that mountaintop that Ken talked about, that top of the hill that Reagan talked about, or we can go down into the valley of history.
And we who are alive today have a great responsibility to make sure that this country gets to the top of that mountain.
And I should have added, you're going from Senator, where you've been very successful, to Congress.
And let's talk about how we get you into Congress.
That would be awesome.
I'd love to see you giving speeches on television.
Well, we're trying to get a couple of things.
We'd like to have your prayers, of course.
If you have advice, please send that advice to us at albertgillery.com.
And of course, the fuel for these machines, these political machines, is always a little money.
So a $2 donation, a $5 donation, whatever you can afford if you believe in the message that I deliver and the message that I am going to take to Washington, D.C.
And if you want to hear more of that message,
ElbertGillery.com or my Facebook and you will see what I'm really about.
Well, I tell you, I mean you could be an even bigger leader than Ron Paul in Congress.
You're so informed, so elegant.
I don't think I've heard anybody speak as good as you and I've seen a lot of your other speeches.
I mean, you just would blow people away on C-SPAN, your leadership.
In fact, when I saw this, I was thinking, man, this guy ought to run for Congress and of course I knew you were.
It is a bold move, especially in your state, obviously, but there is this Republican landslide, it looks like, coming.
Anything but election fraud, I think, and big money.
Maybe that can stop you, but what are your chances currently right now?
And again, what do we do to supercharge your campaign nationwide?
If you can help get the word out that we really do have a message to deliver, and that that message is delivered in a godly fashion,
And with experience.
I've been involved in government and law 44 years.
So I've been around this game.
I understand how it is supposed to be played and how it should be played with integrity.
It's all about service, about serving God and serving his people.
Wow, I tell you, the system is scared of you, obviously.
Let's talk about what happened when you made your switch, when you did that, and what's happened since then as a model for others, because regardless of whether you win, lose, or draw, I mean, I have to say, you're one of the first people in the last few years to make the switch, and it does seem to be a tidal wave now.
It has become a tsunami that's moving across this country.
The Democrat Party has just moved so far to the left, moved so far from the values of basic Americans, so far from the voice of basic Americans, that we're just not satisfied.
We have to do something different.
And what is closest to our values is the Republican Party.
They believe in God and in country and in guns and in, and I mean responsible.
Of course, right to defense.
Yes, we have a right to defend ourselves and our families.
So those values are just crucial to us.
Life, of course.
Well, obviously a lot of folks could stand in the Democratic Party and say, I'm going to change it from within, and that makes sense at some levels.
But at a certain point, yeah, I mean, Bernie Sanders could be the nominee.
I mean, Hillary, all of her corruption, I mean, this party really has degenerated.
How can you change that from within?
A party headed by Bernie or Hillary?
How can you change that from within?
I don't, I don't see that that's possible.
I've had to move away from that party.
And I tried, I was in there for, I was a conservative Democrat for a long time.
And I, I tried moving things forward in a positive way, but that simply did not work.
I couldn't take it.
I got a phone call one day, my, uh, my, my mother, who was 103 at the time, I was sitting on the Senate floor and
The head of the Democrat Party in Louisiana had said some racist thing about if anyone did not like Obamacare, the only reason they wouldn't like it is because of his race.
And so my mom, who's a Democrat, called and said, Albert, you didn't say this, did you?
No, mom, I didn't.
Are you with those people who are saying that?
You just better be careful up there because I don't want you bringing dishonor onto our family.
I've been thinking,
For two years of making the move.
And when I got that little nudge from my dear mother, I had to make that switch immediately.
I hung up the phone and called my registrar.
So it was the Democratic Party and the MSNBC propaganda trying to claim you're racist.
It's like trying to take Martin Luther King down, the Democrats now in some areas, because he said just people by the way they act, what they do, they're the character of their deeds, like Christ said, just a tree by its fruits, and that goes diametrically opposed to what they teach now, the opposite of Martin Luther King, the opposite of Christ.
They just say it doesn't matter what somebody does, as long as what group they're in, that is gang mentality.
That is sick.
It is a sickness that we need to cure in America.
Matt Drudge here in the studio said America is sick, and they criticize him for saying it.
He's not attacking America.
America is sick.
I mean, you get sick because your body's in trouble.
It's telling you, lay down.
I mean, we're going to die as a country if we don't get better.
We're getting so far from those basic values that brought us to greatness as a nation.
Like hard work.
America is based on hard work.
It's one of the hallmarks of America.
Now we have government programs that will deprive a person of their dignity, of their right to climb the ladder of success in America and to lift their families.
To be deprived of that opportunity is so destructive, it's so sick.
We've got to do better.
America must do better.
Again, if I tried to chronicle all the state senators and state reps and even people in Congress and folks switching to Republican, it would take all day, but what do you expect them to do to try to block yourself getting into Congress and so many other people making the leap from state level to federal level where it's so badly needed?
Because obviously they must be scared of your leadership.
I mean, imagine not just to change the Democrats, but Republicans need some changing as well, obviously from within.
What are some of the tricks they're engaged in?
What is most important that you want to impart to the audience today?
Well, there's a lot of voter fraud that we have to be careful to be watchful about.
But the dirty tricks, the lies, the slanderous stories that they make up, those are the things that we must watch most closely.
The Democrat Party is well-versed in dirty tricks, and so we have to watch out for those.
If people will help protect me from that, I would appreciate it very much, and I believe that our message will get a wider audience as a result of that.
Well, they're definitely scared of the message you're putting out because it's so true.
Again, with this election coming up, what are the numbers looking like currently for you in Louisiana to get into the U.S.
We've done several polls and they look very good.
Right now, I'm the only candidate announced in the 4th Congressional District.
I'm sure that there will be others who will line up.
I'm sure that the Democrats will run two or three folks.
I'm sure that they'll find at least one black Democrat so that they can attempt to water down the popularity of my vote in the black community.
But we are going to fight.
Win or lose, the message is so important.
It is so important to remind Americans that we're at the crossroads and that we have an obligation to protect our land, our country.
That message is going to get out.
Well, Senator Guillory, what you said is so key.
Losing is not taking the field.
Losing is waiting for somebody else to do it.
Losing is saying, well, I may not win, so I'm not going to get in.
Winning is all about resistance when you have the right message.
And what you're doing is winning.
You're a winner regardless.
And other people need to follow suit.
And the polls certainly indicate that we have an excellent chance of winning.
We are very happy about that.
We are raising money for change and we're doing very well.
All right.
Well that's what I tell my viewers every day is, you know, MSNBC, NPR, they take your money, they get taxpayer money.
Stimulus money over at NBC.
And then these big rich groups sit there and criticize, like when we sell books or videos to fund our show, like we're bad that we actually fund our own operation with stuff that people need and free association.
And it gets back to political campaigns of patriots, like Mr. Guillory, Senator Guillory.
This is a war, folks.
Okay, all these multinationals are in here buying our country up.
You've got to spend money and time to protect yourself.
You've got to get involved and fight, just like I did 25 years ago because they were trying to pass gun bans in Texas.
I never intended to be on talk radio.
I didn't want to do all this.
I had to do it.
And they say that necessity is the mother of invention.
We will beat the collectivist and the mafia and the criminals and the crony capitalists, but it's going to take people getting angry.
And that's why we have folks on like Mr. Guillory, because win, lose, or draw, laying down is losing, period.
So whether you have zero money and spread the word about this gentleman and others, or whether you run for office yourself, or whether you send him $100,
Taking action is when we win, and that's why we're doing this.
Go ahead, sir.
You are so correct.
Your battle in East Texas is our battle across this nation today.
Just as you had to fight it 20 years ago, today we must fight it.
And we don't have a choice.
Our backs are absolutely against the wall.
We must win this.
If we do not win this battle this year, at this turning point in American history, we will go down
To my grandchild, my grandson, you owe it to yours.
We all owe it.
50 years from now, we must tell our grandchildren that we were the heroes.
You and you and you and I were the heroes who turned America around and saved our great nation.
In 2016.
I feel so sorry for, because Republicans aren't perfect, their constituents aren't perfect, they got a lot of problems.
But, we go down to UT and we also have correspondents in California that talk to folks, and I mean, you talk to 10 people and they say arrest all gun owners and put them in jail, and all 10 you talk to say it, or 9 out of 10, you go down to UT and 9 out of 10 say I want Bernie, I want free stuff, and you're just looking at them and they just don't get it, that's not how the world works.
It's, they're so sad, it's just, they're so sad.
It absolutely is.
If we don't get off our duffs and get our own.
And that's what America is about.
It's the land of opportunity.
It's the one place on earth where you can be anything that you want.
You can become anything.
As rich as you'd like to.
It's not about getting angry with someone else because they have more money than you have.
This is the place where you get off your duff and work and earn yours.
But now it's not like that because they take so much and select interests are exempt like from Obamacare and General Electric from the Obama taxes on coal plants that he just lets them out of that people don't get.
Hey, the free market isn't working like it used to.
I'm not getting ahead when I work hard like I used to.
That's because it's rigged, folks.
We're going to come back with a few more minutes with State Senator Elbert Guillory.
And give him the floor, because I've asked a bunch of questions.
I want to let him talk six, seven minutes and really say to you what he thinks is most important.
But I tell you, you know, the breaking down the history of the Democratic Party and what it's really done and all the rest of it.
I mean, if you want to say which party is the nastiest and the sneakiest and the most evil overall, it's got to be the Democrats, folks.
I mean, they really are rotten.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I can't believe Bill Clinton has the nerve to campaign for Hillary.
I can't believe he's still going out there and showing his face.
Article up at Infowars.com.
Paula Jones, who once sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, tells Inside Edition how furious she is to see the former president campaigning for his wife.
Hold on, Paula.
You're mad at Bill Clinton for campaigning for his wife, but you're not mad at Hillary Clinton, who allowed people to die in Benghazi.
You're not mad at the fact that there is a person who's being investigated by the FBI running for president, and guess what?
She helped cover up what Bill did to you.
But you're okay with her running, but you're not okay with him being there.
That makes a lot of sense.
I can't believe he's got the nerve to do it.
Jones, a former Arkansas State employee, made headlines in 94 when she accused Clinton of propositioning her and exposing himself.
Clinton reportedly paid her $850,000 in an out-of-court settlement, although Jones says she only walked away with $151,000 after paying lawyer fees.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones!
Coming up in the fourth hour, Anthony Giugiardi is going to be hosting.
He's going to break down the latest news and premieres ever-before-seen videos and special reports.
After our guest leaves us, I'm going to play that Jakari Jackson report that he did a few days ago in the aftermath of the Iowa caucuses, where almost every person he talks to at University of Texas says they want... Why are you voting for Bernie?
Because I want free education.
And then, the few that are for Hillary, they just say because she's a woman.
And in another video, Joe Bigshot, that's what the women are saying.
Oh, it's girl power.
Girl power?
Women's owned by Goldman Sachs.
It's just crazy.
This identity politics at a certain point just gets crazy.
And that's what the system's done.
It's just absolutely turned the world on its head.
AlbertGillory.com is the state senator's website.
He's running for Congress and he's the only guy running the spot.
Doing very, very well.
But he needs your support because the system's going to come after him.
And the reason we have him on is he's one of the trailblazers.
I don't know, was it a year and a half ago?
I forget.
Time flies.
That he left the Democratic Party in Louisiana.
A bold move.
But he's done it, and he really points out the real history of the Democratic Party.
Sir, thank you for your time.
I've been asking the questions, as I said.
What else about the Democratic Party would you want to say?
What else about the election, who you're liking, where you think it's going?
Other key points you'd like to impart, sir?
The biggest point that I'd like to make is that this nation sprang from the rock.
Of values is American values that got us this far and American values that will take us beyond into the future.
I'll give you a couple of examples.
This nation is now $19 trillion in debt.
This administration
And I'm angry about it, and I'm angry about the debt that's going to be left to my grandchild, but I wouldn't be quite so angry about it if it were not for the fact that much of it is being spent in foreign countries.
This president does not spend that money here.
He's spending money building roads and bridges and shoring up infrastructure in foreign nations, while our roads and bridges crumble, our infrastructure crumbles.
That's foolish.
People in foreign workers, in foreign nations are being employed.
They're supporting their families while our unemployment rate is out of the roof.
Spending is a major problem that we have.
The failed foreign policy.
We are less safe at home.
And American interests and American lives are less safe as we are in foreign countries.
That is not good for us at all.
The gun situation.
This president wants us, he wants me to have a little gun that goes pop, pop, pop, while the guns of the criminals and the guns of the terrorists go boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Is a simplification, but a very accurate simplification of what this administration wants when it comes to gun ownership.
We cannot afford that.
And prayer, of course, this nation was based on prayer.
God got us here.
And God will get us to the mountain top.
We just we have to become a prayerful nation again.
We cannot let these people come
Outsiders come into our house, into God's house, and say, you cannot pray anymore.
We are Americans.
This is America.
This is our nation.
We can pray anywhere and anytime that we want to.
We must become a nation of prayer again.
Prayer in schools, prayer in courthouses, prayer in our homes, and prayer in our hearts.
And of course, life.
We must give some serious attention to what is happening in life.
You know, it's interesting.
Liberals work very hard to protect the lives of criminals who've committed murder and major crimes.
They want mercy for them.
Yet, those same people will deny life to millions of little Americans through abortion every year.
It's difficult for me.
They're bullies.
Yes, they are.
America must choose life.
Well, you're totally right, and just to interject, I mean, look, I was never a worshipper of the Republicans, they do a lot of bad things, you know, there's good and bad there, but, and I've been a Christian my whole life, and I've never been an unbeliever, but, you know, you might be twenty years old, you doubt sometimes, but you have experiences in your life, and you see God come through in Providence, but you also see evil in people, where they'll go a hundred miles to do evil, instead of walking five feet to do good, they'll do bad, because it's their nature,
Even though it would be better for them not to, and just the way they attack real Christians, and are pulling down the symbols, and demonizing, and then bringing in radical Muslims, and covering up, and letting them attack, and the same thing's done in Europe.
It's the exact same policy, and they actually say it.
We hate Christianity.
We hate the West.
We want to replace it with anything we can.
There is a real hatred
For prosperity and goodness, and I can only describe these people that actually run things as devils.
I would add one thing to that.
Their attitudes toward women, it's not acceptable.
I have sisters, I have daughters.
The attitudes of some of the immigrants toward women, like in Germany the other day when those men were grabbing and raping
Absolutely unbelievable.
Only a nut would invite one sworn enemy to come into one's house.
You would not do that at your house.
I would not do it at mine.
Yet, the leader of this country
Goes far out of his way to invite people who are sworn enemies.
Sure, I've actually had my sworn enemies as a public figure show up at my house before when I got kids.
And I'm not a coward, but I do it smart.
I close and lock the gate, I turn the lights off, and I tell the kids, you go right in here, and I get out, you know what?
People are just crazy.
Open up your doors, come on in, and then cover up what they're doing.
What do you think the endgame is?
We've got to change it.
If we continue, we're going down into the valley of history.
We must stop.
You and I and every right-thinking, law-abiding American must.
Take action.
We must go to war for our nation.
That's it.
It is a war, and they know it's a war.
I'll never forget MSNBC, multiple hosts.
We put a tape together, you know, like three minutes of it.
A bunch of their hosts, when it came out that the IRS had targeted tens of thousands of 501c Christian, conservative, libertarian, law enforcement, you know, conservative law enforcement groups, patriot groups, Christian groups,
And some of them they audited, some of them they arrested, harassed, took their 501c3 away, and then they went on MSNBC and said, these are racist Tea Party people, these are racist Republicans, they deserve it.
Just broad brush, like they called you a racist, broad brush, all these tens of thousands of people deserve to be persecuted, way beyond anything Nixon ever dreamed of with the IRS, because you're bad.
It's like Hitler saying, you're Jewish, so I can kill everybody because I say you're criminals.
It is such authoritarianism to see them do that, Senator.
One of the things that I love most about being black is that not many people can call me a racist.
I can tell the truth about the president, about this administration, and a few do, just a few, but rarely do I get called a racist.
I love it.
Well, I tell you, the racists that have been in there couldn't do what he's done.
Doubled black unemployment.
What do you think Barack Obama really thinks about the general public?
Because he's gone to Africa and said, you can't have air conditioning in cars.
That's a real quote.
Because he's on a red carpet as if prosperity is bad.
And he tells poor Americans of all race and colors, you know, I'm going to help you out, but things get worse.
What do you think his endgame is?
If you take his policies to their logical conclusion, we will no longer have a United States of America.
It's clear that it's either a lack of understanding of how history and nations work, or a desire to pull America down.
Whatever it is, whichever it is, we must stop it.
We, the American warriors, must stop it.
And that's why, instead of being at my house at this stage in my life, I can retire and go home and sit in a rocking chair, play with my grandbabies.
But I must be on the battlefield.
Because I owe it to my grandbabies to leave the American nation that I was born into.
That's right.
That's right.
I'm very, I'm very, very proud of the demographics of this show as we can look on Google and see exactly who listens, who comes, all the rest of it.
It's much better than looking at Arbitron ratings and radio.
That gets you an idea.
But we are about 80% men.
It's great that we have women listening as well, but if you look at the demographics, it's men of every race, color, and creed, but they are middle class, and they're politically involved, and they're super voters.
Google even has the numbers to show that our audience is the people the system is deathly afraid of.
Men that are motivated, who don't want to be slaves,
Highly motivated people that love liberty, Christians, that threatens the system.
And to answer my own question, the White House and the socialists before Obama have said, we want cloward and pivot, we want a bankrupted economy, everybody dependent on us, push socialism so far it bankrupts the country to go into full communism.
And that's what they want, with rich elites offshore that administer the communism and are tax exempt.
You want to know the system, that's it.
We, the warriors, must stop it.
We must put an end to this war against our values and against our nation.
And the time is now.
We can't wait.
Well, if folks want to contact you and buy some signs, you can probably give them to them, but people should buy them.
Bumper stickers, whatever.
Folks, especially, we have a lot of listeners in Louisiana.
I have a couple affiliates there.
If folks want to get in touch with you, the best way is albertgillery.com.
Senator Albert Gillery.
Or is it better for them to also call you, sir?
They can call also, and they can contact me through Facebook also.
But our telephone number is 337-942-6328.
Call at any time.
We're right here for you.
All right.
Well, I want to say you've been a State House and a State Senator.
I want to say Congressman.
And let's get you in there, sir.
Thank you so much for the time.
Alex, I appreciate you.
Looking forward to seeing you in East Texas.
Thank you, sir.
All right.
Really, really good talking to him.
Folks, I tell you, that's a warrior on the front lines, and I'm so glad that we could get him on the show, because I remember a year or so ago in that video, or two years ago, Time Flies came out.
I remember playing it, and it was so important.
And of course, I was talking a lot about, you know, grandpa and stuff.
That was actually, I wasn't even around then.
I remember, you know, saying, talking about it 20-something years ago, learning about it from my dad and people about,
You know, in the late 50s and early 60s, my grandfather, his dad, switching over to the Republican Party and running for office and winning in that big Eisenhower landslide and how upset some folks were with him just because, hey, you don't do that.
The family wasn't racist, but you know, you don't leave the Democratic Party.
Because, you know, the Republicans are the ones that sacked, you know, East Texas and, you know, burned down our hotel in Teague, Texas and all the rest of it during Reconstruction.
But he said, listen, this is 1958 or whatever it is, and I'm not going along with this.
So that's what it comes down to.
And then you've got this gentleman fighting inside the Democratic Party, trying to change it from within and realizing he just can't do it.
And he's not the guy I like because he's criticizing the NSA spying.
That's the Republicans as well.
The Republican leadership is just as bad as the Democratic leadership.
The difference is, the Democrats on the ground are the people running the show.
And they're the ones with forced inoculations.
And they're the ones saying my kids don't belong to me.
And they're just a cult of scum.
Let's queue up that Jacari Jackson report if we can.
I rarely hear reports twice in one day, but this one really does tell it all.
And this is pretty much everybody he talked to.
I mean, that's what we do with these.
We go out and talk to like 10, 15 people, and then we just come show it to you unless they just refuse to talk to us.
Sometimes we even show that.
We're not cherry-picking this.
People think Mark Dice is cherry-picking.
We went out to California twice and got the same sickening results at the same public areas he gets.
And he's gone to universities, he's gone to other areas, and I mean, 9 out of 10 say, let's put gun owners in forced labor camps.
9 out of 10 say, let's, you know, let's elect Hillary's vice president, Karl Marx.
You saw that just two days ago, DrudgeReport.com, link to it.
These people mean business, they're dangerous.
Let's go to that report to look at, from that eloquent, super smart, historian, awesome grandpa, Korean, you know, vet, combat vet, or no, Vietnam combat vet, versus these people.
And it's not even their genetics or what color they are, because they're all shapes and colors, it's that they got the brain cells, they just are jellyfish.
They weren't on a gunboat in Vietnam.
They didn't raise a bunch of kids.
They didn't own companies.
They didn't start stuff from nothing like this guy.
They just sit around and watch TV and, yeah, that sounds good, Bernie, give me something.
I'm already sitting here, you know, with a bunch of student debt that's a scam.
The same system that screwed you over is never going to give you anything free.
Let's go to this report.
Last night we saw the results of the Iowa caucus, where Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Marco Rubio came in first, second, and third, respectively.
On the Democratic side, we saw Mrs. Clinton have a very narrow, and many people say debated, victory over Bernie Sanders.
So we're here at the University of Texas.
We're going to find out which of the candidates are best for the people here.
Hey, how you doing, sir?
We're asking people who their favorite presidential candidate is.
Uh, Bernie Sanders.
Right now?
Probably go with Hillary Clinton or Rubio.
Hillary Clinton or Rubio.
Any particular reasons why?
I want someone more towards the center.
Bernie Sanders, for sure, probably.
Okay, so you're feeling the Bern.
Any particular reason?
Probably as a student, all of his policies about tuition-free college.
I don't know if it'll be possible, but it works for me.
Who would pay for the free tuition?
Hopefully the rich people of America.
How's he going to pay for all the free stuff that he's
Suggesting he's gonna give.
I think, you know, he's gonna try, like, you know, obviously, you know, use tax money to pay for it.
Not Donald Trump.
Why not the Donald?
I just think he's, like, not as involved in politics as he should be in order to be our president.
I feel like he's too business-minded.
Bernie Sanders.
Any particular reason?
No, I don't really follow politics, really.
I just, uh...
I'm against the drug war.
I'm for decriminalization.
I do not support the drug war, because it corrupts the police, the local governments.
They got rid of it after prohibition of alcohol.
They needed something new.
That's when drug use exploded, because certain organized crime groups started bringing drugs in.
Now the big banks run it all, and that's all come out.
El Chapo, CIA, Chicago Tribune.
I mean, it's a fact.
So when I do get pulled over every once in a while, and that hadn't happened in probably a decade, and the cop says, what's in your car?
Mind if I search?
I go, look.
There is a gun under the seat.
It's my Second Amendment right.
I know the state law.
There's no drugs.
There's nothing in here.
And they start pushing.
I go, go get a drug dog.
I don't use the government's products.
You know the government brings the drugs in.
Now knock it off.
And I've never really had a problem.
One time I got a drug dog like 20 years ago.
And the stupid fat dog was like alerting all over the place and hopping around because it wanted a biscuit.
And of course no drugs were in the car.
But it's a giant fraud.
That said, I'm against the drug war, but
The new marijuana is weaponized and is so strong that people that smoke it on a routine basis, especially if you're not highly motivated, it will ruin your life.
You have a right to do it, by the way.
There's a reason George Soros is pushing it.
And now it's been genetically modified in many cases.
They haven't told the public that.
Now, I want to be clear, if you're a type A personality and super successful and already really aggressive, marijuana shows and studies, even the really strong stuff, used responsibly, is a lot better than alcohol to keep you from stressing out and will keep you from having heart attacks, you name it.
It's much better than Prozac and double-blind studies for depression.
It's got glaucoma.
Hundreds of incredible uses.
It's an amazing plant, but it is being abused and is dangerous and bad.
And I'm not saying this poor young man with zits all over his face that looks like a zombie smoked a big bowl about an hour before class.
But I'm saying he looks like people I've seen that have.
And so that added to the people having no life experience, everything paid for by their parents, they've now been signed on to this huge student debt to get jobs that won't exist.
I mean, I'll take that back.
College is more competitive than ever because they send more people there.
So you're competing for less jobs.
You got about a 10% shot of really ever getting your money back with that degree.
And you go get the liberal arts education, all that.
No, if you get an engineering degree, a law degree, you might have some future.
And if you know how to be charming and make straight A's, then you're going somewhere.
I mean, do I really need to tell college people how to get ahead?
I mean, it's not about the grades in the final equation.
That's why I got out of it.
It's about going to the events, and I mean, just like in Caddyshack, where he goes and hangs out with Judge Smails, and goes and mows his lawn, and then, you know, gets in the shower with his wife.
It goes a little bit beyond that, like getting in bed with Judge Smails.
So, you know, all the people just think they're lazy, and they go, uh, Bernie Sanders, give me something free, uh, uh.
Do you think the system needs you or wants you?
They just need you to think you're part of the game so you roll over and die.
I like socialism, you're just a right-winger.
You're dumb.
I'm highly educated.
I have three degrees that are worthless.
I could go get seven degrees if I wanted to.
My dad was so high in his class, they just gave him one of his degrees.
I'm not bragging or anything, that's just what happened.
Oh, you didn't know at certain levels?
Oh, you can leave in a year early.
Here, just have your degree.
Here, let's go ahead now and go back to the Moron Crew.
Here it is.
Uh, Bernie Sanders.
Any particular reason?
Uh... No, I don't really follow politics really.
I just, uh...
Just don't like Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.
Let's back it up.
Let's back it up again.
Back to that moron.
Because let's get all this straight.
I don't want to queue up Biggs where he talks to the trendy ladies that say, oh, girl power, girl power.
Same BS, different, you know what?
Same horse manure, different place it came from.
But at least he gets Hillary's back because everybody's sick of the establishment.
She radiates evil.
Do you really believe she'd beat Bernie Sanders when he'd have 5-10,000 people per speech in Iowa and she'd have 500?
Do you believe she got more than 15% of the vote from hardcore, man-hating, weirdo women?
Loser women.
All she gets is loser women votes, okay?
I don't want to say women are losers.
I mean, maybe a third of women are screwballs whose identity is hating men and hating everybody because they're losers in identity politics.
That's all Hillary gets is screwballs or elitists that are making money off the gravy train.
Let's go back to Chakari's report.
Bernie Sanders.
Any particular reason?
No, I don't really follow politics really.
Just don't like Donald Trump.
Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton.
We're asking people who their favorite presidential candidate is.
Hillary makes me feel powerful.
She's a female and- She's a female.
I don't know.
Not that I'm for- I feel out of all the ones that are candidates right now, she would be the most appropriate, but not ideal.
Is there any particular policy- Rewind that again ten seconds, this is so important.
Notice she knows that's horrible, cliched, and sexist.
That woman's actually not stupid, she's pretty smart.
But she doesn't matter because she just does what she thinks she's supposed to do.
She's compliant, okay?
Hillary, because, well, she's not perfect, but she's a woman.
Oops, I mean, not that I mean, you know.
Let's go back to her, here we go.
Any particular reason?
She's a female and everyone else, I just, I don't know.
Not that I'm for, I feel out of all the ones that are candidates right now, she would be the most appropriate, but not ideal.
Is there any particular policy that you like about her?
No, I guess just that she's a Democrat, I guess.
Oh yeah, because they're rolling on my screen.
No, cause she's female, so.
Female, back to the backseat again.
But that's why.
Anything in particular with Bernie?
I mean this clear issue of the 1% and the ability of the rich.
Back it up.
I don't know where this guy came from, but I bet you money.
He came from Venezuela, or another socialist-run country in Latin America, run into the ground by oligarchs that are left over of colonialism, and then the replacement communism, and then they run from their collapsing countries, and then put Che Guevara shirts on.
I bet you... In fact, I'm sure he's from... I can just tell you he's from Venezuela, or one other of those communist countries.
They call socialists like Bernie Sanders.
Let's just back up to the beginning of him.
I could teach a college course on these people's responses alone.
I mean, listen.
Capitalism gave him all the clothes he's got, the iPhone, all of it.
Guaranteed he likes the socialism because he's probably getting a free education.
But only so he can then be put in a political position and probably sent back to make sure Venezuela stays under CIA control because the CIA documents got leaked where they said, we love Hugo Chavez.
We get seven times the return we get with a right winger.
They wouldn't pay it.
These communists pay.
Goldman Sachs loves communism.
Richest company in the world.
Because they're exempt from it.
Let's go back to him.
In particular, with Bernie?
Well, I mean this clear issue of the 1% and the ability of the rich to become richer and not necessarily having a better distribution of wealth in the country.
I think that is a very good conversation to have.
I don't want to put words in your mouth, but my understanding of what you're saying here is that you're supporting Bernie Sanders and his wealth redistribution?
Well, yes, I am, yeah.
Why do you like Bernie?
He just seems like a good guy.
You know, he's a socialist, I believe, and I believe in what he stands for.
We had a referendum last year, I don't know if you're aware of it, where Scotland had the opportunity to break free from the United Kingdom.
And I was very much in favour of that because we wanted a socialist government.
Amazing, folks.
I'm going to come back in five more minutes.
Hey, everyone!
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs here, host of The Bright Side.
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One out of three or four people is dealing with some kind of health challenge, and everyone knows at least one person with a degenerative disease.
We're good to go!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, I've decided to host another 15 minutes of transmission.
Anthony Guicciardi is going to be joining me.
He can come in the studio or we can have him out of the situation room, whatever.
I don't know which one he's planning to be in.
I've got more to cover.
See, I'm so capitalist that I even skip our own breaks because I can't stand even doing breaks.
I want to talk about these people so much.
I don't even plug last hour.
I'm going to finish up this clip, get to another clip, and cover some other news I haven't hit yet.
But before I do that, it is imperative that you spend money on InfoWarsTore.com because I sit there and don't even hardly go out and get sponsors now.
I don't do plugs half the time.
I don't even cover the ads sometimes.
It's out of control.
I've got to stop.
I can't control myself.
I'm addicted.
To fighting these people.
I don't want to spend my time having to raise money.
I have to do it to fund the operation.
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And if the battle for the Republic here domestically isn't happening in Infowars, reaching 28 million people a week,
Thanks to my, and the listeners, lunatic liberty-based energy, and I mean it.
You know, it's one of the top samurais, I forget his name, said, can you guys find me the quote and I'll read it in the next segment, the way of the samurai is desperate.
I remember reading that when I was a teenager.
And I grew up in a, not so much a rough neighborhood, but a rough area.
My parents just were the old school where they just let your sons fight.
Nowadays it seems so alien in an anti-state.
And I remember it clicked with me so much because I read about the Vikings doing berserk and stuff.
And I'd had the opportunity to be in positions where 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 people attack you at once.
It was such a liberating feeling to turn into
Mr. Hyde, uh, that I really understood what that samurai was saying.
That the... Desperateness is the way of the samurai.
Where you're not even trying anymore.
It's full commitment.
Full will.
With love and hate and everything.
Dumped out.
Just to slash and cut your enemies into pieces.
Not even care about what they do to you because you're going to be too busy slicing them to bits in an offensive attack.
That's the only defense you've got!
And that's what it comes down to.
And people need to have that fighting spirit.
That mad dog spirit.
Vicious, armored sheepdogs just rushing into the wolves and just, just biting in and not even stopping, just tearing their guts out as you go and then clamping on to the next one.
We don't have time to clamp onto their legs, or clamp onto their, you know, the safer parts.
We gotta go right under their face and just, bleh, politically.
Grab onto the face, tear a chunk out, grab right on the nose, rip it off, grab right in the throat, and not even question whether when we pull apart, our jaw's gonna take their jugglers with it.
That's what I'm talking about, the desperateness.
The death battle.
Because they've already killed us, most of us.
The food, the water, we're walking dead.
We're not gonna be living as long as our parents or grandparents know that.
And I hate to get so, you know, fatalistic about it.
I'm not fatalistic.
The way of the samurai is desperateness, folks.
We are in a desperate situation.
That's why they want us drugged out, dumbed down, controlled by the mindless culture, so that we're just narcolized with entertainment and culture and death, to where we just, uh, so, uh, humans are a disease, I accept, we're bad, uh, the earth is yours, I hand it over, uh, I'm just,
Fall down so the Rothschilds and all this scum can just float around above us, looting all the technology our minds developed for themselves.
No, no, no.
To quote Emperor Palpatine, you will die.
But in a good way, you know what I mean.
You scum think you'll destroy the human spirit?
See, they're shuttering everything we've got.
The good, the bad, the ugly.
They want us dead.
It's all those instincts that God gave us that will overthrow the enemy.
We've got the smarts.
We've got the tricks.
We've got the viciousness times ten of the enemy.
All they've got is evil.
We've got huge stores of good, and our evil is even bigger than theirs.
See, that's the secret they know, and they're scared of us.
These are little boys, but we don't have the hunger to dominate them.
That's why we're their slaves.
This is Bernie Sanders and I'm quite upset.
If you guys saw the Iowa Caucus the other night, you would know that I worked extremely hard for these votes.
And the people that were working in the Iowa Caucus took what I worked hard for and gave it to someone else.
A lying, cheating, horrible human being by the name of Hillary Clinton.
And I, I don't understand how anybody could like something like this.
That you work hard for something your whole life and you earn something and then you're expected to give it to someone else who's not as deserving and is too lazy or more of a piece of crap than you are.
What kind of person would even think about something like that?
Hey, that'd be you Bernie Sanders.
Guess you just felt the Bern.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com.
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Mainstream media.
Big Brother.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I have some final key news, and I'll be getting to it before I hand the baton to Anthony Gutiardi.
He's got a lot to cover today.
But I found the Samurai quote.
I tried to do a plug earlier and got so excited again, I couldn't physically do it.
But Lord Nashugi, if I'm pronouncing that right, said, the way of the samurai is in desperateness.
Ten men or more cannot kill such a man.
Common sense will not accomplish great things.
Simply becoming insane and desperate in the way of the samurai.
If one uses discrimination, he will fall behind.
One needs neither loyalty nor devotion, but simply to become desperate in the way
Loyalty and devotion are of themselves within desperation.
That's right.
All these pseudo-intellectuals think they join with evil and join with selling people out because they've calculated how it makes them win.
Loyalty and telling the truth and being honorable is the strength.
Being willing to fail and fall for what's right is the strength.
And with it then comes the greater intelligence.
Only in the desperateness do you get the higher orders.
And that's why you evil people will never understand anything!
Because you're fallen!
You're pathetic!
You think you're above us, that you have advanced knowledge of evil?
You're upside down!
You understand that?
You've got it flipped around.
We have knowledge of evil, we don't use it!
Because we're not like you!
We have knowledge of the dirty tricks and everything else!
But we don't use it because we know it comes back on us and our families and everyone else.
We're not foolish enough to think that we are invincible and above the law of God, the law of the universe, the law of common sense.
It's like the nuclear reactors, 90 plus percent are leaking worldwide.
It wasn't like that just 20 years ago.
You people think you're exempt.
You think you're in a race to find all this life extension with all your clones and chimeras when you're going to release the plagues that kill you!
In your mad scientist rush for total control.
The way of the samurai is in desperateness.
This is such an important quote.
Ten men or more cannot kill such a man.
Common sense will not accomplish great things.
Simply become insane and desperate.
In the way of the samurai.
If one uses
Discrimination, he will fall behind.
One needs neither loyalty nor devotion, but simply to become desperate in the way.
Loyalty and devotion are of themselves within desperation.
You're not weak because you give yourself over to doing the right thing and committing to it no matter what.
You're strong when you stop using twisted logic and evil.
The whole world is false when it tries to sell you false logic.
The political correctness is, I saw a brown paper bag!
The hall's named Lynch, don't lynch me!
You see, it's all just... Until their false way of the logic of the world is your certain destruction.
The only way you'll break out of their control is to become desperate, but not in the modern sense of desperate.
Desperate means death battle.
Desperate means the woman, 60 years old, picking the car up off her grandchild when six men couldn't do it.
Turning off your governors.
Going with your instincts.
Then they already have all the answers.
They already have the calculus.
It's already there.
Your mind already was a thousand steps ahead of the pseudo-intellectuals that thought they had all the answers when they didn't have anything!
The parasites robbed the world, they didn't build it!
That's why they hate the people that built the world, because they know they stole it.
That's what the allegory of the body snatcher does, the shapeshifter.
It doesn't become you until it's killed you, and stuffed you in a trunk, and thrown you in the river!
They're imposters!
They're frauds, they're shadows!
They seek substance.
They seek to become gods.
They seek to have power.
They seek to ascend.
Because they've fallen.
And they don't know that we're already with God forever.
We've already gone to the next level.
The test is, do we see past it and this world?
You look at the stars and, oh, the beautiful universe.
I wish I could see it.
You're on it, on one of the most beautiful planets you just know there is.
Look at that gas giant!
Look at that dead planet!
Oh, look at them!
They flew a probe over a frozen planetoid!
Wow, that's really interesting!
And then you sit there going, this planet's so boring!
Nothing's going on, like jets flying over, computers, drones everywhere, genetic engineering, all the massive, you know, factories, oil operations, undersea programs, and then realize all the other secret stuff going on, and oh, that's all
Did you see the X-Files?
They cross humans with animals.
Oh, did you see 50 news articles admitting it was going on 30 years ago?
And again, we told you they'd start emerging with it when they're getting ready to roll out the next Nightmare Phase.
So here's the deal.
This is a war for humanity, and if you won't commit to it and spread the word about the broadcast, if you won't do banner hangs, if you won't pay for billboards without me even asking, for yourself, do a radio show, put your own billboard up, I don't care.
If you won't buy our products, if you won't spread the word, if you won't pray for us, which I know you're doing,
I'm talking to those that haven't.
If you won't commit to something, you already committed to nothing.
See, even though you've not chosen, you have made a choice.
The worst choice would be lukewarm.
Choose a side.
I respect those that decided to serve Lucifer.
I know who they are.
I know why they've done it.
Those that are conscious have decided in their fear of the flesh.
They have joined out of fear.
Most of them.
Others have joined because they're in love with the darkness.
But most of you don't even believe in the devil, but you still work for him, and that's why you're fools.
But I will explain to you again.
You don't have to do it, and many of you have not given up your soul completely.
There's still time to turn around.
There's still time to change the road you're on.
But you better do it now.
You better get past that fear of, what will the world do to me?
What do you think that fear is?
It's more than just a psychic impulse.
It's more than just the TV and programs.
It's more, what will the world do if I set my will against this?
You can feel that will, don't you?
A will against you that you think you're part of.
And even when you say you're part of that will, you know it's not really yours.
You know you've been enslaved.
I can't believe the cowards out there that feel that will that would destroy them.
And then they decide to serve it?
When it doesn't even let you out!
It can't let you out!
It's fallen!
So I want everybody to go to Infowarslife.com today, and I want you to get Anthroplex.
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And then,
I can get more reporters.
I can get more investigative journalists.
I can at least expand four or five people that we need to be able to not be a skeleton crew and exhaust everybody when I've got them covering every debate and every primary and every major event and global events.
We need the funds to be able to be at Davos next year, to always be at Boulderburg.
We can be much more effective, but we need you to buy the water filters, the books, the videos, the Hillary for prison shirts, all of it, so that we have what it takes to be strong.
And I'm not ashamed to be strong.
I want to have a wealthy operation, not just one that's doing okay.
I want to be strong lighthouse against the waves of attacks that hit us.
I want to be a tank rolling over the enemy.
I want the biggest, meanest, most vicious tank I can have.
And I will assure you, I won't complain if I run over a big mine and go sky high.
But when I do it, I want to be running over enemy.
I want to be desperate!
It's my last breathity moment blasting at them!
I want bigger information warfare weapons!
I want stronger war hammers!
I want to go over their gates and their fences and pull down their systems!
I want to stomp them into hell!
And I'm committed to you to never stop!
And as the evil rises, the spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against it.
You are that standard.
You can feel the evil rising.
You can feel the good rising.
It's an epic time to be alive.
It's legend.
Anthony Gucciardi, I'm going to hand the baton over to you, my friend.
Thank you for all you do.
I got a lot coming up, so I don't want to cut into any more of your time.
Well, thanks, Alex.
That was some really hardcore speech and actually ties into exactly what I was going to talk about, which is the number one threat to all of humanity being corruption and people that have decided to join with evil.
I've got a bunch of articles, a bunch of breaking news, a bunch of videos we're going to premiere and special reports on this the remaining fourth hour.
But specifically,
I have some articles today about some really, really disturbing things.
And it all ties into this one key thing that you've really talked about yourself.
The number one threat to all of humanity outside of natural disasters, outside of the earthquakes, outside of volcanoes, you know, it really comes down to people in high positions of power.
That's right.
Crazy globalists are the number one threat to humanity.
And they managed to get into these high positions of power because they're sociopathic, they're aggressive, they're willing to screw over other people that would get it otherwise.
I mean, look at Hillary Clinton with the coin toss, total ridiculousness.
But you have also the minions of these people that kind of also align with it.
And that's why you have those videos of people working for her doing the voter fraud.
Apparently, on YouTube, which it does seem to be the case.
Then you have people working for these people, also in a trickle-down system, doing the same thing, because they buy into it.
And it leads to this system, we're going to talk about it when we come back from the break, where, for example, 3,000 children dying a day in India because the government won't release the food supplies to the dying, starving poor.
Or Kenya just spent a million dollars on chairs for the government.
Just total ridiculousness, but it's not too far from what's happening in the United States.
What was it, $8 trillion has gone missing?
I have $8.5 trillion the Pentagon can't find.
Total ridiculousness.
It was $2 trillion just 15 years ago.
Yep, now it's $8.5.
So there are parallels, and it really is the number one threat to all humanity.
I'm going to talk about that, what we can do about it, premiere some videos, and a lot more, and breaking news on the Zika virus that you don't want to miss as well.
All right, Anthony, great job, and great job of the crew.
I'm punching out until tomorrow.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central Standard Time.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
It's the fourth hour.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi, your host for the rest of the hour.
We've got some breaking news on the Zika virus.
We've got some videos to premiere.
Lots of good stuff, including a special report on some new discoveries in the Flint events, really.
I don't even know what else you would call it.
Kind of a disaster.
But first and foremost, I wanted to talk to you about something that is really, really important, and that is, in my view, what is the number one threat to humanity, outside of natural disasters, earthquakes, volcanoes, you name it.
It really comes down to people in high positions of power that are both vicious and without empathy, controlling things and controlling you.
I want to give you some concrete examples with articles that just came out today that really inspired me to put all this together in this segment.
And it's really a sad topic.
It's a sad topic.
It's worth reflecting on and realizing it so we can do something about it.
And it also puts things into perspective where you are in your life.
So first of all, it's important to understand this isn't just a little bit of corruption, a little bit of payoffs that we're going to talk about, like a little bit of backdoor deals or something.
This is deep, deep, deep disturbing corruption to the point where, as I'll talk about with one of these articles in India, thousands of people, including children, are dying because the government and the ridiculous corporations and the bureaucracy won't release these storages of grain to them and just letting them rot and be eaten by mice and rats and just destroyed with fungus and bacteria.
We're going to get into that.
So this is a very, very real threat that happens not only in India and throughout Africa, but it is happening here.
It is happening here.
I'm going to show the exact parallels to you so you can understand this.
So first of all, to break it open, let's talk about this article from the International Business Times.
In poverty-stricken Kenya, corrupt government spends over $1 million on shares.
And the reason I wanted to present this to you and show you this is it's really just a little bit of a crack on the egg.
This is from a few years ago, but it's a good example.
There are, obviously we know about this corruption to a large degree.
We know that, you know, the Kenyan government, various governments in Africa, various governments throughout the world are totally corrupt, totally ridiculous, but this is a concrete example.
They actually decided
That they needed to take, uh, they need to redo their government establishment.
So they bought a million dollars in shares with all these, you know, ridiculous doodads on top of them.
Obviously, they're pocketing the money.
And said, oh, it's totally fine.
Don't worry about it.
Specifically, what happened was...
On Monday, Central Bank Governor Njunga Ndungu and Trade Master Amos Lemounia were both indicted by an investigative parliamentary committee.
The two were charged with losing more than $21 million in public funds, according to East African Business Week.
So that was related to that.
They lost $21 million.
But on a larger scale, on a more disturbing and larger scale, as crops rot, millions go hungry in India.
This is from Reuters, and this article stuck with me.
I've remembered it for years since I read it back in 2012.
Every day, some 3,000 Indian children die from illnesses related to malnutrition, and yet countless heaps of rodent-infested wheat and rice are rotting in fields across north of their own country.
Let that sit in for a second.
It is an extraordinary paradox created by a rigid regime of subsidies for grain farmers, a woeful lack of storage facilities, and an inefficient, here's the key part, corruption-plagued public distribution system that fails millions of impoverished people.
3,000 children dying every single day because of a corruption-plagued public distribution system, which means the bureaucracy and the government and all the craziness are just so bloated and so full of corruption and there's so many inside deals and there's so many regulations that they put in to control people that they're letting 3,000 children a day die of starvation from malnutrition.
...per day, while the grain sits there and rots and is eaten by rats.
Eaten by rats!
The workers in this piece and other ones that I read, there's one in the New York Times, and I believe International Business Times, go in and they say, sometimes we hand it out to people that are just, like, on their knees crying and begging for food, but it's usually just gone to waste.
The bugs eat it or the rats eat it.
That is true corruption.
That is what we face as a threat throughout the world.
It can happen here, it is happening here.
For example, you all remember this, and if you don't, you should definitely investigate it.
Reuters special report from 2013.
The Pentagon's doctored ledgers conceal epic waste.
And it goes on to talk about how the accountants were fudging all these numbers because they didn't know what's going on.
And a more direct one comes from Yahoo.
Want to cut government waste?
Find the $8.5 trillion the Pentagon can't account for.
If you thought the botched rollout of Obamacare, the government shutdown, or the sequester represented Washington dysfunction at its worst, wait until you hear about the taxpayer waste at the Defense Department.
8.5 trillion.
And there is more.
We're going to cover it when we come back.
We're going to talk about Martin Shkreli, who raised the AIDS drug from $13 to $7.50.
He's now facing prison.
And detaining women for running without burqas on.
That's ISIS for you.
Alright, we'll be right back.
This is Anthony Gucciardi.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Bernie Sanders and I'm quite upset.
If you guys saw the Iowa Caucus the other night, you would know that I worked extremely hard for these votes.
And the people that were working in the Iowa Caucus took what I worked hard for and gave it to someone else.
A lying, cheating, horrible human being by the name of Hillary Clinton.
And I, I don't understand how anybody could like something like this.
That you work hard for something your whole life and you earn something and then you're expected to give it to someone else who's not as deserving and is too lazy or more of a piece of crap than you are.
What kind of person would even think about something like that?
Hey, that'd be you Bernie Sanders.
Guess you just felt the Bern.
You can find more reports like this at InfoWars.com.
I'm Joe Biggs.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, it's the fourth hour.
I'm Anthony Gugiardi and we're talking about what I think is the number one threat to all of humanity.
And I say this with understanding that yes, there could be a fissure in the earth and we could all die from an earthquake type scenario and Yellowstone could blow up and all that kind of stuff.
I get that.
But I'm talking about a practical reality because what happens is
And it is the deepest corruption that I'm talking about, the deepest corruption of people without empathy and vicious people taking high positions of power.
They then trigger the things that you could also say would be the number one threat, like a nuclear war.
Or some type of other war scenario.
It's these people that would trigger those things.
So it is really the source of other threats, like nuclear war or bio-warfare.
We were talking earlier about, in India, how there's huge food supplies of wheat and grain and stuff like that just sitting in these warehouses, rotting, being destroyed because the government is so corrupt it won't release it.
To the dying poor people with 3,000 children dying every single day because they can't eat the food.
We're relating it to the corruption inside the United States.
We're talking about this piece from Yahoo News.
Want to cut government waste?
Find 8.5 trillion the Pentagon can't account for.
And a lot of you have probably already heard about this, but it's such a ridiculous realization.
Special Enterprise reporter Scott Paltrow unearthed the high cost of the Pentagon's bad bookkeeping in a Reuters investigation, the one I told you about earlier.
It amounts to $8.5 trillion in taxpayer money, doled out by Congress to the Pentagon since 1996, that has never been accounted for.
The year 1996, in parentheses, by the way, was the first that the Pentagon should have been audited under a law requiring audits of all government departments.
But by the way, the Pentagon is the only federal agency that does not comply with this law.
Gee, I wonder why.
I wonder why.
It's almost like they're doing some fishy stuff.
You know, all of this reminds me and ties into some of the latest developments with Martin Shkreli.
I believe that's how you pronounce his name, and actually investigators recently asked him the same question.
So this is the guy that jacked up the cost of a prescription drug traditionally used by AIDS patients from $13.50 to $750 overnight.
And he was bashed for a long time and he just says, I don't care, whatever.
Specifically, this is from the New York Times back in September of last year.
Specialists in infectious disease are protesting a gigantic overnight increase in the price of a 62-year-old drug that is the standard of care for treating a life-threatening parasitic infection.
That a lot of apparently HIV patients and AIDS patients need to use.
The drug called Daraprim was acquired in August by Turing Pharmaceuticals, a startup run by a former hedge fund manager.
Turing immediately raised the price to $750 a tablet from $1350, bringing the annual cost of treatment for some patients to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
So, this guy, Martin Shkreli, the guy that owned, was the managing director, whatever, of Turing Pharmaceuticals, was recently questioned in Congress, and now he's actually been arrested for a bunch of different things, including insider trading and stuff like that.
And I want you to watch this video, or listen to this video, and just listen to the smugness.
He's smiling throughout.
Again, being questioned about raising the price of a prescription drug that a lot of HIV-slash-AIDS patients use for infectious disease of parasitic infection.
From $13 to $750, here is the interrogation from Congress.
I want to ask you to... No, I want to plead with you to use any remaining influence you have
over your former company to press them to lower the price of these drugs.
You can look away if you like, but I wish you could see the faces of people, no matter what Ms.
Retzlaff says, who cannot get the drugs that they need.
And by the way, it's the taxpayers.
Somebody's paying for these drugs.
Somebody's paying.
It's the taxpayers that end up paying for some of them.
You could use that attention to come clean, to right your wrongs, and to become one of the most effective patient advocates in the country, and one that can make a big difference in so many people's lives.
I know you're smiling, but I'm very serious, sir.
And I truly believe, I truly believe, are you listening?
You know, that's really sad to me.
It really is.
I don't think I have to go too far into it.
It's pretty self-explanatory.
But it's really, really sad to me to think.
You know, it would be one thing if he sat up there with a regular, not smiling, maniacal, crazy-looking face.
And said something, but to be smiling and just really smug about the whole thing.
Again, Martin Shkreli, the guy that raised the price of a prescription drug that is used by a lot of HIV-slash-AIDS patients from $13 to $750, just kind of smiling about it.
It looks like he's just getting high off of it.
That is really, really disturbing to me, and it reminds me of the stories we covered, where the grain is being held from the children dying every day.
It's just very sad, and I think it is the threat that we all face at a country level, at a society level.
And it also kind of reminds me of various situations that we're facing around the country.
It always ties back to one, two, or a group of people that seem to be very vicious and without empathy.
Now, I've got some other news to cover on the Zika virus, some breaking news on that, where it's spread to, and some ridiculous ISIS news about reportedly detaining a woman for fleeing Russian airstrikes without her cover up, and how people in Mumbai cannot even see outside their window, barely, because of a week-long garbage fire.
Some totally crazy stuff.
But first I wanted to play a special report by John Bowne.
I think it kind of ties in with what we're speaking about.
Here's some new developments on the Flint case.
And here we go.
Let's cue up this video and give it a shot.
In April of 2014, the Flint City Council voted 7 to 1 over the course of the next 21 months to change their water source from the treated water of Lake Huron and the Detroit River to the Flint River.
Over the course of the next 10 months, water safety protocols concerning the addition of phosphate to ensure corrosive metal compounds within the Flint River would not harm the people of Flint, Michigan were largely ignored.
Residents have reported that they found dead bodies floating in this river before as well as GM and other companies kept the Dow chemical they would dump a lot of their waste into this river at one time.
So residents were just shocked to learn that this is where they were going to be getting their water supply from and of course we know there was a lot of issues with how that water was being treated.
The way EPA operates in general is that people who are causing trouble by doing their job are simply not allowed to do their job.
They are silenced, as Mr. Del Toro was.
He was told, as Leon said, by the ethics officer at EPA not to speak to anyone from Flint or about Flint.
He told me that himself before he was unable to talk to me anymore.
Largely ignored until local Flint, Michigan mother Leanne Walters noticed that her children were becoming very sick.
My home used to be a place of comfort and safety for my family.
It used to be what a home should be, a place of peace and protection from the outside world.
That was taken from us, and not just from my family, but from every home and every citizen in Flint.
Now my home is known as Ground Zero.
The people in Flint now stand with the people in D.C.
who suffered their own lead crisis a decade ago because we now know the horror of poison running through our taps and the negligence of the agencies paid to protect us.
I had three tests done by the city of Flint using extra steps that tend to minimize lead in water.
Those numbers were 104 parts per billion, 397 parts per billion, and 707 parts per billion.
I contacted the EPA and started working with Miguel, the Toro, and Jennifer Crooks at the EPA.
Mr. Del Toro was very thorough and knowledgeable in assisting me.
I told Mr. Del Toro I did not believe there was corrosion control in the water, provided him documentation about this fact, and he verified my findings, and he was furious.
Mr. Del Toro questioned the MDEQ, and at first they lied, and then later admitted the truth.
I figured out that Ms.
Crooks was aiding the MDEQ with their lies, and Mr. Del Toro was the only one willing to address the problem.
I requested a copy of Mr. Del Toro's report, and I made it public because people had a right to know.
In a meeting I had with MDEQ, Leanne Schecter-Smith bragged to me about how Mr. Del Toro had been handled
That his report was flawed and that there would be no final report.
This was the ultimate betrayal for the citizens.
Susan Hedman cared more about policy than the welfare of the entire community while punishing and silencing the one person that was willing to help us.
The EPA's LCR National Report from 2006 states that the lack of system response for lead exceedance is especially true to inform the public.
It is done less than one-third of the time.
For my research, I have found that this is not a Flint problem or a rare anomaly.
This is a national problem.
Only 10 states test accurately and according to the LCR.
21 states do not reveal their sampling instructions and 19 states have testing similar to loopholes to the Michigan ones.
You should know what happened and it should move from being a question to actually document it because how can you discipline someone or hold them accountable if you do not have clear information of failure of their job?
And we do have clear standards, we have clear accountabilities, we have a clear path forward.
We are working in conjunction with both the city, the state, and the federal government to resolve this so it does not happen again.
What's the cost of treating the water with the appropriate amount of phosphates?
When the switch was made, there was actually no phosphate added at all.
There was no corrosion control.
Federal law was not followed.
No phosphates at all.
Is the water now safe to drink?
We cannot guarantee at this point in time the water is safe to drink.
When did EPA Administrator McCarthy first visit Flint about this crisis?
I believe that yesterday was Administrator McCarthy's first visit to Flint.
It wasn't until yesterday that she's visited for the first time.
So the day before this hearing.
So Administrator McCarthy knew about this crisis for eight months, but didn't visit Flint until the day before a congressional hearing.
Their response, would you conclude, is because of a lack of clarity in the federal regulations, or lack of enforcement, or both?
In a written letter I wrote to EPA Office of Water, I said point blank that the only thing I can conclude is that they don't care about children lead poisoned from drinking water.
This fumbling and secretive response to the crisis by Michigan's Department of Environmental Quality, the EPA, the Governor of Michigan, and ultimately the neglect of the federal government and the President of the United States
...resulted in the severely high level of lead poisoning of 6,000 to 12,000 children.
It may have caused an outbreak of Legionnaire's disease, killing 10.
All roads that lead to the debacle in Flint, Michigan, dead end at the doorstep of Michigan's criminal and pitiful department.
I don't know.
Many months after water testing revealed that Flint's water was unsafe to drink, that Governor Snyder finally declared a state of emergency.
Federal bureaucracies, state agencies, and local officials are willfully damaging and in some cases killing American citizens due to their negligence and refusal and ability to face up to their crimes.
In a true republic,
The current EPA overseeing the poisoning of Flint, Michigan's citizens and their children, overseeing a current toxic waste spill in Greensboro, Georgia, and responsible for polluting the Animas River in Colorado would be immediately dismantled rather than disciplined like a wet dog.
Are the people paying right now in Flint for water they cannot wash in and cannot use and cannot drink?
Are they paying water bills and is it a part of the recovery?
You said you want to make them whole.
Is that part of it?
Why would they be paying for water that they cannot even use that is poisoning them?
Strong words on the Hill change nothing, and the majority of American people loathe the spectacle.
Lead poisoning is a growing epidemic.
Pennsylvania has far higher levels of lead exposure than Flint, Michigan.
Of course, you won't hear filmmaker Michael Moore going after Democratic Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolfe.
That would diminish the media charade waged against the Republicans.
It's simple.
The US government is a bloated circus of incompetence.
And those responsible are too big to jail.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com
This is a
Whenever the Flint crisis began, I came on and told you about the other cities that were being ignored that have high lead content and the children that were drinking the water there.
But the problem is, when the media spotlight goes on to something, we might have a big freakout about it.
And it is sad.
It truly is sad.
Especially the quote from, I guess it was an investigator, in that report, he says, I concluded the only thing that could have possibly been going on is they didn't care about children drinking the lead.
That is disturbing.
But there are other cities with lead content and everything else in the water too, right?
Not to mention all of that and all the stuff we eat in our food supply, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
But until the media spotlight goes down on it, it's completely ignored.
But in reality, it's a systematic problem of people that just don't care if it's hurting you, if it benefits them.
And that is what we're talking about.
Want to get into some Zika virus news?
Real quick, before Rob Dew joins us in the next segment to tell us what's coming up, premiering on the Nightly News tonight.
For the first time, Zika folder.
For the first time, Zika has spread, apparently.
First confirmed case, pregnancy case, in Spain.
Spain has confirmed that a pregnant woman has been diagnosed with the Zika virus, the first such case in Europe.
The health ministry said the woman had recently returned from Colombia, where it is believed she was infected.
Zika, which is spreading through the Americas, has been linked to babies being born with underdeveloped brains.
And yes, it's also been, according to this Spanish paper, men abandon mothers of babies with microcephalia in P.E.
Doctors report cases of relationships that are broken even during pregnancy or because of birth malformations.
And it goes on, this is a translated piece, and unfortunately a lot of men, once they realize, what cowards, once they realize that the babies are deformed, are leaving the women and running away.
Very manly thing to do.
Higher temperatures make Zika more likely to spread.
This is from CBS News.
The mosquito behind the Zika virus seems to operate like a heat-driven missile of disease.
The hotter it gets, the better the mosquito that carries the Zika virus is at transmitting its buffet of dangerous illnesses, scientists say.
So it's very possible that it will continue to spread once it gets warmer.
We'll be right back with Rob Dew.
He's going to talk about what he's covering tonight on the nightly news and some more news.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
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He's going the distance.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi and I'm joined with Rob Dew.
He's going to talk about what's coming up on the nightly news.
But I also want to get his take on a few things.
So we've been talking about some really disturbing news, right?
India holding its food stares for days and weeks and months and 3,000 kids a day dying, right?
And then you have, you know, they also have cows walking around the street there and they're not allowed to eat them.
That's another weird thing that's going on in India.
And firefighters and bulldozers have been fighting to contain the fire, but it's not working.
The trash is blowing into the city of 21 million people.
People look out their window and they can't hardly see anything.
There's pictures from the article too.
And they say it's a horrible smell, looks like a post-apocalyptic holocaust.
It could have been the BLM in there actually starting a fire to, you know, get rid of the brush and everything.
That's what that... Probably.
But what I'm getting at, I mean, 806 people...
I don't know.
And then you have the Taliban killing 10-year-olds that were considered heroes.
Just total insanity.
And it reminds me of two things.
Number one, we have to stop corruption.
We have to stop vicious, empathy-less people from controlling us and controlling our government.
But number two, we have to remember what we have, right?
We have to remember and be grateful for our situation because people are in trash heaps, dying off of trains.
On the street crying for food that's in front of them, unreleased as kids die every day.
We cover our trash fires up, like they do in St.
So, we don't let them open air.
We can't see our trash fires from NASA.
We cover them up and let them get to the radioactive waste slowly underground.
That's how we're better.
And like I said, there's obviously similar corruption with 8.5 trillion missing in the Pentagon.
And we're just as guilty as wasting food as they are.
The problem is corrupt people and people with lack of empathy and people who get into these positions of power because all they want is power.
They really don't want to help people.
They just want to control people.
And that's the type of sickos that we have in all over the world.
Alex just did a video, we're going to premiere tonight, talking about who's in the 1%.
And you'd be surprised, a lot of Bernie lovers out there are going to be really surprised.
1% means nothing.
It means absolutely nothing.
And he talks about that too, how it's absolutely nothing.
I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but I think if you make over 250, or is it 3 or 4?
It's between $250,000 and $400,000.
Which someone can make at a corporate job.
You can make that at a non-profit.
It doesn't even mean anything.
1% means nothing.
It's the .00001% that have $50 billion, and I wouldn't even say that all billionaires are bad.
It's just, you know, it's an absurd thing.
What else are you going to talk about?
I'm going to have Liam McAdoo in.
We're going to talk about what's going on with the Zika virus and also the new Planned Parenthood video that came out.
It was on Breitbart today where they were talking about how they cover, they use fake accounting to hide the numbers of what they're doing with these poor little babies.
You know, it's totally disgusting.
I'm also going to have Derren McBreen in.
We're going to talk about media hoaxes and also, you know, the biggest media hoax that the NFL runs.
Basically, that they're so pro-military.
The only reason they're pro-military is that they're being paid to be pro-military.
I'll have to check that out.
That actually sounds like a lot of... And we're going to cover a lot of other things.
And how the police, we have documented proof now, video proof, of how police aren't going to protect you.
When it starts coming down to it, when guns are drawn, police run.
And we got video that didn't happen in this country, but it happened in a country just south of us.
I bet you can figure out which country it is, but stay tuned tonight for the InfoWars Nightly News I'll be hosting.
I haven't been doing it in a while, and I just got back from a vacation, so I'm wet-rested and ready to rant.
It's rested and ready.
All right, don't forget to check out the nightly news with Rob Due.
I'm Anthony Gustardi.
Thanks so much for joining.
It has been the Alex Jones Show, fourth hour.
Alex will be back live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Thanks so much.
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