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Name: 20160125_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 25, 2016
3293 lines.

Alex Jones from GCN Radio Network discusses various topics including world government, genetically engineered humanoid clones in animals, poisoning of water and food by design, breakaway civilization under national security that is above the law and tax-exempt, attempts to start a war with Russia, civil emergency in Germany and France banning free speech, major banks announcing a war on cash, Hollywood elitism, Clint Eastwood, Academy Awards, possible military confrontation between Russia and Turkey along Syria's border with Turkey, establishment of a secret US airbase in Syria, passengers being allowed to skip customs at JFK Airport, Saudi Arabia's abolition of slavery in 1963, hypocrisy of countries like Saudi Arabia who don't accept refugees while lecturing others, and the importance of questioning authority. The show also promotes products such as InfowarsLife and Deep Cleanse."

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for joining us.
It is Monday, the 25th day of January 2016.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next four hours with Jakari Jackson, Leigh-Anne McAdoo, and others hosting the fourth hour today.
I'll be here for the first three hours.
Where to begin?
Obviously, our job gets harder and harder as
The entire planet, the entire media system struggles with the fact that world government's real.
They are growing genetically engineered humanoid clones in animals.
Poison is putting our water and food by design.
There's a breakaway civilization under national security that's above the law and tax-exempt and we don't even know what it's doing.
The small percentage we know is beyond science fiction.
Our government is trying to start a war with Russia, one of the last holdouts not being part of the world government.
Our so-called government is funding radical jihadists, islamicists all over the world and turning them loose to murder Christians and non-radical Muslims.
I have so many videos today of Germans being raped and attacked at bus stations and in public pools.
That I can't even watch them myself.
There's too many.
Much less even play them all.
And they've got a civil emergency banning people's free speech in Germany and France.
It's now become an economic emergency where they're taking people's money.
Major banks are announcing a war on cash.
The beast system is here.
That's the headline.
The beast system arises.
The largest bank in Norway calls for elimination of cash.
Joining all these other big banks.
And when I was out taking care of business this morning, running into people, all they would do, even people that knew who I am, would say, boy, how about those games last night?
That is the culture.
Okay, we'll cover it then.
Panthers open up four-point favorites in Vegas over Broncos.
Okay, Associated Press.
There you go, folks.
There you go.
Go gamble.
Go buy some Powerball tickets.
Here, we've got some other red meat, distractionary issues.
Clint Eastwood.
Hey, liberals, most people don't win.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
There's a thousand people in the Academy.
And only, what, 15 or so, I guess, are gonna win, and... You know, my question is... Why aren't there any white winners over at the BET Awards?
By the way, I'm all for people being able to have black entertainment television.
I think you should be able to have Irish television if somebody wants to put it together and do it, or Scottish, or German, or Chinese, whatever.
But you do know, under political correctness, everybody can have their own ethnic channel, but white people.
But separately from that, you talk about Hollywood, it is the most elitist, insular group I've ever seen.
You know, you got that Clippers owner, remember?
Who was, you know, telling his girlfriend, hey, don't date black people, baby.
You can go out with whoever you want, but don't be seen with black people.
You just don't do that.
And he's a Jewish guy, an old Jewish guy.
And let me just give you a little newsflash, folks.
I know in the politically correct world there's this idea that only people that are racist are folks with WASP last names.
You get around some old Jews, you get around some old black people, you get around some old whatever, you get around some old Mexicans, you're gonna hear some racist talk.
That's just the way it is.
But the point is, I think there's a mix of both.
I mean, I find it hard to believe that year after year there are no Black Academy Award winners.
And so, are they pushing all of this to create more racial division?
I don't know.
No, it's a bunch of academy people that give awards to their friends.
And the old Hollywood system is run by a bunch of old white people.
That's what's going on here.
Russia and Turkey are headed for a military confrontation along Syria's border with Turkey, as reported by Kurt Nimmo of InfoWars.com.
According to intelligence sources in the United States, Russia has dispatched engineers to the northeastern city of Qamishli on the border.
The Qamishli International Airport has already been closed to civilian air traffic and turned over to the Syrian military in late October.
Around 200 Russian personnel will fortify the airfield in Qamishli and ready it for military aircraft, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Turkish media also reported the presence of Russian engineers.
And around 30 miles away, U.S.
military personnel have established a secret air base and are building another one at a former agricultural airfield, a few miles from the Iraqi and Turkish borders, according to Syrian activists.
The Turkish government claims it's stepping up maneuvers against the Islamic State, but it was previously reported that Turkey has been buying up stolen Syrian oil from ISIS for at least several months.
This is Kit Daniels reporting for InfoWars.com.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We are reaching a point, globally, where you either have to be in a full delusion to not know that we're going under scientific tyranny, or you are waking up to the fact that, indeed, we are in the hands of some very, very sophisticated, wicked, ruthless people, who are very, very close to either dominating humanity or losing control.
The contest is within a razor's edge.
We stand balanced on the knife's edge.
And everything you do, and everything I do, everything we talk about, every decision we make, every statement we make, every email we send, affects the future of this globe.
Look at DrudgeReport.com.
Boils it all down perfectly.
The big news, what's really important.
There it is right there.
Border battle.
Passengers allowed to skip customs at JFK Airport again.
If you understand that story from the New York Daily News, you understand everything.
Remember, there are stories every day that are like skeleton keys to unlock every door that illustrate everything we're talking about.
Ladies and gentlemen, in fact, I want to pull the article up and I want to rerun it or have Kit Daniels or Adan Salazar rerun the Jacari Jackson interview with the emergency manager a year and a half ago in McAllen, Texas, on the Mexican border.
And we're sent down there by an ICE tip.
We interview the ICE agent in their car.
They tell us where to go, and there are the hundreds of buses a day.
Every hour, more than 10 of them.
Coming in at all hours of the day.
Offloading men, women, and children who are then given vouchers to be loaded on other buses.
They are being trans-shipped out of Mexico up to the border and put in other private buses and dispersed.
That was treason, sedition.
It's federal law you can't do that.
And when a citizen flies in, you get the third degree.
You get interrogated.
I flew in from Cancun last year.
The woman knew who I was.
Ordered me, pulled out, on a power trip, taken to the back, and then the manager came in and said, hey, I'm a listener, there's no reason, we know you're not smuggling stuff, you can go, I'm sorry about this.
They took me back there for 20 minutes, in the back, and we're getting ready to, the whole nine yards, folks.
And that, that's another microcosm of the government and corporations and things.
One person's out to get you, the other person,
is out to uphold the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
There's a civil war inside the government, and that's another microcosm.
But border battle?
Ladies and gentlemen, we told you two years ago, that's when the Border Patrol called us, and they said, listen, they're flying planes in from all over the world, and Customs is told to stand down.
Get your reporters over here and cover it.
And I said, have you told the other media?
Yeah, we told other people.
They're not responding.
Now get down here to McCallum.
Now that was two years ago.
The reason this is such a big deal is that if the media catches on, and if we can force this out with the full narrative of what's going on, it's not one plane, it's not two planes, it's not five planes, it's not twenty planes, it's hundreds that we know of, and they advertise in Chinese newspapers, if you're pregnant, wait till you're two weeks out, fly here on a
Tourist visa, walk in when your water breaks, everything's paid for.
10,000 Chinese women a week.
Chinese women are now more than Mexicans coming into the country, folks.
That's what a joke we are.
And again, it's the lawlessness of the government
That in front of all of us, they surveil us, they watch us, they control us, and 15 years after 9-11, we're less safe than we were, losing all of our freedoms.
And that's the amazing scene on the X-Files last night, the new premiere.
I was dumbfounded by how sophisticated it was.
And I'm gonna do a review later.
When Mueller's talking to his old FBI buddy, and they're down there in the X-Files room, and everything's been emptied out, and he looks at him and he says, they took all of our freedoms in the last 15 years, and now we're less safe than we ever were.
No matter what's really going on here, no matter who was really behind 9-11, they used it to take our freedoms.
And they can lawlessly, selectively enforce however they want.
Two years ago, Obamacare started getting phased in.
2,000 waivers to major corporations, unions, Democratic Party groups, McDonald's.
You don't have to have Obamacare.
You don't have to pay for it.
But the hamburger place owned by a mom and pop next door does.
Just like they can fly people in and just not even look at their IDs, not even look at what they're doing under orders, and no one will say where the orders come from, just like the orders of the Border Patrol to, quote, complete the smuggling process.
And the Border Patrol went on Fox News a month after we broke that.
And Megyn Kelly said, we've been told and we've heard.
That you actually ship them in and they're like, yes, we're not allowed to tell you exactly what we do, but we are ordered to complete the smuggling process.
The government smuggles the illegals in.
They're bringing
Radical Muslim refugees in, from all over the world, secretly to U.S.
air bases.
And you can look it up, it'll be, rumors are, and then, well, the news station went out to San Francisco Airport, and there indeed were the people being brought to the Air Force Base, but the numbers are secret.
They claim that 50-something refugees got brought to Texas.
In the last months of 2015, folks, my alma mater had 320-something in one month brought in last year.
Anderson High.
We called LBJ, Austin High, and stopped after a few, and they all would tell us, oh yes, we have 100, we have 200, we have... because they all want help.
I mean, every high school in Austin is jam-packed.
You go downtown Austin, folks, it looks like, many times, like you are in Pakistan or something.
Or Saudi Arabia in Riyadh.
I mean, there are people with their faces covered completely.
All over the place.
And the point is, it's just, boom!
It's here.
And listen, that's just part of it.
What else is going on beneath the surface?
What else is happening that we don't know about?
But Jakari Jackson and my reporters, in fact, I'm going to send them all back down to McAllen and everywhere else to show that and back to our sources and Biggs and all of them, just all over the border because, and up to JFK and everywhere else, because there it is, flashback, Border Patrol caught red-handed paying to ship illegals deep into the U.S., exclusive, federal government works to keep illegals inside the U.S.
while passing the cost on to taxpayers, and we have the video.
We need a new article about
Breaking, federal government caught busing in and flying in illegals.
And then just show our report from a year and a half ago and show the new reports and just show people it's the lawlessness of the system.
They do whatever they want and it's not to protect you.
The TSA on trains, the TSA in downtown Austin where I live, you know, the TSA in Dallas where I was born, the TSA all over the country.
Randomly coming up and searching you, but the border's open?
It's like putting big red flashing signs on your house saying, come on in, rob us, leaving the front doors open, and then going and standing with a sword over your children as if they're criminals, you've got to watch them.
America is treated like captured slaves because we are.
They want our bank accounts, our pensions.
They've already stolen all the money.
They've got to have this police state because you're going to try to take the government back and have the states take the government back and reconstitute America.
And the people that hijacked the country aren't going to let you.
And they're going to bring in tens of millions of people from China and the Middle East and Eastern Europe and Africa and Latin America, all like a tower of Babel.
Where none of us can communicate, only the government can manage everybody off against each other.
And we sit there and we see it happening, and Donald Trump dares to come out and talk about it, and so he's a criminal, he's a demon, he's a Nazi, he's a this, he's a that.
Seven days left to Iowa.
Think about all the things that are happening right now, and just think about what's coming next under this system.
Now, here's the other big jumbo story.
Maybe people will listen now, because Ron Paul said it, which is good.
He is respected.
Took a week for folks when I got the secret MIAC report and Homeland Security reports saying veterans, gun owners, returning veterans, Christians, conservatives are the number one enemy of the Homeland Security and a coming civil war is coming with us and you know go ahead and arrest people if they've got Ron Paul stickers and info wars.
That blew up in their face and actually woke the police up.
But it took a week or about six days for Ron Paul to come out and say, yeah, no, that's a real report.
I called Homeland Security.
That's real.
What, people just think I got that report and just came out and made it up?
And now, of course, that's household known knowledge that's just hidden in plain view.
But I came out Friday, and we went over the Defense One article, where they are trying to pass legislation to grant the President unlimited military power, anywhere in the world, in perpetuity, anytime, with boots on the ground, unprecedented.
It is military martial law powers.
It's giving the President those unconstitutional powers, and Congress signing over its authority.
Doesn't mean it's being executed, but they are putting it in.
And Ron Paul has come out now with an article on Infowars.com.
He went and looked at it.
Former congressman.
Congress is writing the president a blank check for war.
Says it's the greatest power grab ever.
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There must be some kind of way out of here, said the joker to the thief.
Too much confusion.
I can't get no relief.
Yeah, there are many here among us that think that life is but a joke.
There must be some kind of way out of here, said the joker to the thief.
Too much confusion.
There's too much confusion.
I can't get no relief.
Drink my wine!
That is some poetry right there.
There are many here among us who think that life is but a joke.
But you and I, we've been through that.
And it's not our fate.
So let's stop talking falsely now.
The hour's getting late.
No reason to get excited!
That is poetry.
This is not our fate.
All along the watchtower.
I think that says it all about the state of the world right now.
And four riders were approaching.
The wind began to howl.
And then you sit there as a man.
You see the maidens.
Not aware of what's going on.
Their foot servants too.
Not awake.
Not alive.
Not watchmen on the tower.
But this is not our fate.
That's probably one of the most beautiful songs ever.
What an artist.
What a soul.
Listen to that guitar.
That is a creature made by God.
That is an example of human beauty.
That is why the enemy hates us.
Play that guitar better than the devil himself in heaven.
Because humans are made better than the fallen.
That's why the devil hates us.
All along the Watchtower!
They're foot servants, too.
I don't normally play most of the song but I thought today that it's certainly fit for what we face.
This is a short segment.
We do obviously have a long segment coming up.
We're to go with everything that's happening.
I mean, it's all just part of the ongoing progression.
And if Infowars and if Ron Paul and if others are able to force this story out, you will then see thousands of articles saying, Jones is insane.
Obama isn't going to put troops on the streets of America and have martial law under the new authorization of force.
And that's not what we said.
We said it is martial law on paper, never before done, given to the president.
So they're just getting all these executive orders and all these laws in place for what?
What are they planning?
What's coming?
Is it war with Russia?
Is it global financial collapse?
I think we already see war with Russia through Ukraine and Syria proxy war.
We already see economic warfare with the oil prices.
We already are in
The beginning of World War 4.
It's economic, it's paramilitary, it's asymmetrical.
What comes next?
I know it's not going to be the Panthers and the Broncos.
I mean, is that really what's important?
Is that, in the final equation, what we're really looking at?
Let's start going over this though, then I'll get into the other news.
Congress is writing the President a blank check for war.
Ron Paul.
The legislation makes the unconstitutional Iraq war authorization of 2002 look like a walk in the park.
360, omnipresent, total warfare, suspension of all laws, under War Powers Act, under civil emergency, is basically what it is.
Troops in America, troops against Russia, anything they want.
The Fuhrer says we do this, we do it.
And it goes on to the next president.
Think about that.
We come back, we're going to look more at this.
We're going to get into the unbelievable Islamic fascist rape orgies going on all over Europe.
The beast system rising.
JFK wide open.
Foreigners not having their passports checked.
Nothing being looked at.
It's all coming up.
And yes, they now are reporting.
We're on the march.
In mainstream news about hybrid tortured monkeys and apes.
That's in mainstream news.
Hundreds of monkeys have been sent to Australia for so-called medical experiments that raise serious ethical concerns and potentially reveal what would happen if humanoids are grown in a lab.
More than 370 primates have been part of the research over the past 15 years.
And the scientists who conduct the tests are most likely entirely lacking in expertise essential to care for such animals.
Australia's Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said, The experiments are extremely cruel in nature, with one test reportedly involving a baboon who died after getting a kidney transplant from a pig.
The violent experiments were mainly conducted at the National Health and Medical Research Council Baboon Colony in Western Sydney.
Millions of dollars from research grants were used to conduct the experiments, and hospitals connected with the studies refused to disclose the details about the number of primates which had been experimented on, or how many had died or had been killed.
Now, hypothetically, if these same scientists were to grow humanoids in a lab by combining human DNA with who knows what else, do you really think they would treat them any different?
Now think about that, and this is Kit Daniels reporting for InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the Infowars.com News Center in Central Texas.
With our fine governor leading the counter-offensive against the New World Order, Greg Abbott.
Moving for a con-con to reverse the foreign takeover.
And signaling that Texas will not be involved in gun confiscation programs, saying come and take it.
Not from Los Angeles, not from New York comes the resistance, but from deep in the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide, openly declaring the globalists the enemy occupiers of the Republic.
The would-be criminals that would steal the brain trust of Americana and use the energy of 1776 to establish a planetary anti-human technocracy.
We pledge our names, our treasure, our families, our sacred honor in the commitment to battle the globalists until the end.
They don't want you to know that you're part of that fight.
They want you to feel pathetic and weak.
Because the minute you realize how incredible you are and your potential is the moment you begin to transcend their mind control.
Getting back to martial law, is it martial law when they ship illegals in and order the Border Patrol to cover it up and break the law?
Yes, they're operating under a secret emergency, which they declare each year in Congress publicly, but the details are secret.
Is it martial law when the President funds Al-Qaeda and ISIS to run around murdering Christians by the hundreds of thousands and overthrowing our allies?
Yes, it's martial law.
We're under martial law.
With the FCC announcing it's going to take over the internet this year and start trying to censor people.
We're under martial law when they start establishing civilian inmate labor camp programs and internment facilities at army.mil and admitting that they're, quote, preparing for civil unrest and, quote, re-education centers.
They use the totalitarian Soviet term on purpose in the manual no less than more than 15 times.
Look it up.
And how they're going to process your social security numbers, how they're going to put different men in one area, women in others, the kids in others.
Can you imagine these socialist, weirdo Bernie Sanders types in black uniforms ruling over us?
I mean, oh my gosh!
This is so horrible!
And they mean business.
Just like the weatherman told Larry Grathwald when he infiltrated the Green Beret.
And he's sitting there with people with PhDs.
That Obama sat at the knee of and how they were going to take over and arrest basically everybody in the Midwest.
Put you in forced labor camps and eliminate 25 to 50 million people.
And they're sitting around, and by the way, I've been around communists.
I've been around famous socialists and people I've interviewed.
And you notice you never heard them or saw them on the show again because they uncloak and go, you better join the communists, we're gonna kill everybody when we take over.
There's gonna be blood everywhere.
And you're just like, whoa!
And it happens a couple times, you're like, and then it happens four, five, six times over the years, you're like, oh my gosh!
And then on the street, I've had famous professors and people when I'm out,
You know, at the Denver Mint or wherever protesting and they'll just lean over and go, when we take over, you're dead.
And you look and you're like, who is that?
And you look it up at some famous political scientist professor, the head of a university section.
We've got some of it on tape, my film Martial Law.
There's all these communist professors out there.
And I'm like, hey, you know, Stalin killed 30, 40 million people.
And the guy goes, good, we're going to kill you too.
And then we were walking off and they ran down and went, we're going to kill you.
And I've had them, the quote, local anarchist many times, who claim they're anarchist because the public's so politically ignorant.
And then as soon as the cameras are off, they'll walk over and go, we do work for the state.
And when our system comes in, you and your family are dead.
They get off on thinking about all this.
And thank God for George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
From their grave, they're holding up the Republic.
From their grave, they put in place the emergency backups, the warnings, the guns, the preparation.
The ghost of George Washington, like mighty Atlas, holds the Republic on his shoulders.
I salute George Washington!
We must remember where we came from.
We must reach back to our spiritual roots that have an electrical connection from this day to that.
Through our blood, through our sweat, through our toil, through our history.
Not perfect men, but attacked continually because they were so great, because they were so good, because they were true intellectual warriors, because they were given kingship and turned it down.
That's why King George III said, today, George Washington is the greatest man alive in the world.
No one but Jesus Christ ever turned down being king.
Some would make him king.
Others wouldn't stand for that.
They believed in humanity.
They believed in the potential.
They were fans of their fellow humans.
Not enslavers.
And of course the answer would be, but they had slaves, and there were slaves all over the world at that time, and the first Declaration of Independence was written to get rid of slavery.
But there would have been a civil war with the southern colonies again, so they couldn't do it.
It doesn't matter.
It's the time they were in.
Saudi Arabia didn't abolish slavery until what, 1963?
You never hear about that!
They don't take one refugee, but lecture us all day!
Because we have the Christian ethic, and we have guilt, and we have a conscience.
And they manipulate our conscience.
Because they know the West is noble.
Every culture is noble, but the West is noble.
And there's no room for nobility and honor in this tyranny.
It's an anti-human tyranny, so it hates honor first and foremost!
It hates fidelity.
It hates family.
It hates good institutions.
It seeks to rule all.
To the very genetic building blocks of life.
To become a god, the devil must overthrow creation.
In his mind.
A failed commitment that he already knows he's lost.
So he wishes to take God's creations with him.
Is it martial law?
JFK allowed passengers arriving on an international flight to exit without going through customs again!
Airline and security officials let travelers on American Airlines Flight 1223 from Cancun, Mexico out of the airport without having their passports or bags checked.
I wonder what goodies were being carried in.
Passengers arriving at Kennedy Airport on the international flight were allowed to exit the busy hub without going through customs for at least the second time in recent months, the Daily News has learned.
Oh, it's bumbling.
So now they'll need more funding.
No, it's not bumbling.
Let's play the Jakari Jackson clip from last year.
We'll put the article on screen, too, to give folks the data if they want to see it.
Again, this should have been international news.
Drugs linked to it.
It got some coverage, but, you know, is it bumbling that they ship the illegals in, in McCallum and every other border town?
Border Patrol caught red-handed paying to ship illegals deep into U.S.
January 25th, 2016.
They must have reposted it today.
There must be a... That's a flashback.
They did repost it.
Good job.
And let's go to that clip.
Border Patrol paying to ship illegals deep into U.S.
from June 18, 2014.
What happened today in particular is that the Border Patrol dropped off some, they call them detainees, but obviously they're not detained after they dropped them off.
And normally they have tickets or arranged transportation to go somewhere in the interior.
Well today, apparently for some logistical reasons, some of them hadn't had transportation arranged or their transportation is tomorrow.
And so we're having to find places to shelter them.
For tonight.
So we've accessed some resources that we have.
We're going to shelter them here tonight.
So why is the Border Patrol bringing them here?
They're not bringing them here.
They're bringing them to our bus terminal because that's where the Border Patrol understands that they have transportation to go to the interior.
So they're dropping them off.
It's our understanding that they were dropped off with tickets or with vouchers for tickets.
Turns out some of them didn't tonight, didn't have their ticket, or didn't have their voucher, or like I said, their bus isn't till tomorrow.
So they got nowhere to stay.
Our bus terminal by ours, I mean the city of McAllen, the bus terminal is not a 24-7 operation.
So we've got to pick them up somewhere else.
There you go.
And of course they got a bunch of other instances of that in other towns documented as well, and we were directed there by the Border Patrol to see this for ourselves.
Now you have to understand, there's the emergency manager calmly talking about how outside of federal law they're just bringing people in.
Now you can say what you want about these human beings.
God love them.
The point is, the whole security theater needs to end that's being put against U.S.
citizens of every race, color, and creed because it's all a fraud to train us how to be slaves.
Let me just say that to the left.
Okay, bring in 50 million illegals, 100 million, give them everything free, let's go bankrupt.
Okay, great, we're loving, we're liberal.
Bernie Sanders, save us.
Separately though, can I not get groped?
Or my children not get groped?
Can I get left alone then too?
Can I just come through without IDs?
Can I just get people off my back too?
How's that sound?
Because I'm going to be discriminated against because I'm the big, fat milk cow that has to sit here and pay for everything.
But all these big Fortune 100 companies, they get exempted from the taxes, exempted from the regulations, exempted from the carbon tax, exempted here, exempted there.
They're the new royalty.
And that's why they distract us with, oh, having a mother and father hurts someone's feelings, can't use that term in school.
Oh, brown paper bags.
Oh, somebody was a cowboy at the Halloween party.
Oh my gosh, you know, there's no black actors at the Oscars.
Oh my gosh, oh, let's all fight with each other all day!
Because we're all having our freedoms taken.
We're all being put into massive global debt.
We're all having deadly vaccines pushed on us.
We're all being shoved GMO that kills the rodents that eat it.
I'm gonna say that again.
Many of the rodents, many of the other mammals, the monkeys, the guinea pigs, the chelulas, the chinchillas,
Die at high rates in first generation eating it early.
The next generation, massive infertility, massive deformities, massive IQ reductions.
And by the third generation, every major mammal being fed BT, corn, other stuff, there's almost total infertility.
And they look like something out of a Frankenstein movie.
Rats have a multi-year life cycle, but they don't live that long.
Humans, of course, have about a 75-year cycle.
We're already one cycle into this.
You can already see the cancer, the death, the mutations, the problems, all of it.
Can you imagine phase two?
It's already started.
Every TV show I watch is ads to raise money for kids that have cancer.
They're all over the place.
I can hardly go to the mall or out.
I see their shaved heads.
I see a little bump under their shirt where they've got the ports in them for the chemotherapy.
Every bit of money that family's got is being pumped into the system, and they put that cancer virus in them.
Fifty years ago, they would fly across the country, I've had medical doctors on, to see a kid with cancer.
It was so rare fifty years ago, in the 1960s.
It was unheard of.
And if there were cancers, they knew there was radiation or toxic waste in the area, and they moved everybody out.
Now it's just, hey!
Don't worry, everybody gets cancer now!
But let's make fun of Alex Jones, Warren, everybody.
Let's just make a big joke out of it, okay?
Because it's so much easier to have, let's not exaggerate, 250-something, according to Google articles, almost every one of them, today, attacking yours truly.
And saying, oh, the new X-Files is so horrible.
Oh, the new X-Files is so disgusting.
Oh my gosh, the whole world's Alex Jones now.
Oh, it's so kooky.
The London Guardian, how dare you?
People take Alex too seriously and he's dangerous.
And Chris Carter needs to stop glorifying Alex Jones.
This is dangerous!
Now I'll tell you what's dangerous is pediatric cancer's up over 10,000% on average.
From 1960s, look it up.
I think that's what's dangerous.
Autism from 1 in 30-something thousand to 1 in 58.
Crohn's disease didn't exist 50 years ago.
Now, I probably know 20 people that have got it!
Directly from the vaccines, on record!
You got a government that ran thousands of secret experiments on Native Americans, blacks, Appalachian whites, U.S.
troops, you name it, and we're going to sit here and trust them with big pharma to put stuff in our bodies?
Anybody buy into that?
When you have Bayer and all these other big companies caught in their own corporate memos going,
They got 5 million ampules of Factor VIII with HIV and Hepatitis A, B, and C. We're gonna ship it.
In the board meeting with Bayer, this came out in the news 15 years ago.
They said, hey, there's too many hemophiliacs anyways.
And those big companies with the Clintons went specifically
To the Arkansas prisons to get their blood knowing they had HIV and Hepatitis and took it on purpose.
You talk about Satanist.
You talk about devil worshippers.
That's who they are.
They're hard core.
Your wife has a car wreck.
She gets that blood transfusion and it's full of Hepatitis and HIV.
And they knew it for over a decade, and the executives all think it's funny what they did to you and your family.
Oh, but we're not under martial law!
Why, look!
Alex Jones is allowed to be on the air!
And I'm allowed to be crucified, too!
In the media.
But here's the thing.
It's a badge of honor to be crucified.
I mean, there's no thinking about it.
There's no debating it.
To say no to this.
Hell opens up and asks us to crawl in with it?
Oh, it's dressed up in a pretty red dress.
I'm not going to take its hand.
We're going to come back and get into the attack on Europe is just incredible now.
Just public swimming pools, indoor swimming pools in Germany, and they just jump in and start just grabbing the women.
I mean, it's just crazy.
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We have Pastor Manning joining us.
He'll cover news and ride shotgun with us.
I'll go to these videos.
German girl talks about destruction of her country by Muslims.
Heavily pregnant woman sexually assaulted by migrants in Germany.
Cultural enrichment of Europe accelerates, Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars.com.
ISIS among us.
Refugees claim militants living among them in Germany.
Think so?
These are the invaders that got kicked out by Russia in Syria.
That's who they mainly are.
Bowels emptied.
Women molested.
German media reveals monstrous CCT footage of refugees urinating, pooping, and raping in the pool.
I mean, I'm sorry.
There's just no end to it.
Meanwhile, ISIS released beheading video features Paris attackers, who the media keeps saying weren't from the Middle East.
Yes, the Paris attackers, they keep saying were French because they had French citizenship.
They were ISIS!
They're not French!
This quiet grows over French State of Emergency, which is used on the general public.
Oh, they used the radicals they brought in for civil emergency.
Oh, problem, reaction, solution.
Just like when the sleeper cells start attacking here en masse.
You can really see what they're planning.
The jihadi shoot up 10, 15 schools in one day, kill a thousand kids.
They will go on the news and announce they're manning guns.
And logic will be out the window.
Wait, you brought them in.
Wait, we need guns to protect ourselves.
They won't care.
They'll say it's for the children's civil emergency.
No protesting allowed.
They've just done it in Europe.
And I told you that was coming when they did the ISIS attacks.
I mean, look, we got them down, folks.
The difference is we're exposing them and people are waking up and people are fighting back.
Now, I haven't gotten to the X-Files clips yet.
And I'll go ahead and just get to a short clip right now.
You know what?
I'm going to do it the next hour.
I'm going to do it the next hour.
I was going to have Manning
on the first 45 minutes.
I really want to get Pastor Manning on the last 45.
That way I can play some of the X-Files clips, and then I can also announce the winner of the Hillary, uh, Make Fun of Hillary contest.
So I need that info, and then I'm sure Manning will be okay.
And then I can give him a little bit in the next hour or two if he has time that way to take calls and things.
I need to get to this because I said I would.
And, look, I don't even watch Discovery Channel shows I'm on and History Channel shows I'm on.
Nothing against them, I just don't like watching myself on TV.
I've been in quite a few movies where I've done cameos.
I don't watch the movies.
I mean, I've watched Waking Life, Scanner Darkly, stuff like that, but some of the others, I just don't like watching myself.
This is not an exercise in narcissism is what I'm saying.
But it is an exercise in trying to be a leader, to motivate people to take action.
And the fact that the new X-Files is predominantly based on Infowars material and Alex Jones, then the media throws in Glenn Beck on the end of it.
It's not based on Glenn Beck.
You know, obviously 9-11 truth, stuff like that.
And that's what Carter has basically fleshed out and said.
So, this is a big victory though, that the new X-Files, you find out, spoiler alert, it isn't aliens, it's the government basically posing with advanced civilization breakaway technology.
AI computers and chimera creatures are alien folks, they're just made here.
It's alien to the way the world really works.
Who cares if it comes from a different distant star or from out of some government laboratory at DARPA?
And that's, I mean, that's the film.
So is The Last Captain America, you know, based on our research.
Now, before we go any further, I just briefly want to say
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're now in tune.
Hour number two.
We have Pastor Manning joining us to cover the news and go over all the different craziness that is unfolding and taking place.
Coming up in the next segment, I am going to go ahead and announce the winner of the Hillary for Prison contest, which of course is the Make Fun of Hillary contest.
That's a good idea for a contest, to promote her being sent to prison.
The best stunt gets $10,000.
OK, I'm already thinking of a new contest.
That's what happens.
But seriously, we're going to announce the details of that, how much they're winning, who they are.
I know I kind of picked the winners last week, but then I never really wrote it down or put it together.
So if I can be given that, it'll be awesome.
Finalists, make fun of Hillary contest.
Here are the finalists of the contest.
Again, those three videos were posted on Friday.
I'll tell you who won first, second, and third place.
Coming up here in just a little while.
Now, that said, we're also going to be getting into the beast system arises.
The largest bank in Norway calls for the elimination of cash.
Many local banks, branches in Norway already don't deal in cash, but that is not good enough.
The biggest bank in Norway, and this is again a bunch of other big mega banks are calling for this, is calling for the complete and total end of cash.
Many local bank branches in Norway already don't deal in cash, but this is not good enough for DNB.
They want a blanket ban on the use of cash, and they are selling this as a way to crack down on criminals and money launderers, when the big banks in their poll have been caught running the drugs.
But in the end, the truth is, they want to be able to force everyone in society to use banks, and it would enable them to collect fees on almost every transaction.
It is an agenda that is being driven by greed, but it could also open the door for great tyranny.
Absolutely, you're not a good globalist, they just turn off your digital money.
Or you transfer your social security check, and they say that means you're inept and are declared incompetent, and they take your guns, already being announced.
Unfortunately, we are not just seeing aggressive movement towards a casual society in Norway.
It's also happening in Sweden and Denmark.
And in many other nations around the globe.
Yeah, some of those northern European countries are so socialist they take your taxes right out of your bank and then track everything you do.
The beast system is rising and yet very few people out there even seem alarmed by this.
Then it goes over the International Business Times report and more on that front.
The largest bank in Norway has called for the country to stop using cash.
The local reported Friday this comes as the last move in the country that has been leading to global
Charged towards electronic money in the recent years with several banks already not offering cash in their branch offices and some industries seeking to cut out cash and paper currency.
Of course, this is all being sold as something that will be good for Norwegian society.
And then it goes on from there.
The big megabanks are the top of the pyramid.
They control the planet.
They give themselves unlimited currency.
They get to violate any laws they want, just like Obama does, where they just let people in on these flights.
We had border patrols, I said two years ago, tell us, look at these airports, there's flights coming in every day, no one checks who they are, it's been pre-planned in the countries of origin, it's incredible, look into it.
And then we looked into it, and then finally it showed up in a few newspapers, but it's still going on, no one seems to care, and they just act like they're dumb, and it's an accident, and, no, no, it's by design, we just showed the video earlier.
of the emergency manager admitting he's been ordered to do this by the government.
Outside of law!
And again, that just shows the complete, total lawlessness.
They do whatever they want.
It has nothing to do with security.
It has everything to do with a financial, paramilitary, cultural, biological, spiritual overwrite.
A absolute, total, and complete top-down takeover.
With every piece of matter on the earth, tracked in real time by supercomputers, predicting the future and then manipulating future outcomes with incredible precision.
But only if they can feed you propaganda and have you act and respond to stimuli the way they want you, like a robot, that's how they can control you.
If you start doing erratic things, there's nothing they can do to stop you.
Stay with us.
Russia and Turkey are headed for a military confrontation along Syria's border with Turkey, as reported by Kurt Nimmo of Infowars.com.
According to intelligence sources in the United States, Russia has dispatched engineers to the northeastern city of Qamishli on the border.
The Qamishli International Airport has already been closed to civilian air traffic and turned over to the Syrian military in late October.
Around 200 Russian personnel will fortify the airfield in Qamishli and ready it for military aircraft, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Turkish media also reported the presence of Russian engineers.
And around 30 miles away, U.S.
military personnel have established a secret air base and are building another one at a former agricultural airfield, a few miles from the Iraqi and Turkish borders, according to Syrian activists.
The Turkish government claims it's stepping up maneuvers against the Islamic State.
But it was previously reported that Turkey has been buying up stolen Syrian oil from ISIS for at least several months.
This is Kit Daniels reporting for InfoWars.com.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Oh, he's gone over the edge.
Into the technocracy.
Into 2016.
Into the world government.
Into planetary taxation.
JFK allowed passengers arriving on international flight to exit without going through customs.
Oh, it's an accident.
We played video of people at the border saying we've been ordered to let the illegals through.
With Jakari Jackson documenting that.
Now, Pastor Manning of ATLA World Church in Harlem, with the intel on what the Reverend Sharpton and others are up to with Black Lives Matter, trying to start a race war in the country, getting into the election, getting into what's happening with abortion, getting into the radical Islamic invasion of Europe.
We're going to be going over all of that with him, about 15 minutes of the next hour, with the pastor here today.
But, as promised, let me go ahead and announce the winners.
And then, after he leaves us next hour, I will play the winners of the Make Fun of Hillary contest.
It was very successful.
Hundreds of great entries.
Everybody that got involved was a winner.
She had her people calling up the Laugh Factory and other places, threatening to shut them down.
The official campaign is saying, you don't make fun of Hillary.
I mean, the fact that that's so mafia, that's that's so un-American, that's that's so incredibly dangerous that it makes my head spin.
And so we countered it and said, we will make fun of you.
You notice when Richard Reeves talked to her,
Just last week about her email being hacked, when they heard InfoWars, her managers, her people, it was like they had seen a ghost.
They got so freaked out.
Adrenaline, they jumped to her side.
The unnameable InfoWars, it's so horrible.
The name of the New York Times dare not say.
You are bankrupt, New York Times, because you do omit stuff.
We don't need you to recognize us.
Infowars reaches 28 million people a week conservatively now.
The new X-Files is on record modeled off, quote, my research.
And there's a character based on me.
And again, I'm not bragging about that.
It just shows culturally the type of push we could have to be dominating the script of what is arguably the biggest TV show in world history worldwide.
Dallas Seinfeld X-Files.
That's cultural victory, ladies and gentlemen, and to have Chris Carter come out in a bunch of newspapers and say, Alex Jones isn't right-wing, he's a libertarian patriot, and I agree there is a world government being formed.
And then Chris Carter tells me, oh yeah, I want to meet with you, I admire you.
I'm not bragging, folks.
Chris Carter's one of the most famous TV producers ever, and he was also an investigative journalist before that.
So here's what I'm saying.
We're having a big effect, and the people that got involved in this contest, you're having a big effect.
The action of what you do, you may never know who you touched or what you did.
You probably won't.
But later, you'll see those ripples come back in the culture and society.
Believe me, I didn't know when I started out 21 years ago on AXS TV that Vladimir Putin would be a weekly viewer and listener.
I didn't know that
Former CIA directors were listeners.
I didn't know that I was reaching Matt Drudge or any of these people.
And now you see the fruit of that hard labor.
You can do that too!
And the more of us stand up, the less these bullies can intimidate everybody.
That's the answer.
I don't want to be the big enchilada.
I don't want to be the big leader in all this.
I want America and the world to wake up and all of us work together to change the world.
I want to promote people like Pastor Manning and WorldNetDaily and countless others that are out there telling the truth because then they can't take us all out.
We are not in competition, folks.
We are brothers in arms together.
And that's what this is all about.
Number one first place winner, Hillary.
A joke that ain't funny.
It's powerful.
It's the winner.
And what were the prizes on this?
Yeah, $1,000.
For second place, 5,000 for first place, and then you get a bunch of schwag and goodies and t-shirts and stuff for third place.
But Al Parker, in the short film, Al Parker reminds InfoWars.com that while there are plenty of ways to make fun of Hillary, she really shouldn't be laughed at.
She is a tragedy in the making and must be regarded with seriousness.
Like the plague, absolutely.
Number two, Adam Green, Hillary Clinton supporter, destroys InfoWars.com contest.
Performs a frighteningly accurate impression of a typical Hillary supporter.
And then, uh, Mr. Blair with Queen Hillary.
We're gonna break that down coming up.
That's a hip-hop song.
So, there are the winners.
Congratulations on being involved in the Animating Contest for Liberty.
Congratulations to everybody else that was involved as well.
Now we're going to go to our guest here in about two minutes, but I'll review this more in the third hour, and then Ja'Kari Jaxx is coming in with Leigh-Anne Mack and others.
They're going to cover it, because it is a big coup.
I remember about six months ago, I was talking to one of my media friends in New York, and they said, you know, the word is the new X-Files is based on you.
And I'll be quite frank, I was just like, okay, whatever, you know.
Oh yeah, I bet.
Because I don't really watch a lot of entertainment.
I try to focus more on entertainment because that's where the real propaganda is.
And then a couple weeks ago, I was like, have you seen the newspapers?
Chris Carter says it's based on you and the research material off InfoWars.
And then, last night, Joe Biggs text messaged me and he said, you know, after the playoff game, the X-Files is on.
I went, oh, thank you.
I'd forgotten.
Um, because I'm just so focused on the ground with what's happening.
And then I went and watched it and at first I was like, oh man, you know, this is well done, but oh my gosh, aliens, give me a break.
And then by the end of it, you find out it's not what you think.
And it's pretty amazing.
And basically, large parts of it are directly from what I talk about here on air.
Which, again, Carter's given us the credit.
It just shows the cultural victory, as I was saying earlier.
When you start affecting the main, biggest cultural memes, the zeitgeist, you know you're taking a wrecking ball to the system.
And they're really trying to figure out how to tackle us.
Because I'm ready for them to kill me.
I'm ready for them to put me in prison.
And I don't say this to be macho, folks.
You can't do this and not be committed.
But it's death for everybody anyways if we don't beat them.
I mean, it's pure evil, folks!
So, let's go ahead and go to this one clip, and later in the next hour I'm going to play them all after Pastor Manning leaves us.
I really appreciate him joining us today.
I got turned around with some of my times.
Let's go ahead and go to Blueprint for Global Domination.
That's the clip towards the end of the episode where the O'Malley character, that's the Alex Jones character, they even have our same studio, basically.
It's amazing.
And some of the clips talking about what's happening.
Here it is.
Driven not only by corporate greed, but a darker objective.
The takeover of America.
And then the world itself.
By any means necessary, however violent, or cruel, or efficient.
By severe drought brought on by weather wars conducted secretly using aerial contaminants and high-altitude electromagnetic waves in a state of perpetual war.
To create problem reaction solution scenarios to distract, enrage, and enslave American citizens at home.
With tools like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act which abridge the Constitution in the name of national security.
The militarization of police forces in cities across the U.S.
The building of prison camps by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with no stated purpose.
The corporate takeover of food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals and healthcare.
Even the military in clandestine agendas to fatten, dull, sicken and control a populace already consumed by consumerism.
And I encourage you all to go shopping more.
A government that taps your phone, collects your data, and monitors your whereabouts with impunity.
A government preparing to use that data against you when it strikes.
And the final takeover begins.
The takeover of America.
By a well-oiled and well-armed multinational group of elites that will cull, kill, and subjugate.
Happening as we sit here.
It's happening all around us.
The other shoe waiting to drop?
It'll probably start on a Friday.
The banks will announce a security action necessitating their computers to go offline all weekend.
Digital money will disappear.
They can just steal your money?
Followed by the detonation of strategic electromagnetic pulse bombs to knock out major grids.
What will seem like an attack on America by terrorists or Russia.
Or a simulated alien invasion using alien replica vehicles that exist and are already in use.
An alien invasion of the U.S.? ?
The Russians tried it in 47.
You can't say these things.
I'm gonna say them tomorrow.
It's fear-mongering, claptrap isolation, it's techno-paranoia so bogus and dangerous and stupid that it borders on treason.
Saying these things would be incredibly irresponsible.
It's irresponsible not to say it.
Especially if it's the truth.
Now, another episode airs tonight, obviously I'm going to be watching it, because it is surreal to see a character basically based on yourself and then you're watching it on TV.
This I like!
I don't like watching myself on television, I like watching other people.
But here's the deal, Project Bluebeam is partially declassified, a fake alien invasion plan using holograms.
Now we're going to go to Pastor Manning of Otloworld Church, who, in his own community, going up against the gangster, Al Capone Sharpton.
Has basically gotten removed off television, a lot more working with other people, exposing this FBI informant, Ray Spader.
And we're going to get into that, we're going to get into so much more, atla.org.
There is so much to get to with the world economy, with what's happening in the planet, with where this election is going, with Bernie Sanders talking about socialism.
When you look at how socialism wrecks countries, and how these global elite are tax-exempt, and want to be touched by him.
It's amazing.
So there's so many places to go, so many angles to cover Pastor Manning, but I want to give you the floor for the next 5-10 minutes, as I know you've been sitting there in your studio revving up to talk about what's happening, to ask you what's front and center for you.
Before I get to what's front and center for me, I'd like to just review some of the things I've been kind of listening to as I'm in greenrooming here with you over the past few minutes.
And number one would be the X-Files in terms of a television production and listening to what's being told you about how X-Files is now mimicking or ripping off your broadcast type in order that they might be able to sell their programming.
I think they understand something, and all authors and people of creativity, as you very well understand, that they need an authentic, if you will, person or projection that they need to put forward, and InfoWars is exactly that.
I mean, you can search nine ways and nine ways about something that is authentic, that isn't bought and paid for, that you can be absolutely sure that the government does not support.
The answer was, and not so much they want to praise you, that's not what they want to do.
What they want to do is something that is authentic, that when people watch it, they know that this is real, because actually what you do is on that order.
That's number one.
Number two, with respect to the type of people, the alphabet groups that listen to you,
See, I
Uh, from people in business and also in government that the CIA would not have access to Homeland Security.
The FBI would not have access just because of who they are as legal organizations.
But people are willing to talk to the media on the confidentiality.
And what they realize is that in order for them to find out exactly what's happening, they're not going to turn on CNN because they get powderpuff, if you will, information that's inauthentic.
They get information that sells commercials or sells automobiles.
But they don't get the kind of hard and fast information that's running underground that even the FBI and other agencies can't dig up.
And if I could just go one further as well, I think what we need to realize, you know, the 9-11 perpetrators generation, they've not gone anywhere.
I think that people who were sadly misguided that 9-11 was Islamic as they were, they were misguided by such, think that somehow or another that the 9-11 perpetrators have gone home, taken their balls, and they're now either sipping lemonade or smoking cigars, whichever they may choose to do.
We need to know, Alex, that those people that perpetrated 9-11, as heinous as it was, they've not gone away.
They've become even more deeply entrenched.
They got the Patriot Act through.
They got the National Defense Authorization Act through.
They committed a crime so incredibly monstrous that if it ever came out, it will bring down America.
They committed a crime too big to fail.
Yeah, and they've not gone away.
Isn't it somehow or another that they're not dangerous anymore?
Hell, they're more dangerous now than they were at 9-11, as awful as that was.
So I think that we're living in a world where our eyes have to be open to this, and what you do, you know, it helps open eyes.
Well thank you sir for what you do to reach the tens of millions, and again, I wasn't
Even talking about us, Gonzo Journalism-wise, just we have to cover it.
What you said is totally true.
I believe Chris Carter's a good guy, cares about what's happening.
I know his show is very popular, but basically got cancelled, they said in the news in 2002.
Post 9-11, we trust our government now.
Fox doesn't want this, even though it has the highest ratings ever.
They killed his show.
It's a victory for him to even be able to bring it back and question the system.
And we've already won so much ground, thanks to you and so many others, with the truth that they know they can't hold it back anymore.
And I would imagine, though, he's had to make some type of deal that there's going to be some spin at the end of this.
I mean, maybe we learn I'm the bad guy in the show or something.
I mean, I'm not holding my breath here, but
It is.
I mean, I don't know if they would necessarily project you as the bad guy.
I think, again, they're looking for something that really sells.
I mean, you know, artists who are movie stars or whatever it is that want to be able to project a character, an alcoholic, a drug addict, a drug dealer, who have no personal experience there, needs to go and study someone who does that.
I think you're just a prototype for them in terms of
Not that you're not important.
No, no, I understand.
No, I get it.
It's the prototype.
And then they say they're taking our, quote, material, what we cover, and putting it in the show as well.
So I guess it's a way of taking something real and turning it into fantasy.
Yeah, absolutely.
Careful, however, that the audience and people worldwide that listen to you do not, somehow or another, allow them to turn your truth and authenticity into fantasy because it now becomes commercialized in these X-File type programs and probably other things that are in the workings as well.
I gotta say something, Pastor Manning, and I'm not kissing your hind end on this, but it's true.
You come up with the most sophisticated, deep analysis just ever, because I'm sitting here too close to it trying to figure out what's going on.
And as soon as you said all that, I realized it's absolutely crystal clear.
And I was thinking about this last week.
You know, they threatened to kill me.
They came after me.
They turned loose all these dogs.
They've done all sorts of stuff behind the scenes.
That didn't work.
And so now, the devil puts his arm around you.
That's what Albert Speer talked about with Hitler.
You know, well, why'd you work with Hitler?
Well, you don't know it's the devil when he puts his warm arm around you.
And I'm not saying, you know, that Chris Carter's Hitler or that even Fox is.
What I'm saying is, is they just keep embracing you and loving you until you just can't help it and you're sucked in by them.
Well, you gotta be aware of the odds of March as well.
I mean, you have to watch out for that kind of a thing going forward.
But I think that you have built an audience in such a way, with information, that right now it could be the straw that breaks the camel's back if they came at you in the most minute way.
And I don't have any intel on this.
I just try to read the tempo of the times.
You have to learn how to pick your fights.
I had a teacher in college that said to me, pick your ruts well because you're going to be in them for a long time.
But he also taught me that you have to pick your fights.
You can't just fight everything all the time.
You need to know.
And so I don't think that right now would be a good thing to pick a fight.
With a voice like yours, I mean, I just don't... I don't think it'll be a while.
Well, let's pull back from that and talk about the general view of where you think the American people are, the people of the world, because the fact that you're so successful, I'm so successful, isn't just the information overall, it's also that people now are ready to wake up.
I mean, I think undoubtedly the season of awakening's here, and the system's gonna strike back.
What is your sense of the pulse of the world right now, Pastor Manning?
I sense that, as you stated, that people are ready to wake up.
I think they have awakened.
The next step, Alex, is that they've got to put on the armor that is necessary, and they've got to get dressed and ready for battle.
Are they awakened?
Yes, there's no doubt about that.
There's very few people that are still asleep on the process.
But there's another step to this process, Alex.
And it has always been throughout all of the length and breadth of human history, once the awakening, you gotta take a step.
You gotta get up and you gotta do something.
When God spoke to Abraham there in the land of Ur of the Chaldees and awakened him to who the true God was,
He then told Abram, you gotta now get up, leave your family, and go to the land that I will show you.
That's going to be the next step, that people need instructions, because they don't know what to do.
And you have to understand, we've been heavily indoctrinated with the propaganda that comes from the media, that comes, and black people in particular, if I can say so, instead of just hitting this court, they have been so propagandized
With the civil rights paradigm example of what to do with, deal with every situation.
If it's Ebola, get out and march civil rights.
You know, if it's, if it's Tylenol with poison in it, get out and march civil rights.
And so we get organizations that rise up like Black Lives Matter.
I mean, if you look at the history of black people in particular, but then go back and look at people in general, Alex,
We need a march in order.
We need march—they're awakened now, to be sure!
But there needs to be marching orders like Abraham got, like Moses got, and like George Washington got.
That's going to be the next step.
And I'm expressing that on your broadcast today.
I'm not reservant about it, but this is the first time I've expressed that, and I've known that because, you know, a lot of listening ears are listening to you right now, so now they know what
The next plan is to create the next direction, give the next marching order, so they can somehow or another try to circumvent it.
But I think it's going to be so massive, I don't think they'll be able to do so.
You're absolutely right, and the good news is a lot of people in the system are awake too, and realize they've been lied to, but the people running the show have been planning this for a long time, they're so committed, and I know why folks don't want to believe this is happening, because it is scary to realize exactly what we're facing.
When we come back, I want to talk about
What's currently happening with the election, I want to ask about your discernment why you like Donald Trump.
I mean, I like him too.
And I don't, you know, generally like to even come out and endorse political candidates.
It's just that he's the only one who's got a shot at beating Hillary in my view right now.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We're going back to Pastor Manning.
I also want to open the phones up for your view on what he's saying, your view of the X-Files, your view on
Where this whole Soros plan to cause civil unrest is going, I don't see it actually going too well.
Oh, and first-time callers.
They haven't done that in about a week.
First-time callers.
I want to go back to Pastor Manning.
I also want to remind listeners that standing up in a place like Harlem
Which is so Democratic Party run and so gangster run by the Clintons and Sharpton and all these folks.
It takes a lot of courage.
And so you need to pray for Pastor Manning.
And I would also go to his website, otla.org.
And I would make donations there.
I would get his books.
I would get his materials.
Because I know folks in Harlem, and for decades, they've got free food for the kids at lunch and in the morning.
And they just are a fount, a spring in a desert of evil.
There in Brooklyn, and he's now having a lot more success.
He's always had success, but it's exponential now He talked about that last time he was on so he needs to be in our prayers because I can't say enough to everybody out there If you're a citizen journalist just with a YouTube channel and a video camera in your small West Virginia town or your northern California town or your South Texas town or your Missouri Michigan wherever you're at big city small town
And just have a camera.
Report on things.
Give your views.
Give your commentary.
And then you'll become a leader in your area just by osmosis.
People are looking for that.
Start an organization.
A land rights group.
A second amendment group.
Just organize.
Get involved.
Run for office.
Be the salt and the light in your areas.
And take action because people are ready.
And then that's what this show is.
It's also a platform
To support all the other great people that are out there who also support us when we get attacked and we get demonized.
When people lie about us and do dirty tricks and all the rest of it.
But folks more and more see through that.
And then getting back to what I was saying earlier.
It is so essential that you go to Infowarsstore.com.
It costs a lot of money to run these reporters, to run the servers, the building, the plane tickets, the legal.
Thank God we've survived.
Over the years, some just grievous attacks.
I mean, folks, real intelligence operatives trying to take us down.
I mean, infiltrators.
It's like something out of a movie, okay?
I mean, it is, it is, it is, it is crazy.
And I don't get into it, I don't make a big deal out of it, and it's gotten a lot better.
We've gone through a lot, though.
And you have to understand, we are right at the tip of the spear.
I don't like that.
I wish there was a bunch of other people bigger than I was.
And I'm glad there's people like Drudge that is, or Donald Trump.
I know Drudge is for real and good.
I hope Trump is.
We're going to talk about Trump in a moment.
But folks, I mean, you want somebody to fight the New World Order?
We're doing it.
You want somebody to fight against these abortuaries and sell them baby parts?
We're doing it.
And we go out there and get in their face and literal communist scum saying they love Satan appear and start attacking us.
And they literally, black, white, doesn't matter, stumble around and have like green skin and fall down.
I mean, they're just demons, folks.
We have literal demon-possessed people show up when I go out in public, drooling, you know, coming after me.
And I'm not complaining.
I'm just telling you, you know how spiritual it is.
If you have any doubt, when you actually get up front with these people,
It starts getting weird, okay?
I mean, let me tell you, they come out from under rocks, okay?
They're ghouls.
They love that their temple, right down the road from me, two miles away, where they're killing all those babies.
And when you face them, down at the Texas Capitol two years ago, they had Christians there praying.
And just women came out of their offices and came all over and just in dresses and suits and started going, hail Satan, hail Satan.
I mean, there's the video and the state police are like, and they're like, I mean, it was a demonic event, folks.
This stuff's real, okay?
You start trying to save the kids, and we're that close to it, they come out from under rocks.
And I've always been a Christian, folks, but let me tell you, fight an evil point-blank, it'll get you real close to God real fast, because it's the only place you get any solace from that chill that goes up your spine, and God puts his hand around your shoulder and says, it's alright.
And then so many doors open up, but you've got to know folks, this is real.
And so we need your financial support more than ever to be strong against the enemy and to be able to really take action.
We need you to buy the books, buy the videos, buy the nutraceuticals.
Free shipping on orders of $50 or more.
15% off.
We're extending it until Wednesday and then it's over.
X2, the good halogen.
Uh, the true pure iodine with a super metal vitality that's just known concentrated herbs that, you know, help your body be more natural.
They've got all these chemicals in the food and water suppressing us.
Your purchases make it all possible, but so many times I've got to spend time I could be spending on media and getting the word out, and I'm not complaining, fiddling around trying to get funds, fiddling around with accounting, trying to figure out how to be able to move forward as a good steward, and it'll make it a lot easier for us to withstand things and be strong in this fight.
I don't know.
We also have the great four-stage water filters that have a really fast flow for your showers.
This is the best unit yet.
We still sell the other units for a little bit less.
They're not as good.
That's what I used before was the other system.
Now there's something better.
We've got that.
Pro-Pure, Pro-Max.
Just absolutely amazing what you breathe in and what goes through your skin, folks.
So you can trust the government and take showers in it all day and drink it.
You know, enjoy the glyphosates and the rest of it.
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We sell a high-quality product at a very good price.
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And it funds our operation.
It's a win-win.
But again, I want to encourage you to go to otla.org and also support what Pastor David Manning is doing.
In fact, I've been doing accounting and looking at things I'm going to be involved in, and I'm going to give some money to Salvation Army.
I know they do a good job.
I'm going to give some money to Pastor Manning.
And I wasn't going to announce this, but I am, because I think people should do it as well.
I'm going to give money to the police department out in California of the police officer that got killed when he was going after a guy that had actually been here in town saying he was going to get me.
Money to the Austin Police Department for the fallen officers there as well.
Not because the police are perfect.
They got big problems and there's a fight for their soul going on.
But because we're not going to single people out because of what bad cops do.
We're going to think about the people that have laid their lives down to protect the rest of us.
And that's why I want to single out what Pastor Manning and countless others have done.
Guaranteed risk in his life going up against Al Sharpton.
And this isn't about praise here, folks.
It's about realizing everybody likes to watch war movies or watch football or all this fake manly stuff.
This is the real fight right now for America.
And the world happening.
Now, I'm ranting.
I want to go to calls.
Pastor Manning's with us 15-20 minutes to the next hour.
But getting into the place we are in history, what's happening, what you expect to come, what you think of Trump since the last time we talked to you, and what in your gut you think is coming next, Pastor Manning.
Alex, before I get to Trump and the Sanders, I want to point out that we were successful in taking down Al Sharpton and a month or so after that we got a letter from our insurance company.
We have a group package that covers, we do a lot of things, schools, education, teachers, ministers, property, the whole works.
But we also have a segment of that group policy that we had that covered our professional work that we do, such as my announcing as well.
And they have threatened to cancel, and they've given us a cancellation date, not on our other policy, but on the aspect of the policy, what I do in terms of my public life, in terms of what we're doing right now by broadcasting.
And they had covered us nicely for the last few years.
We've been broadcasting now for about a decade.
But the fight is getting more intense, and what's going to happen now we get dropped by a carrier, insurance carrier, our premiums are going to go through the roof to get someone to cover us in the event that somebody like Al Sharpton decides to take out a suit against us, Obama, or anybody that we speak about, or Black Lives Matter.
Anyone who would take a mind to challenge us in courts on the things that we say on the air or whatever, we now have to find a very pricey insurance company that's going to cost us a lot of bucks.
So I thought I would say that in the event that people don't realize that those are some of the things that you have to encounter going forward.
Now, having said that, as far as Trump is concerned, I believe in Trump.
Alex, I just believe, I believe the man.
I just do.
I think he loves America.
I've sat in meetings with him and I've watched him.
I've watched, I've talked to people that are close to him.
Michael Cohen is one of the persons that's very close to Trump and I believe.
One of the things that the Bible says you can judge a tree by its fruit.
Well, one of the things that Trump is doing, he's upsetting the entire roster of political pundits, media, none of them are his friends, all of them are against him, which says to me that he's not playing ball with any of them.
Because once they start playing ball, being paid off, etc., they all kind of coalesce to get together and they go out to dinner at those fancy French restaurants in Georgetown and drink cognac and smoke those expensive Havana cigars, and then they get on the Congress floor and they say they're fighting one another.
That's not Trump.
Trump, they're all after him.
That within itself says to me that the man is real.
And I would urge everybody else, if you want to see this nation set free and a leader, a true leader, vote Trump.
That's why I'm at it with Trump.
I am very sad that Rand Paul has blasted him as power-hungry, delusional,
Fake conservative narcissist Rand Paul was on just two weeks ago.
I think he would make a great president.
But I think his attacking Trump early on is one of the main reasons he lost his support to a great extent.
But I guess my advice didn't get through to him.
And I was one of the people that he told me on the phone was actually twisted his arm into running for Senate.
He didn't really think he could win.
And I told him I would support him.
The media has made a big deal out of that, but I do owe it to him to be just frank with him.
And when he jumps on this bandwagon, all that does is tie him to the mainstream media.
And I always told him and others, I said, the only way to destroy yourself is to be seen as part of the establishment.
That's why they now go on the news and go, Trump says he's with the establishment.
No, Trump said, now I've got the establishment calling me, and I'm not going to listen to him.
They spun that, that he's part of the establishment now, when you see all the establishment money lined up against him.
And a house divided against itself cannot succeed.
So, it's clear.
That they are against him.
And I would say of Rand Paul, you know, he can repent, he can turn around.
And, uh, cause I think Rand Paul could probably be good in a Trump administration.
I do.
I think he has some qualities that will be, that will be helpful, uh, to the nation and the world.
So Apollo, I mean, he can back, he can walk all that back, uh, and, and then become productive for all of us, I think.
Well, I learned the inside baseball.
These guys have played golf a bunch, had dinner together.
Trump never attacked him, let Paul attack him for months before he did anything.
And he said that Rand Paul's a great golfer.
And they liked him.
And I just don't know why he got the advice to go after Trump.
And he just doubled down.
In fact, let's play a clip of that.
I'm going to play a Louis Farrakhan clip here.
Let's go to this clip where Rand Paul blasts Trump as power-hungry, delusional, fake, conservative narcissist.
Here it is.
I think sometimes narcissists have delusions and I think he's almost to the point of being delusional about his own power.
But what I worry about that is there is a distinct American tradition that I represent that says too much power gravitating into the hands of anyone is a mistake, Republican or Democrat.
So we believe in a presidency limited by the Constitution.
I think that Donald Trump believes in no limits to power as long as it's coming to him.
That's very, very worrisome to us, and I think conservatives across the country should be alarmed at his candidacy because I don't think he's a real conservative.
I think he's pulling the wool over our eyes, and I think we'll be very sorry that he'll be the consummate dealmaker, and he'll be worse than anything we've got in Washington.
You just wait.
Okay, then he's in the lead by being anti-establishment, so now you act like establishment.
When I know Rand Paul is an establishment, and six, seven months ago he was the main guy they were attacking, so I'm like, oh, Rand Paul's the guy the mainstream media's attacking, see?
But now he's gone back the other way to get on all these TV shows, which all he's doing is shooting himself in the foot when people see him on CNN or MSNBC attacking Trump.
They go, oh my gosh, I hate Rand Paul.
I just don't get what he's thinking.
Well, Alex, you know, I just read an article this morning where Trump was explaining how our nation has descended away from the Constitution in an awful way, and as a result that we've become the nation that we've become, that he wants to make great again.
And he pointed out, Alex, that he's a builder, and one of the main traits of building buildings is engineering likened to physics.
And that there are certain laws within the building of a structure that will last and will be beautiful that must be adhered to, otherwise the whole thing will collapse.
And he pointed, he used that example of how he has stayed within the law of building properties as we ought to stay within the confines of the Constitution.
He understands that blueprint.
Yeah, he does.
And so for Rand Paul to call him a power-greedy narcissist is just below the pale.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
He understands that blueprint accurately.
Well, I've actually talked to a lot of folks that know Trump behind the scenes and
They say that it's been a process of awakening for him, and he said that.
He said, hey, just a few years ago, I was busy building things and building golf courses and hotels.
He said, I didn't realize it was this bad.
I mean, I used to work in this corrupt system.
I admit it's all a big joke.
I want to change that.
And look, what we know is this.
Rand, be like your dad.
This is up on Infowars.com.
Ron Paul is a great father.
Dr. Paul.
Congress is writing the president a blank check for war.
The legislation makes the unconstitutional Iraq war authorization of 2002 look like a walk in the park.
It says geographically Obama or the next president
In perpetuity, until it's repealed, can just attack anybody they want, any country, brutes on the ground, including America.
This is giving martial law powers to the executive branch and Congress handing over its war powers authority, just like it's done with its money to the Federal Reserve.
I mean, this is such a big deal, and again, here's his dad, one of the only people criticizing it.
We were doing it last week, thank God, and so we ought to just hear from Rand Paul on
Obama is being given war powers that only Hitler had, and we're not Germany, folks, in 1939.
I mean, this is dangerous, dangerous.
We have not seen the proof that Donald Trump is a man on a white horse, Napoleon Bonaparte.
We know Hillary and Jeb and Obama are bad news.
We know that.
And I, you know, I think that we haven't seen the last of Obama.
Not hardly have we seen the last of him.
That was my next question.
What do you, because you really predicted, I mean, you proved me wrong about how, I mean, I thought Obama would be bad, but nothing like this.
What do you think he'll do in his last 11 months?
Well, you know, he has, so far, he has been able to take away most of our liberties, been able to put us asleep, and to pit us against one another, to open up this nation to immorality and destruction.
It's very little left for him to do, except for martial law, and to try to maintain some sense of power within the office.
And I'm watching very carefully what's happening.
Stay there, sir.
When we come back, we'll get into that.
And then for 20 minutes the next hour, take calls.
Also have a clip of Louis Farrakhan that I want to play for you where he agrees with Trump on not letting radical Muslims in.
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Here's the headline.
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Why'd you do that?
They got these advisors in there that think they know everything.
These politicos never did anything in their life who are still dialed into the old system.
That is like Confederate money after the Civil War.
It's good to light the oven with.
It's good to light the fire with.
It's good for birdcage liner or to wipe your butt in the outhouse with.
I mean, the establishment is going out of style.
And instead, they push this corpse Hillary on us, who's having coughing fits in public.
It looks like she's about to die.
We've got all this craziness happening.
We've got Obama running around on constant vacations.
And we've got him going after the guns with executive power.
The Republicans trying to hand him total power because they want it when they get a Republican in?
I mean, it's dangerous.
And I'd like to see Trump come out and criticize this war power authorization that's open-ended everywhere in the world.
Because the one thing he says that bothers me is he goes, I'm really militaristic, but I don't want war with Russia and we shouldn't be in Syria.
He says the right things there, but then says, but don't worry, I'm militaristic when we need to be.
Well, so is Thomas Jefferson, so maybe I get where he's going with that, but going back to Pastor Manning and your calls for 20 minutes into the next hour for folks that are holding, what do you expect Obama to do finishing up with that?
And then Hillary, doesn't this show the arrogance of the system pushing Hillary, who is so loathed across the board, I mean, that even a kook like Bernie Sanders could be beating her in many polls?
And so where do you see that going?
Actually, I think that Hillary's got some major health issues, Alex.
I know that Bill has some major health issues.
If you just look at him, how much he has slowed down, how frail he looks.
He looks like Steve Jobs before he almost died.
Yeah, he's awful, and Hillary, though she hasn't gone through a major weight loss, she's not thinking clearly.
She's not spontaneous, she's not quick-witted, not that she
I think she's got some major health problems.
And Bernie Sanders, Alex, has tapped into young people who are unchurched.
They graduated from liberal high schools and colleges where our government and Constitution was not herald as the paradigm for the world.
We've got a gap.
We've got a patriot gap, we've got a loyalty gap, we've got a belief system gap that these young people were raised up in.
However, Bernie, on the other hand, was a part of the tail end of the Bolshevik Trotskyite Russia, the Communist Marxist movement.
He's a leftover time bomb from the Cold War.
He is basically, in my view, a Communist agent.
That's a great way of saying it.
And so that's why he's resonating, and that's why the young people that don't know God, that don't know our nation, have been taught to hate our nation in schools, are resonating with Bernie Sanders.
That's what's going on in that event.
I tell you, I mean, they've already suckered him.
The big money wants socialism because it domesticates people, and these young people are so sad.
They have no idea that Naftan Gantz sold out their jobs, now they're getting two, three degrees, and then there's no job for them.
And now they want Bernie to give them everything free.
Where do they think it comes from?
I think that their parents are still around.
They still believe that the Wall Street structure is still pretty powerful.
They don't have to get out and earn a living for themselves as of yet.
So they have not become concerned.
And they think that the wealth that's out there that their parents have should be shared with the people who have made no efforts to do anything or take advantage.
And they don't know that their parents who worked for it invested the wealth that's been stolen with the derivatives and the whole house of cards is coming down and they want tyranny in place when it all goes down.
Well, it's a sick system.
And it's going to take a lot to undo this.
I mean, we're nearly 21 trillion dollars in debt.
That's right.
Stay there, Pastor.
Back in 70 seconds.
Pastor David Manning.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Folks, I'm not going to belabor this.
I want to go right to your phone calls.
Pastor David Manning is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
If you just tuned in, InfoWars.com.
Now there's all these great stations out there, a new list is shooting every second, so it's important to reintroduce the show.
I'm a libertarian Christian.
I believe in treating people like I want to be treated.
I've studied the elites we have.
They have picked up a science called eugenics, which is basically just pure Satanism.
And they are really doing bad stuff.
And they want to be God.
And I realize that there's nowhere to run in this future if we don't fight them.
And it doesn't matter, even if it's the Antichrist and all this beast system comes to the fore.
I've got to resist it or I'm working with it.
And let me explain something.
I don't need to intellectually know that.
I feel it spiritually because I have to even fight not joining it through fear, through passion, through lust.
I'm wicked.
I can think like they do.
I can get into these mindsets.
I can channel that energy.
And let me tell you, it's bad news.
And the world is just given into it by peer pressure.
So I just want to say this before we go to calls with Pastor Manning and get his take on it.
You can't make a deal with this, folks, and the only safety is in resisting it.
The only safety is in that for those of you that are intimidated by this evil and just keep your heads down and go, hey, I know you're right, but I'm staying out of it.
You're already in it.
If you choose not to fight this, you've already chosen.
There is nobody in the stands on this one.
You're on the field.
Pastor Manning, do you agree with that statement?
No Demilitarized Zone is the word, Alex.
You're absolutely right.
But I think that where maybe a large number of people are is that they just don't have the personal fortitude to stand up and choose to fight.
And so they make the wrong choice.
It isn't easy to stand up.
I heard you say at the top of your broadcast an hour ago
That you're in this even if it costs you your life or if you get arrested.
People can't say that.
They don't have their strength.
Now, they should be able to, but they haven't seen this nation in such a way as that they're willing to go to jail and not be able to call an attorney.
They're willing to die for what they believe is right and just for this nation.
The people haven't arrived at that point yet, and that's just where that's at.
You're absolutely right, and it's because of that attitude we lose.
They should be afraid of it coming into full power.
They should get that it's not selfless and great to fight this.
If you really study history, it's all we can do.
They've lied to themselves.
I think that they believe that somehow or another it's not going to come near them.
They'll put up with some inconveniences here and there, but it's not as drastic as perhaps it could be.
And maybe if they just stick their heads in the sand, it'll pass them over.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
But that's how they feel about it.
Well, that's it.
We're going to break.
I promise we're going to be right back with Sean, Matt, Brandon, Scott, Craig and others for the final segment with Pastor Manning.
Pastor Manning, as we go to break, I want to ask you this one minute.
People think they're going to be passed over by this system.
What they need to get is, it's all the preparation, the digging in, the webs being woven.
All the evil we see now is just the preparation for this, what's coming.
And that's what you can feel in your gut, your spirit, you can see it too.
I mean, your take on what I just said.
This is not uncommon.
It happened in Nazi Germany.
It happened in Rome.
It happened with the Greek islands.
It happened here in America.
Only 17% of the people in America during the time of the revolution felt there was a need.
They felt they could just get along with King George.
And so this is not uncommon.
Humanity has not advanced to the point where people are now awake because of what they're eating or drinking.
And they recognize we got to stand toe to toe against the system.
I mean, it just it just perpetrates itself.
But the thing that is consistent, Alex, is that the minority group that does take a stand always wins.
They never lose.
You're absolutely right.
It's an incredible time to be alive, folks.
I mean, get yourself right with God.
And then, folks, know I'm not a preacher, but the more this evil presents itself, the more I just run up underneath God's wing, because I just, whew, that's the only way I can do this.
And keep praying for us.
We're praying for you as well.
We'll be right back with your phone calls with Pastor David Manning.
Stay with us.
Russia and Turkey are headed for a military confrontation along Syria's border with Turkey, as reported by Kurt Nimmo of InfoWars.com.
According to intelligence sources in the United States, Russia has dispatched engineers to the northeastern city of Qamishli on the border.
The Qamishli International Airport has already been closed to civilian air traffic and turned over to the Syrian military in late October.
Around 200 Russian personnel will fortify the airfield in Qamishli and ready it for military aircraft, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Turkish media also reported the presence of Russian engineers.
And around 30 miles away, U.S.
military personnel have established a secret air base and are building another one at a former agricultural airfield, a few miles from the Iraqi and Turkish borders, according to Syrian activists.
The Turkish government claims it's stepping up maneuvers against the Islamic State, but it was previously reported that Turkey has been buying up stolen Syrian oil from ISIS for at least several months.
This is Kit Daniels reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up after Pastor Manning leaves us, I'm going to play the first place winner from the Make Fun of Hillary contest.
I'm going to get to more of the clips from the X-Files.
That is just basically classic Alex Jones just to show the success we're having getting the word out.
Thanks to all your support and spreading the word out there.
We'll continue with phone calls and hit a bunch of news.
El Salvador urges women not to get pregnant till 2018 to combat spread of Zika virus.
Isn't that convenient?
All these new little loving viruses.
Be sure and take all your shots.
Brazil had the lowest...
One of the lowest breast cancer rates in the world, but now since they accepted glyphosate a decade ago, it's exploded.
Oh, but the big companies love us.
Everything's fine.
Let's go to phone calls here from Pastor James David Manning.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Who's up first here?
Let's go ahead and go to Matt in Ohio.
Matt, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, thanks for having me.
I just wanted to check in with you guys.
Alex, for whatever it's worth, I'm a long-time listener and first-time caller.
Going back to my buddies making VHS tapes of your show in Austin.
I just wanted to send a little bit of health and strength to you guys for your day.
I'm a long-time musician, artist, educator in the field of popular culture.
I just wanted to say it's great because you guys are giving a representation of a term that I've developed called cultural unification, and I think that this is just such a great vision of it, and it's a great counterattack for every attack that either you face, Alex, or Pastor Manning faces.
Because it's all about, you know, this whole divide and conquer, which you guys often talk about quite a bit.
Instead of fighting over, you know, race or where you're from or all these side issues, which they bring in to exacerbate.
There are real issues there.
We are unified in, are you for the God of this world?
Or are you for the God of life?
I mean, it really does come down to that.
That's why they're always attacking real Christians.
Not that the churches haven't been taken over and aren't run, most of them.
It's still that idea could stop them because we are brothers together and sisters in our ideas of love and liberty.
And I think that's what you're getting at, and that we don't want to be spied on, and we want fair taxes, and we want sovereignty, and we want to be treated good, and we don't want to be told our kids belong to the state.
Pastor Manning?
Yeah, you're absolutely right about that.
All those things, you know, goes right there.
But I'm amazed that the Ohio listener, Matt, has been listening to you from the VHS days.
That's a long time.
That is long-standing loyalty.
My hat's off to you, Matt.
That's right.
I mean, I got used to it.
We were just on a few radio stations, but I made films that, you know, a couple a year, they would go out on VHS tapes.
People make copies of them.
So God bless you, Matt.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Sean in Texas.
You're on the air with Pastor Manning.
Go ahead.
Gentlemen, how are y'all today?
Just fine, Sean.
It's such a privilege to be speaking with you, Alex, especially a modern-day George Washington.
Enough about me.
The show's having success.
It's dangerous, but I'm no George Washington.
Go ahead, though.
Well, to some of us you are.
Just a few quick points.
I think you guys are right on just about everything you've discussed.
You know, it's funny, you just brought up divide and conquer, and one of the things that, this is going to sound like something that's more divisional than bringing people together, but my biggest issue is, you know, when you start to discuss radical Islam or radical Muslims and people that are carrying out some of these horrific events,
You know, my perspective is these people aren't even really human.
They're more like animals.
And how, even if things hypothetically get under control, these individuals cannot be assimilated into our society.
There's just really no room for them.
So I guess my question to you guys is, you know, if and when we take the Constitution and the government back and impose the rule of law that we've lost over the last few decades, what do we do with these people?
Pastor Manning, I appreciate your call.
That's a really good question.
Let me just briefly say something on Proviso and then move forward.
You gotta be careful when you start saying people aren't acting like humans.
Because that's how you dehumanize people.
In the Middle East, they've dehumanized women that way in many areas.
And we do the Muslims a favor when we say radical Muslims.
They say, oh, you mean all Muslims.
Well, okay, if you want us to say that, we will.
The point is, is the people they're bringing in are people that have overthrown the non-radical Muslim countries.
Our government's behind that, and they're coming here, and they know it's not gonna mix, and they know it doesn't fly, and they know it doesn't work, and they hope we then respond in a totalitarian way and get rid of our own values in a response to these people, and in that process, we get dehumanized and brought down to that level.
Now, that said, you gotta shut them off, you gotta kick them out, but you've gotta treat them kindly and nicely and not let the globalists destabilize their country to begin with.
Sean, down in Texas, I don't want to seem churchy or, you know, all spiritual and Pentecostal, that kind of thing.
But the blood of Jesus is able, the blood of Jesus is able to wash anybody from a mindset that's incompatible with His Word or the rest of humanity and bring them in and welcome them in.
And that's the weapon that we will use, the blood of Jesus preaching the Word of Almighty God.
I know that's a little bit preachy,
But that is indeed an answer.
Well, that's why the enemy does everything they can to make sure the real gospel is not taught.
And promoting people that are promoting this feel-good gospel has nothing to do with Jesus.
Oh, the feel-good gospel is total witchcraft, voodoo, name it and claim it.
It's total CIA on record with that.
The real gospel, folks, it works.
It's spiritual.
It's electric.
It frees people.
It's real.
They open that door, boom, they start changing.
And that's what the spirit of this world is scared of.
The problem is, is they won't let us proselytize to Muslims, and under political correctness, we're not supposed to either in this country.
Yeah, that's the other problem.
Yeah, we gotta focus, we gotta put the Word of God back center, and focus on that, that people wouldn't know that.
I know that Muslims are looking for a way, and they're looking for an answer.
That's why, you know, listen, they
They believe in Father Abraham, which means that their minds are open to Jesus.
They just need to be taught it.
And we need to demonstrate as Christians that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
And once they see that in us, then they'll be able to follow suit.
There have even been top psychologists and psychiatrists in big studies around the world, even with groups of people that have never been exposed to Western religion or culture, where these people are basically possessed and they're cursing Christ, and it's only Christ that's able to free these people.
I mean, the world hates Christ.
Out of all the religions, out of all the hype, all of it, Jesus Christ is special.
There's no doubting it.
And the world is coming against it.
I don't mean to get all preachy, Deb, but that's what we're doing.
That's the way it is.
Let's go ahead and take another call here.
Who's up next?
Let's go ahead and talk to Scott in Maryland.
You're on the air with Pastor Manning.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing?
Good, brother.
Hey, Scott.
All right.
Yes, Scott.
Go ahead.
We said hi.
Hey, first off, I wanted to say, as far as that X-Files thing, I think it's less of a compliment or a subliminal, hey, keep an eye open, more to a very blatant, this is all hokey, don't pay no mind to it.
My point being that they got Joel McHale playing the part of the talk show host and he's, you know, just, I mean, you look at him in the show, he's comical.
I mean, he's a comic to start with.
Second off, I wanted to say that, you know, you're speaking on the Bible and all, and if you read Jeremiah and Ezekiel and, I mean,
When this happens, there's no getting away from it.
I mean, when the Lord makes His mind up to do this, then it's done.
And I feel personally that we're in the beginning of just what they went through.
The same thing Israel went through when they turned their back.
It's over.
You will now know that I am the Lord.
I'm going to punish you, and you will know now that I am the Lord.
Oh, there's no doubt that even if you don't believe in God, you let corruption and evil take over, it will eat your lunch and make you a poor slave.
And so, there's no doubt the law of history, you become decadent, you become evil, you will be destroyed, you will be brought low.
Pastor Manning?
Yeah, I think that what we have to realize is that there has to be the focus that there's only one God.
And once that becomes demonstrated, as Americans, that was the one thing that we held out to the rest of the world, except for the Jews that demonstrated that early on.
But once that becomes demonstrated, then those that are clinging to other gods and other ideas will have to step back and then want to seek this way.
And so, when we look at what Jeremiah and Ezekiel and all the others had to do, they had to fight off disbelief in their times and in their days the same way that we have to fight it now.
But the one principle way in which God worked consistently as a thread in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, this thread is never broken, by focusing on the people to whom He has chosen and blessed, that they might be the example.
And you know, to say this, as you raise this as a point,
You know, God can take a person like Alex Jones and get his voice out there, and people can listen to what he said.
No, he's not all preachy.
He's not having you say a catechism, but he's bringing a truth.
That's what people misinterpreted about Jesus.
He brought a truth that they thought wasn't preachy enough, but it was a truth that set them free.
And so were we to go back to the time of Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Elijah, one of those, I think we might find ourselves with some contemporaries today doing a similar kind of thing that's going to take another three or four hundred years of history before they get paradigm as such.
Scott, thank you.
I mean, undoubtedly, the show is mixing real things that are happening with entertainment so that when the general public hears it, they just say, oh, that's just X-Files.
But the fact that they've had to do something like this is another sign that Congress has a 9% approval rating, that the system knows it's in trouble, and that when people stand up, you can affect the culture.
It's not just a one-way street where Madison Avenue and Hollywood dictates everything.
We can take action culturally and see it starting to be mirrored there.
We have power in this world as well, not just those that serve the system.
Pastor Manning,
Thank you so much for spending an hour and 15 minutes with us today.
And of course, we'll continue to watch and listen to your shows.
Otla, A-T-L-A-H dot O-R-G.
Please continue the great work and God bless you.
Thank you for the time.
God bless you, Alex.
Thank you for having us.
Thank you, sir.
It feels good to have him on.
My gut feels good when I'm talking to Pastor Manning.
You know how that is?
You might like some people, but there's a weird feeling about them?
I just get a good feeling with that guy.
I just love him.
All right, folks.
We're going to be right back on the other side of this break, and we're going to get to this Hillary contest winner, then to the rest of your phone calls, and a bunch of news.
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Is your life watching mainstream television in the NFL, or is it studying the mysteries of the universe?
By the way, Richard Reeves is popping in to come out in the next segment, out on the campaign trail in Iowa, went to a Bernie Sanders event of socialist mind-control victims.
He's going to give us an update on that, joining us a little bit in the next segment.
But before we do that, let's go to the winner.
Hillary, a joke that isn't funny.
First place $5,000 winner.
YouTube, Radio Nation 1 is the handle.
And so here is the winning entry.
When I heard about the Make Fun of Hillary contest, I really got excited.
Dozens of ideas flooded my consciousness.
After all, Hillary is a dumpy, stiff, humorless cartoon figure with a string of outrageous lies and embarrassing gaffes that would have destroyed anyone else.
What a juicy target for ridicule and parody.
One of the ideas for a Hillary as the Wicked Witch of the West, with the faces of her many evil familiars grafted onto the bodies of the flying monkeys, I always found it interesting that Hillary and Billory seem to surround themselves with physically distorted, angry misanthropes such as Robert Reich, Donna Shalala, James Carvel, and Madeleine Albright.
The Clintons had apparently tapped into the psychology of physically repulsive people who are angry at the world with a thirst for political power to use as payback against the normals, like the Morlocks feeding on the Eloi in H.G.
Wells' Time Machine.
Or how about that creepy Star Trek episode?
Where a bitter, rejected girlfriend takes over Captain Kirk's body so that she can be the captain of the Enterprise, like a bitter old Hillary having to use Bill Clinton as a front and beard for her own warped ambition.
How about depicting her as the revenge-driven brain that wouldn't die?
That old 1950s horror schlock classic about a woman whose scientist fiancé got into an auto accident that killed her body but left her head alive thanks to his scientific acumen.
Naturally, being a dismembered head in a dish of blood is a rather unpleasant experience, so the bodiless woman becomes unhinged, using her hate-driven mental powers to control a brainless body that just happens to be laying around the lab to do mayhem.
I thought this the perfect metaphor for her domineering relationship with the philandering, distracted Bill Clinton as she acted as shadow president.
I began to craft the video for the contest, but something kept me from exploiting the idea of a funny Hillary.
Alex, you have used comedy very effectively to cut pompous leftists down to size, but Hillary is something quite different.
Can we really afford to laugh at the woman who started out her career as a crooked intern during the Watergate scandal?
A senior citizen robbing crooked shyster in Whitewater?
The woman who presided over the massive Clinton body count in Arkansas?
The theft of the FBI files that adversely influenced politics for decades?
Not to mention the kidnapping of Elian Gonzalez, the bombing of the Serbs, the destruction of the Middle East and the Benghazi compound?
Imagine using a charitable organization to pass government secrets and favors, and in the process, steal millions.
This avaricious woman may just be the most despicable and dangerous figure in modern times.
As a friend would say, she is a toxic bitch.
Sorry Alex, even at the risk of blowing 5 G's, the thought of this creature with her finger on the nuclear button as the evidence mounts that she quarterbacked the burning of the Waco church leaves me laughing until I cry.
We came, we saw, he died.
Well Al Parker, I'm here to tell you right now that
You are the winner.
Great job.
Radio Nation won.
And I don't know Al Parker, but I can tell you right now, he'd be great whatever city he lives in to be one of our auxiliary reporters and file reports for us and go out and cover events.
What a great radio voice.
What a great writer.
What a great researcher.
What a great brain.
I can tell you right now, a guy like that,
Who had, like, a one-hour Sunday show on, say, ABC, just sitting up there reading a newspaper and making comments at a kitchen table, would have twice the ratings of Face the Nation.
That's what people want, is real information, real analysis, real common sense, not a bunch of slick political hacks in fancy suits, reading teleprompters so they can show off to their mommy about how far Stephanopoulos went, what a big boy he is!
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hundreds of monkeys have been sent to Australia for so-called medical experiments that raise serious ethical concerns and potentially reveal what would happen if humanoids are grown in a lab.
More than 370 primates have been part of the research over the past 15 years, and the scientists who conduct the tests are most likely entirely lacking in expertise essential to care for such animals.
Australia's Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said, The experiments are extremely cruel in nature, with one test reportedly involving a baboon who died after getting a kidney transplant from a pig.
The violent experiments were mainly conducted at the National Health and Medical Research Council Baboon Colony in Western Sydney.
Millions of dollars from research grants were used to conduct the experiments, and hospitals connected with the studies refused to disclose the details about the number of primates which had been experimented on, or how many had died or had been killed.
Now, hypothetically, if these same scientists were to grow humanoids in a lab by combining human DNA with who knows what else, do you really think they would treat them any different?
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I'm up here in space.
I'm looking down on you.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yes, it's rock and roll sing-along time with Alex Jones.
My laser's trace.
Everything you do, you think you've private lives.
Think nothing of the kind.
There is no true escape.
I'm watching all the time.
I'm elemental!
My sight is clean!
I am perpetual!
I keep the country free!
Talk about ahead of the time.
I think that song came out, Electric Eye, in like the mid-80s.
Mr. Halford really has some vision.
You can't feel my stare.
You don't know I'm there.
Alright, let's stop right there, ladies and gentlemen.
With the poetry on the NSA spying.
But you do not keep the country free.
We've had the former director of technicals actually ran the NSA operations against the Soviets.
And no one could be spied on in the United States unless they were a foreign asset.
And then they got warrants to spout everybody else they were talking to.
And they could target and shut people down like that.
And of course that was also in the age of HUMET.
They've gotten rid of 90 plus percent of human intelligence, which then allows them to feed disinfo through the internet through these systems.
I'm going to talk about that more, but I love how they just sit there and deny.
deny that they're even spying on you.
And when they get caught, they go, oh, it's to keep you safe when our own government is running the Islamic radicals.
I'm going to go to your phone calls after we talk to Richard, but there's a whole stack of this news here, and this is the latest at InfoWars.com.
Islamic murderer.
Christian girls exist to, quote, pleasure Muslim men.
I mean, look, look, this sounds like incendiary propaganda.
This is what's going on.
Because they're coming from Muslim countries where women are absolutely lower than dog flesh.
And I just watched the weird leftists with their sycophantic, dandy love of radical Islam.
And it's sick!
They really are mentally ill scum.
There's a new article out with top psychiatrists saying that Angela Merkel is clearly mentally ill.
There's more analysis coming out on Obama's clearly insane.
Totally narcissistic.
You've got Hillary won't tip anybody.
Constantly has people fired.
Screams at everyone.
Same thing with Merkel.
But then they go out and they're all sweet, the little jihadis.
I mean, it's just crazy, folks.
You know how somebody is by how they treat little people.
I can be around somebody really cool, really famous, really nice to me, and they treat some waiter like trash for no reason, or they treat little people like scum, I will never talk to them again, because that's everything I need to know about them.
Now, conversely, somebody from the government or some system gets in my face, tries to treat me like scum, I'm gonna get back in theirs as well.
They treat me with respect, I'm gonna respect them.
But I tell you, we get disrespected as a country and as a people because we lay down to a lot of bull.
Melissa Harris Perry gets on TV on countless shows and says your kids belong to the state and parents aren't doing a good job.
That woman should have been boycotted out of this country within a week of making an un-American, a totalitarian statement that's only acceptable
In hell holes like North Korea, that trash, that dangerous bug-eyed rat, who knows full well what a dirty communist is up to, Bernie Sanders.
He's not a socialist, he's a dyed-to-wool, flaming dirtbag.
There's no such thing!
As a socialist, they're all communists.
And communists work for the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve.
On record, the criminals couldn't fully take down America, so they took our money and financed the Bolsheviks.
We should be on our knees apologizing to Russia for what we did.
Our ancestors allowed the globalists to send a 100,000 man army, just like they've done in Syria, of Americans into Russia.
Who were Russian-speaking, first-generation, second-generation immigrants, and they took that country down, and they murdered tens of millions of people, mainly Christians!
And you look at sacks of trash like Hillary Clinton, or Crystal, or any of these neocons, they are the children and the grandchildren of the kings of the Bolsheviks!
Leon Trotsky!
And I tell people this, they go, really?
They go, wow, I didn't know.
Oh, you didn't know the people attacking Trump are the literal children and grandchildren of the Bolshevik Revolution quarterbacks?
You know how much trouble we're in, people?
Thank God for George Washington and the Second Amendment, because we're going to try to fix this peacefully.
But let me tell you something garbage.
Listen, the poor Russians are tough, smart people, but they've been under hundreds of years of the czars and feudalism and never come out of the dark ages.
So they didn't know what they were up against.
We've got the jump on you, we know what you're up to, and we're fully aware of your garbage.
Now you thought you'd just poison us with fluoride vaccines and stun us and then you could still take us over.
You, you, you are falling, you are rotting, you are ugly, you are stupid, you are bad, you are pathetic, you will fail.
We can smell your blood.
You wanna fight?
You better believe you've got one.
And as the word spreads around the world of how the paradigm really works, countries are going to line up against you.
Now we go to Richard Reeves, who's on the road covering campaign 2016.
Long-time political correspondent Richard Reeves.
Richard, tell us exactly where you are via video Skype right now and what you notice going into the warren of the golem ghoul-like servants of Hillary's beard, Hillary's fake competition to make her look less radical, Bernie Sanders.
Alex, I am in Iowa City, Iowa, and it's very exciting though to see.
You know, you're correct about Bernie Sanders, absolutely spot on target about Bernie Sanders, but you know what?
Bernie Sanders has a chance to take Hillary Clinton down
In this primary election season, where she can't even get the national nominee for the Democrats.
That's right.
She's so unpopular in the Drudge Poll, he got like 28% and she got .88.
Which is figurative for her to say Hall-Hitler, because that's the kind of woman she is, so I guess that's her number.
But expanding on that, it's just amazing.
So break it down, the numbers, you got a big guest coming in later in the week to break down the demographics, how we can defeat them and get Donald Trump in.
Well, I've been saying since early December, this is Donald Trump's election to lose.
Now, it's time for him to really win.
I think, if I were Donald Trump, I would be exposing Hillary some more about her predatory habits against women and against children, and I would also expose eugenics.
I tell you what, you've been talking about it all day on today's broadcast.
That is one truth that Donald Trump has not touched upon yet.
Planned Parenthood is not about women's health.
Planned Parenthood is about eugenics.
Talk about swinging female votes.
Talk about swinging minorities.
That's how Donald Trump can do it.
Donald Trump, I'm asking you, get out there, talk about Planned Parenthood, talk about that it's a eugenics program, talk about Margaret Sanger being a eugenics proponent, talk about Hillary Clinton following up and being right in Margaret Sanger and the New World Order's pocket and pushing eugenics, whether it be fluoride and lead in the water or Planned Parenthood or all those different things you laid out earlier today in the broadcast, Alex.
Now, let's get into the demographics, the numbers, what we're seeing with Sanders, what you saw at the cult event.
Can this cultist, more honest about his communism, defeat the larger CIA rat that is Hillary?
Well, that's one of the beautiful things about the New World Orders.
They've built this enemy of communism and socialism here with their
Liberal education system, the public schools that are a disaster, the colleges that are liberal campuses of disaster.
Well, you know what?
They've built themselves a new enemy because they're about to take down Hillary Clinton, their establishment candidate, their Bilderberg pick.
So Bernie Sanders got 2000 people to about four or five different events yesterday in total.
He's had 50,000 people turn up for him in Iowa at his events.
And he had, if I remember correctly, over 2 million individual donors.
With an average of $27 a piece.
So he's got a war chest.
He's got a $54 million war chest.
So that means he can go on beyond Iowa.
That means he can go beyond New Hampshire.
And it's not because I'm excited about seeing him win.
I'm excited about seeing him take Hillary down and let's get the witch done with!
Imagine folks walking down the street and seeing a reporter yell and scream.
That's what it's all about.
Wearing our open bias to tell the truth and fight as America is being destroyed to save the country.
Richard Reeves, now calming down a bit Richard, as you stand out there in the misty rain, you're doing a great job.
Let's go over some of the demographics.
I mean, he really is beating her in most polls.
They're trying to suppress that.
I really expect, if he's not a total ringer, because he played nice with her for a long time until she attacked him, that, you know, he's not Obama Part II, the heir apparent.
I really think that, you know, they'll blow his airplane up, they'll kill him or something.
He doesn't really have any skeletons so far that have come out.
What's the intel?
I mean, do you think Sanders is for real, or is he just a total shill for Hillary?
No, I think he's for real.
I think he is who he is, and I gotta hand it to him.
He's a hard worker.
He's getting these mind zombie socialist bots that the New World Order's created.
He's getting them to show up at his events.
Normally they would be lining up for a Harry Potter movie, but instead they're lining up for him.
You're right, they are really stupid, waddling, soft, dumb morons.
Sorry, go ahead.
But the good news is, look, they're awake about certain financial aspects of the New World Order.
I think with Donald Trump out there, he will be able to judo that support to himself in the upcoming general election.
I think he, you know, when Bernie goes by the wayside or if he wins the National Democrat nomination, I think Donald Trump wipes the floor with Bernie Sanders.
But in the meantime, if Hillary goes down, we'll not shed a tear.
Absolutely not.
So the numbers are, oh, more encouraging great news.
A poll came out yesterday.
Alex, I'm telling you, you've worked.
Decades about this.
I've worked decades about this.
This is so exciting to see.
They had a poll come out.
Fox quoted it.
I don't know which poll it was.
Donald Trump, 39% in Iowa.
Ted Cruz, 34% in Iowa.
That's 73%.
If you add up Carson, Cruz, Fiorina, Rand Paul, you know, the other outside candidates, if you add them all up, it's got to be 80% now ready to flush incumbents down the toilet, Alex.
They think the Republicans can win 47 states' top analysts.
They are scared to death.
And I tell you, if Trump is a shill, no one will forgive him.
He will have nowhere he can go if he isn't for real.
But I've talked to so many people, on and on affair, I'll leave it at that.
If Trump isn't for real, he's the greatest actor I've ever talked to, and I'm just going to leave it at that.
But obviously the media is listening, and I don't care what the enemies know, you know.
But the point is, Trump
There's a stack of articles today saying Trump, X-Files, Alex Jones, he's a nut.
You know, he's this and that.
You know, they're really getting it.
But the point is, Trump's smart enough to want the Patriot base.
That's the base.
That's the winning team.
You know, it's much bigger than the, you know, 13% black vote that puts the Democrats in every time.
So that's the third rail is the original Americana Patriots of every race, color, and creed.
Trump knows that.
But man, I'm telling you, all the money they're putting against him, they're not doing that for show.
And they're not talking about that in the media.
So that shows he's real for whatever reason.
They do not want him in.
So this is an epic battle.
All these people want to watch NFL football all day.
Hey, forget that.
This is the true blood sport.
This is the true gladiatorial event right here.
But it's for real marbles.
That's right, Alex.
Think about this.
If you were Donald Trump...
You're at a point in your life, you're at a point on this planet where you can be the biggest modern-day Benedict Arnold in history or you can be the biggest George Washington in modern-day history.
What choice would you make, Alex?
It's a simple choice.
You've got to be the George Washington.
You've got to choose George Washington.
That's right, we choose George Washington!
That's right, and I think Donald Trump's gonna choose it.
Listen, if I were Donald Trump, I'd tell you exactly what I'd do right now to win this race.
Number one, I would reach across the aisle to Ted Cruz right now and I would say, look, Ted Cruz, you have been hated in Washington, but you know what, that is a badge of honor.
I love you for it, brother.
I understand why you took out a loan at Goldman Sachs.
I understand why you did a Citibank loan.
Because if you hadn't have done that, Lieutenant Governor Dave Dewhurst, Texas, would be the Senator right now.
And he's a really bad guy.
Yeah, Dewhurst is really bad news.
So I forgive Ted Cruz for that.
And on top of that, it was a loan.
It wasn't big.
Speaking fees like Hillary Clinton had from Goldman Sachs.
Well let's expand on that.
You take a loan wherever you're going.
The point is, let's expand on all that.
It's the biggest bank out there.
We're supposed to get the loan.
The point is, is that Cruz I think overall is for real.
He's voted good.
But he's smarter politically I think than Rand Paul.
I'm not knocking Rand Paul.
But what is he doing attacking Trump viciously?
That's going to make him go down in the polls.
Where are they coming up with this?
Well, you know, we've had Rand Paul red flags for a few years now, and I want to love Rand Paul, and I still love Rand Paul.
That's just like we want to love Glenn Beck.
But you know what?
The red flags that come out right in the middle of the Texas State Convention in 2012 when your dad is still running for president.
You came out and endorsed Mitt Romney in the middle of the Texas State Convention, where your dad is speaking?
You know, and now he's doing this, you know, acting like an establishment party hack.
You know what, Rand Paul, here's the thing.
Like Alex said earlier, why aren't you attacking Obama?
Why aren't you talking about the fact that 80% of the people might vote out their incumbents today?
You know what, if we vote out all these starring incumbents, and if we vote in some great House members, brand new House members, brand new Senate members,
Shake the tree, shake the Washington tree, that you know what?
We can withstand a bad president.
And I've forgotten why he didn't endorse his dad.
Well, why do you think he called up and wanted to come on the show two weeks ago?
Because I want to be friends with Senator Paul.
I want him to win his Kentucky seat.
But he's acting so established now, he could lose that.
We need all the friends in the Senate we can get.
We need all the friends in the House we can get.
Why he's doing that is just beyond comprehension.
He obviously is not listening to this show.
I don't know who he's listening to.
Rand Paul, whoever it is you've been listening to, Alex has said it.
Turn him off.
Fire him.
Get him out the door.
You know, you need to be like Donald Trump right here and say you're fired to probably about half your staff.
Well, Ran's out of it right now, so it doesn't really even matter.
I just... whatever.
I mean, the truth's the truth, and you know, it is what it is, and...
All I know is he's been betting on Trump falling and it didn't happen.
And we need him in the Senate.
He helped beat the gun grab bills.
Rand Paul's a great guy.
He is good.
He's done good work.
And Richard, we're going to continue to track this with you out there as we accelerate towards seven days till the key caucuses.
We will talk to you again very, very soon.
Let me say a couple more things real quick.
Donald Trump, I'm going to be at two of your events tomorrow.
I've got two pocket constitutions for you.
I've got two-pocket Constitution.
You need to show this Constitution.
You've got to talk about the Constitution.
You want to win this race?
Make friends with Ted Cruz.
Not after the Iowa caucus.
Make friends with Ted Cruz right now.
Tell him you're going to put him in as Attorney General or you're going to make him the VP if you can get the... I know you're excited, Richard.
You're doing a great job.
Don't scare him, though, when you get up to Trump.
Just saying.
Hey, we're with Infowars.
Thank you for supporting the Constitution.
You know, please talk about it more because they're claiming, you know, you want to run over it.
But, and I would also bring up, you know, maybe how sick Hillary looks, see what he says about that.
But great job, Richard Reeves.
All right, Alex.
Thank you very much and appreciate you Infowarriors out there doing business with Infowars store and putting the word out about Infowars.com.
We are in an epic battle and we are on the verge of making giant changes and going to victory.
I love Richard Reeves.
He's like that in person when he gets excited.
We'll be back with some of your phone calls and then we got Leanne McAdoo-Jakari Jackson coming up.
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Alright my friends, I'm doing this little segment in five more minutes and then Leanne McAdoo is coming in and she's going to be covering Ron Paul's dire warning for America.
Congress is writing the president a blank check for war.
The most unprecedented ever.
That's what I've been covering since last Friday.
Ron Paul gets it.
Thank God.
Stephen Hawking warns humanity.
Leave Earth before the ruling class destroys it.
X-Files review.
Flint update.
She got back.
Jakari Jackson, Michael Zimmerman, Joe Biggs, and more.
Jam-packed fourth hour today.
Some stations are now starting to pick it up.
We appreciate that.
And if not, Infowars.com forward slash show.
We've brought back the fourth hour.
They're going to play a bunch of clips from the X-Files opening episode.
Another one airs tonight.
Had record ratings.
As reported by Variety.
But, looking at this, it was smattered with lots of little short clips of the O'Malley character that's based on InfoWars.
I mean, the same studio, everything.
It's crazy.
You know, same setup.
I mean, it's amazing.
And little comments like, they're coming for your guns, martial law.
I mean, directly out of this show, here it is.
So if you own a registered firearm, you will actually be targeted as an enemy by your own government in the likely imposition of martial law.
And there you go, from that studio to this one.
Which is, they've done everywhere else.
They register, then they confiscate.
And it's just smattered throughout the whole thing.
There's some big clips coming up.
I want to go to a few calls in this segment and the next.
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All right, who has been holding the longest here?
Let's go ahead and talk to Craig and then Mike and others.
Go ahead, Craig, you're on the air from Virginia.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, brother, go ahead.
Hey, just want you to know, Congress is trying to pass this resolution 569 condemning violence and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.
It already has over 100 co-sponsors.
Yeah, I was unaware of that.
I've heard people on the news saying, ban people that criticize, you know, the precious Muslims.
But I wasn't aware they had a resolution, which this just softens this up to then have laws like Europe where they arrest you if you criticize your daughter being raped, literally.
There it is, H-Res 569, condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.
And that is that in the House Judiciary, brought forward by, who's that brought forward by?
Who's the sponsor of that?
A whole bunch of people.
I'll have to read that for myself.
What does it say?
It's a resolution and it's basically a blatant attack on the First Amendment.
This is a simple resolution to the United States Congress.
It's just basically making hateful speech illegal.
Well, they're always trying to pass those hate speech laws where if something hurts someone's feelings, you can be arrested.
Facebook says in their new rules, uh, disagreeing with someone is grounds, uh, for hate and you can be banned.
People say, well, then why are you on Facebook?
Well, I mean, while it's there, while the getting's good, we're gonna go into the enemy operation and...
Flight 360.
We're completely surrounded.
The Marine Corps General said, good.
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Power of their source.
Alright, let's go back to the callers.
Next longest holding would be Mike in California.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
National Defense Authorization Act, Corporate Personhood, and the Patriot Act.
These three don't cut it.
Do me a huge favor, bro.
Speakerphones just don't cut it.
Alright, just pick the phone up real quick.
Can you hear me now?
Yeah, go ahead.
The National Defense Authorization Act, Corporate Personhood, and the Patriot Act.
These three laws are the biggest threat to our freedom and humanity right now.
Yeah, we're under martial law.
They've dismantled the Constitution on paper.
Now they want to actually physically do it.
But it's like Bank of America started announcing it owned houses they never had the deeds for that were 100% paid for.
And finally, judges just said, arrest the bankers.
In Florida, they had to back off.
So they can announce that we're their slaves all day long.
Let's see them try to enforce it.
But that comes up to us to start saying no.
I agree, and my question is, so don't we have to demand our constitutional rights back first?
Yeah, and we got governors that are moving to start a CON-CON, and governors saying we're not turning the guns in, and hundreds of sheriffs and police chiefs saying we're not turning the guns in, and we're prepared to fight.
We've already gotten to Lexington and Concord level with the police.
That's why they want to start a Black Lives Matter war on the police, to force them on their flank into the federal control.
Because they got a bunch of police chiefs around the country, even Democrat ones, that are really sleeper cell patriots, in a good way, that aren't going to go along.
So see, I mean, this is a real battle, folks, for the country right now.
So my question to you is, if we're going to support Donald Trump, don't we need some kind of assurance from him that he'll overturn these laws?
Because I haven't heard him speak about this.
I totally agree.
And next time I have him on, which will probably be pretty soon, I'm going to bring up these executive actions.
Because, you know, the President obviously needs the support of the Congress and the people, and I'm sure he would want to go get military authorizations and wouldn't want it to be just open-ended, because that's not in the Constitution.
I believe that is a litmus test for Donald Trump.
That's a great point.
In fact, I said that earlier.
I agree with you.
I love your product, by the way.
Thank you very much.
Thank you, brother.
You're awesome.
I just get really excited about these topics when I start running over folks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Steve in Colorado, and we'll try to get to the other callers when the guests come up.
Hector and Craig and Ron.
Go ahead, Steve.
Hey, Alex.
It's good to finally speak to you for the first time in my life.
I've been following you since your
You're back and forth between you and Piers Morgan back in, I don't know, was it early 2013 or something?
Anyway, yeah, I've been listening to you ever since.
There's something I wanted to bring up to you, particularly with regard to gun control and this loophole they're trying to exploit with mental health.
I myself am a United States Marine Corps
I'm a combat infantry veteran.
I was a scout for four years, and I got out in 2009.
I'm in the process right now, actually, of being recruited by a private military corporation, one of the bigger ones.
I have in my hand my PTSD diagnosis that I want to read to you.
I want to read a snippet of this to you.
It was written up by a Navy Lieutenant Commander back in 2007.
This is... I find this one piece interesting because it sheds some light into...
How far they should or shouldn't be allowed to go with regard to exploiting the gun control laws into the PTSD.
Hold on, this is too important.
Leanne and the folks are in the Situation Room, I'm in the War Room.
We're going to come back, have you finish up, go over this PTSD diagnosis, and then I will hand the baton at about 10 after, 12 after or so, to the other crew.
They've got a lot to cover and a lot to get to.
But don't hang up, Steven in Colorado.
Because this is really important.
It's extrajudicial.
There's no judge, there's no jury, there's no finding.
They just say, to basically any combat vet, you have PTSD, you're mentally ill.
And then they basically won't let you own guns.
They basically take your rights away like you're a criminal.
It's part of targeting the veterans.
Statistically, vets are not more dangerous than anybody else.
Russia and Turkey are headed for a military confrontation along Syria's border with Turkey, as reported by Kurt Nimmo of Infowars.com.
According to intelligence sources in the United States, Russia has dispatched engineers to the northeastern city of Qamishli on the border.
The Qamishli International Airport has already been closed to civilian air traffic and turned over to the Syrian military in late October.
Around 200 Russian personnel will fortify the airfield in Qamishli and ready it for military aircraft, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
Turkish media also reported the presence of Russian engineers.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, coming to you from the InfoWars War Room, the big studio.
There in the Situation Room are Liam McAdoo, Jakari Jackson, Joe Biggs, Michael Zimmerman, and others in this fourth hour.
Nightly News is back tonight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWarsNews.com.
All right, Stephen Colorado, if some people just joined us, he was a
Marine Corps Infantryman Scout.
Forced Recon.
Out there for four years.
Got out and he has his PTSD diagnosis now sitting in front of him.
And that ties into him looking at a contractor job.
So go ahead and read it to us, sir, and fill us in on it.
Alright, I just want to make clear.
I wasn't forced recon, but I was with a mechanized reconnaissance unit.
I get all those confused.
I was just trying to repeat what you said from memory.
No worries.
You're more familiar than most.
So, again, I have this diagnosis here because I had to watch four of my friends burn to death in a vehicle in the Al-Anbar province, particularly Rawa in Iraq.
And, um, when I was issued this, I'm going to go ahead and read the very last, basically, two to three sentences here.
Um, he has not sought treatment because of his concern about being labeled as weak or defective.
However, his suicidal, homicidal, or urges are frightening to him and he wanted to get help before he acted on these ego, di-di-diastonic urges.
Uh, he does not appear to constitute a serious risk of suicide or homicide at this point in time, and he is thus fit for retention in the USMC.
Now, what I find strange about this is that this, by all accounts, you know, I have a, and, you know, the way they write up these reports, you know, they gotta access one, two, three, four, five categorization where they straight up just diagnose you, and I'm diagnosed with it, I straight up have it, I flew off the charts for their little test or whatever, but, um,
The very last sentence is what's most telling here, where they basically admit, yeah, he has PTSD, but we still want to retain him.
He's still fit to fight.
He's still competent enough to fight.
He still has his faculties about him, is essentially what they're saying.
What's concerning to me is that they can take this loophole that Obama's trying to exploit, and if they want to, which I have a funny suspicion that they might and that they will,
They can dig in and apply it to veterans who, and of course PTSD among veterans is a wide encapsulating thing.
You know what I mean?
It's over-generalized.
It's over-projected.
I think it's largely a psy-op.
You're absolutely right.
Look, they're coming after the veterans.
Veterans statistically have one of the lower crime rates actually, but they are afraid of you during a tyrannical takeover.
You know, they used to try to recruit military and the police and stuff and they still do.
So they're horrible and they're bad.
We want them for the police.
And it's usually not even vets that do the stupid stuff.
It's the greenhorn, wannabe tough guy, thug types that you don't want as cops from my research.
I appreciate your call.
God bless you.
Let me just briefly comment on that and then hand the baton over.
I have studied PTSD.
I have studied
History, I've studied militaries, I've studied esprit de corps, I've studied how information warfare operates.
When veterans feel good about what they've done, and know it's for a greater good, PTSD is 90 plus percent lower.
But when you don't feel like it's a good fight,
And when you deep down know that there's a lot of fraud involved, your body doesn't like you.
Your subconscious doesn't like what you're doing.
You don't feel good about what you're doing.
It's called conscience.
And they try to project onto troops, who may be skittish, may be a little paranoid, may have problems right after a trauma, that you're screwed up for life, and that's the way it is.
I've had a lot of family that's been in heavy combat.
And when they came back from Vietnam, or Latin America, or the desert in the Middle East, you know, for a few years they'd be a little skittish and a little weird, but after that they became, you know, great members of society, and were some of the most steadfast people you could find.
And they are projecting onto people in a psy-op that, oh, you can get medication.
Oh, you can get a, you know, disability.
You want to get a disability before you leave the military, so let's give you one.
Let's give you a mental disability.
Women go in, to even dermatologists now, and they go, oh, here's a doctor right next door.
You get a discount if you want to go on this speed or this drug, you know, because, you know, I can tell you're stressed.
These questionnaires are written so widely.
To where they can say you're suicidal for a reason.
It's like these suicide tests for kids in high school.
You know, are you upset?
Do you, you know, have anxiety?
Are you, you know, are you depressed sometimes?
And then they take your freedom away or, you know, give you a designation for life off of that.
Everybody's got PTSD to a certain extent that's ever been in... I mean, what do you think kids growing up in really bad neighborhoods that have been in a couple hundred really bad fights have been through?
What do you think people that, I mean race car drivers, the incredible stress of that, and the people dying and what they see, or what do you think boxers go through, or football players?
They got worse PTSD, the most combat vets, I mean actually at the NFL level?
That's brutal, I played high school football, it was painful!
It took a lot of will to be able to just handle those injuries and keep playing.
And I mean I was not even very good at football.
Good enough for them to start me, it was horrible.
And you get run over.
But the point was, is that it's a giant screw job.
It's a giant psy-op.
It's like telling women they're all depressed after they've had a cesarean section.
Well, of course, you haven't been able to exercise for six weeks.
Of course you're depressed.
Go out and exercise.
In double-blind studies, it's way better than, you know, Prozac.
So it's a mind game.
And people can take those wounds and take those pains and turn it into a motivation for the future.
And what veterans need is to go out and help others and to go out and be on a mission now for America.
What troops need is a continued mission.
That's why a lot of them from Vietnam go off and run and live in the woods or whatever because they want to stay kind of in that mindset because it's what they know.
Well, we need veterans to just realize don't buy into the fact you're a victim, don't buy into the fact you're screwed up.
Take what you've gone through and actually use that.
to take action in the real world around you.
And they won't tell veterans this either.
They try to put them on Prozac, all these other drugs that screw people up.
They try to put them on opiates for PTSD and things.
The studies are that MDMA, ecstasy, you know, the real stuff.
Look at the studies in Europe with troops is amazing.
Instead, they want to give them amnesia drugs.
They want to give them vaccines that change brain chemistry and actually take the highs and lows out of your emotions.
Watch my film, Brain-Eating Vaccines.
It's a 15-minute video where it actually goes into each part of your brain.
See, they've got real treatments for people, okay, where it'll just lift years of stress off of them.
But they don't want you to have access to that.
And I'm not saying go out and use street drugs.
Most of that stuff's horrible and would really hurt the troops.
But, you know, it's like fibromyalgia being a microplasm.
They won't tell folks that certain antibiotics have been proven to knock it out.
They won't give the troops that either.
There's all sorts of things that are known that get rid of Lyme disease, you name it.
But they won't tell the public.
All right, so that's the bottom line, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to hand the baton now.
They've got a lot to cover, so sorry I went over here to Leanne McAdoo and the rest of the crew, but that was a powerful testimony earlier.
Leanne McAdoo.
Thank you, Alex.
I'm here ready to take over the Overdrive Hour, and you're absolutely right.
I mean, the way that they take advantage of our troops, and we definitely do have the greatest military in the world, but it's not for them to build up our service members.
It's for them to go and send us off
Into these perpetual wars, and so that's what I don't like is drumming up the patriotism for our troops And then sending them off to these perpetual wars, so that's what Jakari Jackson is here joining me We're going to talk about this blank check that Congress is writing for this President or for whoever may be the next president and this is why it's so important to pay attention Who are we voting in there?
Who is going to be have this blank check authorization to to go to war and
And this is going to be a global war.
So let's talk a little bit about Ron Paul's dire warning for America.
He says this legislation makes the unconstitutional Iraq war authorization look like a walk in the park.
And of course, you know, as Alex Jones is always saying, they tend to do these things on a Friday night.
They're going to announce the banks, you know, the banks are closed.
Well, here we have
Snowzilla, this Snowmageddon, and so of course we have Mitch McConnell heading to the Senate to pass a, basically it's going to be fast-track legislation to grant the president the authority to wage unlimited war for as long as he or his successors may wish.
He or she may wish.
And that's why it frightens me so much when you hear these presidential candidates talking about going to war knowing that we're potentially going to be
I think it should be taken seriously.
I definitely, as you said, it's basically a transfer of power, as Ron Paul puts it, from the legislative to the executive branch, and it allows the president, or whoever the president may be in the future, to wage war without restrictions on time, geographic scope, or troops on the ground.
And geographic scope would probably be something that I would hit on pretty hard.
I could say, you know, ISIS is, you know, in your grandma's underwear at the airport, and then they could choose to have a campaign there.
I'll be very clear about this, you know, my view of it is, you know, it's
The potential for them to do this.
It's not my personal opinion that we're currently under martial law or will be in the near future when the next president takes over.
I'm just saying this is a open-ended blank check to whoever may be in power and could potentially use his power similar to the Rex 84 legislation as we know it's drafted in 1984.
That stuff didn't happen as far as on the streets and all that but they gave themselves the authority to do that if they so chose.
Right, and so this legislation is basically setting up, giving the president, whoever he or she may be, authority over just about anything during a time of national crisis.
People were saying, we need to declare a national emergency so the president can confiscate guns.
I mean, people are just throwing that...
That out there as something that the president could use or, you know, during this snowmageddon.
Let no good crisis go to waste.
You know, Rahm Emanuel, if you can, to paraphrase Rahm Emanuel, he said, in a crisis, you can do something that you normally wouldn't be able to do.
So for any reason, whether it's snowmageddon or anything else, if they decide, well, let's just tack something else onto the end of this, they have the potential with this legislation to do that.
Right, and of course we're seeing the destruction of Europe, with migrants destroying European labor, and so of course an economic crisis could be enough to drum up the use for this authorization of military force.
Bank holiday, anything they choose.
Right, there are no limits to this, and that's why this is huge.
Obviously, make sure this legislation does not pass.
Um, anything they try to pass when it's a snowy blizzard out.
You just gotta keep the heads up.
Stick around, I'm gonna be giving you the breakdown from my trip to Flint, Michigan.
Michael Zimmerman will be joining me in studio.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am Leigh-Anne McAdoo here hosting The 4th Hour.
Joining me now is Michael Zimmerman.
Michael, you were the camera guy there with me in Flint, Michigan.
And, you know, what was your take?
Personally, I felt like it was, it could have been the fact that the entire city was blanketed in snow, but it gave me like a very Fallout 4 kind of vibe.
Yeah, the whole city was super eerie because there's no one on the streets and that could have been because it's 20 degrees outside.
But it just, it feels abandoned and you see they tore down, I believe, 11,000 houses over the past couple years because they're burned out, they're so dilapidated that, you know, it truly is a ghost town.
You drive around and there's just empty pots everywhere.
Right, yeah, and the roads were pretty horrendous and I almost got the sense like the downtown area, I was kind of thinking about it trying to explain it to people the other night, it sort of felt like it was a video game or the downtown area was almost set up like a facade, like a movie set to give the illusion that everything is fine and then you kind of get out on the outskirts of the very tiny downtown and you see what's really going on.
Yeah, I mean outside of the downtown it's empty and you know we saw maybe 20 people in the streets but other than that it's just completely bare.
Right, well now I'm gonna play a video now.
It's a furious Flint mom and she was just ranting and we didn't even actually have time to set up mics on these two mothers.
I know you're gonna be working on a longer report on Flint, Michigan that hopefully will come out tomorrow.
But we didn't even have time to mic these women up because they were just so angry, ranting, and we were like, just go for it, just keep filming.
And one of the things that I learned that I just was stunned by was the fact that not only are these Flint residents being charged the highest water rates in the country,
And this was one of the big reasons why they were having this whole water fight in the first place.
Should we switch?
Should we not?
We need to save money.
And of course trying to skirt around all sorts of financial issues.
But they're already being charged these exorbitant prices.
But now, even though they know that the water has been poisoned, contaminated, they're still having issues with it.
They're still forcing residents to pay these super high prices for their water.
The lady said before she even turns her water on every month,
The minimum is $60.
So do we have that video queued up, guys?
Let's go ahead and play that.
$66 before one drop of water comes out my tap.
And we're paying for it.
We can't bathe in it.
We can't cook in it.
We can't do anything.
I lost an animal to feeding it to it.
You can't do anything with it.
The only thing you can do is flush your toilets.
And that's the God honest truth.
And make sure that you use cold water with anything in Flint.
The vapors are killing us.
That's where the... And the vapors have... Asthmatic.
My husband, he has COPD.
I'm asthmatic.
Well, you know, the hair loss, I've got it.
People want to talk about it, let's talk about it.
Because I'm 52 years old, I've hair that was down to my butt.
Now I'm cutting it because I've got to hide the bald spots from the water.
And where are we going to go to bathe?
What are we supposed to do?
We can't go nowhere.
We have to pay for this water.
We've got shut-off notices.
Oh, they're not going to give you shut-off notices.
They're not going to do it in December.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Let me tell you.
Yeah, shut me off in December, all right, for non-payment.
Had to pay it.
Or in December, you know, my kids would have went without Christmas.
We had to pay for water that stinks.
You can't drink.
You can't smell.
Look at that.
It'll make you choke up a little bit.
It's thickening.
We have the highest water rates.
They've upped our water rates three times in one year.
It was like 70% in one year without the people's vote on it.
We didn't have a say in it.
It went from one amount to another amount to another amount and it's like, oh, well I ain't using that much water.
Oh, now your water bill's this much.
You know, and I have another problem with Flint's basic little thing and their political gain here.
Isn't it funny that we've got this, I'm going to call it Watergate, because there was a break-in to the city files, the water department, and only the things that can get the people that did what they did or got the dirt on them, come out missing.
Not my bills, not the meter ridden bills, not the bills going to be sent to the people,
Just the information that's gonna cover their butts came up missing.
Can anybody say Watergate?
And it isn't, it isn't them against us and it shouldn't be, it should be we the damn people for once.
Stand together united.
It is, I am just one of all of us and it takes all of us to make this merry-go-round go, you know.
And that's what makes me so angry.
It's like, I don't want to talk.
I didn't want to either.
You know, because I'm so angry now that sometimes biting my tongue just ain't enough.
And I look at my grandson, and he's got sores, and I look at the skin problems, and he's a mixed child.
And he has a lot of skin issues anyways with asheness, and nothing's hitting it.
He's had little spots on his head, like she said.
Alright, so we'll go ahead and
Come out of that video, you can see the full thing at the Alex Jones YouTube channel.
But as you can see, these parents are furious.
They're getting charged exorbitant rates for their water and they just want answers.
And then of course, there you had the other cover up with the thieving of any evidence there out of the water company.
So stick around because coming up, we're going to talk about these Flint residents being told that their children could be taken away.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm hosting the 4th Hour Overdrive.
I'm Leanne McAdoo, joined by Michael Zimmerman and Joe Biggs.
Now, before the break, we watched a video of a furious Flint mother speaking out about the fact you saw the hair loss, when you think hair loss from this lead poisoning.
Maybe you're thinking thinning hair.
She, right there on camera, laid it out there.
She's like, this is what we're talking about when we talk about hair loss and rashes.
And there was this
Concentrated cover-up.
Women, mothers were getting turned away when they tried to go bring video to the doctors.
There was a mother who actually took a video of her child getting a rash from taking a bath.
And initially the doctor was very concerned.
Then of course he got a little heat from the city.
They had to shut that down.
So here you're seeing in Flint just a concentrated effort
To hide these people's concerns and now here's a story out of Activist Post.
Flint residents told that their children could be taken away if they don't pay for the city's poison water.
Now there has been a class action lawsuit filed from some Flint residents who say we don't want to pay our water bills.
It's been poison.
We've been having to pay to poison our children since 2014.
Well, there's a Michigan law.
Parents are neglectful if they do not have running water in their home.
And if they choose not to pay for water, they can't drink anyway, then they could be guilty of child endangerment.
But it's already the third, the nation's third most dangerous city.
Now you add that lack of water.
What is that going to do?
To Flint over time.
That's going to make things even worse.
Yeah, and the fact that it's lead poisoning and side effects from lead make people more aggressive, more violent.
It leads to... I mean, I feel bad for those people.
I mean, that is horrible what is going on.
It is really horrible.
And the fact that the government is forcing them to be hooked up to the municipal water supply.
This was another thing that you'll see in another video we've got coming out.
They're not allowed.
They will have their house condemned if they try to go do it the old way and collect rainwater or figure out.
I mean, obviously, you'd have to dig really, really deeply to get a well deep enough to get past all that contamination from the auto industry.
But, I mean, they don't have any other option.
Even if you could, you know, dig a well, like you were saying, it's illegal in Flint City limits to do so.
Right, and they're telling these people, we'll take your kids, we'll condemn your home, we know the water's poisoned, and that was one of the things that lady mentioned.
She didn't want to speak out because they then say, oh, well, you're going to go ahead and need to pay your water bill this month.
I know it's $400.
So, I mean, it's just extortion.
And they were telling us, the people there in Flint, that they were told, you're not going to have your water shut off for nonpayment until we get this whole thing figured out with the poisoned water.
But she showed us a shut off notice from December.
We're going to shut off your water in the middle of the most freezing cold month.
I mean, not that you can take hot showers anyway.
She explained that they have to bathe by dumping bottled water on their head and then getting soaked up and then another bottle of water to clean.
I mean, can you imagine living in those conditions?
And then I saw over the weekend there was some social justice warriors on Twitter.
They were like, oh, they're making people show ID in order to get these cases of water.
But people don't understand that there are people that are stealing the water and trying to sell it.
People are coming in from other places where they're not even dealing with this, trying to steal these cases of water.
So you have to prove that you're a resident there.
I mean...
It's just kind of crazy, but you know what?
It's just a huge government conspiracy.
Nobody believes that the government would poison you.
Nobody believes that they would do this, even though now we have proof that they were joking about residents complaining about it.
This was going on since at least 2014.
The people we spoke with said that they've been complaining about this water for up to five years, with just some of the dirtiness there.
Meanwhile, if we poison something, we're going to get fined for it.
You got oil spills in the Gulf.
You got the EPA dumping poison into rivers.
No one cares about that.
That's fine.
We'll let them off the hook.
Let's go after, you know, Mr. and Mrs. Flint right here is trying to take care of their family and fine them for not paying their bill because they don't want to drink poison.
Right, and sorry the economy is so bad, but we're going to go ahead and charge you some of the most exorbitant water rates in the country.
I mean, the sense that I got, you know, obviously you're there, the people that we met were all really nice, passionate people, and you know, it's sad to say it's time to move out.
But you can kind of see that there is a concentrated effort there to try and turn it into green space, because it's so contaminated there, everything's been
The ground is poison.
You know, a local was telling us that where the old factories were, they couldn't even, you know, build a park there.
They had to put dirt on top of the concrete because if they just dug up the concrete, there'd be so much ground pollution that nothing would grow.
So they had to bring in dirt on top of the concrete to even build a park.
And it's like, you know, I feel bad talking about Flint, Michigan like that, because like I said, there are some people there that are pretty cool and, you know, a young business owner trying to make the best of it.
But it is.
It's like, it might be the damage is done.
It's pretty poisonous there.
You know, but like I said, a lot of people don't have the means to move out.
So now while we're on government conspiracy theories, let's go ahead and talk about the X-Files.
The first episode premiered last night.
I haven't gotten a chance to watch it, but of course I've been seeing some of the articles coming out today.
Of course, attacking Alex Jones.
How can you take him seriously?
Why would you give him a setup like this?
Basically, there being Dana Scully's character, how she is really needing
This is a treason and it's all just claptrap.
Well, the interesting thing is, is I knew that this episode was going to get a lot of attention.
You know, it was what, like a week, two weeks ago they came out saying that this new character being brought in or introduced into the X-Files, you know, team with Scully and Mulder was going to be a guy based off of Alex Jones.
I knew that right there was going to get the left so upset.
That you're gonna have all these writers out there sitting there watching, taking very meticulous notes, just waiting to come out and sure enough, you know, there's tons of articles out today about that first episode.
But the interesting thing about this is 13.5 million people watched The X-Files last night, higher than the season one average.
So, you know, it's only going to be six episodes, but it's definitely going to be interesting to see how it unfolds, especially with this new character, Tad O'Malley, who, you know, is this conservative talk show host.
You know, when the first episode comes on, you know, Mulder is kind of like apprehensive of Tad O'Malley.
And then towards the end of the episode, he compares him to a godsend, saying that he's, you know, the greatest thing ever.
So it's really interesting to see where they've gone with this season.
And if you guys want, you know, did you watch it?
So basically what happens is you have Fox and Mulder, they're sitting there, or Scully and Mulder, and they're brought back in to work together because this Tad O'Malley guy has reshouted the FBI.
Basically shows them some information that everything they've done in the past and previous episodes was all a lie.
Now they were kind of close to what was going on, but they weren't really right on the right path.
Now in the previous seasons, they're going after UFO phenomena, they're chasing the fact that they believe that the government's trying to cover up
You know, intelligent life, aliens, things like that.
But come to find out what this season is, is that no, not in fact that they weren't trying to cover up the existence of alien technology.
What they were doing is, is they took alien technology from Area 51 crash and they harness it.
And in fact, the government is using that technology to go against the people.
Now, it wasn't, you know, E.T.
running around in the spacecraft, picking up and abducting people.
No, that was the government.
Because there's a character that they bring back from the original seasons and she had been abducted more than anyone and he, uh, Mulder goes, what did the aliens look like?
And she goes, they look like people.
They look like men.
And you know, Tatum Alley brings them into this area and shows that they have this actual UFO, and they have the technology, they've harnessed it, it can levitate, it can disappear, and all this stuff, and the government is using that against its own people.
Absolutely, and I know that that's kind of something that's been floating around on the internet for a long time, saying that they've harnessed this alien technology, and of course, why wouldn't they?
And to just see how technology advanced since the Roswell crash and everything,
Also interesting, one of the reviews here, we are all Alex Jones from the work print.
Kind of interesting to talk about how when X-Files first came out, the internet was, nobody had computers, essentially.
So now, Alex Jones is kind of the
The new agents, Scully and Mulder and the rest of us out there on the internet who are able to post these videos to YouTube and things like that and to put these other theories out there other than what is being perpetuated by the government and by the mainstream media and it's kind of interesting to see now with this X-Files kind of pushing back against that as well.
We're all Alex Jones!
Everyone needs to do their part in exposing things.
If you see something, film it.
And stop, for goodness sake, stop posting the videos on YouTube with the fake alien invasions and like using after effects to be like, oh, what's this sound effect?
Because it does just discredit anything that could actually be.
You have to kind of sift through all of the nonsense.
Well, let's go ahead and play this clip, because when I first watched the clip where, I'm sorry, I've lost my video thing, the blueprint for global domination.
It is literally like they just listened to an Alex Jones Show and copied it verbatim.
Let's go ahead and roll.
Driven not only by corporate greed, but a darker objective.
The takeover of America.
And then the world itself, by any means necessary, however violent, or cruel, or efficient.
by severe drought brought on by weather wars conducted secretly using aerial contaminants and high altitude electromagnetic waves in a state of perpetual war to create problem reaction solution scenarios to distract enrage and enslave American citizens at home
With tools like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act, which abridge the Constitution in the name of national security.
The militarization of police forces in cities across the U.S.
The building of prison camps by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with no stated purpose.
The corporate takeover of food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals and healthcare.
Even the military in clandestine agendas to fatten, dull, sicken and control a populace already consumed by consumerism.
And I encourage you all to go shopping more.
A government that taps your phone, collects your data, and monitors your whereabouts with impunity.
A government preparing to use that data against you when it strikes.
And the final takeover begins.
The takeover of America.
By a well-oiled and well-armed multinational group of elites that will cull, kill, and subjugate.
Happening as we sit here.
It's happening all around us.
The other shoe waiting to drop?
It'll probably start on a Friday.
The banks will announce a security action necessitating their computers to go offline all weekend.
Digital money will disappear.
They can just steal your money?
Followed by the detonation of strategic electromagnetic pulse bombs to knock out major grids.
What will seem like an attack on America by terrorists or Russia.
Or a simulated alien invasion using alien replica vehicles that exist and are already in use.
An alien invasion of the U.S.
The Russians tried it in 47.
You can't say these things.
I'm gonna say them tomorrow.
It's fear-mongering.
Claptrap isolation is techno-paranoia.
So bogus and dangerous and stupid.
What does that mean?
Saying these things would be incredibly irresponsible.
It's irresponsible not to say it.
Especially if it's the truth.
And there you go.
And that's what Alex is always saying, that if it's the truth, we've got to put it out there.
And obviously you don't have all the facts for everything, but to just wait until then and allow the message to be controlled, that's definitely very dangerous, especially as we see all of these plans sort of escalating here in these days.
So, Joe Biggs, now I know this wasn't really your thing, conspiracies and stuff, before coming here to InfoWars.
So when you watched the show last night, what did you think?
I thought it was pretty cool.
I mean, I liked it.
I know some people didn't.
I thought it was interesting to see what it is that, you know, we do here.
And I was kind of curious to see how closely they followed Alex Jones and how closely they were going to mimic this character based off of him.
Uh, the way he spoke, the way he said things, I thought a lot of the things were pretty spot on.
I'm just interested to see how they go with the character throughout the rest of this mini-series.
Uh, you know, is it gonna be, are they gonna take him seriously?
Are they gonna kinda demonize him towards the end?
So I'm curious to see how they're gonna, you know, treat him, this character, the entire time.
But, uh, you know,
I liked it.
You know, I used to watch the show when I was a child with my mom.
That was our go-to show.
We sat down in a room every time that X-Files came on and watched and I didn't really quite get any of it because I was really young.
But now I'm starting to see, I've started going back now and re-watching all the series again and watching this as well.
So I like it.
I enjoy it.
And I know one of the articles I read, they were like, well, why does he have this alien technology, this Tad O'Malley?
Why doesn't he alert the mainstream media right away?
The same thing that we have to deal with.
They wouldn't believe you or they would.
Allegedly, even though they're like, I'm standing in front of an alleged alien technology.
They'll try to make you sound crazy.
Yeah, they'll just perfect sound bites with everything.
Even here with Edward Snowden, now we have this story up on InfoWars.com about Snowden questioning the latest Islamic State video.
The video was put online by the usual suspect, Site Intelligence, and he's wondering if this is, you know, does the Islamic State have some interest in restricting encryption on the internet, or does the FBI?
Like, who's really behind this?
So, you see these
Well, they want to get this narrative that, you know, if we don't ban encryption or don't break encryption and put back doors in it for government, the terrorists are going to use that against us.
You know, they want us to be afraid of encryption when, in fact, it's a good thing to have.
It also keeps government from snooping on you.
Well, I guess we will stay tuned into the X-Files as more of these episodes come out and sort of break them down.
Well, X-Files, actually Jillian Anderson, she's one of the main characters, she came out and
I don't
As a result, most of our show up until that point was, and still is, about government conspiracies.
They're conspiracies now about the government having known about or having caused 9-11, or about it being a ruse and excuse for us to go into Iraq.
But it became no longer okay for people to accuse the government of being deceitful or untrustworthy, and that was the backbone of our show, and we couldn't continue.
And that is why they stopped filming the X-Files.
Wow and that is incredible and of course they sort of opened the X-Files with this.
This was starting from 9-11 and you know that is incredible right there because that's one of the big freedoms we have here in the United States with the freedom of speech is being able to question our government and being able to speak out and now we see how it's just a complete 180 where we have all these kids who've been programmed and indoctrinated in school basically calling for the end of the First Amendment if it hurts their feelings.
I mean, they want to scare people from talking about things, or they want to demonize reporters for going and reporting on something and then automatically saying that they're invested in that thing that they're reporting on.
I mean, for information, while I was on vacation last week, Rob Deuce sent me an article from the ADL, Anti-Defamation League, basically saying that I kind of...
took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge with Ammon Bundy and I was currently living in Oregon and that I was one of the main people behind it because I reported on it.
Now think about that.
Me as a reporter, I went to a location, I talked about something and now I'm a part of that because I reported on it.
And that you were actually in Vegas at the time.
Still hold up there.
Yeah, they basically called you a domestic terrorist, too, didn't they?
Oh yeah!
I mean, the ADL is the exact same thing as the SPLC.
Same website layout, same everything.
Well, you have been in an ISIS terrorist video.
I mean, but that's really a scary thing that's happening right now, that as a reporter you could go and talk about something and then be associated with it just for talking about it.
Right, and if you're actually doing your job as an investigative journalist or as an investigator, you should be questioning the White House talking points.
I mean, that's your job.
Well, stick around because we are gonna... Guys, I want you to stick in here with me and then David Knight will be letting me know what's coming up for the Nightly News.
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We're good.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We are wrapping up the fourth hour overdrive and right before the break we were talking about this term conspiracy theorists and how you know if you're doing your job as a journalist you should be questioning the government and of course we saw that sort of wiped off the map after 9-11.
No one was allowed to speak up about it.
One of my professors there at UT, he was one of the only people that spoke out about it and got a lot of flack for it but he was tenured so he didn't get fired.
He was called a festering fountain of foolishness by the president.
That was his big claim to fame.
So this was a Zero Hedge article that came out last year.
In 1967, the CIA created the label Conspiracy Theorists to attack anyone who challenges the official narrative.
And this article goes on to explain how democracy, free market capitalism were founded on conspiracy theories.
But those were, you know, that was a long time ago.
Things changed in the 60s when the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term conspiracy theories and recommended methods for discrediting such theories.
So they can't have anyone questioning the government, questioning the official narrative there.
We don't need that.
And of course now with the repeal of the Smith-Month Act, now they can propagate immediately just right to the public.
I mean, with that definition in itself, I mean, people should take that as a badge of honor.
To be called that at times.
I mean, especially if you're actually doing work and you're looking at the information and you're putting it out there the correct way.
You know, with the government coming out and saying that we're going after people who are talking about us and maybe, you know, might put some things out there that could get us in trouble.
And then we're being called conspiracy theorists, and you know, hey, we're doing something right here.
So hey, bring it on.
Call me that all day, and all your articles, doesn't bother me.
Right, well when I was going through college, one of my professors, international relations professor, he was actually the one that first showed me one of Alex Jones' 9-11 documentaries, and his whole thing was basically like, if you really want to get into international relations and journalism, you need to know what you're getting into.
And just kind of blowing up my mind as a young student there, just sort of like, wow, this is the kind of thing.
And I think, was it the fog of war or something came out where he said after the fact, well, yeah, we did all this stuff to get things done, you know, but we're conspiracy theorists.
So and that's what he also said is it's.
It's not a conspiracy theory if it's actually a conspiracy fact.
Some things are actual conspiracies.
And a lot of the things that, you know, we have the audacity to say here do end up being true.
Well, tonight for the InfoWars Nightly News, David Knight says he wants to talk about Bloomberg, considering throwing his hat in the ring, considering running as an independent.
I guess it's too late to go run as a Democrat, so it's going to be the battle of the billionaires.
I guarantee you, as soon as he makes that announcement in March, gun sales are going to go through the roof.
Oh yeah, I mean, what is he going to do?
What is Bloomberg synonymous with?
Taking the guns.
So everyone's going to go in there, people are going to be buying guns.
I mean, he thinks he's going to hurt that?
All he's going to do is help out the gun industry.
And tax all the giant sodas so there won't be any salt on tables in restaurants.
No giant sodas there.
It'd be like Demolition Man.
A little tiny food at the Taco Bell.
With the miniature things.
There'd just be water.
Basically, what is the criteria for running as an independent?
And is this the establishment trying to just go against Bernie Sanders or, you know, if he ends up being their Democratic candidate?
Because as we see, Hillary is just tanking and I think her lies and her crimes are going to catch up with her.
You can only have so much stuff the media just try to cover up, try to deflect before the voters are finally going to go, you know what?
Maybe she isn't the best candidate.
Who is actually going to vote for Bloomberg?
I mean, look at his record!
Look what he did there!
He's just a billionaire who wants to take your guns, but he wants all of his security to be heavily armed.
Yeah, exactly.
He's the only one that's important enough to be able to protect himself and his family.
So yeah, I agree with you.
Gun sales are going to go through the roof.
Well, Joe Biggs, Michael Zimmerman, thank you so much for joining me in studio.
David Knight will be hosting the InfoWars Nightly News tonight, 7 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Find out what it takes to run as an independent and the battle of the billionaires.
We'll see you here tomorrow.
The Alex Jones Show, live 11 p.m.
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