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Name: 20160118_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 18, 2016
3088 lines.

The passage is from Alex Jones' radio show discussing topics such as politics, mainstream media, government cover-ups, and being informed about the truth. He criticizes politicians, promotes his website Infowars, warns about losing guns, talks about how the media controls mass movements through hype and peer pressure, and promotes various health products. The podcast discusses topics such as oil prices in the US, humanity being targeted by elites, the movie "13 Hours" based on the Benghazi attack, presidential candidates, Bob Barr's views on impeachment proceedings against Obama, Ted Cruz's eligibility for presidency due to Canadian birth, and gas stations selling gas for under $1 per gallon due to an abundance of cheap oil. Lastly, he promotes health supplements offered by InfoWarsLife.

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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday, the 18th day of January 2016, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Former Congressman Bob Barr, who pledged to start impeachment proceedings against Obama if he got elected, re-elected in Georgia, of course he wasn't, is going to be joining us coming up in the second hour to talk impeachment.
The white race is a race of devils.
You don't know where the white devils are, Minister Louis Farrakhan.
I can tell you right now they run the Democratic Party 100%.
They've got black people in their web, murdering your people, and they love it, and they think that people don't see them.
Well, I see them, and I know who they are.
I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world.
Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just mark when they're born.
And then I read Margaret Sanger going, we're going to pose as liberals, we're going to go into these black communities, we're going to buy off their preachers, we're going to get control of them.
And I look at the big liberal cities where they've taken the guns from the black people, where they've shipped the drugs in, where they've got the Planned Parenthood on every corner.
The number one tyrant is right here!
So everything is moving to bring this house down.
I don't care what color a baby is.
My soul won't allow me to hate somebody because of what color they are.
Because I know I'll be destroyed if I ever go that direction.
We're in the midst of the darkest hour.
In American history.
You exposed the abortion, which I know you do.
And said, you know what?
Somebody kills you and gets away with it, they need to be dealt with, I agree.
Well, what about what's going on in these abortuaries?
What about Planned Parenthood?
What about what's happening there?
We have gangsters running this country.
The bigger this war gets, the more freedoms we lose.
We have a fog that has descended upon our entire nation.
The globalists are going to blow stuff up and blame it on you.
But Hillary's the one who runs the cover-up.
Everything you've heard us talk about is now going to unfold in triplicate spades.
This is as real as it gets.
I had a Supreme Court justice tell me to my face, it's over for me.
He said, Matt, it's over for you.
They've got the votes now to enforce copyright law.
You're out of there.
You want it, baby?
You're about to get it.
We did meet the British at Concord Bridge to serve tea, be tolerant, and see how many guns or what kind of guns they came to take.
We met them at Concord Bridge, and we blew their punk-ass brains out.
InfoWars has been able to break every record, infiltrate every operation, blow the criminal cover of operatives more than any other institution out there of freedom, and I'm so proud of that.
The notion that Hillary has somehow been an advocate for women.
No, Bill rapes them physically and then Hillary rapes them psychologically.
I hope the enemies of this broadcast, when you lie about us, when you censor us, when you attack us, when you delist us, when you do that, you're signing on to the other side.
These people are of the devil.
Let's be very blunt about this.
Tell and demand accountability.
It is the most corrupt, degenerate, criminal government in American history.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The crowd is now moving forward toward the barrier.
The police have been telling everybody they're going to shoot if we don't move back.
Their defeat will be ultimately a crushing one.
Party Republicans are now seeing a two-man race between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
RNC power brokers and donors are now working to get on Trump's good side as they now see him as the eventual nominee.
Especially as his reputation expands throughout the Republican political class.
Some of these donors include former Jeb Bush supporters who are now jumping ship as Bush begins to fade away in obscurity.
But they're also courting Cruz, who they see as a stronger challenger to Trump, especially after the 6th GOP debate in which Cruz accused Trump of once having New York values.
That said, numerous people, including Trump himself, are questioning whether the Canadian-born Cruz meets the status as a natural-born citizen of the United States, which is one of the eligibility requirements established in the Constitution for election to the office of President and Vice President.
The establishment was hoping Marco Rubio would overtake Cruz in the race, but Rubio's love affair with Amnesty for Illegal Aliens makes him unelectable in the
Keep checking back at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com for more election news.
And also check out Alex Jones on Facebook for live videos, breaking news and more.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
I don't know.
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Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Fidel Castro took the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
And I'm here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms.
It doesn't matter how many lemmings you get out there on the street begging for them to have their guns taken.
We will not relinquish them.
Do you understand?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome my friends, welcome.
Thank you so much for joining us as we broadcast worldwide on this 18th day of January 2016.
It is a Monday.
I always start the broadcast and try to be calm as best I can, but one reason I get so angry is getting ready at night for the next day's radio show, getting ready in the morning, and then coming in and going over the stacks and stacks of news and just looking at it for myself and seeing the spin, seeing the insanity
Seeing the deception but also seeing the truth makes my blood boil and I always get asked by folks on the ground, by media, well how do you know what's accurate and what isn't?
And that's an incredibly complex question and I don't think you can answer how a great painter like Rembrandt was able to capture the light and do what he did.
He couldn't describe it, he was just able to do it.
And I'm not describing what I do here on air as some great Rembrandt.
Uh, but when it comes to knowing their lies, knowing what their next move is going to be, knowing how they operate, if you study something for 20 plus years, even if you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, you're going to get pretty proficient at tracking it and understanding it.
And I think that's what this comes down to is the average man.
He's an expert on following sports or an expert on how to be social at work to be promoted.
Playing golf and being nice at work is probably more important than actually getting a lot done in most companies.
There's social skills.
There's different types of IQ.
There's mathematical IQ.
There is social aptitude.
There is your looks.
I mean, there's so many things that go into it, but as a culture,
People are really good at following the trends of television, following the trends of entertainment, following the trends of style, following really this false reality that's been projected.
But now this false reality has been able to more and more take control of the real world, and because humans can envision what they then build,
What The Globalist put out as a pipe dream many times actually becomes a reality.
And when you think about how they control mass movements through hype and through fads and through peer pressure, you really then can see the master design.
But that's only one thing that goes into it.
But when you see what they're pushing, what they're trying to brand, what their agenda is, then you fully understand where they're going and then you can pick up
A declassified psychological warfare program from the US, from Russia, from England, from Japan, and you know what the next paragraph's going to be when you're reading those white papers because you're so immersed already in the psychological system, the nomenclature, the culture, the ether.
The ocean, the soup, that is the thinking of conquest economies.
You know the frauds, you know the game plans, you know the drive, you know the mind of the enemy.
And bless the general public's heart, they just want a nice car, want to have some vacation time, want to go get drunk, want to watch a football game, want to have some good sex.
They're not even thinking at the level of a manager or a controller or a master controller.
So the world's just a bunch of complexity, a storm, a sandstorm of work, and they just want to get away from it.
They want to hide from it.
And then they run into the arms of the false paradigm.
They run into the arms of the delusion.
They're now ready and willing and wanting to be deceived.
Here's an example, and I'll get into all the news.
I saw, going through over 150 articles today, two different stories out of prestigious publications going, hey, did you know that they just invented mixing humans with plants and animals and insects?
And they're in Petri dishes.
There's these little mutants.
Isn't it cute?
Now, it's been the same story for 20 plus years since they started reporting this.
And they started reporting 20 years ago or so, about 1995,
They started reporting on that the fact that it had been happening for 10 years.
And I know I keep harping on this because if you understand this, you understand everything.
And then now, instead of it being in a white paper or being in a scientific publication 20 years ago, where I would have to go almost every day as a talk show host to the UT library and dig through the periodical stuff that the professors would be in there going through it, looking at me like I was a space alien and saying, are you a student?
Wow, I wish my students cared about this.
I wish they were digging through the microfilm.
The microfiche.
My gosh, you're showing interest.
You ought to come, you know, try to get a doctorate.
That's how bizarre it is to the intelligentsia that anyone even cares.
Now, it's in the news constantly.
And they're mainlining it.
Financial Times of London today.
Petri dish magic cultivates a modern chimera.
Scientists create organisms that contain cells of humans and animals.
And then it goes on.
And notice they always couch it perfectly.
It's always cells.
It's always tissue.
It's always magic.
It's cute.
It's fun.
Oh, there's creatures with cells in them.
Oh, this goat has the cells of spiders.
Oh, there's tissue in this cow in its uterus that has human cells.
No, it's a humanoid.
When you read the white papers, it's part cow but looks like a human so that the cow doesn't reject it.
It's a clone related to that very species of cow so that it won't be rejected.
That's 30 years ago.
15 years ago, China was selling human milk produced by cows.
It's identical to human milk coming out of cow udders.
Do you have any idea the mutagens, the viruses, the bacteria, mixtures, how deadly dangerous this is?
The cross-species contamination.
The zoological hellfire.
I run into every year to top scientists, top genetic engineers, top people.
You've heard a lot of them on the air.
People that have headed up entire GMO companies.
Top scientists have been on whistleblowing about, yes, we found that the longleaf potato developed in England actually sterilized mammal species within two generations and was toxic.
And when I brought it forward, you know, to the board, they said, shut up or we're going to fire you.
That's the kind of folks I've had on.
But I have run into UT professors and I've run into others at parties and events and they'll all be huddled around and then they'll see me
And they'll say, yes, what you talk about is true.
It's much worse than you know.
And they'll start talking about it.
And this happened like four times.
And they'll just start, men, women, you name it, they'll just start rocking back and forth in their seats with what they know.
And I go, what's going on?
And they go, you know what's going on, but we can't talk about it.
But it's worse than you know.
That's why we're moving out to Wimberley, or we're moving out to Costa Rica, and we're moving and we're just waiting.
And I'm like, waiting for what?
This is happening.
They're like, you know,
I'm like, well, what's going on?
You know.
It's horrible.
I go, what's horrible?
You know.
Folks, if 30 years ago they were growing humans inside cows, do you, can you imagine what's going on on these giant government reservations everywhere?
I mean, the word is in Austin, Texas.
They've got huge labs just full of this.
I've talked to people involved and they're scared.
I mean, the stuff they're doing to monkeys out at Bastrop is nothing compared to what they're doing to these humanoids.
And the pharmacological crops being grown everywhere, and the incredible evil of it all.
And the fact that you can't even get anyone concerned, and the fact that every article I read about is how it's cute, and how it's funny, and how it's neat, and how it's no big deal, no discussion of, do these creatures have rights?
You know they're telling you about it, they brought them to term.
You know for heaven's sakes they're walking around, folks.
I mean, there's a whole breakaway civilization, and we're living in a real X-Files.
And the scariest part is,
They've got the reporters.
It's always elite publications.
MIT Quarterly, Financial Times of London, Wall Street Journal, New York Times.
Always the same people.
Always the same operatives.
Always couching it as non-threatening.
Oh, they're mixing humans with other things.
It's no big deal.
Oh, Planned Parenthood does sell some tissue.
No, it's dead babies.
And it's the way they just sell it all.
And you see the conditioning of the public, and then you think about what are they doing in the GMO to us?
What are they doing in the vaccines?
What are they doing?
And just what we know, what the UN's been caught doing with sterolant hormones added to the tetanus shots and SV40s and literally hundreds of other deadly super viruses added to major vaccines.
And when companies do do a study, they sue them and say it's proprietary, you're not allowed to reverse engineer our mutagenic virus.
It's basically nanotech.
They're putting viruses in people now that mutate.
By design.
Cancer is just everywhere.
Everybody's dying all around us.
They've conditioned us to just slowly be killed and not even notice it.
And then I've got to hear about racism and Black Lives Matter and everybody fighting with each other and all this George Soros run weirdness with a freakish Nazi collaborator ruling the planet.
Just doing horrible things and the average man just wants to talk to me about football.
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You can complain about Big Brother and how this is a potential program run amok.
But when you actually look at the details, then I think we've struck the right balance.
And if people can't trust not only the executive branch, but also don't trust Congress, and don't trust federal judges, to make sure that we're abiding by the Constitution, due process, and rule of law, then we're gonna have some problems here.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
I'm not trying to be negative.
When I get up here and I talk about the whole breakaway shadow government takes more resources than the rest of the economy and the planet gets.
Shadow government worldwide and this giant Manhattan-like project.
I've always described the New World Order as a Manhattan Project squared.
Meaning exponentially order of magnitude larger.
And notice now, you hear the Davos people, you hear Hillary, you hear others, describing what they're building as a Manhattan Project.
Which means a huge, giant, trillion dollar, in today's money, system, completely secret, with hundreds of thousands of people involved.
And so it really is a breakaway civilization, but not a spaceship like Elysium.
It's right here.
And one of the greatest examples of that, and I'm going to go do this myself the next week, it's an important piece I want to shoot, is the J.J.
Pickles Center in Austin, Texas, in North Austin.
And it's been there since the 70s.
It's a giant facility.
It's got all sorts of secret stuff in it.
What we know about is
In the world.
One of the largest research reactors in the world.
And the reason I routinely mention that is, I've talked to probably a couple hundred people on the street, average folks, police officers, you name it.
And I say, do you know about the nuclear reactors in Austin?
And they go, no.
And a lot of the public says, you got any other conspiracy theories for me?
So that's what I mean.
People who are ignorant just use the conspiracy theory label to not have a discussion with you.
And of course they don't know there's genetic engineer facilities all over the country that are clandestine, that are behind glass windows.
In many cases, these aren't even really hidden.
That's how uncurious and uninvolved and zombie-like the public is
Is that it's been known Planned Parenthood and others have been selling baby parts since Roe v. Wade got rammed through in 1973.
There have been lawsuits, it's come out.
Abortionists have gone to jail many times because pro-lifers break in, and they go to jail too, and show evidence and notepads of where they're making fun of the dead babies, they're selling their parts, they're keeping them alive, they throw them in the dumpster.
There's a whole bunch of people that have testified to Congress, hundreds of people that have survived, because they weren't always selling the parts, they'd just throw them out, and they were so lazy.
But they wouldn't even throw them in a bucket, where the baby would be crooked in a water bucket, and it'd be, you know, an 8-month baby, and they'd throw it in the trash can, and pro-lifers would get them out of the dumpster.
They would wait till 5 o'clock every day.
See, see how Truth is Traitor is a fiction?
There's a lot of famous people.
We've had a couple of these women on who are survivors.
Tougher fetus, tougher baby, usually is female.
Most of those survivors are women.
And a lot of them, they've got big hacked wounds, you know, legs that were pulled off.
Now Planned Parenthood is suing the Center for Medical Progress, who snuck in, did these interviews, came in through open doors, investigative journalism.
You know, when you're exposing criminal activity, you're legally covered.
And they'll probably end up winning their lawsuit.
That is, the CMP will, if they have enough money, but they're going to need support.
But what I'm getting at here is there's a lot going on right beneath the surface and you don't even have to scratch the paint off the wall to see what's beneath it.
The paint's peeling off.
And now they're just coming out with all these articles more and more admitting so much of what's going on.
Oh, there's a plan to add stuff to jet fuel to protect us from global warming.
Oh, we've been doing some testing with aluminum salts and aluminum dioxide and barium and things.
See, they're just kind of, oh yeah, there's a world government, oh yeah.
And they take all our tax money, they exempt themselves, and they're just building giant research labs everywhere with cyclotrons and heavy conducting super colliders and nuclear reactors and fission fusion and black hole accelerators and just crazy mad scientist planet with genetic engineering and thousands of pharmacological crops and everybody's getting sick from the pollen.
Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian.
We'll be back with the news, though.
We'll be back with the news.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Several gas stations in Michigan have lowered their gas prices to under $1 per gallon, with one station as low as $0.78 per gallon.
Meanwhile, across the U.S., oil is so plentiful and cheap that at least one buyer said it would actually need to be paid to refine oil.
Flint Hill Resources, a refinery owned by the Koch brothers, said it wants $0.50 a barrel Friday for North Dakota Sour, a high-grade sulfur grade of crude, according to a list price posted on its website.
In comparison, the refinery was paying $13.50 a barrel a year ago and $47.60 in January 2014.
Overall, U.S.
benchmark oil prices have collapsed more than 70% in the past 18 months and fell below $30 a barrel for the first time in 12 years last week.
West Texas Intermediate was already trading near $29 in New York on Monday.
This will lead to the collapse of major oil companies and the loss of tens of thousands of jobs, meaning economic compression is likely.
In other words, a global oversupply of oil has now reached the point that the market is effectively forcing producers to pay them to give their oil away.
Otherwise, the oil will simply sit in bloated storage facilities or on tankers parked out in the ocean.
This is Kent Daniels with InfoWars.com reporting.
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Aborted babies incinerated to eat in UK hospitals.
Soylent Green, ladies and gentlemen, is made out of people.
But now, children are literally being passed through the furnace in order to fuel hospitals in the UK.
They're being sacrificed on the altar of efficiency and prosperity.
What is the secret of Soylent Green?
The powdered flesh from dead babies.
Some people believe they can cure disease.
Because of its enormous popularity, Soylent Green is in short supply.
Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.
The supply of Soylent Green has been exhausted.
You must evacuate the area.
The federal court ruled that the shareholders of PepsiCo, Big Bilderberg Group Company, are not allowed to know what they're using the baby parts for in the flavoring, but we already know.
So enjoy the flavor!
We're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death penalties and sales taxes.
I'm consistently pro-death.
I'm for assisted suicide.
I'm for regular suicide.
I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving.
...is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient, would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade up in medical costs?
But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
They told me to say that they were sorry, but that you had become unreliable.
Is this the kind of society that you want to live in?
Any kind of society that would do this to its children will do it to its senior citizens.
It will do it to its dissidents.
That kind of society will also eventually turn on its police, on its army, on its prison guards, on the quizlings and the collaborators who make that possible.
This is nothing but a suicide cult.
The scoops are on their way.
The scoops are on their way.
I repeat, the scoops are on their way.
You will find out why Soylent Green means life.
You will find out why Soylent Green means death.
We gotta stop them!
Come on!
What is the secret of Soylent Green?
Soylent Green is people!
Soon they'll be breeding us like cattle.
You gotta tell them.
You gotta tell them.
That came out in the early 1970s.
And of course it's basically based on a lot of white papers put out by people like Paul Ehrlich, who wrote Ecoscience the same year that film came out.
With the current White House science czar that I've talked so much about, where they admit fluoride's put in the water to lower your IQ and lower fertility.
Book's free online, 1,100 pages long, you might want to go read it.
And about how they see the planet as a petri dish, and that bacteria in a petri dish will eat through the base, the medium, and then they will eat each other.
They will die in their own excrement.
Not that humans would innovate, not that humans would go to the stars, but that no, humans are the problem and must be removed to manageable levels in neo-feudalism run by a technocracy, a global government, with the elite enjoying all of the spoils that we get zero.
And by the way, it's in the news today.
I saw two different articles again suddenly.
Oh, we're going to be able to live forever soon, but can the general public have access to that?
Maybe if you agree not to have any children.
And you see, you notice cancer rates only go up the more money we spend looking for a cure.
No one asking why is it exploding on every front.
And believe me, they have, I don't want to say they have cures every time.
But there are effective treatments that are withheld and that are shelved because they're seen as disruptive technologies and the public is then given 30, 40, 50 year old technology that doesn't work and ends up frying your body even if you survive and giving you leukemia.
If you survive chemotherapy, they admit on record you're probably going to get leukemia within 10 to 15 years.
And other cancers from
The chemo itself.
So many people I've seen take chemo who are fine and they're dead days later.
I know two people personally last year who were fine with cancer, took chemo, and were dead in a week.
I had a dog, a Boston Terrier, and my wife wanted to wanted to do treatments.
He had a tumor in his throat.
He died
30 minutes after getting his first chemo shot.
And what I'm getting at here is, folks, they're suppressing the treatments.
You wonder why Dick Cheney survived on a heart machine that no one else had ever survived.
You know, Cheney is the record holder with that heart pump.
And he's about to be a record holder with a heart transplant.
He looks good.
But when he gives speeches on C-SPAN, he talks about this is the care everyone gets.
I got nothing special.
Oh, Magic Johnson, he doesn't have HIV anymore.
He's released his test a decade ago.
Doesn't have the virus in him.
How about you and your friends?
How about you and your family?
How's that working for you?
Oh, they go in a box.
They get cremated.
They die, don't they?
So while we're busy talking about discrimination over race or over sexual orientation and, oh, we gotta have bathrooms for five-year-old trannies in all the public schools, all these diversions, we as a species are being targeted by the elite and basically exterminated.
Now I'm gonna stop and cover news for the balance of the broadcast today.
And David Knight's popping in to talk about something positive.
I've spoken so much about how, and you've seen it manifested on this broadcast, this radio slash TV transmission, how the intelligentsia in the military, in the art culture, in Hollywood, in the media, in the news, in the scientific divisions, and in the religious realms, the clergy, the ecumenical, the ecclesiastical,
The financial, the educational, the cultural, to use those terms.
Basically, everyone's having a debate now.
They're going, okay, there is a planetary government.
Okay, it's very totalitarian.
It is eugenics-based.
It's anti-human.
It's very oppressive.
It's very deceptive.
It's very hypocritical.
Okay, the whole move for world government was not to bring in world peace and to stop weapons proliferation.
It was about bringing in a hegemonic banking cartel to consolidate financial power, bring everyone else to their knees bankrupted so they can dictate the terms, and the terms are a narcoleptic extermination.
A phased out culling of humanity.
A childhood's end, but not run by aliens.
I mean, we're here, it's real, face it, or...
Go watch NFL, party, drink, and just say you don't care, but I'm telling you it's going on.
And why?
Where are the survival instincts?
Because people in a dream don't feel like they've got to fight back, because the mind at a subconscious level knows it's not real.
This is real.
The system wants you to be in a dream.
This is real, folks.
It's all over the place.
You can't deny it.
In fact, it's worse than I can say, because I can't ever line it all up and explain it all.
It's too big.
One cannot see the matrix in a trance.
You can only see it by waking up out of it.
One cannot be told about it.
It's like being 12 years old and talking to your big brother, you know, who's 18 and got a super hot girlfriend and she's like, what's it like when she's in the backseat of that car with you?
And you know, you say, son, you just got to experience it for yourself.
You got to experience those good things in life.
A woman that loves you pressed up against you, kissing her, and all that passion, running your hands through her hair, you gotta experience that, and until you've experienced it, people don't know what it's like.
Well, you've gotta experience...
Monkey farms in Bastrop, run by UT, killing hundreds of apes and monkeys a week, testing different psychological warfare systems, and mainly just testing flicker rates with televisions, how to bring them in and out of trances, how to program them, how to show them television, and then to see what makes them more suggestible, and then they kill them.
And then they take that primate study and they bring humans into the lab, run by DARPA,
At the politically correct UT, I mean, you know, they tell you what language to use because they're real liberal.
They walk around and act real trendy so they're not threatening when they are priest of the end of humans.
High priest of doom.
High priest of a suicide cult.
Dr. Bianca, you know, we had the FBI investigate him, and we talked about it, the FBI didn't go there.
He's on TV going, you know, the bioweapon will soon be out, 90% will die, I'm ready for me and my family to die, soon it'll be airborne, like something out of, you know, 12 Monkeys.
And you go to his UT website, and he's talking about how much he loves Lucifer in druidic robes, and you find out he's like the head of one of the departments.
And then I started getting threats.
I've told this story many times.
I'll tell it again because I'm just getting back to the basics.
I can't help it.
This is what it's all about.
All this other stuff is window dressing.
And we get this threatening letter, you know, saying, how dare you talk about this great man?
And we look at who her name is and then later find out, you know, find articles she's written about him positively and that she now works at a big bio research facility in California at the time.
Advanced Genetic Engineering Facility.
And here she is.
I'm trying to find a photo of her with her craze looking around on this power trip.
And she sent us this letter.
And she said, of course.
Bianca is, you know, quite kind.
He's quite moderate.
It's only saying 90%.
Can you not deny humans are a parasite that must be dealt with and should probably be extincted?
To think, Dr. Bianca, that he's so gracious.
See, they put themselves in this position of everyone's going to die if we choose it.
Of course!
How, he's quite liberal and quite kind.
Only want 90% to die.
He's a great man.
There are those of us who absolutely understand that more will be done.
I mean, it's just like, what?
And they're nobodies, they're these soft, power-tripping people who just get off on the idea of deciding who lives and who dies.
He got a standing ovation in March of 2006 at the Texas Academy of Sciences.
I had reporters on there, there were photos too.
Standing ovations went on three times, one of them a minute long, with people crying.
As he projected a giant PowerPoint of skulls from Rwanda with a red, human skulls with a red filter on it.
And he said, you know, we must basically get rid of the human population, it's a disease.
And it was a power-tripping goblin moment where they were hopping up and down and crying.
I mean, you know, you need to understand who you're dealing with.
The scientists of this country are basically demon possessed.
I don't know how else to describe it.
Write a science fiction book where aliens do it.
I don't know.
I don't know what's doing it.
All I'm telling you is we're screwed, folks.
I mean, unless we totally break the dish and realize it's out of control, it's accelerated past us, it's crazy.
I mean, you think it's a victory?
That even the Washington Post goes, okay, take the fluoride out of the water.
It's hurting your teeth, giving you cancer.
Who would have thought it?
We made a mistake.
Take it out of the pesticides.
They've already moved on, folks, to God knows what.
They've got GMO on record leeching into our DNA.
I mean, I can't even believe I have to get up here and explain this to people.
I mean, but that's it.
I'm not in a trance.
I'm awake.
And so, let's get into the other news here.
ISIS members massacres 280 civilians for cooperating with the Syrian army.
Report, the risk of nuclear theft increasing.
They're putting that out so when they say terrorists did it, they've got a backstory.
Robots, new working ways to cost 5 million jobs by 2020, Davos, Switzerland study says.
Two Iranian poets facing lashings in prison escape country.
Now, here's what's really important, actually, because it just shows where it's all going.
Because you have to understand, they're engineering a financial collapse to then get more power out of it, and more trillions in banker bailouts, and more regulations to shut down all their competition, and more immunity
French President declares economic emergency.
Gee, you think when you come out with a 101% tax for three years on anyone who's middle class, gee, you think it will stall the country?
Which is exactly what he wants, so they can buy everything up, those that are exempt.
This whole party's been caught with Swiss bank accounts.
They don't pay taxes.
That's out of Associated Press.
French president declares economic emergency.
Hollande's socialist government has struggled to boost long stagnant French growth.
Oh, really?
Oh, like Obamacare isn't meant to shut down the economy.
I love how, gee, we don't know what's going on.
Double and triple health prizes and the economy stalls.
We don't know what's going on.
The financial apocalypse accelerates as Middle East stocks crash to begin the week.
Local officials, Wal-Mart closures, shocking, devastating.
Oh, you thought it would be... See, people keep saying Wal-Mart, I remember seeing these articles the last 20 years, when everything implodes, because Wal-Mart takes all the local jobs and finally the economy implodes,
And ships in slave goods, what is everybody going to do?
Well, Walmart already had all that actuaried out.
They've closed, you know, 140-something here in the U.S., 269 worldwide.
They'll close hundreds more by the time they're done.
Because that's part of the plan.
Walmart was allowed to do things nobody else was allowed to do.
It had long-standing relationships nobody else was allowed to have as part of a strategic partnership like IBM or Microsoft in the establishment.
Their families getting, you know, what is it, 60 billion a piece or whatever that Bernie Sanders harps on all day?
That's just icing on the cake for these people.
And then they're there to basically sell out real capitalism with their crony capitalism.
But you know who really did it?
It was all the local people wanting the cheap slave goods that break by the time you get the toy out of the box.
It was the people, all the little rural folks wanting to go see the big pretty fancy store that had the big American flag hanging up in it and a picture of Walt!
I like Walt!
They knew how to sell us, they knew how to take care of us, didn't they?
Yeah, they did, boy.
So, that's just a model of it all.
They got Target for the trendy liberals, and all the rest of it.
Disney World for the kiddies.
It's all about using you as a resource.
A resource they see as garbage they want to take out with the trash.
We're going to come back with the latest on the election, Trump, the economy, and more.
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Alright, David Knight has some good news for us.
And I started to get into this earlier, but I didn't.
So I'm going to do that in just a moment.
He'll be with us five minutes to the next hour.
He and Jakari Jackson are going to be breaking it down in the fourth hour today.
Those two co-hosting the fourth hour and a lot more, but 13 hours.
Gets a good review from David Knight and Jakari Jackson, so that's coming up in the fourth hour.
And that's part of the positive thing I was saying, where the intelligentsia is now really having a discussion, for the first time ever, the intelligentsia, right below the elite, of decompartmentalization about the horrible world the globalists are building, using our resources, our time and energy and our acquiescence.
And the fact that this new film just blames the government, blames those above, the CIA and the State Department, and says there was a stand-down, which there was, for 13 hours, really about eight from the time they absolutely knew.
And the fact that Michael Bay would put that out shows the rebellion I'm talking about in Hollywood.
I haven't talked to Michael Bay, but I've talked to pretty much everybody else.
I mean, a lot of top people.
I mean, Chris Carter's a listener.
I'm going to leave it at that, but look for something on that front very soon.
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David will be with me five minutes into the next hour, then Bob Barr comes on about impeachment, Moore, the former congressman that actually did start the impeachment against William Jefferson Clinton.
But this is just another sign that there's a battle in Hollywood that I've been told about for years behind the scenes, but now is becoming very, very evident.
And we're telling folks in Hollywood, show us which side you're on, and we're really seeing it more and more, David Knight.
Yeah, Alex, it's interesting in this movie, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not mentioned by name.
This is not a polemic against them.
What you see from this is, this is told from the perspective of the soldiers.
The people who are serving a bureaucracy that doesn't have any clear mission, doesn't have any moral principles, has no regard for the people who serve it.
And it makes a point very clear that when you serve that kind of government, that kind of government will callously allow you to die and twist in the wind.
The one thing I would change about this, if I was going to give them any direction on this, you see the timeline going, and it's absolutely amazing to watch this unfold, even though it's not in real time, you know, it's a couple hours instead of the 13 hours.
But I would have them count this up and say, this is our number this, this is our number this.
They say at one point, a 20 minute delay is going to change this from a rescue mission into a suicide mission, and that's very clear.
Come back and tell us more about the film.
Spoiler alert straight ahead, but obviously, folks, Benghazi, it's known what happened.
But talking to David, he's talking to Jakari, they say that it basically, they use the word stand down and point out that those above them have ordered a stand down and the CIA is really upset about it because the truth's coming out.
This is a big deal, folks.
This really shows that they can't control everybody in Hollywood if folks start saying no.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Former Congressman Bob Barr is coming up to talk impeachment, the Constitution, TSA behavior, government spying, internet freedom.
He adds up Liberty Guard.
He'll also open the phones up.
David Knight, go ahead and give us a preview of what's coming up in the fourth hour when you spend 20 minutes or so on the new David Bay movie.
And I'm not knocking David Bay, but the Transformer movies are for kids.
Are you
Black Hawk Down.
This is that type of film.
Very well done.
And of course, Michael Bay's strong points are action.
And when you look at the reviews from audiences, people are giving it in the mid-80% if you look at Rotten Tomatoes, whereas critics don't like it.
Critics say, well, this is too subtle a subject.
No, it's not.
It's not a subtle subject.
And what this
It boils down to, Alex, is whether or not there was a stand down order given.
Whether or not the CIA chief there in Benghazi withheld help from the ambassador from the separate compound that was under attack and then later they came under attack.
And when we see the back and forth of this, it was talked about in a variety on Friday,
The CIA says, well, this is not accurate.
However, Trey Gowdy, who was head of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said, there's witnesses who said there was a stand-down, and there are witnesses who said that there wasn't.
So you have to evaluate their credibility.
Now, the people who did the film, the people who did the book, came back and said, we have people who went, who are named sources.
People who were there.
John Teigen, Chris Parenteau.
They heard this CIA chief use the term stand-down.
And the facts are that they were delayed for 20 minutes before they... Yes.
Headline on this interview...
Benghazi was a stand-down.
And look, obviously, thirteen hours, eight hours from the time the stand-down comes out, that's eight hours of stand-down with helicopters less than an hour away at giant military bases that are four responding to this stuff in a major war zone with Italy only an hour away and so much more.
Drones above.
That's why the military is so upset because
Thousands of people reportedly watched this unfold over 13 hours.
And they made the point, they were begging just for some jets to fly by.
The jets were only 20 minutes away.
They said, you don't have to strafe the area, just do a low flyby.
That will scare them off, that will buy us some more time.
They would do nothing to help them.
And of course, against these people who were willing to come out, put their names on the record, people who were there, you have an anonymous single source from the CIA who has a vested interest in saying there was no stand down.
Yeah, Bob says there's no stand-down.
That was the quote.
A man identified as Bob.
Yeah, exactly.
We don't even know if Bob is his first name.
How about a man identified as Pinocchio?
So, you know, when you ask yourself, does an anonymous CIA source, who we don't even know if that's his real first name,
Yeah, it says that against multiple witnesses who were there who will go on record with their name.
I think that's a lot more credible.
Of course, there was another reference in the film about the fact, at one point they said, they're saying back home this is in response to protests.
Did you see any protests?
I said, there were no protests there.
Well, they put out a covert lie too, that it's a response to the sexual activities of the ambassador.
I mean, there's no end to the bull they're putting out on this.
Well, when we talk about this more in depth with Jakari in the fourth hour, we're going to talk about the articles that were coming out two days after Benghazi, where Hillary is still pushing this absurd, laughable, ludicrous narrative that this is in response to that film that nobody saw, that nobody would take seriously, The Innocence of Muslims.
Remember, they locked that guy up for a year.
In America?
In America, yeah, for doing a film.
I mean, that ought to...
That ought to tell people just what a master propagandist, what a master liar Hillary Clinton is.
Not only that, but just the cold-bloodedness of the entire bureaucracy.
Absolutely, and it was all so they could get him out of there.
Wasn't supposed to put up that much of a fight, that's why the rest of the staff have already been told to get out and evacuated to get those giant caches of weapons to the Turkish ambassador to Turkey to outfit their new Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, ISIS brigades.
David Knight, we'll talk to you coming up in about two hours.
Great job of you and Jakari.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
If you're watching this transmission, you are the resistance.
Party Republicans are now seeing a two-man race between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
RNC power brokers and donors are now working to get on Trump's good side as they now see him as the eventual nominee.
Especially as his reputation expands throughout the Republican political class.
Some of these donors include former Jeb Bush supporters who are now jumping ship as Bush begins to fade away in obscurity.
But they're also courting Cruz, who they see as a stronger challenger to Trump, especially after the sixth GOP debate in which Cruz accused Trump of once having New York values.
That said, numerous people, including Trump himself, are questioning whether the Canadian-born Cruz meets the status as a natural-born citizen of the United States, which is one of the eligibility requirements established in the Constitution for election to the office of President and Vice President.
The establishment was hoping Marco Rubio would overtake Cruz in the race, but Rubio's love affair with Amnesty for Illegal Aliens makes him unelectable in the
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Alex, I was with some folks just recently and I pulled out of a file in my office the House Resolution.
The House Resolution that I introduced on November 5th of 1997.
That was the very first official inquiry of impeachment filed against Bill Clinton.
And that was mine, and at the time I think I had 18 co-sponsors, was all, in November of 1997.
And what I did is I took that document, figuratively kind of dusted it off, added a little bit of language to it, and darned if it doesn't sound pretty good with Barack Obama's name in there.
That was former Congressman Bob Barr last year, and he went on to say that if he was elected, re-elected to a new seat in Georgia, and he was way ahead in the polls then, that he would begin the process, because clearly the evidence is overwhelming.
And people say, oh, he's a lame duck, let's leave Obama alone.
You statutorily, folks, and he's a constitutional lawyer, former CIA officer, you name it, but I don't have to be that to know, reading the law, that if someone's committing crimes, the government then has a job to investigate that.
He's also a former federal prosecutor.
And so, we look at everything Obama's doing, even liberals like Jonathan Turley, constitutional lawyer, says he's done triple what Bush did.
And I know Congressman Barr was a critic of a lot of the stuff Bush did, but the nastiness, the way they're gutting the borders, bringing the illegals in, above the law, ordering the Border Patrol to finish the smuggling process, the way he, by executive action, coming after the Second Amendment, going after the power plants,
Not getting in trouble for the IRS persecutions.
Nixon thought about it and was removed.
Had to step down.
Obama's doing it on mass scales that we grew up, you know, hearing about the Stasi in Eastern Europe, in Germany.
So it's so frustrating and I want to get into, obviously he wants to, it was a few weeks ago I wanted to get him on, we finally got him, about the latest TSA bringing back the naked body scanners for everybody, even though the law says you shouldn't do it to 18 years or younger.
I wanted to get him on because he heads up Liberty Guard, libertyguard.org and of course bobbar.org.
And I wanted to get him on about the executive actions, and I wanted to get him on about impeachment.
But really, it is a surreal point in this country.
To see things that if they were going on in, say, an African dictatorship, you'd be amazed by them.
I mean, it makes these African dictators that get caught buying a hundred Lamborghinis look like good guys.
It makes corrupt Eastern European systems look tame.
Because when America does it, it does it on such a big scale.
And here's what's crazy.
If you study criminology, you study history, you study trends, when something gets this corrupt, and it's the Republicans too,
And it's the American people as well.
It only gets worse.
I mean, we've got basically really bad cancer.
We're gonna go to our guests for the balance of the hour, take your phone calls, you name it, cover the waterfront, but...
It is a paradox.
We've still got some of the best, hardest working, most moral people in the world.
We're still world leaders.
We're still innovators.
But off our old inertia.
But we also lead the world in crime, drug use, obesity, corruption.
I mean, we really... The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
And I just wonder, now that crimes are committed nakedly, that Nixon would have been crucified for, and should have been.
And I just wonder,
What is next?
What are they thinking?
What are the Republican leaders doing?
That's my filibuster, Congressman Bob Barr dot O-R-G.
Thank you so much for coming on.
I just wanted to set the table with that whole spinning constellation of weirdness.
There's also a lot of good things happening, obviously, but you've got the floor now to cover any topic you want or go with any of those points, sir.
Well, thank you, Alex.
Always great to be with you and your many, many listeners and viewers all across the country.
Because you have it pegged up precisely right.
And that is, we remain, as everybody knows, the world's greatest power, the greatest nation on the face of the earth.
But the problem is we have strayed so far from our foundations that not just our founding fathers would not recognize this country today, but even if a hundred years ago or 150 years ago when America was first becoming a world power,
Our leaders then would not recognize how far we've strayed.
I was just last week, Alex, up in New Hampshire with Senator Cruz, who I'm working for as a volunteer in support of his candidacy and his campaign.
And the people that we met up there, we had a Second Amendment rally out in the cold, but we had a huge crowd and we had a huge town hall meeting.
New Hampshire, Iowa, Georgia, my home state, all across this land, you find communities of hardworking, honest people who simply want to be left alone to pursue their dreams and to be free to do what they want in pursuit of their happiness.
And yet our leaders in Washington, so many of them have become fixated on this and enmeshed in this cronyism and executive power.
That's the problem.
We have to
To change the leaders in Washington.
That's why this election is so vital and why it's so important for you to continue to be out there raising the alarm.
Getting into Obama's power grabs, I mean, they have the desperate criminal energy, is what I would describe it, that I've only seen in the Bolsheviks or the Nazis.
And I know that those terms get overused to describe corrupt politicians, but there is an avarice and a driving force in these people.
Is it because they know the world's waking up to them?
Is it because they know their time is short?
Or is it because they're confident?
It's primarily because they're arrogant.
And they simply do not wish to and will not abide by the rule of law.
And our court system and our leadership in the Congress basically has been asleep at the switch, continues to be.
I mean, for example, you take the latest TSA goings-on you mentioned.
There was a court order by a federal court
Five, over five years ago, that required TSA, if it wished to continue to use these naked body scanners, to put forward and open themselves up to public comment, so that we could at least see what they're doing.
We filed way back when a Freedom of Information Act.
They refused to give us any information.
We've filed another letter along with other privacy-oriented organizations.
We have Liberty Guard to force them to do what the law requires them.
But this administration is so arrogant, they have a court order that requires TSA to go to the American people, tell us what they're proposing, solicit comments, and then do it the right way.
They simply refuse to do that.
They ought to be held, at a minimum, in contempt of court.
And yet Congress sits back and has done nothing so far, Alex.
That's the problem.
Before we get into Obama's power grab, the executive actions, how you think we should respond, we learned from inside the RNC that they had a vote, only four people voted to have a resolution calling for the beginning of impeachment investigations.
I mean, if they don't even do the investigations, when they could score points for liberty by exposing the crimes, maybe scare
These crooks into not being so aggressive, run the wolves off, at least wave a flaming torch around a little bit around the campfire.
They won't even do that.
They're just letting him do whatever they want.
I want to speak to that.
But first, talking about Ted Cruz, I love Ted Cruz.
I mean, I think he's obviously the guy that has the best voting record right now, actually doing what he says he'll do.
Trump has the people behind him, and I know he's changed some, and I want to believe that he's who he says he is.
I know those two were getting along for a while now, because they're the two leaders.
The only person challenging Trump, really, I think, not Rubio.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I just hate to see them start tearing each other up, because, you know, obviously anything's better, in my view, than Hillary or Bernie Sanders.
What's your view on that, and why are you supporting Ted Cruz?
I'm supporting Ted Cruz, Alex, because far and above, better than any of the other Republican candidates, and we have a very strong field, particularly as compared to the Democrat field, which is very, very weak and shallow, we have a very strong field.
Almost too many really good people in there running this time, but alone among all of those candidates,
Ted Cruz understands the importance of protecting individual liberty in all that government does.
And that includes this notion of the most important duty of government being able, being, keeping us safe.
Well, that's not quite true.
The most important function, most important responsibility of government is to protect liberty.
Ted Cruz gets that.
A lot of the other candidates, while they may be good on Second Amendment issues, they may be good on this, that, or the other thing, they miss that fundamental principle that, above all else, it is the responsibility of the federal government under our constitutional republic to protect liberty.
He does that, he understands it, and he alone has been fighting for that in the Senate.
That's what impresses me about Ted Cruz, I think, Alex, more than anything else.
Can you imagine how he would mop the floor with Hillary Clinton in a debate?
I'd love it.
Man, that would be worth paying a high price for a ticket to watch that debate.
Speaking about politics, because it's interesting, you were so ahead in the polls and all the establishment came against you.
How did you lose your run for the House again?
Well, it was an odd election year from that standpoint, and we're still seeing a little bit of that this cycle with the presidential race, Alex.
For example, I'd served in the House for eight years, as you recall, and it is standard operating procedure in the House, and I think pretty much the same in the Senate, that if a member leaves the House and then comes back in a subsequent election, they regain their seniority.
Just standard operating procedure.
Yet the mere fact that I had served in the House previously and would get my seniority back was somehow in that weird election year last time in 2014 turned against me.
And my opponent, who eventually won the seat, painted me as a part of the Republican establishment of all things.
I mean, I was never part of the Republican establishment.
Exactly, so we've got all these baby patriots, baby libertarians, conservatives just now getting involved, and so someone who's never been in Congress can say, look, he was in Congress, don't go with an insider, let's kind of have term limits on Bob Barr, which is just, I mean, you are anything but establishment.
Well, that's right, but we continue to fight.
I continue to fight just like you continue to fight for the Constitution, for individual liberty, and against the establishment.
Because the establishment is full of crony capitalists.
You know, some of the other candidates, Donald Trump, for example, I mean, he proudly says, basically, I'm a crony capitalist.
I pay money to whoever is in office so I can get favors from them.
As long as we have people like that in public office who do not have the public good in mind and front and center, we're going to continue to have these problems.
You know, a lot of that, I think, is Trump putting out red meat.
But when he does say things like,
Oh, don't worry, we'll just surveil so much they'll never attack us next time.
We have the foreign intelligence.
There's too much intelligence.
They spy on everything.
That's why they can't find the needle in the haystack, according to all the experts.
It is, and it's about to get worse.
Alex, as you know, the Congress has slipped into the omnibus spending bill.
Always, always dangerous.
Anything that has the word omnibus in front of it, be very, very careful.
But they passed that omnibus spending bill right at the end of December, right before Christmas, as a matter of fact.
And it included a provision that was not debated, it was just slipped in there at the last minute, the Cyber Intelligence Security Act, that is going to make it even worse in terms of the amount of information that the government can scoop up and that it can get from private companies, and they'll have immunity from prosecution or from lawsuit for violating our privacy.
All of this new information will be now made available to the government.
And they don't even know what to do with all the information that they have right now, aside from the fact that it is an invasion of privacy.
Before we get into the executive power grab, and where you see Obama going his last 11 months in office, if he's not checked, at least with an investigation, in your long history as a federal prosecutor, and of course working in major administrations and being in Congress,
And seeing everything that you've seen.
Obviously, I'm not going to sit here and defend the CIA because it's been given a lot of unconstitutional, dirty missions.
But if we just sit there and blame the best-known agency and not the other 15 intelligence agencies, people will really lose the forest for the trees.
But there are a lot of patriotic people in all these agencies who put out information, expose corruption, blow the whistle, look at the CIA guys that died in Benghazi, and of course the stand-down order there.
But as a culture,
You know, when you go back to Washington, when you talk to other insiders, I'm seeing actually a lot of military, a lot of people in intelligence saying what's happening is wrong.
The former head of defense intelligence, as you know, the general went public two months ago and said, no, Obama ordered us to fund al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, and then ISIS directly on purpose, and it's wrong.
We see the head of Southcom coming out a few weeks ago and saying, putting women in frontline combat will ruin the military.
It's terrible, but I'll follow the order.
People I don't think get, this is really rebellion level, but it's not mutiny.
It's people standing up for the Constitution against a president who is at mutiny with the country.
I mean, there's not strong enough words, but...
Are you aware of this major battle now that's coming out in the open inside the system itself?
Instead of the American people being played off by Soros and the left, just to have a big anti-government war with the police and the military and the CIA like it's all our enemy, I think we should understand that actually some of the best people are in there.
They're actually more awake on average than the general public, and they need public support out here on the front lines to be able to do what they do to try to save this country.
Because I've been aware of this for a long time, but
I've met with groups of prominent Special Forces people.
A lot of them have come on the show, like Tim Kennedy last week, and others.
And I mean, they say, massive awakening.
I talked to others.
I mean, it's just, I don't mean to be kind of ranting here.
It's just, I don't think people understand there is a giant counter-revolution basically going on behind the scenes, even if this election doesn't work.
It's an incredible time to be alive right now.
I'm glad you mentioned that, because despite all of the problems, despite the massive bureaucracies we're dealing with in the area of intelligence, part of the problem is we have way too much bureaucracy, and both the prior Bush administration and this administration has continued to fund and expand this huge bureaucracy.
That's part of the problem.
Who do we, the people, fight?
Where exactly is the problem?
You know, you go after one
Never worked that way because President after President, Republican and Democrat wouldn't stand up to the bureaucracy over at the Pentagon and really back the CIA.
Now it's far worse because we have something called the DNI, the Director of National Intelligence.
So trying to put your finger on exactly what the problem is so that we can hold the government accountable has become extremely difficult and to be honest with you,
The oversight function, the oversight responsibility of the Congress, particularly the House, they have fallen flat on their faces.
They have some good people.
Chaffetz, who heads the House Oversight Committee, is good.
He's aggressive.
He's smart.
Yet the leadership has not seen fit to give him the power that he really needs to get to the bottom of these investigations.
What's the inside baseball on Benghazi?
I know my perspective on it and my access, which has been proven to be pretty accurate, but overall, with what Obama's really trying to do, because I didn't buy this stuff seven years ago from the super far right.
I'm more of a libertarian that Obama's a secret Muslim, he wants to destroy America.
But I mean, you look at Obamacare, you look at the open borders, you look at the Cloward and Piven strategy, you look at him financing the Muslim Brotherhood, you look at him with his cousin Odinga and Kenya and the radicals, you look at what he's doing and ISIS, I mean,
He really is a destabilization campaign that doesn't even help America.
I'd be against an immoral destabilization campaign because I want us to have the moral high ground, but what about a destabilization campaign that also hurts us?
I mean, they're doing things that only hurt us, and they're doing it too well.
It can't just be ineptitude.
I think you're precisely on point.
You just took the words right out of my mouth.
The fact of the matter is, one could be charitable if these were isolated incidents to claim that, well, this administration just doesn't understand the Middle East.
They don't understand the nature of the enemy.
They don't understand what governments are doing over in a part of the world far, far away.
I don't
To reign America in, to make it no more powerful than other nations, the European Union for example, to put America in its place.
This administration wants to put America in its place, which is not at the point of the sphere, not at the top of the heap, but right there sort of in the middle, along with everyone else.
I mean, it's a very insidious agenda and it goes far beyond incompetence.
Isn't there a name of that?
I mean, if he wants to go work for China or somebody else and try to put America in its place, he could do that.
But when you do that as the president, isn't that treason or sedition or subterfuge undermining the country?
I mean, isn't that what a foreign enemy would do?
It certainly is what those who would do us harm would like to see happen, and one could certainly put together a case that what Obama is doing and has done would be a classic example of how a foreign power, a foreign puppeteer, would be controlling what's going on in this country.
But we're never going to get to the bottom of it, really, unless Congress does its job.
This notion, as you mentioned at the beginning, that people are afraid or unwilling to utter the word impeachment because, well, after all, Obama's a lame duck, don't understand the problem or just don't have the guts or the background to tackle the problem.
Doesn't matter whether a president is a lame duck or in the first day of his first term.
If he or she commits unconstitutional, unlawful acts, as this president has done, then Congress needs to inquire into it to hold them accountable.
That's right, and that's why the Republican establishment didn't want you in.
And kept you out of Congress by playing the Tea Party.
Tea Party's great, but it can be played both ways.
Folks have to be more sophisticated.
When we come back, I want to get into impeachment, Obama's power grab, what you think we should do.
I want to get into Liberty Guard.
I want to get into the other work you're doing, trying to block all these cyber security power grabs.
Bob Barr, bobbar.org is our guest, Liberty Guard.
Your questions or comments for Bob Barr, as well, 800-259-9231.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's Alex Jones!
Your phone calls are coming up.
Eric, Dwayne, Damien, Liberty, Luke, and others for Bob Barr.
He's with Liberty Guard, libertyguard.org.
There is a process in corruption throughout history where basically a population becomes broke back.
And where people just give in, and that's why you see most of these third world countries that have resources are still in such hellish qualer, because they have cultures based on conquest, and on strong men.
El Jefe's not on innovation, not on trailblazing.
And obviously, there's always a mix of those two type systems in any civilization.
But when you start getting 10, 20, 30 percent conquest in your innovation, it will always, like cancer, take over the rest.
We're going back to our guest in a moment to discuss how we fight back against this, because believe me,
Obama only accelerates, the same thing's happening in Europe, the socialist consolidation, the power grabbing.
And they're never met with any opposition that's sustained or widespread, so they just keep growing.
And then Republicans get elected and they go up there and basically get absorbed into all this.
It's the same thing in Europe, folks.
It is looking like
The type of stuff we saw in the 30s and 40s.
I mean, we're really going into a very nasty time in the climate, politically.
And a lot of elites, the Pentagon, Ministry of Defense, others admit that.
The French Socialist has declared an economic emergency.
What does he think 90 and plus percent taxes are going to do?
101% on some grips.
So that's all coming up as well with Bob Barr.
BobBarr.org as well.
A lot of excellent stuff on his site.
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So much of the toxins in the water you absorb through your skin and your lungs.
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Great to have chlorine in there, it kills bacteria.
The problem is then you're drinking it too.
It kills bacteria, you're drinking it.
Not a good idea.
Do goldfish live in the tap water?
No, they die.
Joe Perry, the rock star, sent me a text message about his goldfish.
They put them in the tap water there in Florida and they died, you know, not thinking.
I mean, that's just an example.
So, InfoWarsTore.com.
And folks make fun of us saying, you know, watch out with the tap water.
Some cities have great tap water.
Most places don't.
Like Houston tap water, you can almost light on fire.
Dallas tap water, I grew up drinking.
They have all these PR pieces about it.
Oh, conspiracy theorists say it's bad for you.
Folks, the glyphosate, all of it, it's come out.
You're nuts if you're not filtering your water.
Okay, I'm done ranting about that.
Going back to Bob Barsher, before we go to calls, you've got the floor here to break down your concerns.
I know you've written about it.
As a constitutional lawyer, as a congressman, as a former prosecutor, federal prosecutor, what are we seeing with these executive orders?
What should be done?
What's the proper path for citizens?
A. What are Obama's crimes against the Constitution that warrant it?
And then B. What do we do lobbying-wise as citizen activists to try to get the RNC to take action, to try to get Congress to take action?
What do we do?
I'm not sure that the RNC any more than the DNC will actually do anything.
It's important to go directly to members of Congress and the court system.
I mean, we have three branches of government.
We have a president and executive branch right now that believes and who believes that he is above the law and has put in the position of the attorney general and enabler, a woman now similar to what her predecessor Eric Holder did.
Basically, to tell the President why you can continue to operate without the consent of Congress in violation of what Congress and the laws are, rather than an Attorney General that does their best to keep the President operating within the bounds of the law.
So, we're not going to get any help from the Department of Justice, obviously.
So that leaves us with the Congress, which for
Many, many years has simply forgotten or deliberately abrogated its oversight responsibility and the courts.
So what the citizens need to do, one is to identify candidates for the House, the Senate, and the President who actually have the courage and the understanding to stand up for the Constitution and will fight, going back to your earlier question, a reason why I support Ted Cruz in this election year.
But we also need to make sure that Congress reacquaints itself with its oversight responsibility.
It is simply not doing that.
Plus the fact, Alex, as you know very well, when I filed back in 1997, in November of 1997, the very first inquiry of impeachment, it's different from an article of impeachment.
It's the first step.
The Congress should take and needs to take to determine whether or not there are legitimate grounds for an impeachment.
I think there are a lot of people think that there are but I'm not calling on the Congress to jump ahead and do something that isn't called for that the evidence isn't there but simply to inquire into
Whether or not this president in, for example, directing the Department of Justice to ignore and the Department of Homeland Security to simply ignore the laws on immigration and to enforce the laws that are on the books, that in fact is not acting within the Constitution.
The president is deliberately subverting the laws of this land.
It's not that he simply has decided, well,
In this particular case, I'm not going to have my Attorney General prosecute a case.
That's fine.
That's prosecutorial discretion.
But for a president to deliberately say, we're not going to enforce the laws, we're going to operate contrary to the laws that Congress has passed in immigration, and I think we're going to see the same thing very shortly with regard to his executive actions with regard to firearms.
Congress has to step in.
Because a lot of times if citizens just file action in the courts, the courts will say, well, you don't have standing, the issue isn't ripe, or whatnot.
We ought to continue to press these issues in court, but we need to demand that the Congress, particularly the House,
Stand up for its oversight responsibility.
That's right, and we also have clips of him saying, hey don't worry, Congress wouldn't act, so I changed the law.
That's a close quote.
I mean, he said Congress didn't act, so I changed the law.
Then a week and a half ago he said in his speech,
Before a press conference, he said, Congress hasn't gotten in line on gun control, so I'm taking action.
I mean, this is very Napoleonic.
It is extremely Hitlerian.
I'm sorry, that's what it is.
It is furious to have him doing this, have him saying this.
It's surreal.
It'd be one thing if he did it and claimed it was constitutional and he could do it because it was rulemaking or whatever.
He doesn't.
He just says, they're not in line, I'm doing this.
And I changed the law, and then we have airplanes coming in every day, and occasionally it's in the news, where 150 people land from Mexico, no IDs, and they say, don't even check them at customs, just let them in.
But then citizens, they're going to grope our genitals and put, you know, ten-year-old girls in naked body scanners.
It's just, it's so transparent that it just treats us to be slaves, to set up a federal bureaucracy, to create internal checkpoints, to have the IRS say you can't fly outside of law if they feel like it.
They are affecting and activating a naked tyranny.
While engaging in flagrant disregard of constitutional duties of the government.
So that's why I really wanted to get you in last year because you said then on the show, we have the clubs, that you believe there were impeachable offenses and that you were going to bring that forward.
What does it take for one man or woman in Congress to do what you've done before?
It takes guts.
It takes simply standing up and filing a piece of paper called an inquiry of impeachment.
I did that on November 5th of 1997.
I remember the day very well.
Didn't have a lot of folks that were supportive, as I mentioned to you earlier on your show.
But it got the talk going and then impeachment came out again, though.
I mean, you got the ball rolling.
We got the ball rolling, and as you recall also, Alex, it had nothing to do with Monica Lewinsky.
Now, what eventually wound up being the grounds for the impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton were legitimate, that perjury and obstruction of justice, but when I first filed the inquiry of impeachment in 1997, none of us had heard of Monica Lewinsky, or Paula Jones, or any of that.
But we were very concerned.
I was very concerned.
And the 17 other members of the House that signed on to that original inquiry of impeachment, including rest his soul, Sonny Bono, initially, we were concerned about
Real direct violations of the law.
The selling of national security information to the communist Chinese.
Communist Chinese money coming directly into the White House.
The subversion of our campaign finance laws.
Missile secrets getting transferred.
And for those that don't know,
I'm going to bring this up.
That's why you were such a hero there.
You brought up stuff the Republican establishment didn't want because they were involved in it.
And later the prosecutor, you know, obviously on the next case connected into it because you're obviously indicted in the House, tried in the Senate.
You were bringing up stuff that would bring down the whole corrupt system.
They wanted it to be that sex case and the perjury case because it isolated it down directly to only them.
I mean, I know that because you told me that at the time.
It also came out in the news later.
That is a correct recitation of history.
Many of the issues that I and, for example, Dan Burton, who was chair of the House Oversight Committee at the time, were trying to go into, was to really get to the bottom of this cronyism, particularly involving foreign money that was coming in.
And the the leadership just would have nothing to do with it in large measure, in my view, because it hit a little bit too close to home.
There were members of the Republican Party that were taking money from some of these foreign sources as well.
Sir, isn't this how countries finally do get taken over in outside soft espionage?
That they just start taking money, nobody else wants to report on it because they're taking money, and pretty soon you're totally bought off.
The Saudi Arabians and the Chinese Communists tell you what movies to produce, tell you what Congress people you're going to have.
I mean, aren't we pretty much already getting to that point where we've been taken over by multinationals and foreign countries?
We're moving down that road very, very quickly, Alex.
And to compound the problem, we have a president who is so arrogant, as you mentioned, unlike Nixon, who was corrupt in his own way, but did it behind the scenes.
This president is so arrogant, he goes out there and says, I'm going to act extra constitutionally.
Congress isn't doing something, so I'm going to.
The sort of the perfect storm here is that we have a citizenry that by and large has become ignorant and unknowing about the proper constitutional standard and how our system operates.
So you have a president that is supremely arrogant, you have a Congress that is somnambulant, and you have a citizenry that is largely ignorant of its responsibility as the citizenry to take action against the president.
It's a very, very bad, very toxic combination we have here.
And exactly.
And now, I mean, like Hillary and the State Department openly getting money from dictatorships to then bypass Congress and say, oh, you have a special letter, you can have these weapons, or we're taking these sanctions off.
And then billions of dollars flow in.
It's completely naked.
She's worse than Al Capone.
And then now, if she doesn't get in trouble, what happens next?
I mean, do you think Hillary can survive, you know, new emails coming out that she did lie about, just knowing her servers were hacked?
I mean, it's just incredible.
It is, unfortunately.
When you look at the lay of the land politically, particularly with our electoral college system that we have, Hillary Clinton, whoever the nominee is going to be, and I think it's very, very likely to be Hillary Clinton, unfortunately,
That candidate starts out with a huge electoral college advantage because of the way the states have lined up, for example, California, New York, and so forth.
Could this country survive Hillary Clinton?
I mean, I really think she's such a psychopath that if she gets in control, I mean, I don't know what she's going to do.
She openly says she wants to go after our free speech, I mean, you name it.
She's going to destroy America as we know it, Alex, no doubt about it.
These people are just, they already run the country.
Why do they want to fundamentally break it?
Why do they want to make us like Venezuela?
I just don't get it.
They're in a different universe.
It's very, very difficult to understand as American citizens who read, as you have done, read our history, understand it, understand the Constitution.
It makes no sense.
But unfortunately, there are far more people out there who are ignorant of what you understand, and I understand, and the history of this country, than there are that understand it.
That's why it's so hard to fight this, but we have to.
I want to go to some phone calls here.
We're about to go to break.
Let's get one in right now.
Let's talk to Eric in West Virginia.
You're on the air with former Congressman Bob Barr of Liberty Guard.
Go ahead, Eric.
Hi, Bob.
Hi, Alex.
Okay, so this is just based on an observation.
I wonder if you agree.
I've seen a lot of videos and seen a lot of stories of people that have, you know, exercised their Second Amendment rights.
For example, one place out in Washington, I think it was, where it was a national park and they had just turned it into a gun-free zone and the people rose up and they showed up in about 300 at a town hall meeting.
Sure, so you're saying what about civil disobedience?
Yes, it's still a disobedience.
Do you think that it would be reasonable to actually exercise the Second Amendment peacefully in all town hall meetings?
Well, here's the problem.
They're going to start sending infiltrators in, they already are doing it, to then it'll work a few times and then it blows up in your face.
But we're going to get Bob Barr's take on that on the other side.
But, I mean, look, I went down with Jerry Patterson, the land commissioner, first speech politically at the Alamo since the Daughters of the Republic of Texas controlled it.
Uh, and we marched 1,500 people with loaded guns in San Antonio because they said that was illegal, but the state law said it wasn't.
And then their local law got overturned, but I did it with a state leader.
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Since I mentioned Obama talking about changing the law with his executive order on immigration, I thought I would just go ahead and play the clip.
Here it is.
You're absolutely right that there have been significant numbers of deportations.
That's true.
But what you're not paying attention to
Is the fact that I just took an action to change the law.
Now, that's enough.
And he goes on from there.
But, getting back to the other point, under the Declaration of Independence, we do have a right to defend ourselves when tyranny becomes overwhelming.
At the same time though, we're winning the Info War.
A lot of bad stuff's happening.
But people all over the world are waking up.
We have to be very, very smart about
When we do provocative things, that's all I'm saying.
I'm not judging anybody.
I'm just saying the system is trying to prod us into physical action.
I don't know what Bob Barr's take is on this, sir.
There are a lot of organizations out there.
I'm involved in a law enforcement education organization, the Law Enforcement Education Foundation.
We have, of course, as you've already mentioned, Liberty Guard.
Citizens need to be very careful how they do exercise their rights because it's so easy to run afoul of some local regulation or state law and you wind up in jail and then you're on the defensive and have to spend a lot of money.
Uh, so for example, there was a bill passed by the Congress six, seven, well, I guess about 10 years ago now called HR 218, you know, the Peace Officers Safety Act that was designed to ensure that, uh, that peace officers, retired certified, uh, uh, law enforcement officers could carry a firearm across state line.
Well, New York and a number of other liberal jurisdictions continue to take action against individuals who are supposed to be protected under H.R.
They don't even want retired cops with a good record to be able to have a gun.
These people are sick!
These are officers that are post-certified, police officer standards and training, and they have certification to prove it.
And yet, we're going to, governmental entities and states like New York, take action against them.
So, citizens need to be very careful.
There are organizations out there, like a couple that I just mentioned, and one that you showed, the FOP, that are active out there to help police officers.
So it's always wise to make sure that you understand what the laws are in your jurisdiction.
They may be unconstitutional, but they can still give you a real headache before you take action.
Exactly, that's why we had 1,500 of us march in San Antonio with the Land Commissioner, and then we did it on state land as well, and then we educated the police before we came, and it was meant to make the City Council change what they were doing, not what the liberal media claimed, you know, some anti-police action.
Because Soros is really trying.
That's another question for you, sir.
We've got loaded phones here, but we're almost out of time.
I'll probably have to take the calls after you're gone.
Is there any doubt in your mind about Soros, $35 million alone in Ferguson, trying to stir up a revolution against local government so the feds, in Sharpton's words, can come in and federalize the police?
That's exactly what we're seeing.
This Department of Justice is not out there to support individual officers.
They're not out there to support individual law-abiding citizens.
They're using the power of the Department of Justice, the power of the federal bureaucracy, the power of the ability to use our civil rights laws against the police to come in whenever there's a perceived racial issue.
And make the police officer, the police department, the sheriff's office the bad guy, not the citizens who are stirring things up.
Sir, if you've got to go, I understand this is a 70 second break and only a five minute segment.
If we could, I'd like to come back and ask you one more question about jihadis or maybe come back another time.
Can you say five more minutes?
I can't today, Alex, but I'll definitely make myself available.
In 30 seconds, how do you think Obama thinks he can bring in jihadis, have them attack, and then not get in trouble?
Because he controls the levers of power.
These people like the ones out in San Bernardino, the ones that were arrested in Texas and California just a week or ten days ago.
This administration does not care about protecting the American people.
It's the arrogance.
Alright, Bob Barr, thank you so much, sir.
We'll talk to you again soon.
I got my question in.
Got it all done.
Thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, I'm sorry to the callers.
I kind of hogged Bob Barr.
And look, I know Bob Barr had some bad votes.
He wasn't perfect.
But he really did try to impeach.
He went after the Republicans on missile secrets to China.
And his last years in Congress, he got a lot better against the police state.
And he's been really good since.
But all I'm saying is, compared to what we've got now, he's a lot better.
And look, I agree with him.
Rand Paul has kind of receded in the race.
Maybe if Cruz and Trump fall on their face, maybe Rand Paul can re-asserge.
Rand Paul would have been the presumptive nominee six, eight months ago when he was in the lead for the year before that, if he would have acted more aggressive, what people want to see.
But he doesn't really play politics.
He's very dry.
I don't want to say the Pauls are robotic, because they're very, very principled, but they are
Very calm.
I have a sense their blood pressure's pretty low.
Mine's not.
It's not high, but it's not really low.
And people are in a trance.
They've got to be shaken out of the trance.
The reason they're into sports is it's all rah-rah.
Well, our rah-rah instincts are not for sports, therefore getting involved in society, getting involved in our lives, getting excited about jobs we're doing.
And you look at any spoiled, rotten kid, you know, they never want to work.
They never want to do anything.
And soon they don't want to pick up the channel remote and hit the buttons.
And they don't want to, you know, go get themselves, you know, food.
Or they don't want to dress themselves.
That's what spoiled kids get like.
And as a country, a lot of people have gotten like that.
The politicians, the general public, you name it.
And we put up with more and more until we wake up and where are we?
What I'm going to do is, I'm going to go to Max with his take or what he thought about it.
I'm going to go to Liberty, I'm going to go to Denise and Damien and Luke on the thing we just talked about.
So we'll just get your view on Clinton and Hillary and Ted Cruz and the rest of it, because I know there were some good questions I should have got to about, you know, questions to Bob Barr about Ted Cruz.
We'll probably find out what those questions are now, but I can probably tell you as much about Ted Cruz as Bob Barr can.
It's troubling that his wife was high-level Goldman Sachs.
It's troubling he got loans from him.
It's troubling that his wife was in the Council on Foreign Relations.
But I know a lot of people that come on this show now and speak out against the New World Order that were in the CFR.
The CFR is up to like 6,000 people now.
It used to be just a couple thousand.
But they've got regional boards now.
There's a couple hundred on the actual steering committee and the different boards.
That's three different groups, but that's the real CFR.
There's all these little influence-peddling deals where they want to run the local governments, they want to run everything, and people get a lot of business and a lot of contacts, obviously, out of being in the CFR.
But, in a way, Goldman Sachs has its tentacles into everything.
And it kind of gets to a point of an old meme about this show, where they go, Alex Jones is owned by ABC News.
Because, at that time, stations picked people up off of three satellites, Clear Channel, ABC News, and then one was called Jones.
And so, we would lease, you know, under federal law, though it had to be lawsuits, not by us, but by others, decades ago, where they wouldn't lease people.
Satellite time to be on radio, and there have been lawsuits.
So you go and you pay them, you know, just like if you wanted to get syndicated, you'd call up and say, I want to lease time, you know, on this satellite.
They'll just lease it to you.
People then say, well, Alex Jones, you know, he works for ABC News.
You know, just bizarre stuff like that.
So I don't want to go that far because Goldman Sachs is so big and say, well, that just means he's the devil.
There, his wife really was a high-level executive at Goldman.
He really did do all those things.
I'm not even saying he's a bad guy, because at the state level and at the federal level, he's had good votes, a good background.
He was involved in anti-communist activities when he was a teenager.
I think his dad is a patriot.
And I don't think Ted Cruz is a bad guy.
I mean, we didn't know much about him back when he came out of the state.
And, you know, we first interviewed him like six, seven years ago, and then suddenly he's U.S.
Now he's the second, you know, place in the run for the Republican nomination.
But now we've seen more of Ted Cruz, and I don't think he's a bad guy.
I think he's a good guy.
I mean, I admire Ted Cruz.
So I'd be happy if he became president.
Stay with us.
Party Republicans are now seeing a two-man race between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
RNC power brokers and donors are now working to get on Trump's good side as they now see him as the eventual nominee.
Especially as his reputation expands throughout the Republican political class.
Some of these donors include former Jeb Bush supporters who are now jumping ship as Bush begins to fade away in obscurity.
But they're also courting Cruz, who they see as a stronger challenger to Trump, especially after the 6th GOP debate in which Cruz accused Trump of once having New York values.
That said, numerous people, including Trump himself, are questioning whether the Canadian-born Cruz meets his status as a natural-born citizen in the United States, which is one of the eligibility requirements established in the Constitution for election to the office of President and Vice President.
The establishment was hoping Marco Rubio would overtake Cruz in the race, but Rubio's love affair with Amnesty for Illegal Aliens makes him unelectable in the eyes
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Let the freedom to fail give you the hope to fight.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Monday worldwide broadcast.
That's an interesting liner they came up with.
I like it.
But think about that.
Let the freedom to fail be your hope to fight.
We know where this is going brings us into enslavement.
We know there are just amazing things going on all around us, some good, some bad.
And we know, most importantly, that it's not just some foregone conclusion that we go into this corrupt, tyrannical world government.
The very megabanks that run the planet are now setting up another engineered collapse to then demand, holding us ransom, even more power if we don't give them all these new regulatory systems and all these trillions and trillions in currencies.
I'm gonna go over news now.
Some of it I mentioned, a lot of it I haven't gotten to, and then we had a phone glitch and lost the callers.
I'm just gonna get new calls on new subjects.
The economy, how bad do you think the worldwide meltdown's gonna be?
What'd you think of the Democratic debates last night?
First-time callers, 800-259-9231.
I mean, it's really sickening to watch Bernie Sanders.
It's truly nauseating to see him juxtapose a weird communist who went to communist events and hangs out with weird third world dictators up there creepily, you know, calling for socialism we know the hell it produces, and then not calling this crony capitalism but demonizing wealth as a problem when he knows full well capitalist systems produce so much wealth and create such incredible power.
He doesn't criticize Walmart for running shady deals and having a plan to de-industrialize things and doing, you know, slave deals with China.
He criticizes it because they made a bunch of money.
And then you juxtapose it with Hillary claiming she's out fighting big banks.
And, you know, she's the anti-establishment candidate when there's never been a candidate other than Obama who's been as establishment as Hillary.
I mean, she is a thoroughbred of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan.
In fact, she's gotten more money, last article I saw a few months ago, than all the Republican candidates combined from Wall Street.
And not from the general Wall Street that does a lot of great work, capitalizes this nation and the world, but the big, mega brokerage firms that do the flash trading and run the scams and fix the markets.
I mean, there's only five or six of these groups in North America and only a few others globally.
They all operate globally.
And man, they are above the law.
They rigged the stock market, the interest rates, everything.
The currencies, gold and silver, it's all admitted.
We used to fight and fight and fight ten years ago to expose that everything was staged.
We knew it was.
We had whistleblowers on.
I've had guests on who got killed after they exposed stuff on the stock market.
You talk about scary.
Now, things that people died for is just no big deal.
Bernie Madoff, stealing tens of billions of dollars, he got in trouble because he stole it from insiders with a scam even better than their scams.
And so they burned him.
And he was kind of the sacrifice that came out of 2008.
He was low level.
He stole billions, they steal trillions.
He ran his own personal scam.
But when Goldman Sachs does it, or JP Morgan does it, or Wells Fargo does it, it's okay.
And now you've got the Royal Bank of Scotland saying, sell all your stocks, get out in the next month.
You've got all these other top governmental institutions, ex-checkers, private treasuries, public treasuries.
Why are they saying that?
French President declares economic emergency.
Associated Press.
French President Hollande pledged today to redefine France's business model and declared what he called a state of economic and social emergency.
So first, he drives the country into total bankruptcy in the last three years with 101% taxation on the nouveau riche.
To use a French word, the new rich.
I mean, you're making 100,000 pounds a year, you pay like 80% tax.
You're making 500,000 pounds a year, you pay 101%.
But if you're a super elitist, you're out of the law as your tax exempt.
Unveiling a 2 billion euro plan to revive hiring and catch up with the fast-moving world economy.
That means give money to select corporations to hire people.
The two billion's nothing.
It's the civil emergency that allows him to operate however he wants.
The measures he proposed, however, are relevant, relatively modest, and he said they would not put into question the 35-hour work week, which his country is under a state of emergency since extremist attacks in November.
Yeah, notice, they bring in the extremists.
They attack, and then they declare, no free speech, a civil emergency, and now there's an economic emergency.
See, first they put the civil emergency in, then they take your money.
And then it's the announcement of the economic emergency allows him to give money to whoever he wants, do whatever he wants, and oh, here's two billion dollars, here's some chicken feed for you.
He like runs up a $10,000 bill and gives the waiter $5 is basically what that is.
Here's another report.
The financial apocalypse accelerates as Middle East stocks crash to begin the week.
Local officials say Walmart closures shocking and devastating.
So if Walmart closing near your town is devastating, what does it say your town is?
People that work in most of these little towns travel up to 50 miles a day to go find work.
And they come back and like the company store, give everything to Walmart.
And there's all these dead, empty towns.
And part of that's folks moving into the cities.
Part of that is those populations getting old.
But Walmart was there to take advantage of all that.
And you look at the Walmartians when you're out in the country waddling in.
I mean, I gotta tell you, and I'm gonna be honest, I've lost 60 plus pounds.
I need to go take another photo today with my shirt off just for the products, because it's astounding.
I have a hat that's like, you know, 4X, 5X.
I think there's only like one or two head sizes bigger than mine.
I've rarely seen people that have bigger head than mine.
So it creates a optical illusion on television, you know, that I'm not so much fat, but just have this big head.
I have a huge skull.
In fact, my dad's a dentist, and he says it's one of the widest mandibles he's ever seen.
But the point is, I have a bulldog head, literally.
That's why George Norrie calls me the bulldog, because in person you can see it.
And I have big, big, big shoulders too, but... So it offsets just how big the head is.
But man, I'm telling you, I now have six-pack.
I don't have to suck in my stomach, and I have a big torso, but when I'm sitting down... How did I get off into this story?
Oh, I was talking about Walmartians.
You go in Walmarts, you go in places, and the people are shuffling around, black, white, Hispanic, doesn't matter.
If they're not obese, they have, like, green-blue skin with zits all over them, old, young, eczema skin falling off.
Everyone looks dead, like zombies.
I mean, just everywhere I go, Americans look like hell!
And the numbers show it.
And so I'm not up here bashing anybody.
It's the culture.
It's the food.
It's the fluoride.
But it's the TV.
It's TV sickness.
You've got all these people on average now getting about 10 hours of screen time that brain damages you.
They're never awake and they don't exercise.
And if we want to defeat the globalists, we really have to get away from the television.
People always comment, well, why are you on it then?
That's like saying if I'm in a fight, why am I on the, you know... If you're against being a gladiator, why are you in the arena?
Because they threw me in the arena.
I mean, I don't want this to be the system, but this is.
And, you know, they admit radio is something that's healthy for the mind because you listen to it and it makes you image what is being said and causes new neural pathways to form.
Reading does the same thing.
They're both very good.
Just look up studies.
Listening to radio, good for your brain.
Reading, good for your brain.
TV, bad for your brain, because you don't have to do anything.
It's already done.
You're just receiving, not constructing.
Gray matter, too much screen time, damages brain.
Now that's a whitewash.
That's psychology today.
And look, I'm not telling you anything you don't know.
I'm not up here telling you I'm smart and I'm your guru.
I'm saying stuff you know.
Don't let your kids watch television.
Don't let them have computers.
I get it.
You can go watch your show.
They can watch their show.
It's fun.
It's easy to do.
Make sure it's NOVA.
Make sure it's a World War II documentary.
Make sure it's not these modern sitcoms and dramas that are meant to take your kids away from you, scramble their brains, and turn them into mental patients who don't have good logic and just make jokes and everything.
It's psychological warfare.
And I'm digressing.
It's just that the world is so incredible.
Incredible things are happening right now and they want to permanently wire your brains where you have no attention span and can't even be communicated with.
And I do want to go out with a video camera.
And show people at a swimming pool at Barton Springs, show people walking down the street, show people at different events.
And then you see the fitness people and the health people, they're just glowing and look healthy and look great.
And then you see everybody else and they look like they've been run over by a truck.
And that shows you what the system will do, what it's feeding you, what it's showing you.
And let me tell you, I talk to these fitness people,
They might watch a football game once a week.
They might go see a movie at night.
It's not bad to watch a few TV shows, in my view, to go see a movie.
But obviously, if you're doing it 10 hours a day, if you gotta be on screens a couple hours a day at work, do that.
And then don't watch television at night.
Or be aware of what you're doing, because it screws your brain up.
Read a book.
And look, I'm saying this to myself.
I'm saying this to myself.
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I'm not the kind to kiss and tell.
It's death defying.
We're gonna go to David, Denise, Darren, Joe, Max, start of the next segment.
And we are going to go over more news after they leave us.
But let me right now get back into more of the news, finishing up with the whole financial situation.
Again, I want to repeat this, and I know you know this, but we've got to get this talking point out to everybody.
The same people that ran the 29 collapse, that ran the other major collapses, this is admitted in congressional hearings, stood to gain and engineered and triggered
Because they set the bubbles in motion, then they decide when to implode them.
It's institutionalized insider trading.
Which again is admitted.
And flash trash trading and micro-trades and all of it.
It's just a total scam.
Credit default swaps.
And so now we've got the Dow Jones Industrial Average down another 390 points today!
Down to $15,988.
And they can keep putting derivatives into it, they can keep putting dollars into it as long as they wanted to.
They decided to go ahead and raise interest rates, which signaled this.
They're riding the artificial system.
And they are going to control the next consolidation and the next bailout.
And it'll be like Groundhog Day, but worse!
And then it'll happen again in five, ten years.
And then again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
Until we are homeless.
That's the goal.
Bankrupt the general public.
Because the elites are basically exempt from the regulations and taxes they foist on us.
And until people like Hollande of France
And the EU bureaucrats aren't tax-exempt like the other establishment people.
Until that happens, they're going to destroy us.
This is modern warfare.
This is how they capture us.
And then they bring in the jihadis and Obama takes our liberties.
They bring in the jihadis and they declare a civil emergency, martial law in Europe, and now they've declared financial emergency.
See how they do that?
And they arrest filmmakers in America.
Like the guy that made a film about Muhammad, and that whole fake thing, and blaming Benghazi on it.
Arrested him!
He spent a year in jail!
David Knight, Jakari Jackson's hosting, is going to be covering it next hour.
I always mess up his hosting the fourth hour, because I don't get a sheet to litter.
Like, David Knight is!
No, dude, Jakari... It'll be great.
It'll be Jakari Jackson and David Knight hosting that.
And they say it was a great movie, 13 hours.
I talked to Shane, who went to it with Tim Kennedy.
I wish I would have gone.
I was busy.
But I do want to go see it.
And they said from what they know, it's pretty accurate.
And that's what our crew has said about it.
Basically saying there was a government-ordered stand-down, which we know, at least for eight hours.
But the whole thing took 13.
I mean, you really believe they stood down while the U.S.
ambassador's under attack for eight hours?
I mean, of course they've been proven to be lying academically, but it just shows how crazy it is.
Getting back to what I was covering with the financials, the problem is they've been securing themselves, the elite have been digging in, while telling us everything's okay and getting themselves positioned.
And then I see articles like this one.
El Chapo lawyers say he can't get a fair trial in the U.S.
because of Donald Trump saying he's a criminal.
What a stupid way to defend El Chapo, Huffington Post.
How about the fact that his number two admitted four years ago in a federal hearing in Chicago, it was in the Chicago Tribune, in El Paso Times, we did reports on it at the time and wrote articles, you can pull them up, it was even in Business Insider Associated Press, that, hey, I'm CIA, we bring it in for the U.S.
government, they've turned against us, I need to go in a secret hearing, and the judge released him and said, yeah, he's CIA.
Sinaloa and El Chapo have been allowed to operate for 20-something years, really 30, but as the El Jefe for 20, because they had a deal with the U.S.
government and other Western governments and big banks, just like Manuel Noriega had, just like Pepe Escobar had.
And what they do is, down the road, these guys always get too big for their britches,
Kind of like Richard Nixon got too big and thought he was really president, and that's why they had an inside coup against him.
They shot Ronald Reagan when he thought he was president and was going to get rid of the IRS.
I mean, to their credit, and of course I'm not comparing Ronald Reagan people to El Chapo, what I'm getting is, this is all a joke.
You can't put El Chapo in jail when he's just a CIA kingpin, a frontman.
I mean, he's a lot bigger, but he's in the same ballpark as Freeway Rick Ross.
You know the real Rick Ross?
The 25 million a day cocaine dealer for the CIA, not the fat jail guard that runs around masquerading as him and then puts down the real Rick Ross, because the body snatcher always puts down the real person.
The pod always puts down the real person.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Several gas stations in Michigan have lowered their gas prices to under $1 per gallon, with one station as low as $0.78 per gallon.
Meanwhile, across the U.S., oil is so plentiful and cheap that at least one buyer said it would actually need to be paid to refine oil.
Flint Hill Resources, a refinery owned by the Koch brothers, said it wants $0.50 a barrel Friday for North Dakota Sour, a high-grade sulfur grade of crude, according to a list price posted on its website.
In comparison, the refinery was paying $13.50 a barrel a year ago and $47.60 in January 2014.
Overall, U.S.
benchmark oil prices have collapsed more than 70% in the past 18 months and fell below $30 a barrel for the first time in 12 years last week.
West Texas Intermediate was already trading near $29 in New York on Monday.
This will lead to the collapse of major oil companies and the loss of tens of thousands of jobs, meaning that economic compression is likely.
In other words, the global oversupply of oil has now reached the point that the market is effectively forcing producers to pay them to give their oil away.
Otherwise, the oil will simply sit in bloated storage facilities or on tankers parked out in the ocean.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com reporting.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm gonna go through your phone calls and then I'm gonna go through the science and tech news, the economy news, the politics news, the election news.
But I just hit the El Chapo stack.
Let me just give you an example of what's in this one stack.
And I've got like 11, 12 stacks here.
El Chapo lawyers say he can't get a fair trial.
In the U.S.
because of Donald Trump.
Linda Tripp.
Bill had affairs with thousands of women.
And then she goes into all the other rapes.
Bernie Sanders' radical past.
How the Vermont firebrand started wearing a suit and gave up on taking over big companies.
And then it just goes through all the stuff he did.
and Iraq search for Americans kidnapped in Baghdad.
Majority of Americans support marijuana legalization.
That ties into the El Chapo thing.
I'm not for the drug culture.
I don't like it.
But making it illegal makes the drugs dirty, makes it really profitable, creates crime waves of people out robbing and stealing and selling their bodies to get the drugs.
The drug war only makes it worse for us, better for the big banks that launder the money.
And they've used it to corrupt the police.
It goes on and on and on.
I want to get into report risk of nuclear weapons being stolen up.
I want to get into harshest arctic air of the season to grip midwestern eastern US.
And then Hillary, when it got really cold again a few weeks ago, came out and said, this is global warming.
I've got all these clips of Bernie Sanders.
Climate change is absolutely real, okay?
I know I talk like a Muppet, but it's real!
Do something now to save the Earth.
We have to do this now.
There's no more, these big Walmart people, the oil companies lie all day, but they know the Earth is dying.
It's not genetic engineering, it's not overfishing, it's not secret weapons that endanger us.
It's carbon dioxide plants breathe.
Is that clear?
Meanwhile, the big mega banks, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, all of them are financing carbon taxes as the jewel in the crown of world government to not just tax, but to selectively tax all human activity and to be able to label any other activity they don't want as evil.
They're like, we may have to cut down trees by the millions.
They're producing carbon dioxide.
That's Smithsonian Associated Press.
Now the trees are evil!
You're like, that sounds crazy.
Why would they say they're not crazy?
They want to ask for the moon.
Because when you ask for the moon, you tend to get the moon.
They're demanding.
They've got us paying for millions of sex changes a year.
But they will take a house from an old lady who has a heart attack, claiming she owes $5,000 to the IRS.
They're bloodthirsty scum!
They give you the right to have your genitals cut off, but they don't give you the right to not have the NSA spying on you.
They give you the right to eat GMO food that'll kill you deader than a hammer.
But they'll make sure Seattle bans brown bags because they're racist.
They give you faux, mentally ill rights, and take your real rights away.
Now, I'm gonna go to your calls.
First off,
This is a big success and I can't wait to see the reviews come in because when they got ready for this and sent us the prototype six months ago...
We only had one of these, so one of our camera folks took it home, used it, loved it, loved how fast the water came out.
We have the side-by-side studies of how it purifies and cuts all these hundreds of toxins out of your water.
I mean, a lot of these shower filters just take out a little bit of the stuff, reduce it some, you know, make it have a better smell.
And, you know, it's still good.
You know, they're charcoal-based.
Not this.
This has four filters in it.
The brand is a game changer and I'm really proud of ProPure and what they've developed.
Best filters, period, when it comes to shower filters.
And they're available at InfowarsStore.com in the water filtration section.
We have four different brands there.
They're all excellent for the prices.
They're all comparable.
Some are better at flow rate.
Some are better at taking this out but not at that.
The point is it all reduces it or takes it out.
Hundreds of things it takes out.
Hundreds of things it reduces down to less than 1%.
That's a big deal.
And it's very hard to get things like fluoride and glyphosates out.
They're ubiquitous, and this brings it down to basically non-detectable levels.
So proud of it.
Pro Pure, Pro Max, and you know, I'm going to put the water filters in the Infowars Life section, I think, too, not just in the main section, because this is comparable to a nutraceutical.
This is just as important as taking X2, or Survival Shield X2, Super Mel Vitality, Lung Cleanse, and all the other great products, because it's that amazing.
We are also ending a special today, but you can get 10% off with promo code WATER on these great new shower filter systems, and I finally put them in last weekend because we just got a big shipment of them in last week, and they are so amazing.
It works as good as the old shower head I had in there that only reduced stuff and wasn't as good, and is a little bit less expensive, and we still sell those as well.
I mean, something's better than nothing.
Before, the very best thing you could get, unless it was a whole house system, only reduced stuff.
And the other ones didn't have a good enough flow rate.
This has great flow rate and massively cuts it out, or on some pathogens, reduces it.
But finally, we have a special ending today.
It will end today.
I promise it will be done today.
Sometimes I use folks being behind schedule, being so busy, just a way to keep a sale going.
They haven't.
I said, has it been taken down yet?
It's supposed to be taken down this weekend.
No, it hasn't.
Fine, take it down tonight.
And that is the 50% off Cloynel Silver.
When you get a bottle of X2, 50% off on Silver Bullet.
I think so.
The next best thing is to sign up for 595 and go month to month after tomorrow, but we only do this in the part of December and January every year.
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It's six months free.
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And finally, support our local sponsors on the local stations.
Support the national sponsors as well, and support those local affiliates by spreading the word or becoming a sponsor.
And by
Letting those stations know that you're supporting the sponsors.
Or send the stations a hundred bucks.
I'm serious.
You don't know how they're trying to bankrupt talk radio.
You don't know how the big insiders are coming in with these institutional media packages for hospital groups and so much more.
Or even government paid PR.
You're supposed to just run and cut
Public interest type stuff as part of your FCC license.
Well, a lot of them now are government paid where they can't survive on advertising.
So the government comes along and says, oh, we've got some PSAs and things that are funded.
But by the way, we want Alex Jones off air.
I'd never followed the LCRA back in 1996, 97.
And then I got called in by the new general manager and he said, you've been talking about the LCRA.
I go, you mean the Lower Colorado River Authority?
I know that was set up by LBJ, famously corrupt and stuff, and it's had a lot of scandals before and since then.
But I said, I haven't really talked about them.
He goes, you talk about land grabbing?
You talk about SOS, Save Our Springs, really taking these hundreds of thousands of acres and building houses on it later?
And I said, yeah.
And he goes, well, if you want your job, keep your mouth shut about it.
And about a month later, he calls me back in and he goes, don't talk about Bill Clinton either.
I said, I've got top ratings on the station.
You pay Howard Stern to be on and I've got the same ratings as he does at night.
I mean, I have like three times the ratings of your number one sports show on during drive time afternoon.
And he said, listen, you're going to start doing more entertainment and you are going to leave the system alone or you're not going to be on the air.
And I said, I don't understand.
I said, I do, you know, politics.
He goes, you do conspiracy theories.
Now get out of my damn office!
Because I guess when people feel bad about firing you and selling out or whatever, I guess they have to then make it like you're the bad guy.
And then about a month later, I walk in with the BBC, who was following me around for a documentary, and I'd become a salesman and I was bringing in all this money and, you know, the sponsors all loved me.
And they didn't care.
He walks in the hall and he says, Alex, you're fired.
Get your bleep out of here.
He was just getting off on firing me like some bad guy out of a movie.
And I said, well, I got to get my microphone and equipment out of the production studio because, you know, they were so cheap and stuff, you know, that they were always busy on the equipment they had that it was a big talk station.
I had my own equipment on, you know, DAT recorder and stuff like that.
And microphone.
And I just said, uh, he goes, he goes, you're out of show business.
And I looked at him and I said, I was never in show business.
I said, I'm here to just try and promote the bill of rights and constitution.
And he goes, he got in my face.
He goes, get out of here right now.
Like he wanted to fight me.
And, uh, they let that guy go a few months later and change the format.
And then he basically was washed up.
I read.
And the other program director who had never been a program director and got off on calling me in and treating me like crap, he's nowhere.
But I don't mean to digress onto all that.
It's just these are the type of people that would sell, in my opinion, the type of folks that are in the government, because those folks are much worse than these people, that would sell their mother out for a stick of bubblegum, as my grandfather used to say.
They just
Our bootlickers and a nation of bootlickers will be slaves.
It's really that simple.
And so I was just talking about our stations there.
That's how I went off on that memory lane.
That the good stations picking us up.
In many cases are turning down lots of money to take me off the air.
They're turning down all sorts of stuff, all sorts of pressure, all sorts of dirty tricks, all sorts of stuff happening to try to get us off stations.
And the opposite's happening.
We're getting more affiliates, more stations.
But folks, you better appreciate the stations that pick up this broadcast.
You better know that you shouldn't take it for granted.
And put a sign on your barn.
Pay for a billboard if you got the money.
Especially folks that have means.
Keeping your head down might have gotten you along before this.
It won't now.
This is a time of great upheaval.
So, choose a side, as Christ said.
Denise in Texas, thank you for holding her on the air worldwide.
Hey, thanks for taking my call, Alex.
You know, I've got stock, and if there's coyotes howling near my door and I don't pick up something to fire off a round or two, it's my fault.
If they get taken out.
And so I think with Obama and Benghazi, it's very clearly sedition where he incited the violence.
Well, I mean, they had Al-Qaeda running the security in Benghazi.
They were running the attacks on the rest of the country out of there.
They wanted to get the weapons, and we're not sure, but we know the Turkish ambassador showed up.
They were told they were getting the weapons.
When they didn't, they showed up and took the weapons.
And so they were transferred to Al-Qaeda.
And now that's all come out.
And so, next hour, one of many things Ja'kari Jackson's going to be breaking down is his review of 13 Hours, which I'm very pleased to hear is pretty accurate, and admits that there was a major stand-down, the CIA's upset about it.
So that's another great sign the globalists aren't in full control, if more of us just stop going along.
So much of this tyranny counts on us acquiescing and just doing what we're told.
Well, no!
We're a free country!
And we're not going to just do what we're told anymore when it's flagrantly corrupt.
Go ahead.
You know, our weapons, anything that goes out of our country, somebody in the State Department has to put an OK stamp on it.
And somebody's got to keep track of what gets shipped where, and if Obama wants to put any kind of tags or locks on our guns, I'd like to know first, where did all those weapons go?
That would be number two on my list.
Anything about Indiana.
Absolutely, he's got to be impeached.
There was a stand-down order because those Navy SEALs, CIA commandos, former Navy SEALs to be technical, sacrificed their lives to try to defend those people.
It held it up.
Hey Alex, how you doing today?
I just want to ask you a question about these ten sailors that were captured by Iran.
They got two heavily armed PT boats were captured by, it looked like two 28-foot Boston Whalers.
Sure, last week.
Go ahead.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
No, you go ahead.
Their sailors were heavily armed.
How would they let these boats come up on them in the first place and let them take them in the second place?
Well, I don't claim to be a Navy man, but I do know a little bit about their procedures and things.
That's a question I should open up in the phones maybe next hour if they have some time to throw out the question because they're talking about, you know, the 13 Hours movie.
Well, what about what just happened last week?
They admittedly sent those boats up
I don't think so.
Wanted to false flag Iran and send in Navy SEALs and then have, attack the ship and blame it on Iran.
I don't know if that happened here, but the whole thing stinks to high heaven.
I'm just glad the Iranians released them very quickly.
The U.S.
military said the Americans were intercepted after the diesel engine in one of their boats developed a mechanical problem.
That's one reason they couldn't run off.
Although it was unclear if the crew was aware of their precise location.
The US sailors were aboard the patrol boat.
So there's your answer.
One was in there probably to tow it out.
So that new info has come out.
I'm just glad this wasn't used as a larger provocation.
What do you think's going on here?
Just a mistake or do you think it's something else?
To tell you the truth, it's not a mistake.
How could they not know where they are?
First of all, with all the equipment they have.
And secondly, how would they let these people board their ship?
It's the strongest Navy in the world!
And they let a couple... Well, that's another question.
I mean, when you're in somebody else's waters and big ships pull up with guns on you, I mean, were they under orders to fight back against the Iranians?
I think they were under order to stand down and be captured for some reason, but I can't figure out why.
Well, here's the problem.
We know there's been so much dirty pool going on that you have to just assume dirty stuff's going on nowadays.
I appreciate your call.
Good points.
You know, I followed that some last week as it unfolded, but they weren't releasing info for two days.
What, it happened last Thursday?
Last Wednesday?
And then for like two days they wouldn't say anything and then they released them.
I think it was Friday, and thank God.
That's a whole other subject.
I don't want war with Iran.
I'm not anti-Iran.
I'm not anti any of these countries.
But I am against the mullahs oppressing their people.
I am against the Saudi Arabian leadership is even worse.
And we know they staged the whole arms for hostages situation with Iran-Contra back in 1980.
And we know the Iranians have been involved in a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff.
And I'll be honest with you, even top people I talk to don't know who the U.S.
is really backing, the Sunnis or the Shiites in the civil war.
And the answer is they're not backing either side.
It's just a big destabilization campaign.
And a sick person can say, good, let the Muslims kill each other.
Okay, well, get past Machiavelli.
They're letting the blowback come here to then take our freedoms on the backs of the jihadists attacking us.
So you gonna put up with that, hmm?
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Come on, come on, come on, baby!
Come on, come on, come on!
If we fight back, if we speak up, if we say we won't submit, there's no way the globalists could win, but they need our compliance.
The enemy's now out in the open.
Our job's pretty easy if we take action and have faith.
Believe me, these globalists are mortal.
And there's a God above.
Look at the new story at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Kit Daniels, you can't make this stuff up.
The Bill of Rights birthplace was demolished.
He says partially demolished?
There's a photo.
They basically knocked half the building down.
Serving as a microcosm, or I'd say an omen, or as a symbol, or as a... What's the right word for something when it just perfectly fits
Apropos, there's one even better.
Poignant, eerily poignant, serving as a eerily poignant microcosm, I've added, of the Obama administration, a real estate developer, partially demolished
The reputed, well there's no debating it, I just love how they're so into facts, my writer's just over fact stuff.
No, that's the famous tavern, birthplace of the Bill of Rights.
The developer, Triple Crown Corp, secured a permit to demolish a two-story building formerly known as the James Bell Tavern in Silver Spring Township, Pennsylvania.
But by the time the third of the building was destroyed, the city stopped the demolition because officials realized the Bill of Rights was conceived at the tavern in a 1788 meeting.
And you'd think it'd be a tourist attraction, but people don't care.
If it was a tourist attraction to worship, you know, Kanye West, Tyen's wife's behind or something, I mean, then they would all absolutely love it.
I'm gonna take your phone calls, a few of them right now.
There's a new Mark Dice video out.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Hillary supporters.
Sign a petition to repeal the Bill of Rights for Hillary.
To the Don Salazar article, Infowars.com.
Somebody needs to send it to Drudge.
So, you know, he's also gone out and asked him, will you put gun owners in FEMA camps?
And he goes, forced labor?
And they're like, yes.
The guy's like, I'm sick of them, let's arrest them.
These are well-spoken people that want to arrest those.
See, these are freaks, folks.
You know Handgun Control Incorporated, Bob Barr reminded me, opposed retired police officers with good records, honorably discharged, honorably retired, from being able to have concealed carry across state lines.
I mean, they don't even want retired cops to have guns, folks.
These are freaks.
They're rich people with their bodyguards and their private jets, and they don't like us being able to protect ourselves.
We're going to play some of that coming up when Jakari Jackson takes over.
David in New York, thanks for holding your ear on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Alex, you have to get rid of the guns if they're going to do what they want to do here.
But anyways, I'm calling you today from UN Region 2.
And, uh, I heard a little while ago you were talking about the impeachment of Obama.
And I'm thinking that I don't really think it's an Obama thing.
I think it's not even a Democrat or Republican thing.
Obviously it's bigger than him, but we have to start prosecuting some of their front people.
Right, right.
I get that.
That's true.
I've been reading the UN manuals, Agenda 2030, and the way they talk in there, the language of that... Oh yeah, I should do more on 2030.
We've been reporting on, now it's Agenda 21, now they have 2030, the next phase of their evil.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, and they're, uh, they're, the wording of it, they're, they're actually referring to the United States and other countries as their countries with their people.
But they already consider this gone.
We'll be back, folks.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
I want to go to a few more of these callers, but I want to play a little bit of Mark Dice's latest video that's up on InfoWars.com.
And if Jakari and David have time during this next hour, I think we should probably play the whole thing, and they can obviously have commentary over it.
Remember, he shows everybody he interviews, folks.
We go out and do it in Austin, we get 8 out of 10 saying put gun owners in FEMA camps, kill kids up to age 3 if you call it abortion.
He gets 9 out of 10 to do it out there.
So let's play a clip of them saying repeal the Bill of Rights for Hillary.
Here it is.
Hillary Clinton has announced her plan to help repeal the Bill of Rights for the New World Order and progress America and help with the government.
We just need a few more signatures to support the plan.
Just print birth date signature to support Hillary's plan to repeal the Bill of Rights.
Hillary is the right person to... Well, yeah, she's gonna lead us.
She's gonna go in the right direction.
She's in the right direction.
Repealing the Bill of Rights, starting off her campaign.
And I think it's about time that we support someone who wants to... What specific parts is she gonna... Well, just to sort of compact them down and modernize them and I really appreciate... Get them up to date.
Get them up to date.
Hey, I'm with you, brother.
Appreciate your support.
Hillary appreciates your support, too.
Hey, Hillary needs your help.
She has a new proposal to repeal the Bill of Rights just to help out with the campaign and the democracy.
I just need a quick birthdate.
Ah, that's good.
We're going to download that.
We're playing that directly off YouTube and it's glitching out right now through the computers.
We have Mac minis in there and I don't want them.
We're going to get rid of them.
I've always hated Mac minis.
I can't get rid of them.
They multiply like... What are the creatures on Tribbles?
I'm going to start
Killing the Mac Mini's with hammers next week.
Let me guess, that was a Mac Mini glitching, wasn't it?
It was!
I knew it!
I know even their glitches!
Four years ago, I didn't like them.
I'm getting angry.
I'm getting angry.
Anyways, the point, we're not rich, but we got the money for computers.
A lot of Mac products are fine, slave goods, but these are real pieces of trash.
Anyways, the people that run Apple are a bunch of garbage too.
How about that?
A bunch of fake liberal fascist scum.
Mark in California, you're on the air, welcome.
Max, I'm sorry, I'm so angry I can't even read now.
Common Core says MAX means Mark, so I'm actually not wrong.
Go ahead.
That's because of Mark Dice's work.
That's right, Mark.
Go ahead.
Mark's now spelled M-A-X.
Go ahead.
I just want to say on two topics.
On the super male vitality and the deep cleanse, it's helping me get through a gallbladder removal that I had.
So I just want to plug that.
It's making me feel great.
It's helping with my digestion.
What did it do for you?
So you're saying you've had it removed before, and then when you were on the products, what happened?
I had a gallbladder issue and it kind of came up suddenly.
So of course they suggested surgery, which in hindsight I wish I kept it.
But they took it out and then after the surgery I started reading up on how to boost my liver.
And then I heard your show and you started talking about the
Uh, the powers of the, you know, the deep cleanse in the liver.
And, uh, I read how important that is because it produces the bile and keeps you healthy and digests your food.
Sure, they say it's a conspiracy theory that you even need the gallbladder.
You're just supposed to leave all those stones in there and have it chopped out.
Be able to grab my own in the microwave, right?
What happened once you started taking, which products did you take?
Well, I took the, uh, well, first, actually, I took the, uh, the X2.
That was the first thing I did.
Um, and then, uh, noticed that, you know, I, because I, after the surgery, felt a little sluggish.
Hold on.
I'm gonna hold you over and then pass the baton to Jakari.
I'm gonna come back, let you finish.
And they've got a whole hour to cover a whole bunch of breaking news we haven't gotten to yet.
Uh, their review of 13 hours and more.
But stay there because, Max, you called in about renewable energy and futures.
Uh, but I do.
They're always telling me, hey, people like the testimonials.
Why do you cut them off?
Okay, well, so I'm not gonna get your testimony off.
I want to hear what it really did for you.
Party Republicans are now seeing a two-man race between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
RNC power brokers and donors are now working to get on Trump's good side as they now see him as the eventual nominee, especially as his reputation expands throughout the Republican political class.
Some of these donors include former Jeb Bush supporters who are now jumping ship as Bush begins to fade away in obscurity.
But they're also courting Cruz, who they see as a stronger challenger to Trump, especially after the 6th GOP debate in which Cruz accused Trump of once having New York values.
That said, numerous people, including Trump himself, are questioning whether the Canadian-born Cruz meets the status as a natural-born citizen in the United States, which is one of the eligibility requirements established in the Constitution for election to the office of President and Vice President.
The establishment was hoping Marco Rubio would overtake Cruz in the race, but Rubio's love affair with Amnesty for Illegal Aliens makes him unelectable in the eyes of many Americans.
Keep checking back at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com for more election news.
And also check out Alex Jones on Facebook for live videos, breaking news, and more.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I see your hair is burning.
Oh, it's hard to turn this off.
I tell you, I really like it when Jakari hosts the fourth hour.
And, you know, Jakari used to be a little nervous on air, so is David Nye, and now they just do as good a job as I do, or better.
And, you know, some folks like the way they host better than I host.
That's what it is.
It's different strokes for different folks.
They have different angles, different perspectives.
People sometimes will see InfoWars.com, and maybe Kurt Demme has an article that partially disagrees with something I've said, or Paul Watson, or vice versa.
Paul Watson thinks the Sandy Hooks just like the way they said it happened?
I think it's fake.
Not the whole thing, but large parts of it.
And you know, that's what a free country is.
I'm not here... Major newspapers call our reporters and they ask them, they go, so Jones micromanaged everything you did?
It's to the point of when I come around and tell folks to do something, they kind of look at me like, well, you know, what's this?
I don't know what I want.
But they're obviously libertarians, they're patriots, Christians.
I mean, those aren't litmus tests, but that seems to go with the territory.
They're lovers of life, lovers of liberty.
And so Jakari and David and I are going to be hosting this fourth hour of what's left of it.
I wanted to finish up because if I encourage this, a lot of people will call in and comment.
And then I don't want to really make the whole show about it, but at the same time, people buy stuff off testimonials.
And so I can do less plugging if occasionally I let people do testimonials.
And they know I don't like it, so they'll sneak it in.
It's like Max from California, Renewable Energy Futures.
That's what he was calling in about.
He was talking about what X2 did for him.
Folks, we know what we're talking about.
We have top experts.
We do our research.
I don't claim to be Mr. Health Nut Beach Boy, but I've gone from being in horrible, from being in great shape to horrible shape to pretty good shape now.
And I've done it, not so much for the exercise, just four or five years ago, I was swimming two miles a day some days, and couldn't lose weight.
It was the Nutraceuticals, the X2, the Oxy Powder, the Super Male Vitality, and other Infowarslife.com products.
And if you'll just try Super Male, if you'll just try X2 for a month, you've supported the broadcast, and I've run into very, very few people that didn't have a big effect with the products.
And the few that didn't have an effect with X2 had it with OxyPowder.
No one I know hasn't had an effect with OxyPowder.
Almost no one I know has not had, when they do the liver cleanse, the gallbladder cleanse, you know, do it properly, and it took an extra day with me, and then it was like, I was calling them, but it hadn't happened, it hadn't happened, and when it did, it was like, whoa!
This is like in the movie Alien or something.
So, it really does work, and it supports the broadcast.
Plus, why wouldn't I want to sell stuff that really works?
Then you come back and buy more.
That's why I don't get so many companies put out crud, because they think they're getting away with something, selling a cheap product, making a big profit on a one-time sale.
Why wouldn't you want to sell it to somebody a hundred times?
But see, it's the globalist model of, like, Chinese slave goods that... So many toys.
I won't buy toys from China.
Or places anymore.
Because it looks like a cool toy.
You buy it for your kids.
I'm a big kid.
I like toys.
And then they break in like an hour or before.
It never works!
And you're supposed to be lazy and not take it back.
Or stand in some hour-long line.
I'm kind of ranting.
I put out good products because I really care and have a conscience.
And I care about people.
This is stuff I want to take.
But then, it is true, it would be better for evil people to do good stuff for them.
But see, they won't do it because their nature is evil is what I'm getting at.
So, finishing up, Max, real quick, then we're going to hand the baton over to the other host.
You're uninterrupted.
Start back over.
Your review of X2 and the other products you took.
Okay, start from the top.
I basically had my gallbladder out within the last nine months.
I don't know.
Alright so I stumbled on the X2 and the Deep Cleanse and you guys with Dr. Gurd having a show and you know I thought you know I'll give it a try and I was already always big into probiotics anyway so that was helping me out somewhat but I didn't I needed the
That's when I got out of one of your shows and your stuff on your InfoWars site and so it took about two weeks.
I started taking XT first for about seven days and then I did the deep cleanse and after two weeks I noticed a significant change in my
Uh, digestive flow, like, really more natural.
And, uh, I know it's funny to talk about it.
I did intend to talk about energy, but I wanted to start with energy, human energy, and then go to renewables, since we're having that gas leak out here in Southern California that, uh, is basically, you know, it's like they're saying it's bigger than what happened in the Gulf of Mexico.
So, um,
We need to go to renewable energy, just like we need to renew our human energy.
I appreciate your call, sir.
God bless you and thank you for the support.
Yeah, we can't give a lot of the testimonials.
In fact, a lot of the reviews we get are just too incredible, so we don't even put them on the site.
So many people are starved for X2, for true iodine.
For pure iodine.
They're starved for the things that are in things like Supermail.
Just go research the thing for yourself.
Finally, then I'm passing the baton, there's a video up on InfoWars.com.
There's a video titled, Alex Jones Anti-Sports Rant, Major Sports Uses Modern Roman Coliseum.
I mean, it's admitted that that's happening, and some of the commenters are criticizing me, saying, you ought to try some sports, you know, and stuff like that.
And, you know, this obsessive, super serious, more informed than thou attitude doesn't do the Liberty Movement any good.
82 times a year I go watch, you know, hockey.
Nobody said you're bad watching games.
I said most the people that aren't involved and don't care are obsessed with TV, entertainment, video games, and then don't care about what's happening in the world.
You need R&R.
I need R&R.
You didn't watch the video.
All I said is the NFL and stuff is full of anti-gun propaganda now, too.
And it's full of all this anti-male product placement.
The Super Bowl last year had like, what, five ads putting down fathers?
And then the games on Father's Day did as well?
I mean, it's crazy!
And the Pentagon paying him for all this war propaganda?
It's a big deal!
And the more corrupt a society gets, the more obsessed it is with sports and gambling.
And that's what I was getting at.
That's another topic for our host.
All right, Jakari, you guys take over.
And then, of course, we've got the Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central, with another one of the great crew hosting that.
And I'll be filing a report for the news as well.
But I hand the baton over to Jakari Jackson and David Knight.
So from the War Room to the Situation Room, I'll see you back here tomorrow.
I'll be watching just like you are.
All right, thank you so much, Alex.
Now, coming up in this hour, we will be taking your calls a little bit later.
I know some of our callers have been holding for quite a while.
But first, we're going to start off with a movie review of 13 Hours.
I have David Knight in studio with me.
And just to lay a little bit of the groundwork on this film, to anybody who hasn't seen the film, doesn't know exactly what it's about, it's 13 Hours.
It's called The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.
It's about the Benghazi attacks, obviously, that claimed the life of Ambassador Stevens.
And I'll say a little bit about this before we get David Knight's commentary.
One of the most controversial moments in the film, one of the most debated moments in the film, is when the operators there in Benghazi are ready to go give the assistance to Ambassador Stevens and his security detail, and they're told to stand down.
Now, a former CIA chief in Benghazi has come out and said that the movie is not exactly accurate.
It says, this is a Washington Post article, according to the officer in charge of the CIA's Benghazi base that night, the scene in the movie is entirely untrue.
There was never a stand down order.
The base chief, known as Bob, said publicly for the first time, at no time did I ever second guess that the team would depart.
So that is Bob, the CIA director out there in Benghazi's take.
Now let's take a look at this Fox News clip where they actually talk to the men who were in Benghazi that night and they say a different story than what Bob had to say.
Do you guys have that queued up?
You can hear the distress calls.
You can hear the radio calls of the State Department personnel saying, we're going to die.
We're going to die.
We're going to die.
The CIA station chief, where you were at the time, told you repeatedly, according to the movie, stand down.
We saw that in the trailer.
Use the words, stand down.
Is that how you remember it?
Yeah, I mean... Alright, thank you so much.
That's enough of that.
So, there we have it, David Knight.
We just saw the clip of the gentlemen who were actually in Benghazi that night who said they were told to stand down.
So, do you believe these gentlemen or do you believe Bob?
I believe the guys who are there.
I believe the guys who put their faces on television, who gave their names, who have their reputation at stake, rather than an anonymous bureaucratic source, a single source, who has a vested interest in saying, no, no, no, I'm not responsible for the murder of those people, as I pointed out in the film.
By holding them up for 20 minutes from giving relief to the outpost there, because it's not an embassy, that's one of the things you and I were both surprised at how unfortified and unsecured this area was.
Yes, it was basically a resort house.
And it's some distance from where the CIA compound that later came under attack was.
By holding them for 20 minutes, they said, you're turning this from a rescue mission into a suicide mission.
So we've heard the version from Hillary, we've heard the version from the CIA, and what this movie tells, and what the book that it's based on tells, is the version from the soldiers who fought and died to save lives there.
Many of them died unnecessarily, because the thing that is driven home by the fact that it is 13 hours that elapses in this, is the fact that the repeated calls for any kind of assistance from the federal government, from bureaucracy, would not
He listened to, and as they're pointing out, you see these overhead drones taking video and identifying where the attacks are coming in, and they say, they're seeing the same feeds we are, and they won't send any relief.
Now, when we come back, I'd like to talk about what Hillary Clinton knew, and when she knew it.
And I want people to, because they don't talk about Hillary Clinton by name, they don't talk about Obama, they don't even mention the State Department withholding this, but we need to look at the lies that she told after this happened.
All right, very good.
Stay tuned.
We will have more of that coming up next.
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And welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm your host for this hour, Jakari Jackson.
Joining me in studio is David Knight, and we're giving our review of 13 Hours the Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.
Now we were talking before the break, and one of the things that's interesting about this film, David, they don't directly
address Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, but there is a scene in the film where Ambassador Stevens is, I guess he's writing his cables, his memos, and he's sending them out to a person who we can assume is Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, but they don't touch on the arms transfer story that is behind all this.
We've had numerous sources talking to us about the secret arms transfer going on.
Steve Pchenik, Anthony Schaefer, others pointing out what's really going on.
But I want to talk a little bit about, well first of all, let's just briefly say
That if you like action films, this is a great action film.
If you like Black Hawk Down, you'll like this a lot.
It's not a boring movie at all.
No, and I would, very fast-paced, amazing action film.
If your wife doesn't want to go see it, offer to go see Pride and Prejudice or something with her.
So you can go see this.
You should see this.
And when I mention Black Hawk Down, I think people ought to remember that the last time we saw a betrayal that was very similar to this,
Was at the beginning of the Bill Clinton administration and the Battle of Mogadishu that Black Hawk Down is about.
So there's your connection there with that.
Of course, Hillary Clinton says she doesn't plan to see this Benghazi movie.
She's just too busy campaigning.
I think it's interesting as these emails are coming out, Jakari.
We have stories now about emails surfacing to her daughter, Chelsea Clinton, the night of the Benghazi attacks.
She tells her daughter, Chelsea, two of our officers were killed in Benghazi by an Al-Qaeda-like group.
I fear more of the same tomorrow.
Yeah, because she's not about to send any help.
And she knows that this isn't about this phony narrative that they sold people about it being a protest of a movie that nobody had ever heard of, nobody had ever seen.
They addressed that in the film.
And the guys are sitting, I mean we don't give the whole spoilers, but there's a scene where the guys are sitting on the roof and I guess the guy called his wife or something and he said, yeah back home they're saying it's off some movie, some anti-Muslim movie.
There's some protests, and he goes, I didn't see any protests.
The guy says, there were no protests, okay?
Let's make that clear.
And nobody had ever seen or heard of that film, but of course they locked up the filmmaker.
Listen, when they start locking up filmmakers, you know they're pushing war.
Woodrow Wilson did that in 1917, the second person that got locked up with the Espionage Act, okay?
I don't know.
In a second memo, the day after this attack, said sensitive sources in Libya had said that Ansar al-Sharia, an al-Qaeda-backed terror group, had planned the attacks for a month and had used the protest as a cover.
But, she also goes on to say that there wasn't any protest.
She said, I just heard an NPR report about CIA station chief in Tripoli sending a cable on 9-12 saying there was no demo.
No, no protests, in other words.
What do you know about this, okay?
Meanwhile, she's still selling two days after this happened.
I went back and looked at a September 13, 2012 article from Business Insider, where she says, this film is just disgusting and reprehensible.
Let me state very clearly, and I hope it's obvious, the U.S.
government had nothing to do with this video.
We absolutely reject its content, its message.
I know it's hard for some people to understand why the US cannot or does not prevent these kinds of reprehensible videos from ever seeing the light of day.
Oh, maybe we can censor them like Woodrow Wilson, okay?
But it is a totally false, fake, lie, propaganda to try to redirect
uh... attention away from their arms transfer away from the betrayal of these people that's what this film focuses on simply the soldiers story doesn't get into all the backstory the arm transfer their point of view exactly and that's what's important about this and that's what really gets hammered down is the betrayal the unnecessary dying and suffering uh... that people suffered from this because it wouldn't even allow them to send a flyover of F-16s to make them think that reinforcements are on the way to back them off that's what they'd asked for couldn't even get that from them
Yeah, because they weren't supposed to be there.
You know, so you can't send these guys out there because it may cause some type of international incident.
Meanwhile, you already have an international incident because they're in there trying to kill Ambassador Stevens.
So you've got a bureaucracy, like the CIA or whatever, and they've got this...
Immoral, unstated objective that's going on here, okay?
They don't have clear objectives, and I've seen this my entire life.
Going back to Vietnam, the way they betrayed soldiers in Vietnam for a war that wasn't necessary, a war that was based on a lie.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident, as Robert McNamara confessed in The Fog of War, an Errol Morris documentary.
He said, that never happened, okay?
And so they have this war going on.
They have this phony idea that they're selling everybody about the domino theory, okay?
Absolutely, and you don't have to believe us, you can go listen to the interviews from the soldiers themselves that were on the ground in Benghazi.
Stay tuned, we'll have more on this right after this break.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Several gas stations in Michigan have lowered their gas prices to under $1 per gallon, with one station as low as $0.78 per gallon.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
And welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host for this hour, Jakari Jackson.
I'm joined in studio by David Knight.
Going to take some of your calls now.
We have Joe in Texas.
You want to talk about the movie 13 Hours that we've been giving our review on.
It says that you are a U.S.
security contractor?
Yeah, I've worked in security contracting since 2008.
Okay, so what's your view on the film 13 Hours?
Well, I was lucky enough to attend the premiere in Dallas the other night and
I was actually very impressed with Michael Bay's execution of the film.
I thought that he did a really good job in really diving into the community itself, kind of the post-spec ops community, and that culture, and understanding the closeness that these guys have.
And most often, it's guys who have
You know, families at home, these guys are looking for a way to kind of get back on their feet financially.
I thought that they showed, really captured that in the film.
So a lot of these guys have a lot of skin in the game and they're just trying to make it, you know, especially in a downed economy.
You saw that.
Every one of them, they showed family that they had back home pretty much, or at least the key characters.
You know that they've got young children back home, and they're Skyping as this is happening.
They're able to have conversations via Skype with family, with children back home, which drives it really home, as you pointed out, the skin they've got in the game.
Now Joe, I want to ask you, the CIA keeps saying that there is no stand-down order.
Do you have any view on that?
Well, I don't know anything about that, and all I can say is that I personally know Chris Baranto, and a lot of other guys that are involved in this, and for me, I have a close relationship with the guys on the ground, so I have a tendency to believe what they say.
I wasn't there, I don't know how that went down, but that's kind of how I feel about it.
You know, I was actually in Iraq while this was going down and we were kind of waiting to see if there would be more attacks and how far they would be, you know, how far they would be carried out, you know, whether they were going to be in any Iraq or anything like that.
So, I can't really speak on that.
What do you think about the fact that it took so long before they got any kind of assistance?
And what's your opinion on that?
Yeah, so, you know, whenever it goes from just basic, I think, operations, and the security team takes orders to a certain point, and then at some point there's a turnover.
And so, obviously, from my perspective without being there, it seems like there was a hesitancy in transferring that authority.
And just like they say in the film, I mean, anybody knows this, is that
Time is everything.
You have to have that element of surprise.
These guys were already getting attacked.
It was absolutely key.
Minutes are everything.
I think you guys mentioned it earlier.
It goes from being a rescue to a suicide.
It seems like, you know, obviously for some people that's the way it went down.
And it seemed to me, like in the Battle of Mogadishu, there were political considerations that were far more important than the lives of the people that were serving the government.
In the Battle of Mogadishu, they were very concerned about having a very, very small footprint, so they didn't give them sufficient resources to protect them and were reluctant to commit those resources.
It seemed like in this movie, you heard the same sort of thing.
Yeah, it does seem that way, and unfortunately because of the way politics are in the world and where we're supposed to be and where we're not supposed to be,
Then budgets can't be allocated or resources and then you just have what you have in that situation and you know you try to get the best equipment and the best guys and ultimately you know you may look around and be somewhere where you got five, six, maybe ten guys with you that are good solid guys and you're just going to do the best job that you can to make sure that everybody makes it home.
Well, thank you for letting us know how that looked from the perspective of somebody who's actually been there, because, you know, we can't have any way to validate that.
I assume that they would go through and be very careful to get consultants that would give them an accurate view of that.
But what do you make of this narrative that was sold for several days about this being a reaction to that silly film, The Innocence of Muslims?
So, yeah, I mean, we watched that kind of unfold.
Also, it seemed
You know, I can only tell you my perspective.
I mean, like I said, I was watching from Baghdad, and it seemed a little strange that that was the reason for it.
It would be like riding over a South Park episode.
I remember when that happened, we thought it was absolutely laughable and ludicrous, and I think it's interesting now that we see these Hillary Clinton emails being revealed that she didn't believe it either.
Right, yeah, I mean, yeah, obviously.
It seems that way once you look at the different information that's been reported.
You know, that's another thing that the movie did really well, is just really, when it comes down to it, you know, they said it in Black Hawk Down, too, is that once the shooting starts, all the politics got the door.
I mean, the guys on the ground, the mission is to, they're protecting each other, you know, because everybody knows that they
Like I said, most of these guys have families at home, and everybody is there engaged in the moment.
They're there to do a job, but ultimately...
You're, you know, you just you're facing an enemy and you're trying to get back home to your family.
Sure, sure.
All right.
Well, thank you so much, Joe, in Texas.
Now, we will continue with our calls, but we want to intersperse a little bit of video here.
So I'm take the time and I'm actually going to look at the Democratic debate that happened this past weekend.
And we're going to start with this clip from Bernie Sanders.
And he's talking about the debate is over.
Climate change is real.
And the thing that's interesting to me about this clip isn't so much Bernie
Bernie Sanders' response.
It's how the question was asked by the host.
I believe it was Lester Holt.
Let's go ahead and take a look at that video.
Americans love their SUVs, which spiked in sales last year as gas prices plummeted.
How do you convince Americans that the problem of climate change is so urgent that they need to change their behavior?
I think we already are.
Younger generation understands it instinctively.
I was home in Burlington, Vermont on Christmas Eve.
The temperature was 65 degrees.
People in Vermont know what's going on.
People who did ice fishing where their ice is no longer there on the lake understand what's going on.
I'm on both the environmental and energy committees.
The debate is over.
Climate change is real.
Okay, that's good.
Thank you guys.
Now, if you notice how he answered the question as the guys queue up this next clip from the official Bernie Sanders campaign, he says, Americans are going out and buying all these SUVs.
Don't you think there's something wrong with this?
Should we go out here and try to make people understand what's wrong with these SUVs?
Now, if you're listening on the radio, I will narrate this next clip.
Let's go ahead and play this.
This is an official Bernie Sanders campaign video, and you can see Bernie Sanders riding in a vehicle.
Stop right there.
There is Bernie Sanders stepping out of an SUV.
Mr. Sanders, we have a big issue with all these people riding around in SUVs.
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders is riding around in what, you guessed it, an SUV.
I would imagine too that when these guys go out on trips, NBC, they have some type of big SUV or satellite truck.
Matter of fact, I know they do because I've seen them multiple times on location.
And, you know, there's nothing wrong with that because, you know, being on these trips, you know, when we go out to California, wherever we go, we rent, you know, a Suburban or whatever.
We got so many guys, so many gear.
So much gear, we have to get it all into the vehicle.
So yes, you do need a large vehicle.
So I just thought it was rather humorous how the way they slipped it in there trying to shame you into getting a Prius.
You're not going to fit all your camera equipment into a little Prius.
I'm pretty sure the guys at NBC know that.
Let's return to our calls.
We have James in Ohio.
You have been holding for quite a while.
You want to talk about U.S.
and Iran.
Go ahead.
James in Ohio.
Okay, uh, so I guess, uh, you there, James?
Yes, uh, Alex asked earlier, uh, he said he's not a boat master, on how these ships ended up in Iranian waters.
But after being in the Naval Sea Cadet Corps growing up, and my dad actually owns a marina, if you're lost at sea, it's simple.
You drop the anchor.
And I just wanted, just wanted to point that out.
That's all you have to do.
All right, well, thank you so much, James, in Ohio.
Did you have anything else you wanted to add to that?
Oh, that's all.
All right, thank you.
I don't know that I would try to get to you a little earlier.
Sorry to keep you waiting so long.
Well, thank you, James, for your comment.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dan in Illinois.
You want to talk about the Rapture.
And before we go to Dan, I want to get the number out.
It is 1-800-259-9231.
Once again, it is 1-800-259-9231.
Go ahead, Dan.
I met you guys at the train station back in September before you was taken off on the Amtrak.
Yes, I recall.
That was me in the Obama mask.
Yeah, you called before, hadn't you?
Yeah, sorry about the crappy video.
People have been complaining about that on my YouTube channel.
But yeah, I disagreed with Alex about the Rapture.
I wanted to talk to him directly.
He's not available right now.
He's out doing other projects, but you can make your point if you'd like to.
Well, I could give you my phone number.
He'd call me whenever he's available.
Well, honestly, sir, I don't think he's going to call you.
So you'll just have to call back another day when he's available.
Thank you so much, Dan.
Now I want to go on to a few articles I have here.
I want to talk about Mrs. Clinton, because we've been talking about the Benghazi movie, and as we said, Mrs. Clinton is not directly addressed, but they do have a scene in the movie where I believe they are referencing her.
You see Ambassador Stevens, he's sitting there, you know, typing out his cables, typing out his memos.
He's saying, hey, I don't have enough security out here.
So while Hillary's in the news, I want to talk about Hillary in politics.
And I have this article here from PrisonPlanet.com.
Hillary, I know how much money influences political decision making.
And this is something that is very interesting to me, because if you guys recall the first GOP debate, I thought the single greatest highlight from that piece was the fact that Donald Trump said that how he pretty much controls politicians.
He says, I give money to Hillary Clinton, I give money to whoever, and then I call them up in the midnight hour and they do pretty much whatever I want them to do.
When everybody's talking about, you know, how Trump was fighting with Megyn Kelly and all this other silliness, nobody really called him out on that.
Had I been a moderator in that debate, I said, hold on, Mr. Trump, what are you talking about?
Because we always know, we always hear about these people, the guy behind the curtain, right?
The smoke-filled room, the guy with the money.
Trump is saying that, to an extent, he is the money man or a money man driving these political situations, but nobody wants to talk about that.
How much this money actually influences the politics.
So I thought that was a very good article that is available on Threesome Planet as well as Infowars.com.
Let's go ahead and talk to Hillary.
Wow, Hillary in, was that Washington?
You want to talk about Trump being banned from the UK.
Okay, I guess we lost Hillary.
Let's go ahead and go now to Kyle in Arizona.
You also want to talk about the 13 Hours movie.
Go ahead, Kyle.
I do.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Okay, you know what?
First of all, it's an honor speaking to you guys.
Tell Alex Jones I send my regards.
I just walked out of the movie wearing my Hillary for Prison t-shirt.
It was awesome.
But let me just get back to what you said, that the movie doesn't show Hillary, yet it kind of referenced to her.
Let me just tell you, from my optic, listening to the Alex Jones Show, and just being brainwashed my whole life and waking up, you could obviously see
What was happening behind the curtains, even though it wasn't there in front of your face.
And my applause goes to Michael Bay.
He's a patriot, I think.
Yeah, well, because I'll let you finish your point.
Just anybody who's put off, you hear Michael Bay and some people don't like the Transformers movies or whatever.
This is not that.
This is a whole different level of action movie.
It's a very well made film.
Go ahead with your point.
He redeemed himself from Transformers and those Ninja Turtle movies.
I'm sorry to offend the people that love that, but anyways, you could, I could just see my sixth sense was telling me that there's something else going on.
You know, those 17 soldiers, spoilers, but the other Libyan soldiers that were supposed to help them, they were calling the CIA and saying, Hey, tell your, tell them to stop shooting at us.
But they were shooting at our American men.
I mean, someone else was basically what I'm trying to say is,
Either Hillary, Obama, or someone else was watching the whole time.
They were feeding the enemy information.
That's just my take on it, man.
This is all orchestrated, man.
And I'm glad that this movie came out to wake the people up.
And I'm not afraid of death.
Obama, he has to be a Muslim or something.
Nothing against Muslims, but I don't know, brother.
I just don't know what else to say before it starts sounding crazy.
Thank you so much, Kyle, in Arizona.
That's a problem I have quite often.
Well, I definitely do appreciate that.
Yeah, if you watch the film, they show a drone flying around the battle zone the whole time, so they definitely were feeding information to somewhere.
And as they reference in the film, they're asking for any kind of assistance.
You don't even have to come out here and engage the enemy, you know, fly a jet, fly a helicopter over and scare these guys so they'll back off and give us a little bit more time to regroup.
But of course, as we know, none of that actually happened.
Let's go ahead and continue with our calls here.
We have Phil, and it's at Florida.
You also want to talk about the film, 13 Hours.
Go ahead, Phil.
Yes, I do.
I saw the movie and I read the book.
And in the book, there's a guy who's coming out and saying that that isn't exactly how it happened.
Bob, yes.
That was the CIA station chief there at the time.
That's how they called him in the book.
They called him Bob.
And then another thing that I didn't really notice in the movie
And it wasn't really mentioned in the book, but I have learned it through listening to y'all is, uh, those weapons, they were, I mean, there's no discussion about where they were shipping those weapons and, uh, you know, how they were going through Turkey.
And then, um, also they, the, uh, I, the next day, the day, so this is a personal thing that happened to me and it's a little more detailed than what I'm about to tell you, but on my Facebook page, I posted
I put up a copy of the Benghazi article and I put it up there and I wrote, can you say blowback?
And literally three hours, within three hours, I was talking to an FBI agent.
You said you put this on Facebook?
I put it on my Facebook on September 12th.
The article came out.
They said there was, you know, this raid that happened, like this, this shootout happened and these people were dead.
And I put a copy of the article up on my Facebook and I'm telling you within three hours, and it's a little more complicated than this because it wasn't at my house.
It was somewhere else.
But there was an FBI, I was talking with an FBI agent.
Was he, well did he seek you out or how did you come about this agent?
They sought me out I guess, I don't know.
I was, so it's a little more complicated like I said.
I walked out of the door
So I put that on the Facebook, I put that and then I was looking for somewhere to go play golf because I was off that day.
So I searched on a popular golf tee time website and I went to the golf course and this guy joined up with me and the next thing you know he's telling me how he was a retired Washington DC police officer and he's talking about chemtrails to me and then the next thing you know he starts talking about Benghazi and he wants to know, you know,
Why I think it's blowback and it was crazy.
Now did he reference your Facebook post or did you mention Benghazi in your casual conversation?
It came up in the conversation.
So I told him what I put on my Facebook.
I wasn't like I was going to keep it away from him.
It took me nine holes to figure out who this guy was.
Alright, well thank you so much.
That's very interesting indeed.
Definitely be careful what you put on your Facebooks.
Stay tuned, we'll be back right after this break with more calls.
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And welcome back to the final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Jakari Jackson.
Let's take a moment and thank all of you, our listeners, our viewers who support us here at InfoWars.com.
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You can get the Hillary for Prison t-shirts, the nutraceuticals, the hats, all the great gear, the films that Alex has made over his, I guess, 20 years now.
Hey Jakari, I appreciate you taking my call.
Yeah, Alex was talking about the rapture yesterday and I just had a quick point about Christians and
And, uh, what it says that they're going to do, as far as prophecy speaking in Daniel and Revelation, um, obviously I think, um, uh, what the Bible says is that the rapture is, uh, post, um, pre-relation, pre-wrap.
Go ahead.
Post-trib pre-wrap.
And in Daniel 11, 32, it says that Christians are going to fall, uh, by the sword and go into captivity, but it says that Christians are going to do exploits
And I did a word search on this in the lexicon, and what it says, what that means in the Hebrew, is that they're going to do exploits in war, okay?
So when it says that they're going to make, that the beast is going to make war against the saints and overcome them, that's, there's a war there, okay?
It doesn't mean that we're just going to lay down
It means that we're going to fight back.
And I'm not a teacher.
I want to get this straight.
I'm not teaching this.
I'm not a teacher.
This is from my interpretation of what the Bible has said, that Christians will go to war against this system.
And that's just, that's all I got to say about that.
Love you guys, Jakari and David.
You guys are awesome.
And God bless you.
Alright, thank you so much, Chris in Kentucky.
I don't know if we still sell the film, but at one time we had the film After the Tribulation, which documents the things that you were talking about there, so you guys can try to find that on the shop, or I'm sure you can find it on Amazon or someplace else.
Let's go to Kevin now in Texas.
He wants to talk about the Mark of the Beast.
Go ahead.
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Great, thank you.
Yes, discussing about, again, Rapture, Sunday Night, Alex Jones coverage.
Imagine if, say, 10 million people in America suddenly caught... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Kevin, your audio isn't the greatest.
Maybe try to call back one day when you have a better audio system.
Sorry about that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rose in Florida.
You want to talk about Bernie Sanders?
Go ahead.
Yes, I wanted to say keep up the good fight, but in reality, every time Bernie Sanders opens his mouth and spits out this nonsense, that's what's really causing the climate change.
I don't think he's the only one, but yeah.
I know, there's a few of them, there's a few of them.
So I just wanted to point that out there, and you know, a little sense of humor with all this that's going on, and keep up the good fight.
Thank you so much.
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Stay tuned, InfoWars Nightly News coming up tonight, 7 p.m.
David Knight is going to be hosting.
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