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Name: 20160114_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 14, 2016
3405 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones criticizes the State of the Union address as propaganda meant to deceive Americans into thinking their economy is recovering. He presents statistics to support his claims about unemployment and welfare rates being higher than reported, a declining stock market, and a shrinking labor force. Jones also accuses President Obama of not attending intelligence briefings regularly and being out of touch with global events. Throughout the show, various topics are discussed including breaking news stories, political and economic issues, current events, and international relations. The radio hosts also promote their live coverage of the Fox Business Republican Debate. Alex Jones highlights James O'Keefe's undercover investigation into Common Core education, which exposes executives admitting they dislike children and are primarily focused on making money. He expresses hope that this exposure will help put an end to the implementation of Common Core. The podcast discusses how energy can be enhanced by adding chlorine and ammonia to water supplies, and how Big Berkey Water Filters remove such contaminants along with other pollutants. Gerald Celente shares his views on the US elections, expressing concerns about Trump's candidacy. The speaker discusses a terrorist attack in Indonesia and its impact on Asian stock markets and currencies. He encourages listeners to support InfoWars by subscribing to Infowars Nightly News and purchasing products from InfoWars Life and InfoWars Store. In a conversation with financial analyst Gerald Celente, Alex Jones discusses various topics including the importance of supporting sponsors, the need for resistance against government takeover, the quality of available products, and issues related to gun control. The speaker emphasizes non-violent resistance against government provocations and calls for a third party movement in America. Dave Agema talks about his efforts to initiate impeachment hearings due to various reasons such as Fast and Furious, Benghazi, executive power grabs, and IRS persecution. He believes airing these issues in public will turn public opinion against Obama and benefit Republicans.

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
President Barack Obama's State of the Union was clearly directed by the District of Criminals' belief that the majority of Americans are misinformed, gullible, tax-paying idiots.
Obama played to the corporacratic Millionaire's Club, peppered with Assyrian refugee and anti-gay marriage activist Kim Davis.
This was propaganda theater of the highest order.
Replete with a Hollywood-style pre-show to fuel Obama's mountain of lies.
The largest deception aimed at the declining viewership that actually tuned in was Obama's skewing of the state of the economy, something real Americans know far too well.
We're in the middle of the longest streak of private sector job creation in history.
More than 14 million new jobs, the strongest two years of job growth since the 1990s, an unemployment rate cut in half.
Here's what Obama's not telling you.
Not only are 70% of U.S.
jobs now held by immigrant workers, but the average U.S.
stock is already down over 20% this year.
And the global economy is flirting with severe recession.
In fact, the Royal Bank of Scotland even warned its clients to sell everything and exit the stock market as soon as possible.
Even Obama's controller, George Soros, says the sky is falling.
Perhaps what better reason than this to tell the American people it isn't?
Obama's claim that 900,000 manufacturing jobs were created in his past six years twisted the fact that manufacturing jobs have actually diminished by 230,000.
Obama claimed he cut the unemployment rate in half.
He is measuring the fudged 5% unemployment rate by the dismal 10% unemployment rate he was responsible for in October of 2009.
As more jobs go overseas and the labor arena shrinks back here at home, and baby boomers retire, nearly 95 million Americans are not in the workforce.
35.4% of the country is on welfare.
38.8% of which are white and 39.8% which are black.
While 62% of working Americans have less than a thousand dollars in savings.
Another blatant lie was Obama's insistence that he attends his intelligence briefings every morning.
Now as someone who begins every day with an intelligence briefing, I know this is a dangerous time.
But that's not primarily because of some looming superpower out there, and it's certainly not because of diminished American strength.
Breitbart reported, during his first 1,225 days in office, Obama attended his presidential daily briefing just 536 times, or 43.8% of the time.
During 2011 and his first half of 2012, his attendance became even less frequent, falling to just over 38%.
By contrast, Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, almost never missed his daily intelligence briefings.
The Government Accountability Institute report revealed that President Barack Obama attended only 42.1% of his daily intelligence briefings.
Obama appears to be speaking of an entirely separate intelligence briefing, as a leaked 2012 Pentagon document revealed the U.S.
and other NATO nations deliberately backed Al-Qaeda in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS, and other Islamic extremist groups to overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Nearly 18 million people have gained coverage so far, and in the process, healthcare inflation has slowed, and our businesses have created jobs every single month since it became law.
In reality, however, Obamacare is killing the economy, forcing businesses to cut back on hiring full-time employees because the law requires firms with 50 or more full-time workers to offer them affordable health insurance or pay a fine of $2,000 to $3,000 a worker, while the average taxpayer will be subjected to an incremental annual fine for not signing up for Obama's flagrant unconstitutional health care disaster.
And if that arrogant display of power wasn't enough, Americans were quickly reassured of Obama's unyielding abuse of power the morning after his State of the Union address by White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, who said, we'll do audacious executive action over the course of the rest of the year.
The first Republican debate of 2016 is this Thursday, January 14th.
And join the InfoWars Nightly News and Prison Planet TV once again for Political Science Theater 3K.
The stage will be getting smaller with only six candidates making the cut.
Maybe seven if they let John Kasich slip in through the back door.
Coverage starts at 7 p.m.
Central on the InfoWars Nightly News and then the debate kicks off at 8 p.m.
Join us for analysis that cuts through the lies in real time.
When's the next Democratic debate, you ask?
Well, it's on a Sunday during the NFL playoffs, because that's when most people want to watch it.
It does not appear that Rand Paul is going to make the cut in this primetime debate, but John Kasich is?
What is this world coming to?
Just a little side note here, the majority of Americans polled think that Hillary Clinton should continue to run if she is indicted under this new email scandal.
Join us this Thursday, 7 p.m.
Central, for Political Science Theater 3K.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, you can get six months free at PrisonPlanet.TV, but only for one more week.
We've never offered six months free before, but I really want to get more people to join and to be able to watch the nightly news, live reports, the special reports, all my films, e-books, and so much more.
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We have to have our own platform that is harder for them to censor, harder for the system to shut down.
We put out the daily radio show free with a video and audio feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
But it is the members that are paying it forward and helping so many other people see the truth.
And it's PrisonPlanet.tv that finances so much of the cameras, the equipment, the crew, the reporters.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
My friends, it is already Thursday, the 14th day of January 2016, and everybody can feel it.
Everybody can see it.
This is an amazing year of radical developments and fast-paced change.
We are entering the most important time in our entire human developmental history.
It is undoubted.
We have four guests today.
We have Richard Reeves, who's been working inside the Republican Party for a very long time at the delegate level, meeting today inside the RNC
That is there at the site of the upcoming debate tonight at Fox Business Channel that we're going to be covering from the event and also from our studios here in Austin, Texas with a full panel.
I'll also be popping in live tonight as well via Skype and Facebook mentions.
That'll go from 7 o'clock past 10.
Infowars.com forward slash show to find the free feeds.
We're also putting it on a YouTube feed, audio feeds and our own satellite system.
We now send the radio show slash TV show, the four hour broadcast that you're listening to now, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
out on the satellite, not just the radio show, but also the nightly news and many affiliates from areas of New York to
New Mexico are carrying our live special events, not just the nightly news now.
So that's very, very exciting.
I never really thought of trying to put the nightly news on radio, but that's just happening.
I think it's like last time I checked, like 15 stations I know of, well,
A couple of them are three station groups, so it's more than 20 stations, but more than 15 groups are now picking up the nightly news on radio.
I never even thought of that.
It's kind of like you build it and they come, but hardly ever the way you thought it would be.
You think you're innovating, you think you're doing something new, you think it's going to do this, but it does that, and a lot of times it's better.
So people say, what's the plan?
And I say, we're doing experiments here.
We're just putting the info out.
We have James O'Keefe joining us in 20 minutes with another big breaking news.
It's part two of the video.
It was picked up by the Daily Mail, the Associated Press, that Drudge carried over the last few days.
This is part two.
He wanted to give it to us exclusively with the Common Core individual.
High-level executive admitting that it's all about making money.
And making people buy new textbooks and controlling what education they get.
So that's up on Infowars.com.
Gerald Cilente is going to come on for 45 minutes.
Dave Agame is coming on.
I mentioned the RNC.
He's on the RNC board.
And they are moving to try to get impeachment as a resolution out of the RNC.
I noticed they had a bunch of Democrat-controlled publications the last three days make jokes about the show and say, Jones is claiming he's in contact with the RNC and that there's a move to impeach Obama more lies from him.
I mean, like we just get up here and lie and then 99% of the time it comes true because I'm a liar?
Either I'm a liar and say things and then it makes it come true, like I'm Gandalf or something, or I'm telling the truth.
I mean, you people just lie to your victim readers all day long.
It's just crazy.
And it doesn't mean we're going to impeach Obama, but we're sure trying.
So that's coming up.
And then Dan Bongino, the former top Secret Service agent, that is, he ran the foreign operations whenever, POTUS,
Or Goblin Number One, or I guess Islamicist Number One, Radical Jihadi Number One, El Presidente, the Mahdi, whenever he would go out of the country, Bongino petted those things up.
And I want to talk about the scandals in the government, the scandals in the Secret Service, and also I want to make clear, I never said Bongino said that Obama was a secret radical Muslim.
And I made that very clear when I talked about other Secret Service people, other feds, other contacts, saying that no, he really is a closet radical jihadi.
And of course, that's all evidenced now by his actions.
And I was hearing this from high-level folks years ago, and I'm like, I don't even want to hear this.
This is so dangerous.
Plus, I don't believe it.
It's just too over the top.
And then now, I just keep getting it from other prominent high-level people.
I told you a few weeks ago,
And you know what?
They may even do an interview.
So, we'll see.
You know, I'm trying to not get killed here, too, at the same time.
I mean, this is a dangerous level we've gotten to, folks, with the facts we're dealing with.
But, Bongino's coming on, and Bongino said on air a few years ago, he said, Alex, I've heard what you say about the President.
It's worse than you know.
And I said, well, tell me.
He said, well, obviously I can't, but it's worse than you know.
And then that's what I was told by other Secret Service people.
It's just totally, totally crazy.
So that's coming up as well.
Let's get into the really serious news now and just mention what's coming up.
Islamic State claims deadly Indonesia attack responsibility.
Two civilians killed, five terrorists killed.
Was 19, now it's 20-something injured.
Bodies everywhere, blood.
The stock market plunging over it.
And they said that it was on the one-year anniversary, obviously, of the bombings and shootings over in Paris, and it was meant to coincide with that and copy that.
Terrorists hit Jakarta, and Indonesians say we are not afraid.
Wall Street Journal, Islamic State claims deadly Indonesia attacks responsibility.
Islamic State claims bomb and gun attacks Indonesian capital.
There's Associated Press as well, and we'll detail that a little bit more coming up.
But the big issue is stock markets are plunging all over the world.
Asian stocks plunge after terrorist attacks in Indonesia, but that's fueled by the other Asian stock problems driven by China.
And speaking of the stock market breaking, Dow Jones has lost over 1,500 points in only 10 days.
As of Monday, it was already the worst opening of the stock market in its history since the new year, and now it's continuing that trend.
Here's another headline from Zero Hedge.
The bursting of the bubble has begun.
Financial system has become even more leveraged.
Then it was in 2007-2008 and the article details exactly how that is the case.
Central banks cut interest rates to zero to make bond payments smaller.
Number two, central banks launched QE and other programs to put a floor beneath bond prices, which bond prices rise, bond yields fall, and debt payments become smaller and easier to service.
Number three, central banks provided verbal
Intervention promising to do more or whatever it takes whenever bonds came close to ending their bull market.
As a result of this, the financial system has become even more leveraged than it was in 07 in the beginning of the last debt crisis.
Globally, the bond bubble has grown by more than 20 trillion since 2008.
Today it's worth 100 trillion.
Well, an estimated $555 billion in derivatives trading based on it.
Yes, $555 trillion just in bonds.
More than seven times the global GDP, or gross domestic product, and more than ten times the credit default swap market, $50 trillion, which triggered the 2008 crisis, and it just goes from there.
But don't worry, Obama gave speeches at the State of the Union, and again last night, out there, I guess, on the campaign trail for the Democrats, that it's ridiculous, everything's fine, the economy has never been better.
And his idiot constituents lap it up.
I'm telling you, Obama could climb up on a dinner table in front of a Democratic Party family.
Pull down his drawers and do you-know-what all over the table, and he'd tell them it was chocolate cake, folks, and they'd eat it.
They'd scoop it up.
I'm not kidding, they would, because this is cult programming.
These people are in a cult.
They can't admit they're in a cult.
If he poured cyanide-laced Kool-Aid in glasses like Jim Jones, they'd slobber it down with delight.
Gold bounces on return of stock market volatility.
Gold is a safe haven asset investors turn to during times of stock market turmoil.
The price of gold received a lift yesterday afternoon as volatility returned to European and U.S.
Earlier this week, the yellow medal had fallen from recent highs as stock regained a measure of stability.
And then it just goes down over the numbers.
Let's just continue along this line.
Miami-Dade schools board prep for influx of Cuban refugees.
The third world collapses.
I'm going to talk about El Chapo.
You know, I've said free El Chapo, even though he's a mass murdering killer, drug dealer, horrible person.
He worked for the CIA.
It's come out Sinaloa worked for the CIA, just as short a time ago as two years ago, and that they're shipping the drugs in and they're just burning one of their people.
So, until the folks in our government, the National Security Council, the big banks, the foreign controllers, get in trouble, then you shouldn't burn their minions.
And it's his bosses burning him.
It'd be like a mafia Don ordering one of his captains to go kill somebody and then sitting in judgment over the captain.
And now they're going to extradite him to a Supermax in the United States and I'm just sorry.
Justice dictates that he should be able to just move to New York City and have his tens of billions of dollars in drug money.
But see, they always burn their minions.
Remember Manuel Noriega was on these big hundred million dollar Swiss mansions and stuff and the media started reporting on it.
So they did that whole fake raid, the whole Panama deception, claiming Americans have been kidnapped.
None of it was true.
Just to grab him and go put him in a prison.
Because he wasn't paying his full cut to the CIA of drug money.
That all came out.
So I say release Manuel Noriega, too.
I mean, what a hypocritical joke.
It's like the police taking a 16-year-old to jail for having Levi Garrett chewing tobacco in the pocket, and the cops selling cocaine to school kids out the back of his Cruiser.
Don't take the kid to jail for the Levi Garrett.
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Coming up tonight, 7 o'clock to at least 10 p.m., we're going to have live debate coverage and analysis of the Fox Business Republican Debate, the first of 2016.
I noticed other folks now are following suit and doing the same thing, which is great!
Go over to Glenn Beck's network and watch coverage there as well.
Because why would I come out and plug somebody else?
Because I want everybody in the new media to trailblaze and do new things and analyze media propaganda, not just the politicians.
And that will cause a revolution in thinking that will overturn the social engineers that count on us growing up stupid, not paying attention.
We're either going to be totally dumb or incredibly free.
Not one or the other.
You either get into politics, get into geopolitical issues, find out how informative it is, find out how exciting it is, or you're a slave.
So that's tonight, 7 o'clock Central Standard Time, Infowars.com forward slash show.
And we'll be sending out those free links and also texting out and posting the YouTube link today as a backup feed at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
This is a short segment.
We've got James O'Keefe coming up in the next.
But here's just what I wanted to get to.
Our experts, from Peter Schiff to Mr. Dent to Celente, all of them, Kaiser, you name it, Paul Craig Roberts, the list goes on and on.
The alternative media has been very accurate about what's happening in stock markets, bond markets, oil, gold, all of it.
Just way more accurate than mainstream media, but it's not because we're even that smart.
It's that market fundamentals are known and how those fundamentals are being gamed is known.
And so you can pretty much tell where we're going.
Does it mean we know exactly when something's going to happen?
No, but in general,
We are in a big ship going about 50 miles an hour, however many knots that is, right at a jagged reef.
And it's pretty much too late to turn it around now.
But here's the rest of the story.
When this ship plows into that reef, the establishment is going to say, oh my gosh,
They'll warn us about it the day it happens.
They'll get Pulitzer Prizes for breaking it.
Pat each other on the back.
Maybe throw in a few Peace Prizes while they're at it.
And if Obama launches extra wars, he gets a Peace Prize per war.
This is all inverting reality.
Two plus two equals whatever they say.
They do it on purpose.
They lie on purpose and make it ridiculous to just break you and make you accept it.
People say, this is so ridiculous.
It's such... That's the whole point.
It's like the media coming out and saying, oh, Chris Carter isn't basing a bunch of the new X-Files on Alex Jones.
Even though Chris Carter says that.
They'll just say it's not true, because that's what liars do.
And again, that shows how we're successful getting culture to follow the analysis that we're engaged in.
And I have talked to the Carter folks.
I'll leave it at that.
It turns out he is a listener and a fan, and it turns out I'm going to be meeting with him in the future.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
We'll have a little bit more for you down the road.
But that's a big deal because that's the most popular TV show in modern history in the United States and worldwide.
Bigger than even Dallas.
Over a billion viewers.
And the new show is, quote, based predominantly on Infowars and Alex Jones.
That came out of Chris Carter's mouth.
And again, I'm not up here bragging about it, it just shows how twisted the controlled media is, because you can pull all these news articles up saying it's not true and I'm lying about it.
That's how warped they are.
They tell you Obama's not coming after your guns, healthcare's free under Obamacare, now he says healthcare's gone down in price?
It's exploded!
Again, it's pure lie, so that's going to be coming up.
Also, we're going to get into USC students required to detail sexual history before registering for classes.
And folks, this is more of a recounting of your sex history than Skull & Bones and Scientology does.
This is 100% cult programming.
This is 100% re-education camp crap.
I mean, this is so cultic, and it turns out it's happening all over the Western world, and now Homeland Security is asking hotel staff to report customers for too many condoms.
If they request more condoms in the minibar, they must be sex traffickers.
The issue is they're turning everyone into spies.
When the big banks and our government's been caught in drugs, sex trafficking, everything, the UN runs most worldwide sex trafficking.
That's come out in major news.
But the very same governments involved in it are now turning hotel staff into spies.
I mean, every time I check into a hotel for the last decade, I get 20 questions, and I say, look, I know you're putting that in a Homeland Security database.
Just knock it off, give me the keys, or I'm leaving.
Call Homeland Security later, you little punk.
We're on the march.
The Empire State.
We're not East Germany.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Asian stocks fell sharply after suspected ISIS suicide bombers and gunmen attacked Indonesia's capital on Thursday, killing at least three and wounding several others.
Massive explosions shook downtown Jakarta, including a reported bomb going off near a local UN office, another explosion outside a popular shopping mall, and several gunmen also exchanged gunfire with police on public streets.
Jakarta's stock market plunged as a result, impacting other Asian stock markets that were already in free fall following a massive sell-off on Wall Street yesterday.
Fueled by concerns over China's economy, overvalued stock and low oil prices, Japan's Nikkei 225 slid dramatically in early trading and was down 2.68%, or around 474 points, near the end of the day.
China's Hang Seng Index stayed negative territory most of the day, while Indonesia's currency crashed in response to the terrorist attack, likely to be blamed on ISIS.
There's no doubt the attack's effects on Asian stock markets will also shock U.S.
markets, especially considering the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 16,151 on Wednesday.
Down over 1,500 points in the past 10 trading days.
Check back on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com for more economic news.
This is Kent Daniels reporting.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the information overload is certainly happening, ladies and gentlemen.
We have Dan Bongino, one of the top Secret Service agents who ran Obama's foreign details, joining us to give his analysis on what's currently happening inside the criminal regime he left because it was so evil.
He said he just couldn't be part of it, but then kept his silence.
He'll be joining us, and we also have
Dave Agame, who's on the RNC board, who is moving to try to get a vote in the RNC in the next few days to request that Congress begin impeachment hearings and proceedings.
And we have Richard Reeves, our political correspondent, who's on the ground for the debates tonight with Joe Biggs.
They'll both be reporting from the Fox Business Debate.
Gerald Solente, the Trends Forecaster, is popping in.
But first,
James O'Keefe has done it again.
Seems like every week I go to DrugsReport.com and I see that and he does do it again.
I mean, again, I lavish praise on some of our guests that are really huge game changers.
Like Larry Pratt.
Unsung, very mild mannered.
He's like, you know, Mr. Magoo or something.
But the guy literally
We would not have the Second Amendment right now if it wasn't for his organization taking over the NRA basically from within.
That's the inside baseball I've had NRA board members on like of course the famous rock star Ted Nugent saying no that's true.
So I call him kind of the modern George Washington of the Second Amendment.
Well James O'Keefe has the blueprint
I know he doesn't want to hear all this, but it's true.
For investigative journalism, like you've seen with the Planned Parenthood videos, bringing them to their knees, getting all these states to defund them, saving literally millions of lives in the aggregate.
He's doing the same thing with investigative journalism and helping bring down ACORN.
And so much more.
And now we can bring down Common Core.
2 plus 2 equals 5.
5 plus 5 plus 5 doesn't equal 15.
That's actual Common Core.
You can just type that in, pull up mainstream articles with straight faces saying fuzzy math is good.
2 plus 2 equals whatever you want it to.
This is insane.
And he's got the teams now all over the country and all over the world
Infiltrating these organizations.
And James O'Keefe, and I'm honored, said, hey, I want to have you guys write an article about Part 2 and come on the show.
I promised you last year when this was going to break, in December I would, so here it is.
Exclusive video, textbook exec reveals greedy truth behind Common Core.
It's never about the kids.
There's quote, always money in it.
And then there's quotes in here like, I hate kids.
It's all about the money.
This is what we're getting out of these people.
We're going to play some of these clips, but to give us the details and where all this is going is James O'Keefe joining us via video Skype.
Again, if you're a radio listener.
You can also tune in at infowars.com forward slash show and you can see the live video feed.
We're also a television transmission.
Well, James, I tell you, you just keep getting bigger and bigger coups.
I don't know how you do it with your wonderful folks, but congratulations.
I wonder if this over-the-top shocking arrogance of these people will help put a dent in Common Core or will they just continue to force feed us this mind-wrecking garbage?
Well I thank you Alex for having me on and as promised I'm back on because I told you in December we'd have a big story and we did release the first installment on Tuesday showing a woman named Diane Barrow of Houghton Mifflin.
This is one of the big publishers, common core publishers, and she said that she hates kids
It's all about the money.
She actually said, quote, you don't think that educational publishing companies are in it for education, do you?
No, they're in it for the money.
So it's really about the money and I hate kids.
Now, Houghton Mifflin has fired this top executive.
You see the picture of her right there.
She looks like Cruella de Vil.
I hate kids.
I'm in it to sell books.
Don't kid yourself for a heartbeat.
They have fired this individual.
Pearson, which is a billion-dollar corporation that gets most of its money through contracts with the government, has responded.
They condemn these comments, and they quickly threw under the bus.
So today on your website, InfoWars, we released Part 2, which is another official.
This woman's name is Amelia Pettis.
She's a senior executive and she says, quote, it's never about the kids, unquote.
And she says that she can slap stuff on books.
There's some expletives here.
She curses.
She says that she can just repurpose and repackage these books to make money.
It's all a money making scheme.
And we haven't even gotten into the ideology yet.
We haven't gotten into data collection or ideology or how they're trying to brainwash children.
Right now, we're focused on the crony capitalism, the greed, and these companies working with the government to force textbooks on kids.
And these statements, I think, Alex, this can kind of change the Overton window on this subject.
This can really change public perception if we can make these two officials the face of Common Core.
Now, we've got some of these clips we're going to play in a few minutes, but the full video is up at InfoWars.com.
It's also up at ProjectVeritas.com, and undoubtedly some other folks are probably going to get in trouble for this, but how could you put out textbooks scrambling brains, you know, lowering people's cognitive curve, and then not hate kids?
But just over and over again, the arrogance of these people when you go in to the ACORN facilities and over and over again, they're like, yeah, bring in your sex slave children.
Just make sure you pay your taxes.
I mean, it's just such a warped mindset of these people.
It is, and this is not surprising, right?
This is not, no one is shot.
We've been working with the grassroots for about a week on preparing for these releases.
No one is surprised, but finally we have visual proof.
Common Core is a very complicated subject matter.
There's a lot going on here.
It's an initial
We're good.
And that's really what this is all about.
It's a money-making scheme, behind the scenes, to try to enrich these companies.
And these executives don't care about ideology.
I mean, there is one clip in the first video where Diane Barrow, this is the first official who lost her job, talks about homeschooling children.
And she says, I'm sorry, did you go to school to be a teacher?
Don't teach your kids.
So there is sort of a mentality from a lot of these officials that the state is more important than the family and parents shouldn't have a role in teaching their kids.
There's a comment about Trump.
They say that it's about old white men that are frustrated with their life.
There is a comment about
Most of the comments so far in our two videos are about just unbridled greed.
It's about making money, lobbying the government, and that's about it.
It has nothing to do with children.
Well, how could you put out textbooks
2 plus 2 equals 5, you know, stuff like this.
Fuzzy math.
And not hate everybody.
And then they call us evil because we don't want to screw kids up.
Or we're evil.
All these videos of these rich women, and I'm not singling out women, but that's who seems to run so much of this new evil.
Drinking $100 bottle wine, eating fine meals, debating body parts sales of children, and snickering about Lamborghinis and stuff.
I mean, it's just, it's so sick.
It is sick.
It's very sick.
And sometimes, Alex, that's what it takes.
It takes a, you know, Saul Alinsky is someone who Obama and Hillary Clinton used as a mentor.
And he was fond of saying, pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, polarize it.
Well, in this case, we have this albatross, Common Core, with its tentacles and all types of things.
Some people talk about the connection to Bill Gates and the data collection.
Some people talk about
The critical race theory that's being instituted in mathematics.
What we found is that they change the math standards because they want to transform the process so it's unintelligible to parents.
They're taking away power from families.
They're taking away power from
Who has the power currently, and they're giving it to these teachers.
But right now, what we found, like I said, is unbridled greed.
I mean, I don't know what's more outrageous than, I hate kids.
This is not about that.
It's never about that.
It's all about the money.
What are you crazy?
It's all about the money.
You don't think that the educational publishing companies are in it for education, do you?
They're in it for the money.
The publishing companies are the winners in this game.
Is that truth or money that goes in between?
Between the publishing companies and the schools?
Oh my god!
It's all a money game.
It's all a money game.
You seem like you're in it for the kids though.
You seem like, you know, I mean I don't... I hate kids.
I hate kids.
That's projectveritas.com.
See the full sickening video, folks.
Let's go to the next one.
This is the new one exclusively released at infowars.com.
There's a lot more.
This is a short segment.
Top publishing exec, quote, it's never about kids.
And this is just amazing.
Now describe this clip first for us and what the full clip covers, Mr. O'Keefe.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
So this is Amelia Pettis.
She's the account executive.
She's a senior executive at Houghton Mifflin, the book publisher.
Houghton Mifflin works to institute the Common Core Standards.
And she's talking to one of our undercover reporters who's posing as a lobbyist.
Uh, with clients and government.
And we're trying to work out a quid pro quo type of arrangement.
And Amelia Peckis of Houghton Mifflin says it's never about the kids.
Uh, I hope they slap, and she says, uh, uh, expletive, I hope they slap stuff on the book.
And we're going to play this clip in just a moment, but I just want to add something here.
This is the executives and
They're going along with it.
They're just being told what to do and to adopt this curricula and then put into books.
So they're just mercenaries.
They're just like, oh, screw the kids.
I hate them.
Big deal.
You know, it's all about money.
But then you go above that.
The social engineers, they admit it's about dumbing down.
So we're seeing this from a high level perspective, but not the highest level.
And that was my question for you.
Do you agree?
I mean, we have so many documents where they say it, but that the goal is the dumbing down of the country.
I think that's probably correct.
You know, people have talked about individuals to try to speak with people in the government.
Coleman is the guy who wrote these standards, and we were not able to get in touch with him or sit down with him and talk to him about what he believes.
But the funny thing, I think, is that Pearson is a billion-dollar company, and I think you can't consider what Coleman is doing or even Bill Gates is doing without considering these companies.
This is a
Major, major corporate operation.
I mean, Pearson Education has made billions of dollars off Common Core.
That's right.
And let's expand on that.
Bill Gates is heavily involved in the takeover of education.
I thought they were independent school districts.
And the media doesn't talk about it, but he's as liberal and globalist as Hillary Clinton or worse.
I mean, he is super bad news.
He gives money to gun control.
You name it.
So Pearson responded with a press release saying, quote, the comments in this video in no way represent Pearson's values or business practices.
They are offensive to our 40,000 employees, etc.
So they fired this Diane Barrow individual for telling the truth.
She's telling the truth.
She's not she's not misrepresenting the company.
This is what this is what all these executives feel and say now.
We haven't gotten a reaction from Houghton Mifflin for the one released on your site, but their Twitter is H-M-H-C-O.
Houghton Mifflin Hardcourt.
So if you want to tweet at them and say, hey, what's going on with your second executive?
Does she still have her job?
Are they going to fire everyone in the company for telling the truth?
Because the truth is they don't like kids.
This clip is Amelia Petty, strategic account executive for the company Huffington Miffin Harcourt, who told undercover journalists with Project Veritas that rebranding Common Core would, quote, generate huge profits.
Kids be damned.
Let's play part of the clip.
There's always money.
There's always money in it, because kids are great, but it's not always about kids.
It's never about the kids.
It's flapping a new name on it.
Which, in my case, I hope they do.
Because, that I can sell a s*** ton of training around whatever you're calling it.
If it does change, there's still money in it.
Because it's the same style.
There's always money in it.
It's never about the same.
And then she's smiling and laughing as well.
And again, I'm not a woman basher, but there's this idea in liberal culture that if you put women in charge, they're these wonderful, altruistic people, all war will end.
And then you see who's running the State Department and all these new wars.
It's just women are just like men.
You know, they can be evil, they can be corrupt, they can be arrogant, they can be... And it's just... I'm sorry, I'm seeing a theme here, though, in your videos and other videos undercover.
Where it's just like women, you know, like the acorn thing going, yeah, bring in the child sex slaves, yeah, it's wonderful.
I mean, somebody said that to me, I would tackle them and call the police, you know?
Yeah, the appropriate response is get out of my office, right?
In the Planned Parenthood video, the official said, I want to buy a Lamborghini.
You know, when I get reimbursed or when I sell these baby tissue or fetal parts.
I mean, this is a culture of kind of soullessness from these people.
And the sad thing is they're doing it with your dime.
Now, we had a lot of critics say, well, these are just capitalists.
They're just trying to sell books.
I said, no, because they're forcing you to buy the books.
This is not a choice.
They've created a government monopoly, federalizing, internationalizing.
This is all about UNESCO and the UN.
This is crony capitalism.
It's crony capitalism.
It's compulsory because they have to buy the books.
There is a scheme where they literally hire people in the government.
They buy people in the government.
You're just seeing that, like you said, the front lines, the sales executives.
I actually think that the content from the sales executives is probably more powerful because it's the front lines.
With the Acorn staff, it was the people on the front lines who said, yeah, bring in your
We're good.
So to be clear, this is just part of your undercover investigation.
I mean, you do so much dangerous stuff.
I mean, I'm sorry I'm just gushing, but I don't think some of the viewers and listeners understand how dangerous what you do is and how incredible your investigators are and what you've gone through.
How do folks support Project Veritas?
We don't have many allies in the media.
You know, Alex, I saw your interview with Matt Drudge.
I consider him a hero of mine.
There are very few people who can take on these types of interests because there's so many people involved.
You've got corporations, you've got politicians.
We're literally putting this stuff on YouTube and social media.
And we got Pearson to respond.
They're firing their officials right now.
If you tweet at HMHCO and say, what's the status of your executive?
Is she still employed?
You can contact us at projectbaratos.com.
Last time I went on your show, we had 150.
150 people contacted us wanting to be reporters.
We are creating an army of people.
We are creating an undercover army.
of citizen journalists.
We got a former Navy SEAL guy running our field ops.
We got former intelligence people working with us now doing journalism, doing investigative journalism, exposing the government.
So you can contact us at projectbaratos.com and we have many more videos on this subject coming out.
And what we do is we force them to respond.
We make the Washington Post.
This made the Washington Post.
The mainstream media is forced to cover it because of the reactions from the organizations that we investigate.
And then it's Infowars, it's Drudge, it's WorldNetDaily and others, not that you don't have your own great platform, that magnify what you're doing.
I tell you, I sleep better at night knowing you're there.
We could set up undercover operations.
We've done some.
We've got such infiltration problems and other clandestine things we deal with, obviously, because we're so big, and literal wars with the White House.
It's just, it's unbelievable.
It's an honor to go through what we go through.
I know it's an honor for you as well.
It's great to have you out there.
It's great to send our listeners to you and say, join with Veritas.
They're great people because we're in a war and we need more commanders, more soldiers, more operatives.
And again, I tell the military, the former intelligence people, the current FBI, everybody, local police, and they're actually getting involved as well.
Hey, this is the real battle for the Republic.
You want to fight overseas?
America's being taken down, and they're responding, and that's what's making the system so scared.
That's why the NSA's spying on veterans and former intelligence operatives and stuff, and they know they're being spied on, and they don't care they are, because the enemy's minions are so lazy and stupid, even when it's in the known database,
That patriots are going after globalists legally and lawfully with the power of the pen and the video camera.
They don't even respond.
It's like I snuck into Bohemian Grove.
More than 15 journalists have been arrested.
They couldn't do it.
By the grace of God, I got in.
They were mainstream media.
We do have luck.
You said the luck of the Irish, whatever, God's on our side, there is providence, George Washington talked about it, but we have to get on the field.
But when we get on the field, everything we do turns to gold.
I mean, have you not experienced this yourself?
I do.
You mentioned something that I think is very telling.
Going overseas and risking your life for your country, there's no way that any of my guys could compare to that type of sacrifice that our soldiers make, but I do think
That people need to risk their lives domestically.
People need to put their reputation on the line to do this type of journalism.
And I emulate the sacrifice that our soldiers make overseas, but can you think of anybody right now?
Maybe one or two people, but anybody in Washington, D.C.
or in Congress who are willing to sacrifice their reputations for the betterment of their country?
And this type of journalism, I mean, I don't have to tell you.
I mean, I've been arrested.
Every time I go to the airport, every time I come back into the United States, I get detained by the Department of Homeland Security.
And they ask me what stories I'm working on.
They go through my cell phone.
These are relatively inconveniences, but
You know, you go through hell to doing this work, but they can stop one man, but they can't stop all of us.
Well, James, all over the third world and old world, journalists are killed all the time.
It happens here, too.
And I'm not likening what you do to, you know, the guys at Benghazi giving up their lives.
Those are real heroes.
If we don't push and fight here, it's going to get to that level.
And the harassment, the attacks, the legal stuff, all of it, what we're doing is human intelligence fighting this globalist takeover on the ground.
And I was just saying, that's why you have so many Navy SEALs, patriots, former CIA people, you name it, helping you now, because they really realize the fight is here on the home front against this Saul Alinsky leftist globalist takeover.
And I'm not left-wing or right-wing.
I'm a libertarian.
But the takeover is happening through the left.
They're making their move.
And so this is historic.
And I'm just letting folks know, like Uncle Sam, I need you for the info war.
And you don't even have to go with O'Keefe or Info Wars or anything.
Get a video camera.
Read his book.
Copy our tactics.
Make your own tactics.
Go in.
Talk to folks.
They'll spew all this stuff.
Criminals love to brag.
And then put it out on YouTube.
We'll pick it up.
I mean, just don't wait for orders from headquarters, folks, to quote some of the revolutionary General Green.
Go to the sound of the guns.
Brother, closing comments in the two minutes we have left.
I mean, I think you're right.
I think the battle is on the home front.
The war is in the media.
Breitbart said the media is everything.
And while Saul Linsky was a left-wing organizer, I think you can learn a lot from him.
I mean, a tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
Make them live up to their own book of rules.
We've got to let their words do the talking here.
And the battle is in the United States.
This is an election year.
This is an important year.
Expose the fraud.
Join Project Veritas.
Become a citizen journalist.
Don't be afraid.
We have resources to help protect you.
And stay tuned for video number three.
And if you can, tweet at HMHCO.
That's Houghton Mifflin.
And ask them what is the status of their executive who said, quote, it's never about the kids.
Common Core is, quote, never about the kids.
Thank you very much.
I tell you, James O'Keefe, ProjectVeritas.com, devastating job.
Thank you for working with us and others.
You're just a model of taking action.
And I want to be clear, because I get so excited about the epic battle that I think it's fun that there's some scary stuff going on.
For ground-level people, it's very, very safe.
What's dangerous is not fighting the globalists.
What's dangerous is not exposing them.
But for a James O'Keefe, a Matt Drudge, an Alex Jones, a Joseph Farah, for people at that level, believe me, there's stuff going on behind the scenes.
And I'm not at liberty to get into a hole of it.
I'm not going to know what I go through.
It's an honor.
I laugh at it.
It doesn't intimidate me at all.
It's just that you need to know, these people are bad news.
And you don't think we're going to go up against multi-billion dollar operations and bloody their noses.
Sometimes blow them wide open and crush them without there being blowback.
But we are ready for that.
We are ready and committed.
And let me tell you, Providence leans towards those that are committed and aren't cowards and on the side of right.
And that's our greatest power.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
During that 72nd break, Anthony Gucciardi came in and dropped some incredible info on me.
There's a very famous Special Forces operator that still is in the Army.
He's famous.
He has TV shows, things like that, and he's a listener to the show, and I've got to know him as of the last month or two.
And he was already coming into the office today just to talk about general things that are going on.
And then you just told Anthony, he's going to talk about it.
Dealing with ISIS, right here in Texas.
And the specifics of ISIS coming to kill him.
And the interesting thing about this is, this has happened to more and more people.
And ISIS is absolutely operating all over the world.
You saw them just attack
Indonesia... I love the Twilight Zone episode.
It's just incredible.
That's what I'm telling O'Keefe.
I'm like, no, O'Keefe, you're in the war, buddy.
This is it.
Here in the Republic.
And you got these criminals that are like, basically like Spectre.
And that's, you know, MI6 approves those James Bond scripts.
And the latest one, the Quantum Group, is the group that turns out is behind Spectre.
Well, what's the name of George Soros' group?
It's Quantum.
And I know that Wayne Madsen, who has just incredible intelligence contacts, has talked to British intel people, and they think Soros is basically right at the top.
Not just a general out front, a field marshal, but
For whatever reason, he's been given the ball.
Brzezinski is a major quarterback as well.
But they also pretty much coach the team.
And I tell you, these are bad, bad, bad people.
Bad people.
And they are sock-puppeting ISIS and al-Qaeda and using it to take our liberties.
The globalists give them all these weapons.
And then, we have to counter them.
The military has to counter them and the military, we the American people, go out and die fighting the scum where the globalists with the other hand are running it and then responding with the other hand and getting total power out of the paradigm control.
Gerald Cilente is going to be joining us for about 45 minutes and in the last segment of this hour I'm going to air a very important report that Leanne McAdoo filed.
Powerball jackpot winner announced.
That story is up on Infowars.com.
And then of course it's a play on words.
You find out that it's the establishment that are really the winners.
But she went out and talked to some of the folks.
I've got articles about families going a week without food and groceries so mama can buy more Powerballs.
It's people like that that need to have their kids taken, in my opinion.
Not somebody who has their kids, um...
Playing in the backyard, you know, your eleven-year-old comes home at four and plays basketball for two hours and forgot their key, so they're locked outside and drinking water out of the garden hose.
I mean, I can't tell you how many times I got left at school for two hours when both my parents were busy and I just played around the school with the library.
Or, sometimes I'd get home, the key wasn't under the mat, and I'd try to climb up and get in a window or something, but I could not go to a friend's house.
When I was like nine, ten years old.
Now they take your kids for that, but then there's people on the news, I'm not buying groceries from, you know, I'm
It's sick!
It's sick, and it's these desperate people that have these dreams that sit around and watch, you know, lifestyles of the rich and famous.
They've got all these modern shows, like, all about the Kardashians, and it's an hour-long show.
One day I was on at the gym, and so I kept looking back, and for an hour, it would just show, here's this yacht, here's this car, and then for 10 minutes, here's this purse of hers, and here's that purse, and here's Kim Kardashian's closet, and it's just like, so what if you got 500 purses?
It's sit there to make poor people feel inadequate,
And just drool at this crud, this absolute crap.
People selling their souls, not even for material, but the idea that you've got so much material.
Our freedoms are what matters.
The first Republican debate of 2016 is this Thursday, January 14th.
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I'm Alex Jones for Super Mel Vitality and InfoWarsLife.com and I salute you, our supporters!
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We have an opportunity.
The puppet would be emperor.
I said, hey everyone, ready to answer your questions here at McKinley High School in Baton Rouge.
Let's do this.
Pound ask POTUS.
A is capitalized, SK isn't, all of POTUS is.
And so everybody should tweet the president, why do you lie so much about not wanting our guns?
Why did you order a standout?
With Benghazi.
Why did you help create Al-Qaeda?
Why did you order the Border Patrol to complete the smuggling process and ship illegals in?
Why do you want to take the guns from the bitter clingers?
Why do you want to bankrupt our economy?
Why are you shutting down our power plants?
I mean, you can think of the questions yourselves.
It's just good any time they stick their heads up.
We're good to go.
USC students required to detail sexual history before registering for classes.
Do you wear condoms?
Are you hetero?
Are you homosexual?
Do you have this sex?
Do you have that sex?
How many times do you have oral sex a month?
It just goes on and on.
First it's, oh, take vaccines or we won't let you in.
Now it's, give us all your details.
I mean, you have a Fourth Amendment, folks.
This is what cults do.
This is what Skull and Bones does, asking them, you know, their sexual histories.
This is what they reportedly do in cults to get control of you.
It's crazy.
Now obviously the big news is not big news for our listeners, that derivatives are out of control, the bubbles are bigger than ever, they began to cut back on the quantitative easing just a little bit, raising interest rates a tiny bit.
And like a car running off the road, the economy started to sink.
It was already sinking.
They could see that it wasn't helping, so they started upping the interest rates a month or so ago, breaking.
Dow Jones loses 1,500 points in just 10 days, the worst open for a new year in its history.
The bursting of the bond bubble has begun.
An excellent article at Zero Hedge posted at Infowars.com.
Gold bounces on return of stock market volatility.
But don't worry, from the refugees in Europe to Cuban refugees, record numbers coming in.
CBS Miami, Miami Dade School Board, preps for influx of Cuban refugees.
It goes on and on and on.
And then last hour, James O'Keefe, with these big executives at major publishing companies going, I hate kids.
It's not about kids, it's about money.
We've got our directives, we're putting it in there.
Two plus two equals five.
It is amazing.
Then, next hour, Dave Agame on the RNC board, inside the move in the RNC to move forward with a call for impeachment in Congress.
Richard Reeves and others, they're on the ground for that debate tonight with Joe Biggs.
Dan Bongino, former top Secret Service agent,
Breaking down currently what's happening in the world, the scandals.
He would run Obama's foreign details.
He said, what I say about Obama isn't enough.
He said, it's worse than you know, worse than you say, I'm a listener.
Hadn't been on the list in about six months.
Now, he didn't give you the inside intel that Obama is an actual practicing Muslim, but that's from others in other agencies.
They've seen it with their eyes.
And if he is, that's fine.
Just don't lie about it.
But you now know why he's funding the Muslim Brotherhood and this jihad takeover.
I didn't believe it before.
I thought he was just, you know, roping the Muslims along when he does calls to prayer and, you know, in Egypt that are better than the top imam can do.
But this is getting Twilight Zone right now.
I can't even believe it.
So that's all coming up.
And we've also got news.
On IRS still targeting conservative groups.
Tell me something we don't know.
Internet set to cut cords with the U.S.
government this year.
Turn it over to the U.N.
See how everything's lining up, folks?
Multinationals move governmental power to unelected groups.
IMF, World Bank, WTO, U.N.
Then set up other agreements, like the TPP, linking it all together, make it secret, and give it the power to levy taxes and be exempt from law.
The most checked out book at the U.N.
is their immunity.
Above the law.
The white shoe boys that Gerald Salente, TrendsResearch.com, our good friend, and of course publisher of the Trends Journal, joins us.
Well, Gerald, Obama said that there's no problems, you have the best economy in the world, people are fearmongers that say there's any problem in our economy or others,
But his own master, Soros, says the collapse has begun.
But as usual, the Royal Bank of Scotland, Soros, are saying it days before it begins, not years before it begins, as you and others have.
They're still writing articles, as you know, every week, saying Gerald Salente's a kook, a porn dealer of fear.
So's Alex Jones, because nothing bad has happened.
No, just everything you said has happened.
I think it got a little bit later than you thought, but I wish it would never happen.
So do you, but we're just covering fundamentals here.
Gerald Cilente.
Alex, I think Obama's quote is, I have it right here, anyone claiming that America's economy is in decline is peddling fiction.
This is from the greatest fraud that has ever, ever been put in the White House.
Everything that backtrack Obama promised, he backtracked on.
And he's talking about peddling fiction?
I mean, this guy should be a fiction writer.
Because nothing he ever says, and when you listen to that State of the Union address, it was nothing more than a litany of lies and a string of banalities.
So this is a guy, hey, folks,
First day in office, I'm going to close Guantanamo.
Folks, hey folks, I'm going to pull out those troops out of Afghanistan.
That's after I put in $33,000 for a troop surge and lied and I'm going to pull them out and never did.
Hey, how about this one?
Folks, I'm gonna restore democratic rights.
Yeah, hey, look what he did to Chelsea Manning, huh?
How about that Snowden?
One after another, they put more whistleblowers in jail and shut them up than any time in American history.
This guy's talking about peddling fiction?
How about peddling fiction as he's bragging about?
And I have it, of course, right here, his line.
I told you earlier, all the talk of America's economic decline is political hot air, and he knows about hot air, and the rest of them passing it out over there in Washington.
They're real hot air.
And don't forget Gibbs saying there is no drone program when it was a known public program five years before that.
So let's look at the facts.
As he's bragging about the jobs that have been created, folks!
Yeah, how about the highest level of job non-participation rate since the 70s?
How about all those people now you have home buying rate back into the 1960s?
How about the three million quote missing workers?
How about... How about half the new jobs going to foreigners that are illegal?
That's another one.
Because, of course, what they did is they made it easy for them to get here so they could drive down the prices by flooding the marketplace with cheap labor.
And again, let's just keep going on to the facts, folks.
Because that's what he did.
He phoped us in a lot of ways.
And how about the one, for example, that since the Great Recession,
95% of all the wealth gain has gone to that 1%.
And how about as candidate Obama, he was going to promise that we're going to get those people who committed those crimes on Wall Street and he brought in Eric Holder.
Yeah, I got something for him to hold.
How many people did he prosecute and put in jail?
Hey, they're too big to jail!
Where did he go back to?
Oh yeah, that law firm that protects the, uh, White Shoe Boys.
That put one, and of course, they convicted.
Not, not charged, convicted!
Six major banks with felonies for rigging the LIBOR rates, the interest rates, the forex markets, the currency markets, at the tune of 5.3 trillion dollars a day.
Not one head rolled.
This was a disgusting spectacle, but only really another chapter in the presidential reality show.
Well, that's my question for you as you continue to go through all this, Cheryl Celente of the Trends Journal.
How far can it go?
They've lost the confidence of the people.
They're a laughingstock worldwide.
Everything they say is a fraud or twisted or an outright lie.
How much further can it go?
Because their tactic of just bald-faced lying isn't working anymore.
I mean, are they totally delusional?
Yes, sociopaths don't admit when they lie.
Psychopaths... I mean, you want to talk about... Listen, let's... I want to read something, Alex, to answer your question, to put it into context, and so many other things that you're talking about.
For instance, like gun control.
I want to read to you when you said, are they delusional?
This is Obama's statement.
The other night.
Quote, the United States is the most powerful nation on earth.
It's not even close.
It's not even close.
It's not even close.
We spend more on military than the next eight nations combined.
Now, could you imagine if that came out of the other war criminal's mouth, George W. Bush?
All those Woodstock, key-sheeting, balsamic grin, politically correct Woodstock liberals would be screaming.
But because it's Obama, it's A-OK, just like the NDAA, the droning, the torture, and then the funding of Al-Qaeda.
Boy, that's all coming out.
I want to talk election 2016 with Gerald straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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Come and take it.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to have some very interesting breaking news on Al-Qaeda in America today.
Well, he's told me he'll talk about it.
He's told me he'll come on, but I'm not going to say it until it actually happens.
And it's important enough that I was going to have Rob Duhos the fourth hour today, our news director.
We're going to rebroadcast the first hour today in that fourth hour because I need him to help me get this taping done ahead of the live coverage for four hours tonight.
Or so, of the debates that are coming up.
So, big breaking news at Infowars.com and a lot more.
One of my good friends, Gerald Salente, who's been very accurate predicting trends for more than 30 years, best-selling author, joins us, TrendsResearch.com.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
I want to go through a lot of news with him.
Also, take a few calls for your questions for Gerald Salente at 800-259-9231.
You can get into other trends and things and other news in the next segment, but the short one, I know you're a political atheist, but you've worked for politicians, you were a consultant and things like that, but, I mean, I guess your previous life, but in your gut and looking at it politically, who do you really like in the race?
Do you think Trump's for real?
What do you think's going to come up in the future?
They look like they're getting ready to maybe dump Hillary, bring in Biden, the whole establishment's turning on her, or is that all just show?
What's the inside baseball from up there in New York?
Well, we made the forecast in the spring edition of the Trends Journal, and that came out, again, you know, this is April 2015, and you can see the cover.
Cowards, Liars, Freaks and Fools.
It's the Presidential Reality Show, and here's our forecast, and we stick with it.
I won't vote for any of them.
The last person I would have voted for was Ron Paul.
I don't vote for lesser of two evils.
Don't do business with them.
Have no relationships with them.
Don't invite them over.
Anybody that would vote for lesser of two evils to me, they're out of their minds.
Sure, so you think Trump is bad news, or what's your view on him?
Well, my view on him is that what I'm happy about is that he's shown what a freak show this thing really is.
And again, we called it the Presidential Reality Show before he got into it, and he's a reality show champion.
He knows, you know, it's one of these guys, as we used to say in the Bronx, one on third and thought he hit a triple.
You know, his old man left him a lot of dough and a lot of real estate.
And he has this attitude, but he puts out a lot of things without having substance behind it.
So he makes statements without substantive elements to bring it forward.
So I don't, I think that what, here's that, let me read you our forecast and why we're going to hold to it.
You asked me, who's going to win?
Will it be Hillary?
This is, again, this is April of last year.
If the election were held today, we forecast Clinton as the winner.
On issues of gay rights, women's rights, and abortion, Cruz, Paul, Rubio, Carson, Fiorina, and Huckabee will find weak support among the sizable portion of the women voters.
We go on to explain the whys, and again, this isn't our position, this is what we're looking at.
We go on to say that in the 2008 presidential election, 70.4 million women cast ballots versus 60.7 million men.
In the 2012 race, Obama won the two-party vote among female voters by 12 points, 56% to 44%.
What we're saying, Alex, is that Trump is going to not get the women vote.
And we think Trump is the odds-on favorite of winning the Republican nomination.
And we don't see Bernie Sanders overtaking Clinton.
And if the election were held, when it gets down to the bottom, you see them playing the gender card every day.
Well, I agree.
I told people a year ago that I thought Hillary had it because of the whole gimmick of a woman and her playing that.
But if all the Clinton rapes come out, and all that comes out, and Trump's a wild card, he could pull, like Toto, the curtain back.
Whether he's good, bad, or indifferent, this Trump moment is giving people an uprising point
They thought it'd be Bush-Hillary as a ringer, and couldn't he be the ace in the hole that basically undoes the whole thing?
That's what I'm getting at.
Is he a Toto?
Yes, he could.
And it goes back, when I was going to answer your other question, I was putting other information on top of it before I answered it, when you said of the American people, have they reached the point?
Yes, they have.
Oh, okay.
Stay there then.
Okay, so come flesh that out.
I want to get your expert take on this straight ahead, going back to what you said over a year ago, now where you think it's going now.
Straight ahead, and then more on the economy, more trends you're looking at.
Phone calls, we've got loaded phones for Gerald Cilente.
Check out his website, TrendsResearch.com.
I'm Alex Jones, folks, and InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the tip of the spear.
The enemy hates them.
They don't want those links out there.
Help us get them out.
Asian stocks fell sharply after suspected ISIS suicide bombers and gunmen attacked Indonesia's capital on Thursday, killing at least three and wounding several others.
Massive explosions shook downtown Jakarta, including a reported bomb going off near a local UN office, another explosion outside a popular shopping mall, and several gunmen also exchanged gunfire with police on public streets.
Jakarta's stock market plunged as a result, impacting other Asian stock markets that were already in free fall following a mass sell-off on Wall Street yesterday.
We're good to go.
There's no doubt the tax effects on Asian stock markets will also shock U.S.
markets, especially considering the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 16,151 on Wednesday, down over 1,500 points in the past 10 trading days.
Check back on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com for more economic news.
This is Kent Daniels reporting.
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We're also going to add a link to the front page of live coverage with our live YouTube feed.
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So that's why we use YouTube and other systems because we can't afford the bandwidth.
People are like, you should be a purist and not use YouTube or not use Facebook.
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Now, I want to go back to Gerald Cilente and go to your phone calls and get into other news, but Gerald, the break cut into you.
You said, look, over a year ago we predicted Hillary because of demographics, but if the people awaken, and you said that in there, something could happen.
A Toto moment.
Please elaborate.
Yes, and before I do, I just want to mention, you know, that all the great things that you're doing, the great information you're putting out there, and the products that you're offering, and that people really need to start putting their money where their mind is.
And to support Alex Jones, the Trends Journal, and others that are taking a stand when everyone else is afraid.
So everyone listening, please take advantage of these great products and wonderful opportunities.
Thank you, Jerome.
Because if you don't, you know, look what's going on.
You're talking about the debates tonight.
Who's hosting them?
It's not a democracy anymore.
We have six corporations that control 90% of the media.
The corporations are running the debates and making the rules.
And you see the money they're making off them, as reported in the New York Times, when you saw the CNBC debate, for example.
And it's not a debate, these are presidential reality shows.
They're getting $250,000 for a 30-second commercial?
So, when the people hear you saying what you're saying, and what you're putting out, and more people going to you, and more people watching us, you know, let's support what we're doing over here.
Well, Gerald, I don't know your inside baseball, but I know the problem of...
Audiences get bigger, costs get bigger, but then because of the economy, less people buy stuff.
It's a rock and a hard place.
People need to get your magazine.
They need to give it to others.
They need to support your sponsors as well at TrendsResearch.com.
That's what we do here.
That's why we had James O'Keefe on to support him.
That's why Drudge supports us.
We're all trying to build some type of resistance against this takeover.
Yes, and the products that you're making available are first-rate products.
This is, you know, one of our great trends.
You know, I coined the term, by the way, clean food.
New York Times had a big story about it back in the early 90s.
I just used your term earlier, and right when I said it, I realized you coined that term.
And what I'm saying is you're providing that.
You're in the cutting edge of whole health healing.
So it's not like, you know, you're selling soda pop, you know?
So anyway,
Everybody, do what you need to do.
You know, stop wasting money on junk and put it where your mind is.
You know, one point I want to make before I go on, we cut into the break on the first one.
I was talking about Obama's militaristic State of the Union address.
Where he bragged that the United States has had over 10,000 airstrikes.
You know how many innocent people were killed?
And then this is the guy that, and again, I'm not making this up, on Terror Tuesday, quote, when he talks about who he's going to assassinate with drones, I'm really good at killing people.
This is the man that the United States has dropped over 24,000 bombs last year, according to a recent report.
And he gets a tear in his eye when he thinks about the dead kids in Sandy Hook?
How many people has he murdered with drones?
And how many innocent people?
How many people that have never been convicted of anything, but suspected by whom, that have been slaughtered by the murderer-in-chief?
And he's talking about gun control?
It's amazing, Gerald.
You know, so much is happening.
I want to invite you back sooner, obviously, because there's so much happening.
Number one, number two, I looked at my sheet wrong.
Dave Ajima on the RNC board, moving with an impeachment of Obama, trying to get that moving, was not at the start of the next hour.
He's in like five minutes.
I've got all these loaded phones for you.
And then I've got Bongino on.
I rarely make a snafu here on air, but
I really want to flesh all this out with you and pick your brain.
Can you come back in the next few days or come back next week?
Alex, anytime.
I'm always there for you.
Well, you're awesome.
We've only got a few minutes left here, so let's jam in some calls for Gerald Cilente.
I apologize for... Oh, that's alright.
It's my fault.
They have it right here in front of me.
I just read it wrong.
I do that sometimes when I get too excited.
I get really excited talking about this stuff.
Bill in New York, you're on the air with Gerald Cilente.
Go ahead.
Oh, thank you, Alex.
Bill, first time, long time.
What I wanted to ask, and I think it's kind of where the tire meets the road, is what can we do to ensure that only eligible voters vote?
I mean, you know, I go to vote, I fill out my ballot in a cardboard box, and I put it into something that looks like a paper shredder, and a light comes on, you know?
I mean, it's just...
How can I say that?
What can we do to ensure the integrity of what's going on?
Well, it's been going on for all my life!
You know, it's run by criminal operations.
People like to call them the Democrats and Republicans.
I call them the Bloods and the Crips.
What do you expect?
Every one of them, they're murderers and thieves.
They steal our money and the names are too big to fail.
They allow sloan guarantees and special breaks.
And they murder people in the names of freedom and democracy and humanitarian missions.
Of course you're going to get corrupt balloting!
The whole system is corrupt.
That's just one of the small parts of it, so they keep the murderers-in-chief and other psychopaths in place.
Look, if this was a Soviet Union still in place, you have a re-election rate that rivaled them at the height of the Soviet Union.
That's how many incumbents get re-elected in this country.
Good question, Bill.
Steve, Tim, others, when Gerald comes back on, I promise you'll go to the head of the line, if you can hold, and I can go to you next hour if you want.
We've got this RNC individual coming on with a whole move to impeach.
I get, every time I have Ron Paul on, I say, should we impeach Obama?
He goes, well, we should have impeached George W. Bush, too.
Well, I tried to do that, you know, for the Iraq War and stuff.
But with Obama, you've got to admit, it's even crazier, it's more naked, even liberals like constitutional lawyers,
Uh, like Turley come out and say that.
I mean, don't we have to start punishing him or we just green light more craziness, Gerald?
Exactly, that's what we have to do.
You know, I had dinner, by the way.
Judge Andrew Napolitano came up here to Colonial Kingston to visit me, went out to dinner, talking very highly of you.
You came into the conversation.
And he was talking about, you know, how Bush should be prosecuted for the war crimes.
And so should Obama.
They're violating, what did he say?
That Congress should vote for more power to kill people over there in ISIS land?
These are illegal wars!
They're illegal wars!
They're against the Constitution!
And by the way, as he's pumping war, not a peep about peace.
No one's talking about it.
You're absolutely right.
When you come back tomorrow, the next day, or whenever you're able to, what are some of the other trends you're going to get into, Gerald?
Well, it's very important what's going on with the economy.
You know, we predicted it.
We said it was going to crash.
And you know, the other reasons why I was wrong before, I had no idea they were going to keep zero rate interest rates.
I had no idea of quantitative easing.
I had no idea about any of these scams that they were pulling, just like I had no idea that they would destroy the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
So what we're saying is, you better prepare, prevail, and survive for the tough times ahead.
And you've harped on this, when the economy goes down, they go to war, and like clockwork, they're lining up for war all over with the Russians, the Chinese, the Arabs, funding revolutions, our government backing the bad guys.
I mean, I've seldom, studying history, seen bad guys as bad as the people running our government.
It's just crazy.
It is crazy!
And you, I mean, as I'm looking at that guy, Ryan, next to, sitting up there behind Obama at the State of the Union, it reminded me of that kid on the, on the Munsters, the Addams Family, you know?
Like, I couldn't believe it!
You gotta, but, this is what Trump is right about.
You have stupid and incompetent people running the government.
We need a third way.
If you put in another head of the bloods of the Crips, that's not going to change the criminality of the system.
If they could do it in Spain, if they could do it in Italy, we could do it in the United States.
It's time for a real third party movement.
Four years ago, you said, watch, Catalonia is going to end up seceding, and then that'll spread over in Spain.
They've now done that, and they're not doing it with guns, they're doing it by votes, and so the central government really can't say no, even though they're trying to, because they're not giving them a fight.
And that's why so many times different governments will go create a resistance movement, like the IRA that came out that was run by British intelligence, to make them violent, to give them the political low ground to then be able to keep Ireland enslaved.
And my biggest job, I think, is to keep people nonviolent, even if the government has some provocative things
Do you agree with that Gerald?
Morality is the way, not military.
And that's why we launched Occupy Peace.
Look, I'm a fighter.
I'm a close combat practitioner.
I'll blow anybody's brains out or kill anybody that tries to kill me.
I want peace.
We will not have a violent revolution.
It will only turn things, you just look around the world and you can see what's happening.
But as you, we could do it at the ballot box, but we need a new third, fourth, or even fifth party.
We have to break up the monopoly, the duopoly, the corporate takeover.
It's fascism.
It's the merger of state and corporate powers.
I don't want to live under a fascist dictator.
Gerald Salente, TrendsResearch.com, Trends Journal.
Thank you so much.
We'll talk to you very soon, my friend.
Happy New Year.
Thank you.
Happy New Year.
All right.
We have got him, and I'm really excited about this because I've lost sleep over Obama and his executive power grab.
Even if you're anti-gun, they can't do it by the president with executive orders putting gun owners on a no-gun-buy list out of the clear blue sky.
Dave Ajima is a former Michigan House of Representatives member.
He is currently on the Republican National Committee and chairman of the influential Top Gun Republican Political Action Committee.
He is a former member of the Michigan House of Representatives, as I mentioned, and a retired colonel, lieutenant colonel, U.S.
Air Force, and former fighter and commercial pilot and Vietnam-era veteran.
And I'm not going to go through the rest of his patriotic pedigree, but Dave Ajima, A-G-E-M-A, DaveAjima.com is his website, and he and others, we've been talking to Congress from behind the scenes, obviously they're getting ready to come on next week, we've been talking to folks in the RNC, but Mr. Ajima has the courage to actually come on air from the RNC board and talk about what's happening in the Republican National Committee with a move
To demand impeachment hearings.
I mean, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the power plant's being shut off, the IRS persecution, the executive power grabs, coming after the guns, Hillary letting her over there at the State Department.
I mean, there's so many reasons if we don't, you just heard Gerald Cilente, he's not a conservative, saying Obama's the worst ever.
I mean, it's a fact.
So joining us is Mr. Ajima.
Sir, thank you so much for what you're doing and joining us from the RNC, I guess, looking right now at whether or not they can try to ask Congress to move forward with impeachment.
Thank you for joining us.
Tell us about what you and others are trying to organize.
It's my pleasure.
Basically what I tried to organize this weekend is to try to get a resolution passed through the RNC to start the articles of impeachment or encourage a congressman
We're good to go.
There's never a wrong time to do the right thing, and now's the time to do the right thing.
And I did it for three reasons.
One, I want Obama to stop doing what he's doing, because what he's doing is wrong.
Two, I want to implicate Hillary, because she would be implicated in this if it started.
And three, I don't want any future presidents to do or get away with what he's doing now.
So, I think it should be done.
I think the fear here is, is that more Democrats will show up to vote for Hillary or whoever, if this is put in.
Actually, it'd be just the opposite, because once this would get into the judiciary and get on the House floor, it's for the public to see, for the public to hear.
They'd hear everything that he has done, and they would be amazed at what he has been involved with.
And I think the people would just say, I had enough of this guy.
We gotta go with somebody else, and it would not be Hillary, and obviously Obama would be gone.
Well, for the first time in my life, and I've been politically involved for 25 years on Air 21, I am seeing just electric awakening in the public.
Just people really have a sense of urgency.
They realize this isn't just the same old corruption we're witnessing.
This is an aggressive, cancerous move.
To really break the country.
I mean, they admit that cloward and pivot to bring us to our knees.
There's a real hate like the enemy is conservatives, veterans, libertarians, Christians, the IRS persecution.
I mean, inside the RNC, I know you can't talk about some of the private meetings, but what is the sense?
I mean, I know there's quite a few people in Congress, but they're waiting for the RNC to see what they want to do with this big election coming up.
Some think it will make Obama a victim.
I don't see that.
America wants action.
That's exactly right, and that's what this resolution would have done.
It would have encouraged a representative to stand up and do something.
It just takes one to put it in.
That's all this would have done.
And then if we have done our job as a GOP and RNC, then it's up to Congress.
If Congress doesn't do it, then they've just admitted they're basically a feckless group that don't do what they're supposed to do.
So, in my opinion, like I said, as an Air Force officer and a state representative, former state representative, I took an oath of office to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
And so did those congressmen.
So, technically, according to the law, if the congressmen, and many have already admitted, even the vice chair of the DNC has said that Obama has aided and abetted the enemy, the vice chair of the DNC,
Why can't the GOP jump on this and say, we need to get rid of this guy as an example to future presidents that they will not do this.
And anybody who's been implicated in this, involved with this, would be listed as a co-conspirator.
And I think we'd get rid of a few Democrats and probably one or two Republicans that also knew this was going on and didn't even bother to speak up.
So, for me as a former military guy, this drives me crazy.
I just, I want this guy stopped.
He wants my guns, he wants my freedom, he wants everything.
I want him out.
We've got to stand up and the best defense is an offense.
So how do we get the RNC to come out with a resolution?
What pressure can we bring to bear?
And then separately, what are most people looking at as the most important thing to start impeaching on?
Aiding ISIS?
Aiding Al-Qaeda?
We have the former head of Defense Intelligence coming out, the General, and saying they were ordered to do this by Obama.
We have the head of SOUTHCOM, the Marine Corps General,
Well, the North American Law Center has all 48 of those articles.
There's too many for me to go through sitting in front of this camera presently.
But I think, again,
What it's going to take is for the RNC members to wake up.
I sent out 168 emails to all the people, what this resolution was, what the rationale behind it was.
Only 81 opened up the resolution to read it.
And what's surprising to me, when I went to the resolution committee, at least one or two people on the committee
Never even read it, and they're going to vote on it.
So what happened in the resolutions committee, not one person voted yes to get this resolution passed and asking a representative to start the impeachment process.
Not one.
So the question to me is then, is the RNC, is the GOP saying that treason and tyranny is no longer an impeachable thing?
Have we just thrown that out?
I don't think so.
We have to stand on this, because if we don't, the next president will do the very same thing.
Well, I appreciate the fact that you raised this as a member of the RNC National Committee.
Did any of them privately tell you they agree with you, or do they all just basically sit there and just go along with this out of fear, intimidation?
I mean, we get rid of John Boehmer, and now Paul Ryan isn't pushing for it.
What is the sense of letting Obama engage in naked treason?
Well, I think the fear is, within the RNC and the GOP, is if this is started, that more Democrats will jump on the bandwagon for Hillary or Bernie Sanders.
It's just the opposite.
Because once all these things would be brought forth on the news media, where you'd be seeing it on television, everyone would have a chance to see what both Hillary and Obama have been doing.
I think it'd be just the opposite.
We'd get more people on our side.
So I think that's the fear.
They think that's going to put more Democrats voting for a Democrat.
I disagree.
That's why I put it in.
And I think more people need to stand up.
Yeah, I have three co-sponsors only of 168 on this issue.
And it takes 10 from one person from 10 different states to bypass the resolutions committee to get it on the floor.
Since I didn't have it, it will never go to the floor.
It will never be voted on.
Well, Ron Paul used to only get, you know, well, zero votes to audit the Fed.
Now it's passed in the House, probably can pass the Senate soon.
So, in the beginning, a patriot's a scarce man, hated, feared, and scorned.
But in time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
So, in the words of Mark Twain, we have to do this, because a lot of these Republican power brokers, they want all this stolen power once they get in.
That's really the reason I think they're doing this, and it's despicable.
Well, like I said before,
There's never a wrong time to do the right thing.
If you know what's happening, then it's my job and everybody else's job here to bring that to the attention of the proper authorities and try to encourage our representatives to do the right thing.
And by the way, we have 23 members in the judiciary.
So if one representative puts it in and it goes to the judiciary, we have 23 Republicans.
It only takes 20 to get it out of
The next thing you gotta remember, some of those individuals that would be called in to testify as a result of the impeachment process would not be able to vote as Senators in the Senate.
Presently, if they all were there, it would take 12 Democrats to cross over to totally impeach Obama.
My philosophy is, when it all came out, there'd be so much public pressure on those Democrat senators, and after their testimony they wouldn't be able to vote, we could impeach them.
It's just like with Nixon.
It's a house of cards, but they've committed hundreds of times, literally what Nixon did.
He had a list of a hundred and something people.
They've persecuted tens of thousands of the IRS.
Just on that, it's thousands of times worse.
GOP, ladies and gentlemen, we'll put the screen back up there, the main GOP website, GOP.com.
Get in there.
The phone number's there.
The comment.
Tell them, do this or we're coming after you.
Sir, I know you've got to go, but we've got a 70-second break.
I want to come back and give you two or three minutes with closing comments of what us folks can do.
This guy's a great patriot.
Stay with us.
Third hour straight ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Came in last night at half past ten That baby of mine wouldn't let me in
Dave Ajima is a retired Lieutenant Colonel, U.S.
Air Force combat vet.
He has been a state rep in Michigan.
He's on the Republican National Committee, and he got three other great people to vote to try to have a resolution to ask the Republicans to start investigating impeachment.
I mean, the fact that they're not even having hearings, the fact they're not even looking at the scandals.
I've got news the IRS persecution has kicked back in.
I mean, I've talked to folks that just put out patriotic apparel, like Ranger Up, and they have the IRS come after them and tell them, stop doing what you're doing.
It's not even really political.
It's just pro-America.
There's massive persecution in this country, and if we don't stop it, history shows it will progress like cancer.
And I keep using the term cancer because that's where this is going.
Now another patriot,
Former top Secret Service agent Dan Bongino is going to be joining us to talk about the scandals, Obama, what's happening straight ahead.
But the minutes we have left with Mr. Ejima, other points that need to be discussed here, other things that are happening inside the RNC, other points you'd like to get across to folks?
Well, first of all, I want the folks to know the only way to change things is to get involved.
You gotta get involved with the GOP or whatever party you want to be involved with and you gotta start it from the grassroots on up.
I think there's a tendency within the U.S.
today, it's top down.
And I think that's why you see Trump, that's why you see Carson and some of those other individuals are heading the polls.
People are just kind of sick of it.
So I just want people to get out there and get involved.
And get the correct people in.
If you're a congressman and so forth, but not doing what they promised to do, smaller government and so forth, even voting on an issue like this, vote somebody else in.
We need to have different people with some of the intestinal fortitude to do the right thing.
So, just get involved, folks, and never give up.
Never quit.
As a former fighter pilot, I always said, you know you're over the target when you're taking flak.
I'm taking flak, folks.
Well, we appreciate you doing that.
I know folks like yourself don't like to talk about the things you go through to do the right thing, because you just expect that.
But absolutely, we're going to lose the whole country if we don't turn this around.
I mean, global depression is kicking in.
Incredible tyranny is expanding.
They're delivering armored vehicles across the country, and police say, yeah, the feds gave it to us to fight the conservatives.
I mean, if the crazy left really thinks they're going to have some civil war in this country, I think they've
misjudge the situation because I've never seen the military so awake and I've never seen police as awake as they are now.
That's what I'm seeing.
So the grassroots is waking up.
I think Washington has miscalculated.
Can you make any comments on that?
I would agree with you a hundred percent.
They're in their little bubble.
I've been a big proponent of a part-time legislature both in the state of Michigan and I'd like to say for the Federal Congress as well.
Because when they're there, they're in their bubble.
They're making unnecessary laws, taxes, fines, and fees.
I don't think our founding fathers ever anticipated it would become what it is today.
So we need to change it.
I'd love to be part of that change.
Dave Ajima dot com, and he's on the RNC in there, brought up that there should be an impeachment investigation, a resolution, got three other votes, got shot down, and now you know that impeachment was considered inside the RNC.
That's major breaking news.
And the fact is, just that news getting out will cause a bigger drumbeat that, oh, we could consider that, and then as he commits more of these usurpations, we can move forward.
Sir, thank you so much for your time.
Look forward to speaking to you again.
My pleasure.
Keep doing the good work.
For it to get worse.
That's why you see exponential corruption, exponential fraud, exponential looting, exponential spending, exponential arrogance, exponential insanity.
And here's the problem.
These delusionals, almost all of them haven't been in the military, that are running things now, like they got a bunch of weird feminists running the State Department and the Pentagon now, giving them the orders.
Want to have war with Russia and make statements, oh, we'll just blow the Russians up and we'll just annihilate the Chinese.
They're crazy!
At least Napoleon and Hitler, bad guys, were former military and still bit off more than they can chew.
We got a bunch of weird socialists on power trips, want to start World War III, folks.
They've got to be stopped now.
And the neocons are working with them and are crazy as well.
We got Bongino coming up.
Stay with us.
Asian stocks fell sharply after suspected ISIS suicide bombers and gunmen attacked Indonesia's capital on Thursday, killing at least three and wounding several others.
Massive explosions shook downtown Jakarta, including a reported bomb going off near a local UN office, another explosion outside a popular shopping mall, and several gunmen also exchanged gunfire with police on public streets.
Jakarta's stock market plunged as a result, impacting other Asian stock markets that were already in free fall following a mass sell-off on Wall Street yesterday.
Fueled by concerns over China's economy, overvalued stock, and low oil prices, Japan's Nikkei 225 slid dramatically in early trading and was down 2.68%, or around 474 points, near the end of the day.
China's Hang Seng Index stayed negative territory most of the day, while Indonesia's currency crashed in response to the terrorist attack, likely to be blamed on ISIS.
There's no doubt the tax effects on Asian stock markets will also shock U.S.
markets, especially considering the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 16,151 on Wednesday, down over 1,500 points in the past 10 trading days.
Check back on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com for more economic news.
This is Kent Daniels reporting.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I told you I had a lot of big breaking news today and so we weren't going to do the fourth hour live because I wanted to get a briefing on it and stuff because this hasn't broken yet.
But then I was talking to him during the break.
We're going to go ahead and do the fourth hour today, but I'm going to do 30 minutes of it.
Rob Doo will do the 30 minutes after that, because I'm going to go ahead and have Tim Kennedy in here, in studio.
He's the, he was the number two UFC middleweight, but he's been busy with government stuff, so he's not been fighting for a while.
He's also the host of Hunting Hitler.
And he's also a listener, and I've gotten to know him.
And he was already coming in today just to talk about some stuff behind the scenes with us.
And then he got visited by the FBI yesterday.
And this is a real issue.
This has been going on, because I have a cousin who just got out of the Army after 30-something years, and he had similar things go on with the FBI.
But ISIS is in Houston, he's ready to talk about it, and actually has a group
They're telling him, coming to kill him.
And they just attacked in Indonesia.
I mean, this is getting crazier and crazier by the minute.
So the famous Green Beret is going to be in here in studio with us for 30 minutes at the start of the next hour.
Another great patriot, Dan Bongino.
Bongino.com has been trying to expose the tyranny in the country.
He can't talk about what he saw inside the Obama administration.
He was head of security when he went on foreign trips, which is a
Most important position, obviously, because that's so dangerous.
And he said, he never told me on air, off air, any secrets.
I never said that.
People were calling him up, lying to him last week, saying, hey, Alex is saying Bongino said that Obama's a secret Muslim.
No, I said I talked to other people in government, Secret Service, I'll just say it, FBI, and others that just said it's so insane they can't believe it.
Everybody's scared.
And I already heard this for two years from several high-level people that Obama actually prays to Mecca.
I mean, he really is.
And we know he went to the Muslim schools, we know he...
I'm nothing against Muslims, but just be honest about it.
But his backing of the Muslim Brotherhood, his backing of ISIS, Donald Trump talking about it, all the things he's done, overthrowing Libya and then putting a radical jihadist in.
The Pentagon says they may just go ahead and take over Libya now.
This is a larger plan.
That's not why Bongino's here.
He never said that.
He never told me anything.
He said, quote, it's worse than you're even saying.
I talked to other people, and I'm like, whoa, don't even tell me this because it's so dangerous.
And I haven't been told much other than, no, he's not just a Muslim sympathizer, folks.
He's it.
And look at his actions and then the other stuff and that he treats the Secret Service like dogs.
And his wife and kids do.
They just said it's never been seen before.
And it's a bunch of other stuff.
Now, I don't want to get Bongino in trouble because he gets blamed for whatever.
He's one of the first to go public and just say it's so bad I can't be there, I quit.
Doesn't matter.
He's got his new book, The Fight, a Secret Service agent's inside account of security failings and the political machine.
New York Times best-selling author.
Get the book.
Support patriots.
They've tried to ruin him.
They've threatened him.
They've threatened his kids.
He hasn't made a big deal out of it, but this is the type.
They go through his garbage.
That's the type of stuff, because they're so scared of him and what he knows.
We're not here trying to get him to say all that stuff, but sometimes I think, just go ahead and say it, then you'd be safer than what he knows and they're threatening him for.
But regardless, we know what Obama's doing nakedly in front of everyone.
And so, until the bottom of the hour, or longer if he has it, Dan Bongino joins us.
Sir, thank you for your courage and so much more.
I'm kind of ranting here, but looking at the state of this union versus what Obama claims, what's really happening?
Well, thanks for having me, Alex.
Listen, you're being ruled, okay?
You're not being governed.
I can't say that in grave enough terms to your audience.
And, you know, let me just kind of narrow that down for you, because it's easy to give quick sound bites.
I don't engage in hyperbole.
What's the difference between being ruled and being governed?
Well, Alex, as you well know, when you're being ruled, the rules are discretionary, right?
The rules don't apply to the DC cesspool, and the insider class, and the Clintons,
I think?
That through some of the stories I tell there, that it serves to activate the Pauls and the Paulette Reveres in your audience and elsewhere to say, hey, listen, it is time for a peaceful electoral revolution here, Alex.
If they're not, you're either with us or you're against us in the movement and you either support liberty or you don't.
And if you don't, I don't care if you're a nice guy, a nice woman, you need to go find a new line of work, take a one-way ticket home and get out of D.C.
because you're destroying the country.
Well, you've never told me anything secret.
You just said, quote, it's worse than you're even saying, Alex.
Being far away from it now, obviously you talk about forgetting pressure for whatever it is you've witnessed.
You heard what I was talking about earlier.
I've talked to different federal people, some of them even pretty high level.
They are actually scared of Obama now.
And I never saw this years ago with my sources.
What's changed that you can talk about that people are so scared?
People are scared because, you know, as I said when I released the last book, and I get into this a little bit in this book as well, is the government's a shiny new toy for Barack Obama.
You know, there's a danger in electing far leftists who have little government experience and then giving them this shiny new toy called the entire United States government to operate.
I mean, think of some of the things that happened under the Obama administration.
Alex, that are clearly unprecedented.
I mean, number one, the IRS scandal.
You know, the left loves to say, well, Nixon tried it.
Yeah, he tried it.
The operative word there is Nixon tried it and was impeached, okay?
Nixon tried to use the IRS.
He didn't do it, as what happened under the Obama administration.
Think about the executive action on immigration, what this was.
No matter where your audience stands on immigration, regardless,
Do you stand for the rule of law or not?
The president just invented prosecutorial discretion.
And here's the key, Alex.
What he did without saying an entire class of immigrants were no longer subject to United States law, which is make no mistake what he did.
That would be the equivalent of me as a police officer in New York.
We get some form of investigative discretion, too.
You don't have to give everybody a ticket.
You pull over for speeding.
That's not part of your job.
You're allowed the discretion.
But Alex, here's the key point.
I can't go to a roll call as a police officer and say, hey folks, here's the deal.
I'm no longer going to give tickets to this class of person for any reason.
And not only that, I'm going to give them a free pass to evade speed limit laws.
That's what happened.
That has never been done in U.S.
We have a president of the United States who takes the Constitution, he uses it like a tissue, and the left doesn't find it.
How is the left not in a panic over this?
I mean Alex, here's what I kind of like about your audience.
I get a lot of tweets and Facebook messages when I go on your show.
They get it, like they're not beholden to the Republican golden cap either.
Their thing is like, hey, if our guy was doing this, we'd boot his ass out as quickly as we get the lefties out.
The left seems to say, hey, we don't care about abuse of power, as long as it's our guy abusing it.
I mean, this is governing insanity right now, and the left had better wake up to what's going on, or if we get a bad Republican in there, we're going to be cleaning up the mess for them.
That said, we have this moment where the immovable object is coming into the unstoppable force.
There's a collision.
People are waking up.
At the same time, there's this hubris and arrogance.
That's what I talked about.
I mean, I'm not saying the military is perfect, but it's our generals saying, don't start all these wars now.
And it's all these weird leftists just attacking and doing all this weird stuff, starting wars with Russia.
It really is scary to be in this position and know that we're in the hands of crazy people.
Well, here's the interesting part, and I don't even want to subject this to any partisan analysis because there's really bad actors on both sides here.
You know, when you view the left, when you understand, I get this all the time, I get this, why, why, why, you know, why does Obama do this?
Why is he doing this?
He knows the economy stinks.
Why not just cut taxes?
He knows Obamacare is blowing it.
Why not just repair Obamacare or do something or get rid of it or try something else?
People ask me why, why the executive action?
You know, I read a book a long time ago by David Horowitz and he calls the left, and he's right, you know, whatever your opinion about David's work is.
He says, when you understand that the left, don't worry about them being communists, or Fabian socialists, or redistributionists, or socialists, or Peronists, forget it.
When you understand that the modern left and the people assisting them are anti-anti-communists, digest that for a moment, that they're anti-anti-communists, the whole thing makes sense.
The fact that the left is all about control, and anything that gets in their way, anything,
Even if it's a leftist, they will put that person away.
They will, I mean, politically speaking, if they have to lock them up like they did with the video guy in Benghazi, they don't care.
The left is against anything that involves economic liberty, human freedom, healthcare liberty, education liberty.
They're totalitarians!
What is a real thing?
What's that?
They're totalitarians!
Oh, but there's no question.
I mean, I'm talking about the... and I just want to be clear on this, too, because I get a lot of emails.
It's not the Democratic Party.
I mean, you look at states like Massachusetts and Maryland and Illinois.
The Democrats got, how do you say it, pissed off?
I mean, they elected Republicans.
I mean, they got sick of it, too, Alex.
It's a cult of control freaks controlling the party.
There's absolutely no question.
You know, there's two types of people, as I opened up the interview we're doing here.
You know, there's people in America right now who understand you're being ruled, not governed.
And there's people who are being manipulated into believing otherwise.
And the far-left activist wing has co-opted rank-and-file Democrats into believing this is really about, you know, this is about personal empowerment.
I mean, I'll give you a quick example.
I'm walking in a parking lot in Publix the other day and I see a sticker about Bernie Sanders.
And it says, Bernie Sanders, real people, real power.
I mean, I had a laugh, and I laughed tragically.
I mean, I laughed because I wanted to cry.
I mean, did leftists really believe that this guy who's preaching almost complete economic control to a 90% tax rate
I don't know.
It shows you.
It's a bunch of spoiled brats, have no historical connection to reality.
They're joining a cult.
Stay there.
Dan Bongino, Bongino.com.
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They don't want to see us unite.
All they want us to do is keep on forcing and fighting.
They don't want to see us live together.
All they want us to do is keep on killing one another.
He'll be with us till about 45 after.
Then I'm going to air a special report by Leanne McAdoo.
And then Tim Kennedy is coming in studio.
The former UFC fighter still fights some host of, one of the investigators on hunting Hitler.
A lot more.
He was already just coming by to talk about some other stuff we're working on, and then he was talking about the FBI coming to his house yesterday and the whole ISIS situation.
He's going to tell you on air, unless they call him up right now and tell him not to.
No, no, the horse has already left the gate, so that's coming up.
Mr. Bongino will be with us until about 45 after.
If you have any questions for him or want to talk about his new book,
The phone number to join us is 800-259-9231.
First-time callers, 800-259-9231.
And again, we've got about five minutes of this segment, about ten in the next, and then we're going to get to that Leanne McAteer report.
Dan, continuing, we went to break, we were talking about just this whole mindset, this takeover, how we have to counter these people.
It really is clear they're trying to cement power in the two-party system.
Why is the Republican leadership continually working with them?
Well, Alex, because, sadly, to many people in the Republican leadership, you know, they triage their wants and their desires, and in that triage process, what's number one for them?
Re-election, and power, it's this, you know, Lord Acton, right?
Power corrupts absolute, power corrupts absolutely, you know, all great men are at heart bad men.
And this is what happens, and this is why, you know, not to go back to my campaign, that's over now, but I used to say things on my campaign all the time, like, it's your responsibility if I win
To keep me in check, as much as it's my responsibility to keep communicating with you, we corrupt these politicians as easily as they're corrupted, and I'll tell you why.
We put these people on go- we make golden calves out of them.
You know, Alex, you've seen it.
I know you've seen it because you talked to a lot of these guys.
That you mentioned a name, right?
I'm not going to get into specifics of people because we, you know, we could go- the list goes on and on, frankly.
But they'll say, Congressman Jones, and you've- oh, he's the best!
And then you say, hey, did you know he voted for Boehner?
It's like, do you know any of his votes?
And it's not your audience or the talk radio audience, they're knowledgeable, but John Q Public, a lot of them out there don't understand that putting these people on a pedestal and pseudo-worshipping them, this is a joke!
These are sinners, man, we're all sinners, and I use that word specifically.
We are all fallible men and women.
Why are we worshipping politicians?
They're not rock stars.
I mean, they're human beings.
They're worthy of respect and dignity.
But you should be calling their office or emailing their office two, three times a week.
Sure, and I'll say this about Jones.
He admitted years ago he did that and apologized for it.
It's why he helped lead the operation to remove Boehner.
Yeah, I mean, I'm just using the name randomly.
I'm not talking about Walter Jones.
I'm just saying, like, John Q. Public, Congressman.
I'm not talking about him specifically, let me be clear.
I was just using that as a random name.
I mean, Congressman, you know, Brown, Johnson, it doesn't make a difference.
My whole point is that we find these people, and they give a great speech somewhere, and all of a sudden, the idea of a representative of the republic goes away.
We have to keep him honest.
Exactly, I mean, it's a represent, you know, one of the things I write about in the book all the time is that the theme throughout the chapters is this being ruled not governed.
And I tell these stories of how dangerous, Alex, government power is.
I tell the story of when I was in the Secret Service in a training class, when this instructor, he made a joke.
It was a simple joke, and it was about a presidential threat case.
And you know, a guy, a student on the way home thought he was serious.
And when you read the story, you're going to be blown away because you're going to see how quickly Alex like that.
You know, at the drop of a hat, how easily people can be corrupted when you swear in as a congressman or you get a government badge.
And thank God, and I'm glad you brought this up.
I was listening to your last segment.
I'm glad you brought up the fact that a lot of the cops and military that contact me, I'm sure they contact you too, they're waking up.
Matter of fact, the source at the end of the book in the last chapter on the Clinton emails,
This guy was one of those patriots you're talking about who said, no, no, no, I'm not going to be part of this.
This isn't my, this isn't my bag.
That constitution means something to me.
He contacted me and told me something about the Clinton email scandal, which totally blew my mind.
And it's been getting a lot of traction in the book.
Well, you've got to give us some of the secrets of the book.
Folks are going to get it, but it's come out.
She's lied now, of course, and there were more emails and it is secret.
I mean, she's got to be removed or again, sets a new precedent.
Well, here, I'll let you in on this one.
Hold on, don't do it, we're about to go to break.
Come back and do it, but let's tell folks about the book.
We'll put it on screen for TV viewers.
Everybody should get it, just because of the fact you left the Secret Service when you were, you know, going to the very top of it.
You're a very honorable man.
Folks should have the inside info and they should support Patriots.
The Fight!
A Secret Service Agent's Inside Account of Security Failings in the Political Machine.
Dan Bongino at Amazon.com or Bongino.com.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The first Republican debate of 2016 is this Thursday, January 14th.
And join the InfoWars Nightly News and Prison Planet TV once again for Political Science Theater 3K.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
What a broadcast today, they just get more and more powerful because so much is happening.
I catch myself hyperventilating during the breaks, it's so crazy.
Two executives, top executives at one of the biggest publishers in the country, going, quote, you know, we hate kids, it's never about kids.
It's about making money with Common Corp.
James O'Keefe on, Gerald Cilente.
Then we have the RNC member pushing impeachment and what happened inside there.
We've got stock markets melting down around the world.
We've got just all this incredible stuff happening.
And then major universities required to detail sexual history before registering for classes.
It's like something out of a cult.
Like, how many oral sexes did you have last month?
Do you have this type of sex?
What's your preference?
I mean, we're just being totally trained to be the opposite of Americana, of what made us great.
He's with us until about 45 after.
We're going to take a few phone calls for him, and then we're going to air Leanne McAdoo's report, and then Tim Kennedy, the famous Special Forces operator, host of Hunting Hitler, fellow Austinite,
And fellow friends of my high school buddy, Shane Steiner, also UFC number two heavyweight.
Our number two middleweight.
What is it?
Middle heavy.
I don't follow all that stuff.
The point is he's a really cool guy.
He was already coming in here today to talk about other stuff with me.
He also is one of the owners of Ranger Up.
And all this crazy stuff happened with the FBI visiting him yesterday and saying, no, ISIS is in Houston.
They want to come after you at your house in Austin.
So this is how bizarre all this is getting.
How close to home.
And Bongino, that's one of my questions for you.
I want to get into some of the other stories in the book.
You just teased it.
But after that, and after a few calls,
I want to talk about this whole ISIS thing.
Donald Trump saying Hillary and Obama helped make ISIS.
Top generals coming out and saying it, like the head of Defense Intelligence.
I mean, this is unprecedented.
If that isn't impeachable, I don't know what is.
Well, listen, the President's not serious right now.
I mean, we have a group of hegemonic Islamic radicals overseas that have absolutely committed to our destruction.
And he said something in the State of the Union, Alex, that should scare and frighten everybody.
He said, you know, we don't have an existential threat right now with going on with ISIS.
He tried to play it down.
Well, you know, someone should tell ISIS that.
I mean, these are the kinds of people, Alex, keep in mind, they're looking for dirty bombs.
They're looking for radioactive material.
You know, they're working with regimes that have looked at EMP atmospheric detonation to wipe out our electric grid.
You know, this is the kind of thing that's a very real threat.
You know, the congressman who sat in office
Uh, as a Republican before I ran, Roscoe Bartlett, dedicated his entire life's work to the threat of EMP.
And he used to tell the story all the time, it's amazing people have fire insurance for their house, but the United States has no insurance for an atmospheric nuclear detonation that would wipe out the entire electric grid.
I mean, what planet is President Obama living on?
What kind of people does he think he's dealing with?
The jets and the sharks?
Like it's a West Side Story?
They've just taken over!
These are hegemonic maniacs.
They've just taken over three countries, they're killing hundreds of thousands, and then he's caught giving them weapons.
Of course he's saying they're not a threat.
Yeah, I mean, he needs to play it down, because remember, to President Obama, you know, I write about this in a book when I talk about Obama and the team.
Like, he doesn't understand the concept of the team.
You have to remember with Obama, it's always about Obama.
I mean, it's always about him.
It's about politics.
And when you understand, again, that he represents this wing of the left, the anti-anti-communist party,
I know you can't tell us inside stuff from the Secret Service, because they'll claim you're involved in treason, even though these are obviously the people involved in the takeover of America.
Talking to folks in and around that have witnessed things with Obama and the rest of them, there really are like criminal minds.
They're mentally ill.
They want to do bad things.
They want to overturn us.
They have a beef with us.
The way it was described by one guy was, they want to mount our head on the wall.
They want to conquer us.
Is that accurate?
Well, he certainly feels that way about people who are in any way vested in a constitutional Republican and objectively limited government.
I mean, think about, just go back to some of the speeches, the way he talks about Republicans.
You know, I heard someone say last night on another station I was listening to, and it was totally accurate, they said,
You know, Obama apologizes for Iran.
They take our soldiers, they put them on their knees, they blindfold them, they take them into custody.
He apologizes for ISIS.
He uses, oh, ISIS, it's not an existential threat.
But Alex, once you get him talking about liberty lovers, veterans, the so-called right wing, do you ever notice that Obama, it's unbelievable, the sweat is like brewing
He gets so riled up, because I'm telling you, when you understand that they're the anti-anti-communists, that they can't stand anyone that believes in free markets, that believes in capitalism, that believes in liberty, that believes in the sacrifices that were made for liberty, when you understand that that's their natural political enemy, all of this stuff makes sense.
None of it's a mystery anymore.
That's why they find allies.
With radical Islamists.
They will not call these people out, no matter what.
It's outrageous.
Because they all have this joint...
Communal hatred of patriots, Christians, and others.
I've seen a lot of clips I've played where he talks about Christians and how violent and hateful they are, and he'll start actually, like you said, almost sweating, almost getting upset, and like, you can see the visceral hate.
And he was recorded, obviously, clandestinely, when he was running for office, saying, don't worry, I can take care of these bitter clingers.
Yeah, I mean, remember this speech, was he given at the prayer breakfast, where he starts talking about the Crusades?
I mean, Alex, this is borderline, really, this is insane stuff.
This is sick stuff.
The Crusades!
Do you even know anyone who was involved in the Crusades?
I mean, outside of reading about the Crusades in history books, what does it mean?
By the way, the Crusades were a response to a giant, 300-year Islamic invasion that went all the way to Germany.
Right, but he doesn't even want to tell you that.
I mean, we could listen, we could talk the history of it all day.
The point of this is, this is a man who to justify the acts of tyrannical hegemonic killers and their attempts to destroy people in the United States and our system of government, he justifies it by bringing up events that happened hundreds of years ago that have zero relationship to anything going on right now.
And it's the Obama doctrine.
It's constantly be on the attack, constantly keep your enemies on their heels, constantly go after liberty, constantly go after Christians, you know, religious liberty.
He doesn't believe in any of this.
And remember, you get your values from God like I do.
I'm not asking the government.
You know, you had Gerald Celest on before.
I used to listen to him on the Mises blog all the time.
If I remember one time in a show, he was like, I'm not really asking you, where do you get off thinking I'm asking you for my liberty?
I don't care about your opinion.
You're a government bureaucrat, elected official.
You're there to ensure my God-given rights.
You don't give them to me.
Who's asking?
I'm not asking, and neither is the audience.
I'm not asking you.
You're a sinner like everyone else.
Just get in charge, raise your right hand, obey the Constitution, and other than that, get out of my damn way.
I'm not interested.
Stay out of my business.
Well, for those that don't know, the Crusades happened from right after the year 1000 until the 1400s.
We can pull that up and check my memory.
Yeah, there it is.
The Crusades were from 1054 and went on for 200 years plus.
So 1096 to 1487.
And that was because of the Byzantine Emperor.
Again, they got basically overrun and
Constantinople became, of course, Istanbul.
It's incredible how when I was in school, I was taught the West was evil, we attacked the poor Muslims, they were peaceful, we were so evil.
And then you actually read a real history book, it's just, they were like, the West even tried to just capitulate to them, but then they would just take all the women and kill all the men.
Spain got overrun, half of Italy got overrun.
They went all the way into Poland and Germany.
They would give no quarter and so everybody started fighting them.
And then you turn on the news and you hear the Crusades.
I mean, it's just, it's an inversion of reality.
I don't want to go off on a jag about that.
It's just another example.
No, no, no, you're not, and it's important that you bring it up, because again, the why matters, Alex.
I always say that in my podcast.
You know, why?
The why matters.
Obama's war on Christianity and the far left in general, it's important.
The far left does not want objective values.
Objective values come from religion and spirituality.
They're objective.
They're not subject to human analysis.
You believe in the right to
You know, the free speech, the right to assemble, the right to protect yourself.
These are rights given to you by a God who granted you with life.
He put his finger on your shoulder and said, go forth to love and serve.
Those are objective values.
That conflicts directly with this totalitarian impulse of the new modern far left.
This impulse is to control.
And anything that conflicts with that sense of control, whether it's family, whether it's God,
Anything objective, they will dismantle it.
The why matters.
That's why this war on Christianity, the Kim Davis thing in Kentucky, when the left marched all its forces against this woman, that's why all of this matters.
They do it because they want to break that relationship between the United States, its spirituality, and its sense that values come from a higher power.
And they want to make themselves God.
Not Barack Obama and his government.
I agree.
I want to go to some phone calls right now.
Yeah, exactly.
I want to go to some phone calls, but you never finish that story.
Some of the stories in the book.
Tell us a few of them.
Folks are going to get the book.
People should support you.
Your other book was riveting.
I haven't read this one yet.
The Fight by Dan Bongino.
But give us some of the stories.
Yeah, well, one of the last chapters in the book, which is about you being ruled and you being, you know, not governed being ruled.
The last chapter in the book talks about the Clinton scandal, the Clinton email scandal.
And a source fed to me and said, please, please.
And by the way, Alex, an unimpeachable source by any measure.
This is not some, you know, lunatic and fringe guy out there.
This is a unimpeachable source said not only was the email server hacked,
Which is breaking news.
I'm actually surprised not more.
A couple of people have emailed me about the book who read that.
I didn't make a big deal out of it at the time.
But not only was it hacked, Alex, but the Clintons knew it was hacked.
They knew and they kept using it.
Think about this.
Think of how deranged this is, Alex.
You have a woman running for President of the United States who traded our deepest national security secrets over a private server she knew wasn't secured and that nefarious actors were looking at the emails.
And she did it anyway.
And not only is she not currently indicted or in prison, she's running to be President of the United States.
If this is not a red flag to every Paul Revere out there that something's wrong, then you know what?
The country is lost at that point.
Because when I heard the story, I couldn't believe it.
I had to make sure I double and triple checked just to be sure, because I don't write stuff in my book otherwise.
Well, what backs up your sources, it came out months ago that the NSA, the CIA and others thought that it had been compromised.
Well, no kidding.
Of course foreign governments are going to target your private email server.
That's why you're not supposed to use them.
Then she said, oh, there are no more secret emails, no more classified.
I gave them all to you.
They just found a bunch more.
I mean, she's been erasing the hard drives.
It's normally, in a case like that, if you were absconding, lying to the FBI, you'd be indicted.
Not her.
She just gets caught over and over again lying.
Is there any end to it?
Yeah, no, and the other day I was doing some PR for the book and it was a left-leaning station.
He was nice about it, but he said to me at one point, he goes, well, you know, Republicans have done this too, Colin Powell and Jeb Bush or whatever.
I said, really?
Is there an investigation?
That's okay.
If they were trading national security secrets, then I
I don't worship the golden calf.
I don't genuflect in front of Republican politicians because they have an R in front of their name.
If that's the case, why isn't there an investigation?
I mean, what the left does, Alex, is they do this relativity thing, where they say, well, you know, other people did it too, and they disregard the degree of the crime.
I mean, we're talking about a woman who exclusively used a private server to trade our deepest, darkest secrets, knew the thing was hacked, and still used it anyway.
And was getting money.
Yeah, she was doing it on purpose, probably to sell them.
I mean, I think your Secret Service guy, I think you're catching on to what I've been told.
Hillary knew it was hacked.
This was her plausible deniability to sell secrets right there for money to come back to the foundation.
Well, I don't know, but I know the Clinton Foundation, and I write this in the book too, is kind of like a shadow government.
What they're trying to do with the Clinton Foundation is they're influence peddling.
They're trying to get their people into these appointed special positions in the government.
They're then selling influence through the Clinton Foundation for people who will then be able to, they'll be able to go back and contact those folks within the government and get things done and expedite them on kind of a governing, you know, HOV lane.
So their people get service you don't.
Again, if you have any doubt you're being ruled, not governed, just look at the Clinton Foundation and how their friends get expedited service.
And this is the ultimate, the ultimate discrimination.
I mean, against all Americans to have a second class, you know, for the general public in this elite class above the law, it's the essence of tyranny.
Let's talk to Luke in Washington.
You're on the air with Mr. Bongino.
Hi, thank you for taking my call, Alex.
You bet, brother, go ahead.
So, my question is, should Trump not become president, which I'm really hoping that he does.
I'd love to see Trump as president.
Should he not become president, what is the best thing I can do as an individual?
Ah, I love that question.
Yeah, what do you think of Trump?
You know, that's a great question.
What's that?
I mean, go ahead, but also, what do you think of Trump?
Well, I think he's done a service to the movement by drawing attention to the media hypocrisy.
Alex, listen, you've been subjected to a lot of this stuff, too.
I mean, at some point, no matter where you... Listen, there's some things he said about taxes that I've had some real issues with.
They're not conservative positions and they're not liberty-based positions either.
I believe in economic liberty.
I believe in the lowest tax rate possible.
I don't like to demonize hedge fund guys or anyone else.
I don't care, because I believe in economic liberty.
But, having said that, what he has done, which I think has benefited the movement, is he's basically told the media, you know what, you guys can go pound sand, I really don't care.
And someone had to do that, because the media was- He's taken away their mystique, he's called their bluff of their arrogance.
Well said.
Thank you, Caller.
What can an individual do, separate from hoping Trump can save the country?
Okay, here's the deal.
I'm so glad he asked that, and Luke.
One of the chapters in the book is called Your Vote Matters, but not for the reasons you may think.
And it lays out a blueprint to taking the country back.
Specific steps.
Here's one of them.
Folks, listen, you have to vote.
But it's not because your vote is going to change an election.
The chances of that happening, frankly, are extremely remote.
Your one vote is not going to change a congressional seat.
But here's what you don't know.
You have a voter score, just like a credit score.
I don't know if you knew that.
Having run twice, I've become intimately familiar with this.
You have a voter score.
No one can tell who you voted for, but they can tell you voted.
And if you vote in every election, no matter what, I don't care if it's the school board or the President of the United States, you are going to have a really high voter score.
Ours was 1 to 12.
Say you're a 12, meaning it takes like a nuclear blast to keep you away from an election.
When you have that high voter score, I guarantee you, your emails to the congressman's office or the senator's office and your phone calls, they are going to get put to the front of the pile and you become what I call... Exactly.
Just like China's creating this social media score, there's already one basically, a shadow system here.
So being involved, they pay more attention to you when they know that you're not lying down.
You know, I know a lot of your listeners out there are active voters and they get those robocalls and they're annoyed.
Don't be annoyed and I'll tell you why.
You are getting a call for a reason.
It's because you give a damn.
Because you show up and you want to be a super voter.
Because Alex, when things get out on these airwaves and other airwaves that no one's paying attention to, like the Obama, you know, attack on the suburbs, which I actually wrote about a couple times in Conservative Review, you know...
When these things happen, you want to be able to call, you want them to look you up, say, oh my gosh, this guy or this woman votes every single time, we better take care of this.
And you don't stop and you email until you get an answer.
You will become a supervisor.
There's other tips in there as well.
I even write some tips in there on how to email.
There's a way to email your congressman that makes a difference.
I'm telling you, I've seen, I've heard them talk about it.
And this is all intel to make us more effective.
You said you'd go to the end of the hour.
Let's do one more.
I'll play the McAteer Report after that.
Then Tim Kennedy's coming in.
Her report on the whole lottery thing is amazing.
I'm going to come back and talk to Rob, Michael, maybe Angelo and Dennis, but I don't know how much I have time.
But Rob and Michael and others, be ready.
The new book, ladies and gentlemen, is available at Bongino.com.
Be sure and check it out.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
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Oh man, Tim Kennedy's telling me these Special Forces stories in Iraq and stuff, and they're going, but you can't say that on air.
I just wish he could tell these stories he was telling me during the breaks.
He's coming in at 8 after next hour for two segments, and Rob Dude is going to be taking over and doing the last 30 minutes.
So Dude, you need to get suited up in your sports jacket and stuff.
He's over there doing a great job.
We've got, of course, Bongino.com, the website for Dan Bongino, the hero Secret Service agent who was heading the Far End Details, that's Starjob, hundreds of guys, thousands sometimes beneath him, and he just saw stuff that was so horrible he had to leave.
And a lot of folks are doing that, and I don't want to ask him
If it's true or not, but I almost want him to tell me it's not, because when I got told a couple years ago, and then again, and then a few weekends ago, by very credible people, sometimes in person, other times with some famous guys like, hey, here's my such and such buddy, Secret Service, and then I'm told stuff, it's just insane to actually, I mean, we know Obama wears this Wahhabist ring that they say has been debunked and stuff, and I don't mean to put you on the spot, take a few final calls, but
Do you think Obama's a Christian, an atheist, a radical Muslim?
I mean, you can say as a citizen, separately from stuff you saw there, are people feeding me a lot of bull that this guy's really a secret jihadi?
Yeah, I think so.
You know, I've never spun your wheels.
I don't come on your show and I say things because they matter.
No, I love hearing it!
Good, good.
So you never saw him praying to Mecca?
No, no.
Alex, listen.
The danger of Barack Obama is a danger to the Constitutional Republic and individual liberty.
No, I know what he's done is naked and open.
I know what he's done is public.
I get it.
Yeah, I mean, that to me, I mean, I say to people all the time, I would almost prefer he had a, you know, a spiritual attachment to, you know, a god, whoever that god is, because he would understand that values don't come from... Okay, what about all the reports of him treating the Secret Service... Sure, sure, what about the reports of him treating Secret Service like dogs?
Well, there's a chapter in that in the book where some of the things he did publicly I found disgraceful.
I mean, blaming the Secret Service for the shutdown of the White House tours.
I mean, think about this, Alex.
Blaming a group of men and women who go to work every day with the idea that, you know, we'll die first and you're not going to get a hangnail.
You know?
And then throwing them under the bus.
Here's another doozy for you.
You remember the Charlie Hebdo attacks and they had the march, the solidarity march later?
And who didn't show up?
You know, Barack Obama or anyone else from the White House for that matter?
But everybody else.
What did he do?
He said, well, the Secret Service told me not to go.
Total, complete lie.
He just made that up.
I mean, this is the kind of character you're talking about here.
Someone willing to throw these people under the bus.
It's really disturbing.
Yeah, well that's also what I was told by these folks.
So, maybe he's gone so far now, he's just not hiding what he's doing in there.
But that tells you a lot, and it's certainly interesting.
I want to jam in.
You know, we're just out of time.
I want to go to Michael.
Michael, real quick question for our guests, and then Angelo wants to ask about Bernie Sanders.
Go ahead, Michael.
Okay, question is, with all the leaking corruption that's going on right in front of our seats,
Why should us patriots be conservative and not take action?
Yes, physical action.
Listen, you know, I do radio all the time and I get this question.
Folks, you know how many people call in and they tell me, you know, I'm ready to start taking... No, no, you're not.
And I'll tell you why, because I ask them this question.
I'm not saying this listener particularly, but I'll say, who's your state representative?
Oh, I don't know.
So let me get this straight.
Of all the ways to change government and fix tomorrow for your kids, number 10, the worst option being violence because of the cascade effects.
You don't even know your state representative and you never said a thing.
Perfect answer.
Again, I'm not suggesting this, listener, but that's not an option.
That is my answer exactly.
You should do everything politically and bust your butt and go to the millionth degree before you do that.
If we did that, it wouldn't be necessary.
Mr. Bongino, we salute you.
Thank God for you.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you, sir.
Fourth hour coming up.
Ted Kennedy in studio.
Leanne McAdoo and more.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
The world is a dangerous place.
Not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
It is an information war.
Hillary says they're losing the war to Congress.
These globalists trying to take over our country.
They are losing the war.
We're winning.
By the way, I wouldn't intend to do a plug right now, but I just thought of it.
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But these lotteries and these power balls, they're attacks on the poor.
And people really should rebuke this more.
It's a sign of a declining society.
We're going to play this Leanne McAdoo report and come back with Ted Kennedy, the famous Green Beret, in studio with Breaking Al-Qaeda News.
Leanne McAdoo for InfoWars.com.
I am out here reporting on what is being called Powerball Mania.
People have gone absolutely hysterical and driven up this prize.
It's the highest prize in lottery history.
1.5 billion dollars.
And as you can see, this Powerball sign doesn't even go that high.
People have a 1 in 280 million chance that they could win this prize, but they're lining up in droves to get their winning ticket.
So we're going to go find out what would they spend their money on, what would they do with this prize, and then I'm going to see their reaction when I spoil all the fun and let them know that the winner's already been announced.
Do you guys play Powerball?
Oh yeah, we're... We've played in three states.
Three states?
You're up in the odds.
North Carolina.
Uh, Tennessee and now in Texas.
So now in North Carolina or Tennessee, do you have to pay state taxes as well if you win?
I don't know the answer to that.
At all.
We'll share.
We'll share.
So you don't mind that the real winner is going to be the federal, state, and local government?
That's pretty sad, but yes, I've heard that, yes ma'am.
The lottery or something, I heard someone talk about it up there, like there's chances of you winning it or like getting struck by lightning and... Five times.
I think you should still go for it.
If you're not in it, you won't win it.
I have probably a better chance of making out with Tom Brady than I do winning the Powerball.
This is true, you have a 1 in 272 million percent chance of winning.
It's absurd.
So what would you do with your winnings, though, if you did play and you won?
Make out with Tom Brady.
You know who the winner is, though, right?
They've already been announced.
The government.
Oh, yeah.
Are you okay with that, that they take at least 40%?
Here in Texas, it's only 40% because we don't pay state taxes, but in other places, it's
Yeah, it doesn't matter.
It's still more than you had.
And that's the way life works here.
I don't want that much money.
You've heard too much horror stories?
I'm the soul of a gremlin.
How's that?
I would do so much mischief with it.
Oh my god.
The one guy said he was gonna get hookers and blow.
That video went viral!
What would you do if you won the Powerball?
Oh, man.
I couldn't even imagine.
I wouldn't invest a lot of investments.
And party.
I'm sure if I won the Powerball, there'd be people up in the line with their hands out, wanting to take it one way or the other.
Either way, if I had $7 million of that, I'd be happier now.
Well, so you're not worried about the Powerball curse, though?
What do you think about those people that they, like, win all this money and then their lives are ruined?
How does that...?
I think they're idiots.
Yeah, I mean, really, they're just idiots.
They should have given some of it away and, you know, if you fly too close to the sun you get burnt, man.
What can I say?
Hillary Clinton is running for president as an advocate for women's rights.
But there is a shocking side to her story that has been carefully covered up.
Until now... The notion that Hillary has somehow been an advocate for women... No, Bill rapes them physically and then Hillary rapes them psychologically.
That's GOP presidential consultant Roger Stone talking about his book, The Clinton's War on Women, from the Alex Jones Show, where Roger Stone says Hillary Clinton played a huge role in the cover-up of her husband's rape allegation.
Hillary's the one who runs the cover-up.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, I tell you, so many times, some of the most interesting stories, the biggest, most important stories, just come out of the blue.
And I've got the chance to meet Tim Kennedy out at some local
I know he's been friends for a couple years and training partners with my good high school friend Shane Steiner, who's no stranger to the show.
And then he was coming by today just to check out the office.
We were going to get some lunch after he was training with Shane over at the local jiu-jitsu place.
And they just dropped this bombshell that, hey, the FBI visited me.
Yesterday, this hasn't really broken yet.
I just put it on my Facebook.
They said ISIS is in Houston, basically, and is going to be trying to come after me.
And there's a reason he's been involved directly, taking out a lot of high-value targets.
That's classified.
He can't talk about it.
He's a famous Green Beret.
He's an active Ranger-qualified Green Beret Special Forces sniper with tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, as well as other locations around the globe.
After being awarded the Green
In 2005, he was deployed in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom, attending sniper school in addition to many other advanced special operations courses.
He was deployed in 2008.
During this time, he wrote a three-part series of letters from a foreign land that chronicles his time in combat.
He currently competes in the UFC's middleweight division, going as high as number two.
Kennedy is one of the few fighters to simultaneously serve full-time in the United States Army while fighting professionally, and now he hosts
The show hunting Hitler that's a giant hit success just amazing and he's involved also and co-owns Ranger Up which I just absolutely come to my guys when we're designing t-shirts and say don't copy them but that's what I like and it's like this is more and more great stuff you're involved with Tim Kennedy MMA.com is his website so he was just coming by
We're good to go.
They've had stuff sent to their mailboxes from the drug cartels threatening, hey, we know where you live, we're going to cut your head off, stuff like that.
But he's already been in 30 plus years, so he got out, not because of that.
But this is directly Al Qaeda, because despite the fact that folks don't know what Tim's done, because it's classified, they obviously know for whatever reason.
This is a pretty big, serious, breaking news here.
Now, that's my intro.
We're doing Facebook mentions.
I said years ago, this ISIS spinoff of Al Qaeda is big, a lot bigger than Al Qaeda was because I'm on the ground.
I get the threats.
I see them at Ferguson and in New York and I see the signs, I see the stickers.
It's trendy with the left.
It's in Texas.
We go out to these Islamic training centers and get death threats.
We get hacked.
They put Joe Biggs, former Staff Sergeant, U.S.
Army, decorated combat vet, they put him in ISIS videos when he went down to the border to show them on the Texas border.
So this is what they do.
But Tim Kennedy, just like Bin Laden's a high-value target or was, he's a high-value target.
Now, Tim, I just set the stage.
That accurate what I said?
Correct me if I'm wrong.
You're the expert, and please break down in as much detail as you can about the personal Federal Bureau of Investigation visit and warning you got.
It's great to have you here on the InfoWar.
I've been a fan for a long time, so just appreciate you having me.
From what they said, the FBI, the credible threat came from
Every day, I get five to ten people saying, hey, I hate you, you're gonna die, I wanna kill you, everything that you stand for, I hate.
What makes this significant is, you know, this one was geotagged, and they had content that they couldn't have gotten from anywhere else besides first person.
So they had pictures of a guy's head that they had cut off, and they said, this is gonna be you.
The geotagged picture was, you know, close enough that the FBI says, hey, this is significant, and that's why we're talking to you right now.
The problem was that
I've been doing this for 13 years, you know.
I don't know if I'm desensitized to it, or I just don't care, and I have zero respect for the cowards that they are.
And the FBI is like, you're not normal, you should be a little bit freaked out by this.
I was like, I don't know, let them come.
I've been traveling all over the world to find these guys, and now they're going to come to Texas?
Last time they gave it a whirl was in Garland.
That didn't go so well for them.
So, come to Central Texas and see how this is going to work.
The only thing they got going for them is they're brutal.
They're evil and they have no respect for human life.
They're uneducated, they're weak, they're stupid.
But they have no respect for anything and they'll take advantage of the weakest sheep that they can get their hands on.
And that's just not going to be me.
Well, it certainly shows that they are upset about your success, the fact you survived all those operations and clandestine fights you were in, and it's too bad you can't write a book about that.
It's pretty interesting stuff, just from folks I've talked to in the military, but obviously you can't get into that here today, but there's a reason they don't like you.
Yeah, I was in some of the most elite units that special operations have.
I was in the missions to go get the guys that they have worshipped their entire lives.
As I love Chris Kyle and Marcus Luttrell, those are heroes.
The Shoe Guards, the Gordons.
That wing, the ISIS Al-Qaeda, they have their own guys that they do that.
Well, I'm the guy that went and found those dudes.
And they hate that about me.
And now, the success that I'm having, not only as a shooter, but now as a UFC athlete, I'm a contender for the title, one of the top fighters in the world, and I still stand true to the values.
So you're winning shooting champions, you're winning UFC big bouts, you've got a hit show on Discovery Channel, or is it History?
History Channel.
I've seen it quite a few times.
It's great.
I mean, they certainly must not like that.
No, they hate me.
They hate everything about me.
They hate everything about you.
They hate everything we stand for.
You know, they're going to do anything that they can to find the weakest, softest target around us.
I know you're still involved with the military and active duty and things.
You can't get into all that, but we have seen top generals like the former head of defense intelligence come out and say, we were ordered to basically aid al-Nusra, which is al-Qaeda in Syria.
It's a horrible thing.
We followed orders.
Now it's out of control.
We see other generals coming out, the head of Southcom coming out and saying, I don't want to follow the orders.
I've got to.
Women in frontline combat will ruin the military.
That's unprecedented to have generals speaking out.
That shows you how bad Obama is.
I've never imagined that we'd have this climate in the military.
We toe the line.
You tell us what to do, especially in special operations, we're fire and forget.
You say, go do this, we're going to go do it better than you would have imagined it to be possible.
And we're going to stay quiet about it.
Our motto is the quiet professionals.
This is not the culture of special operations to go in front and say,
No, this was not right.
We shouldn't have done this.
No, that's stupid.
You're going to get soldiers killed.
No, we shouldn't have women here.
Like, that is not the culture of special operations.
But the fact that we are coming out and saying that really demonstrates that there's a gigantic problem.
Well, there's an admitted culling and a purge of the top brass that aren't traitors.
I mean, let's just get down to brass tacks, and it's going all the way down to the
Non-commissioned officers from all my sources, and it's just unprecedented that everything we know, it's like Bongino, the former top secret service agent who was on earlier, said in a previous interview, he said, Alex, not only are you accurate, it's worse than you know.
How could it be worse than I know?
Because they can't tell me it's secret.
It's just worse than I know?
Okay, well, that's not refreshing.
You can look at like micro examples, Benghazi for instance, you know, we have an idea of what happened.
We know, we have details, but really like,
What special forces guys were on helicopters, ready to fly into Libya.
What general was saying, no you can't go, we don't have access to that stuff.
So, you know, yeah, all I can say is, you have no idea how bad it was, or how bad it is.
Because we, there's no way... You can't tell me.
Well I was told by Colonel Schaefer, right after it happened, he got in a bunch of trouble, but made it out of it.
And of course he used to run the anti-bin Laden units and the rest of it.
Listen to Colonel Schaefer.
That, no, they had helicopters, they had planes, they could be there in an hour out of Italy.
They were ordered to stand down.
And then you ask why?
Well, somebody wanted those weapons to be able to be transferred to Syria.
Yeah, and that's micro, you know, and if that's the personification of the entire climate or other macro problems... Well, it shows Obama and Hillary about the military and about their own ambassador.
They're just unbelievably bad news, and I'm not sure to demonize them.
I don't even like going up against these people.
They're so dangerous, but at a certain point, who are these people?
I mean, they're just out of control.
They are, and that's frightening, but you know, it doesn't...
That's external.
I can only be responsible for what I do and what I say.
So... No, I understand.
We're going to skip this network break and go to the bottom of the hour.
You're also involved, as I mentioned, one of the co-owners and heads of Ranger Up.
Tell us about some of the work you're doing, some of the things you're promoting, because something like Ranger Up
Such a small company now so big and successful promoting basic ideas of freedom like George Washington and stuff.
We do that too.
I mean really bringing back what made America great and seeing it so popular, that's where the real info war is going to be won in the culture.
Yeah, ironically or tragically, I'm not sure which, our CEO Nick Palmashano, he also had a visit from the FBI and it was the exact same thing for him.
You know, they said
You as a CEO and our company Ranger Up, you guys are specifically being targeted.
We're located in North Carolina and it was the same type of thing that they had regional concerns like we know that there's people here that hate you and don't want you to exist.
So they're feeling my pains, I'm personal, but on the business level, we had to
We had all of our employees go get concealed carry license and huge security systems.
That's what we did too.
It's tragic that we have to do that, but the company itself, Ranger Up, military owners, Ranger Special Forces founders, and we believe in America.
We exaggerate at every opportunity the wonderful foundation of where we came from.
We're making church about it, making movies about it, making TV shows, making videos.
We find everything that we can about... It's hard to exaggerate the Founding Fathers.
You really read even the French and British histories of it.
Even the British when George Washington died, you know, put the flags at half-mast.
I mean, he was just such a badass.
Yeah, love him.
Edison's, Franklin's, like, those are my gods.
What about Andrew Jackson as a special ops guy?
All the stuff those people did.
David Crockett.
George Washington!
You know, like, people forget, like, that's the guy's... He was in Frontier Wars for 20 years.
Going across freezing rivers with a musket and being like, yeah, I'll go take on... The Germans.
It's crazy.
Yeah, folks, oh no, not just the British at that battle at Trenton, it was the British and the Hessians.
German special troops.
I tell you, it's just amazing how tough those guys were.
Were hauling cannons a hundred miles with no shoes, blood.
I mean, that's pretty tough guys.
Especially back then, folks weren't as... Well, I tell you what, getting back to this whole Al-Qaeda thing, I mean, I...
I thought the government was using the threat of Al-Qaeda to take our liberties domestically.
I was all for taking it down.
But, now with ISIS, they are just all over the place.
Years ago I was saying, this is real, it's coming.
This is a big movement.
This has got young people involved, they're recruiting all over the West.
I mean, I think personally, you've dealt with them, but I think ISIS personally is like five times the threat of Al-Qaeda.
What would you say about them?
Their efficiency in recruiting, and they're so smart and so far ahead, you know, using immigration opportunities, you know, being like, oh no, look at these horrible women that are impoverished and we need to get them out of these war zones.
And so for every one female that we bring into Germany, we're also going to bring five military-age men that are going to come in and, you know, rape every single woman that we can find in Cologne, Germany.
You know, don't think that they're not doing that here right now, that those guys aren't going to Chicago, that they're not going to be in Detroit.
You know, every single metropolis
They're recruiting heavily, they're going after the low-informed, the low socioeconomic demographics, and they are finding people.
The homegrown terrorists, the San Bernardinos, that's going to happen.
And it's going to get worse before it gets better.
And the FBI for two years was tracking them, so the Justice Department came in with a criminal investigation and blocked them, saying you're being racist.
And then Obama for two days told the FBI not to say it was Islamic terror.
Let me ask you this.
Rapes all over Europe, attacks, murders, more attacks, more attacks this week with bomb vests and guns and police stations and attacks in nightclubs in Canada and attacks in Indonesia, blowing up shopping malls.
And our media is just saying there is no Islamic terror, there is no Islamic terror.
Why is the left, or disagree if you do, so allied with radical Islam that literally will put their women in a beekeeper suit, sexually mutilate them, blow up all the churches and cut our heads off?
What's wrong with these people?
They're in love with Jihad!
I have no idea.
There's this logical point of departure.
I can understand the PC side of it.
We don't want to offend.
We want to be open-minded.
We want to be accepting.
You know, give other cultures opportunities.
I respect that.
But at some point, you have to say, this ideology is evil, and it's mutated into such this horrific thing that's not what it originally was.
Maybe Islam was a beautiful thing, you know, a few hundred years ago.
It is not now.
No, what it is now, if there was a moderate majority that said, okay, these extremists, these fanatics are the ones that are doing these horrific things, then yeah, maybe, but there's not.
There is no moderate majority that is standing up and saying, these people are wrong, what they're doing is evil.
The vast majority of them are the ones that are doing the horrific acts in Cologne, Germany, in San Bernardino, and it's just gonna get worse, especially here.
It's funny, I didn't know we were going to be doing this a few hours ago, and I was talking about how they claim that the West caused the Crusades, when the Crusades were a response to radical Islam, Islam period, conquering most of Europe, enslaving the women, taking over Spain, Italy, you name it.
I said, I like how you're wearing a Crusader shirt, and I mean, correct me what it is, but you said your unit actually wore those.
Tell folks about this shirt.
Yeah, so, this does not fall into the PC category, and I, are we a cuss on here?
Well, I probably don't want to.
It's AM and FM radio, but we can bleep it.
Go ahead.
I don't give a shit about PC.
I never have.
And, you know, if this offends people, then I'm sorry.
But my unit wore the Crusader crosses, not because we hated Islam, but we hated what they were doing.
So this symbol was the Special Forces, Rangers.
We wore Crusader things.
One, to recognize and to appreciate who we were and what they're doing as a team and as a unit, but most importantly to
Demonize the people that were fighting us and the horrific acts that they do to other humans.
Why do they chop the women's heads off, put the young girls into sex slavery, eat people's hearts on TV?
All that does is make me want to fight them.
It doesn't scare me.
What is the tactic of acting like psychos?
Well, you have balls.
You just summarized the problem.
So, terrorism, it's to achieve an objective through the means of force or fear.
Fear being the most important aspect of that.
So they try to do these awful things that would scare any normal person, right?
And you look at that and say, oh my god, that is horrible.
I would never want that to happen.
That can't happen here in the United States.
We'll do anything to prevent that from happening.
That is them using fear as leverage.
I'm not scared of them.
They're a bunch of cowards.
They fight women and children in unarmed journals.
So it's propaganda targeting the trendy liberals and people who I think have Stockholm Syndrome and are scared of it.
That's why they're trying to join with radical Islam, hoping they leave them alone.
Yeah, which doesn't happen.
You look at the most accepting...
We're good to go.
We want to assimilate you into our culture.
You can come.
You're welcome.
They don't care.
They don't want to assimilate.
They want you to become what they are, and they're going to kill you if you don't.
They're going to throw you off a roof if you're gay.
They're going to murder you if you don't join them.
They're going to torture your kids in front of...
They're evil.
And then when they're doing it, the feminists came out in Germany in the national news and the mayor and said women need to learn how to hold guys, don't dress so sexy, and those of you protesting this, you're worse than these people.
And I read it, it's like a joke how sick these people are!
It's insane!
The mayor of Cologne, Germany, when she's like, no, these women should, you know, they shouldn't have been out, they shouldn't have been alone, maybe they were dressing too provocatively.
Are we back in the 16th century?
We're supposed to comply with these people, and they call us not liberal because we want to defend Western values of freedom like Thomas Jefferson, but these new liberals are not liberals.
Yeah, welcome to Texas.
You know, you dress however you want, beautiful women of the southern state, and me and all of my friends, we'll walk with you wherever you go, anytime at night.
You're free here.
Welcome to Texas.
Well, it's just crazy.
Tim Kennedy, I hope to go out shooting with you guys.
And Shane, I know you guys have a lot of fun, and I know you're doing just so much work.
It's so prolific.
Tell us about the hit series, Hunting Hitler.
Tell us about some of the things you're involved in.
I know that I guess you've been so busy with the military and other stuff, you've decided for a while not to be in as many UFC fights, even though you were all the way up to, what, number two in the middleweight?
I was a number two contender.
So, Hunting Hitler, a show that just came out on History Channel.
You know, government doesn't tell us the truth.
And we move forward with the assumption that in 1945, Hitler didn't die in a bunker, and they sent me and a team of other investigators to find out if it was possible if he escaped the bunker, where he would have gone.
And so I went to South America, specifically a lot of time in Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia.
It's beautiful down there.
My God, it's gorgeous.
It's absolutely breathtaking.
I've never seen a lake that pretty.
So beautiful.
You know, I have made plans to, you know, even protect Obama in some of the places that he's been.
So they took that expertise and experience and sent me to South America to see what Hitler could have done and where he could have gone.
We ended up finding it to be very reasonable that he made it out of the bunker and made it to South America.
And you even have the memos from the CIA and FBI knowing he'd gotten out.
I mean, that skull the Russians have is a woman, as you guys show.
I don't even want to give it away.
And of course, you were telling me some inside baseball, I can't repeat it, about all the other stuff that happened that hit the cutting room floor.
I have no idea how...
It ended up being a very successful show.
2 million views is huge for History Channel in that time.
Plus it airs hundreds of times.
I have no idea how they cut, because all the cool things that happened when we were in South America, they edited.
From me bribing people to dudes on scooters rolling up with machetes saying, if you ask another question about Nazis, we're going to kill you.
Us being followed in Bariloche.
You know, there's a lot of stuff that just never even made it, because, you know, they had to tell a story and the narrative needed... Sure, and for those that don't, well, it's for a dumbed-down public, let's be honest, but, I mean, for those that don't know, there's giant German communities all over the place down there.
It's admitted that just tons of Nazis went down there.
Hundreds of millions of dollars.
Not only did hundreds of Nazis, or thousands of Nazis escape to South America, we know that.
That's not a question.
Some of them have been caught.
Some have been prosecuted, but the worst part is the hundreds of millions of dollars, and not nowadays hundreds of millions of dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars in 1945.
That made it to South America, specifically Argentina.
Estates that have been owned since the late 30s that are worth now, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars that have been owned by German corporations since the beginning.
Just startling, scary.
Oh yeah, it's a whole shadow system.
Tim Kennedy, TimKennedyMMA.com.
I gotta tell you,
I've seen you on national TV, seen you do interviews.
You're a well-spoken guy, but you're a good talk show host, man.
You're just in here rolling with me.
I love it.
Well, we're sending around content that I know.
You know, if we're like, let's talk about basketball, I'd look like an idiot.
No, but if we're talking about terrorists and we're talking about cowards, we're talking about people that want to come and destroy what I love, you know?
Well, we're almost out of time, but specifically, so the FBI said they think this is a pretty credible threat out of Houston.
They said that I need to be aware of what I'm doing, where I'm staying, especially social media, what I'm posting.
I'm not really the fear.
I would be what they call a hard target.
Always have a gun, always in protected areas.
My house is like a fortress.
My family, my kids, my friends, those are the things that I have to really
Stay there, we're going to throw it to Rob Dew in the other studio in a minute.
So let's come back and say bye to him and then we're going to keep doing Facebook mentions while he hosts and covers other news.
We'll get Shane in here, Anthony and other folks, walk around a little bit with Mr. Kennedy, TimKennedyMMA.com.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hillary Clinton is running for president as an advocate for women's rights.
But there is a shocking side to her story that has been carefully covered up.
Until now... The notion that Hillary has somehow been an advocate for women... No, Bill rapes them physically and then Hillary rapes them psychologically.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Tim Kennedy's our guest.
We're about to hand the baton to Rob Dew, the InfoWars Nightly News Director, who also hosts the show.
When I hired him seven years ago, he was the director for a major TV network based in Austin, Texas.
And he came in here to be an editor and run cameras and be involved in news gathering.
And I just said, you know what?
You say such smart stuff, we're going to put you on air.
And if the janitor around here is smart and knows what they're talking about, we put them on air.
It's all about
You are smart as well.
You can be a leader as well.
You can speak up, whether it's big ways or small ways.
Getting involved politically, culturally, and how you spend your money in so many other ways, that's how we're going to win this war.
And we're so close, that's why the establishment is really trying to bring in political correctness and infighting and Black Lives Matter and go after the police and all this other stuff is to divide and conquer, get us at each other's throats.
If we see through that, it's over.
Tim, in closing, as we hand the baton to Rob Dew, any comments on what you see happening in America and positive things to help really make this country successful and great again?
There's a ton of opportunity right now.
There's this void, there's a vacuum of control.
People need to realize that
The pushed out marginalized groups are really fighting for the same thing.
Whether it's Black Lives Matter, trying to fight the establishment, or the Tea Partiers saying, we're done being attacked by the IRS.
Everybody's really
When you take race out of it, when you take intentionally being driven apart, everybody's saying the same thing, that there's a problem.
Find your voice, get online, support groups, support people, and actually start voting.
Those midterm elections with the lowest participation, November's coming and it's coming soon.
Something has to happen, something has to change, or we're in trouble.
I'm here in Central Texas.
It's an open invitation.
I'll meet you anywhere, anytime.
Well, I'm glad you man up to say that.
I understand you've already faced these people a lot.
At the same time, I wish they just wouldn't have open borders and wouldn't be flying in
Jets on government contracts and not even checking their IDs when that was in CBS News and New York Daily News with a straight face.
I mean, I'd heard it was happening, but they don't even look at their IDs and just let them in and then they disappear.
And the high school I graduated from Anderson High and you know, the same year as Shane did.
1993, the same school I went to school at has 300-plus people from, quote, Syria, who were mainly, as you know, invaders that came in, got kicked out.
These are their kids.
I mean, the school I went to is 300.
No wonder they won't tell governors the numbers.
Because I learned another school, one of my friends, his alma mater, has 200-plus, LBJ.
And then I looked at another high school in Austin, has over 100.
And I started calling other ones.
They said, we're not going to answer your questions.
We heard you're calling, doing a report.
So it's like, wait a minute, every high school has hundreds?
We're talking about a Trojan horse, sleeper cells.
It's obvious.
What is the plan here?
I mean, there's going to be terror attacks.
They're going to take my rights.
Or after San Bernardino, he blamed the Second Amendment.
What do you think's going on, Tim?
I think Shakira is going to be applied to East Austin.
No, no.
I have a friend, I can't say who he works for, but he works with immigration.
And he's on the border here in Texas and he's been dealing with tons and tons of Mexicans crossing the border for the past few years.
This month, or this year, in the past 3-4 months, he's never seen anything like it where he's not having to speak Spanish, they're having to bring translators in for Syrians.
Thousands of them.
That was the story in Anderson, they had to bring in like 15 translators for the 300 kids, sorry.
So he's a medical professional, and he checks people that come through the country to make sure they don't have TB or something, and he speaks Spanish, and that's one of the reasons why they hired him.
And he's an ex-Special Forces guy.
Now he has to bring in a translator because he's working on the Texas border at Mexico and he's not speaking Spanish.
They're bringing in translators so that he can do these tests with Syrians.
And then they get on the news and go, it's a conspiracy that anyone's coming across the border and then we have the Border Patrol numbers thousands a month of other than Mexican and almost all of them are Islamic.
It's coming.
It's going to get worse.
Okay, what are they going to do then when there's San Bernardinos every week or every month, which is pretty much already happening in Europe, and then they're not going to get the blame for bringing them in?
See, something doesn't add up here.
There's going to be a breaking point.
At some point that needle's going to move, the last straw's going to get on that camel's back.
How many terrorist attacks do we get in Japan from Islamic radicals?
Why is that?
They don't let them in.
We'll get there.
It's gonna happen.
San Bernardino's gonna happen.
It's gonna happen in Chicago.
Philadelphia, where we're saying, no, no, no, don't say that, no, he's an Islamic terrorist.
Shot the cop.
Yeah, that walks up and shoots a cop, or tries to shoot a cop 13 times, hits him a few times, as he's screaming that he's doing it for Allah, and then changes, and then credits the attack to ISIS on his own face.
And then the media tried to spin it and say it wasn't.
Yeah, it was.
And that's going to happen.
And at some point, we, 330 million Americans, are going to say, we're done.
We have to reach that point.
Sooner rather than later.
Because there's only so many dudes like me that can be hard targets.
I don't want my kids' schools to be hard targets.
That's not what... I don't want my kids to go... Well, in a way, that's a good thing.
They're trying to come after you that knows how to defend yourself instead of... It's so cowardly how they go to a convention center or a school or to their own workers, a bunch of liberals they know are unarmed, then they ask you.
That came out...
You know, are you a Christian?
Are you Jewish?
It would shoot them.
And then they don't even call it a hate crime.
It's just, I don't know, the left is really just a sick group.
I mean, that's just, they're really sick.
They're not real liberals.
But listen, Tim, thank you so much.
We're going to keep doing Facebook mentions for a few minutes.
Then I'll talk about some other stuff behind the scenes here with you.
But really great to know you, man.
Such a great guy.
You know, when I hear Obama and these secret documents that we got released seven years ago, and now they're public, you know, saying veterans and gun owners are the number one enemy, and then Christians, then Libertarians.
In closing, I'm sure you're familiar with those.
Again, that mindset, where are veterans committing problems?
I mean, how are veterans the number one terror threat?
I'll just tell you what they are.
They are going to be
You know, like, people are scared of people like me sometimes.
Like, that guy's dangerous, you know, he has guns and, you know, he has ugly facial hair and he has big muscles and, um...
Until a terrorist is knocking on your door, and they're going to beg and plead for dudes like me.
And that's going to be there soon.
You know, a sheepdog is the guy that's always there, that's going to protect his flock.
And there's thousands, there's tens of thousands of us.
Yeah, we've been demonized of late.
These guys have post-traumatic stress, that's not the case.
But statistically, you're one of the lowest crime rate groups.
It's clear they're bringing in terrorists and then saying you're the enemy.
Who does that tell you they are?
I mean, this is pretty clear.
Two plus two equals four.
They're bringing in terrorists and saying, our troops and our veterans and our men are the enemy.
That tells you who the people doing this are with.
And I can't even believe it.
But the arithmetic doesn't lie, Tim.
No it doesn't.
But depend and trust in your veterans.
Depend and trust in your military.
We love this country.
We love what it was founded on.
Most importantly, we love the Constitution.
When we swear our oath into the military, it's to defend the Constitution, foreign and domestic.
And that is deep within us.
That's never going to go away.
Well God bless you, you know, I just know this, the system has jumped the shark and I'm sure of it now because so many prominent people, liberal, conservative, libertarian, famous directors, famous producers, billionaires, people that have been leftist are contacting me saying we've woken up, we know what's happening, you're absolutely right.
They hate the Republican establishment, but they understand that the Democrats basically have cancer, and it's spreading to the rest of the country.
And I think they've really jumped the shark.
What do you feel, not just in your intellectual understandings, you're a smart guy, but in your gut, do you feel like momentum is shifting?
I think momentum has stopped.
We're at this point, like I said, there was a vacuum, and now there's a void.
And we can go one way or the other.
We can keep going down this PC route of open arms acceptance, or we can recognize of who we are and where we came from, and that can dictate where we can go.
Don't forget what our founding fathers wrote, and let that be our guide.
I don't think the momentum is going any which way right now.
We're stuck and we're gonna go.
We just have to be vocal and powerful about where we're going.
You know, I agree with you.
We're at a crossroads.
We're at that equilibrium point where it can tip either way on that knife's edge.
We're at the crossroads.
We're at the point of no return.
We either turn back now or go in another direction, back towards liberty, or we're going down a stinking rattle.
Give us liberty, please.
Tim Kennedy, great having you here, amazing.
And TimKennedyMMA.com, RangerUp.com, We'reWithInfoWars.com.
Rob Dew, tell folks what you got coming up.
Don't go anywhere, we're going to do this.
Facebook mentions Tim Kennedy.
Rob Dew, what do you got here in the last 47 minutes?
Well, just listening to you guys talk, right now the Guardian's reported there's a surge in Central American migrants at the U.S.
border, threatens repeat of the 2014 crisis.
Talking about Syrians, this came off of Texas Public Radio just at the end of the year last year.
Syrian refugees at the border.
There's the headline.
And, scroll down, and apparently there's 21 Syrian refugees.
Many of them, they say children and teenagers, of course.
They never admit that it's...
But they always use a tiny number, and then it's 300, 200, 100 each time in Austin.
And I call Dallas, and they go, I mean, something's going on here.
Right, and that was my point.
This is Texas Public Radio, so they're going to put their spin on it.
They're not going to put the real news out that you and Tim are just talking about.
So far, they say there's 104 Syrians seeking asylum this year as of June.
Twice as many as back in 2000.
It's impossible.
It's impossible.
Guys, just Google 300 Syrians arrive in Anderson.
It was in the Statesman a month ago.
I know.
It's just incredible.
I'm going to hand it back over to you.
Great job, Rob.
Thank you so much.
We're going to finish up with Facebook mentions.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
And this is Rob Dew, hosting the rest of the fourth hour.
I'll be here.
We're going to have Liam McAdoo in in the final segment to talk about what's coming up on tonight's show, where it's going to be live from 7 p.m.
So over probably about 1030 I think we're going to go to tonight and talking about the debate will be criticizing what these Republican GOP candidates say in real time, disclosing their lies in real time.
So join us.
In fact, I'll show you if you go to the Alex Jones channel on YouTube, this is what it'll look like.
It'll say Political Science Theater 3K and you just hit the play button and it'll start streaming.
That is one of the best ways to get the show.
We will take
We're good.
I don't
Any of these immigrants because of, you know, what they're causing.
And I don't know if you've seen the videos.
We showed one, I think on Monday, of a young lady being dragged into a subway station by a mob of angry young men who were going to rape her.
And there's been a huge crisis in rapes, a huge number of increase in rapes.
And this is nothing new.
They have in the Muslim countries, they have a different view on rape than they do here in Western countries.
So you're going to see more of that.
Since we're on Europe, I'll go ahead and throw to this article from Reuters.
EU safety watchdog hits back at scientist in glyphosate row.
Now we've been talking about glyphosate for years and what it does.
Now they're saying it could cause cancer, but we know it attacks fertility in men and women.
But now the head of Europe's food safety watchdog has written a group of nearly a hundred scientists strongly rejecting their criticisms in a row about the safety of weed killer ingredient glyphosate.
The European Food Safety Authority, which advised
I don't
We're good to go.
Well, what can happen is, because they're part of the EU, the EU can then come in and impose its will, which is the problem with all these big unions.
That's what leads to world government.
You've got the EU, you've got the Asian Pacific Union, you've got the North American Union.
And they think they're above the sovereignty of independent nations.
So, we're going to be talking, also when I have Leanne in, we're going to be previewing a little bit of her report.
She did an interview yesterday with a student who basically stood up and said, no, I'm not going to fill out your questionnaire about my sexual history, about how many times I drink and my finances.
I don't think you need to know that.
So we're going to talk to her a little bit about that.
This was on Drudge Today.
USC apologizes for requiring students to detail sexual history.
And they're making students do this to qualify for financial aid.
She's going to have the skinny on that.
But I do want to finish up and then get to a Joe Biggs video.
We'll probably play half of it.
I don't think we're going to have time.
But Ted Cruz is now the frontrunner in Iowa in the caucus.
And this came out this morning actually, the brief.
Cruz seeks to explain unreported Goldman Sachs loan.
GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz responds to a news report that he failed to disclose a loan from Goldman Sachs during his 2012 Senate run by describing the problems as an inversion filing question.
I love it when they use that language like that.
And he also got a loan from Citibank, which they don't mention in there.
Now back in 2013 we pointed out Ted Cruz's wife is a Goldman Sachs VP.
This is a Curt Nemo article from October 22nd, 2013.
Barack Obama, so Ted Cruz is playing the inside, the outsider role similar to what Barack Obama played in 2008 when his handlers portrayed him as a hope and change candidate.
Out of nowhere, Cruz insiders connections is the same family affair.
His wife Heidi is a Goldman Sachs vice president in Houston, Texas, according to her LinkedIn profile.
Of course, she has taken a leave of absence during Ted's running for the office.
She also served as an economic advisor for the Bush administration.
In 2011, a Cruz campaign spokesman portrayed Heidi as an expert on North American trade.
In other words, she's savvy when it comes to globalist transnational trade deals like NAFTA.
So be aware of stuff like this when you're looking at a presidential candidate.
You know, Ted Cruz, he talks the talk, but he did miss the Audit the Fed vote.
And Rand Paul pointed that out yesterday.
And I'd like to go to what he told Glenn Beck.
Uh, he told Glenn Beck, and I have that up on the screen, I strongly support auditing the Fed.
Indeed, I was an original co-sponsor of Ron Paul's audit the Fed bill.
Unfortunately, it was very clear yesterday that yesterday's vote wasn't going to succeed.
It fell seven votes short.
So, he said it was doomed to failure, so he just kept on campaigning instead of, why not just go up and take a stand?
Sorry about that, guys.
Uh, why not go up and take a stand?
You know, what if a football team
Well, since we're in the playoffs, they're a big underdog.
They just decide, well, we're not going to show up.
We're just going to give the vote to the other team because we know we're not going to win.
Everybody's saying we're not going to win.
So why not go out there and try to rally some people?
Why not go reach across the aisle and try to get some of those Democrats, like Elizabeth Warren, who claims she's against the big banks, but then voted not to audit the Fed, voted nay on that.
You know, the one person who did vote, who stepped across the aisle, was Bernie Sanders.
He voted to audit the Fed.
So I gotta hand it to him there.
You know, and that's the one thing I can say about Bernie Sanders is that he, you know what you're getting.
You know you're getting a raving socialist who's gonna text the bejesus out of you.
So, guys, I don't think we're going to have time to go to that report, but I do want to show it to folks on the YouTube channel.
Right after Alex Jones interviewed Dave Ajima, Joe Biggs sat down and talked with him about his plan for illegal immigration.
So check that out.
It just went up on Infowars.com.
We're going to have Joe Biggs and Richard Reeves both there covering what's going on at the RNC, also covering on what's going on with this meeting, how basically they just failed to vote.
All right.
And I'm going to give a shout out to Joe Spence.
That was Joe Spence who wrote that to his local paper.
Just to put the idea out there.
We have to keep putting that idea out there that we can't let criminals walk free.
That we can't let them run our society.
You know, there's over 48 criminal accounts in that argument from the North American Law Center.
So check it out.
InfoWars.com is the fourth hour.
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All right, yeah, I know I'm live.
All right, only 24 hours left to the 30-40% off of the InfoWars Select Storable Food.
I'm Rob Deere, your host.
This is our last segment of the fourth hour.
We've got Leigh Ann McAdoo going to give us a preview of what's coming up tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News, where we're going to do some news and then roll right into that debate and that mystery of Political Science Theater 3K.
Let's do it!
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Two of those thumbs up on the Super Female come from Ms.
McAdoo herself.
Oh yeah?
You're a big taker of the Female Vitality?
I love it.
Actually, I'm on my last little bit of this bottle, so I'm glad we're back in stock.
Very good.
Now, tonight you're going to premiere a report that you've been working on.
You did an interview yesterday with a young student who stood up, said no.
His mom obviously was also outraged at the questions they were asking him.
Just to get financial aid, right?
Is that what this is for?
Well, no.
No, this is to attend school.
This is to register for these courses.
So everyone has heard about these mandatory online courses where they're asking students these really
We're good to go.
$5 gift cards for a mandatory course.
So he was right then, those were the flags going off for him.
But his mom did a lot of research and it turns out that they are basically overstepping the law.
There's a federal mandate that these colleges have to educate students on their health, on alcohol consumption, on sexual assault.
But the way that they're writing the software is that they're collecting and scooping up all of his personal data in order to do that.
Instead of putting out data, they're collecting it.
They're collecting your data.
Then they can use it against them later, say something comes up.
Well, we reviewed your sexual history and, you know, you fit right into our rapist profile.
Well, and also one of the things is that it says right there in their privacy policy, hey, you know,
We don't know if there's any backdoors into this software, any viruses, and we don't know how your information, if something happens to it, it's not our fault, you can't sue us.
Well, turns out, the sponsors of this software are like American Express, Walmart, Bank of America, Discover, Target.
You know, all of these people that really can't wait to get their hands on all of your child's personal information.
And people like Google, the Bezos, Amazon, they are investing in this software because they know that the federal government is mandating that your students have to take it.
But what parents don't understand is that this is an overstep of this federal mandate.
It doesn't mandate that they scoop up their personal information.
So it's time to step up before this becomes the law.
So, some quick-thinking company came along and said, hey, we could build a whole database that then we can share with all these other companies, sell the information to them, make a billion dollars, and check out.
So you're going to have that tonight.
We're also going to, what else are you going to be covering tonight?
So we're going to be talking about that and then obviously some master debate coverage with you guys going live.
David Knight wants to talk about Planned Parenthood suing the guys that did the undercover video.
They're not suing them because it was a lie what Planned Parenthood was doing.
They were recorded surreptitiously.
Oh, how dare they record the fact that they love to sell baby parts and chop babies up and buy Lamborghinis with all the pieces.
Yeah, how dare they do that?
Well, we're going to keep doing it.
We're going to keep showing that video here on InfoWars.com.
Thanks for watching.
Join us tonight on our YouTube channel, the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
Political Science Theater 3K.
Be there.
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