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Name: 20160112_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 12, 2016
3228 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones covers various topics including his critiques on radical Islam, left- wing ideologies, and the economy. He also promotes his online platforms and products while discussing the influence of InfoWars in culture and Hollywood films. Additionally, he talks about political corruption, wealth disparity, upcoming Republican debate coverage, and the importance of voting for candidates addressing corruption issues. The speaker also criticizes those who support tougher measures on terrorists while promoting privacy concerns regarding telematics devices installed in cars.

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Jones on the GCN Radio Network and now live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this 12th day of January 2016.
We're going to be live here for the next...
Four hours, because we've expanded the broadcast to four hours a day, and then of course the one hour nightly news, seven o'clock central, so that's five hours of transmission a day, four of it live, and then of course many times the nightly news itself is live and expanded, and upwards of six to eight hours long, when we're covering elections, debates, or other major events, we'll be covering the
First presidential Republican debate of 2016 from Fox Business Channel.
We'll be analyzing the pundits and of course the candidates and more, both at the kiddie table debate and the big kid debate.
Obviously huge economic unravelings continuing today as the world hurdles into the financial abyss.
We couldn't hurtle towards the financial abyss if we had an economy based on goods and services.
But more and more, it is based not on mining, not on farming, not on commerce, based on actual material or ideas.
It's based on derivatives, which are counterfeit frauds, which the establishment has created thousands of trillions of the last 30 years to take over and buy up the world with fraudulent paper.
And that's why, as long as we defend that system, we give them total political power over us, the insiders.
We let them pick the winners and losers, and it's untenable.
And so they're telling us, get ready for austerity and to be poor and to live in 200 square foot coffin apartments so we can pay more taxes and more rent to the owners.
You're going to pay more for the 200 square foot apartment.
You're not going to be able to get a thousand square foot apartment, is the point.
All the yuppies think, oh, I'm going to get a cheaper apartment and save money.
No, you're not.
It's designed to take everything you've got and make it to where you can never become self-sufficient.
That's the name of the game on a reservation with Native Americans stuck on it.
Or a British concentration camp, say, in Georgia in 1779.
You never let the occupied population be anywhere self-sufficient.
That's how you control them.
And I know I'm stating incredibly obvious simple things here, but it's amazing.
Big developments on Syria.
Big developments on the campaign trail with Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire, surging 14 points ahead of Clinton.
More and more mainstream media begins to turn on Clinton.
She's got a lot of inside power, though, so who knows what's really going to happen.
I mean, it's hard to bring her down.
Rumors of her demise have been exaggerated, to quote Mark Twain, but the bigger they are, the harder they fall, and she's close to it.
She's hanging on by her fingernails, but the witch
is a flying monkey.
And so the wings don't really let her fly, but they help keep her up and keep some of the weight off.
So, you know, she's not just holding on by her fingernails.
She's got those little, those little, little flying monkey wings.
I'm being sarcastic, obviously, before the New York Times puts out a report that I believe Hillary Clinton has monkey wings, flying monkey wings.
This morning, I got up and I saw DrugsReport.com.
I can show folks a shot of that.
And it says, X-Files goes Alex Jones.
And I'll just be honest with you.
I'm used to seeing so many articles about me every day.
I didn't even really read it because I was so busy looking at financial news, world news, and other stuff.
But as I began to read, you know, deeper into the news today, I couldn't help myself but actually read the article.
And it's got the creator of the X-Files admitting that the new season, the relaunch, is going to be based basically around this show.
And he even admits it.
It's pretty amazing.
The first Republican debate of 2016 is this Thursday, January 14th.
And join the InfoWars Nightly News and Prison Planet TV once again for Political Science Theater 3K.
The stage will be getting smaller with only six candidates making the cut.
Maybe seven if they let John Kasich slip in through the back door.
Coverage starts at 7 p.m.
Central on the InfoWars Nightly News and then the debate kicks off at 8 p.m.
Join us for analysis that cuts through the lies in real time.
When's the next Democratic debate, you ask?
Well, it's on a Sunday during the NFL playoffs, because that's when most people want to watch it.
It does not appear that Rand Paul is going to make the cut in this primetime debate, but John Kasich is?
What is this world coming to?
Just a little side note here, the majority of Americans polled think that Hillary Clinton should continue to run if she is indicted under this new email skin.
Join us this Thursday, 7 p.m.
Central, for Political Science Theater 3K.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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I'm Alex Jones for Super Mel Vitality and InfoWarsLife.com and I salute you, our supporters!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Look at these headlines at InfoWars.com.
Integrated Muslim migrants say the world would just go on by itself without Germans.
Nobody would notice.
They're scum.
That zoo is brought into Germany.
The leftists teach them hatred of the indigenous culture and then want to override it with a weird amalgamation of gangster culture.
This is admitted by sociologists.
Gangster hip-hop culture with radical Wahhabist hatred of women, gays and others.
Mixed with bizarre leftist anti-free speech oppression.
Talk about a mutated mongrel of tyranny.
This is really disgusting.
New email shows Hillary absolutely ready and willing.
Stories up on Infowars.com right now.
To foment Palestinian uprising for political gain.
Again, this follows the pattern of knowing there's an Arab Spring coming, knowing there's a lot of real beefs, knowing there's a lot of real progressive liberal movements.
Towards women having freedom, lower taxes, less regulations, Thomas Jefferson liberal stuff.
They want to head that off at the past five years ago, so they detonate the Muslim Brotherhood operations to flood the Middle East and Africa and take over with radical jihad.
And it's in our emails.
I mean, we have them, ladies and gentlemen.
We know their battle plan.
And shame on us.
If we don't stand up against it.
That's just some of the news that's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We've got more attacks in Europe, the US, and Canada.
They're almost daily now with people going into nightclubs, police stations, you name it, and shooting at people, shooting people, suicide vests, attacking, shooting police, and it's
Really, not even in the news that it's an Islamic Jihad attack.
I mean, you thought it was bad?
What just happened in San Bernardino a month ago?
And it took them two and a half days to even admit that it was an Islamic attack.
Obviously, it was a radical Islamic attack.
They've been trained overseas.
The FBI was on them two years ago in the mosque.
And they sent the Justice Department down to basically engage in a criminal investigation for civil rights violations and ordered the FBI and Homeland Security to leave the mosque alone.
And out of the entire mosque of over 500 people, they were targeting those two.
And look what happened.
So you wonder why the FBI can't stop these people.
It's because they're not allowed to.
And it's because when the attacks happen, the establishment comes and takes our rights and our liberties.
And I want to be 100% clear about something.
There have been times in Islam, for several hundred years, Lord Monckton's talked about this, when they innovated, they invented science, and they were not as barbaric as Europe was.
It's just a fact.
But in its first phase of Islam, and now this latter phase, not the middle section, but the third act of Islam,
is probably the most barbarous we've ever seen.
And it is a radical, expansionist, political system now, not religious.
Religion is being used for political control.
And people can say, look, Islam is not a religion of peace.
Obviously, in the modern sense, it's not.
Obviously, in its founding, it's not.
Obviously, it's like saying, up is down, down is up, left is right, two plus two equals ten.
But at the same time, you could argue Christianity is not a religion of peace with periods of its history and some of the things that are in the Old Testament and other areas taken out of context and being applied.
I mean, there's genocidal stuff in the Old Testament.
Because if one tribe came and took over the Israelites, they would kill all the men and take the women and children.
That's what tribes did.
That's what the Romans did.
But before the Romans came along, and after the Israelites had left and gotten out of Egypt, they basically just started adopting many of the policies that they'd been under with Pharaoh.
I mean, isn't that how it is?
You complain about the old boss, but as soon as you're the new boss, you engage in that same behavior.
So I'm not going to sit here
And be dishonest to earn political points and say that only Islam is running around bloodthirsty, murdering people.
In history, under different phases of every culture, whether it was Zen Buddhist Japanese or the 12 tribes in Israel,
Judah only being one of them.
I mean, the tribes were fighting each other in Israel, to use an Old Testament example, constantly.
And one tribe would be good and would become prosperous.
The other tribe would become corrupt and would collapse and go into bondage.
I mean...
It's a history book, really, to show you the cycles we go through.
But whether it's the Muslims, whether it's the Orthodox Christians, whether it's Evangelical Christians, whether it's been the Catholics, you've had warlike popes, you've had anti-war popes.
There's been different periods in culture.
But here's the fact.
There's a billion, two hundred million Muslims, they're being dominated and run by radical groups now, and so Islam itself is being completely radicalized in this period, and is a dangerous, bloodthirsty, political cult, intimidating and radicalizing its own people to the most bizarre extremes, because when you become a cult, the most radical of the group, whether it be third-wave feminist,
Whether it be Black Lives Matter, whether it be radical Islam, whether it be Second Amendment groups, whoever is the most radical will end up in an orthodoxy being the dominant.
And that's why, under leftism, they try to be so radical.
Mothers and fathers are bad.
He and she is bad.
You're purple penguins.
Brown bags are racist.
Oh my gosh, they're serving Chinese food at the college on Tuesdays.
That's racist.
Oh my gosh, the hall's called Lynch.
Don't hang us.
We're scared.
You're like, that doesn't make any sense.
That's crazy.
Oh really?
They run everything.
They're taking over.
They're the most radical, demanding full political control, and then we acquiesce to it.
I mean, if you'll stop saying mother and father, you'll do anything these cultists tell you to do.
And it's all over the world.
These are power-tripping nuts.
They are cult leaders by every historical yardstick, and there is a rebellion against it worldwide, and they want to make that rebellion.
Right-wing versus left-wing.
And the main vehicle of the takeover is left-wing.
But if we just fight it as we're fighting left-wingism, we're going to lose because they've got the controlled opposition of the Republican and the Tory leadership in England and the Conservative leadership in Europe.
They've got those people on a very short leash, financed, blackmailed, bribed, controlled, intimidated into submission.
And if you don't submit like Nigel Farage, your airplane blows up.
Or crashes.
And then the wheels are unbolted on your car, so the wheels come off and you almost die last week.
Or you're arrested like Marie Le Pen, the leader in the presidential race that's starting up in France.
If you're real, they come after you.
And I've had them come after me, obviously, in the press, the media, physically as well.
So, folks need to understand that
The totalitarians masquerading as the left are making a move teamed up with radical Islam to actually take over the world.
They're not going to install Sharia law this year or even ten years from now in the United States, though it's now happening in Paris, it's now happening in Frankfurt, it's now happening in Berlin, it's now happening in many of these European cities.
But what is going to come in is leftist police and bureaucracies and South African style truth and reconciliation commissions under the UN Strong Cities Initiative, this is their announcement, to bully local governments, bully local police into submitting to their whole political system and their whole political view or they'll be destroyed in the media.
It's a bunch of intimidation.
And then ending free speech if it, quote, offends any outside group, like the Muslims.
But then classical libertarian or conservative ideas, Americana ideas, family ideas, will not be accepted or condoned.
So it's the classic animal farm, where, you know, they tell you up front all animals are equal.
But then by the end, the pigs go, no, we're more equal than you, and two legs good, four legs bad.
You know, at first, you know, the humans are bad, we gotta revolt against them in the allegory, because they're on two legs, and, you know, they all enslave us, and we're all equal, and let's come together and overthrow this, and then the pigs get control, and then they turn around and are worse than the humans.
Well, that's exactly what's happening.
The Democrats are more racist than the Republicans ever were.
They are more controlling.
They're more out of control.
That's why they're dominant.
It's why they run the show.
It's why everybody's scared of them.
I mean, let me tell you something.
We've had some corrupt Republicans.
We've had some problems.
But the Democrats openly giving stinger missiles to Al-Qaeda?
Openly overthrowing countries and killing all the Christians?
That can't escape?
I mean, these are some hardcore people.
They're not playing games.
That's what Hillary's new emails, where she's been caught lying, you know, about she'd released all of them.
Is how are we going to foment Muslim uprisings?
So I can pose as the liberal savior.
This is what they're doing all over the world, and they're going to do it here.
They're going to bring in incompatible people that can't even get along in their own countries, that run around killing each other 24-7.
They're going to bring them here to bully the Muslims that ran here to get away from the tyranny.
Take control of those communities and then use them as lockstep political blocs.
You know mosques of 5,000 people in Michigan will vote to a man and woman how they're ordered to.
And they're allowed to be political.
Oh, but Christian churches, you better not be.
We'll come audit you.
We'll come shut you down.
All right.
I'm going to get into the big Syria news, the big election news, the big Second Amendment news, and the big
News on the economy, that's really what's big.
And then, yes, Chris Carter's come out, it's a big article on DrugsReport.com, and says the new X-Files is based on this show.
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We're here live on Alex Jones, your host.
By the way, coming up a little bit in the next segment, I went and saw The Revenant with Leonardo DiCaprio, and it was better than I thought it'd be.
It is a very avant-garde film, but depressing by the end.
So definitely a new height in cinema, and I can tell you what the bear really does.
So spoiler alert straight ahead.
Does it really rape him?
Well, we'll talk about that coming up.
Just because it's interesting to look at culture and to see how it affects people versus reality.
But this is one of my big subjects.
I wish they'd make movies about the Indian Wars, as they were called, from say 1800 to 1840 in the Midwest.
That's the real wars.
That's the, you know, hardcore stuff.
And this film actually touches on it.
So that's coming up.
We're not about entertainment, we are about history.
And I will get into how this broadcast is affecting culture.
I've known that most big Hollywood films
uh... now like the last captain america and and and so many others action-adventure films uh... thriller films you name it that the directors and writers gather a lot of information directly from the show i've been told that by hollywood folks as well and i can just see it quotes i've made you know in major films and i know there's some other big films being produced and things where they want the rights
To actually have an Alex Jones type character, but they want to use my actual quotes.
So I've been reached out to in several big films that are about to go into production where there is an Alex Jones character.
But I got up this morning and I'll cover this more in the next segment because it ties into how successful the InfoWars is.
And Chris Carter of the X-Files is in an Entertainment Weekly story.
It's linked right in the middle of DrugsReport.com.
It's also up on InfoWars.com.
Reveal has controversial new theories.
Chris Carter on his hit Fox Return, which warns of UN takeover and links to 9-11 and other things, chemtrails, you name it.
And then they just go on to say that it's based on Alex Jones.
And then it goes on to say that the topics are, but also the talk show host character, and they say, well, why are you going to have a right winger on the show?
He says, well, Alex Jones really isn't a right winger.
He's a libertarian.
So I've never talked to Chris Carter.
I know Dean Hagelin, one of the characters in the X-Files and also the spinoff, The Lone Gunman.
He's a listener, and he said that Carter was familiar and did follow the show.
I was told that about seven, eight years ago, but we never even really reached out to Carter.
I'm kind of already covering this now, but I'll cover it more later.
But the main reason was the CIA approached Carter and implanted with him topics they wanted covered on the show.
And one of them was a group hijacking a jumbo jet by remote control to fly in the World Trade Center to blame Afghanistan and bring in martial law in America.
And I know Carter was reportedly freaked out about it, but then, well, I did reach out to Carter through a publicist, but now I think about it, but no response back.
But I think if they're basing the new series, they say on topics I cover and basically Alex Jones and somewhat Glenn Beck.
Well, Glenn Beck bases himself on me, and that's well known.
I've talked to former Beck insiders where they, when he was at CNN and Fox, they would have like five people listening and watching the show and then taking the material, which is fine.
I just don't want to be attacked on top of it then by the guy that takes everything I do and basically twists it around a little bit.
I mean, I don't care.
I want to just beat the globalists.
The most sincere form of flattering is imitation.
And I just want to beat the globalists.
And if folks have a better delivery than I or a different delivery, then you can take everything I say and do, folks,
If you're other talk show host, I don't care.
But so many people want to one-up it and say Alex Jones is bad because that's like mounting a big head on their wall in fantasy land.
It's a plastic head, it's not my head.
But they imagine that they've mounted my head on the wall.
And all it does is make us more successful.
I'll be honest with you though, there are some downsides to becoming so successful and popular that you get mainstreamed.
I told Politico years ago when Rand Paul won the Senate, I said he won because he was an underdog and anti-establishment.
The only way he won't be successful is if he becomes establishment or if you're even more sophisticated and if the media embraces him, you are so discredited that will destroy Rand Paul.
And Rand Paul still does great things, still tells the truth.
I respect him.
He does a great job.
But in rhetoric, he's embraced the mainstream and been so gentlemanly and gone after Trump and things.
That people have taken him now as establishment and he's in trouble.
Because he listens to his beltway advisors that are dumbasses.
See, we're changing the culture here at InfoWars.
You're following the fake culture.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The Arizona Senate is poised to pass a bill that will outlaw citizens from taking videos of police, even on their own private property.
SB1054 reads, it is unlawful for a person to knowingly make a video recording of law enforcement activity.
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If police can tell you what to do on your own property, you no longer have property rights.
And we've previously seen people arrested or worse in other parts of the country for filming their encounters with law enforcement.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I want to get into the leftist globalist plan, not just here, but across the Western world, from Australia to the United States, from Canada to Germany.
To balkanize and break up society.
Hillary and other Democrats are out all over the news.
I mean, I see several clips a day now.
We don't even play them most days.
Saying white terrorists, white people are the problem.
Just out of a clear blue sky.
I mean, we say radical islamicists.
We don't say brown people that happen to be Arab are the problem.
It's incredibly racist.
But that's where this agenda is going.
And then we'll tie it into the latest on Syria, and so much more, and then get into what's happening in the culture wars.
But, you've got the Thursday debate on Fox Business coming up, with Trump in the first place, Cruz in second place, on down to people like Jeb Bush in sixth place.
So the field is narrowing.
Rand Paul was going to be number one at the
Junior debate, or the kid table debate as it's called by the media.
You know like at Thanksgiving you have the big adult table and then there's not enough room for the kids so they're all over there throwing food at each other or whatever they're doing.
At the smaller table, they're begging to go outside and play football.
Well I guess that was when I was a kid, now they want to go watch TV or play video games.
And Rand Paul came out and said,
Please sign a petition to get me in the main debate.
And I think the things he's saying, the things he's doing, the polls he's shown, and the fact that he was the frontrunner previously, says that they should take Jeb Bush out and put him in.
So he's skipping the debate, which might be a good move to then make it a big deal that he's not there and then he gets more attention than if he did.
I'm not judging that, it might be a good move.
What was not a good move, and I say this because I've known Rand Paul 20 years, I know his father well, I respect him, I believe he'd make a great president.
But I know for a fact he's got people at his senatorial office who do not like me, do not like the libertarian movement, who tell him he needs to distance himself from his father, and that tell him he needs to act like a Kentucky gentleman all day.
And that's just not working.
I mean, you notice Donald Trump's main advisor that's helping him win and stay at the front for six months under withering attacks is saying, come on my show, align with Alex Jones.
Talk about 9-11.
And the stand down with Bush to go after Jeb.
Talk about Hillary and Benghazi.
Talk about Hillary and Obama creating Al Qaeda and ISIS.
These are things I was saying two years ago with ISIS, five years ago with Syria, with Al Qaeda.
It's coming out of Donald Trump's mouth and he's winning.
And I'm not taking the credit for that.
But certainly that's the spectrum in which we swim.
Telling the truth.
And it brings people together because they're sick of being lied to.
And so Rand Paul is good on so many fronts, but I wish he was in the lead.
I know he's a good guy.
I know I can trust him.
But he's not.
Just like two or three debates ago, Donald Trump looked at him and he said, hey, you shouldn't even be up here with 3%.
And soon you're going to be off the stage.
Because Donald Trump's sharp, folks.
Sharp like a fox.
Sharp like a big old blonde-headed wolf.
And he knows what it takes to win.
He knows what America wants.
America wants our borders controlled.
When we got terrorists attacking us, flooding in, you shut that down until they're vetted.
He says these trillion-dollar companies like Goldman Sachs,
That have hundreds of trillions of derivatives themselves that are tax exempt and Google and General Electric, you're going to bring that money back here in America and you're going to pay a small tax on it.
But just bringing the money back is going to make the economy explode because then they'll spend it on factories and jobs and infrastructure here.
They're not doing that!
Everything he's saying is anathema to the globalists that want a monopoly capitalist system, not a capitalist system.
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Berkshire Hathaway.
You go to the Violence Policy Center, Handgun Control Incorporated, the Nature Conservancy, the Sierra Club, the UN groups, every major organization, MECHA, La Raza, the Black Lives Matter Soros groups, they're the enemy, folks.
They're the number one, number two, number three, number four.
Those big six hedge funds, mega banks, companies, it's all them at the top, giving all the money to finance, mom and dad is a bad word, your purple penguins.
White men are racist and evil.
Raise taxes on the rich, which means $100,000 a year.
Exempting themselves.
I mean, when you're informed and you watch Warren Buffett all over TV every year saying, raise taxes on the rich, I don't pay taxes, it's not fair.
And then he lobbies hundreds of millions of dollars the last decade to be exempt.
I mean, it makes you get high blood pressure.
There's no debating it's sick.
There's no debating it's out of control.
There's no debating.
But see, he plays tennis and owns Dairy Queen and eats ice cream.
He's a friendly little man.
Yeah, there's lots of friendly guys in suits that drive around in yellow Volkswagen's like Ted Bundy.
Or John Wayne Gacy dressed up like a clown.
Nothing threatening about that.
Every time you see a psycho, they're wearing a suit and tie and driving a non-threatening car.
Because they want to be under the radar like a predator.
And the predator class plays the lottery ticket culture like a fiddle.
I mean, that's what the lottery is, and gambling is a tax on the poor.
You know, if Vegas targeted rich people, I wouldn't have an issue with it.
And look, they've got their right.
Free country, I'm a libertarian.
But man, you go to Vegas and I've been there for video shoots, films, you name it.
Hollywood shoots a lot of stuff there because it's cheap.
And man, I see these poor people.
I see these family people.
I see folks desperate, dumping everything they've got, a house, mortgage, their whole future into some big glistening, stinking, parasitic system.
So some mobsters can have more mistresses and bigger, faster private jets.
It's sick.
But that con game is nothing compared to the big con games of the private Federal Reserve.
It calls itself Federal.
Alright, I'm going to get into all this news.
It's just that it's very, very frustrating to see the public gamed, to think they're intellectuals, to see so-called liberals who are pseudo-intellectuals and you start talking to them and they're so ignorant.
They're not even stupid.
They're good at social stuff and good at fantasy land and good at playing along with the system.
They're good at being delusional, but they're not real enough of themselves to admit they don't have a future on average and that we're going into a system based on austerity to make you poor and controllable.
It's a hundred percent.
But I've said this hundreds of times and I'm going to say it again.
If we seduce, and seduce is connected to the seven deadly sins, it has a bad connotation, but I don't know a better term for it.
If we sell the cultural intelligentsia, the artist, the writers, the poets, the filmmakers, the cinematographers,
The sports icons, the actors, the people that lead the fake world, the fake strata, the fake haze that we're not supposed to rise up above and see the elites building their Elysium up on the mountaintop.
They're golden fields of advanced technology, life extension.
I'm about rising above that cloud, rising above the haze.
But what is Hollywood?
What is the fake culture?
It is that artificial haze
We're good to go.
Because it's so scary.
And I've met with and talked to a lot of those people off record and they tell me almost everyone they talk to in Hollywood, I've been telling this about three, four years, is awake and doesn't want to be liberal, doesn't want to be conservative.
Wants to be libertarian, wants to be 1776, wants private property and freedom and family back, and they're liberal, and if you want to be gay, or you want to have an abortion, whatever, they're still liberal in that sense, but they know vaccines are dangerous, they've seen it for themselves, they know there's a global government, they know the CIA tries to make them write scripts a certain way, they know there's secret blacklists, they know people get intimidated, and they're tired of it, and they want to not have to be cogs in the machine.
And if this last strata collapses, because the average person in Hollywood or the average person in media is not evil.
They're compartmentalized, they're scared, they're trying to go along with the system with whatever cues or whatever signals they get that will make them be elevated.
But as they go further down this road,
They see the tyranny.
They see how naked it is.
They see how I, and many others, broke down exactly what was happening 20 years ago, and now it's all admitted, and they hear me saying what the next phase is, and they see the next phase beginning to be implemented, and they realize, oh my gosh, this guy knows what he's talking about.
We better look out.
We better listen to him.
And they have battles with the big producers.
Battles where the White House calls people up.
The one story I can tell because it wasn't off record.
And it came out in the New York Times.
Call up Mark Cuban.
You're going to make a film with Alex Jones?
You're going to put Loose Change 2 that he produced in theaters nationwide?
We're going to indict you next week for insider trading.
Mark's like, I didn't insider trade.
We don't care you son of a bitch.
This is on the phone.
We're putting you in jail.
Yeah, I know it's already been downloaded 100 million times for free.
I want to put this out, but I'm dumb.
And then, they didn't care.
They still indicted him.
He beat them when it came out in court.
They sent emails, too, saying, we're going to indict you for your speech.
That's how arrogant they were.
They said, we're going to indict you for your speech.
I had Lionel Chetwin, who was the right-wing leader of the President Bush's Film Commission.
Walk into a bathroom, changing room I was in, going on The Conspiracy Zone, a show that was on television, I don't know, 10 years ago, 12 years ago, and he walks in in L.A., into the bathroom, and he says, you're Alex Jones.
And it was like a gangster in a movie.
While I'm at the urinal, he stands there looking at me, intimidating, looking, I don't care, okay, I keep going, yeah, yeah.
So I went out and debated him right after that, tore him up.
Gotta try to find that somewhere online.
And he goes, we're going to kill you.
Did this thing on his teeth and I said, really?
And somebody, one of the aides comes walking in, you know, wanting to get us out there.
I go, you're going to kill me.
Why'd you say that?
Because I'm already thinking, I'm going to say he just threatened to kill me, but he thinks we're alone.
He'll threaten to sue me instantly.
I go, why'd you threaten to kill me?
He looks at the person, he goes, oh, I was just joking.
I go on air, say he threatened to kill me.
His lawyers call, send letters.
I sent a letter back going, I've got the witness.
That he said it, go ahead and sue.
The head of the President's Commission walked into a bathroom and said, we're going to kill you.
And he works for the President of the United States.
How's that for a real X-Files for you boys and girls?
You think it intimidates me?
That I'm standing at a urinal and you get in my space and start looking down at what I'm doing?
You think, you think I'm that big of a wimp?
I'm ashamed of something?
You think, you think I'm afraid?
You think, oh my gosh, you get in my space, I'm so scared?
Oh, you threaten to kill me, I'm so scared?
I know what I'm doing, boys!
I'm not a coward like you!
I don't run in packs!
I don't run in gangs!
I don't run to the biggest evil thing I can find and cozy up to it, because I think it's going to get me a head life.
I do what I think is right, and I stand up for honor.
And you can't beat ideas like that.
You can cut down my flesh, but you can't cut down those ideas, no matter how many lies you put out, no matter how much you weaponize the media.
And to have Chris Carter come out and say, Alex Jones isn't right-wing, he's a libertarian.
A lot of what he's saying has come true.
I think there is a danger of a world government takeover.
That's in Entertainment Weekly, folks.
We're gonna address this from a positive position, but also look at the other side.
Go read the article.
An Alex Jones character, based on Alex Jones.
What's that smell like?
Smells like victory.
I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
Charlie don't surf!
I love Robert Duvall.
I'm digressing.
It's not a power trip for me to see things like this going on because I already knew it was going on.
The fact that they're saying it is a hat tip.
And shows that the system knows they can't cover this up anymore, and they can't stop Hollywood chomping at the bit to want to come out with all this.
And I know for a fact, because I was told this by members of the cast, and I'm going to get Carter on, I hope, to talk about it all, a lot of it's contractually blocked, that he didn't do a new X-Files because they wouldn't let him do these topics a decade ago.
And then he did Lone Governor to try to do these topics, and still was controlled.
So the only reason he's coming back with the X-Files is because they're going to let him make what he wants now.
Because that's really the big secret, is that 10 years ago, shows like Lone Gunman were greatly based on this show.
And it's not bragging when I told people years ago, oh, I've gone out hanging out with Mike Judge of King of the Hill, Beavis and Butt-Head, and so much more.
Idiocracy, extract, I mean, Office Space.
It just shows the power of what you could have done.
I was on AXS TV in 95, 96, and 97.
And then he came on the show and said this, and then I am the composite with two other people of Hank Hill and Gribble.
And people said, you liar!
And then he comes on the show and says it!
I'm not lying!
The point is, that's the power you have!
What would have happened if you would have gotten on Access Television?
If you would have spoken out?
And again, that's just the power of influence.
All of us have power.
This is not me up here tooting my horn, oh look, the new X-Files is gonna be based on me, you know, with 30 million viewers a night or whatever.
It shows how culturally we're having victories, ladies and gentlemen.
And yeah, the system's gonna try to co-opt it.
See, now if I don't kinda join with this, the real knives come out.
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So who are you?
So who are you?
Who are you?
Are you just gonna go along with the establishment dribble?
No, I know our general audience isn't.
But I'm talking about the countless millions every week that tune in for entertainment or come across something we're talking about and think, oh, this guy claims they're growing humanoids inside cows.
Yeah, and I'm holding up an MIT News article about it.
That's what's so frustrating is that most of what I've been talking about for 21 years, 21 years in April, is stuff that was in white papers and government documents.
Now it's in the news because it's so far along.
What about the rights of these creatures?
Oh, well there's no rights for unborn babies, so now there's no rights for old people.
Now there's death panels.
See how that works?
We have a very dark force in control.
We have a globalist force taking control of humanity.
So, yeah, it's fun to go see a documentary.
About Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley and the movie ends with a clip of Alex Jones.
It's fun to get up and hear the new X-Files is based in great part around what you cover and do.
But really it's not.
It was a hundred times more satisfying to see top generals come out and say our government ordered us to help create ISIS, it's horrible, we should stop it.
It was way more satisfying to have Cy Hirsch come on.
It was way more satisfying to have Matt Drudge in studio.
It was way more satisfying to have Donald Trump on or to get an interview with Louis Farrakhan.
Because that's the real world, folks.
We're fighting against stuff that's world-ending.
This TV stuff is fantasy land.
That's a reflection that we're doing a good job in the real world informing people that the fantasy land is now being influenced by what we do and more reality is being brought to it.
And who deserves credit for helping Infowars explode?
I mean, when I say 28 million people a week now, you know, it was 20 million a few months ago.
That's conservative.
And then it bounces around the information and causes all these chain reactions.
So I'm not gonzo journalism where I report on myself.
It's though we are now the story.
Who do you think for it?
George Norrie taking coast-to-coast AM 12, 13 years ago, whatever it was, from 90% UFO and goblins and ghosts, which is interesting and entertaining and fine and wonderful, not judging anybody, to 60% New World Order, vaccines, checkpoints, police state, what the X-Files is doing.
So, George Norrie deserves huge credit for his courage.
I know he had to really put himself on the line with Premier Networks.
And I'm not going to get into the inside baseball.
He put everything on the line to put me on.
That's how much credibility that guy's got.
He is super Americana, super manly, super confident, super patriot.
I mean, 14 years ago, when he first had me on there talking to 16 million people a night, they said, your job is in your hands, buddy, if something goes wrong with this.
Some of the producers and people were hyperventilating about Putin.
It was on national news the next day that he'd had me on.
Phone calls were made.
Everything else but they couldn't stop the signal because a bunch of executives above that are sick of what's happening too and realize what's happening.
There's rebellions going on at every level.
Highest level, lowest level, you name it.
And then who deserves the credit after that?
In an even bigger way,
But George Norrie helped launch us an even bigger platform.
We were already huge, but he helped it go even larger.
And then Matt Drudge took that another order of magnitude and expanded it.
So, DrudgeReport.com, Coast2CoastAM.com, great jobs on what they've done, because the topics shifting away from UFOs on X-Files to chemtrails, checkpoints, FEMA camps, world government,
That's a big deal, folks, because it's all being announced now in the real world.
It shows they've collapsed.
They can't hold it back anymore.
This is a devastating victory.
To just hold any audience, they now have to join us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, I was getting into the state of the Matrix propaganda system, and the fact that the Matrix has got a lot of glitches in it, and the global awakening is expanding exponentially.
Trump is one manifestation of that.
Whether he's good or bad, he's a manifestation of the uprising, the rebellion, the awakening, where, oh, every mainstream media outlet and all the Republicans attack him and say he's a demon?
The RNC puts all this money against him?
He must be great.
What a huge manifestation.
That's what I was getting into earlier with Chris Carter coming out and saying the new X-Files is basically going to be based around a lot of the things I cover and the character around myself.
And Glenn Beck, who's a character based around me.
I'm a real person.
He's a character based around me.
So now there's a TV show based on it.
It's very weird to have Glenn Beck
Try to become me, but with his own flavor, and then try to destroy me on top of it.
But I guess if you're like a pod person, in Body Snatchers, you know, they get rid of the old body.
Or I guess the pod grows over you.
No, no, that's right.
They put the pod beside you, and then it basically absorbs you.
So, but I mean, the pod wasn't ever able to absorb me, so now, it doesn't look quite like me either, doesn't quite talk like me either.
But it's there.
And so they go, well our show's based on Alex Jones and we think he's a pretty good guy and all this stuff's coming true.
And the pod, because it mentions the pod.
And then says something bad about Bill O'Reilly.
So it's a weird feeling.
Now I'm not going to get into this anymore.
Until our guest leaves us in about 35-40 minutes, and then I'm going to get into the trailer for the new X-Files that again looks just like the intros to the TV show.
The radio show.
The promos that Darren McBrain makes.
Maybe Darren Mc... Darren, maybe we'll get Chris Carter on and you can make the new intro for the X-Files.
Or Jakari Jackson.
We don't just have talented reporters, there's just amazing artists when it comes to putting together the material.
And I want, from their unique perspectives,
Liberty-based optics should be super successful as well.
I mean, I don't want Jakari Jackson to be the black Alex Jones.
I want him to be the Jakari Jackson of the Liberty Movement.
I don't want Darren McBrain to be the Irish Alex Jones.
I want him to be
The Darren McBrain of the Liberty Movement.
I would love to hire a reporter or a crew member or a writer that ends up being more successful than me.
I mean, I made Paul Watson go on big TV radio shows.
I make him come on TV.
He's very calm, very mild-mannered.
He doesn't lack attention.
At least 15 years ago.
Now he likes it.
Now he does a great job.
And now he is his own person.
You know, out there as his own character.
In the real world.
But still, the whole world is a stage and each of us players upon it.
So I'm kind of getting into some of the inside stuff around Infowars, but I, you know, the problem is I want patriots that love liberty who want to fight tyranny and who want to be a personality, to use the power of personality to promote freedom, not to promote being an egomaniac narcissist.
You see, people take my aggression, my confidence, my anger,
As narcissism, but it's the opposite.
Narcissists don't tip.
Narcissists don't care about other people.
Narcissists don't give their crew members big bonuses.
Narcissists wouldn't hire a bunch of people around them and try to give them their platform.
I'm building a weapons system.
I'm trying to build a crew.
I'm trying to train and educate and lift people up
So that they can go out and fight the globalists and expose what they're doing.
And you do that not just with the information, but you also do that with your own humanity and your personality that people then resonate with out there.
And that's what's happening.
And you the viewers, you the listeners have incredible power.
Take action, get involved.
The great animating contest of liberty and the future of humanity is being set right now.
Now, there's so much on Hillary corruption.
Could we be about to witness the fall of Hillary Clinton?
We're going to talk to one of the top folks over at Breitbart, on the other side, about what's unfolding.
Breitbart's in the news today.
Twitter got rid of their Twitter account, basically in censorship, saying they were unverified, to the Breitbart editor.
The latest Gallup poll finds loyalty to Democrats and Republicans is at or near historic lows, reports U.S.
In 2015, or the fifth straight year, at least four in ten U.S.
adults identified as political independents.
Forty-two percent said that they were independent last year.
43% listed themselves that way in 2014, reflecting little change.
29% said that they were Republicans, and 26% said that they were Democrats.
The Democrats' share was the lowest for the party in Gallup's 65 years of asking about party identification.
The previous Democratic low was 30% in 2014.
The 26% who identified with the GOP was just one percentage point higher than the historic Gallup low of 25%,
Self-identified Republicans in 2013.
Gallup found the big reason for the increase in independence was frustration with political gridlock.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome into the second hour, my friends.
Three hours are left that lie before us.
Peter Schweitzer is going to be with us to the bottom of the hour.
He is the editor-at-large of Breitbart.com and the president of the Government Accountability Institute and best-selling author.
His new book is Extortion, How Politics Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets.
He's also been featured in 60 Minutes documentaries, the New York Times, Foreign Affairs.
I'm not going to go any further.
The point is, he is a major investigative journalist.
And the reason this is so important is, look at Hillary with the emails.
Lying about them, being caught with classified ones, and she still hasn't gotten in trouble.
Will they go after her?
Or does she have too much blackmail on other people?
How deep does the corruption go?
Who is the most corrupt in Congress?
And why does it seem like if you're super corrupt, you're almost too big to fail?
And then when he leaves us at the bottom of the hour, we're going to get into the latest on Syria.
Putin says that Assad can be given asylum there.
That looks like Assad may flee or something.
Also, integrated Muslim migrants say Germans are disgusting.
They should all disappear in a new video.
A big article that's red-linked on Infowars.com, Great Depression 2.0, Sell Everything 2016, Cataclysmic Year for Stocks, warns RBS.
That's not Infowars saying that.
We're reporting on what mainstream news is reporting, what governments, what major financial institutions are saying.
Peter, thank you so much for coming on.
A big fan of the work that you and others are doing over at Breitbart.com.
It just seems like so many of the things that were in the conspiracy realm years ago are now out in the open.
So have we reached a paradox where so much is out in the open but people don't get in trouble?
I mean, are things worse or is it we just know more?
Well, thanks for having me on, Alex.
I think we know more.
I think that when you talk about financial corruption in Washington, D.C., it's always been a problem.
But as government has gotten larger and more powerful, you can start to add zeros to the back of those dollar amounts, and so corruptions become a lot more lucrative.
What before might have been, you know, a $10,000 or $20,000 transaction for the benefit of a congressman, now is a $200 or maybe $2 million transaction.
And they hide it very, very effectively, but more and more of it's coming out.
And it's both political parties, and we have a permanent political class in Washington, D.C., that is enriching itself at our expense.
Break down the book.
Why it's so important, because I haven't read it yet, but it's gotten amazing reviews and I've talked to a lot of insiders.
They say that they learn things from the book.
Yeah, it was interesting.
Several members of Congress have come to me after Extortion was published and said, you know, that's exactly what goes on.
And really what the book Extortion is about, Alex, is that we have thought about money in politics, I think, almost exactly wrong.
The model that most of us have in mind, and of course this does happen in Washington, is it's kind of like that old Jimmy Stewart movie, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.
You got these innocent people that go to Washington, they want to serve their communities in Congress or in the Senate, and they slowly get corrupted by these outside forces, and then they just can't resist it anymore, and they become corrupt.
That certainly happens, but I think what is much more common is people that get attracted to government service.
Um, are themselves sort of corrupt to begin with.
Many of them are.
And so the model is not so much one of bribery where a earnest politician is getting bribed by moneyed interest.
I think more often what's happening is politicians are extorting businessmen and people in their community and forcing them to, in a sense, become political contributors even when they don't want to because
The fear is if they don't, Alex, that bad things are going to happen to them.
This is what the mafia does.
It's an extortive process.
And I think this is the reason you have an unprecedented flow of money coming to Washington, D.C.
Most people in business, not all, but most of them basically want to be left alone.
But the government's not going to let you be alone.
They're going to force you to basically pay protection money so that bad things don't happen to you and your family.
Wow, and of course you've also got the book coming out, Clinton Cash, and I wanted to ask you from your research, who are the kingpins, who are at the top of the corruption racket?
But what really concerns me is, we all know about
You know, Harry Truman and getting money for highways in Missouri or whatever, and that's terrible.
But there's always boss hog stuff in some areas, and you try to keep it to a minimum.
But now, Saudi Arabian money, Chinese money, telling what films can produce, when movies can come out.
We've got...
The Clinton Foundation and billions of dollars from foreign countries with dictators and then suddenly she lets the State Department sign an agreement to ship them weapons.
It's so naked.
It's so brazen that I wonder if they get away with this, what's next?
I mean, I read about African dictators and stuff in Equatorial New Guinea and you think it's bad.
It's nothing compared to our leaders now.
I mean, possibly could they be some of the most corrupt people ever making the
Imeldo Marcus looked like a good lady.
Well, you know, as I point out in Clinton Cash, what the Clintons have done is figure out a unique way to get around laws that are designed to prevent foreign influence.
You know, the Supreme Court heard a case in 2012, Alex, where two Canadian citizens challenged the constitutionality of a law that says only if you are a U.S.
citizen, permanent resident, can you actually give to a political campaign.
The Supreme Court heard the case from these two Canadians.
They came back 9-0 and said, no, this law makes complete sense.
We don't want foreign influence flowing into our elections.
When was the last time the Supreme Court agreed 9-0 on anything?
Well, so the Clintons have figured out a way.
They set up this foundation, the Clinton Foundation, and Bill Clinton hits the lecture circuit.
And this is a way to circumvent that.
So they can't get African dictators.
They can't get corrupt.
Uh, people that are international fugitives to give money to their campaigns.
But they can get those people to give to their foundation, and they can get those people to give Bill Clinton inflated speaking fees as a conduit for bribery, as opposed to giving to their political campaigns.
And that's what they've done.
And the level of corruption that involves the Russians, it involves organized crime, it involves African warlords,
The people that the Clintons have taken money from is staggering and frightening.
And what I chart in the book is the connection between the flow of money and an action that Hillary Clinton takes as dexterity estate.
And when you see this pattern repeated over and over again, the only conclusion you can come to is these events are connected and these are, in effect, bribes.
And of course the Associated Press and others are now reporting FBI Clinton probe expands to public corruption track with all the corruption, the cattle futures, the scams, the dead bodies, the mafia, the cocaine kingpins getting pardons.
I mean there's no doubt
In my view, that the Clintons are organized crime.
And is that why they're still in power?
Because they're just too big to fail?
That you just can't arrest the President, the former President, and the former First Lady?
Because it would just be too painful?
Kind of like they let Nixon, you know, scamper off into the darkness?
The difference is Nixon didn't do anything near this.
And he went off into the darkness.
The Clintons are still there running things.
Well, you know, Alex, look at the recent public corruption cases that we've had.
You know, Senator, I'm sorry, Congressman, Governor McDonnell in Virginia, or Senator Menendez in New Jersey, or you have the Governor of Oregon, Kitzhaber, who resigned.
In all of those cases, you had
You know, a few examples where they took money that they legally could take, but they took favorable actions for the benefit of the donor.
You've got the governor of Virginia, former governor, who's in jail because of that.
You've got Menendez facing charges.
And I think these individuals should have been charged.
But my point is that what they did, the scale of what they did, is small.
Very small, in comparison to the widespread pattern of conduct that the Clintons have done.
The dollar amounts are bigger, the people that they're taking the money from are far more nefarious, the favorable actions that Hillary took as Secretary of State are far worse.
One of the cases that I highlighted in the book, and that the New York Times, of all people, has confirmed in a 4,000 word front page piece, is the Clintons got $145 million.
I remember seeing that at Breitbart, and then Congress talked about it some, and it wasn't even a big deal, though.
None of the other media picks it up.
Think about that, folks.
A foreign power getting our strategic uranium supply, if that isn't treason, if that isn't sedition, if that isn't espionage, if that isn't just industrial-level espionage, I don't know what is.
Yeah, I mean, it's remarkable, and sort of the list goes on.
I mean, you've got international fugitives.
You've got a guy who is business partners with Mark Rich.
You remember Mark Rich?
He was the international fugitive that Bill Clinton pardoned on his last day in office.
Mark Rich, you know, of course, his ex-wife gave a million dollars to the Clinton Foundation and the Democratic Party.
Bill Clinton pardons him.
That business partner of Mark Rich, a guy named Mark Shigori, is a very corrupt individual who lives in Nigeria.
Now, he was convicted in 2000 of money laundering and aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise in Europe because he was helping the dictator of Nigeria
Um, literally smuggle billions of dollars out of the country and put them in Swiss bank accounts for his benefit.
This is a guy that the Clintons have embraced.
He's pledged a billion dollars, that's with a B, to the Clinton Global Initiative.
He's helped arrange speeches for Bill Clinton.
He's given to the Clinton Foundation.
In fact, when one of his sons got married, Bill Clinton showed up at the wedding.
These are the kinds of people that are throwing cash at the Clintons and are getting favorable access and got favorable access while she was Secretary of State.
They're not getting their money, Alex, from, you know, an insurance company in Great Britain.
They're getting it from people who do mining deals with warlords in the Congo.
They're doing it with people like Gilbert Chigori.
They're doing it with individuals involved in this Russian uranium deal.
These are bad, corrupt individuals.
And that's, I think, what people don't realize about the Clintons.
Peter Schweizer of Breitbart.com, their editor-at-large, is our guest.
And of course he heads up one of the major anti-corruption organizations that you constantly see ferreting out amazing amounts of information.
The president of the Government Accountability Institute and multi-time best-selling author.
And the new book is out.
Of course, he wrote Clinton Cash.
But Congressman Jones, who was kind enough to tell us we should have you on, just says your book
That's what I said, talking to insiders, is just 100% dead on and could really, if the American people read about it, if journalists read about it and followed the leads in it that are confirmed, this could really put a dent in the corruption like the church committee hearings or others did in the 70s.
I mean, there's got to be some point in the cycle where we just dial back corruption.
Instead, there's this attitude that, oh, it's always going to be there, they always lie, go along with it.
But yeah,
Now China says, you know, again, what movies can come out?
I see Chinese government communist propaganda and like everything from The Martian to the new Red Dawn.
I see it in the news, the political correctness, the funding, the Chinese government financing where they
Keep energy prices high here, where they put the carbon restrictions in, ensuring our jobs go to China, China lobbying that carbon restrictions be put on India at the UN, and they are.
Again, they're not just doing it to us.
I mean, when Donald Trump says, man, we make bad deals, he's simplifying it.
Our elites are literally
Like, we're a boat with the engine going.
They've got us chained to the dock, telling us they really want us to be able to go out on the lake.
No, they've chained us up to the dock.
It's time to take the chain off.
It's just crazy.
So let me ask you this.
How do we stop this, sir?
And where is it going from your, you know, deep research if we don't stop it?
Because I've been on air 20 years.
It seems like corruption's doubled in the magnitude since then.
Maybe tripled.
A, how much worse?
Has it gotten?
How do we stop it?
Where is it all going?
Well, it's a great question, Alex, and you're right.
Walter Jones is one of those guys on Capitol Hill who's really trying to fight these issues, and there are good people.
I get frustrated when people say there's nobody good up there, nobody's fighting it, they're all corrupt.
That's simply not true, and to me that's a cop-out, and you're exactly right.
There's an opportunity here we have to try to take our government back, and here's what people need to know.
There's an organization, international organization, called Transparency International, that looks at corruption and perceived corruption.
They survey businessmen around the world and say, how corrupt are certain countries?
When Barack Obama became president in 2009, the United States was in the middle of advanced industrialized countries and perceived corruption.
By 2012, the end of his first term, we are now at the bottom.
We are seen as the most corrupt.
of advanced industrialized countries in the world.
That was as of 2012, and I'm sure it's gotten worse.
And the problem is, as government gets bigger, as they take more of our money, but as they expand their power and their reach, whether it's our healthcare or something else, it gives them more opportunities to put the screws to us and to extract benefits and to extort money.
So, what do we need to do?
Number one,
We need to have transparency.
People need to be informed and look at what their elected officials are doing.
And we have to have a zero-tolerance policy, Alex.
We can't say, well, he's our guy, so it's okay that he's doing it.
We have to have a zero-tolerance policy for self-enrichment and cronyism.
And number two, we have to fight any efforts to expand the size and scope of government, because that is the breeding ground for corruption.
If these guys don't have the power and the control over our lives,
They are not going to have the levers with which they can enrich themselves.
That's right.
Dial back the regulations.
What do you think of Governor Abbott's move to have a CON-CON to try to block what's going on?
I mean, I've never been a supporter of a CON-CON because they could change the Constitution, Bill of Rights, but they're already doing it by executive power.
Congress isn't blocking it.
The courts are certifying it.
So it's a desperate move, but for the first time in my life, I mean, the House is already burning down.
What do you think?
Well, it's a great question.
I'm certainly not a constitutional historian, but what I would say is, look, the Founding Fathers recognized that the states have a unique role, and the federal government has clearly gone well beyond the scope of what it was designed.
And if it takes a convention, a convention of the states or a constitutional convention, to deal with that, that may be the only mechanism left.
I do think
There are people in Washington.
We can elect better people in Washington.
We can move the ball down the field, but ultimately something needs to be done as far as the encroachment, because otherwise we are simply going to see more self-enrichment and more wealth creation.
Think about this for a second, Alex.
Of the ten wealthiest counties in the entire United States, the ten wealthiest counties, seven of them
Seven of them are counties that border Washington, D.C.
And D.C.
is the richest place in the world.
That's right.
They just passed Silicon Valley a couple years ago for per capita income.
Per capita income is now higher in Washington, D.C.
than it is in Silicon Valley in California.
If folks want to know the disconnect, I'm only in D.C.
maybe once a year covering things.
And even when you're not in the super nice areas or the nice areas,
There's armored limos, diplomats, foreign secret service getting in your face, treating tourists and families like crud, and then almost every restaurant I go in, there are the most beautiful women I've ever seen, the cream of America.
Literally getting in the limos with the politicians, in the limos with the lobbyists.
You know, the hookers are more ubiquitous than water fountains.
And the point is, it's just, it's like Rome.
It's so decadent.
And now at University of Texas in Austin, they've had UN advisors there.
And UN comes and investigates the governor and the border in New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona.
And Breitbart broke months ago.
I couldn't believe when I read it.
I went to the UN documents, there it was.
A strong cities initiative opening U.N.
offices to watch our local governments and work with the feds.
I mean you can really see the arrogant takeover and now the U.N.
wants to extend diplomatic immunity to hedge funds.
You can see the new royalty is what I'm saying.
An above the law group whose main business is shelling off American supremacy, shelling off American industry, making deals with other countries in interest
To shut down sectors to transfer it to them.
They've sold the country out and they are just in their own world knee-deep in hookers.
I mean, I'm sorry sir, but that's what I see.
Well, you know, Alex, here's a story that I think really captures it.
A couple years ago, I did a special for Fox News called Boomtown, and it was on Washington, D.C., and in that special, we actually interviewed a guy who is a salesman for Ferrari of Washington, D.C.
There's a Ferrari dealer in Washington, D.C., and he told us on camera, Alex, that
The people at headquarters of Ferrari were kind of frustrated with Ferrari of Washington, D.C.
and we said, well, why is that?
Is it because you're not selling enough cars?
And he said, no, it's because Ferrari in Beverly Hills, California and Ferrari in South Beach, Florida, when people come in to buy Ferraris, they're financing their purchases and the headquarters wants that.
In Ferrari of Washington, D.C., too many people are paying cash.
So we have a situation where Ferrari actually sells more cars in Washington D.C.
than they do in Beverly Hills or South Beach.
And people are paying cash.
They're not even bothering to finance their deals.
That tells you how out of control the self-enrichment and the corruption is.
And they're doing it at the expense of the country's whole future.
They don't even, I mean, even smart crooks should care about their kids and only skim enough to not collapse the society.
And of course, I'm against corruption completely, but it just seems like they're killing the golden goose right in front of us.
Well, that's exactly right.
If you view government and government extracting money from the country as kind of like a parasite.
Just think of an animal.
At some point, the parasite becomes so big that the animal loses its health and eventually loses its life.
And if you look through the history of
You know, great civilizations of the past, whether it's the Roman Empire, whether it's the Spanish Empire, you have these situations where the capital, or for example in France, Versailles, the capital or the seat of power becomes so corrupt, so self-enriched, at the expense of the rest of the country, the civilization just collapses.
Peter Schweizer, thank you.
Breitbart.com, g-a-i.org.
Folks, get involved.
Get this out to your local talk show hosts and others.
Tell them to interview Peter and to get the word out.
And get the book, Extortion.
How politicians extract your money, buy votes, and then line their own pockets.
Foreign interest, I should add.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thanks, Alex.
Folks, we'll be back with tons of news, a special video clip, and the whole X-Files show to be based around InfoWars, basically.
We've got the trailer.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The first Republican debate of 2016 is this Thursday, January 14th.
And join the InfoWars Nightly News and Prison Planet TV once again for Political Science Theater 3K.
The stage will be getting smaller with only six candidates making the cut.
Maybe seven if they let John Kasich slip in through the back door.
Coverage starts at 7 p.m.
Central on the InfoWars Nightly News and then the debate kicks off at 8 p.m.
Join us for analysis that cuts through the lies in real time.
When's the next Democratic debate, you ask?
Well, it's on a Sunday during the NFL playoffs, because that's when most people want to watch it.
It does not appear that Rand Paul is going to make the cut in this primetime debate, but John Kasich is?
What is this world coming to?
Just a little side note here, the majority of Americans polled think that Hillary Clinton should continue to run if she is indicted under this new email skin.
Join us this Thursday, 7 p.m.
Central, for Political Science Theater 3K.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We're live.
Tuesday, the 12th day of January, 2016.
This is the info.
We have gangsters running this country.
The bigger this war gets, the more freedoms we lose.
We have a fog that has descended upon our entire nation.
The globalists are going to blow stuff out of the Atlantic.
But Hillary's the one who runs the cover-up.
Everything you've heard us talk about is now going to unfold in triplicate spades.
It's as real as it gets.
I had a Supreme Court justice tell me to my face, it's over for me.
Matt, it's over for you.
They've got the votes now to enforce copyright law.
You're out of there.
You want it, baby?
You're about to get it.
We did meet the British at Concord Bridge to serve tea, be tolerant, and see how many guns or what kind of guns they came to take.
We met them at Concord Bridge, and we blew their punk-ass brains out.
InfoWars has been able to break every record, infiltrate every operation, blow the criminal cover of operatives more than any other institution out there of freedom, and I'm so proud of that.
The notion that Hillary has somehow been an advocate for women.
No, Bill rapes them physically and then Hillary rapes them psychologically.
I hope the enemies of this broadcast, when you lie about us, when you censor us, when you attack us, when you delist us, when you do that, you're signing on to the other side.
These people are of the devil.
Let's be very blunt about this.
Tell and demand accountability.
It is the most corrupt, degenerate, criminal government in American history.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The crowd is now moving forward toward the barrier.
The police have been telling everybody they're going to shoot if we don't move back.
Their defeat will be ultimately a crushing one.
Another amazing intro that Darren McBreen put together, and in a few minutes I'm going to play the new X-Files trailer.
They're bringing the super hit TV show.
Some X-Files had 50 million viewers a night.
The Super Bowl, 70 million.
One of the most popular TV shows in world history, syndicated around the world, reaching billions of people.
The show made billions of dollars.
The new X-Files, to be based in great part around a character based on Alex Jones,
And Chris Carter says a bunch of positive things about the worldview.
And that he does think a world government takeover is a real threat, and that it's going to be pretty much a positive perspective a lot of time, but with one of the characters disagreeing.
The fact that they ring so honest about it is a big hat tip.
Normally they don't, whether they're negative or positive, with one of these characters.
You know, they have movies where the child molester killer is named Alex Jones, and they have other movies where they say, I hate black people and hate Jews, and say the N-word, and then they say, I learned it from Alex Jones.
I mean, you know, they were like,
Let's not exaggerate.
10 movies or more the last few years doing that.
And a lot of it's subliminal now, too.
There's a lot more than 10 if you count those.
It'll just say some horrible thing real fast on screen with Alex Jones.
For a tenth of a second.
Or a second.
Or five seconds.
Sometimes it's not subliminal, but it's so quick.
It's near subliminal because people are in suspended disbelief, you know, sitting around drinking beer and they just kind of pick up that idea as they try to inoculate people psychologically against InfoWars.
And then I'm going to get into integrated Muslim migrants.
Germans are disgusting.
They should all disappear.
We're going to get into Great Depression 2.0.
Sell everything 2016.
Cataclysmic gear for stocks.
That's what the big insiders are saying.
But Kit Daniels has a big boil-down article that's red-linked on InfoWars.com.
But first, speaking of depression, InfoWars absolutely excels my reporters, our writers, our investigative journalists, our crew, myself, at going viral.
We are exponentially growing.
Our audiences are explosive, but we do not focus or target around making money.
Most of the money you can hear about is the network ads that pays for the network, radio network I'm on.
But that said, I didn't plug any last hour.
I skipped a break this hour.
I must stop doing it, and I must plug twice an hour to finance our operation.
We carry the very best products.
That we can get, which are the best, whether it's nutraceuticals, whether it's shower filters, whether it's water filters, drinking water filters, whether it's non-GMO, heirloom seeds, books, videos, liberty-based apparel to spread the word and meet like-minded people.
You have a commitment that this is the very best we can bring you and the money is financing a hardcore operation that's having huge impact and huge effect.
We are under massive media demonization campaigns and attack.
We are under constant barrage of all sorts of dirty tricks is the best word for it.
And I'm not going to get into it because that goes with the territory.
And I'm not here to whine about stuff.
I expect it.
I'm a soldier in Infowar promoting human liberty and freedom and a future for our species.
I expect anything and everything.
I'm not crying to mama.
And I'm not going to blame God if bad stuff happens to me.
And because a lot of people on the inside see what we're doing, they're touched by our will, by our courage, and other people's will and courage, and they're deciding to join us.
So don't just expect everybody in mainstream media to be the enemy.
When stuff starts getting really bad, people you think are your friends may turn on you.
People you think are your friends may be even better friends.
But people that you think are your enemy or who have been your enemy,
We'll come over, because they'll have that Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus moment.
And we've all had those moments in certain parts of our lives.
I think about some of the things I said, some of the things I did 10-15 years ago, and I'm embarrassed of it.
But my intention was true, my heart was right, and that's what matters.
But I'm telling you, it's not just Hollywood that's awake.
It's not just a lot of mainstream media that's awake, but are on a short leash.
Not just the police, not just the military, it's the general public, and it's exponential.
I went to a movie theater last night to see The Revenant, which is an excellent film.
We'll talk about it a little bit later in the next hour if I have time.
And there was a little restaurant there at this boutique theater downtown, and there were probably 30-40 people in there.
We went in to just order a little bit of dinner and sit for about 30 minutes before the movie started, just a snack.
Every person in there was pointing and staring, going, there's Alex Jones, and women were, you know, waving at me and smiling, saying, love the show.
And these were young, you know, good-looking, trendy people.
And you know when you've got them waking up, you are really accelerating towards victory.
Now, that said, the globalists are in trouble.
And so they're going to strike back, and false flags, demonization campaigns, God knows what.
And it won't be against Alex Jones so much.
They'll build straw men and attack myself.
They'll lie about drudge.
They have perennial dirty tricks like, you go to Infowars or Drudge Report, it gives you a virus, and it's not true.
But you link through to some CNN story in one case and then it's got a virus.
But links aren't the virus.
See, they play these games or they'll have different software you get, you know, that's nanny safe or whatever they call it.
Municipal computers, military computer networks, you name it.
Oh, you can't go to InfoWars.
They started doing that about 15 years ago, and all it did was make the whole military want to go check out Infowarx.
Sometimes you've got to worry about the psychology.
I remember like 18 years ago, I made a film about the Marines training to take guns under Clinton.
It wasn't anti-Marines, it was just anti-martial law, and it made your bases like Pendleton and others, because it came out in the news, they would say, there's a film, Police State 2000 circulating, by Alex Jones.
You will be given PT, you will be run, you may even be written up.
If we catch you with this film, do not watch it.
In another case, another Marine Corps base, it was the, whatever the head sergeant is, I forget in that case, says, I've been ordered to tell you this, and I've been ordered to tell you not to watch it, but I'm leaving it right here.
Have a good weekend.
And I was told that by a Marine who was the son of the head sales manager.
Who had come into town.
He'd only been in the Marines like a year, and he's like, your show's on here!
I don't know who you are, but they said we're not allowed to watch you, but then, you know, my sergeant left the DVD for us, and we all watched it.
He was just a young kid, like 19 or whatever he was.
So again, what I'm getting at here is the globalists don't have all the power.
They're not invincible.
They can be stopped, but you have to believe that you have strength.
You have to get involved.
And again, as I was saying, I can't even plug when I try to, we have a lot of great products and we need to sell a lot of them to fund reporters and crew and servers.
And we have one of the biggest, least expensive, best video audio server companies.
We have a backup one as well.
Usually the bandwidth bills about $50,000 a month.
It's $50,000, $56,000 last month just for the video stream we put out for free.
And the accountant came in and said, you're losing money in the last month from about the 16th till now.
You need to stop skipping breaks and you need to start plugging.
And I looked at the numbers.
I mean, I'm just telling you what's going on around here.
I'm so wild, folks.
I cut breaks out every day that I make money on.
I just can't stand it.
I can't help it.
So, I just want to be on air fighting these people, but I do need your support.
When you support GC on the network, that's also good as well because we haven't gone bankrupt like two or three of the other big networks, but others are getting ready to go bankrupt or basically bankrupt already.
That's been in the news because we're in a depression and it's getting worse.
I've got news on that I'm going to get to in a moment.
So we need your support, especially middle class and wealthy people.
It's always little widows or poor people that are saying, oh, I bought a bottle of X2 because I want to support you.
Buy it because you got money and it's so good for your health and it's such a game changer.
Buy the oxy powder because it's so good to flush out your guts.
You know, buy a Hillary for President t-shirt.
I mean, I love how many wealthy people sit on their hands like they're smart because they're on the sidelines.
But then I run to billionaires that go, I might want to help you out with some money, and I just don't really ask for it, so I'm going to go down that road.
But I might down the road.
It might be easier.
The point is, we need you to buy the products at Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, and we have a bunch of them right now.
You can buy Survival Shield, Nascent Iodine, X2.
Find out why it's different.
Find out why it's special on the site.
And get Silver Bullet, high quality colloidal silver, 50% off and get a free $6.95 value is what it costs.
Big color, glossy Patriot calendar with Lee Ann McAdoo on the front as a World War II pin-up.
Boy, I tell ya.
Very, very good photography there.
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We'll take you right to the nutraceuticals.
And lastly, and then I'm going to shift gears into all the news,
ProPure is an amazing company that we've been carrying for four years.
I didn't carry water filtration for a couple years because I couldn't find really good gravity-fed filters that were actually up to the specs and that our listeners wanted.
Now we carry, what, four different companies.
And there's the Alexa Pure Pro.
It's just incredible.
Faster flow rate.
Really amazing.
We have those at Infowars.
But ProPure has come out with the best, the specs are up on the site, shower filter I've ever seen.
This actually knocks out the fluoride, the glyphosates, 99%, 98%.
I mean, no filter out there does it 100%.
It's almost impossible.
Others just barely reduce it.
Some of the bad smells, some of the bad taste.
That's still a big deal.
This filter massively cuts it out, removes a lot of stuff completely.
The all-new ProMax four-stage shower filter by ProPure is now available exclusively at InfowarsStore.com in a limited first run.
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And in closing, here's the biggest point about the all-new ProPure ProMax four-stage filter.
It's four stages, and it's fast flow.
Because I've had other ones before where, you know, you don't want your kids breathing all this, absorbing it, and then it's a terrible shower and you catch them taking a bath because it fills up faster.
And you're like, hey, you know, don't do that or run the shower until it fills up.
I don't want to wait 20 minutes.
I get it.
These babies just came in last week.
They're going in my house tonight.
I'm like, oh, well, they brought it in.
I said, oh, I forgot we've had that in the warehouse for a week.
Why aren't I plugging it?
So it just went up on the shopping cart yesterday.
The Pro Pure Pro Max available.
It really is amazing.
It's $69.95 for nine months of
Because, I mean, one big place you get it is drinking it, obviously.
But, folks, absorbing it and breathing it is just as bad.
Okay, I'm done plugging.
I'm done talking about that.
Kind of condensed, not doing three, four plugs last hour and a half into that one.
Please support our local affiliates as well.
Please become a local sponsor as well of those stations.
And please keep spreading the word about the transmission.
That's how we're really having the biggest effect.
Now, I'm not going to talk about this anymore.
I already spoke about it, but here is the
New X-Files trailer of the hit show that's been gone for a decade, and it's coming back, roaring back, and the creator of the X-Files, Chris Carter, says that you can read it in the article of Entertainment Weekly on an Alex Jones character.
And he goes on to basically, they go on to talk about how they are concerned, quote, the U.N.
takeover threat, however, is something Carter suggests is credible.
The idea of a new world order is relevant.
Carter says, when we suggested the show is embracing right-wing theories, Carter counters, it's not necessarily that.
I don't see Alex Jones as right-wing, I see him as libertarian.
And the characters are based around that and it goes through it all.
And Drudge has the headline up on DrudgeReport.com that they are now basically becoming Alex Jones.
Let me give you the exact quote here so I don't get that wrong.
Fox X-Files goes Alex Jones.
But then after the break, we're getting to the really serious news.
And that's what's happening with the economy, so stay with us.
But here is the new X-Files trailer to premiere on Fox.
It'll probably start on a Friday.
What will seem like an attack on America by terrorists or Russia.
Driven by a well-oiled, well-armed, and multinational group of elites.
Using alien technology that government's been hiding for 70 years.
Like yourself, I'm a true believer.
What I need is your expertise.
You said if I ever put the pieces together that you would confirm.
And have you?
I've seen something.
You're nearly there.
You're close.
I can't do this alone.
I'm here.
They police us and spy on us.
Tell us that makes us safer.
We've never been in more danger.
Then do something about it, Mulder.
I have seen this before.
You're on fire.
Believing that you're on to some truth.
That you can save the world.
This is my life.
This is everything I believe in.
You are on dangerous ground here.
I know what I'm doing.
We have a small problem.
So there you go, folks.
Very, very interesting.
And the reason the establishment allows this is they can't hide it anymore.
They have to have revelation of the method.
It'll just be made entertainment.
And because people are awake, they'll watch it.
It'll be successful.
And it shows how successful we've been, but this is now how the system counters.
And I don't think Chris Carter is part of it, because I was visited by Dean Hagelin.
We did the interview.
He said a lot.
He said even more outside of the interview.
Of course, he was in the X-Files and the Lone Gunman, that Carter and others were approached by the CIA and given scripts, things they wanted in the script, like
The episode of the lone gunman, six months before 9-11, that aired on Fox, where the criminal group in the government hijacks a jumbo jet by remote control, a passenger plane, claims it's been hijacked by Al-Qaeda, and flies it into the World Trade Center, or tries to, to blame it on Afghanistan, kick off a giant war, and bring tyranny to the rest of the West.
Now, why was the CIA group warning?
So that'd be in a script?
So when it happened, people would know it was an inside job?
That's one thing I was told a few years ago by a big producer, famous producer.
He goes, Alex, you don't know how many good people there are in Hollywood that sneak stuff through.
You were all saying that was them revelation of the method, throwing it in people's faces.
Things like that are put in there because no one at the TV level is paying attention to a conspiracy show, even if it's popular, and then it can come out and people are leaving breadcrumbs so you know it was staged.
And I said, oh, is that what you were told?
He goes, no, that's my view, but that's how a lot of this is done.
People leave clues when they're not able.
You know, like, you know, prisoners trying to sneak each other notes.
But regardless,
They're going to mix aliens into it, but they deal with chemtrails, geoengineering, world government, carbon taxes, implantable microchips.
And I want to say something right now.
It is alien technology.
Some newspapers, left-wing groups, Soros-connected organizations came out and said Alex Jones believes in aliens and thinks aliens run the conspiracy.
I purposely never got into aliens.
Well, Paul Zaldrin's on talking about it, because I don't want to be put into the stuff you can't prove one way or another.
I can prove the emergency centers.
I can prove the checkpoints.
I can prove the plan to sign us on to the derivatives and bankrupt us.
I can prove the open borders, and people still are in denial about that.
What I said is, with these new genetically engineered chimeras, that are part human, part animal, that were in MIT Magazine yesterday,
That they admit they've been doing for decades.
They've created new creatures that are alien to this world.
There's never been a splice between an insect and a human, or an insect, an arachnid and a goat, or a jellyfish and a rhesus monkey.
The zoological viruses and bacteria and microplasms that mutate out of this are incredibly dangerous.
There's the headline, human animal chimeras are gestating on U.S.
research farms.
And they harvest the organs out of the humanoids they grow that are part animal, so they're not rejected.
Now this has been going on for 30 years, they admit, but now they're rolling it out.
And I said the elite believe they're a new species of inbred psychopaths who are going to merge with machines and become a new species.
Google, Ray Kurzweil, Bill Joy, all of them.
Some good, some bad.
That's an attempt to build a breakaway civilization and what humans envision they've usually done.
They're making aliens!
AI computers that are truly artificially intelligent and conscious will be a new species on this planet.
It will be alien.
Not of this world.
Do you understand what that means, Media Matters and Right Wing Watch and the White House?
Of course you do!
You think if you go along with it all, you're going to be given the life extension technology.
Talk about discrimination!
Talk about jerks!
I don't want to fight with black people!
And women!
I want the life extension for everybody!
The population gets too big, off-world colonies!
I want the technology.
I want the medicine.
I want the innovations.
I want them now.
Humans developed it.
Our ancestors built it.
It doesn't belong to you.
You got us fighting over the word mom and dad while you're stealing the whole future from us, you pieces of crap.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
I get so frustrated by the idiots out there that have been taught to fight over mindless crud and the jihadis running around.
When they're done radicalizing the Muslims and getting them to run around and burn down half of Europe, they're going to release a race-specific bioweapon to wipe out almost every Arab on Earth.
And I'm not for that, by the way.
Even though they're trying to hype them up to be my enemy.
Because I see the whole game.
And if you don't know about that, look at the PNAC document, 2000, Dick Cheney talks about the legitimizing the use of race-specific bioweapons.
The Austin American-Statesman reported on it.
I can see the whole plan from start to finish.
Because it's a well-worked plan.
I've been studying it.
I've read their white papers.
It's pretty much public.
They just don't say the last one-half of one percent.
But then they even say that.
They've told us the whole battle plan.
They've told their elites that.
It is a cosmology.
And yes, for all intents and purposes, they're aliens.
They didn't come from a distant star.
They are a guild of twisted humans of every race, color, and creed, bound by hatred of humanity and greed and hate, wanting everything for themselves.
They are the enemy.
They're not fans of humanity.
They don't like you doing well.
They want you out of their way.
They want to steal the future.
They want to steal the brain trust.
They want to become gods.
They must be stopped.
We are living in a science fiction movie, ladies and gentlemen.
You're here.
It's 2016.
It's going on.
Robots that replace humans in combat, manufacturing, everything.
And the first waves are all friendly and nice to get you to buy into it.
It's admitted they're doing that.
Deeper into this, you will lose your humanity.
And so many people are serving this because they're cowardly, they're scared, and they think if they go along with it, they're going to be okay.
This road ends in wrack and ruin.
All right, when we return, Great Depression 2.0, Sell Everything 2016, Cataclysmic Year for Stocks, my review of the Revenant.
It's history, I want to get into it.
Larry Pratt joins us for 30 minutes to break down the biggest assault on the Second Amendment since before it was born.
The biggest attempt to take our guns since Lexington and Concord.
It's all coming up in hour number three.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Came in last night at half past ten That baby of mine wouldn't let me in So move it on over Move it on over Move it on over Move it on over Move over little dog cause the big dog's moving
Coming up, Bernie Sanders gets endorsement from Soros.
Boy, that really shows Hillary is in deep manure.
Produced by her, of course.
Bank of America admits that rail traffic's the lowest it's been in eight years.
That's a main indicator of what's really happening in America.
I haven't gotten to the clips of the radical Muslims, what they're up to, but then clips of the supposed liberal Muslims saying Germans are disgusting and bad and want them to disappear.
See, the left teaches, most minorities, by the way, reject it, who the majority, but
For some reason the radical Muslims have already been told to hate the West, even though at least the people of the West have done nothing to them.
And then the governments that have actually attacked their countries, they're teamed up with them.
It's simply amazing that's coming up.
But I wanted to get into this article ahead of Larry Pratt coming on at 8 after from Gun Owners of America.
Great Depression 2.0, sell everything, 2016.
Cataclysmic year for stocks warns RBS.
Saudis freak out over collapsing oil price while Chinese economy no different than Ponzi scheme.
And yes, Saudi Arabia and OPEC have kept prices low to bankrupt U.S.
shale oil fracking production.
And also the last one along with that, some of the elites to bankrupt Russia, but now even Saudi Arabia is in trouble.
The Royal Bank of Scotland warned its clients to sell everything and exit the stock market as soon as possible.
That's like Rothschild in 1815, you know, saying sell everything and then five hours later buying everything.
Wow, what an incredible statement.
And by the way, that's up on DrugsReport.com, InfoWars.com.
Mainstream newspapers are quoting this.
I know it's an InfoWars story and people trust that, but this is in mainstream newspapers now.
The general public is reading this.
Sell everything.
It almost makes me not want to sell anything.
I don't own any stocks, but if they're saying sell it, maybe you shouldn't.
That's such liars.
But no, no.
When they get to this point, you know they want to act like they warned you.
So, oh, give them a Pulitzer Prize.
They warned a month before the total collapse that it was going to happen.
But those evil conspiracy theorists told you exactly what happened ten years ago.
Sell everything except high-quality bonds, warned Andrew Roberts.
Well, that's exactly what Mr. Dent said here last Friday, the bank's research chief.
For European economies and rates, we think investors should be afraid.
Yeah, no kidding.
He said the collapsing price of oil, the impending destruction of the Chinese markets, and the ever-exploding debts all within the first week of January were significant red flags revealing the cataclysmic year ahead.
I should have just led the show with all this, but again, it's that sick blind spot I've got, and I really apologize.
Nico, as producer, I know I asked you to help me when I get off track, because there really is no program director here, it's me, but I am out of control.
I mean, we've known this engineering collapse is coming for so long that now that the wave is a hundred yards away, not a hundred miles away when we first told everybody about it, I'm not even covering it.
And that's a real blind spot I've got.
Is that we just get here for so long, way ahead of time, that when the pub comes out and announces world government, global carbon taxes, microchips to buy and sell, I just go, oh yeah, Mark of the Base told you about that.
And again, I'm not bragging that we told you about it so long ago, but notice you don't hear Christian churches and people saying diddly squat about this.
They all think they're going to get teleported up to the
USS Enterprise, and Scotty's up there, and Captain Kirk, and Spock, you know, and it's all just gonna be, you know, rainbows and colors, and everything's gonna be happy, happy-go-lucky, and that ain't it.
And so what's gonna happen is, when the elite bring in this biblical system, whether you believe Revelations is prophetic, or the elite are using it as a blueprint, because it's great literature, from that perspective,
They're going to bow to the world leader, the Antichrist, and do everything he says because it couldn't be the Antichrist because they're supposed to be teleported out of here.
I mean, you talk about mind control.
This rapture stuff didn't get taught until 200 years ago.
I mean, there is no teleportation device.
The latest Gallup poll finds loyalty to Democrats and Republicans is at or near historic lows, reports U.S.
In 2015, or the fifth straight year, at least 4 in 10 U.S.
adults identified as political independents.
42% said that they were independent last year.
43% listed themselves that way in 2014, reflecting little change.
29% said that they were Republicans.
And 26% said that they were Democrats.
The Democrats' share was the lowest for the party in Gallup's 65 years of asking about party identification.
The previous Democratic low was 30% in 2014.
The 26% who identified with the GOP was just one percentage point higher than the historic Gallup low of 25% self-identified Republicans in 2013.
Gallup found the big reason for the increase in independents was frustration with political gridlock.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
The United Nations on July 7, 2000 put out their second draft international treaty on small arms control and disarmament.
And in the subsection that I've written articles about, the New American Magazine has written articles about, that Gunners of America has spoken about, it states, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state and therefore must be abridged and abolished.
I've memorized what it says.
Obama gets up there, they sign the treaty, he says nobody wants your guns, but the cities they run, they've taken all the guns.
And they've really had that collapse in confidence moment when Obama gets up in his press conference, then on CNN, and says nobody wants your guns.
When everybody who's got a brain knows they're coming for our guns.
The problem is they're doing it outside of law.
The executive order itself is a major issue.
And he's doing it with so many other issues as well, and now Newsweek, the Daily Beast, other publications, CNN come out with stories saying, let's just ban guns, let's just have a civil emergency, close quote, that was last week, and just take them!
And then other articles say, well, that'll start a civil war.
And they're like, good!
He'll be the new Lincoln.
Let's just, I mean, folks, these people are power mad.
And it doesn't mean they're going to do it.
Doesn't mean they'd get away with it.
But they're certainly looking at it.
And they got Obamacare in.
They've got the borders open outside of law with Obama bringing the illegals in, completing the smuggling process.
We've been winning the war for the Second Amendment, but the Empire's about to strike back, and we've got the top general in the fight for the Second Amendment, Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, GunOwners.org, the group that really has helped reform the NRA.
I'm the brain of the NRA, and we've even had, again, one of the NRA board members on Ted Nugent to say that.
I mean, I said years ago, I said, don't you agree that Gunners of America has helped really reform the NRA, get it to be more hardcore?
Thank God for the GOA.
And he said, absolutely.
Larry Pratt's the best.
Without him, you know, we couldn't have done all this.
And he doesn't want the credit.
He's very mild-mannered.
He's not alarmist, though Paul Revere was.
I'm not knocking for that.
He's very gentlemanly, and I guess I can be the young, wild man.
But I gotta say, this has got me a little bit hysterical.
I mean, this is more brazen than I thought it would be.
Doctors have immunity to say you're nuts and take your guns, put you on a no-fly list and a no-buy list.
He's the expert until the bottom of the hour, just two short segments.
Then I'll get into all the other news, what's happening in the economy that's so important, and more.
But with Top Economist,
In the Financial Times of London and others coming out and saying, you know, sell everything, total panic.
Royal Bank of Scotland says sell everything, total panic.
Great Depression is coming.
We had Harry Dent on last week.
He said the same thing.
Former top Bain strategist.
I mean, I'm not saying that's coming.
They're saying it.
And so, we need our guns during any type of craziness like this.
Now, I hope it's not as bad as they're saying, but I tell you, I can feel it in my gut.
I've been saying it for six months.
Big stuff is afoot.
Obama's crazy enough to be funding Al-Qaeda, and I just think, God, Donald Trump's come out and exposed that.
Larry Pratt, I tell you, there is not a dull mind in the house.
Is this not one of the most epic times you've ever seen in the battle for liberty, where we're so strong, they're so strong, so much is happening on a daily basis?
Am I wrong in saying in my 21 years, this is the craziest ever?
In your 45 years of fighting tyranny, is this the craziest you've ever seen, Larry Pratt?
It almost certainly is.
I'd have to really think hard to think what was further over the top.
And we're dealing with a guy who, from birth, was brought up as a communist.
Barack Obama's mama, his teachers at Columbia, Harvard.
This guy, and then of course, somehow he ends up going from the East over to Chicago, which is really
Left-wing central of the United States, as far as I can tell.
Every single left-wing group has a foundation, a think tank, financiers.
Valerie Jarrett, his number one advisor, comes from a family that's beaucoup wealthy, from their crony capitalism, and they hail from Chicago.
So, it shows that they're not necessarily anti-business,
They're just anti-free enterprise.
And along comes us unwashed.
And Obama doesn't like it.
And my guess is that in his last year, we're going to see what we've called the full Obama.
He doesn't have any more elections to deal with for himself.
His party doesn't really have to carry his baggage so much anymore.
So he's going to go in for the full Socialist Monty.
He's going for it all.
That's what I've been saying.
This is it, boys.
If folks want to be involved in the battle for the Republic, it's so historic and it's such an honor to be alive now with people like yourself and others working with fellow patriots to preserve liberty and to try to live up to at least a shadow of our founders.
What would our founders think about what's happening currently, sir?
Well, Paul Revere probably would have been writing before now.
They had a tax that, I've forgotten the numbers, but I think it was possibly threatening to go above 5% of their GNP or GDP.
And of course for us, that's hardly a month.
So we've gotten used to so much tyranny that you wonder kind of what our flashpoint might be.
It looks as if, though, maybe Mr. Obama has found it.
He has continually poked us in the eye, and I think he's finally made a bunch of folks mad.
And one of the canaries in the mineshaft that I would suggest that we look at is the loss of Eric Cantor in the last election cycle to a college professor, David Bratt, taking down the number two Republican in the House of Representatives.
People gotta be really fed up, especially among Republicans, to go after one of the most influential Republicans in the city of Washington, their guy, if you will, and they went and took him out.
You gotta be pretty mad to do something like that.
No more Benny's gonna come from Eric Cantor to that district.
All of that has been cut off.
Looking at his executive order, looking at his announcements, it's like Obamacare.
It just says, advisory, and then we'll just tell agencies what to do, a blank check.
People say, well that's not that bad, but look at what he's done, advisory, telling the Border Patrol to open the border and ship people in.
Look at what he's done, advisory, bringing in the refugees and keeping it secret.
I mean, this is advisory dictatorship.
Talk about the raft of gun grabbing, what we can do to block it, sir, what you're doing on Capitol Hill.
Well, his executive order, I guess it's an executive order, action, whatever, is to expand the background check.
Now, the background check has never been about fighting crime.
In the last year of record, there were some 11 million background checks conducted, 14 prosecutions resulted.
They're not after prosecutions, because that's kind of a nothing burger type of offense.
They're registering.
They are registering.
Hey, if they're not supposed to listen in when Aunt Mary calls Cousin Susie, and yet the NSA gets it all, I think something even more worrisome to them, namely our guns, is going to really tempt them to break the law.
They're not allowed to keep the background check info for over 24 hours.
Anybody that believes that, I'm sorry, I'm not sure what I can say.
But they've obviously shown
They can't be trusted.
The IRS abusing its powers.
Lois Lerner and her jihad against conservatives and others that just weren't part of the regime-friendly group that they wanted to work with.
Anybody else was getting savaged.
That's the kind of Chicago thuggery that we've been experiencing and now we've got 11 more months and unless we can light enough fires
Under the Republican Party, they're not going to do a thing.
They're going to sit there and watch.
That was my next question.
Where is the Speaker of the House going crazy for impeachment hearings or at least passing bills to block this?
They could gain so many points just as politicians, much less statesmen.
Why won't they stand up?
Well, they give some good speeches about what he's doing is so wrong.
Isn't that good enough?
No, we don't think so, gun owners.
But they seem to think we're going to
Say, oh, gee, thanks a lot.
That was really a great speech.
I guess everything will be okay.
It really won't.
And we need to be looking for the opponents to these guys.
A guy by the name of Castleman is running against Senator Bozeman, I just learned, in Arkansas.
That would be an upgrade.
Bozeman was a pretty good guy when he first came to Congress.
He's so comfortable now as part of the establishment.
These are the kind of people that need to go.
If we're ever going to make any headway in Washington, because most of the Republicans have lied to us.
They said they were going to get rid of Obamacare, and they have it within their hands, the power to do it.
Of course, Obama might shut down some of the government functions, and they say, oh, we can't do that, that would be an electoral disaster.
But Obamacare's shutting the country down, as you know, it's bankrupting us.
And it's all predicated on a false premise, because
These guys should know better than the rest of us.
Wait a minute.
The last time Obama partially shut down the government, and I refuse to say shut it all down, that's just not true, but the last time there was a partial shutdown,
The result was six new Republican Senators were elected.
Net new Republican Senators.
What kind of wipeout is that?
Man, if the Democrats have any more victories like that, they won't even be a party!
Well, Gallup, as you know, and I'll tell you this when we come back, I've been talking about other strategies, what listeners can do to help defend the Second Amendment, because this is obviously the big assault.
Gallup's come out and said the lowest level of people ever identify as Democrats.
Trump's got a 20% victory with Hillary, with 20% of her people coming over to him in polls.
I want to ask you what you think of Trump.
Larry Pratt, gunowners.org.
Folks, you can go there and sign up for the free alerts or become a member.
And by the way,
You're insane if you're not a member of Governors of America.
I mean, if you're not a member, you're not defending the Second Amendment, you're basically a red coat in my view.
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800-328-9953 800-328-9953 That's 800-328-9953 Mark Kelly, the astronaut husband,
...of Gabby Giffords, the Congresswoman, said, you know, we've all heard these conspiracy theories about, I've got the clip, we can play it, about registration, confiscation, then comes tyranny, and then Obama's like, ha ha, ridiculous, ha ha!
Next they'll say Obamacare isn't free.
I mean, they have no credibility.
And the more they give speeches, the more unpopular they get.
Then we have the Austin mayor pro tem saying, we're going to confiscate once we register.
I mean, that's their admitted goal.
So they have a problem because their own publications like Newsweek and CNN say, yes, we want to ban guns, period.
But then they get up and say, we don't want your guns.
Is that part of their problem?
Is that with one hand they tell the truth, the other hand they lie?
They're assuming
Perhaps that the Democrat media, the old line media, the major networks that used to be the major networks, can somehow protect them from what you're pointing to.
The fact of the matter is, we don't trust them anymore.
And when Obama says, oh, I'm not going to take your guns, well, it tells me I better go buy another safe.
It tells me that that's what he has in mind.
He said you can keep your doctor.
How'd that work out?
Keep your plan.
Yeah, that too.
That was a good one.
And now he's saying he doesn't have any idea about taking our guns?
Listen, when he even refers to the Australian model, and Hillary Clinton did as well... That's incredible!
That's registration confiscation buyback!
Right there.
A forced buyback.
You must sell to the government.
We are confiscating all your semi-automatic firearms.
And that's supposed to be acceptable in the United States?
I think if they want to get it on, if they want to see, you know, Connecticut should have told them something.
If in Connecticut, a liberal state, people said, I'm not re-registering my guns, you already have it once, I'm not going to do it again.
And they did it publicly.
And something like what, we figure 95% maybe, never registered.
In Washington State, it was something similar to Obama's executive order.
All private sales must be registered and so forth?
So the good news, the public's waking up.
The liberal media keeps acting like we're kooks and no one's listening to us.
But that's the emperor's new clothes.
Really, they're being caught with their pants down.
But they're not going to stop.
They never do, in my view.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
How are they going to keep coming at us?
How do we block this?
I know you say get folks elected, put for impeachment, hearings, whatever.
And then what do you think about Donald Trump?
Who do you think is the best candidate right now in the lead?
Well, the more they push for gun control, the more they are going to stir up... I know members of Gun Owners of America are just absolutely beside themselves with concern, as well they should be.
And a lot of other Americans are equally concerned.
And so the more Obama prances around saying, I know, you guys are just silly, we're not thinking of anything like that, nobody believes him anymore at all.
That's why, even though we've endorsed Ted Cruz, I will say, the reason Donald Trump is doing as well as he is is because he's very effectively tapping into that, I'm finished with you guys.
I don't believe a word you're saying.
And I want to push back.
And Donald Trump has made himself
Available as a tool for pushing back.
Well let me say, I think because you're a one issue, I mean obviously you defend the whole Bill of Rights, but a gun rights organization, Cruz would be the best.
He does have the best voting record, no compromise.
Trump has done some questionable things, said some bad things in the past.
I hope we can trust him.
I think he's better than Hillary, but I agree.
I like Ted Cruz.
In fact, I'd like to see if Ted Cruz doesn't get the nomination, I'd like to see him as Vice President.
That's at least a possibility, even though we're fairly close to him.
Our chairman is up in New Hampshire right now campaigning with him.
Bless his heart, he must be frozen stiff.
I just don't know what all is going to happen that far down the road, but it does look as if Cruz has a very decent chance of pulling off a victory in Iowa.
That alone could influence how people vote in New Hampshire.
Right now Cruz is probably somewhere given on the polls second, third, fourth.
That could all change.
He's number two, yeah.
Shoot up to the top, yeah.
That could well be a game changer.
Sure, I mean Cruz is a clear second now to Trump and I gotta say I love this because I'll be happy either one.
But I mean Cruz is more of a constitutionalist.
He is politically smarter than Trump.
Trump is better I think in business ways but I mean either way it's better than Hillary.
Oh, by a long shot.
Yeah, you're right about Cruz.
He's smarter than all of us and probably all of our listeners combined.
The guy is unbelievably smart.
He's gonna run circles around whoever the Democrats have as a nominee.
May not be Hillary unless they can run somebody from jail.
Alright, gunowners.org.
Give us that number too, sir, if folks want to call and join.
Larry Pratt, what a hero.
George Washington in our lifetime.
Thank you, sir.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
President Obama is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors you may not know about, until now.
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For every question they don't want you to ask, he has the answer they don't want you to hear.
He is Alex Jones.
Well, you can tell I'm not writing these new liners.
They're very nice, but it's like, he's an egomaniac and has all the answers, Alex Jones.
But I guess it's a good liner.
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It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Now we want to get government under our thumb.
Crank it up.
Thank you.
When the government
When it fears the people, there is liberty.
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson needs to be under our thumb.
The way she walks, the way she talks to me.
Under my thumb.
And that's where it needs to be, not under the foreign Chinese or other governments.
Running our whole country?
Running it to the ground?
Okay, welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Am I looking at camera four or camera one?
They've changed the cameras around.
They look better.
I'm just getting my bearings and getting used to it here.
David Knight is hosting the fourth hour today.
Progressive and other insurers push surveillance chips to monitor drivers.
Is this in the future you want?
Meanwhile, robot cars, driverless and suicide bombers.
Pentagon brags about total surveillance of all humanity.
Civilian and contractor personnel, lumping whistleblowers like Thomas Drake in with violent terrorists.
Gitmo president released after 14 years of torture, no charges ever brought.
People say, well good, get tough on the terrorists.
They take the real terrorists, train them there, then release them to go command ISIS, and then folks that are innocent get tortured for no reason.
It's just a big exercise in breaking the law.
How about our government doesn't fund ISIS and Al Qaeda for 30 years?
How about we stop funding radical Islam?
How about we stop shipping them in here?
That's a good start.
There's a lot of right-wingers that are like, Obama better not shut it down, what are you going to do?
Third of them we release, go back and kill again.
Because they're being released on purpose!
Because when they go attack again, then they've got the terror attacks they need to take our freedoms.
You're like, well then, should you keep them or let them go?
You shouldn't have financed them to begin with.
And they should let the police
Profile these groups.
They block Interpol and the FBI from tracking these groups.
Congress has reported.
It's come out.
It came out with the San Bernardino situation.
Speaking of that, let me get to a clip of Gabrielle Giffords' husband, Mr. Kelly, at the CNN thing Friday.
And they're there.
Blabbering and talking about conspiracy theories that confiscation, registration, confiscation, tyranny.
And then I want to play for you Mayor Pro Tem who heads up the Safe Cities Initiative that ties into the Strong Cities Initiative of the UN.
He heads it up for the Mayor of Austin.
This is him two years ago when they were trying to pass gun registration, banning gun shows, and banning private transfer of firearms, even to family, and a bunch of other crud.
Magazine restrictions, there was a whole bunch of stuff at the state level, and he gets up to a guy with a sign saying, no gun ban.
With a stop sign.
A sign looks like a stop sign for radio listeners, obviously TV viewers will be able to see it.
And Martina says, let me just say something that just fell out here in the crowd.
With that sign.
Not yet, but after we do this, we're gonna do what's on your sign.
Nationwide gun confiscation is the goal of Mayors Against Illegal Guns.
Then they changed the name of it to the Safe Cities.
And there is Democratic official admits plan to confiscate guns.
And then they actually had the police chief here.
I had him on about other issues, and he's a nice guy.
I like him.
I mean...
He has, I think, made the police department better in many ways.
Done some bad stuff too.
But the point is, he's like, Mike Martinez shouldn't really mean that.
There was a guy who was cussing in the crowd.
We went back to the video.
It was their people attacking and cussing.
And he acted like Martinez was responding to that and not saying it.
I mean, come on Ace Veda.
I'm not stupid.
Don't talk to me like I'm a five-year-old.
I mean, don't try Jedi mind tricks on me telling me it's not the droids we're looking for.
It's the same stuff Obama does.
And I don't mean to go off on some jag against Ace Veda.
I'd love to get him in studio again.
In fact, I think we just asked him last week.
We'll see if he'll come in, but he's a busy guy.
But I mean, his dad was in the Cuban resistance, the CIA, the whole nine yards.
I've met his dad on St.
Patrick's Day.
I was down at the whole
We're good to go.
He was so blown away.
And I was just like, are you proud of your son coming after, you know, the Fourth Amendment and stuff?
And the point is, Acevedo's always like, don't call me a communist, I hate communists and I don't want tyranny.
Okay, well then don't go along with Obama's agenda.
Don't be advised by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
I mean, at a certain point, you've got to decide which side you're on.
I get you want to be on both sides and be Mr. Friendly and all, and I'm just picking Acevedo out, Art Acevedo.
As an example of police everywhere.
I mean, this country is being screwed over right now.
Real tyranny is coming in.
We need more than lip service.
But anyways, I just see Mike Martinez and the attempts that he's engaged in to take our guns.
And it's just why I don't want to dislike him.
I don't want to hate him.
It's like the last mayor we had, Lee Leffingwell, would get up and flip people off.
We have it on video.
A nice old man, former airline pilot.
We have doctors up there, medical doctors about fluoride with Harvard studies about brain damage, and he just starts scratching his head with his middle finger, clearly flipping everyone off, laughing at everyone.
Excuse me, I gotta get up and go during this.
Just so rude, so hateful.
Being perched on by people like this.
Anyways, let's go ahead and go to the clip.
Here it is.
Often what you hear in the debate of expanding background checks to more gun sales, and as you know, Gabby and I are 100% behind the concept of somebody getting a background check before buying a gun.
But when we testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee,
We heard not only from the gun lobby, but from United States Senators, that expanding background checks will, not may, will lead to a registry, which will lead to confiscation, which will lead to a tyrannical government.
So I would like you to explain, with 350 million guns, in 65 million places, households, from Key West to Alaska.
What I think Mark is alluding to is what I said earlier.
This notion of a conspiracy out there and it gets wrapped up in
Uh, concerns about the federal government.
Now, there's a long history of that.
That's in our DNA.
You know, uh, the United States was, was born suspicious of some distant authority.
Suspicious of a distant authority?
Like the world government being set up with a TPP that's beyond King George III.
At least we knew who he was and could read his proclamations.
TPPs was secret for the, while they were getting it rammed through.
These outrages are happening.
Now here's Martinez, pointing at the sign that says no gun ban.
Saying, sir, your sign right there?
We're going to make that a reality.
Austin City Council Member, Mike Martinez.
Thank you so much.
I've got a proclamation on behalf of the Mayor and City Council that we want to present, but I want to say a couple of words, and I'll be brief.
First of all, to the gentleman that's dying for attention, someone needs to inform him that there is no gun ban currently.
But, because of the work that we're doing here today, we will make your sign legitimate shortly.
So we will make that a reality.
So again, I've got so many clips I haven't gotten to.
I don't play something from last week for lack of clips.
It's just really important to remember the main mission.
And time and time again, when we would get up there, the Austin mayor, we just showed footage of him, would flip us off.
We're polite, we're nice, we fly in like top toxicologists, university, top department heads, and it's just all big and funny.
What a hateful, un-American pud.
I mean, you know, at a certain point, it's just, they hate us.
And they love to just sneak around and, yeah, we get at the registration.
We're going to make that sound reality, but not yet.
Just gloating how they're coming for us.
And, you know, secret recordings of Obama.
Don't worry, I'll beat these bitter clingers.
Now let's go to this next clip.
Integrated Muslim migrants.
Germans are disgusting.
They should all disappear.
Then I'm going to go to the Marine Corps General.
About how women in frontline combat is just ruining things.
Folks, I might be able when I was 20 or something, because I can run six, seven miles and lift weights and stuff, but it's still, I mean, I went on hikes for 10 miles with a backpack.
I felt like I was going to die.
I could have passed the Marine Corps Army boot camp, but I wasn't like, you know, in that good of shape.
Most men I know couldn't do it.
And most women I know couldn't do it, so they are reducing the pack sizes, like we knew.
They are going to, oh, you just have to do two pull-ups, not 20 now.
The standard's the standard.
I mean, what are they going to say?
Women in the NFL?
And so now they're going to put, you know, braces on the men so they can't run too fast?
I mean, it's out of a science fiction book, but it's happening.
Oh, some people don't have moms and dads, so you can't use that word now.
They're telling five-year-olds that?
You want to screw them up?
You want to create gender confusion?
Who would let people mentally abuse their children like this?
I'm sorry, but here it is.
Integrated Muslim migrants.
These are the sweet ones, the liberal ones.
Germans are disgusting.
They should all just disappear, close quote.
Shock video, Infowars.com, highlights attitudes of migrants towards host population.
Video shot in a German school shows integrated migrants, Muslims, speaking about how they find Germans disgusting and the country would be better off if they all disappeared.
The clip shows a woman speaking to migrant teenagers in a school.
Let's go ahead and play this clip.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Have you ever heard of the word integration?
Yeah, what does integration mean?
It means you exclude others, right?
No, that's precisely what it is.
Who of you has German friends?
German friends?
You, not me.
Not a single one.
You don't have German friends?
Let's be honest.
Do you have German friends?
Well, wait.
Don't lie.
Do you have German friends?
Why don't you have German friends?
Because they don't belong to us.
I cannot be like them.
It's like this.
If you hang out with Germans, they do different things than you.
For example, eating pork.
I'm disgusted by them, to be honest.
If I see this, I'm absolutely disgusted.
Look at all the migrants who stay in Germany.
And all the Germans would disappear for just a single day.
Nobody would notice.
Really, I notice you not having to wear a headdress, a beekeeper suit.
I notice you getting to wear earrings.
And that's the thing.
They're not, on average, taking the freedom and enjoying it.
They're getting upset by it, but merging with like gangster rap and communism.
I mean, it's, ugh!
And that's what I see now in Austin, downtown Austin now, two years ago it didn't look like this.
I mean, a lot of days it looks like, and here he is, I mean, that you are in.
A third world, Middle Eastern country.
I mean, you'll be driving and it's just like, Muslim dress, Muslim dress, Muslim dress, Muslim dress, Muslim women everywhere with babies.
And all the trendy, you know, white, black, Hispanic women out.
You know, they're not having kids.
And it's just like, okay, if the Muslims wanted to integrate and whatever, it wouldn't be an issue.
But it's like the anger, the upsetness.
And I'd be downtown now and there's, you know, Saudi Arabians and folks walking around and when you're walking, even if you try to get out of their way, they know people don't like them.
They know they're from another culture and they're looking at you like they want to kill you.
It's like I'm in a Bugs Bunny cartoon or something and I go, Hassan Chop!
You know, how did I get to this point?
And suddenly, Fox, CNN, MSNBC, there's women in hajibs, hajibs, all over TV, you know, as the pundits, talking about the racist whites.
In fact, let's go to that.
I've never played these clips.
I have to play this at the first of the show.
This is Hillary.
Clip after clip.
This is her at a fusion forum, poses questions to Hillary on white terrorism, white privilege, and reparations.
And then there's another clip.
Travis Smiley.
On Obama's legacy for Black America, there's another one.
Students taught most U.S.
territories terrorists are conservative white men.
That's at the College Fix with Dr. Rosa Avila, the University of California.
I mean, it's just every day.
That's the new thing.
Whites are terrorists.
Whites are bad.
Whites are evil.
Whites are the source of all problems.
I mean, this is like Hitler against the Jews, but the opposite.
And it's being taught all over the world, folks.
It's so whacked out.
It's all over MSNBC, all over CNN.
I play the clips almost every day.
These are evil people, folks.
Anderson Cooper.
Let's go ahead and play the Hillary clip.
All of the Democratic presidential candidates have said that black lives matter, even if they didn't at first.
But how will your administration specifically prove that?
The danger of ISIS is clearly a major threat to American safety.
But personally, I know many minorities who are much more concerned with racist attacks at the local level than radical Islamists.
Question to put it plainly since often issues of race are tiptoed.
Do you believe that white terrorism and extremism is as much a threat to some in this country as something like ISIS?
As Alicia mentioned, my name is Talia Nguetto and I'm a junior here at Drake University and my question is for you, and it is the following.
White privilege is a term that more people are talking openly about these days.
Certainly people like me have long understood what it means.
Secretary Clinton, can you tell us what the term white privilege means to you?
And can you give me an example from your life or career when you think you have benefited from it?
Do you think 2016 is the year, kind of on the federal level, we should start studying reparations?
That's all that's talked about in these colleges.
That's all that's talked about in the public schools pretty much now.
Other than entertainment.
I mean, totally dumbed down people, unaware of what's going on in the real world.
Where every movie you go see, the Native Americans are perfect angels and the settlers are the devil.
That's just not how it was.
Settlers showed up and native tribes came to them and said, you will help us kill the other tribe or we're going to kill you.
And that's because they were just like we were.
They just were in a more barbaric state than Europe had been from a thousand plus years of war.
It had stabilized.
Humans are just humans.
And it's just the craziest, craziest thing.
The chip on the shoulder kids from these college, these young adults,
Who have been cheated.
There's not going to be jobs.
There's not going to be a future under globalism.
This is an engineered global depression.
And just all they can think about is all this newspeak and political correctness.
They are handicapped.
They are mentally ill.
They are screwballs.
They are chip-on-the-shoulder ruined people.
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By the way, if you go to InfoWars.com, there's a big boil-down article by Kit Daniels that's red-linked that is so important.
We've got the Bank of Scotland, other major banks coming out with their directors and heads saying, this is Great Depression level.
These are quotes.
So this is imminent.
Get your money out.
Get out of investments right now.
That's what a lot of experts that have been accurate in the past, like Mr. Dent last week, are saying.
I mean, this is serious.
Very serious situation.
And you can also read the articles at Drugs Report.
OPEC panicking.
Time to stash cash at CNBC.
One trillion erased from stocks.
Royal Bank of Scotland cries.
Sell everything.
I mean this is just crazy.
Biden is now creeping back.
Hinting at running.
MoveOn again has endorsed
Bernie Sanders, that means George Soros.
Hillary, Hillary may be falling.
I don't want to count her out because she's got nine lives, or nine heads, or whatever, a nine-headed Gorgon Medusa.
But, I don't know.
She's in big trouble.
Illegal immigration by whole families surges 40% in the last year.
That's because they let the new anchor kids that come in now bring their families.
And I'm not against these individuals, but their weapons.
James O'Keefe strikes again.
Common Core Sting captures executives saying program is schemed to sell more books.
By the way, O'Keefe said it was breaking in January and he'd come on.
Let's get him on about that.
I'm sure we're already doing it.
By the way, I said I'd do this, so I'll do it now.
I want to do a review of the new movie, The Revenant, a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead, like Lazarus.
I'm a big Leonardo DiCaprio fan.
I think he's a great actor.
That said, I don't agree with some of his politics, obviously.
And I'm not a huge Hardy fan.
Some of his roles are good, like Charles Bronson, but he did a great job in this one.
They really pulled it off.
Bravo to the director.
But it was depressing.
I mean, I was riveted, but I was ready to get out of there after two and a half hours.
It's like two hours, 40 minutes long.
I would not say the bear rapes him, but it's fair that people would think that because a lot of the bears will actually roll on you, crush you, try to make you move before they bite you.
It's a real bear.
They use it.
It's been trained.
And then also, I guess, some animatronics or something.
But very accurate bear attack.
I'm not going to give any more away from it.
I mean, Legends of the Fall, where a kid, a baby, kills a bear.
Brad Pitt is the stupidest moment in cinematic history, because it's not a Fantasyland movie, you know, where stuff's supposed to be upside down and pigs fly.
But, really over the top movie.
Absolutely over the top.
And it just shows the animalistic murder on all sides.
It doesn't say that the natives are perfect or the French are perfect or the British or the Americans are perfect.
It's a snapshot.
I'm telling you, the big movie that needs to be made in Hollywood, folks, the big movie is one in Andrew Jackson's time.
People say, he was racist.
He tried to exterminate Western Indians because everybody he knew had been killed.
I mean, he tried to exterminate the British, too, because they killed his mother and brother.
I mean, he was a killer, but he was not a bad guy.
You have to know the time they were in, folks, when they would have Indians come down out of the North, natives, and kill 100,000 people in a month.
I mean, whole cities burning.
They never make movies about it.
This movie doesn't really get into that, but it's in an earlier time frame.
I'd say probably the 1830s or so.
All right, I'm out of time for this hour.
I'm going to do five more minutes, cover some other news, then go to David Knight.
I did not plug again this hour.
I need to.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
In today's world, abortion supporters routinely attend pro-life rallies and attempt to bully activists.
If you have a problem and need a smelly group of commie devil worshippers, maybe you can call the A-Team.
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
I kill my kids.
Hey, we saw your Facebook with your communist hammer and sickle.
That's pretty cool, man.
Is that you on the Facebook?
Is there a Facebook page of you with a hammer and sickle?
I don't think so.
How do you get your fortunes paid?
I pay for them.
How many do you pay for them?
Upwards of 50.
Oh yeah.
You, you piece of f***ing s***!
Bunch of misogynist motherf***ers!
Take your male privilege somewhere else!
Tyler, you're being aggressive.
I'm being aggressive?
Come on, in the house!
Get in the house!
Watch out!
Watch out!
These, that's the guys that attacked Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We are on the very front lines, ladies and gentlemen.
Nightly News coming up tonight, seven o'clock central.
David Knight will be running the show here after the break in about six, seven minutes.
I am finishing up this little No Man's Land part of the transmission right now.
There are so many incredible things going on.
My dad was just
sending me text messages during the break and you know I know this and I know under the teaching of Wahhabist Islam this is going on and he was saying I need to get Bill Warner on the foundations of Islam as a guest.
And my dad sent me this text.
It's a study four kinds of Jihad.
One type is deception and infiltration.
Lies are a duty.
Rape and deception too.
Ethics should not apply to unbelievers.
Yes dad I know that.
And my dad's never somebody in my whole life I've heard running down Islam.
I mean obviously he knows all about it and is a bookworm and been around the world but he's even upset about what's going on listening to the show.
And you just see how much the people that run things hate us.
How they just want to get us all fighting with each other while they rule and control the planet.
They want to destroy the military too.
Department of War propagandist Edward Bernays was hired in the 1920s to get women into the workforce because they wanted to be able to have the state raise the kids and to get women to smoke cigarettes because it was seen as unladylike to smoke cigarettes.
Women snorted powdered snuff.
And he came out and he said, we're going to put women in the military.
We're going to do all this, but first we've got to, you know, start breaking down the family.
We've got to get them smoking cigarettes, so we say, you know, don't do what the men tell you, smoke cigarettes.
And to put women in the military now, that is to break it down, to make it fall apart.
It hardly works with men together.
And a lot of it is called brainwashing you go through, and it doesn't work with men and women together.
You've got to get people to be brainwashed to get them to run into machine gun fire.
And men are able to do it because that programming is already there.
Women aren't, historically.
But I don't have time to play the clip now.
David Knight.
Undoubtedly, we'll play it when we come back from break.
We'll get his comment on it, and we'll play the clip with David on the other side.
I'll segue over.
But we have the head of Southcom coming out, and it's a two-minute, 42-second video.
We'll play it when we come back.
The general says military will be pressured to lower standards for women in combat in order to please agenda-driven in Washington.
But see, the general comes out and says it's already being done in select units and it's causing problems.
We're going to play the clip.
He doesn't know why they want to destroy the military.
Because robots!
They've said they have to screw it up first, bring down unit capabilities to then have the robots come in, operate better, and remove you to remove human judgment so the elites can take over in a technocracy.
The Arizona Senate is poised to pass a bill that will outlaw citizens from taking videos of police, even on their own private property.
SB1054 reads, it is unlawful for a person to knowingly make a video recording of law enforcement activity.
If the person making the recording does not have the permission of the law enforcement officer and is within 20 feet of where the law enforcement activity is occurring.
Which is to say, if you are involved in a traffic stop, you cannot film the encounter without the express permission of the officer.
The legislation represents another encroachment on private property by the state.
If police can tell you what to do on your own property, you no longer have property rights.
And we've previously seen people arrested or worse in other parts of the country for filming their encounters with law enforcement.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I see your hair is burning.
Hills are filled with fire.
Hills are filled with fire.
If I say I never loved you.
If they say I never loved you.
You know they are right.
I know what I'm gonna be listening to driving home today.
Riding down your freeway.
This is the best song to be driving.
Midnight alleys roam.
Cops in cars.
By the way, I don't think I'm a good singer.
I just do it to show people I'm not embarrassed, I don't care.
It's good to just get out there and be real.
They get your mojo rising.
Gotta keep on riding, riding, riding.
Alright, I got to a lot of the news.
I didn't get to a ton of it though.
David Knight is taking over.
And the reason I decided to hold over a little bit into the hour he's hosting is because I looked at the topics he's going to be getting into.
Robotic cars, the takeover, insurance companies demanding you have these chips.
That's how it begins to track what you do and then go, oh, let the robot take over.
We'll give you discounts.
And then, oh, we're going to triple charge you to drive yourself.
And then you know what?
You're disqualified.
And you're like, well, it's a safer world.
It'd be a safer world for humans if we were never born.
We need a world where we run things.
We need a world where we do things for ourselves.
Or we lose control of that world.
And I know it's a balance of both, but there is no balance the way the power structure's doing this.
And as sure as the sun came up this morning, and as it's gonna set this evening as our planet orbits around it, just as sure as night follows day, just as sure as Bill Clinton's a big fat liar and so's Obama, just as sure as ugly old Hillary's a demon,
Just as sure as Obamacare is a giant screwjob written by foreign insurance companies, they are putting women in combat positions to make them slaves of the state cannon fodder.
It's culturally acceptable in the human continuum for men to be made to go fight by a tribe.
You could say draft is slavery.
But if your country's totally being attacked, you're being overrun, you shouldn't even have to have a draft.
Men are going to want to fight.
But in this jellyfish world, that's not the case.
Then the elites don't fight, the poor people fight, and that's wrong because in every culture, if the king's children wouldn't fight in the army or the navy, if the king a thousand years ago, whether it was Japan or jolly old England or France, wouldn't lead his armies into battle?
I mean, there were British kings, a bunch of them that died in the Crusades, charging castle gates themselves.
I'll tell you, a really accurate rendition of that is the last Robin Hood with Russell Crowe.
And of course, in that whole legend, that's actually what it was, that one king got ransomed, his brother took over and was corrupt.
There was another one right after that actually got killed in France, storming a castle.
And in the movie, he gets shot by a, you know,
Was a crossbow bolt right in the throat.
He's just like... I mean, that's what those guys were like.
In the old days, the guy was the king because he was six foot five and could kill everybody.
His great granddaddy was a warlord, you know, that came in with the Vikings and just conquered.
I mean, these people didn't play games.
And if the king didn't get in his armor and ride out, people didn't follow him.
In the old days in Spain, all the different noblemen would have to supply their sons
If somebody said something rude about the other nobleman's father, oh, you're 70 years old, you're not going to fight.
Your son's going to fight my son.
In fact, El Cid is an incredible movie with, uh, oh, what's his name?
I knew him.
I interviewed him, uh, Charlton Heston.
I can't remember his name.
And he, it's a true story of fighting the Moors, fighting the Muslims who invaded Spain.
His wife-to-be's father, who was the king of a local principality, because there wasn't one king over Spain at the time, it was like Germany, a bunch of sectors, said something bad about his dad, so he killed him.
I mean, he said, pull your sword out, and they fought to the death.
And then of course later she forgave him and still married him, because she loved him, but it was her dad that shot his mouth off, and Honor said they had to fight to the death.
That's the complete difference of what we've become today as men.
Think about that.
Dishonorable, pathetic, weak pushovers, myself included, compared to people a long time ago.
Chivalry ended with people like Colonel Travis, Bowie, Sam Houston, Andrew Jackson, and let me tell you, they weren't perfect people.
But you actually read, even from the other histories of what those guys did, you read it, you can't believe it.
It's beyond a movie like the one I went and saw last night, The Revenant.
Beyond it.
And now you look what we've been turned into.
It's pathetic.
And now they want to put women in frontline combat.
And of course, oh, you only got to do two pull-ups, 10 push-ups.
Oh, you don't have to run 40 miles with a 40-pound pack or hike 25 miles over mountains with a 70-pound pack and your weapon.
Do you have any idea how hard it is to carry ammo and a rifle 10 miles?
I've done it hog-hunting.
A little backpack and ammo and a rifle, and you are sick of it.
On your way back.
And I used to be in really good shape.
It's no reflection on women.
Men can't have babies.
Does that mean we're being discriminated against?
It's just crazy.
But you see, it's not crazy.
And the top generals come out and says, why is this happening?
Why do you want to mess up the military?
He's the longest serving U.S.
general in history.
John Kelly, commander of the U.S.
Southern Command, and he breaks it down
I don't
And because, you know, let's say somebody like, you know, Tim Kennedy could, you know, kick my butt easily because of all of his skills and training and strength, and it doesn't matter, his whole family wins Olympic gold medals, and has unusual genetics, that's, we should drug him with a bunch of sedatives and tie his arms behind his back to make it fair.
So I can kick his butt.
And people are like, well, that's not fair.
Well, I've chosen to be the UFC champion and you're discriminating against me and you don't let me.
Or it'd be like a five-foot woman saying she wants to play in the NBA and so, you know, chop the legs off the players so she can play.
I mean, this is really what they're doing.
But it's to screw up society ahead of the robot takeover and that's the globalist admission.
So that's the rest of the story and the intel for the military.
And getting rid of all male roles of strength and honor because they want to extinguish that completely to finish our domestication and final enslavement and a sanguination to the establishment Borg.
Now let's go to this clip and I hand the thing over to David Knight.
Here it is.
uh... given the given the mission united states armed forces to fight the nation's wars uh... i believe that uh... every decision we make with no decision tom or or or or an acquisition new airplane a new whatever widget i think every decision has to be looked through only one filter and that is does it make us more lethal on the battlefield uh... will it end up will result in less casualties on our side
Will it end up in less casualties on the other side?
Because they're human beings too.
Some of them very much deserve to be killed, but others don't.
So that's the filter.
So if you look at anything we're contemplating doing, does it make us more lethal?
If the answer to that is yes, then do it.
If the answer to that is no, clearly don't do it.
If the answer to that is shouldn't hurt, I would suggest that we shouldn't do it.
Because it might hurt.
So that's in my opinion.
The way I think you do this is, since we're ordered to do it, is you simply do it.
My greatest fear, and we see this happen a lot over the 45 years I've been in the Armed Forces, is right now they're saying we're not going to change any standards.
There will be great pressure, whether it's 12 months from now, four years from now,
Because the question would be asked, well, we've let women into these other roles, why aren't they staying in those other roles?
Why aren't they advancing as infantry people?
Persons, I guess.
Why aren't they becoming, you know, more senior?
And the answer, I think, will be if we don't change standards, it will be very, very difficult to have any numbers, any real numbers come into the infantry or the Rangers.
All right, let's stop right there.
People aren't going to go into it anymore.
You know, guys that can do 500 pull-ups and literally break your arm with one hand.
I mean, some of these guys.
Most of them have chromosome doubles and stuff.
I mean, I've seen these guys.
Okay, they're not natural.
And by that, they're not taking drugs.
These are Ben Graham, a bunch of these guys.
And I mean, they're supermen.
And then they also are smart and don't fold under pressure.
Which is a male attribute on average, but it's the extreme of that.
Here's the allegory.
I'm going to skip this break.
We're going to David Knight.
If you get somebody like Caitlyn Jenner or whatever his name was back when he was the, you know, gold medal winner and he actually beat some black runners, that was even unprecedented in the seventies.
And it's not that white runners at their best were horrible.
They were, you know, a half a second, not as good, you know, or a second and a longer racer than the black runner.
And then, almost all the black runners winning were Kenyan background because that genetics even better from, you know, those arid areas.
People gotta walk 30 miles a day genetically.
If their ancestors couldn't do it, they'd die.
Now, is that saying it's racist that whites aren't winning all the races or Hispanics or whatever?
It's just stupid!
It's ridiculous.
And now they're catching all these guys that are really men or hermaphrodites and have testicles winning races.
And they're going, well, let them.
Of course, it's not a woman, it's a man.
And you look, and the runner's a man beating women.
That's not fair either.
Well, they're transgendered.
Oh, now they want to put transgendered in the election.
Where the guy has testicles, has testosterone, and is going to beat the women.
Well, of course he's going to beat the women.
This is just them playing with reality, being able to jack with the human species.
That's all they're doing.
And it's a joke, folks.
It's crazy.
It's stupid.
But it's not when you realize they have to overwrite all the traditional roles in this country, in this world.
So if you want to be a world champion long-distance runner, you know, pretty much 90% of the winners are Kenyans.
And then most of the other winners are other Africans, and then maybe, maybe some Greek guy or some, you know, something is just super genetics and he's able, but he's the anomaly, folks.
Those people that are that good, most people in Africa aren't that fast.
It's out of hundreds of millions of people, there's these certain tiny percentage points where there's just little bitty differences.
But you get into women in special forces and frontline combat?
All the other militaries have tried it, folks.
When guts are flying and people are screaming and heads are blown off, women panic.
They don't follow orders.
They go crazy.
They run.
They hide.
Or they go psycho and go running off trying to kill people, not following orders.
Then you get into hygiene issues.
You get into women failing.
In 30 Days in the Wilderness, it goes on and on and on and on, and everybody knows it, and they call it anti-woman to not want to stick our women in the most ancient, dirty part of human activity, killing.
Men have always done the killing.
Men are killing machines!
Women are there to have babies and be strong and build up the culture and help people with medicine and literature and science.
It's the species.
Men are builders, men are planners, men are creators as well, but men are defenders, and that means they're killers.
And now, forget men and women, while we're all busy fighting with each other,
The computer is here, the robot is here, and the elite controlling it is here, and that computer, that robot, will follow the orders to a T. It will not say no when they say kill civilians.
It will cover up and say somebody else did it.
It will lie with impunity.
Carrying out its evil mission.
That's what this is about.
And you notice Kelly engaging a huge rebellion there.
That's a big deal to have a commanding general of South Com said it's a horrible idea, we shouldn't do it, but I'm in order to do it.
He's not supposed to even say that.
That is unprecedented.
And the other general coming out and saying, we created ISIS, it's horrible.
This is the last vestiges of human decision-making that you see why they want computers, you see why they want robots, you see why they want dumbed-down humans following the orders.
David Knight, you're hosting the rest of the show.
Thank you for doing a great job.
You've heard my last 3 hours and 20 minutes of transmission.
What's your take on what I just said?
Then tell us what's coming up today.
Well, thank you, Alex.
My take on that is, it reminds me of a story by Kurt Vonnegut called Harrison Bergeron.
I actually made a short video out of that.
And in that, the whole idea was making everybody equal.
That they pursued equality of results above all else.
Visual images of someone who is a very good ballerina and then they load her down with weights so she can't dance.
Or somebody who's a tennis player and they load him down with weights or they tie his arm up or whatever.
It's absolutely absurd on that level.
The other thing that reminds me of Alex... And they're getting rid of A-plus grades?
They're getting rid of trophies?
Yeah, the other thing that reminds me of is, as I hear all this, I'm reminded of those Virginia Slim commercials when they still used to have cigarette ads on television.
Say, you've come a long way, baby.
Here's your cancer stick, okay?
Yeah, exactly.
You've come a long way.
Sixty years after they brainwashed women to smoke, saying, show your men.
Yeah, exactly.
You've come a long way, sweetheart.
Yeah, and so that's what they're doing right now.
Of course, I think
Another aspect of this, Alex, besides, you know, pitting gender against gender and that sort of thing and getting people to come in and join the military as kind of a sucker play like they do with the cigarettes with Virginia Slim, I think the other aspect of that is that they want to get them involved in a killing mentality because they're going to be
Using remote control machines.
It's like I've got this article here from talking about how ISIS is showing off a driverless car bomb.
Great point.
Get the women into running the remote vehicles to think they're part of the killing and get them into that whole culture as well.
Notice every new movie shows the woman as the warrior princess beating the men.
They're being totally primed to publicly support the robot kill system.
Yeah, that's what we said, that was our take on Star Wars at the beginning.
I said, yeah, I really enjoyed the film.
It worked as an action film and everything.
But understand that like every other movie you're seeing coming out of Hollywood, they're programming you to see women as warriors, not as nurturers, okay?
To go against their nature, to change their nature, just as they wish to change the nature of men.
So they show the man in that as being very weak.
So that's the whole point.
That's the control programming that is part of this.
And then mammals see and look.
And humans sit there and watch it and really believe men are these despicable, dumb, moron creatures.
Yes, yes, yes.
They show it over and over again.
I mean, look at this.
Every commercial I see, the dad is a raving loon.
Totally stupid.
Look at the new Star Wars.
I mean, the guy who is her counterpart, her romantic involvement there, is a black guy.
They make him a janitor.
He's very empathetic.
Okay, but he really doesn't, you know, he's not an action figure.
He's not a take charge guy.
He's kind of, you know, where they would have put the female lead.
What did the Pentagon say with Jade Helm?
They said, we are worried about empowered individuals, not terrorists, but anyone empowered, not following the directives because they're following orders of the globalists.
They want us to follow the orders.
They've been given orders to brainwash us and make us follow orders.
No, we're giving you orders under the Constitution, Bill of Rights.
Common sense, self-preservation, that you are deactivated right now, military, and you are going to defend the Republic and break the enemy programming.
You're strong enough to do it, for heaven's sakes.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, actually, Alex, you know, one of the other things that I was going to talk about briefly, I mentioned it last night in the nightly news, the fact that they're talking about looking at the insider threat.
The Pentagon is announcing that it's going to be monitoring
Uh, completely.
All military, civilian and contract personnel.
And that means... Which they've always been doing, the main NSA thing.
But now they're announcing it.
Now they're announcing it.
They're announcing it as part of a intimidation aspect.
We've got another story also about Palantir.
Remember I did that report on it back in December 2013.
Palantir is a data mining company.
Yes, exactly.
And then again at the same time, another article I've got here I'll talk about in depth.
We've got the chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, Mike McCaul, right here out of Texas.
He's written a new book, Alex, and it's called Failures of Imagination.
And so what he does is he talks about how terrorists could unleash an attack at Disney World, or the Academy Awards, or Mall of America, just so he can get everybody
So afraid.
And it really is a form of terrorism itself.
I mean, these are, to put that stuff out there.
That's right.
Hyping the terror is the terror, and then bringing it in and not pointing out that issue is the terror.
Great job, David.
I'm gonna throw it back to you now.
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Get that word out as well.
David Knight, thank you so much for the great job you're doing.
I'm going to go ahead and hand the baton to you.
God bless.
Thank you, Alex.
And when we come back, as Alex had mentioned earlier, we're going to be talking about how car insurers are trying to twist drivers' arms into putting monitoring devices in your car.
It's not going to stop there.
This is a surveillance that is going to be used to push you out of private car ownership, to take away your freedom of travel, to monitor your every movement.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The first Republican debate of 2016 is this Thursday, January 14th.
And join the InfoWars Nightly News and Prison Planet TV once again for Political Science Theater 3K.
The stage will be getting smaller with only six candidates making the cut.
Maybe seven if they let John Kasich slip in through the back door.
Coverage starts at 7 p.m.
Central on the InfoWars Nightly News and then the debate kicks off at 8 p.m.
Join us for analysis that cuts through the lies in real time.
When's the next Democratic debate, you ask?
Well, it's on a Sunday during the NFL playoffs, because that's when most people want to watch it.
It does not appear that Rand Paul is going to make the cut in this primetime debate, but John Kasich is?
What is this world coming to?
Just a little side note here, the majority of Americans polled think that Hillary Clinton should continue to run if she is indicted under this new email scandal.
Join us this Thursday, 7 p.m.
Central, for Political Science Theater 3K.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host for the rest of this fourth hour.
And as I was saying before we went to break, I want to talk about what's really going to be going on with driverless cars.
And of course, they're not driverless cars.
Truth is, they're robot cars.
They're being driven by humans.
It's just humans who are operating through software that they wrote.
You see a problem there?
I do.
They're also going to be controlled and monitored by the government.
I see a big problem with that as well.
Let me tell you how this is going to roll out.
And we've been saying this for a very long time.
We've been talking about this for, well, at least since I've been here.
And Alex was talking about that before I got here.
And we've been talking about exactly how this is going to roll out.
You're going to be pushed out of your car with insurance rates.
That's the way they're going to come after you.
And that's what this article is about.
And of course, this has been the dream of the government for a very long time.
They want to control everything about your life, make you dependent on them, your housing, your food, especially your transportation.
Look at all of these ridiculous projects that come up, all these monorail systems and subway systems and American cities where you don't have the population density that comes anywhere close to being able to need that or to support that.
But of course they want to concentrate people into the cities.
That's what's going on with the BLM.
They're cutting edge of pushing people off of the land.
They're making it so that people can't make a living off the land.
They're making it so that when they don't allow people to do any lumbering, taking off standing dead wood in the forest, or removing trees that have fallen, then what they do is they make it possible for millions of acres to burn.
Just in Oregon, there were millions of acres that burned.
The same year, they came after that family for saying, well, you burned 139 acres.
They had 3.4 million acres that burned in Oregon that year.
And a lot of that was due to mismanagement by the BLM.
But of course, the BLM lights its own backfires to try to control wildfires.
And they do damage to private property.
Nobody ever does anything to them.
We also have a story from Hillary Clinton saying, we need to arrest these protesters in Oregon
Yeah, you know, I think we need to take the line that Rand Paul said when you got all these people calling for the arrest and imprisonment of Ed Snowden.
He says, well, maybe he broke some laws, but we can imprison Ed Snowden when we imprison the people like Michael Hayden and Clapper, James Clapper, who lied to us, who broke the law as well.
They broke a much more serious law.
He was trying to expose what they were doing.
And so, of course, Rand Paul says, yeah,
Okay, fine.
Lock up Snowden, but lock those guys up too.
Well, okay, you want to go after these guys who engage in civil disobedience like Occupy Wall Street?
You never called for them to be in prison, did you?
Well, then fine.
Let's look at your crimes.
Let's send you to jail for the things that you've gotten away with.
But let's get back to the cars.
I want to talk about that first.
This is a Wall Street Journal article now.
The mainstream media is talking about this quite a bit.
And, of course, this is the financial angle.
They say, car insurers find tracking devices are a tough sell.
Oh, really?
I mean, really?
You don't want the car company, the insurance company, sitting there monitoring your every move and adjusting your insurance rates accordingly?
As many people say, it just creeps me out.
They say, in a lab at Progressive Corporation's suburban headquarters, you've got technicians looking at a colleague driving from his home into the city, and they've got a dot on a computer screen that's moving along with a map
Overlaid with speed limits, and whenever he goes over the speed limit, the little dot turns red.
And then they will eventually have something that's going to record that, report that to the insurance company, report that to the police, so they can fine you accordingly.
Guess what?
You're not going to be driving a car very long under those circumstances.
And already, the Federal Department of Transportation has mandated what they call V-to-V, vehicle-to-vehicle communication, or
Like they like to put it, when they came to South by Southwest, they said, talking cars, because that sounds so cool.
You know, it sounds like something out of Pixar's cars, but no, it's not.
They're going to be talking, and they're going to be talking about you.
They're going to say, he drives too fast, he brakes too quickly, he corners too hard.
All this nanny government, literally, in your car.
Maybe we should use a third amendment to shut this down, huh?
Yeah, I don't want the government as my co-pilot.
Or the Godverment, as I guess that's what they're like.
Using devices installed in the customers' cars, Progressive and other auto insurers are tracking things like how far their customers drive, how often they slam on the brakes, and as one person says, they say, well, you have to hide.
But I don't want big business or Big Brother being involved in my personal life.
It creeps me out.
A person after my own heart.
They say this involves Progressive, Allstate, State Farm, Mutual, Automobile insurance companies are all promoting plug-in devices and or smartphone apps.
They've got an app for that.
You don't even have to stick the hardware in there.
They can just put the app on your smartphone.
As well as cutting deals to piggyback on automakers and car computers.
There you go.
Cutting deals with them.
And who do you think is cutting deals with the insurance companies and the car companies to put all this stuff in?
It's the government.
It's the government.
They want to play nice with the government because that has some benefits for them, of course.
There's one thing they can do, they can throw you under the bus.
And of course, the solution that they want to tell us is that we're going to have driverless taxis like Uber or Lyft that you won't need to own a car because all the cars will be owned by one corporation that works hand-in-glove with the government.
That's called fascism, folks.
It's called crony capitalism.
It's called corruption.
It's called the loss of freedom.
I grew up in the 20th century.
I am a man of the 20th century.
And in the 20th century, we looked at cars as a very expression of our freedom.
Go where you wanted to go, when you wanted to go, and in the style that you wanted to go.
I mean, you could get something like a Pinto, or you could get a muscle car, you could get a luxury car, whatever.
You had that freedom.
To spend what you wanted to spend on the car, go in the manner that you wanted to go, whenever you wanted to go.
That was a major selling point of Chevrolet.
See the USA in a Chevrolet?
They were selling freedom.
Now what they're selling is control.
Now what they're selling is the fact that you can just disengage and put yourself in the matrix of Facebook.
You can sit there and tweet and do postings on Facebook and just disconnect from the real world.
Just be chauffeured along in your little car.
They say early company surveys, though, of people's interest in these usage-based insurance plans reveal that only about 40% of the people had a viewpoint, that 40% of the people had a viewpoint that was some variation on, no way in hell.
And I'm surprised that it is that small.
That's what really concerns me, is that only 40% of the people see a problem with this.
They went through and they looked at some of the data.
They found that drivers who slam on brakes more than eight times every 500 miles are 73% more likely to get into an accident in a given year.
Oh, you mean like the Google car?
That has accident rates that are four to five times what the average car owner has is slamming on brakes all the time.
Of course, if you slam on the brakes and somebody hits you from behind, you're not charged with the accident.
The Google car is not charged with the accident.
But isn't it interesting?
I wonder if the Google car could get insurance on this basis.
And then they talk about how even if the companies want to be nice and they don't want to get into this big brother
A scenario.
They're saying they're going to have an adverse selection.
In other words, they say companies that don't offer a usage based program could be impacted by an adverse selection.
In other words, they could be stuck with bad drivers.
They're assuming that if you don't want to be monitored 24-7 by the government, you're a bad driver.
I am not a terrorist because I don't want the government listening and recording my every movement.
And I'm not a bad driver because I don't want the insurance company looking for every possible excuse to raise my insurance rates.
And if you sign on to this thing, you are selling out your future.
This is not the future I want.
It's not the future I want for me.
It's not the future I want for my children or grandchildren.
And if you sign on to this, just understand, you are just signing away your freedom to move about.
But of course, ISIS has now got a driverless car bomb.
And understand that DARPA's very first challenge, remember a year or two ago, they had the robot that they said that they were setting up, so it would save people from a Fukushima type of accident.
DARPA is about creating weapons, okay?
They're the Defense Advanced Research Project.
They're about creating weapons.
Their very first machine they made, or their very first competition I should say, was in 2003.
They challenged inventors to make a machine that could by itself navigate a 300 mile stretch between LA and Vegas.
So, this is their first challenge.
They've done many challenges since then.
But they envision this as something that's going to be used by the military.
From the very beginning, they envisioned it as a weapon.
And now we're being told that somehow ISIS, you know, those people who are given American weapons, those people who are transported to the area from Chechnya so they can stop fighting the Russians in Chechnya and the southern parts of Russia, now they can fight the Russians in Syria.
You know, those same people, the Pentagon and the CIA, those people who have been equipping and training and funding ISIS, now they're saying,
Now they've got a driverless car bomb.
They say driverless cars.
This is popular science because, and it's interesting because popular science is usually very gee whiz and supportive of any technology, but even they say driverless cars are supposed to be a sign of a tranquil future where pleasant machines cart relaxed guests around, handling all the messiness of automobile travel.
Yeah, you know, it's just like
Beauty and the Beast at Disney World.
You know, be my guest, get into my car, right?
Except it's a trap, folks, if you get into that.
And of course, it's going to be a trap once we see these driverless car bombs.
They're going to be used as weapons, but whether or not they're used as weapons, whether or not they're used as terrorist car bombs, they're going to be used as a weapon of control.
Understand that our very interstate system was designed as a military device.
That's why Hitler did the autobahn in Germany.
Eisenhower saw it and said, we need that here.
Not because he wanted you to be able to see the world in a Chevrolet, okay, but because he wanted to be able to move the military very quickly from one spot to the other.
He had already been involved in a project where in the Northeast he had to move a division of equipment and he was appalled at how difficult it was.
They couldn't get through the roads that were there.
So they said, well, let's build this
Gigantic system, called the interstate, have really wide lanes and then if we need to we can commandeer it for military use.
But of course what they wound up doing was commandeering it to enforce a 55 mile an hour speed limit under Richard Nixon to take away your freedoms in that area.
So it always comes back around.
And one last article here of course, this is, we have the Consumer Electronics Show that's going on in Las Vegas, happens at the beginning of each year.
The big things again at Consumer Electronics Show are driverless cars and what's happening is you're seeing an alliance with Ford and possibly Ford and Google getting together to work on a car.
Ford now sees themselves not so much in the future as selling individual cars but as selling mobility devices is what one of their executives said.
So they're looking at how they can become the vendor.
So it's going to be a situation where all of these billionaires or a few multinational corporations are going to be jockeying for a position to be the supplier to the government in terms of providing transportation that you don't have any control over, but that will control you, will be used as an instrument of control.
And as we're looking at that, I saw this article that I mentioned briefly to Alex about Mike McCall.
He's a Texas congressman.
He's head, he's the chair of the House Homeland Security Committee, and he's written a book to scare you.
To scare you.
You know, because the definition of terrorism is the use of violence, intimidation, fear to achieve political goals.
And that's been the mode of our government since September 11th.
Using violence, intimidation, and fear to achieve their political goals.
To achieve their control.
And so that's what Mike McCaul is selling.
And I think it is absolutely despicable what he's doing.
Scaring people.
I said the chairman of Homeland Security Committee is warning in a chilling new book that terrorists could easily hit
Disney World, the Academy Awards, the Mall of America, with killer biological attacks, killing thousands, sending the nation into a panic.
At which point, this James Bond villain would step out of his Homeland Security Committee, rubbing his hands like a praying mantis, and announce the next step towards martial law.
That's what they would love to do.
But in the meantime, he wants to try to get you
They're saying, oh, it could be a possible attack from Russian invasion of Eastern Europe.
We're the ones who are aggressors in Russia as well as other places.
We're the ones who restarted the Cold War.
But of course, they turn everything around, spin it upside down.
I think it's absolutely reprehensible.
I had a friend from high school who joined the military.
He was at the Pentagon, and I remember meeting with him about 20 years ago and asking him what he was doing, and they were working on things like this.
They were working on scenarios.
But he wouldn't tell me what the scenarios were.
He said, well, you know, that's something we really don't want to panic the public, something they don't need to know, something we don't want that information to get out to people who would possibly do that.
But that's not the mode that they're working in now.
Because, see, they're not really concerned about protecting you.
They're concerned about the security state and maintaining that.
That is their religion, which is what makes it so surprising that Hillary Clinton keeps getting a pass with all these violations.
Over 1,340 emails so far.
That were classified that she had on her private server.
Even telling people to remove the classification so you can send this as a fax.
You're having trouble faxing this?
Nobody will, they won't, you know, you can't get anybody to do this because they don't want to violate it?
Well, okay, just take off the classification markings.
Violate the law that way.
So here we've got this religion of state security that we have to sacrifice all of our safety, all of our liberty on the altar of that religion of state security.
And then you've got this woman who comes along and violates it with impunity and nothing happens to her.
Absolutely, absolutely amazing.
Now, I had talked about Palantir, and I want to play you a little excerpt from a video that I did back in December of 2013, because there's an update to this that was on the Drudge Report, I believe.
It's the CIA-backed startup that is taking over Palo Alto.
It's an NBC story, but I want to play for you what we knew and what we reported way back in 2013.
Here's a short clip of that report.
Much has been said about the big tech companies that were implicated in this slide from Edward Snowden's documents.
It's eroded confidence in their integrity and damaged their business.
But what about the PRISM program itself, where people are profiled by data mining the intercepted digital communications?
Some have suspected that the company behind PRISM is Palantir.
I've often thought that the Palantir from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings were the perfect metaphor for the Internet.
In the book, the Palantir were crystal balls that allowed the possessors to communicate and to see things.
Eventually, they fell into the hands of the evil forces, and using a Palantir not only revealed you to the villain, Sauron, represented by the all-seeing eye, but it also allowed him to learn where you were, and look into your mind and your soul.
A great metaphor for people who are trying to use the Internet for legitimate purposes, and the government spooks who create profiles of people as they're using it.
Although Palantir has a program called PRISM, and although its function is exactly like that shown in the slide, they have denied the allegations.
The company, Palantir, was created with funding from In-Q-Tel, a venture capital company created by the CIA, and with funding from PayPal billionaire Peter Thiel.
Palantir's CEO Alexander Karp is also from PayPal.
Both Thiel and Karp were attendees at Bilderberg this year as they focused on big data.
Palantir Company profiles from the Wall Street Journal in 2009 and Businessweek in 2011 emphasize Palantir's connection to the military-industrial complex and to data mining for terrorist profiling.
Palantir self-consciously emphasizes to its employees its connection to Middle Earth mythology.
Whether or not Palantir's PRISM program is THE PRISM program,
Palantir was created by... Okay, and you can see the rest of that report on YouTube, and again, the name of that report is PayPal's NSA involvement being covered up.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back on the Alex Jones Radio Show.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and in this last segment of the show, I wanted to illustrate for you how Chris Christie and Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the DNC chairwoman who is covering for Hillary Clinton, how they are exactly
Clones of each other.
And I'll get to those quotes in just a moment.
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Now, just real quickly before I go to the story about Chris Christie and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
As I was talking about the Palantir thing, as you heard in that report, it just absolutely amazed me when I looked at this.
They're very, very self-conscious about their references to the Lord of the Rings.
They have t-shirts, Save the Shire, the Palantir logo, which is that crystal ball.
And of course they say that it is the biggest seller of anything there in Palo Alto.
It's driving out all the paraphernalia that's sold by companies like Patagonia.
They have more stuff there from Palantir.
And of course it's not just the souvenirs and the marketing stuff that's being driven out.
It says that they're also driving out other startups in Palo Alto because they've got so much money.
These people were started by the CIA, their venture capital firm, In-Q-Tel.
And of course, it started up by some people who were there at the beginning of PayPal, and people who are now regular Bilderberg attendees.
And as I pointed out in that special report back in 2013, they were there at Bilderberg talking about big data.
Well, they analyzed big data for people, and they also choke out
Other businesses and that's what's happening to our country.
So much money is being put into the defense military industrial complex that we are choking out productive investment.
I saw elements of that even when I started as an engineer 35 years ago.
I could see that it was military spending that was choking out things that could have made us competitive with other countries, could have improved our standard of living, being poured into weapons to kill people.
And of course, you can say it could be used to defend people as well, I understand.
That's the political dimension of it though, whether it's being used to kill or defend, and I'm not happy with what I've seen, the political convention for the last 35 years.
Now, before I run out of time, I want to read you a couple of quotes here.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz was called on the carpet by her supporters for still supporting the war on drugs attack against marijuana.
They're not saying we want to get rid of prohibition completely.
They just said, why are you still supporting throwing people in jail for
Marijuana usage.
And she says this.
She says, I'm protective.
Safety has been my top legislative priority.
I'm driven by the idea that safety is the core function of government.
And when they talk to Chris Christie about guns, he says, well, you know, I'm all about safety.
I'm for public safety.
When you sell your freedom for safety, you wind up an unsafe slave.
That's what you need to understand.
And people on the left and the right need to understand how they're being played in both the war against guns and the war against drugs.
They're both phony, folks.
Join us tonight for the InfoWars Nightly News, 7 Central, 8 p.m.
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