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Name: 20160107_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 7, 2016
3284 lines.

In this transcript, Alex Jones discusses various topics including impeachment proceedings against Barack Obama, the refugee crisis, feminist views on sexual assaults in Europe, lack of security measures at U.S. borders, products available for purchase through InfoWarsLife.com, and German media's initial blame game regarding crimes committed by immigrants. He also promotes a water filter called Big Berkey that can remove chloramine from drinking water and a mobile radiation shielding device called DefenderShield. Additionally, he calls for President Obama's impeachment and promotes a video outlining his alleged crimes during his presidency. In the audio-visual clip, Jones discusses economic issues such as the current stock market crash, manipulation of interest rates, and wealth effect theory. He also touches upon political topics like gun control, Obama's presidency, media commentary on President Barack Obama's executive actions against gun control in the United States, criticism of his administration's actions on immigration policy, and concerns about wildfires and open carry laws in the country. The clip features promotions for certain products including Longevity, Infowarsteam.com, and BrainForce.

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The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's Thursday, 7th day of January 2016.
If the Speaker of the House will not move immediately to begin impeachment proceedings against Barack Hussein Obama, then we must move to impeach the Speaker of the House because he's aiding and abetting the enemy of this constitutional republic.
Huge broadcast lined up for you today.
This is the Zeitgeist of Impeachment!
Until we have a Congress that's in line with the majority of Americans,
There are actions within my legal authority that we can take to help reduce gun violence and save more lives.
Roughly one year from now, Obama's stranglehold over the executive office of the U.S.
government will end.
Impeaching Obama now seems to many to be futile.
Is it not time for impeachment hearings against Obama?
The best thing that we have going with Obama is he's got a year left, okay?
Because, you know, by the time you do the hearings and everything, I don't... So don't make him a martyr.
In a way you'll make him a martyr, but I don't even say that.
But the problem with the Republicans is they'll try and fix it, they'll try, instead of get rid of it and we can come up with a phenomenal plan.
But when impeaching a president that has toyed with the Constitution,
With nothing to lose in the final days of his term, like a pyromaniac playing with gasoline in matches, send a stern message to future presidents.
As a result of Watergate, the warning shot America fired after the comparatively minimal damage Richard Nixon did to the reputation of the White House seems to have been long forgotten, similar to the way the American people have all but given up on the U.S.
Now Congressional Republicans are promising to repeal Obamacare and defund Planned Parenthood for the sake of the overwhelming demands of their constituents.
Of course, the bill will be sent to Obama's desk where it will be vetoed, but the bill can't be amended by Democrats due
We're good to go.
While 318 million plus Americans sit and wait for Congress to get their snouts out of the corporate trough, wouldn't impeaching Obama send a clear message to the sycophantic takeover of Congress?
That we are coming for you next?
Obama's staged gun grabbing is finally fueling long overdue impeachment talks.
Now the Republican National Committee is to consider a resolution drafted for the impeachment of President Barack Obama.
The resolution, which seems to have been drafted by the North American Law Center, is to be weighed up at a January 13th meeting of the RNC, reports Brandon Hall of West Michigan Politics Blog.
The document is titled, Articles of Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama.
Article 2 of the resolution lists 19 examples of Obama's malfeasance, misconduct, and abuse of the Oval Office, including the IRS targeting of conservative organizations and bypassing Congress with the use of executive action on key issues.
Article 3 of the resolution states that Obama has been aiding and abetting known enemies of the United States, citing the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, and the Taliban, among others.
RNC committeeman Dave Agema told the Daily Wire in an interview that he will introduce the resolution, which consists of 48 criminal charges in total.
Agema said, the way it works is one House of Representatives member puts in impeachment articles for the House,
I think so.
Truly is.
And if impeachment rumblings barely put a bump in Obama's totalitarian path, legally all we have left is to send in the sergeant at arms in the Senate to slap the handcuffs onto President Obama.
It's interesting how the Senate has now made that information unavailable to the general populace.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com.
By now you've heard of the sexual assaults that took place in Cologne, Germany on New Year's Eve.
Well now, hundreds of New Year's Eve assaults have been reported to police in every major city, including the German capital of Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Düsseldorf.
The events were downplayed by German news media until scores of women came forward to report rapes and sexual abuse, forcing coverage.
German ministers claim that there was no evidence asylum seekers were involved in the violence.
But that cover-up is beginning to unravel.
A police official said 14 of the 15 sex attackers he apprehended were newly arrived Syrian refugees.
And a leaked police report claims that one of those involved in the attacks told officers, I am Syrian.
You have to treat me kindly.
Mrs. Merkel invited me.
The mayor of Cologne is under fire for suggesting women protect themselves from would-be rapists by keeping them at arm's length.
No advice was offered to the migrants, however, for how to not rape women.
Read more at InfoWars.com.
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It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't think we've ever in all my years had this much news to cover and break down.
There is just so much
To get to so much to break down.
It is head spinning.
A lot of it is really negative news, but overall the world's response to it is very positive in that governments and major corporations are really backpedaling from so many of their their agendas.
I'm going to do my best to try to break down just some of what is going to be coming up today.
The mass Muslim raping of women in Europe and engaging in sex crimes here in the United States is staggering.
And the response to it
is even more revealing.
Major feminist groups have come out and said that the mass raping is the fault of German men and have actually attacked Germany.
Major liberal leaders in the Green Party and the Social Democrats, it's in my stack, have come out and said that people
against the invaders are, quote, as bad as rapists.
Because it is the religion of the left to bring down the West.
Because they're captained by their spiritual and financial leader, George Soros.
And we don't just pick George Soros out because he's a good James Bond villain.
Even the new James Bond movie has the main villain group behind Spectre being the Quantum Group.
Look at this DrugsReport.com headline.
If you're a radio listener, you can go there and see it.
If not, we can just punch it up on screen for TV viewers.
It's 2008 all over again.
Markets at the beginning of a crisis.
Trillions vanish.
And who's involved, as usual, deeply in all of it?
George Soros.
It's like he's the devil and a black poof of smoke takes place whenever something horrible is happening and he's there waving his trident.
He's more evil than any James Bond villain I could ever imagine.
I mean, he's the real thing.
And he's worshipped by the Southern Property Law Center, ADL, and every other scumbag group.
I've talked to Southern Poverty Law Center and others when they call me up and want to do an interview.
And I bring it up and they just start giggling and laughing.
It's just funny to them.
The only reason years ago I would agree to talk to them was just to see who these people are.
And they'd be on the phone going, and you claim there's a plan for world government?
And you claim they want the guns?
And I go, yeah, and George Soros gave you $4 million this year.
They would giggle, and it's the same thing when I've had media matters, had people call me, and I sit there on the phone with them just going, you know, you know you make stuff up about the Liberty Movement, you know the IRS is persecuting people, you know, and they just giggle.
It's real funny!
I mean, at least old-time villains knew they were doing bad.
They didn't giggle and laugh about it to their victims.
They didn't brag about making whole countries fail and killing hundreds of thousands of people like Hillary Clinton does.
She said last week Syria's going exactly as she planned, which is a failed state, hundreds of thousands dead.
She says Libya's going well.
That was in the news two weeks ago.
The State Department that she used to run came out and said their great accomplishment in 2015 was bringing peace to Syria.
This is from the same administration that tells you 2 plus 2 equals 5.
And the 5 plus 5 plus 5 does not equal 15 in Common Core.
That's actually taught nationwide.
You cannot make up the magnitude of the pure mental illness they're trying to project into us to overturn reality.
They're waging war on reality.
They're telling flagrant, blatant lies on purpose to get their minions
To double down and just accept anything.
And they're doing that for a big reason.
They're going to do some really horrible stuff now if they're not stopped immediately and they want to set the precedent where their people will salute anything they run up that flagpole.
And they want to break our will.
You know, why would they bring in the invaders of Syria, Arab and Muslim men of fighting age, around the world, promised money and all the women and children they can rape and kill.
The Russians kick their butt with U.S.
military leaks to the Russians for four years.
The Russians have been on the ground, by the way, the whole time.
How bombshell is that?
Sy Hersh, what we told you years ago, but now confirmed.
Oh yeah, the Pentagon behind Obama's back has been feeding the Russians the intel.
And Turkey is just pulling its hair out right now, throwing a huge fit, because it wants to absorb part of Syria.
I mean, there is a civil war already going on in the government, folks, in case you didn't know.
That's why we don't want to start a shooting war with the Feds, because I'm telling you, the Feds
Are coming over to our side right now.
Not all of them.
They've got their socialist and globalist operators in there.
But even the mercenaries in the federal government can see this is bad for business and bad for the world and just is nasty.
Why would they bring in millions of men, 80% or more with fake passports, military age, many of them former ISIS fighters, and then you wonder why they're running around raping and killing?
And then the others are humans smuggled in for $5,000 to $10,000 a piece, supposedly to send money back to their families, and they're promised in the brochures all the women you want, rock and roll music, and topless bars.
People keep asking, why do these ISIS people keep getting caught with trannies and prostitutes and cocaine?
Because they're pirates, folks.
They're the scum of the Middle East, kicked out of their own countries.
Couldn't get jobs.
The trash.
The scum.
They came to Syria.
They ran around like psychopaths.
They got their butts kicked.
And they desert large portions of them with the other refugees covering them into Turkey, into Europe, and then they run around with their pants open just raping women in public.
And the police are so politically correct in Sweden and Germany and other countries, they actually stand down.
I've got stacks of this news.
And let them rape women.
And the politically correct women don't even know what to do.
Because they see a brown person coming to rape them, they just cry and go, I'm white!
Literally crying, I'm evil!
I mean, it's just over the top.
Over the top.
And it's done on purpose, because after they're done bringing in five, ten million more, and all the rest of it, they'll then kick a bunch of them out, put the rest in ghettos, arrest them, put them in concentration camps, and they're gonna just nuke the whole Middle East, basically.
And that's basically what the globalists are pushing for, this giant clash of civilizations.
It is horrible.
Saudi Arabia's involved in 9-11.
We attack Iraq.
The Assad regime is fighting Al Qaeda, so we attack them.
And now they're blaming the quote, migrant crisis.
The migrant crisis is then used to take all of our basic liberties.
I was just looking there on screen and got distracted.
Yeah, that's the big news.
I haven't even gotten to this stack yet.
That the mayor came out over the weekend of Cologne, and actually the real, I saw a German translation of what she said to the newspaper, and it's worse than what Paul Watson wrote yesterday, that everybody then picked up, where she said, women it's your fault, keep men at arm's length, it's your fault, you were dressed too nice.
She actually went on and attacked the women for being out at night, and I mean, it's in the news.
And this is the ultra-feminist El Jefe blaming the women.
Because feminists are there to pimp women and run your life and control you.
These modern third-wave feminists, I mean, they're CIA officers.
Gloria Steinem admits Miss Magazine was created by the CIA, run by the CIA.
She is a CIA agent.
Always has been.
She gets married.
She has a bunch of kids.
She lives a traditional lifestyle that's fulfilling and empowering.
She doesn't want you to.
She wants you to work until you're 80 as a woman, no kids, with the state as your pimp.
They prey on women.
They hate you.
I've been around them, folks.
I've seen it.
I've been around black liberal leaders and white liberal leaders where they'll bump you on the arm and start saying the most racist stuff you've ever heard about black people.
And I talk to other black leaders and I go, have you heard this?
They go, of course we've heard this!
The most anti-black people there are are some of these black people.
And let me tell you, the real Uncle Toms aren't the conservative black leaders and libertarian black leaders, it is the liberal ones.
Man, they are so racist behind closed doors and they're all into who has lighter skin and all this stuff.
I mean, it is freakazoid!
Just sit there and watch them operate.
Now, Hillary Clinton's in trouble.
The Washington Post has turned on her and is getting into all the Bill Clinton rape settlements.
And now Bill Clinton can go the way of Bill Cosby.
Oh, who started all that?
Roger Stone.
Donald Trump firing deadly torpedoes.
But now, they're preparing.
In the wings, Joe Biden!
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Come and take it.
The way to do it is to promote the impeachment zeitgeist.
That's how the Republicans get on the offensive.
Whether he gets impeached or not, we have to show the miscarriage of justice.
We have to show the executive orders the power grabbing.
We have to then get them on the defense and then start having a bully pulpit politically to pass laws
Overriding and trumping these executive orders and withholding federal funds from federal agencies that follow the dictatorial orders of Obama that circumvents law, like shutting down over a thousand power plants.
The last seven years, when Congress wouldn't pass a law for carbon taxes, Obama just did what they always wanted, shut down their competition and give General Electric a total waiver.
And I know I talk about that every day because
It's such a huge crime, people!
It increases your power prices and lets a select globalist company take over the market, screwing everyone!
And that's one of the first things he did!
And so, TPP in secret, gun grabbing in secret, opening the borders up, the Border Patrol coming out, admitting it all!
So here's the action plan.
Impeachment zeitgeist exploding.
Super powerful five minute report by John Bowne that lays out the incredible tyranny and why we must move for impeachment.
When the Republican leadership gets up there and puts out this fake supposed common knowledge
That, oh, you don't impeach him, that makes him a victim.
Oh, you don't impeach him, uh, you know, that'll, that'll let him get his agenda through.
He's lame duck, let him do what he wants.
He's not lame duck.
He's a raging globalist titan, tearing this country's guts out.
And his cohorts in Europe following the same Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, uh, Wells Fargo combine, with Soros captaining the whole operation,
He's tearing the guts out of Europe and bankrupting it and appointing prime ministers and appointing presidents and the EU bureaucracy circumvents the EU Parliament and is ceremonial.
They admit it's ceremonial.
They call themselves technocrats.
That means technological dictator in the definition.
They call themselves dictators.
But they hide it in plain view.
Congress better get in line.
So that article, that video is key, and even more important than that video, and I'm going to post the video in Kit Daniel's article, and a link in the other article on Impeachment Zeitgeist, so we promote the two together.
75 times Obama broke the law during his presidency, and I'm going to go over this today, no matter what happens.
And I was reading these 75 this morning, and I had forgotten so many of the blatant, caught, red-stinking-handed crime
I mean, it is just over.
The top.
And guys, will you reprint me that London Independent article that I want to get back in today?
As soon as I saw the headline, I knew they're getting ready to use the Stinger missiles.
I knew they'd probably come out with articles claiming that, you know, like evolution, life just began on its own.
Well, the Al-Qaeda just made Stinger missiles on their own.
Then you read the article, they admit, oh, that they got from the U.S., we don't know how, and they're going to start shooting stuff down with it.
So when they blow stuff up, they go, yeah, Al-Qaeda built them themselves, even though the article admits they didn't.
ISIS developed sophisticated new weaponry capable of shooting down passenger jets.
Then you read the article, it's Stinger missiles we gave them.
I mean, this is just crazy.
Anti-tank missiles, you name it, and it's just getting worse and worse and worse.
And then they have these flimsy cover stories.
So, 75 times Obama broke the law during presidency.
Please, folks, email it, post it on Facebook, Twitter, do YouTube videos about it, send it to a local talk show host, and say, look, don't give Alex credit, he doesn't care about that.
Just cover the crimes!
Just call for impeachment!
We're fighting these people hard, and they've got their operatives and their embedded minions and the rest of them, like little gremlins, scrabbling at us, trying to get us off course.
It's not.
It only lets us know that we're on course.
It's like when enemy radar shoots out to see aircraft coming in, you actually fire your missiles at that politically to hone in right on it.
I mean, the more they attack us on certain issues, we know we use that as a homing beacon.
Just like World War II with the B-52s.
Well, that was after World War II.
That'd be Vietnam.
Just like World War II with the B-17s and the Liberators and all the rest of those bombers.
They didn't really have good info on exactly where all the bases were on the ground, but they sure knew when they came into flak circles that that was the key area to drop their bombs.
They'd fly right into the center of that and drop the bombs.
And that's what we do, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Calls for President Obama's impeachment have circulated for years, but he's finally gone too far.
Steve Watson reports, RNC will consider Obama impeachment proceedings.
A document titled, Articles of Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama, consists of 48 criminal charges and is set to be weighed up at a January 13th meeting of the RNC.
The resolution cites Obama's malfeasance, misconduct, and abuse of the Oval Office.
And includes the IRS targeting of conservative organizations and bypassing Congress with the use of executive action on key issues.
Article 3 of the resolution states that Obama has been aiding and abetting known enemies of the United States, including the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, and the Taliban, among others.
The committeeman behind the resolution says that we are a nation of laws and separation of powers.
And this lets the president know that we are not going to put up with his ability to go around the Constitution.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I tell you what, folks, might as well just get into this fight, because it's exciting.
It's hardcore, it's historic.
It's 100% real.
And if you sit on the sidelines, you are in the fight.
Whether you know it or not.
That's really the final illusion to fall, is that people think they can just be bystanders in what's unfolding in this culture, in this society.
The reason I'm telling them to play this epic music is because this is fitting for what we face.
What's that, the theme song to?
Day of the Dead.
Monday through Friday, folks.
11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
We're here.
Anthony Ucciardi is going to be hosting The Force Hours today.
Has a lot of key intel to be covering there.
Let me just pull back again.
We have, obviously, haven't mentioned this yet.
The last two weeks, the Chinese stock market going into
Trillions of dollars a day just disappearing.
You've got the globalist social engineers all over it.
Clearly a huge inside job.
Soros is hopping around like the King Gremlin enjoying himself.
Involved in the middle of it, as usual.
It's crazy.
It really is crazy.
Let me just get back to this article that I'm going to cover here in a few minutes.
75 times Obama broke the law during the presidency.
An extensive list of Obama's crimes showing why Congress must impeach him now.
And I just want to say Kit Daniels and the rest of the crew have really been doubling their efforts as of late to rise to the occasion, and I salute the work of my reporters, writers, crew, and everybody else.
What an amazing team we have at this key time facing this great tyranny.
So I want to thank him and others for the great dedicated work, sometimes 15 hours a day, that our salaried crew puts in to fight the new world order.
But they understand this is a fight for their future and their family as well.
And it's just really good to see an added gleam in the eye of Jakari Jackson and LeAnn McAdoo and John Bowne and the writers and everybody.
People understand this is a military operation just organic of the people, the resistance folks, trying to restore our republic, trying to fight hardcore revolutionaries that want to conquer humanity itself.
An amalgamation of the worst forms of tyranny the world's ever seen with a willful commitment to evil and to death and to pulling down literature and society and culture while claiming that they are the progenitors of it.
And I guess coming to grips, because it's classic for humans to demonize their enemies.
You've got to do that to be able to fight them.
And a lot of times in wars, both sides have a perspective, and you can't say who the good or bad guys are.
You just commit to your tribe, your country, your group, and you fight.
But man, I tell you, the globalists in all their own writings say they hate our guts, and we're scum, and they're going to wipe us out, and that they're God.
And man, they are the most evil enemy by
Thousands and thousands of percentage points.
I mean, Hitler was a moral good person compared to these people.
And Hitler was super dark, super evil.
But Hitler loved the UK.
Loved it, loved a few other
Norse countries.
He at least liked a group he associated with.
He had some love twisted for one group.
You know, he loved his dog, but enjoyed torturing people to death.
He was horrible.
The globalists hate humanity as a whole.
They are beyond Hitler.
Beyond Hitler.
Way beyond Hitler.
Hitler again picked up eugenics technology out of England and the United States.
The eugenics system, the eugenics belief system.
Eugenics social control.
Not the pop eugenics, the real eugenics.
And he went far with it.
He was told, implemented, we back you, we support you.
Rockefeller Foundation, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, all of them.
Hosted Nazi rallies.
Hosted Ku Klux Klan rallies.
You can pull up pictures of Margaret Sanger hosting giant Nazi rallies with the German Bund in America.
They set Hitler up, folks.
They endorsed him in Time Magazine twice in the late 30s.
My grandfather, my mother's father, remembered on major Dallas radio stations.
The news endorsing Adolf Hitler.
Joe Kennedy Sr.
was the ambassador to England.
Basically a Nazi agent.
That's all come out.
Look it up.
Both Kennedy brothers worked with Nazi spies.
The Bushes were their head people.
And I'm not getting off into Nazis today.
I'm saying that was a setup.
It's not a Nazi conspiracy we face.
They let Hitler do an experiment and set him up and brought him down.
That ought to give you an idea why they take George Soros, a Nazi collaborator, and got him running the show.
He's replaced David Rockefeller, folks.
Of everybody out there, he's really taken the reins and is the prime mover.
He's the highest level we know about that's actually involved in field marshalling attacks on humanity.
And everything he does is about dumbing people down, hurting people, bankrupting people, sabotaging third world countries, ruining currencies, turning millions of people into homeless, famines, war, death, evil.
I mean, you just cannot realize the level of total satanic behavior.
Until you really look at it and go, my God, there isn't even an endgame here.
They're just committed to carrying out the most horrible garbage you can imagine.
Just type in Margaret Singer Klan Rally.
That'll get you her, then all Heilinger and all the rest of it.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
75 times Obama broke law during presidency.
I'm going to get to that.
It's on Infowars.com.
Now the New York Times has even had to come out today and go, the Cologne mayor is facing backlash after saying women should keep attackers at arm's length and shouldn't dress scantily.
I saw that over the weekend.
Quoted in the comments on InfoWars, and I linked through to a German paper, and tried to translate it on Google, and it appeared to be an accurate translation, and I meant to call Paul, never got around to it, to tell him, hey, your article on Monday was important, but not, you know, hardcore enough, bro.
She actually goes further and chastises them!
I mean, just what you see in the New York Times today is nothing!
Going, well, it's kind of your fault, keep an arm's length.
She said, watch how you dress, sister!
The essence of what feminists claim Western men are doing, where it's well-known Western culture has the lowest instance of sexual assault.
Look it up.
So we're blamed for it.
Because we're the place where women were liberated.
That's why we're bad.
You see, feminists denounce German-born men after migrant sex attacks.
Pro-refugee activists deflect blame from Muslim rapists and just say they know it's Germans.
Despite the fact there's photos, video, and, I mean, you do not see anybody in there that isn't a Syrian invader.
And I don't mean an invader from Syria, I mean people that invaded Syria.
I'm going to say that again.
If you read deeply, it's admitted that 80 plus percent have fake passports.
They're almost all military-age men.
They're Sunni Wahhabis who have been kicked out.
Are there some real groups of refugees and people trying to get out?
Are there real poor people trying to get out of North Africa?
And when a toddler drowns, they take the dead body and stage it for photo shoots for the BBC.
That's how dumb they think we are.
So yeah, there's some real refugees, but I'm telling you, a large portion are jihadis, and an even bigger portion
Are young men that want sex and rock and roll but at the same time have no respect for women and in the radical Muslim culture, if a woman is out unattended and not covering her face, you can rape her and then she is imprisoned or executed because, well, it's the woman's fault.
And that's well known!
And they're storming churches and they are attacking Christians and they're just taking over and the left is celebrating in it the sickeningness of these people.
Let me actually get into these for you.
Oh, but meanwhile, caught on tape, PSA Gropes 10-year-old girl for two minutes due to Capri Sun in her baggage.
Oh, you're not supposed to, I thought, under 12 Grope people.
Not, no, they're putting them all in the body scanners.
I saw them putting little kids in body scanners this weekend flying back from Phoenix.
Or Monday or Tuesday, I guess.
Time flies.
Oh, but the border's wide open and you fly people in from Latin American flights and don't even look at their papers at customs.
CBS News, New York Daily News.
Come on, buddy, let them grope you.
We got terrorists in this country.
It has nothing to do with it.
Just like they want to train us to let radical Muslim rapists rape our women, they want to train us to let them grope our children right in front of us, put their hands on us.
That's what pedophiles do to get kids ready to be raped.
They're testing us as a culture.
They're breaking us.
How do you domesticate a horse?
You put it in a pen.
You feed it.
And then you get it to where you don't feed it unless it comes over and lets you touch it on the nose, and pretty soon you're riding that horse around.
And of course, the other big rule of domesticating an animal is get them when they're little, and you can domesticate a colt in a couple of hours, because mama's gone, and it wants to snuggle up next to somebody that's another mammal.
That's how they got our kids.
But you break adults at those checkpoints.
And let me tell you, that's social engineering 110%, and they admit it.
Now, the poor TSA person that just wants a job, on average, is not a bad person.
I can't tell you how many times they ask me for autographs going through and say, we want to unionize, we don't want to do the stuff they're telling us, we know it's dumb.
But flying out of Phoenix, there was a blonde-haired woman, Tuesday, who was griping at everyone and yelling at people and bossing them around and getting in their faces.
And when she got up to look at my stuff, and then she'd follow back online and gripe at people and stuff, I just was looking at her, not even steely-eyed, it's like she was pathetic, and she was like, oh, hi, sir, how are you?
Oh, exactly, see, because I'm not domesticated.
I'm not signaling that I'm, you treat me with respect, I'm going to treat you with respect.
Cop pulls me over, I treat him with respect.
They start acting all crazy and bug-eyed, I'll go, excuse me, why are you acting so aggressive?
Doesn't really happen that often, but
The point is, is that we need respect in this country, and this is about not respecting the American people.
It has nothing to do with security.
Muslim migrants raping women and children at German refugee camp.
Remember this?
September 15th last year.
Remember all the hundreds and really thousands of articles that we've covered, probably?
I mean, it's just, it's just ongoing.
German media covering up rapes committed by Muslim migrants.
September 22nd last year.
We weren't prepared for this.
Cologne police chief speaks out after NYE mass sexual
And now the police have apologized and said, sorry we said it was German-born.
And the media's had to apologize and said sorry, because the Germans are on the edge of revolt, folks.
They're very pliant, very tribal, follow orders, work hard, twice the most productive country probably in the world, per capita.
They've been so productive, they were told, don't have kids, you're bad, you're evil.
Yes, we'll die as a culture, we'll commit suicide.
But they, while the Germans slit their throat and die as a race in Germany, as a group,
The left wants to hop around and actually declare the blonde-haired, blue-eyed, green party and the rest of them.
Every week there's a new article where their head people go, whites are inherently bad, thank God Germany's dying, and there shouldn't be homogeneity here, Germans are inherently bad, and I'm glad this will be the end of white people.
So as Germany dies, the last blood pumping out of the Caradids,
The left is perched on them, basically defecating on Germany, rubbing it in, smearing it everywhere.
And the dying Germans with blood spurting out are like, why?
They're like, because we want to kill you, scum!
We conquered you!
So, that's what this is!
When we reported this first, people didn't believe us.
That the mayor would actually say, it's your fault.
That's what she said.
Oh yeah, when a hundred guys run up and tackle you or knock you off your bike, it's your fault.
Caught on tape.
Remember what they were saying?
Remember what they were saying?
A few months ago, I mean it was in major German newspapers, they said do not wear short skirts around the migrants and they cancelled Christmas parades and Christmas caroling and outdoor city Christmas events all over Germany and all over Italy because if the radical Muslims see it, they come from countries where if a Christian is caught with a Bible, they're put in prison or executed.
In the mild countries, they just cane you.
They even told German schoolgirls not to wear the little white shirts and ties and miniskirts.
I have to say, those are very tasteful, in my view.
But, the issue here is, it's all about how far can they go.
And there is no limit.
Obama gets away with coming after the guns with executive orders.
It's all open, like Obamacare, where they can do whatever they want, folks.
Put you on a list, take your guns, whatever.
If we don't move to impeach, it should be top headlines that Paul Ryan's starting impeachment, or investigating impeachment.
Instead, they got Obama going, I'm a great lawyer!
This is totally constitutional!
You get in line and do what I say!
But where the impeachment is exploding,
Is online at Infowars.com.
And they can't stop you from getting these articles and these videos out to everybody to break it down.
So you got the Muslim invaders raping the women in MASH.
You got the TSA raping your privacy and raping your body.
It's all part of getting us used to having to put their hands on us.
It's amazing.
Berlin, Cologne, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, New Year's, migrant sex assaults.
We're in every major German city.
Get that out.
The list, the admissions, the rapes, the assaults, the beatings.
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I hurt myself today.
See if I still feel it.
I hurt myself today to see if I still feel.
I focus on the pain.
The only thing that's real.
The only thing that's real.
I think I first heard this song about 20 years ago.
18 years ago.
Fears before he died.
This is a Trent Reznor song.
I didn't really get what it meant then.
But I remember everything.
What have I become, my sweetest friend?
Everyone I love goes away in the end.
You can have it all!
An empire of dirt!
Because that's what everything goes back to.
And the globalists, all they want to do is kill and destroy.
Because they're so satanic.
But now I get what it means.
So many people can't feel anymore.
They can't stand up for themselves.
They're broken.
They are unconscious.
And we have all these clips of German police and other Germans talking about what happened and what unfolded.
There's an article from RT.
Cologne police chief speaks out after N.Y.E.
mass sexual assaults.
That was, again, New Year's Eve.
The initial police report claimed night of mass rapes had gone peacefully.
They now apologize for lying.
Cologne police were not ready to deal with the mass sexual assaults committed during New Year celebrations.
That's not true, they've just been ordered to cover it up.
The city's police chief told RT, adding that they have never experienced such incidents before.
Eventually, we had a situation where a large group of men were going after women.
We did intervene to help, but I'll admit that we were totally bewildered by it all.
We have never encountered incidents like this before, and we weren't prepared for it.
Cologne Chief of Police Wolfgang Albers told RT.
And they knew all this was going to happen.
They knew full well.
And the answer will be more police, more checkpoints, curfews, banning demonstrations, which they've tried to do, civil emergency focused on the French, the Germans, the Swedes,
And others.
And if you understand this story, you understand it all.
Meanwhile, man in suicide vest shouting, Allah Akbar, shot dead by Paris police today.
Sky News.
Running towards the entrance of a police station, before two or three gunshots rang out.
And now they're claiming, oh, it wasn't a real bomb vest, it just looked like one.
Which, if you follow the past French events, they covered up RPG attacks on the one-year anniversary of Charlie Hebdo.
Now we see a new attack.
So this fits, probably was a real vest.
Because the French have been ordered, you cover it up.
And by the way, it's the one-year
Anniversary of this.
It's also the anniversary today of the Clinton impeachment proceedings.
And we're going to get the guy that brought those proceedings, former Congressman Bob Barr, on very, very soon.
But here's the New York Times.
Cologne's mayor's arm's-length advice on sexual attacks stirs outcry.
Yeah, that's what the feminists say that the anti-women people say.
But, oh, she's a feminist, so it's okay.
Obama can double black unemployment because he's black.
And he can abort all the babies, because he's black, because it's okay, because he's black.
Well, she's a woman, so it's okay, too.
And Bill Clinton can rape whoever he wants, because he's got a wife that calls the shots, so, you know, it's okay.
And Hillary likes girls, too, so, you know, it's kind of cool.
It's just bondage with them, you know?
You know, when Bill breaks your nose, it's cute, it's liberal.
You just happen.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hotel Motel, don't you wanna come?
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Yeah, a lot of folks want to knock us off the perch as the king of Infowar.
Doesn't work because the good Lord's with us and you're with us.
But I tell you, the key is we're doing it for the right reasons.
We're fighting tyranny because we hate tyranny, not because we want to be big shots in the fight against it.
And let me tell you, it's dangerous to be doing this, but it's a lot more dangerous to be going along with it.
Leanne McAdoo did a really important report for the Nightly News last night about Hillary dodging issues of socialism.
We're going to play this report, come back, get into the other big financial news, a lot more, but we can move to impeach Obama.
We're going to be talking about that as well.
Stay with us.
In an otherwise softball interview with Chris Matthews, Hillary Clinton seemed a little bit rattled when she was asked to explain the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist.
What's the difference between a Socialist and a Democrat?
Is that a question you want to answer or would you rather not?
Well, you know, you'd have to ask... Well, see, I'm asking you.
You're a Democrat, he's a Socialist.
Would you like somebody to call you a Socialist?
I wouldn't like somebody to call me a Socialist.
But I'm not one.
Okay, well what's the difference between a Socialist and a Democrat?
Well, I can tell you what I am.
I am a progressive Democrat.
I'm a progressive Democrat who likes to get things done and who believes that we are better off in this country when we're trying to solve problems together.
So this is the party's leading candidate.
But Matthews was equally flustered last year when he asked the same question to the party's leading officer, Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
What is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist?
I used to think there was a big difference.
What do you think it is?
The difference between being a Democrat and being a Republican.
You're the chairman of the Democratic Party.
Tell me the difference between you and a socialist.
The relevant debate that we'll be having over the course of this campaign is what's the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist.
It's really difficult for them to explain the difference because there is no difference in the current contemporary Democratic Party.
So since Bernie Sanders came on the scene introducing this term Democratic Socialism there into the mainstream, people are rightly confused.
Here is the gist of it.
This is socialism.
So the three core demands of the National Day of Action are free public college, a cancellation of student debt, and a $15 an hour minimum wage for people who work on the campus.
And how's that going to be paid?
Um, great question.
I mean, you know, so...
Now, the Democrats, they also agree, you know, they want equality for all, rule by the majority, and they pretend to believe that nobody should be too rich, right?
Unless you're Hillary Clinton or part of the ruling class.
And they also believe in a big, and I do mean a very big government,
Take care of everyone.
of the Hunger Games.
That movie does an excellent job kind of foreshadowing what that society would look like.
But let's take a look at the website of the Democratic Socialists of America.
This is what they have to say about the Democratic Party versus Socialists.
So the question is, aren't you a party that's in competition with the Democratic Party for votes and support?
No, we are not a separate party.
Like our friends and allies in the feminist, labor, civil rights, religious and community organizing movements, many of us have been active in the Democratic Party.
We work with those movements to strengthen the party's left wing.
We hope that at some point in the future, in coalition with our allies, an alternative national party will be viable.
For now, we'll continue to support progressives.
I am a progressive Democrat.
The Obama administration is pushing for the largest gun grab in American history.
We're also taking steps to make the background check system more efficient.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Washington Post and other major publications are coming out basically pointing at the elephant in the room, or the rapist donkey in the room would be proper, Bill Clinton, who settled multiple
Rape allegations with out-of-court settlements.
We've interviewed several of the prominent, respected women.
They didn't have histories of making stuff up.
They were professionals that he'd invite them into a cloakroom at a party, wherever, and just start choking them, bite their lip, and threaten to basically, you know, hurt them if he didn't, if they didn't submit.
And the fact that they're now bringing this out in mainstream news,
After Trump and his surrogates like Mr. Stone began to bring it up, shows that Hillary is certainly being looked at to be flushed.
And we've got different insiders coming out saying that they are looking at criminal indictments in the next 60 days.
I'm not saying that's going to happen, but Joe Biden's come back now.
Today, and made statements.
The story's up on Infowars.com.
It's also up on DrudgeReport.com.
And said that, well, maybe, you know, maybe I might run for president.
I mean, I regret not running for president every day.
And that's in the Hill newspaper.
Hillary's still very strong.
She's got a lot of blackmail power.
She's a Soros ally.
So she's a definite kingpin.
But she's obviously unhealthy.
She looks like she's got Alzheimer's or something.
And I'm not, you know, attacking people with Alzheimer's.
I'm just saying she looks like people I've seen that are starting to not basically be operating with a full deck.
And so could just life be catching up with her?
What does that mean?
And then we've just got all of the incredible Muslim invasion with the rapist, because most of these are people, again, that invaded Syria, got kicked out.
Others are just people that want to have party and have fun and have been promised, you know, all these free women by the people smugglers.
They come into Germany, totally politically correct.
They're paralyzed by political correctness, and they just don't know what to do.
Now the German media has had to apologize.
The German police have had to apologize and say, sorry, we said nothing happened that night.
Then we blamed it on white Germans, indigenous Germans.
Okay, it's refugees, North African, Syrian.
Well, most of them really aren't even Syrian.
In fact, history, I've seen Syria as a place where you don't have this radical Muslim stuff of treating women like chattel.
We've got a big initiative we're pushing.
And I'm going to talk about this with Joel Skelton, Editor-in-Chief of World Affairs Brief, here in a moment.
75 times Obama broke the law during presidency.
I'm going to get to this after he leaves us at about 40 after.
I'm going to read all 75, I promise.
Going to get to this.
Kit Daniels' article, very powerful.
We need to push for impeachment just to force Congress
To put Obamacare and Fast and Furious and IRS persecution and executive power grabs and coming after the guns on the executive issue alone, it's clearly out of control, impeachable.
And we've had constitutional lawyers on about it.
I'm going to get Bruce Fine back on, so many others.
Now is the time to move for impeachment.
People say, well, don't do that, it'll make him a victim.
They're going for broke people.
He's not a lame duck.
They're savaging us.
The Republicans are using Obama as cover to get through the globalist agenda.
It's the same agenda here as it is in Europe.
Flood the country, bankrupt it, dumb everybody down.
That story's on InfoWars.com.
There's also a video, the Impeachment Zeitgeist, five minutes long, an InfoWars Nightly News report.
Powerful, John Bowne report.
Get it out to everybody.
You are the power.
Now I want to show people on Facebook Mentions that we're going to our guest.
This is just one video system we have.
When Kanye West comes out and does a video, the average video gets about a million views.
His biggest one's promoted nationwide.
To his tens of millions of followers get 10, 15 million views.
Now that's the most popular thing in America.
Our Facebook mentions is now getting a million to two million views every couple videos.
The average was getting 300 to 400,000 views.
The average is actually going up.
I'm not bragging about Alex Jones being successful.
This is just one little media system we have.
It's that even in the dead space of Facebook, meant to dumb everything down, and they've got algorithms and everything to keep us from spreading.
I mean, that's admitted.
But they have to act like they're still open to the public because we follow all the rules.
Look at these views.
I shot a video yesterday afternoon.
That'll be at a million tomorrow.
Look at the one before that.
The day before.
Congress considers criminal charges against Obama.
Obama about to unleash hell.
Look at the video before that.
Obama wants civil war.
It goes on and on.
There's some in there with three, four million views.
Now what I'm saying is we've gone from 100,000 views on average a few weeks ago on there to 300, 400, 500,000, a million, two million, three million.
I'm talking to people in government, they're really waking up, military's waking up, police are waking up, a lot of the citizens are waking up, and the system is going to want to run a false flag in my view or provocateur us into a shooting war.
That's why this isn't the time, I believe,
For civil disobedience, like what we see.
People can do it, but I have my opinion that they don't have all the locals supporting them, they don't have the Hammonds supporting them.
You've got obvious provocateur action going on.
The same old players.
I think the Bundys are good people.
But that's another reason that it isn't their ranch they've been on for 140 years.
It isn't where they've run everybody out but the last family.
It isn't where the Fed's saying, we're going to shoot you, you come get your cattle.
And then people cross the line in defiance.
That was incredibly powerful.
A George Washington moment, in my view, but also extremely dangerous.
And shook Harry Reid.
He was shaking when he called him terrorist.
Then the enemy is going to want to trick people like that, with their incredibly good name, into things that are strategic disasters.
Now, I'm not going to spend more than five minutes on this, but Joel Scowls, whom I really respect, former Marine Corps fighter pilot, Vietnam, best-selling author, researcher, obviously WorldAffairsBrief.com editor,
I learned that he basically had some of the same views as I did, and I know a lot of people are listening to this now because it's really a no-brainer with the timing of the Obama gun grab and the projection they now have of, you know, armed takeover and all this.
Their cause is just, I believe, overall, but it's the optics.
And the globalists are just having glee with this now, saying, see, domestic terrorist, Yolk-Ida.
Then we'll get into the impeachment, we'll get into Russia, we'll get into everything else with Joel Skousen, worldaffairsbrief.com.
Joel, thank you so much for joining us.
You just heard my five-minute breakdown there.
Do you agree with that?
What can you augment?
What can you say about the situation unfolding there in Oregon?
Well, I do agree with you, Alex.
I think it's very important to understand the feds are about to make an example of the Bundy group there in Harney County.
And so, as I say, I'm going to I want to suggest and I think and hopefully that they'll be seeing this.
I want to suggest a way out of this that I think will benefit both sides.
Now, I happen to know Ammon Bundy.
He's a very fine person.
I think it was a misstep to be able to go into an armed occupation of this wildlife refuge just because of, just like you said, it's one thing to be defending your own property against an armed intrusion by the BLM.
That can get public support.
But when you're trying to undo a National Wildlife Refuge,
Which is a matter of legislative import and the public expects that to go through Congress.
You're not going to win that battle.
Now I've seen on BundyRanch.blogspot.com the detailed evidence of all of the injustices the ranchers, not just the Hammonds, had suffered
When the Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife Service and BLM went to strangle these ranchers, cut off their water supplies, cut off their access to the ranch when roads ran through the wildlife refuge.
They have a long... Setting them up for controlled burns they let everybody else do.
That's right.
And didn't prosecute themselves, their own agents for damaging property, but prosecute people when it gets out of control.
Worse yet, in Hammond's case,
They had to, in order to invoke the terrorism statute, they had to rule these accidental burns as arson.
And in order to do that, they got a mentally unstable grandson of the Hammonds to, and I think this is just the prosecutors going after an individual who was only 11 years old at the time, got him to say that the
Burning of the 2006 fire was done as an arson to cover up for a hunting or hunting deer on federal land.
This is important because it's the only one they could pin the charge of arson on.
It turns out to be bogus.
Not only was the witness, even by the judge's admission, not competent to testify of that five years after the fact, he wasn't mentally competent.
The point is it defies all description.
I mean, the only thing you need to cover up a hunting piece of poaching on federal property is remove the carcass, which every poacher does.
You can't burn a carcass by starting a fire.
You can't even burn the entrails by starting a fire.
It's ridiculous for anybody that knows.
It's like saying that the Dundies were stealing land when they had grazing rights since the 1870s.
They play on the public's ignorance of common law and of state law and federal law.
So there are a lot of injustices that have justified the Bundys who have been tracking all of the other ranchers who have suffered at this.
And so basically they made a tactical mistake by saying we want to undo the wildlife refuge.
That can't be done.
So what I suggest
That's right.
Uh, ramsacking it.
In other words, there's been some positive press coverage, even from the liberal media in Oregon.
They had to take advantage of that, say, we're going to stand down voluntarily because one, we've already got a sufficient amount of positive press for the land, uh, Western lands movement here.
And number two, that it's very important to realize that the ranchers have been in their rights have been violated.
And what they need to say is we want to demand a ranchers Bill of Rights be created in Congress.
This is similar to the pilots Bill of Rights when the FAA was running roughshod over pilots and had control of the of the judicial machinery that prosecuted pilots.
And they forced Congress through Congress, they forced the FAA to set up a standard of due process.
And I think that's what ranchers need, so that water rights cannot be taken away, that grazing rights cannot be diminished arbitrarily by the BLM.
If they were to come out with a proposal like this saying, this is what we want, and then stand down, they would have the high ground.
People would say, yeah, they're not a bunch of crazies.
This would accrue to their benefit.
Well, Joel, this is exactly what I said days ago, and I'm sure we both independently came up with the same idea because it's just common sense.
I like the Bundys.
They're walking into a trap.
And then instantly, I come out Sunday and I say, look out for federal infiltrators.
I mean, they're going to show up like flies on you-know-what.
And be careful about people calling for violence.
Look out.
The Bundys are good people.
I understand the government's in the wrong.
They're the ones running around arm-seizing things.
Under the Declaration of Independence,
I get that you can say they're in the right, but this is stepping into a trap in my informed view.
I mean, I've shown I'm not stupid either.
It's common sense, really.
And then, sure enough, Joe Biggs gets there Monday, and prominent people that are running things run up and yell at him, how dare you say we're feds by name and the Bundys are feds?
And then he said, we never said that.
All of a sudden, they go, well, it doesn't matter.
You know, blah.
I mean, we have it all and it's just so, I mean, on video.
And it's just so terrible.
And then once people have been told you're talking bad about them, in this weird fake kinship thing the federal handlers will engage in, these are expert psychological warfare people, then even though it's not true that I didn't talk bad about the Bundys, it doesn't matter because now we better not talk to Alex because he doesn't like us.
When I like them, I'm here talking to them like a straight man does.
You know, just straight to him, straight talk, straight shooting.
It's just so sad that the Liberty Movement is not more sophisticated, Joel.
Well, you know, there's no... I completely agree.
Anyone who's in a situation like Ammon Bundy and his group has got to realize that when you have an open invitation for everybody to come and join us, you're going to have federal agent provocateurs coming in there.
And one of those people is probably going to take a pot shot at law enforcement if they get nearby.
And then law enforcement will have an example to start shooting.
So it's very important to stand down while this thing is peaceful, while you've got the high ground, Ammon.
So that you can continue, and I would say to state the tough position they're taking, that in the future, we will come to the defense of any rancher who is being persecuted by the BLM.
But we'll do it in a peaceful manner, we will be armed, but we will come there to keep these kinds of people from being railroaded into prison as the Hammonds were.
It's unfortunate the Hammonds succumbed to the latest threats.
They really were put through the ringer in a very phony court situation where there was jury tampering, where there's threats, and the poor judge tried to savage his conscience.
I know he was under pressure by the feds to throw this terrorism statute.
He tried to give less than the minimum sentence and then got overturned.
I think he's rolling in his retirement.
Sadness of what he did, but that's what happens in judges.
There's so many controlled judges who are afraid to stand up to the federal government It's incredible Joel Skousen again is our guest look Looking at the whole backdrop of things the timing of this there's been so many Demonstrations there the last year with the mind being you know shut down on the feds grabbing buffer zones around a classic UN agenda 21 tactics used around the world, but the timing
of the group of people being led in the demonstration not knowing what's about to happen and then suddenly under peer pressure you're in a federal building and hey we're taking it over and then you learn it's not the Bundys that were even honchoing it I mean come on people this right before Obama rolls all this out
This gave big victories, and I'm not bashing anybody, but I just gotta be honest, big victories for optics to make gun owners look like there's this big insurrection happening and hopefully they want to kick something bigger off.
So I think the cause is just good people involved, but
Undoubtedly there is a seen hand, right in plain view, involved in all this that people need to admit tactically when something isn't the best idea.
And I agree.
They've had some victories getting the word out.
The BLM is so bad that it's waking a lot of folks up.
So right now is the time to, like you said, put this declaration out, announce they're forming an organization, say they did it to bring attention, hey, occupy this, occupy that, does it, and don't get called terrorist, and then get out of there.
And then the feds will really look like they're persecuting them if they come after them.
But I gotta tell you, Joel, we obviously have reporters there at the Bundy Ranch, very good Christian, hard-working people that do have a conscience and are committed.
And as a man, I admire them.
But at the same time, there's ten guys in alleys, you know, with clubs.
I'm not going to take them all on, you know, just so I can get somebody's stolen wallet back.
I'm going to call the police.
It's just not a smart fight.
And I know they prayed about it at the Bundy Ranch and decided to go up against the Feds and all that.
And they were ready to die.
That's what they prayed about.
And I know they're having those same prayers right now.
But they just can't get too much into the psychology of this being Custer's last stand of the Alamo.
Because I just strategically, at this point, this is not our Alamo event.
That would be a disaster if a civil war physically kicks off right now.
You could not give a better present, in my view, Joel Skousen, to the Globalist.
That's right.
I think, Alex, that you need to live for a better day.
Another fight.
This is a long-term battle.
It's not going to be won by this one occupation.
And so take the best deal you can get right now, which is you walk out of there without being arrested.
You're free to protest again at a more convenient and better and more justifiable site.
And you can continue to this fight on into the future.
That's my message to Ammon, if you can hear.
Well, we've got his number, and then he agrees to do interviews, and then does it as if we need, as if that boosts our ratings to have him on.
I mean, it doesn't.
I can shoot a video right now and have three million views, and we've got millions watching right now, millions listening, and it's just to show how these different
Agents of influence get in there and cut patriots off from people.
You could write a script about this.
I mean, I remember looking at the transcripts of the Waco stuff and Ruby Ridge and these events and the way they cut groups off and the way they manipulate.
You see the scripting.
And Joel, shifting gears now, as soon as I saw this headline yesterday morning,
As soon as I saw it, I knew what I was going to read.
And then I went and read it, and sure enough, it was there because I was expecting this.
I knew this was coming.
I could tell it was the next phase in what they're doing.
They've given them thousands of Stinger missiles, other MPADs, surface-to-air missiles out of Benghazi.
Saudi Arabia is giving it to ISIS-Al Qaeda.
I've confirmed that with top officers in the military on and off record.
Everybody's seen it and heard it.
We're the first to report it here.
Years ago, ISIS developed sophisticated new weaponry capable of shooting down passenger jets.
Newly developed technology could allow ISIS to use redundant and decommissioned service-to-air missiles to attack aircraft.
And then as soon as I saw the top headline, I knew it would be below it because it's just so scripted.
And then you read, oh, it's weapons they got from the U.S.
and others.
They know how to recharge the batteries now.
So, Joel, talk about spinning it.
They've developed sophisticated weapons.
No, it's Western weapons.
So now they start shooting down airliners and stuff.
This is the plausible, flimsy deniability that they've developed technology now?
I mean, recharging a battery?
You know, everything about ISIS and whether it's its initial development to become 50 or 60,000 manned terrorist force without anybody knowing it in U.S.
intelligence, that's just not believable.
They're not developing any of this technology.
We know that the chemical warfare weapons they used to smuggle in in order to implicate the Assad regime came out of Turkey and some of it came out of Saudi Arabia acting as surrogates for the United States.
If they're getting old decommissioned missiles, listen, these things are locked away tighter than a drum in old military bases in the U.S.
They have to be trans-shipped out of there, across the ocean, through Turkey or Saudi Arabia.
I mean, who's kidding who?
We know Hillary did it through the State Department.
The Pentagon wouldn't.
Well, I'm not saying that Hillary would know what's going on in the dark side of government.
I mean, she's a puppet of the dark side.
But, you know, typically Obama or Hillary or even George W. Bush didn't know what the dark side of government was doing.
I mean, this is too dangerous to let politicos know about, you know, dark side operations.
They need plausible deniability, Alex.
And, of course, you were an officer in the Marine Corps yourself, but you wouldn't go along with dark side stuff, so I guess they kept you at a certain level?
Yeah, you know, unless you become a real abject yes-man and you go to the War College and come under the influence of Georgetown University professors who are mostly globalists, you know, there's a real screening process, Alex, before you can get into the dark side.
And they don't let most military officers, even yes men, really into the dark side stuff.
They bring them along to a certain point, give them plausible excuses to run things, but they don't let them really in on it.
Let's talk about who's actually in the dark side on the other side.
Because I had some family that was in the dark side.
That's one reason I know so much about this.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
By now you've heard of the sexual assaults that took place in Cologne, Germany on New Year's Eve.
Well, now hundreds of New Year's Eve assaults have been reported to police in every major city, including the German capital of Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Düsseldorf.
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No advice was offered to the migrants, however, for how to not rape women.
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Traveled life I had my share, man.
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The world is a dangerous place.
Not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I'm a killer, I've been everywhere, man.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've done an hour and a half of live broadcast.
We're going all the way to three o'clock today.
Anthony Gucciardi has got an earache today, which a lot of people have with a really bad allergy, so he's not hosting the fourth hour.
Rob Dew is.
A lot coming up on that front.
Anthony will host tomorrow.
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Now, Joel, I promised to get to this other news, but
This is so important.
Let's get into other geopolitical issues, the economy, Hillary.
Just briefly, if you can hit some of these points, just briefly about Obama first off.
This is very draconian what he's doing with the guns because it's so open-ended.
Applying a no-fly list to gun owners when the no-fly list is so unconstitutional.
I mean, I think this really signifies a bold acceleration in what they're doing and I'm really concerned about a false flag.
Let me discuss the Obama executive orders first of all.
It's indicative that the administration realizes that they're on tenuous legal ground and I think they see that there is impeachment possibilities being prepared.
It's notable that the administration said that these were advisory only, that in fact they don't, admitted that they don't have the force of law.
So even though the media is not telling us that, that's what the technical language says, advisory only.
And so I think you're right.
Obama's, even though he's got a very deadly agenda, including gun control, the phony climate change, and other things going forward in this, and illegal immigration, the amnesty, and those are the three big agendas.
He's engaged in sedition, opening the borders, having the border patrol complete the smuggling process, planes coming in from Mexico, clearing customs without being checked.
Isn't that impeachable?
I mean, these are his directives, and now they're going to have the, you know, the Nick system with these secret directives and these advisories, uh, carrying out this illegal agenda.
This is government by stealth, is it not, sir?
It absolutely is, and it's illegal, it's unconstitutional.
The basic problem that I see with the impeachment process is that the Republicans sabotage the Clinton impeachment.
David Skippers, the Democratic
We had him all the time.
David Shippers exposed the whole thing.
That's right, and I think with the Boehner mantle over the Speakership of the House, and Paul Ryan following in his footsteps, this omnibus bill was a sellout of the first order.
I'm not sure that we can depend on the so-called conservative majorities in Congress to follow through, even if we've got an airtight case.
That's my fear, Alex.
Well, you're absolutely right.
That's why I said this morning, if Paul Ryan doesn't at least say he's going to start an investigation and impeachment, if they don't have hearings about the executive power grab, or start passing laws ordering these agencies not to follow it, and stripping money if they do, then I watched what they did in California the last two years, and in Massachusetts, and in Connecticut, and in New York State, a stealth war where you buy a thousand rounds of .22 ammo, the feds come, take your gun, say we're doing a psychological
Doctors asked his dad, have a gun, have you seen it?
Oh my gosh, call the CPS, there's a gun out.
This is just going to be a soft, secret, behind-the-scenes probing to harass gun owners and the gun culture and set the precedent for more of this stealth law garbage.
It's just unprecedented.
It is, Alex.
And once again, I think this is indicative of what I have projected for many years, that even though I am the first one to admit the government is creating excess prison capacity to lock away dissidents, they are preparing for martial law.
They are preparing to take down dissidents.
That's what NSA spying is all about.
It's not about terrorism, which is generally a government
Yeah, they put out an order for that but they never bought it.
The point is, I believe that they put that out so that they could track through the internet everyone who got upset about it, who passed that information on to others and they got on lists.
So we have to be very careful about the hype that we get attached to and pass on in the internets because we're being tracked according to that.
Isn't the answer to this though, choose what you're strategically going to do, whether you're going to be under the radar, or whether you're going to be politically active, and if you decide to be a warrior in the info war, John Hancock it, put your name across the big, you know, declaration.
Want to be on the list, don't be scared of the chilling effect, because if they succeed in the chilling effect, then they're going to really be able to succeed.
I don't see them succeeding, because, you know, we talked about dark side, I want to spend a few minutes on that.
People doing a lot of dark side stuff believe they're doing it for right reasons.
When they have problems of conscience, they basically either just disappear to the countryside, or they get killed, or they get set up and imprisoned, and that's what goes on.
But now, we've had such a debate exposing dark side operations, they're so admitted that I'm telling you,
I talk to a lot of famous Special Forces people, and people that are high level, in person.
And I mean, I don't run into Special Forces people that aren't listeners now and aren't awake and don't know what's going on.
I mean, they're super awake.
I'm running into more and more feds who go, look, man, we don't want to totally destroy the country.
We get you're right.
This is scary.
The Secret Service is just flipping out about the stuff Obama's doing.
And that's why they're bringing up these scandals to control them, obviously.
Probably bringing them the hookers to do it, but I mean, as you know, you've talked about that.
It's just they've got a problem in that they're so decompartmentalized.
They wanted to just run Al Qaeda in Syria and have everybody go along with it.
Well, that's not happened.
I mean, so can you speak to dark side and, you know, who you think some of the top controllers, I mean, is it still Kissinger?
We know Soros is highly involved.
They have these Bilderberg type confabs with the kingpins where they fine tune the agenda.
I mean, we know how it works, but, uh,
There's a very small percent that are actual, as you know, Luciferians who believe they're carrying out this great work for a greater good.
Most of the people are just mercenaries.
Yeah, there's actually a few other categories that I would include, Alex.
As I pointed out in Strategic Relocation when I talked about the government threat, there are at least three levels of conspirators in this globalist conspiracy.
There are the very top level
And as I've explained on your show before, I do think it's satanic based.
There's only one way to explain the generational effect that we're talking about.
That is, for centuries this has been going on.
No single evil man could put such a thing in operation and expect his underlings to carry it forth flawlessly.
Nobody, for example, would bring war upon themselves destroying their own wealthy infrastructure unless they had satanic promises that I'll bless you on the other side, you know, if you help me build my kingdom.
But you know, you can't spread a conspiracy like that very far before it gets people turned off and afraid.
So I think only the top
Twenty-five or thirty, perhaps, know about the full war agenda and bringing a third world war upon this nation in order to drive people into glory.
Who is at the top from your research?
Obviously, the literal Transylvanian royal family, the Rothschilds are at the top, the Rockefellers are at the top, there's a lot of old families.
I mean, really, it is those classic names from my research that are at the top.
I'll frankly admit, I don't know and I don't think anybody does know because it's the best kept secret in the world.
Now we do know about those people who are public and I personally agree with you.
I think Rockefeller was at the top.
I think he's too old and senile now to be much of it.
I agree.
Who has it been handed to?
Because I know they're trying a transference.
They tried it to Senator Rockefeller.
He's not been doing good.
My top pick is Zbigniew Brzezinski as the heir apparent.
He's got an evil aura about him.
He does.
They worship him when he goes to these CFR events.
They look at him with awe.
That tells you.
Yeah, it does tell you an awful lot.
Kissinger has been the kingpin of the public face of globalism for so many years, and he's still around.
I mean, we have the admission from Jim Jones, the National Security Advisor under Obama, that in his 2009 Munich speech... Because I take orders on the CFR website from Henry Kissinger every day.
We get daily marching orders of the National Security Council from Henry Kissinger and Associates, passed down through Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger.
So those people have to be top-level conspirators.
I think the foreign policy advisors of every puppet president are the NSA advisor.
And there's a domestic advisor, too, right now, Valerie Jarrett.
She's a pretty evil woman, I believe.
And advises him in that the socialist agenda there.
But you know, there are dozens and thousands, perhaps people, especially when they run up against a major conspiracy like the 9-11, which was a government operation from beginning.
And I can tell you that every one of the people.
On the 9-11 Commission, know that there's a control system, know that it was a government operation, and know that they've been silenced.
You're right, sir.
Six of them went public and said it's all a lie, it's a cover-up, bare minimum, stand down.
I've talked to members of Congress that literally, on the phone, start crying.
You hear them go, excuse me, when they start talking about it, and on air, you hear them choking up when they've read the 28 pages and more, and that's just proving they stood down.
I mean, it's, exactly, even high-level commissioners
Who the system thought they could trust freaked out and tried to go public.
Panetta, the Transportation Secretary, went public five times and said no, Cheney was there.
Cheney ordered a stand down.
So again, exactly, it shows how many good people there are.
So how can then such a small group continue to carry their evil out?
Well, it comes from the threat of force, ultimately.
They do kill enough people.
Look at the 50 to 80 people who died surrounding Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton didn't order those deaths.
But I'll tell you, the protection team of globalists that ran Bill Clinton as a puppet, they know how to protect their people.
They know how to silence people who are getting
You know, there was the transportation secretary that was killed in the plane crash in Bosnia that had a bullet in his head and that had to be covered up.
Look at all the people that got educated.
Of the JFK assassination.
So there are literally thousands of people who are saying yes to the establishment, who know there's a control system and fear for their lives, or there are the predictable yes-men, like in the media.
I don't think, even though all of the left-wing and pro-government media follows the government dictate, I don't think for a minute that all those liberal reporters are annoying conspirators, but I do think they're intimidated
By knowing that they're going to lose their jobs.
In fact, they got hired because they were predictable liberals.
They don't have to be instructed on everything.
They will generally do what's... I agree.
Let me throw you this piece of intel.
A couple days ago, as you know, the 58-year-old healthy Russian intelligence chief, who's been leading operations in Syria and Ukraine, magically dies.
They're not saying how.
Well, both the U.S.
and the KGB, or the follow-on services there, have a very sophisticated array of ways of killing people, either through injection, through aerosols.
Sure, and if the West did kill him, that is quite a shot across the bow.
It is, but remember, Putin is showing surprising restraint from the shoot-down of the Su-24 by Turkey.
So this is meant, obviously, is what I thought, a provocation to bloody the Russians' nose.
Yeah, and basically the U.S.
wants a war with Russia and China.
They want to provoke that, but they cannot be seen to starting it, and that's why I don't think it's going to start in the Middle East.
I think they're blooding their nose, they're irritating Russia, they're making the U.S.
out to be a bully, which we are around the world.
But, you know, the U.S.
can't start this war.
They've got to make the U.S.
appear to be the victim of the war with Russia and China.
One of my producers had a question.
They wondered if the West would ever do a false flag and blame Russia.
I don't think so.
We remember they don't that would only give the US an excuse to attack Russia.
They can't get what they want by attacking Russia.
They have to wait till Russia and China attack us so that we look like the victim.
Let me just come out of their bunkers and say, we didn't know this was going to happen.
And now our only solution is to join in a militarized global government.
And I think that's what's right.
Joel Skousen, we're out of time.
We'll have to have you back and talk about the election soon.
Thank you so much.
I'm gonna come back and start getting into the crimes that Obama's committed.
The article on InfoWars.com.
Thank you so much, sir.
My pleasure, Alex.
Very informative interview as always with Joel Skousen.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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I'm gonna shoot a special report after broadcast today.
And I'm gonna do a Facebook Mentions as well, hammering.
That we have to do the right thing and start impeachment proceedings against Obama.
I mean, come on.
It's come out in mainstream news.
They have UPS planes contracted by the government to fly Syrian refugees in, many of which are, well, they're almost all Sunnis.
None of them are Shiites and like one out of a couple hundred on average will be Christian.
The country's 12% Christian.
They're the persecuted group.
And Obama goes, we gotta be fair who we bring in.
And then they don't bring the Christians in.
I mean, and then Soros is fun and persecution of Christians.
I mean, what's weird is I'm up here saying how bad they are, and it sounds like it's cartoonish, like I'm making it up, but it's not.
They're worse than I'm saying.
I'm mad at myself.
I don't have words to describe how evil Obama is and how mad I am.
That I didn't try to stop him getting elected.
I'm just, I am a pathetic liberal.
I'm just a gullible idiot.
I'll be honest with you.
I wanted to see a black guy get elected compared to John McCain and thought maybe it would bring people together.
I mean, I knew the globals wanted to divide and conquer us, but all the hype and all the love.
I mean, I was against Obama, but I just wasn't against him enough.
And I'm telling you, I'm not getting fooled again, man.
These people are evil.
Evil, evil, evil.
I mean, they are actually letting people in and directing them to just rape little girls to death, sell women into sex slavery, and just bring in all these men to just rape women all over the place, and the police won't even charge them in places like Sweden.
I mean, that's mainstream news.
They've ordered the Swedish police not to report Muslim rapes.
Women made to run the gauntlet in attacks.
That's AP now.
Oh, I reported it, you know, this weekend was a right-wing racist cook.
Now it's in the New York Times.
And that's really the big story here.
They used to could cover stuff up.
They can't do it anymore.
Because InfoWars.com reaches millions a day.
Drudge Report reaches tens of millions a day.
Quite frankly, I cannot believe how many people we reached.
It is unbelievable now.
I could hardly get through the Phoenix airport.
I shook so many hands.
Every race, color, and creed.
I was inside the Nation of Islam, one of their main headquarters, and I probably talked to 20 men, and they were like, I liked this show last week, I like what you did, blah, blah, blah.
I mean, it's like, and then they turn the computer on, Alex Jones is playing, like, oh, excuse us.
I mean, it's like, and you're like, well, what?
People are like, what do you mean, I don't like the Nation of Islam, they're anti-Semitic, whatever.
We can reach out to them and get them to come out against the New World Order, and we agree with them about vaccines, it doesn't matter.
The point is, if we've even got the Nation of Islam,
Listening every day, and in foreign governments and everything else, it's amazing, folks.
And it's by the grace of God we're even here on air, so thank you for the prayers, because when I tell you the good report that we're reaching so many people, it's not for a power trip.
I want you to know we are, to use a cheesy Star Wars analogy, InfoWars didn't look for the fight, I didn't want to be one of the main leaders, I always was just trying to promote everybody, but we've been pure of heart here, and
I mean, we're in the X-Wings on the attack run on the Death Star, folks.
I mean, we're it.
And there's other people out there as well, and I don't know who's going to shoot a missile down the shaft politically, but I mean, we're all in this together, and you better know there's not that many X-Wings going through that trench at this level.
There's none.
What really has the big effect is you out there.
You are what gives our engines more power, our weapons more power in the fight.
Spreading the word, doing what you're doing.
Get this article, 75 times Obama broke the law during presidency, and get it out to everybody now.
We need to hammer them with the truth and the crimes of this filthy, degenerate group that's hijacked our country.
I mean, these people are ruthless, crazed criminals out to get us.
I want more candy!
I want more video games!
I think so.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I encourage my reporters and crew and the social media people, the proofreaders, you name it, whoever wants to do a media production.
Some of them come off great, some of them come off silly, some of them come off bad.
So some of the stuff I do doesn't come off very well.
But we encourage folks to be in the arena.
And so, uh, Kellan is very talented.
His dad's probably one of our best video editors and researchers.
Uh, Kellan McBreen, with Rob Jacobson and others, put together a joke piece on Coco the Gorilla.
Then we got Max Keiser on the craziness in the markets.
We told you he was coming.
George Soros saying, prepare for the new 2008.
You know, where you gorge on trillions of taxpayer money.
There's no end to you people.
I just, I am traumatized by Soros and Hillary.
I'm sick of talking about them, but they're just there.
What, I'm talking about Nazi collaborator filth?
Trying to take my guns in the First Amendment?
I mean, arrest him!
Excuse me.
That's coming up.
They actually say Coco the Gorilla tells people that climate change is happening on national TV at the Paris conference and obviously the Gorilla didn't say that.
That's how dumb they think the public is.
We did this joke piece with Coco doing sign language saying turn your guns in and stuff.
I'm going to narrate this for the radio audience.
It's pretty funny and we need to promote this video everywhere.
We're going to post it on Facebook as well.
Here it is.
Last month, Coco the gorilla, who can talk with humans, sounded the alarm on climate change.
And he can say, like, gimme food or stuff like that.
Now the aged primate has more wisdom for humanity.
Now the aged primate will save us.
It's a fake gorilla with Kellen in it.
Coco, political now!
This is obscene and ridiculous as them saying the real gorilla did this.
Man, stupid!
Listen to Coco!
Coco, smart!
Trust Coco, pay your carbon taxes.
Gun's bad.
Gun's cute.
Aw, think about children.
Obama get bodyguard, not you.
Got good.
Coco, cry.
Coco, oh yes.
Obama, right.
President, truthful!
Take vaccine!
Time, hurry!
Oh, look at little Coco, it's so real.
Coco really said all this!
I know you see a man in the suit, his mouth and stuff.
Fluoride good, just don't believe that.
They told you Coco would worry about climate change.
Coco, see you!
And then I come in and introduce basically what was happening.
Thank you, Coco says.
That really was Coco.
Message from Al Gore.
Pretty ridiculous, isn't it?
A guy in a gorilla suit telling you to turn your guns in.
Well, it's just as stupid for the UN at last month's climate conference in Paris to claim that Coco, the great
Gorilla had come out in sign language calling for action on climate change.
They taught the Gorilla what sign language to show to then claim that it was geopolitically aware of what was going on in the world.
A total fraud on the people.
And you gotta ask yourself, how would they have the nerve to sell it on TV and radio and print all over the world that Gorilla wants action?
You could claim a gorilla said, go eat at McDonald's or wear green shirts on Tuesday.
I mean, obviously most of us know this, but what does it say about our fellow humans that they've dumbed us down to this point?
But why not?
They tell us that polar bears are all dying.
You can't swim because the ice caps melted.
The ice caps are the biggest they've ever been recorded.
Polar bear numbers are up five-fold what they were in the fifties.
They tell us penguins can't swim too.
They're all dying.
None of it's true.
They go, look at icebergs.
They're melting.
The glaciers always melt.
That happens every spring!
So that's why we illustrated this with Coco.
And it just shows how crazy things have gotten and how stupid they think we are.
I'm Alex Jones.
Was that Coco or was that Janet Reno?
Or is that Hillary's girlfriend?
Oh my gosh, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be back with Max Keiser on the big news on the economy and more.
But remember, they're coming for your guns with executive power grab.
Move for impeachment now or kick the speaker out!
Calls for President Obama's impeachment have circulated for years, but he's finally gone too far.
Steve Watton reports, RNC will consider Obama impeachment proceedings.
A document titled, Articles of Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama.
Consists of 48 criminal charges and is set to be weighed up at a January 13th meeting of the RNC.
The resolution cites Obama's malfeasance, misconduct and abuse of the Oval Office and includes the IRS targeting of conservative organizations and bypassing Congress with the use of executive action on key issues.
Article 3 of the Resolution states that Obama has been aiding and abetting known enemies of the United States, including the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, and the Taliban, among others.
The committeeman behind the Resolution says that we are a nation of laws and separation of powers, and this lets the President know that we are not going to put up with his ability to go around the Constitution.
Leigh-Anne Mackinty reporting for InfoWars.com
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And see?
I just did it again.
I can't help but get excited.
Get healthy!
Fight the globalists!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
It was just a few years ago.
We were told that no world government existed.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
It was just a few years ago they promised us no one was coming after our guns.
Just a few years ago they promised us that nobody wanted to get rid of cash.
Just a few years ago they promised us the TSA would never be on the streets.
It was just a few years ago they promised us they'd never have forced inoculations.
And it was insane if you thought it.
Just a few years ago they said fluoride was good for you.
Now they admit it's brain damaging you.
Just a few years ago, they denied everything.
Now they come out and admit it, but say it's good and that you're hateful and bad and racist if you don't agree with foreign insurance companies riding Obamacare to double and triple prices, lower the quality of care, and screw you over.
So in the first year...
Of global Obamacare.
Just here in the US, global profits for insurance companies on our backs went up 47%.
I know major hospital chain owners and others and they just go, Alex, you're absolutely right.
It's all written by insurance companies and big chains to shut down all the little mom and pops and rape everyone.
And they tell me, Alex, I've never made more money.
It's unbelievable.
And it's all done through social engineering and class warfare, where the poor socialists actually think they're getting something free.
And under Obamacare, they get rid of real charity care.
It's on record in law.
That's just an example.
And they get up there and go, there are no death panels.
Yeah, there are.
Now they admit it.
One week after it passes, they have the cover of Newsweek, the case for killing Granny.
Bill Gates goes, yeah, there are death panels.
Sucker, we got it.
And you can't keep your doctor, and we're going to increase your prices, and we're going to lower the quality of it.
And you know what?
There is a penalty.
Started kicking in for businesses above 50 people last year.
Now it kicks in to businesses, period.
And then, oh, next year to everybody.
Upwards of $5,000 a person that you don't insure.
Of course, they just cut your pay or lay you off or make you go to part-time.
They admit that part-time jobs in America, just search this,
Doubled in the last three years with Obamacare getting phased in like slow death.
They just drip the poison in where you kind of feel sleepy and lay down.
They don't want to kill you right away.
They're gonna do it real slow so nobody notices.
Everything's done soft kill.
Oh, we're just gonna start taking guns selectively now outside of law, just recommendations, executive order.
And then, of course, as they take your free speech, as they take your guns, oh, we have to federalize your pension funds to keep them safe.
Oh, big banks have to take money out of your account now and just give it to themselves, like they're doing in Europe.
It's all being announced.
Oh, it's totally normal now.
We'll charge you to have money in the bank.
It's totally normal.
It's totally normal.
Your children belong to the state.
I'm a woman with short hair.
I'm Rachel Maddow.
I'm the authority.
Obama, Congress, time for you to get in line.
None of this is creepy at all.
Government openly funding ISIS, openly giving them stinger missiles, neocon Republicans running Obama.
You tell a Democrat that, they're on too big a power trip, they look at you through feeble little eyes and giggle and go, you're just mad you're not in power.
I had a prominent Democrat this morning who I was on the phone with.
on some issues here in town, and he was giggling and laughing at me about the executive order and betting I was upset.
And I said, you know full well this is just screw everybody over, it's a horrible thing, and he's like, oh I know, I'm just having fun, oh god, it's sick, and hung up at the end of our conversation.
I mean, they all know, it's just a big sick joke.
Well, everything gets screwed over and we go from an innovation economy to a conquest economy.
I'm going to go to Max Keiser for the balance of the hour.
MaxKeiser.com, syndicated TV host, RT, BBC, Al Jazeera, you name it.
And he did predict
What's now happening in bond markets and stock markets?
A few years ago, he said it would happen by last year and it ended up starting a little bit late.
But fortune favors the bold.
He's right about 90% of the time and it just happens a little bit later than he said.
And so now, Soros, it's time for 2008.
All over again.
They only announce right at the end for everybody so people go, oh Soros is so smart.
Oh my gosh, what a wonderful Nazi collaborator.
China's 29 minutes of chaos stunned brokers and a race to sell.
Trillions disappearing.
Our stock market dropping, you know, close to a thousand points now being pumped back up.
AFP fears for world economy wreak carnage on oil stocks.
I'm the fearmonger when I shoot videos and articles about how the collapse has to come, because all the experts basically say it's coming.
I mean, we've got more derivatives than we had 2,000 years ago.
You fearmonger!
It'd be like saying if some 89-year-old man who's had 14 heart attacks takes up smoking cigarettes again and starts marching up a mountain, you say, hey, I think you might not, you might have a heart attack pretty soon.
What fear-mongering!
It's like saying Dick Cheney might have some heart problems.
I think Dick Cheney might have a heart problem in the future.
That's incredible fear-mongering!
Next he's going to say fish are in the ocean.
That crazy Alex, he said Obama would come for our guns, and now he is!
What a kook!
That kook Ted Cruz said Obamacare had shut down the economy.
Oh, it is now, but Newsweek's calling him Hitler.
Say what you want about Ted Cruz.
Eloquent, smart, informed.
He's not.
Obama is becoming like Hitler.
And I'm pointing out the Republican neocons.
Run him!
Alright, I'm ranting.
Max Keiser, we live in this world where other economies are in deep recession or depression or war.
The West is financing chaos, admittedly, to come in with multinationals and take over.
They're lining Europe up for collapse.
In many areas they've got 45% unemployment in Spain, for men.
And then they're telling us everything's fine, Max Keiser.
You're a fear monger.
Alex Jones is a fear monger.
You know what, Max?
I wish I was a fear monger.
I mean, I wish I was wrong.
I wish you were wrong.
The real state of the economy is hellish, isn't it?
Hey, Alex.
How's it going?
What's happening down there in Austin, Texas?
Where are you joining us from, Max Keiser?
I am in the city of London in the United Kingdom where Donald Trump, of course, is in big trouble because he has
angered people with his comments about immigration and they might ban him from entering the United Kingdom.
So, you know, we don't want Donald Trump in the United Kingdom, Alex.
He's saying things that just are going to make the people here cower in fear.
And what a free country, where they're arresting preachers that criticize radical Islam and putting them on trial and banning street demonstrations against sexually mutilating women.
And now they want to ban, they've banned Michael Savage and Donald Trump.
Boy, that sounds like a really free country to me.
Well, the speech laws in the United Kingdom are some of the most oppressive in the world.
I know that they're constantly attempting to censor my show that we do here in London.
Oh, really?
Tell us about that.
I forgot you have a big professional production there.
Tell us about what you've experienced.
Yeah, we did a report about George Osborne, who is the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
That's the Federal Reserve over there, folks.
Go ahead, sorry.
Treasury, exactly.
So he did a scheme where the government is subsidizing housing because the entire economy here is based on a property bubble.
There's no manufacturing to speak of.
There's no diversity in the economy.
It's almost entirely based on this housing bubble, property bubble, that's almost exclusively in London.
So he came out with another government subsidy, like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, to pump up this bubble.
And we said on my show that this is a Ponzi scheme.
So his office sent a letter trying to shut us down because we refer to his program as a Ponzi scheme.
The next day, in fact, the Bank of England issued a report saying that George Osborne's scheme comes closest to replicating a Ponzi scheme.
So then they went away.
Well, I mean, these governments legalizing beyond fresh reserve banking with derivatives and credit default swaps, I mean, that is beyond the Ponzi scheme.
So, I mean, you're saying the sky is blue?
In the UK, you have the ability to sell the same bond an infinite number of times.
In the United States, you're limited.
You can't sell the same bond
An infinite number of times.
You can sell it a few times and claim that it has a collateral value.
But in the UK, and this is why all of the major banks and all the major countries, treasuries, outsource their fraud to the UK.
This is why the UK is responsible for the Lehman collapse, the AIG collapse, the Bernie Madoff collapse.
The London oil from JP Morgan collapse because everyone outsources their fraud to the UK because the UK is where you can commit egregious fraudulent financial behavior like what's this particular fraud is called infinite rehypothecation.
And don't they don't they compete with Frankfurt and others and the Swiss as well and to be the most corrupt?
Well, you know, this is a funny joke because they're having a referendum to decide whether the UK should pull out of the EU.
And if they do, the country will completely collapse because Frankfurt will become the financial center of Europe.
The euro is incredibly bigger than the pound.
And, you know, the UK is sinking into really this kind of infinitesimally important.
Whenever I leave the UK, if I go to the US or I go anywhere in the world,
It's remarkable.
You just never hear about the UK ever.
It's a completely insignificant country every way, except when they bow down to the states and do the state bidding.
Other than that, there's almost no reason for the UK to exist.
Well, I'll say this, Max Keiser.
I want to come back and ask you about the Muslim crisis, but get into what's happening in China and the markets.
That's why you're really here.
But I was in the UK
Uh, just a few months ago, and I mean, I'm telling you, almost all the taxi drivers at the airport, both times I was there and then back from Europe, would not give people fares or would try to double, triple charge what they were supposed to, and they were very hateful towards Westerners.
And again, in my past experience, you know, Muslims and people were not rude and hateful like this, and we have all the mass raping and things going on.
I wanted to ask you what the climate is and why all this is going on, and just the piratical actions that I witnessed there.
But first, what's happening with the economy with Max Keiser straight ahead, China in big trouble.
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So, last Friday through Wednesday, the stocks had been down, they started going back up, but now the new headline, Associated Press, USA Today, stocks plunge as Dow down 300, Nasdaq in correction.
So, this is the type of stuff that's happening right now, January 7th, 2016.
Now, remember a few months ago, they had that glitch?
No, that was computers programmed to then stop trading, to stop a plunge.
Well, now they've stopped trading on certain things and admitting it's not a glitch.
So, I love how they called everybody conspiracy theorists, including myself, when we said that that was an automatic default system, and now they just admit it.
It's just...
It's wild how discredited they are.
I mean MSNBC has on average 126,000 viewers an hour over 24 hours.
Ladies and gentlemen, I can do a YouTube video in my backyard and it gets half a million views on average.
Facebook mentions we have in the last week
Six and a half million views out of like ten videos.
One of them has 1.8 million.
I'm not bragging about us.
Look at mainstream media!
They're already dead!
Max Keiser, what do you make of this financially, obviously, and the fact that they keep just denying financial facts to people?
I mean, you've come out and said LIBOR before it came out, fixing interest rates, fixing currency rates, you know, then the Rolling Stone does act like, oh my gosh, they're God, they need a Pulitzer Prize, you know, they did it ten years late.
I mean, isn't it too little too late?
But now they just admit they're fixing the stock market, Max Keiser?
Well, these are Wall Street jihadis!
You know, these are financial terrorists.
They use weapons of mass financial destruction to blow up the economy.
And it's being destroyed.
And look at this guy, Fisher.
I sent you the article on this.
Richard Fisher, former Federal Reserve member, he came out on CNBC this week and said the whole thing was a scam.
In 2009, we front-run or we front-loaded
We're good to go.
Well, that didn't happen.
The underclass, the permanent American underclass, got bigger.
The number of people that are participating in the employment dropped to record lows.
And the wealth and income gap skyrocketed.
So his theory that, well, if you give the top 2,000 bankers in America committed massive fraud,
And they crashed the market in 2008.
So we gave them, it's now been all added up, we gave them $15 trillion to make them whole so that they didn't have to suffer any losses.
As a matter of fact, they tripled and quadrupled their wealth.
And now here we are in 2015, 2016, and I'm on TV and I'd like to tell you that it didn't work.
The economy did not pick up.
There's no meaningful tax revenues to pay off this debt that we've accumulated.
And he expects markets to crash, because everything he did has been a complete failure.
Paul Krugman at the New York Times has been a cheerleader for this for seven or eight years.
He's a complete and utter charlatan, who is a financial jihadist.
He's part of the Jihad Paul.
Who believes that by the way to create an economic growth is by printing trillions and trillions of dollars worth of
A paper that any two-year-old can tell you would reduce the purchasing power of that paper.
But it's even worse, as you point out.
They give it to the ultra-rich elites, who then make sure it doesn't even trickle down to the public, which would be bad enough because it would cause inflation.
They just don't care.
They just know what they're doing, impoverishing us on purpose, laughing at us, and then having... Well, there's two numbers to look at.
You have the money supply number, which went up with the trillions and trillions of dollars.
But then you have what's called the money velocity number, which tracks is the money circulating, and that's hit new all-time lows.
So clearly, as you point out, when you give these guys a few trillion dollars, they go out and they buy a Modigliani, who was recently sold at an auction house in New York for $170 million.
This is a few scraps of paint on a canvas written by, you know, someone did in Paris, Modigliani.
Uh, you know, a number of years ago.
And then they finance fake leftist propaganda about raising taxes on rich people that's really to raise taxes on middle class to further destroy them.
But taxes is a joke!
I mean, Apple computer has hundreds of billions of dollars sitting offshore.
Tax exempt.
They don't bring it on onshore because they don't want to pay tax.
So how is that not part of being a financial jihadist?
How is Tim Cook not a financial terrorist?
He's doing the same damage as ISIS is doing.
It's just he's doing it with weapons of mass finance.
I want to ask you in the next long segment coming up, Max Keiser, what the next shoe to drop is, what's happening in China.
Your take on other world events and more.
MaxKaiser.com is his website.
And he's been predicting what's happening now.
Soros says this is the new 2008.
Is that true?
Or could it be worse?
Or better?
We'll find out straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
By now you've heard of the sexual assaults that took place in Cologne, Germany on New Year's Eve.
Well, now hundreds of New Year's Eve assaults have been reported to police in every major city, including the German capital of Berlin, Hamburg, Stuttgart and Dusseldorf.
The events were downplayed by German news media until scores of women came forward to report rapes and sexual abuse, forcing coverage.
German ministers claim that there was no evidence asylum seekers were involved in the violence.
But that cover-up is beginning to unravel.
A police official said 14 of the 15 sex attackers he apprehended were newly arrived Syrian refugees.
And a leaked police report claims that one of those involved in the attacks told officers
I am Syrian.
You have to treat me kindly.
Mrs. Merkel invited me.
The mayor of Cologne is under fire for suggesting women protect themselves from would-be rapists by keeping them at arm's length.
No advice was offered to the migrants, however, for how to not rape women.
Read more at InfoWars.com.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m., Central I host, and we have one of our great crew members, reporters, anchors, hosts.
We have Rob Duda today, Anthony Cacciardi tomorrow.
We'll go back to Max Keiser here in just a moment.
We're facing something here that is very serious and I'm facing it.
I'm not up here lecturing people.
I'm really giving myself a retrospective
Not so much pep talk, but just really need to gauge what's happening and not become comfortable with all the dictatorial power grabs, not become comfortable with all the gun grabbing, not to become comfortable with all the medical tyranny, not to become comfortable with Obamacare, and really realize it's only going to get worse.
We've got to push back or it's going to get worse.
It's not going to have homeostasis and just sit at one point.
That's not how the universe works.
And that's why they're driving their agendas, no matter how illegal, how corrupt, how out of control.
I mean, you bring in three, four million people out of war-torn areas, knowing a bunch of them invaded Syria to rape, and you wonder why they start raping en masse, and the media and the government get caught covering it up in France, in Sweden, in Germany, and it blows up in their face!
I mean, the kleptocrats, the left that's allied with radical Islam and others,
They've got such a hatred of the West that they really ought to think about what they're trying to destroy and what they're going to be involved in.
You people are front and center for radical Islam to take out.
But, you know, your parents were conservative or whatever, so they made you go to church so you want to show them.
And it's really dirty, it's really nasty, cuckolding to bring in folks to rape the women.
It's so cool.
I mean, it's, let me tell you, on the left, radical Islam is avant-garde.
They see women with hoods on their heads.
I mean, they get excited.
They think it's so cool.
I mean, they just, ugh, so sexy.
And because they don't like the, you know, they're men, how dare you wear pants?
I'd make the orders.
Oh my gosh, Shehadi, I love you.
Oh, yes.
I mean, it's sick.
I've seen articles where Swedish women get raped and they go, I don't want to complain.
He can't help it.
He's been downtrodden.
There are robberies all over the gentrified areas of East Austin on record.
And the people, because it's on their little private Facebooks in the neighborhoods, I've seen these, Pat Riley's coming about it.
They go, yeah, he's home invaded four or five times and, you know, did rob some other people and attack them, but we just can't call the police.
It'll ruin his life, the 17-year-old.
Yeah, my grandmother's jewelry's all gone, but no, you know.
I mean, these are cult members, folks.
Obama could be like Full Sedum and Conan the Barbarian, and they could be standing on a 500-foot platform, and he could go, come to me.
Come to me, my child.
Fly to me.
And they would just go, liberal!
And they can do the exact same thing and say, she flew, she is in heaven now, come to me my child, come to me, I will, yay!
And they just jump off.
I mean, can we find that online?
I guarantee you.
Falsed doom, woman falls to death.
I bet we can find that and play it.
I mean, that's how cult-like these people are.
It's the women's fault they were dressed sexy, says the feminist mayor.
I mean, just crazy.
I'm going to ask him about Bitcoin and then he wants to bring that up.
I mean, I think things like this are the answer to the Federal Reserve monopoly.
I just don't know if Bitcoin's it.
I just don't want to promote it and have it go south someday, but it's going to go up, it's going to go down.
It's a way for the general public, I guess, to get in on speculation.
The globalists don't control, but I just don't like the secret providence of Bitcoin.
I wonder if Max Kaiser really knows, but we're about to go back to him.
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All right, Max, I got a bunch of questions I want to get to with you.
What's next in the economy?
What's going on with China?
Why is this happening now?
Is Soros right?
I mean, obviously, he says there's crashes all the time to manipulate stuff and has brought down more countries than, you know, the Germans could in World War II, which he also fought on their side, of course.
We can't forget that.
What a wonderful person.
Where is all this going?
Is Soros right?
Well, yeah, I do want to talk about Bitcoin at some point.
But to get to your question about Soros, he did come out this week and say that this looks like 2008 all over again.
And I guess what's different now is that we have the Saudi, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is now on the verge of collapse and the U.S.
He's really picked a fight with Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia, first they tried to undermine the U.S.
fracking industry by crashing the price of oil themselves because they are the swing producer in the OPEC cartel.
But once the price of oil started to crack, it unleashed geopolitical tensions everywhere and brought Russia in, China in, Iran is now
Take care.
Killing off the jihadis and the extremists in Syria.
So, that's a bit of a problem.
So, I'd say, unlike 2008, this is the big difference this time, is that, look at the price of oil, it's crashing down.
This means that all the fracking rigs in America are not profitable.
It's a complete waste of money, for one.
It means that these big oil industry titans, the big companies, are losing money hand over fist.
And of course, because oil is the most traded commodity in the world, you see the stock markets are, I think, reflecting in large part the fact that oil is down and the Chinese economy is down.
The Chinese economy has obviously been the beneficiary of a multi-year money pumping bubble and artificial currency suppression through pegging their
I don't know.
Yeah, Byzantine Way, once it starts to collapse, it all falls down.
So we have the effect of a big bubble being blown that we've all benefited from for 20 years, but now it's coming unglued, and so it's on the way down.
And unfortunately, the genesis of this has been criminality, but there's no attempt to put the bankers in jail.
Instead, they believe that their policies need to be tweaked, that they need to print more money.
This is a huge fallacy, you know, if you want to call it the liberal fallacy, is that they believe, and Paul Krugman of the New York Times being a good example, that these problems can be solved by printing more money.
They refuse to accept the fact that the problems are the result of printing money and not having a sound economy with sound money.
Let me say this to you.
You're obviously a shrewd guy.
We're a top stock broker invented.
The Hollywood Stock Exchange is one of the models of the virtual trading systems.
And you know, you're a big fish, you know, a lot of famous people, you know, the Soros's, the Baldwin's, all of them.
So you're an insider to a certain extent.
But I think because I've had dinner with you, I've hung out with you quite a bit.
I mean, I know you're sharp, but
Obviously, and I'm not being condescending, I mean, you know they're not failing.
You know Krugman's not failing.
This has all been beautifully planned.
They admit it's been beautifully planned to implode the whole world, give themselves the aid to save the world over and over again every decade, and to consolidate power, create a global cashless society with their tax exempt, and control everyone through electronic gulags, the term you coined.
I don't know.
Rolled into one, we are in devastatingly bad shape, they are vicious, and only admitting just how hardcore and premeditated they are, will we defeat them.
It's easy to say Paul Krugman's full of bull, or everybody else is full of bull, lying to, they're not dumb, they're lying to their enemy.
I mean, you know, that's what's happening.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, let me address that, that point that you're making.
So, what you're suggesting is that these guys,
It's not that they're just dumb or stupid.
There's a premeditation involved.
There's a calculated analysis and they're ripping people off blind.
And that is a byproduct of what I believe to be the case where these folks are inculcated or indoctrinated in what you could call market fundamentalism.
In other words, take a Paul Krugman for example.
He is not a dumb guy, but it's not that he's so much doing this by premeditation, but he has been indoctrinated in the belief that what he is doing is in God's will.
Sure, I know, if they say that, that's the religion I think for the... But I believe that they believe that.
I think that's why I equate them to suicide bombers.
Sure, let's expand on that.
They say it's free market when they create fraudulent, counterfeit financial instruments and then scapegoat free market.
As you pointed out, explain to people the difference between a real free market system versus this cooked, rigged thing where the top six or seven big banks are exempt from taxes and can create fraud that we back up and pay for and too big to fail.
That's the opposite of free market.
There's two major schools of economics the past hundred years.
One is capitalism.
In socialism, the state makes sure that everyone is provided for, and you don't have entrepreneurs breaking out and becoming billionaires.
Then there's capitalism, where you have people breaking out and becoming billionaires, but there's a lot of people who are the losers.
And there's risks, and there's rewards.
Now, that system of economics in America served well for a long time.
But what happened starting 40 years ago when the U.S.
went off the gold standard and we brought in monetarism, which is this cultist religion of worshipping central banks,
We brought in this idea that anytime the economy slips, or anytime the market slips, that the monetarist overlords at the Fed are going to prevent that risk from appearing in anybody's bank account.
So they keep bailing out the banks, they keep bailing out the stock market, and that's the complete opposite of free market capitalism.
It is much more similar.
We're good to go.
Circulating free money by crooks.
The gold and silver market does not... The demand for gold has never been higher, but the price is down.
Because it's not true price discovery, because it's not... And how long can the artificiality go on?
It can go on until you have an event like 2008 where banks stop lending to each other because they don't believe this fundamentalism anymore.
You know, imagine two jihadis are in the desert and they decide that they're not going to kill each other and boom!
The jihadism dies.
Wahhabism is over because you can't find any more suckers to go blow themselves up.
Well, when they run out of people that are willing to commit this massive market fundamentalist fraud
Then you run out of suckers, the emperor has no clothes, and you start to see it unwind.
And we're starting to see that now because these tend to happen in cycles around, you know, six or seven year cycles.
If you go back to the crash of 87, then the bond market crash of 94, then the dot-com crash of 2000, then the subprime crash of 2007.
So here we are in 2016 and we're having
A crash, it could be basically a China crash, let's call it at this time.
So this is right on schedule.
I said this crash was coming a couple of years ago, but I didn't anticipate that the European Central Bank, which has a history of being a prudent bank,
Sure, there's like an arms race, there's an arms race of debt right now, and obviously if the elites get first use of the money, they're going to keep saying it's okay, but they're building armored redoubts for themselves everywhere now.
Five years ago they wouldn't admit that, now they do.
Five years ago they wouldn't admit they rig all the markets.
You're going to tell us it's Bitcoin?
It is Bitcoin.
And Bitcoin has been the best performing currency every year for the past, since it came into existence.
And I've never been an enemy of it, and I've never gotten involved in it, because they'll claim it's crooked or something and arrest me.
So maybe I'm mad I never got involved in it, but I've been a supporter of the idea.
The basis of Bitcoin is, I can sum it up in one word, encryption.
Encryption is how George Washington... So that's the value, is the privacy.
And that's how George Washington won the Revolutionary War, was through the secret messages and encryption.
That was a big part of it.
Encryption is huge.
Encryption protects our privacy.
Here in the UK, they want to pass what's called the Snoopers Charter, which means that the government wants to kill encryption.
They don't want anything to be encrypted.
Which will kill the internet.
It'll kill the internet.
It'll kill a lot of things.
But there is, in my opinion, those who support Bitcoin are fighting that fight.
They're fighting the fight against governments.
No, I totally agree with you.
I just don't like speculation, but it is a people's speculation.
Well, forget the speculation.
I'm not even saying you could never own a Bitcoin and still believe in the value it has as a crypto.
No, I do.
I just don't want to make a recommendation
No state!
No state!
No bank!
I hear you.
It's revolutionary.
I've just reserved judgment, but it looks better and better, Max.
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Something shocking just happened in a Coast Guard unit in San Diego.
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Keep my freedom, I'll keep my guns.
Try to keep my money and my religion too.
Try to keep on working, try to keep on smiling.
That's Hank Williams Jr.
I will keep my Christian name and y'all can keep the chain.
Made this song after he got fired off Monday Night Football for speaking ill of the...
That translates in German to the Führer.
He compared Obama to Hitler.
That's right, scum.
By design, they want us lined up like poor Russians in the Soviet Union for our sausages.
United Socialist States of America!
Run by a bunch of billionaire scum that are tax-exempt.
Final minutes with Max Keiser in this segment and the next.
Then Rob Dude takes over from the Situation Room studio.
He'll be discussing the call to impeach Obama, the rash of rapes in Europe.
David Knight will join Rob in studio to talk about backstabber Paul Ryan, who's fighting to keep Obama in office.
Let me ask you a question, Max Keiser.
You know, we'll get back into Bitcoin in the next segment if we can do five more minutes in the next hour.
I mean, I was for impeachment of Bush.
I really am non-partisan, but they call me right-wing because I'm pro-gun and like lower taxes.
I mean, what idiot wouldn't when the major billionaire groups are basically tax-exempt and lobbying to screw me out of my little bit of money and my staff out of the little bit of money they keep?
I mean, it's just ridiculous if people were informed.
But man, Obama's got to be impeached on the open borders and flying refugees in and not even having IDs and just turning them loose and coming out with the guns outside of law, saying Congress has got to get in line, so I can't wait for them to act.
I mean, persecuting the media, the IRS persecutions.
I mean, I've never thought such precedents would be nakedly set.
And then I fear if they get some neocon like Jeb Bush in,
I mean, it'll just get worse.
I mean, this is sick.
What do you think's going on on that front?
My big push.
Yeah, well, let me ask you a question.
Well, that's the question.
I mean, what do we do about Obama?
Do we just let him continue to do this?
Obviously, the past week was highlighted by the big gun speech, so that's definitely
In the news.
So let me ask you a question.
I know you follow the gun issue, obviously.
It's a big issue.
And I am always looking at this issue myself.
And so I want to ask you a question.
So what would happen?
And I haven't really thought through this.
I'm really genuinely curious what you would think of this idea.
You know, what would be the situation if gun owners
We're good to go.
You know, by accidents, etc.
The power to tax is the power to destroy.
They're using Obamacare to take over the economy as a private tax corporation.
Next it'll be a tax for a baseball bat.
Or insurance for a knife.
But insurance is not a tax.
It's a way to spread the cost of this.
No, the cost is 12,200 people dead a year on average, Max, and about 7,000-plus commit suicide, which is their right to do.
I don't support people killing themselves, but I get it.
You got bone cancer or something, blow your head off.
I mean, I see it.
But, I mean, like, the folks, the government is coming down, and if I read Obama's... They wanted to disarm us to enslave us, brother.
Well, they're going to put fingerprint sensors on the guns, right?
Yep, that'll bankrupt all the old ones and make all the others illegal.
This is a plan to get the guns.
I have the mayor pro-team of Austin, who met with Bloomberg, admitting after they register, they confiscate, Max.
Okay, but after... There's no debate!
They want our guns!
But wouldn't it be in the interest of those supporting the gun law?
No, no, no.
No gun laws.
Let felons have guns.
Let everybody have them.
Because criminals are going to have them anyways.
Zero gun laws.
It has happened.
2015 has passed into history.
Into lore.
But now, 2016 has been born.
And the decision lies in your hands to forge the destiny!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
That's a little too epic, that Hollywood action-adventure science-fiction voice I'm using, but quite frankly, that's how I feel like I should be talking about what happens when your body actually gets the real natural nutrients it needs.
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And see?
I just did it again.
I can't help but get excited.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I understand, you know, Max Keiser's perspective and views.
And I like him too much to let him continue going down the road of guns.
So we'll get into the Bitcoin stuff and his announcement, Bitcoin Capital 3, Bitcoin fund managed by Simon.
Dixon and Max Keiser that pays daily dividends in Bitcoin, so we'll talk some about other revolutionary things that are happening in the last five minutes we have left here, but Max, I understand, I mean, I think you grew up in a big city in New York, all that, I mean, maybe I'm wrong, Connecticut, whatever it was, I forget.
It's almost like pod people like you grew up on Mars versus people that grew up, I get it, you know, they have Texas accents, we actually have vestigial tails or whatever, but
We're a violent country forged out of war and conquest.
We have guns to protect ourselves as part of the culture.
12,000 people die in a year.
Only a few thousand are innocents.
I mean, prescription drugs kill hundreds of thousands, flesh-eating bacteria hundreds of thousands, and it's not this hysterical issue.
They take each death and turn it into a tragedy, waving a bloody shirt, to try to get our guns.
So, that's where I stand.
Okay, but I'm just saying over the past couple of days, it's been in the news quite a bit,
I have not heard anyone mention this, the question of insurance, so I'm asking you about it just because I'm curious.
I don't really, I'm not advocating it.
I'm just saying, I'm curious.
Please don't give them horrible ideas.
They've actually fucked that.
No, no, please don't give them a devastating plan to destroy us.
But don't, I mean, please, please, you're like talking about Cryptonite here.
Cryptonite, put it away, forget it, we didn't see that.
There's something else.
Hey, sweetheart, tell me about Bitcoin and you're one of the great captains of it now.
Been a great captain since day one.
You're probably the inventor of it.
I'm joking.
And then, I mean, where's it all going?
Tell me about what you're doing.
Well, Bitcoin capital, as you point out, I mean, it's a great way for people to get involved in Bitcoin.
So it pays a daily Bitcoin dividend.
I think actually if you live in the United States, it might be difficult to participate because the U.S.
government is taking a pretty adversarial position against Bitcoin because they see it as competition.
But they should be aware of this product, this fund, and they should look into it.
And so I mentioned it here.
We raised almost $3 million for this, and we used part of the money to invest in new
Bitcoin startup companies that are doing, you know, entrepreneurs who are creating companies.
Who's the bald-headed guy wearing a Santa Claus suit on your website?
That's Simon Dixon.
And he is, he co-founded the fund with me.
And he is, he and I went to the very first Bitcoin conference in 2000, one of the very first conferences in 2011.
Bitcoin, the price was $3 a share.
He has an equity crowdfunding site called Back to the Future.
Sure, and I wasn't bashing him.
I mean, I actually know who he is.
I kind of like that sports jacket.
I guess he is kind of like Santa Claus handing out the goodies.
What about the charge that Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme?
I'm not saying that, but explain to me.
I mean, because the government's got something even worse.
Well, a Ponzi scheme, by definition, is like Social Security or Bernie Madoff.
Paying out more than is coming in.
So that's not even a valid, that's a non-starter.
I mean, there are things you could be critical of it, like if the power grid goes down in the world, how do I get my Bitcoin?
Max, I'm just being devil's advocate.
I understand, I'm answering your question.
I'm actually glad that Bitcoin's done so well.
So many of my listeners have had, like, totally become... I'm not taking offense, it's your question.
I'm happy to answer any question.
Three times.
No, I agree.
Three times.
Three times, Max.
I've had people buy me dinner.
Uh, because they're listeners that got into Bitcoin because of the show and because of you.
Three times people bought me dinner and were like trying to like buy me cowboy boots one time.
Uh, because it's... It happens to me everywhere I go, people come up to me and said the exact same story.
Thank you, Max.
I made an incredible amount of money with this.
And, um, it, it, it's... Alright, hey, we'll talk to you soon.
Congratulations, your lordship.
While President Obama attempts to enact gun control via executive action, a new Gallup poll shows that only 2% of Americans believe that guns or gun control are among the country's top problems.
Gallup asked about 1,000 Americans in all 50 states what they thought the nation's top problems were in 2015.
And out of 23 problems mentioned by Americans, guns, gun control ranked near the bottom at 19th.
In comparison,
Sixteen percent of Americans said that the government was the nation's biggest issue.
Thirteen percent said the economy.
Eight percent said unemployment, and another eight said immigration.
But rather than working on these hot-button issues, both President Obama and the mainstream media would rather focus on gun control, with the president even stating that he wants to, quote, make gun control part of his legacy, end quote, according to CNN.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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It has happened.
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And the decision lies in your hands to forge the destiny!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
That's a little too epic, that Hollywood action-adventure science-fiction voice I'm using, but quite frankly, that's how I feel like I should be talking about what happens when your body actually gets the real natural nutrients it needs.
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And see?
I just did it again.
I can't help but get excited.
Get healthy!
Fight the globalists!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Rob Dew, and I got the call a little bit ago.
About an hour and a half ago, and Anthony is going to be unable to do it, so we need you to sit in.
Of course, it's my pleasure.
The big story, I think, which needs to be the big story all over the country, especially as we get closer to January 13th, is this article that we put out on January 5th.
And I'm going to go over some of these articles of impeachment.
They list 48 in this resolution, drafted by the North American Law Center.
But here's the article.
RNC will consider
Obama impeachment proceedings and they meet back on January 13th so we need to really build that momentum to call for the impeachment of Obama and get people like Paul Ryan to call for it because we've seen what he's done in the past just by allowing he's kind of just he's put in by Boehner essentially installed and he's just go along to get along not really seeing any any sort of pushback from him but you can actually go to this article
And from Scribd, they have the articles of impeachment right there.
Article 1, the first 10 deal with his usurpation of the Oval Office via criminal identity fraud.
It goes over 10 instances that they feel he was using identity fraud.
Stuff we covered way back in the day with his birth certificate.
Article 2, malfeasance, misconduct, and abuse of the Oval Office.
The first one talks about the IRS, how he went, using the IRS to go after his political enemies.
And we've seen plenty of instances of that.
We've had the IRS head Lois Lerner in there looking at what, and they were bringing her up and asking how she was going after certain groups and not letting them get tax ID numbers while letting other groups come right in.
But if you had Tea Party or Conservative in your language, you were at the back of the bus essentially.
Number two is using the Federal Bureau of Investigation Secret Service National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security to disregard the constitutional rights of citizens by directing or authorizing such agencies to conduct or continue electronic surveillance and other investigations for the purposes of national security.
Basically bypassing the Constitution and due process to spy on people.
Number six, misusing military force without congressional authorization in violation of the War Powers Act.
Number eight, unlawfully incarcerating members of the U.S.
military for carrying out orders on the battlefield without congressional authority or oversight, creating increasing morale issues within the ranks.
Number nine, he's been derelict in his command of national security agencies, resulting in the unnecessary deaths of American civilians in Benghazi.
And soldiers as well.
There's a big movie coming out about that.
He unilaterally authorized the killing of American citizens deemed by political affiliation alone to be potential domestic terrorists.
He also used drones to kill a 16-year-old boy at one point, who was not considered a threat, but he was just targeted because his dad was somebody who used to work with the Pentagon.
I apologize if I'm coughing a little bit.
I am slowly getting over a cold, and I will tell you later how I did that without missing a day of work, without, you know, just being able to maintain myself, but I'll get into that later.
Let's go back into Article 3, aiding and abetting known enemies of the United States.
That's number two.
He has unlawfully used taxpayer funds to aid and abet an illegal invasion of the United States.
That's basically leaving the border wide open.
Trucking in illegals, letting them fly all around the country without using ID, while we have 10-year-old girls who are patted down.
10-year-old girls because of a juice box?
Number 10, he's engaged in an unlawful, overt effort to disarm American citizens and remove public access to ammunition in direct violation of the U.S.
Second Amendment.
Remember that ammo scare?
When ammo prices started going up?
And you had Homeland Security buying hundreds and millions and billions of rounds of ammunition.
And we kept telling people, look at it.
They're buying lots of this ammunition and they say it's hollow point and they say it's for training purposes.
Nobody trains with hollow point ammunition.
Total lie.
He has worked to unlawfully fund, protect, and defend known anti-American organizations in direct violation of 50 of the U.S.
Code 843, and they list all the codes.
There's 48 criminal charges in all.
Even if he was only guilty of four, it would be enough to impeach him.
So that's why you need to get this article, Report RNC Will Consider Obama Impeachment Proceedings out to everybody you know.
Get them to read all these articles.
I think we're going to do a video breakdown of each one and talk about all the instances that
Where he has broken the law and show you how it happened.
Because it's not just this year.
It's not the year before.
It goes all the way back to when he first got into office.
The IRS scandal started right then.
And even back in 2013, I just want to pull this article up.
This is from the past of August 29, 2013.
A hundred reasons to impeach Barack Obama.
And that's from knowthelies.com.
We list a few in there and then you can go to the article to see the rest.
Now, one of the reasons in there was about his illegal gun grabs.
And he has started the new year off with a bang, literally, going after our guns.
He started his executive actions with the crocodile tears to make everybody feel bad.
We showed you Coco, the gorilla.
He's crying too.
He's falling in line with Barack Obama.
He's sad about guns.
Guns are bad, says the gorilla, so we have to ban them.
But let's see, here's what Trump had to say.
This is Trump Rails Against Obama's Executive Action.
And here's what he had to say about what Obama's doing.
They're not going to take your guns away, folks.
They're not going to take your guns away.
Not going to do it.
They're trying.
They're talking about the bullets.
They're talking about, and then as you see, President Obama is on television.
Who can blame you?
No, no.
Honestly, after what we've gone through for years, who can blame you for that?
I mean, who can blame you?
But you saw what he did today.
Executive orders.
He wants to.
Wouldn't it be nice if they could actually get Congress together and, you know, do it the old fashioned way where people work and they this and they cajole and they have drinks together and they get along or they don't get along and they come up with something.
Just wants to sign executive orders all the time.
It's no good.
It's no good.
It's no good.
It's no fair.
I'd like to see Congress get together.
And they're not going to screw around with the Second Amendment.
I'd like to see Congress get together and just do nothing for a couple years.
We have plenty of laws on the books.
Let's just, let's see what happens with the laws that we have instead of creating new laws and new regulations and new agencies to go out and harass the American citizens while we're trying to produce, while we're trying to make a living and just being hammered, hammered time and time again.
Of course, here's what Hillary Clinton had to say.
She's going to praise it.
Oh yeah, we need to go after the gun.
She's so afraid, that's why she has so many bodyguards with guns protecting her at all times.
Here she is.
I was so touched by the President, if any of you saw it on TV.
I was very proud that he made these recommendations, some of which I have been advocating in this campaign for.
We lose 90 people a day to gun violence, homicides, suicides, terrible, tragic, avoidable accidents.
We can do better, and we can do it in a constitutional way.
We can respect the rights of gun owners.
In fact, comprehensive background checks, closing the gun show loophole and the online loophole, ending the immunity from liability for gun makers and sellers,
Prohibiting people who are on the no-fly list from buying guns.
You think that would be something we could all agree on?
That's right, the no-fly list that you have no idea how you get on it.
You have no idea how to get off of it.
They won't tell you why you're on it.
It's just an arbitrary list.
We've had congressmen on this list.
And she wants to say, we're just going to go by the no-fly list.
That is just, that's a blatant violation of at least half the Bill of Rights right there.
Now, coming out of Sun News up in Canada, this is Brian Lilly, and he has a story of a man who defended himself.
It's a longer clip, we're not going to play the whole thing, it's about four minutes long.
And he talks about how confiscation, well first, they have registration, always leads to confiscation.
And I'm just going to let you hear it from him, and his words, he's got a show called Byline, and this is Brian Lilly.
I've got a warning to my American friends.
Registration will lead to confiscation.
And if you don't believe me, just look at what's happened here.
Now, are they going towards registration in the United States?
According to the Washington Post, the Obama administration is considering a national database of all firearms in the U.S.
to, quote, track the movements and sale of weapons, unquote.
If such a database comes to fruition, it will lead to confiscation.
Last year, we ended our national long gun registry here in Canada.
It was a national database of every rifle and shotgun in the country that was supposed to help police track the movement and sale of weapons.
Now, when it was introduced 20 years ago, critics said, hold on, hold on.
If we register the firearms, they're going to be confiscated.
And that criticism was just dismissed.
It was ridiculed!
Yet that's what was happening right up until the Long Gun Registry was dismantled.
As recently as last winter, law-abiding gun owners who had complied with the registry were having their rifles confiscated.
In late 2011, hundreds, if not thousands, of people who had legally purchased the Army Jagger AP-80, a .22 caliber variant of the AK-47, were informed that their rifles had been deemed illegal and must be surrendered.
The letter read, you are required by law to return your firearm registration certificates without delay, either by mail to the address shown in the top left corner of this page, or in person to a peace officer or firearms officers.
You have 30 days to deliver your firearm to a peace officer, firearms officer, or chief firearms officer, or to otherwise lawfully dispose of them.
That was sent out by the Canadian Firearms Center.
The reason for the need to surrender what had been legal firearms was simply cosmetic.
The AP-80 looked too similar to the AK-47.
They want to create any reason they can to go after... That's a weapon that fires .22 caliber.
Really small.
And they're going to call that an assault rifle because it looks like one.
Well, they designed that as marketing.
But here we have in California, this came out December 31st, California gun confiscation law takes effect January 1st.
This is already going on right now.
This is from ABC 7.
A new California law takes effect January 1st that allows legally owned guns to be confiscated if family or friends believe the owner is a threat to themselves or others.
And there it is.
Right there.
So all you have to have is a neighbor that's kind of angry at you.
Oh, I think he's a threat.
He has guns.
And then boom.
They swoop in and take him.
We were showing you guys that a while back.
Stay tuned.
I'm going to come back.
We're going to talk about open carry.
What people think about open carry in Texas.
Liam McAdoo is out on the street.
And we've got a whole bunch more.
David Knott will be up talking about Paul Ryan as well.
So stay tuned.
It's the 4th Hour of Overdrive.
I'm your host, Rob Duke.
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I'm going to be taking your calls in the next segment.
I'm Rob Due.
You're joining me for the fourth hour of Overdrive on the Alex Jones Show.
Be sure you tell your friends and family out there to tune in for the fourth hour.
You can watch it at infowars.com forward slash show.
Or you could get your radio station to carry it.
I just saw this on my Twitter feed.
Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless.
Share if you agree.
And I can't think of better words to say about this unconstitutional gun grab they want to go after.
They want to make us defenseless so that the hordes of criminals can have their way with us.
And then they come in and go, hey, the only answer is more police state.
Now, we've had open carry here in Texas.
It just started January 1st.
Liam McAdoo was out on the street to see what people thought about it.
Here it is.
Leanne McAdoo for InfoWars.com.
I'm here in Austin, Texas.
Now, we are four days into the official passing of Open Carry.
Wanted to see what people's opinion are of now they're going to be actually able to view people's guns in their holster.
Are they afraid of that?
Are they okay with that?
And we also wanted to get people's take on what's happening in Oregon.
Do they think this is a good move or is this going to bolster Obama's push for gun control?
Well, we just passed Open Carry here January 1st.
Oh, great.
I'm all for it.
Yeah, I'm all against it.
And we're still married.
I am for gun regulations and open carry is weird.
I'm not going to go to any business where I see people waltzing in there with their guns.
It's just
It just turns me off.
What do you guys think about the open carry that just passed here in Austin?
We're not from here.
Does that frighten you to think that people will have guns on their holster, or are you okay with it?
I'm okay with it.
As long as they're responsible, I'm fine with it.
Would you be frightened to see people with their guns on their holster?
I don't think so, because it is Texas.
Probably in some places I would, and probably in some places I wouldn't.
So it just depends on the setting?
I think if you're responsible, it can be done well.
But if you're not, and people aren't paying attention, bad things happen.
I'm a fan.
What's your opinion on it?
Well, I don't think everyone should just be walking around with them, but mainly when it's really hot and you want to carry and it's too hard to wear eight pounds of clothes when it's 100 degrees out, then it's nice to be able to.
Well, I'm all for Second Amendment.
I think people should have the right to do what they wish to do.
However, like my wife said, I think that it's better to have it concealed than to be shown.
But if somebody wants to have it shown, that's up to them.
But if you're allowed to have a gun, it's kind of odd to not be allowed to carry it.
That's how I feel about it.
It lets you know who has the weapon.
There's people walking around with them concealed anyways.
I think that's scarier.
Would you continue to go to a business that allowed people to bring in their guns?
Yeah, I think, I mean, I think I would.
I wouldn't, like, boycott him.
If I was in a circumstance where I felt uncomfortable or something, I might leave, but I wouldn't make a big point out of it.
She said she wants more regulations.
Well, people that are law-abiding citizens are now having more regulations placed upon them, and criminals will, in fact, skirt the law anyway.
So, to me, it's ridiculous.
Are you aware of what's going on in Oregon right now?
Yeah, I'm aware, but I haven't read a lot of details about it.
The president is about to come out on Thursday calling for more gun control regulations.
Do you think something like that is going to cause the country to be in support of more gun control?
Or do you think that they're going to be proud of Americans standing up?
I think whoever is already in for gun control is just going to sway them more either way.
I don't think it's going to change anyone's mind.
I don't think it's going to be bringing people together.
People are going to interpret it how they see it.
They're going to either be on the side that thinks, oh man, this is what needs to be done, give an inch to take a mile, and the other side is, oh, this is so typical.
There's a lot of people that feel like the federal government overreaches what
We're good.
I think things should be done legally.
All right, and do I actually think that's going to hinder it?
No, I think Obama's going to do what Obama wants to do.
He's in his lame duck term as president, and he's just going to try to flex whatever muscle he thinks he can do and try to get away with it.
He's going to do the right thing.
He's gonna do what he wants to do.
That was Leanne McAdoo on the street asking people what they thought about Open Carry.
I got the phone lines loaded coming up.
Angie, Tim, Kyle, Brandon wants to talk about ATF harassing gun show goers.
So stay tuned.
All that and more.
David Knight's coming up next.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Calls for President Obama's impeachment have circulated for years, but he's finally gone too far.
Steve Watson reports, RNC will consider Obama impeachment proceedings.
A document titled, Articles of Impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama.
Consists of 48 criminal charges and is set to be weighed up at a January 13th meeting of the RNC.
The resolution cites Obama's malfeasance, misconduct and abuse of the Oval Office and includes the IRS targeting of conservative organizations and bypassing Congress with the use of executive action on key issues.
Article 3 of the Resolution states that Obama has been aiding and abetting known enemies of the United States, including the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, and the Taliban, among others.
The committeeman behind the Resolution says that we are a nation of laws and separation of powers, and this lets the President know that we are not going to put up with his ability to go around the Constitution.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
This is Rob Dew here at the Alex Jones Show Overdrive Edition.
I'm finishing up a cough drop.
Getting over a slight cold, which I think could have been worse.
They say a cold usually lasts 7 to 14 days.
Mine's lasted three.
This is my third day of just being really uncomfortable.
And it's tailing off.
I can already feel it from yesterday to today.
It was really two days that were really bad.
And one of the ways I did it, I'll tell you about in one second, I got David Knight in studio
One way you can support us is by going to InfoWarsStore.com and buying all the products we have, the nutraceuticals, the survival gear, the water filters, stuff to protect you and your family.
I want to get to the, one of the items we also have is the InfoWars calendar.
People have calendars on their wall, put one of these up.
Each month it has a coupon code for a different product.
First one, January, say 20% off coffee mugs, 20%.
10% off seeds in February.
Get ready to start your garden.
It's a picture of some of the founding fathers there.
$5 off any InfoWars Life products over $19.95 in March.
So you can go through all 12 months
Now, David, did you know the Battle of Lexington and Concord was fought over gun confiscation?
Yes, I did.
I knew that, but you know what?
Some people might not know that.
The Revolutionary War was kicked off because of gun confiscation.
That's right.
And we're at that point again, and people really need to get mad and get active.
This is one way to do it.
Another way is to get some of the nutraceuticals we have.
Now, I carry these two with me everywhere I go.
I go on a trip.
They're in my bag.
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Didn't we plan that TSA-friendly packaging?
Yeah, we should.
These are all TSA-friendly.
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Go there.
GIFT15 is the promo code.
Let me tell you how I use Silver Bullet.
Because this is, to me, it's an amazing product.
People really need to educate themselves on silver.
I don't drink it every day.
I'm not going to turn blue.
But I've used this.
You wouldn't if you did it every day.
I use this stuff all the time.
And definitely when I feel a cold coming on, I have a little nasal shooter, shoots it up my nose, breathe it in.
I also have a nebulizer, and I'll put it in there and breathe it in.
And then also just put it on topically, take a couple droppers full, swish it around my mouth.
This really helped me on the trip I just got back from.
We were doing the interview with Minister Farrakhan.
I was doing this every day, and it kept me, I was able to function, no problems, I didn't have any problems.
And then the iodine, anytime I feel anything coming on, take a little bit of iodine.
I also take that at least twice a week.
But these are two products that I use religiously, and I can't say enough about them, especially the Silver Bullet.
So pick yours up at InfoWarsStore.com.
And another way you can support us is by becoming a member of PrisonPlanet.TV.
You know, David, it was September 1, 2011 when we kicked off the InfoWars Nightly News.
And we've done a show every day, including holidays, since that time.
I think there might have been one day where we did a repeat, because we had some technical difficulties back in, like,
And I say that right now.
Right now we're actually redesigning the original Nightly News studio.
And I just went today and looked at how it's coming along.
It's going to look amazing.
And it's really going to complement our other big studio, Studio C, the War Room.
And we're going to have to come up with a new name for that studio.
So I think we're going to be doing the fourth hour out of there coming up.
We'll probably still be doing the fourth hour out of here sometimes.
And we'll be doing the Nightly News out of there too.
So it's really exciting.
It's a brand new year.
Get involved.
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Right now it's just 10 cents a day.
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So, and with that, let's take a call first.
I want to go to Brandon actually because he wants to talk about the ATF harassing gun show goers.
Brandon calling from FEMA Region 3.
What's going on at the gun shows in your area?
Last week I was in a gun show in Richmond.
And I noticed there were two guys in suits harassing people, and one of my buddies, who's a local cop, he was saying, be careful, watch what you say to them, they're federal agents, they're over here harassing people.
And he was told to leave them alone, even though they were harassing people.
And they were just asking people, what are you doing here?
What are you buying guns for?
This is like something out of the Twilight Zone, I mean... What are you at the grocery store buying eggs, huh?
What are you doing?
Yeah, keep going, Brandon.
I shot a video on my phone of me.
I went over to talk to them, and then they tried to get confrontational.
And after they left, people were asking, why are you blowing up at them?
I'm like, what do you mean?
This is a total normal response.
I mean, I see total criminal takeover everywhere I look.
Brandon, did you put this on YouTube?
I know, it's on my phone.
I was actually going to ask where I could send it to send it to you guys, because I think a special report needs to be done on this.
I totally agree, because you are going to be an example of what people need to do, because people do need to get mad about this stuff.
When you've got federal agents asking you, why are you buying guns?
Why do you have guns, punk?
You know, I bet they're carrying.
Oh, why are you carrying?
Let me check your gun.
Is it legal?
You know, they want to be able to frisk you and touch you, but, oh, don't touch the all-powerful federal agent.
Send me that video.
Put it up on YouTube.
Send me the link.
robd, r-o-b-d, at infowars.com.
That's my email.
Put, hey, Rob, in the subject line.
Anybody else want to send me something?
I check my email every day.
And you can also send it to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com, WritersAtInfoWars.com.
Just hammer us all, we'll get it, we'll put it up, because you are an example, Brandon, of what we need to do when we're faced with this tyranny.
Don't you agree, David?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
Yeah, this is totally crazy.
Let's go to our first caller, Angie in Alaska wants to talk about impeaching Obama.
Yes, hi.
I would like to implore every listener that is listening right now to please contact your representatives, contact your senators, and tell them to support the RNC and let them know that he's just overreached every power he possibly could have.
Yeah, I totally, and then some.
Yeah, and then some.
I mean, just the immigration situation.
Years ago, I lived over in Europe when they started, and most people don't know this, when it really started with the Turks coming in, they would go down the streets, my kids know Arabic, and they would go down the streets and they would harass the Germans all the time.
They would spray paint things, they would take
They're already talking about using bases here to house immigrants.
We just had the Czech President, right around Christmas time, talking about
Why is it that we've got all of these young men, almost exclusively, as migrants who are saying they're refugees.
He goes, these are people who are able and capable to fight ISIS there.
They should be staying in that country.
They need to fix their country.
He says, if you've got refugees, okay, I can understand if it was children, people who are sick coming in.
But these are able-bodied men who should be fighting ISIS if that was really the case.
But of course, what the reality is, is that they are an army to fight.
But they're bringing them here to fight us.
It's an invasion by stealth.
A total invasion by stealth.
They should be back fixing their own country.
And our criminal government should stop doing things like funding ISIS and running drone attacks on regular people, wedding parties, farmers.
We need to stop doing that too.
No tears for that.
Right, exactly.
You know, those people need to go back and fix their own country.
But look at this.
They had 570,000 people sign a petition to legally force the UK government to block Donald Trump from entering the country.
What if we had 570,000 people just, you know, go and sign a petition to impeach Obama?
Let's put that up on their little whitehouse.gov list.
Maybe they'll answer that.
They say they'll answer it after 100,000 people sign it.
Isn't it interesting that those 570,000 people probably are not concerned about the way the ocean of Muslim migrants coming in.
I mean, they probably support that.
That's why they don't like Donald Trump.
That's amazing to me.
They think he's a danger to them, but not millions of people who are coming here as a third column in their...
In the article he mentions that there's no-go areas in the UK, which we've confirmed.
We could barely get Paul Watson and Joe Biggs to go into some of these areas because they were afraid of getting attacked.
This was in London.
Guys, put that Examiner article back up.
There it is.
Obama eyes six military bases to house surge of illegal immigrants.
Where's the surge coming from?
From the open border.
From the military.
And if they can't get here through the open border, he'll fly them in.
Oh yeah, exactly.
And the Border Patrol's being hamstrung so they can't really do their job.
I remember when we were in El Paso.
They just open up the gate and drive off.
All you had to do was walk across the river.
It was about this thick.
It wasn't that deep.
Just walk across and you can come right in.
And they don't put them at the border.
My wife, just on Tuesday, got stopped with a border patrol checkpoint well inside the country, about 75 miles inside the country.
Pretty much a permanent station there.
Wanting to know, what are you doing here?
Are you an American citizen?
What do you do for a living?
It's none of their business, just like this guy's talking about at the gun show.
Absolutely none of their business.
Yeah, and that was Brandon.
Brandon, send me that video, please.
Put it up on YouTube and send it to us.
We'll get you a bunch of views.
Angie, thanks for calling.
Let's go to Tim in Wyoming.
Hey, Tim.
Hi, thanks for taking my call, gentlemen.
You were talking earlier about gun shows and gun grabbing right now, but I want to bring back the subject of the Oregon
The Oregon ranchers and the situation up there, not that it's out of mind at all, but what I wanted to bring up was the fact that there's the Law of the Sea Treaty, which I think has been signed by our government, by someone in our government, and we're actually under the Law of the Sea Treaty, which means that any riparian area, any water flow area, any lake, any stream, any
I mean, the ocean even.
Any water at all, anywhere, is under the control of the United Nations.
And so, when the DLM is taking land from farmers and ranchers and whoever else,
For, uh, to widen the borders around a river, or around a stream, or around a creek, or whatever the water source happens to be.
They're actually following along with that, because they're saying the water doesn't belong to you.
Or anyone else.
And they took what was a good idea, which was, hey, nobody can own a river.
And they go, well, now the federal government owns the river, and now we can tell you what to do.
Because it used to be you could walk along a high-water mark line, even if it was on somebody's private property, you could walk through it.
And now they're just going, no, we own everything.
We own everything.
It is a total grab.
Well, there's a congressman from that area in Oregon.
His name is Greg Walden.
He had a very impassioned speech, and there's a link to the article on Drudge, the next sagebrush revolution.
Very passionate speech.
He's known that family for decades, he said.
He worked with them to try to get along with the BLM, with their plans, and of course,
They came up with regulations, the BLM just said, no, we're not going to do that.
We're just going to shut that down.
And he doesn't realize, I think, when he's talking about this.
He says, you know, they have these meetings where they get us together, we all agree on what we're going to do, and then they just go do something completely different.
That's Agenda 21.
That's been going on for a long time and of course they have finalized more details and aspects of that, put a time limit on it with Agenda 2030 that they passed just in this last September.
People have to understand that there is a very clear agenda that is being pursued by the federal government.
It's a globalist agenda.
The agenda is to get people off of the land.
It's not just that there is bad management.
It's not just that it's an arrogant bureaucracy.
All of that is true.
But it is far worse than that.
This is an agenda just like the war on drugs was a UN agenda.
Conservatives need to understand this too, because the war on drugs was laid out verbatim as a UN agenda in 1961, ten years before Richard Nixon declared the war on drugs in 1971, and followed their schedules one through four verbatim, even the drugs that they put on there.
That's why it's an international
Scheduling situation.
All the countries around the world use those same four schedules.
It all came from the United Nations.
They're doing the same thing.
And if you fight it, they're going to hammer you economically.
Yeah, exactly.
And so, you know, they come up with this and then they leave it to the individual countries to implement it and to execute it and everything.
But it's all being driven with these agendas from the United Nations.
And they have an agenda for how they're going to get people off of the land, force you into the cities, control your transportation, control your communication, monitor everything.
They're not letting you use firewood to keep warm in the winter.
That's right.
You know, we talked about the EPA last year going after people who had smoke coming out of their chimneys.
But where are you going to get firewood?
That's the craziness.
They're creating a situation, it's like the Sheriff of Nottingham in Sherwood Forest.
You guys go in there, that's the king's land.
You're not entitled to take a twig out of there or we'll execute you.
I mean, that's what we're headed for.
And going in and grabbing old wood is what helps.
It's what keeps wildfires down.
But they don't want that.
They want wildfires.
They love it.
Let me tell you, Rob.
With the windows down, enjoying the smell of the pine air, and then all of a sudden, boom, desolation as soon as we cross into federal lands because they don't manage the property and they do things because they say, oh, we want to worship the way the natural earth would be and everything.
No, it's just mismanagement.
If you let weeds grow up into your garden, into your farm, you're not going to have any food.
And if they let the trees lay down, that's why they're having so many wildfires.
Yeah, they won't let you do anything.
Yes, as this congressman is pointing out, that's a way of life out there because of federal government mismanagement.
And they had 200,000 acres that were burning when they set that backfire that burned 139 acres.
Those 200,000 acres that were burning, that was because of mismanagement by the BLM and they've done deliberate things to private property they never answered for, they never even compensated people for, but they send these people to jail for five years calling them arsonists and terrorists.
Absolutely outrageous.
Doing the same thing that the federal government does almost every day.
And what needs to happen is the states need to come together and start kicking the federal government out and reclaiming that land.
That's your state land.
And instead of letting these outside bureaucracies, these people who have no training in forestry or anything, they just have their books that they've learned.
These guys have never gotten their hands dirty and they're running around telling people how to live their lives.
It's totally atrocious.
Thanks for the call, Tim.
Let's go to one more call and then we'll finish up here with Paul Ryan.
If we have time, I think we're running out of time.
He's not on the phone, though.
Hey, Kyle, you want to talk about Open Carry?
Go ahead.
Kyle, are you there?
Yeah, go ahead.
Yeah, I'm here.
Hey, well, you know, from my perspective, I live down here in the Eastern area.
It seems like as soon as this Open Carry began, it seems like the fear just came out of the woodworks.
You know, I see so many people who, you know,
They may be gun supporters is the basics of their life, but you know when it comes, when the rubber meets the road, and I can give you an example, you know, I'm involved in my church really actively, and a lot of my family is in their churches, and just recently, you know, all the churches are having to vote on, are they going to allow open carry in their church service?
And as a member of the staff in my church, you know, that is fixing to come up to vote,
Things like that, you know, you have to think about.
Can I jump in here and tell you something?
Go to our site and search five bullets to save a thousand people, I think.
It was the interview that I had with Charles Von Vick, and he was a South African guy.
He just happened to be in a church of a thousand people.
They knew it was a liberal church, that nobody there would be armed, and there was a gang of people.
This was back when they had, in South Africa, they had the resurrection, the insurrection that was going on there.
And they came in spraying people with automatic weapons and throwing bombs.
And this guy saved that congregation with a handgun.
With a handgun.
That's why we need guns.
Because when bad people do things, we need good people to stand up.
Are you going to stand up?
This is the 4th Hour of Overdrive.
I'm Rob Dewey, your host, sitting in with David Knight.
I think we're going to have Leanne McAdoo.
We'll pop her in here next and talk about what's coming up on tonight's nightly news.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome to the final segment of the Overdrive Hour.
I'm your host Rob Duce and next to me is David Knight.
And tonight, I just talked to Leigh Ann McAdoo.
She just popped her head and she's going to be talking about the raping that's going on in Europe, especially in Germany.
Well, one of these groups called Dusseldorf is watching.
They have a big Facebook group and they're going to provide protection at major events and city centers.
So they're starting to fight back.
They'll probably be condemned as criminals and racist and hateful.
They'll be bad because they don't want their women getting raped.
They'll be extreme right-wingers.
Look at these extremists.
They don't want the women to be raped.
While their country dies and everything else.
Now we were going to get to Paul Ryan in the last segment.
We didn't really get into him.
But David, what is the bottom line with Paul Ryan?
They've instituted this guy, pushed him on us, we got rid of Boehner, and now we've got basically Boehner's little brother.
Well, he's been open borders for a very long time, but of course, when we look at this funding bill, remember it was just three weeks ago that they pushed through the Omnibus Bill.
I call it the Omnibust Bill, because it funds everything in the world.
It's going to make us go bust even sooner.
What's the debt?
More debt?
Yeah, and you know, it started out, as I told you, Rob, you know, we started out that segment at the bottom of the hour with the song from The Verge, you know, to everything there is a season, turn, turn, you know, well there's a time to spend and a time to pretend.
He's already spent the money.
Now he's coming back and saying, well, I want to pretend that we're going to shut down Planned Parenthood.
I want to pretend that we're going to shut down Obamacare.
What he did with Obamacare, for example, is they gave Harry Reid and the Democrats precisely what they wanted.
And that was a delay on the Cadillac tax.
Now the Cadillac tax says that you've got a really good health insurance program, which the unions have negotiated.
Of course.
That they were going to tax that at a very high rate.
So they've pushed this off two, three years in the future now.
Okay, to make Obamacare more palatable.
To make half the country who's under these plans go, we like Obamacare, this is good.
Yeah, exactly.
To ease the pain, to make it more acceptable.
Then he comes back to the Republican base and he says, hey, you know, we didn't fund Obamacare because we didn't raise taxes enough, so if we get rid of it now we can save even more money.
This guy ought to be an offense to people who are Republicans and Democrats.
People who support these programs and people who oppose these programs because he is so incredibly cynical.
He's such a liar.
And of course we saw that the Republicans were saying, hey we're gonna have something to say about this Paris climate pact.
We're gonna, you know, we're gonna not fund that.
Within less than a week they had funded the climate initiative that had been passed in Paris.
So this is the way these guys roll.
And on top of that, he wants to send your children to go fight ISIS, a group that we funded.
There's an article from Curt Nemo, House Leader Paul Ryan Hawks neo-conversional war on the Islamic State.
So on top of spending all your money, he wants to kill your children.
I want to go to Kylo in California, who's got 2016 ideas.
Kylo, you've got about a minute twenty.
What are your ideas for 2016?
Hi Rob, Dave, great to talk to you guys.
I had one for you, just for a segment for the show.
The way the news is coming at us so quickly and stuff just falls through the cracks.
I mean Alex always says that
Um, you know, it just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
But, uh, a segment called Due Justice, where you could actually pull something back that happened in the last week and give it, like, a proper, um, you know, investigation of something that we might have missed.
Um, because we just get so inundated.
And I know you guys do that, and it's kind of just a clever pun, but it's just, you know.
It really does feel that there's so much news coming out there, there's just not enough time to cover it all.
Oh, yeah.
It really feels like that.
Not enough time to cover it.
And we do five hours a day.
And we can't barely cover it all.
I agree.
Kylo, go ahead.
Kylo, go ahead.
Oh, yeah.
Other than that, I was just going to say just with the the gosh, sorry, just a little nervous there.
But for someone, I made a resolution this year to get more involved and do more investigative reporting to start my own thing.
Do you guys have like just a suggestion, like as far as equipment or like minimal stuff to make it a decent quality?
You can do it all with an iPhone now, or any kind of smartphone.
You can buy little things to make your audio a little bit better, but you can just start with an iPhone and put it up in people's faces and talk to them.
Just start talking to people, put it on YouTube.
You can take action out there, so do that.
We'll see you here tomorrow and tonight, 7 o'clock Central, with the InfoWars Nightly News.
Thanks for watching, and if you are watching this, you are the resistance.
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