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Name: 20151221_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 21, 2015
3543 lines.

Alex Jones discusses a transgender father who left his family to live as a six-year-old girl, criticizing Hollywood for creating hype vehicles that leave consumers feeling empty and leading to mass mental illness. He also talks about universities imposing strict rules on language and events, resulting in the killing of open culture and liberalism. He mentions culturally appropriated food causing offense in college cafeterias, and colleges failing to teach important life skills. Jones discusses the refugee crisis and Obama's treatment of Muslim refugees compared to Christian ones. The show covers various global conspiracies, media misrepresentation of his views, political corruption, economic issues, and wellness supplements offered by InfoWars. Callers share their thoughts on geoengineering, false flags, and chemtrails with the host.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I turned on MSNBC and Morning Joe
For like 30 seconds as I was scrolling through channels while on the elliptical and I saw Mika Brzezinski, the daughter of a hardcore global war criminal, blaming the Second Amendment for terror attacks and saying white men are the problem.
That clip's coming up today.
That's just some of what we've got here.
It is so crazy how much the globalists hate this country.
A Star Wars smashes US box office record, probably one of the worst movies ever made.
I'll give you the review of that.
We'll get into...
Bunch of people run over by a car in Las Vegas.
Will they call for banning cars?
That is people driving their own cars.
That's where all this is going.
Huge geopolitical news.
Huge election news.
Huge Trump news as Obama plays the race card on him.
It is just crazy.
And now the federal government's come out and basically admitted that they are geoengineering covertly.
It's all coming up.
First, a powerful report from John Bowne on the social engineering.
A transgender father who abandoned his seven children to start a new life as a six-year-old girl is being celebrated by some liberals as a shining example of diversity.
Stephanie Walsh is being profiled by numerous media outlets after she revealed her story in a video interview for the Transgender Project.
I can't deny I was married.
I can't deny I have children.
But I've moved forward now and I've gone back to... Frankenstein with a red wig.
I don't want to be an adult right now and I just live my life like I couldn't.
And everyone has to pay for you?
I have a mummy and daddy, an adopted mummy and daddy.
Oh, how nice!
Being a little girl.
Walsh is now dressing up and pretending to be a six-year-old girl with her adopted family after being given an ultimatum by her ex-wife who said she had to stop being trans or leave.
Walsh chose to abandon the 23-year marriage along with her seven kids and is now fulfilling her role as little sister to her new parents youngest granddaughter.
The clip has received well over 160,000 views, but feedback is overwhelmingly negative, while comments have been completely disabled.
Several liberals reacted by expressing support for Walsh and celebrating her story.
Walsh herself reacted to critics by vowing to take on haters face-to-face at a location in Toronto.
However, the vast majority of respondents to the independent article had a very different opinion.
One writes,
This is what happens when lunacy is championed by the right on.
This is not news, added another.
This is a mentally ill person who does not need pandering to, but needs psychiatric help.
Another gay man accused Walsh of being an interloper and a fetishist.
One commenter also made a number of accusations against Walsh that, if true, demolish her attempt at framing herself as a victim.
What this report doesn't tell you is that this person was charged with assault and abuse of his wife and family.
They were awarded a restraining order against him.
He has also been convicted of harassment and threatening a neighbor and a peeping Tom.
Also, his arrangement with his new mummy and daddy is a sexual one.
It's also fascinating how many social justice warriors and feminists who would normally crucify a man for abandoning his wife and kids are extremely supportive of Walsh, simply because she now professes to be a six-year-old girl.
All kidding and paranoid transphobia aside,
Isn't this just sheer unabashed propaganda aimed at destroying the family?
Of course!
What's next?
Maybe the outspoken mentally ill or, uh, excuse me, modern-day left-wing liberals will be glorifying the sad tale of Johnny List, a man who literally destroyed his family by patiently murdering them all because he had become recently unemployed and didn't want them to carry his burden.
Rest assured, deadbeat dads everywhere.
All you have to do is become a twisted paragon of perversion, and the left wing will carry you to victory.
John Bowne for Infowars.com.
That's right.
Once men are destroyed, it's all over.
Thanks to the Federal Reserve System, America's economy is in a terminal decline.
And according to economic expert Michael Snyder, here's 8 facts that reveal just how bad the economy really is.
Number 1.
The majority of all American workers bring home less than $30,000 a year in wages.
Number 2.
The poorest 40% of all Americans now spend most of their incomes just on food and housing.
At least 50% of Americans who rent their homes spend more than a third of their incomes on the rent.
Incomes keep declining for a large majority of the U.S.
The price of ground beef has more than doubled since 2009.
The rate of homeownership in the U.S.
has been declining for at least 7 years in a row.
It is now the lowest that it has been in 20 years.
Almost half of all Americans are not saving their money.
And it's been estimated that 62% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
Check out InfoWars.com for more economic news and also our new YouTube channel, Resistance News.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Last Friday, my office phone rang and former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura was giving me a call.
And I hadn't followed the news.
I didn't know that he'd gone to Russia a few weeks ago and just gotten back.
And he was talking about how much freer Russia had become versus how much liberty the United States has lost.
And he was talking about how he was at a press dinner with Vladimir Putin.
And I said, did you meet Putin?
And he said, yes.
And they started to tell me some of the story.
Pretty interesting.
So Jesse Ventura will be joining us in the second hour.
We'll talk election 2016.
Also take some of your phone calls.
And you know, I understand that the media polarized things where you're either for Jesse Ventura or you're against him with the whole Chris Kyle story.
And I can see that a lot of people would see Chris Kyle as an admirable character, especially once that movie came out.
But all of that separately from reality, a jury found that it was not true.
Because the story got changed over and over again.
I know Jesse Ventura good.
Say what you want about him.
He would not go into a Navy SEAL bar that he'd gone to for decades when he was at a commencement speech and say, I'm glad SEALs are dying.
That just didn't happen.
And I believe Chris Call was manipulated into adding that to his book by News Corp to politically assassinate Jesse Ventura.
That said, since he's been attacked by the right wing, Ventura's moved more to the left, and I don't like it.
I don't like it.
But I know Ventura well.
He's for real behind the scenes.
He is what you get on air.
So just like Donald Trump isn't perfect, I like him because he's real.
That's what you get in public.
It's what you get in private.
He's not fake.
Now, you know, I love Ron Paul.
I mean, he's exactly what you see behind the scenes, what you see on television or radio.
And I happen to agree with his politics about 99% of the time.
But there aren't many Ron Pauls out there, are there?
So I'll take a Donald Trump or a Jesse Ventura any day over somebody like Hillary Clinton who got up during the debate that she showed up late for as an act of disrespect for everyone and began to lie about films that ISIS is using of Donald Trump to recruit.
And of course, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, everybody ran out to find it.
They've been looking for it for weeks because that's been a talking point that he's helping ISIS.
And there is no such video.
And now she's been caught, and the White House Press Secretary admits they can't find it.
They can't find where Trump did this.
Now we learn Hillary Clinton missed debate because she wouldn't share a bathroom.
Yeah, that's how ultra-mega-elite she is.
She had to make them all wait until they cordoned off an area for her.
You don't look Hillary Clinton in the eyes when you are a waitress or a server.
This is the arrogance.
You don't get a tip when she's at a private restaurant.
She routinely calls managers over and tells people, you get rid of that person or we're going to give you some problems.
I mean, she's the ultimate witch, the ultimate narcissist.
You tell a narcissist, you know, a confident person, the media will call a narcissist, an aggressive person.
No, that's somebody that's dominant.
But a true narcissist has all those traits, but then only cares about themselves and treats service staff and people really bad consistently.
You don't get bonuses working for Hillary Clinton.
Unless you're her girlfriend.
But continuing on, Trump lashed out at her and called her a big liar.
We're gonna be going over some of that today.
Also, Star Wars smashes U.S.
box office record.
And we're not going to cover Star Wars because it's a big pop culture event.
We're going to cover it because understanding Star Wars and how they've turned these media film spectacles into events, not stories, is understanding how they're dumbing down the culture.
You don't just think they're going to put fluoride in the water to dumb us down or VSGMO.
Or have heavy metals in the water system to dumb us down, as Ecoscience White House Science Czar admits.
We're not going to stop there.
They're going to dumb the music down.
They're going to dumb the writing down.
They're going to dumb the literature down.
They're going to dumb the attention span down.
They are going to literally rewire how our brains work with the flicker rates with the televisions on record.
That's all admitted.
Plunging IQs, neurological death in the brain, Alzheimer's linked to television viewing.
It's all there.
Look it up for yourself.
I had dinner last night with a prominent producer and director who was in town just for a few days and he called me Saturday and he said you want to get dinner Sunday so I went by and met him for two hours and had dinner and and he's been on the show before years ago
I shouldn't even say that, but there's been quite a few directors on.
And he said, you know what, the way the country is now, just don't use my name.
And I said, well, I don't want to plagiarize everything you just said and say I came up with it.
And he goes, OK, well, you can say somebody in the media told you this or somebody in Hollywood, but just don't say my name.
That's this this country.
This this world is just too out of control at this point.
I don't think you're going to save it.
And he just laid out how it works in Hollywood, and I already knew this, but hearing it from him, I mean I sat there for like an hour and a half, he just laid it all out.
About they don't want stories, they don't want complex things, they don't want beautiful art, even though it would be successful, they want dumbed down spectacles where people think it's part of an event.
Because millennials have been programmed.
And this guy's consulted the top technology companies.
He was talking about how technology companies really run everything.
It is an agenda to basically end humans.
And how they tell you, you know, you will produce something that's dumb and stupid and mindless that doesn't make sense on purpose to change the culture.
And I was like, you gotta come on the air.
I sort of trying to record him while he was talking.
I said, can I record this?
He said, no.
They just kept spewing the info.
It was like when Drudge was in here spilling his guts a month and a half ago.
I mean, I shouldn't even have interrupted.
I mean, I was somewhat controlled, but he was just just just just spewing, you know, inside intel and key information.
Like Old Faithful or something going off.
And it was the same thing last night.
I mean, it was just unbelievable.
And of course he meets and hangs out with all the other top people and he was just telling me all this inside stuff and I was just, oh please, let me tell them, oh please.
And he said, look, you can go tell them, just don't use specific names of me or the other people.
And it's very fatalist up there.
They know there's a technological, technocracy takeover.
They know there's a plan to phase people out.
They know it's a plan to ruin everybody's brains and they just tell the top directors, you will do this or you're not going to have a job.
They tell the writers that.
So when you see skillful, screwed up, bizarre, suspended disbelief, none of it makes sense, it's all just juxtaposed, helter-skelter, oxymoronic,
But still all glitzy and shiny with emotional memes of like, we are strong together or it was just cut to some thematic music and some woman's hair blowing for a minute and you know some male archetype model standing strong and then you're given that 10 seconds of wholesomeness and then it goes right back into the mental illness.
And he was just describing how it's the triumph
of the murder of beauty and the murder of intelligence and the murder of complexity because they don't want the public thinking like that.
And of course, I was going to say later that I was going to get into this.
I kind of just did.
I never really plant hooks and then, you know, later get to it.
I just keep moving through all the incredible information.
But later in the third hour, I need to write some notes off what he said.
I meant to do it last night when I got home and I was so tired.
But it just gave me a headache, actually, at the same time, because I already know all this, but to hear it from him, and to confirm it all, and just to have him spill his guts about it, was amazing.
It was truly amazing.
You go see Grown Men at, like, the new Avengers movie.
I went and saw that a year ago, and it was so bad, it was, it was perfect.
It was, it was bad on purpose!
These are really good writers, really good directors, who just go, you want it to be horrible and dumbed down?
You bet I'll make it the most horrible, stupid thing ever!
And they actually go in and make jokes about what they're doing, and they all just, just, like, vomit on each other, basically.
I mean, I mean, it's, it's, they're not even into it.
It's, like, all just sick and horrible and evil.
But they do it because they want to be part of this great evil.
And so that's what something like Star Wars is.
And it's such a spectacle under peer pressure that everybody goes and then just goes, I was there.
It doesn't matter.
And then you just partake.
In the bad acting and none of it making sense and all of it being stupid and all of it being emptiness as a vehicle to sell coffee creamers and toys and towels and clothing and it becomes your culture emptiness and fake and devoid of anything real.
And that's only at this face.
You see when Melissa Harris Perry gets up there and says Darth Vader is racist because he's black
And then she acts all emotional and says, it hurts me.
That's to hurt her viewers, so they get upset and hurt when they see Darth Vader.
So they're in a mentally ill prison of, oh, oh, racist, oh, everyone's out to get me.
Total chip on the shoulder world.
And so if you watch her, everything is attached to it.
No one else is allowed to work hard.
That puts down black slaves.
You can't say a father was good because that takes away from women.
See, no one can achieve in this.
No one can be successful except the anointed priesthood.
They're allowed to talk.
They're allowed to tell you which words to use.
And you look at and you realize these people study this scientifically and sit there with a playbook trying to make all of their language weaponized to create an artificial reality to absolutely devastate the minds of the poor drooling victims that watch it.
They are creating mass mental illness by design.
And then even parts of the left see it, like in that Atlantic Monthly article last month, admitting the coddling of America, and saying that adults now are like gibbering, mentally ill children, afraid of everything.
That's the point.
It's meant to make you afraid of knowledge, afraid of culture, afraid of literature, where you can't read anything without getting upset, and you walk into your college campus, and you go, ah!
It's called Lynch Hall!
They want to lynch me!
And the Attorney General says, yes, we'll look into Lynch Hall, even though she's named Lynch, see?
But, oh, she's black!
She can be called Lynch!
No, I mean, this is just scientific, folks.
And then you talk to somebody in Hollywood, who I've known for years, and they go, oh yeah, now it's just unspoken now.
It's just official.
This is what you do if you want to make hundreds of millions of dollars and have your movies produced and put out, is you just wreck everything and create the ugliest, stupidest, shallowest hype vehicle you can.
And he says, and they laugh, they go, it doesn't matter.
Once we got your ticket, we already got you.
And then you don't want to admit you got conned, so you say you love it.
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Welcome back, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm not gonna get back into the whole Hollywood situation for a while, but... When they say, hey, it doesn't matter, you wanna come to an event?
You wanna come to something that's hyped up?
You wanna be part of the fraud?
And they've engineered millennials, this is what I was hearing directly again from folks inside the system, to want to be conned and to not want to enjoy a movie, but to enjoy the spectacle of being part of it and then talking to others about it in the false culture.
So we've replaced rugged individualism, liberty, freedom, inventiveness, high IQs, health, trailblazing energy, outdoors activities, with
Jay-Z, Kanye West, Star Wars, the NFL, things like this that are totally empty.
And I've got probably seven or eight articles in the stack today.
Where Harvard hands out manuals and puts signs up saying, don't use these words.
This is how you are to speak.
And they even get down to, you know, don't have Halloween parties.
And you're like, oh, it's to be sensitive.
No, it's to have a culture of total oppression about what you say and do.
The opposite of what a university is.
The opposite of renaissance.
And universities founded in the last 500 years in Europe.
In the last 350 here in North America.
They are killing culture, open culture right now.
They're killing liberalism.
And it's, quote, liberals with their hijabs and their little outfits up there on MSNBC every day telling you what reality is as they slaughter freedom right in front of you.
I mean, it's so sick.
And I've got this new article.
Ohio college students offended by culturally
Appropriated food at dining halls.
Now this is where the mental illness goes into the stratosphere.
Washington Times.
Students at liberal Ohio colleges are voicing outrage over fried chicken, sushi, General Tso's chicken, Vietnamese sandwiches served in the school cafeteria saying the cheap knockoff dishes are insensitive and culturally inappropriate.
So it's okay for the federal government to feed people prison-level food to our young children in big scams.
Full of GMOs, full of additives.
As long as it's low-calorie, it's supposedly okay.
But then, these colleges try to have, you know, pizza and Italian food one day, Asian cuisine another, seafood another.
That's just how you have good variety.
That's what you want at a good college.
But see, they don't know how to learn, or how to read, or write, or how to get jobs, or how to be charming, or how to save money, or how to start a business.
They learn how to see phantoms, phantom menaces everywhere, and that's how you're creative.
That was in Ohio, too.
My gosh, Chinese food!
How horrible!
Because, you know, when you go eat Chinese food, it's racist.
I told you the story when I was at Barton Springs about two years ago with my kids, and we're all laying out in the sun, been swimming in the big natural pool, and I see two Hispanics and a white guy, college student age,
They're going, man, I'm so stoned.
Yeah, yeah, it was really fun.
They look like they've been smoking weed or something.
They're jumping up and down the water, and they go, man, I'm hungry.
I want some Chinese food.
That was one of the Mexicans, one of the Hispanics.
And the white guy, another Hispanic, go, don't say that.
It's racist.
And they actually meant it and got all scared.
They have no language.
They have no culture.
Guaranteed, they were modern, you know, Marvel comic fans.
I'm not knocking Marvel comic fans, I'm just saying, it's that archetype, you go to these movies, you take your kids to it, there's like grown men, sometimes look like six foot four, like they could, you know, kill you with their one hit, they're like going, oh awesome, oh Iron Man, oh, and it's so cheesy, so stupid, so unrealistic, so un-male, so fraudulent.
This is their manhood, it's some fantasy land.
And so, talk about a prison,
It's in the news all the time where people will say, hey, I'd like a Negro Modelo.
People, well, you got a problem calling me the N-word?
No, man, that just means black in Spanish.
I was getting a beer.
So they're talking about, even on menus, changing stuff like that because actually in Europe they are.
Because it's just incentive.
I mean, there's lots of birds named Negro in Europe.
That just means black bird.
And all over Europe, they're changing the names of birds that have the word Negro in it.
That's Latin, folks.
Goes back to the Romans.
It means black.
They're changing it.
It's a triumph of ignorance.
It's the end of the population.
Orwell talked about getting into a point with a dumbed-down population where the words have all been reduced down to nothing, and it's a crime to use certain words to where no one can even communicate.
And so in just a few years, a college graduate hearing this show won't understand it, or will be in so much pain hearing the words, because all they're designed to do is scan for thought crime, that they will become physically ill and run away, you know, gibbering.
That basically already happens.
But isn't that fitting, because just like you go buy a Star Wars ticket, and it doesn't matter if it's horribly done, you're gonna believe it was good, because you just spent 10 bucks for the ticket, they already got your money, you've been conned, you're in the Nigerian scam now, you're not gonna admit you got conned for 5 grand, you'll go in 20 grand before you finally wake up.
Or maybe never!
Just like the college bubbles.
Close to 90% of people will never get their money back with a college degree.
And it's getting worse.
But it doesn't matter.
They're already in the scam.
Their arm's already in the wood chipper.
They're gonna go in head first, feed their family, everybody into it, because they can't admit they got chumped.
We're on the march.
The Empire's in the run.
The big news is coming up.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
New signals.
Enemy fighters coming our way.
A Syrian refugee admitted his main goal is not to escape war or ISIS persecution, but to convert Europeans to Islam.
He said, quote,
And he's not the only one.
Influential Shi'a recently gave a speech in which he encouraged radical Muslims to use the migrant crisis to, quote, But this modern-day Islamic conquest is not just happening only in Europe.
Here in the U.S., radical Muslims are building their own Islamic compounds and communities, while telling Christians and other non-Muslims to keep out.
And these communities are rapidly expanding.
In fact, the Obama administration has admitted nearly 400 Syrian refugees into the U.S.
since the November 13th Paris attacks.
And only one of them is a Christian.
But Christians comprise about 10% of the population in Syria.
So why isn't the Obama administration allowing more Christian refugees into the U.S.?
I'll let you decide.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm spending my vacation at work on the air.
See how I kind of turn things around?
That's how my brain works.
I am so honored to be here.
I am so blessed to be here.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Please stop thanking Alex Jones or InfoWars.
I want to thank you for your support, your prayers, all the intel you send us.
You know who you are out there.
Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central and back weeknight 7 o'clock Central.
InfoWars Nightly News.
Alright, let me get into all the serious news now.
And then I'm going to play a clip from a little comedy piece we did that actually exposes the plot of Star Wars at the end, the new Star Wars movie.
Group Leaks New Star Wars Movie Secrets.
And it's on the right hand side of InfoWars.com at the bottom.
And again, we shot this at 10 in the morning.
We're done shooting.
We started shooting at 9.30.
We're done at 10.
We came here and then in four hours they had it edited and put out.
Nobody can turn something around like this this fast.
I mean, this is South Park-quality ridiculousness, but we did it in a couple hours.
So, great job Rob Dew and Josh Owens and, of course, Michael Zimmerman and the others, Darren McBrain, they all just pulled in on it and put it together.
It's pretty funny.
But it doesn't translate too well on radio, so I'm just going to play the part that does.
This is what we do.
We go in and we hijack empty, soulless, rotten, festering enemy torpedoes that are the new Star Wars system, that has murdered Star Wars.
Star Wars, in my view, is dead.
And empty.
And they
They just fill all of their soul-eating tripe into it.
So group leaks new Star Wars movie secrets.
That video is up on Infowars.com.
You might want to send it to the Star Wars heads in your area, but we will play a few minutes of that coming up after I get to the serious news.
Then we're going to go to break, and I'm just going to do it in that little six-minute segment at the end of the hour.
The federal government itself
He's now coming out on basically a weekly basis and admitting that they're geoengineering people because we have exposed them, you have exposed them.
They're now preparing to bring this mainline and admit that they are spraying barium salts, aluminum dioxide, and radioactive isotopes as well on the population.
So they're now admitting it.
It's in the Smithsonian.gov.
It is the Department of Energy.
It's all being announced.
And of course, they're saying it's not ice condensation crystals.
It's not ice condensation crystals, and we never said it was.
And there's real condensation trails out there.
It's what's been added to the jet fuel.
Oh, impurities in the jet fuel are creating nuclei and changing our atmosphere and making the earth up to 30% darker.
Oh, where's all the apologies from the people?
From CNN to MSNBC to you name it.
On every channel you can imagine making fun of us for chemtrails.
I mean, it's been public.
The high altitude aerosol geoengineering programs since the early 1990s.
They just don't call it chemtrails.
Again, it's like people go, where's the FEMA camp?
It isn't called FEMA camp.
No, this Army base is just designated an emergency centers establishment system for political dissidents.
Here's the army.mil document.
I mean, just type in Army admits re-education camps.
They use the word re-education camps.
But see, oh, people were calling it FEMA camps.
Oh, there's nobody here by that name.
It's how they play lawyer games with everybody.
And now the Smithsonian comes out and goes, oh, airplane exhaust is causing geoengineering and lingering clouds and cloud banks that are changing the atmosphere.
Exactly what we said in 1996.
I started making a film about condensation trails and chemtrails and what was really going on.
It was titled Dark Skies before they even had a movie called that.
And there was so much evidence.
That I got bogged down in the hundreds of patents, and admissions, and air bases, and Department of Energy, and all their own videos of them with the chemtrail sprayers.
Because they've got special planes that do intense chemtrailing, but then they've got to add to the jet fuel of general aviation, and also commercial aviation, where it just distributes it.
But some third world countries don't take part in it.
That's how you'll see a big jet at the same level as another jet, 33,000 feet, putting nothing out, and right by it, just stuff's dumping out of an American Airlines plane,
Because, oh, there's a whole bunch of countries that participate, and then it's added at the jet fuel production refineries.
And if you look, there's only four or five companies in North America that are refining jet fuel on a mass scale.
And all you gotta do is have them be part of the industrial InfraGard program, and baby, you give them a tax exemption to mix it this way, and it's classified, and they do it.
And we've got all the documents on that.
Can you imagine what else is going on when they're jacking with the atmosphere and won't tell us what they're doing?
Can you imagine what's piggybacked and what's Trojan-horsed into all the GMO and the vaccines?
I mean, just what we know is enough to devastate human life on this planet forever.
I mean, just type in, Kim Trails From Space and just look at the world.
Or look at the BBC a decade ago.
Earth 20% darker.
Now it's 30% darker.
Oh, but nothing's going on.
There's no world government.
There's nothing secret.
Everything's fine.
Yeah, they feed...
Roundup-ready soybeans to guinea pigs, and the first generation dies at about half the age they should.
The next generation, about 60-70% are infertile and have tumors all over their bodies, but it's not until the third generation.
You get almost 99% infertility and almost every guinea pig is horribly deformed with their testicles on top of their heads.
I told Howard Stern that and he laughed about it.
It's funny, I know.
Until your kids get it.
And then it's time to die.
It's all a covert program.
And you know, I've gone kind of crazy knowing about it every day, having to live with it, watch everybody else just go about their business, and then I'll be at some event or out having a good time and all of a sudden I feel guilty.
I'll be out having a good time laughing with buddies or doing a podcast or something, I went over to On It, Joe Rogan's outfit, Aubrey Marcus's outfit finally this week.
I had a great time, I was sitting there Saturday night having a great time and it just hit me.
Wait a minute.
We're under attack.
I've gotta... See, and I know it's unnatural for me to just be up here yelling and screaming they're murdering us, they're murdering us all the time, and then nothing's happening.
Nothing's being done.
In an ancient civilization, people go check into what I was saying, believe it, and stop it.
But because everybody just thinks, you know, Transformers are real, and the X-Men is the real world, then I can't reach them.
They're gone!
They're busy battling windmills, like Don Quixote.
You know, how dare you feed me Chinese food on the menu!
That's racist!
You've stolen Asian culture!
And it's the white kid saying it, of course.
And I'm like, hey, you know, they put cancer viruses in almost all the major vaccines.
Here's some documents.
Shut up, you racist!
Okay, uh, they're spraying aluminum on us.
The trees and plants are dying.
The plankton's dying.
It's real dangerous.
Here's some... Shut up, racist!
Listen, they're aborting half the black people.
It's a plan, and they're going to phase it into all groups.
We need to really work together.
Shut up, white devil!
All these people are now telling me, did you know episode 3 is about 9-11 and false flags?
Thank you for telling me that.
I thought I broke that 10 years ago.
Why is it no one listens to me when I'm saying it, when it's breaking, when it's happening?
Instead, all they do is misappropriate what I've said.
We didn't have a moon landing.
Never said that.
Giant wasp live under the UN building.
Never said that.
And that was in over... People go, well you said it was 500.
No, it's over a thousand now.
As of last Monday it was 500.
Over a thousand articles last week alone saying that I believe that
Aliens run the planet, that there are giant wasps under the UN building, and that Obama sends tornadoes to kill people, never said any of that.
A lady said, do you think the big tornado that hit Oklahoma City a few years ago was weather weapons?
And I said, no, they usually do it in big general fronts to like keep water out of areas or change atmospheres.
They don't tend to send tornadoes themselves, though they admit they can go into weather systems and create tornadoes.
That turns into Obama sent the tornado.
And again, I know I keep repeating that, because when there's a thousand articles plus saying that, I've got to counter it.
But I've had four or five people the last week that I know on the street or in person say, yeah, I saw that in the paper.
Shane Steiner saw it in the local Austin American Statesman.
He goes, but I know you don't say that.
I've heard your show.
But see, they know you as listeners know they're lying.
They're targeting new people, inoculating them in their own terms, psychologically inoculating them, conditioning them, preconditioning them to not listen when they hear me explain.
What's been added to the vaccines?
Or the geoengineering's going on?
Because they know I've got their plan.
I know who they are.
I know their master program.
Because they're so arrogant and have written about it.
And if people listen to me, it's game over for the New World Order.
But you've got to decide that you want to do something about this!
You've got to decide that you care about your family.
You've got to decide you don't want to just be overwritten.
I mean, maybe you're so lazy and so mesmerized by TV and got so much, you know, food and all these base-level things you need, they've done that on purpose, that you don't realize you're being absolutely slow-murdered.
Those that the gods would destroy, they would first make man.
Well, the globalists are playing the part of God.
That's who they want to be.
That's who they're trying to be.
And so, those they would destroy, they would first make mad.
And you look at everything they're doing to us and our culture, it's to make us insane and mentally ill so we don't stand up for ourselves.
You'd have to be crazy living in a freakish society like this to go along with it.
So they're gonna make you crazy and dumb and stupid.
I'll be honest with you, 10 years ago, I never thought it'd be the warrior class that would listen to me.
I would bash the military, I would bash the police all day, because I knew they worked for the globalists that had taken over.
I would think I've got to warn the general proletariat, to use their words, so that we don't go along with this takeover.
But I didn't realize that for all the faults of the people that enter the warrior class, they don't want to be slaves.
They don't want to be conquered.
They don't want to be driven into slavery.
They don't, no, no, no, they want to do the hanging.
And it's that class now that's totally tuned to this show.
See, I never expected those type of angles.
The globalists have a big problem because of that.
But I want to tell the general public something right now.
You better wake up too and get involved and get your butts in gear because you are being attacked.
You are being destroyed.
Let's go to this next clip.
Mika Brzezinski, who dates the former Republican congressman who had a dead intern found on him.
Again, when you watch these shows, you need to know the background.
Her father wrote a book bragging that he set up the Khmer Rouge, who killed 35% of Cambodia's population, roughly.
And he wrote in there that he's very proud of the fact that he didn't kill the people, he sent someone else to do it, so that he is politically protected.
He brags about the English he puts on a ball when he knocks four or five balls that he calls into the corner pockets.
Oh, I didn't kill all those Cambodians.
I hit another ball that hit another ball that knocked him in, but I didn't touch the ball with the wrong ball.
And he writes a book.
You can go read his quotes.
Oh, real cutesy.
So, see, when you're set there with a platinum blonde with her disgraced congressman totally blackmailed and controlled, she just looks... See, Matt, look at things through my eyes, see?
Look at things through knowledge and background.
Then you see two enemies, two enemy officers in front of you, preying on America, preying on your family.
And that's only one dimension of it.
I could go into more.
The two are lovers in their hatred for humanity.
Scarborough talks about how he admires and learns so much from her father, one of the most evil men alive today.
Who has a public plan in the Grand Chess Board to engineer thermal nuclear war with Russia.
How's that sound?
Oh, Darth Vader's scary?
The new monsters in the Star Wars are scary?
How about the people that write books bragging about killing millions of innocent men, women, and children?
You think they might be a little dangerous?
You think they might need to be met?
Oh no!
Who wants to actually fight with real monsters?
Let's pretend we fight with monsters in our minds because we're little boys!
And then you can see through her eyes as she tries to show off with the latest White House talking points that
How dare Santorum, who's neocon in his own right, because there's levels to this, how dare Rick Santorum be worried about radical Muslims being brought into the country?
Why we know the biggest killers are white men with guns!
Go to the FBI crime statistics!
Do you know the lowest level of any major quote racial group in crime with firearms?
It's white males.
That's a fact.
Look it up.
You know overall crime with guns, period, from black to hispanic to asian to white is down since 1992.
It's not 50 something, it's 61 now.
Mass shootings, the rarest form of shooting, are slightly up the last decade.
Less than 100 people a year die in them.
And it's a mix.
It's crazy muslims, it's crazy white guys, crazy black guys, you name it.
With the media hyping, and I'm surprised there's not more.
It's like the New Past Times.
Instead of suicide by cop, just go shoot up a school or some other victim disarmament zone.
And she gets up here and just keeps repeating, like, don't you see how you're discredited?
Don't you see?
You're usually smart.
It's the white men.
It's the white men.
All lies!
Like Hillary saying, like Brian Williams, she was, you know, in combat in Serbia.
It's all lies!
They're liars!
And then you realize it's the daughter of a mass-murdering war criminal up there with a guy.
Found with a dead intern.
A strangled intern.
I mean, I'm sure he didn't do it.
I'm totally innocent, of course.
Oh my gosh.
Here, let's just go ahead and go to these two little sweetie pies.
Up there shoveling lies.
Oh, the problem isn't radical jihadists.
No, it's white people!
This is how sick these freaks are.
Here's the clip.
Well, why aren't you working on white men with guns?
I mean, come on.
I mean, come on.
Why are you doing that?
I mean, again, it's all body language, like a kindergarten teacher.
You ever watch a kindergarten teacher, how they talk to kindergarteners or first graders?
This is all the Delphi technique.
Dumbing is down to children.
She goes, why aren't you talking about it?
I mean, obviously, the sky is purple at high noon.
I mean, you know, unicorns are real.
I mean, you know, Obamacare is free, you racist.
You didn't build your business.
Two plus two equals five.
Did you hear?
Seven days a week at this college, they have different things.
Sometimes it's chicken fried steak.
Sometimes it's sushi.
Sometimes it's fish and chips.
I mean, it's so racist.
You're appropriating culture?
Oh my gosh, Alex, you're wearing cowboy boots.
Those come from Mexico.
You're wearing a belt buckle.
What are you, against Mexicans?
You're like, well no, I actually like the- Shut up!
Skip the network, Greg.
I gotta cover this.
This is how demonic and evil these people are.
Every word crafted to hurt you and your family.
They're preying on you!
They are your enemy!
Break the enemy's conditioning, folks!
They're your enemy!
They're your enemy!
They're gonna stage false flags and blame us, folks.
They're gonna blame you.
They're gonna take everything you got.
They hate the fact the Founders laid down the Second Amendment as a checkmate against them.
They were so ready.
Oh, God bless George Washington.
Thank you, God, for people like that.
They're the only ones from 240 years ago as the force field holding back some of this right now.
But it's weakening, it's falling, folks, and all hell's gonna break loose.
Thank God for what they built for us.
That's why the enemy hates them so much, because they're fighting their spirit today!
Just go back to this enemy.
I just cannot watch the daughter of a mass-murdering war criminal, who wants World War III on top of it, involving the overthrow of Ukraine and every other evil you can imagine, with her evil, evil, evil co-host.
Just preying on people and showing total anti-white racism.
Here it is.
Well, why aren't you working on white men with guns?
I mean, come on, Rick Santorum.
You know better.
You're a smart guy.
You're telling Muslim Americans they all need to come out and talk about the tiny percentage of their community that has kind of, quite frankly, wreaked havoc.
But yet, you look at the data.
Of white men with guns wreaking havoc on this country?
Back it up again.
Let's play it again.
White men.
Everything is scientifically trained.
White men.
All her body language.
White men.
Like she has a passion of like a huntress with battle axes to hack up her enemy.
She's white men.
White men.
The type that strangle people?
Those type?
Here, let's.
Oh, you love it, don't you?
The Huntress!
To savage the enemy Americans!
To hold them down!
To tie them down!
She's a Lillipully with another rope over her!
Help me tie them down!
Help me hold them!
We're breaking loose, whore!
You're a prostitute of the New World Order selling out the American people!
Now let's go back to her.
Here she is.
Well, why aren't you working on white men with guns?
I mean, come on, Rick Santorum.
You know better.
You're a smart guy.
You're telling Michael McCartney... Let's hear it again, to the very start.
You know enough.
You're a smart guy.
Everything is a literal CIA psych warfare technique.
One after the other, she's just bam, bam, bam, like a video game, hitting the button she was taught to hit.
But she's actually scared.
She knows she has no ratings.
She knows she's a nobody.
She's scared of the evil in her family.
She can feel the darkness pulling at her.
So she wants to be more evil.
Friends with the devil.
Maybe he'll be nice to her.
Oh, he's gonna be nice to you, you old hag!
Your soul is so ugly, I've seen 98-year-old women more beautiful than you, and not because they're physically beautiful.
You're an ugly hag!
Ice cold, Ice Queen!
You feel the fire of liberty?
It will burn your fraud to the ground!
You think your devil's got power?
That devil only tries to imitate aspects of God!
You are weak!
You will be broken!
Now let's go back to the monster.
I'm not going to interrupt at this time.
Here she is.
Well, why aren't you working on white men with guns?
I mean, come on, Rick Santorum.
You know better.
You're a smart guy.
You're telling Muslim Americans they all need to come out and talk about the tiny percentage of their community that has kind of, quite frankly, wreaked havoc.
But yet, you look at the data.
Of white men with guns wreaking havoc on this country?
Why aren't white men all coming forward?
Why don't you call on them to do that?
I actually am doing a lot of things.
I'm doing a lot of things about trying to solve gun violence and that primarily focuses on the family.
Like being against people on the terror watch list?
Not being able to buy a gun?
If you look at the folks who are causing crime in America, almost every single one of them, and I think Chuck Colson pointed this out, that 85 to 90% of men in prison grew up without a father in the home.
So you want to get at the real root problem here.
You've got a breakdown of society, basically based upon the breakdown of the family.
To point to an inanimate object...
Santorum is pointing to black crime rates being astronomical in areas where the families were broken up, but he didn't say black people.
That's the only way his argument has any semblance of reality.
No, the overall crime rate's way down because of gun ownership going up and because of better policing techniques.
And everybody knows that.
In fact, guys, can you roll the feed with Justice Department numbers on the crime rate plunging?
I know we have that in the file in there for TV viewers.
But just type in gun crime plunges, but perception is it's up.
You'll get LA Times, Washington Post, even they admit it.
But Santorum goes along with it and goes, well, the crime rate's up because of fatherless families.
No, it's not.
No, it's not.
No, it's not.
It is not.
I'm showing FBI.gov statistics.
It's just absolute flaming baloney.
And folks, people need to meet the Brzezinski's with anger.
They need to meet all of these enemies of humanity point blank.
Because these people have never had to have consequences for the way they behave, the way they act, the type of evil they pull.
Really evil, powerful people in history were pretty controlled about what they said and did, because they understood how weak they really were, even if they thought they were in a position of strength.
Any given day, they could roll those dice and come up snake eyes.
I've raised my rhetoric to the level of their outrageousness to get people out of comas, but what I say and what I break down is accurate.
There it is.
Gun crime has plunged.
Americans think it's up.
LA Times.
But there they are, just going along with, yep, well crime's up because the fathers.
It's just none of it's true.
It's just bathing in ignorance.
But they're not bathing in ignorance.
More Americans view letting more people carry concealed handguns as better solution to terrorism than stricter gun control.
New big poll out.
That's from Gallup.
The truth is we're winning.
They're angry.
And they have built admitted giant emergency center establishment systems and civilian inmate labor camp programs to prime them with prisoners.
And it's all admitted.
You can read the Army manual on civil internment program for the United States.
It's about 30-something pages long.
You can all read about how they'll process you with your social security numbers.
In fact, can we pull up the internment camp documents for new TV viewers and listeners?
I'll just give you the U.S.
Document number if you want to go read it at army.mil for yourself.
Oh, I'm a conspiracy theorist.
Oh, sorry.
By the way, I didn't get to the geoengineering.
I'll do it next hour after Ventura leaves us.
Oh, yeah, Smithsonian, Associated Press, Popular Science, all just got the green light to come out and break the big news.
They'll probably get Pulitzer Prizes.
That there's something in the jet fuel causing geoengineering and persistent jet trails.
Oh, those of us that made films about it and talked forever, we won't get lauded and carried on shoulders?
No, we'll get lied about.
FM3-39.40, interment resettlement operations, 2010, leaked in 2012, declassified 2013.
I'm afraid it got leaked to us.
Kind of like how Hillary was using the State Department import-export system to ship weapons.
Oh, that broke here and now three years ago and broke this year.
I'm not bragging.
I just want everybody to know.
You wanna talk about Star Wars?
Our X-Wing attack force blows up Death Stars on a weekly basis.
And we love getting shot at, and we love getting blown up.
We don't care.
I'm afraid we're committed.
And I'm afraid we're not gonna stop.
We're crazed.
We're 1776.
And we're bringing the fire of liberty.
And nothing, nothing on this Earth's gonna stop it.
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Infowarslife.com You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Jesse Ventura's coming up.
He just joined us.
You saw the new talking point.
Trump's behind Al-Syeda, ISIS, not Hillary, who helped run the whole thing.
White men are causing giant crime waves in America.
Need to be dealt with.
Not radical islamicist.
That's Brzezinski on the morning hangman or the morning show or whatever you call that show.
And then I saw this last week because I saw an article about demonstrations in Austin.
We're good to go.
And I'm not worried about getting blamed.
It's good.
I mean, they already say that I'm putting wasp under their, you know, that there's aliens underneath the UN building.
And here's the Daily Beast article.
Joe Beggs walked in during that 72nd break and I said, wait, wait, let me tell you, it'll say in the article that we ran it and that we had reporters there, that it's our event.
And I opened it up, and sure enough it says that, when we were there covering the Dildos Not Guns protest, which shows how crazy the left is.
And this is how they work.
Look, I've had people get behind me and scream, kill Michelle Malkin, and in two hours it's all over national TV that I said kill a woman.
This is what they do.
So, that's why we have to be careful when we get pushed to go cover something that we understand it could be something to walk us into something.
But viewers understand this and people know it.
And we're exposing these operations.
But look at this.
The Daily Beast.
That's Newsweek's division.
Conspiracy theorists terrorized our town.
Oh, really?
Worst humans invade Texas to stage a mass shooting.
We're the worst humans.
We've been dehumanized.
We're counter-protested outnumbered 20 to 1.
Oh, see, I didn't actually call for a demonstration that hundreds or thousands would have been at, like in San Antonio, at the Alamo.
See, that was something I was part of with the land commissioner.
No, no, no, no, you just say... Guys, will you bring me the Donald Trump piñata?
Because that's a straw man, too.
It'd be like if I beat up the piñata of Donald Trump.
I didn't really beat up Donald Trump.
So, see, this is the new...
The CIA run, you notice last year they admitted they legalized lying, legalized CIA and other groups engaging in deception.
This is the next phase.
Where they'll just come out and say Alex Jones says child molesters are good.
Never said it, they'll just say I said it.
And or Alex Jones tried to terrorize the town because there was a mock mass shooting.
We didn't do that.
We weren't there.
Leanne was there at the other protest.
That's what we covered.
But does it matter?
Because they can just beat up the strawman of Donald Trump or Alex Jones.
Oh my gosh!
We just caught this Donald Trump trying to rob the office.
Call the police.
Oh look, I can beat him up!
Haha, what a wimp!
Oh, I'm so tough!
Haha, did you see me just backslap Donald Trump?
That's all they do.
Alex Jones had this big protest.
Nobody showed up.
They tried to terrorize Austin, but we stood up to him.
Oh, what heroes you are.
And again, we never even walked into your trap.
But it doesn't matter.
Your trap is good because now I can show people the bear trap and go, see kids, see how it works.
And I guess because I talk in a Texas accent, all you operatives and people that have come to town think I don't know everything you're doing.
I mean, everything.
And it's enjoyment.
It gives me energy.
It's fun.
It's like a real life video game.
I mean, this is awesome.
Man, I'm getting attacked every millisecond.
We are over the target, baby!
Thank you for the Christmas presents.
And I had a meeting last week and I said, this is going to be the attack profile.
This is going to be the sucker job.
Then they'll get the local activists upset that we won't come to any of their events.
Then they'll turn them into wind-up toys against us.
I mean, I got the whole thing down.
And if I fall, I win.
If I don't fall, I win.
Win, win.
And it just goes into how horrible I am, and how I wanted people to be scared, and I wanted to create panic, and all this other stuff.
Oh, did I crucify Christ?
Did I blow up the Titanic?
Did I murder the Easter Bunny?
Hillary Clinton wants to censor people who make fun of her.
She was recently trying to censor comedy skits that poked fun at her, which were produced by the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles, California.
The owner of the Laugh Factory, Jamie Masada, told Judicial Watch that her campaign threatened to put him out of business if he didn't pull the videos.
So in response to this attack on free speech, InfoWars.com has launched the Make Fun of Hillary Defend the First Amendment contest with a first place cash prize of $5,000.
We want the funniest, most outrageous satire and comedy videos guaranteed to make Hillary's blood boil.
To enter, read the contest rules at InfoWars.com forward slash contest and then shoot a comedy or satire video making fun of Hillary Clinton.
All entries must be uploaded to YouTube in a link emailed to HillaryContest at InfoWars.com.
Enter your video before the contest deadline at 1159 p.m.
Pacific Standard Time on Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
Once again, the contest rules and information can be found at InfoWars.com forward slash contest.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com.
We look forward to your video making fun of Hillary Clinton.
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The world is a dangerous place.
Not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
Take the children and yourself and hide out in the cellar.
Right now the fighting will be cold.
It is an incredible time to be alive.
General Michael Flynn, multi-star general, former head of Defense Intelligence Agency, that's Pentagon Intelligence, one of the most important intelligence agencies of the 16, went public and said we were ordered to create al-Qaeda and ISIS and let them take over Syria.
It was a conscious plan and we don't like it.
We don't stand with it.
And I told you at the time there is absolute war in the Pentagon between the State Department and a faction of the CIA on one side and factions of the CIA, Defense Intelligence, the U.S.
Army on the other side.
And I've been told this by
Let's just say, active-duty people, this is extremely dangerous.
And we've talked about it hundreds of times here the last few years.
You saw the military, including officers, holding up signs saying, I won't be Al-Qaeda's air force in Syria two and a half, three years ago.
Rand Paul coming out saying we shouldn't be Al-Qaeda's air force.
Many of the officers hold up the signs, Infowars.com.
We had Tosh Plumley retire as a CIA contractor to go public here and say, from NATO and from military,
Confirming shipping high-impact tow missiles, stinger missiles, and others directly to Syrian rebels via Turkey.
And now, volume 38, number 1, January 7, 2016, just came out this morning.
It is a lengthy Cy Hirsch report.
14 pages long that we will do a special report on the news about tonight and more in the third hour.
It is unbelievable.
This is a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner.
This is a man given CIA clearance to investigate.
He is a listener.
He's emailed back and forth with us but never comes on the show.
Now is the time.
He has confirmed everything in triplicate.
That there is a war between senior staff and different agencies.
And I don't want to say the Navy and the Army, because the whole Navy's not bad, but the Navy has been siding basically with the globalists more than the Army.
Because there is a cult of George Washington in the Army, and it's really hard to break it.
Because they've done a lot of corrupt bad stuff, but this is coming down to killing the country right now.
And I know Jesse Ventura is a Navy man.
I'm not bashing the Navy.
We're going to go to him with big breaking news from his trip to Russia.
But that is now all in here that they're funding al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, ISIS in Turkey, sending them in with weapons.
Then the other group of generals actually is in contact with Assad.
This is in the New Yorker magazine, folks.
Cy Hirsch, not Alex Jones now.
Of course, we told you two years ago, three years ago.
But this is confirmed.
They then directly give Assad the intel on how to beat him.
And that's why Colonel Schaffer came on a few months ago and said, we are now working with the Russians openly.
We are going to destroy ISIS and Al Qaeda.
And I said, and that was from congressional secret meetings he was at.
He put out the info here.
He's authorized to do that.
You understand?
Authorized by the government to come on my show and tell you that.
There is a full-on war close to Operation Valkyrie going on right now.
Where our own government doesn't want to be part of this, that is sections of this incredible evil.
Now the Navy SEALs didn't go along with the fake bin Laden story, they just blew up their helicopter, didn't they?
I've talked to some of those families and people in person.
They've been on the show years after I told you I met with them in person.
Other families.
But do you understand, folks, there is a full-on war right now for this country and it's dangerous.
Now Jesse Ventura went to Russia.
It's good to be part of a big press event.
He was at an event Putin was at.
I had a chance to talk to him briefly.
Very interesting.
But the big thing, Jesse, I haven't heard him this excited in a while, was about the parallels between how Russia is changing and how America is changing.
And I asked him to tell me more, and he said, well, you know, when I'm coming on the show, I'll just tell you then.
That was last Friday.
So he joins us now.
He's got an off-the-grid TV show.
It's very popular.
It aired on different TV networks and things around the world, not just here in the United States.
The story's up on InfoWars.com.
President Vladimir Putin personally thanked Jesse Ventura during Moscow visit, and I literally during the three-minute break was given this article and scanned over it.
Richard had already read it and was getting ready to highlight it for me, but I checked the parts he talked about.
I already knew all this, but here's Sy Hersh admitting.
Open war going on in the government.
What do you think when they have top generals coming out saying this and top analysts saying we've been ordered to protect Al Qaeda and ISIS?
And yes, who'd you hear talk about this three years ago?
Jesse Ventura.
Myself and others.
We've known what's going on, but now it's so out in the open, it's so dangerous it makes my head spin.
And yes, you've got neocons and you've got the Obama people on one side, and then you've got the rest of the military and more libertarian conservatives on the other.
Now joining us is Jesse Ventura for the Balance of the Hour.
Governor, thank you so much for coming on.
I just broke all this here on air.
Sy Hirst just broke it this morning.
We've discussed this over and over again when you were on just a few months ago.
We discussed this exact topic, so it's not breaking for us, but how incredible is this to have the most respected reporter in the world, in my view,
I don't think that's disputed.
Seymour Hersh coming out and confirming in a 14-page report this incredible information.
It's military to military.
Seymour Hersh on U.S.
intelligence sharing in the Syrian war.
Headline should be, civil war inside the federal government over backing of Al Qaeda.
Jesse Ventura.
Well, first of all, Alex,
That's stunning news.
It's news to me.
I knew nothing about it.
I was working out this morning, and that's the first I've heard of it.
It's not surprising.
I will tell you this.
Do you want to know why the Navy gets their pick?
Because we've beaten Army 14 years in a row.
So, that's how they determine who's on top.
Whoever wins the Army-Navy game.
And Navy's won 14 years in a row, so that's how come Navy gets priority.
Anyway, humor aside.
The situation you got now is because it all goes back to why are we there in the first place.
When you truly look at it.
You know Alex, you and I have beefed over immigration and all that stuff, but here's where I stand now.
I stand for this, and I stand with Major General Smedley Butler, the Marine who won two Congressional Medals of Honor.
Our military shouldn't go over 500 miles from our own shore, so let's bring them home, let's secure our borders with the U.S.
military, both southern and northern borders, because we don't want to discriminate, and let's end all immigration to the United States, take down the Statue of Liberty, say it doesn't apply anymore,
Because if you end just immigration to certain people, then you're discriminating.
In the words of immigration, it has to be all or none.
No, I get there's two sides to it, and I want to get into that later.
I mean, there's so much happening currently, but undoubtedly, how do you bring in people from Syria, a lot of them that invaded, not even vet them, and then let them attack?
I mean, obviously, citizens get screened coming in, you get screened.
I mean, a lot of these immigrants don't even get screened is the issue, Jesse, is the unfairness.
Well, the unfairness is, too, it's not the immigrants.
I agree.
If you look at the France attack, those were Belgian citizens.
Those weren't immigration.
Those weren't people.
They weren't refugees.
Let me put it that way.
Some of them were out of Greece, but you're right, some were in Europe.
But let's expand on this before we get off on immigration.
How big a deal is it, is that it's, I mean you were in some big panels with former CIA people, you name it.
You're here to talk about your amazing experience in Russia.
But we know the West has been funding and Turkey's been funding and buying the oil.
That's all come out.
Our own military is saying they don't want to go along with this.
I mean that's a pretty big deal.
Alex, this is all part of the culture of America today.
We are a war culture.
Why do you think they tried to trump up the Cold War with the Russians again?
Because we have to be at war all the time to support the military-industrial complex and all the money makers.
You gotta remember something.
Anytime you go to war, there are war profiteers.
There are people that make huge money off the war.
No war is away from that.
World War II, Korea, Vietnam.
You name the war, and there are war profiteers, people who profit from those wars.
So it's in their best interest to stay at war.
It's in the best interest, they believe, of the United States to have a common enemy, so that we're at war all the time.
And when they couldn't find one, they came in with the war on drugs, which has proved to be a war against their very own citizen of the United States of America.
Well let's, absolutely, let's start getting into Russia because that's really the reason we're here.
It's so important and it ties into this.
I mean the very same people trying to overthrow Syria are trying to overthrow Ukraine and then spending it.
Russia did all this when George Soros and Brzezinski and others admit the State Department spent five billion dollars engineering the overthrow of the elected government.
That segues to your trip to Russia that was very interesting.
Yeah, no, I got to go, you know, they carry off the grid is carried by RT America, Russian Television America, on Friday nights, and they won't have me on RTV, so isn't it ironic that a former governor has to go get his show on Russian television?
Well, so does Larry King!
Yeah, so does Larry King, that's right.
But no, RT's a tremendous station.
I love the station.
And they offered my wife and I all expenses paid to go to Moscow for their 10th anniversary.
It was the 10th anniversary of Russian television America.
And I learned that President Putin was very instrumental in the creation of this television.
It was there when he got there, but he really got behind it.
And so there was rumor he would show up at the occasion that night, and sure enough, it was confirmed and he did.
And so it was remarkable to me to be honored because they brought all the people who are on Russian television up on the stage to be honored.
And I'm sitting there.
It was like being in the Twilight Zone.
I mean, here I am, a Vietnam veteran.
I've lived through the entire Cold War.
I've looked at these people with fear my whole life because I've been brainwashed to do so.
And I get over there and I find out, guess what?
They're just like we are.
They really and truly are the people.
When I traveled there, I left here at night and traveled and got there at night.
I'm driving to the hotel and I'm looking outside and Minnesota is a very festive Christmas state when it comes to putting out lights and all the paraphernalia that goes along with the celebration of Christmas.
Minnesota looked like pikers compared to Moscow.
My wife and I had never seen so many decorations honoring and enjoying the festive holiday as we did driving at night in Moscow.
I actually thought for a moment they took me up they did circles up there for 10 to 12 hours and then landed me back in Minneapolis because you know what the next thing I saw over there was?
Donald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken.
And I truly thought, am I still in Minneapolis?
But then of course, you know, it went on and we went to the thing and Putin was there.
Putin got up and gave a speech that was outstanding and I have to back him up on it.
He said that they would never interfere with our opinions on the show.
He would never interfere in any of our creativity of we the talent could bring to Russian television America.
And I have to tell you I've been on there for one year now and what he spoke was the truth because they have never interfered one bit in anything I've talked about.
Any subject that I deem to give my opinion on.
I know I've not been censored when I've come on your show, but that sounds so surreal that you take off in the middle of Winter Wonderland, you land back in the middle of Winter Wonderland, and you also talk about Putin coming over and talking to you, I want you to repeat that for folks, and then also talk about some of the other panels that you were part of, and your description of me that Russia's going in the right direction, it looks like, and we're going in the wrong direction.
Oh, you want me to go?
I thought we were going to break.
No, I'll skip that.
President Putin was sitting there and after I was honored, when he got up to leave, he came up the aisle and he expressly came over to me.
And we shook hands and looked eye to eye.
And he quietly leaned into me and he just said very quietly, thank you, Governor.
Which I was astounded over.
Because first of all, he gave me my title, which I rarely get anymore in the United States of America.
You know, people don't refer to me as the governor anymore, but yet he did.
And the big thing out of Putin was his speech to me.
You know, the guy is a dynamic speaker.
And then being around Russia, it appears to me that they are heading towards this newfound freedom that they've discovered since the communists have fallen.
And they now refer to them as the Communists.
We were given a bus tour where we drove all over Moscow to go to RT, the studios, and it required about a 45-minute drive.
And we had a person on board showing us all the buildings and this and that.
I got to see the old building that the KGB operated out of.
And then we actually went into the Kremlin.
And it's remarkable to go into the Kremlin.
The museum inside the Kremlin is unbelievable.
And then the biggest thing, I decided the last day I was going to be wild and wooly Jesse, so I wore my fringe jacket, I wore a do-rag, I had a pair of shades on, and I was looking like Jesse the body.
And I came walking and there was a young couple, beautiful young couple, good boy and a girl, couldn't speak a word of English.
But they came up to me so happy and so full of life, I couldn't believe it because they were astounded over my clothing.
You know, of what I was wearing.
And that's the feeling I got over there.
When I left Moscow, to me it was, these people are no different than people in Minnesota.
There is no difference.
The only difference we have is how we're getting orchestrated into hating each other for 50 years for no frickin' reason.
Well, that's right.
Longer than that, let me just say my point on this, because it's a very important point, and I've studied this in depth.
Social engineers, British royalty, the British Empire basically, but also Wall Street, wanted to bring down the czars, and they had their own corruption, their own problems.
It was futile.
But in 1917, they funded the Bolsheviks out of the United States and England on record to take it down, bring it down.
It was a color revolution, just like you see happening in Kiev and Ukraine right now, or in...
Or in Syria.
Rebels were sent in after World War I when Russia was weak at the end of it.
Who was our ally.
We double-crossed them.
I mean, this is what our elites did.
And we put the demons that are communists in there that killed tens of millions of people.
And then turned Russia into basically an enemy of free countries.
And Russia did do some bad stuff.
But it gave the United States the cover to do a lot of bad expansion in the name of stopping the domino theory.
So that was the multi-leveled
Chess that the globalists were playing.
Now Putin's kicked the oligarchs out, kicked the foreigners out.
He's reversing the eugenics policies, reversing the communist programs, cutting taxes, and really following an Americana plan.
The Russians love Levi's and what they see as Americana.
They saw us as what they wanted to be.
Sholzhenitsyn saw that, but he saw that evil was here by the 90s.
He left back and warned Russia, they're coming for you.
And Putin went and met with him a lot, and actually got woken up by Sholzhenitsyn.
They brought the Orthodox Church back, you name it.
Russia is reforming, because they've already hit rock bottom.
We're now going into the greatest tyranny we've ever seen, bipartisan.
I agree with you.
Over there I see this budding blossom of freedom happening, of people getting their shackles off.
Well said.
But we have to stop the direction we're going in, and to me, the way you stop it... Do you know, Alex, that right now, world opinion, if you ask anyone outside the United States, what country do you believe you'll most likely go to war with?
They say the United States.
The United States is number one.
Yes, very sad.
I think we should hang our head in shame over that.
As a veteran, I do.
I hang my head in shame.
People think that's wonderful.
They think that it's great that the rest of the world shakes in their boots, worried about whether the United States is going to attack them or not.
Let me bring this up, because I want to be clear though, and I agree with you totally.
Globalists have hijacked our country.
They've hijacked Europe.
They are using our name to do it.
It's our responsibility to stop it.
Polls show Americans don't like this imperialism.
We're paying for it on top of it.
And we're trying to reform ourselves.
The problem is the militarists control both major parties.
Now expanding on that, I don't know if you saw the last Republican debate, but Santorum said it's time to punch the Russians in the nose.
Give them a bloody nose.
Then Chris Christie said, I want to start shooting down their aircraft.
And Rand Paul looked at him and said, well if you want World War III, vote for these maniacs.
You know what gets me?
Every one of these big mouths that state all that and talk all that robust crap have never served themselves.
They have nobody in the military.
They don't have a dog in the fight.
But they're happy to send your kids off to die.
You know, one of the first things I'd do, Alex, if I became president, I would work to pass a law that anyone that votes to go to war, they must pre-designate a family member, be it a nephew, somebody.
They must pre-designate a family member who, when they take that vote to go to war, that family member immediately starts military service.
Well, that sounds very draconian, but if you go back to the age of chivalry that really ended about 200 years ago or so in Europe and Japan, you name it, didn't end until just about 50 years ago, they wouldn't follow a leader... I don't care about draconian!
I care that they need a dog in the fight.
I'm 64 years old now, Alex, and I've watched this go through Korea, Vietnam, and all the rest of this crap.
Well, Governor, let me just, let me just agree with you, because, hear my whole point.
It sounds draconian, but it's not, because in every culture, if the king didn't put his sons in the front lines, or if he didn't fight, no one would follow him.
It's a default.
And so, I want to go one further.
All these politicians, I don't care how old they are,
Well, you're not going to get that.
Settle for mine, that they at least have to name a family member.
Be it a daughter, a son, or somebody has to begin military service at the point of the vote.
I agree, and it can't be behind a desk.
Alex, I was asked one time by Jason Lewis, a right-wing talk show host here in Minnesota, I think he's running for Congress now, you know, but I was asked by him one time, he said it's a
It's a huge decision to make the decision to go to war.
It's a difficult, difficult decision.
And I looked at Lewis, I said, no, Jason, I said it's an easy decision.
Stay there, Governor.
We gotta go to break.
Come back and tell us the story.
Jesse Ventura, Hot Interview.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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So don't thank me for all the success of InfoWars.
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And our job is supporting other independent media.
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That's why I promote what Jesse Ventura does.
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We all just work together.
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I don't
Former people at panels, you name it.
Governor, let's get into more of what you witnessed in Russia.
Then I want to shift gears into Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump being buddies.
You now know Vladimir Putin and of course you're friends with Donald Trump.
That's quite a story right there as well.
I guess so.
Well, the big thing was they also had panel discussions over there with moderators and things like that.
You could sit in on them.
And the one I found very interesting, there were two former lifetime CIA people who are now retired, one a whistleblower.
And the real thing, we were dealing with communication.
So that's what they kind of centered everything about because it's television.
And they talked about how all of this surveillance that they're putting the United States people under, violating our Fourth Amendment rights, and they've got us all now under surveillance.
Clearly, both guys said it doesn't work and won't work.
And they said the clear example is what just took place in Southern California.
If the surveillance worked, these people would have been apprehended before they did what they did.
So clearly, it's a snow job.
They can't protect you with this surveillance.
Both men were very clear on that, that you're not going to be protected any better by putting everyone under surveillance, all your emails, all your telephone calls.
And basically, they told us that they all are.
Now, whether or not they get the places, but basically they said the entire United States is under surveillance right now.
Well, Drake has been on, William Benny's been on, the former head of technical for the NSA, and they said it's even worse than what you're saying.
You're absolutely right.
They are taking in so much data that then any real data gets lost like a needle in a haystack.
Exactly, that's what these two guys said.
They said they may get the data, but there's so much of it, because they're not targeting.
They're just doing this blanket coverage of putting every person's email under surveillance.
Well, let's go further.
Let's go further.
It actually came out in the Associated Press and Reuters that the FBI was investigating the mosque and these two reported shooters.
I don't know.
So we attack Iraq.
And Governor, do you feel vindicated?
Because when you four years ago did your big 9-11 special, interviewed all those experts, you got demonized nationally for bare minimum saying Saudi Arabia was involved and our government stood down.
We know it's worse than that.
And you looked at Building 7 on national TV, never before done.
I mean, that was truly groundbreaking material.
And now that stuff's all been verified.
It's all come out.
Well, I feel personally vindicated.
I'm not sure if the public has taken the stigma off me yet because the public still loves to keep the blinds in front of their eyes for whatever reason.
They like the comfort zone.
They don't want to know the truth.
And so I personally feel vindicated.
You know, if they'd released these 28 pages that show a direct
Uh, monetary, uh, from the hijackers to Saudi Arabia, which Senator Graham and Congressman Cook assured me that's what's in it.
They've read it.
And, uh, if that be the case, then that does change 9-11 completely.
And then it begs the question, why in hell did we invade Iraq?
You know, I don't know, did you ever see that special Vince Bugliosi did about prosecuting George Bush for murder?
If you haven't, watch it.
I've seen it, we have Bugliosi on it, promote it.
It's very powerful.
Oh, I watched it the other day and was fuming out my ears.
But see, I'm bipartisan, just like you are.
I wonder if Mugliosi is going to expose Obama for all the wars he's been involved in.
He unfortunately died.
That's right.
That's right.
Vince passed away a year ago.
I knew that.
I forget when people have died.
The older you get, it's like, you start talking about somebody and you go, wait a minute, they're dead.
Yeah, unfortunately Vince went to the other side about a year ago.
I'll truly miss him because he and I differed greatly on the killing of Kennedy, but we still were able to remain good friends.
Boy, he sure was wrong about that.
I mean, Kennedy is open and shut.
It's ridiculous.
I don't know.
I don't know why.
You know, I'm reading a book right now, Alex, that's phenomenal.
Talbot wrote it.
It's on Allen Dulles.
I encourage people, get this book.
It will show you there's even tie-ins from Allen Dulles to Donald Rumsfeld.
I knew that.
Through L.L.
Yeah, Rumsfeld first worked for L.L.
Lemnitzer, who Eisenhower fired when he came up with the Northwoods plan.
Well, anyway, this book by Talbot's phenomenal.
It deals totally with Alan Dulles, from when he took over the CIA all the way through till he died.
I'm not even finished.
I'm just up to the Kennedy killing right now.
But it's an unbelievable book that I encourage people, if you've got the guts, read it.
Read the truth about it.
Well, let me just say, in Texas, in Austin, and in Dallas, when you get around rich people and famous people and folks involved in these administrations,
I have actually been on airplanes and at parties where people sit around shooting their mouth off about killing that son of a bitch JFK.
I mean it's not hidden around here and that's why LBJ in front of his mistress who I interviewed and many other people just walked around bragging about it.
I mean it wasn't even debated.
I mean my grandmother
Dated one of LBJ's hitmen before she got married.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, it became part of the world then because they were being so successful throughout the rest of the world overthrowing every... If any country elected a president who was at all leftist or at all for the people and not for big industry or corporations, the United States would go in there and overthrow their governments.
It's horrible what you read about it.
I absolutely agree with what you're saying.
Now, again, let's drill in here to this Donald Trump situation and the situation that ties into Putin and Hillary, because I guess you know all three of these people, but I guess Trump the best
Hillary's come out and said that Putin has journalists killed, and I'm sure Putin isn't perfect, but I've never seen the cut-and-dry evidence of it, and now Donald Trump has fired back, defending Putin.
I mean, imagine if Trump did get in, and then we didn't have to have a new Cold War with Russia.
Imagine actually trying to have peace.
I think that's what really puts Donald Trump in danger.
Let's go to this clip.
Final question about Vladimir Putin.
When you were press about his killing of journalists, you said, I think our country does plenty of killing too.
What were you thinking about?
Killing sanctioned by the U.S.
government is like killing journalists.
Well, I think, number one, I think Hillary, when she was Secretary of State, made some horrible, horrible decisions.
And thousands and thousands and even hundreds of thousands of people have been killed.
I mean, you look at what went on in Libya.
You look at so many bad decisions that she made.
She's incompetent, as far as I'm concerned.
That's not killing by the United States government, though, is it?
That's not the same as ordering killing.
As far as the reporters are concerned, obviously I don't want that to happen.
I think it's horrible.
But, in all fairness to Putin, you're saying he killed people.
I haven't seen that.
I don't know that he has.
You've been able to prove that?
You know the names of the reporters that he's killed?
Because I've been, you know, you've been hearing this, but I haven't seen the name.
Now, I think it would be despicable if that took place, but I haven't seen any evidence that he killed anybody in terms of reporters.
Here's what Mitt Romney tweeted about that.
He said there's an important distinction here.
Thug Putin kills journalists and opponents.
Our presidents kill terrorists and enemy combatants.
Alright, let's stop right there.
Okay, there's no proof, no convictions.
We just killed terrorists and enemy combatants and doctors, right?
But they don't have any proof.
It's like they say that I say that there's wasp under the...
Alex, I'm just adding, they forgot to put in doctors.
I agree.
Remember when we attacked doctors without borders?
Well, they also attacked press stations.
They murdered 40 of them.
They blew up the Belgrade national TV station, killing a bunch of people in Serbia.
So, you know, people need to understand, the United States of America isn't clean on this.
We've been doing dastardly things throughout the world my entire life.
Governor, I totally agree with you, but here's my angle.
They claim you got pulled over drunk in L.A.
at the airport when you weren't in L.A.
and weren't drunk and there was no police record.
They claim that you made fun of dead Navy SEALs with no proof.
You went in court.
You can't get your name back in some areas.
It's the same thing with me.
They say every day things I never said, and now they say it about Putin.
Where is the proof?
Oh, their proof is Mitt Romney says so?
I mean, again, that's crazy.
Go ahead.
Oh, I agree totally.
You know, a guy with magic underwear, I'm gonna believe him.
Anyway, I shouldn't have said that, I guess.
I had to throw a little comedic back at it.
But, you know, that's the whole thing.
Who do you believe?
Because we get fed so much propaganda in this country.
About two years ago, Vladimir Putin did a major speech that was carried throughout the world, yet no one in the United States carried this speech.
Why aren't we allowed to hear what the guy has to say?
That's like Nazi Germany wouldn't let foreign media in.
That's a real sign of totalitarianism.
The old Russia wouldn't let it.
Look at Alex.
We're behaving like Germany.
Look at our cops out on the street today.
They don't look like police officers.
They look like Nazi stormtroopers.
And that has been the federal government pushing the whole agenda.
Whatever's pushing it, we need to look in the mirror.
Because if you read about 1930s Germany, you compare to what's going on here today, it's identical.
People wake up.
Did you see a lot of police in Moscow?
Uh, you see a few, sure.
Yeah, I mean, the Kremlin's, you know, you gotta go through security to get into the Kremlin.
How were they dressed?
How are the Russian police dressed?
They were dressed more, they're dressed more like, like cossacks?
I don't know.
They're dressed more joyously.
They wear like those big coats and big hats, you know?
I don't know how to describe.
They're dressed like the stereotype you see in the movies.
We need to get you one of those outfits, Jesse.
You look pretty imposing.
No, I know, that's exactly what I'm saying.
It'd be scary looking at one of those outfits.
Stay right there, we'll be right back with Jesse Ventura on your phone calls, I promise.
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The thing I like about, by the way, Jess is with us in other segments when we get to all your calls.
The thing I like about, uh, the fact that
We're able to broadcast three, four hours a day as we can really get into some long form ideas and really break some things down.
And that's why I like Donald Trump for all of his problems.
Nobody's perfect.
You know, he says, hey, we shouldn't be bombing all these countries.
We should come home and rebuild America.
Well, that's what Jesse Ventura says.
And then they criticize Trump because that's not a Republican talking point.
Well, it's just a common sense talking point.
We're going bankrupt.
We have to rebuild this country.
I'm now stealing Ventura's thunder, but he was preaching to me during the break that that was important to do, and I totally agree with him.
I mean, what's the military-industrial complex going to do if they fully bankrupt this country, Governor?
Well, that's just it.
We've spent over 1.7 trillion dollars.
In the war on terror over there, and we've accomplished nothing.
I say you bring the troops home, use them to secure your borders, and take this defense money and start rebuilding America.
Do people in this country realize every time we drop a bomb,
That could be a new bridge.
And that could be jobs to people building that bridge.
It's time to come home, fix up our country, take care of our bad side.
And that is not a Democrat talking point.
And that's not a Democratic talking point.
Whenever Trump says that, the accuser will be a Democrat.
You're not a Democrat, Jesse.
That's just common sense.
Hell no, I'm not either.
I'm your independent who's always been independent.
I'm a free thinker, but I know the difference between right and wrong.
Let's go to Nick in Michigan.
He's a Marine vet.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Nick.
Governor Ventura, it's an absolute honor to talk to you.
This is a question for really both you guys.
I'm a Marine veteran.
My oldest brother is still active duty.
I have a younger brother who also served.
My dad served.
And now my youngest brother, who has a college education, he's looking to enlist in the Marine Corps right now.
And me and my dad and my one brother are trying to
My view is simple.
I come from a similar family.
Both my mother and father were World War II vets and everyone in my family served.
That's an individual thing and a decision someone has to make, and that's their decision to make.
What I say to young people is this.
Always remember, if you take that step and you raise and take an oath, remember in that oath, you're taking an oath to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and never forget that you took an oath.
That's right, let's go to Wild in Wisconsin, another call from Wisconsin.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Jonesy, Mr. Governor, with the upper and lower arcana at hand with the globalists, Trump has to seal the deal for the presidency before the book of tricks gets fully implemented.
Trump needs to have a dog in the fight and make a masterpiece of a deal with the American people and the establishment.
If he doesn't,
Make America Great Again.
Then you should take his name off the building.
What's your question for Governor Ventura?
We have limited time.
I want to know if Mr. Ventura believes Trump to be legitimate or part of the CEO elite class.
That's a really great question.
Well, I think Trump is his own man in a lot of ways.
I don't know for certain.
Don't take it to the bank.
But he was involved in the independent movement.
He actually came to a fundraiser in Minnesota way back in the 90s when I ran as an independent for governor.
And Donald's always kind of rattled his sword about running.
I never believed he actually would.
And then this year he finally... And I said, I don't believe it.
I think Donald does it for the publicity.
He's a brilliant man.
This year he actually has done it.
And this year he looks like he's going to see it through till the end.
And, you know, the guy can do what he wants.
He's got enough money to where he can't be stopped on the monetary end.
So there you go.
Jesse Ventura says he's his own man.
I agree with that.
I've now had some behind-the-scenes stuff.
Ventura's had a lot of it.
Trump's for real.
Does that mean he's perfect?
Absolutely not.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
Final segment with Ventura.
More calls.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
I don't want more candy!
I don't want more video games!
I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Stories up on Infowars.com.
MSNBC says white men with guns, bigger threat than radical Islam.
White men!
Just incredible race baiting.
Jesse Ventura is with us.
You can, of course, go to OraTV and find his off-the-grid show.
Very popular.
Be sure to spread the word about that.
It's also on our team.
And we're taking phone calls right now.
And Jesse, you've also updated your book.
Tell folks about that, your latest book.
Well, we did updated American Conspiracies where we added four new conspiracies to it, Alex.
It seems that every year you'll get a new one these days because the government will do something or something will rise up that you realize is a major cover-up.
You know, we did a thing on POWs, which was close to me, because you're led to believe when you join the military that, and you're told, that if you ever get captured, our government will do anything and everything to get you returned home.
Well, it's simply not true.
If you become a political liability, kiss your butt goodbye.
They could care less about you.
Well, look at Pat Tillman.
He didn't go along with the narrative that killed him dead in a hammer.
Joe in Connecticut, you're on the air with Jesse Ventura.
Go ahead.
Hi, Governor.
This is Joe from Connecticut.
I don't know if this has been asked of you, but I want to ask you, if Donald Trump gets the nomination, which I believe he's going to, and I sure hope he is, would you consider being his running mate?
Because I think the two of you would be a fantastic combination.
Joe, thank you.
Your radio's on.
I'm going to let you go.
Go ahead, Jesse.
Well, first of all, remember, this is the Republican Party.
Jesse Ventura is hardly a Republican.
They know me.
I'm like Che Guevara to them.
I'm the revolutionary.
I'm the independent.
I belong to neither party.
So you don't think that Myrtle's lying?
Well, I said it jokingly.
I told Roger Stone, I said, if Donald truly wants to kick off the Republicans, he should pick me as his running mate, the ultimate independent, to bring that independent vote along.
It would be a smart move on Trump's part to do that.
But whether, I doubt it would ever happen.
And besides, I still have to make the decision on whether I make a Libertarian move the end of May.
And that was my next question.
Look, I'm not normally for third party runs if you're going to try to choose somebody from one of the two parties.
And normally, I mean, I didn't support McCain or Obama because of that.
I see your view about them being two gangs.
But Trump clearly is trying to take over the Republican Party.
If they steal the delegates in a broker convention, which Jeb Bush says they're planning to do, Jeb's got 5% of the vote, but he gets the nomination.
You've got to have Trump go.
The only place you get ballot access would be with the Libertarians.
Uh, and so if you take that slot, then he can't take it.
But his ace in the hole is leaving and taking over the Libertarian nomination.
Yeah, but the problem is, Alex, the Libertarians nominate the end of May.
The Republicans won't even decide till July.
No, I understand that.
So Trump will stay with the Republicans till it's too late.
And then he can't come back to the Libertarians.
He's got to ride the horse to the convention, doesn't he?
Yes, and that's the problem.
And that's the problem.
Once he goes to the convention, if they steal it from him, he has nowhere to go because the Libertarians will have already nominated in May.
Are you concerned that they may be planning, like they've done before, to try to steal the nomination from him?
I don't know.
I'm always concerned about that.
You know, I don't trust either one of these two political parties.
To me, they're a gang of thieves because they operate under the concept of bribery.
All they do is, their job is to go out and take bribes and pass it on, and you bribe them and you get what you want, and the people of America, hell, we're third or fourth on their list, you know?
Number one is their parties, number two is the corporations that finance them and the big money.
We might be third, we might even be as low as fourth.
Their personal gain would be third.
What can I achieve?
What level can I help myself out personally instead of being in public service?
So we the people of America probably align ourselves up as the fourth choice with these two political parties.
That's right.
Well folks, you can find Ora TV and Off The Grid, Jesse Ventura.
Governor, I don't want to say I'm glad you didn't go to Mexico this Christmas, but I'm glad you're here so you can come on the show.
Look forward to speaking to you more as the campaign unfolds, and who knows, maybe see you throw your hat in the ring.
Well, I'm not throwing it out yet.
I'm sitting back in the weeds and watching Alex, and I want to see what comes through the wash.
I've got to see the Pipers get up.
Oh, one last funny thing.
Hold on, hold on.
You've got to stay there.
The break's firing.
You've got to come right back.
Syrian refugee admitted his main goal is not to escape war or ISIS persecution, but to convert Europeans to Islam.
He said, quote, And he's not the only one.
Influential Shia recently gave a speech in which he encouraged radical Muslims to use the migrant crisis to, quote,
But this modern-day Islamic conquest is not just happening only in Europe.
Here in the U.S., radical Muslims are building their own Islamic compounds and communities while telling Christians and other non-Muslims to keep out.
And these communities are rapidly expanding.
In fact, the Obama administration has admitted nearly 400 Syrian refugees into the U.S.
since the November 13th Paris attacks.
And only one of them is a Christian.
But Christians comprise about 10% of the population in Syria.
So why isn't the Obama administration allowing more Christian refugees into the U.S.?
I'll let you decide.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Jesse Ventura with us into the third hour today.
Such an interesting interview that he's been hanging around with us.
He's about to leave.
And I know we got a lot of phone lines.
I need to get into some more world news.
I need to get into some really important news with the economy.
Some really important news when it comes to geoengineering.
In fact, Jesse Ventura wanted to tell one more funny Chris Christie story.
But it's so intriguing, you know, all the inside baseball and things that the governor knows with the people he sees all over the country.
I look forward to having him back sometime just to tell some of his more interesting stories, not just from Hollywood, but politics and as a governor, as a mayor, you name it.
A lot of the stories I know, but I'm not allowed to tell them because I was there and it's all private.
And I get holding your cards close to the vest, but man, I wish people knew about the
Homeland Security and the TV show and the rest of it.
I think people don't get how much trouble you've got to go through to get on the air and talk about these topics.
And one of those, Governor, and then we'll get into your Chris Christie story.
I'm glad that you were able to stay longer.
I'm going to cover this at the bottom of the hour, folks.
Smithsonian came out Saturday, Associated Press on Sunday, and a whole bunch of other articles admitting that, oh, jet exhaust is darkening the atmosphere and is toxic, and they don't know what's happening, even though we have thousands of documents admitting it's part of a program since the 90s.
Where, of course, the pilots don't know, but it's added to the jet fuel.
Then there's spray planes as well.
You exposed that, yet again, the first time on national television and got made fun of, got ridiculed.
I have friends who like the show and believe in conspiracies, but they think this is kooky, even though it's admitted.
So, what do you make of that announcement?
Here's theSmithsonian.com.
Airplane contrails may be creating accidental geoengineering.
Well, nothing accidental about it, Jesse.
Well, there probably is nothing accidental about anything.
The story I'll tell is this.
They have McDonald's over in Moscow.
Oh yeah!
Oh yeah.
They have standards.
In fact, there's been articles on this, Governor.
You can look it up.
So what you're telling us is just proven by other food critics.
In Japan, in Russia, and other countries, they have rules that you've got to use domestic food as part of the franchise.
And you can get a McDonald's burger like they had 35 years ago that is actually good.
The fried chicken doesn't have all the GMO, all the chemicals, all the antibiotics.
It's well known that the food's better over there because they won't allow additives.
In fact, did you hear Putin came out and said he wants to make Russia the first world exporter of organic food?
No, I didn't, but it doesn't surprise me.
After hearing him speak that night, it wouldn't surprise me at all.
Let me finish with this, Alex.
You know, Chris Christie seems to be this major hawk.
He wants to blow everybody out of the air and do all that.
Chris Christie couldn't even serve in the military, Alex.
When you go into boot camp, they require that you at least have to be able to do one sit-up and one push-up.
You're kidding.
He couldn't do one push-up or one sit-up?
You think he could?
No, I bet he couldn't.
That's what I mean.
Here's a guy telling all the kids to go to war and he and his whole life could never even make it into the military because he's so out of shape.
What is it about neocons, hawks?
That the ones that shoot their mouths off about bloody noses and kill the Russians are the ones that never served.
I mean, I was never in the military, but I've studied enough history to know that you just don't nonchalantly start wars.
But even in the past, people that were warrior presidents or kings weren't respected for shooting their mouths off about, we're going to crush the enemy, because that was seen as bad luck.
I mean, as a Navy SEAL, I mean, I know a lot of Special Forces guys, they'll never brag about how tough they are.
They'll never brag about killing people.
Isn't that looked down upon by real warriors?
Yeah, absolutely.
Now that's being, that's a little different today because today they seem to like to come home and write books about it.
But in my day, you didn't discuss that.
We, we used to operate under the simple premise.
It's the Las Vegas thing.
What happens on deployment stays on deployment.
It's that simple.
My father had six bronze battle stars in World War II.
I didn't even know it until he died, and I read it on his DD-214, his discharge papers.
Yeah, my dad's dad was in the Army Air Corps as a pilot, and he always said, oh, I got heat stroke, hurt my eyes, not wearing sunglasses, only flew a few missions, and then when he died, they got into all his stuff, and he'd done his missions, and then, you know, after you did your Catch-22, then, you know, he was put into just
No, that's the way it was done.
My father, interesting for me, I came out of the 50s and my mother did all the driving.
And I could never figure out why, because this was the leave it to beaver era.
Dads drove, moms didn't.
In my family, my mom drove.
So I asked my dad one day, I said, Dad, how come you don't drive?
And he told me, he said, oh, I don't trust myself.
And I thought, that's legitimate.
If you don't trust yourself, you shouldn't drive.
Well, when my dad passed away, my mom told me the real reason.
Post-traumatic stress.
He was in the 699th anti-tank division under Patton, and apparently he drove these anti-tank things over so many dead bodies that he could never get behind the wheel of a car again.
Yeah, I always tried to get these... My dad walked to work every morning, two miles.
Walked to work.
Never drove a car.
And people like Chris Christie thinks war is sexy.
Yeah, they think... That's our whole culture today, Alex.
We're making war look like it's a wonderful thing.
It is not wonderful, people.
It's man at his lowest level.
It's the worst man can possibly be.
It's war.
And yet we're turning in... I mean, I get embarrassed when I watch these ads on TV with Arnold and the War Game.
I don't follow him.
He's... Tell me about it.
No, it's on... He's doing some sort of war video game now that are also popular and they got him dressed up in a uniform.
And with the way he talks, it sounds and looks like the Nazis.
I tell you, it's just...
That our Department of Defense was paying professional sports to honor the veterans?
That was the last straw for me, Alex.
I will not go live to another pro sports event in my life, I don't believe.
Well, I'm looking at this video of Schwarzenegger taking over an army war room and it is totally Nazi.
All the iconography, the way he's operating, the way he's saying how great war is.
And our public thinks war now is a video game.
I'm not mad at him, but that's the culture of America today.
Well, Arnold has become a caricature of a caricature, and I tell you, with all these chicken hawks and people out there pushing war, it is certainly a scary thing.
And I don't think you're bitching.
I think you're bringing up concerns that most Americans and others really, really have.
Jesse Ventura, thank you so much for the time today.
Thank you, Alex.
Always a pleasure, and maybe we'll do it again before I head south.
Please, please, come back on, and thanks for the time.
Take care.
Take care.
All right, there he goes.
Now, I talked to Ventura during a break, and I said, are you serious about building a wall now and bringing our military home?
And he goes, no, I'm not joking.
Because I said, look, I don't want to get into the immigration thing with you again.
The whole crew heard it.
And I'm not saying something out of school.
He said he'd say it again on air, but we forgot to get into it again.
Because I was talking to him during a break like 30 minutes ago.
I said, hey, repeat everything you just said on air.
And he goes, OK, I will.
And then we never got to it.
I was like, listen, I don't want to get into the immigration fight.
Because on your side, they say we all want to throw women and children out, and we're not loving, and on our side, we're saying we just can't pay for everything free, but the Democrats advertise a bunch of anti-gunners to come in.
Because that's what's happening.
They brag, it's game over.
So, he's like, I know, no, I'm being serious.
I'm saying, with all the security stuff and the rest of it, I'd rather not be an empire, bring back the military, put it on our border, stop all immigration.
Actually sounds pretty good for a while, doesn't it?
I mean, would you end all this garbage?
Do you think countries would really attack us?
We've got submarines and nukes and all this stuff.
We just left the world alone?
Nobody messes with Switzerland.
They don't even have nuclear weapons.
They're neutral.
Oh, the jihadis will attack us because criminal federal elements are funding the jihadis and letting them come in to attack us because they've suspended common sense and logic to where when we get attacked, the politicians who brought them in don't get in trouble.
And then they get to take our freedoms, have $100 billion surveillance budgets every year,
A hundred billion dollars is spent on these intelligence agencies and surveillance every year.
A hundred billion dollars!
Game over, man!
Game over!
And the special interests want to suck this country dry.
When the country collapses down the road, it'll be done slowly probably, but as it collapses, it's by design.
They're going to the world government model now.
They don't want any country that's sovereign, any country that's strong.
We got a bunch of calls that wanted to talk to Ventura.
I got to a lot of them.
I'll just take your calls.
You can voice your opinion or make your statement about what Ventura had to say in the next segment or so.
Then I've got to get to geoengineering at the start of the next segment because I've mentioned it a bunch, I've talked about it some, but I want to kind of focus on it and go into depth on it.
Then I'll get into China surpasses Mexico in sending immigrants to California.
See, so now when I'm against more than 10,000 women a week arriving to have their babies for free and be put on welfare, that's not fair.
I'm anti-Chinese-dom.
I'm not even going to play the race card here.
Because it doesn't matter.
I'm not even going to say I'm not against Asians.
No, I'm against being ripped off.
My sister is South Korean adopted.
That's how racist I am.
But see, that's how they end debate on every... Oh, now you're... Oh, you don't want to give Mexicans everything free or against Mexicans?
Oh, you don't want to give Chinese everything free?
I don't want to give anybody free!
Bring them here and they're turned into Democrat moron socialist bots running around, you know, complaining all day.
I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of corporate welfare.
I'm sick of the wars and I'm sick of anchor bailouts.
I'm sick of derivatives.
I'm sick of forced inoculations.
I'm sick of it all.
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This is the end.
Beautiful prayer.
This is the end.
You want to talk about giving a brainstorm?
I was talking to Rob New.
We were up here working last night after the show.
Because we're so obsessed with the New World Order.
I mean, how could you not be?
This thing openly says it's going to set up a planetary government, incrementally cut off resources, set up a technological system where it's impossible for humans to be self-sufficient, and then use that to incrementally play human groups off against each other until they get us into compact reservations and then wipe us out.
It's the equivalent of aliens landing on the planet and carrying this out.
I mean, it's not aliens, but it might as well be.
It's so epic!
And I said, listen, I know we got big files in here, but just print me the latest geoengineering admissions and this new climate treaty and the rest of it.
I'm going to cover it tomorrow.
And then during the show, I've been looking at these stacks of news, which are tiny compared to all the patents and all the admissions.
I mean, we've done this before.
And I was here looking at it.
And it's like my heart dropped, like, you know, that feeling of just falling out of your body.
It's beyond going over a bump in the road and you feel your stomach.
It's like your heart does that.
You just come to grips with something so big, so cold, so admitted, and you know it's real, and you know it's true.
I'm going to cover this now and then go to your calls.
That way I'm not hurrying with the calls.
And I just looked at each article and you could just see the rollout.
You could see the plan.
The plan's admitted.
You read the article.
Some of them knew.
It's exactly what you knew would be in the article.
Because the articles are all the same.
It's all these writers from the US, England, Russia, Germany, Europe.
All saying the exact same thing.
It's all meant to slowly roll it out.
They go, oh, we might start geoengineering.
Here's how we do it.
Oh, it's just what the planes already do.
How magic!
Oh, we happen to have patents.
Oh, we happen to already be testing that.
That's in the news.
Now, the BBC says, oh, the chemicals we spray are going to give you Alzheimer's and kill you, but it's for a greater good.
And you just read that and you go, man, do the writers of this following orders even know what they're taking part in?
I'm going to say this, most adults that are 40 years old or so, I believe will, most of you will watch your children die.
Because I've studied, in the rat studies and others, they've sprayed aluminum on them, they've done everything, they've already tested it on rodents.
Because their life cycle's quicker, they can get them deeper.
And I know exactly what's in store for us.
In fact, I made projections in my mind years ago on this, went and checked the research that I knew was already out there, and my analysis was dead on.
That's what I do, I thin-slice intelligence, that's what they call it.
I have actually a sickening gift for it.
It's torture because everything I look at, I basically understand that I know it and I can't handle it.
It's really hard.
It's really hard to look at this stuff because I've already looked at it all and it makes me sick when I look at it again because I can't get the word out to people.
I can't stop these people.
I just, you got to be strong folks and take action yourselves.
I mean, I read them rolling out the geoengineering, the spraying us with radioactive isotopes, barium, aluminum dioxide, radium.
And every time I turn on the History Channel or Discovery Channel or something, they're like going, we could spray the skies to protect the Earth.
We could... And I already know they had a Nobel Prize for it in the early 90s.
They were testing it since the 60s.
They went global in the 90s.
They're killing us.
They're killing the insects.
I mean, we're being murdered!
And I've got friends that do TV shows about it and make fun of me.
And once they've said that it isn't real and isn't happening, they're never going to go back and say it isn't happening.
Because they go and they show kooks that think every airplane's spraying something, or they think an ice cream, you know.
Sure, there's an extreme that, you know, thinks stuff's going on that isn't.
But why wouldn't there be a whacked-out extreme when crazy stuff's going on?
When the system's crazy and evil, what do you think the people are going to be like?
They're going to be all different flavors of nuts.
But here's the BBC.
Geoengineering climate fixes could harm billions.
And the article admits that what they spray in their proposed climate fixes, which is exactly what we catch them spraying, see, they tell you it's coming when it's already here.
They tell you they're going to bring in 10,000 Syrians when there's already 2 million here.
That's right, 2 million in the last five years.
And then it's kind of actually slowed down to only 200 and something thousands in the last year or so.
But here it is.
Geoengineering climate fixes could harm billions.
Now we're going to come back.
That's BBC.
Folks may have heard of that.
With them announcing, oh, we're going to do it.
Oh, guess what was in the climate agreement?
Let's quote Don Binding from Paris, but still they just do it.
Guess what's in it?
Oh, legalizing weather warfare.
Oh, they repealed the 1978 UN Act.
Get ready, folks.
They're coming after everybody.
We're on the march.
The empire is on the run.
They're about to intensify spraying.
Alex Jones.
Get ready.
It is gonna be bad.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
What do you mean?
What do you mean I don't believe in God?
Talk to Him every day.
And that's why the globalists hate us.
What do you mean I don't support your system?
Put a cord around you.
Guys, I forgot a water.
Do you mind bringing me one in?
Thank you.
If there's a new way!
Well, there sure isn't Bernie Sanders.
Alright, I'm gonna get into geoengineering here and then your phone calls and then the other news that I haven't hit yet.
I ought to get Dave Mustaine back on the show.
You know I could, but all hell broke loose last time he was on.
Same thing with everybody else that's famous that comes on the show.
People call them and threaten them, and then try to take things away from them.
That's the real intimidation that goes on within the system.
MSNBC's Brzezinski, white men with guns, greater threat than ISIS.
That's a great headline.
Actually, that is exactly what's happening.
Paul Watson wrote a story.
MSNBC host responds to criticism of radical Islam by blaming white men with guns.
Two different articles up on InfoWars.com.
DrugsReport.com is linked to one of our stories where the radical Islamicists are saying video after video, we're coming to get your women, we're coming to take over your culture, we're coming to spread Islam.
You will submit, basically.
I'm going to get back into the geoengineering here in a moment, and I'm going to do a produce report in the new year, but now's the time.
I'd do it now.
I'd do it today, but this is kind of a dead zone media-wise in the year when the reports we put out don't have as big an effect.
You can decide to share our reports even more and get more aggressive, and that won't be the case, but for media in general, this is a sluggish time.
It's such a big deal.
To have Seymour Hersh come out and say, okay, I've talked to top generals, they're actually feeding Assad info to stop Obama and the neocons from putting Al Qaeda in charge.
I mean, I knew a lot of that was going on, but whoa, that's big.
I will do a special report on that after the show today for the Nightly News, 7 o'clock Central.
And then to have this geoengineering come out in a whole bunch of articles, kind of like you wake up and there's
30, 40 different journalists, syndicated columnists, Rachel Maddow alone, 300 plus, was pushing 400 articles attacking me last week.
It was one story she wrote, but it was in hundreds of major newspapers.
It was in the local paper.
People that I knew came up to me about it.
They said, you didn't say there's, again, big giant wasp under the UN building.
I mean, they know, but people that don't actually believe.
I'm a raving loon.
And then, again this weekend, there's suddenly articles everywhere.
Hey, geoengineering's going on with the jet trails.
Did you know?
Oh, it's an accident, but oh, they just signed a treaty last week legalizing it.
Oh, that's why we just now told you about it.
And then, oh yeah, they kind of knew before and are putting it in the fuel.
Yeah, it's a little toxic to people, but it's for the Earth.
That's what I'm reading here.
I mean, it's just like, the way they play the public, and now I'm gonna have to have people at grocery stores and stuff, cause I'm, you know, make fun of me.
Oh, are the jets spraying me?
Are the black helicopters coming to get me?
That's what I always hear.
Or, are the aliens gonna get me?
Or, the black helicopters?
Or the, or the, or the WASP people?
You know, the few folks, I'll be in a restaurant, somebody will walk over and knock my glass over and go, shame on you, racist.
Or, are the aliens gonna get me?
Ah ha ha ha!
You know, something like that.
I just laugh back at them.
And now I hear him going, of course there's some geoengineering kook!
You're not one of the people that Revolutionary exposed it all!
You're a kook, because it's true!
You get a black eye, because you were right!
You're even funnier!
And I don't get mad at those people because they're making fun of me.
I get mad at the globalists that they've programmed them and jacked their brains so hard that subconsciously they're terrified of the truth.
And so they've got this emotional salve, this emotional cream, where they say everything's okay and that I'm a kook, I'm a liar, you're a kook, you're a liar, so everything's okay.
Oh, Donald Trump, you're the reason there's ISIS.
Oh really?
I thought Hillary funded them and helped them rise.
That's what Trump said back.
And then she just shakes, devastated.
I control reality.
I'm history's actor.
I say what is reality.
Because I look like a drugged out dying witch or something.
Let's all bow down to this blob that they shove at us.
This gibbering, arrogant blob that talks to us like we're elementary students.
Hello children!
Today in first grade class, we're going to practice how to line up to go to the bathroom!
That's what NPR sounds like.
For a bunch of pseudo-foppish
Intellectuals to listen to and to think about how intellectual they are.
They're about as intellectual as a dead dog in the street with its eyes rotted out with fire ants crawling all over it.
Bunch of fake, cowardly people who wish they were dead already.
Well, here's the deal.
I'm not dead, my family's not dead, and we're not rolling over.
So you may get the majority of people drooling, not knowing what planet they're on.
I'm not it, and my listeners aren't it, and we see you, and we know who you are, filth.
Briefly, before I get back into the... The beginning, as we told you, was coming.
Oh, we just legalized spraying you.
Oh, it might be a little poisonous.
Oh, accidentally we were doing a... I mean... Oh, sci-fi channels on the night are... Oh, there's some science fiction movies we can go watch.
They're so exciting.
We can watch recycled R2-D2 for the 50 millionth time.
Oh, I'll show graphics of foreign planets.
Oh, I'll... But forget huge programs with them spraying you and your family to slowly kill you.
It's no big deal.
It's fine.
In fact, I shouldn't even be upset about it.
I apologize.
Actually, I feel like a coward and a piece of filth that I still do enjoy my life.
And I still go out and have fun knowing all this.
I look at all the zombies and feel sorry for them.
But then I realize I'm not meant to fight a total takeover like this.
Humans are meant to fight pretty much a frontal assault.
And so I've learned to not go crazy and just understand it's all part of a larger plan in God's view.
And then I can just try to turn it off now.
And still be a person knowing all this.
So I know why the average person doesn't want to believe any of this or doesn't want to check what I'm saying and doesn't want to go look into it.
Because then you'd have to actually do something about it when you found out it was true.
And people don't like to feel small.
And it makes you kind of feel small when you learn that you're living in a science fiction attempt to bring us into an end of days dystopia that could only come out of the mind of the devil.
I get it.
You want to go to your church and hear that you're all fine, about to get raptured, and feel good about yourselves, and feel secure, you know, you're kind of scared deep down, but you want to get close to God, and maybe that God will protect you.
God isn't going to protect anybody who doesn't put their skin on the line.
God isn't going to give you providence, isn't going to give you any of the gifts you've got to use if you don't put your butt on that line.
And that's the way the universe works, and I feel sorry for you people.
I want you to break your conditioning, and I want you to get involved, and I want you to understand what's happening.
And I'm not talking to our amazing audience that's awake and on fire.
I'm talking to the new listeners that tune in by the tens of thousands every few minutes to this broadcast.
I know with the liberals and the trendies and the hipsters that my show's very popular as a form of entertainment.
Oh, it'll be very entertaining until you get diagnosed with cancer at 30.
It's gonna be real entertaining when your girlfriend gets that tetanus shot and dies a day later and the hospital says no connection.
It's gonna be real funny when you have a little kid and they're three years old and get cancer and then you go research the cancer numbers and find out they're over 10,000% up since 1950 in children.
It's gonna get real funny, isn't it?
Because it's not funny, it's real.
Briefly, we found this operation with high quality products that won't protect you from a lot of what's going on, that just might make you feel a little bit better and be a little bit healthier on your bounce to the bottom under globalist annihilation.
Everything we put out is modified to knock your socks off.
That's the only thing I'd promote.
Let's put this under your tie.
I just like to mix up like my own little Coca-Cola, basically.
A couple squirts of Supermail Vitality.
I forgot to take the Shushtay.
I'm going to take a little bit more today.
I could tell I was dragging a little bit today.
I forgot to take my Rainforce because I ran out of the bottle at the house.
So I forgot to take that this morning.
So I put some Supermail in there.
I put some Survival Shield X2 Nascent Iodine in there.
I have been taking this judiciously.
And some other stuff, but I'm put some deep cleanse in here.
Why not?
I got some other stuff.
Just mix it all in there together.
And then I'm going to slurp this baby back.
And that's what I do.
And if you get super male and if you get X2 and you take it for a month, if you don't feel big effects, I'll eat my hat.
There's a reason with the herb Nazis, and I mean that in a nice way, like the soup Nazis, and with the big third-party sites where 4.8 stars and nobody else has got that.
It's because we know A, we're going to be under attack.
B, we're going to be under super scrutiny.
C, we want to promote really good products that are high quality because folks will like them and want to buy them again.
A, B, or C, none of them are number one.
It's just these are in order here.
And these are game changers.
I mean, they really are.
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Let me just finish up briefly with Kim Trails, and then I'm going to go to Joshua who points out Hillary has killed journalists.
Oh yeah, a lot of...Arkansas?
My God, that is funny.
Putin kills journalists, that's a funny one.
I mean, he may have.
Putin doesn't need to kill journalists, just like the Clintons don't need to.
Things just happen to people.
And yeah, when Putin was fighting the Rothschilds, it's come out in court, kicking their people out.
Some of them did fall down.
And I'm not endorsing all of that, but you can't prove Putin did it.
With Hillary, it was people like Vince Foster and newspaper people in Arkansas and the persecution of the press.
I mean, it's come out in their own Clinton papers, their persecution of the press.
But I digress.
I'll just have to do a special report on this.
I've already pretty much covered it.
They're just rolling it out now.
They're making it public.
That, oh my goodness, jet fuel happens to create nuclei in the atmosphere at all these different altitudes and is causing these artificial cloud banks that are shielding light that's coming in and bouncing it back into space.
Is it helping global warming or hurting?
Well, most studies say it actually shoots through the ultraviolet, then it doesn't bounce back up and it actually is heating the Earth.
So they're trying to stop an ice age, knowing it'll kind of overheat us a little bit, then they go, oh my God, look, we're hot, you know, pay us money.
Now they're talking about geoengineering taxes to save the Earth.
They admit the Earth is 20 to 30 percent darker, depending on which time of year you measure it, and that's because of geoengineering.
And the BBC again asked the question, we've always said, it's going on, it's secret, boy, shouldn't it be public if it's so loving?
And they just say, oh no, none of that exists.
Geoengineering climate fixes could harm billions.
And then they go through, oh, all these metals that they're calling for spraying, aluminum dioxide, barium salts, all those other things, it could hurt humans.
And this is all, and they also talk about weather patterns changing could kill us.
Well, yeah, it is weather weapons.
And then how do you counter when I'm exposing weather weapons and the declassified patents and the father of weather weapons coming on my show that he's all over CNN and Fox News the next week?
They just go, oh Alex says Obama sent that tornado to Oklahoma City.
Never said it.
Like I told the lady, I didn't think that was what happened.
But that's how they invert truth.
In fact, I have another article right here.
It's out of the Daily Beast today.
Conspiracy theorists terrorize our town.
InfoWars, worst humans invade Texas.
We invaded Texas because I live here.
Plus, we weren't there.
Every word is a lie.
InfoWars wasn't there.
We're not the worst humans ever.
We didn't invade Texas.
They teach them in these disinfo schools how to just create a tissue of hate and disdain, a ten minutes of hate.
Every word is a lie with how they set it next to it.
Conspiracy theorists.
So first they say, these people you don't listen to, they ask questions, they're heretics.
So, conspiracy theorists terrorized our town.
So then I terrorized the town that, well, the county named after
Colonel Travis, who my family raised his son.
And my family was involved on both sides founding Texas.
See, I've now invaded Texas.
I'm now hurting it.
I'm a carpetbagger.
Just everything they say, pure deception.
Let's continue.
I'm just reading one of the paragraphs here.
Conspiracy theorists terrorized our town.
Info wars.
Worst humans invade Texas to stage a mass shooting.
We counter-protested.
Oh, outnumbering them 20 to 1.
Oh, see?
I had a protest I wasn't at, I didn't put on, wasn't there.
Doesn't matter.
They defeated me 20 to 1, like I'm a piñata.
They still don't believe Sandy Hook ever happened.
So they add that little in.
Now we're saying there's discrepancies, the official story doesn't fit.
The mock mass shooters who tried to terrorize the University of Texas at Austin were no ordinary Second Amendment advocates, it turns out.
They were far-right conspiracy theorists who believe that other mass shootings, most notoriously Sandy Hook shooting, were hoaxes perpetrated by paid crisis actors.
Now why is this out this week?
Because they wrote a thousand plus articles last week saying that I attack the families of Sandy Hook people when I don't do that.
More straw men.
So this is just all part of the directive that goes out.
They took to the streets last Saturday to terrorize our community, I'm reading, into believing that by showing the gruesome violence of the staged mass shooting, replete with fake blood and all, citizens somehow, should be armed with assault rifles.
And then it just goes on.
Where's Alex?
Where is he?
Where is he?
Where am I?
And it goes, it all started on Facebook.
There's just nothing.
I mean, we had a story talking about the demonstration coming up.
That's it.
So, so, so this is how they do it.
They have other people go out and then they misrepresent what we actually did.
Stay with us.
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All right, I want to go to some phone calls here, and I'll get more into geoengineering tomorrow.
I said I'd cover it.
I covered it some, but I'm going to really just do a whole hour, I think, on it.
The point is they're rolling it out, they're going public.
They're going, oh, we are doing it, it's for your own good.
Yeah, it's a little poisonous, but it's for the earth.
And it'll kill the trees and the insects and everything, but it's all right, we care about you.
But we are going to ban your fireplaces, it's bad for the earth.
We're going to spray radiation particles on you.
I actually have those articles here.
But they are taking the gloves off now.
They're not going to counter what we say or what we do.
They're going to lie about us.
And Donald Trump gets that.
They do that to him when they've gone to Trump in news conferences and brought us up.
Why do you go on Alex Jones?
He says all this.
He goes, well, I haven't seen him say that.
You say that.
These are known liars.
Don't believe a word they say is the point.
They are just gutless criminals who won't have jobs soon anyways.
Their whole system's dying.
This is their death rattle.
Jakari Jackson's coming up in the fourth hour today.
The Daily Beast blames Infowars for UT's mock mass shooting.
He's going to cover that more.
A woman in Vegas mows down dozens of pedestrians with her car.
He has the answer, running over 37 people and killing some people.
Ban cars?
Actually, it is.
They're going to have to call for robot cars.
See, watch out.
Lindsey Graham drops out of the presidential race and more, and he'll get to some of the calls I'm not able to cover.
Let's talk to Joshua in Texas.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I have more of a comment really than anything, and the comment that I wanted to make was Hillary Clinton really should be careful.
Tone stones and glass houses.
I mean, look at Vince Foster, Brit Hume's son.
I mean, and not to mention, I'm sure Big Shadow's son.
But she's stunning and brave, and she was like Brian Williams in combat.
No, she's a fraud and a liar, and this is what she is, and she belongs in prison.
Buddy, that's hate speech according to Facebook.
You just said something bad about a woman, boy.
Oh, well, then I guess they're just going to have to report me and censure me.
Oh, oops, they already do that.
No, but great point.
I mean, how many dead journalists behind the Clintons?
I mean, this is a murder crew.
Oh, yeah.
There's a lot of them.
But that was just the point that I wanted to make, Alex.
God bless you.
Really good points, my friend.
Let's talk to Trucker in Massachusetts.
I'm going to go to John in Texas.
Hey Alex, Peace sells, I'm buying, I've got a bunch under my tree, and I hope you do too, my friend.
You talking about boom-booms?
No, I'm talking about that next death that you were playing before, Peace sells and who's buying, and I am buying.
Well that's awesome, absolutely.
I remember listening to Megadeth and Junior High, that very song.
So, what's on your mind, brother?
Alright, listen.
I have been a registered Independent since Ross Perot, and I have always worn that with pride, but there have been times like when I was living in Florida where I could not vote in the Republican primary because I was an Independent.
So I am putting it out there and trying to urge all Independents and Libertarians who want to get against the establishment
To change their party affiliation to Republican, at least through the primaries and caucuses, so that we can vote and really stack the deck against them.
Exactly, because the globalists have their full defense to block a Tea Party Patriot takeover of the Republican Party.
That's their weakest point.
So we should obviously attack there.
I mean, this is a war, and we should.
Everybody, Democrats, you name it, if you're sick of this stuff, folks, you need to get in there and vote for Rand Paul, Donald Trump, you name it.
Anybody better than the mob boss Hillary Clinton.
I mean, really, Democrats, are you really going to vote for somebody for the gimmick?
She's a woman.
When she wants World War III with Russia, I mean, this has got to stop.
Well, I'm telling you, when you have these polls where Trump is up by 27 points or whatever with registered Republicans,
Imagine if the registered independents and libertarians and democrats... Exactly.
But imagine him in a debate.
He will eat her alive.
He will chew her up.
It will be... All she needs is bravado.
Stand before me.
I'm a pot-bellied witch.
I can hardly talk.
I can hardly stand.
Everyone just falls down.
Oh, you're a woman.
Oh, you're so powerful.
Oh, you brag about killing people you didn't physically kill.
What a witch.
You know, you're so tough.
I mean, he would just get in there and just annihilate her.
It would just be like King Kong attacking a legless pig or something.
Alright, God bless you.
We'll be back with a fourth hour with Jakari Jackson.
But I'm going to take a few more calls.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
It's a long way to the top, but you want to destroy the global.
Riding on the highway, going to
A long way to the top.
We want to expose the New World Order.
We've been doing it.
21 years.
Just a couple months.
We have laid so many political bombs out there.
We changed the culture, you and I. With others' help.
And we're just getting stronger.
Thank you, Alex.
You know, a few days ago, there was another website that had a picture of Angela Merkel as a teenager marching along in formation with her Communist Youth League uniform on, looking as happy as all get out.
I've seen that before.
I mean, tell me the website you saw it on.
Oh, it was on wrench.com.
Well, we ought to put a link to that.
I've seen that.
I've seen that before.
Yeah, Merkel's parents were admittedly communist.
She's a horrible creature.
And what ate a lot of the other EU members, supposedly former communists,
Good point.
So are you saying Putin's really a communist?
I see that on the screen.
I don't know.
I, like Donald Trump, I'm slowly coming around to Donald Trump.
I'm slowly coming around to Vladimir Putin from, from like Jesse Biener and what he said and other things I've read on it.
I'm slowly coming around it.
He's really trying to build America in the 1950s, what I grew up in, what he's trying to build.
Well, that's actually what, from the evidence, Putin's doing.
I mean, they literally are promoting men and women together.
They are promoting the family.
They're promoting women being strong, men being strong.
They got tax incentives for it.
Look, here's the deal.
Russia's in shambles.
The globalists basically destroyed it.
They took it over.
And, you know, what if there was a liberty coup against the KGB?
You know, what if freedom was sexier than tyranny?
And I'm not saying Russia is either or.
Russia is at least fighting for its life.
America thinks it's on top, and it's dead already.
Now, politically, we can rise like the Phoenix, but that's really what it comes down to, brother.
We are the command base.
We're run by the New World Order, who hates us even more than Russia.
And Russia doesn't exist in the future world government situation.
They're going to double-cross Russia with China.
Top experts agree with me on that.
And it's not that Russia's perfect, it's that the Russian elites have kicked the foreign oligarchs out, the Federal Reserve Banks out,
The globalists put the communists in for 80 years.
That fell.
It was kind of a staged deal.
The globalists had deals with their old leaders, but they couldn't keep control.
New groups came in who at least set themselves up as the new oligarchs and threw out the foreign oligarchs.
So I don't romanticize the fact that, you know, everything's perfect over there, but they got strong men over there that are actually about building the country up.
And if leaders weren't pure devil worshippers, why wouldn't a strong man want to have a big, strong, powerful, successful country?
That's more to skim off the top.
That's why the globalists are truly evil, in that they just want to hurt prosperity and they want to hurt good people.
They want to come after our health, our minds, our souls.
In fact, we ought to come in with Jakari's intro with that song, We Want Your Soul.
I forget who did the song, Nico, but Nico likes it.
He put it in there.
I like the song too.
Because that's it.
Russia doesn't want to commit suicide and kill all its people.
Russia has like 1.6 birth rates.
It was like 1.2 at the fall of the Soviet Union.
It was put in there to kill the Russians, to give them back leaders, to make them desperate, to destroy their dreams.
They never had freedom under the Czars!
And they went from one tyranny to something five times worse!
So, Russia's fighting for its soul right now, so they got George Soros over there, trying to give them modern hippy-dippy liberalism.
He's like, we'll give you freedom, we'll teach your five-year-olds how to give a blowjob.
Excuse my French.
And Putin and them said, you know what?
Keep that over there, you Nazi collaborator.
You crawl in your hole and you die.
So the media all yells and screams, they're trying to overthrow Putin.
That's what's going on.
A Syrian refugee admitted his main goal is not to escape war or ISIS persecution, but to convert Europeans to Islam.
He said, quote,
And he's not the only one.
Influential Shi'a recently gave a speech in which he encouraged radical Muslims to use the migrant crisis to, quote, But this modern-day Islamic conquest is not just happening only in Europe.
Here in the U.S., radical Muslims are building their own Islamic compounds and communities, while telling Christians and other non-Muslims to keep out.
And these communities are rapidly expanding.
In fact, the Obama administration has admitted nearly 400 Syrian refugees into the U.S.
since the November 13th Paris attacks.
And only one of them is a Christian.
But Christians comprise about 10% of the population in Syria.
So why isn't the Obama administration allowing more Christian refugees into the U.S.?
I'll let you decide.
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It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host for this hour, Jakari Jackson.
This is the Info Wars Overdrive segment.
Now coming up this hour, we're going to talk about a lot of different things.
The Daily Beast is blaming InfoWars.com for the mock mass shooting that happened a couple weeks ago at UT, even though we had nothing to do with it.
Reporting on something and promoting it are two completely different things.
For example...
Bless you, Leanne.
People with any lick of common sense understand by my being there, I was not encouraging anybody to go out and drive drunk and hit people on the sidewalk.
But when it comes to this thing like UT, where Leigh-Anne went out there, they're saying that she was promoting it and doing all these other things, even though she was just telling people that it was going on.
But I digress, I'm not going to get into that right at this moment.
Also, a woman in Vegas mowed down some people who did a similar thing to what happened at South by Southwest.
And Lindsey Graham drops out of the presidential race, and I'm sure we all are crying our
I don't know.
He dropped.
Okay, well, you were just about to get on.
Sorry about that, Truth Raider.
I was about to go hot to you, man.
That's why I was stalling for time, but we see you dropped out.
So I guess we now can get into this Daily Beast article.
And we have the headline here, Leigh Ann.
You actually went out there and covered the event.
Conspiracy theorists terrorized our town.
Info wars.
Worse humans invaded Texas to stage a mass shooting.
We counter-protested, outnumbered them 20 to 1, and they still don't believe that Sandy Hook ever happened.
First, they're saying that we promoted an event we had nothing to do with.
We were actually criticized in some alternative media sites because we didn't promote it.
And now they just threw this on the end that they still don't believe that Sandy Hook ever happened.
I'll go ahead and say on the record right now for the hacks at the Daily Beast, I do believe people were shot and killed at Sandy Hook.
Now, there are some anomalies that I consider in the story, whether the guy was going back and forth to his car to switch out a rifle for a shotgun, how they called in helicopters before they called in the police.
Well, they call them port-a-potties before they call them helicopters.
And they're still going on at the same time.
Yeah, and there are some things about it that were odd to me, but none of those things make me say that nobody died.
So, Daily Beast, you're just a bunch of hacks for putting that out there.
I don't believe in such things.
Well, the writer who did this article was actually the gentleman that was featured in my video.
So, he, this Andrew Dobbs, he's the one that was putting on the mass farting drill.
The Mass Farting Drill.
And I love this in here, Leigh-Anne.
They take another shot at us for Sandy Hook and all this stuff.
And then the guy, the author of the gentleman that you spoke to in the video, he is so proud.
He put this in here.
He was talking about InfoWars comes out here and they're promoting this event and blah blah blah.
And we farted in their faces.
He actually put this here.
I don't know if you guys got the dot cam or whatever.
And we farted in their faces.
Now Leigh-Anne, you were there.
Did anybody fart in your face?
Nobody farted in my face.
Now that we've established that nobody ever farted in someone's face.
There was a lady that was whipping a dildo around going...
Yeah, so now that we've established that, even if they did fart in somebody's faces, I cannot just, I cannot fathom a grown man taking so much pride in farting in somebody's faces.
Like, if I was attacked by ISIS and I beat them down, if I beat up like 10 ISIS jihadis with my bare hands, right, like straight up Rambo, and I wouldn't drop down and fart in somebody's face because grown men don't do that.
And there's another thing I want to point out here in this article.
And even though we were there and they admit in the article that there were reporters from every major news network and major national daily newspaper and even the notorious conspiracy news site InfoWars owned by local Austinite Alex Jones.
So even though there were multiple people there from multiple agencies who all reported on the same thing, our being there in the author's eyes is our promoting or hosting the event.
So I mean, I obviously went on Twitter and said, look, man, your research team sucks because we had nothing to do with this.
And if you actually go and find out, you know, who was promoting that event, they were upset that we didn't cover it, didn't go and cover this.
And, you know, of course, he didn't apologize.
I'm sure there will be no retraction issues.
That's the point of just showing how easily you'll have these
I don't know.
Yeah, and I don't want to spend all day on this because I know you've got some other news, but I want to go to this last point I have here, guys, maybe we can do the dot cam.
He says, I had a hard time believing that these guys had spent weeks stringing the media along only to do the main event at a time and place where the media would not or the media would miss it.
Now, so this is my challenge to the Daily Beast or anybody who chooses to criticize us about this, you know, whether it be, you know, MSNBC or anybody else.
If we spend weeks planning this event, I want you to go back and document on the InfoWars Nightly News and Special Reports, the Alex Jones Show, us promoting this event.
The only thing you will find is a hot topic, a little news thing that Leanne did about it.
Once again, it was not promoting the event, it was just a news segment saying that it was happening.
They did the same thing on Fox and on any number of these newspapers or other things.
They just said it was going on, that was in no way, shape, or form a promotion of the event, so there is your task.
Well, and we specifically, you know, I asked you about it because the Second Amendment, that's your beat, you know, and that's why I wanted to know if you were going to be out there covering it.
And I really didn't know who was putting it on.
I had no issue with it either way.
I just thought the news story would be that there are going to be people protesting with fart blasters and sexual...
Implements, right?
To me, that was more of the story.
But then once I was out there, I ran into Michael Cargill, who was so upset that this event was put on.
He actually went to this event specifically to go and speak to people about what Campus Carry was really about.
It has already been passed, and people worked tirelessly to get it passed, and he felt that this was making a huge mockery of the people who were trying to get Campus Carry passed, because it has nothing to do with arming your average Joe
So that he can take out a mass shooter at a school.
It was about self-defense and protecting yourself, because as you know, Michael Cargo has a personal story with that.
Okay, so that's all the time I'm going to spend on that, but once again, to anybody who wants to demonize us further for this event, please go through and find all these non-existent clips and find some way to blame it for us as well.
Alright, now Leanne, I got a lot of news, but I know you also have some news as well.
Yes, well, the top of the drudge today was how Obama was pulling a race card with Trump and basically accusing Trump of exploiting working class fears.
And this was in a radio interview, it aired Monday night, and he said that the Republicans are basically playing on blue collar workers' fears because of the trouble in the economy that they've had and everything.
And so they're just really upset about how they're gonna pay their
Triple the amount of H-2B visas that are given.
And these are not the tech workers.
That's the H-1B visa.
This is H-2.
These people are exclusively brought in to fill blue-collar jobs, non-farm jobs, hotels, restaurants, construction, truck driving, and many other occupations that millions of Americans would love to do.
So here, this is the same thing, whereas the media just comes out accusing one group of doing something, when they're the ones that are actually wrecking and really, truly threatening blue-collar workers.
Yeah, and you know, people know I'm not on the Trump campaign, I'm not a supporter of his, but when you want to talk about Obama coming after Trump, as far as I know, Trump has never promised a black woman a house and then never gave it to her.
So you got that on your thing to get over first, Mr. Obama.
Well, and also, too, Obama pulled the race card and said that, you know, probably a lot of people are really voting for Trump and upset because he's the first African-American president.
So basically saying that the Republicans or people who support Trump or whatever are just racist.
Meanwhile, if you look at the GOP, the candidates, I mean, up until just about a month ago, Ben Carson was at the top.
So clearly Republicans are not afraid of having another black president.
Yeah, he had some controversy, you know, Carson did, and that definitely took him down in the polls.
But, you know, he was up there even at a point.
I think they're kind of teasing maybe a Trump-Carson ticket.
You know, I'm not sure where that is now, but that was at least mentioned at one point.
So that right there is just like, you can't pull the race card.
You can't say that Republicans are anti-women.
There's a woman there running.
So I just, it's ridiculous.
And once again, it's just,
If people don't go and do their research and see if there's a counter argument, they're just going to run with whatever is being pushed out there, whatever narrative is being said.
Oh, well, the GOP is racist and they hate the first black American president.
And it's just not true.
Yeah, well, there's a running joke that Clinton was the first black president.
I guess that's a whole other thing.
What else do you have, Leigh Ann?
Well, speaking of Clinton, and, you know, just more lies if you don't do your own research.
So in this Democratic debate, Clinton, Hillary Clinton, made this claim that ISIS is using videos of Donald Trump to recruit.
And she said he is becoming ISIS's best recruiter.
Well, of course, people dug around and they're like, well, Donald Trump isn't in any ISIS recruitment videos.
But guess who is?
Bill Clinton!
Bill Clinton.
Slick Willy is in ISIS videos being labeled as a fornicator.
So he is actually being used to recruit for ISIS by saying, look at how messed up America is.
They got the one president who's a fornicator.
President Obama and George W. Bush are also in it.
They're liars.
They have an ineffectual military.
So just, I mean, I'm not vouching for Trump or anything, but the simple fact that he could have possibly been in one was enough for her to come out and attack him on it, even though she has the whole Benghazi scandal, which nobody wants to talk about.
Everybody wants to talk about the emails, but we've seen Ambassador Stevens sending the cables months before his death and then leading up to his death.
They didn't give him more security.
They took security away while she's out, you know, signing autographs at, you know, female colleges and all that stuff.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm saying you need to do your due diligence and make sure that you guys don't die.
Well, exactly.
And she was asked about Libya, or came up in this debate as well, but she dodged that question twice, and she kind of threw it back, well, Sanders, you voted for regime change as well, and, you know, a lot of those people probably voted for that on her word, because she was the Secretary of State at the time, probably saying this is what needs to happen, and laughed, of course, we came, we saw, he died.
Yeah, in Turkey?
Thank you, thank you so much Leanne.
We'll be back in the next segment when we're talking about the driver in Vegas who drove on the sidewalk and killed many innocent people.
Stay tuned, this is the Alex Jones Show.
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And welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host for this hour, Jakari Jackson.
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Now I want to switch gears a little bit and talk about the horrific tragedy this past weekend in Las Vegas where a motorist decided to drive on the sidewalk.
We have reports of one dead, 37 injured and you know many of those people in the hospital they could slip away potentially.
37 injured after a car plows into a crowd in Las Vegas.
Let's go ahead and run this clip and then we'll come back with some commentary.
This is a huge tragedy that's occurred on our strip.
Breaking overnight, a massive and deadly hit and run on the famous Las Vegas strip.
We have determined that this is an intentional act.
Police say a female driver in her 20s ran her vehicle up onto the sidewalk, bustling with tourists twice, possibly three times, plowing into nearly 40 people between Planet Hollywood and Paris Resort and Casino.
The fatal incident unfolding while the Miss Universe pageant was underway inside Planet Hollywood.
She is in the detention center right now.
She's speaking to detectives.
The suspect's feeding off with a three-year-old toddler inside was quickly apprehended by police less than a mile away.
Investigators believe she's not a Las Vegas native, but say this is not an act of terrorism.
So it's very interesting to me, and it really shows you the state of the world, how this event can happen.
But the only thing that I see on the news today, if I go to the news aggregates, is how Steve Harvey messed up the name of one of the participants.
You know, nothing against Steve, I like his comedy and all that stuff.
You know, you have 37 people injured, one dead, and they just want to talk about the Miss Universe pageant.
No, this is a much more important story.
And as I alluded to earlier in our broadcast, you know, these things happen.
It happened here in Austin, South by Southwest.
A guy was fleeing from the Austin Police Department.
He decided to drive on the sidewalk.
I believe hit 20 or so people, many of whom died.
And when we have horrible incidents like this, you know, people, they really want to figure out what the root of the problem is.
Nobody's going to call to ban cars, or at least nobody with common sense is going to call to ban cars.
They understand this is a mentally disturbed individual.
They took these actions upon themselves, and they need to be held accountable for it.
It wasn't the car's fault.
It wasn't, you know, anybody else's fault except for the driver.
Now, I do believe we have testimony from one of the bystanders.
A gentleman was out there, and he saw the whole thing happen, and he has some words to say about it.
A Buick Oldsmobile type car, tan maybe, silverish, starts just mowing through people.
And people are flying and yelling at it.
And the windows crashed out on the front of the car, mainly just mowing through, like what I saw was like children, because the kids weren't moving.
You know, they didn't get out of the way.
And then the car proceeded to go past us, right in front of us.
Through the people and then off to the right I look and it's going toward like a truck or something that's pulling out of right past Mon Ami Gabi which is in front of Paris and the car proceeded to slow down, veer around it and then accelerate again into the people on the sidewalk.
So there's absolutely no question in your mind that the woman driving that car was trying to hit people?
Yeah, just like as the commentator is saying there, it definitely seems that this was an intentional act.
At this point, they don't want to call it an act of terrorism.
Like I said, I don't know too much about the person.
At this point, I believe they were going to arraign her today, so maybe there are some additional reports.
But yeah, these horrible things happen and the answer isn't ban this, ban that.
Banning whatever wouldn't have stopped this lady from doing what she chose to do in this very unfortunate incident.
Now with the time we have, I want to talk about Lindsey Graham.
Lindsey Graham, I'm sure he's your favorite presidential candidate.
I know David Knight loves him some Lindsey Graham.
David hates Lindsey Graham with a very feverish passion.
Lindsey Graham, the guy who wants to pretty much blow up the entire universe to rid the world of ISIS, has dropped out of the presidential campaign, and I'm not shedding a single tear about it.
Good riddance to you, Lindsey Graham.
You can go back to doing whatever it is that you do, as long as it's not being President of the United States.
And it's not to say that I love the other contenders.
You know, Lindsey is one of many contenders I don't like.
I don't like Chris Christie talking so cavalier about shooting down Russian jets.
And like I said, I'm not up here apologizing for Putin or anything, but he's talking about shooting down jets like he's duck hunting or something or shooting, shooting ski.
Yeah, I'm just gonna, I'm shooting them all down.
You know, I'm, I'm Chris Christie, you know.
I've never served a day in my life.
I'm just going to start a war and put your kids at risk.
So stay tuned after this break.
We'll come back with a special report from John Bowne.
We'll be taking your calls on any manner of subjects that you want to talk about.
So stay tuned.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Cary Jackson, on the Info Wars Overdrive Hour.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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A transgender father who abandoned his seven children to start a new life as a six-year-old girl is being celebrated by some liberals as a shining example of diversity.
Stephanie Walsh is being profiled by numerous media outlets after she revealed her story in a video interview for the Transgender Project.
I can't deny I was married, I can't deny I have children, but I've moved forward now and I've gone back to being a child.
I don't want to be an adult right now and I just live my life like I couldn't when I was in school.
I have a mummy and daddy, an adopted mummy and daddy, who are totally comfortable with me.
Being a little girl.
Walsh is now dressing up and pretending to be a six-year-old girl with her adopted family after being given an ultimatum by her ex-wife who said she had to stop being trans or leave.
Walsh chose to abandon the 23-year marriage along with her seven kids and is now fulfilling her role as little sister to her new parents youngest granddaughter.
The clip has received well over 160,000 views, but feedback is overwhelmingly negative, while comments have been completely disabled.
Several liberals reacted by expressing support for Walsh and celebrating her story.
Walsh herself reacted to critics by vowing to take on haters face-to-face at a location in Toronto.
However, the vast majority of respondents to the independent article had a very different opinion.
One writes,
This is what happens when lunacy is championed by the right on.
This is not news, added another.
This is a mentally ill person who does not need pandering to, but needs psychiatric help.
Another gay man accused Walsh of being an interloper and a fetishist.
One commenter also made a number of accusations against Walsh that, if true, demolish her attempt at framing herself as a victim.
The commenter writes, What this report doesn't tell you is that this person was charged with assault and abuse of his wife and family.
They were awarded a restraining order against him.
He has also been convicted of harassment and threatening a neighbor and a peeping Tom.
Also, his arrangement with his new mummy and daddy is a sexual one.
It's also fascinating how many social justice warriors and feminists who would normally crucify a man for abandoning his wife and kids are extremely supportive of Walsh, simply because she now professes to be a six-year-old girl.
All kidding and paranoid transphobia aside, isn't this just sheer unabashed propaganda aimed at destroying the family?
What's next?
Maybe the outspoken mentally ill or, uh, excuse me,
Modern-day left-wing liberals will be glorifying the sad tale of Johnny List, a man who literally destroyed his family by patiently murdering them all because he had become recently unemployed and didn't want them to carry his burden.
Rest assured, deadbeat dads everywhere, all you have to do is become a twisted paragon of perversion and the left wing will carry you to victory.
John Bowne for Infowars.com
Another great report from John Bowne.
Yeah, I'd heard about that story, but he dropped some things on me that I didn't know about it.
Because it was always my thought, you know, if the guy, even if you think it's great that he's transgendered, if that's the proper word, a six-year-old girl, do you really want him to abandon his family and go live this life?
But he said that, I guess it's been reported that he had some domestic abuse issues, but I think he'd still have to pay some type of child support or alimony or something to that regard.
All right, so we just went to a video, so now we're going to take some of your calls.
Now we're going to intersperse them going back and forth.
We have Jeff in New York.
You want to talk about geoengineering.
Go ahead, Jeff.
I have two things to say, actually.
First of all, long-time listener, first-time caller, but there was a project that was done by an alternative medical practitioners association out in the Midwest in a specialized field where specialized zones were set up.
It was a neutral area where a number of collection dishes were set up.
The field was monitored for the 48-hour collection period and overhead is a
We're good.
Human herpes virus 6, mycoplasma pneumonia, barium, all these substances are not normal to being airborne that way and having a sterile collection environment.
So to say that geoengineering is not happening is absolutely a farce and certainly not true.
We see it happening.
Well, thank you so much, Jeff.
Yeah, I know Alex is planning to do some more on this latest geoengineering report.
Not necessarily what you were talking about, but how some of these other agencies are now talking about.
Thank you for calling, Jeff.
All right, let's go now to Scott in Nebraska.
You want to talk about MKUltra.
Go ahead, Scott.
Well, if you can make it up to Lincoln, Nebraska, I can give you the name and address of a guy that says he was MKUltra and they programmed him to go shoot up a school.
They've also got a fusion center here.
What school are you talking about?
A school.
Just a regular school.
Elementary school of some sort.
So you're saying he's planning to do this or what's going on here?
No, I'm saying he was programmed to do this and I've got the guy's name that they shipped him basically to go shoot at the school and he ended up in a park someplace with his Beretta and five magazines full of ammo.
Alright, well, sir, it sounds like you may need to alert the proper authorities if you think he's going to go shoot up a school.
I'm saying this happened about two years ago.
Alright, well, thank you so much, Scott.
Let's move on now.
We have Mike in Tennessee.
You want to say, I guess you have the thought no one died at Sandy Hook.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Mike, in Tennessee.
Okay, I guess we lost Mike in Tennessee.
The headline there said that no one died in Sandy Hooks.
I don't know if he was debating that or what his deal was.
Let's talk to Mark in California.
Before I go to you, Mark, let's get the number out again.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
Once again, it is 1-800-259-9231.
Go ahead, Mark, in California.
Speaking of numbers, do you have the telephone number for Formula Heart and Body Extract?
Because they gave it out too fast.
Oh, no, I'm sorry, sir.
I think you're referring to one of the ads that run on the network.
I don't have that number in front of me.
Well, the reason why I called was there's a story here in San Jose that aired on October 29th.
I'm telling you, I'll never forget when Kennedy was killed when I was at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in first grade.
I'll never forget 9-11, and I'll never forget Vicki Nguyen.
When she aired that story on NBC, it's been 53 days, my brother, and I've played it over and over.
Board of Supervisors here in San Jose, I've prayed and I will continue to pray that we... There's a four-year-old girl that was in a house, a foster house in San Jose, and that poor mother had pictures of how she had been brutally beaten for five months!
It took five months before finally they got that kid out of the house!
And David Cortese said he's going to try and do something about it, but I, uh, I, I'm just, uh, we have a lot to pray about these days because I went down there Tuesday, as a matter of fact, and they know why I'm there.
I'm there for that.
This one issue.
And, uh, I, uh, there was only four speakers and he says, okay, there's only four speakers.
We get three minutes a piece.
The first lady gets three minutes.
The second guy who talked about,
I don't know.
And he says, you're eating away at your time.
And he knew why I was there, because I had my t-shirt on.
It says, to Google, Alex Jones and John DeCamp on the Franklin cover-up, which is directly linked with this whole thing with this four-year-old girl.
But it's a huge, huge story.
And I'm just hoping and praying that, you know, I called CBS, or NBC rather, on their tip line.
They did call me back.
And I said, I know a man, I've got his number, named Doug Millar, who studied along these same lines as Vicky Nguyen.
Can interview Doug Millar.
She will blow this whole thing out of the water.
And they still haven't called Doug Millar although I've given NBC their number.
But he would be a great interview for you fine folks there on InfoWars and KOMY 1340 to interview.
I mean, the guy is a certified hero.
He passed out like 160 flyers outside the house of MKUltra, Michael Aquino, who was the head of the National Security Agency, warning the neighbors up there in Leavenworth.
I won't give his address for reasons.
Yes sir, just give us that stuff at ShowTipsAndInfoWars.com and we'll take a look at it.
Thank you so much Mark in California.
Let's go ahead and take a look at another clip.
We have this clip of Hillary Clinton that happened this past weekend on the debate.
And people have been asking us why we didn't cover the Democrat debate.
Well, they had it on a Saturday night, you know, before the Christmas weekend.
Everybody has, you know, a lot of other things to do on the weekend.
So I think it was rather strategically placed, to be quite honest with you.
You're going to have
Democratic debate the weekend that Star Wars comes out and nobody's gonna watch it in the first place.
So a lot of people didn't see Mrs. Clinton when she decided just to show up late to the debate.
The guys are killing time, filling time, trying to make up for it.
She walks out and everybody's like, oh man, like she's like she's a rock star or something.
You know how the big rock bands, they'll start the show late.
It was somewhat like that.
So if we have that clip, we can go ahead and play Mrs. Clinton when she graced us with her presence.
We have a packed audience here in New Hampshire, and we're going to continue.
We've already had a spirited conversation here at the top of the broadcast about ISIS, about concerns of terror here on the home front, and as we await Secretary Clinton backstage here, we're going to begin on the economy.
We want to turn to the American jobs, wages, and raises in this country.
And we believe Secretary Clinton will be coming around the corner any minute.
But in the meantime, we want to start with this eye-opening number.
And Senator Sanders, this question goes to you first anyway.
In 1995, the median American household income was $52,600 in today's money.
This year, it's $53,600.
That's 20 more years on the job with just a 2% raise.
In a similar time frame, raises for CEOs up more than 200%.
Oh, here she is.
She's walking on stage.
We're going to continue here, and Secretary, you'll get a chance on this, too.
Yeah, that's enough of that.
That's enough of that.
Once again, the number to call in is 800-259-9231.
It is 800-259-9231.
So there you see, it's kind of the hubris of these people, like, yeah, I'll be there when I get there, then we can just start the debate.
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Chase in Texas.
You want to talk about the election?
Go ahead, Chase.
Thank you, sir.
I kind of think that, you know, when it gets to Cleveland, if the will of the people choose whoever, if it's Trump or whoever, and Jeb's going to angle it and play this delegate thing, that could be possibly how they want to try to provoke some sort of an uprising.
So I hope that doesn't happen.
And as far as Clinton, I mean, how do we know this woman is not fully healthy to be president?
Yeah, there's no way in the world that she should represent the people, I don't think.
I mean, forget all the checkered past.
I mean, she's medically not fit in my opinion.
I mean, is she suffering from incontinence?
How come she can't get back to the podium in time because she's a woman?
It's ridiculous.
I think that either giblet head, jib,
Or Argus at the top of a dung heap Clinton.
We do not need any more in this country.
The burnout hippies, baby boomers need to step aside and let the millennials, the youth, lead this nation.
You know, I'm a firm believer in that.
I've called in way too much over the past time.
I just wanted to call in and give my two cents.
Thank you for taking my call.
But remember folks, when you speak out, they will come on you.
But there's a crescendo coming in this country, and the establishment knows it, and I'm not trying to preach to the choir here, but there will be, hopefully, I mean, I think the future can be bright, but we've got to start talking about projects, we've got to start talking about getting everybody back to work.
I read a lot of LaRouche literature, but though I am a Ron Paul, Ram Paul supporter,
I don't care.
I want to win.
I think we all want to win.
Yeah, we think we all want to win.
Yeah, thanks.
Thank you, Chase.
Alright, that was Chase in Texas.
Alright, now I want to play this video because I don't think we had a chance earlier today.
Now, this is a Muslim refugee saying that the main goal is to Islamicize Europeans.
And actually, I don't think it's in English, so maybe we can just roll the video and I'll just say,
What the guy is saying for all all the viewers here, okay?
So this is the headline Muslim refugee says the main goal is to allama size Europeans and kid did a hot topic about this as well, and they were talking to a guy He was on a train.
He was interviewed by a Arabic television station He says my main goal for relieving Syria is to lead people to the exact acceptance of Islam and he says the individual says that he was willing to sell his country and
Yeah, hello, Jarkari.
Yeah, I got a question about false flags.
We've had a lot of false flags in the United States and maybe even before 9-11.
And the question I have is why do the American people keep falling for these things over and over and over again?
Yeah, well, it's like, think of a football game, right?
So if you run a QB sneak up the middle and you score a touchdown every time, why won't you keep running the same thing?
So it's this, I guess, conspiracy nature, to use that word.
You know, anytime you question an official story, just like when we talked about the Daily Beast article today, because you point out things like there's a SWAT guy reported
In the woods from a neighboring county, Al, they said the shooter was running back and forth between the building and his car, and stuff like that.
The simple fact that you point that out, people equate that to saying that you say that nobody died in Sandy Hook.
And it's that same kind of deal when things are actual false flags.
When you talk about a Golf of Tonkin, or you talk about the bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993.
1993, when they had the guy cook the bomb, they blew up the basement, and then they tried to blame it on him.
The only thing that's saved is bacon.
Was that he had recordings from the FBI, where they said, yeah, we want you to build us a real bomb.
He's like, why do you want us, why do you want to build a real bomb?
Do you want to kill you?
Let us worry about that.
So it's that kind of deal.
And I think it's really the shock and awe that people can't accept that certain individuals, I don't want to say the government in general, but certain individuals within the government would be willing to do such a horrendous thing.
Whether you talk about giving black people syphilis and all these other types of horrific things that have gone on in our country.
Nobody wants to admit that our own government could do it because we're supposed to be the light on the hill, right?
We're supposed to have the moral authority, so nobody wants to believe that our own government could be a part of something so heinous.
Thank you so much, Bill in Wisconsin.
I hope I answered your question right there.
I think we have time for maybe one quick call before we go to break.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rob in Maine.
Go ahead, Rob.
Oh, never mind.
I'm sorry, Rob.
Hold that thought.
I went to you a little bit too late.
We'll come back to you right after this break, so stay tuned.
This is Jakari Jackson on the Alex Jones Show.
Stay tuned.
InfoWars Nightly News coming up tonight, but we're going to go over some more of your calls and tell you about the great specials available at InfoWarsHop.com.
Stay tuned.
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And welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Jakari Jackson.
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Now, we got cut off by the break, us talking to Rob in Maine, so go ahead, Rob, and finish your part.
Oh, thanks, Jakari.
I've been doing this for 13 years, doing my own public access show, trying to wake people up, so I know the level of cognitive dissonance that is going on out there.
So, I have a big, important question.
I was trying to get through to Alex because I'm really curious.
I saw Joe Rogan completely discredit Kem Trailing a couple years ago on his television show.
Now, I'm sure others have seen it, but when I saw that, I completely convinced he's a traitor.
I just felt like he was a traitor, a sellout.
He completely discredited it.
So, if you guys could get to that or address that.
Why Joe Rogan?
I've heard of that episode of Joe Rogan.
I've never actually seen it.
I know he and Alex are friends, so I guess that'd be a better question for him to address.
Now, as far as chemtrails, not everything is a chemtrail.
I'm sure you know that, Rob, but, you know, even I've made mistakes in the past looking at, like, force fighting planes dropping their
Thank you for calling.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dean in Utah.
Go ahead, Dean.
I just wanted to say, you know, Trump has got this whole thing so, so upset.
It's driving the elite crazy.
I know it is.
And Jeff made that statement that you guys pointed out that he will never be president.
And I was just wondering, do you know, if they've got the popular vote, can they really do that to him?
Can they knock him off?
Well, we've seen them, like, refusing things to, you know, Ron Paul a couple elections ago.
As far as the delegate process, I guess that'd be a better question for Richard Reeves.
He's our reporter out there on the scenes.
He's going to all the campaign trails.
So maybe the next time he gets in or we Skype with him, he can answer that a little better than I can.
Thank you.
I'm gonna move on to the next caller for the sake of time.
Let's go ahead and talk to Alex in Michigan.
Go ahead, Alex.
Hey, what's going on, Ja'Curt?
Hey, how you doing?
I just want to say you guys are doing a really good job.
You and Leanne are doing a really good job.
Oh, thank you.
Yeah, I was going to talk about ISIS in Michigan, maybe.
I don't mean to be Islamophobic or whatever, but I hear we have the biggest Muslim population or whatever.
I don't know if you've heard anything about that.
Oh, I don't know about what the population is, but you can tell me more.
We're coming to the end, so make your point very quickly.
Uh, just great job with all the products.
The iodine X2 is excellent.
I'm gonna try the coffee too, the immune coffee with the mushrooms.
I hear that's really good.
All right, thank you so much.
Brian in California, you have 20 seconds.
Go ahead.
Yeah, finally waking up and looking up this morning and seeing the persistent chemtrails in the air.
I was wondering, let's say they're harmless right now, but what's to stop them from doing what they did in Goldfinger when they had Operation Grand Slam?
Alright, well thank you so much, Brian.
I'm sorry, we are completely out of time.
Call in tomorrow and they'll let you make your point.
More news tonight, InfoWars Nightly News, 7 p.m.
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