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Name: 20151208_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 8, 2015
3353 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics such as Donald Trump's proposed ban on Muslims entering America, attempts by globalists to take away citizens' firearms and Second Amendment rights, incidents of violence involving Muslim migrants, importance of clean drinking water, nutraceutical formulas for children focus, possible confiscation of guns, gun control measures in Mexico, Obama using the no- fly list for gun control in the US, Big Berkey Water Filter protection from various contaminants, President Obama's intentions to go after the Second Amendment, Supreme Court allowing locals to ban or register guns, Southern Poverty Law Center as a lying organization, concerns over lack of focus by Republican candidates on climate change, Huma Abedin's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and involvement in Hillary Clinton's email scandal, and growing scientific evidence showing health risks associated with mobile device exposure to EMF radiation. The show also covers geopolitical issues such as Russia's actions in Syria, potential nuclear confrontation, censorship of alternative media voices, Mitt Romney's potential as a presidential candidate, false flag black operations, assault weapons bans, Supreme Court decisions on internet freedom, and climate change activists targeting meat consumption.

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Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That's right, my friends.
It is Tuesday, the 8th day of December, 2015.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And we are going to be live here as we are weekdays 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
for four hours today.
And of course the nightly news will be seven o'clock Central Standard Time this evening.
Donald Trump has come out and, quote, demanded total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering America.
We're going to play a clip of the speech that he gave yesterday.
This has Republicans and others lining up, calling him a bigot, a racist, and all the rest of it, despite the fact that being Muslim is not a race.
I'm going to give you my take on this after we play a clip from the speech.
I watched last night, and I watched a president, truly, that didn't know what he was doing.
He didn't know why he was there.
He refuses to use the term radical Islamic terrorism.
He refuses to use the term.
I don't even know if he knows what the hell's going on.
I really don't.
Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.
Let's stop right there.
We're going to be covering more of this obviously throughout the day, but here's the final equation.
Is Trump putting this the best way he could?
Probably not, but he knows he's talking to a general American population that has been, let's just say it, dumbed down to a certain extent.
So he's just putting it out there as meat and potatoes.
Here's the issue.
There should be a total ban
on any refugees out of Syria because most of them are invaders who came in the last five years to take the nation over.
And the FBI has admitted that they're not being vetted at all, and that upwards of 80% have fake passports and are military-age men.
There are countless videos on YouTube, millions of views apiece, of at the tunnel between France and England.
The UK, thousands of illegals just running around beating people, throwing rocks, attacking the truck drivers for no reason and the police won't protect them.
And how many Facebook images do we have where it shows Al-Qaeda ISIS fighters in Syria and then it cuts to them in Germany or France or Poland or Hungary or Sweden?
Or Belgium.
Or the Netherlands.
They're proud of it.
And I can tell you, soldiers, when I see them, a good percentage, I'm talking 20-30%, are combat vets of the Saudi-run invasion.
I know soldiers when I'm looking at them.
Plus, it's admitted.
As this unfolds, every time the media finds an image of a woman or a child, they zoom in on it.
Because from the videos I've seen, it looks more like 98% are men.
But the governments are saying 80%.
But you can watch hours of footage of the trucks being attacked, the trucks being robbed, the carjackers, people attacking the mirrors, throwing rocks, cussing.
I mean, I couldn't help myself.
Even if there were 20 people, I'd just get out with a baseball bat.
Of course, in America, you know what would happen.
It'd be, pew!
Oh, you climbed up on the truck and were attacking?
Nobody else would do that.
You wanna assault my vehicle with a tire arm?
Right in the center of your chest, see how that feels.
Having your heart blown out your back.
I'm not gonna roll over to this crap.
So, yes, it is an invasion, orchestrated by criminals in our Western governments.
Yes, you must stop all from war-torn areas because it's a military infiltration zone.
That's what he should have said, not ban all Muslims, period.
I mean, what do you got, Muslims flying in from Israel or flying in from, you know, flying in from Jordan or something, you know, own houses or businesses here.
You can't do that.
But anyone not vetted properly from a war-torn zone, you're banned.
And everybody in the government that's been allowing them in under Obama's orders are culpable.
The Huffington Post is calling for the government to seize all firearms, saying that micro and mini efforts to destroy the Second Amendment are not working.
The Post reads, given that even micro gun control measures will be effectively blocked by the NRA and its allies.
And that promoting many measures will be potentially effective is misleading.
Progressives may as well go for the big enchilada.
Call for domestic disarmament.
Write to George Washington University Professor of International Relations.
The professor would also have Congress pass legislation making gun manufacturers liable for the harm done with their products and outlaw the sale of ammunition.
If the current political climate is any indication, this will not happen.
The professor does not detail how more than 300 million firearms in the United States would be confiscated.
He also does not address the fact that forced disarmament will lead to the death of police and otherwise law-abiding citizens.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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That's Infowarslife.com or call 888-253-3139.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, I'm going to say it here clear for everyone, because I actually agree with what Donald Trump has said.
We do need to have a total and complete shutdown
Of everyone coming from a long list of nations who have not been properly vetted.
And the federal government will allow people in with fake passports, fake names, fake addresses, like the Saudi Arabian jihad princess, who was clearly involved in the attacks in San Bernardino last week, leading her husband in the killing of 14 people.
They want to use this to take our Second Amendment.
That's been announced by the Supreme Court, by the way.
Devastatingly bad news coming up.
They are coming after our freedom.
They are trying to put citizens in no-fly list, no-gun-by list, extra-judicially, while bringing in hundreds of thousands
Of, quote, migrants and not telling governors where they're being deposited, telling governors they don't care of the Refugee Act, states that governors have to be appraised and have to agree to it.
That's being violated.
So many laws are being violated right now.
They're just letting these people in.
Planes are landing on record at JFK with 144 people on board with no IDs two weeks ago, and they just let them in.
This has reached crazy town proportions.
That's what's radical.
That's what's bad.
If somebody puts cyanide in the local water district tanks and you don't know exactly where that cyanide was sent or how many people it will affect, you shut off the water system.
You don't just tell folks to boil the water, you shut it off.
And if you've got 80% or more being military-age men with fake passports, and our government knows it's fake, and the EU government knows it's fake, and is letting them in to attack, so our governments can take the guns and declare civil emergencies, emergency powers, that's a fancy name for martial law.
If that's being done,
You shut it off.
Now, the litmus test, he would say, is are you a Muslim?
Well, radical Islamicists are on record, and the Quran states that if you are in the land of the profane, of the enemy, of the heathen, of the unwashed,
Then you can say you're not a Muslim.
So that litmus test is not the way to go.
The litmus test is Congress moves.
The states move.
Lawsuits, indictments, impeachment.
Not just against the President, but ICE and the different agencies following the orders.
The Customs Department.
The heads of it, who are all a bunch of former Ford Foundation people that want open borders that are globalist on record, they all need to be impeached right now.
The government has the borders open without vetting people and is bringing them in.
They've turned off the vetting by design.
They will not tell the governors where the people are being taken.
Well, I know where 300 from Syria and Iraq, almost all of them Sunni, to Anderson High School, where I went to high school for two years in 1991 and 1992, 20 plus years ago, where I went to high school 25 years ago.
They have 300 refugees in the last month.
600 in Austin alone.
And that's the numbers they're giving us.
We keep discovering the numbers are 3, 4, 5, even 10 times higher.
They follow an algorithm they've used in Europe.
They call it 10,000, it's 100,000.
They call it 100,000, it's a million.
They call it a million, it's 4 million.
And Jakari Jackson has reported on this extensively.
Migrants flood Austin Texas schools is the headline if you want to see the video.
This is a big deal.
And in an inverted reality, Trump comes out and says what most people are thinking, including Shiite Muslims and others that are being exterminated all over the world by radical Sunnis.
You think they let Sunnis into Iraq?
You think they'd let them into Syria?
I mean, Syria was majority Sunni, but they were the non-radical type who were being killed by, again, the Islamofascists, and that's what they are, that's a good term for them, out of Saudi Arabia that is conquering right now.
And Obama and the EU criminals want to bring in a checkmate-level group who can destabilize and attack
Every major town and every major city with commando-style sleeper cell raids any time they want.
This is one of the major globalist takedown operations.
And as I told you four years ago with Benghazi, three and a half plus years ago, as I told you every show since then, they will start shooting down airliners with Stinger missiles, with MPADs.
They will start taking down other aircraft with anti-tank weapons that will also be very useful against helicopters.
They will start attacking, they will start bombing planes, and it's begun.
And the major clerics of Saudi Arabia in the last month and a half have called for asymmetrical attacks with knives, guns, or improvised explosive devices against Western and Christian targets.
And they think we're so dumb, they'll use it to take our guns, and our freedoms, and blame everyone in general, because we're fair, we don't discriminate, everyone loses their rights here in this authoritarian system.
No, anyone associated with radical Jihad Wahhabist groups should obviously now go under surveillance.
Because you've been brought in, you're part of a group, sworn to do this, it is your religion to conquer Islam itself, and then the world.
They say that.
We will take control of Islam.
We are Islam.
They are the radicals.
They are the firebrands.
They are the shock troops.
They are the cancer.
That has been allowed in so that the command and control system gets more no-bid contracts and gets to invade more countries that aren't even the countries that are attacking us.
You notice they're on the news saying take out Assad.
It's his fault this is happening when our own government, NATO, ran this whole operation against Syria criminally.
So Donald Trump is correct when he says we've got to cut it off total and complete.
The brash way he put it will be good red meat for the grassroots out there that's sick of rolling over.
But it'll be spun as un-American and as unfair.
Well, if they're not doing vetting of the people, then you do have to shut it all off.
Not because they're Muslim, but because we don't know who's radical or a sleeper cell.
And so the bigger issue is, until the government vets people properly, which the FBI admits they're not allowed to do, they admit that's not happening, before Congress a month ago and last week.
We played the hearings.
So Trump needs to add the caveat and say the media needs to follow my full statement.
We're not vetting these people.
They're being brought in en masse.
Now we need to completely shut it off until it's fixed and until people can be investigated.
That's very simple, and that's the federal law.
I know Trump came out a few months ago and said we should let them, refugees in, because he's talking about Christians.
It's the right thing to do, they're being killed.
And I criticized him, and others did, and he backed off that real fast.
And I'm going to reach out today, because he's got some advisors there that are okay.
People like Stone really know what they're doing.
And, you know, he needs to be, obviously, tweaked this a little bit, but they're going to really try to use it against him.
He can't apologize for him now that it's out there.
He's got to double down, obviously.
That's why people like Trump.
But let's go over the evidence here.
Until they vet these people and don't criminally let folks in with fake names and fake passports and fake addresses, we need to block everyone coming in from these countries.
And now they're reporting CNN selectively edits Donald Trump's Muslim registry comments to make him look like an anti-Muslim bigot.
It's being reported.
And they've already done that.
So the point is, he just needs to continue to expose how they spin everything.
Let's continue.
One Christian out of 236 Syrian refugees admitted since Paris attacks to the United States.
One Christian.
See, they won't let the Christians in because that's the targeted group by the little Sunnis.
By the Wahhabists.
So these are the little darlings that went on jihad pilgrimage to go murder some innocent Muslims and Christians, many of them, and take their property, and now they failed so they're allowed to enter into Europe and then the United States.
And then Obama won't vet them because he knows it's all completely fake.
Truly sickening.
And then we get to pay for all their kids.
Over 35,000 issued same fiancé visa as San Bernardino shooter.
See how that works?
His darling little, little death mistress.
Oh, I'm sorry, I showed her and her headdress.
That's, that's demonizing Muslims.
Well, that's what radical Muslims have their women, or orthodox Muslims have their women wear.
I mean, this is, MSNBC says it's bad to show it.
Yes, because you said so, Melissa Harris Perry, and I better do what you say.
I better put my tail between my legs and roll over on the ground like a little puppy.
When you say so, and then urinate on myself because you're my master.
You said so!
Oh my gosh!
Oh boy, I better do what you say!
Muslim migrants beat, rapes North Dakota woman while chanting Allah Akbar.
The police say, they have surveillance footage of all of it, drug her into the bathroom, began beating her and raping her.
The police came and he said, Allah Akbar, she's my wife.
Well, I never knew him.
And began, and then they busted down the door, and there she was, and it's being defended by the family.
I mean, after all, you got the imam of Jerusalem and all these other Muslim leaders saying they are weak.
The Americans, the Europeans, take them, take their women!
Take them now!
I mean, you can't even make up that stereotype.
We are coming, weak Europeans, for your women!
We will have them!
They will soon wear the hajib and will do as we say!
And then I mean, he's like,
How dare Donald Trump say block the Muslims?
And that's a dumbed down way to say it, but the public gets that.
It's shut it off till the vetting process happens.
Muslim migrants.
You mean another Wahhabist?
That's, turns out that's who this guy is from Somalia.
Yelling Allah Akbar, cause that's why he's allowed to rape a woman.
Over and over again.
Allah Akbar!
Allah Akbar!
I punch you in the nose, I pull your dress off!
Allah Akbar!
Ah, you stupid Americans!
Ah ha ha ha ha!
Ah ha ha ha ha!
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1776 is the answer to the 1984 cult society.
Coming up, Mark Moreno joins us from Paris, 30 minutes ahead of Climate Depot.
He just premiered a huge film that socialist protesters were allowed to protest, but no one else is allowed to protest.
If you're conservative or libertarian or nationalist, you're arrested, including the presidential frontrunner.
Oh, they used the radical Muslim attack to take everyone's freedoms.
And then Joel Skousen will be joining us in the third hour today, and David Knight will be quarterbacking the fourth hour.
Also planned to open the phones up.
Now, before I go any further, I want to be clear.
I pushed harder than anybody not to have the Iraq War.
I pushed harder than anybody not to attack Syria or Libya.
I care about the people over there that are being murdered and slaughtered.
Most of the Muslims in the world are not radical.
They want peace.
They want freedom.
They're very nice, smart, classy people in my experience.
But let me tell you, they cannot stand the jihadis out of Saudi Arabia.
They cannot stand them.
And they are very conservative people on average.
Very religious.
You don't see a lot of theft.
The only places you got lower crime than Japan are civilized Muslim areas in Muslim countries.
I mean, I'm gonna do a whole show sometime or a whole report on good things that have happened in Islamic areas.
But the scourge for a hundred years is Saudi Arabia.
And our sickening elites, of course, are allied with them.
And they're involved in an attempt to take over the world.
Who's Wahhabist?
They kill you if you're not.
They're basically 99%.
Who's attacking Kenya, the Christian nation?
The Wahhabist.
Who's attacking all these other African countries as far south and west as Nigeria?
Boko Haram.
They fly Al-Qaeda flags.
Same group.
Who attacked Libya?
Who attacked Syria?
Who attacked Egypt?
Which is known as Al-Nusra or ISIS or IS.
IS is their state.
And our government is bringing them in, en masse, but almost no Christians or Shiites.
In fact, I've been reading these lists every week that come out.
The hundreds of thousands in Europe, the thousands here, there's never Shiites.
Because they ask them, are you Sunni?
Are you Shiite?
Are you Christian?
Are you Zoroaster?
Are you... I mean, they got some other little subgroups there that are even older than Islam or Christianity.
Zoroaster is actually your dog worshippers, star worshippers, dog star worshippers, that's kind of Prometheus stuff.
That's actually what the elites are actually into.
A lot of the top elite are actually Zoroasters, just to let you in on some inside baseball.
In case you want to know, you might want to know that.
But that's out of Persia and Northern India.
And there is just this scourge of Wahhabis.
They are the majority group now in Saudi Arabia.
And they're just running around bullying and attacking everyone.
And they just think they're above the law.
And Saudi Arabia admits these are their invasion pilgrims.
These men, 18 to 30 on average, they're sending in.
The jihadis broke in one truck and there was a polar bear in the back.
Needless to say, they didn't go after that.
This is from Mashable, October 15th.
There are just hundreds of these videos online where they're robbing the trucks, going into the tunnel.
And then Donald Trump comes in and says, block all Muslims coming in.
And he actually went on to say, until there's a vetting process, but they cut that out.
And he just needs to continue to come out.
In fact, let's tweet.
I want to say it right now.
Donald Trump is right about blocking all Muslims coming into the United States until they are vetted.
Donald Trump is right about all Muslims being barred from the United States, from entering the United States.
Donald Trump is right about barring all Muslims from... all new Muslims.
See, how do you say it perfectly?
Because it's legalese.
They can twist it.
The point is, Donald Trump is right about barring foreign Muslims from the United States until they can be vetted.
I want to tweak that out.
Donald Trump is right about barring all foreign Muslims from entering the United States until they can be vetted.
And then, tweet next, that's basically his full statement.
Now I've gone and actually found the full statement, and they're just taking it out of context.
Of course they should be!
Of course!
I mean, if we brought in
Put the show on the other foot.
You know, say 100,000 Germans, and say 5% of them were wanted for terrorism or whatever, we'd say, stop all Germans coming in until we've got a vetting process.
And they have a vetting process.
They won't implement it because Obama knows it's his defeated Saudi Arabian Qatari.
Attack unit!
And if you care about Muslims, you gotta care about not bringing in the most vicious group that demonizes them, gives them a bad name, and can't wait to kill them!
The first group they want to kill are Shiites!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hillary Clinton wants to censor people who make fun of her.
She was recently trying to censor comedy skits that poked fun at her, which were produced by the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles, California.
The owner of the Laugh Factory, Jamie Masada, told Judicial Watch that her campaign threatened to put him out of business if he didn't pull the videos.
So in response to this attack on free speech, InfoWars.com has launched the Make Fun of Hillary Defend the First Amendment contest with a first place cash prize of $5,000.
We want the funniest, most outrageous satire and comedy videos guaranteed to make Hillary's blood boil.
To enter, read the contest rules at InfoWars.com forward slash contest and then shoot a comedy or satire video making fun of Hillary Clinton.
All entries must be uploaded to YouTube in a link emailed to HillaryContest at InfoWars.com.
Enter your video before the contest deadline at 1159 p.m.
Pacific Standard Time on Tuesday, December 22, 2015.
Once again, the contest rules and information can be found at InfoWars.com forward slash contest.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com.
We look forward to your video making fun of Hillary Clinton.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
CNN asked Donald Trump if he was fascist.
Saying, bar Muslims from coming to the United States until they fix the vetting process.
I'll tell you what's fascist.
Funding radical jihad, giving them tow missiles, giving them stinger missiles, murdering an ambassador to cover it up, turning them loose all over the world to start blowing up airliners, blowing up helicopters, shooting down Russian fighter jets, having Turkey invade Iraq last week, Turkey threatening to blow up Russian ships in the Mediterranean in public speeches by Ergun, the president.
That's fascist.
Fascist is coming after our Second Amendment.
And I told you, from all the insiders in Congress, and from Supreme Court Justices relayed by Drudge, and by countless other top people, that in 2016, they're going to make you register all your semi-autos, shotguns, handguns, rifles.
It's like 80% of modern manufactured guns, something like 82%.
And then they're going to start confiscating and they're going to let local jurisdictions take them and special federally funded state police task forces already in Illinois and California and New York and Massachusetts is the model.
Bloomberg puts out documents to his groups admitting this.
He spent over $500 million the last three years on this.
And I told you it was coming.
Fake science, demonization, lawsuits on gun manufacturers, banning importation, suing and harassing, and using regulations against ammo producers.
I mean, it is on!
That's why I said you better buy guns and you better buy ammo just to keep these companies afloat under the attacks.
And I have no connection other than one of our sponsors head down to gun manufacturing.
The point is, is that
Obviously, if an industry is under attack, you've got to support it.
This is a war.
And here's the headline.
Supreme Court gives nod to assault weapons ban.
They're refusing to hear a lower federal court ruling, which allows Chicago to ban any semi-auto.
The U.S.
Supreme Court appeared on Monday to back lawmakers who want to restrict the type of guns such as semi-automatic rifles.
Using recent mass shootings.
This is just devastating.
This is the blackmail against them and they're stacking it with all those weirdos like Yellen and the rest of it.
These weirdo people.
I mean the people they've been putting up there look like mental patients and they have no real backgrounds in the courts and like did all sorts of weird bizarre political activism.
By the way, those Yale professors that ran the sub-program that were asked to ban Halloween costumes on the campus, they have resigned.
Yale teacher resigns over offensive Halloween costume email.
And all it said was, hey, people have free speech.
Don't go to a party or just look away if you don't like it.
We've got to support the First Amendment.
That's offensive in Fruitland.
We're good to go.
And with a straight face, this is how the media acts.
They're coming for the First Amendment.
They're coming for your health rights.
They're coming for your privacy.
This is a full-on assault.
The U.S.
Supreme Court backed lawmakers who want to restrict the type of guns, such as semi-automatic assault weapons, used in recent mass shootings.
The 7-2 vote, which lets you know where they're going on guns now,
The high court's justice refuses to take up a challenge in the Chicago suburb ban on the sale and possession of semi-automatic weapons.
That is allowing local cities to even checkmate state and federal law.
That's totally unconstitutional.
I mean, anybody that's studied any Supreme Court rulings, federalism, how the country works, they're saying we're going to devolve power to the local area and let them restrict people's rights selectively.
That is unheard of.
Oh, and this is from the Federalist, where the federal government's all powerful.
Chicago's ban on the sale or possession of semi-automatic weapons or high-capacity magazines.
The court's move is a small victory for activists.
No, it's a devastating victory.
They don't want to declare too much victory right now.
They want to just keep moving against us.
They don't want you to know it's a major offensive.
This is like the Tet Offensive, folks.
The court's move is a small victory for activists.
Again, they always want to deceive their enemy, the people, so remember, everything's the opposite.
The court's move is a devastating victory for enemies of freedom and their enslavement of humanity and their move to disarm us ahead of true political persecution.
Ooh, I just translated it, sorry.
The court's move is a small victory for activists against the spread of such guns which can potentially kill many people in a short period of time.
By rejecting the case today, the Supreme Court sided with a community that has taken action to protect itself from the type of violence we've seen.
And Sam Bernardino, oh, from the jihadis you brought in, on college campuses and in movie theaters, said Dan Gross, president of the Brady Campaign Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
And it just goes on from there.
They go on to admit, though, that the shooters had legally purchased guns, and so now they just must be banned.
Let's move on to this other article by Kurt Demme.
Up on Infowars.com.
Huffington Post calls for government to seize all firearms.
And they just go on and admit it in the article.
There's a bunch of these articles.
And go, yes, you're correct.
We always wanted your guns.
We're going to get them.
No, you will not stop us.
And they want to start a civil war.
That's the plan.
They want to have the local police go out and persecute veterans until the veterans stand up.
Wipe out the local police for the Black Lives Matter movement, and then move in the feds after that.
There's the headline.
Needed domestic disarmament, not gun control.
Sorry, isn't gonna happen, scum.
And all of you promoting it and pushing it are being noted as collaborators.
Those aren't just words.
That means something.
You are collaborators in the takeover of this country.
And all the persecution and evil that you've signed on to with this foreign takeover.
You've signed on to it.
Cowards always commit, once they've signed on, to the bully's errand, thinking they're going to win.
And in the end, they fail.
They fall.
And when you fall, you fall forever.
I'm sorry.
You're just really going to fall hard, aren't you?
Now continuing,
Huffington Post calls for government to seize all firearms.
Here's the headline.
George Washington, emergency professor, suffering from a liberal disease.
The irrational and paranoid fear of guns is calling for total disarmament in the United States.
Given that even, quote, micro-gun control measures will be effectively blocked by the NRA and its allies, and that promoting many measures is potentially as effective as misleading, progressives may as well go for the big enchilada.
Call for domestic disarmament!
Well, see, we've always known that's your goal.
You've done it everywhere else.
And in all the cities you control that have the highest crime rates.
Hey, how about Mexico?
Highest crime rate in the world for a decade running.
Over 100,000 people dead now that they've found.
A lot more they haven't dug up yet.
Where hundreds of university students a year, sometimes 40, 50 at a pop, just disappear and are murdered and grabbed by the state, who are the people that only have the guns.
Oh, because America shipped guns down there.
Almost every gun used in serious crime is full-auto.
That's what the state and the drug cartels use.
They don't use bolt-action rifles and stuff bought in the U.S.
and it's been proven that it's been the Mexican citizens themselves that have turned the tide a bit and cut the crime rate and actually driven the cartels out of many areas because they were able to get guns out of the United States.
That's why they set up Fast and Furious to try to blame the Second Amendment to stop that so Mexico couldn't defend itself from the globalist destabilization program.
And there's multiple films made on it, cartel land one and two, if you want to see the truth.
And it is eye-opening.
The problem is the drug cartels and government then just arrest, or plane crash, or kill all the real Mexican leaders.
They just kill them.
Just kill them, or plane crash them, or arrest them.
Plane crashes, shoot them, arrest them.
The guys that won't sell out.
And then they take control of leadership that way.
But at least the Mexicans are fighting back at one point.
It's just to see this is so disgusting and to know we're going down the exact same road.
But that's where this is going.
Where you don't sell out, they just kill you or put you in prison.
That's exactly where they're going in this country because they can't beat us, they can't beat our rhetoric, they can't beat our information.
So after I've covered all this, I want to ask you the question again.
Is Donald Trump bad?
Because he says, we're not vetting these people, we're letting them in, they've got fake passports, it's time to block all Muslims until they fix this.
They've got all these other staged events with Republican activists, Republican chiefs of staff, putting their hands on their hips, doing the thing to manipulate women, and going, why do you hate women?
It's all stunts.
And I'm not saying Donald Trump's perfect.
But I happen to know behind the scenes, he can be influenced.
He can admit when he's wrong.
But he's not influenced by money.
He is influenced by actually trying to be strong and save the country.
Does it mean he's perfect?
Certainly not.
Does it mean a man on a white horse is dangerous?
But we're already run by globalists who are on jet black, red-eyed manes of hell.
I mean, we know we're in the hand of a takeover, and it's beyond Barack Obama.
They want to break this country now, once and for all.
And it's such a serious time to be alive right now.
So, Supreme Court rules, locals can take your guns, and ban your guns, and register your guns.
Huffington Post and others say, yes, we want to ban them, that's our plan, now let's do it.
Here's another one.
How Obama is using the grossly unconstitutional no-fly list to push gun control.
Powerful article breaking that down.
Very dangerous.
Saeed Farooq's mysterious $28,500 bank deposit.
San Bernardino terrorist investigated week before attack by police, but political correctness did nothing.
Lieutenant Colonel on Obama.
This guy is such a total pussycat, he said more than that, it's stunning.
No, Colonel, he's not a wimp.
He is a precision globalist to take down the nation-state.
Oh, he won't get tough on ISIS.
He runs ISIS.
We don't need tough talk and cuss words out of suspended Fox analysts, two of them, for making stunt statements.
In fact, let's play one of those clips here in just a moment.
San Bernardino Democrats are calling out, calling for total gun control.
So that's what's going on on that front.
Here is the clip of the retired Lieutenant Colonel calling Obama a wimp.
He's not a wimp.
He is defeating the Republic that the British Empire couldn't defeat.
He's defeating the Republic the Soviet Union couldn't defeat.
He is defeating America.
He is defeating the family.
He is defeating gun owners.
He is defeating the Republic.
He defeated us with Obamacare.
He defeated us bringing in millions of illegals with no IDs on record and kept it secret that the Border Patrol was bringing them in.
He is the devastator!
He is the great enemy!
We better have our full resolve and commitment to defeat this!
Let's go to this clip.
Right, Ralph, I have a question for you.
I know you watched last night.
I want to know, what were you saying to the TV as the President was speaking?
What was your commentary as the President's speech unfolded?
First of all, he keeps speaking about, we can't give in to our fears.
You know, don't be afraid.
Look, Mr. President, we're not afraid.
We're angry.
We're pissed off.
We're furious.
We want you to react.
We want you to do something.
You're afraid.
I mean, this guy is such a total p***y. It's stunning.
And, you know, we want, we the people, the American people, whom he does not know in any intimate circle.
Obama doesn't know anything.
Right, Colonel.
That is red meat stunt.
And that very Colonel is connected to Gribbs.
I want to get him on with the neocons that are saying, hit Assad, knowing the public's illiterate about geopolitics.
These are the people, with Obama and the Republican leadership, McCain, supporting what's been done, and the war crime on our hands, and our name, murdering 300,000 people, 200,000 of them, conservatively Christians.
And the West won't let the Christians out.
Turkey won't let them come across and laugh at them because the Christians have the most productive farms and fields and you name it, showing it's not the race of the people, it's the culture.
You know in Uruguay, Paraguay, Belize and a bunch of other South American countries, you know who produces upwards of 90% of all the food and dairy and who allows those countries to operate?
Amish from Germany and from Switzerland and from the Netherlands who've been there 300 plus years.
Who left Europe during the Reformation to get religious freedom.
They're so productive that those countries live off of them and even in socialist countries they exempt the Amish from the laws or they'll leave.
Their kids don't take inoculations.
Their kids don't go to school with the system.
Their kids, they don't have to have the driver's license.
They do what they want because they produce everything and they have basically a zero crime rate.
Same thing.
And the same thing in Syria.
Look at the demographics.
The Christians are a big minority there.
And you go into their areas, there's fields, big trees everywhere, all these wells dug over a thousand plus years ago, 1900 years ago, all this money, all this wealth, Muslims living right next door to them, everybody's friends, everything's nice, and then here come marching over out of Iraq and Saudi Arabia, giant death forces just murdering everyone.
And the neocons sit there like you're so stupid.
Like you're so mindless and tell you Obama needs to get tough and go after ISIS.
You get tough on Obama pointing out he runs the stinking thing like Colonel Schaefer and countless others have documented and like the Iraqi president says.
And like the Russian president says, that's the truth!
Not all these tough guys on Fox News about how we need to take out Assad.
Obama's been weak on Assad, and that's why it's given ISIS a stronghold.
No, our government created this group, as General, the head of DIA and others have said.
I'm going to go to break.
I'm going to come back after the break and get into the rest of the attack on Donald Trump.
Because regardless of what you think about Donald Trump, he now represents the opposition.
And if they can destroy him, it'll be another major defeat for freedom.
But I'm telling you, he knows what he's doing.
And that's why they're scared of him.
It's taken me time to really look at all the angles, but I've gone from about trusting Trump 60% to about 95%.
But I know this, he's not Hillary Clinton.
I know this, ladies and gentlemen.
He's not Bernie Sanders.
He's not Dianne Feinstein.
He's not Al Gore.
Now, let's continue.
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I'm just going to say it briefly and then plunge back into the news and the resistance.
This is the takedown of the West.
This is the destruction of the existing world system for a new world order to be built on its ashes.
The globalists think we're so dumb.
They admit all this in the Council on Foreign Relations bi-monthly book, Foreign Affairs.
You can buy it at Barnes and Noble or anywhere else.
Or you can read it online at cfr.org.
I mean, that's what's so frustrating about this is they admit their whole plan.
Three years ago they had the headline, why we need Al-Qaeda in Syria.
Admitting that our government was arming Al-Qaeda.
Because see, if they kept it secret, it'd come out and they'd all go to jail.
But if they admitted it, it almost makes it like it's okay.
Like, yeah, we're funding Al-Qaeda, ooh.
It's like, okay, it's all right, you told us.
But that's not outrageous.
Donald Trump saying block all Muslims.
Coming into the United States that aren't citizens, basically, is what he's saying, until we can vet.
That's common sense.
Now we're running another contest.
I'm running lots of these contests.
We have a month-long contest that ends around Christmas and I'll announce next year the Make Fun of Hillary contest.
Already hundreds of entries.
Big success.
But we have one that ends tomorrow that I'll be announcing tomorrow.
Attack on Second Amendment.
Analyze Obama's speech contest.
Thousand dollar prize.
Now Travis T.
One, the last one that was just a 48-hour contest with the Christmas memes.
Go to Infowars.com forward slash contest, send your memes, send your videos, send your contest entries to that, and then we'll judge them.
But here it is.
On Sunday, President Obama made it clear that during a speech in the Oval Office that he would go after the Second Amendment following the shooting in San Bernardino.
Show clips of it, analyze it, put it out.
The winner gets $1,000.
And we'll post a bunch of the entries at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And already some of them are coming in.
And that story's at InfoWars.com.
Here's the winner, Travis T.
of the Christmas meme, the war on Christmas, and it's come and take it with the Iwo Jima Marines hoisting up a Christmas tree.
People say, well, why defend, you know, a pagan part of Christian Christmas?
It doesn't matter.
If they can restrict and ban it, they can ban anything.
I don't like Halloween, but they want to ban it on campuses.
People have a right to that.
And the Christmas tree, I like it.
Nothing evil about it.
Was never associated with human sacrifice by the Druids.
It was just hoping that some would come back and, you know, the evergreen stayed alive during the cold and they thought it was magic.
You know what else is evergreen?
This radio broadcast slash TV.
Other people's YouTube videos and stuff don't get views after they've been up five years or so.
Ours just get more and more popular.
All the tens of thousands of videos that are out there conservatively because you tune into something ten years ago, five years ago, and it's just more pertinent, more accurate as time goes on, like fine cognac.
Because we know what we're talking about.
So here's the deal.
The Supreme Court says locals can ban your guns, register them, compensate them, whatever they want.
Flies in the face of federalism, common sense, super draconian, reverses where the court was six years ago, showing the black males in with the NSA, as we've been told by insiders.
Meanwhile, there's war on the horizon between Turkey and Iraq, not just Russia.
That's all coming up.
We've got a lot more as well that we're going to be breaking about what it means that oil prices continue to plunge.
But before I go any further, I cannot stress enough to you, the TV viewers and radio listeners, how essential you are to this broadcast continuing and hopefully expanding.
There's a lot more we'd like to do.
We need to do.
More reporters, more writers, more researchers, and then I want to kind of round it out with another five to six, seven more crew members, and that's about all I can manage.
But the point is, when you go to InfoWarsTore.com and buy a Hillary for President shirt that's limited edition, we stop selling it in ten days, when you buy a water filtration system, you don't just help yourself and your family, you're funding the tip of the spear.
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InfoWarsStore.com, thank you for your support.
Merry Christmas.
Coming up, I'm politically incorrect.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
As the globalists worldwide persecute, prosecute, harass, and discriminate against patriots, Christians, producers, folks that play by the rules, more and more people are just going to start breaking the law, crank it up.
So I might as well
But when tyranny is the law, breaking the law is duty.
But if you're gonna break the tyrant's law, you better break it good.
Better go for broke.
You don't know what it's like
If you did, you'd be doing the same thing, too.
Alright, thank you for joining us.
We ought to do the version that Rob Dew put together coming out of the next segment.
In fact, let's do that.
Let's come in with Breaking the Law straight ahead.
You know, they are basically breaking the law every day giving kids forced inoculations across this country at public schools and then just covering it up.
They're breaking the law, ordering the police to have different enforcement policies that are interpretations of law that are clearly not correct that throw people in jail for their speech.
We have every day I see articles where people building a small barn on their own family property are being arrested.
We see the federal government creating all these local federalized bureaus and their Strong Cities Initiative putting us under U.N.
control and the Attorney General saying, we'll arrest you for your speech if you criticize Islamists.
That's directly out of the Strong Cities Initiative and it's what they said they'd do.
It's the Southern Poverty Law Center, the U.N.
and the ADL.
That are the most America-hating, lying, filthy organizations you could ever imagine.
Involved in just unbelievable garbage.
The Southern Poverty Law Center specifically.
Engaged in things that make your head spin.
There's a John Wolftonson story.
Strong Cities Network, Trilateral CFR, Rothschild Connections.
Yeah, it's the UN.
You know, I had Paul Craig Roberts on, who I respect and is really smart.
But I was saying, you know, they're announcing that we're going to be under UN regulations.
And he goes, oh, the UN doesn't run anything.
It works for the big globalists.
And I was like, yeah, I know that, Dr. Roberts.
But they create the IMF, the World Bank, the Ex-Im Bank, the TPP, the WTO, then they transfer the regulatory power to them, and then pivot back and forth between the federal and the outside, above the law command base they've built, and then come back with regulations that they then write laws to conform with.
So that's how they get us in a vice.
And you read this stuff by the
Justice Department, and it says we'll go after people's free speech under UN rules.
Well, the EU does that.
They're banning reporting Islamic rape.
They're arresting members of Parliament that criticize radical Islam.
They're ending free speech in Europe.
They tried to shut down a showing of Mark Moreno's new film that he stars in.
He'll be joining us in about 25 minutes from now.
This is an unprecedented time to be alive.
And I know people can't believe they're actually going to put you in control over us.
I know people can't believe they're actually announcing world government.
But still, when it's all announced, people don't go, wow, Alex, you were right again.
I guess you just did more research than we did.
It's just still, oh, there's no UN taking over.
It's not happening.
As it happens.
Global crime syndicates want their own government.
They don't want to have to buy off our government anymore.
They want it subservient to what they run.
But it's all illegitimate, whether it's run from here, or run from The Hague, or run from New York City.
I mean, they announced last week they're putting the UN, a new UN building, or buildings in DC to admittedly coordinate the local government and police.
The UN.
I'm a proud Muslim, but you don't have to share my faith to share my disgust.
That was written by Hillary Clinton's right-hand woman, Huma Abedin, who pinned the email in response to Donald Trump's recent proposition to impose a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.
You know, it was the FBI director, the head of counter-terrorism, and Homeland Security who all said under oath that they cannot properly vet people coming in from Syria.
But let's take a look at Ms.
Back in 2012, five Republicans sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security noting that three of her family members had very close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
She was also intimately involved in Hillary Clinton's email scandal.
And while she was at the State Department, Ms.
Abedin helped our country cozy up to Sheikh Yusuf al-Khawardi, a promoter of jihadist terror.
And one of her many accomplishments while at the State Department was helping destroy the country of Libya.
I'm sure her and her Muslim Brotherhood friends are very proud of that achievement.
Just imagine what she can do when her best pal Hillary Clinton gets into the White House.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com
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This is the most transparent administration in history, and I can document how that is the case.
American journalists at a media event have criticized the US administration over transparency issues.
We cover what we are allowed to cover.
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
Information management has become so sophisticated, every administration learns from the previous one.
I've got a pen.
And I've got a phone.
There are actions I have the legal authority to take as president.
What do you say to someone who believes the president took action to change the law?
We did not change the law.
We acted within the law.
What you're not paying attention to is the fact that I just took an action to change the law.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And Obama says, hail Satan, time to break the law.
In a big, big way.
The Supreme Court, AFP, Associated Press, Reuters, here's the headline.
Supreme Court gives nod to assault weapons ban.
Supreme Court supports assault weapons ban.
Supreme Court hands big victory to anti-assault weapons movement.
Says local governments can ban and register your guns down to single shot.
That's all you can have.
We told you the main assault's coming.
Get ready.
Enemy assaults coming in on the radar.
Now we're getting hit.
Get ready for the next flood.
You want to see the takedown of America firsthand?
A lot of you globalists, a lot of you minions, a lot of you people think it's cute, think you're on the winning team?
You just wait till this country's gone.
You wait till they take your welfare away and all your free goodies.
Because once the tyranny's in place, all the chicken feed is going to be taken away, all the hog slop's going to be taken away, because then it's time to render you down, slaves.
And I'm talking to new listeners that think this is all funny.
New story up on InfoWars.com.
We can show you our Twitter feed.
At Real Alex Jones, Democrats now called for killing Donald Trump.
And if you go to Real Alex Jones on Twitter, here I'll punch it up, you can see that that's what they're calling for.
Just go ahead and scroll down, you can see Paul Watson's latest article right there.
Keep going down.
There it is.
Kill Trump!
Liberals react to Republican frontrunners' comments on Muslim immigration.
You can click on the story right there.
We're going to play some of those clips coming up for folks.
Users flood Twitter with call for Trump's assassination.
I want to tweet that back out at Trump, and I'm going to take the one-minute analysis that Rob Dew did.
We, you know, during the breaks, during the ads, have little minute-long vignettes on news and breaking info, something nobody else does.
We just do game-changer type stuff that I come up with.
And some of the even better ones that we take and put video over.
We're going to take that one where we show the FBI, I submitting we should stop all this immigration until we've got a vetting process in or we're not going to be knowing who these people are and we could be hit by terrorists.
In fact, we predict it will be.
These are quotes in Congress.
In fact, we ought to do a longer version and actually add the quotes, not just show the articles.
And then Trump says, OK, because they're not being vetted, ban all Muslims, new Muslims from coming in.
That's actually not a radical statement.
What's radical is bringing people in unvetted from war zones like Syria.
These are jihad pilgrims that were unable to take over Syria and murder every Christian and Shiite they got their crazy hands on.
You got these fruitcakes like Melissa Harris Perry on TV saying, don't show Malik, the Jihad princess, who ran the attack killing 14 people reportedly, in her hijab, in her head covering, because that stereotypes Muslims.
That's what they wear, lady!
It's like saying, don't show George Washington a tri-cornered hat.
That's what he wore!
Like, let's go to that clip.
Here it is.
And then all of a sudden we find out they're Muslim.
Gun violence is out of the question.
We start talking about terrorism.
And I'm extremely disturbed.
I mean, I looked at the New York Times cover today.
Here you have a whole op-ed on gun control.
Right next to it is pictures from the apartment of things that I have in my house.
Like, these are things that all Muslims have in their house.
There's nothing about that that tells you a story about
What terrorism look like?
So you're telling me that when my friends who are not Muslim come to my home and see a Quran or see frames on the wall with a scripture from my religion, is that supposed to tell you something?
I mean, it's absolutely outrageous.
We would never do that to anyone and we didn't do that to deer.
We didn't do that to roof.
I'm tired of the double standards of how we treat Muslims.
I mean that image and then also right next to it an image of the shooting suspect there in hijab and that idea that like okay this is what terrorism looks like.
For me that is a difference and it is a material and meaningful difference.
I love this pea brain, this academic leader, Melissa Harris Perry, up there lisping with all her jewels on and her finery and her hair and just, oh I love it, I love anything far, anything oppressive, oh yeah, what if I could be in a slave dungeon, oh yeah.
I mean this is what she'd really be saying if she was agreeing with reality.
But she's up there acting like it's bad to show Muslim women wearing their headdresses, wearing their burqas.
And then she's on the TV with a woman wearing one.
And then, we're supposed to then follow whatever they say or whatever they do.
Now, here is Donald Trump, the Associated Press has it clipped down.
In the full speech, which they've now got transcripts of, they've been caught taking out of context, he said, they're not vetting him, they're not checking him, they're letting him in, the FBI admits this, and until that's been fixed, until we can verify who these people are,
It's now time, as I've tweeted, and he goes over the tweet, to ban all Muslims coming into the country.
Which means coming in who aren't Americans, aren't citizens.
That just goes to say that.
Coming in means new.
They spent it to go, he wants to deport all Muslims, he wants to...
Well, I tell you, that's kind of where this is going when they launch the real jihad.
They bring in hundreds of thousands more, there will be more attacks in this country.
And you're not going to be able to spin it over and over again as you keep bringing in the very people that attack, and then all the reasonable Muslims that came here mainly to get away from the Wahhabist tyranny are going to get the blame.
And again, I've got it in the news, literally 99 plus percent of the immigrants
Out of 200 plus, on average, they have one Christian.
That's in the news today.
That's over 99% are Islamists.
That's 200 plus percent are.
And then he says, we got people under attack, we gotta bring them in!
You don't bring the Christians or Shiites in, you bring in the people that got their butts kicked!
Your jihad army, he said, come to daddy, you can blow some stuff up and shoot some people here, and we'll declare martial law like they did in Europe, and our public's so dumb they'll never figure it out, come here!
You want some milk, taxpayer?
And Obama unbuttons his jacket and opens his shirt up and goes, you want some milk, Al-Qaeda?
Let me shove some taxpayer money in your fat little cheeks!
Thank you, Lord Obama.
We don't even have to pay for the women now?
How much for your daughter, eh?
And people go, oh, that's stereotypical!
It's stereotypical about some of the bad areas of the Middle East run by Wahhabists, because that's what they do.
It's like in Lawrence of Arabia, the Turks raping.
That's what they do.
That's the thing.
You go to a Turkish jail, you're going to get raped.
By the jail guards.
Nine times out of ten.
You know, all these fancy pants liberal women fly over to Saudi Arabia with some rich chic, and twenty years later they're locked up in a dungeon?
In a sex slave camp?
You know, they have stereotypes of harems of captured women, because that's what they do!
See, it's not a stereotype.
Just like there's a stereotype of folks in South Texas riding around on horses and living in ranch houses?
That's because that's what they do!
There's a stereotype, you mess with them, you're going to get your teeth kicked in.
That's because that's what they do!
See how that works, too?
See, stereotypes are real!
Crazy, aggressive Texans!
Yeah, that's right!
That only get angry and start going crazy when you mess with them.
Yeah, that stereotype's true, isn't it?
Stereotypes just keep on being true, over and over again, don't they?
You think you're the only crazy ones in the New World Order?
You'll only awaken the sleeping giant, you trash!
You filthy scum!
We see your god-awful plan.
I want to play the Trump clip, but I'm so angry I can hardly breathe right now.
I'm just ready to roar, folks.
I'm afraid to run around in circles.
So angry.
Let's show some of my tweets that I want you to retweet that are real Alex Jones right now.
Let's go to them.
Media is misquoting real Donald Trump.
Full speech.
He said, ban new Muslims until they're vetted.
More lies from horror media.
That's an Alex Jones quote.
Real Donald Trump is right about barring foreign Muslims until they are all vetted.
Retweet that at Trump.
He needs to defend himself that way.
I don't care if he retweets us.
He needs to point that out.
Because they are spinning this.
He now wants to deport Muslims.
You know who I want to deport?
Let's say we brought in 100,000 North Koreans and never vetted them and most of them came here believing Kim Jong-un was still wonderful and Kim Jong-il was wonderful and that he actually makes the birds sing and all the rest of it like they teach in North Korea.
And then a few of them started blowing stuff up and shooting people and the government wanted to bring more of them in.
I'd say, you know what, if we don't get loyalty pledges like citizens are supposed to do and other statements from these North Koreans, get them out of here and maybe we shouldn't bring any more North Koreans in here.
Same deal.
They're from a whacked out, crazy area, under cult-level programming.
Don't bring these people in.
It's kind of like, don't let the Marilyn Manson family, or excuse me, Manson family, not Marilyn Manson, don't let the Manson family killers out of jail.
Because they're still saying that they did the right thing, and they're proud of it, some of them.
What if there was a country full of Maryland, uh, full of... Whatever that idiot's name.
What was Charles Manson?
Charles Manson!
A country full of Charles Mansons, pledging allegiance to Charles Manson, who want to come here and kill us.
Do we bring them in here?
We're going to come back with Trump and more straight ahead, but I'm telling you, this is it.
And I just like Trump being bold, because to get attention to the issues, he has to be bold.
And he's absolutely right.
I can't go to Saudi Arabia and preach the gospel.
I'll have my head chopped off.
I don't want anybody who doesn't decry that brought here.
It isn't compatible.
Ho, ho, ho.
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Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.
There you go.
These are people that are here, by the way.
People are here.
25, not 1%.
By the way, 1% would be unacceptable.
1% is unacceptable.
25% of those polled agreed that violence against Americans here in the United States is justified as part, think of that, as part of the global jihad.
Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangers threat it poses, our country cannot be the victim of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in jihad.
Now there is basically in context from different pieces of the speech what he said.
They're not being vetted.
We don't know what's going on.
They're coming out of jihad areas.
25% national polls say they support ISIS.
If you had 1% out of millions coming into Europe and the United States, that's thousands of jihadis.
This is crazy.
America's never done stuff like this.
So they make it a debate about Muslims or not, when these are groups of people out murdering Muslims.
These are Sunni Shiites.
War going on.
These are Wahhabist Sunnis that hate Shiites, Christians and others.
And traditionally it's Shiite areas like Iran, Syria, and others where they let Christians live in peace.
And I'm not saying they're perfect either.
But these two groups are killing each other.
It's a civil war.
We don't want to be in the middle of it.
It's crazy!
And then they take it out of context and say, he wants to deport all Muslims, he wants a religious test, blah blah blah.
Kill Trump!
Liberals react to Republican frontrunners' comments on Muslim immigration.
A little inside baseball.
About a week and a half ago, Trump himself said, yeah, I want to be interviewed on the Alex Jones Show.
I want to do it.
And they were like, yeah, you can do it at Trump Tower.
We're going to be in town next week.
Or you can do it via Skype or phone or whatever you want.
And I said, OK, I'll come up there and do it in person.
And then the Secret Service said no.
Now, Alex Jones can come.
I mean, I have the emails.
Alex Jones can come.
We know who he is, but he might hire a local group and we don't have time to vet him that day.
No, I was going to bring my crew.
We're like, well, here, we'll run our crew through your system.
Oh, no, no, just don't come.
And Trump could have made them let me come.
I just said, fine, we'll do Skype.
But that shows how crazy this has gotten.
Can you imagine the death threats Trump's getting?
And then meanwhile, they're worried about my crew.
Oh yeah, they're gonna like pull lightsabers out and get him.
Kill Trump, liberals react to Republican frontrunners comments on Muslim immigration.
Users flood Twitter with call for Trump's assassination.
I'll tell you this though, the...
Secret Service believes he's going to win and they believe he is the frontrunner and the lead of the presidential.
That is from the Secret Service.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
That's why they've got a security lockdown so hard.
That he's not just the frontrunner of the Republicans.
They believe that they've got one of the biggest targets they've ever had for assassination.
And they have got basically him surrounded right now.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
But that's just some of the crazy inside baseball here.
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We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The Huffington Post is calling for the government to seize all firearms, saying that micro and mini efforts to destroy the Second Amendment are not working.
The Post reads, given that even micro gun control measures will be effectively blocked by the NRA and its allies,
And that promoting many measures will be potentially effective is misleading.
Progressives may as well go for the big enchilada.
Call for domestic disarmament.
Write to George Washington University Professor of International Relations.
The professor would also have Congress pass legislation making gun manufacturers liable for the harm done with their products and outlaw the sale of ammunition.
If the current political climate is any indication, this will not happen.
The professor does not detail how more than 300 million firearms in the United States would be confiscated.
He also does not address the fact that forced disarmament will lead to the death of police and otherwise law-abiding citizens.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're getting Mark Moreno on from Paris, France, where they're trying to censor him.
But first off, we've got Donald Trump on MSNBC with the morning neocon.
Arguing with him is pretty incendiary.
Here it is.
You believe that we need members of the Muslim American community, of the Muslim community around the world to help fight the war on terror and perhaps that this is incredibly counterproductive.
No, I think it's something that has to be done.
I think it's a temporary move.
I'm not looking at this long term.
I'm looking at a temporary... We have to get our hands around a very serious problem.
Look at what happened in Paris, the horrible carnage.
And frankly, Mika, if you look at Paris, and I hate to do this because the Commerce Department of Paris, the Chamber of Commerce is going to go crazy, but Paris is no longer the same city it was.
They have sections in Paris that are radicalized, where the police refuse to go there.
They're petrified.
The police refuse to go in there.
We have places in London and other places that are so radicalized that the police are afraid for their own lives.
We have to be very smart and very vigilant.
We have to find out who gave this guy $28,000, put it in his account.
How many other $28,000 checks were made?
Are there thousands all over the country?
When you say you're afraid, I think you should be afraid.
You should be afraid of the other side, not my side.
I want to get our hands around a very difficult situation.
Alright, Donald.
You gotta let us ask questions.
You can't just talk.
No, you gotta let us ask questions.
You're just talking.
We're gonna play more as soon as we've talked to Mark Moreno on this, but the headline here is Donald Trump warns of sleeper cells.
So you see how the media spun this.
If you go to the full speech, he says, until they vet him, until they background check him,
Until they stop, you know, pledging allegiance to ISIS, we cannot have any of these new groups come in until we've done this.
It's a temporary thing.
They then turn it into deport the Muslims, kick all the Muslims out, don't let Muslims in.
Donald Trump doesn't want to fight radical terror.
Our government has been funding these groups.
Our government is what's bringing them in, okay?
So, obviously, the first thing you do is you stop bringing the quote, refugees in, who are really an invasion force, most of them, of military-age men who aren't from there.
80% or higher are not from Syria.
They're almost all Sunnis.
They're not Christians.
They're not Shiites.
They're coming in.
They're acting like an invasion force in Europe, running around, raping, robbing, killing.
And I'm sorry, what Trump is saying is true.
It's not radical when you've got an open border and the government bringing these people in and not telling governors where they're going.
It is not radical to do this and to say this.
And I'll tell you what's refreshing about Trump.
I saw this last night, I saw it this morning, I saw how they were spinning it, and I thought, we've got to get him out there explaining what he really said, because I read the full transcript, was that until we get a handle on this, the government's not doing its job.
We have to check passports, they have to be real.
They can't have come from a terror training camp.
They can't have pledged allegiance.
And sure enough, that's what he's out doing.
Before I even was saying do it.
He gets it, and so that's good.
But it just gets me so fired up, it gets me so angry.
To see that we've gotten to this point.
All right, do we have Mark Moreno?
Okay, I just don't have audio then on those because I'm not hearing any audio.
Just seeing it now.
This garbage makes me so angry at this point, the way they attack common sense, the way they demonize common sense, and that all of us are supposed to watch what we say or not say anything that's common sense because they'll take it out of context.
That's what they do.
They say on MSNBC and CNN and Vanity Fair and the New York Times that I say Obama sent a tornado three years ago to attack Oklahoma City.
There's no clip of me saying it because I didn't.
A woman called in and said they have weather weapons on the History Channel
And on the Weather Channel, they admit they have them.
Could this be a weather weapon?
And I said, no, probably not.
But can they create tornado fronts?
That turns into, I said he sent a tornado.
They go on TV and they say that just all forms of lies, that we didn't go to the moon.
I never said that.
They say that I say George Bush and the fire department put bombs in the World Trade Centers.
I never said that.
I said our government, bare minimum, covered up for Saudi Arabia and 9-11, and now that's been basically declassified.
This is how they misrepresent.
They go on the news, they say Donald Trump wants $5 million to go on CNN debate for himself.
He's greedy.
You go read what he actually said.
He said, I want $5 million donated to Wounded Warrior program.
This is the type of garbage they engage in, and I'm sick of it.
Joining us is Mark Moreno of ClimateDepot.com, and he's one of the leading folks out there.
He, of course, advised Senator Inhofe in Congress for many years, works with Lord Monckton.
They have had to have protesters come out and try to shut down the showing of a new powerful film that he's in.
They're pushing open world government where they themselves are scripted, cast as the saviors.
And they've got wanted posters up around the city for Moreno.
They're calling for a speech to be banned.
The EU is trying to pass a law, as well as this new UN conference, to arrest Moreno, Lord Monckton, and others.
That's now in US newspapers.
They have criminal investigations going on in New York State right now of climate deniers.
So this is the mind control.
I appreciate Mark Moreno joining us on this situation.
But before we get into the climate and all the rest of it and world government separately, what do you think of what's happening with Trump and the 2016 election?
I mean, I don't really even know your view on that, but I'd like to know about this firestorm where they take things out of context to deceive people.
Well I will say this, Donald Trump deserves the Republican nomination for no other reason
Then he has shown Republicans how to handle the mainstream media.
Whether he's talking about Obama's birth certificate a few years ago, or every other issue from immigration to building a wall to terrorism, he handles almost every single media interview.
He knows how to turn the tables.
He knows how to put the reporters on defensive.
The man is the most amazing political candidate I have ever seen, especially as a media person.
And for that reason alone, that's what I say, he deserves the nomination just for that, so he can teach other Republicans how to handle the media.
No one even comes close.
The way he slaps them around, the way they took over that CNBC debate and made them a laughingstock, he is popping the facade.
He used the toto, finally pulling back the curtain on the little man.
Yeah, and the fact that he is beholden to no one,
And he's, you know, independently wealthy running for president is, I think, is going to be very hard to overcome.
I mean, I think he's cruising to the nomination unless somehow the establishment GOP finds some way to derail him or they come up with some kind of scandal.
The only thing I can think of is a scandal that would derail him.
Unless someone like Ted Cruz just really catches fire and comes on.
But I don't, you know, I don't see that.
We'll see how that goes.
Well, I'm sure you know the inside talk in different camps, we'll leave it at that, is a Trump-Cruz duo with Trump as the lead.
But if Cruz surges to the front, it could be Cruz-Trump.
I don't know if Trump would take a second seat, though.
I don't know that Trump would be a good vice president.
He would be leading in the news every day.
The media would never leave him alone.
I don't know that.
Other people say he just wants to be the kingmaker in the end and just be the guy that endorses the next candidate and hold all the cards.
People say he doesn't actually want the job of president because he wouldn't want to have to deal with all that mess and make all the compromises that some people say are necessary, that he'd rather be on the outside.
Well, I've talked to folks that know him well, a bunch of them, and they say he's discovered globalism, the new world order, he's really informed now, he's really upset, and that he's for real, and that he knows what the stakes are, and he really does want to be president, he's 100% committed.
OK, yeah, well, if he keeps on this roll, I mean, I think he's even matured, even in some of these debates, people say, oh, well, he's been so quiet and some of them after, you know, that's actually that's a good sign.
It shows he doesn't have to dominate every single thing.
He says what he needs to.
And he's got.
He's assembling a team, and he knows the fight.
And the fight, really, at this point, is battling the media.
No Republican's ever really got that.
It's incredible.
Certainly neither Bush ever got it.
Certainly McCain never got it.
Certainly Romney never got it.
No other Republican nominee has gotten it.
Ronald Reagan understood that back in 1980, certainly.
But that's about it.
I mean, Trump really, really has the mastery of skill that no other modern politician... I mean, he's certainly even better than Ronald Reagan when it comes to debating the media.
Reagan never got into those kind of handshakes.
And how could the other Republicans not get this when the lapdog media are like frothing pit bulls or piranhas attacking them savagely with total bias?
Why do Republicans just grin and always be sweet about it instead of getting in their face?
Well, I don't know, and the worst is people like, I think it was Casey's campaign, the Casey campaign that did the ads of all of the alleged outrageous things Trump had said, and they're doing the ads, and they're just feeding into that media frenzy.
They want to be reckoned, they want, they're still seeking that media approval.
They don't get it, these other candidates.
Well, here's an example, and I don't want to get into what you're doing, the true new media, what Drudge is doing, what others are doing, your film, what's happening with this big climate conference, but I do Facebook mentions.
The average video now gets like 800,000 views.
I mean, it's just... I did like three or four this weekend.
They all got over 500,000 views.
One had like 1.3 million.
I do YouTubes and get 4 million a day now.
The Terrestrial Show, 3 million Terrestrial listeners.
I mean, conservatively, it's 20 million this year a week listen.
It's going to be 30 million another year at current growth rates.
And then I tune into CNN with an average 300,000 viewers.
They think they're God and they're nothing.
And they laugh at us like we're nothing when we're already hugely bigger than them.
I mean, you talk about Emperor's New Clothes, Mark.
Yeah, it's a difference between going on, you know, whether it's Fox News or CNN.
CNN has like, you know, the most laughably low numbers and yet it still has unbelievable prestige inside the beltway.
People are still living in 1990 where they think CNN has a monopoly.
The political class, both Republican and Democrat, still treat that as though it's the end-all be-all for television.
And they just, they don't get it yet.
And that's where I think Donald Trump is, hopefully, whether he wins or loses at this point, he's having a revolutionary effect.
I mean, this is the way you do a campaign.
You say what you mean and mean what you say, and when the media comes after you, you don't back down.
You don't be a Marco Rubio deer in the headlights, which he does so well.
You do a Donald Trump and I think that, you know, that's why I think he's going to cruise the nomination.
I mean, they called my famous, it was the number one news debate of the year in 2013 in major polls, the situation with Piers Morgan.
Well, his ratings began to trail out after that.
He fell apart.
I screamed at him and said, this is all fake.
It's all facade.
You're here to take our guns.
I'm not playing the game with you.
If you try it, a new revolution will start.
It's just calling them out as frauds.
And then, of course, a year later, they admitted I destroyed him.
At first, they declared victory.
No, he was literally bleeding out politically on the floor in front of us.
Yeah, I remember that was great.
Yeah, he didn't last that long at all.
And I think that, you're right, they declare victory immediately because they think if you're outspoken and you're strong that somehow you've messed up because they're used to that weak knee
They declare that you've been discredited!
They declare you've been discredited and need to be arrested all over the world news when all you do is your credibility is mounting.
Let's talk about the new film.
Let's talk about Paris now.
Let's talk about Climate Depot and exactly what we're facing with this new climate conference.
Well yeah, first of all, I woke up yesterday here in Paris to signs all over the streets with my face on it because I'm doing my movie premiere here.
I did the movie premiere last night for the film Climate Hustle.
It's at climatehustle.com and Climate Depot.
I'm doing all the coverage, obviously.
And what happened was
There's a local environmental, some French environmental group I'd never heard of, put out these signs and now they had wanted and they said for criminal du climate, which means I'm a climate criminal.
And they're trying to just say it's exposing me.
But at the same time, this is a city that just had terror attacks.
I came from a country that has Senator Whitehouse of Rhode Island.
Calling for RICO investigations.
In the film that I premiered last night and here at the 100-year-old theater in Paris, we feature Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
calling for jailing skeptics, saying that we deserve three meals and a cot at The Hague with other war criminals for International Tribunal.
We have the United Nations this week calling for reparations for climate misery.
We have
Lined up developing world nations demanding cash from the developing world.
And basically, we're allegedly racist and against poor people if we don't hand over the money.
Meanwhile, the global warming skeptics here are the ones trying to promote energy that will actually give the developing world a chance and remove over 1.1 billion people out of poverty to have real energy, not solar panel and huts made of dung.
So the intimidation factor is huge.
I was joking that I would have to go in a secure, undisclosed location or have a stunt double walk the red carpet.
But no, we actually walked the red carpet and we invited, not invited, but our event attracted a lot of protesters.
So much that the theater had to call the police, and I just sent your producer, I hope he gets this up, a video of the police arriving.
We had drunk protesters there.
They were trying to shove some of our people.
They were getting physical, and they were doing all sorts of silly stunts.
They had signs calling us scum.
And we had PhD scientists that were, you know, award-winning scientists walking the red carpet having to deal with all of this, you know, protester nonsense here for the premiere.
Well, it shows how anti-free speech they are, where they arrest Le Pen, who's leading in presidential polls, and whose party is sweeping the country, with many other members of her family in politics as well.
And they actually, she's facing a year in prison for saying that the Islamic radical invasion is dangerous.
I mean, these are anti-free speech.
Yeah, it's all about free speech.
The idea that if you stand up now, and this is, you know, in the Obama administration, the department head actually said, we have no deniers in our agency.
Now, if you work for a federal agency and the chief head of your agency says that, that's a chilling effect.
You would never do anything to go against the alleged United Nations Al Gore consensus.
Same in the universities now.
Same in politics to a large degree.
You can't dissent on this issue or you are ridiculed, you're mocked, you're attacked, your funding is questioned, your ethics are questioned, and that's the whole idea.
Now a lot of scientists that are speaking out are retired.
They don't care.
But imagine the effect this is having on the 30, 40 year old scientists who have their whole career trying to get tenure.
There's no way you're going to speak out on this issue when you know your academic career would end overnight.
Mark Moreno of ClimateDepot.com is our guest.
I mean, clearly there's the whole point they're trying to restrict our free speech.
They're trying to pass some new agency at this UN conference that will then restrict our free speech and prosecute us as war criminals.
I mean, the truth is this is classical tyranny, but the science is proving they're wrong.
Now they call it climate change, not warming.
What's the latest on that front on their conference itself?
Well right now, we're going to probably about 3-4 more days, maybe even 5 days the way they do these.
And they are going for the full monty on this meeting.
This is the first time in 6 years that they are trying to get everything wrapped up.
And President Obama
Now what's scary about this is President Obama has surpassed Lyndon Baines Johnson in terms of his ability to transform America.
He's rivaling FDR at this point, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
He has already passed global warming domestic legislation by bypassing Congress through executive order, through the EPA.
Now he wants this UN treaty without having Senate ratification, a complete violation of the provisions in the Constitution.
What he's trying to claim is because, thank you George H.W.
Bush, the first George Bush signed the Rio Earth Summit Treaty, which began this whole mess.
A Republican president, Republican senators helped ratify it back in 1992.
President Obama is claiming that this will merely be an update to that existing treaty.
Now, legal scholars have looked at that and said, no way.
You can't have a new treaty with new commitments and a whole new framework and say it's part of an existing treaty, merely an update.
But he'll probably get away with it.
Because he gets away with everything and Republicans don't fight him.
So that's what's going to happen here.
Because they're bullied by the toothless whore media that has no power and is discredited scum.
So, after this week, it's very possible America is saddled with EPA climate domestic legislation, executive order, which has already shut down hundreds of coal plants, which is now going after our other sources of energy, oil and gas.
And now, on top of that, we're going to be adding an international agreement that's completely unconstitutional, that he's not going to seek Senate ratification for, and we're going to be double-dose.
Now, here's the problem.
Much like Obamacare.
Go back to Social Security.
You have Social Security, Medicare.
Think of the Department of Energy.
Every time the federal government expands in America, Republicans always say, oh, we oppose this, we're going to roll it back, and they campaign on it.
How many Republicans have campaigned on getting rid of the Department of Energy?
All of them.
Never happened, probably never will happen.
Well, how many have campaigned on repealing Obamacare?
It'd be a miracle at this point if it happens.
It's becoming implemented.
The same thing now.
Even those skeptics.
Alex, we won every battle.
We just stopped the Kyoto Protocol back in the 90s.
We stopped cap and trade.
We stopped carbon taxes.
Gallup polling says there's no more concern about global warming now in 2015 in America than there was in 1989.
Global warming dead last among environmentalists.
We're winning the battles but losing the war.
I'm trying to tell you that the American people are with us, but it doesn't matter because Obama bypassed democracy, executive order.
We're getting global warming legislation and laws and regulations, even though no one wants them, because he's cunning and he's strong and the Republicans don't want to fight it.
Let's expand on that.
It came out from last week's OPEC meeting in mainstream news.
I couldn't believe I read a story at CNN that was like five pages long that admitted the truth that Saudi Arabia and the U.S.
government are the main ones driving down oil prices to almost nothing and they admitted to bankrupt Russia and U.S.
oil producers and that big oil was teamed up with Saudi Arabia to create a monopoly out of this and then massively jack up prices to five, six, seven dollars a gallon down the road but not until everybody's bankrupted
Except for Saudi Arabia.
Showing how, again, Saudi Arabia admits they fund a lot of the global warming garbage to shut down U.S.
coal and U.S.
oil production.
And then you tell the average liberal this, they just laugh at you, even though it's an admitted fact that most of big oil
OPEC is actually behind all this because they want to create artificial scarcity.
This is so sick!
So they keep it up way high to rip us off, then they dive it down below what it should be to bankrupt their enemies so they can super screwjob us in a couple years.
Yeah, I mean OPEC has a long history and the whole idea of the oil price industry is like that.
So yeah, just look at the past decades going back at least since the energy crisis in the 1970s.
And that is just one part of the problem, but the other part here is our energy choices now, that they're transferring all of our remaining democratic voices we have to an elite group of world leaders who are going to be deciding our energy economic choices, and they're going to be doing it through central planning.
They openly speak of, and this is their words, not mine, global governance.
We had Al Gore recently talk about fertility management is needed in Africa because Africa is projected to have skyrocketing population.
Now, Al Gore is a white wealthy westerner saying that we need fertility management of people of color in Africa.
Now, if a conservative had said, a white conservative had said, we need less Africans in the world, do you think he would be called the R word or not?
Would he be called a racist?
Al Gore says it at a Bill Gates event and no one even yawns.
That's a good point, and expanding on that, if you go back to the World Commission on Population, 59, they said if we industrialize Africa and Asia and Latin America, they won't have too big a population.
But we don't want to do that, because that'll make them politically independent.
So they keep them from industrializing, their numbers explode, they're poor, then they want to come here, and the leftists can take the ones that they want, bring them in and make them their political zombies, while then trying to wipe out and kill the overbloom now in 2016.
I mean, that's a sick plan.
Well, here's the thing.
The developing world, and I get this all the time from the liberal global warming activists, why are the developing world, they want a UN treaty, aren't they worried if they were really going to harm their people, why would they want it?
They want a treaty because the United Nations is promising $1 trillion, $100 billion a year, and what they openly call, the UN has called it, they will redistribute wealth by climate policy.
But, five years ago, you got the secret document where they can actually basically double their taxes and it's a screw job.
Right, and so they want to redistribute it.
So the idea that all these African nations, South American nations, they come here because they're demanding money.
Not the people, but the leaders.
And we're talking about massive tens of billions of dollars, hundreds of billions, to all these countries that are then going to be able to build giant monuments to themselves and new conference centers.
It's money for the UN to colonize the world.
They didn't get rid of colonialism.
Yeah, bureaucratic capture.
They're going to be able to use that money to then buy votes and organize and ensure their re-election, doing nothing for the people.
The people will continue to have no running water, no electricity, massive poverty, high infant mortality, but they'll be now a part of a UN treaty that's funneling money to a corrupt government.
That's their solution.
Instead of allowing actual energy development and these countries to determine their own fate.
Mark Moreno, you are hitting it on every point here.
How do we get the word out to the controlled left and the conservatives that these aren't environmental wackos?
They're taking the world over.
They know what they're doing.
I mean, Limbaugh listens to every word you say.
He calls them crazy wackos.
Yeah, their supporters are, but at the top it's a giant criminal racket.
It is crony capitalism or bureaucratic colonialism selectively destroying the free market with inside groups of the UN
Colonizing the world with their select system where they're above the law.
In our film, Climate Hustle, we actually have the phrase, Climate Monarchy, is what they want to establish, and that's exactly what it is.
I went and visited Versailles here, Louis XIV.
You had a system, you have the masses, and we don't usually think of ourselves as the masses, but that's what it is.
And this is where you see this with Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, the head of the UN, they live at 30,000 feet, and they live lavish lifestyles, but yet they want to impose
That's right.
Use city transit as one of the things you can do to fight global warming.
When was the last time Al Gore was on a city bus?
They are the classic wicked rich that stole it.
They're not the free market that made it.
Stay there, Mark.
You have five more minutes.
Five more minutes.
We've got to go to break.
Seventy seconds.
He's in Paris right now where they're taking all our freedoms, folks, and they want to arrest him.
I mean, these people are pure evil.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Al Reino is our guest.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
You know, if I caught my neighbor robbing me of my, you know, family jewelry or heirlooms or the television set, I would get upset.
My blood pressure would elevate, my heart rate would elevate.
I'd get in a butt-kicking mood.
That's why, this isn't an act when I get up here for 3-4 hours and get angry and start hyperventilating.
I mean, I think about an open world government being announced.
They want to arrest everybody.
They want to screw over poor people and tell them they can't have cars or air conditioning.
That's an Obama quote while he flies around on jumbo jets.
It's so over the top how bad these people are that I just can't even believe it.
But I guess they are the synthesis of the worst of the worst.
Mark Moreno is our guest and what he said today is so key.
We've got to get aggressive in their face and meet their sickening hubris with our own focused aggression tirelessly.
That's why they're scared of what we do.
They're scared of Mark Moreno.
They're scared of me.
They're scared of others because they know we see exactly who they are.
Hypocritical scum.
Mark, we got four minutes left.
Appreciate your time in Paris, what you're covering, other points people should be aware of.
Anything we can do to try to stop them?
I mean, I know their negotiations are quasi-secret.
They just kind of deploy against us whatever they want.
Well, here's where I think, you know, we talked about Donald Trump earlier.
We talked about Ted Cruz.
What Republicans have failed to do, and this includes the entire, all the candidates,
They need to make this issue front and center.
Now, if you sit down with Ted Cruz or Donald Trump, Ben Carson, and you ask them about global warming, and you have to keep doing follow-ups, they'll say a lot of good things and they have a good plan.
The problem is, when, like, they have these debates and they're about economics, the first or second, third sentence out of every Republican's mouth should be talking about fighting the EPA agenda, the United Nations climate agenda, but it never comes up.
They just, it's not on the radar.
And by the way, that's a winner.
That's a winner with the people.
I mean, as you know.
It is!
But, I mean, I can't think of a single debate.
When global warming comes up in a debate, it's all, you know, do you believe, do you not believe?
It has nothing to do with that.
It's got to do with, what are you going to do?
They need to start talking about defunding the EPA.
They need to start talking about withdrawing from the United Nations Climate Agenda.
It would stop funding of the climate panel.
They need to stop attending these UN conferences.
None of that I've heard specifically.
It's certainly not, it's not a lead in any of these debates.
This has to be part of their talking points.
We're good to go.
They could be triple, quadruple in terms of their impact in just five years, ten years.
That's how these things grow.
They grow like a cancer underneath.
And I just don't see Republicans make it.
So the biggest thing is Republican candidates for president, because that's what everyone's paying attention to, have to make this issue a priority.
I mean, look at Rand Paul.
What they're going to do.
Rand Paul's a great guy, but his people tell him to be so milquetoast.
He's sinking like a lead weight.
And he thinks that's a winning strategy.
He's got to out-Trump Trump.
Yes, and it's exactly right.
If you see what happens when Republicans, if you go back to Richard Nixon and look at every Republican EPA administrator, they're the most liberal member of every Republican cabinet.
And what happens is, what happened recently is every single former Republican EPA administrator came to Capitol Hill and endorsed President Obama's climate regulations.
And the media went nuts.
Oh, even Republicans support it.
It's because Republican presidents don't want to look to the media like they're against the environment.
So they usually say, oh, I don't really care, let's hand... They're bullied, they're intimidated.
So they look green, so they appoint some kind of global warming activist.
We had Christie Todd Whitman as EPA Administrator.
We've had William Ruckelshaus.
We've had...
George Bush had people that were embarrassingly bad as EPA.
And then they turn around and they stab us in the back by coming out and endorsing everything President Obama's doing.
So my fear is, by Republicans not talking about what they're going to do strongly as a lead talking point, that they're going to get elected and do the same old game.
Let's try to look green on this issue.
The way to shoot it down...
Is to expose the ultra-rich are pushing it to create a monopoly, and that's why the Republican leadership's bought and paid for.
Mark Moreno, thank you for reporting from Paris.
I want to report when you get back next week as well.
Climate Depot folks, check it out today on Alex Jones.
I'm a proud Muslim, but you don't have to share my faith to share my disgust.
That was written by Hillary Clinton's right-hand woman, Huma Abedin, who pinned the email in response to Donald Trump's recent proposition to impose a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.
You know, it was the FBI director, the head of counterterrorism, and Homeland Security who all said under oath that they cannot properly vet people coming in from Syria.
But let's take a look at Ms.
Back in 2012, five Republicans sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, noting that three of her family members had very close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
She was also intimately involved in Hillary Clinton's email scandal.
And while she was at the State Department, Ms.
Abedin helped our country cozy up to Sheikh Yusuf al-Khawardi, a promoter of jihadist terror.
And one of her many accomplishments while at the State Department was helping destroy the country of Libya.
I'm sure her and her Muslim Brotherhood friends are very proud of that achievement.
Just imagine what she can do when her best pal Hillary Clinton gets into the White House.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com
And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
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We're good.
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It's Alex Jones!
They'll be with us for the next hour and then David Knight's coming up.
We have a special report filed by Joe Biggs that's really good.
Josh Owens and others put together.
Confirming that yes, Sharia law is in large areas of the United States.
We have video of it all in Detroit and other cities of the United States.
So they're going to be airing that seven minute special report during the fourth hour today and a lot more.
Now I wanted to get Joel Skousen on, he was on last weekend, just on the unfolding Turkey going into Iraq, Turkey threatening to blow up Russian ships, I mean major escalation.
But also you've got the big story is that Trump says deport Muslims is how they've spun it, or don't let Muslims in.
What he said was until there's a system in place to know who they are, you can't let people in.
Well, obviously that's the scandal is they're letting him in.
And is it for sleeper cells later so they'll use that destabilization to take more liberties, take more freedoms?
Well, I think clearly that is the case.
Now the White House is coming out saying that Trump's remarks disqualify him.
Now, folks, regardless what you think of Trump, they are after him.
And they're after him because behind the scenes they more and more think he is for real.
No, I'm not.
Everybody wants to be friends with the media.
Everybody wants to act genteel and act all friendly while the media attacks you.
The answer is slapping the collaborator media around, disrespecting them, openly declaring them the enemies of this country.
And now Senator Paul has come out and said that he disqualifies his plans as a religious czar for Muslims.
Well, that's because he's beating
The other candidates so bad, I'd imagine they want him disqualified for his free speech.
That's kind of what we're hearing from the Attorney General two days ago.
She said, we'll basically arrest you if we think your speech could spur a smite of violence.
And so what's happening is they're all lining up against Trump because they realize that he isn't going to play ball.
Now, I don't know Joel Skousen's take on that.
We'll see if he agrees or disagrees or what his view is of it, but here's what I do know.
You know what's outrageous?
You know what's fascist?
It's having open borders and not vetting people and then taking our rights and having the IRS pass a bill.
Ron Paul wrote about this yesterday to make you not be able to fly out of the country if they say you owe back taxes.
No judge, no jury.
They just put you on a no-leave-the-country list.
And Obama says we'll put you on a no-gun-by list if you're on a no-fly list that's also extra-judiciary and is the very fount, the very fountain, the very source of classical tyranny to just be disappeared.
Supreme Court gives a nod to assault weapons ban.
Oh, cities can just ban your guns now if they want.
Huge anti-gun ruling by the blackmailed court.
So, here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
Here we are, and it's clear, the globalists are moving at an accelerated pace.
They're having some defeats, they're also having some victories.
The Russians going into Syria threw a lot of stuff geopolitically into a disarray, but domestically,
It's dangerous.
There are some suspicious things that have gone on in California.
Bare minimum, government at the highest levels let these people in.
Let her in.
Let her use fake information.
And all Trump's saying is, see, you can't not have people be vetted and then just brought in.
It's got to stop for a limited time until it's fixed.
That's putting pressure on them to not let these people in.
The big outrage is, how are they bringing them in?
By the millions to Europe to carjack and rape and murder.
And now it's happening here.
These folks have been wound up in Qatar and Saudi Arabia and Iraq as Sunni Wahhabis to hate us.
These are the radical crazy eyes.
These are the dangerous group that kill Christians and non-radical Muslim minorities.
And I've assessed them, I've studied them.
This is the foaming at the mouth crazy people.
Not all of them, but this is the group they come from.
Military-age men confirmed on Facebook to be soldiers of ISIS coming into Europe and the U.S.
because they pose with their weapons on their same Facebook and then say, now I'm in Iraq, now I'm in Syria, now I'm in Turkey, now I'm in Germany, now I'm in the United States.
How will the political class
When these groups start shooting down jet airliners with Stinger missiles they were given by our government.
Spend that!
How will they spend them when they shoot up the next school or the next mall?
Joel Scalzin is a former Marine Corps fighter pilot from the Vietnam era.
Author, researcher, probably the top safe home rider.
One of the top preppers in the country.
We sell his book and also produce the film, Strategic Relocation, available at InfoWarsStore.com, an absolute Christmas gift.
He is the editor-in-chief of WorldAffairsBrief.com.
And Joel, I don't know where to begin here, but clearly the climate politically across the board is heating up worldwide.
Let's take the Trump thing first, and then other subjects you can cover in order that you choose.
But am I wrong about Trump?
What nuance can you add?
Where is this going?
Well, Trump is certainly, you know, taking a...
Typically a correct position, but an uncareful position.
In other words, it's spoken in a way that is just giving the media a heyday and every one of the other anti-Trump candidates in the Republican primary.
If he just says outright ban, which is what it appeared initially, you know, all Muslims coming into the country, obviously that's, you know, going a little too far.
If he's saying ban them until you have a proper vetting process, then that's every bit correct.
It's impossible, however, to trust our government to run the vetting process.
Because, obviously, they created ISIS.
If they wanted to have a lot of ISIS people come in, they would certainly let them and say that they were vetted.
And they're not going to do that.
Now, relative, I have a little bit different take relative to the number of people, young Muslim military age people coming in.
My sources tell me, in interviewing a lot of these people in Europe and in the Middle East, that these are conscription age military people.
I'm not saying, by the way, what you're on, there is proof that some of these people who have been jihadists are in the group.
But the majority, it appears, are people running away from conscription
Running away from having to be forced into the military as terrorists in any number of the dozen, you know, jihadist groups in there.
And they really aren't particularly religious.
In fact, a lot of them are running away from Muslim or from Islam.
That's why they get so deeply involved in the pornography and the other corruptive things of the West once they get there.
That's why they get involved with rape.
These people are simply young men who don't want to fight, who are tired of it and want a good life in the Western countries.
Although they do hate the United States, everyone in the Middle East has been trained to hate the United States because of our constant intervention there.
Everybody in the world knows
About the relationship between Turkey and ISIS and the United States backing Turkey and covering for Turkey's collaboration with ISIS.
And that's because, obviously, Turkey's taking orders from the United States in facilitating the sale of ISIS oil.
Everybody in in Europe and the Middle East knows about the 9-11 controversy that it was the government operation from beginning to end.
It's only the United States people who are continued, you know, to believe that the official version and that's only about 60% of the U.S.
people believe the official versions.
I think some 40% don't believe it.
Though they don't understand how bad it really is.
It takes a lot of study, as you know, to understand the nuances of what happened in 9-11 and how the U.S.
pulled that off.
Joel Skousen, I totally agree with what you just said, but you make the statement U.S.
pulled it off, and in a way that's true, but again, semantically, criminal elements and networks compartmentalized did, because that's what the media does.
They then say that we say the U.S.
government did it, but I guess it was so high level and so widespread, you could argue either way.
Can you elaborate on that?
Yeah, when you look at the cover-up of 9-11, it goes to the highest levels of government.
Now that isn't to say that George W. Bush knew a lot about what was going on.
I think he knew that an operation was coming down, but this is a puppet sitting at the head, isn't making the operations, wasn't making the operations, just following orders.
You stay and talk to the students at this elementary school.
But Dick Cheney, of course, was fully knowledgeable.
Here he is sitting in the White House Situation Room, allowing the airliner coming in to attack the Pentagon,
I mean, he had to be fully, 100% cognizant that this was a U.S.
Black operation.
The young Air Force officer crying out, you know, this airplane's 10 miles out.
Do the orders still stand?
And he's panicking because the orders have to be, let it come in.
Don't stop it.
Don't shoot this airline down.
And he's getting panicky.
And, you know, Dick Cheney whips his head around and said, of course the orders still stand.
And of course, you know, as Glenn Greenwood pointed out, the United States just honored Cheney with a bust of his head in the U.S.
Congressional Building.
This man should be tried for war crimes as well as treason against the United States.
But it clearly was a government operation from beginning to end, including the hiring of the terrorists.
I mean, that's why they don't show the videos of the terrorists and the passengers getting on the airplane of the hijack.
They refused to show the videos because it would show
That the named hijackers weren't the ones getting on the airplane.
There was another set of hijackers that they had trained in Saudi Arabia, I believe, on major airliners.
Because as a pilot, I can tell you, you can't train on Cessna and even know how to turn off the autopilot of one of those major jets.
And so there's no way that those named hijackers... So this is a cover-up.
We're going to break, but let me ask this quick question.
Is Saudi Arabia arguably the most evil country in the world?
No, we are.
We are.
I mean, they're just puppets to the United States.
We are covering for them.
That makes us culpable for so much of what goes on in the world while we allow and we, you know, help Saudi Arabia.
We promised to cover their pedophilia.
I mean, these people are not Muslims.
They're just corrupt individuals pretending to be Muslims.
I agree, sir.
Stay right there.
We're going to come back and get into more geopolitics with Joel Scowls and the World Affairs Brief.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.
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By the way, coming up in the next segment, I'm going to play the clip again from the AP speech.
The speech he gave yesterday where the AP just played the clip where he said, you know, no more Muslims, period, until we vetted them.
Well, they just had him saying no more Muslims, period.
Absolute and total ban.
And I take it out of context, but I think this will only make Trump go up in the polls because I was somebody who was against the Iraq War.
I was somebody who was against all this Islamophobia.
I knew they were trying to destabilize the Middle East, to put radicals in charge, to wreck the place.
I don't want to just randomly hate brown people or Muslims or Arabs.
I mean, people know I've been a champion of not abusing these countries and these peoples.
But now that they're bringing them in, now they're bringing in radicals, now that this is happening, and Joel Skousen's right, a lot of them are just guys looking for welfare and jobs and women.
Still doesn't matter.
They're the cover for the radicals, which will then be used to take our rights, and we've been proven that's coming.
But Joel Skousen, this is a short segment, long segment coming up, so many other topics, so much more to cover.
What about the question that Paul Craig Roberts asked, is war on the horizon?
Is it too late to stop it?
What do you make of Ergun threatening to blow up Russian ships two days ago?
And what do you make of the Turkish going into Iraq and Iraq saying it's an act of war and just their arrogance?
Is Turkey doing this at the behest of NATO?
Or is Turkey out of control?
What's your intel?
Well, NATO is not actually directing Turkey.
The United States is directly getting Turkey to do its bidding.
Remember that the shoot-down of the Russian Su-24 was a direct instigation of the United States, and I believe they wanted to do it in order to force Russia to bring in their top-of-the-line air defense system so the U.S.
could eavesdrop on them and see what kind of jamming capabilities they have.
That's 400?
Yes, the S-400 as well as their air-to-air jamming equipment and their air-to-air missiles, all of which have radar signatures which have to be eavesdropped on.
The U.S.
hasn't had any opportunity to get that information heretofore because Russia hasn't been in combat using those and hadn't been until they shot down one of the Su-24s that forced Russia's hand.
And now Russia's brought in its top-of-the-line fighter planes as well.
That's correct.
One of the interesting things that happened this week as well is the U.S.
for the first time attacked Syrian army positions.
In other words, this is a major escalation because Russia is going to be forced, perhaps, to defend the Syrian troops against Russian or U.S.
air attacks.
They may have to turn on their systems, which is usually enough to get the U.S.
aircraft to turn around if you get locked on by an S-400 missile.
Typically, you turn tail and run.
That, coupled with Turkey,
Publishing this photo of the Russian crew member supposedly holding a rocket launcher.
Now, I want to say something's wrong with that.
That looks like a provocation from Turkey because those ships passing through the Bosporus are a mile to two miles away from shore.
Can't see it.
You can't see that.
The pictures that they've showed of the Russian ships don't have that type of structure that shows up in the picture.
In other words,
That either was photoshopped or that was from a different time or frame.
I'm surprised that the Russians haven't come out and debunked that particular picture because it obviously is very, very fraudulent or something that, you know, they picked out of some other time frame.
Well, Turkey's threatened to blow up their ships already.
I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't aiming, but it wouldn't be shoulder-fired, would it?
It'd be a larger onboard missile.
You're talking about a mile or two away.
You don't use a shoulder-fired, you know, bazooka-type, you know, cannon to do that.
You've got all kinds of weapons on ships to do those types of things.
So, this, there's something wrong with that story.
Either it means that the U.S.
is trying to provoke additional reactions, not because, and I disagree with Paul Craig Roberts, I don't think this is meant to provoke World War III.
As I pointed out on Sunday on your show,
The U.S.
isn't going to gain anything in terms of getting the world to join a militarized global government by creating a conventional war with Russia.
It just doesn't do it.
The U.S.
is sitting there managing the conventional war.
Everyone's sitting on the sideline cheering the U.S.
on and saying, yeah, go to it.
But you see,
The U.S.
really wants to set us up for a nuclear confrontation with Russia and China, where our military gets taken down.
That, and that alone, is what drives people into accepting their solution, that we need a military global government to fight this war, because the U.S.
has been decapitated.
At least our military has.
So, I think it's still too premature for a third world war, but I'll tell you, the globalists are doing something in there to provoke
You know, Russia to escalate tensions with Turkey.
Now, on Putin's part, it's very obvious... Well, stay there, stay there.
Explain when we come back.
But they're definitely playing with fire.
This is unprecedented.
We're going to come back on that front.
And also, global government itself, the big Paris conference, we'll talk about that, the economy, oil prices with Joel Scowls in a worldaffairsbrief.com.
I'm with infowars.com.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, folks.
As I went to break, I just pointed out something that I should point out a lot more.
White House-run Media Matters memos got leaked five years ago where they said all independent, libertarian, patriot-based media needs to be infiltrated and destroyed.
Now I want to explain to you, separately, we have been partially infiltrated before, like a movie.
I mean, I get followed around home sometimes, you name it.
I'm not going to get into it all, but it's like a movie.
Can you imagine what it's like for other people?
This is real.
And you need to understand, we're having a big effect.
They don't like us.
I like to have lots of company in this fight.
That's why I have all these other great guests on.
They're doing just as good a job as I am or better.
But you have the real power.
You are why they're scared of InfoWars.
Because we have millions and millions and millions and millions and millions of viewers and listeners.
And again, when you've got billions of views on YouTube, when you've got
This weekend I shot three videos, together they had over two million, no, two and a half million views.
Those were live, unedited, where instantly there's 50,000 watching within a minute, and then by the end of the video there's 100,000 watching, and then 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, in one video had 1.3 million views within a day.
Now do you think the establishment likes that?
No, they are scared to death.
Because it's not a fat lady on a treadmill getting that many videos.
It's not cats playing.
It's not French Bulldogs.
It's not Jay-Z.
It's Alex Jones.
It's people like Joel Skousen.
Let me tell you, when we have a video, our average video gets about 50,000 views.
We put out about 40 videos a day.
40-50,000 people watching a political video is a victory.
So I'm not bragging, I'm saying this, I can feel the wings of doom flapping around, spiritually.
I mean, I know I'm in danger, and I'm just asking for your prayers, your support, but also prayers for other people that are taking action, because they've once said there are no atheists in foxholes.
I forget who said that, but let me tell you, there aren't.
This stuff is real.
You can see it.
And as it all gets announced, as world government gets announced, as all this evil comes out in the open the next few years, what do you think is going to happen to the credibility of a World Affairs Brief, a WorldNet Daily, a DrugsReport.com, an InfoWars?
And the hundreds of other sites that aren't as big or effective, I wish they were.
Believe me, I want to be able to have so many patriot leaders out there that they can't decapitate us all.
It's like walking point in a DMZ, you know, up on the edge of a demilitarized zone with the North Koreans on the other side taking pot shots at you.
I do not like being up front, but it's my duty, my job.
And so, I want to go 110%.
I want to have the full effect.
I'm not on this mission to lose.
I know we can win.
Look at the effect we've had.
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Just because people think it's special to put something really good out.
Only an idiot would not put something really good out.
You want to dominate a market, but plus I am a good guy.
The point is, is that we are accelerating at a rapid pace.
Our numbers, I mean, we have doubled the audience the last year conservatively.
In fact, it's way more than that.
It scares me, quite frankly.
It's like being strapped to a rocket.
And that's because evil's rising.
Whatever's opposing it is going to rise as well.
It's time for you to rise.
And I know all of you don't see yourselves as leaders.
Then pass the info on.
But if you do have a burning desire to take action, get involved.
Start a show.
Go on AXS TV.
Go speak at City Council.
Get involved is all I'm saying.
Because this is the season to get involved, folks.
This is the beginning of some wild times in the next decade.
Briefly, then I'm going back to our guest.
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And again, I want to thank you all for your support, your prayers and more.
Joel Skousen, thanks for coming on while I rant.
I want to finish up on the unprecedented nature of the provocations by the West.
I wanted to then move into more on Trump briefly and then back into other issues.
But speaking specifically about the Liberty Movement, I don't actually see how the establishment, I guess they'll just demonize us, but I mean, the Liberty Movement is becoming
The cause celebs, super popular, super hot across the board worldwide.
I don't see how the globalists, the Anglo-American establishment, can continue to execute their operations if our growth curve is this fast.
I think that's why they're announcing censorship and other algorithms to begin next year.
Can you elaborate on that or agree or disagree?
Well, I agree that they're beefing up on a lot of fronts.
To do that, however, I think there's a difference between throwing the ideas out there, prepping the public, maybe perhaps getting a little more acceptance of them, but they can't even get... I mean, despite the New York Times coming out for gun control, Huffington Post coming out for absolute confiscation of all guns, it's not going to happen.
There's just too much opposition to it right now.
But the pressure is building so that when they have a big enough crisis,
And God only knows they're gonna throw a continual mass shooting at us one day after or one week after another it seems until they get something but
Uh, politicians know they're going to get unelected if they do another assault weapons ban at a national level.
And that's why it's important that the Supreme Court took a role in saying, and in Hiller, in that case, affirming the individual right to the Second Amendment, it's very telling that they said, but state and local governments can put reasonable restrictions.
And now,
After opening the door to state and local governments to actually confiscate or ban total weapons, they refuse to take the case about whether or not it's reasonable or not.
I mean, that clearly shows that the feds, one,
Don't have the political capital to do gun confiscation themselves.
Even the Democrats can't get caught.
I agree.
So they're going to depend on the states and only the most liberal states are going to get away with that.
But it's a slow eroding process.
It all points out, as you said, our movement is growing, Alex, in large part due to you because you're the biggest audience out there.
I mean, a great many of the people who come to the World Affairs Brief come to it because of you.
And I'm very appreciative of that.
And so are other people.
But it goes to the point that their solution to us is twofold.
One, politically, they want to give us a compromised Republica to make us all go to sleep.
And to the credit, fortunately, of the conservative movement now, they're not buying it.
It's almost like anything that the media puts forward, everyone says, it must be wrong.
We've learned our lesson through all the betrayals before.
I was about to say, aren't you and so many others, us together, because you've run some of the major conservative organizations in the country,
Trying to make the Republican Party do its job decades ago.
So it didn't come to fruition then, but it's coming later, thanks to you and Ron Paul and many others.
And we're not just here to give credit, we're trying to point out to listeners, we're having an effect, things just don't happen overnight, that aren't we successfully radicalizing the mainline Republican Party?
I mean, as Rachel Maddow says.
Yes, because we've produced one
Essay after another on betrayal.
It's been betrayal and betrayal and the message has finally gotten home.
You can't trust anybody who gets to be Speaker of the House, even Paul Ryan.
They've thrown at us an assuming conservative, but he's not going to be conservative.
Anybody the establishment allows to be in that position, we know, is not going to do what we want to be done, what is right for the country in accordance with the Constitution.
Anybody who's allowed to be elected president isn't going to do the job.
Even Donald Trump.
I mean, we talked about Trump.
He's taking the correct positions.
I'm still a little nervous, Alex, because of the bad positions he's taken.
I hear you.
I hear you.
It's just that I feel like I'm evil if I kind of sit on the sideline and let Hillary get in.
I get physically nauseous, Joel.
Yeah, absolutely.
You know, we have to have
Take a position for a principled position, and right now Donald Trump is taking the only position that is absolutely against the establishment.
Hands down, he's just saying everything the establishment does is wrong.
We agree with that.
The trouble is we can't depend on him, I think, if he were to get into office to do completely what's right.
These types of things that he suggests will get him crucified.
I think he would be subject to an assassination attempt if he got in.
Well, the Secret Service does think that.
They've got him under constant guard.
Yes, they do.
But I still believe, as I pointed out in this week's World Affairs Brief, they've begun to pull out the John McCain strategy on Chris Christie this week.
A major New Hampshire newspaper, the major newspaper there, came out and endorsed Chris Christie.
This is what they did to raise John McCain out of nothing status in 2008 to gain the presidency.
I think they've decided that Bush just isn't going to make it.
He's not that excited.
Christie is a powerful speaker.
He is capable of lying to a great extent.
He has totally established a lot of skeletons in his closet.
The mere fact that they are pushing to get Christie to win in New Hampshire means this may be their newest tactic.
Rubio's a little bit too young in Cherubic.
He doesn't have the gravitas that is necessary, I think, to engender nationwide support.
Chris Christie could probably do it.
I don't trust him as far as I could throw him.
But I'm just sending out a warning.
It looks like that's where the new major establishment push is to overthrow Trump, to try to get a win in the New Hampshire primary through this kind of an endorsement.
What do you think of Ted Cruz?
Well, Ted Cruz is a solid conservative from way back from teenager years.
There's no one who can deny his background.
But, that said, he's showing a lot of signs that he admires the compromising that Ronald Reagan did.
That's why I went to Washington originally as Chairman of the Conservative National Committee, was to try to stop the Reagan compromises.
I think Reagan also was a true conservative down deep inside.
But when you want to be popular, when you want to be president too badly, as Mitt Romney did, you're going to bend over backwards to please as far as you can, and you're going to do a lot of damage because you're going to convince conservatives that it is correct.
Now I think Ted Cruz's major problem with us as conservatives, he's totally bought into
He attacked Syria, the war agenda.
He is not a neocon in terms of, he's not a globalist.
But like Romney, he took all of those positions because he thought, this is something I can get ahead with conservatives.
I was about to say, Romney, why didn't he get back in?
I mean, obviously he would be a major contender right now, or they just threatened him.
It's a complicated story.
They threatened him so badly before about not running in.
He's reluctant to get back in.
But remember, they don't really want anyone in the White House, Romney included, especially Romney, who they don't have dirt on.
They've got to have control of that president so they can twist his arm as necessary.
He has not been unfaithful to his wife.
And, you know, they can't afford to have somebody in there.
If Romney, I'll tell you, despite his compromises, if he'd seen the Benghazi stand-down order going down, he would have stopped it.
And they can't afford to have that.
So I don't think they pushed really hard to undo.
They didn't certainly go to him and say, all the threats don't mean anything.
You can feel free to run now.
They don't gain anything by bringing Romney in.
They've got to have a controlled Republican who will do their bidding.
Especially in the hard cases.
I think the next Republican that they intend could well take us into World War III.
And that's one of the reasons they need a Republican, because Republicans at best create the atmosphere for a war, or at least talk conservatives into a war.
Well, Trump, they're going to love Trump saying he's a militarist.
I mean, Trump really just does say whatever's coming off the top of his mind.
I think that scares them at one level because they know that he'd be hard to control.
But I tell you, it's a real wild card.
It is a real wild card on so many fronts.
Speaking of Trump, here's a Minute 10 compilation put together by Rob Duda, Buckley Hammond, and Rob Jacobson on what Trump basically really said and now what's been spun out of it.
Here's that clip.
Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on.
I'm a proud Muslim, but you don't have to share my faith to share my disgust.
That was written by Hillary Clinton's right-hand woman, Huma Abedin, who pinned the email in response to Donald Trump's recent proposition to impose a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.
You know, it was the FBI director, the head of counterterrorism, and Homeland Security who all said under oath that they cannot properly vet people coming in from Syria.
This is not a mission accomplished speech.
We can and should do more.
To best enforce the security of our borders.
The challenge we're all talking about is that we can only query against that which we have collected.
And so if someone has never made a ripple in the pond in Syria in a way that would get their identity or their interest reflected in our database, we can query our database until the cows come home, but we're not gonna, there'll be nothing show up because we have no record on it.
The FBI director has previously said, I think about a few years ago, that there were people from terrorist countries who were assuming Hispanic names and learning a few words of Spanish and coming in.
The FBI director himself testified to that before Congress.
So we know that this kind of thing has been going on.
But let's take a look at Ms.
Back in 2012, five Republicans sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, noting that three of her family members had very close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
She was also intimately involved in Hillary Clinton's email scandal.
And while she was at the State Department, Ms.
Abedin helped our country cozy up to Sheikh Yusuf al-Khawardi, a promoter of jihadist terror.
And one of her many accomplishments while at the State Department was helping destroy the country of Libya.
I'm sure her and her Muslim Brotherhood friends are very proud of that achievement.
Just imagine what she can do when her best pal Hillary Clinton gets into the White House.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com.
Yeah, when they get the same hotel room, maybe?
Joel Skousen is our guest.
We're going to break here in just a moment.
Speaking of Hillary Clinton, what do you think her chances are for the White House?
I don't think they're high at all, Alex.
And the establishment knows it.
She's not popular with the left.
That's why they're going after Bernie Sanders.
She's got skeletons a mile long in her closet.
Of course, they are protecting her in that regard.
She's got a lot of counter that she could
Dirt she could tell about the establishment if they betray her.
And so they're not going to do that.
And yet I don't think they're going to allow her to be elected.
As I said, they want to give us a controlled Republican.
Let me just say before we go to break, I didn't finish my thought on Putin.
This week he gave every indication, Alex, that he is not going to rise to Turkey's provocations.
He even announced today no additional sanctions to Turkey over the threats in the Bosporus.
So, the West is not going to be able to get him to come up to a conventional war with the West, specifically because he's not ready and doesn't want to show as much of his capabilities as he has to.
Well, I'm skipping this one break.
This is so important.
So, continue on the Russia situation.
Russia is being very restrained.
Extremely restrained.
And you know, they're in the process of a major building process.
They need a blue water navy to prosecute a war with the West.
They need all new weapon systems in production level quantities.
None of those are coming online until 2020, 21, 22, 23 and 24.
So I can't imagine Russia rising to the bait of the West until at least the beginning of the decade.
And so I think we're going to see a lot of posturing.
One thing I will say, this is really turning into a proxy war between Russia and the United States.
That's why the U.S.
is using Turkey as the proxy, as well as ISIS.
And, you know, Russia is using the Syrian army, the Iranians and Hezbollah in Syria to execute their strategy.
But the Russians are running the show now in Syria very, very clearly and doing a lot of damage, not only to ISIS, but mostly, of course, to the U.S.-backed rebels.
They love sticking it to the globalists.
They're really enjoying this.
But you can expect either the U.S.
or Israel to complicate situations such as U.S.
attacking Syrian forces.
Russia can't allow that to happen.
They're going to have to, maybe the U.S.
itself is trying to force Russia into a confrontation.
Over defending Syrian troops.
And Joel, Joel, don't underestimate the recklessness of the Anglo-American establishment.
I mean, they could actually attack even Russian emplacements and say they didn't know it or deny it.
I mean, it seems like the sky's the limit.
Hopefully that won't happen.
But specifically on oil, they admit even in mainstream media now, but we talked about two or three years ago, they want to bankrupt Russia with lower oil prices.
They want to bankrupt U.S.
They want to push us into this situation because Saudi Arabia can produce it and export it cheaper than anybody else with all their sweet reserves.
For folks that don't know, it's basically gasoline out of the ground.
You don't have to really refine it.
If you look at all this...
How can the American people be informed that our government's siding with Saudi Arabia to bankrupt our industrial base?
I mean, they either charge us $3, $4 a gallon, rip us off, or drive it down and charge us less than they should to create monopolies.
Overall, if they want Russia to deploy this new military and attack us someday, why would they then be separately putting Russia in a depressionary spiral?
Well, that still is a matter of controversy whether or not this is deliberate.
You've got to remember that the source of the oil glut is U.S.
fracking here in the United States, and it's the only country where the oil industry is not controlled by the government.
They can't shut off the tap.
In other words, they created and opened up all of this new production, and you just can't shut it out.
The government cannot tell these private oil companies to stop.
So, you know, if
If Russia, for example, was really trying to support the price of oil, they would be cutting production as well, and they're not doing it either.
I think that's a reflection of the fact that we're hurting, just like Venezuela can't cut production because they're hurting so much.
So I'm not sure this is a deliberate thing to bankrupt Russia, because you're right, that would go against the globalist agenda of wanting to stop Russian military
To increase Russian military production in favor of this next war.
In fact, I think it's important to remember that even at the height or the low point of the Soviet economy, pre-1990, they were still in maximum arms production.
So you don't really stop a communist country
You may stop their free market aspect by these manipulations or the lower oil prices, but you don't stop the fact that they can continue to print rubles and pay people.
Sure, do you buy the polls that Russian approval of Putin is at an all-time high?
And that's part of the whole process of bringing a strongman back to Russia.
You know, as you know my feelings, the fall of the Soviet Union was a carefully crafted deception.
The Communists are still in charge.
Putin is their man.
There's also a new set of oligarchs that have replaced the original ones.
They killed off Berezovsky and exiled Gusinsky and others.
Khodorkovsky is under prosecution again in Russia.
But there's a new set of oligarchs underlying Putin and they are still running the Communist
But part of this process is to raise up Russian nationalism again.
And remember that Russia gains by restraint in the Middle East because they're trying to help the U.S.
create the image that the U.S.
is the bully of the world.
And so the more Russia acts with restraint, the more the world feels she would be justified when she does go after the West someday with nuclear weapons.
I've asked most of the questions here, Joel Scowles, and other things on your radar we haven't gotten to.
I think one of the things I want to point out, and I know you've covered this an awful lot about the San Bernardino shootings, but my take on this is this.
There was an article in today about who were the shooters.
And you know, for an organization that just had an interview this week with one of the live witnesses saying that these were white guys, there were three of them, tall, muscular, I mean these were obviously mercenaries that were in there doing the shooting.
Sayyed Farooq is not tall, neither is his wife.
There's no way that they could have mistaken them.
I don't believe that Farooq and Malik were, in fact, doing the shooting.
I think they were part of it, just like the two arrestees in the Marathon bombing, but they're meant to take the entire wrap to shield the mercenaries that were in there doing the shooting.
And this is the same thing in the Paris attack.
You know, there was this Mercedes driving from restaurant to restaurant.
Witnesses said they were white guys.
They were tall, strong, and muscular.
They were not Muslims.
And yet the media, and this is the key to a conspiracy, the media and the French government never put out that they were looking for a black Mercedes.
They never put out any description from these witnesses.
They simply buried it.
CNN has never ever mentioned that witness, that
By the way, we have one white lady that was very clear about three white men and then a separate black guy on another TV station saying he saw the exact same thing live that day.
That's pretty credible when it's two different groups.
And there's a drill going on down the street at the exact same time.
Well, you know, I discount the drill aspects of these, and including in the Paris attacks.
The drill was important in 9-11 because it actually inhibited a response to 9-11.
It had a purpose there.
The drills in the previous month or two in San Bernardino didn't have any effect on the military response to that drill.
So I'm discounting that, but I'll tell you,
There's something very real when no reporter at all in the mainstream media ever asked the police at any of these news conferences, what about the third suspect?
And it comes out that this third suspect that they have probably wasn't involved.
These were just covers for the fact that they completely let escape the three tall, white mercenary males who actually did the shooting.
And they didn't walk or run away.
I'm sure they went away in a vehicle.
And the government isn't looking for them.
Joel, stay there, stay there.
I want to come back and do five more minutes.
I want to ask you this question.
Clearly it's a false flag they let them in to begin with and have opened the doors up, but why not stage a false flag where it's white Christians or Hispanic Christians or something?
That fits the narrative better.
Why stage a whole false flag and then have it be at least one person who came here under false pretenses that blows up in Obama's narrative?
Explain that to me.
I mean, I agree the evidence is there.
It's just, well, then what's going on?
Stay with us.
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David Knight's coming up too.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Final segment that I'm running, the David Nitek Show, originally planned as a report.
Where Mark Dice talks to Democrats who agree they want a lower standard of living.
They want Hillary to make them poor.
This is how deranged they are.
And then we're also going to put out a report that yes, Sharia law is being enforced in areas of the U.S.
We actually have video of this.
That's coming up and a lot more with David Knight today.
And there's a bunch of subjects he's going to be covering as well.
Joel Skousen, you heard my question for folks that just joined us.
Why didn't they run a false flag with just white Christians or white Republicans?
Because that's the whole narrative.
I mean, I agree, you've got the evidence of the shooters, you've got all this other stuff happening.
Why not tailor it?
Or was this done so we would accept it and believe it, and then accept gun control, accept more homeland security?
Are they giving us false flags they think are more appetizing?
It's a good question.
The answer is a little bit complex, but let me first of all say that remember that these false flag black operations are going on in preparation months and months in advance, sometimes years in advance.
And you can't always stop the process or dovetail or plan on this one.
I mean, I'm sure they've got a dozen or half a dozen black operations, gun control oriented operations already in the pipeline.
And they have to wait till the Patsy is ready to do what they're told and get in line.
They cannot just wait.
Now remember that Farouk and Malik, they just, he just got $26,000 paid into his bank account.
Somebody paid him off to do something.
And I think it was to be present at this.
I think the government came in and put, planted those weapons.
The pipe bombs were inert, by the way.
That's a sign of false flag.
The fact that he couldn't have built that toy car remote bomb, he had no electronics, means that there were other people involved, which they're not looking for.
So this was clearly a false flag, but I think it's important to realize that they used Terrorism was sacrificed in here.
It's true.
There's a disadvantage in having in ginning up an anti-immigrant Reaction to this but remember the key aspect was the ATF kept saying this was a legally acquired gun in California the toughest of all gun states this was completely tailored to make sure that we have to
That's why the New York Times came out for the ban.
That's why Huffington Post came out for the actual confiscation.
This is their time to declare it.
You see the scripting.
I think there are compromises they do.
If they continue to throw white Christians at us, you know, it looks more like a government operation.
They're mixing up, and I don't think they can absolutely control.
They've got, as I say... Sure, they're testing, too, when their real season of false flag comes, what the fish are biting on.
Exactly, yes.
Now, as I say, I don't think it's going to come up to gun control.
You know, at best, the next thing they want is registration, and we could see, I want all assault weapons registered, but it's not going to get to confiscation, I can assure everyone.
Well, I agree.
These people are scientists, and everything they do is beta test over and over again.
You see it getting more intense, but it's beta testing into the future.
But they're just trying to shut down the economy with Obamacare and with welfare and all the rest of it to make us dependent.
But certainly an interesting time.
Watch what's happening with Russia and Syria.
That, for me, is the big hot button.
Joel Skousen, thank you so much.
You've got about 60 seconds left.
What else is going on over at World Affairs Brief right now?
Well, let's see.
We are doing a lot to cover this election, especially how they're trying to take down Donald Trump without success.
And as I said, I'm focusing a lot on what they're going to do as an alternative to Bush, who isn't going to fly.
I think it's going to be very interesting to watch this.
primary process because as i've said in the world affairs brief there's over twelve hundred delegates in the primary process that come from blue states that is liberal republican states they outnumber the conservative states the red states uh... by about two fifty four to forty six percent of eleven hundred delegates for uh... red state republicans and that means that they keep people like rubio who could take the florida primary case if you could take the air
I'm a proud Muslim, but you don't have to share my faith to share my disgust.
That was written by Hillary Clinton's right-hand woman, Huma Abedin, who pinned the email in response to Donald Trump's recent proposition to impose a complete and total shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.
You know, it was the FBI director, the head of counter-terrorism, and Homeland Security who all said under oath that they cannot properly vet people coming in from Syria.
But let's take a look at Ms.
Back in 2012, five Republicans sent a letter to the Department of Homeland Security noting that three of her family members had very close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
She was also intimately involved in Hillary Clinton's email scandal.
And while she was at the State Department, Ms.
Abedin helped our country cozy up to Sheikh Yusuf al-Khawardi, a promoter of jihadist terror.
And one of her many accomplishments while at the State Department was helping destroy the country of Libya.
I'm sure her and her Muslim Brotherhood friends are very proud of that achievement.
Just imagine what she can do when her best pal Hillary Clinton gets into the White House.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right, it's Alex Jones!
David Knight is going to be hosting the rest of the hour, but a lot of days we end up overlapping into the fourth hour, obviously.
Some days I'll continue to host the fourth hour.
But David's got a ton of news coming up.
He'll be commenting on what Joel Skousen is discussing here in just a moment as we finish up my part of the transmission.
We're talking about these purple states.
They're not Democrat.
They're not Republican.
They're kind of these swing states that are partially Republican.
And Joel Skousen was getting into that being the key battle for who they end up nominating.
Also a question I have for Joel because I saw it this morning.
I didn't cover it.
It was in my stack.
But we're covering it now.
Yeah, Donald Trump's thinking about, we may have to shut down parts of the internet in some places to stop these people.
And again, that'll be used to say he's anti-free speech.
I would ask him next time he's on, what do you mean shut down the internet?
You mean in certain third world war zones?
Because, you know, that's a pretty bold statement.
You know, Hillary's saying, restrict the internet, but she means our speech.
And she admits she means our speech.
So very, very dangerous, some of these statements.
Joel Skousen, finish up your Purple State breakdown.
Well, the important thing to realize is that if a person doesn't get an outright win in eight primaries, then they cannot be nominated for president.
So you're going to look to these people who, like Rubio and Kasich, who might win in their individual, to hand their votes to someone that they want, like Christie, who I think is going to win a few, and that will beef him up enough to be able to be nominated for president.
Somehow they're going to dump Trump.
I can tell you that he's not going to be the nominee.
You're saying they're going to gerrymander it somehow.
That's right.
They're going to gerrymander this thing.
And I think it's very important to watch this because I'll tell you, the Tea Party is going to be outraged when they see this happen.
They're going to realize, boy, the system really is rigged and it doesn't look like... And that's when Obama would do a new Oklahoma City to blame us.
I want to also mention before we close here that the National Front in France just won the latest regional election.
They are now almost as big as the other two major parties, and this really has the establishment worried in Europe.
This goes to the thing that I've long predicted, as Helmut Kohl told the Maastricht Conference in 1997.
If you don't do this voluntarily,
There's going to be war.
The only other alternative to the EU is war.
And so I think what he means, of course, as a globalist, is we're going to give you a war to force you into a major global government.
And although I still think that this is a few years off, Alex, it's coming as sure as we're living here today.
Well, the new Attorney General that wants to restrict free speech, I totally agree with you, Joel Skousen.
Tipped her hand when she said her biggest fear is retaliatory strikes on Muslims.
Well, A, I don't want anything to happen to random innocent Muslims as well, especially the ones being preyed on by the Wahhabis our government's been funding that have killed hundreds of thousands of them in Libya and Syria.
But she tips her hand, the perfect thing out of this could be a false flag with a bunch of Muslim school kids or something mowed down by some right-winger they're winding up right now.
Or some patsy, or maybe they go all the way with a false flag, and then they can come in and come together and take our guns in the name of unity.
I mean, I really see that, and I really just feel, in the tea leaves, looking at all the pieces, that we're going into a false flag to blame the patriots.
Or they could have a giant Muslim attack against Muslims in Europe to demonize Le Pen.
I mean, I really
In the calculus, I see they need that, and that would really help them.
Now, maybe if they know we're there watching and folks aren't going to buy it, maybe they won't.
What do you say, Joel Schausen?
No, I think, in fact, I wrote about this in the World Affairs Brief, that when the Paris attacks, they dropped this passport showing that one of the attackers, the suicide bombers, had come in as a refugee.
And it, of course, accelerated the anti-Muslim movement there.
And I thought, what could they be doing?
They don't want to do this.
They want to have more Muslims coming in.
But in a sense, I thought just as you did here, they could very well capitalize on an anti-Muslim sentiment by then demonizing those in the name of hate speech who hate Muslims or who attack Muslims.
And they might very well have black operations attack Muslims so that they can make them a protected class.
So they have multiple ways to run this and they win either way.
They're very, very devious.
All right.
Joel Skousen, thank you for all the time.
Great job over there.
Look forward to speaking to you soon.
Thank you, Alex.
I tell you, folks, trying to figure out the truth is interesting, it's exciting, and also gives me a headache sometimes.
All I know is I'm sick of looking at Hillary Clinton, and I'm sick of looking at Barack Obama, and I want
Trump to be a good guy.
In ways he says such wild stuff it makes me think he's real.
Then he says wild stuff and it makes me think, what's going on?
And the fact that he's smart enough through people to reach out to us, I just...
Here's the bottom line.
I'm above my pay grade right now.
I'm in over my head.
But then what makes me even more concerned is I've had dinner with top rocket scientists, top former NASA people, billionaires, top writers, top researchers, media heads, and I'm just as smart as they are.
And I'm more informed because my business is immersing myself four or five hours a day
When I get off air mainly and at night, not so much in the morning anymore.
I still do that for about an hour.
I study like four hours every morning.
I don't do that anymore.
And I just can't.
I go crazy.
And it's just so, so out of control.
But that's the answer.
Create the crisis and then offer world government as the solution to it.
I want to get comments before I hand the baton from David Knight, who is in the Situation Room.
Again, I'm in the War Room, as we call it, here at InfoWars.
If you're a radio listener, don't forget we simulcast full video from multi-studios and with reporters on the ground around the country and the world at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
We now take you back to David Knight.
David, what do you think about what you heard Joel Skousen and I just talk about?
Well, Alex, I think that clearly Trump's remarks, I think, will actually make him more popular.
I'm surprised to see that it wasn't covered at all by most people.
We covered a little bit, but most of the press did not talk about Rand Paul when he introduced a bill to do precisely what Donald Trump said he would do last night.
The difference is, is that Rand Paul's bill was more focused, more carefully worded, it wasn't controversial, and just didn't get the press exposure.
And of course, he only had nine senators join with him to do that.
Basically, what it would do is suspend the issuance of visas to refugees from Syria and up to 30 other countries, unless they had strict background checks.
He introduced that bill back on November 16th.
That makes sense.
Yeah, he introduced that.
And here's the difference, here's the difference that we're hearing from a lot of people.
At the same time, this is a Washington Post talking about this, it says, at the same time, Paul is distancing himself from Rubio and other Republican hawks who've argued for further American involvement in Iraq and Syria to fight ISIS.
But of course, that's the whole thing.
Why would we continue this war that created the refugee humanitarian crisis in the first place?
And that's what the people who are saying, like Rubio, who want to bring them in, he's saying, well, you know, we've got a humanitarian crisis, let's bring them in, but let's step up the war.
And I hear the same thing from Trump, except he says, don't bring them in, but let's step up the war.
I think the appropriate thing to do is to stop this war that we started, and we all understand that Obama created ISIS, that he created this whole thing.
That's the elephant in the room!
The elephant in the room is, Western government started this whole thing, end it now!
Yes, yes.
But then it gets even worse, Alex, because one of the things that they're just starting to pick up now, The Verge ran this 17 hours ago, but a lot of news outlets just within the last two or three hours have picked this up, and that was at the same speech last night.
In Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, USS Yorktown, Donald Trump, and we have the clip here, we could play it.
We'll do that in a moment.
Yeah, but basically he says we need to close up the internet in some ways because of the threat of terrorism.
He says some people will say freedom of speech, freedom of speech.
He says these are foolish people.
No, what's foolish is to think that we can achieve safety by selling out our liberties.
If we throw the Constitution and the rule of law in principle under the bus, and that's what's important about these presidential elections.
Look, the whole thing is rigged.
I agree with Joel Skousen that they'll probably shut down Trump if they feel that he's a threat.
They shut down Ron Paul.
They shut down all third parties.
That's a rigged system.
Well, let's expand on that.
They did somewhat take it out of context.
Just the two words, close it up, that's like that one senator saying a bunch of tubes, because he is not going off a teleprompter, but he should elaborate on this, because if he's not talking about specific war zones, or shutting down, say, Al-Qaeda, you know, not letting them promote or whatever, I could obviously say, you know, see that, don't put snuff films on YouTube of eight-year-olds blowing men's heads off, I mean, I could say censor that, because it's not censorship, it's, you know, snuff films are illegal, but if he goes, oh no, shut the internet off,
Well, that's what Obama and the Globalists have put in place.
That's what they want.
So he needs to clarify this.
In fact, speaking of it, here is the clip of Donald Trump.
A lot of people because of the Internet.
And we have to do something.
We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening.
We have to talk to them, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way.
Somebody will say, oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech.
These are foolish people!
Well, if it's in a war zone, you know, you jam radio, you jam the enemies, whatever, I can see what he's saying, but they're going to take that out of context.
There it is in some more context.
What do you say, David Knight?
Well, I think the context is, he's saying that people are going to object to it, saying you're violating our freedom of speech.
I think that's his intention.
I think that's his clear intention.
He said that he's going to do things to win the war on terror, whatever that is, however you want to define the war.
It's a technique, we've talked about that many times.
But he said he's going to do things that you've not even heard of, you can't even imagine.
So he's bragging about how he wants to be authoritarian, how he's going to attack freedom of speech, and says if you want to defend freedom of speech, you're foolish.
Alright, we're going to continue to track and trace all of this.
David, I'm going to hand the baton to you right now.
I just want listeners to understand, this is a one-of-a-kind broadcast, what you're watching and viewing right now, and it needs your support, your prayers.
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David Knight takes over.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host from this fourth hour.
We have several Supreme Court decisions that are in the pike that cover everything from the freedom of the internet that we were just talking about.
Donald Trump mentioned that last night.
To the Supreme Court saying that Obama can continue to assassinate people in secret.
Even Americans can be assassinated in secret.
They have no problem with that.
They gave a nod to an assault weapons ban out of Chicago.
And so I want to talk about this whole thing about the Supreme Court being the final decision about what our rights are.
When we look at that kind of mentality, understand it goes back to Marbury versus Madison.
That was a Supreme Court decision that gave the Supreme Court the ultimate last say on everything.
Isn't that interesting how that worked out?
Of course, Thomas Jefferson disagreed vehemently with it.
We've had presidents like Andrew Jackson, who said when the court took the side against him for a national bank, he said, well, the court has made their decision, let's see them enforce it.
So we, at one point in time, we did have an independent executive branch, an independent Congress that did what they were told, and we had a Supreme Court that would try to assert its power, but it really didn't have the authority to do that.
That was never the design of the Constitution, I don't believe.
I agree with Jefferson on that.
And we can see how this works out.
Of course, we know that
The Supreme Court has been on the wrong side of many decisions.
They said in the Dred Scott decision that escaped fugitive slaves had to be returned.
They were still the property of their owners.
In the early 20th century, for nearly 50 years, the Supreme Court maintained that there was no freedom of speech for motion pictures.
And as a matter of fact, the second person who was prosecuted under the 1917 Espionage Act of Woodrow Wilson to try to get people into, try to get America into World War I,
The second person who was prosecuted under that was a film producer.
And guess what the film was that he produced?
The Spirit of 76.
A film about the American Revolution, but it portrayed the British in a negative light.
So Woodrow Wilson and his censors at various places told him, you're going to have to cut this out, you're going to have to cut that out, it makes the British look too bad, and we want to go to war on the side of the British.
Well, finally, he took it out in Chicago, and then when it went to L.A., he put the removed scenes back in, so they prosecuted him with a federal prosecution.
They gave him a fine of $5,000.
Today, that would be equivalent to a half a million dollars.
And they sentenced him to 10 years in jail.
And the Supreme Court said, First Amendment does not apply to films.
They reversed that later, in the 1950s, in another case.
The Supreme Court has been on multiple sides of the same issue.
They were for it before they were against it, as many people say.
They are not infallible.
They are nine politically appointed judges.
Let me give you an example of this.
Hillary Clinton the other night...
was giving a speech and she said we need to keep the nuclear option on the table for Iran.
Now, James Breyer, one of the Supreme Court justices, was sitting in the audience and he immediately corrected her and said, you mean military option?
Military option.
And of course she's making these remarks at the Brookings Institute Saban fortune for relations between the US and Israel.
So she immediately said, oh yes, military option.
He's watching her back.
These guys are political hacks.
These people, these nine unelected, unaccountable justices who think that they have it within their power to modify the Constitution as they wish.
And that's what we really need to be careful about.
Because coming up, we have a lot of things, a lot of different attacks from different areas on the Internet.
Just as we were talking about in the last segment with Alex Jones in that speech last night that everybody's focused on Donald Trump talking about how he would ban all Muslims.
He also said that in order to shut down terrorism, we have to, in certain areas, close that internet up in some ways, and somebody will say, oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech, those are foolish people.
So we're going to see people coming after the Internet, just as Hillary Clinton has said the same thing, essentially, that we need to use the Internet to shut down terrorism in a speech of terrorism.
We have seen, they're going to try to argue for censorship of the Internet based on protecting us from terrorism.
They're going to argue for it on the basis of copyright.
Of course, there's a story that we had back in the beginning of November, shortly after
Matt Drudge came here and gave the interview where he said Supreme Court Justice told him they've got the votes to shut down the internet, just shut down hyperlinks.
And of course, they're openly talking about doing that in the European Commission.
The European Commission prepared, and this was reported by Kurt Nemo back in November 9th, the European Commission is preparing a frontal attack on the hyperlink.
The basic building block of the internet.
That's how we link to things.
And he points out this is based on an absurd idea that just won't die.
Making search engines and news portals pay media companies to promote their freely accessible articles.
Now, understand that this is something that isn't just going to shut down Freedom of Speech.
It isn't just going to shut down Matt Drudge.
It's going to shut down you.
You are not going to be able to have a political discourse of people, even on Facebook, where you say, well, I read this article over here.
I read that article.
No, they'll come after you for copyright protection.
So they're going to come after you for copyright protection.
They're going to come after you telling you that they're going to make you safe if you'll just hand over all of your liberties to the man in the White House.
That is the greatest thing to fear.
That is the greatest danger.
That is the mindset of a slave.
If you think you're going to elect somebody for president and they're going to protect you after they take away your liberty.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The mother of an injured army veteran of the Iraq War is selling a rare letter from President Obama to cover her son's medical and personal expenses, despite the President's handwritten promise to do everything we can over the next four years to support your family, writes the Washington Examiner.
Cherry McKimmy told Secrets something good might as well come out of that.
It is doing no good lying in my drawer.
It means absolutely nothing to me.
She received a note from Obama in July 2009 after a non-stop effort to beg federal officials to help her son, David McKimmy.
McKimmy was campaigning for the Veterans Administration.
To do more to help him recover from injuries, for which he received a Bronze Star with Valor, for crawling back into a truck fire to save two soldiers who eventually died.
He suffered burns to his face and hands, and is still likely to lose his leg.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host in this fourth hour.
We're going to be playing a couple of reports.
One, we're going to play some excerpts for you from the Mark Dice video, where Hillary supporters want her to lower the standard of living.
I think it's very interesting that there was an article that just came out today talking about
Climate activists going after our meat.
And of course, this isn't the first time.
Remember, we had the EPA talking at Halloween about how we had to get rid of pumpkins, and at Thanksgiving they were talking about turkey.
Now they're talking about meat.
You know, they want to take our air conditioning, our cars, our homes, everything, folks.
They're going to shut us down.
And these are the people who are flying around in their private jumbo jets, telling people in Africa, you know, this is what Obama said.
We've played the clip for you many times.
He goes to an audience in Africa and he says,
Y'all all can't have air conditioning and cars.
If you did, the planet would explode.
I mean, seriously?
Are we going to criticize Donald Trump when Obama says stuff like that?
I mean, that is absolutely amazing, but it's their mindset.
So, in that vein, what they want to do is they want to get rid of meat.
Now, just like we had the gun rights meeting,
Actually, there was a gun prohibition meeting.
That's what they were doing at the steps of the Capitol.
We were there covering it.
And there was one protester in the audience.
He said, do not, you know, we will fight your ban on guns.
And the Austin City Councilman said to him, well, we're not trying to ban your guns, but you hang on to that sign.
We're going to make it come true.
OK, well, that's what they're saying here about meat.
This is a German member of the European Parliament says this is one of the most delicate issues with climate protection because we all have our habits and diet is something quite holy for some people not to be meddled with.
Yeah, you know, it's like my decision.
What I eat, not yours.
Not to be decided by some know-it-all global governance, and that's precisely what they want to do.
So they say there's negotiators from 200 countries, they're focusing on reducing carbon dioxide, but they want to focus right now on other issues.
They said, we don't want to tackle this right now because it's going to put people off.
The same sort of thing.
But I want you to understand where they're going.
Because this is what they say.
Nevertheless, the livestock sector is responsible.
The same article.
These people are saying, we don't want to scare people by telling them we're going to take away their food.
But we want them to understand, you know, we still have to keep in mind that this is something that's going to be on the plate.
Later on, because it's responsible for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to them.
According to them.
Who knows?
We're not allowed to question them because they're authority figures.
But they say it's comparable to all the direct emissions from cars, planes, ships and other transportation.
So understand this, folks.
When Bernie Sanders comes out and wants to one-up
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and everybody else and saying, I'm going to cut more carbon than anybody.
I'm going to cut 40% of your carbon usage.
Well, they're going to take 14.5% if they shut down all of your transportation.
Then we get 14.5%.
Then they can shut down all of your meat and livestock production.
You know, meat, turkey, chicken, all that stuff, right?
You just eat greens, okay?
They can shut down all that.
They'll get another 14.5%.
That's still only 29.
Bernie Sanders wants to cut it down to 40%, okay?
So we've got to cut off your air conditioning, downsize your home, etc., etc.
These people want to reduce us to serfs.
Understand where they're headed with this.
Understand what their agenda is.
And then you can see this, because this is the crony climatism.
The people who are too green to fail.
In this same article, they're talking about, now they promote, here's their solution.
Something like the Impossible Burger, which is made entirely from plants.
And guess who's funding the Impossible Burger made out of plants?
Bill Gates and Google.
Bill Gates and Google Ventures are going to do that.
So understand, meat is evil.
Don't be evil, as Google would say.
So buy my synthetic, soylent green.
And shut off your air conditioning, give up your car, downsize your home, don't eat turkey, don't eat pumpkins, don't eat meat, because we are going to control your life and we're going to rub your nose into the dirt.
Now if they really wanted to get green, what they would do is they would lay off of cannabis.
Because it's one of the easiest growing things to take the CO2 right out of the atmosphere.
What do they do when you pay them a carbon tax?
Well, they give it to somebody like Al Gore and supposedly it goes somewhere and he plants a tree.
And after many, many years, this tree will get leaves and it will start to suck up carbon dioxide.
Well, we've already got trees.
And guess what?
God designed a resilient system that when the carbon dioxide goes up, the plants consume that and produce more leaves and produce more oxygens and more oxygen puts a balance, the system back in balance.
And of course,
Pot and weed is going to do that much faster than anything else.
You've probably heard about the study that they found this one area, one airport that didn't have the cluster of sickness that typically accompanies airports and what they found was a large cannabis field there.
In Chile, they're going to remove from the hard drugs list, pot.
Off of the hard drugs list.
Now, where does this hard drugs list come from?
It's another U.N.
Do you understand?
It was in 1961 the U.N.
created an agenda where they gave us the four schedules.
And it was ten years later that Richard Nixon, the same guy who created the EPA, gave us the War on Drugs, exactly mimicking the four schedules for the War on Drugs that had been created ten years earlier by the United Nations.
That's why Chile's got the same schedule as we do in the United States.
And so they're going to say, well, we're going to take it off of the Schedule 1 drug, we're going to allow it to be used for medical purposes and so forth and so on, allow it to be sold.
That is a UN agenda that was imposed on people and conservatives need to understand that this war of prohibition that we've been fighting for 40 plus years is nothing but a UN agenda.
Now I want to go to these reports that we've got.
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So again, check out the sales, check out the coffee, and there's another new product I just saw here on the desk here, the G-Shock Watch.
That looks very interesting to me because you know what?
I'm trying to get off the grid.
In multiple ways.
One of the ways I want to get off the grid is when I get finished with my contract, my iPhone, I'm getting off of their surveillance grid with that.
I'm looking at analog watches, I'm going back to pagers if anybody wants to get in touch with me, and burner phones because I am sick of this.
It's my way of saying, no, you know what, freedom of speech, privacy, due process, it really does matter to me.
So, anyway, take a look at that.
It's a new product.
We have a G-Shock watch.
It is an analog and digital, a watch that never breaks.
And we're selling that at InfoWarsStore.com.
Going back to what we were just talking about, going back to the climate activists saying that, well, you know, we need to
We need to shut down meat for people, cars, air-conditioning homes, everything.
People are willingly supporting this.
I mean, this is... Mark Dice goes out and gets people to say interesting things, but you know, quite frankly, these people are begging to have their lifestyle eviscerated, as well as, we'll point out, their lifespan, because the two go hand-in-hand.
If you cut down energy use, it's the best indicator not only of... it affects our lifestyle, but it's the best indicator of life expectancy.
And so these people are all on board with that.
The problem is, I'd be happy if they want to do that on their own.
Go for it.
They want to cut down mine.
And I don't agree with that.
But here's what some of the people had to say to Mark Dice.
You probably saw Hillary Clinton has promised to lower the standard of living if she gets elected.
Do you think that's long overdue?
Actually, I don't really know what that means.
Hold on, hold on.
Let her answer.
Um, I think the standard of living should be lower because I like to go to the bars and drink the alcohol for lower.
Hey, hold on.
Hold on.
Hey, let her answer!
Hillary Clinton obviously is promising to lower the standard of living if she's elected.
Are you looking forward to that?
Is that a good campaign platform to be running on?
To lower the standard of living?
You think Hillary Clinton's the woman to finally do that for America?
Take the baton from Obama and continue the plan of lowering the standard of living?
I don't know if this guy even knows what a standard of living is.
Well, the news is that Hillary, as you probably saw, Hillary Clinton has promised to lower the standard of living if she gets elected.
Like how so?
In what regard?
Well, just through her economic policies.
Are you looking forward to that?
Well, I'll tell you what's going to happen is Bernie Sanders is going to beat her in the primaries and he's going to be our next President of the United States.
So, I feel, I feel strength with Bernie and
He'll do better than Obama.
But this is about Hillary Clinton.
Oh, Hillary?
Hillary, obviously, is promising to lower the standard of living if she gets elected.
Do you think that's a good campaign platform to stand on?
You know, it works for her because it definitely fits her personality, but as an American, I don't think I could stand behind that.
I might have to go with Trump.
You know, if that's the case.
This is for the news.
It's a web segment for the news.
You probably saw Hillary Clinton has promised to lower the standard of living if she gets elected.
Are you looking forward to that?
You think she can keep that promise?
You excited about the... Lower the standard?
Lower the standard?
I haven't... I don't really keep up with that.
She really doesn't keep up with the standard of living.
She's not really sure what that is.
Let me talk about Bernie, you know, because the guy says, well, she's not going to make it past the primaries.
It's going to be Bernie.
He's going to lower your standard of living.
Let me, let me tell you, you know, if he's people who are buying into socialism, that is what will lower your standard of living.
Down in Venezuela.
Remember Bernie Sanders back in the mid-1980s?
He loved Nicaragua and the Sandinistas, as I like to call them, because he just thought those guys hung the moon.
But of course, they were thrown out.
They were nothing but a bunch of kleptocrats posing as socialists, because that's what socialists are.
They're a bunch of thieves.
And now they're seeing the fruit of socialism in Venezuela.
They've had the worst ever defeat of leftists.
This is after 20 years of rule by Hugo Chavez and his co-thieves.
What they've done is they've shrunk gross domestic product went down by 10% just this last year.
Another 6% is projected for next year.
They have 18% unemployment.
How's that for socialism?
Lowering your standard of living, okay?
And here's the other thing socialists love to do.
They love to shut down free speech.
And so what they have done, they say, well, one of the outcomes is that what could possibly happen now that we've got, now we've thrown the Hugo Chavez socialists out.
They say, well, it looks like maybe opposition leaders could be released from jail.
Because, you know, liberals do not like to have other people who have a different opinion.
If you disagree with them on climate change, they label you a criminal, as we saw earlier in the program when Alex Jones was talking to Mark Morano.
They say he's wanted, he's a climate criminal.
They want to shut you down because you're a denier.
And that's precisely what they are going to do if they get control of the Internet.
We got people who want to say we're going to shut down the internet because of terrorism.
That's what Trump is saying now.
We got people who want to shut it down because they want more money for copyrights and that's what's being talked about in the European Union.
We've got three judges in a district appeal court in D.C.
saying that they want to allow internet providers to essentially shut down the internet for speed so that they can prefer their own people, whoever is paying them the higher fees.
There are so many different fronts at which they're attacking the Internet, because the Internet is where freedom of speech is lived.
The Internet is where you can have political discourse.
And understand that if they criminalize hyperlink, as they're talking about doing in the European Union, as Drudge says, a Supreme Court judge has told him they're going to do in America, if they do that.
Think about what you see on Wikipedia.
You see
Footnotes at the bottom with links to the different articles that people use to reference and to back up what they're saying.
They want you to be completely divorced from any facts and have to rely completely on the pronouncements of people in authority.
They don't want you to be able to check anything.
That's what has really changed things fundamentally.
Back in the day we had news anchors at ABC, CBS, NBC.
They told us what to think.
They all said the same thing.
They covered the same stories.
They gave the same angle.
And we listened to them as authority figures because they were telling us what the government wanted us to know.
We had no way to check the facts.
And if they destroy the hyperlink, they will destroy that.
There is no copyright protection when you use footnotes in a book and you say, you know, I'm referencing this to such and such a book or whatever.
And that's essentially what's being done with Wikipedia.
That's what Matt Drudge does.
They want to shut that down because they want to shut down political discourse.
They want to shut down any debate of anything that they want to ram down your throat.
Now as we're looking at, we've been talking all day about this pronouncement of how Trump would deal with
With Muslims, saying I'm just going to shut down all Muslim immigration.
And as I pointed out earlier, Rand Paul came up with a bill that was a lot more thoughtful.
He didn't just wield his mouth as a blunt instrument.
Back in November 16th, he had three different points.
Now listen to this bill, which got absolutely no support in Congress.
Ted Cruz voted with him.
Jeff Sessions voted with him.
Jeff Sessions is almost always on the right side.
An honest man, even when I disagree with him.
But here's the three points that Rubio and Lindsey Graham and many others, essentially the other 90 senators, did not agree with.
Number one, aliens already admitted from high-risk countries have been fingerprinted and screened and pose no terrorist and are being monitored for terrorist activity.
In other words, this would allow them to get, these are the three steps that would allow them to get a visa.
So you've screened them because they're coming from a high-risk territory.
Number two, if they're coming from a high-risk territory, they can get a visa.
If they also have enhanced security measures in place to screen future applicants to prevent terrorists from entering the country.
And number three, Homeland Security's visa entry exit system has to be a hundred percent complete.
We don't even have a system, folks.
It doesn't work because they haven't even finished a system to take a look at these people.
Then we have to have a tracking system in place to catch attempted overstays.
Now, when he pointed all of this out, Marco Rubio and Lindsey Graham and 88 other senators just said, nah, never mind, we're going to just ignore that.
So that's why Donald Trump is talking about, we just got to stop all the Muslims that are coming from these other countries, in a blunt way.
Because when you talk about it from a rational standpoint, as Rand Paul did in this bill, it gets absolutely no support in the Senate, and it gets absolutely no discussion in the media.
But it is something we need to wake up and understand that we just cannot have open borders.
We cannot say that the one right that we are going to establish is the right of anyone in the world to come here, unvetted, and live in America.
Either vote in our elections without being a citizen, or become a citizen, or to take our jobs, or if they rather not work, have us support them.
Have us put them through college, giving them benefits that are greater than even those our children have.
That has to stop.
Now, let's go to this report from Joe Biggs, because he's been traveling the country looking at these areas where there's a lot of
We'll play this when we come back after the break because there's not enough time for this.
I got off on this tangent.
We're going to play a clip from Joe Biggs because he looks at the whole issue of Sharia law.
And you have to understand that it is fundamental to Islamic theology that they must dominate the world.
That is part of their theology.
It is a refutation of Islam being a true religion when they do not dominate the world.
And so of course they are going to try to establish Sharia law as widely and as thoroughly as they can.
We've had them admit that on poll after poll.
Why can't we believe that?
So when we come back, we're going to have part of the report
It's up on Alex Jones' YouTube channel of Joe Biggs talking to people about Sharia law.
We'll be right back.
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This is a special report from Joe Biggs as he's traveling the United States.
And this report is, the rumors are true.
Sharia law is here.
What you're looking at now, if you're watching this, if you're listening on the radio, what we're seeing here is footage that Joe and our photographers who are traveling with him are taking aerial footage in areas in America that are highly concentrated with Islamic population.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Now we are in Dearborn, Michigan.
We're actually leaving the Islamic Center of America.
It's one of the, it is the largest mosque in the United States.
While we were out there, we did the Alex Jones Show earlier today, and during that time there were some people who were listening to the show.
Obviously they could see the background because they were watching and found where we were and decided to come out and kind of give us some information.
I interviewed a couple of people and what two of the guys there
I had to say it was extremely interesting.
I'm talking huge breaking news.
As the news started, I don't remember exactly what time, but it was in the early evening.
At first there was a loud crack, and it startled me, and then I'm like, okay, what was that?
And shortly thereafter, there were several more fireworks going on.
What I found out to be later were fireworks.
And in the streets, I did not see the people.
However, it was several blocks away from me, within maybe four or five blocks from my house, people were shouting Allah Akbar and that was... Wow, they were so... they had fireworks going, they were screaming Allah Akbar and basically celebrating the attacks that happened in Paris.
Yes, sir.
And that was quite disturbing to me, especially living in America.
That is just... that's unacceptable.
I mean, how can you... I don't know.
I'm sorry.
I just don't understand how people can celebrate death.
And for those of you not watching this, that man was afraid to have his face on camera.
Right across from where this huge mosque is, chanting Allahu Akbar.
So, you know, that's crazy.
We heard about that after 9-11.
Donald Trump told the story.
A lot of people have been criticizing that.
And we have another instance now where that's going on.
So now we're heading over to Hamtramck, which is another area around Detroit.
And this area has the Al-Islam Islamic Center, which is a call to prayer building where they do their prayers five times a day.
Now, this area is much different than Dearborn.
Dearborn has a large population, but the way Hamtramck is, it looks like a long street that you would see in Iraq with a whole bunch of bazaars, stores set up, traditional Muslim wear, headdresses.
Man jammies is what I call them.
I know it's not the correct term, but that's what we always said when we were in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Most of the signs out there, not all, but most, are in some form of Arabic.
So there's people there from Yemen, there's people there from Poland, there's people there from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria.
So it's a huge melting pot of Islamic people.
So we're going to go out here and try to catch some of the call to prayer, see what's going on.
You know, we're hearing more information about the attacks in San Bernardino, where they are now saying that it is confirmed that this is indeed an ISIS attack.
That the guy Farouk traveled to Saudi Arabia and finding his wife, got her over here on a fiancé visa is what they said in the paper.
And they believe that she is the one who has radicalized this man.
But you have to remember too as well, the mainstream media has been very reluctant, very, what's the best way to put it, like holding back the fact that this could be terrorism.
Um, but right off the get-go when that attack happened in San Bernardino, the report was three white men.
And it went from three white men throughout the day to...
A couple.
Okay, we're going to have to end it there.
And of course, if you want to see the rest of that report, you can see it at the Alex Jones Channel, our YouTube channel.
The report is, rumors are true.
Sharia law is here.
I think it's very telling that that man who was talking about the Muslim celebrations after the shooting was afraid to go on camera.
Nightly news tonight, 7 p.m.
Central, 8 p.m.
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