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Name: 20151130_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 30, 2015
3163 lines.

In this video, Alex Jones discusses the recent blockage of Turkish ships by Russia through the Strait of Bosporus and its potential to spark a war between Turkey and Russia. He also highlights NATO's involvement through Article 5 and how it could lead to another World War. Additionally, he covers the influx of Syrian refugees into the United States and their integration into society, expressing concerns about lack of proper vetting procedures and financial burdens on taxpayers. Finally, he talks about a stereotype related to new cops and their struggles in their careers.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Former political prisoner, the second highest grossing documentary filmmaker in world history, Nash D'Souza will be joining us.
His new book, Stealing America, what my experience with criminal gangs taught me about Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party.
This is the former Reagan speechwriter and advisor
Who has multiple first in his class degrees and no criminal record who served nine months in jail for nothing.
So he will be joining us coming up today.
And you notice he's raised his rhetoric to the level of reality now.
What he learned about criminal gangs, because that's exactly what we're dealing with and what we're facing.
And if you use any other terminology, you're lying.
Our rhetoric must reach the level of their evil, or they win.
It's a wall of fraud, a wall of lies with all these global politicians.
The biggest gathering of world leaders in history is what Politico and the New York Times are dubbing it, in Paris, France, right now.
The biggest gathering of world leaders in history.
Lord Monckton
Mark Moreno and others will be reporting from Paris along with other reporters this week.
It's already kicked off yesterday.
And they are openly trying to set up a court to arrest people that disagree with them.
They already did that to Dinesh D'Souza, didn't they?
And one of the top Supreme Court justices
I was told his name specifically off-record, told Matt Drudge, this year, point-blank, they're coming after the free speech next year, they've told us, get in line, join with Soron or it's over.
You understand, the establishment is telling high-level people and media and others, you will submit or you will be shut down or arrested.
It's here.
Time's running out.
You notice all hell's breaking loose militarily, economically, socially.
Globalists are moving to collapse the West, crash the United States, pose as saviors, and bring incomplete tyranny on its back.
That is their specialty.
It's what they do, it's what they've always done.
Look at how they bring in the radical jihadis, let them attack and then ban free speech all over Europe, arresting people that protest against global government, arresting nationalists, arresting anybody.
And then they stand around Obama, here's the quote, I have one of his quotes, quote, climate summit, a rejection of terror, nothing will stand in our way.
Nothing will deter us, is the quote.
We shall go on to the end.
We shall defend our island, whatever the case may be.
We shall fight in the streets, and in the fields, and in the hills, and on the landing fields.
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We shall defend our island, and we shall never surrender!
The difference is, at least, England was actually facing the German Blitz.
The lightning, the bombs.
You look at these world leaders on the stage.
They are the authors.
They are the front men and women screwing us over.
And they sit there and go, we will not be deterred.
Prince Charles stood forward.
We must save the earth.
Global taxes now.
Global taxes forever.
Hear, hear.
And of course, who owns part of the climate exchange?
You cannot make this up.
Prince Charles, the Queen of England, Lord Rothschild, Al Gore, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton and George Soros.
Actually, I have mainstream articles today admitting that Han showing the whole event is Soros in Paris.
Russia just outlawed his organization as a foreign group like Spectre.
In fact, you want to know who the head of Spectre is?
It's not some guy in a James Bond movie.
In fact, Colonel Craig Roberts, we need to get him on again soon.
He had family in the CIA, pretty high level.
And they told him back in the 60s, they said, well, we don't know the name of the organization, but we call it the Octopus.
You see, that's fiction imitating reality, folks.
We actually face Spectre.
Turkey's reportedly blocking Russian ships from sailing through the Strait of Bosporus near Istanbul, which links the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.
Right now, only Turkish naval vessels are moving through the Bosporus, whereas Russian ships are just sitting nearby, waiting to pass.
This is a huge deal that could easily lead to a war, because Russia is going to feel threatened if it's boxed in.
For one thing, this prevents Russia's Black Sea Fleet from traveling to the rest of the world, or even back to its home port.
Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered 150,000 Russian troops deployed into Syria, while also sending another 7,000 Russian troops with tanks, rocket launchers, and artillery to the Russian-Turkish border with orders to be fully combat-ready.
Here's the scary part.
Even though Turkey initiated its standoff with Russia by intentionally shooting down a Russian jet near the Syrian border, it can invoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty,
Which requires all NATO members, including the U.S., to come to its defense if Turkey goes to war with Russia.
If there's going to be another world war, this is precisely how it would start.
Keep checking back at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
Weekdays 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Added the fourth hour.
Returning weeknights 7 o'clock Central for one hour of concentrated, focused, hard-hitting news and information warfare countering tyranny and lies.
Then, we return Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
with the abbreviated Sunday Transmission.
We're about to enter the final month of 2015.
It is the 30th day of November, 2015, on this Monday Worldwide Broadcast.
Well, it's dubbed the most important global meeting in history.
The most world leaders in history are now assembled in Paris, France.
Clearly they allowed the jihadis in en masse, clearly they knew the attacks were coming, and allowed them to take place so they could then declare martial law, which they've done, civil emergency in at least 8 of the 20 plus member states of Europe.
Germany and France are quote under civil emergency powers, that's called martial law and fancy pants talk, and if you go out and criticize man-made global warming, you are arrested.
If you criticize open borders, you are arrested.
If you're leading in the polls in the upcoming presidential election, and you criticize the open border, you are Lapin, you are arrested, facing one year in prison.
This is hardcore tyranny.
The UN has announced a global directive and is now taking control of local police departments in the United States and Europe, and are directing former Stasi agents in Germany to carry out the arrest by directing the police to arrest people that criticize the open borders.
By the way, I have news articles about that today.
This is totalitarianism.
It is hardcore.
And it's just getting started.
And coming up, political prisoner Dinesh D'Souza
Stealing America, what my experience with criminal gangs taught me about Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party.
Political prisoner, Dinesh D'Souza, will be joining us coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll also have Lord Monckton, Mark Moreno, and others reporting from Paris, France throughout the next 12-13 days that are left of this summit.
This is total world government.
The text is still secret, but we've gotten large pieces of it in the past.
It just integrates TPP, NAU, and the EU into a global super state, global taxes, backed by a basket of currencies with an overall carbon strategic drawing right currency, digital, controlled by six major global banks.
You will then be taxed digitally on all human activity, and it will be paid.
To a handful of individuals, chief amongst them the Rothschild family, the Rockefeller family, and of course, you guessed it, the British royal family, and of course, people like George Soros.
You cannot make this up.
I have it in the news today, how George Soros runs it all.
You've got carbon trading in Chicago, carbon trading in New York, carbon trading in London, carbon trading in Frankfurt, carbon trading in Tokyo, carbon trading in Durban, South Africa.
You've got more than 20 carbon trading centers and they're all literally owned by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers.
And every other piece of trash you can imagine, like Ted Turner, Bill Gates.
I mean, it is a gravy train of open taxes paid directly to criminal maggots.
You cannot make it up.
A Nazi collaborator who helped round up thousands and rob them, who told 60 Minutes he's not sorry for it?
Running anti-liberty organizations in America?
George Soros?
Good God!
What will we not put up with?
This is a sick nightmare!
But America is in a coma of entertainment and sports and drugs and alcohol.
America is in a coma and has learned to put up with so much.
We have mass total Stockholm Syndrome, where you defend your abuser.
So before I get to all this news, I'm going to break down mass Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness, the normalcy bias, the Overton window one more time.
My personal trainer came over today and trained me, and we went out and jogged up some hills.
And he said he'll come on air.
He's gonna dig up the stuff off the local Facebook.
He lives over in a gentrified area of East Austin.
And he was describing how it's on the Facebook for the neighborhood that there's a 17-year-old young black man who has been arrested more than, he said, 12 times.
Because they even got a copy of his police report, even though he's a minor.
He does home invasions.
And has been arrested a bunch for attacking his family, attacking other people.
According to what Pat Riley was telling me.
And they've all agreed collectively on the Facebook of over 100 homes not to call the police on him because they quote, want to ruin his future.
But it gets worse.
It's not even because he's black.
Let me explain this.
There's a white woman, they've got a description all chatted up, the car she drives, everything, who follows the UPS truck.
And everybody I know, I've had a UPS package stolen last month.
Anthony's had three packages stolen.
Anthony Gucciardi, from his front door of his house.
Including samples from a factory, a new product, stuff like that.
It's so bad, it got stolen again when it came.
And it's just an epidemic.
That's another area of Austin.
This woman, they've got her plates, they've got everything, and they all debate whether they should call the cops.
And they say, well, we don't want to ruin her life.
Maybe she, you know, needs to steal the packages.
See, it's not because she's a woman, a white woman.
It's not because it's a black man.
They are such cowards that they cannot defend themselves.
They've been taught to lay down.
They have Stockholm Syndrome.
They have such arrested development.
That he's allowed to break in houses, assault people, all of it, and the police are blowing up at the neighborhood.
Saying, you see him committing crimes, you see this lady's stuff, you better tell us or it's aiding and abetting.
That's, I mean, these people, in fact, they're trying to expunge it right now, but we're downloading to Facebook.
I'm just going to show this as a microcosm.
Of how sick this is.
I have stacks of news of people being raped in Europe and they tell the police I don't want them charged.
Even when women are drug into the alleys and raped in front of people.
And they call the cops.
The woman says don't do anything.
It's a Muslim and I feel sorry for the migrant.
This is Stockholm Syndrome, which went on throughout history, but it was given a clinical name, obviously, back in the 60s for Stockholm, Sweden, in a case where people were held hostage and within a few weeks began absolutely serving and worshipping their abusers.
And this is what it is.
This is the freakishness, but then the very same liberals, if you are a man, or a business owner, or a libertarian, or a Christian, or a veteran, they've been taught, you need to be attacked, you need to be put in your place.
You need to be gone after, and henpecked, and driven, and no amount of work you do, no amount of risk you put yourself at.
And it's almost like it's cute and funny, you know, for women to make jokes like, oh, while your wife cleaned up after Thanksgiving, I bet you went and took a nap and watched football.
I came into the office and worked all three days, getting other work done when I could be off air that I had piled up.
But see, it's just this default little, let's peck at men, let's act like they didn't do anything.
This is warfare against humanity.
This is absolute garbage.
And there's one world leader.
The Czech Republic president's out of office.
He was the other one before.
But there's one world leader now that says it's a military plan globally to shut down sovereign countries and selectively shut down locally owned power stations and to cripple the economy for an energy takeover.
You ought to read Putin's full speech from a month ago.
It's like four pages long.
He's describing how it's a fraud, how it's a scam, how it's meant to strangle Russia and everyone else, and how humanity has to come together and build a civilization for people.
Now this is an anti-human economy being built that's about austerity and poverty to control people.
He's describing communism.
He's describing the New World Order.
He's describing the hell that we're going under.
And I'm sorry, he told the truth, so I'm going to repeat it.
But where'd you hear it thousands of times?
Because that's what it is.
And we must recognize it for what it is and rebuke it and stand up to it on every front.
This is a legendary crossroads we've come to.
This is the decision point for the world history right now.
They selectively can tell any country they want under these treaties how much carbon they can put out.
China has been told you can have unlimited.
India has been told you've got to make major cuts.
China is launching the climate satellites that are going to be partly owned and controlled by the Soros Group and others that are going to tax everyone.
You cannot make this up!
The full military hatred of this global combine that controls our governments and siphons our energy and plays us off against each other and openly funds terrorists and openly runs white slavery rings.
And is involved in every evil you can imagine.
You'll hear about some jail guard in Romania or something in World War II that helped load some, you know, prisoners on trucks that later got killed and they'll arrest some 96-year-old man who's totally senile and doesn't even know who he is.
And then half the time it turns out they weren't even a guard.
But then Soros prances around saying, I'm not ashamed.
I did what I had to do, rounding everybody up, to survive.
And I've talked to so many leftists here on air.
They'll go, well, he did what he had to do to live.
And I go, see, that's what you are.
You're cowards.
I mean, if somebody tells me to sell people out, they're going to kill me.
They're going to have to kill me.
I'm going to be fighting them.
And I'll tell all the tyrants something.
We're trying to fix this peacefully.
But we're going to take this country and the world back.
And if you keep pushing your crimes, you're not going to be allowed to run off with your money to some island.
We're gonna come for you.
We're gonna get you.
I may not be around for it, but I will assure you in my gut, I know justice is real, and every scumbag, thug, and heffery thinks they're invincible.
You're not invincible.
That's why you're working so hard to overthrow everything right now, because you can feel the fact that we got ahold of your arm, like Beowulf ahold of Grendel's arm, and we're already tearing it out of your socket, and nothing on earth's gonna make us let go.
We're gonna rip your arm out of your socket politically.
My name is Bill Bonner, and I have an important message.
Right now, the highest levels of government are struggling against an inevitable crisis.
But they're about to lose control.
When this happens, it will rip our country apart in ways you never imagined.
From where we shop, to the doctors you visit, and the family you want to protect.
Look, I've made predictions like this before.
A few years ago, I warned that the housing prices would collapse.
Before that, I warned that dot-com companies would crash, and they did.
Those who listened had a chance to save themselves.
But this has nothing to do with the stock market.
This will affect us all.
I've posted a free video at DollarDanger.com.
Maybe you'll disagree with my conclusions, but first you need to watch this video and see the facts for yourself.
You can watch the video for free right now by going to DollarDanger.com.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
This song is poetry.
Heads are going to roll.
Power mad freaks controlling the world.
Crank it up.
Heads are gonna roll, my friends.
The question is, whose heads?
We're not being given quarter.
See, the people that have surrendered to tyranny because they're too afraid, don't believe in themselves, too lazy,
Have deluded themselves at the conscious level that they're part of the establishment.
But deep down they know they're slaves.
It's time to break the chains of control.
It's time to step into your destiny.
It's time to resist the anti-human New World Order.
It's time to break the chains.
Just a decade ago it seemed inevitable that world government and world taxes
Would track every form of human activity.
But now their agenda is in deep trouble, so they put on a con man's face of, oh, every world leader, the biggest meeting ever, are here unanimously with the unanimous scientist, wanting global government and global taxes to save the Earth.
And I tell you, you wouldn't see articles like this five years ago out of Breitbart that shows our success and other success.
Turning the libertarian conservative movement into radicals as the White House-run George Soros-funded Media Matters bemoans.
We didn't get Breitbart and Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity to pick up our talking points.
What we're saying is true.
You're a criminal gang who wants to make money on all human activities.
You point cameras.
I've got a stack of news today where they point cameras in the winter at power plants.
And they show what looks like smoke shooting out of them, but it's water vapor.
That's why the smoke ends a couple of hundred feet above it.
Because it's not smoke.
It's like the smoke when you're two years old you think blows out of your mouth when you go outside in the cold, snowy wind.
It's not smoke.
It's water condensation.
Now, I know our listeners know that, but I look at these parlor tricks.
They never stop.
They're back on the news, saying polar bears can't swim and penguins are dying.
They can't swim.
The ice sheets have both gotten bigger.
The planet's going into a cold stage because the sun's going partially dormant.
It's a known cycle.
It was predicted by all the astrophysicists 50 years ago.
Because the UN five years ago had a vote and said, no, the sun doesn't affect climate one bit.
That's like saying, oxygen doesn't affect humans one bit.
We'd die without sunlight.
We'd die.
We'd be absolute zero in a matter of days.
The sun is the complete driver.
Everything else isn't even a few percentage points in the different metric breakdowns.
Not thermal energy.
Not different radiation from deep space.
None of it.
It doesn't even show up compared to that giant thermonuclear fireball!
These people feed us pure lies like we're idiots.
And the message becomes the medium, becomes the people.
You have been fed mindless tripe to the point that most people can't even understand what I'm saying right now.
I'm talking about mainline idiots.
It is ridiculous.
It is over the top.
It is sickening.
Oh, but don't worry.
Let's play this clip.
Obama opened up the summit by saying, nothing will deter us.
We know nothing will deter you funding Al Qaeda.
Nothing will deter you with forced inoculations.
Nothing will deter you trying to blow up our economy with Obamacare.
Obamacare is the equivalent of an enemy blowing up your power plants.
Talk about a wet blanket on the economy.
Obama is dumping sugar in the gas tank.
You go, what are you doing?
I'm trying to help.
You're like, that says sugar.
No, it's not.
Your car's going to run real great.
Try to start it.
Black smoke shoots out.
The clattering engine.
Let's go out to break with Obama.
Here he is on nothing will deter them.
Here it is.
And we salute the people of Paris for insisting this crucial conference go on.
When they ran the terror attacks, bringing them in.
An act of defiance that proves nothing will deter us from building the future we want for our children.
The hell hole, where you can't have cars or power, which you've announced.
Greater rejection of those who tear down our world.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Man-made climate change is largely a myth promoted by politicians to scare the public into accepting a vast expansion of government to supposedly stop global warming.
Global warming is a manufactured problem played up by the government to instigate a public reaction, in this case fear, the government then exploits to offer a predetermined solution.
This strategy, now known as the Hegelian dialectic, has been used successfully by politicians for millennia to expand government which can only grow at the expense of individual liberties.
The Bush administration used this strategy successfully in 2003 when it gained enough public support for the invasion of Iraq by claiming the country had weapons of mass destruction.
And the war ultimately expanded the military-industrial complex in America's emerging police state.
Today, global warming is used as a boogeyman because it allows the UN to use government-funded scientists to scare the public into believing that man-made climate change is too big of a threat for their country to handle alone.
And thus it can only be defeated through the expansion of the UN at the expense of their nation's sovereignty.
The number one goal of an out-of-control government is not to protect you, but rather to gain more power at your expense.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com
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To a waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Yeah, you know, when the hitman comes, he knows that he's been cheated.
You serve the New World Order, you sell out your family, your spirit, your ancestors, and the whole future.
For your soul.
You break with humanity.
Our enemies made that break a long time ago and they love the spirit that drives them.
You want to live under world government?
You want to live under trendy brainwashing?
You want to live without free speech?
Europe has completely fallen to oppression and free speech annihilation that hasn't been seen since the depths of Nazi occupation during World War II, and it's not even a news story.
It's civil emergency bans free speech!
Good job!
Nothing will deter Paris after the deadly attacks.
We stand with you after we brought the people in that did it and let them do it.
We even knew who they were and let them go across border crossings.
Because we're going to use Islamic State and others that vote 99% socialist to come into these countries and feed on what's left of Christendom.
Because we hate your guts.
But it's okay because my dad was black.
And Merkel's a woman, and Hillary's a woman, so let's just have a discussion about that.
I want to get into all this news, play a bunch of clips, go through the huge Russia developments.
I spent a lot of time on that yesterday, so I haven't gotten to that yet.
Quite frankly, I don't know what's more important, because it all goes together.
The global government, biggest meeting of world leaders ever.
Trade experts, Trans-Pacific Partnership, vehicle to pass Obama climate change treaty, well yeah, that's what we've written about, that's what we've said, now the text is public.
It's the agreement to this agreement.
So now it's just the PR rollout.
With videos of polar bears falling in the water and they can't swim and penguins dying, literally.
Lying to everyone, and just a bunch of PR with them announcing, everyone agrees!
Save the Earth!
Carbon dioxide's killing us!
Track it all!
Tax the carbon cycle!
It is the total takeover.
And then the Earth cools, because of the Sun cycle, they go, okay, now it's not heating, it's, uh, change, change.
It's always gonna be changing.
And when it gets cold, they say it's climate change.
When it gets hot, they say it's climate change.
When it rains, it's climate change.
When there's a dust storm, it's climate change.
You want to know the real climate change that humans have done in the last thousand plus years or more that has screwed up a lot of the planet and really caused major problems and lowered carbon dioxide levels in the last few thousand years?
One of the lowest levels ever recorded, going back millions.
They've got the ice cores.
They've got the mud cores.
I mean, they've got them.
It did bump up a little bit in the 20th century because of human activity, probably.
I mean, less than 1%.
Look it up.
If you expand on that, the Sahara Desert a couple thousand years ago, in the central areas and many other areas, was actually rivers and forests and jungles.
And nomadic humans came in with cows and with goats and with sheep.
Now cows run ruts in the dirt and cause runoff and problems.
But goats eat down and will pull the root up and eat it too.
Cows don't eat the root.
And the Texas Hill Country in the 1830s when mainly Scottish, Irish, and German, but also Czech and Polish immigrants came in.
They were the majority.
They brought goats and sheep with them.
And there was six foot tall grass in Austin, Texas and in the Hill Country.
There was about six inches, seven inches of pure black soil and giant oak trees.
It looked like New Zealand is what the paintings are like.
I mean, a heavenly place.
The water stayed in the ground, it was bound to the ground, there were streams and creeks and an aquifer that's most of Texas right under the ground, the Edwards Aquifer.
And so there were just streams everywhere, clear hills, springs, just pouring right out of the side, just everywhere.
Germans got here and they just, they wrote about it, they just flipped out and said, we have found Valhalla.
And they planted Syrian Junipers, which is an invasive species that sucks up all the water, because they liked them.
In Europe, they grow, you know, 300, you know, 200 feet tall, whatever, they're huge.
They grow like 10 feet tall here, 20 feet tall.
And goats, within 50 years,
Ate everything down, the soil ran off, and it looks like the surface of the moon outside Austin, Texas for hundreds of miles to the north and to the west.
And they just chewed everything down to the ground, down to the limestone, down to the coral, and this was an ocean, and there's just big coral heads everywhere, and fossils, and you're on the bottom of the ocean.
They annihilated it.
So, let's get really environmental.
You want to talk about what turns stuff into desert, into wastelands?
It's called goats.
It's called goats, and Germans and Poles and Czechs like to eat goat.
And the things bred like cockroaches.
There's wild ones just all over the place, running around like roaches.
They need to be exterminated, eating everything.
Another thing is goats, but good God, people, they'll eat shoes.
They eat anything!
Carbon dioxide, the reason carbon dioxide's gone down is because so many plants have died on the surface of the earth.
And then they're not putting it back out.
They put carbon dioxide and oxygen out.
Do you realize how obscene it is to claim that carbon dioxide's bad?
It has been hundreds of times what it is now.
And do you know what happens?
Oxygen levels then go up.
In every study, mammals live a lot longer in higher oxygen environments.
In fact, they've done some university studies, you can look them up, where rats have lived 30 to 40 percent longer in a higher oxygen environment.
Oxygen is a tiny trace gas.
There's traces of it in the atmosphere.
And the cycle that creates carbon dioxide creates oxygen.
The Earth is literally dying.
In fact, many scientists believe we're losing our atmosphere like Mars did.
But as planets lose atmosphere, if they have organic life on them, they can regenerate their atmosphere.
We're losing our terraforming capability!
And the best analysis I've got of the geoengineering is everything they're doing is trying to kill the atmosphere of the planet.
I'm telling you folks, it's like space aliens run the New World Order and they want to kill the planet.
And this is just some cycle thing they do, like the guy that wrote the Tarzan books, he wrote John Carter.
Kind of a cheesy movie, but you read the book where there's these aliens that slowly came to Mars and then slowly had them basically destroy their atmosphere.
Because they just want to kill other civilizations before they rise up, and they look like humans, but they're behind the scenes running things.
I'm not saying that's what I think's going on, but it's the only way it makes sense for what the elite do.
But see, because of universal free will in the universe, we have to be induced to make the decision and agree to them to kill the planet.
And then you can say, well, they're demon-possessed.
It's creatures from another dimension.
You know, take the biblical perspective.
I don't know.
All I know is these people want to kill us and the planet.
Do you understand that I've got stacks of news?
Where they are putting frankenfish in the ocean that are two to three times bigger than regular salmon, and they're not even going to let you know on the label it's GMO when it has insect genes in it.
Zoologically, folks, crossing species is so dangerous, especially from different families.
Hell, it's not even a different family, it's a completely different branch.
And they've got the nerve to shoot their mouths off about how carbon dioxide is evil and show people images of power plants in the winter.
With what, it'll say, pollution, smoke and pollution, and they show the school kids, they go, oh, and they go, and then the puppy dies.
They actually have video games and film reels they show in the US and Australia and other countries where it shows little puppies and pigs having their heads chopped off and blood squirting out.
We have the articles on Infowars.com with the video.
I think one headline is,
Children Australia told one to die in new eco video game.
And then it says more pigs, more dogs, more cats, more cows will die until you decide to kill yourself.
And then in the game, you win the game by deciding to kill yourself.
I mean, this is sick.
This is an evil run by a fruit bag crazy man, the basically the head of Real Spectre, George Soros.
I mean, he's one of the field marshals of this.
You got the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and all these sick freaks back in the shadows, but God Almighty!
Heaven help us!
I don't even have words to describe the over-the-top ridiculous magnitude of these people.
They want to enslave everyone.
They want to play God.
They want to reverse engineer and manipulate the genetics of the entire planet.
Monsanto's admitted goal, I remember like in 99 they were quoted in National Geographic, I probably read that on air 30, 40 times.
They said, yeah, the goal is we're going to patent everything, change it, and then have it where you've got to come to us for seeds, food, trees, grass, we're going to own the earth.
Yes, of course, our goal is monopoly.
And then of course, to then piggyback, stack is what they call it, traits into the sweet potatoes, into the potatoes, into the corn, into the wheat.
That literally reduces your fertility and fries your DNA.
Drifts into your cells.
And they're always finding weird stuff other sub-companies.
They go, oh, it's just an accident that's in there.
Well, this protein breaks down into a chemical that reduces fertility and is carcinogenic.
And then, well, what was the point of that?
Oh, it's just an accident.
Never mind.
Proprietary, we're suing you.
You're not allowed to look at what's in there.
Just trust us.
I'm Bill Gates.
I love you.
Aren't I nice?
All my money's tax-exempt, and I get richer every year because I'm a philanthropist.
That's what they call me in Time Magazine.
And you find out he's funding Time Magazine, Newsweek, ABC News.
They'll say at the end, underwritten by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, there'll be like an hour-long show on ABC this week.
I'll be sitting there in a hotel room going, I remember once when we were deer hunting,
I don't know.
This is funded by Bill and Melinda Gates, because it's all how great they are, and how great Warren Buffett is, and we gotta have higher taxes to save the Earth, and all this class warfare envy stuff.
But I couldn't believe it.
At the end, they just said, underwritten and paid for by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
They actually just said it.
London Guardian is.
New York Times is.
So I started doing some research on it, because I knew they were involved.
But, I mean, it's literally funding basically everything.
And you're like, well, that's their money.
Oh, really?
It's their money?
No, they're tax-exempt.
And they just take a portion of their profit, and then they put it into pushing carbon taxes that they own the company.
I mean, look it up!
Bill Gates, part owner of the Carpet Exchange.
Al Gore, part owner of the Carpet Exchange.
Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles.
And then Prince Charles just sits there and goes, this is the greatest meeting in history.
The greatest assemblage of world leaders to save the Earth!
Aren't we heroes?
We're saving the Earth!
Everyone, yes, we're saving the Earth!
Red carpets, helicopters, gunships, everything else.
The poor cannot have energy.
Being poor is good.
My palaces are heated on government welfare money.
I mean, you can't, again, make up the magnitude of the over-the-top evil.
Is D'Souza on in the third hour or the second hour?
Let me see.
D'Souza is on at 12.30.
That's perfect.
So I'll be able to get into the Russia situation.
Huge escalations on that front.
The Russians ran into a naval blockade, which is an act of war.
With the Turkish military blocking their ships.
All ships have been blocked.
They're not even in their waters.
So Russia is now moving a larger fleet in and is saying they're going to block the entire Turkish coastline by Syria.
And they're calling it Operation Total Destruction.
You can't make that up either.
How about Operation U.S.
Army Wear Red High Heels and Prance Around?
That's what we do.
Operation Red High Heels.
People go, that's crazy to demoralize our military.
That's the whole point.
They're going to go robot soon.
This is the end of chivalry, the end of men, the end of honor.
Figured it out yet?
Maybe people working with the establishment won't have that sinking feeling if you joined the Republic, if you joined 1776 Worldwide, if you decided to suit up and get involved.
That's all coming up, and I'll get more into the situations with the NSA, so much more.
Let me just say this.
You notice we've gotten more aggressive with sales, more aggressive with our marketing, because that's, we want to be competitive, we want to have the best products, we want to have the lowest prices.
And we have to fund this operation.
We're extending the Black Friday sale one more day.
It will end today.
In fact, I'm telling them to program the computers where at midnight tonight,
In the shopping cart, InfoWarsTore.com, the free shipping will end.
$9.95 colloidal silver will end.
No one has ever had it at that price that I know of.
This is just unprecedented.
30% off Survival Shield X2 Nation Ionine.
That will end.
25% off Super Male and Super Female.
30% off Brain Force.
30% off Secret 12.
20% off InfoWars Select Storable Food.
It all ends in 12 hours, 11 minutes.
Central time.
Midnight Central.
It all ends.
There will be some other specials.
There are going to be sporadic ones on specific items this week.
But the mega sale ends.
And quite frankly, it's been pretty successful, but here's my catch-22.
We're almost sold out of so much stuff that we're not going to have a lot of products until next year.
That's just how it works.
And with taxes and all of it, I can't be hit with a bunch of inventory.
Our margins are so low.
Everybody that runs a business knows that.
Our business is fighting the globalists, but I have to raise money to run this operation.
So, we do it competitively with high-quality products and free association.
We've got the specials today, some new ones, because throughout the week we'll have specials each day.
You get a free e-book, Keys to Survival, written with Joel Skousen and a bunch of other great folks, with Mikael Thelen.
It's a brand new book, Keys to Survival.
We have assembled the collective knowledge of experts in the field of finance, survival, health, and more, bringing you exclusive information on preparing for potential disasters.
Sign up to the newsletter to get the free book today.
It'll be sent out at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
And shout out again to members
It's free to sign up.
InfoWars newsletter.
InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
Isn't it just newsletter?
Don't go dash sign up.
That's too long.
It's InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter.
If it isn't, it needs to be changed back.
But good job guys putting this book together.
And we got a new product I'll tell you about the next hour that's private label to InfoWars so I can legally sell it below even Amazon.
It's up on the store right now if you want to go find out.
It's the Infowars Premium Power Pack.
Lower than even Amazon.
Hey, is it Infowars.com?
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We haven't played this in a long time.
I've been on fire with Sally Field, gone fast with a girl named Bo.
But somehow they just don't look that fine.
It's a death-defying life I lead.
I take my chances.
I'd die for a living in the movies and TV.
Trade experts.
Trans-Pacific Partnership, quote, vehicle to pass Obama's climate change treaty.
Again, we told you that months ago.
That's what this is.
This is global government.
In front of everyone, and it's global corporations controlling national governments, transferring the power to multinationals, and giving themselves diplomatic immunity.
It's all a brazen, skinking, galactic-sized fraud.
But it's unified by the criminal class, with the esprit de corps, and the marching bands, and the soldiers at attention, and the red carpets, and the F-18s flying above,
Hoaxing everyone.
Everyone agrees with man-made climate change and carbon taxes.
Everyone agrees with world government.
Wait, I thought there wasn't a world government.
And you see every sitcom in Dads or Idiots and just the messages.
These are bad people who can't rule in a world based on reason and common sense and free market.
They're at war with innovation.
They are at war with strength.
They are at war with everything good.
They are the plague.
Here are some of the headlines coming up in the next hour.
Just mentioned one of them, Obama Climate Summit, a rejection of terror that they brought in and engaged in.
It's just sick watching the arrogance, the attack on logic and common sense.
I mean, here are the guilty parties now getting rid of free speech in Europe openly.
Taking people's freedoms, spying on them, bringing in the enemy, and then grandstanding about it as if they're saviors.
Could they ever go too far?
That's the point.
Go so far they break our will.
We are becoming the architects of our own destruction.
Prince Charles opens Paris Climate Summit with warning to largest ever gathering of world leaders.
Royalty leading it.
What an anachronism.
What a joke.
COP21, Paris Climate Talks, India looms as obstacle because they're selectively being told they have to cut their carbon but China and others don't.
Oh, you don't like being discriminated against India?
And then look, they show power plant stacks and show, and Politico talks about the smoke coming out.
That's not smoke, that's water vapor.
That's why it ends.
Once it gets the same temperature as the air around it, that's water vapor.
Penguins are aquatic birds.
Polar bears are the longest swimming land animal.
I've said they can swim 300 miles.
I'm sorry.
New data is they swim 400 miles.
400 miles hunting whales.
Oh, but the media said they can't swim.
I mean, this is freakville.
Again, I didn't plug enough last time because these specials are so big.
We're on a break right now.
We're going to come back.
We're intending to do some really big stuff with our reporters, investigative journalism.
We're trying to hire a couple more reporters, another camera person, a couple more video editors, and a couple more writers, and that's as much as I want to grow.
I think we can really have two teams in the field at all times, have enough crew back here at the home base to really be effective.
But we need to be able to do this, and you purchasing the products is really helping.
Free shipping will end tonight at midnight.
A bunch of the huge specials end today as well.
InfoWarsLive.com, InfoWarsStore.com, and you're funding the tip of the spear, and we're gonna ram it down their throat.
I mean, you better believe we're savage, we're committed, we're never stopping.
We love it.
We love taking on these people.
Nothing's gonna stop us!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up, Jakari Jackson's report.
Migrants flood Austin, Texas schools.
The Austin American Statesman reports at my alma mater.
Anderson High.
Couple years in Dallas, couple years here.
And 300 in that pretty small high school.
And there's gotta be translators for all of the Syrians.
300 in Austin.
Oh, but there's nothing going on.
And by the way, when the governor said, we won't accept these, Obama said, you have no right to say that.
You're not going to tell us what to do.
And we're not going to tell you the locations or the numbers.
And we're going to let folks have fake passports and 152 people flying from Mexico.
Oh, no, no passports needed.
Just walk right on in.
I've got stacks of news where the quote migrants are just disappearing.
I'm going to cover that in the next segment.
Just disappearing.
12,000 in Sweden last month, 20-something thousand in Germany.
Just, they're gone.
Where they went, nobody knows.
And if they blow something up, or shoot some people, Obama will get up and say, I've got the courage to stand against it.
Send a message to the jihadis.
Give us total dictatorial power to tax and trace all human activity, and have an unelected world government run by the Rothschilds, Soros, and others.
Thank me for saving you.
Nothing will stop this climate conference.
Nothing will stop my incredible honor.
Nothing will stop my incredible will to protect you.
Aren't I a hero?
Hollande, Merkel, all the usual trash.
But let's go back to that Obama clip.
I'll play Jakari's report coming up in the next segment.
Because I'm not joking, he said, nothing will deter us.
We shall go on to the end.
We shall fight with growing confidence and strength in the air.
We shall never surrender.
Obama Climate Summit, a rejection of terror.
The very Jihad group she put into Syria to murder over 200,000 Christians and 100,000 others.
Murdering, chopping heads off, raping women, throwing priests off buildings, blowing up Orthodox churches, burning down Catholic churches, desecrating the crucifix, eating people's hearts on TV, running around slobbering, thumbing at the mouth.
But don't worry!
The socialist leaders bringing all the jihadis in are gonna give us global government to stand up because the jihadis did it, not because the U.S.
government gave them $5 billion, not because Turkey gave them artillery support, not because Saudi Arabia trained them in Qatar.
No, because of the climate change!
You heard Bernie Sanders, you heard!
You heard Prince Charles!
The welfare queen worth trillions on record, his wealth's a state secret, it's trillions, over 100 million acres himself, 600 million in the family, and he's paid for tax money.
He wants more from you because he's a savior.
He's a, he's an altruistic
What do they call Bill Gates and the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers?
Philanthropists, that's right.
Next time a mosquito lands on me, sucking my blood, I'm gonna go, oh, look at the philanthropist!
Oh, it's so pretty!
You know, just slit your children's throats and pour the blood right in his mouth and go, oh, you're a philanthropist, suck everything out of me, you eugenicist piece of garbage whose father says he wants world government to force him to exterminate 80% of the population.
Tells Reuters, Newsweek, Autobahn Society, wants to murder everyone, loves Hitler.
Let's go out with Obama again, how he will prevail.
Nothing will stop them.
Here it is.
And we salute the people of Paris for insisting this crucial conference go on.
What a hero.
He's just such a hero.
They closed the borders.
Stopped the jihadists from coming.
From building the future we want for our children.
The future hell hole.
What greater rejection.
By the way, they won't let us have real new energy systems.
We're going to tear down our world.
We're going to tear down our world!
That's what you're doing!
Tearing down the world.
Crashing the West.
Turkey's reportedly blocking Russian ships from sailing through the Strait of Bosporus near Istanbul, which links the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.
Right now, only Turkish naval vessels are moving through the Bosporus, whereas Russian ships are just sitting nearby, waiting to pass.
This is a huge deal that could easily lead to a war, because Russia is going to feel threatened if it's boxed in.
For one thing, this prevents Russia's Black Sea fleet from traveling to the rest of the world, or even back to its home port.
Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered 150,000 Russian troops deployed into Syria, while also sending another 7,000 Russian troops with tanks, rocket launchers, and artillery to the Russian-Turkish border with orders to be fully combat ready.
Here's the scary part.
Even though Turkey initiated its standoff with Russia by intentionally shooting down a Russian jet near the Syrian border, it can invoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, which requires all NATO members, including the U.S., to come to its defense if Turkey goes to war with Russia.
If there's going to be another world war, this is precisely how it would start.
Keep checking back at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
This is Kent Daniels reporting.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're now well into hour number two on this Monday, the 30th of November, 2015.
I am your
We have a pilot today here at the Good Ship Info Wars, and we have political prisoner, recently released from the Gulag, Dinesh D'Souza, joining us, coming up at the bottom of the hour.
Now, let me get into the news.
I've already covered the climate conference in great detail last hour, but I'm going to get into more of it here in a little while, but let's get into the geopolitical
Ramifications right now.
Here, let me just read these headlines.
And then I'm going to start back over through the stack with some analysis on each one.
Russia-Syria army plan to block Turkish border.
Operation Total Destruction will use warships, aircraft, and submarines against IS.
Turkey blockades Russian shipping.
Black Sea Fleet completely cut off.
Turkey is authorized to close the straits to all foreign warships in wartime or when it is threatened by aggression.
Russia bans Soros Foundation as a threat to national security and constitutional order.
University of Missouri teaching assistant beat teenage relative for not wearing the hijab, the police report.
Graham urges U.S.
to press ahead with ground troops in Syria.
That's to fight for al-Qaeda.
UK faces millions more migrants as Turkey and its 75 million people on brink of joining EU.
And that's the whole point.
That's the gates.
That's the entryway.
I mean, the radical Muslims already took over Turkey.
Used to be Constantinople, the capital of the Holy Roman Empire.
Until it fell.
And, of course, hundreds of thousands were then put to the sword.
The men were killed and the women were taken.
But as you're going to learn, that's something that women kind of like.
They like seeing their sons murdered in front of them and then taken to slave pits where they're raped.
They like it.
They don't like being free.
Not in the trendy world.
Being sexually mutilated and wearing a hood over your head is the height of pleasure.
Swedish woman raped by refugee refuses to report it because she feels sorry for him.
Victim sympathize with the rapist.
Anybody who rapes any of the women in my family, I'm gonna beat your brains out.
How about that?
The baseball bat, how about that?
How about, I don't care.
If you think you're getting away with it, I'm coming.
Swedish woman raped by refugee refuses to report it because she feels sorry for him.
That's right.
She's been trained well how to have Stockholm Syndrome.
That is what political correctness is, is Stockholm Syndrome.
Just to be, I'm sorry, I'm bad, do whatever you want to me, I'll submit to you, please.
And then the phantoms of racism just get more absurd and crazy.
A Swedish woman who was raped by an Iraqi refugee on a train initially refused to report the incident to police because she felt sorry for her attacker.
Here, let me get back to that.
I said I was just going to read the headlines.
Italians Outraged After Headmaster Scraps Christmas Carol Concert Is To Not To Offend Muslims.
That's right, you can't have a concert that might offend somebody.
Then the Muslims hear it and go, and their heads explode.
I mean, no, they don't care.
The average Muslim likes Christmas stuff.
See, this isn't even what the Muslims want, most of them.
It's just the freakish socialists and liberals, and that's who this guy is.
Saudi Arabia refuses to take even a single Syrian refugee.
A new article, six months into the orchestrated crisis, they've not taken a single one.
InfoWars.com, read that article.
Michael Snyder.
Leader of German anti-immigrant party calls on Merkel to resign.
The National Front has won major elections.
And frontrunner in the presidential polls is Marie Le Pen, but of course the answer to that is arrest her, because France is so free.
So Hollande can sit up there and grandstand about how he's protecting you from the radical Islamicists by taking your free speech.
Meanwhile, French National Front poised to win regions in major vote poll shows.
Bloomberg business.
But don't worry, the socialists have learned how to fix elections now.
It doesn't matter what you do.
Came out three years ago that almost every socialist leader in France is tax-exempt, puts their money in Swiss bank accounts, and the EU bureaucrats are publicly exempt from EU tax.
Why not?
The public's all cuckold.
The public's all in a trance and learned helplessness.
Thinking if they just submit more, things will get better.
A nation of sheep is ruled by wolves.
Thomas Jefferson.
You think the more you grovel, the more you submit, the more you lay on your back, the freer you are.
This republic was the freest country the world ever saw.
Doesn't mean we got very far, but further than anyone else.
And it produced just palaces of wealth and innovation and freedom and insight and science.
And then it produced slovenly, lazy, stupid, self-hating morons with no instinct, no will, no strength, no fire, no passion.
You could get your soul back anytime you wanted to, you just gotta claim it.
But it's scary, isn't it?
You might get criticized.
You might.
Something bad might.
It will happen.
The badness will come because if you go out in the middle of the woods in northern Minnesota and lay around and squeal and wolves are running around out there in the forest and they think you're weak, they hear you making those noises, they will come and tear your throat out and tear your guts out and they will eat you.
But if you're stomping around in the woods, doesn't matter if you don't have a gun or whatever, they will see that, they will pick that up, they will run for their lives.
You know that coyotes
Had never been recorded in Western history, not since the time of Lewis and Clark eating a person that wasn't either almost dead or dead.
Coyotes do not go after humans until now.
They have killed women in the Midwest.
They have killed multiple Canadians.
And do you know why?
They don't even kill people in the deep woods.
They kill people at parks on the edge of Greenbelts.
And it's always women.
It's always liberals.
They will see some of the dogs.
They will see some of the wolves.
They will see some of the smaller subspecies, basically, of wolves.
They will see them.
And they will start screaming like a horror movie.
They were taught in Jason Friday the 13th that you don't actually run like this from a killer with a machete or fight back.
You go, you fall down and go, you know, on your, on your back, on your butt, scooting away.
And women have been taught that.
So when they see a couple of coyotes run out in the, in the mist, I mean, I've been on the green belt many times and seen some coyotes 20 yards away, run out in the frosty mist.
It's always when it's cold, they get frisky and they'll actually come out and I'll see a couple of coyotes and they see me go, boom, they're gone.
But imagine if I went... And fell down and went... That's what women do!
They actually have been taught this!
They just fall down and go... And then the coyotes come and kill them!
Humans never acted like that!
But this is the triumph.
This is feminism that women and men have been turned into jellyfish.
Women have been turned into it.
The only tough thing a woman does is boss guys around.
That's how she gets ahead.
We'll show those guys the other half of the species.
You're being hit by basically alien technology to end the species.
And you're not even aware of it.
You think it's cute to run around bitching about men all day.
When I say alien technology, the GMO, the computers, all of it is something we've never experienced.
It's all new.
We're going through major crisis right now.
And people are so unhappy, they're so unfulfilled because they're not being humans.
You will be so fulfilled if you become a normal human and actually get your mind lined up with God and the universe, which you're not going to find on these stinking, rat-hole, devil-worship centers they call churches.
You want to talk about where all the demons and where the evil is, these churches are just smog-filled pits of hell!
With name it and claim it voodoo!
You wanna be free, you gotta go to the furnace.
You wanna be free, you gotta go to the lion's den.
You wanna be free, you gotta be tested.
And all these fake churches tell you, go along with the evil, go along with the microchip, go along with the world government, praise God, it means the end of the world's coming.
In what Bible did you ever read the prophets or God's people submitting to evil?
They were tortured, they were killed, they went into captivity, they were enslaved, but they always came out on top.
They never submitted.
And you think the same God is going to look at you that has submitted to the tyranny and is going to say, oh, yes, you're part
of the Kingdom of Heaven.
I mean, any moron with any inkling of discernment and understanding knows that you are servants of your father, the devil, and your Pharisees.
You complain about a woman's bikini or rock and roll when you are the great sinners doing nothing at the abortion clinics, doing nothing against the attack on the family, doing nothing on the destruction of our Republic and the First Amendment that protects your religious rights.
Doing nothing with the attack on Christmas.
Doing nothing!
Just hiding in your filthy churches!
And if you had any discernment, you would literally see the horned demons that sit up at the head of your church, feeding on you with their little twinkly demonic eyes, fully knowing what they're doing.
Change agents, Sinan, CIA, FBI, Georgetown, Ford Foundation trained to destroy you and your family.
This is full-out war against humanity.
This is the end of humanity as we know it if the enemy wins.
It's full-out.
It's complete.
It's total.
And only total commitment will defeat them.
Only a total break with the enemy will defeat them.
Do you understand that?
Only a total commitment.
They're coming for you and your family.
They've sworn to do it, you bitter clingers.
You better realize it.
You're not going to have to wait to go to hell if you don't stand up against this evil.
You're going to be in hell, on this planet, ruled by people that lust after twisting your mind and your soul and your body before they finally render you down and take you straight to hell.
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I think so.
I have told the crew that when I say something that sounds completely outrageous, even though reality is completely outrageous, to tell me.
And Matt in there just said, hey boss, it's pretty funny, you said, coyotes only eat liberals and women.
Well, let me be specific.
Liberal women.
They don't eat men.
Now, it's just like mountain lions eat mainly children and small women.
They'll go after something that's a little bit smaller.
But the thing is, the women don't act aggressive.
They don't stand up.
They tell you with a bear, specifically, act like you're dead.
Or don't act like you're scared, but that doesn't work as well.
But with wolves, coyotes, mountain lions, that's what you do.
And if you actually look at these cases, I've covered them on air.
They'll just be like a woman in Kansas, or a woman in California, or a woman up in Canada, I forget which town, and they'll just be at the park having lunch by themselves, and then they don't run from the coyotes, and then they get there and there's a dead woman half eaten by coyotes.
And I'm telling you, that's what's happening, is they are falling down in fear and groveling, and the coyotes are eating them.
But the whole story is about
Not laying down.
So, if you see a mountain lion, and you act afraid, and you run, they instinctively can't help it, most of the time, they chase you, and grab you by the back of the neck, and try to break your neck.
You know, at Big Bend, I was just down there a month ago, it's got signs everywhere, do not run from the mountain lions.
Throw rocks, yell at them, and walk backwards, keep your eyes on them.
In India, they have a big problem with Bengal tigers eating foresters.
People that work in the jungle, in the woods.
And so, for decades, they have the men wear human masks on the backs of their heads.
It almost stopped all Bengal tiger killings.
Saw that on my Discovery Channel.
So, that's what I'm getting at, is the gestalt of all that knowledge.
That, if you run into a mountain lion,
And you go, start running from it.
It's going to probably charge you and knock your legs out from under you and then jump on the back and bite into your neck.
That's what they do.
So that's my point about groveling to government.
Groveling to tyranny does not get you ahead.
Going along with the system does not protect you.
See, there's a social compact with a good government, a just system, where you want to not stir up trouble, go along, be nice, you know, unless something gets really serious, then you stand up to it.
And they've gotten us eased into this position where we put up with basically anything.
Continuing, Marie Le Pen and the front national surge in French regional elections.
Leader of German anti-immigrant party calls on Merkel to resign.
Mass brawls erupt in crowded migrant shelters in Germany.
Uh-oh, 14,000 illegal migrants in Sweden disappear.
I said 12,000 from memory, I'm sorry, it's worse.
Without a trace, just disappear without a trace, that's just the latest.
Outrage over Sunni death sentence for poet on blasphemy charges.
Won't hear CNN calling for him to be released.
Israel and Greece have come out and said, hey, Russian jets, both passenger and fighter, come into our airspace.
We do it to them sometimes, too.
Everybody does this.
We didn't shoot them down.
Turkey, you don't need to shoot down their aircraft.
So, Greek's Prime Minister has blasted Turkey on Twitter for shooting down jet.
The war on terror is creating more terror.
Big article detailing that.
Ron Paul, InfoWars.com.
So that's just some of the news I've got.
on that front.
And it is such a big deal to have our government caught with its pants down, our hijacked government, the criminals that run our government, I hate to say our government,
Running ISIS, Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, same group.
Caught, so the Russians start bombing their convoys, selling hundreds of millions of dollars, billions total, to Turkey and others.
Irgun, whose son is involved in the company doing it, now that's been confirmed, blows up, shoots a Russian jet down, blows up a rescue helicopter and says, I'm ready for war.
Now they've tried to block the straits and aren't letting the Russian ships through.
They've completely blocked, no ships can come through.
Turkey blockades, Russian shipping, Black Sea Fleet completely cut off.
Turkey's begun a de facto blockade of Russian naval vessel, that's an act of war, preventing transit through the straits for the first Barbados between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.
So again, that's the Strait of Barbados.
According to the AIS tracking system for the movement of maritime vessels, only Turkish vessels are moving along Barbados and in the area there is no movement of any shipping at all.
So, Russia's entrance into the Mediterranean cut off.
I mean, this is escalating quickly.
The Russians are responding to the other opening of the Mediterranean by Gibraltar sending in more warships to launch Operation Total Destruction.
I'm not kidding.
That's the name of it.
Oh, this sounds wonderful.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Did you hear about Caitlyn Jenner?
Alex Jones and the GCN radio network.
Man-made climate change is largely a myth promoted by politicians to scare the public into accepting a vast expansion of government to supposedly stop global warming.
Global warming is a manufactured problem played up by the government to instigate a public reaction, in this case fear, the government then exploits to offer a predetermined solution.
This strategy, now known as the Hegelian dialectic, has been used successfully by politicians for millennia to expand government which can only grow at the expense of individual liberties.
The Bush administration used this strategy successfully in 2003 when it gained enough public support for the invasion of Iraq by claiming the country had weapons of mass destruction.
And the war ultimately expanded the military-industrial complex in America's emerging police state.
Today, global warming is used as a boogeyman because it allows the UN to use government-funded scientists to scare the public into believing that man-made climate change is too big of a threat for their country to handle alone.
And thus it can only be defeated through the expansion of the UN at the expense of their nation's sovereignty.
The number one goal of an out-of-control government is not to protect you but rather to gain more power at your expense.
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The world is a dangerous place.
Not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
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It's Alex Jones.
Take the children and yourself and hide out in the cellar.
By now the fighting will be close at hand.
Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Time, I host the broadcast and a fourth hour has been added.
Paul Joseph Watson from London, England will be hosting today.
He's got a jam-packed hour, I know.
We're getting Dinesh D'Souza, political prisoner, former political prisoner, on the line right now.
While we do that,
You can see what InfoWars is doing, covering with boots on the ground the Paris situation, covering other major events around the world, breaking major news, really hamstring and sabotaging with the truth, the globalist.
InfoWars is becoming a force to reckon with, thanks to you spreading the word, supporting us and the great job our crew is doing.
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We're extending Black Friday specials today.
And that's it.
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Free shipping today, across the store, whether it's shortwave radios, whether it's non-GMO heirloom seeds, whether it's a Hillary for Prison t-shirt.
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But we sent a lot of exclusive videos, a lot of exclusive promo codes for the store, a lot of stuff I cut on the weekend, audio files, video things I want to get out immediately.
Sure we got Facebook, Twitter, we get censored on all these.
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We will have some more specials throughout the week.
They're going to be on individual items and there's some really good deals.
Now, shifting gears.
Matt Grudge, about five weeks ago, did a surprise visit to InfoWars here in Austin, Texas.
Showed up right before the third hour.
He was a guest in studio.
One of the first interviews he's done in years.
And he said, look, I met with the Supreme Court Justice.
He told me the name of the person.
And they said, no, we've been told they're ending free speech in 2016.
They're going after the Internet.
They're going to go after political people they don't like, libertarians, conservatives.
We've been told the Supreme Court, get in line, because this is what's going to happen.
They have banned free speech in Europe, basically.
They're banning demonstrating against the climate garbage.
They're bringing in the radical Islamists, letting them attack and then taking people's liberties after that happens, and then grandstanding like heroes.
But we have seen the Texas Attorney General who's been suing Obama indicted by the Democrats.
We have seen Republican governors indicted for stuff that doesn't look like it's illegal.
Dinesh D'Souza knew he couldn't fight them for years.
The feds basically set people up.
And he pled guilty and served nine months basically in a brainwashing facility.
He can explain to you what happened in one of these, quote, halfway houses, one of these residential prisons, for getting a couple of his friends to donate to a political campaign and not setting up the proper paperwork for the PAC.
So Hillary can get money from foreign dictators at the State Department to sell them arms.
Hillary can run Benghazi, be involved in Fast and Furious, IRS persecution, all of it,
And then as soon as it goes to prison, and the way I've had this explained to me by lawyers and others, there's no way to run a company or to be involved in elections and not break a law.
And they can selectively enforce whatever they want.
They put people in prison, folks, for filling out a check amount wrong, or bouncing a check now.
This is how they operate, and they're coming after everybody.
It is so draconian.
Number one best-selling author, Dinesh D'Souza, the second largest grossing documentary film ever, America, 2016.
And right before his other film was getting produced, they put him in jail to try to shut that down and kill the promotion.
Stealing America, what my experience with criminal gangs taught me about Obama, Hillary, and the Democratic Party.
And the thing is, they're going into a phase of total oppression now.
So he's a political hero, speechwriter, and advisor to Ronald Reagan, no criminal record, graduated, you know, top of his class from a major university, I'm not going to go over his whole bio, and he could be locked up, Pi Beta Kappa from Dartmouth College, and then the rest of it, best-selling author, arrested, put in prison, no one safe, no one.
But we can't capitulate to this fear.
We have to stand up to it or we will become a Soviet Union-style system.
That's what they're doing.
That's what they're pushing.
Hillary's Fun Camps.
Well, Dinesh D'Souza's already been sent to Hillary's Fun Camp.
That's why we say Hillary for Prison 2016.
Dinesh D'Souza, thank you so much for joining us, sir.
Hey, it's good to be on the show.
Well, I've already been ranting for five minutes.
You've got the floor.
Tell us about your experience, the book.
I mean, I think there should be a film about what they did to you.
Obviously, that's probably in the works.
But break down this experience, what you've gone through.
So at the beginning, I was exhilarated because I thought that I had beaten the Obama administration's effort to send me to federal prison.
But, ironically, federal prison would have been white-collar prison with basically non-violent guys, you know, mayors and doctors who defrauded Medicare and executives and that sort of thing, people who do embezzlers.
Very safe place to be, actually.
I got sentenced to eight months in a confinement center on the Mexican border and turns out that this is a facility where people who have done their prison term, or at least are close to being done with their prison term, come for typically 60 or 90 or 180 days transitioning back to society.
But it's the whole gamut of criminals.
So you get drug smugglers, coyotes, you get armed robbery, you get guys who've done rape, who've done murder, so it's the whole gamut.
And this is not a group I'd ever, you know, needless to say, hung out with before.
And so initially, I was very much to myself in a kind of huddle.
But after a while, I realized, you know what, this is an amazing learning opportunity.
I'm in a very unusual environment.
Let me see if I can learn about this subculture that I know so little about.
And it turns out that I learned a lot about it.
And I learned a lot about politics that I didn't know before.
Well, you've got a lot of good cheer after what you've been through.
I know you've written about it being a big learning experience, and the book breaks that down, but describe to people what you went through, why you think they did it, and then obviously I mentioned Drudge and others, the persecution the IRS is engaged in, no one's gotten in trouble.
I mean, this is probably the greatest political repression we've seen in the 240 years of this country.
It's so naked.
As far as I know, there's no one who, without a corrupt motive, because I didn't stand to gain anything.
I did this straw donation, but the candidate didn't even know about it, so I wasn't trying to buy influence.
I was trying to help a long-time college friend.
Now, no one who has done that, to my knowledge, has been facing prison time in the history of the United States.
Well, you ought to get a medal for trying to kick her out of the Senate, Hillary Clinton.
I mean, you got put in jail for giving money to somebody to try to run against Hillary.
Yeah, it was actually against Christian Gillibrand, but nevertheless... It was for Hillary's seat, though.
No prison, no confinement.
So, you know, justice is not just a matter of, hey, you break the law, but it's also a matter of proportioning the penalty to the crime, making sure other guys who did the same thing get roughly the same penalty.
But the progressives pay no attention to that.
They are perfectly willing to systematically go after their enemies while protecting their friends.
Roll through the book.
Roll through your experience with this criminal gang and then where you see this country going currently.
Well, I think that, you know, I've lived in a sort of, almost you could say, protected intellectual enclave for most of my life.
Think tanks like the American Enterprise Institute, or the Hoover Institution, the Reagan White House before that, president of a college.
So, I've tended to write about America, you may say, idealistically.
The American founding, the principles of America, the American dream.
But in prison I began to see another version of American reality.
And I realized, wait a minute, you can't compare the American dream to everybody else's reality.
You've got to compare like with like.
And so I saw a side of America I didn't know before.
Now, I think the thing that opened my eyes was that the way that the criminals look at society is they don't look at it as a clash of ideas.
They look at it as a clash of interests.
Powerful people who want to gain at the expense of others.
They think that human nature is motivated, not by the urge to debate, but by avarice and lust and hatred and revenge.
And so this was a kind, to me, an eye-opener, because I began to see modern progressivism now, not just as the quest for social justice, the effort to fix the climate.
No, these are just ruses.
They're similar to what
A gang might do when they're trying to convince an old lady to take the latch off the door before they kick the door in, go in and take all her stuff.
Those criminals need a sales pitch to lower the guard of the person they're ripping off.
And so I came to see some of these ideas that have been debating for a long time.
Yes, we debate them on the merits, but we should also realize that these are ruses that are used by the government and by the progressives in the government to take power over us, to run our lives, and to take our stuff.
I can't disagree with what you've said.
And you know, when I saw America 2016, I thought it was a good film.
I thought a lot of it was accurate.
But I kind of disagreed on air and said, look, Obama's just a globalist elitist.
He doesn't actually hate America.
He doesn't want to completely sabotage it.
He just wants to lower it to the level of third world countries.
And he doesn't really want to, you know, bring in a Muslim radical invasion and all this.
And it's not really that bad.
And I'm kind of conflating what your film was some of the other things being said by conservatives, but now watching what they do in Syria and Europe and here and just shutting off the power plants and Obamacare, they really have it out for this country.
They really are trying to run a cloward and piven, crash the West system so that they can control our lives.
I mean, I don't think there's any doubt these are, quite frankly, I'm not just saying I agree with you now, it's worse than I think what you said in your film.
I think it is worse, but I think the reason it is worse is there's an element of gangsterism in all this that I didn't see.
I mean, I basically said Obama's an anti-colonialist, but anti-colonialism is an ideal.
It's a vision.
We may disagree with it, but ultimately it is a kind of a moral idea for the world.
Obama thinks the West has been an oppressor.
He wants to reduce American wealth and power.
So I think all of that actually is correct, but it misses the way that Obama is willing to skirt the laws.
It misses the way in which Obama has this
They're colonizing us with monopoly capitalism on the top, but socialism for everybody else.
And they get enormous gains out of it.
I mean, look at the way Hillary went from zero to $200 million at warp speed.
The Clintons didn't invent the iPhone.
They didn't come up with a product that everybody wants to buy.
They figured out how to make politics pay for them big time.
Now, in Arkansas, they were doing that in a small scale, but once they got to the federal government, you know, we've had corruption at the local level.
We had Tammany Hall in New York, the Daily Racket in Chicago, but never before has a Secretary of State figured out, how can I rent out American foreign policy to Russian oligarchs and Canadian billionaires and people who have oil interests in Africa?
How can I make money off of the world, even in the poorest spots like Haiti?
You think there's no money in Haiti?
Well, wait a minute, there's aid money in Haiti, a lot of it flowing from the U.S.
So if Clinton becomes the administrator of that aid, and Hillary is the Secretary of State, I mean, this is like putting Bonnie and Clyde in charge of the, you know, fixed Haiti operation.
Needless to say, a great deal of money goes to the fixer.
What do we do about this?
Because I agree with you.
I was dumbfounded.
I didn't like John McCain.
I didn't like, because he's about like Obama on many levels.
I didn't like Barry Sotero, aka Barack Obama, whoever he is.
But I thought, you know, maybe this will bring some racial unity and maybe the Democrats will... I mean, I know they're going to come after our guns and all the rest of it, but I thought, who could be worse than Clintons?
So I kind of sat on the sidelines of that election.
Man, now seeing Obama in and everything he's doing, it's really scary the consolidation of power and to realize that they're trying to sew this country up and really are engaging in totalitarian type activities.
The Obama and Hillary, I think, are in a different ballgame than Bill Clinton.
And, of course, Bill himself is in a different league than, let's say, Jimmy Carter or the earlier Democrats.
I mean, no one would say that Jimmy Carter came to the presidency to make money.
Now, Hillary did say, you know, and people laughed at her when she said we were dead broke, but it is true that the Clintons, like the Obamas, came to Washington without any money.
And they have accumulated a vast amount of money.
Now, I think the key difference to me between, let's say, Bill and Hillary, is that Bill's appetite is limited by his own personal desires.
I mean, he wants a big office, he wants to be top dog, he wants... He wants three women a day, he wants cocaine... He wants three women, yeah.
But once he has all that, that's the circumference of his desires, and he's happy.
Hillary, on the other hand, wants to run things.
She wants to tell people who are drilling in Texas where they can drill and what they should do with the oil that they take out of the ground.
Hillary wants to run our lives.
She's a kind of busybody in a way that Bill is not.
Well, look at how she's trying to shut down the laugh factory, officially threatening them to shut them down if they make jokes about her.
I mean, that is incredible.
Absolutely incredible.
And so this is a level of, in some ways, I think Hillary's maybe even worse than Obama.
And the reason for this is that Obama's goals, I think, are ideological, but he's willing to be gangsterish about the way he gets there.
So his goal, for example, is, let's say, to bring illegals into this country and enswell the ranks of Democratic voters.
That's the goal.
But that has an ideological component.
It changed the complexion of America to, you know, give it back to the Mexicans because we took their land, blah, blah, blah.
Now in order to get there, Obama's willing to use, to skirt the law.
So he's willing to ignore what the Supreme Court says, he'll ignore the dictates of Congress.
But the gangsterism is en route to achieving an ideological goal.
Whereas with Hillary, I think gangsterism is the goal.
She basically wants to be the first female mob boss of America.
And that's her goal.
And so she's gangsterish both in the way she goes about it, and also in the goal she wants to achieve.
She is a ball-breaker.
Yes, and I also, you have to, I mean, from a distance, we have to admire her tenacity.
All of this stuff would have sunk any other candidate, but she puts her head down doggedly, tenaciously.
Basically, she dares the American people.
She goes, you have to bludgeon me to the ground and then sit on me.
Otherwise, I'm going to keep going.
Well, look at the things she's done.
Brian Williams couldn't survive lying about being shot at in a helicopter.
She says they're shot at at a C-130, that she shot it on the ground, and there's video, CBS News, nothing happened, total lies, no war going on for hundreds of miles, just a total fraud, and then you just stack... The other day I was thinking about Hillary.
I'm doing a video about her crimes, and I was going back through my memory, and it was so many scandals, so much corruption, defending Clinton and settling rape cases.
It literally goes on and on, and to watch Gloria Steinem, and the Democrats defend her no matter what, really lets you know how evil these people are, and how they defend persecuting thousands of churches, and conservative groups, and veterans groups, and even arresting people.
And then MSNBC, Maddow and others, I've seen them go, well of course we're going after the Tea Party with the IRS, you're racist!
I mean they're openly like the Nazis, and people use Nazi analogies too much, but let me tell you, the Nazis nakedly got up and said let's start arresting people for their views.
And that's what they're now doing, they're saying arrest people that deny global warming!
I mean they're having national polls, these people are freakish, I mean I've got to say it.
Even the average Democratic follower now is more like a brown shirt crazed little rat.
And I've never hated Democrats, but I gotta tell you, they are really a freakish, dangerous, motley crew.
Well, what I found really protects Hillary is the fact that she's got the mainstream media to cover for her.
I don't just mean not to report on her, but to actively cover from her.
And that's really what Nixon didn't have.
Nixon had the media against him.
And so his crimes were on the front page every day.
And he was an angel compared to them because he wasn't a good liar.
He was small potatoes compared to Hillary.
When I went in for my sentencing, every journalist in the room knew that a double standard is underway here.
And yet, I could just see the joy in their faces, the anticipation.
They were so excited about the idea of me being locked up.
And then they looked so dismayed when a Clinton judge refused to send me to federal prison.
They walked out of the room crushed.
But at least they get to put you kind of in the brainwashing hooscow.
In fact, he wrote some articles describing what it was like and they want you to go to psychological testing now.
No psychological history.
No criminal record up to that point.
Done nothing.
Presidential advisor.
And then the judge wants to send you so they can, I guess, try to diagnose you with something.
Well, if I, you know, if I was like Jeffrey Dahmer and ended up with bodies in my refrigerator, it would be understandable.
I'd need to have my head examined.
But here I was giving money to a college friend and doing it without any prospect of gain and doing it for an obvious motive.
We've been friends for 25 years.
This is one of the first people I got to know when I came to America as an exchange student from India.
So this really wasn't a complex psychological offense.
And so it's really odd.
I had almost a year of mandatory
Well, isn't that what the Soviets did?
I mean, that's how they started it, was making people that didn't like corruption, you know, saying, go see this shrink.
And then a decade later, it was, let's send you to a forced labor camp like Alexander Shultz and Eatson.
Yes, I mean, look, there are good people left in America.
I went to see a government-mandated psychiatrist.
I was ordered to do it by the judge.
I walked in the room and the guy goes, are you that guy, De Souza?
And I go, yeah.
He goes, what the heck are you doing here?
I go, well, I've been ordered to come here for a psychiatric evaluation.
And then I told him what it was for.
And the guy just laughed and laughed and laughed.
And he basically said, OK, well, he goes, I get the picture.
I mean, he saw right away that this was a riot.
And that's the good news.
I agree.
I see that as well.
I see that as well.
But what about the younger students now?
That's probably a classical liberal.
What about the young ones now that want people arrested for their speech and are taking over the colleges?
Is that not one of the most frightening authoritarian veins we see in this country?
I think it is.
You know, when I was a student a generation ago, we had the leftists who had come, you know, fresh from the 60s.
But there was an older generation of the classical liberals who exercised a moderating influence.
And I think what's different now is that that generation has passed on.
It's gone.
And so these radical leftists now, in many places, are fully in charge.
And so we are beginning to see this really chilling
Uh, kind of brainwashing operation going on with young people.
This whole idea, you're entitled to free college.
Now remember, that's a scam.
Because, you know, the federal government can't pay for everybody's free college.
They're gonna have to borrow money, the national debt is gonna go up.
The same young people who want free college is gonna inherit that national debt.
So all that Obama's doing is he's reaching into young people's back pockets.
It's another form of student loan, but also they say the first two years to sucker you into it, and then they're just going to balloon the charges later, and the more money you put into education, the more expensive it gets.
That's exactly right, and it's not even robbing Peter to pay Paul.
In this case, it's robbing Paul to pay Paul.
But they still want to imagine they're going to win the lottery ticket.
It's this get rich quick type of attitude.
Yeah, and what's in it for the progressives?
What's in it for them is that they get to colonize another huge sector of the economy so that it's not the government.
People say the government will control it.
It's not the government.
It's the people in government.
Guys like Obama become like tycoons, and they become tycoons on a scale never before imagined.
They become oligarchs!
Yeah, Bill Gates or Steve Jobs has very little power over your life or mine.
They have to convince us to go buy their stuff.
But these oligarchs are like Napoleon.
They can order you, they can arrest you, they can take your money, they can go into your account, they can put the FBI on you.
They've got enormous power and yet the actors of business is the problem.
And they're getting to where they're more comfortable doing it.
Like you said, the press was there.
Arrest him!
Oh, prison!
Get Dinesh to... Oh!
I mean, seeing their own First Amendment annihilated in front of them, true political persecution, naked, and they...
So disconnected, they relished the tyranny.
Well, I want to commend you.
The book is Stealing America.
DineshD'Souza.com, Amazon.com.
Find it everywhere.
Get the book.
Give it to friends and family.
Try to wake folks up to the tyranny.
And, you know, I take away from this in closing, you've got 30 seconds, that you've gotten stronger and more focused.
They're going to make more films and work even harder and not let them destroy you.
And that's absolutely right.
I mean, I'm the wrong guy to send through all of this.
First of all, I grew up in India, so I walk into that facility.
It's a lousy place, but the fact of it is, that's not going to bother me.
The moment I was assured of my safety, I said to myself, I'm going to use this to equip myself to come out more fired up, and I'm going to bring, in a sense, this information to even more people through movies and many other projects.
I told you, we're making a big movie.
Dinesh D'Souza, we want to... We want to totally commend you.
God bless you.
Hope to have you back, sir.
Thank you so much.
True political prisoner there, folks.
A real canary in the coal mine.
Stay with us.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kid Daniels, InfoWars.com.
I'm here at the French Quarter in New Orleans, Louisiana.
I came across what I'd call an InfoWars booth.
Now, here's the proprietor of that booth.
What's your name, sir?
Uncle Sam.
And tell me, what brought you to do this?
Well, the inspiration was from Alex Jones.
Three years ago, I built the first prototype of this, and didn't know what to expect.
I used to work for a newspaper here called the New Orleans Levy.
We don't hold anything back.
So it was a political satirical rag, and we got up to about 100,000 readers.
So, I actually had politicians afraid of me here and I caught the bug.
So, I was looking at throwing a new curve.
I was going, what isn't other people doing, you know?
I said, well, I want to take the best that technology has to offer and then bring it out to the streets where revolutions are always fought.
This kind of reminds me of the newspapers back in the Revolutionary War.
You know, you had like hundreds of them across the 13 colonies that were speaking freely against King George III.
And I've even read somewhere that Thomas Paine, if it wasn't for him, we might not even have had a revolution.
What do you think about that?
Well, that's exactly it.
I mean, this is all coming from... I'm a student of history myself.
That's why I love the show.
That's where it's all coming from.
It's the streets.
It's bringing it to the streets.
It's trying to connect with people that would not normally see it.
This is tacking up the notice on the City Hall.
It's interesting that you say that because I read a study recently about communicating with people.
I'm at the park.
This is the square.
This is, I want to confront.
I'm offering 10 to 1 odds right now.
I have a $100 bill, I wave around.
I say, I have 10 to 1 odds.
Was Hillary fired for unethical behavior and lying?
Does anybody want to take me up on that?
I still got the $100 bill.
This is beautiful.
I film this stuff, I YouTube it.
You know, and the surprises I've had out here.
Because you never know who you're going to speak to on the streets.
I've talked to colonels and cardinals out here.
So, and people have to see, I have a group of young black kids coming by tomorrow to help me out.
They don't want to see us getting along.
They don't want to see us out here in the middle of New Orleans.
With black kids agreeing with InfoWars is saying.
It doesn't really fit the George Soros narrative, right?
To keep us divided, kind of this whole Machiavellian divide and conquer.
And my endgame on this is eventually I want to have two TV screens on either side of this.
So I can live become a hotspot, live stream internet straight to the street.
Then I'm parking it in front of City Hall.
So you just mentioned you met colonels and cardinals out here.
What kind of other people have you met?
What kind of response have you gotten?
You name it.
I mean, look who's walking by.
I mean, this is...
Bakers and shakers.
I mean, you name it.
This is the streets of New Orleans.
Some of the street people come by.
It humbles me.
Street people.
Homeless come by.
I can't take their money, but they'll put a dollar in there.
It blows my mind.
Yeah, across the board.
What can I say?
It's the streets.
So yeah, today I talked to a captain.
Yesterday I talked to a major.
Last week I talked to another major.
I mean, I'm a magnet for military and police, but mostly I'm talking to police on vacation with their families, which is great, because then they're a little looser.
Hi YouTubies, you can go to my channel and see it.
It's Mr. KOTO.
It's an acronym for Coalition of the Obvious.
Alright, so it's KOTO WordPress.
My YouTube channel is Mr. KOTO.
And that's where you can see a lot of the interviews I do out here, the interviews I do out here, and some of the confrontations.
I had someone throw a drink at me today.
Or at the booth, anyway.
It was a $12 drink.
It was their loss.
He's the first here in New Orleans, but he doesn't have to be the only one.
Turkey's reportedly blocking Russian ships from sailing through the Strait of Bosporus near Istanbul, which links the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.
Right now, only Turkish naval vessels are moving through the Bosporus, whereas Russian ships are just sitting nearby, waiting to pass.
This is a huge deal that could easily lead to a war, because Russia is going to feel threatened if it's boxed in.
For one thing, this prevents Russia's Black Sea fleet from traveling to the rest of the world, or even back to its home port.
Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered 150,000 Russian troops deployed into Syria, while also sending another 7,000 Russian troops with tanks, rocket launchers, and artillery to the Russian-Turkish border with orders to be fully combat ready.
Here's the scary part.
Even though Turkey initiated its standoff with Russia by intentionally shooting down a Russian jet near the Syrian border, it can evoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, which requires all NATO members, including the U.S., to come to its defense if Turkey goes to war with Russia.
If there's going to be another World War, this is precisely how it would start.
Keep checking back at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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I want my candy!
I want my baby again!
Mine, mine, mine!
And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
Television, music, fast food, GMOs, sugars, you name it.
Young humans have not yet developed their nervous system and are being hammered daily by globalist concoctions.
It's no wonder they can't focus and calm down.
I'm good.
Fortune favors the bold.
It's Alex Jones.
As we all know, the Obama administration continues to fund groups like the Syrian rebels, many of whom aren't even Syrian, and most of whom have actually sworn their allegiance to Al Qaeda.
We've also seen groups like ISIS have grenades and rocket launchers airdropped to them, courtesy of Western governments.
Now, of course, the officials say that this is a mistake, and wind probably blew the grenades and rocket launchers off course.
One person was even so bold as to say this, this is Army Lieutenant Colonel Steve Warren,
One bundle worth of equipment is not enough equipment to give the enemy any type of advantage at all.
Now I'm sure that reigns true when you're fighting a mighty force such as the United States military, but I don't think that's true when you're fighting unarmed civilians in Syria.
And when you don't feel safe in your own country, you want to move.
Understandably so.
They're coming to America, they're coming to Austin, Texas, and one place in particular they're going to school, Alex Jones' alma mater, Anderson High School.
Local news is reporting for the 2013 to 2014 school year, 675 refugee students began attending Austin ISD schools, and that number is only expected to grow.
Now, with more Arabic-speaking students, they need more Arabic-speaking tutors.
And you have tutors coming from places like the University of Texas to volunteer to teach the kids.
And one of the tutors said that the kids are being bullied and their peers really don't understand what's going on.
She says that the kids are being called things like ISIS and terrorists even though they're fleeing from ISIS and terrorists.
But we do have concerns of ISIS and the actual terrorists coming here because of improper vetting procedures in our immigration policy.
We're here outside the Texas Department of Public Safety to illustrate all the stringent measures it takes for an American citizen to acquire a driver's license.
Now this is in stark contrast to tens of thousands of people who are coming into the country with little to no vetting process.
I do support people who come here through legal and lawful means, but we've seen top advisors in Washington tell the president, Mr. President, we can't verify everybody that you're bringing into the country when you bring them in tens of thousands at a time.
Now to that, let's take a look at what you need to get a driver's license.
You need proof of vehicle insurance, proof of U.S.
citizenship or lawful presence, proof of identity, proof of residency in Texas, and proof of a social security number.
So all in all, we're making the point that this is what we have to go through to move about freely in our own country when other people come in with little to no vetting process at all.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
According to the EU, even themselves, upwards of 80% of the men are military age.
It's 80 plus percent men, but most of them are military age.
And over 70% of their passports, the Germans said last month, I think it was 76% they said, you can look it up, are fake.
They're not Syrian.
And some of these people have been fingerprinted before in the digital databases because they are terrorists, they're criminals.
And they're from Pakistan, they're from Saudi Arabia, they're from North Africa.
They are jihadis.
Now, Anderson, the paper reported, got 300 of the 600 plus in the first wave.
So, Governor Ambit wrote letters to Obama two weeks ago saying, we're not taking refugees in Texas.
Well, Obama said, I don't need your authorization and said, by the way, I won't tell the DPS
The state police, where I'm sending them.
Because they don't want the DPS investigating them.
They've got them already going missing in Austin, Texas, they admit.
And imagine, these people haven't paid taxes, property taxes, and you've got to pay for them.
Now, I want to explain something.
There are real refugees.
There are a lot of great Iraqis.
In fact, I have a good friend who was actually an Iraqi refugee that I went to school with at Anderson High School.
Just talked to him on the phone the other day.
Saw him when I was out eating dinner a few months ago.
We're going to get together and have lunch sometime.
They built buildings.
They're in construction.
But they were from the elite of Iraq.
And were Shiites, but also didn't like Saddam and didn't like the Sunnis.
And I'm not discriminatory.
I'm sure Muslims are great people.
In my experience, the Shiites I've met are nice people.
And then when I met Sunnis, they're pretty bossy and in your face and arrogant and everything else.
I'm not.
That's just my experience.
It's kind of like female cops.
Most of my problems have been with female cops because I'll be doing nothing and they just are in my face screaming at me.
And I'm just like, whoa, you got something to prove, don't you?
Because I'm not looking for trouble here.
Just treat me like a human being.
Get off your arrogant high horse.
A lot of women who become police have
I don't know.
I'm not bashing female cops.
I've met some great ones, believe me.
I've met some female detectives and other folks that were really nice and smart.
But there is statistically, statistically, a problem with female cops.
A small percentage, but it's still a larger percentage.
And of course you get greenhorn guys that are on power trips and in people's faces.
But I'm kind of digressing.
It's like the stereotype that a new cop is gonna have more trouble than an old cop, and it's just true.
Doesn't mean there's some bad old cops, absolutely, but generally, the power trip, if there was one, tends to wear off after a few years when you see dead babies and car wrecks and, you know, if you got into it for a power trip, you're gonna probably get out pretty quick.
So, Governor Abbott
Says we want to know where these people are going.
No, you don't get to know.
I mean, the state police have got a file on me, I'm told, that is a whole filing cabinet.
But there's going to be no files on these people.
And most of the refugees coming in out of Iraq and out of Syria are Sunni and they're invaders who have not been able to take over.
And what they do is they move in, they take over your house, your swimming pool, your family, they kill you in the backyard.
This is what happens in Syria.
Over 300,000 people now.
200,000 Christians.
They come in, they line you up, they kill you.
They rape your daughters, sell them into sex slavery.
On record!
They're selling them all over the world now.
Because, you know, a lot of these Islamic countries, they claim, you know, we'll execute you for adultery, but no one enforces it, and then they've got harems of women.
Topless dancers in people.
I see it in the news all the time.
Well, now it's politically correct, so they don't talk about it.
Get tricked or get roped into flying with some sheik or whatever, and there's like 10,000 plus, you know, Saudi princes.
The low-level ones get like 20, 30 billion a year.
The top ones, billions a year of taxpayer money.
Ten thousand plus.
And these guys run around so snot-nosed, it'll make your head spin.
The arrogance, the craziness.
And these women get on their jets, they fly, and they land in Saudi Arabia.
They take them to their palace, and they go, okay, here are these men, armed guards, here's your area, here's your nice area, and they just shove them in there.
And it's, bye-bye, sweetie!
Gloria Steinem isn't gonna say jack squat.
Because the CIA runs that lady.
And she was there to make sure you were raised as dumb as could be and there were no men around you to protect you.
It's not that women need protectin', everybody needs protectin'.
I got a dad and a mother that I could call at 3 a.m.
and they would swim any river, climb any mountain, probably do more than that, and I'll just leave it at that.
My dad would do anything I asked him to do.
That's loyalty.
I've got a crew.
I've got a family.
I've got a tribe.
Blood's thicker than water.
These women are completely alone.
These men are alone.
All they've got is TV to teach them how to act like idiots and be moral morons, and they just watch and have fantasy friends on TV.
Talk about a dead culture.
You talk about being in a trance.
300 children at a high school that... I mean, I went to that high school.
It's a small one.
It's one of the smallest in Austin.
They haven't built onto it.
It's little.
I mean, it's gotta be... There's no way there's more than 1,500.
Can we look up the enrollment at Anderson High?
The Trojans?
And the reason Anderson got it is it was always a feeder school.
And it's got the relationships.
They had a retired Army General ran it when I was there.
Total spookville.
That's the thing.
People just don't know about InfraGard and the infrastructure and how the whole country's run by secret networks.
I'm just so tired of it.
And let me tell you something, folks.
I stood up against the wars against the Middle East because they blamed the wrong country for 9-11.
And I was against the Iraq War.
But I'm here to tell you.
We are being attacked.
We're going to be attacked more.
They're bringing in the radical groups that are going to attack this nation.
And it's part of a destabilization program.
They need to be held accountable.
But instead, what they're doing
is grandstanding when they're the ones that brought the folks into Paris and then saying we're going to pass this global treaty in defiance of you attacking.
And I guess the high school's gotten bigger.
I don't know where they put everybody, but there's 2,287 students there.
Three, I guess they had a 300, 300 of them are from the Middle East.
And that's just in the last month.
Can you imagine if my high school got 300 plus people in the last month?
Can you imagine what else is going on in the city?
I bet you money.
I bet you my right arm it's more than 600.
The Austin American Statesman saying 600 in Austin?
I bet it's 5,000.
And how do I know stuff like that?
It's just like I said, when Obama said it's going to be 10,000 migrants, then I said it'll be 100,000, then it'll be 300,000.
That's now all been announced.
It went from 10,000 to 100,000.
They're now saying, they're looking at 300,000 or a half million.
So it's worse than I said.
They're now saying half million.
Because Germany, it's the same formula.
We're going to take, five years ago, 10,000 migrants.
100,000, 200,000, 300,000, 1,000,000, 2,000,000, 3,000,000, 4,000,000, 5,000,000.
It's up to like 5,000,000 now total.
A couple million the last year.
And they go, hey Germans, you got 100,000 people in your town?
We'll bring in 200,000 migrants.
You got a town of 102 people?
We'll bring in 350.
Those are the metrics, where you're just like, and they tell everybody, everyone line up, you're going to change the beds of the migrants, and the kids, elementary and high school, go in, and the migrants just lay around bitching, and then you fold their beds and everything, next to them you wipe their hineys, grooms of the stool.
Something just happened that has explained why survival food is literally flying off the shelves and has sold out in many areas of the country.
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James Bond clip from the 60s where Spector's explaining how they put the two Siamese fighting fish together where one kills the other but gets weakened.
And then the other smart one comes in and kills the tired out one.
That's what this divide and conquer strategy is.
All the globalists play all the countries off against each other, tiring us out, bankrupting us, having us all kill each other.
And after there's 20 or 30 Islamic attacks in the U.S.
and Europe, there'll be a bombing campaign.
They'll go blow up some innocent country and then use more refugees to come in.
I mean, again, you see the deliberateness.
I don't care if we get real immigrants to this country that are scientists, doctors, lawyers, artists.
But let me tell you something.
I go downtown for business and I'm down there and downtown Austin many times looks like Islamabad or something.
And these are folks that aren't assimilating.
These are folks that constantly fight with each other in the Middle East.
These are people that are killing their daughters in America because they don't put a headdress on.
And they have mixed with weird political correctness with an arrogance and a chip on their shoulder.
Even Defense Department reports admit that it's like merged with hip-hop gangsterism into this mutated weirdness.
So it's like these arrogant hip-hop gangster type folks who hate the West and have chips on their shoulders that the West attacks their countries when it's the same globalists that attack their countries!
Paul Watson's coming up in the fourth hour today.
He reveals the true agenda behind the Paris Climate Summit.
It's a very important report.
Global warming alarmists have been proven spectacularly wrong time and time again.
So why should we believe them now?
Everybody debates and proves it's a fraud.
We already proved it was a fraud a hundred times plus.
We got their internal emails admitting it's all a fraud.
It's a giant tax.
Letting China build power plants, but we can't.
Is not fair!
And then you learn they've got dirty ones and ours are clean, then you realize it's all fraud.
It's a death sentence to the third world.
See, I'm not against these third world populations.
I want to build their countries up, industrialize them, then they'll be so wealthy, maybe I'll go live there.
But see, that's not the way this works.
Here is the clip from Russia with love.
With Sean Connery, and here is the head of SPECTRE, explaining how things really work.
Here it is.
Siamese fighting fish.
Fascinating creatures.
Brave, but on the whole stupid.
Yes, they're stupid.
Except for the occasional one such as we have here, who lets the other two fight.
He waits.
Waits until the survivor is so exhausted that he cannot defend himself.
And then, like Spectre, he strikes.
I find the parallel amusing.
Our organization did not arrange for you to come over from the Russians just for amusement, Number 3.
Come in, Kronstein.
Sit down, Number 3, while we listen to what Number 5 has devised for us.
I hope Kronstein's efforts as Director of Planning will continue to be as successful as his chess.
They will be.
According to your instructions, I've planned for Spectre to steal from the Russians their new lector decoding machine.
For this, we need the services of a female member of the Russian Cryptograph Section in Turkey, and, uh, the help of the British Secret Service.
Naturally, neither the Russians nor the British will be aware that they are now working for us.
Number three, is your section ready to carry out Kronstein's... Of course, this was written by a high-level member of MI6.
It's all in your face.
A couple James Bonds ago, they have the one where they're in South America and they actually cut off the water to starve everybody so the economy goes under so they can then turn the water back on and everything.
That was based on an economic hitman report.
A real thing that happened.
I think it was in like Bolivia.
I mean, this is what they do.
Worldwide, to tax and trace all human activity, surveil it, and control it, and then openly say, this company can't operate, this company can.
You can generate carbon, you can.
With the communist Chinese running the satellites for Al Gore, that's in the news today, that will track the, quote, carbon emissions.
But of course, the Chinese, the muscle of this takeover, are exempt.
Russia is targeted for take-down.
Joel Skousen agreed with that analysis yesterday.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Turkey's reportedly blocking Russian ships from sailing through the Strait of Bosporus near Istanbul, which links the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.
Right now, only Turkish naval vessels are moving through the Bosporus, whereas Russian ships are just sitting nearby waiting to pass.
This is a huge deal that could easily lead to a war, because Russia is going to feel threatened if it's boxed in.
For one thing, this prevents Russia's Black Sea fleet from traveling to the rest of the world, or even back to its home port.
Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered 150,000 Russian troops deployed into Syria, while also sending another 7,000 Russian troops with tanks, rocket launchers, and artillery to the Russian-Turkish border with orders to be fully combat-ready.
Here's the scary part.
Even though Turkey initiated its standoff with Russia by intentionally shooting down a Russian jet near the Syrian border, it can evoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, which requires all NATO members, including the U.S., to come to its defense if Turkey goes to war with Russia.
If there's going to be another world war, this is precisely how it would start.
Keep checking back at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, for your mind.
You know what?
I actually think the people running the government have our best interest at heart.
I actually think it's good that the UN's been calling all over the world, adding steroids to tetanus shots.
I think it's nice, they admit, tens of thousands of lethal tests on American citizens and other citizens of the world.
They're not dark minds we face.
In your gut, you know they love you.
Who was it that said, don't stare too long into the abyss unless you become the abyss?
You must stare into the abyss to know the truth.
But, you will never be the same.
Because our enemies have gone insane!
Go insane!
Hear their war drums?
That's the beat of the new award.
The commitment.
The pirates.
They're gonna take over everything he's got.
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.
And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back at you.
Frederic Nietzsche.
They want to close the eyes on our Republic forever.
They want to kill the Renaissance, the human enlightenment.
Because that is the ultimate insanity of the enemy.
Instead of building others up, they would play God.
But no God at all would do what they do.
They are fallen.
All right.
I want to get into more of the news.
I specifically, I'm not taking calls today because I want to get to more news, but I will be tomorrow and throughout the week.
We have some very big guests this week coming up.
And that's all I'm going to say.
We have some big guests this week.
You will not want to miss this week's broadcast.
Plus, look at all the stuff that's happening in the world.
I mean, it's just crazy.
It's a very important time to be focused, to be involved, and to be educating others.
Because you're the other part of the equation getting the word out to others.
And obviously we also have some of our reporters going on a secret mission.
And we're not going to tell you where they are until they're there.
And we're not going to tell you where they're going next.
But they're going five places in America, in the United States.
Five places in the next seven days.
Five places.
They're going to be live on air with us with video feeds for the TV viewing audience.
We'll be narrating it for the radio listeners.
So be ready for Joe Biggs and crew to be on the ground showing you and me and everybody else exactly what's going on.
That's coming up.
Before I get back into news, this is something that I really like and something that I've really used to jumpstart a car, to have a power for a whole bunch of devices.
They really come out with better batteries and I was able, because we bought a large amount of these, that's what I am, a free market capitalist, I buy a ton of something.
That's how it works.
You gotta spend a lot of money to be able to make money to fund the operation and also sell people stuff that's really good.
We sell this for less than what Amazon sells it and anybody else.
Wouldn't matter if it was, you know, cost more.
I mean, you're helping fund the info war, but we believe in getting you a great product.
And getting it to you below cost.
You'll notice it says Infowars Premium Power Pack.
This is one of the best-selling units in the country currently.
When we're done selling this stuff in six months, there'll probably be something even better out by then.
This stuff advances so quickly.
But when we made this deal a few months ago and had these manufactured, this is the best deal you're going to get.
Infowars Premium Power Pack.
It's $160 for the same pack most places.
Amazon's $140 something.
And listen.
Why do you think it says Infowars on it?
Because the way contracts and rules work, it's a loophole where I can get, in the contracts, lower prices and sell it for a lower price than anybody else can if I private label it.
And I tell you, these other companies haven't figured this out yet, or I don't know what their problems are.
They're just such big corporations.
I don't know.
I don't know, but I'm a free marketer.
That's what I do.
Being informed makes you successful, people.
Even if you were a
You should want to know what's going on in the world!
So, this is a game changer, and there is some profit in it for us as well to fund the reporters, the operation, the servers, the equipment, the rent, all the expenses here.
This is a game changer.
Let me go over some of the data on it.
Infowars Premium Power Pack charges all your electronic devices, has the power to jumpstart almost any vehicle, and it's tiny, folks.
If you're a ReadyLister, it's like a third of a suitcase.
The power and jump start almost any vehicle with included jumper cables.
Keeping your bug out bag.
I mean, I'm putting this in both my cars, my truck and my car.
Others charge $150, and that's conservative or more than that, for packs with lesser specifications.
We bring you the Infowars Premium Power Pack for only $119.
And yeah, that's the thing.
Ones that aren't even as good cost more.
Hurry and get yours while supplies last.
So there you have it.
And for one day only, only today, we're going to have another special in a few weeks.
It's going to be a lot off, but nothing like this.
You can get a one-year membership for $19.95.
That's the cost of less than four months normally.
It's $5.95 a month.
$19.95 for one year.
PrisonPlanet.tv to see the news, all my films, e-books, so much more to support a true, independent, open platform.
One day only.
One day only.
We've never offered this in 14, 15 years of PrisonPlanet.TV.
One day only for one year, 1995.
20 people can use each membership.
In 15 years of existence of PrisonPlanet.TV, it's been a little quirky and stuff.
The first few years got better and better.
Now it's first class.
Really a great platform.
And I want to thank all of you that were members before supporting us, but now is the time.
1995, and then you can give 15, 20 members of your family the username and say, here's your video subscription service thing.
And you know what?
You give it to 15 people, maybe 5 of them use it.
Whatever, it's 5 people you help wake up.
Maybe all of them use it.
But as bandwidth's gotten cheaper over the years, PrisonPlanet.tv's gotten cheaper, and it's gotten to work as it used to.
I pretty much lost money at first, because bandwidth was so expensive, but I had to have my own platform.
Now it just helps pay for cameras and some of the crew, the membership.
So it's essential you become PrisonPlanet.tv members.
And, you know, maybe you want to pay the $54.95 that it normally is and not the $19.95.
Wait till tomorrow you can pay $54 or whatever it is.
And that's great.
In fact, please wait till tomorrow if you'd like to support us and support the InfoWar.
But I want you to get something great to wake people up and get the lowest price ever offered.
Take advantage of it today.
Get your friends and family to watch.
That's what it's all about.
That's the power.
You have the power.
You carry the ball.
This is a death battle, folks.
Why do you think I'm so wound up and cranked up and, you know, bouncing off the walls out here?
This is on one cup of coffee today.
I had a half a cup this morning.
Didn't even drink half a cup of this.
I'm kind of being bad.
I just opened a Neramadi, but I'm not going to drink more than about half of it.
This is not caffeine.
I'm bouncing off the walls because at a cellular, instinctive, genetic level, I'm wound up.
Because there's never been more dangerous times for thermal nuclear war.
There's never been more dangerous times for our sovereignty.
There's never been open world government conferences with open planetary rule and a global court to arrest you for free speech, denying global warming.
I mean, this is mainstream news.
This isn't me telling you they're going to do this 10 years ago.
It's here.
So I get wound up.
I mean, I am in a fighting mood.
I can't help it.
You know, some big guy comes up to me on the street, weighs 100 pounds more than me, looks like they could, you know, bend jail bars, starts threatening me.
I can't help it.
I just start getting in their face.
I'm ready to fight.
And, I mean, I'm totally threatened.
I mean, I'm just... I'm awake and I'm watching the craziest mind control, mass Stockholm Syndrome I've ever seen.
I'm watching our country totally dismantled, by design, by people that hate us.
And I just realized, my God, can't we wake up out of the trance?
Or was our spirit taken?
Is America meant to fall?
Is everything meant to fall?
I guess we killed 55 million babies.
I guess we sell baby parts.
I guess we don't take care of our old people.
I guess we put veterans on don't treat list, but stand up and salute at the football game to feel good about ourselves.
But you know what?
I know a large portion of us do care, are moral, are hardworking.
We're not perfect.
We certainly have consciences and knock ourselves all day.
But I'll assure you, those people that don't have a conscience, those sociopaths, psychopaths, control freaks, sadists, scumbags, they like screwing us over.
They think it makes them better than us because they know we're better than them.
And I'm sick of these people.
I know I'm stronger.
I know I've got more will than they do.
I'll tear them apart, and they know it!
That's why they're scared of us.
And they know we're rising.
They know we're waking up.
I want to beat these people!
I hate them!
These are scum!
They want to dumb us down, get us on our knees, and have their way with us when they think nothing can stop them.
Well, if they want to take us down, they're going to get a fight.
They have jacked the people's brains so bad, it's sick!
And I can't believe all the scum they've gotten to work for this corrupt system and the corporations and governments, but I'll tell you how they do it.
They're compartmentalized too.
And that's why this broadcast is so dangerous.
It's because it's real.
And it speaks directly to people's DNA.
And they know it.
Everybody knows we're dying.
Everybody knows we're in trouble.
Everybody knows we got a devil on our back.
Everybody knows things are getting worse.
And they know where this tunnel leads is really bad.
And I'm here to tell you it's time to turn around, folks.
It's time to get out of here.
I don't know what's going to happen when we try to get out of here.
And it probably isn't going to be a sweet
As we want it to be, but you know what?
It's better to die on our feet than on our knees sucking people's boots.
You know what you could do with banner hangs, what you could do spreading the word about this show or others, what you could do about aggressively going and bullhorning, or going to city council, or calling in to talk radio, or putting out flyers in your neighborhood, the stunts you could pull, the things you could do?
I've got to pull some stunts, legal and lawful stunts, soon.
Just to show everybody what you can do.
And we do little things, but it's not about what we do saving the world or making things completely better, it's about the action showing others.
We probably got 15 or so, Jacobson was telling me, more than 15 probably, entries.
And some of them aren't that good, some of them are great.
But you know what?
Everyone that makes a Hilary, you know, Laugh at Hilary contest that we'll be announcing at the first of the year,
He's a winner, because you tried.
You took action.
It's like the widow's mite.
You had so little, you gave.
You tried.
You got up on your feet.
But the really good ones, you know, were posting.
The decent ones were posting.
And the okay ones were posting.
And I don't want to hear anybody in the comments, I know the trolls will do it, but I don't want to hear anybody in the comments, you know, shoot their mouths off about people like that, because they did something.
And I'll tell you, that's why trolls sit there and complain about people taking action, because they hate it, because they've already given up, they're dead already, and thank God we're not those people.
My first access shows, 21 years ago, in two months.
I went into the control room.
I had nobody to help me.
I'd taken a three-day class.
I turned on lights, glaring in my face with a camera on me in a control room.
The clock ticked down.
There I was.
Back when AXS TV had huge viewerships in Austin, Texas, the most boring stuff was on basic cable.
Most of the city had it.
And within a month, my show was in the newspaper.
Within six months, I was out with a $100 video camera showing government hypocrisy, giving old veterans $2,000-a-day fines for three-inch grass that the city council people had three-foot grass.
And it changed.
It changed the law.
It changed everything.
Just that little thing.
And I was nobody.
But I knew what was wrong.
And by the way, I showed this old veteran rolling to Ellingston.
They're trying to take their house.
Realtors involved wanting to get it.
And then an Austin cop called up to the AXS TV hotline and said, here's the address of Jackie Goodman.
She's got three foot grass and her house is only a few miles away from that neighborhood.
And I went over there and shot video of it.
And then she came out and apologized and said what was happening was wrong.
Even though he'd been to the city council and they'd had the corrupt pet cops, they kept down there at the time, rough him up and throw him out.
But see, it's all about good people versus bad people.
Oh, you roughed up the old man, didn't you?
But see, the good cop knew what happened.
It made sure the hypocrisy got exposed.
And that's the difference between good people and bad people.
And the only reason the bad people are winning is because good men and women do nothing.
All that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good humans do nothing.
Thomas Jefferson.
Politically correct, I said good men.
It's fundamentally painful for me to go into bondage.
It's fundamentally painful to be a slave.
It's fundamentally painful, because even if I'm free of heart, as the tyranny goes into place, I am becoming a slave.
The poisons in the food and water are unavoidable at this point.
You can try to avoid them and mitigate it, but we are under attack.
And I've got white papers and thousand-page books just lining my office.
I've made films, I've showed you, where they just, you know, Ted Turner writes books, and Prince Philip writes books, and Brzezinski writes books, and Kissinger writes books, and John P. Holdren writes books, and ha ha, and we put the fluoride in the water to sterilize and hurt you, ha ha ha.
I mean, they write books!
And look what they've done to us.
Look at how stupid people are.
But let me tell you, you can be drunk stumbling around.
As soon as somebody attacks you, you wake up a lot, don't you?
And even though we're stunned and hurt, if people get the fact they're under attack, they ever shake their mind for a minute and just look around them and click to what's going on and realize it's the Globalist on top, they're the enemy, they're directing the whole show.
And you realize that they're from an evil team with an evil vision and an evil game plan, and we know their game plan.
And the minute people start finding out how exciting it is to learn about how the world really works and learn about the players, to learn about sitcoms and sports heroes, you know about real heroes, you know about real enemies, then you realize you're living in a movie.
You're living in a science fiction movie on a planet in deep space.
With the whole future of humanity laid out before us, unlimited life extension, not for our children, for us!
Advanced technology, space travel, interdimensional, it's all ours!
The eye's not seen, ear's not heard, but God has a store with us!
But first, we have to get past the devil, who stands at the gate to Valhalla!
Get behind me, Satan!
Out of the way!
Humanity's coming through!
My name is Bill Bonner, and I have an important message.
Right now, the highest levels of government are struggling against an inevitable crisis.
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When this happens, it will rip our country apart in ways you never imagined.
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Look, I've made predictions like this before.
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I've posted a free video at DollarDanger.com.
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Then, in the fourth hour, Paul Joseph Watson today, from London, breaks down the global government conference.
Prosecutors ban Soros Foundation as threat to Russian national security.
That's being reported across the world from Reuters.
The group admittedly has overthrown Ukraine and installed a right-wing fascist government that openly howl Hitler, but that's okay because Soros is Jewish and was a Nazi collaborator, so if you're a real Nazi, it's totally fine.
If you actually fight against that stuff, then the ADL calls you a Nazi.
What a slimy group of filth.
Russian-Syrian army plan to block the Turkish border in Operation Total Destruction.
Not a very politically correct name.
We'll use warships, aircraft, and submarines against the West Islamic State.
And the little baby caliphates they're setting up that the government will not protect us from, of course.
Turkey blocks Russian shipping, Black Sea Fleet.
This is hardly even in the news.
Just huge over-the-top escalations.
University of Missouri teaching assistant beats teenage relative for not wearing a hood over their head.
Graham urges U.S.
to press ahead with ground troops in Syria and, of course, back Al-Qaeda.
Just two years ago he was there, you know, with McCain meeting with the terrorists.
faces millions more migrants as Turkey and its 75 million people on the brink of joining E.U.
They'll be open, free border with Turkey, letting all the Islamist radicals in.
Again, I mentioned this, I thought I'd read it again.
Swedish woman raped by refugee refuses to report it because she feels sorry for him.
Italians outraged after headmaster scraps Christmas carol concert is not to offend Muslims.
Saudi Arabia refuses to take even a single refugee.
Well, that's okay, because they're not white, so they can't do anything wrong.
Marilla, they just started the whole war and ran the whole thing, but it's not their fault, everything's fine.
They set up pleasure palaces with kidnapped American women and slave dungeons, but it's alright, it's liberal, you know.
Gloria Steinem likes it.
Marie Le Pen and Front National Surge in French regional elections, they just arrested her, that's just, it's free, it's liberal, you know.
It's all liberal.
In fact, I want to play a speech of her, part of it coming up in the next segment.
I'm going to do five more minutes before Watson comes in.
French National Front poised to win regional vote, if we can just arrest them.
Leader of German anti-immigrant party calls on Merkel to resign.
Mass brawls erupt in crowded shelters in Germany, ANFP.
14,000 illegal immigrants in Sweden disappear without a trace.
Saudi Arabia is arresting people for poetry, death penalty.
That's just some of the news I have on that front.
And then, of course, I mentioned the climate stuff.
Let me just go back over some more of that.
I haven't covered all that yet.
Trade expert, Trans-Pacific Partnership, vehicle to pass Obama climate change treaty.
By stealth, of course.
But they're saving the earth, so it's okay.
You should pay them trillions.
It's pretty good global government, where the political class at the top and these robber barons get paid money when you literally eat a piece of meat, or gas your car up, or turn a light on, or buy a table.
Just everything has taxes directly to them, above the law, diplomatic immunity.
Just total lawless evil, the return of the kings, squatting on everyone.
In giant jumbo jets with red carpets and just hundreds of top prostitutes all over them, laughing at everyone, gobbling caviar, and stomping around about how great communism is, while they gang-rape everyone.
And just overrun and have their ISIS people blowing up every historical site they can, and vandalizing the genetic code of the planet, just foaming at the mouth, deadly vaccines injecting everyone, just total psychotic demons above the law.
How far does it go?
How far will you let it go?
Fourth hour straight ahead.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Final segment, then I hand the baton to his Britannic Majesty, Paul Joseph Watson.
He actually hates the Royal House.
It's a joke.
That's coming up.
But let's go to Marie Le Pen, whose father was the big famous nationalist.
And, I mean, it's pretty just mainline, milquetoast, conservative libertarianism.
Hey, we shouldn't take in two million radical Islamics a year.
We shouldn't be totally socialist.
We shouldn't have 101% tax rates on millionaires.
When the Socialist Party is tax exempt and don't pay taxes.
I mean, Hollande and all of them have been caught.
Sarkozy doesn't even pay taxes.
France has gone through an absolutely horrible ordeal.
An absolutely horrendous ordeal Friday the 13th.
I think the first respect we have to pay to the victims is to name what has assassinated them, but neither from our French leadership nor in all of these speeches, which I heard this morning, I have heard the name of the assassin.
The assassin is not the terrorism.
Terrorism is the weapon that is in the hand of the assassin.
The murder is the ideology in the name of which terrorism does the killing.
It is.
Islam is fundamentalism and you must say it.
Because if you don't say it, if you are unable to name the enemy, then obviously you cannot fight it.
But perhaps some of you are embarrassed to name it.
Because naming it forces one to question certain international friendships.
It forces one to task oneself the question of whether one can continue to have Saudi Arabia as an ally or Qatar.
It forces one to ask oneself about the ambiguity of Turkey regarding Islamist fundamentalism.
It obliges one to face up and to say that yes,
The majority of international agreements, of international alliances we passed, push us, in reality, to be today, objectively, the allies of Islamist fundamentalism, rather than its enemies.
So I propose that we change our alliances.
And I suggest that all those who fight against Islamist fundamentalism must be considered as allies without any reservations.
I'm talking about Russia.
Including, of course, Muslim countries that fight against Islamist fundamentalism, such as Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, evidently Russia and Iran.
Boy, she knows her stuff.
I didn't have her as a president.
And then the frame of this grand coalition, we can expand the fight against Islamist fundamentalism.
But I have to say also that one of the reasons for the alienation of France is Europe's
Imbeciles, which today is the obstacle to the return of security to the French people.
First among the imbecile policies is the question of mass immigration, which is old.
And which is the terrain of sectarianism and the answer.
But why are the terrorists and who are they born?
On our European soil?
It is because of this.
It's because mass immigration has brought about sectarianism.
And that communitarianism, sectarianism, is the terrain on which Islamist fundamentalism recruits.
Which is a socialist plan, by the way.
That further soldiers, the EU announced, that 3 million migrants will arrive in Europe next year alone.
Of course, we do not equate all migrants with terrorists.
Of course not, however.
What I denounced in September is the Parliament, the infiltration of jihadists, then it goes over.
She was arrested for giving a similar speech a month ago and is facing a year in prison and huge fines for saying what she just said again.
It was time to the EU Parliament.
The great crime is of course the attack on free speech.
This is how sickening the social engineers are and they hate the virtue and wealth of the West and are hell-bent on destroying it.
Paul Watson's coming up.
Man-made climate change is largely a myth promoted by politicians to scare the public into accepting a vast expansion of government to supposedly stop global warming.
Global warming is a manufactured problem played up by the government to instigate a public reaction, in this case fear, the government then exploits to offer a predetermined solution.
This strategy, now known as the Hegelian dialectic, has been used successfully by politicians for millennia to expand government which can only grow at the expense of individual liberties.
The Bush administration used this strategy successfully in 2003 when it gained enough public support for the invasion of Iraq by claiming the country had weapons of mass destruction.
And the war ultimately expanded the military-industrial complex in America's emerging police state.
Today, global warming is used as a boogeyman because it allows the UN to use government-funded scientists to scare the public into believing that man-made climate change is too big of a threat for their country to handle alone.
And thus it can only be defeated through the expansion of the UN at the expense of their nation's sovereignty.
The number one goal of an out-of-control government is not to protect you, but rather to gain more power at your expense.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're back live.
It's the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, November 30th edition.
I want to take some of your calls later at 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231 in the second half of the hour.
First, we're going to talk about probably one of the most ludicrous speeches that President Barack Obama has ever given.
Of course, he's up in front of the UN Climate Conference in Paris.
Here's an article out of CNN.
And you know, there have been reports about Obama over the past few months, you know, whispers in the background that he's having some kind of mental breakdown.
That's the only thing that can explain what he said in this speech.
Call in, let me know what you think about it.
This is out of CNN.
Obama, climate summit, a rejection of terror!
Combating climate change will prove to be a rebuttal of terrorist efforts President Barack Obama declared at the opening of a major climate summit in Paris.
Because ISIS jihadists who are busy chopping people's heads off are really going to be quaking in their boots at the fact that Barack Obama is waffling on about global warming in Paris.
It's a stunning rebuke to the jihadists.
The CNN article continues.
Quote, what greater rejection of those who would tear down our world than marshalling our best efforts to save it, Obama said Monday at the COP21 conference being held at a highly secured site outside the French capital, two weeks after ISIS terrorists carried out a bloody rampage.
Now let's get it straight, he's not saying it's a rebuke, it's a rejection of terror because they've just had the gall, the guts to show up two weeks after this terror attack.
He's actually saying it's a rebuke in the sense that they'll be upset that Obama's talking about global warming.
I mean, how does that make sense in any way possible?
Obama thinks he's going to defeat ISIS by talking about global warming.
I don't get that.
I don't understand that.
I don't get the connection.
In fact, there's a tweet which Spike.com just put out on Twitter.
It says, The link between ISIS and climate change?
The proponents of both express contempt for modernity and long to revert to a backward way of life.
So if you want a link between
The proponents of this climate change BS and ISIS, that's the only link that anyone can think of.
Because there certainly isn't one otherwise that makes any kind of sense.
So Obama's up there basically saying that the climate summit is a stunning rejection of terror.
And of course, for sure, the ISIS jihadists, as a result, will be just abandoning their ideology in droves.
That's guaranteed, right?
Because of Obama's waffling on about global warming.
Then again...
This is really ironic because, of course, while saying that talking about global warming is going to combat ISIS, in the name of global warming and protecting the environment, Obama and the White House have actually been protecting ISIS because we had this report which we mentioned last week.
This is out of Newsweek.
Ex-CIA chief, Obama refused strikes on ISIS oil wells fearing environmental damage.
Let's go to this clip.
This is one of the collateral damage questions, right?
So, prior to Paris, there seemed to be a judgment, right?
I don't sit in this sitting room anymore, but there seems to have been a judgment that...
Look, we don't want to destroy these oil tankers because that's infrastructure that's going to be necessary to support the people when ISIS isn't there anymore.
And it's going to create environmental damage.
And we didn't go after oil wells, actually hitting oil wells that ISIS controls because we didn't want to do environmental damage and we didn't want to destroy that infrastructure, right?
So we hit oil on trucks.
So now we're hitting oil on trucks, right?
And maybe you get to the point where you say we have to also hit oil wells.
So those are the kind of tough decisions you have to make.
That's former CIA director Mike Morrell on Charlie Rose saying that the reason why the Obama administration wouldn't bomb ISIS and destroy ISIS's oil wells was out of concern for environmental damage.
For 15 months they failed to target ISIS oil wells for quote environmental concerns.
Of course we know that's not the real reason.
The real reason they're so upset about Russia actually obliterating ISIS's oil wells and their oil tankers
Is because they wanted ISIS in the region to isolate Bashar al-Assad as the Pentagon's own document stated.
So it's ironic that now Obama is up in front of the UN in Paris saying that...
ISIS is going to be really upset over the fact that he's talking about global warming.
Again, makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
He's prepared to make those kind of ludicrous statements while still failing completely.
He doesn't dare say the word Islamic when it comes to Islamic terrorism and the Islamic State, yet he's now up there saying this in front of the UN.
There's another article on that, actually, from Michael Snyder, which is up on InfoWars.com.
The bizarre explanation for why the US has avoided bombing ISIS oil wells.
And again, they waited 15 months to do so, while Russia took out a thousand within just five days.
So again, there's a whole bunch of different reasons for that.
But this whole Paris Climate Summit itself, I mean, I've made a video which went up a few hours ago, which is up on InfoWars.com, which I invite you to check out and share.
It's called Global Warming is a Crock of Crap.
That's a different word, but I can't say it on air.
But that's proving to be quite a controversial video, even in the first few hours of its release, because it drills down into the facts of how the same people now pushing global warming have been spectacularly wrong and inaccurate in their predictions, not just about global warming, but before that, in the 70s, about global cooling.
So they've been completely discredited, debunked, spectacularly inaccurate.
So why should we believe them now?
In fact, there's an article out of the New American which really boils this down well.
Embarrassing predictions haunt the global warming industry.
And this is what I go through in my video.
It's a set of examples of how they've made these predictions about man-made climate change, which again have proven to be completely inaccurate and wrong, and yet we're still supposed to trust these people when it comes to global warming, when it comes to carbon taxes in Paris right now.
So the article says, global cooling.
Of course, this was the big scare in the 70s.
Americans who lived through the 1960s and 70s may remember the dire global cooling predictions that were hyped and given great credibility by Newsweek, Time, Life, National Geographic and numerous other mainstream media outlets.
According to the man-made global cooling theories of the time, billions of people should be dead by now, owing to cooling-linked crop failures and starvation.
Now this was a quote by one of these scientists, who was of course given full credibility by the mainstream media, about man-made climate change.
Quote, if present trends continue, the world will be about 4 degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but 11 degrees colder by the year 2000.
That was ecology professor Kenneth E.F.
Watt at the University of California in 1970.
So this was
You know, Time Magazine, Life, National Geographic, all of them giving a platform to these discredited scientists who were talking about the Earth being 11 degrees colder by the year 2000.
Then we had Paul Ehrlich, of course, the author of The Population Bomb, another global cooling alarmist.
He wrote in his 1968 book,
Quote, by the year 2000, the United Kingdom will simply be a small group of impoverished islands inhabited by some 70 million hungry people.
If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist by the year 2000 and give 10 to 1 that the life of the average Briton will be of distinctly lower quality than it is today.
So he's predicting, again back in the 70s,
That England wouldn't exist by the year 2000 because of global cooling.
Well, I'm sat here just outside London, England right now, and I can attest to the fact that everything's hunky-dory.
In fact, the rest of these alarmists said that England would be a series of small islands because it would be overwhelmed by sea levels.
Again, completely debunked, completely inaccurate.
But listen to this.
To combat the alleged man-made cooling, experts suggested all sorts of grandiose schemes, including some that in retrospect appear almost too comical to be real.
Climatologists are pessimistic that political leaders will take any positive action to compensate for the climate change or to allay its effects, and so their solution
Was to, quote, melt the Arctic ice cap by covering it with black salt or diverting Arctic rivers.
So they actually said that because the Earth was cooling, because there was going to be a new ice age, we had to cover the polar ice caps in salt to make them melt.
Again, completely ludicrous, completely debunked.
But this was what they were saying back in the 1970s.
Fast forward to today.
This is out of Bloomberg Businessweek.
How to slow climate change with a fake volcano.
There's a cheap, quick, dirty and controversial way to combat global warming that isn't on the agenda of the UN Climate Summit in Paris.
It involves replicating the planet cooling effect of a volcanic eruption.
So of course they're talking about using modified jets to inject fine droplets of sulfuric acid into the stratosphere.
Where they would combine with water vapour to form fine sulphate particles that reflect sunlight away from the Earth.
So again, back in the 70s they were talking about covering the polar ice caps.
Now they're talking about injecting the environment with sulphur.
Blocking out the sun to prevent global warming.
So the same lunatics that propose these ridiculous, draconian, off-the-wall geoengineering programs are still in the news today and being given credibility to do the same thing.
And many of them are at this Paris Climate Summit.
So again, all these predictions from the 70s onwards were proven totally wrong, and yet we're still supposed to afford these people credibility.
The United Nations... Sorry for my voice, I've got flu at the moment, so I'm trying to battle through this.
In 2005, the UN warned that imminent sea level rises, increased hurricanes and desertification caused by man-made global warming would cause massive population disruptions.
Listen to what the UN said about climate refugees.
And this was only back in 2005.
Listen to how alarmingly wrong they were.
We'll be back with the next segment after the break.
Stay tuned.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
We're back, it's the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
So basically, the UN, which of course is hosting this Paris Climate Summit, back in 2005 said that there would be, quote, 50 million climate refugees by 2010.
Of course, that woefully inaccurate prediction failed to pass.
There weren't any climate refugees.
They got it completely wrong.
And when they were called out on this, the UN actually tried to delete evidence from their own website that they'd even made the prediction in the first place.
So again, every time they get caught making these false predictions, they go back and try to cover their tracks.
But we're told that we have to trust them.
That they're the experts, they have the consensus, and that we need to pay them carbon taxes and basically ruin our economies, ruin the economies of the developing world, in the name of stopping ManBearPig, even though they've been discredited time and time again with these ridiculous predictions that never come true.
Here's another one.
In 2003, the Pentagon released a report predicting that within 10 years, by 2013, climate change would flood California with inland seas and that parts of the Netherlands would be unlivable.
Of course, neither of those scenarios came to pass over the next 10 years.
The report was completely debunked.
But people never go back and pick up on this and say, hang on a minute, why should we trust you, given that you've been caught lying to us over and over again?
Here's another example, and I could go on for hours, but I've just picked out four.
In 2000, climate change alarmists in the United Kingdom said that it would cease to snow in Britain.
They said that snowfall would be a thing of the past, and that children would grow up not even knowing what snow is.
That was in 2000.
And again, they went back and deleted the original articles, so nobody could find them.
Thankfully they were cached and turned into PDF files, which you'll see in this video, which is up on InfoWars.com.
So in 2000 they said, that's it for snow in Britain, global warming.
The children are gonna grow up not knowing what it is at all.
Fast forward nine years, 2009, London has its heaviest snowfall in decades!
And then in 2010, the United Kingdom has its coldest winter since records began.
So again, another example where they make one of these apocalyptic predictions, which is proven completely inaccurate, but we've got to trust them once again.
This is the same people who are meeting in Paris right now.
Of course, the big example is
Back in 2007, the BBC and others, Al Gore, said that the Arctic would have ice-free summers by 2013.
They actually came out and said that.
It's on the record.
Again, the BBC article is in this video, which is up on m4wars.com.
So what happened?
Was the Arctic ice-free by the summer of 2013?
Well no, by the summer of 2015, Arctic sea ice was the thickest it had been in the past 10 years.
So it wasn't ice-free, it increased.
And then you look at the Antarctic.
2014 recorded a record maximum of sea ice.
So again, chicken little, the sky is falling.
There are going to be 50 million climate refugees.
It's going to stop snowing in the United Kingdom altogether.
The Pentagon said that California would be split with inland seas.
The parts of Holland would be unlivable.
You know, the polar ice caps are melting.
None of it happened.
None of it!
And yet we're still supposed to trust these people who are meeting in Paris right now.
And what's the real agenda?
It's not to save Mother Earth.
It's about power.
It's always about power.
And that's what the leaked Copenhagen text revealed.
You remember we reported on it back in 2009.
The poorer countries were complaining that they had to take much more of the burden as it pertains to CO2 emissions.
And that's the point.
The agenda behind these conferences is to stop developing countries from becoming prosperous and challenging this unipolar world order.
They want to keep the third world as the third world.
And they do that by restricting and regulating CO2 emissions.
Because CO2 emissions, which of course are a direct byproduct of capitalism, are directly linked to prosperity, higher GDP, and higher quality of life.
So that's why there's this agenda to restrict the developing nations from emitting CO2.
And again, capitalism has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in China, in India, in other countries since the 80s because of development, because of CO2 emissions.
And that's why they want to put the kibosh on it right now.
And this is why India is complaining, because they're being asked to take the burden for this.
They're calling it carbon imperialism.
And that's exactly what it is.
It's about power.
It's about controlling the prosperity of these nations that might begin to challenge the first world, when in fact we should be encouraging development across the world.
For a multipolar world order, because that's more free, it produces more prosperity, more choice for everyone.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Turkey's reportedly blocking Russian ships from sailing through the Strait of Bosporus near Istanbul, which links the Black Sea to the Mediterranean.
Right now, only Turkish naval vessels are moving through the Bosporus, whereas Russian ships are just sitting nearby waiting to pass.
This is a huge deal that could easily lead to a war, because Russia is going to feel threatened if it's boxed in.
For one thing, this prevents Russia's Black Sea fleet from traveling to the rest of the world, or even back to its home port.
Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered 150,000 Russian troops deployed into Syria, while also sending another 7,000 Russian troops with tanks, rocket launchers, and artillery to the Russian-Turkish border with orders to be fully combat ready.
Here's the scary part.
Even though Turkey initiated its standoff with Russia by intentionally shooting down a Russian jet near the Syrian border, it can evoke Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, which requires all NATO members, including the U.S., to come to its defense if Turkey goes to war with Russia.
If there's going to be another world war, this is precisely how it would start.
Keep checking back at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
This is Kent Daniels reporting.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're back on the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to go to your calls here in a few minutes.
We'll lead in Paris and others.
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Also the usual specials continue, Silver Bullet, Nascent Iodine, Brain Force, DNA Force, all at InfoWarsStore.com.
Now, we're gonna go to some calls here before my voice completely dies on me.
Waleed in Paris!
You're on the air, go ahead, Waleed.
How are you, Paul?
I wish you a fast recovery from your flu.
Thanks a lot.
What's on your mind today?
So, Paul, guess who I bumped into this morning in the bus?
Who is that?
That would be Alex's best friend, Al Gore, taking the bus to Paris.
Oh, really?
Oh, yes.
He was just taking a picture.
Yep, doing environmentally friendly transportation to show off, I guess.
Well that's a surprise because as the Daily Mail reports today, this climate change conference itself is going to cost something in the region of 300,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
So again, all the private jets, you know, all the Boeing 747s that are taking these world leaders to this conference belching out carbon dioxide.
But did you get a chance to speak to Al Gore?
No, so I'm not adjourned at this point.
I wanted to ask you, like, why aren't any of you guys here covering this?
I mean, this is a great opportunity to confront some politicians the Alex Jones way.
Well, yeah, it's probably a good idea.
I mean, I was in Paris two weeks ago after the terror attack, so yeah, it might be a good idea to get someone down there.
We'll definitely talk about it.
Thanks for the call, Waleed.
Now we're going to talk to
John, he wants to talk about the viral video on Muslims.
John, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey Paul, how are you doing today?
Good, thanks.
Very good.
I saw this video this morning and I definitely encourage you guys to check it out.
This video went viral probably a few days ago.
You can find it on LiveLeak.com and YouTube.com.
But this lady basically goes on to say that
What people think over here in America about, you know, Muslims being good, that there's a difference between good and bad Muslims, is the wrong way of looking at things.
And that any Muslim who commits jihad, like ISIS has been doing, is the perfect Muslim that's following what Muhammad is said to do.
So I wasn't sure how that affects the way we should look at 9-11.
I know that we usually talk, when we're talking about 9-11, we say,
The wrong country would blame for it, but I didn't know if there wasn't a true Muslim involvement in 9-11 or how that would change it.
Because I know a lot of times we want to sit and say in the truth movement that, well, there are good and bad Muslims and everything, but coming from a former Muslim, this lady was a former Muslim, it sounds like you're not a real Muslim unless you commit jihad.
Well, thanks for the call, John.
Yeah, I came out with a video as well last week called The Truth About Islam.
And of course, we hear again and again that, you know, these radicals, these extremists represent just a tiny minority of Muslims, and that their extremism is the problem, and that there's no issue with Islam itself.
Of course, that's completely inaccurate.
If you drill into the Quran and read what it says, read what it directs Muslims to do, it directs them, as you just mentioned there, somebody who left Islam, it directs them to kill those apostates who try and leave Islam, and it directs them to kill the infidels and to wage war against people who bring corruption to the land, which is exactly the justification that ISIS gave after the Paris attacks.
So again, you look at the polls, which show that it's not a tiny minority of Muslims who, for example, support ISIS.
Now that doesn't mean that they're all going to strap on AK-47s and massacre people in a theatre, but it shows that this politically correct idea of
You know, support for Jihad being a tiny, tiny percentage of Muslims is completely wrong.
Of course, there's a difference again between violent Jihad and Islamism.
But both want to impose Islamism on the West.
Well, of course, as we know, to maintain freedom and a liberal democracy, there should be separation between church and state.
So the ones who want to impose Islamism want to do it politically.
The ones who want to impose Islamism through jihad want to do it violently.
And that's really the only difference, which is why huge numbers of Muslims support ISIS, because, at the end of the day, they support the same goal.
And that's why Islam is a problem, even though it's Islamophobic even to say that, and that we need a reformation of Islam, just as we had a reformation of Christianity.
And those points are outlined, as I said in the video I made last week, the truth about Islam, and it's a subject that we continue to tackle,
Despite the fact that the left and the feminists don't talk about it, even though Islam itself is one of the most sexist, homophobic, racist religions, it's the most racist, homophobic, sexist religion on the planet, because of course they still carry out those punishments.
Against women, for merely looking at a man twice, acid attacks, stoning people to death, throwing gays off buildings.
Not a word from the left.
Not a word from feminists.
Because again, in the oppression Olympics, the Muslims rank higher than the gays or the women.
So they don't talk about it for fear of being called Islamophobic, complete intellectual cowardice.
We do dare talk about it here on the Alex Jones Show and at Infowars.com.
Let's go to another call here.
Who's been waiting longest?
Gene in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Gene.
Yes, sir.
I think that we need to start attacking the Elite's foundation while they're building the top of their pyramid.
To me, the way we do that is we take away their funding and we support our own funding.
And the way to do that
We can run the country totally debt free.
The country would be totally out of debt and there would be no taxation whatsoever.
How do you do that?
Well, the government needs to be the bank and get the hell out of everything else.
But if they're the bank and they can loan money to the people and then the interest on the money, the interest on the loans can pay for the government.
So that's how we can run the country, debt-free, and there'll be no taxation whatsoever.
What do you think about that, Paul?
It's not something that I've personally investigated, Gene, but it sounds like an interesting idea.
Thanks for the call.
Tim, in Wyoming, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
You want to talk about weather modification.
Go ahead, Tim.
Yes, hi.
I was interested in talking about weather modification because with the climate, supposed climate change happening,
Or the uproar over supposed climate change.
This was probably 20, maybe 25 years ago, when China was first talking about building their Three Rivers Gorges project, I think it was.
And then Russia also was doing something very similar at the same time.
There was a large, I want to say a large
Number of people who knew about it, and it was not getting a lot of airplay, unfortunately.
It was in Omni Magazine, which doesn't exist anymore.
But, of course, Omni Magazine actually did have science fiction and science fact.
But at the same time, as I say, not many people talked about that or thought about it.
And the weather modification
We're good to go.
I think we're good.
I mean, it's very little anyway, but that's basically what I wanted to say.
But there was one other thing, one other comment I wanted to make.
Every time I hear this, it makes me laugh.
Alex Jones is the T-Rex of political talk, but he talks about the establishment dinosaur media being dead.
And so I thought that was kind of funny, unless he's a scavenger on the dead dinosaur media, which is what the T-Rex was.
But anyway, that's about it.
Thank you for taking my call, and that's about it.
Okay, Tim, thanks for the call.
Yeah, I mean, the point I make, and, you know, people talk about California.
Why would we trust them with any of these geoengineering projects?
Because, as I said, you know, back in the 70s, they wanted to cover the polar ice caps with salt.
Now they want to inject the stratosphere with sulfur.
People have warned that that could have all kinds of unintended consequences, acid rain being one of them.
And why would we trust them with these kind of technologies, these kind of programs, when they've been caught over and over again lying about global warming, faking temperature data to make this seem like a problem, when it's not?
And again, the other point is,
The programs that they've introduced to stop global warming and get us more reliant on quote renewable energy are a complete waste of money, a complete failure, and they've only served to massively cripple economies into which they're introduced.
I mean look at Spain's green economy for example.
You know, that caused a 50% youth unemployment rate.
25% unemployment rate in general.
It was a complete catastrophe.
And yet Obama tried to model his plan for America's green economy on the same model.
Thankfully it got more pushback.
And of course, thanks to the miracle of shale in America, the economy didn't completely collapse like Spain's did back five, six, seven years ago.
And again, all this money being spent on renewable energy, when the fact is solar power and wind power, while good for your private home,
For self-sufficiency, if you're talking about the world's global energy needs, they're completely useless.
You know, it takes three decades after installing solar panels just to get your money back.
And wind turbines are even worse.
They're not just eyesores on the environment.
They're ridiculously expensive.
They break down all the time.
And here's the key fact.
They emit more carbon dioxide than they save.
So the very reason for putting them in in the first place is completely redundant.
So even Bill Gates, and this is the point I make in the video...
Even Bill Gates has come out and said on numerous occasions that renewable energy can't do the job.
It's a total waste of money.
It's not going to match.
It's not going to meet the world's needs for energy.
So all these green subsidies need to be switched immediately into R&D, research and development,
For technological breakthroughs for an alternative energy source.
And it's not going to be solar.
It's not going to be wind power.
Because again, they're completely inadequate.
And in the context of wind turbines, they actually emit more CO2 than they save.
But this is still being pushed today.
At this pointless climate summit in Paris, even though these so-called solutions have been completely debunked already.
And then you have the other side of it, which is particularly infuriating.
You get all the trendies, all the socialists, and in Sweden I saw a picture of them waving the red hammer and sickle communist flag at a climate march.
They go out and have these climate demos to look trendy and virtue signal to all their friends so they can get social brownie points about how environmentally conscious they are.
And what they're advocating is actually impoverishing and slaughtering people in the third world, people of colour.
We had an article on Infowars.com back in 2011, Honduran farmers slaughtered in the name of global warming.
23 farmers in Honduras, and this is happening in numerous different areas, were slaughtered in cold blood by hired mercenaries as they tried to protect their land from being seized by a corporation who wanted to use the land to produce biofuels as part of a United Nations accredited EU carbon trading scheme.
So these programs to grow biofuels
They're actually going out onto poor, impoverished people's land in countries like Honduras and massacring them at gunpoint in this case.
To steal their land so they can grow biofuel on it for the United Nations.
That's what these trendies are out advocating at these climate demos.
So again, completely ludicrous.
And this video I put out on Infowars.com really gets into this.
Of course, the polls now show that less and less people believe in man-made climate change, so we're at least making some progress on that score.
But still, these disastrous policies for the economy, for the development of third world economies to lift themselves out of poverty, continue.
And even though they've been discredited over and over again, they always move the goalposts.
Back in the 70s, it was global cooling.
Then it was global warming.
And then, when the world stopped having global warming 18, 19 years ago, they changed it to climate change.
And now it's extreme weather conditions.
So it's basically any kind of weather whatsoever.
It's all man-made climate change.
It's all your fault.
They're going to introduce carbon taxes for businesses, which you're going to pay higher prices for, so eventually it's going to hit you in the wallet.
When, you know, extreme weather conditions are becoming less extreme.
It's completely ridiculous, but they're still waffling through it at this climate summit in Paris and Obama's up there saying that it's a stunning rebuke to ISIS, like ISIS jihadists are going to be shaking in their boots because Obama's talking about global warming.
I mean, where is the connection there?
There's no connection whatsoever.
And as I said earlier in the show,
The Obama administration actually refused to bomb the ISIS oil fields in the name of the environment for 15 months.
Isn't that ironic?
And then of course now they're giving them 45 minute warnings, the drivers of the oil tankers, to flee before they even bomb those.
So again, planet crazy and Obama's up there in front of the UN talking more nonsense.
We'll be back, final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
Stay tuned.
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So on Friday's show we had the interview with the lawyer for Gregory Allen Elliott.
He was the Toronto artist who basically now faces six months in jail for disagreeing with a feminist on Twitter.
That's now being considered to be criminal harassment in Toronto.
That ruling is going to come down in January.
But today I found out about another story involving a feminist
Basically, she got into a debate with someone on Facebook, with a man, God forbid, and he used the word slut during this debate.
So this feminist, this cry-bully feminist, Clementine Ford, she called up his place of employment, told them that he dared to use the word slut during a debate on Facebook.
He was fired.
His Christmas is completely ruined.
Right, so if he's got children and, you know, they're wondering what Christmas presents they're getting this year, they're getting nothing because this feminist has ruined his life, got him fired for using the word slut on Facebook.
And again, this is why I make the point, this public shaming culture...
That feminists, you know, they've completely dominated over the past several years.
It's a direct threat to free speech.
It's a threat to people's livelihoods.
Because they publicly shame people with this mob outrage culture and get them fired.
And yet another example of it today, and of course as soon as I challenged this feminist on what she'd done, she blocked me on Twitter within minutes.
So again, these cry-bully feminists immediately retreat to their safe space as soon as they're challenged by anyone.
So yet another example of that today.
Let's go to another call here.
Rob in Ontario.
You're on the air, Rob.
Go ahead.
How are you?
I wanted to maybe offer what I think is a tell about how these guys are disingenuine about using CO2 as the boogeyman for climate change.
Well, I'm arguing that, I guess maybe ostensibly it's because they want to use that to argue overpopulation or something, but what, uh, CO2, um, when you, when you understand that you can sequester CO2, they're saying that agriculture is 40% of the problem.
And really what they mean by agriculture, they mean grain production because grain is annual tillage and annual tillage means that you release the carbon that would be sequestered in the ground, in the atmosphere.
So if they were to, and the other argument that they're making about it is livestock, since methane is a much more powerful greenhouse gas.
And I'm not sure if methane is as strong as water vapor, say from chemtrails.
But anyway, what I was going to say is, is that the CO2 model of you get solved by
Changing our farming model with livestock back to mixed farming and then using grain free meat production.
So for ruminants, cows, sheep and goats, you have them grass fed only.
And it's been estimated by the people at the Land Institute that have been looking at trying to solve annual grain production by coming up with perennial grains that you can sequester
All the CO2 that was released since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution within 10 years in that model.
That's interesting.
Thanks for the call.
We've got to go.
We've got about 50 seconds left.
But of course, you remember the Plandopolis?
The methane released from livestock, of course, that's one of the justifications they cite for rationing meat.
Who else rationed meat as a form of controlling human behavior?
The communist Chinese, as late as the 80s, rationed meat.
And in fact, it was a delicacy for people to eat meat once a month in China because of that very system.
So again, it's all about controlling the development of the third world, and it's about controlling, regulating the behavior of people at home.
That's why it's nothing to do with saving the Earth.
It's about expanding their power.
And we'll be covering it all week at InfoWars.com as this Paris Climate Summit goes on with more insanity.
That's gonna wrap it up.
The fourth hour we'll be back.
InfoWars nightly news tonight, live show tomorrow.
That's gonna do it for now.
InfoWars.com, thanks for joining.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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