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Name: 20151123_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 23, 2015
3358 lines.

The radio ad introduces SimpliSafeDefense.com, a home security system, and discusses various conspiracy theories presented by Alex Jones. Topics covered include Hillary Clinton's role during the Arab Spring, differences between Al-Qaeda and ISIS members, cultural shifts in Hamtramck, Michigan, America's declining manufacturing base, and the potential collapse of the US economy due to lack of manufacturing capability. The ad also promotes Secret 12, a Vitamin B12 formulation for increased absorption rates, and BrainForce, a product designed to boost brain health and cellular energy. Alex Jones emphasizes the importance of maintaining good health in today's world with hidden additives in food and constant exposure to screens that may damage the brain.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Zbigniew Brzezinski's world-dominating elitist management of Eurasia is completing its final maneuvers on the grand chessboard.
As the United States, a hijacked world superpower government, veers down the path to an engineered final endgame,
Towards completion of a corporocratic New World Order.
The primacy of the last remaining superpower, i.e.
the United States, and the importance of destabilization in the Middle East and the acquisition of the wealth of Eurasia has reached its summit.
Now the next phase is being unleashed on an unsuspecting populace.
In the words of Albert Pike,
Satanist, Ku Klux Klan founder, and revered prophet of the New World Order.
In the Third World War, we shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm, which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism.
We're good.
Thanks for watching!
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement, which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
Upon those ashes, the New World Order of Albert Pike, David Rockefeller, George Soros, the Bilderberg Group, the Royalty of Europe, the great work of the higher Masonic Orders.
They really are issues of the construction
Of a new world order.
I think you're seeing in Europe the beginning of the end of the political correctness, at least a correction in it.
I mean, in Europe, as I say, this one attack
It has done more to bring the EU to an end than I thought possible.
I think the EU is seeing a swing of the pendulum over to more conservative parties that want security, that want to eliminate this multicultural nonsense, this multicultural nightmare that Europe has become, the loss of identity.
I mean, you know, Europe is becoming a Muslim nation.
And what they don't understand is that, you know, Islam reaches a critical per-percentage... 8%.
...during Sharia law.
I mean, it's about to get even more radical.
Yeah, it's gonna get more radical.
And they're gonna try to align with the forces in the universities to do an Ayers-style revolution.
Which will mean opening the borders, rushing to the end of a new world order, climate change, all the things that Obama has predicted will want to do, he's going to rush to do, is going to fail.
I think there will be more terrorist attacks in Europe.
I think there's going to be terrorist attacks in the United States.
You're going to see more and more terrorists stopped at the border.
You're going to see more and more criminal activity.
The country is going to close the border and the country may start throwing out
For those of you out there still with doubt, just know this.
Everything is going according to plan.
John Bowne for Infowars.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're broadcasting worldwide on this Monday, the 23rd day of November, 2015.
Incredibly important transmission straight ahead.
The treason by the globalist operatives in our governments has never been clearer.
And I will break it all down from every conceivable angle straight ahead, because information is power.
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I'm David Knight with Infowars.com and on behalf of the entire team here at the Central Texas Command Center, we thank you for your support.
When cells become toxic, they die early and aging sets in.
No one has put together a formula that focuses directly on brain health, nerve growth factors,
We're good.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
Rallying patriots worldwide.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
And what is the Patriot?
It's a man that stands up for his family, stands up for his country, stands up for due process, the rule of law, private property, and family values.
And it really hit me this weekend that everything comes down to the loss of chivalry.
The loss of honor.
There's a paradox.
Growing up in Texas, hearing how great Texas is and how Texas is the best and the cult of Texas, you kind of rebel against that when you're 13, 14, 15 years old and get sick of it.
Until I traveled around other parts of the country and the world, and then I realized that some of the traits of Texas, though overwritten to a great extent, were the end of chivalry.
And that's why from Japan to England to Russia, many historians wrote about the noble
uh... activities that took place in Texas and also some of the barbarous free-booting piratical activities as well.
Let's just say it resembled Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian for real, not in Fantasyland in the Hiberian Age.
That said, the same thing with the military.
Oh, the military is the best.
Oh, the veterans are the best.
Oh, the troops are the best.
Oh, I recognized early on it was propaganda.
I recognized early on it was to get people to join the military to be abused and used.
I was told that by people that were in the military.
But then as I got older and more sophisticated, I realized it's the stolen glory of the tyrants who use the military for the wrong reasons and who then abuse the military afterwards because these dishonorable cowards fear the men and the women who are willing to go in harm's way.
And even if they joined as poor nobodies, they in many cases become somebody because, as Victor Hugo famously said,
Adversity makes men, prosperity makes monsters.
And so, so many things in this world are a paradox, in that the military is our doom, the military is our savior.
The police are our doom, they're our savior.
State governments and the federal government are our doom, it's also our savior.
Because they're just institutions that we
must take control of through the system.
And we must do it through ideas, because our ideas are so much stronger, so much more real, so much more beautiful, so much more empowering, so much sexier, fiery, lightning bolts, explosions, creativity, compared to what the New World Order's serving up, that if we just take the field in the animating contest of liberty, we will win.
In our early defeats, we will grow stronger and we'll have martyrs and heroes.
Not physical martyrs of death in some cases, but martyrs in the info war.
Individuals destroyed, annihilated, torn apart, discredited by the enemy.
But only to be resurrected like the phoenix, as the system is discredited.
We live in magical, epic, legendary, over-the-top, exciting, fantastical, wondrous times.
The great contest for the future destiny of humanity is before us.
And it's up to all of us.
Of every race, color, and creed.
From every region.
To really ask, are we patriots for humanity?
Are we fans of humanity?
Are we fans of the human collective experience we've shared together?
Individual collectivism.
A term I coined many years ago, where we are individualist and believe in the individual and the rugged individual, but then collectively through shared culture and ideas, create a collective masterpiece of true, vibrant, explosive, beautiful diversity.
Then I look at what the so-called keepers of the flame of diversity and renaissance and ideas, who they are.
They're the people that want to ban mother and father, he and she.
They're the ones that want to spew racial division all day long.
They're the ones that want to teach our children how to infight and be stupid and sabotage humans for life so they never develop and go through rites of passage.
I look at full-grown men
Who've never been through any real rites of passage.
And I see their arrested development.
And I see them manipulated into false paradigms of kinship.
And it's very, very sad to see them stunted.
You see, the New World Order can't succeed if there are men.
It can't succeed if there are real women.
It can't succeed unless you are frozen in a junior high level of about 12 years old.
And that is the greatest crime of our enemies because they consciously know what they're doing, they have the knowledge of good and evil, and they choose to use the psychosis of evil, of twisted thinking,
of diseased algorithms to create sick cultures that they can govern.
Because noble, honorable, upright, visionary systems are free.
And the fire, the blood that courses through its arteries, that pulses through its heart, is free will.
Is creativity and the spark of the mind of God given to us, made in the image of the creator of the universe.
That's why humans are targeted by the technocrats who see themselves as a breakaway species.
You know I was the first in the last 20 years to tell you that was their plan.
Now you see it in Wired Magazine, you see it in the London Guardian, you see it everywhere.
This is their great delusion.
They believe they're going to become the uber-menschen!
They're going to become the god-men!
The Herculeans!
The return of the Herculeans!
When no true Herculean would try to suppress their fellow man and dumb them down.
Because a true Herculean builds other people up!
The globalists claim they're going to give us the fields of Elysium?
When that is the vision of the ancients, only now beginning to become realizable.
And I tell you, you will not find the promised land, New World Order.
You are only here to test those of us that are chosen.
Who will go to the promised land of advanced technology, life extension, space colonies, and the next level.
And your infiltration of the controlled churches, to have people thinking it's the end of the world every five minutes, so they stand down and don't take action, is your greatest work.
And more and more I think upon that fact.
To create the films, to write the books, to put out the material, to expose the great fraud of that.
Because even if you believe the tribulation is six months away or a thousand years away,
Or a thousand worlds away!
You will not be accepted into the Kingdom of Heaven that you're in.
You're in space, my friends.
You're on an incredible planet.
You're here.
You will not be accepted into the Kingdom of Heaven if you don't have the spirit to want to warn people and expose evil.
If you don't have that burning in your heart,
The desire to free your fellow humans and free yourself.
And to pull down and tear down the enemy.
And to stomp them underfoot.
Then you're already dead.
You've already succumbed to the enemy.
All these articles, all these pieces of fact, all these pieces of information, all these twisted pieces of rose-colored darklies, in the sum, quantity, are only a reflection of what this system has built on the bones of human creativity.
And it's nothing but a stinking fraud.
When you look into the New World Order,
You see that everything it does is nothing but a vandalistic, murderous hatred of life and of free will and of the creative spark that from birth beats in all of our hearts and minds and spirits.
And the enemy comes to steal that light
in the dark of the night so that the false light of the enemy can be held up to the throngs.
And so they will bow to that false god and have their free will destroyed and be turned into basically walking dead.
That's the archetype of the zombie that's been made so popular and thrown in our face as the military trains to wipe out zombie wave attacks at military bases.
They have people dress up in human wave attacks, mainly like farmers, and then they rush the Marines, they rush the Army.
It's on the news.
They mow everyone down, and no one asked.
We were just trained to mow down fellow Americans en masse.
I know that's an elementary statement of their propaganda, but man, that's just one little point of it.
And I look at their propaganda.
I see it all.
I see the formulaics.
The stamps, the standards, the logos, the programming, the subliminals, all of it.
And when you stare into it, you see the mind behind it, and it's not of this world.
No, it's the God of this world.
But it fell to this world.
Now, when you realize you're up against an entity, you realize the only answer is to tie in
To the creator of that entity.
And then there's no contest.
The news is straight ahead.
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Alex Jones here.
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My name is Bill Bonner, and I have an important message.
Right now, the highest levels of government are struggling against an inevitable crisis, but they're about to lose control.
When this happens, it will rip our country apart in ways you never imagined.
From where we shop, to the doctors you visit, and the family you want to protect.
Look, I've made predictions like this before.
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Those who listened had a chance to save themselves, but this has nothing to do with the stock market.
This will affect us all.
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For thou art my rock and my fortress.
Psalm 31 3.
Listen to how beautiful the human voice is.
Like an angel.
The globalists tell us we're ugly, we're failures.
The end of man is here, we're gonna merge with silicon.
It's gonna be so wonderful.
I know, I know you must follow the sun wherever it leads.
But remember, if you should fall short of your desires,
Think about my kids when I hear this song.
What I do to help my children.
Whenever you have fear in the world, whenever you don't feel confident or strong, think about taking care of your parents, or your children, or your family.
Think about defending them and then feel all that strength.
And don't ever forget, your ancestors are there as well.
They did so much to bring us here.
They went through so much.
Imagine if they could see what we have become today.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Think about that.
I have a stack of news here.
Just, just, just one of only about eight stacks today.
I have a stack just on ISIS and warfare and terrorism.
From mainstream alternative government announcements, raw videos, you name it.
I mean, I could literally talk for the entire hour on one of these stories.
In fact, one of these stories is at DrudgeReport.com right now.
It's a InfoWars.com article and it's from DefenseLink, DoD News.
I saw some comments saying, I don't believe this, you know, on another site that reposted our article this morning.
I actually saw it, not from our site, but somebody else's for some reason, in my email.
I was like, oh, that's InfoWars.
And people are commenting going, what's the proof of this?
There's like this default when something's outrageous.
That people then say it must not be true.
It's DOD news.
You might have heard of that.
That's the Department of Defense news.
Very, very frustrating.
But that's a story within a story.
White House gave ISIS 45-minute warning before bombing oil tankers.
That's like Defense News now admits our government helps grow the opium in Afghanistan.
Because the answer is, don't let investigative reporters show it, then it's a big story.
Just admit it on CNBC, NBC, CNN, and Fox, all the same week, right after they killed Pat Tillman.
Pat Tillman was writing home about the drug dealing, and he wasn't going to be part of it, so they killed him.
They murdered him, that came out.
To the Army colonel's credit, he said that, you know, in the autopsy, he was murdered.
And so, a couple weeks after that happened, they just went on the news and said, we grow the opium.
Because they knew the troops were riding home.
It was a big scandal, because they were denying it.
See, now you just go, yeah, we're going to teach your five-year-olds how to masturbate in public school.
We're just going to do it.
We're going to forcibly inoculate them, too, because your kids don't belong to you.
And 2 plus 2, by the way, does equal 5, or you're a racist.
And we're going to ban brown paperbacks.
White House gave ISIS 45 minute warning before bombing oil tankers.
Why did it take 15 months for the US to target the Islamic State's oil infrastructure?
And of course it was funny to make fun of us and make fun of Donald Trump when we said this was the thing to do day one.
I mean, it's a no-brainer if somebody's selling oil and making billions of dollars off of it.
800 plus million they've sold just to Turkey.
Oh, our gallant ally, Turkey, I forgot.
And so only after the Russians blew most of it up would they then start claiming they're bombing some of the trucks, but then they warn them to get out of the trucks first.
And the argument is, well, these are civilians.
No, they're not.
They're in a war zone driving stolen oil to the Turkish border.
Did our truckers in Iraq getting bombed by Al-Qaeda, which is ISIS today?
Did our civilian truckers get warnings when they're getting blown up on those roads?
Did our military even try to claim that was a war crime targeting civilians?
No, they didn't.
Because they're delivering munitions and fuel.
They're in the war effort.
They're a target under international law.
Obama is violating the rules of war because he doesn't really want to target them, and that's what we've known the whole time.
So there it is, and that's from the Department of Defense News.
Again, they just put it in your face.
That's a tactic they engage in.
Okay, that's one article out of probably 40.
And we're going to cover these when we come back, but a pro-refugee leftist rally in Paris attacked the police.
And it's French just walking up and punching police in the face and throwing things at them.
This is mainly a European-French audience, a European-French group of self-loving suicidal moron fruitcakes, in my view.
And by the way, uh, the rest of the story when we come back.
Demonstrations are banned in France, but they let the leftists do it.
But if you're a conservative group, they arrest you.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hamtramck, Michigan is experiencing culture shock after becoming the first majority Muslim city in the U.S.
For example, business owners routinely advertise their products in Arabic and they can't obtain liquor licenses within 500 feet of a mosque.
But besides this cultural shift, Hamtramck also serves as a microcosm of America's economy.
Hamtramck was the home of a Chrysler automobile plant back during the muscle car era of the 60s and early 70s.
Everything from Plymouth Barracudas to Dodge Chargers were built at the Hamtramck plant.
But now the plant is closed down just like America's manufacturing base.
When the U.S.
dollar was chosen as the international medium of exchange decades ago, the U.S.
still had a strong manufacturing base.
But now it doesn't, and the only reason why we're still able to maintain a trade deficit is due to global demand for the dollar.
But eventually other countries will stop accepting dollars for their products because we barely manufacture anything anymore.
When that happens, the U.S.
economy will close down just like the Hamtramck Automobile Plant did so many years ago.
This is Kit Daniels and visit InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
Alex Jones here.
InfowarsStore.com is now partnering with the top-of-the-line storable food company, My Patriot Supply, to bring you the highest quality, freshest, longest-lasting, most affordable storable foods, private-labeled, from InfowarsSelect.com, at the lowest price you're gonna find anywhere.
The globalists want us dependent.
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Even organic food has hidden additives.
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You will find BrainForce and other game-changing products at InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
Who's cooler?
Jeff Bridges or George Strait?
I bet.
Nobody's ever made that comparison or asked that question.
Or the other question, who's a bigger listener, George Strait or Jeff Bridges?
That's another question.
Let's listen to George Strait just for a minute.
I ain't got a dime, but what I got is mine.
Alright, that's enough from Mount Marilla by morning.
I'm not name-dropping.
I've been told by several big musicians that, oh yeah, George Strait likes your show.
First time about a decade ago, then once the Ace and the Hole band was playing another musician's birthday party.
That's his band, but George Strait wasn't there.
And I was told that.
And then I was actually told that again.
I've never really even reached out to George Strait.
I'm not even name-dropping right now.
I'm just wanting folks to know how popular the Liberty Movement is and how many cool people in culture don't get political but are awake.
And then, of course, I know that I'm not going to get into any of the private details, but Jeff Bridges is a big listener.
And I just think Jeff Bridges is really cool and really like him.
He's a great actor.
Haven't even reached out to him yet.
I think I will.
You know, Viggo Mortensen's been on, many others.
That said, speaking about who's awake and who isn't, I was told by, again, three different prominent people over the years how much Lance Armstrong hates me.
And living here in Austin, I knew some, and we're not a celebrity show, it's just interesting that different people's views on someone like myself covering what's happening in the world.
I mean, why would Lance Armstrong hate me?
And then, of course, my mom used to be a triathlete and a master swimmer, and she won gold medals and stuff like that.
She didn't do it when she was young.
She got into it when she was, like, 30.
But she did compete with former Olympians and stuff, and she was, you know, really doing good.
So she took a flu shot when she was 50-something.
It almost killed her, and then that knocked her out of competition forever.
But I just might want to take a flu shot.
Folks, they're so great.
My mom was in bed for a month.
Used to win gold medals and silver medals at, like, the state level, you know, in swimming and triathlons.
And then never could basically do it again after that.
She still lifts weights and exercises, but I'm digressing.
She was friends with some folks, and the wife of Lance Armstrong, and she was in the Lance Armstrong box at some of the Tour de France stuff with my dad and sister.
I'm not name-dropping on that point, and I heard back then, even when they knew him, they didn't want to say bad things about Lance Armstrong, what an egomaniac, narcissist, demon he was.
But when he left his wife, I then got to hear all about it.
But I never talked about Lance Armstrong, because I don't care.
Then he got caught lying about everything, going over all this stuff.
But I gotta say, this morning, I finally, after all these years in Austin, ran into Lance Armstrong.
It was weird.
I was out jogging up a hill, in the middle of nowhere, with Pat Riley, my personal trainer, who just goes out with me and jogs and has me do sit-ups and push-ups and stretches me and stuff, because that's more important than even the exercise.
And, uh, I look back and there's Lance Armstrong running up, and I go, Lance Armstrong, and he runs right by me, looks at me, and then tells Pat, excuse me, and goes around him.
And I gotta say, he kind of looks goofy looking on TV and stuff.
He was, had a presence and was pretty scary in person.
I mean, I actually stepped back when he ran six inches by me and looked right in my eyes.
I was like, whoa, that, you know, you run around, you know, run into some people and they kind of have a presence.
Uh, and I definitely had an interesting presence, uh, to him.
And basically almost got run over by him.
But I guess the reason I got into that was multi-fold.
Number one, I want you to know there's a lot of really cool, awesome people.
I mean, of course George Trait's a patriot.
I mean, it'd be a sin if he wasn't.
That's just a default.
Of course Jeff Bridges is so cool.
He's gotta be, you know, fight the new world order.
And then of course Lance Armstrong is a jerk.
And anytime my name comes up, he just talks about how horrible I am and how stupid I am and how much he hates me.
And you know what?
That was years before he got disgraced.
So it's like, it's so, of course Lance Armstrong doesn't like me.
I mean, that just is so fitting, isn't it?
Jeff Bridges does, George Strait does, you know, the former head of Pakistani intelligence who just died, Hamid Gul, and Matt Drudge, and there's countless cool people.
And I'm not up here bragging, but I've been realizing that we need to celebrate more how popular the Liberty Movement is, because I sit there and look at MSNBC, CNN, Salon, Media Matters, LA Times, New York Times, New York Magazine, all of them, I mean hundreds of others lying about us, demonizing us, attacking us, saying nobody listens, saying we're kooks, saying we're not popular, saying we're losing the culture war, because they're losing
They're not the real liberals, they're frauds, and they're in a culture war to make libertarians, patriots, paleoconservatives, and just common sense people look like bitter clinger, you know, hillbillies, and they're these gods, you know, up there on Mount Olympus.
Well, I'd rather hang around with an old hillbilly that works for a living than hang around with a bunch of you fake plastic people, I'll tell you that right now.
And I am extremely, extremely honored
That there are so many great artists and minds and political people.
And again, 9 out of 10 that contact me over the years will not come on this show.
I'm not going to get into the whole story about it, but Brad Pitt is aware of the New World Order.
Brad Pitt is a big fan of Aaron Russo's, how he got introduced to it, freedom to fascism, at least he was.
Look at his wife at the UN, look at what Brad Pitt pushes.
It's just crazy.
And I happen to know a lot of these guys you see on TV pushing UN causes and liberal causes and stuff.
It's a big joke to them.
They all know it's pure bull and just go along with it so they get pushed out there in front of everybody.
I'm not going to name names here, but it's despicable.
It's despicable.
And that's what this comes down to.
is that it's really uncool to support the globalists.
It's really uncool to support the UN.
It's really uncool to be involved in any of this new world order stuff because it's all super evil, super oppressive, super out of control, and anti-human.
And the big news is there's been a revolution in media, in Hollywood, and in many other sectors, in the corporate world, you name it.
People are dividing up which sides they're on.
And folks don't think it's kooky to talk about world government and cybernetic control and all this other stuff that we've been breaking down because, see, it's all starting to come true.
But we were just reading white papers.
I didn't really do much of anything.
And neither did other patriots except care.
And we're not doing this because we're heroes, folks.
We're doing it for self-preservation.
If you're a fan of humanity and want free will and you want renaissance and enlightenment, you're on the side of humanity.
You're a patriot.
A planetary patriot.
A go-getter, a team player, a lover of life, a lover of liberty.
If you're on the other side, you get off on screwing people over, keeping people in the dark, controlling a bunch of mindless idiots.
And to me, that's the ultimate sin.
Targeting the childlike minds of people instead of trying to enlighten them.
And I know it's frustrating to try to talk to people that have a spark of intelligence but not the full understanding.
Because then they will get angry at you because they're trying to help them along.
They're like a drowning person.
I get it.
But that is our burden.
And it's a burden that has to be carried out.
The mainstream media today attacks the Enlightenment and calls it the white man's burden.
Rudger Kipling called it that.
But before that, it wasn't called the white man's burden.
It was called Enlightenment, it was called Renaissance, and it had nothing to do with what color you were.
And it tied into understandings of other cultures and other groups from around the world, and sought to build up humanity and empower people, because if you're not trying to empower others, you are satanic and fallen.
And so I'm just getting into philosophy today about what this comes down to.
Paul Watson's joining us until the hour ends, and then I will get at the start of the hour into the stacks of news.
I mean, look at these headlines.
White House gives ISIS 45-minute warning before bombing oil tankers.
Pro-refugee leftists rally in Paris.
Yeah, they attacked the police.
One in five Brit Muslims sympathy for jihad.
Obama warns against overreaction to Islamic State attacks.
Paris terrorists was welcomed ashore in Greece and given help and clothes by French volunteers.
Turkey, the country that ISIS uses as a home base and where it has sold 800 million dollars of oil.
Exclusive 150 on flight from Mexico allowed to skip customs just brought right into the US.
My family doesn't get this treatment.
Russia says U.S.
policies help Islamic State.
That's like saying the sky is blue.
Eleven militants from ISIS-linked gang killed in anti-terror op in Russian North Caucasus.
Crimea state of emergency declared as Western-backed rebels blow up the main power line systems into a third of the country.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
Mali gunmen were hunting for Air France staff at Radisson Hotel.
And last Friday's attack.
Mali forces hunting more than three suspects after the attack still.
Gangs of New York, Sicilian Mafia offers Big Apple protection from psychotic ISIS.
France boosts IS fight as Brussels lockdown.
Special Forces arrive in Syria very soon as Assad hails Russian airstrikes.
Video, Hillary Clinton supporters want to repeal Fourth Amendment.
That's just some of the news we're going to be getting too.
That's just part of one stat.
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So we can send three reporters to Paris for a week.
So we can send reporters to Bilderberg in Austria.
So we can send reporters to LA or New York or Canada or wherever.
So we can send people to South America.
So we can take action.
So we can actually be there.
So we can break news.
So we can engage the globalists at point-blank range.
All right, Paul Joseph Watson joining us from her Britannic Majesty's Albion, London, England.
Paul, so much has happened.
I just wanted to get you on, in retrospective, what you reported on from France last week and other big breaking news.
Your story on DrudgeReport.com.
Wadhouse gave ISIS a 45-minute warning before bombing oil tankers.
And now Obama's in the news saying, OK, I'm going to up my rhetoric a little bit against ISIS.
I mean, this is truly sickening.
Well, yeah, he's basically saying that everybody needs to chill out and that ISIS is not a threat.
Well, you know, he's been chilling out for about 15 months now because that's the time period in which the US has not targeted ISIS oil refineries or ISIS oil tankers.
Now, bearing in mind over 50% of ISIS's activities is funded by this black market oil revenue.
And they have nice M16s from America.
Yeah, so, 15 months without any US airstrikes on these oil fields.
Of course, Russia went in and within 5 days destroyed more than 1,000 tankers.
The first and only US strike on these oil tankers, which is financing ISIS's whole operation, took out 117 tanker trucks.
So, way behind Russia already.
And of course, why is this?
As we've documented for years, the Pentagon, and this came out in their own documents, foresaw the rise of a, quote, Salafist principality.
In other words, ISIS.
And they said that that would ensue as a result of arming these jihadist rebels, who are not moderate rebels, even though the media describes them that still every single day.
So they knew that by arming these rebels, many of whom defected to ISIS, many of whom gave their weapons to ISIS, that it would lead to the growth of ISIS, and that would help destabilize President Bashar al-Assad, which has been the agenda all along.
That's why they left the oil supplies alone for 15 months, because they knew that ISIS couldn't take over parts of Iraq and Syria without that massive financing.
So now this article that's linked up on Drudge Report,
They're getting a 45 minute warning before the US air strikes these oil tankers.
And of course the excuse is, oh we want to prevent civilian casualties, which of course didn't apply when they struck the hospital.
No, that allows them to then park the trucks, and this is what's not in the story, I would add it, that I know this tactic.
It allows them to park the trucks inside mosques, inside facilities, where then they're no-go for strikes, so they can then tell the pilots you can't target.
See, so they don't want to tell the pilots you can't target, because they get upset, and it causes a rebellion, because then the military starts reporting back that it's all staged, as pilots have gone public and already told us six months ago.
So that's what they're really doing here, is allowing them to take most of these tankers and cash them.
Yeah, and as he said, these US military pilots have come forward and said they're not allowed to drop 75% of their ordnance on ISIS targets because they're not getting clearance from their superiors.
So they've got this window of opportunity to wipe them out completely.
They're being called back, they're being told not to deploy their full ordnance, again because this policy has been from the very start and it's not a conspiracy theory, it's in their own documents to allow the rise of ISIS
To act as a destabilizing force against the state.
That's Council on Foreign Relations three years ago.
Yeah, supporting these Al-Qaeda groups, which are not moderate, which rip people's hearts out and eat them on camera, which behead people, which force children to behead people, defect to ISIS, give their weapons to ISIS, and that helps isolate us out.
But Gloria Steinem says the word mother and father is the problem.
Well, yeah, and then you've got the leftists, of course, saying that any criticism of Islam is anti-American.
That's their big meme now.
Again, the so-called tolerant left is tolerating the most intolerant religion on the planet, which we can get into after the break.
I'm skipping the break, Paul.
Please continue.
Yeah, so my frustration basically is the inability of the left and right to hold two thoughts in their head at the same time.
So yes, bombing the Middle East, this geopolitical policy that's been in place for the past 15-20 years... Stirring up the nest as a vacuum for Al-Qaeda is wrong, but now that we're facing Al-Qaeda, aka ISIS, we have to take them out.
Sorry Paul, go ahead, I won't shut up.
Yeah, so bombing the Middle East radicalises populations, that's proven, and it creates terrorists.
Let's stop doing that, let's stop overthrowing secular governments like Colonel Gaddafi, like Bashar al-Assad, and empowering jihadists to take over the entire region and then slip back into Europe as refugees and carry out attacks on innocent people.
Let's stop doing that, but let's also acknowledge the fact that Islam is a violent religion, and it's not a tiny minority.
Again, you mentioned the poll earlier.
One in five British Muslims support jihadists going over to fight in Syria.
And you know, the Islamic State said it after the Paris attack.
They said they attacked Paris because, in their own words, it was a centre of, quote, prostitution and vice.
So then you go into the Koran.
Again, this is not a misinterpretation.
This is not a radical minority.
This is in the Koran.
Again, ISIS said they attacked Paris because they saw it as a center of prostitution and vice.
But then they're totally hypocritical and the head of all this radical Islamo-hobbyist literally kidnaps women and takes them and puts them in slave harems and it's hell on earth and women are sex slaves.
It literally is planet scumble.
Exactly, so we need to hold those two thoughts in our head at the same time.
Can we do that?
Again, more of these polls.
I've got a ten minute video called The Truth About Islam that's being posted in about an hour which goes through all this and if I don't get more death threats then I'm not doing my job properly.
But I guess nothing's as frightening as, you know, walking through the jihadist capital of Europe.
But an ICM poll, for example, found that 16% of French citizens support ISIS.
18 to 24, that age group, 27% of young French people support ISIS.
They had a survey on Al Jazeera Arabic television, which of course is watched by Sunni Muslims living in the Arab world.
81% supported ISIS.
Again, there are more than, there are double the amount of British Muslims fighting for ISIS than are fighting for the British Army.
So this is not a tiny minority of radicals.
This ideology appeals to a broad base because in the Quran, it's not a conspiracy theory.
There are numerous passages, I list some of them in this video, which directly call on people
To behead, you know, chop the feet off, the hands off of the infidels who cause corruption in the land, which is exactly what ISIS did.
But have slave harems with hundreds of kidnapped women.
Yeah, and again, the left is tolerant of intolerance.
Again, we have stonings, we have gay people being thrown off buildings, female genital mutilation.
And the left comes out, you know, if the Westboro Baptist Church, if some extreme right-wing group was advocating that, the left would be all over it.
If Christians were going out and slaughtering people in the name of Jesus,
What would the left say?
But again, this proves that the so-called progressive left is in fact completely regressive.
They are totalitarians attempting to overthrow the new renaissance.
And it's a hypocrisy.
They want to destroy Sir Francis Bacon's New Atlantis.
They are the devil.
And then again, you come at it from a geopolitical angle.
Okay, we had the video a few days ago, the Turkish fans booing the minute's silence for the Paris victims.
So then again, the left, the young Turks come out and say, they weren't booing the minute's silence, they were just chanting for the martyrs!
Of course they'll boo in a minute's time.
The whole point of a minute's silence is to remain silent.
They're jeering, they're whistling, they're booing throughout it.
And the left even makes excuses for that despicable behavior.
You know, Turkey is 99% Muslim.
We have the same thing in Azerbaijan.
Paul, how do you stop calling them liberals?
And I'm not on you about this, but listen.
I get it.
We got to call them liberals because that's how we identify them in the public lexicon.
But they're not liberals.
They're like a mentally ill fascist cult who just wants to destroy any true liberalism and wreck the family and enslave women and persecute good loving men and just run around basically vandalizing everything like mental patients.
So what do you call these people?
Well, I call them the regressive left, because they claim to be progressive, but everything they stand for is regressive.
I mean, look at what happened on the university campuses, you know, a couple of weeks ago.
Which is interesting, because now we've got this, a series of different graffitis on a campus, I think it's in Ohio.
With the ISIS flag, this pro-ISIS graffiti, it's on the Drudge Report.
We are coming pro-ISIS messages found on Ohio College campus.
So they've found their ideological root.
Again, the intolerant, regressive left, which shouts down anyone who disagrees with them, censors people.
They've now found their ideological inspiration, their root, and it's basically ISIS jihadism.
So the two go together.
Oh yeah, they've come out and supported it.
They've come out and supported it.
And again, I go back to Turkey, because the Young Turks put out this video defending this booing and jeering at the football match.
$800 million worth of ISIS oil has been sold in Turkey.
Okay, so it's not just Saudi Arabia that's backstabbing us, or whatever you want to call it.
The centre of evil, as far as ISIS is concerned, is Turkey.
I mean, listen to this.
This is out of a Nafisa Mad article which went up about a week ago.
A senior Western official, familiar with a large cache of intelligence obtained this summer from a major raid on an ISIS safehouse, told The Guardian that, quote, direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking ISIS members was now undeniable.
So it's not only the training that happened, you know, a couple of years ago, it's not only the ISIS members being allowed to go back and forth between the country, and these oil tankers as well,
Now there's actual high-level coordination between the Turkish government and ISIS.
We have the former head of defense intelligence who just quit six months ago saying they were ordered by Obama to build up Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Turkey gives them artillery support routinely and has been shooting down Syrian aircraft that try to bomb the infiltrating Jihad forces.
I mean, it's public that Turkey is running the main assault.
And then we have this out of the Express a couple of days ago.
Turkey threatens Russia over bid to obliterate Islamic State terrorists.
So they're actually calling on Russia to stop bombing Turkey.
And again, this is one of the U.S.'
's prime allies in the region.
And Russia's not.
They're bombing right on the border when they squirt these turds into Syria.
I mean, I hate to use a gross analogy, but they've got satellites and planes watching them.
When they send them over the border, they kill them.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
Stay there, Paul.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, as usual, Paul, Joseph Watson is making devastating point after devastating point.
We've got, coming up in the fourth hour, David Nine, who makes his own amazing points, will be hosting the fourth hour.
Maybe, if he's got time in the checkbook, I guess he's got stuff coming up later, he'll air this Truth About Islam video that Paul says is so powerful that he's about to release at InfoWars.com the next hour.
Paul, again, I'm rarely wrong about big issues, but sometimes I am wrong because I underestimate just how crazy the globalists are and just how much they hate the West and Renaissance.
And so I guess they love radical Islam because it is so barbaric, evil, dark, twisted.
But, I mean, I didn't believe Obama was really trying to overthrow countries in part of a caliphate.
This was six, seven years ago I was hearing this, or eight, nine years ago from Corsi and then Beck and others.
And Beck's been wrong about a lot of stuff.
That's been proven.
I'm not criticizing him.
I'm just saying.
He said a lot of stuff about me isn't true, but I mean, when somebody's right, I'm going to say it.
I don't want to fight with Glenn Beck.
He popularized this caliphate stuff, and now I look at it, and the stuff Obama's doing, and the things he's been caught doing, he really probably is a closet radical jihadist, and really is trying to double-cross the whole West, and is trying to bring down the West.
And I just can't believe the elite actually put a guy in.
I mean, I know they're bad, but
Why would they want to do that when the West has given them all their power?
Paul Watson, you've got about three minutes, finish up.
Well, because they see Syria, they see Bashar al-Assad and Iran as a bigger threat to their geopolitical hegemony than a group like ISIS.
So, I mean, that's why they're allowing it to grow in size.
They likened it to a Frankenstein monster that they wanted to keep under control to some extent.
And obviously that hasn't worked.
There are over 130 dead people in Paris.
God knows how many more to come.
Belgium, Brussels is basically locked down their metro.
The shops aren't open, nobody's going out because they fear an imminent attack.
Because, of course, one of the guys who attacked in Paris is still on the loose.
So, I don't think they truly understood what kind of hell holes these jihadist capitals have become.
The fact that in Molenbeek you can get a military-grade weapon on the street within an hour for 500 euros, and of course those weapons are coming through Libya, which again, they destabilized to overthrow a secular government.
Which go right into Europe, but oh, Europeans can't have guns to protect themselves, but the jihadis have rocket launchers.
And now even the New York Times has come out and said that, you know, US Central Command were engaged in a year-long effort to deliberately conceal the fact that this plan to fight ISIS by not bombing ISIS's oil fields, which is the main funding mechanism behind ISIS,
Was completely ineffective!
I mean, that's come out in the New York Times now.
So finally, after Russia begins this blitz against ISIS as of the end of September, all this is finally coming to light.
But Paul, we can just laugh at Russia and Donald Trump being right, then that makes us morally, intellectually superior, if we just say we're liberal and cackle but are actually real stupid.
So let's just pretend we're dumb.
Those people are dumb racists!
They wanna, they wanna take the refugees, and uh, they're sexist too!
Here, here, here, let's go out,
One minute acting like a moron with an A.D.I.Q.
Let's do it together.
I'm the Young Turks.
Here, let's do it together.
Go ahead.
Well, I mean, the main point is, Islam is not a race, it's a religion.
In fact, there's a video within this video that I'm putting out, which, I mean, you'll probably want to play this part tomorrow or whatever, and it's a conference of self-proclaimed moderate Muslims in London, I think, and the speaker asked the audience, you know, they call us radical Muslims, we're moderate Muslims, we're not jihadists, we go to mosques, we go about, you know, our normal business.
And then he's like, so hands up, who supports stoning women for adultery?
Who supports segregation?
Who supports executing rape victims?
And these self-proclaimed moderate Muslims at this conference, you know, black, some of them white, some of them Arab, all in unison, the entire audience puts their hand up.
They all support stoning women.
Yeah, yeah, let's kill women that have been raped, and Gloria Steinem doesn't say one word out of her fat mouth, or Mr. Maddow, or any of these people.
Because the truth is they hate chivalry.
They hate men that love women.
They love evil.
They love their father.
BLZ, Bob.
Thank you, Paul.
In the second Democrat debate this last weekend, it was last minute change the day before to talk about foreign policy because of the terrorist attacks.
The Sanders campaign was furious.
Bernie wasn't ready to talk about terrorism.
The moderator asked him if he still thought the greatest threat to national security was climate change.
In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism.
Do you understand what Sanders is saying?
Climate change is directly related to terrorism.
Terrorism has nothing to do with wars for oil and power.
It's not about a clash of cultures.
And as every liberal will tell you, it has nothing to do with Islam.
So it must be climate change.
Al Qaeda and ISIS were not created to fight climate change!
But there is an indirect link.
Bernie Sanders won't tell you, however, if he even sees it.
Al Qaeda and ISIS are a creation of the same governments and multinational corporations that are trying to create a global government using terrorism and climate change as an excuse.
For Infowars.com, I'm David Knight.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Coming up, Joe Biggs.
And Michael Zimmerman back from Paris, back from London as well to break down what they witnessed, their latest take on the situation.
Biggs, who's been in Afghanistan and in Iraq, said that Paris is basically a jihad toilet bowl.
That was what he just said in the control room.
I asked how his trip was.
He's super tired, just got back yesterday.
He's lost eight pounds while he was in Europe.
That's how hard he was working.
And he just said London is a jihad toilet bowl as well.
So we're going to get his report on the toilet bowl coming up here in a little while.
So that's going to be, and he begged to go on that assignment of course, and he's glad he went, but that's what's happening.
This is the type of news I have just to mix into the stack.
This is out of Reuters, and they're reporting this with a straight face.
Climate change, root cause of Syrian war, Britain's Prince Charles says.
This is a guy whose family gets billions of pounds a year in taxpayer money and whose wealth is a state secret but they have over a hundred palaces and are the biggest landowners in the world and collectively own controlling interest in British Petroleum and Dutch Royal Shell.
The third and fourth largest oil companies.
The man is worth trillions.
And when he's not lecturing us how we shouldn't be able to have a car or be able to have air conditioning, that's what he does, just like Obama does.
He is telling us that, no, the West didn't fund through Saudi Arabia and Turkey and others a jihad to go kill non-radical Muslims.
And there are a lot of those folks, a lot of beautiful, wonderful people, by the way.
I'm not an Islamophobe.
There are a lot of really nice Muslims.
It's just the ones Europe's shipping in and the ones getting promoted, the ones getting, you know, promoted by Hollywood as cute and cool.
Are a bunch of socialist-loving, woman-hating, crazy people.
And Prince Charles, of course, goes and hangs out and takes vacations with the King of Saudi Arabia.
It is disgusting.
Same story.
Britain's Prince Charles has pointed to the world's failure to tackle climate change as the root cause of the civil war in Syria.
Terrorism and consequent refugee crisis engulfing Europe.
Yeah, it's not the devaluation of global currencies and food prices going up.
It's not the jihad.
It's not the population of the Middle East doubling in the last 25 years.
No, no, no.
It's all because the climate changes.
I thought it was warming.
Now it's just change.
Either way, everything works out perfectly fine.
The heir to the British throne who's not British.
I am Welsh.
Very few people in England you could even call British.
That's just a word from the British, a tribe.
These people are not British, they're not Welsh, they're not Scotch, they're not Irish, they're not from those islands, they are from Transylvania!
They are Hungarian-Romanian, and they're not even that!
The heir to the British throne, who is a Transylvanian imposter, I would add to Reuters, the heir to the British throne, whose family took over, what, almost 300 years ago, when the
Frank Line, the William the Conqueror Barbarian Line, died out.
See, I shouldn't go into history lessons, I should just get to the article.
It's just, everything's a lie.
I'm just sick of it.
The heir to the British throne is due to give a keynote speech at the opening of a global climate summit in Paris next week, where 118 leaders will gather to try to nail down a deal to limit rising greenhouse gas emissions.
Oh, the big global government summit in Paris, where everything from slipping on a banana peel to the Easter Bunny not delivering enough eggs is the fault of global warming.
I'm sorry, climate change is the new BS term the last few years.
The Prince, the Prince, what an anachronism, said in an interview with Sky News to be aired Monday and recorded before November 13th attacks in Paris, that such symptoms were a classic case of not dealing with the problems.
Oh my gosh, he predicted upheaval and more refugees before it happened.
That was hard to predict when it's part of an admitted plan by the head of the UN
Migrant body!
Peter Sutherland!
I say, it's quite incredible.
I believe the crisis is being caused by you not paying me enough carbon taxes.
I'm heavily invested in the carbon exchanges.
If you just pay me, let me turn off old pensioners' gas allotment, while we have a government allotment of hundreds of millions of pounds of gas to heat the palaces, but old British
Pensioners ride on the buses all night as to not freeze to death.
I'm descended from Vlad the Impaler, you see.
So I do have a bit of a stake in the country.
As it were.
Oh, yes.
That's Prince Charles.
I'm descended from Vlad the Impaler.
That's why I'm spending most of my time in Transylvania at the family castle.
And I cut to it, and it's actually Dracula Castle.
Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do, do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do, can't get weirder, can't get crazier, can't get stranger, and let's just pay money to this piece of garbage!
And by the way, when I said that they get hundreds of millions of pounds a year of money to heat the palaces, that's been a big national scandal.
You got people worth trillions of dollars, and they're sucking off the British people,
And the people of the UK, oh, I'm just so tired of them.
And they were such masters at playing the Irish and the Brits and the Scots off against each other when it's all just basically the same people.
Just such sick evil.
I am just so tired of it.
Divide and conquer, it's why they always rule us.
We could get smart someday and figure it out, go to the stars together, but I guess we won't.
If we don't wake up.
There it is.
Queen tried to use state poverty fund to heat Buckingham Palace.
See why I can't just cover any of the news?
Because I take one article, I could talk three hours on this.
All ties together, how everything intersects.
I'm not, he never even gives his evidence, I'm not even going to get into it.
Here's another one, Climate Depot, flashback, 1941 scientists claim global warming caused Hitler.
Warmer temps may produce a trend towards dictatorial governments.
Well, it's true that warmer weather in the summer causes more crime and violence.
That has established more crime, probably double in a full moon, for a lot of different reasons.
But to say that it caused Hitler, not in a short term, but it is true that warming cycles cause larger population blooms and then that causes, whether it be in rat colonies or human colonies, more war.
And this article is kind of like discrediting it, look how kooky this is, but see normally almost all science that global warming is this horrible evil thing is pure bull.
This, I would actually say, has threads of truth to it, but the larger idea is wrong, as if warming itself is bad.
No, expansion is good.
More growing areas is good for the whole planet.
More life forms.
It's not just humans that bloom in warm weather, and that just doesn't mean seasonally, but in larger trends and cyclical seasons.
There's not just
The four seasons in the 365 orbit of the sun.
There are other seasons and spectrums.
In fact, Dr. Mills believes the rise of power of Adolf Hitler in Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy may do impart a gradually warming temperature of the world.
People are more docile and easily led in warm weather than in cold.
That's not true.
So, yes, the report is quackish.
It's a quackhole report.
Of the pink duck type, but at the same time, it is important to understand that warmer weather in general is better for the planet.
It's not some horrible scary thing, even though the Earth is now cooling, according to all the satellite reports, because the sun cooled down.
But what I say doesn't matter, because the UN had a vote five years ago and said the sun does not affect climate at all.
Sun gets hotter, puts off more mass coronal ejections, more solar radiation.
The UN voted and said it doesn't affect things.
Could they vote and suspend reality?
Maybe they could suspend gravity.
Maybe they could vote and give Obama another Peace Prize.
How about when he eats a bologna sandwich, we give him one?
Or how about when he plays golf, we give him one?
How about when he goes to the bathroom, we give him one?
How about we, in fact, I want to nominate him for another Nobel Peace Prize.
I really do right now.
I want to nominate Obama for a Peace Prize for funding ISIS to murder hundreds of thousands of Christians in Syria.
Because he's been a total warmonger, they gave him a Peace Prize, so why not give him more?
Why not fully invert reality?
But you can say that Obama didn't earn his Peace Prize.
He says, you know, you didn't build that, you didn't compose music, you didn't write a book, you didn't do a good job playing football, you didn't come up with a great new design for architecture.
No, no one, no individual ever did anything, but the individuals captaining the big collectivist systems, they did everything.
But then in reality, what's the Nobel Peace Prize, like $400,000 or something?
You didn't earn that.
You didn't promote peace.
So see, it's someone who doesn't do anything but has been given everything.
I mean, Obama has had a silver spoon in his mouth his whole life.
He's slick.
He's smart.
He's a good talker.
But other than that, he was created.
He was built.
He was picked.
He was groomed.
He was thrust out there.
He was fertilized under the wings of the New World Order.
And that's why they want standardization and centralization, is because they can't compete with the Renaissance.
They can't compete with an organic Alex Jones coming out of nowhere, or an organic Matt Drudge coming out of nowhere.
They can't compete with you coming out of nowhere.
They can't compete with a Mark Dice coming out of nowhere.
They can't compete with you.
Like V for Vendetto.
Why didn't you take action earlier, V?
I was waiting for you, Inspector.
I was waiting for you.
See, we need help.
The fight's going on right now.
You gonna join the effort, folks?
The real war for humanity's happening now.
And it's big.
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Coming up, Rachel Jobigs is in studio with us, along with Michael Zimmerman.
They just got back from London-stan, Paris-tan, Islamabad, Belgium.
And they just said it was crazy.
People just shooting pistols on the side of the road and just people running around and women with headdresses everywhere.
I mean, it's one thing if you see some of that, but then it's Europe or it's Austin, Texas, and at least here we can have guns.
The Europeans don't have guns, but the jihadis are just lawless and do whatever they want.
And again, they ran our reporters out of the places they went in Paris, in Belgium, in England.
It's that they're not being assimilated.
And they're allied with the Black Lives Matter socialist George Soros people.
And we have footage coming up when they come in studio if you're a TV viewer.
For radio listeners, go to Infowars.com.
It's a Gateway Pundit article.
Pro-refugee leftists rally in Paris, attack police.
And it's French.
But they're socialists and they want the divide and conquer.
They know this is their brigade army.
And so they're just attacking the police and more.
Because they hate the government, even though it's a socialist government with 80-something percent tax on average, doing everything they want.
They're so self-loathing, they want to suicide the country completely.
That's coming up in the next segment.
Now, let's be clear.
The governments are corrupt in many nations.
The police have big problems.
At the in-game level, when they fully overthrow our countries, they're going to turn the public against the police.
They're going to have truth and reconciliation deals.
They're going to try police by the tens of thousands per country.
And they're going to use all the corruption that the feds and the globalists let you be involved in to coup you and to bring you all down and then bring the whole country down because local government is the target.
And so that's why I haven't aligned myself with the police, you know, my police right or wrong.
I've aligned myself with fighting a globalist strategy.
I want to reform the police.
We're going to reform them, taking over our local governments, getting the Constitution back, promoting good officers, firing bad ones.
We're not going to fix it with George Soros, who overthrew Ukraine two years ago, and admits he did, with rioters attacking police and overthrowing the elected government.
We're fighting a formula, a formulae, shake and bake.
And I'm not an idiot who sits here and goes along with it, as much as I detest what some of the police do.
And by the way, every time I look into it,
Almost every time.
There's been a few cases that it hasn't been.
Just outright corruption by police in some small towns, the North, South, East, the West, robbing people, taking stuff out of their purses, whatever.
Some of that goes on, but that itself was created by the Feds in acid formature seizure.
Almost all of it was the Feds.
They corrupted the police.
They screwed them up.
And they're not even Feds.
They're an occupied government.
And not even all the people in it are bad.
A lot of them are super awake.
In fact, I had an FBI agent come up to me in Barnes and Noble.
I was in Barnes and Noble buying my kids some stuff so we can buy myself.
It was like a convention of guys in suits.
I had like six, seven people.
It wasn't a convention.
The place was pretty much empty, but everybody in there was wearing suits and ties for some reason at lunch on Saturday.
They were just all coming over to me and one of them I was talking to
And he goes, well, we're not all your enemies, and we appreciate all what you're doing.
And then I was talking to him.
I said, oh, you're in the government?
He goes, oh, yeah, FBI.
And it was just another FBI agent I've run into that's a listener.
And again, it just shows you how many people in the system are awake themselves.
And sure, they thought I was crazy 10 years ago.
I'm still probably crazy.
Maybe it takes a crazy person to see this stuff for a long way off, but it's here now, folks.
I mean, you'd be crazy to believe this 20 years ago.
I didn't want to believe it.
It is crazy.
But it's real.
I mean, look at this Washington Post article I'm going to spend a lot of time on in the next hour.
Law enforcement took more stuff from people than burglars did last year, the Washington Post.
But see, they don't tell you why that happened, or what the endgame is, or that the government ships the drugs in and creates the crisis.
They just go, oh, law enforcement, oh, see, local police, they're the bad ones.
Nothing about feds in here.
So see, now Oval Washington Post, that's as think tank and as globalist as it gets, it's going to report on asset forfeiture now and how horrible it is.
So they can come in and federalize all the local police, which are already partially federalized because almost all asset forfeiture is only allowed through federal programs.
So they criticized the police for being involved in the federal globalist program, but now they're going to discredit the locals for being on the strings as marionette puppets of the central system.
As it always is.
And then now the Washington Post might win a Pulitzer Prize for exposing police abuse.
Oh, thank you!
But not where it came from.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The latest rich person who lives a life of luxury in one of their many houses, travels in private jets, but is telling you that you have to cut out every modern convenience in your life, is the King of Sweden.
That's right.
King Carl Gustaf, who has a reputation of being quite a ladies' man, has now called for a ban on bass, and admits he is ashamed to run one after realizing how much energy they use.
I am laughing while I'm reading this.
That is right.
To show how eco-friendly he is, he also drives a hybrid car.
And he's using low-energy light bulbs.
Now that's where it gets absurd.
Back in Canada, anyone who admits carbon will pay, Alberta says, as it releases tough climate change policies.
Which includes a mandate that two-thirds of coal-fired electricity generation be replaced with renewables by 2030.
The Guardian is reporting, no pets, no kids, no flights.
How readers are reducing their carbon footprint.
Yes, in fact, there are some people out there that actually believe this garbage.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars Nightly News.
Thanks for watching.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I don't know why coffee out of the DrugsReport.com coffee cup tastes so much better.
We don't sell them, but I think you can get them at Drudge Report.
Do they even sell these?
I don't know.
A couple of these just started floating around the office a few years ago.
And I just always seem to grab this one and drink out of it.
Yeah, this is a good song right here.
I think we gotta turn this up for a moment.
I can feel the world waking up.
I can feel victory rising.
There's going to be some trials and tribulations, but I can feel the initiative worldwide for humanity turning.
The tide's turning right now.
I think we've had a magical time.
A lot of bad stuff's going to happen before it looks better, but in my spirit, I really feel the tide's turning.
Just briefly, don't agree with me under peer pressure if you don't agree.
I didn't tell you I was going to say this when
Joe Biggs and Michael Zimmerman came in here, back from Europe, but just a brief question, then I'm going to come back to you after I have this news.
Do you think the tide's starting to turn?
There's definitely a mass awakening happening, but it needs to happen a lot faster on a much larger scale.
You know, going to Europe now and seeing these numbers, you know, Paul read off the statistics, the percentages of people who are pro-ISIS, pro-jihadi.
That entire Sharia law mindset... 25% in France!
It's mind-blowing!
Those aren't French!
That's not even a... Like, they call these guys that attack the ones that weren't immigrants... Frenchmen!
They're not Frenchmen!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
But, I mean, when I first heard those poll numbers, I was like, that's insane.
There's no way.
That's where he got over there.
And after you get over there, it's no joke.
I mean, people in America need to wake up.
That stuff can happen here.
A city in America could turn into Molenbeek overnight.
We're going to break that down in a moment with you and Mr. Zimmerman here in just a second.
Very powerful info.
I want to read some of these headlines first, and then just as some background, and then go to the guys.
But first,
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Tried it out.
Didn't have the effect of super male.
I mean, I'm just telling you.
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So, just teleprompter free, tell them like it is, folks.
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Now, we're going to go to Wideshot, because I want to get these guys' response to some of these, just in, you know, two or three-word responses, then we'll get your whole take on what you witnessed when you were over there.
But free shipping right now, m4store.com, m4islife.com, or 888-253-3139.
Let me just read these headlines.
White House gave ISIS 45-minute... In fact, no, no, don't comment.
I'm going to read these headlines, and then I want you to respond after.
We'll keep you in the next hour.
This is just, I just want you in here, in the batting pen, getting heated up, just stewing in the juices after you just came back from Lundistan, Islamoparis, all of it.
White House gave ISIS 45-minute warning before bombing oil tankers.
That's from Department of Defense news.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Pro-refugee leftist rally in Paris attacked police.
One in five Brits
A Muslim says sympathy for jihadists.
Obama warns against overreaction to Islamic State attacks.
Paris terrorist was welcomed ashore in Greece and given help and clothes by French volunteers.
Turkey, the country that ISIS uses as a home base and where it has sold 800 million dollars worth of oil.
People ask who keeps buying it.
That's them, our good little buddies, Turkey.
Who then lets them come into Europe.
Then they call them refugees and say we're racist and we don't accept it.
Exclusive, 150 on flight from Mexico allowed to skip customs, leave JFK airport.
So the government's just flying illegals from Latin America and they can do whatever they want.
Yeah, that's New York Daily News.
Just, oh, the illegals don't need any IDs, but you've got to have 400 of them.
And we're going to let Syrian refugees go and not track them.
Russia says US policies help Islamic State.
Again, that's like saying the grass is green.
I mean, but at least they're saying.
Eleven militants from ISIS-linked gang killed an anti-terror op in Russia's North Caucasus.
They're calling that literally evil in the media.
Crimea in a state of emergency as their main power lines out of Ukraine were blown up by the loving George Soros people.
You know, the folks that he helped put in power.
Mali gunmen were hunting for Air France staff at Radisson Hotel, wanting to kill some more French.
Mali forces hunting more than three suspects after attack.
It doesn't matter that half the French are total leftists that hate their country and are attacking police, foaming at the mouth to bring more jihadis in, literally just saying, here, rape my daughter, slit my throat, I love you.
I mean, these are the most self-loathing, horrible little degenerate.
What they are is cowards and their subconscious is probably a hundred times, most experts think, more powerful than the cerebral cortex and your focused consciousness.
Your real consciousness is your subconscious and all the data you have in your gut and your spirit.
These people are scared of jihadists.
They're scared.
And so they just go, we love you, everything's yours, we hate France, thank you for killing us, we deserve it.
Madonna, it's loving, we didn't love you enough, this is our fault.
This is just their spirit of weakness, their spirit of capitulation.
Mali forces, most people serve the devil because of that, they're scared.
They run into evil, they run into spirits of evil, they run into the culture of evil.
You decide to join it.
You see, mostly Satan is getting into this stuff, looking for power.
Satan is the counterfeit of power.
That's what you fools don't know.
Thing is, you can't handle the real power.
Continuing, Mali forces hunting more than three suspects after attack.
Gangs of New York, Sicilian Mafia offers Big Apple protection from psychotic ISIS.
This is how pathetic we've gotten.
That was ABC News.
France boosts ISIS fight as Brussels locked down.
You were just there.
We're going to cover it.
Special Forces to arrive in Syria very soon.
They've always been there.
Five years.
As Assad hails Russian airstrikes.
Hillary supporters want to repeal Fourth Amendment.
Who should pay for the Syrian refugees?
And it goes on and on and on and on from there.
And as I mentioned earlier, Prince Charles says,
That it's global warming's caused all this, not radical Islam, or our government's opening the door and Turkey bringing them all in.
Now joining us is former Army Staff Sergeant Combat Vet Joe Basie.
Speak to that.
That's key here.
His observations in countries now in the London stands, in the Paris stands, in the Jihadi vills, and of course Michael Zimmerman.
Michael, let's start with you.
You've worked here a few months.
Great camera guy, great editor.
You've been on a few assignments.
You got thrown into the mix of this.
Um, what was it like?
Your observations?
Then we're going to get Joe Biggs.
Very interesting trip to go on.
It is very strange to be in a place that just recently had these kinds of terror attacks go on.
And you've got police and military everywhere, you know, walking the streets, warnings about potential chemical attacks going on while we're there.
And it's an interesting place to be.
The hotel we're at, they were on black alert is what they call it.
It said it was one of the highest, uh,
I don't know.
I'm like Bob Ross in overseas right now without my paintbrush.
My paintbrush being my AR-15 because they don't have that ability to do that.
I'm like Picasso when it comes to a gun.
I can do whatever I need to do.
You feel naked?
I felt like Bob Ross.
I couldn't paint my happy little trees or my clouds.
I had a canvas but no brush.
You know, and it's the worst thing to be good at something.
Happy little trees.
The worst thing is to be good at something and not be able to do it.
Nice little brook, nice little barn, little deer, little flowers.
That's the easiest way I can, I mean, I got home last night and I literally got all of my guns and put them in bed with me and laid down and slept with them.
I was so excited, I was like, ahhh!
You think Obama likes that?
I don't care.
But you know, it says right here, White House gives ISIS 45 minute war.
I mean, that just further proves what we've been saying since day one.
Well, they've been doing it the whole time.
Now they've just been caught.
Well, they're throwing it out in the open with the Department of Defense admitting it in the video.
But getting back...
Michael Zimmerman, describe when you went to Brussels, Belgium, and I guess three times you got run out of restaurants, run out of convenience stores, run off the street, followed by cars.
Just, you're not supposed to, as a European, come in these, I guess, whole towns now, where the jihadis are from.
You were talking about people shooting guns on the side of the street.
They all got guns.
Rocket launchers are being found because the police won't go in these areas.
But all the rest of the good little Europeans follow orders and, you know, they'll just lay down and let their daughter get raped.
I mean, it's crazy.
What the socialists have done, what the social engineers have done, so break down what you witnessed there and then Joe begs.
Right, so we took a train from Paris to Brussels, and from Brussels we actually walked 40 minutes into Malambique, which is this area that they call the Jihadi capital of Europe.
Because all these attackers came from this Malambique area, people who did the attack on the train earlier this year came from Malambique, and just numerous other attacks over the years came out of this neighborhood.
Yeah, all you gotta do is Google.
Well, they're fighting imperialism, according to Black Lives Matter.
Right, so we walked into Molenbeek and we shot a couple reports in front of the house that had been raided the day before, where the Paris mastermind had lived.
And then we started walking back to find a place to go before the live show, and you know, somewhere to sit down for an hour or so.
And it started to get dark and it started to rain, so you know, put equipment back in the bag so things wouldn't get wet.
And very quickly, you know, we tried to go into this business and we're
Had a guy yell at us in Arabic and slam the door on us and prevent us from from entering this business there.
And then we started walking back into town because it just really felt creepy, wouldn't you say?
Well, why didn't you just tell him you were a refugee and needed some free everything?
That's what they tell the Germans.
Of course, he probably is a refugee, but he wasn't.
Well, I got my head poked in because I was in the very front.
And I poked my head in and when I looked in there, I kind of saw the crowd of guys that were in there.
I mean, it looked like a
It was like Team America.
He goes, I like your balls.
These guys all look up and they're kind of like giving that look like this guy just walked into the wrong place.
The next thing you know, this guy jumps in and it's me, Mike's behind me and Paul's to my right.
And this hand shoots right across me, grabs the door and slams it back and starts like screaming.
I don't
Made a left, came back around, came back again, had three younger males, and they have the window down, and the guy jumps out, and he's like, and he's screaming at us, and saying all kinds of garbage, and, you know, basically, get out of here, go back home, we don't want you.
And another car came up behind him, and they pulled in front of us, and kind of stopped for a second, and there was another group of men inside of that.
They stop and they're looking and they got their phones like that the whole time out the window and they just got the smirk on their face like yeah, everybody ready to jump out.
And that's just nobody beats their ass.
I mean, I'm sorry, but I mean, this would not fly in many areas of the United States.
No, no.
These Europeans have been so gelded on average that I've been over there filming in London and people, you know, Muslims in full outfits will come out of their way when I'm just not even aimed at them and scream at me to turn my camera off.
Now when I scream at them back, Paul's been one before, then they back off.
But I mean, I just don't get
With this leftist attitude that they've implanted over Islam now, there's just this idea that you're so evil because you're a European.
It's crazy!
I mean, one of the more terrifying things is, like you said, we're standing outside of this guy's house, the supposed mastermind.
I hate calling him a mastermind, because he's not... it's not... you don't have to have a... It's pretty easy to go in a theater and shoot a bunch of people.
Yeah, go and murder people who are watching a concert.
I mean, that's just cowardice.
But this is where the guys live and we're out here, we're taking pictures, we're filming.
This guy opens up this door, he's looking at us, and he's got like this look and then slams the door back and goes inside.
I'm like, yeah, that's a little weird.
And I was like, there's no telling.
I was telling him and Paul, I was like, I wonder how many guys in here right now that came back after that raid yesterday.
And sure enough, yesterday, we're reading these reports, they found explosives in there, chemicals, tons of weapons.
And we're sitting out there, those guys could have just easily popped off an RPG.
That would have been it of us.
I mean, that's just how that place has fallen and the citizens there don't care.
They've done nothing to stop it.
Like you said, here in America, if something like that happens, people are going to try and step up and do something.
But then we have these places like Islamville in York, South Carolina, that are completely run by jihadis.
And no one does anything about it!
Let me ask you a question.
I know the beard is not only a jihadi invention, it's what men have had on their faces for the beginning of the species, but you've never adopted a garden gnome beard before.
Why have you adopted one?
I was trying to blend in when I went over there.
No, it's fine for you to have a beard.
You know what was really odd?
The scary thing, to be honest, is I got these two white guys, tall white guys, you know, blue eyes, and I am the short guy with a beard, so I was like, I felt a little bit safer because I could put a hat on and kind of blend it in a little bit.
I got these two guys over here.
I got Paul Joseph and Mike walking around.
They're going to act like they were arresting you.
I was sitting there like, man, you guys are sticking out like huge targets.
I have nothing against facial hair.
I just can't stand it on me.
It just itches.
Yeah, it goes through a point.
I've never grown a beard.
Once it gets to this point, it actually feels pretty good.
It's nice.
It's nice and warm.
Well, finally cold leather, but you're not going to keep that here in the summer when it's 110 on you.
This is just a till December type deal.
Do the ladies like it?
Oh yeah.
They do?
Well then I guess you gotta keep it.
But I wanted to get to another thing though.
I was reading some reports of there was a man and a woman and one was a French reporter.
I'll talk about it when we get back from break.
And I want to get some more of your chronicle, more of your testimony about what you saw, Michael Zimmerman, as well.
Then we're going to go through more of these articles and play some of these clips where Hillary Clinton says it's a mistake to send troops to attack ISIS.
Even if the homeland is struck.
So we're going to look at that as well.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here, back live with Joe Biggs and Michael Zimmerman in full wars.
Cameraman and reporter, just back from Europe.
And I want to be clear, as Paul Watson said in the last hour, and I don't say this to be politically correct, I say this because it's what I believe.
I do not believe that, in general, everyone that is a follower of the Prophet Muhammad or the Abrahamic, you know, derivation religion of Islam is a horrible person who wants to kill people.
But there is a war in Islam of the radicals to take it over.
And by the way, they're winning, in my view.
And the numbers and statistics show that.
There is persecution against Christians, and then the leftists are bringing it in to have a clash of civilizations and use the crisis to take our freedoms.
And then they'll also use the backlash against radical Islam to then go attack Muslim countries that are secular, like Iraq.
I've talked to a lot of troops, I could ask Biggs about this, but I was talking to some guys yesterday, Marines, and they were saying, you know, being around the Middle East, that they thought on average, you know, Iraqis, whether they be Shiite or Sunni, were pretty cool people.
But then you go to other areas like Saudi Arabia, there really is a dislike of Westerners there.
Unless you're in the elitist quarters and you're a billionaire.
And you see that when you go to Europe.
So I wanted to ask you, I don't... I mean, just from being there, the demographics, knowing the different groups, I mean, I would imagine these Lundistans, they admit, are mainly Sunni.
They're Wahhabist.
A lot of them are from Saudi Arabia, other areas.
I mean, it is general areas where they just
Then get together in these ghettos from certain countries and just have a crazy hatred of the West, but want to get here.
So, country versus country, what was your main issue?
Who were you mainly up against?
Were you ever up against Shiites or was it mainly Sunni?
Yeah, mainly Sunni.
I mean, in Iraq it was different.
I mean, you've got a lot of farmers, you've got a lot of these people out there who just work day-to-day, they just want to provide for their family.
Really don't care about what's going on.
It's the ones who have somewhat been affected, I guess, by something or radicalized going to these radical mosques that kind of get that whole mindset where they just hate Americans.
But day-to-day, like the guys you said you talked to the other day, I'd run into people, run up, give you a hug and say, thanks for coming out here and helping us.
You know, there's a lot of crazy people out here that are
You know, they hate you guys, but they're killing us in record numbers just as much as they're doing anything else.
So, you know, even in Afghanistan... Oh, 97%!
I remember this number, I think, from Lancet a few years ago.
97% of the people that radical Muslims kill are Muslims.
I mean, you can get on, what is it, livestream or whatever that video is, LiveLeak, and see videos of these guys just killing people.
Their own people, all the time.
Just because they have, like, maybe a smidge of a difference in belief.
I mean, that's crazy!
And yet we're supposed to be tolerant of that, we're supposed to be accepting.
You know, which brings me to this whole story I wanted to tell you guys about in RT.
There is this article up, and it says, we kill innocent people.
So there's this guy, he's a reporter from France, his name is Pierre Genesac, and he's with his sister.
He goes to the Bata Klan to watch the theater, or the concert.
His sister's a huge fan of Eagles of Death Metal, which is the American band that was playing that night when the massacre happened.
And he said that they were running, like, the shooting started and it took a little while for people to understand really what was going on.
So him and his sister are gripped tight, arm in arm, running through the crowd.
He said there were pregnant people on the ground, people were standing on women, running over people.
They didn't care if they were dead, alive.
Everyone was in survivor mode.
They were just trying to run out.
And the people who couldn't get up got trampled over, people were getting shot.
And they were able to get upstairs and run and hide in this area.
And he said at this one point they're sitting there and they're hiding and they're literally just this thin wall.
On the other side, it was so thin they could hear one of the guys.
And there's this lady out there screaming and crying and saying, please don't kill me.
And the guy goes, we're here because of Francois Hollande.
He's like, your people have bombed our country.
Now we're killing you all.
Stop crying.
You will be dead soon.
And this guy's coming out saying, hey, I understand why that happened now.
I don't hate these people because our government's been bombing them.
Well, maybe the French government's bombing and they've killed innocent people, but you don't kill more innocent people.
It's beyond that.
The French government is one of the main culprits causing the whole civil war and doing it all.
And that, again, is the liberal idea.
Oh, kill me, I deserve it.
They're just filth.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Third hour straight ahead.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the clash of civilizations that PNAC wanted is in full swing.
People say, well, then, why are you against the open borders of the Jihad?
I was against stirring up these countries and screwing them up and destabilizing them.
Because it's morally wrong, it's evil.
And what we've allowed to be done to them will now come back on us.
But it doesn't mean my family deserves to be killed or blown up or to have our liberties taken once these people come here and start attacking us.
So I'm opposing the globalists every step of the way.
Michael Zimmerman, you were there for a week.
Other observations you made than Joe Biggs.
It was just an interesting place to be with all the police and military activity everywhere, and just how dead the city was.
I had been to Paris about 10 years ago, and it was completely different being there now than back then.
I love how they leave the gate open, bring in all the people, but then set up checkpoints everywhere randomly.
That'd be like if your castle was under siege, you lower the drawbridge, let the enemy in, and then station guards over your own people's beds.
You only do that if it's a power grab.
Sorry, go ahead.
Right, so everywhere we went, restaurants and just all the monuments, things like that, you just didn't see any people there.
It was just an empty city.
The whole time we were there, the entire week.
By the way, if the president would have come out and said, go out, don't be scared, got a better chance of dying in a car wreck, we're not cowards, people would have come out in the streets.
But they said, stay in, troops everywhere!
Again, inculcating this culture of fear.
Well, in Brussels right now, they're telling people, stay away from the windows, stay away from, you know, stay in your homes, don't come to work today.
So Brussels is completely on lockdown right now.
They're training them for martial law.
In fact, this is the big issue.
I'm glad you raised this.
They're saying no demonstrations allowed in France.
Now, this is France.
Free speech has been banned, like it's the old Soviet Union.
But then the left has still come out and riot.
Again, they're using this to take over.
You ask why the socialists do this?
Here it is.
Yeah, I mean, I had the opportunity.
I stayed up later.
I couldn't sleep.
I was trying to stay on U.S.
time a little bit, so I stayed up until 4.35 in the morning every day and ate once a day.
I mean, and I wanted to go out and explore to see what it was like because I've really never even been to these parts before.
And I was curious what the nightlife was like compared to how it was while we were there.
And everybody I talked to, you know, they're like, hey, man, our business is suffering.
No one's coming out.
You know, no one is able to.
I mean, they're just so scared.
They're paralyzed to be out at nighttime there.
Now, during the day, there's normal operations going on.
Heavy traffic, people walking around, shopping.
As soon as that sun goes down, boom.
Everyone's off the streets.
There's no one going.
They're closing everything down.
Well, that's because they put a curfew in, too.
But people were very defiant.
That was only for a few days, I believe.
But people were just horrified.
And then they, like you said, they implemented this curfew.
I spoke to some of the bar owners out there.
And he said, no, we're not doing that.
And they all came together in this little district area of Paris and said, no, we're not going to close down.
This is our livelihood.
This is how we make our money.
He says if we close down, that means a terrorist win.
That's what they want.
They want to disrupt our business.
They want people to be scared to go out.
And he said all these business owners, these bar owners, were in defiance of that whole order, and they sat there and they left everything open.
Even though nobody came in, but they wanted to show people that they weren't going to be bullied around and pushed and locked in the state of fear.
Let's talk about World War II and Hitler was bombing during the Blitz, London and other cities.
It made people more resilient, made them more aggressive.
They weren't cowering, even though tens of thousands were dying every few nights.
And it's just, it's this culture of ninnying fear.
And look, you were there, you weren't afraid.
I've gone out to events after terror attacks.
I was in London, you know, two days after 7-7 with Paul Watson.
And it wasn't even courage.
Statistically, if you're in a city of 10 million people, and let's say there's going to be an attack that's going to kill a couple hundred, hundreds die every day in car wrecks in cities that big.
I mean it's just not, it's not that big a threat.
The threat is the response of them taking our liberties out of it.
Now it's obviously horrible and it's a crime and it's a mass murder and it's a big deal.
But the hysteria is the mind control.
Your take on this and more.
While ISIS threatens to attack the U.S., a record number of illegal immigrants are flooding into the country thanks to lax enforcement by federal authorities.
Barely a week after the November 2015 ISIS attacks in Paris, France, the U.S.
Border Patrol revealed that nearly 3,000 unaccompanied children were caught crossing the border in the weeks leading up to the attacks.
But just think of how many more illegal immigrants were able to slip into the country without getting caught.
It's probably at least 10 times more.
Speaking on the subject, House Representative Duncan Hunter said, quote, Hunter is speaking the truth.
ISIS is likely already exploiting President Obama's open border policy to smuggle their own militants into the country.
Here's something else you may not realize.
Human traffickers are also taking advantage of Obama's open borders to enslave women around the world and import them as sex slaves into the U.S.
In other words, Obama's lax enforcement of immigration laws is fueling a war on women.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com and be sure to check back at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
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You got a business.
You didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
And pigs fly.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
So, in the United States, honeybees kill over 250 people a year.
Wasps, it's closer to 300 last time I checked the World Almanac.
Deer, it's 200 to 300 jumping out in front of your car.
But four or five die a year when deer
Just whitetail alone attack you with their antlers and actually kill you at a park.
That happens, we see it in the news four or five times a year.
So you got a better chance of being killed by a wasp or a water moccasin or a rattlesnake than you do being killed by an ISIS terrorist here in America.
But over 300,000 people have been killed according to the Syrian government but also US government and others estimate that's about right.
Most of them civilians, most of them Shiite, most of them Alawite, most of them Christian.
By the Jihad forces from all over the world, run by Saudi Arabia, pouring in and attacking.
But the hysteria and the fear in Europe, with Brussels, Belgium, and Paris, France, almost no one out at night, ghost counts, in places that bustle till three in the morning.
Because of hysteria and fear.
It's a triumph of mind control.
Just as, for a decade after Jaws, they had to get full-page ads out in the Washington Post, the New York Times, the L.A.
Times, saying, please come to our resorts.
They actually pulled these ads up online.
There's actually newspaper clippings of these from the 70s, saying shark attacks only kill, you know, 15 people a year worldwide or whatever.
Most of those aren't even great whites.
And the average varies.
It could be 5, it could be 20, but it's about 15 a year.
But still, almost everyone I know is scared, especially in water that's not really visible.
Yeah, murky water.
Most grown men I know, when I was in college or high school, wouldn't go swimming out in the water further.
They're like, sharks, sharks.
And you know what?
There are sharks out there.
But maybe a few hundred get bit a year, usually little bites, black tip or whatever.
Folks, that's not a real threat.
But see, it's scary.
It's got big teeth.
It's got mean eyes.
And it's the same thing.
Oh my gosh, these are terrorists.
Oh my gosh, they're this.
So we're being terrorized by these people, but also the globalists want us to give up our rights to be protected from the big monsters.
We shouldn't give in to that fear.
We should say no to destabilizing the Middle East, no to funding the radical jihadists, no to creating an atmosphere that lets them have power, and Turkey buying their oil, and all the rest of it.
So it's somewhat sophisticated.
But the big threat is that the socialist countries, the globalists, the leftists, are allied with radical Islam, are allied with the major universities, and are bringing in mainly Sunnis.
Radical Sunnis, Wahhabists, all over the Western world, and then they go and they get in their own neighborhoods.
You're not welcome.
Folks, it's an epidemic.
Upwards of 90% of the rapes in Sweden, in Germany, in France.
Look it up.
This is in the news.
Till they're passing a law saying they can't publish it.
It is in many of these radical cultures that if a woman doesn't have her head covered and is out without a man accompanying her, you're allowed to rape her and then she's executed.
You don't get in trouble.
You're taught her a lesson.
This is a big issue.
And they're now, the leftists are now saying this is basically a sacrament and an offering to the radical Muslims is the women of Europe.
And they go and they cry to the police and nothing's done.
Maybe someone's given a fine.
Not even probation.
Then the same feminists say there's rape culture in the West.
When it's almost statistically one of the lowest places in the world and they tell women, well, if you had a few beers, it's rape, or if you didn't the next day, if you didn't want to do it, even though you said yes.
So men are now getting women to sign contracts.
I'm literally getting them to write down, hey, or text message, you want to have sex with me right now.
This is actually a phenomenon.
Yeah, that all came from the Dave Chappelle Show.
He actually did a skit like four years ago, maybe longer, where it was the sexual consent form.
And he would sit there and roll over, you know, would start off with like foreplay, and then he would like, all right, before we go any further, lay down this contract and said, all right, I need you to sign here, here, check if you agree to this, this, this.
The feminists have taught women to lie so much as a new way to get ahead.
That a lot of people I know that are single actually have women write down that they wanted to have sex.
I'm not kidding.
In this day and age, I mean... You have to do it.
You have to.
Actually, I think everybody should start doing it.
I'm not kidding.
I think it should be online contracts.
They sign a contract.
Read it.
Do them.
Maybe shoot a video.
Stamp it.
Say, I, you know, I'm... Because, because... But see, all sex
In the West, with women, is sexist.
Just like the 14-year-old daughter of Seinfeld said, you know, boys and girls together, period, is sexist.
But if it's a jihadi raping you and then murdering you, it's loving and cute.
What do you guys think this is?
We're gonna go to some calls and play some clips, but what do you think this mental illness is?
I think you and Paul said this about a month ago.
It's just political or societal cuckolding, like you've talked about.
It's societies enjoying watching themselves get destroyed.
Because they've had it good so long, just throw a fit.
Just pull brats.
Yeah, it's pretty scary.
I remember being younger in my college days.
And there's many times, you know, you kind of like, eh, you know, maybe I shouldn't have done that.
But that doesn't mean, that doesn't give me the right to go back even though we both consented on something going, well, now I don't mean it.
So then I guess it's not okay that we did it in the first place.
That just makes no sense.
That you can go the next day, when you both consented, and then go around and change your mind, and then destroy someone's life.
Well, it's like the lacrosse team.
Turned out it was totally fake.
I mean, I've talked to police, I've also talked to lawyers, and I've seen the numbers.
It's now been recognized, though, that somewhere like 80 plus percent of rape claims are fake.
And there's just for attention.
Well, there's this idea now, you're just allowed to lie about somebody because it's a male.
You know, he must have done something to me.
I mean, there's a lot of people that reach out and do that for attention, although there are lots of people that that happens to.
I've known quite a few women that that has happened to, and that's a horrible thing.
Oh, absolutely.
Rape is real.
But there are disgusting people out there who really are starved for attention, and will use that as a way to get
That 15 minutes, so people kind of like care about them all of a sudden.
They feel that and it makes them feel alive.
And then eventually it all comes out and it's all destroyed.
But still though, being accused of rape is just as bad as actually doing it.
Because once you've been accused in the media, they completely wreck you.
By that time, once it comes out, they kick you out of school.
You know, your job's probably going to fire you.
Your parents are going to hate you.
Your friends are going to turn their back.
A lot of them will.
And then you've lost it all, even though, if it comes out in a report later on, that this chick lied.
You can't take back accusations like that.
You know, once someone's reputation is ruined, it's... you can't fix that.
Well, I've talked to a lot of lawyers, you know, that I'm friends with, and they said that in child custody cases,
Um, and they said it's a phenomenon with women.
You know, men commit most of the bank robberies, most of the murders.
Most psychopaths are men.
Um, you know, we know criminology.
So I'm not demonizing women.
It's a fact, though, that women are the main group that lie about rape.
And it's also they're the main group that poisons.
That's how a woman goes after you is they poison you generally.
I mean, there's just criminology, and so we're just talking about facts here, but it's a phenomenon getting worse that the leftists are basically teaching all sex between a man and a woman is rape.
That's actually taught at major universities.
I mean, talk about screwing the species up.
I want to go to phone calls.
I want to play a bunch of clips here.
The reason we got off into this, though, is the left is on record.
Was it Sweden just last month banned newspapers publishing rape statistics, the religion or ethnicity of it?
Now we've always known politically correct garbage does that, but they passed a law.
Double check me, see if it's Sweden.
Sweden or maybe it's the Netherlands.
No, I think it's Sweden.
Sweden bans publishing rape data.
I think was the headline.
And it's just wild.
Speaking of the devil, someone raping the American people financially, and raping our rights, and who helped cover up her husband's real raping of women he settled with.
He is a serial rapist, so all the feminists love him, of course.
Hillary thinks it's really funny.
We're going to go to your phone calls after the break.
I do want to go to Hillary Clinton.
A mistake to send troops if ISIS attacks U.S.
This is her on C-SPAN again.
No, the mistake was arming and creating them to begin with.
And so I was against the Iraq War.
I was against the Afghan War.
Now, if we were really honest about it, we helped Turkey and others in Europe and NATO go in and invade these countries.
We now have a responsibility to take out ISIS.
But we also have a responsibility to impeach and indict Obama and Hillary and all of them.
And have Nuremberg trials!
This is serious war crime!
And I think we're so politically dumb, they're going to confuse us and they're not going to admit it.
Look, you've gone too far, globalists, okay?
The military knows, the people are waking up.
Let's go to this Hillary Clinton clip.
Here it is.
There's policy here, but there's also politics.
There are inescapably people trying to appear tough and tougher.
If there were, God forbid, another terrorist attack, God forbid, in the United States, do you think the pressure to send American troops into Syria would be unstoppable?
Well, it would certainly grow, but I think it would be a mistake.
Look, as I said, we should be sending more special operators.
We should be empowering our trainers in Iraq.
We should be, you know, leading an air coalition using both fighter planes and drones.
We have a lot of work to do to be able to really decimate...
They're all the time.
I've been part of these training groups where we go over and try to train these Iraqi forces, these Afghan forces.
They don't have the same type of courage that most Americans are willing to do.
They don't have the courage to stand up and fight.
When you go train these guys... By the way, we're not just saying that.
It's well known worldwide.
It's not that they're even bad people, it's just... I mean, I've seen it first hand, I've been part of it.
I mean, I know these guys.
You train them, we dump millions and millions of dollars... The French Foreign Legion takes Brazilians, it takes Chinese, it takes Germans, it takes Scots, it takes anybody but Middle Easterners.
This never worked.
What made them think it was going to work were these four or five guys they trained over there, spent like $500 million on.
So the question is then, why will the Al-Qaeda people fight?
Because they're part of a specific demonic religion of Wahhabism.
We'll be back to talk about that.
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It's so evil to see Hillary Clinton grandstanding about what we should do in Libya and Syria and Egypt everywhere when she's the main author heading up the State Department at the time for five years, who ran all this, admittedly.
And she's such a villain.
We're not watching a James Bond movie here.
We're living it.
All of us, but especially those of us that are journalists or on the front lines or military.
And the public doesn't get this, but the military does.
This is where they went too far.
And I want to go to phone calls from Costa Rica, the Netherlands, Michigan, New York, Missouri.
Adrian, you're up first in the Netherlands, then Jose in Costa Rica.
You were trying to make a point when we went to break about trying to train these forces.
I mean, yeah, I just don't understand how our government thinks it's going to work.
And they keep trying to tell the American people that it's going to work.
You know, these moderates they so-called trained over there to fight ISIS.
They cost $500 million, they trained five of them?
And they literally just laid down their arms and said, all right, ISIS, take it and ran away.
By the way, I didn't just make that up.
Hundreds of millions of dollars to train five of them.
What can you do with five guys?
It's all, that's a dummy program.
But people believe it.
They're giving the weapons to ISIS.
But people believe it.
I don't get it.
Like I said, I've been part of these training groups.
I've got friends in special forces who've worked with these people.
And I'm telling you, as soon as shots are fired, these guys are throwing their guns down and running with their tail tucked between their legs, scared.
They are not built for that kind of stuff.
It takes a special individual.
And you can pump $500 million into some literal Taijin-wearing wimp.
And think that you're going to turn him into a fighter, but guess what?
He just doesn't have the cojones.
He doesn't have the guts.
He doesn't have what it takes.
Money's not going to build a fighter.
You have to have people who were born that way, who want to fight, who aren't scared to die.
It doesn't matter how much money you put into it, but these people don't want to.
They don't care.
Can you answer my question that I had before the break?
The scumbag Al-Qaeda people from Saudi Arabia and a few other areas, that's what the British chose them as they were a fighting band that robbed caravans.
They just said, here, we'll let you take the whole place over.
They're literally desert bandits.
And now they're some of the richest people in the world, and they do go out and find psychotics out of Europe, psychotics out of the stands.
Those people will fight.
Those are scary folks.
I mean, who are we talking about that would attack you guys?
Yeah, Al-Qaeda is definitely a whole other monster in itself.
I mean, those guys are legitimate
Terrorists, psychos, people who will sit out there and train every day.
I mean, just look back with Osama Bin Laden.
Apparently he would give his guys like a small bag of rice and some water and they would have to live on that for days.
I mean, that is real training.
To be able to go and fight in those trenches, to go in the caves, to be patient, to wait, to do it off small amounts of food.
To get that mindset to where you don't need a lot of stuff.
And you get so many people who get westernized and they feel like they need their video games and things like that and they get put into a combat situation and don't do good because they're not used to having nothing and making the most out of it.
And there's a lot of people over in Iraq and Afghanistan who just don't get what it means to like really reach down and do something like that.
And yet we keep trying to send people over there to train them.
Hello Alex, hello crew.
I'm a long time listener and first time caller.
Hi, I have a question actually, because I noticed something and actually it's not really covered, because like in a week from now we get like the climate talk in Paris.
You know, and you have like a lot of like politicians as well in the US as in Europe, you know, claiming that like the climate talk is much more important than ISIS.
And the second thing I want to point out is that the attacks of the terrorists took place on a Friday after the markets were closed.
So they had the whole weekend again to cover it.
What shows to me that there's probably like a new world order behind this, because you know they... Oh yeah, I mean the globalists handle ISIS, the idiot ISIS members don't even know that at the bottom, but absolutely the doors were open at every level.
It is a false flag, but not a fake jihad attack.
They bred these people, they turned them loose like starving pit bulls throwing a toddler in the midst of them.
President Francois Hollande has allowed the government to go in, the military and the police to search people's homes without a warrant.
And that is in effect for three more months.
So you don't have the ability to go, no, you're not welcome in here.
These guys can knock on your door or bust it down and walk in and go through your entire home, search it clear, do whatever they want.
Actually, I would like to point out because one of the terrorists, you know, the guy who's still on the run, he was caught on the Belgium-France border.
They asked him for his passport.
They looked at it.
And there was just like a few hours or a few moments after the attacks, you know, they looked at his passport and they said like, oh, okay, yeah, cross the border.
They let him go.
And they still searching for the guy, you know, what's going on here?
Well, they're definitely protecting him as usual.
And let's expand on that.
They let an airplane with 140 something people come in from Mexico and just no screenings, let everybody in.
And again, citizens are all streams though.
This is the takedown of our borders with some ultimate end of plausible deniability.
When terrorist attacks hit, they're going to take our rights.
Great points, Adrian, Jose in Costa Rica, Jason, Ben, Gerald, and others.
Your call's coming up.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Kit Daniels, and visit InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Just to keep it coming!
Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, I host the transmission.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Then, David Knight comes in with the fourth hour today, absolutely jam-packed, the latest breaking news, special reports, and his great analysis.
And we have the nightly news, 7 o'clock Central, PrisonPlanet.tv.
I'm gonna go back to your phone calls just briefly.
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You ought to just hooray that 20 people are using it that you gave it to.
I doubt that's going to happen.
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Got some breaking Kit Daniels news, we'll get you after calls.
Climate alarmists, luxury condos cause global warming.
Yeah, compact cities it turns out, I've seen these numbers before but there's new ones out, is actually causing problems.
We're going to be getting into all of that coming up.
But first off, let's go to your phone calls.
Let's talk to Jose in Costa Rica.
Never been there.
I hear it's beautiful.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I'm from Costa Rica.
I'm here in San Jose, Costa Rica.
Alex, I'd like to let the audience know about two things happening here.
I've tried with the mainstream media, but they don't reply any emails or anything like that.
So I'd like to let you know.
Uh, you, your only problem is not Mexico.
Let me, let me tell you what is happening right here, right now in Costa Rica.
No, I know.
I mean, I mean, every country as you go North is battling the flood from the South, not of the productive people, but the criminals, everything else.
Go ahead.
I don't know if the criminals are not that that's something I am not to say, but, um, we have a flow of people coming from Cuba, going to Ecuador, going to Panama, crossing Costa Rica.
And they are currently stranded in between Costa Rica and Nicaragua and all these people are on their way to the United States of America to cross the border illegally through Mexico.
I don't know how they do that.
But this is happening here.
Well no, that's actually been in the Associated Press, the Miami Herald, you name it.
Not just, they're coming through Florida, they're coming through Mexico for really the first time in massive numbers through Mexico.
And they're catching every day three Islamists, ten Islamists, six Islamists at different border checkpoints.
They're pouring across too.
It is just... And again, the problem is there aren't really jobs for all these people.
It's not that they're even bad on average.
I don't blame Cubans wanting to get out of there.
Our economy is melting down as well.
And so it's crazy.
But how bad is it?
Because, I mean, what you're saying is confirmed, actually, in the news.
But you're there with eyes on it.
What are you seeing?
Well, let me tell you what I'm seeing every day on the news, because I don't think you get this news there.
But we are seeing 300 people coming every day from Panama to Costa Rica.
And they are being put in shelters.
You know what I'm saying?
Shelters for these people.
Our government
It's a great show.
And they are giving what they call a transit visa.
So that means they don't cross Costa Rica illegally, but they are able to go to their... Yes, Mexico does the same thing with the Guatemalans and everybody else.
It's kind of an unofficial one.
It's you don't get off the train and we don't crack your head.
But yes, I was aware that Costa Rica gives special transit visas where you can't stay here, but you can go to El Norte.
Please continue.
Right, and I don't know what the American Embassy is doing, but they don't look like they care for this problem, which is actually a big problem for you there in the U.S.
I mean, you're getting more and more people.
It's believed that 10,000, 12,000 people have crossed the border illegally only this year.
And this was discovered because it was discovered last week, you know, a coyote network, you know, these people that transport people from one country to another.
They were discovered last week by the local police.
So there is when this whole thing of the Cubans crossing Costa Rica blew up.
So that's something I want to let you know.
Next thing I want to let you know is last week in Honduras, they stopped six Syrian refugees with fake Greek passports.
Yes, I did see that.
I did see that.
Six Greek passports.
Good to see
And she has been detained by the police.
I mean, she is currently in jail with a fake passport.
So the bottom line is, regardless of who these people are, security is a fraud because they're taking our rights, tracking everything citizens do, regardless of color or religion or race or whatever.
And then everyone else from the most dangerous areas is just let in crazy.
And then Obama says, don't worry about the ISIS threat.
But, the number one threat is the Tea Party and the gun owners.
Thank you so much, Jose.
Confirming what you were saying I wasn't like blocking you saying hey, you're not breaking stuff here I was backing up what you were saying actually has been in our news But hasn't gotten the attention it deserved you were giving us from your perspective how much worse it actually was And here's the problem
I've seen the numbers.
Most of the Cuban folks came in in boat lifts or whatever they were refugees from communist tyranny.
Now it's being normalized.
That's not the case.
A lot of them are socialists that want a better life and are coming to get the big communist thing to the north.
So these are not the type of Cubans we want, folks.
And they've actually been, a lot of the Cuban groups have been saying this.
They're interviewing these people.
These are not right-wing Cubans or libertarian Cubans by any stretch of the imagination.
I'm not saying anybody's perfect, but that's what's happening.
So it was hundreds a few years ago, now it's tens of thousands, as he was saying.
And that's just one avenue.
And remember, the head of, what was it, Southcom, said last year,
That ISIS is coming in out of the Caribbean through Mexico.
I mean, it's not us saying this.
Joe Biggs?
I did a report on that.
That's right.
Well, and ISIS themselves have said, you know, that they're going to exploit this refugee and migrant crisis to put thousands of jihadis across Europe.
There's no reason to think that they wouldn't do the same thing to us.
It's so incredible.
I mean, we sit here going, hey, it's not a conspiracy.
Our government funds ISIS.
The head of Defense Intelligence went public three months ago.
He resigned six months ago.
And the interviewer goes, you mean Obama didn't know?
And he goes, no, we were ordered.
They know who they are.
They gave them the M-16s.
They gave them the trucks.
The people running our government are illegitimate hijackers of the country.
And again, I'm going to say it for the 10,000th time, that is not rhetoric.
I'm not just saying that, risking my life.
These people are dangerous!
Our government funded ISIS, under the name Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra, to go in and murder hundreds of thousands of Christians.
That's what they... I can't even believe that, Joe!
I mean, Michael, I can't believe!
That the people running our country are really deceitful, but they are.
And you realize, well, they really hate Christians.
So who hates Christians?
Why has the persecution of Christians doubled in the last six years worldwide?
Because there is a jihad against Christians, and there's a leftist attack on Christians, just like the communists did in Russia and China.
They are purging us.
They hate us.
A, do you agree with that?
B, why do you think they're doing it?
Well, I do agree with it.
I don't know exactly why it is.
I think it might be because Christianity is a positive thing.
It's a beneficial thing.
It promotes the good.
And they can't get away with their evil without going against the good.
So without bringing down the good things that we have,
They want to mount our head on the wall.
They hate us.
They're black, they're white, they're Jewish, they're German, they're Chinese.
Evil people are of an evil spirit.
A wavelength, an archetype, whatever it is, it's real.
Everybody knows that.
There are bad people that will do bad things, even when doing good,
Would help them physically or financially.
You wonder why that person do evil when they had everything going for them?
Because they're losers!
I mean, here's the thing.
Our government wants to leave the borders open.
They want to bring in these Syrian refugees.
Just research what happened to the Bataclan.
After these guys shot these victims, they then proceeded to get down on their hands and knees and gut them.
That is pure evil.
And that is what our government wants to allow to happen.
Yes, there's going to be some good ones out there, but there's also some bloodthirsty, vicious psychopaths that are going to get in here.
And what does that do?
They allow them to attack more places, which justifies a police state and gets you...
In a lifestyle being used to not having any freedoms or liberties, and they take everything away.
It's disgusting.
You know, I want to do a piece where I show these jihadi leaders and others giving their speeches and eating hearts and gutting people and everything, and it doesn't matter if they're from the Middle East or they're a European that's gone over to whatever, they have the same crazy look in their eyes.
It's not a fake look.
It's not a thousand yard stare I've seen in a lot of combat vets and family.
It's not any of that.
It is a craved, demonic light in their eyes.
That I saw in Charlie Manson's eyes and other psycho killers.
And I really, I think they're just demon possessed.
I've seen people have their heads chopped off.
It's disgusting.
And they do that, and they have a smile on their face when they do it.
And they feel satisfied.
Like that's what they needed to survive or to sustain who they are as a human being of some kind.
Just like I need water and air, that is what they needed to get their rush, to feel alive.
And that's what you're going up against a lot of times.
It's just, at the end of the day, disgusting and disturbing.
And our government wants to let these guys come in here.
It just seems like the, like I wake up every day and like I have to pinch myself over and over again, like am I really alive?
Like, this has to be a dream.
Well then you turn the news on and you hear, the government's preparing for right-wingers to blow up police stations and attack.
They're getting armored vehicles.
It's guaranteed there'll be a giant war where veterans attack police.
And I tell every department, this hasn't been in the news.
We broke it but then it came out in the news afterwards.
We got the secret documents as folks know.
About six years ago they told every department,
Veterans and Patriot groups, and they'd have my name in the report, Ron Paul's, as if he's gonna- will attack you.
Well, no, the globalists are gonna attack you and blame us.
And then they're also gonna have leftists go around and attack you.
I mean, it's so transparent.
It's so ridiculous that they would try to blame the Patriot, but they go, well, Oklahoma City, we know the names of the feds.
Multiple witnesses, police officers, HUD people in the building.
We know who blew up Oklahoma City, we know their names!
ATF, FBI, CIA, German Intelligence, and we know the names of the four guys in the building.
We talked to multiple witnesses, they were there for two days before, and they, for exercise, they'd go up and down the stairs to the nine floors, Jane Graham and others, and they, she said, what are you guys doing?
Oh, we're doing phone, telephone work.
Right there, and she said, big gray sticks of butter on the pillars.
And then she turns on TV and there's the head of the FBI hostage rescue team.
She just saw him two days before in the building.
With grey sticks of butter.
Then we catch him, he says, oh I was in Dallas, I wasn't there.
Then we get his hotel receipts at Marriott!
He's there!
He's there!
We have him!
Open and shut!
We didn't blow the damn building up!
Bill Clinton did!
And I'm sick of it!
And I'm tired of risking my life to expose these piles of crap!
I mean, let me tell you why I get so angry, folks, because it's dangerous to expose these people.
And at a primitive level, when I get up here and talk about these murderers, I know it's dangerous.
I get in just a crazed stance, because my body knows I'm risking my life.
And it gets angry that I have to do this.
These people make me sick!
They make me sick!
I'm sorry, go ahead and we're going to take some calls.
Yeah, it's just mind-blowing to see how many people see this kind of information that we put out and can still
Believe the mainstream narrative of what's going on.
I mean, how many times can we, like, put out information, documents, proof, pictures, video, and people just sit there and- I interviewed Don Browning.
Go ahead.
I'm sorry.
I mean, he got there two minutes after Terence Yeakey, cop of the year that killed.
Call his partner.
I got feds pulling me over.
Look out.
They found him tortured to death.
And they came into Browning's office twice and said, you and your wife, you keep your mouth shut or you and your wife are going to be like Yankee.
He's been on this show, on video, head of the K-9 unit, Marine Corps veteran, great guy, you know, Vietnam, I mean, it's just, that's who runs our government, folks.
And they want to chop every Christian's head off.
They hate us.
I'm telling you, go ahead.
No, no, I agree completely.
I mean, it's disgusting and it's going to continue to happen until we get people pissed off enough and really are willing to stand up and
They basically just say, you know what, I'm not going to follow this mainstream narrative anymore.
I don't believe it.
Well, the people deny that Clinton's ran Oklahoma City.
That's why I get so angry when I see Hillary.
And I realize now, I actually see a picture of her, I actually get upset.
It's because all this stuff I know they've done, and we can't stop her.
It's a feeling of weakness that we can't defeat them.
And it's so obvious what they've done, and people say, oh, they didn't.
The same crew did Fast and Furious, that's a false flag.
They want to take our guns away, but they want to give them to these guys so they can go and shoot people and then completely deny it.
I just don't get it.
It's complete and utter craziness at the end of the day.
It is.
We're going to go to break.
I'm going to do two more segments.
The day of the night takes over.
I'm going to go to Gerald.
And Ben, and Jason, and Billy, and everybody.
I'll get to everybody when we come back, and I'll try to shut up.
I'm just going to do a plug here for 30 seconds.
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Nutraceuticals, water filters, storable foods, shortwave radios, non-GMO, heirloom seeds, Hillary for prison shirts, you name it.
And again, folks, I've studied the psychology.
I've looked into why I yell and scream.
People in person will hang on me for hours.
I don't get mad or yell and scream.
They go, why are you so calm when you're not?
When I get on air and start thinking about these murderers and the fact that they hate my guts and I'm on their enemies list, I have all these feelings of like, why are you doing this?
You have children.
They could come after you.
And I just get angry and go through the fear.
I just get angry at them.
So people ask why I blow up so much.
Folks, you're supposed to blow up, OK?
You're supposed to get upset.
You're supposed to say no.
Or you're not alive!
I mean, get out of the trance!
Warn people!
Take action!
I'll be back!
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Remember the clock kid who hung out with Obama and said he's moving to Dubai or whatever?
He comes to school with a thing that looks like a suitcase bomb.
Everybody asks what it is.
It's time to go off at a certain point.
It gets to that time.
He won't say it's not a bomb.
So they arrest him.
And now he's suing for 15 million dollars.
That's so he can move to Qatar, right?
And get one of those nice little places out there.
And get posted up.
And it turns out his dad reportedly is nothing but a stunt puller.
But it's our fault!
And his sister's made threats before at that same school.
And it's not even a clock that he invented.
He took a part of a clock and stuck it into a box or a suitcase.
Yeah, he just tore out the guts of a digital clock.
You can't make this stuff up.
Yeah, it's incredible.
Let's talk to Jason in New York.
You're on the air.
Alex, how you doing?
Uh, couple things.
Love your product.
Your products are amazing.
I get the shirts, supplements, I get the water filtration systems.
Thank you, sir.
We couldn't do it without you.
Nah, I appreciate you guys.
You guys are awesome.
Uh, quick question.
Uh, France.
I was watching TV last week.
They fell on TV that they got a whole bunch of raids.
Took thousands of guns off the streets.
What's that about?
What were those raids about?
Is it just going to anyone's home?
I mean, do they have a Second Amendment in France?
No, they don't.
They do have hunting, but it's super hard to get a permit.
You gotta usually keep it in a place where you hunt.
Austria's a little bit laxer, but it's very extreme.
There's not a lot of gun ownership.
It's very restricted.
Uh, like England was before 20 years ago, then they just basically banned guns.
It's almost impossible.
You've got to prove that you have a certain amount of land, and then you've got to jump through all this stuff in order to be able to go, alright, this will be used for that.
So what they rounded up was a lot of illegal guns that have been smuggled in.
I mean, there's news articles that you were there.
The jihadis just shoot guns at night.
They've got guns.
Yes, in fact, I meant to spend more time on that today.
They've banned demonstrations in the country by anybody, but the border stays wide open.
So the border's open, but you can't demonstrate for non-GMO, or to control the border, or against a war.
That's how they respond.
Isn't that crazy?
Yes, and one more point, Mr. Jones.
You hear on the news that Obama was bombing them, they were dead, right?
And then it just stopped for months.
We're good.
Wow, they're meaning something that we're bombing ISIS.
They're only doing that because the Russians embarrassed them and started actually bombing them.
And still it's staged.
They give them a 45-minute notice.
It's all theater.
And they also want to get ISIS in line and do what they're told, which is take down Assad and not run over and try to take over Iraq.
I mean, again, our government doesn't completely control them.
It's more like a motley group of rabies-infested dogs.
Thank you, Jason.
Let's talk to Ben in Missouri.
You're on the air.
Hey guys, how's it going?
Uh, it's going alright.
Well, I mean, I feel like I'm in a Twilight Zone episode.
How's it going for you?
Uh, same way.
I'm calling you from the land of race riots and nuclear waste dumps on fire.
Yes, lovely.
In St.
Yeah, it's a great place to be right now.
Uh, you know, I think that we're really about to just reach the event horizon on this whole immigration thing.
Uh, you know, as in relations to the terrorism thing.
Also, Joe, you did a great job while you were over there.
Gotta say that as well.
Thank you, sir.
You have done well, Lord Vader.
Germans, I think especially, have been browbeaten really particularly badly to accept all of the immigrants.
I mean, they've got, they've been running from the ghost of Adolf Hitler for so long that now it's just, it's gotten ridiculous over there.
No, that's it.
So the suicide of what's left of Germany is supposedly what needs to happen.
When the West started World War I, it was wrong against Germany.
Hitler was the response to that.
He was a bad guy, but he made the Germans do what they did the last four years of the war.
He killed millions of Germans that didn't go along with it.
I agree.
It's all about brainwashing Germany, the most powerful country in Europe, to get along with the globalist agenda, and to now side with the Wahhabis that were Hitler's allies.
So they're actually joining with Hitler's people.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Probably the biggest story of the day is up on DrugsReport.com.
It's an InfoWars.com story.
White House gave ISIS 45-minute warning before bombing oil tankers.
Got to protect your investments.
Absolutely, Joe Biggs.
Let's go ahead and talk to Gerald in Michigan.
Go ahead, Gerald.
Hey Alex, first time caller.
Hey, I've been listening.
I want to caution you.
Joe was over there in Brussels and he made the comment that we wouldn't put up with that kind of stuff here in the U.S.
But I guess you do have some of that in Michigan, don't you?
Yeah, brother, that's what I'm talking about.
That's right.
You know, the Muslims took over the local government in Hamtramck there.
They got Sharia going on there.
So yeah, I mean, just a word of caution.
No, no, as soon as I said that, I thought about Dearborn.
Right, yeah.
And there's areas in upstate New York, there's areas in Texas.
Next thing I want you to do, Joe, you like to travel, I want you guys to do a tour of... I've already got a whole map of more of those.
...USA, Stan, let's just go on like a five, six state tour.
Show them in Texas, New York, Michigan.
I can go next week, yeah, definitely.
Let's do it.
Anyways, caller, sorry, go ahead.
Oh, that'd be awesome.
I'd volunteer to come stand down there with the guys and, you know... Joe, do this, do this.
Have, everybody send your tips of where these different training camps are, the men and the rats, the call to prayers, that's the stuff.
Yeah, we need to get people out there too and ask their opinion on, you know, what do they think about this, have they reached out to local law enforcement, has anything been done, and get people out there who live there and are affected by these areas.
And again, it's not quote anti-Islam, we want to see if these folks are trying to assimilate any.
Well, I know in Islamville they're definitely not.
That's in New York, South Carolina.
That's right down from where my mom lives.
That's a place that no one goes to.
You can find videos about people where they've gone up and you can hear gunfire inside the walls of these compounds, but it's supposed to be just there for peaceful prayers and all that, yet you hear gunfire all the time and people are scared to go in that area.
Well, I want it all documented.
Caller, sorry, go ahead, Gerald.
Yeah, Alex, when do we, you know what, when do we do something?
I think we take Gloria Steinem and Rachel Maddow and ship them to Saudi Arabia.
I'm serious.
And let them run around in a Bosser by around over there.
That's right.
Put them on a hot air balloon and don't give them any reserve fuel and wherever they land, sail a V. That's actually a good idea.
I'm waiting for Hillary Clinton to morph into some kind of tentacle, you know, looking freak from, you know, spawn of Satan.
I don't know.
Well, you know, actually, Hillary Clinton is actually not even human.
She is an artificially intelligent horse's ass.
Well, let's not say intelligent.
That gives a little too much.
I'm sorry.
All right.
God bless you, Gerald.
Listen, I'm out of time.
I don't want to cut somebody short here.
David Knight will want to take your calls, and I want to tell you, because he did this big, nice write-up of what he's going to be covering on the show, and I'm trying to find it in amongst all of my mindless doodles.
Here we go.
Interview with Fox, with Neil Fox, his documentary musical conspiracy project, Hatred of Free Speech on College Campuses, comes out of the closet, Hillary violates key rules for radicals, and he's also going to just get into a whole bunch of other breaking news and analysis, but I'm sure you'll want to take your calls.
We got Joe on Islamophobia.
I bet he's asking if I'm an Islamophobe.
Man, I wish, I gotta hand the baton.
Let me hear what you first have to say, Joe, real quick.
Are you saying I'm an Islamophobe, or what are you saying?
Go ahead, Joe, in California.
Yeah, so, um, here's my thing.
No, I'm not saying you're Islamophobic.
Here's why I called in for, and I, uh, first time caller, and thank you for all you do.
Thank you, brother.
Okay, so, um, I'm first generation in California.
Um, we're Muslim, small sect, uh, Shiites.
What I want to say is, I've been listening for a while, and lately I've been hearing a lot of people calling in saying Islamophobic, and you know, we can't let these refugees in.
So I just want to say, from my perspective, what that means.
Okay, so I'm against the refugees coming in because... Here's what's gonna happen.
Don't hang up, Joe.
Don't hang up.
I'm gonna come back and hand the baton live on air to David Knight.
I'm gonna stay over with you and then hand it to David Knight.
Stay there.
The latest rich person who lives a life of luxury in one of their many houses travels in private jets.
But it's telling you that you have to cut out every modern convenience in your life is the King of Sweden.
That's right.
King Carl Gustaf, who has a reputation of being quite a ladies' man, has now called for a ban on bass and admits he is ashamed to run one after realizing how much energy they use.
I am laughing while I'm reading this.
That is right.
To show how eco-friendly he is, he also drives a hybrid car.
And he's using low-energy light bulbs.
Now that's where it gets absurd.
Back in Canada, anyone who admits carbon will pay, Alberta says, as it releases tough climate change policies.
Which includes a mandate that two-thirds of coal-fired electricity generation be replaced with renewables by 2030.
The Guardian is reporting, no pets, no kids, no flights.
How readers are reducing their carbon footprint.
Yes, in fact, there are some people out there that actually believe this garbage.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars Nightly News.
Thanks for watching.
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Alex Jones here.
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Another time where Gloria Steinem wears a headdress and has her daughters handed over to the pleasure villas of the Imams.
This is the liberal sacrament.
The word is Rachel Maddow is actually a Saudi Imam as his own harem.
I gotta say, he's pretty slick to be able to play both parts.
Who is it around the office that's that guy on MSNBC that looks just like Rachel Maddow?
Chris Hayes.
Chris Hayes.
You know, I actually... I run into him all the time when I go on these trips, every time, and I'll run up and go, Rachel!
I love you!
And he'll go... I've got a picture where he's staring at me when I'm yelling.
Please get video of this stuff, Biggs.
Good God, man.
You want some bonuses?
Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen.
We are live broadcasting worldwide.
I'm trying to be positive and make jokes and laugh about this.
We're actually really depressed.
We're about to go and hand the baton over to the one and only David Knight to take your calls.
A bunch of guests coming up.
But Joe in California, and David wants to comment on this, he can pop in at any time, you're saying that you're basically a Shiite, a second generation, the folks just joined us, and the break cut off with you saying you're against this massive refugee influx.
So please continue.
Alright, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Okay, so here's my perspective.
I'm first generation sharing this country.
I was Republican, I'm now a part of the Tea Party.
I believe in the Second Amendment, and I teach my kids the same thing.
Be honorable, be just, be a good man.
Or, you know, for whatever the cause is.
But what's being shown on TV, what the face of Islam today, is not people wearing dirt farmers, wearing pajamas,
We're good to go.
Um, and the main portion is, my point is, I'm against the refugees coming here.
Those people aren't, um, you don't know who they are, they're not vetted, they're not, they don't go through a process, and they could be, they could be anybody.
They could be terrorists, they could be good people, but the chances of them being evil or, you know, being terrorists is too high to take that risk.
Well then the public, let's say it, in America is so geopolitically illiterate, we're probably the most illiterate in the world except for North Koreans or Afghans, and the global statistics, we're on average really ignorant,
I hear him on the news going, yeah, Iran's behind ISIS, opposite group.
I mean, they're going to blame countries that didn't do this and start larger wars, like blaming Iraq for what Saudi Arabia was involved in on 9-11 with our criminal elements of our government.
So great points, Joe.
I appreciate your call.
I got to punch out and hand it over to David Knight.
It's not fair to have him all quarterbacked, lined up, ready to take over here in the fourth quarter, literally, and not hand the baton to him.
But closing comments, gentlemen?
Michael Zimmerman, Joe Biggs, and then come in here, David Knight.
Definitely been an interesting trip over there into Europe.
People need to wake up.
This stuff is actually happening.
These guys are moving in.
They're getting a place.
They're getting smarter.
And our government's helping fund this stuff, so it's not a joke.
It's not being over-exaggerated.
This stuff is real and it's happening.
Well, you can't take millions of people out of rural, poor areas that have been dominated by radical Islam that our government for 50 years has been funding because it keeps those countries backwards.
There was a whole golden age of Islam that Lord Mongton talked about.
They were leaders of science and stuff and weren't invading people.
And they've sabotaged the Middle East by putting these people in charge.
You can't take millions of them in here, stick them in a ghetto, and not have them run screaming for you to get out of there.
I mean, they are just whacked out, fighting with each other, and it just isn't compatible.
Great point.
People need to wake up and stand up.
These open borders are going to kill Europe.
It's gonna kill the culture there.
Yeah, it's going to be the end of Europe as we know it.
You're right, of course you know the head of the UN borders and refugee group, the founder of the Euro, Peter Sutherland, says we want to end Europe.
Right, yeah, all of the globalists and those in charge want to destroy Europe.
How does he walk around when he's in Ireland?
I mean, that guy's not Irish.
Doesn't look like any Irishman.
He looks like some kind of penguin creature.
Like Rachel Maddow's father or something.
Alright, I'm going to stop right there.
Anything else?
All right, great job guys.
Go get some sleep.
I know you just got back yesterday.
You're jet-lagged.
Now for the next 46 minutes, David Knight takes over.
David, we're going to hand the baton to you.
What's coming up?
Thank you, Alex.
We're going to talk about how Prince Charles has added himself as the world's biggest funder of terrorism and explain how that works out.
We're also going to be talking to Neil Fox.
He's done a musical documentary.
I think it's a very novel way to
To get the information out there for people that you may know and your friends and family that aren't awake And I think you'll enjoy it if you are awake, so we're gonna play some of his songs We're gonna talk to him, but you know Alex as we're talking about this, and we just had that caller Who is Muslim himself, and he's concerned about people being brought over here and not being vetted of course We just had 150 people come in on this flight from Mexico.
They were allowed to skip customs They were allowed to leave the JFK Airport.
They just completely went through
And thank God you're covering this.
I should have made a bigger deal out of this.
I've mentioned it four or five times, but I should have read the whole article, so I'm going to shut up and let you read that and then get calls and your guess.
But does, I mean, again, 150-something people just fly in, we let you ride in, don't even check anything.
I mean, this is crazy.
Yeah, an entire flight.
And so what we've got is we've got these Keystone cops, we've got these Inspector Clouseau's in France, who don't know how to vet anybody.
And of course, as they've said in Greece, they said if they're not already registered in one of our databases, it's impossible for us to vet them.
Of course it is.
ISIS has said that they've got 4,000 jihadis in Europe, and that would be out of 5 million.
Understand that although that sounds like an astronomical figure when we see the destruction that was created by a half dozen in Paris,
Uh, even though that looks like an astronomical figure to say there's 4,000 jihadis that have been brought into Europe, that is only eight-tenths of 1%.
Eight-tenths of 1%.
So that means 99.92% of the people aren't jihadis that come in.
But that's the way the government hides things.
When you try to find out...
I'm going to hand it over to you.
Great job, guys.
Thank you so much, David Knight.
Please continue.
Yeah, so you know, I think that's precisely what they're doing here, is that they're giving us, they're overwhelming everything, putting these little needles in the haystack, because we understand.
That they're the ones who created, who funded all of this.
We have to ask, how many Americans is Obama willing to kill for his humanitarian solution?
Because certainly we're not going to be able to stop this.
We're not going to be able to vet this.
He's going to bring in massive numbers of people.
And we also need to ask, why is that the only humanitarian solution, to bring them here?
Of course it isn't the only humanitarian solution, but it is the only solution for what their real agenda is.
They want to destroy the West.
Western civilization.
Western sovereignty.
They want to destroy Western culture.
And this is happening right now.
As they're ready to build the building blocks of the New World Order, which are going to be the massive new, quote-unquote, free trade for the Republicans.
That's the beard that they're going to use for the Republicans to sign on to world government.
And that's the Trans-Pacific, Trans-Atlantic partnerships.
It's like, oh, we love free trade.
So give that to us.
No, what you're going to get is global governance.
You're going to get crony capitalism.
And then for the left, they want to offer them climate change.
We're going to protect the world's climate.
And so sign on, but what you're going to get instead is you're going to get world government.
They want to put these two, both of these in.
If they can get either one of them in, they'll have a transnational body that will be able to manipulate and shut down our economies.
And I think it's pretty amazing when we see Prince Charles come out and say, again, echoing Bernie Sanders, talking about how the root cause of terrorism is climate change.
They can't even use the words global warming anymore because that's so laughable.
So they talk about climate change as if it's reality, and of course that's what they're going to push in Paris in just a few days.
It's coming up November 30th, so we're about a week away.
Start next Monday.
Prince Charles comes out and says that now it's also the root cause of the Syrian war, the civil war in Syria.
Asked in an interview filmed three weeks ago whether there was a direct link between climate change, conflict and terrorism, Prince Charles said, absolutely.
The same kind of nonsense that we're hearing from Bernie Sanders.
As I pointed out before, Al Qaeda was not created to fight global warming.
ISIS was not created to fight global warming.
The Muslims think that they are fighting the Crusades of a thousand years ago.
And the Westerners think that they are fighting crazy terrorists.
But the reality is, is that this is all being created by the global governance crowd, who want to create a crisis, create a problem, and then offer their solution.
And understand, too, that Prince Charles is knee-deep in this, as is the Pope, in terms of pushing this.
They've been pushing climate change and this conference for quite some time.
And going back to earlier this year, we've got the Earth League, which is Prince Charles's, I guess we could call it the League of Dishonorable Gentlemen.
Going back to that novel.
Anyway, Prince Charles and, of course, at his right hand was the scientific advisor to the Pope, John Schellenhuber, the German.
And they're talking about having a planetary court, and that was six months ago.
Subsequent to that, we got some early drafts of this climate meeting in Paris, and we could see that one of their options was to, in fact, have a planetary court, have planetary governance, to have enforcement mechanisms, a planetary bureaucracy that is not accountable to anyone.
Once it gets started, the same type of thing that we're seeing with the Trans-Pacific, the Trans-Atlantic partnerships.
Once they create these things, once they put them in place, they will have
A global independent body that will be able to automatically change the rules without any further input from any of the governments.
Of course, they haven't had any inputs from our elected representatives to create these treaties.
That's why I say Prince Charles is, if it's true, as the person who has the largest carbon footprint on the planet, arguably, Prince Charles would be the largest supporter and funder of terrorism, if that's really true.
If climate change is based on carbon footprint, and he's got the largest carbon footprint, then he is the guy who is pushing this out there.
You understand that the war on terror, the war on carbon, if you want to call it that, their climate change war, all of these are planned problems, and they're offering us one phony solution.
And just to show how phony this is, look at this, uh, we had this article, uh, came out at the, uh, just before the weekend.
Ex-CIA head James Woolsey said he'd like to watch Ed Snowden be hanged for treason.
You know, just as Rand Paul said, you want to jail these people?
Well, fine, okay, but we'll jail you as well because you violated the Constitution, so he better be careful about the kind of prescriptions that he wants to put on people, especially these Keystone cops who let an entire plane load in.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Radio Show.
I'm David Knight and joining me in this segment is Leanne McAdoo.
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Well, Leanne, as we were just talking in the last segment, you know, how do we vet real
That's right.
It probably can.
And you know, I think probably the Sicilian Mafia could do a better job than the Washington Mafia.
They've had more experience for running a protection racket, perhaps.
Arguably, of course, the Washington Mafia is very old as well.
And of course, in a protection racket, what you're usually paying for is protection from the mob, okay?
You know, it would be a shame if something were to happen to your business, so I'd like for you to voluntarily donate some money to keep this thing going, you know?
That's the way the government works, that's the way the mob works, and so it truly is that way, and we've seen nothing but keystone Inspector Clouseau antics from our own protection racket that we've got going in this country.
But I guess one of the news items that you're going to talk about tonight is the new information about the clock kid.
Yeah, I mean, it's obviously pretty interesting that we have the mafia actually speaking out, talking about, yeah, we do need to be protected, you know, but pretty interesting there.
But yeah, so we mentioned how Clock Kid's family is now demanding an apology and $15 million in damages.
And let's tell everybody who Clock Kid is.
We've talked about it so much that regular listeners know who the Clock Kid is, but if you're just tuning in, the Clock Kid is this kid who went to school with a briefcase that looked like something out of Mission Impossible.
Yeah, well actually, so we're getting a little bit more of the details with it, you know, as this case is being brought forward.
So a teacher heard beeping in her classroom.
She was asking where this sound was coming from.
The device was then presented to her.
And so what it is, is a case with exposed wires and a timer attached to it.
And he would not say, this is not a bomb or this is a clock.
And she was like, well, what is this?
So she just sent it to the school resource officer, which is what you're saying.
I mean, these are the same schools that are kicking kids out and suspending them over Pop-Tart guns.
You know, or drawing a picture of a gun or making it pointing your fingers like a gun.
So then you present something that looks just like a bomb you would see in the movies.
And she's not supposed to do something because then she'll be considered racist, Islamophobic.
It's the same type of thing that we've seen obviously in the last few election cycles using racism to silence people.
Yeah, deliberately provocative.
Most of these things that we see happening in the schools are so far over the top out of fear and paranoia, but this is reasonable when the kid acts the way that he does when he has something like this.
Well, his dad is a known activist in this area and he actually applied to become the president of Qatar, which is where the family now lives.
They moved there after all.
You know, experiencing this racism.
They now live in this country where his dad had ran for president, you know, from Dallas.
So, I mean, obviously that's a little bit iffy.
So did he tell the kid, oh yeah, bring their clock to school, your teachers will love it.
And he actually admitted that he told the cops to leave the handcuffs on his son and told him to turn around so he could take the picture that inflamed everyone and, you know, they knew what they were doing.
Yeah, yeah.
You know, vote for me.
I'm a victim of American racism.
Right, and so we're gonna kind of get into that of how this is just sort of the political correctness run amok and it is destroying our country.
We got a university yoga class has been suspended over cultural appropriation.
They say that this yoga is an unacceptable cultural appropriation of a non-western practice and you know it's just from an email.
An email that a student wrote in and said, oh, this is inappropriate.
So they cancel this yoga class that they've been teaching for since 2008.
So all of a sudden, you know, it's bad.
And then we also have a Breitbart's reporting about an anti-racism rally that was planned at the University of Colorado to show solidarity with Mizzou, black activists.
But it was canceled because the event's organizers were white.
And so they had to issue an apology
Um, on behalf of the Whiteness Studies class, who was putting forward this event, they had to apologize to the black student activists.
Well, you know you're talking about this free speech on Friday.
You touched briefly on the Woodrow Wilson censorship that's going on.
Princeton University, of course, Woodrow Wilson was president of Princeton before he became president of the U.S.
I don't want to see Woodrow Wilson erased from history.
We'll be right back.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
While ISIS threatens to attack the U.S., a record number of illegal immigrants are flooding into the country thanks to lax enforcement by federal authorities.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Joining us now is Neil Fox and he's our special guest.
I want you to listen for a moment to some of his music and then we're going to talk about it.
Alright, that's music from the Conspiracy Project.
It's a rock opera, a musical, a multi-venue event.
Who knows?
It's something very different.
It's a different way to get the information out there to wake people up.
And I'm talking to Neil Fox.
Neil Fox has been in the jingle business for a very long time.
He wrote music for tons of commercials, many major networks, CBS Evening News, Dan Randa.
Rather, he co-sponsored a couple of Killer Tomatoes movies, and he says after being offered a lot of money for a three-minute song pitching cigarettes to kids by the company with a famous cartoon mascot, that was the straw that broke the camel's back.
So joining us now is Neil Fox.
Welcome, Neil.
Thank you.
Good to be on.
I enjoy your project here.
And again, you know, we can look at the different ways to get information out to people.
I've always said that documentaries, I think, are one of the best ways to wake people up.
If they listen to the news on a daily basis, whether it's our radio show, whether it's our nightly news, we're telling them information that they can use, but it
We cannot always go back and provide the background, the foundation, to get them to understand what they're hearing.
And it's something that's very different than they're hearing from the mainstream press.
So a documentary gives people the facts and a context.
It tells a story.
But it's still kind of didactic.
So if you've got something that's dramatic, that communicates with people on a visceral level.
But the downside of that is that they always have a happy Hollywood ending.
So it really just kind of turns into a revelation of method.
So I really liked what you did, because what yours is, I guess, is really kind of a musical documentary.
It's a bunch of songs about different topics, introducing those topics, and it's a very digestible way to get this.
It gets to people viscerally, plus they also get the information.
I really like the way you present that.
Oh, thanks.
Yeah, we had a tough time while I was creating it, figuring out what to call it, because
If we called it a musical documentary, people might think it was a documentary about musicals.
Or something to do with music.
And it's not that at all.
It's just, it's a very, I think it might be one of a kind.
I'm not really sure.
But when I entered in film festivals, I put it under documentary.
Sometimes they get it, sometimes they go, like, what the hell is this and just turn it off.
Well, I like it because the music is really kind of front and center and besides the DVD, you know, there's the songs themselves and, like I said, I really like the lyrics.
Like, one of them, let me just read this, this is a very short lyrics, the plan.
It's the final season, since it all began, the night has come to take us with its master plan.
Some of us won't make it, some of us won't understand, but a hero's been growing in the common man.
You're totally awake, and it's a great project to wake other people up.
And just like that song we came in with, Three Buildings, Two Planes, we really need to hammer that into people, you know?
If you tell it to them enough times, and you sing it to them, and kind of get that jingle in their head, then they might, yeah, Three Buildings, Two Planes.
Well, you know, I was in the jingle business, as you know, for
Maybe 15, 20 years.
I don't like to really think about it.
But I kind of got zeroed into the whole mental, the headspace of how do you get something across to people really, really fast and simple, especially if they're, you know, the kind of people that only listen to soundbites or they're kind of drugged up or, you know, just in a semi-hypnotic state due to television and, you know, that kind of thing.
And so I really wanted to make this product
For the kind of people who we really need, you know, we've been preaching to the choir probably 90% of the time and we're not going to do anything unless we get more people involved in freedom and the fight.
So I thought we needed an undercut because a lot of people watch a show like yours and you know, if they're not ready for it, if they're kind of, you know, half asleep,
They'll hear one piece of information that they don't agree with or is a little too shocking, and they'll just run away.
That'll be it.
They'll turn off.
That's right.
They won't look it up.
They won't look it up.
Yeah, exactly.
And they'll just walk away going, oh, that's nuts and I don't want to hear about it.
I thought we needed an undercut because we really need to get more people involved.
And I thought the best way to do it
It's through entertainment, through music, through art, animation.
I even have a little bit of dance at the end.
Anything aesthetic, you know, to get them to sit through it and actually listen to the message and maybe by the end of it
Walk away with a few seeds in their minds and saying, gee, you know, I didn't know about that.
Maybe I should look that up.
Because if that's true, we better know about it.
I want to play several clips, give people a taste of it.
And let's play another clip.
This one is from Save Us.
And it really kind of touches on the insanity of trading your liberty away, making yourself more of a slave in the hopes that somehow the government's going to keep you safe.
Let's play that clip.
One day in a new and fertile land A group of patriots were brave enough to take a stand They put forth an idea that raised us to new heights That the country serves man and man has got his rights Now 200 years have passed and this freedom served them well But the cancer never left
The only way to win, bring America down.
We got the solutions, no problems we create.
We'll take the confusions and wipe them off your plate.
You'd never believe that, you couldn't conceive that.
From presidents down to clerks.
That was a great clip.
Let's go back to Neil.
I love that we've got the solutions for problems we create and from presidents down to clerks, just one of the perks is we get to control you because this is how the game works.
That's exactly it.
Yeah, that's one of my favorites.
How the game works.
That whole thing basically is about false flag.
Hopefully that'll explain it to people who don't even know what a false flag is.
Because the best way to stop the effectiveness of a false flag, as I'm sure you know, is to tell people what it is.
Expose the magician's trick.
Once you show the trick and you know how it works, it's lost all of its magic.
And that's the whole...
My whole modus operandi for the film, and I'm also doing art that goes along with the film, with the same topics, some of the arts in the film, and hopefully I'll get into live performance.
I mean, you know, hell, I'd like to see this in concert and even off-Broadway, just any way we can get the message out and actually put butts in the seats so they'll listen to it and they'll walk out of there, you know, they came in to see some entertainment, maybe they thought it was a little controversial, but they'll walk out thinking
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, they've got a full spectrum operation going.
They use every medium, every format as well, and we need to do that as well.
We're going to play a comedy clip here.
Of course, we have a comedy.
There's comedy, there's tragedy, there's all kinds of stuff, different genres of music that you've got on here.
Of course, we've got a contest coming up.
Of course, Ridicule, as Hillary well knows,
We're good.
about live radio is just as we went to break I said I don't want to get rid of Woodrow Wilson I don't want to erase his name and it's like it's not because I like Woodrow Wilson folks and I'm gonna get lots of cards and letters on this I know that he's the globalist who started all this interventionism I know he created the Fed I know he created the income tax I don't want to erase his memory I want to keep him forever in effigy and so in that sense let's play a little bit from the W section of he's lying
W said Saddam Hussein had secrets to disclose Had bugs and bombs and boogeymen hidden in his clothes He said it might be nuclear, but history still shows Thousands died for causes no one knows He's lying!
He's lying!
We went to war and now look who's crying
200,000 innocents are lying in their grave.
Now torture has been legalized.
The flag has lost its wave.
They justify the killing due to all the lives they save.
He's lying.
There's really no denying he's lying.
There's really no denying he's lying.
Alright, let's go back to Neil.
I gotta say, you know, what got my interest was the cover letter when he sent it to me.
He said, do you need to see another documentary on conspiracy theories?
Of course you don't.
But there's plenty of people who aren't awake and they do need to see this.
I thought, alright, I'll take a look at it.
And when I took it home and showed it to my family, we do that a lot of times with documentaries and we've got people of all different ages in our home.
Many times.
They don't make it to a documentary, but we were all watching this whole thing.
We enjoyed it.
We really did.
Did they get to the part about the Federal Reserve?
Yeah, we stopped that part because it was after we'd already watched another movie, so we only got halfway through and we said, we'll have to pick this up.
But yeah, we didn't get to that because we would have censored that.
Yeah, that's not family-oriented, that part.
That's right, that's right.
That's the only song in my 45 years of writing songs, it's the only time I use the F-bomb in a song, and because it was just too appropriate for the Federal Reserve, I mean...
Well, we have so many different F agencies in Washington, I think we are totally F'ed with these bureaucracies because there's one of them after the other.
The FCC, the FDA, so on and forth and so on.
Now, there was a serious song that you had, My Daughter Weeps, and you say this is a true story.
Was this your daughter or someone you know?
Yeah, I'm glad you asked.
It's My Daughter Sleeps, and nobody
A lot of people, when I show it at film festivals, they think it's my daughter's, my own personal story.
I've been married 45 years, but as far as I know, we don't have kids.
Oh, okay.
Unless they went off to college really early, I don't know.
But they don't call or anything.
No, this is a story that I heard on the internet.
It was a true story, somebody else's story.
And since I wrote that story,
I heard from so many people about how it happened to them, or it happened to a nephew, or somebody of theirs.
It's amazing.
Too many stories like this are going on.
Yeah, I'm glad you asked.
It's not my personal story, thank God.
Well, yes, we have heard, we cover these stories all the time, unfortunately.
And of course, many people have never heard even of the vaccine court.
I remember there was, there's been a couple of tragic stories that surfaced through the vaccine court trying to get compensation for that.
People need to understand that the big pharmaceutical companies have been given legal immunity.
Why would they do that?
Have a safe and effective product.
Let's play a little bit of this, uh, My Daughter Sleeps.
I sit in darkness and I watch my daughter sleep.
My beating heart's the only sound.
She is so good and kind.
She's always on my mind.
The only moments that I keep.
She hasn't looked at me or heard a word I said.
The flame of life's no longer there I'd give up everything If I could hear her sing If God would take my life instead She was a healthy child She sang and danced and smiled She called me daddy to the day
I'm all I have to blame.
The outcome's all the same.
Though she's so close, she's far away.
I had some doubts about the science they proclaim.
They reassured me it's the law.
They said they know what's right.
I shouldn't try to fight.
I can't ignore that fatal flaw.
Very touching song, and of course we've known of many cases where parents have testified that shortly after they had a vaccine, it was like the light just went out of their children's eyes.
You have that lyric there, the flame of life is no longer there.
Yeah, yes.
That song still gets me.
I wrote it, well I worked on this project for almost three years and that was written quite a while ago into the project and still when I hear it, it's really hard to listen to.
You know, and that's the thing, is we've heard of people whose children have immediately gone into an autistic situation after
We've also heard many stories of families where their children have uncontrollable seizures that run forever and ever.
And it's amazing to me that one of the only things that really addresses these uncontrollable seizures, and we've had our very first exemption here, even in Texas, for medical marijuana to address that particular case.
That case and that case only.
Uncontrollable, continuous seizures.
And that's caused by, in many cases, by vaccines, an adverse reaction to a vaccine.
It's amazing to me that marijuana, which could treat that, is made illegal, and yet we are seeing guns held to people's heads to have them take the vaccines without their informed consent.
That is so incredibly upside down.
Well, welcome to planet Earth.
It is upside down.
I mean, when I first started getting into this, entered the rabbit hole,
Probably about thirty years ago, but maybe ten years ago is when I really got into it up to my eyeballs.
It's just amazing how everything I ever learned, just about, is completely the opposite of what I was taught and what I thought.
I mean, I actually grew up a liberal, believe it or not.
Now, I don't label myself liberal or conservative.
I don't think the labeling is a good idea.
I'd just rather look for the truth, you know?
That's how they control you.
They get you to buy into one of their two choices.
Yeah, exactly.
And as long as they keep us fighting with each other, they can be over here unnoticed.
And we keep fighting over here and they can do whatever they want over here because we're just fighting with each other.
We don't even get to see what's going on behind the curtain.
We're talking to Neil Fox with The Conspiracy Project.
It's his musical documentary.
You can find out information about that at theconspiracyproject.org.
Stay with us when we come back.
We're going to talk some more to Neil and we're going to play another excerpt or two from his work.
We'll be right back.
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I see blood on the horizon I know something is wrong I see bodies on the river They'll take me before too
You're listening to the music of Neil Fox from his Conspiracy Project.
It's a musical documentary.
We've been talking to him this last segment and he'll be joining us here in just a moment.
That's very appropriate, I think, on the day after the 52nd anniversary of JFK.
We look at that, we look at the, he starts out with the William Colby at the church hearings, talking about CIA control, the media, JFK's quotes on secret society, Eisenhower on the military-industrial complex.
And then you see this all in the context of the police state, police state violence.
That song is Blood on the Horizon.
I want to go back to Neil Fox in just a moment.
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I want to go back to Neil Fox.
Neil, when I looked at that
We're talking about the clip that came in with blood on the horizon.
Well, look at the police state violence.
I think it's...
People need to see that context, going back to the 1970s and beyond, the 1960s, the 1950s, with Eisenhower, to understand really the roots of the police state, to understand that this isn't racism, it's really rooted in globalism and that kind of violence.
I think when we look at this in terms of race, what we do is we isolate people.
We're talking about human rights.
You know, not segmented rights for this group or that group.
Once you talk about human rights, you've included everybody.
Of course, I guess maybe people who like dolphins may be upset, I don't know.
Thanks for all the fish, right?
Yeah, I read the same book, it's good.
And I don't mean to cast any aspersions on dolphins.
I love dolphins, they're some of my closest friends.
But seriously, it's a human rights issue.
And as long as we can keep it in that context, we stop putting out these little fires and we start concentrating on where
The source of the problem is, instead of just these little sidetracked things, I mean, yeah, you gotta have human rights for minorities, for different nations, different countries, whatever your sexual persuasion are, whatever you think.
If you're a human, you should have rights, and you're covered by the fight for human rights.
And that has got to be our main focus, I think.
And we need to all come together, as you point out.
We need to have a large awakening, a large movement.
Whenever I see people standing up for their rights as an individual, they get clobbered, they get hammered by that police state.
But if they stand up collectively, because they understand what's going on, the police state will back down.
I've seen that happen multiple times.
Your documentary is yet another way for people to wake up.
Thank you so much, Neil Fox.
And the documentary is The Conspiracy Project.
You can find it at conspiracyproject.org.
Join us tonight for the nightly news at 7 central.
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