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Name: 20151120_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 20, 2015
3094 lines.

In this episode of his show, Alex Jones discusses current political topics such as national polls, climate change, comedians' freedom to criticize politicians, a terrorist attack in Mali and its potential links to Paris attacks. He also talks about a new feature on InfoWarsStore.com, a contest where users can make funny videos of Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration creating a global police force. Jones emphasizes on the protection of free speech under the First Amendment and criticises political corruption, IRS actions, and intimidation.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, last Friday, we saw 130 people killed in Paris in six different attacks.
And now, on this Friday, we've got at least 27 dead in Mali, in West Africa, after two gunmen screaming,
And basically stalled the police with demands while they executed people.
But they took their time.
They asked folks if they were Muslim, if they said yes, and could cite verses of the Quran.
They were not killed.
But if they could not, they were executed.
Mali hotel attack.
UN counts 27 bodies as Hassan's situation ends.
We'll be breaking that down.
Gunmen shouted, God is great, or Allah Akbar, as they stormed the Mali Hotel, security source said.
And of course, they have strict gun control in Mali.
Obviously no one can fight back.
I'll guarantee you, let's say if you attack the Radisson in downtown Austin, Texas.
Nice little hotel.
Sometime when we have guests in town to be on the show, we put them there.
It's an affordable, mid-range nice hotel.
I'll guarantee if somebody tried that here in Austin, Texas, that maybe one out of ten people's packing.
They know how to shoot center of mass and these guys would have got their butts shot off real fast.
In fact, we've had events like this where an off-duty police officer up in Garland stopped the mass murder once the jihadi started storming in to kill everybody.
It didn't go the way they thought it was going to go.
They thought they'd roll through the parking lot and shoot up the front of the building.
Didn't go too well.
And that's why the head of Interpol came out two years ago in the Kenya attacks on shopping malls there, also by the God is Great folks, said that the answer is arming people like they quote do in Texas and Colorado.
But meanwhile, Europe is passing laws, France is passing laws, I have it in my stack here today, to restrict what guns you can get.
You can get some hunting rifles and shotguns in places like Austria and places like France if you do background checks, jump through a bunch of hoops, go through a bunch of hunting club filings, you can get a gun.
But now they want to go ahead and take those.
Because the terrorists got their fully autos illegally, and made their explosives illegally, or got their plastic explosives illegally.
None of that matters, they came in illegally.
And they just said, come on in, we love your fake passports.
Show that Germany now can declare a civil emergency, put troops on the streets, to ban demonstrations against the invasion.
And that's in the stack today as well.
Obama will not let the missing migrants, the missing refugees, because they're now getting dumped off from Louisiana to New York, from Florida to California, from Minnesota to Tennessee, they're just disappearing!
They're disappearing!
They're not showing back up!
At the refugee centers.
And Obama says we will not track them because it violates their rights.
But they'll spy on you and I and put us on no-fly list and have the IRS terrorize more than 10,000 churches and other tax-exempt organizations if you're right of mouth to tongue.
They issued one 501c3 in the last four years to one conservative group and thousands to every socialist, communist organization you can imagine.
Again, pure, naked discrimination at a sickening level.
Racketeering in everybody's face, nothing done.
I'm just going to set this stack down because this particular stack is probably 30 articles or more.
It's pure, pure New World Order and really reveals everything.
So that is coming up.
And we're going to get into a lot of science and technology news.
Former U.S.
And I should add presidential candidate Mike Revelle wants to come on and talk about the attacks and how it's more inside job garbage.
Joe Biggs joins us from London, England.
And David Knights, quarterback in the fourth hour.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
Explosives were found during an attempted terror attack at a German soccer stadium on November 17th, but German authorities covered it all up according to an eyewitness who was told to keep quiet about what he saw.
A paramedic saw an explosive device and ambulance before the Germany vs. Netherlands game, which
Which was cancelled after French intelligence told German authorities about the impending attack involving several bombs.
Authorities later claimed no explosives were found.
But the paramedic says he witnessed the bomb and was ordered not to talk about it after special forces arrived on the scene.
Three police officers were also reportedly disciplined for leaking information about the alleged discovery of the bombs.
German authorities may have decided to conceal the fact that the explosives were found in order to prevent a panic amongst the fans who had gathered around the stadium before the match, and also to protect German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has opened the borders for Middle Eastern migrants to flood the country, including ISIS.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com and you can find out more at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Molly Hotel attack!
UN counts 27 dead bodies as the hostage situation ends just about 15 minutes ago.
That's on the western side, an internal country near the western coastline of Central Western Africa.
It's been hit by radical jihad attacks before.
We'll put that map up on screen for TV viewers.
At least 27 dead after Islamicist seized luxury hotel in Mali's capital.
Gunmen shouted Allah Akbar as they stormed Mali Hotel security source.
Islamic extremists attack hotel in Mali's capital.
I guess the Associated Press didn't get the memo that you're not supposed to use the word Islamic extremists or radical Islamists.
Again, two gunmen took hostage 170 people at a Radisson Blue Hotel in Mali.
And French, U.S.
Special Forces reportedly with the local Mali paramilitary stormed the facility taking them out about 15 minutes ago.
The hostage takers would look at people's passports and ask them if they were Muslim, then have them recite the Koran.
They took their loving time over the few hours, and if they could not cite the Koran, they were terminated.
Freed hostage breaks down some of what happened.
We'll be going over some of what they witnessed.
But I want to tie all of this in together.
We have French recruiting centers seeing a surge in army recruitment after the attacks.
They've now raised the death toll in Paris now that more have died, over 130.
And I thought I'd just add, the French people
If they want to really do something, they shouldn't probably join the military.
I'm not saying don't join the military.
I'm saying your own government backed the very al-Qaeda slash al-Nusra slash ISIS jihadis in the last five years in Syria.
France has been one of the main culprits of this.
And now when the whole world turned against ISIS, they kind of double-crossed them two weeks ago and started bombing some of their facilities.
And so now ISIS is struck back.
That's the clearest picture we've got.
Of what exactly happened.
So I just think the French president that's currently in Sarkozy before him are all guilty of Libya and guilty of Syria and backing jihadis and Sunni radicals.
It's a fact.
And so we got John Kerry running around threatening Russia saying you better not join with the Shiites.
The Shiites haven't been starting fights.
The Shiites
Are the minority in Islam and are not on the offense, clearly.
And the West is allied with the Saudi Arabian-backed majority group, and that's what's happening.
So France, the French people, you want to do something.
Your war is at home with the criminals.
They're in your royal palace, where they have the government buildings located today.
Now let's just tie all this together.
Obama DHS says they won't track missing Syrian refugees because it violates their constitutional rights.
Liberals continue to tell us that vetting process refugees is under control.
They insist the federal government is monitoring every Syrian once they make it to America.
See, even that statement, most of them aren't Syrian.
But of course, that's totally
Earlier this week a Syrian refugee went missing in Louisiana.
The refugee was in the process of resettling in the Baton Rouge area when he went missing.
And it goes on to have the White House announcing they will not track him because it would violate his constitutional rights.
Even though he's here, basically illegally, and has run off and violated it, and is on a type of diplomatic parole.
No, he can't be tracked, but you can.
They can have license plate reading cameras scan you, and if your insurance is up to date, the cops are flagged to pull you over.
But that's okay.
But you can't track the folks out of Syria.
Here's another headline.
Washington Times.
Obama's actions shield most illegals from deportation even as courts stall amnesty.
So he doesn't care if the courts say it's illegal and he can't act outside Congress and all the rest of it.
They're just not deporting anybody.
And then ICE is ordered to release them.
Totally above the law.
Absolute, abject lawlessness by the President.
They have a name for it when a leader does whatever they want.
It's called dictatorial behavior.
It's called authoritarian, totalitarian behavior.
And people that engage in those activities are called dictators or despots.
Let's continue.
The crackdown begins.
Europe just passed strict controls to make it difficult to acquire firearms.
Zero Hedge is breaking this down at Infowars.com.
Now, when you read deeper, again, you can go get a special license, take courses, and get a single-shot rifle sometimes, or a shotgun, for hunting in Austria, for hunting in places like France.
But it's very hard.
It's like getting a concealed carry in Chicago.
You've got to jump through some political hoops.
A very low gun ownership.
What is it in France?
Like 3%?
Generally wealthy people out in the countryside.
England 20-something years ago went ahead and just banned that too, where you can't even basically be part of a hunting club.
It's nearly impossible.
Well, now they're moving to get rid of that.
So you knew that was coming.
We have Democrat Congress people.
In what, New York and in Illinois, both this week, coming out and saying, France shows us that we should restrict the Second Amendment, because terrorists might get guns.
Oh, and their plastic explosives?
And their full-auto AK-47s, lady?
They smuggled the guns in!
They were military guns, you moron!
But she's not a moron.
She knows her constituents are idiots.
Meanwhile, we're going to cover this story just because these German police officers, these female police officers look, or soldiers, excuse me, look really good in their black uniforms.
I mean, I just, I'm sorry.
Women in black uniforms look good, especially when they're super hot.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Just had to say it.
Germany could send troops into the streets for the first time since World War II.
Berlin debates contentious move as France extends state of emergency and Italy boosts protection.
So, Germans can't have guns, but oh, they're politically correct when I see videos and photos.
Like, almost all the women, I mean, I guess all the cops in Germany now are women.
Which, I'm not against women being police or military, but when they juxtapose it in the socialist wonderland where men can't have guns and men can't wear pants, but women can, again, it's all basically a Sigourney Weaver brainwashing.
It's an agenda.
So we're going to take your guns, the few of you that have been able to have them with all the special licenses, and now we're just going to put women with guns everywhere.
Who, by the way, are arresting people that demonstrate
I don't think so.
And they have found statistically that women police officers in totalitarian regimes will enforce some of the most bizarre garbage.
It's just been proven.
It's just been proven that in totalitarian states, women will follow orders more often than men in many cases.
You can just look it up for yourself.
Pew poll, 63 million Muslims support ISIS in 11 countries.
And it's generally because women have something to prove, on average, more than men, when they're put in a traditionally male role.
Of course, I think it's sexist that I can't have babies, so I demand the government give me a womb transplant.
I don't care if it costs a hundred million dollars.
I want it.
I want it now.
Because I'm stunning and brave.
My daughter's dressed up, my parents' French Bulldogs in dresses.
I think I'm going to tweet those out and say my French Bulldogs, one of them's male, is stunning and brave.
He's going to have a sex change operation.
I'm joking, but I'm kind of not.
Pew polls, 63 million Muslims support ISIS in 11 countries, including many in the United States.
So wonderful.
25% of Europeans, excuse me, French polled this year.
They call them French, I don't think they are French, so they support ISIS.
Boy, that's kind of scary. 25%.
Because, see, it's real rock star in Islam now, and you kind of get henpecked and bullied if you aren't part of the jihad against all the, you know, wimpy Europeans.
And why not jihad against them?
Europeans won't have kids, they lay in the dirt, they hate themselves here in America.
I mean, Europeans are pretty pathetic, so why not?
The most important question, I mean, you know, I saw this meme up on Infowars.com this morning, it said, uh, when we're done destroying our country, we're going to destroy yours.
It was in the article about the Reformation and the rest of it.
Now Islam needs one.
The most important question about ISIS that nobody is asking, another excellent article from Zero Hedge, who's buying the oil?
Instead of just the Russians blowing up the oil refineries, Donald Trump said they should do months ago.
It's more common sense that the media made fun of that, because that's how they think their constituent viewers are idiots, which they kind of are.
He says blow up the funding and the fuel, the energy of the enemy?
That is insane, because that's the first thing you do in war, is cut off the funding and blow up the energy.
Just 101 default, cut off funding, blow up the energy sources.
I mean, even kids should know that in Empire Strikes Back, what's the first thing the Imperial Walkers try to take out?
The generators.
In children's movies, you got it figured out, but when Donald Trump says it, ah-ha, he's such a kook!
Look at Ted Cruz!
He's such a moron!
He said Obamacare was written by foreign insurance companies to rape us and double and triple prices, and there was gonna be huge fees and fines associated with it, and now it all came true, so he's discredited!
Hey, did you hear in World War II we bombed the German, uh, electrical plants?
How kooky is that, folks?
How crazy is that?
I've never heard anything so stupid.
German government covered up terror attack at soccer stadium.
NATO is harboring the Islamic State.
Big report on that.
Excellent article.
And we'll get into DHS just totally legalizing all the illegals.
Restricting free speech.
Every other form of tyrannical behavior you can imagine.
And that's only one stack.
I haven't gotten through one stack yet.
There are more than 14 stacks today and a bunch of guests coming up.
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Alex Jones here.
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So, Obama shields most illegals from deportation, even as courts stall amnesty.
And in places like Travis County, Austin, Texas, the black Democrat sheriff, the Democrats are running people against him, trying to unseat him, nationally demonizing him, because he deports, on average, three to five felon illegals a week.
To be technical, he gives them to ICE, who then just releases them.
But you see, that's dereliction of duty in my view, not deporting more people that are criminals.
But he does at least go after a few felons, and so they have to attack him for doing anything because common sense might actually
Be recognized then, and then the whole house of cards starts to crumble.
That we're told we live in a police state to keep us safe, but our borders are wide open, and giant floods of illegals are literally marching in over the southern border.
And in Europe, the images of just tens of thousands marching in, in huge columns.
Towns of 102 in Germany are told you will take 300, 400 people.
Towns of 1,000 are told you'll take 5,000.
You'll pay for it.
You'll accept it.
You're bad.
And troops are going on the streets to make sure you submit to it.
Shock DHS report.
There are 73 airport employees on terror watch list.
So how will they properly screen Syrian refugees?
The FBI and others have said they're not even screening them.
But Obama says, no, the FBI is screening them, everything is fine.
But we can't track anybody because it violates their rights.
But we'll track everything citizens do.
I mentioned this, but here's the article.
Dutch police seize control of Facebook page over anti-migrant comments.
Remember Zuckerberg a month ago got caught with Merkel on stage saying don't worry I'll shut everybody down?
Oh and Hillary's in the news.
They've gone to the popular comedy club in LA and are actually asking the club to remove videos off their site and to not have people speak there that criticize Hillary.
See, because if you ever start laughing at her, it's game over, folks.
See, because she's such a liberal, she wants speech banned.
And so we're going to strike back against this in the third hour today.
We haven't done a contest in a while.
This one's going to be big.
We'll be announcing it in the third hour today, but we're going to have a contest.
And we're going to run this one really good.
I'm going to have Rob Jacobson honcho it.
He'll kind of organize it all, make sure the good entries get posted daily at InfoWars.com.
We're going to have a contest, make fun of Hillary, First Amendment contest.
I'm going to shoot a video about it today and it's only going to run for one month, so it'll run from the 21st to the 21st of December and then I will announce
I will announce the winners on January 2nd of the Make Fun of Hillary free speech contest.
And because I'm telling you folks, it's getting crazy.
I heard this yesterday on the radio after I left.
I'd seen it in Stack, but I didn't read the article about Hillary wants comic silence to criticize her, and I just didn't get to it.
And then I actually started reading it.
I mean, the Laugh Factory is probably one of the top incubators of top talent in the country.
I mean, that's where Joe Rogan, my good buddy, Joe Rogan, the modern Chuck Norris, that is kind of the character he's become.
Yes, it's all very, very funny, but Clinton goes after the laugh factory.
In fact, will you print me that Judicial Watch article?
I've got a couple of them here, but with a straight face, I can't believe I'm on air talking about national polls with a large segment of Democrats wanting people that don't agree with man-made climate change being arrested.
I don't even believe that, even though they admit it.
It's just so alien, so totalitarian, so unliberal, so scary.
So seedy, so discredited, so disgusting, so over-the-top, and then they're actually going after the Laugh Factory to silence them to not make fun of her?
This is a political correctness.
That's why Jerry Seinfeld won't go to any colleges.
His daughter has rebuked him.
Like out of some New Age cult.
Like a False of Doom follower with a double-edged dagger for his political heart.
Is there a dagger such as this she wields for me?
His daughter comes to him and says, the word father and mother is bad, boy and girl.
He will not say it anymore.
It's sexist.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Islamic extremists, armed with guns and throwing grenades, stormed a luxury hotel in Mali Friday morning.
Hostages were taken and at least 27 people have been killed.
Senior officials say the jihadists stormed the building chanting Allah Akbar, while some hostages claim they were freed only after reciting verses from the Quran.
Fears remain that the attack in Bamako may be linked or inspired by the Paris attack where French nationals were targeted for the government's decision to carry out airstrikes against ISIS.
Mali is a former colony of France and they've been battling several terror groups for years.
A French military operation in Mali in 2013 against Islamic extremists in the northern half of the country was the first of several foreign interventions that President Francois Hollande has launched as president.
Troops from the UN, the United States, and France have already been sent to Mali to support security forces there on the ground.
Read more on this developing story at InfoWars.com
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Alex Jones here.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It's crazy to arrest people or shut down their Facebooks if they criticize open borders in Europe.
Hillary's crazy threatening LaughStop and defending it, saying no one should be allowed to criticize her.
They're threatening, what, five different comedians now.
No, they're not crazy.
They're totalitarians.
They're coming with boots on our necks.
You see, at a certain point, they've got to take the gloves off.
At a certain point, she's got to give speeches and say, I'm coming after the guns, I want to register and confiscate guns like Australia.
At a certain point, the Pope's got to come out for world government.
At a certain point, they've got to say, we're coming to give your kids forced inoculations.
We're about to go to Paul Joseph Watson, joining us now back home in London, where he's working with our intrepid reporters, Joe Biggs and, of course, Michael Zimmerman, who will be returning this weekend.
Of course, a new terror attack in Mali, 27 dead in just a few hours.
The two radical Islamists came in, screaming Allah Akbar, and began blasting everyone who did not recite
out of the Koran properly.
So we're going to go to Paul Watson in a moment.
And the reason I sent my crew to London next, that's where ISIS is vowing to strike again.
And we've had these Al Qaeda, Wahhabist groups, of course, in 2005 strike, being led by a member of MI6.
That even came out on Fox News.
You say, well, then is it staged or is it not?
There are criminal elements in the government working with radical Islam.
It's like the FBI said after 9-11.
Even in NBC News, they said, it's like Al Qaeda had moles above us at the FBI and CIA.
That's a quote.
They know everything we're doing, quote, before we do it.
And now Al Qaeda is releasing videos saying they're going to hit New York, London, Paris again.
It is truly sickening.
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We're backing this Republic 110%.
We're sending three reporters to Paris, France.
Now they're in London.
We are on the front lines.
I may try to send Paul to...
Molly, he's pretty close to Africa, just three hours away.
The issue is they'll strike somewhere else next.
That's what I want to ask Paul Watson right now.
We now take you to London, England.
Paul Joseph Watson, then we'll talk to Joe Biggs in the segments.
After that, he is by Parliament Square, right across from Big Bend.
In fact, I recognize where Paul is.
He's very, very close to where the statue of, of course, the big World War II leader, Winston Churchill, is located.
Paul, I know you guys are also planning to go to some of the ghettos where women are told, don't wear dresses, wear hoods on your heads, no liquor.
Where Brits are told, or Irish or Scots are told, you're not welcome.
We know that happened in Brussels, Belgium with you guys.
What have you discovered in the last 24 hours since we talked?
And what do you make of the Mali attack that's killed at least 27 people?
Well, obviously, one of the big stories today is the Mali attack, but also the raids in Molenbeek.
Of course, we went there a couple of days ago and were basically chased out of the area by these fanatics that weren't keen on us being there.
Now they've had nine more raids in France and Belgium.
Last time I checked, seven in Molenbeek.
So again, that's an epicenter of this jihadist ideology.
That's why they call it the jihadist capital of Europe.
Another interesting story, which I put up on InfoWars.com this morning, is
Remember we had the stadium attack, or the attempted stadium attack, in Germany, Hanover, on Tuesday night.
Of course, they evacuated the people 90 minutes before the kick-off of this soccer match between Germany and the Netherlands.
They later claimed that no explosives were found, even though French intelligence tipped them off beforehand to a five-man cell that was planning to attack that soccer stadium, as well as a train station and a bus stop.
It since turns out that a paramedic has now gone public, and this is being reported by Bild newspaper over in Germany.
She said that she, or it was he, he directly saw the explosives.
He saw the bomb in the ambulance during that whole incident.
Can you imagine if that would have gone off and killed thousands?
My gosh, what are the socialists thinking?
It's only a matter of time until this happens.
Do they just not care as long as they wreck Europe?
Well, you could look at it two ways.
Police have come out as well and divulged information about these bombs.
They've been disciplined.
They obviously want to keep this quiet.
You could say, well, they didn't want people in the immediate area to panic because there were thousands of fans gathering outside.
They wanted them to calmly leave the area.
Or it could tie into the fact that German authorities just in the past few weeks have covered up a lot of these migrant rape cases that have happened in and around refugee camps in Germany and other criminal behavior because in their own words they didn't want to quote legitimize critics of mass migration.
So if it turned out that this Germany attack was again like Paris, which we know now at least three of the individuals involved in the plot and the mastermind himself,
Abuse this refugee crisis to slip into Europe.
If it turned out that that attempted attack in Germany on Tuesday night, which would have killed hundreds of people if it had been successful, was again the work of some of these migrants that have slipped into Germany as a result of Merkel rolling out the red carpet, imagine the damage that that would have done
Given that the anti-immigration party in Germany is already soaring in the polls, it's up to something like 15% from basically having zero support whatsoever 10 years ago.
So did they not release that information because it was a real attack and because it was set to be the work of, you know, some of these migrants that have stepped in or was it just to get people away from the area calmly?
But a paramedic is saying that she saw the bomb, she saw the explosives in this fake ambulance
And that was also divulged by three police officers who have been disciplined for releasing that information.
So at the moment, it's still alleged, but that is being reported.
They ought to be given medals.
They should be given medals.
And this came out days ago.
Now we have police officers coming out.
Very credible.
We need to get this story completely viral now on Facebook, on Twitter.
It's one of the top stories on InfoWars.com.
Report, German government covered up terror attack at soccer stadium.
Witnesses told not to talk about discovery of bombs.
This is our top story on InfoWars.com.
Again, we have a new redesigned site that works much better.
It's much quicker, but I still don't like the fact that we can't red link an article.
We're going to have that capability by next week.
But this needs to be moved back to the tiles, not just the front page.
This needs to be pushed widely, listeners.
You have the power to expose this.
Another terror attack in Mali today.
If this was in the US, and I'm not kidding, we've had attacks
At Fort Hood that killed 14.
We've had attacks at Army, Navy recruiting centers, Marine Corps recruiting centers.
And our media is so controlled here, they never say it's Islamic terror.
So, it is absolutely essential.
Okay, we can red link, and I want it red linked.
We need to red link this right now and get this out to people because I'm telling you folks,
If they would have blown up that stadium, they might actually cover this up and claim a right-winger did it.
I'm telling you, German government is so socialist, so collectivist, so evil, that I'm telling you, they will go to any length to cover up Islamic terror, Paul.
In fact, more and more, I'm worried.
That with all the brainwashing, all the preparations with Homeland Security, that we know they've got active programs, they've done it before, to frame patriots for what the globalists have done, or what their Islamic radical henchmen have done.
And I'm really concerned about that, Paul, because I've been thinking, how will they get away with this?
And more and more, I think they may blame it on us.
I mean, they already blame everything else on patriots.
Well, I mean, then you've got Obama saying that anybody who is concerned about that in America is worried about widows and orphans.
We've already had one of these Syrian refugees go missing out of Louisiana, still missing, and the DHS came out and said, oh, we can't track them and we don't really care because of their constitutional rights.
This is somebody who's just arrived in the country.
They told them, oh, you're going to D.C.
to meet up with your family.
You need to register with authorities in D.C.
Again, didn't track them, didn't ensure they did it, and now that migrant has completely disappeared.
We've got reports of suspicious people around the Pentagon, all these other reports.
And it's a threat, and people are worried about it, and rightly so.
Of course, now they're trying to get the bill through.
They've got it past Congress.
Harry Reid has vowed to squash that bill simply to have checks on these migrants coming into America, stringent checks, which is what is required after what happened in Paris.
And Obama says, oh, everybody's just concerned about orphans and widows.
Well, I mean, here's how the Constitution works.
If you're a citizen, you don't have to go through stringent checks until you've committed a crime and are suspect.
But when you're coming here as a migrant or as an illegal or as an immigrant, you have to go through the process like Ellis Island was a three-month process.
You know, they keep saying, oh, get rid of the Statue of Liberty, we're not letting unlimited people in.
We've been the most open, but it doesn't mean we have to have a submarine with no doors on it.
Well, I mean, it's... People say, oh, all these migrants aren't terrorists.
Not everyone out on the street at night is a criminal, but you still lock your door, right?
I mean, it's just common sense.
And even in Europe now, with our, you know, Schengen... I didn't make a big deal out of it, but when we were in Barcelona, one of our crew was out walking on the beach at night and got robbed.
I mean, you know, it's just a fact.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, so now in Europe, even with our, you know, laissez-faire open border policy,
They've said they're going to have checks every time you go between a different European country.
Currently there are no checks whatsoever, you don't have to show your passport or anything.
They're now going to check people's passports and run it against a list of terrorist suspects.
Now if they're going to run your passport anyway, you would think they would do that in the first place, but now at least Europe has introduced that check.
So again, it's not kind of this oppressive crackdown, it's just basically making sure that you aren't a terrorist.
Apparently Obama is not too concerned about introducing a similar program in the US.
And it is a concern because we had a poll two days ago, I posted it.
One third of Syrian migrants, they polled them, had sympathies or supported ISIS.
One third of these Syrian migrants coming in were polled and they said they had sympathies with ISIS.
So, again, it's this myth that this is a tiny, tiny minority of radicals.
It's not.
We had a Pew poll out today, which I posted up on prisonplanet.com this morning.
63 million Muslims had sympathies with ISIS.
You know, about 200 million didn't.
Are they telling the truth?
Who knows?
Well, Paul, look at the Greece-Turkey game.
The soccer match where the entire crowd basically, for Turkey, chanted Allah Akbar during the moment of silence.
This was absolutely despicable.
You contrast it with what happened in England.
England played France the same night.
Impeccably observed minute silence.
Turkey immediately started booing it, because again, there's a lot of ISIS supporters in Turkey.
They blame France's foreign policy for the massacre of all these innocent people who had nothing to do with it.
Then you had Azerbaijan.
Again, same thing.
Food the minute silence out of complete disrespect to the Paris victims.
I'm telling you folks, a lot of these third world Muslim nations want war.
They absolutely hate the West and that means they hate us, not our criminal governments.
And our criminal governments are working with them against us.
It's so obvious.
How do you think Obama plans to get away with this or Merkel?
Don't they understand that they've gone too far?
It's complete insanity.
You know, you've got a situation in Paris where people should be angry.
They should be angry with their politicians for having this policy that allowed these terrorists to come in, in the first place.
And yet, what do we see?
In Paris, yesterday, there was a video.
Hug a Muslim.
It was a guy wearing a blindfold at the Place de la Revolution.
And he wasn't even saying sorry himself.
He was saying, see, Muslims aren't bad.
It was a stunt.
It was just ridiculous virtue signaling so all these liberal hipster douchebags could feel better about themselves.
Again, they should be angry at their government for allowing this policy to happen.
You're right, Paul.
You're right.
We're going to come back with you and Biggs.
We're going to come back to Biggs and then to you.
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Coming up, former U.S.
Senator Mike Revelle is going to be joining us on air.
He wants to talk about the 28 pages, the Saudi connection.
And I want to explain, there are criminal elements in our government and others that have been working with the Wahhabis out of Saudi Arabia for more than 50 years.
And WikiLeaks is talking about it, the Iranian leaders are talking about it.
Whether you like WikiLeaks or like the Iranian leaders, it's a fact.
And so, when these attacks end up happening, our government's trying to cover it up because they're in bed with these people.
Now, have they turned against each other now?
Is there really bombing of ISIS going on that isn't conducted by Russia?
Looks like it.
And ISIS is getting really upset.
But we'll get the Senator's take on all of this.
Right now, I'm going to Joe Biggs in front of Big Ben in Parliament.
They're in London, England.
Joe Biggs, I know you guys are planning to go into some of these no-go ghettos to document that with Paul.
Then you're going to be coming back, I guess, this is Sunday.
Or correct me if I'm wrong, but what have been your observations so far?
We now have 27 dead at least.
Executed, if they couldn't quote the Koran.
Yeah, of course they do.
I mean, that's one of the great things that makes us who we are in America, the fact that we have that ability.
You know, like we said before, when ISIS came to Texas, they were shot down.
It was quick.
It was over.
You know, when you give people the ability to arm themselves,
You take away that body count, because like we've said before, when seconds count, it takes police minutes to get there.
And by the time they show up, you have a body count.
It doesn't mean that the police aren't good or any of these guys can't do their job, but they can't be everywhere at the exact same time when something like that happens.
You know, last night I thought it was very interesting.
I was watching Anderson Cooper.
They actually flew him into Paris.
He was out there at the
We're good to go.
You're able to move freely and do something like that.
So essentially, you have this Washington insider saying, hey, we need to close the borders.
The wide open borders is what allowed this attack to happen.
Saying the sky is blue, and they act like that's politically incorrect.
But then meanwhile, back here, they want to leave the borders wide open.
So they know what caused that attack, and yet they want to allow that to happen here.
And I'm sitting here thinking, why would they want to let wide open borders happen?
Well, you know, in Europe, all across Europe, they're implanting those chips into people's hands.
Do away with the borders, put chips in everybody's hands, you can control what's going on that way.
And it seems like that's something they're trying to move in towards.
What are your other observations?
Well, thus far, you know, that attack in Paris, I think, was something that really motivated a lot of these cells out there, that they saw the success rate
Uh, from their standpoint.
And I believe that more and more of this stuff is going to happen.
You're going to have more distractions.
You're going to have more attacks.
You're going to have a lot of things going on.
It's not over.
It's heating up.
It's picking up very quick.
As we've been saying the last few months, you can see this storm coming.
Now the leading edge is hit us.
It's going to get more intense.
And these people are unpopular in the West, but they're rock stars in their home countries where this is very popular.
That's what people don't get.
So that's why this is going to intensify.
Yeah, I mean, there was explosions in the subways here last night at the Baker Street stop at the Underground.
And they're coming out saying, oh, it's, you know, that was a controlled death, this and that.
But there's stuff happening everywhere.
People are on edge.
Planes are getting turned around.
All this stuff's happening.
People setting off fireworks and scaring people.
Everyone's on edge, and that's what they want.
Complete and total fear.
Did you have any trouble getting back into England?
Um, no, not at all.
I mean, it's a lot easier to go from Brussels into Paris than it is from Paris into England.
You've got to go through more security.
But, you know, inside there, you can do whatever you want from Brussels, all of that.
All right, stay there.
I want to ask where you're going next, because I want you guys, again, to go in to these no-go areas and show folks the little London stands that are being set up.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Second Hour coming up.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We got 27 dead in Mali, Africa, at a Radisson Hotel where jihadis took over.
They were killed about an hour and 15 minutes ago, but not before they killed 27 people that couldn't quote the Quran.
If you could quote the Quran, you were good to go.
Yes, they kind of discriminate.
The liberals won't mind that.
They think it's kind of cute.
They like the jihadis.
Going back to Joe Biggs in London, England, where reportedly there were explosions in the subway last night, but that's been covered up.
Joe Biggs, other observations, and where are you going next?
Well, we actually have a story we're going to work on.
I don't want to give away too much about what's going on, but we actually have
What we believe, between all of us, is a pretty big story that has to do with the embassies overseas.
Now, I'll leave it at that, because when we spoke to the person in France, due to some legalities, you know, we've got to see what we can do, how we can get the story out without getting our passports frozen, and I'm not able to get back home on Sunday.
Oh, they're not going to do that.
They don't want to make a big scene out of it.
You ought to pray for them to pull a stunt like that, but go ahead.
Yeah, but I think it'll be a really big story.
It's going to open up a lot of eyes, and I think it'll be really big.
And at the same time, you know, we'll do what we can to film these areas tomorrow.
We spoke to a few people.
They know of where some are.
You know, we might get to rent a car or something like that and try to do some filming and just to kind of show how those areas are and get some of those signs.
And get some of the minarets and the call to prayer and all that.
That's what I really want you to get.
I know you got run out of Brussels.
I understand you didn't get footage because it was so spontaneous and restaurants and on the side of the road and cars following you.
But people need to see that to really understand how serious all this is because it just shows they want a clash of civilizations to destabilize our countries.
What do you think?
I mean, you obviously, Joe Biggs,
We're almost the last week saying more attacks are coming.
I agree.
That's a no-brainer.
I think it's only going to get more intense in the next few months.
And the word we have from Washington is, and we're going to have a guest on about this Sunday, they are expecting an attack in the United States in the next two weeks.
Well, it's interesting when you actually look at these, this ISIS kill list, this target list that they put out.
Um, they've only specifically named Washington, D.C.
That's the only place where there's any kind of political involvement whatsoever.
But there's places like Burke, Virginia, San Marcos, Texas.
Some really small places that just don't make sense.
And the fact that they're upset with how the West does stuff, they're upset with the bombings, all this stuff.
I've never understood why they don't go and attack government facilities, why they keep killing
Uh, you know, going in the theaters and things like that, that really doesn't help their cause out whatsoever.
So the first one... It's time to get the maximum kill rate.
They don't want to hit hard targets because they're cowards.
So I just don't, I, you know, I do think that there's attack imminent in America.
You know, it's, it's stuff's popping up everywhere.
It's happening.
It's ramping up.
It's only going to be a matter of time, and I guarantee before Christmas there will be something huge and catastrophic, and that's just the sad part about it because I know they're getting ready.
Like we said before, it was on the top of Drudge this morning.
You know, the French Prime Minister is coming out warning of ISIS using some kind of chemical attack, and we were one of the first to report on that yesterday morning as well.
That's right.
Well, actually, Infowars broke that.
We should do a story about that as well.
What do you make of them, the German government, covering up, police are saying, the ambulance full of explosives at the sports stadium?
Well, I believe, kind of what, on the side of Paul, that they did that to maybe not have mass confusion, hysteria, people running around and creating a bigger scene.
I think that
someone alarmed at the uh... the person he was speaking about then the cops heard about this at all it's nothing you know everybody's gonna walk away we're gonna cancel the game and you do that they kind of keep the chaos from going on because like i said before whenever they do these attacks there's someone and that crowd filming that's what they want that's how they get the propaganda cross is when they film those attacks and they don't people screaming crying running in fear it helps uh... get more of those possible
Recruits out there, they see that, they see the fear, they want to be part of that.
Yeah, because for us, this would not be a recruiting video.
It makes us want to throw up.
But for the type of scum they're trying to get, the little psychopath wimps, they really get off on people being scared of them.
Yes, exactly.
So I think that it could have been definitely something like that.
I definitely think that there was a good chance there was explosives in that ambulance, and they tried to do what they could to kind of cover that up and push it back.
But at the end of the day, who knows?
Like you said, the German government's corrupt.
Joe, we're out of time.
I'm going to let you get back to your reporting.
I'm going to come talk to you during the break.
It's election season, a time where we'll soon find out who will be the leader of the free world.
Well, in what appears to be a first for a serious presidential contender, Hillary Clinton's campaign is going after the Laugh Factory comedians for making fun of her.
A short video of this performance is posted on the website of the renowned comedy club, Laugh Factory, and the Clinton campaign has tried to censor it.
Besides demanding that the video be taken down, Clinton demanded the personal contact information of the performers that appear in the recording.
So what was so crass that the Clinton campaign wants it taken down?
Well, the skits make fun of Clinton's wardrobe, her age, sexual orientation, the Monica Lewinsky scandal, and the former first lady's relationship with her famous husband.
Basically what we do here at InfoWars every single day.
Now, if you want to watch this video for yourself, The Laugh Factory has appropriately titled it, Hillary vs. the First Amendment.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Two months ago, I flipped out on air for about a week.
They had conferences with the Vice President and others in D.C.
They announced the Strong Cities Initiative to actually put U.N.
hubs in every major U.S.
city, federally but also U.N.-funded, to train police, to train local governments on how to follow U.N.
treaties and rules.
And I really freaked out about it.
Obama administration and the U.N.
announced global police force to fight extremism in the U.S.
They admit they're going to try to restrict free speech.
They're going to basically put, you can't make this up, community organizers, Black Lives Matters on police review boards to federalize police.
But that's only part of it.
It's taking everything over.
Universities, you name it.
And all this bullying is about that.
The U.N.
and Arizona and Texas saying we can't have a border.
Same stuff they're doing in Europe.
Well, this is Fox News.
Planned U.N.
hub in Washington aims to influence U.S.
counterterrorism strategy.
The United Nations Agency will set up hubs to coordinate federal and local police in a management plan covering the activities.
In the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, or the OHCHR, it's global government, and it just goes in and talks about how it's going to basically direct our local governments
You cannot make this up.
I'm going to be covering this more after our guest leaves us at about 40 after.
I'll get more into the Mali attack that killed 27 today at the Radisson Blu Hotel, where the jihadis went in and said, can you quote the Quran?
If you couldn't, they killed you.
So we've got all of that news.
Now, I want to be clear.
I was against the Iraq War because Saddam Hussein didn't attack us.
Not that he was a good guy.
I was against the invasion of Libya because Gaddafi had worked with the West for eight years.
He had given up all his weapons and he was helping all of Africa.
I mean, Gaddafi really was giving 99% of the money the state had to the people.
Aqueducts, roads, colleges, women going to college, women not having to wear hoods on their heads.
I mean, he really was being altruistic.
Just a fact.
Our government, bipartisanly, went in with the French and others.
They supported it.
Sarkozy set up Qaddafi.
He thought Obama was his friend.
And Hillary joked, we came, we saw, he died.
Now those very Wahhabis out of Saudi Arabia that pulled off Benghazi are in Syria, and now they're coming into Turkey, they're coming into Europe, they're coming into the United States.
Most of the refugees really aren't refugees in my view.
They are jihadis that have come in.
80% are military-age men, and you're going to see attacks.
Now, Senator Mike Revelle, MikeRevelle.us, is somebody who I really respect, whether you be liberal or you be conservative.
The point is, is that he has always exposed, back when he was in the Senate as well, that there's this close relationship with our government and the Saudi Arabian government, that corrupt monarchy, that is funding so many radical Sunnis.
And he has been pushing to get the 28 pages released.
He has been pushing to expose all of this because I've talked to Walter Jones, who's a Republican.
Of course, Gravel is a Democrat.
I've had the quotes from Senator Graham, who was on the commission.
Former Senator Graham, foreign government involvement 9-11 shouldn't stay secret.
And that's what the Senator is talking about.
But I've talked to people that have seen it, and it was bare minimum Saudi Arabia running the supposed hijackers, our government standing down.
And people say, well it goes further than that.
Of course it does, but what we can prove is enough for a criminal investigation to open this all up.
So I'm simply going with what we can prove.
Where is the apologies of those that demonized Senator Gravel, myself, and others?
We have all these whistleblowers who've gone public, FBI, NSA translators, Sabel Edmonds, and others, exposing the fact that our government protected Al Qaeda.
Colonel Schaefer could have killed bin Laden twice before 9-11, was ordered to stand down.
So, why are they allowing these attacks to take place?
Because then they can take our freedoms.
They don't launch a war against Iraq, they launch a war against America.
So I really appreciate Senator Gravel's courage in exposing all this and taking time out.
To go out and speak about what's happened and to put it in context with the tragic attacks, because with our Western governments turning a blind eye to radical Islam, that allows radical Islam to attack the peaceful Muslims that are the majority in the Middle East and other areas, and to bully them into submission.
And it allows the discrimination against Muslims that are not going along with this, so it's a very serious situation.
Senator, thank you for coming on with us.
Well, thank you for having me, Alex.
I've been on with you before, some time back.
That's right, a long time ago.
It's good to have you back on, Senator.
One of us is getting older.
Both of us are, my friend.
You look good.
Where do you want to start?
I mean, you're a real expert on this.
You've been speaking out on it since 9-11.
Let's start with the 28 pages.
It's absolutely somewhat ridiculous.
That they've been classified.
Because the Congress is a co-equal branch of the government.
And so the executive cannot classify anything that affects them.
And it can be top secret.
Because under the Speech and Debate Clause of the Constitution, a member of Congress has a right to inform his constituency of what the government is doing.
Of course, that's the foundation of democracy.
If you, as a citizen, do not know what your government is doing, then how can you react to change the policies of government?
This is why this issue is so fundamental to our democracy and why it's so important.
Now, obviously, it will, and I can intuit, as you can, what the 28 pages say.
And it essentially says that the Saudi government, both not necessarily official, but the way they spread money around there to anybody who's anybody, then they take this money and they can donate it to whatever cause they want.
So the Saudis over the last three, four, five decades have financed the Wahhabist doctrine.
Which is, of course, this doctrine where they cut off heads, where they stone people, where women have no rights to speak of at all.
The most oppressive form of Islam.
No question, and of course we make a big deal about the ISIS doing these cruel things, but Saudis do this as a matter of course.
And we put up with this.
And the reason why we put up with it is because we think the fact that they provide oil to the free world in the quantities they do, that this is important.
It's not important.
In that when you're comparing what the results of this sucking up to Saudis have done over the period of years, what we see in the Islamic world today with jihadists, the extremists, is all a product of Wahhabist teaching that has been paid for over generations by the Saudi government and the Saudi leadership.
Well, obviously I agree with you, it's a stated fact, but ignorance about these geopolitical and cultural issues is just rampant.
I hear some pundits saying we should blow up Iran for this, as if they're connected to ISIS, when Iran is the archenemy of ISIS.
Exactly, and not only that, the enemy of Saudi Arabia.
It's Saudi Arabia and Israel that have been agitating for the United States to invade Iran when Iran is not a threat to us.
In fact, Iran would be a natural ally for us in the area.
But because Netanyahu for 20 years has been shouting from the rooftops that, well, they're going to get the bomb next week, they're going to get the bomb in a year.
This is 20 years ago he's been doing it.
So essentially what we've perpetrated is a fundamental big lie about what the situation is in Iran.
Iran has the Ayatollah Khomeini after the revolution.
What he did is he issued a fatwa saying that we would not use weapons of mass destruction.
Now this is part of their religious beliefs.
And Khomeini, the present leader, has issued also a fatwa saying the same thing.
And so Iran never wanted a bomb.
In fact, on July 15th, when they signed the agreement in Geneva, Rouhani, the president, made a statement which was so prophetic, he says, Thank God we now have an agreement to stop Iran from getting the bomb which it never wanted to get.
And that's been the facts of it.
And so now... Well, whether we buy that or not, the point is our government overthrew their secular leader of 53, Mohammad Mosaddegh, with a false flag, declassified, Operation Ajax on record.
We probably double-crossed the Shah and put radicals in.
I mean, over and over again, we see this destabilization.
Campaign and we know Saudi Arabia's got nukes that's now been coming out.
It is just a mess and it's a war crime to overthrow Syria and put basically Al Qaeda in charge.
No question, and of course every time you hear our president talk about Syria, he talks about the fact that Assad has to go.
Well, who are we to dictate?
This is part of the neocon control of the administration under Bush and under Obama, and that is the control that says that we can go around the world and demand regime change
From anybody that doesn't quite knuckle under to our hegemonic leadership.
Well sure, I mean looking at Netanyahu, and I try to stay neutral on all this and I see the different factions, but why would Israel want to be cozied up with Saudi Arabia and then want to have this war with Iran?
And Iran does make some incendiary statements, but
It's just crazy.
Then we see the Ayatollah come out and say two days ago, repeat what WikiLeaks said, said, hey, the West is behind ISIS.
Our media translated it saying the Ayatollah says America carried out the attacks.
Well, that's not what he said.
They always twist it.
He said your government helped create ISIS in Syria and the French are involved as well.
Well, that's the truth.
So I'm not siding with Iran.
I'm siding with the truth.
But it's another example how they do twist what Iran says.
All the time.
All the time.
And that's the unfortunate part of American media.
The American people aren't stupid, but they are totally uninformed as to what's been going on in the world.
I could guide you to another area where, now, in the Middle East, it's a mess.
We invaded Iraq.
We invaded, or caused the invasion of Libya, and now Syria.
And do you recall when Victoria Nuland, who's Assistant Secretary of State under Hillary, made the statement that we had spent about $4 billion to destabilize the government of the Ukraine?
And then after the coup, we blame Putin, but we're the ones that instigated that whole mess.
And I can point to you what's going on in Southeast Asia.
Well, George Soros bragged that he helped get the four or five billion dollars.
They're moving right up against the Russian border with missiles.
It is insanity.
It's very hurtful, because I'm pro-America, and I don't, you know, have delusions about these other countries, but it is bad to see the people running things really becoming the villains and losing America's soft power.
Isn't this a disaster for our overall national interest?
I mean, haven't they mismanaged things?
Totally, totally.
In fact, I draw this parallel, Alex, and that is the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
That's been our foreign policy.
Conquer war, famine, and death.
And that's what we've been doing for the last 25, 30 years in world affairs.
And we're continuing to do it.
And of course, we spice it up with the rhetoric, oh, we're for freedom, our values, and all this.
Our values abroad have been horrible.
And we see this now in Southeast Asia, when we try to, as we try to demonize Putin in our American media, we're doing the same thing with Xi Jinping and the Chinese.
And all that is, is for us... Here, let me draw a parallel.
In world history,
There's always, there's been about 16 instances where you have a rising power about to displace an existing power, superpower.
And that's what's going on between ourselves and China.
China is rising, but it's only rising economically.
It's not rising militarily.
This is a repeat of World War I.
Well, boy, I'll tell you, you just hit the nail on the head.
If you look at what happened in August 1914, and you look at what's going on in the way we're teeing up things in the world today, an accident could happen, and it would thrust the world in a thermonuclear war.
An accident.
And that's exactly how the First World War started, was one accident after another, that nobody wanted to go to war, but we all went to war.
And that's the situation we find ourselves in right today with the U.S.
putting out provocations to China that are unnecessary.
And it was all because in World War I, as you know, and many historians are making this parallel now, because the British Empire was in trouble.
It was overextended.
It was threatened by German inventions.
Germany was displacing them with technology and railroads and science and chemicals and textiles and pharmaceuticals.
And so the British Empire openly in their newspapers daily said, let's start a war with the Germans, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, you know, let's defeat them.
And then that disaster led to World War II and that disaster.
I mean, but this time, as you said, we've got nuclear weapons.
We can't afford this this time.
That's right.
And then when you listen to the Republican candidates and even Hillary at that point talking about how we should essentially go to war.
This is insanity, and this is our leadership.
The Congress is as culpable as is the executive.
And that's why you're tirelessly on your own behalf and working with LaRouche PAC out exposing what's going on, I guess out of self-interest.
Me too.
People say, oh, thank you for what you do.
Thank me for what I do?
I have children.
I don't want to have a war with China and Russia.
Alex, you put your finger right on it.
It's self-preservation.
We could start a land war, whether it's in Ukraine or in Asia, but it would quickly become a thermonuclear war.
A land war may not affect you and I directly, but a thermonuclear war, we are both doomed.
And that's the reason why we should be concerned as citizens, and citizens not only of the United States,
But citizens of the world, one of the problems we have as a country is we Americans think we're so superior, we're smarter than anybody else.
We are an empire in decline, and we refuse to admit it, and we shore up our military expenditures, which are sacrosanct.
With fiat garbage money, I want you to speak to that, and people spin it.
Like, Putin's insulting us, saying we're not exceptional.
He's just simply saying, if you read the full text or watch the videos I have, he goes, stop thinking you're God, stop thinking that nobody has interest but you, stop thinking you're invincible, stop encircling us, you know, and stop being delusional.
And, you know, that's the truth.
We need to stop being so delusional.
We're exceptionally in debt.
We're exceptionally fat.
We're exceptionally ignorant.
We still have a lot of exceptional things, and America was exceptional in good ways.
I mean, I love America, but I'm telling you, we really have become a very dangerous joke.
If when you love your country, you want your country to do the right thing.
And of course, so many of these crazies have this, my country right or wrong.
That is the height of immorality.
Because when your country is doing wrong, you should work to correct it so that we can be proud of everything we do, not just some of the things we do.
Amen to that.
Former U.S.
Senator Mike Revelle is our guest.
He's talking on talk shows, writing articles.
What are the best websites?
I know there's your website, there's the Declassify the 28 Pages website, MikeRevelle.us.
What's the best sites for folks to visit to learn more about getting the 28 Pages out, stopping a war with China?
The LaRouche website would be the best source.
What's called the Executive Intelligence... Yes, larouchepac.org.
Yeah, and that site is just awesome in the details and the abilities they bring to it.
They have a global organization.
And they're extremely talented people and knowledgeable people.
And I'm delighted to be associated with them.
Unfortunately, I don't have any staff and I just represent myself at this point in life.
But they've been very helpful in getting the message that I have out and with the people, not only in the United States, but worldwide.
Well, I've got to say, people don't know that Lyndon LaRouche was in the OSS in World War II, and then would make weekly helicopter flights to CIA headquarters and meet with Ronald Reagan.
And then the demonization of the LaRouche group is another victory of media mind control, just where they'll go, LaRouche!
Ha ha ha!
Having no idea that he helped launch Star Wars.
The modern space program, the systems that made the Soviet Union back down, he's credited with that.
And it was a victory for the establishment when the Bushes had him set up and put in prison because they were so jealous of him.
I mean, I may disagree with some of the ultimate goals of the LaRouche Group, but the analysis, historically, is just so spot on.
It's really amazing.
I don't know.
Without the LaRouche group, so many people, and again, I'm not a part of it either, but I mean, just the stuff in their intelligence report, because I've studied history myself, is so accurate, it's really not anywhere else condensed the way they do it.
You're so right, and I could encourage people to go there, and as you point out, when you read their stuff, the analysis, the intellectual breadth of it all is just awesome.
And now what you read, when you meet these people, and several of them have been to jail, they've been to jail as part of a political persecution.
And so when you meet them, you're just struck by, one, how sincere and kind they are, how humble they are, and how bright they are.
And so I can't... Well, they want a new renaissance.
They know America could be the greatest country in the world and lift up the planet, and they've really got some amazing ideas.
And if not the latest idea is of course the endorsement of the Chinese Silk Road, One Belt, One Road, where you would take the Western China and tie it with roads and rapid rail transport and internet connections, fiber optics, from Western China all the way to Europe, north into Scandinavia, south... It would just explode all the economies.
Oh, here's their vision.
They want to unify the world economically at a higher level than it presently exists so everybody can enjoy the benefits of modernity.
This is what they're advocating that China is trying to lead and of course the LaRouche Group has put a lot of meat on the bone to help them as they pursue that goal.
Now compare that goal to the United States militarization of the planet
With us leading as a hegemon.
Stay there, let's come back and talk about that, because when we say America, globalist megabanks that control our country.
That's my issue, is they're in control of our government.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Islamic extremists, armed with guns and throwing grenades, stormed a luxury hotel in Mali Friday morning.
Hostages were taken and at least 27 people have been killed.
Senior officials say the jihadists stormed the building chanting Allah Akbar, while some hostages claim they were freed only after reciting verses from the Quran.
Fears remain that the attack in Bamako may be linked or inspired by the Paris attack where French nationals were targeted for the government's decision to carry out airstrikes against ISIS.
Mali is a former colony of France and they've been battling several terror groups for years.
A French military operation in Mali in 2013 against Islamic extremists in the northern half of the country was the first of several foreign interventions that President François Hollande has launched as president.
Troops from the UN, the United States, and France have already been sent to Mali to support security forces there on the ground.
Read more on this developing story at InfoWars.com.
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SAC, this is Crystal Palace.
NORAD has declared DEF CON 3.
Scramble all alert aircraft.
I repeat, scramble all alert aircraft.
The bomber spends all its time thinking about World War 3.
Target selection complete.
Time on target sequence complete.
22 Typhoon-class submarines departing Petropavlovsk, turning southbound at Nordkapp, bearing 095 degrees.
Radar reports two unknown tracks are penetrating the Alaskan Air Defense Zone.
From the front lines of the Information War... Flush the bombers, get the subs in launch mode.
We are at DEFCON 1.
Are you prepared to destroy the enemy?
You bet!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
We'll keep control, but we'll keep it here at the top where it belongs.
3... 2... 1... Impact!
Shall we play a game?
How about it?
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
All units confirm weapons targeted and ready.
Awaiting launch codes.
We are in launch mode.
Do you really believe that the enemy would attack without provocation?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We're in!
Russians are still denying everything, sir.
We have a Soviet submarine watch detection.
I wish I didn't know about any of this.
I wish I was like everybody else.
The parallel between World War I and how the Germans were peacefully...
The Austrian-Hungarian Empire was peacefully dominating and becoming a new empire economically, and the British Empire didn't like it and basically started World War I. And then you know what happened?
That led to the Versailles Treaty, really horrible sanctions on Germany, designed to create the next phase.
We can't have this mode anymore, is what former Senator Mike Revelle is getting at.
And I'm not saying the Chinese aren't somewhat militaristic, but they're conquering the world through economic behavior.
firms could have gone out and had 96% of rare earth minerals controlled in Australia and Africa and Latin America.
I mean, everywhere.
We're being out-competed on every front.
Our elites have sold our jobs out to China.
So it's also schizophrenic, where they're starting fights with them, but also selling out to them.
And the answer is development.
The answer is free market countries working together.
The problem is they've created a fake world government that's run by these corporatists that are crony capitalists.
So how do you get past that?
And how do you get past the point of these unstable foreign policies run by special interests that don't even understand what they're doing at a certain level?
That's what concerns me as Senator, is our own military.
Has been telling the White House, let's not start a war with Russia, let's not start a war with China.
They've been saying don't back ISIS, but the bureaucrats and the corporate interests, they want to play general and think they're invincible.
And no matter how many things blow up in their face,
They just keep increasing their hubris.
That doesn't look very good.
That doesn't make me sleep very good at night.
You're a smart guy, geopolitically, but around the world.
What is your take on the state of the planet right now and how we somehow get our country back?
Well, first off, you have to acknowledge, and you do it very well.
In fact, I don't want to miss this opportunity.
I'm interviewed by a lot of organizations, and I've got to tell you, you're the most competent that handles an interview.
So you and your staff deserve a great deal.
Thank you, sir.
I'm flattered.
But when you say, what is the answer?
You have to look back and say, well, you know, it all started with 9-11.
And 9-11 gave license to the political and military leadership and the police powers of the state to go ahead and take over control and appropriate unbelievable sums, quote, in the name of safety.
And the media is part of this plan to continually install fear
Better chance of a honeybee killing me!
The answer?
I don't have, well I do have, and I personally believe that the answer is direct democracy.
And that's very difficult for people to absorb.
Because when you look at the problem, there's only two venues for change.
One is the government wherein lies the problem, and the other is the people.
But the people don't have the power to exercise an intelligent judgment in this regard.
Intelligent judgment is lawmaking.
The central power of government is making laws.
And so, if only the leadership has the power to make laws, and only the leadership has the power to change the Constitution, then of course there is no way out of this dilemma.
It's an oligarchy, and I used to really be afraid of direct democracy within some type of republic framework, obviously, for protections, but now I entertain it
Because we already have global corporations who have a direct democracy buying our politicians.
So we already have a direct democracy of the tiny elite.
That's right.
Alex, you put your finger on it.
When you say, well, let's have direct democracy.
But no, we're afraid of the people.
But we're not afraid of the people who are screwing us to death right now with the oligarchs.
And not only in the United States.
The United States, the globalization of our military capability is done through NATO.
That's the globalization of the military-industrial complex.
So what is the answer?
Not with the Supreme Court decision of United, where corporations as individuals can pump more money into politics than they ever could in the past.
We'll never be able to fight them with the way things are structured today.
And then there's the flip side.
They'll use campaign laws to restrict free speech.
And as they're now talking about, it's so hard to navigate because they can twist anything we try to do.
That's right.
And of course, ISIS and its ilk win.
Because, here, look what happened in Paris.
Guys with weapons, guys with some explosives, take on the world, essentially, and throw the world into a fear cauldron, where we just spend billions and billions of dollars in reaction to what was done for several thousands of dollars.
At that rate, ISIS is winning.
Yeah, they're going to bankrupt us.
Whether they win on the ground, they win by what they cause us to do in our governance process.
Well, look at how Reagan launching SDI made the Russians panic, and then we're panicking to Islamic radical terror, and it is bankrupting us.
It certainly is.
That's the whole issue I was raising before.
We are an empire in decline, and we're trying to lean on our military prowess to continue our leadership role in a world.
And we're going to go the way of the Spanish Empire.
And at the end of the Spanish Empire, the best thing that the Spaniards could do is make wonderful swords.
Well, we're going to be able to, at the end of our empire, make wonderful weapons that will foist on the world, and of course that could bring about the Armageddon we all fear.
Very well said.
Former Senator Mike Gravel is our guest.
He was working with larouchepac.org, where you can read the breakdown on the 28 pages, what we know is in it, why it needs to be made public, so we can force a real discourse about this.
As best you can tell, because I'm trying to figure it out,
What is really going on in Syria with ISIS being backed by the West but now not being backed by it?
Or is that for show?
Where do you see all that going?
I mean, again, why would our policy makers openly back Al-Qaeda?
Because of stupidity, because of the... Here again, the neocon vision is to have regime change, whether it's in Ukraine or whether it's in Syria.
Every time President Obama talks about Syria, he always lays the gauntlet out that, well, Assad has to go.
Well, who are we to determine if Assad has to go?
And then he turns around and we say, oh, they're dropping barrel bombs on their people.
They're dropping barrel bombs on the areas that are in revolution, which essentially is what we did in our civil war.
And so Assad is the constituted government and the Russians are backing Assad.
Well, he's given up his weapons and he said, I'm ready for a process to leave.
Of course he is.
But he doesn't want to leave the way Gaddafi left after we turned against him.
Man, drugs are the streets, dad.
That's right, that's right.
No, the answer is for the American people to become informed and to go ahead and react in this forthcoming election.
I can tell you, I personally support Bernie Sanders.
I think that when he's talking about a revolution, that this is the answer.
Now, whether he'll be able to effect it, whether the American people will rise up with the information that's being put out, all I can do is hope so.
Well, see, there's a lot of really smart intellectual people like you that I'd call a classical liberal.
And then you talk about Bernie Sanders, though, you know, he wouldn't even get rid of the Federal Reserve or audit it once it got down to it.
He acted like he was for it until it came down to it.
I mean, I agree he's not an organized criminal like Hillary, but, you know, I just...
I just think we give corporations more power either way.
Big government they can run, socialism they can run, fascism they can run.
I don't know how you ever get them out of politics.
Well first off, you follow the money.
Where's the money going?
The money's going to Hillary, the money's going to Republicans.
It's not going to Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders is getting his money from ordinary people.
The average contribution is what, $33?
So what will happen is after Bernie gets into power, and I hope he does because it's our only hope at this point, then what he'll be faced with is how does he overcome the military-industrial complex, how does he overcome the control of Wall Street, which will have control of the Congress.
That's not going to change.
He's got to find a way to go over the head of the Congress to go directly to the American people.
Sure, well I agree with Jesse Ventura.
People like Sanders and Trump running certainly shakes up the system and overall we know that's a good thing.
Senator Gravel, I want to commend you for your hard work and statesmanship for this country out here just for free, you know, fighting tyranny so many times.
Prestigious folks like yourself, you know, just sail off on the sunset, don't care.
But you do care.
And MikeGravel.us, thank you so much for the time, sir.
Well, thank you for having me, Alex, and you keep up the good work.
I want to get you back sooner than, you know, every two or three years, so let's get you back up soon, sir.
Thank you.
Okay, thank you.
Folks, I want to go to a video now that's pretty exciting, and it's some fun stuff.
It's my buddy Shane Steiner I went to high school with, and his dad, Bobby Steiner, the famous world champion bull rider, who I knew in high school as well.
He used to go over there and camp out on the ranch.
They started taking Super Metal Vitality, and they wanted to endorse it.
They wanted to talk about it.
A few months ago, we shot this video and audio.
Here it is.
And we'll come back with all the news after the break.
But here is... Listen to this.
Super Metal Vitality at Infowarslife.com is amazing.
Listen to this testimonial.
Barefoot skiing.
Okay, so two years ago, I found myself on the couch, completely out of shape.
Overweight, no muscle tone and I just felt horrible and I knew that I needed to make a change I needed to start going to the gym and working out and I did that I I would force myself to go to the gym and it was really wasn't going very well that's when my buddy Alex told me to try the super male vitality and I
That's what changed everything for me.
I think so.
I wanted to go to the gym.
I wanted to push myself and work out harder, and that led to me being able to come out and do stuff like the barefooting and the surfing and stuff like that, which I would have never done.
I never would have done that two years ago.
Shane has said over and over again, more than just libido and energy,
It made him want to get into the gym more.
It made him want to get in better shape.
And believe me, the Steiners have amazing genetics.
His brother is a world champion steer wrestler.
His dad, Bobby Steiner, is a famous world champion bull rider.
They've got natural genetics.
But when you added this to the mix, in Shane's own words, it took him to the next level.
Shane noticed the mental clarity.
Bobby was able to work out longer and gain muscle mass.
He's already completely shredded.
I gotta admit, for me, the biggest effect has been libido.
Now, I've never claimed to have a body like some beach model, but back when I was 20, 22 years old and worked out every day, I looked great.
But over the years, being married, having three kids, working 18 hours a day, I gained basically 100 pounds.
And it's been a long process of losing that weight in the last four years.
But if you look at the photos and the videos,
I think?
This has actually made me feel so good that here lately, about a year ago, I started training jiu-jitsu and that kind of led to doing some boxing and kickboxing.
I mean, it's amazing that two years ago I was on the couch and couldn't even tie my shoes and now I'm training with MMA fighters and just doing stuff that I never thought that I would be doing ever again.
So, Supermail Vitality has
Allowed me to do some amazing things and if it has those kind of effects for me, I know that it will do great things for you.
So just try Supermail Vitality.
I promise you, you'll love it.
And finally, let's look at Anthony Gucciardi.
Infowars.com reporter.
He also works
With Dr. Group and others helping develop the newest, most cutting edge, high quality supplements.
Let's take a look at what happened when he tried to barefoot ski for the first time with the Steiners.
And remember, we're not making fun of him.
He had the will to get in the arena.
And he's lost more than 10 pounds in the last few years of fat and gained more than 10 pounds of muscle.
And Anthony chalks it up to super male vitality as well.
Let's just say it's dramatic, folks, him hanging on for dear life.
Did better than I would do.
There he goes.
See the video at InfoWars.com.
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We'll be back with a ton of news on the economy, science, world news, the latest on Mollye.
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Peter Schiff's going to be plopping in for about 15-20 minutes at the start of the next hour.
Dealing with a Fed rate hike.
He's been predicting for two years they wouldn't raise it when they say it's imminent.
Each time they don't.
We're going to get his take on this, but they're saying expect a one and done to go from zero to one percent interest rate hike is what strategists are saying at CNBC.
A lot of other strategists are saying the same thing.
I thought we had peak oil.
There wasn't any oil left.
That's all the stuff we were continually taught over and over again.
The truth is there's too much of it.
That's why they're shutting off the coal is to try to drive the price back up.
Just a fact.
Continuing here, we're going to be looking at jobless claims continuing to, quote, decline.
The Dow jumps 150 positive for 2015.
Nike leaps 5 percent.
industrial production down 0.2 percent in the last month.
We're going to be talking about all of this coming up.
Also, smart bandages can slow the spread of superbugs.
And that ties into another article on human clones, hybrids.
Do they have rights?
We're going to be discussing that as well.
I've got politics.
I've got world news.
I haven't hit.
We'll cover that after Chef obviously leaves us.
At the bottom of the next hour.
And again, David Knight's going to be hosting this Sunday, I hosted last Sunday, the Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
show, though I'll probably end up calling in or coming in for part of it or taping something.
I'll be involved with the news, boiled down with whatever's happening.
I think I'm going to run off and take my son deer hunting because it's ritualistic, it must be done, I must be a good daddy.
My dad's taking him and I just started clicking and saying, well, I want to be with the girls, but also to take him hunting.
So I just made that decision about an hour ago and David Knight's been nice enough to say he'll sit in, but we'll see what happens.
If more terror attacks happen, I'm just going to, he's going to have to go hunt with my dad.
Yeah, I mean, my dad probably took me hunting a hundred times by the time I was 10 years old.
I've probably taken my son hunting 15 times.
He's 13.
Just shameful.
I have to say it.
Very shameful.
And so I'm openly shaming myself.
And I've taken him fishing hundreds of times.
And I've taken him boating hundreds of times.
And I've taken him hiking hundreds of times.
And I've taken him rock climbing and everything else.
And laser tagging.
I mean, I've been a good dad overall.
But I need to get him into guns more.
He loves guns.
He loves crossbows.
He loves everything.
Just that he's not as... He's probably bigger and tougher than I was, but he's not as
You know, like a commando or something, a 13 with a gun, and I need to get him to the level I was at.
Okay, continue.
I used to be in police shooting competitions, you name it, when I was like 17.
I'm not bragging, it's just that I'm not passing on the skills.
Obama actions shield most illegals from deportation, even as court stalls amnesty.
We're going to get more into that.
But obviously, the big enchilada that we're going to be talking about at the bottom of the next hour, because we're going to launch this new competition, this new contest, $5,000 for first place, $1,000 for second, a free Hillary for prison shirt, and a laughing Hillary pin for third place.
Clinton goes after Laugh Factory comedians for making fun of her.
And I saw this yesterday and barely read it.
I read the whole thing this morning.
This is crazy.
I mean, official Democrats are saying, we will put you out of business like it's New York Mob or something, and they're going to break your legs.
And of course, George Carlin criticized Presidents, Republican, Democrat, you name it, Jim Carrey.
I mean, they all came out of the laugh factory, Jerry Seinfeld.
One of my favorite comedians, good buddy, Joe Rogan.
Joe Rogan, the new Chuck Norris.
My buddy Pat Riley said that.
He goes, we were working out here, and he goes, you know, we saw some of the On It acolytes out on the green belt.
We were out there jogging.
And he goes, you know, he's like the new Chuck Norris.
Well, actually, I said that.
I said, you know, like, martial arts and exercise was big in the 70s and 80s, and that was Chuck Norris.
And I said, Joe Rogan leading the new upswing, and that's a big Chuck Norris fan and a Taekwondo champion.
I said, um, he's like the next wave of Chuck Norris.
And he said, that's it.
Joe Rogan is the new Chuck Norris.
I'm gonna tweet that out.
What does that make me?
I'm the new... I'm the new hillbilly from Texas that loves freedom!
And won't back down.
We'll be back with the third hour straight ahead.
I mean... They're gonna try to shut the Laugh Factory down?
They're threatening them?
Go to Hades!
You sick, freak, scum!
Man, you're filth!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up, Peter Schiff joins us for two segments on the rate hike.
Is it imminent?
We'll also talk other areas of the economy.
Then, Clinton goes after Laugh Factory.
And again, I read this yesterday.
I didn't read the full articles.
And I started to read deeper.
Were they actually threatening to shut them down?
They've actually gone to Matt Drudge.
The Supreme Court Justice has been told they're going to shut down free speech.
I mean, it's just so unbelievable that they have no shame.
They have absolutely no shame.
And then our kids are being trained there's no free speech.
TSA confiscates child's toy, says it resembles weapon.
Doesn't even have a gun or a weapon, is Buzz Lightyear, to infinity and beyond, which is the Federal Reserve's printing of U.S.
How do you go beyond infinity?
Well, the BS level of the Democrats and the Republican buddies.
TSA confiscates child's toy, says it resembles a weapon, CBS News, and they report this like it's a straight face, like it's normal.
Next, I want to chop your index finger off, because it's going to be pointed as a gun.
TSA officials sent five-year-old boy's Buzz Lightyear toy to infinity and beyond.
It's not the kind of toy story a Pennsylvania family had hoped for.
They said the TSA officials sent their five-year-old son's Buzz Lightyear toy to infinity and beyond.
CBS Philadelphia reports that the Zilka family was returning home from a trip to Disney World with the boys.
Uncle bought him a Buzz Lightyear flip grip.
However, security officials, not servants, at Fort Lauderdale Airport said it looked like a gun.
Oh, I love it, man.
The sacraments of political correctness.
Ban paper bags, but put cancer viruses in people's shots.
Hillary Clinton needs a safe space.
Again, I mentioned this.
AIDS Demand Comedy Club removed video making fun of her.
And people say, don't they know about the optics or the Streisand effect?
Yes, they know.
It's about training you to put up with whatever they say.
You got it?
School suspends student for wearing gang-related Catholic rosaries are now evil.
That's right, a Florida high school student says he was suspended for two days this week after administrators claimed the Catholic rosary was gang-related.
Christopher Robertson, attendee of the Gateway Charter High School, so he's a
Reportedly refused to remove the item from around his neck after being confronted by school officials.
It's not happening.
I'm not going to take it off.
Christopher told NBC2.
Do I look like a gang member to you?
Do I look like somebody who runs around with tattoos and guns selling drugs?
No, I'm doing it strictly for my faith.
Christopher's mother, you know they wouldn't tell some other religion that.
It's only Christians.
Christopher's mother, Shannon, says her son's connection to the rosary began after he took him to several months prior to the induction
Him to Catholicism.
Introduced him to it.
And it goes on.
Really, it's the cross that's the problem, ladies and gentlemen.
If it was a pentagram, they'd have no problem.
So that's some of the news on that front, but
It's all part of this.
I saw a crosser.
I saw a poop swastika.
Somebody drove by with a rebel flag at the park and it scared me.
So, 15 people in Georgia have been charged with terrorism a month ago with a straight face.
And there's video of black people in a park upset by the rebel flags.
Okay, I get it.
They have free speech.
They can be upset by it.
The point is that it's not terrorism.
And then the hillbilly types are like, we'll be seeing y'all.
And they go, that's a threat.
And then they're like, yeah, it's a threat.
It's a threat.
And then next it's banned the American flag.
Next it's banned Thomas Jefferson.
Now they want Woodrow Wilson statues banned.
But Planned Parenthood says we're here to murder all the black people.
It's like, oh, we love you.
Kill half of us.
We love it.
Oh, my gosh.
But run from the phantom menace of the white racist out there.
I mean, give me a break.
I grew up in Texas and hardly ever heard or saw any white racism.
It went on in past generations, folks, but I'm telling you, it ain't going on what I've seen.
Explosives were found during an attempted terror attack at a German soccer stadium on November 17th, but German authorities covered it all up according to an eyewitness who was told to keep quiet about what he saw.
A paramedic saw an explosive device in an ambulance before the Germany vs. Netherlands game, which
was canceled after French intelligence told German authorities about the impending attack involving several bombs.
Authorities later claimed no explosives were found, but the paramedic says he witnessed the bomb and was ordered not to talk about it after special forces arrived on the scene.
Three police officers were also reportedly disciplined for leaking information about the alleged discovery of the bombs.
German authorities may have decided to conceal the fact that the explosives were found in order to prevent a panic amongst the fans who had gathered around the stadium before the match, and also to protect German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who has opened the borders for Middle Eastern migrants to flood the country, including ISIS.
This is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com and you can find out more at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv
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I want my candy!
I want my baby again!
Mine, mine, mine!
I think so.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
That's what we do.
We defend the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
We fight crony capitalists that are anti-free market.
Their losses are paid for by the public.
Their profits are kept by them tax-exempt.
But then small, medium-sized or non-globalist companies have the book thrown at them.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, we have a special guest joining us.
David Knight's going to be interviewing him in the other studio.
And then we also, I'm going to come back with more news after that.
It's just about a ten minute interview he's going to be doing, but on some very important issues.
Planned U.N.
hub in Washington, D.C.
aims to influence U.S.
counterterrorism strategy and to deal with domestic extremists.
That's Fox News Today.
Now that ties into the Strong Cities initiative that aims to control the police, everything.
And you know, I had a few weeks ago when this got announced, the first time, Dr. Paul Craig Robertson, former editor of the Wall Street Journal, you know, smart guy.
And he goes, Alex, the UN isn't taking over, it's the US government.
And I went, it's all perspective.
The criminals that have hijacked our government want other international entities with no checks and balances, IMF, World Bank, Ex-Im Bank, international treaty organizations like the TPP, that have their own legislative power outside government.
So they're transferring the power to systems they control.
So yes, it is the elites of the United States and Europe that set up the U.N.
Yes, it's been a creature of the U.S.
and the Rockefellers, but they're transferring the power to it.
And they use it as a diplomatically immune system, they can jump back and forth.
You know, like some criminals are from Israel, they can run back to Israel, or people could, you know, run back to the city of London, that's its own deal, or the Vatican.
It's the same thing, but bigger.
And so that's coming up at the bottom of the hour, but I wanted to get Peter Schiff on today to pop in because obviously you've got a lot of analysts saying they expect a rate hike of 1% for two years, three years.
He's been saying, no, there's not going to be a rate hike when they keep claiming it's imminent.
They're going into this QE buzz light year beyond infinity.
But they could.
I mean, we're about to find out.
And they should raise rates, as Schiff has said, under free market conditions.
Now we're talking about charging you to keep money in the bank.
But if they do, it's going to cause problems.
If they don't, it's going to cause problems.
They've got all these weird numbers.
Factory orders down, manufacturing down the last two months, 0.2%.
But then they claim jobs are up.
I mean, what is the truth of this?
Peter Schiff heads up the multi-billion dollar fund that we're going to be telling you about as well.
Where should we start, Peter?
Well, you know, first of all, everybody is excited now about the fact that they believe the most recent minutes, the FOMC, Federal Open Market Committee minutes, basically guarantee a December rate hike.
But if you actually read those minutes, they don't say that at all.
All they say is that a majority of the members believe that the conditions may be right for a rate hike in December.
But they're not sure.
It depends on the data.
And they're going to make a decision in December.
So none of that, to me, sounds any different than the rhetoric we've been hearing all year long.
So I don't think it's a sure thing.
But I would say that it's probably more probable that the Fed might actually move and do a quarter of a point, not a whole percentage point, but just one quarter of 1%, which is basically nothing.
If the stock market is near record highs, you know, the day before that meeting, and it looks as if everybody is okay with this tiny rate hike... They might have their cake and eat it too.
So you're predicting a quarter now?
Because that would be kind of both.
You know, well, I still think they probably won't do it because, first of all, there's a lot of time between now and then.
The market can sell off.
We can get a really bad jobs number for November.
They can revise down the October number.
So a lot can happen between now and then.
But if everything happens perfectly,
It is possible, especially since they've come out now and said, look, if we do move in December, it's going to be a long time before we do it again, and we're not going to raise rates very much even when we're finished.
So they're trying to take the sting out of the rate hike by promising not to do very much.
But look, if the Fed had confidence in our economy, why would they be worried about raising interest rates to a quarter of a percent?
Why would they have to reassure everybody that that's all it's going to be and that we don't have to worry about rates ever getting all the way back up to 2% or 3% which would still be historically very low.
Why does the Fed have to assure us that that's not going to happen if the economy is as good as they say it is?
And the reason this is so important is if they do have a point
Well, the media, if they're talking about a full percentage point, they're probably talking about over the next year or two.
Nobody is predicting that the Fed is going to raise rates by a full percentage point in December.
I haven't read anybody predict that.
We've just had the weakest economic recovery ever, and it's been seven years.
And the typical recovery lasts maybe five or six years.
So this is already a longer recovery than normal despite the fact that it's the weakest recovery ever and it's required the most amount of stimulus by a long shot.
We've never had so much stimulus to produce such a weak recovery.
So if this recovery was so weak with 0% interest rates,
Imagine how quickly it's going to unravel if they start to raise rates.
And so when this recession resumes, they're going to have to bring rates back down to zero.
They're going to have to do QE4.
In fact, they're going to have to get those helicopters out of the hangars, because it's going to take a record amount of stimulus to try to breathe some more artificial life into what's going to be a commercial economy.
Well, that's what I was about to ask.
If they did do the point over the next few years, incrementally, and it didn't go the way they wanted, and the stock market starts crashing,
Then wouldn't confidence be even more lost and they can't go below zero?
Or could they actually charge you to keep money in the bank?
Well, they don't charge you, but they charge some of the lending institutions, like they're doing in Europe right now.
You know, they've actually got negative rates.
And in fact, many of the government bonds now, if you buy a government bond in the Eurozone, you're going to get back less than you pay.
I mean, you know, it really is a crazy thing that's going on over there.
So I guess it can happen here, too.
But that's one of the reasons that it is so dangerous from their perspective to raise rates, because they look that much more foolish when they have to cut
But I do believe if they do raise rates slightly, they're going to try to cover their tracks by leaving the door open, by saying, look, we just raised rates, but we're still, we can go either way with the next move.
We may hike or we may cut, right?
Depending on the data, right?
They're going to stay data dependent, which again, I think is all just part of their show.
I think they're stalling.
Because the data has been horrible.
Ever since the Fed has said they're data dependent, the data has been bad.
The data would argue for easier money, not tighter money, based on this data.
Yet they're still pretending that the economy is getting better, even though the data says that it's not.
Well, looking at this, looking at the wide spectrum of data, we know they cook joblessness numbers and we know they cook things like inflation, but looking at all the numbers yourself and what other experts are saying, what is the state of the economy?
I think it's very weak.
I mean, look, since the last time you and I spoke, we've had some horrible
I mean, if this is a recovery, why aren't consumers shopping?
If we really are creating all these jobs, why don't the unemployed need to spruce up their wardrobes for their new jobs?
I think the fact that spending is falling is a bad sign.
All the manufacturing numbers are horrible.
You've just got the housing numbers, but they're starting to roll over.
We just got a housing number this week that showed the fewest number of home starts in seven months, so that's starting to turn down.
I think the data is starting to go the other direction.
Yes, we still have 5% unemployment, but remember, recessions always begin when unemployment is low.
Unemployment is high when the recession ends, but recessions don't start because of layoffs.
Layoffs happen because of the recession.
So, you know, when you're just looking at unemployment, you're looking in the rearview mirror and ignoring all the information in the windshield.
But, you know, when you talk about inflation,
Look at the farce that's going on in Europe.
Draghi just came out this morning, and he's saying, look, I'm going to do whatever it takes to make sure we have more inflation in the Eurozone.
He's looking at consumer prices.
They're rising in Europe.
They're just rising very slowly, and he wants them to rise more rapidly, but just not as fast as 2%, but close to 2%.
He wants inflation to be like 1.8 or 1.9, and right now it's, you know, under 1.
But think about this.
Why would anybody say that what we need is higher prices for our consumers?
I mean, Draghi is specifically pointing to oil and saying these low oil prices are a problem.
The European Union or the Eurozone, they import oil.
They're not producing a lot of oil in the Eurozone.
So why is it a bad thing if when a European pulls into a gas station,
He spends fewer euros on gas.
Why is it a bad thing if his electric bill is lower?
Or his heating bill?
Well, that's all part of this carbon tax austerity, where we're supposed to have less money to teach us to not consume too much.
This idea that it's good for us to be poor, but the elites are all in giant jumbo jets with red carpets.
They're not saying that, though.
Draghi is somehow saying that prices not rising faster is somehow a threat to the European economy.
And that's nonsense.
But you know, what they really want to do in Europe is they want to reduce debt and they want to lower wages.
Because Europeans have all sorts of things that artificially increase wages.
And the real reason they want inflation is to reduce people's real wages.
But Draghi doesn't want to come out there and say that.
So he makes up this nonsense
About why he's going to have to make sure we have more inflation.
I know, it's all about social engineering.
I want to ask you what would happen if Bernie Sanders got elected.
What you think he would do?
Because he's out defending democratic socialism.
What a nightmare scenario that would be with so many well-meaning people like him.
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I got some oceanfront property in action.
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He joins us from Europac.com, Peter Schiff.
Peter, other predictions, other points you'd like to basically put out there as we go into this Christmas holiday season with what's really happening with the economy?
You still say you've been right so far.
You don't think they're going to raise rates because you think something might happen before now and later in December?
Yeah, well, I still think the Fed is more likely not to raise rates than do it, but it's probably a greater probability that they'll do it this time than at any point during the year.
But I do think if they do it, it will be a one-and-done scenario, and I do expect the dollar to sell off and gold to rise, finally, regardless of what they do, which is why I think people should take advantage of this opportunity now to continue to move more money.
That's what we're doing with our clients at Euro-Pacific Capital, getting people out of the U.S.
dollar, putting more money overseas into the countries that aren't making these mistakes.
I'll put more money into precious metals.
You mentioned before the break about Bernie Sanders and about his, you know, form of democratic socialism.
Look, just putting the word democratic in front of a bad word doesn't make the bad word good, just because people vote for it.
I can say I'm for democratic slavery, and that doesn't make slavery good.
But the problem is Bernie Sanders... Democratic AIDS, democratic syphilis, democratic cancer.
Yeah, in his heart of hearts, Bernie Sanders is a socialist.
He doesn't believe in the free enterprise system.
He doesn't believe in capitalism.
Look at anything he used to write or stand for before he ran for president.
He does not believe in the principles that we fought the American Revolution on.
He embraces the principles that they fought the Russian Revolution on.
But, you know, there's an argument to be made that maybe Sanders could actually help, because by having Sanders as president, he'll screw up the country so badly, so quickly, and it's already screwed up, that he might hasten a real revolution towards free markets, to abandon all this nonsense, because all he wants to do is make the welfare state bigger, he wants to expand, yes, the socialist programs from the New Deal, from the Great Society, the stuff he wants to do would bankrupt the country, bankrupt America, but the problem is we're already bankrupt.
So why not, why not go all in on socialism so we know how bad it is, so we can puke it all out and start over again.
I was about to say, I've got red behind me on the TV screen because this country obviously is deeper and deeper in the red, but so is the whole world in this race to the bottom, but you've got a point.
I've been concerned if a Rand Paul or a Donald Trump got in and tried to free market fix things, the Congress, the globalists, the big corporations would sabotage it.
Then they'd blame the collapse on capitalism.
But if we got a Bernie Sanders in, it would wreck so horribly that maybe it would finally discredit socialism forever, but I doubt it.
Yeah, and I thought that was going to happen.
That was one of the reasons I was thinking, well, let Obama become president so it all falls apart on his watch.
But he looks like he's going to get out of dodge.
You know, this thing is going on longer than I thought.
But that is a fear that you get a Rand Paul in there and everything falls apart when he's there.
And so you see, look what happens when we try capitalism or libertarianism.
So I really would like to see the collapse.
We're good to go.
Well, we can really see the Democrats pushing to have the implosion happen once they hand the baton to the Republicans.
Yeah, although it looks like Hillary still has a 25-point lead in front of Sanders.
But you know, I don't understand why.
If I was a Democrat, I mean, Sanders is hitting on all their key issues.
Because they all are socialists anyway, so at least Sanders admits it.
I don't know why they all like Hillary.
What is the fascination with Hillary Clinton?
She's a woman!
Is it just the name?
Maybe she could be the Vice President on the Sanders ticket.
I don't know.
But I mean, Sanders in a way, again, the Democrats should like him.
I mean, he says everything they need.
He's a bumbling socialist kook.
They should love him.
He's never worked a day in his life outside the system.
He's a perfect space alien who just has no connection to reality.
Yeah, he's a perfect Democrat.
He's to the left of Hubert Humphrey.
He's to the left of McGovern.
He would be the most left-wing candidate they've ever anonymized.
And he's a kook.
They love kooks.
All right, Peter Schiff, have a great weekend.
Thank you for the time.
You too.
Have a great Thanksgiving.
You too.
We'll be back, folks.
Stay with us on the Sunday Show, 4 to 6 p.m.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Islamic extremists, armed with guns and throwing grenades, stormed a luxury hotel in Mali Friday morning.
Hostages were taken and at least 27 people have been killed.
Senior officials say the jihadists stormed the building chanting Allah Akbar, while some hostages claim they were freed only after reciting verses from the Quran.
Fears remain that the attack in Bamako may be linked or inspired by the Paris attack where French nationals were targeted for the government's decision to carry out airstrikes against ISIS.
Mali is a former colony of France and they've been battling several terror groups for years.
A French military operation in Mali in 2013 against Islamic extremists in the northern half of the country was the first of several foreign interventions that President François Hollande has launched as president.
Troops from the UN, the United States, and France have already been sent to Mali to support security forces there on the ground.
Read more on this developing story at InfoWars.com
Alex Jones here.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
There's video of Muslims attacking a Christian with a pickaxe for leaving Islam.
I'm not trying to demonize Muslims, man.
I just want to live in a free country where you can have your freedom, I can have my freedom.
But instead I have these crazy leftists
Of the official Hillary campaign threatening to shut down the Laugh Factory in L.A., probably the most famous comedy club in the world, for letting people criticize Hillary.
People think, oh, there'll be a backlash, oh, we'll stand up against her.
Everyone will grovel and do as she orders!
In fact, they're doing it!
Everyone should turn against her and her attempt to bully free speech.
That's coming up after the break.
We're launching a nationwide one-month contest with a quick turnaround.
Coming up here in a moment.
I'm going to get into the UN, the next phase, taking over our towns and cities and trying to influence our politics.
That's mainstream press releases from them yesterday.
And again, our government gives our tax money to these foreign groups, then they come in and lobby against our guns, against free speech, against the death penalty, whether you love the death penalty or hate it.
That's our country's decision, not the UN involved in propaganda.
So that's all coming up.
But first off, cutting to the Situation Room, this is the War Room.
This TV-slash-radio studio is the War Room.
I never really plugged that that's the name of these.
And then in the other studio is the Situation Room, where we cut to shorter interviews, live breaking news, and more.
And I've encouraged David Knight, Jakari Jackson, Leanne McAdoo,
Darren McBreen, Rob Dew, Joe Biggs, Kit Daniels, Adon Salazar, Mikhail Thelen, everybody else.
Kurt Nemov, he wants to just, you know, you got breaking news, a story you're about to put up, pop in for a few minutes, tell us about it.
So I'll try to start working that in more.
And we have
Who's hosting the fourth hour today?
I forgot.
David Knight is with a bunch of breaking news and analysis because I'm on here for three hours, guest, news breaking.
They get all warmed up, focused with the latest breaking stuff, things we didn't get to, top stories we covered, recapping the fourth hour we've added is really important and sometimes I host it as well.
But first off, let's go ahead and cut right now if he's ready to David Knight in the Situation Room and I'll be back.
Thanks, Alex.
Now I'm here with Dr. Group, and Dr. Group, I want to ask you why we should be worried.
I mean, we're told that mercury and aluminum, they're good for us.
I mean, we've heard them actually say that mercury is good for us.
Yeah, well, that's the diversion that these big companies take to sell more of their products and contaminate the earth and the food and the soil and contaminate our bodies.
But the fact is, David, we know now that chemicals are linked to every single type of mental illness.
We know they're linked to every different type of disease, including cancer.
And the only solution is to cleanse your body and to eliminate your intake of these things.
You know, try to breathe clean air, try to drink clean water, try to eat clean food.
And the more you can avoid these chemicals and toxic metals and all these other compounds that are surrounding us, the better off you're going to be, the smarter you're going to be, the happier you're going to be.
Certainly, yeah.
We see these things in the water.
Of course, we try to filter our water as well, but when you're traveling, you don't have a filter with you.
I mean, you're constantly exposed to these things.
You're exposed to them in the soil and the food and the water that you eat.
So, what's the best way to cleanse these toxic metals and chemicals out of your body?
Well, it's a great question.
We've been working on that answer for 25 years and what we found is keeping your intestinal tract clean on a regular basis is step number one.
Using an oxygen-based cleanser such as Oxy-Powder, repairing the gut flora,
In your bowel using good probiotic formulas, cleansing the liver and gallbladder.
The liver is the main organ that processes all these chemicals and toxins and we found that the majority of people out there have toxic fatty liver.
We're even seeing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children as young as nine.
So, cleansing the liver, also doing a harmful organism cleanse, getting rid of all these pesky, harmful organisms, whether they're bacteria, viruses, worms, fungus, all these microbes that end up living in a toxic body because when your body is toxic, your pH is acidic, it invites all these organisms in that are dangerous and harmful to your system.
And then, the last step is to eliminate or bond all the chemicals and toxic metals out of the system.
And that's where Deep Cleanse comes in, and that's a Spigerex-type formula that took us over 20 years to develop, which is designed to help the body eliminate some of these chemicals and toxic compounds from the system.
Tell us a little bit about that technology, because we see the description of Deep Cleanze.
It says it's a proprietary Spagyrex process.
Tell us a little bit about that.
The Spagyrex process is something that we developed for the extraction of herbs.
It's really a multi-step process where, number one, we choose the proper type of herbs that we want to use in the formula, and look and find are those biodynamic certified, which is
The above level of organic.
If we can't find those biodynamic, we look for organic.
If we can't find them organic, then we look for wild-crafted, but grown under organic conditions.
So that's the first step, is choosing the right type of herb.
Most people choose powdered herbs for their formulas that have sat in warehouses in China and Japan for up to five or ten years, and the therapeutic activity of the active ingredients has gone way down to practically zero.
So the first step is choosing the strength of the herb and the freshness of the herb.
And the Spagyrex process dates back to the 1600s, when the great alchemists like Paracelsus would take the plant and separate the components and then recombine those components together.
So we invented a whole new extraction technology, a cold extraction technology, that doesn't use heat, which most
Liquid herbal formulas and extracts use alcohol, which most of them are made with genetically modified corn.
And alcohol now is an endocrine disrupting chemical as well.
And anybody who has problem with alcoholism, they do not want to take any type of product that has alcohol in it.
So we take a vegetable glycerin, kosher certified
And we take the herb and we take it through a seven-step process.
To extract all of the components from that herb and then let it go through a fermentation cycle.
And then when it's pressed, we take the residual herb material and there's a special type of way to burn that and collect the ashes from that.
And then when it goes, the ashes get purified.
So we're left with the pure salts of the plant, which are the essence of the plant.
And then we add those back into the formula.
So that's what makes
Our formula is different and more effective than anybody else out there.
We use all glass vessels for processing.
Every step of the way is done with quality, with everybody's health as the number one priority, and we continue to innovate and utilize any type of procedures or technologies that we can enhance the therapeutic benefits of the end product.
So, you know, there's many cleansing products out there.
Different types of heavy metal cleansing products out there.
There's harmful organism cleansing products, but ours are unique and they're different because of our quality and the amount of effort that we put into them and ensuring that we have those fresh products to start with that we can extract the highest level of therapeutic ingredients and the fact that we just don't use heat in any of our processing.
You know, I'm looking at the description, Dr. Group, and when it's vegan-safe, GMO-free, kosher, and halal-approved, when it's all of those things all at the same time, it's got to be a pretty clean process.
And also, as you point out, 100% alcohol-free.
Tell us about some of the specific ingredients in it and how they operate.
Well what I love about Deep Cleanse is I took a combination of ingredients from all over the world that have been used for thousands of years to help detoxify and cleanse the body and support the body's natural detoxification processes.
One of the
Real great ingredients in deep cleanse is Shilajit.
Now that's an ancient Ayurvedic secret that not too many people know about.
It's actually called blood of the mountain or rock sweat.
And the healing properties are incredible.
Because Shilajit is actually a black ooze that oozes out of the side of the mountains usually around the summertime when the snow melts.
And it's the decomposition of plant matter from over 7,000 different plants that takes years to decompose.
So it's a concentrated gel of vitamins, minerals, humic acid, fulvic acid, which are key components to grabbing some of these toxic compounds and letting the body secrete them naturally.
So it's harvested.
We have an exclusive agreement with a company that actually goes up and hand harvests this stuff from the mountains and has specific areas where they go up, they see it leaking out of the side of the mountain, they harvest it by hand.
It's not heated up, it's not pulverized, it's not mixed with any type of chemicals like some of the other ones that are out there.
And so we get that ship directly in and we can only do that once a year.
How they found out Shilajit was so effective is because the native people years ago would watch the monkeys migrate at the beginning of the summer up to the Himalayan mountains and they followed them and they found that they consumed that special substance.
There's a lot of information out there on that.
The Russian Olympic athletes used it as their secret muscle building compound, and that's been given to their special forces for years.
That's interesting.
It says that in the notes that you sent me, so you use that instead of steroids.
Yes, they did actually.
They did back in the Olympics.
So that's one of the main, most important ingredients that's in the deep cleanse.
And then you have the fulvic and humic acid, which is another compound in Shilajit, but we wanted to increase the concentration of that, which helps balance the cells in your body.
Your cells need to detoxify too, because really,
Everybody is nothing more than a hundred trillion cells and they're very powerful free radical scavengers and antioxidants which go through the body and grab these things and provide essential nutrients and minerals, yet at the same time helps the body release these toxic compounds.
And that's another reason why your bowel needs to be clean and your liver needs to be clean before you really move into cleansing the toxic compounds and chemicals out of your body.
So you can do it effectively and you don't go into some sort of a healing crisis.
And some of the other ingredients we chose for the formula are stuff like organic lavage root, which is an extremely effective ancient detox remedy.
Organic cleavers, which is really effective on detoxifying and cleansing the lymphatic system, which is extremely important now for a strong immune system.
Tamarind fruit is also another ingredient we chose.
Most of these are very rare, but they're very effective at increasing the body's natural detoxification processes.
Organic orange peel is another one.
Organic cilantro, which has been known to help bond to some of the more toxic metals and compounds, such as mercury, and help the body excrete some of those.
And then we put milk thistle in there as well, which helps support the liver while you're going through these detoxification processes.
Well, thank you so much, Dr. Group.
That's very important information for people to know about their health, what they can do to make themselves healthier.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Thanks, David.
Thanks for having me on.
Thank you.
Back to you, Alex.
Thank you, David.
David Knight will be hosting the fourth hour today, and that is very important information we just covered.
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Now, announcing a very important initiative.
Hillary Clinton had a prominent member of her campaign contact, this is all on Judicial Watch, The Laugh Stop, that is the most preeminent comedy club in the world.
It launched Jerry Seinfeld, basically, you name it.
And when you go through the list of people, George Carlin, the list just goes on and on.
Joe Rogan.
I was eating jalapenos.
While David was talking to Dr. Group, sometimes I'll have them on for a 5-10 minute interview, they do.
And then I'll try to eat lunch.
I ate some roasted chicken and delicious jalapenos.
And I can basically drink Tabasco sauce.
I can eat ghost peppers too, but I don't like the flavor, so I don't do it.
But tissues that can't handle it are the lungs.
And occasionally if I'm scarfing, I'll drink water with the jalapenos I'm munching, raw or pickled, and then I will get a little piece of it down the lungy.
And then it becomes quite... Awakening could be the word.
It doesn't really hurt so much as you can't breathe and your eyes start watering.
So that's what I get eating raw jalapenos too quickly.
Okay, continuing.
It is outrageous
To have Facebook censoring people that criticize our open borders, or Europe's open borders.
It is outrageous to have school kids being told they can't write an essay about guns, period, or just write the word gun.
You get kicked out.
This is about total control of language, total dumbing down of society, and I know that you all know that.
But I'm going to shoot a video today for the Nightly News.
The article's going out in the next 10 minutes to InfoWars.com.
We're doing our bit to expose this witch.
That's why we have the...
Hillary for Prison shirt, because they were tearing those down in another state and saying they should be illegal.
So we went ahead and put a t-shirt out, a limited edition.
We're going to have a $5,000 first place, $1,000 second place, a free Hillary for Prison shirt and a Laughing Hillary pin from infowarestore.com.
And it's going to be a one-month deal.
It's going to go from the 21st of November to the 21st of December.
And then we will obviously post the best videos.
The frontrunners have the people on that produce the videos.
It's the Make Fun of Hillary contest.
And so this is how you counter the attempt at censorship, the attempt to shut down free speech.
And they're threatening to shut down the comedy club.
They're threatening them.
They're coming after them.
You can read the whole article at judicialwatch.org or infowars.com.
There's also an article on it at Liberty Bliss Creek.
It just shows how tyrannical these people are.
This is officially from the Hillary campaign.
They want the President said that you cannot criticize her.
Even Bernie Sanders, they say, is a sexist.
Because he talks bad about the Lord and Savior, Hillary Clinton.
So that contest, Make Fun of Hillary contest, will be launched today at InfoWars.com.
You just make a video.
Uh, of how you're making fun of Hillary in public or not, whatever.
Uh, however you desecrate her holiness and, uh, exercise the First Amendment and free speech and expression, and then whoever wins gets five grand.
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I'm your masters of war.
I fund ISIS to murder everybody.
When you complain, I call you racist.
Bob Dylan bringing us in.
You've got to go read this press release that's linked to in the Fox News article.
Planned U.N.
hub in Washington aims to influence U.S.
counterterrorism strategy.
And it's got just these jewels of a quote from the OHCHR hub.
Already has a warm advance welcome from the administration that also seems aimed at letting the new UN outpost in DC arrive smoothly under Washington's political radar.
And then it goes into it, the fast-tracked human rights hub will lobby against the death penalty, borders, and other things seen as borders to national
Human rights institutions.
So basically, it's police review boards, it's the UN saying we can't have a border, same thing they do in Europe.
It's just incredible.
And again, this is from October 2nd, remember?
Obama administration and the UN announced global police force to fight extremism in the US, to go directly to the cities, bypassing Congress and legislatures, with UN money and influence bullying everyone, and putting literal malice on police review boards.
I mean, this is America being conquered, and I shouldn't laugh about it.
It's just so crazy to actually see this going on.
Here's another one.
New York joins terror-busting network Strong Cities.
But then you read it, and it's like, we're going to battle domestic extremists, and then they adopt the Southern Poverty Law Center statements, and I'm on there.
Ron Paul's on there.
Rand Paul.
When you get the training manuals they put out, it's literally my face at the top of it.
He hates minorities and wants terrorism.
This deeply racist hate monger is dedicated to evil.
I mean, crazy BS.
But that's what they do.
So it really is unprecedented.
And boy, has it arrived underneath the radar.
Coming up, day to night, the fourth hour, Bureaucratic Lies Matter, BLM is at it again with multiple attacks on property rights and the Constitution.
The funny thing happened to the way the FEMA camp clips of Hillary comedy.
We're going to be breaking all that down as well.
And we're going to make a big deal out of Hillary.
And there's going to be some funny videos.
All of our contests have been successful, but some of them have videos that get seen millions of times and end up being on national news.
And we're just going to make fun of Hillary.
And I mean, and I just point out there is a First Amendment and we're not going to be stopped from doing it.
Because we have free speech in this country.
And the First Amendment doesn't give it to us, it was already there.
But under this UN system in Germany, they're arresting people that criticize the corrupt governments.
They know what they're doing and they're moving hard, they're moving fast.
That's why
People need to not take this broadcast, other broadcasts for granted.
Don't take any free speech for granted.
We've seen the persecution to the IRS of our religious speech, of veterans groups, of gun groups.
We've seen unprecedented persecution of filmmakers like Dinesh D'Souza.
We've seen political corruption at all new heights.
As we really see what mafia scum we're dealing with, and we see the intimidated, bought and paid for Republican leadership,
Going along with it isn't strong enough.
Being part of it, at a fundamental level, helping right Obamacare, all these outrageous screw jobs, this tyranny is being put in place to screw everybody over and make us poor and consolidate wealth and power and make us so ignorant and poor we can never struggle out of this new dark age they're trying to impose over the new renaissance.
Because in a renaissance globe, in a renaissance universe, the elites can't be in control and play God.
In a free will universe, they have to compete in a level playing field of ideas, and of science, and of art, and they can't win.
That's why they want to bully.
If they can bully the life, the, the, the, the laugh stop, they can bully anybody.
I can't believe in America, we're actually having discussions about how they want to arrest global warming deniers.
But it's happening!
Ladies and gentlemen, David Knight coming up.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Radio Show on this Friday.
It is November 20th.
I have to think for a moment.
This year is going by so quickly.
November 20th, 2015.
I'm David Knight, your host.
In this fourth hour, Jakar Jackson is going to be joining me in the next segment with a news upbreak.
We're going to be covering a lot of things.
One of them is going to be this, as Alex has been talking about, this kickback from Hillary Clinton about the people who are making fun of her in a famous comedy club.
And of course, she understands precisely what's going on with this.
She knows exactly what Sal Alinsky has talked about in his rules for radicals.
She did a thesis on it as a senior at Wellesley College and she and Bill Clinton kept that secret, kept that undercover until well after he had left office in 2001.
We know what she knows about it.
We know she's a great admirer of Saul Alinsky, writing a 92-page thesis on that.
And of course, his rule number five is, ridicule is man's most potent weapon.
And so we're going to talk about what's behind her threats to a comedy club, and we're going to play some of the excerpts from that comedy routine for you on the air.
Also, we've got some GOP candidates saying that they want equal air time on Saturday Night Live because Donald Trump hosted it.
He was on for 12 minutes and 5 seconds, so some of his rivals want to get on.
People like John Kasich, Lindsey Graham, George Pataki, you know, the people who are at zero in the polls.
So maybe what they should do is they should normalize the amount of time that Donald Trump got on Saturday Night Live.
Maybe they should normalize that to
Uh, they're standing in the polls.
So you, you know, you multiply what fraction of support they have Donald Trump because they would all then zero out.
Problem goes away.
You got Lindsey Graham, John Kasich, George Pataki.
Two of those guys couldn't even make the debates.
Their numbers were so low.
And of course, John Kasich has pointed out that he's going to be the point man.
To come after Donald Trump.
It's clearly an act of desperation.
And of course, John Kasich was also the point man for Lehman Brothers when everything went belly up.
You know, they were the first ones to implode and they began the kickoff of the implosion in 2008.
When that was happening, John Kasich made a half a million dollars bonus with Lehman Brothers, selling junk to the pension plans in his state.
But, you know, he came out ahead.
And so, as these guys run, you ask, many people say, why are they still running?
They have absolutely no way to win here.
There's no path forward for Lindsey Graham or George Pataki or John Kasich.
They're not going anywhere.
Well, they could be running because they want a position in somebody else's administration.
They could also be running because when you get campaign donations from people, if you drop out of the race, if you then retire, when you retire, whatever you got in your re-election campaigns, that becomes your own personal booty.
So these guys can run for office, they can get millions of dollars of campaigns.
It's one way at the end of their career
That they can get paid off very easily.
They can launder all of that money for all those favors that they've done for people.
It gets a little bit sticky sometimes when you have billionaire casino owners giving you money, like Lindsey Graham.
You know, Sheldon Adelson's given him millions of dollars, just as he did Newt Gingrich in the last election cycle, for various favors.
You know, he gives them a large amount of money and then, lo and behold, Lindsey Graham introduces a bill to do exactly what Sheldon Adelson wants
Get rid of online gaming.
So, it's a little bit easier to get that money from people if you're going to say, well, it's a campaign contribution.
They just like me.
They just like me.
You know, Channel... who was the actress?
They like me.
They really like me.
I've even forgotten her name here.
Nevertheless, we also have one week
After the attacks in Paris, we now learn that a California middle school, this is on Drudge Report, makes kids sing about spreading Islam.
This is in Orange County.
Seventh graders were asked to sing a song about spreading Islam.
In class, here's some of the lyrics.
This is their fight song.
Spread Islam now song.
Prove that they're right song.
Some of the other things.
Don't really care if no Jews or Christians believe Islam and Allah's on the way.
Outright indoctrination.
And you should be aware of the fact, as we pointed out in an interview about a week and a half ago, the Gulen schools, run by a Turkish imam who wanted to set up a transnational Islamic state, is here in America.
It has the largest network of charter schools.
That's where they're going.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with Jacari Jackson.
In the second Democrat debate this last weekend, it was last minute change the day before to talk about foreign policy because of the terrorist attacks.
The Sanders campaign was furious.
Bernie wasn't ready to talk about terrorism.
The moderator asked him if he still thought the greatest threat to national security was climate change.
In fact, climate change is directly related to the growth of terrorism.
Do you understand what Sanders is saying?
Climate change is directly related to terrorism.
Terrorism has nothing to do with wars for oil and power.
It's not about a clash of cultures.
And as every liberal will tell you, it has nothing to do with Islam.
So it must be climate change.
Al Qaeda and ISIS were not created to fight climate change!
But there is an indirect link.
Bernie Sanders won't tell you, however, if he even sees it.
Al Qaeda and ISIS are a creation of the same governments and multinational corporations that are trying to create a global government using terrorism and climate change as an excuse.
For Infowars.com, I'm David Knight.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am David Knight on this Friday, November 20th, 2015.
Jacari Jackson is with me in the studio.
He's going to break down some breaking news.
I'll tell you what we're going to be talking about in detail later in the hour.
We're going to be talking about the back and forth between comedians.
We've got multiple comedians talking about how nobody has a sense of humor anymore.
I think it really started to ratchet up when Obama became president.
Because before that, you know, they used to always make fun of the politicians on the late night shows and on the Saturday Night Lives.
And then once he got in, it's like, oh, you can't criticize him because he's black, which is completely ridiculous.
It's not because he's black.
It's because he's a public figure.
He's a politician.
It's the same thing with Hillary Clinton.
All my life I've seen people ripping politicians up.
One side and down the other, making fun of them justly for what they're doing, but also just having fun at their personal idiosyncrasies.
You know, the way they comb their hair, the way they talk, their mannerisms, that sort of thing.
I mean, comedians have made a living out of doing that with every political party, every president going on.
It's something that's happened throughout our history.
Of course, they used to be really tough.
Back in the days of the Founding Fathers, I mean, they made up really slanderous stuff about each other.
And they had very partisan newspapers.
They didn't even pretend to have any objectivity or any reality in what they were reporting.
But now it's gotten to the point where everyone wants to control everybody else's speech.
And this is something that I've seen happening my entire life in colleges, and now it is going on steroids.
So we're going to talk a little bit about that.
We're going to play some clips from the Comedy Club.
We're also going to talk about the BLM.
You know, Bureaucratic Lies Matter.
And there was a BLM story that they had the other day that was actually about Black Lives Matter is the way they titled it.
And we all looked at that and we thought, what?
The BLM is taking over a highway now?
And we're going to tell you what they're trying to take over.
In that particular case, our writers had used BLM to talk about Black Lives Matter, but it applies to the Bureau of Land Management, because it's really about bureaucratic lies, and those things do matter.
We're going to talk to you about the story that Don Salazar had earlier in this week about what's going on here in Texas, as well as a new incident, yet another one, going on out West.
But, Jakari, tell us what's breaking here in the news.
Well, Rob Dew handed this to me, he's our news director, and it's a story that takes place in Arlington, Texas, north of here.
And basically, an undercover police officer was sneaking around at about 6 in the morning, trying to put a GPS beeper on somebody's car.
And a concerned neighbor walks outside, sees this action, this guy's dressed all in black, messing around with the car.
He says, hey man, what are you doing over there?
And the undercover cop responds, basically that he had dropped something.
And then they get into a verbal exchange and eventually the neighbor pulls out a firearm and opens fire on the officer, not knowing that he's an officer.
And it's bringing up some questions of whether he was in his legal right to do so.
Now, in Texas, you can defend your property with a firearm in the case of a burglary.
But the issue came about when the officer got into a police vehicle, unmarked vehicle, and drove away.
And the neighbor shot the vehicle 16 times after he was fleeing.
So now people are wondering, was he in his legal right to do so?
I think shooting a fleeing vehicle 16 times is a bit of a stretch.
Yeah, I would say that that's, in my opinion, that would not be justified because there's no threat to you.
But we see the police doing that all the time.
Yeah, that's exactly what Leanne said.
He's like, he's acting like a cop.
Yeah, exactly.
And so, you know, in a sense, it has kind of come back to hit them.
Because if you're going to establish that police can shoot people who are fleeing and representing no danger to them or anyone else, then it blurs those lines that we've all been told when we go to take our concealed carry classes.
That, you know, if somebody's coming at you and you believe they're a threat, then you can shoot them.
But if they're running away from you, even if they got your television set under their arm, you don't shoot them just to recover that property.
But of course it also brings up the issues of the other non-police like activity this guy is doing there under the car.
Certainly I wonder if he had a search warrant for the GPS thing or if this is some kind of a... Well the details are still emerging but you know I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't.
Well you know yeah when I go back and think about Michael
I don't know.
Absolutely, and as we're talking about these police officers, you know, we all know about the big MRAP vehicles, military vehicles that are coming back and police departments are getting them.
Now there's a story that one has actually been seized in Alabama.
And I believe these are the 1033 vehicles.
Somebody seized an MRAP?
Well, no, it wasn't stolen.
I guess it was stolen.
Was it civil asset forfeiture from another police department?
Yeah, well, the Obama administration.
You know, after Ferguson and all the hubbub, all this stuff, people started to talk about it.
So now they went into this police department and they took the vehicle back.
And it wasn't one of the newer ones, you know, it wasn't one of the slick ones, but you know, it's a vehicle nonetheless, a heavy armored vehicle.
And it doesn't hurt my feelings.
See, that's one of the things people don't understand is that under this 1033 program,
Yes, they are.
Yeah, that's like I always say, you know, you can't drive these things down to Jiffy Lube.
You have to have specialized tools, specialized training to maintain them so they're really not cost-efficient unless you live in just in a shy rack, I guess.
They will rush to market
Uh, because they wanted to have this protection, uh, when they were in Iraq.
They really, uh, they were getting hit with, hit with all these improvised explosives on the roadside.
So they rushed these things to market.
They didn't have a lot of testing, uh, and they are incredibly unreliable, incredibly expensive to maintain.
And, you know, Jakari...
As they were ramping this up and putting these things in all these small police departments, they were suspending at the same time a program giving surplus equipment to fire departments, small fire departments that had been in place for over 60 years.
And when they pulled that back, these people were saying, wait a minute, these small fire departments are having to deal with fires on government land where they have very little to have a
They have a small population base to pull from to fund their department.
Many of them are volunteer fire departments and they have to cover large amounts of wildfire on public land.
So they really do need that help.
They pulled it back and they stopped that program for about a month.
The firemen were very active.
They got involved with their senators who contacted the Department of Defense and got that program restarted.
But that had been there for 60 years and it really was something that communities needed.
They really did need that surplus older equipment.
Absolutely, absolutely.
Now David, I have a different topic here.
We have the House passes a bill to overhaul the Fed.
And you know, it was really interesting to me.
Is that the form, Bill?
Yeah, this is Federal Reserve would be subject to a controversial public audit under legislation passed by the House on Thursday.
And let's see here.
That's great.
I talked about that earlier in the week.
Yeah, it passed 241 to 185.
It would not only audit them, but it would also come up with a formula that would set the interest rates based on certain econometric things that they measure.
And they had a problem with that.
They said, no, you're politicizing things.
It's like, no, you're politicizing them when you can arbitrarily raise the rates or lower the rates at will, at your whim, and not be answerable to anybody.
Not show us what your decision-making process is.
You won't talk to anybody about it.
You just arbitrarily raise or lower the rates.
You've got inside information.
You can play the market just like a congressman.
You know, they made it legal for congresspeople to use inside information.
Oh yeah, they did a big thing about that, I believe, on 60 Minutes.
So the Fed really hates this.
And they passed it yesterday.
That's great.
Yeah, and the thing about it was, I thought it was very interesting.
There's so many people, you know, in spinoff sites who have their own angle on it, talking about how it's ridiculous to audit the Fed.
How it's ridiculous for them to have any type of accountability.
Yeah, and it was amazing to me.
So you just want to give these guys a blank check, a closed door, to go do whatever they want to do.
And meanwhile, we're always talking about taxes, raising this and lowering that.
But you don't want to hold this institution accountable for anything.
It was very bizarre to me.
And it's a private institution.
It's a private institution that has destroyed 99% of the value of our money.
It was sold to us on the basis that it was going to level out the boom and bust cycles, and yet they created, we've seen the biggest boom and bust cycles in our history since the Federal Reserve was created.
They were created before the Great Depression.
They didn't do anything to help that.
Many people say that they directly caused it, or exacerbated it, okay?
Even Ben Bernanke said, okay, we caused the Great Depression, we won't do it again, okay?
Even he admitted it, the former head of the Federal Reserve.
So, you know, when you look at this, you have to ask yourself, why are we doing this?
Why are we still doing this?
It's absolutely amazing.
But of course, there are a lot of people who have a vested interest in the Fed.
We've got Ben Carson, who was asked about Janet Yellen.
He says, no, I think Janet's great.
You know, just leave everything the way it is.
You know, I wouldn't change the head of the Federal Reserve.
I wouldn't get rid of the Federal Reserve.
I would just leave everything exactly the way that it is because he knows Janet Yellen from Yale.
And that's the whole point about all this.
This is an insider game.
It was talked about when they created the Federal Reserve.
We had Senators who said this is going to be used to enrich insiders and that's precisely what it's done over the last hundred years.
Yes, yes.
And now we're talking a lot about in the last couple days about domestic issues, who can enter and leave the country.
And we have an article, Americans pay your taxes or lose your passport.
So basically US government will be able to deny new passports or revoke ones held by people with serious tax debts.
What do you think about that?
Well, you know, they've also passed a highway bill.
And as part of that highway bill, they are going to privatize debt collection from the IRS.
And I'm reminded that during biblical times, they had these people called publicans.
And Jesus and the rest of the people at that time didn't have much good to say about publicans.
The publicans would go out there, and that was part of the privatizing of collecting taxes by the Roman Empire.
And it's the GOP that is actually pushing this.
And this is an industry that has more consumer complaints by far than any other industry, the debt collection industry.
When you go out and you give people a profit motive, they're going to be even worse than the IRS agents are today.
It's a very dangerous thing.
And if the Republicans are going to do this, I think we should call them, instead of publicans, we should call them re-publicans.
People are going to be eating down your neck.
Thank you so much.
Sha'Carri Jackson will be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to talk about the humorless reaction of Hillary Clinton basically coming after a comedy club.
We're going to play you a couple of clips from that comedy club in a video we put together.
And we're going to talk about how this is something, of course, that was pointed out back in June.
We had an article on InfoWars.com, award-winning comedians say the politically correct left has killed comedy.
We're going to read you a couple of quotes from that.
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Now this article going back to June and it's interesting to go back and take a look at this because of what just happened with Hillary Clinton and the threats that she made to a comedy club there.
This is a BAFTA award-winning comedian, Stephen Merchant, who was co-writer, co-director of the British sitcom, The Office, which they also did a version of here in the United States.
He said, perpetually offended Twitter outrage mobs have made public figures petrified to speak candidly.
He said, people are being leapt on because they happen to use the wrong terminology about Bruce Jenner or Caitlyn Jenner or whatever his name is now, her name.
I'd call him Bruce Gender.
I think that's probably the best way to refer to him.
There I am, making mistakes.
I'm probably getting in trouble for that, he says.
And, of course, similar sentiments were expressed by Jerry Seinfeld.
He talks about how his daughter thinks that just innocent statements that his wife made about, well, you're 14, you're going to be paying attention to boys now, I guess.
And she says, that's sexist.
They say Salon has a list of ten popular comedians who all think that PC is killing satire.
Names that include Chris Rock, John Cleese, Dennis Miller, and many others.
There are some humorless politicians like Hillary Clinton who want to kill the comedians.
Here's that report.
A funny thing happened on the way to the FEMA camp.
It seems some comedians focused on Hillary one night.
Something peculiar.
Something for everyone.
A comedy tonight.
Hello, Hillary.
It's nice to see you.
You look great.
There's nothing like a skirt suit with shoulder pads to say I'm all woman.
She looks like she's playing linebacker for T.J.
It's the kind of outfit that you see, who wore it better?
Caitlyn Jenner or Hillary Clinton?
And Her Majesty was not amused with jokes aimed at her.
Jamie Misata, who opened the famous Laugh Factory in L.A.
over 30 years ago, told Judicial Watch that the Clinton campaign demanded the comedy video be taken down.
Well, yeah, it's the whole night.
Demanded the personal contact information of the comedians and threatened to put him out of business if he didn't take down the video.
Hillary's deadly serious.
She's well acquainted with Saul Alinsky's 12 Rules for Radicals.
As a college senior, she wrote a 92-page thesis on it, which the Clintons kept blocked from 1993 through 2001.
And rule number five is ridicule is man's most potent weapon.
So she had no trouble showing her Machiavellian dictatorship side.
Today she came after the comedians, but many still love her, nevertheless, because she's a woman.
Trump also said, he really, he actually said that he doesn't know about Hillary because we shouldn't have a woman in office because what about when they get their period?
She's 69 years old!
She hasn't had a period since the 20th century.
Some say she loves women.
I like how you didn't trip off Bill and Monica Lewinsky and stuff.
I feel like you was hitting that too on the side.
They're probably best of friends because, you know, they both like the same thing.
What I would love, Hillary, I was thinking about it, and I would love if you become president, then you divorce Bill, and then you marry a bitch.
Is Hillary an advocate for women?
Or will she destroy any woman who gets in the way of her power?
Is this the kind of person we want as president?
So tonight she comes after the comedians.
We'll see the tragedy of her tyranny tomorrow.
Yeah, that's it.
Hillary will be coming.
It'll be a tragedy when we get the tyranny tomorrow because she's coming after the comedians tonight.
And we need to understand what's really going on with political correctness.
We have a whole generation of kids who have absolutely no respect for free speech.
Stay with us when we come back.
We're going to talk about the Bureau of Land Management who has no respect for private property rights.
Another atrocity in addition to the one in Texas.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Islamic extremists, armed with guns and throwing grenades, stormed a luxury hotel in Mali Friday morning.
Hostages were taken and at least 27 people have been killed.
Senior officials say the jihadists stormed the building chanting Allah Akbar, while some hostages claim they were freed only after reciting verses from the Quran.
Fears remain that the attack in Bamako may be linked or inspired by the Paris attack where French nationals were targeted for the government's decision to carry out airstrikes against ISIS.
Mali is a former colony of France and they've been battling several terror groups for years.
A French military operation in Mali in 2013 against Islamic extremists in the northern half of the country was the first of several foreign interventions that President Francois Hollande has launched as president.
Troops from the UN, the United States, and France have already been sent to Mali to support security forces there on the ground.
Read more on this developing story at InfoWars.com.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
I want to get into something serious now.
We talked about comedy and the humorless reaction to it by people in college and the punitive reaction to it by Hillary Clinton.
But the BLM has been involved in many different instances of taking people's property.
They're at it again.
Of course, we've followed the miners out in Oregon after the Bundy Ranch and many other cases.
We had a story earlier this week.
Drudge picked it up from Don Salazar talking about the situation here in Texas.
And it's not only Texas ranchers that are upset with what the BLM is doing.
There's several counties are suing the federal government over the BLM's land grab.
And let me read you this story for context first.
This was just a couple of days ago.
Don Salazar's story.
He says the U.S.
Bureau of Land Management is violating Citizens' Fourth and Fifth Amendments, infringing on the sovereignty of local county governments, quote-unquote, from a lawsuit that was filed in district court by nine private land owners, including one county sheriff, in addition to three counties, Wichita, Clay, and Wilbarger counties, seeking to end a dispute.
And of course, this is over 90,000 acres that are in and around the border of Texas, close to the Red River.
The BLM is asserting that the boundary extends well past the riverbed into Texas and in many instances more than a mile outside of its lawful territory.
They're essentially moving the boundary lines.
We've talked about this before.
They filed a lawsuit.
One rancher in particular who's had his ranch there since 1941.
He's got a deed for it.
He bought it.
It was recorded by the state of Texas.
Yeah, 1,200 acres, and they're going to take half of that as well as his home, because his home is on part of the acres that they're going to confiscate.
Other ranchers included in the lawsuit say the BLM is targeting more than half of their land.
They're unaware of the exact acreage being claimed by the agency because, you know, this is a BLM, this is the federal government, they don't even have to tell you anything, right?
That's the arrogance of the federal government.
The things that they do, they won't even explain.
And so we've got three counties, nine ranchers, and the counties are saying that BLM's claim interferes with their ability to regulate and provide services for the health, benefit, and the welfare of their citizens.
So understand, we've got private individuals who are having their property that they've been paying taxes on for decades to the state of Texas, and everybody has always thought that it was part of the state of Texas, and now the BLM is deciding no.
I think you're going to change the boundaries here.
So you've got individual private citizens joining with county governments, joining with the state of Texas, because Governor Abbott has sent the BLM letters.
He clashed with them as Attorney General in the state of Texas before he became governor, pushing back against this.
But there's yet another one, and this is a case of a family
By the name of Hammond, and they're in Oregon, and they have had property there since 1964.
Just as we saw, we covered the miners that were out in Oregon.
They'd had mineral rights to the mines that they were going through since the 1870s.
See, this is how the federal government is completely overturning not only the rule of law,
But all of the boundaries, all the property rights that we have, they're taking everything we have.
Understand that all of your rights are property.
Understand your First Amendment rights are essentially your property.
Your right to have firearms under the Second Amendment, that is a right.
That is your property.
Your rights are part of your property, but these are specific property rights.
I understand that we're talking about a lot of these ranchers or miners.
It's not the land per se that they say that they have a right to.
These are massive amounts of area that were never turned over to the states and that's a problem right there.
We could talk about that.
We could spend an entire program on that issue and we have in the past talked about that for an entire hour.
With guests.
But this is saying that these are lands that are being managed by the federal government.
Instead, the federal government is trying to push everybody off of these.
Take property rights that people have had for many decades, and understand that your property rights are not just the kind of rights that you have if you have a home in the suburbs.
You can have surface rights.
You can have rights to graze.
You can have rights to the water.
You can have rights to the minerals if you're a miner.
So these can all exist concurrently.
All can exist concurrently.
And so the federal government is coming in and willy-nilly taking individual rights.
So this is a family that was there since 1964.
They didn't have any conflict with the government until the 1990s.
At that point, they filed on a livestock water source.
They got a deed for the water right from the state of Oregon.
But when the BLM and the Fish and Wildlife Service found out about it, that they had gotten new rights in addition to the ones that they already had, they tried to take these rights away.
They took them to court and they won.
And so the BLM, as it appears, has had a personal vendetta for them ever since.
And understand, this might be something these ranchers need to be concerned about, even if they win in court.
The BLM may come against them in a personal vendetta.
We believe from testimony that we heard, there were allegations from the people out in Oregon, the miners, that there was a personal vendetta involved in that move against them to take away property that they'd had.
Not property, but the mineral rights that they'd had since the 1870s.
What happened in the Hammond case is that these things escalated.
There were continuing fights over water sources and just as we saw with the family who was recently evicted from a longtime ranch they had adjacent to Area 51, the BLM started doing the same tactics that the Department of Defense did to that family out there, putting up
Blockades and keeping them from having access to their own land, making it incredibly difficult for them.
So this started in the mid-90s.
The BLM, after they lost in court, started blocking access to these people.
Then they went in and tried to arbitrarily revoke their grazing permits.
That got revoked.
But then what happened was, there were a couple of fires.
In 2001, there was a backfire, which is something that has always been done.
It's done by the BLM to maintain the land in a healthy, productive state.
It's been done by Native Americans.
It's been done by ranchers.
And this burnout, they had a fire got
A little out of hand and burned 127 acres of public land, but they didn't hear anything about that.
What happened was, in 2006, there was a wildfire on government land that was heading towards their property.
They set a backfire at that point and successfully dealt with it.
And as I pointed out, the backfire worked perfectly, said the mother of one of the people involved here, put out the fire, it saved the range and possibly our home.
A few days later, they were contacted by a BLM officer who asked if the son would meet them in town, a grown son, and meet them in town for coffee.
When he went there, he was arrested.
And they told him he had to go back and get his father and bring him in.
They booked both of them, the U.S.
Attorney's Office, under arson and terrorism.
Arson and terrorism.
This is under the Federal Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996.
And what they did was they came after them, calling them arsonists, calling them terrorists.
They were able to get a conviction.
The jury didn't understand what property rights were, just as I was trying to tell you.
Many people don't understand the rights that ranchers and miners and others have on public lands.
They sentenced them to 12 months in federal prison.
They gave them a fine.
The sentence was reduced by the judge because they thought it was outrageous.
And now they are coming back and trying to sentence them again.
One of the individuals is in his mid-70s.
They want to send him to jail for, I think it's 10 years.
If they do that, that is an effective death sentence for him.
It'll be a life sentence.
This is the over-the-top way in which the BLM operates, and there's one other thing which I failed to mention, and I want to mention this too, because after they were sentenced,
They had a story to build public opinion in support of the sentencing and they had in the local paper a person who identified himself as Greg Allum had three comments on an article talking about the sentencing and called the ranchers clowns who endangered firefighters and other people in the area while burning valuable rangeland.
Now there was a Greg Allum
We're good to go.
If there was a fire that got out of control and burned a small amount, 127 acres, that is not anywhere near what the Department of Interior with the EPA did in that mistake that they made at the gold mine.
And many people question even whether or not that was a stake.
Remember that back in August?
That was the Animas River.
There was a gold mine in Colorado and they were doing something to the gold mine.
There was a retired mining engineer who said in the paper what they are planning to do is going to backfire.
It's going to be a catastrophic explosion.
It is going to pollute the river.
And then they're going to use that as an excuse to grow the EPA bureaucracy.
He predicted all of that.
He predicted all that.
But it was much bigger than he had predicted.
This spill went into the riverway, it dumped toxic metals from the mine into the river, the Edimus River, and it polluted and went into three different states.
This is massive, and they were warned beforehand not to do it.
So, is the EPA a terrorist organization?
I mean, what they did had far greater consequences than what these ranchers did.
We see them doing this type of thing all the time.
Remember the horses that they rounded up and sold by the thousands to a guy who made a tremendous amount of money off of these horses.
They didn't even make it, they sold it to him at such a low price that they didn't even pay for the transportation of the horses to this rancher.
And it was against the law for the BLM to sell horses to someone who was going to turn around and slaughter them.
That was not what the program was for.
So they violated their own rules.
They sold it at a ridiculous price, so much so that people are wondering if there was something criminal or corrupt about this transaction.
And even when they were warned by people that he was going to turn around and sell these horses for slaughter, they continued the selling process.
How do we get control of these criminal organizations?
How do we get control of these bureaucracies?
There's no one controlling them.
They're created by the Congress.
They will give them an area, a jurisdictional area, tell them to go out and, you know,
Manage the lands, or the public lands, or manage the environment, protect the environment.
They start writing their own laws, they have their own courts, they have their own police enforcers.
This is treated as civil law, just like civil asset forfeiture, so you are guilty until you prove that you are innocent in many cases, but in some cases they try to set people up criminally, as they have the Hammond family in Oregon.
I really don't know what we do.
We have to get some congressmen who will have the backbone to stand up and to do what they have the duty and the obligation and the right to do.
Barring that, and I don't think we're going to see it actually happen in Washington, I think it's going to require the type of thing that we're seeing here in Texas.
You're going to have to have state, local government, as well as jurors who know what's going on.
The jurors in this area where the Hammonds are in Oregon, if they were informed jurors, they could have looked at this and said, well, we don't really care what the facts of the case are.
We're going to look at the fact that you're trying to put these guys away for terrorism, and they're clearly not terrorists, so I nullify your law.
All it takes is one juror to hang tough.
And to not tell him that he's doing jury nullification.
Just say, I disagree with you on the facts because every judge will lie to you, will tell you that you have to, you can't judge the law, you have to stick strictly to the facts of the case as he allows you to see them and make your decision.
That was never what juries were for.
Juries were one of the most important things that the founders gave us when they set up the form of government that we have, and they were important because it was the ultimate power of the community to block this kind of tyranny, whether it's coming from a federal government or a state government or a local out-of-control government.
One juror out of 12 can stop this, can say, I'm not going to let you railroad these people and send them to prison.
I think it's very important for conservatives also, we talked about this last night on the nightly news with Darren McBreen, how the right-wing press is now trying to, and joining with the left-wing press, trying to get people afraid of use of terrorism attacks in Paris to leverage that into gun control.
Now remember it was a week ago we had the attacks in Paris and then over the weekend
The GAO put together an update on a report that they had put out four years ago.
And in that report, they had talked about the number of people who were on watch lists buying guns.
And that was a report that was put out in 2010, but now we have somehow, magically, over the weekend, they updated it to 2014 numbers, they gave it to the Washington Post, the Washington Post ran with the story on Monday, and then it turned into an echo machine.
All the press was talking about how outrageous this is, especially, especially being led by Fox News.
I walked into the break room where we've got the multiple news channels going and I saw the Fox 5 talking about this.
I think this is outrageous.
I looked it up again and I could see that Gretchen Carlson had covered it as well.
Totally freaked out about this.
And they had, alert, alert, you know, and she had a guy from Homeland Security, who's a retired deputy, talking about how horrible this is.
Well, think about this.
Here's the headline from the Washington Post.
From 2004 to 2014, over 2,000 terror suspects legally purchased guns in the United States.
Okay, well think about that for a moment.
If you've got 2,000 terror suspects that purchased guns and none of them used them to create a terror event, maybe they didn't belong on that list.
How did they get on the list?
Who puts them on there?
Does anybody know if they're on a list?
One of the first stories I covered when I came here to InfoWars was about a guy who got stranded in Hawaii.
He got on a plane to go see his wife who was in the service in Hawaii.
Had a stopover in, sorry, she was in Japan.
He stopped in Hawaii to catch the next leg of the flight and they wouldn't let him leave from Hawaii because at that point they then discovered that he was on a no-fly list.
He couldn't find out how he got on the no-fly list.
He couldn't do anything to get off of the no-fly list.
You understand, this is why we have the Sixth Amendment.
People in England were well aware of the Star Chamber proceedings in England.
In that, you could go in the Star Chamber, and they called it the Star Chamber because of the drawings that were on the ceiling, in this secretive meeting.
They could accuse you, they could indict you, they could convict you without you even knowing that anybody had charged you with anything.
That's why it's laid out in detail in the Sixth Amendment.
That you will have a public trial by a jury, you'll be confronted with your accusers, you will have representation in court.
There's a process for all of this.
And as National Review, the only people to really push back against this said, this is absolutely insane.
People should be upset about the fact that we've got this list that they're advocating using this for criminal purposes.
Now I want you to understand who is pushing this forward now.
This is something that started under George Bush's administration in 2007.
His attorney general put this through.
But now it's being brought back by Peter King.
The neocon-statist authoritarian who loves every war, who loves every surveillance state movement, every police state movement, and he's working with Dianne Feinstein.
So this Republican from New York, Peter King, is working with Dianne Feinstein and they want to make sure that anybody that the government arbitrarily, secretly, without due process puts on a list
Anybody who's on a list cannot buy a gun.
You immediately have your rights taken, just like the BLM is taking people's property rights.
These are your rights as well.
These are your property.
There's a full-blown media campaign to scare people, to say, we've got to take this away.
We've got the Daily News leading this.
They've got Wayne LaPierre from the NRA, pictures of him saying he's the craziest man on earth, calling the NRA jihadis.
Yeah, it's not a problem with the Islamicists in Paris.
No, it's the NRA's membership who are jihadis.
This we have to be very afraid of.
And conservatives need to understand how they're being played by the conservative media, by the people like Fox News, by the Republicans who are putting this forward.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down and the flames went higher.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and joining me now is Leanne McAdoo.
She's going to tell us what's coming up on tonight's nightly news.
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Well, Leanne, tell us what's coming up on the nightly news tonight.
Well, David, in addition to playing a report that we've got coming out of Rhode Island, where the residents there are actively now pushing back against this refugee resettlement, we're also going to talk about the fact that the DHS says that they're not going to track this missing Syrian refugee because of his constitutional rights.
Now you'll recall earlier in the week we reported how there was a missing... Wait a minute, they track every American here.
I mean we have turned our government so far upside down.
We have the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act which was put in place after the Church Commission to say you're only going to do surveillance on people who are foreigners and you have to go to this court and specify because it's going to be a secret process and now we've gotten into this star chamber situation and as Rand Paul has pointed out they go in and they get these blanket warrants and say I want to look at
We're good to go.
Well, you know, they do look at rights for foreigners that are superior to us.
For example, if you come here as an illegal immigrant, you can get in-state college tuition at any state in the country, okay, as a Dreamer, but you can't do that as a citizen.
So this is another example of how foreigners get superior rights to citizens.
We're second-class citizens.
Yeah, and it's another example of how the Obama administration says that their problems are contained.
But here, this Syrian refugee, they still don't know where he is.
He still hasn't checked in with the authorities, although they think he is on his way to Washington, D.C., but they don't know because no one's tracking him.
He hasn't checked in.
But you know what?
The problem's contained.
The vetting process is secure.
We don't know who these people are.
We don't know where they are.
We're told that we have to have this massive surveillance state for security, for national security.
And yet, they fly people in, and it isn't as if they need to be flown in.
We've got all those reports of them coming in through Central and South America, being caught at the borders of various Central and South American states, as well as the Texas border.
People coming from Syria, from Afghanistan, from all these Middle Eastern countries where
We have gone in and created wars, and we have created terrorists as well as refugees.
These people are coming through the border without any challenge, and we're flying them in, and then we're saying we can't really follow them.
Right, and I agree with Watson.
Of course, they're not all criminals, but not everyone's a burglar, but you still lock your doors at night.
It is absolutely insane.
But of course, there is a reason for it.
It is an incompetence.
We know what this is for.
This is to take down the country because we can't afford this, as well as to create conflict, even with the people who are coming here that are not terrorists.
They want to try to create the kind of multiculturalism, political correctness to pit one group against another.
Well, that's it for today's broadcast.
Join us for the InfoWars Nightly News with Leanne McAdoo tonight.
7 Central, 8 p.m.
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I'm good.