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Name: 20151112_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 12, 2015
3271 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers topics such as mainstream media cover-ups, government control, climate change denial, political correctness on campuses, self-sufficiency through food storage and clean water access, upcoming guests discussing issues related to universities, politics, and government corruption. A segment with Anthony Gucciardi discusses how smart TVs are being used to spy on consumers, while Larry Nichols talks about the current political climate in Washington D.C. The speaker also discusses their views on political correctness and its impact on modern society, emphasizing the importance of realizing that one's own actions can give them power rather than relying on the system. They promote a water filtration system and encourage listeners to tune into InfoWars Nightly News for more updates and analysis on current events.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Look, I know that we're going into a planned worldwide tyranny in a new dark age.
Destroying true libertarian liberal ideas, packaged under the modern pseudo-liberalism.
But when I sit here and read headlines like this out of Rasmussen.com, Rasmussen Reports, one of the biggest polling agencies in the world, and it's not us warning of this a decade ago, it's not the academics and governments calling for it in newspapers, it's serious polls.
With a large percentage of people wanting to arrest anyone that disagrees with man-made climate change.
First it was freezing, then it was warming, now it's changed.
And this is just today's stack.
I have a huge stack here of what they call political correctness.
It's not political correctness, it is totalitarianism.
It is Mao Zedong.
It's Adolf Hitler.
It's happening.
It's only twenty-something percent that in this poll want to arrest everybody.
But that's still a whacked out group of scum with their bizarre moral authority.
And you see it going on in these universities where somebody drove by in a truck two months ago and I think I heard something racist.
And there's a Thomas Jefferson statue.
Get rid of everybody in the school.
Lock everything down.
And now it's happening all over the country.
They're routing particularly black conservative professors.
And it is just a mindless power grab by the feminist commanding the young throngs of chip-on-the-shoulder youth.
We've done an analysis of it.
All Ford Foundation Soros manipulated.
And it's just pathetic to see.
These people will not get jobs anywhere.
I don't care if it's a young white woman, a young white guy, black woman, whatever.
I'm looking at these people.
They're not getting educations.
They're not learning how to make connections and get jobs.
Because so much of business is just interpersonal skill.
Even Bloomberg had an article on that a month ago, or three and a half weeks ago.
These people are completely whacked out.
They are psychologically destroyed.
They've had their normal social skills basically degraded or removed to seeing phantoms.
In fact, I saw a political cartoon, it may still be on Infowars.com, where the political cartoon's down on the lower left-hand side, and it shows a psychiatrist holding up the inkblot test
And saying, what do you see?
And I see racism, I see homophobia, I see this, I see that.
No matter what the blobs on the page look like, that's what they see.
And that's what it is.
And that's the plan.
This is how you put a virus in a computer to fry people's brains.
Little support for pushing, little support for punishing global warming foes.
Global warming advocates are calling for the prosecution of groups who disagree with them.
And the New York State has taken it a step further by investigating people.
Now I'm going to come back and cover all this, but I can't even believe it's gone this far.
And what's even sicker is it's ExxonMobil.
And British Petroleum and Dutch Royal Shell, those three, are the biggest funders of the whole man-made climate change garbage to shut down coal, their main competitor.
And they're so sophisticated, the left doesn't even know they work for them.
And then they have New York State investigating ExxonMobil.
Claiming they paid for fake science.
It wasn't fake science.
That was 15 years ago.
They were ordered by the board head, David Rockefeller, to convert and support it, and they have since then.
This is just incredible.
The oil companies run the fraud.
Marco Rubio, the new billionaire boy toy, was left speechless on the fourth GOP debate when Rand Paul called him on his absurd pandering to the military-industrial complex and his attempt to outdo Hillary Clinton with free college.
And yes, I do want to rebuild the American military.
Rebuild the American military?
Seriously, Rubio?
But you know, we spend more on our military than the next ten countries combined.
I know that Rand is a committed isolationist.
From Marco's perspective, if you don't have more than the seven Obama wars going, you're an isolationist.
Perhaps it would be safer if we were involved in ten wars, or maybe even better, picked a fight with Russia, so Rubio's masters could cash in.
Marco, how is it conservative to add a trillion dollar expenditure for the federal government that you're not paying for?
How is it conservative to add a trillion dollars in military expenditures?
You cannot be a conservative if you're going to keep promoting new programs that you're not going to pay for.
Alex Jones here.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this Thursday, the 12th day of November 2015.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We have obviously a lot of over-the-top, as usual, important news to cover.
Professor Daryl Hamamoto,
out in California a few years ago began to expose what he called just mass total mental illness, total tyranny, where the students are being turned into Maoist-style lynch mobs who demand everyone submit to them and accept their particular bizarre dogma of leftism or you are basically hounded and they try to burn you at the stake.
Now, Hamamoto is a classical liberal.
Thomas Jefferson style.
But he was able to stop them from having him thrown off the faculty.
And he will be joining us to talk about the nightmare that is unfolding across this country.
at universities.
He's also a recipient of the Rockefeller Foundation Research Fellowship, so he's been on the inside at UCLA.
He goes on and on.
Fulbright scholar.
I'm not going to go over his... He's a top professor.
He used to head up one of the main departments.
Still does.
University of California, Davis.
And Larry Nichols will be joining us.
He's in ill health, wasn't going to be on a few weeks ago, but we had some issues there.
But he'll be joining us today.
And I really think this is a case of pearls before swine.
I don't mean our general audience, but the mainstream media.
It's such a big deal when Larry Nichols comes on.
I mean, he was on record.
One of the main political operatives and handlers of the Clintons when they were co-governor, basically.
He witnessed the cocaine being shipped in.
He witnessed the murders.
I mean, all of it.
And some people sit there and say, well, I mean, this is a horrible guy.
Why are you having him on?
The point is, it's the prodigal son.
He got out of it when he was going to be going to the White House.
When he was going to be going up the chain of command.
And he had that
Saul of Tarsus moment on the road to Damascus, where he hit his knees and repented.
And so what happens to him is between Larry Nichols and God.
The point is, he's been a major thorn in their side for a long time, so he'll be joining us.
And he is a bit eccentric, you know, he is battling lung cancer right now.
I'm not gonna get into all the details of it, but let's just say this, he's been fighting for his life.
He's done the Do Not Resuscitate deal.
He's gotten down to that point now, but he's going to be joining us.
So definitely pray for him and try to support him as well.
But the prayers are what's most important.
And then Anthony Giussiardi will be hosting the fourth hour of Overdrive.
You know what I'm going to do?
This morning, I got up.
I couldn't sleep last night for some reason.
I went to bed at like 2 in the morning.
I got up about 6.
And I just sat there reading what was coming into my email from listeners, the tips, and I was looking on the Facebook at Infowars and Drudge, and I just sat back by about 7.30 in the morning, and it clicked.
I was like, this really is the offensive.
This really is the big takeover.
This really is the big distraction while they are robbing the country and the planet right now and establishing an above-the-law, diplomatically immune, corporate world government that hates humanity in its own words.
And I laugh at the politically correct people.
I say mean things about them and they deserve it, but really, I didn't really cry
This morning, I cried in my mind.
I cried in my gut when I looked at the videos of the politically correct throngs at Yale and Dartmouth and Missouri State.
They were desperate.
They were scared.
They were freaked out.
They were raised by television.
They weren't taught how to change light bulbs, much less fix a carburetor.
They never grew gardens in their yard.
I don't care if they were black or white.
They were slaves.
They were desperate.
At Missouri State, and Jakari and Kit Daniels were there yesterday, and that was really the story hiding in plain view.
It was like The Last Man on Earth.
There were these video shots of these huge commons and these beautiful classical colonial red brick buildings.
And you might see one person 300 yards away walking.
There was just, in some shots, no one on a Wednesday in the middle of the class year.
And then I sat there last night and then this morning for like three, four hours watching the raw videos from their Black Lives Matter sites and others.
And I realize these aren't even bad people on average.
These are really screwed up, damaged victims of re-education camp brainwashing.
When they heard that the Klan was going to show up at the university, the federally run Klan, I mean, I've gone and protested the Klan more than 20 times.
There's usually about six or seven guys.
It comes out later that they're all feds.
It's a joke.
It's a photo op to stir up racial tension.
And it's come out the Southern Primary Law Center and other groups have been connected behind it and white supremacist centers like Elohim City are run by them and the government.
I mean, this is sick.
And I watched videos of the football players and the basketball players and the students running in fear and panicking.
Jakari had people run up to him and say, is it true?
Is it true?
Is the Klan here?
Are we safe?
And they canceled classes.
Had the police on alert.
That means SWAT team on the roof.
And it was all completely made up.
But meanwhile, the very same football players and basketball players would intimidate members of the press and run over them.
Because, see, they weren't threatening.
See, it's all this simulated wimp warfare.
Tribal warfare at the most base level.
These are people that want to have a coming-of-age event.
And you watch all these confused, wide-eyed, looks like 18-year-old girls, black, white, I don't really see any Hispanics, and then black men and white men and professors, female and male, prodding and bullying.
I mean, this is just a sick group of people disconnected from reality.
I mean, if I was the football team that's like 80% black,
And I didn't like the Klan, which nobody showed up, it wasn't true, it was a made-up internet rumor.
You're looking for trouble?
I'm not saying do it, but go beat the hell out of them!
What are you afraid of?
But see, that's it.
They literally are scared of somebody in a truck driving by and thinking they heard something racist.
Or a poop swastika.
And I experienced this on Halloween.
I don't go out and really celebrate Halloween, it's the cultic holiday, but I went to my cousin's birthday party.
And I wore a captain's hat, and I had a white person and an Arab person come up and get in my face aggressively.
And I was nice at first, but then I would turn to them and I got in their face.
And I said, watch it, man!
Don't push totalitarianism on me!
I said, so what if I am a Nazi?
But I said, you know I'm not a Nazi.
You know that's a captain's hat, and you just want to act official and have me kiss your butt?
Well, I'm not going to do it.
And how dare you get in my face and imply I'm a Nazi?
You don't have some moral high ground by getting in my face.
Now, I suggest you turn around and you walk away fast.
You do that, these people run.
But everybody else, oh, oh, oh, the faculty, everyone else, oh, oh.
Meanwhile, they hear the Klan's coming and piss their drawers running, folks.
Because it's another imaginary boogeyman.
And I see all these adults, these are like 18 to 23-year-old people on average.
And they've had so little life experiences that they're scared that a Halloween party might have something that's offensive and are screaming in fear.
I mean, this is crazy.
And then I've got stacks of articles where they're in mainstream news in the United States and have national polls normalizing the arrest of anyone for political speech that's not seen as kosher.
If you deny man-made global warming, you are to be arrested.
That is in Rasmussen polls.
They're actually polling with a straight face.
Imagine a poll saying, let's arrest all the, I don't know, think of a group, all the Sikhs.
Imagine having an actual poll about should we round up all the Sikhs.
I mean, no one would even run that poll.
I'm just picking a random group.
You talk about dangerous.
This is totalitarianism and I've got stacks of these articles.
This was all cooked up by psych warfare teams.
That's all declassified.
To totally fracture this country while we're being taken over.
When a mosquito pushes its proboscis into your flesh, it's a two-way nozzle.
It pumps acid, saliva, into your body.
That's why it itches and hurts.
But it's time delayed.
By the time it gets away with the blood, then you feel it.
It dissolves your blood cells, makes them not plate together, and sucks them up.
And that's what political correctness is, is the globalist sticking its snout in, pumping this in to divide all of us, so they can slurp us up.
That's it.
Oh, they're real race problems and real... all that stuff, but the point is it's projected, it's expanded, it's used to traumatize, to rub salt in the wounds in a sickeningly cynical way while they rob us with Obamacare and the TPP and world government and all the rest of the craziness.
And they have headlines like, little support
For punishing global warming foes.
In America, if you say global warming isn't anthropogenic, should you be arrested?
And they sit there with a straight face.
See how they just put that out there?
And then you've got people running around hysterical in fear.
Beyond the Salem witch trials.
They're stumbling over each other.
The Klan is coming.
The Klan.
Let's run.
Let's run.
Let's run.
Like it's the running of the bulls.
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You see, tyranny's greatest foe is classical liberalism, which comes out of the Christian ethic, which comes out of our Judeo-Christian past.
And so many people, to cause celeb, the fun thing is to hate Jews and bash Israel all day.
I'm neutral on the issue because I won't play the games.
But we are a Judeo-Christian nation.
I know that's been popularized in the last 50 years.
The term wasn't really used before that.
And I can see some of the debate from purist Christians that say we're mainly a Christian nation.
Well, that's true.
But Christianity comes out of the older Old Testament form of Judaism, before it was corrupted during the Babylonian captivity and others.
That Judaism, compared to the old Judaism, is two different animals entirely.
Just like you can say America was different in 1776 than it is today.
But I didn't mean to digress off into a mini history lesson.
What I was getting at is true liberalism, true individualism, true free association is so diverse, so powerful, so productive, so magical, that tyrants hate it because they believe competition is a sin.
And so they had to take over
The renaissance that was America, the greatest expression of the renaissance, and our innovations and our exceptionalism, and the globalists had to subvert it and collectivize it, and then take the abolitionist movement that continued on in the civil rights movement and twist it into a race-based movement it is today, where black students across the United States and Hispanic students in public schools, in primary and secondary,
Right through K-12, right through to graduate, right through to PhD.
They are self-segregating and saying, white allies are not allowed to come to this yoga class.
That's the sick little term.
Whites are bad, but if you're an ally and grovel properly, you're okay.
What is having a white person grovel to you do?
They're just as pathetic, poor, and stupid as you are.
I've seen the statistics.
The average white person is collapsing into poverty, has no idea what's going on, hates themselves, and then I have to sit here as a white man that knows this growing up around it and hear from you how I'm hiding my racism and how I'm hiding my privilege and all this crap.
Let me tell you what my privilege was.
My privilege was being singled out because I was so good-looking when I was young.
I'm not very good-looking now.
I was super good-looking.
I looked like a Calvin Klein model when I was about 14 to 23.
Look at the photos online.
I'd walk into a room and almost every woman in the room would just turn their head.
But let me tell you, I had to fight men continually because they didn't like it.
They didn't like pretty boy.
They thought they were gonna kick my butt.
Whether they were black, Hispanic, or white, I faced it all.
And I watch these little slack-jawed, snot-nosed, punk kids shit over there and complain about all the stuff they've been through while the ringleader is jacked in with Soros and Warren Buffett and his daddy made 8.2 million dollars last year!
My daddy didn't make 8 million dollars in the last 20 years!
I am sick of this garbage!
The idea
That if you're white, you can't accomplish anything on your own is a load of bull.
Totally and completely deranged.
And I want to help all these people.
I understand metaphysically, spiritually.
But at an organic level, I'm already set where I genuinely believe it.
But even if I was a bad person,
I would want others to succeed because I understand you reap what you sow.
The problem is evil people don't understand that metaphysical rule and they want to see others fail.
They believe they succeed when other people fail.
And at some primitive levels that's true in every culture, but not at higher orders.
And humanity dreams group dreams.
To manifest the future, not through some magical incantation, but through the fact that we're made in the image of the creator of the universe.
And are able to then manifest through our mass movements and our collective dreams to build castles in the sky.
And instead you've got a bunch of mentally ill, fear-stricken, gibbering, cowardly people running in fear and stumbling and evacuating because the Klan was supposedly going to show up.
The wicked flee when none pursue.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You keep saying you've got something for me.
Something you call love.
Something you call love, but confess.
You've been messing.
You've been a-messing.
Well, you shouldn't have been a-messing.
And now someone else is getting all your best.
These boots are made for walkin'.
These boots are made for walkin'.
And that's just what they'll do.
One of these days.
One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you.
From Austin, Texas.
You keep lyin' when you're gonna be truthin'.
You are listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So let me just read these headlines instead of pontificating and I've got world events, economic stuff, guests coming up.
Little support for punishing global warming foes.
This is the stuff you'd read in Nazi Germany in like 1938.
If you denied something the government said was official.
They had discussions about arresting people then for it.
Global warming advocates are calling for the prosecution of groups who disagree with them.
And the New York State has taken it a step further by investigating ExxonMobil for refusing to play ball with the popular science theory.
Well, that's not even accurate.
ExxonMobil was one of the only big 10, and it was the biggest oil company in the world at the time.
In fact, if it wasn't Exxon Mobil, then it was Exxon.
Rex Tillerson headed it.
He continued once it was Exxon Mobil.
But David Rockefeller came in 15 years ago, you can look it up, and then again about a decade ago, it was in the Associated Press.
Got no attention, but I remember covering it on air.
And came in and called in all the shares, fired a bunch of the board, and said, I will remove you, Rex Tillerson.
You will support carbon taxes.
You will do this.
And Tillerson said, okay, we'll cease our investigations, that carbon dioxide doesn't eat the planet, fine.
Of course it doesn't.
But even before that, Dutch Royal Shell, Exxon's big competitor, BP, which are sister companies owned by the same royal families, Dutch and British are the same people, German.
They're antecedents Germans.
And all the other big oil companies for at least 30 years have been funding this banned carbon dioxide garbage because coal puts out many, many, many, many times, depending on which type of coal, more carbon dioxide than fuel, than gasoline or diesel.
And I'm not invested in coal.
I'm not invested in oil.
I'm not invested in natural gas.
I don't have a dog in this hunt.
And every time I talk about this, people send me emails or there's comments in the press, oh, he must be getting money from the oil companies.
Until the last decade or so, my family got no money from the oil companies.
In fact, Texas, they drill them everywhere.
Actually, my family has some small gas wells that almost don't pay anything.
I wish they did.
I've never gotten any of the money.
It's just used to basically pay property taxes.
What they do now is they raise your property taxes so much, you've got a gas well, and they'll say over the life what they think the well's worth, but gas prices are so low, you almost lose money.
Plus it's a huge one.
But it's the gas lobby, also with big oil, lobbying to shut down coal.
So technically, if I thought like a parasite,
I think you know my dad will be dead in 20 years, I hope he isn't, but you know my dad will be gone in 20 years and I might have some gas wells out on the family farm in East Texas and boy I want to get rid of coal because I'll make more money because coal is my main competition.
So in the weird schizoid way people think, because I always hear the average
Person, you know, who isn't in the stock market or whatever, they'll say, I don't care if the stock market goes down, all those rich people go bankrupt, I don't care.
The whole economy's tied to it, almost every company.
But again, the average yuppie will say, I've run into them, I don't care if that goes down, the average liberal, who's, you know, anti-quote money, they won't even realize that if it goes belly up, even though it's a bubble, that's gonna really hurt them.
They just only think about themselves, in this weird little focused mindlessness.
There's enough coal to run our current civilization for thousands of years.
They've perfected it and know how to use it completely clean.
Totally clean.
Earth's energy crisis is solved and within a few years, if they wouldn't suppress it, we'll have other totally clean energies.
I want to bring those out.
But I've studied it, and it's wrong to have Obama get up and say, we're going to bankrupt coal.
You can build a plant, but we will bankrupt you.
When China and India and everybody else has to make zero cuts, but every Western country has to.
We can't compete if our electricity is 10 times what it is in China.
Look it up on average.
10 times.
Just a decade ago, we were close to on par with China.
Do you realize what that does to America to jack up our power price?
I mean, it's real simple.
It's elementary.
That's why I harp on this so much.
We cannot compete.
It is discriminatory that we can't have power plants that are clean and then they just move over the border to Mexico and run completely dirty and rain mercury down on us.
I'm not against the Mexicans.
They should have clean coal.
The point is, is that it's wrong to shut down over 50 Texas power plants in the last seven years.
Look it up.
Out of the close to a thousand shut down nationwide.
And then
Mexico, and then have the very companies move to Mexico.
It's a military attack!
What did Putin say two weeks ago?
It's a military attack!
Because that's what it is, people!
That's what it is!
It's robbing you to hurt you.
Our government doesn't want you to have cheap energy.
And they put up fake windmills and all this garbage that creates...
More destruction.
Doesn't work.
Was it meant to work?
A pure boondoggle to their friends.
So they can act like they're bringing you alternative energy.
Oh, we're getting rid of coal to make you switch to this.
And then they really don't give us the better energy systems that are there.
And now they want to arrest people.
And I told people about this 10 years ago when they were first calling for it at the U.N.
People didn't believe me.
Oh, they're not going to arrest you.
And they're now basically telling Lord Moxley and others, don't even try to come to Paris.
They're going to get Lord Moxon on ahead of this climate, this World Government Summit next month in Paris.
And they tried to keep him out of other countries.
He's an amazing guy.
He parachuted into the one in Durban, South Africa, because they wouldn't let him in.
They had a whole area of the city shut down.
So he skydived into it.
Never skydived before.
That's daring.
That's a stunt.
He was in dozens and dozens of front-page papers in South Africa with that one.
And that's all we need you to do is the same bold stunts against these dragons, and we'll bring them down, folks.
If we're successful in not letting them shut off the third world's power, which is where they're really targeting them right now,
Because they let them have it in India and places like that, in China, but in Africa and Latin America and areas, they're not letting them have it.
It's only in select globalist industrial zones they allow them to have the coal plants.
You give Latin America and Africa power plants, which the UN's trying to block.
They openly say, Obama's been over there trying to block power plants.
They're trying to block private companies going to power plants.
Within 30 years, Africans will have only two children or less.
Latin Americans will.
They'll be wealthy.
See, the globalists don't want that.
See, once you become middle class, you stop having all the kids.
They don't want to fix the problem.
They want more chaos.
How sick is that?
Do you hear the Black Lives Matter people, when you've got 40 million people starving to death a year now, up over 10 million in the last few years?
Hear them talk about that?
Hear them talk about how it's discriminatory that under the UN Treaty on Climate Change, there were almost double the taxes.
On the third world, carbon taxes that were on us, but they sold it as if it was going to be wealth redistribution, just like Obamacare was supposed to be that, and it's a big screw job for the poor.
So they're going to have the Pope and everybody else there in Bloomberg, and all the usual suspects, Felipe Calderon,
Wow, Lord Monckton is actually being allowed to speak.
They were threatening him earlier.
Click on that.
He's actually listed by the UN?
Wow, I didn't even know that.
Wow, we gotta get Monckton immediately.
Yeah, there they are, what he parachuted in.
Oh, wow.
This is epic times to be alive.
Now let's continue.
Two Children's Center workers fired for refusing to acknowledge transgender girl age six.
These are the headlines.
That's in the mirror.
PC Insanity turns University of Missouri into police state.
They sent out emails and told everyone on campus, if you hear anything hateful and or hurtful speech, if it hurts you, if it hurts your feelings, call the police.
Mizzou protesters, Mizzou protesters segregate by race.
White students has to leave black only healing space.
The focus groups were intended to create a black only healing space.
White allies told do not attend.
And this was public spaces again being taken over inside the university.
Just total mindlessness.
Ithaca College students stage walkout, call for president's removal again over phantom
Racism by not acknowledging that everyone's oppressed and there's a class struggle.
This is just the White House bullying all the universities that aren't groveling enough, just like the police departments.
Does it mean these universities aren't terrible in many cases?
Does it mean the police don't have big problems?
Absolutely they do!
But the whole thing's engineered as a takeover.
Race activist who got University of Missouri professor to resign does not attend school, lives in Houston.
Award-winning, super-liberal professor, Dale Brigham, resigned because he said, I'm not going to give in to the hysteria and all the rest of it, and I'm not going to give in to the campus being shut down over the fear of the Klan.
We need to stand up against the Klan, whether they're coming or not, and not give in to bullies.
So he said, we're going to still have the test.
You don't have to do it today, but if you want to come in and see the bullies, we're going to have it for those who want to have it today.
They basically called for his firing.
He said, you know what, I resign.
Groveling, basically groveling.
But saying the right thing.
Hey, stand up to bullies.
But there were no bullies.
Doesn't matter, gone.
Fourth grader threatened with sexual harassment for writing a love letter.
Man, I tell you, all the other boys were saying girls were gross.
I was writing them love letters.
Kids need to be educated about boundaries.
That's right.
Teaching them.
Remember what Seinfeld's daughter said?
They said, we're going to move back to New York from this small town so you can meet more boys.
And she said, that's sexist.
Boys and girls together is sexist.
See, the biology of the species is evil.
A species that is at war with itself.
Total mental illness.
Women seeing themselves as women.
Men seeing themselves as men.
Not as one species.
Competing with each other.
That's total destruction of the species.
That's just some of the news on the politically correct front, and it just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on from there.
Meanwhile, the real discrimination is the fact that if you just drink 1.3 parts per million, which was the old level of fluoridation until we got it changed two years ago to half that, admitting it was brain-damaging people, just devastating victory, the admission, devastating victory, still not completely out,
Proven right again.
Oh, you're total kooks.
Every scientist agrees it's great for you.
Now they say take it out.
Oh, you're total kooks.
Everyone agrees man-made global warming's real.
It's all just a total fraud.
Everyone agrees vaccines have no side effects and are perfect for you.
Total lies.
The inserts say they can kill you.
And everything else you can imagine.
I mean, you name it.
You want diabetes type 2.
You want Guillain-Barré's.
You want narcolepsy.
You want epilepsy.
You want autoimmune diseases?
Baby, take the shots!
And they just answer and say we're total kooks!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
There's no war on Christmas!
There's no war on Christians!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Do you hear the crazy right-wingers?
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Everything disinfo calling us right-wingers!
Just twisting language around where it means nothing anymore!
Apple boss!
Next generation of children will not know what money is.
And you know what that means?
Once you don't physically hold it, they can track, they can trace, they can tax, they can control everything you do, and they say they're going to do that.
Won't be even the next generation.
It's here now.
Oh, guess we're right about that again.
Media graveyard.
Yeah, kids won't know what newspapers are either.
Daily newspapers down nearly 80%.
Hard news in danger.
Credibility will be undermined.
Well, it isn't just the digital age that did this.
Newspapers and magazines that are still hard-hitting into investigative work are doing better than ever.
You killed yourselves taking regurgitated and politically correct garbage news and made yourselves obsolete.
When I caught, on record, in 2000, the head of the statewide federally funded anti-gun control group, this video, this made national news, paying three black men, and it was like a movie, like the guy was like a villain going, 100, 200, 300, into their hands.
And I just turned the camera on, run over,
And they had a state ethics board admit that it could constitute bribery and all that stuff.
And the statesman calls me up and says, if those men were white, would you have shown the video?
And I said, of course I would have.
State ethics board admits it, you know, is totally discrediting.
It shot down a bunch of bills, by the way, devastating victory against the enemy.
We went in, the citizens, hundreds of us.
I just showed up.
I wasn't James Bond, but I was.
And so were the women that ran up to me and said, hey, they're paying them off over there.
See, because it isn't like you gotta be a superhero, folks.
You gotta show up and take action and have the moral authority.
And I sat there talking to the reporter.
I just want to point out that everything is racially based now.
He had a Hispanic surname.
He pulled the article up.
It actually says in the article, I asked Jones if this was racially motivated.
I said, man, that's really a way to turn that around.
You've been taught those tactics.
You know, the people that testified basically, I'm a dangerous black guy and I used to rob people and I want guns.
That's why you need to ban them.
Those guys were there to make black people look bad and to play a stereotype as actors, it turned out, in a fraud.
To play the part of the dangerous evil black people, quote, to sell gun control.
So in truth, I was exposing institutional racism, literally.
And so they had to invert it.
But you know what?
We blew your bills up and they all failed.
That whole committee had like six bills, set the pass, had the votes, we blew it up.
And that wasn't the end of the fight.
It was just one more victory.
And that's why I'm so aggressive, folks.
I have blown the enemy to pieces thousands of times locally, state-level, federal, international.
And I'm going to go on destroying them.
I'm going to go on just sabotaging them with the truth, blasting them to pieces, ripping their systems to shreds, sabotaging everything they do.
And you can do it too, but I want you to join the fight against the globalists.
I want you to realize the war is on!
You don't have a choice.
You gotta join this fight, folks.
You gotta get involved.
You gotta get aggressive.
And people are desperate for the truth right now.
I can't tell you how many famous people in government, military, Hollywood, you name it.
Last night, I got an incredible phone call.
It's just all the cool people that are
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We now take you live to Klamathu.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, I host the transmission in a fourth hour of overdrive.
With Anthony Gucciardi today, I am your host, Alex Jones.
By the way,
I can't even cover all of the political correctness orgy going on and just one-upping each other into mindless hysteria.
This is what mind control can do.
I mean, I don't just say that, again, as rhetoric.
This is globalist, high-level, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, high-tech, focus group, tested brainwashing.
To just make young people's identity being totally racially based and hating anybody outside their group and just obsessed with entitlement so the government can fully enslave them through the mental illness and service and feed that cult programming.
I mean, I love these young people, poor young black people, white people, Hispanics, you name it, totally brainwashed by hardcore combines that want them and their families brain damaged and finally dead.
I mean, they want to keep you close so they can abort your children, shoot you up with a Gardasil.
But if they can't soft kill you that way, they'll ruin your mind.
And the reason they're scared of me is I'm effective cutting right through the crap.
And if I can get in front of these people, I'm able to deprogram them sometimes.
The problem is their identity is so tied to all this garbage that it's pathetic.
I mean, I've got a stack of stuff I didn't even get to on The Political Correct.
This is just a day.
You notice I'm pretty much covering this like all the time now.
I used to cover it maybe 10 minutes a day.
It's just, this is their big move.
This is America's color revolution brought to you by Soros, Obama, Inc.
This is what they do in other countries.
They'll take Catholic versus Orthodox in Ukraine, have them kill each other.
They'll take one African tribe against another in Africa?
I mean, they'll just take any... That's what the CIA does.
Do that.
It studies with anthropology the divisions, exacerbates real problems, makes up new ones, where everybody just acts like a bunch of idiots.
And I know I harp on it, but man!
It's so obvious, and the good news is there are a lot of classically liberal professors all over the place now.
We have an amazing clip on the play next hour of the guy that wrote the coddling of the children, the professor that wrote that, that gave a speech on C-SPAN and got heckled.
We're going to play that, where there are a lot of classical liberals now.
Going, whoa, this is dangerous.
Well, you bet it is.
See, you bought into modern liberalism thinking it had to be pushy and aggressive for the greater good.
That's not what it is.
And pushy, aggressive totalitarianism is never done for a good reason.
It always goes bad.
But look at this one.
Administered to teachers in St.
Louis Public School District.
A white privilege survey.
And, I mean, you cannot believe the questions here.
Can I speak in a public to a powerful group without putting my race on trial?
Well, I mean, that's the neuroses of people that are obsessed with their race.
Of course I can.
I can choose blemish cover or bandages in flesh color and have them more or less match my color of skin.
What does that mean?
It's like mental illness.
I can go shopping alone most of the time pretty well assured that I cannot be followed or harassed.
I mean, it's just, this is just, man, this is re-education camp garbage.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Professor Hamamoto on the PC Insane Asylum taking over.
Will be joining us.
She's been the victim of the totalitarian cult programming that they've launched against him, but he's been successful fighting it.
Meanwhile, African nations are refusing to take back the migrants that come over.
Oh, they're not loving, they're hateful, they're racist?
Not taking back their own people?
Sweden says Syrian migrant brutally rapes woman while spitting in her face.
Victim suffers shock, double rape near refugee center.
Swedish king considers opening up royal palaces to house refugees.
Of course, the royal palaces are really just government buildings in Sweden.
It's better than national service they want to have in Germany to quote have the college students quote service all the quote migrants, the weaponized flood population.
Syria threatens to target French aircraft carrier that's launching fighter bombers, bombing its refineries and water treatment plants and roads.
They're not bombing the Iraq area held by ISIS where they actually get oil money.
No, they're on record.
We have links to the articles.
On record, they're bombing the Syrian infrastructure of the country, which is a Geneva Convention violation, obviously.
And the French are really something else.
You know, I don't buy into this whole mindless frog phobia.
I'm not an Anglophile either, even though I'm obviously Welsh, part Welsh.
I do have some French roots, French-German on one side of the family, Alsatian.
The French, you know, were some of the toughest in war, right through Napoleon, took over much of the world.
They beat the Germans with the U.S.
and others in World War I. Tens of millions died.
And then World War II, they got bought out behind the scenes and stood down so Hitler could take over.
That was all a payoff of the Vichy French.
Look it up.
It's a great parallel to what we've been under, globalism, minus the little fake Blitzkrieg mock invasion and the Dunkirk fiasco.
With Herman Goering's Luftwaffe standing down.
But when you look at this, the French really do only get involved in evil stuff now.
I mean, their government's really bad.
And all over Africa, they've been caught putting jihadis in, and then coming in and taking over, and they've been really spearheading, to a great extent, the attack on Libya, on Syria, on other areas, and it's just despicable.
I mean, the French helped found this country.
We owe a debt to the French.
They have a great culture.
But they just have mentally ill socialists running things there.
And they are just doing so many bad, evil things.
Because, I mean, the French are anti-war on average.
I don't call them wimps because they don't want to get in a bunch of wars.
That's smart.
And all the stupid, you know, French fries stuff, you'll call them freedom fries, you know, whatever.
Iraq War was wrong.
Donald Trump was right about that.
So was I.
But now, man, I tell you, I do want to call them Freedom Fries, because just to watch France bomb civilian infrastructure, and to know the Socialist Party that runs its tax exempt and has Swiss bank accounts, and they have a 101% tax for three years running on the middle class and wealthy who aren't exempt,
People don't believe me when I say there's 101% tax on people making over a million euros a year.
The tax bracket under that, 200,000 euros a year, is something like, what is it, 80-something percent?
You know, what's 101% tax for?
That's meant to destroy any wealth that isn't controlled by the mob.
When I say mob, I don't mean Italians.
See how they program everything where words don't mean anything anymore?
I mean the European criminal mob.
France has the highest suicide rate in the world, last time I checked, now surpassing Japan.
And it's because they don't have a purpose.
And they're all entitled.
It's not just spoiled, rotten welfare heads or whoever that are entitled, folks.
It's the people of the West, period, who've had it so good so long that it's just the unraveling and degeneration of everything.
And it is that great paradox
That I quote so often from the great French philosopher Victor Hugo.
That adversity makes men, prosperity makes monsters.
The problem is freedom creates prosperity and then it creates monsters.
So how do you balance that?
Marco Rubio, the new billionaire boy toy, was left speechless on the fourth GOP debate when Rand Paul called him on his absurd pandering to the military-industrial complex and his attempt to outdo Hillary Clinton with free college.
And yes, I do want to rebuild the American military.
Rebuild the American military?
Seriously, Rubio?
But you know, we spend more on our military than the next ten countries combined.
I know that Rand is a committed isolationist.
From Marco's perspective, if you don't have more than the seven Obama wars going, you're an isolationist.
Perhaps it would be safer if we were involved in ten wars, or maybe even better, picked a fight with Russia, so Rubio's masters could cash in.
Marco, how is it conservative to add a trillion dollar expenditure for the federal government that you're not paying for?
How is it conservative to add a trillion dollars in military expenditures?
You cannot be a conservative if you're going to keep promoting new programs that you're not going to pay for.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting across the globe from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
Professor Daryl Hamamoto is our guest for the balance of the hour.
We also have some fun video that if we have time, we're going to play of Anthony Gucciardi trying to barefoot water ski.
Hey, I'm not knocking him.
I can't do it either, but there's a reason I'm going to play it.
I know this is a radio show, but free video feeds at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
I want to play a few clips before we go to the professor.
He's been on four or five times, I think, over the years.
He's been persecuted because he headed up part of the school for saying, look, we can't ban Halloween.
We can't ban dressing in costumes.
We can't run around demanding everybody take on weird, bizarre, you know, race cults where the Hispanics are in a weird race cult that resembles basically the Klan.
And then you've got the blacks in a group and the whites in the group and the Asians in a group.
The Chinese Asians in one group and the Japanese in another group.
I mean, this is true Balkanization the opposite of Martin Luther King.
It's scary, but it's social control.
Total hijacking of great classical liberal ideas.
And he's been talking about this for years.
He is a recipient of the Rockefeller Foundation Research Fellowship, so he's worked inside the belly of the beast.
Before we do that, I wanted to play a couple clips we haven't gotten to that are context for this.
The Buckley program at Yale
had this particular professor on who wrote The Coddling of the American Mind.
Again, even the liberal Atlantic is admitting this stuff's going on.
And then the protests begin protesting while First Amendment lawyer and the FIRE president CEO, Greg, and I'm pronouncing this right, Lukanoff, how do you say that?
Author of The Coddling of American Minds speaks during the State of the Free Expression, Intellectual Diversity, and Higher Education 5th Annual Conference.
And this is the thing.
I have a really good friend who was a big Hollywood editor.
I went to college the same time as him.
I was in a student film.
I mean, he edited some of the big Hollywood films.
He just didn't like Hollywood, didn't want to go back to school and get his psychology degree.
I guess he's going for his Ph.D.
or whatever right now, and it's literally a cult, where he's got to identify and say that he's bad because he's white, and just bizarre weirdness where if he makes one mistake, his whole paper's given a zero, everybody else can make all the mistakes, they're given A+.
I mean, it's crazy.
It's crazy.
But it's also just men in general.
And it's men leading women saying men are bad and men have to denounce they're basically bad.
I mean, it's just gangs.
It's gang mentality.
It's raw exercise of like brown shirt stuff in Germany.
That's all this is devolved into.
Any group can degenerate.
Right wing, left wing, you name it.
And this is people basically going and getting these university degrees that are more and more close to useless in some cases because of the economy.
And they're just looking for identity, and it's devolving into king rat behavior.
It's devolving into prison behavior, where everybody's in their own little group, and then the warden manages all that.
This has been done by social engineers on record, and our guest was put through these programs.
That's why he's an insider exposing it.
You have to understand, again, as I've said a thousand times, this is not rhetoric when I say these things.
This is CIA, Defense Department, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation on record doing this.
Where people's identities aren't, I'm being discriminated against by the NSA spying on me, or Samsung TV's watching me, admit it.
Or being signed onto trillions in derivatives that aren't my debt.
Or GMO not being able to be labeled.
Or being told I've got to let the globalists bring in cheap labor and pay for it all as a, you know, free welfare, free baby stuff, as a corporate welfare payoff to give them the labor.
On and on and on.
All the real issues, all the real things happening.
It is a tyranny.
So we're gonna go to our guest after I play this clip.
You know, Seinfeld's come out and said his daughter,
13 years old.
I think she's 13 to 14.
She says, Dad?
You know?
Why are we moving back to New York?
Well, because we want you to have more friends and meet more boys.
She says, Dad, boys and girls together is sexist just to say boys and girls.
And see, Seinfeld thought that she just didn't understand.
No, no, no.
This is what's taught.
She understood.
I mean, it's beyond 1984.
It's beyond we and other dystopic novels.
This is the destruction of language and communication by design.
So let's go to this clip of where it's a First Amendment summit and it's being shut down at Yale and now Yale is apologizing that they did have professors say we shouldn't ban Halloween parties.
Let's go to the clip.
Here it is.
Another time was when I covered the University of Delaware case, and I went to actually University of Delaware to explain why their program was so nuts.
I can't explain the University of Delaware program in any fewer than 50,000 words, so please read my book on learning liberty, but it was insane.
And this is all, you know, so this is all 2007 and before.
I have never seen such an emotional display from students.
And again, this was over an email about, hey, can we chill out a little bit about Halloween?
I'm sorry?
And they take over.
It's all about taking over and blocking speech.
How dare you say we should be able to have costume parties?
I mean, this is total beyond Jim Jones cult.
Totally posticide.
Okay, so... We stand with our sisters of color.
So I watched this.
This is some white kid.
This is like his fight to show he's battling his coming of age to try to stop free speech.
I'm telling you, look how upset and weird that guy looks.
I've been around these people.
That guy looks like a cult member.
He looks like a zombie.
And I'm sorry I don't just go off looks, but these people all have the same like where they can't walk, they stumble around.
By the way, I don't even charge that guy.
If you did that to cops anywhere else, he'd be charged with resisting arrest.
This is amazing.
I would not have taken him off.
This is absolutely amazing.
I would have just kept him in there and let him keep doing it.
Alright, he goes on.
It gets worse.
I don't have time to play it.
I want to go to the professor.
I'm going to skip this one break to give him more time.
I'll play the Seinfeld clip, but you've got to understand, folks.
The people running this, you notice at every university now, it's basically the same.
This didn't just magically happen.
The Atlantic says, how did it get this way?
Why do they have panic attacks?
If you have a brown paper bag, you know, why do they see racism in the clouds?
It was scientifically done.
I'm going to shut up.
And he's got a lot of points he wants to go over.
He's got an initiative he's going to call for today.
You know, Jan Napolitano heads up a bunch of universities.
How about she resides?
So we're talking about using their own weapons against them.
We have the White House praising the protest.
Again, this is about global social engineers taking everything over.
With one standardized culture that is a plastic corporate culture that can be rewritten within a week.
And then you're given the new received proper terms.
People ask why they're always changing, why it's always getting more extreme.
Because it's scientific.
We're being culturally conquered.
Not that the old mix of culture was perfect, but at least it was cultures.
This is scientific.
I'm gonna shut up now and go to the professor.
You can find his book and work there.
He's taught at the University of California, Davis, for most of his academic career.
He holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in political science, popular culture, studies, and comparative culture.
Hamamoto is the senior ranking professor of the Department of Asian American Studies.
He is a recognized authority on U.S.
media, popular culture, and sexuality, having published extensively in these areas.
Hamamoto is a recipient of the Rockefeller Foundation Research Fellowship at UCLA and is a Fulbright Scholar.
His current project is a volume that outlines the
Good to have you back, my friend.
I just played some of those clips.
Is it cresting, or is it just starting?
Is this the beginning of the Maoist-style Red Terror, or the Soviet, or jack-booted, brown-shirt Nazi bizarreness?
I mean, this is crazy.
It's good to be back, Alex.
Good to be back with you and your audience.
You know, my perceptions and yours square up almost identically.
And I refer to this process as weaponizing the student body.
There's a two-fold meaning in that.
One is that the students are being used as a tool or a weapon against discussion, against dissent, against dissenters, against unpopular.
Actually, I'm a very popular professor, but they're used as a weapon against
Professors such as myself who don't go along with the politically correct orthodoxy.
And the second meaning of weaponization is that these creatures that we're seeing on these YouTube postings, their bodies have been weaponized.
You've talked many times about the sodium fluoride.
That's only part of it.
According to an environmental scientist by the name of Lauren Moray,
These undergraduates are being hit with heavy concerted program doses of EMF.
They're being heavily controlled by social media in general.
That's right, screen time on record, reprograms and brain damages.
It does.
In addition to that, we have been subjected to
Uh, involuntarily, we've been subjected to experiments such as this famous social contagion experiment that was launched by Facebook and their team of behavioral and social scientists wrote a paper on it, a social science paper, an academic paper.
And they were completely unapologetic about it.
So this is, like you're saying, it is a program.
The students are in an electropharmaceutical gulag, and it's no accident that whatever campus you go to, it's the same program, it's the same scenario.
You have these subsets of what you could call the crisis actor that we saw rolled out in Sandy Hook, and now they've been deployed.
Sure, you've got the Soros connected railroad head who's got his son out there triggering and running the whole op, exactly.
So they've got just a few of their operatives, they're then given media attention, they're then the victim, and then they then lead the sheep to slaughter.
That's right.
These are Judas Goats, or the Alpha Goats.
And as you pointed out earlier, there's a certain subset within that, and they're typically aligned with some sort of GLBTQIA agenda, or they come out of gender and sexuality studies.
By the way, they don't even call it women's studies anymore, because part of this agenda is to take us into a post-gender world, a transhumanist post-human world.
They're not freeing us sexually.
That's right.
You're an expert on this.
They are ending our sexual
That's right.
They're going to take us to the next level, as it's said, and that's the level where there is no gender differentiation.
So you see this woman, Melissa Click, who thankfully resigned.
She's a crisis actor.
It's going to be interesting to see if one of your listeners want to track her to see where she shows up, but I'm sure she has a job waiting for her someplace in the university system.
Uh, but it's typically a female, quote-unquote, white assistant professor.
This is what you said here two years ago.
I mean, you've laid this out.
It's a program.
Oh yes, I've had a ringside seat in this neo-Maoist, Pol Pot style Red Guards program that's being run out of Academic Affairs.
And I want to point that out.
And by the way folks, I just got chills.
He's not just saying that.
He went through the Rockefeller program.
This is what they did with the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.
And it's what they did in China.
I mean, it's crazy to see that our government would do this.
Because we know what the next phases are.
And U.S.
intelligence was behind the auto genocide in Cambodia.
And by the way, I teach the children and grandchildren of refugees from these totalitarian regimes.
And that's why they're somewhat resistant to the political correctness that they are being indoctrinated to at the University of California, University of Missouri.
I guess it kind of wakes you up to have your family killed.
So they're at the tipping point, so to speak.
It does.
They're trying to recruit them aggressively through these mind control regimens, again through the Office of Student Affairs and so-called student community centers, where they go to these little enclaves.
Reopen their hurts, their little problems with mommy and daddy, and they take them to these isolated retreats, and then they find people there who can take the program a little bit further, and then if you're really, really sleazy, you get to stay behind to attend the after party.
And then perhaps after that, maybe you get to party with Janet LaPalazano at one of these mansion parties.
Who knows?
It's a cult.
It's a cult.
It's a mind control cult.
It comes right out of the pages of Jonestown, which again apparently was a U.S.
intelligence operation.
He classified.
When it got exposed, they shut it down and had everybody kill themselves.
Absolutely, and several people, including Congressman Leo Ryan, sacrificed their lives in order to expose this dark aspect of our national security university state.
Well, when we put this interview out and write articles about it tomorrow, and again, it's not rhetoric, I say that neurotically because it's true.
A university professor exposes government mind control programs on universities, and that's what it is.
It's so bold that they would, and please keep getting into the facts and the techniques of how they do it, but it's really as bold they try this here, and I guess it's working like a charm, except you're fighting back and many others are now fighting back.
It may backfire on them.
Please keep elaborating.
Well, any number of professors, my colleagues, even at UC Davis, are beginning to man up on this issue.
Sorry for using the sexist language.
I got in trouble for talking to a provost and using that.
No, no, I understand.
We need to do that, not because we're trying to, just showing how everything's programmed.
Please continue.
I'm doing it as a deliberate, provocative gesture, just to antagonize these rats who are spying on me right now.
Yeah, well, first of all, let me establish, I've done some research on Chancellor Linda Katehi, who, by the way, is deducting 25% of my salary for the next five months, and I call here and now for her immediate resignation as Chancellor of the University of California, Davis, because she is engaged in actions that go counter to the Constitution, the U.S.
Constitution, and to the very principles of academic freedom.
So, Linda Katehi, stand down.
And while you're at it, please take the President of the UC System, Janet Napolitano, with you, and Dean Susan Kaiser, who has stationed an emeritus professor in my classes, both of them.
He's attending every single one of my lectures and taking copious notes so that he can pass it to the commissars.
So why don't you three resign?
Leave us alone.
We're going to rebuild the University of California without you.
The people of the state of California, the American people, will prevail on this issue.
And by the way, I've read about you in student writings and other things.
You've got some of the most attended classes.
You head up the department.
They tried to get rid of you.
You're promoting true classical liberalism, and the young men and women love it.
And I'm not putting words in your mouth, but explain to people how successful you've been, because you're Toto pulling back the curtain, showing the man behind the curtain, or the women behind the curtain, that are literally engaged in cultural mind control, because they know these young people aren't going to be able to get jobs now in this economy.
They've got to screw them up mentally, so they're adult and in a cult, and don't know why they have no future.
So, I mean, this is really a sabotage of the American mind and a balkanization.
But specifically, talk about how popular you are.
That's why they're trying to get rid of you.
Well, in all modesty, I was teaching introductory classes of 200 students, and my classes were routinely oversubscribed.
And the university is so sleazy, they put one of these controllers into the departmental chair of my department, and he hired somebody specifically, and then she hired four student snitches, assistants, to empty out my classes.
And she went on social media, Twitter, Facebook, in order to do so.
Now, eventually she got thrown under the bus, and that's a warning to all you snitches out there who think you're going to get over by screwing with people, whether it's me or someone else.
But eventually they're going to roll over on you, so keep that in mind before you attend one of these bogus encampments, these so-called safe spaces, or before you turn your soul over to so-called the Student Community Center.
But she got rolled over and as a result, this new academic year, I'm Mr. Popular again.
My classes are already for the next quarter already are oversubscribed unless they pull some dirty tricks on me.
So, yes, I am the senior ranking professor.
Well, they're definitely scared of you, and that's the point.
You've been through several years of persecution for teaching a class, really giving young people true value on how the education system has been taken over.
This is invaluable.
That's right.
And they understand it, Alex.
These are really super bright, highly motivated young men and women.
And that is why I am so thoroughly invested in their future, because their future is our future.
And I am not submitting to this notion that America and the American economy is dead or dying.
In fact,
My new area of emphasis is building up the new Silk Road economy, as it's called.
Well, I agree with you.
We could turn the economy back on at any time.
They're trying to go into this post-industrial shutdown mode, trying to get them ready for it.
That's why doing what you're doing will help.
Let's get more into the technicals, though, because you've been to the Rockefeller program.
I mean, this is a real operation.
How do they take these young people and get them where they're just hysterical in fear, like Freddy Krueger's coming to get them, when they hear there might be, you know, you're not banning the people from wearing costumes, and then they shriek and scream and
I mean, act like someone just murdered their baby.
This is true mind control.
When you look at these people, they're wild-eyed, they're scared.
I mean, what have they done to these people?
Well, first of all, they have to hire a ethnically correct leader, a vice chancellor, to head the student affairs unit, and that covers everything from athletics to food service to the so-called student community center.
And she, and I say she because it's typically a woman these days, has to be a minority Latina or Asian American or African American.
So she's there, she's in place, and then she staffs the entire operation with people who are sympathetic
To the agenda and the agenda, by the way, comes from the Pentagon comes to the Department of Defense.
It doesn't come from the University of California.
Definitely doesn't come from professors.
And we have a principle of shared governance, which is completely been discarded.
So they have that.
And at the ground level, they have at the student community center, we have a brand new building.
Apparatchiks, correct.
And they have a master's degree, just a graduate degree to administer the 18 and 19 year olds who are looking for, legitimately, a social cause.
They want a better society.
So they role model them.
They put them in.
You know, just like if you want to corrupt an 18-year-old woman to make her a prostitute, you put her in with a, you know, 20-year-old who guides her into it.
They just get them ready to pimp them directly in.
Stay there.
This is inside intel, folks.
Key info.
A whistleblower.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
By the way, the University of Missouri Fox News is now reporting has appointed a new black interim president.
And I could care less if you've got a black football coach or black president, as long as they do a good job.
But this is clearly, you must resign and admit you're racist, and we're giving you a job because you're white.
I mean, it's terrorism.
And it just shows what they can do.
And this is, again, federally globalist directed, where they can make the universities all capitulate and do whatever they want.
Because after they remove 20 or 30 university presidents and chancellors, they're going to say now, you will adopt 100% our program.
You will now carry it out.
U of Missouri names black interim president yesterday.
The governing board of the University of Missouri has selected a black law professor and deputy chancellor emeritus to serve as interim president of the university system.
Multiple media outlets were reporting Thursday.
It'll only get worse now.
It just never stops.
Michael Middleton retired in August after 30 years at the school.
His selection comes three days after Tim Wolfe resigned amid controversy over his handling of a series of racially charged events.
And they're now calling it Yale, a racially charged event, because people freaked out and said ban costume parties.
Get rid of it, I dare you!
Shut up!
Shut up!
Get rid of it!
I mean, it's just crazy.
But it's not when you realize it's weaponized, it's by design.
Professor Darryl Hamamoto is our guest and he heads up the, he's the senior ranking professor in the Department of Asian American Studies.
He began to see this years ago and has now been writing about it and exposing it extensively.
Before we go back to him, ladies and gentlemen,
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And one way you can still vote
is with your dollars and with your support.
That's why it's important to support professors like Professor Darryl Hamamoto, who's been threatened to be fired, had his pay cut, being harassed, to tell the truth.
But I can tell he's more alive than ever, because that's really the sustenance of life is telling the truth.
But when you do spread the word about free speech, when you support true classical liberals, libertarianism, whatever you want to call it,
When we take back the real mantle of renaissance and enlightenment and culture away from these tyrant control freaks and their minions, we begin to turn the tide against this new dark age the system wants to bring in.
Now, I'm done ranting.
I apologize.
I've been ranting.
I'm going to go back to Professor Hamamoto here at trineday.com.
You want to find his publications.
You got cut off getting into how they technician things, how they break it down, how they stable the young people, how they run them through, how they peer pressure them.
And just young people, I mean, it's like even my kids.
They're in school 13, 11, and 7.
Other kids learn how to be mean, and then my kids sometimes want to be mean back.
I try to teach them it doesn't matter, you'll transcend this, you know, live your own life, find the few people you like, get along with them.
It's the same peer pressure cult, and they kind of keep that going into college, into the workforce, everywhere else.
But I've learned if you tell children, but also young adults about this, like you're doing, this is how you're being programmed, this is how you're being socially meant to feel bad if you don't submit to this, and then you feel accepted.
Tribalism, what you naturally need, cultural,
By submitting to this, this is a fake culture, you need to find true culture with real people and free association that does transcend race, religion, region, you know, ethnicity, all this stuff.
Free market of ideas.
So I'm done ranting.
Get into how the technicians operate.
You've got the floor pretty much for the rest of the hour.
I want you to break it down.
Major whistleblower from UC Davis.
Head of the Asian American Studies.
Persecuted for years, telling the truth.
I want you to get back into how they do it, but also I'd like to ask you somewhere in there, how did you begin to wake up?
Was it when they put you through the Rockefeller program?
Or were you always somewhat awake?
And then where do you see this going?
Go ahead.
Well, to answer your last question first, I was, even as a young person, and by the way, they start tracking you in elementary school.
There's a reason why a certain group of kids are always taking these little standardized tests, reading, mathematics, very early on.
Today, the so-called STEM program identifies students in elementary school, and that's one of the reasons why Jerry Seinfeld's daughter came back with that candid response.
About moving back to New York because it's a program and a lot of these students who are trained at UC Davis and other places at the so-called Student Community Center do what's called outreach.
That's a red flag word right there.
Outreach to the elementary schools and to the junior high schools and high schools.
So by the time they come to the university, they've already been primed and they've been pre-selected so far as a leadership track is concerned.
Now, within that, there's a pincer movement between two student constituencies that are being used.
And you can tell by the amount of resources that are being allocated to these areas.
And you can also tell by the identification, for example, Linda Katehi, the chancellor at UC Davis.
She's an engineer by training.
And by the way, she holds 19 patents for antennas.
And antennas are key to this whole EMF regime that's part of the mind control system.
But she has declared herself as part of the Gender and Sexuality Studies, even though she has no academic expertise in the area.
So that's a big area.
It's the GLBTQIA department and programs.
That the so-called student activists are being recruited from.
And those are the people that come into my class most recently, in a sexuality class, that sit in the back, and you showed a video earlier, and they start questioning you aggressively.
They try to sweat you.
They'll wear little fright wigs, little purple wigs, and just all of a sudden, spontaneously, as if they were mind-controlled, which they are, and they'll start spontaneously asking you these questions.
All you have to do is break them down individually, and they begin to crumble.
Another technique I've known is, come up to the front of the stage, here's an open microphone, tell me what you want to see in this class.
And they have nothing.
They have nothing.
By the way, this is a technique that a lot of comedians, stand-up people like Seinfeld will use.
They'll just turn the light on the heckler.
And they don't have anything.
They're just there.
They're there.
They have a program.
So getting back on point, we have the GLBTQ Mafia that's out there and the other mafia is the Children of Illegal Immigrants.
And supposedly underrepresented minorities on campus.
At UC Davis, there is an office in the so-called Student Community Center called AB 540.
That stands for California Assembly Bill 540, the so-called DREAM Act, which hasn't even passed yet.
It's not close to passing, but the University of California has taken it upon itself
Probably from orders from the Pentagon, the DoD, or the Wall Street, the City of London bankers, on orders from them to establish a center to normalize their presence, not just in the university, but in society.
It's not that they care about the children of illegal immigrants, and I have nothing against them personally.
They're wonderful individuals, the students, I know many of them.
But they're going to be used as tools in the future out of gratitude.
They're going to be the people who are in CPS, the social workers, the psychotherapists, the teachers, the people who are helping to bring in this larger globalist agenda.
Sure, the Soviet Union always uses, I mean to interrupt because it's so true what you're saying, I just got to back you up, the Soviet Union, the Nazis, all totalitarians use quote orphans within a 10-year training program are then the shock troops.
They are the Jungend, absolutely.
And you were mentioning that there's an ethnically correct interim president appointed to the University of Missouri.
I call that process whereby administrators and certain faculty, including assistant professors who need to show that they're quote-unquote down with the students in order to get tenure, I call that flat mail.
As in flat catchers.
And this comes from Tom Wolfe.
This is the common strategy.
If you read a classic essay by Tom Wolfe called Mao Mao-ing the Flat Catchers, 1970, he talks about how the so-called liberals with a small L got behind the original Black Panthers and got into this, what he calls, radical chic.
And that's one of the reasons why you're not hearing a lot of professionals
Uh, come forward at this point.
I think they're starting to, but not in large numbers because they're still going.
They're still operating on the basis of what was going on through the 60s and 70s.
They don't realize that this is a really serious Maoist, Pol Pot type takeover using the Jungend as a means, as a tool for the totalitarian takeover.
And the Pol Pot time, I have their children, as I mentioned, of the refugees in my classes.
It's difficult selling them, but if they can get them into the so-called Student Community Center, take them to these retreats, so-called.
And by the way, the other red flag word is leadership.
Leadership retreats.
They take them into a remote location.
To University of California owned or leased property.
They isolate them.
They play these little trust games.
The trainers with the master's degrees and PhD level psychotherapists are there to oversee it.
They are all trained in neurolinguistic programming, the Delphi technique, all these different mind control protocols that come out of the Stanford Research Institute.
Let's remember under the 60s earlier template that sounded reasonable.
Don't tell your kids what to do.
Let them be their own.
Don't be their parents.
They're now looking for parents.
Like young gang members, you know, looking for a father figure and joining the Crips or whatever.
They're now looking for mommy and daddy and they're giving it.
This is so systematic.
That's absolutely correct.
And the court that I'm talking about, their parents typically have their heads screwed on straight.
They're immigrants.
They came to the United States to make a living, to live in freedom and liberty.
So it's really, really difficult.
And also they're family oriented.
The Latinos, Latinas, they come from a society and culture that's wonderful, the parent culture.
So, when they come to the University of California, they have to unlearn all that.
So, they are indoctrinated by this weaponized behavioral science.
I agree.
From what I've seen, it works better on 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th generation whites, I've found, or the absolute worst.
And then blacks feel like they've been wrong, which they were, but that chip is reinstated and then projected onto everybody.
I mean, am I accurate in saying, from your perspective, that whites and blacks are the easiest to get into the brainwashing, or is that wrong?
That is correct, and I would add to that fourth and fifth generation Asian Americans and fourth and fifth generation Latinos and Latinas.
It's a generational drift away from the vitality of the parent culture.
And so that's why it's so important to start reteaching instead of doing this quote-unquote theory in the English Department of History.
Let's read the Nordic tales, the medieval literature, the great works of art, literature, music.
So that we can get this new renaissance into gear here.
And that's where we're heading.
This is where we're heading.
Despite the little petty tyranny.
That's right.
Let's talk about your main mission.
I mean, because that's really this.
I mean, you have a solution.
I've read it.
Your essays, your work.
I mean, you know, because you're an insider, how to beat them.
And the new renaissance is here.
We give them the opportunity that there's a real renaissance and it's about them.
It's game over.
That's right.
First of all, I'm getting my students to start reading.
They don't have to read Dubliners or Ulysses by James Joyce.
Which was purposely made difficult to understand so that you create jobs for professors of literature, but even popular literature like Michael Crichton.
I mean, before he was, well, let's say he died.
Okay, before he expired, he was really, really getting into the heart of this bioweaponization system with his novel Next.
We're good to go.
Fine, but understand the occultic and the social and cultural engineering and the Tavistock connections to these forms of mass mind control.
By the way, one thing I found common to a lot of the current generation of students, and this is true not just with Americans, but I also taught a course this summer for Fulbrighters, and so these are the best and brightest young people from all over the world.
There's one common literary source that they all share, and this is something that
That needs to be looked into by people in the English department or comparative literature.
They've all read Harry Potter.
All the volumes.
These were the kids that stood in line until midnight waiting for the next volume to drop.
They've all read it systematically.
So there's something there.
This could be like the catcher in the rye of the current millennial generation.
It might be one of those Mark David Chapman sugar type deals.
And by the way, everything you say is so backed up.
In fact, I just want to talk about Dr. Nick Baggage, whose, of course, brother was a U.S.
Senator, his father a Congressman.
He's detailed thousands of patents, but hundreds of them on DARPA and antennas.
And I even read articles in the Baltimore Sun on there where DARPA said, you know, at the local universities we're testing systems with wavelengths to soothe the students.
So when you bring that up, I don't know how much you can go into.
It sounds crazy, but we're in 2015.
He says, don't worry about the fluoride in the water, that's bad enough.
That yes, they are in selective areas testing, and we know it's patented for decades, literal wavelengths with frequency pollution.
And then I look at the students that come out and protest us, the Maoists, they have tattoos of Mao on them, black, white, you name it.
When I look at
The student that was attacking the professor, you know, there at Yale at the Free Speech Summit, they can't walk, they're kind of falling down, they look crazy, their eyes don't point the right directions, and I don't go off a book's cover, but when I went out to this pro-life demonstration, and literal people showed up, black, white, you name it, they all looked the same,
Spiritually wise.
They were like, the white people almost had like green skin.
They were all wearing black.
They would stumble into me and like, but they all pulled up like in, you know, brand new black Jaguars and stuff.
Talk about the activist chic.
And then we went and tracked them.
We got a tip.
They're like at the police review boards with the UT professors literally setting up like a communist takeover and admitting it.
I mean, it's just like,
That's who the elite are going to put in charge is like weirdos stumbling around saying they love Satan that can hardly walk?
I mean, there's something going on.
Like, is it spiritual?
Is it chemicals?
What are they doing to these?
I mean, we know about MKUltra and the Unabomber, you know, at Harvard or wherever it was with the CIA MKUltra program.
I mean, he was in that, folks.
That's L.A.
I'm kind of ranting here.
It's just I'm noticing something that they're like zombies.
Have you seen that?
They're EMF zombies.
As I told you before, Chancellor Linda Katehi has 19 unique patents on antenna technology to her name.
It's not an accident that she was put in this position because the University of California Davis also has a close connection, an intimate connection, with
The Los Alamos Nuclear Labs and the Lawrence Livermore.
Edward Teller thought UC Davis was one of his favorite campuses.
So, UC Davis is, and it also has a National Primate Laboratory where they workshop all these different EMG and different types of EMFs.
Sure, I was led into the UT facility while I wanted to get arrested.
I wasn't led into it.
I was allowed to see a camera into it from the psychology department.
Hell on earth!
But you notice that none of the liberals want to stop that.
I mean, there's no discussion about that.
Yeah, welcome to the monkey house.
And it's interesting that you brought up Dr. Nick Begich.
I was going to speak to some of the really early on discoveries or insights that Dr. Begich had, and that was his work on HAARP.
What we're seeing here with students on campus, that crazed look, that Maoist commie look that you have seen in people both on tape and in person, that comes from EMF.
This is HAARP.
This is HAARP in action.
So, ladies and gentlemen, if you think this is the heart project that is just for our enemies, foreign, it's really for the people, the American people, and they're hitting our young people the most.
We know about the psychotropics.
I was going to mention Dr. Peter Bragan's great work on psychotropic drugs.
We know that a large percentage, if not most of the young men and women, are on some form of very powerful hallucinogenic drugs.
They should be taking nutraceuticals, vitamin supplements, and they also should be taking mandatory gym classes.
That's one of my suggestions.
We need to bring back P.E.
of K-12 through middle and high school and also through the college and university so people can start getting... Plus they have no social skills, too!
I mean, are you seeing that?
That's right.
They need to learn how to be true team players, not Maoist, Pol Pot type zombie players.
And so, yeah, it's...
It's definitely HAARP.
I think that's something that needs to be looked at much more closely.
Last academic year, a portable, very, very powerful antenna, portable antenna, showed up and people were talking about then it kind of went away.
But they're experimenting with it.
They're putting in new lighting systems, supposedly smart lighting systems, you name it.
By the way, that's even in the USA Today that it can be used to transmit data back and forth, but also to calm
The police officers in Minnesota, where they put it in first, and they just put out like, you know, like, it's like Rasmussen Poll.
National Poll, should we arrest global warming skeptics?
It's just kind of like, oh, the lights calm the police officers.
I mean, we're not making this up.
It sounds fantastical, but it's all really going on.
I mean, I remember five years ago, six years ago, exposing stingray systems, and they wouldn't admit they were there.
Now everybody's like, oh, of course there's secret cell towers grabbing everything.
I mean, it's just,
I'm telling you, it is a fantastical time to be alive.
As scary as it is, Professor, isn't it exciting that we are conscious and trying to figure this out?
I mean, it's an adventure.
It is an adventure.
I am so glad, happy, honored to be here in 2015, joining in this battle with you and the liberty-loving people in America and around the world to take back our civilization.
And we are going to win because all I have to do is talk to the gang stalkers individually and they melt, they break down, the programming just disappears.
It's not that strong.
Because you've got humanity!
And it's electrical.
They know I'm real.
They know I'm sincere.
They know I don't have an axe to grind or a hidden agenda.
If I did, I would be on Wall Street or something.
When you tell the truth, the eloquent way you do it, expose it and give the sources, they've been looking for the truth.
They're already subconsciously smart.
You're not teaching them anything.
You're just telling them what they already knew but was blinded.
You're just opening the curtains and the light's coming in.
And that's why we are going to win is because
Humanity wants to succeed together to the stars.
It's going to happen.
We've just got to really work hard to try to make this transition period not as destructive as these wicked elites would rather it be.
I'm going to go to break, keep over five minutes.
I think you've probably got to go to finish up, talk about some of your papers, how we keep you at the university, how we get what you're teaching.
In associate programs, maybe to other universities, I know there are a lot of other professors around the country of every race, color, creed, religion, that are also basically saying the same thing you're saying.
This is explosive.
It's dangerous to the elite.
We'll be right back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
By the way,
I wasn't really told not to say this, but it's always best not to talk about really interesting contacts until you can just try to land them as a guest, but usually people don't want to come on as guests.
I've talked about how basically top generals, current, former, media people, you name it, about 95% of the time they don't want to be talked about on air.
But people need to know how many people are aware of what's going on and tuned in to what's happening.
And last night, I got a phone call by who I've got to say is one of the coolest Hollywood actors there is.
And of course, I didn't answer the phone.
I was driving and I called back and they were in an event and then I talked back and forth via text, but I want to try to work on getting him on the show.
I'll just say this.
Give us some money, Lebowski!
I mean, you just cannot beat how many great people are waking up to what's happening.
And they're classical liberals, folks.
And it's scaring the establishment to death.
I mean, most people in the CIA don't want to destroy the country.
Most people, you know, most cops don't want to.
It doesn't matter what color you are, or bureaucrats, or farm workers, or whatever.
And once the cosmology of reality, because we're not telling you what to believe.
We've studied the documents.
Once this whole real universe breaks open,
And people get out of a controlled bubble?
It's over!
All we're doing is pulling the curtain back!
It's exponential, the awakening happening.
My concern, I've only got three minutes left, final word, Professor, is that they're going to start a war with Russia, they're going to do something with China.
The globalists don't want to give up, and they need some cataclysm to keep us in line.
I think they're building all this mind control towards some cataclysm, which they then think we'll all submit under the next level.
I mean, I just think we're at a critical crossroads right now.
Well that's why it's so important to get the information and the analytical framework out ahead of this so that when a stage cataclysm does appear that the American people and the people of the world will not panic and they will not submit to fear and go along with the totalitarian system that they'll try to impose on us, the police state, once they put this stage crisis into motion.
So what you're doing is so vitally important as a bulwark against this.
We're all in this together.
We are.
What about these installed chips on the shoulders?
I don't say this because you're a Japanese-American, but millions or hundreds of thousands of Japanese, multi-generation, loyal people thrown in slave labor, didn't have chips on their shoulders afterwards, per capita, some of the most successful people out there.
It's not that they weren't wrong, it's just they weren't going to let that keep them back.
But it is a cautionary tale of what could happen again in this country.
Oh, it is.
It's happened in our society, in our country, in our nation before.
We've seen it happen in other countries as well.
Don't think that it can't happen here.
America, for all its bedrock values of freedom, liberty, is vulnerable as any other society, especially when you're bringing in large groups of people from societies that are used to multi-generational oppression, totalitarian dictatorships, and LFA systems of control.
That's part of the reason why the handlers are doing this, the AB 540 group over at the Student Affairs.
So what I'm suggesting is that we take the monies that are being funneled into Student Affairs and then reallocate them into foundational courses.
Hire assistant professors like Melissa Klick.
One of the reasons why they are doing this is because they want to get a tenured job so they
The only way they can do it is to ma-ma the administration and giving them a job.
So let's create positions for assistant professors.
Let's get back into the humanities curriculum.
Literature, film, new media, religion, philosophy, music, studio art, industrial design.
And still all they teach is chip on the shoulder and how to be in a group, not to be a free human.
It's the mantra.
Race, class, gender.
Race, class, gender.
Race, class, gender.
Whatever class you take, that is all you hear.
Ladies and gentlemen, that's over.
That's 30, 40 years out of date.
Once I tell my students that that's as out of fashion as Uggs, they abandon it.
They want to do something that's cool.
Well, great job.
Great job.
You're a true trailblazer.
Professor Daryl Hamamoto, we salute you.
Thank you so much.
We'll be back, folks.
Stay with us.
Marco Rubio, the new billionaire boy toy, was left speechless on the fourth GOP debate when Rand Paul called him on his absurd pandering to the military-industrial complex and his attempt to outdo Hillary Clinton with free college.
And yes, I do want to rebuild the American military.
Rebuild the American military?
Seriously, Rubio?
But you know, we spend more on our military than the next ten countries combined.
I know that Rand is a committed isolationist.
From Marco's perspective, if you don't have more than the seven Obama wars going, you're an isolationist.
Perhaps it would be safer if we were involved in ten wars, or maybe even better, picked a fight with Russia, so Rubio's masters could cash in.
Marco, how is it conservative to add a trillion dollar expenditure for the federal government that you're not paying for?
How is it conservative to add a trillion dollars in military expenditures?
You cannot be a conservative if you're going to keep promoting new programs that you're not going to pay for.
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We're good to go.
Alex, I'm telling you.
Don't worry, we're listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right, number two, I'm Larry Nichols, I'm telling you.
One of the few guys with a more gravelly voice than mine.
Former Clinton top insider, handler, when he was governor.
And of course, part of the Clinton Chronicles and so much more exposing what's happening.
Larry says he knows what Republicans will do to Alice Carson and Trump, which will leave the race still in Bush's lap.
And he predicted that they wouldn't get her on the emails, and that so far has happened, but now they're talking about a serious criminal investigation with the FBI.
Larry believes Hillary is now shaping the field on the Republican side and will throw it to Bush.
And then he says he's going to stop Hillary.
We're going to ask him how.
But Bill Clinton's quote, it was in the New York Times saying, who are you scared of?
And he said, Larry Nichols.
So it's always interesting to have Larry Nichols on with us.
Before I go any further though, because this has been ready for a week and I haven't aired it, it's about four or five minutes long and we'll come back and go to Larry Nichols.
I've got all this other news to cover as well.
First off,
I told you there's a globalist takeover run by the big foundations of local government, local police, and state and local universities.
It doesn't mean the cops are perfect, doesn't mean the universities are great.
The point is it's a globalist takeover, and they're manipulating everyone.
And that's what all these little staged events are around the country.
They're just a test for the next big wave.
And the professor we just had on was Rockefeller-trained at the Rockefeller Foundation.
He just turned against him.
He was taught all this stuff.
That's how he knows.
That was a huge whistleblower we just had on.
Larry Nichols was there at the Democratic Party when they were talking about the broken coalition strategy of balkanizing us all to control us so none of us can organize to defeat the New World Order, basically.
So he can tell you from one inside perspective, so can the other professor, that's what this is all about, is getting people to see the game.
People go, well, I know it's a game, but I still am angry.
I want to fight within it.
Well, then you're a chump.
You're no better than a bull running in a red cape and the matador sticks a sword in your heart.
Don't be stupid.
The matador is the issue, not the red cape.
You are not a stupid bull.
Are you?
And look, I know our general audience knows all this better than I. I'm just saying, we got to get the word out to people and we're having an effect, but it's so over the top now.
Will the Yale head have to step down after allowing Halloween parties?
I mean, when will the government start arresting climate deniers?
Rasmussen poll.
I mean, this is all really happening.
They're actually floating.
It's time to start arresting people.
Hi, we're going to arrest you now for your political view.
We're liberal, by the way.
It's serious.
This is a lot better video if you're actually watching it on the radio.
You can watch the free feeds at Infowars.com forward slash radio.
I've lost, I've gone from 280 pounds down to like 230 something, and the biggest supercharger of it all, because I exercised less than I did just a couple of years ago.
I could swim two miles, go jogging, still not lose weight, but once you're doing super metal vitality, survival shield x2, you know, gut flushes with the liver shield, the rest of it, I keep losing weight.
It's amazing.
People can see it right now.
And it's been a long journey doing it, but Infowarslife.com.
Well, my good buddy from high school, Shane Steiner, had the idea.
Let's go out and shoot some video of us.
Barefoot skiing.
And I said, Shane, I can barely ski and I can barely wakeboard.
You know, your nephew's the world champion.
You know, your dad's a world champion bull rider.
Your brother's a world champion steer roper.
You're built like Conan the Barbarian, naturally.
I said, I'm not going to go, you know.
Anthony Gucciardi went.
So even though he wiped out big time on Lake Austin, it's like a month ago we shot this.
We just hadn't put it out yet.
We're not making fun of Anthony at the end of the video.
He had the huevos to get in the arena and do it.
But this is Shane.
You'll see Shane two years ago getting on Supermail.
And that's what he did.
Doing the same stuff.
And now he trains with like the number two middleweight in the UFC.
You name it.
He's never had the motivation to do all this stuff.
And his dad's like, yeah, he never wanted to do the...
I don't think so.
You add something like Supermail Vitality in the mix, it's incredible.
So they wanted to endorse it.
They wanted to talk about it because they're all addicted to it.
I'm going to go to Larry Nichols, but here is the video of the wakesurfing, wakeboarding, barefoot skiing, you name it.
Here it is.
Okay, so two years ago, I found myself on the couch, completely out of shape, overweight, I had no muscle tone.
And I just felt horrible.
And I knew that I needed to make a change, and I needed to start going to the gym and working out.
And I did that.
I would force myself to go to the gym, and it just really wasn't going very well.
That's when my buddy Alex told me to try the Super Male Vitality.
That's what changed everything for me.
Shane Steiner's involvement with InfoWarsLife.com truly happened in an organic way.
I went to high school with Shane, his brother, knew his parents well.
And he was visiting the office once, hadn't been to the office in years, and said, wow, I notice you're making and selling supplements.
Do these really work?
Because I've tried a lot of supplements as a workout enthusiast, and I really think most of them are hype.
I wanted to go to the gym.
I wanted to
Push myself and work out harder and that led to me being able to come out and do stuff like the Barefooting and the surfing and stuff like that, which I would never done.
I never would have done that two years ago Shane has said over and over again more than just libido and energy
It made him want to get into the gym more.
It made him want to get in better shape.
And believe me, the Steiners have amazing genetics.
His brother is a world champion steer wrestler.
His dad, Bobby Steiner, is a famous world champion bull rider.
They've got natural genetics.
But when you added this to the mix, in Shane's own words, it took him to the next level.
Bobby just absolutely loves it.
He wanted to endorse it, so that's why he's in this.
Fair idea.
I give them cases of it now though.
Shane noticed the mental clarity.
Bobby was able to work out longer and gain muscle mass.
He's already completely shredded.
I gotta admit, for me, the biggest effect has been libido.
Now, I've never claimed to have a body like some beach model, but back when I was 20, 22 years old and worked out every day, I looked great.
But over the years, being married, having three kids, working 18 hours a day, I gained basically 100 pounds.
And it's been a long process of losing that weight in the last four years.
But if you look at the photos and the videos,
Of course!
This has actually made me feel so good that here lately, about a year ago, I started training jiu-jitsu and that kind of led to doing some boxing and kickboxing.
I mean, it's amazing that two years ago I was on the couch and couldn't even tie my shoes and now I'm training with MMA fighters and just doing stuff that I never thought that I would be doing ever again.
So, Supermail Vitality has
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Let's take a look at what happened when he tried to barefoot ski for the first time with the Steiners.
And remember, we're not making fun of him.
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And Anthony chalks it up to super male vitality as well.
Bottom line folks, you want to discover the power of super male vitality and super female vitality for yourself by visiting InfoWarsLife.com today or by calling toll free 888-253-3139.
All right, there you go.
A little five-minute infomercial to fund the operation.
Be sure and support our local affiliates as well.
Become a sponsor today if you're a local listener, or support the sponsors.
Tell them why.
Help put up a billboard.
We need to not just fund InfoWars.
You need to fund the local AM and FM stations.
You need to... A lot of our affiliates are longevity dealers.
You need to buy your products there.
I mean, it takes money to fight the globalists.
We're not like NPR.
As I've said thousands of times, it takes $450 million a year in taxpayer money and then begs for money every week and every month, constantly.
And it has Rockefeller Foundation tax-free money on top of it as gravy.
We don't get billions at MSNBC and NBC in stimulus money to give Rachel Maddow and her mustache a raise.
We are funded by you buying the products and we have some sponsorship but you know the way this economy is and you know what radio is like I mean it's been all over the news media is in decline you've got
You know, hundreds of newspapers, 80% decline in circulation last decade.
We are growing in the info war.
It's just funding's hard because of globalism.
So thank you all for supporting us, but support our local AM and FM stations.
Don't take it for granted that we're on over 170 stations.
Tell people right now in a red light or wherever, and I see folks in Austin when you have sandwich boards, tell them to tune in to local stations.
That's good.
Please keep it up.
It's a war.
All right, Larry Nichols for the balance of the hour.
Then Anthony Gucciardi, the barefoot ski master, will be hosting the fourth hour.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Stay with us, because you are the resistance!
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Larry Nichols is our guest.
Clinton State House whistleblower, government insider.
Larry served as political confidant and advisor to Bill Clinton for more than 10 years and helped Bill Clinton get elected and re-elected as governor of Arkansas.
Professor Nichols is unrestrained by political correctness and was specifically mentioned by Bill Clinton in his memoir, LarryNichols.com.
And Larry lost basically everything he had fighting the Clintons.
They didn't kick him out.
He exposed them when their criminal activity got too intense and he had that come-to-Jesus moment, literally.
I'm not going to get into the background of Larry Nichols.
Most folks that are half-informed know who he is.
But he also put out films like how the Tea Party can fight back and win.
He's explained why they're involved in Divide and Conquer.
I want to get into Hillary's next strategy in the next long segment.
And more.
And how he thinks they're going to try to take out Carson and Trump.
But before we do that in this short segment, Larry, I want to thank you for coming on.
Ask how you're doing.
You're on via video Skype.
You look pretty good.
I know you're fighting an illness.
We've been praying for you.
But first off, tell us how you're doing.
And then secondarily,
What do you make of all the takeover of the universities and all this?
I mean, this is all federally run, they admit it.
What is the point of that?
I mean, the Justice Department and the White House already runs everything.
What are they doing?
Well, Alex, first off, let me apologize for the way I look.
I just got here from the hospital just literally minutes before, so forgive me for looking kind of yucky.
I'm going to tell you, everything's on track, Alex.
Everything... A couple odd things that make it
A bit confusing.
Number one, what's going on, Alex?
We're in stage three with Hillary.
In the playbook, stage one is when you're getting in, you go out, you get all the money, take all the money out of the room, so nobody else getting in is going to have it easy to get in.
Also in stage one, you literally take out your opposition.
Anybody that's going to run against you, you scare them out of the race.
Now, stage two,
It's where you have to facilitate Hillary coming in as the underdog, which of course, in this case, stage two, was the emails.
And you said that two months ago, and I kind of didn't roll my eyes, I respect you, but now they literally say, she's back, she's invincible, she's an underdog, exactly what you said.
They're following your playbook you developed for them, as you said.
Exactly, exactly.
That's what I've always told you, this is where it gets tricky.
They know I know what they're going to do next.
They know I know everything they're going to do.
And they know I'm telling it, but they still got to do it.
They still got to do it.
And to the audience, for all that I've done to this country by developing a system that's eating us up.
Pray for your country.
And Alex, I will stop Hillary, but I'll stop her my way, my time.
And it's very important that people understand, because I get it all the time.
Well, if you can stop Hillary, get in and do it now.
Well, if I do, then you're going to sit there and you're going to get something as bad, if not worse, number one.
Number two, we're running real close with Obama staying.
You know, he's dropping hints every day, Alex.
He's getting more bold about wanting to stay.
And I'm telling you, we get rid of Hillary too soon.
And Obama will pull his trick.
Now about these college campuses, I have never been so ashamed of somebody in my life as a college when they succumb to that because now, now that these antagonists have seen it work,
Now they're going to be doing it more.
Every time Black Lives Matter or somebody gets fired up in the least, they're going to use this to resolve it.
Because I'm telling you, to the major colleges, Alex, I don't need to tell you, but to the major colleges, that's big money coming in game day.
It's just ridiculous to see how they're dividing everybody.
It's so cold-blooded, but it's the broken coalition strategy.
Broken coalition.
And it works every time.
You know, that's what I guess people don't understand.
The very first rule of the playbook, Alex, the biggest rule, number one times 10,000, is that no matter what, if something's working, you never change.
That's right.
Never change.
I mean, it's done.
So now, when Hillary got off the playbook when she read against Obama, she got her butt kicked.
And she shouldn't have.
This time, it's the system.
This time, Alex, we're in the beginning of the beginning of the feature match I've always promised you.
Me and the bitch.
Me and Hillary.
And I assure you, she does not like the news I bring.
Well, I can see that you are savoring the fact that you're going to tell us what Phase 3 is.
Straight ahead, Larry Nichols is our guest, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll talk about some of the other films and work he's been engaged in.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Entering the danger zone, Hillary, the titanic goblin attacking America on every front.
Meanwhile, Obama eyes keeping his operatives in power, shooting down Hillary and perhaps bringing in somebody else.
Meanwhile, is Trump for real?
What dirty tricks will they play against him?
We've already seen what's going on with Carson.
Meanwhile, at DrudgeReport.com, college students walk out across the country.
Exactly what we said what happened days ago, when Nichols said what happened.
You see it, the hysteria, updates.
What happened at their colleges?
Well, just everything's racist.
Now they march over debt and free school.
Yeah, you got conned by the over-expensive education, the de-industrialized country.
Now you're in all this debt.
Now you're gonna march for more handouts.
They're not coming.
Just like Europe advertising all these freebies to Africa and the Middle East.
Because the bankers are loaning us our own money back.
It's sick.
And it's a formula.
I want to ask you this question, Larry Nichols, and then I want to ask also briefly, this is important, but I want people to write it down, who you think the best candidate is out there.
And I want to get into her third operation.
The first thing she did, the second, the third you said was coming.
And so far you've been pretty right.
Though Jeb Bush is in deep trouble and is sinking so fast, maybe that'll screw up their plan.
But first off, who do you like in the Republican field?
What do you think about Trump?
I mean, if Donald is straight up, if he's in it, I've got no problem.
I mean, what are we going to do?
We've tried politicians, Alex, and that hasn't worked.
So why not give a businessman a shot?
I think what I'm afraid Donald's going to run into, Trump's going to run into Congress.
That's going to be his enemy, number one.
And if that's not enough to get him, then the Supreme Court will get him.
He's gonna walk in, Alex, if he's for real.
He's gonna walk in, but he's gonna learn real fast that he's not the CEO of a business.
This is Washington, D.C.
government and Italy, Chuck.
What do you think of the other candidates?
What do you think of Cruz, Paul, people like that?
Well, of all the candidates left, the one that's probably okay
I do not know him as Cruz.
But they'll eliminate him.
You see, stage three, Alex, is the phase she's got everything accomplished on her side of the scale.
Now it's time to get the Republican field lined up the way she wants it.
Now, her own push, the thing everybody's got to know, is that the rules to these debates
Are open.
So in other words, the people on the debate have said quite clearly that it's not just poll driven.
They said something last night.
It's also connected to the money in the bank, whether a candidate's got enough money to win.
And of course, Bush has already got Alex the money he would need to run a primary and a general election.
So they just intimidate or have scandals and shut everybody down.
It's like Nixon's climbing over the dead political bodies.
He'll be the last man standing.
So they don't care if nobody likes him.
He's low in the polls.
They'll just force him in.
Won't matter a bit.
Will not matter one bit, Alex.
It's the way the system works.
It's the way it's all put up.
I notice you put your stuff up there on the screen.
Alex, I do need to make one video.
Absolutely, but I was about to get to this point.
You are battling a very serious illness.
You've been a friend of the show.
You're a patriot.
You gave everything fighting the Clintons, and we want to keep you around as long as possible.
You were at the hospital today, so I asked you today to give us your PayPal account for folks that want to support what you're doing.
Uh, NicholsLive at AOL.com.
It does sound like somebody's got a string of tin cans in there banging them around.
Is that your bulldog, Nichols?
That's a bulldog.
Let me go let the bulldog out while you make this happen.
I know, I've got bulldogs.
I know when they want out they start ramming into things and flopping around and slobbering.
It's very cute.
NicholsLive at AOL.com.
See, I know the sound of sniffling bulldogs, folks, at the door.
You need to have a slip, squeezed, kisses.
NicholsLive at AOL.com, ladies and gentlemen.
And don't give them $5, $10, whatever, because, you know, we support people.
We support our affiliates, we support our sponsors, we support our guests when they're battling very serious health issues and are basically barely even able to get on air.
Uh, and so he also has worked with some other groups to put out some DVDs, Breaking Down on the Tea Party, Can Take the Country Back, and some other points as well.
We'll put those up on screen for people.
But again, Larry Nichols is our guest.
Let's fire up the phone system.
I want to get a few calls into Larry Nichols, but quick questions, folks, because I only want to go to a few calls.
That's all we have time for.
I had a Gucciardi coming in with the fourth hour today with a bunch of breaking news.
And then I want to talk about the films you've been putting out, the e-book and other things before you leave us, Larry, at five after.
But before we do that, let's get back into
This Hillary move, phase one, phase two, phase three, recap those, and because you're right, you said Biller is an underdog, say she's Teflon again, and sure enough I saw those headlines last week, about a month and a half after you said that, but still, what about her health?
Drudge has pointed this out, others, she looks like hell.
You say you look bad, you don't look that bad, like out of a western or something.
She looks like she is, I mean, I know Bill's big into drugs and looks like he's pretty sick, but I mean, what's she into?
I don't, Alex, I don't know, but she's starting to look bad.
Very bad.
Now, the health issue that I've checked all the way up, the health issue is not something that's going to knock her out of being able to run.
I'm just telling you, wait a minute.
Oh, let me say this.
Thanks to Beverly.
She just sent $20 PayPal.
Oh, how wonderful.
Thank you, Miss Beverly.
Alex, she's,
It's just so simple.
You know, I mean, this whole election cycle, it's so simple.
The media is hyping it up, Alex, because I don't need to tell you there's a lot of money going around, a lot of advertising money is going to be spent on this presidential race.
And it's huge money and it's huge money to these networks.
And that's why the networks are doing everything they can to make this race interesting.
Now, what we're doing here with you
Is we're telling the truth.
We're telling the truth out.
This thing is going to end up.
And for the first time, Alex, your audience is seeing from the inside how this thing has been rigged throughout the years to where we always get the lesser of two evils.
And then we seem to always get worse.
You know, it just seems to always keep going.
Do you think they're lining up Bush or Hillary then?
They're lining up Hillary.
Now you got to remember when Hillary gets it, here's the whole package.
Hillary gets to be president.
Within six months she makes Bill UN Ambassador.
And then within six months of that, the UN, because what the Clinton Foundation has been pulling on them all these years, within six months the UN will make him Secretary General to the UN.
And that completes the dream that Bill and Hillary have sought.
World government rulers.
And I mean, there's nobody above them.
Remember Alex when I used to tell you the story about Bill and I up on a mountain?
And he'd say, you know what the best government is?
And I'd say, no, what is it?
And he'd say, well, it's when you have like ultra, ultra rich people that you can fit on one hand.
And that's all you got to answer to.
And everybody else is so poor that they're worried about food and shoes and clothes for their kids.
And you know what he'd say?
He'd say, Nick, they don't have any time to mess with politics.
Yeah, and I said, Bill, that's a great government, but it's communism.
He said, who cares what you call it?
So there you go.
That's what we're in the middle of.
Then on the other hand,
And I need not tell y'all, the man Netanyahu was in town.
And according to the billboard, he was here begging, trying to get our relationship stabilized.
That's not at all what he was here doing.
What he was here doing was, uh... Well, I gotta note, Sanglio and Associates.
Thank you.
Larry, I don't know if we can thank them all here on air, but just go ahead.
I just saw that.
Obama wants to turn us into an Islamic caliphate, and the person that turns America into a caliphate, Alex, becomes a winner.
You see?
They win the turkey, big time.
I've never seen it this bad, Alex.
And I have literally fought throughout the years, Alex, to try to avoid this day.
You know, when people ask me, what in the world were you doing in Iraq or Afghanistan, Central America, Africa?
What were you doing in these places?
I was there, Alex, thinking that if we could fight it there, my children and grandchildren would never have to see it here.
And here it is.
Here we are.
And every sickening form of tyranny mixed together in a giant slop pot with a bunch of spoiled rotten people living off the end of America.
What are all these yuppies and trendies and socialists going to do when it all comes crashing down and they're in a giant re-education camp?
The whole country just a giant cesspit.
Do they have any idea how hellish it'll be?
Alex, these people don't know.
I was with the president of El Salvador.
I'm sorry.
I was with his daughter.
She was showing me the border country between Honduras and Nicaragua.
And I said, you know, if they were trying to get us to move our base camps back across into Nicaragua, which would have been a death kiss.
So anyway, I was talking her out of that.
But she made a comment that I've never forgotten.
I said to her, well, these people have to understand.
They're communists over there.
And she said, Mr. Nicol, these campesinos,
They don't care.
It's food.
Just exactly what Bill Clinton said to me.
It's what that lady said.
And it's turned out to be true.
Now we're fighting it here, Alex, and it's one of the most... This is going to become one of the most formidable fights this nation has ever had in the middle of... Well, there's no doubt, because once you make people dumbed down, poor,
They only think today, or this week, that there's no more honor, there's no more long-term, there's no grasp, there's just desperate wild-eyedness, and then the ultra elites just sit back and laugh.
What a crime against humanity.
What a cold-blooded, sickening murder of the Renaissance.
It's a despicable crime.
Alex, if anybody had seen what I've seen over the years, when they come back in the cloakroom after having a vote,
And to see the high fives and everybody grinning and saying, oh, we got them again.
Those idiots.
We did it to them again.
How many times have I sat in the cloakroom and heard that kind of talk?
And I just kind of, even when I was with the dark side, Alex, that sounded a bit wrong.
I mean, it's just wrong.
Well, we've got the best money government money can buy, Alex.
We just don't have the money to buy it.
We, the people, anymore.
That's why it's got to be state rights.
Either we get a state or two to stand up and stand on their own two feet and stop and show that Washington truly has no power except that which we've been running around giving it.
We've got to get that done.
I agree with you.
Here's the problem.
Oklahoma was leading a 20-something state coalition to do that in 94-95.
So, you know what Bill did at the Murrah Building, to then project that onto the state's rights movement, Rush Limbaugh, yourself and many others.
You know, Clinton Chronicles caused this hate to blow up this building.
When they'd done it, you know, we caught them, we know who did it, the names, all of it, eyewitnesses from every angle.
FBI agents have come out, it's all come out, they had to murder people to cover it up.
And that's the problem.
The states are ready to stand up.
What do we do when they blow up federal buildings and blame it on us?
What we're going to do this time is going to be different than the last time.
I think we've got a much smarter, Alex, thanks to you and others, we've got a much smarter population out there.
And we're going to be warning.
We're going to be warning.
You know, that time it just snuck up on everybody.
And people didn't realize that
People just didn't really realize how far the Clintons would go to get what they want.
Let's talk about that and risk our lives further.
I don't care anymore.
I'm just going all the way.
How soon did you know it was obviously an inside job that morning on April 19th?
I guess I really knew, Alex, that something was not right about that job the second I heard and the first things I heard on TV about it.
Because it was clearly already scripted and they were ready.
Yeah, it was just what I didn't know I learned from.
You can learn, Alex.
Of course, you know this.
Watch them, and you can see how they're handling it.
If you're seeing professional scripts, professional speeches, everything in their hands, and everybody coordinated all the way.
It's an ad campaign.
It's planned.
Yeah, that's all it is.
And it was designed to take the focus off of Bill at the time.
And remember, at that time, folks, most of y'all listening too young, but the militias were growing left and right.
That we were concerned back then, as you know Alex, about what we're concerned about today.
But we had militias forming.
And the militias were getting strong and getting stronger.
So what did they have to do?
They had to stop the militias.
They had to demonize them.
So they committed a crime and framed them.
All of a sudden, boom, here goes a building.
There goes the militia.
Let's take some phone calls with Larry Nichols.
These are such dangerous, wicked people.
And they hate us.
They hate our freedom.
They hate us for the passion.
I mean, that's the thing.
They don't want to just rule us.
They want to screw us over.
It's like, you know, a killer wants to grab a kid out of a backyard to torture him.
That's what they want to do.
They don't want to just grab us out of the back of the yard and cook us hamburgers.
They want to grab us out of the back of the yard, chain us down, and rape the hell out of us.
Charlie, in Texas, you're on the air with Larry Nichols.
Go ahead.
Larry, you don't see Trump as some kind of a bringer just to ensure that Hillary gets in?
You know, Charlie, thanks for calling, by the way.
You know, that's where I'm at.
I'm exactly where you are, exactly where Alex is, where we all are.
You know, is Trump the real deal or is he playing the role of Ross Perot?
For those who don't remember Bill Clinton's race against Daddy Bush.
There was no way he was going to win that race.
Daddy Bush, if you'll remember, had an approval rating at that time, Alex.
Yeah, like 90% or something.
Everybody knew it was over, that he was going to get re-elected.
And that was the perfect time to run Bill because that was the whole purpose and intent of his first run, to be honest with everybody, was to get all the womanizing stuff to come out.
And then, when he runs again, the next time, it's old news, nobody'd care.
But old Perot came along.
But Perot came along.
Was Perot a conscious ringer?
Yes, they had made a deal with Perot for Hillary Healthcare.
When Hillary's healthcare got put in place, Perot, he was going to run the computer system, and that was the deal they made.
Of course, for those that don't know, Perot is an intelligence operative.
I don't want to attack him, but did you ever run into him?
While you're talking, I'm gonna... Oh yeah, let me let the dog in before he interrupts the show.
Go ahead, I'll be back.
Perot did stand up against Naftan Gantt, and I want to think he was a good guy, but the facts are... I guess you get to that level, it's just so corrupt.
It's like, why are these elites building such a pile of crap?
Why don't they want to build something good, instead of just take everything over, dumb everybody down, turn us into a bunch of morons, so they can run everything as they're in competition with other intelligences?
We're gonna come back with more calls.
Thank you, Charlie.
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Alright, we're talking to Larry Nichols.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I'll be five minutes into the next hour, and then... Anthony Gutierrez takes over.
We've added the fourth hour for stations that want it.
Let's talk to Stephen in Florida.
You're talking to Clinton insider Larry Nichols.
Stephen, thanks for calling, and then I'll go to Maya and others.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Yeah, hey, good afternoon, Alex, and hey, Larry.
I just wanted to ask, I was wondering, a couple months ago I wrote to you, I sent you a letter, and I sent a poem.
That I wrote using the names of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Each letter in there, that was the first letter of the poem lines.
I was wondering if you got that and what you thought about that.
I remember all of it, but I remember it was lit the way he did it.
He did a good job.
Alright, God bless you Steven.
I'm going to jump.
Let's talk to Maya in Kansas.
You're on the air, Maya, go ahead.
Hi, I'm going to go quick on this.
Black American here, totally uncomfortable.
I don't even want to refer to myself as Republican or Libertarian because everything is so twisted.
I just don't want to be affiliated.
Here's my question.
Yeah, now we've got Donald Trump sitting up here doing the miraculous.
Is it possible that even the Bilderberg Group might have pulled Donald over to the side because they too started recognizing the power that was really taking place within the Clinton dynasty, if you will?
That's right.
Couldn't the elite themselves be sick of the Clintons?
That's another thing that runs a chance of helping us, Alex.
Right now, it's all delicate.
It's incredibly delicate.
And there's a lot going on in Washington that people aren't hearing about or seeing because this is... Alex, I'm going to say this is probably the most turbulent time I have seen.
And I mean, it's really striking home in Washington.
Those guys know that people are fed up.
They're done.
They know that.
But they're trying to figure a new angle to be able to get it all straight back out again.
Now, I'm telling you,
I'm telling you all, this thing that that group did in Missouri, and the action that the state of Missouri did by letting the guy resign, I'm telling you, that sets a precedent that this thing's going to burn now, Alex.
It's going to burn.
And that's what the establishment wants, is more divide and conquer.
Great question, great point, Maya.
Anything else?
Nope, she's gone.
Who's up next in order here, guys?
Alex in Michigan, you're on the air.
Go ahead with Larry Nichols.
Hey, what's going on, you guys?
Good, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
I just wanted to say thanks, Alex, for your business model.
I'm modeling myself after your business model.
Thank you.
My model is fighting tyranny and funding it ourselves and being a free marketer.
Yeah, that's really the way to go, man.
That's the way to go.
Do you have a question for Larry Nichols?
Yeah, I was going to say that the whole thing at the college in Yale and Missouri, I guess, now too, I guarantee it's skull and bones, the Satanist group.
I guarantee that's them running the whole thing.
I appreciate your call.
We know who.
I had a professor on last hour.
It's the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation.
It's a total shake and bake.
I mean, explain how this works, Larry.
Well, what you're seeing now is you're seeing
What has been being laid out, Alex, for years since I was with the Clintons back all the way in 86, not to mention when I was with McClellan, Fulbright, and all of those guys.
This is it.
This is it.
This is the time when all of these different groups in Washington
We're good to go.
And people in Congress, they're all trying to put packages together.
And you got all these foundations that can terrorize the universities that thought they were their friends.
They're piratically hijacking them.
It's just total robbery at every level.
I mean, that's the only order that's there is they put a giant screw job in place.
It's open season on our butts.
Final segment with Larry Nichols.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Look at this headline.
27% of Democrats favor prosecuting global warming foes in a Rasmussen poll.
These aren't Democrats.
These aren't liberals.
These are totalitarian nuts.
Hey Alex.
Hi Larry.
Um, yeah, you guys were talking about a solution for, uh, you know, how to, uh, how to stop this whole thing with the, uh, Clintons and the machine, the Clinton-Bush machine.
And, uh, Larry mentioned the state's rights.
And, uh, Alex, it was Colorado that started it in 1994.
Do me a favor, back off your phone a little bit.
It was Colorado that, uh, did it.
That started that 10th Amendment movement.
Absolutely, and it got a whole bunch of states.
I know it was 20-something by the end, but Oklahoma was about to pass it and really cause the domino effect.
Really was it, boy.
When Charlie T. went in there, and he said, let's do it, they blew that building up just as sure as I'm talking to you.
You know, and it was Clinton and that whole group that are in power now.
So, my question for Larrick,
Larry, good talking to you again.
I haven't talked to you, well, I talked to you the other day, but not in 20 years.
And I'm glad to see that you're getting well.
And if I had some money, brother, you'd be, you'd be, well, you'd be like Shane Steiner.
We're almost out of time.
This is JT Coyote.
He's been calling for 20 years.
What's your question for Larry?
We're almost out of time.
The question for Larry is this.
Given what you know, and the playbook, and where we are.
How do we stop Hillary?
Same thing you said earlier.
How do you stop Hillary?
There is something, Alex, that you will have one of these days pretty soon.
I don't think you'll be thanking me for it.
Yeah, please don't tell them you're sending me something that'll bring down the Clintons.
Please just put it out publicly yourself.
Don't give me a hand grenade.
But anyway, what happens, they moved that body, Alex.
Whether he killed himself or somebody killed him, that's not an area now that I look at.
What I look at is I can prove they moved that body.
Okay, so you think the ghost of Vince Foster can come back and haunt them?
No, I know it will.
And they know it will as well.
That's why they don't want me doing what I'm doing.
Thing people need to know about the death of Vince Foster, it was ruled a suicide at the time, but it's still carried as a murder.
Any homicide, so there's no statute of limitations on any, I repeat, on any aspect of that case.
Now, the feature match between Hillary and I was predicated off a couple of things.
The first being, what you know, Alex, who do you call?
I mean, if I had a picture
Of Hillary shooting Vince Foster with a gun.
If I had that on videotape, we'd run into the problem of this power syndrome that's in Washington now.
Who you gonna call to get them to go after Hillary?
Now you'd say, well, Obama appointed this new lady with the FBI.
Well, I doubt very seriously she's even confirmed before the election she might.
I could be wrong about that, but
She's not going to do anything to Hillary.
All of the stuff everybody hears about the emails, forget it, please.
It comes down to this, Alex, and this and this alone.
If they try to prosecute Hillary, her defense attorney is going to say, Your Honor, we need to have all of the emails so that we can make our case, and it's going to make some of them go public that are classified and top secret.
And they point out it's classified so they can't release it, so you can't use it as evidence if you can't use it as the defense.
Larry, we'll talk to you again soon.
We're praying for you.
I hope you're getting better.
And have a good weekend coming up.
Folks, other callers, you'll probably be able to get to anything you are sure you want.
A lot of breaking news coming up.
Do you know what it means to be an American?
It's more than a flag.
It's more than knowing the star-spangled banner.
It's knowing the Constitution.
It's understanding those rights and fighting for them.
Our country is falling apart because people have forgotten to fight.
To stand up in the face of tyranny and do the right thing.
It's putting your life on the line to protect your country.
We're good to go.
I'm Joe Biggs with Infowars.com, and I believe our flag is more than cloth and ink.
It is a symbol that stands for liberty and freedom.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
From Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I am Anthony Gucciardi.
I will be your host for the rest of the hour in overdrive.
We're going to open back up the phone lines and we're going to cover a really good stack of news that I found through some of the dark places of the internet that you've probably not heard about today.
Some of these headlines include media graveyard, Delhi newspapers down nearly 80%, hard news in danger, cable companies are so scared of Netflix they've actually started showing fewer ads, they're dropping their ads by 50% because they're afraid of the growing media empire system, including alternative media.
Facebook gets fined $268,000 per day for tracking non-users in Belgium.
There's now a black-only healing space in Missouri that white people are not allowed to enter, which is actual racism.
What the TPP will do to the internet, what the World Health Organization chief is warning about with the TPP, and a lot more.
So we're going to get to your calls and cover a ton of news and break down a lot of really, really interesting stuff that affects you on a daily basis.
First, what I wanted to do is I wanted to go to this special report by John Bowne about how smart TVs are now made to spy on you.
This is something that you've heard Alex talk about before, years and years ago.
And it was called a true conspiracy theory.
I mean, it was just attacked at the idea that your TV would be watching you.
But of course, now it's come to pass.
It's recording everything you do.
It's monitoring what you do.
And here's John Bowne's report on smart TVs watching you back.
Smart TV, meet your stupid consumer.
Irvine, California-based Vizio is churning out spy state televisions loaded with Vizio's Smart Interactivity Program to its 10 million and counting customers.
A default program that follows your viewing habits and spins a web of data connected to your smartphone and any other device linked to your IP address.
ProPublica reports IP addresses can increasingly be linked to individuals.
Data Broker Experian, for instance, offers a data enrichment service that provides hundreds of attributes such as age, profession, and wealth indicators tied to a particular IP address.
Vizio recently updated its privacy policy to say it has begun providing data about customers' viewing habits to companies that may combine this information with other information about devices associated with that IP address.
The company does not promise to encrypt IP addresses before sharing them.
Of course, there are laws against this very overreach of Big Brother.
Code Title 47, Chapter 5, Protection of Subscriber Privacy, and U.S.
Code Title 18, Chapter 121, Wrongful Disclosure of Videotape Rental or Sale Records, not to mention the Video Privacy Protection Act.
But Vizio arrogantly declares those laws don't apply to them.
Vizio vaguely claims IP addresses contain data rather than a person's identity.
But that is the very nature of this surveillance beast.
An IP address identification system increasingly used to build a profile of a person according to their viewing habits is a system already regarded as a breach of individual privacy in Europe.
But Vizio reaffirms that the Rat in a Cage technology is all in the name of advertising.
According to Vizio, the company's data mining programs are part of a revolutionary shift across all screens that brings measurability, relevancy, and personalization to the consumer like never before.
Again, personalization.
The surveillance state is tracking us in our homes.
All of the new washing machines, dryers, computers, iPhones, have cameras that are two-way, have audio that's two-way, and they admit they're tracking you.
There is a report out of Wired Magazine with public statements by Petraeus, now the head of the CIA, that they are watching everybody through their appliances without warrants and they'll do whatever they want.
And you're not a suspect, you're a person of interest.
What, because we exposed that you run Al-Qaeda?
You mean stuff like that?
So these people are just going into a new phase of flaunting it all in our face.
Spying on us through our cable boxes and televisions, monitoring and determining our energy usage, the surveillance state is so completely out of control in its widespread violation of our Fourth Amendment rights, billion-dollar surveillance blimps are having to be shotgunned out of the sky by law enforcement.
Vizio is playing with fire.
All it's going to take is one of their 10 million customers' identities to be positively profiled, and the first domino will fall.
There is a signal broadcast every second of every day through our television sets.
Even when the set is turned off, our impulses are being redirected.
We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep.
The poor and the underclass are growing.
Racial justice and human rights are non-existent.
They have created a repressive society and we are their unwitting accomplices.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com
That's right, the surveillance state is here and something that you've heard about for years and was deemed a conspiracy theory has now come true.
I'm going to take it a step further and talk about this report, which is from Disrupt.
Facebook faces fines of $268,000 per day for tracking non-users in Belgium.
Facebook is facing fines of $260,000 a day.
Unless it alters the operation of tracking cookies in Belgium after a data protection court ruling, Facebook has said it will be appealing.
The court action dates back to June when the country's data protection watchdog filed a civil suit against Facebook following a highly cited critical report of Facebook's data protection practices, which the Belgian DPA Commission following updates to Facebook's privacy policy at the start of the year.
And basically what...
I understand this to be is that when fate when you are not even logged in but basically have logged in to Facebook at any point it puts cookies into your browser and everything you do it can use to track you for third-party marketing purposes of course they sell your data to third-party marketers and then they hit you with advertisements that are relevant to what you've been looking at and Belgium says this is unacceptable and it is because obviously they're
Taking your personal data and selling it for profit without your permission.
But you do actually agree to it just because you decided to agree to the 300 page privacy policy that none of us actually read.
It's like the common knowledge now when you get a new app on your phone.
And it says, well, OK, in order to use this app, you have to agree to the 50 page privacy policy.
No one actually reads it.
And you'd need a degree and about 30 years of your life to read all the privacy policies you agree to.
But in there, it says we take all of your data and we sell it for our own benefit and share it with our partners, our content partners, to give you a better advertising experience.
So the security
Protocols in there are a complete joke, and the surveillance state is already here.
But, it kind of reminds me of these stories as well from The Examiner.
Media graveyard, daily newspapers down, nearly 80% hard news in danger.
And, I want to read this article for you, but what has happened is the mainstream news for so long kind of called us crazy, anyone being us, that would speak against the surveillance state, even any individuals.
And they said, well, if you would dare to speak against that, you're crazy, you're a conspiracy theorist, and so on.
And that's just one sector that the mainstream media has completely arrogantly been incorrect, or at least covered up on.
So people are going away in droves from these groups.
And this story goes on to say, hard news faces the same kind of extinction as newspapers and magazines, the result of a dramatic death spiral of reporting jobs and ads and the rise of the type of opinion journalism popular two and three centuries ago, according to a new report.
Hard news is in danger, said a new report from the Brookings Institute.
The report detailed a fall off in advertising revenues and employment and raised the question that without editorial employees filtering the news, credibility will be undermined.
These trends have left many people wondering who will collect hard news for the general public, while the internet world has made it possible for everyone to express their opinion widely, whether they know anything or not.
You like how it throws that in there?
Whether they know anything or not, yes, we cannot trust the Internet.
What an old-school concept of, you can't believe everything you read on the Internet, right?
Remember back in the day when you would watch television shows and the nightly news and they would say, well, the story here from the Internet, but you can't believe everything you read on that dang Internet.
Come on, the Internet is the media.
The Internet is the new system.
The Internet is it.
Not newspapers.
The internet is the media, and you are the media, and you have just as much value as the megacorporation that spends $65 million on PR, and the internet is the great divider.
You know, whether they know anything or not, it has also confused readers.
The internet has confused readers.
In the absence of supposedly neutral intermediaries such as reporters, fact-checkers, and editors, readers are having a hard time judging the credibility of what they read.
That dang internet, man.
Filling in hard news gaps appears to be more opinion journalism.
Here's what this really means.
Man, remember the good old days when the corporate news completely controlled the narrative and the paradigm as a whole?
That internet really messed that up for people because anyone can be a reporter.
Anyone can put out a YouTube video with their iPhone and get 50 million views and it's been done with their dang opinions.
But it's confusing people, guys.
You're not allowed to have opinions.
It's supposed to be corporate-controlled news.
Don't you understand?
It's messing up the narrative.
Truth is, this is the biggest success, I think, in human history in terms of the distribution of content.
Because of course there's the kook stuff out there, there's the absolutely insane stuff that people can make up and throw on some website that lets anyone be a content creator, but at the same time, the corporate news structure no longer controls what you are going to believe because of the fact that you have the power to upload directly to YouTube.
And I don't know how many times I've seen crappy-looking YouTube videos, selfie-shot phone videos, not even from an iPhone, from like a $50 crappy phone, uploaded to YouTube of some guy just talking, speaking his mind, and it gets millions and millions of views because it's about the idea, it's about the message, not about the corporate news spending millions and millions of dollars.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
We'll be right back with more news, analysis, and special reports.
This is the Alex Jones Show, fourth hour of Overdrive.
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Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
We're going to be taking your calls on any topic.
Call in at 1-800-259-9231.
But first, I wanted to play a video for you featuring Dr. Group and Alex talking about the new product at Infowarslife.com, Living Defense, the Harmful Organism Cleanser.
Let's check it out.
Dr. Group joins us for the Balance of the Salary to talk about solutions.
We have them up every couple weeks.
We have been trying to launch this for the last year.
We got all of the organic ingredients to do it.
And we've come up with a new Living Defense Harmful Organism Cleansing Dietary Supplement.
And it is extremely affordable.
It is brimming with the capsules.
And the way I read the facts,
This could do a cleanse for really a family of four or five people.
Dr. Group, let's just get into the product now and then into parasites themselves, what folks really want to hear about in the next segment.
But thank you for developing this for Infowarslife.com.
Tell us about Living Defense and why it's so special.
Well, it's really special because it's part of the problem that we're dealing with today.
When the earth becomes sick, and the earth's soils become acidic, and the internal bodies become acidic because of all the toxic food in the air, and the beverages that people are consuming, it sets up an environment that's ripe for harmful organisms to live, either on the earth
That's why a lot of the plants are infested with harmful organisms or inside the body.
And years ago, we linked every single disease process to an overgrowth of organisms in the body.
And when people hear the word parasite, which the FDA does not like us to use, they actually came down on us and made us take the word parasite off everywhere because we were exposing
Uh, what the globalists have been doing, spreading these parasites and creating this environment, which is great for them to live in for years and years and years because they know they drain us of energy, they make us sick.
So, we had to actually change the word parasite to harmful organism.
And when we talk about harmful organisms, it's the definition, actually, the medical definition of parasite is any harmful organism that lives off of a host mechanism.
Most people just think parasites are worms, but harmful organisms are bacteria, viruses that you can get through flu shots.
Funguses, yeast, we literally have an epidemic going on right now with molds and fungus and yeast living in everybody's body.
This is something when I heard about over a decade ago I didn't really believe.
I did one of these cleanses or invasive
Organism or harmful organism cleanses.
It really hurt a lot, but it did do a lot.
With this, this was not painful like some other cleanses I've done.
The product is available at InfoWarsLife.com.
I've always read and heard that just one of the ingredients, black walnuts, you know, is really good at flushing parasites.
And that, you know, animals out in the fields eat them and stuff to naturally do this.
We do cleanses on our dogs, our cats, our horses, our cows.
Why not us?
Well, because they don't want you to know about that you need to do a parasite or a harmful organism cleanse.
That's the thing.
It's so secretive.
And when we were doing our research into the root cause of every single disease, there's been plenty of proof.
A lot of it's been burned and gotten rid of over the years that
The majority of diseases are caused by some sort of overgrowth of harmful organisms in the body.
As a matter of fact, the World Health Organization came out a couple years ago and said 3.5 billion people are infested with intestinal parasites and worms.
So, the problem that we found is if you, with cancer patients for example, we found over a trillion microorganisms harmful in each person's body.
We calculated that out.
And other scientists have as well.
Well, if you have a trillion harmful organisms in your body, they all take your nutrients and feed off of you, and then they have to go to the bathroom.
And that's where the real problem comes in.
First of all, they steal all the good stuff from you, and then second of all, they process it, and then they go to the bathroom inside your system.
So we turn into portable porta-potties.
You do, because they secrete formaldehyde, isopropyl alcohol, phenol,
Very toxic substances that are also endocrine-disrupting chemicals and alter the hormone levels in your body as well.
The statistics are clear.
9 out of 10 people are infested with harmful organisms like parasites.
Parasites can be transmitted by people, pets, food, the environment, and so many other sources.
Once parasites have made it inside your body, they steal your nutrients and release toxic waste.
They use the bathroom inside of you.
It's time to start eliminating toxic and harmful organisms from your body.
Introducing Living Defense, the new harmful organism cleanser by InfoWarsLife.com.
Living Defense uses wild-crafted organic herbs to help naturally cleanse harmful organisms from the body.
We are expected to sell out of this very, very quickly.
This is our limited first-time run.
So visit InfoWarsLife.com today to try Living Defense today while supplies last.
That's right, you can get Living Defense, the harmful organism cleanser that is truly amazing at InfoWarsLife.com.
We'll be right back with more news and taking your calls.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show Overdrive.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
We're gonna go to some of your calls here.
And, you know, when I said I wanted to open the phone lines, they instantly lit up.
And pretty much everyone wants to talk about the PC, the politically correct culture.
Which, in my opinion, is one of the most sick...
Cultures of domination and control that we've really ever experienced.
And it reminds me of this headline that I want to talk about.
Mizzou protesters segregate by race.
White students asked to leave black only healing space.
The focus groups were intended to create a quote black only healing space.
This is from Daily Caller.
In an ironic development, to say the least, protesters at the University of Missouri segregated themselves by race Wednesday night, having white students leave a gathering in order to create a black-only healing space.
Supporters of the group Concerned Students 1950, which has spearheaded the protest movement at MU, assembled at the school's student center Wednesday night for a meeting after a planned protest march was canceled due to bad weather.
According to an activist, the white students were asked to leave.
And there's photos of them in their black-only healing space.
Now, you don't have to have me tell you that this is racist, obviously.
This is true segregation.
This is reducing our human consciousness to the lowest common denominator.
It is pure mental illness.
That is promoted by some politically correct, so-called politically correct proponents.
And you know, I've already offered the solution to fix the politically correct culture.
I have the solution.
If we would just listen, it would be fixed tomorrow.
And that is that every single one of us needs to go back to kindergarten and learn the most basic levels of human functioning.
Human empathy,
Human morals.
Just the most basic stuff, right?
Maybe we shouldn't judge each other by the color of our skin.
Even when they feel like others are judging them, maybe they shouldn't judge others by the color of their skin, by having a black-only healing space.
When does it end?
The answer is it does not, because political correctness has now been used as a tool of control.
And once people that have never had control before, or any form of power, get a little taste, they like to go over and over and over again and get addicted to that form of power.
And I'll give you an example on how this power works.
The other night I was out to dinner, and I make jokes, right?
I make funny, sarcastic jokes.
And I had made a joke about a pig or something like that.
Some animal.
And this girl said, how dare you make a joke about animal cruelty?
Now, let's be clear, I love animals.
I actually support non-profits that help animals and help them not be slaughtered and killed, pets like dogs and cats and things.
I'm a huge animal welfare proponent in the right reasonable ways, right?
But this woman literally started tearing up, how dare you make an animal cruelty joke?
You are evil, you know, how dare you?
I said something like slaughtered like a pig or something.
And she was...
Physically crying, tearing up.
And what happened in that moment was everyone around me then looked at her and looked at me because she would overreact to something like that.
She now has, she thought she had power in the interaction.
Just like political correctness.
Let's say, you know, I'm sitting around with a group of friends or you're sitting around with a group of friends and you make a joke.
And it's not racist at all, but they say, oh my goodness, that is racist, sir!
That is racist!
It is racist to do anything.
That gives them, if you're weak enough to go for it, a form of control and power over you that they would have never had.
I mean, look at some of the largest celebrities out there.
What brings them to their knees?
I don't
Please, as the samurai takes his sword to my neck, right?
Please forgive me!
I'll do anything, and then they have complete control over me.
And they can make me do whatever I want.
But instead, knowing the politically correct system, you say, no, that's absolutely ridiculous.
I'm sorry that was offensive to you, but it was not racist, it was not over the line whatsoever.
Get a sense of humor, or grow some type of a spine.
You don't need to take your power from me using the politically correct dogmatic BS.
And when you do that, they freak out and they don't know what to do.
But they will try to control you with the PC agenda over and over and over again, and that's how the media tries to control the narrative.
Let's talk to some people about this.
Let's go to Steve in Virginia.
He wants to talk about the PC culture.
Steve, what's on your mind?
Hey, Anthony.
First time caller.
Do I sound alright?
You sound great.
Congratulations as well.
Alright, well, I'm 21, living in Virginia now.
I grew up here.
I wanted to give you my political correctness story about when I was in Ohio.
I just graduated from a university in northwestern Ohio where you go to be a mechanic, but if you want an actual college degree, you have to take propaganda classes.
And particularly the one I'm focusing on is diversity in organizations.
First, I'd just like to say I agree with Alex's views on political correctness.
It's a superimposed mental illness.
And it teaches people to look for what could hypothetically be racist, not any actual problems.
Yeah, it helps people get offended by things that should not offend them in any way.
It creates issues out of nothing.
And creates turmoil among friends, family, and complete strangers when there should not be any whatsoever.
But anyway, sorry, go ahead.
You teach, you talk about current issues in that class, but everything is boiled down to race, sex, age, you know, where you're from, all of that.
And, you know, all the numbers are cooked.
They just want you to get into thinking about everything, you know, along the lines of race or sex or whatever.
And, you know, the teacher who taught it was a former juvenile prosecutor, you know, a portly white woman.
With all the politically correct views.
So what happened in the class?
What is it that stuck with you that happened in this class?
So this is what stuck.
In a town of about 40,000, most of the people are white, most of the people at the college are white.
It's not a melting pot there, it's in Ohio.
A class with 30 students, one of them a black guy.
The rest of them are all white.
One of them's a woman.
And she started telling us about white privilege and how we're all inherently better off or well-to-do just because we're white.
And, you know, there are some successes out there.
We weren't going to buy it.
We were all in that together and we're all broke.
Pretty much the entire class is white being told that we're inherently better off because of white privilege.
Yeah, I'll tell you what's racist is the idea of white privilege is racist because it's acting like it is the most offensive thing.
My black friends agree this is the most offensive thing to black people to act like the white privilege thing is something we need to talk about.
I mean, just listen to the arrogance of these statements.
Well, as a white person, you're just better off and most likely to be more successful.
Quite frankly, you should understand that black people cannot be as successful as you, on average.
Because you are a white... What?
That is racist!
Come on, we all have an equal playing field.
Of course there's episodes of racism and discrimination that exist, but to go ahead and bring it to the forefront?
Oh, hello, you are born into this world.
By the way, you do not have a privilege.
You see, this white child over there will most likely be more successful than you.
That's the most racist crap I've ever heard in my entire life.
How about forget everything else?
You are on the same playing field.
You have the ability to dominate as much as you want.
You can help as many people as you want.
I don't think there's white privilege involved with uploading a video to YouTube and getting 20 million views.
It's ridiculous.
It's stupid.
I'll tell you what there is.
There is a system that conforms us to this one idea, this monoconcept of success, which is go to school, go to college, get a career.
I don't
You know, some people out there don't have specialties in that area.
Maybe they're an amazing painter, or maybe they're a musician.
This idea of privilege also comes from this failed concept of a linear transgression in life, where we all must do the same thing and go to college.
And if you offend anyone, you are bad, and you will abide by the system, and the system makes your rules.
And that's how it controls you.
But I'm not in the system.
I'm escaping the system.
I'm done with the system.
And that's how we get past political correctness.
Let's talk to Stigma, thank you for your call Steve, in Florida on the PC culture as well.
What's on your mind?
Well listen, I've got actually a lot of experience in this.
I've been fighting these guys since 82, back in the Gorbachev days, when Deng Xiaoping was in China.
The Canadian Socialists and the CND, which is the Center for Nuclear Disarmament, and the World Zionist Congress, they would almost every weekend, either in Windsor or Lansing or Ann Arbor, I'm from Michigan originally, they would all, you know, meet there to do their thing.
And we would show up, and unfortunately Alex compared, you know, what they're doing to the brown shirts, but it's the same tactics.
You would show up there to
Denounce their message and protest against them and they would instantly start screaming Nazi, racist, KKK.
And then everybody's down on you.
And then the cops are trying to drag you out.
So the best way to do it is just like the brown shirts.
Just roll up, get out, do your thing, and it's done.
I'm telling you, it wasn't two months and those rallies went from about, I don't know, 2,500 people down to three or 400.
You know, violence isn't really acceptable today.
I understand that.
I'm not advocating it.
But it is a tool in your toolbox.
I mean... Well, you know, I'm not advocating any form of violence, and I will say, there is a boiling point that is going to be reached with the PC agenda, though.
Because, not in the form of violence, but in the form of ideological wildfire.
Because you have headlines like this one.
Fourth grader threatened with sexual harassment for writing love letter.
Psychologist said kids need to be educated about boundaries.
Basically, this kid
Went in and gave this girl, he's in fourth grade, a nine-year-old child, gave this girl a little love note, and it says, you know, your eyes sparkle like diamonds, you're pretty, and I like you.
Oh my god!
Gave this girl a love letter, and it's cute, oh I like you, your eyes sparkle like diamonds, you're really pretty.
What fourth grade girl wouldn't want to get that?
Well, he was reported to the principal.
For potentially sexual harassment.
A love letter from a fourth grader.
But, okay, that's crazy enough.
And you think, well, that's just a crazy incident.
You know, they're too PC.
It sounds like South Park, actually.
Maybe if you've seen the South Park episode about political correctness, maybe the PC principal actually works at this school.
The PC principal might actually be the one at this school.
But he says that the nine-year-old might be guilty of sexually harassing the girl.
And then one of the psychologists said
Yeah, you need to teach your son boundaries and if it happens again you might be charged with sexual harassment.
This is mental illness.
Melissa Harris Perry, if that's how you say her name, is also mentally ill.
When she said being a hard worker is racist because someone on her program said, you know, Marco Rubio, not even about him, by the way, is a hard worker.
And she goes, well, you need to think about that statement because only slaves that picked cottons were hard workers.
What does that even mean?
This is complete mental illness.
It's like latching on to anything that could give them value, because they're just value leeching losers.
All these people that obsess about the PC cultures are complete losers, unfortunately.
And it's sad.
It's sad.
It's really, really sad.
But they're complete losers with no value in their life, and they can't actually embody passion to help other people.
Like, I'm in passion right now because I want to end this.
And I actually want to help other people and get past the BS that no one cares about anymore, this stupid PC culture.
Actually get on to helping people and enhancing their lives and overcoming their issues and taking back their country and getting rid of the corrupt bankers that ruin them and completely loot everything and the payday loan centers that make billions of dollars.
And I've told you stories where some people, the executives from there, are throwing $300,000 down on the blackjack table or roulette or whatever it was.
Losing it all, not caring?
That's the kind of stuff we should care about.
But these people, see, they don't care about any of that, because they don't have passion in their hearts for the human spirit.
Instead, they want to feel some type of passion, so they latch on to this ideology of political correctness, like Melissa Harris Perry.
You are racist.
And this child, this child needs to learn about boundaries.
He's not allowed to speak to another human being.
It's going to get to the point where you're not even allowed to speak to another human being or it's not politically correct because you need to respect their boundaries.
It could be, it could be a trigger warning for you to speak to these people.
You need to, there's a circle, there's a circle of boundaries around you and if you speak to another person, oh my God,
You just might be sentenced to death.
But to be serious for a second, what's happening is with these stupid headlines.
Fourth grader threatened with sexual harassment for writing love letter.
Stupid events that we have to cover.
Is there going to be a boiling point where people are sick of it, and they're sick of it right now, but I mean they're going to be really sick of it.
And it's going to turn to the point where about 1% of people actually still believe in the PC reality.
And shows like South Park are helping crumble this, by the way.
Doing a great job showing the ridiculousness of political correctness.
It's already pretty low, I think.
It's a small minority that really, really cling to these PC ideologies.
But in due time, there will be the opposition to political correctness that completely wipes it out.
I don't mean violently or anything like that.
I don't mean a war.
I just mean people will ideologically be diametrically opposed to it, and it will cease to have any form of control in the media.
Because if the media clings to it, they will just completely lose viewership, as they already are.
But I mean, they will die.
Let's talk to one more caller on PC Culture.
Sherry, in closing, what are your views?
Well, I think it's important to correlate how the children are acting on college campuses.
They're the first generation to graduate from Head Start, where the children are given over to public education at the age of three or four.
Yeah, that's a good point as well.
So what she's saying is, you know, what's happening in Missouri, the children are entered into school programs at an earlier age and obviously the system protocols are set up to teach, you know, PC culture and all that kind of stuff.
Now, what's interesting to me is that I hope that we don't lose focus.
I mean, I'm a pretty young person myself from the so-called newer generations, right?
Um, but the reality is, it's not about the age, it's not about the generations, it's about some people buying into the system and thinking it gives them power, and some people realizing it doesn't.
And my job, everyone's job, is to help them realize the system does not give them power, they give themselves power, and they have the power within themselves to do whatever it is they want to do, not by biting into the PC culture, you're not part of a gang, you're not part of a cool system, you're being played.
I'm Anthony Guicciardi, this is the Alex Jones Show, fourth hour of Overdrive.
We'll be right back with more news and more calls.
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Welcome back to the 4th Hour.
It's Anthony Gucciardi on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm actually joined by Rob Dew, who's going to be hosting the Nightly News on InfoWars tonight.
And he's going to give us a preview as well.
We're going to take some more of your phone calls, probably one or two more before the end of the show.
And Alex will be back tomorrow from 11am to 2pm Central.
But Rob, what is coming up tonight?
You're hosting InfoWars Nightly News.
That's right.
And I don't do it a lot, but every once in a while, you know, I need to step in and get stuff done.
We sent Jakari to Missouri to see what's going on there.
And they actually came back last night.
They have a report that will be premiering on the Nightly News.
And it will feature, I guess, Kit Daniel made a prediction in a report saying probably some 19-year-old kid who called in this KKK threat.
That's right.
They kind of combine holistic medicine with studying what the Russians did with health by sending people out into space.
The rocket, they call it space medicine.
And how they were looking at the human body and the voltages coming out of the body for different things and just designing medical protocols to help people go out into space and come back and not be, you know, when they cart our astronauts off, you know, after they go out into space, they bring them out in stretchers because they can't walk.
Well, Russian astronauts would come off of these missions and do handstands.
Okay, so he took those and kind of combined them with some other things.
We'll see if this is an interesting interview or not.
It's going to be a two-parter, and we're going to have a translator on it, so who knows what it's going to be.
So tune in tonight.
It should be some really interesting information.
Definitely sounds interesting.
You were explaining to me, and I think there is a lot of powerful science behind the Russian experiments with the space technologies and everything like that.
Interesting crossover, and we lost that information because we never want to deal with the Russians or talk to them or anything.
Well, let's hit one more caller.
Let's go to Susan in Georgia.
What's on your mind, Susan?
Hey, hey.
How are you?
Yeah, I just wanted to say a couple things about this, all this talk about political correctness, all this going overboard about things.
And it's just taking up so much of our time and attention when, you know, we just got to be careful not to let it just absorb, you know, hours of our time discussing it.
I think really because there's so many other things we should be talking
And that's probably part of they, you know, whoever they is, their plan, you know, is just to get people looking at these little issues that are pretty much non-issues, you know, and to get us so we're not taking time to talk about
Yeah, they're huge distractions.
It's like if a thief is trying to break in your house from your main door entry, right?
And he has a little soda can and he throws it in your backyard so it sounds like someone's in your backyard so you go around the backyard to look and the thief gets through the door.
They're passing TPP.
Right now, they are doing the CISA, the internet security stuff.
It's literally like office space.
It's literally a TPS cover sheet mental illness culture, where they're running around saying, you're not saying this right, you need to put this, and they're saying it lisp, and everybody's obsessing about the proper protocols and how to say things instead of just being real.
That's the problem.
Nobody wants to be real anymore.
It is true, but it's such a distraction.
Oh, it's a big distraction.
You are.
You're just born that way.
Like, someone's all grumpy and mean and calling people names and being negative.
It's like, hey, that's just their personality, man.
And talking in a lisp is the only way to get your point across.
I mean, you can't even criticize people in good ways anymore to help them.
It's like, just peace thee, bro.
Anyway, I'm Anthony Gucciardi with Rob Dew.
Check out the nightly news tonight on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.TV and we will be back tomorrow from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Alex Jones with the Alex Jones Show.
Thanks so much for watching and have a great night.
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