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Name: 20151109_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 9, 2015
3256 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various news topics such as global politics, economic issues, social unrest, and free speech while criticizing mainstream media for promoting political correctness. He mentions incidents like the University of Missouri president's resignation due to student protests, Yale University's Halloween guidelines sparking a debate over political correctness on campus, and TPP proposing new EU laws that could end free speech. Jones also covers the Hegelian dialectic strategy used by politicians and criticizes the controlled left for promoting a society based on tearing each other down rather than building each other up. In addition, he promotes FortressClothing.com as a solution offering heat storage options and raises concerns about aggressive behavior, rape cases, lowering educational standards, and violent attacks on hospital staff by migrants in Germany.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we see
Chinese government moving to have the yuan topple the dollar.
That's in Bloomberg.
We have secret missile tests going on off the coast of California.
We have world government treaties openly being rammed through in secret and a world summit set for Paris, France next month.
We have Britain and the United States naming Russia as the major threat to the world.
First the United States two weeks ago, the UK today.
And in the midst of all this, we have the suspension of reality more and more.
Where political correctness has been so weaponized in Europe and the United States, that if a professor's wife
Who heads up the student affairs group, sends out an email saying, don't get upset by Halloween parties.
If you see something, a costume you don't like, just don't look at it.
People have a right to their free speech.
That's what universities are.
And so they track down the husband, who's also a professor at Yale, and begin screaming at him.
And I covered this yesterday on the Sunday Show, but it's so illustrative of everything we're facing.
The mass mental illness, the coddling of the young until they're completely mentally ill, even Atlantic Monthly admitted it.
What Camille Paglia talks about, the end of a cycle, the fall of civilization, it's here.
Is it a month from now or five years from now?
I don't know, but much of the world's already imploding.
The New York Times has now reported on this, which has been such a big story, and
They're reporting on it like it's okay.
Yale's Halloween advice stokes a racially charged debate.
Maybe the president of Yale will resign.
Maybe the football team or the rowing team will stand down.
And then they'll have everyone resign.
In fact, just shut this whole school down.
You're there paying for pretty much worthless degrees anyways.
I've been saying that for 20 years, now it's admitted.
Most of you will never even get your money back.
And you're there, bathed in political correctness, running around barking at people.
And that ties into the University of Missouri, just minutes ago, 20 minutes ago, President resigned over four campuses.
And I read for what?
They've got the football team crying and it's so hard what we've gone through.
Supposedly a drunk frat person said something racial a year ago.
And then they tried to, I guess, block the president's car with a Black Lives Matter type deal and he didn't get out.
And so now he's resigned and you see apologizing wasn't enough and you just read this stuff.
It tells you where the culture and where the society is going.
Because we've got serious problems.
We're going into a worldwide meltdown and we have been mentally disabled.
In fact, you guys reprint me or pull out of the stack that Atlantic Monthly 28-page article where top liberals describe their children coming home from college as completely mentally ill, having panic attacks if they see brown bags.
You did that as well!
You're like, excuse me, are you okay?
There's a man and woman kissing!
It's sexist!
I saw a Halloween costume, and I'm like, oh my gosh, get it out of here!
And we have video and audio of these college students aggressively saying shut up to the professor, in his face, everybody bowing up, sticking their chest out, really in kind of a mob.
And let's just say it, he's white.
It's mainly immigrants and non-whites around him.
And I've got friends at UT.
They're going back to get PhDs and stuff, and they say it's incredible.
They'll be called out in the class and told you are evil by the white professor and all the minorities, and they say it doesn't matter what you do, you're white, it's evil.
I mean, this has reached total mental illness levels.
We'll be back.
Join InfoWars Tuesday, November 10th for live debate coverage.
Since their last face-off, the GOP candidates have been picketed outside of sketch comedy shows, caught lying about their school records, and others have been banished to the kids' table.
What stupid questions await the remaining contenders when they meet again?
Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain?
Ben Carson, can you do math?
John Kasich, will you insult two people over here?
We have 19 trillion dollars in debt, we have people out of work, we have ISIS and Al Qaeda attacking us, and we're talking about fantasy football?
Can we stop?
Can pundits put aside their disdain for the participants and focus on real issues?
How many times can Ronald Reagan be name-dropped in two hours?
Will someone wear a Hillary for Prison t-shirt?
All will be revealed Tuesday, November 10th, starting at 7 p.m.
Central, as InfoWars enters into another episode of Political Science Theater 3K.
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Alex Jones here.
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People should not be afraid of their governments.
Governments should be afraid of them.
Several party members have been murdered, Chief.
We're interrupting your regularly scheduled program to bring you this terrifying report.
It was almost as if it were a planned implosion.
It just pancaked.
Jane, what more can you tell us about the Salomon Brothers building and its collapse?
New York very much a city still in chaos.
The phones are not working properly, the subway lines are not working properly.
The sky now black with smoke in front of us, just across the Tigris River here.
This is shock and awe, Tom, to the population of Baghdad.
Shock and awe, indeed.
The people you liberate will witness the honorable and decent spirit of the American military.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
Come on!
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
I love my dad.
I'd kill for him.
I'd go to prison for him, because I love him so much.
I love Bill Clinton.
What does that make Hillary Clinton to the Bush family?
My sister-in-law.
When you are subverting the power of government, that's a fundamentally dangerous thing to democracy.
What do you think of Edward Snowden?
I think he's a traitor.
Obama is the one that kills the U.S.
troops if the Russians bomb any of them.
Obama is the one that put them in harm's way.
Obama is the one using them as human shields.
It is the most corrupt, degenerate, criminal government in American history.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
Get out!
Get out!
Get out!
Welcome to America, ISIS!
This is what we do!
We got people that have taken your asses out in this building right now.
We're armed to the teeth, and we're not scared.
You got that, you sons of bitches?
In 2012, your agency was saying, quote, the Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al-Qaeda in Iraq are the major forces driving the insurgents in Syria.
In 2012, the U.S.
was helping coordinate arms transfers to those same groups.
Why did you not stop that?
Why didn't you come forward before?
What were you waiting for?
Well, for you, Inspector, I needed you.
I suddenly had this feeling that everything was connected.
We're all part of it.
Are we ready for it?
From the front lines of The Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, big things are happening, obviously, here in the United States and around the world.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
We do have two guests.
Phyllis Schlafly, founder of the Eagle Forum, will break down what's happening to Western borders and how to stop the globalist takeover.
Then, Roger Stone, who has written a new book dealing with the fact that the Clintons have had a war on women,
Will be joining us.
He is a historian.
So that is coming up today.
Headline political strategist Hillary Clinton is an abuser of women and girls.
He will be in studio with us.
Of course, you've heard Hillary and her surrogates come out and say that Bernie Sanders is a sexist.
Because criticizing a woman is sexist.
If a woman tries to sell you a car and you don't buy it, you're sexist.
If you don't do what a woman tells you randomly, you're sexist.
If you don't accept Obamacare, you're racist.
This is the drum, the politically correct beat, and it's nothing but pack mentality, herd mentality, gang mentality, and that's how they control populations.
Well, China tested an anti-satellite missile a few days ago and then magically
We now see a major missile tested yesterday off the coast of Los Angeles, scaring the population there.
Why did the U.S.
launch a nuclear missile that would be visible from L.A.
without any warning is the question.
We'll be looking at that.
Yeah, then it ties into economic news.
The Chinese are moving and accelerating their dumping of U.S.
Treasuries and the dollar and letting the yuan basically compete directly with things like the Swiss franc, which is seen as a move to begin the toppling of the dollar.
And that ties in to
Puerto Rico preparing to go into bankruptcy in their latest filings.
Puerto Rico government is developing a bank development plan and is saying that they're at risk for receivership.
And they're talking about cutting massive services to the public.
That's Bloomberg, NBC, ABC News, those three articles.
We then have the S&P 500 dropping most of the month after rising to three months high.
Emerging currency slide as dollar resumes advance.
And you see as there's attempts to move away from the dollar, more people will pour into the dollar in an attempt to prop it up.
Because if it goes under, there's going to just be devastating economic responses.
Continuing with economic news, homelessness in Hawaii grows, defying image of paradise.
And reports like this, actors aren't going to be real, they're going to be inside a computer, Marlon Brando's eerie premonitions from beyond the grave.
But you read the CNN article, he was actually talking to top Hollywood people in the last years of his life who said this was the plan.
So it's not really premonitions, it's the fact that he was on the inside.
Also, the Pentagon is covering up massive gay rape, because gay rape is 15 times higher than the Pentagon.
I don't know.
Till he's bleeding.
It's okay because it's liberal.
It's beautiful.
It's bold.
It's full of courage.
What is it we're supposed to say about Caitlyn Jenner?
Stunning and brave.
So it's stunning and brave because it's politically correct.
You see, that's how that works.
So that's some of the news.
And then of course this huge news that ties into the military news.
The London Express, Britain names Russia as major national security threat on par with ISIS.
The United States has come out and said Russia is the biggest threat.
But wow, England says bigger than ISIS, a group they helped openly create.
And that ties in with this article, European Commission attack on Drudge and the hyperlink.
And we know it's in the TPP that's meant to be ratified globally into UN law this December in Paris.
And they admit ahead of the Paris meeting, they've proposed a new EU law, put simple act of linking to content under copyright protection.
So, ending free speech.
Oh, here's another Putin article.
Defense Secretary suggests Putin might nuke America, says U.S.
will defend international order as the people that have hijacked our country create disorder.
And that ties into this report.
German town migrants riot in church, steal from stores, defecate on gardens.
Well, they should charge you for doing that.
That's fertilizing.
Residents who criticize behavior of asylum seekers label Nazis.
Some fined.
Some arrested.
That's an Infowars.com article linking to German newspapers.
It's linked on DrugsReport.com.
And that ties into this story.
Patriarch of Antioch.
Muslims to conquer Europe with religion and procreation.
That's what the presidential frontrunner, Le Pen, said a month ago when she got arrested and indicted.
She basically said those exact words.
Wisconsin Dems move to ban most semi-auto firearms.
That's from guns.com.
Told you that was coming.
Catalonia's parliament backs declaration to split from Spain.
Almost every house I saw when I was in Barcelona, that's pretty much the capital of Catalonia, a beautiful place, great people, wants to get away from the EU and Spain itself.
Violence shaking along the Ring of Fire continues, a progression of disasters that began in September.
We're going to look at that as well.
But speaking of a progression of disasters, when we return, I spent a few minutes on this yesterday, but it's so important and so enlightening, so informative, so illustrative.
That we're going to go over it again and tie it into the University of Missouri president resigns over race complaints.
He apologized.
He said he'd do better.
He said he was basically, the university was just horrible.
And he promised that he'd do everything he could.
And of course, that only encouraged all the political correctness and folks said, you must resign.
So he has resigned in another
Act of just mob mentality.
And what did he apologize for?
I was reading CNN trying to squeeze blood out of a stone, figuratively.
People claim that once they heard someone in a dorm make a racial comment who was drunk, a white person, and somebody did a design that looked like a swastika on a poster once.
Well, yeah, nine times out of ten or more often than that.
I think it's like 99% of the time.
Putting it this way, I haven't heard of a swastika being painted on a dorm door or put on a black or Jewish facility at a college where it wasn't fake.
Now, I have seen some real cross burnings, usually that staged as well.
False flags, self-inflicted wound, drama cleaning.
But this is what the culture is about, and people that tune into mainstream media really believe they're being advanced in society, getting into these politically correct cults.
We're going to break this down.
Because the president has now resigned, and watch, that's not going to be enough.
And then that ties into the Yale students finding the husband, another professor, of the head professor over the student affairs.
And they confront him that his wife put out an email saying, you know, don't get upset by Halloween costumes, it's part of free speech.
They scream at him, they basically get in his face, and they begin hyperventilating and throwing three-year-old tantrums.
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Welcome back to the tip of the spear in the fight for human liberty.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
This morning I was in the local gym.
There was a personal trainer there, a lady training a middle-aged fellow and he kept staring at me and he kept staring at me wherever I was in the gym and I don't really care I just ignore that and then I was over
On some cable machines, and the lady kinda comes over with him, and the gym's pretty much wide open, not a lot of people there, and there's other machines, and I was on this one first.
I've been on there about 30 seconds, and they said, I guess you can use that, but I'm gonna want it in a minute, which is not normal etiquette.
You just come over and say, hey, can I use that?
Of course, here.
And I said, sure, actually, I'm done with it.
You can have it now.
And they went, oh no, we don't want it now.
So as I walked away, they go, yeah, that right winger Alex Jones, man, he's crazy.
And I knew when he was staring at me and she was looking at me and kind of giggling and laughing that they were totalitarians that think they're liberal.
So I turned back and I said, you know who's causing problems in this country?
It's the new left.
They're nothing but totalitarians.
I said, I'm a liberal.
You're not.
You people are bullies.
You people have serious problems.
But it was like in a movie where I then snapped in my mind and realized that I didn't actually say that to him, I was thinking that.
See, I've gotten to the point where I can control myself and not say it and just walk away.
Because you're not gonna help people like that in most cases.
They are all about the group they're in.
But they said that to me and laughed at me.
As if in their peer pressure world of being so insecure, I care.
But that's the totalitarianism of these people.
And every day we get more and more insane examples where you can't say mother or father and they teach the kids he or she or boy or girl is bad and you're purple penguins and being heterosexual is hateful, being white is hateful.
This is cultural disintegration by design.
From protesting Vietnam to demanding safe places, what happened to America's college kids?
New York Times, Yale's Halloween advice stokes a racially charged debate.
And they act like this bizarre video that we began airing last Friday that they're now covering.
I love how the mainstream media has to follow the real media.
The dinosaur media has to follow the mammal media, I guess you could call us.
But they sit there and act like it's normal, the video.
Because Yale, the student affairs head, was getting complained at and being told to put out reports that Halloween was banned, or costume parties were banned, even for private fraternities.
As many colleges have done.
They've just said there will be no Mexican food parties at universities all over.
And they say, but we like to have a Spanish style, Mexican style deal with enchiladas and tequila and beer pool parties.
Those are very popular.
And they say, well, someone might be hurt.
Well, you know, I had Mexican food last night at home and boy, was it good.
I wasn't eating it because I was racist, but obviously that's not what's going on.
I mean, I've been to parties where you wear sombreros and get falling down drunk.
It has nothing to do with that.
It's just, it's okay.
Do we do a Greek style?
A Japanese style?
Do we dress up like barbarians?
It's just something fun.
But they turn it into that to end culture, to end debate, to end discussion.
And I know you know that.
I understand that you are aware of that.
The young people in the high schools, the elementary schools, and the colleges, they're not.
When we come back from break, I'm going to play the video that we got to Friday and last night on the Sunday Show.
Then I'm going to get to the new videos of the president resigning and more.
And CNN, again with a straight face, reporting on it like it's all very reasonable.
People with bullhorns in huge rallies to fight the racism.
That I'll guarantee you is one one hundredth what their grandparents went through and I will also on the other side assure you there is plenty of racial slurs and stuff going back from the minorities towards the devil people also known as the whites.
So this is scientifically being carried out to the point that we're going to play video and audio coming up of students shrieking and screaming in fear
Saying, how dare you allow there to be costume parties at Yale?
This is what one of our greatest universities turns out, is addled, brainwashed zombies.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Man-made climate change is largely a myth promoted by politicians to scare the public into accepting a vast expansion of government to supposedly stop global warming.
Global warming is a manufactured problem played up by the government to instigate a public reaction, in this case fear, the government then exploits to offer a predetermined solution, the expansion of government at the public's expense.
This strategy, now known as the Hegelian dialectic, has been used successfully by politicians for millennia to expand government which can only grow at the expense of individual liberties.
The Bush administration used this strategy successfully in 2003 when it gained enough public support for the invasion of Iraq by claiming the country had weapons of mass destruction.
And the war ultimately expanded the military-industrial complex in America's emerging police state.
Today, global warming is used as a boogeyman because it allows the UN to use government-funded scientists who scare the public into believing that man-made climate change is too big of a threat for their country to handle alone.
And thus, it can only be defeated through the expansion of the UN at the expense of their nation's sovereignty.
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It's not to protect you, but rather to gain more power at your expense.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
I want you.
I need you.
I want you to be my tonight.
You need me.
You tease me.
Use you up and throw you away.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we are here live.
Now, the scientific social engineering of complete mental illness and induced psychosis, artificially induced psychosis, is so intense now that when I have personally been downtown or around Trendy's, they are neurotic messes.
These are the multi-generational spoiled brats.
They don't know how to wash their laundry.
They don't know how to balance a checkbook, but they know how to culturally keep you in line and to be cultural Marxist.
Again, Atlantic Monthly, a few weeks ago, wrote a 28-page article, The Coddling of the American Mind.
The name of emotional well-being college students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don't like.
Here's what
It's happening.
Here's why that's disastrous for education and mental health.
And the article acts like it's just magically happening all over the place.
It's just coming out of nowhere.
From Australia to the United States, from Canada to Germany, this is admittedly in textbooks at PhD level on how to scramble civilization.
And again, Jerry Seinfeld and all these other top comedians won't go perform at universities because the crowd will find something to be offended by.
Because that's all they know how to do.
That's what their education is.
That's what their identity is.
There are always gangs and groups and manipulators and cliques from the country club to the inner city.
And you know who's successful?
The people that ignore it, move forward, build their own lives, build their own worlds, and don't care what all of the clicks say and do.
When you really don't care about clicks anymore, they will kiss your rear end like nothing you've ever seen to get you to join their click.
And the real pleasure is, you don't want to join their click.
And then open society, true open society opens up to you and free association once people in society know that you're really a cool person and you get to start associating with the creme de la creme of the world.
The true intellectuals, the true trailblazers, the people that other thinkers admire.
The type of people that admire you because you're free and open-minded, and they know that you admire them.
It's a society based on building people up, not tearing them down.
And the controlled left wants to act like that's something that they're doing.
They want to behave like they are the renaissance.
No, they are destroying the renaissance.
So that said, let me start getting to these clips.
This is a hard clip to listen to, and it goes on for a long time.
I'm not going to play the whole thing, but it is a professor whose wife is the head of student affairs, associate master at Yale, Erica... How do you pronounce that?
I guess that's Greek.
Christakis, I believe.
Or Christakis.
And so the full email is in the Daily Caller article.
Parts of it are in the New York Times article.
I've read it.
And it's very just a friendly email.
Hey, we're about free expression here.
If people are having a party, a private party, or walking around campus in a costume, and you're offended, just look away.
You know, it's part of people's right of expression to wear whatever costume they want or just dress however they want.
And this is with the calls for her to ban Halloween parties.
And so she explains, we can't do that.
Well, they catch her husband, another professor, out walking around in the commons.
And remember, the New York Times has an article out today reporting on this like it's normal.
Oh, there's a big controversy, what do you think?
They wouldn't ban Halloween, or wouldn't ban costumes, and so people want them fired.
And that's what they scream and yell.
We don't feel safe.
Everyone's going to leave the university.
Now the president of Yale has been deeply troubled by a meeting of students of color who were, quote, in great distress last week because they didn't believe that the university they were attending was giving the needs that minorities needed.
They're in great distress.
Many said they did not believe the university was attuned to the need of minority students.
I've been paraphrasing from reading the article they just put up on screen for me.
Hey, I'm doing pretty good for paraphrasing.
And so, with a straight face, they then report on the hysteria.
And you have to understand, these are desperate people having panic attacks.
And Atlantic Monthly would have you believe this just magically happened on its own.
And the image they use for the article is a three-year-old in a college student chair with an Apple computer.
And that's what these people are.
Arrested development, fried individuals.
And if you use words bigger than them, or if you disagree with them, if you even tell them, I love you, I want to empower you, you're being socially conditioned, this is a form of cult programming, they will begin shrieking and yelling and flipping out.
You've seen our Man on the Street videos.
I'm sorry, our person on the street videos, let me use proper mind control terms.
You see them say, hey, for Obama we're going to put gun owners in forced labor camps.
Absolutely, I'm sick of these gun owners.
So we're going to put them in prison for owning guns.
Well here, please sign right here.
9 out of 10.
Let's have forced abortions of Christians.
9 out of 10, sign it.
Let's arrest Christians.
9 out of 10, sign it.
If you say, for Obama,
Let's bring in world government.
Let's get rid of the Bill of Rights and Constitution for Obama.
Let's ban criticizing Obama.
Nine out of ten.
Every time.
Sign it.
You've seen us play the videos.
Drudge has linked to it countless times.
It happens in Austin.
It happens in New York.
It happens in L.A.
It happens where all these quote ultra-educated people are who think they have joined the most elite groups on the planet because they go to a university.
And all they do is run around and scream at people all day that they've been offended.
I had two people on Halloween, because I went to my cousin's birthday party, come up to me and say, are you a Nazi?
And I'd laugh and say, no.
They'd say, well, I'm offended by your hat.
I'm Jewish, and the guy clearly looked like he was as Arab as they come.
I said, are you joking?
He said, no.
And so I went off on him.
And as I said, I had another person come up to me and do the same thing.
And then I started talking to other people and they said, no, it was going on everywhere.
Or if you weren't wearing a costume, and this wasn't just at his party, he had another party after it.
The late night went at a top floor of a bar and club.
It was open to the public though.
And there were just people walking around going, I have white guilt.
I can't believe we're wearing these outfits.
It may be hurting someone's feelings.
And my buddy Pat Riley heard this from some woman.
And then I was talking to somebody else that another man was walking around saying it.
And then you realize, oh my gosh, we're in a cult, folks.
These people are brain fried.
You've got Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, Whites, everybody, probably 400 people on the top of a club outside with a DJ my cousin brought in, and he's DJing as well.
Everybody's having a great time except for a handful of people walking around bugging everyone socially, but that's what they socially know how to do.
is walk over and then try to make you uncomfortable and have you submit to them in some raw act of power.
Now, individually they're nobodies, but they get together in giant hordes, led by white guilt operatives that will then go out, funded by Soros, and actually chant, deck the halls with dead cops, fa-la-la-la-la-la-la, because the more extreme the better.
Because again, it's social disruption that's being funded by the globalists openly.
So let's go to the clip because it just illustrates everything where she begins screaming and yelling.
And he says, well, my vision is not, you know, obviously your vision and I disagree with you.
So she screams, shut up!
And then jumps into a space like she's going to hit him.
And then her boyfriend starts agreeing with her.
Because the man only is allowed, this is taught in university now, to agree with a woman after she is in the dominant position, she has the authority, then you second her.
And you see people standing around, nodding with her.
They're under attack.
People are trying to get them.
They want Halloween banned.
Folks, if they... A lot of Christians send me emails going, why are you defending Halloween?
I thought you said it's an occult holiday.
For most people it isn't, and it's harmless.
I'm gonna get the speck out of my eye, but you can get the beam out of yours.
You know what I mean?
Clearly it goes back to Sam Haines, Shaolin, the occult, the druids.
I know that.
The point is, if they can ban anything, they can ban everything.
If they can ban probably the most popular holiday in America that is the most inclusive and across the board... Notice, they don't want vampires and ghouls banned.
They want cowboys and geisha girls and mariachi bands and Tarzan banned.
They want cavemen outfits banned.
They want to be able to control things and ban what they want.
And demand the university president resign as he just did.
We're going to get to that.
Because he dared not resign.
Because two complaints were filed to police in the last few years that at parties someone heard a racial tone from drunk people in both cases and someone saw a swastika once.
Oh my gosh, yeah, like in the library.
I told you about the phenomenon of when we cover Nazis, we see comments on YouTube saying, stop showing the swastika.
I mean, they call the History Channel the Hitler Channel, not because it supports Hitler, but because, you know, it started out showing World War II films that were open source.
So without further ado, here is the abject hysteria, the panic, the fear that Atlantic Monthly talks about where they go into panic attacks.
Oh my gosh!
He just called her a he or she just called, you know, somebody a she.
Oh my gosh, on the questionnaire it says he or she, I'm hurt.
The word he or she hurts me, I'm not included.
Ban the word mother and father and you're like, oh this is a joke, it's not really happening.
It is happening all over the world.
It's cultural domination by a bunch of hissy fit throwing mental patients controlled by hardcore social engineers.
These people are illiterate.
You understand that?
They don't know how to navigate culture.
They don't know how to start a business.
They know how to run our lives.
And that's it.
And they will be put in charge of the bureaucracy over us.
Do you understand?
They're coming for us.
Here she is freaking out on the Yale professor.
My perception is because other people have rights too, not just you.
Walk away!
Walk away!
Walk away!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't deserve to be listened to!
He doesn't
No, I don't agree with that.
You will step down.
You're supposed to be our advocate!
You should be at the event last night when you hear her, Franco, say that she didn't know how to create a safe space for her freshmen and fellow men.
How do you explain that?
These freshmen come here, they think this is what Yale is?
Do you hear that?
They're gonna leave, they're gonna transfer because you are a poor steward of the community.
You should not sleep at night.
We're out, we're out.
You're disgusting.
All right, and folks, they'll probably make him resign.
Because they said, people have free speech, we cannot ban costume parties.
They wanted them banned at private frats.
Because it's so hurtful.
And Yale is now basically apologizing and saying they're deeply disturbed.
This is all part of the bullying.
We're so sorry you're scared of Halloween.
Not of Ghosts and Goblins, but that someone might wear something that offends you.
This is basket case level.
But they're now meant to cater to it to encourage even more basket casing.
So these young people are such basket cases, after 200 grand sucked out of them with a four or eight year degree, that they're too upset with why they can't get a job.
They think they can't get a job because they're a quote minority or because they're white or whatever it is.
When in truth, the economy was already dismantled is why.
So now we have the University of Missouri System President resigning just about an hour ago after he groveled and apologized and everything for phantoms of racism at the four-campus system.
And this will only encourage, this is what you send your kids to school for now, to become young adults, and to be arrested development, and learn how to throw fits, and be put into cultural Marxism, and be totally entitled, and be just complete jokes.
Here is the CNN report, acting like all this is reasonable.
In the name of Jesus!
In the name of Jesus!
In the name of Jesus!
Students gathered at the University of Missouri this weekend to highlight complaints of racism on the overwhelmingly white campus.
Now in a tweet posted by Missouri's Legion of Black Collegians, more than two dozen football players have joined the calls for the university system's president to resign.
The players said they will not be part of any practice or game until he does so.
Players met with their coaches on Sunday as the team canceled its scheduled practice.
Most of them were tight-lipped about the meeting and about the controversy.
We're not allowed to comment on much, so like I said, we're just gonna all stay together as a team and we all made this decision as a team to, you know, not talk to media, so...
You're not going to hear much from the players.
Mizzou coach Gary Pinkle wrote online, the Mizzou family stands as one, posting this picture of the team.
The move comes after graduate student Jonathan Butler started a hunger strike last week.
He accuses the university's leadership of not doing enough to address racism on campus and push Mizzou in a positive direction.
So I'm in this because it's that serious.
We're dealing with humanity here.
And at this point we can't afford to continue to work with individuals who just don't care for their constituents.
University of Missouri System President Tim Wolf issued a statement saying in part that he is dedicated to ongoing dialogue to address these very complex societal issues, giving no sign that he intends to resign.
Well he did resign.
Andrew Spencer reporting.
So that's the mass mental illness taking hold.
And there's also a selfishness to this.
There's not a demonstration for Chinese slave laborers.
There's not a demonstration for the million sex slaves estimated to be in the United States, mainly from the third world.
There's never any demonstrating about anything real or substantive.
They're just taking all the media hype and the MTV hype and projecting it with an exercise of power.
Well, thank God.
I won't be watching any college football anyways.
I'll be out living my life, fighting the globalists, trying to empower people.
But it just shows what you pay for with college.
When we come back, we'll have the president of the university resigning.
I kind of love watching this.
This is sick.
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Alex Jones here.
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I think so.
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My crew is blown away by the University of Missouri President Wolf resigning.
Because they, like I, had to read like five or six articles
When I saw this last night and this morning, finding out what happened.
And in the complaints, in the last two years, twice someone says they called the police, claiming at a party they heard a racial slur from a drunk person.
Two different people.
And then someone saw a group of symbols together that they thought might look like a swastika, and then another time they tried to block the president's car, he didn't stop and get out.
And now he's resigned, and now Yale's president is apologizing for them not banning Halloween, and is saying they're very worried and very sorry that they didn't ban Halloween.
So, Nico and some of the others have been talking about, whoever wants to jump on the mic, give me your take on this situation.
I mean, this is, imagine how this country's going to try to operate and compete with other countries when we have become this much of basket cases.
Go ahead.
So I was out of the loop this weekend as far as the news is concerned and so I had to read three stories about this resignation and it wasn't until I got to the last article that I got a vague idea of
Why they were calling for him to resign and why he actually did it.
So the only things that I read were that he was silent on the Michael Brown Ferguson situation.
Then he was surrounded in a parade and he didn't handle that correctly.
And then they asked him what institutionalized oppression stood for and they didn't like his definition.
And those are the only things that I read
As far as why they were calling for him to resign.
I'm just still really confused about the whole, it just seems really ridiculous.
Well, exactly, and that's since the hunger strike started a few weeks ago.
They've now issued a list of demands to the university that looks like it was written by the Southern Poverty Law Center or the Ford Foundation.
That's why you notice the students say they're not allowed to talk about it because this is being handled as a way, again, to take over local governments, take over universities by politically correct bullying.
This is cultural Marxism right out of Mao Zedong's Red Terror Youth Brigades.
I don't say that for political effect.
I mean, that's what this is.
And then meanwhile, they're supposed to turn universities into these racial infighting centers when not getting into it is what stops it being promoted.
That's why Starbucks said, and met with the White House, we're going to talk about racism to everybody that buys coffee.
It's meant to stir it up.
America's never been more together until Obama came.
Anybody else want to add a point to this?
Just an update, Starbucks will no longer feature holiday cups, they're gonna be just red.
That's right, well they said that it's simplistic and won't offend anybody, so now even Christmas trees and stars on the cups might hurt somebody's feelings, CJ.
They hurt, I guess, some nanny state court of public opinion people, the same folks that are grilling the professor, that are grilling the president.
Well, it's like Germany's banning, uh, first they banned Christmas festivals because they're hurtful.
Now they're just getting rid of winter festivals.
So, that's a good thing, I guess, because those are racist, too.
Uh, this is just incredible.
By the way, we gotta get you guys on air more.
You guys are on air so little, you don't even hardly have the mics close to you.
We need to get you guys on every hour, because you have so much good stuff to say.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
Second hour, straight ahead, Phyllis Schlafly and more.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Phyllis Schlafly, founder of the Eagle Forum, is joining us to write down open borders, globalism, what she thinks Obama's going to try in his last year in office.
That's all coming up.
But I want to open the phones up in the next two segments specifically for college students who disagree with me or agree with me about political correctness being a weaponized system.
Of course it is, but that's admitted, but you may have a different opinion because you're uninformed.
And I don't mean that sarcastically, that's just a fact.
And I want to open the phones up for college students or college faculty
Anybody on a college to tell their stories of political correctness.
Also, if you're in public school or private school, anybody in an education system, basically.
In fact, the military is an example where new recruits are made to wear red high heels to teach them cultural sensitivity for women.
Well, that's women's fault they want to wear high heels that are bad for their feet.
It's all part of pushing the envelope of bullying people culturally.
A few weeks ago, we had this top inventor on the show to talk about the new Alexa Pure Pro water filtration system that we have exclusively discounted at InfowarsStore.com with free shipping and with 10% off with promo code WATER.
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Cleaning up your water is where it all begins.
And we'll come back with open phones and the special reports.
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Break down why you're so proud of these filters.
Well, I mean, the Alexa Pure is really a culmination of all of my experience.
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What's your view overall on fluoride?
Well, okay, so we actually tested against both the fluoride ion and the fluorosilicate that you mentioned, which is the additive that people put into water under federal control.
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Without a doubt.
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Well, I'm impressed and I want to thank you so much for your time today.
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Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain?
Ben Carson, can you do math?
John Kasich, will you insult two people over here?
We have 19 trillion dollars in debt, we have people out of work, we have ISIS and Al-Qaeda attacking us, and we're talking about fantasy football?
Can we stop?
Can pundits put aside their disdain for the participants and focus on real issues?
How many times can Ronald Reagan be name-dropped in two hours?
Will someone wear a Hillary for Prison t-shirt?
All will be revealed Tuesday, November 10th, starting at 7 p.m.
Central, as InfoWars enters into another episode of Political Science Theater 3K.
Alex Jones here.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
The communists, many times, were able to take over countries by first taking over the universities.
Now, in this case, we've got big, large, offshore megabanks and corporations that are using socialism and communism to domesticate the public, because they themselves exempt themselves from the regulations and taxes and use the cultural Marxism as a tool of political control.
But now we have the Missouri College System President Tim Wolf resigning and when you read the articles they never say anything he did.
He just didn't promote the Black Lives Matter George Soros movement.
And this is just like Democratic candidates like Bernie Sanders being booed off the stage and people saying he's racist and
Other Democratic candidates saying, hey, all lives matter, so they later apologize.
You're right.
All lives don't matter.
Only black lives matter.
This is just part of the mental illness.
And then we watched the CNN report earlier.
It shows all these students just yelling and screaming, running around at night in the park outside the university going, I'm mad!
And then the Yale footage of the students just screaming at the professor going, BAN HALLOWEEN!
Actually, you're doing that.
And then, isn't it beautiful?
She poured Drano in her eyes.
Newscast going, it's such courage that she had to pour Drano in her eyes and be blind.
And now the taxpayer pays for her.
It's just whatever the weirdness is, you've got to accept it and adopt it, and now maybe you shouldn't have eyeballs at all.
It's hurtful that you do, and she doesn't.
So let's go to the Missouri president.
Here it is.
I'm resigning as president of the University of Missouri system.
This is so funny.
My motivation in making this decision comes from love.
I love MU.
This country's done.
You all committed to political correctness?
By the way, they've now put out a list of demands or they won't come back and play?
It's not gonna stop.
And I don't doubt it for a second.
Hit pause.
I love it.
The whole time he's groveled.
There's discrimination.
It's clear.
It's present.
I don't doubt it.
I wanted to do something.
I'm not good enough.
I'm so sorry.
I resign.
I love it!
You're getting worthless degrees, you're going nowhere, you got fluoride in your water, GMO, cancer viruses and other stuff in your vaccines, and the Soros brainwashing that brought down Ukraine, you name it, plays you like a fiddle, and it's just a joke.
What a joke.
And then you get this little knock-kneed president
Who groveled the whole time.
I'll do whatever you want.
You're right.
I'm sorry.
Okay, I resign now.
They'll probably sue him.
He could probably hang himself and they'd celebrate it.
Because you can never go far enough in the hysteria, in the mania.
Caitlyn Jenner is stunning and brave.
You clap for her or you're a transphobic.
It's not that you think it's weird that the ESPN Awards are being given to a freak with a wig on.
And the guy's a freak.
The Kardashians are all freaks.
You're gonna accept whatever culture they say.
This is the takedown of this country.
And they're exporting this worldwide.
I wanna go to your phone calls if you're a professor, or if you're a student, and if you've experienced political correctness, or maybe you think it's a great idea.
I wanna hear from you.
Now which clip do we have lined up next?
There's so many.
Yes, let's go to the Mark Dice clip.
I forgot about this one today.
Where they go out and say they want a white privilege tax.
Now he's done this before and almost everyone signs it, but this time it's from a quote fake MSNBC report.
And they want to pay a white privilege tax because they're white.
Even though 90 plus percent of whites have no connection, even in their ancestors, to slave owners.
As if your grandpa's a murderer, or a child molester, or a bank robber, as if you gotta serve time for him.
Where did that authoritarian idea come from?
It's a new caste system.
Let's go to part of his clip.
I'm not gonna play the whole report.
To demonstrate how most people will mindlessly believe what the mainstream media tells them, I'm here posing as a reporter for MSNBC where I'm going to be making up some insane news to see if the people blindly believe this.
President Obama's new white privilege tax for income redistribution to invest money in the minority communities.
Think it's about time he do that?
Yeah, I think it's about time for him to do that because, you know, everybody needs a little help.
Needs a little hand out.
The minorities, they're struggling.
The white people have more money, you know, so the white privilege tax would just kind of even the playing field out a little bit, you think?
Yes, yes it does, yes.
I really think so because they...
I love it!
I love it!
I love this.
This is so funny.
The rich, they have the money.
The white people have the money to fund the programs.
They're putting them in different organizations.
So the minority... That's the good thing, basically, is what you're saying.
And make sure the minority get the money to benefit themselves.
From the white man.
Just checking.
The idea is that since the white people make a disproportionately higher amount of money
The white privilege tax would just sort of help to offset that.
And make everything a little bit more even.
You think that's long overdue?
I guess so, but you know, at the end of the day, it's a capitalist society, so it's, you know, why penalize people for making more money, per se.
It's more of like a bonus.
You know, if you're making that much money, you're...
You're sort of rewarded with the white privilege tax.
No, I get that for sure, yeah.
It's almost, you know, spread the wealth.
Just a good way to spread the wealth into the minority communities from the higher end white communities.
About time we do something like that.
I'd say so.
I mean, there's a lot of, I'd say, millionaires with money in the bank that isn't judged.
Alright, the full video is up on InfoWars.com.
Let's just stop right there.
Yeah, the billionaires are the ones pushing this.
They're not going to be paying it.
They're exempt.
The middle class, regardless of what color you are, will pay it, and that's why it's disappearing.
Now, let's go back, just to remember, this is just a month ago, and I only played the first part of the report.
If you skip to the end of the report, this is on national British television, and it aired on television in the United States.
The courage of dumping Drano in your eyes, and blinding yourself.
Let's play a clip of that, here it is.
means that you have a need to be disabled in some way.
In my case, it was a need to go blind.
Nine years ago, Jewel took the drastic decision to blind herself.
Alright, let's stop there.
I want to go to phone calls, but let's skip out of the end of the report.
Where, because before I only played part of them and then said that they were praising and people didn't believe me.
They have the report, narrator praise it, and they have all the people she talks to praise it.
Because they're blind, why shouldn't you be blind?
As if anybody I've ever heard of who's visually impaired would want other people to be blind.
No, they want sight.
But it's taking every freakish behavior and putting it on a pedestal, like being offended that somebody has a name, mom or dad, husband and wife, boy or girl, he or she, gotta ban that too.
Because if you're a he or a she, that hurts somebody who isn't.
Well, then the logic extends, if you've got eyes and they don't, or you've got working eyes and they don't, you've got to lose your sight.
Here is the end of the report.
Drastic move that it's hard to encourage.
Initially apprehensive, Jewel has now told her friends in the blind community about how she took her own sight.
I told her that I didn't care, that I think there's no resentment for her voluntarily taking her eyesight.
That's not who I am.
I just don't think I've ever known anyone who had that condition.
I think there's a lot understood in the medical community, but I'm sure that by what happened to you, it will be helpful to somebody else.
Hey, Jill.
How's it going?
Oh, hi, y'all.
Does this affect our friendship at all?
No, actually, I want to thank you for sharing it with me.
I think it's a really inspiring story.
And now you accept it, and now they'll teach your kids how to mutilate themselves, and how to commit suicide, some mutilation, and suicides all the way up in the schools because of death education.
This is what's being done scientifically.
Nubs in Louisiana, 50-year retired college.
Ronnie attends University of Texas, wants to talk about it.
Brandon, University of Georgetown, PC Culture.
Zach's a college grad on the PC Culture.
Who should we go to first?
Let's go to Brandon in FEMA Region 3.
Brandon wants to talk about the Georgetown PC Culture.
How wondrous is it, and when are you planning to pour Drano in your eyes?
Uh, I don't know about all that.
Uh, the funny thing is, is I got out of the Marine Corps about two years ago, and since I've enrolled in Georgetown about the same time last year, and the mental illness of the political directors, it's like, you cannot make this stuff up.
I mean, literally like two weeks ago,
The deputy director of FEMA had a speaking engagement there, and I walked in and I just see people clapping and, you know, this guy's telling you how great all these programs that FEMA's setting up, how amazing they are.
And if you say anything bad or disagree, the campus police will arrest you or throw you out.
I mean, literally.
Oh yeah, you're not allowed to disagree with them saying let's ban guns.
You're not allowed to disagree with arresting people that are students there that hand out pocket constitutions.
You've got to submit to everything.
And that's why they go to the next level of saying we're going to teach your five-year-olds how to give oral sex.
Because if they can do that, they can do anything, brother.
And, um, another thing, someone was saying, you know, I don't really think 9-11, what we, like, the anniversary was two months ago.
I don't think that the official story checked out, and there were literally hordes of people screaming at him, thought crime, thought crime, like it's something out of a movie, like... Wait, they actually use the term thought crime?
They sought thought crime.
You need to be arrested.
There was a young female who said, you need to be executed for committing a thought crime.
I mean... Well, folks, as extreme as this sounds, I've actually seen cases of things like this because they all one up each other.
And it's been pointed out that 1984 is now being used as an instruction manual.
You know, Hillary Clinton says it's her favorite book.
I'm not kidding.
And now it is a literal instruction manual of Stalinist oppression.
Brandon, thank you for the call.
Let's go ahead and go to Nub in Louisiana.
You're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you very much.
I'm trying to get to it as fast as I can.
I'm 51 years old.
I work in structure.
I graduated in 1982.
Worked in structure for 23 years.
Let me go back a little further.
I was born in 64.
Well, I see it.
You're 50 years old.
You returned to college.
And then now you've encountered it.
Go ahead.
Yes sir, and at birth, at three weeks of age, I was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer on my left arm.
At seven weeks, the arm was amputated and I was sent home basically with 18, given 18 months to live, sent home, my parents were told, do what you wish with him, whatever, but don't get attached, he's not going to live.
So I've grown up my entire life not expecting
Well, it's getting to that today.
Most, everyone that knows me knows me as Nub.
No one really knows my real name.
They know me as Nub because I have one arm and I choose for that not to be an issue.
Sure, you're making it something fun.
You're conquering it by transmuting it into something that's fun.
I understand.
Yes, sir.
And then I was raised by a Marine and can't, never could.
If you want to do something bad enough,
There's nothing you cannot do.
You can do anything you want to do if you want to do it bad enough.
Can't, never could.
But anyway, I'm just coming to school now, and like I said, I've dealt with... I've worked in construction 25 years.
We have a few professors, and one that I think of in particular is a lady, and she is... She is the epitome of the regurgitation of liberal brainwashed idiocy.
And she's teaching environmental law, and for five semesters, I've been setting classes with this lady as the instructor.
And anytime you try to bring up me being older, I understand things that are going on today, more so than most of the younger children.
And she's convinced
We're good to go.
Um, and she tells us all about how they've built this.
It's all totally sustainable and they're using their recycled cans and bottles and what have you.
And then she makes it a point to point out that there are cameras in every corner.
Watching everything that you do, that's right, you know, so blah blah blah.
They're brainwashing the kids to get used to the cameras being there.
Sure, it's total control.
They don't tell you it's all a big payoff to select corporations.
Well, Sean, I'd be glad.
San Francisco is now banning fireplaces.
It's official.
I have that in the San Francisco Chronicle.
This is a total takeover of society.
God bless you.
Now, anything else you want to tell?
Yeah, I do, Alex.
I'm 51 years old, I got one arm.
I recently started taking some of your products and you never, you don't get a chance to get your promotions in on your products.
Like I said, I got one arm.
I grew up, I played baseball, football, basketball, and I buried the boot in my opponent's, the enemy.
I buried the boot rather deep.
But anyway, I've torn my shoulder up on my right arm.
I basically destroyed my shoulder.
So I got interested and started listening to Dr. Group.
On the products or what have you, and I started taking the DNA force.
I brought to my mom.
My mom's 75 years old.
She's had hip replacement surgery.
She's had lung cancer.
I started her on the DNA force and within a matter of about two weeks, she got, she called me and she wanted to know what this was or whatever.
And she told me that she'd smoked cigarettes her entire life, twice in her entire life.
She stopped smoking cigarettes.
And at that time,
She didn't have bruising, just bruising.
She didn't even know why, but she would just have bruises.
Well, when she stopped smoking cigarettes, the bruises went away.
Well, I got her the bottle of DNA Force, and within two weeks, she called me wanting to know what was going on because she said she had not changed anything in her life except for taking the DNA Force, and she had no bruises, and she just felt
Far better.
Overall, she just felt wonderful.
She wanted to know what the DNA Force was.
Well, then, I had been taking it all along.
And then I listened to Dr. Green.
My shoulder had gotten to the point to where the reason I went back to college is because my shoulder had gotten so bad, I had to change careers.
I couldn't continue doing the work I was doing.
So I was going to go into management.
So I just wanted to get a safety degree and go back into construction and do safety.
So, I literally had to quit my job and go back to school to be able to begin another 25-year career.
Anyway, listening to Dr. Groot, I decided to try a few of the other products.
I got the olive oregano, vitamin D, the winter sun, and the secret 12, and a few of the other things as well.
But I think those products were the ones that did it.
I was seeing my primary care physician,
He did an MRI on my shoulder and said that I have one ligament on my shoulder out of five that's intact.
The other four are completely torn.
He said he's seen one shoulder injury in his entire career that was as bad as mine and it was a car wreck and the guy's arm was completely ripped off.
But yet I'm still able to use my arm.
I do everything that I need to do, but it's just miserable pain.
Getting injections into the shoulder.
One bottle of the Winter Sun, one bottle of the Secret 12, and I've been taking a DNA force for about four months or so, and then the olive oregano.
Right now, I can throw a baseball, throw a football, I can move my arm.
In motions I couldn't do for years.
Well, I really appreciate that testimony.
God bless you.
I've got to move to other callers.
Because of the FDA and stuff, we cannot make claims and I don't make claims.
It's our most expensive product because one of the ingredients in it that's patented and it's organic.
It's got the BioCoQ10, it's got the BioPQQ, it's got a bunch of stuff in it.
That's prescription in Europe and other places.
And my big thing is when I started taking it, nerves that had been cut, like in my leg and my finger that was cut off in an accident, the feeling came back.
And I cut the finger off.
I don't know, like 12 years ago, and it only had partial feeling.
I've been on DNA Force now about a year and a half, and the feeling's completely back.
It does have patented ingredients where you can actually say it's been proven to grow nerves back.
But I'm not even going to say that.
Just go research what's in it for yourself.
It's one of those products where the bottle, what's in it, costs us half the retail price.
Um, you don't see nutraceuticals like this really sold anywhere else.
They got really fancy, expensive clinics where you go to medical doctors and get stuff like this.
Um, it's the big sleeper product.
It's expensive.
We've got products that are $14 at Infowarslife.com.
Um, you know, we've got high quality stuff that we can get really inexpensive and it's, you know, $14 when it's on sale.
It's $19 when it's not.
Um, couple products that are that low.
Something like DNA Force.
If we sold it at cost, it'd be about $75.
One ingredient alone is something like, what is it, $12,000, $13,000 a kilo?
And most of the other stuff is, I mean, I had to sign, like, huge corporate agreements with, like, Mitsubishi USA to get it, because they make it here in the U.S., but just one of the ingredients.
I mean, this is a real hardcore product.
But I mean, we have to sit there on the phone with Japanese scientists and deal with them and go through all this stuff just to get it.
And it is available.
You know, I just went off into a long plug and I got loaded phone lines.
Ronnie attends University of Texas.
I want to get to him.
Ben, Zach, AJ, Eddie, I want to get to all of you.
Phyllis Schlafly's coming on.
And here's what happens.
I had that last caller on for like six, seven minutes.
That's why I didn't get to the next person.
So we'll try to get to all.
And I even skipped the network break.
So it's kind of out of control here.
I have to quit doing that.
But X2 is a game changer.
It's not very expensive.
It's just truly pure iodine, true nation iodine, the absorbable type.
A lot of folks have iodine problems or they have deficiencies.
And if you've got a deficiency in something and you finally take it, it's like magic.
It's like having a deficiency in oxygen.
If you don't have it, you die.
Happens in a couple minutes.
If you have a deficiency in vitamin C, or other things, it'll take you a month or two, but you will die.
And so medical, mainline medical systems don't tell you that, because they want to just treat the illness.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty, it's Alex Jones!
All right, we've got callers, the victims of political correctness, or the witnesses to it, calling in in droves.
Your calls are coming up after our guest leaves us.
Ella Schlafly, of course, is a constitutional lawyer, best-selling author.
She founded Eagle Forum and is one of the
uh... longest-serving patriots out there defending this republic and unfortunately most of what she warned of in some cases forty five fifty years ago as now come true
And now we see the bizarre political correctness with people dumping acid in their eyes, having taxpayers pay for their blindness, to sex changes of children outside the parental consent, to university presidents resigning for no reason.
Just as a sacrifice to political correctness, we now see even Atlantic Monthly coming out and saying the coddling of the American mind, and Seinfeld admitting that his daughter's been turned into a basket case, who thinks that men and women together is sexist.
This is the triumph of the brainwashing and the destruction of the American mind, and the Western mind.
The cover of
The latest issue of The Economist is praising Angela Merkel.
For how wonderful a job she's doing.
She's ending Europe as we know it.
What is it in the controlled left that wants to suicide the West so bad?
As we see millions of radical jihadis pouring into Europe.
A new article out on that today that's up on Drudge from Infowars.com.
German town migrants in church steal from stores, defecate on gardens.
Any criticism of it is responded to by arrests.
The state says they'll take your children if you criticize it.
I mean, this is truly crazy town.
And it's only accelerating now.
And we'll also get her take on election 2016.
Mrs. Schlafly, thank you so much for coming on with us.
Well, it's always good to join you, Alex.
And if you think I can solve all those problems, I really cannot.
Sure, but can you tell us what's at the core of the elites creating what I would call a giant cult of just panic-stricken mental patients?
I mean, even Atlantic Monthly and the Coddling of the American Mind admits that the left has created a generation of mentally ill people.
Well, I think they didn't have a good education, and what they're taught in the public schools is not helpful.
They ought to be taught reading, writing, arithmetic.
They ought to be taught American history the way it really happened, not the way the political correctness people wish it happened.
And I think it's the ignorance of the young people that is the cause of a lot of the problems.
They don't know what's right or what's wrong.
I agree with you.
They're desperate.
They don't really have a future.
All they know how to do is have chips on their shoulders and walk around angry and upset.
Yes, and that's so unfortunate.
And, of course, I've encountered that 25 years ago with the feminists.
And if you wake up in the morning mad at the world and feel that you're not getting a good deal, you're probably not getting a good deal because nobody wants you around.
And it's extremely unfortunate what's been done to our young people.
I really feel sorry for them.
We live in the greatest country in the world, the greatest amount of freedom, the greatest amount of prosperity.
That's why everybody in the world wants to come here.
And they want to downplay it.
In fact, Obama doesn't want us to believe that we're exceptional.
And we are a very exceptional country, which is the truth.
Looking at political correctness, do you think it's starting to peak or is this just the beginning of the madness?
Even Camille Paglia came out last week and said all this worship of transgender, transgender mania is the surest sign of the imminent collapse of society was her paraphrase quote.
Well it should be the imminent collapse of the nuttiness of the left because ordinary people
I can't understand what they talk about when they talk about changing your gender.
It's so ridiculous.
We just have to teach our young people how to read so that they can read the great books that are written in the English language.
You know, one of my best-selling books is called First Reader.
And it's for parents to teach their children to read like I did before I let them go to your school.
And, uh, because they don't teach them how to read in school, and so they don't, and they've completely distorted American history.
You know, they've wiped out great heroes like George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and so forth.
And, uh, it's, it's so, it's so bad what's been done to our children.
I don't blame the children.
I blame the adults who did it to them.
Well, you're right.
George Washington was a hero all over the world.
He was so incredible.
I mean, it's more fantastical than any Hollywood movie.
And notice there's no movies about George Washington where he's a major character.
He's always a minor character.
This caricature, they have completely stolen our history.
It wasn't the West that ended slavery.
No, now we invented it.
Fellas, I mean, it's crazy how they... They just lie about everything.
And of course,
Oh, we didn't invent slavery.
Slavery was talked about in the Bible.
Slavery was common, and it was the people in Africa who sold their own people into slavery.
And we eventually abolished slavery, which was one of the great achievements of our country.
Well, looking at the current
Getting into the suicide of the West, Pat Buchanan, one of your contemporaries, has written a lot about the fact this is deliberate suicide.
What does the left think they're going to do when a majority of radical Islamicists are in their town or city?
I mean, they're already demanding that they capitulate to their culture, and the left is doing it.
Why would they want to throw out the Magna Carta, throw out the Renaissance, throw out the Great Enlightenment, in exchange for the most radical forms of Islam?
Well, there are Islam agitators who are radicalizing a lot of the young people.
And that's where it's coming from.
They aren't coming at it through logic or good common sense.
It's become because the Islamists have these radicals who are trying to make converts and hate Christians.
And we need to realize who the enemy is.
That's the great thing Ronald Reagan did.
He figured out the enemy was the Soviet Union, and he built the anti-missile defense.
He built the kind of military that could be first in the world.
And we do believe in a military superiority, because when we are at the top of the heap, everybody's safer.
The people who are our friends feel more comfortable and safe, and the people who are enemies are scared to move against us, and that's the way it ought to be.
Well, I do agree that America should be able to defend itself.
My problem is then that superiority has been abused.
And under Obama, look at more countries invaded than even Bush.
And I know you were critical of some of that.
I mean, this is just wild to see him cozied up to the radical Muslim Brotherhood and the rest of it.
But listen, I want to give you the floor with the limited time we have, because I know you wanted to get into open borders.
Where that's going, what you think Obama's going to do in his last year in office, and of course, election 2016.
Well, it's going the way Germany is going, and Germany is going to disappear from the map, because they're taking in more of these Muslim immigrants, so they have their own people.
And we shouldn't do that.
We should stick by the rules of letting people in.
We used to only let people in if they signed a paper saying they were able to support themselves.
Nowadays, they come right in and go right on our welfare system.
And they don't speak our language.
And I know I had friends who, when they arrived on the shores of Ellis Island, their mother or father would stand them up and say, now we're in America.
We're going to be Americans.
And we're going to speak English.
And this is our country.
And the people come today, they don't feel that way.
And that's because they want a
system of a bunch of balkanized groups to play off against each other.
They are handicapping these young people so desperately.
So badly.
But if you teach them how to read, they'll be able to read some of the great books that are written in the English language that talked about the principle of limited government and why freedom is important and important to work for.
Well, you've been fighting this fight for over 50 years.
But my fight is a good example to the grassroots that you can win against overwhelming odds.
And you know, I have a DVD called Doing the Impossible, in which I show all the odds that were against me when I started the fight against the Equal Rights Amendment.
Everybody was against me.
The President, the Congress, the press.
Uh, everybody you could think of, everybody who was important, the organizations and so forth.
And, uh, now, uh, people haven't got any fight in them.
I don't know what the problem is.
I'll tell you the problem.
We are the richest nation probably the world's ever seen per capita.
Our poorest people are more wealthy with shelter and medicine than kings of old.
And so biologically, we're meant to be fat, dumb, and happy when we've got plenty of food.
So our culture, our liberty, our freedom, our currency, everything's being debased and destroyed.
But because we've still got plenty of beer and plenty of food and plenty of entertainment, we are mesmerized as we basically have our throats collectively slit.
I think you said that very well, and I agree with you.
And it's terribly sad, but there's no question that we are the greatest country in the world, and we need to restore it.
And my lesson is, if a bunch of women could take on the fight against the Equal Rights Amendment, when everybody was against this, from President, Congress, organizations, media, on down,
We can take on some of these big problems and beat them.
Because we do have truth on our side.
Well, as you know, all the polls show that abortion is more unpopular than ever since it was legalized in 1973.
Guns are more popular than in the last hundred years.
The culture of true libertarian, constitutional, classical liberalism is winning over the fake fascist liberalism.
I don't think they deserve to be called liberals.
I know that's the term they're known by.
No, they don't.
No, they don't.
Actually, they're socialists.
And there's a new book out which tells the story of where all this started.
And really, the first people who were after it wanted to make us socialists, and they felt making us dumb and illiterate was the best route to that.
Well, there's still a paradox, as you know.
Again, Phyllis Schlafly, constitutional lawyer, joins us.
A true feminine trailblazer.
I wouldn't call her a feminist, because that's a controlled term, but you're certainly what Gloria Steinem would claim to love to be, an actual powerful woman, effecting change, doing it on her own, having a huge effect.
I mean, you're obviously for women being able to be trained and arm themselves.
I don't get why the so-called establishment feminists don't want women to have the right to defend themselves.
Isn't that a basic
Right of women especially?
Of course it is, and you know I worked my way through college testing .30 and .50 caliber ammunition, so I'm not afraid of guns in any possible way.
.50 cal, I love that.
Yeah, they have a big kick.
I'm gonna have to photoshop an image of you with a .50 cal, or if you've got a photo of that we'd love to put it out.
Well, I don't know.
People didn't run around with their cell phones in those days taking pictures.
No, I know, but that's awesome.
So yeah, you know a .50 BMG, it's got quite a kick, huh?
Yes, it has a big kick.
So were you testing those for, what, the bombers or for ground troops?
I tested for the ammunition.
And for example, in those days, our fighters, our fighter planes,
Shot their bullets through the propeller.
So they had to have a regular cadence of the bullet coming out of the gun in order that it wouldn't hit the propeller itself.
Sure, the nose gun, when you pull the trigger, it would shoot in between the propellers.
That's correct.
And so that's what we tested for.
Well, I like you even more now.
That's awesome.
So you'd go out there and test the ammo with a single-shot system?
Yeah, they were single-shot, but it was safe.
No, I know.
That kicks even harder, though.
I've got a single shot .50 cal that'll just knock your shoulder off.
Yes, it will.
And I hand fired the Barrett as well.
But I tell you, I don't know any other women out there that are doing that, so good job.
Shifting gears into election 2016, what's your expert view on it?
Well, I'm kind of hoping that the one guy who could really make a change is Donald Trump.
He wants to make our country great.
A lot of these other people have no interest in making our country great.
And I think he really, genuinely does want to make our country great again.
I think he's got a vision like Ronald Reagan.
And I wish him well.
I hope he's another Ronald Reagan, but I tell you... He's not perfect.
Even you are not perfect.
But anyway, the others, there's something the matter with the others.
Anyway, he's got stuff and courage and that's helpful.
Well, he better be for real because I agree with you that he's the one saying the right stuff.
And what does it say about mainstream media, though, that they attacked him and it only backfires?
Or that CNBC debate, they all attacked and that backfired as well.
I think the mainstream media is on its last legs.
Well, you know, they had it set up.
That their candidate would be the one chosen.
That's the way they've done, they've given us this whole series of losers.
Yes, Jeb Bush.
And when Trump didn't self-destruct, well, it's really the most enjoyment I've had watching television in years is the consternation of the left and the establishment when their plan didn't work out and he's not self-destructing and they don't know what to do.
Do you think it's fair to say that the Bush era is over?
Yes, the Bush era is over.
Thank God.
Now let's shift gears.
What about the Hillary era, saying that Bernie Sanders is sexist because he's running against her?
Well, I think this country really is far gone if we elect Hillary, but I just don't believe the country is that bad off.
You know, as bad as she is, Sanders is a nut.
Well, I agree with you.
I mean, talk about it!
That's why it's so important.
That's why I'm telling all my old lady friends, we need everybody now.
Get yourself registered to vote, because this is the most important election of our lifetime coming up soon, and you need to be part of the game.
Well, you're absolutely right.
All over the world, the globalists, the New World Order crowd are pushing in overdrive.
Phyllis Schlafly, back there exposing the New World Order 50-something years ago with Barry Goldwater, eagleforum.org.
Get my new book, my new revision of A Choice Not An Echo, and go on my website eagleforum.org.
We're going to talk about that when we come back.
We've got one more segment with you, absolutely.
Then we're going to go to Ronnie and others that are holding.
Stay with us.
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There's a man going around taking names.
And he decides who to free and who to blame.
Everybody won't be treated all the same.
Ronnie, Zach, AJ, Eddie, Ben, we're going to get to all of you.
Talking about political correctness and what's happening in the colleges.
The fact that they have a bunch of dumbed-down people is very sad and so you can't hate them.
You've got to reach out to them like the cult victims they are.
And remember that it will be the thinkers, it will be the workers, the strivers that continue to build civilization.
Phyllis Lafley is our guest, EagleForum.org.
She was pointing out that her book, seminal book published in 1964, A Choice on an Echo, has been republished last year, available at Amazon.com and everywhere else.
And of course, she also is in over 100 newspapers every week with her column and records a weekly radio show, heard in over 90 stations.
Finishing up with other points you think are important about election
If they cheat somehow and get Hillary in or pull something like that, I really do see a revolution in this country.
I don't even mean a violent revolution, but I think people are getting to the point that they're not going to comply with the social engineering.
What do you think, Phyllis?
Well, I hope you're right, because the socialists have really taken over our country, and they have an alliance
With the big business people.
And these people, you know, they're the people I used to call the kingmakers.
Because they think they're divinely appointed to select our president.
And they've given us a whole bunch of losers on the Republican ticket.
And that's very unfortunate.
Really, Ronald Reagan was the last one who was elected by the grassroots.
And it's very important.
You know, the polls show that large numbers of people who probably agree with what I'm saying don't vote.
They don't even bother to get themselves registered.
They think a plague on all your houses.
But you know, politics is quite a game.
It needs some skill.
And it's extremely important that you be part of it.
And you'd be part of it by deciding which party you're going to be with.
We have a two-party system in this country.
If you don't like those two parties, you want some other kind of party, you can move to Europe.
They've got all kinds of useless third parties sitting around.
They'd be glad to have you.
But I think that's a waste of time.
We, you know, as Rumsfeld once said, you go to war with the army you have, not the army you wish you had.
Now, the army we have is a two-party system, so you've got to make your choice which one you're going to work in.
And I've made my choice that it's the Republican Party, and I am encouraging people to be delegates to the next convention, and get yourself lined up with some friends in the Republican Party to make that happen.
Well, undoubtedly, the Democrat and Republican leadership, the RINOs,
have been working to stop the Tea Party insurrection that is having an effect.
We got rid of Boehner, they put another bad guy in, but the point is it shows we're having an effect.
One more election, we'll get more patriots in.
And I don't just intellectually know that myself.
The establishment admits that and is scared to death to the point of, they're talking about censoring alternative patriot media like Drudge or Infowars and trying to stop what we're doing, but that's not going to work.
People are hungry for the truth now.
Phyllis Schlafly, thank you so much for spending time with us and for your work.
Thank you, and check in with my website, eagleforum.org.
Great organization.
Phyllis Schlafly, a living legend on the broadcast with us.
Folks, we're going to go to break and come back with your phone calls, and then we've got our guest coming in here as well to look at the abuse of women.
You talk about abuse of women at the hands of the Clintons.
And it's not just Bill we're talking about.
We've got a political analyst coming in here who's got a new book out exposing it.
Straight ahead, I'm Alex Jones.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're going to Eddie in New York first.
Sorry to have you hold.
I ran out of time before we had the guests on.
How about PC Culture?
Say your mom's a kindergarten teacher.
Go ahead.
Thanks for calling.
What's up, Alex?
It's a pleasure to talk to you.
Yeah, so I'm from New York City, which is pretty much, you know, the capital of political correctness.
And when you talked about political correctness, it hit pretty much so close to home because my mom's a kindergarten teacher and the things they try to make her try to indoctrinate these kids is just absolutely disgusting.
I mean,
Especially now that the holidays are coming up, they pretty much have these seminars telling my mother that she's not allowed to say Merry Christmas to the kids because it could offend people.
And, you know, my mother's deep in her Christian roots and her faith, but the things they try to make her push are just disgusting.
Like, they try to make her read books to the kids about, you know, having two dads or having two moms, and some of the kids, you know,
We're good to go.
Well, it's all designed to screw them up.
It's all designed to confuse them.
The system admits that.
And there is a war on Christians.
And, I mean, people don't know who's being persecuted.
The UN admits double the Christians are being killed a year than were killed ten years ago.
We are being targeted.
I don't care what color you are.
If somebody wants to get upset and run around and scream and demand, stop the persecution, leave Christians alone.
You're absolutely right.
You know, tell your mom.
Leak us info.
We've protected all our whistleblowers.
Leak us info or get us stuff from the other classes so it's not known it's her.
We need people to mail us packages by snail mail, Attention Alex Jones, and we will put it out.
We need your help.
We're all in this together.
God bless you, Eddie.
And again, it's not so kids aren't hateful of, quote, gay people.
It's totally meant to confuse their gender.
It's totally meant to sexualize them.
It's meant to set the precedent.
It's very evil.
Let's talk to AJ in Florida.
AJ, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's up Alex?
How are you doing, man?
I've been watching your show for about a month and a half and it's amazing, dude.
I have nothing but great things to say about you, bro.
Like, I love how you talk.
When you talk, I just feel like you're talking to me.
It's like, I'm excited to watch the news nowadays.
Every time I want to watch news, I just go to InfoWars.
Well, brother, I am talking to you because I'm nothing special.
I just have read the enemy's plans.
They're out to get us and I'm angry about it and I'm just trying to warn people.
It's just, I'm straight up just trying to communicate.
Dude, it's just it's so scary what's happening right now.
I mean everything from the entertainment that we watch from the movie Prometheus and the book Brave New World and it's just it's like oh you know oh my forward.
Well you're right they are they are hitting us hard.
I mean they're definitely coming out in the open and imagine how much crazier it's going to get after this.
Dude, it's just, it's horrible, Alex.
Like, I mean, it's, it's... I know this might sound a little crazy, but recently, I just went to, uh, do you know Red Robin's restaurant?
The burger restaurant?
Yeah, I've been to one before.
They're pretty good hamburgers.
Yeah, I went to one right by my house.
I went and sat down.
There was a security camera right at the top, at the entrance, where you come in and out.
That makes perfect sense, you know?
But then when I went to sit down, there's this little, like, automated new TV screen to just press, and the waiter comes to you, and there's a little camera inside of there also.
Well, you know what?
I saw that in a Chili's ad, and I meant to send the crew to a Chili's, because exactly, they just automate it where you buy a new car, even if not a fancy one, and there's cameras inside watching you now, for your safety, hooked into the police department, and then exactly, you go to Chili's, and it's getting ready to get rid of the waiter, basically, and then now it's a machine watching you, and listening to what you say, and Samsung admits they're watching and listening, exactly.
And then, I'm even conditioned now where I learned about that a month ago and don't even care.
See how they're getting us all?
It's horrible, Alex.
They want to destroy humanity, and then if you stand up against it, you're racist.
Oh, exactly!
I mean, I've complained about TSA, and they ask, you know, why I'm a conspiracy theorist.
Well, well, I want to hear the rest of your story, and I can go to you while this guest is coming up, because you speak to political correctness.
Don't hang up if you can, AJ.
So I'm going to try to work you in.
I'll get to Zach, Ben, Ronnie, Jim.
I'm going to get to everybody, but we do have a guest coming in studio about the real Hillary Clinton, the real Bill Clinton.
Most folks know that they're into abusing women, and they both like women.
They really have it out for women.
And you need to understand that they abuse who they think they can get away with it.
Join Info Wars Tuesday, November 10th for live debate coverage.
Since their last face-off, the GOP candidates have been picketed outside of sketch comedy shows, caught lying about their school records, and others have been banished to the kids' table.
What stupid questions await the remaining contenders when they meet again?
Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain?
Ben Carson, can you do math?
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
I think.
Exposing just so many different events that have unfolded.
I'm not going to go over his whole bio.
He's also credited with the hardball tactics which resulted in closing down the Miami-Dade presidential recount.
Stone is credited in an HBO recent movie, Recount 2000, with fomenting the so-called Brooks Brothers riot, in which Republican mobs swarmed the recount, demanding shutdown, while thousands of Cuban-Americans marched outside the courthouse.
He also has worked around the world with pro-democracy, pro-American governments during elections.
Rogerstone.com, and I've met him and folks up in Dallas at some of the big JFK Memorial events, like the 40th anniversary a few years ago.
But the reason we got him in studio is I learned he was going to be down in Austin this week and we already had an article back on November 3rd titled, Political Strategist Hillary Clinton is an abuser of women and girls.
Now I personally have interviewed women that Bill Clinton raped.
And I mean women that Bill Clinton brutally, brutally raped and then settled out of court with.
But the word is Hillary also has some of her own activities, but it's kind of like black unemployment doubling under Obama.
They then put out all this pro-black rhetoric, but it's really the opposite.
So we're going to be speaking to some of that today and really going over who is Hillary Clinton.
Because even if you're a Democrat that identifies with her and thinks she's some wonderful great saint with the amount of dirt
Uh, that is in her background.
With the amount of dirt that's going on, it makes her extremely blackmailable.
And so that's my biggest concern with Hillary, not just her saying, we should look at Australian-style gun confiscation and things like that.
And so again, we also have the video of him with Larry King Live breaking that down on RT of all places.
So thank you so much for coming in to join us today to break all this down.
Roger Stone's our guest.
Good to see you again, buddy.
Alex, great to see you.
Thanks for having me.
You know I'm known for talking a lot, and I know a lot about Hillary and Bill, but you've written a book about it, and I read some stuff in your book that I didn't even know, but then I went and looked up, and it turned out it was true.
I mean, there's a lot of folks that have it out for women and like to target them.
Most predators do, for some reason.
Whereas most of us that aren't predators want to defend women and children.
What's the Clinton's relationship with women?
Yeah, the point here, of course, is that the whole central narrative of her campaign is bogus.
She is not an advocate for women and girls.
She's an abuser of women and girls.
Bill is not your roguish old uncle who just has an eye for the ladies.
As you know, he's a serial sexual predator.
Very much like Bill Cosby, and the number of women that he has raped, bitten, sexually assaulted, abused, you know, I identified in this book 27 individual women.
Now some of these women's names you know, Juanita Broderick, Paula Jones, Kathy Willey, but so many of the names you don't know, Christy Zurcher, Becky Brown, Carolyn Moffitt, Helen Dowdy, Eileen Wellstone,
I don't
Jack Palladino, Anthony Pelicano, Ivan Duda, who go out and run a veritable terror campaign to silence these women.
So the notion that Hillary has somehow been an advocate for women, no, Bill rapes them physically and then Hillary rapes them psychologically.
She's kind of a beard for his raping.
She plays the part of, I'll never leave my man, I stand by my man, he's a good guy, she testifies for him, she defends him, she's an enabler.
Yeah, but it's worse than that, because it's not just that he can get away with it, it's that she ensures that there's no public exposure.
This is why the famous feminist Camille Paglia says Hillary's a fraud, her husband has degraded and exploited women.
Or Joanne Vannocchi, the feminist writer for the Boston Globe, the liberal newspaper, says that Bill Clinton should be held to the same standard.
As Bill Cosby.
From your research, deep research, you've been on this for years, who's more of an abuser of women, Cosby or Clinton?
I think Clinton, because Cosby you see drugs them, whereas Clinton just uses brute force.
Alex, I interviewed three women that he bit.
He bites through the upper lip, it's kind of his signature.
First of all, it's a disabling move, because of course a woman then stops trying to cover her... That's what a pet bull does.
Was a habitual user of cocaine, that he was in and out of drug rehab when he was governor, that he was involved, as you know, in the whole question of drug trafficking in and out of Arkansas, in connection with the Bushes, in connection with the Central Intelligence Agency.
And when Dan Lassiter, the biggest drug dealer in Arkansas, when he was ultimately convicted of drug trafficking, he went out and got himself this really smart woman lawyer.
Her name was Hillary Clinton.
And she and her law partner, Vince Foster, why, they arranged for Lasseter to get a full pardon from Governor Bill Clinton.
And then now, today, at a bigger scale, she heads up the State Department and gets billions of dollars, you know, brought into their foundation, hundreds of millions from dictators and people on lists that you can't sell weapons to, and then she waives that and lets the State Department give a green light to shipping weapons to countries in exchange for money.
I mean, these people really are
The criminal's criminal.
Yeah, look, the Clinton Foundation is not a foundation, and it's not a charity.
It's two things.
It's a slush fund for grifters.
And secondarily, it's just a vehicle for the facilitation of massive bribes.
So, for example, the country of Qatar wants to overthrow Gaddafi, who, although he's not a great guy, is an ally of the United States, is feeding us intelligence on al-Qaeda,
They put $1.5 million in Bill's pocket for a 20-minute speech, bribe.
They put $1 million in Hillary's pocket for a 20-minute speech, bribe.
They put $2.5 million into the Clinton Foundation.
At the same time, they're paying off Tony Blair in the UK, and Sarkozy in France, and lo and behold, we topple Gaddafi, and women in Libya
Who under Qaddafi were allowed to vote, be educated, go outside without a veil, drive a car, choose their own husband.
Women have been set back 200 years in Libya.
They go from having the best quality of life in the continent of Africa to the worst.
That's Hillary Clinton, the advocate for women.
It is like she's a wicked witch.
I mean, it's not normally fair to just use analogies like that.
I'll get you and your little dog, too.
But everything she touches just gets destroyed.
Everything she does is evil.
And then her lies about being in combat, you know, being shot at when they landed in Serbia, none of it's true.
Brian Williams loses his job over it, not her.
How can she get away with so much?
It's amazing.
So last week she comes out, two weeks ago, with a gun control proposal.
And she says in it that if you have been accused of domestic abuse, you should not be allowed to own a gun.
Well, under that circumstance, she wouldn't be allowed to own a gun.
Because as we prove in the book, she has kicked
Bitten, scratched, slapped, and thrown hard objects at her husband.
This is a woman with a volcanic temper, a foul mouth, very short-tempered, very, very greedy.
This is someone who doesn't have the temperament to be president of the United States.
Well, as you know, it's been reported, I mean, from FBI agents and others that work in the White House, that she rolls on the floor and chews carpet.
Only the person I know that does that was Hitler.
That's pretty amazing.
Look, we do know this, that when she was in Arkansas attending to her sick father, and she learned that Bill Clinton was entertaining Barbara Streisand overnight at the White House, she flew back to Washington.
The next day he appeared with an enormous scratch across his face.
Myers, the press secretary of the president, tried to say initially that he had cut himself shaving.
She was forced to admit, no, Hillary had scratched him.
Was that because she wanted a piece of the action?
No, I think it was because he was humiliating her.
You see, I think they had this weird dysfunctional sham relationship where Chelsea Clinton is not Bill's biological daughter.
Loves her hubble, right?
Webster Hubble, I document this in the book, Bill has a mixed-race African-American son in Arkansas, Danny Williams, without any question the son of Bill Clinton and Bobby N. Williams.
Now the Star magazine, the Star tabloid,
wrote in 99 when Hillary was warming up for the Senate race that a DNA test had disproved that.
I tracked this down.
The star was owned at that time by a man named Robert Altman.
Altman headed the SEC under Bill Clinton, was forced to resign, major donor to the Clinton campaigns, Clinton Foundation, Clinton roommate at Georgetown.
The new owners of the star, American Media, they opened their files for me.
Guess what?
There is no DNA test.
There never was.
But they tell us black lives matter, Alex.
Black lives matter, unless you're Danny Williams.
In which case, they can just sweep you out onto the carpet.
So the Clintons, they lecture us about it takes a village to raise a kid.
Why don't they step up and love, support, acknowledge, nurture their son, Danny Williams?
Well, because it doesn't fit into the larger narrative of where the Clintons even came from.
I mean, we know Clinton's story, but what about Hillary?
Digging into her, what are other little juicy tidbits in the book?
Well, we talk extensively, we examine the relationship between she and Huma Abedin.
I mean, Huma Abedin is, her parents and her brothers, of course, are active in the Muslim Brotherhood.
She has a full security clearance and a full-time job at the State Department.
She's the only woman in the history of the U.S.
government to have a waiver that allows her to not only work full-time for the State Department, but also work for Teneo, which is a Clinton-connected lobbying firm that represents a number of Middle Eastern governments in front of the State Department, while she's triple-dipping and getting a check out of the Clinton Foundation.
When she travels with Hillary, they stay in the same room.
We know this because I FOIA-ed their travel schedules.
It really is amazing how much you ferreted out.
And when you ask the State Department why is that, they say, well, Hillary has an acute health problem and therefore she might need to be attended to in the night.
Well, if she's got a health problem,
But we need to know that.
Look, I spent 40 years in the corroded rectum of the two-party system.
I worked for three Republican presidents.
I was on nine presidential campaigns, worked in the Senate, worked in the House.
You know, the Bushes and the Clintons are in this together.
That's the other thing in the book.
Stay there.
I want to break that down.
You spill all the beans in this.
That's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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By the way, folks, Alex Jones here, back live.
Roger Stone's going to be on the Nightly News tonight, getting into even more, 7 o'clock Central.
He was the chairman of Donald Trump's exploratory campaign.
Previously, when he thought about running for president, he was on the campaign until his book came out, and he resigned himself.
He talked to Trump this morning.
So maybe we could pick your brain about Trump, but you were telling me off-air, Trump's for real.
Oh, there's no question.
Look, I don't agree with Trump on everything.
We've been friends 37 years.
I very strongly support him for president for one simple reason.
You can't buy Trump.
You can't bully Trump.
He doesn't answer to Wall Street.
He doesn't answer to lobbyists.
He doesn't answer to special interests, not the Koch brothers, no one.
Donald Trump is his own man.
He'd be the first president we've had who really worked solely for the American people.
Uh, and it's that incorruptibility.
Plus, uh, he's not afraid to take on, you know, unpopular, politically incorrect stances.
He knows that some- there's something hinky about 9-11.
He knows the immigration- Well, I know he's suddenly been saying stuff about it, freaking the bushes out, and you were telling me that you're educating him.
Well, he- he's a reader.
The nice thing about Trump is that he's open-minded and he was astounded by what he learned.
That, as you know Alex, that we had numerous warnings that this was going to happen that went completely unheeded.
And it's just like the birther question.
Trump fearlessly brought that into the mainstream.
You and I know it, but you couldn't get it on CBS or NBC or CNN or MSNBC.
Trump is the guy who brought the whole question of Obama's birth
What do you expect the Clintons to do to try to come after him?
Well, they're already trying to spread this rumor that, you know, Donald was always in bed with organized crime.
Let me tell you something.
You cannot get a New Jersey casino control license and hold one for 13 years if you're in bed with the mob.
It's just not possible.
They have the most stringent laws.
They put a proctoscope right up your derriere and they look at every financial transaction in your entire life.
Donald Trump is clean and they got nothing on him.
I mean... Well, why would you want to be in bed with the mob?
They take money from you anyways.
Well, I think the supposition is he's in the construction industry, he has to buy cement, he's in the Northeast, he knows guys who are Italian, therefore he must be mobbed up.
It's a MacGuffin.
It's a bull.
But they're going to try to smear him with that.
That's coming.
Wait and see.
You're going to see it out of Politico.
You're going to see it out of CNN.
It's going to go nowhere.
They don't have anything on him.
Because what you see is what you get.
That's the great thing about Trump.
He is unscripted.
He is uncoached.
He is uncontrolled.
He might say anything.
I love the idea of a Hillary Trump debate because he'll get right in her face on the drugs, on the misogyny, on the corruption, on the Clinton Foundation, on her covering up rape and the serial rape of her husband.
So he's going to really go after her?
I have no doubt about it.
The guy's fearless.
I mean, you've seen him.
He's totally, completely fearless.
And nobody can get to him.
I mean, having worked in the Senate, having worked in the House, having been a heavy-duty lobbyist, I can tell you, for example, that every dollar of waste in the federal budget was put there by someone who wants it there.
And that's the reason no one ever really cuts it.
Sure, it's their piece of the pie.
They all talk about it.
Trump would be immune to that.
He would take an axe to the federal budget.
So when the commentators say, oh, your tax cut plan on working people would cause a $1.5 trillion hole, why do you assume that Trump is going to cut the daylights out of federal spending?
He would.
And then when the lobbyists call and say, oh, you can't cut that, he would be immune to that.
You can't get to Trump.
Well, here's the issue.
As you know, if they keep ballooning things, it's all going to go bankrupt.
We have to save the ship.
Well, look, unless somebody gets serious about cutting federal spending, bringing back all those, the two trillion dollars that's offshore in inversion, and actually negotiating a trade deal with the Chinese, the Mexicans, the Japanese, which is in our interest, instead of giving away the store,
You know, this country's headed to the toilet.
You know that.
Only Trump can save America, in my opinion, because he's independent of the Washington power structure.
This is a short segment.
Long segment's coming up.
But getting back into Hillary...
And things they might pull.
I mean, it's bold for George Soros and the White House and Fast and Furious and the Kill the Cops movement and all that.
I mean, they really are trying to destabilize this country.
You've been an insider.
You've seen it from all different perspectives.
What do you think they're really trying and are they being successful?
Well, I think we're in very perilous times.
On the other hand, the Liberty Movement has never been stronger than it is today.
There was a time we had one congressman, now we have about 30.
And thank God for the Internet.
Of course, the real reason they want to regulate the Internet is to shut our communications down.
If it weren't for people like you,
And for that extent, me, who are out there working to get out an alternative narrative, not only about our history, about what is happening today, we'd have no prospect at all.
This is why I think Trump is striking the chord that he is, because he's not politically correct, he's willing to say things that need to be said in order to save the country.
And I can just tell you, the power structure is going out of their mind.
He vanquished Jeb.
Now they're elevating Marco as the next puppet of the establishment, and Trump's prepared to devastate him too.
Wow, and I'll tell you one thing for sure, it's going to be very exciting times.
We are not living in boring times, it is just explosive what's happening.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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Rallying patriots worldwide.
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It's Alex Jones.
By the way, they made the Missouri president step down for zero reason.
They say he didn't follow the Black Lives Matter thing and turn the whole campus just into a mental illness fest.
And so now, I said earlier this morning when he resigned, right when the show started, I said this will only encourage the mobs of politically correct mental patients.
And now, this is up on InfoWars.com, University of Missouri protesters clash with reporters, declare no media safe place.
Because again, there's no right to free speech of anybody else.
Just like the Yale footage of them screaming and saying, shut up to the professor because he doesn't want to ban Halloween.
This is about shutting down free speech and the climate of that.
That's why at the new UN Summit, this is mainstream news in Germany, we have it up on Infowars.com, they're openly talking about not letting you link to a website under copyright law, and that's what's in the TPP, and that's what Drudge was told by a Supreme Court Justice earlier this year.
He came here to warn us just a month ago that they're coming next year for the free speech.
So listen, it's all or nothing now.
Because we're winning in the info war.
We have the truth.
We're telling the truth.
We're promoting stuff that's popular.
It's like oxygen in space.
You gotta have it.
And the system doesn't like it.
We're the real classical liberals that want lower taxes, private property, live your own life, live and let live.
What they call extreme right wing behavior today.
No, it's not right wing, it's not left wing.
It's what made this country great.
People wanted to come here because of that.
Speak of the devil.
Hillary Clinton for prison shirts.
We're only selling it, limited edition, through Christmas.
And if you haven't gotten this for your friends and family, it just looks like a campaign shirt.
Hillary for prison 2016.
And on the back it says legalize freedom and full wars dot com.
So you get the laugh, you educate somebody.
Shouldn't have many supporters we've found.
In fact, everybody around here just gets beer bought for them at restaurants and dinner literally bought for them when you wear it.
Joe Biggs and others have had that happen to them.
But it's a great conversation starter.
And then on the back say, Infowars.com, legalize freedom.
I want to give our guest Roger Stone a T-shirt because he gave me, you can go to Rogerstone.com and get this bad baby and support what he's doing.
The Clinton's War on Women, New York Times best-selling author, and then it's the cover of the book to get the word out and wear to her campaign events, because this woman has got to be stopped.
I'm going to wear this tomorrow night in Dallas at my book signing.
That is awesome, my friend.
And then the Clinton's War on Women, the new book, in bookstores everywhere, rogerstone.com.
You need to get it.
You need to send it to talk show hosts.
You need to get it covered, because
We may know that these are serial women abusers, but the general public still isn't really aware of it because Gloria Steinem and others have been covering it up.
Yeah, the Clintons are moving heaven and earth to try to bury this book.
Within hours of it being released, two Tuesdays ago, I tracked an inordinate number of one-star reviews on Amazon, one sentence, this book is crap, this book has all been discredited, this is the same old thing, Roger Stone's a right-wing hitman.
I have my own IT people, it didn't take them long to track every one of those reviews to the exact same IP address, where?
The Clinton headquarters in Brooklyn, New York.
And to their credit, when my lawyers contacted Amazon, they took those down.
So folks, if you read the book, if you like the book, do two things.
Pass it on to another woman, because if every woman reads this book, Hillary Clinton will get no votes for women.
And secondarily, if you like the book, go on Amazon, leave a favorable review.
The book is this close to the New York Times bestseller list, and if it makes it, it's so much harder for the mainstream media to ignore what is the truth.
Well, you've got an average of 78% reviews, so their attacks aren't working too well.
Well, because we had a number of them removed, and our number therefore went up.
I've never paid a person to go online.
I don't organize people to go on other than when I'm on radio, when I'm on TV, on liberty-oriented outlets.
I ask people, if you like the book, if you think we're striking a chord here, go on Amazon and let people know.
Well, we're in an info war, and it's not that the Republican Party's perfect either.
You're about to expose the Bushes here.
It's just that the system's scared of a patriot takeover of the Republican Party.
That's our best avenue.
There's a war going on right now.
No question.
And it's time to defeat all these rhinos.
And I don't know if Trump's perfect.
You know, and a lot of folks I know that know him behind the scenes say, no, he's the real deal.
All I know is he isn't Hillary Clinton.
And I'm not into lesser of two evils.
She says she's coming for my gun.
She says she's getting rid of the borders.
She says families are basically bad.
And I know what the Clintons have done to me personally with dirty tricks when he was president.
I don't want to live under that again.
So for me, this is personal as well.
Get into Jeb Bush, because do you think he was ever really running against her?
I mean, they're too tenacious and too arrogant to be a ringer for Hillary, right?
But wouldn't he kind of de facto turn into a ringer for her?
Well, they're in business together.
Look, the Clintons and the Bushes are constantly rehabilitating each other, complimenting each other, elevating each other.
Several months ago, think about it, Alex.
So he knows that?
...earthquake relief.
They spend $10 million in Haiti.
They pocket the other $128 million.
They close the nonprofit and they answer no questions.
This is the Bush-Clinton crime syndicate.
In January, I have a book coming out called Jeb.
And the Bush crime family.
You can go on Amazon and pre-order it right now.
The entire arc of crime by the Bush family.
Jeb, who was a drug dealer in his college and boarding room days, in his early business days in Houston and Miami.
Prescott Bush, who made his money arming the Nazis, who made his money off slave labor.
He was actually their main lawyer in the U.S.
Yeah, and his bank was confiscated by the Truman administration.
For treasonous activity.
George H.W.
Bush, who only avoided indictment in the Iran-Contra matter because he stonewalled a special prosecutor and he wouldn't hand over documents.
As you know, Alex, he's the one who oversaw the trafficking of millions of dollars worth of cocaine into the United States to illegally be sold and raise money for the Contras.
And his partner in that, the governor they found who would let them ship the cocaine into his state and look the other way?
Bill Clinton.
There's no question about it.
First of all, Hinckley did not shoot the bullet that hit Reagan.
As I will show in my upcoming book, there's a second shooter.
There's so much we have not been told.
Well, they had dinner with Hinckley a few days before.
There's so many more connections between Hinkley and the Bushes.
There's an immediate struggle by the Bush people for control of the football.
Immediately while Reagan is incapacitated.
And then Alexander Haig runs out and says, I've got it, I'm in control.
Well, here's what's interesting.
Bush pressured Reagan to sign a secret transfer of power agreement.
Haig was opposed.
Ed Meese, the Attorney General, was opposed.
Weinberg, the Secretary of Defense.
Every single member of the Reagan cabinet was opposed.
Sure, that's what I heard.
People made fun in the Bush system of Haig, but Haig was actually saying, no, I've got it, you don't have it.
Because they were trying to get it, right?
So what happens here is, Reagan signs this secret transfer of power agreement that says that in the event of the president being incapacitated, here's what will happen.
And as soon as he signs, six days later, there's an attempt on his life by a man associated with the Bush family.
Now, all five of Hinkley's shots are accounted for.
None of them hit Reagan.
There's a second gunman.
You can clearly see him in the pictures in my next book.
I lay out the entire Bush connection to the Reagan assassination.
Well, I want to sell your books on our store, too.
I want to carry them all.
I knew who you were.
I've met you before.
I don't know why I wasn't thinking get you on, because, I mean, I know a lot of your amazing work.
And then Richard Reeves, thank God, one of my friends and does some work with us, called up and said, don't you want to get this guy on?
You're writing articles about him.
I really want to thank you for coming in.
I appreciate being here.
What's crazy is, I've done all the research myself, but you forget so much of it.
You're here spewing it out.
You've got it documented in your book.
You start thinking of all the stuff the Bushes and the Clintons have done.
They're like James Bond villains.
Oh, they're worse.
They're worse because they're, look, this is what we call elite deviance.
The Bushes and the Clintons, they can lie, they can steal, they can do drugs, they can traffic drugs, they can have their own email server, they can misuse classified documents, they can have people murdered.
They can be involved in epic financial fraud and they pay no price.
The laws don't apply to the Bush's or the Clinton's.
That's why I'm for Trump.
We have to change this.
It's time for these criminals to be brought to justice.
The question is if Trump's for real, which I believe you that he thinks he's for real.
Certainly he's better than Hillary.
They're going to come after him and you said they're going to claim mafia ties.
I mean, that's talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
Plus he has just tripled up his personal security.
As you may know, he's been afforded a secret service protection.
That kind of bothers me.
I don't think you do.
I think A, they're spying for the government, and B, you don't know that you're safe in their hands.
But, and they asked me not to say anything.
I'm not saying the average guy's bad, but that's usually how they get you.
They've got their shadow specter operatives, to use a popular term.
Hydro, whatever you want to call it.
They've got their operatives in every major agency.
There's no question about that.
So, look, I do think, wait until Trump starts talking about monetary reform.
Because I know his views on monetary reform and the printing press money that we keep churning out.
Can you give us any little secrets?
Yeah, he's a hard money man.
He thinks it's time to look at gold.
I can tell you that right now.
Trump understands that the bankers have gone crazy and that the Federal Reserve is, you know, is not provided for in our government.
Well, it seems like he is getting more informed all the time.
When he went after Jeb on 9-11, then I was told by another
Well, and we're going to get him in here to do your show because I think you guys will hit it off.
He's a truth teller.
Now look, his political interests are not that long, meaning when the country was stronger, he was just focused on building his business and his brand.
The man is, above all, a patriot.
He's giving up the greatest life in the world.
I mean, he's got a beautiful family.
He's got a luxury existence.
He can play golf every afternoon on the greatest golf course in the world, which he built.
He's climbed every business mountain you can climb in terms of great development, great hotels, great businesses.
He's got an international billion-dollar company.
He's met more world leaders face-to-face, one-on-one, than anybody else running for president.
People find that interesting.
He doesn't want a new Cold War with Putin.
No, he understands that there's a whole culture, as you know Alex, of endless war.
They're always trying to sell you on war.
He thinks, for example, Lindsey Graham, he thinks this guy's a jerk.
And he called him out as a jerk.
Lindsey was all over him for campaign contributions.
Oh, Donald, here's my personal cell phone number.
Anytime you need anything, just call me.
As you may remember, Trump called it out on national television.
So, no, look, I think he's the real deal.
I can tell you he is unscripted and uncontrolled, which means that the political establishment cannot control him.
Boy, they're going to come after him, I think, probably with the same thing they came after Reagan with.
Well, they've already tried.
I mean, they've tried first to discredit him.
Remember, they said, oh, after his immigration comments, he's going to crash and burn.
Then after he took on John McCain, he's going to crash and burn.
Then they said that he's not going to show up for the debates.
There's no way he'll show up for the debates.
After every debate, he went up.
So I think the guy is fearless.
I think he's having the time of his life.
And then Carson's blowing himself up in front of everybody.
I can't figure the Carson thing out.
I just don't see him having the strength.
Look, the job is chief executive.
Trump is a guy who's run a multi-billion dollar international company with hundreds of thousands of employees.
He's a manager, and he could better manage the country.
I don't think you need to know the name of every obscure, rebel, Islamic, fanatic leader.
All you need to know is who the good guys and the bad guys are.
Wouldn't it be nice to have a President of the United States who put the United States
Well, I know Trump has said, don't back ISIS, which our government's been doing, and then he supports taking them out, and he supports the Russians.
He says, great, let the Russians pay for it.
I mean, that's a perfect plan.
If you get somebody else to take them out, that's even better.
Let's look at it historically.
There's only one man running for president in this election who was opposed to the Iraq War, who said it was an enormous mistake, and that's Donald Trump.
That is true, both parties were for it.
Yeah, even Bernie Sanders!
You know, who says he's a democratic socialist, which is like being a meat-eating vegetarian.
I mean, you're either socialist or you believe in democracy.
You can't believe in both, they're not consistent.
You think Bernie Sanders is just really stupid?
Or is he evil?
Actually, I think he's worse.
He's a true believer.
He's a true believing socialist.
He believes in the state and state control of our lives.
Even though it never works anywhere?
Right, because his solution is simple.
The government is going to do everything for you.
He just doesn't mention the 85% tax rate that he has in mind.
And that always select insider groups are basically exempt and consolidate power.
And that's what socialists don't get.
The same people that have gamed our system now are going to game a socialist system even worse.
Don't they understand that?
No, and what's interesting, of course, is I did a book signing here in Austin last night, the night before last, and we had a really great turnout at Brave New Books, which is a great little freedom-oriented bookshop.
I think you've been there.
Half the people there were Bernie Sanders people.
Because they know that Hillary is not a liberal or a progressive.
She's a whore for Wall Street.
She'll be wherever, for whatever the money is.
They're the ones that set up all the derivatives under Clinton.
So the left will buy her.
It's not that she's a true believer.
She's just buyable.
The Soroses of this world can buy her.
She believes in nothing.
So just as
The Bushes are not conservatives, they're crony capitalists.
The Clintons are really crony capitalists, but they'll be bought by the big government, the big business interests of the left.
So even those people know that she's inherently evil and she must be stopped.
We're going to go on a break and come back with a few politically correct phone calls for this segment and the next, until about five after.
Then you're going to be on the Nightly News tonight.
Really want to get you on the show more often, because everything you're saying from my own research is dead on, but you say it so eloquently.
What are other big tidbits that you, I don't want to say talking points, but points you had in your mind you wanted to make when you got here that you'd like to make in the next three minutes?
Well, I guess the largest single one is that, you know, look, I was a Republican my entire life and I had a great sentimental attachment to the Republican Party of Barry Goldwater.
That was the small government, personal freedom, keep the government out of your business, out of your bedroom.
That's the Ron Paul Republican.
They barely exist anymore.
Unfortunately, both parties have morphed into one party.
It's the party of endless war.
It's the party of erosion of our civil liberties.
It's the party of massive debt and more borrowing.
It's the party of high taxes on working people, but the hedge fund managers on Wall Street, they pay virtually nothing.
So, it's very hard for me.
I'm a registered Libertarian at this point, although there's a lot of folks there that I think are nuts too.
The problem here is that the old Republican Party will only be worth fighting for if we have a leader within it.
I'll probably switch back to the Republican Party to vote for Donald Trump in next year's primaries, because he's the first candidate I've seen who I'm actually enthusiastic about.
I've been trying to get him to run for president since 1988.
When I took him to New Hampshire to speak to the Portsmouth, New Hampshire Chamber of Commerce, Vice President Bush had been there the week before, had 500 people.
Donald Trump went, we had 2,800 people.
This is 1988.
I don't want to get any infighting going on, but I know you know Glenn Beck.
He does a lot of good things.
We support most of his work.
He doesn't like Donald Trump.
And I understand some of the reasons because of his past political activities, being a businessman in New York when Hillary was a senator, but I mean, so far he is saying the right things and he's better than the other candidates.
Yeah, look, I like Glenn and I look forward to asking him, you know, what his beef is with Donald Trump.
People do evolve politically.
I don't think Trump was all that politically aware or interested when the country was stronger and he was building his business.
He is right.
He's played the game.
If you're a businessman, if you don't put
Well, I know
You know this, if we did have a president that wasn't actively trying to put us into world government and the TPP, we would, it'd be like untying a boat from the dock when the engine's on.
We are tied up.
I mean, they're fighting to keep us politically and financially suppressed to control us.
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We're good.
Well, Roger Stone, rogerstone.com is our guest.
Really interesting fella.
And back when Trump was considering running on his exploratory committee, he was the head of his campaign.
And so, I'll hold you to it.
I don't think we really even tried to get Trump on.
We should really push to do that.
We shouldn't think they're guests too big to get on the show.
We've had a lot of big guests, obviously, on over the years.
That's a no-brainer.
I don't think we actually have tried, but it's hard with somebody with such a small campaign staff to get through to them.
Next I will try to set that up.
I think he'd have a good time and I think you'd enjoy talking to him.
You guys have hit it off because he is very upset about the direction of the country.
He's given up a lot to make this race but he wants to make America great again and trust me, he's the real deal.
Well, I hope you're right.
We'll certainly find out if he gets elected and then gets in there.
I know this.
People are really counting on him, so if he gets in there, he better deliver.
Of course, they could just let everything fall apart once he gets in, which is kind of the timeline, and then blame him for what happens.
I think they're going to have their hands full.
This guy is a take charge guy.
He's an optimist.
There's nothing he can't do.
Look, he's a Wharton graduate.
He's very smart.
He knows exactly what's going on here.
He's sick of the whole political correct agenda.
He understands that freedom is on the ropes.
And he's saying that gun-free zones are places for crazy people to go kill.
The guy, he's carrying.
Anytime you see him, trust me brother, he's carrying.
He's had a concealed carry permit in New York, which they don't give out.
They're very hard to get.
Oh, and the media acted like it's weird that he'd want to have a gun when he's a target.
How many death threats do you think he gets a week?
I mean, it's extraordinary.
And they ask us not to talk about it.
Well, that shows how warped it is.
Yeah, exactly.
But he gets a lot of death threats?
Oh, well, sure, because he's speaking out on a lot of controversial subjects, so... But you do say he's tripled his security.
He's tripled his security.
He himself carries.
Both his sons are gun enthusiasts.
Very active hunters and gun enthusiasts.
They both carry.
I love it.
You know, they're strong believers in the Second Amendment.
Oh, if he was president, he'd carry.
Well, you know, Obama's not carrying anything, but maybe a...
Reagan carried.
Reagan had a holster, you know, on his calf.
He was carrying about 80% of the time.
When he was running for president and when he was president.
Well, you're crazy if you don't.
Everybody's like, hey, let the cops have guns.
Well, what about us?
Yeah, I'm sure he wishes he was carried when Hinckley tried to take him out.
Or Hinckley and others tried to take him out.
Just like the Sirhan Sirhan crap.
AJ called in earlier, I had to put him on hold, and he mentioned going to this Red Robin hamburger place, I'm at the police state, and they've got where you order your food from a computer, it's got a camera watching you.
I saw a Chili's ad where it's got a camera, so he was going to finish his story.
So what happened when you discovered this?
Um, well, basically, uh, I asked the waitress, um, you know, what's the deal with the camera inside there?
And she's like, what camera?
Looked at the television screen, and then she said, whoa, there's a camera in there?
I had no idea.
Uh, you could just turn it away if you want.
So, Alex, from what she told me, I basically garnered two ideas in my head of what she knew.
She either lied to me or is just completely stupid and unawake.
I hope she lied.
I think it's not even stupid.
They just don't care.
They're in a trance.
I appreciate your call.
I'm glad you finished the story.
But we're going to go out to a Chili's.
That's the place I know is doing it.
I mean, talk about 1984.
Yeah, it's interesting.
What it means is you got to have a piece of masking tape when you go get a burger.
That's the thing.
What does Trump think about the whole NSA thing?
I think he's opposed to government spying.
I mean, we have been very concerned when I was there about whether his own phone calls, his own email were being looked at.
He's obviously got an enormous number of advisors in business and around the globe who are giving him uncensored information that you'd never get from the government or the New York Times, shall we say.
Talk about a really unfettered intelligence stream.
Yeah, he would be a giant champion of the First Amendment.
And I think he is very wary of the Patriot Act.
Well, compare him to political correctness, Hillary, agreeing we should ban words.
Trump says you're all a bunch of crazy people.
I mean, it's definitely good.
We're going to come back, take a few more calls from Ronnie and others.
Zach in Montana on the other side with our guest, RogerStone.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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Let's go ahead and go to Zach in Montana.
Roger Stone of RogerStone.com is our guest.
Really exciting to have him here with us.
Go ahead, Zach.
Yes, actually, I had called a while ago and just was kind of... No, no, we're going over politically correct calls now.
I apologize I made you hold, but a guest came in, but he's willing to comment on it.
Tell your politically correct story.
Well, I guess I had two points.
I studied math and engineering and physics in college.
Kind of what I discovered was, in those classes, most of your professors, you know, you could characterize them as being, you know, conservative, and, you know, none of them would ever come out and say they believed in God, but you could tell that they would, you know, privately say, yeah, well, you know, it's my opinion that such things do exist.
But as soon as, you know, part of the school that I graduated from was a liberal arts university, so you had to take some of what I would call cream puff classes.
And as soon as you get into those classes, it was just a totally different feel.
Much more political indoctrination in those types of classes.
And what I also kind of discovered was, you know, I took a lot of those towards the end of my academic career.
They're focused mostly on math and physics.
But once they, you know, part of your requirements was to construct a reasonable argument.
But when you got into these classes, you could just sit there and pick these guys with arguments apart because they're not even following what
You know, you're being taught in your physics and math classes and it just... Well, sure!
Look at now what they teach in Common Core.
2 plus 2 equals 5.
That's trying to sabotage children's minds.
Great point, Zach.
Appreciate you holding to tell us that.
And even if I don't get to you guys, coming up, David Knight is going to... No, David Knight's to the Nightly News tonight.
It's Paul Watson doing the fourth hour.
I want to go to these other callers, but I've got to give you the last word here.
What are you going to be covering?
I mean, you'll obviously recap on The Nightly News tonight, but what other areas are you going to be covering tonight on the news?
Well, look, I think it's important to bore down on the Bushes.
Your caller just raised it.
This is what is not known.
You know who the partners are in ObamaPhone?
That would be Carlos Slim, the Mexican billionaire, and his partner, Jeb Bush.
Oh my gosh, that's right!
Jeb's involved!
Jeb's the ObamaPhone moneymaker!
So, before he became a candidate for president,
Jeb transferred his stock in TrackPhone, the company that has the contract from the Feds for ObamaPhone, to his son so he wouldn't have to disclose it publicly.
Unfortunately, the woman who was the notary for the stock transfer happened to be a Liberty Republican and she kept a copy of the documents.
So the point of course here is that Jeb has made money on Obamacare.
He made money on Obama phones, and now he hopes to make a fortune on Common Core, because his brother is deeply invested in Common Core, the Common Core curriculum, Common Core textbooks.
So, the Bush family, they're profiteers, and they make money off of their policies.
Kind of like Grandpa did with the Nazis.
There really is no end to these people.
No, and they're all the same.
So, you know, this is why Barbara Bush says, oh, Bill Clinton is the fifth Bush brother, and George W. says, Bill Clinton is my brother from another mother, which makes Hillary like my sister-in-law.
This is disgusting.
Yeah, and they're all in it together.
They're making millions and millions of dollars out of the big state policies that they push.
And they're just the corrupt managers for all the multinationals that are buying and selling our country like they're pawns on a chessboard.
What should we call this interview when it goes up to YouTube and Facebook and other places?
I mean, how do we encapsulate what's happening?
Author exposes Clinton's crimes against women.
I think it's bigger than that.
This is a powerful interview.
Yeah, I know.
I think it is.
I think it's two things.
First of all, it is the hypocrisy of the Clintons and their claims about being advocates for women.
And then it's the Bush-Clinton crime syndicate, because that's what they are.
They're a crime syndicate.
The Bush-Clinton crime syndicate exposed.
That's it?
Join InfoWars Tuesday, November 10th for live debate coverage.
Since their last face-off, the GOP candidates have been picketed outside of sketch comedy shows, caught lying about their school records, and others have been banished to the kids' table.
What stupid questions await the remaining contenders when they meet again?
Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain?
Ben Carson, can you do math?
John Kasich, will you insult two people over here?
We have $19 trillion in debt.
We have people out of work.
We have ISIS and Al-Qaeda attacking us.
And we're talking about fantasy football?
Can we stop?
Can pundits put aside their disdain for the participants and focus on real issues?
How many times can Ronald Reagan be name-dropped in two hours?
Will someone wear a Hillary for Prison t-shirt?
All will be revealed Tuesday, November 10th, starting at 7 p.m.
Central, as InfoWars enters into another episode of Political Science Theater 3K.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Paul Joseph Watson back with the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be delving back into the political correctness issue.
Obviously the president of the University of Missouri has been forced to step down basically for the crime of being white.
We're going to delve back into that story.
But before the break, a couple of callers dropped off.
I am going to be taking calls in the next segment, so that's about 20 minutes away.
So we've got Ronnie in Texas, Chris, Jim.
There was another couple of callers that dropped off.
Call back in because I'm going to get back into all those issues in the next segment.
But first I wanted to start with this story.
And it's out of the Daily Caller.
Here's an inside look at China's frightening new move to control social behavior.
Now this is important because it's not just happening in China.
For at least five, six, seven years they've tried to implement these same policies in the United States, in the West, in the context of internet censorship and having to get government permission
to post on the internet.
That's the way it's going.
They're trying to introduce a driver's license for the internet, where if you dare to misbehave and say something xenophobic, you might get punished, you might get your welfare cut, you might get your internet access removed altogether.
So this is out of the Daily Caller.
The internet has become a tool for the Chinese Communist Party to keep its citizens in place.
Through the web, the government surveils their every move and puts them behind bars if their online behavior is not in line with Beijing's sentiment.
Recently, Chinese officials began developing a social credit system in which the government keeps what amounts to an internet credibility score on each citizen.
Experts discussed the system during the ongoing China Forum in Washington, D.C., which they say reveals a real-world, 1984-style totalitarian state in the making.
Listen to this, because this is coming, we reported on this five years ago, the exact same system, and they're still trying to push it.
Quote, it will mark the arrival of an unprecedented information totalitarianism, said Chow Yaxue, a Chinese writer and renowned critic of the Chinese Communist Party.
It's issuing a driver's license for speech.
You will be subjected to point deduction for violation of speech.
Once you have no points left, you will be barred from going on the road again.
So again, remember, political correctness found its origins not just in the Frankfurt School, but also in Communist China, back during the Mao era.
Because to be politically incorrect was to say something against the government.
Now, for years in China, they've been trying to drown out dissent on the Internet.
They cut off entire regions from Internet access if there's civil unrest in a certain area.
They've been trying to implement this Real ID for bloggers, for anybody who posts on the Internet, similar to what Facebook has done for years.
And now they're talking about a driver's license for the internet, where if you make a comment that's reported, maybe it's offensive, maybe anti-government, you will be deducted points on your internet license, leading to maybe cussing off your web access altogether, and other punishments, which we'll get on to.
I'm going to flip back to this story.
But look what we reported back in 2010.
Enemies of free speech call for internet licensing.
Again, this was over five years ago.
Calls to introduce a licensing system to police the internet on behalf of a powerful UN agency represent the latest salvo in a long-running battle to kill free speech on the web and bring an end to the powerful digital democracy that has devastated the carbon tax agenda of the UN by exposing the Climategate scandal.
This was back when that was a huge story.
UN International Telecommunications Union Secretary Hamadou Ntoure told the World Economic Forum in Davos that global treaties need to be enacted in the name of stopping cyber warfare.
Again, it's always in the name of stopping cyber warfare.
Craig Munday, Chief Research and Strategy Officer for Microsoft, told fellow globalists at the summit that the internet needed to be policed by means of introducing licenses similar to driver's licenses.
In other words, government permission to use the web.
The exact same system now being implemented by the Communist Chinese Party.
And if you think that could never happen over here in the glorious
bountiful freedom of the West, then just look what we reported two months ago.
Ex-Stasi agent hired to censor xenophobic Facebook posts.
Again, people who make offensive Facebook posts against the arriving influx of migrants who are, you know, defecating on people's gardens, raping women, stealing from local stores.
If you criticize the migrants, and again, some of these posts are
You know, calling for violence.
Some of them aren't.
Some of them are just considered, quote, racist.
Which is obviously a very flexible standard, depending on your definition.
So they hired an ex-Stasi agent to work with the German government, to work with Facebook, to hunt down these people making, quote, offensive Facebook posts about migrants.
And again, we reported two months ago, the UN wants to censor the entire internet to save feminist feelings.
So these two prominent feminists got up in front of the UN, Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn, and said, basically, if you say, quote, you suck to a feminist on Twitter, that's hate speech.
And you need to be censored off the internet for daring to utter that dissent.
Another example they gave was calling Caitlyn Jenner Bruce.
That was enough for this program, which they're still pushing, thankfully it was rolled back because it was so authoritarian, to get the UN to pressure local governments to then pressure ISPs to hunt down and censor people if they make hate speech posts on the internet.
Again, what do they define as hate speech?
Disagreeing with them.
That's hate speech.
Or calling Caitlyn Jenner Bruce, daring to challenge the orthodoxy of this whole transgender mental illness that they're pushing.
So yes, it already is happening over here.
We had another article just last year out of TechDirt.
government begins rollout of its driver's license for the Internet.
Again, the exact same words used for this Chinese Communist Party system.
A few years ago, and we reported on this at the time, the White House had a brilliant idea.
Why not create a single secure online ID that Americans could use to verify their identity across multiple websites, starting with local government services?
The New York Times described it as a driver's license for the Internet.
So this was a plan being pushed back at least in 2010 and even before that we had John McCain and Lieberman and others call for a similar system whereby your real identity would be connected to every single comment you made.
On an internet post.
Every single video you uploaded.
Basically your entire browsing activity on the internet.
And now Communist China is implementing that very system and its critics are calling it totalitarianism.
Now just listen to the punishments that will ensue if you dare dissent.
If you dare from points on your driver's license for the internet.
Again going back to the Daily Caller article.
As the name implies, the system holds a score on every citizen and business based on their social behavior.
The things you buy and people you socialize with are subject for review.
Every word typed and posted on the internet will decide whether a person is, quote, raising the honest mentality and credit levels of the entire society.
Of course, this is communism, this is collectivism.
Based on how these behaviours are in sync with the beliefs of the Chinese Communist Party, a person's score will go up and down.
The credit rating is directly related to a person's access to social services, such as education and healthcare.
When a person runs out of points altogether, they will no longer be allowed to leave their homes.
So they're talking about withdrawing people's benefits.
Maybe it will even get to the point where, you know, your credit card simply ceases to work because you've dissented against the government on the internet.
That is the system.
That the Communist Chinese Party is now trying to impose.
But what makes it even more frightening is it's the same system that the US government, you know, under a lighter, fluffier description, but to all intents and purposes the same system, has been trying to impose for 6, 7, 8 years under the justification of cyber security.
They want your real ID.
Your full name linked to every single post you make on the internet, and then you will be denied government services based on your fealty, based on your submission to whatever the dominant narrative is.
And, you know, if you make anti-migrant remarks, for example, as is already happening in Germany,
Then maybe you won't get your next welfare check, which is obviously the ultimate means of control is to deprive people of their basic financial resources, especially if they're living close to the breadline, simply if they make negative Facebook posts, negative comments on articles about the government.
So this is absolutely chilling, and it's why I brought it up first, because about a month ago we also had the story
Of this app, this new app that was about to come out, which was basically Yelp for people.
This was an app to rate and to review individual people based on their behaviour, whether it be in business, personal relationships, whatever.
And of course there was a huge outcry over this.
Because who knows if it's true what people are posting about you on the internet.
If it's a jilted lover or whatever, then obviously they're going to be bitter.
They're going to give you, as an individual person, a negative review.
They're going to write bad things about you on the internet.
So they actually came out with this app called People, and it received a huge backlash because it was obviously wide open to abuse.
Now the founder of that, and this relates back to the Chinese issue because that's what they're talking about introducing basically, Yelp for People co-founder, this is an article out of entrepreneur.com, your hate only fuels my resolve to launch people.
So despite the massive backlash, they've resolved to relaunch this app and we'll get more into this after the break with your calls.
It's the Alex Jones Show Live, stay tuned.
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Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss.
We're back!
I'm Paul Farrell.
I hope you're having fun at the Alex Jones Show with me, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
I'm gonna go up to your calls in a moment.
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We're going to go to these calls now because they've been waiting a long time.
Ronnie in Texas wants to talk about political correctness.
You're on the air, Ronnie.
Go ahead.
Well, I'm so honored to hear now say, God bless Phyllis Schlafly, who for many decades, as you know, has done more to help save our once proud U.S.
Constitutional Republic than anyone, short of perhaps Alex Jones or, of course, Dr. Rand Paul.
But about, briefly, my opinion about Dr. Rand Paul is Trump's best choice for vice president or vice versa, my preference, because that guarantees that Trump or Dr. Rand Paul
Won't be assassinated!
I mean, the evil ones, they don't want to risk that, either one of those people in the White House.
But, again, former President Bill Criminal, he personally drove me away from the so-called Democratic Party many, many years ago.
You know, about the PC, I'm not personally a registered student at UT, but I was thrown off campus for just carrying my own
I'm the President, Dr. Ron Paul Placard.
Now, where's the First Amendment fit into that?
I mean, it's so counter to our, you know, right to express our political opinion.
That's what the First Amendment is all about.
That and religion, of course.
We're free to have our own, you know, to not be bullied out of our own religious beliefs or bullied out of our political beliefs.
But then again, that doesn't seem to apply to the mighty University of Texas.
Anymore, which is really horrific.
It's a big letdown to me, personally, because I'm a lifelong, many decades have been a follower of Dr. Ron Paul, and he, of course, understands the Constitution.
And if more people would just pay attention to the ideas that Dr. Ron Paul has been spreading for many, many years, his many, many books, and he'll pay attention to, hopefully, Dr. Rand Paul,
I think that would be an excellent choice, Ronnie, and thanks for the call.
Yeah, again you mentioned you were kicked out of university for carrying a Ron or a Rand Paul book.
Because we had the footage last week out of Project Veritas at Yale, Cornell, Syracuse, Vassar and Oberlin where they posed as students who were...
Who were triggered by a pocket constitution, and they actually got the administrators at these universities to rip up copies of the pocket constitution, simply because it offended, because it had triggered the precious snowflakes.
And of course it was set up, but it was illustrating how these university professors are now so afraid of their extreme left-wing students that they will go to any lengths to count out of them.
Also, before the break, I was talking about China.
Of course, they're implementing this censorship policy via the internet.
We had the professor there at the other university, Yale, surrounded by this hate mob because he dared to suggest that Halloween costumes might not be offensive if you just ignored them and got the hell over it.
He was surrounded by this baying mob.
Alex talked about that on yesterday's show.
Now, it actually turns out that
That very kind of behavior is straight out of Red China.
There's an article out of Breitbart which documents that.
It's a form of public shaming in which perceived enemies of the party would be surrounded in a public place by Red Guards.
This is what happened during the Cultural Revolution.
Mao's most zealous supporters, the Red Guards, would hurl abuse at their target until they confessed to their crimes.
So we're going to get more into the whole political correctness issue after the break.
And take more of your calls.
It's the Alex Jones Show Live 4th Hour Overdrive.
Stay tuned.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It's the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to go to more of your calls here in about 10 minutes.
But obviously the top story this hour, it was the top story on drudgereport.com as of about an hour ago.
The president of the University of Missouri has basically been forced to step down.
He's been forced to resign for little more than being white.
Now, of course, this controversy has been rumbling for a few months now, but President Tim Wolf made the announcement today after, again, another baying mob, Maoist style, as I explained in the previous segment, demanded that he acknowledge his white privilege in the aftermath of less than a handful of alleged racist incidents which occurred at the university over the last few months.
So again, let's get this clear.
The President, who has been forced to resign because of this regressive leftist purge against all free speech, which is now enveloping universities across America.
Again, we saw it with Project Veritas.
We've seen other universities, Wisconsin,
Even say that using the term politically correct is politically incorrect.
It's a war on free speech.
And this president who's been forced to resign made no racist comments whatsoever.
He performed no racist actions whatsoever.
His crime was refusing to kowtow to the Maoist style intimidation tactics of this ideological lynch mob.
So they had a few incidents over the last few months.
Back in September, a white student yelled a racial slur at the university's black student body president.
Then there was another incident where this drunk white student again yelled a racial insult at another black student.
Someone drew a swastika with feces on a bathroom wall.
Again, a lot of those incidents have been proven to be false flags where they're actually performed by the people who live in permanent victimhood to try and smear their ideological adversaries.
We don't know for sure what happened.
So there are a handful of allegedly racist incidents that occurred.
Again, the president made no racist comment whatsoever.
He simply refused to get out of his vehicle and meet with this baying mob that wanted to shout him down.
The football team, which again is majority black, and one of their complaints is there aren't enough black staff on the faculty there at the university, even though the football team is majority black.
So again, no positive discrimination there.
But they basically forced him to resign because they demanded he acknowledge his, quote, white privilege and refused to do so.
So as Ben Shapiro writes today, Wolf was ousted for refusing to acknowledge his white male privilege.
A privilege that apparently includes being fired for no reason because of the color of his skin and his sex.
And that the school hire more black teachers based solely on the color of their skin.
So white privilege is so amazing now, apparently, that people are getting fired or being forced to step down for being white.
That's how much of an advantage white privilege was in this case.
Again, the university's undergraduate population is 79% white and 8% black, which is almost in line with the state population.
83% white and nearly 12% black.
And again, they were worried about their precious safe space.
They were worried about being triggered by these alleged incidents.
They demanded that heads must roll.
But because this university president not only failed to take responsibility for actions that were nothing to do with him, and because he failed to acknowledge his, quote, white privilege,
Now the baying mob, the regressive left, has forced him to resign and they're actually forming human shields around the university to prevent reporters from getting near to report on the story.
Again, illustrating their total contempt for the free press and for free speech and to getting, you know, to the heart of what this issue actually represents.
So again, it's about this baying mob of professionally offended special snowflakes
That demand not equality, but supremacy.
Demand somebody apologise for the colour of their skin.
They're racists.
They're regressives.
They don't believe in equality.
And on the subject of white privilege, now we've got this Mark Dice video.
Liberals enthusiastically back fake MSNBC reporters' call for white privilege tax.
Liberals in San Diego enthusiastically backed a fake MSNBC reporter's call for a white privilege tax in order to redistribute wealth to minority communities.
Here's the video.
To demonstrate how most people will mindlessly believe what the mainstream media tells them, I'm here posing as a reporter for MSNBC, where I'm going to be making up some insane news to see if the people blindly believe it.
President Obama's new white privilege tax for income redistribution to invest money in the minority communities.
Think it's about time he do that?
Yeah, I think it's my turn for him to do that because, you know, everybody needs a little help.
Needs a little hand out.
Yeah, needs a little hand out and the minorities, they're struggling.
The white people have more money, you know, so the white privilege tax would just kind of even the playing field out a little bit, you think?
Yes, yes it does, yes.
I really think so because the rich, they have... White people.
You know, the rich, they have the money.
The white people have the money to fund the programs.
They're putting them in different organizations.
So the minority... The white people's tax is a good thing, basically, is what you're saying.
And make sure the minority get the money to benefit themselves.
From the white men.
Okay, just checking.
The idea is that since the white people make a disproportionately higher amount of money, the white privilege tax would just sort of help to offset that.
And make everything a little bit more even.
You think that's long overdue?
I guess so, but you know, at the end of the day, it's a capitalist society, so it's, you know, why penalize people for making more money per se?
It's more of like a bonus.
You know, if you're making that much money,
You're sort of rewarded with the white privilege.
I get that for sure.
Spread the wealth into the minority communities from the higher and white communities.
About time we do something like that.
I'd say so.
There's a lot of millionaires with money in the bank that isn't touched.
White people, yes, per se.
Yeah, I wouldn't say it's... It's a good thing.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I would say so.
For sure.
I don't know the details of that specific program, but obviously there needs to be redistribution of wealth through taxation.
This specifically is a little slightly higher taxation on the Caucasians since they make a lot more money.
Take that money and invest it in minority communities.
Great idea.
Yeah, absolutely.
If you look at a study that was done by the Fed of San Francisco, we are the 17th country in the world based on if you have any ethnicity or any problems financially to rise up to the top.
And the white people have the money so they can afford to pay a little bit higher taxes?
Here at MSNBC, we couldn't agree more.
Thank you so much for your time.
Thank you.
Have a great day.
Appreciate that.
Should President Obama have issued the White Privilege Tax video again, he's done that before with Hillary Clinton supporters, and they enthusiastically advocated it too.
And again, it goes back to the point I was making before.
Progressives don't believe in equality.
They'll openly call for people to be discriminated against based on their skin color, as we saw in this video.
And that's otherwise known as racism.
But again, they've launched this pseudo-intellectual thinking.
They've invented it out of fresh air, where they claim that it's impossible to be racist against white people.
Because to be racist has to combine prejudice with power.
Of course, the vast majority of white people in America have no power whatsoever.
But that's the only way liberals can win the argument.
They literally have to change the meaning of words to suit their narrative.
And again, we saw it in that video.
Let's go to more of your calls here.
Jim in Connecticut wants to talk about PC culture.
Jim, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, I had an experience at Owl Garden recently.
It was about, they got these iPads now on the tables where you can order stuff, but I looked at them and I noticed that there's cameras on both sides.
So, uh, because this is going on earlier into what Alex was saying before he got off air.
Explain that again, Joris.
Well, a couple of nights ago I went to Olive Garden with my fiancée, and they had these iPods where you can order stuff, but I noticed that the iPads, I should say, the cameras were still on them, and more than likely were probably active and whatnot, and that right there was not kosher in my book.
No, yeah, we've had that story before.
We had it a couple of weeks ago in another restaurant, and they were confronted about it, the staff and the owners of the restaurant, and they were wishy-washy about it, saying, well, yeah, the cameras might be activated, but you can opt out.
Of course, nobody knew that when they sat down at the table, so it's creepy beyond belief.
Thanks for the call, Jim.
Another story I wanted to cover before we get to more of these callers here.
This is out of louderwithcrowder.com again.
Talking about how political correctness is now literally putting people's lives at risk.
Woman hired to FDNY despite failing all physical tests.
Pick us, SJW.
Again, nothing to do with equality.
This is actually putting people's lives at risk.
We've seen this before.
They get women who take these physical courses to try and become a firefighter and they fail time and time again.
Now, hiring people who can't do the job because they're physically inept to save people from fires, that's a threat.
That's going to cost lives in the long run.
And the article says, I'm a reasonable person.
The best person for the job matters more to me than skin color or gender.
Again, we live in a meritocracy.
Let's pick people for the job based on their skills and talent, not on their skin color.
Let's not be racist.
The article continues, but I understand why having a diverse workforce is a nice idea.
We are all the world and all, still you should at least be able to do the job.
Unlike a new FDNY hire that needed instructors to fudge results all in the name of diversity.
So this is a woman who took this physical course to become a firefighter.
And quote, never achieved a passing score of 17 minutes and 50 seconds on the functional skills test, a course of job-related tasks in full gear, such as stretching hoses and dragging dummies, according to an FDNY source familiar with the training.
She did not come in under 24 minutes in practice tests.
It continues, she also failed to run the required 1.5 miles in 12 minutes or less, even after the running course was slashed by an estimated quarter mile.
So they even reduced the standards of the test, and she still failed.
The source said, alleging that the start and finish lines were moved to shorten the run.
So even after they shortened the run, she still failed.
But she was one of 282 court-ordered priority hires.
Those are the words they used, priority hires.
A judge commanded must get preference because of, quote, past discrimination.
Yes, this is a real thing.
This means that when it comes to a life and death situation,
When you need someone to drag your limp body from a burning building, when you need someone to dive back into said building to save your baby in record time, you may not get the best person for the job, instead of a strapping young physically capable fireman.
You may instead see a gender-fluid pansexual bantamweight waltzing in to save you.
So they're actually giving jobs to people to become firefighters, not based on their proficiency, not based on whether they've got the skills to pass the physical test to get the job.
But based on
That basically anyone can get the job.
Again, another example of political correctness now actually set to put people's lives at risk.
Let's go back to these calls.
We've got Tim in Wyoming on PC Culture.
Tim, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, hi.
You were talking about the political correctness.
When you mentioned China earlier, you were saying something about five years ago.
They were talking about the pounding
Having people surrounded.
That happened to me when I went to a meeting of UN supporters.
Amazingly enough.
Well, I mean, not really surprising, but when I went to a meeting of UN supporters, actually, as an anti-UN representative, and I was surrounded, literally, by people who were yelling and screaming and telling me that the organization I belonged to was most likely communist, and they were saying that the UN was great and everything, and I just couldn't understand their way of thinking.
They were impossibly
And possibly disconnected from reality.
It was funny, actually.
I mean, I thought about it afterwards, and I thought I should have laughed in their faces, but I didn't.
No, I mean, that tactic of surrounding people as part of a baying mob, intimidating them, you know, under the guise of just having a back-and-forth conversation, that's actually a Maoist tactic practiced by the Red Gods.
It's in this Breitbart article, you can read about it, we posted it up on InfoWars.com.
It's called, only conservatives can save the American campus, but should we?
Obviously it's talking about what Alex covered yesterday, which was this individual, this professor at Yale University, who had the temerity to send out an email suggesting that people shouldn't get offended over, quote, offensive Halloween costumes.
So he was surrounded by this bayonet of
So again, in most cases, are more extreme than their professors even were back in the 60s, basically screaming, demanding he resign, for daring to say that people should not be so sensitive about Halloween costumes.
And again, from this article it says, students of history will notice an alarming similarity in the video, which we played yesterday, to the struggle sessions of Maoist China.
A form of public shaming in which perceived enemies of the party would be surrounded in a public place by Red Guards, Mao's most zealous supporters.
The Red Guards would hurl abuse at their target until they confessed to their crimes.
Uninformed critics might argue that the Red Guards were a weapon of the communist state and not genuine grassroots movement, but they'd be wrong.
The Red Guards started out as a student movement on Chinese campuses.
So they used these exact same tactics to surround this professor, to intimidate him, to shout him down.
By the end of the video, one student was screaming her head off and running away.
Simply because he sent out an email saying these Halloween costumes were offensive, which we've seen that narrative being pushed by the Huffington Post, by MTV, I made a video about it.
And so now again, these regressive leftists are using that to try and take control of university campuses
Which are supposed to be bastions of free speech, bastions of unrestricted debate.
They're not supposed to be safe spaces where you have to get trigger warnings before anything that might offend somebody.
So now again, these liberal professors, which were quite, you know, radical back in the 60s, are so afraid of their students that they're actually asking to be transferred and quitting these universities.
That's how bad it's got.
We'll delve more into it after the break.
It's the Alex Jones Show Live.
Stay tuned.
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This is the end, beautiful friend.
This is the end, my only friend.
This is the end of the show.
Final take of our overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
David Knight's gonna tell us what's coming up on tonight's Info Wars Nightly News.
David, what have you got for us tonight?
Well, Paul, we're going to be talking in an extended interview to Roger Stone.
Of course, Alex talked to him earlier today on the radio show.
He's a former advisor to Donald Trump, and of course, he's been a political consultant to pretty much all the presidents since, and including, Richard Nixon.
So he's got a very long history, a lot of experience.
He breaks down where we are in this particular race, talks about the issues, and most importantly, about his book.
Hillary Clinton's war on women and he's written a couple of other books.
He's got another book that is coming out just before the New Hampshire primaries.
We talked to him about that a little bit.
Jeb and the Bush crime family.
So that's going to be very interesting.
We also will be covering the resume gate about Ben Carson.
What's up with that?
Of course, there's a pretended illusion of objectivity of the media that exposed that that's not anywhere near the case.
But we're also going to talk about how the public has been taken captive by this left-right paradigm.
And we're also going to talk, Paul, about this missile test off the coast of California near L.A.
What does that tell us?
What are the implications of that missile test?
We're going to talk about that tonight on the Nightly News.
Okay, and you can see that by subscribing to PrisonPlanet.tv.
See it first in high quality, obviously later it goes up on the Alex Jones Show channel.
That's the InfoWars Nightly News.
A couple of stories I just want to hit here in the final few minutes because Alex touched on this earlier.
German town migrants riot in church, steal from stores, defecate on gardens.
This is yet another quiet German town, population 23,500, that was inundated by 4,500 asylum seekers.
And now basically people are afraid to even go into the town because of the aggressive, intimidating behavior of these refugees who have not been integrated.
They're stealing from stores.
Again, there are more reports of rape.
Defecating on people's gardens, showing no respect for the local culture, which of course has been in place for hundreds and hundreds of years, a strong Catholic community.
And we're seeing this all over Germany.
This is a continuing problem, especially with the rape cases, which the police have again been caught covering up.
They refuse to divulge details.
Breitbart's reporting Germany to lower education standards for benefit of migrants.
The German interior minister has announced his intention to drop educational standards in the country to help migrants get into school or find a training place.
So now they're actually going to go, you know, Common Core with their education system, lower the standards simply to appease and to absorb these migrants with overflowing classroom sizes.
Of course, that's going to negatively impact the country in a different way to all the other social problems that they're importing via this mass wave of migrants.
Finally, here in the last minute,
Gatestone Institute reports, Germany migration crisis becomes public health crisis.
German hospitals are increasing security to protect doctors and nurses from violent attacks by migrants who are unhappy with the medical treatment they're receiving.
We've seen in the other camps they're unhappy with the Wi-Fi, they're unhappy with the food.
Now they're complaining about the medical treatment being given to them free at taxpayer expense, and they're actually attacking doctors and nurses.
These hospitals are trying to hire extra security to deal with this.
We've also got doctors warning about the fact that these migrants are importing all these exotic diseases into the country that have been eradicated, Ebola being one of them potentially, also several TB cases.
Hemorrhagic fever, diphtheria, Ebola, hepatitis, malaria, measles, all these different illnesses being imported back into the country.
It's a massive crisis and that's why Germany is currently in revolt.
The top security ministers are warning about domestic unrest and basically trying to try Angela Merkel for treason because it's all her fault.
That's going to wrap it up for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Stay tuned for InfoWars 90 news tonight.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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