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Name: 20151106_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 6, 2015
3086 lines.

This passage is a transcript of Alex Jones' radio show discussing voter rejection of policies promoted by Obama and Clinton's campaign; mentioning victories like repealing Houston Mayor Anise Parker's ordinance, Virginia voters rejecting gun control, defeating San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mercorimi, and Tea Party Republicans Matt Bevin and Janine Hampton being elected. Additionally, the audio clip covers topics including global economy, debt, innovation, InfoWars Life products, political views, economic collapse, colonialism, Bernie Sanders' socialism, and its impact.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is another massive transmission lined up today on this Friday broadcast, already the 6th day of November, 2015.
And we're gonna break it all down when we kick off the main transmission at the start of the next segment.
But John Bowne reports on some of the victories we're having.
The sleeping giant has awakened.
The days of bullying the average American with bleeding-heart liberal socialist lunacy appears to have run its course.
Voters nationwide rallied to send a clear message to President Obama's administration and Hillary Clinton's campaign of left-field criminal madness.
You know, our Constitution is being shredded.
We know about the secret wiretaps.
We know about the secret military tribunals, the secret White House email accounts.
An overwhelming majority of Americans reject their policies and phony egalitarian rhetoric.
Houston, Texas voters put an end to Houston Mayor Anise Parker's moronic ordinance that subjected businesses with $5,000 fines for not allowing men dressed as women to prowl women's restrooms.
An ordinance putting women and children in danger, all in the name of gender discrimination.
Flatly defying common sense.
In a shocking discovery, the University of Toronto recently found that allowing gender neutral bathrooms increased the rate of voyeurism.
Or to use the more common English, peeping.
Also known as being a sicko and a pervert.
First of all, this was a team effort of everyone up here, of every church, of every citizen who understands common decency and common sense.
It was not a partisan issue.
It was not a liberal issue, conservative issue, or moderate issue.
The Houston Chronicle reports, Houston's controversial Equal Rights Ordinance failed by a wide margin Tuesday, with voters opting to repeal the law that offered broad non-discrimination protection.
Big money gun control met its match in Virginia.
Virginia voters sent the message to Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe that his progressive rhetoric is no longer legitimate.
Breitbart reports Bloomberg was hoping to capitalize on the tragic shooting of two Virginia TV reporters.
By a disgruntled newsman earlier this summer, he pumped millions into the race for two critical state senate seats.
As a result, both Democrats were able to dramatically outspend their Republican rivals.
Bloomberg and his super PAC, Every Town for Gun Safety, hoped to show that Democrats could win on the issue of gun control.
Also, Governor McAuliffe had made enacting new restrictions on gun ownership a centerpiece of his campaigning for Democrats around the state.
In San Francisco, Sanctuary City supporting and highly incompetent Sheriff Ross Mercorimi was soundly defeated, receiving only 31% of the vote.
This, on the heels of the murder of 32-year-old Kate Steinle by Francisco Sanchez,
In broad daylight, as she strolled down San Francisco's waterfront, Sanchez, a Mexican illegal immigrant, had been released from Mercurimi's jail, despite the fact that federal officials had requested Sanchez be held and possibly deported.
Tea Party Republicans Matt Bevin and Janine Hampton, the first black statewide officeholder in Kentucky, swept up seats after an ugly barrage of Democratic negative ad campaigns assaulted the ethics of the good people of Kentucky.
A state with rural and Christian roots that have had about all they can stand from Washington, D.C.'
's pompous lies and blatant tactics of division.
Obama's Democratic governors only number 17 as of 2015, down from 29 in 2008.
The power of the puppets of the New World Order is dwindling.
And before this report gets rabbit-punched by name-calling Democratic liberals with zero substance in their arguments,
This isn't about the Republican or Democratic paradigm.
The construction of a new world order.
Our liberties as American citizens have been under a fierce attack by the controllers of that paradigm.
Today was a show of force and a victory for liberty and the future of our Republic.
Power to the people.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com
And that's even with all the election fraud manipulation, it's hard for them to steal landslides.
And the landslide is coming.
Stay with us.
You're racist if you attack Planned Parenthood.
That's according to feminist icon Gloria Steinem.
Steinem claims the current backlash against Planned Parenthood is part of an ultra-right-wing attempt to restore the basis of patriarchy, a long-term racist system which is controlling reproduction.
And to control reproduction, you have to control the bodies of women.
What kind of inverted reality is this CIA-connected activist living in?
Contrary to all those social justice buzzwords, Planned Parenthood was founded by a self-described racist.
Founder Margaret Sanger famously said in 1939, we don't want the word to go out, that we want to exterminate the Negro population.
Planned Parenthood was founded to control the bodies of black women in order to control the black population.
If you can wade through all of Steinem's doublespeak, you might just figure out who the real racists are.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, you knew it was coming.
DHS is announcing expanded Gestapo tactics around U.S.
airports in the wake of the Russian airliner being blown up last week.
We knew this was coming.
The radical jihadis, funded, protected, armed, coddled by the West, begin striking Western targets.
And now, the very criminal government that has been funding these organizations will now take more of our freedoms.
But let's be clear.
Even the average TSA person is not our enemy.
The average police officer is not our enemy.
The average, even IRS worker is not our enemy.
They are misguided or desperate Americans that have been brought up in a state of mind control.
I have a hugely full plate of over-the-top important news and guests today.
But I first want to speak to several issues here that keep coming up on the street.
Not once but twice yesterday I ran into people that I know and in conversations they
Brought up that police officers, that they know, that they know, know me, relay the message, why did you used to hate the police and say that we wanted the public to, you know, lick our boots?
But now you support the police.
And within that question,
You have really deep answers.
I talk a lot about Rosetta Stone articles, Rosetta Stone stories, Rosetta Stone developments, that if you understand that particular event, it's a perfect way to see how it connects into so many other things.
The misperceptions, the misunderstandings, the way the public sees things in one-dimensional
Ways, or even two-dimensional ways, if they're lucky.
But if you can ever get people outside the box, as the proverbial cliche goes, you really can change the world.
So, here's where I stand on the police.
I was never against the police.
Just like I was never against black people, or male delivery people, or Hispanics, or Germans, or whatever.
I tried to expose the globalization, the federalization, the militarization of the police.
I was against the phony drug war because it was a contrived crisis to destabilize the country.
But people always see things either or.
Either you totally support the drug war or you support everybody being on drugs.
And it's not either or.
Drugs are a problem.
We'll have problems if they're legal.
We'll have problems if they're illegal.
But you've always got to go back to the question of what deploys the most human liberty and produces the freest, most open society.
And that's a culture where drugs are decriminalized, not completely legalized, in my research view.
And you say, what does this have to do with police?
Well, it's like the drug war.
I know the drug war was set up in the 30s after alcohol was legalized again after 10 years of prohibition.
The corrupt bureaucrats, the corrupt city officials, the corrupt police in many areas, the corrupt mafias wanted something new to have a black market in.
I mean, it's on record that that's what happened.
You could buy cocaine, heroin, opium, anything you wanted.
Amphetamines at the corner drugstore.
They'd go in and put a squirt of opium in the drink, they'd put a squirt of cocaine in the drink, and they'd put a squirt of different candy flavors in it.
And then boy, you'd be ready to go out and sell some advertising for the newspaper if you were an advertising executive after you had your Dr. Pepper in Waco, Texas.
I use that example because one of my ancestors basically was the inventor of Dr. Pepper that was the first soft drink.
Kind of a curse to bring upon the world but he was an advertising executive and he liked his Dr. Pepper and the original Dr. Pepper had cocaine in it.
Just a funny little story.
He named Dr. Pepper and it was the drink he liked to mix.
He didn't mass deploy it or sell it like the
Apothecary that was producing it.
But they did advertise in his newspapers.
He actually owned the newspapers, but...
I'm digressing.
All of this ties in together.
I'm not against police.
I'm against bad training and globalists taking control of the police and the government passing laws that target patriots and then having a bunch of political police that are commissars that come out like the Soviet NKVD and persecute the public.
And that's what they're trying to set up.
And I tried to get that to not come to fruition and to not unfold.
Now the world has changed.
Yes, when I was younger and not as sophisticated, I didn't hate the police.
I felt threatened by the police state.
I tried to stop it.
And I came off very aggressively.
Because when I feel threatened, I get aggressive, especially when I was younger.
So there's plenty of videos of me screaming at the police and getting in their face and getting arrested and you name it.
But I didn't do it because I hated them individually.
I did it because they shouldn't be out there telling us we couldn't demonstrate without a permit in downtown Austin.
And they lost a bunch of lawsuits over it and now they don't violate the First Amendment.
And it wasn't about a vendetta against them.
It was about, I'm going to enforce the Bill of Rights.
I'm going to police this government.
That's what I'm supposed to do.
That's what citizens are supposed to do.
And then we hire the police to bring criminals to our grand juries and our juries so we can sit in judgment.
We do the hanging around here.
We are the people.
And I'm about usurping that back from the globalists in a good way.
But digressing too far afield,
I'm against our police being globalized, being taken away from us.
I'm against our local governments being taken away from us.
I'm against having our right to control our destiny and to set up our own civilization being destroyed in front of us and watching the police be forged into a weapon against the people.
And the New World Order social engineers have been successful on some fronts, but they've been unsuccessful on others.
And I began about a decade ago
To see New World Order propaganda to police departments and the military backfire extremely bad.
And I began to look at statistics and polls that 98% of police are pro-gun and over 90% have, in questionnaires, have libertarian leanings.
And I began to talk to police.
Police have given us a lot of information, federal and local.
And I begin to research how communists and globalists overthrow countries, how they purge the police and military after they take over, how they destabilize civilizations, how they create movements like Black Lives Matter, and then you look at what Soros has been doing for six, seven years, here domestically, decades overseas, and it's just totally clear that I don't support a police state, but I don't even blame the police themselves.
We the people have allowed this to unfold and happen.
And to see the system just scapegoat the police, that falls right into the New World Order plan.
And we're not going to reform them, playing the part of being their enemy on one side, and then their on the other, and then the globalists just control both sides of that equation, and create the dialectic they're looking for.
I'm going to put the information, the research together with the facts, and present it,
And say, are we all this stupid to fight with each other and act like fools?
Or can we understand how we're being manipulated and come together for the common good of this republic and this planet and this species and turn this around?
Because knowing how we're being manipulated is the answer to reverse all this.
So, I've always supported good peace officers.
I've always tried to support good police.
And they're just a
Police are a maxim for government.
It's where the rubber meets the road.
The real problem is the zoning tyranny, and the bureaucratic tyranny, and the selective corporate tyranny, where they're exempt from the regulations they get Congress to pass.
I mean, that's where the real fighting's going on.
And so we shouldn't let our focus on corrupt government basically be like 90% the police.
That's a total diversion like a red cape with a bull and a matador.
We've got to be smarter than that.
And the police have got to be smarter than that.
And I found they are more awake than the public.
So that's a natural ally to freedom and the republic.
And that's what makes the globalists so angry at this show.
It's why they're so hopping mad.
Because I've got their playbook down.
I know how they operate.
And I'm educating everybody about how they operate.
But most people already know this stuff intuitively.
When they hear it, it just makes sense.
Then they go look up what I'm saying and they find out it's true.
But now, because they're really trying to stampede the public against the police and start a kind of soft civil war in this country,
I have probably gone even closer to supporting the police across the board because I go against whatever the New World Order agenda is.
Just as a default and then intellectually I can see all the reasons for it.
We're not going to reform the police becoming their enemies.
And I certainly don't support random shooting of police.
Any more than I support random, unstable, crazed police officers, and there are many of them out there, I wouldn't even say a large minority, but there's a minority, that there's a new video out of a white guy pulled out of his car, put down on the ground, doesn't resist, cop shoots him right in the back of the head.
And they didn't do anything to the cop.
And that is tyranny, that is wrong, bare minimum it should be manslaughter, and
That will end up giving the New World Order the ammo it needs with that clear and present injustice to start a civil war in this country.
The police have to encourage these grand juries to indict bad cops when they execute somebody on video.
I mean, don't be so stupid and so arrogant as to give the globalists the keys to bring this country down.
You've got to prosecute bad cops.
You've got to do it.
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Alex Jones here back live.
What I was getting into last segment was these issues aren't just totally support the police no matter what they do or hate them and say kill them.
You just have to look at the economy, look at the culture, look at each case, look at what's developing and then
Come up with your own perspective on it of what is truly justice.
It's the same thing for the drug war.
You cannot have a drug war, period, when the big banks launder the money and fly the aircraft and own the aircraft and control the cartels.
And that's all come out in Congress over and over again.
You are allowing criminal central banks to take over the economy and corrupt local governments
With the drug money.
That's how the British, in about a hundred year period, it's an incredible history, were able to take over China that no one was ever able to conquer completely.
Not the Japanese, not the different Mongol groups, but China was conquered by British intelligence and the British East India Company.
In a little under a hundred years.
And then England sold off sectors to more than 12 different nations, including the United States, Spain, Germany, the Dutch.
They all had their own little management sector.
And do you know how they took over China?
And broke it in 14 parts by the end?
It's called opium.
We're good to go.
And within a hundred years, the Brits paid off the local government in one jurisdiction on their coast.
And within a hundred years, the drug smuggling UK government, the James Bonds 300 years ago, had taken full control.
Now you want to know what the drug war is?
It's that.
Do I support opium or heroin?
Do I support people who are drug abusers?
Absolutely not.
But you make it illegal, it brings all the money, the sex, the power into it, and then Hollywood makes all these movies about how cool it is and how fun, and then it's so available.
The CIA at major universities across the United States, this came out in the 70s in Congress, would deploy
LSD on the streets.
Then in phase two, they would teach chemists who were attending the colleges in case they got caught, chemistry students, and would give them the raw material to produce the money, to produce the LSD.
And then they would even have them sell it and suck the money back into the Central Intelligence Agency.
That came out in Congress.
Our government gave out the recipe for LSD, LSD-25, and then put the raw material out and had it produced, and had their equivalent freeway Rick Ross types, but it'd be hippie chemists,
Paying them the money, the hundreds of millions of dollars they were making in 60s numbers, that's billions.
So you gotta really hand it to them.
That's what I'm talking about.
And who is the CIA?
They're Harvard, they're Yale.
They're skull and bones.
They're the Ivy League, East Coasters.
Do you know where the Bushes made their money when they first became wealthy, Prescott?
Do you know where the Roosevelt's, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, do you know what their family sold?
Do you know what they were the chief licensor, licensee of the British and Dutch East India Company going back to before the founding of the country on the East Coast?
Do you know what they brought in to the United States and before that the colonies?
When it was legal?
The Roosevelt's of Hyde Park, New York.
It's in mainline history books.
And what'd ol' Franklin Delano do in the 30s when he had the country under emergency rule and suspended the Constitution with the War Powers Act and banned gold and had everybody turn it in and shipped it to his family in Europe?
What'd he do?
He had a federal task force and set up the DEA.
And had Christian groups go around the country to the PTAs and preach about the horrors of opium and heroin.
You know who developed heroin?
The U.S.
government in the Civil War to be more addictive than opium.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Rand Paul, look where ISIS gets its weapons from.
They have anti-tank weapons and missiles that we gave them.
Article up by Steve Watson.
Presidential candidate Ron Paul has urged voters to look to where ISIS is getting its weapons from to understand the monumental problem the U.S.
is facilitating in Syria and beyond.
Speaking with Ed Berliner of Newsmax, Paul stated most of these people do not have the sophistication to make arms so they get the arms from other folks.
Right now, ISIS has over a billion dollars worth of U.S.
Humvees, and they have a billion dollars in cash they stole from us.
So really, if we don't want weapons to get into the hands of folks, we should be very careful about who we give the weapons to, as Senator stated.
Paul then elaborated by noting that during the Libyan Civil War, 15,000 shoulder-to-air missiles made by the United States went missing.
That's why there is a concern that airliners might be taken down by shoulder-to-air missiles.
All noted.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
I want to get into just massive amounts of news before guests start joining us today.
I want to tell you who those guests are as well.
There is an orgy of insane news, obviously, tying into how the drug wars have been used for 300 plus years to take over and corrupt countries.
China deploys radars, drones, on border to curb infiltration.
Terrorists and drug smugglers coming in out of India, Tibet, and other areas.
And then there's another article here.
The drug that bankrolled some of America's great dynasties.
Aussie.com breaks all this down.
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Westbrook Pegler,
And then it breaks down how the big families, FDR and others, were the top opium and then heroin producers here in the United States, and how they helped, of course, take down China.
I mean, this is mainline history.
Folks have to understand, so often I talk about stuff, people go, that sounds crazy, and they go look it up, and it's true.
I'm not making stuff up.
I mean, sometimes I boil stuff down, I do a gestalt, I get a little something wrong,
What we're talking about here is teleprompter-free analysis of what's happening on this planet.
By the way, Carson is just combusting spontaneous combustion in front of us.
Ben Carson has now admitted fabricating West Point scholarship and that he did not receive a West Point scholarship that he then basically didn't use.
And so that's it.
Ben Carson is done.
People believed in him because he came off as very calm, very smart, very measured.
But obviously, he is a top brain surgeon, has done some of the most amazing surgeries in history.
I don't know if it was his campaign staff or who put this out, but he's done.
And that only makes Donald Trump that much stronger.
It is sad to see this type of stuff.
But see, when somebody has been held up as good and we find they've told some lie, it's really hurtful.
But it's with Hillary Clinton and Obama and all these people, we just expect they're lying crooks and, you know, or murdering ambassadors and shipping guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment and taking money under the table.
We just expect it and then it's okay.
It's kind of cute.
But the Democrats are all outraged over Carson right now, and just look at the corruption, even in their so-called, you know, Mr. Goody Two-Shoes.
And then they get off on the corruption of their own party, like it's a sign of masculineness that they're so corrupt.
You notice, though, with Carson and people, they can actually dig some stuff up.
With yours truly, and I want to cover some of this more later,
I was just reminded of how many shows, not just Bill Maher yesterday, but how many other shows.
What's the guy's name?
I want to get an IMDB on him.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, David Cross.
Of so many HBO shows, you name it, Portlandia, Mr. Show, Comedy Central shows.
I just came across that again from last year where he put out a movie
Where there are Tea Party people running around screaming, I hate n-words, I hate the Jews, let's blow up, you know, let's blow up the government basically because Alex Jones told me so.
And it's this tactic that they use where they don't show anything you ever actually said.
They just put horrible statements in other people's mouths and then attribute it to me.
Comedy Central show chides Infowars with clone website.
Bill Maher chides Infowars and then has my website with a fake headline that cancer is good for you.
MSNBC blames Boston bombing on deeply racist Alex Jones.
Bill O'Reilly smears Alex Jones in hate speech rant about sex predators against women.
There's never even an allegation of that.
He's the one that settled for sex predator activity.
You know, that's what really makes it rich.
is that he had to settle and some of it came out before he settled and I mean it was creepy.
He doesn't even know how to pick women up.
Anyways, a piece of work.
A true piece of work and the reason I mention that is
I was just reading news this morning and just happened to see a link to him still traveling around a year later with his movie.
What's the name of the stupid movie?
It was in theaters.
It's called what?
That's right, Hits.
And then I learned that he was in Austin just a few months ago promoting it at Google at a Google symposium with Google promoting it across their entire platform.
A film by David Cross based on a true story that hasn't happened yet.
And they've, in fact later, I want to play a clip of this.
Darren McBrain did a report on it.
And I was just thinking about the nerve of him.
It'd be like if I got up here and said, I like to grab children out of their backyards and take them to dungeons and torture them.
That's what David Cross taught me how to do.
David Cross was there with a five-year-old strapped down with electrical wire hooked up to a, to a,
Generator and we tortured little kids and David really liked it.
David taught me how to cook methamphetamine and sell it to school children.
David Cross, did you hear?
Did you hear?
David Cross hates black people and Jews.
Yeah, he told me they need to be dealt with.
Yeah, David Cross.
Did you hear about David?
Did you hear about Bill O'Reilly?
Yeah, a sexual predator?
He wants to hurt women online.
Hey, did you hear about Rachel Maddow and MSNBC and their different pundits?
They're deeply racist.
And some of their hosts support the Boston bombing.
Of course, I'm saying that in context.
That's not true.
I don't believe that.
I'm showing what it's like.
How would you like that?
And by the way, you don't hurt me doing that, scumbags.
You just hit me how much I take.
And I shouldn't take it lying down.
I know they're trash, I know they're filth, I know they prey on their stupid audiences, but I should make a bigger deal out of the things they do.
And I'm gonna check with some lawyers and people, but I think I'm gonna put out some reports on these people that are fictitious.
But do it with a straight face, and just put out the most horrible stuff you can imagine, and then when they get upset about it, but I mean really effective stuff,
I might go to their neighborhoods and put a thousand flyers on people's doors.
You know, that kind of stuff.
And then when they get upset, I'll go, well, you did it on national TV.
You put up a screen saying, look at this website of Alex Jones, and it's my website, looks like our real headline, saying cancer is good for you.
But that's nothing compared to having people stand up at fake city councils going, I hate the n-words, and I hate Jews, and all this stuff, and I learned this all from Alex Jones.
I mean, these aren't leftists.
These are sick, evil people.
I can play Bill Maher saying he wants to kill people, he wants dead people, he hates you, he wants everybody to commit suicide so he has an open highway to drive down.
Hey, Bill Maher, the highway got built by masses of people.
We build these like coral reefs are built by coral.
It's like you don't want any coral or fish at the coral reef so you can be the only fish.
You'd starve to death, you damn vampire!
But it was just really hitting me that if they'll do this now, they could do anything.
They've been greenlighted by the legal at HBO and CNN and MSNBC because this is only a symbol of what they're doing to us.
This is only a small portion.
They can get away with anything.
But then I started thinking we ought to be really glad about this because the fact that they have to engage in
Several magnitudes worse than classical yellow journalism.
Levels of disinformation that actually only make us look credible with thinking people.
The problem is they are trying to inoculate the population that hasn't heard of InfoWars yet with operant conditioning like showing you a picture of pumpkin pie and then shocking you until the next time you see pumpkin pie you throw up and recoil in fear.
That's what they're doing.
They are engaged in conditioning.
They are engaged in creating a painful stimulus and then connecting it to yours truly because they're so afraid of us.
And everybody ought to be asking the question, why are they so afraid of InfoWars.com?
And they do similar stuff to Matt Drudge.
They do the same stuff to us.
They'll just announce there's a virus on InfoWars.
If you go there, you'll get viruses.
None of it's true.
That's a annual report that the media puts out.
But they'll also just sit there and say Alex Jones is a liar.
There are no domestic drones.
Alex Jones is a liar.
There are no side effects of vaccines.
Alex Jones is a liar.
There are no...
Penalties under Obamacare.
But anyone who has a brain goes, well, yeah, there are.
That's what I mean, though.
I mean, they're dumbing the public down with the message.
They are polluting things with just total garbage, but it doesn't matter because you're drowning in it.
There's so many... I mean, you know you're in a vat of turds, and I'm sorry to use a gross analogy, but that's what it is.
You know you're in a giant
Port-A-Potty the size of a sports stadium.
Floating around with Al Gore and Hillary Clinton and Michael Moore and you know what they are but there's just so many of them.
And they've got the central banks just funding the sky raining more on you.
You know it's just...
Just unlimited funding with everyone looking outraged and crying in Houston with straight faces.
We can't have men in the women's bathrooms now, can you believe it?
You know, foreign banks are raping everything, world government.
Forty-something million are starving a year.
Neurological disorders and cancer are off the charts.
World government's being announced.
The TPP's been rammed through worse than we thought.
Total illegal surveillance.
The government runs Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
And you've got the White House Press Secretary, I think, let's play a clip of this, just very upset that, yes, it's a national issue.
Houston didn't approve men being able to go in women's dressing rooms at clubs, exercise facilities, in PE from fifth grade, no, excuse me, from age five, first grade up.
Yes, it's true.
The boys can't go in the girls' bathroom.
It's just incredible.
Can you believe it?
There'll be all these movies made and... Just the battle for civil rights is so important right now.
Because if they can sell that, they can sell anything.
What a joke!
They take the fact that we have such goodwill, that we're such an open society, and they look at us with a straight face and say, you're going to take three million radical Muslim refugees, and you're going to pay for it, Germany.
And America, you are too racist.
And then they have illegals flip us off on TV and laugh at us.
It's all just part of rubbing our nose in it and laughing at us.
Let's go to the clip.
Here it is.
Well, Chris, I haven't spoken to the President about this particular election result.
I'll just say, as a general matter, the administration certainly believes that preventing discrimination for American citizens because of their race, or their gender, or their ethnicity, or their religion, or who they love, is something that we should take steps to prevent.
This is cultural sabotage.
Particularly when it comes to the rights of LGBT Americans.
This country has made tremendous progress over the last several years.
And some of that was progress that was moved along by policy decisions made by this administration.
I think what is clear is that the opponents of this particular ordinance in Houston were much more interested on a political tactic that diverted attention from the true intent of the ordinance.
All right, that's enough.
Just shut him off.
No, if you can let 10-year-old boys go in the girls' restroom or go in the showers with them, understand, this is you go to, say, 24-hour fitness in Houston,
Or the YMCA, whatever it is, and you walk into the women's restroom and you go in the showers by women with your pants off.
Used to that was called, basically, sexual assault.
The beginning of sexual assault.
Not now.
Oh, but in this free, open society,
You can't play dodgeball, or many schools have just gotten rid of P.E.
altogether, or gotten rid of recess, because somebody might get hurt.
Oh, no one can have recess, and you can't have a Nerf gun in your backyard or the police get called, and you've got to get rid of all the diving boards because we're so free, and the NSA's spying on us, but don't you worry.
I mean, it took me some getting used to when I got into sports.
When I was about nine in swim team, I started swimming late.
I wish I'd have stayed in this one by the time I was 13.
I was winning city-wide blue ribbons.
And I was, like, my daughter is, like, top, on the top, I don't want to say that people get her name, on the top of the city of Austin.
I'm just blessed with being a good swimmer.
And I was 13, didn't want to do it anymore.
I wish my parents would have made me, but I remember being, like, 9, and, man, pulling, you know, pulling my clothes off, getting dressed, putting the speed on, after taking my clothes off, going and showering, you know, teenage guys in there.
It was kind of intimidating.
You're 9, there's, like, you know, 14, 15-year-olds in there.
For a boy, it was intimidating, and I had to get over it.
I remember being on swim team stuff, but also being in football locker rooms when you were at an away place.
You got to go to the bathroom and they got toilets right next to each other with no stall doors.
I mean, you got to sit down right there with other men around you, other teenagers around you and just take a dump.
And I'm not trying to get into a whole scatological discussion today, but I'm trying to get down to brass tacks here.
It's uncomfortable.
You got to get used to that.
Now, as a man, I could care less at 42.
You just get desensitized.
But not little kids!
And it's about jacking with them, folks.
I mean, can you imagine being a woman and some guy?
I mean, I saw one of these transsexuals that was the boyfriend of Leslie Cochran, the famous bearded tranny in Austin, who was just like a horrible zombie creature.
I mean, I'm sorry, he was just the most disgusting person I've ever seen.
Very sad person.
And they were at Access Television.
And the word was they were, you know, doing something in the bathroom that would make you throw up afterwards.
It was well known he was a drug addict.
Poor guy.
It was, it was, it was... It was heroin.
I mean, I've seen the guy talk about heroin in front of me.
And he'd have spit running out of his mouth.
I mean, I couldn't even be up there when he was there.
And they'd go in the women's bathroom, and they'd be like black church ladies one time are in the bathroom putting their makeup on for their church show.
They all come out and get freaked out, and Leslie's stumbling around going, I'll go in that effing bathroom I want.
And there was like a big thing, oh, there'll be a lawsuit?
They threw Leslie out of the bathroom because they don't like transgendered.
No, they don't like a ball-headed guy with bozo hair in a cheerleader outfit with crud running down his legs and vomit on him with some poor... the guy he was with committed suicide later.
These are very sad people.
Who weighed like 300 pounds, was like 6'7", his boyfriend, with a huge wig on.
I mean, I'm talking about 6'5", 6'7", whatever, 300-400 pound people vomiting, okay?
And I was a tough man, and I had trouble handling it.
And after about six months of it, they got thrown out.
I mean, that's what we're talking about here, folks.
We're talking about your 16-year-old daughter in a bathroom, and these guys come in.
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They don't want to see us
All they want us to do is keep on fussing and fighting They don't want to see us live together All they want to do is see us go on killing one another
I need to go to the Caribbean for about two weeks with just Bob Marley's songs on a iPod.
You know, I've just got so much news and I haven't even scratched the surface of it and we've got a bunch of guests coming up here.
And by the way, God rest Leslie Cochran's soul.
Over the years he just got burned out from drugs and turned into a total zombie.
But the system trying to hold that up is an assault on society that he classified two years ago the CIA, finance and television, print and film, ugly degenerate art to screw up society.
And I'm not saying ban degenerate art.
I have a right to say I don't accept it and I know what it's for.
It doesn't mean I can't look at something really ugly and see the beauty in it.
I'm sophisticated enough to do that.
That's not what it's meant to do to the general public.
And the CIA declassified why they did it.
And it concurs with what I just said.
Understand, it's not my perspective, it's a fact.
John Lott, one of the top living statisticians, who says real gun crime is down 61%.
The FBI says 51% will be joining us.
Peter Schiff, whose father died, Erwin Schiff, a few weeks ago.
He was supposed to be gone the day his dad died, two Fridays ago.
He'll be joining us, and Anthony Gutiarty hosts The Fourth Hour, has a bunch coming up as well.
I have not gotten into the news.
Obviously we're seeing the destruction of Ben Carson, and deservedly so.
He came out and said we should have economic warfare with Russia.
Hey, Carson, we're already doing it.
And it's not us, it's the globalists.
And I just, I don't think Carson's stupid, I think he's real smart, but he's like most doctors I know, or brain surgeons, and I know a few.
All they know is
The brain surgery and how to go play golf and they're specialized.
They're not a Dr. Blaylock who'd be a great president.
Top brain surgeon himself who's read all the history books and knows what's going on.
So Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship, that is really big news.
Look at this, France to reinstate border controls for a UN climate meeting in December.
The big world government, this is the biggest world government meeting ever.
Bigger than Agenda 21 in Rio in 92.
Lord Monson's gonna go cover it for us.
In fact, I'm tempted to go myself.
If I'm able to, I got a bunch of family stuff going on.
I've had family three ring circuses going on for two years.
It's just been one thing after another.
Some bad, some good, some crazy.
So I'm not complaining.
It's just that I really want to be able to travel more and be on the ground.
So that's all coming up.
Just vaccine cover-up blows up in Congress.
Turns out they've hidden thousands of pages of documents where the government knows it causes autism.
Just devastating info.
That's all coming up.
TPP tax finally released.
A lot of big news, obviously.
And I'll cover that in the next segment.
I just want to remind folks here at the end of the hour that you put the gas in the tank around here.
And if you want us to expand or just continue, I'd like to get a few more camera people, a few more editors, a few more journalists, a few more writers, a few more researchers, and you fill up our tank, we will run missions against the globalists, this is the Air Force, this is the Patriot Air Force in the Info War, you load the bombs, you load the gas, we've got the people, we'll put more pilots in the seat,
We will attack the enemy.
We will launch as many missions as we can until the engines overheat.
But you fuel us.
You pray for us.
You spread the word.
You sustain us.
You see the enemy coming after us for a good reason.
We're hurting them.
We're going to go on hurting them until the end.
We're committed.
It feels good.
We're not stopping.
So, the point is, I want you to go to InfoWarsStore.com right now, and I want you to buy water filters, I want you to buy Hillary for Prison t-shirts, I want you to get 25% off on Brain Force, and just try it.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
He was on with us, I guess, about six months ago.
He's the professor.
He's the doctor.
He is the one of the top statisticians in the world.
I mean, not just on guns.
He's hired by top companies.
He's recognized as one of the best statisticians on the planet.
John Lott, crimeresearch.org, he told us, was it six months ago?
I'm going from memory.
Let's see if my memory's right.
Let's look it up, please.
Got to keep checking my memory or it'll fail.
He found that crime using guns dropped, not guns committing crimes, you notice, criminals using guns, that type of crime dropped 61%.
Again, I just went with Justice Department numbers of 51.
It doesn't surprise me that they've cooked him down, but whatever, let's just not argue a point.
He said the big assault is coming.
And he was right.
This is the next big push for our guns.
And by the way, just because we've been winning some battles, don't think we're winning the war.
We are in the fight, as I've said thousands of times, but we are not winning.
We've come from behind a lot, but the minute we start thinking we've got this game in the bag, is the minute we're going to get hurt bad.
Now is the time to really get serious, really get focused, and realize it's for all the marbles, and think about your family.
You're right, he was on about six months ago.
He was on six months ago, thanks.
April 27th.
April 27th.
So, this is an epic battle.
And I think what's happening, I know what's happening, is people now are really getting, we're being conquered by foreign megabanks.
And by the way, their philosophy is enslaving us, making us dumb, and then phasing us out.
And that kind of,
At a race consciousness level, humans are the race.
We are brothers and sisters together.
I don't care what color we are, what coat of paint we got.
We all have similar backgrounds.
Our ancestors all went through the exact same type of crap.
If I know one thing, it's that people are people.
Sure, certain groups have certain traits culturally and things, but at the end of the day, at the medium average person,
People are people.
And humans really aren't lazy as so much as if something's complex, they'll tune out of it until it overwhelms them.
Then they'll start assessing the situation and do something about it.
And the social engineers want to get us in a position, wrapped up in a cultural spiderweb, that by the time we wake up, we're basically already dead.
Well, here's the deal.
I'm not dead.
You're not dead.
What the enemy has done is so ridiculously outrageous, it's hard to beat because it's just so over the top.
At one level.
At another level, it's easy to beat because it's so over the top.
But you gotta meet the radical activity with radical response.
Not that we're being radical or making something up, it's that it is radical to respond to these people, because only radical means will deal with them.
Because they are radical.
They're not negotiating with us.
They're not going to back off with us.
They're not going to stop their plan.
They hate us.
This is about dominating and controlling humanity.
This is about conquering the species.
They want to mount our head over their dining hall.
They want the heavyweight champion belt.
They want the Super Bowl trophy.
They fight in the war that really matters.
They want to control our genetics, say when we can have kids, decide what humanity does.
They want to end free will.
And you get a bunch of fake pseudo-intellectuals making movies about how I don't like black people and say the N-word?
That's all you got?
When I'm just trying to save myself, my family, and humanity?
And you people sit around like pseudo-intellectuals and engage in this type of criminal garbage against your viewers?
I'm not even angry at you.
I just look at how pathetic you are.
And how you get these walking orders and you actually engage in this.
We're gonna beat you.
I know it.
Republican candidates call for war.
Republicans want intervention in Syria, Iraq, and Libya.
Article up by Kurt Nemo.
Florida Senator Marco Rubio, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, and Ohio Governor John Kasich are calling for military intervention in response to the suspected downing of a Russian airliner last week.
Rubio, who's a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, wants to reintervene in Libya.
He said the country, now a failed state, following a previous intervention by NATO and the United States, is a safe haven for the Islamic State.
I would be targeting their safe havens everywhere, including in Libya, Rubio said.
If we don't wipe out the operational status that they have now in Libya, they're going to use it to ramp up more operations in Sinai, more in Egypt, and eventually it will cross over the Mediterranean into Europe itself.
You can find more articles like this at InfoWars.com.
Once again, I'm Joe Biggs.
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You will find BrainForce and other game-changing products at InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
I want more candy!
I want more video games!
I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I've got two different articles here.
That really give you a bird's eye view into what's going on.
NFL says it will pay back the Pentagon for patriotic halftime shows.
That stirring multi-million dollar display of patriotism you saw at halftime was brought to you by you, the taxpayer.
And that story is up on Infowars.com.
Now, of course, if you're a regular listener, this is old news.
And again, I'm not against the military.
I'm not against patriotic displays, obviously.
But it's fake.
Whenever they make a basket, then they just cut to troops in uniform.
That was product placement.
That was propaganda placement.
You were paying for it.
Now, quite frankly, the military has a budget to get people to become recruited and join the armed services.
So, I don't even so much have a problem with this if it's admittedly sponsored.
But see, it's unseemly.
It's embarrassing to think that they had to be paid to do something like this.
But a story like this, you can get people to then think about it and go, wait a minute, what else is paid for?
Well, we could play the former Attorney General speaking to the National RTF Convention saying we need to brainwash the public against the Second Amendment.
Billions and billions are spent and much of it is secretive to engage in domestic propaganda and most of it is promoting transgender bathrooms, anti-gun garbage,
Open border propaganda.
Your taxpayer money is being spent.
I'll never forget News Corp even put out a video four or five years ago, we played several times, to the stockholders bragging about how they promote global warming and carbon taxes and anti-gun stuff on their Fox TV platform.
Then they have the conservative market over here.
And so I'm just saying, become aware of this.
And I know you're aware of it, but get your friends and family to become aware of it.
Because once you're aware of it, I knew, and our guests this year were going to him, I knew, what was it, five Super Bowls ago, when they had the Green Police ad, that that was paid for by government at some level.
To get people ready for the new Green Police to take you to jail if your hot tub's too hot, or you're using too much energy, or you have the wrong light bulbs, or the wrong emissions.
Notice it was an Audi commercial caught faking stuff with Volkswagen.
Faking emissions.
And then the mayor of San Francisco came out with the head PR company there and admitted that government had been involved funding
That to prepare the public for what was coming and under federal grants, the uniforms they were wearing, I knew it when I saw it, white and green.
Globally, that's the uniform of the Green Police from Australia to the United States.
See, this is global standardization, folks.
It's super creepy.
It's total conditioning.
And now, we have Bill Maher putting up InfoWars.com and putting the sub-headline two nights ago, cancer doesn't hurt you, Alex Jones says.
This is the type of deception they engage in, or they have a major movie out, we talked about earlier, that Google's sponsoring, where they say, Alex Jones doesn't like black people, with no proof.
This is the type of dirty trick, and they're not just doing it to me, they're doing it to gun owners, saying you're to blame when someone's killed.
Now joining us, and I really appreciate him coming on in his busy schedule, crimeresearch.org is Dr. John Lott, professor
He's an economist, world-renowned expert on guns and crime, but also hired by a lot of top companies out there for just other number crunching.
And Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman noted that John Lott has few equals as
A perceptive analyst in controversial public policy issues.
He's one of the most productive inside economists in the world.
And I'm not going to get into all that, but he is a statistician, statistician, and an economist, economist.
So maybe we can get into the economy with him, too, in the limited time we have with him here today.
And before we get into the attack on guns that he predicted six months ago here on the show, that a new wave was coming of fake data, which we now see, and product placement, propaganda placement, behavior placements, what the government calls it.
I want to just segue back just into the general world today, what he sees in politics, what candidates he likes.
Professor Lott, thanks for coming on with us.
Thanks for having me on.
State of the world.
I mean, just as a person, as an American, what is your overall sense of things?
I mean, are people waking up?
Are the kleptocrats in trouble?
How do you see this as a football game right now?
Who's winning?
Well, I mean, I think a lot's going to be determined over the next year.
Right now, the Supreme Court is very evenly divided.
If you look at the recent cases that we've had, and the D.C.
and Chicago gun cases where complete bans on guns were struck down as too extreme by the Supreme Court, you had five to four decisions.
But two of the justices on the five side are 80 years old.
And there's no way they're going to make it another four years and surely not another eight years if you have a Democratic president.
And if you have one or both of those individuals get replaced with people who are similar to the ones the Democrats have already put on the Supreme Court, you're going to end up with them reversing those earlier wins.
Democratic appointees on the Supreme Court do not believe that there is an individual right to self-defense, let alone an individual right to using a gun for self-defense.
And you're going to see a major change in how they interpret the Second Amendment.
But beyond that, you have huge amounts of money there being spent.
Bloomberg's spending $50 million a year on every town.
I don't know exactly how many tens or billions more he's spending on other types of activities, like funding university research, or he gives money to, you know, a school of journalism.
I don't want to surround how to deal with
Thank you, but I'm very doubtful that he funds researchers that agree with him, and then he trains journalists on how to cover the issue, and then he has a lot of money being spent on the political end, the $50 million a year, but it's just not him.
You have George Soros, you have 23 large health foundations that were deeply involved in
Pushing Obamacare, and the President in 2013 met with them and said, look, we've won the healthcare debate, it's time to focus on other issues.
So those foundations that spend any place from two and a half to ten million dollars or so a year are now spending it on gun control issues.
And so, of course, you have President Obama is using many resources with the federal government to push these things.
A lot's being done there.
Now, that doesn't mean everything's bad.
On the other hand, you've had a lot of states that have moved towards making it easier for people to be able to go and defend themselves.
You have some states, though, like Maryland and New Jersey and California and New York and Connecticut, places like that, which are becoming more restrictive.
One of the big pushes these days has been to try to put fees or taxes on people's ability to obtain a gun.
And that's basically tied in with these universal background checks.
In New York, that adds about $80 onto the cost of transferring a gun.
In Washington State, it adds about $60.
In Oregon, it adds 50-some dollars onto the cost of transferring a gun.
Uh, but that's not the only approach.
In some places like Maryland, for example, in 2013, they passed licensing and registration of handguns.
To license and register one handgun costs you about $300.
And so,
My belief is that the main reason why they're pushing for these implicit taxes is to try to reduce gun ownership, and particularly reduce it among poor individuals, particularly disproportionately poor blacks who live in high-crime urban areas.
Well sure, they admit they're trying to remove the guns from the people.
But as you said six months ago, a new wave, a new push is coming, but it seems like the new pushes only wakes the public up that much faster.
Well, I suppose it does to some extent, but a lot of these studies get very uncritical coverage.
When Bloomberg's News Everytown comes out with a new study, you'll find a couple or a few thousand news reports across the country.
They're completely uncritical.
It's like giving them free advertising there.
And I worry that it has an impact on people's perceptions of guns, and in particular, I worry that it causes people to take less safe options.
If you convince somebody not to own guns in the home, when in fact, owning guns are the way that will make people safer, you know, you put lives at risk.
Let's elaborate on that, because we have a lot of new affiliates, a lot of new listeners every few seconds that tune in.
The well-established fact, as your book title details, more guns, less crime.
Right, well look, just as you can deter criminals with higher arrest rates or higher conviction rates or longer prison sentences, the fact that a would-be victim
We're good to go.
Two groups of people.
It's particularly true for people who are relatively weaker physically, women and the elderly.
Presence of a gun represents a much bigger relative change in a woman's ability to go and protect herself than it does for a man.
You're talking about usually young male criminals and violent attacks.
And the strength differential between a man attacking a woman is much larger than a man attacking another man.
And the gun's the equalizer.
Why aren't the feminists pushing guns for women?
Well, that's a good question.
You know, you look generally, the big, if you look at surveys, the one issue that most differentiates liberals and conservatives isn't abortion, it isn't taxes, it's gun control.
And I think part of that has to do with who you think should run your life, whether it be healthcare or other issues.
A lot of Democrats seem to believe that the government needs to go and tell you exactly what type of health policy you should have, health insurance policy, you know, exactly what's covered.
It seems like conservatives are more willing to let individuals make those types of decisions.
But when you have something like gun owners, and some kind of people... Professor Lott, your phone's breaking up.
I think you may have gotten away from the hub, or digitally it's having a problem.
We're going to go back to you in just a moment.
Also, major Democratic publications just this week have come out and said they're worried that Hillary's open calls for confiscation, Australian style, might cause a civil war.
Daily Beast, Obama, Hillary toying with civil war over gun confiscation.
And so I think his phone may be back by now.
Specifically, Professor Lott.
Again, the author of More Guns, Less Crime, Professor John Lott, crimeresearch.org, is our guest.
I don't want a revolution, I don't want a war, but if persecution against gun owners continues, if Obama does an executive order, tries to ban semi-auto, people keep thinking he won't do that, he's making noises, people didn't think we'd have Obamacare either, or just open borders outside of law, or that he'd be shutting power plants down outside of law, or that he'd be signing secret treaties, or that he'd be funding ISIS and getting caught.
So we are living in the age of their attempt to take over.
Are they arrogant enough to try a frontal assault?
Because even, again, the Democrats, even the Daily Beast is scared and says, hey, you're admitting you want to take them.
We're not supposed to tell them our plan is to take them.
That upsets them too much.
I mean, they actually say that in the article.
They say we got to creep up, you know, in the dead of night and do this incrementally.
But I guess once you get to a certain point, they've got to just be more honest about what their plan is.
What do you think about those discussions?
Well, I don't think they're going to ban all semi-automatic guns.
Most guns sold in the United States are semi-automatic guns.
I think some of the things that are happening are there's discussions about making it so that individuals on Social Security that are having help with their finances may end up being classified as mentally defective.
And therefore prevented from owning guns.
So, for example, my mom, who's in her 80s, doesn't use the computer.
She doesn't know how to use it, doesn't want to use it.
She's given my sister power of attorney to go and pay her bills.
But under the discussed rules that the Obama administration's been having, she would be classified as mentally defective and therefore not be allowed to own a gun.
And as I just mentioned,
Somebody like my mom, who's in her 80s, fairly weak physically, is exactly the type of individual who benefits a lot from having the option to use a gun for protection.
And statistics show the elderly are some of the safest people with guns.
They don't commit crimes.
They don't hurt anybody.
I mean, they're one of the most innocent, good groups.
Why would you target them?
It is so evil, the FBI actually said,
That quote, we're looking at the VA's algorithm, if you get automatic money transfer, which is what the VA basically demands people do, we learned, then we're going to declare you incompetent.
Outside of a court of law, they just have some computer program that does it, some bioethics computer.
I mean, this, talk about rule of THX 1138.
Well, I mean, they essentially will put down some rule rather than going to court and that's
Hopefully going to be challenged and fought out.
But President Obama has appointed about half the federal judges in this country.
And as I say, we're facing a battle for control of the Supreme Court that's there over the next year or so.
And, you know, who knows what they may decide on that type of issue.
You've already had several hundred thousand veterans who, under those types of rules, have had their names put into the National Instant Background Check System and are denied the right to be able to go and buy a gun because of those types of rules.
Let me expand on that with you.
Matt Drudge, a month ago, was here in studio with us on an exclusive interview.
We re-aired yesterday because it was so popular, but he told me the name specifically and the details and it was even more frightening than what he's told people on air, but I'm not allowed to repeat it.
Just kind of the paradox of being a reporter not being able to report things, but at a event, a private event with some who's who's, he's there with this top, high-level Supreme Court Justice, leave it at that, and some other people too from the government,
And they said no.
The Democrats admit they're coming after free speech in 2016.
They've got the votes.
They've got the people.
And you think they've been bad on whistleblowers so far?
The press?
They're going after the internet.
They're going after drudge.
They're going after free speech.
And now they're even suddenly making the rumblings in the news.
So they're not just going after the second amendment.
We obviously need the first to defend the second and then vice versa.
I think we need to raise our rhetoric to really point out we're dealing with a totalitarian takeover, Professor Lott, and people that have the gravitas like you do out there have a lot of folks that respect you, I respect you, but you also have been very measured in what you say and do, but do you agree that the fact that, of what I'm saying, what Drudge is saying, this is a very totalitarian climate we're starting to enter?
Yeah, I'm trying to use totalitarian, but you're right.
We're going to have to pause again, sir.
Your phone cut out again.
We'll come back in about three seconds.
The wonders of digital communications.
He's going to come back in just a moment.
I'm sorry, Dr. Lott, I think you're back now.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I hear you fine.
Look, I'm sorry if my phone... It's okay.
It's okay.
I'm on a landline.
I think the real issue is one of safety that most people in the middle of the debate can understand, and that's the reason why I think most gun control advocates talk about, you know, reasonable laws for safety.
You know, obviously you and I don't think that there are reasonable laws, but the problem is that when you raise the cost of guns,
When you make it so that certain people like elderly are banned from being able to own a gun or veterans because of the way the Obama administration wants to define mental illness, you know, you're talking about making it so that people aren't able to go and defend themselves and real lives are at stake here.
Yeah, and look, when you're talking about $300 to license and register a handgun in Maryland,
Just look earlier this year, where you had orders to the police to stand down and not stop the riots in the poor, heavily black parts of the city that were there.
We're making it so that the police can't defend these individuals, or they surely can't depend upon the police to defend them.
And we're also making it because of these high fees that they have to pay— And the mayor ordered a stand-down!
—for them to defend themselves, right?
I mean, that is so criminal in my view, and you're absolutely right.
How can the court say the police have no duty to protect us?
Obviously they don't, and they can't all the time.
They try to.
And then tell us we can't have guns.
What a fundamental form of discrimination.
Again, the judge pointed out that these people are all armed.
They've got bodyguards from Michael Moore to Barack Obama to his kids at school have, you know, all these armed bodyguards, but they have the nerve to say somebody in Chicago shouldn't be able to have a gun, professor.
That is just outrageous.
Sure, well, I mean, Michael Bloomberg has armed bodyguards.
One can go through the list of people at his every town group that have armed bodyguards.
So, clearly, they understand the benefit of guns for protection.
It's just that
They think that only the extremely wealthy or politically well-connected individuals should have it.
When you look at places that allow concealed carry, but restrict it so that you have to go and get permission, these so-called May issue places like New York City.
You have a few thousand people that have permits, but they're basically union leaders.
They're some very well-placed media types.
They may be Arthur Schulzberger, the publisher for the New York Times, has had a permit.
You know, those individuals, those very powerful individuals, are able to get permission to have it.
Some poor businessman who works in Harlem or somebody who lives in a particularly dangerous area in New York City, they're not going to be allowed to feel they're going to protect themselves.
Well, remember when they freaked out a month ago that Trump admitted he had a permit?
Like it was bad that a billionaire, a major target of kidnapping and crime, had a gun?
But they're fine with other rich people having guns.
So it's not just that only poor people can't have them.
Now rich people that they don't agree with can't have them.
Professor Lott, stay there.
I want to talk about statistics, what guns are doing to make us safer.
Straight ahead.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Rand Paul, look where ISIS gets its weapons from.
They have anti-tank weapons and missiles that we gave them.
Article up by Steve Watson.
Presidential candidate Ron Paul has urged voters to look to where ISIS is getting its weapons from to understand the monumental problem the U.S.
is facilitating in Syria and beyond.
Speaking with Ed Berliner of Newsmax, Paul stated most of these people do not have the sophistication to make arms so they get the arms from other folks.
Right now, ISIS has over a billion dollars worth of U.S.
Humvees, and they have a billion dollars in cash that they stole from us.
So really, if we don't want weapons to get into the hands of folks, we should be very careful about who we give the weapons to, as Senator stated.
Paul then elaborated by noting that during the Libyan Civil War, 15,000 shoulder-to-air missiles made by the United States went missing.
That's why there is a concern that airliners might be taken down by shoulder-to-air missiles, Paul noted.
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CrimeResearch.org, John Launt is our guest.
He's been gracious enough, he's a really busy guy to spend much of an hour with us.
I want to open the phones up to see what your great questions or comments for this icon of defending the Second Amendment has been basically breaking down for us over the last 20, 30 years.
The toll-free number to join us on the Second Amendment and the right to keep my arms worldwide, 800-259-9231.
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Remember what the Clintons were scared of when WorldNetDaily sued in a four-year request that they wouldn't honor, so they basically sued them, or threatened to sue, and got those thousands of pages of documents from the Clinton Library.
It was 1993 and they said, we've got to stop a new media coming up, libertarian or conservative or any other on the internet.
We've got to call them all conspiracy theorists.
We can't let them ever sell products or get advertising because then they'll build a new media.
We've got to stop it.
And these were memos to all the big, it was 10 corporations then that owned 90% of the media.
Now it's five.
You talk about a conspiracy, well guess what?
You failed.
And Rush Limbaugh wrote an article on Monday that Drudge carried.
Pointing out that he started the conservative revolution in media.
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Infowarslife.com for those products.
Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella site.
Or 888-253-3139.
But bottom line, support us.
Also support Professor Lott.
Go to crimeresearch.org and get his books.
Give them to an anti-gunner.
Take an anti-gunner out shooting.
That's one way to break their conditioning.
Again, our guest is John Lott, CrimeResearch.org, 800-259-9231.
I want to go to calls in about five minutes, but I've been asking some of the questions here today.
You're really at the heart of exposing what's happening statistically, but also politically.
What are the latest statistics?
What are some other numbers we should know about?
What are some other issues that I haven't raised that people should be alerted to, Professor?
Well, probably the biggest debate that's coming up is, are these universal background checks?
We've talked about part of the issue with regard to them, and that is that it's being used as a way of making it more costly for people to get guns.
Before I kind of get into the statistical stuff, I just want to make one aspect of that first point clear, and that is
If you look over the last few years, I've been involved in some of the political debates behind the scenes.
In Colorado, for example, where they passed the universal background check in 2013, they have both a state tax on the transfer of a gun, as well as you have to pay a federally licensed dealer to handle the transfer.
I had the idea of having an amendment there that would exempt people below the poverty level from having to pay the state tax.
The Democrats, except for two pro-gun Democrats, voted en masse against exempting people below the poverty level from having to pay that tax.
That is so sensational!
I mean, that's like the poll tax on black people so they couldn't vote.
I mean, that is so discriminatory.
How do they get away with that?
Right, well, that's the reason why I'm talking about it now, in part, to let people know.
Because, I mean, how many taxes can you think of that Democrats would vote en masse against exempting people below the poverty level from having to pay?
You know, it's clear, to be clear to them, that the primary impact isn't going to stop you or myself from being able to get a gun.
But it mainly will stop poor people, particularly poor minorities, who are most likely victims of violent crime, from having the option to go and defend themselves.
And it's just not Colorado and Maryland.
When they passed the licensing and registration in 2013, $300, there was a similar attempt to try to exempt people below the poverty level from having to bear those costs.
In the sense that Democrats controlled over two-thirds of both the State House and the State Senate, they wouldn't even let the amendments come up for a vote.
And so, you know, how much clearer can you be that the main point of it is to try to stop people from being able to have guns?
I mean, if it was just an issue of solving crime, which I don't think it does, you know, they would say, well, you know, these poor people, we'll exempt them or we'll pay for it out of general revenue.
That's a basic point there.
As an economist, I would say that if you have a government service that's benefiting everybody, then everybody should pay for it.
You shouldn't just make it so that it's the law-abiding good citizens who you really have the least amount to worry about, but the law-abiding individuals who go through these background checks shouldn't be the ones who have to bear the entire burden of running this system.
As far as the statistics go, with regard to these background checks, one thing people really need to understand is how much of a mess the current system is.
It looks like over 99% of the denials that occur from the current background check system are law-abiding citizens who should have been able to legally buy a gun, but were stopped because they had a name similar to someone that the government wanted to stop.
And so, when the President goes and says that there have been over 2 million prohibited or dangerous people who have been stopped from buying guns because of background checks, that's simply false.
What he should say is that there have been over 2 million initial denials.
Just because you stop somebody who has a name similar to a felon, doesn't mean you're stopping a felon from being able to go and buy a gun.
So, an analogy would be,
The late Senator Ted Kennedy from Massachusetts.
Well, your phone is doing it again, sir.
It's okay, it's going to come right back.
It actually adds to the radio theater for listeners out there.
We also, of course, have TV viewers.
Professor John Lott is our guest.
You need to go to his website, get the crime statistics, crimeresearch.org.
It's not just
His statistics, his statistics time after time get matched up with the crime statistics and proven to be deadly accurate.
So we're talking 50 plus percent drop in violent crime.
The Justice Department says, LOTS says it's more like 61 percent.
This great truth is coming out.
So we're winning the hearts and minds just like on abortion.
The problem is they're just moving forward.
It's like Obamacare is unpopular and horrible, but we can't get rid of it for some reason.
So we're talking about this fight.
Uh, right now.
I'm sorry, Professor Lott, your phone broke up again.
You're back.
Go ahead.
Oh, sorry.
Well, I mean, so the thing is, I assume the president wouldn't count the five times that Senator Kennedy was stopped from flying as five times we stopped terrorists from flying.
Uh, but that's the way essentially they count these numbers when we're talking about the gun background checks.
And, and, and the problem is,
Is that while for most individuals it may simply be a big inconvenience to have them stop from buying a gun because they had a name similar to someone the government really wanted to stop.
There's going to be a small, but significant number of law-abiding individuals who are stopped.
Who may really need the gun quickly for self-defense.
Well, my dad's been on the watch list.
My dad's been on the watch list and had some gun issues.
He has no criminal record because his name is David Jones.
And his middle name is common as well.
So there's probably, there's thousands of David Joneses.
There's hundreds with his exact name.
And so he has problems.
Does that mean he was a terrorist?
They stopped?
No, exactly right.
I mean, they basically look at two things.
They have a, quote, similar name.
They won't tell us exactly what they mean by a similar name.
And birthday.
But when you have a name that's going to be extremely common, like David Jones, you know, it's very likely that you'll have somebody someplace else in the country that has a close enough name and a birthday that will cause you to be flagged when you try to go and buy a gun, for example.
The way that the administration has made this even worse, and this has been a problem since they started the background check system, is that they go through and they determine whether it was a false positive, but it's kind of like the last thing they do when they've spent money on everything else and they have a little bit of money left over, then they go back through to see whether they've made mistakes in terms of classifying people.
What the Obama administration's done is that they're essentially forcing you to hire a lawyer to go and find out what the result was before you would have been informed under previous administrations.
But, you know, if you make somebody have to hire a lawyer, pay a couple thousand dollars to go and find out whether or not, uh, you know it was an error, but it's a total harassment that it was an error.
Right, it's co-harassment and again it's something that prevents poor individuals, a disproportionate minority, from being able to go and get a gun for protection.
And then they get a gun, quote, illegally.
They want to make it illegal, I guess in all jurisdictions, to have a private transfer, which is, of course, de facto registration.
We know the paradigm they engage in, but I agree with you.
Politically, we should really be hammering not just the fact that these elites are armed, but want us disarmed, but also that all over the country they're passing laws
And not exempting poor people from these gun taxes.
And that really is truly despicable.
Because I don't know one rich liberal who doesn't get caught with armed bodyguards.
In fact, I've been at their houses in Los Angeles.
You'll go to, like, some of the most famous liberal people's houses.
And I've been to some of them.
I've been to parties.
And man, they got armed former special forces people.
I guess the sexy thing to have is former Israeli commandos.
And they'll just have armed commandos.
And I'm not talking about Charlie Sheen, you know, he's pro-Second Amendment and does have armed Israeli commandos, but I'm talking about other people.
And you're just there and it's like you're against guns, but you got a guy in a suit and sports jacket with, you know, guns under his jacket, standing guard in, you know, outside in a car or in your house.
Well, they trust themselves to make the right decisions, but they don't think anybody else is smart enough
To be able to make the same decisions that they feel they're able to make themselves.
Let's take some phone calls.
We got John in Wyoming, Ben, Doug, Eli, Alex, and many, many others.
I like this question from Ben.
Ben wants to ask, well, I'll let Ben ask it from Missouri.
Go ahead, Ben.
Hey, Alex, how are you doing?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
Um, so basically my comment was, is that, I mean, I think the Second Amendment and gun registration, you know, trying to ban guns is the line in the sand for the American people that will kick off the revolution, if there was going to be one.
It's just a question of, like Salon said, whether or not
You know, people like Hillary, people like Obama, you know, are going to do that.
Obviously, we're starting to win the Second Amendment fight.
I don't think we want to have a revolution.
That's what they want.
I think they want to maybe push us into people getting violent.
I don't think that's the answer, but I do get it is a line in the sand.
Professor Locke, can you speak to that?
Well, I don't think they're going to come right out and ban guns right away.
I mean, you kind of touched on this earlier.
I think it's this process of trying to gradually change, or maybe relatively quickly, but over a period of time,
People's views on guns.
And one of the ways they try to do it is by putting taxes and fees on people being able to go and get guns to reduce the number of people who own them.
Sure, sure.
But Professor, what I'm asking you, and I understand you only follow scientific stuff, so I get it.
You only answer questions you can answer.
I'm asking you, why would Hillary and others come out and say, maybe we should look at confiscation?
I mean, she said that.
That is so unpopular.
Right, that's the second part of your question.
Look, the
Obviously, just a couple weeks ago she was talking about both Australia and UK as having the type of gun laws that we should follow.
I wrote up a piece.
It's cultural, you know.
And in Australia, you've seen similar types of changes.
First of all, they didn't ban guns in Australia.
What they did was they had a buyback of about a third of the guns, and then people were able to go and buy guns again.
And so you have this sudden sharp drop, but then an increase in the rate of gun ownership over time.
And now, by 2010, they were about back to where they were before the buyback.
Stay there, Professor.
We got to go to break.
We're going to come back with more calls straight ahead.
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By the way, I'm going to get more calls from the professor here in just a moment, but here is the clip of Hillary talking to her constituents about how wonderful Australia and England are.
And of course, their crime rates went up.
I mean, that's a fact after they restricted their right to keep and bear arms.
Here it is.
You know, Australia is a good example.
Canada is a good example.
The UK is a good example.
Because each of them had mass killings.
Australia had a huge mass killing about 25, 20, 25 years ago.
Canada did as well.
So did the UK.
And in reaction, they passed much stricter gun laws.
In the Australian example, as I recall, that was a buyback program.
The Australian government, as part of trying to clamp down on the availability of automatic weapons, offered a good price for buying hundreds of thousands of guns, and then they basically clamped down going forward in terms of having, you know, more of a background check approach, more of a permitting approach.
But they believed...
And then she says we should look at that.
We've only got about three or four minutes in this segment, then another five-minute segment.
We've got Peter Schiff joining us on the economy and more and a bunch of news I haven't hit.
But right now, let's go to calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Wyoming.
You're on the air with Professor John Lott.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Three quick points.
When I was working at a large prestigious gun shop in Houston when the Brady Bill was passed,
To name one murderer, rapist, armed robber, drug dealer, gangbanger, or terrorist who obeys gun laws.
Third, ask Hillary Clinton, since you dislike guns, why do you have so many Secret Service agents carrying micro-Uzi, fully automatic 9mm submachine guns to protect you and your entourage?
Well, obviously this is common sense and it's an enemy under this administration.
The truth is they just want to conquer us and disarm us.
I mean, that's what it comes down to.
Professor Lott, as political pressure turns against them, they are doubling down.
What do you expect them to do next?
I mean, obviously just come out with fake statistics or what?
Well, I mean, they've come out with a lot of reports and I think we're going to see a tidal wave of that type of information over the next year.
You know, just compare this year to a couple years ago.
They're spending literally hundreds of millions of dollars funding this type of research.
And so, you know, if anything, it's amazing that they don't have even more stuff coming out.
But this next year coming up to the election, you know, coinciding with it on purpose is going to be a lot of research.
They're going to look.
If you look over the last 20 years or so, support for more gun control kind of peaked in the late 1990s.
It's been falling since then, and a lot of the surveys from Gallup and others show that maybe slightly more people oppose more gun control now than support it.
But the real thing that explains how those lines have moved over time are people's perceptions about whether guns make them safer or not.
If you go back to 2000, Gallup did a survey that found that about only 35% of people thought owning a gun in the home made them safer.
By December,
Hold on, stay there.
Back in 70 seconds for a faster watch.
We've got to go to break.
Our break.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Professor John Lott got cut off by that hard break at the end of the hour.
He was getting into the tactics that they use finishing a point.
Just because we're winning some battles does not mean we're winning the war.
These people have taken folks' guns all over the world.
They were trying to restrict knives in England.
People's steak knives and butcher knives.
I'm not joking.
That's BBC with a straight face reporting that again just this week.
We need to get on the offense and really finish these people once and for all.
So we got a long way to go.
I'm sorry, sir.
You got caught up on the break.
Go ahead.
Well, what Bloomberg's doing is he's funding the research.
He's funding academic institutions like Columbia's journalism school to go and train reporters on how to
In his mind, properly cover the gun issue.
And then they're spending lots of money on the political activity.
I testified earlier this year in Wyoming.
They were trying to get rid of some of the gun-free zones in the state.
And Bloomberg had paid for buses to bring college Democrats down from the University of Wyoming to the hearing.
They paid people to go and pass out flyers, I guess getting $20 an hour for doing that.
And they were able to pack.
The hearing room that was there, by paying these people to come and cover their costs and things like that.
Oh, I exposed that a decade ago here in Austin.
And the thing is, it cowed probably at least one of the members of the panel that were voting and caused the defeat of the bill to try to get rid of the gun-free zones.
In Nevada, they did a similar type of thing.
So that's one thing.
People need to look at what's happened in other countries.
Switzerland, for example, George Soros, for decades, has been funding a lot of anti-gun research that's there, and they really have nobody that's been on the other side to try to counter that, and no academics in Switzerland have kind of been on their side, and they have lost that battle, and so the reason why we put together
The Crime Prevention Research Center.
People can look at our About page to see the prestigious academics that we have on our panel.
That's what Drudge said when he was here.
He said so much important stuff, that's why I go back to it.
He said, you know, notice there's only a few people in every position, academics, statisticians, talk show hosts, journalists, that are really fighting.
And we're winning, but there's not a second row of teeth here.
You know, there's not like another set's coming in.
That's why we need to get more people that are prominent and have letters to their name to get in the fight and not just say, thank God John Lott's there.
Let's go to Mary in Georgia.
Mary, you're on the air.
Only caller we have time to go to.
I'll get to the others after our guest leaves us.
Go ahead, Mary.
Yes, hi Alex.
I have a practical question and concern.
I'm actually, I'm traveling around the country.
I've got a van all decked out and traveling around the country and having a great time.
I'm traveling alone and I feel like I need a gun.
I have a practical reason to have one.
Oh you do, yeah.
But I'm more afraid of being shot by a cop for having a gun than I am of being robbed or assaulted.
Well, I mean, just don't pick the gun up or have it out in view.
I mean, I don't want to give you advice for so many different laws and states, but generally, a shotgun, a rifle, you know, check the laws of each state you go into and have it where you can get to it, but like under a blanket or something.
And if a cop pulls you over, tell him, by the way, I have a firearm for my self-protection.
Professor Lott?
Yeah, well, I think the police are the last ones you should be concerned about.
The police are actually relieved to find that you're a permit holder, because the police know how incredibly law-abiding concealed handgun permit holders are.
And so, when they pull you over and you say, I have a concealed handgun permit and I have my gun with me, as you're supposed to tell them when they do that, trust me, it's not fair, because you're more along the
Okay, Professor Lott, amazing interview.
Use this Truth Center to defend freedom worldwide, not just here.
Send the link out to everybody.
We're going to send it out on Facebook and Twitter.
And get his books as well and give them to one of the poor anti-gun people.
Professor Lott, thank you so much for the time, sir.
Thank you.
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side.
Stay with us.
This is Joe Biggs with Infowars.com.
Fox Lake Lt.
Glenowitz killed himself after years of betraying his badge.
Investigation finds the veteran officer was laundering money through his police explorer posts.
The Lake County Major Crime Task Force commander said that Lt.
Glenowitz was laundering money through his explorer posts and stealing cash to pay for gym memberships, his mortgage, adult websites, travel, loans to friends, and other expenses.
Now if you guys remember, thousands of people showed up to this man's memorial.
And now they're saying that this is a police officer who has pretty much gone rogue and been running amok.
And now, wife and son of Lt.
Joe Glendowitz are under criminal investigation.
Fox 32 News has just learned that Lt.
Glendowitz's wife, Melody, and son, DJ, are under criminal investigation in connection with the embezzlement of funds from the Fox Lake Police Explorer Program.
Investigators believe that Lt.
Glinovich took his own life on September 1st because his theft of funds from the Explorer program was about to be exposed.
Once again, I'm Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, here's what's going to happen in this hour.
I'm sorry to other callers, we're going to have to clean the phones out because it's on gun issues.
And open the phones back up on comments on the economy, comments on what's happening in the world.
Peter Schiff can speak to pretty much any of these issues as smart cookie.
Europac.com, billions under management.
Of course it is.
Peter Schiff, his father, passed a few weeks ago over the other side and of course was a frequent guest on this show and a friend of mine before he was thrown in prison more than 11, 12 years ago.
And he died basically as a political prisoner for a long time, basically denied medical care.
Then still chained down basically to the moment he passed.
And this is very, very sad.
I can imagine how sad it is for Peter Schiff.
So we'll speak about some of that up front because it's bigger than just Erwin Schiff.
We're not just remembering a patriot that wrote bestselling books exposing the IRS and the Federal Reserve.
Basically sounded like Ron Paul and they put him in prison for it.
I don't
Journalists in prison.
Now a section of the TPP, Trans-Pacific Partnership, came out.
It's even worse than we thought.
Arrest whistleblowers, journalists worldwide.
I mean, this is getting bad.
But it's okay because the so-called left can make jokes about it all day.
And don't think when the right wing gets back in, you know, the rhino types, they won't be just as bad.
I've never seen liberals act like this.
They just act so totalitarian.
It's funny to them.
Again, they made fun of Ron Paul in a bunch of publications.
And with a straight face.
Can you believe he says America is in a tyranny?
And is getting worse because we put Irwin Schiff in prison?
I mean, people say if a Nazi Germany came here, if Soviet Russia came here, or Alexander Solzhenitsyn got locked up, we'd do something about it.
It can't happen here.
Well, you know what?
It is happening here.
They put him in prison for writing books calling the federal government a mafia, and the judge said in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, I'll never forget,
You're being put in prison because you were told last time not to write these books or sell these books.
I mean, imagine being a judge saying, you can't put this book out in America, whether it was true or not.
That's like Kevin Trudeau.
I don't agree with some of the stuff in his books.
I read several of them.
Some of it was true, some of it wasn't.
But if they can lock him up for writing natural cures they don't want you to know about, they can lock anybody up.
But the case with Schiff, what he said was accurate.
And then they said, we'll let you out of prison, or we'll keep you from going to prison, you just gotta recant all this.
Well, he wouldn't do it.
And that's the stuff that legends are made of.
So, your dad's gone, but not forgotten, and here alive with us.
I know it's hard to talk about, but you eulogize your father beautifully, comparing him to like the unseen in Braveheart.
It's true.
In what you wrote there at EuroPAC.com, we also posted it.
A lot of other big sites posted it.
But what would you like to say about your dad?
I mean, you heard my rant about it.
It really makes me sick, and it makes me angry.
Yeah, and, you know, there was a lot of coverage.
The New York Times did an obituary.
Actually, The Economist has the back page of the magazine, an obituary to my father.
But, you know, one of the parts that bothered me about The Economist, and you know, the writer didn't even bother to call me or my brother or ask anything.
They just, you know, they just write the article.
But if you look at the final paragraph, the inference is that, hey, you know, my dad got revenge because he got to live out his final years, you know, on the taxpayer.
Like, he got a nice place to live, and he got free room and board, and medical care.
And I've even seen some other articles written from that perspective that, hey, you know, he wasn't paying taxes, but all of us people who were, were supporting him in
You know, the equivalent of an old age home, except better because, you know, it was supposedly a, you know, a country club type facility.
These people never actually visited my father.
You have no idea the conditions under which he was living.
It is not club fed.
Maybe they used to have institutions like that a long time ago, but they don't have them anymore.
And that's not where my father was.
And the really bad part about it is, remember,
He was moved from a relatively low security facility, convenient to me and my brother and other relatives who could regularly visit him, and he was sent first to a facility in Indiana, in Terre Haute, and then to this one in Texas, in Fort Worth.
Because these were hospital-type facilities.
My dad turned 80, and when he got to be 80, they said, okay, you need to be in these facilities that have this top-notch medical care, because, you know, he's 80 years old, and we really need to take care of him, and we can't do that unless we're in these certain facilities.
And so on that basis, they moved him.
Now, we didn't even want to move him.
He didn't want to be moved.
Nobody wanted to move him.
We tried to intervene.
That was one of the things that Ron Paul tried to help me with, is to try to get him back
Closer to us, but we could never do it.
So he was there supposedly to get good medical care.
They didn't even know he had cancer until two months before he died.
Two months before!
And the cancer was so bad, it had spread all over his body from initially being, you know, a skin cancer, a melanoma on his head, but by the time they even knew he was sick, he was two months away from death.
I mean, what kind of medical facility is that?
I mean, you can see a guy who's out in the real world, who's stubborn, he doesn't go to the doctor, and then he finds out he's really sick and, you know, he should have gone.
My father is living, theoretically, in a hospital, in a prison hospital, yet they didn't know he was sick until he was on death's door.
Well, that's just classic.
I mean, they, you know, chop your legs off and give you a pair of crutches.
But for me, Peter, it's that he is a classic political prisoner.
He didn't do anything, and that tells me none of us are safe.
It shows how sick
The federal government is.
How out of their minds they are.
He is in jail.
Look, they accused him of violating various laws.
It's not he's just in jail for writing a book.
But of course, writing that book is one of the reasons for the severity of the sentence.
Well, they raised it.
I remember the judge raised the book.
Yeah, well, the judge didn't have to give a 77-year-old man 14 years.
I mean, there are people who have evaded lots of money in taxes that get much smaller sentences than my father got.
So that was to send him a message for his political stance and his exercise of his constitutional rights and freedom of the press and free speech.
In order to have been convicted of any of those crimes, the jury was going to have to be convinced, the government was going to have to prove that my father was willful.
That my father actually believed what he was doing was wrong.
And there was no evidence introduced at all.
To suggest that my father wasn't being sincere.
Well, I knew your dad pretty good, and at dinner, he was very entertaining and very smart, as you know.
You couldn't get him to stop talking about this and the proof.
He was obsessed with it.
He was a zealot.
He totally believed it.
He didn't stop talking about it until he couldn't talk.
The last time I spoke with him, a few weeks before he died, that's all he could say.
He was talking about how he was in jail illegally and how he wants me to continue his legal battles on behalf of his estate for wrongful imprisonment.
My father is still trying to win.
He still somehow thought that he could get justice ultimately in a completely unjust system.
I mean, my father always recognized the corruption in the courts, but for some reason he believed that eventually he could overcome that.
Uh, that, you know, he was so correct in what he was doing, uh, that the government would have no choice, or the judicial system would have no choice, and that ultimately he would prevail, and he believed that up until he, he died.
Well, like Ron Paul said here two weeks ago, it shows how far this country's fallen, what they did to your dad.
I mean, if people don't have empathy and realize that could happen to any of us, something's wrong with them.
At most, it should have been civil.
If the government thought my father was doing something wrong, it should have been a civil matter.
You cannot turn the exercise, the good faith exercise of a constitutional right into a crime.
You can't put people in jail if they think the government is breaking the law.
Because, let's assume you think that my father was wrong.
What about the next guy?
What if the government really starts doing things that are wrong, assuming that they haven't already done that?
What if they arrest you for saying the NSA shouldn't be spying on you?
Yeah, look, you know, it's the camel's nose under the tent.
You cannot let the government imprison people who challenge what they're doing on the basis that what they're doing is wrong, or illegal, or unconstitutional.
A lot's going on, but I want to finish up this segment on your dad and other political prisoners.
It really is scary to see him doing this, and openly saying they want to restrict free speech now.
Again, Drudge was here a few weeks ago, and he pointed out that he had dinner with a Supreme Court Justice, and they said, no, the word is they're coming after the First Amendment.
They're going to shut down websites, talk radio, and people say, oh, that'll never happen.
Well, they said Obamacare would never happen.
They have to try to shut us down because we are politically starting to wake people up.
Yeah, and remember, again, they banned, a judge banned him from selling his last book, The Federal Mafia.
And, you know, that is the only non-fiction book ever banned under any circumstances in the United States.
And, you know, there was only one other book that was banned and it was, you know, an erotic book.
And so this is the only non-fiction.
Of course, it's the last book that has been banned.
But you know what?
It might not be.
There may be books banned in the future now that this very bad precedent has been set and unchallenged.
Nobody seemed to care that the government banned this book.
And if they can get away with banning my father's book, what other books are they going to get away with banning in the future?
I just can't believe I'm sitting here talking to you and they killed your dad.
I mean, I think it's fair to say that.
A political prisoner.
They banned his book.
And this isn't some dark satire science fiction movie.
This is really going on, Peter.
Yeah, and look, this is the beginning.
This is how tyranny takes hold when people sit by and do nothing and they allow it to happen.
They'll say, oh, he was just a tax protester.
That's how everybody forgives it.
Well, he was a tax protester.
As if being a tax protester means you lose all of your rights.
Well, George Washington was a tax protester.
Yeah, but if the government can strip you of your rights because you're a tax protester, well, they can strip you of your rights for any reason they have.
You know, so everybody is at risk when one person is at risk.
And you can't just be complacent and excuse it.
There is no excuse for what they did to my father.
Oh, but Wall Street doesn't get in trouble for the derivatives.
Nobody goes to jail.
They steal trillions of dollars, but Irwin Schiff dies.
Well, you know what?
He won in the end, though, getting the word out.
And he's a hero.
So you gotta feel... I mean, how proud are you of your dad, Peter?
I've always been proud of him.
But I wish he didn't have to die in those circumstances.
But you're right.
I think the government did elevate his stature to that of a martyr.
And I think... They didn't stay there.
Let's finish up on this side.
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Alright, coming up we'll take your phone calls from Peter Schiff, EuroPAC.com.
Obviously we need to talk about the news, the imploding borders here and in Europe, the millions of refugees running around raping people and demanding more freebies.
It's so over the top, I can't even believe it's this crazy.
Isis blowing up the Russian plane, they claim, and then our media is acting like they want to team up with Russia to stop them when our own government's been funding them.
But the economy, that's really where Peter Schiff is the expert.
He's a smart guy on other stuff as well, so we'll pick his brain.
But in this short segment,
Anything else I guess we can say about your dad?
We could talk for hours about him, and then shifting gears into the economy.
I think when we do abolish the IRS, you can call the bill to do it, the Congressman Hanson bill, but they didn't kill him, they tried in jail.
I mean, how far do you think it's going to go?
Yeah, and look, Lois Lerner... Yeah, and nothing happened to Lois Lerner, right?
They decided, oh, we're not going to press charges against her for any of the wrongdoings that she did, but make sure we keep Irwin Schiff in jail.
You know, and I said just before the break, when they decided to make a martyr out of him, you know, had the government shown at least some compassion for my father later in life, and maybe allowed him to get out of jail, or had they not given him such a harsh
I think?
He's still alive!
Yeah, and had they let him out a few years ago, he would still be alive because he would have got the medical care that he needed.
That cancer would have been caught early enough.
You know, my father didn't get lung cancer because he smoked.
He never smoked.
I mean, he was in pretty good health when he went into jail at age 77.
And so, you know, he might have lived into his 90s.
Who knows?
Maybe he would have been over 100.
You never know.
How long my father would have lived.
You know, some of the articles that I wrote acted as if the fact that he lived to 87 was the result of all the good care he was getting.
I knew him well.
He was robust for his age.
Pretty manly.
And so, you know, the government robbed him of the dignity of his senior years.
And you can say, well, he deserves what he got.
You know, he fought the IRS.
He didn't fight it out of greed.
My father wasn't trying to make money.
And he didn't make money.
I mean, what he made, he spent.
But he lived in a small one-bedroom, two-bedroom apartment.
He drove an old car.
He never took vacations.
And he worked weekends and evenings on his cause because he believed in it.
So he wasn't like a guy who lies on his tax return, conceals his income.
They took him down because he was effective, and then they were vindictive little creeps persecuting him until he died.
I mean, you described how he was chained down a few weeks before he died when you came and saw him.
Yeah, and they don't even remove it.
I mean, they try to tell me, well, we're making him comfortable.
Look, look, the chain's not too tight.
It's like, you know what?
Why is it there?
You know, because you can't move around as much in the bed when your leg is shackled to the side of the bed, even if you try to make it comfortable.
I mean, why even put it on?
See, they just follow orders.
They say, well, these are the rules.
This is what we have to do.
Yeah, that's what the Nazis said.
I'm just going to file orders.
He can't even get out of the bed.
I mean, it's ridiculous to chain somebody who can't move, who's blind, and he's living off of tubes.
You know, he's not going anywhere.
Can't they see that?
But no, they just have to do what the government says, because they're good Nazis.
You know, not that they're as bad as Nazis, I might want to say that, you know... But it's going into the same universe.
I don't know, Planned Parenthood, all of it, they are.
We're going to go to break in a minute.
Long segment coming up.
Shifting gears out of the, I think, heroic, you know, story of your father that is just becoming more epic.
And so, you know, God rest his soul and obviously you're savvy.
You got to be proud.
So we just thank you for your father and, you know, his work.
But shifting gears out of that, when we go to break, when we come back, economic front, what are you going to be covering?
We're going to talk about the jobs numbers and the spin the media is putting on it.
I'm going to give you the truth, what's actually going on.
Now we've got to talk about the Fed.
Everybody thinks that these job numbers cemented a rate hike in December, and I still don't think the Fed is going to raise interest rates in December.
I don't think it matters what these jobs numbers were.
I don't think the Fed's raising rates.
They might surprise me and do it anyway, but I don't think they will.
Well, you've been right so far.
Your predictions have come true on that front.
All this and more at Europact.com.
Peter Schiff joining us via video Skype.
And we've got Frank and Patriot and Jeremy Wild, Noel and others have questions on central banks, on economic judgment, on getting his dad's book, on globalization, on fractional reserve banking and Der Spiegel.
We'll find out what all that means coming up.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Rand Paul, look where ISIS gets its weapons from.
They have anti-tank weapons and missiles that we gave them.
Article up by Steve Watson.
Presidential candidate Ron Paul has urged voters to look to where ISIS is getting its weapons from to understand the monumental problem the U.S.
is facilitating in Syria and beyond.
Speaking with Ed Berliner of Newsmax, Paul stated most of these people do not have the sophistication to make arms so they get the arms from other folks.
Right now, ISIS has over a billion dollars worth of U.S.
And they have a billion dollars in cash they stole from us.
So really, if we don't want weapons to get into the hands of folks, we should be very careful about who we give the weapons to, as Senator stated.
Paul then elaborated by noting that during the Libyan Civil War, 15,000 shoulder-to-air missiles made by the United States went missing.
That's why there is a concern that airliners might be taken down by shoulder-to-air missiles.
All noted.
Here at InfoWars.com, we smash through the lies and disinformation.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Frank in New York, you're up first here in a few minutes when we go to your calls.
Pull for a number to join us.
The phones are loaded, but you can get a chance to call them when somebody hangs up.
The economy.
Ron Paul was on yesterday.
He said he just doesn't see how much longer it can continue on.
Well, it's not really continuing on.
We have all the numbers coming out.
Even the Cook numbers show that things are sliding.
But there is wealth.
It's just not being equally distributed.
And, of course, wealth isn't supposed to be artificially distributed, but it is by central banks now.
Like our Federal Reserve, that came into being the same week that the IRS came into being, and the same week they got rid of senators being elected by the legislatures.
That's right, that's when they took over.
That's when the central banks expanded their control, and Peter Schiff of Europac.com is our guest.
So you predicted?
In the last couple years, they wouldn't raise interest rates.
You continue to say they wouldn't do it.
And the Chinese have started dumping treasuries.
So since we had you on a month or so ago, what has changed?
What is your current prognosis, Peter Schiff?
Well, you know, nothing has actually changed, but the perception now is that the Fed is about to raise rates in December.
Of course, the markets had that perception all year long.
They thought they would raise in March, then June, then September, and now they're convinced that the liftoff is going to happen in December.
The reason they're convinced of that is because Janet Yellen spoke both after they failed to raise interest rates in October through their statement,
And more recently this week she was testifying before Congress and basically what she said was that if the economy continues to improve the way they believe it will, and if the labor market improves further, and if
Inflation, the way the government measures it, gets to their 2% level and they're satisfied that it's going to be at 2% in the medium term, whatever that is, that if all these things happen, then it's possible that the Fed might raise rates.
That's all she said.
And the interpretation was, oh, the Fed's going to raise rates for sure.
And then, when we got the jobs numbers that came out today, which were, on the surface, much stronger than what everybody had been looking for, that sealed the deal.
As far as everybody was concerned, the Fed's going to raise rates.
And I don't think it seals anything.
I still think the Fed is not going to raise rates in December.
You know, it's a possibility.
Just like Yellen said, anything is possible.
And maybe the Fed will surprise me and raise rates.
I think from their perspective, it would be a very dangerous mistake if they did that, because I think it would just accelerate the collapse in the markets, and that would put them in a very difficult position.
Well, the Chinese government, as you know, has been weighing in saying, don't do that.
Well, I mean, they needed to do it a long time ago.
But a lot of people don't want this party to end, and so they want the Fed to continue to serve the alcohol.
But I don't think Obama wants it to end either.
You know, even Donald Trump has been saying that he thinks that it's the President that told Janet Yellen not to raise rates.
Well, I don't think Yellen needs to hear that from Obama.
I think she can figure that out on her own, that she can't raise rates.
Meanwhile, let's look at this jobs number.
I was about to say, they say the best job numbers of the year, they've all been total crap.
Everybody's hiring seasonal people for Christmas!
Yeah, and you know, so the last two months were very weak, and everybody was expecting big revisions upward.
People were saying, oh, those numbers can't possibly be real.
And you know what?
They barely revised them.
So if you actually look at the fact that we didn't get the revisions that everybody thought, so we just got more jobs in October.
To make up for the fewer jobs that everybody thought we were going to get in August and September, over the last three months we averaged 187,000 jobs per month.
That is slower than the pace for the first part of the year, which was the average was over 200,000.
Last year's three-month average was better than 250,000.
So the jobs are slowing down.
But don't you always get a bump this time of year because of the seasonal hiring?
Yes, we do.
And then I guess there was a bigger bump than normal.
And I think businesses are making a mistake hiring people.
Again, they think the economy is stronger than it is.
But the labor force participation stayed at 62.4, which ties the low.
But again, all the jobs, about 200,000 of these jobs,
We're in health care and education.
They're in retail, you know, cash registers, cashiers, right?
Leisure and hospitality, bartenders, waiters, temporary jobs.
We didn't gain any manufacturing jobs.
We lost mining and logging jobs.
We lost jobs in transportation.
So we added the low-paying service sector jobs.
And here is a statistic which no one is really talking about with the demographics.
All of the job gains went to people over the age of 55.
Between 24 and 55, 35,000 jobs were lost.
And what gets worse is if you just look at men aged 24 to 55, 119,000 jobs lost.
By young men.
So who gained jobs in this economy?
It's older workers who would rather be retired who have to come out of retirement and get a job, you know, as a greeter at Walmart or bagging groceries.
And I think married women whose husbands can no longer afford to support them having to go back into the labor force.
That's really what's going on.
But beneath the surface, the younger men, American men who need jobs and want jobs, good jobs, not part-time jobs or temporary jobs that need real jobs, they can't get them.
And they're moving back in with their parents.
Other areas of the economy, you've talked about cities going under, states going under, the California Retirement Fund, the Chinese economy.
Obviously, you say you think it may be better than ours.
Some other experts say they think it's going to be worse.
Look at the Euro crisis.
What could be the next big trigger when you're looking at triggers that could cause a new dot-com type event like 2000 or could cause some type of event like we saw in 2007, 2008?
Or do you just see a gradual rotting of the economy?
I mean, I know you don't have a crystal ball, but looking out there, what are the triggers?
Well, again, I think that the way this is going to deflate this bubble is that the Fed is not going to be able to raise interest rates and people are eventually going to figure out that predicament because of the Fed's failure to act.
And the dollar is ultimately going to turn around, take the bond market with it, push up consumer inflation, push up interest rates, and really put the squeeze on the economy even further.
If the Fed actually
Well, then they're just going to prick the bubble that much faster.
So either way, the air is going to come out and we're headed for a crisis.
But again, what I think is going to be different about this crisis is this is going to be the final crisis.
The final nail in the coffin is going to be a dollar crisis and a sovereign debt crisis where there are no bailouts.
Because the U.S.
government is the entity that's going broke.
The crisis is going to be in dollars, in treasuries.
So the government can't bail out itself.
They were able to bail out the banks.
They were able to bail out private companies by going deeper into debt and printing more money.
But when people finally question the value of that debt and that money, the bailouts end.
A lot of folks like Dent think it's going to start imploding any time now.
But in a way, it's kind of already imploded.
The question is how deep will that go?
In the meantime, they run up the dollar.
Everybody's so convinced, oh, the Fed's going to raise rates.
The dollar's way up.
Gold's down again.
We're back down below $1,100.
When the Fed didn't raise rates in October, that morning, gold was almost at $1,200.
We're as high as $1,190.
Now we're back below $1,100.
Gold stocks are back down near the lows.
The dollar is spiking up.
Everybody is fooled again.
The same old game, just where we were a few months ago.
But how long can they play that game?
I don't know how many times the Fed is going to be able to acquire Wolf and the townsmen keep running as if there's actually a Wolf there.
Meanwhile, the Fed doesn't actually say this.
The Fed just says it's possible we might raise interest rates, and everybody assumes that that means it's inevitable.
But the Fed doesn't do anything to dampen those expectations because the Fed likes this, because the market is doing its work for it.
Your listeners should do is say, hey, this is another opportunity.
You know, now I can sell my dollar.
Maybe, you know, I can establish an account with Peter Schiff.
I can get more assets in Switzerland or Singapore or New Zealand or Norway or wherever I'm investing and I can get a better deal.
I can buy some gold stocks now because these currency speculators really believe the Fed and they just sold off the price of gold.
They brought down the value of gold stocks.
That's an opportunity.
That's a buying opportunity for the few people out there that actually recognize what is really going on.
Because when Wall Street wakes up to the Fed's con, these markets, I think, are going to reverse in a very spectacular and rapid fashion.
And by then it's too late.
You've got to get yourself positioned before everybody wakes up.
I want to go to some phone calls here because I've got some good questions.
Frank in New York, you're on the air with Peter Schiff.
Go ahead, Frank.
Yes, my condolences to you, Mr. Schiff.
Your father was a true patriot.
Thank you, Frank.
All right.
I'm no economist, but this is my opinion as far as the economy.
I mean, we did these five things.
I think we'll probably be out of debt in maybe two or three years.
If we put the dollar back at the gold standard, you know, reinstall Glass-Steagall, repeal the 16th Amendment, repeal the IRS, and repeal the Federal Reserve.
Now being said,
I've spoken to other people in my community, and basically they're telling me that if the Fed was ever to be abolished, that it would be a catastrophic event.
I disagree totally, but just for those listeners that are probably listening right now, can you explain that?
As far as that, would that help us tremendously?
How would we transfer out of this system if myself, you, Ron Paul, others, as a liberty movement, getting back to the way our country grew at 10 plus percent from its inception, until the Federal Reserve came in, now we think 3 percent is great.
How do we go back to that real prosperity?
Well, first of all, we can end the Fed because we didn't always have the Fed.
You know, the Fed, again, as you mentioned, didn't come into existence until 1913.
So we obviously made it through the Industrial Revolution without a Federal Reserve.
And I think we would have prospered, you know, much greater had the Federal Reserve never been created.
It would be on Mars.
The important thing, though, is we don't want to eliminate the Fed and just transfer their powers to Congress or the White House or something.
We have to return to the sound monetary system that we had prior to the development of the Federal Reserve.
That would be a solution.
And yes, if we got rid of the income tax,
Then yes, we'd have a much more vibrant economy, but it wouldn't immediately take care of the debt.
Because the problem is we already have all this debt, and there's no way to repay it.
And if we go back to an honest monetary system, interest rates are going to have to go up.
And there's no way to even service the current debt in that environment, let alone repay it.
So we're going to have to restructure that debt.
All right.
We're back on that.
But we're not going to be able to preempt this crisis.
There is no political will for that.
It's only going to be the aftermath.
Well, that's my next point.
Ron Paul's been making that point forever, that we've got to get in place before the collapse so we have the real alternative, because they're going to push total socialism with crony capitalists offshore above the law, exempt from it.
A true nightmare.
We could get real tyranny that we see them setting up during the collapse.
I want to go to Noel, Wild, Jeremy, Mike, Patriot, and others, but what about this quick question, Peter?
I want your take on this.
Obviously, governments everywhere are digging in for civil unrest, while funding bizarre leftist organizations, you know, calling for all sorts of, you know, bigger state.
It isn't just the corrupt elite we have.
There are a lot of lazy, entitled people out there.
But it's not even so much the welfare heads.
It's the permanent students.
It's the people that buy into the system.
They are so entitled, and they are so delusional.
And then there's all the working poor that are just amazing people, but they're getting screwed over.
What's going to happen when, say,
50, 60, 70 million entitled, snot-nosed liberals, when this all goes belly up, what are they going to do when their free ride is over?
I don't know.
I think we're going to find out, unfortunately.
You can look at some of the scenes of some of the rioting and the looting that takes place just on a small incident.
In fact, I've even seen cities riot when their team wins the Super Bowl or the World Series.
Yeah, I mean, so can you imagine what would happen in America in a real economic crisis where there's no food in the stores, where there's shortages, where there's blackouts, you know, rolling blackouts, where, you know, the welfare checks or the unemployment checks, they don't come, or that you can't cash them, or you can't buy anything.
You know, we are not the civil society.
You look at those pictures of the Great Depression, people waiting peacefully in these soup lines.
I mean, it's not going to look like that this time around.
I agree.
We're sitting on a sickening time bomb, and they're hard-working people, very race, color, and creed.
They're great Americans.
We're still exceptional in many ways, but it's a dichotomy.
We also have exceptionally dumb, entitled, angry people.
And I'm just sick of them.
I mean, people like will stand in line and tell you to hurry up when there's two people behind you for no reason.
They're just angry.
They're petulant.
But then they don't get angry about their rights being trampled.
They don't get angry about the right stuff.
They get angry about petty stuff, and I can't imagine... Yeah, I mean, during the Depression, you know, people were embarrassed to go on relief, and they felt very privileged.
I mean, they knew it wasn't necessarily an American thing, because we all believed in private charity, not forced government redistribution.
But when people did get money from the government, they really were grateful for what they got.
I mean, there were even some people that paid it back.
They had a guilty conscience for getting something for nothing.
And so it's a different environment.
Right now, Americans expect to get taken care of.
They think they're owed something from the government as a birthright.
So it's a much bigger difference when you lose something that you believe you're entitled to and when you're giving something and you're grateful for having been giving something.
Totally key.
It's very scary, folks.
Very scary.
Noelle in Virginia, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, good afternoon, gentlemen.
Great show today.
Peter, I just want to send my condolences that your dad passed, but you know what?
The truth is the truth, and it always will be the truth.
I got a couple of questions, and I know there's a lot of people behind.
In the economy, I don't really believe anything that the government says.
I believe that we are heading to a major collapse, and I'll tell you why.
You know, I've been studying about the money, where to follow the money, and you know, you've got three central banks.
One is in the Vatican, the other one is in the United, uh, in the UK, and then you have another one at the District of Columbia, where all this money is transferred there, and they call them the crowns, okay?
And they're above the law because they have their own law and they have their own police, and they don't...
Sure, what about these corporate city states that are above the law?
I think that's a great question.
The UN's kind of its own above the law organization setting up a taxing authority.
The TPP, the big world government meeting coming up in December in Paris.
They've exempted themselves.
Now France will only have borders for this meeting.
I mean, this is so insane.
Is that what you're getting at, Noel?
Yes, and the other thing is
All right.
Well, that's a lot of stuff, Noel.
Let me get Peter Schiff's take on that.
Go ahead, Peter.
The IMF is going to be allowing the Chinese Yuan to be an acceptable currency as a reserve currency, and that's one of the steps in the direction of that currency achieving a higher degree of global acceptance.
Is that why the Chinese are starting to pull out of U.S.
We're good to go.
Through ETFs.
And now they want to print money and buy shares in public corporations.
Well, since they can create money out of thin air, and then they use it to buy up companies, how is that different than nationalizing industries at that point?
And, you know, we could be heading in the same direction.
If we're going to say, hey, the Federal Reserve can print money and buy up bonds, well, why can't they print money and buy up stocks?
Why can't they print money and buy up everything?
What if the Federal Reserve prints enough money so that they own all of our assets?
I mean, that's... Well, I've actually seen proposals where they're saying the Fed should start, you know, openly buying stock, which we know they do sometimes to prop it up, and should start, you know, buying everything, just sharing it all.
And then the Japanese are saying, hey, this would be a good idea because the government takes over these companies, it can pay people higher wages, you know.
And so it's like talking about, yeah, let's have a government-planned economy, let's nationalize industry, and let's let the government set wages.
Well, we've already seen how that ends.
We saw the Soviet Union.
You know, you look at Cuba, look at what happened in East Germany.
I mean, we know it doesn't work, but it's not going to work if we put the central bankers in charge.
Crazy, thank you Noel.
Wow, simply amazing that we've gotten to this point.
Peter, I know you don't like to put dates on it, but how long can this go on?
I know I keep going back to that question, but I mean, we already see the economy's in trouble.
A lot of areas of the world, it's a war zone, total depression, people starving to death.
Clearly the world's in crisis, but how long until people in the United States figure that out?
Well look, obviously a lot longer than I thought.
I mean, years ago I would have thought we would have been further along in the learning curve by now.
But I think it's going to be a lot sooner than some people think.
Because there are people that think, oh yeah, you know, but it's a problem for our grandchildren.
That yes, it's going to come apart eventually, but we'll all be dead by then.
So the people who think that this is not going to happen until the middle of the century, I think they're going to be surprised by how quickly it happens.
We're getting close.
You know, we've been waiting for this day.
I mean, we figured it out a long time ago, and yet, you know, it continues.
And that is the problem with these bubbles, because you have this shared psychology, and it feeds on itself, and the bigger the bubble is, the bigger it can get.
Is it a too-big-to-fail bubble?
I mean, the too-big-to-fail bubble?
The mega-bubble.
It's too big to fail.
It's not too big to fail, it's too big to bail.
When this bubble bursts, this final bubble, that is it.
We can't do anything about it anymore.
We can't delay the day of reckoning.
We can't kick the can down a road again.
So this is the economic mega-event.
This is the big one.
I think the next one is the big one, and then the question is, how much time do we have?
I don't know.
I just want to make sure that I'm prepared for it, even if I have to prepare early.
Because preparing early is the only way to prepare.
Because you can't do it late.
Because there's no time.
Good God, we're sitting on top of time, Bob.
I've got children, you've got children.
I just, and we're informed and don't know what to do.
Imagine the general public when this time bomb, when this balloon goes up, it is going to be bedlam.
Wild in Wisconsin, thanks for holding your on the air, go ahead.
Hey Mr. Jones, Mr. Schiff.
My topic's kind of on judgment and it's interesting with Mr. Schiff being on.
First of all, I think it's interesting that
People have not taken into consideration the possibility of the U.S.
possibly being able to pay off their debt in full, which I know sounds extreme, but with technology around the corner like memristors, gravity technology, and different energy availabilities, that is a possibility that should be taken into consideration.
Well, we could innovate out of this, but the central banks want to keep us under economic control and bondage.
That's a great point.
Thanks for that point.
What about innovating out of this?
Well, we can't because the trajectory of the debt is too great.
And, of course, the only thing that's keeping it manageable is the 0% interest rate.
So when the Fed raises interest rates and the deficits keep growing, you're talking about an exponential increase in the cost of servicing that debt.
We cannot innovate our way out of it.
And the weaker we make our economy because we need a strong economy because once, you know, once the music stops here and once we default on all this debt, you know, we're in a big hole.
We've got to get our way out of it.
Yeah, the service economy, we're going to starve to death if we don't get something set up.
The service economy won't work anymore.
We're going to have to be a production economy.
We're going to have to make stuff.
We're going to have to build things.
We're going to have to produce things.
And how are we going to do that?
You know, that's not easy to do.
If it was easy, everybody would do it.
If it was easy, there'd be no poverty in Africa.
Let's take a call from Africa.
I should have gone earlier to this caller.
Patriot in Africa, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I'm calling from Zambia.
The country is just being crippled economically.
The currency has lost over half its value in the last couple of months.
Smart meters in every house, toll roads being announced, national ID cards.
What can someone do to prepare economically for what's coming in the future?
That's a really great question.
He really got a great connection from Africa.
Is he talking about in his country or in America?
No, I studied in London.
So what about Zambia and in England?
He's wanting to know.
I mean, obviously he's saying, yeah, stuff's falling apart here in Zambia.
What do I do?
Yeah, well, I mean, obviously, you know, you could leave.
I mean, that's one of the things that people do sometimes is they just get up and leave if they don't see any resolution in sight.
But I think more and more people around the world are going to be having to be faced with that reality.
And the problems that you're living with there are a function of government.
These are not natural disasters.
These are man-made problems that are the consequence of government controlling an economy and government trying to allocate wealth and set prices and
Yeah, and the president's son of Equatorial, you know, Guinea having a hundred Ferraris.
Yeah, I mean, so, but this mentality of government, look how popular Bernie Sanders is, with his brand of socialism.
And I don't care how you want to rebrand it, it's all the same thing, that the government knows best.
And it penalizes production.
Peter Schiff, I want to thank you, I'm sorry for your father, I'm going to come back to call her after he's gone from Africa, that's a really cool way to call from Africa.
Stay there, Pedro.
We'll let you have a comeback.
Peter, thank you for all the time.
Have a great weekend.
And I know you're sad over your dad, but I tell you, you've got to be proud.
He's a real winner.
Thank you so much for coming on with us.
Thanks, Al.
Thank you.
We'll be back with the fourth hour.
Anthony Giussiardi is coming in, but I'm going to finish up some phone calls.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, I got so busy in the last hour, I skipped a break.
I never plugged any products.
I never even told folks about the new Infowars.com.
About 95% positive comments.
I know the featured news section isn't as big now on the front page.
You've got to click on the link.
There that says view all and we're going to be doing some tweaking on the website as well, but it is modern.
It works on all devices.
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And we're also thinking we're going to create a kind of low-tech newsfeed page that doesn't rip off Drudge, because I don't want to do that, but kind of just has all the stories on one page as they kind of feed in three columns, maybe two columns.
I'm going to make it look different than Drudge, but that's something else we're going to do for folks that want to get that view of it, because that's kind of a view I like, but this is the one that's modern that everybody uses.
But of course, we'll be tweaking it more.
I'm glad folks like it.
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But Patriot in Africa,
When I hear somebody like you calling in so many great people across the world that have been basically still under colonialism, that's what globalism is, it's just modern corporate colonialism masquerading as liberal, and I just think about all the giant populations in the third world
That want a better life.
And if they hadn't set up all this welfare when people come in to then turn them into little socialist bots, I would say even have bigger populations come in from places like Africa.
The problem is we're collapsing as well in our poor and lower middle class areas, but also the rich areas and many areas are just becoming extinct.
It's a fundamental global crisis.
And to hear you ask me, you know, what do you do in your country?
You know better than I because you're on the ground.
But I think what Schiff said, you know, get out of there.
But then so many people are fleeing, hundreds of millions, the third world are trying to get out right now.
I don't know what you do, quite frankly.
And I'm kind of in the same position.
I don't know how to get ready or deal with all this.
Because this is going to be so bad.
I mean, as you said, I've read about your country unraveling.
When it unravels here, it's going to be even worse.
Because people that haven't had a lot, at least know how to grow a garden.
Or, you know, have some chickens or whatever.
Here, when stuff unravels, if it gets really bad, we're talking about mass starvation.
So, it's a time bomb.
And I know the elites know it's a time bomb.
So, let me ask you, what do you think
Living there, people are going to do as this thing gets worse.
I mean, are you agreeing that you're seeing the global depression where you're at?
Yeah, the global depression.
It's full-blown.
The real estate market is booming, though.
But, I mean, but what do you do?
I mean, everywhere people are just starving.
The currency is just in free fall.
And I also know Europe's collapsing, and all of that.
Cloward and Piven, brother.
Cloward and Piven, exactly.
The elite, they make money off the real estate going off, but everything else just screws everybody.
They want to make everybody poor so they can run your life.
That's exactly.
I mean, Africa is so rich.
It has more resources than any continent, like times three.
And you just cannot seem to ever get going.
And it's because of colonialism.
And then the colonialists, as you know, pulled out.
But then they put strong men in and then manage them.
And all you have is colonialism by robot dictator.
Basically, that's what's happening.
So how do you deal with that?
Yeah, how do you deal with being a debt colony of the IMF?
You get rid of the IMF and you set up your own systems and you work in a federation in Africa.
And that was starting to happen.
Oh, but they blew up Libya and killed Gaddafi.
I'm sorry.
And I'm not defending apartheid.
It was one evil.
They replaced it with something even worse.
They blew out the engines of the north and south of Africa.
And now Africa is in free fall and the globalists can come in, just like Greece, and buy it all up.
We're all in this together, brother.
We'll work on it.
Appreciate you.
We'll be back with Anthony Gucciardi in studio.
He's got a lot of stuff coming up on guns, special reports, the plane crash.
This is Joe Biggs with Infowars.com.
Fox Lake Lieutenant Glenowitz killed himself after years of betraying his badge.
Investigation finds the veteran officer was laundering money through his police explorer posts.
The Lake County Major Crime Task Force commander said that Lt.
Glendowitz was laundering money through his Explorer Post and stealing cash to pay for gym memberships, his mortgage, adult websites, travel, loans to friends, and other expenses.
Now if you guys remember, thousands of people showed up to this man's memorial.
And now they're saying that this is a police officer who has pretty much gone rogue and been running amok.
And now, wife and son of Lt.
Joe Glinowitz are under criminal investigation.
Fox 32 News has just learned that Lt.
Glinowitz's wife, Melody, and son, DJ, are under criminal investigation in connection with the embezzlement of funds from the Fox Lake Police Explorer program.
Investigators believe that Lieutenant Glenowitz took his own life on September 1st because his theft of funds from the Explorer program was about to be exposed.
Once again, I'm Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the fourth overdrive hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi, your host for the rest of the hour.
There's a lot of news that Alex didn't get a chance to get to, a lot of analysis and a lot of special reports and videos that we're gonna break, including some new information on the Russian plane, as well as gun control lies and
A new video detailing what Leanne did recently that was dramatic and changed her life, and a bunch of others as well, including new threats of an EMP attack.
So first and foremost, the biggest headline out today, of course, is that Ben Carson is admitting his fabricated West Point story, and that is, as you're probably most likely already aware,
He claimed that he applied and was accepted at West Point and met with these top generals and all of this.
And that brings into question his other stories, which he's now defending in some bizarre headlines, including Ben Carson's troubled effort to prove that he was, in fact, a juvenile delinquent.
And from the Washington Post, it says, well, this is a new one.
We're accustomed to the media probing a politician's past, reporting on some skeletons in the closet, then bracing for the almost inevitable response from the press accounts are erroneous, biased, or completely fabricated.
But in the case of Ben Carson versus CNN, we have a media outlet saying, maybe he really wasn't such a bad guy, and a presidential candidate saying, oh yes, I was.
And here's what's really happening here.
The candidates, or at least their staffers, whoever is the brains of the organization, have realized that being real is the best way to gain mobility and gain attention and gain popularity, or at least people perceiving you as real.
That's why people aren't 100% real.
Oh, political and statesman and standing there.
Oh, yes.
And Ben Carson's issue has always been that he is, he kind of is so squeaky clean seeming.
So if he loses this image that he's putting out there that, yeah, I was a bad kid.
His story was that he almost killed one of his best friends until he turned, you know, good and went into the, went to the military and all this kind of stuff.
So if he loses this idea of him having some rough edges and being real, then he loses everything.
And I think Trump realizes that, and that's why he's so popular.
Because at the end of the day, people don't want a phony, fake puppet.
They want someone that is real, someone that curses sometimes, someone that has made mistakes, and someone that is relatable.
And even I made the mistake years ago thinking that I had to present myself differently and sit there in a perfect posture and say, hello, today we have coming out today.
But in reality, people want someone that is 100% real, even if they're not perfect, even if they're willing to make mistakes, even if they admit they've made mistakes in the past.
And that is the most important thing.
And that's what we're seeing with Ben Carson.
We talk about artificial intelligence a lot, especially sometimes when I'm hosting the program because it's something I'm really interested in.
Toyota is investing $1 billion in becoming an artificial intelligence company.
This is from Gizmodo.
Cars are either going to poison us with secret emissions or just drive themselves.
So it's no surprise that car manufacturers are looking to branch out.
In Toyota's case, that takes the form of a $1 billion investment in a Silicon Valley AI Research Center.
The new Toyota Research Center Institute will be located near Stanford in Silicon Valley with 200 employees working on a range of robotics and AI research not just limited to cars.
You know, I actually have a cold today.
A little bit of a runny nose.
And I haven't been sick in years, and it kind of freaks me out.
And I realized it was because I am working and stressed out and not sleeping right.
And it also kind of reminded me how the body, at the most biological level, responds to sickness.
And I'm tying this into what I just read.
If you have a small cold, it's your body telling you, hey, you need to get yourself together.
You need to check out your immune system.
You need to figure out what you're doing and stressing yourself out.
This is just a friendly little reminder.
A friendly little slap on the wrist saying, hey, get yourself together.
You've got a cold.
You're doing something wrong.
This country has experienced much more than a cold.
But I see the cold, I see the little illness coming with the artificial intelligence community speaking out, kind of like a warning to the immune system of this species.
Saying, hey, you really need to get this in order.
You really need to get this in check before something really, really bad happens.
And I see all the big players spending billions of dollars, from Google to Toyota to Apple, spending billions of dollars to launch artificial intelligence systems.
And I see Elon Musk, who's actually an amazing person in my view, saying,
That we need to keep this in check.
Thousands of professors from major universities and researchers from major universities saying we need to keep this in check because we have a cold at this point but we're not doing anything to address the issues.
And more and more as it gets more out of bounds and more insane and the genetic modification ramp keeps ramping up and it turns into biopharmaceutical crops where vaccines and pharmaceuticals are grown in the crops themselves with stuff Syngenta has been doing and others.
We need to address the cold that this planet is facing right now in so many different ways, but artificial intelligence is absolutely one of them.
Now I want to go ahead and run to a report by John Bowne on the Russian plane on some new things that we hadn't realized yet, some breaking news on the Russian plane that everyone is talking about, and we'll be back with more news.
Let's check this out.
UK intelligence officials announced Wednesday morning that in all likelihood a bomb causing the downing of Metrojet flight 9268 which broke apart in midair after departing from Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt.
The resulting crash killed all 224 people on board.
Responding to claims from senior UK and US officials that there is significant evidence
...that the plane was downed by a bomb on board.
Former ambassador to the UN and arch neocon John Bolton said... Putin now will retaliate.
And he won't mess around like President Obama has done.
It will be, I think, extraordinarily massive.
He will probably beef up his air assets in the new Latakia airbase.
And when they're ready, I think there will be punishing retribution.
Prime Minister David Cameron's office said in a statement...
As more information has come to light, we have become concerned that the plane may well have been brought down by an explosive device.
officials have also touted the notion that someone on the inside could have smuggled an explosive device onto the plane.
The official said this airport has lax security.
It's known for that.
But there is intelligence suggesting an assist from someone at the airport.
With the Obama administration remaining tight-lipped on speculation surrounding what caused the downing of Metrojet Flight 9268, one source suggests a Muslim Brotherhood link could be the reason behind the silence.
British Prime Minister David Cameron has been vocal in asserting that a bomb on board was a likely cause for the plane crash.
Moving to suspend all flights from Sharm el-Sheikh, but President Barack Obama has refused to explicitly comment on the cause of the disaster.
That could be due to concerns that the Muslim Brotherhood, which has enjoyed close ties with the administration in the past, is responsible for the terror attack, reports the DC Whisperer's website.
One DC Whisper source went so far as to suggest part of the Obama administration's hesitation to make public statements regarding the Russian airline tragedy is based upon concerns there is a Muslim Brotherhood connection and that measures are being taken by administration officials to make certain no such connection.
If, in fact, it exists, we'll become part of the investigation, reports DC Whispers, known for their access to inside sources.
In 2014, it emerged that the Department of Homeland Security maintains a hands-off list of individuals with terrorist ties, allowing them unfettered entrance to the United States.
Muslim Brotherhood members with ties to terrorism who traveled through Minneapolis Airport, New York's JFK Airport, and Dulles Airport in April 2012 were handed port courtesies with the State Department telling the DHS to ensure the men not be pulled into secondary upon arrival at a point of entry.
Last year, retired U.S.
Air Force General Tom McInnery also made the explosive claim that there were at least 10 or 15 Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers working for the State Department.
Look, the Middle East is coming apart with this administration's policy.
Look at Libya.
We should never have gone into Libya.
Qaddafi was on our side.
Look at Egypt.
Morsi is now going after the Muslim Brotherhood and the radical Islamists.
And we've got Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S.
government today.
Wait, who from the Muslim Brotherhood is in the U.S.
government right now?
Oh, look, I haven't got their names exactly, but there's a list of them, at least 10 or 15 of them.
In February this year, 14 individuals with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood visited the White House and met directly with President Obama.
Meanwhile, Russia and Egypt are still refusing to acknowledge that the disaster was a terrorist attack, despite an abundance of evidence suggesting the plane blew up in midair after a sudden explosion.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com
That's right, you can see John Bowne's report on Alex's YouTube channel entitled, Russian passenger jet explodes, Obama silent.
And isn't it amazing that we've lost so much faith and trust in not only the United States government, but the mainstream media and the media at large, that I was actually speaking to someone
We're good to go.
Because everyone hates ISIS so much.
You could say ISIS... I mean, you could go to someone's house and rob them blind and blow their house up and just say, ISIS did it!
ISIS did that!
And they're like, oh my god, ISIS did that!
You could say ISIS did anything.
It's the ultimate scapegoat because everyone just gets says, oh well, it sounds like that.
I mean, they're crazy.
They cut people's heads off.
It is the most amazing potential scapegoat out there.
But one thing is for sure, the Russian jet is quite an interesting story and we'll be continuing to investigate that.
We'll be back with more news and more special reports including a potential EMP attack in a new special report that we'll be playing the trailer for next segment.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
Stay tuned.
This is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
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And yes, the body does have the ability to balance blood pressure, balance cholesterol, clean and unclog the arteries.
It can also work on balancing the circulation for diabetics.
So the body is an amazing thing.
It simply needs some help so it has the tools to heal itself.
I don't think so.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of Overdrive in the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi with you for the rest of the show.
And remember when we used to talk about genetic modification and where it would be going if we didn't keep in check the level of genetic modification that we're experiencing today?
And by the way, that doesn't mean
Stop the science of genetic modification.
It means look into it and make sure we're doing it in the right ways, not killing people, not harming the planet, not using things like Monsanto's glyphosate-based Roundup, which has been shown by the World Health Organization and others to be a probable carcinogen worth looking into.
That's the kind of stuff we need to look at before getting into things like this.
Should human stem cells be used to make partly human chimeras?
Obviously it's not directly related to GMOs, but it is the genetic modification bioengineering field and we're running rampant just like we are with artificial intelligence without any checks and bounds, even though scientists are freaking out.
An intense debate has flared over whether the federal government should fund research that creates partly human creatures using human stem cells.
The National Institutes of Health declared a moratorium in late September on funding this kind of research.
NIH officials say they needed to assess the science and to evaluate the ethical and moral questions it raises.
As part of the assessment, the NIH is holding a day-long workshop Friday.
Goes on to have both sides.
The science is knocking at our door.
One of the scientists holds shots in advance of the workshop.
Says the NIH wants to make sure that we are fully prepared from a policy and guidance point of view.
You know...
Time and time again we talk about these things years and years before and people freak out and they say it's not even a possibility and that's why we can't have a real debate on these things.
That's why we can't have real checks and balances just like these stories here.
Report finds phone apps regularly spy on users.
University study shows how devices betray us.
Apps on Apple and Android smartphones leak lots of users' information to third parties, research has suggested.
Researchers from MIT, Harvard, and Carnegie Universities, conspiracy theorist universities, studied 110 apps available on Google Play and the Apple Store.
They found 73% of the Android apps shared users' email addresses and 47% of the iOS shared location data.
So there was more evidence that these devices quote-unquote betray us.
They absolutely do betray us.
And we have no idea what we're getting ourselves into when we sign off, myself included, by the way, on the terms of service that is 55 pages long that would take a degree and six years of your life to read.
And we swipe, absolutely, yes, sign me up, give me the app, whatever.
Google Maps tracks everything we do.
That's totally fine.
But you know what?
We don't even have to have a... We're not allowed to have a debate on that.
Something else that might be coming on the horizon is apparently, based on some information, an EMP and we're looking at what might actually happen.
We have a special report trailer.
It's gonna premiere tonight.
Here is the trailer for the EMP possibility.
Economic turmoil.
Natural disaster.
Terror attack.
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This list, however, is excluding the worst-case scenario, which is also the most likely to occur.
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You heard me right.
How can you and your family survive such a disaster?
And what can you do to be one of the 10% that lives?
We asked survival experts Joel Skousen, Matthew Stein, and James Wesley Rawls to join us and briefly explain the most important things every American must know to stay alive during the most unthinkable of times.
Some pretty wild stuff and that full premiere of how to survive an EMP attack and what could be on the horizon with an EMP will be premiering tonight on the Nightly News with Darren McBreen.
We'll be back to cover more third-party websites, getting a lot of your personal data, stealing your life.
VA says the veterans are dead, cut off their benefits.
Crazy news.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
Stay tuned.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Rand Paul, look where ISIS gets its weapons from.
They have anti-tank weapons and missiles that we gave them.
Article up by Steve Watson.
Presidential candidate Ron Paul has urged voters to look to where ISIS is getting its weapons from to understand the monumental problem the US is facilitating in Syria and beyond.
Speaking with Ed Berliner of Newsmax,
Paul stated, most of these people do not have the sophistication to make arms, so they get the arms from other folks.
Right now, ISIS has over a billion dollars worth of U.S.
Humvees, and they have a billion dollars in cash they stole from us.
So really, if we don't want weapons to get into the hands of folks, we should be very careful about who we give the weapons to, the senator stated.
Paul then elaborated by noting that during the Libyan Civil War, 15,000 shoulder-to-air missiles made by the United States went missing.
That's why there is a concern that airliners might be taken down by shoulder-to-air missiles.
All noted.
Here at InfoWars.com, we smash through the lies and disinformation.
I'm Joe Biggs.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the 4th Hour.
It's Overdrive.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Got a lot more news to cover.
Some truly insane headlines, including... VA wrongly tells veterans they're dead.
Cuts off benefits.
Sheriff Clark Obama is hallucinating if he thinks he has improved race relations.
Raw milk farmer jailed for removing government surveillance cameras from his own property.
Cut pay cuts are driving doctors out.
EU predicts some madness.
Three million more immigrants could arrive by the end of 2016.
First I want to tell you about what's going on at Infowarslife.com.
I am a living testament to brain forage.
Of course, because I used to drink Yerba Mate all the time, which I really enjoy and I still drink it sometimes, but I pretty much don't have to now that I take Brain Force, which is the most comprehensive brain optimization formula I've ever taken and I've ever found, thanks to the awesome chemists that work with InfoWars Life to create the most amazing products out there.
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If you haven't tried BrainForce yet, you really need to go to Infowarslife.com and give it a shot.
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Talk to a physician, but this stuff is powerful.
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It has L-theanine, and it also has Yerba Mate extract, and it really, really works.
It gets me powered up to do the show, gets me powered up on a daily basis, gives me more passion, and I just absolutely love it.
I also want to tell you about LiverShield and the Advanced Liver Cleanse Pack, OxyPowder, and LiverShield together on Infowarslife.com.
Leanne just won't stop talking about her liver cleanse and has just kept asking me, please, please, please tell people about it over and over and over again.
She lost a lot of weight during the cleanse and her friend Emmy Robin, who's an actress, also did it as well.
They were super excited about it.
I'm actually going to play for you their results, a little video log she did, took some of the video at home and elsewhere on what she experienced.
So let's go ahead and check out this report by Leanne.
Hi everybody!
Well, myself and Emmy Robin are here.
We're getting ready to do the liver shield cleanse.
Very excited!
As you can see here, the night before the first day is all about prepping.
So that is what we have going on here and I felt pretty good rolling out of the grocery store.
Looking like a health nut.
Well, we're checking in for Day 2 of the Info Wars Life Liver Shield Cleanse.
I gotta say, crankier today than yesterday.
Emmy to the rescue.
Once again, she's brought me some delicious food to try to tame the beast.
She's being a real Hillary Clinton.
But we're still hanging in there.
Hope you guys are too.
Be sure to check out the product.
It's the Liver Shield Cleanse along with the Oxy Powder.
And you don't have to go all the way and take the liver cleanse challenge, but I highly recommend it.
And that's me, Evil Queen, on day two.
You can do it.
I can do it.
You can do it.
Hi guys, here we are checking in Day 3 of the Info Wars Life Liver Shield Cleanse.
I gotta say, today I thought I was expecting it to be really intense and cranky and bad, but I feel pretty good!
I'm glad.
I got a little dizzy today, I'm not gonna lie, and then the cravings have come on, like I said, on Day 3.
It's always towards the end of the day, of course, when I was driving over here.
Here at Commercial for Cake Pops.
I don't even eat cake, nor do I eat cake pops, but they sound delicious right now.
So I might have to try one on Monday or Tuesday, but uh, yeah, it's just, it's, it's, it's weird.
Day three for some reason, no matter how many times I cleanse, and I've cleansed a lot.
Day three, I always just get the strangest craving.
We're not using pharmaceutical drugs.
We're not, you know, I've seen so many posts of people getting their gallbladders taken out, and people don't understand, like, it's not like your wisdom teeth.
Like, your gallbladder is a huge horse organ along with your liver that cleanses your body, and you can't just take that out because it helps cleanse the body.
So why not try a cleanse and get rid of the stuff in the gallbladder?
As promised, we are checking in for Day 4 of the Info Wars Life Liver Shield Cleanse.
I gotta say, Emmy, you were right.
Day 4, I feel tremendous.
Woke up this morning feeling really light, a lot of clarity, no hunger pains, and I actually felt like I was floating through the grocery store.
Everyone was sort of looking at me like, oh, pardon me, oh, excuse me.
And I wasn't in there cute or anything, like it just was like, I feel like I am glowing.
And you're not even that hungry, right?
No, not at all.
I didn't even want to eat today because I felt so good.
So obviously this cleanse for me has really showed me that it is all about retraining our brain.
Like I said, how can you resist tyranny if you can't resist the taco stand?
Now, if you want to see our before and after photos, I think they said they've got them ready.
Like I said, mine are before and almost after, because I'm not done with my flush.
But you can see those if you go to InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Whoa, Emi fled.
I was, I promise you, I promise you, I was not sticking out in that first picture.
I just literally was relaxed.
And even in the second picture, I was relaxed.
But like,
Looking really crazy.
I can see my back.
No, I know.
I can see the muscles in my stomach.
It's nuts.
And my legs.
I feel like my legs look skinnier.
I don't know.
I started off at like a I mean for my height, I'm almost 5'9".
So I started off at
Relatively healthy weight because I had done the liver cleanse in July and then I went straight into working and on a production for three months where I was working 18-hour days on my feet doing like eight miles a day.
So I mean I wasn't super out of shape but when I started that first liver cleanse I was pretty out of shape.
So that before and after.
You said you're actually at the lowest weight of your well in a decade I guess.
Yeah pretty much.
I'm almost back to where when I was a fitness model.
Do they have mine before in all those chapters?
Are we going to hold those off?
Oh my goodness gracious!
Mollie, look at you!
Yeah, I can see it in your arms and your legs.
Well, where I really see it and where I really wanted it was in my sides.
I guess you would call that the spare tire and you can actually see where there's that little roll.
Oh my god, this is so embarrassing.
There's that little roll kind of on the back fat and you can see it's
Look at your chin.
Look below your chin now.
Oh my gosh!
You see you lose a little bit in your face too.
That's where I saw it big time the first time around.
There you go everyone.
Before and afters.
And like I said, mine is not even an after yet.
I should probably take more pictures later when all the sodium has...
I wanted to let everybody know this cleanse is on sale right now.
The Liver Shield is on sale.
The pack itself is on sale with the Advanced Liver Cleanse Pack with the Oxy Powder and the Liver Shield.
The Oxy Powder itself is on sale.
So go ahead to the Info Wars store and pick some up today.
I'm telling you, this is powerful.
I felt amazing this entire week.
It was not as hard as I thought that it was going to be.
That's right, all the instructions, everything, all the information is on InfoWarsLife.com.
That's the liver shield, and you can also get Brain Force for 25% off.
Experience the benefits, flip the switch, it's the real deal.
Give it a shot.
Alright, let's get into some more news, and this was just handed to me.
We're not going to have time to read the whole thing, but TPP text finally released.
It's even worse than we thought, and I thought it was pretty bad, so...
As we've noted in hundreds of articles, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a horrible pact which would destroy everything that America stands for.
And they go on and on to cite it and cite it, but it could also affect and reduce our food safety.
The TPP is absolutely demonic and I hope it will be defeated in every possible way.
VA wrongly tells veterans they're dead.
Cuts off benefits.
Quote, I woke up this morning and I'm feeling rather chipper.
Mike Reeker, a 69-year-old Vietnam Navy veteran, relies on his Veterans Affairs benefits to get him through the month.
That's why the Pinellas County, Florida resident was alarmed when his VA check didn't show up in his bank account Monday.
He called the Department of Veteran Affairs to find out why, and their response was stunning.
The benefits had been suspended because he was dead.
Well, I'm not, Reker reported.
I woke up this morning, I'm feeling rather chipper.
As it turns out, Reker is one of the six Tampa Bay residents who were getting... Well, it cuts off, but I guess they were considered dead by the VA because it is a horribly ineffective and bloated bureaucratic government arm, just like most of the government arms.
And it's further evidence that people are completely fed up and done with most of the government systems that we pay for that are complete failures.
And it leads me into my next topic of discussion, which is the biggest threat we face right now.
And the biggest threat we face is not on a micro level.
So people say, oh, the biggest threat we face is, you know, this section of the economy, you know, Federal Reserve, whatever it is.
Or the biggest threat we face is the environment dying.
Or the biggest threat we face is the food supply.
All these are huge threats, right?
But the biggest threat we actually face is apathy and defeat through getting so upset that we don't care anymore, which is really a form of apathy, but it's really a form of defeat.
Because what's happening is, all these headlines every single day that we read, when we go on CNN, it's all just rough, negative junk about how we're being attacked on a daily basis.
VA just telling people they're dead because they can't get anything right.
Raw milk farmer jailed for removing government surveillance cameras from his own property.
They arrested him.
He found out they were surveilling him on his property.
He had some spy cams everywhere, so he took them down.
Like, oh, what's this?
They arrested him for theft.
I mean, Ben Carson is lying about his past and everything like that to try and fit in.
It's all just craziness.
Three million more migrants could arrive by the end of 2016 into the EU.
More than 700,000 people have come to Europe seeking sanctuary or jobs so far this year.
All it does is kind of hit you like a sledgehammer.
I don't know.
Through the media establishment telling us that we're losing, through the insane stuff that's happening on a daily basis, we lose the ability to change.
And what I'm getting at is it's not just about changing the Federal Reserve.
It's not just about changing the food supply.
It's not just about fighting and changing even in the alternative media.
It's about the spirit of change that we have lost.
And when we give up and we assume defeat because we can't handle these headlines, that's when we lose.
That is the directive of those that would like to take control of us and take control of the entire planet, essentially, in some ways.
They want you defeated.
So to give up and to give up your spirit of activism is total defeat in every single way.
And I'm encouraging you to stand up, even with all these headlines, because there is good out there and we can still fix it.
We can still do something about it.
But the biggest threat is apathy.
When you walk around and downtown, wherever you live or in your local area, you see people that are walking around and they're just like almost bumping into each other.
They're almost not even aware of what's three feet in front of them.
They've just given up.
It's not even that they're stupid.
It's not even that they're physically inferior or something.
They just don't care.
I mean, you can see some pretty quote-unquote normal looking people just walking around like zombies.
I'm not sitting here judging these people.
I probably look like an idiot sometimes too.
But I mean, these people that don't care anymore.
And you can talk to them, and you can see the passion has been lost in their eyes.
You can see that they're walking around just buying their processed foods at the grocery store.
They're walking around just being sold things.
They're walking around consuming everything.
They're walking around just doing nothing.
They don't have ambitions.
What do you want to do with your life?
Well, I don't know.
They are just walking around.
I don't know.
To pick up something quick in an area that doesn't have many grocery stores or whatever, and there's people bumping into each other, walking into each other, they don't even have enough spatial awareness to realize that there's someone one foot in front of them so they hit them with a cart or something.
That is the result, not of just dumbing down with the food additives and stuff, that's true too, but the result of giving up because it seems like a lost cause.
That is the worst thing you could possibly ever do for yourself.
And for the future of the species and this planet as a whole, you just can't give up or you will turn into a zombie-like creature.
Let's go ahead and read a couple more articles and then I have another special report for you from John Bound about being disarmed and some real stats, he says, on gun control.
But first, let's talk about this.
Bank of Ireland bans small cash withdrawals at branches.
Coins and notes are in fact anachronism.
As central planners, the world over... As central planners, the world over grapple with the... This is an interestingly written article anyway.
We've been told time and time again that the banks are our friends, that they love us, they'll never do anything bad to us, but time and time again, it all begins with the small cash.
It all begins with Bank of America, for example, saying that they don't accept cash deposits in certain amounts.
It all begins with banks that I've gone to as well, giving me trouble about cash, and it all begins with them saying at the same time that they're not going to do anything about it, just as that happens with gun control.
Just as they start with saying that, well, we just want to check guns, we want to register guns, we want to do this, and then certain states go, we want to take your guns.
And ultimately, it's over and over and over again, these little micro-terrors at the embryo of what is freedom in all its ways are pricked into.
So here's John Bowne's report on disarming America.
In an article from Kit Daniels of Infowars.com, an anti-gun group released a video yesterday mocking the Second Amendment.
But the video is so bad, it's hilarious to watch.
Before now, it's been difficult for criminals like us to know which states have loose gun laws.
That's why I love Arizona, where I can go see the beautiful Grand Canyon and carry a loaded gun without even having to get a background check.
What happens in Vegas may have to stay in Vegas, but your guns don't.
Bring them over to California and sell them!
The market up there is hungry.
Hungry for guns.
California, Connecticut, Maryland, and New York all have laws that keep guns out of the hands of people like us.
Okay, California.
May 23rd, 2014, massive gun-free zone in Santa Barbara allows self-absorbed nutcase Elliot Roger to stab three and shoot four others.
20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shoots 20 children and six school staff members in a massive gun-free zone.
While FBI crime statistics clearly show the violent crime rate going down as the U.S.
population increases.
Of course, in real life, violent criminals couldn't care less about laws.
Do you think the drug cartels that overran Mexico and left it a failed state gave a crap that the country has some of the strongest gun control laws in the Western Hemisphere?
No, because they were too busy gunning down tourists in Cancun who were left defenseless by gun control.
More than 70,000 people
...have been killed in drug-related violence in Mexico since 2007, and the number has only skyrocketed since then.
Mexico's only hope is from the armed militias who have defied the country's gun laws to defend their communities from the cartels.
The murders in Chicago only slowed down after Illinois enacted a concealed carry law.
We need to discuss who we are as a nation, talk about the freedoms that we have, the rights that we have, and how those might be used in a responsible way.
Coming from him, that's really important to note.
Coming from a man who's over a department that forced the sale of guns to people that would bring about the death of people like Brian Terry.
But while the video is fun to laugh at,
Gun control is not funny at all.
It has contributed to the most disgusting wave of violence the world has ever seen.
John Bowne for Infowars.com.
Well there's John Bowne's report on gun control.
You can check that out as well.
And coming up, Darren McBreen is going to be in the studio talking about what he's going to be discussing on the Nightly News tonight, as well as that EMP debut video that we spoke about earlier and how to survive it.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
Thanks so much for watching.
We'll be right back.
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I can see for miles and miles and miles and miles and miles.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, nationally syndicated radio broadcast.
This is the final segment of the 4th Hour Overdrive.
I'm Darren McBreen, alongside Lord Rob Jacobson, and we're going to be talking about what's coming up tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News.
And we're going to premiere, this is a project that you and I worked on together, it's going to premiere tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News.
I want to take another look at the trailer.
It's called, Blackout USA.
Let's take a look.
Pandemic, economic turmoil, natural disaster, terror attack, false flag or real.
In our modern times, these are all very real reasons to prepare for times of crisis.
This list, however, is excluding the worst case scenario, which is also the most likely to occur.
EMP or an Electromagnetic Pulse.
Whether such a disaster is caused by a terror attack or nature, the results will be unimaginable.
No lights, no appliances, your cell phone will not work, and your car isn't going to start.
Worst yet, the power will not be turned back on for at least an entire year.
The spread of the damage will cover almost the entire western continent.
That's no lights, no heat, no refrigeration, and no plumbing.
Society will ultimately break down.
A 2008 study predicts that in the case of such an event, 90% of Americans will die after the first year.
You heard me right.
How can you and your family survive such a disaster?
And what can you do to be one of the 10% that lives?
We asked survival experts Joel Skousen, Matthew Stein, and James Wesley Rawls to join us and briefly explain the most important things every American must know to stay alive during the most unthinkable of times.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Blackout USA, that's going to premiere tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News.
I'm sure you'll also get a chance to see it this weekend on Facebook, YouTube, it'll be on InfoWars.com as well.
And Jacobson, it was your idea to put this piece together and, you know, we only have a couple minutes, but tell us what it's all about and why do you think it's so important that everyone should
Well, Darren, thanks for having me in here right now.
The reason why I thought it was so important to do a report about an EMP attack or an EMP event like a solar storm or something like that is when I learned how vulnerable our
Power grid actually is, I mean to give it a quick metaphor, it's sort of like our entire civilization is built on a house of cards.
We go back to the dark ages.
We will go right back to the dark ages with like the slightest nick and all the government has to do metaphorically is let's say spray that permanent glue spray on it metaphorically or quote-unquote harden the electrical grid by doing an upgrade by protecting it.
For this EMP event, which they're not doing at all.
Former Vice President of the United States, Dick Cheney, he says it's the number one threat that our nation faces.
Which makes, you know, both of us have discussed this and the government, A, is clearly aware of such a problem, and B,
Are they even going to plan a false flag attack knowing the vulnerability of our situation?
I don't think anybody could really quantify in their own mind exactly the level of disaster if the EMP event actually takes place.
So it's very, very important that we get ourselves prepared, that we have our family prepared.
We talked to several survivalist experts.
And again folks, that's Blackout USA premieres tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News.
We're out of time.
Alex will return Sunday 4 o'clock to 6 o'clock p.m.
Central, as well as next week Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Time.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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