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Name: 20151103_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 3, 2015
3341 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers a variety of topics, including civil war in Germany due to migrant influx, a 9-year old girl paralyzed from a flu shot, and promotes products such as BrainForce and Alexa Pure Pro. The show criticizes media for spreading false information, governments for controlling industries, billionaires for using wealth for political influence, excessive social media use among youth, and warns about dangers of globalist plans impacting society on an international level. Healthcare reform is also discussed with Trump's plan to introduce competition and choice in healthcare facilities for veterans.

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hard to believe we're already well into November, the third day of November, on this Tuesday Worldwide Broadcast.
Thank you so much for joining us.
2015 is certainly long in the tooth.
Well, we have a big broadcast lined up today, as we do every day.
Dr. Michael Savage will be joining us, rescheduling from yesterday in about 30 minutes.
Then Lieutenant Colonel Tony Schaefer.
To break down the latest with ISIS and what's really happening in the Middle East and of course in Africa and what's happening with the radical Islamic threat pouring in to Europe and the United States.
And then Dr. Jerome Corsi will be joining us in the third hour to cover the economy, to cover world events and of course also what's happening militarily with Russia and more.
And then David Knight
We'll host the fourth hour of Overdrive today.
So four hours of global transmission lined up for you.
Look at these headlines!
That are on Drudge Report right now.
The same headlines are pretty much at Infowars, but he's got them all nice and tidy up at the top.
One in three refugees to U.S.
are now from Africa.
Libya warns it could flood Europe.
Already is.
New York Times, mass migration to the West, only opening act.
They're just getting us ready.
Soros, national borders are the obstacle.
They're very proud of this.
Merkel, Germany must step
Up world roll.
Climate change causing waves.
750 arrive in tiny village of 102.
We reported on that a few days ago, but now it's in international news.
Thousands in anti-Islam march.
Hold crucifixes.
Merkel out.
Pressure grows to close borders.
But the head of the UN migrant agency
The guy that helped create the EU openly says, yes, we're getting rid of your sovereignty.
Yes, we're conquering you with outside populations that we will put on the dole, that we will fund with your tax money, who will vote exactly as we say.
This is 21st century warfare.
This is 21st century usurpers.
This is 21st century takeover.
And that's not rhetoric, as I've said over and over again.
Many listeners are starting to notice that what you heard me talk about 20 years ago, 10 years ago, a year ago, my exact nomenclature, or my terms for things, are now being used.
Well, most of them aren't my terms.
They're terms from white papers, they're terms from globalist publications.
I'm using their language.
When I talk about dictatorial technocracies 15 years ago, it's because I read it in CFR white papers.
Now they call themselves technocratic dictators and say it's good to be a dictator.
Because the great tyranny is here, and they want to just hide it nakedly in plain view, let it all hang out, and in a big confidence game, try to condition the public to accept it.
So, Tony Schafer, Colonel Schafer's coming on, Michael Savage, Dr. Corsi, David Knight, and more today.
Got a bunch of special reports.
And of course we have the ultra-massive news.
Even the Democrats at the Daily Beast
Realize that Obama is looking, with Hillary and the Democrats, at starting a civil war in America.
That's why they branded Obama as this savior who is basically the return of old, honest Abe Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln.
And so there's a Daily Beast article, Obama and Hillary toying with civil war over gun confiscation.
And then they admit, yes we're coming to confiscate your guns, but they actually say, you're still black helicopter people for thinking we're coming for them.
You understand that?
Mental, schizoid, schizophrenic thing they're trying to implant in their people.
Everything we said is coming true, but we're still kooks for being right!
We'll be back.
A routine flu vaccination left a young girl badly injured and paralyzed from the waist down, a Southeast Texas family is claiming.
The family of Brianna Browning, age 9, says the young girl was healthy and full of life, but began experiencing debilitating adverse effects within a few hours after receiving her flu shot on October 15th of last month.
Eight hours later, she was profusely vomiting, and again Friday morning.
Saturday, she was paralyzed from the waist down, blind, and seemed like she had had a seizure.
Brianna's mother told KTRK, Brianna has been in the Pediatric Intensive Critical Care Unit since being transported to the hospital by ambulance on October 17th.
We know in our hearts this was the flu vaccine that made her ill.
Brianna's stepfather, Johnny Alexander, said, she was perfectly healthy,
No symptoms, no sickness, Brianna's mother added.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to this Tuesday, the third day of November, 2015, Global Transmission.
Dr. Michael Savage joins us in about 20 minutes.
Then, of course, we are going to be joined by Colonel Anthony Schaeffer.
And then we have Dr. Jerome Corsi joining us as well.
Look at the headline, if you're a TV viewer, on there on the big screen, DrugsReport.com, Germany sliding towards civil war.
And that is in the London Independent, RT, you name it, that is what's being announced by government ministers.
As towns of 102 people are told, you will house 700 people and you will pay for everything.
And as old people and disabled are thrown out of government housing.
Merkel has to absolutely break the German will.
And if they can get them to accept this, they will accept anything.
And the problem is Germans are smart, hard-working people, but they tend to follow government orders.
Until they don't, and then all hell breaks loose.
And we are approaching the point at which what's left of the German people, a dying race, no doubt, gets angry.
So that is coming up.
Germany's dying in Germany.
It's not... German bloodlines aren't dying around the world.
You go to places like Omaha, that's about all you find.
But, it is amazing to watch the purposeful, in the words of the UN, immigration chief,
The purposeful destruction of Europe by design.
One in three refugees to U.S.
now from Africa.
Libya warns it could flood Europe, already is.
New York Times, mass immigration to the West, only the opening act.
Germany must do more, says Merkel.
The globalists are turning off the food supplies.
The globalists are de-industrializing the West and destroying the industrialization that they're attempting in the third world.
Then they're using giant strip mining streams of illegal immigration just spewing into the West to overturn society.
And I use that term strip mine because in a classic strip mine you have high-powered water.
At hundreds of times what comes through a fire hose, cutting right through rock, right through sediment to get the valuable minerals out, whether it be gold, silver, uranium, whatever you're mining for.
And so I'm not against water as I've said many times, but water coming out of one of those hoses will cut you in two.
So I'm not against the poor, desperate Arabs, the poor, desperate Africans, the poor, desperate Latin Americans, the poor, desperate Asians, but they're fleeing collapsed, failed civilizations.
They are fleeing systems for a reason, and the globalists want to bring them here to organize them into the chaos, which will then bring in the global totalitarian order.
But it is focused, directed chaos.
Let me get into the news here.
Let me go over these headlines themselves.
Before I get into the situation in Europe that is a mirror of what is going to be unfolding here, they're just a few years ahead of us.
You can already see the similar situation with the quote migrants, the immigrants, the children.
That's all the media focuses on.
17% of them under the age of 18.
You can see the PR.
But now what's happening in Europe threatens to bring the world economy to its knees, which again is part of the larger plan.
But within all of this deindustrialization, within all of this crisis creation that's unfolding, is the political agenda to disarm us.
We have the story linked up on InfoWars.com.
It's from the Daily Beast.
There's also a report on it by Breitbart.
And here is the headline, Daily Beast, Obama, Hillary is toying with civil war over gun confiscation.
And within this article, you've got the most classic example.
Of doublespeak, and mass mind control, and true cult programming.
Because they admit and have the quotes of Hillary, Obama, and others saying, we may have to confiscate.
That's now been said in the last month several times.
We've played the clips.
They go on to say, this is going to scare the delusional black helicopter people.
You know that's folks that see open military drills for gun confiscation in their towns.
They take photos, they shoot video, they make films about it, myself, and then you get called a kook on the front page of the paper and on the news, and they say it doesn't exist.
Or a blimp comes down low over Salt Lake, surveilling everyone, and they say that it's a flying saucer.
No, it's a surveillance blimp.
But this is the mind control.
We're coming for your guns, but it's not a conspiracy to take your guns.
It's not, oh, the conspiracy theorists were right.
They really weren't conspiracy theorists.
They saw the slide towards totalitarianism, classical totalitarianism, with a disarmed population.
Boy, they're right.
We should join them.
Boy, the NSA is spying on everybody.
Boy, the government is shipping in the narcotics.
Boy, they sure have connected these vaccines to cancer and autism and neurological disorders.
Wow, the conspiracy theorists were right about GMO and glyphosate.
Wow, they were right about world government being announced.
They were right about the interest rates being rigged.
They were right about the currencies being rigged.
They were right about the stock market being rigged.
They were right about the Federal Reserve being private.
They were right about secret torture prisons.
They were right about eugenics.
They were right about fluoride causing brain cancer and bone cancer.
Harvard admits it.
Even the FDA and EPA say take it out of the water.
They were right.
They were right.
They were right.
They were right.
They were dead on.
They were Paul Revere's.
They warned us over and over and over and over and over again.
They were the real liberals.
They were the true freedom lovers.
Oh my gosh, political correctness is banning free speech.
Oh my gosh, it is totalitarianism.
Oh my gosh, what have we become?
On and on.
Oh my gosh, the ice sheets are getting bigger.
Oh my gosh, the Earth is cooling.
Oh my gosh, it's not human, unless it's the secret geoengineering they now admit's going on.
There's a whole world going on that Bill Maher and Rachel Maddow aren't covering and aren't going to tell you about.
And that Fox News isn't going to tell you about.
Fox News still gets up there routinely and will just put my face up and just have some random report about women being raped, or thieves, or internet hate, and they'll just cut to a clip of me.
I'm not involved in raping women, I'm not involved in Boston bombings, but they see, they prey on you, like you're lazy and a trance.
Well, you're not in a trance, are you?
And so here it is, Daily Beast, Obama-Hillary toying with civil war over gun confiscation.
On November 2nd, the Daily Beast pointed to recent statements from President Obama and Hillary Clinton regarding the implementation of Australian-style gun confiscation and suggested, quote, civil war could erupt on American soil.
Well, what did I tell that red coat creature?
I said, listen, I don't care how many brainwashed lemmings you got.
We won't relinquish our guns.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
You're on notice!
They went on to say civil war could erupt on American soil if any administration actually tried to confiscate privately owned firearms.
Well, that's not true.
They're doing it by covert semi-stealth.
In New York, Rhode Island, Illinois, California, and a bunch of other states, where they're implementing federally, but they do it in states they think have got a population that won't stand up.
Where Bloomberg got the headline two years ago, gun confiscation begins in California.
And they show up and go, yeah, you got a prescription for Prozac 15 years ago, you said you were depressed, you got diagnosed with depression, your guns are gone.
Hey, the VA has an algorithm, you don't have any criminal record, you haven't been adjudicated unfit, but we're gonna take your gun.
You haven't been adjudicated to be incompetent.
Folks, you can't get a schizophrenic person that isn't hurting people adjudicated incompetent.
Believe me, I know people that have family members that have schizophrenic family members who are allowed to think space aliens are coming after them and who think the sun is following them.
I know one guy who thinks the sun is following him around.
He comes up and shows me photos when he sees me in public.
It's a nice guy.
And says, look, it's following me.
See, it's following me now.
And I'm like, no, it's the sun.
It's just your perspective.
It's so big.
It looks like it's following.
You can't get them adjudicated incompetent because they're not hurting anybody.
But, that's under law.
But outside of that, they just say, oh, VA is just gonna say you can't have guns.
And now they're gonna apply that same quote, algorithm, pre-crime.
To every social security recipient, 64 and up, how you like them apples?
That's in the Washington Post.
That's not Alex Jones saying it.
What are you going to do as it all comes true?
See, I don't want it to come true.
I don't want to be a big international sensation when everything I say ends up happening.
I want to stop these people and still let the dumb idiots out there think it wasn't true so I don't get proven right.
But you know what?
It's gonna get proven right, you stupid slobs out there that think you're liberal and follow the Huffington Post and Daily Beast.
Do you understand what eugenics is, jackasses?
Do you understand they put cancer viruses on record in the vaccines to soft kill your stupid little butt?
I want to slap these people upside the head.
Do you understand they're probably going to blow up federal buildings and blame it on libertarians and start a civil war?
You know what that's going to do to the economy and your little lazy world?
You know what it's going to do to you?
And by the way, if this thing goes hot, all of you that have been going along with this, you are going to be open season.
You know that.
I'm not threatening anybody.
You know how many people are sick of this that are real men out there that have been controlling themselves?
They are sick of you, they will not be conquered by you, and they are just waiting trying to fix this peacefully.
Let's go back.
On November 2nd, the Daily Beast pointed to recent statements from President Obama and Hillary Clinton regarding the implementation of Australian-style gun confiscation and suggested civil wars, to quote, could erupt on American soil if any administration actually tried to confiscate privately owned firearms.
The Daily Beast theoretically agreed that confiscation on a massive scale may be needed and quote, the only way to solve American gun violence.
That's a quote!
Confiscate the guns!
But they pointed out that it was not realistic and suggested Hillary risk causing irreparable divisions.
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I heard from friends and stuff a few weeks ago that the hit movie Sicario, that means hitman in Spanish, comes from a derivation of the word zealot for those that fought the Roman Empire and of course got destroyed by Titus in 70 AD, but that's a little side issue.
I finally, a few days ago, got a chance to see it and
I personally think the film that gets an 8.0 on IMDb deserves it.
It's very well done.
A lot of it's extremely accurate.
Where it shows the US military operating in Mexico and taking out cartel leaders and people.
And it shows how the CIA is operating domestically.
And then they just admit at the end of the movie, spoiler alert, that they're orchestrating a civil war in Mexico
So that they can take out all the cartels and only put one cartel in charge.
And it's got people's children being killed, which is something even the cartels won't do.
So there's Hollywood trying to sell, going to the next level, where the good CIA kills a man's wife and his two young sons because it's vengeance.
And it makes the Delta Force look invincible.
Yeah, that's the sucker people into that.
It's all just mind control.
But people are like, wow, it tells the truth.
Yeah, it normalizes it.
And it's got the star actor of the CIA commando, Josh Brolin.
Teaching people that the end justifies the means, which is what they teach you in the Delta Force graduation.
They've had to change it because it's leaked.
That was one of the trick questions.
You read Machiavelli's The Prince, and then if you agree with doing evil things to defeat evil, then you get to graduate because you're immoral.
And look,
The truth is, sometimes if you're in a war for your life, you do end up doing really nasty stuff to survive, but this is an empire doing nasty stuff to expand evil.
If they wouldn't have made narcotics illegal in the 1930s because they wanted something new to bootleg and sell when alcohol was made legal after Prohibition, Mexico would be a thriving, prosperous country right now.
Almost all sociologists agree.
Professors, economists, we've had them all in on from across this board.
The drug war has destroyed many countries in Latin America, and it's going to destroy America.
And 100% there is a war in Colombia, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, and even further south.
And different corporations and federal agencies own huge, multi-million acre ranches in those countries and they grow the cocaine, they grow the opium, they grow the marijuana, they grow it all.
And they don't want it legalized or decriminalized because they want to run that stuff in here.
Then they can corrupt the local police departments.
They can pay everybody off.
They can create new cartels that don't even know they're controlled by the Western governments.
It's like Larry Nichols talks about.
He was one of the top guys in the Dixie Mafia in Arkansas.
He didn't learn until years later that people in the state government and the wealthiest people in the state were actually the heads of it all over the country.
All over the South.
That's right.
The real mafia is WASP and Jews and people like that.
I mean, the German mafia just went legit by the 20s.
The Irish mafia went legit by the 30s.
The Jewish mafia just went legit.
They took over the government.
And they all just merge their powers into corporate boardrooms, and the Italians wouldn't really join it, and said, this is our thing, and we're competitive with it.
So they said, you know what?
We control Hollywood.
All gangsters are Italian now.
How do you like that?
Here's the FBI.
You want to meet the real mafia?
Oh, and by the way, Italian mafia, you want to mess with us?
We're going to send in U.S.
Army commandos to kill you and your families.
You think you're tough?
They've got probably 30 brigades of sheep debt troops in the country from my estimation.
30 brigades!
Hundreds of thousands of just murderers, just in every town, every city, ready to get activated and go kill whoever they're told.
This government is a criminal, filthy operation.
And you know why I'm against it?
Because it's wrecking society and the whole world, and people think it's tough and it's cool.
No, you don't produce anything.
You bring in addictive substances, you jack up the prices, you put people in prisons who are dumb enough to use them, and then all the crime that's associated around it.
And then you greedily sell pharmaceutical drugs on top of it.
And the reason I raise that is because...
They're openly saying a civil war is going to break out, and that they're going to come try to take the guns, and this is where this all ends.
Just like they started a civil war in Mexico, and we'll all just kill each other while the social engineers sit back and laugh at everyone.
And now these black ops squads and corporate squads are snuff films, and child trafficking, and white slavery.
And the argument is, and like Brzezinski's book, The Technotronic Era, back in the 70s is, well that's how we control it.
Well we've seen what's happened under your control.
It's gone to seed.
Push the stuff!
You're sick!
On Sunday, Syria announced Israeli aircraft entered its airspace and attacked Hezbollah near the Lebanon-Syria border.
The Jerusalem Post reported the attack marks the first time Israel has conducted airstrikes in the area since the Russian military began operating there.
Estimated targets included a weapons convoy destined for Hezbollah fighters traveling through Syria, the newspaper reported.
On October 24th, InfoWars.com reported the possibility of Israel air activity over Syria.
The reports were unconfirmed and few details were available at the time.
It was reported that Hezbollah fighters are already along the border with Israel on the Golem Heights and have seized the so-called UN Hill opposite the Druze town of Magdal Shams in the Israeli Golem Heights.
More details can be found in the article Israel and Russia Engage in Electronic Warfare as Operations Expand in Middle East on InfoWars.com
Alex Jones here.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right.
You know, I respect Michael Savage, and when I would listen to him 10, 12 years ago, I agree with about 95%.
But when he would say there's a socialist plan to flood the West with radical Islamics, and to create caliphates and take over, he was the first person I ever heard say that.
I thought, well I believe him, he sounds sincere, and I can tell he's a man who believes in what he's doing, and he's a smart guy with all these letters to his name.
But man, that's really crazy.
Would the elite really do that?
And now, here's the headline, Migrant Crisis Pushing Germany Towards Anarchy and Civil War.
In one town alone, the Daily Mail reports 750 military-age men, basically.
In a town of 102, they're demanding the Germans pay for it all.
Same thing's happening here with the open borders.
Who talked about language, borders, culture?
Michael Savage.
So call him a prophet, a historian, a man before his time.
He is a renaissance man, of course, best-selling author, launched much of the modern herbal supplement movement we know of in the 60s and 70s.
If there's one guy, you could say Michael Savage under another nom de plume.
And now he's with us for just 30 minutes, so I'm going to shut up and go to him.
But I got to tell you, he's banned from entering England.
I've been threatened that I'll be banned from entering Europe or England now if I criticize radical Islam.
They're arresting Germans en masse and taking their kids from them if they criticize radical Islam.
The women are being told don't wear short skirts.
They're canceling Christian holidays in public squares because the radical Islamics are offended.
This is the suicide of the West.
You talk about total mental illness.
Because, I mean, these radical Islamists are going to go after the liberals first thing when they get control.
It is suicidal.
It's a form of cuckolding, in my view.
He's got his new book out.
The last one was censored on China.
Getting ready to make big moves.
You notice that all happened.
China's now involved with the clandestine radio they secretly own in the U.S., trying to censor media.
They block Hollywood movies being released.
His new book, Government Zero, No Borders, No Language, No Culture.
And folks, you may all get it, but your friends and family don't.
This is a book you better give them this Christmas or this holiday season.
And I'm here pushing it because Savage needs support with his information.
He doesn't need money.
He needs to get the book out.
And you need to get the book out.
And you need to support people that are telling the truth.
Now, I'm done ranting.
I want him to come back in the next month for a full hour.
He's doing a book tour right now, so he's just got 25 minutes with us.
But to say it's dire when the Daily Beast says we need to confiscate guns, that's a quote, but the black helicopter people may fight back.
So we're still crazy, even though we were right there coming for the guns, and we were right there going to get rid of the borders, and we were right there coming with forced inoculation, and we were right about world government with the Pope calling for it.
Michael Savage, I'm going to try to shut up, but I tell you, this is an epic moment.
You've laid so much knowledge on us.
Where are we now?
Where are we going?
Word is you're being censored as well.
They're trying to block your new book.
I mean, it is on.
They're saying they want to persecute the press.
Supreme Court Justice told Matt Drudge that they're coming next year to shut down basically talk radio and free speech on the Internet.
I mean, it's here.
What do we do, Michael Savage?
Okay, without hammering the book, I want to start with the title because it says it all.
Government Zero.
If we don't see President Zero invoking Government Zero, I'd like to know what it's going to take for the average moron out there, idiot moron fools, who have sold the country away, running around in shorts with Halloween costumes, with their children on drugs and sugar.
And they wonder why these SOBs with that monster tyrant leftist bastard in the White House.
This guy is the smartest leftist in the history of the world.
This slick BS artist, Barry from Honolulu, has done more harm to the world than Marx and Lenin put together.
And he gets away with it for one reason, Alex.
He doesn't shout like me.
Have you ever heard Barry from Honolulu scream?
He is the smoothest con man in the history of the world.
He makes Soros look like a chump.
Soros, by the way, is behind breaking all the borders of Europe.
You know that.
With his open society.
You know, Soros is who flooded America with marijuana.
You know that.
Now, many people like marijuana.
I think it's one of the most toxic substances in the world.
It is the road to addiction.
It is a gateway drug.
Who has made it suddenly so friendly?
Ten years ago, I fought with one of Soros' minions on my radio show.
Soros was the first to fund medical marijuana initiatives in Arizona and California.
And I was arguing, are you people crazy?
It's a gateway drug.
You're going to hook a generation on drugs.
We had this argument.
It's history now.
Marijuana is as friendly as candy corn.
Everyone thinks it's a benign herb.
It is not.
So, what does it have to do with Soros' master plan?
The man is possibly the most evil genius on the planet in my estimation.
Why does he want to break the borders of every nation on Earth?
What is it that they're after?
What do you mean no borders?
Well, listen.
No borders, no language, no culture.
A mass of stupid drugged humanity.
Easily manipulated, turned into slaves, serfs in their own country.
What more do you need to know?
Children on drugs, parents on alcohol, marijuana, and drugs.
And then you have the puppet masters, as in the Godfather, the Peasant Avantes, pulling the strings.
Sucking the money out of the people's pockets as they go to work like slaves, in their little slave factories, thinking they're free.
Remember Orwell's book?
Remember that great phrase, those who rattle their chains most loudly scream, I'm free, I'm free, I'm free?
That's what Orwell wrote.
As he saw what communism had wrought in Europe, socialism.
He was originally a socialist.
And then he saw who they really were.
He saw they were monsters and dictators.
He got into their upper sanctum.
He was led into the Fabian Socialist.
All socialists.
Everyone forgets that.
Very convenient to forget Hitler was a socialist.
Stalin, Hitler.
Different sides of the coin.
Now we have socialism is suddenly popular in America.
How's that possible?
Because the drugged morons don't even know what it is.
They don't know what it has wrought.
They don't know where it leads.
They have no idea what it'll do to them.
Now, couple that with bringing in as many Islamic fascists as you possibly can as quickly as you can.
Why are they bringing in so many young men of military age into Europe?
into America.
What's their game plan here?
And now throw in what you're talking about, confiscation of guns.
It ain't happening, Alex.
It would not Australia.
Australia had no Second Amendment, that's number one.
And I will remind you and your audience, and this is the most important thing, Alex, I'm sorry for the day.
I have a tape that I keep playing on my radio show from Elena Kagan.
When she was appointed to the Supreme Court, when she went through the fake hearing, the kangaroo fake hearing of whether she should be appointed or not, she was asked about the Second Amendment.
Remember her?
She's this kind of pickle saleswoman from the Lower East Side of New York.
Looks like a penguin.
Yeah, pickle saleswoman.
In my day, the most she would have done is sold bloomers at Macy's.
Now she's on the Supreme Court.
This is right out of the Communist China playbook.
Take people from the bottom and put them on the top, take people on the top and throw them to the bottom.
So, Elena Kagan, when she was grilled, fake grilled, she says, where do you stand on guns?
And she says, the Second Amendment is established law.
The Second Amendment is established law.
Well, if it's established lore, how could Barry from Honolulu take your guns?
How could the witch from Arkansas or Chapman?
I agree with you, but they're openly licking their chops is what I'm saying.
I agree it'll start a civil war.
I agree they're not going to get away with it.
But they're openly now, Hillary, Obama, others saying we do need to look at confiscation.
That's a bold move.
Why are they shooting their mouths off?
There was a time not too long ago when the Democrats would never even touch God, guns, and gays.
Remember that time not so long ago?
But Barry from Honolulu is such a slick con artist that he's so hoodwinked, the American drug addict, that they actually think it's time for socialism, gun seizure, no borders, and flood America with your Muslim brethren.
The people are stupid and they're drugged, Alex!
And they sensed they could get away with it.
But you know what?
They're reading their tea leaves wrong.
There'll be a revolution and they're gonna lose, Alex.
There are too many guns and too many people ready to fight them.
I'm not calling for revolution.
They are.
Let's be very clear.
I am a man of peace.
I am a man of peace, but we have gangsters running this country.
What the hell is this highway bill all about?
The first day, I'm sorry for yelling.
No, no, we're normal.
We see total criminal takeover, the death of freedom, the death of the West, and these crazy socialists that so hate freedom that they want to bring in the most radical Sunni Wahhabist to run around and rape people, and the Swiss and Dutch and all the rest of these police just let them go under orders.
I mean, it's just crazy that we've gotten to this point and it's normal to get angry.
We need to get people out of their coma.
How do we do that?
I gotta go back to Paul Ryan.
He gives a speech today that I hear on ABC News about the highway bill.
Listen to this.
The first day he gives a speech, what's it about?
The highway bill.
Who was it that was pushing the highway bill for years now?
Nancy Pelosi!
Put two and two together.
Why is it a highway bill that's on the top of their list?
Because Pelosi supported him.
Why does Pelosi push it?
All roads lead to Rome.
You ever hear that one going back to ancient times?
All roads lead to Rome.
That's as far as I can go without winding up with lead shoes in the bottom of San Francisco Bay.
And I'll let it hang in the air.
It is the most corrupt, degenerate, criminal government in American history.
And I'm not saying this for effect, nor to sell a book.
I'm trying to awaken people.
Unfortunately, Alec, your audience is already awakened.
They're agitated.
They're ready to strike.
They don't know what to do.
But look at the morons around you.
Go walk in the streets.
They're zombies.
I walked in San Francisco yesterday, the most beautiful city.
I love it to death.
I'm walking through a park near the Embarcadero, and without being graphic,
I'm an old boy scout, so I read footprints in the woods and I can read droppings in the woods.
I was taught how to follow droppings of what kind of animal it is.
Well, there was a dropping on the ground on the sidewalk that I said there were no bears in the city.
How could it be?
This can't be a bear.
Well, it's an admitted record problem in San Francisco, public defecation, and now in government buildings, even when they have bathrooms, they're so mentally ill that they just enjoy crapping in public.
What does that say about a civilization, Alex?
That people are allowed to crap without having their heads broken open by a cop.
In my day, if a guy did that, a big Irish cop would smash him on the head with a nightstick, and drag him into the prison, and hose him down and throw him into a jail, and leave him there.
Well, what kind of country is this that permits this to go on?
Now, you ask yourself, if society is breaking down, and at the same time they're trying to break us down,
What is it all about?
So the public defecation could be stopped in one second, right?
So what is this about?
It's to constantly lower the standards of the middle class.
Constantly dehumanize the middle class.
That's it.
Dehumanize, desensitize, weaken, weaken, weaken, weaken, weaken, until eventually they have no resistance to whatever the evil criminal gangsters in the regime might do next.
It's as simple as that, Alex.
And I want, at the want and at the wish to not offend people who think I'm peddling a book, I have to mention my great new book.
Look, first of all, the good news is, despite the censoring, despite no appearance on Fox News ever, ever, zero.
Fox News, conservative outlet, are you kidding me?
Michael Savage officially banned.
ABC, CBS, NBC, banned.
CNBC, banned.
So, I go on your show.
Laura Ingraham has a small show.
I love her to death.
She's brilliant.
Who else has me on?
Despite the media blackout, the audience is so loyal.
The book is number two this week on the Barnes & Noble bestseller list.
Excuse me.
We just got the news this morning.
It's number two on the
Yeah, Barnes & Noble bestseller list.
We don't know what it'll be on the New York Times list.
God knows they manipulate that one.
Oh, it's admittedly manipulated.
People are reporting that they're going in stores and they're finding stacks of the books with the covers bent.
So you got sabotage.
Then they're finding the book in the back, not on the front table, which the publisher paid for, but in the back under feminine hygiene.
That's a joke, but that's where they're putting it.
Anywhere but where you can find it.
Now, which books are selling well?
Why, O'Reilly's books, The Killing Series, what are people buying that garbage for?
What's the revelation about killing Patton or killing Reagan?
Can you tell me why anybody would read a book like that?
What are they finding in the book that they don't already know?
It's mindless, it's non-threatening, they want to think they're pseudo-intellectuals, they want to sit back and read something that's utterly mindless.
Well, I said this facetiously, and I certainly don't mean it, but I said I'm waiting for the next book in the series by him called Killing O'Reilly.
Maybe he'd do us all a favor and end it already.
He's got some franchise going there, doesn't he?
But nevertheless, let's get back to serious stuff.
No borders, no language, no culture.
What does that matter?
Leftists says, hey, savage, what the heck are you so excited about?
What do you need a border for?
And what are you holding on to English for?
Your parents were immigrants, weren't they, Michael?
Yes, and so what's your point, Larry?
I was on Larry King last week.
He has a little show on Russian television.
How is that for a funny come about of events?
But I actually like Larry King, but you know why, Alex?
He's a liberal, old school, nice liberal, smart, but not vicious.
Totally different than the new generation of progressive psychos, right?
He says to me, your parents were immigrants, so what are you afraid of someone not speaking English?
I said, I don't care what language they speak at home.
My grandmother never spoke a word of English.
But my father drilled into me, you're in America.
Learn English.
Learn it the best way you can.
Become an American.
You're not living anywhere else.
Be an American.
That's not the ethos of this generation, is it?
Do you hear them teaching their children to learn English?
They're teaching them to learn anything but English.
Stamp on the country that's so good to you.
Don't learn their language.
There is no culture there.
How long has the left taught us that America has no culture?
It's an acculturated nation.
We're a nation with no culture.
They want to get rid of our culture so they can then download into us their sick, mentally ill culture.
And you were one of the first to say this, but more and more it's clear.
The top liberals are vicious mafia social engineers, as you've documented, but their minions really are mentally ill basket cases.
I'm sure you saw the Atlantic Monthly article a few weeks ago about the coddled generation admitting, and these are leftists saying, that their college students have now become like these weird Maoist youth brigades that shout them down for just any language.
They are complete
But they're fascist basket cases that just flip out and now want to ban the word mother and father.
You're a father, Alec.
You know that children need discipline.
You know what happens when you raise them without discipline.
They become animals.
I was in a Chinese restaurant last night in San Francisco.
I love a dumpy restaurant that I go to.
There was a kid, two of them, running around screaming at the top of the lungs, I mean screeching, with the food you couldn't even digest it.
I wasn't going to say anything because, you know, what are you going to do?
I looked at the father.
He was a nice looking guy, not a weakling, but indulgent.
Afraid to say no to Johnny.
The type that when Johnny defecates in his hand and wipes it on the wall, he will say, Johnny is an artist.
That's a Shigali just painted.
Don't wipe it off the wall.
These people are crazy.
They are.
They have no discipline themselves.
Remember, if the father's 30, 32, 33, right?
He may look good.
What's amazing to me is that these guys are well built.
They all go to the gym, right Alex?
They all got abs, but they have no cerebrum.
They don't have the minds of men.
Well, they have abs, they have good abs, but no cerebrum folds, no folds in the brain.
They have folds in the stomach.
It's like zomboids walking around, wild, crazy children.
This child's made to be only one thing, which is a tort lawyer.
That's all they grew up to be.
And if he fails at that, he can become a government worker.
But aside from the facetiousness, okay, discipline gone, society going, breaking down at the top gangster regime, sucking us dry.
Paul Ryan, first speech, first speech, first speech.
Highway bill, highway bill, highway bill.
Who's in the highway building business?
Who makes the trillions off the highway bill?
Are you in the highway business?
No, but Nancy Pelosi went into Congress worth about a half a million now.
She's worth hundreds of millions.
And her husband suddenly became worth billions.
She's a nice lady.
Of course, I'm sure she's friends with Don Corleone.
Very nice.
She's a sweet grandmother.
And you know, what's also nice about Pelosi is the fact that her brother-in-law got about a $1.2 billion loan from the government for a solar plant in the Nevada desert.
And he did so well in producing about a megawatt of energy for it that they gave him another $800 million, according to what I've recently read.
How come it's not in any of the newspapers?
Have you ever seen corruption like this couldn't even go on today in New York?
Yeah, what's wrong with Harry Reid giving billions in contracts to his sons?
He's got like four or five of them.
That's nothing!
That shouldn't even be in the news!
I mean, how dare you do your research?
It's totally normal.
Where's the Republican Party?
There is none.
It's a one-party system.
All the conservatives that were put in last year.
Were put at the back of the bus.
Remember how much hope we had in November when I wrote Stop the Coming Civil War?
I said, hold your nose, go vote for Republicans and we'll put their feet to the fire after they win.
Guess what?
Boehner has no feet.
McConnell has no feet.
There's no feet to put on the fire.
They're empty shells.
They were never men.
They were never there.
They were factotums of Barry from Honolulu.
One party.
It is a fascist dictatorship.
He wants to crush us under his fist.
He is the worst monster in the history of America.
And if he uses an executive order to go around Congress on immigration, we need 10 million people demanding, immediately demanding, that an impeachment hearing be started.
Whether or not those cowardly, useless, gangster Republicans do it or not, we need a People's Tribunal.
Let's be positive for a moment.
I agree.
We need a People's Tribunal and find these people guilty of war crimes.
I agree, but your audience, my audience, Drudge and WorldNetDaily and a lot of other great people did get organized.
We did get 40 or so libertarian constitutionalists.
They did get rid of Boner.
Then, of course, they brought in Ryan.
The point is
I think so.
You know, my book is not just a screed of complaints and screaming.
It's a well-organized, because I'm a scholar by training, book.
At the end of the book, I have 40 action points, direct actions that have to be taken immediately to save the nation.
The number one thing is create a nationalist party.
Now you may say, that's crazy.
That has no chance of winning.
Not now, Alex.
Alex, we have to start laying the groundwork to save the country by creating a new party, the Nationalist Party.
You know there's a word going around, liberal parents beware, the millennials are very conservative.
Do you know that?
You know that it's a conservative generation that's rebelling against the insane drug addicted liberal parents?
If we had a charismatic young leader, if I were 40 right now and knew what I know now and had the reach I have now, I wouldn't run for office.
Excuse me, it's corrupt.
I'd create the Nationalist Party knowing that in 10 years we'd win in this country.
So I'm not going to do it.
I'm not young enough to create a party, nationalist party, to close the borders for seven years.
I didn't say anything but close the borders for seven years.
Absorb all those who are here.
Number three, deport all illegal aliens dot dot dot in prison.
See, people misquote me.
I said, first start by deporting the criminal illegal aliens in prison.
Alex, one third of all our prisoners, as I point out, as you well know, one third of our prisoners are illegal aliens.
What are we paying them for?
Get him out of the country.
Empty the prisons of one third of the prisoners.
People say, well I'll only come right back.
Concurrently do what Trump said, build the wall.
Israel built the wall, it works real good.
Walls work.
China built one to keep the Mongols out.
Israel built one to keep the Palestinians out.
Now, of course, they're being stabbed to death by those that they let in.
They'll have to do something next.
Number three, build a wall.
So, one, Nationalist Party.
Two, deport all illegal aliens in prisons.
Not such a bold idea.
Who's in favor of keeping them in our prisons at $60,000 a year, other than the prison guard unions?
Wall, build a wall.
Four, and listen to this, make English the official language of America.
That doesn't mean it's illegal to speak another language.
Plus, English is the global language.
Everyone should want to learn English.
It's the language.
San Francisco, eight languages on the ballot.
Now what was the reason for that?
So Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, and the corrupt government in San Francisco can get all the illegal aliens to put these corrupt, illegal, left-wing phenomenal bastards in power over and over again.
Over and over and over again!
We have people trapping in the street, you got dogs running wild in the street, you got girls being shot in the street, and these corrupt bastards!
They are just pieces of trash.
In the three minutes we've got left, you've got to come back for an hour soon.
MichaelSavage.com, Michael Savage is our guest.
How do you expect Obama to leave office?
How do you expect him to try to take over and put his people in so they can't be removed even though he leaves office?
There's a permanent bureaucracy.
How do you expect them to leave?
What are their dirty tricks?
What are you watching out for?
Number one, he's already done it with the Justice Department, the illegal, corrupt, anti-American Justice Department.
He's put people in positions that are lifetime positions.
What this Barry from Honolulu doesn't know is that if we had a strong leader take over, and I pray to God, Trump wins.
I don't know what you think of him.
He's our only hope right now.
I think he's a lot better than Hillary, and I agree with what he has to say, and I hope he's for real.
I'm supportive.
He uses executive orders and he gets rid of all of these appointees.
Throws them out!
And says, go sue me.
I'm the government.
Go to hell.
Get out.
He throws out Perez, for example.
I have all the names of governments in Europe.
They're in here.
All of these corrupt leftists that he planted are in there.
Get rid of them.
Executive order.
There are things that can be done.
It's not hopeless.
We just need a strong leader who loves America.
We'll restore our borders, language, and culture.
And by the way, that's not enough.
I want to see these people tried for the crimes they have committed.
We have to.
The corruption, the corruption, the corruption, the money, the contracts, the grants, the stolen money.
Uruguay couldn't get away with this today.
We're lower than a banana republic under this gangster regime.
It is.
I mean, it's just pure insider trading.
Congress gets caught five years ago, so they go pass a law legalizing it.
Well, you can't legalize child molestation just so they pass a law.
I think we're getting ready to hit bottom.
Is that what you mean by government zero?
That zero hour is here?
No, but it's a very good analysis.
I didn't think of it.
Thank you for your insight.
I meant government zero means not a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, but a government of itself, by itself, and for itself.
We have zero government.
We have a lawless criminal group.
Zero representation.
A government is supposed to be representative, not a group, a cadre of a zero, zero, zero, one percent of trillionaires who put the stooges in and drive us dry.
Mark Zuckerberg!
Michael Savage, I'm going to read the book.
My producer ran home with it, but it's amazing.
Powerful book.
We'll come say bye to you during the break.
Thank you for coming on with us, Michael.
Powerful interview.
We'll be back in a second.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Just had a nice talk with Michael Savage during the break.
And he said, Alex, you're the only host that gets me to blow my voice out.
You bring out my anger.
I'm gonna have to air this interview on my show today.
And I said, he asked permission.
I said, of course, feel free to do it.
He's still gonna be live later this afternoon, but part of the show will be this last hour because he did just blow his voice out.
He was coughing during the break.
Because it is, we're being assaulted.
And even if you don't agree with me 100% or Michael Savage 100%, we are being conquered.
And we're not being conquered like, you know, the Romans show up and they give you aqueducts, and you're still kind of a slave, but, you know, it's better than the slavery you had a year before.
Because you could argue some of those regimes, you know, about 2,000 years ago, 3,000 years ago, well, 2,200 years ago is when the real Roman Empire started up, were worse than the Romans.
It's not like loving space aliens have showed up that want to give us free energy.
It's like aliens have showed up that want to harvest our organs or something.
And I'm not saying the globalists are aliens.
It's an analogy.
They don't have our best interest at heart.
They have disdain for the public.
They live on these giant, beautiful resort community areas on thousands of acres apiece.
People like Pelosi and others.
I think so.
And that lady over there, I'm kind of working on her, but you know, she's just ignorant.
She got ignorant people that are ultra-rich.
You got really hard-working folks that made their money themselves, or took some family money and made it even bigger.
They're almost always free market.
They believe in people.
They believe in humanity.
They like getting down in the trenches.
They're not disgusted by the masses of people.
But you get around a globalist gangster.
They are the most neurotic weirdos.
Their staff won't look them in the eyes.
They're totally hateful.
They're super cold.
They're always into beating people sexually.
That's what the elites are into is hurting people.
That's their sexual fetish.
I don't mean like some light spanking or something.
I mean really brutal stuff.
And they're into being brutalized.
They like hurting good things.
Pedophilia is rampant in the elites.
Just, just, just rampant.
And you see that in sociology, it comes out, but it's much worse than the statistics show.
It is... I know so many people that also know really rich people, some of the biggest names in America, and I'll say, at dinner I'll say, tell me, what are they into sexually?
And I'll say, what are they into religiously?
And always out of the person's mouth is,
The occult?
I mean, these are really unhappy people.
And that's all they've got is the darkness.
And I don't mean some guy that goes to a rock and roll show and wears a pentagram t-shirt because he thinks the devil's cool.
I mean people with helicopters and 15 jets and 20 mansions and, you know, had mistresses when they were 15 years old and now have, you know, just sex operatives all over the place.
I mean, these folks are completely jacked.
And they know talent when they see it, too.
They know resistance when they see it.
And I told people this 18 years ago, and I've told people this over time, and now folks can see that it was true.
A lot of it's come out in the news, but I personally was offered, you know, to join the New World Order repeatedly.
I don't know.
This morning I was on the elliptical and I really had a big epiphany.
I was watching some show called Bling on VH1.
They had it on.
I wasn't watching it.
And it was just flashing this purse, this car, this thing for the masses to watch.
It was just the most soul-sucking garbage.
And it's like, who would sell out for that?
To hang around with a bunch of those mummies.
A 17-year-old high school student in Illinois was sent home last week after administrators claimed his hunting t-shirt violated the school's dress code policy.
Clinton Boyer, who wore the rifle-clad sweatshirt featuring the phrase, I'll stop hunting when they pry the gun from my cold, dead hands, was sent to the principal's office after a teacher took offense to the imagery.
They told me if I don't take the sweater off or turn it inside out, I would be sent home, the junior said to Salk Valley News.
Clinton, who refused to remove the sweatshirt, argued that the school's dress code handbook included no mention of clothing featuring images of firearms.
Upon inspection of the student handbook, Clinton's father, Derek, noted that students were only barred from wearing clothing with violent, lewd, obscene, offensive, or vulgar images or language.
And elsewhere in the country, we've seen students barred from wearing American flag t-shirts.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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We're good to go.
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I think so.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, I could not think of a better guest to have on to give us more information about the Benghazi hearings and about the current situation that he predicted back when Benghazi happened now unfolding in Syria.
And that's because he ran Operation Stratus, Ivy, Able Danger, and other secret operations against Al Qaeda and the Wahhabis in Afghanistan and other countries.
And he was ordered not once but twice to not pull the trigger to kill bin Laden when they knew exactly where he was in 2001 before 9-11.
We just, of course, had Michael Savage on the last hour.
Dr. Jerome Corsi's coming up in the next hour.
Colonel Schaefer joins us for the next 20 minutes.
LondonCenter.org is one of the consultancies he is engaged in.
He, of course, blew the whistle about some of the stand-downs going after Bin Laden.
They tried to persecute him as a whistleblower, but he survived that thanks to support.
He's also a best-selling author and has a new book out we'll tell you about as well.
But before we do that, I've just got to say, well, Colonel Schaefer, it's got to be good for you, being one of the first people to expose what was happening in Benghazi, and I know taking a lot of heat, but now see more and more of it come out.
Has that taken some of the heat off you?
Well, yes and no, Alex.
I mean, I think you and others have supported me on this from day one.
Thank you.
With that said, it's been a very impositive position even now because, you know, at the heart of this is really Hillary Clinton, who is the chosen one for the Democrat candidacy for president.
So as much as I think rational people
By the way, I've been getting questions from the left, from my friends on the left, saying, hey, do you really think this is all true?
It's like, yeah, it's all true.
And I think the hearings should have, if it was a Democrat Congress questioning a Republican candidate, it would have been all over for that candidate.
But instead, the very email, Alex, which they have completely showed that she, Ms.
Clinton, was lying.
And even in the end, when they ask her about the arms deal, which, by the way, has been highly documented.
By the investigation, by whistleblowers, everybody knows there was an arms deal at the heart of Benghazi.
She got away with lying about that, which, frankly, at this point, my understanding is that Congress is now looking at perjury charges because they have evidence that she did know about the arms deal of trying to get these arms moved around Libya, moving them into Turkey, which then in turn, they would be moved into Syria.
And by the way, another guy who I respect immensely,
We're good to go.
Well, you were one of the first, within a week of it happening, to come on this show and to go on Fox and other channels and talk about an arms deal, talk about the Turkish ambassador, to break down what happened, to warn about missiles getting into the hands of Al-Qaeda.
The fact that ISIS, once it came up a few years ago, you said no, that is a Wahhabist group as well, Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, that's all been proven to be accurate now and we see this whole thing metastasizing.
You said last year that there should be criminal charges in a Newsmax article for Hillary and the clear cover-up, so I would imagine that in a way you might be under more heat now because it is an election year.
This is interesting because
Yes and no.
Because clearly, Alex, part of the issue now becomes talking to the other side.
The Republicans use this to their advantage.
So, I think if Hillary does survive the primaries, the Republicans are going to go into this with a great deal of ammunition to use against her.
Because this is all, again, on the record.
So, yeah, I think my Democrat friends are pretty upset with me about the fact that, you know, there are Democrats who actually recognize what's going on, but because they're so loyal to their party, they choose to look the other way.
And those are the guys I think I'm in most with odds with.
But then again, you know, we've talked to, part of what I do, my job is to talk to presidential candidates.
I can't say by name who they are, but we've talked to them all as best we can.
And the idea is we're going to give them factual information that is based on what is known and can be proven via hard copy documents.
So this now, at this point, like you point out, Alex, this is all hard copy, well-researched, fully recognized as fact, that there was an arms deal, that Hillary Clinton was involved, that the deal went bad, and she knew the night of the attack, or the day after, the 12th of September,
Sure, well I've interviewed other whistleblowers after you've been on, Tosh Plumley, others, CIA pilots, and others, and I've talked to other military people, I'm just going to leave it at that.
It's known that there were drones overhead, you said that years ago, it's come out.
You've come out and said you've gotten intel that Obama was watching a part of the seven hours as it unfolded.
I stick by that comment, yes.
Well this is just outrageous then.
I mean is it an arms deal and they didn't know what to do?
Or does it go further?
Did somebody in a government outside of Al Qaeda want to get rid of the ambassador so there wouldn't be any fingerprints on this arms transfer?
Well it's very clear at this point that
Stevens was the key.
He was the pivotal, the pivot man.
He knew everything.
He was involved.
You know, it was his interest to do this.
They really thought, Alex, at the time, and this is one of the big misconceptions I think we're going to continue to face for this, for this mistake for years, that the Muslim Brotherhood could be a trusted ally.
That they would be a good ally, a good proxy to work with us in place of our other Arab allies.
And that was what their assumption was.
So I think when they started seeing that the Brotherhood was not going to be a good partner, they were too far in to say, we can't, we can't stop it.
I think they got themselves in over their head.
I think Chris Stevens was part of that, that completely ill-thought, badly managed effort to bring the Brotherhood into essentially our sphere of influence.
And I think because of that, because they all start going bad.
And look, Hillary Clinton is not a stupid woman at all.
I think they recognized that as much as they needed to get rid of information to get rid of people, this was a good way to let things fly.
And that's why you didn't see.
I mean, Alex, think about this.
This was about a little more than two months out before a major presidential election.
How is it you don't do maximum effort to go recover an ambassador who goes missing?
Think about that.
If it was under any other president that I know of, that would have been the primary thing.
Everybody would have been scrambling to figure out where he was at.
Well, we know they were countermanning the orders of the military to save these people, and so when they get caught, I mean, we know they did it, it's going to bring them all down.
And so, as you stipulate, there is documentary evidence, again, that someone ordered every command.
Keep in mind, Alex, there's an automatic process.
Once a terror attack is undergoing,
Once an embassy is under siege, there's an automatic process which kicks in.
It's basically the worst case scenario, people start moving.
Someone called around to every command and control headquarters and stopped it.
So that means someone had to literally
Let me ask you this big question.
Now that we see the aftermath years later, ISIS, which is just Al-Qaeda, as you
Do in your organization, you go around and educate Congress, you educate the candidates, you're in an info war with the truth, when the White House three years ago was saying, oh these are all good rebels, they're wonderful, you went and exposed with other military people that it was almost all radical Saudi Arabian Wahhabis.
So they clearly know that, then what are they thinking?
What's the endgame?
Where is this going?
What are they going to do?
Like I asked you years ago when this first happened, what are they going to do?
When radicals use those Stinger missiles and other surface-to-air missiles to shoot down airliners, they can't cover it all up.
What's going to unfold?
What were they thinking?
I mean, you know, in the old days, just 15 years ago, you used to run missions.
Some of it's come out in the news.
Trying to find old Stingers, you guys would go through all sorts of hell just to get a few old Stingers.
Now you've got hundreds of modern ones being given to these crazies.
What is the establishment thinking?
Well, at this point in time, I think that's part of the issue.
They got completely out of control.
They know, for example, Alex, that these things are kind of scattered all over.
And I think this is where the real firm remains, because the last time a credible terrorist organization tried this was Al Qaeda in 2002 in Kenya, where they attempted to take down two Israeli charter aircraft.
It didn't work for any number of reasons, thank goodness.
Imagine now we have that situation where Al Qaeda does have, and ISIS does have, literally crates of these things.
And I think this is where we don't know what's going on, and I think we're blind.
What's the endgame?
Well, I don't know exactly what the leadership was thinking, other than they thought they could cut deals with some of these really worst of the worst terrorists.
I don't think so.
Well, you had Jeffrey Skilling right down there in Texas, and Enron, thinking that they were the smartest guys in the room, and they could do things that no one else has ever done.
I think that thought has been one of the problems with the left, where they will think, you know, despite the fact they have all these people available to them who will help educate them, they think they're smarter than everybody else, and they go off on these really idiotic, ill-conceived concepts of operations, which result in tragedy, and I think that's what's going on here.
Well, I want to recap one of the best moments I've seen in the U.S.
Army and just the Pentagon in general, really showing some moral leadership.
I mean, I wouldn't say mutiny against the President, but just not following illegal orders.
As you know, and if you can talk about some of the inside baseball that's not classified, I'd like to hear some more, but even came out in the news.
What, two years ago, when Rand Paul and Senator Cruz and others were saying, we're not going to be Al Qaeda's air force.
The military, even before that, was holding up the signs on the internet saying, we're not going to be in a Syrian civil war.
We're not going to back Al Qaeda.
We're not going to be part of it.
And then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs at the time, General Dempsey, on that Saturday night, went to Obama.
And it even came out later.
I was told this, but it came out months later.
It said, do not do this.
You cannot do it.
It is insane.
The military is going to go along with it.
That is such a historic moment.
And that's got to really concern the criminals that are running this government.
I'm just going to say it.
That's like a moment where it's not Operation Valkyrie with the military trying to take out Hitler in Germany.
It's just the military saying, we're not going to follow that order.
Well, everybody recognized, Alex, that the people we were trying to support were indeed completely affiliated, if not wholly owned, by Al-Qaeda.
So why would you do that?
And this is where, you know, the solution would be worse than the problem.
Look, no doubt here, President Assad is a bad guy.
He's killed his own people.
He is truly a despot.
But, frankly, we recognize what happened in Libya when we allowed for those elements to include Al-Qaeda.
And by the way, do you remember, Alex,
Al-Qaddafi was warning us, saying, hey, these people who are opposing me are not the simple, you know, revolutionary thinkers who want democracy.
These folks are Al-Qaeda.
And sure enough, we have a combination of Al-Qaeda and ISIS now running Libya.
So, this is clearly something the military and the people I deal with understood from day one.
You cannot bring in Al-Qaeda thinking they're going to be an ally to get rid of Assad and think somehow they're going to continue to support your position.
We tried this in Afghanistan.
We helped create something called the Haqqani Network as part of the Pakistani intelligence service back in the 80s to go against the Russians.
Well, once the Russians left, the Haqqani Network supported coming after us.
They've been one of the main killers of US and Afghan forces since we've been there.
So we cannot believe for a minute that Al-Qaeda or its affiliates or anyone who believes like Al-Qaeda can be dealt with in a friendly way to achieve a short-term objective and think somehow they're not going to come back after us to attack us after that fact.
I think Dempsey recognized that, a number of us recognize that, but again we have these political leaders who Alex think they're smarter than everybody else and they continue to try to do these truly insane dangerous things.
Colonel Schaffer is our guest, LondonCenter.org.
Just segwaying briefly, one of your latest books predicts the breakdown of the border, basically a soft civil war.
This was two years ago.
You said, watch, it's coming.
This is a lot of stuff I couldn't put in a non-fiction book, so I put it in a fiction book.
I want to talk about that book some.
I want to talk about what's happening in Europe.
But the controlled left, they're not just this stupid.
They really hate the West.
They've said that.
The head of the UN migrant agency
Peter Sutherland has said we want to get rid of Western culture.
They're bringing in, they admit, 80% military-age men.
They're mainly the folks that invaded Syria.
They're not really Syrian rebels.
I mean, I know you know all this.
They're not really Syrian refugees.
What is the plan?
Open borders here, open borders there.
What is the left trying to do?
Why are they so affiliated with radical Islamists that would put a hood over their wife's head and literally not let women drive cars?
Why is the left supporting these people?
Well, I think the left is essentially the vanguard of the third world.
I mean, I had a friend of mine basically posit that this morning.
Basically, they are the third world, and they're trying to make cuts to the third world.
So that's why you see this sort of thing.
They want to import people who will radicalize, who will de-establish the basic Western principles which have made us very strong.
The conditions that we've created in the West, Alex, for better or for worse, are the best mankind has ever seen.
We have the most people ever who have clean water, clean homes,
It used to be a good healthcare system, which is now being diminished by Obamacare.
Again, this third world idea that we have to essentially treat everybody the same.
That's what they want.
This idea, they use fairness as a value to say, you know, Alex, you live too high.
You shouldn't be living as well as you do.
You shouldn't have a nice car.
You should be living at a level like someone who lives in, say, rural Kenya.
And then you've got these ultra-rich that make their money off of government contracts
Waging war against new rich who actually create jobs and wealth, teaming up with the third world.
It is just sickening to watch.
Well, here's the key.
You predicted, it's just crazy how accurate you've been, Colonel Schaefer.
I'm not kissing your butt, it's just no brag, just fact.
You predicted right when Benghazi happened that next is Syria, then you said next is Europe.
What are they going to do?
I think it's not a question of if, but when.
They try, or they succeed, to shoot down one or more major passenger liners on the outskirts, maybe Eastern Europe, Russia, wherever they can get these missiles.
Can they get the missiles into Western Europe?
Can they get them into the U.S.?
How long until that happens, or am I wrong?
Can we stop it?
And then, what do you see happening in Syria?
Well, this is kind of a twofer.
What you see right now, as you point out aptly, is that these bales
They're finding AK-47s full-auto from the Middle East now in France.
So that was it.
That was the first test.
Okay, it worked.
So now then, if you see it works, then you expand it.
So now you see the expansion of phase one of getting all these people into Europe and setting up trusted and clandestine networks.
After the network's in place, Alex, they can move the missiles around with security.
There's no way law enforcement or intelligence can stop and search every single vehicle moving around, or every single boat coming in and out.
So again, once you flood the market, so to speak, it makes it infinitely easier to move weapons such as stingers around.
You can deal with an AK-47 on a low scale, basically increased by an order of magnitude, and then you can do it with impunity.
That's where they're going with all this.
The Russians, where do you see the situation in Syria going?
How big of a defeat to Obama was it that Putin came in?
Do you think the Russians are being suckered into a new Afghanistan?
What about the plane being shot down?
Well, I think the Russians are seeing, I think it was an attack, I think it was done by a Lockerbie type attack where you had a bomb on the aircraft or a suicide bomber.
All the pictures I've seen, Alex, it's a case to me that it was an explosion from the inside, not an explosion from the outside.
Got it.
So, bomb inside.
And so, I think the Russians have got their first real casualties in the war.
And God bless them, I'm glad they're gone.
They need to stabilize Syria.
This is our one joint objective.
It should be stabilizing Syria.
Even if you don't like Assad, stabilize Syria.
Because otherwise, you're going to continue to see Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Kind of using that region as a base of operation.
And of course Al-Qaeda hits Russia even more than they hit us on average.
What do you expect the Russians to do if some of the voices calling for some type of military containment or a no-fly zone?
I mean, we've all heard the talk from former generals, let's start killing Russians.
That's some really dangerous talk.
It is.
No, the Russians are doing what I think we should have been doing.
I think it's why it's such a big blow to President Obama, frankly, Alex.
And with that said, you know, our military, I've talked to the folks in the Senate, our military will continue to conduct itself professionally with the Russians.
We're not going to do anything to antagonize them as much as I think that can't be said of the other side.
With that said, we've got to come to an agreement of what we're focused on regarding joint objectives.
Unfortunately, long term, we have to accept, Alex, that they're trying to put together what I would call the Damascus Pact, essentially a form of the Warsaw Pact in the Middle East where they're joining the Iranians
Sure, let's not romanticize Russia.
Their elites are just as corrupt as some of ours, but we can't lose the moral high ground and back a jihad al-Qaeda army to run around murdering hundreds of thousands of Christians.
You hit the nail on the head.
And I think that's what we need to understand.
The Russians and us, if we share that one focus area, we should focus on that for now and then worry about what to do after that, after we defeat ISIS and Al Qaeda.
I really appreciate you giving us time.
Spend a minute on your books you've written and the one predicting the border situation.
Well, the last line, Alex, you've done a great job of allowing me to talk about it.
Look, we recognize that you live there more than I do.
In fact, the border's breaking down, and people want it to break down.
So the last line, essentially, is kind of looking at all the different people who could be involved, and essentially, like you point out, a soft coup d'etat, looking at people who have interests that are really meant to undermine and soften our ability to defend the nation.
That's ongoing, and it's something we have to all be concerned about.
My first book, Operation Dark Heart, is about the war in Afghanistan and how we need to go about trying to... We can still pull a victory out there and I'm hopeful that we can do a lot more to...
It's scary to have political leadership that's never been in the military telling the military what to do and seeing these disasters.
Colonel Schaefer, thank you so much and thank God for being there.
You're a real hero.
Not just what you did in the military, but what you've done now to get the information to Congress and the people.
It's been so accurate.
Thank you so much, Colonel.
Thanks for having me.
You bet.
That's an amazing person right there.
He has risked his life so much domestically for what he's done on Benghazi.
That's one of the main sources that's getting close to bringing Hillary down.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
That's what happened.
And they go, oh, Obama didn't know.
And he goes, no, we were ordered.
So, that is so huge because Obama says the opposite when the commanding general says, we gave them the intel, they countermanded it, and ordered us to arm them.
But he's saying that in 2015.
Schaefer was saying that three years ago.
And that's when it's dangerous, is to say it then.
I mean, when we were covering Benghazi a week after it happened, with exactly what happened, they called Colonel Schaefer in, because he's involved in a bunch of clandestine government groups and operations.
And they threatened him, basically.
And I'm not going to get into the stuff, it was behind the scenes, but he gets threatened every time he basically comes on the show.
He's told not to.
But he still does it and he goes on other shows and exposes it because he's not going to sit there and watch the government engage in criminal activities.
He's not going to follow orders that are illegal.
And the moral of the story is, with this show and Schaefer and Drudge and others telling the truth about this from day one, they haven't been able to fully back Al-Qaeda to take over Syria.
It is a war crime to do that.
So there's a battle for the heart and soul of America going on right now in government.
And we're starting to win that fight, and that's why the leftist and the controlled opposition on the right, the neocon leadership, they don't want to have a real debate about this.
They want to just basically sail on into the future, continuing all this criminal activity.
But the criminal activity is coming out now, and they're not going to get away with it.
It's a lot bigger than Benghazi.
Benghazi's just one string on an old rotten sweater.
But if you keep pulling it, soon the whole arm unravels.
But there's a whole bunch of strings.
And so, I don't know which string's gonna bring the whole thing down, but just start pulling strings.
It's like if you're trying to let sunlight in and you're in a castle fighting vampires.
You know it's noon, there's big black curtains, and you've got a sword.
Don't even fight the vampires in the dark.
Just get up there and start hacking at the curtains.
And pretty soon there's beams of light all around you and you see the vampires and they're hissing, wanting to get at you, but you're just busy hacking more holes and pretty soon, you hack, sunlight hits one, BOOM!
They burst into flames.
I can't tell you how many of these things, politically, we've burned to the ground.
And sure, out of the depths of hell, more of them pour up, but there's more sunshine coming in all the time.
And so they're screaming, shut down talk radio, shut down the internet, shut down drudge!
I see idiots online going, leftists mainly, going, I don't care, sure, shut him down.
They're going to shut everybody down.
They're going to restrict everybody's speech if they can shut down Rush Limbaugh or Matt Drudge.
Believe me, folks, they probably had, let's not exaggerate, 20 articles or more in the last few months I've seen saying, shut Alex Jones down, he's dangerous, in major leftist publications that take direct talking points for media matters in the White House.
Shut me up.
They just had a big Southern Poverty Law Center article saying the extremists have taken over, they're dangerous, we've got to shut them up.
Now the leftists never talked like that because they had to act like they were really leftists who were into free speech.
No, only their radical garbage.
They're now shooting their fat mouths off about shutting us up.
Because you think about it, if they killed, you know, a couple dozen people, or put us in prison, or shut us off,
They could then roll forward.
You said, well, that'll wake everybody up.
They'll have the college people and the mainstream media celebrating it, folks!
At least that's what they think.
They are strongly considering going after everybody.
I can tell you that not to be alarmist, not to be sensational, that's what I really think.
And you know, I've learned what I think is nine times out of ten, dead on.
The social engineers are playing with madness.
They're playing with fire.
They are pyros.
Political pyroheads.
It'll burn down your house in a minute.
I mean, they are playing with fire with these open borders.
They are playing with fire with this drug war.
They are playing with fire with the GMO.
They are playing with fire with the medical dictatorship.
They're playing with fire with the Hadron Collider.
They're playing with fire.
With this fractional reserve banking and flash trading and dark pools and derivatives.
And they do think they're the smartest guys in the room.
When Corzine, the head of Goldman Sachs, goes on to run MF Global, makes 40 to 1 bets with people's segregated accounts that didn't even know he bought their gold fund.
Bought their private bank accounts and then
And I use that as an example because that's crazy, folks.
That's like a degenerate gambler that goes and mortgages the family home and goes to Vegas with $200,000 and then runs out of it in a day and then is busy hawking his wedding ring.
I mean, you're not invincible, elite.
And a lot of them know that.
They just don't care.
It's like so exciting to be reckless, so exciting to give thousands of surface-to-air missiles to Al Qaeda.
So they can go shoot down the Syrian Air Force.
And then Al Qaeda goes, you know what?
We're not going to be told what to do with this.
We're not going to ship this where you said.
We're going to sell this to the highest bidder across the Middle East.
Thousands of missiles.
This is worth billions of dollars.
We're going to kill you.
And they send over the Benghazi security force that our government hired, that is Al-Qaeda, to murder everybody, and then they order a stand-down.
Now tell me the rest of the story.
They've got some Operation Chaos planned with those missiles.
I'm telling you, they're going to pull something big, and the globalists are involved in it.
Saudi Arabia has got those Wahhabis on about a one-inch leash.
And they got something nasty planned.
I don't know what it is, but you know what?
I got my little brain, like a computer, working, working, working, trying to figure it out.
Now, I know there's shows like Bling on VH1 about, I was on the elliptical like 30 minutes this morning before I lifted weights for about an hour, did a longer workout, and they had in the gym, somebody put VH1 on all the channels.
So I was looking at like six, seven TVs with
The audio turned off, but subtitles for a show called Bling.
And it was 30 minutes that I watched of flashing from this jewelry to that jewelry to this house to this car to this yacht, only spending about a second or two on each purse.
And Kim Kardashian in her closet showing off this crap.
And look, it's fine if your wife or your girlfriend wants three or four purses for the seasons, and that's a nice purse and it's good, but it was the mindless worship of hundreds of purses.
And then it was knowing that it was designed for poor people to watch it.
And to have no idea what they were even seeing, that it was meant to make them feel inadequate, make them to feel pathetic, so that they think Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, I know it's Kanye West, and all the rest of these people are like gods, that that's successful, to get out of limos and get out of Bentleys and get out of Rolls Royces and march into restaurants.
Do you have any idea how unhappy those type of people are?
They live in hell.
I've been around folks like that.
I've been around celebrities at that level.
I mean, even above Charlie Sheen.
And they are trying to get out of it.
It is hellish when you've been in it for years.
But they're selling it to you, something that you can't attain, an unattainium, so that you then feel inadequate, so then during the advertisements you've been put in this position with, well you can't have
Kim Kardashian who looks like the penguin.
Can we pull up Kim Kardashian slash the penguin and show her next to the penguin?
This is their beauty for us.
I've already called the Supreme Court Justice the penguin because she looks like a penguin as well.
I guess there's got to be a penguin to be in power these days.
And you just sit there and you watch this and you feel inadequate and they can show you Hershey's commercials or car commercials in between it.
And I just think about what they're bombarding women with.
And then, of course, their husband can't give them a yacht or 14, you know, Mercedes Benz.
So he's a piece of crap.
And she doesn't want to be with him.
Type in Kim Kardashian as the penguin.
There it is.
I'm sorry.
I just love pulling down these vain nobodies.
Can you imagine how she's going to feel when she's an old woman?
I bet money she won't be happy about grandkids or anything.
She's going to be the most vain, vicious, horrible person you can imagine.
And look, I'm sorry.
I don't want to be shoveled this garbage in the tranny father-in-law.
It's not that I'm against people that are trannies or whatever.
Just, I don't have to worship you.
You're not my god.
I mean, Caitlyn Jenner is a creepy looking snapping turtle.
Scary looking!
If I was walking down the street, I'd get out of its way!
It's a weirdo!
It's a fruitcake!
It's a freak!
And not a freak because he thinks he's a woman.
He's a freak because he's involved in that freak show TV show, and it's all manufactured to jack with people and screw with people's minds.
Total stunt!
I guarantee you that guy sits around with beer at night, he's got his wig off, and like, get me some more such and such.
I mean, it's all staged.
Look, if I put a wig on up here and said, I'm beautiful and brave and powerful, bow down to me!
Brett Favre, get on your knees and clap!
I was too lazy to dress up in a Caitlyn Jenner outfit.
I didn't go out and get one for Halloween.
I was gonna pull a big stunt, it would've been a viral video.
I was gonna run around downtown saying, worship me, worship me, how dare you, I'm so brave and stunning.
Instead I just put a captain's hat on.
Somebody thought that was politically incorrect as well.
Okay, I want to get into some other news here.
I'm kind of all over the map.
This is such a crazy world.
We have Dr. Jerome Corsi joining us in the next hour and I plan to open the phones up for that.
The U.S.
brings dogfighters to counter Russians over Syria.
We're also going to get into the latest on the election, the latest on the move, come after our guns.
I agree with Savage that they're not going to be successful getting our guns, but they're strongly considering it to start a civil war.
I'm going to get to that.
But I have not plugged in one hour and 44 minutes, and I've skipped two network breaks.
That is unprecedented, and I've got to stop it.
And so now, at this time, I just want to encourage everyone to remember that you are the resistance.
You should be aggressively, viciously, with pleasure.
It's fun to fight back once you get in motion.
Doing whatever it takes, legally and lawfully, to get people to tune in to this show, and to InfoWars.com, and to any other media fighting the new world order.
You should be making copies of my films, sharing the videos, sending links to articles, posting them on Facebook, Twitter, all the enemy platforms, YouTube.
That's where the real power's at.
Continue to do it.
It's having a great effect.
I want to salute those of you that are alive, that are in motion, that are standing up to this dehumanization.
They've not broken your will.
I salute you!
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And we're just here, a platform to support what other patriots are doing, to promote information, promote a savage book, promote Schaefer's book, promote candidates, promote little old ladies that are under attack, fight for land rights, stand up for ranchers in Texas and in Nevada.
We're just here in a total brawl, toe-to-toe with the New World Order, just pumping out accurate info, getting people informed, sharing information.
Knowledge is power.
Get Tragedy and Hope with the Globalists Admit Their Criminal Operations.
Get Bloodlines of the Illuminati, an incredible book that we publish.
And then finally...
Today, call your local station and thank them for carrying the broadcast, and then call your friends and family and locals and tell them to tune in.
And if you're a local business, call and say, I want to sponsor the Alex Jones Show or other shows on your station.
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We need your help.
We don't have the money or the system to be able to do what a Clear Channel did for its shows.
But people are doing it.
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Sometimes on the side of a barn.
Sometimes a big $10,000 billboard on major highways.
Thank you.
You're having an effect.
We're all in this together.
People will then go to Infowars.com.
They will then learn about what's happening in the world.
We need to reach out to people.
We need to have a bigger effect.
We don't need to just take the shot we've had and let it die by the roadside.
We've got a real shot at beating these people.
We're having major victories.
But all of us can poke holes in that big black curtain so the sun can come in and disinfect this vampire infested hell pit.
And as more light comes in, people go, oh that's standing up against me is a little kitty cat.
Oh actually it's not, it's tyranny.
People are now seeing that there is political evil all around them, but there's also good all around us, and it can rise up and crush the evil.
And pretty soon as more light comes in, the vampires shrink down to little diseased roaches.
And they're so easy to step on at that point.
We are gaining ground.
We are winning.
Stay with us.
When we come back, more on their move to confiscate guns.
They're openly announcing that they're thinking about coming after the guns.
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You know, I was thinking about how sensational, in a good way, in an informative way, that Michael Savage interview was in the first hour.
We've got to air some of the clips of that.
Michael Savage calls for criminal trials of globalists.
Powerful Michael Savage interview.
I mean, I don't even know what to say.
I wasn't taking notes while he was talking, but he was on fire.
He said that during the break.
He goes, wow, that was pretty powerful.
I'm going to air that on my own show.
After yours this afternoon.
But he just said so much that was dead on.
He said the Democratic Party are a criminal mafia organization that controls the Republicans.
Michael Savage, there is one party, it is a criminal mafia, destroying the country.
It was just a sensational interview.
Somebody needs to watch it and take the highlights of it for the Nightly News tonight.
That should be at least 10 minutes of the Nightly News tonight.
I mean, we need to take the very best stuff from the show and put it on the Nightly News.
And vice versa, the best stuff from the Nightly News into the radio show.
But I tell you, when I saw this article at the Daily Beast this morning, and then I saw another article from the Breitbart countering it, it sent chills down my spine.
Because of what it portends.
What it means is coming.
There are all these Democrat publications now, and Obama, and Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary, and others saying it's time to confiscate guns.
It's just time to take the guns.
Not just register them, but just take them.
And I've got the quotes here, I read it in the first hour.
And then their response that, but,
This'll upset the black helicopter people.
That means folks that are aware of the shadow government, all the corruption, you know, that's the buzzword they use for informed people.
But how are we kooks if we're right?
Don't I get a Pulitzer Prize?
I mean, doesn't Soldier of Fortune that got photos of the crashed Delta Force helicopter in Houston back in 1996, or footage we got, and having guns held to our heads, and none of this supposedly existed, and the news would say it didn't happen?
It's like that new movie I went to see that I guess means Hitman in Spanish.
How do you pronounce it?
They have this big shootout and kill all these people and they go, don't worry, it won't be on the news.
And it's like, I've gotten footage of stuff like this and then the news media comes and says it didn't happen, I'm insane.
I mean, that's what this is.
It's like a mind control.
It's like living in a cult or something.
Where the public, like, gets off on being mindless jellyfish.
I just don't understand it.
Why would you want to be a chump?
Why would you want to be an idiot?
Don't you know the elite have bodyguards and want your guns so they can do whatever they want to you?
Don't you know it was put there to protect us from a tyrannical government?
Don't you know every corrupt government takes the guns?
Don't you know the UN admits in their own treaty, UNIDIR, that they want guns because civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state?
That's a quote!
They admit it's about dominating us!
They admit they're dumbing us down!
They admit they're screwing us over!
And saying it didn't happen doesn't protect you.
Let me read part of this article.
Daily Beast, Obama, Hillary toying with civil war over gun confiscation.
And they make little jokes about it.
And talk about how they want to just arrest conservatives.
We're gonna start fighting back, idiots!
We're not just gonna roll over!
On November 2nd, the Daily Beast pointed to recent statements from President Obama and Hillary Clinton regarding the implementation of Australian-style gun confiscations, suggesting civil wars, quote, civil war could erupt on American soil if any administration actually tried to confiscate privately owned firearms.
The Daily Beast theoretically agreed that, quote, confiscation on a massive scale may be the only way to solve the American gun violence, close quote.
They admit it!
But they pointed out
That it was not realistic and suggested Hillary risk causing irreparable divisions.
By talking about confiscation and mocking gun owners as conspiracy theorists waiting for black helicopters to come take their guns away.
No, they train the guys with the black helicopters to take over the local capitals.
But the guys flying the helicopters and the troops are awake and are on our side.
So, go ahead and try to order the helicopters to do that and see what happens.
Did they attack Syria like you said?
No, they didn't.
Do they do what you say anymore?
No, they don't!
You understand, scum?
Don't try it!
Third hour coming up!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Joe Victor with InfoWars.com.
Now hunting season starts next weekend and I wanted to kick off my outdoor experience by sending a message to ISIS.
See this?
This is your stupid flag.
This flag represents
Killing Christians, beheading people, murdering women and children.
For what?
For something stupid.
And yet we sit back, we've created them, we've helped fund them, but yet we do nothing to stop them.
And hundreds of thousands of people get killed because this.
This should also just say CIA in it.
Because that's all it is.
This is a message to the CIA.
This is a message to ISIS.
This is a message to all those people out there who want to go and do harm.
This is America.
This is what we think about.
Your flag.
This is what we think about.
All of this.
So for months now, ISIS has been threatening to come here on American soil in mass numbers and do lone wolf attacks.
Small little groups here and there and start taking out American citizens.
American citizens that have nothing to do with the wars going on overseas.
American citizens that are just pretty much asleep to what's really going on in the world.
So I take offense to that.
This is my country.
Don't think you can come in here and start doing all the crap that you've been doing overseas.
That stuff's not gonna fly around here.
There's a lot of patriots here in America that are gonna stand up to you.
And we're all locked and loaded.
AR-15, Glock, shotgun, battle axe, ready to go.
So bring that stuff over here.
We'll show you how it's done.
Biggs is having a little bit of recreation here.
And it's all about connecting the Second Amendment... Whenever you come out here, this is what we're going to do to you.
...to fighting terrorists.
It makes it even more popular.
This is pure propaganda we put out to the general public.
We admit it.
We're just going to absolutely go after the globalists on every front.
We're never going to give up.
Again, we could obviously shoot it from far away, but it's more cinematic up close.
Oh, shot him right in the... Won't be able to rape any other women now.
This has been Joe Biggs with Infowars.com.
And I'm not just speaking for myself, I'm representing every liberty-loving American out there in this country right now.
Every American who likes the right to say what they want.
Everybody who likes the freedom to go up and pick up a gun and go shoot.
I was out with Biggs until 5 the night before and then look at him, he's out in the morning doing this.
He's so crazy.
Alright, folks, I'm joking.
I wouldn't be out until 11 in the morning.
Is the U.S.
involved with any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling, anyhow, transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?
To Turkey?
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
How is it that this organization is so well-funded, so organized?
Islamic State-linked militants have gained a stronger foothold in Libya, seizing new economically vital areas of the country.
The leader of ISIS in Libya is none other than Abdel Hakim Belhadj.
And of course he was armed to the teeth by NATO.
A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
The Russians say they're negotiating with North Korea to hold joint military exercise.
Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin teaming up, creating an ominous alliance against the United States.
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is aggressively opposing the nuclear deal that the US government is negotiating with Iran.
Saudi Arabia is apparently prepared to allow Israeli jets into its airspace to conduct attacks on Iran.
We have an unprecedented opportunity to build a new world order.
I set up a foundation in Ukraine and played an important part in events now.
Ukraine is set to receive the first tranche of an international monetary fund aid package.
We had brokered a deal.
We'll be back with Dr. Jerome Carsey!
On Sunday, Syria announced Israeli aircraft entered its airspace and attacked Hezbollah near the Lebanon-Syria border.
The Jerusalem Post reported the attack marks the first time Israel has conducted airstrikes in the area since the Russian military began operating there.
Estimated targets included a weapons convoy destined for Hezbollah fighters traveling through Syria, the newspaper reported.
On October 24th, InfoWars.com reported the possibility of Israel air activity over Syria.
The reports were unconfirmed and few details were available at the time.
It was reported that Hezbollah fighters are already along the border with Israel on the Golem Heights and have seized the so-called UN Hill opposite the Druze town of Magdal Shams in the Israeli Golem Heights.
More details can be found in the article Israel and Russia Engage in Electronic Warfare as Operations Expand in Middle East on InfoWars.com
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Dr. Jerome Corsi leaves us at the bottom of the hour, then I'm going to open the phones up at the end of the transmission to cover any of the news we've discussed.
The Democrats are openly in the news, in the Daily Beast, saying, let's start gun confiscation.
But how do we deal with the conspiracy theorists that predicted we'd do it?
Well, we just call them theorists as we take the guns.
That's actually what the Daily Beast says.
Coming up, total border collapse in Europe by design, bringing in the jihadis.
It is really insane.
The world economy unraveling.
ISIS battling the Russians in Syria.
Dr. Jerome Corsi is a
Doctor in, basically, the economy.
We had Dr. Michael Savage on during the first hour.
We had Colonel Schaefer in the second hour.
He also writes for WorldNetDaily.com, WND.com.
Dr. Corsi received his PhD from Harvard University in political science in 72.
He's currently a senior staff reporter at WorldNetDaily.
I'm not going to go through the rest of his degrees and backgrounds, folks.
Know who he is.
But one of his latest articles, Bill Ayers to Black Lives Matter create a fire.
So I want to cover what I call Operation Chaos.
Create chaos in the Middle East.
Create chaos in Ukraine.
Create chaos here with open borders.
Advertise all these freebies.
Lower Europe's borders.
Advertise freebies.
And bring in military age men who then disappear.
Give Stinger missiles to Al Qaeda.
Clearly this is not just mismanagement.
They're saying Obama's mismanaging everything.
Maybe he is.
But is there a method of the madness that's failed?
Or is there a true method of the madness that's succeeded?
Now that's a lot of points I just threw out, Dr. Corsi.
But they're trying to start a war against the police, obviously, so the feds can come as the savior.
They're trying to start implosion in Europe and here as well.
I think I've stated what's happening.
I want your details on it and if you think it's succeeding and what you think the next shoe to drop is.
Dr. Corsi, thanks for coming on with us.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
Let's take this article I wrote on Bill Ayers and the entire analysis of Black Lives Matter.
What Ayers is saying is that the Black Lives Matter is really a revolutionary movement.
It derives from communist principles.
Its whole goal is to essentially stir up and intensify race and class tensions.
under the idea that police are inherently oppressive to black communities and get black communities to feel this.
So there's an antagonism with the police that results in social conflict.
I mean, this is what the Marxists, what Saul Alinsky taught in Rules for Radicals.
It's intensifying these lines of antagonism or social conflict in order to create a revolutionary environment.
And what's the far left, what Ayers wants out of Black Lives Matter?
I mean, if you think about it seriously, it should be all lives matter.
Why are we focusing on Black Lives Matter?
But the underlying theme here, the hidden message, is that the police are the white society's institutionalized oppressor.
All right.
And that leads to the kind of social chaos and confrontation that the radical far-left believes that they can use to impose a socialist society, a totalitarian society, eliminating guns, eliminating the constitutional freedoms we enjoy as Americans, under the idea that we've got a renewal of civil violence throughout the society.
That's the basic underlying intent and goal.
Ayers rejects programs like Teach for America because he calls them classical liberalism.
They just put too many teachers in schools.
And Ayers says it's not about trying to improve grades or educate
Black children in minority communities.
What it's about is the fact that minority communities are part of the colonialism that the radical left wants to blame America for continuing as a racist, capitalistic society.
It's really a Marxist movement disguised
As an Obama reaction to the shootings that occurred over the past couple of summers and incidents where black kids, usually black thugs, encountered police and were shot.
And Obama's used those incidents, Black Lives Matters have come out of this, to try to produce a revolutionary movement against the police that is being consciously used by the far left to disrupt society.
And I wanted to expose this article because it's Bill Ayers in an interview saying directly what his goals are.
And it makes very clear that Black Lives Matter is not just a movement for the civil rights movement, for instance, in the 60s.
Well, Dr. Corsi, in Austin, twice, without even looking for it, I've heard chanting, and 200, 300 people with red flags marched by, the communists run the Black Lives Matter movement here.
Then I've been to other cities.
And it's the exact same thing, and it's all over the world now.
It seems like communists are coming out of the woodwork, and you go to their websites, I'm like one of their top enemies.
And then I go out to pro-life demonstrations, and the same people crawl out from under rocks and attack us.
I mean, so, and then we go to UT, we've actually gone to their meetings, folks that they don't know work for us, we're doing a report on them, we've videotaped them, and they're there with the city council people, the commissions, they're actually in charge of the police review board, not to help the police be better, but to actually federalize them, which as you know is this new announcement by the Justice Department last month, where the UN advises these safe cities
And actually brings that in locally to monitor us, run by the Justice Department.
I mean, it's very diabolical.
Well, I'm confident that before the end of the Obama Administration, there'll be an effort to sign on to the U.N.
Small Gun Treaty in a major way, again bypassing U.S.
law, which Barack Obama seems perfectly comfortable to do, ignoring the Senate, becoming his own legislator through international bodies.
The same type of approach the Obama Administration is going to be taking with global warming here in the Paris Conference of the U.N., soon, to impose carbon controls on the economy.
And here the agenda with Black Lives Matters, the agenda with the Obama signing this UN small guns treaty, is ultimately to disarm the American people.
To create a pretext in which guns can not only be registered but confiscated.
That's right, they want to start a mini-localized
I mean, if you get a city that goes into actual chaos and
Shooting, you know, where a black community would rise up and begin shooting whites or vice versa.
I mean, you get that kind of an incident, then you've got the pretext to declare martial law to come in to impose a militarized police with military assistance and go house to house and confiscate guns.
I mean, I think we saw some trial runs of this with the Boston bombers when they were on the loose, where basically in various communities surrounding Boston, the militarized police moved in and went house to house and began asking people why they had guns and taking them away.
This is again the far left and Obama's intent is to use every one of these school shooting incidents, every incident he can find, where he can fan these flames of fear of gun violence or fear of violence period as a pretext
For disarming America.
The Second Amendment is clearly the target.
And the Second Amendment is the target because it's the one issue which stands between totalitarianism on the left and the protection of the Constitution as much as it's been eroded.
The Second Amendment still allows the American population, uniquely in the world, to be armed.
I agree.
Let me ask you this question before we go to break.
And then I want to get into geopolitical stuff and the economy with you, Dr. Corsi.
How is it going for them, the political air, the groups you talk to, how are things going right now for this leftist coalition in Europe and the United States with their new world order?
Well, I think there's finally beginning to be cracks and pushback.
I mean, you see in the... There's pushback as well, by the way, against the Republican Party.
The establishment Republican Party has become indistinguishable from the establishment Democratic Party, although the Democratic Party has moved much farther to the left.
And what's happening is I think the Americans are waking up.
Shows like your show, what you've been doing, we've been writing at WND, are trying to awaken the American people to know that this is a social revolution and the goal of the Obama far left is the destruction of the Constitution and especially the First Amendment and the Second Amendment.
We've got major social re-engineering going on with redefinition of marriage, redefinition of sexuality, the influx of now just not immigrants from south of the border, but immigrants from, Islamic immigrants fleeing northern Africa.
In chaos that, by the way, Obama caused with the dissent and Hillary Clinton.
And the UN and Peter Sutherland admit they want to end European culture.
They admit they want to bankrupt it.
That's what's so crazy.
Why would this elite that's in control actually want to wreck everything?
They are mentally ill.
Well, and you would think that, you know, if Europe had
We've been able to still have a Second Amendment or any remnant of being armed.
The governments like Germany and France and these other governments would have a much harder time just saying to a community of 100 people, here's 700 radical Muslims from who knows what country in North Africa and they're now your neighbors.
This is the kind of a demographic revolution that is designed to fundamentally erode European traditions.
Well, it's ultra-aggressive!
I mean, how do they expect a town of 102, folks, that's a New York Times story endorsing it, to take 700 plus people?
Well, it's calculated to fundamentally change the culture, to change the culture in an Islamic direction, to move again for gun confiscation and other issues against the Second Amendment, against the First Amendment.
Yeah, this is the left conquering us with radical third world populations.
And the more radical, the better.
I mean, this is so treasonous.
We'll be back with Dr. Corsi from WorldNetDaily.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us at fullwars.com.
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I only got about five minutes left with Dr. Corsi, then I'm gonna come back after break and take your phone calls on any issue we've raised or any point you want to cover at 800-259-9231.
Dr. Corsi, of course, is a New York Times number one best-selling author, a political researcher, and a PhD in political science.
He also has degrees in economics.
I'm not going to get into all his degrees, all the things he's done, but in the limited time, let's talk Syria real quick, talk economy and other issues.
What's the state of the world right now in your prognosis, Dr. Corsi?
Well, I think the international economy is closer to collapse than ever.
I mean, the amount of debt that we're building up, with Obama doubling the U.S.
debt, it's going to be 20, I'm sure 20 trillion, with a T, U.S.
debt by the time Obama leaves office.
And Europe is piling up debt.
I mean, China has had a massive sell-off of its foreign reserves just to prop up its currency.
The stock market looks good right now, but the fundamentals of stocks are not there to support these prices.
And I can see this stock market collapsing by 5,000, 6,000 points any day when the federal banks realize they can no longer just keep printing money.
The situation in Syria and in the Middle East has never been more chaotic and more dangerous.
I'd like to emphasize, it's that way by design.
I mean, the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton destabilized Libya, supporting Al-Qaeda, changing sides.
And now Russia's come in with ground troops and air troops and the potential of a confrontation between Russia and the United States escalates every day.
Obama does not have a strategy.
The strategy is going to be almost abandonment of the Middle East by the United States in chaos.
And the goal seems to be to push
Millions of Muslims into Europe to destabilize Europe.
I mean, in a sense, I think it's why candidates like Donald Trump are doing well.
Ted Cruz, Ben Carson.
I mean, when you take a look at Hillary Clinton, it's more of the corrupt
You know, the pay-for-play role she played, the lying, the continuation of a corrupt world order that Hillary Clinton represents, I think is going to be very tough for the Democrats to sell in 2016.
That is, if the Clintons don't get indicted soon over the
Clinton Foundation fraud.
I've been writing a series of stories with Charles Ortel, the financial analyst.
I think that should lead to prosecution, indictment and prosecution of both Bill and Hillary Clinton for fraud, monetizing the White House and using this Clinton Foundation as a personal piggy bank, violating charity laws.
The international situation and our domestic politics are in chaos right now.
And it's intentionally chaos.
This is what communism looks like just before the attempt to produce a revolution.
That's right.
This is the standard playbook for the destabilization period.
And then once they take us over, they'll use us in the exploitation period against the next target.
I just can't believe how naked the corruption is.
It really is bizarre.
And to see Democratic hordes of people, because I'm really nonpartisan as you know, really endorsing criminal gangsterism when they're the ones being screwed over by it.
I mean, we could see the fall of America very, very soon.
Well, and I think it's also, it is bipartisan.
I mean, the American voters are rejecting the Republican establishment.
Just as much as the Democrats are getting rejected and candidates like Donald Trump, I think, are going to draw from across the spectrum.
The last chance America has is if the patriots, those who are trying to be branded as extremists by the Obama administration, the people who support the Constitution, who support the Founding Fathers, still believe in God, say, no, we've had enough.
And we're not giving up the Second Amendment.
And we're not giving up the First Amendment.
It is an attempt by the Supreme Court to impose upon America a whole new definition of sexuality and marriage.
Just because the Supreme Court's decided this, I don't think you're going to change the religious practices across America of millions of people who really want to pursue their own and have a right under the First Amendment to pursue their own ideas about God and religion.
So we're in a major upheaval and I think the economics globally is about to collapse.
That's right.
And when that does, you'll have massive chaos because the invasion from the Middle East through Syria, Libya, all these countries is going to continue and Europe will probably be pushed to the brink of civil war, certainly in countries like Germany, which are just going to basically take to the streets if they have to.
And I think we're in for one of the most ugly peak periods coming in, you know, recent human history.
I agree with you.
We're in the middle of a globalist, leftist, in-game, 21st century military takeover using economics and migrant hordes.
It's incredible.
JeromeCorsi.com, WND.com.
Dr. Corsi, thank you so much for the time.
Always a great pleasure to be with you, Alex.
Thank you for all you do.
Thank you.
We'll be back with your calls.
Stay with us.
And a bunch of news we haven't hit yet.
We are the tip of the spear, folks.
Toe to toe with the New World Order.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A 17-year-old high school student in Illinois was sent home last week after administrators claimed his hunting t-shirt violated the school's dress code policy.
Clinton Boyer, who wore the rifle-clad sweatshirt featuring the phrase, I'll stop hunting when they pry the gun from my cold, dead hands, was sent to the principal's office after a teacher took offense to the imagery.
They told me if I don't take the sweater off or turn it inside out, I would be sent home.
The Junior said to Salk Valley News, Clinton, who refused to remove the sweatshirt, argued that the school's dress code handbook included no mention of clothing featuring images of firearms.
Upon inspection of the student handbook, Clinton's father, Derek, noted that students were only barred from wearing clothing with violent, lewd, obscene, offensive, or vulgar images or language.
And elsewhere in the country, we've seen students barred from wearing American flag t-shirts.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
Alex Jones here.
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Lost my wife and a girlfriend.
Somewhere along the way.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
I love George Strait.
It's an oldie but a goodie.
One of his first big hits was Full Hearted Memory.
I was six years old when that song came out.
When he was first getting played on the radio.
A new sensation, George Strait, everybody!
You know, we haven't tried to get George Strait on.
He doesn't do political interviews.
But I've been told by little birds, not once, not twice, but three times he's a listener.
We ought to try to get George Strait on.
I've been meaning to tell you that for a while, Nico.
You should start going after all these big people that are listeners.
I ain't got a dime, but what I got is mine!
Alright, I'm going to stop being obnoxious.
I would rather just sit and drive around on a bass boat and listen to George Strait, I'll be honest with you.
All right, we're gonna stop.
I got all these callers to go to.
I've got all this insane news.
By the way, NASA came out yesterday, and I didn't get to it, and I saw it back in the news today, and admitted that the satellites show that the ice has gotten thicker and bigger.
Thicker and is covering more surface.
Arctic and Antarctic.
North and South.
Supposed to be gone by 2013.
Al Gore said in 2006.
And no one called him on it in the controlled media.
And of course there's always big pieces breaking off.
It's always done that.
They go, look, icebergs!
We're all dead!
It's melting!
Pieces are falling off!
We're all just playing on the ignorance of the public.
They're dying!
They can't swim!
Polar bears!
They're falling in!
But if you're gonna lie, why not go all the way and just say polar bears can fly and that global warming cut their wings off.
Look at this polar bear.
It did have a 30-foot wingspan.
Until the enemies of Captain Planet used tweezers to pull him off.
Aquaman had to summon three giant whales to deal with the evil polluters.
Yeah, I used to say that polar bears swim 300 miles.
People didn't believe me, but there's a Daily Mail article where they, in 2012, did a study, I hadn't seen this, where they can swim straight for four
A hundred miles!
And I have covered, because I was in a pizza place in Corpus Christi and saw it, where the school, and they have their stuff hung at the local pizza place, did a contest.
It was actually the Port A Pizzeria, I say, in Corpus Christi.
Decent pizza, but they had all these kids things hanging, I did a video on it, where they had a contest to show how the penguins and polar bears were having their habitats, they were drowning.
The polar bear can swim 400 miles, and they hunt by jumping off one ice floe to go to another to hunt beluga whale.
And they love it.
A polar bear, a large male, can pull up a 2,000-pound beluga with one arm.
They've been videoed in fights with grizzly bears.
They kill them in seconds.
This is a super animal.
Toughest land animal there is.
And these people lie to you and say they can't swim.
They swim in sub-zero freezing water.
How's it sub-zero and not frozen?
Well, it's moving in the hydrology and salt water freezes at a lower level.
One time I was debating with some guy on talk radio about it and he goes, oh yeah, the polar bears are in freezing water?
How are they swimming in freezing water?
It's just the abject ignorance of these people.
I got two clips to play and I'm going to your phone calls.
Yeah, that's some kind of larger whale.
That's one that washed up.
I don't think he killed that one.
I'm telling you, they're an incredible beast.
If you're a radio listener, we also have a TV site.
You'll hear me talking about stuff we're showing.
It's on Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, other sites like that.
Let's go to Obama saying the GOP candidates occupy different reality.
And this is reality inverted from AP, as we analyze this AP piece.
It's part of fair use.
The GOP finally didn't let themselves be bullied by staged questions.
It was an admitted rout of CNBC.
They've left NBC now as a punishment.
It's the mainstream media collapsing in front of everyone.
The polls all show that, but he spins it and says, how are they going to handle foreign policy?
When they can't even handle CNBC.
They dominated CNBC.
And they weren't reading off teleprompters, Obama.
And they weren't running against John McCain either.
Let's go to this clip.
I don't know if the Republicans who are running for this office know any of these things.
He's all about how smart Democrats are.
There's a new Mark Dice video where all the Democrat women want Sharia law.
They occupy.
A different reality, it seems.
Yeah, well, you're not coming after our guns.
According to them, everything was really good in 2008.
And according to you... When we were going through the worst... The debt limit doesn't raise the debt limit.
...economic crisis in our lifetimes... We're being fear-mongered and the bank's taking over.
It's totally staged.
...unemployment and uninsured rates were up and we were hopelessly addicted to foreign oil and bin Laden was still on the loose.
Oh, he got bin Laden.
...was the golden age that I messed up.
No, you're all part of the bipartisan screw job.
The planet's warming, 99% of scientists have said it's warming, and we've got... He used to say, all scientists agree, debate is over.
It turned out thousands of scientists were put on this list, it was only 80-something percent, were never contacted.
They were just told, will you contribute to a climate report if we ever call you?
They put them on the consensus list and said they agreed.
Now they come out, they'll fire them, won't publish their books, they want to arrest them.
I mean, what a tyrant.
Let's continue.
The planet's warming.
99% of scientists have... See, with his idiot audience, he's still doing the old warming.
No, no.
They already abandoned that when Obama... Because NASA had to admit it's cooling.
Now it's changed.
But see, for the morons, he still uses the old line.
Keeping them in that false reality.
Let's go to the clip.
And we've got the Republican chairman of the Senate Energy and Environment Committee.
Get off, God bless you.
Tearing a snowball into the Senate chambers to show that there's still snow and that climate change isn't happening.
I am not making that up!
Well, climate change is happening.
That's what happened!
I'm not making that up!
How do you like double black unemployment?
I love you, I'm black.
That's crazy.
Would you rather have a green president and not have unemployment?
I don't care what color they are.
Sick of this color stuff.
I can't.
Because this is a family audience.
Alright, that's enough.
So this is the type of so-called news the Associated Press shovels at people.
I got another clip here.
This is Rachel Dozel who claims she was always black and her parents were black even though they're as white as they come.
Whiter than Lieber to Beaver's parents.
And then now she admits, no, she's not really black.
It's a choice.
Well, how about you just be a coffee cup?
Or a dog?
I mean, imagine I sort of wanted to run around and go, bark, bark, bark, bark!
I wanted to, like, go up to fire hydrants and hike my leg, and the cops come and go, what are you doing?
I go, I'm a dog!
Well, you can't pee on fire hydrants!
Yes, I can!
I mean, this is the mental illness!
Like, don't we have me saying I'm trans
I said trans-zoological.
It's trans-species.
Can you pull up Alex Jones Becomes a Dog, please?
Now that I think about it, from YouTube.
He's played right off YouTube.
Alex Jones Becomes a Dog.
Actually, I had two brown hiking socks on.
I got back from hiking.
I peeled them off.
I thought they looked like dog ears.
I had one of my kids shoot the video, I think my seven-year-old daughter shot it, and I put the wet socks on my ears and I became a basset hound.
And if you don't say I'm beautiful and courageous and that I'm a canine, you are trans, not transphobic, trans-species-phobic.
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
And of course, I did put on my dirty socks on my ears.
I do kind of look like a dog there, don't I?
Actually, you can see the transformation happening.
We're going to find that, but first let's go to Rachel Dozel or whatever this person's name is.
And if you want to say you're black and get dreadlocks, knock yourself out!
I don't care!
But the new thing is you're going to make me pay for it or something?
I'm going to go pay for skin treatments or something?
I mean, it's just, it isn't the center of the universe.
I just lowered my chair.
Anyways, here we go folks, let's go to this clip.
Identify how you identify like why not give me the right to identify how I identify I give everybody else We are all entitled to be correct exactly who we are in it to identify I Think it's kind of hard.
I mean look she puts tanner on her skin so when you she sits there and just does everything on these fake mannerisms
You know what I mean?
Like, you're not, you weren't born black.
She's a lunatic.
So when you say you are black, it makes it hard for people to understand.
Everyone thinks she's a joke.
And you know, we're allowed to think you're a joke.
Just like Jenner's a joke.
An old creepy guy with a wig on we're supposed to bow down to.
You know, we're sick of it.
Yay, you're black!
Obama identifies as black.
I'm going to go to your calls.
I'm going to Eric and Brandon and Edward and Greg and Jared and everybody here in just a moment.
But right now, let's go to the fact that I'm stunning.
I've got courage.
I deserve an ESPN award.
I deserve Brett Favre to clap for me.
If he doesn't, he's trans-zoological-phobical.
Here it is.
In just a moment, we'll play it off YouTube.
You know, Caitlyn Jenner is actually the real El Chapo.
The problem is he hasn't actually done the chopping, so I say he's a fraud.
But me?
I've gone in, I've had surgery, and I've had these prostheses here added.
I am now choosing to be trans-zoological, I believe is the term.
I may as well be trans-abled and chop my arms and legs off, and I'll be known as a biscuit and live in a box.
Take care of it.
If you don't accept it, you're hateful.
In fact, if you don't adopt my lifestyle and wear dirty brown socks on your ears, after you work out, you're a racist, you're a homophobe, you're an anti-zoological phobe, you're a piece of filth.
So now, I become my new self.
It's real, folks.
It's real.
Let's go to Eric in Colorado.
He's bringing up Michael Savage.
Eric in Colorado wants to talk about Michael Savage and his comments in the last hour on marijuana.
In fact, tonight on the Nightly News, we're going to air a clip of Michael Savage talking about marijuana.
And I happen to agree with him in certain respects.
But first, let's get the caller's take.
Eric, go ahead.
Hey, sir.
First off, I just want to say that you are a beautiful trans species and I support your change.
Um, yeah, I just wanted to go to that, uh, what Michael said about it being a gateway drug, and that is actually a completely false narrative.
That's a, uh, social engineered narrative.
It's no more true than saying a couple of beers is gonna force you to drink a handle of vodka every night.
Um, do you know what telomeres are?
Yes, I do know what telomeres are in the DNA.
Before we go there, he specifically was hitting the fact that George Soros is pushing hardcore, weaponized marijuana that's like 90% THC, when the strongest stuff used to be 25% max, and that many people then never develop, live in their parents' basement forever, and basically get brain damage from it.
Marijuana is an amazing plant.
It has thousands of different
Medical applications, it's right up there with things like aloe vera, maybe even more powerful, maybe one of the most versatile plants ever in pharmaceuticals.
So that's one debate.
But then people that just smoke dope all day and push it and say it's a cure for this, a cure for that, when it's just a treatment for things, and a great treatment for a lot of things, glaucoma, you name it, they exaggerate and it becomes a cult.
And so he was going at it from that angle.
I'm against the drug war itself.
I'm for decriminalization.
But I think we should also talk about how destructive weaponized marijuana can be.
Now go ahead and elaborate your point.
I think the destructive part of that would be the chemical processed forms of it, so like a hydroponic version where you're pumping chemicals into it.
I mean, no different than any GMO product.
But in its true base form, I mean, THC is not bad.
Higher values of THC will actually
Contribute to helping people rid of ADHD or any other type of... Well, there are some studies that it does a lot better than speed pills like Ritalin or other things that burn your brain out.
It actually does help some people that are overactive minds.
And a lot of that's if you get kids off red dyes, processed foods, sugar.
That's the real answer.
But sure, if you're going to drug them in a lot of studies, it's been proven that low dosages of pure THC
Are better for children's brains than say something like Adderall.
But I mean Adderall is absolutely hardcore amphetamine.
And so I think comparing it to it is not fair.
But I get your point.
I hear what you're saying.
But you have to also get the perspective of what Savage is talking about.
I know that's a famous statement from the 30s.
You know it's a gateway drug in the 60s.
It probably is a gateway drug at certain levels, but the argument that it's a gateway drug so let's put people in prison for it is wrong.
Let's not put anybody in prison for being a user.
And let's admit some drugs have good applications if they're not abused.
But at the same time, I don't think we then jump the other direction and fully endorse it.
And I agree with Savage on why George Soros is so deeply involved in it.
And tonight we'll hear from Savage on that point when we re-air that 7 o'clock nightly news.
Thank you, Eric.
Brandon in FEMA Region 3.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I just wanted to start off by saying God bless you, we're praying for you.
I wanted to tell you a quick story.
I was recently in Dallas.
I just got engaged.
I was spending some time with my fiancée's family and I went out to a bar with some of her older brothers and a lot of these guys are like extreme rays and I think one was even a seal at one point and they were telling me that you came up in conversation because I was wearing an InfoWars shirt and one of her brothers smiled at me and he's like, that guy Alex Jones, he's like a legend in special forces.
I don't know why they say that, because I went and followed some of their live events and exposed some of it and videotaped that, but I've had, way back then, they were like, yo, we know who you are, when I would be in the town, they were doing some drills, you're a legend following us around, because I think other media was following them around, and so I was the only name they knew, so anytime somebody was following them, they thought it was me.
And so I really don't deserve any titles there, but we did used to follow him around because the media kept saying it didn't exist.
So I got madder and madder.
And so I would like get tips and fly all over the country, probably like 10 times or more than 10, probably 10 or so times following the army around Marines that much.
But my listeners started following him around.
And so they started thinking I was just everywhere.
So I think my listeners are legendary and special forces because we made them all admit they were doing these covert drills.
But I was just trying to get the media to stop lying about it, but go ahead.
He mentioned to me, he's like, he's right on point on everything he's saying.
He's saying, when Alex says that Delta Force is training the least amount of people, they're doing it.
Well, listen, I want to hear that when we come back, because your audio's cutting out.
Finish your story when we come back, Brandon.
Then Greg, Jerry, and Edward, I'll do five minutes the next hour to make sure I get to everybody.
And then, we will hand the baton to the one, the only, David Knight.
And he's got a big transmission lined up.
We'll tell you about that.
The fourth hour, as we expand broadcast, as we expand counter-programming,
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Edward's coming up next from Florida.
I'm gonna finish up with Brandon real quick, then Greg.
Jerry and Charlene, if we have time, she just called in.
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I want to thank you all for your support, your prayers, and more.
So Brandon, you got cut off by the break.
You were saying
You're hanging out with your fiancé and their family.
There's a bunch of military people there.
And they were talking about Delta Force training local police departments.
Go ahead.
Yeah, he was telling me to go check out an old TV show.
It was like on the air in 2014 and it's called Crisis.
And he said, the plot in that show, there's Delta Force that's working for the CIA and they go around killing members of the press.
He said that's predictive programming.
He says Delta Force has been training police departments on record since the early 80s.
And he said that they're going to start rolling it out, and they'll say, oh, so-and-so died of an arm attack when, you know, him and his entire family was basically executed by a bunch of Delta guys.
Well, that's right.
I went and saw Sicaro a few days ago, and in that, it's very accurate.
We told people 20 years ago Delta Force was in Mexico, and it's got Delta Force there.
And they're expanding the squadrons.
There's a bunch of groups outside of Delta Force.
I mean, the real groups don't even have names, and they're private operators that reconvene who are basically
Outside of everything.
And yes, they are trying to mainline using them in operations domestically.
And they're trying to get rid of the good people that are patriots in the military who won't go around killing members of the press.
And that's why they've had Delta Force and Navy SEALs.
You know, groups like XZ with piles of cocaine naked with like, you know, 20 hookers.
They're really trying to demoralize these people.
But the movies act like they're invincible and God.
You know, what's going to really happen is other people in the military, when they find out stuff like this goes on, it'll be six months, a year later, those guys are just going to get killed.
So, I mean, if they start going around killing patriots, it's not going to go too well for them, I can tell them that.
He told me that when you get into the Green Berets and Delta Force, you, in front, he said you graduate into the CIA.
He said that's public record.
All these specialized units, they are CIA.
They're just working for the military.
And it's a takeover of the military by the CIA, and they are just totally turning them into, and when I say CIA, that's a whole conglomerate itself, bigger than Coca-Cola.
People think it's oh, so prestigious.
This person was in CIA, that was in CIA.
I mean, it's just an absorption of the whole economy.
And it's not free market, and it's wrong.
So we talk about CIA, the CIA is just a cutout for all that as well.
I appreciate your call.
Edward, in Florida, you're on the air, say you're in the Army, the topic of naval base with Chinese ships.
Go ahead, Edward, thanks for holding.
So, yeah, going to the caveat at the beginning of the segment, you talked about, essentially, it's mental.
You know, we have some mental illness in this country with the leadership.
And then today, I kind of got to see this firsthand.
They actually welcomed three Chinese warships into Mayport, Florida, near Jacksonville.
And they're literally walking around base with their commie hats, they're running the
The Chinese flag on the ship, like it's, and no one, everyone's just driving by it, like no big deal, you know?
Hundreds of you guys.
I know they've given, and there's the article on screen, Navy.mil, they have basically handed over most of our bases on the east and west coast, deep water ports, to the Chinese government.
Panama Canal, it's a total sellout.
Yeah, it's, I mean, we look at this, like, well, what's going on in the South China Sea?
And what's going on with, you know, the, the, today it was on drugs, the,
Submarine that was stalking the USS Ronald Reagan near Japan.
You know?
It's like, I almost think it's bipolar geopolitics.
You know?
One end we're fighting the Chinese, the other end we're, you know...
Well, that's the balance.
It's like the globalists say, look, you can have America.
That's the deal.
They made a deal really 30 years ago with China to give them our ports, give them our area, let them have economic dominance, but they're not supposed to move military in.
And China's been breaking that, moving military into Africa, moving it into the Caribbean, moving them into Latin America, moving them into the South China Sea.
So the globalists are still following one old policy.
Of letting them take over, but going, hey wait, you're breaking the deal.
It's really scary.
Edward, great call.
Thanks for alerting us to that.
We confirmed it.
Greg and others, stay with us back in 70 seconds.
Infowars.com forward slash show for free feeds.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I didn't get to a lot of the news on InfoWars today.
I kind of dropped the ball and covered a lot of the other news, though.
Lightsabers banned at Star Wars movie screenings because they are simulated weapons?
See, they can't ban the weapons because there's a lobby for them, but they can ban the images of them.
That's how mind control works.
Expert, Russian Airbus may have been hijacked and blown up.
Heat flash over Sinai, heard Colonel Shaver, clearly a bomb on board.
Illinois EPA, pumpkins must be...
Manage to protect human health.
They want to tax people that grow pumpkins.
People thought I was joking last week when the Energy Department came out and said to don't grow pumpkins.
I did a satire video on it.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Right now, let's go to Greg in New Jersey.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, so here's a classic example of your problem reaction solution scenario.
The New Jersey Department of Education is, you know, crying about, you know, they have poor test results for the students.
So in 2010, they applied for a federal grant to create a database that tracks every single piece of data on
How magical and magically all the cars have boxes that track you as well and are getting ready to tax you.
They just fell on the cars by accident.
That's it.
It's like magic.
Well, I kind of like blew the whistle on the whole operation, so now people are starting to find out that not only do they want to collect just the data on the kids while they're in school, now they want to make it mandatory to collect the student data after they graduate.
Yes, I'm glad you blew the whistle on that because it's a nexus then with that kernel of info into everything else to build that data map.
Great job, Greg.
Did you put it on a website or something so folks can read about it?
It's already been on the state's big radio station on 101.5.
It's going to be going into the paper shortly.
There's also a special community activist group.
You know, people ask me how I got involved.
The truth was, by the end of high school, I was calling in to talk radio shows and changing the whole topic, and then seeing snowball effects and actually defeating state bills just because I made a few calls.
Literally, it causes a snowball.
Nothing special.
And that's why I did what I did.
And I love what you did.
I mean, I believe you did that.
I remember reading about that just last week.
You found out.
You made calls.
It caused a chain reaction.
You made the spark.
We salute you, Greg.
Write an article about it.
Send it to InfoWars.com.
Jerry in Florida.
Go ahead.
I think you're the last caller we've got time for.
Luke, maybe then get to him in the next segment.
But Jerry, go ahead.
No, lucky me.
Man, I hate following guys like that last guy, because he does stuff, actually.
I just talk about things.
No, talking about something does do it, because then you alert others.
Go ahead.
Listen, as far as the immigration thing goes, you know, a while back, I think it was sometime last year, you had a guy, I think his name was Amamoto, or Amamoto or something.
He talked about a guy and a couple people called Rosario and Ang, which is much like the cloward piven, but from the Asian side.
And we're really seeing that now.
Well, number one, it's coming from the Asian side.
The other thing is, man, you do a pretty good Aquaman.
You do a better Aquaman than you do a Cobra Commander.
I think, yeah, you know, it's funny, though.
When we were kids and we played superheroes, my friend Steven was always Aquaman.
And I thought, man, I was really gay, and then he turned out to be gay.
Well, there you go.
Who's gay?
Uh, my friend Steven, I don't think Aquaman was, I just thought it was because he had the tight... Well, and the writers can make Aquaman whatever they want because he's not, and now that Disney owns it, they're gonna be anti-tea party, anti-family, whatever.
The point is, it'd be one thing if they had a gay character.
It's like, all of them are gay.
Every, you know, person is interracial in their relationship.
Trannies are the king.
I mean, it's just... It's a cultural takeover and a force feeding is my major issue with it, but...
What was his name?
Ted Knight.
He was the guy that did the Caddyshack voices, or he was the guy that played the Judge Schmales in Caddyshack.
He was the voice of Aquaman.
And so, I can do a pretty good Ted Knight imitation.
But I have to kind of get warmed up into it, but uh... Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice, Gleek and others combine forces.
Meanwhile, Apache Chief is out surveying in the Midwest what might be a strange alien craft.
So I've got to kind of, if I've got the lines, I can do it.
But I need to focus on that.
That is my second career.
I've actually made a living in voiceovers as a side issue.
But I just don't have time to go do the auditions.
So thank you for saying I do good voices.
Yeah, I'm actually a highly paid voice actor.
I just don't have time to do it.
All right, David Knight's coming up.
Charlene Luke, probably be able to get to you.
David Knight coming up.
Did you know governments around the world are attacking your free speech online in an attempt to control the internet like cable TV?
For one thing, governments are paying online trolls to sway public opinion.
The Turkish, Israeli, and Chinese governments, along with a host of others, are paying companies to, quote, correct misinformation on web forums.
And the U.S.
government has even hired a data security firm to create large numbers of fake social media profiles that could be used to spread propaganda, while also encountering anti-establishment viewpoints online.
Also, an increasing number of mainstream news outlets are disabling or severely restricting comment sections to silence out critics that challenge the prevailing status quo pushed by the media.
For example, Popular Science said it was killing its comics section to silence global warming skeptics.
In other words, they don't want readers to have the ability to sway public opinion against their agenda.
The ultimate endgame is to both eradicate free speech on the internet and to turn the internet into a tightly controlled medium where only government-approved viewpoints are allowed.
In other words, governments want to bury the truth found on the internet in favor of government lies.
You can find out more about the war on the internet at InfoWars.com.
This is Kit Daniels reporting.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
It's November 3rd, 2015.
We're exactly one year away from the presidential election.
And today we have some elections in various places.
There's an election going on in Ohio.
We're going to talk briefly about what's up with that.
Looks like they're trying to set up a monopoly on marijuana.
Boy, I thought we already did that with the war on drugs.
Oh, that was a black market monopoly.
Now, the guys want to go legit.
You know, like Michael Corleone.
Let's take this out of the black market.
Let's go into a strictly legal market.
But let's still keep it a monopoly, because that's what Prohibition always does.
It creates monopolies.
So they're going to create a prohibition monopoly that'll have a little bit of a different twist on it.
So we'll talk about what's up with that.
But I got this press release about the election that's being held in Texas today, specifically in Austin.
There was a press release that came out from a variety of people, Travis County Citizens, Gray Panthers, and La Raza Roundtable.
La Raza Roundtable is concerned and I think they have a legitimate gripe here about the fact they're not printing results and tallies.
They've been given instructions not to do that in violation, it appears, of state election laws.
So they've been told at the polling places, do not print the results at each polling place because they use those election monitors, use those to verify the state total.
So I think they're absolutely right about that.
I had to scratch my head when I saw La Raza Roundtable talking about that because, you know, it's racist if you want to authenticate the voters themselves.
How do we support that?
I mean, is it racist then to have regulations to require printing tallies so you can check those tallies?
There's so many different places where election fraud can occur.
And the first place it can occur is with people who aren't citizens voting.
But La Raza doesn't want us to validate or verify the voters, just the totals that they get at the local area.
So I thought that was kind of interesting.
We're also going to talk about what's going on
In the Vatican, we have two new books this week that are exposing massive tales of mismanagement at the very least, but perhaps criminal actions, money laundering, market manipulation going on within the Vatican Bank.
And what's the response of the Pope who wants to tell us that we have to create a world government in order to stop climate change?
That's a moral issue, that we have to redistribute wealth.
That's a moral issue.
Yeah, he's redistributing wealth all right.
And we're going to look at the details of that.
So this same Pope, his response to the corruption that's going on there is to have the people arrested.
So they're setting in a Vatican jail right now.
Same thing we see from our government.
Whenever you've got a whistleblower exposing corruption and fraud and abuse and criminal actions, it's not the criminals who go to jail, it's the whistleblowers who go to jail.
And that's what's happening in the Vatican.
So we've got a lot of different articles here that we're going to talk about.
I want to go first to the caller who's still waiting for us, Luke in Arizona.
He wanted to talk about social media.
Go ahead.
Hi, David.
It's good to speak with you.
Yeah, I just wanted to bring to attention an article I saw on Drudge Report.
The teen Instagram star speaks out about the ugly truth behind social media fame.
She quit social media and posted,
Oh yeah?
Once again, it's very fresh and she's just kind of like a disillusioned, you know, part of the system.
Well, you know, of course, when Matt Drudge was here, he talked about how social media was a ghetto to trap you in it, and Julian Assange has warned people, and I wish I had the exact wording of the quote, it's very well written.
He said that basically Facebook has all of your friends wearing a wire for the government.
They're going to take whatever you say on social media, they will misconstrue it, take it out of context, use it to attack you, perhaps arrest you, perhaps send a SWAT team to your house.
You need to be aware of the fact
That Facebook and all the social media has essentially been set up as a monitoring device, just like the rest of the Internet.
We can use it in some ways for good.
We can use it to communicate and to expose things, but we also need to understand that they are watching.
Thank you, Luke.
Let's go to this issue here that's on the ballot today in Ohio.
New York Times reports on the ballot, Ohio grapples with the specter of a marijuana monopoly, and they talk first to a guy who's been a member of an international cannabinoid research society.
He's worked for decades.
His life's work has been to stop the criminalization of marijuana.
And he's going to vote against this, because here's what they're going to do today.
This is issue number three in Ohio.
This proposed amendment is being bankrolled, this is the New York Times, by wealthy investors spending nearly $25 million to put it on the ballot and to sell it to the voters.
If it passes, they will have exclusive rights to grow commercial marijuana in Ohio, and I would add, also to sell it.
The proposal has strange bedfellows, coalition of opponents, law enforcement officers, doctors, state lawmakers, and others who warn that it would enshrine a monopoly in the Ohio Constitution.
See, Terry did that 44 years ago, which is the black market monopoly, and nobody is asking the fundamental question, why do we have a government that prohibits anything?
There's no power to do that under the Constitution.
The federal government's war on drugs.
It could be done at the state level.
Constitutionally, the states have the power that they could prohibit stuff.
I would think that people would vote a government like that out, but we haven't voted a government like that out for 44 years.
I guess we really haven't had an opportunity because the two phony choices that were given every election are both in on the fix.
And here's the fix.
When we had alcohol prohibition,
We had an amendment to the Constitution that was required to have alcohol prohibition.
We've got two amendments out of twenty some odd amendments.
One to allow them to have the power to prohibit alcohol and a second one to take that away.
They had to put that in, because under the 9th and 10th Amendment, the federal government has no right to prohibit anything.
They also don't have the right to force you to take vaccines.
They don't have the right to withhold medicine from terminally ill patients.
But we have allowed them to take that.
We have allowed them to turn our lives into privileges that they grant to us.
Things that they dole out to us, like we're children on an allowance.
We have stood by and let them do that.
Somebody has to point out that they have no legal authority under the Constitution to prohibit anything.
The DEA needs to be shuttered tomorrow, and if we had somebody who cared a fig about the Constitution running for office at any level, they would talk about that.
Now when we look at this, and we look at what these monopolists are trying to do in Ohio, understand this is what's going on throughout the country.
We just had Marco Rubio acquired by billionaire Paul Singer for an undisclosed amount so far, as the New Yorker put it.
He bought Rubio's first four-year contract with an option for an additional four years.
That's the way these guys roll, and I want you to think about how Paul Singer gets his money.
Because this is the kind of guy, these are the kind of guys that are rolling the Trans-Pacific Partnership out.
These are the guys that are working at a multinational level to establish corporate governance.
This is a guy who, according to Wikipedia,
He has taken the state of Peru in 1996.
He bought Peruvian debt for $11 million and then he escalated that, adding interest charges and other fees until he got it up to $58 million.
When the dictator of Peru tried to get out, he confiscated his jet and said, you can't leave the country until you pay me.
That's the billionaire.
That's Paul Singer talking.
Even worse, with Argentina, what he did was he bought their debt for pennies on the dollar.
Quite frankly, about 10%.
It was $630 million worth of debt that his company bought for $48 million.
That's less than 10 cents on the dollar.
And then what he did was he multiplied it with accrued interest to $2.3 billion.
So in other words, what this guy's trying to do is get a 50 to 1 return on his investment.
As I pointed out last night, you know, we've all had seen these articles about the evil little hedge fund, Yuppie, that bought that company, raised the price of the pill from $1,350 to, I forget what the amount was, but it's about a 5,000% increase.
Everybody said, how can he get away with it?
Well, he can get away with it because of the FDA, because of its rules, because it keeps competition out even for generic drugs whose patent has expired.
Now, subsequently, we had another company come in and say they were going to make that drug available because it's being used now for AIDS patients.
They were going to make that drug available for $1 a pill instead of the $13.50 before the price increase.
The reason they can do that
It's because there's an exception to the FDA rules that allows them to do that for AIDS.
They can bypass the regulations that typically would be used to create a monopoly.
So whether you're talking about the black market
We're on drugs, or whether you're talking about the Ohio monopoly that they're trying to establish with this ballot access, or whether you're trying to talk about the monopoly, the de facto monopoly that is established by the regulatory agencies that serve the pharmaceutical companies.
It's called regulatory capture.
That's the way this thing works, folks.
All of this boils down to billionaires seeking to own and control everything.
And here's this guy, Paul Singer, very active in Republican politics.
He's a hardcore Zionist, as well as promoting gay marriage.
And along with Sheldon Adelson and other Zionists, their main concern is, what's your position on Israel?
They're far more concerned about the presidential candidates' positions on Israel than they are on protecting the United States.
And that's the guy that has picked Marco Rubio.
It's also rumored that he's won the Sheldon Adelson primary, but that hasn't been made known yet.
But this is precisely the kind of control that we're going to be looking at once the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Transatlantic Partnerships are implemented through law.
And of course the other thing that's going to be coming to us is going to be this climate treaty that they're going to be working on in less than a month in Paris.
And as we look at the corruption in the Vatican, remember that this is something they tried six years ago in 2009 in Copenhagen and they failed.
One of the reasons that they failed was because they hadn't brought China on board.
And many people were rightfully saying at the time, you're talking about global warming, but you're not going to do anything about China that has all of these, probably the dirtiest power plant facilities, and the most, they're rapidly expanding these things exponentially in China, they're burning very dirty.
You're not going to do anything to control China.
So this time they brought China on, and instead of using people like Prince Charles as a mask, as a beard, they used the Pope.
And they said, this is immoral.
When we come back, we're going to talk about the moral issues that the Pope refuses to address.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host in this fourth hour.
I want to get back to this breaking Vatican scandal that has just come out.
Several articles up on the Drudge Report about that.
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But today what we found out is a Vatican scandal that is breaking just as we are seeing the push towards a climate treaty that's coming up beginning the end of this month through about the first two weeks of December.
Two new books are opening up this week depicting a Vatican scandal with tales of mismanagement and greed.
That's the way the AP reports this, such as sainthood causes that can cost half a million dollars.
Understand that?
You can buy a sainthood, it'll cost you half a million dollars, and that has implications for what we saw with the Pope's visit as well.
One Monsignor allegedly broke down a wall of his next door neighbor who was a sick elderly priest so he could expand his already palatial apartment.
Now this is the Pope that lectures us on the evils of private property.
On the evils of the lack of compassion for the poor.
Tells us that we have to get rid of the system of free markets of private property.
We have to embrace socialism.
He can't manage his own house, and yet he thinks that global governance will be a solution.
No, it's just going to be much, much worse.
Now, what's going on with this?
As far as the sainthood, they say the average price for beatification comes in at about $550,000.
Some have gone as high as €750,000.
The causes of saintly candidates who don't inspire rich donors, meanwhile, can languish, okay?
Brings us back to what the Pope did when he was there.
Remember how he canonized a very controversial missionary out in California?
At the time...
Archbishop Jose Gomez of L.A.
said that the canonization of this guy, Sarah, the missionary, was, quote, the most important dimension of the Pope's visit to the United States.
He said, this is a big story.
The first Hispanic Pope is coming to America to give us our first Hispanic saint.
This is not a coincidence, said the Archbishop.
Others who are Native Americans point out that these missions that he set up ended up killing about 90% of the California Indians present at the time of the missionization.
And yet they did this.
Yet they made him into a saint, even bypassing the usual requirements of reported two miracles.
The Pope waived that requirement.
So the question I have, and the question I had at the time, and of course we know that there was a political agenda behind this, we know that he was pushing open borders.
And he very explicitly did that with the canonization of that individual.
And I guess, since they're selling these beatifications, I guess there may be some billionaires who wanted to see that happen.
We know there are billionaires like George Soros who are pushing open borders.
Maybe they would not be above buying a sainthood to make that case, because they brought the Pope here to make a moral case for global governance based on climate panic.
Now, one of the books that's coming out on Thursday is called Avarice.
Avarice, talking about the Vatican.
It claims a foundation set up to support a children's hospital paid 200,000 euros towards a renovation of an apartment of the Vatican's number two at the time, Francisco Bertone.
Bertone came under fire last year over the apartment described in the book as a mega penthouse.
Now he replies that he paid for this out of his own pocket.
The author of the book
Also said that nearly 400,000 euros donated in 2013 by churches worldwide to help the poor wound up in an off-the-books Vatican account.
The books and this week's arrests, because again, the whistleblowers who exposed this are now arrested, just like in America.
Even though it's one of the smaller governments you'll find, the corruption doesn't change.
They say it marks a new leak, a phase in the data leaks scandal, which began back in 2012.
If you remember, there was a butler who was arrested for exposing information there.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back and we're going to look at the details of how they propose to enforce these carbon limitations on us.
They've already got the structure proposed in the draft document.
We'll read you excerpts of that when we come back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and joining me in this segment is Leanne McAdoo.
We're going to talk about what's coming up tonight on the nightly news, as well as some breaking news.
I want to continue with what's going on in the Vatican, because this is very, very relevant.
This isn't Catholic bashing.
Many people who are Catholic have asked why climate change is the number one priority of the Vatican.
Many would say the only priority of the Vatican.
And at the same time he's preaching to us about the morality of climate change, telling us that we need to change our economic systems, we need to have everything politicized, we need to make decisions politically about economics and about other things.
In other words, socialism is what he's telling us folks, in many different ways he's made that very clear.
At the same time he's pushing socialism as a moral cause, at the same time he's pushing global governance as a moral cause, we have this massive
Scandal that's going on within his own fiefdom, within the Vatican, within the small nation-state.
He can't even control, if he's not a part of it, he can't even control and manage the tiniest nation-state.
And yet he thinks that global governance is the solution, the moral solution to everything.
It's exactly the opposite of what the founders of this country
And all of us understand is the real problem.
Let me just tell you some of the other issues that are part of this.
Of course, there's two people that were arrested today, a senior priest and an advisor.
These are people who were brought in to take a look at the murky finances, as they put it, in Reuters for decades.
They were brought in to investigate the bank.
It's called the Institute for Works of Religion.
And also the administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, the APSA, which acted as its own financial powerhouse.
That's something directly under the Pope.
Now they're being investigated for money laundering, for insider trading, for market manipulation.
Do you think that this Pope
That the whistleblowers have alleged is selling beatifications, in other words, sainthoods.
Do you think the Pope who is selling sainthoods, who is accused of money laundering, insider trading, market manipulation, do you think that the Vatican could be making some money off of pushing this climate change deal?
Because somebody is going to have to be paid.
We're going to have to pay our taxes to somebody.
Some of it will go to a world government, but most of this is going to be an indulgence
That's paid to Al Gore and to others and perhaps the Pope is edging his way in there to get a piece of that indulgence.
Now, one last example and then I'll get Leanne's comments on this.
From May 22nd, 2000 to March 29th, 2011.
So, for 11 years, a guy named Netino, who served on the board of many Italian firms, okay?
This is a guy, a big guy in business.
He's on the board of directors of a lot of Italian companies.
But he volunteers as an usher, as an usher in the PayPal Palace.
And he winds up being the owner of one of these PayPal accounts, the APSA Portfolio 339, which consisted of four separate accounts.
And the report speaks of the, quote, dubious origin and dubious final destination of the money in the closing of Portfolio 339.
So they brought these investigations to Vatican's promoter of justice, kind of like their inspector general, I guess.
The investigators asked the prosecutor to look into possible money laundering, insider trading, and market manipulation.
Yeah, we should look into that when it comes to pushing a global governance.
And that's what they're going to be pushing at the
Uh, the Paris conference is going to be beginning, uh, in November 30th and going for the first couple of weeks of December.
This is something that is very, very risky land.
Right, getting ready to rumble over these carbon emission reductions.
Now, you're talking about the Papel slush fund, basically.
Are we going to investigate Hillary Clinton's slush fund?
The same type of thing.
It's sort of the pay to play.
And we have the lead author of the IPCC.
He's environmental economist Richard Toll.
Based on his data, here he's working with the IPCC, which is of course, you know, part of the UN there, saying 25 years of failed global warming policies have actually just made us poor.
So for most people it has affected us, served to make most people a little poor, but those who benefit are those in politically favored industries or with connections to powerful politicians.
Oh yeah.
We're seeing it again here with the Pope and now with this coming out.
He says the policies have failed, but what really has failed are their predictions, are their models.
They've had to go from man-made global warming to say, well, we've got climate change and I think people are to blame.
And now they've got, what's the latest term that they've come up with?
You mentioned it earlier today.
Anthropogenic climate disruption.
Yeah, well, you know, they're going to continue to come up with different, of course, that's essentially, they're calling it climate disruption, but it's still man-made.
Yeah, exactly.
So they've gone from global warming, to climate change, to climate disruption.
And coming up, this conference is going to be in Paris, and they have just fired now the top French meteorologist.
This is a guy who is very well known, he was a meteorologist on their biggest television station, the biggest French television station.
And he came out in reaction, writing a book against climate alarmism, because one of the French ministers had brought all the weathermen together, the meteorologists, and said, I want you to push this climate change narrative.
And he thought that was outrageous, and it is.
But we saw the same thing when Rob Jacobson and I went to the American Meteorological Society meeting in Austin a year or two ago.
There was a George Soros organization, that's how they got their funding, pushing the weatherman saying, you are the people who can change public opinion about this.
It's like, show me the science.
Don't lock up your data.
I was part of a group that tried to get the raw data that Michael Mann and others were using.
He was the guy that created the hockey stick that Al Gore used to such a great effect.
We said, show us the data.
You only show us your conclusions.
We want to see your raw data.
No, no, no.
They sued.
They fought it in court.
They fought it all the way through the Virginia court system.
They won't even show you the raw data.
But we now have seen that NASA has come out and said, no, the ice caps are actually growing.
Yeah, you see more ice melting and releasing around the edges.
In other parts of the Antarctica, you've had such an increase that it's a net increase.
It's not a net decrease.
And they were trying to spend the data, again, by looking at one area and by saying, this is snowfall, it's not ice.
And NASA came back and said, no, snowfall has been way below average.
This is ice growth here.
So on and on and on.
You can take the information and you can continue to spin it, to spin it, to try to create alarmism so that you can pass your end goal, which is global control, global governance.
Do you think at some point they're going to realize that with the internet they can't continue lying to us?
They're going to have to start dealing in truth?
Or, I mean, is that just a big push to control the information?
That's a good point, and I don't really know where this is going to be put.
There's a lot of people who aren't buying the narrative.
And that's why they're concerned.
That's why they want the meteorologists, and that's why they fired the top meteorologist in France, is because they're trying to push this on public opinion.
But let me read to you the statement from six years ago at Copenhagen.
And this is the guy, the scientist, Schellenhuber, who is the principal advisor to the Pope.
He is the common thread with all this.
He was part of the Earth League that Prince Charles put together.
He's on the Vatican Scientific Advisory Board.
He wrote the encyclical earlier this year during the summer for the Pope.
But he said back in Copenhagen 2009, he said, let me conclude with a daydream about key institutions that could bring about a sophisticated version of the conventional quote-unquote world government notion.
So he's self-revelant, you know, he talks about this is world government.
He said we could do it with an earth constitution, a global council, and a planetary court.
I can't discuss these institutions in any detail here, but I'll get to them later.
Well, now we know what those details are.
Because New American broke the story this last weekend.
There's a draft out there of this agreement that they're going to have.
And they pointed out that there's going to be, they're calling for an International Tribunal of Climate Justice.
There's two options.
One of them will be very rigid compliance enforcement, and then the other one will be less rigid.
But the one that's less rigid doesn't really have any details in it.
The one that's going to be very rigid
Looks like that's what they're going to go with, because that's the one that they've come up with details on.
If you look at the option that is just kind of, well, we're going to advise and pressure people.
They say, well, that committee shall consist of X number of members.
They don't even know.
But if you go down and look at the one that is going to have a compliance mechanism, option number two, they have it.
They say it's going to be 12 members.
We're going to break up the world into this many different regions.
We're going to have a two thirds majority that's going to do this.
And here's the key, Leanne.
Not only have they broken this down and saying they're going to have a 12-member panel that is going to dictate to people and make them comply with this, but the developed countries will have an enforcement branch, but the developing countries, the smaller countries, will have a facilitative branch.
So we're going to get the iron fist, but the smaller countries will get a facilitated branch and they will get subsidies from us.
So not only are they going to shut down our industry, not only are they going to make our energy costs more expensive to where we're going to have pensioners like they do now in Germany who are dying from the cold because they can't afford to heat their house, and not only are they going to destroy the quality of life for us, but they are going to make us subsidize this for the smaller countries.
And they're going to make sure these smaller countries are
...are well, well represented in these 12 members.
That's the way this thing is going to break down.
I mean this sounds completely psychopathic.
Who comes up with these ideas?
And then you have these successful countries like Germany or Sweden or other places now being infiltrated with this huge mass migration crisis.
So you were an example of a successful country and now we're going to destroy you.
Because it's the only way that this plan can take place.
They're blaming it on climate change of course, overlooking the George Soros influence.
I don't
They are all looking at globalization.
They're all looking at getting rid of borders.
Getting rid of culture in the name of multiculturalism.
Taking our property in the name of compassion.
And they're coming up with these compliance mechanisms that are going to transfer wealth at the national level.
But then they're using the open border situation to transfer wealth at the local level to kick people out of their homes while they create refugee areas for the people that they're bringing in.
So everywhere you look at this they are setting up not only the transnational
Uh, mechanisms do this, but they've got corporations who are going to be insinuating themselves.
When they talk about this trade agreement, they're talking about nations and stakeholders.
When they talk about nations and stakeholders, they're talking about the big billionaires who are going to be making the money off of this.
There's no reason, and of course we're not stakeholders in this.
We don't have a stake in the future if this stuff goes through.
This is something that's going to be run by the billionaires just as we see with these trade partnerships.
Everybody was concerned.
One of the things they were concerned about was they were going to own everything, set up a monopoly on everything by extending their patents and they were going to have a transnational group
That was going to be at the level or above the nations.
And I would say that they're already above the nations if they can dictate to the legislatures like they've done here in America.
You can't talk about this trade agreement.
Here we are.
Yesterday was four weeks since they finished the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
We were told by Paul Ryano that we couldn't see that until they got it finished because they were negotiating it.
Well, show us where it is.
We know they're going to hold this until the holidays and they're probably going to ram this through when everybody... Black Friday or something.
Everybody's going to be
We're good.
Oh yeah.
To let the dust settle after they... So we know 2016 is definitely going to be a very big year, but I mean, you were pointing out yesterday just the size of the government in 2004, if we just backed it up and went back there, how we could solve our debt problem.
That was something Harry Brown did, very effectively, the two times he ran for president as a Libertarian candidate.
He said, what does the personal income tax contribute percentage-wise to the revenue stream?
Well, today, that's about 36%.
And Harry's insight was to say, what if we got rid of the income tax?
What if we got rid of the IRS as far as personal income tax goes?
Just have a zero flat tax, okay?
Nobody pays any tax.
How far back would you have to cut government in order to not increase the deficit any faster than we're doing each time?
And the answer is, today, you would have to go back to 2004.
Could we live with a government that was the size it was in 2004 to get rid of the income tax completely?
To have a zero tax rate for all of us?
I think we could.
Yeah, and we see how overgrown the government has become, and largely incompetent the larger that it grows, and yet this is the plan to rule the entire world in this way, and it's a failure.
And it's a corporate plan.
It is corporate cronyism at the global level.
And that's what's so worrying about this.
And they're about to ram through all of these treaties and they may treat this Paris situation as a fast track for the treaties as well.
When they ram through the procedure for Trade Promotion Authority, that really opened the door to a lot of things besides just the TPP and the TTIP.
And it does it for six years.
Very, very dangerous times that we're living in.
Things could be changed incredibly quickly and they could reorder society on an international level just like that.
That's what they're about to do.
I know one of the big things as well, I was reading this morning just about how the Apple Pay, how this is going to be something huge, it's going to completely alter the way that people use cash and money and everything.
We will no longer need credit cards.
So it's, oh, the poor credit card companies, they're going to go out of business here with this Apple Pay and then Google and these others.
But of course, it's going to come away from our telephones to, of course, the implantable chips.
That'll be next because, you know, you won't lose those implantable chips.
And so it is all just a part, step by step, moving us closer to global governance and being able to be controlled and contained.
In this borderless world, which is of course the wonderful, all the kids now that are being indoctrinated with socialism, they really are pushing for this borderless world.
Because on the one hand, yeah, we should all be free.
We shouldn't be told where we can go and where we can't go.
But that's not the agenda of the rulers.
It's not for us all to be free to go where we want.
When you talk about their global agenda, again, it's not just this.
Climate treaty that's about to come up in less than a month, but it's also what they did back in September about the time when the Pope was here And that was when they passed the 2030 agenda at the UN Michael Snyder had a great article yesterday breaking down one of the details on that because there's a very large document There's a lot of bureaucratic doublespeak and you know the way they do this is the last person awake wins and
Because they try to put you to sleep reading these documents.
They're very dense, they're very thick, they got a lot of bureaucratic talk in it.
But what he did was he went down to the section 16.9, one of their goals by 2030, provide legal identity for everyone, including birth registration globally.
And he points out that they've already selected, the UN has already selected, a place where they're going to store all of this in Geneva, Switzerland.
They've selected a vendor.
Who is going to do all this?
And this is what I thought was also very interesting, Leanne, because it shows again, yet again, how this is all tied together.
This isn't our conspiracy theory connecting the dots, that the open borders are connected with global governance and everything.
They tied this together.
You know how they're justifying getting biometric data on everyone from birth and storing it for the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland?
It's the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees!
It's because of the refugees we need to have this.
We need to track these people and we've already got them disappearing in Germany.
So all of this stuff is tied together.
It's a globalist agenda and now they have opened it up overtly.
It's been covert in many ways but we could see what their broad goals were but now we're seeing the detailed plans.
We've got names, places, concrete goals, time frames, everything is there.
We just have to get the public to wake up to what's going on before this is too late.
Yeah, and it absolutely is pushing that way, you know, to where it is going to be too late.
People do need to wake up.
When we get back, we'll talk a little bit about this model quitting Instagram.
But more people need to do this.
Yeah, let's talk about that.
We'll also talk about Donald Trump.
I actually like his VA program.
This is something that is very simple.
It's something that would work.
That's one of the good things that can come out of presidential campaigns.
Solutions, and Donald Trump has a great solution for this.
Many people know I'm not a fan of Donald Trump, but I'm a fan of what he's talking about here.
Very simple.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and joining me now is Leanne McAdoo.
We've been talking about what's going on in the Vatican, the move to create a world government based on climate alarmism.
Leanne is going to break down for us what we're going to be talking about, what she's going to be covering tonight on the nightly news, as well as what a caller was referring to earlier about the model who quit.
Was it Instagram?
Basically her whole social media existence.
She just decided, she let all of her followers know, she had nearly a million people following her on different social platforms and she was letting everyone know that her life as an online insta-celebrity was dishonest, contrived, and she wanted, she wants young people to disconnect and stop
She's constantly being absorbed by this digital media because it's fake.
And she was just explaining she spent 50 hours a week just putting on clothes just because she gets paid for it and spending, you know, taking hundreds of selfies just to get that perfect thing to make you feel like, oh, I want to be her.
Her life is so perfect.
And she just was feeling really empty.
And I mean, this is important because young people are getting plastic surgery so they can look good in their selfies on Instagram, something that doesn't even mean anything.
Well, because they're living in a plastic existence.
It's completely unreal.
It's totally fake.
And a new survey found that teens aged 13 to 18 spend more than nine hours a day on social media and their different entertainment media.
And so, I mean, these are kids that are now 13 to 18 and they're going to go out and vote.
So their whole life they've been absorbed into a completely false version of reality.
And then we're asking them to go and no wonder that they'll
Vote for a socialist, communist, I mean... It's very concerning, as you mentioned, their judgment, but also very sad for them as individuals that they don't have a relationship with people.
A one-to-one relationship.
These social media relationships are not real relationships, folks.
There's something that is much, much richer out there for you.
I want to talk real quickly and get your take on this, Leigh-Anne.
I saw a couple of things come out from Donald Trump over the weekend.
I thought they were pretty amazing.
One of them was he lays out a plan to reform the VA.
He said he would institute policies that would see the Veterans Affairs, the VA facilities, competing with non-VA hospitals.
He said that under his plan, any veteran could go to a doctor that accepts Medicare or receives care.
I mean, that's a very, very simple way to fix this problem.
It's called competition and choice.
And he says, I'm not going to get rid of the VA, I just want to supplement it.
And if they are going to make people wait an inordinate amount of times for health care, then fine.
Let people take these government vouchers.
The government is paying for it anyway.
Just honor the contract that you created with the veterans for health care.
Just honor your contracts.
And once we get them to honor their contracts that they created to the veterans, maybe we can move to the next step.
Get them to honor the contract they have with all of us.
The Bill of Rights, the Constitution, that sort of thing.
Well, and I also like how he continues to point out how the TV networks shouldn't be raking in all the dough from these contrived debates, that they should be putting some money back into the VA.
I mean, these are the ones that are protecting their freedom of speech.
But I think it highlights that there are some very, very simple solutions that are out there.
I know when the Pope was here, one of the things that they did with that stage, you know, that was staged with that little kid who gets through all the tight security, because let me tell you, that security was tight.
You don't get in there unless somebody lets you.
So they push this little kid forward, and he goes up and gets a kiss or something from the Pope.
And they wanted to talk about the DREAMers parental, the D-A-P-A, instead of the D-A-C-A.
There's a DREAMers program for the children.
There's also one for the parents.
And they said, well, we want Obama to extend this.
You have to understand, all this amnesty stuff is being done by executive order.
And all these people pushing back on Trump, saying, well, we're not going to do this, we're not going to do that.
He would have, and any other president would have, the ability to do that.
And to shut that down by revoking those executive orders.
Well, that's it for today's show.
Join us tonight at 7 central for the nightly news.
Leanne McAdoo will be hosting.
That's 8 p.m.
We'll be back tomorrow with Alex Jones on the Alex Jones Radio Show at 11 central.