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Name: 20151027_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 27, 2015
3516 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses how retirement funds have been stolen by globalists through fraudulent means, and covers news headlines such as the US navy warship defying Beijing in South China Sea, Netanyahu's call for civilians to be armed, Obama considering moving troops closer to front lines in Syria and Iraq, and Syrian Christians being murdered by jihadis. Other topics include Governor Abbott's decision on sanctuary cities in Texas, criticism of Melissa Harris Perry's views on referring to someone as a hard worker, Archangel banning Halloween due to its harmfulness to children, Saudi Arabia bombing another Doctors Without Borders hospital, GM recalling oil leaking cars prone to engine fires, and students in California's school district being guaranteed C grades for doing nothing. The show also highlights Ben Carson's growing popularity in recent polls and Trump hosting Saturday Night Live."

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Tuesday, the 27th day already of October 2015.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
And then, of course, the fourth hour is the overdrive, and Paul Joseph Watson will be broadcasting during that segment of the transmission, so a total four-hour broadcast lined up for you today.
It is good to be back in the saddle.
I went down to Big Bend, Texas to do some hiking and spend time with the family, and have two different stories to tell concerning that I have never
Had this percentage of people come up to me in Alpine, Texas, in Terralingua, Texas, in Big Bend, inside the National Park, it was at least half the people I would hike past.
It was every person when I went in stores, behind the counter, in the stores, it was crazy.
I'd be hiking down by the Rio Grande and people would start, hey, Alex Jones, how you doing, from like 300 yards away.
It was crazy.
And that just illustrates how popular freedom is.
I'm an upper going, man, I'm really a celebrity.
People know who I am.
I'm a radio host, a documentary filmmaker.
The fact that I'm this recognizable and the people were supportive of the message of every race, color, and creed is head spinning.
I ran into people from India that were listeners.
I ran into single women out hiking, you know, that were listeners.
I ran into just you name it.
I ran into a lot of military veterans who were bringing up the fact that our government was funding ISIS and how upset they were about it.
I also ran into like four people that were Steve Quayle listeners.
No, five people, because one group was two people.
So that was four events, but five people.
I got a huge Steve Quayle buzz.
There was a buzz out there.
I didn't get high off listening to him.
I mean, there was a Steve Quayle buzz out there as well.
But a lot of folks brought up George Norrie as well.
It's just super positive news before we get into all this pretty scary news.
It's a big news day, obviously, that bad stuff's happening, but humanity is awakening.
The bad part is, they had two armed park police that I thought, one of them looked like he was about 16, and I'm not exaggerating.
And the other, his boss, his lieutenant, was maybe 21, 22.
I mean, wet behind the ears, and I'm not bashing young people.
I've been young.
Young people make great soldiers.
You can have 12-year-olds that can fight.
It's just sometimes a 12-year-old looks like he's more manly than a wimpy 21-year-old.
These guys did not look manly.
When I was 12, people thought I was 16 or 17.
I bet when these guys were 12, people thought they were 2 years old.
They were out there putting people through the ringer.
They were out there arresting people.
And they were licking their lips.
I didn't have my phone on me.
It was back in the car because it had died and I hadn't charged it.
I'd forgotten to bring a charger.
I'd left it in a little motel room there at the Chizos Mountain National Park Lodge.
But I mean, I wish I had tape, but I did get in their face.
And I did, and I did it very coldly and very focused.
I said, look at you smiling, look at you getting off, rousting this old man and searching his bag.
I go, this is not what a free country is.
So it was, it was unbelievable.
And I just cannot go anywhere without a camera now.
It's every time I don't have one, something over the top happens.
And they left me alone and didn't dig through my stuff and just started hauling people back to their cars to search their vehicles.
I was telling folks, you know, this guy's gonna claim I'm interfering with what he's doing.
He's violating the Constitution, Bill of Rights on so many fronts.
I was like, good thing you're not trying to take me up there.
And he had body cams on him.
I said, because I'm going to sue you.
I go, go ahead and rough me up.
Think you're going to win this.
I'm going to, you can beat the rap, but you won't beat the ride.
And so they left me alone and hauled all these people off.
It was just like lambs to the slaughter.
It basically ruined my trip at that point.
Coming up this Wednesday, the 28th, from 7 to 10 p.m.
Central, InfoWars is going to be here, live, analyzing the Republican debates.
A look at all the BS and propaganda that's going on in these debates.
People need to understand, we're not doing this to promote any one particular candidate, because we know at top levels that these guys are at, a lot of them are pretty much fixed horses, just like Trump has said himself.
He picks up the phone and
At three in the morning, he calls whoever the candidate is.
He says, hey, I need you to do this favor for me.
Then they hop up and do it.
He's saying that the political system is broken and I could not agree more with that.
We're doing this more as a way to educate the general public about the left-right paradigm and how you don't have to choose between a Republican and a Democrat.
It's going to be on CNBC.
And they say that some of the hot issues that they're going to be talking about this time around are going to be taxes, retirement spending and job growth.
So stay tuned to InfoWars.
We'll be here this Wednesday the 28th from 7 to 10 p.m.
Myself, David Knight, Joe Biggs, as well as the rest of the crew are going to be here breaking all this down for you.
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As any regular listener knows, I don't script what I have to say.
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And I'm going to do that right now.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Tuesday, the 27th day of October 2015, I'm your host Alex Jones.
We'll be live here for the next four hours.
And in the fourth hour of Overdrive, Paul Joseph Watson will be hosting from London, England.
We have a constitutional lawyer and one of the top, he's listed as one of the top three expert lawyers on the EPA, the FDA, you name it.
He's going to be breaking down the move for forced inoculation nationwide and the move by the Food and Drug Administration along with the FTC to try to shut down supplements in this country and to try to go after the media as well in an attack on free speech that so many members of Congress have been warning about.
It is a full-spectrum attack, as we've seen the IRS go after free speech and more.
So Ralph Positola will be joining us coming up, vitaminlawyer.com, in the third hour.
I say this at the start of every broadcast now because it's true.
The news just gets more crazy.
Everybody knows that.
I saw a bunch of mainstream news articles over the weekend where, in fact we've got to print those off, where elites are getting armored redoubts, secret airstrips, food bunkers, and of course that's been in the news the last few years, but it's really
In the news right now, why are so many rich people getting escaped submarine yachts and building secret offshore bases?
That was like USA Today this week and I saw.
It's because they know they've created, and we've gone along with it as well, we're all guilty to some extent, though they're the main drivers, the main captains of this fiasco that's beginning to unravel, that we're sitting on top of thousands of trillions of fake
Fake instruments.
Fake counterfeit garbage.
And the major pension funds, public and private, the city pension funds, the school pension funds, the corporate pension funds, the private pension funds, the 401Ks, whatever you want to call them, are beyond infected.
Most of it is made up trash.
You're not getting your retirement.
You're getting a small piece of it, if you're lucky.
You're not going to be able to retire.
I'm not trying to give you bad news here.
This has been set up.
They stole your wealth.
They infected it with fraud.
We're so successful.
Humans are so productive.
You could have had your retirement.
You could have lived like kings.
Understand, they tell you, get used to less austerity and act like it's normal and needs to happen.
No, it's happening because you and I and all of us together have been signed on to a giant swindle that is meant to make us poor and the globalist above the law controlling a militarized world government when the dust settles.
Now that said, let's get into the news.
You're going to see it for the first time ever.
I'm just reading the headlines.
It's going to happen.
Navy warship defies Beijing to sail past South China Sea islands.
Chinese foreign ministry says it acted illegally.
Threatens to attack London Guardian.
Today, China not frightened to fight war with U.S.
after warship incident.
Ben Carson surpasses Donald Trump in new national poll.
Carson 26, Trump 22, according to CBS New York Times poll, who I don't believe their polls, and I'm not against Carson.
I probably think he's fundamentally not as sneaky as Trump, but Trump is leading in almost all the other polls, a lot of trusted polls.
I think this is an attempt to knock him off.
I'm not saying Carson's not real popular.
Rand Paul fights back.
I'm the only fiscal conservative in the race.
I want a government that leaves me alone.
Daddy saves campaign as Jeb throws tantrum.
I've got cooler things to do.
Elect Trump if you want.
Close quote.
The power of big money and sneaky political maneuvering begins to try to put him in.
Netanyahu's call for civilians to be armed in the last month has definitely saved lives.
Big report on the Daily Caller.
Can we have our guns too here, please, then?
Obama waves moving U.S.
troops closer to front lines in Syria and Iraq.
dismisses generals responsible for unsuccessful Syria rebel training.
Total scapegoating.
Those generals acted under orders.
We've had multiple top generals resign the last six months, including the head of DIA, and say we were ordered to do this and run them and protect them.
We're not fighting them.
It's all a fraud.
We followed orders.
That is total rebel-level statements by generals.
That's the modern equivalent of Operation Valkyrie trying to take Hitler out.
And it just is released like
A little bit of smoke in the wind, it dissipates.
You have multiple generals, the deputy head of the CIA, saying we were ordered to find Al Qaeda and ISIS.
It's big on this show, but nowhere else.
It's starting to come out.
Army Lieutenant General Sean McFarland to lead U.S.
fight against ISIS with the replaced general.
Excellent article at Zero Hedge up at Infowars.com as well.
Why the fate of Syria's Christians should concern us all.
How they're being systematically murdered by the jihadis.
1.8 million are still in the country.
Over a million have fled.
But they're not being given asylum like the jihadis are.
Syrian government says it's open to any political solution.
Assad ready to step down if the West agrees that Syria should not be broken into pieces.
Which is the admitted plan.
Absolutely, and I'll give you the rest of the story later.
The globalists are funding these groups on record as part of the destabilization program.
When he went one week after a police officer was killed in New York and protested against the police department.
Again, I'm going to get into this more coming up.
Sanctuary City policies will no longer be tolerated in Texas, says Governor Abbott.
Tells the Dallas County Sheriff's Department that they will not release violent offenders.
The Travis County Sheriff hands him over for deportation on average five felons a week out of hundreds of illegals arrested in Austin.
That's been in the paper.
And the paper sits there breathlessly with a straight face going, can you believe on average five people are given to ICE to be deported?
The Sheriff's like, I'm a black Democrat, they're felons, I'm releasing everybody else.
And the Democratic Party's trying to remove him right now, saying he's a racist.
You can't deport rapists?
But see, they've got to have the most extreme view, folks, to break our will.
Melissa Harris Perry's out saying that if you say someone's a hard worker, it's code for racism.
See, all language is racism.
All common sense is racism.
And they can equate anything and everything with it.
There's no real education in school now or college.
It's all just mental illness.
And even Atlantic Monthly had an article about this two weeks ago.
About how the kids are so soft and how it's a weird cult.
And how, you know, if you're wearing brown socks, they say it's racist.
And how they'll all shout you down and run you out.
And how it's mental illness.
No, it's not!
It's design takeover!
It's scientifically run!
Perry gets up with promo ads and says, your kids belong to the state.
This is a directed plan.
Russian region bans Halloween because the holiday is harmful to children.
I don't know how to pronounce the region in English, but it translates to Archangel.
How do you pronounce it again?
Thank you very much.
We have our...
We have our Russian speaker in there.
The news media will say she's giving us all her orders.
She's actually a great patriot, been in the U.S.
military and a graduate from the Defense Language School.
We ought to interview our newest hire sometime.
She does a great job in there running the board and running the video feeds.
Continuing, U.S.
ally Saudi Arabia bombs another Doctors Without Borders hospital.
Islamic State blows up three captives tied to Roman columns in Syria.
Migrant crisis threatens EU cohesion.
May destroy the European Union, BBC.
Answer is give the EU more power.
GM recalls 1.4 million oil leaking cars that can cause engine fires.
1,300 that they'd already supposedly repaired have blown up again.
That's what happens when the government takes over your operation.
Students in California's school district now guaranteed C's for doing nothing.
And that's why Obama now says, get rid of federal testing.
First we pointed out, No Child Left Behind was about federalizing education.
Then turning it all into testing, which would only cause things to break down even faster, because then all they do is spend time to pass tests, which is just regurgitating info.
We had top educators on to break it down.
Now the test scores have dropped even more since forced federal testing.
It doesn't matter.
But now the feds are in control, so they can order get rid of the testing.
See, give us control, we want testing.
Sounds good.
We're going to shut down these bad school districts.
Now it's, you know what?
Two plus two equals five, and you can sit there on your hands and get a C grade and pass.
Students in California School District now guaranteed C grades for doing nothing.
That is just some of one stack of about 12 stacks today.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 stacks.
Yes, I counted those correctly.
Let's continue.
Swedish media blames school massacre on immigration critics and YouTubers.
The calm before the storm.
We have entered a period of dead calm in the stock market.
You in Paris, climate hypocrisy, limos and Learjets begin arriving months early to promote world government.
That's just some of what's coming up.
Now let's continue with some of the headlines.
IRS possessed Stingray cell phone surveillance gear.
Documents reveal the IRS across the United States put up fake cell towers and used mobile trucks and vans to scoop up everyone's data and record
The connections.
Totally illegal.
And remember we started covering Stingrays five, six years ago.
Mikkel Thelen got secret documents out of Seattle with the feds putting them up everywhere there.
And then the FBI responded and said, we don't know what they are.
It must be hackers because it's illegal and no one has fake cell towers in the government.
The Department of the Interior and the BLM has bought thousands of them.
Small police departments.
I saw one that bought 40 of them.
They didn't even have 40 officers in the town in California.
I forget the town.
Just type in California town buys 40 stingrays.
It was 44 stingrays.
A few months ago.
And they just sit there, listen everybody, totally illegal, totally violates the law, it's all felonies.
But then they tell us, if we catch you drinking a beer in your backyard, we're gonna arrest you.
Because we're slaves.
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Alright, let me continue going over the news.
I'm going to slow down a bit and focus on two particular stories right now.
Then I'm going to go back and blitz through like I just did another...
50, 60, 70 articles coming up in the next segment.
You go to DrudgeReport.com and scroll down on the left-hand side, you can see a InfoWars.com headline tied in with other headlines, China's growing military built from stolen weapon designs that the Clintons and others helped transfer to them.
And then above that, Beijing not frightened to fight war with USA.
And more and more, the Chinese government dictates what can be in U.S.
movies, including The Martian.
And by the way, I knew they had to be involved.
I went and looked it up.
The Chinese government was involved.
You can look it up for yourself.
In the making of The Martian, they are the saviors that save the astronauts in the movie with their boosters and their superior technology.
It's just not true.
We use Russian boosters.
Again, I don't care if the Chinese really gave us boosters that were better than ours.
Then fine, have it in the movie, but don't make it up and have it be Chinese Communist propaganda in the movie!
They couldn't even release Red Dawn for a year and a half, the remake, because the Chinese government got involved.
Michael Savage's book got shut down.
He normally is a number one, or at least the top five.
He's had a whole bunch of number one New York Times bestsellers.
It didn't even get into there, his book about China.
They just killed it!
They just killed it!
And his book was about a coming war with China.
And they went to the publisher, and it didn't get released anywhere.
And by the way, he can't go to England.
I'm just using an example here of the censorship, the control.
It's here, folks.
It's here.
Beijing not frightened to fight a war with the USA.
That's a big story from Infowars.com.
And we're going to be covering it all today, coming up in the next segment.
Now, I mentioned the IRS driving around with these stingray systems.
Google's got them too.
Remember, Google got caught, quote, breaking into PASCOs, grabbing cell phone data.
They all do it.
And that's the point.
It is a corporate and governmental criminal revolution against the law.
And that's why I get mad if I'm at Big Bend and two 20-year-old, 21-year-old cops show up while illegals are running across the border right in front of us and take people to jail or write them tickets going, what's in your backpack?
I'm going to search it.
Oh, there's a beer.
You're not supposed to have that in the park.
You're going to jail.
Is the government throws the book at us, the taxpayers, says, oh, follow all these laws that are unpopular.
Congress has a 9% approval rating.
State governments are unpopular.
We don't like what you're doing.
Figured that out yet?
We got foreign banks robbing us, but that said, I don't want to scapegoat the average police officer because the globalists use mathematical, political, Hegelian dialectic programming.
They use equations.
There are political equations.
It's more of an art form than a science, but it is mathematical.
They create a culture in police that's bad.
They have them oppress us in many cases.
They then use that to run the good cops out who won't be part of it.
They then bring in federal control and say you can act like paramilitary thugs and target the public like they're the enemy and act like an occupying army, but you've got to do it under our gang's control to have protection.
And I'm told by Bongino, the famous Secret Service agent, a lot of New York police have sent us stuff and called in that a lot of New York cops are good people and like the show.
And I'm sure that's the case.
But when I've been in New York many times, that is the most abusive, the most aggressive, the most hateful.
Cops with their hats on sideways, their bellies hanging out, smoking cigarettes, being rude to families.
I've seen cops rude to families in D.C.
for no reason.
And as a man, I know that's wrong in my heart when I see it.
And I've talked to Austin Police and others that have been in New York or D.C.
and had cops be rude to them.
They go, no, I've been yelled at or I've asked directions.
They're like, do I look like a phone book to you?
I've seen a cop do that in New York.
I've had a cop come 300 yards.
It's on tape in martial law.
My film made in 2005.
Comes up and starts screaming and shaking that he's going to arrest me and he's going to do all these things to me.
How dare I videotape them across the street?
I just said, we're just journalists showing Pier 57, the holding facility.
And he said, I'm not going to tell you again, don't film and leave.
It starts threatening us.
I mean, that's not a free country, folks.
It's not like they're arresting somebody on there with a camera 10 feet away in their face.
That's the part I didn't tell in the story earlier.
When I was, I'm sitting there in a hot springs by the Rio Grande River, open park.
There's like five, six people in it, and they're all my family.
Five or six folks, I don't know.
A couple of them are veterans, a couple of them are lawyers.
And these cops show up, and they go, you, get out of the water.
Come here.
And they were laughing at me, and I said, you know who I am?
They go, yeah, we know who you are, Alex.
And I went, wow, you're pulling me out of the water to single me out and hope I'm drinking because of who I am.
They were laughing.
And I said, what you are are crooks.
I said, you go ahead.
Go ahead and push me and see what happens.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
China has said that it's not afraid to fight a war with the U.S.
after a warship incident.
A guided missile destroyer violated the 12 nautical mile zone China claims around the Mischief Reefs, an act that some people are calling a deliberate provocation.
China responded by warning and following the vessel before China's foreign ministry characterized the maneuvers as a threat to China's sovereignty.
Chinese state media outlet the Global Times said that Beijing should now prepare for the worst.
And that Beijing is not frightened to fight a war with the U.S.
in the region.
The editorial states, Beijing ought to carry out anti-harassment operations.
We should first track the U.S.
If they, instead of passing by, stop for further actions, it is necessary for us to launch electronic interventions and even send out warships, lock them by fire control radar and fly over the U.S.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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It's Alex Jones.
Don't tread on me!
Love it or leave it.
Well, I love it.
I'm not gonna leave it.
But those who want me to bow down to be a slave, I've got another thing coming.
Let me finish up with the police story because I don't want to just tell it 10 seconds out to break and then hurry the story up and not get it exactly right.
But I'm gonna get into the really important news.
Beijing summons U.S.
ambassador of a warship in South China Sea.
This is escalating fast, folks.
You notice what's happening in the global economy?
That's when these wars kick off.
There's a chance, I don't think a majority chance,
I don't think statistically it's a probability.
There's a nice, juicy minority chance, 20-30%, that we're going to see some type of limited war with China.
And that is a big, big, big percentage in my gut.
And that's dead reckoning.
And then of course we've got the situation with Russia and Ukraine and Syria.
That's a 10-20-30% chance that could expand.
It already is expanding.
You start adding in all these
Probabilities, it becomes a probability with all of the threats that something will kick off.
So that's all coming up.
That's out of the London Guardian, that headline I just read.
I want to get into Melissa Harris-Perry and her latest outrage here in a moment.
While I was talking about the police state, IRS possesses Stingray cell phone surveillance gear, documents revealed on the Guardian.
The Internal Revenue Service, in its latest, in a growing list of U.S.
federal agencies, known to have possessed the sophisticated cell phone dragnet equipment known as Stingray, according to documents obtained by the Guardian.
And it goes over the fact that they've got fake cell towers, mobile vehicles, you name it, and have put these things up with wide, this is wide, proliferation of the very invasive surveillance technology, close quote.
And they have put them up in different areas of the country.
But the feds are giving these to local departments.
Small departments are getting enough for one per officer in places like California.
I mean, it's crazy.
And then license plate reading systems and all the rest of it, and major banks are coming out, city groups saying they're going to test eye scanning at ATMs and for banking.
When they go to biometrics, folks, that's when everything's cashless.
Even if you still use cash, it will track and trace you.
Then they can raise taxes and game the economy to shut down anything that's not a globalist insider group.
This is one of the final balloons to go up, one of the final flags, one of the final signposts of just absolutely horrific control.
Because as I've said many times, once the cashless society control grid clicks into place...
It is a true technocratic ball and chain.
And if you're not in bed with the New World Order, if you're not playing ball the way they want, you're not going to be able to buy or sell.
People say, well fine, I'll just go along with it.
It's meant to shut down the economy and make you live under austerity to get you in a desperate position to then have forced inoculation, forced medical procedures, total social control, living in giant compact urban cities, being socially managed by
Technocrat, political correct, commissar, officers on every floor.
Literal 1984.
Go read that book.
You're going to live under that, under Agenda 21.
This is a plan, and they mean it.
And the austerity is here.
The prosperity, the worm on the hook, is about to get pulled off.
Yes, there's a delicious, nutritious nightcrawler on the end of that hook.
But you bite into it, there is a steel hook that's gonna go through your lip, through your jaw, and pull you up into another atmosphere that is hell itself.
And I know you haven't been up above the water to use this allegory.
You don't believe there's a whole universe out there and there's creatures that put these worms down in the water.
But I've been up there, I've seen it, and I'm telling you, don't bite into it!
But here's the truth.
You don't need to be like a fish with a person trying to warn you.
You're a person too.
You do live in this world.
You can admit this stuff's going on.
Just five years ago, they had national news stories saying InfoWars was lying and that there were not fake cell phone towers.
And by fake, they're not real cell phone company towers.
That there weren't doppelganger cell towers with the government grabbing all your data, listening to you in real time.
They're not just getting metadata.
That's illegal too.
And now it's all admitted.
Look at this.
We reported on this 10 years ago in upstate New York.
We reported on it scores of times since then with locals sending us video.
of mobile x-ray vans where they put you in a giant x-ray machine way, way, way, way beyond a test x-ray.
And then they keep the whole thing secret.
NYPD caught.
See, it's more secrecy, more criminal revolution against the people outside of law.
And this is the feds, the globalists, the government doing it.
When folks get angry, they want to just scapegoat the police that are following the orders, and I'm not defending them following illegal orders.
The point is, is that that's not where you make the change.
And you don't do it joining some Soros shoot-the-police movement that's only meant to destabilize the country and demonize any legitimate attempt to reform local police now under globalist influence.
This is an extreme tech.
They now refuse to release the information.
NYPD caught using x-ray vans to search the public, refuses court order to release the details.
That's all coming up as well in more detail.
But imagine
I was there two years ago, almost three years ago, with Rob Dew, his son, my dad, and my son at Big Bend National Park down in Southwest Texas.
Been going there since I was a kid.
And the park rangers are nice, by and large.
The people are real nice.
We had a lot of great listeners down there.
This ties into all this.
And there is a place I like to go.
It's Hot Springs that are right on the Rio Grande.
This is not a heavily trafficked area.
It's not dangerous.
There's not a lot of crime.
There is some smuggling that goes on of small amounts of marijuana, according to the DPS intelligence reports that are out there.
But it's relatively a low crime area compared to 100 miles east.
That's absolutely super dangerous in places like Brownsville or 200 miles east.
So there's no reason to have a bunch of cops running around.
When I was there two and a half years ago, and I just described these park police so people can know who they are.
This huge black guy looked like a linebacker from the NFL.
I would see him around the park just freaking out and bowing up and staring at people with hatred.
And so I would drive by him when I saw him and look at him and smile and wave and he would actually bow up and look at me like he wanted to attack me.
So I talked about that guy acting crazy, because the first three or four times I saw him, I thought, is something wrong with that guy?
I wonder what's in his Wheaties.
I mean, you could probably guess, but it's speculation.
But he did look like he was ready to, you know, chew trees into toothpicks.
So this guy was running around, you know, basically like a wild man, just in his body language, acting crazed.
And so I talked about that in the video we shot, and then I'm sitting there on the last day, my son is sitting there swimming in the river, it's barely going by, like, you know, two miles an hour, maybe.
There's an old, you know, I shot video of the illegals riding across and stuff.
And there's an old place that was built there in the 20s.
Basically a fat farm in the 20s with four or five buildings, some big palm trees, it's all fallen in.
And it used to be an enclosure, but now it's down to the water's edge, about three feet deep, a hot spring with a volcanic hot spring that's about 103 degrees.
I mean, it is perfect.
Natives have been going there for thousands of years.
And there's hardly anybody there usually.
So we're there, and there's a bunch of UT alumni lawyers.
I was talking to them, and they're all like 40 years old.
They're standing in the middle of the Rio Grande, throwing a football, we have video of this, back and forth.
Wally Legals are riding back and forth on both sides on horses.
The Border Patrol just ignores us, ignores them.
The Park Police come in, and if they can't find anybody drinking, because there's a sign saying no drinking,
They will just start saying, have you been drinking?
And folks go, yeah, I had a beer.
Okay, that's it.
Stand over here.
I'm digging through your stuff because the people are dumb enough to just even respond to this.
And they start searching everyone.
And we don't mean a bunch of trashy people drunk.
I mean, these are like nice families, whatever.
They'll dig through your stuff.
They'll find a beer can.
They'll say, come back to the police car with me.
They'll have a paddy wagon come.
And I sat there and watched them arresting people.
So imagine this time, I'm not going to be drinking when I'm down there.
Because what I saw last time, thank God I've been hiking, I was with the kids, I wasn't drinking that time.
They arrested basically most of the people except us.
So, but it wasn't the NFL style black guy this time, it was a couple of nerdly white guys.
That showed up and did this, started arresting people.
So then it's the next day and I'm there and I'm sitting there and more cops show up and there is a man and a woman
Sitting by each other on the ledge, holding hands, like a man and woman who are kind of leaning towards each other, and they just stand there, the same two white guys, like six foot tall, kind of skinny, goofy, and they sit there looking at us with their hands on their guns, and they look at them and just keep staring, and they walk over to the edge of the grass and the bamboo, and they're standing there looking, and it's hard for me to tell the story because I'm pulling it up in exact memory and telling it exactly as it happened.
And they go, what are you doing?
Like something out of Deliverance.
What are you doing?
And the guy and the lady look at him and they go, excuse us?
What are you doing?
What do you think you're doing?
We're not doing anything.
So they were acting like it was illegal that they were sitting there holding hands and talking.
Her in a bikini, he in his shorts.
And they go, what you drinking?
The guy goes, my cooler's right there if you want to go look.
You come out and do it.
Comes and opens it, there's like some Coca-Cola, iced tea stuff.
What's in that iced tea?
And they're just like, hey man, at that point I start saying something to them, start going to get my camera, and then they back off and leave.
Well, this time, it's Sunday, I'm sitting there, it's like 68 degrees, I'm in the hot tub, the storm blew through the day before, it's crystal clear skies, totally beautiful.
This is a microcosm of the world.
Obviously I'm not going to be drinking down there, knowing it's total police state number one, plus I've just hiked at least five miles uphill.
I did two hikes that were each over two and a half miles uphill.
I'm not counting downhill.
So I climbed two mountains that day.
It's like 430.
I've been guzzling water.
My legs are aching.
My quads are on fire.
So I'm not in that good of shape, obviously, going five plus miles uphill in one day.
And I mean, I'm talking steep a lot of it.
And I'm typecasting, because that's what it is, each group.
One was hillbillies, one was a crazed black guy.
This time it's like two, look like 16 and 20 Hispanic police officers, kind of the socialist, you know, university trendies.
And they walk up and they see me sitting there, and they start laughing and talking to each other, pointing, and they go, come here, get out of the water!
You, get out!
And I went, you recognize me, don't you?
He goes, yeah, I do, Alex, get out of the water!
He was so happy.
And he goes, what's in that cup over there?
I go, water.
You know, you disrespect me drinking the alcohol before I got here.
And I went, you disrespect yourself.
They start asking people questions.
I go, hey man, he's just setting you up, take you back to your car, find something, take you to jail.
I go, you guys are shameful.
I mean, this country's going to collapse and fall.
They go, you can just, you can just move over there now.
And I sat there and I watched them.
Of course, like I said, my cell phone was dead in the car because I'd forgotten it in the motel room.
And I just sat there and after about watching them come, go back and forth and haul people off to go put them in handcuffs 300 yards away, I just had to leave.
And it ruined my last day and a half because this isn't America, folks.
I mean, imagine two hillbilly guys going,
I mean, literal hillbilly type guys in their uniform.
And see, every group's got their crazed weirdos, but that's who wants to go join the Park Service's armed police.
That's who they want.
They want a crazed black guy.
They want creepy hillbilly white guys.
They want guys with chip on their shoulders, you know, little socialist trendy types.
Who walked up, saw me, started talking, laughing.
They've got body cams on.
They go, you!
Get out of the water!
Like I was going to crap my britches and roll over.
I was like, excuse me?
So you know who I am?
Yeah, I know who you are, Alex!
Now get out!
Is that your silver Toyota truck?
No, it's not.
Whose is it with the beer can in the back?
And there's these two guys from Austin who's like, y'all drink a beer in the parking lot?
Get out of the water!
And it was the hatred of America that did you see.
I mean, imagine a man and a woman are sitting there and there's a weird, two weird hillbilly guys with their hands on their guns going, what's she doing over there?
I mean, it is just bizarre, folks.
Absolutely bizarre in this country.
And there were illegals crossing at that very time.
Last time I was able to catch footage of it.
And then when they showed up, and they saw the folks throwing the football, they're like, what are you doing?
We're throwing a football.
By the way, in the park brochure, in the park brochure, in fact, I meant to bring it back with me today, it says, we don't like you getting in the Rio Grande, even though they have all these
Rafting, you know, groups that take you.
I'm gonna do that again soon.
Haven't done it in years.
We discourage you getting in the river.
This is a desert park, not a swimming park.
And so that's all they're there to do, is just run everybody off.
Because we're American scum.
We pay the taxes of the government, and that's it.
We're here to be fed on.
And I just watched nice people both times I'm there.
Now, I've been there three times, but two trips.
And I watched them with predatory eyes, and that's what people don't like.
Most police aren't predatory, in my experience.
Most of them genuinely want to help people.
They want to get bad guys.
They're not allowed to.
They're out there generating revenue.
But these people I ran into, whether they were black, whether they were white, whether they were Hispanic, they were all on crazy power trips.
And they were un-American, in my view.
They were bizarre.
They were enjoying what they were doing.
And imagine
Singling someone out because you know who they are.
I mean, I saw them, they walk up, they look at me, they had guys start smiling, start whispering to the other guy, I'm going, look at you, look at you.
Get out of the water!
For who I am!
And I knew, it was all leftists, the reason they did it.
With the hillbillies, they were just, that girl looks good, what do you think you're doing over there?
The other guy was just in a rage, but they all got chips on their shoulders.
And I could tell sitting there assessing these guys.
Guaranteed hardcore Democrats.
Guaranteed part of their own weird racial cult group.
And in my opinion, just as a distant assessment, may not be right.
And just literally wanted to show me who was boss.
Well, no, you just showed me how sick the country is, how rotting it is.
Well, our government funds ISIS and ships the drugs in.
We'll be back.
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Alright, what I'm going to do is hit the China situation.
When we start the next hour, it's huge.
Basically threatening war with the United States over this ship going through what until a year ago was international waters.
So China is being aggressive here.
Again, China is another predatory power group.
Just because our government's been taken over by criminals doesn't mean our military's criminals, and it doesn't mean China, who sells its political dissidents organs, isn't even more evil in some respects than the Anglo-American establishment.
In fact, I don't know who's more evil, the Chinese Communist or the Anglo-American establishment.
Probably the Anglo-American establishment, because they put the Chi-Coms in charge in 49.
And then I'm going to get into Melissa Harris-Perry saying, saying someone's hard-working is racist.
I'm not kidding.
Obviously, it's viral.
It broke yesterday.
Outrage grows after South Carolina officer throws student in the classroom and the police, the sheriff's department's defending it.
Look, he totally slams her backwards.
There's way too much excessive force.
Could have simply made her get up.
Puts her in a chokehold.
Throws her down on the ground to punish her.
And they have the threat continuum, they teach police and all this.
And the truth is they've turned all these guys into wannabe, many of these guys into wannabe UFC fighters.
And you need to actually get in mixed martial arts and fight people your own size if you want to do that.
I get the kids are spoiled rats in many cases.
I get she didn't get up when you told her to.
I understand that they've made discipline break down.
You can't paddle kids or make them run till they throw up.
So now cops have to come tase her.
I don't think this is a racial issue.
It's a white guy doing it to a black girl, 16.
This is how cops respond to people.
And it's not proportionate.
I don't care if you say it's proportionate.
The government has the NSA spying on us.
The government ships the drugs in.
The government nitpicks people constantly.
Folks are sick of it.
And so you don't need to act like this.
And most police I don't think would have acted like this.
They would have simply told her to get up, tried to pick her up, then charged her with resisting when she started to resist, which she didn't do.
Now, of course, they're charging her with a bunch of stuff.
But we can get your take on that as well and take some phone calls.
I haven't gotten into the Boehner getting ready to leave, the whole Paul Ryan situation, the cashless society is basically here.
Jam-packed second hour.
So please tell your friends and family to tune in.
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Well, he had a lot of good stuff, just I don't have time to read it.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Up on InfoWars.com, we have a key graphic.
Hillary Clinton, we're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.
That was a quote a few years ago.
Hillary Clinton.
And we just added a new image to the site that I'm going to refresh.
These excellent image graphics that Curt Nemo makes.
And here's the latest quote we've got from George Soros.
He made this a few months ago.
There is a real danger that China will align itself with Russia politically and militarily and then the threat of world war becomes real.
George Soros.
I love it when you stir something up and you're one of the main drivers of setting the fire and then you call the fire department in and say look I warned of fires.
There's not many people that we can point at
And say that they've been more involved in global destabilization in Ukraine, the Arab Spring in the Middle East and North Africa, now spreading all over Africa.
The situation with China.
And Soros wants to bring down every country and bring in a world government.
He's a master parasite.
That's what's so disgusting about this.
And I'm going to go to break.
This is a short segment.
Come back again into China.
And Melissa Harris Perry saying hard work is racist.
I'm not kidding.
She actually says it.
But getting back to the police issue.
The globalists are trying to start a third world war with the Russians and the Chinese.
They've turned loose radical Islam worldwide.
They're using the threat to take our freedoms.
The government has been caught at the highest levels engaged in organized crime in an attempt to shut down any independent local economies.
The globalists want us all to be poor and have austerity.
They're targeting every American.
I don't care if you're black, white, Hispanic.
I saw a comment this weekend on InfoWars.
In fact, I screenshotted it.
I should probably try to pull it up and read it.
And the writer was saying, I'm white.
30 years ago, our Christmas parties looked like the Waltons.
Nothing but white people.
And it wasn't because we were racist, it was because everybody we knew was white.
Now our Christmas parties look like the United Nations.
I've got friends of every race, color, and creed.
All I care about in work and business is hiring people that get the job done and are nice people.
I like the music and culture of everybody, but I'm sick of hearing I'm bad because I'm white.
It's basically what the guy paraphrases and says.
And that's what it is.
It's meant to make everybody uncomfortable.
They double-crossed us as social engineers.
I mean, 20 years ago, I'd hear the old-timers go, you may think it's good to work with all these other groups, and I'm not racist against anybody, but the globalists are going to turn it around racially once they're done.
It's what the communists do in other countries.
And I guess that's true.
And it's a double-cross against everybody.
People are told they're winning because they racially do something.
Whites would go with the South and the Democrats, even though 2% own slaves.
This is on record historically.
This is well known.
It's not debated.
They would go along with slavery and being oppressed as sharecroppers because at least they could feel like they were better than black slaves.
But still it was unpopular in many areas and many towns and counties wouldn't tolerate it.
Look it up.
And so people use it as political control.
And that's what's going on now, obviously, is divide and conquer.
I'm not telling you something you don't know, but
Now that people are integrating, now that people are working together, now that, I mean, probably half the couples I see out there are mixed couples.
I mean, people are just getting along.
We're just humans.
They then double-cross all that and energize the homogeneous immigrant groups that are coming in.
Who still are racial.
Still in their group.
That's all they got.
They're new.
They're scared.
And the Democrats go, it's good.
And whites hate you.
And they want to get you.
The Democrats love you.
We're your family now.
And here's your racist organization.
And you're supposed to be part of it.
But here's your tenets.
You take the guns.
And you vote for socialism.
And you support corporate welfare.
Can you repeat that back to me?
And so that's why everything's being energized racially right now, is because it's meant to fry society!
It's a sabotage operation!
It's criminal!
It's premeditated!
Look at Europe!
While many restaurants are cracking down on patrons who pack heat, one restaurant is giving discounts to concealed carriers following a robbery.
Paparoo owner Art Bouvier announced on Facebook Saturday night that an armed robber had walked in, threatened his employees and stolen money.
I have a gun and I'm going to need all the money out of your registers, the robber said.
After the thief had made off with the money, the owner took to social media to announce that until further notice, your concealed carry license earns you 25% off your meal when you dine in.
He went on to say, These folks are our extended family, and I do not take kindly to them being harassed in this manner.
Hoping to thwart future robberies,
Bouvier stated that he would use every trick he knows to protect his extended family and reiterated the decision is his to make.
He was quoted stating, my restaurant, my wall, my business.
I can give discounts to whomever I please.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
As any regular listener knows, I don't script what I have to say.
I do my research, and then I tell it like it is, and let the chips fall where they may.
And I'm gonna do that right now.
I have never, in my 20 years on air, seen a time where it's more important to be prepared.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
There are two new Planned Parenthood videos out.
In one of them, the abortionist says it would be great to burn unborn babies as fuel.
I was so consumed with fetal tissue that I was ready to have a bonfire.
And then in another video, they talk about
How they want to get the heads intact so they can sell the fully intact brains for different types of medical work.
And see, they spin this as Bush wants to ban embryonic stem cells.
It's just embryos.
So they banned using tiny embryos, but full-size babies, more than three weeks old, up to nine months, you can keep that baby alive and just dissect it however you want.
That's why some abortuaries now are trying to convince women to have a cesarean with an eight-month-old baby.
They go, oh, we're going to take it out of your stomach.
It's just better than doing it inside, because they don't want to chop the baby up.
They need to keep it alive for the harvesting.
And I'm sorry to be so macabre here, but that's coming up at the bottom of the hour.
That's what's going on.
We're not covering this because Halloween is here.
Now, before I get into the mega-massive news on China, let's get into the social engineering news.
Melissa Harris Perry is the social engineer professor, works for the White House, and basically programs and directs the political correct
War-making activities of MSNBC through the directors of Media Matters and others.
And I know this because I see the talking points come out of the White House, to Media Matters, and then from Media Matters, it is word-for-word, vomited out of her mouth, into the other little baby bird's mouths, and then they regurgitate it back onto the public.
So, she feeds the MSNBC brood
And then, and then they vomit it or repeat it back on to us.
And of course, she famously says that you've got to get past this idea that kids belong to their parents, the kids belong to us, the community.
And in an ancient sense, they can say, you know, in a village, people kept other kids in line.
Like the coaches, if you got caught fighting, we give you pops and make you go run.
Now they don't do that.
How dare you touch my kid?
That's a real local community actually doing something about your kid.
But now, oh, the police can come in and taser him or shoot him though.
Or if you want to leave your parents when you're 10, you can sue and, you know, go become transgendered or whatever you want to make that decision.
And oh, when you're 10, they're offering you a $200 credit card line.
They found that's the number in California.
You can announce you want to be inoculated even though your parents say no.
But that didn't work the last two years.
They just said, you know what, we're going to shoot your kid up whether you like it or not.
We have the parental rights as the school.
And they argued in court.
And one in federal court was it five years ago, then it got overturned, but now they've just by law ignored that.
And they said, no, we are the parents.
We have parental rights as well.
And you're like, well, that's revolutionary.
Yes, these are revolutionaries.
And they're training us to accept.
They're training us to bow down.
But the good news is, and I mentioned this at the start of the broadcast, I'm going to repeat it again.
I drove the eight hours from Austin, Texas to Big Bend, down at the very bottom of Southwest Texas.
Every gas station I stopped at, every restaurant I stopped at, there and back, the clerks were listeners.
The hotel I stayed in one day before I went to the park.
Bunch of listeners there.
Ton of them.
Then, hiking.
All over.
I have never.
And then coming back in Alpine.
Pulled into a gas station.
Guy behind the counter goes, your voice sounds familiar.
Is that you, Alex?
I was just listening to you the other day.
I go, what's your name?
Oh, my name's Corky.
And the other fellow behind the counter was like smiling and nodding.
And then I stopped at another gas station before I got to Austin outside of Fredericksburg.
Then I went in a restaurant in Fredericksburg.
Bunch of listeners.
I mean, it's just, and I'm not bragging.
The globalists need to know, though.
I don't know what actuaries you've got.
I've got a lot of high-tech stuff beyond Google Analytics.
We can't figure out how we're reaching this many people.
We know we're reaching four or five million a day just on YouTube.
We know that we're reaching three or four million a day on terrestrial radio and hundreds of other platforms.
We can't add it all up.
We know our reach on just social media is over a billion people a month.
That we are, that see our headlines, that see our memes, that see our material, a billion people.
That's a conservative number.
It's actually 1.6.
So I'm not bragging here.
When I'm giving everybody negative scary news, I want you to also know that incredibly positive things are happening because obviously most of you aren't a prominent liberty figure here in the United States or worldwide and so you feel like you're alone.
Let me tell you, we are not alone and that's why the system is so scared.
That's why they're being bold saying we're going to forcibly inoculate, we're going to tell your kid what sex they are,
We're gonna set up checkpoints and search your vehicle without warrants.
We're gonna take your cash away.
We're gonna make you a retina scan to buy and sell.
We're gonna buy armored vehicles.
They're for gun owners.
We're gonna build giant FEMA camps for gun owners.
I mean, this is all admitted now.
Because the message went out, and I talked to... Okay, it's beyond Fight Club.
Because I'm sitting there at this hot spring where the police are harassing people, and they drag one group off to arrest them, interrogate them, and I'm sitting there, and there's this guy who had just arrived there with his wife, and you could tell he was a, you know, tough hombre, and he pulls his shirt off, he's got all these military tattoos,
And I said, man, you know, look out if you got any beer, I'm going to try to arrest you.
And he goes, I know, that's all they want to do is play soldier and, you know, mess with everybody.
But the world will end up, you know, teaching them in the end.
He goes, have a good day, Alex.
I mean, it was like Twilight Zone.
It was like everybody knows who I am now.
It's just crazy.
And so the system knows that to a certain extent.
But I'm only one person in the Liberty Movement.
There are thousands of prominent people now.
None, of course, probably as big as I am.
Matt Drudge is bigger.
Who else is there?
Bigger in total reach.
And of course, he's basically smart and you don't even know what he looks like now.
He understands the danger of it.
So he doesn't want to physically be noticed.
And boy, believe me, I wish I was in that same position.
I envy what he's been able to do.
But I'm telling you, this is a lot of power this show has.
And that's why I try to be even more careful about what I say and what I do, because it can be twisted.
And I don't have any ill will against anybody who's not consciously part of this anti-human conspiracy.
But Melissa Harris Perry is there preying on her listeners and viewers.
And when I say preying on, she wants to have basket case level
Mentally ill viewers and listeners, what she's doing is a psychological warfare tactic.
Can you guys pull up that Atlantic Monthly article from two weeks ago?
I forget the exact headline about how the kids are being made just to be completely mentally ill and to have panic attacks.
There it is.
The coddling of the American mind.
And it goes on how, under political correctness, they are literal panic attack, mentally ill cult members that think brown socks are racist and brown bags are racist.
And they say, oh, it's terrible.
We the liberals have to save these new totalitarians who think they're liberal.
I don't know if Lukendorf who wrote this, seems pretty smart, it's a 28 page article, actually doesn't understand it's part of the plan, or wants to play the part of the opposition to the dialectic, so they can control the narrative.
But everybody I know who's in the left, and I mean everybody, is freaking out right now at how totalitarian their kids are.
Well, you asked for it, you wanted it, you did it!
When you look at the photo, it's a little kid with a sword charging up to the top of a fort, conquering words.
And if you look at that, they're kind of telling you, hey, this is our cultural revolution.
This is our Marxist army.
This is our Red Terror.
This is our Maoist Youth Brigade.
And by the way, every youth brigade I've run into, whether it's in New York or in Denver or Austin or LA, call themselves Mao Youth Brigades.
I've got them on tape in New York, Denver, Austin, and they'll tell me.
They say, we're coming for you.
We're going to kill you.
Our time's coming.
Yeah, you go ahead, youth brigades.
You're just to intimidate all the jellyfish in the colleges.
You won't be doing any of the real fighting, you idiots.
You'll be the first people the globalists get rid of once they've come to full power.
You're just a little cultural police.
Perry, when I use that key word, praying, she is a wolf, a tigress, focusing on you, the little ding ding deer.
And she gets you in a position of being guilty, a position of being freaked out, of wanting to comply, of wanting to be good, of wanting to have hospitality, of wanting to... Okay, I... So just being white or having any money or being intellectual or reading a book is bad?
Or saying we, like we should all be one humanity?
No, that's racist!
That's racist!
That's what UT psychology teaches.
We are not we.
We are in our groups.
See, first they get you in the Wii mode to give up any culture you had.
To open yourself up.
It would be great if they were really pushing for humanity as one human culture for greater goals and empower the individual and make it about the individual.
And free association, but no, it's give up your individuality and accept whatever our new download do you wish.
Whatever the new prescribed message is, that's what you've got to accept.
That's what you've got to submit to.
We're going to go to break and come back with Melissa Harris-Perry and then the Planned Parenthood clips and all the rest of it.
The truth is, these are a bunch of parasites.
Whether it's Planned Parenthood selling babies, body parts, or China keeping political dissidents alive and then slowly harvesting their organs.
Things beyond science fiction horror.
They know how to manipulate good men and women of every race, color, and creed into letting them be the bosses and acquiescing to their moral authority when they don't have it.
And that's what's happened to government.
You don't have moral authority anymore.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
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That's right, Sheriff John Brown one day.
I saw Sheriff John Brown by an armored vehicle.
And he said they were for the gun owners and the veterans.
But on SolidArmy.mil they admitted they were preparing FEMA camps for gun owners and veterans and how to process their social security numbers.
So I peacefully started trying to warn people.
And so they said I was a terrorist.
So I warned more people.
And so the people bought hundreds of millions of firearms and got ready to defend their families.
And I just wonder if the globalists and their minions are really stupid enough to try this maneuver.
Gonna start a war with China?
Start one with Russia?
Turn Al-Qaeda loose all over the world?
Start fights with patriots?
All right, let me get into Melissa Harris Perry.
Here is Melissa Harris Perry.
You've heard of her before.
Here's her on your family.
Very collective notion of these are our children.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
Once it's everybody's responsibility and not just the households, then we start making better investment.
Then they say lean forward, which is an actual Karl Marx communist slogan.
Now, here she is saying, be careful about saying someone's a hard worker, talking about Paul Ryan.
This is Democrats promoting him, going, he's a hard worker, and he'll work with Pelosi, and he'll work with Reid, and he'll work with Obama.
She's like, whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm the thought police, I'm the language police.
Hard worker?
Meaning he gets a lot done?
Slaves were hard workers.
Women were hard workers.
What is this habit?
There's slaves in Africa right now.
There's slaves in Saudi Arabia.
People for all intents and purposes in areas of Latin America are slaves.
Where are the groups complaining?
No, it's only about projecting guilt on the West.
The West ended slavery.
Ended slavery.
Started ending it 200 years ago.
They almost ended it in the Declaration of Independence in the first Constitution.
But a civil war was going to happen, so they couldn't.
The point is, no one living has any guilt.
But this is it.
It's not about mathematics.
It's not about history.
It's not about geography.
It's not about separation of powers.
It's not about deficits.
It's about have faith in the state, have faith in the system, and how dare you use the word hard worker?
That's hurtful too.
Always expanding what you can't use, what you can't say.
You can only use the words she says.
What she says.
Let's go to the clip.
But let's be fair, if there's somebody who is a hard worker when he goes to Washington, it's Paul Ryan.
Not only works with Republicans, but Democrats.
You know very well that I work on the immigration issue, trying to get Republicans to support immigrants.
Now she's got a hen pecking, because obviously Ryan says he'll get rid of the borders, NAU, giant gulag to drive down the wages.
It'll drive down Mexican wages, our wages, Canadian wages.
It's about exploiting labors.
And I don't blame the Latin American laborers, because they're smart.
They'll come up here and get a job you can't live on and get welfare to survive.
They want to thrive and prosper.
The point is, it's being exacerbated by the globalists.
So this guy's in there going, hey, Paul Ryan's good.
He wants to get rid of the borders.
And uh-uh, you can't have a man being good, even if he's doing what the globalists want.
I'm going to have to come in and henpeck right now and bring this up to a new level.
That men can't be hard-working, because that puts down women and slaves.
Nobody didn't say women weren't hard-working.
Again, but just someone getting an A+, makes everybody else feel bad, so let's get rid of grades.
See where this is going?
This is cult level.
That's why she runs MSNBC's propaganda.
Because she is there as a scientist to wreck people's minds.
And she knows it.
Let's go back to it.
But let's be fair, if there's somebody who is a hard worker when he goes to Washington, it's Paul Ryan.
Not only works with Republicans, but Democrats.
You know very well that I work on the immigration issue, trying to get Republicans to support immigration reform.
Paul Ryan is somebody who has supported immigration reform, has worked with somebody like Luis Gutierrez.
Luis Gutierrez is very respectful, speaks highly of Paul Ryan.
This is somebody who's trying to govern.
Alfonso, I feel you.
But I just want to pause on one thing.
Because I don't disagree with you that I actually think Mr. Ryan is a great choice for this role.
But I want us to be super careful when we use the language hard worker.
Because I actually keep an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office wall.
Because it is a reminder about what hard work looks like.
So I feel you that he's a hard worker.
I do.
But in the context of relative privilege.
And I just want to point out...
We're gonna come back and play the rest of it.
But you understand, she says, in the image in your mind.
Then she says, see the image to her viewers, so they'll have some trinket too and just be all freaked out and only trust her.
While she wants you to take shots though, take your guard of still.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up this Wednesday, the 28th, from 7 to 10 p.m.
Central, InfoWars is going to be here live, analyzing the Republican debates.
A look at all the BS and propaganda that's going on in these debates.
People need to understand, we're not doing this to promote any one particular candidate, because we know at top levels that these guys are at, a lot of them are pretty much fixed horses, just like Trump has said himself.
He picks up the phone at 3 in the morning.
He calls whoever the candidate is.
He says, hey, I need you to do this favor for me.
Then they hop up and do it.
He's saying that the political system is broken and I could not agree more with that.
We're doing this more as a way to educate the general public about the left-right paradigm and how you don't have to choose between a Republican and a Democrat.
It's going to be on CNBC and they say that some of the hot issues that they're gonna be talking about this time around are gonna be taxes, retirement spending, and job growth.
So stay tuned to InfoWars.
We'll be here this Wednesday, the 28th from 7 to 10 p.m.
Myself, David Knight, Joe Biggs, as well as the rest of the crew are going to be here breaking all this down for you.
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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
One life, but I'm gonna live it up.
I'm taking flights, I said I'll never give it up.
Stayin' tall, I'm young and kind of proud.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I am your host, and of course the fourth hour, Rob Dew has the business owner that's basically offering free stuff to folks that bring guns into the store.
Yeah, that's like offering cops
You know, a discount if they come in your business.
It's a smart thing to do.
My business, I can give discounts to whoever I please.
Restaurant owner tells critics.
That's in Indiana.
He will be joining us in about an hour and a half from now.
Now, I want to continue with the Melissa Harris Perry situation, then I'll get into the other news.
Let's go ahead and go back to her.
I feel you, but I just want to pause on one thing, because I don't disagree with you that I actually think Mr. Ryan is a great choice for this role, but I want us to be super careful when we use the language hard worker.
Back it up again.
I want to back it up to the beginning, actually, because you've got, you know, one of these Democratic pundits on there saying, hey, he's great, he wants open borders, he'll work with us.
One of the main leaders of the
North American Union operation, you know, thinks he's wonderful.
We need to go for this guy and not be bashing him.
And you've got all the people around the table representing what group they're supposedly with.
This is the broken coalition strategy.
But then she says, everything she says is scientifically focused and crafted and been thought about beforehand and scripted.
I keep an image of slaves to remember every day what hard work looks like.
And so let's not talk about hard work.
So no one could paint a painting.
No one could build a building.
No one could write a song.
No one could go out and help a charity.
No one can succeed.
No one can be recognized without remembering slavery and then associating it with yourself and having guilt.
And then by that, she means her.
You have to do what she says.
You have to talk like she says.
It's racist if you're against Obamacare.
It's racist if you don't turn your guns in.
You've got to do what she says, which is a new form of slavery.
Your kids belong to her.
Your kids belong to the state.
And it's not enough that Paul Ryan wants to get rid of the borders.
It's not enough he's a globalist.
We all know he's got a short haircut and wears a suit, just like the man she corrects.
And it's also about that.
You can't have a man make a point, even if you agree with it, without slapping him down a little bit, just so all the women watching learn how to keep your men in line.
To create discord, and so men no longer marry, there are no longer children, the women are all desperate and alone, the states, they're man.
He's gonna pimp them out on the street.
All focused to leave you alone.
All focused to destroy you.
All focused to turn you into a mental patient.
And to make women's culture not being strong, and not having babies, and not building great homes, and working if they want to.
But ending the human species as we know it.
This is war.
This is war with these people.
And no group has to be as oppressed and dominated and turned into mindless minions as the slaves of this tyranny themselves, the pundits, must learn to step and fetch and bow to her.
And you look at the hate in her eyes.
She knows fully what she's doing.
Let's go back to a high-level globalist.
This is what's taught in your universities.
This is what's taught to the police that are graduating.
This is the new political officers.
They're coming.
They have no honor.
They want to dominate you.
They want to sow racism.
They want to sow dissension.
They want a totally color-obsessed society, the opposite of Martin Luther King.
She is the anti-Martin Luther King in reality.
That's not rhetoric.
She is an abomination of hatred towards women.
Let's go to her right now.
Back it up again.
Let's just keep analyzing.
This is too important.
She's breathing heavy.
She's focusing.
She's going into a strategy.
CIA psychiatrist training session.
And they admit the CIA's involved.
Thousands of operatives writing the news articles doing it.
She's probably with the agency.
And that's in the news.
They're engaged in, quote, controlling the American people, dividing us.
They have to declassify it all because it's so illegal.
That to make it public to inoculate you so you don't get upset when it comes out later.
She pushes back because you can't have them even thinking a white man could be good.
You can't have a Hispanic and a white guy getting along.
You can't have them imagining that Republicans actually want to work with people.
Even though he's selling out to globalism, then there might not be racial hatred.
We must identify him with slavery.
So she identifies him with slavery by bringing up hard work, saying he doesn't deserve that.
He got what he got because of his ancestors.
Surely they own slaves.
Even though a tiny percent of people's ancestors had slaves in this country.
So again, what she does is a viciously formed harpoon to whale this guy and all the viewers.
And she does it with samurai focus.
This is guaranteed months and months of training just on stuff like this.
Here it is.
But let's be fair.
If there's somebody who is a hard worker when he goes to Washington, it's Paul Ryan.
Not only works with Republicans, but Democrats.
You know very well that I work on the immigration issue, trying to get Republicans to support immigration reform.
Paul Ryan is somebody who has supported immigration reform, has worked with somebody like Luis Gutierrez.
Luis Gutierrez is very respectful, speaks highly of Paul Ryan.
This is somebody who's trying to govern.
Almondo, I feel you.
But I just want to pause on one thing.
Because I don't disagree with you that I actually think Mr. Ryan is a great choice for this role.
But I want us to be super careful when we use the language hard worker.
Because, I mean, I actually keep an image of...
I want us to be super careful when we talk.
Super... about what you say in a cult.
What will the cult leaders think?
I better only get approved language.
This is all meant to wreck society, wreck debate, wreck renaissance, wreck universities.
This woman is a cancer.
Let's go back, go ahead.
Because, I mean, I actually keep an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office wall because it is a reminder about what hard work looks like.
So I feel you that he's a hard worker.
I do.
But in the context of relative privilege, and I just want to point out that when you talk about work-life balance and being a hard worker, the moms who don't have health care, who are working on... I understand that.
No, but we don't call them hard workers.
We call them failures.
We call them people who are sucking off the system.
No, no, really, y'all do.
That is really what you guys do as a party.
That is very unfair.
I think we cannot generalize about the Republican Party.
I agree.
That's true.
Not all Republicans.
That is certainly true.
Well, I'll tell you.
So, this is how they operate.
You got a rhino, neocon in there, basically a Democrat light, and
She's just there to demonize the entire political process and then complain about how there's gridlock going on.
Truly a disgusting person.
We're going to get into the really big news on the China situation in detail, then the economic news, the speaker race, the Cashless Society, Control Grid, and more.
We have a special guest joining us in the third hour.
We'll have open phones then and into the fourth hour with Rob Dew hosting today.
First off though, I keep forgetting to take my Nascent Iodine Survival Shield X2 in the morning.
So I tend to end up taking it in the afternoon.
Ours is very special.
It's a deep earth source.
All the other brands out there are from the sea.
This is truly a Nascent Iodine.
We've had a lot of others tested and looked at and it's just not as absorbable from what we've looked at.
All I know is we get the best results with this and this doesn't give me a stomach ache like other iodines I tried.
Talk to a physician before you start taking iodine.
Obviously, InfoWarsLife.com.
Survival Shield Nacin Iodine X2.
It's the good halogen.
Bromine, bromide, fluoride, hydrofluorosilicic acid.
Those are the bad halogens that your body, if it doesn't have good halogen, will start trying to use to produce the hormones, basically.
You can go read all the informational facts at Infowarslife.com and see the informational videos in the X2 section.
But that's what this does.
And it's been a life changer for me and my family.
Just research what nascent iodine has been connected to in the studies for yourself and talk to your healthcare practitioner.
But this comes from a source so pure that when you put it on a hot plate, it turns into purple gas.
It turns bright electric blue on paper because that's what color pure crystals are.
All the other stuff is red because it's bound.
That's what I've been told by the chemist.
So all I know is this stuff is extremely effective for me personally.
You've heard the rave reviews.
You can read the reviews at InfoWarsLife.com.
I just take a couple drops a day.
Then I add some Super Male Vitality.
And I guess somebody took my secret 12 methylcobalamin.
I know it's more effective under the tongue, but I just put a few squirts every day in water.
My kids drink it like soft drinks, the vitamin B12, in water and just love it.
Secret 12 is available at Infowarslife.com.
We also have the Ancient Defense that tastes great.
Almost tastes like licorice or something, but it's 40-plus known herbs that have been associated with boosting immunity concentrated together, 15% off, Infowarslife.com as well.
And we're able to have it for only $16.95, normally $19.95, because Ancient Defense is part of a line that's going to be even more affordable that we're working on of
Known herbs that we can get that are organic that aren't super expensive.
We've got some stuff that's expensive like DNA Force, some stuff that's very moderately priced like something like Oxy Powder or Liver Shield.
But then we've got things like Ancient Defense that is just a well-known formula put out by one of the oldest, biggest organic companies in the United States.
It's been sold for 40 years.
And they sell it for $25, which is very affordable.
We get it, private label it, $19.95.
Right now it's $16.95.
So that's an example.
Our colloidal silver is just the biggest brand name in the country.
Very highly respected.
30 parts per million.
Very pure.
In the proper kind of water.
And it's sold in some of the biggest stores in the country under different names for $25 to $30.
And we sell it for $19.95 again, sometimes even less.
So it's just stuff like that.
That's what you get.
The highest quality we can find at the lowest price.
A lot of our products are not private label, though.
They're original formulas.
Like DNA Force, like Liver Shield, like X-Tube, like Lung Cleanse.
Oxy-Powder is Group's product.
We have it discounted at Infowarslife.com as well.
If you haven't done the liver cleanse, there's a video with Leanne McAdoo and her friend who just had the idea to do it.
She didn't know what it would do.
Um, Leanne hadn't done it yet, her friend hadn't done it yet, they did it, and it was amazing for them.
And everybody that's called in has had the effect that folks report.
I've talked to people that haven't done the liver cleanse, the six day cleanse, and haven't had the explosive effects we've talked about on air with the stones coming out.
Um, didn't happen for me for a day and a half.
I was like, what's going on?
It hadn't happened.
And then, oh, it happened.
It happened.
So, InfoWarsLife.com.
By the way, Leanne took cameras to her own house, did this.
She did a great job.
So, great job, Leanne.
I'm glad it really worked for her.
You can see her and her friend doing it and what they ate along with it because they also augmented it by eating properly.
InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or 888-253-3139.
And it is your purchase that makes the broadcast possible.
And I'll say it.
If everybody listening to the show would just spread the word to friends and family, it would be even more exponential how fast we're growing.
And I know it's dangerous to grow this fast.
I know it's dangerous in the face of the new world order to do this.
But we've got to do it.
It's my responsibility in this position to just tell it like it is and not be scared and go after these people.
That said, it's a lot easier to do it if our war chest is fat.
And our war chest is not fat.
We're able to continue to grow slowly, but we've got to spend most of our time nickeling and diming and haggling with people to be able to fund ourselves.
You know, haggling with providers of internet service and, you know, employees and just all of it.
I mean, spending a lot of time trying to raise money, which is okay.
I'm not complaining.
But only a fraction of people buy products from us.
I mean, it's something like 2%.
And we could get up to 4% or so.
It would really change everything.
And I do even less plugging.
I already, for the industry, plug less than others.
But I plug once a day if the funds come in.
I plug once a week if the adequate funds came in.
Please support our local affiliates as well.
Become sponsors there.
Spread the word.
I mean, we're in a war is what I'm saying.
They're coming after you.
They're coming after us.
They're coming after free speech.
This is not a game.
And if I'm going to get in a fight with the biggest, meanest bully on the block, I mean, I'm not going to think about even who's winning.
I'm going to swing as hard as I can.
I'm going to hit him as hard as I can, and I'm not going to stop.
And so I'm up here swinging, and when you spread the word, when you pray for us, when you purchase products at InfoWarsLife, you are putting oxygen into our bloodstream to go toe-to-toe with these people.
And Lord knows, with this great responsibility, I feel pretty bad a lot.
Because I want to do better, I run out of energy, I say stupid things, I fall, I get things wrong, but man, I'm trying as hard as I can.
We need your prayers.
We need your support.
We appreciate it.
And it is humbling is the word.
I don't want to call it frightening.
It's very humbling to reach hundreds of millions of people every year.
It's very humbling to have so many good people look up to you.
It's very, very humbling and
Quite frankly, I wish somebody else would have become prominent.
I wish somebody else would have become what I've become, because I know where this road for me leads, and it's not a very happy place.
But in the end, it's very happy for other people, and so I'm willing to take the risk and do this.
But the big guns are coming out against us.
They got a lot of people circling us.
They're really upset right now, because I know they're murdering scum.
You want to chop babies up?
You want to brainwash families?
You want to break up families?
You want to get between men and women?
You want to screw people up?
I'm coming after you, filth!
I hate your filthy guts, and you know I know who you are.
I know you want to hurt people.
I know you're criminals.
I know you're sociopaths.
I know you're psychopaths.
I know you're sadists.
And I'm not here to be used like a doormat, and neither are the people in this country or this world, and we're coming for you.
We're awake, and you're scared of that spirit, and I know you are.
You better be scared, because we're coming for you, and we know we're going to meet you, so you just be ready.
We are committed and we are never backing down.
You are not going to continue to hurt the innocents.
You are not going to continue to vandalize and defile the women of this planet that you're targeting with your GMO and your chemicals.
It's over.
You understand that?
The beginning of the end for you is here.
You think the weakness of humanity is your strength?
The people you've destroyed psychologically aren't in the game.
It's those of us that are awake against you that serve evil.
We're committed.
We're awakening, we're growing, and we're coming, and nothing will stop that.
And nothing will stop this message.
That's the only reason you hesitate.
But you still want to exercise power, don't you?
So go ahead, execute it!
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I want to get to the new Planned Parenthood video.
Doctor wants intact fetal heads for brain harvesting.
Abortion clinic that killed four women and botched legal abortions closes down.
And video.
Abortionist says it would be a great idea to burn unborn babies as fuel.
That's already going on in the United States and England.
And we first reported on that.
We actually broke that.
Out of a local complaint filed at the hospital by a doctor.
Infowars is one of the first people to break that in England.
I think some other blog had it first.
We broke it big.
I mean, I don't care.
I'm just saying who gets the credit.
I'm just saying we broke that.
And then they said it wasn't true for about a week.
And then, of course, they admitted the heating of the hospitals with babies.
Because Soylent Green is made out of people.
I want to get to that.
I want to get to the China situation.
In fact, let's queue up the part about wanting the intact heads.
I want to get to that first.
The full video is on InfoWars.com.
But look at this story.
I'll cover this more into the next hour.
Beijing summons U.S.
ambassador over warship in South China Sea.
And China doesn't usually make threats.
And they said two days ago, they said, if you sail any ships into this zone, they said this a year ago, but they threatened again when the U.S.
announced it would two days ago, we will take action.
And then the United States, to its credit,
I don't want to have a war with China.
The globalists are definitely double dealing here.
But that is international waters.
It does not belong to China where they're building fake islands and then claiming 12 miles on all sides of it.
I mean, it's just not true.
Beijing summons U.S.
ambassador over warship in South China Sea.
Chinese foreign ministry says Washington acted illegally when USS Lassen entered waters near disputed Spratly Archipelago.
And they've now summoned the ambassador and launched a direct military challenge to Beijing's territorial claims in the South China Sea with naval maneuvers near the two artificial islands.
Well, the Chinese moved weapons in there and naval ships.
I mean, those other countries are scared.
Japan's freaking out.
The Philippines is freaking out.
State television reported the Chinese vice foreign minister has branded the move extremely irresponsible in meeting with U.S.
Ambassador to China Max Baucus.
Chinese authorities said earlier they had monitored and followed and warned U.S.
ships the USS Lassen as it illegally entered waters near the disputed reefs and urged Washington to immediately correct its mistake.
Now, why is the United States doing this?
Well, because it has a bunch of territorial deals with the other countries.
It took over the area, of course, in 1945.
It put the Communist Chinese in power.
And the Chinese now, we're told, you can have any bases you want, you can have any raw materials you want, but don't be expansionist physically out of China into any of the South China Sea areas.
And China broke its deal four years ago with the Anglo-Americans and started moving troops.
They moved them into
Well, all over the place.
They've moved troops into Africa.
They've moved troops into Latin America.
The globalists had their little globalist deal.
So you can have all the jobs.
You can have all the factories.
You can have the temporal power.
You can buy up the real estate.
We'll make movies the way you want them made.
You can censor our news.
You can sell body parts.
And we won't make, you know, a big deal out of it anymore.
Just do not militarily move in around Japan or anywhere else where you've claimed before you have territorial rights.
They said, okay.
There's no honor amongst thieves.
The globalists are bad, the Chinese leadership's bad, probably worse.
I mean, I can't believe I'm saying that, but they are as bad as it gets.
Let's just put it to you that way.
And they are now moving into that area, and it is a big deal.
It is a big deal.
And China...
This year and last year, not once, not twice, not three times, but four times, they admit, has moved ships up close to the coast by U.S.
military bases in Alaska and in California.
And they launched that missile a few years ago, remember, five miles off the coast and said,
The media said it was like a thunderstorm or something.
They shot a Polaris knockoff.
So, man, we got Chinese subs right off our coast with cruise missiles that can take out every U.S.
city in one hour.
We'll be back!
But don't worry!
Melissa Harris-Perry can tell us how to talk!
That's okay!
You can conquer the American men, can't you, witch?
You human hater!
Many of the products at Infowarslife.com are true game changers.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
By the way, China's not playing games.
It attacked oil refineries off the coast of
Vietnam, this year and last year, an invaded part of Vietnam.
They've actually been having a war there.
The Vietnamese have beat the Chinese in about 10 different wars in the last 500 years I know of.
That's why it was really stupid to go start a fight with the Vietnamese.
I mean, they never give up.
They've been invaded so many times it'll make your head spin.
Like sticking our arm down a badger hole.
China is going in there, messing with the Vietnamese now.
Taking over oil refineries, you name it.
And remember back in June, I'd forgotten about this, and Richard just reminded me, a U.S.
aircraft flew over one of the new artificial islands they've made in the Spratlys, and they threatened to basically shoot it down.
Let's go to that clip.
This is Chinese level.
Please go away quickly in order to avoid a long judgment.
American military airplane.
You are operating my military security aileron.
Please go away quickly in order to avoid a long judgment.
Go, go!
You go!
This is not South Park, folks.
Station 2608 established on the island.
Overhead Military Airplane.
Overhead Military Airplane.
Please go away quickly in order to avoid judgements.
Station calling U.S.
Military Aircraft.
Please identify yourself.
This is Chinese Navy.
You are approaching my military security area.
Please go away quickly in order to avoid judgements.
I'm a United States military aircraft conducting lawful military activities outside national airspace.
I am operating with due regard as required under international law.
Aircraft transmitting, say again?
It looks like it.
Hans Black's on now!
Hey, you know Chinese folks here, Americans try to speak Chinese and they laugh at it.
When you don't know somebody's language, it's funny.
And I saw our crew, you know, made up of different races and colors or whatever, laughing at that, because I could see a camera shot of them in the studio.
What's wrong with laughing?
He sounds like the South Park voice of Kim Jong-il.
That's exactly what we were just saying.
Yeah, and so it's funny, and so we deliberately are laughing at it.
You want to say anything else, Nico?
I mean, it's funny.
No, that's it.
I mean, it is funny, isn't it, Nico?
It was pretty funny.
Yeah, I mean, let's, but it's not because we're against Chinese people.
It's hilarious.
Because he's like, you go now!
In fact, I watched the politically correct one.
I do watch South Park occasionally.
It's horrible.
It's degrading in many ways, but it is funny.
And I was watching the one about where there's the crazy psychologist who really has the multiple personalities, and he keeps committing crimes and blaming one of the kids.
And they keep going along with it and then you've got a Japanese and Chinese restaurants fighting with each other and it turns out the Chinese guys, not even Chinese, is doing all this politically correct stuff.
It's one of the other personalities.
And it's that same brother that does the voice of Kim Jong-un.
It's that voice, and I'm telling you, it's identical.
In fact, it almost makes me think the Pentagon did a spoof piece, even though China admits that's their real warnings.
It is a real video.
It is real audio from June.
But I'm telling you, I guess those brothers went and actually listened.
That would be a North Korean voice.
But, I mean, their imitation of a North Korean is dead on.
I mean it is hilarious and I'm sure they'll probably have some national news story.
Jones makes fun of Chinese people.
Of the funniness of them not knowing the language.
It's funny if I'm trying to speak Chinese, I guarantee you they're laughing about that.
It's like all these banned cartoons that are banned here aren't banned in other countries.
Like in Latin America, Speedy Gonzales is not banned down there.
They love him.
I mean it's funny.
We'll be right back.
China has said that it's not afraid to fight a war with the U.S.
after a warship incident.
A guided missile destroyer violated the 12 nautical mile zone China claims around the Mischief Reefs, an act that some people are calling a deliberate provocation.
China responded by warning and following the vessel before China's foreign ministry characterized the maneuvers as a threat to China's sovereignty.
Chinese state media outlet the Global Times said that Beijing should now prepare for the worst.
And that Beijing is not frightened to fight a war with the U.S.
in the region.
The editorial states, Beijing ought to carry out anti-harassment operations.
We should first track the U.S.
If they, instead of passing by, stop for further actions, it is necessary for us to launch electronic interventions and even send out warships, lock them by fire control radar and fly over the U.S.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Imagine living in a country where your media won't even criticize communist China, who now admittedly keeps political dissidents alive, and then piecemeal removes organ after organ until they finally remove their heart.
Think about that.
They keep them alive for weeks without kidneys.
Until they finally get another person into country or into Japan where they fly the organs in and they remove their heart on the tarmac so it's the freshest in the world.
That's how it translates from Chinese into English.
The freshest hearts.
The freshest livers.
The freshest and healthiest kidneys and lungs and blood and stem cells and bone marrow and skin.
And then two new Planned Parenthood videos out today.
One of them, new Planned Parenthood video, Doctor Wants Intact Fetal Heads for Brain Harvesting.
Talk about our shadows being taller than our souls.
A metaphor for you're going to hell.
Let's go ahead and play the latest snippet of the sickening video that's on InfoWars.com that even if you don't want to watch it,
The smacking of the lips, the enjoyment.
They're talking about, you know, selling peanuts or something.
Talking about the price of tea.
Send this video on to friends and family.
Continue to hammer the enemy.
Just don't think because you're awake, others are awake.
Hammer, and hammer, and hammer, and hammer, and hammer.
Here's the video.
So can you convert to breech?
I can if I need to.
I generally don't have to do that.
I don't usually do it in 16 to 18 weeks because I don't really need to.
With a further gestation, I will sometimes do that if it's a cephalic presentation just because it's easier to get.
Right, because that's what Deb was telling us really makes a difference for tissue collection at PPLA.
Yeah, she said if you convert to breech, then you get
Yeah, she said you get increasing dilation as the case goes on, and then she said at the very end, she's like, you can even evacuate the entire calvarium intact if you need to, which you do if there's a request for fetal brain.
They're always wanting both hemispheres, and so, yeah.
Um, I haven't been able to do that yet.
Oh, to get the calvarium?
Like, maybe next time?
Because they're non-threatening and giggle, it makes it okay.
See, the New World Order is real.
You didn't think the absolute takedown of humanity would come as some giant armored warrior declaring itself openly with black flags waving.
It would come giggling and sweetly guilting you into submitting to it.
For your safety, of course.
Now, let's get into Senator Cornyn finally does something good.
Want special counsel to investigate Clinton emails.
But I mean, what about all of it?
The administration on Fast and Furious, the IRS persecution.
The emails are weak because they're only isolated to her.
They always go after them for something like that, like Clinton and sex, and lying about it because it only is isolated to him and his cigars.
It's not bigger in that
It affects other agencies and bipartisan criminal activity.
But it's better than nothing!
So here's that clip of Senator Cornyn of Texas.
Well, I think it's important to have public hearings, but to Trey Gowdy's point, he's a professional former U.S.
attorney prosecutor, and what he said was exactly right.
That hearing was more of a distraction, I think, in the pursuit of the facts, because Secretary Clinton simply didn't answer a lot of the questions, and her whole goal was to try to make this look political, which it's not.
Four Americans lost their lives in Benghazi, and she's obstructed
The investigation along the way by having her private email server and by sticking to this false narrative that somehow this was incited by some video which has been proven to be false.
So it was not particularly helpful in pursuit of the truth but I'll let people be their own judge.
Final question, when will you know whether you get a special counsel?
Is there a date certain on that or not?
Well, the interesting thing is, Bill, I got a letter back from the Department of Justice.
They didn't say yes, they didn't say no.
I think they're keeping their options open, pending what the FBI comes up with.
Obviously, the FBI is not going to be going after Hillary now because Biden dropped out.
Or Biden didn't enter.
He got off the diving board.
He didn't jump in.
He was out there on the high dive just kind of bouncing about, like, go, go, jump for about, you know, 10 minutes, politically.
He finally climbed back down and ran back off the showers.
Moving to the next video here, then we're going to our guest, State Department
On Clinton not having a computer in her office, now get this, this is a quote, emails a relatively new beast.
Hillary's been on tape saying, I used emails first back in the early 1990s as co-governor.
And I've been totally open about my emails going back to when I was first the first lady in 1993.
Remember her quotes on that?
We could probably find them.
But now, email, whoever heard of that?
It's like the FBI last year.
What's a stingray?
There's no fake cell towers.
And people went and showed them to him.
On the news in Chicago they go, that must be hackers.
Turned out it was FBI tower.
The FBI lied to us and he legally grabbed our data?
And Gardasil has been caught sterilizing people and causing infertility in many areas?
And caused deaths?
So again, emails?
Who ever heard of that?
I mean, she didn't have a computer in her office.
That's right.
Let me say that again.
Hillary Clinton didn't have a computer at the Secretary of State's office.
That's like saying a Southwest Airlines jet airplane didn't have windows, or fish didn't have scales, or Oreo cookies didn't have cream filling in the middle.
I don't even know how to respond
To this insult of our intelligence, that 2 plus 2 equals 5, that you didn't build your business, that raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt, that these people just aren't sick.
And again, they're in a war against reality to break our will to get us to accept all this.
We have to just say no.
Here is this out-of-this-world fantasyland clip.
I did not conduct most of the business that I did on behalf of our country on email.
I conducted it in meetings.
I read massive amounts of memos, a great deal of classified information.
I made a lot of secure phone calls.
I was in and out of the White House all the time.
There were a lot of things that happened that I was aware of and that I was reacting to.
If you were to be in my office in the state... Look at the optics.
Back it up 10 seconds.
It's nothing but Democratic Party operative black ladies behind her.
And the message is, she's a woman of color.
She cares about black people.
She's fighting racism.
That's the optics.
Even though she helped double black unemployment.
And is a eugenicist, Planned Parenthood lover, and I guarantee as racist as the day is long.
But it doesn't matter because there's the optics of women behind her laughing, acting real, real smug when she talks.
Oh yeah, Hillary's got it down.
Here, let's go back to the rest of this disgusting clip.
House all the time.
There were a lot of things that happened that I was aware of and that I was reacting to.
If you were to be in my office in the State Department, I didn't have a computer.
I did not do the vast majority of my work on email.
Secretary Clinton speaks of not having a computer at the State Department.
Is that an unusual thing for the Secretary to not have a computer within their office at the State Department?
Um, it's, I mean, unusual.
I mean, look, I mean, we've only had, um, you know, emails, a relatively new beast, uh, shall we say, and, uh, or new creation.
Uh, and so, you know, uh, I think my secretary is a little bit different in how they get information.
Certainly that evolves as technology has developed over time.
So I'm not, it's hard for me to say whether it's unusual.
Next they'll be saying, is it true she flushed the drugs on the toilet?
Well, toilets are relatively new development, and there are no toilets in the State Department.
In fact, we're not quite sure what they are.
But Al Gore invented the internet, I guess in 93, so I guess, in a way, even though it was invented back in the 60s, by DARPA and some British scientists.
But hey, why not take credit?
Did you know that I actually invented
The Bible.
I wrote Ezekiel, and I wrote Romans in the New Testament, and I wrote the story of Noah in Genesis.
I can't remember the name of the book I wrote.
It's not credible.
You're a conspiracy theorist if you don't believe I wrote Genesis 3,000 years ago.
I wrote it.
I wrote Psalms.
I did it all.
I said it.
Questioning me is a conspiracy theory.
Shut your mouths.
2 plus 2 equals whatever I say.
Ha ha!
Don't be racist.
Total con game.
By the way, we're going to go to break and come back with our guest briefly here.
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You look like an angel, look like an angel, walk like an angel, walk like an angel, talk like an angel, but I got one
Well, Ralph Vucitola has been consulting for us for about three years.
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clients for the purpose of compliance international state and federal FTC FDA standards for communicating about advertising cell dietary supplements including medical foods and or providing of health care services information vitamin lawyer dot com he's won a lot of big cases and of course we also have some of the other top lawyers here on the broadcast as well to talk about the war on supplements the war on health freedom the MD medical mafia which overall aren't bad people but but but big
Pharma taking control of MD medicine, trying to basically shut down any debate even about plasticizers and McDonald's nuggets, you know, being bad for you.
Well, fine.
We're doing our job.
McDonald's is going out of business.
It's been on CNN.
It's got plastic in it.
Or plastic ingredients.
And we're not even, you know, the UN wants to start restricting meat now.
I'm talking about that later.
That's a scam.
I mean, look, everything will kill you.
Too much water will kill you.
There is a medical mafia in this country, but the real reason I got him on today was what he really fights for is medical rights.
And he was breaking down for me the fact that it's even worse than I know the push to try to force inoculate in this country.
And coming up, I have a video we're going to play part of.
Investigate CDC Fraud.
Congressman calls for hearing on vaccine autism cover-up.
And the video is titled
I have a link to it on InfoWars.com.
Vaccine cover-up imploding.
And so more and more people are pointing out that the internal documents of the CDC and others show that they knew back in 2000 it was causing autism.
And we've got doctors and whistleblowers and others going public.
And there's other stuff contributing to autism as well.
Pesticides, you name it.
But we're joined by Ralph Fusitola, vitaminlawyer.com.
I really appreciate his time today.
He had some Skype problems, so we just got him on to go over
Exactly what we're facing.
We've got a break here in a few minutes, a long 18-minute segment's coming up, but it's great that you've come down and visited us and worked with us on compliance and other things dealing with our nutraceuticals and Infowarslife.com, but this is separately on the vaccines today.
Just how bad is it, Mr. Fusatola?
Well, first of all, thanks for having me on.
Pleasure seeing you again.
It was an interesting visit a couple of weeks ago.
I met your great staff, saw your amazing facilities.
Very good.
Well, we appreciate you coming down and spending time with us, my friend.
Let's tell you what you're here for.
We're here because there is really a plot, if you will, a plan to take away our conscientious objector rights to vaccination, whether religious or philosophical rights, and it's being done around the country.
It's being led by NACCHO, the National Association of County and City Health Officials, an organization that gets all of its money from the federal government, and it lobbies to take away our rights.
That's one thing.
One very important factor here.
The other is that I appreciate the plug for the Viacom Consultancy, but my passion is Natural Solutions Foundation and working on health freedom issues.
And we've found
When I say we, I mean General Burt Stubblebine and Dr. Rima Labal and myself, the three trustees of Natural Solutions.
We found a solution to the issue.
You know, and the solution is summed up in a quote from General Burt.
And he says, informed consent is the defining issue of the 21st century about vaccines and about a lot of other things as well.
And so what we've looked at is, can the legislature of California, can it?
Simply change the law and take away our rights.
Can Governor Jerry Brown's shirt of that state just sign a law and get rid of our basic human rights?
And the answer is no.
There is a fundamental human right called informed consent.
And that's what I want to talk about when we come back after the break.
Of course, as a lawyer who's fought this in court, you're an expert on it.
For folks that don't understand, they've lied and said it's the law forever.
Now that we know it's not the law, they've been caught, now they're trying to pass laws, but those themselves are fraud, correct?
They violate international humanitarian law and treaties that bind the United States and its member states.
We got about 30 seconds to break.
What website should we visit to learn more specifically about what you just broke down?
That's D-R-R-I-M-A TruthReports.com.
You'll find it there.
We need to get General Stubblebine and Dr. Labo back on the show.
It's been too long.
Of course, he was the former head of Special Forces and the former head of Army Intelligence, and he says the mass culling has begun in the third world.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up this Wednesday, the 28th, from 7 to 10 p.m.
Central, InfoWars is going to be here live, analyzing the Republican debates.
A look at all the BS and propaganda that's going on in these debates.
People need to understand, we're not doing this to promote any one particular candidate, because we know at top levels that these guys are at, a lot of them are pretty much fixed horses, just like Trump has said himself.
Well, he picks up the phone at 3 in the morning.
He calls whoever the candidate is.
He says, hey, I need you to do this favor for me.
Then they hop up and do it.
He's saying that the political system is broken, and I could not agree more with that.
We're doing this more as a way to educate the general public about the left-right paradigm and how you don't have to choose between a Republican and a Democrat.
It's going to be on CNBC, and they say that some of the hot issues that they're going to be talking about this time around are going to be taxes, retirement spending, and job growth.
So stay tuned to InfoWars.
We'll be here this Wednesday the 28th from 7 to 10 p.m.
Myself, David Knight, Joe Biggs, as well as the rest of the crew are going to be here breaking all this down for you.
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I want to fly like an eagle back to the Republic.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I want to fly back to the future.
Because you know the Renaissance started about 500 years ago.
1776 was seen worldwide by the entire Renaissance.
From Japan to France, the historians said this is really a great thing.
We should be like this.
The French tried it, it was a total disaster, called the French Revolution, then brought in Napoleon after that, the dictator.
But time does keep slipping, slipping, slipping into the future.
They keep saying, get rid of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, it's old.
Declaration of Independence, it's old.
And then they go back to classical tyranny that's thousands of years old.
But even in ancient times, forced medical activities were rarely engaged in.
And again, 500 years ago in the Renaissance, they began poking people that had smallpox with a toothpick, a sharp stick, and then they would come to you if you chose, and they said there was a risk, sometimes it'd kill you, but a couple percentage points, and sometimes smallpox would kill 30% of people.
In the deep of winter in Europe?
But they knew if you were healthy and got a small dose of it, if you got it when you were already worn down and sick, it'd kill you.
But if you got it when you were healthy, then you had a lot better chance of living.
So people would do it.
But they even knew then, in ancient manuscripts, about how to inoculate somebody.
Tell them there's a danger.
Tell them there's a chance it's going to kill them.
Now they get up and say, safe and effective, but you get the actual inserts.
We're going to be showing you some MMR and some flu shot inserts for your TV viewer.
InfoWars.com forward slash show, where it says it can kill you, it can give you type 2 diabetes, it can shut your pancreas off, it can cause narcolepsy, it can cause Guillain-Barré, I mean...
There's got to be a hundred things on this that can do to you.
And then they just go up on the news and say, Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist.
He's crazy.
He's lying.
It never hurts you.
But anybody who has family knows inoculation horror stories.
Almost everyone I know has had some horror story.
But me?
Because I've never really had vaccines.
When I was like four years old, my uncle took a tetanus shot and it almost killed him.
He was in the hospital for two weeks.
My dad said, you know what?
We're just not going to inoculate you.
I don't know.
Tennis is associated with horses.
There were horses in that barn.
We need to get you in right now and get you shot.
But he knew there was a danger.
I'm going to go back to our guest here in a moment.
I want to get him back for a full hour on the nightly news very, very soon.
I'm going to be walled.
He's talking, if you're a TV viewer, showing people news articles and documents.
But informed consent.
Rick Perry, as governor nine years ago, said it's the law in Texas, take guard yourself.
Even though a bunch of girls have died in the trials.
We went on air and said it's a hoax.
There is no law.
He told the health department it's on the list of recommended.
Then they lie in the schools and say it's the law.
You can pull the articles up.
Texas law says Gardasil is compulsory.
And every year they lie.
In August and say it's the law, you gotta take these shots.
Now what happens is, when they say it's compulsory, really they're saying it's a list of recommended vaccine liability protection kicks in.
And then, a drug they know is hurting people, now gets government coverage and goes to a special court.
Now I'm going to shut up and give our guest the floor, and I appreciate Ralph Fusatola joining us, one of the top vitamin lawyers in the country, to go over this, because this is his real passion, exposing this.
He works for some of the biggest supplement companies in the world, but again, his passion is exposing this informed consent.
They can pass a law tomorrow saying to go to school you've got to have this, but then that's something they know is going to be fought out in the courts.
Please continue breaking this down, and the good news that we have legal standing to say no, and how people should say no, it varies state to state as you know, sir, but in general, as a lawyer, what advice would you give people?
Okay, well you've got to start from the beginning, which is that I have a basic human right to decide what goes into my body.
The Supreme Court said that in 2013.
They said we have never retreated from our position that you have a privacy interest whenever the government or an agent of the government ceases to pierce the skin.
It's the case of Missouri v. McNeely.
So it's a very up-to-date
I have a right to say no, and that right is a right that's existed for thousands of years.
From the very beginning of medicine, Hippocratic Oath, doctors used to swear that they would not, they would not engage in any medical intervention without the consent
Of the individual.
Hey look, wars have consequences.
And one of the consequences of World War II was something called the Nuremberg Trials.
And after the major Nazi war criminals were taken care of in the main international trial, there were a series of what are called the subsequent Nuremberg Trials.
And one of those, and those were run by the U.S.
government directly, by the way.
It was not the international tribunal.
And one of those trials was the famous Nazi doctor's trial.
And for that trial, a group of American scholars put together something called the Nuremberg Code, which was a compilation of what the law of informed consent had always been understood to be.
That Nuremberg Code was then used to try the Nazi doctors, some of whom were hung for committing atrocities that included, of course, at every step of the way, violating informed consent.
And that Nuremberg Code, because it was used to try
And again, we've had his Skype cut out a moment there.
We're showing some footage of the Nuremberg trials shot by the U.S.
Army, showing some color footage of what Nuremberg looked like at the end of the war.
But you see the Nazis in there wearing their black sunglasses and being sentenced to death as Herman Goering.
Already lost a lot of weight.
He weighed about 400 pounds when they captured him.
By the time he was, well, he supposedly committed suicide, cyanide, he weighed about 150 pounds.
There he is, right there.
That didn't turn out too well for those boys.
But you talk about, I'm only following orders, or the so-called Nazi code.
You look at selling body parts of babies, you look at forced inoculations.
This is stuff the Nazis did.
Forced abortion, stuff like that.
And then you realize our government actually sold them the Hollerith machines from IBM.
Our government basically told the Nazis they were going to support them and set them up.
I'm not defending the Nazis either.
It's just really, really sick.
We're trying to get Ralph Fusatola back on.
You know, let's just go telephone with him if we have to, guys.
Because this is, yeah, absolutely.
Because this is important stuff.
And I want to have him back up to finish this interview because people need to know their rights.
And he's explaining to you, this is Nuremberg.
This is the federal government in major high-level court rulings saying everything they're doing now is illegal.
And the Supreme Court, just a few years ago, ruled the same way he's telling you as a lawyer.
So it is a giant bluff.
It's a giant hoax.
But it has more teeth in it.
I mean, Perry coming out saying it's the law to take Gardasil was like somebody with no teeth trying to chew through leather.
This has some teeth.
In that it is a law.
But it's completely unconstitutional.
The problem is,
Clearly, Justice Roberts and others had made statements like, you can't have a tax that is Obamacare, you know, that doesn't originate out of the House, but it didn't.
And they didn't sell it as a tax, and it's not equally apportioned, and it's a tax levied to private interest.
And now that the penalties are kicking in, that's why they're trying to hold the penalties off, that makes people
Plaintiffs, where they have, quote, standing to be involved, and 600, 1,000, $2,000 a year, $3,000 a year, as they ratchet up the fines for not getting your Obamacare.
And let me tell you, I've tried to change insurance and stuff now.
Used to, I could change health insurance.
With a couple phone calls, maybe a medical exam, go to a clinic, have blood taken.
I got insurance once and had to do that.
I changed to health insurance once, and they wanted me to get an exam in an office, and I went and did it, and they took blood.
And I got a super cheap rate because I was so healthy.
The point is, it's like, oh, wait till September, and then you can exchange in the open market, and then that never happened.
I mean, it's so screwed up, and the prices have gone up and up and up.
My prices went up because of Obamacare.
So, I set out to try to find out, okay, let me go out in this quote-unquote market and get a better deal.
It's just totally screwed up!
It's a total train wreck.
Ralph Fusatola, we're going to have you back up and we get better internet someday, but we've got eight minutes until break.
Please continue.
We're going back to the Nuremberg hearings.
The Nuremberg trials of the Nazis.
Please continue.
Well, there's a very specific language that was developed in that code, and that language is carried over to a federal statute, to an international convention, and it's the same language and it basically says you cannot be coerced into giving up your informed consent rights
That means, for example, you can't be told in California, you cannot, you know, you either get the shot or go to school.
Now, the state of California says that they're going to exclude any student from school who is not vaccinated.
First of all, no court has ever approved that.
In the past, they've only approved temporary exclusions during real epidemics.
I don't believe their law will ever get approved, but let's assume they can do that.
If they can, that violates what's called unconstitutional condition.
You cannot be forced to give up a right to get a benefit.
In fact, California has a constitutional provision that says you must have a free public education.
So if they say you can't go to public school because you don't have a vaccine, then they have to give you the alternative.
They have to pay for the homeschooling, they have to pay for the tutor,
They have to pay to let you go to a vaccine-free academy?
Uh, or else they're violating that child's right to a free public education.
Very straightforward.
You can't have it both ways, government.
You can't, you know, if you want to exclude unvaccinated, then you have to make provisions for them because they have a right to an education, too, under your own law.
As a libertarian, I may not approve of public schools, but if you're going to have government schools and then say it's a right, you better very well treat all the children equally and take those who have made the choice not to be vaccinated, which is an informed consent decision.
No government on this planet has a right to override.
Then you have to take care of their benefits as well.
You can't make it one or the other.
So what we've done, Alex, is we've created the Advanced Vaccine Directive Card.
And it's a little wallet card, just like, you know, an I Am a Diabetic card, or just like some Fundamentals Christians carry a I Do Not Accept Blood Transfusions card.
The Advanced Vaccine Directive is an advanced health care directive, like a living will, and it says, I refuse all vaccines.
I do not waive my informed consent right.
The Supreme Court said, if you don't assert your informed consent right, you've waived it.
Therefore, you must assert it.
And normal procedure, if you are brought into an emergency room unconscious, is to look at your wallet or your purse to see if you have any of those medical cards in there.
And this card needs to be there.
People can get the card at DrRimaTruthReports.com.
And you'll see it's, you know, there's a link right there.
But we'd love them to tell us that they came from your show.
And so if they'll put in the, they go there, and they put into the little special code block, AJ, your initials, then we'll know it came from Alex Jones.
We can help support what you're doing as well.
It's really important that as many of these cards get into as many people's hands as possible.
The more people who have the card, the more people, the more power the card will have.
We need to assert our rights.
Absolutely, and people can also research the law for themselves in this history, make their own cards.
People can also create their own organizations to resist this.
It's in law, it's in our federal laws, state laws, international laws, Geneva Convention, as you know.
And then now they call this stuff vaccines.
More and more, it's re-engineering our bodies with live viruses.
They have behavioral vaccines that are, quote, anti-stress, that change the brain chemistry permanently.
It's basically a targeted lobotomy.
This is getting so high tech as well.
You know, the person who can really address those issues is, of course, Dr. Rima Labo.
She's done some important work in that area.
I hope you can have her and General Burt on soon.
Burt sees it so clearly, folks.
It's part of an overall depopulation agenda, control agenda.
They want less people, dumber people, more docile people.
All of the vaccines are aimed at creating that condition.
Type 2 diabetes?
Earlier, Alex, you alluded to the whistleblower and the congressional hearings that are going to be done.
There's a Dr. Thompson, I believe, who's a CDC whistleblower who showed that the CDC attempted to destroy the records that show that the MMR vaccine targets young boys with autism and targets black boys at a much higher rate
When you compare the rate of autism among unvaccinated versus the kids who've had the MNR, it's 200% higher for all children and 500% higher for black children.
You're talking about boys.
Yes, it's 200% for boys, blacks 500.
Same thing with fluoride.
Two, three to four times, depending on the study, worse for blacks.
Undoubtedly, whether it's HIV or whether it's fluoride, it burns whites and Hispanics and Asians, but it really targets blacks.
But I don't think we'll hear Melissa Harris Perry tell us about that on MSNBC.
I doubt it.
But, folks, listening to people like Alex, and doing your homework, and then asserting your rights.
You must assert your rights.
That's the lesson.
That's the message I want to get to everybody.
Unless you assert it, you lose it.
I don't know.
We're going to break in about a minute and a half, but why do you think they're increasing their vaccine propaganda, trying to pass laws saying it's the law?
Is that in desperation?
It is.
As General Byrd has said, the great culling has begun.
People need to go to DrRemaTruthReports.com and get that e-book from General Byrd.
I believe that we'll all be seeing over the next few years, we will begin to see the human population actually declining as all of the factors
I agree!
Ralph Fusatola is our guest.
We're going to come back with that clip of Congressman Posey breaking all of this down straight ahead.
But bottom line, do your own research, folks.
Research what's in the vaccines.
They want to make hundreds of shots mandatory.
These are firing squads, for heaven's sakes.
Stay with us.
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Alright, final segment I'm hosting.
I'll throw it to Rob Dew in the fourth hour.
He's got a very interesting guest joining him who had his business robbed, his restaurant, so he's offering basically free food to folks that have concealed carry.
That will certainly cut down on the crime historically and statistically.
We're, of course, talking to our guest right now and going over some of the vaccine news with him.
I wanted to play this clip.
This, again, is Congressman Representative Bill Posey last week talking about what's coming out with different CDC and FDA whistleblowers.
And there's more and more of them.
We've been having them on as guests here.
So let's go ahead and go to that clip.
I bring the following matter to the House floor.
In August 2014, Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, worked with a whistleblower attorney to provide my office with documents related to a 2004 CDC study that examined the possibility of a relationship between mumps, measles, rubella, vaccines, and autism.
In a statement released in August 2014, Dr. Thompson stated, I regret that my co-authors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the Journal of... Alright, let's stop right there.
The full testimony is up on InfoWars.com right now, but I wanted to show you from the MMR Merck insert that it says it can cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome and then a whole bunch of other stuff.
Measles-like rashes, and it just goes on from there.
Measles-like rashes.
I mean, there's just page after page.
Narcolepsy, death, cancer, diabetes.
I mean, it's incredible.
Page, I mean, just small Bible print.
But you go to the store, the pharmacy, you go, are there any problems?
No, honey, might make your arm a little sore.
Don't listen to the conspiracy theorists.
The shots are free!
We love you!
And now they've got, like, checkpoints where they stop and go, what, a free flu shot?
And they've never guessed the flu shot right for the year's mutation.
It's total hoax.
Gardasil's a hoax.
All of it.
That's what's crazy.
They admit it doesn't even help you.
Ralph, closing comments on this.
We're going to have you up in the near future.
Appreciate you coming on and your great work.
Anytime you want me, I'm happy to be on.
Closing comments.
You know, informed consent is the defining issue of the 21st century, and it's not just about vaccines.
But we want people to assert their rights.
You know, do it on a card, get the card we pre-printed, print it, you can go to drrimatruthreports.com and get it that way.
We just want people to speak truth to power, and the truth is I do not consent, and that's the truth.
Well, they've also need to get the facts and go out to the school boards, go out and just speak out about it, and believe me, it'll cause a chain reaction.
They came within millimeters of not passing that law in California.
They're fighting it in Australia, as you know.
This is very unpopular, it's unlawful, and we've just got to push back, just like we did with the TSA, and they've backed off a bunch.
Exactly, Alex.
Thank you so much for having me on.
It's been a pleasure.
I look forward to being on again.
You bet.
I look forward to getting General Stubblebine and Dr. Labo on the show.
They're ready any time you want them.
We're going to get them on the next week or two.
Thank you very much.
There he goes, folks.
I didn't get to the giant stack of articles on vaccines, but we cover these ad nauseum, and I'm just begging you to read the inserts.
Don't believe me.
Don't believe
The clinic, don't believe the school, read the insert.
I don't mean a fact sheet.
Where they go, oh I got one right here for you dear.
Sure is nice weather today.
You need to go, I want the insert that came with the drug.
What's that?
Of course I'm copying that Tennessee congressman when Jesse Ventura goes, the bill with the FEMA camps.
I don't know about a bill.
Of course he co-authored it.
This bill.
That, Bill, oh, I'm, uh, I can't talk to you now, dear me.
Keep spreading the word, folks.
A lot of stations are starting to carry the fourth hour.
We salute you.
If not, other great shows coming up.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
I'll be talking to Rob Dew in 70 seconds and then handing him the baton as we fight against Kennedy, head of Gamble.
InfoWars.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Rob Dew is about to take over the helm here for the next 60 minutes.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
I just wanted to thank all the listeners for your support, spreading the word about the broadcast.
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So, it's all there.
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Only got a month or two to be able to get that.
It's limited edition.
But now, handing the baton to Rob Due.
Rob, tell us my friend what's coming up today.
Well Alex, I'm going to have Joe Biggs in studio talking about actually some optic information and also a new law that has to do with silencers.
I'm also going to have on the air the restaurant owner of Papa Roo up in Indiana who decided to give a 25% discount to those who come in, conceal carry off their bill because he got robbed.
And I talked to him on the phone.
He's a libertarian.
He was very happy to get the phone call.
So this should be a very interesting conversation.
Also, I have David Knight in talking about what's coming up on the InfoWars Nightly News.
When somebody tries to come robbing this place, they're really going to be in deep trouble.
It's going to be bad for those people if they come here.
There's a lot of armed people here.
And you know, Alex, you were talking about using social media to reach out to people.
I want to, if you guys can put the document cam on this real quick.
Here's a guy, his name's at InfoWarsSniper.
He's always making really cool graphics.
Here's one to send out to your football fans with maybe a link to a really good article that we put up on InfoWars.com, a great way to spread the news.
This guy makes these graphics every day.
He's always sending them to me.
A great fan, great patriot, really cares, you know, about what's going on and he's using his talents in a way to help other people.
He realizes he's the resistance just as much as we are.
This is a war against trash that have it out for us.
So that's one way.
And I like to do, you know, when I get on here and do the fourth hour, show people different ways they can reach out and do stuff.
And because that's what it's all about.
It's little steps.
There's not one big festival or one big enlightenment event that's going to happen and change everything.
It's all about carrying the ball.
Yeah, exactly.
You're not going to win with generals.
You know, so we're going to have all that.
I'm going to get into a little immigration news, a little bit of Rand Paul news.
He's fighting back.
This Wednesday, actually, we're going to be promoting or we're actually going to be doing that Mystery Science Theater.
But we got to come up with a better name, like InfoWars Political Science Theater.
InfoWars Live Analysis of Phony Debate.
Exactly, and we're going to be doing that again from 7 to 10 on Wednesday, so that'll be live during the nightly news hour.
And by the way, I'm going to come in and help out with that.
Hey, we would love to have you.
It'd be great.
It'll be great.
The Papa Dragon will only be here for about an hour of that because I don't want to dominate and take over.
Well, Dew, I'm going to throw it to you.
Great job on the rest of the crew.
It's the fourth hour with Rob Dew, the InfoWars nightly news director, and then the nightly news tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
Who's hosting tonight?
That'll be David Knight tonight.
All right.
So, we've actually got a pretty light office in here today.
We've got Liam McAdoo's out on a mission.
We have our other brand new cameraman coming back from a mission.
So, and that's all thanks to your support.
So, we've got more to come on the 4th Hour.
This is Rob Due hosting the 4th Hour of Overdrive.
Thanks for joining us.
Infowars.com is the website.
While many restaurants are cracking down on patrons who pack heat, one restaurant is giving discounts to concealed carriers following a robbery.
Paparoo owner Art Bouvier announced on Facebook Saturday night that an armed robber had walked in, threatened his employees and stolen money.
I have a gun and I'm going to need all the money out of your registers, the robber said.
After the thief had made off with the money, the owner took to social media to announce that until further notice, your concealed carry license earns you 25% off your meal when you dine in.
He went on to say, Hoping to thwart future robberies, Bouvier stated that he would use every trick he knows to protect his extended family, and reiterated the decision is his to make.
He was quoted stating,
I can give discounts to whomever I please.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
Television, music, fast food, GMOs, sugars, you name it.
Young humans have not yet developed their nervous system and are being hammered daily by globalist concoctions.
It's no wonder they can't focus and calm down and then are put on dangerous psychotropic
I think so.
Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals.
Soylent Green, ladies and gentlemen, is made out of people.
But now, children are literally being passed through the furnace in order to fuel hospitals in the UK.
They're being sacrificed on the altar of efficiency and prosperity.
The powdered flesh from dead babies.
Some people believe they can cure disease.
Because of its enormous popularity, Soylent Green is in short supply.
Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.
The supply of Soylent Green has been exhausted.
You must evacuate the area.
The federal court ruled that the shareholders of PepsiCo, big Bilderberg Group company, are not allowed to know what they're using the baby parts for in the flavoring, but we already know.
So enjoy the flavor!
We're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes.
I'm consistently pro-death.
I'm for assisted suicide.
I'm for regular suicide.
I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving.
He is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient.
Would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade up in medical costs?
But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
They told me to say that they were sorry, but that you had become unreliable.
Is this the kind of society that you want to live in?
Any kind of society that would do this to its children will do it to its senior citizens.
It will do it to its dissidents.
That kind of society will also eventually turn on its police, on its army, on its prison guards, on the quizlings and the collaborators who make that possible.
This is nothing but a suicide cult.
The scoops are on their way.
The scoops are on their way.
I repeat, the scoops are on their way.
You will find out why Soylent Green means life.
You will find out why Soylent Green means death.
We gotta stop them!
Come on!
What is the secret of Soylent Green?
Soylent Green is people!
And that is very much an art imitates life piece that we put together about a year ago and it was in response to a report out of the UK where they were burning little baby bodies as fuel to heat UK hospitals.
Now we have here in the United States, we got the article video, abortionist says it would be a great idea to burn unborn babies as fuel.
And we go a little bit inside.
This is from Steve Watson.
The video shows Renee Chalayan, owner of the Northern Family Planning chain of abortion clinics, discussing how she had so many leftover aborted fetuses she doesn't know what to do with them.
He said the clinics are responsible for 25% of all abortions in Michigan, and notes how the medical recycling company Stericycle stopped providing services to the abortion clinics, leaving them without a way to dispose the fetuses.
I was so consumed with fetal tissue, I was ready to drive to the Upper Michigan, which is the peninsula up there, the Upper Peninsula, to have a bonfire.
And I was just trying to figure out, you know, but how if I would get stopped or how far I'd have to go in the woods to get this fire lit so nobody would see me.
I mean, that is crazy.
And that goes back to this article.
This is from LifeNews.com.
We also reposted it.
Shocking report shows 15,000 aborted babies incinerated to heat British hospitals from March 24, 2014.
It was in response to that that we made that Soylent Green video.
And this is coming out of the Telegraph as one of the country's leading hospitals, Attenbrook's in Cambridge, incinerated 797 babies below 13 weeks of gestation at their own waste-to-energy plant.
The mothers were told the remains had been cremated.
So they probably gave them some ashes that weren't even their babies.
Another waste of energy waste energy facility in Ipswich Hospital owned by a private contractor incinerated over a thousand fetal remains between 2011 and 2013.
They were brought in from another hospital before being burned generating energy for the hospital.
So that's what's going on with the bodies of your
I guess loved ones, the babies, and David Knight was in that video saying if they're going to do this to babies, they're going to do it to old people, then they're going to do it to those who are sick, then they're going to turn on anybody else who's in the system, just like if you read about the Night of the Long Knives.
Once Hitler came into power, he had to get rid of the people who knew where the bodies were buried, and that was one way of doing that.
So coming up at the bottom of the hour, we're going to have the restaurant owner, Art Bouvier, who put out a Facebook post.
I'm going to just read just a little bit about this Facebook post right here, a little bit on it.
I guess I'm going to have a hard time getting the words out right without rambling.
730 tonight the rue was robbed by an armed robber everything else is fine the crew is fine and so and then he writes in all caps all customers until further notice your concealed carry license earns you 25% off your meal when you dine in and before anybody starts thinking the rule become the okay crowd no I'm not advocating it but health the thugs are gonna come in and threaten our extended family with guns you better believe I will use every trick I know to protect them
And I think he's spot on.
He's advertising now that he is not a gun-free zone.
And when you advertise that you're a gun-free zone, you get thugs who come in and rob you.
That is how it works, because they know guns are not there to stop them.
And I want to get into a little bit, it kind of carries into that, people using cell phone cameras.
You might have seen the video of the girl in the school.
I think it's in California where she's being drug out of her chair and thrown against a wall by a cop.
It's really a disturbing video to see that that's what goes on in your public schools.
But now, last week this came out, FBI chief ties higher police scrutiny to rising crime.
Comey says some officers in some cities are becoming less aggressive.
And that's FBI Director James Comey basically saying because so many people are out there videotaping cops.
And putting it up on YouTube that cops are not now doing their job.
And then you've got places and cities like Baltimore where they're actually asking for the feds to come in and help, which is all part of the plan to federalize the police and put them under more federal control, which is not what we need.
We do need police accountability.
We need police to actually clean their own houses so we don't have to.
And that's part of the part of the reason with this.
And there's another article, FBI Chiefs YouTube era theory for violent crime worth considering, experts say.
So, what they're trying to do is make it illegal, eventually, to come around with, you know, a camera and videotape the police.
The police already do hassle you when you do do that.
I'm looking for a... Here it is.
This is Mass Privatel.
This is just a blog.
They put this out Tuesday.
FBI director claims police don't like being recorded, calls it a chill one, blowing through American law enforcement.
But at the end of this,
He puts down the 10 ways, or whoever they are, they don't list themselves as a writer in any way, 10 ways the police are spying on you in public.
Police dash cams, police body cams, red light cameras and license plate readers, traffic intersection cameras, highway
Well now the shoes on the other foot.
Maybe you should have thought of that when you want to set up a police surveillance site.
Which brings me to, let's see if I can pull this up.
There's another shot, another great graphic from InfoWars, at InfoWars underscore Sniper.
Here's one he did.
If you guys can get a shot of this on the overhead cam.
This is Barack Obama's police state and, you know, some little kids running around the SWAT team, the tanks that they're now outfitting, that they're bringing back from Iraq and Afghanistan to keep us safe and secure.
And I didn't print this story out, speaking of safe and secure, but there's a Ukrainian city, if you could pull this up on Daily Mail guys, it's a Ukrainian city where they voted Emperor Palpatine to the city council.
In fact, he went out and campaigned as Emperor Palpatine won.
There's a picture of him coming in.
I think Chewbacca was rested at the polls for campaigning against Darth Vader, who was also running.
There it is.
Scroll down.
Let's get the shot of Emperor Palpatine.
It really is getting crazy here in this world when you can
Elect the Emperor of the Sith to a city council.
Of course, it's all said and just, but what people are saying with this is we don't even trust the real legitimate people.
We'd rather have this Star Wars character as our new city council representative because why should we elect you people when you're just gonna...
You know, keep running things into the ground the way you're doing.
There's Chewbacca getting arrested.
You're not allowed to campaign at a polling site, and he was doing that.
I think Joe Biggs was out there running around right before this segment started, telling me he had some news about Rand Paul.
I've got a Rand Paul article here I'm going to cover.
Rand Paul fights back.
I'm the only fiscal conservative in the race.
And he's got some special news that he was sharing with me and also some gun news that's really important.
Some new bills that are coming out to make silencers a little more readily available for people.
And another thing on some sites that are being affected by the heat.
So we're going to get into that coming up.
And yeah, come on in, Joe.
Pull your phone out.
I think you have the... Did you give those guys the graphic?
Yeah, yeah.
I put the graphic in today's 4th Hour Show folder.
All right.
So you got the Hillary thing, right?
Yeah, yeah.
You got sent this.
I think this is pretty exciting.
Very close.
I was offering $100 to whoever could get a photo of the Hillary for Prison t-shirt standing next to Hillary.
Here we have a Rand Paul supporter, and you know his name, and he's standing next to Rand Paul wearing the Hillary for Prison t-shirt, but what actually happened when he stood up with that t-shirt?
His name's Terry, and he went to this event and stood up, I guess, and everyone saw the shirt, and Rand Paul apparently said,
Who else supports this Hillary for prison idea?
And apparently the whole crowd erupted and went crazy, so we're waiting on that footage to come in.
But that's something that I would like to encourage Ray and Paul to do in the upcoming debate.
Mr. Ray and Paul, we will send you a shirt overnight if you wear this to the debate.
And at a very key time, I don't know, open that up, do the Superman move like I did at the Donald Trump rally, and show that.
It's going to be everywhere.
It will make headlines everywhere.
And it'll be a huge boost for his campaign.
It'll definitely help out because people want to see that.
That's the people, they're looking to him for that kind of action, reaction.
Exactly, exactly.
Not necessarily match what Donald Trump is doing, running around calling everybody a jerk and whatnot, but just some life.
You know, it's like you can't have a lifeless candidate.
And not that Rand Paul is lifeless, but he needs to do something to springboard his campaign.
I think this would be a great way to do it, especially we're still early on in this.
Our third debate coverage that we're going to be doing live.
I've already sent him a tweet saying hey, we'll send you this shirt and let's get that out here in the next debate.
We've got some gun news coming up in the next segment, so stay tuned.
It's the Overdrive Hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Rob Doo, Joe Biggs sitting in with me.
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So Rand Paul is being attacked from all corners.
Fox News is ignoring him.
And then out of Politico we have this article just handed to me.
Republicans fret about Paul's Senate seat.
Some D.C.
and Kentucky Republicans want Paul to end his presidential campaign and focus on his 2016 Senate re-election.
I don't think he's going to have any trouble getting re-elected.
I think people like what they see out of Rand Paul in the Senate.
It's not necessarily a slam dunk, so he should concentrate on it.
You never know what could happen, but I guarantee you, he wants to make some noise and have some chatter.
What about him?
Wear that Hillary for Prison t-shirt, Rand.
And we just got a brand new shipment in, so everything's back in stock.
Pick yours up today.
It's only $19.95 at the Infowars store.
That's it.
So now, Joe Biggs, you've got some gun news.
Where do you want to start?
Alright, so first we can talk about the silencers.
So right now there is a new bill on the table that they're trying to get passed.
It's called the Hearing Protection Act.
And basically what that is, it says that we need silencers for one purpose.
For protection.
For ear protection.
You've got a lot of people out there that go hunting, there's a lot of people that go out there that do it for sport, and all that stuff.
And a lot of people that have long-term effects from shooting guns as well.
You know, in combat, we had them as well.
It's a great way to be able to have those ear, you know, buds out that stops you from being able to hear what's going on, commands, things like that.
Even like on a shooting range, you need to be able to communicate and hear one another.
And when you have those ear plugs in, it's hard to do that.
So the silencer
It gives you that ability to be able to communicate, and it's more safe.
You have to get through the whole stigmatism, the idea that people think that silence... It's only for assassins.
For hitmen, assassins, things like that.
You've got these super sneaky squirrel people who are hopping out of the tree lines and they're just going to start shooting everybody.
It just isn't the case.
I mean, these are going to be people who are already...
Legally law-abiding.
I mean, it's already a pretty rough process you have to go through with the ATF.
You gotta spend, you know, upwards of $600 or $400 to get that, and you got about a four to six month wait for that to happen, and they give you the stamp.
And what's the name of the bill?
Um, it's H.R. 3799.
A distribution place here in Austin, Texas, and he said that he doesn't believe this will pass with this administration, but maybe in the next four to five years there's a good possibility that something like this will pass.
And I asked him, I said, how many silencers does, you know, a place like this actually put out in a month?
They sell 3,000.
At least a month.
I mean, that's pretty shocking.
I didn't think there was that many people out there buying them.
And where are those going?
They're going to private citizens?
Private citizens, yeah.
A lot of returning customers.
People buy them.
I mean, I got to hold some of the guns, so Jakaar Jackson's working on that video.
We'll have that report out tonight, hopefully.
But yeah, it doesn't really add that much weight.
I was kind of curious to see how it would feel in the front of a Glock or something like that.
It really doesn't.
Make it harder to shoot or anything like that.
So it's really neat, and I got to see one of them with a silencer on a .338 Lapua, which is a really awesome rifle.
Oh, yeah.
But, you know, switching gears, we have an article out by Bearing Arms, and this is talking about a faulty optic that's out there, a sight.
You can see the article if you want to pull it up.
It's the Bearing Arms one.
And it's very interesting when you actually start looking into this,
We'll have to break down what a lot of this stuff means, but it says that this company is putting out a site where they say in the guarantee that if there's any kind of temperature increase like that, it won't shift the MOA.
And what MOA is, let me break that down, I've copied out the definition, it means a minute of angle.
That is an angular measurement.
The MOA is, so for every 100 yards, that's an inch.
Now this optics company, they found out that when this holographic site heats up in a place like Iraq, Afghanistan, it shifts for MOA.
So if you're shooting, say if you're an operator and you've got a hostage and you've got a terrorist sitting there, that four inches means the difference between one person's head and another or however you're trying to do something.
So for these guys overseas who are working in these hostile environments that really have to actually go in, Delta boys, all these guys are going in and working in these hostage situations.
That's the meaning between you getting your target and then getting an innocent person.
So it could really affect those precision type shots from people.
Well that's interesting.
That's very interesting going and people need to be aware of news like that and you know that's that's one way so how do you how do you know if your site's out and how do you fix that if it is out?
Well my suggestion is obviously you want to cite that in in the area that you're going to be firing in so if you were to go back overseas
Stay right there.
We're going to have in the next segment Art Bouvier.
He's the restaurant owner giving a 25% discount to conceal carry owners.
And I think Joe's probably a good person to have in here with during this interview.
So we're going to be talking to him next.
And then after that, David Knight is going to be telling us what's in the InfoWars Nightly News.
It's Rob Dew, the fourth hour of Overdrive.
Thanks for watching.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up this Wednesday, the 28th, from 7 to 10 p.m.
Central, InfoWars is going to be here live, analyzing the Republican debates.
A look at all the BS and propaganda that's going on in these debates.
People need to understand, we're not doing this to promote any one particular candidate, because we know at top levels that these guys are at, a lot of them are pretty much fixed horses.
Just like Trump has said himself, he picks up the phone and
We're doing this more as a way to educate the general public about the left-right paradigm and how you don't have to choose between a Republican and a Democrat.
It's going to be on CNBC and they say that some of the hot issues that they're gonna be talking about this time around are gonna be taxes, retirement spending, and job growth.
So stay tuned to InfoWars.
We'll be here this Wednesday the 28th from 7 to 10 p.m.
Myself, David Knight, Joe Biggs, as well as the rest of the crew are going to be here breaking all this down for you.
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You know, Australia's a good example, Canada's a good example, the UK is a good example.
Because each of them had mass killings.
Somebody, somewhere will comment and say, Obama politicized this issue.
Well, this is something we should politicize.
I'm not going to carry a gun.
I don't want to be involved in a gun fight.
If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
So the notion that gun laws don't work is not borne out by the evidence.
He says that the Chicago police had a plan over this bloody 4th of July weekend.
Nonetheless, as you indicated, Corey, there was a count of casualties that could have been from Afghanistan or Iraq.
We'll make it.
Harder for law-abiding citizens and criminals will still get their guns.
In many cases the offenders, felons, some out on parole, some out on bond.
We have to respect the tradition in this country of people who want to defend themselves and their families from violence.
There are people at high levels in this government who have
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The average American does not have that.
Mayor Bloomberg, why can you defend yourself but not...
The majority of Americans, I mean, look at the team of security you got!
Every day, every school, at every level.
One thing that I think is clear with young people and with adults as well, is that we just have to be repetitive about this, and we need to do this every day of the week, and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
Was this the weapon of choice for a new kind of terrorist?
When a five-year-old girl said she and a classmate should shoot each other with bubbles, the school called it a terrorist threat.
AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.
You know, the right to bear arms is because that's the last form of defense against tyranny.
Lay down your arms, you damn rebels!
We don't need the ability to arm ourselves against the army or the police.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
I mean, we've got a lot of Constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
Discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
To say we're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not knocking down, if you want us, come and take us!
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones!
And seeing that footage I shot back in 2009 of the reenactment of the shot heard around the world made me think of this.
I retweeted this today.
On this day in history, King George III ordered troops dispatched to crush the burgeoning rebellion in the colonies.
He gave a speech to the parliament which basically gave them the okay to actually go out.
You can see a little picture of that.
Tweet that I retweeted right there.
And you know, it's amazing how history and everything works.
And now we're still talking about guns.
You've got this restaurant magazine called The Eater that say that, you know, not all customers are happy with Art Bouvier's decision to extend a 25% discount to conceal carry license holders.
And he finds that weird.
But then you've got USA Today.
There's the article.
It says, let's see, what's the headline here?
Cajuns, our crowds eat up Cajun restaurants gun stance.
We've got the owner on the line now, Mr. Art Bouvier.
He's the 46-year-old owner and proprietor of Papa Roo Restaurant in Indianapolis.
And are you there, Art?
Can you hear me?
I'm here, hello.
How did I get to be 46?
My gosh.
Does it say 46?
You really are 46, though.
Oh, no, no, I am 46.
Oh, yeah.
But how did that happen?
I tell you, I feel the same way.
I'm 41, so who knows?
You know, just the other day, somebody, there was 20 years I read somewhere of that book, Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, that I saw everywhere when I was 20.
20 years ago, they said it came out.
I started grabbing my heart.
So, Mr. Bouvier, you've definitely caused a stir, which hopefully has increased your business and hopefully kept the thuggies out.
What has been the response to the people in your area?
Oh, it's been incredible, overwhelmingly positive.
I went ahead and dug up the stats from yesterday, our first business day since I made the announcement, and our business was up 400% from a normal Monday.
On a Monday?
Dude, that's crazy.
Yeah, no, I know.
And now, keep in mind, some of it is that Mondays are notoriously bad for a restaurant.
Oh, right, yeah.
But still, you know, business was up 400% and we ended up actually awarding a total of 110 carry license discounts.
But I do believe that the number was actually higher on carry licenses brought in because we had
I wasn't prepared for a high number of people that said, I do have my license.
I don't want your discount.
So there you go.
Just willing to stand up for gun rights.
And that's, you know, and I know you said in your Facebook post, you don't want to turn this into a debate.
I think the left is probably going to try to turn this into a debate saying, oh, do we want people armed in the restaurant?
Obviously, they were armed on Monday night.
You had plenty of people armed and nothing happened.
And I think it's good that you're putting out those statistics.
You may want to post those on the door for thugs.
Think twice before entering here.
Monday, we had this many.
Tuesday, we had this many.
You know, you have to do that because when you put up, we don't allow firearms in here.
You know, when you go to some places, they say, we don't want firearms in this area.
What does that tell you?
It tells the thugs and the crooks out there that it's open season.
Yeah, exactly.
When you're someone out there that's intending to do harm, you look for soft targets.
And when you see that, you know you've got a good chance of making it in and out, getting what you want.
I've had a few customers tell me that day, you know, well, I'm not comfortable knowing that there'll be people in the restaurant with a gun.
There was a guy in the restaurant with a gun Saturday night.
He's the one that took my money.
Yeah, and he could have taken everybody's money.
Didn't these people watch Pulp Fiction?
I don't want him getting bald and taking lives.
Or trying to take hostages or create a bigger scene.
I mean, that's what you really need to worry about.
That could be something that could get out of control.
It's concealed carry.
You're not even going to know.
Yeah, exactly.
I've been at anti-gun rallies before where there was a huge amount of people in that crowd carrying weapons.
No one even knew.
No one was flipping out.
There's no one running around.
You can't tell.
Mr. Bouvier, sitting with me is Joe Biggs.
He's a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan and one of our big gun guys here at the office.
So I thought it would be great to have him in here to get his perspective.
How is your crew taking to this information?
Have they been very supportive?
What's it been like?
Most of my crew actually carries to begin with.
I have some of the older and more seasoned employees that I am perfectly fine with them carrying while they work.
The ones that are either newer to the business or younger in general, I simply ask them to check it to where it's available in an emergency.
But no, they're fine with it and what's interesting is this whole idea came out of the fact that on Saturday night when this happened, after the guy left and while we were on the phone with the police, a diner came forward and said, I just want you to know, I am carrying and I was aware of your situation, but I had your back in the event that it became a life or death situation.
I'm not going to create the life or death situation, but I had your back if it became one.
Well, that's exactly the attitude I want.
Yeah, exactly.
You don't want to, you know, like you say, you don't want it to turn into an OK Corral situation, which incidentally happened yesterday in history.
It was just all these weird historical anomalies are adding up.
Well, statistically speaking, people who have concealed carry permits are way more law-abiding.
Yeah, they understand the law and they understand the risks involved, the amount of responsibility that that person holds.
So yeah, that's awesome that guy said, hey, I'm stepping back.
If it gets out of hand, then I have that.
But to know that's how concealed carries are, the thought process they're going through.
Yeah, if somebody pulls it out and starts shooting, that's the time to react, or even if they pull it out and start aiming.
This guy never did pull the gun, he just said he had one, right?
Correct, correct.
Now, the reason I am rewarding the legal document of the license to carry, and not actually the gun.
I don't care if people carry, I don't care if they carry open, I don't, I don't.
You want to tell people how to carry, do what you do, but I am interested in the document because it proves to me that you are a law-abiding citizen, you've not been convicted of a felony, and in general, I consider that to be a stable individual.
Those are the people I'm after.
Yeah, I very much agree.
I've been through the class, I never applied for my permit, but sitting through the eight-hour class, you really learn a lot of common sense, stuff that you may not have thought about, and then going out and doing the shooting.
Well, it also puts a little fear in you, too, as well.
It lets you know the consequences of when you pull that gun.
That's it.
It's go time.
You better have proof and a reason why you did that.
And you better have the proof to back it up.
And you better know how to talk to the cops when you have one too because there's a certain way you want to talk to them because that's another way it could get out of hand.
But you never really hear of concealed carry people getting shot by police because they know exactly how to talk to cops when they arrive.
Now how long did it take the police to arrive at your restaurant, Mr. Bouvier?
Oh, actually they were there fairly quickly.
I've got a good rapport with the police.
I wouldn't say that they were emergency responders in the sense that it would have helped had it become a life or death situation.
But they were there fairly quickly for my employees.
I myself wasn't present on Saturday night, but my manager says they arrived fairly quickly to take the report.
Yeah, but it's like they say, when seconds count, the police are minutes away, and that's a perfect... It would not have been an emergency responder status worthy of anything.
I mean, you've got the police in Detroit, you've got people all over coming out saying, hey, we need citizens to be armed, because we can't always be there right when you need us.
And that's a sad thing.
A lot of times, by the time they get there, there's a body count, so it's good when you have that backup.
What are the gun laws like in Indiana?
Are they oppressive as they are in Chicago?
I would actually have to say they're fairly lax.
Without wanting to sound political in any way, I wouldn't mind if they were a little less lax because I am truly after the person that has had the training, is absolutely mature and legit and stable.
I can't say that in Indiana, having a carry license guarantees all of those things.
I do think that in general, having a carry license implies that you are more stable than the rest, but certainly I have no proof of that.
So when you opened up a Cajun restaurant in Indianapolis, did you actually bring the recipes from Louisiana or how did you, what made you want to decide to open that type of establishment?
I left New Orleans in 1996 because I wanted to have a good computer job.
I was in computers.
And I knew that if I stayed in New Orleans, I would be stuck running a restaurant my whole life.
So I came up north and worked in corporate America and IT for about 15 years and then just decided I had enough of it.
And I looked at my wife and said, well, what's plan B?
Let's open a restaurant.
So here I am.
There are all recipes that I grew up with and it's all the real deal.
Well, let's pull up his Yelp right now.
I think we had the Yelp site up a little bit earlier, but let's pull that up and people who are in your area could actually come and maybe we can get you 800% support after this.
That's Papa Roo.
At the moment, I am actually in a little bit of a battle with the people that
Don't like my decision.
So I wouldn't be surprised if there's some complete flat goose egg reviews on there that look a little shady.
That always happens.
And I see a lot of five star reviews right now.
But there's a four star, lots of reviews there.
You can check it out.
Papa Rue is the name of the restaurant.
And I have one of the police.
What are they saying about this?
Because I know you actually offer a 50% discount.
They are 100% supportive of this.
I've actually had a joke with them because they get a 50% discount, always have, and I've told them, you know, you can't stack the discounts now.
Here's a good idea for you.
You should take your employees to the range and take those targets from the range and hang them up in the window and say, this is how our employees shoot.
Right, right.
Before you enter.
Fabulous ideas!
Protected by the Second Amendment.
Have a sticker that says that and put it up on the window.
Yeah, exactly.
You know, you have to come out guns a-blazing, figuratively, with the criminal element out there, because you never know when it could happen.
Now, mostly, I actually look at this as a mental propaganda exercise.
I would like to know that the criminals
At least are worried that the odds might not be in their favor.
And whether they are or not is really irrelevant.
I want people to have to worry about it.
It's that hesitation that, well maybe we should go, this is the guy that's got all the guns, we gotta go to another restaurant.
Or we're gonna go, you know, not that you, not that we should be having this conversation.
How fabulous would it be if there is no other restaurant because everybody follows suit?
There you go.
See, you could be starting a trend here, and you don't even know it when, you know, it started with a Facebook post that you posted on October 24th at 8.41 p.m.
So that was the night it happened?
Uh, the 24th, yes, the 24th.
I always step into my biggest messes on Facebook, I'm not kidding.
Don't we all?
Everybody does it, but what you've done is actually raise awareness about guns and about the safety of guns and gun ownership, especially those who are concealed carry.
Because I don't think a lot of people realize that, that how safe and the type of training that concealed carry owners go through to get that, the background checks, the fingerprinting, it's not a walk in the park by any means.
It's not something you do just on a whim and the state just grants it to you on a whim.
Whereas the guy that was in Saturday night and wanted to threaten everybody, his was completely on a whim.
Yeah, and he probably got it without a background check.
He probably stole it from somebody, and that's the thing about gun laws.
You know, criminals don't follow gun laws.
Obviously, you're not supposed to go rob a restaurant.
He didn't care, because he had a gun.
Or at least he said he did.
He's a criminal.
Yeah, and criminals don't follow the law.
All this gun control does is impede
Law-abiding citizens from being able to protect themselves in these kind of scenarios.
Well, I don't know if you heard that piece that we put up before.
It's, you know, kind of a gun grabber piece we like to put up anytime the gun grabbers rear their heads.
And Hillary was talking about how she wants to see a nationwide gun buyback program.
That kind of started it off.
But we went, we cut to some stuff over the 4th of July weekend.
It was just out-of-control shootings in Chicago.
And most of the people were felons getting out of prison.
And so they were going to get guns and then they were they were causing trouble.
They weren't law-abiding citizens shooting people.
And you know that's where the disparity comes.
Most of these people doing these gun crimes are already criminals or they have no reason to be running around with a gun unless it's to cause mayhem.
So we salute you definitely.
So you must be making that all up right?
Yeah, exactly.
I feel really bad for the people who do go into these gun-free zones if bad stuff happens to them.
Gun-free zones are safe.
Yeah, they think they're safe and effective.
Give me an instance in the last ten years where there's been a shooting at a gun-free zone.
You can't, can you?
Obviously you can't.
Because it happens.
It happens all the time.
So yeah, I would step up the propaganda war a little bit more.
Again, that's my only advice to give you.
I would put those targets up.
I would put the number of concealed carry owners that have been in your restaurant the last few days.
Put the stats out.
Put the targets up.
Let the criminals know who they're messing with because... That's a good idea.
And I salute you for starting this debate and keeping it going.
It really is good.
You want to plug your restaurant again and where you're located?
Well, it's Papa Roo.
We are Cajun food recipes from New Orleans.
We're on the east side of Indianapolis, just a mile south of I-70.
And if you come in, if it sits still long enough for us to cook it and put it in bread, we're going to serve it to you on a po'boy sandwich.
That sounds awesome.
I wish I was living up near I-70 at this point.
But if you're traveling through town, stop in.
Say you support what he's doing.
You support gun rights and you commend him.
Because at these times, this is when we all need to really stick together.
Because if we don't, we will hang separately and they will come for our guns and make everybody a criminal that owns guns, which we shouldn't be having at this point.
Less gun laws so we can have more people owning guns.
And then I think we'll have less crime.
It's already going down.
We need to have a debate about mental issues.
That's it.
I think that's where it goes.
And I'm sure the individual who broke into your restaurant was having mental issues.
So, thank you, Art, for coming on.
Alex, if I may before you let me go, real quick.
One takeaway I had from the evening is my security footage was useless because my camera was a ceiling mount, as is traditional, and the criminals have now communicated with each other.
Come in with the hoodies, with the beanies, and look down.
There it is.
So Sunday I spent the whole day rewiring everything.
All of my cameras are now right at eye level.
And I recommend that all business owners do the same.
There you go.
Another great tip.
So hopefully we've changed some lives here.
Some business owners are going to think twice about not allowing guns on their premises.
And I think that's the way to do it with the information war.
And by putting out that message that, hey, people might be armed in here, you better think twice about breaking in and causing mayhem.
Thanks for coming on the show, Art.
And you can check out Papa Roo.
Check him out on Yelp.
And if you're in that area, go check him out and tell him you support him.
This is Rob Dewey.
We've got one more segment.
David Knight's coming in to talk about what's coming up on the InfoWars Nightly News.
You're watching the Fourth Hour of Overdrive.
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That's where you might end up if you try to rob Art Bouvier's restaurant again.
He's a 400% increase in business and he shared the stats earlier in the last segment about how many concealed carry owners were eating.
I just texted him, do CCO owners prefer gumbo or jambalaya?
Crawfish, jambalaya, hands down.
Thanks for everything.
So there you go, that was the one question I forgot to ask.
Thanks for coming on.
Now, who do I have in the hot seat with me?
It's Mr. David Knight, the wise, wise grandfatherly figure here at InfoWars.com, and was top ten in the reporter contest, who's now like almost running the show here on the Nightly News, the fourth hour, just
You know, really providing his perspective and a staunch libertarian.
One of the many.
Yeah, but I think you're one of the best and I'm so glad you're here.
What's coming up tonight on the Infowars Nightly News?
Well, we're going to give people a preview of the election coverage that we're going to have tomorrow night.
Of course, you and I are going to talk about that in a moment.
But, Rob, there's a couple of things that I think really need to be talked about.
One of them is this back and forth going on between China and the U.S.
We're going to look at that in detail.
We were told that we had to fight the Vietnam War because Vietnam was going to become, fall under the influence of China.
Now we have the situation where the U.S.
is coming to the aid of Communist Vietnam against China.
That's very interesting.
The Syrian hospital attacks that have been attributed to Russia, that now looks like that may not be the truth.
It looks like it may be a propaganda campaign that's being put out by American surrogates to push back against the criticism they've come under from the attack on an Afghanistan hospital that continued for 30 minutes.
Right, we'll never see that recanted though in our media.
Instead what they will do is they will say, well the Russians did it too, and they did nine.
Okay, and I reported that the other day.
I just went with the news.
But now, as we vet this, there's more to this story.
So tonight, we're going to talk about that.
We're going to talk about what's going on with China, Vietnam, and the U.S.
yet again.
Here we are, 40, 50 years after the Vietnam War.
And of course, we're going to talk about what's going on with the politics.
Exactly, and if you are watching Rand Paul right now, let's pull up that picture again.
We had a fan send us a picture wearing his Hillary for Prison t-shirt there with Mr. Rand Paul.
Mr. Paul, we're going to send you a, I guess you're probably either a medium or a large, I think we'll send you both, and pull it out during the campaign, even if you have it in your pocket.
Wave it around.
Hold it.
I mean, I guarantee it'll make headlines.
It'll be the biggest thing in the debate.
And let me tell you, these debates are bits of a snoozer, which is why we sit and comment in real time and take these people to task.
This is a chance for him to get seen.
And this is a chance for him to stand out, because he wants to really talk about issues.
Tomorrow night, this is supposed to be about economic issues.
He's got the best economic issues.
He can talk about the Federal Reserve.
He can talk about crony capitalism.
None of these other people are really going to go there.
A real cut in military spending, and people think, oh, if we cut the military spending, we're going to be vulnerable.
Do you realize how many bases we have around the world?
I don't know if people realize how much good we could do by taking some of that money and spending it on infrastructure here locally, in our country.
We're going to play some clips.
One of them is a great clip from LBJ, telling us how important it was for us to save this little tiny Vietnamese nation from the tyranny of Chinese communists, okay?
And we're going to look at that, and when you look at that, and look at what happened in the subsequent decades, and look at what's going on now, that's a real eye-opening moment.
But actually, you know, Rob, a lot of this is, and we can see this in the news as we see,
Ben Carson going up in the polls.
He's now, first we learned he was up 14 points over Trump in Iowa.
Then we see this poll where he's now leading him in a national poll.
This is going back and forth on personalities, really.
And I think one of the things that every time the mainstream media attacks one of these guys, whether they attack Carson or they attack Trump, they go straight up in the polls and they attack them on being politically incorrect.
So, now that we've got them coming after Trump saying he shouldn't be hosting Saturday Night Live, and I'm sure he's saying, don't throw me in that briar patch.
I can save him.
You can see more tonight, 7 p.m.
Central, with David Knight on the InfoWars Nightly News.
I'm your host, Rob Dew.
Thanks for watching the fourth hour of Overdrive.
The websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll see you tomorrow.
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