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Name: 20151022_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 22, 2015
3307 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses topics such as gun control, Benghazi hearings with Hillary Clinton, the DuPont heir convicted of raping his daughter, and Tesla cars having autonomous driving capabilities. He also promotes products on InfoWarsLife.com and addresses preparedness for potential emergencies by mentioning NuMana's storable food products. Jones touches upon the ongoing investigation into Benghazi attack and Hillary Clinton's involvement in it, criticizing Republicans for wasting taxpayer money on this endeavor. The clip starts with a discussion about gun laws in America, emphasizing patriotism and loyalty. It then mentions Talkers Magazine listing Alex Jones as one of the top ten talk show hosts in the country with 360,000 listeners every 15 minutes on terrestrial radio but discusses problems faced by talk radio due to Democratic Party takeovers and censorship. The episode also features interviews with Dr. Evan E. Coslow, inventor of the solid-state extrusion process for carbon block technology, and Dr. Scott, inventor of a gravity-fed filter system that effectively removes contaminants from water. Topics include water filtration, fluoride removal, financial education for self-protection, tax laws favoring capitalists, and influence of pharmaceutical companies on Congress. The speakers express concerns about weakening of America's spirit by powerful groups controlling its citizens through financial illiteracy in schools, socialism, and centralized systems. They promote InfoWars products such as Alexa Pure Pro water filtration system and the InfoWars Insider email newsletter. Jakari Jackson hosts the InfoWars Overdrive Hour on the Alex Jones Show discussing various topics including firearms, high-quality storable foods at InfoWarsSelect.com, political opinions about Trump, Hillary Clinton, Rand Paul, taxes, Black Lives Matter, and Heart and Body Extract as a supplement that can help balance blood pressure, cholesterol, circulation, and clean arteries.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Benghazi hearings are live.
We have Hillary's opening statements, Trey Gowdy, Elijah Cummings, and others.
After the break, we're also grabbing snippets of some of the juicier parts.
Cummings is saying it's all political.
Of course it's political.
But first it's important to look above the puppets like Hillary and Barack Obama and John Boehner and Paul Ryan to the actual social engineers and controllers.
Here's John Bowne's report.
The global elite are saviors, are masters, are kings, queens, and presidents.
Drafting a new world order in secret and publicly behaving like the privileged scumbags they truly are.
Whether you're a banker, a sheik, or a connected politician.
What difference at this point does it make?
One thing is for sure, the rules don't apply to you.
The New York Post reports a Saudi Arabian prince is accused by three female staffers of acting like a bizarre party boy, engaging in a gay sex act in front of them, threatening a woman's life and declaring, I am a prince and I do what I want.
CNN reports a Saudi prince is no longer facing felony assault charges, but could still face a misdemeanor as the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office reviews a woman's complaint that the royal tried to force her to perform a sex act on him.
Prince Mahed Abdulaziz Al Saud, originally arrested on suspicion of sexual assault,
False imprisonment and battery was released last month on $300,000 bail in connection with the September 23rd incident.
The Saudi prince is no longer facing felony assault charges.
The case is now being evaluated for possible misdemeanor charges.
You may remember back in 2011 French presidential candidate Chouin and former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn was arrested and charged with an alleged sexual assault and attempted rape in a New York City hotel.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn was only to be charged later and acquitted of aggravated pimping in France earlier this year.
The 66 year old admitted taking part in orgies but denied knowing the women were prostitutes.
Or the Delaware Court's decision to spare Robert H. Richards, the wealthy DuPont heir, an eight-year prison sentence because he would not fare well.
After being convicted, Richards' eight-year prison sentence for raping his toddler daughter was suspended.
The elite live outside of law.
And are creating a new world order from all directions.
In the words of Lord Christopher Monckton, world government is going to be created.
The word government actually appears as the first of three purposes of the new entity.
The second purpose is the transfer of wealth from the countries of the West to third world countries.
And the third purpose of this new entity, this government, is enforcement.
They are about to impose a communist world government on the world, warned Lord Monckton.
They are coming from all sides, as is completely obvious to anyone with ears or eyes to hear or read, as the Department of Justice, rather than focusing on the numerous Islamic terror cells residing in the United States, or the threat crossing our borders.
...will instead focus on returning veterans, Christians, and gun owners through their newly formed Domestic Terror Council, prosecuting anti-government and hate groups, regardless of the First Amendment.
Assistant Attorney General John Carlin, who oversees national security at the Justice Department, announced the new position, the Domestic Terrorism Council, following a number of violent attacks or plots against the U.S.
that he said were motivated by anti-government views,
Racism, bigotry, and anarchy, and other despicable beliefs.
This is how democracy dies.
This is how ideas, opinions, and freedom are squashed in the noonday sun.
This is how totalitarian criminals with zero real-world experience regarding their fellow human counterparts dismantle a government that has no room for their lunacy and cruelty.
John Bowne for Infowars.com
Good job, as usual, John Bowne.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Thursday, the 22nd day of October 2015.
We've got a jam-packed transmission lined up.
Please tell your friends and family to tune in.
This is going to be important.
Less than a week after the overnight upgrade to Tesla cars making them capable of autonomous driving, multiple videos have surfaced of the cars trying to throw their human drivers under the bus, literally.
In one video, the car begins beeping as another car approaches, then rapidly swerves into what would have been a head-on collision if the driver hadn't reacted quickly to jerk the wheel back to the right.
Tesla says auto-steer is just a beta release.
If you use it and your car crashes, they deny all responsibility.
Releasing buggy software that causes your computer to crash is far different than releasing buggy software that can crash your car with you in it and kill other people on the highway.
And ask yourself, why would the government, that normally is fanatic about safety, allow this on the road?
Because nothing is more important for them than to get control of your transportation, even if it means a few of us will be smashed like bugs while they work out the bugs in the system.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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Ancient Defense.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Thank you for joining us, my friends, on this live Thursday worldwide broadcast.
22nd day of October, 2015.
Of course, the Benghazi hearings with Hillary Clinton, also known as Hitlery, are ongoing right now.
In a few minutes, we're going to go to that live feed on C-SPAN for everyone.
We've got that patched in and ready, as we do always at the ready with the connection to C-SPAN and other news channels.
We can flip right over and cover the latest.
But really, it is a bunch of political jousting.
We've seen the Clintons and others basically blackmailing Congress for a long time.
Elijah Cummings comes out and says that this is political.
Well, of course it's political!
Just like the IRS went after more than 10,000 Christian organizations, veterans groups, conservative groups, libertarian groups, and others, Second Amendment groups, you name it, taking away their tax exemption, auditing them, indicting people, arresting people.
The difference was that was illegitimate.
Everything's political in one way or another.
But it was illegitimate, it was illegal, it was targeting innocent people.
Hillary was involved in the import-export arm of the State Department, giving weapons and other restricted systems to countries that would give money to her foundation.
Clinton has been involved in a long train of corruption.
Clinton has been involved being caught with secret email accounts to stay outside the purview of the Freedom of Information Act.
Clinton has been caught on so many fronts that it makes really my head hurt to try to even call it all up into my conscious, focused cerebral cortex.
So yes, it's political.
We have John Kerry in the news today, joining a chorus of other totalitarians saying, bar anyone from high office, including elected office, if you don't believe in global warming, that's now climate change.
Well, no, I believe in climate change.
I do not believe humans are the main driver of that.
All the scientific evidence shows the sun.
Then the moon.
Then separate space winds, not associated with the sun or the moon.
Space winds.
And that means the light, the particles, the micro debris, the dark matter dimensional fluctuations, the radioactive wavelengths,
There are hundreds and hundreds of measured phenomenon coming in and out of space.
Before they thought it was potash from fires that drove condensation and nuclei being formed in clouds.
Now they know it's not.
That's a very small part of it.
In most of the big, even NASA studies, less than 10%.
Yes, big fires can get into the atmosphere and cause then condensation that comes by to concentrate and then turn into rain.
Volcanic activity has been shown to do that.
Certainly that's involved.
But the main driver is massive amounts of space dust, micro-meteorites, coming into the atmosphere, exploding, and then adding to the particulae.
But I don't want to go off into a science lesson.
You can buy pieces of Mars for only a few thousand dollars.
There are Martian meteorites being found every couple days in different parts of the world, especially Antarctica and the Arctic.
Because they're right on the surface of the ice drift, right on the top of the permafrost, right on the top of the glaciers.
I just find that interesting.
Folks should know that some of the folks that don't believe in
Creationism, which I don't believe in the official version of that.
That's another false construct in my research.
So is the mainline Darwinian evolution.
But a lot of science points towards life being seeded here from Martian meteorites.
And the question that Nature Magazine posed a few years ago, are we Martians?
I'm not saying that.
I'm digressing.
I don't get into God's long-term plan.
I know there is a God.
That created this planet and created us and made us in his image.
But when they sit there and say that humans are the main driver of climate, it is asinine, total bull.
But I'm already getting away from the big news, obviously, of the day.
And that is the Benghazi hearings that are ongoing right now.
I'm going to play some of these opening statements, then we'll go to the live feed coming up.
And then, last night,
I was downtown already meeting with some Facebook folks, not people that work with Facebook, but folks that are successful on Facebook, dominating it, reaching people, because that's what I want to do, is reach more people that are kind of tied into the Matrix.
And Anthony Ucciardi called me, and he was downtown, and I thought, you know, I'm downtown, why don't we call Josh Owens, it's like 4.30, he's a hard-working camera guy, and some of the other crew.
Why don't we invite them down so we can just talk about Google and shoot a report for tomorrow?
That's just what we do.
It's fun to shoot reports.
We shot two different reports, Anthony and I, yesterday on different subjects.
And he said, sure, let's do it.
So Josh came down with our newest hire, Mr. Zimmerman, and they did a great job.
And we're standing in front of Google, and I go, you know, I've talked about how I ought to march into the new Google headquarters in Austin.
And with cameras and watch them freak out that we have cameras when they're watching us on our computer screens, they're tracking us, they're listening to us, but they're literally watching us with the cameras and listening to us with the microphones.
I know I overuse the word literally, but that's not a figure of speech when I say they're watching, meaning they're tracking your cookies and where you go and what you do.
They are physically watching you through the camera, physically listening to you, and this is all admitted.
You just pull it up.
Samsung admits it.
We first reported on it about 12 years ago.
People couldn't believe it, but now it's mainstream news.
And I said, watch this.
When we walk in here, they're going to flip out.
They're going to call the police.
And sure enough, they put their hands on me.
They grabbed on me.
They called police.
We waited about 10 minutes.
About seven minutes till the bike police showed up.
We walk over smiling.
They say, just a moment, Mr. Jones.
And they said, okay, what happened?
Well, he walked in here with a camera and we don't want him in here.
And they said, OK, but you got the door open and you're saying it's open to the public.
Do you have signs in there saying no filming?
And she said, OK, fine.
They're welcome to come in.
This is the head Google lady that who was over the event being put on.
They had an event going on every afternoon, basically seven days a week.
And the cops weren't siding with me.
They were actually siding with common law.
And so the cops told him, you either got to shut these doors and not say it's open to the public or you've got to hang up signs saying no cameras or you can't keep him out.
And so she said, OK, fine, Mr. Jones, you can come in, but we don't want the cameras on.
And I said, no, that's OK.
It's your private property now.
I just wanted to illustrate what was going on.
I'm not against you, lady.
The cops said, hey, we're listeners.
Alex, appreciate the show.
Have a good day.
We're going to show you that footage tomorrow because we've got like 30 minutes of it and we're going to edit it down to 8-9 minutes.
It'll air at the start of the show tomorrow.
And we'll have Anthony in to talk about it with David Knight and others.
Jakari Jackson's going to be hosting the fourth hour today covering a host of issues we'll be telling you about later as well.
But I've told you that I'm going to get up off my butt and it's not that I'm lazy.
But I'm going to do more.
I'm going to, probably next week, unless stuff piles up, in the next few weeks, I'm going to identify open borders city council and state legislators that live in Travis County and that have approachable homes and I'm going to show up with a moving truck
With a bunch of boxes, and at like 7 o'clock, 8 o'clock at night when they're home, I'm gonna have a couple people targeted in a peaceful way, in a legal and lawful way, we've already checked with lawyers, and I'm gonna, you know, go to their houses, see who's home at 7, knock on the door, and I'm gonna say, I'm a migrant, I'm here to move in, and I'm here to have dinner with you, can I move my stuff in?
When they say no, I'm gonna say, but you want America to pay for everything, and pay for anchor babies, and you act like it's bad, why are you racist then?
And I'm giving them four, you know, fair warning.
I'm coming.
I'm coming to your house.
And I'm gonna find folks with Hillary signs.
They're hard to find, but I'm gonna find them.
And I'm gonna come and say I'm here to move in.
And I may even go to San Antonio down there to the mayor.
You know, down there to Fidel Castro's house.
Uh, Castro's, and just say, I'm here.
I think I'm going to show up at a Catholic church too.
One of these sanctuary ones where they're bringing in the illegals and getting paid.
I'm going to say, I'm here without Democratic Party money or without government funding.
You're going to pay for me.
And I'm sitting here and I'm moving in.
And bring me food right now.
In fact, I got to find a crew member or somebody that's got a pregnant wife.
I need a pregnant woman as a prop.
Because I think I'm going to show up and demand they pay for the baby to be given birth to right there as well.
I'm serious, I'm done.
I'm done with all these hypocrites.
And I think I'm going to go confront the local communist Black Lives Matter group, a show that's funded by UT and the Ford Foundation.
And I'm just, the gloves are off.
Okay, the gloves are off.
I'm going to be pulling hardcore stunts against the globalists.
And I want to encourage everybody else to do it.
And we've got investigative journalism going on.
Behind the scenes as well, we got a lot of stuff happening here at the M4's operation.
Because the Globalists are accelerating their program, we're accelerating ours.
By the way, Derren McBrain put together an excellent, very powerful compilation we'll get to after Benghazi coverage in the next segment, dealing with just some of the latest calls for banning and restricting guns.
And then you can dovetail that with them denying they're coming for the guns, because while we're talking about all these other issues, and Benghazi and the rest of it, and Donald Trump,
We're under the TPP, we're under UN treaty on the guns, they don't care if it didn't get ratified, they're coming.
For us, the bitter clingers.
They want to complete their old score with the American people to dominate us.
So, we are going to be exposing this entire situation coming up.
And again, on the issue of migrants, I don't blame these poor people wanting to come here, especially if they didn't get a lot of freebies.
But I do blame companies like Walmart and others that tell their employees, we pay you less, you can, you know, qualify for welfare.
This is how the system is gaming everything.
And I'm not against people that come here legally and get their worker visas and do it.
I support that.
My name is Bill Bonner, and I'm the president of the largest private news and research network in the world.
And I paid for this airtime because I have an important message to the American people.
There's a change coming.
I've made predictions like this before.
Thing is, I was right then, too.
A few years ago, I warned that housing prices would collapse.
They did.
Before that, I warned that dot-com companies would crash.
They did.
Those who listened had a chance to save themselves.
But this has nothing to do with the stock market.
This will affect us all.
You can watch the video for free right now by going to DollarDanger.com.
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All the leaves are brown And the sky is gray
Okay, let's start getting to some of the snippets of the testimony that's been going for a couple hours now in Congress with Hillary Clinton.
Her full opening statement is 16 minutes long.
We've posted it to Infowars.com.
Clinton testimony ranking Republican claims the Democrats deliberately hindered Benghazi investigation.
Well, I mean, of course they did.
They've been caught hindering it the whole time.
And so is it partially political?
The Republicans are going after him?
Well, of course!
That's how the two parties are supposed to keep each other honest.
If one party commits crimes, the other party is supposed to go after him.
And vice versa.
That's the separation of powers.
Let's go to the former prosecutor, Trey Gowdy.
Here it is.
This committee is the first committee to review thousands of pages of documents from top State Department personnel.
Look how arrogant she is.
This committee is the first committee to demand access to relevant documents from the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Defense, and even the White House.
This committee is the first committee to demand access to the emails to and from Ambassador Chris Stevens.
How could an investigation possibly be considered serious?
without reviewing the emails of the person most knowledgeable about Libya.
This committee is the first committee, the only committee, to uncover the fact that Secretary Clinton exclusively used personal email on her own personal server for official business and kept the public record, including emails about Benghazi and Libya, in her own custody and control for almost two years after she left office.
Now, when you look at her, that is a true mafia person that's ordered a lot of people killed.
And she goes on TV and says, yeah, we came to Libya, we came, we saw, he died, ha ha ha, I've been in combat, planes getting shot at, you know, on the ground, all lies.
I mean, this is a criminal piece of trash.
And that particular freeze frame, she looks just kind of sick.
Most of it, she's glaring with pure hatred.
Let's back it up a second or so.
Again, we're a radio slash TV show.
If you're a radio listener, the free feeds are Infowars.com forward slash show.
A radio is great for driving around your car, listening to your office, but if you're off work or whatever, or on your smartphone, you can go watch the free feeds.
But I tell you, she is really giving him the laser beam look of, I am, oh, there you go.
Oh, look at that.
And she just stares like that for minute after minute after minute.
I tell you, you gotta hand it to Gowdy.
I mean, he's going up against the Gore guy.
Now we've got Elijah Cummings, an unspeakably horrid gun-grabbing socialist, up there trying to act like it's bizarre that politically people are coming after him, when they have been persecuting Americans for their religious and political views in the last seven years, like no other administration
In U.S.
history, except maybe Abraham Lincoln.
Who would arrest people for their views as well.
That was during the Civil War.
So let's go to Cummings.
Here he is.
The problem is that the Republican caucus did not like the answers they got from those investigations.
So they set up this select committee with no rules, no deadline,
And an unlimited budget.
And they set them loose, Madam Secretary, because you're running for president.
Clearly it is possible to conduct a serious bipartisan investigation.
What is impossible is for any reasonable person to continue denying that Republicans are squandering millions of taxpayer dollars on this abusive effort to derail Secretary Clinton's presidential campaign.
Cummings, of course, said it was ridiculous that Lois Lerner had to step down.
It was ridiculous the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, who got caught with a double set of emails, a fake email, a secret email, had to step down.
He thinks you should be arrested if you don't believe in global warming.
When we come back, we're going to play some of Hillary's testimony.
She hates his guts, too.
You know, Joe Biden obviously got threatened not to run.
Insiders have gone public saying that he was told the Clinton war machine will destroy you.
No kidding.
Not that he's an angel, but he's probably good compared to Hillary.
I gotta tell you, that's my real view on Joe Biden.
That's why he's not being put in.
He's not as ruthless.
And he's bad news.
Don't get me wrong.
But he's more of a good old-fashioned mobster type.
He doesn't really have it out for the country like a Hillary or an Obama.
And notice what she does to Democrats that run against her.
So when we come back, the witch, I mean, she really is a classical villain in her deeds and her actions, but also, sometimes you can judge a book by its cover.
I mean, sometimes the cover matches what you find inside.
Not always, but sometimes.
Sometimes you see, you know, a dead, rotting horse on the road.
It's a dead, rotting horse.
And it stinks.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hillary Clinton will testify in front of the Benghazi committee, and of course, she's going to try and spin this as just partisan politics.
But let's look at the facts.
They lied.
One of the first moves the Obama administration made after the Benghazi attack was to contact YouTube in an apparent attempt to blame the attack on an obscure Pastor John video.
This is according to State Department documents obtained by Judicial Watch.
Later, the administration famously claimed the attack was provoked by another YouTube video, Innocence of Muslims, made by an Egyptian-born filmmaker.
While they were plotting an enormous lie on the public, former Navy SEAL David Ubin was still trapped on the roof of the Benghazi annex for 20 hours.
The Obama administration later jailed the filmmaker behind Innocence of Muslims.
In fact, he was the only man who's been captured and imprisoned in the aftermath of the Benghazi terrorist attack.
What difference at this point does it make?
Read more now at InfoWars.com
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You will find BrainForce and other game-changing products at Infowarslife.com or call 888-253-3139.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Revolution in their hearts!
The governing class and its minions of mercenaries are coming to finish off America and seize the great prize.
They've already basically wrecked the nation, but they want to drive the final nails into the coffin of the Republic.
They want to come after the bitter clingers.
I don't care if you're an old black woman living in Wisconsin, or you're a young farmer who's a white guy living in Texas, or whether you're a Hispanic auto parts store owner in Florida.
The globalists are applying the same family-destroying
Tax and spend, globalist programs of wealth redistribution, designed not to empower the poor, but to swell the numbers of the poor.
Since the Great Society, since socialism has been brought to bear in this country, we've gone from
The top 10% having half the wealth, to 2% having close to 90%.
You look at those numbers, they vary, western country to western country, but that's basically the numbers.
And then they howl, more socialism is the answer!
More wealth redistribution!
You could redistribute all the real wealth in the United States to the welfare class, and in a year or two they'd be broke.
And, you know, there's quite a few documentaries, I've seen several of them, made on the fact that they could be old white people, young white people, old black people, young black people, old Hispanics, young Hispanics, it's people are people.
Maybe one out of a hundred is what these documentaries and books written on the subject.
I found it fascinating.
I think we ought to get some of those filmmakers on and make some of those documentaries.
I forget the names.
I've seen them on HBO, seen them on Discovery Channel.
You've probably all seen them too, where it follows somebody over two years after they win $50 million or $100 million.
And the more you win, the worse it is.
Your whole family turns against you.
You get all these swindlers show up.
You end up going bankrupt.
And the globalists have come in and siphoned off the wealth, taken it offshore overseas to build up all these big factories and command bases, and now America is getting ready to be hung out to dry, and you've got a get-rich-quick, lottery-obsessed-type population who think they're going to basically, you know, get rear-ended somebody and that their ship's going to come in.
This morning I was on the elliptical.
Looking at like five different television sets at the gym in front of me, and at one point, three of the five TVs were on commercial, and it was all, I guess, local ads running on different channels, and it was all lawyer ads, about 1.4 million judgment, 2.2 million judgment, you know.
We can even give you cash advances when we take your case.
You've been rear-ended?
Got hurt on the job?
Call us!
And it goes on and on and on.
Most people can't handle power and success, and especially if you didn't earn it.
It will destroy you.
And everybody around you will end up thinking it's about who's on the top of the totem pole, and not the fact that whoever is at the top of the totem pole took all these people with them
To even build the structure to exist.
And now, the middle class that built this country, of every race, color, and creed, is being destroyed.
Numbers came out yesterday.
It's the smallest it's ever been in this country's history, 240 years.
Black unemployment is double what it was seven years ago.
But it doesn't matter.
Obama and his Justice Department have given people racial vitriol, and racial rhetoric, and racial identity.
Not to empower a culture, but to wound it.
To hurt it.
So the globalists can give the communities their hand.
And with the other hand, they stab them politically, socially, culturally in the neck.
We're all in the same boat.
And I was against Bush because he was corrupt and had bad people around him.
And people are like, but the Democrats are worse.
It doesn't matter.
You have to oppose corruption.
But now, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, is the worst thing I've ever seen.
Jonathan Turley, often quoted, but many other liberal professors that are constitutional lawyers have said Obama is far worse than Bush.
And the last time Turley was on a few years ago, we should try to get him back on.
I said, how many times worse?
He said about three times worse on average.
Maybe ten times worse on persecuting the press and whistleblowers.
He's the worst ever.
But you've got this identity politics because he's supposedly part black.
I mean, I wish Barack Obama was white because he'd be in jail right now.
I mean, I would love to have a Ben Carson
Over a Hillary Clinton.
And I'm not looking at what color he is.
Even though he's kind of a police state guy on the vaccines and a few other issues, I think he's genuine and means what he's saying and he could be informed.
They don't want somebody like Ben Carson in there.
They want somebody that'll continue this corruption.
And I know you know that.
The big $64 billion question is Donald Trump.
Is he for real?
Because if he is for real, they're gonna come after him.
And I don't mean just politically.
Let's go to Hillary Clinton.
Here's part of her opening statement.
As Secretary of State, I had the honor to lead and the responsibility to support nearly 70,000 diplomats and development experts across the globe.
Losing any one of them, as we did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Mexico, Haiti, and Libya,
During my tenure was deeply painful for our entire State Department and USAID family and for me personally.
I was the one who asked Chris to go to Libya as our envoy.
I was the one who recommended him to be our ambassador to the President.
After the attacks, I stood next to President Obama.
As Marines carried his casket and those of the other three Americans off the plane at Andrews Air Force Base.
I took responsibility.
You go to people's funerals you kill.
And as part of that, before I left office, I launched reforms to better protect our people in the field and help reduce the chance of another tragedy happening in the future.
This is a woman.
Who launched the Arab Spring operation of the State Department.
Who used the power of the State Department to bypass federal law on the transfer of weapons to terrorist states and dictators.
And she didn't just do it in some covert operation approved by the President.
Which it was.
Still bypassing Congress.
It goes beyond Iran-Contra.
Because they were arming Al-Qaeda to not
Take down some enemy and then remove them?
To be kept in power and to de-industrialize and ruin countries as a destabilization program, which they now admit it was.
Libya is wrecked.
They tried to wreck Egypt, the most populous nation in the Middle East.
And for one year we're able to do it.
And Egypt freaked out and said, your government tried to ruin us, tried to put jihadis in, blew up all the churches, attacked our military bases.
We have removed it.
And then they've had trials proving Obama was funding hundreds of millions a month through Kenya and his family to overthrow Egypt and actually conquer it for radical Muslims, and that he was going to be like the king of it.
And get money from it.
I mean, that's bolder than I thought.
That's science fiction movie stuff.
Where a U.S.
President's knocking countries over for his family to run it.
And really hates Christians in the Middle East so much that he has them all slaughtered.
I mean, when you look at Hillary and you look at Obama, these people really want to kill Christians.
They really are devils, folks.
This isn't The Exorcist.
This isn't a movie where some evil clown comes in and kills your kids.
This is the government in Syria, in Iraq, in Libya, in Egypt, murdering every Christian they can get their hands on.
Air-dropping weapons to him.
Saying, hey, Al-Nusra is the non-radical, how dare Putin bomb them?
And then it said Reuters, NAP.
Al-Nusra, the Al-Qaeda, operation in...
I mean, I know they're Al-Qaeda.
The Pentagon knows they're Al-Qaeda.
Why do you think all our generals and colonels have gone crazy saying we're not going to be part of this?
Because they'll do some corrupt stuff in the name of the greater good.
That's how they got corrupted to begin with.
But now it's gotten so bad they've hit that moment where Larry Nichols is there offloading with plane loads the C-130s of cocaine in black operations at MENA and kids are getting killed in the neighborhood that see it.
And Nichols literally fell down on the ground and started crying, and God hit him, and he totally repented.
I mean, what's it take?
Trainloads of cocaine?
Teenage, you know, 12-year-olds getting killed because they saw it?
I mean, how far will you go in backing this corrupt system, is what I'm asking people in government and corporations.
How far?
His dad was dying of lung cancer, and he was ashamed, even though his dad didn't know,
I know the feeling.
He didn't tell me this.
He said he was ashamed his dad was dying of cancer.
What would happen if he found out?
Because it was starting to come out in the news.
And I guarantee I know what Nichols thought.
I bet he thought, I don't want daddy to die, but boy, maybe it's good if he does die before he learns what I'm involved in.
He said that.
He said he didn't want his dad to find out what he was involved in.
And he started to think about his daughter, who was 12, 13 years old.
Started thinking about what happened if she got on cocaine?
But see, people ask me, why do you have somebody like that on when he's done so many evil things and black operations in Latin America and, you know, been a basically a hitman for the Clintons is the word.
Dixie Mafia.
I love how he said he didn't even know they were basically the heads of the Dixie Mafia in Arkansas until later.
That's how compartmentalized this stuff is.
But who I really feel sorry for are people that never hit bottom, who never hit their knees, who never repent.
People that think it's funny that all this is going on.
It's not funny.
Nichols had a soul.
He could feel it coming back on his family.
Don't any of you out there, I'm talking to people that serve this system, you have a soul?
You think it's cute, all this evil?
Before I go to the live feed and just pop in on what they're doing, I want to go to a piece Darren McBrain put together.
And it's a tough job, because there's so many of these clips, and how do you put them all in, you know, together in a congruent way?
This is just the last month.
We've played other clips, compilations of world leaders, other leaders, our leaders, our hijackers calling for taking our guns.
But... This...
is what they're currently saying.
So, with everything else going on, just remember, they're coming for our guns.
And Hillary Clinton means a full-out assault for another four to eight years, and I tell you, you think things are bad under Obama?
Hold your breath, folks, because it might just be better to not even be around than to have this lady running things, and I mean that as a figure of speech.
I personally will fight to the end.
I'll never commit suicide.
I'll never surrender.
But as a nation, it makes you wonder if you should bring more children into the world.
Let's go ahead and go to this compilation of the enemy openly announcing their intentions all out of the other side of their mouth saying, no one's coming after your guns.
Here it is.
You know, Australia is a good example.
Canada is a good example.
The UK
Because each of them had mass killings.
Somebody, somewhere will comment and say, Obama politicized this issue.
Well, this is something we should politicize.
I'm not going to carry a gun.
I don't want to be involved in a gun fight.
If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
So the notion that gun laws don't work, it's not borne out by the evidence.
He says that the Chicago police had a plan over this bloody 4th of July weekend.
Nonetheless, as you indicated, Corey, there was a count of casualties that could have been from Afghanistan or Iraq.
We'll make it.
Carter for law-abiding citizens and criminals will still get their guns.
In many cases the offenders, felons, some out on parole, some out on bond.
We have to respect the tradition in this country of people who want to defend themselves and their family from violence.
There are people at high levels in this government who have
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The average American does not have that.
Mayor Bloomberg, why can you defend yourself but not the majority of Americans?
I mean, look at the team of security you got.
Every day, every school, at every level.
One thing that I think is clear with young people and with adults as well is that we just have to be repetitive about this and we need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
Was this the weapon of choice for a new kind of terrorist?
When a five-year-old girl said she and a classmate should shoot each other with bubbles, the school called it a terrorist threat.
AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.
You know, the right to bear arms is because that's the last form of defense against tyranny.
Lay down your arms, you damn rebels!
But we don't need the ability to arm ourselves against the army or the police.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
I mean, we've got a lot of Constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
The clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
To say, we're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not knocking down, if you want us, come and take us!
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones!
Powerful piece put together by Darren McBrain.
When we come back from break, I'm going to play a clip of the mother of Sean Smith, one of the four Americans killed at the Consulate in Benghazi, saying that Hillary's lying.
And I tell you, the fact that Joe Biden has dropped out just shows how powerful Hillary Clinton is, or never got in.
The fact that he dropped out of the hype that he might run just shows you that Hillary's coming and she's gotten more money
Then all presidential candidates combined.
That was in mainstream news yesterday.
I didn't even know that.
I knew she'd gotten the most.
I didn't know it was more than everybody.
And then her donors are the exact same donors as Jeb Bush.
That was also in the news yesterday.
And then you've got all these Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, all the usual suspects, endorsing
Endorsing Paul Ryan, who's got an F rating from conservative grips.
And he's unpopular, we know he's scum, but they just control the leadership, and they just keep forcing and foisting.
And you have Democrats vote in the Republican speaker, with a bunch of traitors.
I mean, it's just, but we're still in the fight.
Before Spain are out, we're going to go after Ryan.
We got McCarthy out of there, we're not going to stop.
We're going to come back with this clip of this mother, it's powerful, stay with us.
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With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans.
Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans?
What difference at this point does it make?
It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator.
When you heard that, what went through your mind?
She's lying!
She's absolutely lying!
She told me something entirely different at the casket ceremony.
She said it was the cause of the video and that she would get back to me and tell me what happened with my son.
She has not only not gotten back to me, but all I've ever heard is that I am not
Not to know, because I'm not a member of the immediate family.
I still want to know, I saw on TV, the bloody fingerprints on the walls over there.
I asked specifically, are those my son's fingerprints crawling down the wall, the bloody fingerprints?
Nobody ever got back to me on that.
Are those his fingerprints?
Were those his fingerprints?
What happened?
Somebody's got to tell me.
Boy, I tell you, that just makes me
And of course, we knew within a week, and I don't want to toot my horn, I don't have the staff, I don't have the crew to even go back and show it all to you, your listeners, your viewers, you saw it.
And you can go back to when Benghazi broke, you can go back to Colonel Schaefer on the show, and Tosh Plumley on the broadcast, and other whistleblowers.
We've known since the first week what happened.
We had Steve Pchenik on.
And a lot of folks hear Steve Pucinich and they don't trust him because of the positions he's been in.
I'm not saying you should trust him.
But look at what he's told us over the years.
It's turned out to basically be true.
And he does do manipulative stuff where he was like, Jeb Bush should run.
He's a really great leader.
I really like him when he's saying George W. Bush is involved in 9-11 and should, you know, go on trial for treason.
And then it turns out he's been at the Council on Foreign Relations advising them to run Jeb Bush to set Jeb Bush up so they could then make it about 9-11.
I mean, when you're dealing with Pachinik, it is serious psychological warfare.
And he's not doing it to this broadcast.
He's here saying, America's going to win.
We're going to take the country back.
We're going to be positive.
Our military's going to be patriotic and not go along with this.
And it's been happening.
I'm not saying Pachinik
Is even 5% of the whole resistance at that level, but what he's saying is true and is being listened to.
And this broadcast is a format for that to happen.
And we know what happened at Benghazi.
It was an arms transfer, Stevens wouldn't go along with it, giving Al-Qaeda stinger missiles.
So they sent the group over that ran security from Benghazi, that the US had hired, to murder him.
There was a three-hour, five-hour, six-hour, seven-hour, finally seven-and-a-half-hour stand-down, and a couple hours into it, CIA, Navy SEALs, because there's Navy SEALs, all that, that you graduate into the CIA and into commando units after that.
There's a bunch of other levels above it, obviously.
Two of them go down there, hold them down for about three, four hours.
They get so mad.
The jihadis go crazy.
They think they've been set up in a trap.
This was the State Department taking out the witnesses to their criminal activity.
And now we know.
I mean, we said years ago when it happened it was going to be sent to Syria, and it was a setup for that.
And now it's been confirmed.
All right, we're about to go to break.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going to get into some really important science.
In fact, I meant to print this off this morning or send it to you.
Well, you guys print me the Huffington Post, Reuters, about fluoride causing brain damage.
Also, how in blacks, in major studies, it's much worse for black people for whatever physiological reason.
It's like well-known Native Americans can't drink as much alcohol.
As a European can.
In fact, it's on record that Europeans can drink and livers handle, on average, more alcohol than any other group.
And that's because Ice Age man stored most of their food for the winter as alcohol.
And so Europeans are true alcoholic creatures.
And that's just a fact.
Our ancestors that couldn't handle it all died out, you know, in the cave, slurping the mead.
It's not some racist thing to point out that Native Americans cannot hold their liquor and are extremely easy to get addicted to it.
And it's a fact in scientific studies that hydrofluorosilic acid is bad for Hispanics, it's bad for whites, it's bad for Asians.
And of course Hispanics are Asian, European, Arabic.
That's why people in Spain have higher rates of HIV than people say in Germany because they have some African background and they have receptor sites for the on their team lymphocytes for the HIV.
But again I digress.
It's just that's why science and knowledge just all interconnects.
I'm gonna spend about 20 minutes getting into things we can do and the fight against fluoride and glyphosate that's in the water and all the rest of it coming up and then
We have Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad Poor Dad, coming on to talk about the economy, what he sees happening in the world, the election, and then Jakari Jackson has got a whole bunch of news that he's going to be breaking down and covering in the fourth hour.
It's become so popular since we relaunched it.
A lot of stations picking up that fourth hour.
I want to thank them for picking up the wrap-up show, Overdrive.
I mean, it's kind of all that.
I don't know what to call it yet because
They cover a lot of the news I didn't get to, they cover a lot of the breaking news, they have a lot of special guests on, a lot of special reports.
It's just a really strong fourth hour.
I'd say many days when I tune into it around the office while I'm here, it's just as good or better, as I tend to get on these long rant babble sessions, than even my own broadcast that we call InfoWars Live, that's been on the air 18 years in this time slot, been on air 21 years.
Coming up in February.
It'll be 21 years in four months that we have been broadcasting on the radio and slash TV.
Now Clinton has sickeningly, and we're going to have this clip coming up after the guest leaves, is Clinton on Benghazi.
Christopher Stevens was responsible for his own security.
Throwing a dead man you murdered.
Premeditatedly under the bus.
That story is up on Infowars.com.
That is just bombshell statement that is in the Washington Times.
Absolutely over the top sickening.
I am just beside myself right now.
We now know that the Turkish ambassador told him to let them transfer
Stinger missiles out of Qaddafi's warehouses to him.
They were right there at the warehouses at the substation.
He said no.
They didn't want to have a record.
They just made the cold-blooded decision.
It's so important to bring down Syria, and to be able to shoot down Russian aircraft and stuff they knew were coming, that they actually murdered him.
But he fought back.
The Americans held that Alamo for seven and a half hours.
And because they held the Alamo for seven hours, there it has been.
Ghazi Shocker, attack on Stevens was a professional job.
That's Colonel Schaefer.
By the way, we had to change the headline.
He got called in and chewed out in the secretive groups he's part of.
And it was a hit.
But he had us change that headline.
Schaefer likes to come on, but he doesn't like to come on because he gets in so much trouble when he does.
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I'm David Knight with InfoWars.com, and on behalf of the entire team here at the Central Texas Command Center, we thank you for your support.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, we're getting more of these clips together.
We have the transcript.
Clinton on Benghazi.
Christopher Stevens was responsible for his own security.
It's his fault he died when we know she ordered the stand-down.
They've now been caught lying and saying that it was the Prophet Muhammad movie trailer that caused it.
When it turns out they wanted to blame some other preacher for the Arab Spring and the riots that they basically launched to take over the Middle East.
As the cover for their Jihad Saudi Arabian takeover.
That is coming up at the bottom of the hour.
And we are continuing to track it live as it unfolds with the latest articles at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Another excellent place to visit is DrudgeReport.com.
FBI Director won't comment on outgoing Hillary investigation.
Ongoing Biden backers not sold on Clinton.
Advisors woo, but resistance lingers.
And now the Madam Secretary
is in the middle of the hearings.
One of the main Benghazi mothers who lost her son has gone public.
The mother of Sean Smith and said that Hillary is lying.
The New York Times even documents how Hillary's story has changed over and over again.
We will break all of this down from InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com and DrudgeReport.com.
Now, for the next 20-30 minutes, I'm going to give AM and FM radio stations a piece of my mind in a positive way, in a loving way, in a good way, and just continue with the policy of absolute, total, and complete transparency.
I won the Talkers National Award five years ago, I think it was.
I was the cover of Talkers magazine.
I was listed as being the top ten talk show host in the country.
And they've, you know, looked at my numbers just from rated stations that actually subscribe to the Arbitron, and I had about 360-something thousand listeners every 15 minutes.
About 3 million a day on terrestrial radio.
It's a lot bigger than that with podcasts and videos and everything.
I mean, and we have more affiliates now.
It's about 4 million a day, terrestrial radio.
About 3-4 million a day just on YouTube alone.
You start doing the numbers, it's about 10 million a day.
But talk radio itself is having a lot of problems.
It's been imploding.
Clear Channel's been taken over by Democratic Party-type folks.
I'm not involved with Clear Channel, but they had some patriots there that did stuff like put me on XM.
They got great ratings, made a bunch of money.
It was a great success.
Clear Channel put me on their channels on XM that they own.
They own like half of them.
And I was told, as a Democrat takeover, you and about 100 other Libertarians are being kicked off.
So that's all going on.
That said, we're going on and been on a major station in New York.
We'll make that announcement next week with the station manager.
We've gained big affiliates across the country.
We're approaching 200 right now.
So despite all their censorship, we're having some big success.
That said, though, at Talkers, I was there to speak to industry heads about my success, but also how I funded myself.
And I said, listen, ad agencies are fine, local sales are fine, there's still huge loyal audiences to AM and FM radio, but you've got to supplement it, not just with a station coffee cup, or a station t-shirt, or live station events.
You've really got to tell listeners, if you believe in what you're hearing, it's expensive to run this station,
We need you to buy products.
And then you find hot products, you buy a bunch of them, and you hire somebody in a shipping department to ship those out.
We went from 15 years ago being half funded with advertising, half funded with in-house, to like 80% funded now in-house.
Because advertising, even though it's waned for other folks, we got them knocking down our doors.
It just can't compete with selling our own products to fund our operation.
And then I take like 95% of the money and put it right back in.
The main mission is to reach out to people.
And I've got a stack of liners I need to cut, partnering with stations for longevity.
I'm trying to do that.
We're a little overwhelmed.
I'm talking to other station managers about other things we can do to work with them.
But instead of coming and speaking at people's stations, which they ask me every day to go here or go there, and I plan next year to go to at least
Twenty stations or so, but I'll have to go to a few on each leg, so I do it every few months.
And then I hit like six, seven stations and give speeches and the rest of it.
You know, they sell tickets for $20 a piece.
The station makes a little money, which they need to stay on, folks.
The globalists spend trillions of dollars giving money.
into the media to push their propaganda, to push their lies, well you're going to have to financially support by becoming sponsors, being sponsors locally, spreading the word isn't just enough in this fight, or buying products from the station directly.
And I really want to encourage stations that that's the answer.
That is really the answer.
I would find a popular knife, buy it in mass, sell it at a discount.
I'd find a popular supplement, sell it.
I would, uh, water filters, whatever.
That's the model, and that's what Glenn Beck's been quietly doing for seven years.
And they admit copying our model.
I've talked to executives that work with him, and folks that did work with him, and they sit there and copy everything we do, and then do it on a bigger scale, more successful.
Well, not more successful, because all's not happy in Beckland with his attempt.
I wish him well.
I hope he becomes very successful, but let's just say he spent his capital.
We're not.
We live in our means.
So we need to be successful.
Instead of plugging products every segment like other hosts have to do to make ends meet, we plug once an hour.
I plugged for 45 seconds last hour.
But to make up for that, once a week, once every two weeks, I'll do 30 minutes an hour of informative infomercial where I'm just open about it and say, hey, buy these high quality water filters.
It helps fund our operation.
Here's the studies.
These are really some of the best, and they're very inexpensive.
I think you don't want to drink fluoride and glyphosate and all the other herbicides and pesticides.
It's a win-win.
I mean, when you tune in to CBS News, ABC News, NBC News in the morning, the whole thing's a product placement infomercial.
They're just not telling you.
And they wouldn't survive if they didn't do that, too.
So we're about 10% infomercial.
They're like 90%.
So that's the difference.
Now, that said, he'll be with us until about 40 after, because I'm going to him late, then we'll get to all the other news.
I could carry a hundred water filters like Amazon does, and I would make a lot more money.
The problem is, we look at the studies, we look at the test, if it doesn't cut out to non-detectable levels or 99999 herbicides, fluoride, glyphosate,
All the other fuel additives and stuff, I'm not going to promote and sell a water filter that doesn't really do a great job.
That's why we only carry like three brands.
And you can look at different specs and debate which is better.
The point is they're all excellent at InfoWareStore.com.
But we've only carried like three brands and we haven't added a new brand in about two years.
Just because it's hard to find folks that are involved in really high quality.
I was told by Matt Redhawk, the owner of My Patriot Supply Foods,
Two years ago that he was working with the top scientists, and I looked this guy up, he is like the maker of most of the famous water filters you see advertised.
And he just keeps upping the game.
He's a scientist, got multiple scientific degrees.
And he said, I'm coming out with something that I think for the cost is the best out there.
And we looked at it, we looked at the studies, the third-party studies, those are up on InfoWareStore.com.
The Alexa Pure Pro.
Here's the latest water filtration family that we're adding at InfowarsStore.com and it really is a game changer.
I love that word because that's what we look for is game changers.
Dr. Evan E. Koslow is our guest.
He has a PhD.
Uh, and as Chief Executive Officer of KX Technologies, founded in 89, Dr. Koslow has written over 100 articles and papers, holds over 30 patents, and is the original inventor of the solid-state extrusion process for carbon block technology, and he holds those patents.
Dr. Koslow holds a bachelor's degree in engineering, a master's degree in forestry from Yale University, and a doctorate
In Agriculture Engineering at Cornell University.
I'm not going to go over all of it, but he's a scientist and engineer.
And we're going to skip this break to give him more time.
I appreciate him coming on.
It's just that I wanted to preface this broadcast with what we're doing here, funding the operation with stuff that helps you and that helps us get the word out.
Very affordable.
Does 5,000 gallons in the filters life.
Stainless steel construction.
Easy assembly.
Low maintenance.
Replacement filters are simple to install.
Raw water capacity 7.5 liters.
2.25 gallons, freshwater capacity 2.25 gallons, and they've got several different models, large ones, small ones, medium-sized ones.
Really is super high quality, and we're really happy to add it.
And Red Hawk says, and the engineer says, this is the best.
This is the best, and this is the top guy, and this is the latest in what his cutting-edge technology has been able to bring, folks.
Alexa Pure Pro.
So, sir, thank you so much for coming on with us, doctor.
Hey, good morning Alex.
Tell us about water filtration, why you think it's important and how as an engineer you got into it and how you became pretty much the name in it.
My background goes back almost 35 years.
I joined what is today the largest filter company in America and eventually I became the tech director of their nuclear biological and chemical defense division.
And during that time, we began to look very carefully at building filters that could handle effectively all threats for the U.S.
Army and for foreign national governments.
And basically, these kinds of technologies emerged from that research.
I've been at it pretty much since then.
I have about probably about 130 patents pending or issued in this field.
And so I've been involved in almost every major commercial filter that's gone out to the consumer since the 1980s.
Now that said, we have an out-of-the-gates introductory offer discounted with the official launch of Alexa Pure Pro at infowarsstore.com.
Break down, sir, why you've been saying that this is, all of your knowledge, the latest technology for the lowest price.
I mean, why this is such a game-changer?
Well, this is probably the most sophisticated and most complex filter that we've ever conceived.
It handles a broader range of contaminants than just anything I've ever attempted.
And I've been involved in every major filter that's been developed really in the United States in 30 years.
There is nothing that could remove such a broad spectrum of contaminants.
It takes out metals, non-metals, organic compounds, herbicides, pesticides,
It takes out pharmaceuticals that can get break into your water today.
It's so hormones.
So it's a tremendously powerful filter that takes out the broadest spectrum of contaminants that we've ever attempted in a single filter.
And how are you able to do this?
Just from research or has the process he's gotten better with the manufacturing plants?
Have just the general technologies progressed to the level of to be able to have something that works this good, this fast, this affordable?
Because I remember Red Hawk telling me years ago, wait till you see how fast it flows.
And you know, years of development.
And when I got it, it is undoubtedly the fastest gravity filter I've ever seen.
Absolutely, Alex.
The amazing thing about this filter is it executes all of that
Uh, work while remaining a device that doesn't need any electricity.
It flows by gravity alone, and that's a very important factor for anybody who is thinking that they need a filter in an emergency.
In emergency, you're not going to have any support.
You're going to have to have a filter that operates purely by gravity that will flow just naturally at high velocity to supply sufficient water for your needs and really can handle whatever is coming down the line in the way of microbiological threats, chemical threats,
Even, you know, wartime chemical threats.
Sure, and I think all that's important, but what about the entire water supply?
They admit even most well water has got hundreds of different chemicals in it.
I mean, just the Roundup alone is something I don't want to be drinking.
Yeah, there's pesticides, herbicides, as you said, MTBE, which is a fuel additive breaking into people's wells because, effectively, these materials are just moving out into the environment more and more.
So even during peacetime, you know, the water that we get today, unfortunately, is going to be of poor quality, and the quality is going to deteriorate into the future.
No question about it.
It's just building up and building up.
I mean, you can pull the statistics up, but all 50 states, even Alaska, have contaminated groundwater.
I was reading where the fuel additive you mentioned is in 99% of water samples in North America.
I mean, wow!
And that stuff is so carcinogenic.
Yeah, I mean, it's not just that.
You know, the average American, especially an urban American, is going to be using water that actually is reused.
Effectively, you don't have fresh water.
You're getting water from the upstream person.
He's getting through a contaminated, his contaminated water is going through treatment plants, which are ineffective.
Those, those waters are flowing back and forth and back and forth back to you over and over again, down, down, down through the system until they're very heavily contaminated.
So effectively,
A person in America is getting water that's been used four or five times before he's gotten it.
It's not fresh rainwater, trust me.
And even fresh rainwater is picking up contaminants from the atmosphere today.
Sure, what about bioaccumulation, too?
Because we know in the ocean, the krill get eaten by the little fish, and then the medium-sized fish, and the big fish, and the tuna.
And by the time you get up to the tuna, they're just incredibly toxic.
Not just mercury, but other metals, radioactive isotopes, because it's bioaccumulated.
Literally, as the rivers run down south,
It's well known they just get more and more and more and more contaminated and then somewhere like LA where you're drinking toilet to tap And there's this myth that oh tap water is so good when you've been drinking high quality filtered water or even high quality bottled water You can't go back to tap water.
It tastes like grody crud Well, I mean look, you know, I did study years ago of river sediment in just rivers everywhere in America We took sediment out of those rivers
And you put them into a very sensitive radiation detector, you will see that fallout is everywhere on those river sediments.
You'll have cobalt 60, you'll have cesium 137.
These long-lived radioactive isotopes
Are in the rivers, they're not coming out, they're going to be there for really the rest of our lives.
And that's from fallout from nuclear weapons.
And by the way, I forgot, I should have done my, when I heard you were coming on next, last week, coming on next week, I meant to pull up like the ABC, CBS, NBC pieces from local news in Texas.
on how radioactive the water is, and they go, but this isn't the radiation you'd find in limestone.
This is artificial, and they didn't know why.
And then I forgot, doing the research, this is the first filter of this type correct that even reduces to near non-detectable levels radioactive isotopes.
That is such a ultra-massive game-changer, because there's not just the unnatural radiation from testing fallout and plants,
There is also natural isotopes correct in many limestone deposits.
In fact, there's a headline.
KHOU, Houston, Texas.
Texas drinking water makes pipes and plumbing radioactive.
See, I'm not joking, folks.
How big a deal is natural and unnatural radioactive fallout in the water supply?
Well, the natural radioactive material is really pervasive because uranium is not as rare an element as you might expect.
Uranium then breaks down into radium
And radium breaks down into radon, which then becomes a whole host of radioactive materials, lead 210, polonium, etc.
All of those materials end up in especially well water.
And so these materials are coming up.
This filter is very effective in intercepting those contaminants.
And actually, I've had an earlier filter that I used to sell for people's whole house that would remove radioactive material from the whole house environment.
Which had accumulated so much radioactivity that it actually shut down the municipal incinerator.
Well that's what they were saying in these local newscasts because Texas obviously has so much natural but also unnatural in the Edwards Aquifer that it's setting off radiation detectors when they try to sell the scrap metal and stuff.
That's how the investigation in one town started was because the police and military got called in because they thought somebody was smuggling a dirty bomb.
Well, absolutely.
And you know, people do not realize that 265 nuclear weapons were exploded in the atmosphere during the 1950s through the 1970s.
And all that radioactivity, which is equivalent of a good-sized nuclear war, is now in the atmosphere and has fallen down all over the Earth.
And so all that radioactivity is going to have to be dealt with really, really into the millennia into the future.
Wow, because that's something I bemoaned on air.
I try to take iodine and try to get some of it out of my body, but I bemoan that the radiation levels are almost three times what they were pre-Manhattan Project in the Northern Hemisphere because of all the testing.
And I bemoan the fact that how do I get radioactive isotopes out of the water when there really aren't other filters that do it, even really good ones that cut out fluoride and glyphosates and MBTA.
You know, we sell those, they're great.
This one, do you know, because I know there's hundreds of different isotopes, really thousands,
But how can you say it reduces or stops the radioactive debris?
Explain to us, Doctor, how that happens.
Well, I mean, this is a complex filter.
It has a whole set of adsorbents that target each of the individual contaminants.
Let's just take one.
Let's say radioactive iodine.
Radioactive iodine is something that's produced, let's say, during a nuclear reactor accident or after a nuclear weapon goes off.
And it very, very rapidly bioaccumulates into the human body.
So you must be able to intercept it if you can and avoid it.
Radioactive iodine is very efficiently absorbed by activated carbon, which is the baseline material within this filter.
So we basically remove radioactive iodine directly by absorption and it will be quantitatively removed by this kind of filter completely.
You know, I've done my own research.
I'm not an engineer and a scientist like you, but it's just crazy to know this is going on and the general public is not aware of it.
When I've done news pieces about radiation in most water supplies, people think I'm making it up.
Or when Jakari Jackson went out to the West Coast and showed fish that were, you know, 30, 40 times the normal level, people went,
You just don't have that Geiger counter calibrated right or you don't have that field unit.
But then they sent the local newspapers out with the U.S.
military and they said, no, yeah, we found areas 20, 30 times what it's supposed to be, but that's OK.
So there's this laissez-faire attitude about it.
Yeah, it is.
I mean, you know, we actually, you know, radioactive radon is just everywhere in people's homes, for example, coming up through their water.
It's just a natural well water.
And so it's just everywhere around you.
And sometimes
It can be at huge levels.
I remember I was doing a survey in Massachusetts and there was a lady there who had a farm out in the way out.
You would think this is the most beautiful pristine area.
There's no way that she would have any exposure to any contaminants.
Her well water was one of the most radioactive well waters we'd ever encountered.
It had hundreds of thousands of picocuries of radon coming up through this well water.
And you would think that she would be glowing.
And it was just remarkable.
She was sitting right on top of what was the equivalent of an uranium mine.
But they're hyping terrorism.
You have a better chance of a honeybee killing you than terrorism.
And I'm not saying it isn't a threat, but they act like it's the end of the world.
But then all this real stuff's going on, and the average person isn't even aware of it.
10% off, Alexa Pure Pro, introductory offer, and free shipping.
This is something I'm definitely going to be adding to my arsenal to protect my family.
This is a big deal.
This is a remarkable filter, Alex.
I mean, this will be... It's the most complex and sophisticated device, really, I've ever done.
Stay there, Doctor.
We're gonna come right back.
Stay there.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hillary Clinton will testify in front of the Benghazi committee, and of course, she's going to try and spin this as just partisan politics.
But let's look at the facts.
They lied.
One of the first moves the Obama administration made after the Benghazi attack was to contact YouTube in an apparent attempt to blame the attack on an obscure Pastor John video.
This is according to State Department documents obtained by Judicial Watch.
Later, the administration famously claimed the attack was provoked by another YouTube video, Innocence of Muslims, made by an Egyptian-born filmmaker.
While they were plotting an enormous lie on the public, former Navy SEAL David Ubin was still trapped on the roof of the Benghazi annex for 20 hours.
The Obama administration later jailed the filmmaker behind Innocence of Muslims.
In fact, he was the only man who's been captured and imprisoned in the aftermath of the Benghazi terrorist attack.
What difference at this point does it make?
Read more now at InfoWars.com
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Brain Force is here.
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There's always hidden additives in your food, even organic food has hidden additives.
Staring at the computer all day, working, doing good, you're still damaging your brain.
Ultimately, we've all been dumbed down to some degree.
As any regular listener knows, I don't script what I have to say.
I do my research and then I tell it like it is and let the chips fall where they may.
And I'm going to do that right now.
I have never in my 20 years on air
I think?
I think so.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming up, Clinton on Benghazi says Christopher Stevens was responsible for his own security, throwing the guy she basically killed under the bus.
We've got more of the highlights of her ongoing testimony we're going to be playing here into the next hour.
If you just joined us,
I was really talking about multiple messages here.
One to our aminethium affiliates, that if they will, in my view, not just go out and get sponsors, but pick a few high quality products everybody needs, educate them like water filtration systems, and then sell those or have a deal through a shopping cart where they're drop shipped from the factory.
That will end up being the game changer.
NPR gets taxpayer money, $450 million a year, and then it begs for money every month.
Well, AM and FM, libertarian talk radio, conservative radio can't do that.
And talk radio is dying in many areas of the country.
We're exploding because we innovate.
And so, I really think I ought to go around the country consulting with stations or making a video for free for affiliates on how to save talk radio.
A lot of conservatives and libertarians are too prideful, in a good way, to go on air like socialists and say you need to buy our products or we won't be on air.
Stations need to say, hey, we're reaching a lot of people with the truth.
But as you know, there's a war on talk radio, and you need to buy products from us.
I mean, I would be happy if stations, you know, got in contact with Alexa Pure and Redhawk and became distributors of it, and I made no money.
I'd cut ads for our stations.
I'm actually doing that on longevity and other things, and it's helped a lot of our affiliates.
I've got like, I'm not exaggerating, liners for like 50 stations I've been sitting on for a month, on top of all the other liners, and I apologize.
That I'm supposed to cut.
And I don't do this very often, but once a month or so, I'll just communicate right to our stations, right to the program directors, right to the station owners, and just say, I know the boat you're in, and we thank you for picking up the show.
It's not enough that we bring ratings.
The station needs to be profitable to keep the lights on.
And as free marketers, we're having our free market shut down.
Because the globalists can't compete with our ideas.
We're winning.
So they're coming after talk radio, they're coming after free speech, they're coming after Drudge.
Ted Cruz has warned of that, members of Congress have.
They're coming.
Matt Drudge came here two weeks ago to be in studio with us to warn folks.
So, I am proud to get up here once a week or every two weeks and do 20-30 minutes and say, hey, if you believe in what we're doing, get a high quality filter, here's the facts, we're bringing you the best.
And you can get free shipping and 10% off the Alexa Pure Pro family.
They also have the LifeSpring new straw system, survival type system that's excellent.
And again, they've upgraded it from the leading competition.
They've made it even better.
SurvivalSpring is also available discounted.
With a $5 off at InfoWarsStore.com or 888-253-3139.
Again, that's 888-253-3139.
And it is extremely affordable.
That's $19.95.
I know the specs, the leading competitors more, and I hate to even say when we're carrying good products, something's better.
We have a wide selection.
Just look at the specs for yourself.
These are game changers.
I think so.
You can get those discounted there as well.
Free shipping when you sign up for AutoShip or get a 30% discount when you sign up to be a distributor.
That costs $10.
Infowarshealth.com or support the local station you hear and its longevity program.
Going back to Dr. Evan E. Kozlob.
We're good to go.
Am I pronouncing that right?
I don't even know what that is.
I think I know everything.
I don't.
And Agricultural Engineering from Cornell University.
Tell us, tell us what that particular degree of all your doctorates is and then spend five more minutes.
I can't wait to fly out to where you're at and interview you there in person and see your laboratory and really, because I've talked to folks that have been there, they say it's really high tech.
But what's that particular degree?
What is that about?
Well, okay, so I had, I have a hardcore engineering degree from Yale.
And then I basically went into two softer degrees, which one was in forestry and one is in agriculture.
I actually own a farm in Vermont, so I actually practice what I preach a little bit on my education.
But actually, much of my work was on, from the very beginning, on the purification of air and water.
And so I've worked in that field pretty much since I was a young person emerging from school.
And I worked on projects ranging from
A filtration of air going into armored fighting vehicles, to Comanche helicopters, every kind of military project, all the way down to consumer products.
And they all have a common theme, which is we're all trying to remove contaminants, sometimes purposely placed into the atmosphere or into the water, and sometimes just emerging from the natural environment, and are very, very dangerous, and we need to control them.
So, you know, that's pretty much what I've done in my entire life.
But the mixed degrees actually do make sense when you look at... Oh, absolutely!
It gives you a wide spectrum of knowledge.
Break down why you're so proud of these filters.
Well, I mean, the Alexa Pure is really a culmination of all of my experience.
It was posed to me as an extremely challenging project.
They wanted a product that would actually operate without any electricity, so you had no pressure.
You had to do it all by gravity.
And they really effectively said we need everything imaginable to be removed efficiently, way higher than 99%.
And so the result was, it's an extreme challenge.
Worked on it for quite a long time and basically what we've done is we've created the only filter to my knowledge that hits all three.
It will remove effectively all the major metals
All the major non-metals, such as fluoride, it will take out all known microbiological threats, including viral, bacterial, and cysts.
And it will take out organic chemicals of pretty much everything, without exception.
It's a very, very powerful device.
I don't believe that there's anything else out there in the world that can do that, especially under gravity flow conditions.
Well, just the stainless steel manufacturing is excellent as well.
The whole thing is just top of the line and very, very affordable compared to leading competitors.
Yeah, I mean, the fit and finish are fantastic.
The stainless steel indicates how ElectroPure has really worked hard to have compromise.
No compromise was made on the quality of the construction.
Um, so, I mean, it's really a remarkable achievement on their part, and I feel very proud, actually, to be part of the team that put that together.
Well, Doctor, I appreciate all your time today, looking at a couple articles on fluoride.
Here's a headline.
Blacks suffer most from fluoride, but fluoridate anyways.
And another article here on the Huffington Post.
Harvard study confirms fluoride reduces children's IQ.
This isn't calcium fluoride that you've got to have a little bit of, from what I've read.
This is hydrofluorosilicic acid.
What's your view overall on fluoride?
Well, okay, so we actually tested against both the fluoride ion and the fluorosilicate that you mentioned, which is the additive that people put into water under federal control.
And basically, we removed both of them with equal efficiency.
So we wanted to be sure that no matter how fluoride is added to the water, it can be intercepted and removed.
So that's how we've dealt with that.
I mean, look, fluoride is, you do need small amounts
But the amounts that are added supplementally have been always a big controversy for people's health.
I mean, it's been something that's been done since the 1950s.
And the research is completely unclear about, you know, whether it should be done or shouldn't be done.
For basically preventing cavities, they're effectively impacting the rest of your health.
So, all I can tell you is that we tested against all known fluoride chemicals that are added to water.
The new ones and the old ones, and we remove them all of equal efficiency.
And it's your belief that this is the best gravity-fed filter of the design out there available to the public?
Without a doubt.
I mean, most of these gravity flow filters are at best simple particulate filters.
They remove dirt and debris, sediment.
They're not going to be capable of intercepting a viral particle to the degree, we're talking quantitative reduction below detection.
So, no one can touch that kind of capability.
Well, I'm impressed, and I want to thank you so much for your time today.
It is the Alexa Pure Pro family of water filtration systems available, discounted exclusively at InfoWarsStore.com.
I want to thank Mr. Redhawk for allowing us to be part of the launch of this.
It's on sale right now for their main unit, $177.
Leading competitors that aren't even as good are more than that.
They've also got the survival spring type straw system for survival that is an absolute must-have.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Doctor, thank you so much for spending time with us.
Great speaking to you, Alex.
Amazing, folks.
And let me tell you, if I'm in an infomercial once a week, every two weeks, sometimes once a month, it varies, it's going to be something that's really important.
And we bring you what I believe for the cost.
Now, we've got four different brands of water filters on the site, and I'm very, very excited about this one.
You get attached to other brands, and they're good as well.
It's just that
People are really crazy if you don't filter your water.
And stuff that just has charcoal in it and just reduces the flavor and cuts stuff out, that's better than nothing.
You can buy those for 30 bucks at the store.
We've got pitcher systems and stuff there.
Many times better than those.
Reduce stuff almost down to nothing and they're like $60 from ProPure and their whole G2 system.
It's excellent.
We've got some of the best rated shower and bath filters as well.
You absorb a lot of stuff to the skin.
You breathe it.
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This is really an amazing deal.
And I'm kind of flattered that it sounds like Alex, Alex Apier.
It's AlexaPierPro, InfoWarsStore.com.
All right, that said, Clinton on Benghazi, Christopher Stevens was responsible for his own security.
We've got a whole bunch of these clips I want to go through.
This is what we've been culling through as she's been testifying now for several hours.
Benghazi hearing Hillary Clinton ignored 600 requests for more security in Libya.
And then, of course, her response is that Stevens was basically responsible.
No, Stevens didn't run the Benghazi security.
It was the security force that came over the Al-Qaeda folks that Herr Clinton was running that did the attacking.
And this all came out a long time ago.
Everything, I mean I'm getting all these emails from mainstream media and famous people and text messages, nice folks going, I was watching Fox News and they admitted it was an arms deal and it was a ship to Al-Qaeda in Syria and they knew he was going to be killed and it may have been a hit and I can't believe it's on the news and that's because folks know.
And I'm glad this is all coming out because it makes me a lot safer.
It was not fun when they killed those Navy SEALs that were on the Bin Laden raid a few months after to talk to the families.
And I had the families on.
That was others in private.
And it's not... It's scary to meet with Navy SEALs' mother and father.
It's scary to then meet with another Navy SEAL that was friends with one of the guys that got blown up and talk to some of the...
People on the ground.
They said, we think it's a trap.
It's weird.
We're being put on this weird old helicopter.
This isn't a real mission.
And they just blew him up.
And they know the government killed him.
And then I remember after that meeting, I stopped on the side of the highway and shot a YouTube video and uploaded it.
And I was, I wasn't shaking, but I was, I was higher than a kite.
I felt like I had 20 cups of coffee.
It felt like the three times I used methamphetamine in high school where I was just so awake.
It was just horrible.
I mean, you learn this type of stuff, you get chills up your spine, you get nauseous, you're totally wired, and you just want to warn everybody because you want to get it out, and you know you can get killed doing this.
And when you're in danger is when the info's not known.
So thank my lucky stars, and for all your prayers and the good Lord above, I'm still not pushing daisies.
My kids really need me, my family needs me.
I'm not afraid of dying, and sometimes I go, well you better be, you got family counting on you.
It's kind of a sick thing to just give in to not being scared and just go, I don't care.
Just go to events with no security.
Just walk around not caring.
And I'm still like that.
And people look at me and I'm not bragging.
It's my own.
It's actually a problem I have.
People go, man, you're not scared.
What's wrong with you?
I just, I just, I'm just not scared.
I'm scared of failing.
I don't want to look at Hillary as president.
I mean,
I don't want to be the one talking to Navy SEALs on and off air.
I don't want to be the one breaking all this stuff.
I don't want to be the one with the Benghazi whistleblowers on first.
And then, of course, get no credit for it, because the system hates me so much.
The problem is those that I don't want to get credit for it with, I get the credit.
I mean, you know, the globalists know where so much of the resistance comes from is this platform.
And I'm not bragging.
I don't feel worthy.
I just want to thank you for putting up with me.
Every time some beaming family on the street goes, oh, Alex, we love you, you're so great.
I look at them and I go, you're great, thank you for supporting me.
I'm just doing the best I can.
You're the solution.
You're the answer.
Thanks for putting up with me.
Let's go to this clip, Benghazi hearing, Hillary Clinton ignored 600 requests for more security in Libya.
The arrogance.
Here it is.
I'm going to get the first chart, please.
Do you know how many security requests there were in the first quarter, 2012?
For everyone or for Benghazi?
I'm sorry, yes ma'am.
Related to Benghazi and Libby, do you know how many there were?
No, I do not know.
Ma'am, there were just over 100 plus.
The second quarter, do you know how many there were?
No, I do not.
Ma'am, there were 172-ish.
Might have been 171 or 173, that's... How many were there in July and August and then in that weekend, a few days before the attacks, do you know?
There were a number of them, I know that.
Yes ma'am, 83 by our count.
That's over 600 requests.
You've testified here this morning that you had none of those reach your desk, is that correct?
That's correct.
Madam Secretary, Mr. Blumenthal wrote you 150 emails.
It appears from the materials that we've read that all of those reached your desk.
He's put in power by this gentleman.
Emails by security requests from your professionals, the men that you just testified, and with which I agree, are incredibly professional, incredibly capable people, trained in the art of keeping us all safe.
None of those made it to you, but a man who was a friend of yours, who'd never been to Libya, didn't know much about it, at least that's his testimony,
Didn't know much about it.
Every one of those reports that he sent on to you that had to do with situations on the ground in Libya, those made it to your desk.
You asked for more of them, you read them, you corresponded with him, and yet the folks that worked for you didn't have the same courtesy.
Well, Congressman, as you're aware, he's a friend of mine.
He sent me information he thought might be of interest.
It's really hard to look at her, but we're going to go to break and come back and play more of these clips.
Hillary Clinton with Chris Stevens didn't have my personal email address.
Hillary Clinton admits the seriousness of the Benghazi attack made it impossible to defend.
Impossible to defend?
You ordered a stand-down, which you were killing everybody there.
Most of them you had to evacuate before so that you could get the weapons to Al-Qaeda and have plausible deniability because you knew the Pentagon was already saying no.
That's why you killed them.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have returned.
Let's continue now going through clips of the ongoing testimony of Herr Clinton.
And then we're going to also in the next segment dial in and actually see what's happening live a little bit.
Here's Hillary Clinton saying Chris Stevens didn't have her personal email address.
And then it just continues on.
Here it is.
Follow up on one thing about Ambassador Stevens.
You got a lot of emails from Sidney Blumenthal.
And you say that Mr. Blumenthal was a friend of yours.
And he had your personal email address.
You say Chris Stevens was a friend of yours.
He asked numerous a times for extra protection.
Now if I had been Mr. Stevens, and I think anybody out there, anybody watching this would agree.
If I had been Mr. Stevens, and I had a relationship with you,
And I had requested 20 or more times for additional security to protect not only my life, but the people that were there with me.
I would have gotten in touch with you some way.
I would have let you know that I was in danger and that the situation had deteriorated to a point I needed you to do something.
Did he have your personal email?
Congressman, I
I do not believe that he had my personal email.
He had the email and he had a direct line to everybody that he'd worked with for years.
He had been posted with officials in the State Department.
They had gone through difficult, challenging, dangerous assignments together.
He was in constant contact with people.
Yes, he and the people working for him asked for more security.
Some of those requests were approved, others were not.
She's so arrogant.
We're obviously looking to learn what more we could do.
So entitled.
Because it was not only about Benghazi, it was also about the embassy in Tripoli.
And they stack all these women behind her that work for her.
It's about women.
That's enough.
I saw an article yesterday, I forget by who, it was Mainstream Media, I think it was Time Magazine, and it was the women of Hillary, how her press corps is almost entirely women, and they support her below the press because they're women.
And they follow her.
I mean, what a gimmick.
I mean, I can't imagine, like, I'm going to support this guy because he's a guy.
Doesn't matter all the horrible things she's done, what she stands for.
She's a woman, so women think, hey, I'm getting ahead.
There's a woman in there.
I'm going to vote for Obama because I'm black, and he's black.
I'm going to get ahead.
If you take that same measurement, black unemployment doubled.
Only went up like, what, 10% or less in other quote, populations.
But blacks, it doubled.
In fact, it didn't even go up 10%.
8% I think maybe?
Black unemployment doubled?
What is it?
Like 18% or something now?
It was like 15%?
Before that it was like 7%?
But it doesn't matter, you see, because it's fantasy land.
She says she likes women.
I mean, it's creepy.
I don't get up here and attack lesbians or anything like that.
I'm a libertarian, but I am a Christian at the same time.
But it is creepy to have an old man going and picking on, you know, grabbing on hot women at the office.
Especially if they don't like it.
But man, it's really creepy when it's Hillary Clinton in a little old lady outfit.
She reportedly looks like multiple women per day.
I mean, it's just, she's really gross.
It's all about her power and all about her will.
She's not even strong, but we lay down to this mafia, maggot-infested, rotting horse's ass.
We'll be back with a third hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, there's another reason I'm getting Robert Kiyosaki on with us on this Friday edition.
He's written two books with Donald Trump.
He's good friends with him.
And I really want to know if Donald Trump's for real.
I know Robert Kiyosaki's for real.
And I want to get his take on Donald Trump, the election, Benghazi, and the economy as well.
Robert Kiyosaki has been really accurate in a lot of his predictions about where the economy's going and what the corporations are doing.
That's all coming up.
We're continuing to monitor.
In fact, can we go with that live feed here in a moment?
We're continuing to monitor the whole Hilary Benghazi thing, and it's a bunch of softball with her just lying and, oh, they had 600 requests, but I did never really see it, or we did some of them, or, oh, no, Stevens never talked to me.
So they've taken a break right now.
They've got a press conference going.
Let's cut to that.
personnel on the ground.
And there are additional documents that we will have the opportunity in the next few hours to ask her about that she has not been asked about in previous hearings.
Last question.
Why shouldn't the full transcript of Sidney Blumenthal's testimony be released to the public?
Look, I think these large discussions about what is released and what isn't released need to be made in the totality of the whole investigation.
So as the chairman has said, 50 witnesses have been interviewed.
There's probably 20 more than are... No, that's enough.
They've threatened the witnesses, the truth's been covered up.
I've talked to the whistleblowers, the NATO people, the Pentagon people, the Navy SEALs, all of it.
Everything we told you years ago when this happened has now been confirmed.
And it's not hard.
I mean, everybody knows what happened.
They sat there on board a bunch of aircraft carriers and satellites with drones overhead for seven and a half hours.
They had a drone over that thing within 30 minutes of the attack taking place.
The attack launching.
And they just think we are absolute, complete, and total buffoon morons.
Coming up, I want to get into a very important article out of Gallup.
Majorities say more concealed weapons would make U.S.
Now, from what I've seen in local polls, other national polls, and police polls, 98% of police are pro-Second Amendment national polls.
I'm not defending some of the bad police out there, I'm just stating this is not our natural enemy as the police, as patriots.
We need to take our local police back, not let the globalists take them over.
There's a fight right now.
But I digress.
56% believe that if more Americans carry concealed weapons after passing a criminal background check and training course, the country would be safer.
Now that's Gallup that targets specific type people that still have phone lines and stuff, and that's still behind the paradigm.
It's probably more like 70% from what I've seen.
But still, the numbers from a decade ago, it was something like 30%.
And they go over that in the article.
Whether it's guns or abortion, we're winning the hearts and minds.
And that ties into this sickening article out of the Washington Post.
The NRA will fall.
It's inevitable.
Just look at the demographics.
And they say, we're bringing in all these illegals.
And so they vote 75% of the time, quote, new Latinos to America.
They don't call them illegals.
But that's only at first.
And that's only who they're talking to.
I mean, do you really think the average illegal who just left a country where they can't own guns doesn't want a gun?
The illegals have all got guns.
Most of them aren't criminals, they're protecting their families.
I don't want anybody having a gun taken.
If you got out of prison for bank robbery and you were arrested with your legal revolver, give it to you.
Until 1968, they did.
When you got out of prison, here's your gun, Billy!
Because people are like, well yeah, he served his time.
He should be able to have a gun.
He gets in trouble with it again.
People say, he'll just get a gun anyways.
Why he gonna take it?
Served your time!
Did your time!
Did your time!
Did your time!
Did your time!
Less than a week after the overnight upgrade to Tesla cars, making them capable of autonomous driving, multiple videos have surfaced of the cars trying to throw their human drivers under the bus, literally.
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For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the Resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Well, he's got hundreds of millions of readers around the world.
Over 100 million books plus in print.
Robert Kiyosaki is our guest here for the next 52 minutes.
And one big reason I was really excited that we could get him for the show, he's a busy guy.
Entrepreneur, owns mines around the world, you name it.
Factories, hires tons of people.
You know, a true builder.
He's also good friends with Donald Trump.
They've written two books together.
And so I really want to know, is Donald Trump for real?
I like what he has to say.
I don't think he wants to destroy the country.
I don't think he's a kleptocrat.
I don't think he's one of these cloward and pivot people like Hillary Clinton.
But he did make statements like he likes Hillary Clinton years ago.
Well, I don't know how you could like Hillary Clinton.
So I hope he's grown.
I hope he is the conservative libertarian he says he is.
And so out of the gates, Robert has agreed with us springing this on him to give us his take on Donald Trump, election 2016 and where this country's going.
We'll look at the economy and get Kiyosaki's take on that.
We'll also get his take on political correctness.
I mean, it is getting wild where just
police labeled Thomas Jefferson's statue racist, sexist, and want it taken down.
He tried to get rid of slavery in the first Constitution.
They wouldn't let him.
He did, he was given slaves by his plantation family who he basically had free and who he basically, you know,
That's like it was bad that he was in love with one lady, it was basically his wife.
The point is, is that he was the opposite of a racist, but you gotta think about the time they were living in, it was the Western world that began to phase out slavery.
And the whole caste system.
So, talk about history twisted.
Or history upside down.
Where is the establishment going with that?
And I know I'm just springing wild cards on Robert Kiyosaki, richdad.com, and he now has a new book out, Eight Lessons in a Military Leadership for Entrepreneurs and Others, and he joins us.
Wow, Mr. Kiyosaki, good to have you with us.
Alex, how are you doing, my friend?
You're looking good.
You lost a lot of weight.
Oh, thank you.
Well, it's not that you needed to lose weight or anything, but you look like you lost some weight.
No, my genes are talking out the gut right now.
That's why I'm saying thank you.
Okay, well maybe it's the camera, but great to have you with us.
Okay, let's talk Donald Trump.
I just threw out five or six topics.
What do you want to tackle first?
Well, Trump is a great man.
We've written two books together.
I've known him now for about 12 years.
I'm actually much closer to his two sons, who are great young men.
And the daughter's pretty hot too, as you know.
But Donald's a great guy and the reason that he's friends with Hillary is, as we all know, she can be bought.
That's right.
So he's being honest with people.
She has a price.
You know, most politicians have a price, which is the problem.
And folks said, man, that's really corrupt of him to be honest.
No, under the legal system,
What's corrupt is you've got to buy Hillary or she'll get in the way of your businesses.
It's not like he wants to buy her.
She makes you buy her, correct?
Well, that's correct, but Donald also knows the game and he's pretty upfront about it.
You know, he says, I know all of these politicians up here.
I've given them all money.
That's probably true.
I mean, I have no proof of it.
But as we know, politicians cannot run without money.
And the bigger your war chest, you know, that's why Biden had to drop out, because Hillary's war chest is so big, Biden could never catch up to it.
So the presidency and our senators and our congressmen can be bought.
That's our problem today.
All right, let me ask you this then.
How would you fix it?
How do you think Donald would fix it?
And then specifically, let's walk into this campaign and give us your view on it.
Well, Donald can't be bought.
And when you look at all the candidates, I'm not Republican or Democrat, so I don't have a dog in that fight.
And when I vote, I generally vote for the best person for the job.
And when you look at the world economy, you look at the war in the Middle East, you look at China and all that,
Which person of all the candidates, including Bernie Sanders, Hillary, and the rest of the Republicans, which one has the experience, but more important, you know, my Jewish friends say, the chutzpah, the horsepower, to take them on?
And right now, you know, I'm from Hawaii, Obama's from Hawaii, very smart guy, nice leader, but he's not a powerful leader.
So we're getting walked on all over the world.
And when you have a weak leader, you know, there's two types of leadership.
One is tyranny.
And what's his name?
And Baghdad was a tyrant.
Now if you're a weak leader, you have anarchy.
Today we have anarchy all over the Middle East.
That's more dangerous than a tyrant.
And a lot of it, when I look at our leadership, and I do include Bush, George Bush in this whole thing,
We've had weak leaders, and we're now in anarchy all over the world.
And I'm afraid about this country as the gap between the rich and the poor gets wider and wider.
What would Kiyosaki do if you were president within the confines of the Constitution?
A. B. If you were a dictator for one year, what would you do?
I'd resign.
Yeah, exactly.
I went to college, I'm not that stupid.
But you know, I think Trump said it best the other day.
He would bomb.
Right now, when you look at what's going on with ISIS, they don't respond to nice people.
You know, Obama is a soft power guy.
And soft power went out around 1990.
And today, the only way, what they listen to, I'm a former Marine pilot, so I speak from that point of view.
You flew helicopters, didn't you, Cobras?
Yeah, in Vietnam.
So did you wear the black Stetson and everything?
No, no, no, that was Army, I'm Marine.
That's right, yeah, yeah.
Marine Corps, I'd be court-martialed for wearing an Army hat.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
But anyway, I think we have to respond force with force, as much as I detest it.
You know, as much as I... Well, look, I mean, they knocked Trump two months ago saying, bomb the hell out of ISIS, take over their oil fields, blow them up, that'll cut their money off, we can fix them in just a couple weeks, which is totally true.
That's a no-brainer, and I'm not even a military tactician, that's what you would do, that's what the generals were saying.
They went, oh, you're an idiot, then we wait, Putin comes in and makes Obama look like a complete moron, and now they're saying Russia's the new moral center of the world.
I mean, wow, you talk about a disaster.
That's what I mean between tyrants and anarchy.
When you have a tyrant, at least, I think right now we need a tyrant.
And Donald Trump, not that Donald is a tyrant, but he's closer to a tyrant than, let's say, Carson.
You know, we don't need burn surgeons right now.
We need somebody who's a strong leader.
Otherwise, this anarchy will spread.
Well, Ron Paul was on yesterday and he said he's worried about Trump being on a white horse, and I can certainly see that.
But overall, at least he would be into wanting to build something and be great himself instead of getting off on compromise and selling the country out.
I mean, do you think in your gut Trump could ever become a dictator if he was elected?
I don't think so.
To me, he's more a libertarian.
I've known him for 12 years.
In the close confines of private meetings, he says we should provide medical care for all children.
That's pretty liberal.
He says because we either pay for it now or pay for it later with bad health.
And he also believes in financial education.
You know, he and I have had great financial education.
You're involved with his school, aren't you?
He has a whole school trying to teach folks how to do that.
Yeah, but we've got to bring financial education into our school systems, but the socialists think that the love of money is the root of all evil, and they'll never teach kids about money, which is why we have Ferguson and all this insanity going on with poverty in America.
See, money doesn't discriminate.
You know, money doesn't care if you're white, yellow, green, pink, blue.
Money goes to people who are smart with money.
And then it talks.
Yes, Money Talks.
I heard it once.
It said goodbye.
So anyway, he stands for financial education, which is why we wrote our two books together.
And, you know, he went to a New York military school, I went to a military school in New York, so we have that discipline.
And a lot of people lack discipline, as you know.
And then we pay our money to be undisciplined.
That doesn't make any sense to me.
But for the socialist politicians, they want dependents that they can control.
And so, hence, that's why, overall, I think libertarianism is winning intellectually, but that's with the people that think.
Do you ever get concerned about the giant, unwashed masses that, more and more, are being filled with social envy and hatred?
Every day.
I mean, that's why, you know, people say, why do you keep or if you're a rich man, why do you keep working?
Because there's things that are more important than money.
And we're in a crisis today.
And that's why I think the man who can handle this crisis, US as well as globally, is Donald Trump.
I want to talk more about stuff you've talked about privately that doesn't break any confidence.
That means a lot to me because I've been reading your books for 20 years since my dad gave me one and I know you're a respected guy and very moral.
So that means a lot to me that you're saying Trump's the real deal.
But I get what you're saying.
I've only got like 49 employees and five or six contractors.
But sometimes I want to downsize and it's like, no, I'm not going to let them shut me down.
I'm not going to let them break me.
I want free market to win.
I want my crew to be well paid and be happy.
I want to have good products.
I want to be successful.
I just, it becomes a fight, doesn't it?
That you literally want to build a bigger company to literally help people.
You don't want to give up.
Well, there's a new book called The End of Power, you know, and Zuckerberg recommended every entrepreneur read the book End of Power.
And it's a fantastic book.
And he says what's happening is the revolts in, let's say, the Middle East and all over the world today are not from poor people.
The revolts are from educated young people who don't have, you know, quote-unquote, the American dream or the Arab dream or whatever it is.
They just want a chance at life.
My point of view and Donald's point of view is we have to have financial education rather than financial welfare.
Most of these school teachers, I hate to say this, are good people, but they're communists.
A communist believes that the government should control our education and our economy.
I fight that.
I went to war against communism.
When I came home, I found more communists back home than I did in Vietnam.
Well isn't it funny that the Vietnamese have taken to free market like a fish to water because they were always like that before.
And it's just so sad we had that war with them.
Hey Alex, who doesn't want to be rich?
You know?
Who doesn't?
The trouble is some people think they should be rich because you and I owe them a living.
Now those people should not be rich.
Unfortunately they're in Congress.
That's right, that's right.
And I see the arrogance.
Backing up, because Donald Trump obviously is the frontrunner of the poll show now.
He could probably beat Hillary.
It's going to be Hillary now, the Democrats.
That's clear.
What a nightmare.
I know you don't like to get personal on things, but I mean, Hillary really is a scary lady in my view.
Benghazi, all of it.
The persecution of people politically.
I mean, I'm going to be under a microscope if she gets in, especially.
Tell us about Donald Trump.
This means a lot to folks.
Stories that don't break confidence, but just what Donald Trump's like behind the scenes, and why you think he's such a real guy.
Well, because what we see is Donald Trump.
You know, in the times I worked with him, there was only one Donald Trump.
The guy you see on The Apprentice, the guy you see on stage, there's only one Donald Trump.
And I was listening to Joe Scarborough the other day and he says, you know, the trouble with Hillary is he doesn't know who he's talking to.
But the same could be said about Joe also.
But anyway, you know, like the reason people love you, Alex, is you are who you are.
And I do the best I can to be who I am and say really what I... more than I think, but how I feel about things.
And I think our country's in trouble.
It is.
And I think our educational system, there's many causes of this problem, but we're not going to solve the gap between the rich and everybody else by welfare.
We've got to, in our educational system, teach people about money.
You said another word that I agree with 100%, and the word is kleptocracy.
See, America is no longer a democracy.
It is now a kleptocracy.
And for those who may not know what that word means, a kleptocracy is when our leaders rip us off.
So this Federal Reserve Bank, in my opinion, is a rip-off.
Wall Street is ripping us off.
And we all know our political leaders are ripping us off.
For example, you know when they try and get the price of prescription drugs down, the lobbyists go in, our own congressmen, vote against lowering prices of prescription drugs.
That's why that last guy, that hedge fund guy, bought some pill company and raised the pill price from $10 to $750.
Our own people are ripping us off.
Now, I'm not saying that's good or bad, but with a little financial education, you would be able to make decisions or choices as to what's best for you.
And until we do that, until we stop telling people, the government will take care of you, don't worry about it, we're never going to become a country again.
We're going to come apart between rich and poor.
I think it's key for entrepreneurs like yourself that you've probably got a thousand people or more.
Who knows how many are working for you right now in all the industries and companies and mines and all the things you're doing.
There's the trailblazing entrepreneur that built this country, that built the world, that really loves expanding, loves hiring people, loves building civilization.
Then there's the crony capitalists who use insider deals, government regulations, and they team up with the socialists and the other command and controllers, and then they scapegoat capitalism for the rigged scam, like you said, the stock market, or they take over education.
Bring all the government money into it, make the price go up a couple thousand percent, and then there's not even jobs for what they're giving you degrees in, the education bubble, all of it.
Let's get into the economy, where you see it going, where the system tells you to go versus where you've gone and the advice you've given so many people that's really helped folks.
Well, crony capitalism is another word for kleptocracy.
In other words, I'd be like you and I getting together and scheming how we can screw your radio listeners.
And that's what's happening today.
Democracy is gone, capitalism is gone, we're now into the rich ripping us all out.
Now, as I always say, a coin has three sides.
Heads, tails, and the edge.
And intelligence is found on the edge.
So that's why I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.
You know, I'm not very religious, but I respect the person's right to religion.
And I don't get into those dogfights.
So, as far as crony capitalism or kleptocracy goes, this is going to sound hypocritical, but I like those guys.
Wall Street is where I get my money from.
On the other side of the coin, you know, the two sides, the three sides, heads and tails and the edge, Wall Street steals from the guys on the other side.
And all I'm saying here is if you give somebody a little bit of education on how the game is played, they have a choice whether they want to be on tails or they want to be on heads.
But without financial education, they can't make that choice.
For example, the reason I don't have a 401k full of with mutual funds and ETFs and all that is, in my opinion, it's a ripoff.
You know, because I can beat those numbers all day long.
Also, I don't save money.
Why would I save money when they have zero interest rate bonds today?
You know, that's insanity!
Yet the average person, that's all they know how to do, is invest in the stock market, in the 401k for the long term, and get ripped off, which is terrible right now because of HFT, high frequency traders, and dark pools.
Which the average guy has no idea what's happening.
And then they try and save money, and they get zero interest on it.
So the poor middle class, I mean the middle class is getting crushed right now.
Instead, what you do with your money, and of course you're the expert, but correct me if I'm wrong, is you put it into new companies, you put it into real estate, you put it into mines, you put it into, you know, hard things that are actually real that then, on average, expand and give you great yields and build a real physical economy, not just some fiat economy.
I provide a lot of jobs.
And this is the difference, Alex, is that on my side and Donald's side, we don't pay taxes either.
And the reason we don't pay taxes is because we do what the tax code asks us to do.
So we don't pay taxes because we provide jobs.
We don't look for jobs.
You know, we build houses.
We build property.
We don't live in a house.
I mean, we don't build real estate.
We provide housing.
So, yeah, the tax code of the world is very fair.
If you do what the government wants done, the government will give you a tax break.
For example, if I donate $100,000 to a charity, they give me a tax break.
But the left, the socialists like Obama and Hillary and all that, they're trying to tell the poor and middle class that we're tax evaders.
Now there are people who are tax evaders, poor, rich, middle class.
There's always people evading taxes.
But we're taught to do it legally.
And that's the big difference.
That's what education is about.
It just gives you a choice to say, well, if I donate more money or if I create jobs, I get a tax break.
And if I build houses and apartment houses and businesses, I get a tax break instead of saying that we're ripping them off.
But again, you're a real capitalist versus the cronies who will go get a banker bailout and then will lobby to raise middle class taxes because they're getting corporate welfare.
That's who we've got to separate out.
Yes, you got it correctly.
It's crony capitalism.
It's also called kleptocracy.
These guys are abusing the laws.
You know, everybody talks about the Greenspan put and now the Bernanke put.
The crony capitalists knew if they lost all their money, Greenspan would bail them out.
They'd be like me going to Las Vegas and saying, Alex, if I lose all my money, you're going to pay me back, aren't you?
Of course I'd love you.
Well, we're in a race to try to get the general public educated.
I was watching a documentary called The Best of Enemies about Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley Jr.
that came out a few months ago at the movie theater.
Strangely enough, the movie ended with me ranting and raving on television as if this was a symbol of the death of discourse.
But what I took away from it was that Gore Vidal was complaining in the film, and I'm going from memory, teleprompter free, but he was in these debates in the early 70s, presidential debates, and he's saying, 10% has got over half the wealth of this country.
We need to redistribute it.
And then I thought today 2% has got like 87%.
So by them bringing in more government, more socialism, it's actually made
The poor, a huge swarm, the middle class has gotten tiny, and then you've got this tiny elite up at the top who are trying to raise up the ladders, and are complaining and attacking free market, saying capitalism failed, when they're pulling up the rope to the hot air balloon, knowing full well what they're doing, trying to bring feudalism back in.
I agree with you wholeheartedly.
And that's why Donald and I asked what kind of guy he is.
The reason we wrote two books together.
One was Why We Want You To Be Rich.
Two men, one message.
The other one was The Midas Touch.
You know, why some entrepreneurs get rich and most don't.
Is because of financial education.
So, I'm not really political, as I said, if I'm a Republican or Democrat.
But I support Donald Trump.
You're about facts.
Stay there.
Come back and talk about Donald.
You're going to have the floor.
Get into some basic financial education.
Tell us about your new book.
And we're going to open the phones up.
Your chance to talk to richdad.com.
Robert Kiyosaki.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hillary Clinton will testify in front of the Benghazi committee, and of course, she's going to try and spin this as just partisan politics.
But let's look at the facts.
They lied.
One of the first moves the Obama administration made after the Benghazi attack was to contact YouTube in an apparent attempt to blame the attack on an obscure Pastor John video.
This is according to State Department documents obtained by Judicial Watch.
Later, the administration famously claimed the attack was provoked by another YouTube video, Innocence of Muslims, made by an Egyptian-born filmmaker.
While they were plotting an enormous lie on the public, former Navy SEAL David Ubin was still trapped on the roof of the Benghazi annex for 20 hours.
The Obama administration later jailed the filmmaker behind Innocence of Muslims.
In fact, he was the only man who's been captured and imprisoned in the aftermath of the Benghazi terrorist attack.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to play a clip here in a moment of Donald Trump saying 200,000 migrants from Syria would be the biggest Trojan horse ever.
It already is in Europe.
Six months ago, ISIS said they would use a migrant wave to do this.
And now, of course, they're talking about millions and millions in Europe.
The socialists are showing up, filling these poor folks full of entitlement.
Most of them are military-age men.
Why would the socialists want to do this?
Well, we've got the head of the UN board openly saying it's about ending the European culture.
That doesn't mean white people.
It means getting rid of the idea, I guess, just of free market renaissance.
And just getting rid of any culture.
It's political correctness.
And why would the left want to bring in radical Islam?
Let's play a clip here from Donald Trump and get our guest's take on that.
Here it is.
I was always a big fan of Merkel from Germany.
I'm not a fan anymore.
What she's doing is insane.
And we want to take in 200,000 and we don't know where they come from.
They have no papers.
All we know is they're young and they're strong and they're mostly men.
And this could be the greatest Trojan horse ever.
This could be bigger than the original Trojan horse.
We shouldn't be taking anybody.
We have enough problems.
We have to rebuild our country, our infrastructure.
We owe $19 trillion.
And by the way, taking in $200,000 is going to cost us, they just did a study, over a period of 10 years is going to cost us billions of dollars.
What are we doing?
Merkel made a tremendous mistake.
They're going to end up having a revolution in Germany.
You see what's happening with the German people.
Now, what we should do at the same time, from a humane standpoint, take a big chunk of Syria and let's all put some money into it if we have to, because on a humane basis and build a safe zone, what's called a safe zone.
Let the people, but to allow them into Germany and to allow them into these other countries where there's nothing but
A horror show, you see what's happening, and now we're going to take in 200,000 people in this country?
It's insane.
It's insane.
And we can't breathe.
It is insane.
Robert Kiyosaki, richdad.com is our guest.
Good friends with Donald Trump.
I don't mean to make this all a Trump-esque interview, but he's happy to do it.
What do you think's behind the left?
Wanting to, you know, complete the smuggling process, bring in unlimited numbers of illegals here.
If you oppose paying for people's anchor babies, you're a racist.
But I can't go to Mexico or Syria and have kids for free.
I mean, what do you think the endgame of the Socialists is here?
Well, I don't disagree or agree, as I said, I don't really like to take sides, but it does come from the Bible as, am I my brother's keeper?
And I think that's at issue today.
You know, these guys aren't my brothers, that's the problem.
If my brother wanted this much, I don't know if I'd give it to him.
Well, I have my own brothers and sisters to take care of, and, you know, that's how I say families should take care of families.
And I kind of agree with Donald, I mean, and I agree with you, this guy Putin's making us look like jokes.
And that's why I said the opposite of tyranny is anarchy, and because we're weak, an anarchist like, I mean, a tyrant like Putin looks good.
So, we have these people who think we can be soft power.
You know, soft power is to enculturate them into the European or Western culture.
But right now, they want to kill us!
You know, so I don't know.
I don't have an easy answer.
I agree with Trump.
I think we need almost tyrannical, you know, do something drastic.
Otherwise, we lose.
Well, we've been seeing the tyranny of socialism and collectivism.
And they call the Constitution tyrannical and demonize it all day.
I think if we just reapply that, that will really get this country going again.
Financial education for new listeners, for young people.
Tell us about some of your books that are the best for that.
Obviously, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, and many others.
But what are some of the basics?
If you had five minutes to talk to, say, seventh graders about their future, what would you say to them?
And then we're going to go to phone calls at 800-259-9231.
Carl, Alex, Brad, Adam, Marvin, and others.
You'll get your chance to talk to Robert Kiyosaki.
Go ahead, Robert.
The reason there's a divide between the rich, the 1% or a half percent, and everybody else is because, as I said, a coin has three sides.
Heads, tails, and the edge.
And everything the rich do is opposite of what the poor middle class do.
For example, I don't encourage people saving money.
I mean, why would you save money when interest rates are at zero and they're printing money?
Also, I don't invest in a 401k simply because you have to invest for the long term, you're penalized for drawing out, and mutual funds are the most expensive ways to invest.
And an ETF, the problem with an ETF, if the market crashes, which it will, ETFs come down 9% faster than a regular stock.
So the poor middle classes are sitting there, they have a job, they have student loan debt,
They're trying to save money, putting the money in the stock market, and they think their house is an asset.
So financial education will at least explain why the rich are doing the opposite of you, and then this is a free country.
You can decide, well, do I want to be rich?
I'm in middle class.
I'm in poor.
It's your choice.
But without education, you're only doing what the poor and middle class are doing, and the school system, which was commandeered by a man named John D. Rockefeller in 1903, never has financial education in the school system, because that way we keep them stupid, working for money.
And money is no longer money, because in 1971, you know, President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard, which meant
The dollar became debt, and we could print as much as we like, and this is why we're so deeply in debt today.
Now, so it's opposite.
I use debt to get rich, and the poor and middle class use debt to get poor.
And that's what education is.
There's three sides to a coin.
Heads, tails, and the edge.
And I stand on the edge.
Education should allow the child to stand on the edge and decide what kind of education they want.
They want to be middle class, get a job, work hard, save money, get out of debt.
That's their choice.
I didn't make that choice.
Donald doesn't make that choice.
What about this new paradigm?
I mean, it's not really new, but really new to America, how popular it's getting of class envy and of Bernie Sanders running around and people really believing that the way you're successful is to have a bigger government that gives you more stuff.
Don't they know everywhere that's been tried, it leads to all out total hell on earth?
Well, desperate people do desperate things.
And from my examination of the entire system, I suspect the socialists, actually it was the rich, who really wanted to get the American people this weak and this needy and this desperate.
I believe that there is a conspiracy against America because the American dream was just too strong.
So if you can break the spirit of Americans so they're willing to take a measly handout, we got them.
And that's why there's no financial education in school.
There's a great book, I'm sure you've read, The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.
He said that the reason there's socialism is because communism couldn't crack the capitalist spirit of America.
So they needed socialism to weaken the spirit of us so that we would cave in to a government handout and let communism take over.
Now I'm not saying that's true.
But it's got a ring to it.
It does.
Well, undoubtedly, truer words have never been spoken than what you said about there being a project to break America.
The robber barons in 1900, I've read the articles in the New York Times where they talked about people are too educated, they're reading too much, they're too informed, they're too entrepreneurial, they're not trusting of centralized systems.
And they said, we're going to have to bring in our own education, we're going to have to create formulaic systems of compliant people.
Then they sold it as the Industrial Revolution to basically have humanoid robots to put bottle caps on and to manufacture cars.
Well, now the computers are here and the robots.
The elites say they don't need us.
Well, that's not true.
We have to innovate.
It's these people that have to be exposed because they've been quoted as saying they wanted to create this dumbed-down mass of people and to break America's will because worldwide we were the shining city on a hill, we were the model, they couldn't compete with us, the centralized systems in all their flavors couldn't do it.
And so they've taken us over and now we are a wreck but they haven't completely destroyed us and we could
Stand up again like the Phoenix and become that example again.
But you're right, the command and controllers, the authoritarians, the centralists, they had to bring us down to win.
And I think they've done a pretty good job, but I think we can turn this around.
What do you say, Robert?
Well, let's start with education.
You know, like a rich dad, poor dad.
My poor dad was a head of education for the state of Hawaii.
He's a very good man, but he knew nothing about money.
And my rich dad was a man who didn't go to school, which may have been fortunate.
I'm not against education.
I'm against bad education.
My rich dad was an entrepreneur.
So they never understood each other.
When I did my research into it, exactly what you said, in 1903, Rockefeller and J.P.
and those boys got together and they commandeered the educational system of America via the General Education Board.
And the only purpose of the General Education Board was to take farm kids and turn them into factory workers.
It was never to teach them about money.
So that's why when I go to school today, I say, what did you learn about money?
They say nothing.
Or they say, well, invest for the long term in a 401k.
And I'm going, they're playing right into the capitalists, or the kleptographs, whatever those guys are.
So they play into the crony capitalism.
So they give all their money to Wall Street, Wall Street bets it into the markets, they lose, the Fed bails them out, and we bail out the Fed.
That's the system.
It's corrupt.
Yet, I like it.
It works for me.
And that's what you're saying is you work to try to change the system and you don't do anything immoral but you at the same time use all the loopholes they've created for themselves, the little escape hatches.
Yeah, but there really are, when I looked at the tax laws, my accountant wrote a book that's called Tax-Free Wealth by Tom Wheelwright.
Everybody should get that book because the tax laws are written for capitalists.
If you do what the government wants done, they'll give you a tax break.
If you donate money, they'll give you a tax break.
So my whole point of view is financial education is not to change Hillary or Bernie and all that stuff.
Financial education is self-protection.
Do you think Bernie's for real?
I mean, he comes off like a Muppet character.
He really is hard to listen to and watch.
Well, it depends on your point of view, but the facts are Bernie and Ron Paul were the only guys that stood up to Wall Street.
You know, so they... No, you're right.
Well, Paul was for real, though, as you know, when Sanders finally was the deciding vote in the Senate, he killed a real audit, though.
Yeah, but at least they stand up to it, while the other guys, the crony capitalists, go along with it and they profit from it.
You know, again, look at pharmaceuticals.
The reason drug prices in America are so high is because our Congress wants it that way because they take the bribes or the campaign finances from them.
I'm not saying that's right or wrong, but I'm saying if you're poor and you can't afford drugs, you're in trouble.
Big trouble.
And that's why, you know, what they found out about health care is the rich men, who are rich, live about 15 years longer than poor men.
That's true.
And rich women live about 20 years longer than poor women.
Because they have better health care.
They can afford it.
They also are more informed on how to eat better food.
You're absolutely right.
Robert Kiyosaki is our guest.
Let's go to Carl in Texas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Carl.
Hey, Alex and Robert, you're my two biggest fans.
I've listened to both for years.
Robert, I've been dying to talk to you for 12 years.
So here's my question.
With all of what Alex has been sharing about staying or leaving, you know, about protecting his family, like I would think the same way.
If something really does go bad here in this country, do you stand your ground or do you move?
Would you stand your ground here in this country?
And what's the best state to live in to stand your ground if you're going to make it in this country?
Or what country would
They'll probably say no state and just move around.
And I want to be clear, I'm not leaving the country.
I've just said that watching them trash it like this is very painful.
And so a lot of people are leaving the United States, but you're out of the fire, into the oven.
Robert, your take on that?
Well, I think you and I are brothers at the heart.
We stand and fight.
You know, we stand and fight by information, by speaking out, by being unpopular, about saying things that are politically incorrect.
So that's what I think we should do, is just stand up and fight.
And I'll just say it again, financial education gives you and your family protection from the very guys, the kleptocracy, that's ripping us off.
And that's how I see it.
You know, I'm not going to change the government.
They're a bunch of idiots anyway.
The best revenge is living well, as the French say.
What's that?
The best revenge is living well.
Yeah, but not being stupid without financial education.
And so to that question, I think, you know, I fought for America nine years as a Marine.
I love this country.
You know, it's been very good to me.
Fourth generation Japanese American.
I'm glad I wasn't born in Japan.
But it saddens me because it does Alex to see our country being sold down the drain out of ignorance.
That's what saddens me.
You're right.
It is the public's ignorance that allows it to happen.
Yeah, and it saddens me to see the American public, or the American spirit, get broken.
You know, people came to America not because they wanted welfare.
They came to America because they wanted the American dream.
And that's gone now.
The middle class is toast.
The number of poor is increasing.
One more thing, Alex.
Listen to this, okay?
One of the most dangerous things was this 401k.
I know a lot of people love them and all this stuff.
They think it's a good deal.
But the 401k didn't exist until 1980.
So the baby boom generation is the first generation in history to have what's called a defined contribution plan.
This is my prediction.
In a few years, the baby boom generation, which has been the most fortunate generation ever in history, many of them will run out of money before they die.
We're going to see a problem so big, like in Hawaii where I'm from, you know, homeless people are going through for the highest per capita homeless people.
That's the future.
Because these baby boomers will run out of money before they die.
It is going to be a hellish situation.
Brad, you're on the air from Pennsylvania with Robert Kiyosaki.
Go ahead.
Well, thanks Alex and Robert.
What a great guest you are.
On that note, on the 401Ks, of course I'm one person paying into mine, but after listening to Alex for almost 18 years, I guess now, thank goodness, I realize that's probably not even going to be there.
I'm just probably just
Thank you.
Thank you.
Yeah, I'm not against the 401k.
I think you should be made aware of what it was designed to do.
And today, you know, the world has changed since 1980.
We have high frequency trading and info wars.
Today, instead of investing for the long term, the professionals are in and out of the market.
That's right.
They're screwing over the system.
They're breaking the social contract is what Robert's warning you about.
Brad, anything else?
You got a question?
Yeah, I was just going to say that you guys, thank you for everything you do.
Like, for this country, if you don't believe it's a conspiracy, just look at how bad it is and how good it could be.
I mean, it's so easy to just turn this around.
Hopefully Trump, your friend Trump, will do that, Robert, if he gets in there.
I sure hope he's for real.
I want to believe Robert.
I mean, why wouldn't he want to save the country?
Why wouldn't he want to be like George Washington?
I don't want to believe that he's another slimy politician.
He better not be.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Thank you, Brad.
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The fourth hour is only about six minutes away.
Jakari Jackson will break down the latest Second Amendment news.
We'll be taking calls with Michael Cargill of Central Texas Gun Works, looking at the huge gear up and Hillary's own words to repeal the Second Amendment.
Talk about tyranny.
Boy, this is it.
And a lot more.
And they're getting all the latest clips of the Hillary testimony that's ongoing.
That's going to be happening as well.
All this and more.
City Council mulls, gun lock law, and restricting magazines.
I mean, it's getting serious.
And not letting cops have as many bullets, too.
I tell ya, that's all part of this UN thing as they finally get down to the cops.
Robert Kiyosaki's our guest.
We're taking some phone calls for him, and in the last few minutes we've got left, but the website's richdad.com.
Go there, get his books, get informed, folks.
It's a different perspective than what you hear.
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But you've got to be informed, you've got to be focused.
I don't want to say it's hard, but it's also not easy.
Wrote the book Midas Touch with Donald Trump, of course, and others.
But briefly, what do you think about this open attack on the Second Amendment?
Polls show more people are becoming pro-gun, but the Democrats don't seem to care.
I know you're nonpartisan, so am I, but man, these Democrats, they really are something else.
I tell you what, you know, if I gave up my guns and nobody stopped, and that stopped people killing each other, I'd give up my guns.
But you and I know giving up our guns and bullets is not going to stop people from killing each other.
And that's my problem with it.
You know, I'm a former Marine.
I love guns.
I have full automatic weapons.
You know, I am armed.
I carry.
Because I don't want to be a victim.
I'm not out there to kill somebody.
I just don't want to be a victim.
You're an informed, empowered man taking care of his own security.
Yes, and I know how to use my guns.
I practice a lot.
So, uh, I'm not pro or against it.
It's a personal decision, but if somebody comes into my house, I am going to shoot them.
Yeah, I'm not going to try and reason with them.
And you're not looking for trouble?
You're just like a, you know, like a tiger, uh, sitting there in the trees.
Somebody comes up and attacks you.
You got claws and teeth.
They want us to be these domesticated slaves.
And that'll answer Marvin's question from Texas.
He want to know your opinion on guns.
I will try to get to him, but Adam in Florida, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey there, Robert.
Hey there, Alex.
Real quick, give you an intro to what brought me to you was Money Masters years ago.
I saw that film and it compelled me to come to your website, Alex.
And I have, you know, money is the root of our monetary policy, I feel like is the root of our problems here as a nation.
And maybe I missed it, but I've been following the candidates and I haven't heard Trump comment
On that.
That's a good question.
You're really good friends with him.
You've written books with him on monetary policy.
You're a critic of the private fellow reserve or that consortium.
Can you tell us Donald's view on the Fed or what you think it is?
I don't, you know, Donald says it best.
It has to do with immigration.
He says we're a nation of laws.
And when we have people, our own leaders, breaking the laws when it comes to money, we have very, very big problems.
It's not the system that's bad, it's corrupt kleptocracy that's bad.
When you have the Fed that buoys up Wall Street, and Wall Street sends out toxic CDOs and... So they shouldn't be propping up the garbage?
Yeah, and then we bail them out.
And then our government, our politicians support that.
Then our school systems teach us nothing about money.
To me, there's something rotten.
You know, there's not money that's the root of all evil.
It's financial ignorance.
That's why Donald and I, the reason we write and we speak together, is because we speak for the need for financial education in our schools.
Not just as garbage common course.
Adam, thank you so much.
We're out of time.
I'm going to come back and overdrive for five minutes before Jakari gets to Marvin and some of the other folks.
But Robert Kiyosaki, thank you so much for spending time with us.
I know you're a busy guy.
And thank you for all the work you're doing, standing up for free market capitalism and wealth in this country.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for what you do, Alex.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Have a great weekend coming up.
By the way, speaking of weekend, I'll be back.
And David Knight will as well, this Sunday.
David Knight, actually, this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, with the Sunday Transmission.
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Marvin, I know the guest is gone.
He had to go.
But you've got a view.
You heard his view on guns.
What do you have to say?
Yeah, my view wasn't a question I had.
It was probably going to put him pretty much on the spot was the 1968 gun law.
What he tried to
Would Donald be in favor of treating a gun like a knife?
Trump has been saying repeal gun laws and go to open carry that the Constitution is your right.
He's really gotten a lot better.
Trump was bad 10 years ago.
So that's why I don't completely trust him.
That's why we're investigating him.
And that's what that was, was an investigation last hour.
And I've talked to a lot of people behind the scenes.
They say Trump's pretty libertarian behind the scenes.
And we all used to be ignorant.
The word is he listens to this show.
Trump's talked about Infowars a few times, and maybe Trump doesn't want to see America destroyed.
Maybe he's woken up.
I don't know.
What do you think?
What do I think?
I'm in your boat.
I'm still Leary.
I want to believe everything, but I also don't want to be the Obama voter.
But like I said, I live out in
I don't think so.
Take their rights away after they're out of prison or like child molesters.
I mean, look, when you've done your time, you're out.
Don't restrict your travel.
Don't restrict your right to defense.
Don't restrict your right to property.
Let people start over again.
I agree, because I actually shoot with a... Anyway, you get the point.
You already know.
No, I know, I know.
Listen, they could set me up next week and make me a felon, and then I don't have guns.
And to protect my family, and then I'm supposed to hire bodyguards.
I don't have the money for that.
I mean, I'd have to let go of a bunch of employees if I hired bodyguards.
I'm not doing that.
I got guns right here.
Guns in my car.
And I'm not afraid of somebody coming after me.
I win because I'm not a coward.
God bless you, I appreciate your call.
Alex in New York, go ahead.
Hello, sir.
I can't believe I'm talking to you.
Quick suggestion, if I may, before my question to you.
The way, when I turned on to you, you used to challenge us a lot in regards to, you would say something that was unbelievable and then you would back it up and you would say, you don't believe me, go read San Diego Tribune or this and that.
And I think that helped a lot.
No, I agree, but now everything's so fantastical.
And we can say, I mean, now everybody kind of knows.
I think there's still new users, new people that are turning on to you.
I turn people on to you all the time.
And for them, I think... I gotta apologize.
Jakari, if he takes calls, I think he's taking calls to come back to you.
I'm going.
I can't take over his time.
Stay there, Alex, Paul, Mike.
I'm sure Jakari will want to talk to you.
Mike's listening in California on KOMY 1340 AM.
And we got Paul listening over the internet and others.
We're gonna be back with Jakari Jackson and the defense of the Second Amendment.
Speak of the devil.
The devil's in the details and they're coming after our guys.
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And welcome back to the Info Wars Overdrive Hour.
I'm your host, Jakari Jackson, on the Alex Jones Show.
And we're going to finish up with some of your calls of the callers that were left over.
We do apologize.
Our guest has left us, but I'll do my best to answer your questions.
And also coming up later in our show today, we have Michael Cargill of Central Texas Gunworks, a good friend of the show.
He's going to be talking about all the things that are going on in the news concerning
Weapons what you can do for yourself to get yourself armed also what all these politicians are calling for Hillary wants to take your guns just like Obama just like Bloomberg and the rest of the gang but for right now Let's go back to calls.
We have do we have a caller holding over or did he drop off?
Okay, so that guy dropped off.
We're gonna go now to Mike in California Yes
Yes, my life and me campaigned for Ron Paul in 2008 and 2012 with the prospect of Donald Trump getting in the presidency.
We're concerned that Ron Paul isn't speaking up enough to put himself in a position of vice presidency for consideration for Donald Trump.
What do you say about that?
Well, you know, I have no issue with Rand being a vice president.
But from what I understand, Trump has been hinting at having Carson run, or at least that he's throwing that out there.
I think Rand is probably the best guy on the Republican ticket.
You know, I think Trump, he has his high points, just as Alex was talking about in the last segment.
He's become more pro-Second Amendment.
Now, of course, you know, the guy's an entertainer.
I'm not sure how much of this is sincere and coming from his heart.
So that's what concerns me about Trump.
I'd rather, if I couldn't get Rand, I'd rather have Trump than most of the other guys in the Republican Party.
All right, well, thank you.
We'll move on to our next caller.
We now have Paul in New Mexico.
Go ahead, Paul.
Yeah, I just want to say, like, I'm like from 80% trusting Trump to like 99.9% because, you know, like Alex, he has to engage the enemy in Facebook and Twitter because he can't afford the bandwidth.
I think in the same respect, Trump is engaging the enemy by buying favors from people, Hillary or whatnot, because he has to, because that's how our corrupt system works.
So Trump is the ultimate infiltrator.
Of the system.
I'm hoping he can sabotage the system from inside and blow it up.
Most of the time you have to play the goblets game by attacking them from the inside.
But I think most of the time you have to attack them from the outside of the box, not from the inside of the box.
But in Trump's case, I think he can attack them from the inside.
And I now understand Trump.
I now trust Trump because more people need to start stumping for Trump because
I understand now why Trump buys favors.
He buys favors because he has to.
That's how the system is played.
Just like Alex plays the media game by engaging in their ghettos of Facebook and Twitter.
In the same respect, that's how Trump has to engage and play on their football field.
Alex plays on the media's football field and that's all Trump is doing is playing on the system's football field.
So that's all I got to say.
Well, thank you, Paul.
I remember the first debate with Trump, and the most interesting thing to come out of that debate, in my opinion, was when Trump said that he's pretty much the guy behind the curtain, because we all know that at the high level of politics, I guess at any level of politics, you have the guy behind the curtains, the guy with the pocketbook, and they call up the phone in the midnight hour, hey, I need you to do X, Y, and Z, and then the person does it because not only do they owe Trump or whoever the guy is a favor, but they want another favor in the future.
So, you know, I think that was very much something that should have been expanded upon, but they just breezed past it like it was never even said.
So, you made some very good points.
Let's move on now to Kevin in Florida.
Go ahead.
Hey, Yuji Tari.
Hey, how you doing?
I'm a huge fan of the show.
And my question, or actually, I just want to get your take on this, is...
With everything it has to do with Hillary, how can any sane individual, especially women, and this is more gauged toward women people, so maybe you can get Leanne Mathew on there to answer this question later on, but how can any sane person believe anything that Hillary Clinton has to say, anything that she does, and how can anybody vote for this lady?
She's a total criminal, and as far as it goes for women, she is
Trying to strip women of their rights and parental things more than anybody else That's running.
I just wanted to get your take on that.
Yes the thing about Hillary I remember back when she was running against Obama and we played the clip here several times Where Clinton said yeah, I got off the helicopter and people were shooting at me I can't remember where it was But I got off the helicopter people were shooting at me and then they played the footage of her testimony
I think
I'll bring up Fast and Furious, I'll bring up the situation in Syria.
And then somebody will quickly retort me, well Bush did this and Reagan did that, Iran Contra.
I'm like, okay, yeah, but they're not in office right now.
They're not the people being held responsible.
I can't do anything about what Reagan did, but I can speak out about what Obama's currently doing and hopefully that'll wake people up and get some accountability in the office.
So I'm not sure if that answered your question, but basically that's the counter argument that I always run into.
Yeah, this person's bad, but other people have done bad things in the past, so just let them be who they are, even though we keep getting this narrative of hope and change and make America great again and all that kind of deal.
Thank you so much, Kevin.
Let's go on to Allen in Missouri.
Go ahead, Allen.
Hey, Jakari, how you doing?
Very well.
Yes, I can.
Okay, good.
Hey, listen, I was listening to the interview with Ron Paul yesterday.
With Alex, and he was talking about a form of passive resistance where people stop participating in the system.
And it occurred to me, it's an idea that I've been holding on to for a long time, is that I used to work jobs where I was paid strictly contract labor, where the employer did not withhold taxes from my check.
Well, I think, and I may be ignorant on the topic, but I think that any employer can pay contract labor, and if that's the case, then the employer and the employee can each individually, and that's all of us,
Decide whether or not we want to fund the machine that's choking the life out of us.
I mean, at this point right here, I'm paying literally almost $600 a week in taxes.
That's a lot of money, man.
You know, I'm a truck driver, so I mean, they're killing me, man.
You know?
Yeah, I hear that.
Oh, go ahead.
No, I mean, I would just love to not have to pay taxes and and pay for a machine that I don't believe in anything that they're doing anyway.
I agree with that.
They always take our tax dollars, and the old adage, they have money for war, but they can't feed the poor.
And I always hear this argument after 9-11 or whatever.
Well, the American people demanded, the TSA, they demanded all these security regulations.
Nobody came and asked me, do I want to get groped at the airport, or if I want the NSA to listen to my phone calls, or if I want to go send drones to blow up wedding parties over in some foreign country.
Nobody asked my permission for it, but they take my tax dollars and go and do those things anyway.
So I agree with you as far as the legality of it.
I'm not a business owner, so I'm pretty sure there are other people who can speak more to that than I can.
But yeah, I'd be all for it.
I don't want to pay any more money to these people so they can have their secret services, you know, aiming, you know, guns at people or, you know, on rooftops when Obama driving by.
Meanwhile, they don't want me to have a firearm when I go out in the streets.
Thank you so much, Alan.
We will clear the decks now ahead of our guest, Michael Cargill, who's going to talk to us about the Second Amendment later on in our show.
Kit Daniels ran in here just a second ago, and I guess this is his new article on Infowars.com.
Hashtag Black Lives Matter co-founder calls capitalism racist.
This is
Shenanigans sometimes bordering on criminal activity coming from the group, but there are also a lot of peaceful demonstrators that are in the group as well.
For example, when we first went out to Ferguson last year, there was a lot of peaceful demonstrators, kind of like what you see in that photo.
People sitting there in the streets with their signs, Black Lives Matter, and so on and so forth.
But you also have the other extreme of that, of people, they go to events where veterans are getting their medals.
And, you know, they harass them or they go harass people who are, you know, in the lunch line or whatever else.
So, you know, there's kind of two sides to the group.
But definitely, I think there is a lot of, as there are in a lot of groups, a lot of controlled opposition, a lot of people who are infiltrating the group for their own nefarious purposes.
So you can definitely check that out on InfoWars.com.
Now, tonight on the nightly news, Darren McBreen is going to be talking about all things Benghazi.
So just to give you a little bit of taste of that.
I have this article about Hillary Clinton.
Clinton on Benghazi.
Christopher Stevens was responsible for his own safety.
Now, I want everybody to think about this, because this is a nation, all these politicians who say that they're going to keep us safe.
You don't need a firearm.
You don't need a Second Amendment.
If something happens, we're going to swoop in and rescue you.
But in the case of Ambassador Stevens, who called or sent out the email several times to Mrs. Clinton, we have the clip, about 600 calls.
No, we're good.
Everybody in the government.
I mean protect themselves like Hillary is going to protect herself Bloomberg's going to protect himself Obama's going to protect himself ambassador Stevens even though you called several times You said so now all these emails and then you know right before they took away your security You're responsible for your own death as pretty much as what she is saying even though she was rightly Alerted of all the information that was going on so you can find out more about that With Darren McBrain later on in the InfoWars nightly news 7 p.m.
Now before we go to break, quickly I want to touch on Joe Biden.
And you guys know that he dropped out of the race yesterday and there's a lot of speculation.
They're saying that the war machine, the Clinton war machine, was going to destroy him.
And I'm not a fan of Biden, you know, all of his policies going along with the Obama administration, the things I talked about, Fast and Furious, Syria, all these other things going on, telling people to go off on their balcony and shoot their shotgun like Yosemite Sam.
Of course, if you do that, you're going to wind up in a jailhouse.
But now we have the report that advisor told Biden the Clinton war machine is going to destroy you.
So now Biden has stepped out and pretty much cleared the decks for all on full on Hillary assault.
So I definitely expect Hillary to get the nomination at this point because he was, in my opinion, her best competition.
Of course, there are Sanders and other guys out there, but I think he was the guy who was really going to challenge her.
So stay tuned.
We'll be back right after this break.
This is the Info Wars Overdrive segment.
I'm Jakari Jackson on the Alex Jones Show.
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And welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is the InfoWars Overdrive Hour.
I'm your host, Jakari Jackson.
Now, coming up in our next segment, we'll have Michael Cargill of Central Texas Gun Works.
He is a gun shop owner, a gun shop instructor, a CHL instructor.
He's going to tell you everything you need to know about how to procure your firearms, how to train with your firearms.
Also going to talk about the news going on today.
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Now with the time we have left in this segment, I'm going to go back to the main site, InfoWars.com.
Also, you can watch this on InfoWars.com forward slash show to see the free video stream.
I just want to look at some of these top articles.
Of course, we have the Black Lives Matter article from Kit Daniels, which we talked about earlier.
Idaho quietly seeks Ebola coordinator.
Now, this is something interesting.
Adan was talking to Dave Knight about this earlier today.
Dave has been on the Ebola hunt, so to speak.
And we recently saw the nurse who was supposedly cured of Ebola now has it again.
And people are wondering, well, what's the deal going on with Ebola?
So you can check out Adan's article and find out everything about that.
Now we have PC Police label Thomas Jefferson's statue racist and sexist.
Also by Paul Joseph Watson, Halloween is racist.
Everything is racist now.
You can't dress up as a cowboy or as a geisha girl or wear a sombrero.
You know, I don't spend a lot of time in bars, but sometimes I go out, see a soccer game or maybe playing a soccer game when I'm out and about, you know, guys wear sombreros or whatever.
And it's not that big of a deal.
You know, if I see some Asian guy wearing a cowboy hat, I don't call him a racist.
But, you know, who knows?
That's the politically correct world that we live in now.
That's the Qatar runs military intervention in Syria Damascus warrants of harsh response That's a great article by Kurt Nemo and what we've been talking about here recently the Clinton testimony
Now as I said earlier, Mrs. Clinton, this woman who has bodyguards, lies about being shot at by snipers, ignores emails when people are begging for help so they won't become murdered individuals, and all manner of other things, has come out today and said that Ambassador Stevens was pretty much responsible for his own death because I guess she didn't feel like reading his emails.
I had a chance to speak to Larry Nichols, the Clinton insider.
He worked on Bill's campaign.
Also spent a good amount of time with Hillary as well back in the day.
And he was telling me that if he was running the Clinton campaign, he'd be doing it exactly as it is, which is to say, yes, Hillary is getting beat up in the media.
She's having to testify.
She has all these things going on around her.
But he says for a Clinton to win, they have to run as an underdog.
Bill was an underdog at the time of
I don't
After they beat her down for so long, they say, look, look at this strong woman.
She's overcoming.
They came after her on the emails and they came after her on Benghazi, but she has risen like a phoenix and she's going to lead us into the new promised land.
You know, whatever sensational derivative of that they choose to go with.
And it seems like Larry's pretty on about that.
So you guys can go check out that.
They just flashed it on the screen, that great report.
By edited by Josh Owens, I think it's called the Clinton Chronicles 2015.
Yes, there it is.
You guys can check that out on InfoWars.com.
It's also on the Alex Jones channel on YouTube.
And as we were talking about earlier, a report advised and told Biden, Clinton war machine will destroy you.
So, I
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Less than a week after the overnight upgrade to Tesla cars making them capable of autonomous driving, multiple videos have surfaced of the cars trying to throw their human drivers under the bus, literally.
In one video, the car begins beeping as another car approaches, then rapidly swerves into what would have been a head-on collision if the driver hadn't reacted quickly to jerk the wheel back to the right.
Tesla says auto-steer is just a beta release.
If you use it and your car crashes, they deny all responsibility.
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Because nothing is more important for them than to get control of your transportation, even if it means a few of us will be smashed like bugs while they work out the bugs in the system.
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And welcome back to the Info Wars Overdrive Hour.
I'm your host, Jakari Jackson.
Joining me in studio is Michael Cargill of Central Texas Gunworks.
How you doing, Mike?
Outstanding, outstanding.
All right, so we're gonna talk about a whole lot of news, but first I want to go ahead and give that call-out number.
It is 1-800-259-9231.
Once again, the number to call in is 1-800-259-9231.
259-9231 and Mike's going to take your questions on all manner of Second Amendment news and whatever questions you have just to keep yourself safe.
Now Mike, there's a lot of stuff we have and we can't get through it all, but I know there's a few things that are near and dear to your heart.
You walked in, you saw this article I have here.
Bill introduced to remove suppressors from NFA regulation.
Yes, the Hearing Protection Act.
I really like this bill because when they enacted, when we first got our NFA process and all that stuff started, they added suppressors later on down the road to that list.
And suppressors never should have been added to the NFA process because, you know, if you think about OSHA,
And if we allow, you know, we do a lot of things, you know, with shooting, we do a lot of things with other things, where OSHA comes into play in the workplace to say, you know, this is too loud, you need to have hearing protection for this.
Well, if OSHA was actually, you know, came about now...
When suppressors came about, we would actually make suppressors legal.
So we need to bring this, you know, bring this back to the forefront where we can actually, you know, start using suppressors in our firearms.
It's just a lot safer that way and it's a lot quieter that way.
And I encourage people to try to dab into figuring out how to go about getting, you know, an NFA item.
If you want to get an automatic rifle, you want to get a machine gun, you want to get a SPR or something like that, go ahead and
See about filling out that paperwork and getting those items because those are great firearms to shoot.
I wasn't going to say the name, but everybody's going to know who I'm talking about.
Myself and Joe Biggs, I'd say you're like one of the guys who worked here, but myself and Joe Biggs are talking about maybe getting something like a trust.
So tell us what that process would be like.
Alright, so what you do is there's a form you have to fill out with the ATF.
It's a Form 4 and you're going to fill that form out.
There's a $200 tax fee, a tax stamp fee that you have to pay the ATF.
And then the best way to do it is to do a trust.
That way you can name a bunch of different people on that trust.
Because what happens is if you actually go to the chief law enforcement officer in the county that you live in, have them sign off on it, get your picture taken and your photo and your fingerprints done and you die, then that item gets destroyed.
Or if you only name one person in the trust, yourself, once you die, that item is destroyed.
But if you name several people in the trust, then that item can pass to those individuals, you know, if something actually happened to you.
And so it's better to actually have a trust, that way you can have a group of people, five or ten people, the entire family, can have access to this NFA item.
And the way that works is, whoever goes into the gun store to pick it up,
That person has to get the background check done.
Okay, so it's just one person.
Okay, that sounds very good.
Let's keep moving through our stack here.
We have this L.A.
City Council Moles Gun Lock Law.
Now, Mike, the thing that concerns me about this, they said that they want the guns to be disabled and locked.
That's in your first paragraph there.
It says handguns not in use have to be disabled and locked in a secure container under the threat of a $1,000 fine.
Do you see any issues with that?
Man, that's just insane to me.
I don't know what goes on in California in their head, and that's why a lot of people are actually leaving that state.
And they keep coming here and trying to change everything.
Yes, do not come to Texas alone.
I mean, you can come here if you want, but don't come here and try to make it like California that you just left.
No sir, we're full.
We're not taking any more people to California.
You've already screwed up your state and now you want to come here and screw up Texas and everyone else in this country.
I totally disagree with this.
You need to be able to have access to your firearm.
What if my loved one, someone in my family, something has happened inside my home and they need to get access to my firearm to protect themselves?
I don't want them to have to worry about going through all these different little silly steps.
You know, and then also, you know, anywhere else, you know, in a school, anywhere else, you know, somebody should be able to get access to that firearm so they can stop that threat.
That's what it's all about.
It's about saving lives.
And they're trying to add little, um, little stumps in that, you know, in that phase there to prevent you from saving your life or someone else's life.
Yeah, because I talked to David Thweatt.
Was it Harold ISD in North Texas?
When I first started working here.
And they have the teachers carry concealed in the school.
And he said, we have to do this because it takes 20 minutes for a sheriff or a deputy to get out here.
That's not even the SWAT team.
That's just for one guy to get out there.
So they have to have the means to protect themselves in the case that something happened.
And they did it all the way as far back as 2007.
They've allowed, and it's Herald ISD, you got that exactly right, they allowed the principal and the teachers to carry inside the school.
And for that exact reason, because the closest police department is way too far away, and if something was to happen, it is up to the teachers and the principal to defend that school from any intruders or anything like that.
And they haven't had any problems at all whatsoever.
They have an outstanding program, and they're telling everyone, hey, mind your own business, don't worry about what we're doing here, because we're doing it right.
Yeah, and if I recall, they said they have to qualify like every week, they go out to the range once a month or something like that.
Absolutely wonderful program, and all schools need to, you know, should follow suit.
We need to protect the kids, and this is the way to do it.
Now we got one here that I know is very important to you.
We have a jury gun shop that sold weapon used to shoot wounded Milwaukee cops must pay nearly six million dollars and this is Badger Guns in Milwaukee.
So when you see this Michael, when you see that they're ordering the gun shop to pay the money what is that
Spark in your mind?
1,800 guns that they sold had been used in a crime per the Milwaukee Police Department in a three-year period.
So this gun store is a problem.
This is not a I-got-you moment for the anti-gun community to, you know, to come on us with.
You know, it's not an I-got-you moment.
This gun store is a problem, and they're not doing it right.
And so it was only a matter of time.
And this is not just the first lawsuit.
There are more than one lawsuit that's involved with this gun store, and now it's under a totally different name.
So they're closed now.
It's under new ownership now.
Now, as far as they're not doing things right, what do you think maybe could have been done differently?
Well, one, you need to know your customer.
If a person walks into the gun store, they don't fill that form out right, then you stop it right there.
It's done.
You can't even fill the form out correctly, then there's no sale there.
You know what's going on.
There's a fine line there, you know, of holding someone responsible because there's a fine line.
We're talking about a straw purchase.
You have to clearly know that this person is buying the gun for someone else because they can't buy the gun.
A lot of times that's hard to figure out.
It's hard for me as a gun store owner to know if someone's doing a straw purchase.
If they hide that information from me, I'm not going to know.
So we can't hold them
You know, like I said, there's a fine line there of holding them responsible when it comes to certain things.
Very good, very good.
Once again, the number to call in is 1-800-259-9231.
Now, I've been asking the questions here, Mike, and I know you've got a lot of things on your mind, on your plate.
So, you know, what's hot in your mind?
Well, one, we need to do something.
People need to get involved with this presidential race because we've already heard from the Democrats that they're coming after the Second Amendment.
And they're going to do something this time around.
And we really need to stand up and stop them from getting into office.
We need to lean Libertarian, lean Republican.
I don't care.
Do not lean the Democrat way because we got to stop them.
And they're coming at us by using
These terms of, you know, racism.
Like in Texas, they're, you know, everything's a racist thing now.
Oh, it's just racist.
Everything's racist.
Oh, yeah.
Owning a firearm is racist.
I think, was it the LA Times put that out?
Yes, everyone's using that, you know.
You have University of Texas, their students, they're talking about the concealed handgun license.
It's racist because it's too hard for blacks to own guns and get a concealed handgun license.
Do you own a gun, Michael Cargill?
I own a gun!
Good Lord!
We ran into that, me and Biggs were in Ferguson, and we were talking to a guy who will go unnamed, and he was a black guy, and he was talking about, you know, all the open carriers, and they're racist, and all this and that, and I said, you can go buy a gun just like I can.
He's like, okay.
I was like, okay, that's your argument?
You can go buy a gun, can you not?
And he probably already has one.
Yeah, it's completely ridiculous.
Oh, definitely.
So, you know, they're using these little weak little arguments and we need to stop them from using all these little silly arguments of racism and everything else because it has nothing to do with race.
This is about a person's individual, their right to be able to protect themselves.
The forefathers, the one thing that they did was they said, you know what, let's do the First Amendment.
The First Amendment says, hey, you know, you are guaranteed the right to say what you want to say.
They say, you know what?
Let's come up with a Second Amendment.
The second is, you know what?
You can back that up with a gun.
And that's why it's the Second Amendment and it protects everything else.
It's not called the Bill of Needs, it's called the Bill of Rights.
I like that.
It's not the Bill of Needs, it's the Bill of Rights.
Now, we were talking a little bit earlier about the presidential candidates.
Is there anybody who sticks out in your mind, particularly as when it comes to the Second Amendment?
Well, I hope that a Libertarian candidate steps up.
That's where I would rather lean.
It's hard to tell in the Republican field who's going to stand out just yet, so we'll see what happens there.
But we need to protect our Second Amendment because it will protect everything else.
That's a very good answer.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Libertarian myself.
We just have to wait for that to come up.
Let's go to some calls now.
We have Bubba in Virginia.
Go ahead, Bubba.
I have a question and kind of an issue.
How is it that a Department of Defense directive can usurp the Constitution, i.e.
the Second Amendment?
By that I mean, it was under Bush 1, at the end of his term, I believe his name was Atwood, he was the Secretary of Defense at that time, the Under Secretary of Defense he was.
He signed the D.O.D.
Directive basically stating that the only time you can bring a gun onto a military installation is if it's part of your duties.
if you're a military policeman.
Well, by doing that, everyone else that works on that installation, you've usurped their constitutional right.
You've usurped their Second Amendment.
And not only are they doing it while they're on base, so for example, I'll speak for myself, if you work on base, you cannot take your gun to work.
You can't have it in the parking lot, you can't have it anywhere.
So from the time you leave your domicile to the time you return, you're usurping your constitutional right.
It can change.
You can't have a gun on an army base.
Who's cleaning this stuff up?
And I agree with you 100%.
We need to get back to, look, if they trust you as a soldier.
I served 12 years in the United States Army.
If I can travel around the world and defend this country, there should be no reason why I should not be able to defend myself while I'm back home, while I'm traveling to and from work and everywhere else.
All of a sudden, when I cross the threshold of that,
of that base.
I'm not just, I'm not going to all of a sudden not be trusted.
You know, I'm a soldier.
You've trained me.
Then I should be able to protect myself just like I protect this country.
So I agree with you 100%.
Well, thank you so much, Bubba.
We're going to move on now to Christian in California.
Go ahead, Christian.
Yeah, thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
Yeah, my question is, what are your views on police officers carrying bigger arms?
Well, it's not in Mexico.
I mean, I don't have an issue with police being armed, but the issue is they always want to be armed and not have you be armed.
Just like, you know, Ferguson was an example.
We had guys who were willing to come out and spare their time to watch out for me and Joe Biggs.
Had we been there back in, was it August or September, the first time we originally went,
Or not August, September, it was November when the full ride was there.
They're burning down buildings and their SWAT teams protecting the police station.
I mean, when it came down to it, the police were protecting the police.
It was like, you can go down there if you want to, you may not come back.
And beyond that, they weren't just protecting us as journalists, they were failing to protect the firefighters.
So, you know, if they want to have the guns to arm themselves, I want to have the same arms as well.
Go ahead, Michael Carter.
You're right.
If they want to carry, they can pack all they want to.
Just don't come to me or come to my house and tell me I can't have something.
If I want to have an automatic, I want to have a semi-automatic, don't come to my house and try to confiscate my firearms from me.
So I should be able to carry just like you can carry and I should be able to carry the same thing you can carry.
I agree with that.
If they can pack it, I can pack it too.
Thank you so much, Christian.
We're going to move on now to Anthony in Florida.
Go ahead, Anthony.
Hello, yes.
I'd like to say, I was looking at that article you showed about California having a lot on the guns or something.
And I think to myself, that's just total stupid because what if somebody decides to go on a stabbing rampage, what are they going to do about that?
We see that, just like I always bring up the case of Elliot Rodger in California, the young man who, you know, said he wouldn't get enough booty, so he's gonna go out and kill a bunch of people.
He shot people, he stabbed people, he ran people over with his car.
Nobody called for knife control, nobody called for car control.
It was always the guns like it normally is.
Go ahead, Anthony.
I totally agree with you on that scenario.
Thank you.
Mike, do you have anything?
Well, they just do the same thing when their gun is involved.
Don't blame the gun, blame the crazy.
Yeah, there was a video, I don't know if it's still on Drudge, but there was a video yesterday of some guy, I think in California, swinging a machete somewhere in California, I believe.
And basically, it was a guy, I don't know the exact circumstance or what drove him to the situation, but he's out there swinging a machete at a car.
So he's hitting a car with a machete and then the car runs him over.
So you have a situation involving a machete and a car.
Nobody's calling for machete or car control.
Right, right.
Yeah, that's it right there.
So some crazy guy with a machete was out there running around.
We'll keep blazing through these calls though.
Let's go ahead and go to Dale in Ohio.
Go ahead, Dale.
I'm sorry, Dale.
Okay, I guess issue with Dale.
Let's go to Dan in Illinois.
Go ahead.
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, it was funny to run into you at the DC train station September the 24th.
Oh, you're the guy who had the Obama mask?
Yep, that was me.
Hey, how you doing, man?
I finally shot that video and got it on YouTube if you care to take a look at it.
Just throw the link out real quick or throw out the headline.
I will.
It's just Curry Jackson and Stephen Knight.
It's the title of the video at DC train station, so if they want to look it up, they can go ahead on YouTube.
Okay, real quick, give us your question or comment.
I want to know, what is the cost to implement, to take the guns away from the American people?
How many millions of dollars, estimate, would it cost to do that?
There's 300 million guns in the United States alone, so they've got to have some kind of way to finance it to take the guns away and pay the people to go out and take the guns from the American people.
Let's see how that could be financially sustained.
Disarmed because you're gonna take the guns away, so it's it's I wouldn't even go down that road to try to figure out what the cost is The cost is too great.
The cost is your freedom.
That is what the cost The cost is your freedom.
That's what it is because just like we saw in Hurricane Katrina They always say there's never been door-to-door gun confiscation.
They did it in Hurricane Katrina They at least have the infrastructure to do it they have the MRAPs and all the heavy armor and everything else if they wanted to do it and
Are they going to do it?
How much would it cost?
I don't know.
Stay tuned.
We'll be back right after this break with Michael Cargill of Central Texas Gun Works.
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And welcome back to the InfoWars Overdrive Hour on the Alex Jones Show.
This is our last segment.
And I'll remind you to watch the InfoWars Nightly News tonight with Darren McBrain.
He's going to be talking about Benghazi, all the things, all the highlights from Clinton's testimony and how she just failed to protect one of her own people.
But before we get to all that, I want to remind you to check out Liver Shield.
It is back in stock.
And also, not just me, but for everybody here, you can go watch the video with Leanne McAdoo.
She's undergoing a liver detox.
She's going through it with her friend, Emmy.
So they have a video journal that you can actually watch their progress on InfoWars.com.
There's some footage of it right there for you guys.
And also don't forget to buy that also the whole package.
They have instructions of how to go through the detox.
They're taking the liver shield, the
The oxy powder, all that good stuff to get you cleaned out.
So definitely check that out at infowarslife.com.
Now we're going to end our show with Michael Cargill of Central Texas Gun Works.
And with the time we have, Mike, tell people how they can keep up with your work, what's going on at the shop, and everything you have going on.
At the shop, you can follow us at centraltexasgunworks.com.
Also, I have a radio show that I do once a week.
It's called Come and Talk It.
You can go to comeandtalkit.com.
We talk all things firearms.
We talk about all gun laws and stuff like that.
We talk about the positive stuff that's happening around the country.
With, you know, Second Amendment lovers.
And also, I want to give a big shout out to those people in Florida.
The Florida, I tell you, they're pushing concealed carry on campus, they're pushing open carry, because we have five more states left that we're trying to get open carry passed in this country.
We need to be able to carry our guns openly if we want to.
It's all about an individual's right.
So we talk about all those things on the radio show as well, and it's called Come and Talk It.
Very good, Mike.
And talk about the open carry, which, you know, personally, you know, even when it is law legal here in Texas, I'll probably still carry concealed.
But, you know, if somebody wants to carry openly, that's their business.
And that's the thing that everybody needs to understand because I always hear these people saying, well, if it's legal, everybody's going to do it.
Well, there's a whole state called Oklahoma that debunks that.
That's where I'm from.
They passed it in 2013.
Every time I go home for Christmas, Thanksgiving, whatever, I see like two or three people
There are 44 other states that allow some form of open carry of a handgun.
Texas will become the 45th state starting January 1st.
So you have stats that you can go through 44 different states to figure out what happened in those states.
It's not a big problem, it's not a big deal.
It will come, it will go, and I guarantee you the world will not end because of open carry.
It'll end because of something else.
Now they're saying it's going to end because of campus carry.
What are your thoughts on that?
It's not going to end because of campus carry.
A person should be allowed to, you know, carry their handgun with a handgun license on a college campus, just like they can carry everywhere else.
Then all of a sudden, going across that threshold of that college campus and go crazy.
You can carry in grocery stores, you can carry in movie theaters, you know, malls, the bank.
I can carry in public libraries.
I should be able to carry in those same facilities located on a college campus.
And it always amazes me the rationale of people, you know, who are against things like that.
I mean, you can be against it for all different reasons, but I'll ask somebody, well, why don't you want to carry a gun?
Because somebody's going to take it away from me.
I'm like, okay, so what are you going to do if, like, some guy tries to rape you?
I'm going to call the police.
I'm like, so this guy with the ninja skills to snatch a loaded gun out of your hand won't be able to take your phone away.
And then you have professors that are standing up saying, I'm going to quit if campus carry, you know... Well, get the hell out!
You know, that ship has sailed.
All right.
Your chance to fight against this bill should have been last year.
It is now going to affect August the 1st of 2016 in your colleges, universities in the state of Texas, which is the 50th anniversary of the Charles Whitman shooting.
And that was on purpose.
And it will go into effect August 1st of 2017 for your community colleges.
Well, very good.
Michael Cargill of Central Texas Gun Works, definitely thank you for joining us because these are issues people need to know.
You know, because they hear all the rhetoric, all the talking points from the big people on TV.
We need to ban this.
We need to take away that.
Meanwhile, you can look at the FBI's own numbers.
You're much more likely to have your throat slit or be beaten over the head with a hammer than you are to be killed with a fully automatic rifle, even though that's what they continue to demonize.
They don't want you to have, even though the majority of what people can buy, if they go to some big box store, they're not even fully automatics.
So people just need to understand that.
We definitely thank you for joining us.
And don't forget, InfoWars Nightly News Tonight with Darren McBreen, 7 p.m.
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