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Name: 20151020_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 20, 2015
2982 lines.

Alex Jones discusses conspiracy theories including government cover-ups and 9/11 advance knowledge. He mentions recent comments by Donald Trump and Jeb Bush regarding these theories. He also talks about historical context of other events such as Hitler's downfall and actions of British intelligence during WWII, while promoting his radio show and products like high-quality storable foods from InfoWarsSelect.com. In the third hour, Jones will be joined by Dr. Stephen Pchenik who has appeared on his show for 14 years and predicted events such as rollout of Bin Laden's dead body by a future president. The monologue covers various topics like Benghazi, Hillary Clinton's email scandal, propaganda against veterans, Ebola outbreak, healthcare practices, internet freedom threats, ammunition control, bureaucratic and military threats to the internet, development of internet and computer technology, and global governance through multinational corporations. The video promotes products like Supernatural Silver for protection against deadly pathogens and InfoWars Select Foods for emergency preparedness.

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Listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Just look at these headlines at Infowars.com.
Trump, Bush knew in advance 9-11 was coming.
Well Trump knows that was in the New York Post and the New York Times just weeks after 9-11.
It came out there was advanced knowledge and then years later the memo came out that Condoleezza Rice did have specifics and was told
Not to fly the day of 9-11, the day before she even called Willie Brown, then mayor of San Francisco, and told him not to fly.
And then I would hold up the San Francisco Chronicle or the New York Post with headlines, Bush knew, and they would have national media claim that I was saying that Bush blew up the towers.
I don't know what Bush specifically did.
I know there were bombs in Building 7 and it fell at freefall speeds, which even NIST has had to admit now, after, what was it, eight, nine years of them denying it.
They started admitting it about five years ago.
So that's a big deal.
We've got Donald Trump's comments coming up.
We've got the comments by Jeb Bush responding.
But to have Trump say things like this, he's seen as a right winger and they have a lot of trouble attacking a darling of the GOP for 9-11 truthing.
But as I said last Sunday, 9-11 truth would bring down the Bush family.
Just like this new memo that came out over the weekend that added to several others, the Downing Street and the White House memo, a new memo, confirmed to be accurate, that the Daily Mail got, where they said, we know Saddam wasn't involved in 9-11, we're going to fix intelligence ahead of a war next year, to basically blame it on Saddam Hussein.
That's a very serious war crime.
The truth is Saddam Hussein was an angel cake compared to people like Al Qaeda and ISIS and the people that run Saudi Arabia.
He was part of an earlier US policy to stabilize the Middle East and bring freedom to a certain extent there.
And he followed his orders, of course, to attack in a seven-year war the Iranians.
He followed his orders to go ahead and invade Kuwait.
And he was set up at that point and hung out to dry.
I'm not saying Saddam Hussein was a good guy.
Hitler was a bad guy, but he was set up by British intelligence.
He had a secret treaty with him.
That's come out with the Deputy Fuhrer, Rudolf Hess.
That's why he later parachuted into Edward VIII's home, a state with the treaty in his hand.
That's why they locked him up in the Tower of London.
That's right, the Vice President of Germany, the Deputy Fuhrer, parachuted.
He was a World War I ace.
Jumped out and skydived into Edward VIII's palace.
With the treaty, thinking that stunt would... It didn't do anything for him.
He got locked up immediately.
So, that's how this stuff works.
Hitler's like, you told me I could have France.
You told me we were going to link up and attack Russia.
What are you doing giving Russia weapons?
That's why you always hear, Hitler was delusional in the bunker and thought any minute the West would join up with the Nazis and take out the Russians.
That's because they kept telling them that was the plan, that was the plan.
Don't hit us with all your forces, we're gonna double-cross the Russians in Berlin.
That's why it's come out that Churchill wanted to do the unthinkable.
Use what was left of the German army to fight the Russians at the end of World War II.
You can pull up these articles.
That's why
Then Deputy Fuhrer Heinrich Himmler, about two weeks before the Nazis finally surrendered, about a week and a half actually, he actually showed up and surrendered and they cyanided him.
They weren't going to let him get to any Nuremberg trial.
He had the peace treaty.
He said, let's link up and beat the Russians right now.
And they said, how about you take a little capsule, sweetie cake?
And then of course, Patton freaked out because he knew there was a deal to link up with the Nazis and take out the Russians.
He thought the Russians were worse than the Nazis.
They said, how about we just shoot you in the side of the head at a train stop?
And then that didn't tell him, so they had to go visit him inside the hospital.
And of course, he didn't make it out, did he?
I'm sorry, a little history lesson.
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I'm David Knight with InfoWars.com, and on behalf of the entire team here at the Central Texas Command Center, we thank you for your support.
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As any regular listener knows, I don't script what I have to say.
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And finally,
There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, fool me once,
Shame on me.
Shame on you.
If you fool me, you can't get fooled again.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Well, my friends, it's another live, worldwide broadcast on this Tuesday, the 20th day of October, 2015.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be here for the next three hours, Lord willing.
We have Dr. Stephen Pchenik.
Joining us in the third hour, the co-author of many of Tom Clancy's books, the head of Psychological Warfare Operations for the State Department, a very shadowy character who only appears on this show now for 14 years.
And he's got quite a bit to join us on today.
He says that Oregon was the false flag.
And of course he said a decade before Obama rolled out the dead body of Bin Laden, he said that that would be done down the road by a future president.
And then off of his statements, Walter Cronkite, and then Secretary of State,
Madeleine Albright went on Larry King Live in two separate shows in 2004 during the presidential election and said Bush has bin Laden's dead body on ice and is going to roll it out during the election so we're here to stop it.
And so instead, that ended up happening later and has now been admitted.
Seymour Hersh, two times Pulitzer Prize winner, of course, has documented what we documented years before, that Bin Laden had died of kidney failure in 2002.
He'd been treated at the American Hospital in Dubai.
And had reportedly died in 2002.
That had even been in CBS News.
And the CIA had visited him, so he's the perfect boogeyman.
Someone that's dead, but that can be resurrected.
Pachanik's gonna cover the waterfront.
In fact, he sent me
Issues he wants to get into.
Let me just tell you some of these.
And then Joel Skousen of World Affairs Brief, of course, will be joining us on the economy, on the military, on the Russia escalation that's really over the top in Syria.
We're going to talk about, again, the whole Bin Laden hoax, another false flag in Oregon, just like Newtown, a major war.
We'll start between Israel and Palestine.
And he wants to talk about the Speaker of the House race.
And Daniel Webster, who I've been supporting.
I know Walter Jones is supporting him.
But that's coming up.
Wisconsin will cover the rapid Russian-Iranian offensive in Syria.
Canada's turned to the left as
Famous Prime Minister's son has now been elected, Trudeau II.
And we'll look at the politics of Trump and Carson with Joel Skousen coming up today before we are joined by Dr. Steve Pichinik.
Obviously, we've got massive news on the implosion of the borders by design.
We're going to be getting to all of that.
We are going to be getting into the economic news that is so serious, I really have trouble even
Coming up with sensational enough words to describe the different scenarios that could happen during the deleveraging and the unraveling of all of this fraudulent debt that we have been married to, that we have been welded to, that we have been spliced into.
And the clear mass preparations for classical totalitarianism all over the Western world using the global meltdown as the pretext
To really put the final nails in our beloved Enlightenment.
That's all coming up.
Also, we're sending Leanne McAdoo there in just a few days.
She wants to go.
She lived in St.
Louis for many years.
Knows the area.
Officials squabble as underground fire burns near radioactive waste dump in St.
Louis area.
I say she wants to go, I wouldn't normally send my reporters to landfills burning next to radioactive waste dumps, because believe me, if it's already gotten into the radioactive areas, they're not going to tell you.
Even when the levels of radiation go up, the policy is just ignore it.
So we're going to bring a field monitor and a Geiger counter, they're two separate things, up there, both calibrated, and just investigate exactly what's going on.
Josh Owens is going as well.
He's pretty much like a wartime correspondent, the things he's seen.
So that's all coming up.
Also, Ted Cruz says he cannot overstate the threats to Internet freedom, independent news websites like Drudge.
Yeah, the Supreme Court is gearing up to restrict free speech and top conservative
Supreme Court Justice, I think you can guess who, told Drudge at dinner in front of other famous people that they're coming for the First Amendment.
They've told us they are.
We're going to fight them as hard as we can, but we don't have the votes.
They plan in the next two years, this was six months ago, to end free speech as we know it, basically.
It's just, it's horrible.
We're in the hands of total evil.
So that's all coming up.
Obamacare, I mentioned this yesterday when it was in UPI and stuff, but it's in AP today.
Obamacare uninsured penalty jumps to $695 to push enrollment.
Yeah, but for business owners, even if you have like five employees, it's $5,000.
Believe me, I have CPAs, I have tax lawyers, I have 49 employees and six contractors.
I got, what, 55 crew members, basically.
And believe me, I live under this every day.
I know the penalties are now rolling in because none of my crew wants it.
They want to be paid.
They want to go out and get their own insurance.
They get paid to go get their own insurance.
They want to make their own choice.
And remember the headlines four years ago, three years ago, two years ago?
Matt Drudge is a liar.
There is no penalty in the bill.
Well, the penalty is as high as $5,000 per person, but can be administered, and it can be even higher per business, but the highest we've seen is $5,000 fines on small businesses so far.
It can be in the hundreds of thousands for larger businesses, and they just come out and say, no, there are no fines, and then they hired 7,000, and then they hired another
11,000, what is that?
18,000 IRS workers full-time two years ago just to go after people that don't get Obamacare.
Remember the White House in 2014, in March, Liberty Tax, White House, media attack after judge pays Obamacare opt-out penalty and they responded by saying there is no penalty.
But they're in the Associated Press saying we're upping the individual penalty from $400 to $695.
And that's just an arbitrary number the IRS just threw out there.
Ignorant White House staffer, liberal media slam, drudge's liberty tax claim.
Remember that?
I mean, those aren't even the good headlines.
It's the headlines.
Drudge lying about Obama penalty.
There is not a penalty.
I'm out here plugging Drudge because he linked to us and because he came and visited a few weeks ago.
I mean, this is the guy they're attacking.
This is what they do.
They wrote articles years ago about Infowars and Drudge, and Kurt Nemo and myself saying we're liars, there are no domestic drones.
They're not watching farmers.
They're not watching people that build new barns, even though we were linking to mainstream regional newspapers in our articles.
See, this is the level of deception we deal with.
I mean, it is just insane.
It is totally and completely insane.
And the way they've got these tax laws written, the IRS won't give you advice.
You could have started voluntarily paying these fines if you didn't get it two years ago.
They said, fine, don't get it, pay the fine.
Well, then you're supposed to get Obamacare.
So you say, okay, I'll pay the fine.
They go, there is no fine.
But it's statutorily right here.
And then now they're going, you know what?
It is there.
Everybody's got to pay it.
But they think you don't have a memory.
We're going to go to break and come back with the really big news.
Donald Trump said he would have prevented 9-11 if the Bushes knew it was coming, which is absolutely true.
So we've got their back and forth there.
This is really bombshell.
This could bring down the globalists, not just the Bushes.
Clinton's were involved as well.
That's all coming up.
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I wish a buck was still silver.
It was back when the country was strong.
Back before Elvis.
Back before Elvis.
And before the Vietnam War came along.
Good old Merle Haggard.
Before the Beatles and yesterday.
I think you can say the best of the free life is behind us now.
Stop rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell.
He says, are we rolling downhill?
But by the end he says, stop rolling downhill like a snowball headed for hell.
Wish a Ford and a Chevy would still last 10 years like it should.
I'm gonna get to Donald Trump at the start of the next segment because it's longer and these are some big clips with Jeb Bush responding and then Donald Trump responding back.
But if you want to know why this society is in so much trouble, it's because people have become removed from the land, people have become domesticated, myself included, and the world has gotten so complex that corruption can hide behind it.
And now the corrupt know they're bringing down the system and that things are untenable and that things will collapse.
And most of the world's already in collapse.
Most of the world's already in total bedlam right now.
Total bedlam!
And so the system has upped the criminality and is just robbing everything.
They've already stolen the societal furniture, the family jewels, the treasure.
Now they're pulling up the floorboards, they're pulling out the chandeliers, they're pulling down the curtains, and they're even ripping the wallpaper off.
They're even pulling the nails out of the studs.
They're tearing down the chimneys.
They're filling up their wagons and running off over the hill.
And the general public's stumbling around like a bunch of zombies, not having any idea how hard they just got screwed over.
I've told folks for over a year, I've had a sense of approaching dread.
And it's gone from a distant drumbeat to a banging crescendo, and now the drumbeat's gone and I'm just in silence.
World government being announced and the enemy launching all its operations at once against free humanity.
And we're just in the stillness.
In the kingdom of the vampire.
The sun has set.
We're now inside the beginning of the world government.
And all the abominations of the enemy are just paraded around in front of us, and nobody gets in trouble.
Nobody goes to jail.
Nobody gets indicted.
Except the innocent.
And I ask myself, what's coming next?
But I don't want to be negative here.
The numbers show massive awakening.
The numbers show people are resisting.
But the population would resist a lot more if they had an idea just how dire the straits are that we're in.
I'd like to think I'm a pretty tough guy.
I like to think I can handle a lot of stress.
And I can.
That I take one look at the general public, how soft and stupid they are, and let me tell you something, I get scared.
I'm not scared of jackboots dragging me off and putting me in some jail cell.
That could happen, but that's just part of life.
They're evil.
They know who they are.
They know who they serve.
But I look at the general public, they don't have any idea who they are, who their daddy is, who their mommy is.
They know who their daddy and mommy is, figuratively, but they don't really know.
We're in the middle of this fantastic universe, hurtling through space at 30-something thousand miles an hour, and these people really think Caitlyn Jenner is the most important thing in the world.
What does that tell you?
We'll be back with the unraveling of 9-11.
It's accelerating just like the unraveling of Hillary Clinton.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A U.S.
high school student has reportedly hacked the personal AOL account of CIA Director John Brennan.
According to the hacker, everything from a 47-page application for top-secret security clearance to details of the agency's harsh interrogation techniques were discovered in the breach, notes the New York Post.
The October 12 intrusion
began after the hacker was able to trick workers at Verizon into providing Brennan's personal information and duping AOL into resetting his password.
Law enforcement sources speaking with the Post were shocked at the hacker's actions, noting that the agency would undoubtedly make an example of the hackers if possible.
We've previously seen the CIA brag about how they're collecting your information, going as far as saying they could spy on you through your dishwasher.
All manner of alphabet agencies can gather your information without a warrant, but if you take it from them, they have a problem with that.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We're here live.
But now we've added the fourth hour.
So you could technically say 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I host a couple times a week for part of the fourth hour.
And then of course we have David Knight, Jakari Jackson, Leigh-Anne McAdoo, Rob Dube, Paul Watson, Anthony Gucciardi.
They all co-host or host by themselves.
And people are really liking it.
They get to cover whatever's breaking right as the normal show ends.
They get to recap some of the top news that was covered.
They get to play a lot of the special reports from the nightly news.
It really is probably one of the best hours, most informative hours of the four hours.
Then of course, weeknights, seven o'clock central, InfoWars Nightly News.
Where to begin?
Where to start?
Let's get into Donald Trump saying he would have prevented 9-11, and coming out and saying Bush knew.
Well, if you guys document cam for me, the story and video is up on InfoWars.com, I can show TV viewers, Google, and if you just type in Bush knew, just B-U-S-H-K-N-E-W, you get 84,200,000
Plus results in 0.71 seconds.
So in less than a second you get 84 million responses plus.
And what you mainly get is the cover of the New York Post.
And you also get the New York Times.
And you get the billboards around the country, you know, Bush did 9-11, stuff like that.
And what needs to be known here, what needs to be understood here, is that it did come out in the State Department memos, it did come out in congressional testimony, both public testimony and secret testimony in the 9-11 Commission.
And we've had members of that commission on this show, by the way.
We've had members of Congress on to break down the 28 pages that was redacted.
Bare minimum, NORAD stood down, ran a drill to confuse the FAA and the pilots of NORAD, and the Saudi Arabian 15 of the 19 hijackers were trained at U.S.
military bases and thought they were taking part in a drill.
A gas was released on at least two of the aircraft because the real air phone calls, not the fake calls the FBI admits to their credit, were not made by the Solicitor General's wife, Ted Olson, and all that.
That didn't happen.
She didn't call.
There were no records.
They went and checked.
Her phone didn't work at 35,000 feet.
It wasn't true.
There were two air phone calls from two different passenger jets.
You can look this up.
Both female stewardesses saying they've taken over.
We're told they've got a bomb.
We can't breathe.
Gas, gas, gas, smoke, smoke.
As best we can tell, whoever really hijacked the jets by remote control had some dummies on board taking part in a drill.
We know that they'd been drilling before.
That's what James Wood saw.
Four guys practicing hijacking.
He gets off at a connection, says, hey, these guys are acting like they were going to hijack the plane.
The FBI shows up, goes, this is national security.
Don't tell anyone what you just saw.
They were trained at the Defense Language School.
They were trained in California.
They were trained at bases in Florida.
This all came out in mainstream news.
And I would just sit here on air at the time and show the stacks of articles and go, there should be an investigation.
And their response is, Alex Jones says they planted bombs in the buildings and that Bush detonated them himself from a flying saucer in space.
They would actually say that I said flying saucers blew up the towers.
When I was simply saying, hey, the globalists stood to gain, they launched a war against Iraq, had nothing to do with it.
I've had the former head of the visa section, Mr. Springman on, who said they were ordered to let them back into the country, even though they were listed as terrorists, Mohammed Adda and others.
There is a cover-up.
And then I had the former head of German intelligence on, Andres von Bulow.
I had all these whistleblowers on.
I had Seibel Edmonds on first, basically.
The FBI translator at the NSA.
And she testified secretly to Congress, but she broke her gag order in a letter and then on this show.
Very risky to do that for her and us.
We did it.
Talk about sticking your neck out there.
I'm not bragging, I'm just saying we don't play games around here.
That's one reason we're so successful and so famous, is that we think they don't want to indict us for stuff like that because it'd bring too much attention to the fact of their criminal activity, and we are protected under whistleblower laws.
And the press certainly is.
But Obama has persecuted more members of the press than anybody in US history before him.
I'm not going to get off into the whole 9-11
Universe, because it's so much evidence it'll make your head spin, and most of you have looked into it for yourselves, but we don't need to prove how they took down Building 7.
Even though they went on BBC and announced it had fallen before it fell, and then the BBC said that that footage was fake, that we made it up, and they said no, it was real footage, and they were told by Reuters it had fallen in its own footprint 27 minutes before it fell.
Then I interviewed the Deputy Head of Emergency Management, Barry Jennings.
Two weeks later, he was dead.
He said, no, there were bombs in 7.
They said, get out, we're going to bring it down.
We have Larry Silverstein on PBS saying, we gave the order to pull the building, gave the order and watched it come down.
I have the Deputy Head of Emergency Management saying they told him there were bombs in there, get out.
I have two cops that have been on the show.
Who were there on CNN saying, get back, they're bringing it down, who had their radios with the 10-second countdown from FEMA.
And again, black ops will use a cut-out group.
Guess who was running FEMA that first day and who was in control of the radios?
It was the Red Cross.
You want to call it?
And then the media spun it.
Alex says the cops blew it up.
Alex says the firemen blew it up.
No, I didn't.
They're the ones that came on this show, including deputy fire chiefs and fire inspectors.
Top people.
Just type in, New York firefighter exposes 9-11 as an inside job, and you can see a senior New York firefighter talk to Lee Ann McAdoo about the bombs, the molten lava, steel.
All the firefighters knew it was blown up.
I mean, I'd be in New York two years after it happened and have the firefighters on the anniversary saluting us, saying, you're right, keep it up.
And then I'd have the cops going, how dare you say we worked with al-Qaeda and blew it up?
I'll kick your butt!
Now, six, seven years after 9-11, the cops weren't getting in our faces anymore.
There it is, 9-11 firefighter blows WTC cover up wide open.
Leanne McAdoo interviews Rudy Dent, 38-year veteran of New York Fire Department and the New York Police Department.
And he was a deputy chief.
They got like, what, 14 of them in New York, but he was one of them.
And a chief fire inspector.
So what he says about a fire is absolutely seen as expert witness.
You can go watch the interview, but I digress.
It's hard to scratch the surface on 9-11 and then not get deeper into it.
We know Condoleezza Rice called Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco at the time the day before, San Francisco Chronicle, September 11th, and said, do not fly to New York tomorrow.
We know the Joint Chiefs of Staff canceled a trip to New York one week before and canceled their flights.
We know Bush Senior was meeting with the head of the Bin Laden family at a Carlisle group function at the Carlisle table, the same table, in DC when the attacks took place.
We know when all other air traffic was grounded, more than 11 flights with the Bin Ladens from Florida to Virginia to New York were allowed out of the country to get out of the nation and to fly around the country picking up their family members before they
Let me continue here, because there's a lot of other news I haven't gotten to, obviously.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip with Jeb Bush trying to act like it's shocking that Donald Trump would say that Bush knew.
Well, it's come out.
Condoleezza Rice had the memo.
Al Qaeda, learning to hijack planes, to fly them into large buildings.
Targets in New York, D.C.
and other areas determined to attack in near future.
End of line.
And she got up before Congress and said, oh no, we never got a warning, there are no memos, and Congress was looking right at her, knowing, with copies of the memos that were classified, going, really?
You don't have any of those, do you?
Six of the ten commissioners are on record saying inside job.
Total cover-up.
Now, I don't know specifically what happened.
But the best we can tell, they put guys on the planes, they thought it was part of a drill, they gas everybody to knock them out or kill them, we don't know, and then they remote control them into the buildings.
Flight 93 was going to the Capitol, on a direct B-line for the Capitol, an Air National Guard out of South Dakota that was rotated through Virginia, we even know the name of the top general, and they were even awarded that
That wing, that group of planes, awards, high-level awards, but the awards ceremony was in secret.
And we know that it came over the FAA radio.
This was released.
The F-16 traffic, we even know the name of the pilot, and the general gives the order, he checks it three times, and he goes, two AIM-9s.
And they're like, that's an order.
Take it out.
They fired two Sidewinder missiles into the jet aircraft, blowing it up before it could get to its target.
That's why the state police and others said there were huge explosions and an airplane blowing up in the sky.
Its debris was over nine miles.
And they have Discovery and History Channel shows debunking it with total fraud.
So thank God they blew that plane up, but they gave you a story you wanted to buy into.
Let's roll!
Let's take them out!
Why didn't they roll on all the other planes?
Of course planes!
With Americans or anybody else on board, if somebody gets out a box cutter and starts saying, I'm gonna kill you or whatever, people are gonna fight back.
I mean, I guarantee you, somebody comes in here with a box cutter and says, do what I say, I'm gonna hurt them bad.
And it's not that I'm looking for trouble.
I'm going to hurt him bad or die trying.
I'm either going to do one of two things.
I'm going to run or I'm going to attack.
And I know you can't run on a plane.
And I'm not saying I'd run because running is scary.
It's fun to attack.
I mean, let's just all admit it and let's be honest about it.
If you're a man, somebody pulls out a knife or a weapon on you, it's like an excuse to go caveman and start going crazy.
I'm going to get to this Donald Trump clip.
Let's go to, the point is the official story is a giant fraud.
It's a giant fraud.
And it's unraveling now and this is really good news.
Let's go to the clip with Bush.
Here it is.
What are you objecting to about Mr. Trump's remarks about 9-11 and your brother?
Look, my brother responded to a crisis, and he did it as you would hope a president would do.
He united the country, he organized our country, and he kept us safe.
And there's no denying that.
The great majority of Americans believe that, and I don't know why he keeps bringing this up.
It doesn't show that he's a serious person as it relates to being Commander-in-Chief and being the architect of a foreign policy.
Across the spectrum of foreign policy, Mr. Trump talks about things as though he's still on the apprentice.
This guy sounds like Eddie Haskell.
I mean literally, talking about Syria, saying ISIS should take out Assad, then Russia should take out ISIS as though it was some kind of board game and not a serious approach.
This is just another example.
That's actually Trump waffling off his good policy of not attacking a sovereign country who's done nothing and taking out ISIS.
That he said a month ago, he backed Putin.
Now he's flip-flopped and actually gone with the policy to let ISIS take out Assad and then get them out and kick them over into the Islamic State made up of Syria, part of Syria and part of Iraq.
That's the actual State Department plan.
So now Trump's going with the official plan and
Jeb Bush preying on ignorant viewers spends it as if Trump hasn't actually sold out to a certain extent.
Let's go ahead and go back to the bobblehead.
Fourteen years later, there's hundreds of thousands of Al-Qaeda people under a new name running around.
Our media says, don't worry, we arm Al-Nusra, the non-radical Al-Qaeda group.
Actually, say Al-Qaeda.
You made the world worse.
You put radical Islam in charge with your buddies in Saudi Arabia that you're constantly vacationing with and hugging and kissing.
It's disgusting.
People like Bandar Bush are called members of your family, and then you call the Clintons your family and vacation with them.
You're a sickening piece of trash.
Let's go back to it.
No, I mean, so, next week Mr. Trump is probably going to say that FDR was around when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
It's what you do after that matters, and that's the sign of leadership.
It's not the, does anybody actually blame my brother for the attacks on 9-11?
If they do, they're totally marginalizing our society.
It's what he did afterwards that matters, and I'm proud of it.
See, he says he controls reality.
You're marginalized if you don't believe the way I do.
Your brother didn't know, bare minimum.
Your brother got to attack an innocent country and walk around on aircraft carriers wearing cod pieces.
I mean, you're a joke.
Your family's a joke.
We're sick of you.
Get off our backs!
Get off our backs, scumbag.
Now, let's go to Trump responding to that.
Here it is.
His brother gets hit on.
He's a loyal person.
He's loyal to his brother.
But his brother made some mistakes.
His brother could have made a mistake with respect to the actual hit, because they did know it was coming.
And George Tenet, the head of the CIA, told them that it was coming.
So they did have advance notice, and they didn't really work on it.
Now that's something that could happen.
I don't blame him for that.
Again, the question was, it wasn't that I was blaming.
They said that our country was safe under Bush.
I said, well, what about the World Trade Center coming down?
They're the worst attack in history.
But the statement was our country was safe under his brother.
And I said, well, OK, but you got to add in, you know, if you go back a few days, you have to add in a thing called the World Trade Center.
And they wouldn't do that.
So, you know, so I disagreed with that statement.
That's right, they're saying Trump wouldn't be a good military leader and that the Bushes know how to keep us safe.
Keep us safe by taking all of our liberties and our freedoms, claiming homeland securities for radical Islamists and open borders, and then you get rid of our borders, bring in record numbers of Islamists, and then lecture us all day about how the number one terror threat is patriots.
The Bushes are basically Democrats
Masquerading as Republicans and everybody knows that who's got half a brain and is sick and tired of it.
But to also then say that in leadership you don't get blamed for letting something happen, it's how you respond.
So if you just open up the levers of a big dam in Colorado and flood 50,000 people and kill a bunch of them, it's okay as long as you send rescue helicopters.
There was a stand-down of NORAD.
You stood to gain.
Defense contractors made trillions off the wars that came out of 9-11.
And we know it was an inside job.
The extent to which, we don't know the details.
But we know the official story is as phony as Hillary Clinton.
We'll be back.
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So now it's a conspiracy theory to even say America was attacked while Bush was president.
Just like it's a conspiracy theory,
That Obamacare has $5,000 fines in the legislation to be enforced by the IRS and they hired 18,000 IRS agents to enforce it and the Associated Press is reporting today Obamacare uninsured penalty jumps to $695 to push enrollment and they say it's going to be jacked up from there.
And don't you love how they say it's a conspiracy theory to say that there was a cover-up on 9-11, or to question it, or to say there should be an investigation, when our own government, bipartisanly, Hillary, Obama, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Twinkle Toes, Sparkle Eyes, Pillow Biter,
is up there telling the world they're backing the non-radical Islamists who are the leaders of Al-Nusra and take photos with the main leaders of Al-Qaeda who call themselves Al-Qaeda and have such disdain for us that they do it on television and in the Associated Press with living color photographs.
Oh, but there's no involvement with Al-Qaeda.
There's no involvement with Saudi Arabian extremists.
We just framed Iraq for what Saudi Arabia clearly has been caught being neck deep in.
Past their eyeballs, basically.
That's how stupid they think we are.
Well, you know what?
You may have a large portion of the public that can't tie their shoelaces and can't find their rumpus with both hands, but they're a big minority of people that know exactly what's going on and are sick of it.
And you know who they are?
There are military, there are police, there are people in the government who know this stuff's true.
They're really upset right now.
And the public's waking up as well.
We're going to start the next hour
Go to our guest, get into the election in Canada, get into the economy.
It's really a big...
Second hour coming up with Joel Skousen, always informative.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Joel Scalzin, Editor of World Affairs Brief, is going to be joining us to cover major geopolitical developments and to take your phone calls.
Justin Trudeau, the son of the former Prime Minister, now that we live in a society where we've brought back royalty, has been elected.
Justin Trudeau, the leader of the Liberal Party, will become Canada's second youngest Prime Minister and the first to follow a parent into office.
Born in 1971 to the Trudeau family, Canada's Prime Minister at the time, and it goes on from that point.
All I know is they are going to come after your guns like they did last time.
The problem is the outgoing Prime Minister has been a total globalist and signed Canada onto the TPP and a lot of that was the backlash is what got Trudeau in.
I wonder if he'll continue to try to get him out of the TPP.
Notice they said they had to get the TPP signed two weeks ago in secret.
Because Canada was about to have an election and might not be part of it, and so they needed to get it done before the new Prime Minister came in.
Well, he's got the power to try to pull them out of it and to make it public.
Let's hold our breath and see if that actually happens.
Canada's Liberal leader, Trudeau, not just another pretty face.
He's a young and handsome outdoorsman and former bartender.
Among other roles, far removed from politics, proved Monday he's not just another pretty face.
The son of the late and beloved Premier, he led Canada's opposition Liberal Party to a landslide in Canada's general election.
The former French teacher, age 43, overcame campaign attack ads claiming he was just not ready to leave Canada.
So it's just another stunt.
You know, it'll be, oh, a black president, oh, a pretty boy president, oh, a woman president.
I don't care what color you are, how old you are, just don't come after people's guns.
Just don't push more welfare state.
Just don't push more, oh, I'm so sick of these people.
And I'm so sick of how we can't ever have good conservative responses to this.
We've got to have these controlled opposition people.
Like Cameron and Harper and Boehner and all the rest of it.
You know, they want more neocon rhino types to be the new speaker of that fight.
It's certainly heating up in a big way.
Some of the topics that we're going to be covering.
China's selling tons of U.S.
debt, but Americans could care less.
Global trade is collapsing as the worldwide economic recession deepens.
agent gets over six years for Bitcoin theft in Silk Road probe.
We're going to get into Ted Cruz says he cannot overstate the threats to Internet freedom, independent news websites like Drudge.
Obamacare penalty now kicks in.
That's Associated Press.
I know they told you it didn't exist like the death penalty.
You could read the bill.
It always existed.
That's another thing.
It's hard to believe they lie so nakedly to their moron constituents.
And then their moron constituents, a lot of them don't even remember a year or two later when they get hit with a lie in their pocketbook.
But nevertheless,
That's going on.
And then also, we're going to get into Star Wars.
You know, Star Wars is cheesy, and really the only good ones as an adult to watch it would be maybe Episode 4, Episode 5.
Episode 3 is pretty good for its plot.
False flags, bringing in tyranny.
But now, you know, there's copies of the script floating around for the new Force Awakens.
And World at Daily asks, is it anti-white?
No, I don't think it's anti-white because you've got a star-studded cast of different people with different colors, but it certainly pushes the unified agenda of feminism, where on the movie posters it's, you know, the hero's a woman.
Which would be fine if it wasn't every movie now, the heroes and bosses are all women.
The 21 Gun Salute, a time-honored tradition that has been celebrating veterans for years, is now banned by an Iowa high school.
According to an NBC affiliate, administrators at Belle Plaine High School say that the salute, quote, promotes gun violence, end quote.
But common sense hasn't
We're good to go.
In other schools across the nation, anti-gun hysteria has manifested in students being suspended or expelled for playing with toy guns, biting pastries into gun shapes, and even making gun gestures with their hands.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
As any regular listener knows, I don't script what I have to say.
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Ancient Defense.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Joel Skousen?
He is a best-selling author on secure homes, on survival, on strategic relocation, probably the preeminent expert on that.
And he, of course, was also a Marine Corps fighter pilot and officer during the Vietnam era.
But he's better known for his political analysis of what's happening in the world.
Then he joins us for the hour.
I will open the phones up at the bottom of the hour for any questions or comments you have directed at Joel Skousen or myself.
He is the editor of WorldAffairsBrief.com.
David Knight will be hosting the fourth hour today that we've added to the transmission in the wrap-up show.
We have China selling tons of U.S.
debt every day.
But Americans could care less?
That's a Bloomberg headline, not an InfoWars headline.
Global trade is collapsing as the worldwide economic recession deepens.
And now the Federal Reserve is coming out admitting that the economy is beginning to degrade.
We also have the fight between Bush and Trump heating up with Trump pointing out that 9-11 happened on Bush's watch and that he knew it was coming, which was admitted at the time.
Just type in Bush New, you'll get Associated Press, New York Post, you name it, from the time.
They lied about those memos.
They lied about the CIA warnings.
We're also going to get obviously into the latest on what's happening in the Middle East with the Russian
Air bombardment backed up by Revolutionary Guard out of Iran, Hezbollah out of surrounding areas as well, and Cuban forces.
And I can't stand Cuban forces that fought against U.S.
forces and others, obviously, in Africa.
But at the same time, this is an old coalition, and it's fighting an offensive force of al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia and the West, so it is just.
Now if the Russians stay there, or the Russians start expanding, then it's a tyranny.
So I don't romanticize any of this, but I would imagine Joel Skousen will probably, he's an expert on this, want to start first with the situation in the Middle East, in Syria, and then we will expand out from there into the larger geopolitical issues and what he sees happening in election 2016.
We also have the polls.
Last week and this week, Rand Paul, the senator, but Ron Paul, drug into a court hearings, felony hearings, that a judge dismissed the main felonies, but they're still going after Jesse Benton, Ron Paul's former chief of staff, for quote, lying to the FBI.
Well, they can claim that you made a mistake or claim you got one thing wrong and then that's lying.
That's why you cannot talk, in my opinion, to the FBI, even if you want to tell them something truthfully that happened.
Because if they're corrupt, you don't know which agents you're dealing with, then they'll just say you lied to them if you get anything wrong.
And that's what they convict most people for.
And so they're clearly going after the polls now.
If you look at it, it's for supposedly getting an endorsement from a candidate.
They're going after a lot of other people.
There's this reign of terror on free speech.
Ted Cruz says he cannot overstate the threats to Internet freedom, independent news websites like Drudge.
We, of course, have had a Supreme Court justice, and I've been told to get dinner with Matt Drudge, telling him, no, we've been told they're going after free speech the next year or two, and that Internet freedom will be shut down for libertarians and conservatives.
So what I'm getting at here is, the New World Order is moving.
Now is that because, are they moving fast?
Because they're behind?
Or are they moving fast because they're arrogant?
I think it's a mix of both.
But Joel Skousen joins us.
Joel, I've thrown a lot of issues out there in the last four minutes.
You joined us via video Skype.
But what do you want to tackle first?
Yes, let's talk about Syria because it still is the major force that the globalists are dealing with.
It's the major defeat that they're probably not going to be able to overcome.
I think they'll be able to overcome Trump.
They'll be able to overcome the resistance to internet freedom and all the other things that they do in the name of securing our liberties.
But they're not going to be able to stop the Russians, I don't believe, in Syria.
And right now,
From what news sources I've got in the Middle East, it's mostly Hezbollah in terms of the ground troops, not the Cubans and not the Iranians.
There are those there, but I would say almost 75% of the ground troops that Syria is using in the
I don't
Take Aleppo.
This is going to be a game changer in Syria because it's first of all extremely embarrassing to the U.S.
We've been fighting ISIS supposedly for a year and have never been able to do anything like the Russians have done in three weeks.
And it's also a real stick in the eye for the globalists who have a major agenda in taking down Syria.
It's not going to happen now.
Assad is probably going to survive.
Though, you know, the Russians may, in accommodation with the world,
Decision that, you know, Assad has to go.
They may allow some other type of election, but it's not going to be a Yihadist takeover of Syria, which would have involved, you know, basically a bloodbath.
Libya all over again, and I don't think Russia is going to allow that.
The globalists cannot stop it.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was on the show last week and he thinks they'll up their assassination attempts on Putin and that goes with the past history.
Do you think the New World Order would be bold enough?
Would the Anglo-Americans be bold enough to try to assassinate Putin?
I do not, Alex, and the reason is the globalists want a strong Russia.
That's why they've continued to, you know, violate their own sanctions, deal in Russian oil and Russian rocket motors and things, which we depend upon.
The sanctions are token sanctions.
They want a strong Russia.
They want a strong Putin who will rejuvenate the feeling of the old Soviet Union among the Russian people.
They want this war, this third world war.
You know, that's my one criticism of Paul Craig Roberts.
As good as he has been over the past decades, he's now... he really doesn't understand the nature of the conspiracy we're dealing with.
He views Putin as a champion, and he is doing the right thing in Syria in taking down the globalist agenda, but still...
The Soviet Union was a falsified, phony collapse.
It's being rejuvenated.
It's going after Ukraine, and eventually it'll go after the Baltic states.
It's going to attack the West, and it's preparing to attack the West.
So these are not the good guys, and neither are the Chinese.
And so I think we have to look at this realistically, as you mentioned in your introduction.
I think we have to applaud the fact that Russia is stopping the globalist agenda in Syria.
And that will affect the Iranian agenda as well, because Syria, remember, was to be taken down at the request of the Israelis before the Israelis would attack Iran.
And that's why the U.S.
conjured up this Iran-Iranian nuclear deal, simply to put the war on Iran on hold while they take down Syria.
And now Russia has just blocked that full force with their intervention.
And so either the globalists have to create a separate war between Israel against Syria or Saudi Arabia against Syria, using the excuse that Iran, Iranian troops are in Syria, and that's a possibility.
What about Israel?
Couldn't Israel be a wild card?
Israel we know has been doing some flights in and around Syria.
What about Turkey shooting down a Russian drone?
Could we see something spark off a larger conflict?
We could, but so far we don't see any of that.
The Russians have denied that the drone was theirs, and that leaves a very interesting question.
Did the Turks shoot down a U.S.
drone, or could have been perhaps an Iranian drone?
And the Russians may not be telling the truth.
They may not want the embarrassment.
I don't think anybody wants to tackle Russian jets.
For example, the Russian jets confronted this week two Israeli fighters that were going through Lebanon and basically said, you know, halt, turn around, and they did.
So even the Israelis, as good as their fighter pilots are, probably the best in the world, are reluctant to tangle with the Russians.
As I say, I don't think... Well, I'm sure that's because they've been given orders not to.
That's right.
You know, I don't see a direct confrontation with NATO versus Russia, because NATO and the United States don't want to provoke a war with Russia.
This isn't the time for World War III.
Russia and China aren't ready yet.
But still,
They've got to overcome this Syrian situation somehow, and they may have to wait till Russia runs its course, takes back a majority of Syria for Assad, and if there are sufficient Iranian troops in there, the Saudis or the Israelis could use that as an excuse to intervene.
Saudi Arabia has been making a lot of threats against Assad and against Russia, but at the same time meeting with the Russian envoys.
But the United States has been refusing to meet with the Russian Foreign Minister.
That's even unprecedented during the Cuban Missile Crisis to refuse to meet with the Russian Foreign Minister.
Well, there's a very good reason for that, Alex, and that is that the United States simply, you know, has to be careful.
Russia knows that the U.S.
created ISIS, and so when the Russians are going to press the U.S.
about the fact that they're not sharing any target information with them, they don't want Russian information, they don't want to tell them what targets not to hit, I mean, that's a tacit admission
That we don't want Russia to engage with us directly over ISIS because it will expose the fact that we don't want ISIS taken down.
Now, on the other hand, Russia has been working fairly smoothly with both Israel and Saudi Arabia.
And how should I put this?
You know, Israel is completely in the globalist's pocket.
Stay there.
Explain that when we come back.
Joel Scalzin, World Affairs Briefs, our guest.
Stay with us.
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We lost Skousen.
We're reconnecting via video Skype.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We're going to open the phones up for Joel Skousen in the next segment.
Now I don't think Hillary Clinton's going to actually try to confiscate our guns starting
In 2016, if she gets elected, I don't think she'll try to confiscate them up front.
But with registration, and with banning the gun show loophole, and with banning the transfer of firearms, and with restricting semi-autos, they will begin the process towards criminalization of gun ownership.
But I've got to ask Joel Skousen the question, why would Hillary, Obama, Democrats on CNN, MSNBC, coming up the third hour after he's gone, we have a big compilation of this we're going to be playing, come out and say, no, we are going to do Australian-style gun buyback and take all semi-autos, which they call automatic.
Why would they be signaling such a strong intention when in the past they would admit it in their literature?
And in their fundraising, and they've done this in the cities they control, and the countries Globalist control, but why would they be so honest and say, yes, we're going to try to move for Australian-style plans?
I mean, that will cause what I would call a civil war in many areas.
I mean, A, why do you think they're doing this?
B, do you disagree that an attempt to ban most firearms will explode?
Well, I think that, frankly, this is a political move to help sabotage Hillary's bid for the presidency.
The Democrats have long learned that you can't vote for gun control and even get re-elected in a Democratic area, except for very few areas anyway.
There's no reason politically to bring this out.
Hillary has evaded the issue of gun control before in the campaign to come out.
I'm not in favor of the Second Amendment.
I'm in favor of repealing the Second Amendment.
That's a death knell to Hillary Clinton.
So I think this is sabotage from her advisors of her campaign.
I agree!
I mean, I'm no super political analyst, but this is 2 plus 2 equals 4.
This is suicide behavior politically.
It is.
I mean, clearly, you can't even pass a gun control treaty in the UN.
They're going to have to bypass that in some way.
I agree with you completely.
They're going to be working on nibbling around the edges, getting registration.
Registration always leads to confiscation.
Eventually, gun buyback is a nice looking way, you know, to confiscate or precedes that.
But they're not going to be able to take this fast at all.
Well, I agree with you.
It's not mental illness and them being delusional.
It's bad advice.
And they're not stupid.
So, I guess she's stupid then.
She's pretty smart.
Why would she continue?
She's made like four of these statements the last two weeks.
Why would she come out and talk about repealing the Second Amendment and stuff?
Well, she knows that plays well to the hardcore left, which, you know, Bernie Sanders has played to the hardcore left, and she's trying to get those votes back.
So I can see how she could easily be induced by her advisors to say, yeah, this would be good for, you know, degrading Bernie Sanders' appeal by appealing to gun control.
I don't think she realizes that her campaign is being sabotaged.
I mean, clearly, you've got to remember that the Democrats surrounding Hillary really believe that the powers that be are pro-Democratic Party and are going to let them win.
But the guys really under the scenes that are calling the shots don't want Hillary, and I think they're setting up for a loss, and this is part of that.
I agree with you.
Do you think they're readying Biden for a serious run, or do they want to make a change and put a Republican in?
Well, they want to put a Republican in.
And I personally, my gut feeling is that Biden isn't going to run.
And one of the reasons that I say that is because the media has put a big push on to say that Hillary Clinton has been boosted in the polls some 10%.
Because of the debate.
Now, the debate's history already, and that boost would have showed up immediately after the debate.
Now that they're boosting it, it's kind of as an indication, let's make Hillary unbeatable so that Biden will kind of go away in that regard.
That's my gut feeling.
I don't think Biden's going to challenge Hillary.
Because the globalists want to move their agenda forward.
They don't want another Democrat in.
I mean, they would be dead in the water.
Yeah, the Republicans are capable now of moving this war agenda.
Remember, in the next eight years, we're going to see this World War III, and I think they want a Republican in office.
As they had George W. Bush during the 9-11 catastrophe, because he can convince conservatives to go along.
You have Ted Cruz following a neoconscript.
I mean, it's just embarrassing how badly he's bought into the Syrian agenda.
And the same with Donald Trump.
You know, he has a little bit of light on the subject, having revealed that, you know, Bush administration knew that an attack was coming on the World Center.
Not only did they know, of course, it was a government operation from the beginning.
Let's talk about that when we come back.
Joel Scalzo, World Affairs Branch.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Joe Skousen was a officer in the Marine Corps, fighter pilot, bomber, Vietnam.
Best-selling author, of course, was his famous uncle, Cleon Skousen, the naked communist.
And then other books exposing how the ultra-rich actually fund communism and socialism to domesticate the public.
And he writes for World Affairs Brief, one of the most accurate, in-depth publications out there that really goes into the hard research to understand what's happening.
And of course, Joel Skousen also understands this is a spiritual conflict
I've always been a Christian, brought up a Christian.
I've had a relationship with Christ since I was a young man.
But at the same time, I never really doubted God.
But the more research I did, and the more I studied the New World Order, and the more I dug into it, these people are into the occult.
They believe in God and the devil.
They believe the devil's God.
And they really follow it, and they're really getting power from it.
And the atheists out there, that whole system that's pushed by the establishment, some of them are true believers that there isn't a God, there's nothing outside of the five senses.
But at the higher levels I've found, they're actually occultic servants of this system and they don't want the public even knowing there is a spiritual realm taking place.
But look at us!
We're on a planet
On the edge of a galaxy, there's hundreds of billions of galaxies that have been photographed.
There's all these teeming, you know, billions of planets, hundreds of millions sometimes per galaxy.
All these dimensions they've discovered.
And then they just sit around saying there's nothing going on, there's nothing happening, just watch television, watch Dancing with the Stars, go back to sleep, everything's fine.
This is all an attempt to keep people from awakening.
It's an attempt to destroy your free will.
And we're going to get Joel Skousen's take on the larger conspiracy here in a moment, get into some of the economic issues, the parallels between Carson and
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Thank you.
It doesn't mean that we always get it exactly right.
We're trying to get it right.
We have a really good track record.
Our guests have a great track record.
We're promoting freedom.
And when you shop with us, you make the globalists very upset because you're voting with your dollars, you're voting with your euros, you're voting with your yen, your yuan.
You are funding the growth of movements that are anti-New World Order.
And as the globalists get more arrogant and more aggressive, and as things get worse, those of us that have set ourselves up in opposition against them are only going to get stronger.
Because people realize this is real now.
But in that paradox, they're coming after us.
And that's why there's all these admissions.
All over the world they're going after free speech, arresting Germans that try to rally against open borders, banning American flags in schools, charging 15 Alabamans, no Georgians, it's also having Alabama, with terrorism for having rebel flags out of the park.
I mean, they're charged saying the flag is an act of terror.
This can be projected onto any speech now, so I'm all over the map here with our guest
From World Affairs Brief, the editor-in-chief over there, Joel Skousen.
Finish up with 9-11, if you would, with your view.
I know it's hard to know exactly what happened, but the official story we know is a fraud.
And then finishing up with where Ted Cruz is going versus some of the other candidates, and then I want to go to phone calls, Joel Skousen.
Well, Alex, as I have been very open in my website, in my newsletter, I believe that 9-11 was a government operation from beginning to end.
It's not just they let it happen.
You can't explain all of the complexity of 9-11 unless it was a government operation from the loading of explosives into the building,
To the loading of explosives into the airplane that hit the Pentagon, which blew it to confetti-sized pieces.
A bomb in the cargo bay doesn't do that.
It has to be loaded in wings, tails, every portion of it.
The switching of aircraft, the radar tapes show that the 9-11 hijacked aircraft switched with other aircraft coming from the West Coast over the Midwest, and that those airplanes went elsewhere.
I mean, hijackers couldn't do that.
As well as the modification of the aircraft that actually hit the Pentagon, the cover-up, you know, all of the government suppression of information, the cover-up of the testimony of Mineta in the White House Situation Room, where Dick Cheney basically said, you know, you've got to let that aircraft hit the Pentagon.
Trump doesn't even have half the story about the evils of the Bush administration.
Of course, I don't think that George W. Bush was running the show any more than Barack Obama's running the show right now, but he certainly was knowledgeable.
I mean, he wasn't even surprised when he was told that the towers were hit.
Just nodded his head and went on with his elementary school
A reading session.
And then, of course, they were taken to Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha for safekeeping.
There's just too much involved with 9-11, including the suppression of the air traffic control, the fighter support, the falsification of the crash site of Flight 93, what actually landed at Cleveland Airport and was put in the Nassau hangar.
Everything was falsified, which the terrorists couldn't have done.
Let's roll phony tape recordings of cell phone conversations.
Cell phones don't work at 10,000 feet and above.
They're horizontally oriented antennas.
They simply don't work vertically, and I've proven that flying my own aircraft.
They'll work at low altitude, you know, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000 feet, but that's it.
They always cut out by 7,000 feet.
I've done it almost every time I fly, hoping one day it works above that to prove the official story, because I don't want to believe the government did it.
But they did do it.
And, you know, I've got to appreciate Trump for at least tainting the reputation of George W. Bush, saying he didn't keep us safe, because he didn't.
So, it's very important.
But, you know, getting to the larger overall picture here, remember that Trump's numbers, despite the attack, I mean, when you look at the pictures, just like what's showing on the screen now, every time they put a picture up of Trump, it is the most odd pose, making him look weird.
There's never a favorable pose that the media puts up of Trump.
That shows they're still trying to destroy him.
But his poll numbers keep going up.
They say they're up to 28% now.
I think they're above 30%.
Ben Carson, of course, is in second.
Ted Cruz is in third, and Jeb Bush is cleared out of 5% now in sixth place.
I'm not sure, even with the primary system that they've manipulated and loaded so that they can change things midstream, I'm not sure they can resurrect George Bush or Jeb Bush, he's so low.
Sure, but they keep foisting him, they keep force-feeding him, and they'll show him at like a fair in front...
At the back of a crowd that isn't even there for him to make it look like it's a crowd for him.
Then when they show Trump, they'll show a close shot without the crowd.
I mean, they are pulling out the stops.
As I say, the conservatives, I mean, I think that they could run Bush and get him to win in a general election, but the problem is getting over the Tea Party conservatives that are running this Republican nomination problem.
There's a major rebellion in full force against the Republican establishment as demonstrated by the resignation of John Boehner and then Kevin McCarthy to follow him.
They can't even hardly get anyone to run because
The conservatives know if the establishment goes for someone, they're controlled.
And if Ryan accepts, they've got controls on Ryan.
But they've got to somehow take Trump down, and I think the fact that they've got Rubio boosted in the polls, and I don't know how this comes up unless there's some phony polling going on here, but Rubio's in third place now.
You know, but Ben Carson has read Cleon Skousen's book, My Uncle.
He's talked about them online.
You know, a plant within the establishment doesn't do that.
So I think Ben Carson is legit.
And I think he's looking, and that's why Trump and Carson don't criticize each other, I think Carson's looking for a vice president slot under Trump.
But I can't imagine the establishment allowing Trump to win.
But if he should win, like Ronald Reagan won the nomination in opposition to everything they tried to do to stop him, they did learn to control Ronald Reagan, even throwing an assassination attempt at him.
And I can guarantee you, if they can control Ronald Reagan, who is a true ideological conservative,
They can control Donald Trump, who isn't an ideological conspiracy.
But I don't think Trump consciously is a globalist and wants to destroy America.
He wants prosperity.
He's not for Cloward and Piven.
And I think that's why they hate him so much.
And I think he is obviously going to be attacked more.
I agree with you, they might try to kill him if he gets into office.
But if you look at
What the Democratic Party is doing themselves, they are running like they know that their time is up.
I mean, look at the debate numbers, look at how CNN cut the time.
I agree with you that they're looking to put a Republican in.
Yeah, they can control the backlash in America against Obama and the Democrats by putting a Republican.
There's going to be rebellion in the ranks if they put a Democrat in.
So I think that's where we're going, Alex.
But as I say, this is a major... I think there's four major setbacks the globalists have faced.
It's the Russians in Syria, which they did not expect.
If Russia was going to go in, they expected them to go in a lot earlier.
The backlash against the immigration wave is a major setback for the globalists, although I will say that even in Sweden, which is on the verge of bankruptcy in many of the smaller communities because of their welfare state system, they can't even handle their own citizens because of the migrant pull on the economy.
They still are not reversing anything.
Sweden is not giving any hint whatsoever that they're going to stop this insane immigration.
The plan is break these countries up, bring in a client force.
Why would the socialists, why would the globalists, why would the Peter Sutherlands openly say to the BBC as he did, no, we want to get rid of European culture.
We want to break it with these migrants.
I mean, Sutherland admits this is world government.
Well, I think it has to do also with the satanic nature of this conspiracy.
I mean, clearly this, you can't, no single person, any mafia, evil, wealthy, powerful person couldn't get this globalist agenda started two or three centuries ago and directed and keep it going past 20 or 30 years.
It has to be a revelatory, guided conspiracy.
And I think there's something, a dimension beyond global government in terms of destruction of culture, destruction of Christianity, destruction of religion, and the creation of a worldly secular society where there is conflict and hatred.
I mean, conflict, of course, allows for the police state to continue to suppress free speech as the anti-migrant
Terminology and rhetoric increases.
You're going to find, you know, governments are going to have to say we have to stop allowing people to criticize migrants.
They're already doing it!
Yes, and that's going to... I mean, you're not even allowed to report government statistics on rape now of migrant immigrants in Germany.
That's the suppression of free speech that we're warning about.
It is a destructive agenda.
I mean, that's when you know you're face-to-face with evil, when they're rehiring Stasi people to work at Facebook to then take Germans' children away if they speak out against open borders.
I mean, this is such a brazen tyranny.
I want to go to phone calls in the next segment, the segment after that, then Joel Skousen leaves us at five after.
We'll go to Harvey, Ed, Shane, Carol, Tom, and others.
We're going to break, but I'll just tell you a story.
I know you used to head up some of the biggest national conservative coalitions out there trying to take the Republicans back over.
It's got to be positive now to see the Tea Party at least partially not being taken over.
Giving Boehner a run for his money, he's having to leave.
But when I've talked to different congressmen off air, some of which don't come on the show for reasons that are obvious, we don't even push to get them on, but some do come on.
It's like being with people in a bunker or a foxhole.
They're just point-blank.
We're doing our best.
These people are criminals.
These globalists are dead on.
We've got a chance, but I tell you, they may come after all of us.
I mean, now when you talk to grown men that are 65, 70 years old, and it's like you're in a military operation with them, it's good to know, finally, we've got people in Congress that really get how big the chips are, how big this is, and understand we're fighting a purely criminal conspiracy.
Indeed we are.
We've got people like Walter Jones who had the guts to say, you know, to Kevin McCarthy and everybody else, if you've got skeletons in your closet, you better not run for Speaker.
We don't need another scandal on the Republican Party.
And next day, Kevin McCarthy, you know, backs down because he was having an affair with a woman Republican from North Carolina, according to my sources in Washington.
Well, the globalists know now, though, that evil's gotten so naked that the response of good to rise up to it is now happening.
It's going to be spectacular.
Is it not, Joel, what we're going to see in the next decade?
I mean, won't we see history, legend, prophecy, everything?
Is this not an epic time to be alive right now?
It is, Alex.
I'm not optimistic, though.
You know, the global is under fire in these four basic areas where they've had setbacks.
But these people won't take no for an answer.
They have tremendous power.
They have some satanic power behind them.
And at the same time, what it's doing, it's causing this great division within society.
Our movement is building and getting stronger.
But, at the same time, they're corrupting even greater numbers of people within the nation, from immorality to homosexuality and other things that are taking hold within the nation.
So, I'm not optimistic that we're going to win back freedom as a nation.
I believe that only in pockets of liberty are we going to be able, at the local level, be able to survive what's coming.
And I, of course, people have to survive this war that the globalists are preparing to bring down upon us.
It's just like Helmut Kohl said in 1997 when they were arguing and bickering about the Maastricht Treaty.
And he said, look, if you don't get it together and accept this EU, you're going to have war in Europe.
Everybody looked at one another and said, what does he mean?
There's no sentiment for war in Europe.
But Helmut Kohl as a globalist was meaning, he couldn't say it, but he meaning, if you don't abide by this stuff voluntarily, we're going to give you a war which will drive you into this new world order.
And I think that's what we're facing.
That's right.
That was the German Chancellor at the time.
And now they have German governors on video saying, when Germans are like, we're a town of 3,000.
You just brought 3,000 migrants in here.
They're telling us what to do, how to live.
And they go, get out then!
I mean, it's this answer of we're doing this.
We're going to break you.
It is just so naked.
Look at this headline.
School suspends student elections because no,
Because not enough minorities won.
Principles suggest a candidate's race trumps all other factors in an election.
That's infowares.com.
Sweden on verge of collapse as illegal immigrants surge into the country.
Migrants shut down the tunnel under the English Channel between England and France for the upteenth time again today.
German Daily documents anti-migrant hate speech on Facebook, AFP, with serious headlines about, thank goodness they're going to arrest people.
German anti-Islam protest swells on fears about
Refugee influx.
So it goes on and on and on where they invert reality and act like it's weird that people don't want three, four, five million illegals in one year who are just given everything free and who don't want to assimilate and who most of them are military-age men and have, what, two-thirds have fake passports.
I mean, this is insane.
We have a police state supposedly to keep us safe from radicalism, so you then bring in radicalism.
I want to go to calls, but in one minute
Briefly, Joel Skousen, what's the master plan long-term in your view between the clash of civilizations, between the West and Islam?
How is Islam going to be used mid-term, long-term?
Well, Islam is totally incompatible with Christian and Western civilization, and it's going to be used as a major conflict creation.
We're already seeing that in Europe and Denmark.
I was in Norway last year, and I'll tell you, there's ghettos there, there's crime.
Those ghettos, there's unrest.
And you can imagine you start to double the number of refugees in these countries.
That same thing.
What's happening in the U.S.
is that they're targeting rural communities to put these 100,000 Muslims, it'll probably be 200,000.
Muslims a year because it does change the conservative balance within rural communities.
It doesn't change so much in the large urban areas.
But boy, you stick these in small communities in Idaho and Wyoming and Nebraska and Indiana, and you really change the culture and you cause those small governments to say, hey, you've got to come to save us, federal government.
We can't handle these influxes.
Sure enough, the federal government's in there with money, with housing and control.
And that's
This long term attack agenda on our culture.
They are not assimilating.
They're very arrogant.
Instead of being like, hey, I'm embarrassed that I'm here getting stuff free, it's a very chest-out, face-out, you-better-watch-it attitude that the left is instilling in them.
Very, very destructive.
And then the left loves all this when it should be totally incompatible with their whole lifestyle of, we're going to teach your five-year-olds how to have gay sex.
Well, the Muslims would chop their heads off for that.
But they're very angry as well.
And you see that in every video in Europe, just the anger and the hatred against Western society because you don't give us enough fast enough.
And once again, I want to emphasize, it's shove them into your midst and then you never send them back.
That's one of the problems with the Russian intervention in Syria.
If they solve that Syria problem within a year and the Russians say, hey, you're welcome to come back.
The Europeans are going to be in a real problem.
They're going to have to try.
Excuse to say why we're not going to send them back once peace has been established.
Well, that's the Peter Sutherland migrant plan at the UN.
He said it.
He writes essays saying it.
We got rid of the borders.
We imploded the Middle East.
We're now going to flood.
Well, you've got to stabilize the Middle East like the Russians are trying to do so that doesn't happen.
It's just incredible.
Harvey, you're on the air from Florida with Joel Scowls and the editor of World Affairs Brief.
Go ahead.
Well, hello again, Alex.
Hello, Joe Skousen.
And this call is in memory of Dr. Stan Monteith.
What a great guy.
Go ahead.
What a wonderful human being, dear friend.
You brought up earlier, Alex, and you asked Joel about 9-11, and we know pretty much what happened.
But in any crime, you look to see who stands to gain.
If you remember the origins of the Carlyle Group,
When they bought up all the government contractors, all the military contractors for about 10 cents on the dollar.
Joe, you're a military man.
Yeah, the late 1990s.
That's correct.
Frank Carlucci, the Bin Laden family were all involved in the Carlyle Group.
And ever since those wars started in the Middle East and in North Africa, the contractors made a fortune and they sold those companies out and they went legitimate Carlyle.
But, Joel, are you familiar with the workings of the Carlyle Group?
Because I think that's really the key.
Excellent question, Harvey.
Thank you.
We're going to break here in a minute, but absolutely.
The Bin Ladens are one of the biggest defense contractor owners.
They made money off taking out Iraq.
Isn't that sick, Joel?
No, it's very, very true.
And I've tracked the Carlisle Group for many, many decades.
They are the core element of control in this military-industrial complex of terrorism.
But remember, it's not a monetary conspiracy.
It's not just to get rich.
It's a globalist conspiracy that suborns and gets people who want to get rich into the process, rewards them,
Carlo doesn't control this.
There's higher controls that the Carlisles are supporting.
They're doing it to build a one-world government, one-world religion.
This is a cult we're fighting.
They'll be back in 70 seconds with more calls with Joel Skousen.
Then, Dr. Steve McKinnon joins us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Trump has kicked 9-11 back into the headlines.
There's been some big developments.
Bush Insider calls Trump liberal conspiracy theorist over 9-11 remarks.
The former Bush press secretary on The Five.
That's coming up at the start of the next segment.
Our guest right now is Joel Skousen.
I've kind of hogged him and haven't gone to many of your calls, but we're going to him now.
Ed, in FEMA Region 9, what former state are you calling in from, Ed?
I'm calling from deep in the heart of north central Los Angeles County.
All right, go ahead sir.
Home of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, Los Angeles being CHP where their motto is, shoot first and ask questions second.
And gentlemen, I want to first thank you for being accessible.
But I have a couple of questions for you and Joel, and maybe you can break it down for me.
First of all, I see that China is joining the fight with Russia and Syria, and I want to know if that's a prelude to an invasion of North America.
Is that, like, a scenario that we need to look out for?
None of the presidential candidates talk about the vulnerability of our power grid and how those two countries could take us out that way, along with the financial collapse.
And my third question is for Joel.
I'm not sure if they're covered in his books, but I'm an individual who lives from paycheck to paycheck, so I can't afford some of the offers that, you know, you guys offer.
How do folks get prepared on a limited budget?
Two big questions.
Would the Chinese and Russians ever invade the United States?
And then B, how does someone on a low budget, small budget, get prepared?
Joel Skousen.
First of all, it is not true that the Chinese are in Syria.
Their carrier is not in the area.
All of that was disinformation.
China has a few advisors in there and intelligence people reaping the intelligence about U.S.
operations in there, but there are no Chinese troops, no Chinese.
I don't believe, even in World War III, that Russia and China will attempt to invade the United States.
I mean, it's just suicide with long lines of communication like that to run an occupation.
And against 600 million arms in this country at least, I mean, this would be suicide.
He's taking over Guam, Hawaii.
You nuke the United States and its bases and make it capitulate.
That's right.
They're attempting to blackmail us into submission.
They don't understand.
And in that regard, the other questions, Alex, he was like, how do you get prepared on a low budget, small budget?
This is always tough because, you know, preparation is stock.
Like books.
You may pay $45 retail for a secure home, but it saves you thousands of dollars in the building process because it teaches you how to do it yourself.
Same with the high security.
How to do a shelter.
So those of us in the business are trying to provide ways, you know, to get these resources cheaper than our, but remember, it just takes a certain amount of money and you're going to have to save and scrimp.
To be able to get ahead in this business, you know, just cutting out, going out to dinner and other things can save quite a bit of money over time.
Joel, we're out of time.
We got 45 seconds.
Carol, who I'll get to later, you gotta go, says, are the Russians in bed with the USA and the New World Order?
Is there really one big combine?
I know your answer will be no.
Three major predator groups all bidding for world government, right?
That's correct.
You must not misinterpret the fact that it's a one-way street.
Global is helping Russia and China to build them as enemies, but one way, it's not.
You won't find collusion from Russia and the United States coming back that other direction.
All right, Joel Scalzin, WorldAffairsBrief.com.
Thank you so much for the time.
My pleasure, Alex, always.
We'll be back with Dr. Steve Puchinik.
You talk about an insider, former head of psychological warfare operations for the State Department.
He's going to be covering the waterfront with us and taking your calls.
I bet you can continue on and talk to him.
He's another big brain on the subject.
Stay with us.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Look at some of these headlines that are on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Bush insider calls Trump liberal conspiracy theorist over 9-11 remarks.
Another headline, school suspends student elections because not enough minorities won.
Another report, Sweden on the verge of collapse as illegal immigrants surge into the country.
Another headline, global trade is collapsing as the worldwide economic recession deepens.
Meanwhile, socialist professor says kill American gun owners.
It's quote, very simple.
Remember Salon Magazine yesterday came out and said, kill gun owners.
I mean, these people aren't liberals.
These are crazy totalitarians.
Now look at this report, and we're going to play a clip of it.
And we're going to go to Dr. Steve Pichetting, who joins us for the Balance of the Hour and will also be taking your calls.
Bush insider calls Trump liberal conspiracy theorist over 9-11 remarks.
Establishment media getting desperate as they lose control of the narrative.
And this all started when Trump said, you know, 9-11 happened on your watch, Bush.
And it was your brother's watch, so stop claiming I'm inept when it comes to geopolitical security issues.
And they said, it's not his fault that happened.
Fox News' Dana Perino, formerly a press secretary under George W. Bush, claimed Donald Trump is a liberal conspiracy theorist, that's a quote, pushing soft 9-11 trutherism because he challenged Bush's handling of the attack.
So now you're a 9-11 truther if you even admit they have a CIA memo saying Bin Laden determined to attack using hijacked jet airliners, which is a cover itself.
Well, I think it was a dismal weekend when you have liberal conspiracy theories being introduced by the Republican frontrunner, she said on Fox's The Five.
It's a soft trutherism, it's what it's like, soft racism and soft bigotry.
See, you have a right-wing political correctness here, when these people aren't right-wing at all.
You put it out there for a reason, because you want to be provocative.
It was in the New York Post, which is Republican, basically, after 9-11, the headline Bush knew.
The Carlisle Group, owned partially by the Bin Ladens, made all that money off the wars.
15 of the 19 supposed hijackers came from Saudi Arabia.
None of them from Iraq.
And now we have new memos that have come out this weekend that Blair and Bush fixed intelligence to attack Iraq.
So, in the time we've got, I want to cover the waterfront with Dr. Steve Pachinik.
Frequent guest on the show.
He's been coming on for almost 14 years.
He came on months after 9-11, about three months after.
He's an MD, PhD, American psychiatrist, former State Department official.
We're going to go to him in just a second.
I want to get his take on the fact that 9-11 truth is starting to come out because in his email to me, he said that was the first issue that he wanted to cover.
And so we are certainly going to be getting into it.
Also, was Oregon a false flag like Newtown?
He also says a major war will start between Israel and Palestine.
And he wants to talk about the whole speaker fight situation for the Speaker of the House, now that Boehner is set to leave in 11 days.
I'm not going to hold my breath, though.
Who knows?
So that's all coming up.
But first, here is
The former White House Press Secretary for Bush, acting like it's basically evil to point out that the government was in charge when 9-11 happened.
I mean, that's a fact.
But now, reality is being twisted.
Just like they said there's no Obamacare fees.
If you don't get it, no penalties.
Well, AP's reporting they're now kicking in.
This is the attack on reality.
Here's the clip.
Even the left doesn't do what Donald Trump did.
Only the farthest right lunatics were truthers.
And this is now the Republican Party and you have formerly lunatics talking about something.
You have sane people actually having to spend time talking about this.
There are legitimate questions about 9-11 and preparedness.
Yes, in terms of the agencies not talking to each other, the NSA, the CIA.
There was a more fact-based way to attack George W. Bush, if that's the way you wanted to get to Jeb Bush, and I think Donald went with it.
Actually, even that wouldn't hold up, because in almost every instance you have independents, like for example, the 9-11 Commission report.
Great book!
I suggest that everybody that wants to be president should read it.
We're good to go.
George Bush kept us safe.
We said it like that.
I agree with you.
That's enough.
Now I read her quote about left-wing conspiracy theorist trutherism, but that's the rest of her statement.
And it's all about consensus.
Get up there in a psych warfare.
At junior high level, it's not sophisticated, and go, just like Jeb Bush has said, it's not proper to question 9-11 and even say his brother could have protected us.
So you can't even do that.
He said no one reasonable does that, and then weak-minded people go, okay, these aren't the droids we're looking for, move along.
This is the equivalent of
Hypnotizing people.
Just you don't look at this, you don't question it, move along.
And joining us to talk about that is a psychiatrist and a, of course, a medical doctor as well.
Dr. Steve Pachenik, stevepachenik.com.
Also co-wrote some of the books, of course, with the late, great man that brought you the Patriot Games and so many other bestsellers, Tom Clancy.
And he joins us right now.
Dr. Pachenik, a lot to cover.
Good to have you back with us.
It's always a pleasure, Alex, and I want to thank you and particularly your audience for the past 14 years for being able to be truthers in the so-called marginalized majority.
And I'll tell you why.
Jeb Bush, like his former brother, Bush Jr., and his father, Bush Sr., are not very bright people.
And he literally fell in love in what we call a psyops program, where he thought he'd become President of the United States.
And I warn them repeatedly, if he comes to the forefront, we will tear him apart and basically we'll use him as a target to get to 9-11.
And he fell for it.
And now that Trump came to the forefront, Carson, but that is the expression of the majority of us who now know
After 14 years that 70% of us believe it was an inside job and in fact it was an inside job.
The real truth is the architects of America, myself, where Bush's own deputy,
Secretary of Defense, the key man in his administration, even admitted to me it was a standout false flag, and I'll go before you as prosecutor, given the name, as well as the name of two CIA operatives who were involved and had to admit that it was a standout and false flag, as well as the fact that the administration has been very afraid of me, including the fact that the head of Cyber Command today said I was the most dangerous man in this country for the simple reason that they know
That I can run PSYOPs operations against them, which I have for 14 years, as well as PSYOPs operations overseas, where we were successful.
Now, I don't say this about myself.
I'm saying this to you, Alex, because you were there when I needed you, and when the truthers needed you.
I am very proud to be a truther, and I'm very proud to be a so-called conspirator, because in fact,
Jeb Bush knows very well and I've met him and I told him that his brother's lucky not to be assassinated because we want him in there in order for he and his family to deserve the punishment that the Bushes deserve for 50 years of miscreant behavior against the United States.
It didn't just start with Jeb Bush who was a liar, a conspirator, a totally inept
Entrepreneur whose wife was indicted by the customs, his daughter's been in jail, whose own family is a disgrace to the conservative values, who he himself is a disgrace, as well as Marvin and Neal.
Those are facts.
They were involved in Silverado.
I had to take over the SNLs in Maryland, and then I had to go after Marvin and Neal.
In the 1980s, but they were excused from prosecution while we prosecuted people in 1980.
So my involvement doesn't just go back with serving Bush Sr.
under the Reagan administration.
It goes back 20 years before that.
And let me get back to the truth, which was one thing that you people have always asked.
Did George Bush Sr.
actually fly out of a plane and skydive?
The answer is no.
He was never shot down.
The truth of the matter is that everyone who flew around him in World War II knew he was not shot down, but he began the big lie of all lies, and it continued in the family.
Not one person in that family has served our country nobly or patriotically.
And in fact, Jeb Bush, as long as he was out there, was a perfect target for me and others who could take him apart and come in from the extreme right, or what we call the truthers and the conservative element, and allow a guy like Trump and Carson to come in and say, you know what?
We feel we talk for the majority of the silent majority.
In other words, the marginalized majority.
Sure, what do you make of the current situation?
...tremendous to this country than the Bush and the Clinton.
Let me repeat that again.
I work in intelligence.
I ran psyops operations.
I worked very closely with the Bushes.
I know Roger Ailes of Fox.
So I know exactly what they're trying to cover up and what they're doing.
It is not working.
Thanks to you, Alex, and thanks to the American public, they're falling apart.
The longer Jeb Bush is there, the easier it is for me to attack them and the United States to attack Jeb and the Bush family in total.
I'm sorry, go ahead, Alex.
No, no, we've got to go to break, but I want to come back and get more into this.
9-11 being brought up by Trump.
He obviously knows what he's doing.
He's picking a fight with him.
I want to get your view on Donald Trump.
Can he be trusted?
What you think of Carson?
Where you see all of this going?
What you think about the Russians over there in Syria?
The fact that it's known that our government's running Al Qaeda now?
I mean stuff that people just couldn't believe five years ago is now being accepted
And how do you think it's going to backfire on people like Purina, the lady on The Five Show, whenever she sits there and does that?
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Welcome back!
Well, the war to take over was lost.
The globalists did get control, but now there's a war to expose them.
And they are losing.
Dr. Steve Pucinich is our guest, stevepucinich.com.
The military three years ago, two years ago, said we will not be the Air Force for Al-Qaeda in Syria.
We have seen members of Congress come out and expose the 28 pages on 9-11.
The work you, the audience, has done, and people like Steve Pachinik and architects and engineers from 9-11 Truth and countless others have done, is now bearing fruit.
And it's going to continue.
People don't buy the Bin Laden hoax.
Syher came out and said it's fake.
You know, 13 years after Pecheneg dead.
So the truth is, no one buys what they're doing.
They're losing credibility worldwide.
Geopolitically, what does this do to the criminal cabals on the inside, knowing that people now, in the court of public opinion, are aware of who really carried out 9-11, and how does that affect their next move, and then your take on Donald Trump, your take on Carson, and where the country is.
Thank you very much.
The truth of the matter is, this is one of the most phenomenal American revolutions I have ever seen, and the one we were waiting for, Alex.
I thank you, and I thank the audience, and I thank the so-called alternative media, which really became the mainstream media.
The reality is, Trump had been monitoring this mainstream media for a long time.
I knew it, he knew it, many of us had known that.
And in fact, when we put his name up,
For the next presidency, he took it and basically ran with it.
And this is the true expression of the mayoral majority and the fact that we are so tired of the people who committed the crime at 9-11.
Now once Trump gets in, my suspicion is many of them will be arrested.
And that's what I think will happen in the long run.
I don't know Trump personally.
I do know his background.
I know a lot about his character.
He is a man who will do exactly what he said.
Ben Carson I know a little bit better because I was at John Hopkins Medical Center.
He's a well-known neurosurgeon.
He's a man of his convictions.
And believe me, once he puts his mind to something that is immoral, as the 9-11 stand-down was,
There will be consequences.
So, in fact, we have to look at this as a very positive movement.
We're the people who've committed this.
And we have the names.
It's not as if we don't know the names.
It's the Hadleys, and the Condoleezza Rice, and the Rumsfelds, and the Cheneys, and a whole bunch of them.
Even Sandy Berger, who worked under Clinton.
These are the names that will be eventually known very well, and possibly arrested in time.
And that depends on the American public, because now they're very scared.
The backlash was huge.
They never, never expected us to come in and be able to pronounce the truth 14 years later.
But thanks to you, the audience, and the American public.
God bless them.
Please don't give us any thanks for doing our duty, plus we don't want to take credit for it.
No, no.
Let me explain something.
Doing your duty and going beyond the call of duty is really what you did 14 years ago.
You were a very young man who took a very big risk on someone you didn't know, namely me.
And I never forgot that, nor did the American public.
And you deserve that, Alex.
That's why CNN and Fox News are in trouble.
I know Roger, and I like Roger Ailes.
But he's finished.
He knows that with Charlie Krauthammer, whom I know, really he can't go anywhere.
They just repeat the same nonsense.
Charlie trained under me at Harvard University.
He's a nice guy, but he's not really on the front line of combat and intelligence.
Now let me get to where the real problem is.
Not only will we turn around and get rid of these people, but Russia, in effect, watched what we were doing.
And Putin went from a tactical genius to a chessboard genius, and he understood that our military could not affect a successful combat mission.
And he saw that repeatedly in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Sudan.
What he did in turn was to inform us, basically the intelligence service, that he was going in and he told Obama, and he was going to sacrifice Russian men and women, as well as airplanes and advanced technology, to do the dirty work that we couldn't do.
While we were playing around not knowing what to do and having no strategy whatsoever in Syria and Iran, I suggested that the Russians come in, do our dirty work, pay the price that they had, in return for which they would come back into the fold and be part of an alliance that would be quite strong.
And that's exactly what they're doing.
I don't condone what Bashar Assad did, but I do know that he was there to protect the Christians.
And one of the issues that came up in your show, and I've said it repeatedly,
Christians were being slaughtered all over the Middle East thanks to the CIA created Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and all the other groups that were funded by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Dubai.
Now what happened is we strategically involved Iran that has no qualms with the Christians, the Russians who represent Christianity, and in fact are fighting back on all the elements that are involved in Syria.
Stay there, riveting stuff.
And again, you've been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
You do talk to all these people.
Pchenik really has been doing the things he says he's doing here on air.
It's pretty amazing.
And he, of course, also ran the famous Camp David Accords as well, and is credited with helping get that deal.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The 21 Gun Salute, a time-honored tradition that has been celebrating veterans for years, is now banned by an Iowa high school.
According to an NBC affiliate, administrators at Belle Plaine High School say that the salute, quote, promotes gun violence, end quote.
But common sense hasn't completely left the area.
A member of the American Legion, a veterans organization,
Offered up property near the school so the assembly could continue, but the group is disappointed over the school's decision and fear it could reverberate to other parts of the state.
Similar efforts to demonize firearms have already popped up in other schools across the country.
In other schools across the nation, anti-gun hysteria has manifested in students being suspended or expelled for playing with toy guns, biting pastries into gun shapes, and even making gun gestures with their hands.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or you're mine.
Halls of Justice are painted green.
That's Metallica bringing us in.
We're going to go back to Dr. Steve Pucinich in a minute.
I want to go to calls all over the map, 9-11 and drills, preparing for what's happening in the economy, what are solutions to what's happening, Obama and Putin, Russia.
We've got a lot of questions and comments from myself and Dr. Steve Pucinich.
StevePucinich.com is his website.
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And we don't have storable foods and things because we're living in fear.
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Now, Dr. Pucinich, you've gotten into the state of the world, the loss of confidence in the system, what Russia is doing.
I want to cover a bunch of waterfront points before we go to these phone calls.
What else is big on your radar screen right now?
What do you expect the establishment to try to do to go after Trump?
What do you expect Obama to do?
Why is Hillary going around saying repeal the Second Amendment and maybe we should have mass gun confiscation?
Doesn't she know that's incredibly unpopular?
Or are they that disconnected from reality?
As a PSYOP, why would she be trying to do that?
Well, Hillary's in a very serious problem, and once again I want to thank your audience and you.
What we did was, in fact, to do a psyops on Hillary, which was in effect to create Bernie Sanders to bring him out to co-opt her extreme left, and then to bring Biden in to co-opt her middle, and then to break up and fractionate her system.
The reason Hillary's in trouble is because thanks to our FBI and James Comey, who's the new director of the FBI,
She's going to be prosecuted because Obama made a statement with that which was totally inappropriate and the FBI was furious as well as many of us who work with the FBI and that was
That Hillary, in his 60-minute point, Obama said, oh, Hillary made the mistake, but it didn't affect national security.
That was not true.
Obama lied again.
In fact, Comey and the FBI operatives and agents who work diligently all the time, they were ready to indict Petraeus, who had severe, severe infractions against national security and would have been imprisoned had Obama not said something.
So they're furious at this point, again, that Obama
Trump is trying to make light of the fact that Hillary may go to prison, and Trump is correct.
She should be going to prison.
I worked in the State Department.
The two people who worked for me, Pat Kennedy, the Undersecretary for Management, was involved with Hillary in a collusion to get a private server.
And Eric Boswell, who was head of Diplomatic Security, both were involved in Benghazi.
Both have to be held accountable for collusion in a conspiracy to defraud and violate federal laws.
I know these guys.
They work for me.
There was no way that Hillary could have done this on her own.
So, in fact, we should have faith in our internal systems, because Congress is coming around.
The FBI does come around.
Our intelligence community, who does not agree with Obama and the Bushes, have helped out in many different ways.
I can't go into specifics.
But they made sure that our soldiers did not get killed and in fact you haven't heard of any Americans that are getting killed in Syria or Iraq when in fact our intelligence covert operations are working there and tediously and they can't be identified.
So we are functioning and we're functioning along the lines of patriotism and a new revolution.
The Hillary's, the Bush's, the Clinton's are no longer relevant.
They've been marginalized because they attempted to grab power so obviously, so ostentatiously, and the American public eventually began to realize what was happening thanks to your show and many other shows.
Please don't thank us anymore.
Well, Alex, that's the reality.
And thanks to many of the bloggers and those who really stood up, now we have been able to corner this dynasty, the Clintons as well as the Bushes.
And I know the Clintons well.
I know her daughter well.
And they should be prosecuted accordingly.
Bill should be prosecuted, Sandy Berger, who was his national security advisor.
Clearly, I kept saying how delusional are they to have Clinton and Bush dynasties running in knowing nobody wants them.
Are you saying good people and intelligence agencies and their own campaign people suckered them and this has all been a trap?
Because that's what it looks like to me.
Well, it's not only them.
There are people like myself and others who've been in psyops operations and we suckered them.
This has been a 14-year operation.
It's not something that just came overnight.
And Jeb was so stupid that he literally reiterated what his brother said and Rumsfeld quoted about Pearl Harbor.
So, they were suckered.
They've been suckered in for a long time because people like myself and others have monitored them for a long period.
They've been worn repeatedly through blogs.
And despite all of that, they went in because they are self-delusional.
And in the business of manipulation of self-delusional grandiose
I think so.
Let me ask you this question.
What do you expect Turkey and Saudi Arabia to do now that they're not going to be able to break up Syria as easily?
Erdogan has got a very serious problem.
He has been caught putting his hand in the dishes and killing Kurds instead of fighting ISIS.
He created ISIS.
The Kurds know that, the Turks know that, the Americans know that.
Now he has to pay the price.
Either he works with the American military or he goes against it and he will be in serious trouble in his coming election.
When he blew up all these Kurds, he put himself in harm's way.
As for Saudi Arabia, I've told you years ago, the point of putting Iran into play and making it a Middle Eastern hegemony was to in fact neutralize all the neocons in the United States, as well as Saudi Arabia.
So is Obama breaking more with the neocons now, as some are saying?
We are totally broken up with the neocons.
The neocons have been identified from Newland to Hadley to all of them, Wolfowitz, and they still work with Jeb.
And now they're going to be rounded up psychologically, and in fact incarcerated eventually.
They know that.
They thought they could get away with much of this, but when in fact Iran came in, and Saudi Arabia and Pakistan are in trouble, Dubai is in trouble, Jordan's in trouble, all the Sunni... Let me throw this in there.
Four years ago,
When the Libya thing was going on, you came on and you said, our military is not going to put up with destabilizing these countries and putting radicals in.
You said big foundations are doing this, it's going to blow up.
And then we did see the military come out and hold up the signs saying we're not going to be al-Qaeda's air force.
So they changed the name to ISIS to confuse the narrative.
That didn't work.
I had major whistleblowers on.
The Justice Department called up and threatened to arrest them.
They threatened us.
They've been threatening us.
We just said, whatever, we're just standing up to you.
And so now, like a house of cards, it's starting to fall.
But I don't want to be overconfident here, but it is true.
That when push came to shove, when it became completely clear, our military said we are not going to aid Al-Qaeda murdering Christians.
And people are like, well big deal, they should have said no.
Well, within the power structure it's very hard to do the right thing, but I think this revealed
The true mental rot beyond Machiavelli that is going on in this elite, that how did they think they could really get away with turning Al-Qaeda loose all over the world while claiming they're fighting Al-Qaeda?
I mean, do they understand?
I think that's what I'm getting from you.
Do they understand how much they've been exposed, Dr. Pucinich?
They're beginning to understand.
When I said that four years ago on your show that the military wouldn't tolerate it, it wasn't wishful thinking.
I knew Dempsey and I knew his people around him and the Navy and the commanders and all.
These are very honorable men and women.
They would not tolerate what we call the standout.
That was done in AFRICOM.
That was done all around there.
In eight hours, there's no reason why our military could not have gotten to Libya.
Every military officer knew that.
Twelve Navy officers were dismissed.
And in fact, when you start to play with our military, and this has been true my whole life, now one of the things your audience does not know, I was a military officer while I was a Deputy Assistant Secretary.
So I not only held the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary and a military-navy officer,
I also held an intelligence position, so throughout my whole career, including now, our military has been the backbone of our country, as well as our intelligence service.
From time to time, they get into trouble, or they're told to do things they don't want to do, but when they do the things they don't want to do, like 9-11, they will come back with a vengeance, and so will our military.
Our officers at the major and lieutenant colonel levels and the colonel and general levels are formidable.
These are men who have many degrees.
Dempsey, who I've met, I had a discussion with, he was willing to go up against the President of the United States and refuse orders to do things.
Now, that will be hopefully followed by the Commandant of the Marine Corps, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as Air Force officers and Navy officers.
But, we have to thank our military and our intelligence.
We do.
So much opposition to the globalists there, and actually people trying to stand up for real American interests.
We did a piece last week, I don't know if you saw it, about the mental illness of Obama, showing you six years ago saying, and a year ago saying it, now major diplomats are saying it, and others are saying, and he's giving speeches where he looks like he's on painkillers or something.
Do you have any intel specifically, or just as a psychiatrist watching him,
I mean, are you doing this from a further away diagnosis?
Because now people are seconding and thirding what you said.
Or, do you have intel that Obama is mentally ill?
And if so, what is his mental problem?
I'm not going to say he's mentally ill.
He was born with sociopathy.
He grew up with sociopathy.
The system, particularly the CIA at the time, bred him.
Forster to him, people like Geithner, Peter Geithner, when Timothy said he didn't know, they lied.
The whole system lied.
The Pritzkers lied, who were the former allies of Al Capone.
I mean, the whole Chicago mob lied.
Harry Emanuel, the whole family lied.
So you have a product here that comes out of Chicago out of a collusive element that doesn't have to be paranoid, but he himself is not qualified.
To be any type of leader.
He never had it.
He was never capable of it.
But they thought having a black young man who had a Muslim name would somehow change the perception of America.
It was a serious mistake.
He learned all the technology that we knew from DARPA.
Defense Advanced Research Projects.
He came into power and didn't really know how to wield it.
He then started false flags.
With Newtown was an obvious false flag.
And then we have Oregon.
Which is a repetition of Newtown.
I mean, how many Asperger's mothers and kids can be shooting all those people?
Even my special forces can't recruit Asperger's.
So, this is really ridiculous.
What you have here is a man who is totally alienated from what's going on.
I don't want to give him a mental health label because I don't think he deserves it.
He has to have an accountability as a man who was not qualified to do what he did, was not qualified to be president, and in fact indicts the Democratic Party so seriously that they were stupid enough, and I know the people involved, some of the liberals and famous congressmen who thought this was a great idea and I said it was a stupid idea, because he would eventually fail and he would destroy our country.
Thanks to you and many others, we have been able to turn this tide around and see what will happen if Trump comes in and Ben Carson comes in.
Now, I will be very serious to your audience.
I have warned both candidates that they are targets for assassination.
And the reason that is the case is that they both are able to manipulate emotions very effectively.
Plus, you have families out there in the dynasties who've known to kill people.
The Bushes and the Clintons.
That's not theory.
That's not some make-believe notion.
That is a notion that the Secret Service has to take very seriously.
And also, we Americans have to hold the Secret Service accountable for what was done in 9-11.
Because there's no other unit in the American government who knew more about 9-11 than the Secret Service who had to protect both Bush, Cheney, and Mr. Mueller.
Sure, I've talked to high-level Secret Service, and they won't tell me anything secret.
I don't want anything secret, but they tell me.
The point is, the Secret Service does not serve America.
Stay there, we gotta go to break, but they just tell me it's worse than you say, Alex.
That's what I'm always told, it's worse than you say.
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You wanna stop tyranny?
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I want to go to a couple phone calls here, like Shane in Nevada is asking, what are solutions?
Tom in Tennessee, others.
We'll do five minutes the next hour, Dr. Pachinick.
Then I hand the baton to David Knight.
British nurse has gotten Ebola relapsed after nine months of being clear.
Bernie Sanders' 1985 interview, we're going to play part of it, endorsing Fidel Castro and socialism, gun confiscation, you name it, Hillary's calling for.
We're going to get into Paul Ryan and the push to be Boehner's heir apparent and more.
But it's a big deal to see Boehner having to step down and there is a big push.
And there are people fighting back, and so that's the good news, folks, is that America is not going quietly into totalitarianism without a fight.
Dr. Pachinicka is our guest.
Let's talk to Shane in Nevada.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hey, Alex.
I'm a vet.
I was in the Army for eight years.
I'm receiving disability.
I do own a firearm, but now there's the government saying that I'm a terrorist and all this other stuff.
How can we get the word out to more people about this, and if we can do a march on Washington without sparking civil war?
That's a great question, Shane.
Dr. Piccinini, what is the propaganda push, some under Bush, but like ten times as much under Obama, where they say the Founding Fathers wouldn't be in today's military, returning vets the number one terror threat, a new Justice Department unit to, quote, go after the Tea Party, federalization of local police,
Because all that does is wake up the military and police, in my experience, when they call them into briefing rooms and literally bad-mouth Thomas Jefferson and George Washington and the free market.
That's totally woken up the military, is what I found.
Are they that stupid?
I mean, are they really that dumb?
Because I never thought of myself as that smart, and I can look at that and tell that's how I'd wake the country up.
Well, you hit it right on the head.
What they are doing is something we call in the psychological warfare paradoxical intention.
In other words, many of us, people like me, want them to do that in order to show how stupid they really are and incompetent.
You have to remember that no one in that White House either served in the military or was in combat like this good man who's on the phone.
The answer is no, they will not take away your guns because
They've been warned that if in fact they want to take the guns from anybody, and they've tried, God only knows how many absurd stand downs and false flags we've had, including Newtown and Oregon and other places which are unknown, the fact is you cannot round up all the 365 million guns that are out there, nor would they, nor could they rescind any of the amendments that they would like to.
If this is all
A bravado effort which will never come to fruition.
What in fact will happen is that when Trump and the Tea Party moves in, and by the way my candidate for Speaker, I sent it in two weeks ago to the Republican Party, is Daniel Webster.
Who comes from the Tea Party, comes from Northern Florida, and represents all the values that we believe in, strong Christian values, less of a federal government, and has been in the state government for 25 years.
Boehner, his stupidity was obvious when he picked up that airbrain, like Kevin McCarthy, who shot off his mouth about the Benghazi Committee, which wasn't correct anyway, because the FBI is going after Hillary on the basis of
Uh, crimes committed.
So I would not be worried, sir, and I would not be worried in terms of the guns that are taken away or the veterans.
If, in fact, they want to touch the VA, they're going to have to do a lot more than they've done.
Unfortunately, they've never picked an individual who could run the Veterans Administration.
This new man, who came out of West Point, never really was in combat, worked for Paul Molliff or whatever transnational corporation, is not effective.
All right, stay there.
Gotta go to break.
Fourth hour.
Stay there.
Fourth hour.
Coming up in five minutes with us.
And we'll hand the baton to David Knight.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Fix bayonets, folks.
It's overdrive.
Fix bayonets.
We are now entering overdrive with your host, Alex Jones, broadcasting live from the front lines.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Final segment with Dr. Steve Pechenik.
Love to have him back up sooner.
Amazing last 45 minutes or so, or hour with him.
Getting into what's happening here in the world.
I'll tell you this, everything the establishment's doing is blowing up in their face.
Like I've never seen it before.
The House of Cards is coming down, but what a dangerous time to be alive.
Tom in Tennessee, you got a question or a comment?
Go ahead.
Yeah, hey Alex.
I was following into
Talk to Joel Scouts and that's a... No, no, you want to hold that long.
I understand.
We're not screening your call.
You're on air.
Russia, back when Obama was speaking with Putin, and it caught him saying he'd have more power in a second term, do you think he was maybe discussing Syria?
Sure, that's a good question for Pchenik.
Obviously, there's more behind-the-scenes diplomatic stuff with Russia, but what was Obama talking about when he told Putin, I'll be able to do more once I'm re-elected?
That was back prior to 2008, or excuse me, the last election, 2012.
What do you think that was really about, Dr. Pchenik?
Well, let's understand this.
Russia has never really been our enemy.
Although I've been involved in the regime change in the Soviet Union, I made it very clear to all of our officials that we didn't do anything to take down Russia.
Russia has been a formidable ally of ours.
It has always worked with us and in fact it has a much more serious problem of Islamic terrorism because of Central Asia.
And Russia has 83 different countries literally within its time frame which is 11 time zones as opposed to 4 time zones for the United States.
So, Obama has worked with Russia because in turn we worked with Iran and Iran has been helpful to us in our military.
What has not been told by the neocons and these hysterical anti-Iranian individuals is the fact that Iran repeatedly helped us, our soldiers, to evacuate from Iraq and from Afghanistan.
Not once, but twice.
And now they're willing to take on
The hard work of defeating the very institutions we created, namely ISIS, Al Qaeda, and the Sunnis.
So, Iran, Russia, and the United States are still the formidable powers of the Middle East.
What will happen is that Turkey has to come in and to represent the Sunnis, and that depends on Erdogan.
If Erdogan works with us, that's fine.
If he doesn't work with us, he will be.
Displaced, and someone else will come in.
But in fact, the Middle East has been reassigned.
The United States was involved in it.
It's a very conscious decision.
It has nothing to do with communism or anything to do with anything else other than the fact we're neutralizing all the major Saudis and the extreme Islamists.
And that was planned for quite a time, and I was for it.
And I still believe strongly that Saudi Arabia has to be taken down.
They've supported terrorism for too long.
The Saudi kings and princes are not effective in ruling their country.
The young people have to be in charge.
And in fact, we don't belong in the Middle East.
Our biggest problem will be, for us economically and politically, will be China.
And that doesn't mean China is our enemy.
It simply means, as Trump said, that China is taking advantage of the financial system, but it has a much bigger internal problem.
Which we have to watch, and that is China financially cannot handle its own country.
It has 1.3 billion, and President Xi Jinping, who's still more of a communist than he is a capitalist, has no idea whatsoever of how to really run an economic unit, even within communism.
So the devaluation of the currency
And the fact that China is in deflationary mode is a far more serious problem for the world and for our national security than any other particular... Sure, I mean economic forecast just is a very, very foggy but at the same time treacherous road we're on.
Steve Pachinik dot com.
Check out his latest book there, it's non-fiction.
Steve Pachinik, thank you for joining us, Doc.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
Always a pleasure to have you on.
Look, the fourth hour, the full fourth hour is coming up.
Maya and others, if you want to hold, I'm sure David Knight will get to you somewhere in that time.
If not, I'll see you back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, Nightly News Tonight at 7.
A U.S.
high school student has reportedly hacked the personal AOL account of CIA Director John Brennan.
According to the hacker, everything from a 47-page application for top-secret security clearance to details of the agency's harsh interrogation techniques were discovered in the breach, notes the New York Post.
The October 12 intrusion
began after the hacker was able to trick workers at Verizon into providing Brennan's personal information and duping AOL into resetting his password.
Law enforcement sources speaking with The Post were shocked at the hacker's actions, noting that the agency would undoubtedly make an example of the hackers if possible.
We've previously seen the CIA brag about how they're collecting your information, going as far as saying they can spy on you through your dishwasher.
All manner of alphabet agencies can gather your information without a warrant, but if you take it from them, they have a problem with that.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this fourth hour.
This is Tuesday, October 20th, 2015, and I'm David Knight.
We're going to go over some news, and there's a lot of news that is broken.
Of course, one of the most amazing pieces of news, I think, is this Ebola relapse, which we haven't really talked about that much.
I covered it last night.
We have a clip from the nightly news, Ebola relapse.
Zombie virus that won't die.
That's essentially what's going on with us.
There's been a cavalier attitude that we saw when this Broke out in the United States with government officials.
Don't worry We know everything about how to control this and they were very careless and many people's opinions about how they did quarantine Flaunting the fact that they didn't need to do quarantine.
We saw a doctor that Just said had said in the past shut up and take your dip your damn vaccine.
Well that same doctor
...had been exposed to someone with Ebola, and she and her news crew were supposed to be quarantined, but she violated that quarantine, was seen walking around.
So we saw all kinds of cavalier attitudes toward this.
Now, here's what's going on with this.
We've seen an Ebola relapse of a doctor, British nurse, I should say, Pauline Cafferkey.
She was given the all-clear back in January of this year.
So here we are, nine months later, at the end of last week, she was in critical condition.
She almost died.
Thankfully, she is now recovering.
She's still in serious but guarded condition, I think is the way they term it in the UK.
Nevertheless, as The Guardian points out, doctors and scientists are amazed and appalled at the Scottish nurse's relapse.
What is the bottom line for all this?
Well, the bottom line is that we need to understand that science is never settled.
When you hear them say that they don't need your informed consent because they know everything about the new vaccines that have just come on the market, they know about the interaction between all the vaccines, and they know that it isn't going to be a safety issue or an efficacy issue, that is total bunk.
It's total bunk.
How many times in the history of science have we seen what
That was conventional wisdom completely overturned as time went along.
Whether it's the orbits of the planets or whatever, we see this coming out.
There's a consensus and everybody is demonized if they go against that consensus, but that's where you find the breakthroughs.
It's the independent thinkers, it's the skeptics, those are the people that are constantly being shut down.
And of course, we have the right to be informed.
We have the right to have our consent sought.
And so when we look at a situation like this, and let me just, I'm going to go to the callers who've been waiting for a long time.
I know Maya in Kansas has been waiting for quite a while.
I want to go to you in just a moment.
But let me first do this Ebola thing and then I'll go right to Maya in Kansas.
Because this is important for everybody to understand.
They say when they go through and they give somebody an all clear.
They look at things like the blood, and the saliva, and organs like the liver.
They find that they're free of the Ebola virus.
But what they have now learned is that there's pockets in the body where the immune system doesn't go after Ebola.
And these are places like the brain, the eye, the sexual organs.
And so you have a situation that we just saw not too long ago, an American doctor, Ian Crozier,
He'd been working in Sierra Leone.
He contracted Ebola in September of last year.
He was cured and then they found it in his eye.
It changed his eye from blue to green.
It was an inflammatory eye disease.
It was caused by Ebola.
On the same day that we learned about this nurse who was in critical condition,
The same journal, New England Journal of Medicine, that had given us the information about Ian Crozier, the doctor that had the eye inflammation, told us that they had found a very well-documented case of sexual transmission.
This happened seven months after a man had been cleared.
He transmitted it to his sexual partner.
She died from Ebola, and it was the people who were trying to backtrack it, and that's why it took so long.
So we were told at first, oh, don't worry, it's seven weeks and then people are clear, they won't sexually transmit it.
Then we were told it's seven months.
Now they're saying to be safe that it's nine months.
Who knows, really?
They're saying that it can hide out in a lot of different places.
It can hide out in the prostrate gland and amniotic fluid and the placenta and breast milk and in the central nervous system, the brain.
And they give a story about a couple of monkeys who had a relapse, who had been cured and had a relapse of Ebola.
They put those monkeys down but they said they were very very seriously ill so we hope that this works out for this nurse who appears to be recovering but of course it brings up the issue of the entire Ebola outbreak.
There are thousands of people who are pronounced cured and yet
We don't know how they're still harboring the Ebola virus and if that can break out yet again.
So as we talk about that, let's take Maya's call.
Maya, in Kansas, you had a question about prepping for the collapse and relocation.
I'm sure you wanted to ask Joel Skousen that, and I'm not sure if I can help you on it, but go ahead and ask your question or give us your comment.
Well, actually what I'd like to do is switch, if I may, based on what you've just spoken about, because I ran
Thank you.
We've been lied to the whole time about this because it has nothing to do with Ebola.
It's about viruses, okay?
Hepatitis is a virus.
HIV is a virus.
If you talk to any doctor or nurse for more than 10 minutes about viruses, they will tell you that they don't just disappear.
That's why Shingles is here.
Um, uh, even when, uh, one of the things that we know now is that when you treat someone for viral hepatitis or HIV,
You don't really destroy the virus.
What you do is you clear the virus from the person's body, but there is still residue there.
And so when you're talking about these things hiding in different areas, the eye, the brain, this is common knowledge.
So I know for a fact
Uh, that there were people who listened as the CDC said, um, uh, we've taken care of it.
The person can go home.
There are medical personnel I know who saw that and, and said what I'm pretty much saying now, BS.
That's very true and a good point when you're talking about things like herpes and things like shingles.
And the key thing here, which I think is every bit as frightening as the Ebola virus itself, is just how we were lied to and manipulated by the government, by the CDC especially.
Absolutely, and I've actually worked with different people within the CDC in order to put on these conferences.
So, I'm not a medical person.
I'm a healthcare educator, which kind of gives me an edge because I get to hear all of this, and I get to take it and explain it to other people.
So, the whole idea of
Uh, of, of Ebola just disappearing from the body is ridiculous.
Um, think about, think about a man wearing a gray hat.
Uh, you go over there and you, you treat that, you go over there to treat that man wearing the gray hat.
But guess what?
The moment you administer whatever it is to treat, the hat changes colors.
It mutates.
It becomes different.
And that's what the real fight with viruses is all about.
Trying to catch it before it mutates.
Now, if you take a look at what HIV and Hepatitis will do, imagine where Ebola could be hiding.
Well, and certainly we've already seen the many careless releases, the many malfunctions that they've had at CDC laboratories.
We had the situation at Tulane University, at their National Primate Center, where they had a disease they had brought in to weaponize, because that's what our government is doing.
When they lied to us about this,
And when we know that they have a program where they bring in deadly diseases to make them more deadly, to make them more easily transmissible, and when we see all of the accidents, whether they're real accidents or whether it's something that they plan to do, that are happening with the Pentagon, with the CDC, at the Primate Center in Tulane, where they let out Burkholderia pseudomallei, a disease that got out of the biosafety level 3 lab,
That's what really should concern us.
That we have a government that not only lies to us, but is weaponizing diseases.
That's my biggest concern about this.
And that was what we were concerned about when we saw this cavalier attitude surrounding Ebola.
But of course we've seen that cavalier attitude at the CDC's own biosafety labs.
And also consider this, and I don't know this for a fact, but this is how you need to think about it.
When you see a number of different viruses or accidents taking place throughout the United States, like there were vials found in old buildings that had been filled with poison or substance.
I can't remember what it was last year.
They had found it in a box in an abandoned building.
You've got to start asking yourself.
What is going on that three and four different kinds of viruses and or bacteria are being exposed in the environment?
Okay, three or four different.
How do they do they intermingle?
Is there a threat if these two should get together?
There may not be nothing to what I just said, but you have to admit it's kind of weird that we're dealing with MRSA.
We're dealing with
Uh, we're dealing with Ebola.
I'm predicting that we're going to get hit with a virus in the future that we thought was gone a long time ago.
We keep seeing smallpox being reintroduced.
Without filling out a lot of information, and you're going to have to start questioning the equipment and the tools that these people are using right now.
Viral Hepatitis was one where Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B. People were saying, how do you get that?
Well, guess what?
Very easily.
It's a blood transfer.
And if you imagine the head of a pin,
The Hepatitis C virus is smaller than that.
We're out of time, Maya.
Yes, very good points that you made and certainly we have to be just as concerned about what our CDC is doing as Sierra Leone was concerned about what Tulane University was doing in their country.
That was the site where Ebola began and they asked
As you're doing these experiments here, and it begins right here, was it an accident or was it deliberate?
They threw them out.
We need to do the same thing about these programs.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to go to Paul in New Mexico.
He's been holding for a while.
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I want to go to Paul in New Mexico.
You had a comment about black sites.
Go ahead.
Yeah, really.
I got like three analogies if I could real quick and maybe a statement, whatever.
But on the vaccine analogy, if this was the Olympics, the elite, the top one, 1,000 of percenters,
We'll be going for the gold as they get the gold level benefits while the lower 99.99% of humanity is treated to the bronze level membership benefits.
The top one percenters get the clean vaccines, but the lower 99.9% get the dirty vaccines.
And then the second analogy real quick here is on the gun.
Um, Beaver the Cleaver, um, from the TV show Leave It to Beaver, not the meat cleaver, is to blame for the shame he inflicts on his family name.
Beaver the Cleaver is not to blame, but the meat cleaver for the physical violence and harm he inflicts on his victims.
Um, now on the third analogy, uh, uh, the, uh, the movie in the movie, Tom Cruise and, uh, Robert De Niro and Nicole Kidman,
And the final race, Duvall says to Tom Cruise, you can drive through it.
I know it in my heart, you can drive through it.
So that's an analogy with humanity.
Will they be able to make it through?
Will we be able to make it through the wreckage that the globalists caused?
Well, that's a good point.
I want to take a look in the next segment when we come back, Paul.
I want to take a look at what's going on with the internet because there's a couple of different aspects of this.
There's a great article that Drudge linked to.
About Ted Cruz talking about the threat to free speech, to internet freedom.
And I want to break down what's really behind that.
Because there's a couple of different aspects to it.
And I think when you're talking about breaking through this, we have to understand what we're facing.
And there's a couple of different aspects to this.
Number one, we have these Byzantine bureaucracies that are expanding their empires, and the FCC is just one of those.
We've got many of them.
And then we also have the military-industrial complex.
And I want to look at the origins of the Internet.
And I'm not talking about Al Gore here.
He had absolutely nothing to do with it.
But we're going to take a look at the real origins of the Internet, and the origins of many of the computer
Issues that we're now facing in terms of artificial intelligence, in terms of pre-crime, in terms of spying and manipulating on the population.
Where did these all come from?
We can trace them all back to one DARPA scientist, and we're going to talk about that.
We're going to talk about the Intergalactic Computer Network.
That's what he called the Internet when he first created it, when he first invented it.
We're going to tell you who that is.
We're going to tell you what's behind that, and we're going to talk about how those things are coming together.
Thanks, Paul, for this.
Let's hit on some news real quickly before we go to this break as well.
We have Joe Biden who looked like last week the entire Democrat Party as well as mainstream media was piling on Joe and telling him not to run.
Many of us believe that he was going to announce right after the debate or maybe even during the debate or right before the debate.
CNN even had their own podium there waiting for Joe, begging him to come on because they, I think, knew it was going to be a snooze fest.
They knew they weren't going to ask any challenging questions to anybody.
And perhaps if Joe Biden gets in, he might truly challenge Clinton.
None of the people who were on the stage bothered to do that.
Looked like most of them were auditioning for vice presidential candidacy.
We now have Webb who has dropped out of the race and says that he's exploring an independent possibility.
He might run as an independent.
But Joe Biden has now come back.
And Joe Biden came out with a very interesting statement this weekend where he contradicted Clinton's account of the Osama bin Laden raid.
And we're going to talk about what he had to say about that, because I think it's very interesting.
You know, if you can get people to believe that Osama bin Laden was still alive and Obama killed him, I guess they can believe any version of the story.
Hillary Clinton's version, Joe Biden's version, or maybe a new version that will come up between the two of them.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Hillary Clinton said repealing the Second Amendment is worth considering.
A presidential candidate attacked the Second Amendment during an October 16th town hall meeting in which she said we should consider a nationwide gun ban and a buyback program to eradicate private gun ownership.
She said that America should practically outlaw guns just like Australia, Canada, and the UK.
But she failed to mention that she supported shipping guns to Syrian rebels, the majority of whom are either ISIS militants or affiliated with the Islamic State.
Senator Rand Paul even said she was the biggest cheerleader for distributing guns to these rebels linked to not only ISIS but also Al-Qaeda and the Al-Nusra Front.
Time and time again, journalists have interviewed the rebels in Syria, and almost all of them admitted they have pledged allegiance to these radical Islamic groups.
According to journalist Ben Reynolds, there's simply no real separation between moderate rebel groups and hardline Salafists allied with Al-Qaeda.
So, in other words, Hillary thinks that the Second Amendment only applies to Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
Once again, this is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com, and keep checking back for more reports.
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You know, Australia's a good example, Canada's a good example, the UK is a good example.
Because each of them had mass killings.
Somebody, somewhere will comment and say, Obama politicized this issue.
Well, this is something we should politicize.
I'm not going to carry a gun.
I don't want to be involved in a gun fight.
If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Go ahead.
Make my day.
The notion that gun laws don't work is not borne out by the evidence.
He says that the Chicago police had a plan over this bloody 4th of July weekend.
Nonetheless, as you indicated, Corey, there was a count of casualties that could have been from Afghanistan or Iraq.
We'll make it.
Carter for law-abiding citizens and criminals will still get their guns.
In many cases the offenders, felons, some out on parole, some out on bond.
We have to respect the tradition in this country of people who want to defend themselves and their families from violence.
There are people at high levels in this government who have
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The average American does not have that.
Mayor Bloomberg, why can you defend yourself but not...
The majority of Americans.
I mean, look at the team of security you've got!
Every day, every school, at every level.
One thing that I think is clear with young people, and with adults as well, is that we just have to be repetitive about this.
And we need to do this every day of the week, and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
Was this the weapon of choice for a new kind of terrorist?
When a five-year-old girl said she and a classmate should shoot each other with bubbles, the school called it a terrorist threat.
AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.
You know, the right to bear arms is because that's the last form of defense against tyranny.
Lay down your arms, you damn rebels!
We don't need the ability to arm ourselves against the army or the police.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
I mean, we've got a lot of Constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
Discover that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
To say we're not turning our guns in and we're not running and we're not knocking down, if you want us, come and take us!
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and you just heard that intro talking about gun control.
Actually, I think they're going to focus on ammunition control.
We've been seeing this from the very beginning of the Obama administration.
That is the smart play on their side, and they've been working towards that from the get-go.
And of course, we now have the latest evidence of this, this article that we have up on InfoWars.com today.
There will be blood.
A socialist professor says America's gun owners should be shot.
He says it's very simple.
As a condition of getting a gun, get shot.
Well, he's not really serious about that, but he is serious
In terms of talking about controlling ammunition, I think that's one of the key things to take away from this story.
He begins with a joke from Chris Rock saying, hey, let's make the price of bullets $5,000 each.
That means that if you really want to pump 10 bullets into somebody, you're going to have to part with $50,000.
Ha ha.
Now, they're going to try to outlaw ammunition, whether it's by making it scarce, as they did with the massive purchases of Homeland Security.
Remember when ammunition disappeared?
It just so happened that we knew that Homeland Security had all these private contracts to buy it up out of the marketplace.
The military makes their own bullets.
And of course, at the beginning of the Obama administration,
We had a policy put in place by Obama that they would have the military, instead of recycling and selling their spent brass, which would make money for the military, but yeah, they don't need to worry about money, they've got unlimited supplies, right?
So, instead of recycling it, they were going to crush it into worthless, near-worthless copper.
Spend the money to recycle it, so that you can sell it at something that is much less valuable, so that you can keep that out of the hands of the population.
Some senators pushed back on that.
We found out just a couple years ago, however, that there are still some military bases that are still crushing their brass, rather than recycling it, as they're supposed to do.
So, if they want to go in,
And make ammunition prohibitively expensive, difficult legally to purchase because of background checks or whatever games that they want to play.
That's the way they can do gun confiscation.
Yes, we know registration precedes confiscation.
But if you don't have bullets, you're going to be like Davy Crockett at the Alamo when you shot all of your muzzle-loading ammunition.
You're going to be using it as a club because that's all you're going to have.
That is the smart play.
But it is also the unconstitutional, unlawful play.
Because we know that it is the right to keep and bear arms.
That is a fundamental right.
It is protected by the Constitution.
But just because we have explicit protections in the Constitution, or explicit prohibitions in the Constitution by the government,
They violate that every day.
Don't count on the Constitution to protect you from the crooks and liars that we have in Washington.
And I want to talk about that specifically in terms of the First Amendment.
We have an article that came out today.
This is something that was on the Drudge Report.
Blaze interviewed Ted Cruz over the weekend.
And he was talking about internet freedom threats to the Drudge Report, as Drudge has been very concerned about, as Drudge talked about when he came here to InfoWars.
Ted Cruz said on Sunday evening that threats to internet freedom have never been greater and could have the potential of affecting independent online news outlets like the Drudge Report, like all independent news outlets.
That's what it's really targeted toward.
He said, I think threats to internet freedom continue to grow, said Ted Cruz.
He said, this administration views the internet as a threat.
Well, I'm going to explain to you how it was really designed as a tool of control.
It was designed by DARPA to control us.
It was designed to identify and neutralize threats.
When we talk about pre-crime, we talk about the government
Looking at everything we do, activity-based intelligence, geospatial intelligence, human domain analytics to master the human domain.
When we talk about all this, this is nothing that is new.
This is something that goes back to the inception of the Internet.
Let me read you some of the other things that Ted Cruz said, though, because there's multiple aspects to this.
There's not just a technological military aspect to it.
There's also a bureaucratic aspect to it.
The Texas Senator cited the Federal Communications Commission, the FCC's move, to classify broadband internet service as a public utility as evidence of the threat.
He says, I've worked to do in the Senate every day to fight to defend the freedom of the internet, to keep the internet free from the grubby hands of regulators and government, to keep it free from taxes, to allow free speech and entrepreneurship to flourish, and I think liberty on the net
It's every day more and more imperiled by big government and by Washington politicians who want to muzzle dissent.
He went on to say, you know, the Obama FCC has invoked the Fairness Doctrine a number of times with a sort of wistful glances to the past.
A kind of nostalgia, he said.
You know, if I had suggested years ago that the Obama administration would send government observers into the newsrooms of major media organizations, that claim would have been ridiculed.
Yet, that's exactly what the FCC proposed to do.
Because you see, what began as a bureaucracy, that they said they were going to allocate the frequencies to keep things in order, essentially kind of like a land rush like they had in Oklahoma, where they were going to allocate the frequencies and then protect that as private property.
Instead, what they did was they started to regulate speech.
That was what the Fairness Doctrine was.
That was an unconstitutional violation of that.
But what we need to do is we need to understand, if we're going to counteract this, we need to understand where these threats come from.
We need to understand that this is not something that is coming necessarily just from Obama, okay?
That's where the big danger lies.
When they politicize this like Ted Cruz does and says this is simply Obama,
That is a problem.
Because this is a problem that has gone on throughout every regime that we've had lately.
And this is something that goes back for many, many decades to the military-industrial complex.
And if we don't understand the nature of the threat, if we personalize it and say that it's going to be solved if we get Obama out, then we are truly in danger because we have been blinded
Bipartisanship to the true source of the cause.
That's what I want to talk to you about today.
There's essentially two main threats to the Internet.
One of them is the bureaucracy.
The other one is military-industrial complex, DARPA.
Let's talk about the bureaucracy first.
You know, we got these organizations, as we just mentioned, the FCC, trying to expand its turf, just like the BLM, just like the EPA, etc, etc.
As a matter of fact, there ought to be, maybe that's what they ought to do, they just ought to call the next new bureaucracy the ETC.
Because it's just etc, etc, etc.
Down the line, doing the same thing over and over again.
What do they do?
These are Byzantine bureaucracies that are trying to build their little empires.
And the way they do it is they come in and they assert control over something, just as we're seeing the FCC do right now.
Then they come in and they write their own laws.
Not our elected representatives, but these permanently entrenched bureaucracies that will remain there when Obama goes.
They were there when the Republicans were in charge.
They were there when Ronald Reagan was in charge, and he didn't take them out.
Remember he was going to take out the Department of Education?
That was this new rosemary baby that was still gurgling in the crib.
He could have killed it.
Instead, it was several times bigger when Reagan left office than when he went into office.
This is the threat that we're seeing.
These Byzantine empire-building bureaucracies.
And as I said, they write their own laws.
Congress doesn't want to write the laws.
They don't want to take the blame for what's really going down.
So they create these bureaucracies.
Let the bureaucracies write the laws.
Let the bureaucracies take the blame.
And so what we're faced with, the American people,
Is legislation without representation.
Ah, but there's also taxation without representation as well.
Because what they do is they not only write their laws, but they come up with the fines and the penalties and then they have their own police departments that they are now starting to arm with military equipment.
They have their own police departments to police and to fine you with these.
And guess what?
When they accuse you of something, you don't get your due process.
Because even though it's the government coming after you, saying that you've committed a crime, they say, no, this is a civil action.
So, you don't get a jury trial.
You don't get the presumption of innocence.
They come after you in a civil action.
So that's where we are.
No due process.
They have completely overthrown the rule of law.
They have completely overthrown all of our rights.
It's nothing new.
When we had the Declaration of Independence, remember Thomas Jefferson's phrase, they have created swarms of officers to harass our people, to eat out their substance?
Is there any better description for the federal bureaucracy than that?
Do you think that you're going to elect somebody as a Republican or Democrat who is going to stop this as President?
This goes on regardless of who is President.
And unless we understand the origin of the threat, unless we understand the nature of what we are fighting, these permanently entrenched bureaucracies that are building their empires, that are operating independent of us, unaccountable to us,
Unless we understand that, we will never be able to take the appropriate steps.
We don't need a constitutional convention.
We don't need a new constitution.
We have the authority right now to address this problem at the state level, at the local level, at the jury level.
We can cut these people off.
We can elect sheriffs in our local area, we can elect state representatives, and we can elect local officials who will cut off this bureaucratic overreach because they have no legal constitutional basis.
What they're doing?
Intruding themselves into the most minute details of our life, just as I talked about last night on the nightly news.
Michelle Obama presuming on herself to dictate how all the individual schools are going to feed our children.
What could be more absurd?
What could be a more ridiculous overreach of federal power than that?
That is absolutely insane.
All we have to do is say no.
You're not going to do it.
You're not going to bribe us with it.
There was a school in Montana, a school district.
They were being bribed by the federal government, $117,000 to let Michelle Obama dictate to them the garbage that they were going to be fed.
And they said, you know what?
It just isn't working out for us, even economically.
So just from a pragmatic standpoint, the school district said, you're costing us more money than you're giving us.
And we need to say that.
At many, on many different issues, at many different levels.
So yeah, a constitutional convention isn't going to protect us from liars and thieves who take office swearing allegiance to a constitution that they then ignore completely.
We have to do that at the local level and we can't be distracted by thinking that we're going to solve everything by putting Ted Cruz in place rather than Barack Obama.
Some things would change, yes.
But we have to understand the nature of this problem.
Coming after the Internet is a bureaucratic problem.
And it is something that, regardless of who gets the presidency, if we don't understand where that's coming from, we're not going to be able to address that.
Let me talk to you about the technological tool.
That's the political tool, where they're coming after our free speech, where they're coming after the freedom of the Internet.
Let me talk to you about the technological tool.
Let me talk to you about the military-industrial complex, and specifically DARPA.
You know, it wasn't Al Gore that invented the Internet.
It was DARPA.
At the time, they were called ARPA.
Many of you might remember ARPANET.
That was the beginning of it.
Many of you, however, may not remember J.C.R.
He was the guy who came up with a vision for the Internet.
He called it the Intergalactic Computer Network.
Now they just call it the Inter-Net.
They cut out the Galactic Park.
I guess it sounded too much like the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Paying Galactic Gargle Blaster.
But nevertheless, this was the guy who had the vision for the Internet.
Now it's interesting because this guy had a lot of visionary revelations that he came up with.
We'll talk about graphical user interfaces that everybody uses today, the mouse, the windows, that remember you saw those first on the Macintosh?
And of course many people point out, no, no, no, no.
Steve Jobs didn't come up with that idea.
He got that from Xerox PARC project, P-A-R-C, the Palo Alto Research Center.
But the head of the Xerox Park Center said, no, we got that idea from Licklider.
He was the guy who came up with the graphical user interface.
He was the guy who came up with the idea of the internet.
And you know, all of these things came to fruition far after this man died.
He didn't see the Internet become what it is today, but he could see what it was going to become.
He knew what it was going to become today, and he knew what the Internet was going to be tomorrow.
And let me tell you something about his vision and about his purpose about this, because it speaks to the mission of DARPA.
This is a man who was not a computer scientist.
Computer scientists, computer engineers didn't come about as a field for a couple of decades after he was working in the early 1960s.
He basically created the field.
He was a psychologist.
Isn't that interesting?
He was a psychologist.
What were the underlying driving purposes behind his vision for computers, for the Internet?
It was one of measuring the population, of taking the pulse of the population, of understanding what people were thinking.
So that he could control what they were thinking.
That was the vision of DARPA.
That was the vision of Licklider, the psychologist who envisioned the Internet, who envisioned artificial intelligence, and so many other aspects of things that I think have the great potential to control the population.
You have to understand, it was envisioned as a technological tool of population control.
That's how he envisioned the Internet.
Now things don't always go the way they planned.
DARPA had a lot of gee whiz nifty gadgets during the Cold War, during the Vietnam War.
And yet, they lost the Vietnam War.
Our government has lost every asymmetric war they have ever fought.
And they're losing in Iraq and Afghanistan as well.
And that's the hope that we have.
If we understand the nature of the enemy, we can defeat them in this information war.
If we understand where they're coming, and it's a pincer that is both bureaucratic and technological.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
On this last segment, I'm David Knight, your host.
As I was just talking in the last segment, we were talking about the threat to the internet.
The fact that we have to understand where the threat is going to come from, and the nature of the threat, if we're going to be able to defeat it.
Now I want to talk to you about the phony left-right paradigm.
We talk about this all the time.
The latest example is this new Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.
There were some articles that came out today as we learned that he's the new Prime Minister saying, well, perhaps he's going to push back against the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal.
No, I don't think so.
Here's an article that came out a couple of weeks ago from the Canadian Progressive.
And here's a quote from the Liberal Party that Trudeau is head of, that he just won the election.
They say, the Liberal Party of Canada strongly supports free trade as this is how we open markets to Canadian goods and services, grow Canadian businesses, create good paying jobs, blah blah blah.
That's not what it's about.
That's not what the Trans-Pacific Partnership is about.
And these people in the Canadian progressive, they certainly know that's not what it's about.
Their comment was, Justin Trudeau blindly endorses the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership deal.
Then he attacks Stephen Harper for failing to be transparent, especially in regards to what Canada is conceding.
And of course they think that that's going to be jobs in a certain area like dairy and auto.
You know what?
It's not going to be cows and cars that you're losing.
It's your freedom that you're losing.
You're losing ownership of everything to the multinational corporations who have written this, who are going to assert that they have copyright over everything forever.
That's going to be what you're losing.
You're going to be losing out to an organization that is going to set up global governance.
That's what Senator Sessions told us.
He actually read
the piece and and knows what's going on he knows that this is a living agreement he knows that regardless of what they eventually show us and of course we don't know we were told that they had to keep it secret because you know you can't really negotiate a trade deal if everybody's micromanaging and and uh... kibitzing about uh... what's on the particular trade deal so we gotta keep that secret whilst being negotiated well it's now been two or three weeks since they announced that they finalized it.
Have you seen it?
No, they haven't made it public it's still secret.
Because they don't want you to have any time to take a look at it.
They are going to rush this thing through.
And they're going to rush it through with people like Justin Trudeau in Canada, with people like Paul Ryan and John Boehner in the United States.
They're going to rush it through with their people at the top who are just a phony presentation.
I thought it was very interesting.
To see the pictures that some of the mainstream media is putting up saying, oh, Justin Trudeau, you know, he's just such a hunk, he's so good-looking.
You know what, he's somebody like JFK.
He's 43, and just like JFK, he comes from a political family dynasty, like the Bushes, like the Clintons, like the Kennedys.
This is the son of a former prime minister.
And when they showed the pictures of these people, they also showed a picture of another hunk, Paul Ryan.
Because, you know, it doesn't really matter that Paul Ryan masquerades as a conservative, but he's worked tirelessly for the last 25 years, ever since he was in junior staffing positions, for open borders, for trade deals that destroy our sovereignty.
Paul Ryan is a conservative!
And, you know, he's the only guy that is acceptable to His Majesty John Boehner, who is going to kind of step down, but he's going to handpick a successor
And if you've got somebody, presumably, if they come to the election and Paul Ryan stands up and says, well, I decided not to do it like Kevin McCarthy did, the previous pick of John Boehner, then John Boehner, I guess, will just shut the election down again.
Why don't the conservatives move forward with this motion to vacate the chair?
This motion was introduced before they went to summer break.
They tabled it until he came back, and then John Boehner said, well, I'm gonna step down.
Well, he said he's not stepping down until he gets somebody he wants.
Push the issue!
Throw this guy out!
Because Paul Ryan is nothing but another corporatist.
Somebody who is owned by the multinational corporations.
He's for open borders.
He's for global trade agreements that are going to destroy our borders.
That's what he's about.
He's just like John Boehner.
He's just like Justin Trudeau.
He's just like Bernie Sanders and the rest of them.
That's it for today's show.
Join us tonight at 7 central, 8 p.m.
for the nightly news.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Another major health threat, this one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100