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Name: 20151012_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 12, 2015
3462 lines.

Alex Jones discusses political correctness as a form of mind control designed to destroy language, debate, and individual thought with the involvement of CIA and Pentagon. He mentions recent news headlines such as students protesting gun rights on campus as part of CIA's warfare tactics. He promotes partnership with My Patriot Supply for storable foods and Survival Shield X2 health supplement. Bill Bonner warns Americans about an impending change from the government that will have significant consequences, promoting products such as Big Berkey water filter, One Silver Solution health supplement, LibertyOnCall.org healthcare alternative, and KDArmor body armor packages. Paul Watson talks about the destruction of culture through political correctness, discussing issues like gun control, propaganda in films, and lack of understanding regarding communism among those who wear Mao and Stalin themed apparel. Alex Jones discusses the globalist takeover of countries using troops, soldiers' treatment, and importance of being prepared with storable food, firearms, and water filters. He promotes BrainForce health supplement and talks about a water emergency in Toledo, Ohio. Jesse Ventura's updated book, American Conspiracies, is also discussed along with various political and conspiracy theories. Jesse Ventura supports the First Amendment but believes one should not be protected by it when they lie and profit from it. He promotes products including water filtration systems, supplements, and storable foods through InfowarsLife.com. The segment also discusses topics like gun control, presidential candidates, hemp usage, global police force, and health risks associated with routine newborn vitamin K shot.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
More and more, political analysts, commentators, comedians, you name it, are coming out from the left and the right and saying that political correctness is a form of mind control, a form of social engineering, a form of mass conditioning to destroy the language, destroy debate, and kill the renaissance.
Now I know as listeners of this broadcast, probably before we ever found the transmission, you knew that.
But we have to
Raise the rhetoric to the level of the actual attack.
And yes, it's fantastical that we have psychiatrists, psychologists run Pentagon programs of mind control being deployed against the American people.
But it's in the Washington Post.
It's in the New York Times.
With a straight, flat face, they say, yes, the CIA and Pentagon are involved conditioning the public and preparing you to accept the new system.
And yes, national sovereignty does not exist.
The family does not exist.
Mother and father does not exist.
Private property does not exist.
The Amish do not exist.
You will be assimilated.
We are the Borg.
Submit or be destroyed.
It's so over the top that only a complete flipping against it has any chance.
And I was driving into work this morning, I was thinking, how do we get people to break their conditioning?
And it's just that.
People have to realize that you can't be reasonable, you can't compromise with the globalist or the so-called political left.
They are not the left.
They are hardcore, brazen, scientifically focused groups conquering us.
When you get to even mid-level managers of the left, they will laugh if you're sitting around a cocktail table with them and say, of course we're taking over.
Of course we're conditioning people.
Tell us something we don't know.
I hate minorities!
I mean, it's just... Oh, you ought to join us, you fool!
That's who they are!
Of course we're aborting the blacks!
And then the left, the general public, just sits there like mindless victims, like children climbing into a beat-up white creeper van because they heard ice cream truck music coming out of it.
But there's a demonic wildcat inside that vehicle to tear you apart!
They are enemies!
They are consciously evil!
And if you don't get that through your head and realize there's psychotic predators and sociopaths and mercenaries under them, you have no hope.
You have to break with these people.
You have to understand they're evil.
You have to understand they're an enemy of you and your family.
And everything else is just window dressing.
And the world is understanding that very evil people captured America.
We had goodwill of the planet.
We were some of the most moral, aggressive, free market people.
We weren't perfect, but we were heads above everybody else.
We were exceptional.
And as great things tend to flip, we flip from the greatest and the best to the most evil.
And now we can flip again right back to where we were.
That's how history tends to work.
It doesn't tend to go in slow moving slag.
Sure, there's long periods of that, but then there's periods where it just flips.
And the globalists are there right now trying to keep it going their direction.
They want to flip their current tyranny into an anti-human, transhumanist, de-industrialization, skirmish wars, economic war, culture war.
That's why they flood everything.
I was sent a link by Buckley this weekend, and then by a bunch of other people.
In fact, you guys printed for me, it was in the Houston Chronicle, and I saw the headline and I said, is this a joke?
And I went to the URL, it wasn't the Onion.
Spoofing the Houston Chronicle.
And then it was in the Austin American Statesman that the left is going to, it was the headline in the Statesman, I couldn't believe, students to wear giant dildos.
Uh, Ian.
Coxford Glocks.
This is in the paper.
Let everybody read.
Front page of the paper.
The Statesman.
Also in the Houston Chronicles when I first saw it.
And you go, well it's just silly.
It's stupid.
That's how they're going to protest people with guns on campus.
But no, it's pure genius.
It's just mindless stupidness to just confuse everything.
It's CIA warfare.
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Did you know that guns are less deadly than alcohol?
At least 88,000 deaths per year are attributed to alcohol abuse, and 30 people per day die in alcohol-related auto accidents in the U.S.
Heavy drinkers are also more prone to violence, suicide, and risky sexual behavior.
In comparison, there were 36,000 gun-related deaths, including suicides and accidents, in the U.S.
in 2013.
And as a percentage of all causes of death, alcohol-related deaths are over twice as common as deaths involving firearms.
Even more interesting, one-third of gun deaths are alcohol-related.
So, according to gun control logic, we could eliminate one-third of gun-related deaths overnight by banning alcohol.
Yet, you'll notice that Moms Demand Action and other Bloomberg-backed groups aren't demanding we ban booze and beer.
That's because the true agenda behind gun control is to control the population because the government can only expand at the expense of individual rights, such as the Second Amendment.
Ryan McMackin of the Mises Institute wrote an excellent article breaking all of this down, including the statistics I cited.
So check it out at InfoWars.com.
And once again, this is Kit Daniels.
Alex Jones here.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
Or you're mine.
Everything the social engineers do is about being silly and goofy and funny and the little trendies have their bouffant hair and their little beards and their little colorful shirts and they just say, do what we want, speak like we want you to, be friendly, be nice, don't hurt us, feel guilty, do what we say.
And that's simply camouflage.
On the special forces operators of the big foundations who are here to take down society.
And they've got armies of PhDs competing.
To be the most savage, the most focused, the most manipulative, to get the positions of power in the national governments, in the local governments, in the state governments, the county governments, the city governments, and the sub-districts.
But above that, they all wish to graduate to the world government level, where you are tax-exempt, and have diplomatic immunity, and fly on, above the law, corporate jets, with no searches, no seizure, above the law.
UN diplomats lead slaves around in New York on chains.
The police can't even go to their houses.
That's who we're dealing with, the new royalty.
And they sit there and tell us about class envy and class warfare and try to sic the giant unwashed masses that they've helped create on civilization and have a war against industry and a war against power, a war against energy, a war against prosperity, a war against invention and ingenuity and innovation and exploration.
There are two competing forces in the world.
Those that wish to create incredible civilization, and those who wish to create a new dark age.
And that's what we face.
That's what the world comes down to right now.
If we innovate, if humans go to the next level, the globalists won't be able to control the future and play God.
And they are completely standing against humanity right now.
And the question is, which side are we going to eternally decide to be on?
That's what the planetary government is about, is the elite playing God and taking control of human evolution, human development, in their words.
And they've done it to a great extent, and we've seen the fruits of their engineering.
And it is the most selfish, twisted, hateful,
Paradigm and wavelength that we could possibly imagine because when you sink to evil, when you give yourself over to not caring about others and cutting yourself off from the world and the universe, you sink to the absolute center of the worst spirit the universe has ever produced.
This spirit doesn't just seek to destroy humanity, it seeks to first render us down, twist us, take our hope, and have a mass ritual of slow torture of the life force of this planet.
Now, do you kneel to that in fear, believing it will give you power for a day?
Do you submit to that force?
There is no submission to that force in logic.
And that's why it wages war against the psyche, why it wages war against common sense, why it wages war against prosperity, independence, and free will.
Because all of those things are set diametrically opposed to that spirit.
I'm done preaching.
I'm going to stop for the day.
Jesse Ventura, we had a heated debate last time.
You notice these have not been the friendliest of interviews because he's gone more left within that left-right paradigm.
He says he's transcended it, but he's in the political atmosphere, I think, gone more left.
I'm going to ask you about that today, but I want to do a friendly interview.
He's reissued his book, updated it, American Conspiracies.
We'll be talking about some of those issues.
And the election and more today with Jesse Ventura in the third hour.
But before we do that, we're obviously going to open the phones up and cover a ton of news and information today.
So let me just mention a smattering of some of the news that is going to be coming up today, obviously.
We're going to look at some of the Democratic debates coming up, the fact that they think the rating is going to be super low.
They're begging Biden to get involved in all of that.
We're also going to be looking at Infowars.com and some of the top news that's there.
We have Obama saying, yes, if I ran for president again, I would win.
I'd love to do some more.
We've got a lot of political correctness news we're going to be breaking down.
We have the UK Ministry of Defense denying tabloid reports that RAF ready to shoot down Russian planes in Iraq and how that ties into other US government announcements on the situation.
We have a very important breakdown with Merkel defending the refugee policy as an expression of humanity.
We have a lot of science, health and tech news and of course economy news that we're going to be getting to today.
And I think the first thing I want to get into now is political correctness because I don't think the public is aware of the progenitor of this.
Social engineers in England, the United States, France and Germany who produced the communist ideology
That was funded by the robber barons of Europe and the United States and England that financed the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.
The word political, the term political correctness, hate speech, all of that is from the Soviet Union during the Lenin and then the Stalin era.
It finally began to stall out by the 1960s, but continued on to a certain extent.
But this is Western social engineering tested on the poor Russians.
I always love how there's this cultural meme to hate the Russians and they're our enemy and all the rest of it, when culturally, scientifically, they're like our brothers in the West.
It's where the West really meets the East.
And when our government
And the British government committed the incredible crime of putting the Bolsheviks in in 1917 and their reign of red terror that killed 50 million Russians and other Eastern Europeans.
50 million people conservatively killed by Lenin and Stalin.
And the people that run our government today are the grandchildren and the children
of the engineers that did that.
So, make no mistake, they want to do that here.
And a lot of people hear this show, and they go look up the Weathermen, and they go look up Ford Foundation, and they go look up the statements of the Army.mil about re-education camps.
They call it re-education camps.
They use the Soviet term, because that's what it is.
And people find it out, and they get really scared.
They send me letters, or I see them on the street, and they say, my God, I checked out the FEMA camps, it's all real.
What do we do?
It's so scary I can't tune in anymore.
Well, the camps and the preparations are there whether you want to believe it or not.
And only admitting all of this is going to stop it.
But what they did in the Cultural Revolution funded by the Rockefellers on record in China in the fifties and sixties starting in 1949
And what they did starting in 1917, running up until about 1963.
What they did is what they plan to do here.
They don't like you with your nice houses and swimming pools.
They don't like farmers with big pieces of property.
They don't like the Amish.
They don't like anybody they don't control.
They want to take you and your families and put you in big compact cities and high-rises and order you around and tell you what job you're going to have and tell you what you're going to be and tell you how much food you're going to get and sit there and watch everyone step and fetch as slaves to what they're bringing into this country under Agenda 21.
And so I'm not here to scare you.
This is already happening.
It's like the doctor telling you, you got skin cancer, we got a 95% chance they'll remove it, it's not coming back, but you gotta act now, it's starting to metastasize.
And if it gets into other parts of your body, you're gonna die.
That's good news when you know it, you can identify it, you can deal with it.
But I'm here to tell you, you can't screw around with this.
You cannot screw around with hardcore pure tyranny.
That has a lust, a bloodthirst, a will to dominate you and your family.
To tell you how to speak, what to say, what to do, what to wear, where to live.
And it's all done through touchy-feely, we love you, we're gonna protect you, we care about you, do what we say and everything's gonna be alright.
But if you get out of line, we've got SWAT teams in black uniforms and tanks down the street and helicopters with trained killers to come after you.
So, you can either do what we say and go under Stockholm Syndrome, and decide you love your captivity out of your fear, or we're gonna hurt you.
Well, here's the secret.
They're already hurting you with the fluoride, and the GMO, and the aspartame, and the MSG, and the barium salts, and the aluminum dioxide, and the vaccines.
So you're already under attack.
You might as well admit it, cut up, decide to learn the facts, decide to get aggressive, to start voting with your dollars and your actions, and to start spreading the word and offensively waking people up while digging in and creating a culture of survival.
Because that's what we face.
And we're going to make it through all this the ultimate destiny of humanity.
We're going to break down political correctness straight ahead.
My name is Bill Bonner and I'm the president of the largest private news and research network in the world.
And I paid for this airtime because I have an important message to the American people.
There's a change coming that the government isn't telling you about.
This change has deep implications for life in America.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The toll free number to join us on any issue, any item, any question, any comment, disagree, agree.
Situation with Russia, the situation with the economy, the situation with the giant Bush.
They admit the biggest assault ever, their full power, state, local, federal, international, coming after our guns.
Coming after the First Amendment, coming after language.
The Communist Chinese government announced yesterday to work with the United Nations for a global code of conduct for the Internet to restrict free speech.
Germany, France and others banning protest by mainline parties against open borders, arresting people in mass, reactivating the Stasi nationwide under a new name to control free speech in Europe.
I get mad at myself every ten minutes or so when I'm consciously thinking about the world when I'm at home at night, that I didn't stress enough how real this is.
Do you understand they're banning basic free speech in Europe?
And it started with, you can't have a Nazi party.
Oh, the Nazis were bad, I can see how you ban it.
Then, you can't be a white supremacist.
Well, they're connected to the Nazis, so okay.
Okay, now you can't be a conservative pro-gun group because they say that's hateful.
Oh, now you can't be against open borders.
Now you can't criticize EU ministers or criticize Spanish officials or the police.
They now arrest you in Spain and fine you if you criticize government, basically.
I was there.
I experienced it.
Couldn't believe it.
There'd be cops a hundred yards away.
We're shooting video of a famous cathedral and they come over to us and take our camera and take our footage and say, we can arrest you under anti-terrorism for that.
You know, a guy puts out a Facebook, man, I called the cops.
They didn't come for an hour and a half of my house got robbed.
You know, they ought to set up hammocks from swimming pools for them.
And what is this?
A Club Med?
And if you're a TV viewer, you're seeing the articles we're putting on screen as I say this.
If you're a radio listener, folks, this is happening.
It's like a leftist fascism.
It's leftist governments doing it.
And they've got government ministers and police and minions that believe they're doing it for a good cause.
And Europe is falling right now.
They're now announcing bail-ins, where your private bank accounts, from England to Spain, from France to Greece, the banks will take money directly out of your accounts, or out of your automatic cash payment, your paycheck.
Taxes are now directly to private banks.
That's the world government.
They appoint Goldman Sachs presidents to three different countries in Europe right now.
They appoint, but they go, oh, it's technocracy, it's not dictatorship.
We appoint the Goldman Sachs head to run Italy.
We appoint the Goldman Sachs head to run Greece.
We appoint the Goldman Sachs head to run Spain.
And then Europe says, this is crazy, and they go, really, Greece?
How about a million immigrants in one year?
160,000 that hit the island of Lesbos this year alone.
There's hundreds of Greek islands.
It's an archipelago.
One island, 160,000.
We don't even know the numbers.
It's in the millions this year alone in Europe.
And Peter Sutherland comes out, the head UN envoy on migration, and says there is no such thing as sovereignty or borders.
It is an illusion.
You will accept it.
You will take it.
You will do it.
And they sell it as humanity.
But none of these countries will take anybody.
This is the conquering.
Merkel defends refugee policy as expression of humanity.
Part of our basic humanity of our country.
And then I've got these headlines.
In controversial effort to stop violence, Ohio tries school barricades where they now are putting big barricades to lock the doors and barricade them.
And they have drills.
Everyone's in fear of a better chance of being run over in the parking lot than being shot by a mass shooter.
But everyone with drills and police and fear and teaching them a Pavlovian fear of guns.
And they attach anti-gun propaganda to the fear monitor with elementary students.
You know, or the killer comes to simulate murdering them.
I mean, this is hardcore mind control.
They get the cops to go along with it via the federal grants.
A giant re-education camp.
Cops wearing Union Jack badge in tribute to dead police officer ordered to remove them in case they offend.
That's right, little patches of the English flag are now banned.
And Paul Watson's talked about it.
If you basically fly that flag, people will come knock on your door, other Brits, and go, what are you doing flying that?
I mean, again, this is the destruction of culture.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hey Daniels, InfoWars.com.
A college newspaper claimed that concealed carry is an example of white privilege.
You heard that right.
An article in the Daily Texan, the campus newspaper of the University of Texas at Austin, said, quote, Based on the historical precedent of black people framed as dangerous, the new gun policy, which legalizes concealed carry on campus, will endanger black students who choose to exercise their new rights.
But here's the ironic part.
The same article also pointed out the historic link between gun control and Jim Crow laws.
Before the Civil War, Southerners passed laws to keep guns away from slaves and freed black slaves of stifled potential revolt, the article stated.
After the Civil War and during the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, Southern laws were passed to disarm the black man.
The article also referred to how California lawmakers passed an open carry ban in response to the Black Panthers.
This article is a microcosm of leftist logic.
Ban the guns because of so-called white privilege, even though gun control grew out of racism.
Once again, this is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.TV, and check out our new YouTube channel called Resistance News.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I was just thinking during the break, I've got Paul Watson here from London.
He's here for two weeks.
He's gonna be hosting the show one day this week.
Why not have him in to talk about this because he's brought it up.
They have the actual English flag is white with a red cross.
I guess the British flag would be the Union Jack or the flag of the Empire.
But it's being banned.
And if you fly it on your house, he's told me about it, people will come to your house, not even the quote immigrants, but the political correct and say you need to take that down.
The EU, you can pull this up, four years ago, pushed to take away tax exemptives if the big European football league didn't get rid of Spanish, Portuguese, Swiss, Dutch, German, Greek football names, national teams.
They want them to just be the Tyrannosauruses or the Goblins.
Because they said it's nationalistic and that's not good.
See, the political correctness here starts with, well, let's get rid of the redskins.
That's not dishonoring Native Americans.
They're strong.
They're warriors.
It's like saying black, white.
You can say red skin is a insult.
Maybe it is with somebody.
Maybe you can argue, maybe we should get rid of it.
But see, they're not just doing that to be reasonable.
Next it's, don't say father or mother.
Don't say boy or girl.
Don't say he or she.
It's about setting the precedent.
They control the language.
So I remember like six years ago, it started out in San Francisco and then in Texas and other areas.
That kids wearing American flag shirts was hurtful to the illegal aliens because they've been told that was a hurtful flag.
And so now they're moving to remove the American flag more and more, saying it's hurtful.
And you'll say, oh, that will never happen.
No, they're teaching children in thousands of school districts.
Look it up, National Review, other publications, in official Common Core, that you don't say, boy or girl, you're a purple penguin.
And they say, why?
Well, there's some people that aren't boys and girls.
To confuse and jack with your kids.
To sexualize them.
To be able to get in there and mess with their identity.
Well, that's God level.
Parents shouldn't even do that.
Notice it started out with Dr. Spock and the rest of it, the child psychologist.
Don't tell your kids what they should be.
Don't discipline them.
Let them be as bad as they want so they wouldn't have any identity from you and the culture that was handed down from the ancients, father to son, mother to daughter.
They broke that.
So they could then come in with a blank slate of confused people and say, we'll give you direction just like
Young people in the inner city, who had their fathers taken away by social engineering, can't have a man in the house.
Within one generation, you go from 15-20% illegitimacy in the black community to 85-90%.
And now who's the daddy?
The guy with the tattoos.
The guy that gives you a gun.
The guy that gives you the crack cocaine.
The guy that gives you the pot to sell.
And he'll discipline you.
He'll attack you.
He'll beat you.
He'll kill you if you don't follow his orders.
That's your daddy now who's going to induct you into prison.
And that's the art of organized crime.
Get a certain number of young people, pick the ones you want, burn certain ones for the police, take the others, put them into the combine.
Give them jobs managing the whole criminal syndicate that sits right below the surface of every town and every city.
It's been taken over.
Some areas have not been taken over.
And you just drive into that town, you feel good, you feel happy.
The good people are congregated there.
You drive into another town, you feel the spirit.
You drive into another town, it feels kind of okay.
Another town feels good.
Because you're picking up on it.
Your body has a sixth sense of where you should be, who you should be amongst.
So cops wearing Union Jack badge in tribute to dead
Police officer ordered to remove them in case they offend.
I'm gonna give the toll-free number out now.
Metropolitan Police officers were told not to wear the thin blue line badges after PC David Phillips was killed on duty because they might cause offense.
Police officers wearing Union Jack badges in tribute to David Phillips who was killed on duty
We're good to go.
Short dresses, Oktoberfest in some towns, they're saying, yeah, we may not want to have street parties, like we've always done for a thousand years, because it's going to make the Muslims mad.
So they take Western hospitality, Western renaissance, Western tolerance, and then the left invokes all these outside groups to then dominate and make us submit.
And if they can get us to not have Oktoberfest, or they can get us to not wear short skirts, if they can get us to not dance, if they can get us to give up our flags, our culture, we're in a cult!
So Paul Watts has told me a lot about this, and I know I've talked to Lord Monckton about it, how they're trying to get folks to fly the flags and things as well, and now that they're seeing that, they're getting excited as part of the UKIP.
You know, it's controversial for them to even have their symbol be the Union Jack.
And again, you can say what you want about these flags.
The point is, they're being conquered, they're being replaced.
If they can tell you you can't have a flag, look at Peter Southerland.
In statements.
Insider, EU must take more refugees, get rid of sovereignty.
I will ask the government to cooperate, this is a quote, to recognize that sovereignty is an illusion.
That sovereignty is an absolute illusion that has to be put behind us, close quote.
That's the guy that runs it.
Ching, you will take unlimited.
I mean, this is a real conquering, Paul.
Yeah, I mean, in relation to the UK flag, which you just mentioned in that article, a few months ago we had an incident in London, right across from the Houses of Parliament, where this guy was carrying around an ISIS flag.
He had a kid hoisted up on his shoulder with a huge ISIS flag.
Punch him in the nose.
Walking around central London, the police question him, they let him get away, nothing happens.
He can continue flying his ISIS flag all around central London.
And then you get these cases.
Where people have been told to remove their flags because it's offensive to immigrants.
Three more cases just recently.
Two years ago, Dennis Saeed, who had three English flags stuck in her taxi, was told by the local council in Devon to take them off because they breached equality laws.
So they've actually instituted laws.
Having a bumper sticker with a Union Jack is not allowed.
Another one.
Taxi drivers in Southampton were asked to remove St George flags from their cars, showing they could speak English.
So that's actually a novelty now in England, that a taxi driver is able to speak English.
But you can't signal that to anyone because that's racist.
Another one.
Labourer Ben Smith got in hot water with police when he claimed they told him to remove the flag on his parcel shelf.
Because it was offensive to immigrants.
He was threatened with a £30 fine if he refused to move it from view.
So that sounded like it was on, you know, his own private property.
Offensive to immigrants, the English flag, the police told him to remove it.
And those are just three cases from, you know, recently.
This is globalism where they want to, and they're moving to change the names of the national teams, not let you fly your flags.
This is what happens when a foreign army conquers you.
We have been conquered.
We're still on air, there's still a lot of freedom, but the central governments are conquered.
So it's kind of like the Nazis took over Paris and a few other state capitals, they don't have the provinces completely.
That's the allegory, the analogy, the parallel.
This is real!
And now they're saying father and mother's bad.
Now they're coming out on MSNBC saying your kids belong to the state.
I mean, they mean business, Paul, and they're going to keep pushing it.
And this, again, this has nothing to do with equality, because, you know, we had the story last week.
No whites allowed Seattle yoga class for people of color excludes Caucasians.
So, if white people are offended, if they're discriminated against, it doesn't count, because in the oppression Olympics, white people are ranked at the very bottom of the pile.
We're handicapped in a race, we have to wear bowling balls.
So, again, they don't believe in equality.
Another article up on Infowars, which just went up about 15 minutes ago,
MTV, who basically, their channel is all about how bad white people are, how we behave incorrectly towards minorities, how we say the wrong things, how everything's politically incorrect.
They put a video up basically saying that, using the phrases, no can do, and long time no see,
Is racist, because back in the 1920s in America, Chinese immigrants said no can do.
So even though no Chinese people whatsoever even care now, and nobody who uses these phrases has even any knowledge of their origins, it's still racist and you're bad for using generic daily phrases that everybody uses.
And English is the world dominant language because it's the ultimate mongrel language of Latin, three different Germanic
languages as well and is designed to pick up other languages.
French is dying.
English grows.
We take Indian words, barbecue, Native American words.
We take all these words.
It is the world language.
It will be the galactic language when we make it off this planet.
It is the language because it isn't a language.
It's a mass language from all the countless wars and invasions that took place in what is southern Britain today.
Gaelic, all these different languages, more than 10 languages in English 500 years ago.
Now there's hundreds of languages in English.
People hear the Asians saying, the railway workers, no can do.
And that's a really good term, no can do.
You adopt that language, you take it on, which is true melting pot, and that's bad.
I saw articles, in fact I'm going to tell you guys this.
Asian group criticizes the Martian for not enough Asians.
We went and saw the Martian last night.
Super boring.
Super stupid.
Super politically incorrect.
Myself, Anthony, and Paul.
Super... I mean, I want to get your brief review.
You didn't know you'd be in here doing this.
Total mind control.
The whole thing politically correct.
And women are in charge of everything.
Men are bumbling idiots.
Except for the Martian.
Met demon.
It's just, we can't even build our rockets.
We have to go to the Communist Chinese, shows the Politburo in China, saving America with the Communist voting to save our astronaut.
Well, it's the Russian boosters we've got to have.
So it's not even accurate.
I mean, the Chinese rockets, most of them blow up.
The U.S.
rockets blow up.
It's the Russians still have the best heavy lifters, but they don't even have the Russians in it.
The people sitting there don't even know the whole movie is international propaganda.
And it's every movie's like this, folks.
They just hammer you with brainwashing.
Sorry, go ahead.
And the whole movie worships Chinese people, and then the Chinese group bitches to add more to it.
I mean, the Chinese space program, even when they went into lower Earth orbit, there were questions, serious questions asked.
You know, if they faked that footage, because it just looked like they were doing it underwater.
So, for the Chinese to come to the rescue in this film, and it was... We're not bashing the Chinese, they're real smart.
The point is, we use Russian heavy lifters, the movie is horse crap!
All of it's deception!
All of it's BS!
God, I'm sick of this lying, demonic culture!
And I sit there in the theater packed with all these victims.
All these stupid victims having no idea they're being hit with high-tech propaganda.
And they were all laughing at it.
It wasn't even funny.
I mean, we both fell asleep before the end of it.
It was so mind-numbingly dumb.
Anthony's like, stop it, we're soaring.
He's sitting between us.
But I don't know why it's got such good reviews, because it's obviously contrived political correctness.
You know, women in positions of power, minorities in positions of power, the Chinese, they save the day.
And that's fine, you know, but when it's deliberately done just to be PC.
And then there's bitching that there's too many white people in.
So, yes, you know, Matt Damon got in trouble for saying that, for saying that people should be cast for roles in Hollywood based on their talent, not their skin color.
That's true equality.
Well, and it's true that when you have certain propaganda films, it's all about minorities, but then when it's other ones, it's all white people.
Like, I've noticed with children's cartoons, with new ones, it's either all white people or it's all minorities.
So there's a lot of weird social engineering going on, man.
It's really weird.
Because they're testing this stuff on us.
And another facet of the MTV article which just went up is, they basically say, she makes the argument that laws target gypsies in different European cities around the world.
The opposite is true.
I mean I lived next to a gypsy camp and she's on there saying, oh even saying, even using the word gypsy is bad and saying that they might steal and saying that they might break the law.
I mean, that's how they got the stereotype, because of their behavior, not because of where they come from or their skin color.
The culture is, and there's of course different groups, but the dominant, you know, mainline group in Europe, it's the Romans or whatever you call them, it is the culture to rob you because you're scum.
It is the culture to kidnap children.
It happens all the time.
I mean, my mother, I, all of us have had gypsies, I mean, try to rob us in Rome.
And I guess I'm supposed to just roll over and, you know, go, ugh, take everything, you're a god, oh, this didn't just happen!
No, there are organized gypsy gangs that use children to rob people in major European cities in Madrid, Paris.
It's an epidemic.
In England, if the gypsies, now this is the pikeys, the Irish gypsies, just as bad, they steal your travel trailers and they go, well that's their culture and they let them keep it.
You can pull up BBC.
Yeah, it was just on there.
Yeah, oh, they just put it up.
I mean, they are allowed to steal your house and keep it.
But you're racist for even pointing it out.
It's like, we're trying to fix the behavior and say, why is this a negative aspect of this culture?
But they don't even allow us to have the discussion in the first place because it's racist.
It's like, you know, black people in the United States make up 13% of the population, commit half of the homicides.
It's not because of their skin color, it's because of this, you know, gangster glorification.
Yeah, blacks were not killing each other until the 50s.
Yeah, so we need to adjourn.
And it was because they brought all the drugs in.
I mean, that was deliberate social engineering.
You can really blame that on the central government.
More social engineering.
Again, the same social engineers that tell you mommy and daddy are bad are the ones that ship crack cocaine into the inner city.
Yeah, and it's, you know, like MTV, Sumner, what's his name, the big guy?
You know, it's all run by, you know, white billionaires creating this gangster culture which keeps black people oppressed, keeps them in the ghetto.
And 90% of black people are killed by other black people, but we can't discuss any of that.
We can't try to stop black people from killing other black people because it's racist even to say it in the first place.
Paul, what are you working on right now from fullwars.com?
I've got an interview coming up tomorrow with Gad Saad, who is a behavioral scientist, so we're going to talk about political correctness.
I'm going to work on the questions for that, so I'm looking forward to that tomorrow.
Good, and you're going to have Anthony in here with you as well tomorrow.
I'll be around the office taking care of some things, but I just want to get you guys up and trained to be on the air because, quite frankly, we're just going to expand shows in the future.
And just have more of the host here with their own programs, their own broadcast through GCN.
We have a lot of affiliates and people that want more than just the 3-4 hours.
We're now from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
The fourth hour is hosted by the reporters and by the anchors and by the crew.
Very, very exciting to have that going on.
Thank you, Paul.
We're going to break in a moment.
You can get back to work.
It's good to have you here in Austin.
How you liking Austin?
Yeah, I've got over my jet lag.
I'm feeling pretty good.
How'd you like going to ACL?
Uh, there was someone there with a North Korean flag.
That was funny.
I can probably talk about that tomorrow.
Because that's trendy now.
A million political dissidents and gulags.
That's trendy.
Yeah, and it's always these really weak, pathetic, ignorant people.
They want to wear Nazi flags to think it has power, but they know that's not trendy.
So communist is cool, though.
Even though it's killed five times with a Nazi's tip.
Yeah, that's trendy, that's cool, that's acceptable.
And they've got literally no idea what they're advocating.
Well, in the trendiest areas all over, they have these Mao bars, Mao restaurants, Stalin bars.
Yeah, they had to close those down in London because Chinese people got rightly offended over it.
And they made no money out of it.
Yeah, the communist even removed Mao at the end.
And imprisoned his wife.
Paul, but we're informed, that's why we're able.
Stay with us.
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You see, everybody's heard the frog in the pot allegory.
You put a frog in boiling water, he'll jump out.
You put a frog in cold water and then slowly turn it up, it'll be like a hot tub and he'll just pass out and die.
And that's true.
And so we've been sitting here in the water now and it's starting to boil.
We gotta get out.
And the exact program that they've got in Europe that's about three, four years ahead of us, where they've banned free speech and are arresting people for anything, is now coming here.
The good news is, as bad as some local police are, and as bad and corrupt as some government is locally, people don't like this across America.
They're saying no.
And that's why the feds are coming in with the globalists, with the UN, and announcing they're going to be over local police departments and monitoring them and doing community organizing and them stirring up trouble.
And using every mistake the police use to bully them into full submission.
And here's the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Here's the ADL.
They're going to train your officers now.
They're going to fix everything.
And then once you become compliant, once you start arresting people for their speech, once you start going after the libertarians and the vets and the gun owners, then you can do whatever you want and we're going to leave you alone.
They're breaking local government right now.
You let the U.N.
take your city over, we'll let you have all the funds, regulations come off, you can be left alone.
You don't play ball, we're going to shut you down.
We're going to go to break and start the next hour and I'm going to go to your phone calls.
I'm going to get to the very important news with the situation.
In Syria, that is just amazing.
And then we'll also get to Kit Daniels' new article, School Suspends Student Over Pro-Veteran Shirt, 8th Grade Refused to Remove Shirt Honoring Soldiers Killed in Action.
And if you look at the shirt, we have it on screen for TV viewers, InfoWars.com.
Standing for those who stood for us.
And it just shows the international symbol of a dead soldier, their rifle stuck on the ground with their boots and a helmet on top of it.
And the American flag, and that's banned in America.
So the globalists use the troops to take over the world, fooling them with fake stories of why they're doing it.
When they get back, they treat them like absolute trash because they hate men who aren't cowards.
If you're a foreign takeover group, who do you hate?
You hate the men?
And of the men, you hate the veterans, number one, because they're not cowards, and they stand for something, and they're willing to fight.
Our families, our children, our men, our babies, everything good is under attack.
That's Fox News, by the way, reporting on that as well, if you doubt us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're back transmitting worldwide into the second hour.
They are heating up big time to come after the guns.
We'll break down the latest on that.
Situation in Syria.
We're going to break down the science and health, the economy and more.
Jesse Ventura joins us in the third hour.
We're going to have an interesting discussion, debate, friendly debate on a whole bunch of issues.
Right now, let's start going to your phone calls.
Frank in New York, thanks for calling in today.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you?
God bless you and your crew.
You guys do a fantastic job.
Thank you, brother.
I have a question for you, actually a statement for your first time listeners.
If you think Alex Jones is kidding around about immigration, all you have to do is look at the Mayak Report.
If you read the Mayak Report, it states that if you don't accept immigration or people who are anti-immigration, you're a terrorist.
If you don't believe me, look it up for yourselves, and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.
Absolutely, and it says Ron Paul.
If you like Ron Paul, you're a terrorist.
If you like the Second Amendment, you're a terrorist.
If you like Aaron Russo, you're a terrorist.
Of course, we broke that document, and people didn't believe it was real for a week, and the feds went, no, it's real.
I mean, people didn't believe it when we broke two years ago because it was on the Army's website that they have re-education camps.
And people went and looked and said, it's actually on the Army's site?
I mean, they're not playing games.
But see, the military's awake because they're now being trained for this.
And so the Feds are seeing who freaks out, who doesn't go along with it, so they're purging the military brass that won't go along with it.
So, I'm not trying to scare people into hiding out because of this.
We need to get vocal and say no, and use the fact that the government's so evil against it to kick these usurpers out.
These are hijackers.
This is not our government.
Go ahead.
Can I make another comment, if I may please, about the Pope?
I'm a Catholic, and a lot of my Hispanic community actually are devoted Catholics.
Unfortunately, a lot of them actually believe in the Pope.
So basically, I actually showed them the video about Jesus failing on the cross, and then basically another comment he made in the U.N.
saying that I come in my name, and they couldn't believe it when actually they saw it for themselves.
I mean, they were really devastated and shocked.
And I told them, this guy's a false prophet, and this guy's a deceiver of people.
Well, we know that he basically is 150 degrees different than Pope John Paul II.
On 180, he says some good things, but over all his actions, and we know that they blackmailed the Vatican into putting him in.
So that's come out.
I mean, there's two popes right now, folks.
This is big.
And notice, it's all happening right now.
So, I'm not bashing Catholics.
I've never been anti-Catholic.
Catholics, I know, are just great people across the board.
So, I've been kind of, you know, the other way where I've defended Catholics and liked Catholics and been criticized for it by a lot of Protestants and Patriot grips who were worried about the Vatican.
But now that this pope's gone this far, I mean, I've just got to say, whoever he is, he is bad news.
Anything else, Frank?
Yes, sir, go ahead.
Yes, one more thing.
You know, John Paul II, he wasn't a good pope as well, because he basically said, I think it was on December 12, 1984, he made a statement saying that, come to him for forgiveness, don't come to God, come to him.
So he wasn't as radical as this pope is, but all popes are actually bad.
If you really study all of them, they've had their returns as well, too.
Listen, I'm not the super expert on it, and I hear what you're saying.
I just try to stay out of sectarian fighting and all this and just promote liberty.
But regardless, if the Catholic Church had problems before, it's really sunk to a new low now.
I don't think we can debate that.
And so where do you think this is all going?
Well, unfortunately, it's basically going to a new world order.
Look what your guest said yesterday, that Italian person saying that.
You know, that this Pope's job is almost done, basically, to usher in the New World Order.
It's scary, guys.
People wake up.
Because we're in big trouble if we don't wake up.
That's all I gotta say about it.
Well said, my friend.
God bless you.
Appreciate the call.
We're gonna go to Woody, Adam, Brad, Roger, and many others on the other side.
And I can't believe I have to read this headline on air, but I am.
Parental discretion is advised when we come back.
Stay with us.
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
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And once again, this is Kit Daniels.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Jesse Ventura has put out a new version of his best-selling book, American Conspiracies.
We've kind of had some heated debates the last few times he was on, and we're going to have a good discussion coming up in the third hour today.
We're also obviously going to get into what I mentioned earlier, the big Syria developments, and now the Washington Post is asking the question today, did U.S.
weapons supply to Syrian rebels?
Draw Russia into the conflict?
I don't know.
Does Barack Obama wear a suit and a tie during the State of the Union?
Pope Francis is out again warning about conspiracy theories about the Vatican.
We're also going to get more into school-suspense student over pro-veteran shirt.
See the shirt up on InfoWars.com.
Obama has come out and said, yes, I would win if I ran for president again.
I'd love to do some more.
We're going to play that video.
Sheriff Clark, notice everybody's picked up the meme that drugs launched here last Tuesday.
It has been picked up by hundreds of different groups of people.
And it's not that people didn't already know this, but we need to really push the fact that the left has armed bodyguards, that Obama has all these guards.
They were even criticizing in the news yesterday that Donald Trump admits he has a concealed carry.
Like, how dare you carry a gun?
Mexican drug cartels say they want to kill you and you're worth all these billions of dollars and are a major kidnapping target.
This is just crazy that you think you have a right to have a gun.
Well, then who can't have a gun?
It's total discrimination.
It ties into that.
Sheriff Clark's come out and said if Obama wants to disarm people, he should start with his own security staff.
So we're going to play those clips coming up.
And again, I know we know all this, but Bernie Sanders says we need to ban semi-automatic rifles.
And he says because they're only meant to kill people.
Well, yes, they are meant for killing people.
That's their first use, is if someone tries to kill you, someone tries to attack you, and the criminals have heavy armament, they're going to get guns regardless of what you do.
Look at Mexico, the total gun ban for citizens, and the highest crime rate in the world, 100 plus thousand dead in the last eight years, that we know of.
And he just says it with his idiot followers who don't understand, because they never owned guns.
All you need these for is to kill people!
They kill people!
Well, then why does the government have them?
I mean, if ISIS is attacking you, you fight them with weapons that are at least as good.
Or if I come into my downstairs and there's three criminals in my house, and they're armed, I'm gonna take them out.
And the best thing to do it with is a high-powered .308 rifle.
Or a .223.
I mean, I said I'd go to your phone calls.
It's just, they're preying on people.
Have you ever been around the average Democrat?
They're either a college graduate that thinks they're super intellectual and are really stupid and are just kept in this little reservation of fear and are real neurotic about their political correctness, or they are the most vapid, airheaded, well, you've seen Mark Dice videos.
There's a new one out today.
Mind control morons don't even understand what silver is on video.
And you talk to 9 out of 10, they want to put all gun owners in a camp.
We're going to put gun owners in a camp, we're going to arrest them, life in prison, all gun owners, for Obama.
Yes, it's time.
Okay, but for Obama, we're just going to go ahead and arrest all the conservatives too.
Buddy, I hear you, it's time to put them in jail.
And you're talking to like 60, 70 year old people that speak well.
And you say to them, we want to put gun owners in forced labor camps.
And they say, yeah, so we're going to put them in slave camps.
Absolutely, but are you going to tell me?
Time to take the guns and lock these people up.
You know the ego, the power they want?
I mean, they just would love to know we were all in prison.
They want to dominate us.
They know we're the producers.
They know we're smarter than them.
They know we're stronger than them.
And they just get off on the evil.
They just get off on the power.
When you let scum take over, folks, they don't build incredible factories and monuments and buildings and launch navies and have inventions.
They build cultures of imprisonment and enslavement and domination.
They want to take you over.
They want to dominate you.
They say your kids belong to them.
They tell you what words you're going to use.
They tell you lower your flags, the American flag, the Union Jack, the British flag.
Take them down.
They're hateful.
We're offended.
You don't have any speech.
Do what we say.
And it's directed by the government.
All these huge immigrant populations will just assimilate.
They used to love America.
They would want to be part of the country and are good for the country overall.
Except now they're being twisted to evil.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Woody in Washington, thanks for calling today on this Monday Worldwide Edition.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, how are you doing today?
Good brother, thank you for calling.
Yes, I'd like to make a couple of comments.
Number one is the United Nations Small Arms Treaty that was signed by our Secretary of State John Kerry early this year.
If you read the actual agreement, it says that no signature participating country
We'll allow their civilian population to possess any firearms whatsoever.
I know.
I mean, we've read it on air.
It's a total gun ban.
And then Obama gets up there.
Listen, UNIDIR, when they first passed the treaty at the UN level in 2001, in July of 2001, you can read this.
I was in the New American Magazine, but some of my Archivist folks actually went down and got it from the United Nations Archive in New York, because they have a library there, and it said, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
So they say, the state must have the power monopoly, citizens cannot be armed.
It's all about the state dominating.
They know this.
They've disarmed everybody else, yes sir, and now they've got to implement the treaty here
Because other countries have already done it, and they've got to take our guns.
Go ahead.
Well, that's why the United Nations is here now.
And that's why we're seeing all this demonization of the police.
And I just want to say that I'm retired police, and when they put body cameras on every police officer in this country, they are going to remove the one human critical element, and that is discretion.
So technology
Is a double-edged sword.
It cuts both ways.
And we've got to understand it's a federal push for these cameras to federalize the police and it's not a good idea.
Should there be cameras on the cars?
But when it goes to the next level of GPS and all the rest of it, then the cops are going to enforce on us when we all have GPS taxing us by the mile as well.
Yeah, when you remove discretion, you are going to take away the key essential human element that will
Actually make it a horrible situation for the police to do their jobs and the citizens will pay the price for that.
Well, let's be clear.
Let's say you're in a place where they've written laws where guns are really illegal, and the cop pulls over a family, they see stuff's going on, they see a deer rifle underneath the seat, they know that the law is unconstitutional, and then they just kind of don't see that gun.
The problem is when it's all on camera, they're going to be able to enforce all this globalism down through the local police and federalize them.
And of course, you talk about discretion, it's going to go way beyond that.
Absolutely, it's a nightmare situation.
We should have no federal control over police, then the cities can decide whether they have body cameras or whatever.
Go ahead.
Yeah, the police will become specifically enforcers.
They will no longer be police peace officers.
The last thing I'd like to say is that the Million Man March occurred here Saturday in D.C.
and the motto for their march was justice or health.
I got no play basically in the mass media propaganda machine and I think the American people, and I know a lot of retired law enforcement people, a lot of retired military are taking notice of this, but the nation of Islam is becoming a very powerful entity in this country.
Well, clearly they've been told via the White House, they're following the George Soros White House script right now to hype everybody up and to say basically, go out, you know, and get the police, which again is meant to smash the police, and then they're going to bring in the feds, and it's a takeover.
It's what Al Sharpton said, and as bad as some police are, it's part of the rotting of the culture.
And when George Soros and the White House are trying to make the police enemy number one, you know what the paradigm is.
But I know this, number one most awake group, Woody,
is the military veterans.
Number two is the police.
And again, big problems in the police.
I criticize it.
I try to stop them being twisted.
I try to stop them being taken over.
But cops on average are more awake than anybody in the general civilian population on average.
And that's why this is happening.
And have you not seen the police officers you know and others really starting to understand the master plan now?
Is there an awakening you're seeing?
Or are they just replacing people with numbskulls?
Well, they are replacing people with numbskull.
That's been going on for the last decade.
And they've been, they've been hiring people with criminal records.
Uh, the problem is, is that the, the police now have developed a circle the wagons mentality and well, they are awake.
They, they, I think most of the police officers that I know retired and active are very awake of what's going on.
Um, but there were under such a barrage from the demonization campaign, from the propaganda machine.
That the wagons have been circled.
And the only way that I can see that we can get out of this is for the American people to wake up and start supporting their police en masse.
And that would get the police out of that circling of the wagons mentality.
But you've got to add, support the police with an anti-globalist message of understanding why this is happening and for them to reform themselves so they can be honorable peace officers.
Do you agree with that?
I agree with that, yes.
It's got to be done.
God bless you.
Folks, this is the breaking of America.
This is a takeover.
And they want to destroy local government.
As bad as it is, it's not globalist in most areas.
Austin is run by the UN, officially.
It's very, very sad.
But even our police know that.
We'll be back with Adam and others.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I want to be clear.
Every segment, we're not being alarmist here.
The federal government, with the Ford Foundation, the CIA, the mainstream media,
I mean, it's in the news, the CIA is involved in social engineering, propaganda, psyops, and has hired more than 20,000 psychiatrists to help work with the news to pacify the American people.
Obama signed an executive order three weeks ago on it.
They legalized it last year.
Repealed the law.
There's the Washington Post.
How the American government's trying to control what you think, and you say, wow, you know, last year the Army, the Undersecretary of Defense, came out and admitted to an hour-long press conference that, we've been lying to you, but we're going to stop now, and we're going to work with every local radio and TV station, every newspaper, and the Pentagon's going to be in your community helping, and the CIA's going to be helping, and
They actually had young, innocent information officers get up in their military uniforms and they go, I'm sick of lying to people.
The public doesn't like us.
I'm going to get to tell the truth.
And they go, thank you, ma'am, for your question.
You can sit down now.
And all these older men and women were just shaking their heads.
She didn't get it.
That that was a PSYOP.
That they were, you have to hide it in plain view when you do something as brazen as putting the CIA on the streets.
Watch the video.
Government promises to stop lying because of Drudge Report Spotlight.
But then you get into the article, that's not really what it is.
An Adon Salazar Alex Jones article.
This is the occupational government.
Does that mean the average person in the CIA is a bad person?
No, most of them are compartmentalized.
Most of them are analysts.
It's not like James Bond.
That's a very small part of it.
I mean, when the CIA wants people killed, the army does it, at least until recently.
And the analysts have been going public.
First 50 of them, then 100 plus, then the former general who just left a few months ago comes out and says, we've been ordered to lie to you with the intelligence.
We were premeditatedly ordered to arm Al Qaeda, which we knew would become ISIS.
We're running it.
Well, the president didn't know.
No, no, no.
We were ordered to do it.
They consciously did it.
Is that clear?
Then, the deputy director of the CIA goes on CNN and CBS on a weekend and says the same thing.
And says, this needs to be investigated.
So, it's so immoral.
These guys are scared when they're saying it.
I see their body language.
It's so immoral.
It's so evil.
These are like Germans, like Erwin Rommel in Nazi Germany.
The Desert Fox.
More highly decorated than even Hitler in World War I. Big war hero.
Top general of World War II, undoubtedly.
He was going to overthrow Hitler in Operation Valkyrie.
He'd been strafed in his car, was already half-paralyzed, but he was running the operation to kill Hitler.
They came to his house, said, we're not going to kill your whole family, just drive down the road, take cyanide, write a note that you committed suicide.
These guys are all one step away from that.
One step away.
You know former top generals, former heads of special forces and others?
Have bodyguards they have to pay for all the time and hardly leave their houses now.
Because they've been covertly killing him with heart attacks and stuff.
I talked to him.
Do you understand this, ladies and gentlemen?
Do you understand this?
I talked to the former head of Special Forces.
I talked to the former head of Army Intelligence.
I talked to the former
I've talked to multiple heads of formerly of Special Forces.
They all know all this.
You think this is a joke?
You think this shows a game?
You think any of this?
No, no.
This is real, people.
And I've been praying a lot about this, and we can see it's all moving.
It's worse than we thought.
We kept hoping America was still here and that it wouldn't get so crazy.
But I've just got to impress upon you that this country has been taken over.
And you heard that former cop earlier, how concerned he was.
Smart guy.
The government is seized by people that are trying to take all the anger at the corrupt government and focus it on the police.
Random cops, every week, are just being shot in the back.
And a lot of dumbasses go, well, that'll show the cops quit being so arrogant.
You know, they've been shooting.
Yeah, there have been some crazy cops, some psychos, bad guys.
They've been protected.
It's wrong in many areas.
But they're indicting most of them.
They're getting in trouble, but that's not the issue.
The globalists are running an operation to bully and terrorize the police into submitting to the takeover.
So, you know you got a bold, crazy government in charge when they're planning a civil war.
So we need the police, we need the military to keep speaking out, and they are.
I mean, our military exposed that our government's running Al-Qaeda.
Our military, on this show, Colonel Schaefer and others, years ago.
So the good news is, the government's full of good people.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
The bad news is, bad people are in charge.
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
A college newspaper claimed that concealed carry is an example of white privilege.
You heard that right.
An article in the Daily Texan, the campus newspaper of the University of Texas at Austin, said, quote, Based on the historical precedent of black people framed as dangerous, the new gun policy, which legalizes concealed carry on campus, will endanger black students who choose to exercise their new rights.
But here's the ironic part.
The same article also pointed out the historic link between gun control and Jim Crow laws.
Before the Civil War, Southerners passed laws to keep guns away from slaves and freed black slaves to stifle potential revolt, the article stated.
After the Civil War and during the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, Southern laws were passed to disarm the black men.
The article also referred to how California lawmakers passed an open carry ban in response to the Black Panthers.
This article is a microcosm of leftist logic.
Ban the guns because of so-called white privilege, even though gun control grew out of racism.
Once again, this is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.TV, and check out our new YouTube channel called Resistance News.
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You are a programmable guy that goes and watches Olympus is Falling and believes all this and really thinks you're a hero.
Joe, great American hero.
Joe, Joe.
You don't work for Joe.
Joe got taken over.
The G.I.
Joe command base is run by Cobra.
You understand that?
And I use a child analogy to get through to you because that's your main programming template in North America.
They're on record with that.
That was all Pentagon directed.
You understand you work for Cobra.
You dress like Cobra.
You have the tactics of Cobra.
You are Cobra.
Hail Cobra!
You want to be little boys?
Or do you want to really join the Republic?
They know what's going on at the Bundy Ranch, and they won't even let a police information officer give us any information.
That's a bunch of bullsh**.
It's all these stupid G.I.
Joe movies and stuff, where the White House is attacked.
The White House is run by Cobra!
When I went through the process of becoming press secretary, one of the things, one of the first things they told me was, you're not even to acknowledge the drone program.
You're not even to discuss that it exists.
It's run by chaos.
It's run by Spectre.
Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion.
They run little kids, they run the snuff films, they run the drugs, they run it all.
And because you act like a bunch of naive chumps, this whole thing's gonna come down on us!
Very much concerns me, considering that they have all this bulk ammunition, that they're shooting targets of children.
Would you like to tell me who it is that is doing this?
It is the Department of Homeland Security, sir.
Oh, thank you for calling.
To every police officer in this country, to every FBI agent, every Secret Service agent, you work for Spectre.
You work for Kaos.
You work for Cobra.
How do they get power?
They stage a terror attack using Spectre, using Cobra.
Go f*** yourself.
Who is COBRA?
Arms dealing, drug dealing, money laundering group, wearing masks.
They wear masks, ladies and gentlemen, because they're the corporate CEOs.
And they're manipulating the governments against each other.
COBRA runs the Muslims.
COBRA runs the CIA.
COBRA runs it all.
COBRA is real.
You can call it whatever you want.
Cobra is in control of America.
And Cobra says the veterans and the gun owners, they're saying that we're the bad guys.
These people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
That's what Cobra would say.
That's what Specter would say.
That's what Goldfinger would say.
Because that's who those people are.
I am Supreme Cobra Commander!
You call your petty bureaucrats, officials, and authorities?
You will kneel before Cobra of faith!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us, Mr. Cobra Leader.
You pathetic little worm!
How dare you call me Mr. Cobra!
Another great piece Sha'Carri Jackson put together a few years ago, just illustrating that that's what this shadowed, lovable government is, is the snake.
It's Cobra.
And then they have had news articles going, Jones believes Cobra's real and runs things.
No, I say clearly in the video, it's an allegory.
Our government has been hijacked by criminal, international, above the law, diplomatically immune combines worth hundreds of trillions of dollars that they've stolen.
They've signed us onto derivatives.
They have enslaved us through fraud.
They are running radical Islam and using it to bring down Europe right now.
They lower the borders, they stir up the Middle East, they advertise everything's free.
Come to Germany.
Come to France.
Come to Spain.
We're gonna arrest you if you criticize it.
I'm gonna go to Brad, Roger, MJ, Eli, Kevin, and many others here in just a few minutes.
But I wanted to play a few clips first, since I mentioned this earlier.
Here's Bernie Sanders on banning assault rifles, that means semi-automatics, because they're designed to kill people.
Well, yeah, they're designed to defend yourself.
And criminals can use them, but that's what the Second Amendment's for.
And then secondarily, it's about feeding yourself, or plinking, or hunting, or having fun.
But a free person, a person who's not a slave, to quote Thomas Jefferson, has the right to own guns.
And it's a fight between the logical people that know more guns means less crime, and the poor fools that have never been around guns.
Every metric, every study, every poll shows we're winning the fight against abortion in the hearts and minds.
We're winning those.
We're on the offensive.
That's why the enemy's moving so fast in a counter-offensive.
And we're winning the fight on guns.
And that's why I was told by History Channel, by Discovery Channel, by A&E, and by one of the major production companies that produces reality television,
That three years ago, the order came down, and I talked about it at the time, and you saw it in the news, that they were going to cancel all the major pro-gun shows that were number one on every channel.
Number one for those channels were gun shows.
And by the way, I host currently two shows on Discovery 2 on History.
It's not like I'm just here saying all this.
I'm the main commentator on four shows that are currently airing.
So, believe me, I've been offered a lot of TV shows.
And that shows you the power of this takeover.
That they're losing hundreds of millions of dollars.
Not airing pro-gun shows on History and Discovery Channel and A&E.
And you notice they've just cancelled the big outdoor channel.
That was a giant profit system for that particular company.
We had Ted Nugent on a month ago about it.
So there's a move going on.
Because you know why?
They attack where they're weak.
They want to take over local government.
They want to take over the states, because that's the natural response to taking over federal government.
That's the rallying point through government legitimately.
They are attacking the gun culture, because if you take a trendy out and you teach him to shoot, Mike Judge and I, not once, not twice, but three times, he's back in town, he tried to go see him, go out to his house, I just got a call yesterday, I need to call him, not name dropping, I just remembered I need to call him,
He brings out a bunch of Hollywood people out to his big ranch.
We set up there on his back porch, shooting down like 500 yards, 50 cows, you name it.
I took the cast of Silicon Valley, not once but twice, shooting at his ranch.
I brought out a bunch of guns.
And Judge and I were there.
We're like, yeah, we're here to make you not be anti-gun.
And within an hour of them shooting, they were all pro-gun.
And said, yeah, I should be able to have one of these.
None of them were pro-gun.
11, 12 people.
The cast of Silicon Valley, one of the top shows on HBO.
It was that easy.
And we religiously did that.
He brings them here, takes them out shooting, and then we just sit there and crack a beer after we're done and just had a satisfying conversion to people becoming
And they all go, I get it now.
It's just weird until I shot and it was so easy and it was fun.
And, you know, these women were shooting bullseyes and stuff at 200 yards and getting all excited and all.
And they were learning safety and everything.
And we're sitting there.
And they go, yeah, criminals are going to have them.
Why shouldn't I have them?
I can be trusted.
I'm not bad.
Like these women.
We're like, yeah!
Wouldn't it be feminist for women to be armed?
Because they say, the feminists say women shouldn't have guns.
Women should be armed!
I'm just like, sitting there.
Just seeing it happen.
That's how we're going to defeat these people.
See, they got our kids in the schools.
They're teaching them, your mommy and daddy aren't your boss.
Here's how you perform fellatio.
It's all just infantile silliness, but that's just the cover of the non-threatening.
Oh, we're a culture of fun.
Just join us.
Just mesh with us.
Just sink into the quicksand with us.
Oh, goofy, goofy.
So the men run around acting stupid and then women are repulsed by them and then go off and find some butch woman to be with because they can't find a man.
Butch Woman will have a short haircut and have the duck's ass, you know, hairstyle and wear the blue jeans and roll up her arms and get over here, toots!
Yeah, I see these beautiful women over there with a girl who looks like a gaga.
Get over here, baby!
And a pool hall woman walking over, you know, her buddy's girlfriend.
How you doing, baby?
Why you with him, huh?
Because the men aren't being men.
Hey, listen, cutie, go get your own girl.
How dare you?
I'm a lesbian.
I'm allowed to talk to your girlfriend.
I mean, see, it's all about a muscling.
It's all a bunch of bullying, muscling.
They teach us not to be men, and then there's all these faux men now.
So they know what they're doing.
And they're good at it.
But that can take people out there for two hours and have some safe, good fun.
And I can have a 130 pound woman shooting a .50 caliber rifle, and when they shoot a big old quarter pound charge of tannerite, and a stump blows a hundred feet in the air, and we're shooting cinder blocks and they're exploding, the Viking barbaric energy rises.
And it's good energy.
It's high energy.
It's strong.
You're meant to be powerful.
You're meant to build incredible machines.
You're meant to take risks.
You're meant to excel.
You're meant to be strong.
You're meant to be honorable.
All right, I'm going to go to your phone calls.
I want to play these clips.
Here are the clips.
Here's Bernie Sanders.
Let him roll it.
At political peril, I voted for an instant background check which I want to see strengthened and expanded.
I voted to ban certain types of assault weapons which are designed only to kill people.
I voted to end the so-called gun show loophole.
What I did say
Is that we can keep shouting at each other, which is what's been going on here for 20 years and going nowhere.
And kids on campuses and children in schools are being slaughtered.
What I think there needs to be is a dialogue.
And here's what I do believe, Chuck.
I believe what I would call common sense gun reform, plus a revolution in mental health, making sure that if people are having a nervous breakdown or are suicidal or homicidal, they get the care they need when they need it.
Almost all these people got their guns illegally.
Almost all these people they knew were mentally ill and did nothing.
Plus, crime with guns is down 51% conservatively.
Professor Lott says 61.
Whatever, the FBI says 51.
Let's just take their number.
Since 1992.
167 people die a year in mass shootings.
Most of those are gang related.
It's, I mean, it's nothing.
60 plus percent
Of the 11,000 plus people that die every year, it's always below 12,000.
Or suicides.
And, you know, you guys are for assisted suicide right out there.
I don't want the state involved, but you got bone cancer.
You're in incredible pain.
If you want to blow your head off, go ahead.
That's how men kill themselves.
We blow our heads off.
Women take pills.
Women are going to get pills.
Men are going to get guns.
If you don't give them that, they'll jump off a cliff.
And they all know this.
They sit there praying that children are being slaughtered.
Yeah, because you advertise these places for these mentally ill people.
Instead of suicide by cop, the new thing is you'll go down and shoot people.
But thank God, we've lowered the crime rate so much with this revolution of arming the American people that it's gone way down, even though the mentally ill people attacking schools went up.
It's flat overall because other shootings went down on schools.
The gang-related ones went down, the crazy people went up, but it's flat.
All other shootings are down.
Mass shootings are flat in the last 20 years.
Look it up for yourself.
Now let's go to Sheriff Clark.
Again, everybody's picking this meme up.
We've got to counter them.
Drudge put out the call.
I've seen literally more than 50 news articles, from the Washington Times, to the Blaze, to you name it, saying it's time for the armed class, the people with bodyguards, to turn their guns in.
It's time for them to just shut up.
I mean, Bernie Sanders has Secret Service detail.
Hey, pull them off you, you punk!
Gosh, I hate Bernie Sanders.
That guy knows he's evil.
He knows what he's doing.
He's praying.
Have you seen the videos of him in his town halls?
I mean, the weakness.
Black, white, Hispanic, old, young.
His followers are just so stupid looking.
And just so soft.
I'm not attacking fat people, because I've been fat before, but I mean, just as a group, fat.
Very, very soft.
Very, very stupid.
Very, very dumb.
Welfare heads.
Government workers.
And they just, just don't have a clue.
I mean, what helpless jackasses that have inherited this incredible republic.
The greatest men in the world ever seen.
All the foreign historians marveled at America.
And now, now these people have taken over the house.
This is what collectivism has created.
Giant piles of stupid jellyfish.
Let's go to the clip.
You know, he never misses an opportunity to politicize something.
Anytime there's a tragedy that happens in the United States, the first thing he does is goes into his political bag of tricks to see what he can accomplish on his agenda.
And I think that that's sad that he exploits these people.
And they saw right through it.
That's why I said I'm glad they did it.
You know, there's a certain amount of respect for the President of the United States, but when he takes advantage and uses them,
Uh, to achieve a political agenda.
I'm glad to see that they, uh, that they slapped back.
This is a do as I say, not as I do president.
And he speaks as he's surrounded by this protective bubble, which he should have with the armed secret service.
If he wants to disarm people, he should start with his security staff.
That's right.
And let's get that meme out there, folks.
In fact, let's repost Judge's clip.
The article about Drudge says, you know, Obama, drop your guns.
I want to repost that article.
You know, the same article.
And I want it just to go viral.
Did you hear me last Tuesday and Wednesday?
I said, this is going to go viral.
And everybody picked it up.
A lot of them gave Drudge the credit.
Drudge is a communicator, folks.
We have to get aggressive.
We have to counter them.
Matt Drudge challenges Obama.
Give up your guns.
Disarm Obama.
And we need to send that out to everybody.
Tweet it at Real Alex Jones.
Repost it to Facebook.
All right, I'm going to break here in a moment.
I'm going to come back with your calls in this segment and the next.
I'm going to get through everybody in the next 15 minutes.
And Jesse Ventura joins us.
Please stay there, Brad, Roger, and others.
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Man, thanks.
David Knight just came in and said he thinks Sanders may not even have Secret Service yet because of the Black Lives Matter example.
I think when you poll a certain number and become number two during a campaign, you automatically get them.
I know when you're the nominee you do.
We'll have to look into that.
The point is, whether it's Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, you know, the Speaker of the House,
Michael Moore, we know, has armed bodyguards.
They've been arrested before having guns in illegal areas.
They're hypocrites.
But there is the Washington Post saying, should Bernie Sanders have Secret Service protection?
The point is, is that he is basically on the Bloomberg wagon to try to take our guns.
And Obama said he wouldn't politicize mass shootings, but he did that in Oregon.
When he arrived there last week, and here is a clip of him with the governor and with the mayor there in Roseburg, Oregon.
There are going to be, I think, moments as we go forward where we're going to have to come together and figure out how do we stop things like this from happening.
And I've got some very strong feelings about this because when you talk to these families,
This could be happening to your child, or your mom, or your dad, or your relative, or your friend.
And so, we're going to have to come together as a country to see how we can prevent these issues from taking place.
But today, it's about the families, their grief, and what we feel for them.
They surely do appreciate all the support.
Notice it's horrible audio shot by a handheld camera officially by the White House.
They're in such a siege mentality because of the thousands of protesters, clearly over a thousand, that they didn't do press conferences.
They had to hide out inside the college, hide out inside government facilities to put out their propaganda.
Didn't have a press conference because they know they can't stop the people.
So that's good.
He wants to come grandstand.
Folks are there, and everywhere he goes, we should be like hounds after a fox politically to expose him.
Let's go to Brad in Louisiana.
Thanks for holding her on the air, Brad.
Hey, Cowboy.
I just wanted to let you know that you're going to be the first to know that I'm no longer racist, and I can prove it.
I had a high-level respected source confirm the fact that, though I'm Caucasian, I do have a color.
And we found out what color it is.
And, uh, it happens to be, uh, eggshell beige.
So I kept a copy of the swatch of paint from the home improvement paint manager in my wallet right behind my, uh, right behind my driver's license, and so I'm a card-carrying person of color now.
Secondly, I'd like to... Well, I myself am kind of like a pink.
Like Piggy Pink.
I've seen you into the rosy kind of hues there a couple of times.
But yes, I'm official.
So I guess anybody can say anything about that.
And Alex, about Social Security and using the numbers to call out gun owners, I called Social Security Administration on Friday, spoke to a woman at length and to for the purpose of changing
Direct deposit into a check.
I'm a retired person, I'm not disabled.
Sure, but they're saying that it means that you are incompetent if you get a direct wire, the FBI said, and that'll be reason to have your guns taken.
But just, look, they're gonna use your instant background check with your social security number to harass you.
I mean, it's just, it's so criminal.
But she told me that the most that the Treasury Department will allow, due to problems with cost and delivery and return, that the Treasury Department will not allow an individual to get checks delivered at their house for more than two months, and you automatically have to go back to direct deposit.
Wow, that's an angle!
That's an angle.
So they make you take direct deposit, like a lot of jobs.
We're going to call them and confirm that, but I believe you.
So, but you'll still have your guns taken.
That is incredible.
Thank you, Brad.
That's real journalism.
We're going to look into that.
I believe you, but we're going to look at it.
That's a story right there.
Roger, we're back in 70 seconds.
Stay with us.
Third out.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got the video and the reporter on yesterday, Leo Zagami.
He says the Pope will resign in 2016.
He predicted this man would be made Pope two years before he was.
They'd use blackmail to do it.
So, he really believes it.
And he's got it from two different high-level insiders.
So that video's up on InfoWars.com.
I think we ought to tweet that out.
That's pretty darn important.
Let's go to some calls right now.
I have Jesse Ventura joining us.
Roger in FEMA Region 9.
What former state are you in?
Are you in Oregon?
What former state are you in, Roger?
Maybe I'm in FEMA Region 10 then.
Well, you're in FEMA Region 10.
Sorry, it's in FEMA Region 9 there.
Go ahead.
Yeah, my mistake.
The reason I called you is, when I look at how fast the global tyranny is spreading, I know that you've got a plan to, you know, get the satellites out and be able to reach people around the world through satellites the next couple of years.
I just don't think you've got that kind of time on your hands.
And so what I was proposing was, I have an idea that you might not really like, but I think it has to be said.
Um, what I think you need to do is go to your really rich friends like, you know, Mike, Judge, people who have hundreds of millions, billions of dollars, and ask them for, you know, half a million, a million, or even more, so you can get the couple, the five million, whatever it is that you need, so you can go global, like in the next six months or so, because the bottom line, if you don't get on places like, uh, like in Spain or Greece, in the next few months, you'll never get on because they're just going to block you.
Well, yeah, a lot of these are free to air, though, so people pirate a lot of stuff in Europe because they know what's going on, and we are on the US satellite now.
There's little things like tones, that's on now, we're just tweaking a few things.
Then we're going to start a promotion to get us on some stations in the next few weeks, actually.
If the money comes in, I would do that.
You know, a lot of rich people are nice and they're cool.
I've never really asked people for money.
While these folks are listeners, if they ever wanted to come to me with that plan, that'd be fine.
I tend to just fund myself selling products and things.
But, you know, I don't think us just putting our satellite up is going to save the world itself.
It's just one more act of resistance.
It's really the message.
If we put out the key reports, the message, the truth,
And people respond to that and realize the tyranny we're under, the power is the people.
And so, I hear what you're saying, though.
It would be great to be able to get on satellites all over the world sooner.
And we're trying to do that, Roger.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Eli in Montana.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How's it going?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
So, I've got two things I want to say real quick.
Number one, love your show.
I've been listening for a while now.
I've been trying to catch up from 2008 and 2009.
And in 2009, I think you mentioned doing a program where you did flash drives with all of the radio shows on them in case your show got taken down.
And I just wanted to bring that up to you.
I know one of the guys picked up the call before it mentioned something about that.
And then the other question that I had was where
Do we draw the line in the sand?
The hard line in the sand that says, this far, no further.
I'm going to ask Jesse Ventura that.
That's a great question when he joins.
I was thinking about interesting questions to ask him, and that's the number one question is.
In fact, tweet your questions you have for Jesse Ventura, at realalexjones.
We'll go over some of those.
What is your line in the sand?
And I'll tell you, it's forced inoculations that they're now trying to put into law.
It's being taken from my political beliefs to a FEMA camp.
It is, if the government starts arresting whole groups of people, conservatives, libertarians, veterans, liberals, whatever, I mean, it's not far to that.
So, the line in the sand is being approached.
That's why they try to leave kind of the vestiges and vestigial ceremonial signs of freedom around.
Germany's already crossed the line in the sand.
They're arresting people that criticize open borders.
They're actually reactivating the old Stasi.
So there's a leftist tyranny.
Like under Bush, it was a right-wing tyranny, but it didn't make as much headway.
Under Obama, there's a leftist tyranny of political correctness that a lot of folks are getting behind.
It's very, very frightening.
Good to hear from you, Eli.
As for the flash drives, folks can do that themselves.
We have our archives online.
But yeah, they've come up with censorship systems that they can just shut everything down.
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Did you know that guns are less deadly than alcohol?
At least 88,000 deaths per year are attributed to alcohol abuse, and 30 people per day die in alcohol-related auto accidents in the U.S.
Heavy drinkers are also more prone to violence, suicide, and risky sexual behavior.
In comparison, there were 36,000 gun-related deaths, including suicides and accidents, in the U.S.
in 2013.
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Ryan McMackin of the Mises Institute wrote an excellent article breaking all of this down, including the statistics I cited.
So check it out at InfoWars.com.
And once again, this is Kit Daniels.
Alex Jones here.
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We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I think so.
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Well Jesse Ventura has reissued his best-selling book that he co-authored with Dick Russell, one of my favorites, updated and revised with explosive new material.
American Conspiracies.
Then, of course, he had the hit TV show for several seasons that got censored.
And then they didn't air it anymore, even though it was a hit show, one of their top rated.
And that was American Conspiracies.
Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura.
So very, very exciting.
He has his new book out.
There's so much happening in the world.
I want to do a fast-paced interview and take some calls coming up at the bottom of the hour at 800-259-9231 on a whole bunch of issues and then let him get the points he wants to cover in some of the new chapters.
It's thicker than the last book.
But Governor, great to have you back with us via Skype, I should add.
Better than phone, so thanks for doing that.
Man, you have really lost some weight, buddy.
You're looking good.
Well, I'm working out.
I've actually put a few pounds on, Alex.
I've been eating too many desserts lately, but that's what you do sometimes.
But when I get back down off the grid, I'll trim up even more and get back in better shape.
But you know, Alex, did you happen to see the Lisa Ling thing on CNN the other night, where she did the special on the Mongols Motorcycle Club?
I missed it.
Oh, it sent shivers up and down my spine, Alex.
The show ended with the song that I wrote.
You're kidding.
Wow, that's crazy.
You were in the Mongols Motorcycle Club.
Tell us about that.
Well, years and many, many moons ago, this was way back when I was finishing up my naval career.
I had finished my second deployment overseas.
I was riding Harley-Davidson's and it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.
So, no, I'm a black and white.
I'm a member of the Mongols Motorcycle Club, retired, but they asked
I never put it out, but we videotaped when you and Harry Dean Stanton got up and sang some amazing rock and roll songs.
You're a pretty good singer and pretty good musician.
Oh, no, not really.
But I just had to laugh, though.
It was a song, you know, in Navy SEAL training, you sing all these songs, and I just adapted one to the Mongols Motorcycle Club when I became a member.
Well, the show's online.
We just showed it.
Maybe we can go to the end.
So it's at the end of the piece?
Yeah, it's right on the end of the piece, where you hear all the... And it's heavily censored, because there's a few nasty words in it that they won't allow over regular television.
Well, that's, that's certainly, you know, it's crazy to see something you did a long time ago and then it pops back up on national television.
Well, it starts, we are Mongol raiders, we're raiders of the night, we're dirty blankety blanks who'd rather blankety blank.
All right, shifting gears here, I've got to bring up Syria, I've got to bring up all the things that are happening, but a caller had a question earlier.
What is your line in the sand, tyranny-wise, and will you just leave the U.S.
if it gets too bad, like you're kind of halfway done, or will you fight back?
Is there a line in the sand where 1776 is the answer?
Well, my line in the sand for me would be if they had put me in jail.
I guess would be the bottom line.
I'm going to keep doing what I do, Alex, and that is being a vigilant citizen, mouthing off and talking and trying to make this great experiment, the United States of America, the best it can be.
And the only way you do that is to hold their feet to the fire.
You're wearing sunglasses today.
Tell me why.
I don't know.
Just, I'm getting back into Jesse the Body a little more.
You know, I'm being a little more of a villain now.
You know, they've, they've, the Chris Kyle thing has turned me back into a villain and I kind of like it.
So, you're going to bring back the pink boa?
No, no, no.
Maybe an earring or two though.
I tell you, they are the villains and they masquerade as the good guys.
I'm not saying Kyle was a villain, but he's certainly been proven in court to have lied about you, and that's a sad thing.
And hurtful, obviously, to the Navy SEALs and others, which is crazy how they've allowed the SEALs to be politicized.
We'll talk about an update in your case.
I know we never got to that last time.
There's been some updates, but first, what do you make
of Russia going in, already turning ISIS.
ISIS is confirmed to be running into Iraq right now.
It's our top generals have come out.
The former head of defense intelligence, who just resigned five months ago, said no, we were ordered to create al-Qaeda and ISIS in the area.
So our own military is coming out and exposing it.
And then our government's trying to act like, you know, they're actually fighting ISIS, but Putin's gone in.
I mean, I tell you, I don't romanticize Putin, but, you know,
He is really putting a major crimp in the New World Order.
What do you make of the whole Syria situation?
Well, you know, it's a mess.
And what people need to understand is we created the mess.
When we went into Iraq and the Libya situation, we destabilized the whole region.
So now you've got this chaos that's going on over there.
Now the Russians have come in and I tend to agree with Donald Trump.
I think the Russians are going to get bogged down and they're just like we are.
I mean, we've spent $1.7 trillion in the wars in the Middle East right now.
Imagine what we could have did with that, Alex.
They could have made Social Security solvent for a hundred years.
They could have spent that money and fixed our entire infrastructure just about throughout the United States of America.
We're getting bogged down in these unwinnable wars.
And I agree with Donald Trump.
I think the same thing could well happen to the Soviets or Russia.
They could get in there and get bogged down in the same mess that we're in.
I agree with you, but the United States, under the PNAC document that you covered in one of your TV shows, Rebuilding America's Defenses, written in 2000, issued in April, said we're going to go and stir it up, cause immigrant waves, and then create a clash of civilizations.
Alex, what's the end game?
Why is it they want to do all this to all these countries and destabilize them?
What's the endgame?
They want to flood Europe with giant immigrant waves and create another crisis there to demand a Marshall Plan to then get trillions to go prop up the Middle East.
It's meant to implode the Middle East so they can come in and rebuild it and take it over.
That ain't gonna happen, no matter what happens.
Are you kidding me?
That place was in the Stone Age to begin with.
I know.
Why do we care so much about it?
Is it strictly the oil?
It's gotta be.
Yeah, plus- It's gotta be totally the oil.
Because if there wasn't oil there, I can't imagine that we'd even have any interest there.
You're right.
I mean, the globalists only do something if it helps them on all fronts.
The energy's key, number one.
But number two, Brzezinski wrote the Grand Chess Board in 98 on this.
That it controls southern Russia, it's the border to China, it's the border to Europe.
You control that middle area, they believe you control the whole world.
Well, I would beg to differ with them.
I don't think in today's day and age, holding one particular area will allow you to control the whole world in the age of technology.
I agree.
But that aside, again, I don't understand.
I guess it's simply we're willing to trade blood for oil.
And it's that simple.
That's the reason we're there.
And that's the reason we won't leave.
I mean, look at Ronald Reagan.
When Reagan was president, the icon of the Republican Party, our Marines lost 200 Marines to a truck bomb in Lebanon.
Did Reagan go to war?
No, he got the hell out of there.
You know, I don't get this why it's our job to go over there and make that place right.
So that's why I asked you, Alex, what's the end game?
There's got to be a reason they're doing all this.
Well, oil, strategic, but also the defense contractors make money on losing wars.
Oh yeah, I understand that.
There's always the war makers, the profiteers, the war profiteers like Halliburton, who used to be Brown, Broughton, Root when they got the billion dollar dredging contract in Cameron Bay from LBJ.
And so you know you're always going to have the war profiteers.
And I guess it's just they're that powerful that they can control our foreign policy, I guess.
Well, they've certainly demonized America.
I wish Russia well taking out ISIS, because they're on their doorstep attacking Russia as well.
But I agree with you, it could be another trap, like getting Russia to go into Afghanistan in the 80s.
This could be a big setup.
Well, like I said, I think anybody that goes in there is going to get bogged down.
You know, I always like to talk about a thing that
creates my policy on the Middle East, believe it or not.
And it's Christopher Columbus.
When he came on his mission and discovered the United States of America for the Anglo-Saxon world, or the Americas, his mission was to find an alternative route to India to avoid the Middle East.
Yes, the pirates.
Alex, if they wanted to avoid the Middle East back in 1492, nothing's changed there.
And Columbus even
At that time, science said the world was flat.
So if you went out, you'd fall off the Earth.
So Columbus was willing to fall off the Earth rather than go through the Middle East.
And I look at people and go, nothing's changed there.
Wow, that's a good point.
Why insist upon being there?
Well, it's certainly true that it's not a very happy place in history, and now it's really hellish, and now it's a big problem.
We're going to go to break.
I want to get an update on your whole case with Kyle, and there's been some developments there.
Then I want to shift gears in the election.
Donald Trump.
I want to get into the Second Amendment, where you think all this is going, and I want to talk about the rewrite.
You've expanded the book, American Conspiracies, now on sale in stores and Amazon.com expanded.
This is a great book.
I personally learned a lot from it, even though I think I know everything sometimes, you know, about conspiracy.
This is a great book to wake people up.
It's just really a fast read.
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Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura joins us via Skype.
And I know that whenever he comes on, we put the YouTube videos up, it's on Skype that gets like 300,000 views.
If it's not, it's like 50,000.
This is an example of how great it is to have a radio that's also TV.
People like to be able to actually look at our guests.
And it feels like he's right here in the room with us.
If you're a radio listener, you can go to Infowars.com.
This is only a six-minute segment.
Eighteen-minute segment coming up.
We'll go to calls and cover news then.
But, you know, I stand by people that I know are in the right.
And the reason we raise this is it's about assassination of people's character.
They've done that to me, and folks have stood up for me.
Matt Drudge came here and visited us last week.
They've said that I influence the Boston Bombers, that I want cops killed.
Everybody knows that's not true.
They're mad that I'm trying to stop the whole kill-the-cop movement.
And reform the police at the same time.
But Jesse Ventura, I saw on the news that he'd been arrested, you know, basically out, or the police had gone after him in California at the airport.
He hadn't been flying for two years when that happened.
He was in Minnesota.
Had to come on the show and say, I'm in Minnesota.
Then they came up with this thing right when he went into Mexico.
Right when he drove in, knowing he'd be out of contact for a few days in his RV, that he'd been beat up and was glad that Navy SEALs were dying.
That's how they assassinate character.
I mean, they could come out and say, I'm a child molester, and people better not turn against me if they do something, or I'm a drug dealer, or I'm a... Who knows what they'll make up?
It's just that I've already been through this, and it's crazy that they can get away with it, and now they're trying to overturn his case.
They've got 30-something of the biggest news corporations out there paying to fight Ventura, to overthrow his verdict by the judge, by the jury,
To overthrow his verdict, to allow them to have unjust enrichment.
So they make a hundred million dollars lying about you, and then you can fight them, spend a million dollars, win a million dollars, but then they can make all the money because they're allowed to get enriched by it.
I mean, that is dangerous.
I mean, that means I could write a book about some famous person making stuff up, make a bunch of money, and all they can do is get me for defamation if I'm, you know, if they're lucky.
Jesse, I'm kind of taking the time here, you know, putting my argument out, but that's why this is important.
This is bigger than Jesse Ventura.
This could turn it into a business for them to where they could defame anybody.
They won't have to do any type of due diligence to see if what they write is true.
And then they'll be allowed to profit from wrongdoing or to profit from lying.
And they're hiding behind the First Amendment.
They're claiming that the First Amendment is the reason that they should be allowed to do this.
But I've stated many times,
I support the First Amendment, and it's all about freedom of speech, and it's there to protect bad speech, not good speech, because bad speech needs protection.
But that doesn't mean you can go in as the old cliche is, into a crowded theater and yell, fire, and be protected by the First Amendment, just as I don't believe it allows you to lie about somebody and profit from that lie.
You should not be protected by the First Amendment from profiting from a lie.
And that's, in essence, what they want to do with my court case, is make millions of dollars of profit from lying about me, and then destroy my reputation.
And his book sold nothing the first two weeks, till he went on Opie and Anthony, and then he went on Fox News, everywhere, and said he beat you up, because you were saying you're glad veterans are dead, which was crafted to destroy you and make money at the same time.
Yeah, well, you're exactly right there.
The book had a presale of 4,000.
He went on television and went on Opie and Anthony and O'Reilly and that, and 100,000 in one day.
It went from 4,000 to 100,000 in one day, and yet they're trying to state that it wasn't my story that did it?
It's the only thing they talk about.
And they went so far, Alex, as doing this.
If you typed in Jesse Ventura or Ventura on the internet, it would automatically take you to the Chris Kyle live.
It was premeditated.
I mean, we could see the crafting of it and I just... I'm not scared of them killing me, even, or putting me in prison, but I'm scared of them destroying my name and my family being embarrassed if they just make crap up... It's just incredible what they do!
Yeah, it really is.
They, you know, and like I said, that's why... And the update on it is we've got oral arguments in the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals on October the 20th, Tuesday.
And that it should be shortly thereafter that they will rule one way or the other.
But oral arguments are October 20th in the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in St.
Well, this will change.
I know your lawyer has told you this, but I've seen it in the news.
This will change defamation law, and the court will be going against all previous precedent, going back to English common law, if they say you're allowed to be unjustly enriched.
I would think so.
I mean, they're asking for a law to be gotten rid of.
They're asking the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals to change the law that is out there.
And we feel confident.
My attorneys are very good.
They're not big-name attorneys, as you'd call them, but they're very, very good.
And like they've told me, we've met every constitutional requirement for unjust enrichment.
It's already been ruled.
Stay there, stay there.
So if you don't win, we know the fix is in.
It's a slam dunk.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hey Daniels, InfoWars.com.
A college newspaper claimed that concealed carry is an example of white privilege.
You heard that right.
An article in the Daily Texan, the campus newspaper of the University of Texas at Austin, said, quote, Based on the historical precedent of black people framed as dangerous, the new gun policy, which legalizes concealed carry on campus, will endanger black students who choose to exercise their new rights.
But here's the ironic part.
The same article also pointed out the historic link between gun control and Jim Crow laws.
Before the Civil War, Southerners passed laws to keep guns away from slaves and free black slaves to stifle potential revolt, the article stated.
After the Civil War and during the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, Southern laws were passed to disarm the black men.
The article also referred to how California lawmakers passed an open carry ban in response to the Black Panthers.
This article is a microcosm of leftist logic.
Ban the guns because of so-called white privilege, even though gun control grew out of racism.
Once again, this is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.TV, and check out our new YouTube channel called Resistance News.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Judge said, just one more, son.
Frank it up.
Red Rocker.
The reason I like this song is, this song and other things changed the 55 national law.
So I signed it by the name of number 24.
They said my health care last night, I was dropping 55.
That car is... I'm in love with it.
It's so evil, though.
Just one more.
The thing of... Oh, man.
There's nothing like it.
It's faster than a NASCAR.
Well, I think my butt might have been in the city joint if they got me last night.
No, I'm just joking.
I'm just trying to act tough.
InfoWars.com, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going back to Jesse Ventura to take your phone calls.
I'm going to let him cover what... I'm sure he's got a bunch of stuff he wants to talk about.
I've been asking questions so far.
The new book, American Conspiracies, goes back on sale.
It's been updated.
We're going to talk about the updates and why it's such a good book to wake up friends and family here in just a moment, put out by Skyhorse Publishing.
But, before I do that,
We are not like MSNBC that got over, well, their parent company $5 billion in bailout stimulus money, and then over a billion went to their news divisions, NBC and MSNBC.
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So I want to salute you and thank you all for your support and for spreading the word about the broadcast.
They have tried to delist us more on Google.
Alexa's derated us and cut our ratings by half, along with every other libertarian patriot site in the last year.
They're doing a lot to try to suppress us.
Facebook is blocking a lot of our big shares now.
Zuckerberg admits they're doing that, not just to us, but
Media that isn't in line with the administration's agenda.
And that leads me now to get into the book with Jesse Ventura.
I hated Bush.
I made films about government involvement in 9-11.
Now we've been vindicated.
That's come out, the 28 pages.
Bare minimum, Saudi Arabia quarterbacking the U.S.
standing down.
I've had congressmen on that have seen it.
Walter Jones, it's bombshell.
So we've been vindicated.
And the Democrats are involved as well.
But with Obama,
There's this left cover.
So Libya, Syria, the attacks on free speech, the regulations, the arresting record amounts of whistleblowers and journalists.
I've had Jonathan Turley on, big liberal, top constitutional lawyer.
He says Obama is basically three times worse than Bush.
I mean, the NDAA, all of it, I mean, it is so bad.
Did he launch a big giant whopper like Iraq?
So Bush is worse when it comes to overall death, but he did accelerate Afghanistan.
So I'm ranting, Governor Ventura, what is your take on the legacy of Obama?
And I know you don't like either party, but man, I tell you, I mean, we need to, he's the guy in power right now.
He needs to have somebody put the brakes on him.
What is your view on Obama, the legacy, the election, all of it?
Well, first of all, the election, I'd like to state that I wish we would pass a law in the United States that you're not even allowed to form a campaign committee until the year the election is actually going to take place.
In other words, you can't start running for 2016 until the year 2016.
Because the way it looks right now, whoever the new president who takes office in January of 2017, I imagine the election will start at that point for whoever gonna run in 2020.
Sure, it's like Christmas ends the 26th, and then the countdown to Christmas and Santa Claus and all the stuff just stays out all year long.
Yeah, it just begins and the advertising continues all the way till the next election.
Obama, he's been a great disappointment from what he ran on.
You know, he ran that he was going to end the wars.
Well, clearly the wars aren't ended.
We're neck deep in them, as deep as we've just about ever been, and on more fronts than we've just about ever been.
He said that he'd close Gitmo.
Well, that hasn't happened either.
He seems to be accomplishing most of what he wants to do since he's become a lame duck.
And I find that quite astounding at how he's able to do things now that he couldn't do when he was up for election and now he can't get elected again because he's in his second term.
And as you know, our Constitution doesn't allow the president to serve more than two terms.
But I think the main thing I draw from Obama's this is the fact that whether it's a Republican or whether it's a Democrat, it makes no difference.
That's the big key.
I think that people need to wake up to that with these two parties, it does not make any difference which one gets elected.
The same foreign policy will be carried out and probably pretty much the same domestic policy will be carried out regardless.
Well, Obamacare was written by Nelson Rockefeller in the 50s.
The Republican Party got it in Massachusetts, as you know.
It is a screw job for the insurance companies to increase prices, ration care, but sold as liberal people went for it.
Well, if we put up with that screw job, Jesse, Governor Ventura joining us,
Then the sky's the limit.
I mean, now in Europe, they're talking about bail-ins, where they're going to just take money out of your bank account directly to the banks to pay off national debt.
So isn't that direct corporate fascism, world government, where banks just... Yeah, I would tell you that Mussolini, I think, would be extremely proud of the United States today and the direction we're going.
In your gut, do you think humanity will survive another hundred years?
I'd like to believe so.
I really would.
I'd like to believe that, you know, because there's always been times in history where people probably felt the world was going to hell in a handbasket.
But we've always managed to prevail, the human spirit.
And I still want to believe the human spirit will prevail even through this mess we're in right now.
But the only way that's going to happen, in my opinion, is we need a revolution in this country.
And when I say revolution, it doesn't necessarily have to be a violent one.
Although it could lead to that, you never know.
But we certainly need a revolution at the ballot box.
We have to stop electing these same people to the same jobs.
And that's where I cheer about Donald Trump.
That's where I cheer about Bernie Sanders.
Because they're stirring it up and they're helping to destroy the two-party monopoly, the two-party dictatorship that runs this country.
Doesn't it show the arrogance of the political establishment that they would try to force Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton to, quote, drudge, you know, basically two brains in a jar?
I mean, these political corrupt dynasties, what a joke!
Well, the whole thing is they're all part of the same power team.
They're all part of the same faction that's had the power.
I mean, face it, these parties have been really unchallenged other than when Perot came up a little bit in 1990 and scared them.
And then they sent Pat Buchanan and his legions into the Reform Party and destroyed our party.
Well, now they're getting a taste of their own medicine.
Remember, Donald Trump was with us at the Reform Party back then.
Maybe Donald's just giving them a taste of their own medicine.
Well, I know you're friends with Donald Trump, so let me ask you this question.
I've known him for 20 plus years.
Do you think he's for real or is this a publicity stunt?
Oh, it's for real now.
I thought at first it might be a publicity stunt initially because Donald has always threatened to run.
And then when push came to shove, he didn't do it.
But for him to do what he's done within the Republican Party... He's all in.
He's all in now.
And he's all in because his poll numbers are allowing him to stay in.
As he stated, if his poll numbers drop to single digits, Donald's smart enough to get out.
That would be the writing on the wall for you.
Well, the people aren't buying my program.
But as long as Trump remains the leader, or up close to being the leader, I think he's in for the long haul now.
But will he get by the convention?
Personally, I think it ends at the Republican convention, no matter what he does, as will the same will happen to Bernie Sanders.
You know, the Washington Post came out with a big article
Comparing Trump to me, what I did in Minnesota, what Trump's doing now.
But they forgot to compare me to Bernie Sanders too.
Because what's happening to Bernie is identical to what happened to me.
The media ignores Bernie, but everywhere he goes there's 20 to 25,000 people there to hear him.
My problem with Sanders is... Well, that's the way it was for me, Alex, and I'm not saying Bernie's the answer, but I'm just saying that's... No, I get it.
He's an indicator of people are upset.
No, I totally get what you're saying.
Here's my problem.
He's anti-gun.
I mean, could you talk to Bernie or somebody and say, look, good guys with guns aren't the problem.
We don't need to ban semi-autos.
We'll work on Bernie.
We'll work on him.
You know, remember this.
We still have the Second Amendment.
Until they repeal the Second Amendment, we can keep our guns.
But they are trying to get them.
Are you concerned if they really try to ban guns, it could start a civil war?
Well, here's what I'm concerned about more than that.
I'm concerned about the hypocrisy of it, Alex.
They're out there talking about these school shootings.
They're out there talking about all the bad things that happen with guns, and certainly there are.
No one can deny that.
Humans misuse guns.
It's a known fact.
We do it.
Here's where I come from.
When they come to me and tell me they're going to take my gun away, I think it's hypocrisy when the United States of America, the government itself, is the biggest arms dealer in the world.
Of course.
What is the difference if a child gets killed overseas or one gets killed in America?
Is there a value difference between those two children?
Not to me there isn't.
A child is a child no matter where they're at.
And our weapons are killing people that we sell internationally to all these thugs and governments and what have you throughout the world.
So let the U.S.
government lead the way.
When they come to me and say, Jesse Ventura, we've stopped selling guns throughout the whole world now.
At that point in time, maybe I might listen.
A little.
But until that happens, Jesse Ventura ain't listening until they not only talk the talk, our government's gotta start walking the walk on guns.
Bravo to that, and that's exactly what Ice Cube said and got demonized a few years ago.
He said, I'll tell you what, when the government turns theirs in, I'll turn mine in.
When all these rich people with their bodyguards, I couldn't believe it, it was in AP, AFP, everywhere, criticized Donald Trump this weekend when they found out he had a concealed permit for 20 years.
And he said, yeah, I carry a gun sometimes.
He's got cartels after him.
He's rich.
Kidnapping target.
I mean, what?
But the general public should be able to protect themselves.
But the media thinks Donald Trump shouldn't be able to have a gun?
I mean, who can have a gun then if he can't?
Well, let me give you how bad it was in Minnesota.
In Minnesota, conceal and carry.
I helped change the law to where it shall issue, if you're qualified.
I was the mayor of Brooklyn Park, and I went to my police chief to get conceal and carry, and he turned me down.
No, but I got my revenge on him.
He later was made head of public safety in the state of Minnesota under Arne Carlson.
When I came into office, of course, I named my own commissioners.
I looked at him and smiled and I said, you shouldn't have turned down my conceal and carry, Chief.
You're out of here.
How could you look at a mayor and not let him have a gun?
I don't know.
I wanted a conceal and carry.
And in those days in Minnesota, police chiefs could turn down, it was all in their hands.
Oh, I remember that.
Yeah, it was all in the country.
So you had all the people in northern Minnesota up in the woods could get conceal and carry like nothing.
But if you were down in the urban centers of the Twin Cities, you couldn't get one no matter who you bribed.
It's just sick.
But that's changed now, Alex.
It happened with me, and then Governor Pawlenty continued on with it.
No, I know you did that.
You've been pro-gun.
We love it.
We changed it to shell issue, but we made it stringent.
You have to pass a background check, you have to take a gun training course, and you have to take target and shoot a minimum score.
Because I don't want people carrying guns that don't know what the hell they're doing with them.
Let's go ahead now and go to a few calls for Governor Jesse Ventura.
In a couple of weeks, we're about to officially launch the satellite stuff.
I'll not be able to skip breaks ever again because of TV, but I'm going to skip this one for Jesse because I want to have as much time as we can.
I've been hogging him as usual, not going to calls.
Let's go to Matthew, who is calling from... It doesn't say where he's calling from.
He's calling from deep space.
So, Matthew, you're on the air with Jesse Ventura.
Go ahead.
Very exciting call.
Mr. Ventura!
Go ahead, Matthew.
Yes, Matthew.
I'm coming from the former Republic of Tennessee.
What FEMA region is that?
I guess that'd be six or five.
Go ahead.
I'm calling from FEMA region six.
Hail to you, Mr. Ventura.
I understand you're from the Men's Department of the Navy.
I'm from the Men's Department of the Navy?
No, I wasn't a Marine.
That's what the Marines used to always say.
They'd always say, yeah, we're part of the Navy, the Men's Department.
I'm not a Marine.
I'm a frog man.
Always remember.
Wait, always remember, the Marines claim they're first ashore, but UDT's been there before.
That's right.
Okay, go ahead, Collin.
Okay, so, uh, speaking of how people obfuscate things mathematically, right?
Uh, I heard you mention, uh, similarities between Horace and Jesus.
And one of the big reasons why, you know, this is so important to a lot of people is because there's something called the George Washington Retirement Plan.
No retirement at all.
People standing up, doing the right thing, even when they're tired, even when they're 64 years old.
So, speaking of the mathematical similarities between Jesus and Horus, I'm going to cite a book, Gerald Massey's The Natural Genesis from 1883.
So, let's say you've got 200 independent events that Gerald Massey has identified as being similar between Jesus and Horus.
That would be 0.5 to the 200th.
That comes out 6.22 times 10 to the negative 21.
Now, there are 400 prophecies.
Fulfilled with Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ's death was not a victimization thing, it was an achievement.
So that would be... Alright, listen, I'm gonna jump here.
I'm gonna jump because I want to get to the caller.
If you believe all that, I'm sorry, but I don't.
Well, I'm not getting in a fight with a caller, and I don't screen the calls, so that makes them interesting and wildcards, but... You know, I guess he's doing that trying to win me over from my atheist position.
Well, I'm not sure quite what he was doing, but...
My big issue here... Don't get me wrong.
I'm not anti-religion.
People believe in anything you want.
That's part of freedom.
Let's go ahead now and take another call.
These callers are all over the map for Jesse Ventura.
How do you say that?
In California?
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
You can just call me an InfoWarrior Princess for short.
Okay, InfoWarrior Princess.
Go ahead.
Please flag my resume.
I'm a thousand percent prepared to serve anyone.
I'm energized by all of your nutraceuticals and anyone not experiencing your products is missing out on the true essence of a vibrant life.
Jesse and Alex, we don't need a drop of oil.
Kemp can fuel the world.
Kemp is manna from God.
Kemp will end the wars and heal the planet.
Camp is a solution to creating cottage industries stamped Made in America.
Camp is no pestilence.
It grows with little water and neutralizes the soil.
It burns hot and slow.
It creates no pollution.
Camp is world peace.
Well, let me get Ventura's take on what you're bringing up, and I appreciate your call.
Absolutely, like, 18 states have legalized it.
That's marijuana, not just hemp.
And still the feds won't, you know, back off.
But yeah, the whole story, you've talked about that, how they banned hemp so the cotton industry and also polyester can take over.
What would you do as president with the drug laws, Jesse?
No, it actually, it was William Randolph Hearst that got it banned because he owned thousands of acres of timberland.
That's right.
And he wanted to force us to use the timber to make paper rather than hemp.
No, the callers precisely.
I won't quite take it to the limit.
She did that.
It's the savior of the world.
But hemp is a wonderful hemp and marijuana is a wonderful product.
God made it if you believe in God, right?
And it has so many, it's a medical plant, it has so many uses from clothing to energy.
Willie Nelson burns it in his biodiesel buses, not just in his pipe.
And for us to eradicate it for 75 years is criminal and it's high time.
If you want to become energy independent, then legalize hemp and marijuana.
through the entire United States of America and get it off.
It should be left up to the states anyway.
That's what we do with drinking and alcohol.
It's left up to the states.
Marijuana should be left up to the states also.
Well, there's no doubt that alcohol is a lot worse than marijuana and people do abuse it.
What I don't like is people either worship it or they hate it.
And it has a lot of benefits.
It has some problems when it's abused.
Anything does.
And it's just, you shouldn't be putting people in prison for marijuana.
I mean, that's so... Well, let me finish with a quote I always like to give, Alex.
Marijuana is to rock and roll what beer is to baseball.
It certainly is.
We've got callers all over the map here.
Let's go to Sherry in Texas.
I want to talk to Jesse Ventura.
Sherry, go ahead.
Oh, thank you, Jesse Ventura.
I love when you're the guest.
I wouldn't miss it for the world.
I have a question.
I kind of agree with Bernie Sanders, but it's only because we're not on an equal footing with the rest of Europe.
They ban all these psychotropics.
And my question is, what do you think?
How do we know who's going to be prescribed these drugs?
They trigger alcohol consumption, which can lead to this manic behavior.
And then what happens if there's a transportation or communication breakdown, and they can't get these drugs?
That creates the worst reaction of all.
And they have, as a side effect, suicide.
So whatever percentage
Suicide is the problem.
That's the psychotropic drugs, not the guns.
Well sure, the insert says it can make you kill yourself or go psychotic.
I appreciate your call.
Governor Ventura, what is your view on SSRIs?
Well, what's SSRIs, Alex?
Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.
You know, Prozac.
Oh, all of that stuff?
Well, you know, they stick it in our water.
You're right.
Fluoride is the base of it.
Fluoride's the base of Prozac, and they put it in the water to dumb you down.
I've always been a believer that, unfortunately, our medical system today is controlled by pharma.
And pharma also controls our media and television.
Take a look in the afternoon on how many ads are pharmaceutical ads on television.
Pharma controls television, mainstream television controls it.
But half the ads.
And the point being is, pharma, yes, they can do some great things with drugs, but they also, to every drug, there's a yin and a yang.
There's a positive it can do, and there's always a negative side to any type of drug usage.
You have to weigh those consequences, and there's a lot of other forms of healing out there, rather than pharmaceutical.
Exactly, whether it's vaccines or SSRIs, they just want to act like there's no problems, and that we shouldn't have a debate about it, and just it's all safe and effective, and it's not.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
We're going to talk about the book briefly and let the governor get out of here, and the fourth hour is coming up with Rob Dew.
Let's go ahead and take a call from Jason in Minnesota.
You're on the air with Ventura.
Yes, Jason, go ahead.
Hey, hi, Jesse.
I wanted to talk to you for a while.
Apparently for my family, I heard you worked with my dad.
When you were a bouncer at a bar, my dad was James Gunter Horn.
Did you know Jimmy?
I'm not sure because I bounced at a number of bars and it's so many years ago I can't even remember the names of the bars.
I've seen you do that ad for a liquor store though with the keg under your arm.
That's funny.
That was way back, Red.
I wish I could say that I did, but I can't.
I worked at a lot of bars because when you're at that age and you're big and you're powerful and strong, it's an easy, well not just an easy way to make a living, but it's a way to make a living.
Sure, Jason, we got a minute left with Ventura.
He wanted to know about TPP.
You know, they signed that last week.
We still can't read it, Jesse.
To do what?
The Trans-Pacific Partnership.
They signed it last week, but we still can't see it.
What, did they put it under national security?
Yeah, they just won't let Congress see it, won't let anybody see it.
It's just incredible.
We ought to do a whole show on that.
Briefly, what are some of the new chapters added to the book, American Conspiracies?
Well, we cover, of course, we cover the GMOs and how they're poisoning all our food and the rate of danger from it and how, who is it, who's the big company again, Alex?
Can't think of them right now.
How Monsanto pays off the politicians with donations and then the politicians name Monsanto people to the FDA.
You know Monsanto has never been turned down by the FDA?
We're out of time.
We'll talk to you soon.
Thank you.
America Conspiracy is available now.
Fourth hour coming up with Rob Doodle cover current mind control and more.
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And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
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That's ChildEase exclusively at InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we are live in the 4th hour.
This is the 4th hour of Overdrive.
I'm your host, Rob Dew.
Sitting in, we have a rotating cast here.
Infowars.com with the 4th hour.
If your radio station is not carrying the 4th hour and you're listening to this on YouTube or on our podcast, then please call your radio station.
Tell them to start carrying the 4th hour because we are doing it live every day just like the regular 3-hour Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to be getting into a lot of stuff.
We're going to start off with a video here in a second, but I'm going to talk about this whole mindset that we've conditioned our children to be in this brainwashing about how we're controlling the language.
Certain shirts aren't allowed, while other shirts are allowed and promoted.
Just all this madness trying to keep kids in this narrow framework.
And what that leads to, what that leads to is a lot of suicides.
I mean, you can go on, any kid who's been, you see these suicides of kids who are cyberbullied and they can't take it and they kill themselves.
That's because of what we do to our kids.
It's because kids get a medal for participation.
That's where it starts and what it leads to is no one being able to accept failure or loss.
And that's
You think you have racism now?
You think you have killings now?
It's going to be non-stop because federal agents think they are above the law ten times over.
So let's go to this John Bowne report.
We put it up over the weekend.
Strong Cities Network is the New World Order global police and we'll be back with more.
This is Rob Due with Overdrive.
Who needs that old archaic Constitution and annoying Congress when you can tour the world on the taxpayer's dime and trample their rights in the process, right?
Attorney General Loretta Lynch, no one except your band of cohorts were impressed when you went after a meaningless game as you tackled FIFA instead of throwing the bankers laundering the drug cartels billions under the jail, kicking the proverbial soccer ball down the road.
Rather than present her case to the American people from any number of American establishments, Attorney General Lynch, basking in New World Order arrogance, bypassed the American people, bringing together a vile congregation to the Islamic High Council, the United Nations.
Speakers included the diligent socialist mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, who expressed the ominous,
And Jordan's High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zayed Raad Al Hussein, a human rights council that just made the xenophobic and brutal nation of Saudi Arabia a member.
Writing for Breitbart, Pamela Geller explained, the United Nations is a Sharia-compliant world body, and Obama, speaking there just days ago, insisted that violent extremism is not exclusive to Islam, which it is.
Obama is redefining jihad terror to include everyone but the jihadists.
So will the UN, driven largely by Sharia-enforcing Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the OIC, and the pro-Islamic post-American President Obama,
Use a global police force to crush counter-jihad forces?
This global police force was dreamed up by professors in the halls of Oxford and spearheaded by the New World Order think tank, the Institute of Strategic Dialogue, now launched as of September 29, 2015 by our traitorous government.
It is described on the Strong Cities Network website as a global network of
All right!
And you can watch the rest of that report by going to the article Special Report Strong Cities Network Euphemism for New World Order Global Police Force.
Now I've got some exclusive audio that I recorded with the pediatricians trying, three different pediatricians trying to convince me and my family to get that vitamin K shot.
So stay tuned, there's a whole lot more.
It's the Overdrive Hour.
This is Rob Due sitting in at the host chair.
Thanks for watching.
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Did you know that guns are less deadly than alcohol?
At least 88,000 deaths per year are attributed to alcohol abuse, and 30 people per day die in alcohol-related auto accidents in the U.S.
Heavy drinkers are also more prone to violence, suicide, and risky sexual behavior.
In comparison, there were 36,000 gun-related deaths, including suicides and accidents, in the U.S.
in 2013.
And as a percentage of all causes of death, alcohol-related deaths are over twice as common as deaths involving firearms.
Even more interesting, one-third of gun deaths are alcohol-related.
So, according to gun control logic, we could eliminate one-third of gun-related deaths overnight by banning alcohol.
Yet, you'll notice that Moms Demand Action and other Bloomberg-backed groups aren't demanding we ban booze and beer.
That's because the true agenda behind gun control is to control the population because the government can only expand at the expense of individual rights, such as the Second Amendment.
Ryan McMacken of the Mises Institute wrote an excellent article breaking all of this down, including the statistics I cited.
So check it out at InfoWars.com.
And once again, this is Kit Daniels.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are live here until 3 p.m.
Central and then we're back 7 p.m.
to 8 p.m.
Central with the Infowars Nightly News.
This is Rob Dew hosting the fourth hour of Overdrive.
I've got three callers on the line and I'm gonna go to you guys in the next segment.
I got Doug...
Herbert or Hebert as we used to say in Louisiana and Ivan.
We're going to get to you guys in the next segment.
I want to go through a series of videos that kind of illustrates the mindset that we're dealing with where people are totally uneducated about reality.
And I'm going to contrast that with some video of people who are in the real world and using logic.
But I want to go over this article first.
This is from Kit Daniels.
School suspends student over pro veteran t-shirt.
School officials at Dexter McCarty Middle School in Gresham, Oregon demanded Alan Holmes change his shirt which featured a battlefield cross consisting of a soldier's rifle stuck onto a pair of boots with a helmet on top to show respect for soldiers killed in action.
Obviously very racist.
Look at that horrible t-shirt.
You can see the t-shirt right there.
And the school didn't like that.
It didn't even have a confederate flag on it.
Boy, they didn't like that at all.
They won't let me wear a shirt that supports the people that keep us free.
I'm not going to support them, Holmes told Fox 12.
I was nervous and kind of heartbroken because I feel I should be able to support the troops that have died for us.
You know, in some ways, Alan, you're right, but in other ways, a lot of these troops are going and dying for giant corporations and multinational corporations and the wars they want us to fight.
We're not actually defending ourselves from an enemy who is invading us, which is why we were supposed to have armies, and we were never supposed to have a standing army.
That was supposed to be the domestic area, it was supposed to be guarded by militias.
And a lot of people understand that in Oregon.
You come to UT,
And nobody understands that.
We had a gun control rally that happened recently in in UT and we did some interviews out there and I want to play this one.
This is called Gun Control Advocates Get Owned at Their Own Rally and just listen to the logic that people use to defend the position of getting rid of guns and having gun-free zones.
Let's roll that report.
No it isn't.
The students here that are all very liberal and they mean well but unfortunately they've been misinformed by their professors and by the media that the thing to do is to make the entire campus gun-free.
So when I first got here, I said, okay, where's my free gun?
And all they did was laugh.
I said, yeah, gun-free doesn't mean anything.
But when we say that we want gun-free campuses for the aspect of educational purposes and security of our students, I believe that as well should be respected.
But if you're saying that being gun-free on campus is security to students, why can't you just say that taking guns for men is?
That's a way bigger generalization.
That's a great point.
You wanna deal with reason like it says on the back of her shirt?
Protect myself with reason?
Okay, here comes a criminal.
Oh, hey brother, let me reason with you.
Don't shoot me, don't take my money, don't rape my daughter.
I'm gonna use reason to stop you.
And he started going, you're stupid.
Boom, shoot your...
Rape your wife, kill your children, take all your goods, and run out the door.
Let's have a conversation.
Where you don't- No, no, wait, no, no.
You were cursing, called him an ignorant- A conversation is a moderate- It's something where you don't- Okay, I'll try that.
I'll try that.
I promise I'll try that.
I apologize for the language.
Because- I get upset.
I hear stuff that doesn't make sense.
I 100% understand, but that doesn't help anybody in any given situation to come to a middle ground.
Because it's not going to be this extreme right or extreme left that's going to win.
It's going to be able to come together in the middle.
I'm not about right and left.
I don't care about Democrats and Republicans.
They're all...
I'm not talking about Democrats.
CNN, ABC, all the media, all they do is lie to us.
And I'm not talking about Republicans and Democrats.
When you go to these schools and these classrooms, that's all they do here is put propaganda in your head.
They're opinions, the professors' opinions.
You have places in the country that are different that probably would have different sets of regulations that would apply better, which is why the Second Amendment is a general right.
We're not taking that away.
We're taking some cases in some locations.
Yeah, so you're taking away a right.
Let's just get that straight.
We as Second Amendment supporters do not want the right of a person to protect themselves with a firearm anywhere in the United States.
I don't want to take it away by any individual or any group or any business or anybody.
I realize private property has an exception, and they can say it's private property, you can't come on our property with a gun.
Educate yourself.
Take a class, learn what the laws are in your state, so that way you can actually... And that's Michael Cargill right there, one of the best Second Amendment proponents here in this city of Austin.
He owns Central Texas Gun Works, but just, you see those t-shirts they're wearing?
Armed with reason.
How did that work in Oregon?
How did that work being armed with reason?
You know, the shooter went in and was asking people what religion they were.
Seems to be now he had a lot of meds in his system.
And where did that get him?
And now I want to go to a report.
Where did that get the people who were in that classroom, actually?
Where did it get them?
Got them dead.
Because there was no armed security on that campus.
And nobody was allowed to be armed.
And actually, before we get to that, this is how ludicrous the people are at UT of Austin.
This was out of the local Chronicle.
Sex toys to replace guns at UT Austin campus carry protest.
UT Austin students will hold a strap-in protest against campus carry August 24, 2016.
They'll be carrying sex toys to class in violation of the campus obscenity policy.
So, I don't know if you've ever seen the movie Idiocracy, but the hero is put in a car for rehabilitation and he goes up against this giant monster truck with a drill on it and he's got this kind of rubber, kind of looks like a sex toy on the front of it.
That's what you're going to be going against, you know?
If some guy decides to come to the campus, you know, armed with a gun and you've got that, what are you going to do?
Beat him with a rubber strap on?
I mean, it's ridiculous.
And that's the logic that these people use.
And this is going to happen next year.
They're already promoting it now, non-stop.
Now, you saw one of the... there was a couple people using logic in that video.
Let's go to another one.
This is just from over the weekend.
This is Oregon citizens' protest against Obama's gun grab.
People really spoke up.
When their commander-in-chief showed up wanting to take away people's guns and using that tragedy as an opportunity to politicize his anti-gun, gun-grabbing agenda.
And here's what the people who stood up, here's what they had to say.
Jakari Jackson in Roseburg, Oregon.
Now we're at the tarmac where Obama's helicopter is expected to land.
There's a large crowd out here, so let's go talk to the people and see what they think about him coming to their community.
It reminded me a lot of the Al Sharpton event where the community came together and they said we're going to take care of the community and they said stay away.
Only this administration is actually arrogant enough to show up anyways.
And what's your sign you have here?
I just kind of threw this together this morning.
It says Obama, no one trusts your lies.
And I think the fact that the community here is standing against his visit despite him coming out and trying to make a political spectacle of this tragic event.
I think this really speaks to what's going on.
So, when you talk to your friends, you talk to your neighbors, you know, what's their thoughts about him coming into town?
Not welcome.
And it's not anti-Obama, it's anti-what his intent was in coming here originally.
So, you know, a lot of people respect the president regardless of their personal beliefs.
But it's, you know, it's unfortunate.
He said what he said and you can't take that back.
You talked about the reactions of people from around the country, you know, various agendas.
Like, for you, what does this community need right now to heal?
We need the media gone.
It's our time to heal.
And the media's still here thinking this is just this too big of a story.
You know, I mean, they were here for the shooting.
They've been here for almost a week, you know, or so, at whatever point we're at now.
We're at what?
Eight days.
They've been here.
You know, the media's going around this community and asking people if they knew the shooter.
Guess what?
We made a statement that we won't announce his name because we had nine that died that day, not ten.
And the shooter's nothing but a murderer.
He's a crook and we're not gonna give him that praise.
We're just ready for the media to go home.
Obama, do whatever he's doing here.
Visit the families, whatever, and get the heck out of our town because we're ready to move on.
We're still very fragile.
Still very...
I'm pro-Second Amendment.
I've probably spent 7,000 hours riding on patrol and police cars.
I work for the federal government, for the ATF, and for the Sheriff's Department in Orange County, and I seriously doubt, this is my position, that
Anyone on patrol would be out there and in our society without a sidearm and as we're seeing this I think disintegration in our in our values and our morals and Kind of the foundation of what our country is about we're seeing this increased escalation of violence around our country I don't think the answer to our problems is guns
I think the answer to our problem is the hearts of people being changed.
But because we live in a world where violence does happen, and the kind of tragedies that can happen with people, I think there is a necessity for us to arm ourselves and protect ourselves from that evil.
That's a man with peace in his heart.
He doesn't want to go out and kill people.
But he goes, the reality is there are other people out there with guns who will try to kill us and we have to be able to defend ourselves and we have these politicians running around with their armed security forces and their details telling us that we have to disarm, that's when we have to stand up.
And then you always have to support the Second Amendment and keep it healthy by going out and exercising your right, by joining a shooting club, learning the correct way, teaching your kids the correct way.
That's what we have to do.
But how do they do this?
How do they change our culture?
Well, they do things like this article from Paul Joseph Watson came out today.
MTV saying no can do or long time no see is racist.
They've been talking about the term peanut gallery is offensive because it was once the place where black people were forced to sit in a theater during segregation.
You know, I never knew that.
Apparently, no can do was used to make fun of the Chinese because they kind of condensed the language down.
Those are sayings that we still have today.
And I don't think you're racist if you use them.
It's the intent behind those words.
All right, so we'll be back with more.
I'm going to get into this vitamin K shot, baby's first shot to push on you when you have a baby in the hospital.
That and much more.
David Knight's going to be telling us what's coming on the nightly news.
Stay tuned.
It's the fourth hour of Overdrive.
This is Rob Dewreport.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And just to continue on what we were talking about with this mindset of people just not knowing what reality is and the difference in it, Mark Dice went out over the weekend and asked people to put a value on a silver bar that he had.
It's worth about $1,600, depending on the price.
And people didn't even want to do it.
This is a 100-ounce silver bar for free.
Here's what people had to say, and then we're going to go to Doug in Minnesota and see what he has to say about gun control and Obama.
So let's roll that clip.
I don't know!
Um... $500?
I don't know.
I don't know.
Is it real silver?
It's real silver.
I don't know.
I want to say it's like $20 maybe?
$20, $30?
I'm not entirely sure how much silver goes for, so... For the bar?
$20 for the bar?
$20 to $30 probably?
I don't know.
That's a hundred ounce bar right there.
A hundred ounce bar for $20.
I'll take that deal.
Well, better luck next time.
Now you know.
You're the next contestant.
What's the price of silver?
Where you can win this free 100 ounce silver bar, about seven pounds.
If you can tell me how much it's worth, plus or minus 50% of its value.
Oh God.
Per ounce?
Just total.
Total, come on.
For this whole thing?
100 ounces.
100 ounces.
You can do it, come on.
Is it... Oh, come on, you got it.
Is it... Oh my gosh, I don't even know.
Oh my gosh.
Is it... Is it $500?
It's about $1,600 really.
So you still weren't within the 50% range.
You can go watch the rest of that.
Steve Watson posted it.
And they wanted the candy bar instead.
I mean, people just don't understand what real money is.
They don't understand because they've been mind-controlled to say they can't say certain things.
Money is only on a credit card.
You know, pretty soon it's going to be on your thumb.
So they're conditioning us to accept this cashless society control grid that they're going to put us under.
Doug, in Minnesota, you want to talk about gun control and Obama.
What's on your mind?
You know, this whole thing about
Us not having guns, them having guns.
You know, you got Nancy Pelosi saying that she has a concealed carry permit.
How about President Obama turning your drones?
You know, I don't think there's enough emphasis put on how many people have been killed by the drones.
So... Not only how many people, but how many innocent people, how many wedding parties have been droned?
Exactly, and we're focusing so much on this other garbage that, and I shouldn't say garbage, but, you know, small amounts of life, which is not as good, but, you know, the thing is what he does is okay, what everybody else does
That's wrong.
They decide not to go after one of their buddies for some infraction.
That's probably bilking people for billions of dollars.
With, you know, an energy deal or something.
Who knows?
But you're out there growing your grass six inches taller.
Well, you got the local government coming after you.
You know, it just, it never ends.
And the system has certainly been turned on its head.
Let's go to Ivan in Texas.
Let's talk about government water quality.
I don't think it's very good, but what do you think?
You know, honestly, I can tell you that pretty much anything and everything we consume is just full of everything that you don't need.
I'm pretty sure that if you're not growing it, or it's not filtered by you, you're pretty much in trouble.
Yeah, I totally agree.
Along with many other things on top of.
Gun controls?
I'll tell you this.
I worked at a public range, shooting range, for three years.
My job, for $8.25, was to make sure everybody went home alive.
Okay, $8.25.
I risked my life to make sure everyone else had just the proper knowledge enough to say that they could stay alive to go home and have a family to go home to, to say that they have the right to own guns.
There you go.
Hey, let me ask you, how do you filter your water?
Uh, you know, honestly, I'm one of those guys who's, uh, you know, I just purchased one of those, uh, filters that you can get anywhere at one of your, uh, local, uh, retailers.
That, you know, just go from there.
And I mean, it's not that hard.
I mean, it's, uh, it's a lot more work than that.
That's a good start.
Yeah, that's a good start.
Uh, one of those pitcher fillers.
I use the, uh, the, the, um, Pro-Pure system, and I got the fluoride filters.
I get the fluoride out of my water because I don't want me and my family dumbed down.
Stay tuned.
We got half an hour left of the- We're on the march.
Fourth hour of overdrive.
Sorry, this is Rob Doo reporting.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Presidential candidates today strategize over every last detail of a candidate's image, especially an identity candidate like Hillary.
How important is it for there to be a woman president in the United States?
National Journal has pointed out that candidates now view soundtracks as a key part of that carefully crafted image.
So, maybe Hillary should choose a campaign song that plays against type.
You know, Humble.
Hillary has paid a consulting firm $9,000 to create a soundtrack for her campaign.
I just don't think people would believe this song, though.
She's being abandoned by unions, by multinational corporate donors who are worried.
44% of her Twitter followers, 1.4 million, are fake.
Maybe her campaign theme should be... Help!
I need somebody!
Not just anybody!
For InfoWars.com, I'm David Knight.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are at the bottom of the hour.
Thanks for tuning in to the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Rob Dew.
And before we get to the exclusive audio that I recorded of the pediatricians that you have to deal with when you have a young baby and child.
We had a baby daughter.
We had three boys and a daughter.
So that's pretty interesting.
We weren't expecting a daughter.
We were expecting another son.
But hey, you know,
We're very happy.
She's very healthy and everything's good.
But one thing the pediatricians love to push on you are shots in the hospital.
They want to push that hepatitis B shot because they're afraid your little baby might start using intravenous drugs right there in the hospital.
They also want to push the vitamin K shot, which technically is not a vaccine, but it does have some interesting, at least one interesting chemical in it, a preservative of alcohol, which makes up nearly 1% of the shot.
And it has over 20,000 times the amount of vitamin K that they need.
So, and I'm going to read you the warning that's on the insert.
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That's for me and my family.
But the extra food I did have before that, I rotate my food out and I give it to my family, those who need it.
And now I want to get to this vitamin K shot.
Debacle that I had three pediatricians trying to push the shot only and you know my first three kids we said no we just want to use the oral version of the vitamin K we just want to give them the oral dose through their mouth let it go to the digestive system and let it percolate out that way and this is the reason why and I went and looked up the the insert for the vitamin cases from Merck and guys just zoom in on here and you can pull it up right there zoom in right on that let's look at that warning
And it says, warning intravenous use.
Severe reactions, including fatalities, have occurred during and immediately after the administration of... I'm not even going to try to pronounce that name.
That's the vitamin K shot, though.
Typically, the severe reactions have resembled hypersensitivity, anaphylaxis, including shock, cardiac, and respiratory arrest.
Some patients have exhibited these severe reactions after receiving it for the first time.
So there we go.
And they're talking about intravenous use.
And my pediatrician tried to school me saying, well, we're not shooting it in straight into the vein, we're putting it into the muscle.
Well, then it goes into the bloodstream.
But they say not as fast.
And well, I'm not going to sit here and tell you what she said.
This is pediatrician number one who first starts off with a history of scare tactics.
I call this the soft scare tactic that they like to use talking about the bleeding disease, which
It does happen in infants.
They can bleed.
But there are ways to prevent that and ways to boost their vitamin K levels even before they were born.
And I'll get to those.
This is what other doctors have told me.
And these are things that I use.
So I'm not providing medical advice here.
But you do need to learn how they push this stuff on you.
My pediatrician, I was recording her from my iPhone.
So here is the first one.
This was in the hospital.
And she came in to try and guide us into getting the shot.
So here's the first clip.
So I want to talk to you all about the vitamin K. So vitamin K has been around since 1960.
And before 1960, I don't know if you've ever heard of hemorrhagic disease in newborns.
So newborns, vitamin K is not transferred through the placenta very well and babies can't build up the stores for vitamin K. So they're pretty much deficient in vitamin K when they're first born.
Um, their bodies don't naturally start to produce it until they're several weeks old, like usually about four to six weeks.
Uh, once moms that are breastfeeding, you know, get that good bacteria in their gut and their gut gets colonized with all that good flora and that flora makes the vitamin D endogenously, you know, on its own.
So it takes several weeks for that to happen.
So babies are somewhat susceptible in the first several weeks of life, um, to have colon deficiency.
Before 1960, the rate of hemorrhagic disease in newborns, and that's when babies can bruise all over, they can have blood in their urine, they can have blood in their stool, they can have a bleed in their head, was, you know, 1 out of 10,000, and then for late onset, and then 1 out of 1,000, I'm sorry, 1 out of 10,000 for early onset, and then there's late onset, which is several weeks later, when they're 1,000 babies.
They did a study not too long ago on a thousand babies, MRIs, and they found that one of every four babies born, non-traumatic, vaginal, no vacuum, no forces, nothing, just a normal delivery.
Because delivery itself is lots of compression, right?
There's a risk involved there.
One of every four babies actually has an asymptomatic bleed in their head, meaning a bleed that
You know, they don't have symptoms of, initially, perfectly healthy-looking babies.
If babies don't get the clotting factors they need and they don't get the vitamin K, the risk of that is the late-onset presentation of hemorrhagic disease in newborn babies that need continues may develop seizures later on, several weeks after life.
And of course that's life-threatening.
You know, and that's a very scary thing.
Very scary.
They want you to get that shot because if they can just set the stage early on that you have to have shots to be healthy, they can continue that process and every time they have a shot for something, every time, whether you need it or not.
They've got something ready for you.
I wanted to get your attention on this.
This is from 2010.
This is a potential dark side of the routine newborn vitamin K shots off Mercola.com.
And it's a pretty long article and there's also an interview in there which I encourage you to listen to from a doctor talking about it.
I think he's from Germany.
But the amount of vitamin K injected into newborns is 20,000 times the needed dose.
Additionally, the injection may contain preservatives that can be toxic to your baby's delicate immune system.
And among the most significant is inflicting pain immediately after birth, which has the potential to cause psychological, emotional damage and trauma to newborns.
I don't know how they figure that out, but maybe, maybe they can.
But I mean, 20,000 times the amount of vitamin K that you need.
And let's go to this.
And then he's talking about the other preservatives here at the bottom.
You guys can zoom in on this.
This is from the Merck insert right there.
0.9 of the benzoyl alcohol.
0.9 percent.
So if you were to give your baby a shot of alcohol, you could get arrested.
But we're allowed to inject it right into their muscle mass, into their bloodstream.
And so then the pediatrician went on to tell me about an Australian study that they had taken because we said, well, what about the oral?
Why can't you just prescribe us the oral and we'll do it?
We don't mind doing it.
Multi doses.
And this is what she had to say.
And it's been safe.
It's been around since 1960.
It only has five ingredients in it.
Alcohol, corn starch, there's no aluminum, there's no mercury.
It's really a very safe injection.
I think it's got castor oil or some sort of castor oil.
You're right, castor oil is one.
So, you know, it's all very, you know, basic ingredients that are very small, small, minute amounts.
So, in Australia, there was, you know, they did this period of time where people were refusing it and they were just offering oral Lending K.
And then they found that the oral vitamin K didn't work the instance of hemorrhagic disease and they weren't actually shot back up.
There you go.
So there's another scare tactic.
Shot right up.
You don't get this shot because they tried it.
So then I went and after she said this, she goes, well, there'll be a different pediatrician in tomorrow and you can talk to her.
But I went and looked up some studies and I just typed in oral vitamin K. I think a couple other keywords and studies.
Here's one from Germany that says the oral vitamin K is just as effective as the shot.
Yeah, here's one from Switzerland.
Says pretty much the same thing, that it's just as good.
Here's a multi-country study from Australia, Germany, Netherlands, and Switzerland.
And I couldn't find the Australian study she was talking about, at least in my initial search.
Here's one from Denmark.
And here at the end they say, we consider the weekly regimen safe and appropriate.
And so they did that.
That was with
135,000 infants.
Jeez, that's a big, a big number, not just a thousand.
Here's one from Thailand and Bangkok.
The inexpensive oral pediatric.
Oh, inexpensive.
Maybe that's why they like the shot so much, because it costs more money than the oral version.
So the oral pediatric drops may provide a practical form of primary health care for routine vitamin K in newborns.
Here's one from India.
The oral vitamin K is as effective as the injectable vitamin K.
Here's one, this is, I'm not sure what country this is from, but they said it's translated from Spanish.
Oral vitamin K is as effective as the intermuscular route in prevention of hemorrhagic disease in newborns.
And here's the last one, just a 27-year study, I believe, from 1967, and this came out in 95.
So they conclude, we have met our duty of appropriate care, and they gave the babies oral vitamin K, a single oral dose of vitamin K.
So when I said, well, hey, what about this intravenous warning that's on the insert?
Here's what the pediatrician had to say about that.
She was ready.
It's a muscle.
We don't put into the vein.
And by the way, anything you put intravenously, any kind of medication or vitamin, those risks, that's going into the circulation immediately, right?
Intramuscularly, it's a completely different absorption rate and where we put it in the thigh,
And where we locate where the muscle is, you know, to put it in, it's not close to any vein, there's no risk of it.
It's more like going in directly into a vein that you worry about and you're not going to have that risk go into the fly.
But isn't that going to, I mean you're injecting it into the muscle, isn't that still going to go into the bloodstream more quickly than... No, it actually uses, it goes into the bloodstream but it doesn't go at the high volume that you're talking about when you put it in directly into a vein.
There you go.
So, you're still injecting it into the body, but I'm not a doctor.
I don't know anything, but I just found nine studies, eight studies, that show that the oral vitamin K is just as effective as the shot.
But they would not prescribe the oral vitamin K for me.
And she ended the whole speech.
This was about a 20-minute meeting I had with the pediatrician.
She was a very nice lady.
You know, of course she means well.
I'm sure she does.
She's just been conditioned by the Rockefeller medical paradigm.
And here's what she had to say about having too much information available to parents because it's a very scary time.
I know that there's a lot of information out there and it's hard.
I think this is the hardest time to be a parent.
It really is.
It's the hardest time to be a parent because there's so much information out there.
And how do you filter through all that information to find out what's real, what's a real concern, and what's not?
And I know you want to do what's best for her, and I know you don't want to take any unnecessary risks.
Yeah, yeah.
It's just so hard.
There's so much information out there.
I think it's harder for pediatricians to do their Rockefeller-mandated job of prescribing pharmaceuticals based on oil derivatives and other such dangerous chemicals and SSRIs and everything else they want to inject in our bodies to keep us healthy and keep us safe.
I think it's a harder job for them now because we have that information available.
Um, these final two clips are, I'm just, you guys can just run these together.
This is from the pediatrician who came the next day and I said, hey, can we just get the oral?
And she said, it's not effective.
It's not.
And then when you go to a visit to your outside pediatrician, which we don't make too many of those because our kids don't get sick.
I wonder why.
Anyway, I'm going to play those two together and then we'll move on.
I've got some other news to cover.
So let's go to these final two clips.
These are three different pediatricians.
None of them will prescribe the oral vitamin K anymore because it's been deemed, because of a 1,000 person study in Australia, it's been deemed ineffective.
I want to talk with y'all about the vitamin K. Did y'all decide to give that to her or just defer on that?
Well, we'd still like to give her the oral version of that and have... As opposed to nothing.
Yeah, as opposed to nothing.
That's what we'd... That's what we'd prefer to do.
Because the oral is not readily absorbed and we don't know how much the baby gets.
So, it's not really that effective as having the IM.
Oh, so the pediatrician didn't want to...
Because we did this with all the other boys, and it seemed to work out fine.
And so we asked her about it, and neither one of the pediatricians wanted to try that.
Yeah, I know.
I know y'all did it with boys, but they find the efficacy is just not that good, and there's not an extent dose.
And so that's why we usually don't recommend doing the oral vitamin K.
So they can only give it to you in shot form.
That's it.
That's the only, only thing.
I got Sherry on the line.
I want to go to Sherry next because she wanted to call about vaccines and shots.
And then we'll get to Herbert in Florida.
Sherry, what did you have to share with us today?
Let's book in this little shot vaccine segment we just did.
Well, all the vaccines that they're doing and
You know, the flu shots, lining up at King Soopers and get your discount for flu shots.
I see it as just another piece of the puzzle, trying to get, you know, the people that aren't awake, yeah, they're going to dumb us down with the vaccine.
Well, they're trying to make you sick, definitely, I think.
I don't think those things help.
I think they're designed to lower your immune system.
Exactly, and cause cancer, whether you die a year later or 20 years later.
And for the people that don't get the shots, you know, they come at us from other ways with the GMOs and the Second Amendment, the First Amendment.
And Alex, you know, the people that won't wake up, I talk to people, my mom, my neighbors.
Why can't our governors refuse, like the governor of Texas?
Why can't they just say, we're not going to enforce any of this or succeed from the federal?
Well there's a council of governors actually and a lot of those people buy into the federal myth that only the federal government knows what's best for you and nobody else knows anything and we have to follow what the federal government says because they're our mommy and daddy and everybody's people are brought up like that.
You know, that the federal government is the be-all end-all, whatever they say is gospel, and we have to listen to it.
We shouldn't do our own research.
Why would you want to do that?
Why would you want to listen to somebody like a neurosurgeon like Dr. Blaylock, who talks about the immune, how the immune system is stimulated every time you inject a baby with a vaccine, and how it goes crazy.
And that's why you have all these things like allergies and asthma in kids, like in exponential rates from where, from even when I was a kid.
I remember maybe one person having asthma.
Now there's
Like, on my kids' teams, there's like five kids with inhalers.
Everybody's got it now.
It's crazy that that's what they do.
Sherry, thanks for calling.
Herbert, in Florida, you want to talk about censorship.
What's going on?
Yes, sir.
There's been recently a call for censoring the internet by Google Ideas, who have invited two feminist provocateurs to the UN to talk about how women are being viciously attacked online.
And both of these women are involved in the Gamergate controversy, one of which sleeping with indie journalists to get reviews.
And now they are trying to censor the web.
I'm wondering if you heard about this and you know how far this may go.
Well, I will talk about that after the break.
I'm going to have David Knight here in studio.
He actually interviewed, uh, I don't know if it was Paul, just Watson interviewed somebody on GamerGate, but he'll, he'll definitely have some ideas on that.
And I have some of my own, but stay tuned.
We've got one more segment here, the fourth hour overdrive.
Thanks for calling, Herbert.
You're watching live right now.
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Final segment of the Overdrive Hour.
This is Rob Doo.
Joining me in the studio is David Knight.
Our last caller was talking about Gamergate and how the UN had invited these feminists up to talk about how if you say anything bad about somebody online, you could get censored off the web.
They basically want to kill any type of, I guess, trolling out there.
And I think that's just part of the internet.
And you have to learn how to deal with it.
People are afraid to deal with it, David.
You know, there's so many stories of kids
Who commits suicide because somebody said something bad about him online.
I think we need to, like, toughen up our kids a little more.
Yeah, well, part of it... And take them out in the woods and, like, show them how to be a real human.
Part of it, Rob, is this whole thing with multiculturalism.
Everybody is being shamed about this and about that, and we have to understand that it's a tool of social control.
That's what we're going to talk about today in light of Columbus Day.
That's what we're going to talk about on the nightly news.
The original racist.
Well, you know, and that's the other thing.
We need to get over the oversimplification of history where we want to paint our side as completely good, completely in the right, you know, these hagiographies where they're, this guy's a saint, that guy's a saint, that civilization did nothing wrong.
We need to understand that there are broader issues here.
Where can we come together on issues?
And I think that we're going to look tonight on the nightly news, we're going to look at Columbus Day.
We're going to look at what conservatives say about it.
We're going to look at what Russell Means said about it as an Indian.
And there's a common ground there, though.
And that is respect for the individual.
And true multiculturalism, which is being wiped out in Europe right now.
Here's a picture I took of the Columbus, in Barcelona they have a giant statue of Columbus there and there's a there's a picture of it and you know I didn't see any graffiti anybody saying that this guy's racist and in Spain they seem to kind of revere him especially you know what he was Portuguese right?
And he set it for Spain?
Yeah, like that.
And you know but basically under the Spanish flag he went and discovered America.
He thought he was discovering India.
That's how we get Indians.
You know, is that a bad thing?
Is that a bad thing that people expanded out into new areas?
Well, you have to understand that... Why is that so bad?
Yeah, you have to understand that the indigenous people had slavery, they had wars, they had all the issues because, you know what, they're human.
And so we have the human condition and regardless of what language you speak or what nation you belong to, we've all got these same issues.
What came out of the American experiment, though, was an understanding of individual liberty that has now been lost.
Part of that was based on Christianity, treating people as individuals and saying we need to treat everyone as a creature of God.
The whole concept of natural rights, that's gone as well because the churches themselves have now looked to government as being the tool that's going to accomplish social change.
They have abdicated their responsibility just like Congress has.
And so we're going to take a look at that.
We're going to look at the neocolonialism of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
You know, one of the big issues that everybody has, and rightfully so, is a transatlantic slave trade that came about because of colonialism.
Well, now we've got the Transatlantic Partnership, and it is going to essentially set up a new kind of slavery.
We now have...
Colonialism has gone full circle.
Now we have Europe, which used to be all these individual countries, very small, with their own language, their own culture, their own currency.
That is now being subsumed into a monolithic culture for globalist purposes.
So now they basically are doing the same thing to Europe that the Europeans initially did to the Indians.
How can we stop this?
How can we learn from history and stop the repeating of these mistakes?
Well, and all the trendies out there that'll be tweeting their, you know, Columbus was a racist, don't forget that, out on Twitter and everything.
They're using their slave-manufactured iPhones or other personal devices.
They're going to be using those.
They don't seem to have a problem with that because
You know, it's not trendy to talk about the slavery going on in China, but it's trendy to talk about how Columbus was this racist slave master owner, you know, killing people.
And yeah, people did die.
But you know what?
Indians were killing each other before Columbus arrived.
That's right.
You know, and hey, that's why we need the Second Amendment.
More than ever.
Don't hit my bow and arrow or my gun.
Exactly, exactly.
There you go.
So with that, that is our show today.
This has been the 4th Hour Overdrive with Rob Dew hosting.
Tomorrow, I think it's going to be David Knight sitting in the chair hosting.
So stay tuned tonight for 7pm Central for the InfoWars Nightly News and then back here tomorrow, 11am to 3pm Central.
Thanks for watching.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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