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Name: 20151009_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 9, 2015
3167 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers various topics, including Obama's planned visit to Roseburg, Oregon, where he intends to address gun control issues. The show also discusses Facebook and Twitter censoring their content related to criticism of Hillary Clinton, migrants, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). They argue that since Facebook is owned by Mark Zuckerberg, it cannot claim to be a free and open platform. Furthermore, the potential impact of the TPP on healthcare costs worldwide due to its expansion of monopoly power over drug companies is discussed. The show promotes Nutrigold fish oil supplements, Liver Shield for liver support, Infidel Fridays for body armor, Silver as nature's antibiotic, and Food Insurance for emergency food supplies. Finally, Alex Jones promotes his favorite coffee blend and encourages listeners to support HDFirearms, a website offering high- quality firearms made in America.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I like every broadcast day to be jam-packed, but Fridays tend to be particularly important.
We're going to have two of our reporters, two of our camera people, on the ground.
They're already there in Roseburg, Oregon, where Obama is set to land in the next three hours to begin grandstanding against the Second Amendment and to announce the rollout today.
This is in the Washington Post.
Of executive action to register gun owners and obviously begin confiscation.
And the harassment of social security holders and their Second Amendment as well.
This is draconian.
It's the biggest attack on the Second Amendment we've ever seen.
Just like it's the biggest attack on our energy systems, our military, our borders, our sovereignty, our families.
This is the greatest globalist assault ever.
Now we learn from the French news agency AFP that the Pope warned bishops when he was in the United States and when he was at the Vatican of the conspiracy theorist, besieging it, claiming that they're promoting world government communism, the end of the family, which is what they're doing publicly.
So the Pope has joined forces and says don't be involved in that type of thought, basically saying it's a thought crime.
To believe there's any powerful groups, or that any power has an agenda.
If you believe oxygen is what animals live off of as well, you're a conspiracy theorist.
So, this is the church saying, we want you to impose a self-imposed dark age.
And there's no pedophilia, there's no problems, everything's fine.
Move along, these aren't the droids you're looking for.
These aren't the droids we're looking for.
You can go about your business.
You can go about your business.
Move along.
Move along.
Brainwashing can be a powerful force on the weak-minded.
So that is all coming up.
Paul Joseph Watson will be in studio today.
He has flown here from his London studios to be with us for the next week.
So we're very, very excited about that, Paul Watson.
And Paul Watson will be hosting the show one day next week.
I have a lot of corporate things to get done with the TV launch and things around the office, so I'll be working that day.
I'll be here and undoubtedly popping in obnoxiously.
What are you doing interrupting your own show?
But I will be here, obviously, and I will be live, Lord willing, I intend to be live this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, with a Sunday broadcast.
William F. Jasper, editor of the New American Magazine, the true tip of the spear of solid research information on globalist operations, is June 21.
The open announcement for world government coming up by the UN in December in Paris.
He will be joining us on a host of issues.
TPP being officially rammed through this week, but still, that was Monday, here we are on Friday.
No one's allowed to see it, because there's nothing secret, there's no conspiracy.
It's just a secret world treaty with world taxes and the end of free speech they admit, but you can't see it because nothing's happening.
That's all coming up, and then David Knight will host the fourth hour with a whole bunch of jammed information.
Gucci already was going to do it, but he is busy with some major analysis and breaking news and preparations to weather establishment attacks and a lot of other key things here in the infrastructure of the InfoWars operation.
Now, that said, start your engines, because as I was telling you, here is the Washington Post
Obama waives expanding background checks through executive authority.
That's called dictatorship, but you know, big deal.
I mean, he is part black, so it's okay.
In response to the latest mass shootings during his presidency, in response to that, because he's so sad about 10 dead people, President Obama is seriously considering circumventing Congress.
Ooh, that's a nice quote.
Circumventing Congress.
Then we're going to look at over 40 rodent studies show GMOs are killing them and us.
That's all coming up as well.
Stay with us.
Mourners in Roseburg, Oregon are putting out the not-welcome mat for President Obama.
A huge protest of the President's visit has been organized.
Gun advocates there are accusing the President of politicizing the tragedy, so folks will overlook the use of his pen and his phone when he signs those executive orders on gun control.
A Facebook page for the event has been set up entitled, Defend Roseburg, Deny Barack Obama.
And they request your presence.
They say, please, come show your support for Roseburg, not the little man who has no respect for the Constitution.
David Jacques, publisher of the Roseburg Beacon, said that he has spoken with so many community members, including some family members of the victims, who have said, in so many words, that the President is not welcome here to grandstand for political purposes.
Talk about a PR nightmare for the White House.
Read more about this event right now at InfoWars.com.
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Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
If there's a water emergency, will you be prepared?
Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
We're here at a supermarket in Toledo.
You can see the shelves empty where water once was.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Welcome my friends, thank you for joining us on this live, worldwide, Friday, jam-packed transmission.
Nightly News is tonight, 7 o'clock central.
And of course, I'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m., live with a Sunday broadcast.
WikiLeaks this morning, the copy of it is up on InfoWars.com, has released the final trade version
Released today, October 9th, from October 5th, earlier in the week, on Monday, when we heard that the dozens of governments involved, 20-plus governments involved, and corporations, had decided on the entire TPP.
And 28 sections.
Now, previously, two years ago, this section of the intellectual property rights chapter got released, and we're comparing it to the last version we saw.
This is the final agreed-to version.
TPP, TPPA, United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Vietnam, Burundi, Chile,
Trade, Treaty, Investors, State, Dispute, Settlement, ISDS, ICSID, Geographically, Indications, Copyright, Internet, Pharmaceuticals, Trademark, Patent.
And there's other countries involved as well, but these are the main signatories.
To the compact, and then it goes through it.
And you read it, it's basically the same thing they had two years ago.
It is a treaty in words, a treaty in action, and hands over control to unelected boards who basically can then make law ex-cathedra, like the Pope does in the Vatican, or like Obama does from the presidency, as dictatorial oligarch boards.
See, Obamacare was a blank check.
All of these modern, omnibus, mega pieces of legislation are designed to be living, breathing, metastasizing, mutating documents for the establishment.
That claims this is all a trade deal, so we're going to be looking at this in great detail with the editor of the New American Magazine, one of the top experts in the world on this from outside the enemy sector, and that of course is William F. Jasper, editor of the New American Magazine.
David Knight will host the fourth hour of Overdrive slash wrap-up show, breaking news analysis, all in one hour.
And we have Paul Joseph Watson, the third hour, in studio with us as well.
Our reporters join us at the bottom of the hour, Joe Biggs and Jakari Jackson, both from different locations.
They're to cover the President's visit to Roseburg to suck the energy out of the Tin Dad to push it for the launch.
That's a human sacrifice for the launch of the attempt to disarm the American people.
So that's all coming up.
Obama weighs expanding background checks through executive authority.
We're about to hit that mega massive story.
Another huge report.
Over 40 rodent feeding studies show GMOs is disastrous to your health.
I don't know.
You definitely want to read this article big time.
Continuing as well, Pentagon administration, Obama administration ends Pentagon program to train Syrian rebels, the one that cost $500 million.
Putin is getting a boost in battle against ISIS.
China, it's being reported by British newspapers like the Express, is announcing, and they show where it's been announced, they are going to send troops and material in, and the word is it's already been entering.
So that is the ultra-massive escalation because Al-Qaeda and ISIS has promised
Under different Muslim minorities in Mongolia and other areas of China that is up against the stands to its west.
It borders Afghanistan as well, Pakistan, you name it, to begin attacking.
And they've been attacking, killing, bombing, shooting, stabbing, kidnapping Chinese en masse.
And so they are responding now.
And of course that entire Islamic radical Jihad force is funded by the globalists, by the CIA, whether it's in Chechnya against the Russians or whether it's in the stands around China.
This is just all part of how our government, via Saudi Arabia and others, runs the radical Islamic Jihad.
Another key report up on InfoWars.com.
Why are the IMF, the UN, the BIS and Citibank all warning that economic crisis could be imminent?
Because now they want to look like they're smart when it all happens.
We'll be getting into that today as well.
That's up on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Then we've got this little jewel.
So many of Adan Salazar's articles come out in the morning and get a lot of attention.
That's the time to launch news, obviously.
But because we don't hold news back, he posts a lot of stuff at 5, 6 o'clock at night.
This story has gone viral.
I don't want to get it posted back to the front page of InfoWars.com.
This is on the local TV.
This is in the local newspaper.
And they're defending it, though.
They're saying this is good.
No whites allowed, Seattle yoga class for people of color excludes Caucasians.
White friends, allies and partners are respectfully asked not to attend.
You know, I think the Civil Rights Act
Has been twisted.
I mean, I think if the Ku Klux Klan wants to be able to have a private meeting of just white people, they should be able to.
If the New Black Panther Party wants to, if you want to have an all-black golf course, an all-white golf course, that's your issue if you don't want to get that business.
If you want to hang on the door, you know, that... Now, the issue is you can't have city and state laws saying that that's what's discriminatory, that's what's illegal.
I'm fully against state, federal, local laws doing that.
But if you want to have a church that's all black, or all Hispanic, or all Asian, or all transvestite, or whatever the case is, all bastard hound owners, I mean just whatever, all people that wear Santa Claus outfits, I mean it could be anything.
People that wear clown outfits, whatever.
Lucky Charms outfits, My Little Pony outfits, that's your mentally ill issue.
You want to be in a space cult that believes in stuff, you take peyote every week, that's your issue.
That's protected under the First Amendment.
But the reason this is important is, remember they fined all that money, what was it?
First $10,000, then $100,000 plus.
Pull it up, I'm going from memory.
That cake shop in Washington that didn't want to put the two men on the cake, or whatever.
And they're Christians, and that's their religion, and I think they have a right to do that, whether you agree with it or disagree with it.
You have a right to go support the business, be a patron of the place that will do whatever you want.
That's what free market is.
We vote with our choices, with our purchases.
I'll just be honest.
I never even thought of stuff like this.
I'm so fundamentally classically liberal that even though I don't like the assault on marriage and the stuff that's going on, if I owned a cake shop, I wouldn't be discriminating against anything.
Now, I wouldn't fill out a cake saying, I'm gonna kill you and your family and then say their name and show their house and their address as some threat to put it on somebody's porch.
I mean, I guess I would, because there's been incidences of stuff like that I've read about.
I wouldn't put out any cakes calling for killing certain individuals, but somebody wanted to make a cake showing them marrying their dog.
I mean, that really, you got money on the barrel head.
I'm not gonna be sitting there micromanaging stuff.
But the issue is,
They are selectively enforcing against Christians, Conservatives, Libertarians, people of that like.
The yoga studio in Seattle, it's a pretty big one, has been accused of promoting racial discrimination, well no they have, by holding special sessions with explicitly excluding whites.
Rainier Beach Yoga in Seattle
Has allowed, quote, five queer people of color to create a special class identified and entitled Younger People of Color, an exclusionary yoga session, which they want to expand, of course, whose rules expressly forbid white people from attending.
That's close, quote, reports KIRO radio.
And I've already seen this in local news being defended.
Well, they've been discriminated against, so they have a right to have this.
Hey, I think you do have a right to it.
But you see, the way it's been enforced, selectively, with huge fines against folks that wouldn't bake cakes in Seattle and surrounding areas and, you know, a men's barbershop that won't cut a woman's hair, then we need whites to go in there, try to be part of the class, and sue them.
Don't think Seattle's going to come to your aid and fine them, though.
See, four legs good, two legs bad, then it's four legs good, two legs good too, then four legs bad, two legs good, if the pigs are walking on two legs, that of course is Animal Farm.
George Orwell's other book, the fiction book, they're both fiction, he wrote a bunch of non-fiction, but 1984, Animal Farmer is best known, and you read that, that's exactly how totalitarianism ends, and the big workhorse, who's enforced the tyranny, done most of the work,
Been subservient to the pigs.
Finally, when he's old and hurt, they sell him to be turned into glue.
But he still defends them as he rides away to be killed.
That's the Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton-type moron voter.
That's the blue-collar working Democrat that just can't get it through their head.
Or the blue-blood Republican supporter who thinks they're part of the establishment because they go to the country club and, you know, go eat dinner with the congressman once a year.
It's all coming up.
The Pope warns against conspiracy theories of the new world order.
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Alex Jones here, back live.
I'm going to try to get Vatican insider Leo Zagami on with us in the second hour, Sunday.
It's a big deal.
You notice we've had Hillary, we've had Obama, and we've had the Pope, and a bunch of other top politicians around the world come out and say, don't listen to outrageous conspiracy theories.
Don't listen to this conspiracy cult.
Don't get into a conspiratorial mindset.
Trust us.
And we've seen Obama give countless speeches saying, don't give up on government.
Don't give up the faith.
That's an actual quote that he and Biden have put out in just countless speeches that we've covered here.
But it got picked up by the Associated Press, New York Times, AFP.
I'm not joking, this is a real headline.
Pope warns against conspiracy theories of Vatican skullduggery.
And it says that he met in secret with the Global Catholic Church meeting with the top bishops and cardinals.
Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi admitted last night confirming reports the pontiff had warned Catholic bishops and cardinals behind closed doors on Tuesday.
We're good to go.
S-Y-N-O-D approved by Francis favors the liberal wing who want the church to be more welcoming to homosexuals and remarried divorced couples.
So, everybody knows the Pope's pushing world government, carbon taxes,
The socialist liberal wing, the gay wing of the Catholic Church.
I mean, that's admitted.
So now it's a conspiracy theory to voice a concern and form a movement saying this doesn't follow original Catholic Christian dogma, canons, ideas.
The answer is nothing's happening.
Raising the debt doesn't raise the debt.
You can keep your doctor.
No one's coming after your guns.
Two plus two equals five.
Don't question us.
Or Count Dracula saying to Von Helsing, come here.
You have a strong will for one who has only lived one life.
And they're saying, there is nothing happening.
There are no open borders.
There is no world government.
The dollar is not being devalued.
There are no armored vehicles or cameras.
There is no police state.
There are not 40 million illegals pouring into the United States getting free health care.
That's not unfair.
Do not, do not awaken.
Trust us.
There is no organization in power.
Power does not seek power.
You are becoming sleepy my dear.
Lay in your bed.
Open your nightgown and show me your neck.
Nosferatu loves you.
I mean this is truly them panicking.
Saying, trust us, trust us, keep under the spell.
The spell is breaking, the spell is breaking.
They're going to find out everything, master!
I know!
We love you, we love you!
Look, Caitlyn Jenner!
Look, Jay-Z!
That's not working.
Look, look, Miley Cyrus or whatever her name is.
Oh, there's conspiracies with Deflatigate, but there's no conspiracies with the Vatican with its 177 million acres and hundreds of trillions of dollars saying middle-class Americans should not be evil and should pay more taxes and bring illegals into our houses.
How about you don't tell us that?
How about our conscience tells us that, Pope Francis?
Remember that quote from Stripes?
I ain't psycho.
You call me Francis again, I'll kill ya.
Alright, Francis.
I mean, it's really getting old.
So they're just desperate.
These conspiracy theorists.
These whacked out kooks.
Not coming after your guns.
He's going to announce it today.
The bills are being introduced tomorrow.
Or on Monday.
Obama weighs expanding background checks through executive authority.
The Washington Post.
In response to the latest mass shooting during his presidency, President Obama is seriously considering circumventing Congress.
Oh, that's called dictatorship.
Just calmly in the paper.
With his executive authority, that's called dictatorship.
And imposing new background checks requirements for buyers who purchase firearms from high-volume gun dealers.
That's not even where he got this.
We'll give you the rest of the story.
He's coming after Social Security recipients, veterans, and more.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
No whites allowed!
A yoga studio in Seattle is promoting racial discrimination by holding special sessions that explicitly excludes whites.
Rainier Beach Yoga in Seattle has created a special class called Yoga for People of Color.
An exclusionary yoga session whose rules expressly forbid white people.
An email blast from the yoga studio says white friends, allies, and partners are respectfully asked not to attend.
The class also invites lesbian, bisexual, gay, queer, and trans-friendly people, but no whites allowed.
Hmm, I wonder what would happen if the roles were reversed and there was a yoga class for whites only.
I'm sure the liberals across the country would be outraged and the mainstream media would make it a national story.
And you can learn more about this story and more right now at Infowars.com
Alex Jones here.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
You wanna go toe-to-toe?
Up against 21st century tyranny?
Against extremely sophisticated forms of societal takeover.
You can hear the war drums of the globalists.
Look at this one article.
Over 40 rodents.
Over 40 rodent feeding studies show GM food is disastrous to health.
See, this is what's really killing mammals, including humans.
And here's what the studies show.
Increased intestinal infections when they were fed BT GM feed that humans are fed.
High cholesterol, birth defects, weight increase, and higher
Incidents of mortality, organ pathologies in the liver, kidneys, pancreases, ovaries, testicles and adrenals.
Major issues with both the intestinal tracts and immunity of the animals tested.
Then it goes over 40 mainline university and governmental studies.
Just thought I'd mention what's really killing us.
Over the 300,000 killed the last four and a half years, estimated by the UN itself in Syria, most of them by the Syrian opposition rebels who are al-Nusra, al-Qaeda, ISIS.
So Obama arms rebels to launch a war and overthrows Libya and overthrows for over a year our ally Egypt.
And has Christians crucified upside down and funds it all to the Muslim Brotherhood in Kenya.
Gets his cousin appointed Prime Minister in a radical Muslim takeover there.
I mean, the globalists are really using this Muslim card big time.
And folks know I'm no Islamophobe.
I wasn't on that train 15 years ago, 5 years ago, but the globalists are going with it.
It's incredibly bold.
We've been neutralized via political correctness.
And don't even know how to respond now.
We have another campus shooting in Northern Arizona University.
One dead, three injured.
A fight broke out, so it's more gang, between two groups of students at Northern Arizona University Flagstaff Campus.
Leaving one dead and three hospitalized.
And yes, there are 167 on average.
Some years it's more, some less, but the average, look it up, just department's own numbers, 167 people die a year in mass shootings.
200 plus in deer jumping in front of your car, 300 from honeybees, 300 plus from rattlesnakes, it's got to be over 400 plus with water moccasins.
It's incredible.
Tens of thousands falling in the shower.
Do you see the president grandstanding over all of that?
They want the individual's right to fight a military police state takeover.
They want you to live like South Side Chicago, New York, or D.C.
with the highest crime rates in the world.
and places like Chicago are some of the highest in the world.
Just search Chicago, highest crime rate in the world.
Search D.C., second highest crime rate in the world.
America's mass shooting capital is Chicago.
That's the Daily Beast.
Actually, it's the world capital.
Let's get even more arrogant here.
Don't just have the U.S.
title, have the world title.
Worse than Mexico, who has the title for a country of the most violent, with total gun bans in the citizens' hands.
You see, cops everywhere with machine guns.
The North, South, the East, the West, I've been everywhere.
In Mexico, and they have a total gun ban, and they have the highest gun crime in the world.
Now, covering Obama's visit to Roseburg are Jakari Jackson and his camera person, and then, of course, we have Joe Biggs and his camera person, and
I'm going to challenge, if you're able to do it, Jokari and Joe Biggs, whatever it takes, it's legal and lawful, to get questions into Obama, questions into their minions, but really be, you know, how dare you cover up the numbers and use the deaths of these people to sell gun control?
We need to just get that out and call these people out or whatever, you know, comes up from the mind or the gut of Jokari or Joe Biggs.
And Joe is getting in position right now where he's at.
We've got him split up to cover Obama landing in the next two and a half hours and then his procession.
And there's over 10,000 people reportedly on Facebook now, well 6,000 a few days ago, saying they're coming there from all over Oregon and Washington.
And Northern California to say, look, you're not welcome in Roseburg.
The school head has said it's baloney.
The sheriff has said that.
The families, I think it's seven of the ten families have come out saying, don't come feed off our dead Christian family members.
You know why it's all mainly conservatives that are these family members?
Because they were executed for being Christian.
But notice that's not the media.
They took a guy that was part black, part white,
Made his nose smaller, his lips smaller, and made him as white as a ghost, literally, so they could say it was, you know, some type of white attack to make it racial.
That's the sick agenda.
And here it is, Obama weighs expanding background checks through executive authority, Washington Post, in response to the latest mass shooting during his presidency.
Not in response, he's using it.
President Obama is seriously considering circumventing Congress, key term, circumventing the lawmakers.
circumventing the branch of government, that's called dictatorship, with his executive.
When an executive circumvents the checks and balances, it's called a dictatorship.
Let me read it all without adding to it.
In response to the latest mass shooting during his presidency, President Obama is seriously considering circumventing Congress with his executive authority and imposing new background check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume gun dealers.
They've announced they're going to ban imports, they're going to go after bullets with taxes, they're going to put Social Security recipients on no-gun-buy list and then they have to turn their guns in.
That's been announced in mainstream news, LA Times.
They're announcing that they're going to go after guns that weren't registered previous to this.
This is the beginning of the confiscation they've practiced in New York, D.C., areas of California.
So they're coming, and they admit this is their biggest push ever.
Meanwhile, the meme that Drudge helped put out, that was already there, but he helped magnify it here on Tuesday, has been picked up by WorldNetDaily, it's been picked up by the Washington Times, it's been picked up by the New York Post, it's been picked up by a bunch of publications.
And that's the point.
Point out the hypocrisy.
Armed guards protect Senate Democrats as they demand new gun control laws.
Washington Times.
Obama, stay out of Roseburg, Oregon.
Special report by John Bowne.
That's excellent.
Up on Infowars.com.
Pass that around on Facebook.
Pass that around on Twitter.
Everywhere they go, these Bloomberg people to push taking our guns and blaming us for
The incredibly rare mass shooting that they seize on every four or five months when it happens, hoping it causes a mental illness cascade and copycat shootings.
Another big report from the New American.
Gun-free zones contribute to mass slaying, say experts.
Very important article to get out to folks.
We now go to Oregon in Roseburg with Jakari Jackson on the scene.
And it looks like a lot of protesters have already shown up with no Obama.
Jakari Jackson on the very front lines of the battle for the right to keep and bear arms and defend ourselves against criminals.
In government and on the street, Jakari Jackson on the front lines of the battle for America.
That's what this is, folks.
Jakari Jackson, you've been there a few hours since last night.
What are your observations and how big do you think this rally is going to be today?
We're good to go.
Now this is one of the locations where they're anticipating President Obama to arrive in his helicopter.
Of course, it's a secret service, they don't want to keep all that stuff hush-hush.
But this is one of the places where people anticipate he may land.
And the people are definitely ready to demonstrate and share their opinions of him, like you can see right over my shoulder, the Nobama.
Many people share this opinion.
In the short time we've been here, we've probably been here about 20 minutes or so, we've had many people come up and say, thank you guys for being here.
We don't want this shooting to be exploited.
We don't want these guys to stand on the grave of our loved ones, to come out here and push their agenda.
Because people understand, Alex, even when we were at the rental car place a little bit ago, we were talking to the girl who worked the front desk.
And she said, yeah, I mean, I don't want to see all these mass shootings either, but I'm a single mom.
You know, I have kids.
I need to protect myself if somebody breaks into my house if I'm walking down the street.
I mean, she referenced being somewhat of a concealed carrier.
And she was fine with that.
And that's the thing that people need to understand, Alex.
It's not going to be a Secret Service detail, a sniper on the roof for everybody in the United States of America.
Obama has it.
Hillary has it.
Bloomberg has his bodyguards.
But not you or I. So that's why people want to come out here and demonstrate and let people know that they need to have the means to defend themselves.
As you know, Jakari, one of the hallmarks, we've got to get this talking point out to everybody that doesn't understand it.
Gunners have to understand, we know this, but the general public still doesn't completely, though the polls show we're starting to win.
We haven't committed a crime, Jakari hasn't, I haven't.
That woman you rented the car from hasn't.
She's a single mom.
She has a right to protect herself.
She has a right to not live in fear.
And how dare them project what some mentally ill pill head did onto her, you or I. That is a hallmark of totalitarianism to say because one person does something, everybody else is guilty.
They had six guys stab and kill over 100 people, kill 50 of them, you know, a few weeks ago in China.
And it didn't even really make the news because it was knives.
Do we ban knife owners for the fact that that happened, Jakari?
Well, it's just like you said, Alex.
We saw who was Elliot Rodger on California.
He shot people, he stabbed people, he ran people over with his car, but the only thing they tried to ban was the firearm.
It's completely ridiculous.
You know, a couple weeks ago, a mother drowned two of her twin children in four-inch bathwater.
Nobody cried to ban bathtubs.
People understood that this was a mentally ill individual and banning
I don't know.
Now, Jakari, obviously, when we put you guys in the field, you just give us your commentary and analysis live on air.
You go out and shoot interviews, special reports.
You're going to try to talk to some of the victims.
Family members that have already gone public saying, not in our name, Obama.
Don't use our dead family members.
You're going to talk to some of the folks that were witnesses, obviously, that if you can, how he was executing Christians.
Because we are not the alternative media.
We are the media filling the vacuum.
You're going to be talking to man on the street, woman on the street.
You're going to be documenting Obama's arrival.
But when I say this, I'm not being sarcastic.
I'm showing how absurd the absurdist view is to blame gun owners for criminals committing crimes.
Caitlyn Jenner ran over people, you know, and reportedly killed somebody with their car.
And so, should we ban trannies because a tranny killed somebody?
Or should we ban cars because of Caitlyn Jenner?
I mean, that's how ridiculous this is, Jakari.
Well, we see just like if they try to paint this, uh, this recent shooter here in Oregon, you know, like you said before, they try to make him a white guy, trying to make it some type of white supremacist deal.
Didn't want to mention the fact that he was targeting Christians and doing all the other things that he did, but had a supposed Christian went out and committed this crime.
It'd have been, you know, the war on Christianity.
We can't have all these Christians coming out and doing these type of things.
And we see these things repeated over and over and over again.
They always want to frame the narrative of the Tsarnaev brothers.
You know, they try to come out and say that they were,
Right-wing Muslim extremists.
You know, that's as ridiculous as you can get.
But anything they can to push their agenda, I don't think... I wouldn't put them past them to do it.
Jakari, I want to give you a few minutes to go down towards that crowd when we go to break.
And I want to come back and talk for a little while with those folks.
Then we're going to talk to Joe Biggs as well.
And then I'll let you guys get out there and start getting your reports out.
But this is obviously really important.
You're there to ring the alarm that they're coming for our guns.
We knew this was coming.
Congressional insiders told us they were coming.
This is the big push.
We warn people.
The good news is gun sales are up.
Ammo sales are up.
A lot of folks are.
They always are.
Every time one of these things happen, people understand that it's not the firearm, it's not the ammunition, it's the person with the ill intent.
Jakari, let's pan around there with your cameraman and kind of narrate for the radio listeners what the topography is like in Roseburg.
You say 50 people.
Looks like more are now arriving.
Yeah, they've been steadily arriving the whole time we've been here.
As you can see, the beautiful mountains out here in the distance.
This is right in front of the regional airport.
You know, it's a pretty wide open space.
You know, I would imagine they have some type of wild game.
And this is why you need a Second Amendment.
Just like we saw C.J.
Gristom down in Texas.
He lived in an area where they had some wild game.
He was walking down the street.
He said, hey, I need a firearm to protect myself.
You know, if some wild hog or something comes out here and protects my son, dial 911.
And it was totally legal in the middle of nowhere, and they're still arresting him.
Yeah, so people understand it.
And that's another good point, Alex, because we always hear these politicians say, it's okay for somebody out in the sticks to own a firearm, but they don't even want you to own a firearm if you live out in the sticks.
And C.J.
Grisham is a perfect point to that.
We'll continue to move down here a little bit.
There's also, what is this, something like eight tours in combat or something ridiculous?
Oh yeah, combat.
He recently, I think he retired this year.
So he is recently retired, but we'll show some of the crowd here.
You can see all the people gathering in anticipation.
We actually have a gentleman, did you want to, you have something you want to say?
We've got this guy, Alex.
Come on, come on over, bro.
Alright, so, tell us what brought you out here today.
Well, I'm from Grants Pass, Oregon.
I'm just coming out here just to show support for Roseburg and just let Obama know that he's not welcome here.
And I think it's disgusting that he's out here trying to politicize his agenda.
He doesn't care anything about Roseburg or any of us, you know.
He only cares about the people he serves, so.
There's people out here, plenty of people out here are awake and
You know, thanks to Alex Jones.
Alright, now I'm just going to say what it is.
A lot of people are going to look at the footage here today and they're going to say this was, you know, a racially motivated event.
Is it any type of racial deal for you?
No, absolutely not.
I don't have a racist bone in my body.
You know, I believe God created all people of one blood and so it's not the skin color, it's the character.
And, uh, Obama, he's shown himself to be a lying scumbag many, many times.
So, um, we can't trust him and we don't want him here.
Just like John Boehner.
Yeah, so when you hear people like, uh, whether it's Obama or Hillary, uh, Mayor Bloomberg saying that you shouldn't have a firearm, meanwhile they're protected by Secret Service and bodyguards, how does that make you feel?
Well, it's total hypocrisy, you know, because, you know, if they have the right to arm themselves and defend themselves, why do they want us to not be able to do the same?
You know, if they really care about us, they would support, you know, the Second Amendment for everybody equally.
So it shouldn't be an unequal thing, you know?
Well, thank you so much, sir.
Thanks, Jakari.
Jakari, I know we're about to go to break.
Let's come back and talk to some more folks, and we'll get Joe Biggs' perspective.
Wow, it looks like that crowd has tripled in 10 minutes, Jakari.
Yeah, just in the short time we've been here, people have been driving by Hawking, and as you can see, I guess we can move further down here.
More people with their signs.
And we have someone here that has pink hair.
We'll have to talk to him.
I wonder if that's a anti-gunner.
Probably from a newspaper.
Let me just guess, I haven't even seen their face yet, but... I don't care if you have bright purple hair, it just generally... Well, generally means you like cotton candy.
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Welcome back to the tip of the spear in the fight for the republic and basic human liberty.
We are classical liberals like Thomas Jefferson.
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They've taken everybody else's guns around the world except in Switzerland.
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They're even more heavily armed than we are.
We are a violent society.
That's part of our frontier culture, our swashbuckling culture, and that's why we need guns to protect ourselves from bad people.
And finishing up with Jakari Jackson, he'll be popping in towards the end of the third hour, and then through the fourth hour as Obama lands, when David Knight is hosting, we'll have live feeds for you back and forth as he prepares to give a speech and try to meet with the victims and others.
Almost all of them have refused, but the ghoul is coming there to project the ten dead as
Basically sacrifices to the gun control movement.
Martyrs, you could say.
Jokari, final comments until we talk to you later on the transmission.
Yes, he wants to talk to victims' families.
I think he should go down to Mexico and go down to the border and talk to people killed by the guns from Operation Fast and Furious.
I think he should go over there to Syria and talk to people killed by these al-Qaeda rebels that he continues to arm.
But I digress.
Alex, we had a gentleman here who had a word that he wanted to speak.
Come on in here, sir.
So tell us your name and what brought you out here today.
My name is George Starr.
And I come out here to simply support the people that understand that Akron did not kill the lady at the college.
It was a crazy person.
And to think that, how many years ago, the President said that to praise the Lord,
That we can have good values, good American Christian values, and still have guns to protect ourselves.
That's right, because even Jesus said that you need to have a, not a firearm, but a sword to protect yourself.
So it's not anything new.
I thank you so much, sir.
We're going to move on here to a few other people.
Yeah, but the gentleman said it all right there, Alex.
People understand it's not anti-Christian to own a firearm.
It's just a tool like anything else.
We have a nice lady here.
Did you have anything that you wanted to share with us, miss?
We need to stand up for our Second Amendment rights and just be here for the people of Roseburg and Obama needs to leave his politics out of Oregon and out of our country and I'm just here to stand with our country and stand with everybody else that needs to be out here today and anyway.
Alright, and what do you think about the current gun laws in the United States of America?
Is there anything in particular that stands out to you?
I just believe that people need to hang on to their gun rights and they need to stand up for him because they're going to be... He obviously wants to take them away and we need to...
Yeah, I don't want to give up my guns.
I mean, I want them there in case I needed support and and defend my family.
She's a free woman.
Tell her thank you, Jakari.
We've got to jump the break.
Thank you.
Jakari, great job.
We'll talk to you coming up later after the break.
We'll talk to Joe Biggs.
Thank you, Jakari.
Thank you.
All right.
Out there in a beautiful day in Oregon.
Wish I was there with them defending the Second Amendment.
We'll have live feeds with those guys joining us throughout the day.
On the other side of the airport is Joe Biggs and crew.
We'll be talking to him coming up briefly and then we're going to be joined on the TPP by William F. Jasper of the New American Magazine.
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Second hour.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Now into the second hour, William F. Jasper will be joining us, the editor of the New American Magazine, on Wikileaks, five days after they passed it in secret.
Releasing the TPP Treaty section on intellectual property rights and it's scary.
That's coming up and more.
Obama is to announce circumventing Congress.
That's the Washington Post headline.
And what is being called totalitarianism to take our guns.
We have two reporters, two camera persons, two cameramen on the ground in Roseburg.
And we're getting a quick four minute update right now, but Joe Biggs will be back with us first towards the end of the third hour and through the fourth hour as Obama lands at the base and then comes to perch on the dead bodies of those that are showing up.
Joe Biggs, what are your observations since you got in last night?
Yeah, we got in around three, four o'clock in the morning, something like that.
It was a long, long, long flight from Florida to Portland, Oregon, I can tell you that.
But, uh, yeah, since we've gotten out here, I mean, this is definitely one of the most beautiful places I've been.
And as you can see, all over the town, there's, uh, you know, signs everywhere where everyone's, you know, posting stuff about the shooting.
Uh, Uncle Strong signs with a hashtag.
That's all over the whole town.
And you can see people right over here to my right.
That's where Jakari is over here.
A large gathering of people to the left.
A lot of folks.
Yeah, Matt, can you pan around, show everybody the full 360?
Thank you.
Yeah, so all that's going on down there.
Here we are behind me is the runway where the president's supposed to be coming in.
Now the word is he's supposed to land in Eugene and then take a helicopter over here to Roseburg and then get out and then go speak to the families of the victims.
And like I heard you say earlier, the families do not want him here.
And as I've seen from the signs when we dropped Jakari off at the first point, there's a lot of people here that just don't want him here whatsoever.
And I mean, you can't blame him.
He's taking a tragedy.
A crazy person who went on a killing spree and he's using it to push his anti-gun agenda.
Completely ignoring the facts.
The New York Times just came out with an article two days ago saying that 60% of deaths by guns in America are suicide.
But yet, the White House, the mainstream media wants to portray this whole thing that these mass shootings are everywhere and that it happens so much.
It's just, you know, thousands and thousands of people are just dying out of nowhere now.
Well sure, that's their talking point.
We can't have this happen one more time.
And then it may not happen for three months, it may happen twice in one day.
Statistically, it's incredibly rare.
I mean, the fact is, Alex, we have social media now, and this stuff gets shared a lot more.
So it seems like there's this rapid increase in these shootings when, quite frankly, a lot of this stuff's been going on for, you know, years and years and years.
We just have access to this information quicker and on the spot, and it's able to tug at the hearts and minds of some of the people that are quite mindless out there and really don't know the statistical facts about what's going on out there.
You have a better chance of getting, you know, killed in a car wreck.
You know, lung cancer or something like that, then you do this.
Well, of course, way better chance.
You can Google right now, gun crime down, but public thinks it's up.
You'll get the LA Times three years ago with the statistics.
It's down 50 plus percent.
It's plunging because more people are getting guns.
That's why they're panicking, Joe.
Well you gotta think though, the root of the problem is the big pharma.
The fact that we're pushing all these psychotropic drugs, these SSRs or SSI, all this stuff, we're pushing all these drugs on people and there's an adverse reaction to that.
You flip out on that stuff.
When I was in the military, when you take these things, it makes you go crazy.
No way.
You weren't diagnosed with anything.
That's important.
They just ordered you all to take this stuff.
I mean, you've testified to that before to, again, get you into the system.
But stay there.
Come back and finish up with your points, Joe.
But, again, I want to be clear here.
You're absolutely right.
The only type of shooting that's up out of all the spectrums is, since the 90s, the rise of people on SSRIs.
And I'm not saying everybody on SSRIs is bad.
I'm not saying it's even bad for everybody.
It is toxic, but a certain percentage, the insert says, makes you go psycho and kill people.
I mean, the insert says it, Joe.
You're absolutely right.
Joe Biggs on an incredibly beautiful Vista.
Man, I love Oregon.
I love, love Oregon.
I love Washington.
I'm envious.
I bet the air is crisp out there, buddy.
Yes sir, it is.
This is my first time to Oregon and quite frankly I'm very impressed.
Yeah, and you got your Hillary for Prison shirt too.
Available in full length.
Yeah, Hillary for Prison 2016.
I mean, you know.
No whites allowed.
A yoga studio in Seattle is promoting racial discrimination by holding special sessions that explicitly excludes whites.
Rainier Beach Yoga in Seattle has created a special class called Yoga for People of Color.
An exclusionary yoga session whose rules expressly forbid white people.
An email blast from the yoga studio says white friends, allies, and partners are respectfully asked not to attend.
The class also invites lesbian, bisexual, gay, queer, and trans-friendly people, but no whites allowed.
Hmm, I wonder what would happen if the roles were reversed and there was a yoga class for whites only.
I'm sure the liberals across the country would be outraged and the mainstream media would make it a national story.
And you can learn more about this story and more right now at Infowars.com.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, the multinational corporations and foreign governments ratified a new treaty on Monday.
It's been secret for two years, but the final version is still secret from we the people.
It's called a conspiracy against us.
But Wikileaks has leaked it.
And so we're going to be looking at that and more.
We have a detailed report by Kit Daniels about to go up to InfoWars.com.
We have our reporters on the ground in Roseburg, where Obama will be arriving in about T-minus two hours.
He tends to be a little bit late, so I would guess it'll be in the middle of the fourth hour today.
Hosted by David Knight.
We've always done three hours here.
We're now doing a fourth hour of radio slash TV with David Knight and the rest of the crew.
Weekdays and there's nightly news seven o'clock central.
Another headline that's on DrudgeReport.com in the middle column.
It's the second story at Infowars.com with 5,000 comments.
No whites allowed.
Seattle yoga class for people of color excludes Caucasians.
And the follow-up story is the left, you can go to Facebook, you can go to local paper, is now defending this.
An all-white yoga class, they say, is illegal.
But an all-minority, which is the majority now in most areas, group is okay.
Only the white Caucasian is bad.
Of course, that's the opposite of what Martin Luther King said, but this is all about racial takeover now.
The Democrats have a strategy to win.
When whites were the majority, they ran the Klan and ran things that way.
When the Republicans broke that strategy under Eisenhower, they flipped the script.
And that's why they're still in charge.
They also control the Republican leadership via blackmail as well.
And we have McCarthy having to step down.
That's a big victory.
There is a major fight.
The media is spinning it like Republicans are weak because they're having a leadership battle.
This is what you're supposed to have in government when a Congress has a 9% approval rating.
Something's wrong when Republicans, over 70% of them, didn't like Boehner.
And we don't like his attache.
We don't like his aide-de-camp.
We don't like his minion.
We don't like his front man.
We want Obamacare repealed.
We want the Gun Control Act of 68 repealed.
We want America back.
So we've got that report.
William F. Jasper will be joining us from the New American on the TPP.
And then...
Obama administration ends Pentagon program to train Syrian rebels.
The pup comes out in a secret meeting, being reported by Associated Press and others, and admits conspiracy theorists are the number one threat to the Vatican.
That means people exposing the takeover of the Vatican.
It's even in mainstream news that they've been blackmailed by the pedophile lobby.
I mean, that's how the pedophiles take over your organization.
They get a few people in, have you hush it up so your organization doesn't go down, and then they say, okay, let us totally take over, or we're going to bring you down completely.
That's how blackmail operations work.
That's why they've got to be met head on.
So that is just some of what's going to be broken down today.
Jakari Jackson, of course, joined us earlier.
Joe Biggs will be joining us with Jakari with two different live feeds.
They've split up.
They're on levels five and six now, to give you a Star Wars Death Star quote.
I'm not going to tell you what to do, but hopefully you can get in there
Uh, and make sure that even with the media, media interviews, the propaganda they're involved in, that the point gets out there, because these are folks that have engaged in all sorts of deception.
I hope you bullhorn, go to Radio Shack if you have to, I should have sent you one, CNN when they're live, and point out that they changed this guy from biracial
Uh, with, you know, moles on his face to, to, to, to, to white and made his nose and lips smaller.
There's a lot of targets here for info war.
Uh, so give us your take on that.
They turned him into that, uh, that character from the movie powder.
He's like, just like that.
But you know, one of the things that, that people keep forgetting, and I was just speaking with a gentleman, he already walked down the hill and walked away.
He says that our country is breeding psychopaths.
And what he was saying by that,
Is that when you look at the video game violence, when you look at the Hollywood violence, those are two multi-billion dollar...
Uh, you know, industries.
The video game industry in Hollywood.
They're making tons and tons of money off promoting violence.
And these kids grow up playing these games where they run around and shoot stuff up the whole time.
And then, in our country, we have Big Pharma pushing these prescription drugs with these adverse reactions.
You know, earlier you mentioned Switzerland, how they're more heavily armed as a population, and they have lower crime.
But I guarantee you, they don't have Big Pharma pushing all these prescription drugs down their throats, and they're not having these people go on these, you know, crazy sprees all over the place.
That's what happens here.
We are being genetically tested on every level.
Our food's screwed with.
Our medicine's screwed with.
We can't get anything good.
And then, you know, you watch, you turn on the TV and you watch one of these commercials for, like, Lunessa or whatever it is.
And, you know, and the side effect is a bleeding spleen or throwing up blood or, you know, sleep deprivation, suicidal thoughts, thoughts of, you know, anger, thoughts of going out and hurting or harming other people, including yourself, suicide, all this stuff.
But then something like this happens and they want to blame the tool and not the root problem of the cause.
It's ridiculous.
Why do we keep ignoring the fact that this is what causes it?
It's not the gun.
Someone, like I said earlier, they're saying 60% of these gun deaths are suicide.
Take the guns out of the equation, they're still going to find something else to do.
If somebody wants to do it and they've made that decision constantly, they can do it.
It's like blaming spoons for Rosie O'Donnell being fat is the old cliche.
They know what they're doing.
We keep talking logic to them.
They want our guns to enslave us.
Gun crime is down 51%.
Just department's own numbers since 1992.
And when I had Professor Lott on, one of the top statisticians in the world, he works for major corporations, he's listed as one of the top 10.
He said, Alex, it's actually 61%.
Their numbers are cooked.
61% drop in violent crime using guns.
So they create the perception there's an epidemic of mass shootings.
The one we just saw today,
In Arizona that killed one person was directly linked to two different gangs shooting each other.
Well, gangs were doing that in Chicago in the 20s.
They're going to be doing that in 50 years from now, no matter what laws you pass.
Joe, final comment and we're going to William F. Jasper.
Well, strictest gun control areas, where?
Chicago, Baltimore.
Where are the highest crime rates at?
Chicago and Baltimore.
So how's that gun control working out so far for the Obama administration?
It's not working out too good.
When you arm people, and you take away soft targets, you start making these gun-free zones kill zones.
All these places where these attacks happen, they are gun-free zones.
And a gun-free zone is a kill zone, because criminals don't abide by the law.
That's how they get the guns.
They break the law, they steal it, they grab it.
Just like with the illegal immigrant guy in California.
He stole the gun from an ATF guy and then used it and killed somebody.
I mean, it's out of control.
Well said, Joe Biggs.
Thank you so much.
We will be talking to you again towards the end of the third hour and then off and on during the entire fourth hour with live coverage.
And of course, many stations carry the fourth hour.
If they don't, Infowars.com forward slash show to find the free video feeds.
Thank you, Joe Biggs.
Thank you.
Now, shifting gears, ladies and gentlemen, we have the Pope coming out.
We now learned in a secret meeting earlier this week, according to the Vatican spokesman, Federico Lombardi, in the Associated Press, AFP, you name it, Pope warns against conspiracy theories of Vatican skullduggery.
And the Pope reportedly said, and they have quotes, that
It's a conspiracy theory that he wants world government carbon taxes, that there's a move towards the left.
Of course, that's all admitted.
That's all admitted.
So basically, thinking is a conspiracy theory.
Now, remember 30 years ago, 40 years ago, 50 years ago, when the John Birch Society
Founded by Mr. Welsh, laid out basically everything that we've now seen unfold.
You can see speeches he gave in the 50s that are like revelations or something coming true.
I mean, it's true providence that we had all these people inside the establishment, wealthy people mainly, who didn't want to sell America out, who were let in on the plan, military officers, you name it, were the people that led the fight
Against what's happened, Barry Goldwater and many others.
And then we saw, of course, people like Ron Paul in the second and third waves.
Myself in the fourth wave.
Now we see fifth and sixth wave people waking up to globalism.
But now we've gone from denials of world government to world government being openly admitted across the board.
So we have all of that taking place.
And we have the TPP being, well, for a decade being prepared, but for two years being ratified.
Finally done on Monday.
Finally completed.
And it takes WikiLeaks to release one section, the intellectual property rights chapter, that was passed on the 5th that we still can't see.
So they've now leaked it.
We've been doing a quick analysis this morning.
We have an article going up in mere minutes by Kit Daniels.
The TPP is
Just a global government takeover, which they now admit.
Now we're about to, because of TV satellites, have to stop skipping breaks by next week.
I'm not going to do this anymore.
These are network breaks, so I can't skip them.
They're not local breaks, but I'm going to skip this one so that Jasper has more time because this is so important.
William F. Jasper, of course, his parents joined the John Byrd Society back in the 60s.
He didn't believe it.
They were, you know, his dad was a World War II vet, he respected him, but he still just couldn't believe that there was this global government takeover, that Vietnam was wrong from a conservative perspective.
He tried to disprove his parents, found out they were wrong, got involved in the John Birch Society, and now for, I think it's a couple decades, he's been the editor of the New American Magazine, reaching millions of people.
They've made countless documentaries, they've traveled the country, they have youth organizations in the summer that educate the children about what's happening and about the Constitution.
My only criticism is they haven't been hardcore and aggressive enough, but that's okay.
Their mission is just educational.
Then it's up to the rest of us to be the shock trips.
I've never been a part of the John Birch Society.
My dad was involved in some of their activities when he was in high school.
So obviously I've been heavily influenced by it, and he joins us now.
I mean, William, we've gone from world government, them saying it's not coming, it doesn't exist, to exactly what the John Birch Society said 50 years ago coming true.
This has really got to be a paradox for the establishment and how they're trying to navigate it, but they seem to be going back to the tried and trusted conspiracy theory label.
I mean, Matt Drudge comes on and criticizes the TPP and Esquire.
And countless other publications say he's a conspiracy theory.
So, this really is the new way to say heretic, isn't it?
I mean, this label, and then I want to get into TPP with you.
Yeah, well, it's quite amazing that now, after all these decades and years of denial, we are seeing exactly what we had warned coming true.
The move towards world government is going at a rapid gallop.
We see now, with the TPP, something we've been
uh... writing about and warning about for the last couple of years uh... it seemed to be it seemed to have gone away for a few months it was not being uh... uh... headline news for a while but we warned that hey it's uh... there's still activity going on and and this is going to be coming out back very soon and of course monday uh...
It pops out, voila!
It has been adopted by the leaders of the TPP countries, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and this is a giant step toward world government.
This is taking NAFTA global in the Pacific direction, and as you know, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, the TTIP, is the companion treaty that is scheduled to take us
global on the Atlantic side and so joining the United States with the European Union.
And in the midst of all of that, we see another very important part of this whole scheme toward world government in the so-called refugee crisis, which is really a migrant crisis.
It includes refugees
Streaming out of the war-torn countries of the Middle East, which the United States and the European Union countries under UN auspices have been obliterating and creating this huge migrant crisis.
And now we're told as a result Europe has to take in millions of refugees and
United States as well we have to take our share of course this is part of the whole destabilization process if you're going to deconstruct the current world and create your new world order you have to create the kind of stability that will
Give a rational explanation for what you're doing.
And so that's what we see happening now with all of this migrant push.
That's right.
It's 21st century warfare.
And I want you to walk through all this.
But in the past, if a company head or a governmental head screwed up big, they had to resign.
Now, when they, quote, screw up on 9-11 or screw up with the derivatives, they get rewarded with more power.
So they bomb the countries.
They bring in ISIS.
They bring in Al Qaeda.
They bring in the refugees, a bunch of them military people kicked out of Syria, and then now it's our job to pay for them and to take down our crosses and be politically correct.
I mean, we really see the left in globalism teamed up with radical Islam.
How do you see those things intersecting?
Well, they intersect in many different places, and the current issue of the New American Magazine, we have a package of cover stories by myself and my colleague Alex Newman, whom you've had on your show a number of times, going through both the whole genesis of this with the current
Wars that are ongoing in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and how the administration and the globalists behind it, specifically the Council on Foreign Relations and other related organizations that have been planning
These wars for a number of years, they have actually planned to create the refugee crisis and then to exploit it.
They know when they obliterate whole cities and regions and nations and make people homeless and terrorize them that they're going to try to go somewhere and then
They're there with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees to say, ah, it's time to go to Europe.
We have all this set out for you there.
You'll be welcomed there.
And of course, when you're in those kind of conditions, I mean, we can feel compassion for those people, and we should, and I do.
But it's part of a larger public program.
They call it a conspiracy theory, but it's completely naked.
They admit they're doing this to have a radical transformation and a divide-and-conquer strategy.
Well, and we have many admissions, as we pointed out, and I'm sure you have as well, from Vice President Joe Biden, from the heads of the military branches, that we are indeed arming and have been arming and aiding and training the top ISIS and al-Qaeda leaders and the al-Nusra Front and other groups that are
We were supposed, they were supposed to be moderates, and they've turned out to be, gee, guess what?
They're terrorists as well.
So, we created the Jihadi network, we have created the disruption of all the countries of the Middle East with our regime change program, our Arab Spring, and now the results, which we predicted, we said there would be millions of refugees from this, and that's exactly where we are today.
We have millions of refugees.
The United Nations says that there are over 50 million refugees now and over a billion displaced persons.
Where are they all going to go?
Can we accept all of them?
Can Europe accept all of them without completely destroying the nation?
And those are staggering numbers and as we know from leaked summaries of the 28, 32, it varies the different sections as they've negotiated this in secret for years.
The John Burr Society wrote decades ago how they would create regional boards like the EU, call them trade deals, and then all of a sudden you wake up and it's a dictatorship.
Well look at the EU now saying the answer to the migrant crisis and the problems and the derivatives
Is a super EU and getting rid of any national sovereignty and even sports teams can't be German or French or Spanish or Portuguese or British.
They've got to be like named after you know superheroes or something because even nationalism in a team is bad and xenophobic.
I mean, this is such a cult of political correctness they've created.
Then they destroy regions, fold them in to super regions with Marshall Plans, in their own words, modern Marshall Plans of trillions they give themselves.
To go into these regions over the decades and, quote, repair the problem.
I mean, you can really see how they've got to implode the world to, on its ashes, build this planetary tyranny.
And the two are, the TPP and the refugee crisis are intimately connected, and a very good indication of that.
Well, borders is in there, as you know, it's all in there.
Absolutely, and if you look at one of the, at a number of the key people that are involved in both of these operations, one really stands out just recently, and that is Peter Sutherland.
Peter Sutherland is International Chairman of Goldman Sachs, Bilderberg Trilateral Commission, former EU Commissioner.
He's the one who helped bring about the whole EU amalgamation.
Recently, on September 30th, he was on a Global Experts
A program, a special event by the Council on Foreign Relations.
You can go on the CFR.org now and watch this.
September 30th, Peter Sutherland.
Mr. Internationalist, Mr. Globalist.
And he was the main speaker at the event.
And he was pointing out that this recent refugee crisis
It was necessary that we begin compulsory quotas.
Compulsory quotas are what now the EU is demanding.
Each of its member states has to take X number of refugees.
And if you read the fine print of their decision at the European Council, they say, but this can be
Uh, this can be adjusted upwards.
So, in other words, this initial $120,000 that they said would be taken from Italy and Greece, they said, well, that can, that can be, uh, uh, jumped upwards at any point.
And now, uh, the, uh, of course, Germany just overnight then went from saying they were going to take $800,000 to now $1,000,005.
So, uh... And then it'll be $3,000,000.
And then $5,000,000.
And then 10 million, and then checkmate, they can all vote to enslave the Germans.
I mean, so we see it was Peter Sutherland also, who last year joined with the other EU heavyweight globalists in attacking Switzerland and blackmailing and terrorizing Switzerland when little Switzerland said, hey, we don't want any more refugees.
We're not going to take any more Muslims from the Middle East.
And so all of the international establishment came down on Switzerland as they're doing now against Hungary, against Lithuania.
That's right.
Stay there.
One of the greatest minds when it comes to studying the globalists and fighting.
I'm William F. Jaspers, our guest.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Simply put, we are facing private corporate world government that is usurping control of the planet through incremental private and public partnerships that is basically classical racketeering and fraud.
And they make money and consolidate power at each phase of the takeover.
And they implement and exacerbate crises, they write white papers on how they do it, how they fund all sides of a conflict, and then basically get the West to bail the country out, or the region out, but you're not bailing them out, you're giving money to the globalists and backing it up with your taxes and your military, so they can then issue terms to the conquered country or region.
And by the way, outside the U.S.
this is all well known.
One big trick of the globalists is though, they act like it's an American empire.
And the Council on Foreign Relations, the PNAC group, the big think tanks say that, so that we get the blame for the corrupt world government, while we ourselves are being set up for a fall, being put under debt, being de-industrialized, being demonized, being attacked.
Because they're going to bring us out of the dollar age.
The question is when.
We are being shut up big time.
So I want to get William F. Jasper's take on where TPP goes, how we fight this, where he sees Russia in all this.
And more.
Then our London correspondent, Infowars.com editor-at-large Paul Joseph Watson will be joining us in studio.
Fourth Hour will be hosted by David Knight and we'll be covering Obama as he arrives in Roseburg to
Feed on the energy of the dead, even though the families have all said, don't do it.
I was corrected.
It's not seven of the ten families.
All the families are now come out.
They were targeted because they were Christians and conservatives and said, please don't use our dead family for your move to disarm us.
Please don't do it.
But the vampire in chief is going to be arriving and squatting on them and doing that, flying in on his carrying his carrying helicopter.
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I don't know.
Libertarian, patriot-based, Americana, no apologies.
We wear our bias to promote freedom and to tell the truth openly.
We fly our flags of no-surrender openly.
And it takes that to shake people out of the tyranny.
Now, William F. Jasper of the New American Magazine, their editor, joins us.
I've been interviewing this fellow for
Oh, I don't know, probably 17 years.
He's been fighting him, I know, for over 30 years.
His parents for 50 plus years.
But is it not surreal?
I want to go back to the big picture here and then get back into the minutia and where this is all going.
To get the Clinton Library documents, as Joseph Farah at the Western Journalism Center did last year, and it's them in the early 90s.
Mentioning the John Birch Society, mentioning Western Journalism Center, mentioning what if there becomes a new media to challenge us, we've got to instruct all the controlled media to call them conspiracy theorists and kooks and just deny everything exists, deny, deny, deny.
We have their own battle plan and now they still just bleed it out and say there's no secret treaties, there's no world government, raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt limit, gun crime's up even though it's not.
And their poll numbers go down and down.
People, I think, more and more who are thinking.
Really get what's happening.
I mean, the success of this show, Drudge showing up Tuesday, you know, and endorsing us publicly.
That was a private relationship before that.
So many others in law enforcement, federal and state and local, want me to know that they're aware of what's happening and are totally freaked out.
The military is incredibly awake right now.
I mean, I really think, starting with the John Birch Society, starting with
People like Barry Goldwater, Mr. Welsh, we're not giving credit here.
They wouldn't want credit.
They'd want to defeat the tyranny.
But if you read the quotes by Barry Goldwater in the 60s about global government and the Trilateral Commission and CFR later in the 70s, it's 100% on.
We need to let folks understand because what I found really wakes them up.
You guys put a whole issue out.
See, we told you so.
And, you know, John Birch Society predicts basically everything, and just show the thousands of quotes by you, by patriots, by you 30 years ago, and everybody else accurately charting the future of what we faced, so people will now listen to the next chapter.
And that's what I want to get to next.
What are they going to do next?
What's their endgame if we don't stop them?
Well, you put your finger on some very important points, and here's what's important for people to understand.
The key principle on here is power, and concentrating power isn't always a threat to liberty.
When you concentrate power at
greater and greater levels and you get out to the global level uh... then you're talking about a a huge threat to a human liberty uh... centralizing power concentrating power internationalizing power on a global scale is a is a very bad idea if you believe in liberty and the folks that are promoting this that have been for over
uh... the last fifty years especially uh... even longer going back nearly a century the founding of the globalist movements in the council on foreign relations and the uh... the other international circles like that uh... they know what they're doing they believe in concentrating power and concentrating it more the more they can concentrate the more they can empower their little oligopoly and that oligarchy then will
We have political, economic, social media control throughout the whole planet and that's where we are rapidly approaching right now.
We had a special issue of the New American just a little over a year ago called the United Nations on the brink of becoming a world government and in that we survey, we have a map of the world, show all of the different
Adjuncts of the United Nations, the whole United Nations bureaucracy all over the world, economic, political, social, and most Americans are unaware that the United Nations has grown to such huge dimensions and that it has offices and regional and national and global buildings and headquarters all over the world with all of its multitude of agencies.
And we show on the map, and it's an interactive map, all of these different agencies.
I've been to most of them myself.
I've been a correspondent at the United Nations for many years, for nearly 30 years.
And it's quite amazing when you, particularly when you go to a third world country, and you see everywhere
The United Nations, the United Nations trucks, United Nations tents, United Nations buildings.
They are the ones who are in control of all of the refugee centers.
They are the ones who are in control of all of the bailout funds.
Through the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank of the United Nations.
And that is one of the areas that we've focused on a lot in the past few years, which is the international monetary control.
Sure, and now, a few weeks ago... ...national currency.
And I want to get to that, because the world government's here, but they're not even hiding it anymore.
So, shouldn't that give us an advantage to force Congress to do something?
But what about the Attorney General and the Vice President two weeks ago?
Meeting with the U.N.
and saying we're going to basically have the U.N.
come in, take control of our cities, our city's police programs, to monitor them, and to battle domestic extremists.
I mean, I read the text earlier this week of what she had to say.
It is so naked, William.
Well, and this is one of many areas.
This has been coming for a number of years.
We've been reporting on it that every time there is a riot or a race incident, there are reports made to the United Nations.
The same thing now with the refugee crisis.
Those have to all come under United Nations control, United Nations monitoring, and according to this next week, watch this coming week, in Geneva, Switzerland, the United Nations is going to be having the World Humanitarian Summit.
And there they are going to lay down the basis for normative international law regarding refugees and humanitarian concerns in which our government, our State Department, representing the Obama administration and allegedly the American people,
is going to go on record in favor of moving in toward this international law.
Well, if you have international law, you have to have international enforcement, international monitoring.
And of course, that means, again, more transfer of power to the United Nations and its various agencies, which is then, you know, the boldest
And most ball face grab for power is then coming up at the end of November and early December in Paris, France, where the United Nations is holding its climate change summit, which is, of course, calling for.
International controls over all of the air that we breathe, over all human activities.
Everything will have to be audited if you're going to build a house, build a machine, if you're going to mow your yard.
It's Agenda 21 on steroids.
Have you ever seen them moving in unison this bold, A, and then B, are they accelerating their program because they're behind schedule or are they really doing well?
Well, they're behind schedule on almost every front.
We've reported over the decades on a number of the leading timelines that they've put forward and on most of them they're years or even decades behind.
However, they have been patiently laying the groundwork and so now they have been able to build up all of these various UN agencies
They've been able to acquire the funds through the United States and the European Union primarily delivering up most of the funding for this and so with legions of bureaucrats in the UN bureaucracy and with all the NGOs that are funded by tax-exempt foundations and government
uh... grants uh... they now have a veritable army which works in concert with the establishment news media to push these things forward and so that when a a crisis a planned crisis like the refugee horde begins then they have all of their activists, their NGOs, their think tanks, their media
Creating a fake consensus.
Right, so they can come up with a fake consensus.
They can stampede people with a concern over humanitarian issues or things of that nature.
And I agree with you, they're 10-15 years behind but now they're trying to accelerate their program and you can see how they have the cake and eat it too.
Flood Europe, flood the US with millions of refugees, destabilize, get more welfare, more government, more regulation domestically, more police state to counter all the ISIS people they admit have come in.
Then that's turned around against the indigenous populations or the populations that are more constitutional based.
But then they'll hold Europe and the West hostage for hundreds of billions, as they're now saying, to fix the refugee crisis and stop the flow.
So they're going to basically extort us now with the third world they control, as the world financial collapse accelerates, to give in to world government and world taxation, or they'll hit us with billions of people.
I mean, you can really see... Well, I mean, yes, they're going to try to shove as many in here over the next few months as possible.
And what they're telling the United States is, oh, it's only a few thousand.
But that's what they were telling the Europeans over the last several years.
What they plan to do is put seed communities, seed migrants, and, you know, as we've... Colonies.
We don't even know who these people are that are coming here.
Most of them do not have identification.
They have not been vetted.
The FBI, the DNI say that they cannot vet these people.
There's no way that they can tell if they're terrorists or not, or even where they're from, what nation they're from.
So, once they get a few in here though, they already have the migration refugee network built up with hundreds, literally over 300 groups that are getting money from the federal government.
Almost all of it from the federal government or from tax-exempt foundations like Soros, Ford, Rockefeller.
These various groups like the International Rescue Committee, World Relief, U.S.
Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran World Relief Services, these groups are raking in tons of money.
They have a financial incentive, as well as many of them an ideological incentive, to bring more and more Muslims to the United States.
I'm sure you've covered, as we have, the fact that
The Christians who are being persecuted in the Middle East, the ones who are really being martyred there, are being discriminated against.
We have an active policy in our State Department to make it difficult for Christians who really have nowhere else to go.
That's right.
Tell us about that when we come back.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
William F. Jaspers, our guest.
I'm Alex Jones in fullwars.com.
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William F. Jaspers with us five minutes to the next hour.
Then we've got Paul Joseph Watson in studio.
Our reporters on the ground as Obama prepares to land the next hour in Roseburg, Oregon.
If you're a new listener and you wonder what's going on,
The British Empire, and this is a simplified 60-second history, and we'll get Jasper's take on it, he's a bigger expert than I am, but this is how it worked.
The British Empire, run by private corporations, had taken over probably 40% of the world.
The sun never set on it.
Some estimates are 50%.
And you have the Dutch Empire, and the French Empire, and the Spanish Empire, and the Russian Empire, and the American Empire was growing by then as well, after the Spanish-American War.
It was really when we became an empire.
That's admitted by historians.
And a lot of the robber barons wanted a corporate global empire by buying off presidents, buying off kings, buying off other companies, consolidating those, using mercenaries in skirmishes with locals, indigenous, that didn't want to go along with it.
And after World War I, they had League of Nations, and they argued, let's have this big combine and never have a war again.
But then, of course, that went into World War II.
And the argument is let's have global government run by corporations that'll stop these wars.
But they're the very groups stirring up the wars so they can then point for global government to stop the wars.
And they're the ones nine times out of ten destabilizing, starting the crisis, or exacerbating it.
And so we don't face foreign armies, foreign tanks now.
That's only at one small level of it.
We face economic warfare.
We face a takeover.
And it's a cultural takeover as well.
And it doesn't give any quarter.
And it's a world where the social compact is out the door and where they want to purposely make people poor and highly controlled.
Cloward and Piven is only one aspect of that.
We've got three minutes left in this segment.
Five-minute segment after that, I'm going to try to give you the floor in these little segments, William F. Jasper.
But I think really getting big picture for people is the key here.
And now that it's all admitted, and I just can't believe how incredibly accurate you guys got it 30, 40 years ago, I think we really have to celebrate the fact that we, the conspiracy theorists, we, the constitutionalists,
Really did get it right, and that we are the real opposition to this planetary tyranny.
And I think people can wake up pretty quick to that, and then form the proper opposition.
Well, yes.
I mean, the record is there.
And we have huge archives of stories on our website that go back 30, 40, 50 years.
And so people can judge for themselves.
They can say, gee,
They were right 30, 40, 50 years ago and they've called it, they said this is what was going to happen if these things were allowed to take place and that is exactly what has happened and the world doesn't look so good compared to what it could be, what it should be.
So I think people, we're at a very crucial point in our history now and if people can tear themselves away from the establishment media and away from their Oprah Winfrey or their Kardashians or whatever they watch or whatever other diversions are keeping them from looking at the hard truths, we can have a massive wake-up very quickly and people can put the pieces together because
There have been some very good people over a long period of time that have been sorting all this out and putting it together for them.
And so, really now, the information is all there.
It's kind of complex, it's very large, but if you boil it down to the key principles, which are, if you want to maintain liberty, then you have to have separations of power.
You have to keep as much power local as possible.
You have to keep national sovereignty and all of the forces at work that we're talking about today that we're discussing are working in the opposite direction to take away local control, to take away national sovereignty, to concentrate us in a global government, a global economy.
And that's what we have to look at as the
I agree.
Stay there.
Do five more minutes with us and we'll let you go.
William F. Jasper.
Third hour coming up.
Now we have a fourth hour as well.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up, I've got a video that's really a paradox.
You've got a video where the cop lets the guy shoot him and still doesn't shoot him and says, please don't make us kill you.
If you pull a gun on me, I'm going to shoot you.
And then another one, where the South Carolina cop shoots the black guy in the back.
They've now had to pay $6.5 million.
He's obviously been indicted.
There's two extremes.
The cop, you don't want to be shooting somebody in the back.
And the other cop, you don't want to be letting someone shoot you.
I mean, this is just two extremes of total insanity.
We'll play the video of both.
Going back to William F. Jasper, we've got about four minutes left in this segment.
What comes next?
How do we fight him?
What do we do?
Well, for instance, we started out talking about the TPP, the Transatlantic Policy Program.
Big battle is going to be in the House and in the Senate.
And right now we have the battle going for Speaker of the House.
And it's interesting that Daryl Issa is one of the key people running for Speaker of the House.
And that's significant in this particular battle and on many others because although he has a reputation as being a conservative Republican,
Uh, he is a member of the Transatlantic Policy Network, which is run by the aforementioned Peter Sutherland, the grandmaster of the Bilderberg, uh, trilateral, uh, internationalist, uh, Goldman Sachs agenda.
He really is the new David Rockefeller, isn't he?
Yes, and I mean, as we pointed out earlier, he is also not only promoting the TPP and the TTIP, but also the big refugee swarm into Europe after having helped bring together the whole borderless Europe program while he was working as the President of the European Commission.
Lower the borders, blow up the Middle East, North Africa, bring in the hordes!
Right, so he is a key operative there, and Daryl Issa, whether he gets the speakership or not, is just one of them.
In our special report that we did on the Transatlantic Policy Network, we listed all the Senators.
That's called our special article, Trading Away Their Oaths.
We pointed out all the Senators such as Thad Cochran, Mark Kirk, Barbara Mikulski, Pat Roberts, Roger Wicker that are members of the TPN and then we listed the House members as well.
They're all going to be critical votes and a lot of people think that some of these
Representatives, because they are conservative Republicans, quote-unquote, are going to be reliable votes on this.
I need to realize that many of them have been bought off, bribed off, or in one way or another influenced to jump on board this sovereignty-destroying, independence-destroying, globalist program.
Sure, and the media is acting like only socialists don't like it, and it's a leftist issue because Bernie Sanders is against it.
But Bernie Sanders, of course, could flip just as he did on the Federal Reserve bill and sabotage the audit of the Federal Reserve after Ron Paul got a good one through the House.
Bernie Sanders sabotaged it in the Senate and he could do the same thing on this as well.
That's what frequently happens.
The controlled opposition puts up a fight, takes the center stage so that no other genuine opponents can surface, and then when the critical time comes, they fold and jump to the other side.
So we have a real battle before us on the TPP and then following up on the TTIP.
A lot of people say it's over now.
That's part of the strategy of defeatism.
No, it's just begun.
Even if they get this through, look at all these European countries wanting out of the Euro.
Look at England demanding to get out.
Now that we force a debate, admit it's illegitimate, that's the end of it.
I mean, so this is really a house of cards that they've built.
They've made it look very formidable.
And it is because we keep allowing them to take our tax dollars and work against us to fund our enemies and to fund hostile takeovers.
That's why Rand Paul's right.
End all foreign aid.
William F. Jasper, great job.
We need to get you back up more often.
Thanks for the time.
Read his amazing writings there.
Thank you, William.
Thank you, y'all.
Folks, those guys right there are the original Patriot heroes, the first Paul Revere's to really ring the alarm bell.
They're it!
Just when you thought you've heard it all, parents are pulling their children out of a Bay Area grade school because of a third grader that has been terrorizing fellow students.
That's right.
The unnamed boy who attends Mount Diablo Elementary School has become so violent and out of control, the principal there has had to place the school on lockdown several times.
The third grader in question has thrown rocks at teachers, other students, knocked over garbage cans, punched others in the stomach, and locked himself in bathrooms.
The outbursts have gotten so bad that about 30 parents have pulled their children out of the school.
So far, the school board administration has done nothing to address the situation.
And parents were quoted as saying they want a healthy, safe learning environment for everyone.
Well, I got news for you.
Schools are gun-free zones, which makes them very unsafe.
Back in my day, behavior like this would have gotten you sent to the principal's office to receive three whacks from a paddle.
But I'm sure you won't see that in California.
And just to state the obvious, we are talking about Mount Diablo Elementary School, so maybe this boy is the spawn of... Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You know, when we're playing this intro, Paul's gonna wear a t-shirt on there today.
I'm gonna go back to this hotel and get his sports jacket and stuff because, you know, he's a good fella.
So here's your song, Paul.
Crank it up!
Very good, Alex.
Very good.
I love to tease the crew around here.
Paul, don't we have some fun behind the scenes?
We have a lot of fun.
A lot of laughs.
We play croquet.
It's a lot of fun.
We hop around on the green grass going, good lord!
Total royalty, don't we?
Well, that's what I do every day in the woods anyway.
Last time.
That's another little inside joke.
Paul was hiking around in the woods a couple days ago before he flew here.
We were talking on the phone about work and I heard people in the background.
I said, can you just hop up and down and say royalty three times?
No, seriously, Paul, let's, that actually did happen.
Paul Joseph Watson's here.
We have a lot of really serious news to cover in this third hour.
In the fourth hour we've brought back, I haven't done that in years, we'll be hosted today by David Knight, and we're going to have Jakari Jackson and Joe Biggs, as Obama is set to land in the next 51 minutes or so, in Roseburg, to grandstand, to venomously, like a giant spider, feed off the dead, to push gun control, and the epic
Over the top statement from the White House, here it is in the Washington Post, that they intend to, quote, circumvent Congress with executive authority to restrict guns.
Gun registration, confiscating if they aren't registered.
The FBI said, no, we've been told we're going to take them from Social Security recipients if you take an automatic transfer, is one example.
Well, most of them do.
They're saying that means that you are basically being declared incompetent.
So this is over the top, ladies and gentlemen.
So a big hour and 50 minutes left out before us here.
Paul Joseph Watson joining us.
Paul, you know, Drudge came over and saw you in England, I guess, last year.
We didn't tell anybody about that.
That's inside baseball, but he was over there conducting research.
What did you make of Drudge popping up Tuesday and it being one of the biggest stories in the country in the last two days?
I mean, that's just another sign of how big InfoWars has gotten, but we already knew how big InfoWars was.
I mean, if we could tell you about the other folks that are fans, it really shows, though, how the main lining of reality
Uh, is really becoming, uh, more and more evident as the facade drops.
I mean, the Pope is in the news, in secret meetings, scared of conspiracy theorists, saying we must stop them.
That means people that question known liars.
Uh, Clinton, Obama...
Stop it, conspiracy theorists!
Stop it!
MSNBC, stop listening to Jones!
Just whatever you do, you're discredited if you do, don't look there, don't look there!
TPP doesn't exist!
It's not secret!
No one wants your guns!
No one!
I mean, this really looks like criminals trying to hide the bag of diamonds when the police pull them over under the seat, but a few diamonds have fallen out there on the floorboard.
Paul Joseph Watson, what do you say about being with the Infowar 13 years now, since you were not even wearing big boy pants?
Well, it was about 10 years ago that I visited, and you had like four employees.
That was in the old studio, which was a lot smaller.
Now it's like a sprawling complex.
You've got, what, 50, 60 employees.
So the amount that it's grown in that time is huge.
Since I last visited, it's very impressive.
And we're exponentially reaching more people.
Yeah, and that's why we've been recognized by the likes of Drudge in the first place.
Well, it's just exciting to know that Drudge is so awake.
I mean, basically, I don't want to say he's an Alex Jones clone, because he's a little bit different, but he's kind of came before me a few years, so it's just he knows what's going on.
No, no.
You know, I went to dinner with him a couple of years ago and he was so encouraging to me.
He was an inspiration to me and he said, you really are having an impact.
You need to treat what you do like how the New York Times treat, you know, what they do, what their journalists do, because you are having an impact.
You're important.
We're not being arrogant, I tell our reporters, but we can be as confident as least as a local news station.
Go ahead.
I mean, we're not to a certain extent.
We need to fully understand, you know, the power that we've had in our narrative.
Our listeners do.
Our listeners have power.
Yeah, yeah.
So I went to dinner with him a couple of years ago and he said, yeah, he basically, you know, he ran through the whole gamut of everyone that works here and said, you've all got certain qualities to bring to the table.
And that's what he encouraged us to do.
So for me, it was a massive inspiration.
And in the two years since, we've really pushed on to the point where, you know, the likes of Media Matters, a White House front, an admitted White House front, you know, every time almost that Drudge links to us, they put out a hit piece saying, oh my God, the discredited Infowars again linked with Drudge.
And yet, then we had CNN picking up the Drudge article, the interview that you had, which was epic.
And they didn't even link to the actual video.
They didn't link to Infowars.
I think they didn't even mention Infowars.
They just mentioned the Alex Jones Show.
So, shows how petrified they are.
CNN's top show's got 300,000 viewers.
I've got more than that every 15 minutes.
I mean, they're in their own world!
They're in their own world, Paul!
It was like, Drudge goes on crazy rant about, you know, this, that and the other.
That interview was really epic.
You can see the CNN article there.
Again, they don't even link to Infowars.
Other news sites, which have tended to shy away from us in the past, finally, you know, recognizing that, you know, we're having an impact.
Drudge comes to this studio because he resonates with what we do, because that's what he did.
You know, 15, 20 years ago he started off on a laptop in his apartment.
20 years ago.
20 plus.
So he basically started off at nothing.
He became a one-man news operation.
A whirlwind force.
He had a massive impact.
That's why the Clintons hate him.
And, you know, you took that on board.
You were already doing your radio show.
And as Drudge was saying at dinner the other night, what happens is more people do what we've done and he's done.
That's what's going to defeat them.
Yeah, which is what he was warning about, which was, you know, don't rely on Facebook and Twitter as a platform, because at any moment they can take away that platform.
We've had videos censored off YouTube, our entire channel got wiped off YouTube a few years ago, same thing happened to Mark Dice, and so...
He emphasized that point.
It's about not relying on these social media networks.
We use them to amplify what we're already putting out, but we've built the platform.
So build your own platform before relying on and giving over all your content and traffic to social media.
That's the key point that he made.
That's right.
And in fact, I was like debating what he said, but really you just crystallized it.
But there's a nuance to it.
You have to have your own platform, then use the enemy platform to magnify yours, but operate like you're not going to have that tomorrow.
That's why you've got to have as many platforms as you can, in my view, feeding back to your central platform, like InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, PrisonPlanet.tv.
And the reason why you need to do that is because it's far easier for them to send to Facebook and Twitter than it is to come after your own personal website.
We had top feminists go in front of the UN.
A couple of weeks ago now, and basically say that if you say to feminists, you suck, or if you call Caitlyn Jenner Bruce, then that is the equivalent of quote, cyber violence.
And that's what they're saying.
And we had that video, we played it, and now though, expanding on that, we have Zuckerberg at the UN with Merkel,
Saying, we will shut anybody down that criticizes you or the open borders, and now they've hired former Stasi and Facebook to report people to the police for their speech, and the Germans arrest you.
Yeah, and on Twitter they've just introduced a new reporting tool, where you can report somebody for a tweet, if they disagreed with you.
So if someone disagrees with you on Twitter, that is one of the options to report them.
It says, disagreeing in the handbook is hateful.
Yeah, or insulting someone's religion.
I mean, the Pope came out after Charlie Hebdo and said, you shouldn't be allowed to make fun of or insult someone's religion.
You deserve to be hit in the face, was the quote.
Yeah, so he was siding with the jihadists that had just slaughtered, you know, 9, 10, 11 people in France in the days... Yeah, but he said he's not leftist.
It's a conspiracy theory.
He said.
You're not allowed to even interpret what he said.
Well, and that has caused a huge revolt within the Catholic Church.
There's a huge conservative revolt.
We had a video a couple of months ago.
They're giving all these pro-global warming climate change presentations at these individual church meetings.
People are getting up and going mad over this.
It's on video, they're getting... Well, that's why I would never criticize the Catholics, because overall they were good people and an ally against the Communists and all these anti-family people.
I know the left infiltrated them with the pedo brigades to take them over.
They've now done it.
They have now blackmailed and taken them over.
And that's what the Pope's scared of, is just pointing it out.
It's even in the London Guardian they blackmailed to take over.
The Catholic Church is run by the pedo-brigade.
They won.
They didn't get defeated, they took it over.
And then he's inviting in the waves of migrants, when top imams are getting up in mosques in, you know, Jerusalem and saying, this is about supplanting Christianity.
Well, they say, they're weak, we have their leaders, their women are ours, they're scum.
And this is the top imam.
Yeah, and I mean... Imagine if we said, the Arabs are weak, we're coming to get your women and take you over.
And then you've got the lesbian bishop in Stockholm who says they're going to remove Christian symbols altogether from the church.
Well, that's reasonable.
Hey, what about this?
No whites allowed.
Seattle yoga class says for people of color only.
Yeah, and again, you look at Islam, you know, the religion of peace.
I mean, they don't even want the groveling whites that crawl on the ground about minorities and go, oh God, oh, oh, worshipful, oh, let me do what I... and beat themselves on the head.
I mean, can you imagine the average liberal yoga person in Seattle?
It's just, get away, you filthy... They just roll on the ground and go, please, no, you're my God... I mean, seriously, that's how they act.
We were talking about this earlier, I was talking about this with Anthony, this whole white privilege thing.
It's like, I was born on a council estate and my dad had to get up at 6am to go to a factory job that he absolutely hated for three decades.
Making cutlery!
Yeah, just to try and give us some sense of living.
Like Anthony's parents at one point he was saying couldn't even afford to buy him sandwiches.
Yet we've got white privilege.
When our parents had to work for decades, you know, living in camps... My dad's parents had some money, but they were land-rich, money-poor, so they were kind of a land gentry in the area, but, because they were an old family, but they didn't have any money, and he had to put himself with three jobs through medical school.
I remember my dad would get two, three hours sleep for those four years, and looked like 15 years older after it.
I mean, my dad basically hurt himself doing that.
Because we live in a meritocracy, we have to work... He was a white pig!
Oh, he's bad for working hard and, you know, trying to make something of himself.
That's bad.
Because of his skin color.
It's ridiculous.
Well, I'm just glad that they're banning white people at yoga.
I think that's totally reasonable.
I mean, you can't have white devils.
The point is, is this is just insane.
I want to get into this latest Second Amendment story you've got.
Ann Moore with Paul Watson on this Friday edition.
Stay with us.
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Paul requested this song.
In 1814, we took a little trip.
Sing it with us, Paul.
In 1814, we took a little trip, along with Colonel Jackson down to mighty Mississippi.
We took a little bacon, and we took a little beans, and we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans.
We fired our guns, and the British kept a-comin'.
There wasn't as many as there was a-possible.
I'm Scottish.
My family's Scottish.
Once more, and they began to runnin'.
Down to Mississippi, to the Gulf of Mexico.
I know, you asked for the song.
It's funny, it's just another redneck.
And we see the British come, and there must have been a hundred of them beating on the drums.
Oh, God.
So redneck.
I'm triggered right now.
This is actually really offensive.
I'm going to the UN to complain.
All right, I'm going to stop being serious here.
That's right.
You're actually Scottish.
I'm more Britannic than you are.
My last name is Jones.
Shoot at me then.
You're probably more... I'm running.
Shoot at me.
I'm running.
I can't shoot straight, I'm British.
I'm being disarmed, I'm a peasant.
Alright, there you go.
Niko, are you enjoying that?
I can see the camera in there.
See them laughing.
Am I pretty stupid or what?
It's pretty fun.
Okay, there you go, Paul.
You got to run the red coat off.
Seriously, folks, let's get serious here.
TPP to kill this... Kit Daniels was saying this about five minutes ago.
He came in during the break.
He's getting screenshots of it to add and update the article.
We use Facebook because a fan in Canada created like, I don't want to exaggerate, 40 pages for us or something.
And one of them got like 500,000 likes and he just gave them to us.
And then after that they changed the algorithm so they stopped growing at about 900,000.
So it's basically sat the same ever since and, gosh, we'd have really known back then and used it like five, six years ago.
But still, some days we can get as much traffic off our big Facebook that's like 900-something thousand likes as we get off InfoWars.
The problem is any criticism of Hillary, any criticism of the migrants and the open border, any criticism of TPP, which Zuckerberg's been involved in,
This went up 5, 6, 7 minutes ago now, I guess about 10 minutes ago now.
It had 40, 50 shares.
And he started seeing it go negative.
Gucci already put a TPP out about Monsanto and how it's going to let them shut everybody down and make you take Roundup and GMO.
His had thousands and then it went to zero.
We did a story on that.
This, he's getting video.
In fact, they said screenshots.
I want video, guys.
Maybe repost it and get video in live time as at first it kicks in and gets like 50 shares in like a minute.
Then it starts racing backwards.
So that'd be like if you're watching a horse at a horse race and it starts running backwards when it's about to win.
I mean, or Don King in one of his boxing matches.
And the point is, they don't tell you they're doing this censorship.
They go, well, Facebook owns Facebook.
But they act like it's this free, open, common.
TPP to kill thousands by expanding monopoly power of drug companies.
Trade deal to expand healthcare costs beyond Obamacare worldwide.
Yeah, it's written by the insurance companies.
Great point, Kit Daniels.
He links to the proof.
He links to the pundits.
What is their answer?
Because Zuckerberg's so liberal.
is to then not let anybody know.
Paul Watson, we need to show the power of InfoWars without Facebook, and folks need to make this go viral right now.
Well, another thing about Facebook that I noticed is they came out about a year ago and said, you know, if you're putting out, quote, fake news, which, you know, is reality news basically, we're going to relegate the exposure of your posts and that will be based off of people reporting it as fake news.
Now, I get Facebook notifications like three, four times a week with my posts being reported for nudity.
And of course there's no nudity whatsoever.
It's something that somebody disagrees with.
Rigoring and offensive.
So they report it to Facebook based on their own algorithm.
And I don't know if they changed it, but they came out with this about a year ago.
They said, we'll just relegate the exposure so more people don't see a post if it's being reported as, you know, offensive by a large number of people.
And that's so they can just deny it.
Zuckerberg was caught on the hot mic saying he'll, he hired the Stasi.
I mean, you know.
Yeah, literally, code name Victoria, used to work for one of the most oppressive organizations in the history of Western politics, reporting people threatening to take away their kids in Germany for anti-migrant laws.
She used to disappear people and now she does it again.
Yeah, it's ridiculous.
How dare you be against disappearing people and their children?
What could be more liberal?
And with this TPP thing about, you know, potential copyright violation for linking to posts.
We'll get into it after the break.
But this extends to Twitter, whereby if you tag someone in a tweet, that can also be clarified or classified as harassment.
Merely for tagging someone else in a tweet.
Is it harassment that when we go to dinner I'm going to speak to you in an English accent the entire time?
Yeah, it's very offensive.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be back with the Redcoat and the Scott.
Stay with us.
Straight ahead, InfoWars.com gets deeply into the news.
Stay with us.
Newsflash straight ahead.
The Empire's on the run.
Fourth hour from Alex Jones and the GC is the great buzzard lands.
No whites allowed!
A yoga studio in Seattle is promoting racial discrimination by holding special sessions that explicitly excludes whites.
Rainier Beach Yoga in Seattle has created a special class called Yoga for People of Color, an exclusionary yoga session whose rules expressly forbid white people.
An email blast from the yoga studio says white friends, allies, and partners are respectfully asked not to attend.
The class also invites lesbian, bisexual, gay, queer, and trans-friendly people, but no whites allowed.
I wonder what would happen if the roles were reversed and there was a yoga class for whites only.
I'm sure the liberals across the country would be outraged.
And the mainstream media would make it a national story.
And you can learn more about this story and more right now at Infowars.com.
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London Dungeon by the Misfits bringing us in for fall.
Len Danza can vocalize.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I don't want to be in your British show, Paul.
No, seriously.
I like Paul.
We're good friends.
I tease him.
I just saw him for the first time when he got here last night, right before the show today, so we're having a little bit of fun.
He's going to be joining us a lot in the next week while he's here, and he'll be more serious.
There is just so much serious news.
By the time I get to the third hour, we have Joe Biggs waiting in the wings to give us an update.
On the great carrion creature, the great buzzard that is going to land to try to feed on the dead bodies of those that were killed spiritually to demonize the Second Amendment in a satanic, anti-gun, Bloombergian ritual.
But if you didn't know, they're announcing the big assault on our guns right now.
It's actually deadly serious.
We're going to go to Joe Biggs in just a moment.
But you know, when you know these people, Paul Watson from England joining us, it is like clockwork how obvious all of this is and what their next move is going to be.
And then when we warn everybody, they call us a conspiracy theorist.
But then exactly what we say happens.
Then we seem like geniuses.
We're not that smart.
I mean, the globalists are following a program.
They may tweak it, they may move it a degree or so, but it's pretty sick how obvious it is.
What do you expect them to do next now?
Um, I expect them to, you know, if you watch these debates between Liberals and, you know, pro-Second Amendment people, they press them on what their actual solution is to this gun issue, and they don't have a solution short of disarm everybody of all their guns.
And that's never going to happen without a complete bloodbath in the United States.
What is, you know, 300 million plus guns in the United States, it's never going to happen.
They talk about buyback programs and all this kind of stuff.
Even in Australia, where they supposedly disarmed everybody to stop school shootings, 80% of the guns from the statistics I read are still within the hands of the population.
So they didn't even hand them in.
So that's not even a rational argument to make.
And then Obama comes out after Roseberg.
And says, yes, we're going to politicize this issue.
Like Australia, now he comes out and says it's not political, that's a conspiracy theory.
Yeah, so, you know, in the past it was, oh, is he gonna politicize it?
He admitted it, that was his own word, politicize the issue.
Even though, during this shooting, there was an Air Force vet who had a concealed carry, like, 200 yards away in a different building.
He was attempting to get across to apprehend the gunman, to stop the massacre.
The staff at the college stopped him from doing that.
You also had Chris Mintz, the hero who took seven bullets.
He didn't have a gun, and that's why he took seven bullets.
I want to know why the people followed orders of the staff at the military facility to not go over there and take this guy out.
I mean, I'm not saying I'm some hero, but if I heard they were executing people and I had a gun, I would go try to take the person out.
I don't know the circumstances of it, but he was there.
He had a concealed carry.
He could have, you know, at least lessened the massacre.
Chris Mintz attempted to do that, and it's interesting that Obama is in Roseburg today, about to meet with some of the families.
Chris Mintz, who's been widely lauded as a hero for the past week, refuses to meet with Obama.
He says he's not interested in meeting with Obama.
Well, we want to talk to him, Jakari and crew do.
Yeah, because he doesn't want to politicize the issue.
Yeah, if Obama wants to go and sympathize with the victims, that's one thing, but we know that's not why he's going.
He's going for a photo op and to grandstands.
That's right.
They don't want him there.
Everybody, he's still coming.
And they're busting in a bunch of Bloomberg idiots.
And then you look at Jerusalem where they've had a wave of stabbings throughout Israel.
That's your new story?
Yeah, over the past two weeks, four different stabbing attacks.
We had one prior to that at a gay pride march.
And it's Israelis and Palestinians who are responsible for these stabbings because one is a revenge attack for the previous one.
So the mayor of Jerusalem came out yesterday and said,
Basically encouraged people who have licensed firearms to carry them at all times.
He said, quote, I have a licensed gun.
Every time there is tension, I instruct people who are allowed to carry weapons and are experienced in using them to carry their guns with them.
If you check, you'll see that in many cases, those who neutralize terrorists were citizens who aren't necessarily police officers like former soldiers.
So you've had cases over the past couple of weeks with
Palestinians, you know, lurching at these security officers, these police officers, attempting to stab them.
They're then shot dead and, you know, some on the left go into outrage mode as if they should just let themselves be stabbed to death.
But again, it underscores the point that an armed population is a protected population.
Contrast what the mayor of Jerusalem is saying to what Obama is saying.
Or the head of Interpol after the latest attack in Kenya at a mall.
Is that a couple of them said the answer is armed people in the malls.
Yeah, because the terrorists in that mall were stopped by, you know, people with guns.
And by the way, this is an angle for Joe Biggs and Jakari.
They've split up.
They'll cover more in the next hour and the hours after when they're live-streaming The Nightly News tonight as Obama's upset to arrive.
We're about to talk to Joe Biggs here briefly with an update.
He'll be again on more in the next hour.
If your station doesn't carry it, infowars.com forward slash show to find the video feed and audio feeds.
This is important.
I bet they're going to bus in, I mean I heard they were, but have the bus of people there say everyone there is in support of gun control, block out all the demonstrators, and have almost no coverage of it, or they'll go to the demonstrators that are, you know, probably be a thousand people or more, be a thousand, six thousand, ten thousand, nobody knows, thousands are already there we're told.
And they'll just show the end of it.
I've seen mainstream media when we have a gun rally, say with 1,500, 2,000 people, they'll go to the corner to interview people and show like six people on the edge at the back and say, dozens came out today.
And then the police department will say, no, it was 2,000 or it was 1,000.
This is how they operate in their deception.
Now we know they're deceptive, but it's important to just keep rubbing the nose in it and so getting footage of how they try to spin it, what we shoot on the ground versus what's on the news tonight, we need to be taping that here so when they get back we can really integrate that together and show people the type of deception we're talking about because
That's why mainstream media is in free fall.
We continue to wound them, we continue to expose them, and show their premeditated hatred for the truth, their hatred for America, and the fact that they work for foreign occupational interests in this country.
Joe Biggs joining us from above the hills there over the airport.
Has his lordship arrived yet?
He's scheduled in the next 20 minutes.
Joe Biggs, they're reporting from Roseburg, Oregon.
Oh, we're actually down here on the ground now, Alex.
Uh, uh, he's on another two minutes.
Alright, let's do this.
Let's pause for a moment.
Let's pause for a moment, wait until the Skype comes back, and that's intermittent.
I know we had great Skype when he was up in the hills.
I guess he's traversed down closer to the buzzards' landing field.
Because he is a carrion creature now, feeding on the dead bodies, feeding on the dead to push his agenda of death and enslavement.
Joe Biggs, if you're able to ask him any questions, tell us about how big the crowds are, what's happened since we talked to you an hour and a half ago, and then I'd like to, if you could ask Obama some questions, what would they be?
Go ahead, Joe Biggs.
Well, I want to ask him why he would take advantage of a situation like this to use to push his anti-gun agenda.
Why is he going to come here into a town that doesn't...
Because we can't hit pause on a live feed.
Here's what's happening.
There's so much media and so many people the feed's cutting out.
We should see what Jakari's service is like and try to connect with him or go to only phone with Joe Biggs.
Three times they say is the charm.
Joe, how many people are out there now?
It's frozen.
Let's reconnect with him and we'll try to get Jakari on.
It looks like a mass of people at a circus out there now.
Do you think his lordship will dare land right in the middle of a protest?
The media will probably say, thousands of supporters greeted him, but not show up close.
The triumphant emperor made the sunshine that day!
What's interesting Alex is, you know, when it's the opposite, when it's for example a bunch of feminists on a slut walk, they flip it.
So in LA about a week ago, literally 150-200 feminists turned up for this slut walk, it was pathetic.
Time Magazine came out the day after from a reporter who wasn't even there and said that 15,000 people showed up.
I thought it was 15 million.
15 billion?
I mean, who cares at this point?
That was actually 15 trillion.
Check your mail.
It was actually less than 200.
They said 15,000.
That's a conspiracy theory.
It was 15 trillion.
Somebody called them out on it, and they said, oh, it was an editing error, and then they didn't even change the error.
It was ridiculous.
And then the people who were protesting this Amber Rose slut... Isn't this really a man-hating walk?
Well, it's basically... Statistically, uh, lesbians sexually abuse their partners more than any other group.
I'm not bashing lesbians.
That's true, that's true.
But I mean, I'm just sick of hearing it on this rapist.
I mean, you know.
No, and the whole... RAPING ME, OHHH!
It's just making it up.
The rape crisis myth is exactly that.
It's a myth.
They say one in five college women are raped.
It's actually less than the general population are raped.
It's a far lower figure.
And it's... Can we see the slut walk with a lady in the German uniform?
Sorry, go ahead.
So, this Breitbart writer in Lauren Southern, who's been on the show, turned up with some protest signs against the Slut Walk, you know, peaceably just standing off in the background saying there's no rape culture.
They grabbed the signs off them.
It was similar to the Planned Parenthood march that Infowars was involved in a few months ago.
Not as violent, I would say, but they, you know, tore up their signs and then called the police to have them ejected.
So they called on the patriarchy to have the anti-feminists ejected from this level.
Of course they did, my man.
This is not a liberal takeover, this is a salutarian takeover.
Do you think the leftist bots realize this is a salutarian takeover?
Um, some of them do because there's been kind of a revolt amongst some liberals who are afraid to call themselves left-wingers and ashamed to call themselves left-wingers because the radical left has now become so extreme in its rhetoric that you've got classical liberals who lean more libertarian in terms of free speech who are basically, you know, withdrawing themselves from that whole movement and ashamed to call themselves left-wing, so... By the way, we never aired the whole thing, only aired the first minute or two.
You aired the whole thing when you hosted an hour of the show.
Where the woman pours the drain cleaner in her eyes?
At the end, you know, the show's like, the incredible bravery is untold.
What a humanitarian.
This is completely normal and good.
I mean, this is how sick it's gotten.
No, they had a doctor, I think from Colombia or somewhere, who said that this is the right treatment for somebody with this disorder.
This is the correct treatment.
And the taxpayers pay for it.
Yeah, it's a poor drain cleaner in somebody's eyes.
This is acceptable and trendy.
It's liberal.
They quoted another person who said she was an inspiration to blind people.
Blind people who are crippled for life with an illness.
So inspiration is coming up with a way to help them see again.
Yeah, and technology and innovation.
It's not pouring drain cleaner in your eye.
Or helping marrying someone who's blind because you love them.
Or loving the literature of a visually impaired.
See, we have to use the word they say, the establishment, not even blind folks.
But then meanwhile...
They say pedophiles want your kids, so that's an okay thing at salon, because it's a feeling they have.
And if you want to pour Drano in your eyes, that's a feeling you have.
But if man and woman hurts those that aren't men or women, or boy or girl, or father or mother, then what's next?
You have to gouge your eyes out because somebody else doesn't have eyeballs?
I mean, that's the logical extension of this.
Well maybe you have to pee yourselves and put it on Twitter like feminists do.
But with the salon thing with the paedophile, they actually came out afterwards, they put a second article out by the same paedophile who's like on forums bragging about how he likes to touch young girls and how he drools over six-year-old girls.
They put a second article out saying the right-wing hate machine came out with all this vitriol against a paedophile.
Well, yes, of course it did.
He's a paedophile.
Why are you giving him a platform in the first place?
It's completely disgusting, and yet... But they have the moral high ground, so they can say pedophilia, Drano in the eyes, chopping arms and legs off, is sexy and good.
And we're bad for saying that lusting after young children is disgusting.
We're bad.
Well the top leftist, at least back in the time ten years ago when I was researching Schwarzenegger, that I saw as his favorite artist, is this German artist where it's like dead babies from car wrecks photos, but then he adds like maggots into the photos, or it's little girls with their legs spread in SS uniforms like four-year-olds.
Or it's photos of dead bodies with spikes through their eyes.
And it was Schwarzenegger, because I was doing image searches, putting a little piece in the film Martial Law about Schwarzenegger and all his gay porn stuff, and why he was blackmailed.
And I came across, and then I researched DeviantArt, and there's all the leftist billionaires are like into, they say it's a sacrament.
They want to pay 70 million for a skull.
in baby blood with maggots on top.
It's not that it's worth anything, it's like they give all this money to make it a sacrament to worship the skull dipped in maggots.
Yeah, that's classic post-modernism.
It's nihilism.
They believe in nothing.
They believe in literally nothing.
We believe in nothing, Lebowski!
Don't worry, these men are cowards.
Yeah, anything goes.
The sicker the better.
That's the essence of post-modernism and it's in our... But then it's sick and bad if we have a monogamous male and female relationship.
Us existing is bad for them because their moral, even though they have no morals, they dictate reality and then we all bow down because they said so.
Yeah, and using boy or girl, that's bad.
Saying America might offend somebody who's from South America, that's bad.
You can't do that anymore, that's triggering.
This is not just weirdo groups saying this.
This is being implemented all over the United States in government reservations.
Yeah, major universities are pushing this.
You've got the President repeating the rape culture talking points.
So this is not just a bunch of idiots on Twitter or Tumblr.
This is the system getting in between males and females.
Yeah, and it's... Well, now there's a phenomenon where you date a girl for six months and she goes, I don't like you anymore.
I've decided retroactively that was all rape.
And these women are getting put in jail because all the texts are there, hey baby, come over and let's have sex.
Meanwhile, they got them.
And the cops are like, is this when they raped you right here?
Yeah, they tried to pass a law in New Jersey called Rape by Fraud, where if you lied to a girl about your age, your career, your income, whatever, before you had sex, even though she consented to sex at the time, retroactively she can go back and claim that you raped her.
They're actually trying to put that into law and punish people by rape.
Yeah, and the instigator of this
Put up this website, Rape by Fraud website, where she listed people who have been reported as doing this alongside Megan's Law violators.
You know, Megan's Law is based on the rape and murder of a six-year-old girl.
So if you lie... It's crazy people that have a weird thing about men and are part of this new fight with men movement to disintegrate society.
Joe Biggs did get his Skype up for now.
Joe Biggs, what are you reporting?
It just dropped again.
Yeah, I don't think this is going to work.
I think they need to do tape reports for YouTube and get those up, start shooting them now for next hour.
Just, you know, clips and quick reports because I don't think we're going to get... We have him by phone.
And what about Jakari?
Have we tried his video feed?
Okay, let's call him on the phone, see how his feed's doing.
That is a directive, please.
Okay, Joe Biggs by phone.
What have you witnessed there, my friend?
Alright, so far we have close to about a thousand people up and down the road.
Um, there's been maybe one or two counter protesters who have walked out here.
One guy drove by and rolled down his window screaming that, uh, you guys are a minority of Roseburg, you guys should all be ashamed.
And then one lady walked up and down the sidewalk.
But, uh, I would have to say that there are a lot of people out here today thus far.
A lot of people with signs that say gun-free zones equal kill zones.
Hashtag Roseburg strong.
In memory of the fallen.
No more gun-free zones.
We stand with our sheriff.
You know, a lot of people don't want him here.
You know, everyone's got signs that says, Obama, go home.
One young guy, he's probably 14 or 15, has a sign that says, go play golf.
And I would say there's probably at least 200 people here that have InfoWars shirts on, and there's a lot of vehicles out here blasting the show right now as we speak.
Well, that's awesome.
We got great audio from you now.
We have a good video feed.
Is that Josh or is that Matt getting us that feed, Joe?
Uh, can you see me right now?
Okay, yeah, that's Josh.
He's right here with me.
Okay, so your feed's up.
That's great.
Let's continue after the break here, Joe.
But that looks like way more than a thousand people.
I see cars like 300 yards down the road.
I mean, this looks like this is getting big for his lordship about to land.
Stay with us.
Live coverage of Obama.
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Monday through Friday we're here 11 a.m.
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Let's go now back to Joe Biggs.
We'll do a few minutes with Jakari Jackson, then hand the baton to our own David Knight, who's going to be coming into this studio.
Let's go back to Joe Biggs.
Yes, I'm sending him back out here now.
We're down here at the bottom level area, kind of even with the landing zone out here in Roseburg.
And as you can see, there are a lot of people out here right now.
I don't know if you can see Josh's video.
Yes, we can.
The holy one is about to land.
The one that made 2 plus 2 equal 5.
Well, that's the word, but at the same time, you know how that guy is.
He might get scared and not even want to show himself around here, and he might land in a field somewhere randomly.
Who knows?
I mean, he's done it before.
But, you know, there's a lot of people out here, and this shows that the community doesn't want the narrative that the Obama administration is pushing, and that's that, you know, we need more gun control.
You know, like I said before... I agree, but then where is he going to speak after that?
Where is he going to feed on them?
Some socialist church or something?
Because we need to have this giant caravan chasing...
From what I heard, he's privately meeting only with family members of the incident.
He's not speaking to anybody in public.
There's no public event.
He didn't show his face.
Oh, so he hid.
He hid.
I knew it.
Yeah, yeah.
So this is a private event.
He's only going to be here for maybe an hour max, and then he's flying to go party in Seattle for the rest of the day and then tomorrow.
Well, Joe, I bet that they've already probably starting to bury some of the folks.
I want you to check.
There's no whites allowed to do yoga in Seattle, so that's why he wants to go up there.
Well yeah, he can go to, he can actually be part of that yoga class.
Joe, obviously try to interview some of the survivors, try to interview some of their families, and I would try to politely go to some of the funerals and cover those this weekend because those are going to be happening this weekend.
Joe, anything else you need to add for us?
I know you're about to go operational when his lordship lands.
Well yeah, I'm definitely going to find CNN.
There's CNN's over here a little bit.
I definitely want to go and talk to them.
And ask them, like we said earlier, why they're going to photoshop the picture of the killer.
What did they say?
Go to the high school?
Apparently he's gonna land in a high school or something, so they're telling everybody to go to the high schools.
Everybody's taking off.
Okay, do it.
We'll try to go and get footage of that.
Alright, let's do it.
We're gonna keep carrying your live feed as you drive down the road, so keep your feed going, Joe.
And you drive with the phone, and we'll follow you.
We'll be back in 70 seconds with Paul Watson, Joe Biggs, Alex Jones, and others.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN's 4th Hour.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
His Royal Majesty is preparing to land because he is a majesty.
He says in response to the shootings he's going to circumvent Congress, that's the Washington Post, with executive authority.
That means dictatorship.
Joe Biggs is now getting in the car.
They thought he was going to land at the airport, now he's going to land at a high school.
He doesn't want the optics of thousands of people out there saying, uh, we don't want you to take our guns.
We don't want you to blame us for what some crazy supporter of yours did.
Let's go to Joe Biggs' feed and see what we're getting here, uh, as, uh, he goes and talks to CNN.
You know, Joe Biggs, if you want, go ahead and confront CNN.
And if they want to get in your face and act like you don't exist, say, listen, people are sick of your lies.
You're not a media outlet.
You're an outlet of propaganda.
I mean, if you want to, your own words.
If you want to talk to CNN, go ahead.
We'll cover it live right now.
Well, how do I get over that way?
How far of a walk is it?
Alright, so we're trying to get information as to where he's going to be coming through.
Yeah, there's no point to do that, though, Joe.
There's no point to do that.
If it's only a half mile away, you'll see the helicopter come in.
Well, he's apparently flying here, Alex, now, and then he's going to take a motorcade to this high school right down the street, and apparently that's where he's going to be speaking to the families.
They're going to be there.
Well, then that's perfect, exactly.
Just wait until he lands, get video of the evil aircraft.
Well, once he comes to the lands and the motorcade and the police, we'll be shut down.
So, you just want us to all stay right here, then?
No, I understand.
Then keep Jakari there, or you guys decide right now, and then you go to the high school.
That makes sense.
Yeah, so that's what we're going to do.
As you can see, there's a lot of people out here.
Everybody's really, you know, wants to go and confront this man and ask him why he's coming in and politicizing this entire event, especially like we said.
Well, I mean, they will from the air have NBC News or ABC or CBS say you're all there to support him.
They'll keep back 500 yards and say that.
That's how they prey on their audience.
What you guys were saying earlier has already happened, how the mainstream media you said was going to show up late.
From what I heard from the first three or four people that were here on the ground to a set-up area for the protest, there was a lot of mainstream media out here earlier filming just the four people that were standing out here.
Then they up and left.
So it looks like when they go on to the news, there was no one here today.
But the difference is, hundreds of thousands are watching this, millions are hearing it, millions will watch all the videos, and that's why they're losing credibility.
They keep lying like they're in a vacuum and no one knows, Paul Watson.
Yeah, and they were also caught in a lie about the armed security, because we got contacted by an ex-security guard at that college who was there a couple of years ago.
He said they voted against armed security.
Just a year ago.
So that could have prevented the massacre altogether.
And now we have Obama grandstanding on the fight.
So again, a lot of lies related to... Let's get that story out.
Wow, so they did vote to have no security there.
Yeah, we got contacted by an ex-security guard.
That article was out October 2nd.
I missed that.
Yeah, info was exclusive.
So again, another major tenet to this story that's not being covered in the media.
We've got David Knight coming up.
You're welcome to pop in more with him if you like, Paul.
But you're going to be hosting one day next week.
And it's great to have you here.
You're going to be on the nightly news some as well.
And we're going to go out and get dinner, hopefully tonight or something.
You want to get some Mexican food?
I know you like spicy food.
Well, it'd be racist not to have Mexican food, right?
That is good.
I think that's the answer.
Well, actually, I agree, that is racist.
That's all I eat, basically.
So, uh, because I am racist.
So that's all coming up.
But getting serious, folks, the big assault on our freedoms is here.
It's coming down.
It's on.
Paul, great to have you here.
Good to be here, Alex.
You bet.
Joe Biggs, final comments before we throw it to David Knight, who will continue to check in with you and Jakari.
All right, so Obama's expected to lay in here.
There's already a secret service.
Can you guys hear me?
Yes, sir.
Go ahead, Joe.
Yeah, Nico's talking over here.
There's already a vehicle out here parked on the runway.
As you can see, it's like a Secret Service vehicle sitting out here parked.
So apparently he's going to fly in here, motorcade over to the Roseburg High School right down the road, and then that's where we're going to try to get him.
So Jakari and Matt will be here.
So you'll have a team here at the runway, and then we're going to be at the high school.
You have done well, Lord Vader.
All right, thank you, Joe Biggs.
Be safe covering this wicked devil.
All right, that's it for now.
You're truly hosting.
I now hand the baton to David Knight, and then I shall return Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Just when you thought you've heard it all, parents are pulling their children out of a Bay Area grade school because of a third grader that has been terrorizing fellow students.
That's right.
The unnamed boy who attends Mount Diablo Elementary School has become so violent and out of control, the principal there has had to place the school on lockdown several times.
The third grader in question has thrown rocks at teachers, other students, knocked over garbage cans, punched others in the stomach, and locked himself in bathrooms.
The outbursts have gotten so bad that about 30 parents have pulled their children out of the school.
So far, the school board administration has done nothing to address the situation.
And parents were quoted as saying they want a healthy, safe learning environment for everyone.
Well, I got news for you.
Schools are gun-free zones, which makes them very unsafe.
Back in my day, behavior like this would have gotten you sent to the principal's office to receive three whacks from a paddle.
But I'm sure you won't see that in California.
And just to state the obvious, we are talking about Mount Diablo Elementary School, so maybe this boy is the spawn of...
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome to the Fourth Hour on this Friday, October 9, 2015.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to be talking to our reporters who are in Oregon.
They're waiting Obama's arrival.
His Majesty will be landing pretty soon, telling us about his grandiose plans to enact gun control by executive fiat.
This is a dictatorship, the way he's running it.
They talk about how he's going to do an end-run around Congress.
Isn't it interesting that Obama is going to Oregon and not going to Afghanistan, where his people just shot up a hospital?
Two days after the shooting in Oregon, we had the U.S.
military shoot up a hospital in Afghanistan for 30 minutes, this continued.
Far longer than the shooting in Oregon because there wasn't anybody to come in and call it off.
You can send the police in.
They may take 10 or 15 minutes when there's a shooting.
That's one of the reasons why you need to be armed to protect yourself, to protect your loved ones.
But in Afghanistan, this attack continued for 30 minutes.
We're going to talk about that and why he isn't there.
And the kind of admissions that we're getting from the Defense Department, from the Obama Administration, a different story every day.
This is like Benghazi, except far more people died.
So we're going to talk about that.
We're going to talk about the hypocrisy of not going there.
He could investigate his own administration, his own military, find out what was going on, what went wrong, if he cared.
If he really cared about human life.
No he doesn't.
He doesn't care about the rule of law either.
There are international laws, Geneva Convention, have you ever heard of that?
Nobel Peace Prize winner?
You ever heard of the Geneva Convention?
Well, that's what you violated when you attacked a hospital continuously for 30 minutes.
We're going to give you the comments of the people with Doctors Without Borders.
As NPR says, Doctors Without Borders are now doctors in anguish.
And so are their patients who burned to death in beds as the U.S.
attack continued.
But Obama is going to get on his moral high horse.
Never let hypocrisy stop anybody from doing anything.
He's going to get on his moral high horse, and he's going to lecture us about gun control, about gun violence, after shooting up a hospital, continuously.
I also want to look at what happened to the newest developments in the speaker race.
We talked about this yesterday and it was pretty amazing.
Then, even more amazing things happened later in the day.
We saw that Wikipedia was adjusted to talk about an affair between Kevin McCarthy, an alleged affair between Kevin McCarthy and Renee Elders, another congresswoman, a congresswoman from North Carolina, and that
WikiLeaks entrance, that adjustment into WikiLeaks, was traced back to a Department of Homeland Security IP address.
This is the second time in just a couple weeks that we've seen congressmen deliberately embarrassed, perhaps, by law enforcement agencies.
Now we could have said we saw this coming.
This is part of the surveillance state.
And if people in Congress don't think that they're going to be the victims of blackmail, whether it's real or imagined, because of course anybody that has the kind of access to the computer networks that the
NSA and Homeland Security have.
Anyone who has that kind of access, they can plant information on people as well as expose information on people.
When you are in power, like members of Congress are, as Alex Jones has pointed out many times, they're going to be the ones who bear the brunt of any authoritarian dictatorship, any coup, any blackmailing that is going to go on.
They're going to be the ones who bear the brunt of it.
And we've seen it with two of the candidates who were running for Speaker of the House.
We saw it now with Kevin McCarthy.
We saw it previously with Jason Chaffetz.
He was part of a committee that was investigating failures of the Secret Service Agency to protect Obama, and then they started publicly floating information around that they thought would embarrass him, making it known that when he applied for a job with the Secret Service years ago, they uncovered information about him that would be very embarrassing.
I haven't seen any of that exposed, but that's the way you blackmail people.
You say, I've got information on you, and then you
Start a whispering campaign in the media saying we've got information on him that he wouldn't want out.
It's a very effective way to blackmail people.
Maybe even more effective than letting the information out because people start imagining all kinds of scenarios.
Well, what could it be?
Then we have the situation with Kevin McCarthy and it's unraveling and it gets a little bit larger.
People are questioning why would Homeland Security adjust, why would someone at Homeland Security adjust the Wikipedia entries on these two
Congressional candidates.
Who's behind this?
And of course, this is not something that is new.
A lot of people, Shepard Smith grilled Congressman Walter Jones saying, what did you know?
You wrote a letter saying that we need to have people of integrity running for leadership.
I mean, who would think that would be the case in Washington?
Why would somebody who'd spent 20 years in Washington like Congressman Walter Jones, a man of integrity himself, why would he be concerned about leadership having some integrity?
Well, we now learn that there was a conservative activist who was sending out multiple emails.
At least eight congressmen got emails alleging that there was an affair between Congressman McCarthy and Congresswoman Elmers.
So there was already a lot of rumors about this.
As a matter of fact, there was a website that alleged the very same thing back in January.
And the fellow who runs that website was subsequently banned from Twitter.
As Huffington Post puts it, he's now doing a victory lap, saying he thinks he was vindicated.
So there's a lot that's going on with that, but I think one of the most telling things that happened yesterday was the fact that in the morning everybody thought everything was okay.
The mainstream media thought everything was okay.
They thought that McCarthy had clinched the speakership, and of course McCarthy was the hand-picked successor to John Boehner, the one that John Boehner had picked.
John Boehner thought everything was fine.
And then as the meeting began, as we reported yesterday, McCarthy stands up and says, I'm withdrawing from the race.
Boehner immediately gaveled the meeting to a close.
And understand, he wasn't the only person running.
Think about this.
Think about if you had a Senate primary race.
And you had a governor who was very invested in one particular candidate.
Everybody knew that he invested, that he supported this one candidate for Senate.
And then let's say that that candidate that was supported by the governor suddenly withdraws.
And the governor says, that's it.
We're not having a primary.
We're going to delay this.
I will be the senator for the interim.
That's essentially what happened in the House.
That shows you the level of corruption, the authoritarian dictatorship attitude of John Boehner.
When his candidate drops out, he doesn't continue on with the election even though there's two other candidates.
He suspends the election.
And he says, well I'll stay in here until I can find somebody that I like to succeed me.
Is that amazing?
Does that not underscore the importance of why we need to get people like Boehner and his hand-picked successors like Kevin McCarthy out of power?
Whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, that has to make you throw up to see that kind of heavy-handed, banana-republic type of politics that we see coming from John Boehner.
That's precisely what is going on there.
There was an article up on Infowars.com today.
Government likens ending bulk surveillance to opening the prison gates.
This is something that came from the Intercept.
This is the organization that Glenn Greenwald is involved with.
The tagline says, the Justice Department prosecutor said Thursday, ordering the immediate end of bulk surveillance of millions of American phone records would be as hasty, as hasty, we want to get hasty now, as hasty as suddenly letting criminals out of prison.
You know, I think she's really on to something with that analogy because, you know, in prisons...
As well as in this mass surveillance, both of them are about control, they're about confinement, and they are about profits.
I was just talking about how the law enforcement agencies that seem to know everything about everyone are making known things that would blackmail our own congressmen.
This has happened before with the Supreme Court.
Many of us have said, I believe it, I've said it multiple times, I believe
Supreme Court Justice Roberts was blackmailed into changing his vote on Obamacare.
It's completely out of character for what he's voted for.
He had written the opinion to say that it wasn't constitutional and then suddenly he wrote the opinion to say that yes, I think it is okay and we can move ahead with it.
Very, very unusual to write both the dissenting and consenting opinion written by the same person.
Now looking at this bulk surveillance, this is interesting because this is coming from the continuing lawsuit of Larry Klayman, and we've had him on the Alex Jones Radio Show as well as the Nightly News many times to talk about this.
He is pushing on a lawsuit to stop this massive violation of our Fourth Amendment freedoms that we
...have as human beings that are recognized by the Constitution.
It doesn't grant us Fourth Amendment.
It recognizes those and it prohibits the government from doing that.
Is that a helicopter coming in now?
Is that Obama landing?
Okay, let's go to that right now.
We've got our reporters on the ground in Oregon.
Okay, we're not going to go to that right now, but that is video of Obama's helicopter coming in, and he's going to come in like a royal personage, and he's going to lecture people who don't want to be lectured.
There's a massive pushback in the area.
Many people saying, we don't want you to use this to push for gun control.
We've reported on that.
There's massive counter demonstrations there.
We have the sheriff, previously had written a letter to Vice President Joe Biden after the Sandy Hook shooting and said, I am, this is wrong, this is wrong what you're planning to do and I will not enforce your gun control legislation.
And so now, in spite of the fact that the families have asked him not to politicize the deaths of their loved ones, not to use it for his political agenda, he is now flying in nevertheless, and he has signaled his intention to do gun control by executive fiat.
Bypassing Congress, ignoring the Constitution, because we have an explicit prohibition of that.
But of course we have explicit prohibitions of many things that are continuously ignored by our government, like Fourth Amendment protections.
Whether it's at the airport, there's some more pictures for those of you who are watching, some more helicopters that are flying in.
Our helicoptering dictator is arriving in Oregon.
And when we come back, we're going to talk about the back and forth, the continuing lawsuit with Larry Klayman, trying to stop the dragnet surveillance.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to be going to our reporters in Oregon as Obama is touching down there to push gun control.
There was a story yesterday that came out about children's cancer being linked to Fukushima radiation.
They are seeing thyroid cancer amongst children at a rate 20 to 50 times the rate of children elsewhere in the vicinity of Fukushima.
And the interesting thing about this, too, is that they said that this has risen by 22% in just the last year.
And, of course, they point out in the article that thyroid cancer amongst children is one sickness that the medical world has definitively linked to radiation.
After the 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe.
It's one of the reasons why they give people iodine supplements whenever they're concerned there may be an exposure to radiation.
Your thyroid will suck up radioactive isotopes and hold them and that will cause it to become cancerous.
That's one of the conditions about that.
But of course you can get
Iodine as a supplement as well.
It used to be supplemented in our food.
It used to be added to a lot of different items in our diet, salt and other things.
They're now removing that out.
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We have an excellent source, very clean, nascent iodine, ultra clean, ultra powerful, Survival Shield X2.
We have that in stock right now at Infowarslife.com.
It's interesting too, there was another article I was reading a few days ago how NASA uses iodine to purify urine into drinking water.
They're talking about the space station and they said that the Americans use iodine, the Russians use silver in order to purify their urine into
Drinking water.
So there's a lot of different uses for these types of things that you should have both as supplementation and as a backup in case there is some kind of an emergency.
Again, Survival Shield Nascent Iodine is available right now.
You can get it at Infowarslife.com.
Now, as we're about to go to our reporters in Oregon, I just want to point out the hypocrisy, the hypocrisy of Obama helicoptering into Oregon and completely ignoring
His own administration's attack, continuous attack on a hospital.
What about Obama's hospital shooting?
That's what we need to be asking.
Not about one individual who's crazy, who's hyped up on drugs.
And of course when they're talking about changing the gun laws, when they're talking about changing the background checks, they're not talking about looking at the medications that someone's on.
That should be one of the first things that they look at.
That ought to be the principal thing that they look at.
Because that is the principal link in all these mass shootings and suicides.
But that's not on the table.
Because they are connected to big pharma and so is mainstream media.
But let's take a look at the hypocrisy of this shooting that went on.
And it was last Saturday that it happened.
We have an article that appeared
Yesterday, Doctors Without Borders bombing say the U.S.
changed its story four times in four days.
They talk about the 2009 Peace Prize winner bombs the 1999 Peace Prize winner.
That would be Doctors Without Borders who won it in 1999.
Obama won it ten years later.
They say Saturday's initial summary involved U.S.
troops taking fire in Kunduz.
That's what they said.
They said, we're under fire, so we're sending somebody out there.
Then they said, we don't have any idea if we hit a hospital or not.
After a day, they came back and they changed that and said, well, it was somewhere in the vicinity.
Then they said that they had not been called in, that they had not called it in, but it was called in by the Afghans, and then they changed it from that.
And I'm going to stop here and go to our reporters who are in Oregon.
They're in place right now, and Obama is landing there.
I think we've got Joe Biggs.
Yes, Joe Biggs is on the line.
Go ahead, Joe.
If we look over to the left, I don't know if you can tell.
Also, I have audio in my ear.
If you look over to the left, there's a helicopter coming in.
They're doing a recon of the area right now over the Roseburg High School.
Now, we just walked down a corridor to kind of go into a back area.
There's Secret Service everywhere.
They told us to leave and come back here on the main road because the Department of Transportation has shut this place down.
I mean, it happened in two minutes.
I mean, it's amazing.
If you've never been to one of these events where a president comes in, they shut the entire town down so fast.
I mean, it happened literally like 120 seconds.
Just crazy.
But there's a lot of people up here protesting around the school, as you can see up and down the roads.
It looks like he will be coming here to the high school.
There's a ton of Homeland Security vehicles, police vehicles inside the parking lot over here.
They parked school buses in tactical ways, I guess you would say, to block off ramps and area like that so people can't drive through.
So we'll go out here and see what's going on.
You know, Joe, it's interesting when he's got all that security and he wants to take all of our guns away.
It's exactly what Matt Drudge was saying when he was in studio a couple of days ago.
Give up your guns, give up your massive security.
Does a shot of the helicopter that's doing recon prior to His Royal Majesty landing.
They have a veritable army to protect the Presidents, the Popes, the VIPs, every time they go anywhere.
That's how afraid they are of us.
And yet, they want to take our guns.
Maybe there's a connection.
Maybe they're concerned.
Maybe they're worried.
We're going to be right back, and we're going to see what happens as His Majesty lands in Oregon.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host on this Friday, October 9th, 2015.
We have reporters on the ground in Oregon.
We have His Royal Highness Obama about to land and make a pronouncement, I guess.
He's talked about how he's going to go around Congress.
Well, he's also going to go around the Second Amendment and make his own pronouncements, create his own regulations.
We need to understand that this is something that regulatory agencies, quite frankly, have been allowed to get away with for a very long time.
Once they create a regulatory agency, these regulatory agencies are writing the laws.
They call them rules or regulations, but they're laws.
And then they have their own police to enforce them.
And then they have their own courts where you go before them.
And because it's not a quote-unquote criminal investigation,
Your due process, your presumption of innocence is shut down.
We've tolerated this for a very long time.
The only time that Congress ever gets involved is when we have a high-profile case and they come in like white knights to protect us.
But they have set up the system, they have abdicated their authority, just as we see them abdicating their authority with these trans-Pacific partnership, trans-Atlantic partnerships.
They're not partnerships.
Well, in a sense they are.
They're partnerships between the multinational corporations who are taking over all the governments of the world.
They're creating a transnational organization that is more powerful than all the governments, and one of the evidences of this is the fact that they have negotiated this thing in secret for years.
They don't allow us to know what's in it, they don't allow our representatives to know what's in it, and they're going to ram this thing through Congress.
But now we have a president
Who is doing the same thing that we've seen the bureaucracies get away with for many, many years.
Roseburg residents there in Oregon are telling Obama stop using the tragedy to take liberty.
This is a story that's up on InfoWars.com from Paul Joseph Watson.
He says organizers are accusing the president of using, quote, cowardly murderers to achieve your goals, unquote.
Kit Lang, who runs a Facebook page called Defend Roseburg, deny Barack Obama, says no more using tragedy as a play to take more liberty.
No more using grieving families as a pit stop on the way to another fundraiser.
No more using cowardly murderers to achieve your goal.
No, not one more step toward taking our means to self-defense, our means to refuse slavery.
That's what the Second Amendment is about.
It's to keep us from being enslaved to an out-of-control government.
What do we see in Washington now?
Precisely that.
Let me give you a contrast here.
Here's a mayor of Jerusalem.
Calling on citizens to carry guns after a wave of stabbings.
They've had four people stabbed in the last week or so in Israel.
And so the mayor there is saying, of course the latest victim was a 14 year old and also a police officer.
But when you look at the 14 year old, you understand that one of the reasons that
That firearms are an effective means, especially for women, for younger people.
It's because when you are in a situation where you're at a strength disadvantage, firearms can neutralize that for a woman.
You don't want to have to get into a knife fight with somebody that's quite a bit larger than you.
So if you're well trained on a firearm, if you're a responsible person, it's an opportunity for you to protect yourself.
And that's what the Jerusalem mayor said.
He said, I carry a firearm, I try to encourage
Other people to train themselves so that they can protect themselves, but that's not what we see from our president.
We have a president who is presiding over military that just shot up a hospital last Saturday for 30 minutes.
Doctors Without Borders, the people who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999, 10 years before Obama was given the Nobel Peace Prize.
What a farce that was.
He'd just taken office and they gave him a Nobel Peace Prize.
He hadn't done anything to deserve it whatsoever.
And he was the one who bombed this hospital for 30 minutes, quite frankly.
They contacted Washington, they contacted Kabul and Afghanistan, and they had told them repeatedly that this was a hospital.
They had given them the GPS coordinates.
Nevertheless, the attack continued for 30 minutes.
For four days, we got a different story every day from Washington.
But Obama's not going there.
He's not going there to console the victims.
He's not going there to investigate what went wrong.
No, he's going to a place where someone who is hyped up on drugs, most likely, we saw the story from Paul Joseph Watson that was linked on drudge, talking about how he reportedly called himself lithium lover.
He was in a school that was for troubled students.
There's every indication that he was on a lot of meds, a lot of psychological evaluation.
Do we have them available?
We're seeing some footage there.
Are our guys there?
Okay, so this is the counter-demonstration that we're taking a look at there.
That was a Fox feed that we had.
There are a lot of people in Roseburg that are furious that Obama is politicizing this, and that's precisely what he called for.
And of course we had the governor, Cuomo of New York, saying that we need to shut down the government.
I didn't think liberals ever wanted to shut the government down for any reason.
But he says, we need to shut the government down until we enact gun control, meaning gun confiscation.
Because they're admitting now that in these last several shootings, their proposed gun laws would not have made any difference whatsoever.
So now they want all-out confiscation.
They've hinted at it.
They're now talking about doing it directly.
There's another article up from NPR.
Talking about the gun debate divides the nation's police officers as well.
And one of the persons that they're talking about is the local sheriff there in Oregon, John Hanlon.
They said he had written a letter to Vice President Joe Biden shortly after the shooting in Sandy Hook Elementary School, saying that gun control was not the answer in the letter.
He pledged not to enforce gun regulations that he believed to be unconstitutional.
And this is what NPR says.
I thought this was very interesting.
They said what wasn't widely reported
Was how common views like Hanlon's have become in law enforcement.
And they go to talk about David Clark, the sheriff in Milwaukee.
And they talk about how police chiefs initially resisted the expansion of gun permits.
So there's been a massive increase in the number of firearms.
Yeah, isn't that interesting?
As we reported, even though private firearms ownership has gone up 60 percent,
Then violent crime with guns has gone down 50%.
So it goes up, the ownership goes up, and the violence from guns goes down.
Isn't that interesting?
That's what we've been saying would happen.
And that's precisely what has happened.
So they say police chiefs initially resisted the expansion of gun permits, but he says many of them changed their minds when they saw that increased permits didn't cause a big increase in shooting.
No, actually caused a decrease.
And that is what Sheriff Clark has said in Milwaukee.
He says, I can't be there right away.
You need to be able to protect yourself until I can get officers there.
We'll catch the guys, but we can't be there to protect you initially.
I also talk about the sheriff in Roseburg again, Sheriff John Hanlon.
He says, this law is not going to protect the citizens of Oregon.
We have laws that prohibit the possession of other things, like methamphetamines, and it doesn't help.
And I would point out precisely, what has drug prohibition done for us?
Let's go to Beggs right now.
He is on the ground.
Joe Beggs, go ahead.
Yeah, so we're standing out here right now outside of the Roseburg High School.
We just got word from over at the airport that Obama has arrived and he is now in his motorcade heading over this way right now.
And as you can see, there's a whole lot of security out here.
Supposedly he's going to come in here and speak to some of the families of the victims of the shooting and try to push his anti-gun agenda like always.
He always tries to take advantage of a situation as soon as something happens to push that narrative because gun-free zones are kill zones.
When you look at places like Switzerland, where they're highly armed, the civilian population has a lot of weapons, you don't have a high crime rate.
Meanwhile, here, they put us in these situations where you can't.
Just like the recruiting offices in Chattanooga.
These guys didn't have the ability to defend themselves, and it turned into a kill zone.
So hopefully, as we see, there's been a lot of people show up today who don't like what Obama has to say.
They want to talk about how he is basically turning people into victims and not giving them the ability and the right to protect themselves.
Let me ask you something, Joe, because I've been talking about the hospital shooting that Obama is responsible for in Afghanistan.
What do you think about somebody that, in violation of the Geneva Convention, shoots up an ambulance or shoots a medic or shoots up a hospital?
When they're warned about it, the attack continued for 30 minutes.
Why don't you think Obama would go to investigate that?
Well, it's the first time a Nobel Peace Prize winner has bombed another Nobel Peace Prize winner, so I think that's pretty interesting.
Yeah, yeah, pretty amazing.
I mean, isn't that, as a former soldier, don't you think that's kind of the lowest crime that somebody can commit in war, to shoot up an ambulance or to shoot up a medic or something like that?
Oh, of course!
I mean, it completely is.
I mean, the fact that they can't even come out and, you know, say, hey, we're sorry, we messed up,
I think that's a real key, what you just said.
The fact that they can't even say we did something wrong.
We've got four different stories on four consecutive days.
They still won't say that they did anything wrong.
What we got from the Pentagon was, well, you know, Al-Qaeda was in the area, and I think they're using Kunduz, the civilians of Kunduz, as a shield.
It doesn't matter, does it, Joe, if you've got enemy combatants.
I mean, you could have a hospital full of Nazis.
They could be SS officers.
But according to Geneva Convention, you're not allowed to bomb that hospital repeatedly
For a half hour when people tell you in case you didn't know.
I mean certainly something can happen by accident.
This was not an accident.
It continued for 30 minutes and of course they pointed out that they'd been notified multiple times of preceding weeks that it was there given the exact GPS coordinates.
Is something developing there?
Oh, I haven't heard in that instance, David, no.
Yeah, yeah.
It's absolutely amazing to me that he would not be interested in admitting any wrongdoing, that he would not be interested in evaluating that.
Just before we came to you, Joe, I was talking about the sheriff there in Oregon, Sheriff John Hanlon of Roseburg.
Yes, have you had a chance to talk to him?
Not yet.
I heard from some people that he might show up today, so we'll see what happens.
If we can catch him,
We'll try and talk to him and see what his outlook is on this whole scenario and what he thinks about Obama coming out here and defying essentially the mass majority of the people here in Roseburg that quite frankly just don't want him out here pushing that agenda.
Well, you know, one of the things that the Sheriff said, he says, you know, we have laws that prohibit the possession of other things, like methamphetamine, but it doesn't stop it.
And I thought that was a really good analogy, because, you know, meth came about because of the drug war.
We saw this with alcohol prohibition, and we've seen it now with drug prohibition, that it has created, alcohol prohibition created much more concentrated and intense variants of alcohol.
People went from drinking beer to drinking hard liquor to drinking very dangerous things that were concocted at home, like bathtub gin.
And now we see the invention of things like meth.
And that's precisely what's going to happen, isn't it, Joe, when we have gun prohibition?
Can you imagine when we see what happened with drugs, if they were to prohibit guns, can you imagine how, what kind of firearms would be invented overnight if all of this were released?
You just came back from a gun show in Florida.
Oh, it would be like medieval times all over again.
You know, they're going to create whatever they can out of necessity to be able to defend themselves.
I mean, at the end of the day, it's going to happen.
I mean, people are going to want to defend themselves.
So if you take one thing away, they're going to find another thing to use instead of, you know, in place of that object.
So it's really not going to matter.
We have to get to the root of the problem.
We have to get to the root of the problem, why people are doing this.
You know, like I was telling Alex earlier,
Anytime you turn on TV and you see commercial for a drug, the side effects, depression, possible suicide attempts, thoughts to harm yourself and others, you know, that's where we need to look.
That's where there needs to be stricter control of what's being put in our medications, what's being put in our foods.
That's what they need to look at if they're going to look at background checks.
Thank you, Joe.
We're going to go to Jakari.
I understand that he's in another location ready to report.
We'll come back to you.
Let's go to Jakari Jackson, also in Oregon.
How you doing?
David Shakari Jackson.
Yes, I had to take a break.
I had to run way down the street trying to get a shot of President Obama's motorcade.
I actually did succeed.
Photographer Matthew also got a few shots of the helicopter.
It's coming in.
We'll put that footage out on Infowars.com later on tonight.
But yeah, you can see the crowd is starting to thin out right now.
The motorcade has passed.
It's going, I believe, towards the school where the shooting happened.
So Obama's going to speak out there, or at least speak privately to the families.
And when I was out there close to the motorcade, that's the first time I actually encountered some Obama supporters.
I didn't have a whole lot of time to talk to them.
Some people actually cheered while he was down here.
So, you know, they do have Obama supporters here.
But the majority of the people here, they understand, you know, yes, he was a president and he probably needs to go and speak to the families after a tragedy like this.
Concerning the issue is the fact that he's coming out here simultaneously to push his gun control agenda while he's surrounded by Secret Service.
I got shot of snipers on the roofs.
There's a helicopter.
I believe it was a National Guard or a Coast Guard helicopter with a sniper hanging out of it.
Not to mention the, you know, 15, 20 car motorcade that he has.
So he has plenty of security.
So the people say if he has all this visible security, why can't they do something as simple as carry a concealed weapon?
Yeah, that's amazing.
And you know, of course the thing that concerns so many of us is it's beyond just a gun control agenda.
He's wrong on that argument, but as the article from Reason Magazine pointed out yesterday, there's a process if you want to change our gun laws, if you want to change the Second Amendment, if you want to amend the Constitution.
You have to get a lot of people elected, you have to create an amendment to the Constitution, then you have to propose legislation, and then you have to go take it from the people who aren't going to turn it in, because they understand that it is a fundamental right.
But that's the thing that concerns a lot of people, I think, is that Obama is going to try to bypass all of those steps that keep us from having anarchy, that keep us from having a totalitarian dictatorship, and he's talking about just doing this by fiat.
Well, we've heard him say that, you know, he has his pen and his cell phone and all these other things when he tries to get other things passed.
So, I wouldn't put him past him to try to do something like that similar in this situation.
He definitely knows that every time one of these shootings happens, Americans go out and buy more firearms, they buy more ammunition.
It's not because they're planning a mass murder spree.
It's that they understand that there may come a day when they need to defend themselves and big governments ought to be there to do it for them.
Yes, because we've seen in New York, Washington, and Philadelphia when you and I were there covering the Pope, we know what the mission of government is.
The mission of government is to protect government officials.
It's to ensure... That's exactly right, David.
Yeah, it's to ensure a continuity of government.
It is not there.
To protect the citizens.
It's there to protect the government from the citizens.
That's what it's become.
And we have a Second Amendment and we have private firearms ownership as a means of peacefully letting the government know that they don't want to go too far.
It's kind of a mutual assured destruction like we had with the Cold War.
We hope that it doesn't go into a situation where it escalates into a civil war.
And having citizens armed is the best peaceful check
against that kind of violence that can come from the government that we've seen happen in every country that has, that confiscated, that had massive killing of their citizenship.
We saw that preceded by gun confiscation, exactly.
Yes, and if everybody talks about Britain and all these other places, well look at places like Mexico, where you know they have very low civilian
We're good to go.
Well, and Jakari, as that documentary that Alex interviewed the director, I can't recall the name of the documentary, but it was a documentary about the vigilantes in Mexico.
They realized that the federal government there was not protecting the people from the drug dealers.
They were at the mercy of both the federal government and the drug dealers.
And the massive corruption.
What was it?
Cartel Land.
Yes, thank you.
Cartel Land.
They were at the mercy of both the bandits and the government, just like the story of the Magnificent Seven.
And the only way that they were able to survive was to arm themselves, and that's precisely what they did.
That's what we recognize with the Second Amendment.
Thank you so much, Jakari.
Tonight we're going to have both reporters giving us updates as to what's going on in Oregon.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with another segment of the Alex Jones Radio Show.
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Hasn't even tried to dump the wine, friend.
Much too long, friend.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, our final segment of the day.
I'm David Knight, and we're going to go back to the news.
I want to tell you, as Obama is going there to play on the sympathies of everybody to say, this is why we need to take away the Second Amendment, I'm going to tell you what happened.
From the, in the words of Doctors Without Borders, at the hospital that the Obama administration shot up two days after that school was shot up by one shooter.
We had the US military go in and shoot up a hospital.
And of course he's not there investigating that.
There hasn't been any apology about that.
There hasn't been any admission of wrongdoing about that.
We're going to talk about it in just a minute.
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Let's go back to what Obama really should be taking responsibility for, what he really should be concerned about.
And of course, that's the shooting of the hospital in Afghanistan, in Kunduz, Afghanistan.
This is a report from NPR.
They say doctors without borders are now doctors in anguish.
As part of this interview, they're talking about, they ask him what the situation is there.
They say at least 12 medical workers, at least 7 patients were dead, 3 of those patients at least were children.
The patients died in their beds, burning to death in most of these cases.
They say 9 patients are still unaccounted for.
We've not been able to reach 24 of our 461 staff members, said their executive director.
They say that they're demanding an investigation by the commission that's been established by the Geneva Conventions.
It's the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission.
They say they're not pushing for a criminal investigation.
They want a fact-finding commission to look at this to find out what went wrong and what they can do to stop this again.
Now understand that they had notified multiple times, as I mentioned earlier, multiple times they had informed both the Afghan and the U.S.
government of their location, their GPS coordinates.
As this attack began, they contacted both the Afghan and the U.S.
government, asked them to call it off, but the planes continued the attack for 30 minutes.
He says the Commission has not been called upon to act since it was established in 1991.
And it requires a request from at least 76 nations that have signed on to it to begin its work.
And one of the things that he says is what we would like to see is the U.S.
calling for an investigation or the U.S.
investigating this, supporting an investigation.
But instead, Obama goes to Oregon.
Now they say, your organization has worked for many years in very dangerous places.
How does this attack compare with Doctors Without Borders' previous experience with danger or death?
He says, well in terms of one single violent event.
This is the biggest loss we've had.
Beyond that, this is the most exceptional event in that it was the direct targeting of a medical facility with a large loss of life.
We fully communicated.
It was a functional hospital full of patients and staff.
It really shook us up in terms of a lack of respect for human law, and I would say also, of course, human life.
They went on to ask him, they said, well, what steps should be taken to ensure hospitals are respected as fighting zones, fighting free zones?
And he doesn't call for any new laws.
Isn't that interesting?
He calls for just obeying the laws that have been on the books for decades.
But of course, our government won't do that.
And Obama won't obey the Second Amendment either.
Join us tonight for the nightly news at 7 Central, 8 p.m.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.