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Name: 20150928_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 28, 2015
2947 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Pope Francis' statement on Jesus failing on the cross, his promotion of global government, carbon taxes, one world religion business and lowering the deity of Christ. He encourages listeners to get a ProPure Pro1 G2.0 Water Filtration System. The show also covers NASA finding evidence of flowing water on Mars which might make the planet more habitable in the past; unrest within Congress as people push for patriots to replace McConnell and Boehner with politicians willing to fight against those destroying America. Callers share their thoughts on Pope Francis' actions, accusing him of promoting globalist agendas and blasphemy.

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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, you have to see it and hear it to believe it.
The Pope says that Christ
Failed on the cross.
The entire of Christendom is based on Christ laying down his life willingly in the face of death and hell and being tortured to forgive us of our sins.
The ultimate sacrifice.
God sacrificing his son.
An echo of Abraham about to sacrifice his son, but God following through on it.
Let's roll the Grand Pontiff and what he had to say in Philadelphia yesterday.
And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ.
And His life, humanly speaking, ended in failure.
The failure of the cross.
And then you go to the full clip, I have the transcript.
He doesn't continue to say, but then Christ succeeded, he just says he failed.
And of course, Christ rose again, if you are a Christian and you believe that, and it was the greatest triumph.
Jakari Jackson
Laid it out.
We're going to come back with the full clip and also Jacari Jackson later in the hour and visit this.
But that's just one of the huge things we have here.
And I kind of psychoanalyzed myself this weekend.
Why I've been so particularly vicious to the Pope, it's because I'm upset by it.
I mean, you know, at least in the past, Catholics were anti-communist and pro-life.
And this guy's promoting global government, carbon taxes, one world religion business.
Chrislam, the merger of Christianity and Islam, and clearly Christianity is under massive attack.
I know the Catholic Church was blackmailed with the pedophile scandal to put this guy in.
Now he's covering that up.
And so I just feel desperate.
But I should attack the Pope more professionally because it's more effective than calling him names like scumbag and things.
People didn't believe me eight, nine years ago when I was sent by a listener a clip of Pastor John Hagee saying, Christ would not come to be the Messiah!
Who's a rebel?
Who's dealt with wisely?
That's a quote, by the way.
And folks go there and dig it up and find it and can't believe it.
He wrote a book about it.
And this is what the globalists want.
They want religious leaders, Protestant, Catholic, whatever.
They'll start blurring the lines.
And his full quote is very
Jewitical is the term they use, or Jesuit-oriented.
Hillary says she runs her life according to Georgetown Jewitical thinking.
Where you could get what he's saying, that Christ physically was killed but had the greater triumph, but it's very twisted and has double meanings.
And when he says it, he says it with wide eyes, like he just said a bad word.
And that's what it's all about, is lowering the deity of Christ.
Lowering it, lowering it, lowering it, lowering it.
And those ideals.
It is true that you don't see the fruits of your labor a lot of times in your lifetime.
Van Gogh, the highest
Selling painter in the world.
Average painting of his goes for about $52 million.
Japanese elites will pay $100, $150 million for a Van Gogh.
He only sold one painting in his life.
So I certainly understand that labors don't give you instant gratification.
Infowars is an example of that, but as we just go year after year, the drumbeat gets louder and now we've got battering ram power to just ram into the globalists and tear huge holes in the side of their operations.
But with great power comes great responsibility and comes, like our guest said yesterday, Joe Bannister, we're now meeting shields and spears because we're now in the big time.
Kit Daniels, Infowars.com.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said the U.S.'
's effort to fund, train, and support ISIS and other jihadist rebels in a proxy war against Syria violates international law.
He told CBS that, in his opinion, provision of military support to illegal structures runs counter to the principles of modern international law and the United Nations Charter.
He also pointed out that Assad's army is fighting against terrorist organizations and not secular rebels.
Even the New York Times agrees with him.
Back in 2013, the newspaper reported that the majority of the rebels in Syria have sworn allegiance to ISIS.
There's not a secular fighting force against Assad to speak of.
Basel Idris, a commander of a rebel brigade in Syria, said that his brigade was collaborating with the Islamic State and the Nusra Front by attacking Syrian army's gatherings in Kalamun.
And the Pentagon even admitted in 2012 that NATO was backing ISIS and other jihadist groups in an effort to topple Assad.
Once again, this is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com, and be sure to keep checking back at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
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Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
He was on with us for an hour last week.
The consummate Vatican insider will be joining us from Rome, Italy, Leo Zagami, author of the best-selling book, The Last Pope.
He predicted three years before Pope Francis ascended to the throne
That he would be a Jesuit Pope, he named Pope Francis by name, and one other person that he thought would be put in place via blackmail.
That indeed happened.
So he said he would come back with us this week to give commentary on the Pope's tour of D.C., New York, and of course Philadelphia.
From the District of Criminals, to the State of New York, to the State of Pennsylvania, and the cities therein.
We will also play a commentary shot live on the street by Jakari Jackson, where Pope Francis said Jesus failed on the cross, humanly speaking.
When Christ said, I am giving my life, I lay it down willingly, we will quote from the Bible, the Pope knows full well what it says, and this is the very nature of the New Age, the very nature of the occult, the very nature of the Illuminati, is to downgrade Christ.
You notice the UN isn't attacking radical Islam.
The UN isn't attacking any other religion.
It's going after Christianity.
Christianity is the most persecuted religion from within and from without.
Because it's not compatible with the one world religion and the system that's coming into place.
And I'm not just singling out Catholics here.
I'm singling out the Protestant Church and other major denominations.
They're all basically singing from the same piece of music now.
Which is ecumenical, world government, one world religion, garbage.
And I had always strayed away from criticizing Catholics.
I saw a lot of good fruits from Catholics.
The people fighting abortion, fighting socialism, communism.
But now, with the establishment media praising the Pope,
You can see that this is just another sign of the times and how bad this push for world government's really gotten.
So that's in the second hour.
We'll have open phones the second half with Leo Zegami for your questions or comments.
And then of course in the third hour we'll cover a lot of other news.
We're going to try this hour to be disciplined and get to the news because we've got Obama's speech at the UN.
We have huge economic news.
We have massive news.
NASA scientists find evidence of flowing water on Mars during the summer.
Mars is extremely habitable.
Ancients could, the first telescopes 300, 400 years ago, I consider that ancient times compared to now, though it's more modern compared to true ancient times, you know, 6,000 plus years ago, could see the rivers on Mars.
And of course folks 200, 300 years ago thought that there might even be canals on Mars.
But Mars does have an atmosphere, it does have a northern and southern ice cap that had been shrinking until about a decade ago from not global warming but
Solar system wide warming because the sun was in a really hot phase.
Now it's gone into one of the coldest phases ever recorded in over 200 years by British astronomers.
They're the first to record it with accurate devices.
So we have Greenwich, Meantown, everything else based in England because they had the best scientists.
Let's just face it.
That after the Germans and the Italians.
And the sun is probably the coolest ever recorded in modern times right now.
And so look out, that's going to cause a lot of weather changes here, and you're going to have the establishment running around, hopping around, calling for carbon indulgences to be paid to His Holiness Al Gore and Barack Hussein Obama, or will be sent to global warming or climate change purgatory.
You know, Mount Vesuvius didn't blow up and cover Pompeii in molten ash and lava because the Romans had too many outdoor fireplaces.
It happened because the Earth is always changing and tectonic plates only about a mile and a half thick float on molten magma.
So I guess that congressman that thinks islands float
He thinks Guam floats.
It's really just a mountain on the undersea floor, obviously.
But in a way, he's telling the truth, in a way, because the entire plate, that particular Pacific plate, does float on lava.
And I guess sometimes they do capsize.
If a giant asteroid, say five miles across, made of nickel was to slam again into, say, the Yucatan Peninsula, yes, you'd have piercing holes through the magma into the earth and lava shooting out into space and then getting into the atmosphere and causing a dark age for a couple hundred thousand years.
How's that sound?
And I don't mean a dark age where they ban literature and science and mathematics and medicine.
I mean a dark age where
The entire planet's freezing!
Yeah, that was Hank Johnson.
Thanks, Guam, for the capsize.
Anyways, I'm digressing.
Huge, gigantor news.
NASA scientists find evidence of flowing water on Mars.
Of course, Buzz Aldrin said that on this show a few years ago, and that they had water on the moon, that he'd already found it, but they weren't allowed to tell the public, and they just went wild, and started saying, the same folks that put the obelisk on the moon of Mars, the same ones that put the pyramids!
And I'm like, wow!
Why are you saying this on my show, nowhere else?
I'm not saying Aldrin's crazy, I just... I'm not even allowed to say another thing Aldrin told me.
Off air.
And I'm not trying to sound like I'm special or something, but this weekend I was laying there in bed for about an hour during the day trying to take a nap because I had a sinus headache from mold allergies, and I was laying back trying to get rid of the beginnings of a migraine headache, and I just started thinking about how weird my life is, and I was just like, is this the Matrix?
Is this a dream?
Is this really happening?
Do we really have congressmen that say that islands float?
And the second guy to walk on the moon comes on my show and says, aliens built the pyramids?
I mean, why me?
Let's continue.
Under pressure, McConnell pushed to resign as Senate Majority Leader, and he will go down.
There's a large contingent in the military, in government, and in corporations that don't want to gut America, don't want to bankrupt America, don't want to cloud and pivot America, and anyone caught working with this plan is going to be dealt with.
And as soon as McConnell and as soon as Boehner are gone, there is a major fight to replace them with patriots.
And then you know what's going to happen?
Instead of patriots being indicted for no reason, there's going to be indictments of people in the Democratic Party.
And they know that.
Not because folks want to have this dangerous war with them.
People now realize that America is being destroyed by design.
There's a plan to wreck the country and there's large contingents of Republicans now that aren't going to play politics and aren't going to work with the Democrats because they understand it is a political death battle and the Democrats broke a hundred-year-old compact that was private and quiet that the two parties wouldn't try to destroy each other.
And that agreement has been destroyed by Obama and so a war is now on in the power structure.
You heard it here first.
And we're going to see in this fight, 1776 Part 2, just who's got the will and who's got the power and who's got the people.
But I wouldn't be betting on all the corrupt and all the scum.
GOP discontent that helps sink John Boehner isn't easing up.
That's why Boehner and the Democrats put their full money and full power against the Tea Party.
And if you read the White House publications, they're full hate at the Drudge Report, InfoWars, WorldNetDaily, Breitbart, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and it doesn't mean I even agree with all those people I just listed, but none of those people want to bankrupt the country, none of those people want to bring Sharia law in, none of those people want to break America's power, none of those people want to wreck the dollar, none of those people want to maneuver us into destruction like George Soros does.
By the way, that Nazi collaborator piece of trash is in the news calling for Europe to accept over a million radical Muslims a year and pay for everything.
From a Romanian Nazi collaborator who's still around like some living fossil, like a dirt dauber nest on your roof, lecturing everyone about how we've got to accept all these people just because he literally hates the West and wants to wreck it and just screw it up.
Trump has come out with, I've read over the Wall Street Journal article, what really makes sense as a super duper tax program.
A massive tax decrease for the middle class and the nouveau riche and the working poor.
Not as big as what Kennedy did, but similar.
And a whopping 10% levy on all, which it should be like 50%, on all the multinational US-based companies that wrote the laws where they're tax-exempt, so they take all their profits outside.
Trump understands we need to bring a large portion of that money back, but it shouldn't be 10% because they haven't paid more than 20 years, basically, any taxes.
They take their profits outside the country to tax-exempt havens, and so we need to drag that money back in.
It's time for the globalist, General Electric, Google, Apple.
It's time for the Fortune 100, Lockheed Martin.
All of you guys, America built you, gave you the power over the planet, and now you want to sink it so you can politically control it?
You are going to send that money back in here.
You took that money out of this country, you're going to bring that money back into this country.
We've spent trillions of dollars the last 20, 30 years plus, propping up all these countries, giving them free money, doing all this, and now America is falling apart.
Bring it back.
It needs to be more than 10%.
I mean, Obamacare, that's why I get so violently angry when I think about it.
Massively increasing taxes on people making less than $17,000 a year.
Shutting the economy down and then they have all these fake liberals on TV talking about how it's there to help poor people.
Yeah, help them like shoving a double-edged dagger between their ribs and their lungs.
We'll be back with more news.
Stay with us.
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Come and take it!
And then we loop it again right here.
Love this part.
Audi admits 2.1 million cars have Volkswagen emission cheat device.
Oh, Audi?
Oh, BMW?
Oh, the Europeans were cheating?
Oh, what?
What, two weeks ago, the day this broke, two and a half weeks ago?
I'm on record obnoxiously saying, guaranteed within a few weeks, you're gonna hear, and then I began listing all the other German automakers and the EU automakers because they all are in committees, they all get green-lighted before they do stuff like this.
This is how these criminals operate.
They would not engage in such a giant fraud with these kill switches inside the cars to give false data
Unless it was sanctioned.
That's how these crooks operate.
Interpol doesn't have low-level people shipping kids on aircraft around the world.
It's authorized from the top.
And that's come out.
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, Wachovia, all the rest of them don't run white slavery flights, torture flights, rendition flights, cocaine flights, heroin flights, ecstasy flights, prescription pill flights, weapons flights, in and out of major Air Force bases and U.S.
bases and other bases without full White House State Department certified authorization.
You understand that?
The people that run our government grab little kids out of backyards, torture them for a few months, and then blow their heads off.
You mean to pull up the mainstream news articles about it?
The snuff film industry, all of it?
The people running things see you as animals, like a slice of meat, a T-bone steak you buy at Safeway.
I don't mean to go off on a jag, it's just...
I know the enemy.
This is all I do.
I know their tricks.
I know their actions.
I know what they're doing.
Oh, Green has never felt so right with the Green Police.
In fact, can we cue it up by the Green Police, please?
Here it is out of Newsweek.
Audi admits 2.1 million cars.
I test drove an Audi.
One of the little fast ones.
I didn't get one.
Talk about a rocket ship.
And I've seen people drive them.
I've seen the exhaust coming out of those.
Those don't have the emissions they claim.
They're rocket ships!
Audi admits 2.1 million cars have Volkswagen emission cheat device.
And now they're claiming that the Hitler cheat device came from Volkswagen, so they're the epicenter of it.
The luxury car company, Audi, has admitted that 2.1 million of its cars worldwide were fitted with the same software that allowed the People's Wagon to cheat U.S.
emissions tests as the biggest scandal in the company's 78-year history continues.
There are cheating devices in every major smart meter made by more than five companies we've looked at.
Every cell phone has microphones, cameras listening and watching to you.
All the new smart TVs do.
All the new appliances do.
It's all fed back to AI computers.
We've done tests around the office where we put our cell phones in a room.
We're going to videotape this now.
We've got the patents.
We know what's going on.
And then we just sit around talking about, I think I'm going to buy a black desk.
Yeah, with a leather top.
Yeah, black desk, leather top.
I want to buy some furniture.
I want to buy some furniture.
And within an hour, all our phones, Droid or iPhone, start showing us leather desks.
Leathertop desk.
Leathertop desk.
I mean, they're listening.
You understand?
Why not?
If you're going to commit crimes at this level, why not go to warp, warp, warp?
Double warp.
There's Forbes.
Is your TV spying on you?
Yes, it is.
We can pull up the patents.
They're doing it.
They're doing it.
Can we go out to break with Green Police?
Here is Green Police, the cheating police.
Here it is.
Okay, so it's 3708, uh, paper or plastic?
That's the magic word.
Green police.
You picked the wrong day to mess with the ecosystem, plastic boy.
Let's go, take the house!
Take the house.
Put the rind down!
Sir, that's a compost infection!
They admitted, a year later, this was done to condition us for what was gonna happen.
Did you install these bulbs?
This is all class warfare.
It's all these wealthy people being arrested.
A man has just been arrested for possession of an incandescent light bulb.
What do you guys think about plastic bottles now?
What do you think about all these powerless, nobody liberals arresting everyone?
Oh, but this guy's got an Audi.
There's a checkpoint.
Martial law.
He gets to go through it.
You're good to go, sir.
You're good to go.
You're part of the Germanic EU New World Order.
A papal takeover.
You're allowed to be involved in fraud.
Good afternoon, officers.
And I'll tell you about... Those Styrofoam cups you're drinking from?
I'll tell you why this came out.
The NSA spies on Europe, and then they're the ones that leak this.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
When it comes to free speech, the entire world is reverting back to the Middle Ages where you had to watch what you said in fear of fines or even violent punishment.
For example, at a so-called free speech event in London, an anti-ISIS piece of art was banned after police demanded the artist pay 36,000 pounds for its potentially inflammatory content.
According to event organizers, the police made it clear they would pass the cost of extra police protection on the artist and the organizers.
So in other words, if you want to exercise your free speech in the UK, you gotta cough up a lot of money first.
Similarly, colleges across the United States are forcing students to apply for so-called free speech permits before they can exercise their First Amendment rights on campus.
That's right, the colleges that were home to anti-Vietnam War protests are now demanding that you ask campus officials for permission to protest.
To sum it up, America is turning into George Orwell's 1984.
Once again, this is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com, and follow Alex Jones on Facebook for live videos by Alex and more.
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I'm beginning a new effort to fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own.
I've also directed Secretary Johnson and Attorney General Holder to identify additional actions my administration can take on our own, within my existing legal authorities, to do what Congress refuses to do and fix as much of our immigration system as we can.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
So if you want to shut down the free market worldwide of your giant robber baron combines, you bring in corporate control, you buy off the universities, you buy off the courts,
You put your politicians in place.
Then you bring in a global carbon regime taxing all human activity.
You put massive taxes on water vapor and carbon dioxide.
And then you exempt yourselves.
Just like the French Socialist ruling party.
Remember it broke three years ago?
And then no one got in trouble?
Almost everyone in the ruling party was caught with giant Swiss bank accounts.
And pay zero taxes federally.
The EU bureaucrats publicly have a law that they don't pay any EU tax.
But everyone else does.
Just like General Electric expanded power plants the last seven years under Obama.
Six and a half years.
Expanded coal power plants.
Everyone else got shut down.
A three billion dollar oil refinery built over a decade in Corpus Christi.
Not allowed to open!
Isn't that cute?
But then, these other big loveless companies, why, they can open up refineries in other parts of the world and ship the gasoline into America!
That's how they keep gas prices up, even though they've lowered the price of oil.
Gas, as much as oil is a barrel right now, what is it, $45 a barrel or something?
Let's check what crude is today.
Brent crude.
What's Brent crude today?
Not sweet, but Brent crude.
Not light oil, not sweet.
Brent crude.
At that amount, for how long it's been hovering in the 40s, we should be paying about a dollar, maybe a dollar a gallon.
And that's with taxes.
But notice you're not.
And that's because, again, the New World Order doesn't let us have new refineries.
And the Associated Press sued, to its credit, back when you still had some free press in this country, in 2001, and got thousands of pages of documents from 96 and 97, where the Big Ten oil companies met in the United States and decided to shut down oil refineries, and to shut down small refineries, and to shut down the new building of refineries, and to fund the environmental movement to do it.
You know who runs the carbon tax push?
You know who gives more money than any other institution?
Goldman Sachs.
Guess who next gives the most money in a consortium of giving?
British Petroleum and Dutch Royal Shell are the second largest funders of carbon tax global warming baloney.
And then when I get up and criticize carbon taxes, the brain-dead liberal trendies send me emails saying, I know you're paid off by the oil companies.
That's how stupid you are.
That's how dumb you are.
That's how mindless you are.
That's how helpless you are.
That's how pathetic and arrogant you are.
Is that you are just absolutely turned over to fraud and lies and scams and you love it.
You love it.
And so, Europe's cheating on its emissions, it's leaked, it's going to come out that every major European manufacturer is doing this.
I'm not saying they're all going to have the Volkswagen fraud, because Audi is a subsidiary of the People's Wagon, but you will have similar cockamamie systems to do this, because I've never seen a complex tech device that didn't have Trojan horses laid into it.
I remember being told
13 years ago by an engineer, 14 years ago, that it didn't matter if computers weren't hooked to the internet, that all computers that had been made in the last decade or so, so this is I guess 20 years, he was telling me 13, 14 years ago that the last decade, so that'd be 20 years back or more,
They all had transponder chips, capacitor chips in the chips that could be remotely powered by an energy wave that's fired at them so that then the government could download the encrypted data off of it and compress it.
So your computer is more high-tech than you even know.
You're paying
For phones and computers and appliances way more than they should cost because of secret global compacts and agreements.
What came out four years ago?
That Intel and others have secret NSA contracts and are putting the capacitor chips in all the computers.
And I've talked to family that's worked at major
Silicon manufacturers in California and in Austin, and the government comes in, the guys with the bunny suits are kicked out, people come, they don't even know what the government's putting in them.
There it is, snooping.
It's not a crime, it's a feature.
New apps, hijack the microphone to your cell phone to listen to your life.
See, it's all fun and happy, but let's go back and look at the Intel chips.
Secret 3G Intel chip gives snoops backdoor PC access and again the chip is energized remotely even when your computer is off.
They can order it too if it needs more power to download your whole computer.
It will scan it to see when the computer was last turned on, has an algorithm that you must not be home.
They now have more sophisticated algorithms where they get data over power line.
They can also take your computer over that way.
It's not hooked to the internet, but it's hooked to a power cord.
It then goes in, decides you're not there, fires the computer up, and then gets all the data.
So loving!
I remember telling you over a decade ago, not bragging, just telling you, that DARPA was putting implantable microchips in PTSD soldiers' brains.
And giving them vaccines that basically ate part of their brain.
And now, today, it's in the news that DARPA is putting brain chips in people.
It was already in the medical journals.
All I'm telling you is, we don't make this stuff up.
There it is.
DARPA is implanting chips in soldiers' brains.
According to this new book.
Oh my gosh.
Give them a Pulitzer Prize.
They went to the DARPA website.
I know soldiers that have brain chips.
I have family that was implanted eight, nine years ago under the skin chip.
But they sit there and they tell you, none of this is going on, none of this is happening.
And I don't mean some chip because you've got epilepsy that simply picks up your brain activity when you're about to have a seizure and controls it.
I'm talking about stuff that controls basically everything you're doing and they can kill you when they want to.
Okay, I kind of got bogged down in that area of stories.
Maybe I should just start over with these headlines right now.
Under pressure, McConnell pushed to resign as Senate Majority Leader.
GOP discontent.
But Help Sink John Boehner isn't easing up.
Wall Street Journal.
Here's the financial news.
17.4 million Americans hit by identity theft last year.
66% of victims suffered direct financial loss.
It just gets exponentially worse, all by design, to make you go to biometrics, which has also been hacked already.
They had a hack of 5.6 million FBI fingerprints last week.
By design, of course.
It's the FBI that's always releasing most of the major Trojans, most of the major worms, most of the major problems.
Dow Jones Industrial Average drops as Wall Street weighs Federal Reserve uncertainty looming government shutdown.
Federal Reserve officials could provide more clues as to the timing of the central bank's inevitable rate hike.
What recovery?
9.4 million more Americans below poverty line than pre-crisis 2008.
Pro-secession parties in Catalonia win landmark vote to begin process to secede.
It's basically the only productive area of Spain now.
Almost every house I walked by while I was in Catalonia and Barcelona, it's in that state, in that region.
They're not really Spanish, they're not really French.
They want out of there.
They want out from under socialism.
They're really cool people.
I really like the folks in Catalonia.
And Spain's saying, we're not going to recognize that.
Oh really?
What are you going to do when like 80% of people stop following your orders?
You're going to do nothing!
You have no power, New World Order, the minute we take it back from you.
The minute we hate your stinking, rotten, criminal, filthy, maggot-filled guts.
Oh, here's another big story.
Washington Post.
How the American government is trying to control what you think.
And they admit that there's massive propaganda and massive manipulation and CIA psychiatrist teams running around brainwashing everybody.
Might have heard that somewhere else a few times, but now it's just out in the open, because they're going operational!
Remember the Pentagon a year and a half ago goes, because of the Drudge Report and other alternative media, we're going to stop lying.
We apologize for stop lying.
I'm the Undersecretary of Defense, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and I'm here to tell you everything's fine.
We're going to work with you in every community in town, every newspaper, every website.
The U.S.
Army's here to help with the rest of the joint services.
And it showed the military, the generals, the plainclothes people just shaking their heads.
Some had tears in their eyes.
They had their heads in their hands because they knew what this meant.
Full rollout.
We're here to help and stop lying.
We're here to be domestically with you.
We're here to teach you how bad mommy and daddy are and how the carbon taxes are good.
And now they just admit it all because, see,
They've got to just roll it out and go, well of course we arrest people that disagree with the government.
That's MSNBC, they go, thank goodness!
Thank God!
Rachel Maddow and others, I've seen them say it, I've played the clips.
Of course we're arresting Tea Party!
Of course we're taking your tax exemptions!
Of course we're gonna put you in jail!
You're criminal racist!
It's like, of course we're arresting all the Jews and putting them in concentration camps!
Of course we're arresting the anti-communist in Russia and putting them in forced labor gulags!
Of course Alexander Solzhenitsyn's been locked up!
We're tyrants!
We've taken over!
I mean, just flaming totalitarian scum, parading up and down in front of everyone, and everybody's supposed to just cower and go, okay, I... I was out barbecuing and a couple liberals were out there last night.
Some folks that some of the family knows, and so they came over and they're like, you know, I think this political correctness is getting a little out of hand.
Because they didn't really know who I am.
I'm just like, yeah, it's supposed to be like that, lady.
Yeah, like comedians can't make jokes, and now they're saying just being heterosexual is bad, and I don't know what's going on.
I mean, it's gotten extreme, and we've got to accept Sharia law, and I don't know what's going on, and you don't know what's going on.
You're being conquered.
You had your culture taken away.
You were trained to roll over.
It's like putting a fat papillon dog, a little sweet dog, out in the middle of Yellowstone Park in the middle of the night near the wolf packs.
They're going to come out and eat it.
You're a little cute, little puppy, a little jingly.
Oh, hi!
Hi, Mr. Wolf!
I want to be your friend!
Oh, will you be my friend?
You're like, but I'm cute!
I'm sweet!
I complied with everything you said!
I rolled over!
I showed you my pink belly!
And so you'll have everything taken from you.
Because you wanted to feel like you were on a winning team.
You were part of the Democrats, you were part of the Republicans, you were part of the establishment.
You would watch the news in a studious way, regurgitate exactly what you heard to try to sound smart, and you'd sit there and talk about football with your friends and feel real smart about that.
While the whole world was being stolen from you, while cancer viruses were being put in the medicine chain, in your vaccines, while you were being poisoned, the water being poisoned, your food being poisoned, while the diseases exploded, while you were being murdered, while it was all happening, it was all funny to them.
Because they live, you sleep.
Only admitting the full horror will stop them.
All tech put out by Globalist is designed for something totally different than what they tell you it's for.
I'll tell you right now, Audi and Volkswagen are the ones coming out with cars that watch you, cars that can tell if you're nervous and call the police, cars that can tell you're too sleepy.
So are the Japanese.
I've told people, as I was told by a source, that OnStar was listening to everything you do.
Five years later, it was all admitted.
You've got to reject all this and say, I'm not buying an Audi or a Ford or a Chevy that has any of this in it.
I don't want the smart, intelligent car.
Because it's not straight technology we're being given to enhance our lives and our safety.
It's being given to us to show that when the globalists take over, no one can stand against them because everything, our way of life, is destroyed, there's no self-sufficiency, and all tech is there as a prison to control us.
This is the admitted technocrat New World Order takeover program in their own words.
They call themselves technocrat, which means a technological dictator system.
Coming up, Israel will allow police to fire live ammunition at protesters.
And I just love this Orwellian article out of the Los Angeles Times.
I'm going to cover it when we come back.
Because whether you're for Israel or against Israel, whatever, it is the most Orwellian.
You want to know how they sell it?
They say, basically, if you're a demonstrator, they're going to shoot you with lead ammunition.
But don't worry, it's small caliber. 223!
They're acting like it's not lethal.
223 is one of the most deadly rounds there is.
It disintegrates when it hits you and opens up.
Because they wanted to kill more people and maim more people in Vietnam.
And so they had to have full metal jacket under the Geneva Convention.
So they made a full metal jacket hyper-velocity round that breaks up when it hits bone.
It's basically a fragmentation kinetic weapon.
Any bullet's a kinetic weapon, but it's a fragmentation kinetic weapon that gets around the Geneva Convention.
We're gonna shoot you with .223 from a Ruger range rifle and it's okay.
Oh, oh my god.
See, I said I'd cover it after the break.
I just had to cover it right then.
Oh I'm sorry, I'm crying, that's so hilarious.
Oh my gosh, that is the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life.
We're going to shoot you with an M16 round, but don't worry, it's small caliber!
I'm sorry, I'm going to stop right there.
I'm going to stop right there.
Oh man, I didn't used to like M4s, they've really perfected them in the last decade.
I remember the old days being a kid, you know, shooting semi-auto M16s, AR-15s.
I didn't like them.
They'd have problems and stuff.
But man, the ones they've got now are just amazing.
I actually started tearing up with just hilarity there for a moment.
We're getting into Joe Biden getting geared up to run.
We come back.
Europe seizing homes to house Muslim migrants.
Uh, Soros demands Europe accept millions of Muslims annually.
How about you accept them to your Connecticut house?
Piece of filth.
Uh, it's all coming up.
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One World Way is the first energetically encoded,
I think so.
They railed against the crown.
Another ragtag band.
Headline of the LA Times.
Israel will allow police to fire live ammunition at protesters.
Israel's security cabinet has approved measures that allow police to open fire with live ammunition at Palestinian protesters, throwing stones when officers believe their lives are in danger.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the cabinet, that regardless of what you think about this, people throwing Molotov cocktails at you, I mean I can see shooting at them, it's just saying, we'll see later, but don't worry it's a very low caliber 223.
They used to have Wildcat rounds that were like 15 caliber that were even more deadly.
They're like 5,000 feet per second.
These are like almost 3,000 feet per second.
And then it just goes on to say that it's okay because it's a smaller round.
Simply ridiculous.
Smaller caliber rounds from Ruger rifles at people hurling stones.
So that just shows how stories can be absolutely spun to the thousandth degree.
I want to get into Joe Biden, the election, Trump's tax cuts that he's talking about, and more.
But before I do that,
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And you notice I got up on air last night, I got up on air last week, and I said, I don't think the blood moons are going to cause anything.
I don't think it's connected to anything.
The elite are obsessed with it.
They might do something, but the real crisis is financial meltdown, war with Russia, ISIS out of control.
I mean, there's a lot of crazy technologies and things that could get out of hand.
So I'm not saying the world isn't in major turmoil.
The Pentagon admits one of the most dangerous times in human history.
I'm saying, blaming it on the blood moon.
I mean, we go through these cycles.
It's how the moon goes around the earth.
The Jewish calendar is set to it because they marked it down back then.
It's like, oh my God, all the Jewish holidays are following on the blood moons.
This means it's the end of the world.
No, the Jews set it up on the moon.
The Sabbath was based on the moon.
That's why that was going on.
So folks are like, oh, the shmeet is over, the blood moon didn't kill everybody.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Even if you're not into religion, you should care what the leader of one billion people has to say.
We're talking about Pope Francis, who ended his tour yesterday promoting world government, carbon taxes, and the rest of it, in Philadelphia.
Jacare Jackson was there.
And I wanted to play the Pope what he had to say about Christ's human failure on the cross, his greatest triumph.
There it is.
And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ.
And His life, humanly speaking, ended in failure.
The failure of the cross.
The entire Christian faith is based on the great victory.
All three Gospels say he laid it down willingly, it was a sacrifice, and that it was Christ's greatest triumph, and he says it's a failure.
And then twist it, but oh see, it became great later.
And then nothing, we have the full transcript, that's all the clip we can find.
The full transcript Jakari Jackson read over, where he didn't come out and say, and then he rose again.
I mean, this is over the top.
And maybe he's a wonderful guy, a great little socialist, it's just this isn't biblical.
Let's go to the Sha'Carri Jackson Report.
Ja'Kari Jackson for InfoWars.com reporting in Philadelphia.
This is the last day of the Pope's visit.
Now, since he's been here, he's said and done a lot of things, but the thing that stuck out to me the most is something he said during, I guess it was a Mass, where he came out and said that the life of Jesus ultimately ended in failure, in the failure on the cross.
I have the transcript here.
This is reported by ABC News, and it says in part,
The cross shows us a different way of measuring success.
Ours is to plant the seed.
God sees the fruit of our labors.
And if at times our efforts and work seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and His life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.
Then he went on to talk about the dangers of being a comfortable
We're good to go.
But not my will, your will be done.
And particularly we know this when we look at John 17 and 18.
Which is to say, nobody took his life from him on the cross.
He laid it down willingly.
He knew what was going to happen to him, so to say
That his life in general, the cross in particular, was a failure is something I'm very disappointed to see from a supposed spiritual leader.
And there are many other things I could talk about as far as the Pope, but this is something, a glaring thing that stuck out to me.
So anybody who claims to be a follower of Christ, I'm surprised if they're not as shocked and appalled.
By this as I am, I found it to be very disturbing and a very sour note to have while he was here in the United States of America.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
If ever,
And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and His life, humanly speaking,
Ended in failure.
Kit Daniels, Infowars.com.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said the US's effort to fund, train, and support ISIS and other jihadist rebels in a proxy war against Syria violates international law.
He told CBS that, in his opinion, provision of military support to illegal structures runs counter to the principles of modern international law and the United Nations Charter.
He also pointed out that Assad's army is fighting against terrorist organizations and not secular rebels.
Even the New York Times agrees with him.
Back in 2013, the newspaper reported that the majority of the rebels in Syria have sworn allegiance to ISIS, Nusrat's secular fighting force against Assad to speak of.
Basel Idris, a commander of a rebel brigade in Syria, said that his brigade was collaborating with the Islamic State and the Nusra Front by attacking Syrian army's gatherings in Kalamun.
And the Pentagon even admitted in 2012 that NATO was backing ISIS and other jihadist groups in an effort to topple Assad.
Once again, this is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com, and be sure to keep checking back at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
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Well, as of last Friday, John Boehner, the neocon rhino, Obamacare-pushing, open-border-promoting, anti-gun pariah announced he would step down.
Now there's major pushes on to have Mitch McConnell, who isn't as bad,
But it's close.
I mean, it's hard to be as bad as Boehner.
Mitch McConnell is not as bad as Boehner, but he needs to be gotten rid of all the same, and certainly that move is now on.
We'll be covering that in the next hour.
Biden will have a chance to appear in the first Democratic debate.
CNN says Trump has a plan to cut taxes for millions, but to claw back these tax-exempt corporations that move their money offshore.
A 10% one-time
Levy, which I think it should be higher.
So we'll be breaking all of that down.
I like lower taxes, folks, but I don't like Google and Microsoft and General Electric and all the rest of them, Walmart, moving their money offshore that was made here, writing the laws so they're exempt while they lobby for middle class taxes to be raised.
Did you know that?
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo, they all do it.
They all do it, just like George Soros lobbies for higher taxes and it turns out he's exempt from them, so now they're trying to pass a law in Congress to claw back like $8 billion from him.
Warren Buffett, oh I need to pay higher taxes, then he gets the laws written where he doesn't.
We need to raise taxes on rich people, then it's on the middle class.
Because he knows somebody making $30,000 a year thinks somebody making $200,000 a year is rich.
Every actuary shows the guy making $200,000 a year literally is the economy.
They've got the employees.
They get the services.
They buy the boats.
Their wives buy the boots.
They go on the vacations.
You get rid of those people, which they're doing.
It's over.
It's over.
We become a third world country.
There's no economy.
Just giant slums everywhere.
And then the high up on the mountain, you know, the ultra-rich areas, and they fly down to the airport by helicopter and never even get down here with the unwashed masses.
That's what we're going through.
It's all coming up.
Meanwhile, Europe seizing homes to house Muslim migrants, it's now confirmed.
Soros demands Europe accept millions of Muslims annually.
China's military advisers, it's now confirmed, we reported on it Sunday.
Curt Nemo reported on it out of the Israeli news, it's now confirmed by RT in China.
They're, quote, heading to Syria to help fight ISIS.
The Chinese have now said aircraft carrier disgorged tanks, helicopters, missiles, 1,000 marines, and more battlecruisers are now landing, disgorging troops to fight Islamic State.
And China and Russia are inviting the U.S.
to actually take out the Saudi Arabian force.
Which that won't be happening.
It's now like the war in the 80s against the Soviets and the proxy war in Afghanistan.
But we quote, I guess, thought they were good guys then, huh?
Well, now we know they're super bad.
Syria didn't attack anybody, so Russia and China are now in the good guy position.
We're in the bad guy position, which is being maneuvered by the globalists down the road to set us up for a fall.
And our military knows that.
That's why they've been blowing the whistle on this.
It's huge.
Talk about huge.
NASA scientists find evidence of flowing water on Mars.
The probe picks it up during the summer months.
There are creeks and streams and rivers on Mars.
It has an atmosphere.
It is habitable.
Simply amazing.
And we now know what the ancients said in legend.
That it once had a thicker atmosphere and oceans.
And it lost its atmosphere.
The Atlantean legends written about by Plato.
Claim that there was a connection to Mars and Atlantis and that Atlantis lost its atmosphere and that Mars lost its atmosphere and that we're connected to Mars.
I don't know if that's true or not.
The ancients said it.
Now it's coming true.
And Buzz Aldrin claimed there was a connection between Mars and an obelisk on its century moon.
It's one moon.
And an obelisk pointed at Egypt.
That's the second guy to walk on the moon.
I don't usually get off into flying saucer stuff, but when it's Buzz Aldrin, you gotta really ask what's going on.
What do the elite know we don't know?
So that's some of the news on that front.
Huge economic news.
This giant news just broke.
School, this is not the first time.
This is under Common Core.
Kit Daniels, Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
The story needs to go viral, folks.
School asked students for number of guns, political views held by family.
What are your parents' political views?
The Gun Survey asks.
Does your family own any guns?
Asks the High School Survey, reportedly sent to 100 students.
If so, how many?
The Gun Survey, you've got a lot of ATF programs where they mentor the Sheriff's Department.
Guarantee this is part of it.
Look into that, Daniels.
The Gun Survey, given to journalist students in Hendrickson High School in Pflugerville, Texas, also asks students for their parents' political views.
Talk about a scandal.
They've also had questionnaires in schools where it asks, you know, what's in your parents' medicine cabinet?
Do they smoke pot?
What are your parents' political views, the survey asks.
What are their political views?
The survey is invasive, to say the least.
The Second Amendment is the great conversation for kids to have in the classroom and definitely for journalism because it applies directly to our Constitution.
But the question that concerns me are the ones that ask how many firearms does your parents have in your home and what political affiliations your parents have.
Radio host and gun rights activist.
Michael Cargill said, that's private.
Yeah, I guess it's Michael Cargill, frequent guest of this show, that found out about this.
We need to get him in here about this, maybe on the nightly news.
As the survey can be used against a student and his family.
This is huge, and I know he just churned this article out real quick.
Kit, you might add they've done this before.
They have ATF grants.
They have ATF agents in the Sheriff's Department, in schools.
The last time I saw was in Alabama doing this.
And it's all just part of an intelligence gathering database on the parents, which was in the Washington Post Sunday, admitting they've now got CIA psychiatrists, you name it, embedded, running whole teams in PSYOPs in every town and city.
And under the rural
The Pentagon runs that over the 10 FEMA regions.
They're now putting plainclothes military in every state.
That's why we said Operation Jade Helms is further conditioning for the soft rollout of this, not the imminent rollout of martial law.
Everything is a conditioning program, like all the major streets shut down for two days in Philadelphia.
Not allowed to walk around after 10 o'clock at night.
No taxis.
That's in CBS News.
Local chef on papal visit didn't need to close every street, scaring most people.
CBS News.
See, this is happening.
This is the slow, incremental psychological warfare conditioning.
Now, joining us for the balance of the hour and a little bit of the next hour, we'll open the phones up for him as well, is Leo Zagami.
Leo Zagami is on record being part of one of the most powerful Masonic
Vatican Lodges and his family being Italian senators and stuff like that.
He's run for national office as well.
He's been arrested for his speech.
He's a best-selling author who, I guess it was five years ago, Glenn, they were going to put a Vatican, or six years ago, a Jesuit Pope in the Vatican using pedophile scandal blackmail.
Then it all happened a few years later.
Who he named became the new Pope, and even the Guardian and other publications admitted blackmail was used to put him in.
Now the media's gone from trying to take down the Catholic Church, which they clearly infiltrated a long time ago, to fully taking it over and no more talk of pedophiles.
So he said last week he'd tell a lot from New York, a lot from DC, a lot from what Huey met with, what happened.
We see him joining forces with the Chinese President, the Communist President, and Obama.
He said we'd watch what happened with the Chinese and the Russians, and we'd see what announcements were made.
So from those announcements, Leo Zegami, what can you make of what's happened, sir?
Hello everybody, hello Alex.
I can say that the situation is actually very dramatic because the words of Putin are definitely of complete defiance towards this new world order, clearly stating that every country should be able to be sovereign.
And this sovereignty concept was expressed by Putin in his speech to the United Nations just an hour ago.
In a way that I think really has showed the whole world that this Obama and his agenda is completely something evil, but of course the propaganda will make it something good, as you know.
In the meantime, I would like to point out that in the Vatican there is some serious stuff happening in the last couple of days that, of course, you have not heard of in the U.S., but it's starting to make news here in Italy because 11 cardinals are basically starting to oppose the Pope and have put together a document that they will present in October
at this very famous and important synod and gathering that is taking place with all the bishops.
So it's called the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops from the 19th, I think, of October.
And so basically, this rebellion, right in the face of the Pope, sees people like Camillo Ruini, Cardinal Carlo Caffara, then we have Cardinal Urosa Sabino.
I mean, we have many important cardinals that are just saying to the Pope, basically, that he's making a mockery of the faith.
And today, on another newspaper in Italy, an important Catholic writer and journalist asked Pope Francis to please stop with all this.
He said that he couldn't accept the fact that Pope Francis didn't even spend one word
For the Christians who are being persecuted in the Middle East while he was addressing the United Nations.
And at the same time, he didn't address the barbarities of the Castro regime and accepted this cross from Raul Castro made out of the boats.
When we all know that the Castros and Cuba were actually throwing, basically they were getting these boats that were arriving from Cuba to Miami, they were sabotaging them all the time.
So basically a lot of people died leaving Cuba for America in hope of a better life because they were killed by the Castro regime in the open sea.
And the Pope has said nothing about all this.
So, another thing that here in Italy is really creating outrage in the last few days has been this video report.
Stay there.
Tell us about that report when we come back, and what the meetings with Putin and others signify, and Putin's defiance.
Who's joining the world government?
Who's not with it?
The clash is to come with Vatican insider Leo Zagami.
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Riders on the storm Riders on the storm Into this house we're born Into this world we're thrown Like a dog without a bone
To recap, two months ago, the Pope, in three different speeches, and in several letters issued by the papacy, announcements, ex cathedra, or from the throne, there at Vatican City, that global climate change is happening, and that we have a responsibility to create a global government to respond to it.
And then he supports the treaty coming up in Paris that will complete world government.
And then now we've seen everything else has been added.
Vatican insider Leo Zagami, who predicted that this man would be put on the throne years before it happened, joins us.
He is the author of The Last Pope.
And he shows lightning striking the Vatican in the background on the cover of his book.
Then the night we go to interview him, we called him, there's a thunderstorm and lightning was striking the Vatican again.
It was crazy.
But the cops are coming over to us.
We're on the sidewalk, not even on the Vatican, shooting in the square.
It's pretty dramatic footage.
It's demon possession inside the Vatican is the name of the video.
It's online at InfoWars.com.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
No level of security, not for any royalty, not for a president.
Whole cities completely shut down.
Philadelphia totally shut down.
Just fawning socialist communist media.
I mean, that ought to tell everybody something of the world loves.
You're a religious leader, look out.
Leo Zegami, you were going to get into a report.
Before you do that, I know there's some conservative shakeups there.
Cardinals challenging him, then they're demoted.
But separately, how big is this Putin situation?
I want to do this segment on Putin.
You said you would watch carefully what happened in New York to gauge the power alignments.
What does it mean that the Chinese president had a love fest with the Pope?
I must say one thing that actually made me think a bit about the situation, not being totally clear, when Putin actually talked also about climate change and about his own effort towards the process that will bring us to the planned meeting of December in Paris.
So it seems that
On this climate change issue, everybody is following the Pope.
In regards to the security issue at stake with America, definitely this is the beginning of the second Cold War.
And we saw what happened with the first one.
We need to now get ready for the second one.
So there's going to be a completely new world in which
Somebody is apparently opposing this new world order.
We don't know how genuine Putin is in this opposition, but definitely the fact also that he has created with bricks an opposition also to the World Bank, and that he is definitely one of the main political leaders of nowadays, gives us
I hope that something is opposing Obama's and the Pope's New World Order faction, I mean, which is definitely taking control of the whole show.
As you see, Obama is just following up on what the Pope has announced in the week preceding these meetings at the UN.
I've never seen such unity of purpose by even G8 or G20 member groups.
I mean, Obama follows the Pope's direction like our government is a bird dog following its master's order.
Yeah, I mean, this finally really shows to the world what I have been talking about for years, like you also said earlier, which was this Jesuit Pope that would really lead the world leaders, completely controlling them, and they would be happy to be controlled.
Also, there is this whole charade of the one world religion.
We have seen this
Stay there, stay there.
Yeah, we're going to come back to that if folks missed it.
The Pope didn't even have a crucifix behind him when he did it.
Normally he speaks with a cross behind him.
He said the cross was a failure.
Christ failed.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
When it comes to free speech, the entire world is reverting back to the Middle Ages where you had to watch what you said in fear of fines or even violent punishment.
For example, at a so-called free speech event in London, an anti-ISIS piece of art was banned after police demanded the artist pay 36,000 pounds for its potentially inflammatory content.
According to event organizers, the police made it clear they would pass the cost of extra police protection on the artist and the organizers.
So in other words, if you want to exercise your free speech in the UK, you gotta cough up a lot of money first.
Similarly, colleges across the United States are forcing students to apply for so-called free speech permits before they can exercise their First Amendment rights on campus.
That's right, the colleges that were home to anti-Vietnam War protests are now demanding that you ask campus officials for permission to protest.
To sum it up, America is turning into George Orwell's 1984.
Once again, this is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com, and follow Alex Jones on Facebook for live videos by Alex and more.
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It's Alex Jones.
Folks, we're going to be going back to Leo Zegami and your calls here in just a moment.
Before we go any further, we fund our operation the old-fashioned way.
We earn the money to pay for the reporters, the researchers, the staff, the writers, the equipment, the crew, the producers, the customer service people, the building, the electricity, the insurance.
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And that's how we fund this operation.
I'm going to give it my best shot on TV and the syndication in the next few months, into the next year.
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We're getting more.
I'm going to try to get as big and aggressive in the face of the globalists as I can.
And if we peter out or we stall or we contract, that's fine.
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You think I want to work harder?
You think I want to be a bigger target?
But I have a responsibility to go 110%.
I'm doing it.
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Because prayer is real.
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Weapon of the enemy that's forged against his prospers.
I know God answers prayers when believers come together and do that.
And for all the fools who don't believe in God out there, they haven't experienced providence.
I have experienced it.
And I don't believe in prayer.
I absolutely depend on it as my North Star.
So please continue to put us in your prayers.
Put us on your calendar.
Put us in your daybook.
Please pray for us as much as you can.
And ask that we be given discernment.
Be asked that our enemy steps be directed that they fall, and that we continue to be more effective in the face of the New World Order, as is our human charter if we serve Christ to stand up against evil.
I mean, massive baby harvesting operations, you know, chimeras, half-human, half-animal, I mean, it's so far worse than we even know.
It's so much more insane.
All right, I'm going to shut up and go back to Leo Zegami.
He'll be with us 15 minutes to the next hour because I got him on late today and to take your phone calls.
Leo Zegami, you got cut off at the break about the epic fight, the new Cold War, what you saw in the meetings, what's going on with the Pope, is there a rebellion against him inside the Vatican, who are the factions, where is it all going, and other key points, and then we're going to move to the calls.
Well, to conclude with Putin, I must say it's very symbolic the fact that Hungary is slowly droving towards the Russian direction, is supporting Russia.
And we remember Hungary in 1956, they were the ones who rebelled to the Soviet Union.
But this time, they see that it's better to actually side with Russia than to side with the US.
So I think this move from Hungary is very symbolic.
Also, we have to understand,
I want to continue with that TV report which I was talking to you about before.
That was done by some friends of mine, journalists from a TV show in Italy called Piazza Pulita.
What they did was to broadcast it when the Pope left for America so he would not be around for the outrage that followed.
Because this journalist, this Arab journalist that the Italian journalists use,
Camouflage himself, well basically he acted like he was a Syrian refugee, and he followed on the exact words of Pope Francis, going around the Vatican, all the churches, the nuns, all the congregations, knocking on all their doors, and with a secret camera, seeing their reactions.
Well Alex, what kind of reaction do you think the Vatican had in front of a Syrian refugee?
With two kids, eh?
They probably freaked out and slammed the door in their face.
Absolutely, yes.
And one of them even escaped.
And the crazy thing is that on the website of that congregation, it said that they welcome especially the poor and they care for them.
Instead, the reality was very different.
So this guy for a whole day went around the Vatican and showed Italy that the words that Pope Francis said first in June, which basically were the words of condemnation towards those people that don't open the door to the immigrants.
You know, if they knock the door, we have to open our door.
Well, why don't they open their door in their churches?
There was one place where this immigrant went, where the Vatican, you know how much money they asked him?
They asked him 300 for an ordinary room and 500 for a deluxe room.
I mean, it's just unheard of.
But this TV report created a general outrage amongst the Italian population.
And finally, I think people are starting to realize the lies of Pope Francis.
Also, another important aspect of the world, things that are happening this week, is this church that has been set on fire in Bethlehem, the Church of St.
Charbal by Muslims, but the Vatican and also the Palestinian authorities have prohibited to talk about.
Because, of course, nobody wants people to know that in the birthplace of Jesus Christ, Muslims are setting churches on fire.
So, I mean, this is the situation today in the world, and we are in front of disgraceful acts, thanks to this mongrelism problem promoted by the Pope, of course, and Obama, and all the others.
It really is ridiculous because some of the walls we looked at up in the Vatican are over 200 feet tall.
Their main wall is about, what, 50 feet on average.
It's got private mercenaries from Switzerland guarding it for 300 years.
It's tax-exempt.
It owns 177 million acres.
They admit they have a lot of hidden wealth.
You're an expert on this.
You've written books on the subject.
What is the real wealth of the Vatican?
How is it controlled?
Because I looked into it.
They basically give nothing to the poor.
It is the biggest front ever, but he's lecturing American and European middle classes that we need to open our doors up as European pensioners are being thrown out of their government's subsidized homes that they pay for but they don't own.
They're being thrown out to make way for the illegal alien invaders dubbed the precious darling migrants.
Well, of course, the money that the Vatican has is a lot, also the gold they have.
They have especially gold, a lot of gold, and they have a lot of property around the world.
Imagine all the estate the Vatican owns is infinite.
So they are extremely rich and the gold was actually removed from the Vatican Bank the moment they had to pass from Ratzinger to Pope Francis because now that they have to clarify certain positions with the worldwide authorities that
We're good.
So let's be clear, that was in the news but buried in the paper.
Internationally, the Vatican had its banking power threatened and so it literally was coup d'etat by the banking and the pedophile
Pencer attack to turn it over to Ratzinger.
Turn it over from Ratzinger when he ran off to Gandalf Castle.
I'm serious, folks.
It's called Gandalf Castle.
And then they brought in Francis.
Yeah, and the gold got sent to Frankfurt, to the J.P.
Morgan in Frankfurt, so now basically there is not really any gold in the Vatican Bank because it's been moved all abroad, so the Italian authority or the investigative authorities who need to clear these matters don't have access to it.
Well, that says it right there.
I mean, the Vatican has been conquered.
The Vatican is now taken over by these Jesuits who next year, in October, will have their general gathering from Jesuits coming all over the world that will nominate a new Jesuit general.
So now, at the moment, we have Adolf Nicholas.
He is basically the Superior General of the Jesuits.
We, together with Pope Francis, deal with the whole Catholic Church.
And next year, in October, Adolf Nicholas will step down.
This is another unprecedented move in history, because the General of the Jesuits was like the Pope.
He never stepped down.
But this is already the second one that steps down, and we will have a new one coming up.
So, there is a lot going on, and next year we will have a new level of, let's say, Pope Francis' control of the whole thing, so let's see who is going to place as the Jesuit General.
In any case, as I was saying earlier, crosses are being destroyed.
The value of the cross is being destroyed.
It's not only the fact that he criticizes Jesus for having gone on the cross.
He actually called the cross a vessel.
Simply a symbol.
In Satanism, they desecrate the cross, they say it failed, they say Christ failed, they say he's weak, they say he's torn to pieces.
That's actually, I don't want to get into it on air, but I've studied it, that is deep black magic Satanism.
I mean, does the Pope know what he was saying when he says Christ failed?
I mean, that is a satanic statement.
It is a satanic statement that goes with this implementation of a one-word religion, because you can't have the cross in this one-word religion as the supreme symbol.
It has to be, basically, he has to put down the cross to put it on the level of all the other symbols, so in the name of ecumenism it all comes together.
In the meantime,
ISIS, we are the mercenaries of America, Israel, and the Emirates, and the whole New World Order, are destroying systematically the crosses on every church in Iraq, and they are prohibiting Christians from practicing their faith.
And now the ACLU is having them pulled off hilltops, churches are having to pull nativity scenes, you can see the total satanic attack on Christianity.
Yeah, it's unheard of.
I mean, it's in front of our eyes and nobody seems to really realize this.
Then we had the openly gay Mo Rocker opening the scriptures at the Papal Mass at Madison Square.
I mean...
It's a little bit like embracing the lobby gay this way.
We didn't really expect this to happen during the Pope visit, but it happened.
So, of course the Pope is never gonna discuss this whole gender issue in the proper way.
But as people are, they're gonna signal that, so all the old ways are being overturned, a radical transformation, in coordination with Obama, world government, stay with us.
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We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, broadcasting worldwide.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Leo Zegami is our guest.
I have never seen a religious institution more out in the open promoting world government, while our own globalist government, our own Anglo-American power axis out of Europe and the U.S., is funding radical Islam and running ISIS and Al Qaeda, and top generals come out, a whole bunch of them.
The former head of Defense Intelligence just resigned two months ago and says, yeah, we're funding ISIS and Al Qaeda and we told them and the White House knows and this is their directive plan and this is just horrible.
We're made to fix intelligence to cover it up.
You can really see it because I thought they'd bring in world government with a clash between Islam and Christendom.
Instead, they're going to bring in political correctness and make Christendom submit to Islam.
That's why I said I was never really an Islam basher.
I saw them being set up for the clash of civilizations.
I saw them as victims in Iraq and other areas, which I'm still against.
But that was the setup to empower the radicals, to build them up, to weaken Iraq, to then take over the whole region.
Just like Libya, just like overthrowing our allies in Egypt.
I mean, this is diabolical.
I want to go to phone calls for Will, Nick, Dan and others.
The toll-free number to talk to Leo Zagami today is 800-259-9231.
Leo Zagami, when I talk about diabolical,
They're saying, ban the name Mother and Father, they're... I mean, it's just total tyranny.
How far will... You've been in the secret societies, you've been a high-level nation, you've been involved with the Vatican, twice turned against it, I guess a decade ago, when you saw it was evil.
You've published 12 books on the subject.
At the heart of it, what is it?
Because I've been to Bohemian Grove, I've covered skull and bones.
At the bottom of the rabbit hole, I found these people are Luciferians.
They believe Lucifer is God.
Satanists work for them.
They're into partying and evil and hurting folks.
But at the top, aren't they really Luciferians?
Or what have you found?
Yes, the New Age cults are all fundamentally Luciferian.
This rainbow symbol that we all, you know, see these days, that was born officially in San Francisco, is actually the rainbow towards Lucifer, and it has a lot of occult symbols itself.
So, basically, Luciferians, these cults, are a myriad of various secret societies that I commonly refer to as, of course, the Illuminati Network, and this is probably the easiest way to call them.
I think
I'm delighted to see that.
But people have been made gradually to believe that this Pope is some kind of supernatural being, that everything he says is good.
In reality, it comes from a philosophy that has been preparing itself for the takeover for at least 500 years.
Well, I gotta tell you, I saw some of your speeches, I even read one of your books about five, six years ago and I thought, there's no way the Vatican has this much power, there's no way the elite want to put it all in one organization, but...
They're basically, it already had a lot of power, they transferred a lot of power to it as an organization so they could hide it, and then now they've fully overthrown even that organization, and it's pretty much a dictatorship of whoever controls Pope Francis.
We're going to go to break.
We have a phone system problem today, only three of our phone lines are working.
Will, Nick, and Dan, we'll get to you and then others can call in.
Nick's listening on WAAM 1600.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I had Jakari Jackson on yesterday.
From Philadelphia, and he said, you know, have you heard?
The Pope said that Christ failed at the cross.
And I believe Zachariah.
He never... Guy's so Christian, so professional, so nice.
It's like Clark Kent or something.
A black Clark Kent.
And I said, the Pope said that Christ fell on the cross.
Really, Zachariah, during a break?
He goes, yeah, he did.
He didn't find the clip.
He went and found it.
But I still just can't believe it, because it's just so ridiculously the attack on Christendom itself.
I mean, if I had to think of one thing someone who's anti-Christian would do, it would be attack Christ and the cross.
And I gotta tell you, a few things scare me, but a man as powerful as the Pope, with a billion plus followers, to actually see it.
It's so devilish, it actually shakes me to my core.
I want to go to Will, Nick, Dan, Jim and Sherry in that order.
I don't like to admit things shake me, but I'm actually shaken by this pope, Mr. Zegami.
It is really apocalyptic, the scenario we are living in.
In fact, it's very symbolical, actually, that Obama, maybe the only true thing he said today at the United Nations, was that ISIS is an apocalyptic cult, because these groups are made to create the more chaos possible, to foment evil, destruction, so something will come out of it, because they are trying, by doing this, to hush up
The Antichrist and the coming back of Jesus.
This is at least what it seems from what they're doing and also from what a lot of researchers have been saying.
Today and in the last few days we had this particular conjunction of planets.
A lot of people have been talking about it.
The blood moon, the red moon, a lot of people have said
Why is the occult elite doing all this with this particular conjunction?
Well, the elite follows always astronomy.
We were talking the other time with you, Alex, about the Jesuits and astronomy.
They are not looking to astronomy, the Jesuits, in their observatories to see some alien creature arriving with his, you know,
They're actually identifying the planets, the stars, so they know when the right conjunctions are in place, they can hush up things in a certain way.
This is what they really do with astronomy.
I want to talk more about that after calls because, exactly, I don't believe in it, you don't believe in it, they do.
That's why it's important.
Let's go to Will in Rhode Island.
You're on the air with Leo Zagami.
Go ahead.
Yeah, my question is for both of you gentlemen.
I was just curious, at what point do you think that the Vatican and Christianity became corrupted?
Was it during the Middle Ages, Constantine?
Or do you guys think that Christianity, with some of the contradictions in the New Testament and the fact that the Gospels were written maybe hundreds of years after, is just a concoction to kind of mislead us like the government?
Well, Christ existed.
The Romans and Jewish historians wrote about him.
There's different perspectives in the three Gospels inspired by God.
And Christ said, there's going to be a lot of people trying to deceive you, so, you know, go with your spirit and, you know, work through that.
But I think whether it's the Orthodox Church or the Catholic Church, there's been good, there's been bad, because we're humans.
It's been a manifestation, and it's a larger part of God's plan.
And I don't think we can fully understand it.
Well, the Vatican has had problems since the beginning.
In fact, it was actually Saint Benedict who walked away from Rome, escaped here in the mountains where I'm transmitting from, so he could found what became monasticism, because he founded his first monastery to escape the corruption in Rome.
And this was basically a long time ago.
I mean, we're talking about 400... Well, sure, look where they built the Vatican.
Explain that to people.
I mean, it's built on a serious, serious cultic site.
What they did, basically, they just picked up the religion that preceded Christianity and they absorbed them in one great cult.
That's why they're so powerful.
But at the same time, the people who put together this whole machine that became known after as the Vatican and even Constantine, who gave birth to Christianity,
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said the U.S.'
's effort to fund, train, and support ISIS and other jihadist rebels in a proxy war against Syria violates international law.
He told CBS that, in his opinion, provision of military support to illegal structures runs counter to the principles of modern international law and the United Nations Charter.
He also pointed out that Assad's army is fighting against terrorist organizations and not secular rebels.
Even the New York Times agrees with him.
Back in 2013, the newspaper reported that the majority of the rebels in Syria have sworn allegiance to ISIS.
There's not a secular fighting force against Assad to speak of.
Basel Idris, a commander of a rebel brigade in Syria, said that his brigade was collaborating with the Islamic State and the Nusra Front by attacking Syrian army's gatherings in Kalamun.
And the Pentagon even admitted in 2012 that NATO was backing ISIS and other jihadist groups in an effort to topple Assad.
Once again, this is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com, and be sure to keep checking back at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Leo Zagami is our guest.
After he leaves us at the bottom of the hour, I'll get into all the other incredibly important world news, economic news, political news, science news.
It's amazing.
I haven't gotten to about half of it yet.
We're going to go to Nick, Dan, Jim, Sherry, Robert and others.
Now the phone lines are up and working here in just a moment.
Leo Zagami's book is available in English.
You can find it on Amazon, you name it.
The Last Pope, Leo Zagami.
He's written 11 other books as well.
And he has accurately predicted exactly what would happen.
That they would have the Pope resign, that they would put a Jesuit in.
They never had a Pope resign.
And this was a takeover.
And he lives right there in Italy.
He's been working inside the Vatican for decades.
He's been part of secret societies that are within the Vatican, and it's just unprecedented.
This is the big sign that world government's coming in.
Last night I went out with friends downtown to a pool, by some condos, to barbecue and see the blood moon.
There was too many clouds to really see it, but I've seen one of the others this year.
It's pretty spectacular.
A full eclipse of the moon.
You have five in one year.
Won't even see another one until 2033.
But waiting for it to happen, I had folks out there who I didn't know at the pool arguing with me, saying, no, it's Jewish mysticism, it's maybe the end of the world, the start of the Tribulation.
I had folks on the elevator arguing with me, and of course I have the news blaming me, saying I said the blood moons were the end of the world, the Shemitah.
I never said any of that.
Just like I never said Jade Helm was the end of America or gun confiscations.
It was further conditioning, like TSA on the streets.
But this is how they lie and misrepresent.
But I gotta tell you, I've been on air 20 years, I've never seen the media lie like they lie now.
I mean, they will really lie.
They'll get up on the news and say, everyone loves the Pope, he's not political, people shouldn't criticize him, just lockstep both parties.
When the truth is, most Catholics I talk to are horrified.
Are horrified.
But now is it okay to say Christ's failure on the cross?
Now is that okay?
I want to go back to your calls with Mr. Zagami.
Nick in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Leo, I want to know your thoughts on the question, did the Roman Empire never fall and just became the Vatican?
I think I partly answered this question before, because definitely it is, like the listener said, a continuation of the Roman Empire that then became the Sacred Roman Empire.
But in any case, the Vatican has kept that core of knowledge that was there since the ancient times, since the times even Julius Caesar got together with Cleopatra.
I mean, Rome has this occult knowledge, and the Jesuits make it really clear
I wrote an article about it for InfoWars called Describing Jesuitenberg, these caves near the city of Maastricht built by Jesuits which basically include a variety of gods from all the traditions worshipped by the Jesuits in their spare time.
It took a hundred years to build these caves and what is inside there is much more astonishing
Sure, let me try to answer that question for Nick.
After the official fall of Rome and the final sacking in 410 by the Visigoth chieftain Alaric, Rome then switched, because it had been the Eastern and Western Empire, switched totally to Constantinople, which is now Istanbul today, in Turkey, and the church
gave its allegiance and vice versa to the Byzantines.
In 800, with the crowning of Charlemagne by the Pope, and the ancient Roman term Europa, or the goddess Europa, then Rome gave its power to Europa, or Europe, and that's the switch, and then the rebirth, truly, of the Roman Empire under the Holy Roman Empire.
Correct, Leo Zagani?
Correct that we go into the 1950s and we arrive basically to the Treaty of Rome and to the modern European Union.
That is an emanation of this Sacred Roman Empire.
Which is a project of the Catholic Church post-World War II.
And this project wants to amplify itself, of course taking over also the U.S., the rest of the world, and this one world government.
And since you've been in the
What you call the light side of the Illuminati in the Vatican, which there's all these Illuminati systems around the world, but you're confirmed in that.
The photos, the admissions, I mean, they admit that you've been part of their group because of family ties.
You believe it was for good, for the light, you thought it was bad, went public, so people can't judge you.
There is supposedly the whole Rosicrucian, Merovingian, Secret Atlantis breeding programs of the Masons and George Washington and all the rest of them to get over here and to get away from the Vatican that they believe has corrupted the ultimate gain to empower humanity.
And that they were the real Illuminati led by Thomas Jefferson, who then of course helped engineer the French Revolution and all that mass murder, but he then turned against it and said it was wrong.
Washington fought it from the beginning.
So what about the New Atlantis versus Rome?
Hasn't the New Atlantis America and the goddess Columbia, hasn't that been at odds with the Vatican and Europa?
Two different cults or is it really the same cult?
Well, as you know, the Jesuits came around more or less 500 years ago with Ignazio Loyola, and their whole reason to be the Jesuits was to actually infiltrate the growing dissent for the Catholic Church, what became known as Protestantism.
All those people who thought they were rebelling, in the end, they would be infiltrated.
And one thing about the Jesuits, they don't infiltrate a cult, a religion to deactivate it.
They simply take it over.
And so they, I mean, they take over maybe the Christian evangelical church as they take over the satanic one.
For them, the important thing is to take over every single human creed.
That's right, but separately, a lot of Protestants don't know that the Rosicrucians and other people were deeply behind creating the whole Protestant movement, and it looks like there was a battle against the Catholic Church at one point, which they would say was evil, and then the Jesuits didn't go try to defeat that to save the Catholic Church, they actually took it over, and then took over the Catholic Church, and now want to control both wings of the system.
They also infiltrated the Rosicrucians.
The Rosicrucians were actually good at one point, when some of them also devised, you know, based on the New Atlantis of Sir Francis Bacon, the idea also that came into life with 1776 with the foundation of the United States of America.
This idea of freedom from the other side, you know.
Exactly, but George Washington smelled it out, double-crossed the Illuminati, and that's why America got, at least for about a hundred years, it's shot.
Yeah, the chaos that was of course created the moment you rebel to this system.
But they are always in the midst, you see, and they manage it.
The Rosicrucian tradition at one point, Elias Ashermore, who was in the 16th century, one of the maximum representatives, he said that these Rosicrucians were getting infiltrated by witch doctors, by witchcraft.
And this witchcraft came from the Jesuits, you know.
They went basically to those true Christian mystics that wanted something that brought them closer to God and offered them instead a diabolical creed that would bring them immediate power.
Sure, exactly.
The original Rosicrucians undoubtedly really were about human empowerment, the opposite of Satanism or Luciferianism, and that's why they had to be taken over.
And then what we think of as Rosicrucians today is just Satanism.
Yes, because the Rosicrucian Manifesto that was basically published in the 1620s by this guy Colander was actually completely opposed to the Vatican and attacked very harshly the Vatican.
And these manifestos were actually put in various cities in Northern Europe, creating a lot of interest towards this new... Actually, the Rosicrucians claim to be very old tradition.
There was a Christian claim to basically be those original high priests that were rebelling to this system that was taken over by the Vatican.
Nick, is there anything else you'd like to add?
Listening on 1600 AM?
Well, I've heard stuff about the Council of Nicea, or however you pronounce that word.
You know, a lot of Christianity was changed.
Like, it was possible that Jesus Christ himself was a vegan.
The Roman Empire, whatever you want to call it, changed a lot of Christianity's pure teachings into something totally different to fit their doctrine.
So what are y'all's thoughts?
Well, you know, they found a lot of the ancient scrolls from the scribes, and the King James pretty much matches up from what I've seen.
But some whole books that they didn't agree with did get disappeared.
I don't think the text itself has been manipulated that much, but there are whole books that disappeared.
Yeah, they decided to destroy approximately 500 books that talked about the life of Jesus because it didn't fit with the system.
Of course, if the book was showing a Jesus that was rebellious to society, was somebody who could challenge the empire in a way that they disliked,
Or maybe he was teaching some secret knowledge that he didn't want to give to the public.
They just took this book away.
I mean, definitely there has been at least officially a few, but maybe many more books that were completely destroyed at that time.
And remember that for hundreds of years,
Only the people from the church were capable of reading these books.
Because the majority of people in society were not capable of reading.
So, only the aristocrats and the church have this knowledge.
Now to bring us back to that today, the complete dumbing down.
Thank you, Nick.
Great questions.
We're skipping this network break.
Only this one.
Dan in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Okay, we'll come back.
Yeah, go ahead.
Yes, this is Bible Dan with his Bible in his hand.
And I ran into Jakari Jackson and Paul Joseph Watson at the Washington train station in disguise.
So I'm letting you know that the video I'm going to post... Hold on, Paul Joseph Watson is in England, so that's not true.
You mean David Knight and Jakari Jackson?
Yeah, David Knight.
David Knight.
The guy with the beard, mustache.
Sure, if you got a serious question, go ahead and go to it, sir.
Alright, I got two.
What is the Pope talking about saying that government officials can oppose gay licenses?
He just said, essentially, Kim Davis was right to deny gay licenses to gays.
And then my second question, the Da Vinci Code.
Essentially, Constantine knew that the church Christianity was going to take over, so what he did was he created the office of Pope, but the Pope is really the Emperor.
Is that correct?
I appreciate your call, Dan.
Let me go to Leo Zegami to try to answer that.
First off, I just want to say this.
Looking at this, and I'm not trying to give this pope a pass, but I don't want to be sitting here judging people being nasty, which I have been because I'm so threatened by all this, and it's just so obviously over the top.
Is the media cherry-picking what the pope says?
I'm trying to read more of what he says, because he will say, hey, gay marriage hurts the family.
Hey, people have a right to conscience to say no.
Hey, radical Islam is doing some bad stuff.
Hey, the family's important, but then it seems like he says these horrible things, too, that the media picks up and magnifies.
So, he is saying these bad things, but then I find out he says some good things as well, but then that stuff doesn't get picked up, so it is very Jew-itical.
I guess that's what the Jesuits do, is they talk out of both sides of their mouth, or, what's going on, Leo Zegami, and then his whole question about Constantine.
Well, he just gives a little bone here and there, you know, to satisfy the conservatives and the growing dissent that is in the church.
I mean, this morning the newspapers in Italy were talking about the fact that the Pope has not said anything about the gay marriages in the U.S.
and that he hasn't opposed anything.
And actually, the way of this Pope is basically, oh, well, let's see what we agree on and not what we disagree on.
And we should just not point so much on the complex doctrines, but on the beauty of Jesus.
And that's it.
When he says that, then he can say anything.
And people believe him.
Then he says that Jesus failed.
He said Jesus is a failure.
Yeah, well, he says Jesus is a failure when he wants.
But then when he suits him, he says that we shouldn't look at the complex doctrine, but just at the beauty of Jesus.
So, Jesus is just this beautiful figure that
I don't know.
It's not anymore.
It doesn't have any of the values.
For those that don't know, in the real satanic masses that they've had for over a thousand years, they talk about Christ broken, defeated, failing at the cross, dead.
I mean, when I saw him, the look in his eyes when he said that, I got chills.
I mean, it was, he's not stupid, he knows exactly what that was.
And that was hardcore.
And you know, you mentioned Castel Gandolf, and that's the place near there where they actually do the satanic masses with all these priests, the satanic sects, they all gather in this forest.
And maybe one day, if we are lucky enough, Alex, we can spot them as you did with the Bohemian Grove.
And of course, if we are caught by these people, I think that we will really end up
There will be no coming back, because there is actually a Catholic priest that celebrates Satanic Masses.
And this is not us saying it, it is Padre Amort, who is the chief exorcist of the Vatican.
He has clearly stated that there is Satanic sects operating in the Vatican.
So, I mean, if the chief exorcist of the Vatican says this, why can't we say that?
I hear you, unbelievable.
Jim in Montana, you're on the air with Leo Zegami, go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
Say, I'm a preacher evangelist and I'm 62 years old.
And I was born and raised a Catholic, baptized at birth, and I was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan in a huge Catholic church.
Catholic grade school and high school educated.
I understand, you're Catholic, go ahead.
Yes, and I'm also a preacher evangelist.
Now, what I'm wondering is,
What happened to the name, above all names, which is Adonai Yeshua Messiah?
Yeshua is his name.
Why are we using this name, Jesus?
And why is the Catholic Church involved in pushing this garbage my entire life?
I don't understand what's going on.
No, I hear you.
And God bless you.
You know, my feeling on this, and I'm not saying you're being a Pharisee.
I understand your frustration.
Languages change.
Things happen.
You know, the name Jesus is different in different languages.
We all know who we're talking about.
I don't think God hates us if we get it wrong.
You're right.
You know, the name of God, you could say Jehovah, I am that I am.
We all know who we're talking about.
We all know the fruits of that God.
We know the fruits of the devil.
And the New World Order brings us bad fruit.
God brings us prosperity.
But the paradox is we get so much prosperity as Christians, we then become degenerate and decadent.
I don't know how we transcend that paradox that God blesses us so much, Leo.
God blesses us and at the same time is testing us every day.
And of course, having a Pope like this is testing all of everybody who thinks of himself as a Christian.
Because after saying certain things, you can't really...
say that this Pope is actually a Christian.
It's interesting that we are going through that passage these days.
A lot of people are mentioning that passage from the Bible in Acts 2.20 and Revelation 6.12, which mentions this moon that becomes blood in this particular period of time in which a great earthquake that could have been, of course, the one we just had in Chile
So maybe this is the event the Pope openly saying Christ fell at the cross, total blasphemy.
Maybe that's the big, maybe it is signaling some new horrid march into evil.
Maybe the people who actually for a long time talked about prophecies, they are completely right.
That's the truth.
Yeah, maybe we're here.
They just announced they're brain-shipping the troops.
That's in the mainstream news.
I mean, it's all... I want to do five more minutes for the other side.
I know you got to go.
I want to talk about the astrology and how they're into that and the Vatican Observatory that I stayed right next to at a hotel while I was there in Rome at least two of the days.
Because I wanted to be able to oversee what was happening and try to investigate some areas.
But let's continue with the phone calls.
It's just a very epic time to be alive, and even if you don't believe solar eclipses have important portents, the elites do, folks.
That's why we're looking at it.
You know, it's like saying that some South Islanders go out and headhunt on the full moon.
Doesn't mean we believe in headhunting, it just means these people, from their anthropology, their sociology, do this on full moons.
Well, the elite are into astrology as well and do weird stuff.
Sherry in Texas, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
My question's about the fact that I don't think the Pope said that Christ was a failure.
I think that's media spin that said that.
No, I mean, hold on, hold on.
He said he bodily failed as a human.
He chose that.
That's clear in the Bible.
So it's saying he failed, but his message is something lighter.
It is a twisting, but sorry, go ahead.
I think Christ thought he was a failure, because can you not agree, Mr. Sergoni, that in our humanity, like Christ said about our humanness, that in our humanity, we lack confidence.
Our humanity is timorous.
We have a hard time believing in ourselves.
Christ is not us!
Christ said to God, why have you forsaken me?
He really thought he was a failure, and that's so human.
That's when he's in the garden realizing he's about to get beat to death and tortured, and you're right, his flesh feels like he's been left alone, but then he guts up, he goes through it, and transcends it.
But Alex, the Pope didn't only put the cross into question in that passage.
The cross is the victory!
He actually said that the cross is only a vessel.
I mean, saying that the cross is only a vessel, is only a symbol, means destroying the whole of Christianity.
I mean, the cross is the symbol of the sacrifice that you do with your own life, with your own belief.
Every day, every minute of the day.
I mean, the cross is essential for a Christian.
So I wouldn't put this into question at all.
Well, ma'am, I'm not attacking you.
I'm going to pull the full transcript.
He does say it in a twisted way, so I can see what you're saying, but I've watched it like five times.
I'm going to pull the full transcript back in here.
Jakari Jackson is just so hot to talk about it.
He's not taking a few days off.
He's worked like 10 days straight.
He's coming in to co-host with Kit Daniels in the fourth hour to go over all this.
And Leanne McAdoo.
Sorry, go ahead.
There is even journalists here in Italy.
I mean, I'm talking about some of the most specialized Catholics and Vaticanists that are saying the same thing as McAdoo said.
So, I mean, it's not only him who says it.
They're saying it also here in Italy, Vaticanists, the experts.
You're saying, folks, you're saying the same thing our reporters are saying?
Absolutely, yes.
Ma'am, I'm gonna let you come back.
This is just too important.
We're gonna go to Robert, Bob, Jay, Mick after that, then let our guests go, and then I'm gonna continue with the news we haven't hit yet.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Spread the word.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
When it comes to free speech, the entire world is reverting back to the Middle Ages where you had to watch what you said in fear of fines or even violent punishment.
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To sum it up, America is turning into George Orwell's 1984.
Once again, this is Kit Daniels with InfoWurst.com, and follow Alex Jones on Facebook for live videos by Alex and more.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Here's the full quote out of the Washington Post of the Pope's full speech.
The cross shows us a different way of measuring success.
Ours is to plant the seeds God sees to the fruits of our labors.
And if at times our efforts and work seem to fail and produce no fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.
So that's stated with a twisted, deep meaning that really informed people would understand you could see a failure if you were there that day, but it created a great success.
But he doesn't say that, knowing to the unwashed masses,
Christ failed at the cross, which is the inversion of the entire of Christendom that the cross is the great victory.
It is just over the top.
He goes on, another danger comes when we become jealous of our free time, when we think that surrounding ourselves with worldly comforts will keep us
And serve us better.
And that's his attack for austerity.
Yes, it's good to be poor in the service of the poor, if that's what you choose.
But it's also good to be successful and lift others up and have prosperity.
I mean, I've read the Bible.
The problem with this reasoning is it can be blunt.
The power of God's daily call to conversion, to encounter with Him.
It just goes on with a bunch of socialist gobbledygook.
And that's what Leo Zegami was getting at.
But look, he's calling for world government.
He's calling for global carbon taxes that are a death sentence to many in the third world.
I mean, this is the whole globalist project.
And they had another pope step down to have him come take over.
This is unprecedented.
And never had there been a Jesuit Pope, because you weren't supposed to have a Jesuit Pope, because it was supposed to be the watchdog for the Catholic Church.
Zigami, I want to take a few final calls with you.
I appreciate all your time, but talk a little bit about the Jesuits founded by the military officer in Spain, in Portugal, Loyola, all of that.
Because I have some Catholics email me, call me, and they go, who says you can't have a Jesuit Pope?
Well, why was there never one before?
Then I want to get into the astrology and a few final phone calls.
Well, there was never really a written rule, but it was an unsaid rule.
A few years back, I remember in a forum of Jesuits, this question arises, and of course they said it's an unwritten rule, but we don't usually traditionally have a Jesuit Pope.
This was, as I said, a few years back.
It's interesting, I think, in all this context, the prophecies that were given by a nun called Ann Caterina Emmerich.
Because the prophecies of this nun, I want to just mention a little passage to make you understand how accurate they are.
I saw also the relationship between two popes.
I saw how baleful would be the consequences of this false church.
I saw it increases in size.
Heretics of every kind came into the city of Rome.
The local clergy grew lukewarm.
I saw a great darkness.
This was a nun that was almost made a saint by the Catholic Church and Isabella, which is an in-between stage.
When you are nearly getting to Sainthood.
So it's not the words of... Those are German nuns, right?
Like 400 years ago?
Well, she was born in 1774 and she died in 1824.
And she was very important for her visions.
The Church saw her as very important.
And she said, the Church is in great danger.
We must pray.
And she saw all this.
It's quite incredible that she saw the scenario of the two Popes like we are having these days.
It's shocking.
Well, all I know is, whether it's the universities or whether it's the Protestant Church, all of it is now just promoting world government, promoting the end of the family.
I mean, I've gone to family churches that were kind of mainline Methodist that now sound like a Soviet brainwashing camp.
I mean, I've gone to Baptist churches that sounded conservative that now sound liberal.
And they're just following their central directives, World Council of Churches, 501c3, government controlled.
It is bad.
I mean, and now, I know folks in those different psychology departments of universities, it's like, we're banning free speech, whites are inherently evil.
This is white people saying this.
I mean, it is, it is, they are really making a totalitarian move to crush the West.
A, do you agree with that?
And then B, why does the elite want to crush the West, the source of their power?
Well, because the next source of power has to be at a global level, so they don't care if they crush a specific culture, because they want to promote their mondialist culture.
So, of course, they crush nationalism as well as they crush religious identity.
So just a thousand different babbling groups of morons fighting with each other with central government, central religion, playing referee.
Absolutely, and I mean, now that we saw the Pope being the spiritual leader of this new world order, and Obama being, you know, we have on one side the false prophet, and Obama basically being the antichrist of the situation.
I'm not saying that he is the antichrist.
But it's an antichrist spirit.
It's a model of the great one to come.
As the Bible says over and over again, there's waves building, precursors test towards the final.
But the technology that we have these days is not the one we had a few hundred years ago.
So what these people are doing these days, it's incredible and of course it is of much bigger proportions and reaches every single side of this planet.
There is no way of escaping.
So now we finally have the technology for everyone worldwide to see the beast in the same hour and to see the talking machine in Jerusalem and to see the miracles and to see all the things that are described that is pure science fiction then, now reality.
Yes, and there is also, as I mentioned in that documentary we did in Rome, the situation of Our Lady of Medjugorje that is creating still a lot of problems within the Catholic Church.
Now there is being the mysterious death of a priest recently in Medjugorje, and people are starting to wonder if in some way this death is connected to the fact that the Vatican wants to
Yes, I'm still here.
I just think that Christ, who is divine,
Became who we were in our humanity, as well as in His divineness, to let us know that we can see and live beyond the worldly view.
The world is our way.
It reflects us.
All our lack of brotherhood from sea to shining sea is all reflected in the world, but Christ came to show us a new way.
And I think there is something in the Pope
That I have to stand up for because he seems to be able to see beyond the worldly view.
And that's why a lot of his things seem contradictory to what the world has always held from a religious standpoint, from a Christian standpoint.
Like homosexuality, Alex.
I don't want to get off on other subjects, but was it not perhaps
Not homosexuality, the translation, but shouldn't that have been pedophilia?
But that word wasn't available.
Well, I mean, I think Christ, you know, was not there judging people, and folks could always repent.
And as I hear what you're saying, I appreciate your call, but ma'am...
What the Jesuits put out is pure Ford Foundation, globalism, liberation theology.
They fill the emirates full of hatred, many of them.
Still a lot of beautiful, wonderful people, but they fill them full of all this class envy, all this garbage.
And so he's spewing the New World Order project of deindustrialization and balkanization and the end of national sovereignty.
And so he sounds all nice up at the top, but when you know the larger agenda, he's pushing what the most vicious, evil globalists want.
And you see them giving power to him and all the world leaders lining up, fawning after him, except for Putin.
And it's just, it's wild to watch.
Leo, quick comment on that.
Thank you, man.
Well, it's very important to realize that a few years, I mean, I think it was around 2009-2010, for example, there was a guy called Don Verzei.
He's very powerful in the Vatican setup.
He just died a couple of years ago.
He was starting to promote microchipping.
It was just an example to let you know that I think the values that the Catholic Church is promoting are very far from the Christian values of Jesus, and they are as far as you can get.
Well, that's it.
I mean, it's more and more lined up with world government.
It's lined up with the technocracy.
It's lined up with the mark of the beast.
Technocracy, that was something that was invented by Count de Simon, who lived in the period, I think it was between 1774 and 1825.
Count de Simon was the guy who actually created the basic idea
As much as you have them here, even if Obama in some ways is a technocrat, but the ones over here look really the part.
They have glasses, they have their own troika agenda and they're really 100% soulless and they are zombies of the new world order who work to achieve the power for the families on top that dominate then the high finance.
The Vatican together with them because, of course, there's a whole set-up together with the Vatican made of certain families, of certain interests.
There is also other religious leaders involved.
We have seen this.
I mean, it's a melting pot that in the end...
wants to install this world government.
And this is really the kickstart of it.
It is in front of the eyes of the whole world.
I mean, the Italian Prime Minister just declared Agenda 2030 to be a great thing and that we should all look into it.
And it means the end of the family, private property, everything.
I mean, they are bringing in a hellish world saying no vacations, no meat, no air conditioning, no nothing.
Just smiling at us and then blocking clean industrialization.
I mean this is the end of humanity.
Trillions, Alex, because this Agenda 2030 needs trillions.
Who's going to give trillions?
I mean, they want, like, five trillions a month out of us.
I mean, they will simply destroy the economies of all countries by doing this.
It's a total consolidation.
We're so poor they can dictate absolute terms to us.
It is pure evil.
Robert in Missouri, you're on the air with Leo Zagami.
I'm Alex Jones.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex and Leo, check this out.
When the Pope spoke before the United Nations, have your boys, Alex, cue this up right at the beginning where he starts his remarks.
He says, I come in my own name and in the name of the Catholic community.
Well check out John 543.
I am come in my Father's name and you receive me not.
If another shall come in his own name, him you will receive.
He's like following stuff I've read in like serious, you know, FBI criminology reports about Satanism.
What the real Satanists do is they blaspheme and change everything that's key in the Bible.
So he says, Christ fell to the cross, the cross is a failure.
Guys, cue up Pope Francis' UN address.
I want to see that.
He said, I come in my own name.
Repeat that again.
Yes, the very first remarks out of his mouth, the translator will say it.
I flipped out, Alex.
He says, I come to you in my own name, in the name of the Catholic community.
He did not come in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I never saw him do the sign of the cross while he was here, any of that stuff.
This guy is an imposter, and I tell you what, when you cue that up, the first remarks out of his mouth, when he says, I come in my own name, it reminded me of that biblical prophecy, and it really just threw a red flag up in my spirit.
And the one lady that said, when Jesus was on the cross and he said, Father, Father, why have you forsaken me?
He was actually fulfilling a Bible prophecy from the Psalms!
When King David was on the run from King Saul, King David said that in the Psalms.
Everything Jesus did was fulfilling an Old Testament prophecy.
He was God.
He didn't lose his faith.
He was actually re-quoting stuff out of the Psalms, just like them casting lots for his garments.
Everything he did was a fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies.
He fulfilled over 300 of them.
And that's how you know he's the real thing.
And I just wanted to throw that out there.
But go to that beginning of the U.N.
It'll flip you out, because he came in his own name.
He did not come in the name of the world.
Sure, sure.
We just put up a New York speech he gave, another speech.
We're finding it right now, or I can find it.
Thank you.
There it is.
Read the Pope Francis speech, the United Nations.
Here it is.
Thank you for your kind words.
Once again, following a tradition.
Which I feel honored, the Secretary General of the United Nations, the Pope, to address the Distinguished Assembly of Nations in my own name and that of the entire Catholic community.
Wow, so he said in my name, not in Christ's name.
That is unprecedented, you're absolutely right.
So there you go, Time Magazine with the transcript.
Thank you so much.
Leo Zagami, I tell you, it just gets crazier, doesn't it?
Well, I hope it doesn't get to the point of the Mark of the Beast being the microchip, because at that point, you know, I mean, I will, of course, say that everything that's been prophesied is turning out to be true and is dramatically in front of our eyes right now.
So we have to pray.
Like you said at the beginning of the show, people need to pray for us.
I mean, when the Pope went out there the first time and he asked
People to pay for him.
That was completely wrong, because the church should have enough power to actually give his own blessings to the people, not want people to pray.
But he's continuing to say that.
He always say, pray for me, pray for me.
He's getting... That means pray to him!
Yeah, pray to him!
That's what, it's not the Ad Maggiore Dei Gloriam, that's the motto of the Jesuits, but it's Ad Maggiore Dei, over him, basically, to the glory of himself, that he's going to the Castros in Cuba, coming to the U.S.
Well, he told Boehner that, I mean, I know if you're in trouble, ask folks to pray for you, I do that too, but yeah, he's supposed to be up there as the church leader saying, God's blessing you, not I need the blessing.
That he's taking in that energy because he's a vampire.
And that's satanic for you.
I mean, that's satanism.
To take the energy and to... You see, there is a concept which maybe you're not familiar with, but I want to introduce you to.
It's the concept of egregore.
Have you ever heard of it?
The concept of egregore is very important because a number of people together form a thought and this thought becomes an egregore, an entity.
Now the egregore of the Catholic Church is one of the most powerful, being more than a billion people who follow this church.
It's a giant mob psychology.
And of course, if he wants them to pray for him, it's just getting this energy for him.
He's not releasing anything to the people, like the old popes used to bless people, be caring towards the others.
And now he said he wants to take, take, pray for me, pray because I'm doing this, I have to do it.
It's necessary.
It's like he's really trapped by his own, you know, his own role in the New World Order.
Well, he tries to act humble, but you look at him, he is seething with power.
Well, if sometimes you spot him out of camera, you can really see his real face and his real look is completely different from what then, you know, he shows on camera.
He's a great actor.
Well, I don't mean this as a cheap shot.
I saw him on Skype during the breaks and, I mean, David Duke looked like a different person when he was not on camera.
And I want to say, powerful, scary.
I mean, I was going, man, that guy looks, whoa, that doesn't even look, whoa, very wolf-like.
And I don't mean that as a cheap shot.
I mean, maybe I'll get him back on sometime and just like catch him daring and tell him, I'll be taping you during the breaks, buddy.
We're going to catch this on tape.
But I mean, yeah, you see these people like shift and it's scary.
We're going to do the whole show with you.
Fourth Hour is coming up.
Stay there.
More calls.
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I'll go five minutes into the next hour.
Alex Jones here, back live.
Thank you for joining us today.
And then we've got Leanne McAdoo, Jakari Jackson,
And Kit Daniels all together with the fourth hour of post-game wrap-up and also coverage of all the latest news that is breaking.
This Leo Zagami interview has been so informative I just kept it going right into this hour.
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All right, my friend, I don't think I have time to get to the endless loaded calls here, but we'll take a few in the final next segment, and I'll let you get to bed.
I know it's late over there in Italy and Rome, but Leo... Let's talk about this Pope going against weapon dealers.
When he placed a weapon dealer as the head of his Vatican Bank, Ernest von Friberg, the biggest weapon dealer in Germany, a knight of Malta, he placed him
Oh yeah, he wants our guns, he claims he's against weapons, but then he's heavily involved.
He is heavily involved.
I mean, he's involved up to his neck.
He gets all the money from the weapon dealers to his bank, the yard, the yard.
I mean, it's incredible the level of hypocrisy of this Pope.
I mean, I'm really shocked.
No, I know.
He came and spoke against the Second Amendment.
We're supposed to just bow down to him.
Because he wants to promote all these immigrants to arrive, you know, here in Europe, in the U.S., basically arriving with all the crime that, of course, unfortunately... And he wants them to be able to have their way and not be, you know, molested for people defending themselves.
Because in Italy, you know, it happened that a couple of 70-year-olds, the woman was basically raped and thrown out of the window, and the guy was, his throat was slashed by a guy who was in a refugee center 100 meters away.
I mean, and this is what's happening in Italy, so I'm sure that also in the US you have a lot of crime by immigrants.
Well, you're not allowed to say that.
They're God, they're allowed to do whatever they want, because again, the globalists want cheap labor.
I mean, I certainly know that...
I want to talk about the astrology.
Because I cut you off earlier because of a break.
I never got back into the astrology.
A lot of stations are starting to pick the fourth hour up.
It's live every day.
Sometimes I host.
Usually it's other hosts that do a great job.
Leon McAdoo's coming up.
Five more minutes with Leo Zagami and then a full hour of more breaking all this down.
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Infowars.com forward slash show.
And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
Television, music, fast food, GMOs, sugars, you name it.
Young humans have not yet developed their nervous system and are being hammered daily by globalist concoctions.
It's no wonder they can't focus and calm down and then are put on
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Here are some of the headlines at InfoWars.com and Leanne McAdoo is going to be covering in the next hour.
State using taxpayer funds to implant 10-year-olds with birth control.
Millions of Americans will realize little or no benefit from Donald Trump's tax plan.
Kurt Nemo breaks it down.
It does cut taxes some, so I said I thought it was good.
Nemo hates it.
He just wants the whole thing gone, and I get it.
I don't totally control my riders.
They have their own brains, so I can disagree with them sometimes, but I don't think I disagree with Kurt.
I mean, I get where he's coming from, but I'll take anything.
School asked students for a number of guns, political views, held by family.
UN to censor the internet to save feminist feelings.
That's actually being announced.
Vatican City ignores Pope's call to accept immigrants.
That's a Leo Zagami article up there.
Video Clinton claims email charges are another conspiracy theory.
Soros demands Europe accept millions of Muslims annually.
Only one-quarter of Americans would vote for a Muslim president.
Leo Zagami, I want to finish up with you on
They admit a lot of pubs are obsessed with it.
A lot of presidents are obsessed with it.
I mean, the elites make a lot of decisions on this ancient pseudoscience.
I know astronomy came out of it.
I know a lot of mathematics came out of it.
So, I mean, I kind of respect people at least that are at least into mumbo-jumbo, because at least they think something else is going on.
At least they're looking for things.
Maybe in the real world they look for things as well.
So I'm not, you know, calling everybody superstitious.
I don't really buy into it, but the Vatican really does, don't they?
Well it all comes from what has been defined in more recent times in the 18th and 19th century as astro-theology.
So basically the deities and of course relate with the stars, also in ancient Babylonian cults.
So basically they are going back to those primitive cults we were talking about earlier.
They respect
These cults, and they respect these stars as they are gods, so they calculate their position in relation to the Earth, because they think that it actually influences them, and it also amplifies the ritual that they actually do on that specific day, in that specific hour, which every single hour of the day, Alex, every single minute of the day, has a different spirit.
And every culture on earth worshipped according to the stars basically the same way and gave human sacrifices.
So now we launch wars on these dates.
The elite really do believe in it.
Every billionaire I've known has secretly been obsessed off record with the occult, with astrology.
I mean, this is what the elite are into.
Well, it seems to work, you see, because, at least on the dark side, when they, for example, sacrifice something, can be an animal, like Babalao in Cuba, in the Santeria, or it could be actually a human being, like certain satanic cults do, it actually seems to bring, empower, the egregore of this group, so the thought that this group has together, empower them with some
They certainly are into it.
So is it basically like a Ouija board if you believed in that?
Is it something the spirits use as the interface?
And so the belief in the movement of the planets becomes something through which demonic spirits manipulate the elite?
Well, even the lodges of Freemasonry, even the good lodges, even the lodge where George Washington was initiated, have to follow this course.
It meets at a certain hour, in a certain day of the week, and the ritual is conducted following, basically, you are reflecting below what is above.
This is a rule of the Emerald Tablets that is followed by the occultists.
45 seconds.
What's your view of George Washington?
He was a
Absolutely, I know that.
God bless you.
Leanne's coming up.
Kit Daniels, Infowars.com.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said the U.S.'
's effort to fund, train, and support ISIS and other jihadist rebels in a proxy war against Syria violates international law.
He told CBS that, in his opinion, provision of military support to illegal structures runs counter to the principles of modern international law and the United Nations Charter.
He also pointed out that Assad's army is fighting against terrorist organizations and not secular rebels.
Even the New York Times agrees with him.
Back in 2013, the newspaper reported that the majority of the rebels in Syria have sworn allegiance to ISIS, Mir Sanad's secular fighting force against Assad to speak of.
Basel Idris, a commander of a rebel brigade in Syria, said that his brigade was collaborating with the Islamic State and the Nusra Front by attacking the Syrian army's gatherings in Kalamun.
And the Pentagon even admitted in 2012 that NATO was backing ISIS and other jihadist groups in an effort to topple Assad.
Once again, this is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com, and be sure to keep checking back at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
You are now listening to the 4th Hour Overdrive.
I am Leanne McAdoo sitting in and Kit Daniels, one of our lead writers here at InfoWars is joining me as well.
We're going to be kind of wrapping up some of the key intel that we just got listening to Leo Zagami.
Talking about the Pope invoking globalization.
Kit Daniels, I wanted to get you in here because you've done quite a few reports, a pretty stellar reporting there, giving a little bit of history on the Jesuits and sort of what this means.
You know, I never really understood it or why so many people were so concerned with the fact that the Pope is a Jesuit and, you know, I was kind of researching sort of the dark corridors of the Internet.
So, for those of us who just don't understand, educate me a little bit.
Why should people be concerned about this?
What's the big deal?
Well, ever since the 1930s, the Communists have been slowly infiltrating the Catholic Church and its power structure to hijack it and take it over from within.
Decades later, we saw the Jesuit movement come out of Latin America, predominantly, I think, in the 1970s.
I found this really interesting.
I found this on the Internet.
This lady by the name of Bella Dodd, who was a
She used to be an ex-Communist Party of America back in its heyday in the 40s and 50s, and she later turned Catholic in the last stages of her life.
But she admitted that as a Communist agent, she encouraged over 1,000 leftist radicals to start joining Catholic seminaries and to slowly take over the Catholic Church from within.
And she explained that of all the world's religions, the Catholic Church was the only one feared by communists because it was its only effective opponent, especially since the Catholic Church had very strong ties to Latin America and South America, where you saw these communist regimes uprising.
So you have like, and a lot of these countries back in the day were kind of more or less failed states.
So the only thing that was very stable and had been there for centuries was the Catholic Church.
They were the only ones that were, you know, could stand effectively against the communists that are trying to take over those countries at that time.
Right, I was looking at something where Hitler actually said, I learned a lot from the Jesuits, or Stalin, or who else do we have that was also Jesuit educated.
You see it a lot with this communist leadership, which is pretty interesting I guess.
So now, obviously, with the Jesuits, they have the vow of poverty, and so a lot of people say, well, that's socialism, and they're not, they also take this vow that they're not going to take higher office.
Well, now we have the Pope, I mean, the highest office in the land, so to speak.
Well, my whole problem with liberation theology, which I think came out, kind of emerged out of the 70s, I believe there's like a Brazilian theologist that really developed the concept, and the Jesuits took it over, made it one of their own.
It was when I was in college, I took a philosophy class, and I had one of those essay question tests, and one of the questions I had was, you know, Jesus sounded a lot like a socialist, but was he a socialist?
You know, yes or no, what do you think?
And I wrote on the answer, I was like, he wasn't a socialist because yeah, he pushed, he said some of the same things socialists say about, oh we got to fight for, against poverty and this and that.
But here's the clear difference between Jesus and socialists in Liberation Theology.
Jesus never, as far as I know, advocated the violent use of force to, in order to achieve those ends.
And that not only is that the
The very definition of socialism, that's also the very definition of government itself.
I mean, government simply is a monopoly on the use of force in a given territory.
Well, yeah, look at this headline.
I believe this was the Financial Times.
Can attack helicopters save UN peacekeeping?
So we got the UN peacekeepers who are really just like the UN's military.
I mean, just the irony of calling them peacekeepers when basically they're sent in there with weapons and tens of thousands of troops, you know, keeping the peace.
It's interesting you say this, because it's just like this whole inverted reality.
You have them calling peacekeepers people who are soldiers in a war.
At the same time, we have the Catholic Church and the Pope calling themselves, well, not so much the Catholic Church, but kind of the power structure of the Pope, claiming to be this spokesperson for Christianity.
But at the same time, he's almost doing the complete opposite of that.
He's pushing for socialism, more government regulation, just about anything that goes against the teachings of Christ.
Right, now coming up in the next segment we're going to be getting Jakari Jackson in here.
He has just returned from this Haple coverage and of course one of the big things that, one of the big stories coming out of it was this, that the Pope basically talked about the failure of the cross.
So there's a lot of confusion over what did he mean by that.
Some people say, you know, well Christ was on the crossing, why did you forsake me?
But really he was prepared for that the entire time.
He said I'm gonna, you know, do this
Yeah, he predicted his own death.
Right, exactly.
So, for him, that was his ultimate sacrifice.
It wasn't a failure on his part.
And so, what do you make of that?
I mean, is the stage being set for one world religion?
A lot of people are using this term, Chrislam, which I might not even be saying that right, because I've never heard of it.
Chrislam, where they're basically trying to merge Christianity with Islam.
And so you're, I mean, just the fact, for instance, Ben Carson was being berated by Jake Tapper saying, you know, you say you don't want a Muslim president and he's over and over again saying, no, what I said was I don't want a president who's going to, whose religion is not going to, you know, will be higher than the Constitution.
I don't care if it's a Christian, anyone.
And so you're seeing a lot of people attacking Christianity, but then really pumping up Islam.
And I mean, it's just kind of interesting to see that there really is some sort of a movement, an undercurrent of this movement.
It's interesting you say that.
For one world religion.
It ties directly into what Bella Dodd once said when she was giving a speech in the 50s.
She said, quote,
Something that resembled Catholicism, but was not the real thing.
Once the faith was destroyed, she explained that there would be a guilt complex introduced into the church to label the church of the past as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant, and claiming to be the sole processor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries.
This would be necessary in order to shame the church leaders into an openness to the world and to a more flexible attitude towards all religion and philosophies.
The communists would then exploit this openness in order to undermine the church.
And I wanted to bring up this quote because this really ties into the so-called liberal drift of a lot of demonomations today, not even just the Catholic Church.
Like the Episcopalians, like back in 2003 they had a
I think they elected a bishop that started pushing for gay marriage and that kind of alienated more of the conservative churchgoers in that denomination.
And so, and I kind of said a president, actually before that, you had in 1977, like the Episcopalians had a, I think it was in St.
Louis, they had a convention.
And they wanted to, they changed their book of common prayer.
And so you already had some more, like the most conservative churches in that denomination started splitting away.
And that's what they call the continuing Anglican movement now.
But now, in 2003, you know, they kind of started pushing for gay marriage and women priests and whatnot, and once again, alienated... And you see this Pope a lot has actually been pushing to say that that's the church of the past, we need to be more open to bring in new followers and to keep evolving with the times, basically.
What's interesting about all this is that
Like you said, they're pushing this openness, but all the more conservative churches are breaking away from the domination.
Like, I think the Anglican Church in North America broke away from Episcopalians like 2009, I believe.
And so you have kind of the Episcopalians, which are now more of a very liberal denomination.
Methodists are sort of, a lot of Methodists are sort of going the same way.
But these churches are all declining in membership.
They're getting so open and liberal and whatnot that people stop going to church altogether.
Right, and now, so I know one of the topics of Leo Zagami's book is this 900 year prophecy that this might be the last Pope.
And so let's talk about the Black Pope.
That's something that I had, you know, read some things online and everything, the Black Pope sounds so nefarious.
But the Superior General of the Jesuits is informally known as the Black Pope because of the power of the position that he holds there.
So, is that what you're speaking about when you talk about their influence, that they've slowly been sort of infiltrating?
Yeah, because the inherent weakness of anything with a power structure is the fact that people can take it over from within.
They can hijack it, they can infiltrate it.
That's what we're seeing with the Catholic Church, because now
Like I told you before the show, you know, if the Pope is really a devil worshipper, for lack of a better term, I mean, what would be his highest aspiration?
It would be to become the Pope.
So, and that just sets an example, I'm not saying that he is or not, but it shows you that people who want power are going to have a bias towards positions of power.
And the same thing we see in the government, you know?
The worst people in the world end up in government positions because they're attracted to the power and the power structure in itself.
Well, I mean, that's pretty interesting.
I mean, coming up in the next segment, I want to take a couple of more phone calls from people that were just trying to get in to speak with Leo Zagami, since we're still sort of talking on that same subject.
But it's kind of interesting that a lot of people think there's something going on with the Pope.
One of the number one search terms on Google was, is the Pope the Antichrist?
And all of this stuff is, I mean, it's kind of interesting that there is sort of that idea that
There's maybe evil in our midst.
Well, at the very least, he's practically helping to destroy the faith.
I mean, nowadays, you see Muslims that are coming in the country, they're buying up all the churches.
You know, like in the 60s and 70s, we had a heyday of Christianity here in America.
All these, the churches that you see today, a lot of them were built at that time.
But now, the congregations are suffering so badly because of lack of membership.
They can't pay their bills, so they're having to sell the churches to Muslims.
And now, you know, American Baptist Church down Main Street, USA, is now a mosque.
Yeah, and that goes again too with this whole Krizlam thing and laying a foundation for a one-world religion.
You know, now people are sort of attacking Ben Carson and really just focusing on him saying one particular thing.
Where you have a secular Muslim woman speaking out saying Ben Carson has a point and he might be right.
We'll talk a little bit more about that coming up in the next segment as well.
We're going to be taking a few more of your phone calls before Jakari Jackson joins me in studio to wrap up his experience there in Philly with the big lockdown for the Pope's visit.
Oh my goodness, that's all coming right up.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, welcome back to the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
I am Leanne McAdoo.
If you want to watch this, be sure to go to InfoWars.com forward slash show and you can see everything that we're talking about stream it live with us.
Now, Kit Daniels is still in studio with me and I wanted to talk about a tweet that David Knight sent out.
David Knight, obviously there with Sha'Carri Jackson, has been covering the Pope's visit to the United States and he sent out a tweet
There was a big sign there behind the Pope and it says, Transformational Leaders Are Jesuit Educated.
And it had a big picture there of the Pope.
And to me that was, and obviously to David Knight as well, that was pretty impressive, I guess, that they would single out an order like that.
That they would single out one group like that.
Yeah, and it's basically them admitting that we're transforming the Catholic Church, you know, through Jesuism, which is exactly what the Pope's doing right now.
Yeah, transformational leaders, which obviously this word, transformation, is going to be one of those key buzzwords in the whole Agenda 21 plan, because if you go to the Sustainable Development Program there on the United Nations page, it says, Transforming Our World, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
So it is, it's all about transformation.
Let's give it time, they're going to start pushing Sustainable Christianity, maybe.
Yeah, and this is the big push for the One World Religion, One World Government.
We're starting to see that here.
Now, I want to go to one of our callers.
I'm going to go to Craig in Michigan.
Go ahead, Craig.
Hi, yes, I was watching the Philly Pope Show on Saturday night on CNN, and during the Fray concert, the Jumbotron behind the band
Yes, and I just emailed that to Kid Daniels, the picture that came off of the World Meeting of Families 2015 website.
And it shows up there as well.
Yeah, I didn't see that myself, but Kit said he's definitely going to check that out, but I mean that just ties into what you were saying.
Yeah, I mean it's like what we see now is the fact that they're pushing through the Pope, they're pushing
All this government initiatives, more regulations, bigger government, you know, the climate change myth, so on and so forth.
Because they want to replace Christianity with worship of the state, where God is the state.
And, you know, the elites that want the population to see themselves as God, you know, of course, most of them, the vast majority of them, if not all of them, kind of worship Lucifer.
So they feel like they're empowered by Lucifer to take over the Catholic Church and then kind of replace the Christian teachings with those of the state.
Well, and that's why, for me, it is just so sort of shocking here, being working at InfoWars, so I can kind of see behind the curtain a little bit.
But that's what they don't want you to really recognize, is that there is this huge push.
Why would you be so anti-Christianity, attacking Christianity, and then at the same time really promoting another religion that in some cases is much more extreme, depending on, you know, how
How far you want to take it?
Some Muslim people say that they don't agree with all the tenets of Islam and Sharia law, but a lot do.
I'll go on a stretch.
I haven't looked at it completely, so I'm kind of speculating here, but I do have a feeling that Islam fits a lot better into government power structure as far as kind of, you know, you see kind of the most
You know, the most devout Islamic countries in the Middle East also have probably the largest governments or the most powerful governments.
But on the other hand, you see Christianity is more, for the most part, through the history, especially in the United States, it's been this more rebellious, you know, we're not going to follow the government, you know, without questioning it.
We're going to follow our beliefs first.
So there's more of a
So I think that's one of the reasons why they're pushing Islam over Christianity.
And I kind of agree with that as well.
Also, you know, you hear globally that Islam is one of the fastest growing religions.
So, you know, you see, they always say that empires always fall.
And so the people who are sort of controlling this empire, they know this.
This has happened throughout history.
So what are you going to do?
Which is why people can say that there's some sort of pagan Rituals and things like that that fall in with Christianity and things because that's how they're able to assimilate the group that they conquer is by Allowing them to sort of have their little religious things here and there but you know while while transforming them Entirely and you know, but slowly not letting them know it and that's exactly what we're seeing here it's kind of
It's frightening, but it's also a very exciting time to be alive.
You know, but Islam, they struggle with, if it's really compatible with democracy and secularism.
So, you know, that's why we don't want a president there that's gonna uphold Sharia law.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
When it comes to free speech, the entire world is reverting back to the Middle Ages, where you had to watch what you said in fear of fines or even violent punishment.
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Once again, this is Kit Daniels with InfoWars.com, and follow Alex Jones on Facebook for live videos by Alex and more.
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That's InfowarsSelect.com or 888-253-3139.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
This is Overdrive with Leanne McAdoo.
If you want to watch along with us, go to infowars.com forward slash show.
Now, I was just brought this article.
This is from CNBC.
Angela Merkel caught on hot mic griping to Facebook CEO over anti-immigrant posts.
Now, what they caught on this hot mic was the Facebook CEO overheard responding that, yeah, we do need to do some work on that.
So, basically, Angela Merkel asked him in English, are you working on this?
And he says, affirmative, that he is trying to curtail anti-immigrant posts about the refugee crisis.
And that's exactly what we told you last week when Kit Daniels' article was
We weren't able to post it on Facebook.
It was being censored and of course that was Pope Kid amnesty activist stage PR stunt to promote illegal immigration.
So there you have it.
Facebook actively working to censor your news and don't you feel comfortable knowing they are going to be now the largest news aggregator in the world.
And they've been doing this before.
Cory Jackson joining me in studio.
It's not always the immigrants.
You know, we've heard reports of gun stuff.
They try to put guns in the same category as porn and many other things as well.
And we're no stranger to censorship, whether it's on Facebook or other platforms.
Yeah, and it's just, it's all part of this whole, you know, the new agenda, the new takeover.
Facebook is trying to get all media outlets out there to have to
Filter their news through Facebook.
So they're going to be controlling all of the information that you are receiving.
Now it will be very interesting to see how they're going to spin this story.
A lot of people are kind of confused about this.
I want to play this report that you did while you were there in Philly.
The Pope claims Jesus failed on the cross.
So let's go ahead and play that report.
Ja'Kari Jackson for InfoWars.com reporting in Philadelphia.
This is the last day of the Pope's visit.
Now, since he's been here, he's said and done a lot of things, but the thing that stuck out to me the most is something he said during, I guess it was a Mass, where he came out and said that the life of Jesus ultimately ended in failure, in the failure on the cross.
I have the transcript here.
This is reported by ABC News, and it says in part,
The cross shows us a different way of measuring success.
Ours is to plant the seed.
God sees the fruit of our labors.
And if at times our efforts and work seem to fail and not produce fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus Christ and His life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.
Then he went on to talk about the dangers of being uncomfortable with surroundings and things such as that, which is a whole other topic in and of itself.
But he says the failure of Jesus, the failure of the cross, even though the Bible clearly states that Jesus knew what was going to happen to him as far as the cross was concerned, how he was going to lay his life down.
He even said, Lord, if it is your will, take this bitter cup from me, but not your will,
But not my will, your will be done.
And particularly we know this when we look at John 17 and 18.
Which is to say, nobody took his life from him on the cross.
He laid it down willingly.
He knew what was going to happen to him.
So to say,
That his life in general, the cross in particular, was a failure is something I'm very disappointed to see from a supposed spiritual leader.
And there are many other things I could talk about as far as the Pope, but this is something, a glaring thing that stuck out to me.
So anybody who claims to be a follower of Christ, I'm surprised if they're not as shocked and appalled
By this as I am, I found it to be very disturbing and a very sour note to have while he was here in the United States of America.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
Well, Jakari, very nice reporting there.
So this kind of ties back to an earlier caller who said she thought people were interpreting this, misinterpreting what the Pope had to say.
She said, even Jesus said, why hast thou forsaken me?
It's talking about how he did fail, or as a human that was a failure.
So, I know... Well, I disagree with that statement.
You're a Christian, outspoken, so... I mean, what do you think about what the Pope said?
Well, just like I said in the report, it was very...
Bizarre and downright disheartening to hear somebody of that stature refer to Jesus's life as a failure.
In the complete quote, which I read there in the piece, he said, humanly speaking, Jesus failed, but I don't consider his life to be a failure at all, especially not what he did on the cross.
Because, you know, he said, not your will, I mean, excuse me, not my will, but your will be done.
Lord, when he was talking to God before he was to be crucified, you know, we referenced some other scriptures there in the report that we just played, so I don't consider Jesus's life to be a failure at all.
And more on that, we had a caller who called in earlier, and if you guys get this clip ready, referring to some statements that the Pope made at the UN, I believe it was, and we'll just play this clip, then we'll comment after that.
Mr. President.
Ladies, gentlemen, good morning.
Once again, following a tradition of which I feel honored, the Secretary General of the United Nations has invited the Pope to address this distinguished assembly of nations.
In my own name and that of the entire Catholic community, I wish to express to you, Mr. Banking, my heartfelt thanks.
So basically what you just heard the Pope say there is what the caller was referring to earlier when he said, I come in my own name.
And you're supposed to come in the name of God, not, you know, so I can't go and do good works.
And so like, yeah, this is, you know, Chikara Jackson, I'm the greatest, most awesome guy on the planet.
You know, you're supposed to come, you know, when you do something spiritual, you're supposed to give the glory basically to God.
So that's what our caller was referring to when that earlier segment, when he brought that up.
And I think that's a very good find.
Many people are, you know, they're looking at all these things now because a lot of times people like me who don't speak multiple languages, they have to wait for these transcripts to come out.
And just like when I did the report,
Talking about Jesus failing on the cross in the Pope's opinion, I waited a couple days, you know, trying to see if somebody debunked it, if there's another translation out there.
But, you know, everybody was pretty much content with the translation that was out there.
So I said, well, if this is what this guy said, I definitely find an issue with the way that he presented Christ, especially as the supposed figure of the church.
Right, that's the, you know, you're supposed to be the head of Christianity and now you're trying to talk about, take out the value of what happened on the cross.
I mean that's like one of the foundations of Christianity, the ultimate sacrifice.
You understand people wear crosses around their necks, they don't wear Popemobiles around their necks, they wear the cross.
The cross has a huge significance in Christianity.
Alright, well, hmm, that's a very interesting take.
Now, switching gears a little bit, Jakari, it seems like wherever we send you, some sort of a lockdown happens.
How does that happen?
I mean, you're just like that magic element.
You know, it's like, if you were to ask me...
When I was in high school, every place I went was going to turn into lockdown.
I was like, you know, that's that's ridiculous.
But yeah, whether it's Baltimore, Ferguson, recently Washington, New York City and Philadelphia, where I just came from this morning, complete lockdown.
And the thing interesting about this, I was talking to Biggs about this earlier, when we went to Ferguson, they locked down a section of town.
When we went to Baltimore, they had citywide curfew, but they locked down a section of town.
Same thing in New York, which was a relatively small area, all things considered, and also in Washington, D.C.
But when we went to Philadelphia, they pretty much locked down downtown Philadelphia.
To anybody who hasn't seen our reports over the weekend, David Knight and myself, we arrived on a train
I don't know.
I don't know.
They just told me to stand here.
That's all I know is you can't come through here.
But they would just like shoo you away, hoping that you didn't come back, you know, so they'd have to face you and own up, you know, to this bunk information that they were telling you.
But before we go all the way back, like I said, we'll go all the way back to D.C.
where we started our mission.
I want to tell you guys what happened today when we got on our plane to come back.
Well, I came back here.
David's doing some family things.
Well, first of all, we had the world's worst taxi service.
I honestly won't name these people, and everybody will know I shouldn't, because they had just the most incompetent thing.
We barely got there by the skin of our teeth.
But luckily, because I guess the Pope was in town, the TSA thought that there were no terrorists anyplace, anywhere, which we all know there's not a terrorist under every rock in the first place.
But we get there, and you know how you have to do the normal measures.
You have to take your shoes off, take your belt off, take your laptop out.
He's like, no, sir, you don't have to take your laptop out of your bag.
Okay, well, I'll take my belt.
You don't have to take your belt off.
So I'm like okay so just because there's a big event and you have a lot of traffic now all security measures have been suspended so and I walked through a metal detector I didn't have to go through the body scanner which is good the way it should be but it's just like anytime there's a big event if there's an issue it's gonna be there where the probe is.
Yeah, because they have this huge traffic deal, just like when Josh and I came back from the Super Bowl, they understood that if they start doing all the normal stupid pat-downs that they do, it's going to clog the thing, people are going to miss their planes, it's going to be a huge hubbub.
So they said, no, you don't have to unpack your laptop and all this stuff, just go straight to the line.
So I'm like, why don't we just do that every day?
Instead of having to do this whole security, it's just complete security theater.
Complete security theater, especially considering how locked down everything was.
So then now all of a sudden, you don't have to worry about the TSA at the airport.
No, you don't have to worry about TSA at the airport because they're patting people down on the streets of Philadelphia.
And that's another point I wanted to get to.
I think we have a clip, guys, of the TSA in Philly.
It's kind of just a walking shot.
It's not the best footage.
I have some other footage back there.
But yeah, so we're walking down the street trying to get to our hotel and we see TSA out there checking people's bags, patting people down.
This is like 11 o'clock at night just to walk down the street.
And then, as I was saying yesterday on this show,
Talking to Alex, you know, they had to give us a wristband so we could get back to our hotel.
Because if you didn't have a wristband, you couldn't walk down the street.
So you needed basically a hall pass to walk down the street in the United States of America.
If you wanted to go to the event, you had to get a TSA pat down or have your bag checks and or maybe possibly both.
And to show you, Leanne, how ridiculous this security theater is, we have some b-roll of the barricades and all that other stuff.
They have these big concrete
We're good to go.
And then they sat there and they thought about it for a second, and they was like, oh, we can drive on the sidewalk.
And David pointed out, well, if they can drive a golf cart on the sidewalk, can't you drive a car on the sidewalk?
Complete security theater.
And you can see how they have it all set up out here.
I bypassed this entire security perimeter.
They had National Guard, every alphabet agency you can think of, local cops, sheriffs, all that, the whole shebang out there.
And they had people out there checking tickets.
And I wanted to go see the Pope in Independence Square in Philadelphia.
So what I did to bypass this entire security apparatus, I walked around the people who were checking tickets, walked up to the TSA, walked into the event.
You got National Guard everywhere.
You got snipers on the roof.
I walk into this event.
I'm walking around.
I'm taking selfies.
I put up multiple reports.
Sounds like a free man.
Yeah, yeah.
You can't just do that stuff in the United States of America.
And one of the biggest ironies while I was there, Leigh-Anne, at Independence Mall, where the Pope was speaking out there in Philly, they have this thing called the National Constitution Center.
The National Constitution Center.
And right in front of the National Constitution Center is what?
A TSA checkpoint!
So you have to go through the TSA checkpoint, have your rights violated, get patted down, have them look through your bag and all this stuff to go in to see the National Constitution Center.
And that's just one area.
Like, we'll talk about all this.
We'll talk about what happened in New York.
We'll talk about what happened... I guess we still have a little bit of time.
Well, so what do you think, I mean, so like when the President comes to visit Austin, obviously it's not even that locked down, that shut down, and I don't have to have a wristband to get to and fro.
But also, they renamed the area Francisville.
Yeah, that's where the Pope arrived.
That's the closest I got to, that's probably about 30 yards or so away.
So in an area where I had no ticket, I got that close to the Pope.
And the thing about this is, you were talking about when Obama came to Austin, Kit and I went down there.
We got down to the University of Texas where he was speaking.
I think he was speaking at the LBJ library.
And we saw the motorcade.
Of course, they're not going to let you any place near them.
But Obama had less security in the city of Austin, Texas.
Obama has less security in Washington, D.C.
than the Pope had in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Right, and we don't rename our city after the president while he's here visiting.
So, you know, there's that whole separation of church and city.
And I want to make this very clear to people because I know you like watching soundbites and seeing quick clips and all this stuff.
To get this in your mind, if you haven't been to Times Square in New York,
I want people to understand that it was easier to move around in Times Square, New York, than it was to move around in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, because the streets were so locked down.
Because the Pope was speaking at Madison Square Garden, but there's a train station right underneath it.
So the cops, I don't give too many compliments to the NYPD that often, but they had the foresight to recognize this is still a very public area.
So they did have barricades and stuff up, but they still allow traffic to go through in Madison Square Garden, as opposed to the city of Philadelphia,
Concrete barriers, like you cannot walk around.
I wanted to see the Rocky Statue.
I couldn't go see the Rocky Statue because they had the city locked down.
It was just that level of... The highlight of your trip, ruined there, denied.
Well, I did get to eat my Philly cheesesteak, which I was going to be really pissed off if I didn't get to eat my Philly cheesesteak in the city of Philadelphia.
But yeah, it's just a complete security theater.
In the backtrack, in the quick time we have left before we have to come back with some phone calls,
Well, we were in Washington, D.C.
David and I, we were walking around and of course they had barriers around the White House, but after the Pope's speech was done and he went on to another area, they quickly removed a lot of the stuff and then afterwards you could actually approach the White House fence.
Of course, you can't go up to the White House, but they have a gate around.
They opened an area back up.
So you can get back up to the White House area and it's the same thing around the city.
So the point I'm trying to make to everybody out there, even though there was no Obama in Philly, there was no United Nations in Philly.
I met Daniel Craig, James Bond while I was out there.
I saw that.
Even though none of that stuff was out there in Philly, they completely locked the city down for the security theater, the show of force.
Just in, you can see the TSA pat down, that is in Washington D.C.
Well it shows you just kind of how big time the Pope is and the influence if they would lock down these huge cities in this capacity for the Pope and they don't even do those same things for the President.
Yeah and I want everybody to look at this, this is TSA, they're not...
At an airport, they're not at a train station.
This is a public street in the United States of America.
They're checking people's bags, they're patting people down.
Do you want to live in a world like this where you have to get a freaking airport pat-down to go to a public event?
Because we already know they're doing TSA-style bag checks when you go to the Super Bowl or other sporting events.
Can you imagine having to do something like this to go to a shopping mall if, you know, some celebrity shows up?
Of course, and you don't want to live in that world.
Right and that's kind of the whole conditioning of it where we're going to be seeing these sort of things rolling out at sporting events and other things like this but I mean I don't I probably just wouldn't participate in those type of events where I mean but you said that they were
Making people show them their bags and things like that at 11 o'clock at night.
Yeah, I mean, it's not like something you could avoid.
It wasn't like you could just walk around it because the cab drivers were told they couldn't drive through certain parts of the area.
I have some footage, I don't know if I put it in a folder, but I guess about 11 o'clock at night, a Friday night in Philadelphia, there's like 100 people on the street in the bar and club area.
I mean, that's how locked down the city was.
What would normally be a thriving economic boost for the community had been shut down just because the Pope was in town.
How do you party when the Pope's in town?
I don't know about that, but I guess the people, that's what the plants crave, right?
They can keep that.
I don't want anything to do with all that.
Well, we'll be right back.
Rob Dew is going to be joining me in studio to let us know what's coming up on the InfoWars Nightly News.
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Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
This is Overdrive with Leanne McAdoo.
Now, Jakari Jackson is here closing out the show with me.
We're going to go take very quickly your phone calls.
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Alright, Jakari Jackson, I want to go ahead and take a couple phone calls here very quickly.
Let's talk to Bob.
He's been holding there in Connecticut.
Hi, Leanne.
Hey, Jakari.
How you doing?
You guys are the best.
Oh, thank you.
Listen, I was indoctrinated for five years at a Catholic school when I was second through sixth grade.
I figured there was something wrong with the hierarchy of the church way back then.
I bailed out of there after sixth grade.
I told my father I'm not going back.
Anyway, a few years later in high school, I started really thinking about it and examining the history.
And the Catholic Church is essentially built on hypocrisy, because all they did was go around the world with the Spanish, the Portuguese, and whoever, they subjugated the people, the indigenous peoples, stole their wealth, their resources, turned them into slaves, converted them, or killed them.
At that point, I was thinking, well, you know, I think this whole thing is a sham.
I think this religion, the hierarchy of the church, had perverted the message of Jesus Christ.
And now hearing everything going on with this Pope here, Francis, the Nazi from Argentina, you know, this guy here, I gotta believe, Jakar, you've been a little easy on him.
I think he's probably the Antichrist right now.
You always have people who are, you know, Antichrist, little a, you know, Antichrist is just anything that's not Christ, you know, so there are plenty of little a Antichrist in the world to say that he's B. I'm not prepared to make such a statement.
I don't know, he's pretty powerful.
Every scary movie I've ever watched that is about that.
It's always the Catholic Church, it's the Pope.
And the thing about that, to speak more about the Catholic Church and the people who were, you know, at these events, there were so many nice people at the events.
I don't want to make any type of blanket statements, you know, talk about, you know, anybody who's a follower of that religion.
There are very nice people out there of all races, you know, ages and all that stuff.
But I would say that there is a...
If the Pope makes statements like this all the time, I'm very concerned for the Catholic Church because I really don't keep up with his activities until recently.
But if he makes statements like he's made over the past six days all the time, I definitely have concerns for what's going on in that institution.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, thank you so much, Bob, there in Connecticut.
And I agree.
It is definitely there is some transformation taking place.
The Pope is kind of heading it up at this point.
He's totally tied into the U.N.'
's 2030 agenda, transforming the world.
By one minute, Jakari Jackson, you're going to be on the InfoWars Nightly News tonight.
Tell us what we got coming up.
Yes, so I'm going to be on with Rob Dew.
He's going to be the main host.
I'm just going to recap in a little more detail with a few more clips.
Our trip over the past six days documenting the Pope coming to America, all the police measures that came out.
I think it was very much what Rahm Emanuel talks about.
Don't let a good crisis go to waste.
There was a great time for the military-industrial complex.
They made a lot of money.
They put a lot of troops out on the street.
They put a lot of barricades, had a bunch of MRAPs.
So I'm pretty sure they were very happy at the show-and-tell they got to do while the Pope was here.
So you didn't like that tyranny?
All right, Jagari Jackson.
Well, that's coming up tonight, 7 p.m.
You can watch us there if you're a Prison Planet TV subscriber.
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