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Name: 20150924_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 24, 2015
3101 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics in this episode, such as the Pope's visit to the United States, geoengineering, and a global fact-checking project. He promotes deals on storable foods and firearms and shares opinions on the refugee crisis and global government agenda, criticizing the Pope as a leftist eugenicist. The hosts of The Alex Jones Show podcast also discuss internet censorship, manufacturing overseas, health supplements, and the Pope Girl incident.

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The Supreme Court is helping us defend liberty worldwide.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live worldwide Thursday edition, the 24th day of September.
We have our reporters joining us from the road as they cover the Pope's visit to the United States.
David Knight and Jakari Jackson will be joining us with updates at the bottom of this hour in about 30 minutes.
Leo Zagami will join us for the first time on my radio.
He's been a guest on the Nightly News before.
He is quite the Vatican researcher, and he'll give us an Italian perspective from someone who's been a Catholic and also a high-level Mason on what he calls the blackmail and coup that's happened inside the Vatican, which even the London Guardian reported on two years after Leo Zagami began to talk about it.
So you can say what you want about Leo Zagami.
He has a lot of supporters, a lot of detractors.
I never had him on because I thought it was speculation and pretty far out, but most of what he said has now come frighteningly true, so his credibility level goes up quite a bit in my eyes.
He'll be joining us in the second hour today.
And then Dane Whittington of Geoengineering Watch, who made CBS News, the LA Times and other publications, as a larger and larger percentage of Californians believe the drought is engineered.
Well, we know there's geoengineering going on in California, that's admitted.
It's going on all over the country, but really in California, one of the most intensive areas, and we've interviewed a lot of
Meteorologists and others that say they believe the weather patterns and what's happening to precipitation is unnatural.
So they're trying to call it a conspiracy theory.
It's not.
We're going to talk about geoengineering coming up in the third hour.
In fact, I just said yesterday that I wanted this guest on.
But I want to back this guest up, and I know that I was going to make a film on geoengineering.
We never finished.
And I know that we have huge files all over the office with the patents and the admissions and the meteorologists and the weather weapons experts all saying it's contrived and just huge amounts of evidence, the geoengineering clips from the different government conferences, the Arab countries greening the desert.
With electromagnetic towers they've set up.
If our great nightly news director Rob Duke could throw a bunch of that together for me in a few clips.
I should have thought of this yesterday and given him more time.
I want to present some of that in the third hour when this guest joins us.
So I'm not just here saying that.
I want to give you the actual patents, the actual international treaties on weather weapons.
I want to actually give you the newscast where the weathermen and women say it's clearly manipulated.
Just throw a small, maybe 1% of the evidence at you.
And by the way, I'm not being sarcastic.
The reason I never released what I was going to call Dark Skies or Skyfall, and that was a couple years before the James Bond movie came out called Skyfall, we even announced the name was Skyfall, is because there was too much of it.
It went deeper and deeper and was more insane and more documented and more crazy.
And I kept just saying, get more, get more, get more, fly here, fly there.
I should just put out films more quickly and they'll still be good, they'll still be informative.
I literally used to just churn films out because I just wanted to get the info out.
I've gotten more neurotic over the years and just never put out Obama Deception 2, never put out Skyfall, never put out... I haven't made a film in five years.
Now we've made lots of mini documentaries and done thousands of videos and reached more people exponentially.
It's just that I was here brainstorming as I was thinking about what I wanted in the third hour and realized I probably got an hour and a half of a powerful film made right now on Rob Jacobson's computer 100 feet from me.
And I ought to just start releasing this stuff on the nightly news.
Then if I don't have fanfare about it, nobody cares.
If I have fanfare about a film and it's released, then 50 million people watch it.
You know, it's just, it's all part of a formulae.
We'll be back.
A new global news fact-checking project was announced yesterday, and it will be funded by two organizations with close ties to the Obama White House.
The project, which says it will be focused on holding public officials accountable, is funded by grants from the Omidyar Network and the National Endowment for Democracy.
The Omidyar Network is headed up by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.
Visitor logs reveal that Omidyar has visited the White House a half a dozen times since 2009.
The National Endowment for Democracy, NED, is infamously known for their role in uprisings, attempted coups, and acts of regime change.
So it's Operation Mockingbird all over again.
As these connections clearly illustrate how the White House-funded News Fact Checking Project will undoubtedly be yet another exercise in spin and manipulation.
You can learn more right now at InfoWars.com
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That's InfoWarsSelect.com or 888-253-3139.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, the Pope has now addressed Congress, and I have a transcript of it we're going to be going over.
He said that if there is a stranger amongst us, we must take care of them.
Of course, Saudi Arabia won't take one single refugee, one single migrant,
Neither will Qatar or any of these other rich Gulf states.
And the West advertises, come to America, come to Europe, everything's going to be free!
Come here!
That's called stealing from the taxpayers.
And it's part of global government, it's part of collapsing borders, it's part of planetary tyranny.
And you're going to be hearing a lot about this little girl.
She's going to end up being called the Pope girl, like the Obama girl.
I'm scared they'll take my family, five-year-old daughter of illegal immigrants, is blessed by Pope Francis after breaking through security barricades hours before he says Mass in Spanish.
And if you watch the footage or look at the photos that we're going to be showing on screen, we'll go ahead and roll through those and show folks those, you can see in the first photo the police
Are leading her through the barricade to the Pope.
Totally and completely, absolutely Vatican Ford Foundation staged.
Just like if they want to demonize somebody, they say Saddam was stomping babies brains out from incubators.
None of it was true.
When they turn ISIS loose in your city and they run around murdering and raping and killing, you'll never see it on the news.
But when they want to tear-jerk and shell open borders and to coincide with the optics, they stage these events and they use the sweet little girl.
Who says, please don't take my mommy and daddy away because she was born here.
They came here and had her.
And so it's a giant anchor baby advertisement.
And I have nothing against this little girl, clearly screened and looked at probably for months ahead of time.
Very nice, sweet, loving eyes of her parents, her dad, her mom.
It's an anchor baby advertisement, totally plotted, just like a Coca-Cola commercial or a Victoria's Secret commercial during the Super Bowl.
It is 100% cold-blooded scripted.
The Popemobile being a Fiat, right as a huge Fiat advertisement rolls out.
Remember about six years ago at the Super Bowl?
They had the green police ad where it showed police in white and green uniforms arresting people for their hot tub being too hot, their house being too cool, or the wrong light bulbs, or their car not having the proper emissions.
And I said, that's paid for as product placement to condition you.
Those are the real uniforms globally, they have global treaties, that they end up wearing from Australia to San Francisco.
And then sure enough, a year later, they bragged in the San Francisco Chronicle that yes, we were paid by the government and they paid for the advertisement to prepare the public.
This is what we're really going to do.
Now I'm not bragging that I knew it was staged.
A moron would know that.
But the general public is in a trance.
So they see this little girl brought to the Pope.
Does he go to Mexico City and have a Guatemalan immigrant run up to him and say, please let me into Mexico?
One year, forced labor in Mexico, and you're caught illegally coming into the country.
Unless you get on a train, hang on to it illegally, and don't get off, then you're allowed to go to El Norte or the Great North.
The North.
This is a concerted, globalist plan to turn America into a third world country, drive down wages.
I did a Facebook mentions piece this morning.
And some of the comments were, oh, you're against the migrants coming into Europe and the U.S.
Well, I bet you weren't, you know, basically against the wars.
No, I was totally against bombing Iraq and Syria and Libya and all the rest of it.
I was against overthrowing Muammar Gaddafi, who was stabilizing Africa.
I was against putting Al-Qaeda in charge because I knew it would lead to the collapse of the Middle East and the flooding of the West and the clash of civilizations that Dick Cheney wrote about in the September 20th PENAC 2001 Rebuilding America's Defenses documents.
Yes, I know full well, but see, I'm beyond one-dimensional thinking where I'm against the war but then I'm for having open borders.
The same globalists that orchestrated the war
The wars, on record to destabilize, and funded the Arab Spring to put radical Islamists in, are the very ones now saying, we'll pay for you to have your baby, we'll pay for welfare, we'll give you housing, come to Europe.
Then we'll give you voter cards, then we'll give you a driver's license.
And once they do that though, they keep them in ghettos.
The police in Germany are basically all German.
They contain them and use them as a political weapon.
For low-cost labor, basically slave labor, but also as a political weapon for the socialists.
So, the globalists are screwing the Arabs over, the Muslims over, the Mexicans over, the Chinese over, the Amer... It doesn't matter!
Whatever they're for, you've got to be against.
And then you can politically, geopolitically, economically, culturally, spiritually, lay out why it's a bad idea on every front to be part of that.
Globalists are for gun control.
I'm against it.
I can also intellectually lay out to you why I'm against it.
But just as a default, if they are for open borders, if they are for carbon taxes, if they're for forced inoculations, if they're for GMOs, I'm against it.
If they're for invading Iraq, I'm against it.
If the mainstream media was telling me to go out and eat pumpkin pie, believe me, there's something in the pumpkin pie.
I ain't gonna eat it.
I love pumpkin pie, by the way.
Halloween's coming up.
It's Thanksgiving.
I love pumpkin pie.
There's nothing wrong with the pumpkin pie, folks.
I'm just using it as an allegory.
As an example.
So, coming up, I've got his sickening transcript here, where he basically says, be nice to your neighbor, be nice to the stranger among you, take them in.
When it's being orchestrated,
And when the very groups that the Pope represents have helped implode the Middle East, now we're supposed to follow the next phase?
And then we've got Anchor Baby advertisements while he's guarded by the Border Patrol.
We've got the most lax immigration in the world, the highest level of welfare for foreigners.
It's called stealing.
Can I show up in Mexico and go, I'm a migrant, I'd like to have free health care.
Can I show up in Saudi Arabia and say,
Hi, I'm here to get free health care.
I'm here with my wife.
We're here to have a baby.
She's having a baby tomorrow.
We're gonna get her checked at the hospital.
Her water just broke.
They say, oh, we're gonna take care of your wife, but if you don't have the money to pay, you're gonna be put in a debtor's prison.
Or we're gonna chop your hand off, Mr. Jones.
But see, that's okay, because I'm white.
And I deserve it.
But if I was Arab and I showed up in Saudi Arabia and wanted something free, I'd be put in a forced labor camp.
And it's all these countries are like that.
But then we've got 40 million illegals in this country.
They now admit it's 40 million.
And they're not even happy.
They're filled full of liberation theology, hate America, America's bad.
And they don't mean the globalist America that took over.
They mean
The mom and apple pie Ford Mustang America's van.
And sure, it's not perfect, but compared to these other countries, it's heaven on earth.
That's why everybody wanted to try to get here.
So to sit here and to watch this pope just go through an unending laundry list.
And you know, I had the transcript in here, and then I was unable to find it right before I went on air.
Were we able to get that transcript, guys?
You gave me an article that had his quotes.
It's actually the Daily Mail, Pope Talks, Gay Rights, and a whole bunch of other stuff, and it has his pretty much transcript right there in it.
It's DrudgeReport.com's link to it.
Yeah, Nico's tracking it down right now.
So is Infowars.com.
I'm gonna actually just find it right now.
Because I was ready to get to that.
And that's it.
The transcript's also at thomas.loc.gov right now.
But you look at this, it just signifies that the takeover is in absolute total high gear.
The system is in absolute overdrive right now, and it is only going to get worse.
And anyone who's moral, anyone who's upstanding, anyone who's taxpaying, anyone who's hardworking, you're going to be demonized and told over and over again, you've done nothing, you're lazy, you're stupid, you're bad, you're scum, you're trash.
Because you've got to be bullied and intimidated into submitting to the establishment social engineering agenda.
And that's all it comes down to.
It's very, very simple.
And that's why the harder working you are, the better you are, the more dedicated you are, the more you're going to be hammered, the more you're going to be targeted, the more you're going to be basically beat up.
Because that's the name of the game in mob psychology, in gang psychology.
Stock fall has intensified.
It's down about 6%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
Caterpillar has announced huge record-level deep layoffs and plant closures.
And what does that tell you?
Globally, Caterpillar is the biggest seller of heavy construction, mining equipment, you name it.
And they tell us we're in this global boom economy, but the truth is we're in a global depression in many areas, a recession in others, because the depression in a world government is not evenly distributed in the total rigged economy that we're moving into.
Notice they don't even call it service economy now, because you're not going to have that job.
It's the new technocracy economy, where everything is centralized.
When we come back, I'm going to read you the transcript and play some of the clips of the Pope.
Then we have our reporters joining us as they prepare to fly out of D.C.
to New York, following the pontiff, our father over the homeland.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Here is the Pope before Congress this morning, just part of his speech promoting open borders.
Here it is.
When the stranger in our midst appears to us, we must not repeat the sins and the errors of the past.
The sins and the errors.
We must resolve now to live as nobly and as justly as possible.
As we educate new generations not to turn their back on our neighbours and everything around us.
That's just part of it.
Some of the Vatican walls, because I said 30 to 40 feet yesterday, are 200 plus feet tall.
He lives behind 200 foot walls, tax-exempt, trillions and trillions in assets, but is telling us we are sinful, we are bad, with Boehner, who blocked banning partial birth abortion, sitting behind him, crying.
You go to DrudgeReport.com and it has the image of Boehner breaking down crying.
Truly disgusting.
Part of this segment and the next segment we'll be talking to Jakari Jackson, then David Knight, who's with him, is going to pop in and give us his take on the situation.
But the House of Sins sermon.
Pope lectures Congress on immigration, gay rights, and abortion.
And he just says this little backhanded thing about marriage.
There is an assault on marriage.
So going from the Catholic Church openly saying marriage is an institution between a man and a woman...
Now he just gives a little vague bone to conservatives and other people.
It's just stunning.
I cannot hide my concern for the family which is threatened, perhaps never before, from within and without, Francis told the Pack House Chamber.
That's what he said, supposedly, about gay marriage and the rest of it.
And then he also praised the US response to the pedophile scandal, which is a long-sickening cover-up.
So, victims are now striking back.
I mean, this is just too much.
I want to go to... Oh, by the way, just to remind myself.
See, I told you so.
Now the emissions scandal has widened to BMW.
As I said... I can't believe I was accurate again.
On Monday, I said, watch it widen to BMW next.
I just said that because it made sense.
I mean, they're all doing it.
All of them.
BMW drops on report that X3 diesel emission exceeded EU limit.
So BMW stock is down.
Oopsie, we had the same thing.
Oops, there's a tracker chip in your car.
Oh, it fell in there on accident.
Oh, your car's watching you.
Oh, Google is listening to you in your house over the microphone.
Oh, remember 15 years ago I was a raving loon when I told you?
I had their own company stock promotion literature.
I have the inventor of the polio vaccine admitting it gave 100 million Americans cancer and saying it was good, because there's too many of us.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Okay, it's not debatable.
Jakari, we're going to break.
Tell me what you got coming up, and then we're going to throw it to David Knight.
You guys have been filing amazing reports.
The Border Patrol protecting the illegals.
Stunts being pulled, TSA out searching everyone.
What have you learned since then?
And tell us what's coming up, Jakari.
Well, we were just out there where the Pope was speaking.
Of course, he was inside.
We were outside.
And all the thousands of people, this was the moment I wish I would have got on camera.
I was digging in my bag at the time.
But when he actually walked outside, you know, we saw him, I guess, about 400 yards away.
And people who are in our area just did fawning.
And one guy just jumped up like he just won the lottery.
He just couldn't believe that he was seeing this, you know, white dot way off in the distance.
And it was quite something to see.
But yes, we were out there.
We were actually
Preceding the Pope speaking to the House in there, there was a climate change activist kind of group.
They had a lot of singers and people out there, all praising climate change, saying we got to do this, we need to limit our carbon emissions.
People rode up there in, you know, convoys and, you know, all the Pope has a little Fiat, he has 10 huge Suburbans following behind him, same thing with Obama.
So it's all just a really big joke.
A lot of well-meaning people, but people were just, in my opinion, being taken advantage of.
Well, obviously, it's all about seeing the Pope as if he'll be fulfilled.
We could care less.
We're there to cover what's happening.
I know you guys got some footage as different groups clashed yesterday.
Tell us about that, Jakari.
Then we'll get David Knight's breakdown.
I know you guys are about to board a plane, so I want to let you go soon to get down to New York, and then you're going to take a train to Philly to cover the Pope here telling us what to do.
A foreign head of state, above the law, tax-exempt guy, telling us what to do.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You've heard of Clock Kid, right?
The boy who removed the insides of a digital clock, put it in a suitcase, then brought it to school to show his teachers.
When people got suspicious, he claimed he didn't know anything, refused to talk to police, then gets invited to the White House.
Well, get ready.
Now we have Pope Kid.
That's right.
The Daily Mail reports five-year-old daughter of illegal immigrants is blessed by Pope after breaking through security barricades hours after he says mass in Spanish.
Sofia Cruz was part of a crowd of thousands lining the papal route in Washington, D.C.
to catch a glimpse of the pontiff.
As he passed, she got over police barricades and ran out into the street in an attempt to approach the Pope-mobile.
She happened to have a letter and a yellow t-shirt that read, Pope Rescue DAPA.
So the legalization would be your blessing.
Makes you wonder, with all this security theater around, how a five-year-old could get through.
Hmm, maybe it's staged.
Of course every five-year-old's got a letter ready and a t-shirt printed up.
Nothing weird about that.
Back to the clock kid.
Did you know his sister was suspended for reportedly threatening to blow up the school?
Hmm, now it all becomes clearer.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Wake the dead!
You want answers?
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You know, they're not talking about actually waking the dead in this song.
They're talking about waking up the politically dead.
Because we're all metal mad.
Crank it up!
Quote Emperor Palpatine.
You know, the fortune that I want is liberty and freedom and a system based on empowering humanity.
The globalists want inverted power over people to dumb them down.
I'm in the camp that wants the power to be free, the power to have the globalists off my back.
Listen to that guitar.
That's Randy Rose.
I really wanna be overrated.
I'm a finder and I'm a keeper.
I'm not a loser and I ain't no weeper.
We know Boehner's a weeper.
I don't know, sometimes I see something so beautiful I get a tear in my eye or something so ugly I do as well.
So I guess I am a... I guess I am a weeper.
I don't really weep though, I just get tears in my eyes.
Pope Francis is gonna wake the dead!
Alright, I better stop it right now.
I apologize.
I'm gonna quit right there.
Charts point to breach of August Lowe's S&P 500 after the Federal Reserve's chairperson, chairlady, Janet Yellen, unnerved markets last week with a dovish message and a hold on rates.
stocks have not really known which way to turn.
And Caterpillar is showing record losses, shutdown of plants.
You name it.
Deep layoffs.
We're going to be getting into that, what that really signifies.
The New York Times is saying we should pay to fly illegal immigrants into Europe.
Oh man, I tell you, what a joke.
And of course, as I mentioned, the new VW situation is expanding into BMW as well.
So the Germans can run their ads saying, we have all the emission standards, no one else can step up to this level, not even the Japanese.
Because you're cheating, that's why.
Like Lance Armstrong.
But it's all a fraud.
You're cheating on a fraud to begin with.
Who cares about carbon dioxide?
It's like mother's milk to the plants.
We're in a starve situation.
I apologize.
Let me go back to Jakari Jackson.
Jakari Jackson, you're there in D.C.
Tell us where you're about to go next to cover His Grace, His Excellency, the Holy One, Pope Francis.
Go ahead.
Yes, he has multiple stops in New York.
That's where we're going to head next, and then after that we're going to head out to Philly.
Now, before the break, you were asking me about the clash I saw outside the Pope event at the White House.
It was a group that was out there pretty much the whole time we were there, you know, yelling stuff at the Catholics who were out there to see the Pope.
And one guy who
By their conversation I think was actually Muslim approached the man who had the megaphone and then they had a brief exchange yelling back and forth at each other but these guys they were out there yesterday, the guys with the microphone they were out there again today so I wouldn't be surprised if they showed up in New York or Philadelphia.
What about other protests at the pub or has it just been worshipful throngs of anchor babies?
I haven't seen too many protesters outside the people in the video that we showed yesterday.
There are a few people here and there passing out their tracks, but by and large, most of the people are there either to just see the Pope as a bystander or actually there to celebrate his being in the United States.
Well, I think we've got a clip coming up here in a few minutes, Shikari, of the Pope actually giving a private speech to Obama and Boehner.
We're going to be playing a short clip of that.
This is satire, folks, coming up here in a few minutes.
Shikari, before we throw the mic over to David Knight to give his breakdown, what are some of the other angles you're planning to report on?
Well, we did a man on the street.
We just asked people, you know, do they agree with the Pope's views on climate change?
Of course, everybody said yes.
And then I asked them, you know, what they would do to lessen their carbon footprint.
So we have that coming up.
And then just talk to the various people around, see the security measures.
We saw Border Patrol out there again today guarding the Pope.
Multiple alphabet agencies, every alphabet agency that you can think of is out there.
High alert, high fences, everything that you can imagine for something like this.
Probably even more than what you could imagine if I wasn't here.
I wouldn't believe some of the stuff I've actually seen.
Well, Jakari, it looks like a total circus there with the Border Patrol and other people providing security for His Holiness.
While we don't have our security, our borders are wide open.
Those very people are there to protect Him.
Yeah, it was so ironic to me because we see these high gates and high fences, these portable fences that they put up blocking the Capitol building with the Border Patrol standing right there at these portable fences.
But, you know, down on the border, you know, it's a very lax environment.
That's not knocking the Border Patrol, I'm knocking the orders that they're given and the way they are told to go about things.
Sure, exactly, Jakari, but the Pope says be nice to any stranger in your midst.
But he's behind 200 foot, 100 foot walls.
I misspoke and said 30, 40.
Some of the little front walls are that big.
They have them behind it that are 200 feet.
200 foot gray walls with armed guards with machine guns.
He's not being a very good neighbor with all of his secret bank accounts.
He's being probably the biggest hypocrite I've ever seen.
Yeah, he, I mean, has a lot of money, has a lot of security, a huge carbon footprint, and like I said, there's nothing unique to him, whether it's Obama or Al Gore or any of these other guys who get out here and preach all this climate dogma.
I mean, they're some of the biggest contributors to the problem.
Now, you've got a statue behind you, Jakari.
Exactly what is that?
Well, this is actually something we just had to post up in front of because we ran out of the hotel so quick.
But, David, you were doing some research on this a little bit earlier.
Who is this guy?
He's actually the father of homeopathy, Alex.
I thought it was a good place to set up here.
Well, I'm going to give you a minute to flip back into the front there so we can talk to you, David.
Thank you.
Thank you so much, Shikari.
We're going to go back to those guys there in D.C.
about to go to New York.
They've been filing a lot of really important reports on the nightly news, 7 o'clock Central, every single evening.
And here's the deal.
I'm getting more aggressive with the globalists because they're getting more aggressive with us.
From Australia to the United States to Mexico, forced inoculations are beginning.
They give Mexican and Guatemalan schoolgirls shots and a third of them start convulsing and blood starts coming out their nose.
It killed a bunch of people in the trials.
The New World Order is not playing games.
And so it's time to call it like it is and not just play along with all this.
And, oh, the pontiff's here.
He says, I can't have air conditioning.
And how beautiful it is to be poor.
That's because they're getting ready to create artificial austerity.
That's why they're raising taxes to shut down productive people.
They want us, politically poor, to be controlled just like Fidel Castro does.
And to watch the Pope there praising that system and how beautiful it is that you're so poor is sick.
It's not bad to be poor.
It's not bad to live frugally if you want to and make that decision to basically have a hermitage or be a cogitor.
In fact, there's some arguments that's a good way to raise children.
But you need the money in an emergency for health care.
You need to be able to travel some.
You need to be able to have the things that money can give you, the security.
And it's not evil to have it.
It's only a symbol of energy.
The root of evil is the love of money.
Money is not bad.
The love of it.
Most talk show hosts that become successful, like I do, own a giant house and have a private jet.
I don't have those things because I don't want a private jet or a giant house.
Bigger than a four bedroom is a giant hassle.
A pool is a giant hassle.
A boat is a giant hassle.
I'm not saying it's bad if you have those things, because that creates jobs.
The point is that I get people that are into austerity, but that's self-imposed austerity, not
Forced austerity by a bunch of opulently rich people with jumbo jets, red carpets, and giant yachts, and total health care, and clean vaccines, giving us dirty vaccines and dirty water, who are eugenicists and have bad will for us and our family.
Now first I have a clip from Congress today.
Pope Francis was addressing his new initiative, the EU expansion, the treaty coming up in December.
They're in
In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the First Galactic Empire!
For a safe and secure society!
There you go.
Now, we've got another clip of him behind the scenes basically telling Obama and Boehner that they've served them well but then just giving them a little message about who ultimately is in charge.
We're going to play that clip here in just a moment.
Do we have that exclusive clip, guys?
We're going to get you that exclusive clip here in a moment.
First, I want to go back to David Knight and Jakari Jackson.
David, getting a little more serious here, I try to put a good face on this and just try to be a little bit nasty about it to have some fun, but this is truly sickening.
When I put out that report yesterday that's gone viral, Pope's climate plan will kill a billion people.
You've implemented.
I mean, we're talking about shutting people's power off, shutting their water off, taking everything away from them.
They're not even hiding this.
This will kill a billion people, a lot of them Catholics.
And to see, because I could never criticize the Catholic Church before, even though a lot of my, most of my family that founded Texas was like just radical Protestants foaming at the mouth anti-Catholic.
I wasn't brought up like that, a lot of Catholic friends.
I thought the fruits of something of the Pope's criticizing
Communism, criticizing tyranny, criticizing abortion, promoting the family.
I just said, hey, I can't criticize this.
Now, though, I got to tell you, I mean, you talk about Book of Revelations, this guy is scary promoting the things he's pushing.
The first thing he said when he got in a few years ago was Catholics obsessed on abortion too much.
Well, you know, Catholics are pro-life, and you're not a Catholic, Francis.
And he gets off the plane and says, you know, you're not wearing ruby slippers.
Well, I'm the anti-Pope.
I mean, I remember seeing that yesterday.
These are chilling statements to tell everybody.
We may have had some problems with the previous groups in the Catholic Church or factions, but man, the New World Order's got a big ally now with a billion people that follow this guy.
And this guy supposedly speaks for Christ.
Well, if this guy speaks for Christ, this isn't the Christ I know, David Knight.
David Knight for Infowars.com.
Yes, you're right, Alex.
I was watching Fox News going back and forth between them and CNN last night.
I saw Greta Van Susteren saying, you know, it's amazing, some people are saying that this Pope is different.
Is he really different?
Is he political?
And of course, her answer was no, Alex.
It's pretty obvious to anyone who's looking at this, Catholic or not, there's a world of difference between John Paul II and between Pope Francis.
There's a world of difference.
He's all about leftist causes.
He's not really talking.
He tries to say that's a moral issue and tie it together.
You know, I found it interesting, Alex, that she had Rick Santorum on to sell that narrative that there really isn't any difference between this pope and the other popes.
This is an agenda.
It's as carefully laid out as all the travel and security plans that we see here in Washington.
And this is an agenda they're taking a step-by-step.
It began with his encyclical.
He's been taking the lead in turning over a world global governance using climate change narrative.
And of course, everything that he's talking about is really about socialism, about redistribution of income, about erasing borders.
And the thing that underpins all of this is the climate change.
Because you can't have a world government without having some justification for regulation and for taxation at a global level.
That's what this is about.
It's going to go to the UN tomorrow in New York.
There's going to be leaders from 80 different countries.
The entire UN is going to be there as well.
It's going to be a perfect storm of security mess there.
But of course, you can't kick off world government without having all the leaders there.
So that's what they're really doing about this.
This is it.
This is the kickoff, getting it all lined up for the global tax.
They've got the global government, the global courts, the global army, the global regulations, the global corporate minions, the global education systems, UNESCO.
The final cog is global taxation and cracking all human activity and making carbon, which is the basis of life, carbon-based life form, a crime.
Making life a crime that can be taxed, destroyed.
But we can't go any further without playing a clip
Of what, again, Pope Francis had to say about this initiative today.
Here it is.
Once more the Sith will rule the galaxy.
And we shall have peace.
And part of the Fairness Doctrine, I believe that we really should occasionally have a comment from Pope Francis.
Actually, he looks just like Ratzinger, the previous Pope.
Sorry, David Knight, please continue.
Well, Alex, I was going to say that that excellent report that Rob Dew had about the young child who, we're told, climbed through the metal barriers, got through all the barricades, presented this letter to the Pope that was incredibly precocious.
This child is a genius and a master escape artist.
But listen, at the core of this, Alex, we need to read what this group is doing that put her up to this and got her through.
She didn't just show up there like we're told all the kids are coming across thousands of miles of Central and South America, presenting themselves at the border, and Glenn Beck meets them there with teddy bears.
This child had a letter about DAPA, Deferred Action for Parents.
Understand that when you have the mainstream media, like Fox and CNN, pushing back and saying to Donald Trump, there's no such thing as anchor babies, and besides, if there were, it's in the Constitution.
That's a total lie.
They're talking about Deferred Action for Children, and of course they define children as people up to the age of 31, but this is Deferred Action for Parents.
This child that was there yesterday gave him the letter.
She was born in America, so they say, well, she's an American citizen.
She's an anchor, baby.
Please don't send my parents away.
Don't send her parents.
And look, I'm going to say it.
What do people that prey on children use?
They use ice cream trucks.
They use candy trucks.
They use other children.
They use puppies.
The globalists are using this little girl, in my view, as an allegory, just like predators would use another child to get the kids in the truck.
And the American people are very childlike, and they're going, look a child!
A child!
We're nice, work with us!
Yes, absolutely.
And if you look at the bottom of this, when people say that you can't stop the anchor babies, yes you can.
The Deferred Action for Children, the Deferred Action for Parents, those are both executive orders.
Just undo them, first of all.
The other part of this is that the basis on which we're extending citizenship to children who are born in this country is not even a Supreme Court decision that had anything to do with people who are here illegally.
That goes back to a Chinese decision.
We need to remember that the Supreme Court is just an opinion.
And their decisions are overturned all the time, even by other Supreme Courts.
We had at one point in time a Supreme Court decision when movies first came out, said they weren't subject to First Amendment protection.
That was about 1917.
Then later in the 1950s, they overturned that decision and said, no, they are subject to First Amendment protection.
That's just an opinion.
We can read what the Constitution says.
We can read what was done at the time.
We know that that was not set up to create an anchor baby situation.
But we have these executive orders, and those could be wiped away as soon as we got rid of Obama, if we had a president with the will to do it.
But this is all about, as you just pointed out, it's all about using the children as a beard.
If I'd sum up all of what was being said today,
I'd say that they're telling us that the Earth is melting, and of course women, children, and people of color are the ones who are hardest hit.
That's essentially the narrative that they're selling us.
That's the way they're going to sell us global governance.
They want to get our pity.
Appeal to our humanity, but then sell us an agenda that is absolutely anti-humanity.
We're standing here in front of the founder of Homeopathy.
His name is Hahnemann.
I didn't know it until we looked it up.
And of course, here's his slogan here, like cheers like in Latin.
And then over here on the other side, we have another Latin symbol, in omnibus caritas, which means in all things charity.
In other words, tolerance
We're good to go.
Demanding that they inject mercury into our blood vessels or anything that they choose because the corporations or whatever that they put into our food, we're not allowed to know what that is.
Of course we're not going to talk about those kind of agendas because those are the health issues that are being sold by the globalist, elitist, fascist corporations that this Congress and this Pope are really serving.
Those are the people who are driving this globalist agenda.
He's here to put a Christian face on it, to put a moral face on this immoral agenda.
Oh, it shows.
It's a full court press.
I know you've got to catch your plane.
Great job, David Nine.
We'll be talking to you more tomorrow.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
And again, they're having live reports on the street, recorded reports, special reports, the nightly news.
You'll see all their coverage of the Pope trying to put the final nails in this Republic's coffin at InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
And of course, PrisonPlanet.tv on the nightly news, 7 o'clock Central, weeknights.
I, of course, will be back, Lord willing, tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We've still got two hours ahead of us, three hours ahead of us.
And then, I'll be back this Sunday hosting, David Knight hosted last Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, with the Sunday transmission.
But, it is extremely cold-blooded to take this sweet little girl, who probably believes in Santa Claus,
He probably believes in My Little Pony and leprechauns and Easter bunnies, because I've got a daughter basically this age.
There's nothing sweeter than a little 6, 7, 8 year old girl, this is a 5 year old girl, handing a letter to the Pope, pleading for her family to be able to stay in the United States.
They've been allowed to!
And a yellow t-shirt with a pro-immigration message.
And then it shows, oh, her parents.
The Border Patrol's all around guarding the Pope.
They're not there grabbing any of the illegals.
No one's hunting these people down, comparatively to any other nation.
They're getting rid of the borders entirely.
And then meanwhile, the Pope in his speeches says, we're hurting the third world populations with our carbon.
You notice in the Copenhagen Treaty six years ago, they kept it secret, but it leaked.
They were trying to ram it through.
And in the Copenhagen Treaty, it almost doubled.
One percentage point from doubling the amount of taxes on the third world that would be on the developed world.
And actually it's to stop the third world from developing and getting clean technologies.
It was to stop them from coming out of squalor.
It is a death sentence.
And so let's put the little girl back on screen here, because I want to show people something.
If the Pope is to have his way,
You would see millions and millions a year of little girls, it's mainly children that starve to death, dying.
Becoming... skulls.
Becoming death.
It's just sick.
Probably a better skull than that.
I mean, that's what this comes down to.
I mean, he might as well, in this image, be the grim reaper.
You know, getting ready to lop her head off.
And that's why I get so angry.
Is that there might as well be a sword coming out of his arm just to slice her head off.
But they'll use her to push the image that he's this great guy.
And that, oh, he's there to reform and stop the pedophilia.
When the globalists use pedophilia in the Catholic Church to blackmail it and take control of it by any yardstick, and Leo Zagami
is going to be joining us in the second hour, the consummate Vatican insider whistleblower.
At 8 after, we'll play a clip of the mini-documentary we shot in Rome with him, and then we'll go to Leo Zagami joining us from outside Rome to go over all of this.
But we know what we're talking about.
There's a formula the enemy runs.
I know you know that.
We've got to educate others.
I told you two weeks ago, they say it's 10,000 immigrants a year, refugees.
It's going to be hundreds of thousands by next week.
Now it's 300 plus thousand.
It'll be a million by next month.
We told you it's going to end up being BMW next, and then it's going to be Japanese cars and American cars fixing the emission standards.
Now that's coming out today.
I know what I'm talking about.
Because these are combines, organized crime syndicates.
They don't do something unless they've been in council meetings with government.
In joint government corporate governance.
And they make the decisions to go ahead with this.
Then it's whistleblowers inside government corporations that end up exposing it.
Like the whistleblower that leaked the info on VW.
Like the whistleblower that they call a traitor in Congress.
He's not a traitor, he's a hero.
And Donald Trump is wrong when he says he's a traitor and should be executed.
The people illegally spying on us are the ones that should be in trouble, not the heroes that expose it.
But you know, when freedom fails, the best men rot in filthy jails, and those that cried, appease, appease, are hung by those they tried to please.
Before we end this hour, please do not forget we're Lister Supported.
We had the money bomb.
It was very successful.
But that was to fund the satellite, the closed captioning, a few new reporters, crew members.
We've already hired two new people.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Vatican insider Leo Zegani, gonna be joining us for the balance of the hour.
We're gonna open the phones up for him in the last 20 minutes or so.
You know, they spin all this and say, we gotta take all these refugees because we bombed the Middle East.
The very same politicians that launched those unpopular wars, then use the giant hordes of people that they're advertising to come here as the pretext to take more of our liberties.
And the United States is a nation of immigrants.
The original Native Americans, you know, came here from Asia.
Across the Bering Strait land bridge.
There's archaeological evidence showing that's the case.
So humans do migrate.
But you could say the Nazis were migrating into other countries in World War II by that yardstick.
If you just say all migration is good, if I got an amoeba up my nose at Lake Travis and ate my brain as it kills people each year, would it be a migration?
Would it be good?
The amoeba migrated, it ate some brain and enjoyed itself.
It had babies.
It swam around gleefully.
It had a good time.
And all I'm getting at here is that the globalists have organized these movements now as political weapons.
And that's why we've got to stand against it.
And it's just so outrageous that
Pope would meet with an anchor baby in a staged event as she broke through the barricades.
No, she was led by the police up to him in a stage-managed event.
I mean, it's just like the clock kid.
It's turning out his sister got thrown out of school for saying she was going to blow the school up.
Her dad's the guy that pulls stunts constantly.
He didn't build the clock.
It was the inside of a digital clock.
He wouldn't say it wasn't a bomb.
He had it timed, you know, to supposedly go off the way it looked to freak everybody out.
He wouldn't talk to the cops, so they'd had to take him to jail, thinking it was a bomb hoax, so they could run a larger hoax.
This little kid's a hoax.
The evidence is mounting.
The clock kid's a hoax.
And it's just all for the children.
Oh, there aren't any racist or bad Muslims or crazies.
No, they're all good.
No one's persecuting you.
They're being persecuted.
There's no anchor babies, you know, tens of thousands a month from China and other countries.
Women coming around with kids.
It's not a problem.
And you've just got all these aggressive people who've been told it's kosher and that it's correct.
To hate the West, and then we're taught to hate ourselves in the West, and just bend over, lay down, roll over, get on our knees, assume the position, anytime some arrogant foreigner, I don't care what color they are, starts shooting their fat mouth off.
One time, again, it was with Paul Watson, I got footage of this, I'll play it, just filming a landmark, and a guy like 50, 60 yards away, pulls up in his car, gets out with his wife,
He's going in a hotel and he's Arabic and he runs over and gets in my face and says, how dare you videotape me?
What are you doing?
I said, sir, I'm just shooting footage of, you know, Big Ben or whatever.
He gets in my face.
I started screaming at him back.
I said, go ahead and do something.
I'm filming.
And again, I've got a lot of Arab friends.
That's an old classic statement.
I've got a lot of black friends.
The fact is, I went to college with folks from Iraq and places in high school.
Good friends, nice people.
Good, upstanding folks, weren't extremists, all that stuff.
The point is, is that with political correctness, the left is taking immigrants, whether they be from Eastern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, wherever, and man, they're putting chips on their shoulders.
Instead of thank you for all this free stuff, used to immigrants showed up and said, thank you for the opportunity to have lower taxes.
Think of the opportunity to have my own religion.
No, it's like, your white privilege is evil.
I saw that Crowder piece that they aired on the news last night, where they go to this feminist event and it's all like, we're fat, we're ugly, we stink, and we hate men, and we're taking over, and you'll do what we say, and it's just, it's like a cult of weirdos.
Just a cult of crazy people who haven't succeeded in anything, have class envy, run by the left that want to just destroy everything.
And they're targeting the family, trying to ban it, and saying our kids belong to them.
This giant consortium of misfits.
You've heard of Clock Kid, right?
The boy who removed the insides of a digital clock, put it in a suitcase, then brought it to school to show his teachers.
When people got suspicious, he claimed he didn't know anything, refused to talk to police, then gets invited to the White House.
Well, get ready.
Now we have Pope Kid.
That's right.
The Daily Mail reports five-year-old daughter of illegal immigrants is blessed by Pope after breaking through security barricades hours after he says mass in Spanish.
Sofia Cruz was part of a crowd of thousands lining the paparazzi in Washington, D.C.
to catch a glimpse of the pontiff.
As he passed, she got over police barricades and ran out into the street in an attempt to approach the Pope-mobile.
She happened to have a letter and a yellow t-shirt that read Pope Rescue DAPA.
So the legalization would be your blessing.
Makes you wonder, with all this security theater around, how a five-year-old could get through.
Hmm, maybe it's staged.
Of course every five-year-old's got a letter ready and a t-shirt printed up.
Nothing weird about that.
Back to the clock kid.
Did you know his sister was suspended for reportedly threatening to blow up the school?
Mmm, now it all becomes clearer.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We put out a 35-minute documentary that we aired during the 28-hour broadcast last week that I shot with Rob Dew and Buckley Hammond in Rome about a month ago.
And Leo Zagami, of course, is a documentary filmmaker himself, author, researcher.
And I remember seeing his information probably six, seven, eight years ago and thinking, you know, this guy's speculating.
I mean, I knew he'd been involved with the Vatican.
I knew he'd been involved with some Mason's high level, a lot of powerful Masonic groups there in and around the Vatican.
I knew a lot of what he was saying was accurate.
I don't claim to be a Vatican expert, but from what I'd researched, but he said the Jesuits will put in a Pope.
It'll probably, you know, be this particular guy who's now Pope Francis.
He said, him or one other person, he said that they were going to blackmail with the pedophile scandals that they controlled the Vatican, that they would announce world government.
And I saw him talk about it.
I heard him talk about it.
I saw him in Project Camelot hour-long plus interviews.
And people ask, what do you think of this guy?
And I said, well, you know, I know they're not supposed to put a Jesuit in as the Pope.
And I said, I'll wait and see.
Well, we wait and saw what happened.
And indeed, it did end up unfolding that way.
And so I want him to talk a little bit about himself.
But then, tell us what he thinks is coming next with all of this, with the Vatican.
Because even if you're not a Catholic, there are a billion people plus that say they're Catholics.
And clearly you can see the leadership of the Church has been doing everything it can to destroy the Catholic Church.
And now that's accelerating, and now the liberal media that is always demonizing Catholics is suddenly praising it as if this guy can do no wrong and is a Messiah.
And years after Zoghami talked about blackmail,
To bring in a Jesuit Black Pope, as he calls it.
Even the London Guardian had a story basically saying that that had happened.
So here is that report.
The core of what's going on.
They are observing us now, Alex.
You have to understand.
Everything that we are saying is being monitored.
You know, when the Pope resigned, what happened in the Vatican, there was a big storm and there was a lightning that just went on top.
You see, like this night, there's a lightning, you see?
Experts from the Vatican themselves admitted there is a very close link between pedophilia and Satanism.
Then they used to have these ambulances, these fake ambulances parked in front of Termini Station, and they used to pick up these young Romanian kids, 14-year-old kids, and bring them directly to the Vatican.
That's just the intro to that piece, the demonic possession of the Vatican exposed.
It's up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
Now, again, there's a lot of questions I have for Mr. Zegami, but first of those points, I want him to just briefly talk about Pope Francis himself, where he came from, his history, his background, and then, Leo, I want you to break down your awakening, your experiences, and how you were able to predict that they would, six, seven years ago,
Probably longer time flies.
Eight years ago, predict that they would put a Jesuit, for the first time ever, Pope, in charge, and you were even able to name who you thought it would probably be.
So, was that from your larger research, putting pieces together, or did you have inside sources?
Because that is really stunning.
It's inside sources, because in 2005, when we saw, in April 2005, the election of Ratzinger, actually Ratzinger
Just a minute, but there was already an attempted placing of Bergoglio as a Pope.
Actually, at one point, they kind of opted on Ratzinger, because it was the least problematic choice, because the actual Pink Pope, Tarcisio Bertone, who was then Cardinal of State, was trying to get elected himself.
And so, to avoid having Turchisio Bertone, Cardinal Martini, who is this Jesuit, who actually, a few months before he died, in June 2012, he asked Ratzinger to resign.
And this is actually being confirmed also by a Jesuit, a Jesuit father, who then
Carlo Maria Martini at one point in June 2012 during the meeting of families, the one that now is going to take place in Philadelphia, he went to Ratzinger and said, we can't do really much with this Curia, you have to resign.
So if the Curia does not reform, it's time to leave.
That's the exact words he said that were reported by this Jesuit Silvano Fausti.
So, basically, we are talking about facts that are proven.
There's plenty of evidence.
This evidence, of course, is not easy to find.
I am an insider.
I have my own experience.
Maybe we'll talk about this later.
But in any case, Pope Francis escalated this time.
He failed in 2005, but he eventually got in when the scandals behind Ratzinger made it very easy for the Jesuits to say to him, just go aside because we have to take over the show.
This is synthetically what's been happening.
Regarding the little girl that you were talking about, you know that guy who picks her up, the bald guy with the glasses who actually brings her to the Pope?
You see her on the image.
He's a very important guy.
He is General Domenico Gianni.
He is not wearing, of course, his Inspector General kind of divisa he has when he's in the Vatican, when he's in America with the Pope, but he's a very high-level member of the Knights of Malta and he takes care of the Pope's security.
Also, it's complete rubbish that the Pope doesn't see TV and he makes this kind of monastic life for himself publicly because
I know from friends of Domenico Gianni that the Pope regularly watches TV and is like any other guy.
They just want to make out of him a saint.
The important thing today, after this address to Congress, I think you will agree with me Alex, is to understand these people that he actually met.
Leo Zagami, hold on, your Skype is breaking up, and we have a lot of new listeners tuning in.
We can get into the inside baseball on this, but bottom line, we've had a Vatican coup, there'd been infiltration, there'd been problems before, but clearly there's been a takeover after
1800 years, the most anti-family, globalist, communist, socialist move ever.
How are Catholics going to buy this when it's so different and so opposite from what we've heard from other Popes and Catholic doctrine?
And what is the endgame now?
What does it signify that the Pope is calling for planetary government, that the Pope is calling for global carbon taxes, and that the Pope is pushing all of this?
What does it mean?
Well, it's very clear from mentioning Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day.
Do you know who these two characters are?
These are communists.
I mean, Thomas Merton and Dorothy Day
And Dorothy Day was accused herself of being a communist.
He addressed these two people in Congress.
I mean, it's quite obvious what he's doing.
She advocated the Catholic economic theory of distributism, which basically is this communism style that spring out of the Jesuit creed.
And of course, I mean, there is plenty of evidence for who this
Sure, and we have a new Pope pushing ecumenicalism, merging all the religions.
What do you make of the headlines I saw last week in the Washington Times and others that there is a conservative rebellion inside the Vatican and that cardinals have been going and warning him?
Well, unfortunately there is, I mean, to this conservative rebellion a very strong opposition.
People who we are now seeing in the United States leading the Pope.
And one of these people, the key people, is Carl A. Anderson, who led the procession of the Knights of Columbus yesterday during the canonization of the new saint.
And he is also one of the main advisors for the World Meeting of Families, which is taking place in Philadelphia.
So basically, the Knights of Columbus lobbied for this new saint, who you know very well wasn't a saint.
He was somebody who was converting people by the whip and the musket, by force.
And he had a lot of opposition, even these days, amongst Native Americans.
Which think the whole thing is disgraceful.
So this going then tomorrow to the United Nations and blessing basically what is the kickstart for Agenda 2030 seems quite obvious to all of us.
Now for those that don't know what Agenda 2030 is, explain to them how it's phase two of the global treaty of Rio de Janeiro, the Agenda 21 program.
Well, basically there is 17 key points, but it's very interesting also to see who has been chosen to actually represent, you know, the various countries and how this whole process is being done.
Because John Podesta, who is at the moment the key person who is in charge of the whole campaign of Hillary Clinton, is one also of the key persons
In this agenda 2030, that basically will marry fully what the Pope has already announced in Congress and will probably re-announce again tomorrow, amplifying the whole thing in front of the United Nations, that we have all to suffer, we have to pay carbon tax, they can continue getting richer and richer.
We have to remind the people who John Potesta is.
I mean, we're talking about the person who has been working for Lockheed Martin.
Stay there, Leo Zagami.
We're going to try to reconnect with his Skype, maybe get him on the phone, but it's audible.
What's important is the information is absolutely key and vital.
Stay with us, InfoWars.com.
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Leo Zagani is our guest.
I've seen him in countless documentaries.
I've, of course, had dinner with him and hung out with him in Rome.
Extremely informed.
He just rattles off all these names, all this information in Latin.
He took us over to where the Jesuit Order is based, where the Knights of Malta is based.
And it really is a paradox, because I've seen the Catholic Church do a lot of good work, stand up for human life, stand up against communism, stand up against big corporations and globalism.
I know it has a checkered past.
Any ancient organization would, but I don't just judge people.
But this new Pope is so aligned with the Club of Rome, so aligned with the UN, so aligned with the EU, so aligned with globalism.
He doesn't oppose baby selling, baby parts selling.
He doesn't oppose any of the big globalist agendas.
And now he's trying to get rid of our borders and running stunts with anchor babies this morning on his procession to Congress and Congress is crying.
It's like we have the Queen of England visit and everyone's fawning and worshipping royalty.
I mean, it's a fraud.
But this is now religious royalty.
When you're at the Vatican, they say, we are the oldest continuing sovereign, you know, leader in the world, tax-exempt, you know, supreme ruler of Earth.
I mean, it's just like, whoa!
And now our Congress is bowing down to it.
Leo, this is a short segment, long segment coming up.
We're gonna open the phones up for people.
But bottom line, you got cut off by the break.
World government, world taxes, UN announcement, this big treaty in December, where they're openly announcing planetary regime.
In his words, are they making their move naked because they're behind schedule and they're concerned?
Or is it because they think for some reason they're invincible?
Because what they're doing is really waking people up, but they seem to be so arrogant.
And I look at this Pope, he just has a wolf-like look in his eyes that I've never seen in a Pope's face.
I mean, Pope John Paul II, people have mixed feelings about, but he was anti-communist.
I know you've been critical of him to some degree, but he didn't look like a raving power-mad Emperor Palpatine.
What's going on here?
Well, as you know, maybe the Liberation Theology factor is very important, and actually Pope Francis was not a supporter of any kind of Liberation Theology during the 70s and 80s.
He became, after the fall of the Soviet war, a supporter of Liberation Theology, like all these Mondialist people.
It's like they use ideologies just as a tool.
And of course now the communist agenda is on top of all of it.
But I don't know if you know about a book that has been unfortunately not published in the English language by an Argentinian journalist called Horacio Verbinski.
It's called The Island of Silence.
He denounced Pope Francis with a lot of documentation that proved that in the 70s he was behind the arrest of these two Jesuits who were later tortured called Orando Iorio and Francisco Yalix.
These two priests, one of them after this experience stayed a Jesuit, the other one actually came out of the Jesuit order and later on died.
This Francisco Yalix, when the Pope was elected, he was forced to
I mean, I don't want to say that everything he had written or stated earlier was not true and that the Pope was completely innocent, but this is not the case.
Pope Francis was actively involved in this situation of these two priests for six months arrested and tortured.
I think so.
But this demonstrates to you that this Pope really has a lot of skeletons in the closet and he's definitely no saint as they want to portray now in the U.S.
I mean, it's thickening the level of propaganda that they're pulling off these days with, I mean, John Biden on the side crying and also the other guy, John Bernard, the same.
I mean, this is completely ridiculous.
I mean, even for us here in Italy to see the show yesterday at the White House, it was like watching something out of a Walt Disney movie.
It's multinational!
He's been moved officially since last year outside of Italian territory, so they have nothing to do with Italy.
Agnelli, who was one of the dynasty's most important persons, and now he died for a few years and left in the hands of this Elcan family.
Well, Agnelli was a best friend with David Rockefeller.
I mean, we're talking here some very powerful people behind the whole thing.
So, of course, there is product placement, and it's obvious to all of us.
Huge corporate rollout.
So when we come back, I want to get an answer to that question.
You've got great audio now.
Leo Zagami, the consummate Vatican insider.
Why are they making their move right now?
Is it because they're strong or because they're weak?
Who runs the Catholic Church now?
Is this even the Catholic Church?
I mean, who is this Spectre group?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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There's a need for a new world order.
But it has different characteristics in different parts of the world.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
David Knight was on with us via Skype from D.C., about to follow the Pope to New York, readdresses the U.N., and then from there to Philly with Jakari Jackson.
We'll have that throughout the weekend.
And he was really upset because
He was watching different talking heads in the hotel room and they were just all saying, it's not political, it's good, you're not allowed to criticize the Pope because he's not political.
See, he gets political big time.
I mean, really hardcore globalist.
Hardcore eugenics agenda.
We're talking about a billion dead in a decade if these carbon taxes go in.
I'm not exaggerating, that's a conservative number.
I have nauseous levels of empathy for the third world when I think about this.
It'd be like knowing they're gonna kill a kid across town today at noon and I can't stop it.
See, your brain can handle one kid getting killed, and by handle it, it can think about it so you get sick.
When I say imagine a two-year-old being raped in a dungeon, they're gonna be killed in one hour, you get physically sick if you have empathy.
Imagine hundreds of millions of kids.
Your brain can't even wrap itself around that.
I know mine can't.
And what's weird is I'm intellectually sitting back going, come on, you're exaggerating.
Then I pull back and I go, no, those are Lord Monckton's numbers and other numbers and you know the numbers.
It's a death sentence for a billion people.
And then I see some guy in his huge jet with all these guards saying he's against wealth and shooting his mouth off about helping poor people by trying to wreck
The industrialized West, while stopping the third world from industrializing, because he wants a giant horde of idiots to follow him?
Pope Francis is a bigger threat than the Soviet Union.
Because the Soviet Union was despicable, it was corrupt, it was evil, it was falling apart.
But evil's biggest trick is getting good people to follow it.
And I just gotta say, I've grown up around Catholics my whole life.
They are great, funny, nice, hardworking, smart people.
And they're not hypocrites either.
I found them to be Christian people that love God, but they won't get on you if you're drinking a beer.
I like Catholics.
The Catholics I've known.
And that's why I've not attacked them.
This Pope is a sickening piece of trash, and that's all I'm saying, and people need to turn against him big time.
I don't care what the Jesuits do to me or what type of stuff they try to pull out, I could care less.
They tried to stop William Ayers from bringing those Bibles in from New York, and you saw how that worked in Texas.
So I'm not worried about any of it.
I got God on my side.
The God I follow has the keys, the temporal and spiritual power, not this puppet.
And that's all I have to say on the subject.
I'm going to go back to Leo Zegami here in a minute, but this is really tearing me up because the fact that they got a Pope out in the open calling for world government and carbon taxes and saying, don't be so obsessed with abortion and not saying a word about the baby harvesting.
This is just the beginning.
And by the way, it's Protestant churches are pushing gun control now and all the government has taken over the churches.
So my question to Mr. Zegami, we're going to go to him in a moment, is
We know there's been infiltration groups, we know there's been factions wanting to run the Vatican.
What is this faction running things now?
Is there any Catholic Church left?
I know Leo grew up a Catholic, and I want to get his take on that.
And then we're going to take your phone calls at 800-259-9231.
And a lot of folks are selfish.
They'll say, I don't care if the stock market crashes.
Well, the stock market affects you because it affects all the companies in the economy.
Or, I don't care if the Catholic Church is run by the New World Order.
I'm not a Catholic.
Well, it's a billion people.
You got like a billion, three hundred million people that are Islamic, they're being radicalized.
Now the Catholics are going to be radicalized into leftist garbage.
The leftists are allied with the radical Muslims.
That's 2.3 billion people under New World Order control.
Then you add the 800 million Protestants or whatever, always busy fighting with each other.
You can really see how the evil is going to take over.
I've had a lot of Catholic experts tell me the communists really took over in the 50s.
We'll get Leo Zagami's quick answers to all this in a moment, so I want to move quick.
We'll have him back up, obviously, in the future for an extended interview.
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Okay, going back to Leo Zagami.
Leo, we're going to talk about your books, some before you leave as well, some in English, some in Italian, but you've heard my questions.
Let's try to answer them because you really are an expert.
Accurately predicted that they would put a Jesuit Pope in, named the guy,
One of two you thought it would be.
There was a blackmail going on.
That all came out in the news later.
So you've been proven correct in spades over and over again.
So briefly, tell us about yourself, how you woke up.
Then, are they getting stronger?
Are they getting weaker?
Who runs the Vatican?
Well actually, how I woke up, you are probably one of the reasons why in the year 2000-2001 I started to wonder what was really going on behind the scenes, because even amongst us, amongst the network of Masonic Network and of other secret societies, when we saw the Bohemian Grove,
It created a debate.
I remember myself discussing in Lodge in London, your documentary, and actually facing some of the masters there and telling them, what is this?
I mean, how is it possible that Tony Blair goes and participates in something like this?
Or that world leaders are involved with something like this?
And of course, this inspiration that you gave me, at one point, put me in front of the reality of what I had in these lodges, in these secret societies that I was involved in, and I decided that I no longer wanted to be involved, especially when I discovered some of their secrets.
Of course, the lower level never know what's going on at the upper levels.
So it was by the possibility of climbing suddenly this ladder that I was able to see that it wasn't something I wanted to be any longer a participant with.
Especially after the phone call I had once with Marcinkus, which was, as you know, a very important bishop.
He died around nearly 10 years ago.
Who was in charge and very much in charge of the Vatican at the time of John Paul II, who the Italian government wanted to arrest, but the Vatican simply sent to the US.
This is what they do.
They don't get their people arrested.
When last year it was asked that the Cardinal was arrested for pedophilia, they just picked him up.
I think?
Because there is two factions.
The main faction now is the Jesuit, who is working with the Mondialists to try to save the facade of the Catholic Church.
And then there is the gay lobby, which is headed by this Cardinal called Tarcisio Bertone.
And who worked in collaboration with, right with that guy who picked up that little girl, that guy called Domenico Gianni, who is one of the most powerful people in the Vatican, even if he's unknown to the American public.
He's one of the reasons why the Pope has not been able to totally kicked out the pedophiles, because he, together with Tarcisio Bertone, ran this check.
So you're saying that the Jesuits used the weakness that the pedophile lobby created to come in and take over.
You're saying there are two different factions?
There are two different factions.
How do the Dominicans tie in?
Aren't they a third faction?
The Dominicans, unfortunately, have been infiltrated a long time ago.
In fact, the guy who founded the Liberation Theology was himself a Dominican.
So there is a conservative faction within the Dominicans.
There is also a conservative faction within other orders.
And it's thanks to these conservatives who I have access to a lot of information, which I give in my book, Pope Francis, the Last Pope.
So there is good people in the Vatican.
So are they doing this because they're weak or because they're strong?
Why is the Church openly joining with world government?
At this point, there is no more church.
I mean, now it's been completely taken over.
The Jesuits are just an emanation of this globalist agenda.
Since 1958, the church has been compromised.
All traditional Catholics know this.
And when they started with the Second Vatican Council, the Church was completely compromised, and it had never been going back.
After that, there was no going back, because we had the Freemasons Pope.
I mean, we had Roncalli, who became a Pope in 1958, who was a Freemason.
Then we had Montini, who was also a Freemason.
These are not ordinary Masons.
People who were connected to also the Zionist agenda, which in turn was linked with the Jesuit agenda.
So here we can't really blame only one faction for all the troubles of the world, as you know very well, Alex, after all these years of doing excellent reports.
It's something much more complex.
There is a hierarchy structure, it is compartmentalized, and of course they work together, the main factions are the Jesuits together with the Zionists.
This is to summarize it in a very synthetic form.
And what is the end goal of the top people running this whole planetary program?
Of course, the main goal is to maintain the privileges of the aristocrats who officially have lost their royalty status, but are still there, apart from the English royal family, which still keeps that royalty status quite alive.
Sure, the Club of Rome, all of it, the Treaty of Rome 57 created the European Union.
Absolutely, and this European Union now is enslaving and imposing on the European people, all these immigrants, the constant chaos in the streets.
Every night in Rome, when you were even around, Alex... There were huge demonstrations, yeah, clashes.
But there were clashes.
There were actually riots in the streets.
There were immigrants who invade buildings without having any permit.
They just simply invade the building because it's empty.
And then after that, you can't kick them out any longer.
So what the demondialists, what they do, they pick up the immigrants at the train station and they bring them to these buildings where they themselves actually break down the entrance.
And then they say, take over the building.
I mean, this is what happens these days in Rome at night.
So it's quite incredible, this situation.
We have, of course, what's happening in Hungary, what's happening in all the borders.
I mean, this huge immigration is made for us to, of course, become more controlled.
And in the end, you know, they will keep on making more money and we will keep on being more and more poor.
Sure, sure.
They don't want a homogeneous population.
Take Mexico.
If it was powerful and wealthy, the globalists want to bring in groups and divide it up so that the Mexicans could never get together politically and throw out the outside globalist group.
You've got the outside global corporations bringing in their own client groups that will then basically work and speak for them, like 21st century mercenaries.
And that's all stated, it's all admitted.
I want to go to some phone calls with Leo Zagami here joining us.
Before he leaves us, though, in the next segment,
Briefly, tell folks how they get your latest book, which I've read, it's excellent, in English, The Last Pope, and why you say he's the last pope.
Pope Francis, the last Pope, because nowadays the office of the Pope has been destroyed after the resignation of Ratzinger, the last Pope because possibly after this Pope we will not have anymore a Catholic Church as we were used to, and it will be this Mondialist Church
I think?
In fact, I'm very worried, really, for the meeting that is going to be taking place between Obama and Putin, because Putin could be the only real opposition to this whole setup.
But he's probably just going to marry into the whole thing and, you know, make this BRICS just the fake opposition to the World Bank.
I mean, so in that case, let's say that the meetings that will take place in the next few days in New York are probably the most important meetings of the new millennium.
Absolutely, and our reporters know that.
We're going to be here covering it.
Let me ask you this question, Leo.
I've studied Putin.
He's obviously a hardcore guy, but he's trying to promote family, trying to promote having kids.
They don't put flora in the water.
His best friend's a newscaster.
I'm going to skip this break.
Last one of the day.
His best friend's a newscaster.
That basically sounds like my show.
And I've been told by the head of RT America years ago, the State Department didn't want me on there anymore, which is fine.
It's not that big of a deal.
That they were upset that I was on there and that basically the directors of RT, both in Russia and here, are huge listeners.
I was told this by their producers, by their top people, and told this in LA, I'm just going to leave it at that, where they have one of their main offices, and that the Russian government actually watches this show.
Now imagine, you're told this.
It's not a way to flatter me or get me to support them.
I'm not in with the Russians.
They don't need me.
I'm just promoting national sovereignty, anti-globalism, which allows Russia to continue on.
I mean, I want Russia to be there.
I want America to be there.
I want diversity in countries.
I want sovereignty.
I'm just a patriot for humanity, a patriot for sovereignty, a patriot for due process, a patriot for firewalls to tyranny.
That's what countries are.
But, you know, I was told this five years ago, no, you're just, you know, six, seven years ago, I thought, oh, you're just wanting me to, you know, be flattered so I support you.
They're like, no, no, we're not.
And now I've seen, uh, because these Russians were in awe every time they came here.
Uh, then I've seen now, out of Russian television, it's like it's Alex Jones on Russian TV.
It looks like the Russians might have caught an anti-New World Order bug.
I know that Putin started secretly meeting with Alexander Shultz in Eastern a lot, reportedly apologized to him.
Now he's become a big Orthodox Christian, like underground, and thinks he's gotta, you know, save Christendom.
Or is that PR bull?
Or, or, or, is this how God works in mysterious ways?
Orthodox Church, up until now, has been the only real opposition to the Catholic agenda, which is really becoming anti-Christian by all nature, and you've seen this yourself.
So if the Orthodox Church is genuine,
In that case, we are in front of a great clash that is about to happen because it started in Ukraine between Catholics and Orthodox, is now manifesting to a full scale with this second Cold War.
So I think that we will see in the next few days in New York.
Will you come on with us Monday after we've seen what happens this weekend and tomorrow and give us your analysis on what you think it means whether it was real or not?
Sure, why not?
I will be fully available for that, and it's a pleasure to be on InfoWars, because nowadays the Italian media will never have me again on.
Yeah, that's a whole other subject.
I looked it up and found the news articles.
You didn't make a big deal about it.
You actually got grabbed by Vatican officers, taken to a facility outside Rome, and then thrown back on the street.
I mean, they are really after you.
Yeah, well, I mean, it's incredible.
I mean, to be brought, actually, forcibly in an ambulance, in an hospital, and then apparently you think you are in a hospital and suddenly you have a doctor who is actually a priest arriving in front of you, both with the doctor thing and the priestly thing here, and then a bunch of monks arriving in the morning.
I mean, it was pretty scary, definitely.
So, I'm trying to keep myself now low profile and avoiding this kind of problems, and simply by not involving myself anymore in Italian politics, because it's a lost cause in any case.
That's right, you ended up running for office, being involved with the Nationalist Party, or giving the proper name, and then I guess... It was basically...
And of course, your family's been quite prominent in politics.
That's one reason you were also given entrance into some of these more secret orders.
Yes, my grandfather was a senator.
He even marched on Rome with Mussolini back in the days.
In any case, I have had the possibility of being an insider.
The crazy thing is that when I actually went against the President of Italy live on TV, the producer of the show on Rai Uno, which is the main Italian state channel, came to me and said, how is possible you're doing this to us?
You are one of us.
You are bourgeois.
You are not a peasant.
You are not one of them, of the masses.
You have to be with us.
And I said, I'm not.
Forget it!
So, I mean, that was it for me in Italy, and immediately after that, soon after, I was, basically, they broke down into my house, they broke my door in the morning, all kinds of things happened, which I will not now describe, because it will take time from your transmission, but it wasn't pleasant.
I mean, democracy is inexistent when you oppose the system.
Yeah, absolutely.
Let's go to some phone calls here.
We're going to take you to the next segment, then we've got another special guest on geoengineering breaking into the mainstream news for the California situation.
Let's go to Dion in Illinois.
Thanks for holding her on the air with Leo Zagami.
Yeah, Argentina writer Pedro Salon claimed that Fidel Castro made a prophetic quote in 1973 that the U.S.
will come to talk to us when they have a black president and the world has a Latin American pope.
And Fidel Castro had a address to a teacher, and when he went to Cuba, they exchanged the books.
So I don't know if you know what the books were about, and how did Fidel Castro know... That's funny you say that.
I remember hearing that over a decade ago.
I don't really place it where.
I remember hearing what you just said.
Great question.
Leo, what's your intel on the fact that the Pope went to there and didn't criticize their half a million political dissidents in jail, but came here and criticized our presence?
How could they criticize?
Peter Castro was brought up by the Jesuits and his brother was even more brought up by the Jesuits because he went to the Jesuits since elementary school.
I mean, we're talking here about people who were educated by the Jesuits for their agenda.
So, of course, they knew what was about to happen.
Good question, Dion.
It's unbelievable.
And again, we're not saying it's Catholic false.
And plus, plus, Castro is a 33 degree Freemason.
And this is not known, also Che Guevara, they think he was a great rebel, which probably he was in his head, but they are all 33 degree Freemasons.
The Freemasons have never been persecuted in Cuba during the Communist era.
Well I've read Che Guevara's book.
And he calls Indians, natives, brown people, subhuman, idiots, morons, mentally retarded, and complains that Latin America can take over but the people are too stupid.
And that's, A, that's not true.
B, it's very racist.
People don't understand that Che Guevara was a super, hyper, elitist, racist pig.
And I see brown-skinned Mesoamericans wearing Che Guevara shirts.
I want to slap them upside the head.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, now you're going to see this Pope becoming the leader of all South America, because South America is full of liberation theology and of Communists, and they're all gathering together with Pope Francis in this New World Order setup.
So, I mean, we don't really stand a chance when Obama himself said that he would bypass Congress for Agenda 2030.
Well said.
Another quick question.
Let's talk to Nick in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Alex, hi.
How you doing?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
I have a really important question for Leo.
First, I want to say last time I talked to you, Alex, your uncle was sick.
It was Christmas time.
I want to say God bless you, my friend.
I'm sorry to hear that you lost him.
Sorry, too.
Thanks for your support.
What was the question, brother?
The question I have for Leo is, um, I did listen to the Pope today in Washington.
I heard the whole broadcast.
Actually, I myself am Catholic, and there's some things about this Pope I actually disagree with.
Now, this Pope... Stay there.
Stay there, Nick.
I'm going to come back to you.
Then Jeff, Mickey, and Jim, I want to hear what you disagree with him on.
I don't think the guy's a Catholic.
I mean, he doesn't sound like anybody else I know that was... I mean, he sounds like a Che Guevara or something.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You've never seen such enthusiastic promotion of the Pope.
There's always underhanded snipes and attacks on Catholics.
That's because clearly it wasn't something the globalists totally controlled.
Now they love it because they got control of it.
Nick and P.A., go ahead.
Thanks for holding your own with Leo Zagami.
You were getting into, you're a Catholic and you heard some things you didn't agree with.
Go ahead.
Absolutely, and also I'm a Philadelphia resident.
I'm hoping I can get through to your show on Sunday because he's due here in Philly on Saturday and Sunday.
But this is my question for you, Leo.
When I listened to the Pope today, he talked about immigration and people coming into America.
And then he brought up the Golden Rule.
And to me, by doing that, it's like he's trying to put a guilt trip on America.
He's trying to put a guilt trip on our country that we have to bring in these ill wiggles or we're bad guys.
So this is my question to you.
I'm really passionate because I'm a patriot like Alex.
Oh yeah, we've been more open than anybody.
We've given more free stuff and then we get blamed for not doing enough.
That's wrong.
Absolutely, and I'm just tired of seeing the American people getting trashed, and we are every day.
But this is my question to you, Leo.
Will this Pope take 10,000 of our illegals into his country?
Well, this is what happens also in Italy.
Here he pulled up the same stunt and in the end he ended up guessing basically, I think, six or eight people inside the Vatican, saying he was guessing a couple of families, giving the example.
And that's it, basically.
Because, you know, he wanted to make us feel like we have to guess them in our houses, you know?
So everybody now in every region of Europe has to prepare
We're good to go.
Because, I mean, when you hear the comments of Shepard Smith, of people like this, really, I mean, I put my hand in the air.
Oh, that's what's sick.
I appreciate your call, Nick.
Great point.
We're going to do five more minutes in the next segment with Mr. Zagami.
Then we're going to have a huge in-depth report on geoengineering.
It's out in the open.
You need to know about it.
We have a special guest joining us.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Jim in Colorado.
Jim, you're on the air with Leo Zagami.
Hi, Alex.
Long time listener.
I'd just like to add a few pieces to this final puzzle that we're looking at, staring us right in the face.
This pulp is number 266.
Two sixes plus another six.
Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation, it talks about a beast with ten horns, seven heads.
Freemasonry has seven different types of lodges.
And they have a
They have their own set of Ten Commandments that are in direct opposition to God's Ten Commandments.
The second beast, as it comes out, has two horns like a lamb.
Those two horns represent the mitre that the Pope and Bishops wear.
You there?
No, I'm listening.
Oh, okay.
That represents that
So, this pope is the last pope, and he's the false prophet, second beast.
And what the whole game plan is, is to go away with Christianity worldwide.
These masons and these secret societies, these devil worshippers, they all hate Jesus and they want to get him off the face of the earth.
He looked in John Chapter 6 about what we call the Catholics, the Holy Communion, the Mass.
They're going to do away with it.
And that's talked about in Daniel Chapter 12.
Alright, listen, interesting points.
We're going to get Leo's take.
You've heard of Clock Kid, right?
The boy who removed the insides of a digital clock, put it in a suitcase, then brought it to school to show his teachers.
When people got suspicious, he claimed he didn't know anything, refused to talk to police, then gets invited to the White House.
Well, get ready.
Now we have Pope Kid.
That's right.
The Daily Mail reports, five-year-old daughter of illegal immigrants is blessed by Pope after breaking through security barricades hours after he says mass in Spanish.
Sophia Cruz was part of a crowd of thousands lining the papal route in Washington, D.C.
to catch a glimpse of the pontiff.
As he passed, she got over police barricades and ran out into the street in an attempt to approach the Pope-mobile.
She happened to have a letter and a yellow t-shirt that read, Pope Rescue DAPA.
So the legalization would be your blessing.
Makes you wonder, with all this security theater around, how a five-year-old could get through.
Hmm, maybe it's staged.
Of course every five-year-old's got a letter ready and a t-shirt printed up.
Nothing weird about that.
Back to the clock kid.
Did you know his sister was suspended for reportedly threatening to blow up the school?
Mmm, now it all becomes clear.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, we got one more segment with Leo Zagami, then we've got the organization in California exposing geoengineering joining us.
It's made news across the state as more and more citizens investigate persistent jet condensation trails known as chemtrails.
Which, we're not saying every plane is spraying chemtrails, but there is geoengineering going on.
We've compiled a lot of evidence.
We're going to be going over today, so stay with us.
Leo, you just heard that caller getting into, you know, this pope being the false prophet or whatever.
This is all I know.
Suddenly Baptist churches, Methodist churches, Catholic churches, universities, media, the heat's been turned up.
We're going to ban the name father and mother, boy and girl, he, she, the words.
We're going to arrest you if you read out of the Bible.
We're going to forcibly inoculate you.
We're going to turn your power plants off.
We're gonna teach your five-year-olds how to have sex.
We're gonna... I mean, they are really... It's not just the Catholic Church is what I'm saying.
It's everything is uncloaking right now and really showing who they are.
It looks like a major move is being made.
I want to jam in a few more calls, but what do you say to what I just stated?
I think you're perfectly on the ballgame because I mean here we are right at a critical moment of time.
They are taking completely over.
They feel secure for what they're doing.
They feel that the opposition will not be able to stop them.
They have the technology, remember now, to implement the new world order.
All that technology that we've been talking about for many years now is available and of course the Mondialist plan wants to connect the human being and enslave him even more.
So this agenda in the end wants just to enslave and make every human not only into a number but into a number that
Leo Zagami is our guest.
Jamming in a few final calls before we get into the geoengineering special with a special guest.
And in regard to the Jesuits, we have to remember the figure of Pierre Teilhard de Cardin, who was this French Jesuit who inspired very much the New Age movement, and he was a strong supporter of the One World Government, and that's not all.
Well, we had the Pope two months ago, and again a month ago, saying we need a planetary government to tackle climate change with a carbon tax.
That's world government with a tax, tracking everything we do.
That is the One World Casual Society, with the Pope, calling for it.
I mean, if anybody who was a Christian leader called for it, I would say they were bad.
I mean, if... You know, who's the top Protestant today?
Who would you say that is?
I mean, I don't care who it is.
If they said that, I'd come out against them.
If we don't do something about it, I just don't even know what's going to end up happening.
Because people think, oh, big deal, there's going to be a world government.
With that world government comes total tyranny.
And what if they were setting up world government right now and they were promoting freedom?
I'd still be worried because a centralized system can take over at any moment.
And mistakes by a centralized system can be magnified.
But we know the globalists are bad through and through.
We know they have nothing but the end of free will for us.
I don't see how anyone, Leo, would not oppose this.
Well, mankind unfortunately has many weaknesses.
They collect these weaknesses and make them the way to exploit mankind.
You see, everything that we are fed through the media, everything that we are given to eat, everything is exploited so that in the end we are like, okay,
This is my little piece of the cake.
I might stay silent because otherwise I might get in trouble.
So this is going to become more and more in the next few years.
I mean, in the end, we will not be able to say anything that opposes the system and even have a feel against them, not even saying it.
They will control even our thoughts.
They'll have all these little factions set against each other that'll attack each other whenever the centralized referees want.
I've only got time to go to two more calls for you because we've got another special guest coming up.
Maybe three or four.
Let's try it.
Real quick questions here.
Thanks for calling Jeff in Canada.
Jeff, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
God bless you both.
My question is if either of you have heard of
A book by Tom Horne and Chris Putnam called Petrus Romanus, The Final Pope is Here, and it's about the prophecy of Saint Malachi and the final Pope.
They also did a follow-up book called Exo-Vaticana, Petrus Romanus, Project Lucifer, and the Vatican's Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior.
And so basically it documents that they call it astro-theology.
Sure, the Illuminati believe we were seeded by aliens.
The movie Prometheus is basically like a creation story that the elite put out.
They even admit that.
And they even admit that the Vatican is preparing with the Vatican Observatory for the arrival of aliens.
That's mainstream news.
Excellent questions.
Thank you, Jeff.
Let's get Mr. Zagami's take on it.
Well, the Jesuits are in complete control of the astronomical sector of the Vatican.
The Holy See has had the Jesuits in charge for a long time, so they are the ones that in the last few years are starting to open up to this possibility, because gradually they can make the whole thing also instrumental for their own New Age creed, you know?
Jesus is not the only one in the universe.
In the end, Jesus will be okay.
Jesus is big for us, but he's not big for you.
Instead of being the center of the universe, he's going to become marginalized and a part of this New Age creed that the Jesuits are promoting, using also the alien agenda.
And again, we're not the ones saying this.
This is mainstream news.
It's just so bizarre.
Are they going to stage something?
Do they know that the Globalists are going to stage something?
What is the plan?
You see Hollywood getting us ready for it?
It is bizarre.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Aaron in Canada.
You're on the air with Leo Zagami.
Hi, yeah, I was just saying, or going to talk about the formation of the Catholic Church.
Now in the beginning it was formed like Caesar worship.
And, uh, you had to take Caesar's name before Jesus' name.
So I think since the beginning of the Catholic Church, it's always been a part of the Illuminati.
It's always been part of, uh...
Yeah, we're going to have to move on.
That creates the whole conspiracy theory that we were cutting that line off.
That sounded like that was being done on purpose.
That was like chainsaws going off and car doors opening.
Yeah, it sounded really weird, Alex.
Anyways, let's talk about the founding of the Catholic Church.
That's an interesting question.
It's the founding of Christianity.
The founding of Christianity because we know that at one point an emperor, Constantine, made this the state religion of the Empire.
And from there on, really, the Vatican takes on from the Roman Empire as their heir to all this power and knowledge.
So I guess that more than the founding of Catholicism, we should talk first about the founding of Christianity.
Of course, after the Orthodox Church ran off, then Protestantism was created, but now in the end, as you can see, they have taken back the whole Christianity in their hands.
And I don't think there is one Christian leader today in the world that opposes the Pope, even if he's from another denomination.
The ecumenicalism, the World Council of Churches that the Rockefeller set up has been successful, and then now the very doctrine of the Bible itself is being banned, is being outlawed, is being shredded.
Let's go ahead and take one more phone call.
Fabian in FEMA Region 5.
You're on the air, Fabian.
Yes, hello gentlemen.
I just wanted to add to the staged stuff like the little girl who was able to break security and come over and see the Pope and all that stuff.
Something very similar happened last week.
I did send a news tip on Monday, but I don't know if, you know, my stuff went into the spam or whatever, but NBC News staged another similar event live on TV
I don't know.
Refugee walks by and collapses right at his feet.
And lo and behold, the baby drowns, so they stage it for the news cameras.
Yeah, I mean, this is totally transparent, totally sickening, but instead of outraging the public, they love it.
They love being conned.
At least some people do.
Or maybe it's going to blow up in their face.
Thank you for the call, Fabian.
What do you think about his statement?
I think that everybody in America these days, while the Pope is visiting, is showing their real self.
We are seeing really things that are out of this world.
I mean, these people, to be close to the Pope, would do anything.
I mean, like he's some kind of God.
We've been having some phone issues today, obviously, but we just lost Zagami's phone.
Can we go back to Skype audio and we have Skype video so he can finish up?
Alright, well, we will try to finish up with him and then come back with our guest on geoengineering.
Leo, can you hear me?
All right, well, we've lost him, but that was an important interview that we just had with Leo Zagami.
You can find his book, The Last Pub, just by searching it and going to his publisher that we had on screen earlier.
Now, we're going to go to break.
We're getting them on 20 minutes late, but we'll go five minutes to the next hour.
Then we have a fourth hour of Overdrive today, hosted by Anthony Gucciardi.
I'll tell you about that later.
It's going to be a hot hour.
But here's the headline.
Earth is 20% darker.
Say experts.
Now this is from 2003 and they claim it's jet trails that are doing it.
That's NASA.
I thought I'd show you that just to give you an idea of what even accidental geoengineering can do from their words.
And clearly California is having its weather manipulated.
This is what the age of weather weapons is all about.
We're gonna delve deeply into it straight ahead.
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Even from the outside, it's clear.
The hundred showing up beat to a different drum.
But stepping inside this packed Reading Auditorium is like walking into another world.
Here outlandish ideas like weather warfare and climate engineering, in other words, weather control, are accepted as basic fact.
Climate engineering is the greatest single assault on the environment ever launched by humanity, without question.
Dane Wiginton, lead researcher for Geoengineering Watch, is sounding the alarm.
It's a responsibility.
It's not an option.
It's an obligation.
Look in the center, between the wing plumes.
His group claims this grainy, shaky video is part of a mountain of evidence they've uncovered.
We have a secondary disbursement.
Showing shadowy government forces are using planes to secretly spray fine particles of heavy metals, like aluminum, into the sky.
The tankers fight lower altitudes because they carry a larger payload.
The purpose, they believe,
...is to block some of the sun's direct rays from reaching the Earth.
A desperate attempt to slow global warming.
The list of corroborating material we have is immense, including lab tests that prove the same elements used, named in geoengineering patents.
Aluminum, barium.
And other heavy metals are raining down on us in absolutely massive quantities.
If you're skeptical, this won't help.
Dane claims the spraying he says is happening off the coast of California comes with an incredibly severe side effect.
The heavy metal particles, he says, are blocking rainfall, effectively steering our rain somewhere else, leading to their shocking truth.
Climate engineering, they say, is to blame for the harshest recorded drought in California history.
That's CBS 13 that we're analyzing there.
Dave Whittington joins us right now.
His background is solar energy.
I've been involved in documentary films that he's been in.
He was formerly employed by Bechtel Power Corps.
Bechtel's been involved in weather engineering.
He worked for one of the first commercial solar electric facilities in the U.S.
He's an off-the-grid resident located on a 1,600-acre wildlife preserve in northern California wilderness.
One of the founding members of geoengineeringwatch.org and the staff writer for articles there, geoengineeringwatch.org.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up, but the reason I wanted to get him on is CBS News Sacramento and others have been picking it up, going to city council members, going to town halls with 200, 300, 400 people
You know, inside, wearing suits and ties, scientists talking about this.
So they show some college kids in a drum circle outside and go, oh look, they're kooks.
And they selectively don't show the fact that we have the patents, we have the admissions, we have Secretary of Defense Cohen in Army Times 97 admitting it.
We have Bill Gates running a secret program for the government, $4 billion, $5 billion a year.
We have the father of weather weapons admitting they were doing it back in the 70s.
We have the London Guardian.
Earth is 20% darker.
NASA says 2003.
2014, that's now 30% darker.
You can simply type in to a search engine, satellite photos of jet trails over North America and it shows the whole continent covered.
We know there's ice crystals.
We know those are natural.
But they persist now.
We have the patents where it's added to the jet fuel and dispersed, and there's other special aircraft.
And clearly, we've had weather folks on, we've had meteorologists on, who've looked at the water, the storms coming in, that would normally dump water in California, Oregon, and Seattle, up in Washington, and it's being killed before it gets there.
It's being dumped into the ocean.
You put the
You put the salts in, you put the ionizers in, you put the nuclei in, and it makes it come down early.
It's 101.
So tell us what's coming up in the next 35 minutes or so, sir.
Good job getting more and more attention.
They're really upset that they can't spin this, Dane.
Thank you for giving your voice to this issue so often, Alex, and all you've done for the greater good.
And on this particular issue, this is a noose around our neck.
And this is what so many people need to realize, that whatever other challenges we face, if we don't face this challenge, nothing else will matter soon.
And in regard to the California drought, that is a 1 plus 1 equals 2 equation.
When we know they're aerosolizing off the U.S.
West Coast, too many condensation nuclei, as you stated, and they can not only
Reduce the rain before it arrives.
They can also migrate the rain directly over the top of us by introducing too many condensation nuclei, Alex.
And they're doing that in conjunction with the ridiculously resilient ridge.
This is a new meteorological term that refers to the high pressure that blocks all the rain completely.
That's the result of the ionosphere heater.
So they have several means of blocking the rain from the west, but they're wreaking havoc all over the globe, Alex.
And as you know, we're going to come back.
Dubai is in the BBC with these microwaves, making it rain.
They can also stop it from raining.
So this is old technology.
We know they've got that going on as well.
We know they're shutting down our power plants, doing everything they can to shut America down.
If they kill the California breadbasket, America's done.
And it looks like they've been successful.
We're going to come back, give you the floor, to walk through all these exhibits.
If you're not a TV viewer, you should be, because you're going to see a lot of evidence.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
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We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kay Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Did you know that Pope Francis has strong ties to communism?
Francis is a member of the Jesuits who developed the so-called Liberation Theology, which many have labeled Christianized Marxism.
They're the reason why communism and socialism has persevered for so long in Latin America.
And it's not a coincidence that Cuba's current leader, Raul Castro, praised Pope Francis for his anti-capitalist stance.
Castro, like Francis, was also brought up by the Jesuits.
Starting to make sense now why Francis is constantly calling for carbon taxes and more government?
And also, did you know the recent reconciliation between the U.S.
and Cuba was spearheaded by Pope Francis to the benefit of Castro?
Vatican researcher Leo Zagami wrote an excellent article on InfoWars.com entitled, Vatican Flag to Fly Over the New World Order, which breaks it all down.
Zagami wrote, Rock Obama and Raul Castro's mandalist leftist agenda is guided and supervised by the first Jesuit Pope in history to help the Cubans embrace the new world order with enthusiasm.
Keep checking InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Here's the simple synopsis.
Anyone with a search engine can find Library of Congress, United Nations treaties, the patents, the films that have been made.
So many documentaries, though, act like it's a mystery that they're going to solve.
It's like, a mystery.
Does the Washington, D.C.
Capitol exist?
Let's find out.
And two hours later, you find out, yes, it exists.
There's no having to go prove the Pacific Ocean exists.
We know it's been discovered.
We've seen it.
It's been documented for thousands of years.
Or the Atlantic.
Or the Indian Ocean.
But the establishment treats us like pygmies who've been around the middle of Africa or something and have never seen civilization
And they go, there's no chemtrailing, there's no weather modification going on.
When it was declassified a decade ago, I had Ben Levinson, the father of weapons on, weather weapons on.
They could take a clear sky in Vietnam and rain ten feet of water anytime they wanted on the Ho Chi Minh Trail with less than seven aircraft.
And that was with primitive technology.
They could create hurricanes.
They could kill hurricanes.
They could strengthen them.
They could weaken them.
They could steer them.
They could control them.
He came on my show, on radio and TV, and then got a visit by Homeland Security who never talked to me again.
Because he got declassified, I got his name, I got him on.
Fox News picked it up after I had him on.
I mean, they got upset.
Stanford Research Institute, 1967.
Certified with the Naval Weapons Laboratory that they could create and control hurricanes with just aerosol spray, but with giant
Solar panel arrays and magnetic arrays and microwave arrays, they can completely control it.
Project to turn the desert green trials in Qatar.
And again, they're using microwave systems to do that as well.
But then when we talk about, hey, there's a giant Department of Energy program and all the admissions under scientific terms.
It's never called Chemtrail.
You never find a FEMA camp saying, where's the FEMA camp document?
It's not called a FEMA camp.
It's called an Emergency Center under the Establishment Act.
It's called a Civilian Inmate Labor Camp.
It's called a Resettlement Program Army War College.
Then you can read all about it.
Now they're going to break up families, put us in different FEMA camps.
It's at army.mil.
All the time folks call in or try to show up at the office or send me letters going, I didn't believe it!
I looked it up!
They're building the camps!
I can't believe it!
I can't believe it!
But see, it's called another name, not a FEMA camp.
So, Dave Whittington, who heads up geoengineeringwatch.org, again, has really been getting folks for years concerned about this.
Now that the drought is driving people out, the question is, what is geoengineering for folks that don't know?
What is the evidence?
We should walk through it.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see as we go along here, just what we threw together today.
for this interview that walks through exactly what's happening and the history of this situation.
We have the Weather and Climate Modification Manual that shows the aircraft nozzles, satellite images, and how to control the weather.
We have the tree die-off from the aluminum dioxide.
We have the NASA satellite photos making the Earth darker
We have the geoengineering patents.
We have it all.
That's what's crazy is that it's so admitted.
So sir, you've got the floor.
Break it down for us exactly what we're facing and why would they want to kill the breadbasket of America?
Everything you stated, Alex, is spot on.
In regard to climate engineering, which is weather warfare, there's no delineation between the two.
Weather warfare amounts to biological warfare because all of us on the ground have to breathe, inhale, and absorb what's being sprayed above us.
So, in regards to the California drought, again, the equation is simple.
When you aerosolize on this scale, you radically disrupt the hydrological cycle.
And I would challenge any of your listeners or encourage your listeners to look at disseminations I did two years ago, for example, Engineered Drought Catastrophe Target California.
And ask yourself if that data from two years ago wasn't exactly on target.
Now, the reason it's on target is because as they continue these programs, it couldn't not happen.
That same data was presented to Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom, Lieutenant Governor of California, at the State Capitol by myself.
Nearly two years ago, there's no question they know what's going on.
There's no question the Lieutenant Governor knows.
People in the EPA know.
I've had high-level EPA meetings.
I've been in Barbara Boxer's office, spoken in front of the California Energy Commission, who knows they're losing 20 percent of the state's rain, 20 to 40 percent from, quote, particulates of unknown origin.
This is the biggest elephant in the room, Alex, by far.
And the planetary disruption it's causing is far beyond what most people imagine to be possible.
But as you correctly outlined,
This weather warfare, and that's exactly what it is.
It's not for the common good.
There is no benevolence in the climate engineering programs.
It's weather warfare, which amounts to biological warfare, again, because of the contamination.
And I would encourage people to simply look at the amount of data we have.
The photographs of the nozzles, as you just showed.
When people argue, is this or isn't it going on, we have the historical records, as you correctly outlaid.
We have photographs of the
Retrofit nozzles mounted even on commercial planes.
We have photographs of these tankers spraying, shutting on and off at altitude, military tankers, KC-10s, KC-135s, C-17s.
There's no argument that this is going on, Alex.
There certainly isn't, and Dane Wigington is our guest today at geoengineeringwatch.org.
Please continue laying out from your deep research
What the endgame of this is because they admit the geoengineering is going on, it's going on a planetary scale.
They can even do lethal testing under US Code Title 50 Chapter 32 if it's quote for research.
That's why they never say it's now an operational phase.
It's always in research phase.
But it's so huge.
I remember they did
Naval testing 18 years ago in South Texas and they had 30 foot floods in in creeks and things.
It killed hundreds of people and there was a footnote in the Associated Press that the Navy was doing geoengineering testing in that area but they weren't involved in the floods.
So we just see these little type of things pop up.
The cataclysms they have already caused, the human health impact already caused, could never be calculated.
Ultimately what these programs are about is power and control, even if we trace them back to their inception, their first major deployments in the late 40s.
That we see in government documents, in fact one of which I found in the NASA archives, 80 pages long from 1966.
This is on geoengineeringwatch.org.
Presidential document outlining the scope and scale of these programs even as of that time.
10 major universities involved, 12 federal agencies involved and yet we have CBS News.
It was banned by a UN treaty that we signed in 1978.
After Project Popeye was so successful in Vietnam over the Ho Chi Minh Trail.
But yet there were loopholes in that banning that did not prohibit countries from experimenting over their own populations.
Nobody's paying attention to the UN mandates anyway.
So the bottom line right now... And notice folks, we're finishing each other's sentences.
And if you're a radio listener, we're putting documents on screen.
We'll go to the second group.
We're not making this up.
This is in public view.
How frustrating is it for you, Dane?
To spend your life fighting this, to see your beautiful retreat dying, to see the trees dying all over California, to see the animals dying, to have the soil test with the aluminum dioxide off the chart, the Forestry Service I know has talked to you and others admits, yeah, something's happening.
I mean, this is crazy!
And then they just sit there and make fun of it.
It's like living in, again, Groundhog Day, where you wake up every day hoping there's some sort of a consciousness around you that starts to stir, and yet, until now, we have the entire science community, governmental agencies, all towing the line for the power structure, all doubling down on the lie, because they're so committed to the lie that this isn't going on.
They're so committed to the lie that these are, quote,
Condensation trails when I think you showed on the screen earlier the high bypass turbofan jet engine Encourage people to look at the tutorial on that we have at the home page of geoengineering watch This engine is mounted on all commercial aircraft all military tankers.
It's a jet-powered fan by design
It is nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under the most extreme circumstances because 85% of the air that passes through that engine is non-combusted.
The contrail lies is the greatest lie ever perpetrated on the American population.
They've been planning for these programs to continue for a very long time, Alex, but the cataclysms they're causing around the globe now can't be hidden much longer.
But then, in children's textbooks, I showed one a few years ago that's used nationwide, it said, when you see those trails, that's the planes putting out a sunscreen to save us from global warming, and to fix the ozone layer.
So, and in kids' cartoons, they admit it!
So, so the young ones will accept it, and they tell us nothing's happening.
It's just crazy.
The lie is beginning to break down, though, in regard to the ozone layer, and that's an important point you brought up.
The paradox here is that by putting particulates in the atmosphere, that actually destroys the ozone layer.
It doesn't matter whether those particulates are from a volcano or from the back of a jet aircraft.
And we're talking about the quantities we're speaking about here, and stated by internationally recognized geoengineer David Keith, the goal is to put 20 million tons of aluminum nanoparticulates into the atmosphere annually.
And we have massive red flags, Alex, going up, proving the contamination we have said was there for
A decade now, proving with our lab tests, now we have peer-reviewed studies, for example, in regard to the bee collapse, colony collapse disorder, that we have stated again and again was not just the farm chemicals, there's a heavy metal contamination, now we have peer-reviewed study proving that bees are dying from symptoms that resemble dementia and Alzheimer's, the level of aluminum in the bees.
And we have Reuters saying that, you and others said that first, and just to interrupt and interject that you're so right here.
I saw another big study just a few years ago that lung cancer in women, even though smoking is way down, is up seven-fold.
I personally am beyond scared now.
I know
Six different young women below the ages of 40 that never smoked, who are all dying of lung cancer right now.
So whatever they're spraying is hitting women even more.
And you see the neurological disorders are off the charts.
The animals are dying.
The trees are dying.
I mean, this is madness.
This is just like they put fluoride in the water, which they now basically admit was a neurotoxin.
And scientists say take it out.
Harvard says take it out.
They've quadrupled down with something even bigger now.
Let's look at, in a very brief summary, the negative effects of climate engineering.
Total disruption of the global hydrological cycle, the rain cycle.
Total shredding of the ozone layer.
Total contamination of the entire surface of the planet.
Every breath we take is laden with these materials.
And in regard to, for example, let's take the forest fires that are happening in California now.
What direct impacts do we know climate engineering is having on those fires?
They're blanket spraying off the U.S.
West Coast.
As you correctly said in the beginning of the show,
That disrupts, breaks up the storm track.
Whatever moisture does come across the state, they aerosolize it, migrate it over the top.
So, climate engineering, again, has cut the rain cycle off, which is droughting out those trees.
It's bioavailable heavy metals.
We know the effect of those metals on the root systems.
We have peer-reviewed study to prove that.
It causes the trees to stop nutrient uptake.
We have a massively intense UV.
We're getting UVB readings with our own meters measured at about a thousand percent higher than we're being told.
So we have foliage scorching, we have the trees dying from the top down, and, importantly, these metals are incendiary dust.
They coat the forest foliage with an incendiary dust, so you have all the ingredients necessary, including more lightning, by the way, because we have a more conductive atmosphere, so we have more lightning, less rain, incendiary dust on the trees, forests that are dying, all the ingredients necessary for this type of fire category.
And then we have all the patents going back in the 70s, 80s, and 90s about adding these very chemicals to jet fuel to be aerosolized by the jet engines and delivered.
Then we have separate spray planes that have been photographed.
Then we have all these... and the guy...
I've got him here in the stack.
Back in 92 wins a Nobel Prize for a plan to geoengineer exactly like this and then suddenly the program launches two years later all over the world.
I mean it's just it's just all hiding in plain view.
It couldn't be any more obvious for anyone that's willing to wipe their perceptions clean and look with a clear lens.
I mean, what we have in the sky, as you again correctly cited, global dimming.
That's a term people should look up and understand.
And that is the express goal of solar radiation management.
That's a science term for what's happening above our skies.
The express goal is to block the sun.
And we have exactly that happening, proven with peer-reviewed science data.
All the materials used in the patents are showing up on the ground in lethal quantities.
I don't know.
I'll hear on radio, TV, or print, scientists won a global dim by spraying particulate into the air released by airplanes.
So they're just getting you ready, like, scientists might want a world government someday when they're already setting it up.
They're just purely conditioning us, I guess, to go public and say, yeah, we spray aluminum dioxide, barium salts, and radioactive isotopes on you and your family.
This is insane asylum level.
And then we were just showing London Guardian articles admitting geoengineering dimming programs
Already going on.
That's what's crazy.
They admit they're doing it with one hand, but deny they are with the other.
People are waking up quickly, though, in their attempt to sell this to the public as a quote-unquote climate change mitigation, which we have more than enough data to know now conclusively that climate engineering is fueling an already bad climate situation.
You obviously trap more heat than you deflect with the particulates.
We have NASA confirming that for us, so this can't be sold as a climate mitigation in any sense.
That's right!
They claim they're stopping global warming, but then it makes us hotter!
Listen, so much of it's classified.
The programs, as you said, are admitted, but the details are classified.
From your deep research and talking to top scientists, what do you think they're really trying to do?
Is it a plan to come out with GMO seeds that only grow, you know, that Monsanto has that can grow in aluminum?
We know they have a whole line of those.
Or is it population reduction?
Is it geoengineering to wreck the climate?
Did they blow holes in the atmosphere and do something we didn't know about with the nukes?
I mean, what is it?
Playing God?
Is it just about controlling the weather?
You've just given a very accurate summary if we answer your question with all the above.
Absolutely all the above.
In a comparison that matches very closely with the mentality behind climate engineering, Alex, you know what Corexit was in the Gulf of Mexico, the chemical.
So if we use that as an example, did Corexit correct anything?
A chemical ban throughout the globe, according to our environmental impact reports, it made the situation 52 times more toxic, but they used it anyway.
To hide the damage already done.
And some of the same mentality applies with climate engineering.
In the course of their exercising this weather warfare, which is all it amounts to, you can't call it anything else,
They continue doubling down on these programs in an attempt to try to, in some ways, hide, like Corexit, the damage already done by doing even more damage.
And this is the mentality we have.
They're too invested in this to turn back, Alex.
Well, we've got to have you up more often.
We're going to break and come back in the next two segments and have you cover all the different angles you need to get to.
But we're going to go over some of the geoengineering patents, geoengineering reports.
We've been showing TV viewers this.
Radio listeners can go to InfoWars.com forward slash show.
And find the free feed.
And by tomorrow, we'll have this posted on YouTube.
People need to make this go viral.
We'll also post it to Facebook.
I mean, I've got children.
And what scares me is, you know, they're doing this now worldwide.
Just a decade ago, my wife and I, at the time, privately talked about moving to the Southern Hemisphere to get away from increased radiation levels and the geoengineering.
But according to my research, you correct me if I'm wrong, they're now firing it up in the Southern Hemisphere as well.
Is that correct?
You are exactly correct.
So, I mean, I'm going to get mad when my kids are 20 if they get lung cancer.
I mean, I'm really getting pissed at these politicians, man.
I mean, they need to know that we're here to make sure they understand that we're going to, you know, they're going to pay for what they've done.
I mean, I'm getting tired of being assaulted every day by this stuff.
And I just, it seems like everybody I know has got a girlfriend or a wife dying of lung cancer.
I mean, you know, I don't mean to be ranting.
I'm just getting tired of it, man.
I am getting tired of it.
And the baby parts getting sold?
I mean, we're run by demons.
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I'm going to do five minutes of overdrive with our guests, but then the whole fourth hour is going to be live with Anthony Gucciardi hosting today.
He's got a lot of key stuff he's going to be covering.
Anthony will get into the breakdown of the decline of America and what experts see coming down the pipeline for most Americans, with Caterpillar contracting and other stock issues.
He's also going to talk to you, taking your calls and cover the latest health news that wasn't able to get to today, including
A new type of disease outbreak that could affect millions.
That is coming up in the fourth hour with Anthony Gucciardi.
I've got the crew in there just googling geoengineering at colleges, and they've got one here talking about geoengineer to stop CO2, spray particulate into the atmosphere.
And so that's how they're getting them all ready to accept it, that you're the saviors of the earth by doing this, and it's total, complete madness.
That's part of a larger program.
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Well, our guest, again, has been going to the State House, the Energy Commissions.
He really is a great leader, just with his straight, deadpan layout of the info with scientists and others.
There are a lot of scientists and meteorologists joining the ranks, exposing geoengineering
As the system tries to go public with it out of one side of its mouth, but denies it out of the other.
Dane Wigington, please continue to break down exactly what we're facing and how we reverse it.
You say people are really starting to wake up.
They are.
Again, the statement you just made, trying to abdicate out of one side and denying out of the other, that's exactly what we have happening.
People ask me why this issue, why I'm focused so completely on this issue.
As you alluded to before the break as well, Alex, if we can't think clearly, we are all absorbing these particulates, the neurological effect to the human brain is well documented.
If we can't think clearly, what other challenges will we face?
We have statistics from MIT, for example, recent statistics that state MIT is a major research center in the globe.
That within ten years, one out of two children will have autism.
One out of two.
We have Alzheimer's dementia now.
One in three seniors in the U.S.
The IQ is dropping ten points every ten years.
I mean, that's not education.
We're getting dumb.
We're getting hit.
You're exactly right.
So again, whether we're talking about Fukushima, which is a huge global threat, or a long list of other threats we face, if we can't think clearly what threats can we possibly face, short of nuclear cataclysm, the greatest and most immediate threat we face that's right here, right now, is global climate engineering.
It's contaminating every breath we take.
What other larger priority could we possibly have than that?
We're going to go to break and I'm going to give you the full five minutes on the side to talk about solutions, what we can do, how we can get involved, what you think the most, well, briefly, the minute we have, what are the most hard-hit areas of the world from your research?
Well, as you correctly stated, the Southern Hemisphere has been hitting now also, but when we look at neurological disorder escalation,
The greatest escalation on the planet is the United States of America.
Statistical fact from recent study.
So we are being hit harder than anywhere else on the planet overall.
Yeah, the globalists couldn't deal with American spirit and their world government, so we're being bug poisoned.
And I hope all the trendies and the bureaucrats and the geoengineers think it's funny, because it's going to be you, your wife, your kids, you know, that are going to be dying.
It's eugenics!
It's eugenics!
We'll be back, fourth hour, InfoWars.com board slash show.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, this is the final segment.
I'm honchoing, quarterbacking, and Anthony Ucciardi comes in, Leanne McAdoo will pop in, as well as Jeremy McBreen.
It's going to be a jam-packed fourth hour.
We're joined right now by geoengineeringwatch.org coordinator and one of the founders, Dave Wigington.
And in closing, sir, you've got the floor to transmit more information to the people about one of the most important issues in the world, another super-secret Manhattan-type project, now so advanced it's hiding in plain view and beginning to come out of the closet.
Alex, people ask, of course, the obvious question is, how do we stop this?
We stop this by reaching critical massive awareness, which your voice in this helps immensely.
And as we do that, we start to make contacts that we didn't have before.
We now have an attorney's team, five U.S.
attorneys, two Canadian, that are working on this issue.
I coordinate directly with them.
We have now nine, about nine, ten weeks ago, I had an Air Force, retired Air Force general call me out of the blue.
I communicate with him now regularly.
He is working within his ranks.
He's working within people at DC who did not know this was going on, as he did not know because it's completely compartmentalized.
But as we start these spot fires of awareness all over, in every arena, and we reach critical mass, there'll be a shockwave around the globe.
And our site, I hope, is a resource for that.
We have a YouTube channel.
We have a free app.
There's no other contamination on our site as far as politics or anything else.
We're simply focused on this particular issue.
But if people can use that for a resource, introduce credible data to others, instead of just pointing at the sky and ranting, that's a much larger help.
And Alex, we like to, when people appeal to elected officials, agency officials, those that are helping to toe this lie, helping to hide it, if you will, in plain sight, as you stated, because they're trying to protect their paychecks and pension, appeal to these people, appeal to their
Their sense of responsibility to their own children to come out of the shadows and start telling the truth.
Yeah, because no amount of money is worth having a brain damaged son or daughter.
No, no, exactly right.
And what's important for people to understand is the contamination that we face and the damage done by climate engineering is extremely non-linear.
It escalates rapidly as you reach the end of the contamination cycle, if you will.
So a breakdown with planetary systems, life support systems, and our own health
It starts to ensue very rapidly as these saturations build up.
I was about to say, I've looked at the saturations in the soil.
It's on record.
Even mainline scientists say they don't know why it's going up.
It could kill the planet.
It's like the people running things are evil aliens that want to kill the planet.
I'm not saying that's what they are, but imagine when this all finally comes out, if we're successful, and I believe we will be, it's going to be a hundred times bigger than Nuremberg.
There was a giant scientific eugenics conspiracy playing God doing all this.
You're exactly right, and I know a lot of these academicians, USDA scientists that are still in the field, still employed by the government, and their unfortunate attitude is that they're trying to protect their paychecks and pensions, none of which will matter very, very soon.
We need to reach out to these people, we need to reach out to our military brothers and sisters so that they know exactly what they're participating in.
If they don't participate, these programs can't happen.
In regard to how much metal has fallen on us, to put this in perspective, Alex,
Soil pH changes in Northern California.
We've seen a change of 10 to 12 times toward alkaline in the last decade.
That takes a mountain of metal to make that kind of change.
We've also, during the same period, seen a 90% decline.
90% in aquatic and terrestrial insects from the explosion to this metal, the intense UV.
It's a virtual crash.
If the bugs go, we go.
And that's how dire our situation is right here, right now.
Good God, it's total collapse of the ecosystem.
They're going to use that to bring in a world government and eco-tyranny to fix the planet while they're the ones wrecking it.
And I guess they probably got what they believe are reversal systems once they've gotten rid of us, but this is just insane.
It is insane, but we encourage again, we need everybody to help us to sound the alarm.
And if we could simply reach critical mass where the population around the globe or military personnel understand what they're participating in, that's our best bet for bringing these programs to a halt.
And time is not on our side.
We're losing two to three hundred species of plant and animal and insect a day right now.
Two hundred a day.
That's fifteen thousand times the background extinction rate.
So the bottom line is, again, every day matters in this battle.
It does.
I want to get you back up in the very near future to really lay out even more of your amazing evidence.
Dave Wigington, thank you so much.
We salute you, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
Anthony Gucciardi is coming up with a roaring full fourth hour.
You do not want to miss this information.
Stay with us.
A new global news fact-checking project was announced yesterday and it will be funded by two organizations with close ties to the Obama White House.
The project, which says it will be focused on holding public officials accountable, is funded by grants from the Omidyar Network and the National Endowment for Democracy.
The Omidyar Network is headed up by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.
Visitor logs reveal that Omidyar has visited the White House a half a dozen times since 2009.
The National Endowment for Democracy, NED, is infamously known for their role in uprisings, attempted coups, and acts of regime change.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the fourth overdrive hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Anthony Gucciardi.
Alex Jones just left us with a lot of news left to cover.
We're going to talk about the study that you've heard about probably at this point.
72% of Americans agree with Trump in saying that America has lost its greatness.
That we are not as great as we once were.
I think that's an obvious fact, but we're going to break that down and we're going to open the phone lines for your take on how America has gone down the tubes, if you think it's gone down the tubes, and what you see in the front lines of what's about to come.
And, you know, I want to break that down too.
Because at the same time that people are saying America has lost its greatness, there's a big part of us, and I've seen it, right?
I mean, with the theories of September collapses and everything like that, that really wants it all to finally happen.
Because at a subconscious level, we're so sick and tired of all of it that we just wish it would come to a head.
And I've got some stories that we're going to cover throughout this next hour, including some interesting ones like this one.
Silent Killer Germany showcases four-barrel laser Gatling gun.
During this week's Defense and Security Expo in London, German defense contractor unveiled a new sea-based anti-drone laser system.
We've got some other stories too.
We've got about this CEO that raised the price of an anti-parasitic drug that was used for HIV patients to prevent infection from $13.50 to $750 per tablet.
And with all of this madness going on, it really makes us think, gee, I wish it would all come to a head.
America has lost it.
We've lost our minds.
We've gone completely insane.
And as a last bastion of hope, the listeners of this program, you know, we sit here and we think, wow, this is truly insane.
We love humanity.
We love the goodness in life.
We love nature and going out in the woods and just seeing the beauty and animals and everything like that.
But we hate the evil, the evil that is encompassing this country and sucking it up like a giant octopus.
And that, I believe, is why so many Americans are fed up and just wish something would happen at this point.
They wish anything would come to a head.
And I believe that that is what Trump is so successful in doing.
He knows that spirit is rising up and that is how he is gaining such momentum.
But to delve deeper into some of these stories, we actually have to think, we're going to talk about this further throughout the hour, how we've come to this point
And change the price to $750 a tablet, which, with insurance, the HIV patients or other patients that are taking this drug would have to pay at least about $150 out of pocket per tablet.
And if you put that into perspective for a poverty-stricken family, that's a lot of money, and they're not going to have access to those drugs, theoretically, right?
So, we think about that, and we think about those kind of people.
And here he is, actually a CEO of different companies, and Forbes recently sat down with this guy.
In this article that I just read before I came on air and wanted to cover...
My lunch with, I guess you say his name's Shkreli, what we should learn from Pharma's latest monster.
Latest monster, key terms there too, because you think about Paxil already found that the metadata that made Paxil safe and approved by the FDA actually led to suicides in teenagers.
Just like Pfizer and Eli Lilly's Prozac they found in the 1980s pretty much did the same thing, but of course they're not allowed to tell you about that.
Let's talk about this guy.
So here's the Forbes article.
You already hate Martin Shkreli, the bratty former hedge fund manager who raised the price on a drug to treat infections in AIDS patients by 5,000%.
Now it's time to get to know him.
I'm not saying you should get to know Shkreli because you'll like him in the end.
You might hate him more.
He is very smart, but callow and possibly sociopathic.
Yet much of what he has been written about in the past week is unrecognizable.
He's not a bro or a big-time executive, but a small player with tons of bluster who took Wall Street's ideas about drug pricing to their frightening extreme.
The reason I highlight that specifically...
Is because it's the perfect profile of somebody that tends to rise up in a big corporate conglomerate, specifically Big Pharma, and tends to dominate because they're willing to do things that others won't.
Truly sociopathic people, and I'm not talking about callous people, we're all callous at different points in our lives and we all say mean things that we don't really mean or we let our anger get the best of us, but I mean truly sociopathic people that don't care
If others die because of their actions, or actually revel in it, if it causes profit, in general, truly sociopathic people tend to climb the ranks.
And their biggest weapon, just like they say the devil's greatest weapon is the thought that he doesn't exist, right?
Well, the real greatest weapon of people like this, truly evil people, is their greatest weapon is that the average person cannot possibly imagine what a sociopathic or a truly evil person will do.
Including things like harming others in a serious damaging way and killing people for profit.
So time and time again, when we try to, you know, so-called wake people up, they say, well, that's impossible.
There's no way that these corporations would do these things.
There's no way that these globalists would do these things.
There's no way that the Pope could be saying these evil things.
There's no possible way.
They forget the element that they don't understand, which is actually willing to do harm for profit and willing to kill people in a measurement of gaining something.
So I wanted to highlight that, and I think it tells us just a little snippet inside of it into the greater picture.
And this is just a small-scale example, but it's a greater understanding of how some of these things are happening on a major basis, like how they can really sleep at night.
And you know, it's funny actually, this Shkreli guy was asked by a reporter how he slept at night after raising the price of these pills from $13 to $750.
And he said, I take an Ambien.
So that's how he sleeps at night.
He takes an Ambien and goes to sleep thinking about the possibility of people dying.
The original article on that...
From NBC News is drug that fights complications of AIDS and cancer goes from $1,350 to $750.
You know the reason I bring this up, the reason I bring up the four barrel laser Gatling gun, outside of it just being really, you know, pretty interesting, is it seems like everything is getting wilder by the day.
It seems like the so-called time spiral, which is the theory that in the beginning of time, time moves slow.
But as history progresses, the time spiral speedens up, and everything seems to be a bit hastier, a bit swifter, a bit crazier, a bit more wild every single day.
It seems like the so-called time spiral is in full effect these days, with laser technology, different scalar weapons, all this crazy stuff that you hear about every single day.
You think, when is it going to finally, you know, when's it gonna burst?
And that's that tension we all feel, that background stress, as I call it.
Because you could be sitting there,
You always feel that background stress because there's so much tension right now in the world.
And it brings me back to this poll.
72% of Americans saying that America is not great anymore.
We've lost our power.
We've lost our greatness.
We've lost our ability to be the best, which I agree with.
It also reminds me though of this article that came out today from Science Now.
Oldest decapitated skull in South America had ritual significance.
This is an international team of scientists say they've discovered the oldest known beheaded skull in America's arranged in strange possibly symbolic pose.
And the reason I bring this strange story up is here we have this decapitated head with it was it was done apparently in a ritualistic style with hands on top of the skull.
And the way they describe it in the Science Now article that it was a very bloody horrible disgusting beheading that was potentially common at the time.
And I bring that up to parallel today and historical past.
Because as all the craziness continues with laser weapons and nuclear weapons and all these other things, and we say to ourselves, man, this is all coming to a head, what's the difference between now and thousands of years ago or hundreds of years ago when they were doing ritualistic beheadings and killing people because they thought they were witches?
The difference is technology.
They didn't have nuclear weapons thousands of years ago.
They didn't have nuclear weapons hundreds of years ago.
When they were disemboweling and murdering, or Genghis Khan running around killing millions of people, they didn't have the technology.
So that is the difference.
I believe that humanity has always had this
element of pure evil throughout it.
Kind of like a spiderweb in the history books, right?
It's just always there.
It's always amassing itself.
But the difference now and why things are so tense and so absurd is technology.
That is the only difference between hundreds of years ago, thousands of years ago.
Now things have gotten to the point, though, that instead of, wow, you have a tribe that comes in and beheads others or kills, you know, their elders or whatever,
We have a country that can use nuclear weapon systems and absolutely abolish and destroy the other.
That's some of the stuff we're going to get into today.
We're also going to talk about the future and 43,381 viruses that have been found in the sewage systems, many of which are unknown to scientists.
Some samples found in Pittsburgh, Barcelona, and throughout the world.
They had 43,000 viruses that we don't even know about that could potentially lead to
Resistant bacteria, resistant viruses.
The US is finally taking action on antibiotic resistance.
Alex has been telling you about that for years.
I've been saying that as well.
Antibiotic resistant bacteria is probably going to kill millions of people in the near future if we don't do something about it.
Advisory Council established on antibiotic resistant bacteria from feedstuffs.
And then we're also going to get into some more wild news such as why you should always trust your gut.
New science points to why you should trust your gut and some old science as well.
There's a second brain in your stomach.
It influences your mood, what you eat, and kinds of diseases you get.
Think twice how the gut's second brain influences mood and well-being.
We're also going to take your calls on all of these subjects, the decline of America.
The number to call in is 1-800-259-9231.
Call in quick because the call board looks like it's already filling up.
So we're going to talk about the decline of America.
We're also going to talk to Leanne McAdoo.
She's going to come in with news in the next segment.
And then Darren McBreen at the last segment.
So we'll be back on the Alex Jones Show.
Again, this is the fourth Overdrive Hour.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi sitting in for Alex Jones.
Stay tuned.
We've got a lot more to break down, including news that Alex did not even get to.
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Welcome back to the fourth overdrive hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi hosting for this hour and I'm joined also by Leanne McAdoo and she's got some news.
We were talking in the last segment and the next segment we're gonna take your calls and Kit Daniels is gonna come in and talk about some new censorship that he just uncovered.
It's actually pretty ridiculous.
You're gonna see that, want to see that in the next segment.
We were talking about a poll
And we're taking your calls next step in on this issue, that 72% of Americans agree America has lost its greatness.
We've gone down the tubes.
We've lost what was once the American spirit, the American dream, you name it, we have lost it.
And Leanne has just brought in some news, too, that is in that same vein, and we're going to break that down.
And it goes also with this idea, and Leanne, I want you to comment on this, that we're to blame for it all.
We're told that it's our fault.
It's not the corporations that pay 0% tax.
It's the middle class Americans that need to pay 50% tax.
It's the middle class Americans that destroyed the economy in 2008 by buying homes, when it was really the banks making tons and tons of cash on phony loans that they knew were totally garbage.
And it also goes hand in hand with, oh,
You know Target, remember when Target was so PC and they refused to label gender-specific items and all that kind of stuff and, you know, it's the middle-class Americans that are the jerks and corporations are our friends?
Well, listen to this story.
Day after employees vote to unionize in Target's, Target announces fleet of robot workers.
Just a day after pharmacy workers from a Brooklyn Target store formed a union, the company announced plans to replace employees with robot workers in the near future.
They said that was just a micro-union they passed, and now they're going to release a fleet of robots.
It's the corporations screwing us.
And I'm not even anti-money or anti-capitalism or anti-corporation, but at the end of the day, we are just being blamed for everything.
The government is holding hands with the megacorps.
They're making billions of dollars, consuming us, the consumers, and then we're being blamed for all the economic woes.
Everything that's wrong with us, everything that's wrong with the country, we're being blamed for.
And that's why 72% of Americans are upset, and also upset because they're blamed for it.
Well, one of the big issues with that is a lot of people have grown into this complacency.
We are distracted on a daily basis.
People think it's so important and so valuable to post their next selfie of, you know, flexing at the gym or whatever.
That's what America is sort of surrounding itself with presently.
And that's all by design, of course.
So we're not actually paying any attention to what's going on out there in the world.
And I would say
That is the only thing that we are at fault.
It's just allowing ourselves to become distracted, to become programmed, to become complacent.
But, you know, obviously a lot of people listening right now are doing what it takes to, you know, fight back against this, to wake up against.
And, you know, like you were saying in the earlier segment, it's always been bad.
There's always been evil.
The difference is technology.
And we're allowing this technology to distract us and to program us rather than
We're good.
So we are more robotic.
To destroy the individual, to destroy what is that American entrepreneurial spirit, what makes this country great, is the individual.
That's true, they've hijacked the entrepreneurial spirit.
These megacorporations aren't out there doing good, helping people, helping rise humanity up, making money, which is great.
No, making money can be a good thing.
They're actually taking it and just ruining the economy and then laughing about it.
And you know what else is interesting?
You mentioned consumption.
I think that is the biggest thing.
There's three ways that all of us conform to what our reality is and conform to what our individualism is.
And the number one thing is the consumption of media.
So let's say you log online, you're on Facebook, you're on Twitter, you're on YouTube, whatever it is.
You're choosing which media to consume.
And it's going to affect you one way or another.
You're going to watch shows like this, you're going to get informed, and you're actually going to awaken your higher consciousness, whatever you want to call it.
You're going to actually figure things out, you know, make your brain work.
But if you're going to choose to watch CNN or some bogus mainstream media, all you're doing is fueling your subconscious and your ocular system in a different way that's all a bunch of garbage, and then you wonder why you're dumbed down and why you don't have the information.
You're choosing that consumption level.
So just like you choose what you eat,
And you could be nutrient deficient if you go to the grocery store and you only buy processed foods.
You can be deficient in your head, mentally.
You can be deficient by eating processed news, right?
Consuming processed news.
So at the same time you're going to the grocery store, you wouldn't eat Cheez Whiz for your whole diet.
Why would you watch the equivalent of Cheez Whiz, which is the mainstream media, or some stupid YouTube videos all day, when you could actually have engaging, real,
Well, exactly, and that's why it is also so important to know that they are controlling your programming, just like Facebook censoring the stories you're getting.
That's absolutely right, and next segment we're going to have Kit Daniels come in and talk a little bit about censorship, and we're going to take your calls on the decline of America and all the subjects we are talking about right now.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Anthony Gucciardi.
We'll be right back for the next long segment.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Over the weekend, Cheryl Atkinson released the following article, What the News Isn't Saying About Vaccine Autism Studies.
She starts off with a New England Journal of Medicine study that says there is no link between vaccines and autism.
She then discloses the consulting firm behind the study, the Lewin Group, lists major vaccine makers among its clients.
In fact, the Lewin Group's parent company, United Health Group, is a key government partner in Obamacare.
And a subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group, QSSI, was given the contract to build the Obamacare website.
She then looks at the AstroTurf propaganda campaign and some of the buzzwords they use, like weak, too small, haphazard, not replicated, junk science, flawed, unrelated, and how these words are used over and over again to attack anybody who questions the vaccine mafia.
She then covers over 13 different studies that show a correlation between vaccine intake and brain damage.
In fact, permanent brain damage is an acknowledged rare side effect of vaccines, and there's no dispute in that arena.
So the next time your herd mentality friends are pushing vaccine propaganda in your face, shove this back in theirs.
Rob Dew for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Another major health threat, this one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the fourth overdrive hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Anthony Gucciardi, and we've got a lot of news to cover.
Kit Daniels of Infowars.com, key writer on the website, is also in here to talk about censorship and something that he says Facebook just censored completely, wiped off the grid.
And we've got Leanne McAdoo as well.
We're going to take your calls on the decline of America and what you see coming.
First I want to say thank you for listening to this program and it's your support that really helps blast it out on the airwaves and helps the alternative media at, real independent media, at large, actually reach people.
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Anyway, we're going to open up the phone lines and take your calls in a minute, but first, we've got Kit Daniels, and he ran in here and said, hey, Facebook just censored, is it your article they censored?
Yes, absolutely.
It's the article entitled, Pope Kid, Amnesty Activist Stage PR Stunt to Promote Illegal Immigration.
I posted this article about 12.45 in the afternoon, and then I shared it on Facebook.
And, you know, of course that generates, you know, traffic to the website, and people go to see our own Facebook page and say, oh, there's an article up.
So they go to the article, and they start sharing it on themselves right off the article.
The last time I checked, it had about 1,500 shares on Facebook directly from Infowars.com.
That went down to zero.
So I had one of our programmers to take a look at it, and he said, there's nothing wrong that I can tell on our website.
And so I tried to get our social media guy to share the article again, and he wouldn't share this media, the MetaTag data.
And furthermore, the posts that I shared of the article about 1 o'clock p.m., it's completely gone.
They deep-sixed that article entirely.
Now I know there's been a glitch on Facebook, but this is the only article that we've had problems with today so far.
So I'm kind of wondering, you know, I know that Mark Zuckerberg, you know, CEO of Facebook, he's always pushed pro-amnesty.
Then you've got the media saying that the pontiff, Pope Francis, can do more right now than Obama ever could because he's got the audience.
And you've got Shepard Smith saying, oh well, we can't.
I don't know.
And they don't want you talking bad about the Pope when he's pushing their agenda.
So, you know, I used to be skeptical about Facebook censorship, right?
Because I always like to say, well, you know, people, there's so much stuff out there, they say, oh, it's censored.
You're like, really?
Is it just a messed up URL or something like that?
And a lot of the times it is.
But I actually had, if you remember, I had my article censored and it wasn't even that hardcore.
It was about the DARK Act banning GMO labeling in the United States.
And I posted it on my site, National Society, and InfoWars, and both were simultaneously banned.
And when you posted it, it actually had a pop-up that came up and said, actually, you're not allowed to post this on Facebook.
And we did everything.
We fixed every possible component that could be a technical issue and resubmitted it 50 times.
Only when we changed the title and changed the image and changed the URL, but with the same exact text and everything like that, was it allowed to be posted for about 15 minutes, and then again it was banned.
So I've actually experienced this firsthand, and it is legitimate.
A year ago, I might have said, well, let's look at this.
But I have actually found it to be 100% verified at this point.
Facebook has been caught censoring things.
And it wouldn't surprise me either.
And it's also interesting.
It also goes to show.
The Pope is, supposedly, a Christian figure.
And what does the media hate more than Christian figures, right?
They act like they hate Christian values.
Oh, these bigots, you know, how dare they?
You know, we're so PC.
Christians, oh, they hate the gays and all this stuff, right?
But then it's like, the Pope comes to Congress.
Oh, let's let him get broadcast.
He's not political.
He's amazing.
His holiness, the pontiff.
And they just worship him like an angelic being, and he goes to Congress and says all these things that they would have never accepted, right?
They would have never allowed.
But you're not allowed to criticize the Pope.
He's a religious figure.
They're supposed to hate that.
But they wouldn't let Jesus go on the air that much.
They would not let Jesus address Congress.
If Jesus came back today, they would say, no, he's a bigot.
He's a jerk.
You know, we're not letting him in Congress.
But the Pope can go.
What's really telling is the fact that Obama, every chance he gets, he attacks Christianity.
It was like, I think in April, he went to a Christian Easter breakfast, and of course he attacks Christianity.
But when it comes to the Pope, he's shaking his hands, oh yeah, come to the White House, we're buddies and this and that.
It's like he doesn't attack Christianity when it comes to the Pope.
Well, that's of course because he is pushing his agenda and agreeing with him.
Oh, there's a globalist agenda.
That's right.
So we're going to go to some calls and let's go ahead and go straight to Walt in Michigan.
Walt, what's on your mind?
Good evening, gentlemen.
I want to bring up a couple of things that always kind of gets overlooked.
Greg Galuzzo, when Obama was in Chicago, was his mentor.
Greg Galuzzo was a Jesuit priest.
We now have a Jesuit, former Jesuit, is now Pope.
And the Jesuit oath, the extreme oath the Jesuits call for a world government and destruction of all independent freedoms, which you have in the Holy Alliance with Metternich in the early 1800s, formulating a plan to take control of this country.
We now have Roman Catholics ruling the United States for the benefit of a Pope's New World Order.
He is their boss.
That's why they invited him here.
Why do you think they spent, what, $450 million protecting their boss?
So you don't think there's multiple heads, though?
There's multiple evil people in this country doing multiple different things?
You think the Pope is the centerfold of all of it?
Alright, I'm going to say this.
I'm going to be succinct about it.
The Pope is the top, the very top.
He is the anti-Christ.
All these guys are working for Satan's system, which is centered in Rome.
It's in the Bible, in Revelation chapter 17, in the King James Bible.
It's a woman, it's just on 7th Hill.
And this great city rules over the kings of the earth.
Well, what religion are all the kings?
What religion is Joseph Biden?
John Roberts, who located the Obamacare due to Roman Catholic United Malta, he inducted him on the island of Malta.
Three days after he passed the Obamacare, six of the nine Supreme Court justices are high-level Roman Catholics, and the majority of the ones who voted for the same-sex marriage, out of five, are Roman Catholics.
Well, hey, it is pretty weird that the Pope is being worshipped in the United States.
I'll give you that.
You know, I don't know about the Antichrist and all that kind of stuff, but I will say it is bizarre and damaging that the Pope is being worshipped and presented to Congress as some sort of angelic, amazing creature.
Thank you for your call.
Let's go to Joshua in Florida.
What's on your mind, Joshua?
Hey, how's it going guys?
I just wanted to add in from before that it's more of like a balance between material life and doing your job and then spiritual life and being a human and that's where the globalists have lost their way, you know?
I just wanted to add that in from before, what you guys were talking about.
That's why we all have the responsibility on our own.
We don't need other people to help show us the way.
We all have to take that responsibility for ourselves to, you know, break out of that robotic trance.
It's difficult to do, but it's actually just as easy as making the decision.
I think you hit the nail on the head.
I think all of us have a moral responsibility, and the problem is we get too caught up in our 9-to-5 jobs to either A, seek information and, you know, so-called wake up and figure things out, or B, actually do anything about it.
Because by the time we get home, and I've been there, I know how it feels, working a long time, 10 to 12 hours a day, and you get home and you're tired, and you don't want to think about anything, you don't want to do anything.
You might even put on the idiot tube and watch CNN media.
Which we talked about earlier is basically the equivalent nutritionally as eating a entire jar of Cheez Whiz as every single meal that you have.
So what happens is you get tired, you get exhausted, you get sick, you get dumbed down, you get into this shell and you become a shell of what you could be.
And it's only by deciding
It's going pretty good.
It's Ted.
Well, I was calling about the decline of America.
There is a decline.
And he was talking about whose fault it was.
I hate to say it, but it is our fault.
The fault is, you know, we've turned away from God, and that's what this country was founded upon, you know?
So we've turned away from the very thing we was founded on.
And, well, evil has crept in, and our country is falling apart because of that.
All the things that we have here is made in China.
I mean, we don't really make nothing anymore, and if we do make anything, the parts come from across the water, you know?
I mean, yeah, our country is falling apart, and it is our fault, and the only way we can fix it is get back to, well, get back to God.
We have become such a decadent country and relied on the comforts that we experienced and turned away from all forms of righteousness in every one of its categories.
And, you know, we've all done that in some extent in our lives.
But as a nation, we have just become consumed by consumerism and we have just fallen into the depths.
The total, total deaths of just getting rid of all production and everything like that.
Leanne and Kit, what do you guys have to say about that?
Have we not just fallen in such a way?
I mean, there's a reason that what Trump says and other people resonates really, really well, and 72% agree that America's not.
We're not a nation of builders anymore.
I mean, basically, our manufacturing's overseas.
We're basically buying, we're using our Federal Reserve funny money to buy TVs and foreign cars and whatnot, while as, you know, Asian countries are
They got all the products they're building themselves.
They actually got the real assets.
We don't have anything.
We have... This money came out of nothing.
And also, it's like this... There's two ways you can fight the government or fight tyrants in power.
One way is you can go up against the state.
The other way is you can live your life as freely as possible, as feasibly as possible, like homesteading, raising your children, homeschooling them, so on and so forth.
A lot of people don't realize that anymore.
Yeah, just turning off the boob tube, you know, setting down your... Take five minutes a day to just sit in silence and just visualize the day you would like to have, the life you would like to have, rather than turning on the TV and letting the TV tell you what your life should look like or what other people's Instagram posts tell you what your life should look like.
Sit and find your quiet space within yourself to visualize what the life you want to lead.
And I mean, it's as easy as that, five minutes a day.
I mean, the government, there are tyrants in the government, but there's also tyrants in your own minds.
It's like Thomas Jefferson said, you have to remove, excrete the tyrants within you that prevents you doing from what you want to do in life.
Oh, absolutely.
And I think at the same time...
To focus on what The Caller and what you guys are saying, we also have to look at the idols of this nation.
What are they producing?
Because if you think about the 40s and 50s and 30s and stuff, the idols, the heroes, not even idols at that point, more so heroes, I would like to say, those were people that created something and stood for something.
Or even as John Wayne or anything like that, they actually, hey, you know, they're strong men, they lead, they take care of their family.
Our idols are Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, Caitlyn Jenner, Justin Bieber, Kanye West,
Uh, you know, writing songs about beating women and ruining them.
But that's politically correct.
That's politically correct.
But it's those evil, evil rednecks that do things that are... It's interesting you mention those names because those are all the celebrities that are pushed by the establishment that they want us to worship.
Of course, of course.
But they don't produce anything.
Hey, at least Jay-Z makes music.
But what does Kim Kardashian do?
Absolutely nothing.
But you also notice on Instagram, everyone that's super hot doesn't do anything.
They have 5 million, 20 million followers.
They don't do, they don't produce anything.
So why would you produce anything?
They produce selfies.
The number one volume of production in the United States is selfies.
If we could export selfies instead of actual resources, we'd be in the clear.
Alright, let's keep going through these calls, but the key concept is clear.
We're not producing anymore.
We aren't making anything, and we've been saying that for a long time, but at a fundamental level, even an individual level, we've lost our passion, we've lost our zest for life.
We're sitting here accumulating dust and accumulating bedbugs and just waiting to do something, rolling around, collecting unemployment as a country, as an embodiment of a human being that is the United States of America, and then saying, what the heck?
You know, we want more stuff!
We want more stuff!
What is that American spirit?
Find it in yourself.
Well, let's add a little beauty to this discussion because Denise wants to talk... Oh, I'm sorry.
I thought she wanted to talk about Hillary Clinton.
We're actually... I wanted to talk about that.
Instead, we're going to talk about internet censorship with Anonymous in Texas.
Anonymous, tell us about some internet censorship.
Hey, Anthony.
Actually, I sent you guys a link at Showtips.
It was a couple nights ago.
You know that article on the NSA about the NSA hiring trolls to discredit factual information?
That night, I actually discovered a troll, and I tried to post that article in the comments, and just like what... I can't remember who it was that said his article disappeared.
Jake Daniels, yeah.
Kid Daniels, it just, the applet comes up, you post, you paste the link, and as soon as the applet disappears, the article disappears as well.
They are censoring stuff.
Things that are important, that would cripple them, they're censoring it.
They gotta control information.
Well you know, when I post an article, I can give direct evidence of paid trolls.
And it's like the Monsanto employee that said, I don't know if you guys remember, he said, yeah we have paid trolls, and he said it in some public forum, they didn't realize they were filming or whatever.
So, when I post an article on a few different subjects, let's say it's about Monsanto or something like that, within, I'd say, 45 seconds of the post, because they have the RSS feeds, which is what indicates on your browser when an article is posted, so they probably have InfoWars and everywhere else, and they have these RSS feeds and they'll click them, constantly refresh them and see, oh, a new post came up, better spam it, and within, I'd say, 45 seconds, 60 seconds, literally, I'll have a post pasted, like,
This is obvious fear-mongering.
None of this is true.
This is scientifically inaccurate.
I've already reviewed the studies.
Like, something that no one could have typed in 45 seconds.
And also the same stuff every single time.
They have similar names and stuff.
They'll put doctor in front of their name.
And then they'll come back in like two minutes and concur.
Be like, I concur, doctor.
This is wrong.
And they'll just be the same person talking to themselves.
And we can look at the IPs, which we have done.
It's the same IP like 17 times.
And it's the same IP under different names over and over again.
So we do know that the trolls are, in fact, real.
Anyway, you're listening to the Alex Jones.
This is the fourth hour of Overdrive.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi, your host.
Coming up, Darren McBrain is going to talk about what's going on later tonight in the nightly news.
And we're going to cover some more news.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to the fourth overdrive hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Anthony Gucciardi.
And we've got Darren McBreen telling us the latest breaking stuff on the Pope and what he's going to cover tonight on the Nightly News.
And we have Leanne McAdoo sitting in for the remainder of the show.
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Aaron, tell us about what's coming up on the InfoWars Nightly News that you'll be hosting.
Well, she's become an international media sensation.
I'm going to be talking about little Sofia Cruz, and of course this is the Pope Girl.
And let me tell you something, I was just in the break room before I came in here, and you cannot get away from her right now.
She's on CNN, she's on Fox, she's on MSNBC, she's all over the internet, and she really truly has become an international sensation.
Well tell people what happened, what's the Pope Girl?
Well, it's a propaganda tool that they're using to promote illegal immigration.
Of course, this is the little girl who rushed out to the Popemobile yesterday in Washington, D.C., somehow magically got through the barricades, was escorted by police, Secret Service, went up to the Pope, handed her a pro-immigration t-shirt and a note.
Pleading with the Pope to allow her parents to stay here in the United States.
So this is a whole He has the power.
He's got the power.
Yeah, we're gonna break that down.
Kit Daniels is gonna join me.
And this is a huge PSYOP on the American people to get us to support illegal immigration.
This tsunami, this flood of illegal immigrants that are coming into the country right now.
And I'm also gonna take a look at
How this is done in the past, how the mainstream media in the past has been known for basically conning into, conning us into believing things that are not true.
So, we'll look at Kuwaiti girl, 15-year-old girl from Kuwait, and there are plenty of examples, so that's all coming up tonight.
Tell everyone how to check out the Netly News tonight.
Well, you go to PrisonPlanet.TV and we're on at 7 o'clock p.m.
Central Time at Prison Planet TV and also we're on YouTube the next day and Alex Jones YouTube channel and that's how you do it.
Well, definitely check out the InfoWars Nightly News tonight.
And thank you for joining us on this four-hour broadcast.
Alex has brought back, again, the fourth hour.
This is the InfoWars Overdrive, the extension of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
Thanks so much for joining us.
Alex will be back live 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time to cover more of the news, more on the Pope, everything you want to hear about.
And thanks so much.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.