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Name: 20150921_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 21, 2015
3289 lines.

The segment discusses various topics related to politics and society, including pedophilia being portrayed as acceptable in movies, Pope Francis's connections with communism, planetary destabilization due to globalist actions, and an emergency food package from InfoWars Select. In the second hour, calls are taken from listeners expressing their frustrations.

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Let's go.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday, the 21st day of September 2015.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be live here for the next three hours.
Joining us in studio is my friend, Pat Riley.
We also have Jesse Ventura joining us coming up in the second hour.
We'll have open phones for that.
Pat Riley, who is a personal trainer and a good friend of mine,
I'm friends with his wife and he, we go out tubing and outdoor stuff, fishing, things like that.
He just took off three and a half weeks, he does this every three or four years, to go to Europe.
This time he went to Croatia, Turkey, and other areas where Europe basically borders the East.
And he witnessed the so-called refugees face-to-face
And we've seen the stunts where the man throws his wife and kids on a train track, and then it's implied that the police did it.
And the media plays along with this.
He witnessed this for himself.
And then he talked to local Turks, he said, oh, he's done that twice this week at that restaurant.
A guy gets up on a fifth story balcony,
Knocks out the window and then sits there banging his chair, leaning back over while his wife and children stand at the bottom as a crowd gathers and says, he's going to kill himself if I don't get money.
And they start giving her thousands of dollars, the equivalent of that in Turkish in euros and dollars.
And she just sits there with wads of cash flying at her at the luxury hotel.
And here's Pat staying in a really cheap hostel, a really cheap place for his wife.
She can save money and travel more.
Work for his money and then he's watching the giant con game and it's a perfect metaphor for the West and how we're guilted into everything we do.
Truly sickening.
He was in Istanbul when he saw that.
He's going to describe what he witnessed when he joins us in the last 30 minutes of the broadcast today.
There's a lot of huge news obviously, but I remember about a month ago, Joe Biggs covered this from his military sources, and a few fragments of news that he was covering out of Afghanistan, that Hillary was covering up, we wrote articles about it as well at the time, covering up sexual abuse of children when she was the head of the State Department.
Well that's now
In the New York Times yesterday, September 20th, U.S.
soldiers told to ignore sexual abuse of boys by Afghan allies.
And basically it's the exact same people Joe Biggs reported on a month ago.
You can pull up our article headlined Hillary covered up sexual abuse or ordered sexual abuse to be covered up in Afghanistan.
So again, InfoWars.com just on the very tip of the spear of breaking news and information.
This is not a joke.
Saudi Arabia has been chosen to have the UN Human Rights Panel
Probably get a feminist award or something from Gloria Steinem, but because I've got short hair, she'll say I'm the enemy of America and women.
But that's how they operate.
Kerry says we're going to accept 85,000 refugees.
See, first it's 10,000, then it's 15,000, then it's 25,000.
I said that two weeks ago.
I mean, I just know their formula.
We're going to take 10,000 refugees.
I'm your Lord and Savior, Barack Obama.
I said so.
I'm going to rename this mountain.
I'm going to shut down these power plants.
I'm going to open the border because I'm King Obama.
Well, first it's 10,000.
Now it's 85,000.
Then it'll be a million.
Then it'll be 2 million.
Then it'll be 5 million.
Then it'll be 10 million.
Then it'll be 20 million.
Then it'll be 30 million.
It's 40 million illegals right now in the country, running around arrogant, thinking everybody's there to serve them, thinking everybody screwed them over.
It's all a complete joke.
What a joke.
So that's... Oh, but don't worry.
During the Emmy Awards, they attacked Donald Trump as racist because he doesn't want to pay for everybody to come here and have their babies for free, even though nobody else does that.
And of course, Saudi Arabia, financing all this, won't take one of these darling little refugees.
Alex Jones harassed by TSA over jar of grape jelly.
That's right, radio host Alex Jones had another run-in with the TSA after agents searched his bag and found a jar of grape jelly.
Jones said he went through the airport body scanner and a physical pat-down, but the TSA agents insisted upon searching his bags.
After finding the jar of grape jelly, the agents told Jones he was lucky they would still allow him to fly after such a violation.
Jones recapped on the Sunday show, they searched me for 35 minutes and I barely made my plane, and they got such enjoyment out of it.
Meanwhile, last week, federal air marshals were under investigation for filming sex with a prostitute while on duty.
The two air marshals based in Chicago allegedly used government-issued phones to record their own sexual encounters with a prostitute and then shared them on their personal email accounts, which they connected to their work phones, according to the TSA.
And remember, TSA demands the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.
Let's hope if there's a hijacking and air marshals are aboard, they pull out the right gun.
Rob Dew, reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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It's 11.59 at Radio Free America, and this is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache.
It's 12 o'clock, Americans, another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
But they took a lot of people away.
People that they thought were gonna make trouble for them.
People that had guns and things they wanted, they just took them away.
Re-education camps, that's what they call it.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize kids belong to whole communities.
I have decided we really need camps for adults.
I'm a sorry citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
What kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
We've got a lot of constitutionless and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
Plus you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
These people are radicalized and they don't support the United States and they're disloyal to the United States.
It's our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community.
That's what we're doing here, and let's not kid about it.
We're building a domestic army because the government is afraid of its own citizens.
Put your gun down, really?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Are you some kind of a constitutionalist?
So these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not.
They're nothing more than domestic terrorists.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are broadcasting worldwide on this September 21st, 2015 worldwide transmission.
Former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura will be joining us to talk election 2016.
My friend Pat Riley, who just traveled extensively through Eastern Europe and Turkey, saw shocking
uh... events via the precious darling migrants uh... refugees as they're called including
Mock suicide attempts staged to make the public donate money.
And we've seen the migrants staging dead bodies of children, throwing children on railroad tracks, attacking reporters, and then running from them so they can be tripped, and then say that they're victims.
The list goes on and on.
In Europe, if you get smacked upside the head by a big rock,
And you criticize it, you are arrested.
The former Stasi secret police have been reactivated.
That's mainstream German news.
They now work for Facebook and alert the government if you criticize the open borders for 5,000 euro fines.
That's over $5,000 and or 120 days in jail.
Meanwhile, McDonald's is leading the effort to promote migrant aid.
Oh, McDonald's is always pushing taking your guns, opening your borders, a true world government organization.
Thousands more migrants pour into Austria as 13 drowned off Turkey.
Saudi Arabia has still not taken one single refugee.
Refugee crisis to test EU at summit of divided leaders.
The eastern countries are being criticized for not taking more.
You've only taken 3-4 million in the last year.
You should take them, advertise everything's free, so 20 million come, and then 50 million, and then 100 million, because it's your job to pay for it.
And the Swedes have to house people in their homes, the government's proposing, and they're raising new taxes across the EU to pay for it, because it's your job.
No one else is in the world, but Europe and America's job to pay for everything.
And now you see the guilt society.
Now you see it.
Eastern European leaders in war of words as migrants pour across borders.
Meanwhile, look at this headline.
Not a joke.
Saudi Arabia chosen to head UN Rights Panel.
That'd be like hiring a top pedophile to guard children.
It'd be like hiring Jerry Sandusky
To run a children's orphanage.
Well, I guess he did kind of run one.
That's the whole point.
The Fox guarding the hen house.
Fury after Saudi Arabia chosen to head key UN Human Rights Panel.
Saudi Arabia is basically like North Korea with trillions in oil.
Total freakville.
Totally corrupt.
Their people aren't that corrupt, but their government is an absolute joke.
We have a teenager sentenced to death by crucifixion for taking part in anti-government protests in Saudi Arabia.
Criticizing the government and illegally possessing a firearm.
Faces death, the Mirror reports.
But don't worry, they don't let women drive cars and they'll execute you for teaching the gospel, but they're our ally, our gallant ally.
Meanwhile, Kerry again says we would accept 85,000 refugees next year.
See, first it's 10,000, then it's 85,000, then it's a million.
That's how they get you ready for it.
Just standard psychological warfare tactic.
That's out of AP.
Rand Paul blames Hillary for refugee crisis.
Yes, she helped quarterback destabilizing the Middle East.
Absolutely true.
That's from the Hill newspaper.
Rand Paul is on target.
15,000 more refugees to be resettled in the U.S.
on top of the 85,000.
Donald Trump says it wasn't the Swedes who blew up the World Trade Center.
You have extremist Muslims.
They are a class by themselves.
He's being called racist for claiming that jihadist terror is Muslim.
Well, it is.
You know, I didn't follow the kid with the clock who said he built a clock to take it to school.
It turns out his dad is a top activist who's pulled stunts before.
And within hours of it happening, the White House, you know, wants the kid to come to the White House.
It turns out he didn't build the clock, it's just the guts of a digital clock from the 70s, and he wouldn't respond and tell them it was a clock to cause the freakout.
That's why cops took him in, was because they wanted to know if it was basically like a bomb threat.
Hoax exposed!
Muslim student Ahmed Mohammed's briefcase clock is 1970s digital alarm clock.
A total staged event.
I don't normally agree with Bill Maher, but coming up we have that clip, we're going to be playing it, where he says, look, it didn't look like a clock.
You've got him showing it to people, wires hanging out of it, looks like something out of a movie on purpose, in my opinion.
But this is how they stage everything.
Of course, Obama didn't have any of the families killed at the recruiting centers by jihadists to the White House to speak to them.
No, no, no.
And that ties into the next story.
I'm going to tell more coming up later in the hour.
I went to check into some syndication while I was there.
That's why it worked perfectly for the TV show slash radio show, but also
I think so.
The squash and the peppers and the things I bought here.
And my briefcase was half full of produce.
That's what I do.
I'm into farmer's markets.
They said, well, you can't have it.
It's a liquid.
And I said, well, actually, it's grape jelly, but it's a solid.
And I said, whatever.
They said, well, we're going to have to search you and do all this stuff to you again.
And it went on and on.
And it's just such a joke, this baptism of slavery, this induction into serfdom, this training that I'm a criminal and I'm a person that's guilty until proven slave.
Not innocent until proven guilty.
Not even guilty until proven innocent.
I'm always suspect.
I'm guilty, guilty, guilty.
And so after they'd gone through all this rigmarole, they wanted to put me in the body scanner.
And I'd already been basically patted down.
And I did it because I was wanting to go ahead and see what the scanner was like after five years of demonstrating against it and protesting.
I've talked on air about maybe going ahead and doing it just to experience it so I could speak about it.
And then, oh, they got real mad and said, something's in your back pocket.
And I said, well, you told me to go in there with my boarding pass.
They're all laughing at me and stuff.
And I just realized how much trouble this country's in, but especially because the people in Omaha, I guess, are so conformist that they thought it was really cute to have me there 30 minutes and they waited till the last minute and said, you're going to miss your flight.
You're going to miss your flight.
I said, fine, just makes the story bigger.
And then finally they're announcing my name over the loudspeaker as Southwest had the door open.
They closed it when I walked in.
The flight took off five minutes late.
Southwest waited for me, to their credit.
And I flew back to Austin, Texas, crammed in amongst the rest of the proletariat and coach.
And while I was, while they were taking off, I was sending the photos to Buckley and the audio file of my report while it's taxiing.
I followed the report yesterday that aired on the news about an hour after I followed it.
So great job to the crew getting that out.
The story is up on InfoWars.com.
I had the headline, TSA security alert over grape jelly.
That's the headline I wanted, but whatever.
Paul Watson has the headline.
Alex Jones harassed by TSA over a jar of grape jelly.
And some people are saying, what'd you do, pull a stunt on purpose?
No, I just forget I'm not in a free country, and I'm in a hurry getting out of my motel, and I just stuck the produce and the grape jelly in my bag.
I'm sorry, I'm such a criminal.
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Well, the mainstream corporate globalist media three months ago began announcing that Russia was to abandon Syria to Jihad, Saudi Arabian, Qatari, NATO forces made up of Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
We, of course, reported that the Russians were moving more ships and weapons in, that more aircraft were landing.
The Russians are building at least three airfields, one of them a forward air base, to deliver helicopters and air support with marine forces as well as Russian spetsnaz or special forces.
Spetsnaz just means Special Forces, period, in Russian.
Both Marine and Army Special Forces.
This is an exclusive report in English language.
It is only in the Russian news as of now or at InfoWars.com.
Top story, InfoWars.com.
Russian Marines battle ISIS in Syria.
ISIS militants attack Russian airbase, according to Russian media.
Russian Marines clash with ISIS in Syria on Sunday according to Russian media.
During the fight, the Marines allegedly killed several militants.
That is, migrants, and captured others in a racist action, I would add.
According to CNN, I'm being sarcastic.
During the fight, the Marines allegedly killed several of the peaceniks.
I'm sorry.
During the fight, the Marines allegedly killed several militants and captured others.
After ISIS attempted to attack the airbase operated by Russian military, reported the Russian news services.
We have links to that up on Infowars.com.
It is considered one of the most advanced aircraft in Russia's inventory with updated avionics and a wide array of weapons at its disposal.
60 of the jets are planned to be delivered to Russian forces by next year.
Again, Russian activity at the airbase ramped up Friday upon the arrival of advanced Russian fighter jets, including four Su-300SM Flankers, which are loose equivalents of the U.S.
Air Force F-A-18F Hornet.
This, of course, begs the question, who provided ISIS with the kind of intelligence of right where to attack to take out the aircraft with live satellite feeds?
They were targeting the aircraft.
Well, I mean, the Pentagon's not going to let their little Sweetie Cake Jihad forces actually get attacked, are they?
So really amazing to see all this unfolding.
Russia has also shipped in tanks, artillery, and attack helicopters into Syria and has opened up a high-level communication with the US military to ensure that no misunderstandings lead to conflict.
Moscow and Washington operated a similar red phone hotline during the Cold War.
A striking allegory to the current state of tensions between the two countries, especially as neoconservative think tanks rattle their sabers at Russia, and as the Obama White House basically threatens them not to fight back against ISIS or other rebels being run by the West.
Right now, the Defense Department is reviewing and updating its contingency plans for armed conflict with Russia over the Syria conflict, according to Foreign Policy magazine.
Never before has America been so clearly on the wrong side, ladies and gentlemen.
A sovereign country done nothing to us under five years of attack by Saudi Arabian proxy armies.
Saudi Arabia cut and dry attacked us on 9-11.
Our government covered that up, bare minimum.
That's now come out.
They then had our government and our media demonize an innocent country, Iraq,
Which was then basically brought back to the Stone Age and now divided into three countries.
And of course they have the Islamic State area in the western central area and in the south it is controlled by the Shiites to the east into Iran.
They have divided the country into three parts.
They're now openly announcing the plan to break Syria into three parts as well and Russia understands this is about taking their only warm water port.
They're on the Mediterranean in Syria.
They understand it's part of the march towards bringing down Russia.
And again, I'm not saying Russia is perfect.
I'm not saying Russia is wonderful.
But Russia is not on an offensive.
Russia is not putting cancer viruses in our vaccines.
Russia is not opening our borders.
Russia is not funding ISIS.
Russia is not pushing world government.
Russia is not trying to take my guns.
Russia isn't on the news saying my kids belong to the state.
Our criminal, illegitimate government is.
And the good news is our own military and top brass have gone public, and they have said they will not be part of openly aiding Al-Qaeda to bring down Syria and being involved in war crimes.
So the arrogant Harvard Ivy League globalists that run this country told the military, we don't care, we'll go with proxy armies and have done it anyways, nakedly quadrupling down.
When we come back,
It's not a joke.
Saudi Arabia chosen to head UN Human Rights Panel.
And the Pope is now back home in Cuba, worshipping Fidel.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kay Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Did you know that Pope Francis has strong ties to communism?
Francis is a member of the Jesuits who developed the so-called liberation theology, which many have labeled Christianized Marxism.
They're the reason why communism and socialism has persevered for so long in Latin America.
And it's not a coincidence that Cuba's current leader, Raul Castro, praised Pope Francis for his anti-capitalist stance.
Castro, like Francis, was also brought up by the Jesuits.
Starting to make sense now why Francis is constantly calling for carbon taxes and more government?
And also, did you know the recent reconciliation between the U.S.
and Cuba was spearheaded by Pope Francis to the benefit of Castro?
Vatican researcher Leo Zagami wrote an excellent article on InfoWars.com entitled, Vatican Flag to Fly Over the New World Order, which breaks it all down.
Zoghami wrote, Barack Obama and Raul Castro's mundialist leftist agenda is guided and supervised by the first Jesuit Pope in history to help the Cubans embrace the new world order with enthusiasm.
Keep checking Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
It's now more clear than ever.
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Is the U.S.
involved with any procuring of weapons, transfer of weapons, buying, selling, anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out of Libya?
To Turkey?
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
How is it that this organization is so well-funded, so organized?
Islamic State-linked militants have gained a stronger foothold in Libya, seizing new economically vital areas of the country.
The leader of ISIS in Libya is none other than Abdel Hakim Belmahdj, and of course he was armed to the teeth by NATO.
A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
The Russians say they're negotiating with North Korea to hold joint military exercises.
Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin teaming up, creating an ominous alliance against the United States.
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is aggressively opposing the nuclear deal that the U.S.
government is negotiating with Iran.
Saudi Arabia is apparently prepared to allow Israeli jets into its airspace to conduct attacks on Iran.
We have an unprecedented opportunity to build a new world order.
I set up a foundation in Ukraine and played an important part in events now.
Ukraine is set to receive the first tranche of an international monetary fund aid package.
We had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.
Vladimir Putin is on the move.
Only when this transformation is complete will we be able to take full measure of the opportunities presented by this new and involving world order.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you so much for joining us.
The breaking news report is on InfoWars.com.
Russian Marines battle ISIS in Syria.
So the valiant forces of the West are attacking the Russians.
And I guess you're not patriotic if you don't support Al-Qaeda-controlled groups out of Saudi Arabia attacking the innocent sovereign nation of Syria.
If you watch the mainstream television news, you would believe that it is a war crime not to support this.
That is how truly sickening all of this has gotten.
Now, before I get into the latest
On election news, ahead of Jesse Ventura joining us, and the latest U.S.
news, economic news, what's happening with oil going down last week to record levels, bouncing back up a bit this morning.
Before we break that down, I just wanted to let listeners know that you have now
Basically knocked a home run out of the park with the 2015 war chest operation that we launched last week.
It raised total over a million dollars that we need for the satellites, the closed captioning, the equipment, the reporters.
Anybody who actually runs a news organization knows that you can't run a small town newspaper
For a million dollars a year.
But when you add a million dollars to the other capital we have coming in, it gives us the working capital we need to do those new projects and to reach tens of millions more people.
You can find out details at Infowars.com forward slash affiliates, the satellite links, the feeds, all of it.
And the next project here in the next few weeks and months will be aggressively you, myself, we the people, lobbying UHF, VHF, and local cable stations to pick up the daytime show and the nighttime news as well as the Sunday broadcast.
There's already a lot of affiliates that are picking it up.
We're talking to them, signing them up, creating a list, linking to it.
We're a very small organization.
It's a big job, but we're doing the best we can, so it's already a success.
I want to salute and thank all of you.
And in this month of September, we're offering specials that we've never offered before to make it easy for folks to support the InfoWars operation and make it what I call a 360 win.
I have worked with MyPatriotSupply, the preeminent storable food company, for many years, but for two years I've been negotiating to put out InfoWars Select, that just basically has our sticker stuck on it, because for whatever reason folks like things branded to InfoWars, I'll just be honest with you.
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And the full line of My Patriot is there at the very same prices they sell it for on their site.
It's just drop-shipped by them.
And there's InfoWars Select that's going to be really excellent going into the future.
We are planning on having some specialty meals and specialty packs that will be different from their mainline products, but they'll be just as good.
I don't want to say better than theirs because it is from them.
It'll just be a little bit different in the future as well.
But out of the gates, it's the exact same thing, just discounted to an even lower level.
And I had two weeks authorization.
Two weeks ends in about four days.
We launched it on a Thursday.
I'm going to try to extend it out into next Monday.
But I may not be able to.
Gotta twist some arms to do this to bring in the lowest price.
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It's how capitalism operates.
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The bad news is it could be three weeks or longer after that.
Till more comes in.
So if you want Survival Shield Nascent Ion X2 at Infowarslife.com, now is the time.
The other bad news.
We ordered twice as much Deep Cleanse this time.
But it's so popular, it's one of the most powerful total body cleanses out there, and so affordable, it will sell out today.
Deep Cleanse will sell out today, and it could be two to three months until we get more, maybe longer.
Deep Cleanse was sold out for three months.
It was back in for a few weeks.
It is basically down to almost nothing.
It should be sold out in the next few hours, if not by this evening.
Deep Cleanse available at InfoWarsLife.com or InfoWarsStore.com is the umbrella area.
Also, we ordered a ton of the Sleep Aid Knockout.
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It is available for $19.95.
A bottle of melatonin would cost $19.95.
This has the regular strong dose of melatonin, valerian root, and a whole bunch of other ingredients that synergistically work together.
The good news is we ordered so much of this, it's not selling out yet.
We have put in a reorder.
Looks like we've got enough for the next month or so, but Knockout is really, really popular.
Your purchases, again, helped fund this operation.
So, that's the plug for this hour.
In closing, please support our local AM and FM affiliates.
Become a sponsor if you're a local listener.
Support the local sponsors because they're supporting the show.
And tell your friends and family, your neighbors, everybody at work, everybody at the local cafe,
Everyone you know about this local station AM FM that you're listening to because it's so precious what we can do with these affiliates across the country.
You can have explosive awakenings in towns and chain reactions can happen with AM and FM radio that just can't happen with the Internet.
We do have chain reactions with the Internet as well, but they're not as localized or as powerful.
They're more powerful wide-ranging across borders.
But not as powerful as the local effect we're able to see to really galvanize and energize this country and this world.
So please support those local sponsors today.
If you're a business owner, call up and say, I want to put up a billboard for your station on the Alex Jones Show.
And folks who are doing this, I want to thank you, all over the country.
And put up the billboard, and then right next to it say, brought to you by
Such and such as heating and air, or such and such as Dodge dealership, or such and such as restaurant.
And you're not going to save the world putting up that billboard, but the spirit of resistance will.
Everybody doing a little something.
Many hands make light work.
This is the time to not just let the corrupt government take your money and use it against you, funding MSNBC and NPR and other channels.
This is the time to have your voice be heard.
And if you are listening to us on a local AM or FM station, say a place like Albuquerque.
We're on three affiliates in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
2 AM, 2 FM and 1 AM.
And we're getting a huge response.
They had us on the weekend, they moved us to weekdays.
Now they're talking about expanding us and airing us again at night.
That's how popular the show is.
We need folks to then take action, who are listeners in Albuquerque, and put up billboards.
This is what it's all about, ladies and gentlemen.
This is how the people power can crush the globalists.
Okay, I'm done, I'm done ranting about that.
I want to be clear when I say this.
I have never been anti-Catholic.
I'm a Christian.
I don't judge people.
If I do judge people, I don't judge their soul.
I simply judge whether I think they're trustworthy and good people or not.
And it was Christ who said, you judge a tree by its fruits.
And the Catholics I've known throughout my life are hard-working, trustworthy, good, fun people who stand up against abortion, who stand up against globalism, who stand up against tyranny.
In fact, I've got to say, probably half the people at the grassroots that I knew in Austin, fighting gun control, land grabs, abortion, were Catholics.
So I turned around, I had a pretty good view of Catholics.
Because of that.
So I'm not judging the Catholic people.
Because I judge a tree by its fruits.
Past Popes basically sounded about a hundred degrees different.
Not a hundred and eighty, but about a hundred degrees.
About sixty percent different than this current Pope.
So, you've got to either say if you're a good Catholic out there, to use that famous term, were the last three or four Popes, or five Popes, or ten Popes, were they bad?
Or is this guy good?
Because this guy is massively different than classical Catholic doctrine.
I'm not a Catholic, but I've looked at it, I've researched it.
I mean, the last few popes were, at least on the surface, anti-communist.
This guy goes to the main square under the Che Guevara statue and is, you know, presented with crucifix from Raul Castro, who will put you in jail if you're a Christian in Cuba.
They've arrested a whole bunch of people as well.
And there's no criticism from him of the crushing of free speech.
Then he says you shouldn't have a car, you shouldn't have air conditioning.
We heard that from Obama when he went to Africa.
He says that.
So this is a guy about being poor, this is a guy about austerity, this is a guy about Agenda 21 that is a plan to impoverish the world, to make us politically controllable for social engineering on the surface of the treaty.
This is all admitted.
And he sells it as if it's Christ-like, Christ being humble.
Well, the Bible also talks about following God's commandments and being prosperous so you can be self-sufficient and help other people.
So it is a communist liberation theology Ford Foundation program, about a hundred years old, created by the Jesuits, picked up by the Ford Foundation, on record, that has financed communism all over the world,
And we have a above-the-law Jesuit Pope promoting classical hardcore communism while he pushes the EU super state and doesn't say a word against that.
And now he's pushing carbon taxes and world government.
He's here getting DC lined up in September.
Then he goes to Africa and other countries and then he's going to Europe in December.
to sell a planetary expansion of the EU and open world government.
So, this Pope, by every yardstick, even if he isn't the false prophet of Revelations and Daniel and Ezekiel, he fits the bill.
I mean, like a key goes in a lock and the door opens?
I mean, this key opens the door.
So, if he's not the devil's
I think so.
I've been sitting there arguing with atheists before about Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove and Satan worship.
They go, why don't believe in the devil?
And I go, fine, I get you don't believe in spiritualism or anything above your senses.
I understand you think you're following the scientific method there.
Even though Einstein and folks said it made them believe in God, the more he learned.
What I'm saying to you is, are there pygmies in New Guinea, or are there, pygmies are in Central Africa, are there islanders in New Guinea that kill people and shrink their heads?
The answer is yes.
Doesn't mean you believe in head shrinking.
It's going on.
Like, did the Aztecs cut people's hearts out?
Yes, they did.
Doesn't mean you don't believe in their god, the flying serpent.
The point is, did they do it?
Yes, they did it.
So, that's the issue here.
This is world government.
This is a cultism.
This is a takeover.
This is one world religion being pushed by this papa.
And it's unprecedented.
I mean, look at these headlines.
Dissidence arrested as Pope Francis celebrates his first mass in Cuba.
Pope Francis is wrong about air conditioning.
National Review wants it basically banned.
Pope visit will produce largest security operation in U.S.
Washington Post.
Pay for it yourself with all the trillions you've got!
Or you're a man of the people.
We don't need this giant half-the-city shutdown, huge circuses, Popemobiles, all of it.
We have a separation of church and state.
There should not be any federal funding to protect this guy, and I don't mean him any harm.
It's just a joke!
This filthy rich guy that lectures me that I got air conditioning, and that I want my employees to get paid more, and that I want prosperity, tells me I'm a devil as he pushes Rockefeller eugenics garbage?
I mean, I wish this pope would crawl back to his communist Jesuit seminary that he crawled out from under.
Get out of my country!
You're not my king!
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I myself cannot believe how angry I get at this pope.
But I'm telling you, no more Mr. Nice Guy.
To have a foreign head of state who's tax-exempt lecture me that I shouldn't go on vacations or have a car or air conditioning
And tell me I'm not a good Christian if I don't, and we should basically not go after people that have abortions or not criticize it, and that world government's a good idea, when I know it's part of the larger evil planetary agenda.
He's got the mainstream media backing him, saying how great he is, when you notice the mainstream media was savagely attacking the Catholic Church at every angle until this point, to blackmail the Church that had its own problems that we exposed.
into going along with the agenda.
And you can search Catholic Church blackmailed, pedophile scandal, rat singer.
You'll get London Guardian and other publications from three years ago, right before the old Pope ran off to Gandalf Castle.
I'm not kidding, it's called Gandalf.
Lord of the Rings got that name from it, not the other way around.
And he runs off to Gandalf Castle, and they put in this new guy.
We should be discussing the fact that the Vatican is now run by Globalist 100%.
There's the headline, Leningradian.
They found it quick.
Papal resignation linked to inquiry into Vatican gay officials.
Blackmail or corruption?
Catholics respond to the Vatican's gay lobby.
Al Jazeera.
And so they blackmailed the church by having their people infiltrate it, set up their operations, just like Congress, just like Sandusky and Penn State, until it's so evil, it's so big, it's so horrible, that it's too big to fail.
And then it just gets absorbed and starts promoting world government openly.
And clearly the Catholic Church has been degenerating and rotting and falling apart for a long time.
Catholics are always mad at me for saying it's just now being taken over.
I'm not a Catholic scholar.
Compared to the general public, I mean, I'm a rocket scientist.
I mean, I've studied it quite a bit, but not compared to devout conservative Catholics.
I understand that.
But, I mean, it's now just incredibly obvious.
It's incredibly insane.
And I get mad when Obama or Bush would shut down half of Austin or half of Dallas.
Or Clinton getting a haircut.
Remember back then, having all the air traffic stopped for an hour?
They're talking about shutting airports down.
You know, when the Saudi King goes to France, they'll shut down 20 miles of the south of France so he doesn't have to see anybody on the beach.
For him and his family up and down the coast.
That's sick!
To shut down public beaches so some degenerate scumbag like the Saudi King... I'm sick of the Pope and the Saudi King and the Queen of England and just all of these anachronisms!
All of these jokes!
Said it enraged locals when they shut down the beaches for him.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, just talk about being dominated.
It's up on DrugsReport.com.
It's an InfoWars.com story with our correspondent, the great Mark Dice.
He went out and asked Californians, should we nuke North Korea preemptively?
And their answer was, well, you'll find out in the video.
Just the incredible abject ignorance.
You know, I'm not saying nuke North Korea, but actually I could see nuking them, their government itself.
That's a pure evil.
I wouldn't want to start nuclear wars.
I wouldn't do it.
This video is nothing compared to them saying put all gun owners in forced labor camps, arrest Christians, ban the Bible.
And they call these people liberals.
I do not call them liberals.
There's another video.
Cop threatens student with jail for handing out pocket constitutions.
That's the kind of cop that's got a serious problem.
On public property, on a sidewalk.
See, I mean, I defend police in general because the globals want to start a civil war, but police, if you don't get rid of control freak nuts like that that swear an oath to the Constitution and then try to trample it, then you deserve the demonization you're getting.
I'm not saying you deserve it, but do something!
Defend this country!
They'll be back!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Obama wants to leave behind a big legacy, and by launching a nuclear strike into North Korea to stop Kim Jong-un and save the North Korean people, he feels that that'll be the best thing he can leave behind for the world.
That's crazy, but I'm for Obama, so I'll sign.
Oh, thank you.
For Obama, so he'll sign it.
That's incredible!
I think so.
The North Korean people as well and a signature to support the nuclear strike.
I really appreciate that.
It's one thing we can do to help those people.
Wouldn't you agree?
I agree.
Thank you.
We need to help out those poor North Korean people, so we want to support the President's plan to launch a nuclear strike into the city.
If we do a nuclear strike in the city, you know, they're bringing anybody.
It would help out quite a bit.
One thing that would live is the cockroaches.
President Obama wants to launch a nuclear attack into North Korea to help stop Kim Jong-un, but we still need a few more signatures.
They've been threatening America for years now, and the president has decided that it's time to send them a message, but he's asked us to gather the signatures to support the strike.
So just print right here, please.
To support the strike, that they shouldn't go over there?
So, to support...
It's to support President Obama's plan to save the North Koreans with a nuclear strike to stop Kim Jong-un over there.
But he's asked us to gather the signatures to get it onto the ballot.
And a birthdate to support the nuclear strike in North Korea will help to liberate and save the people from living under the tyranny of Kim Jong-un.
So, thanks for supporting that.
Launch a nuclear strike into North Korea to save the North Korean people.
He just needs a few more signatures from us to support the plan to save the North Korean people.
Yeah, just print, birthdate and a signature to save the North Korean people by launching a nuclear strike into the heart of the country.
It'll help liberate the country on a birthdate.
Nuclear strike North Koreans and a signature there to help to liberate those poor people with a with a nuclear attack So okay.
Thank you for supporting that you will appreciate that
Just planned to launch a nuclear strike into North Korea to save the North Korean people.
Just a print, birthdate, and a signature.
President Obama has determined that a nuclear attack into the heart of North Korea is the best way to help save and liberate the people, so thanks for supporting that.
Take it easy, man.
Anything for Obama.
Save the North Korean people with the nuclear strike?
No, President Obama wants to help save the North Korean people and to launch a nuclear strike to stop Kim Jong-un, but he still asks us to gather the 100,000 signatures necessary to authorize that, so just what's holding you back from that?
Thank you for supporting President Obama's plan to stop Kim Jong-un in North Korea.
Print birthday in his signature.
President Obama wants to leave behind a big legacy and so to stop Kim Jong-un, he's going to launch a nuclear strike into North Korea to help liberate the people.
But we still needed a few signatures to support the nuclear strike into North Korea.
Alright, cool man.
Thank you for supporting that.
Yeah, no problem man.
You have a good one man.
Appreciate it.
President Obama wants to leave behind a big legacy and part of that's going to be to launch a nuclear strike against North Korea to save the people.
You can see the full video at InfoWars.com.
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura on election 2016 and more.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Alex Jones harassed by TSA over jar of grape jelly.
That's right, radio host Alex Jones had another run-in with the TSA after agents searched his bag and found a jar of grape jelly.
Jones said he went through the airport body scanner and a physical pat-down, but the TSA agents insisted upon searching his bags.
After finding the jar of grape jelly, the agents told Jones he was lucky they would still allow him to fly after such a violation.
Jones recapped on the Sunday show, they searched me for 35 minutes and I barely made my plane, and they got such enjoyment out of it.
Meanwhile, last week, federal air marshals were under investigation for filming sex with a prostitute while on duty.
The two air marshals based in Chicago allegedly used government-issued phones to record their own sexual encounters with a prostitute and then shared them on their personal email accounts, which they connected to their work phones, according to the TSA.
And remember, TSA demands the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.
Let's hope if there's a hijacking and air marshals are aboard, they pull out the right gun.
Rob Dew, reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, every month or so, he joins us.
He's got his own TV show.
Of course, he's a former governor, mayor, talk show host.
Jesse Ventura kicked off MSNBC because he wouldn't go along with the Iraq War.
That's one of the reasons I admire him.
Jesse Ventura is our guest.
He's friends with Donald Trump.
But disagrees with him on immigration.
I agree with Donald Trump on immigration.
So we'll have a lively discussion about that with Jesse Ventura as well.
And at the bottom of the hour, your questions or comments for Jesse Ventura at 800-259-9231.
His television show is Off the Grid with Jesse Ventura.
Just search the name Jesse Ventura.
You can find his Facebook.
We've got the Pope coming to the United States.
Promoting carbon taxes, saying don't have air conditioning, that the earth can't handle us all living well, teaming up with Obama.
Why are we paying for what the Associated Press calls the largest security operation in U.S.
I'm not anti-Catholic.
But at the same time, I do not think the Pope speaks for God.
What about folks that don't believe in God?
I mean, why do they have to pay for a foreign head of state who's got trillions of dollars or euros in the Catholic, you know, banks?
Why are we doing this?
And I'm not trying to bait you into a Catholic bashing fest here, Governor Ventura, but just throwing you a wild card here out of the gates.
What do you make of this?
Well, obviously we don't want nothing to happen to him on our watch, do we?
No, I hear that, but still at the same time.
You know, I'd like to think that would be the reason is that they want to make sure that the Pope is safe here and that he gets out of the country in one piece, I suppose.
I don't know.
You know, after all, we're a locked down nation, Alex.
You know that.
There's a terrorist behind every tree out there.
You know, it's called keeping everything safe.
Keeping things safe costs a lot of money.
You're being sarcastic, of course.
You're being tongue-in-cheek.
You think so?
No, I mean, that's the only logical reason I can come up with is that they feel that they need to keep the Pope as safe as possible and I hope that nothing happens to him.
I like this Pope and I'm ready to go out and see him with a big sign, Atheist for the Pope!
Alright, you know what, why do you like this Pope?
Because he likes open borders?
No, I like this Pope because he said I can go to heaven!
Oh, really?
And on what subject was that?
No, the Pope said atheists can go to heaven.
Well, I understand that you were made to go... And I love it.
I have a chance now, you know, because he's the highest there is and he says that I can go.
I'm a good person.
Well, here's where I stand on the whole atheist deal.
I get people that can say, hey, I don't believe in an imaginary guy in the sky.
I believe in science.
I believe in one I can empirically see.
Separately, though, humans only see a tiny spectrum of reality.
They've proven dark matter, they've proven other dimensions.
So many scientists that were atheists get into the genetic engineering realm and go, my God, something made this.
Most scientists do not believe in evolutionary theory now, but it's its own religion, Governor.
Well, but then again, what about this guy they just found lately?
This latest ancient humanoid in Africa?
Yeah, they walked upright, they buried their dead, and Cripey looked like a monkey to me.
My only issue is so many atheists, and you're not like this, but so many atheists
That's not true.
That is not true, Alex.
Atheists don't hate anybody.
We just don't believe that there's a magical person you talk to.
You know, that we don't hate nobody.
You can believe what you want to believe.
If you want to go worship a tree, just don't force it onto me.
Well, I agree.
Don't force me to pay for abortion, and don't force me to pay for the Pope.
Well, if the leader of Russia came here, would we provide security for him?
I don't think it needs to be the biggest security in history, no.
And that's a foreign leader, not a religious leader.
We have a separation of church and state.
Excuse me.
There's more Catholics in the world than there probably is in one country.
No, absolutely.
There's probably 800 million Catholics or more.
Well, you know, see, I understand.
Having been in government, Alex, I understand the pomp and circumstance, and I understand what they do and why they do it.
And it's called just proper respect, and it's this and that.
Now, if you want to, well, then I got one for you, Alex.
Why do churches get by tax-free?
No, but they get the same benefits that I get, and I'm an atheist.
I have to pay more, yet the church gets its streets plowed, the church gets fire protection, the church gets police protection, doesn't pay a thing for it.
They don't pay taxes.
We should all be treated equally.
Wait, sounds like you're talking about illegal aliens now.
Well, that was a question of taxation of the church, and he was saying clearly that that's Caesar's currency, whose face is on it, so that's his system, so I get what you're saying there.
But in our system... Well, as an atheist, why should churches not pay property taxes?
They receive all the benefits.
How come I have to foot the bill?
Sure, let me answer the question for you, because...
Thomas Jefferson of the left loves so much came up with the idea of separation of church and state.
That means as an individual you can say or do whatever you want in government buildings or government finance facilities like public schools but there cannot be an official religion of the state or one that the state picks discriminatorily and that Congress has no authority and can make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
That has nothing to do with taxing them.
They're getting services, Alex, that I'm paying for.
Oh, Alex, come on.
The illegals get all the things.
Illegals also pay taxes and don't file tax returns.
How about that?
You can pay all you want to benefit religion if you desire, but take it the route then.
If you're going to use it on one hand, you have to use it on the other hand, too.
Well, I think you've got a really good point.
The point being is, how come I have to pay?
You're claiming you shouldn't have to pay for the Pope to be here.
I agree.
And I'm saying, well, how come I have to pay more taxes because churches don't?
Well, it's obviously not fair from any perspective.
And let's just be clear.
Because I don't really talk about religion with you a lot.
There is no one more critical of establishment churches and religions.
They're political whorehouses.
They're frauds.
They're jokes.
They're conmen, most of them, who want to be fake leaders, who sit there and manipulate people and basically sell the equivalent of indulgences.
And they get to do it tax-free.
And I don't like that.
We don't dare touch them because they're religion.
Or the press, or the People's Right to Assemble.
It's the First Amendment, and I think it's a good thing.
The problem is, churches now are 501c3.
They're now charities, Governor, so they're not even really churches.
They're more than that.
The whole thing of religion is nothing but a massive business.
Why shouldn't they be held to the corporate standards?
They're no different.
Religion's no different than a corporation.
Well, I agree with you that churches should have to pay for local services, and in most cases, they do pay the local taxes for fire and police.
They don't.
They don't.
They're off limits.
You can't tax religion.
Why not?
You know, you've been a mayor and a governor, and I don't know Minnesota laws, and I defer to your knowledge on this, but I believe a lot of states, the churches do have to pay the fire fees and the property taxes and the rest of it to a certain extent, but I agree with you.
I want to check up on that before you make that statement.
Well, I know it varies state to state.
I know in a lot of states they don't or they pay amended lower levels.
But listen, I agree with you that Congress, the feds have no business.
Wait, and churches when they get this break?
They also get the benefit of being political.
Because the same churches that pay no taxes put signs up that marriage is between a man and a woman.
But that's my next point.
Over discrimination, yet they don't pay their end of the log.
See, my belief is if you don't pay taxes, then you have no right to participate in the government system.
Well, I know this.
Churches have a First Amendment right to have their views, and I don't agree that that's a political statement.
Sure, nobody's denying that.
Sure, but I don't think that's a political statement.
But I don't want to get too far afield, and we agree on a lot of stuff, we disagree on some things.
My problem is, Jesse, is that they're turning the state and environmentalism and all this other stuff into religions as well.
It's not just the Christians or other religious groups, classically, that... Hey, you know what I learned, Alex, too, though?
You gotta check up on Horace.
What about Horus?
Horus was Jesus 700 years before Jesus.
Well, I do know that they... No, his background's identical.
He was born of a virgin, he lived to 33, he was a carpenter.
It's the entire same biography of a guy, a character named Horus, who was an Egyptian.
No, I'm just saying that you might want to check out that there's two people with the same
There's two people that existed allegedly... No, no, no.
I know about Zeitgeist.
...a couple hundred years apart with the same biography.
I mean, I know about Zeitgeist.
I'm in it.
I mean, I wasn't part of it, but I'm in the movie.
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Me and Jesse have hung out with Willie.
A lot of it.
A lot of time.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Then we're back weeknight 7 o'clock Central with InfoWars Nightly News.
Long segment coming up.
Phone calls.
We'll get an update on the Chris Kyle trial.
We'll get an update from Jesse on Election 2016 and more.
I don't want to get off into a debate.
It makes for good radio.
We have a lot of listeners that are Christians, agnostics, animist, atheist, whatever.
I know there are a lot of atheists and people out there that do fight the New World Order, who do fight globalism, and who want to be free.
I don't think somebody's bad if they don't believe in God.
I think somebody's bad if they go out and push tyranny on people.
But that
Targeting churches, targeting people, when of course they're being political.
The Democrats openly recruit and operate out of churches politically.
And I'm saying, Jesse, if Congress can make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, you can say our religion is whatever you want.
I mean, look at the Scientologist.
It doesn't mean we have to agree with it.
It's just that you've got the right.
Maybe we need the Church of Jesse Ventura.
I mean, what would the Church of Jesse Ventura be?
Let me make it clear, Alex.
The only offense I took was when you said that atheists hate this and that.
We don't!
Atheists don't hate anybody.
We simply don't believe that there's a supreme being that we talk to.
Because I've never spoken to him.
And, you know, I'm not saying... I just don't believe.
But we don't hate anybody.
You can be an atheist and love your fellow man, trust me.
Especially when you look at it from... Most people that have religious faith beliefs believe they're going to somewhere else when they're done here.
Atheists, we don't necessarily believe that, so we want to make the most of being here.
And why would we want to make people angry or hurt or hate people when we kind of look at, this is the shot you got, make the best of it.
Well, I'm all against social engineering and control, and so I get the arguments, and then I'll quit talking about this and shift gears to some other subjects.
Yeah, let's shift gears.
But I just want to know, atheists love people too.
Listen, it is the ultimate form of mind control to say, do what I say or you'll be killed or you'll be tortured after you die, then you think you can't escape.
It is a great social control tool, what man has done with religion.
I absolutely agree with you, and religion has been used to absolutely enslave people.
And we'll end it there.
Let's move on.
Well, I've got a bunch of questions.
I've got a bunch of different topics I want to fire out at you.
Alright, go ahead.
Well, but first off, what else is on your radar screen?
Well, you know, like I said, October 20th, I go in front of the Court of Appeals, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals on the American Sniper, and, you know, they're appealing and trying to get unjust enrichment overturned so that that way the media can go out and defame anybody and profit from it, and that the person defamed will not be able to get any of those profits, even though, like in the case of the Chris Kyle book,
That book had a pre-sale of 4,000.
When he went on national TV and lied about me and that story about me, it jumped 100,000 in one day.
One day.
And that's the point.
They used the defamation and what they want to do is use the defamation to be able to make money and it will become a business for them.
They can pay off a little defamation and make millions on the back end.
So they could publish a book saying that I basically married the Loch Ness Monster and had 14 goblin babies.
It won't matter that it's not true.
I can sue them and even win, but I can't get them on unjust enrichment, so they make a hundred million dollars and pay me a million and get to basically lie.
Well, and they ain't gonna pay you even a million.
Rest assured on that.
They just get, because my actual defamation award is only half a million.
And then they gave me 1.3 on Unjust Enrichment.
That they, you know, they had made, the estate had made over six million dollars just on the book.
And the book publisher has made forty million on the book or more.
But how much since the film came out?
Oh, well that ain't part of mine because I wasn't in the film.
But they, oh yeah, the film made three or four hundred million.
Were they intending to put you in the film?
Uh, there's no way to know.
Uh, all I know is that had I not gone to court, you can bet I would have been in there.
I had to go to court to stop this lie from being in the film because it was interesting during the trial, they were trying to diminish my importance to the book.
Now they obviously felt they were going to lose, but they wanted to diminish the award.
So the other attorney said, Mr. Ventura, wouldn't even call me governor.
He said, Mr. Ventura, would it surprise you to know that you're not in the original, that the first screenplay has been written and you're not in it?
And I looked at him in front of the jury and I said, no, that doesn't surprise me at all.
I said, my attorneys have said too much.
Stay there.
Finish the story and we'll come back.
I'm going to break.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kay Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Did you know that Pope Francis has strong ties to communism?
Francis is a member of the Jesuits who developed the so-called Liberation Theology, which many have labeled Christianized Marxism.
They're the reason why communism and socialism has persevered for so long in Latin America.
And it's not a coincidence that Cuba's current leader, Raul Castro, praised Pope Francis for his anti-capitalist stance.
Castro, like Francis, was also brought up by the Jesuits.
Starting to make sense now why Francis is constantly calling for carbon taxes and more government?
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and Cuba was spearheaded by Pope Francis to the benefit of Castro?
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Zagami wrote, Barack Obama and Raul Castro's mundialist leftist agenda is guided and supervised by the first Jesuit Pope in history to help the Cubans embrace the new world order with enthusiasm.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Now I wanted to get Jesse Ventura's take on this because back on August 24th, about a month ago, Joe Biggs filed a detailed report for InfoWars Nightly News detailing the fact that the State Department and Hillary Clinton and others had basically ordered the U.S.
To let the Afghan soldiers and others abuse children.
And Joe Biggs filed the report.
We're going to play a clip of it in a moment and then get Governor Ventura's take on it and then get a brief take on it from Joe Biggs.
But there it is, exclusive.
Hillary Clinton sanctioned child rape in Afghanistan.
Documents show Clinton's State Department told troops to ignore Afghan pedophilia.
And here's the headline in the New York Times yesterday, U.S.
soldiers told to ignore sexual abuse of boys by Afghan allies.
And this goes back to, what are we doing funding Al Qaeda and ISIS all over the world?
And now it's even come out that our government's funding it.
The former head of defense intelligence went public a month ago.
The deputy head of the CIA went public two weeks ago on CBS News.
I want to ask Governor Ventura,
Does this mean the military's, you know, trying to do the right thing?
This is very exciting, but here's a clip from the report with Joe Biggs last month.
Here it is.
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Now, last week an article came out in the Daily Mail titled, Decorated Green Beret Is Kicked Out of US Army Special Forces After Shoving Afghan Police Commander Who Raped Boy Who Was 12 Years Old And Then Beat Up His Mother When She Reported The Crime To Higher Ups.
And now you have a decorated soldier who was with the U.S.
Army Special Forces for 11 years.
He is now being kicked out after he stood up for a young rape victim and his mother who were beaten by this rogue police commander.
Now, word got out to Sgt.
1st Class Martland that one of the police commanders that he had trained had sexually assaulted a boy and hit his mother.
All right, that's good.
And then Joe goes into his military contacts saying, yes, this is going on.
Yes, this is happening.
That's the exclusive portion of it.
They have the U.S.
Army wearing high heels and sensitivity training now.
They're making of this huge political war zone.
We never hear that the West is what gave us all these inclusive freedoms, our forebearers.
But then Europe, German women are told, wear long skirts.
It'll upset the quote migrants.
So I wanted to get Jesse Ventura's take on this.
I mean, I know you're a libertarian at heart.
I guess I'm speaking for you.
Or you can tell me what you would classify yourself as, Governor Ventura.
But what do you make of the millions of refugees?
I mean, I know the West destabilized it, but Saudi Arabia won't take one person, these other countries won't take one.
We've got floods of these refugees coming in, and then a lot of them are radicalized former ISIS fighters, and the left is telling us we've got to adopt their culture, whether it be the radical elements of it, raping women, pedophilia.
What is your view on the situation?
Well, my view on the situation is we would never be in any of this if we hadn't have responded like we did to 9-11 by invading Iraq.
We destabilized the entire region.
Uh, you now don't know who runs anything over there.
It's ten times worse than it's ever been.
And, ultimately, we have to look in the mirror and bear some responsibility for it because we went over there and started the Iraq War and this is the end result to the majority of that, even though it also deals... Look at Afghanistan.
When the Taliban had Afghanistan, the world's heroine had ground to a halt.
When we went in there, we sided with the poppy growers and the heroin went back into the banks and the laundered money went back into international banks and it stopped that first 2003
Little recession that we had.
So, again, I don't know what to do, Alex.
This is all the end result of war.
Whenever you have war, people think it's a glorious thing and it's a wonderful thing, you know, to be victorious at war.
But they don't look at the kickback and the results.
The majority of people that die in wars are civilians, not military.
That's a known fact.
And what is the end result?
Now you've got all these people with nowhere to go because you've got total unrest over there.
Where are they all going to go now?
You know, and the wars continue on.
So you're going to continue with more and more of this, and this is the blowback from it.
And people need to understand that before they decide to commit to war.
That there will be a blowback when the war is over.
There will be repercussions.
That even at war, when you win, you ultimately may lose.
Follow me?
They have a term for that.
In fact, if Buckley can come in here, he was telling me about the term the other day about a war you win, but from the collateral damage you end up losing down the road.
There's a particular known term for that we can pull up, but absolutely, Governor, you're right.
But if we go back to the PNAC document, Rebuilding America's Defenses, and I know you covered on your television program a conspiracy theory.
Where they admit the plan was to destabilize the Middle East, make it more radical, and then have a new coming super war with the radical jihadis.
And now we see that, but now we see the former head of defense intelligence and the deputy head of the CIA coming out and admitting
I believe we are.
I believe those 28 redacted pages, if they make them public, has vindicated us because that shows
That it was not what they told us.
If these guys were financed by the upper echelon House Assad in Saudi Arabia, then were they even operatives of Al Qaeda?
Were they even operatives of the Taliban?
Who knows?
I mean, we're changing opponents over there every six months.
One week we're with these guys, the next week we're with these guys, and it's just a big chess game going on over there that as an individual taxpayer, you have no idea from one week to the next what exactly is going on over there.
And that's why I, Rand Paul, and Bernie Sanders are the only three I know who are saying, get the hell out of there completely.
Well, I totally agree with you on that front.
All I know is I saw Farmer's Market.
It looked really nice in Omaha, Nebraska.
I went there for an hour.
My suitcase wasn't that full, so I got some stuff from my mom, some grape jelly, some grapes, some bell peppers.
I put it in my bag.
I didn't think, oh, I can't take grape jelly.
And they kept asking me for like 35 minutes, why'd you try to sneak this through?
We're going to search you again.
They just tore everything apart.
They tested it for bombs, opened up the can of jelly,
And they were so upset.
And it was like mental illness.
It was like Twilight Zone.
I said, it's grape jelly.
You know it's grape jelly.
They take women's pumped milk.
Alex, I did the best I could.
I tried to go to federal court and I spent $20,000 of my own dollars.
To try to go against Homeland Security and the TSA.
And as I said, it got thrown out of court.
The federal judge said that she didn't have jurisdiction.
And I sued under the Fourth Amendment.
So what are you to do?
They're immune.
And that's the way the Democrats and Republicans have set our government up to be today, to be immune.
When they decide to implement a policy, whether that policy follows the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or not, is irrelevant to them.
And I know I'm beating a dead horse, but I'm going to keep telling people, as long as you keep electing Democrats and Republicans, this is what you are going to get.
Well, I agree with you.
I want to go to phone calls.
Joe Biggs, we were talking about his piece, is in here now.
You heard the governor talk about the narcotics went from 10% of world production to 130% of world production.
They didn't just become 90%.
They then topped it 13 times.
That's the Associated Press own numbers.
You were over there in Afghanistan, almost died there repeatedly.
You're also in Iraq.
What do you think of Ventura's perspective on this?
I mean, he's completely and totally correct about the opium, because I, myself, my unit was sent out to actually guard opium fields sometimes, and then sometime order to take them down, depending on if these guys would play ball with us or not.
So that's definitely going on.
And then the fact that the State Department is going to come out and release information to the Department of the Army, telling them, hey, don't stop the pedophilia.
That is a cultural issue.
That's not a cultural issue.
That's a humanitarian issue.
That's child abuse.
That's rape.
Why are we going over?
We're supposed to go to Afghanistan to help them.
Instead, we've produced way more opium ever, and now we're allowing, not even that, we're telling soldiers, marines, airmen to not even go in and stop it.
And that just shows you what they're going to do.
The fact that they fired this Sergeant First Class, who's an operator in the Special Forces, hey, you're out of here because you stopped, you're trying to stop pedophilia.
That's the message that they're putting out.
That's ridiculous.
Well, I mean, political correctness has gone so far where we have to adopt everybody else's culture.
Alex, how about John Parakute, the CIA guy that refused to torture and he exposed the torture and had to go to jail for three years?
I remember that.
The only guy to go to jail over torture was the guy who exposed it.
It's the exact same story, all these reporters.
I mean, I know you didn't like Obama, you're non-partisan, but they admit, even liberal professors, he's prosecuted triple the number of reporters than any other president before him.
Well, that's what Michael Hastings said.
He said there was a complete and total war on journalism, a war on journalists, ever since the Obama administration had taken charge.
That he was basically hushed and told what to do and what not to do.
He was kicked off of Air Force One because he was telling the truth about stuff.
They didn't like that.
And then his car blew up.
I want to go to phone calls for Jesse Ventura.
Do you have any other questions or comments, Joe?
That's it.
All right.
Great job with your report.
Thank you so much.
There goes Joe Biggs.
He'll be, of course, filing reports for InfoWars Nightly News coming up this evening.
Jesse, I want to go to Mike, Kevin, Ronnie, Bill, Jeff, and others, but before we go any further, one of my favorite books that you've written, and I've read almost all the books you've written,
At least the modern ones, because they have so much info.
I even learned stuff from them.
I also love how each subject has a chapter, but my favorite book you've written, American Conspiracies, that's going to be coming back into print.
It was a bestseller, and it's going to be updated, correct?
Yeah, Dick Russell and I, through our publisher at Skyhorse, Tony Lyons, wanted to do it.
You know, you can write a new chapter, Alex, almost every year, because the government's going to do something on a yearly basis that'll fit into the book.
So we did chapters, one very close to my heart, on POWs and MIAs.
And it shows how young people are misled in the military to believe, you're told,
If you get captured, we will do anything and everything to get you home!
Well, we show in the book how that's simply not true.
If you become a political liability, you're gone, young man or woman.
There ain't no U.S.
government that's gonna come to get you.
And the case in point is Captain Scott Spiker.
He was a flyer during the first Bush Gulf War.
He was declared dead the first day by then-Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, who never served in the military.
It turned out it was not true.
Cheney put a fact out that was false.
He was over there for over 12 years, eventually captured by Saddam Hussein, who used him as a bargaining chip.
But when we invaded, he then lost his value and Saddam killed him.
Well, you're certainly right about that, and it's just crazy what we've been taught to put up with.
I mean, I see a lot of folks waking up, but it's kind of a paradox.
They're waking up and then just saying, what do you do about it?
In your gut, Jesse, where do you see this country and the rest of the world going?
I mean, look at the Russians are moving a base into Syria to fight against ISIS and al-Qaeda.
Our own government's secretly backing them.
That's come out.
We've got
The Saudi Royal Family by the UN being appointed to lead the UN Human Rights Panel.
It's like having Jeffrey Dahmer be on a panel against cannibalism.
We've just got all sorts of craziness going on.
Well, I guess the good thing, it might be crazy, but I still believe in humanity and I believe in man surviving and that the good will win in the end.
I still have that belief, and I believe it's being shown right now politically in our country by the fact that you see the three leaders of the Republican run for president are all people who are not career politicians.
And then you flip it to the other side, and you see Bernie Sanders.
Independent, devout socialist, much like the socialism, and people shouldn't run from the word socialism.
Socialism's practiced very good in Sweden, Norway, and the Scandinavian countries, and they have a very high standard of living.
There's certain things we can use from socialism.
You need a combination of both.
I don't think we've lost yet, Alex.
Well, I'll tell you this on the socialism debate.
Yes, if socialism is only partial and is implemented by a hands-off government and equally distributed, it can create some pretty successful societies.
If there's a larger free market system that's left alone, you can siphon off of it.
But the monopoly socialism run by the globalists that George Soros and others are pushing is a system to control people, cloward and piven basically, and it's very, very bad.
And Bernie Sanders
You know, wants to basically have programs that raise taxes to 80 plus percent like France, and then the elite themselves are tax-exempt.
I just can't think of a worse system.
I cannot believe Bernie Sanders would support exempting the elite.
I'm not going to buy that.
No, no, I'm not saying he would.
I'm saying the socialist system... Look, let's remember something.
We've already proved socialism alone can't survive, and we've proved capitalism alone can't survive.
You need a combination of both to have a healthy standard of living.
Now, the problem with our capitalist system today is the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, and that divide is getting so big that it may never be brought back in line again.
You know, people have griped about a minimum wage.
Now you're going to hear a shocker from me.
I think we should have a maximum wage.
Well, the problem is the globalists have found ways to get around all of that.
Well, whatever the globalists are, I'm just talking from Jesse Ventura.
If you can't, if someone can't live on $50 million a year, then I might support capital punishment.
No, I mean, I understand extreme examples and I get where you're coming from.
You know, the point of the matter is that's the picture we need to look at, Alex, is you've got this echelon, the 1% of 1%.
I mean, look at, what's her name?
I saw a show on Farini or whatever her name is, the woman running for president.
I heard a guy from Yale, it was on Smerkomish.
Smerkomish had him on this weekend.
He said that when she took over Hewlett-Packard, that by the time she left, the stockholder's stock had cut in half, and yet she got $100 million in severance.
Now, excuse me, that's what I'm talking about, capitalism being damn near criminal.
Well, that's not criminal, that's crony capitalism.
Well, it's damn near criminal.
Where somebody can come into a company, and the stock drops in half, and that person leaves and gets a hundred million dollars?
I hear you, but that's what the stockholders allowed.
Let me just throw in this fact, though.
It's a great documentary.
That's the reason why a certain amount of socialism is okay.
Let me just throw this at you, and then I want to hit a few phone calls, because you've got to leave here in just about five minutes.
I want to throw this out there.
I saw an excellent documentary, and I was already aware of the numbers, but to see the debates from the 1970s, it was a debate between William F. Buckley and Gore Vidal, it was on NBC, it was a whole series of them, during the whole Nixon re-election campaign.
And during that, they were pointing out that the top 5% had like 30% of the wealth, and that socialism was the answer to fix it.
Well, we've got higher taxes, more regulations, more socialism, and now it's 1% with 55-60% of the wealth, and I'm just saying they're always going to game it, Jesse.
The only way to not game it is to have incredibly low taxes across the board, and that's the only thing that allows the free market to flourish.
Well, what's better than that?
Go to my method.
Abolish the income tax and go to a national sales tax.
I agree.
If you really get rid of the income tax, then I would be for that.
Abolish the income tax and go to a national sales tax.
Then everybody pays and wealth is determined by what you buy, not what you make.
I totally agree.
That's the way to go.
Jesse Ventura is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We just skipped this break.
Let's go ahead and go to Ronnie in Texas.
You're on the air with Jesse Ventura.
Go ahead, Ronnie.
Thank you, sir.
Yes, I agree.
Dr. Rand Paul is, I think, the best candidate.
He's anti-war, anti-Trump, anti-the ongoing counterproductive war on pot smokers.
He's anti-NDA.
He filibustered it.
So I believe it's up to you and me and all of us to differentiate the real Dr. Rand Paul from all those other corrupt politicians.
Let me jump from there, and I think your question is, what, Jesse, is your view of Rand Paul?
Well, I agree with many of Rand Paul's issues.
I stand with him solidly about getting our military to get out of the Middle East.
I stand with him on ending the war on drugs.
I had a guy on my show, a ten-year police officer in Baltimore, who told me the militarization of America right now is directly to the war on drugs.
Decriminalize now.
Ronnie, thank you for the call.
Stop the war on drugs and you'll stop seeing these big vehicles ramming people's doors down and coming and violating our constitutional rights every day.
Let's go to Jeff in California.
You're on the air, Jeff.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex and Jesse, what do you guys think of this?
David Knight for President 2016.
He'd make a great president, sure.
Seriously, what's your question?
David Knight's a reporter here at InfoWars, Governor.
Oh, okay.
You caught me on that one.
A little inside baseball.
Jeff, do you have another point?
Well, no.
If you guys could throw one more money bomb and throw him on the ticket, he has the best campaign of what he says.
Well, David Knight's a great guy.
I appreciate your call.
Kevin in Florida, you're on the air with Jesse Ventura.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
My question is, Governor Ventura, why are you so pro-open border?
I don't want to sound like I'm against open borders, but the majority of people that are coming over here illegally are not trying to do it the right way.
They're here for the free money, the free medical care, the free health care.
Why aren't you blaming our system and our politicians who made it all available to them?
If that's the case, I don't necessarily believe what you're saying there, but if that's the case, why aren't you angry at the Democrats and Republicans for creating a system that allows these people to get on it?
Yeah, for the caller, I mean, I get what Ventura's saying.
He's saying, don't make it about the individual that's just trying to escape poverty, make it about the system that allows it.
It's like, instead of blaming the TSA, how about we blame Congress, who actually put this in place, let's get rid of it, and just face the danger of the so-called terrorism, and I think the airlines would even make more money.
What do you think, Jesse?
Well, again, you know, people are not going to the root of the problem.
That's the point, Alex.
You know, and I don't buy... You know, everybody wants to stop... Everyone forgets.
Unless you're Native American, you immigrated here.
And the majority of illegal immigrants, guess what?
They come in by plane.
They don't come across the border.
No, I know.
That's certainly now... They come in by airplane.
And I don't think they're full of Mexicans, necessarily.
This whole border... I'll tell you what.
This country's behaving like 1930s Germany right now.
We want the biggest, toughest military, we're gonna kick everybody's ass, and we're putting every blame of every ill thing in this country on the Mexicans.
Just like the Germans did to the Jews.
Well, I think the case here is a little bit different because you've got Latin America collapsing.
Mexico was the biggest group of immigrants.
It is Chinese now.
I don't care whether they're white, Chinese, whatever.
I shouldn't have to pay for an anchor, baby.
I can't go to China and pay for it.
Well, then let's lead the charge and let's take down the Statue of Liberty.
I know, I already heard all that.
No, no, no.
It's what you said.
We should get rid of the incentives because I'm all for immigration.
Take down the Statue of Liberty, Alex.
No, I think we'll take down paying for folks, baby.
I think we'll take it down.
I think we'll pay.
Sure, I think it's ugly.
I say get rid of it.
I agree with you.
Take it down, because it says send us your poor, send us your downtrodden.
Well, that's not in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
That was the Masons that sent it over.
We want you well educated, and we want your doctors and lawyers.
So take the Statue of Liberty down.
I agree, take it down.
Take it down.
I think we ought to sell tickets and put a rocket ship under it and shoot it to the moon.
How's that sound?
And let's not be racist, we need a wall at Canada too.
I think we ought to have robots patrolling the border.
And now we can call ourselves the United States of East Berlin.
No, no.
Excuse me, didn't Ronald Reagan say once, tear down that wall?
Tear down that wall?
Yeah, yeah.
Well, hey, what about Mexico and their wall?
Mexico has their most draconian immigration laws in the Americas, but it's okay when they do it, right?
What's that?
No, I don't.
No, I don't know anything about that.
I've never been down there.
All I know is I live 950 miles down there and I ain't seen a wall.
That I should?
I can't.
I'm not Mexican.
Well, they should let you, and you should be able to have babies for free.
I think you ought to... Jesse, we love you.
Let me say bye to you there in the break.
Third hour coming up.
Get rid of the Statue of Liberty.
Get rid of it.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And I tell you, that was a heated discussion with Jesse Ventura.
We just argued more and more on air.
And, you know, Jesse really believes what he believes.
He really believes in the justice of it.
And he really believes in the fairness aspect of it.
But it's not fair that Mexico has a wall, a fence, and puts Guatemalans in forced labor for a year, but then expects everybody to come up here and have everything for free, and that Mexico teaches a liberation theology.
And teaches that the Southwest belongs to Mexico when Russia had California, you know, Spain had Texas, the French had Texas and Louisiana.
That's why there's six flags over Texas.
There were a bunch of empires.
I mean, for heaven's sakes, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the German Empire, ran Mexico off and on for 60 years after Spain left.
So it's just crazy.
Like if Russians started claiming that they had some take on California or Alaska.
Well, you may have a couple hundred years ago, but you don't now.
And I'm not anti-Russian that I say that.
The globalists have conquered America.
The globalists are conquering all our countries and playing us off against each other.
And I don't think it's a fair debate to just play the card that it's racist to say that
You know, Mexicans are bad if you're for, you know, the borders being closed.
But that people aren't saying Mexicans are evil inherently because we don't want the border completely wide open.
This isn't Mexico.
I mean, I can't even go down to Mexico and own land except in small, controlled areas.
I don't have rights as an American down there.
If Mexico reciprocated and treated us the same, then we could have a treaty and more open borders.
But it's just not a one-way street.
I don't like to debate Ventura when we're short on time with a big question like, do you want to get rid of the Statue of Liberty?
I'm like, yeah, yeah, let's send it to the moon.
Let's send it to Mars.
Quite frankly, it's an Illuminati symbol.
Quite frankly, it's obnoxious.
Quite frankly, it's a globalist instrument of propaganda, and I personally don't like the Statue of Liberty.
I think it's an interesting piece of art, but it's a man in drag.
The maker of it admitted that.
It's not even what people think it is.
And it sits there and says, give me your tired, give me your hungry, give me your starving.
That's not what this country was about.
This country was, give us your free booters, give us your swashbucklers, give us your builders, give us your strivers, give us your trailblazers, give us your rugged individualists.
And coming up in studio at the bottom of the hour, you want to hear about the migrants, as they call them.
First, don't call them illegals.
Then just call them migrants.
So it's all part of this UN global agenda where groups can migrate wherever they want.
So the globalists can selectively bring in giant hordes of people who don't integrate so that
They can have a divide and conquer strategy.
And it just gives me a headache that the people that push having open borders will not have a real debate on the subject.
The fact that none of these Arab countries will take any of the refugees.
The fact that Latin American countries have strict controls and borders.
And if they didn't, the ones that don't end up being failed states.
I mean, this is how you bring a country down.
Half of Arizona now has signs up saying don't go down this road under the control of cartels.
Our government has given roughly half of Arizona, the southern half, to the drug cartels.
Now that doesn't mean I'm for the drug war either.
Decriminalized to end the incentive for the drug cartels.
While we got the drug war running, we've got to control the sovereign territory of this nation.
I mean, it's a fraud that the TSA wants to grope my genitals, put me in a naked body scanner to keep me, quote, safe at an internal checkpoint.
But the border's wide open.
That's all I'm saying is it's all a fraud on its face.
Tons of news straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones harassed by TSA over jar of grape jelly.
That's right, radio host Alex Jones had another run-in with the TSA after agents searched his bag and found a jar of grape jelly.
Jones said he went through the airport body scanner and a physical pat-down, but the TSA agents insisted upon searching his bags.
After finding the jar of grape jelly, the agents told Jones he was lucky they would still allow him to fly after such a violation.
Jones recapped on the Sunday show, they searched me for 35 minutes and I barely made my plane, and they got such enjoyment out of it.
Meanwhile, last week, federal air marshals were under investigation for filming sex with a prostitute while on duty.
The two air marshals based in Chicago allegedly used government-issued phones to record their own sexual encounters with a prostitute and then shared them on their personal email accounts, which they connected to their work phones, according to the TSA.
And remember, TSA demands the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.
Let's hope if there's a hijacking and air marshals are aboard, they pull out the right gun.
Rob Dew, reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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We're good to go.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm turning back, baby.
All right, I want to open the phones up in this hour.
We cleared the lines of folks that were from Ventura, because obviously Ventura's gone.
If you've got any questions, comments, agree, disagree, any news items you want to raise, whatever the topic is, I want to hear from you in this live worldwide third hour.
It is the 21st day
of September 2015 on this Monday transmission.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Headlines at Infowars.com.
Hungry authorities.
Again, Hungary authorizes troops to use rubber bullets on rioting illegal immigrants.
They had issued that last week but then revoked it, saying it was a human rights violation, but now it's been reissued.
Also, cop threatens students with jail.
For handing out pocket constitutions.
We're going to play some of that shocking video here in just a moment.
Russian Marines battle ISIS in Syria.
That's pretty much exclusive to InfoWars.
At least it was an hour ago when it broke.
It was not in Western News.
It's in the official Russian News publications.
Establishment Democrats work hard to push Clinton over Sanders.
Obama supporters sign petition to nuke North Korea.
Half of Americans believe federal government to be an immediate threat to freedom.
We've got Alex Jones harassed by TSA over a jar of grape jelly.
I got photos of it.
And then another article, all Republican presidential candidates stand for war.
You know, I read that article and I agree with Roberts on most issues, but Rand Paul is not supporting war.
So I'm a little bit confused by that, but almost all of them are.
That is certainly a fair statement.
And look, I've been critical of Rand Paul only saying he should get more fired up.
But if you watch that debate last Wednesday night, and we covered it live here during the 28-hour transmission, he's hands down the best candidate.
I mean, Trump's funny to watch, he's fun, he says a lot of stuff that's true, but
This is crazy.
You know, talking about optics, I saw a story over the weekend about Vladimir Putin and Berlusconi, the former president of Italy, in eastern Ukraine, in Crimea, at a famous vineyard.
And they opened up a bottle of thousands of bottles of wine that were there that was 210 years old.
You can just type in Putin
At the time that that bottle of wine was corked,
...was produced, Russia fully controlled Ukraine and fully controlled Crimea, and the Crimea was part of Russia.
But that doesn't matter.
They're now claiming that Putin and Berlusconi stole a bottle of wine that was part of a PR stunt just promoting local Ukrainian wine.
Like, oh, we're here with the farmers.
Yes, let's open some wine.
Why, it's very old.
And then they reduce it down to the ultimate crime, BBC, CNN, Fox News, Associated Press, Reuters, French news agencies, that Vladimir Putin is there looting the Ukrainian wine.
The Globalist drove her through the country two years ago, they put it into civil war, they appointed a government.
They're bombing and shelling all over the country.
The Russians have taken a small area that has their pipelines.
Joe Biden's son, the one that lived, not the other one, you know, is over there claiming he owns the pipelines now.
He heads the company that's getting them.
It's a power grab in Russia's backyard and the public is so angry over a bottle of wine.
The globalists are robbing us with Obamacare.
They're robbing us of our future.
They're turning ISIS and al-Qaeda loose all over the world and they could
Reduce this, though, down to Berlusconi and Putin are in Ukraine stealing the wine.
And there's a major investigation, and Berlusconi is banned from Ukraine by the Ukrainian authorities in the West.
Well, guess what?
You don't control that area.
But it just shows how everything is turned into propaganda now.
Everything turns into some giant stunt, and then the real communist threat, this Pope, is running around telling us we can't have air conditioning, and that we can't have hot meals, and we can't have nice lives.
Why not say we should make clean technologies?
Why not say we need to build new civilizations?
No, it's we need to have a new dark age, overseen by some guy above the law, tax-exempt, in an armored palace.
It's obscene.
And the left is making their move worldwide and a lot of people who've been libertarians or conservatives are deciding to join with the left worldwide in the takeover.
And I'm seeing this more and more with people.
Where they're going from being libertarians to just absolutely just getting on the bandwagon.
Yeah, let's pay for everything free for foreigners.
You're racist if you don't support it.
Yeah, this Pope's a great guy.
Yeah, we need to go ahead and go along with all this.
It's a very dangerous, dangerous, dangerous situation.
Now I'm going to go to your phone calls, Gerald and Sonny and Dan and Rattle and others that are patiently holding.
But first, this article is up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com and I defend good police officers.
I defend local government when it's constitutional.
I don't take what one bad cop does and project it onto all the rest of the cops.
That's the White House and social engineering.
But more and more I see videos
Of pro-lifers on the side of the road, or constitutionalists out on the sidewalk in front of a university.
This has happened all over the country.
They'll do it on Constitution Day or Patriots Day.
Handing out, this is a new event, but I see these every few months, pot constitutions and the police will arrest you, or fine you.
And courts will overturn it, but still it happens.
Because if you're a student in a university,
And you're not blocking a busy walkway or whatever, because I've read the regulations and the laws and seen the court rulings.
You can stand in a commons and hand out literature.
Universities are supposed to be the most open, the most free, and they're becoming the least open, the least free.
Steve Watson reports, video, cop threatens student with jail for handing out pocket constitutions.
You can't do it out here, otherwise I'm going to have to lock you up when the cop has sworn an oath to the Constitution.
That says that he has a right to assemble peacefully and for redress of grievance.
Video has emerged of two students at the College of DuPage, University of Illinois, being threatened with arrest by a cop for handing out pocket constitutions the day after Constitution Day.
I guess this has come out now after the incident.
The two students were also handing out flyers that stated, America is a free speech zone, when they were approached by officers who subsequently threatened to take them to jail.
And some will say, well they were out there baiting the cop.
Well absolutely!
Showing this is going on.
Because it's this same college I've seen that has fined people for doing this before.
The footage shows student Joseph Enders asking the officer, what are the rules for doing this kind of stuff on campus?
You go to the Student Life office and they give you a permit to do so, the officer replies.
You can't have everybody out here doing this, the officer states, adding otherwise, you'd have stuff lined up here, everybody handing out different view and different point.
She can't do that.
Well, college is supposed to be like that.
University students voicing and explaining their opinions in America.
The horror!
The second student, Kara Hamilton, then comments, so like, free speech.
It's not free speech, ma'am, the officer asserts, claiming that nobody's stopping you from free speech, but you solicit out here that basically you are, you're soliciting your opinion.
So, see, now putting your opinion out is soliciting.
Well, that's free speech.
Quoting the cop.
Okay, and you need to go get a permit.
The exchange continues with vendors asking, is speech a commodity?
Well, you're handing out pamphlets and stuff like that.
That's exactly what it would mean, the officer responds.
Let's go to some of this video and some of this audio.
Here it is.
We're good to go.
You gotta go to the Student Life Mount and they give you a permit to do so.
So you need a permit to, uh... Yeah, because you can't have everybody out there doing this, okay?
Otherwise, you'd have stuff lined up all along here.
Everybody have a different view and a different point of view.
You can't do it.
Hit pause.
It's not free speech.
Otherwise, you'd have everyone out here with a different point of view.
That's what a college is for.
This is what they've turned him into.
What was the other big college?
Was it Dartmouth?
Polled a story on it a few months ago that said, there is no free speech on campus.
Get used to it.
And the official can book.
I mean, this is the arrogant attitude.
Let's go back to the so-called police officer.
I don't like free speech.
It's not free speech, ma'am.
Nobody's stopping you from free speech.
But you can't solicit out there.
You're soliciting your opinions.
An opinion and soliciting your opinion is free speech.
Soliciting is coming to somebody's door to sell them something on private property, not a perceived public comments.
So this police officer hasn't read the statutes and hasn't read the case law.
Here it is.
You need to go get a permit.
Is it a commodity?
What's the permit for that we need exactly?
Why don't you go talk to Student Life?
You can't do it out here.
Otherwise they're going to black you out.
I don't want it to come to that.
So it's the signs or is it the flyer?
So you're passing out stuff.
I mean, you approached them because they were here doing it.
If they weren't here, you wouldn't have approached them.
So, so like political speech.
I think I've talked to you before.
I've talked to you before, I believe, in the past.
I think it was last semester I've talked to you.
Hit pause.
Back it up.
And now some little
Security guard shows up, bugging his eyes out.
The cop starts, I've talked to you before, you can tell he's thinking about arresting him.
You know, you've been out here before with those constitutions.
You know, in the back of his head, constitutionalist, terrorist, MRAP's the enemy.
I mean, this is the ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center brainwashing at work.
Let's go ahead now and go back to the clip.
Okay, so like political speech?
I think I've talked to you before.
I've talked to you before, I believe, in the past.
I think it was last semester I've talked to you.
I don't believe so.
I think so.
I think I remember getting a sticker.
Well, I'm here for a fact, because I probably would have been pretty upset about that.
And I talked to the other gentleman that you were with earlier at the table out front.
Just one more question.
So why do we need the permit?
Why don't you go to Student Life and ask them?
Thank you, officer.
Break it up.
Break it up out here with your American flag and your pocket constitution for free, promoting American values.
You don't do that.
And then a lot of these universities refuse the permits.
In fact, guys, I don't want to just say that.
I want to prove it to TV viewers and radio listeners.
Search engine, um, college refuses permit to hand out pocket constitutions.
That one was in California.
This is happening all over the country.
In fact, that's it.
I'm going to go to UT or have one of the reporters who wants to do it.
I'm gonna go down to UT, and I'm gonna hand out thousands of pocket constitutions, and I'm not even a student.
I don't care.
And when the cops show up and say I can't do it, I'm gonna say, you understand, this is supposed to be the freest, most open area for the dissemination of free speech.
And then I'm gonna be able to show people handing out free Chinese restaurant menus and free pizza menus, which they do.
And they don't mess with that, they don't care.
But they do care.
If I'm out there promoting the Bill of Rights and Constitution, because it's prasada non grata, and the schools and the colleges are turning into wastelands where free speech is completely, totally, absolutely under attack.
There it is.
Hawaiian student sues after being ordered to stop handing out pocket constitutions.
Yeah, that's another article.
I'm telling you, they're all over the country.
I mean, it is all over the nation, but I saw one a few months ago where
Then the students go, I think it was Berkeley.
They go, there it is, yeah, California College student teaches school $50,000 lesson on Constitution.
That's a Fox News article, Carol.
California, it's so too small for me to read, a California college student was blocked last year from handing out copies of the Constitution, gave his school a lesson in civics and the law, won a $50,000 settlement and an agreement to reverse its speech codes.
And look, we're not looking to raise money and sue people, but this is what needs to be done.
I mean, we've got people going into men's barbershops saying, cut my hair, and then going and basically trying to start government lawsuits, threatening $10,000 fines.
And getting $700 fines if you go, hey lady, we cut men's hair.
That's clearly not discrimination.
It's what you do as a business.
It's how they operate.
Oh man, there's just so much going on right now.
There's so much happening.
And it makes my head spin, it absolutely makes my head hurt hard.
Hurts so hard.
Hurts so hard.
Just to see videos like I have in my film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, that I made 14 years ago, 13 years ago plus.
It was out within three months of 9-11.
And they pull a lady over.
It's a checkpoint in the middle of nowhere in Virginia.
She's a naval veteran, no criminal record, has canning equipment, a VHS tape of Patriot games in her backseat.
You know, Harrison Ford, the Pachinic book with Clancy.
And they pull her over.
She comes to the checkpoint.
They want to ask her a question.
She says, you don't have a reason to have a checkpoint running.
Are you looking for somebody in particular?
And they go, no.
She was like,
And get the batter in her trunk, and they find canning supplies.
They think that's really evil.
And then they find a pocket constitution.
And they go, oh my god, is this legal?
And then a supervisor comes and says, she may be allowed to have that.
Maybe that's what she talks about, how she's got a constitution.
That may be what she means.
But look, we'll just take her to jail and find out, is it legal?
I don't know.
Here are guys that have sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence.
It's the whole foundation of the country.
And I'm not making fun of them.
That's how they were talking on the squad car video.
I aired on the radio, like, all 20 minutes of it.
In the film, there's like three or four minutes of it.
And they're just like, oh, boss, she got it.
I found one of them.
She's one of them extremists, like the Klan or something.
Boss, she got one.
And he's like, Lord, I can't believe it.
She's got a constitution.
I mean, it was like they found a dead, mummified baby in her trunk.
But when they do find live babies being vivisected on TV, nobody cares.
It's like, oh, big deal.
Cut up them babies.
The government loves you.
Planned Parenthood loves you.
Everything's fine.
Everything's great.
It's sick.
It's beyond whacked out.
The most extreme level I have ever seen in my life.
And it's only going to get crazier under the cult-like rule of these totalitarians that say our kids belong to them.
They're going to forcefully inject us.
I mean, they're really pushing into physical confrontation, licking their lips, because they hate the cops.
They hate the vets.
They hate anybody that's the old tradition.
That's how cultic this takeover is.
So they're going to use all the cops and all the military in a huge, stinking, cold war against the people, destroying their two enemies.
And if you look at how dumb those Virginia State Troopers were, I mean, and you're watching the video, they could not be this dumb.
They are.
They're as dumb as Mark Dice people he goes out and talks to that go, I want to put, we want to put all gun owners in forced labor camps because they own guns.
Yeah, it's time to arrest them all.
I agree.
Forced labor camps.
I'm sick of these people.
Look, she's got a constitution.
Sir, look, I found it!
They act like the moron villains in Time Bandits or something that live in hell.
I mean, they are so dumb.
And most cops aren't that dumb.
But it doesn't matter.
They're recruiting the biggest idiots on the planet.
They're just so stupid they're invincible!
You can't intellectually reach out to them.
You can't explain their own constitution to them.
They think it's a demon!
They think they find a rattlesnake in the back of her trunk.
We can't be doing wrong running a checkpoint.
It's routine.
We use the word routine.
It's a routine forced inoculation.
It's a routine, Jocelyn Elders.
A Surgeon General wants to teach five-year-olds how to masturbate.
To have a creepy woman in a, you know, in a naval outfit on TV telling teachers to reach down and help kids masturbate?
There's nothing wrong there.
There's nothing wrong telling five-year-olds that they've now got a bathroom if they want to be a girl or a boy.
There's nothing wrong.
There's nothing wrong in having U.S.
Army soldiers marching red high heels to teach them how to be feminist.
I mean, what in the world?
It's all just how much can they make us do?
How many orders can they give us?
What won't we not do when we're ordered to do it?
We're going to go to break and come back and go to your phone calls and more here today.
I'll see if Pat showed up to the studio.
He wasn't here earlier.
He's here to tell his whole story briefly and then we'll go to your phone calls.
Briefly, I didn't even plug last hour.
I was so busy arguing with Ventura.
But before I do go any further, if you want Super Metal Vitality, we've got it back in stock.
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We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kid Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Did you know that Pope Francis has strong ties to communism?
Francis is a member of the Jesuits who developed the so-called liberation theology, which many have labeled Christianized Marxism.
They're the reason why communism and socialism has persevered for so long in Latin America.
And it's not a coincidence that Cuba's current leader, Raul Castro, praised Pope Francis for his anti-capitalist stance.
Castro, like Francis, was also brought up by the Jesuits.
Starting to make sense now why Francis is constantly calling for carbon taxes and more government?
And also, did you know the recent reconciliation between the U.S.
and Cuba was spearheaded by Pope Francis to the benefit of Castro?
Vatican researcher Leo Zagami wrote an excellent article on InfoWars.com entitled, Vatican Flag to Fly Over the New World Order, which breaks it all down.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Remember five years ago they told you it'd be 2025 till driverless cars hit major roads in towns across the world.
Well now driverless pods are already hitting public roads.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, and sex reassessment is latest company benefit in push for equality, as they add the chemicals of the food and water to further confuse the public sexuality, moving us towards an asexual system where, you know what, there can be no sexualism, there can be no culture of any type, everything's just gray, or you're offending someone else.
Who would have ever thought, as from Bloomberg Business, that they would actually now be saying, ban the word mother and father, husband and wife, boy and girl.
You see, it moves from accept everyone to you can't be a man or a woman.
That hurts somebody else's feelings.
It's not tolerance.
It's not like I'm tolerant of the, you know, LD Leather Daddy on South Park.
It's that, it's that in the future that'll be banned too because it's hurtful of someone who doesn't know Lemmy Lynx.
I mean, this is, that's my buddy Pat, so I'm starting to joke around.
I gotta stop right there, bro.
Pat and his wife are really good friends of mine.
We go out to Barton Springs, you know, go out on the lake, you name it.
Good friends of mine.
He's also my personal trainer.
You see the terrible job he's been doing.
He's been gone for three and a half weeks every few years.
Pat takes off for a few days, for a few weeks, and he's gonna be telling you about his experience in Eastern Europe with the
Oh, I'm sorry, that's not the word I'm supposed to use now.
The migrants.
The refugees.
We'll be talking to Pat here in just a moment.
Again, more of the news breaking on InfoWars.com.
There is quite a bit of it right up there that's very important.
Russian Marines are battling ISIS now officially in Syria.
That is red-linked by Kit Daniels up on InfoWars.com.
We also, again, have Obama supporters signing a petition to nuke North Korea.
That is linked up on DrugsReport.com on the left-hand side as well.
Pat Riley joins us in studio because this morning I was working out with him and he started talking about what he saw with the refugees.
And I said, you know, you sent me a lot of great photos, texted me a lot of great photos.
I'm certainly envious of Croatia, certainly envious of how beautiful Turkey is.
I've seen footage before when we sent a film crew to Turkey to cover Bilderberg of what it looks like there.
I mean, it looks like
Looks like Tantoween meets East Texas meets Canada.
I mean, just the weird way the different landscapes come together.
Wild stuff.
But that's not, unfortunately, while you're here with us, Pat.
Repeat to the viewers and listeners out there what you experienced on your trip, what you saw, what the locals in Turkey said, because we have footage we can show in the background while you're talking of the news media saying a father and his children were going to commit suicide on the tracks.
They were all so upset that they couldn't be let into Hungary.
Well, it turns out he was throwing them onto the tracks.
Or their baby will drown and then they position it for the news cameras?
Who knows what really happened?
I mean, this is professional-level guilt-tripping that's going on when the Middle East isn't taking any of these refugees.
Saudi Arabia started all these wars, all these invasions.
They've not taken one single person.
They've got trillions and trillions of dollars.
They buy everybody, basically, that dropped bombs on Yemen gets a $300,000 new Bentley.
You know, why don't they give $300,000 Bentleys to the immigrants?
We're sick of being told we've got to pay for it all.
So thanks for coming in to repeat the amazing story where you saw someone faking suicide if they didn't get more money and it was totally rigged.
And then you talked to locals that confirmed that.
So Pat Riley, please tell us what you saw.
Well, I had a chance to go to Italy, Montenegro, Croatia, and Turkey.
And while in Turkey, in Istanbul, we were walking around Taksim Square, and after dinner, we were just around the square, thinking about a second dinner.
And all of a sudden, some commotion broke out, and everybody was surrounding the Taksim Square Hotel, right there on the edge of the square.
And all of a sudden, things started getting thrown out from the window, and the windows opened slightly.
And we noticed that half of the chair was hanging out and there was a gentleman with like a white shirt with his back to the window sitting down.
And all of a sudden, you know, everybody started screaming, don't jump, don't jump.
And there was a Syrian refugee woman with her
Kids sitting there, and she kept saying, we need money.
This is the translation I heard.
This is what we've been pushed to do.
My husband's going to jump.
We need money to get us further to Germany, further into Europe.
And people just started shelling out money left and right.
But long story short, he didn't jump.
It maybe happened between 12 and 15 minutes before, I guess, he allowed some people in the room
But, uh, he completely broke through the glass, um, and, uh, several times it looked like he was going to, uh, go ahead and jump.
Now, when you described the story to me in a telephone, you said he had his chair back up against it, ramming through the glass, leaning back, saying, I'm gonna go, I'm gonna go, and then she was down below... Screaming and crying.
To then give me money, give me money to folks on the street during all this emotion that you were told by the local Turks.
Well, repeat all that stuff you told me.
So essentially, you know, that was the night of the 16th, I believe, in September.
I previously that day, as well as the following day, was trying to negotiate a purchase of a carpet and had a discussion with the owner of the company.
Why wasn't it just free?
You migrated there from Texas.
Why don't they just give you a carpet?
They owed it to me.
Or they're racist.
Probably a little bit of that too.
But, you know, he said essentially this happens two to three times a week.
There's always these suicide attempts and it's just a ploy.
Because if you ever ask yourself essentially how they were able to afford that hotel.
You know, myself, I was spending the night in a cheap dormitory hostel.
It was around 12, 13 euros a night.
This hotel probably was at least
200 American, 150 to 200 American.
Nobody ever questioned, you know, essentially how he was in the room, if that, in fact, was even, you know, the husband.
But she kept screaming, my husband, my husband.
So, you know, he said essentially this happens all the time.
And her children were with her, correct?
And she was using them as a... That's a great... Well, that's what the gypsies do in Europe.
And when you got to see it to believe it, they'll take their firstborn or whatever and maim it.
Break the arm, twist it, burn it with acid, and then the children are going, uh, begging, and then you're supposed to give them money.
And it's like, well, it's their culture to maim their children.
And well, I guess it was the Nazis' culture to kill everybody then.
You know, I don't support any of that.
No, we have to learn to discriminate against cultures that are twisted and corrupt.
I mean, it's just a fact.
It's wrong to torture your children, and it's wrong in Afghanistan to rape children.
But here it is in the New York Times, U.S.
soldiers told to ignore sexual abuse of boys by Afghan allies.
Soon, it's going to be, I am a pedophile phobe.
Well, I am a pedophile phobe.
Keep your damn hands off the kids!
Sorry, Pat, go ahead.
No, well, the sad thing was he was telling me essentially, you know, there's a number of jobs that they could have, you know, behind-the-scenes type of deal, you know, cleaning tables, busting tables, working for the city, cleaning the streets, and they essentially would only make, I think, the equivalent to 20, 25 American or like 100 Turkish lira.
But you were saying, he said there they could live, you know, decent on that.
Yeah, so they are apparently every day, you know, they stand a chance to bring in 2, 400 lira, you know, and the amount of money I saw, you know,
That was gifting to her was, I mean, outrageous.
I mean, she probably made a thousand, more than a thousand lira, which allegedly can, you know, get her where she needs to go for the next two to three months.
But I think this is the time... So all he's got to do is every few weeks go, check into a hotel, knock the windows out, and then because it's a delicate immigrant, oh, thank you for knocking your windows out.
Thank you for running the scam.
Oh, we worship you.
Oh, everything's free.
Oh, I mean, this is sick.
I should have asked for a free hotel room.
And just go threaten to kill yourself and they'll throw lots of cash at you and you'll be worshipped.
But apparently they're playing the tourist every day and it's just a really sad attempt to know that that's not real.
Well, Pat Riley is here with us.
You drop by occasionally and hang out in the studio.
You've been gone for three weeks.
But you were there in Europe during the midst of this.
All I've got to say is the Croatia photos, man, where is that lake you were at?
Plitvice Lakes and Kirka were two national parks that I went to.
And I told the... Quite nice.
You're telling me the women are particularly not good-looking in that area?
Not at all.
Not at all.
My wife was happy to know that there were some extremely unattractive women there.
So, uh, that, you know... Because your wife went for two weeks, but then you went for three.
But you were a good boy.
I was very good, of course.
Good man.
The women are ugly.
The women are ugly.
But you said the further you go east, the better looking they get.
Total torture.
And sound.
Patrick Rowley says that.
Certified delicious women!
The food was good too.
But, you know, the feminists say we're not supposed to compliment women, because they control women.
That's their territory.
They run the women.
And most top feminists, I understand, are lesbians.
And so they want, like, a giant elephant seal out there with their harem, going, my women, blah!
My women, blah!
Can we show some elephant seals, dominant elephant seals?
And so they're just telling us, stay away from their women.
But I just want to tell all of them, no!
We're muscling into the table.
No, you don't get all the women!
My women!
That's only fair.
You wanna do an Elephant Seal Imitation?
No, I'm cool on that.
You know, that's how you secretly go to a beach and pick up all the women.
Well, I mean, that's a mating ritual, isn't it?
I'm serious.
Like, they've noticed in Italy, like, the bigger, fatter, arrogant guys and all the women.
He's literally just got to be dominant and go, bleh.
All the big boys pulling up on the yachts, you know, in, like, Couture and Split and Navarre, an island on the coast of Croatia.
Yeah, describe that off Italy.
You said it'd be like Russians with like 30... Yeah, tons of Russians going through Budva, you know, you see all the mega yachts outside and it's just, uh, it's impressive.
Well, that's an example of crony capitalism.
Now, see the male?
See the male?
Let's get some audio here.
I mean, that's a beautiful... I mean, there's a top feminist and she says, look, these women are mine!
See, I should have tried to bite... Kind of looks like the new Supreme Court Justice.
Anyways, can we get some audio, please?
Oh my gosh.
But it was a horrible trip, you know, I'll probably never go back.
Ugly country, ugly women.
Of course you're being sarcastic.
Absolutely, it's gorgeous.
I'd recommend... What is ugly?
Ugly women means emergency, danger, Will Robinson?
Must vacate, must leave now.
Must escape?
Must run?
Well, I tell you, no, no, but where do you think this whole immigrant thing is going where people say you must accept all these foreigners, you must pay for everything, you must pay for everybody's sex changes, you must pay for everybody's abortions.
I mean, I'm sick of people telling me I've got to pay for all this stuff.
Well, as an American, you know, I only ran into people mostly from like New York or maybe California.
However, everybody was saying, well, you should take some of these refugees.
And I go, do you even know that we've got our own migration problem?
And they go, you don't have a migration problem.
We have a migration problem.
Like they're superseded ours.
Like, you know, you need to take some Syrian refugees on top of whatever, you know, alleged migration issue you have.
And most of them, by the way, are not Syrian.
Rod Shotgun with us.
Pat Riley is here.
Any closing comments, though, on watching, clearly, this fake suicide attempt that, you know, ties in?
Can we roll in the background the footage, just for TV viewers, of the father throwing his shoulder on the tracks?
Because the media act like this was this beautiful, wonderful thing that was going on.
No, it's sickening.
But see, if it's a precious immigrant, then it's beautiful.
It's just sad.
You know, you hate to see people struggle as you walk through the streets.
Everybody is, you know, that's a tourist is having a good time, you know, walking around, seeing the shops, having a few drinks, buying carpets.
And these women, you know, are doing this, this
This song, this pleading song of, you know, you should feel guilty, you should give me money.
And every corner you take, every half a block, you know, you see... You did a rendition of this for me this morning.
Can you... Something like that.
In, you know, their native tongue.
It's, uh, you know, it's the most interesting form of begging I've ever seen.
I've been to a number of countries.
Well, I'm supposed to fall down to that.
Like, I was in Rome, and I was so shocked by it.
I had my iPhone, but I didn't get footage of it, because I was just so stunned by it.
These three gypsies walk over.
And they've got like this, looks like a three-foot-tall old woman, but it's not, and they just pull the veil off.
And I knew about the scam, so it was real though, and clearly this person had been dipped in battery acid when they were a baby.
And it was this mutated, tortured person, and they just pull it off, and they go, ah!
And it's just like, ugh!
And I'm supposed to go, oh, thank you for torturing your child!
I worship you!
Your culture's so beautiful!
They have this thing at UT where
You know, you're supposed to adopt the gypsy culture and all this stuff, and I get the fact there are some gypsy bands that don't rob everybody and aren't into all this stuff, but, I mean, that's a fact they do this in Europe.
It's a fact that that is this culture.
It is a fact that it's predatory.
It is a fact they mutilate their children.
It is a fact that they inbreed.
It is a fact they have genetic disorders.
It is a fact, and I will not worship it!
I'm done!
I'm not worshiping it!
And I'm against torturing children, I'm against mutilating children, and I'm against raping children, but the U.S.
military has ordered to cover it up.
New York Times, you heard it here a month ago.
How sick is that, Riley?
It's absolutely atrocious.
Now you're being a pedophile-phobe.
Apparently I'm an everythingist.
I was at first called a weightist because I sat next to a 350 pound Turkish man who was overflowing by about six to eight inches on me.
An hour on the tarmac, two hours in the air.
I put a picture up on social media and I hashtag fat Turkish and people said that that wasn't quite nice but you had to have the seatbelt extender to sit in the chair.
When I got up from the three hours of sitting next to my right shoulder, and I have a photo actually, my right shoulder was completely wet from the sweat.
So now I'm a weightist as well as a sex addict.
One time I was on a coach airplane flight back from some TV show in LA with a guy that, I'm not exaggerating, probably weighed 500 pounds and I know had never taken a bath.
He had the most nasty, hell on earth smell I've ever smelled.
Why are your onions and garlic on your food, not on your people?
But the thing is, I'm supposed to just shove my head up under his arm and worship him.
But that's what it is.
It's a bunch of thugs, scum, parasites, trash of every race, color, and creed that want to intimidate the producers into bowing down to them and being their slaves.
So this is literally a giant horde and a gang with all these different gangs of filth that team up together to make producers, builders, serve them.
And I'm sick of it.
I mean, it's Atlas Shrugged, man.
Well, you know, you shouldn't, uh, people shouldn't let them, you know, the, the beggars, uh, like that, deter them from going to countries like that.
However, it's a dime a dozen.
It's everybody with the same story, just like here in Austin.
Have you seen the gypsies where they have the deformed children?
I mean, it's just the same thing as going up to Hancock's.
But I mean, why aren't you for dipping your child in battery acid?
Well, I guess I need to.
How dare you not accept their culture?
I have to accept it.
And hey, did your wife wear a long skirt?
To be respectful, of course.
You know what they say!
You submit racist, filth, white, trash, scum!
Alright, let's go to a caller.
Stay here, Riley.
Sonny in Nevada, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate it.
Basically, I'm calling because
I do love the IFA Awards show and I agree with mostly everything.
Except there is a lot of Goebbels method of propaganda being used in the United States and it's just human nature.
I mean, I believe it is.
It's just survival of the fittest.
Eliminate the weak.
I don't believe it's just racial against Hispanics.
It's against anyone who perceives to be weak.
It's the power elite working with weak groups to make them angry and to feel like they've been messed with to make them aggressive and gang members.
Now that's an oversimplification.
Well, the middle class is being diverted.
Their attention is being diverted to one area.
They're not being able to focus on what's really going on.
Going down to the root of the actual problem.
So basically, you see a bunch of immigrants coming in and saying, well, these are immigrants that are coming here to take this, they're coming here to take that.
Oh, undoubtedly, immigrants have been used as scapegoats in every culture, in every history.
Immigrants make a lot of contributions.
There's also a lot of negatives throughout history, depending on the time, the period, the area, the circumstances, the economics, the socioeconomic interactions and larger.
Geopolitical ramifications of the sociological interface that has to be looked at in a wide-spectrum actuary of the overall system.
But if you pull back from all that and look at government welfare directing culture war, the New World Order wants your guns, it wants open borders, it wants to make you pay for somebody to have a sex change.
I don't care if some guy wants to go in and have the doctor, you know, get rid of his, you know what, his Johnson.
The issue is I
I ain't paying for it, and I'm not going to be bullied into paying for it, which I already am, because they said I was against them.
It's a load of bull.
I'm not against any of these transgender people.
I'm not.
I'm sick of them being used as a litmus test to force all this on me.
God bless you, Sonny.
Any comments on that?
Patrick J. Riley.
You're absolutely right.
His middle name is not J. I'm not paying for it either.
J for Geronimo.
Anyways, all right, let's go ahead and take another call.
Dan in Indiana, you're on the air, welcome.
Hey, how's it going?
Hey, I just had a comment on TSA and the quick fix there on the flight.
Everybody stop flying.
Wouldn't take very long, they'd change that real quick.
Well, they've already cut back a little bit because of folks quitting flying or losing $30 billion a year in tourism, but it's just continuing to some extent.
I mean, they hadn't messed with me in a while, and I guess I just forgot, you know, they thought smuggle jelly.
Juggly Smeller.
But, oh, here's the key to the whole TSA deal.
Make your point, sir, and then I'll make my final point on the TSA I haven't made yet.
Go ahead.
No, I was just saying, I did strip search before and cavity search, and it's just not good.
You know, I won't be subjected to any of that anymore.
Well, you know, in the Beavis and Butthead movie, Beavis then thinks that he's finally scored when they do the cavity search.
Alright, God bless you, sir.
Oh, I love Mike Johnson.
Just ridiculous.
He's good, he's good.
You know, this gets to me, Riley, doesn't it?
A little bit.
I mean, you should be, you know, you should be a little angered about it.
Everybody should.
Half the people don't even know.
What if, what if you decide you want to have the government pay for your dog to have a sex change?
Well, I think, I think if the dog wants a sex change, they owe it to the dog to provide facilities and care for it.
And then what do you do?
Like have buttons the dog pushes?
But even if it doesn't really want one, like one is filet mignon, it hits one button, the other's chicken.
So it'll choose filet mignon, that means sex change.
And so the dog runs up, and then it hits it.
That's a segue.
Well, I'm just saying that's how preposterous it all is.
And again, we wouldn't be covering it except it's the number one news story constantly.
I bought like five magazines when I flew up to Omaha to read there and back, and I read basically all five of them, and it was just all social engineering.
You know, I can say that I've been throughout most of Southeast Mainland Asia, and it's very custom for you to run into ladyboys and gangs of ladyboys.
And, you know, they're not wanting a whole, you know, news spread and, you know, a TV show about them.
And, you know, all of a sudden, you know, Caitlyn Jenner comes in the picture and everybody, you know, is concerned with... Well, the point is, why do you have to pay for it?
I'm just... It's not even a moral judgment.
I shouldn't have to pay for it.
I want to go to some more phone calls, but here's the key to the TSA deal.
The TSA people, some of them were really rude, some of them were somewhat apologetic, this went on for like 35 minutes, they said, listen, we get fired if we don't do this exactly the way they say.
So I got patted down twice, interrogated about my jelly, and I was just, I go, I'm gonna miss my plane, that's fine, just act arrogant and powerful, I don't care.
Well, why do you have this jelly?
And I said, I just forgot, man, I thought I lived in a free country.
You know, there's some produce in there too, excuse me for buying local.
Well, you can go, but
Yeah, you better watch it.
You're lucky.
And I'm just like, no man, you're not lucky that we live in a country like this.
This is a joke.
People are like, come on man, hurry up.
They're like, what's this guy's got a problem here?
Land of the free, home of the brave, where our government funds Al-Qaeda and ISIS and open borders and buses the illegals in and pays for everything, but I can't have jelly?
It's all just social conditioning.
And here's what was sad.
They told me it's not our choice.
We're just doing our jobs.
And that's what zero tolerance is about?
It's about these people have no leeway to make their own personal decision as a TSA agent.
They just are robots.
They follow total orders.
Here's this guy with no criminal record.
He's clearly bought some stuff at the farmer's market.
He's got a thing of Concord grape jelly.
I said, take the jelly.
And they go, oh no, we got to test it.
We got to open it up.
We got to ask you questions about it.
And I couldn't sit there with a straight face.
I go, man.
And I know they ate it that night or that next morning.
It's not funny.
Well, now you're probably labeled as a jelly smuggler.
Really think about that?
It'd have been fine if it was a whole suitcase of dead babies being sold to Planned Parenthood.
And then there's the comment, or some of them are like, I bet you just did that to get attention.
Oh, yeah, like, I need to get attention going to the TSA.
Like, I want to get grape jelly and just throw it in my bag.
And I didn't think about it in the hotel room.
I'm like, hurry and get packed.
I'm through the grape jelly in there, and I can't believe I'm even discussing this.
Gerald, oh, by the way, we're going to do five minutes of overdrive here, and then the whole next hour, David Knight's going to be hosting the new fourth hour we're bringing back.
Cold War heats up as Russian media stops calling Russian troops little green men and admits boots on the ground.
They've been there for years.
Kerry keeps upping the number of migrants, he says, from Syria.
It's now 85,000.
What's behind the rise of Fox candidate de Jure?
Pope coming to America preaching climatology.
I love that.
And socialism.
Autobots and talking cars ready to roll.
Autobots Transform and Roll Out.
Gerald in Arkansas.
You're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Oh, hey Alex.
Congratulations on the money bomb.
That proves to those of us who are true believers that God is the one that's there supporting you so you can get this, so he can use you to get this end time message out.
Well, God bless you, brother, and thanks for putting up with me when I'm goofy in the third hour sometimes.
But yes, sir, the fact that we got a million dollars in will really help us with the satellite and reach tens of millions more.
It's a big deal.
It's a big responsibility.
And I'll do my best not to let you down.
God bless you, sir.
One quick thing.
The terminology of our English language has been perverted.
That's why we're having such a hard time.
Yes, sir.
I mean, that's why we can't communicate with a lot of people now, because the language has been changed, altered, or reduced.
It's scary.
Anything else?
Yeah, think about it.
The word legal, the word lawful under the common law, it's not called common legal, it's called common law.
They've bastardized it.
Now everything is legal tender, but the Constitution says no state shall make anything but gold and silver as a payment of debt.
So, Satan has twisted this thing around to where it's all upside down.
Absolutely upside down world.
We're going to come back in 70 seconds.
Some stations carry it.
It's the fourth hour.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live broadcasting worldwide.
The final segment where I'm hosting, David Knight's coming in to cover a host of issues and to take your phone calls and more in the fourth hour we're bringing back.
Some days I'll host, some days David Knight, Rob Dew, Paul Watson and others.
But before I go any further, here with my good buddy and personal trainer Pat Riley hanging out with us.
I misspoke earlier when I said Super Metal Vitality is going to sell out soon.
It has sold out.
It could be months, unfortunately, until more of that comes in.
We did a huge 30% discount.
People went crazy and there was some huge surge yesterday and it sold out what was left.
We will sell out of Survival Shield Nascent Iodine X2.
Hey Alex,
I just gotta say, I've been listening to you for about four years, and I love Jesse, and I've been listening to him for a while, but it's getting painful to hear him.
I mean, he sounds like he's gone full socialist.
No, I agree.
As I was telling Anthony Gucciardi and Buckley during a break, and I'm going to call them to just kind of telling this today, because I've defended him, I like him, I think he's a guy who's for real.
He believes what he's saying, but, you know, then when I'm arguing with him, and he's getting most of the time, it's kind of like some of the other interviews where folks then just don't like me arguing with him.
And he really seemed irritated.
And he kind of just hung up at the end.
And it was just kind of like, whoa, because he used to be more libertarian.
And I mean, you know, Bernie Sanders, as far as I'm concerned, can go to hell.
And so can Hillary Clinton, all these people.
You know, I went after Bush and folks, too, with Ventura.
But he was more libertarian then.
And it's just, it's just, it's just...
You know, I can see his angles on some political issues.
But, I mean, our border is wide open.
We're paying for everything free.
And he said, well, don't be racist, you know.
It's not the Mexicans that are going to get us.
I never said that.
And that's a cheap shot, you know, to play the race card.
And that's why... It's very easy.
Your mic was off.
What were you going to say, Pat?
It was an easy shot to play the race card.
Yeah, it just doesn't work anymore, though.
But folks, see the demographics, and there's this idea, not by Ventura, but by the media, that they're going to turn Hispanics into this racial bloc.
And so you submit to the Borg, and that's the new culture, and then you give your culture.
It's not a melting pot that's being gone with here.
It's a political conquering led by a Latin American communist pope.
Everybody's getting in line for the new power structure, and guess what?
I'm not doing it!
Anything else, Chris?
Yeah, you know, it kind of seems like Jesse would be one of those guys on the piers answering the wrong question to Mark Dice.
And speaking of that, Mark Dice is another guy.
I mean, he went by Mark Show Dice.
He used to sell books on how to pick up chicks.
And out of mind control people.
Oh, I don't think that.
I read his books.
And he's attacked me before too, but I don't care.
I just don't care.
I love it all.
You know, I love Ventura.
I love Mark Dice, okay?
And if your name's Shoal Dice, you boil it down and say Dice.
It's like a German slash Polish name.
I mean, you know, it's whatever.
And you know what?
I love it when Mark Dice, you know, got mad at me and stuff and attacked me.
I mean, it made for great entertainment, and I forgive him, and it's okay.
I mean, I just don't care.
Look, he produces really good stuff.
He does funny things, everybody grows, nobody's perfect, and Ventura... I mean, I like Jesse.
But I tell you, he is taking a big leftist turn.
I like the guy that doesn't like both parties.
I like the guy that wants to expose 9-11.
That's the guy, you know, who wouldn't shove about the war and got fired from MSNBC and lost, you know, a lot of money.
I mean, I admire him for stuff like that.
So I like Ventura.
I just think he can't handle me arguing with him.
You know, I think that's the issue.
And so that's fine.
Listen, I'm out of time.
We'll be able to get to Dion, Scott, and Tim if you want to hold over when the great David Nye, who folks want to run for president, is coming up.
Then later in the week, Paul Joseph Watson is going to be hosting the fourth hour and more.
And the nightly news tonight, seven o'clock central, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Pat, thanks for coming in, bro.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate it.
All right.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
The transmission continues.
Alex Jones harassed by TSA over jar of grape jelly.
That's right, radio host Alex Jones had another run-in with the TSA after agents searched his bag and found a jar of grape jelly.
Jones said he went through the airport body scanner and a physical pat-down, but the TSA agents insisted upon searching his bags.
After finding the jar of grape jelly, the agents told Jones he was lucky they would still allow him to fly
After such a violation.
Jones recapped on the Sunday Show, The two air marshals based in Chicago allegedly used government-issued phones to record their own sexual encounters with a prostitute and then shared them on their personal email accounts, which they connected to their work phones, according to the TSA.
And remember, TSA demands the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.
Let's hope if there's a hijacking and air marshals are aboard, they pull out the right gun.
Rob Dew, reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show, the wrap-up and overdrive of the fourth hour.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We've got a host of issues here that we're going to talk about.
One of them, of course, is an article that's up on Infowars.com today.
Half of Americans believe the federal government to be an immediate threat to freedom.
My question is, why so low?
What is it that they don't understand?
Would you look at the situation we just had?
Alex Jones reported about yesterday as he was flying.
He was hassled, detained for 35 minutes, searched, lectured, threatened.
Maybe they put him on a no-fly list.
Who knows?
Because they don't tell you if they put you on a no-fly list.
You're not allowed to know until the next time you try to fly, and then they take you off.
What did he have?
He had a bottle of grape jelly.
What did they think that was?
What does grape jelly look like that is a possible threat?
I really don't understand.
Did they think he was trying to ship live anthrax?
No, that's the Department of Defense that does that on a regular basis.
Or weaponized bubonic plague?
No, they did that as well.
Shipping that through UPS.
They don't fly commercial airlines, they use UPS to ship their live bioweapons in the mail.
But what if he had shown up at the airport with a suitcase bomb?
Ahmed Mohammed, the 14-year-old kid, or I think that's his first name, his last name's Mohammed, the 14-year-old kid that Obama is going to honor at the White House.
What if you took something that looked like that to the airport?
I'm not recommending you do it.
They will probably haul you off and no one will ever hear from you again because we don't have anything such as due process anymore in this country.
Can you imagine if you took something like that to the airport and ran it through their screeners?
I mean, maybe they wouldn't notice.
I mean, it is, after all, security theater.
It might just sail through and nobody would pay any attention.
But if it did get drawn to their attention, I guarantee you, you wouldn't get an invitation to the White House.
I guarantee it.
And of course, as we've mentioned over and over again, Obama has no problems whatsoever with an out-of-control police department that is encamped in our schools.
I can't even believe that we have that in the schools.
It is so far removed from anything that I grew up in, anything that my wife taught in, and that was just a couple of decades ago.
We are so rapidly falling into tyranny.
I can't understand why only half of the people believe that the federal government is an immediate threat to freedom.
It's not a threat.
It's already taking your freedoms.
It's already telling you that everything you have has to be sacrificed to national security.
Not just your money and taxes, but also every right, every bit, because your rights are property as well.
It's not just your money, your property, to go to pay for an out-of-control government that is involved in war after war after war.
And I want to talk about that in just a moment.
But let's first talk about the boogeyman in Russia.
Or as this story came out on RT, and they're talking about the government there is going to ban GMO food production in Russia.
They have already put, they've already banned the importation of GMO food.
They said a group of MPs backed by parliamentary majority party, United Russia, drafted a bill that severely restricted the imports of genetically modified agricultural produce and completely banned its domestic production.
Now this is after, they say, this draft has not passed through the Parliament, but later in the year the state Duma approved a package of amendments imposing fines on businesses that sell products containing GMO without adequate labeling to warn consumers.
What a difference!
What a difference!
Why is it that in this country, even people who typically stand for informed consent, stand for choice, stand for freedom, people like Rand Paul, would support the DARK Act?
That's what we call it.
Forbidding state governments from telling people honestly what's in their food.
We're not even allowed to know.
So not only are we allowed to have this stuff put into our food, they're going to try to ban it in Russia.
But we have people who are trying to facilitate it, trying to hide the fact that this is in the food.
Why do they not want it on the label?
Because people don't want it in their food.
It's just honesty.
It's not over-regulation because the government should be there as a referee to prevent force or fraud.
That's what I agree with as a libertarian.
I think government ought to be there as an honest referee to stop people from robbing you,
Using force on you, or ripping you off.
When they steal from you, when they deceive you, then they ought to go to prison.
If we're going to use government, that's what we should use it for.
Have an honest, open, free market where people know what's in their food.
But they call it the Safe and Accurate Food Act.
It's not at all that.
We're good to go.
You're about the only one that has the courage to say something that radical because the rest of these guys are just gonna tow the corporate line that we've seen from the big mega establishment.
But of course that establishment, interestingly enough, is pushing hard to get Hillary Clinton in.
This is an article up on InfoWars today.
Establishment Democrats are working hard to push Clinton over Sanders.
Now, this is an organization, and we've seen
Not only are they pushing to get her in, but also they're, in many cases, some of the bigger ones are, some of the bigger corporations are starting to abandon Clinton.
They certainly don't want Bernie Sanders.
They're concerned about Bernie Sanders.
I don't think that he's controllable for them, but I think that Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are.
I think Joe is biding his time.
I think he's going to pop into the race when we see that Hillary Clinton drops 20 points in the South Carolina poll.
That was on September the 9th.
We see that the person that picks up those is not Bernie Sanders there necessarily.
It is Joe Biden who seems to be picking up this.
So the establishment, I think, has got two horses in this race.
Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden.
And I think that they're going to put themselves behind Joe Biden at the end.
I think there's a lot of people who, even though Hillary Clinton is very well connected with the Democrat establishment, I think there's a lot of people in the Democrat establishment that are afraid of her.
That perhaps the Clintons could blackmail.
I think they're afraid of that mafia.
So they look at somebody that probably they could deal with a little bit more easily, like Joe Biden.
And I don't support him.
I mean, this is just politics gamesmanship that I see happening here.
Now, in the article that we have that Kurt Nimmo wrote today, he said a CNN orc poll, O-R-C, I guess the orcs, I guess they're polling orcs.
Conducted between September 11th and the 19th.
If that can be trusted, Clinton is supported by 42 percent, Bernie Sanders at 24.
Joe Biden, who is yet to declare his entry into the race, is at 22 percent.
Just two points behind Bernie Sanders.
That's why I think he could rapidly take over because, look, this is a guy who, you have to ask yourself, how in the world
Did a guy from the smallest state in the union, who doesn't really bring any voting bloc or any connection there, he certainly had to be politically connected to get in as the vice president for Obama.
And he seems to have a lot of connections.
And if you saw the interview that he had with Stephen Colbert,
It was a puff piece interview, but he did a great job coming across.
Of course, we know that he's prone to gaffes, but that doesn't seem to be a problem this time around.
People are looking for someone that they think is authentic, and if you misspeak, that simply makes you sound authentic to them, no matter how well connected with the establishment you are.
Now on the other side of things, even though there are people still in the Democratic Party who are still trying to push Clinton, and I believe that there's others who are trying to drive her out, if they can get her down with this email scandal, that would be something where they could take her down without getting themselves involved.
But with her financial backers, we see a couple of days ago on September 19th, USA Today reported that big businesses are abandoning the Clinton Global Initiative.
That sounds pretty sinister, doesn't it?
The Clinton Global Initiative.
Yeah, it's actually, actually is sinister.
It actually is a globalist plot.
It is a non-profit arm of the Clinton dynasty, USA Today says.
But some of the investment companies, some of the large corporations, the mega-corporations that have pulled out of donating to that right now are Samsung, ExxonMobil, Deutsche Bank, HSBC,
Price, Waterhouse, Coopers, big accounting firm Hewlett-Packard, Monsanto, and Dow.
So some of these high-profile corporations, as they say, might not be the only supporters backing away from association with the Clinton family charitable arm.
In 2014, eight national leaders, kings, presidents, prime ministers, appeared on the program for the Clinton Global Initiative annual meeting.
Now, this year, only two leaders, one from Colombia and another one from Liberia, are on the program.
How's that for a drop in your self-esteem when you've just got two leaders, one from Colombia and the other one from Liberia?
Most Americans probably couldn't find those two countries on the map.
But nevertheless, I think that's going to move in the way of Joe Biden.
Now, on the other side, we've got
Carly Fiorina moving up rapidly in the polls, and I want to take a look at that and also what Donald Trump says he's going to spend $100 million to win the presidency.
That used to be a lot of money.
That used to be the entire amount of money going back to the early, early days of the American Republic, you know, like 2000.
In 2000, George Bush spent $100 million in Al Gore accused of trying to buy the election.
Remember that?
Uh, well, Donald Trump could spend that on his own, but that's going to be pretty small compared to the amount of money that people are raising and spending today.
Hundreds of millions.
I think, uh, one of the, I think it was the last time that Obama ran, I'm just pulling from memory here, I think it was something like 600 million or more that Obama had.
Because, you know, those big corporations like we just listed, Monsanto, Hewlett-Packard, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, they're the ones getting involved in this and they have changed the way that corporations can get involved.
They've also changed the party rules, however.
That's a report from the New York Times.
They say party rules meant to streamline the race may backfire for the GOP.
You remember that the GOP was very, very frightened about the rise of Ron Paul.
They wanted to make sure that was never going to happen again.
That they were never going to have to embarrass themselves by publicly rigging the primaries and the caucuses as we saw them do and caught them red-handed.
So what they did was they tried to rush things up and they're saying that this may actually backfire on the GOP establishment.
It may actually make it easier for Donald Trump to get the nomination.
And certainly he's saying things and saying them in a way that the other candidates in the GOP fear to tread.
When we come back though, we're going to take a look at the rising candidate of the week, Carly Fiorina.
Stay with us.
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We're good.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host in this news wrap-up, the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We have a breaking news article that was just handed to me by Kit Daniels.
Media promotes pedophile rights.
Not long after same-sex marriage ruling, leftists are now demanding rights for pedophiles.
They say the leftist media is promoting this as the next social justice movement.
Salon.com published an op-ed by a self-described pedophile asking Americans to, quote, learn to accept pedophiles and to be, quote, understanding and supportive of their sexual orientation.
This is now a sexual orientation.
Preying on young children.
What do we expect when we despise the idea anymore in America of consent?
We despise the idea of consent when it comes to what's in your food, what's in your medicine, what medicines you'll take, what medicines you'll be injected with.
We're not informed and they don't want our consent when it comes to trade treaties that are going to remake our economy, remake our government.
They don't want our consent and so why would they care about the consent of children?
Because you can't give consent as a child.
That's what we've always understood.
We've always understood that children are especially vulnerable because children are easily manipulated.
And so we have always had an age of consent.
That has varied back and forth over the years, over different societies, but we all understand children need to be protected because they are not able to give consent.
That's why pedophilia is wrong.
Let me make that very simple for you.
It's one of the key reasons why it's wrong.
You can never have mutual consent, by definition.
This is another example of our government selling this evil because of a Brave New World philosophy.
It's exactly like Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
They kept the vast majority of the population under control
By keeping them in this hedonistic stupor.
That's precisely what's going on in our society.
People go back and forth.
We've talked about this before.
Do we live in a 1984 world?
Do we live in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World?
Well, actually, you live in both.
The vast majority of the people, if they can be controlled, they go for them first with a Brave New World dumbing down.
If, somehow, that idiocracy that you are fed in school, fed in the media, fed by the politicians, if that doesn't work, then what they give you is the full Orwellian 1984 treatment.
Total surveillance to identify those who are going to stand out from amongst the dumbed-down idiocracies.
That's the whole idea behind activity-based intelligence, human domain analytics, the geospatial intelligence.
It's predictive.
They want to see who pops up.
It's just that simple.
You know, there's an old saying in Japan in terms of making conformity.
We had some friends who were Japanese and they said, and I can't remember the exact expression, but it's essentially the head that pops up gets hammered down.
There is a massive effort, very successful in Japanese society, to make everybody conform to society's norms, the things that are dictated to them.
The cultural norms, what it means to be successful, that type of thing.
And if you deviate from that, you are hammered down.
We are going to be living in a high-tech society, a technocracy as the big new Brzezinski looked at, that's going to monitor everything that we do.
He predicted this a long time ago.
That's how they picked him to lead the Trilateral Commission.
They were very, very happy with the book that he wrote in 1970, talking about the technocracy, talking about merging three global blocs in North America, Asia, and Europe, those being the stepping stones to a one-world government.
This has been planned for a very long time.
This has always been the dream of tyrants and dictators.
And the way they do it, even going back to Plato's Republic, make sure you destroy the family.
Make sure you know that nobody identifies with a mother and a father or with a family, but only with the state.
That was Plato's ideal.
Make sure that they don't know.
It's not possible for them to even know who their parents are.
So the only parent is the state.
And of course, that is precisely what happened in Huxley's world.
This is what they're selling us now.
Listen to this quote.
This is also from the pedophile who's selling this.
He says, in essence, your brain knows what it likes.
And it isn't going to take no for an answer, he said in his op-ed.
For that reason, the nature or nurture question with respect to sexual preference is ultimately irrelevant.
It all becomes all hardwired soon enough until it's all you know.
And it's self-reinforcing, no matter how much you wish to dig it out.
Many of us look at that and say, yes, unfortunately this man is possessed in many different aspects of that word with his sexuality.
This is the way it's going to be sold to us.
First, it's going to be as he's putting it to us.
Then we're going to see pedophilia represented in a funny little way.
We're already seeing that in many different ways interjected into movies.
You'll have some sympathetic characters that'll come along, and then they will demand that it is a civil right.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back.
We're going to talk about ISIS and little green men that the Russians are finally admitting exist.
Not the kind you think of, though.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kay Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Did you know that Pope Francis has strong ties to communism?
Francis is a member of the Jesuits who developed the so-called liberation theology, which many have labeled Christianized Marxism.
They're the reason why communism and socialism has persevered for so long in Latin America.
And it's not a coincidence that Cuba's current leader, Raul Castro, praised Pope Francis for his anti-capitalist stance.
Castro, like Francis, was also brought up by the Jesuits.
Starting to make sense now why Francis is constantly calling for carbon taxes and more government?
And also, did you know the recent reconciliation between the U.S.
and Cuba was spearheaded by Pope Francis to the benefit of Castro?
Vatican researcher Leo Zagami wrote an excellent article on InfoWars.com entitled, Vatican Flag to Fly Over the New World Order, which breaks it all down.
Zagami wrote, Barack Obama and Raul Castro's mandalist leftist agenda is guided and supervised by the first Jesuit Pope in history to help the Cubans embrace the new world order with enthusiasm.
Keep checking InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv for more reports.
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You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later gotta put you down.
Sooner or later... Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host in this fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
The news wrap-up.
I want to go to a caller who's been waiting a long time, Scott in Washington.
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Let's go to Scott in Washington.
Scott, thank you for hanging on for so long.
You wanted to talk about immigration, it says.
Yeah, I do want to talk about immigration, but I just wanted to mention real quick, because you were talking about the stuff that was going on in the primaries as far as on the Democratic side about them putting up Joe Biden in place of Hillary.
I think the whole thing with that is that Bernie Sanders was meant to be the attention getter to get the base riled up and to turn it over to whoever the frontrunner over there is going to be.
Because Bernie Sanders is the shield.
No doubt he was paid off by them to do that.
And whether it's going to be Hillary or Joe or something, the fact that
They're doing all that stuff behind the scenes.
They haven't even had a debate or something.
That tells you a lot right there about how secretive they are.
Oh, it's totally controlled.
We saw that with the Republican primaries, as I mentioned, with Ron Paul when he was running.
How corrupt the GOP was.
These guys don't even pretend to have debates.
I mean, that's how controlled the Democrat Party is.
And it really does underscore why we need to have a much, much, much more open electoral system.
It's one of the many things that makes the electoral system completely rigged, completely dysfunctional.
And that is even just ballot access or access to the debates.
We've seen that happen over and over again.
But you had a comment about immigration.
Go ahead.
Oh yeah, what inspired me to call in was basically when Jesse Ventura was on, and I'm not picking on him just per se, but I've noticed with that ilk and that whole thing about, oh you're racist if you don't accept the orders and stuff, and typically it comes from these people who do not have dogs in the fight themselves.
They're all secluded, you know, in their own little areas and stuff like that.
They, they're not amongst, you know, in these areas where a lot of these immigrants come into, these illegals come into, where there's a lot of this infighting going on in the inner cities and stuff like that.
They put up these arguments about, oh, well,
But they're coming over here for a better life.
Do you want to just punish them?
Well, I would say to them, okay, well, is it fair to those who were over here who tried to go through the legal hoops to get here legally and stuff like that?
Is it fair to discard them?
I would say, you know what?
If you're all accepting about having people come over here illegally, instead of put up or shut up, invite some of them into your house, you know, give of yourself.
Yeah, we heard Nancy Pelosi say that.
She said, all these people coming, we just have, we have one community that just happens to have a border running through it.
I wish I could adopt them all.
But she didn't, did she?
She didn't adopt a single one, precisely what you're talking about.
Look, Scott, what it boils down to is, just look at the education standpoint of this.
We have an explosion in our schools, and it's not just providing an education for them.
All these children, and they're not just all coming from Central and South America, they're coming from all over the world.
40, 50, 60 different languages some school districts are having to teach these children in because we have to give them a
Customized education.
We don't want them to assimilate.
Heaven forbid they would assimilate.
Heaven forbid we would have a melting pot.
That would not serve the motives of the controlling elite whatsoever.
It's all about divide and conquer, but it's also a practical aspect.
We will literally be driven out of our homes just to pay for the education aspect of it, even if it's not any other welfare aspects.
Already, education budgets are out of control in most cases.
That's where the massive property taxes that everyone has to pay are coming from.
And if you're not paying the property taxes because you live in a rented apartment, you are still paying it.
You just don't see it itemized.
You don't understand what a huge part of your living expenses that is.
So are we going to wind up being homeless?
Uh, in our own country.
And that's one of the aspects of it.
I hear people like Jesse Ventura say, look, we have to understand that, uh, unless we're Native Americans or Indians, as Russell Means preferred the term Indian, unless we're Indians, uh, we're all immigrants here.
Well, you know what?
I don't support the idea that we stole land from the Indians.
I don't support the idea that we tore up the treaties that we made with the Indians.
I think that's horrendous.
I think Russell Means was right when he said the federal government has destroyed every treaty it's made with the Indians.
The treaty they made with you, white man, is the Constitution and they have shredded that as well.
So I'm concerned about all those things.
I'm concerned about the practicality of it.
We cannot save everyone.
The obvious example being when you're on a plane and there's a problem and the air masks come down, they say put it on yourself first.
You can help people.
Look at this situation in Syria.
And I'm going to move on.
Thank you so much for calling, Scott.
I want to talk about this situation in Syria because it's a good example of how they will create a second problem rather than addressing the root of the problem.
We have a massive buildup continuing on.
We see the breaking story today.
Russian Marines are battling ISIS in Syria.
Russian Marines, this is up on Infowars.com, Russian Marines clashed with ISIS in Syria on Sunday, according to Russian media.
During the fight, the Marines allegedly killed several militants, captured others after ISIS attempted to attack an airbase operated by the Russian military.
Brings up a couple of questions, Kit points out.
Interestingly, the newspaper also reported that ISIS militants possessed a detailed plan of the airbase and clear satellite imagery with the marked key military installations.
Where would they get that information?
Maybe from the same people that are giving them training and equipment and support and are smuggling Muslim Chechens into Syria to fight in that war.
That would be us!
Even though we pretend that we absolutely know nothing whatsoever about it.
Go back to the GOP debate, for example.
And of course, this is a question that came up by Hugh Hewitt.
Hugh Hewitt, a radio personality, one of the biggest neocons you'll find out there.
Always pushing any war that he can find.
And he addressed the question to Donald Trump.
He said, Mr. Trump, two years ago Obama drew a red line
That the Syrian dictator Basar Assad crossed.
Obama threatened to strike.
He didn't.
His knees buckled.
Now we've got four million refugees.
As if that's the reason that didn't happen.
We were the ones who were pushing that.
But Hugh Hewitt couches it in the position saying you have three senators to your right that said no to this.
Do they bear responsibility for the refugee crisis?
What would you have done when Assad crossed the line?
So we go into this area.
We have now ISIS commanders who are telling us that they were created by the US military.
We have daily revelations about this.
An ISIS commander in Afghanistan said the same thing.
We had revelations the day of the GOP debate about the head of ISIS in Syria talking about bringing in Chechen rebels.
Yet we're supposed to pretend
Along with the GOP, along with Hugh Hewitt, that this is something we had absolutely nothing to do with, and that now this war that we started because we want to take down Assad, this war that America started that has been pushing for multiple years now, that because we didn't go in there and do a knockout punch, that now this is all happening.
We need to stop the war that we started, that we continue in Syria.
We need to let the Russians kill ISIS instead of equipping ISIS.
They are our surrogates.
Just as the Mujahideen, just as they became Al-Qaeda, they were our surrogates as well.
This is an old game, and they keep getting away with it with the American press.
Now, what did Trump say?
He said, I wouldn't have drawn the line, but once I drew it, once Obama drew it, he had no choice but to go across that line.
And he said, if you'd gone in with tremendous force, you wouldn't have millions of people displaced all over the world.
And then Hewitt comes back and asks him a follow-up question.
Now, first of all, that is absolutely wrong.
It just would have happened sooner, and Rand Paul points that out.
But I find it interesting that when Hewitt asks him a follow-up question, Donald Trump says a couple of things, and then he repeats verbatim.
Verbatim, if you look at the transcript.
If he had gone in with tremendous force, you wouldn't have had millions of people displaced all over the world.
That's something that they've thought about.
And that's the line that he's going to stick with.
That it's our fault because we didn't go in and presumably nuke Syria to get Assad out.
Now we have this flood of immigrants that are coming everywhere.
That's the lie that they're trying to tell you.
That's the lie that they're selling you about that.
And, of course, the other lie that they're trying to sell you is the fact that what's going on in the Ukraine, that this is something that is a piece of Russian aggression.
We started these color revolutions.
We pushed up to those areas.
And now we've got the Pentagon wargaming in a Baltic battle against Russia.
This was reported over the weekend by Foreign Policy magazine.
And we reported it at Infowars.com and what they said was the troubling thing about the war games with Russia and the Baltic area is that the United States keeps losing.
Is that really true?
Or is this really just a play to step up spending for the military-industrial complex?
I believe that's what this revival of the Cold War is all about.
This is an effort to get that profit center ramped up again.
And so now they're telling us, you know what, even though we've got more than half of the military in the entire world, we've got more than half, bigger than Russia and China and the European armies and everybody else combined, we just can't beat the Russians.
We're going to have to have more spending.
Military industrial complex mission accomplished.
That's what they want to do.
They want to create a crisis because they've got the solution prepared.
And that is a massive arms race.
Perhaps this time with autonomous killer robots instead of nuclear weapons.
Maybe that's going to be the crux of the arms race.
Absolute total insanity.
And we have an article up on Infowars.com today from Paul Craig Roberts.
Someone who was high up in the Treasury Department, the Republican administration of Ronald Reagan, says all Republican presidential candidates stand for war.
It is reckless for Washington to take provocative actions against Russia.
And he points out, he says, Carly Fiorina positioned herself alongside the macho men as a warmonger.
She let the military security complex know that she, too, was for sale.
Send in the campaign donations.
She will see that the money flows back to the military security complex and the buildup of fleets and armaments that will send the Russians a message.
Even though she said she wouldn't talk to Putin, she's going to send him a message with a massive buildup of equipment.
And as I pointed out, this isn't going to be your grandfather's military buildup.
This is going to be something far more horrific.
These killer robots are something that they will be able to use and let loose in confined regions, unlike a nuclear war that they were concerned about going to a full Doctor Strangelove scenario.
But it quite frankly could turn into a Doctor Strangelove scenario.
So while they're telling you
That we have to go in and take care of the migrants because we've got this humanitarian crisis.
That's the line that was being sold by Donald Trump before and during the debate that we didn't do enough, we didn't do it big enough, hard enough, soon enough.
That's why we have this crisis?
Not at all.
Actually, quite frankly, Rand Paul had a good response and I'm going to read that to you.
What he said was, I think this gets to the point of wisdom on when to intervene and when we shouldn't.
Had we bombed Assad at this time, like President Obama wanted, and like Hillary Clinton wanted, and many Republicans wanted, I think ISIS would be in Damascus today.
I think ISIS would be in charge of Syria had we bombed Assad.
Sometimes both sides of a civil war are evil, and sometimes an intervention sometimes makes us less safe.
This is the real debate we have to have in the Middle East.
Every time we've toppled a secular dictator, we've gotten chaos.
The rise of radical Islam, and now we're even at more risk.
But then what does Marco Rubio do?
He chimes in and says, well, what do you do if you have chemical weapons that end up in the hands of radical Islamic terrorists like al-Nusra?
We were the ones who put it in their hands!
It was shown by multiple news organizations.
We talked about how that it happened in the past and finally we had people within the U.S.
military leak out the fact that it wasn't sarin gas from the Syrian government.
It was something different.
That was how close we came to going into a full-scale war, but now it is ramping up because we've got Russian troops that are in the Crimea, as the US is wargaming there.
We also have Russian troops that are now in Syria, as we saw this article that I began this with.
And of course the Russian media has been referring to these people as little green men.
They've been a bit more transparent, a lot more transparent I should say, than our media.
Our media pretends that we don't even have
American troops, American boots on the ground.
They've said they're going to put some in, but then they've reported that we have Spokespersons for the government saying that they're going to put people in, but they won't actually say that they're there.
They won't actually show them.
It's interesting that in Russia, they have been showing them, but then calling them little green men because they put masks over their face and other things so they can't be identified as Russians.
We've had
Western soldiers with American accents that we've caught on videotapes and people have caught that and put that up on YouTube to show that we already have American troops in the Ukraine.
This is absolute insanity.
And then on top of this insanity is the massive migration and the lies behind that piled on top of everything else.
We have a story up on InfoWars.com.
Kerry says that the U.S.
will accept 85,000 refugees in 2016.
It was just this weekend that Hillary Clinton was criticizing John Kerry saying, you're only going to take 15,000, you should take 65,000.
Then we hear, Kerry says, 65,000, I'll raise your 65,000, 85,000.
And now the latest bid of the hour is, in an article that Drudge has linked, 200,000, Kerry is saying.
See how rapidly this is escalating?
In just a couple of days, we've gone from 15,000 to 65,000 to 85,000, now to 200,000 in this bid to accept refugees into America.
This is not into Europe.
This is into America.
At the same time, we learned that four out of five migrants are not even from Syria.
The whole thing is a lie.
The fact that we need to take these people
The humanitarian crisis is something that we created.
Now they come in and we say, well, we need to take these people from Syria, and yet four out of the five of them are not from Syria.
Most of them are single males that are coming in.
They're not families that are running and refugees.
This is an article from the Daily Mail saying the EU logged 213,000 arrivals in April, May, and June.
Only 44,000 of those were fleeing the Syrian civil war.
Well, where did the rest of them come from?
They say many of those who are coming to Europe are doing so for economic reasons, not for humanitarian reasons.
And of course we could easily stop the humanitarian crisis, but they say the number of Afghans looking for asylum has gone up four-fold from 6,300 to 27,000.
Another 17,700 claims were made by Albanians whose country is at peace.
This is what we're looking at, and of course
How do you vet the people to know that you're not letting in jihadists?
How do you vet people to know who they are?
You don't with Open Borders.
That's the point.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the last segment of the Alex Jones Radio Show.
I'm David Knight here in the fourth hour in the news wrap-up.
We were just talking about the massive problems with immigration in both Europe and now we're making that problem our own.
We've got John Kerry in a bidding war with Hillary Clinton as to who can accept the most
...migrants into the United States.
We're all told that they're coming from Syria, that they are humanitarian refugees.
Nevertheless, a very small percentage of them are, as we just pointed out.
But is Saudi Arabia going to do anything to help these refugees?
Yes, they have come up, finally, with an offer to help them.
They offered to build 200 mosques in Germany.
How's that?
That's help, isn't it?
They're not going to let any of them go to Saudi Arabia.
We've got our closest Arab ally, Saudi Arabia, bombing Yemen.
Targeting civilians, and yet we ignore that humanitarian crisis.
And they won't take any refugees into Saudi Arabia.
It was only about 10 days ago that Paul Joseph Watson talked about Saudi Arabia having 100,000 air-conditioned tents that can house 3 million people.
That would be something where they could take some refugees and put them there in a temporary facility, but they're not about to do that.
Those, of course, are there because of the Islamic pilgrimages that they have once a year.
And here's another question.
The Pope has told us that air conditioning is evil, that those of us in the West shouldn't have it.
Does he feel that it's evil for those on Islamic pilgrimage to have it there?
What kind of efficiency do you think you get with a tent in the desert and an air conditioner?
I mean, that's the massive... I can't even imagine the massive amount of power that has to be used to try to cool a tent.
If you look at this picture, there is absolutely no insulation on these things and it is out in the middle of the desert there.
But let's not worry about that.
Let's simply criticize people for having air conditioning.
Now, as I pointed out in the last segment, and we have the article from Paul Craig Roberts today, all the Republican presidential candidates stand for war.
And of course, one of the most militaristic is Carly Fiorina.
I would call her a Lindsey Graham in a skirt.
Although, that might be redundant.
I just haven't seen pictures of Lindsey in a skirt yet.
But, of course, she is the darling of the week with Fox News, perhaps much longer than that.
And why is it?
Well, it's because Carly Fiorina not only promises to the military-industrial complex anything that they want, a blank check for them, but her only government experience has been working with Michael Hayden, with the CIA, and how they can do dragnet surveillance of the American people.
And, of course,
Being at Hewlett-Packard, she had some experience with that because Hewlett-Packard has set up the massive biometric tracking system that Israel has used to track Palestinians over there.
They pretty much have a lock inside the Israeli government, the military-industrial complex there.
But one of the things I think is interesting is how she has sold herself as the anti-Israel
She says, I'm going to take feminism off the table at the same time she wears it on her sleeve continuously.
And I think it's instructive to look back that when she ran for Senate, as Barbara Boxer, the lady that she ran against, who beat her, pointed out, it was the best year for Republicans that they'd had in a very long time back in 2010.
They took over the Congress.
Republicans are winning everywhere, but Carly Fiorina did not win her race against the other woman.
She was saying she was going to be the antidote to that.
And that's precisely what we did not see.
She also said she was the most mean-spirited candidate she had ever seen in her race.
And there was a commercial, which I wanted to get to.
Look it up on Google.
This 30-second commercial will educate you about
Carly Fiorina's background.
Once they started running that commercial, she nose-dived in the polls and she never recovered.
And I think it is a very fair and accurate commercial.
Do your due diligence.
Understand what's going on.
Understand you're going to get your freedom back fighting at the local level.
None of these presidential candidates is going to give it to you.
That's it for today's broadcast.
Join us for the nightly news tonight.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!