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Name: 20150915_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 15, 2015
3207 lines.

In this InfoWars radio broadcast, topics include Russia demanding military-to-military cooperation with the US to prevent incidents near Syria; Obama's purpose for being in Syria becoming pointless due to Iranian soldiers aiding Russia defend Assad government; opposition and drop of a rating system planned by the Obama administration; introduction of Secret 12, a vitamin B12 formulation by InfoWarsLife; water emergency in Toledo, Ohio causing residents to stock up on supplies and recommending ProPure Pro1 G2.0 Water Filtration System; a clip of Miss South Carolina addressing gun violence and mental illness; criticizing political correctness in education and media; censorship by tech companies like Apple and Google affecting free speech; Alex Jones' stance on sanctuary cities, Rand Paul's reluctance to align with mainstream media, Dr. Ben Carson's rise in polls due to Trump attacking him; Miss South Carolina addressing gun violence and mental illness; opposition towards the Department of Education receiving access to graduates' tax records; promoting products such as SuperMel Vitality, Secret 12 Vitamin B12 formulation, colloidal silver for infections, and Berky Systems for removing contaminants from water. The podcast also discusses health issues, economic collapse, global control, merging North America for exploitation of Latin American people, destabilization signs, New York City lockdowns, Boston bombings, Miss South Carolina's response to assault weapons, recent Bundy case, Second Amendment under attack, NRA's improvement over the past ten years, migrant crisis in Europe and its potential effects on America, Jade Helm conspiracy theory, expanding reach of show through UHF, VHF, cable stations, current migrant crisis in Sweden, and marijuana legalization/decriminalization. The show promotes individual rights advocacy and calls for local activism while also endorsing their private label product, InfoWars Select, and SimpliSafe Home Security.

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We're live.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yes, it's Tuesday the 15th of September.
I will be live for the full transmission, but first, a key report from John Bowne.
According to Reuters, Russia has demanded Washington restart military-to-military cooperation to avert unintended incidents near Syria at a time when U.S.
officials say Moscow is building up forces to protect President Bashar al-Assad's government.
Of course, Assad is backed by Russia and openly blamed by the United States for attacks on his own people, attacks that just don't add up.
This is a big issue that we're facing here, and Americans have seen the lies of WMDs in Iraq.
They've seen the lies that brought us to Vietnam and the Gulf of Tonkin.
We've seen so many of these staged events, so many of these false flags.
Now, I want to be clear as well.
I believe that there was some type of chemical attack.
The numbers aren't clear.
The media's tried to claim already, Alex Jones says nothing happened.
No, something happened in the middle of a battle zone in the capital city, Damascus, of Syria.
And now Assad's come out and said today, why would I attack a bunch of civilians knowing that the West has said that that's their red line a year ago to the day?
That they would come and bombard us and back up the rebels?
Do I want to get arrested and killed?
Do I want to be thrown out of power?
Do I want to see every church in Syria burn to the ground because the Al-Qaeda groups Obama is supporting have said that?
And I talked to a lot of special forces people on and off air, including today, and they said, yeah, none of this makes any sense.
And the West is on record funding the rebels with even heavy weapons like tanks, heat-seeking missiles, you name it.
So this is really incredible.
BBC News admits they put out a fake photo
From a real massacre Saddam had been involved in from 2003.
But they lied and said these were the thousands dead from Assad when it looks like max it was a hundred.
The Obama administration claims to be fighting ISIS while plenty of evidence shows the Obama administration has long supported ISIS.
Now, the hornet's nest is stirring in Obama's inner circle.
The Guardian reports, Barack Obama's intelligence chief, James Clapper, is said to be in frequent and unusual contact with a military intelligence officer at the center of a growing scandal over rosy portrayals of the war against the Islamic State.
James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, is said to talk nearly every day with the head of U.S.
Central Command's Intelligence Wing, Army Brigadier General Stephen Grove.
Which is highly unusual, according to a former intelligence official.
Grove is said to be implicated in a Pentagon inquiry into manipulated war intelligence.
The Daily Beast recently reported, more than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S.
Military Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al-Qaeda's branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials.
One of the key aspects of the policy-making process in the United States is that analysts get to say what they think without any interference, without anybody changing it.
So this is a very, very serious charge.
I think it needs to be fully investigated.
And if there is truth that somebody has been meddling with their analysis, I think somebody needs to lose their job over it.
It appears the giant lie 9-11 victim FBI Al Qaeda expert John O'Neill tried to expose is finally caving in on itself.
Now, hundreds of Iranian soldiers have been sent to Syria in an effort to help Russia defend the Al-Assad government, according to the Israeli media, rendering the Obama administration's sole purpose for truly being in Syria pointless.
Ynet News, the English-language Israeli news website, reports that Soleimani, commander of Iran's elite Quds Force, is cooperating with Russia.
An Israeli military source told Ynet, Iran's stepped up military involvement in Syria is due to Assad's crisis and under Russian-Iranian cooperation as a result of a meeting between Soleimani with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
This claim has not yet been independently verified.
It's hard to forecast whether Russia's presence will decide the fate of Syria, but it will lengthen the fighting and bloodletting for at least another year because ISIS won't give up, the source said.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com.
Over the weekend, the Obama administration dropped its original plans to create a website to rate colleges, and instead released all the collected information to the public.
The rating system received relentless opposition from colleges, universities, Democrats and Republicans alike.
Why is that, you ask?
Colleges and universities already receive more than three times the amount of what students are paying in tuition.
That's about $180 billion a year coming from grants, tax breaks, work-study funds, and student loans.
And you know how liberals love their free money.
Another interesting fact is that the Department of Education was given access to graduates' tax records so they could post how much students are making after graduation.
This opens up a whole new level of personal and financial information that could be hacked, like we saw back in June when the Office of Personal Management was hacked by the Chinese to get the personal data of 4 million government employees.
On top of that, the information provided by this new study shows that most people are better off getting a job out of high school than going to college.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Be sure to join us this Wednesday, September 16th for Operation Money Bomb.
You can find more information at InfoWars.com forward slash money bomb.
Introducing Secret 12, the new InfoWarsLife vitamin B12 formulation.
Secret 12 is a binary of nutrimedical grade bioavailable coenzyme forms of B12.
Methylcobalamin, the same kind used in B12 injections, and adenosylcobalamin.
Secret 12 is simply taken by mouth, right on the tongue, and then swallowed.
No needles, no injections.
Secure your revolutionary Secret 12 formula right now at InfoWarsLife.com or call 888-253-3139.
Used since before the days of the Roman Empire to support the body's natural systems.
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We have now procured the most high quality and potent forms of oregano oil on the market.
Extracted directly from the wild herb and sealed in easy to use capsules.
You will no longer need to endure the burning of liquid oregano on the tongue.
Now available in our limited first run at Infowarslife.com.
That's Infowarslife.com or call 888-253-3139.
Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
If there's a water emergency, will you be prepared?
Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
We're here at a supermarket in Toledo.
You can see the shelves empty where water once was.
To stay safe and healthy during a crisis, you must have access to safe, clean water.
Water which will not be available at your local grocery store.
There's a mad dash on right now to stock up on supplies.
The ProPure Pro1 G2.0 Water Filtration System is a must-have for every modern, independently-minded household.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
There is a lot of things happening in the world.
But if you turned on national television news here in the U.S., you would think it was Donald Trump visiting Dallas yesterday.
Well, our own Joe Biggs was there covering it, and we've got some video of that with some of the highlights that'll be developing.
Donald Trump came out and basically hammered sanctuary cities, hammered the fact we're giving all this free welfare to illegals, and said a lot of things that are, quite frankly, true.
And he is now the major frontrunner, but of course, Dr. Carson is a close second.
So Trump's been attacking him.
Which will only make Carson then go up in the polls.
Similar to what the Democrats did attacking Trump early on.
Which is why Rand Paul doesn't want to be friends with the mainstream media.
He wants them attacking him like he did in Kentucky.
That's what got him in the Senate.
And I'm oversimplifying politics here, but in this heated environment,
This world climate of political systems that we've now entered, folks want to hear it brazenly put out.
They want a populist message that rings with the people.
We've got a clip of Miss South Carolina blast holes through anti-gun question when they ask her about gun violence.
The answer is guns aren't committing the violence, people are.
And the answer is getting mentally ill people and
Folks that have been caught committing crimes, the answer is getting guns out of their hands is basically what she said.
We'll play the clip coming up.
And it was about education, not the gun itself.
And she got a rousing applause.
And the media was like, oh, it's shocking.
The crowd supported her.
Well, that's because the centralized government brainwashing cult system has gone too far.
Because the public has been resisting its propaganda, because the public has been saying no to this political agenda.
They simply increased it two or three times, what they were previously doing.
And I've said over and over again, that's wonderful, because that's going to backfire.
If we politically expose that it's a fraud and don't go along with it.
Another exciting clip I've got here that ties in to Jerry Seinfeld a few months ago coming out and saying political correctness is just terrible.
Many comedians I know will not go to a college now and give a comedic
We're good to go.
Well, no, see, he thought she was crazy.
He thought she didn't understand liberalism and political correctness.
He said, she's just ignorant and doesn't know the terms.
No, your daughter's following the directives from the public school and from the private schools and from the TV and from the media.
Men existing is evil.
Women existing is evil.
He and she existing is bad.
This is a total system of ending the human community as we know it.
So we'll get into that clip because now Obama has come out and slammed liberal PC culture on college campuses.
He said you shouldn't be coddled and that you should read things you don't agree with and even things that are offensive.
We're going to play that clip coming up.
But why would he do that?
Because it's creating such a giant backlash that they want to get rid of
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, because it's got words from the period in it.
And if you can go that far, you can ban anything.
The people directing Obama
Have him doing this so that people go back to sleep, and so that folks think, oh, see, even the president doesn't support that, so that you think it's fringe, so you think it's insane, so you think it's radical.
You think it's feminazis, you think it's environmentalist wackos.
All those terms that right-wing talk radio taught us are very dangerous.
Because it's scientific to break up the family.
It's scientific to restrict words.
It's a scientific plan to reduce the language so that it's impossible for us to ever intellectualize the predicament we're in.
This is the dumbing down and the domestication.
And it's just like having Joe Biden go around and say he's pro-Second Amendment, nobody's coming after your guns.
It's simply a tactic.
Where Obama shows up to look reasonable, right when they know the top is getting ready to blow off the top of the stack, right when they know that the water is boiling over, and he says, well here let's play the clip in a moment, where he slams liberal PC culture on college campuses and says you shouldn't be coddled.
From the idea
I've seen it.
Back in high school, I walked into a mall bookstore and I bought Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler because I wanted to read the book written by Adolf Hitler.
I wanted to see what he actually had to say.
And the woman freaked out at the counter and asked me why I was reading something like this.
I said, it's history, lady.
And she wouldn't even have known that it was what Mein Kampf was, but Hitler was on the cover of it, an orange cover.
I bought it, it was the cheapest one they had, they had several different ones, and you can see Hitler on the front of it.
This is the just incredible ignorance that we face.
But the social engineers, they know it's not ignorance on their part.
They are instilling mindless ignorance, and you see it in play every day.
The last six years on MSNBC, where if you oppose Obamacare, they don't intellectually argue with you on death panels, or doubling and tripling prices, or Gruber screwing you over, laughing at you.
They look at you with a straight face, and they say, why do you hate our black president?
But here's Obama now, playing good cop.
All his surrogates, his operatives, the big foundations that created him.
Push this agenda.
He's up there to remind the old classical liberals that everything's okay.
Because here's the secret.
Real classical liberals, who I may agree with on some issues, but disagree with on others, aren't bad people.
And they're getting really, really scared.
I mean, more modern classical liberals.
A Democrat of, say, the 40s, the 50s, or the 60s.
Misguided by major foundations.
But not a cultist.
Not someone that wants to burn books.
Not someone that wants to ban free speech.
They're waking up and getting really, really upset right now about the clear tyranny they see from the Democratic Party.
And that's causing an internal war within their own system.
I mean, a lot of liberals were involved in social engineering because they thought it was for a greater good.
But now they're going, wait a minute, we're now going to social engineer that father and mother is hurtful?
And that he and she is hurtful?
We can't say he or she, I'm not doing that.
That is total cult brainwashing.
And so they back off a little bit.
But as soon as opposition dies, they'll come right back in.
But it's a big deal to have Obama out giving speeches like this, here it is.
Now, one thing I do want to point out,
Is it's not just sometimes folks who are mad that colleges are too liberal that have a problem.
Sometimes, you know, there are folks on college campuses who are liberal and maybe even agree with me on a bunch of issues who sometimes aren't listening to the other side.
And that's a problem, too.
I was just talking to a friend of mine about this.
You know, I've heard some college campuses where they don't want to have a guest speaker who, you know, is too conservative.
Or they don't want to read a book if it has language that is offensive to African Americans or somehow sends a demeaning signal towards women.
And, you know, I gotta tell you, I don't agree with that either.
You know, I don't agree that you, when you become students at colleges, have to be coddled and protected from different points of view.
You know, I think that you should be able to... You know, you should invite anybody...
Anybody who comes to speak to you and you disagree with, you should have an argument with them.
But you shouldn't silence them by saying you can't come because, you know, I'm too sensitive to hear what you have to say.
That's not the way we learn either.
So, what do you think?
Meanwhile, I have been censored by Apple.
I have been censored by Google.
I have been censored in many other ways for criticizing Obama.
You can read the news articles, and when they banned the Obama deception from iTunes, even though a major company solicited us and computerized it, digitized it to their liking, submitted it to Apple, they never, of thousands of films, had it refused.
And the Obama deception was refused by Apple.
They resubmitted it, they refused it again, and came back and said, it's racist, and we don't put racist material on Apple.
Google solicited us, because not all of Google's bad, it's compartmentalized groups, and said, we want you to put your products on a Google store.
So I did.
They took it down within one week, and they said in the email, it is racist.
Now, even if it was racist, it should have a right to be sold, if I pay him a percentage, having that platform, in a free country.
But, it didn't have anything racist in it.
In fact, it was about empowering humanity, and that's why they don't like it.
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We're good to go!
They want us to go on killing one another!
But it doesn't matter.
If somebody's been programmed to hate you because of your race, or where you're from.
They hate your guts even though you've done nothing to them.
Even though you know they're your brother or sister, they have a soul.
You can't get through to them.
Because they've already been programmed.
On a scale of 1 to 10, this is very important what I'm about to say.
The West, when it comes to enslavement, barbarism, human sacrifice, historically, from the archaeological record, and from historians from the time, in later Western history, still ancient, I'd have to say the West is about an 8 for murder, enslavement, killing, evil.
The whole problem though, every other region, every other sector, every other human culture, is about the same.
And during different periods of pressure, sometimes they're a 10.
And that's all objective.
You can put any number on that you wanted to, but all I've been taught my whole life was how evil the West was.
How inherently bad white people were.
And then I studied history from even foreign perspectives and it's just not true.
And why the West is great, and why I say it's the best, on average, some cultures are better than other things for whatever manifestation, whatever manifest destiny reason, just like different breeds of dogs behave differently and have different attributes,
The West has been the great innovator, the great builders, the great scientists.
Now much of the ideas the West has come from the East, come from the South, come from even older cultures.
But for whatever reason, many of those cultures fell before and never rose back up.
And the West, the Romans particularly, were great innovators at grabbing other cultures and using it, when other cultures tended to not innovate.
They intended to invent things, but then not innovate off of that.
On average.
And so it was the West that was the melting pot.
It was the West, early on, that actually wasn't racist and sectarian like some of the other groups.
Now the West became like that later.
But to see the social engineers playing us off against each other now, it doesn't matter what differences there are, what real beefs there are, or
Payback for this or payback for that.
The stimuli, the conditioning, the brainwashing, the push for political correctness and all of this is about breaking down society and hurting all of us.
I don't care if you're a white farm boy or a old black man or you are a Mesoamerican immigrant from Guatemala that just came to Austin, Texas last week.
In the final equation, the architects of this current world system, that's little less than 200 years old, want to destroy your intellect, want to destroy your opportunities, and are in vicious, desperate, covert warfare against you.
In an attempt to suppress the human community coming to a next level event that will then transcend the current crisis we're in and bring us to type one civilization.
And the moment we hit that next level, all of this old dark age stuff is out the window.
And if libertarian ideas take hold,
And if we truly embrace free will, and free association, and we praise the greatness in all humans, but praise those that are able to use their gifts to the greatest extent, they will become an example to the young, and we will pull out of all this evil, and we can do incredible things together.
But instead we're being sabotaged by the ruling elite, who are already in control, and who want to pull up the ladder, and who don't want
Your children and my children and their great-grandchildren to live together in peace with fabulous technologies that we can't even imagine today.
My goal at my core is to empower humanity.
What's yours?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Over the weekend, the Obama administration dropped its original plans to create a website to rate colleges, and instead released all the collected information to the public.
The rating system received relentless opposition from colleges, universities, Democrats and Republicans alike.
Why is that, you ask?
Colleges and universities already receive more than three times the amount of what students are paying in tuition.
That's about $180 billion a year coming from grants, tax breaks, work-study funds, and student loans.
And you know how liberals love their free money.
Another interesting fact is that the Department of Education was given access to graduates' tax records so they could post how much students are making after graduation.
This opens up a whole new level of personal and financial information that could be hacked, like we saw back in June when the Office of Personal Management was hacked by the Chinese to get the personal data of 4 million government employees.
On top of that, the information provided by this new study shows that most people are better off getting a job out of high school than going to college.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Be sure to join us this Wednesday, September 16th for Operation Money Bomb.
You can find more information at InfoWars.com forward slash money bomb.
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This is our land.
These are our people.
The workers.
The strikers, the builders, these are our people.
Who are they?
They are the dark armies.
The dark murdering armies whose only honor is atrocity.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Thank you for joining us.
We have Larry Pratt, the head of Gunners of America, with a new raft of under-the-table assaults on the Second Amendment.
He'll be joining us to alert us to those dangers as a modern Paul Revere at the bottom of the next tower, correct?
Is he on at 1230?
So I want to open the phones up on just any topic you wish to discuss, any of the news stories I've mentioned, any of the articles we're going to get into, you agree with me, you disagree, whatever the case is, I absolutely want to hear from you here today.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
Now, I've talked a lot about the products, and you're going to want to hear this pitch, because this isn't even a pitch.
Will you guys bring me a silver bullet?
There was one in here, but it's gone.
Thank you.
It was probably under the counter.
I've talked a lot about colloidal silver and how I've had infections before, topically, but also internally, and antibiotics didn't work.
And colloidal silver did.
And last Memorial Day, last week,
I went out to the lake with family to some friends' houses that had like a 25-foot, two-story boat dock.
We were jumping off the top, and one time, I didn't think and didn't blow air out of my nose.
I don't hold my nose, I just blow air out of my nose.
And a huge founts of lake water after a big rain, dirty water.
Somewhat dirty water shot up my nose.
And I remember thinking, oh my gosh, that burns.
I bet I get an infection.
Because I'm not really infection prone, but if I swim in a creek or the ocean sometimes or something else, I get earaches like anybody else.
And if it goes up my nose, I get my eustachian tubes blocked in my throat.
And then I thought I must have clenched my teeth on Tuesday because it just hurt on one side of my head.
So I ignored it.
Didn't even take a little silver for two, three days.
Then it spread up underneath into my lymph nodes, started really puffing out.
You can't see it too good on TV, but I mean, it's out a good quarter inch on each side.
And so I went and saw the medical folks today, really great fellow that I've been going to for years.
And the truth is I only used colloidal silver for two days and I don't know if it worked.
Because the stuff went down last Thursday, Friday, and then I just quit using it.
And then it came back Sunday.
And it hurts so bad, then I didn't end up coming to work yesterday.
I should have just gone to the doctor yesterday.
So I can't get up here, you know, like I would normally, because I've had a chest cold before.
I couldn't get rid of it.
Colloidal silver knocked it out.
I've had infections before on the skin.
But I'll tell you, sometimes colloidal silver doesn't work.
It's just one more weapon in a arsenal.
That's why antibiotics don't work sometimes.
They're an incredible blessing.
They've just been overused.
So I don't use antibiotics.
And I really waited.
Most folks would have gone in a day or two.
I waited another week to go in to try to beat it myself.
And I just did it kind of in a half you-know-what way because I didn't even take a little silver every day.
But regardless, I went and got a big shot of antibiotics this morning in my hind end.
It did not feel good.
And we'll see what it does.
But I finally went this morning because I feel like I have ice picks jammed into my jaws on both sides.
And I went in, they checked it, 100% blocked on each one of the Eustachian tubes.
They're all swollen and you name it.
I cleared my ears and pus came out.
So, I'm not bragging, saying I'm tough, any of this stuff to be here on air.
Please don't call in and thank me and say you're tough.
Thanks for being here.
Give me Grandma's remedy.
I'm only telling you why I'm a little slow today, why I pause sometimes when I'm speaking.
This is better than laying in bed or sitting on the couch.
So I'm glad I'm here on air.
I wouldn't miss it.
The big problem is you lay down at night, now that I know it was Eustachian tubes, that's why it's real bad and painful at night because they fill up.
So it's a lot worse when I wake up in the morning.
I look like a chipmunk or something.
But what a miracle antibiotics, if they work.
You know, I had a chest infection one time I couldn't get rid of, drank two bottles of cloyol silver, knocked it out.
Another time, the antibiotics worked great.
Just imagine if we didn't have these tools out there.
Just like one antibiotic might not work, but another one does.
Well, it's the same thing with cloyol silver.
It is not the magic silver bullet, but it's as close as you're going to get to a silver bullet.
That's why I call it silver bullet.
And, um, I, again, I could have just doubled down, drunk a whole bottle of it, see what happened.
But I think it slowed it down last week because it went away pretty much.
And then it came right back this weekend.
I just said, that's it.
I'm going to the doctor.
Um, they gave me some steroids too.
I don't know.
I'm gonna take those pills.
Anti-inflammatory steroids, not anabolic steroids, rumor starts there, but I still don't like those.
We'll see what happens.
When antibiotics do work, they seem to hit in 24 hours, so hopefully I can tell you whether they worked or not tomorrow.
It's kind of an interesting little lab test we're doing here, but I'm not going to just sit here, take the antibiotics, get better, and then said it was colloidal silver.
If I tell you that colloidal silver has worked for me in many occasions, it's because it did.
But see, that's the difference.
I'm not going to get up here because I know it has some effect, and then just say, oh, it's the miracle, cure all, to everything.
I'm just not going to do that.
And I know that's not really special either.
I mean, that's just somebody telling the truth.
But you'd be surprised how many people would give you a load of bull.
And that's really what discredits a lot of alternative treatments, is people calling them cures.
I was talking to a guy just the other day, we were talking about a friend we have that's a young woman, she has lung cancer, never smoked.
And he was like, well don't they have a cure for that?
Aren't they have a cure for lung cancer now?
And it was some mainstream medical thing.
I said, I don't think it's a cure, sir.
I think it's a more promising treatment with a better prognosis of survival rate.
So both modern medicine tries to call stuff cures.
And so does alternative medicine and nutraceuticals.
And I think that's really bad.
I mean, if something just helps, it's good.
If something
Fixes something right away.
I guess you can call it a cure, like antibiotics, but it makes the next wave of bugs even stronger.
So does it cure it down the road?
It's like QE3 or QE4, unlimited money printing.
Yeah, it works the first couple times.
Now we're going on QE4.
QE unlimited.
And they give the money to select central interest who get first use of it.
We get all the toxic effects of it.
I had
Four people this morning, four people, a nurse, a waiter, a nurse, a waiter, and two people come up to me, one at the doctor's office, and then a waiter, who wasn't even my waiter, at a restaurant this morning after I went early this morning when it opened, and two people, two other people, separate.
And guess what they all asked me about?
They said, all of them, that they listen to the show, they appreciate the show, and is financial collapse imminent?
And then in all four cases, they're like, oh, sorry to bug you, you don't look too happy.
I got an earache, don't worry about it.
I guess my body language was I don't want to be messed with.
Because I hadn't taken any Advil before then, it was really hurting bad.
It was like an explosion going off of my left ear.
I said, no, no, I want to answer your question.
I looked at him and I said, I don't know.
When it's going to explode and then collapse, but it's like pumping air into a beach ball.
You keep doing it long enough, it's going to explode.
And the beach ball has got seams starting to split.
It's even making noise like air is coming out of it.
And the question is, does it slowly expand and pop a bunch of holes and then slowly collapse?
I don't know when it's going to blow.
I don't know how it's going to blow exactly.
All I know is anyone
Can tell you this is untenable, unsustainable, mega dangerous, the elites are running the bunkers, delivering armored vehicles to every city, and preparing to round up patriots.
Does that sound like a good scenario to you?
I don't have all the answers.
All I know is this is going on, and it's bringing in a world government, run by people that are so wicked, they want total world domination over everything you do, every decision you make, and over your mind.
The globalists do not want you to be perceptive.
They do not want you to be powerful.
They do not want you to be free.
They are incredible enslavers.
And all I know is, they're not good.
They claim they're engaging in all this tyranny to bring in a total control system to protect the Earth from wars and factions killing each other.
I'll be honest with you.
If there was a quasi-tyranny, I'm just going to be totally honest from now on, that had good fruits and empowered individuals, but went and shut down really bad people, I would say it was a lesser of evils, very dangerous, might become the ultimate tyranny down the road, but I wouldn't fight it to the point of putting my full will against it to where I try to force its hand against me.
There isn't a cell in my body that doesn't know the globalists are pure death to our culture and this society.
They are absolutely turned over to destruction of freedom.
They are absolutely turned over to dumbing down the population.
They are totally committed to every form of oppression you can imagine.
There is no worse course than going along with them.
Going along with these people, acquiescing, playing along with this modern matrix, is suicide.
And it's suicide of the soul, and I'm not going to be part of it.
So, all I can tell you is I sit back and I study history and I study these people and it's just unspeakable the stuff they pull off, the things they do.
And the will to exercise power by these people is incredible.
It takes will to put fluoride in water knowing it's going to dumb people down and cause cancer and infertility.
It takes will in every major vaccine line to put hardcore cancer-causing viruses that implant in the sides of the cells, in the cell membranes, and then activate as a time-released weapon to cause a horribly long, painful death where they then suck all the money out of the person they're killing.
I mean, that is more vampiric than anything I can imagine in some Bram Stoker novel.
And if you spiritually look at these people, I hate to be dark, but people don't want to look at the darkness because it scares them.
And then the darkness cloaks itself in the light, and so you don't want to look at it because on the surface it looks beautiful, but if you look at the fruits,
Of the New World Order, the fruits of these people, it is abject sorrow.
And so, I'm just here, and my team of great reporters and crew are here,
To try to just warn people as best we can.
We don't have all the answers.
We don't know everything.
We just know evil when it's staring us right in the face.
And they play these childlike games with everybody on the news.
Where they just sit there and go, there's no death panels.
You can keep your doctor.
It's gonna be free.
We're not coming for your guns.
Nobody wants world government.
There's no such thing as a plan for carbon taxes.
That's ridiculous, Senator.
What, do you think we didn't land on the moon, too, and there's little aliens?
Oh, really, Al Gore?
Here's your company for carbon trading.
I'm not going to respond to that.
It's kind of like that congressman when he's talking to Jesse Ventura.
Jesse Ventura goes, what about this bill for FEMA camps and a set up nationwide for political dissidents?
That guy goes, I don't believe in big machines with green aliens coming out eating people.
Ventura goes, no, here's the bill.
And the guy goes, oh, that bill, no, that was another bill.
It's all funny to them.
They live, we sleep.
They're aware of the secrets of the universe.
To a greater extent, we aren't.
But it's our fault that we've let these people in control.
I've told you for many years, because it was announced by the Council of the Americas, run by the Rockefellers and the UN, it's been putting all the main government literature, I made films about it, showing you the literature, showing you their speeches, showing you the four-year documents.
Fifteen years ago, eight years ago, these are big data dumps that came out,
And they just have responses on television saying, Lou Dobbs and Alex Jones are insane.
There is no secret treaty from Waco, Texas, 2005.
There is no move for a world government.
And there is no move to make Atlanta or L.A.
There's an open commission, it's being set up, to establish the North American capital.
And to declare North America
A Latin American state.
Now that's been agreed to by the corporations and countries at least 15 years ago when I first saw it, agreed to.
With the head ministers at meetings agreeing to it.
Hollywood Reporter today.
It's on DrudgeReport.com as well.
LA touts itself as northern capital of Latin America for 2024 Olympic bid.
And they officially say it's going to be the capital of all of Latin America.
And it's funny, in some of those documents, this is what they say, we don't want Atlanta because it's too eastern, it won't be accepted to then join the full American Union, so we should stick it in L.A.
And there it is, and they just roll it out in front of you like they do everything else.
And here's my issue, I'm not against the people of Latin America,
But the reason they want to merge us with this is because those people never got out from under colonialism, for real.
They're enslaved.
The globalists have got them in a total death grip.
And they're only bringing them up here to forge them into a political move that'll break any voting bloc in North America to stop the public merger into the NAU that was signed by Vicente Fox, Paul Martin, and George W. Bush at Baylor, Texas in 2005.
And it came out in the Banff Canada documents, where they admitted it was ratified and signed.
So the corporations gave the orders.
The heads of government state then voted again to certify and ratify it.
The president signed it, and then they had a secret legislature certify it.
I mean, we're already under it.
But they're just getting us ready for the announcement.
I mean, this is the games they play, people.
So, listen, they are setting up a world government, and it's a world government where they forcibly inoculate you with stuff where you get cancer ten years later and they kill you dead at hand.
And David Rockefeller's upset that you're not taking the shots?
Now they're just gonna spray it on us!
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I know we got loaded phone lines, and we'll get to them when we kick the next hour off here in about seven minutes.
So, I'm not against all these poor, desperate Latin American people that want to come here.
In fact, on average, I like people from Latin America.
In many cases, they are harder working than spoiled third, fourth, fifth generation Americans.
That goes for black kids, white kids, Hispanic kids.
Everybody knows they tend to get more spoiled, more rotten each generation.
Until you'll see really nice white families with the worst grandkids you can imagine.
Really nice black families with the worst black grandkids you can imagine.
Or Hispanic kids.
I mean, it really is a phenomenon.
So we're so corrupt and decadent, there's an argument that they sell that makes sense.
Hey, just let in a bunch of third world people, because you know, we killed all our babies, we don't have kids, and we need somebody to pay Social Security.
And these people work pretty hard.
The government is advertising now for deadbeats that want welfare and have their babies for free.
And the Democrats scoop them up and turn them into hardcore communists, running around with red flags.
I mean, I see communists every week now on the side of the road with red flags.
I'll just be downtown having dinner and 500 commies march by, you know, screaming, kill the police.
I mean, I got video.
And so the globalists are making their move is the point.
I understand people wanting to come here.
I know a lot of immigrants are great people.
I'll say, on average, when it comes to common sense, appreciating things, probably have better souls than a fifth generation spoiled American.
Just from what I've experienced.
I know they're easier to wake up to the new world order, if I can communicate with them.
The globalists have looked at all the numbers, they've looked at all the angles, and they've decided, we need giant Eastern European, giant Asian, giant Middle Eastern, and giant Central and South American populations up here, and we're going to politically use these people to break the back of the Republic forever, take the guns, the whole nine yards, same thing with Europe.
And the socialist parties and the communist parties state that!
And they admit that!
And that's the key.
They're arrogant.
They think we're so stupid, they've admitted all this.
I mean, look at these articles I have right here.
Look at these articles.
Germany and Austria lose borders, but now they've closed them.
I'm going to explain what's behind that.
But here's the key.
Report, Sweden's pro-refugee policies aren't working out so well.
Well, if you want to destroy the country, they're working really well.
It's like shooting somebody in the head and saying that bullet didn't work too well.
No, it worked really well.
Open borders, welfare state, bad news for Europe's most welcoming country.
That's their national slogan.
The Globe and Mail reports a major new research firm study, now get these numbers, in Sweden where equality is revealed and equity is now entrenched.
And it goes on to break it down
That 58% of welfare payments go to immigrants, 16% to the population that's native.
And a lot of them aren't really Swedes.
Think about that.
Staggering unemployment rate for immigrants, even after 15 years living in the country, and skyrocketing welfare costs.
And then it gets into the 1400% rise in rapes, 95% of it is the immigrants.
Now, these guys from the Middle East don't rape you if you're covered up and have a hood over your head.
They'd be scared to death.
If you're walking around with your face out, it means you want to be raped or you're a prostitute.
And so, that mixes with weird Western gangster culture, because that's what the young kids are like.
They're not really even Muslims anymore.
They're like thugs that hate the West who think your 12-year-old daughter can be raped because she's wearing a short skirt.
I mean, it is crazy.
I mean, just, I'm sorry.
People from the most third-world Middle Eastern countries do not fit in Sweden, folks.
They just don't.
And the engineers know that!
I mean, it just doesn't fit.
It's like putting Martians in your living room.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I just made a statement that's a gift to MSNBC and the rest of the White House-run scum.
I said that if you take
Say Bedouins out of Saudi Arabia, and you put a half million of them in, say, a German city or in a region of Sweden, it would be like sticking Martians in your living room.
That's how alien the cultures are from each other.
And the same goes for taking a half million Swedes and sticking them, say, in an outskirt of Tripoli.
But millions of Muslim migrants are allowed into Europe every year.
And I'll be honest, if they come from, say, like Prussia, they come to Prussia in Germany, and let's say they come from Iran, I've seen the statistics, I've seen the numbers, they integrate well.
Because that's been an industrial country, a modern civilization before Europe
Could read and write.
But the dominant culture in the Middle East, and I'm not bashing Bedouins or anything, but that's who got the power, that's who got the money, that's who runs Islam now, and that's who is basically turning the Middle East into a Stone Age hellhole.
And the worst people to adapt and to work with the West are then brought over here.
And a huge, stinking red carpet is rolled out, and everything's supposed to be for free.
Who would put up with this?
Do you think Mexico would take a million or two million radical Islamists into its country?
No way!
The Mexicans would burn everything down in a week!
That shows how tolerant the West has become, that we would put up with this.
So I wanted to talk, after we take calls, about the larger master plan of why they're opening it up, why they're doing this, and why Germany just responded on shutting its borders, and then Austria responded by closing their borders.
Because see, both have been politically correct, pointing the fingers at each other, saying, well, you won't shut your borders, so we won't shut ours.
Germany did it first.
Hungary tried to close its borders.
It couldn't.
In the last couple months, a half million people have poured in.
It is hell on earth in many major cities.
With people like the Walking Dead migrating just through the towns, through everything, robbing, stealing.
And hey, if I had starving kids, I'd probably start stealing!
It doesn't matter though.
I don't dislike water, as I've said a thousand times.
But if a dam breaks, and I'm downstream, and 100 feet of water's coming at me at 60 miles an hour, I'm gonna get up above the waterline.
I don't dislike those poor Muslims, many of which are victims of Western policies, to destabilize them.
I realize they're the next wave of destabilization that we told you was coming!
I mean, if Switzerland had collapsed because a radioactive meteorite crashed into it, I'd say Germany take the Swiss, because they would assimilate.
But you cannot assimilate millions and millions of people from poor Middle Eastern countries that are predominantly Sunni and driven by an ideology of Wahhabist, kill the West, cut their heads off, command they convert or kill them with a sword.
This is fundamentally the end of the West if they're able to do this.
And so now they've closed their borders because they realize they can't even organize and assimilate the couple million extra they got.
And that might mess up how they're already bringing in a couple million a year to Europe to begin with.
And so they're just going to slow it down to make it look like they're doing something to then open it back up again in a couple months.
But you watch, that's not even gonna work.
The flood has now started, they've now incentivized, and so get for the next wave's gonna be like five million.
Not two million, it's about the slam.
The Miss America pageant is known for beautiful women who sometimes give rather amusing answers.
But recently, Miss South Carolina turned the tide when she was asked about this.
Do you support a ban on military-style assault weapons?
I don't, but I think it's because we need to increase education.
We have to go back there.
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It starts with education.
Even before she could finish answering her question, her response received a massive applause.
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And yes, there have been high-profile slayings with fully automatic rifles, but the FBI's own numbers show that you're more likely to be killed by a blunt object such as a baseball bat or hammer.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, there's a lot of stuff going on out there with the
Ongoing world oppression that's hit the third world so hard it hasn't hit the West as hard yet.
We see the rise of support for right-wing parties in Germany during the crisis.
Hungary deploy army to stop migrants at borders.
Serbian official says we are not a concentration camp when we put people in refugee camps.
Egyptian billionaire identifies islands for refugee havens.
Yeah, he did this a month ago.
He's back out doing it now, saying it's racist that Europe isn't taking unlimited groups of people
I don't know.
He'll capitalize off of the huge flood of destabilization after our government, led by Hillary Clinton, the State Department, took out Gaddafi, took out Hosni Mubarak, tried to take out Assad, took out a bunch of other areas, and then blew everything up, chopped the Christians' heads off, crucified people upside down, blew up the churches.
Hundreds of churches alone in Egypt, in the one-year rule of the West Puppet, were blown up, were burned.
Christians murdered by the thousands.
Our government quarterbacks that.
And the same globalists run our government that run Europe right now open the door up.
So did that help Egypt destabilizing them?
Killing their tourist industry?
Did that help Libya?
No, they admit it's a failed state.
Oh, it's a mistake Hillary made, but she didn't get in trouble.
They went there to destabilize it.
Same thing in Syria.
But they feed off our political, geopolitical, cultural ignorance and say, gee, there are a lot of Christians getting hurt.
We need to bring them into America.
Well, I'll tell you this right now, I am for bringing Syrian Christians to this country, because Christian Middle Easterners have been proven to be extremely integrable.
In fact, Arabic Christians, statistically, you can look this up in criminology, are one of the lowest crime rate groups, one of the highest income earner groups there are.
And just like Switzerland looks at the demographic, they look at, do you bring something to the table?
I'll take all the brown-skinned people you got, if they've proven they'll perform inside a Western country.
Because it's cultural, it's not the skin color.
And the Christian culture is what ended slavery.
The Christian culture is what gave us liberty.
It's what promoted it.
In the main, in history.
There were other contributing factors as well, and that's why I'm sick of hearing that Christianity's bad, and Christianity's stifling openness, and Christianity's... that's pure baloney!
The problem is, and this was even in mainstream BBC reports, many of the refugees to get in are claiming they're Syrian when they aren't, they're Pakistani, they're... you name it.
From all over the Middle East and Central Asia, Afghan,
And when they get in, well, they turn around and they're really a Muslim.
And again, I'm not against Muslims.
There are many Muslims that are very integrable, very hard-working.
The problem is, these groups demographically are the poor masses, many of which came into Syria and other areas to be part of the takeover, and have now failed, so they want to come here.
So a lot of them aren't Syrian, and they're not Christian.
They've been faking that in their asylum filings.
So Glenn Beck says,
That he wants to smuggle them over here.
He vows to smuggle them into the country.
That's a World Net Daily article.
But you better believe that if Beck does smuggle Christians into the country, they'll probably try to put him in jail and say, you're a
Trafficker and people, you are engaged in a crime of breaking our federal laws!
And then Glenn Beck can defend himself and say, we have the Border Patrol on record, and we have the video shot by Infowars.com of them admitting that illegals are brought into the country, and then the Border Patrol completes the smuggling process to bring them in.
With vouchers.
And our own government destabilized the Middle East and allowed Christians to be targeted.
So we have a moral responsibility to save the Christians.
They're the group that is the most targeted.
Even the UN last year had a headline, Christians most persecuted group in the world.
And the article went on, it's doubled the last five years to levels unseen, a true crisis!
All over the world Christians are being targeted.
They're not involved in the wars, they're not pushing any of these agendas, but the globalists don't like them.
There's a reason for that.
Folks ought to ask themselves why this is happening, why this is going on.
Now there it is, there's the headline, Christianity Most Persecuted Faith Worldwide.
I want to go to your phone calls.
Thank you for holding.
You just joined us.
They're now declaring officially L.A.
is the capital of Latin America.
And that's in The Hollywood Reporter.
touts itself as northern capital of Latin America for the Olympic bid 2024.
Trump hammers his sanctuary city
That's a close quote from the Daily Mail.
And jokes about replacing Obamacare with Donaldcare as women cry with joy and 20,000 enthralled Texans roar for 90-minute speech.
And we got Joe Biggs coming in at the bottom of the next hour.
He was there to play some video and give us his take on that situation.
He went up there, asked press.
I was able to cover that yesterday.
Right now, let's go to your phone calls.
Thank you for holding.
Let's talk to Dustin.
You're on the air from California.
Hey Alex, it's Dustin.
It's rainy here in California.
I definitely took my super male vitality today.
It's my favorite InfoWars product.
Thank you.
I agree.
Full-heartedly, I know that there's a lot of hard-working immigrants in this country, but it's the ones who come here and get the free handouts who are voting for the people giving them the free handouts.
And it sucks to drive to work every day
And to pay for those people that are voting against me.
They've enslaved you.
The elite have made a deal with them.
I mean, look in Sweden.
In Sweden, 59%, 58% of welfare payments go to immigrants, 16% to the population.
It's similar numbers here.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
This is slavery.
You gotta pay for people so they can vote illegally to make you more of their slaves, and then the big corporations get cheap labor on top of it and are exempt from most of the taxes.
That's called a screwjob.
And it's really hard to link out to these people, too, who get everything for free because
These people aren't going to eat healthy.
They're not going to get the right diet.
They're going to be very easily influenced by the media, and they're not going to be able to focus on one enemy.
They're going to be focusing on being racist, being feminist, being all these different segregations.
You know, they're going to have identity politics.
Mike, I have a small family.
One son and my fiancé and we eat healthy every day.
It's not hard to see what's going on in the world if you really look for your own news.
It's hard to branch out to people who don't pay attention to what they put in their bodies.
It's really hard.
Believe me, I've gotten a lot better than I was five, six years ago, but I still don't take care of myself some, and it's just so essential that all of us try to drink healthy, clean water, eat non-GMO, and get exercise, and also spiritually get right with God.
I'm not lecturing anybody.
I'm just saying I know that's the right path, and just the little bit I've done to turn that direction has been life-changing.
God bless you, Dustin.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go ahead and talk to William in New York.
You're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Good morning.
How are you?
I'm alright, my friend.
Go ahead.
Well, I got some disconcerting news today.
My sister, who is an avid lookout for anything to do protecting her children in school, came across a Facebook post that was given to her.
And this has to do with the Philadelphia Catholic School District issuing a warning to parents
Preparing them for vocabulary like something called lockdown.
And what they're classifying lockdown is shutting down the school, keeping all the students inside the school without giving any kind of permission to parents to pick them up, and guarding the school with fire department officials or police department to guard.
Yeah, they're expanding citywide lockdowns to government buildings and schools, but now to private schools for a car backfiring or a guy putting a rifle in his car for deer hunting.
Constant freaking out, constant false alarms to train us that we can be locked down and have our rights taken and the cops go door-to-door and confiscate the guns.
That's being run out of D.C.
We saw that, of course, in Boston.
We've seen that in other areas.
It's not effective, it doesn't ever catch anybody, but it does train the public to live under martial law, and it conditions the police for that.
And now the New York City is prepping security for the Pope's visit, the Wall Street Journal reports, and testing lockdowns, you name it, with the military over the police.
And again, I'm not bashing the military or the police themselves, I'm bashing the mission that's unconstitutional.
And they got Michael McCaul, the congressman out, the Republican, saying we've got to, you know, have bigger budgets and more.
We're not ready to protect the Pope.
The Pope sits on trillions of dollars in assets.
The Pope lobbies us all day about how we should pay more taxes and have more illegals come in.
The Catholic Church, it's its own sovereign state, needs to pay for Pope coming.
And that's what this comes down to.
I don't mean to be ranting.
Go ahead.
No, you're right.
You're absolutely right.
I've been also keeping aware of that.
We are keeping an eye out on what's happening in New York.
Unfortunately, we're on Long Island and that's no more than 50 miles from the center of the city.
And if anything ever did happen that was major,
You know, that's one thing that I would explain to my family, you know.
In the good day of traffic over here, it would take two hours to get out of the city.
Imagine if it was on a lockdown.
It would take us a week, walking on foot, going through, you know, who knows what kind of territory that would become out there.
You know?
Brother, let me give you the rest of the story when we come back.
I'm gonna come back and finish up with you, then we'll go to Larry and others.
The rest of the story of what a lockdown really is.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Well, the lockdowns started after Columbine.
And they were over the schools.
Then it was a neighborhood around the school.
Then it was a part of the city.
And then it was past the city.
All it is is a giant governmental power grab.
It doesn't even work for its supposed directive to capture whoever the shooter is.
But it is a government precursor to martial law, just like we have seen with the TSA and the Feds at the airports.
And now the TSA is on the street with Viper teams all over the country.
When I would tell people they were coming 14 years ago, because I watched a C-SPAN two-hour hearing about it, that they would then decide if they could have a job or not in the future, they'd be the new national police force, people laughed at me.
Folks aren't laughing now.
Major highway closures in Philadelphia and other states as His Lordship the Pope comes to town.
By the way, when he's in Latin America, they don't close big roads for him.
But here in America, he's going to be called His Excellency and all the rest of this.
And I'm not a Catholic basher.
Everybody knows that.
I have a lot of Catholic friends.
I judge a tree by its fruits.
A lot of great people I know are Catholics.
Most Catholics I know literally think this guy's the Antichrist.
In fact, it's the Catholics that are, like, congratulating me and thanking me in letters and emails saying, thank you.
You know, we understand you just don't think all Catholics are devils.
You're not judging people.
You understand there's been a lot of good in the Church.
A lot of people that, you know, fought for rights and fought against slavery and, you know, fought against abortion.
But, man, the Catholic Church today, I mean, even their top people are getting removed or demoted because they're speaking out against Pope Francis.
Who is just so bad for me.
Might as well have Fidel Castro as president.
And that's why they brought him to Cuba.
This new Pope.
Has there ever been a Pope come to Cuba since it fell to communism?
He could probably teach Fidel more about communism than Fidel knows.
I don't want to be on a rant.
I want to go to Larry and Truthreader and Emoc and Mark and everybody that's coming up.
Larry Pratt's popping in for like 10-15 minutes.
I'm going to go back to your calls and get to more news.
But that's what the lockdowns are.
And I'm worried about the leadership.
I'm not saying the police want to get you or the military.
It's the police and military that realize what this really is.
This is conditioning everyone to military-level groups of police and military regalia, shutting everything down, and it's only effective in controlling large groups for shutting down cities.
It has nothing to do with capturing bad guys.
Capturing bad guys is getting leads, getting what people look like, talking to the public, the real eyes and ears.
If you think locking down half of Boston is going to catch the supposed bomber, it didn't catch him.
Putting out the description did.
He was in the boat, outside the cordon.
And it turned out he himself was set up.
I know it's all patriotic to go kill him.
You know, death penalty.
He deserves it, that little guy.
They cut his throat out when they got him out of that boat.
They shot that boat up like 500 plus rounds trying to kill him.
Because the orders were, we don't want him to testify.
Then he told everybody, I'm innocent.
So they had his lawyer come out and say, he's really guilty.
Why would lawyers like that?
Who needs a prosecutor?
You got a defense lawyer like that?
His brother worked for the CIA as a serious operative and the Russians blew his cover.
Two years for the Boston bombing.
In their newspaper.
They went to the FBI and they said, why does he have a fake name and why do you let him fly under it?
And the CIA and FBI lied and said we'd never watched them, we were never aware of them.
When it turned out they knew exactly who they were and they were protected.
Now were they triple agents?
Did they actually carry out the bombing?
Had they been flipped to Islamic State before it was even called that?
Maybe that's it!
Maybe they are the real bombers!
I know this!
You're lying about what really happened!
Shame on you!
Let's go ahead and go back
He's just hung up from New York.
I guess I answered his question about the cordoning.
I just wanted to elaborate on that because it's a big deal.
It's a blockade.
This is blockade training.
This is cordoning.
This is shutdown of city training.
We don't have time to go to calls yet.
I'll go to calls after Larry Pratt leaves us.
Got some updates on new attacks on the Second Amendment, plus this great new video that Jakari Jackson did a radio report on.
Miss Carolina, South Carolina, blast holes through anti-gun question.
We're going to get to that.
We're gonna get to a Wall Street latest panic.
Trump could win, as if Trump would hurt Wall Street.
Free market, cutting taxes would make Wall Street search.
But the globalists don't want basically a type of QE.
That's what cutting taxes does.
It's a healthy form of QE.
Delivered to the people.
They don't want a tax break to you to build your own architecture of systems.
They have power by turning little people's money off and then turning the insider's money up.
That's how they control the whole paradigm.
We'll be back, Stiglitz.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The Miss America pageant is known for beautiful women who sometimes give rather amusing answers.
But recently, Miss South Carolina turned the tide when she was asked about this.
Do you support a ban on military style assault weapons?
I don't, but I think it's because we need to increase education.
We have to go back there.
If we teach people the proper way to use guns, then we will reduce the risk of having gun-related accidents.
It starts with education.
Even before she could finish answering her question, her response received a massive applause.
Demonstrating strong support for gun rights, despite the establishment's ongoing gun demonization campaign.
And yes, there have been high-profile slayings with fully automatic rifles, but the FBI's own numbers show that you're more likely to be killed by a blunt object, such as a baseball bat or hammer.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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I'm good.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
The desert's quiet.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
We're here live.
That's Merle Haggard bringing us in.
Townes Van Zandt song, one of the best.
Little Jewel from Texas.
We got Larry Pratt joining us, the head of Gunners of America, the only no-compromise gun group.
The gun group that Ted Nugent, NRA board member, agrees with me, got the NRA back on track.
That's one of the greatest accomplishments I think ever of Gunners of America, is they bulldogged them nicely.
And I pressured Pratt and others, it was very gentlemanly, more than a decade ago, to go after the NRA.
Thought about it for a few years, talked to their board, and he actually did it.
So I'm not taking credit.
I'm just saying, when I get mad at Rand Paul and say he should be more aggressive and sound more like Trump, it's because I love Rand Paul.
I know he's for real.
I support him.
I want him to win.
I trust him.
But I know he's listening to more milquetoast political advisors that say that Trump's going to get destroyed in a general election because he's too extreme.
He's not extreme.
I don't know if I trust Trump or not.
I don't know him.
But I do know what he's saying is true, and that's why he's so popular.
I want to first get Larry's take on something exciting.
We have a video on Infowars.com.
Don Salazar wrote about it.
Miss South Carolina blasts holes through anti-gun question.
If we teach people the right way to use guns, then we'll reduce the risk.
And it's not a super hardcore Second Amendment statement like, you know, guns don't kill people, people do.
Well, statistics show more armed states have less crime.
You know, a statement I would have made, but still, compared to usually the anti-gun rhetoric that they program into these ladies, they tell them that's the right way to answer, it's beautiful.
And compared to, you know, that Miss South Carolina that time, who was
Talking about how do we help South Africa or whatever, and she didn't even, wasn't even able to speak.
It's very, very refreshing.
So here's that clip.
America loves our Second Amendment, but gun violence continues to be a tragic problem.
Do you support a ban on military-style assault weapons?
I don't, but I think it's because we need to increase education.
We have to go back there.
If we teach people the proper way to use guns, then we will reduce the risk of having gun-related accidents.
And they love it, of course.
Thank you so much.
You know, the lady that asked the anti-gun question, I'm not going to call her name, because she was given a pre-written question.
That's on record.
But it shows how forever all these pageants have this anti-liberty bent to them.
In every case.
So they ask the question like, well, I know the Second Amendment, you know, Americans love it.
But what about all these deaths?
Like, it's causing it.
When the deaths are flat, overall gun violence is way down.
I mean, that would have been a real question.
Where do you stand on the Second Amendment would have been a fair question.
Then she could say what she really thought.
Do you know what it is?
Are you for it?
Are you against it?
Do you have mixed views?
That's a fair question.
Where do you stand on the right to keep and bear arms, the Second Amendment?
Not some slanted question.
I will say, though, that lady asking the question looks like the idiot from South Carolina that time who didn't know which end was up.
Can we find that clip for later, before Larry Pratt leaves us?
Well, again, the number one battler for the right to keep and bear arms in the country, a very humble man as well, joins us via video Skype until the hour ends.
Then we'll go back to your calls and news, folks.
That's Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America.
We'll put their website up on screen for TV viewers, but gunowners.org.
Larry, what's your take on that clip we just played?
Alex, good to be with you.
I think you're right in your assessment.
The gal did rather well considering everything, the environment that she's in.
She probably knew what was expected of her.
And when she gave an answer that she did, I was very encouraged that, my goodness, not only is she a very attractive woman, but she's got a brain in her head.
And that seems to kind of be rare at these pageants.
That's not the premium quality they seem to be looking for, no.
Especially not if she comes in speaking like Annie Oakley.
Again, Larry Pratt joins us, gunowners.org, Gun Owners of America.
Larry, I want to just hear from you what's front and center on your radar, what you think the biggest bad things happening for the right to self-defense are, what the
You know, good things and bad things that are happening.
And I also want to talk about this move to use VA systems against Social Security recipients and where that's going.
Well, Alex, this is the same kind of thing at the VA that we first saw, and you and I talked about it years ago under George Bush, when what we had dubbed the Veterans Disarmament Act, the so-called NICS Enhancement Act,
And we said they're going to use medical diagnoses that have nothing to do with the person being violent to himself or others, which are the trigger words in the language of the bill, and certainly there won't be any due process of a court proceeding where your lawyer squares off against the prosecutor and your witnesses against theirs.
None of that.
It's just some shrink or some other medical worker says, well, it looks like he's got PTSD.
Put that down, and a lot of times that serves as the trigger to keep people from getting guns, even though the overwhelming number of people who have PTSD are not violent to other people at all.
I knew a guy in the military, he'd been in combat, and when he was back home, at least when he was back home, I don't know if it started before, but he told me, he said sometimes he'd wake up in the middle of the night in a panic,
Grab his pistol that he had by his bed, get into the corner of the room, hunker down, and clear the room, as it were, you know, with his pistol, moving it back and forth.
When he saw that there wasn't anybody there, after all, then he put the pistol back on the table and went back to bed.
Never heard anybody.
And that's probably about as scary as it gets with most PTSD.
And yet they're using that as the reason to say,
You can't have a gun.
You can't have a concealed carry permit.
You're finished with the Second Amendment, bud.
Well, most of the family I've known and people that were in heavy combat, when they first come back, maybe just two weeks out of battles, they hear a car backfire or whatever, they jump out of the table.
And sure, they may kind of carry their gun around with them for a while just because they came out of that area.
But in a few months, they usually totally get calm and are okay after that.
But the point is, you can't take their guns away just because they've been through this process.
And of course, as a sidebar, if they live on the Mexican border in places in Arizona, they're going to carry their gun with them everywhere they go, including the bathroom, because they never know when their house is going to be assaulted.
And this is a change from, as I've been told, I interviewed one of the ranchers that owns property down there some time ago on my one-hour show, by the way, on Genesis as well.
I'm not to be compared with Alex Jones, but at least I'm on the same show.
Brother, listen, we need to multiply our numbers.
I love what you're doing.
Plug that show at GCNLive.com.
There's links to it at Gunners.org.
Listen to Gunners of America.
Tune into their show and spread the word and get it on this same station.
Ask all of our affiliates to pick it up.
You bet.
That'd be great if they would.
We're on Saturdays twice.
It's made available on Saturday.
And anyway, this gal was very clear that
It's a war zone where she is.
The government has given up.
They know there's a tunnel under her property with air conditioning being used for people smuggling and all other kinds of smuggling and they're not doing anything about it.
Again, the head of Gunners of America, Larry Pratt's with us.
I saw they came out a month and a half ago and said, we want to start targeting social security recipients.
If they even take a money transfer, that means that they are psychologically inept.
That means we can basically declare them without a court trial or anything.
Alex, I think that's going to stumble.
The President's tried other administrative approaches to putting a lasso around the Second Amendment's neck and so far
Pushback has been pretty extreme.
He can get away with certain things because they don't have the visibility that the Second Amendment has, but there are other hot-button issues like abortion, but people that are opposed to abortion typically are not having an abortion.
But people who defend the Second Amendment are defending their property, and when the
Democrats primarily, but sometimes the Republicans start talking about additional restrictions and whatnot, or guns that they want to take away.
They're talking about what people actually own.
And I think in addition to the understanding that many gun owners have of the constitutional role of gun ownership, it's that personal element of, that's my property.
Looking at the positive fronts, and then I want to get back into some of the attacks they're launching, what's some of the positive Second Amendment news you've got, Larry?
Well, we're seeing in a number of states, counties, even whole states like Kansas, telling the feds if you do something beyond what the Second Amendment permits you in this county, in this state, we'll put you in jail.
And there are some other issues, whether it's the food
Drug administration telling farmers what kind of milk they can produce or whatever, but the same kind of confrontation has been occurring in some of these places.
That's right, the states are really starting to push back against federal tyranny.
And the feds are backing down.
The feds have yet to call anybody on that.
They have, even out at the Bunkerville, Nevada ranch, the Clive and Bundy ranch, when enough Americans gathered there, initially from around the ranch,
But then, from states around the country, the Feds said, never mind, and backed off.
So, so far, they realize that their force, if it's met
in a credible fashion by an armed citizenry, they're not going to be able to do anything.
And let's be clear, this is open criminal power grab in the Bundy case, running off 300 plus other families that have been there since 1878, that had the grazing rights, doesn't matter if the media lied, they had some federal judge say he null and voids all that, common law says that's a fraud, and they wanted to run off the last farmer to use it as an easement for Chinese solar panels.
And they play all these games with, and it just, it was tyranny.
People saw it and they didn't want to have a new bunker hill out in the middle of the desert with cowboys.
That's not the optics they wanted.
It shows that they know the American people are so fed up and so angry that if they have the shot heard around the world in the wrong optics, it's going to lead to their downfall.
And I don't want to have a physical war, but at some point, Larry, we just can't be completely run over.
Well, and so far, people have credibly told the Feds, you better not.
And the Feds get the message, that's what the Second Amendment's all about.
And so, at the moment, the Second Amendment is doing the job it was intended to do.
Telling the Feds, here and no farther.
And I think that
To me, that says our country still has a pulse, and I'm delighted to see these kinds of things.
But the bad news is clearly the propaganda is accelerating in TV, print, media, movies.
There's a new anti-gun push.
They've got this new angle, all these fake scientists coming out trying to demonize the evidence that more guns means less crime.
That seems to be another assault.
Obama's promised a bunch of other extrajudicial, under-the-table attacks.
What's the bad news?
Well, the bad news, of course, is if we don't push back on this, then Obama's likely to
Be able to pull something off.
I'm convinced he's going to do everything he possibly, conceivably can in his remaining months in office.
We're going to see the full Obama, and it's not going to be very pretty.
We all thought, I believe, that we were watching a hard-left socialist in action in his first years in office.
Now that he doesn't have any elections to run again probably ever in his life in the future, and his party
Isn't going to have to run with him on the ticket ever again either.
They're going to be all in and I think it's going to be a very desperate fight that we're engaged in until January of 2017.
And boy, if there's any tragedy, and tragedies happen in a country with 330 million people.
If there is a tragedy, we know they're going to use it.
We know they're going to try to blame all gun owners collectively that we're involved in it.
We've got to be ready to fight that next wave.
We've got to be ready, and that is the bottom line.
It's just like those Minutemen in Lexington, Massachusetts.
We've got to be ready at a minute's notice to come to the defense of, as it was at Clive and Bundy, or be a milk producer in Elkhart County, Indiana.
Could be anywhere where the government thinks they might have an advantage, the ability to pull it off.
Maybe it's not a major media center, and somehow they can get away with it.
One of the things that impressed me about our technology is that on that Bundy Ranch, which is about as far from anywhere as you can get, there's certainly no internet, Wi-Fi on that ranch.
Somebody was able to set up equipment so that they actually had simulcasts of what were going on.
And I think that and the fact that a TV station was able to use similar technology, that put enough light on
The evil deeds of darkness that the Feds were up to, that they finally realized, if we do something, it's going to be on live television and we probably can't get away with it.
They got away with it a little bit at Waco, Ruby Ridge, this time they wouldn't have gotten away with it, they knew it, so...
Terry Reid comes out and calls the people involved domestic terrorists.
I think they've jumped the shark.
They've gone a bridge too far.
I want to ask you about this tidbit of positive news.
Coming to the military, as we know it's in Army times, the last six, seven years saying the founders are bad, gun owners are bad, Christians are bad, the Tea Party's your new enemy, prepare for domestic war, here are armored vehicles, the local police, that for every police department that says we want to fight with the Tea Party,
There's another 50 police departments that know the Tea Party's not their enemy when the Democrats are represented by, you know, kill the police, Black Lives Matter groups.
And I have seen a huge wake up in the military and the police the last few years to just a ridiculous level now.
They really understand that there are people running Washington that really want to hurt this country and really want to hurt them.
And I think that the programming they tried to give the police and military has blown up in their face.
I would agree with that assessment.
Here in Washington, you have contact with a lot of different people in the government, and they tend to have that very same assessment.
I've talked to people in other parts of the country, same takeaway.
That, yeah, there'll be a few that will be just following orders, but most of the rest realize, I didn't take an oath to uphold Barack Obama, or whoever else is president,
I took an oath to uphold the Constitution.
And that's the big stumbling block for any wannabe tyrant that most of those that they employ with guns aren't going to do something that they knowingly have seen is unconstitutional.
And I think Waco and other tragedies like that have brought greater clarity to the understanding that a lot of our men under arms have seen.
And I believe they would bring that to the table
If anybody in government really went so far as to try to impose some kind of military arms solution in this country, just don't think it's going to take.
You're absolutely right.
I'm going to let you go here in just a moment.
Go back to callsgunowners.org.
Larry Pratt, the head of Gun Owners of America, is our guest.
I raised this earlier.
I remember getting you on 20 years ago, getting you on 16, 17 years ago, and you wouldn't do it.
But I guess it was about 10 years ago, I begged you on air probably for the 10th time.
I said, Larry, look, you know the NRA board's getting filled with some really bad people.
They're not defending the Second Amendment.
They're not getting aggressive.
Heston has left.
He was doing a great job.
But they've gotten really soft since he, you know, left and then died.
And I know Ted Nugent's in there.
He's great.
Can you get your hardcore group, the second largest group in the country, no compromises, Ron Paul has said.
The only group at the time that was holding stuff back by just a hair, I said, can you go after the NRA and really explain some of the history of times they've done bad stuff to show their supporters that your real activism is in making sure this giant organization is truly in the fight.
Because they're intimidating board members, they were doing all sorts of stuff behind the scenes.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
They want our guns, folks, so they go after our representatives.
And so you're the watchman on the wall, keeping them honest.
You wrote a big article showing their good history and their bad history.
You called for them to get hardcore.
I don't remember the name of the article.
Maybe you should remind me.
And they really changed in the next three, four years to being a pretty good organization now overall.
In my view, correct me if I'm wrong, but can you speak to that?
Because I think the greatest accomplishment of gun owners
Is that in a gentlemanly way, you guys really kind of caused a positive coup inside the NRA.
Is that unaccurate?
I think there's some truth to that.
And in any case, when they have a tendency at any given time to go off the rails, Gun Owners has now gotten to the size that we can focus on the NRA itself as if they were just another politician, which sometimes they kind of behave like.
And when they get enough heat from their own members, they behave just like another politician.
And they come around to what it is that folks are asking them to do.
Case in point was post-Sandy Hook.
The NRA was supporting an expansion of the background check, which is really nothing more than enabling the government to have a registration list of all gun owners.
And they did a 180 on that when we asked our members to email and
Telephone a guy at the NRA, his phone must have turned to green smoke, because a week after we started that campaign, they said, no, we're against the Toomey mansion bill, we're against the expansion of the background check.
Of course, they wrote the initial background check, but they backed off because they felt the heat, and like old Senator Dirksen was fond of saying, when I feel the heat, I see the light.
What would you say about their overall composition now?
Am I accurate in saying they're better than they were ten years ago?
Oh, definitely.
There's much more in awareness that they are a Second Amendment organization.
They continue to provide wonderful services for target shooting and all those kinds of shooting sports, but they understand that all that goes away if they don't defend the Second Amendment.
And the Second Amendment requires an adversarial
relationship with the federal government.
The second amendment says federal government you can go here and no farther and if you try then the second amendment comes into play.
To put it a little bit more crudely we'll point our guns at you if you try to act tyrannically.
And that's in the Declaration of Independence, in the Constitution, in the Bill of Rights.
The war started over them coming to take the guns.
It doesn't matter how many quack professors they pay from Bloomberg to write books claiming it wasn't about guns.
It was all about self-defense.
It's always about self-defense.
It's always about being free.
And to look at the NRA doing a lot better job today, we're finally on the offensive.
We're not compromising.
People understand.
Oh, I can't give in to you because you never give in.
We're not really compromising.
They were always pushing us, pushing us, pushing us.
And now, as Democratic Party websites have admitted and news articles, radical groups like gun owners, the small extreme fringe, in their words, is driving the NRA and driving Republican politics.
And what do we do about them?
Well, the truth is we're not radical.
This is what America is.
It's what it's founded on.
Our forebearers had to fight the biggest empire in the world that no one had ever defeated to have these rights, folks.
It was paid for in buckets and buckets and buckets of blood and guts.
And America isn't perfect, but compared to other nations, it's incredible.
And I'm so proud of America, and I'm so proud of Larry Pratt and all the gun owners members.
Everybody who isn't a member should go join today.
If you're not a member, at least sign up for the free alerts, because folks, we have been on a razor's edge of losing this battle so many times, and Larry Pratt and his folks up on the Hill every day have turned the tide.
And so I don't do this with hardly any other guest, but I'm telling you, if you don't get behind Larry Pratt and Gun Owners of America, you are actually working for the enemy.
It comes down to that.
Larry Pratt, closing comment.
Well, Alex, I want to thank you very much for that kind of an endorsement, because that really means a lot.
And I think if people will just realize that, yeah, they're only one voice, and maybe it's only one email that's going to go to their one congressman, but when they're working with thousands of other people doing the same thing, that's what turns these big issues around our way.
We have won, and we can win.
It just requires people putting their shoulder to the oar, and you get enough shoulders on that oar, and it moves.
Well, thank you so much, Larry Pratt.
We'll talk to you soon.
Good to be with you.
Thanks for having me on, Alex.
You bet.
I'm going to be honest, I got a little tear in my eye there, because you realize we're being enslaved.
We're losing everything.
They're debasing our currency, our borders are gone.
There is a plan to bring us into a one-world oppressive government, but the one thing
That is growing as the people's resistance.
And the polls show it.
We're defeating the abortion people.
We're defeating the gun grabbers.
And we're in a serious battle.
They're having some victories.
But overall, we are growing.
We're having more victories than them.
That's why they're fighting so hard.
The enemy is in a death struggle right now with us.
We got them down.
We're just, by sheer will, just crushing them into the stone.
They've got all their weapons, all their propaganda, it doesn't matter.
Sheer will will move through the enemy and is absolutely unstoppable.
But you've got to set your will against them and you've got to admit these people are the scum of the earth.
They've got all their own bodyguards.
They don't want you to be able to protect yourself.
They are filth who want to prey on you and your family at the end of the day.
I didn't plug anything hardly today.
Earlier or now, InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsStore.com.
We got the great supplements, a lot of them back in stock, like Knockout, a great sleep aid, All Natural, just incredible.
We got more Brain Force back in.
Deep Cleanse is gonna sell out soon.
And by the way, we're doing a 28-hour live broadcast that kicks off at 11 a.m.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I was almost late getting back in the studio just now.
I was just in that one minute break or 70 second break as the hour ended, planning some of the amazing guests and stuff we got coming up tomorrow.
One of my biggest failures is also one of our greatest successes.
I plan big stuff, we do big stuff, our crew does a great job, but sometimes I bite off not more than I can chew.
Let's just say we don't chew it very well.
I should have been for like a week or two telling you the huge lineup of guests, the huge rundown of special premiere documentaries we've made, 30 minutes long, 45 minutes long, an hour long.
You know, Secrets Inside the Vatican, Larry Nichols in person at his house spilling his guts on everything on the Clintons.
I don't even know what to call that, it's so powerful.
Another documentary on another surprise subject.
All the special guests tomorrow, it's going to be 28 hours long.
Because I added a fourth hour and they said, you know, that makes it 28 hours.
So we're starting at 11 a.m.
We're gonna go right through to three o'clock the next day.
And most of it's live.
There's gonna be some...
Basically films we've made.
Some of them in the works for years.
Some of them films I didn't basically release.
And then now we're just not going to call it an official film.
We're just going to release it tomorrow.
So a lot of stuff coming up 11 a.m.
tomorrow until the next day at 3 o'clock.
That's 28 hour global transmission.
And yeah, it's a money bump.
I've had some years recently where I decided to take no pay for myself.
But I'll be honest with folks.
There have been years where I took large profit.
If I had a film that was a really big hit and made a bunch of extra money, I'd go, you know what?
I had a lot of unexpected bills, I had some family I had to take care of, and I have these nuisance lawsuits occasionally.
Why should I buy into the propaganda that as a lover of liberty, I shouldn't be successful?
So I'll put some money in the bank.
Zero from the Money Bombs has ever gone to anything I do personally.
It goes into the cameras, into the crew.
I mean, you've seen past Money Bombs and suddenly there's like four new reporters in a couple months and new writers and new people and new studios.
The last Money Bomb we did was three years ago.
And it took us to upgrade, build the studios, hire the people, develop the crew to launch five hours of live TV radio a day.
We're now there.
Once we go past that level, I can produce 10 hours.
I can have a 24-hour network.
I mean, we're at the point to be funded by advertising, even in a collapsing economy, doing it from Texas, where it's a lot cheaper than, say, New York or L.A., to just take off and put all the different great crew I have in management positions above the new people we bring in.
And then my goal is reached where, really, I got to
Trust I've set up.
I've got a corporation.
I intend if they blow my head off or put me in prison, this just keeps going.
And there's backup plans to that.
Because when you really fight tyranny and you're really on the line against these people, you realize it's a lot bigger than you the individual.
It's about winning the long war.
Now that means that maybe my great-grandchildren or your great-grandchildren that finally defeat the eugenicists, the scientific technocrats.
But you've got my commitment that
Evil isn't the only force of power in the universe.
Good is even more powerful, but good people expect to see a manifestation right away, or you don't crave power, you don't crave dominating something, you don't crave being in a position.
I don't
Personalize that, and empathize, and take on that pain at a cellular, soul level.
Then I do enjoy defeating them, and smashing them, and running them into the ground, because they deserve it!
They are scum, and they are weak, and they are hateful!
So we need to stand up and defeat them!
Take action!
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Do you ever wonder how the current migrant crisis is going to affect Europe and America a decade from now, if governments keep handing out welfare?
Well, Sweden has been accepting a lot of immigrants for the past 15 years, and now 58% of the country's welfare payments go to migrants.
The majority of violent crimes in Sweden are committed by first or second generation immigrants.
Most of them refuse to assimilate into Sweden's culture.
Even more shocking, nearly half the immigrants don't work.
And now Sweden has the biggest employment gap in Europe between natives and non-natives.
In other words, native Swedes are working their butts off to support an immigrant population who won't work and won't assimilate, but will steal, rape, and murder.
Simply put, when a government offers free goodies and welfare to immigrants, the country is only going to attract the worst kinds of people.
But what's going on in Sweden is now going to happen in the United States.
This is the new America brought to you by Obama and his puppet masters.
More decadence, less prosperity and freedom.
Keep checking back at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com for more reports.
And follow us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and give us your take on this issue and more.
It's now more clear than ever.
The globalists have launched a planetary destabilization plan.
Here at the InfoWars operation, we hope and pray that this is not the case.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
We're now well into the third hour, going back to your phone calls, here right through this hour.
Joe Biggs will be in studio with us for about 10 minutes, the bottom of the hour, to talk about covering a 90-minute speech of Donald Trump that's been called sensational by some of the mainstream media.
20,000 people standing room only, just loving every word he said.
I watched some of the speech footage, big shot, and it was like one-liners, like fish being thrown out to seals.
But I guess the stuff he's saying is true, so compared to all the lies of other establishment candidates, I guess it's good.
Wall Street's latest panic, Trump could win, and he gets into a speech.
We'll cover that with Joe Biggs as well.
But man, what is he going to do if he's not for real?
I mean, I saw that scary thing a week ago, where he went on Fox and said,
You know, we may have to, you didn't say we may.
Merkel's doing a great job bringing these people in.
We need to bring these migrants in.
Using that politically correct word.
He's a smart guy.
He should have said, these are invaders.
We don't know who these people are.
A lot of them are ISIS.
It's dangerous.
The policies of our government putting ISIS in control is what's helped destabilize the whole region.
And he knows Obama's been protecting ISIS.
He said that!
He's got a top general that just left Defense Intelligence Agency as the head of it saying that.
He's got the former deputy director of the CIA saying it.
Trump knows all this.
Trump's real smart.
I have no doubt Donald Trump can turn this country around.
Hyping folks up.
Being positive.
We're cutting taxes.
We're repealing the gun laws.
We're bringing in immigrants that have a history of working and have something to offer.
The country would explode!
It would take off!
But see, you'd get prosperity, and it wouldn't be unevenly distributed to the globalists.
That's what's so sick about them.
All day it's class-envy.
All day it's wealth redistribution.
Now they want to help you have a dream, because they're going to give you some welfare, or some college tuition.
Tuition costs more than ever.
Healthcare's screwed up.
Giant screwjob.
Raising prices.
The globalists are putting us through a meat grinder.
So I wish Donald Trump was real.
I hope he's real.
I hope he'd do stuff like that.
But the media attacks him with the most ham-fisted attacks that are designed to fail.
Now I told you, and I should have saved the clip for this.
I said it a hundred times or more.
Then I'm going to go to this trailer and then to your calls.
But they do this.
Jade Helm went for two months.
It ended today.
Or it ends today, technically.
September 15th.
And I always said Jade Helm was to condition us for martial law, condition us for the shutdown of cities, condition us to federal trips.
The Jade Helms own memo admitted it was for domestic operations.
They come out and deny it's real at first and they say I'm a liar.
Then they say I'm saying it's an imminent takeover.
They're going to take our guns.
And I've had the media calling today.
I've heard people that have heard it on local radio.
Oh, where was the martial law?
Where was the gun confiscation?
It was all going to begin during Jade Helm.
And a lot of the people ran with that.
Some people online believe that.
And I mean, I get why.
You see the world financial crisis and all the other problems and the open borders and the refugee situation, and you say, maybe it is a takeover.
Well, they took a photo of me acting goofy on television, because I do screw around sometimes.
See, I'm their biggest enemy on that list, so they attacked me.
Then they go on to say Rick Perry didn't like it.
No, Rick Perry attacked me and said that it was a good thing.
That Jade Helm was great.
Chuck Norris said it was dangerous.
Ted Cruz said it was dangerous.
Gohmert said it was dangerous.
Ron Paul said it was dangerous.
Rand Paul said it was dangerous.
But they stick at Raw Story, disingenuous garbage, like a funny picture of me and Rick Perry, and they say Jade Helm ends with no takeover, and these six nutters hope you forgot their idiotic fear-mongering.
I was waiting for these, and there's a bunch of them, and then I was gonna put it out, and my listeners heard me say this.
They heard us cover it.
They heard us respond.
They heard our first broadcast on it.
And I said it's training for the invasion of America under NORTHCOM, which they admit in the Army Times and everywhere else, is for a war with the Tea Party.
And then I showed dozens of articles where they admit that.
So, there you go.
And the military itself was concerned about it.
And as Chuck Norris said, it isn't that I don't trust the military, I don't trust who leads our military.
And that's absolutely true.
Boy, they really hate Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who just said, look, I'll have the state guard monitor it.
That's the state's job, monitor the feds, they monitor us, we'll monitor it.
They came out and misrepresented what he said.
They deceive their audience, they deceive their readers, and that's why they're a joke.
They think cheap shots like this, we didn't see this coming?
They think this will hurt us?
Listen, your constituents, nine out of ten times, eight out of ten times, say put all gun owners in slave camps.
Ban the Bible.
On video.
We're not gonna get your people.
We understand that.
But there's this big mass in the middle that doesn't know what the truth is, and they're gonna see clips of me telling the truth, or they already saw it, and I told people this was coming, and they just know you're a pack of liars.
So you've got your idiot constituents that can't tie their shoelaces, who believe whatever you say, and they like little fake victories like this.
It doesn't work with the thinkers out there.
Our audience is exploding, your audiences are imploding.
You're a joke, you're a fraud, you're a bunch of con men in my view, and just go out there where dinosaurs go to fall down like a relic from the past and just blow away.
I'm just letting you know you're politically dead already.
So throw temper tantrums.
Tell us you control the language.
Shoot your mouth off however you want.
People want freedom.
They want lower taxes.
They want to be able to defend themselves.
They don't want you telling them what religion to be.
They don't want pervert teachers teaching five-year-olds how to masturbate.
Just get out of our lives.
Go be your own unhappy skeletons.
I mean, I've seen your constituents.
They're a bunch of brain-damaged idiots who can't literally walk straight.
I know who you are.
You're hollow.
You're a joke.
So keep lying.
That's all you got.
It's more nails in your political coffin.
Let's go to this trailer, then your phone calls.
First up will be Emoch.
I don't know.
I'm thinking it's really like Clinton Chronicles Part 3.
The new Clinton Chronicles.
I mean, we're not selling it.
We're not Jeremiah Films.
They're great folks.
But I don't know what we call this thing we're going to premiere tomorrow.
Because it basically is just an extension of those films.
Here it is.
I was there at the beginning.
Inside the Clinton machine.
I saw it all happen.
From the corrupt to the absolutely corrupt.
And that's when I thought about my father, who was dying of lung cancer.
And what he would do if he knew the man I'd become.
And then I thought about my daughter.
What if the cocaine they were bringing in was to end up getting used by her?
I hit my knees that day and asked God to forgive me.
I wasn't a good person.
I worked in special operations in Central America, South America.
I did a lot of bad things.
But I hit the bottom that day and said I was going to make up for it.
And now, I just want to see these criminals brought to justice and get their just due.
Not make Preston, but put where they belong.
In jail.
One thing about Hillary, they were just a good timing guy.
But Hillary, she's an animal.
Hillary is the one that I promise you, she pulls the strings.
She pulled them in Arkansas.
She pulled them in the White House when she was there as a First Lady.
And my God, if she gets to be President,
What you see out here now is gonna change.
We thought it changed with Obama.
There's nothing compared to what's gonna happen with Hillary.
And I tell you right now, I will stop Hillary.
We've gone further than anybody we know of, and that's all we're going to take.
And people can ask us a hundred different ways, you know, from a hundred different directions.
And we're just going to leave the ultimate decision up to the American people.
I really just want everybody to take a deep breath and relax and just, you know, sit back because here they come again.
We're going to have to just ride through this as we have so many of these other false accusations.
All right, it will premiere tomorrow.
I haven't even figured out the name for it yet.
What is it, 10 o'clock tomorrow night?
Free streams at Infowars.com forward slash show.
We're gonna be broadcasting for 28 hours live.
I know some cable and TV stations, like the one in Houston, I need to plug that today, are gonna be carrying it.
And we're gonna be announcing tomorrow the satellite frequency to pick up.
The TV feed, and just some of the battle plan as well.
But mainly it's going to be informational and a bunch of gifs.
But we're not going to get a whole cable channel.
I could probably go bankrupt trying it.
I know a lot of folks that did get cable channels that are, quote, conservative, are trying to offload them and get rid of them right now.
A little inside baseball.
Because those are all atomized and broken up.
We're on the main satellite that hits all the TV stations in northern Mexico, the United States, and Canada.
So that you can call up your local UHF or VHF or cable system and say, please carry the Alex Jones Show.
There's four hours of it during the day, radio slash TV, but it's a full TV production.
And then there's the produced one hour show at night.
Sometimes it's live, sometimes it isn't.
Sometimes it's taped to air.
It'll be live tomorrow.
A lot of these program directors, station owners, or station managers are listeners.
That's why we're gonna be hitting, but you're gonna also be hitting, with brochures, info, links to the websites, all of it, everybody at a TV station.
Because you don't know who the key person is at that TV station.
Walk into a small town TV station or a big city cable station and there'll be some manager comes running down to meet me and going, yeah, you ought to put your show on satellite.
We'd pick it up.
Oh yeah, we'd at least put it on the weekend or something.
See how it went.
You know, I want you to hear some cards.
Call us.
I got a buddy that does satellites.
You ought to be, I mean, so many cable and TV stations, and I'm not going to get into this now, I'm going to go to your calls.
Just give us another break.
We're doing this because about four or five years ago,
We were starting the Nightly News that was going to be internet-based, subscriber-based, but then be deployed and delivered to a bunch of free platforms the next day so our subscribers were just paying so we could produce this and have the bandwidth and so they could see it when it first aired or when it was live.
And it's been incredibly successful.
Hundreds of millions of people have seen the Nightly News conservatively in North America alone.
But it was station managers, owners, and program directors reaching out time and time again and saying,
Will you please put it on a satellite or put it on one of these server systems so we can download it?
And then I'd say, yeah, yeah, I'm going to think about doing that, but I was so busy with other stuff, they'd call back in a year going, listen.
Just, I'll send a contract over that I can carry it, or just send me back something I can air whenever I want, free to air, and I'll put you on.
And so suddenly, over 200 of these letters and calls came in, and I know over 100 stations, TV, UHF, VHF cables, some small towns, some big cities.
I mean, we're on basic cable for now, what, two years in Houston?
We've got an interview with the owner of it, who is the inventor of internet video.
Like, when you see 2001 Space Odyssey, he's on a space station talking to his daughter.
This guy had invented that and had the government using it before it was even in science fiction movies.
Never done an interview.
Best friends with Ron Paul, basically.
He's the guy that put up the Ron Paul channel.
He put us on before Paul, and then he's like, we're not doing it quick enough, so he went to Paul and set it all up, which I absolutely love.
That's being heard on TV, radio, all over the country, being picked up all over the place, hundreds of stations.
And the guy doesn't want to be known, doesn't want the attention, doesn't want to be appreciated.
He was involved in the 60s, fighting the Federal Reserve, the New World Order.
I mean, these are the type of folks that are just all over the country.
Amazing people.
And so we used to send him a high-def feed so they would carry it.
Or they'd download it and air it the next day.
Well, not anymore.
Not for about a month.
We've been on the big satellite.
They love it.
It's working real well at our studios.
The satellite stuff's on right now.
And now we just gotta go through all the contacts, all the people, get them hooked up, get it going.
It's very, very exciting.
We've got a lot of stuff like that coming up.
I don't want to say I'm a coward, but I am sick of the responsibility.
At the same time, I'm going to go to the next level and push it in the globalist's faces because I'm not going to sit on my hands.
I'm not going to use half measures.
I'm going to go all out, Americana style, to really give these people a run for their money.
It doesn't mean we're going to save the country or the world, or you are, but the spirit of resistance, the spirit of standing up,
Will cause chain reactions that will end up bringing the tyranny down on the end.
And so you'll have a heavily produced, you know, nice one-hour transmission that I think will get picked up by a lot of places.
And then you're gonna have this fire-breathing transmission with all the gas, the clips, the rest of it, that'll also be very popular.
Because imagine you're out there in UHF or VHF or cable land.
And you're tuning through the channels.
And you come across this guy, for whatever reason, they stop, they watch.
When I was first on AXS TV 20 years ago, about a year into it, it was in the paper, the Austin American-Statesman, that the cable company wanted to know, and they had bought a Nielsen's monitoring system to look at AXS television in an argument to get rid of it.
And there was a show that was number one in the entire cable spectrum
One and a half hours a week, and you know what show that was?
This one right here.
A guy running his own show, at that time, in the control room, running tapes, playing clips, talking to the camera, with the lights all blown out, where if I had one zit on my head, you could see it, when I was 22 years old.
Not one zit face, but when I got one, sometimes it looked like hell.
I didn't even wear makeup, still don't today.
I'm not bragging and saying I'm something special, but in a bare knuckles fight, I will annihilate the competition.
And that's known.
I mean, I've gotten the top ratings in Austin twice.
I've had success.
People want this.
We've beaten Limbaugh.
I never wanted this time slot.
I was told, you will take this time slot, or you're not going to be on GCN.
And I said, I want to be on at night.
And they said, that's not what hardcore political talk's on.
No one goes up against Limbaugh.
You'll actually get stations if you go up against him.
And man, I was on like 30 stations then at night.
I went on, I had 120 stations within a year.
Listen, Michael Trudeau, not Kevin Trudeau, Michael Trudeau, who left a long time ago, GCN.
He was like a Republican strategist and much other stuff.
Smart guy.
He was right.
Over a hundred and something stations just by doing that within a year or so.
He was a sweetheart.
When I started attacking George W. Bush and everything else, after 9-11, he resigned.
I'll get him on as a guest sometime.
But he resigned.
He said, I've never seen anybody lose 70% of their stations and not stop it.
And he goes, I don't believe they blew up those towers.
I don't believe the government's involved.
And really, I want to punch you in the nose, man.
That you're doing that.
But Ted Anderson said, hey, it's the first amendment, he can do it.
That's how good GCN is.
It's mom and pop, it's whatever you want to call it, but they don't censor you, they don't control you.
But they sat there and watched my radio empire at 27 years old burn down in front of them.
But you know what?
I felt really good in all that because I don't care about being on all those stations.
I'm on more than that now.
Because the facts are, I didn't say George Bush put bombs in the building.
As the media said I did.
Just like I didn't say Jade Helm was an imminent takeover.
I said our government, bare minimum, ordered NORAD to stand down, and that the Saudi Arabians were involved, not Iraq, and that there was an inside job at some level.
That's now in the 9-11 report, and they've redacted it.
That's on record.
I'm right.
Because here's the deal.
I'm not somebody special, but let me tell you something.
When I think about lying to people on something big like that,
When I think about knowing that criminals in our government, bare minimum, allowed that to happen to take our liberties and attack sovereign countries that didn't deserve it, Saudi Arabia's enemy, I feared for my soul at that very point.
And it's the strongest instinct you can have, it's beyond instinct, to be afraid of God.
I just can't do it.
I can't know something's true and then lie to people.
And that is my greatest strength, and that's your greatest strength, is to stop caring what they think.
Stop caring what happens to you.
You've got to do the right thing.
It's got to be done.
And that doesn't mean if you were some enemy country, and at a checkpoint they asked if you were part of the Libertarian Party or something, that you wouldn't lie and go, no, I'm a communist comrade.
I'd lie in a minute in that situation.
Like the Jewish spies in the Bible going in, you know, are you with the Jews?
Well, no, we're certainly not.
Or in World War II, behind enemy lines.
No, you're not going to act like... You're French, not American.
You're going to get killed.
I'm not saying that I haven't lied at Bohemian Grove to say, oh, I'm a member or I'm a guest.
Yeah, here's the place I'm staying.
To get the intel.
But I don't lie on big, real issues that affect anybody else.
You understand?
Because here's the deal.
I will lie when my spirit says that's not a lie.
Because it's got to be done to expose evil in a certain situation that doesn't hurt anybody.
That's different.
I do it very rarely and I soul search over all of it.
But when you hear me up here on air, I say things that are politically incorrect.
I say things that I don't even want to say, but I say it because I know it's true.
And that's the commitment you'll get.
And I guarantee you, it's already happened.
We're going to end up on hundreds and hundreds of UHF, VHF stations and cable stations.
If you spread the word about the transmission and all the info we're going to be putting out tomorrow and the next few weeks, it's very exciting.
And I haven't really talked about it on air because we've just been so busy with other things and running everything and getting this ready.
But it's a very epic time to be alive and to be involved.
Your phone call straight ahead and Joe Biggs is going to be joining us in studio.
But 28-hour transmission tomorrow kicks off at 11 a.m.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Please send the link to friends and family.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kit Daniels, InfoWars.com.
Do you ever wonder how the current migrant crisis is going to affect Europe and America a decade from now, if governments keep handing out welfare?
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That wife of mine, the suspicious kind, she says that I'm quite a flirter.
That's right.
Frank it up.
Joe Biggs is with me, but don't worry callers, I know I've been ranting so I made you hold.
I apologize.
We will go to Joe Biggs and get his analysis here in a few minutes after I've taken some of the callers that have been holding the longest, but Joe hosts the show, co-hosts the show.
He can take your calls and converse with you as well.
Joe Biggs went to see the Donald for 90 minutes in a packed house yesterday up in Big D, my hometown.
And he's here to break down what we saw, and he's got some video clips as well.
The news websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We have a 28-hour transmission that Joe will be hosting some of, coming up tomorrow.
And we'll be taking your calls as well.
And we've got a whole bunch of mini-documentaries that are really well done, really powerful, breaking stuff tomorrow, you name it.
The free feed is at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Now, we're normally five hours live a day, but the four hours of radio and the nightly news, but it's going to be 28 hours, interspersed with some mini-documentaries and things, coming up tomorrow.
Kickoff, 11 a.m.
And again, I should have been hyping this beforehand.
We're too busy getting it ready to do that.
So, it's no hype, it's all bite, ladies and gentlemen.
No bark, all bite, I guess is the inside baseball motto around here.
It's one of the most attacked organizations in the country.
So, that is all coming up.
Right now, you've been holding an e-mock from Missouri.
Thanks for doing that.
You're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
I just want to say that I wish the best of luck and the wishes tomorrow for your money bomb.
And I'm standing in a library right now next to the Missouri flag and it's got two bears holding up a sign that says, united we stand, divided we fall.
And last night I watched, I re-watched the video of American Drug War 2, A Cash Hide Story, put out by Sacred Cow Productions.
And I just want to, I've heard you say a few different things on Canvas.
I know it's totally off topic, but I just wanted to get your hardcore, down-to-earth point of view on where
I don't trust George Soros as far as I can throw Staten Island.
Anything he's involved in is bad.
He also knows marijuana legalization is big money.
Remember that's why he's involved.
I am for decriminalization because I'm against giving the police state a reason to be in our lives.
A lot of people use marijuana.
Some studies show it's better than a lot of the drugs that get people to calm down.
It's got a lot of uses against cancer.
Cancer treatment, you name it.
People that are nauseous, glaucoma, there's hundreds of uses.
It is an amazing plant, like aloe vera and a few other really cool plants that do so much.
So, I think we should demystify it.
That said, I know a lot of people that are total jellyfish, that all they do is smoke pot all day, and the new pot that's around, because I know I've smoked it, and I'm not really a pot smoker, but I mean, I really do, like the police do, I'll smoke it once a year, just to test it out, see how strong it is.
I mean, I've smoked pot where I can't get out of a chair for an hour.
And back when I was more of a drinking man, I can drink a bottle of Jack Daniels and you can't even tell.
So let me tell you, that's some hardcore stuff right there.
And do I think that's something a 14-year-old should be smoking?
Absolutely not.
Do I want his house SWAT team and the dog killed because of it?
But you legalize or decriminalize it, I'm up for total legalization, that cuts out the drug gangs, the money laundering, all of it.
Uh, and so I think it's a state's rights issue.
I think it should be a state issue.
Uh, and I just get criticized by the pro-marijuana people because I say, hey, it's got a lot of pitfalls.
It's got a lot of problems.
Here's what I see negative.
But hey, you got a right to go buy Drano at the store and drink it.
It's going to kill you.
We're going to have, you know, DEA raid people's houses, ban Drano, and somebody could kill themselves with it.
You got people that go get spray paint and huff it.
Brain damaging them.
I mean, I don't want them to do that, but that's just what you do.
I mean, you can't stop that.
And those idiots are going to do it.
They do it all over the world.
So I'm just a libertarian the other day.
Joe Bidge, what's your take on the marijuana situation?
Like you said, there is a lot of medical uses for it.
I think there's a lot of great uses for it.
I think the VA should allow a lot of these soldiers with PTSD to use it, because I have a lot of friends that use it, and it calms them down.
Meanwhile, the VA wants to push all these prescription drugs on it, and then that's what sets them over the edge, makes them go a little crazy.
They prove marijuana doesn't make you kill anybody.
Prozac does.
Yeah, that will definitely happen.
Marijuana, I mean, that's going to have you sitting there on the couch for a little bit, you know, chilled out, thinking about stuff, relaxed.
But just like with anything out there, with alcohol, alcohol is legal.
But you can overuse it, and you can get your, you know, get alcohol poisoning, you can get a DUI.
So there's going to be people out there who are going to abuse marijuana.
But overall, yeah, it should be decriminalized.
We shouldn't have people in jail.
For a plant like that, that has so many positive uses.
But then I get criticized for not just saying it's God, and let's, you know, instead of Mount Rushmore, I'm in George Washington, a marijuana leaf.
There's that whole movement where it's just weed, weed, weed, weed.
And, uh, it's just, I kind of get sick of it.
I mean, I, like, like I said, I think there's some good uses out there, but in moderation, definitely.
Well, I just know this.
Thank God you're not smoking that devil plant.
No, I've admitted to it.
It's just... Have you ever smoked pot that knocks you on your butt?
It all does for me.
It doesn't matter what kind it is.
That's why I know my limit.
If I do, it's literally those times at night if I wake up having those nightmares from combat, whatever it may be, that'll help me get back to sleep.
Forget about it.
My mind's clear.
I wake up the next day rested.
I feel good to go.
So you do use it medically?
I mean, I'm not prescribed it, but I mean, I definitely use it for a medical reason.
Yeah, I don't do it for fun.
I'm not out every day doing that.
It's maybe once every couple months, because every once couple months I might have one of these episodes where I just get stressed out, everything hits me from combat, something happens, it just hits me.
And that will ease me down, get me back at ground zero again, and I'm ready to go.
Well, total truthfulness here at InfoWars, teleprompter free, that's why this broadcast is going to be a big hit.
We want to be a big hit to stop tyranny, not to be a big hit where big hit on TV.
I mean, this is the excitement of being real, folks.
That was a good question.
I want to get to Trump.
We've got, uh, Mark and folks have been holding, but I'm gonna get to them in the next segment.
We've got to get to the Trump situation.
So you're up there for Lord Trump-us.
What happened?
I went in there with an open mind, you know?
He says a lot of good things out there.
He's definitely a crowd pleaser.
And I wrote down on this piece of paper that he was lackluster.
He's lackluster in the sense that he's not motivated or convicted in a sense when it comes to the issues at hand.
Issues that a presidential candidate should be
I don't know.
Alright, so what is a wall gonna do?
All he does is he brings problems to the table without a solution.
And that's what I heard last night.
A whole lot of problems being brought to the table without him giving any kind of clear path to how he was going to give a solution to these issues.
We know a wall won't work contiguously.
What really works is prosecuting people that hire illegals.
Well, yeah.
I mean, when I was down in Hereford, Arizona, for example, at Glenn Spencer's, we were walking up and down through the border there, and you could see where they pulled out of settling gas torches, cut the fence down, the cartels drove over those fences to the road, made their drops, came back, hooked it to a winch, pulled the fence back up, and then welded it all the way back up.
No, I mean, and the Border Patrol is the one that goes out there and marks it.
On this day, April 15, 2015, the cartel came through here and cut this, and they'll mark it, and they highlight it, and you can see that when you drive down that border.
So all you're going to do is spend all this money on this giant fence.
It's going to get cut down.
It's going to get dug a hole under it, because that's how El Chapo got out.
That's how all these different people move cocaine shipments underground through tunnels and water.
You got a guy driving motorcycles, a cartel guy, through a tunnel out of prison.
Anything that has a wall, you can get under it.
And making it illegal makes the price go up.
Just like with marijuana.
So we decriminalize all that stuff.
We stop.
We look at how we're dealing with immigration and we actually get to it.
You know, Donald Trump said in two years he's going to have every illegal out of the country.
The only way you could do that, it was just like I was talking to Mikhail Thelen back there, it would be like Nazi Germany.
They're going to have to go door to door.
And fine, are you an American?
I need to see proof.
And that's what's going to happen.
That's the only way you're going to get all the illegals out.
But then at the same time, you still have illegals in the country who want to do good.
And we're not even saying, all we're saying is don't say free welfare, free babies, come here and have the Democrats sign them up to the anti-gun groups and give them fake voting cards.
Well, a lot of them are brought in and then just let loose.
What we have to do is get these people on the right track to the right source of legal immigration, get them in the right steps they need to take to become an American citizen.
Like I had a lot of buddies who joined the military so they become American citizens.
They take that as a spit in the face when all these people are allowed to come over and they're given better health care, better education, better financial situations than these guys who are over here the proper way doing it the right way like everyone else.
Let's get into more of Trump.
I mean, I saw a lot of articles saying thousands line up to see Trump.
InfoWars reports from Texas campaign.
Wall Street's latest panic.
Trump could win.
We're not even critics of Trump here.
I mean, Joe just wanted to see what he was really like.
Yeah, but a lot of it is like a Rodney Dangerfield one-liner.
Why do folks like him so much then?
He's a crowd pleaser.
He definitely knows how to work a crowd and that's what he was doing.
He didn't have, the first thing he talked about when he showed up, hey this is teleprompter free, we don't have any, and he rambled on about how he made $215 million on The Apprentice.
It took 30 minutes before he even named an issue, and when he did, he talked about this vague tax plan that he had, and that in a few weeks he's gonna release this, you know... Sure, he appealed like a carnival barker to success.
But everyone was in there screaming and yelling, women crying, babies screaming, signs flying up through the air, I mean... Well, that just shows how desperate people are.
And they take his confidence, and they believe that he'll, he'll, he'll... I mean, if he said, look, I made money in all these different ventures, and I want to get America great again, and I want to cut taxes, and I want to do this and that, then it'd be good to brag for maybe a minute or two about your accomplishments, because it's good to do that.
You know, one of my accomplishments earlier, I was saying, was not shelling out and covering up 9-11.
I see that as an accomplishment.
Trump, I guess, probably wouldn't.
But, I mean, owning a casino and fleeching schmucks, I don't think that is a success.
Well, I definitely had an agenda when I went up there as well.
I wore my Hillary for Prison 2016 t-shirt under my suit.
By the way, that's a bestseller.
We have photos, or at least you sent me those photos, Joe.
Yeah, they should be all on my Twitter right now as well, and I have footage of myself.
I'm in the front row.
I snuck up to the front row, and I'm sitting there.
I'm kind of getting nervous a little bit.
I was like, all right, I got to do it.
I got to do it.
And I undid my shirt like Superman, and you could see the Hillary for prison shirt, and I jumped up and screamed right in a lull, like a little silence part.
And I go, Hillary for prison!
And Trump's like, yeah, Hillary!
And he's like pointing at me.
So if you guys have that clip, we can show it really quick.
Oh, we have the video clip of that?
Oh, I didn't even know we had the video clip.
I just saw the stills on your Twitter, Rambo Beggs, where it's happening.
Guys, can you cue up the clip?
Okay, here is that clip.
I don't even know about this.
I should read what you gave me here.
Go ahead.
Hillary's not surging, I tell you that.
They're not saying that.
He said Hillary for prison.
He goes, thank you.
So I jumped up and had my shirt and opened it up and I go, Hillary for prison!
And he just started smiling and looking at me.
And then started talking about Hillary.
So I'm doing this whole... So while you're doing that, I've seen the photos on your Twitter this morning.
We'll go to your site.
That's why you're like Superman with your shirt, your jacket open.
Well, I did that again, but before he even came out and started speaking, this girl came up, she was a fan of the show, and she goes, I just love everything you guys at InfoWars do.
You guys are just amazing.
I don't think there's one more thing that y'all could do that would just make me just get any more excited about InfoWars.
I was like, well...
I might have something that you'd like.
I have a Hillary for Prison t-shirt on under my suit.
And she goes, oh no, you're just teasing me.
You don't have that.
I said, well, yeah, actually I do.
You can see the picture right there.
So I opened up my shirt and the entire crowd erupted.
And you could see these different reporters or a man get standing ovation for showing his Hillary for Prison shirt.
And it got to a point where I just ended up pulling the blazer off from the top and just had the shirt going.
And see, anybody could have done.
I love the fact you always come up with great ideas.
You're always making the news.
You're always making people, you know,
Link into what we're doing.
Great job, Joe.
But imagine if people weren't info wars, because I didn't tell you this was your idea, an individual could have gone out with some slogan or some point and been just as effective if they were motivated.
That's the power of one person.
Yeah, and I had at one point I started doing this and I had everybody in the stadium, I'm talking like there's thousands and thousands of people screaming and just going crazy.
Screw Hillary!
Hillary for prison!
You know, like, people love this shirt.
So, I think it's great.
I'm glad we made it.
And it gets a good point across that, hey, this woman is- And it did sell out, but we have more on the way, so it's basically not back-ordered.
That's why it doesn't say back-ordered.
We'll have more in a couple days.
So it should be able to get out to you by the end of the week or early next week if you order it.
They have it in all sizes.
It's a black t-shirt.
It says Hillary for prison.
2016 on the front.
Legalizefreedom and fullwords.com on the back.
Yeah, so one of the actual, he did get one point across.
He talks about how we're giving troops overseas, you know, our so-called allies, equipment.
And then once they get shots fired at them, they freeze up, they run away, and then our equipment gets taken over by ISIS.
So if we can get that clip ready, it says, ISIS, U.S., Humvee.
Yeah, go ahead and roll that clip.
Here it is.
That's why we are teleprompter internet-free.
We're on these clips and we're trying to go through them here.
You might want to tell them again, I guess, what clip it is.
Yeah, it says, uh, number 6, ISIS-US-Hanvi.
Gentlemen, nice little list for us and everything right there.
So professional.
Maybe the computer locked up, who knows.
We're going to put a whole other computer system, someone that locks up like this.
It's my fault, didn't buy good enough equipment.
Sorry, folks.
Okay, we do have the clip now.
Go ahead and go to it.
Our military is going to be so strong
And so powerful.
And so modern.
The technology we have it.
But it's not working.
We're not allowed to use it.
Nobody has any fear.
Not that I want to use it.
I want to make it so strong, so powerful that we never have to use it.
We never have to use it.
We send our best equipment to our chicken allies, the people over there.
One shot's fired in the air and they give it up to the enemy.
And they have better stuff than we do!
They have all the brand new stuff!
The Humvees with the armor plates!
2,300 Humvees!
I thought I misread it!
How could you have 2,300?
Armor plated the best!
If our wounded warriors, who are the best people in the world?
If our wounded warriors...
If our wounded warriors were in those Humvees, they wouldn't have lost their arms and their legs and had such a tough life.
Actually, yeah, they would because that's why they did lose them, because they had bad Humvees.
So we're going to make our military so strong and so powerful and so great, and the world is going to respect us again.
And we're going to take care of our vets because our vets are treated like third class citizens.
If he gets elected and doesn't deliver all this, he's going to be in a lot of trouble.
Yeah, I mean, because like I said, he's the kind of guy right now, he's bringing a whole lot of problems to the table without any solutions.
And as a presidential candidate, that's what I want to see.
I want to see a man who comes up, he understands the problems with the country, but then he gives you a solution, a plan, that's something that he's going to work towards.
And I don't see that with him.
Well, he's promising stuff, but it's all total slogans with no details.
And the truth is, they cashed those humvees over there and gave them to ISIS, who works for the globalists, and the military commanders even come out and said that.
They've been ordered to help them, ordered to help Al-Qaeda, now ISIS.
That's the truth.
And Donald Trump has said that, remember, a couple weeks ago.
He said it looks like Obama's aiding ISIS.
He knows all that.
I mean, that's the big scandal.
All right, Joe Biggs, great job.
You'll be back on the Nightly News tonight, breaking down more of the Donald.
We've got a bunch of other clips we didn't get to.
Great job.
Thank you.
All right.
Again, he'll be on the Nightly News tonight, or maybe even with David Knight coming up in the fourth hour.
I forget all this new stuff we're doing, but this info war is going to be so big, so huge, so wonderful, no one's going to want to attack us.
Quote Donald Trump.
Watch us tomorrow.
We'll be back.
I'm going to take some calls from folks that have been holding, like Mark and others.
Stay with us.
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Well, it's the final segment of the big three-hour transmission, but a fourth hour that a lot of stations are tuning into now.
The fourth hour, Overdrive, kind of a wrap-up of the show, but also all the new breaking news, or news we didn't get to, and special guests and more.
David Knight's gonna be hosting.
I'll have a guest in here with him as well.
Fourth hour, I want to thank all of our affiliates for carrying it.
Speaking of getting better TV equipment, we've got some pretty good equipment, but I need to get a little bit more.
And satellite uplinks and closed captioning, $10,000 a month and all the rest of it.
We're going to try to raise a million dollars tomorrow.
That sounds like a lot to an average person making $50,000 a year.
When you try to set up a TV studio and a radio studio and try to have six, seven, eight reporters, six, seven, eight writers, all the support staff, all the crew, customer service, all of it.
It takes, I don't even want to tell people how much it takes to run this year because it'll sound like some huge number.
It's actually a very small number compared to media operations, much smaller.
But I guess I should just go ahead and tell everybody how much it costs to run this place every year.
$15 million.
So see, that's how big the show is, is that it can bring in the money to pay for this.
We have 50 plus crew members.
We have correspondents that are full time, 12 hours a day in London.
Okay, we've got them in other cities.
And I want to be able to hire more correspondents, more writers, but this million dollars is just to have enough to be able to get two or three more reporters and two or three more writers and maybe another camera person and be able to pay for the satellite and for the closed captioning.
So it sounds like a lot of money.
It's not.
When we have tens of millions of viewers and listeners, go to InfoWars.com and donate right there.
Normally, we would be the whole month before Money Bomb, saying, if you want to donate early, you can.
I haven't really been doing that.
You can see the video breaking it down and more there at InfoWars.com.
But tomorrow, I'll have a free video feed there.
It's going to be a 28-hour transmission.
Let's go to Mark in California.
Thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Doug Millar is one of the few real heroes that we have, and I actually have his information if you want to interview him.
He's worked with Ted Gunderson, and Ted actually gave him one of the highest compliments a man could give, that he was the number one authority exposing MK Ultra Michael Aquino, former head of the National Security Agency.
What's his name again?
Doug Millar.
I think I've heard that name.
Yeah, he was arrested at Bohemian Grove a couple years ago.
And you've got to interview him, Alex.
Believe me, he knows his stuff.
And he goes, he went around to Michael Aquino's house, right around the neighborhood, passed out like 100, 200 flyers telling people what Michael Aquino is really like, the former head of the National Security Agency.
And you've got to listen to him.
It'll just be a thrill.
It's real.
And I also would like some advice on about an hour from now I'm planning on going to our City Council here in San Jose.
They only give me two minutes and I want you to tell me what you'd say and talk slow on SB 277.
And I'll hear you just go slow because I am slow.
Say that again, sir?
I'm going to give a speech to the Mayor and City Council in San Jose in about an hour.
And I get two minutes, so I want you to tell me what I should say.
Brother, you're a super smart talker yourself.
You certainly have a lot of info.
I'd get up there and talk about whatever issue you think is most important.
I mean, I'm always flattered that listeners ask me for advice, but I just think, you know,
Whatever you think is most important, whatever is in your heart, whatever is in your mind, I would just tell them that everybody can see the world changing for the worse right now in many ways.
Good people need to get involved.
And whatever corruption is going on in their town or city, they need to stand up to it.
And then hit some of the issues that you think are most important.
Thank you for holding, brother.
I'm going to do five minutes of overdrive and go to Alan, Frank, Spirit of Freedom, and others.
Then David Knight, host of 4th Hour.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
28-hour transmission barn.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I just want to thank all of our affiliates, all our listeners, all our sponsors, and most importantly, the good Lord above.
And then outside of that, most importantly in this operation, the incredible crew we've got, people behind the scenes, our reporters, writers, researchers, video editors, everybody.
Camera folks, Matt did a great job up there with Joe shooting that video.
I asked him, I went there and I said, was that taken from TV?
I didn't see any bug on it.
I went, no, that was Matt shooting.
That looked better than broadcast television, the video he shot of the Trump thing.
So great job.
Just the amazing people we have.
I'm very, very thankful.
I'm very, very humbled to be here talking to all of you.
And humbled to be talking to Alan in Colorado.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Howdy, sir.
I wanted to just thank you for all that you do.
I wanted to just
Let you know that it's very much appreciated.
There is a pocket of resistance which is growing, and it is indeed taking right off.
One thing that we as citizens are always being pushed to do, and that's to be held accountable for things.
If I don't pay my house payment, I'm held accountable to the mortgage company.
We need to do that with the government, and instead of
Deciding that we just need to lay down and take whatever.
You know, the biggest thing is to hold them accountable.
One way that one can do that, one way that one can take back the power that has been usurped from us, is to visit www.accountabilityrevolution.com.
I represent the Center for Government Accountability and it's an organization of citizens that basically have gotten tired of whining about what we can do and doing nothing while each right is stripped from us on a daily basis.
I'm familiar with those organizations, and from what I've seen, I haven't had time to follow them too intensely.
They're doing a really great job.
But yeah, it's important for everybody to get involved and to say no.
And we have been usurped.
We have been enslaved.
Now they want to finish the job.
That's why we're here saying no.
And the public's never been more ready to wake up.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you.
Frank in New York.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
I just want to say, may God protect you on your path.
May God bless you, my brother.
You do a fantastic job.
Thank you.
That's very humbling.
Thank you.
Oh, God's been blessed to me and protects me.
Believe me.
It's crazy.
I can't believe how God's worked in my life.
It's been incredibly obvious over the top.
Go ahead.
You mentioned before, but the North American Union in 2005, what our, you know, George Bush signed into that treaty basically, but people have to realize this actually was thought of in 1973 under the regionalized and adaptive model of global and world systems.
That's right.
They rolled this out under 7277 and 63, they rolled it out in the 70s again, you're right.
And people said no, and they went, that's a conspiracy, no one ever wanted that.
No one ever wanted a world government, what?
I mean, it was in kids' cartoons in the 60s and stuff, and you know, newsreels in the schools, on the projectors, exactly.
Then folks said no, so they just denied it existed, but now it's out in the open.
And one more thing about Al Gore for his carbon tax garbage, um, you know, you made up a film on the end game when, you know, like with, um, Galton and Darwinism, all that stuff, they wanted to like create the perfect species.
And they actually, you know, they, they had, you know, the inbreeding with each other, but these people actually inbreed wealth as well, too.
Do you know that Al Gore's daughter is married to the great, great, great grandson of Jacob Schiff?
Yes, I do.
The very same man that Nathan Rothschild sent in to
You know, during a civil war to actually hijack our country?
Oh, it's incredible.
It's all a couple hundred families that manage it.
And there's like less than 20 that own the Anglo-American establishment.
And every time you research them, you find one thing.
They want one world government.
They worship Lucifer.
They hate everybody else.
And they're all into organic food and non-GMO and purified water.
And they won't take vaccines.
And they sit there enjoying everyone else dying around them.
And as far as I'm concerned, when we take the country back and the world back, there's going to be Nuremberg Part 2, and they're going to be in a lot of trouble.
Because they're going to pay for their crimes.
In this life and the next.
God bless you.
David Knight's coming in.
He'll take these calls as well.
The Miss America pageant is known for beautiful women who sometimes give rather amusing answers.
But recently, Miss South Carolina turned the tide when she was asked about this.
Do you support a ban on military style assault weapons?
I don't, but I think it's because we need to increase education.
We have to go back there.
If we teach people the proper way to use guns, then we will reduce the risk of having gun-related accidents.
It starts with education.
Even before she could finish answering her question, her response received a massive applause.
Demonstrating strong support for gun rights despite the establishment's ongoing gun demonization campaign.
And yes, there have been high-profile slayings with fully automatic rifles, but the FBI's own... Killed by a blunt object such as a baseball bat or hammer.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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I'm Alex Jones for Super Mel Vitality and InfoWarsLife.com, and I salute you, our supporters!
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome to the InfoWars News Wrap-Up, the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Radio Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We have several important issues that we're going to talk about this hour.
Of course, one of the stories that's up on InfoWars.com is new Planned Parenthood video.
Official admits to selling fresh-aborted baby eyes, hearts, and gonads.
We're going to talk about that.
Also, we have some callers up here on the board that want to talk about immigration.
One of the stories that is on the top of the Drudge Report is L.A.
touting itself as, quote, the northern capital of Latin America for the 2024 Olympic bid.
They say in the video, which is only about a minute long, L.A.
is called, quote, the western capital of the U.S., the northern capital of Latin America, and the eastern capital of the Pacific Rim.
What do you think about that?
Is LA making a bid for the Olympics?
Or are they making a bid for the capital of Aslan?
Let's talk to Matt in Nebraska.
Matt, what do you think about this headline?
Or did you want to talk about something else with immigration?
Oh, he did.
Okay, he dropped off.
We had somebody else that wanted to talk about immigration there as well, I think.
Let's look at... Actually, we had Jeff in Missouri.
Hang on, Jeff, because I'm going to put some stuff out here about Hillary Clinton and I want to get your comments on it.
Let's go back to this Planned Parenthood video.
This is something that's up on InfoWars today.
This is a new video that's been put out.
This is part of the ongoing investigation by the Center for Medical Progress.
And this particular video has Dr. Carolyn Westhoff.
Now she's Senior Medical Advisor for Planned Parenthood FA.
This is the national umbrella organization.
Many of these are kind of, I guess you'd think of them as local franchisees.
I don't know exactly what they're
Their financial structure is, or their organizational structure.
Nevertheless, this is the Umbrella Group, and she is the Senior Medical Advisor.
Here's what she had to say on the video.
She's walking them through.
She says, we've been working with people who want particular tissues, like, you know, they want cardiac, or they want eyes, or they want neural.
We've seen this a lot, haven't we?
We've seen this in several videos, but this is what she goes on to say.
She says, certainly everything we provide, oh, gonads, oh yeah, gonads, everything we provide is fresh.
And as Steve Watson points out, it's as if she's selling organic produce in a grocery store.
Yeah, we got fresh eyes, fresh brains, fresh organs.
She goes on to say, obviously we would have potential for a huge PR issue in doing this.
You think?
You think?
She says National Office of Abortion People and Planned Parenthood would be concerned about this.
She says, I've been talking to the Executive Director of the National Abortion Federation.
We're trying to figure this out as an industry.
About how we're going to manage remuneration.
In other words, pay.
Because the headlines would be a disaster.
Yeah, they have been, haven't they?
Kind of, but actually, you know what?
Nothing has really happened to them, has it?
So I guess it hasn't been that much of a disaster, has it?
She goes on to say, we have independent colleagues who generate a fair amount of income doing this.
Hear that?
You know what the law says?
The law says you recoup your expenses.
Income is what you have after your expenses.
It's your profits, okay, they're talking about.
They get a lot of income.
She's not just talking about income, she's talking about profits here.
She says,
We have independents who generate a fair amount of income doing this.
This is an issue that you might imagine we're not really that comfortable talking about on email.
How many times do we have to have officials from the abortion industry, from Planned Parenthood, from their affiliates, from the national industry, how many times
Do they have to be caught on video confessing to the fact that they're making money?
You remember the next to the last one?
The one that was Stem Express, the CEO of Stem Express?
Of course, they were the ones who went to court to stop the video from being put out.
Very good reason for that, because on that video,
Stem Express is talking to the undercover reporters, and what she says in that, she says, well, we want to make sure that everybody is making money, you know, that you're making money, that we're making money, that the abortion clinics are making money.
And the other lady who is feeding her the question says, yeah, I want to make sure that's happening because, you know, some of them, I just want to make sure that they're not getting, that they're not getting shoved to the side.
And she goes, wait a minute.
Do you know anybody that's not making money off of this?
Any abortion clinics that are not making money off of this?
Says the Stem Express person who is buying all this stuff.
And she says, uh, no, no I don't.
She goes, yeah, neither do I.
Neither do I. In other words, I don't know anybody that's not making money off of this.
We need to make sure that they make money off of this, that they profit off of this.
And now this is what the Senior Medical Advisor for PPFA is saying.
This is systemic corruption.
They're talking about how this would be a PR disaster.
They're talking about how they have to be very careful.
They have to pass this through legal.
This is planned, okay?
It's not planned parenthood.
It's planned abortion, planned criminal activity.
And when you see
GOP presidential candidates like John Kasich saying we don't want to have a shutdown that is predicated on withholding funding from Planned Parenthood.
Do you understand how corrupt that is?
Why is he even in the debates?
Why is he even running?
Who supports him in the GOP?
This is something, this is one issue that I thought the GOP defined itself by.
But of course, John Kasich can say not only is he not calling for these people to go to jail, he can't even bring himself to muster the backbone to have a fight about whether or not they're going to get federal funding.
Isn't that amazing?
I find it amazing.
I hope you find it amazing.
This is what the guy who's doing the undercover videos, the Center for Medical Progress says.
He says Planned Parenthood runs their abortion and baby parts business in the open!
In the open!
Disregarding the law, it should be prosecuted immediately.
Their taxpayer funding should be reassigned to federally qualified health centers which provide more and comprehensive health services at locations that outnumber Planned Parenthood 20 to 1.
This should not even be an issue of discussion.
I mean, even honest people who have supported abortion, and who continue to support abortion, like people like Camille Paglia, said this is an outrage.
This has to stop.
I mean, even, she's an honest, I disagree with her on a lot of issues, but she's honest about this stuff, and she says it's an outrage.
Why isn't this being shut down?
Why do we still have Republicans who are in office, who are running for the highest office, defending this practice, defending, subsidizing this practice?
It's absolute insanity.
Think about the healthcare industry.
There was this article, and it was just a passing article, it was on the Daily Mail.
It's one of these lifestyles, the rich and famous.
It's about a vaccine billionaire in India, one of India's richest men, according to the Daily Mail.
They say he just bought the former U.S.
consulate in Mumbai for $113 million, making it the most expensive residence sold in India's history.
Now, this was a former mansion of a Maharaja.
It was then bought by the U.S.
government, used for their embassy.
And now, who gets it?
Cyrus Poonawalla, a vaccine billionaire.
That's how they continually refer to him, as a vaccine billionaire.
They don't point out they're not anti-vaccine by any means.
But you understand the vast amount of money that is being made, don't you?
This is just a guy in India making vaccines, making profits off of vaccines in India.
And he makes enough money to buy the most expensive house in India's history.
Vaccines are big business.
You need to understand that.
It's a big business in America with no downside.
Because going back to 1986, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan, not Ronald Raven, Rick Perry, but Ronald Reagan, the guy that you're going to hear his name mentioned over and over and over again tomorrow night, Ronald Raven gave the vaccine industry a
Blank check to do whatever they want and not get harmed with it.
They said so many people are bringing up lawsuits from adverse reactions with vaccines.
We're going to have to give them legal protection.
And that's one of the reasons, as we've mentioned on this show many times, it's one of the reasons why we now have everything being mandated.
Why they have turned away, for the most part, from doing any antibiotics research.
They announced that a couple of years ago.
And then it didn't take very long before they started using government to say, we're going to take away your informed consent.
We're going to mandate vaccines.
We have no liability for vaccines.
That's where our profit is.
It's all about the money.
They are taking away your freedom to make profits.
And when we run through these trans-Pacific, trans-Atlantic trade agreements, quote-unquote trade agreements, that's precisely what they're going to be doing.
They're going to be consolidating their profit industry and they're going to be pushing it through in countries that are not as friendly to their regulations, to their GMO products, to their vaccines, their pharmaceuticals.
Any country that has an issue with that
They're going to use this transnational quote-unquote trade commission to strong-arm this through.
That's what this is all about.
This is something that's being produced by a few globalist billionaires, a few very wealthy industries, and they're going to make sure that they grease the skids on legislation.
Now, along that line, I saw a very disturbing, very disturbing article that came out yesterday.
And many of you know that I really agree with Rand Paul on many, many issues.
I don't agree with anybody on everything.
Let's just understand that.
And I'll point out where we disagree.
I don't want to be too negative.
We point out when we agree with people, we point out when we disagree with people.
I think Rand Paul has been fantastic in terms of standing up against civil asset forfeiture, standing up for the rule of law.
Why can't the Republicans get behind standing up for private property?
Why would they ever support a policy
That takes away your private property without due process.
People who lose their property because of the war on drugs, civil asset forfeiture, in most cases are never even charged with a crime.
They call it a civil asset forfeiture because if it was a criminal asset forfeiture, they would have some explaining to do, okay?
They would have to explain why they're not giving you your due process under the Constitution.
But they say it's a civil action.
It's not a civil action.
The War on Drugs, they say, is a criminal action.
Nevertheless, they lie about that.
Then they lie when they charge the inanimate object.
It's the U.S.
government versus an airplane.
They take that away.
Or they say it's U.S.
government versus your house.
They take that away.
They charge the inanimate object as if it was a person.
Now, when we come back, I'm going to tell you what I don't like that Rand Paul has just done.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
Welcome back to the InfoWars news wrap-up.
I'm David Knight in this fourth hour of the Alex Jones Radio Show.
We've been talking about the news coming up and of course tomorrow we're going to have our money bomb and part of that money bomb is going to occur tomorrow night.
We're going to have the next GOP debate.
So we'll be covering that live as well with our comments when it happens and I think
There's something that we need to keep in mind when we look at all of these candidates.
You know, last night as Joe Biggs went to the rally in Dallas and he and Alex Jones were talking about the massive fanatical support that we saw there in Dallas.
That's something that concerns me, quite frankly.
Because I don't think any of these candidates have been vetted enough to deserve that kind of fanatical support.
That's been my point all along.
I don't have so much of a problem with any of these guys.
Well, I have a problem with a lot of their issues, just as I mentioned John Kasich.
I'm going to mention one about Rand Paul that I have a problem with, a position he has on an issue.
But we need to look at these guys and not get totally caught up in idol worship.
Listen to this headline.
This is what we've been saying all along, and this is exactly the way I see it.
From the Washington Examiner, at the Trump rally, Republicans experience Obama-sized crowd and excitement.
Do you remember when Obama was running eight years ago?
Remember the women fainting in the crowds?
Have you seen the pictures, the expressions of the women who are basically fainting for Donald Trump now?
It is absolute insanity, this cult of personality that we build up around leaders, or potential leaders.
It is very, very dangerous.
We were concerned about this when we saw it with Obama.
Not because we disagreed with his politics, but because of what it said about the American people.
That was, to me, as frightening as what Obama was saying that I disagreed with, was the spirit of the American people, how they viewed the whole process.
How they could get caught up in this cult of personality, in this branding.
I think it's very, very dangerous.
I don't like to see it happening on the left, and I don't like to see it happening on the right either.
We're better than that.
We need to rationally look at what they are saying, and we need to understand that we are not going to have our freedoms handed to us on a silver platter.
By anyone.
Not by Donald Trump.
Not by Obama, for sure, okay?
This isn't going to happen.
As Jefferson said, we're not going to be transported on a feather bed to a state of liberty.
You have to do it at the local level.
They want to distract you from things where you could make a difference at the local level.
They want you to focus on these national races where you're not going to make any difference.
There was an interesting article that I saw retweeted by Max Keiser about this new Marxist who's become head of the Labour Party in the UK.
And there was an interview with him and another guy who is very high up in the Labour Party.
What they were saying was, don't expect change to come through the parliamentary system.
These are guys who are at the top of the parliamentary system on their side of the issues.
They said, don't expect change to come there.
It's going to come through working with your labor unions, it's going to come through working at the local community, doing it at the local level.
How many times have we heard the socialists say,
That all change, all politics is local.
Think globally, act locally.
They are killing us, those of us who agree about individual rights and liberty, we are getting killed by the socialists on these issues.
They are having full sway because they're smart enough to work at the local level and we aren't.
We need to work collectively for individual rights.
I remember an interview when I had with G. Edward Griffin, the guy who wrote the monster from Jekyll Island, a great libertarian, great thinker, understands the big picture.
And he kept saying that.
He says we need to work collectively for individual rights.
That's what the founders did.
Why can't we understand that?
We are not going to find some savior.
It's not going to be Donald Trump.
It is not going to be Rand Paul.
We may agree with Rand Paul on 60% of the issues, or 70% of the issues, or whatever.
Fine, support him.
That's a move in the right direction.
If you agree with Donald Trump on 70% of the issues, then support him.
But understand...
That these people are not going to be right on every issue.
Here's one for Rand Paul that I sincerely disagree with him.
He goes to AgriPulse and he talks about the GMO labeling issue which just came out.
Remember that?
We've all called it the Dark Act.
But what Congress called it was the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015.
It's not accurate.
It prohibits any states from mandating that GMOs be labeled if they're put into the product.
It prohibits that.
It prohibits any state legislation of labeling.
Now, Rand Paul says to the agribusiness people that he's talking here, he says, well, I'm very confused on this.
It confuses me because on the one end of this, I don't want to see the rights of the states under the Tenth Amendment taken away by some kind of a federal rule that prohibits it.
But on the other hand, I don't want to see
That we've got worse rules being handled at the local level.
So he makes a pragmatic argument against the Constitution.
And then he goes on to say the talking points of Monsanto.
He says the labeling requirements are enormously expensive.
They just add to the cost of food.
Somebody who's poor can't buy as much food because of labeling requirements stuck on these things.
Look, if you can't afford to put the label on what's on your food, if you're ashamed of it, don't put the ingredients in there in the first place.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with your calls.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Last week, David Knight interviewed the Sheehan family, who described decades of bombings, machine gun strafings, and even nuclear bomb testing, all done in and around their property.
Well, here's the story of Alan Vorwaller, who died when he was 43 back in 2004.
On his obituary, his wife listed his cause of death was repeated and continual exposure to nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare agents while he was growing up in Toole, Utah.
As a result of hunting and camping near the Dugway Proving Ground,
Alan suffered localized tumors in his lungs, knees, shoulders, and hip, which doctors credited to the atomic tests he was living downwind from.
But then they found another type of cancer, which was common to people exposed to biologically engineered germs, are gene-damaging nerve agents.
VX nerve gas was also tested at Dugway Proving Ground.
Before his death, Allen suffered a 105 degree fever, which doctors concluded after exhaustive testing could only have been caused by an exotic virus.
Just another story of our government testing on its own citizens.
Join us this Wednesday, September 16th for Operation Money Bomb at infowars.com forward slash money bomb.
Rob Due reporting.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the InfoWars News Wrap-Up.
I'm David Knight on this fourth hour of the Alex Jones Radio Show.
Just before we went to the break and ran out of time, we were talking about Rand Paul's support for the, quote, Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015, which is neither safe nor accurate.
What it is, is an effort to prohibit the accurate labeling of food that is unsafe at the state level.
So it denies the 10th Amendment, but he says he's torn on this because he thinks voluntary sounds good, but then the federal government is saying the states can't do what they want.
That bothers me, but I don't want to... These are bad rules.
So he puts out an argument that I don't like these rules because they're bad.
Why are they bad?
Well, he says because it raises the cost of food.
These labels are... they put labels on all their food as it is now.
They have requirements to put labels on their food about all kinds of things.
They're constantly changing the labels to tout their new features.
The free market is about serving customers, not deceiving customers.
We need to understand as libertarians that government is set up to stop force and fraud being used against people.
Fraud is when you're not honest about what's in your food.
They know that the customers don't want GMO in their food.
So they could try to educate people or they could try to deceive people by not telling them what's in their food.
If they think they've got something that's safe and effective, let's have that argument.
Let's have it out in the open in the free market.
Let's not suppress the information because the customers don't want something that maybe you can produce a little bit more cheaply, okay?
That is deception.
It's dishonest.
It's fraud.
It should not be enabled at the federal level by overturning the 10th Amendment.
I'm very disappointed in Rand Paul.
We need to have these discussions.
We need to be able to criticize people.
And we will criticize people when we disagree with him.
As I said before, he is the only one who is talking about massive NSA surveillance.
He has offered legislation to try to stop this.
He's filibustered on issues of civil liberties.
He's talked about the out-of-control police state.
These are issues that are not being talked about, unfortunately, in the debates.
Why not?
Well, because the New York Times points out CNN hopes to capture tomorrow night the candidate's combative spirit in the GOP debate.
Remember when Megyn Kelly aimed her lip gloss at Donald Trump and said, you don't like women, do you?
I mean, that's the kind of juvenile elementary school personal attacks that you're going to get on mainstream media because this is a reality TV show.
They don't want to talk about any substantive issues.
They're going to focus on the same four or five issues that they do every election cycle, and they're going to focus on people's personalities.
This is nothing but a... It's silly, but we're going to cover it tomorrow night.
And we're going to point it out, and we're going to point out how they're distracting you from things that can really make a difference.
Jeff has been holding on a long time to talk about Hillary, and I want to talk about Hillary as well.
Jeff in Missouri, you want to talk about in-game with Hillary.
Go ahead.
Yeah, just before I make that point, you and Alex numerous times have kind of sounded the horn of Gundor to all of us Infowarriors out here to kind of step up and play a more prominent role in the Infowar.
And quite frankly, sir, I have done that very thing.
I've started a new podcast called It's Me Speaking to You.
It's Me, S-P-K-N, the number two, the letter U. It's pretty much just a conversation about a variety of topics with a variety of guests.
I recently had on Infowars reporter Joe Biggs,
Awesome interview, go check that out.
Another point on the abortion stuff, I don't know either, David.
It makes me quite sick and I don't understand.
It's quite endemic of the bizarre world that we live in where up is down, down is up, good is bad, bad is good.
I don't know how much longer...
People can have that stuff be shown right in front of their face and nobody goes to jail My final point on Donald Trump.
It seems to me like this is like you're exactly right.
This is a reality show It's a reality TV show and it's no surprise that the leader on the Republican Party right now hosted one of the most popular reality TV shows ever I think he's this is quite WWE.
I think his pseudo No holds barred loquaciousness is just is just that it's a show if he was really saying something that
And it's similar to Edward Snowden.
Edward Snowden didn't actually say anything we didn't already know about NSA surveillance.
I want to hear these guys talk about 9-11.
I want to hear them talk about the drug war, the training of ISIS, Hillary Clinton needing to be in prison for her role in Benghazi.
It's absolutely insane, sir, and it's madness.
And the endgame for Hillary, that's what I'm asking.
I wonder, is she going to make it to the general election?
Is this stuff going to take her down?
I don't see how she could make it with her track record of such wicked illegality, sir.
Well that's a good point and thank you for setting up a podcast and as I was pointing out before we need to understand that there's a lot that we can do at the local level and I want to, I think it's important for people to do things that are going to be focused on their state and local community as well.
We all focus on the national news and of course we have a national operation here but we also try to reach out in many cases and talk to people on the local level.
I have a friend back in North Carolina who
I think so.
I think it just keeps getting worse for her.
I mean, she's fallen down 20% in the polls, and here's what she said yesterday.
She actually came out and said to sexual assault victims, you have the right to be heard, you have the right to be believed.
She said, today I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault, don't let anyone silence you.
You have a right to be heard, to be believed, we're with you.
There's a big divide, Hillary said, between survivors who do not want to seek the criminal justice system for different reasons and those who want to but are not sure that it would be responsible.
This is Hillary Clinton saying this.
Does anybody remember what happened when all of these women came out?
I mean, we had women coming out against Bill Clinton like they came out against Bill Cosby.
And of course, she didn't have any support for that, or any sympathy for that.
Just completely ignored the whole slew of people, drug them through the mud.
She said, so we need to do a much better job on the fairness of response so people don't feel like whichever route they go on campus or off, that they're going to be taken seriously.
That doesn't mean that, you know, that there's no process.
There has to be one.
But I think when someone makes a claim when they come forward, they should be believed.
That's what starts the process.
This is Hillary Clinton saying this.
And so Twitchy that looks at Twitter because she not only said that in a speech, but she actually tweeted it out.
Rape is a crime.
Whenever it happens, Hillary, to every survivor of sexual assault, you have the right to be heard.
You have the right to be believed.
We're with you.
Hillary, really?
Their headline is, Zowie, did Hillary Clinton really just say this about rape?
I mean, it is absolutely amazing the hypocrisy of this woman.
How long can she get away with this?
And I think the Democrat Party rightfully understands that she is a huge liability.
I think they have looked at these emails as an opportunity to take her down without doing a lot of collateral damage to people around her.
In other words, this is something that I think they believe they can focus in on her, and I think that's why we see it being investigated.
Because there's been so many crimes that they could have come after the Clintons for, could have come after Hillary Clinton for, but they don't want to go in and pull down the pillars of the temple and have it collapse on all of their friends.
So this is something I think that they can look at and they can keep this damage confined to Hillary Clinton.
I think they will do it.
I think that it certainly has taken a toll on her.
She's at 30% still, but she's in second place with these polls that have come out this last week.
And you've got to understand, she's at 30% in a field that only has two to four people.
I mean, it's really only a two-person race right now, but Joe Biden, who hasn't even announced
I think people are going to see him as a much more stable candidate.
And as I said yesterday, even though I strongly disagree with Joe Biden, he took a position on natural rights during the during the confirmation hearings of Clarence Thomas that I feel was as un-American as anything I've ever heard in my life.
But he is somebody known for his gaffes.
But another way to look at that in 2015, a gaffe is called authenticity.
And it is something that will take him a long way, especially if we look at what would have been terminal gaffes from Donald Trump in the past.
I want to go to Stephen in Florida.
You've been waiting a long time.
Before I do, real quickly, I want to tell people that we have Infowars Life Select.
It's a new product line.
We have massively reduced prices for the two-week introductory period.
And you know, as I was talking about the back and forth in the agricultural business about whether or not they're going to accurately label their food.
They don't want people to know that it's got GMOs in it.
We are very proud of the fact that this storable food does not have GMOs in it.
We're proud of that.
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Again, that's our new line, InfoWars Select, and you can find that at, here's the website, I don't even have the website here, it's so new, but you can find it InfoWarsSelect.com.
That's where you'll find those new products.
Now I want to go to Stephen in Florida.
You've been waiting for a very long time.
Thank you for holding.
You want to talk about pledging to Allah.
Go ahead.
Yeah, good afternoon, David.
Yeah, you did a report about this and I watched most of it and then what I do is I'm very proactive and I appreciate the work that you folks do because it helps me to speak authoritatively because you document everything so well when I address these issues myself.
So what I did was I actually looked up Spring Hill Middle School in Tennessee.
I called the number.
I got a woman there and basically she took the line.
We have nothing to do with this.
You need to speak to the Tennessee, um, you know, board of whatever, you know, it's them, you know, they're setting the curriculum.
And of course it's part of common core as you brought out.
And I just told her, I said, so let me get this right.
Cause after the principal, I said, so you're telling me that the principal and all you folks during the administration have no say in this matter.
Just have to go along with this.
Yeah, that's right.
I said, ma'am, I said, you're the reason why this nation's going down.
And I was not real happy with them, so here's the bottom line.
I hung up, finished what I had to say.
Well, I got a call from them, and it was Officer so-and-so.
I don't know what his... I didn't get his name, but he said he's with the school district there.
And I want to give the number out, and I'm hoping Alex will do what he did to Pierce Morgan, and that is school these people publicly.
Because this guy proceeded to tell me that me, and others like me, and I mentioned Alex Jones and Infowars, are ignorant, we're uneducated, we don't know what's going on, and we need to understand that this is part of the way things are, and we just basically have to accept it.
And I told this man, I said, I'm an American, I'm a Christian, I'm a father.
He told me, because I have no kids in that school district, I have no right to call them.
I'm in this country, and I have a, and I told him, I have a constitutional right to do this, and I'm concerned about the direction the country is going.
And, you know, he gave me all this line and stuff and basically told me that, you know, people like Infowars don't know what they're talking about, and they're probably just blowing gas
Well, I can't let you give the number out because people can call and I believe you, but we can't, as a legal issue, let you give out the number on the air.
But I tell you what, give it to the screener.
We will follow up with this and we'll try to do an article and contact them on this.
Steve, that is exactly what needs to be done.
That's what I've been saying.
We need to get involved at the local level.
I really appreciate you doing this and fighting on this.
And what you found there is exactly what the problem is.
People have abdicated the control of their schools.
Remember, it was when I was a child.
All control of the schools was in the local community and I've watched it devolve during my lifetime where the control has flowed from the local area to the state and now from the state to the centralized federal government and that's not really
We're good to go.
This organization that you were in gave ten million dollars to Planned Parenthood.
He goes, oh wait a minute, I was a director there, but we put that together to push Common Core, not to fund Planned Parenthood, even though they did fund Planned Parenthood, even though they were pushing Common Core.
That's the kind of person that Jeb Bush is, but what you did is exactly what people need to do.
And they need to get in touch with these people and give them a piece of their mind.
We need to shut off the centralized control.
We can shut it off at the local level.
We just need to have the right people.
We need to have the backbone to do that, Steve.
I just want to say, in closing, that this man told me, well, you're a Christian, right?
And I said, yes, sir.
He said, well, then you're not supposed to judge.
See, what they're saying is we're supposed to be like them.
Go along as blind, mindless fools.
And I told him, I said, sir, when you cooperate with evil, it comes back to bite you.
Satan always eats his own.
So you go ahead and cooperate with this and eventually you're going to go down with this system.
Well, you know, that whole judge not so that you not be judged, that is, along with Romans 13, the two verses that I think are used the most out of context to shut up Christians.
That's not what that's talking about.
We are supposed to understand the difference between good and evil.
We are supposed to get involved in our local government to the extent that we have an involvement.
We are supposed to stand up for the defenseless, for the fatherless, for others.
That's not what judging is about.
We do know the difference between good and evil.
That's one of the things that we understand as Christians.
But that's precisely what we need to do is we need to stand up at the local level.
We need to elect people at local school boards that are going to stand against this centralization of education because we all need to understand.
That this control of education is social engineering.
It is not education.
Johnny can't read because they didn't want Johnny to read.
They want Johnny to be dumbed down.
We talked about this yesterday.
It's a deliberate dumbing down.
Charlotte Isserby pointed that out along with Phyllis Schlafly 30 years ago.
That it's a deliberate dumbing down.
And it is a deliberate takeover of our children.
That's why they want to put them in school at an earlier and earlier age.
I mean, one of the things that you can do as an individual, if you're listening, is take control of your children's education.
You're not going to, at this point in time, be able to do that in a government-run school.
Get them out.
Get them into a private school.
Get them into some kind of a homeschooling situation.
If it's not, if you live in an area where they're not supportive of homeschooling, where they come after you, get out of that area.
Your children are important enough that you need to preserve them.
You need to
Do the things that are right for your children instead of turning them over to strangers to brainwash into their social agenda.
It is a brave new world social agenda that they're training your kids to understand and they put them in an Orwellian world with metal detectors and everything else.
I would never put my child in that kind of an environment.
My wife taught in school.
We knew when we had children.
It had gotten far worse than what we had seen as students, as people who were involved in it, as she was involved as an educator.
There was no way we were going to put our children in there.
I think most people do not understand that the schools that we have today are not the schools that you grew up in.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the news wrap-up for InfoWars.
It's the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Radio Show.
I'm David Knight.
I apologize to the callers that were on hold.
We just don't have time to take any more calls because I wanted to get to what's happening with the calls for a European Army.
That's right.
Calls for a European Army.
We really haven't talked about this much.
Before we do, real quickly, I just want to let you know this hour of the Alex Jones Show is brought to you by the products that we sell at InfoWars Life Select.
One of those that is now back in stock is Brain Force.
This is something that I use regularly.
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It uses natural activation.
Helps me to feel more focused and it uses ingredients that we are proud to put on the label.
That's the whole point of this labeling issue that I was talking about.
The back and forth with the support for
Stopping GMO labeling that Rand Paul said he supports.
We need to be proud of the ingredients that we're putting in our products if we're honest.
And we try to put the best ingredients that we can in our products.
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In this particular one we have things like yerba mate extract.
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We defend what we put in there.
If we find that there's something that changes in terms of the research understanding, we will change the formulation.
But we are proud of what we have in our products.
And again, BrainForce is now available at InfoWarsLife.com after selling out immediately when we put it out there.
Now I want to get to what's going on in Europe, because we've all been talking about the massive, uncontrolled immigration that is coming in through Europe.
And of course, Angela Merkel has said, bring them all to Germany.
But then they had to stop that a couple of days ago.
They were being absolutely overwhelmed by it.
Other countries have closed their border because there is a limit
To how much you can do.
And it's a good example, I think, of not being able to deal with the symptoms of a problem if you don't deal with the fundamentals that cause that problem.
We talk about that with health all the time.
We say, why continue to treat the symptoms of disease when you can try to do something to stop the source of it?
Well, the source of this disease that is going on with uncontrolled immigration in Europe is the conflict in Syria that we have manufactured.
The people in ISIS that we have trained, equipped and created.
The people that John McCain and Obama have met with and trained.
That's the source of the disease.
Deal with that before you try to deal with the festering problems that come out of this.
But now understand where this is all headed.
Understand that is a crisis to drive us to the solution that they have been engineering for decades.
Since the end of World War II.
We're now looking at perhaps a fourth Reich in the making.
Understand that with this, with Germany throwing their weight around, with Greece, with other countries in the EU, it's not just the financial issues.
They now want an army.
And of course, this is something that has been cooking for the last six months or so.
There were articles going back into March.
Listen to this one.
This is Wall Street Journal reporting on this back in March.
This is the German defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, saying, I am convinced that a European army or a European defense union can be created as a logical consequence of European integration.
Okay, she says Europe will only stay politically relevant in the future if we're able to complement our economic power and our political influence with a truly coherent security defense policy.
Now, as we saw these manufactured economic crises, people were saying, people like Alan Greenspan, people like the head of the largest bond company in the world, Pemco, were all saying, you're not going to solve the economic situation unless you have political union.
Well, ask yourself, who is going to fund the army that's going to be funded with European taxes?
Who's going to control this army?
Most likely, Germany.
This is something that is going to create a United States of Europe.
This is what they've been driving for.
This is an intermediate step to a globalist governance, and the trade treaties that we see coming down the line are another step in that consolidation process.
That's it for today's broadcast.
Join us tomorrow for the InfoWars Money Bomb.
Very important.
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