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Name: 20150914_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 14, 2015
3114 lines.

In an episode of The Alex Jones Show, David Knight discusses various news topics including Angela Merkel's plan for a European army, the Federal Reserve potentially raising interest rates, and the United States ranking 16th in economic freedom. The show also addresses their money bomb plans and expansion into a larger footprint. Justice Breyer's book arguing for global law is criticized alongside politicians who claim to uphold the Constitution but undermine it through actions. Alex Jones talks about the Pope's visit being used as an opportunity for globalist governments to push their agenda, pre-crime surveillance by the intelligence community, and concerns over pathogens. The reliability of politicians and media is discussed, along with differing standards of justice for law enforcement and civilians. In another segment of Infowars, Alex Jones discusses issues related to law enforcement, privacy, and surveillance with a retired police officer named Tom from Maryland. They talk about black box recorders used for illegal wiretapping, the Police Officers Bill of Rights in Maryland, and increased immigration's negative impacts on the job market in America. The show promotes InfoWarsSelect packages for emergency supplies and discusses topics such as higher education's irrelevancy despite student loan debt crisis, Russia positioning forces in Syria, and potential automation taking over jobs. Leanne McAdoo encourages listeners to wake up from the "trance" that keeps them focused on their jobs for a huge bureaucracy and reminds them of their divine nature.

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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show and it's Monday, January 13, 2015.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We have a lot of news.
We have the EU not only being invaded by the consequences of our foreign policy in Syria, we also have Angela Merkel
Planning on a European Army.
That's right.
We're talking about a full-on European government.
We've seen this coming for quite some time.
Let me just give you some of the items that we're going to cover today.
Justice Breyer, Supreme Court Justice, is going to be on the Colbert Show tonight.
I wanted to say the Colbert Report.
It's the late show, David Letterman's former show.
He's had a strong lineup of guests the last couple of weeks.
He's going to have a Supreme Court Justice on tonight selling a book about
Of course he doesn't use the term Constitution in it.
Nowhere in the title.
Here's the title.
The Court and the World.
American Law and the New Global Realities.
We're going to talk in depth about what he has to say about that.
We're also going to look at economic news this week.
The Federal Reserve is going to have their Federal Open Market Committee meet on Thursday.
They're going to announce whether or not they're going to raise rates, whether or not they're going to essentially nuke the world economy with a rate hike, and we're going to talk about what's behind that.
Of course, we're setting new records in the United States.
We have new record tax revenue.
Still not enough to cover the expenses of our government.
You understand
That since the income tax and Federal Reserve were created approximately the same time, about a hundred years ago, we've essentially been on interest-only payments to the Federal Reserve.
This is kind of like the negative mortgage that they sell to people who are retired.
They don't have an income stream or they have an insufficient income stream.
So they say, hey, you've got equity in your home.
We'll pay you instead of you paying us.
We'll pay you on a monthly basis.
And then each month you lose equity in your home.
Well, that's what's been going on with the United States for a hundred years.
Are they ready to take it over?
We shall see.
But we have two, let's see, I have to look at this, I think that's two trillion, maybe, it's higher than that, 2.8 trillion dollars in federal taxes, set a record through August.
Of course, that's only about $19,000 per worker.
Federal workers make a lot more than $19,000, don't they?
We all know that, especially since Obama got in office.
The number of people making large six-figure salaries has skyrocketed under Obama, so we've got a giant deficit.
Still have a $530 billion deficit.
And of course we're dropping like a rock on economic freedom.
We're now down to number 16, and it was just in 2000 that we were second on the list of economic freedom.
We're going to talk about the metrics of that.
Of course, we now have a leader of the party in Britain, the Labour Party in Britain, who is an avowed Marxist.
And he is singing the red flag as he takes the position of leader of the Labour Party in Britain.
And we see Bernie Sanders moving up ahead of Hillary Clinton.
I'm fine with Bernie Sanders moving ahead.
At least we know where he's coming from.
Hillary Clinton talks like she's something different.
She'll talk about socialist policies, but she's really part of the neocon, globalist, full-on war party.
The guy who is a Marxist in Britain says that he doesn't want war.
We'll see about that.
We saw how the Greek leader, who was a very leftist, very Marxist leader in Greece, betrayed the people there to the bankers.
We've seen that.
We need to remember, we look at these Marxists who say that they're going to save everybody from these rapacious capitalists.
We need to understand your history.
Understand that Lenin was sent by German bankers with 10 million dollars in a gold, in a sealed train, 10 million dollars in gold to start the Russian Revolution.
He was started by the central bankers.
The same guys that were creating the Federal Reserve in America.
Stay with us.
We've got a lot of news.
We've got more news about the Iran deal.
Do treaties really matter?
And of course, some updates on the election.
We'll be right back.
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Think about it.
This is Darren McBreen, and I want you to break the matrix at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.tv.
And listen to the Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on through your mind.
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We're good to go.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show, and it's Monday, September 13th, 2015.
I said at the top of the hour that it was January 13th.
I ate the 40 and slept.
That's my anniversary.
I'm sure my wife was laughing about that.
She always teases me about forgetting our anniversary.
Well, I remembered it, dear, but it's nine months late.
Nevertheless, it's Monday, September the 13th, 2015.
We have 14th.
Okay, we're going to get there eventually.
It's September 14th and it is Monday.
And I am David Knight and we've got some news.
Let's talk about the economic news.
We now have the U.S.
dropping to 16th on the economic freedom list.
We're now behind Canada, Chile, and New Zealand, Hong Kong, many others.
How do they determine this ranking?
Well, one of the things that may help us is the fact that we are now getting federal record in taxes.
2.8 trillion dollars.
That's still 530 billion dollars short, as I said in the last
Segment, we have been on an interest only payment, essentially a reverse mortgage since they created the Federal Reserve and charged us interest for every one of the pieces of paper that they create.
Will the bank start to call that loan now?
We'll have to see because they're going to meet this Thursday.
They could very well raise interest rates and everyone is very concerned about what that's going to do.
Let's talk about some of the economic news.
As I point out, we now rank 16th in the world.
We were second in 2000.
That's what Bush and Obama have done for us.
We've been dropping like a rock.
What are the variables that they use to determine this?
Well, they got 42 different variables.
They rank 157 different countries.
One of the things that they look at is the weakened rule of law.
The so-called war on terrorism and drugs.
What would that be?
Well, that's going to be asset forfeiture.
The fact that they can just seize your property at will.
Never charging you with a crime.
Never arresting you, never asserting that you did anything wrong, just seizing your property, charging the property with being an accessory to an imagined crime, and then you have to sue them to try to get it back.
Not very many countries have that law.
I don't know any countries that do have that kind of law, except for the United States.
And of course, it is in direct conflict with the Constitution, but who cares about the Constitution anymore, right?
Also a confused regulatory environment, they say, have helped to erode economic freedom in the United States, which remains behind Canada, and more economically free countries like Qatar, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates.
Yeah, there we go.
We're sinking to third world status.
We are becoming a banana republic with nuclear weapons.
That's what the United States is turning into.
The top ten.
Number one was Hong Kong.
And I remember when we were in Hong Kong about nine years ago adopting my daughter.
I looked at the money and the different denominations, look at the same denomination, same amount of money, Hong Kong dollar, and it was very different from one bill to the other.
So I started looking at it closely and I realized these were being issued by private banks, not by a central bank.
That's very interesting because that's the way we used to do it in the United States before we had a central bank.
So there's other ways to do it.
And if it's done by individual banks, they have to have reserves to back that up.
Which, our banks today don't really have reserves.
As a matter of fact, we have a
A article up on Infowars.com, a bank in Russia was caught using fake gold as reserve capital there.
And this is an article from Zero Hedge.
It says, over the past several years, incidents involving fake gold, usually in the form of gold-plated tungsten, have emerged every so often, usually involving Manhattan Jewelry District or some gold foundries or a bullion dealer, but never have they found it in a bank.
Until this last Friday, when Russia's Admiralty Bank, they discovered that they were using gold-plated metal.
As part of their gold reserves.
Now, this was not a large bank.
This was, they say, a relatively small bank.
It was ranked number 289 in Russian banks in terms of assets.
But, of course, it raises a question.
If that's happening to that bank, how many other banks in Russia are doing that?
And how many banks globally are doing that?
Well, that's an interesting question because Zero Hedge also has an article about Peter Hambro saying it is virtually impossible to get physical gold in London.
Now he and Ronan Manley have both pointed out that there's very little physical gold left in London.
Here's a quote, they say, my baseline is that the Chinese have been buying and the Indians have been buying in enormous quantities and it is virtually impossible to get physical gold.
They can pass the little bits of paper around.
It also makes us think back to several articles over the last couple years.
Remember Germany, other countries have said that they want to repatriate the gold.
From the New York Federal Reserve?
They said, yeah, okay, give us several years to do that.
They put them off.
It almost makes you wonder whether they've got that in their reserves at the Federal Reserve as well.
We also have Texas that is trying to get its gold back from New York.
We haven't gotten it back yet.
The only state that has done something, and I think this is very interesting, other states should try to do this as well.
They're talking about setting up a gold repository here in Texas where we would hold our own physical gold and people could deposit gold there as well and draw against it.
That's what's going to have to happen.
We're going to have to have honest money that we can trust.
And we don't have that right now.
Because we have a Federal Reserve System that can raise and lower interest rates at will.
That's what they've been doing for a hundred years.
That's what we were warned about when they created them.
Many people spoke out about it.
Many congressmen and senators at the time.
Lindbergh's father was in Congress and he said, had a famous quote talking about how with the control of interest rates, with the control of money supply,
They could create boom and bust cycles at will.
They could make fortunes by shorting the market, by buying into the market before it goes up.
They could time economic boom and bust cycles and create those cycles.
Now, Zero Hedge points out that in the 110 months since the last Fed hike, this is over the last several years,
Global central banks have cut interest rates 697 times.
Hear that?
They've cut interest rates 697 times, collectively, the central banks.
Now we have brought in 15 trillion dollars of financial assets, so they're just created out of nowhere.
Zero or negative interest rate policies have been adopted throughout the West and Asia, US, Europe, Japan, and following the great financial crisis of 2008, he says both stocks and corporate bonds have soared to an all-time high, thanks in great part to the extraordinary monetary regime.
There we go.
That's what they have done.
And of course, if you remember what happened with the bubble that burst in 2007-2008, that followed a long period of a rope-a-dope move by the Federal Reserve, by Alan Greenspan, lowering interest rates consecutively.
I forget how many times.
It was like dozens of times they had lowered interest rates.
And then, they changed it.
And they continued to raise interest rates, raise interest rates, raise interest rates, until it imploded.
Now, they're looking at possibly doing it this week.
And of course, if they do it, it's going to have a tremendous impact.
That's what people are talking about.
They say U.S.
interest rates could trigger a global debt crisis.
This is the UK's Telegraph.
They say debt ratios have reached extreme levels across all major regions of the global economy, leaving the financial system
Thank you.
To analyze data, people who look at biblical prophecies, they're all pointed to September as being the time that there might be some kind of a massive economic correction.
And of course, that could all be triggered.
The pen that burst the bubble could be the change in interest rates.
It could be something else.
But of course, it is interest rates themselves that have triggered this financial bubble in the stock market.
Most of this money that has been loaned out at 0%.
And let me say this too.
When they say that the banks that were bailed out, they say, well, we paid all that back.
We paid all that back.
You know, they paid it back with money that they got at 0% interest.
How hard is that to do?
Do you and I get money at 0% interest?
When you look at interest rates, even though interest rates are relatively low for durable goods like homes and automobiles and that sort of thing, they're incredibly high, of course, for credit card debt.
We're looking at 15, 25, and if you get delinquent, sky's the limit on your interest rates.
It wasn't until the stagflation of Jimmy Carter that they took off the legal requirement that interest rates stay below 10%.
It was considered to be usury if they took interest rates above 10%.
Now that's the norm for anything that is unsecured.
But of course, they get the money at 0%.
What's the return?
If you get money at 0% and you loan it out on a car loan at even, let's say, 2 or 3%, a really good car loan, you got great credit, and they loan it out to you at 2 or 3%.
They get it for 0%, they loan it out for 2 or 3%.
You know, when you divide by 0, what do you get?
Okay, they've never seen the kind of returns on investment that the banks are getting now with these 0% interest rates.
It's worse than what the mob used to do.
Usury, loan sharking, that used to be the territory of the mob, but of course the banks
I think?
Reason anymore and that is you we need to bring back the usury laws that they're talking about bringing back Glass-Segal many people say we need to Divest the banks from getting involved in speculative business.
I agree, but let's also bring back the usury laws It's absolutely immoral
The interest rates that banks are charging consumers.
And they can raise those interest rates on you if they merely assert that you've had something difficult in your background.
Finally, this last issue before we go to break.
20,000 people stage an anti-government protest for eight days, demanding a probe into a missing $1.5 billion.
How about we demand a probe into the missing trillions of dollars in the United States?
Instead, we just focus on our celebrity big brother election.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Come and take it!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Monday, September the 14th, 2015, this Wednesday, we're going to have a money bomb.
We haven't done this for a couple of years.
We have a goal of reaching a million, 400 million people, with one million dollars of contributions from you.
That's why we're doing this money bomb.
We're doing it for 27 hours.
In the middle of the money bomb, we're going to have coverage of the debate, but this is going to be around the clock.
We're going to have special guests, we're going to have special auctions.
It's something that I think you'll find very informative as well as entertaining.
But you have to understand that we need to move this to the next level.
We've already started our programs, our radio show, as well as Nightly News has already started on AXS TV.
It's also available on Roku and other platforms.
We're trying to get this, however, to satellite coverage.
And you can see the map that we'll pull up here if you're watching this.
As I point out, we're trying to reach 400 million people via this satellite placement.
This is something InfoWars is not beholden to anyone.
We've never taken a loan.
We don't rely on advertising from companies that sell things that we would not agree with, that are globalist-friendly companies.
We run a very tight ship here.
And your contributions, the things that you buy, the products that you buy from us at InfoWarsLife.com, as well as this crowdfunding effort, are the way that we fund our operation on a daily basis, the way that we expand.
So we're going to try to expand this operation into a larger footprint.
That's why we're going to have this money bomb for I think it's 27 hours are going to be on the air beginning this Wednesday with the radio show beginning with Alex Jones on Wednesday at 11 central.
Again, we're 100% crowdfunded, and we do appreciate the way that you have helped us to grow.
We could not have done this without your support, without you standing behind us, and it's very important.
You know, there's an article that came out today about Apple News, and of course, with the new operating system that's coming out this week with iOS 9, Apple is offering an app that is going to essentially aggregate the news for you.
They want to take over Drudge's position, essentially.
You know, Drudge has been called America's editor.
And he has a very important position there, because he selects pertinent news, entertaining news, as well as things that people did not hear when there wasn't a Drudge report around.
And they want to replace this with a news aggregator.
It's not just Apple.
There's other ways that they're trying to do this.
But Apple is one of the premier ones.
The first one's out of the gate.
Google and others have similar things planned down the line.
They want to give control back to the mainstream media.
They want to make sure that you don't see stories about certain issues.
Just look at the debates that we have, the so-called debates.
And they're not debates.
I mean, when you look at the Megyn Kelly question to Donald Trump, the very first thing out of the gate is, a lot of people say you don't like women.
Let's talk about that.
We don't have any questions about the Constitution.
We don't have any questions about the rule of law, about police brutality.
Nothing about that.
We don't have questions about NSA spying.
Simply the same questions that we get every four years over and over again.
How many jobs are you going to create for us?
How many wars can you start to make us safer?
It's absolute nonsense.
But that's the kind of dumbed down, and I call it Big Brother Celebrity Big Brother is really what we've got going with this election cycle.
That's precisely what you're going to get in the news if you don't have outlets like Drudge, if you don't have outlets like InfoWars and the InfoWars Nightly News that we're trying to extend.
Now tonight there's something that's going to be, I think, a very important discussion.
We should talk about this a little bit.
This is an article that came out this weekend, the New York Times, talking about the Supreme Court Justice Breyer's view of global law.
He's going to be on Colbert's late show tonight, talking about his book.
And here's the title of the book, The Court and the World, American Law and New Global Realities.
And they say this book is likely to revive a debate that roiled the court a decade ago when Justice Kennedy cited decisions from foreign and international bodies in major gay rights and death penalty cases.
They say that evoked strongly adverse political reactions.
That's what Justice Breyer writes in his book, including calls for impeachment.
As it should!
This is judicial activism taken to the next level.
And of course, they're not interested in the Constitution that they swore allegiance to.
They're not interested in interpreting the Constitution, in looking at the laws that Congress has passed to see if they pass muster by the Constitution.
Instead, they're legislating from the bench.
And we have seen this over and over again, whether it's Obamacare, whether it is gay marriage.
They're looking at the pulse of the public and making their decisions based on that, not the letter of the law.
We have more to say about this, as well as Angela Merkel and the EU army.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Schools in Germany are ordering teenage girls not to wear miniskirts or shorts as to avoid offending Muslim immigrants.
Parents were warned that their children should not wear revealing clothes for fear of misunderstandings that could lead to attacks by the migrants.
Children were also told that derogatory or racial remarks will not be tolerated.
The letter was actually sent out at the end of June, but it is drawing fresh attention in the light of Germany's plan to accept 800,000 new migrants before the end of the year, and 500,000 a year for the foreseeable future.
InfoWars has been contacted by families in Germany who say that their schools are telling girls not to wear shorts, even in hot weather, to prevent sexual assaults by immigrants.
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There's an old saying in Tennessee, I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, fool me once, shame on, shame on you.
If fool me, you can't get fooled again.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
That's right, let's not get fooled again.
Let's not do a celebrity big brother presidential election.
It looks like the cult of personality on the left has now become the cult of personality on the right.
We're going to talk about that later, but I want to get back to what I was just talking about in the last segment, and that is the book that is being put out by Justice Breyer.
He'll be plugging that tonight on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
And as I read in the last segment, he says that when they cited decisions, when Kennedy a decade ago cited in some of the Supreme Court decisions, foreign and international bodies of law in their Supreme Court decisions, they said, well, that evoked strong adverse political reactions, including calls for impeachment.
That's right.
Scalia has it right on this.
Scalia says the basic premise of the court's argument
That American law should conform to the laws of the rest of the world ought to be rejected out of hand.
It ought to be rejected by definition.
The Constitution is what constitutes our law.
They're not set up there to sync our law with the laws of another country, or with the laws of the United Nations, or with the laws of Islam.
We have a process, and there is a process for writing laws, and it doesn't include the Supreme Court.
There's a process for amending the Constitution, and it doesn't include the Supreme Court.
We need to obey the rule of law, we need to obey the Constitution, because what is the alternative?
It isn't that we're worshipping some dead white man.
The alternative to the rule of law is dictatorship.
And we see that happening over and over again.
We see it happening with treaties.
Take a look at the Iran deal, for example.
We have Politico saying that after the Iran deal, Obama is now going to pivot to climate change.
Because, of course, he can do that.
He can say that the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic partnerships are not treaties, they're simply agreements, or they're partnerships, or whatever.
The Iran deal is an agreement, it's not a treaty.
It is a treaty.
Now, people are starting to call him out on this.
As I mentioned yesterday, Justin Amash says he opposes the Iran deal on the basis that it is a treaty.
And as a treaty, there is a constitutional process that they need to go through to enact this treaty.
We need to understand that these trade treaties are treaties as well.
As we mentioned before, NAFTA was called a trade agreement.
But now that it has passed, we have
We have lawyer firms all over the world that have set themselves up as treaty specialists who take the process of arbitration that was created, very similar to what they're going to create with the Transatlantic and Trans-Pacific Partnership.
These kind of arbitration processes that elevate the companies to the level of government.
But they talk about that as treaty arbitration.
They talk about it as treaty laws.
Everybody knows that by definition
A treaty is an agreement between one or more countries about economics or about peace or whatever, but that's one of the very first things that you have is the agreement about economics.
It's a classic statement of what a treaty is.
And so all these things are treaties.
Calling them something else doesn't change it.
It just shows us that we're being lied to constantly.
That the Constitution is nothing anymore but a veneer, a mask that they use to rule.
Now it's interesting that some of the people who have taken opposition to the Iran treaty and are saying, hey, this is a treaty and we need to treat it as such, some of the same people, there's interesting
movement by one congressman, Peter Roskam, out of Illinois, but actually I think he represents the 6th District of Israel, because he's saying that we need to restrain President Obama's authority like we did with the trade treaty.
He's saying that this is a treaty and we need to treat it as such, we need to stop it.
And if you go back, however, a few months and you look at the passage of the Trade Promotion Authority, that's the fast-track process.
Remember that TPP has not come up for a vote yet, and neither has the TTIP, the one with Europe.
Those have not come up for a vote.
What they did, the fight, was for the Trade Promotion Authority, because if that fast track passed, and it did, it is going to be virtually impossible to stop these international trade agreements.
Now, the same guy who is opposing the agreement with Iran saying, Obama doesn't have the authority to do that.
This is a treaty.
He has to go through the constitutional process.
That same representative is a good indicator of the kind of hypocrisy that we've seen, especially in the GOP, on this trade issue.
He comes back and he says, when this was passed back in June, he said, today we acted to constrain President Obama's authority.
You gave him the authority to do whatever he wanted when you passed the Trade Promotion Authorization Bill.
What you did was you completely took Congress out of the process.
You took the Senate out of the process.
And they did it in a very underhanded way.
What they did was they passed a law that said we are not going to treat this as a treaty.
We're not going to have amendments.
We're not going to have debate about this.
We'll have 20 hours of debate and then it'll be closed off.
We're not going to go through the normal process of introducing bills where it has to be introduced in committee or it has to be introduced on the floor by the leadership.
It's going to automatically go there once the president
And the corporate representatives have negotiated something.
Actually, I don't know if the President's even involved.
This is being negotiated by a few hundred corporate lawyers are creating these agreements and most people in government can't even see it.
Perhaps the President can see it.
They're keeping it a secret from most congressmen.
They're saying they can't talk about it.
This is what they created and he said, we acted to constrain Obama's authority.
Know what he did?
When they passed the TPA, Peter Roskam, the Republican congressman from Illinois, what he did when he gave Obama this trade authorization, he said, we don't care about the constitutional process, we don't care about treaties, you can do whatever you want.
Now when he comes back with something about Iran that he thinks affects his representative, the people that are his constituents, Israel, now he's got a problem with it.
See, that's the problem when you throw away the rule of law.
When you wind up with a dictator, you're not going to have a benevolent dictator.
And he's not going to do what you want in every one of these cases.
People on both the Republican and the Democrat side need to understand this.
And I'm not talking about the people who've been elected to office.
They very well understand that.
Republican and Democrat voters need to understand that we do not want to allow Obama to operate as a dictator.
And we see this happening on issue after issue after issue.
Of course, the next one is going to be climate change.
He's going to negotiate something.
We've got a massive push that is coming up.
With the Pope coming to America to sell climate change because that is what the Pope is all about anymore.
He's not about traditional Catholic values.
He has nothing to say about the redefinition of marriage of all things.
He has nothing to say about these Planned Parenthood videos on abortion.
But he is all over climate change and world government.
He said that we need to have world government because that's the only way that we can stop climate change.
Totally political, and he's going to be coming to the United States this month.
There's a big push that is beginning to get this climate change legislation pushed through.
I call it legislation.
It's not even legislation.
They're going to be dictates that are going to come through just like these trade agreements.
One of the things that I find interesting is that Donald Trump
May be able to use his popularity to stop this.
I certainly hope that he can.
As many of you who've listened to me know, I have a lot of problems with Donald Trump, with some of his policies.
I don't like the way that he's running the campaign.
Nevertheless, he's extremely popular.
And he is opposed to the TPP.
Not for the reasons that I would oppose it, but I will take anything, and we all should.
We should work with people who are with us on the issues, even if they're not there for the same reasons.
Now, of course, the reason that Donald Trump doesn't like the TPP is he says he could do a better deal.
He doesn't trust Obama as negotiator.
He says we're going to get nailed.
But he also points out, and this is true, Senator Sessions has, and he's working with Senator Sessions.
This is an article that came out this last Friday.
They say the GOP's Donald Trump nightmare may soon get a whole lot worse.
Donald Trump met with Senator Jeff Sessions, and Jeff Sessions is the one who has done the lion's share of the research.
Senators and congressmen can go look at the secretive agreements.
Nobody has really bothered to do that other than a couple of congressmen.
Rand Paul has taken a look at it.
Jeff Sessions has looked at it.
But nobody has focused on this like Senator Sessions.
He set up charts telling other people as if they cared, as if they didn't know, his colleagues in the Senate, this is a massive transfer of sovereignty to a globalist, a global governance commission.
He said this is a living document.
Once this thing passes, which we're not allowed to talk about, we can't tell our constituents about, once this thing passes, they can change it at will without any further involvement from any of the democratically elected bodies of the nations involved.
They can also add anybody that they want to.
So, while they're using China as a foil to try to get the TPP enacted, saying that we need this because China is taking us to the cleaners on trade, so we need the TPP as a counterbalance to China.
Once they pass it, they can add China without any problem.
Anything can be changed as part of this agreement.
So, Donald Trump met with Jeff Sessions, and Donald Trump came out and said exactly that.
He said China can be added at any time.
Very hopeful sign to see this happening.
I'm very excited to see Donald Trump throwing his popularity and his weight.
Uh, into opposing the TPP.
Also we've got, as I mentioned earlier, uh, Justin Amash opposing it.
He says, under the treaty clause, the President, quote, shall have power by and with the advice and consent of the Senate to make treaties provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur.
He says the Obama administration, however, asserts that the nuclear deal is merely an executive agreement that binds only the President.
And that, of course, is talking about the Iran Treaty.
Because any of these treaties can be pressed that way.
So hopefully Trump and Sessions will push back against the GOP on the TPP agreement.
One other area where we see some hope again is with John Boehner.
You remember just before
They went to recess.
Representative Mark Meadows out of North Carolina threw down the gauntlet, as they point out, in the Sons of Liberty.
He said, uh, we want to see the Speaker vacate the chair.
At first they laughed it off.
They said, this is not serious.
We don't have to really worry about this.
But then, overnight,
They did a headcount, and they found out that it was incredibly close.
So close, just a handful of votes that they tabled it until after recess.
And so the question to you is, Boehner has been calling all these guys in Congress throughout the recess.
And I'll ask you, have you been calling your congressman to say, get Boehner out?
Because he's been putting pressure on them to stay in.
Understand that, you know, when it comes to things like Obamacare, how you've been betrayed.
Understand when it comes to open borders, how you've been betrayed by John Boehner.
Here's another example of how you've been betrayed.
Gun control.
Remember post Sandy Hook?
Remember the spring of 2013 when it looked like we were going to be facing massive new gun laws in the wake of the false flag at Sandy Hook?
Well, they point out here that when all of that was going, as many people call it, the battle of the century for the right to keep and bear arms, John Boehner, they say, could have
Nipped gun control in the bud by saying that it would be dead on arrival in the House.
But instead, he sent out the signal to Obama, said the House will consider any gun control proposals sent over by the Senate.
There you go.
There you go.
So, it's not just on Obamacare.
It's not just on open borders.
It is also on gun control and every other issue because Boehner is part of the ruling elite.
And on the core issues, there's not any difference between the different parties.
Here's another example of this.
Someone else who fits into that category.
Kasich, John Kasich, who is running for president.
They say in Breitbart that he channels Mitch McConnell on Planned Parenthood.
He said the GOP doesn't need an unpopular government shutdown.
No, we would never want to slow the government's progress in regulating us down, would we?
Wouldn't want to have that happen.
What do you say about a government that funds the kinds of things that we have just seen from Planned Parenthood?
What do you say about somebody like John Kasich, who can't get the backbone to even stop the government funding it?
I mean, we're not talking about locking people up, even.
We're just talking about stopping paying them out of the federal government.
We're just saying we're not going to proceed with any budgets unless you stop that funding.
He can't even muster the moral courage to do that.
Absolutely, absolutely amazing.
Now, when it comes to climate change, again, there's going to be massive conferences, that's why the Pope is coming, and we just had the Secret Service say that they have foiled an attempt on the Pope's life.
And if you ever looked at the pictures of Jonathan Price, the actor, see if you guys can pull that up real quick on the screen.
He's a doppelganger for the current Pope.
And when I saw that, when they said that they had foiled an assassination attempt on the current Pope, I thought, well, did they do that by using a decoy actor?
You know, Hitler had a whole bunch of actors who were decoys.
If you look at this and look at the two of them side by side, there's some amazing pictures.
If you pull that up, if you Google that on
I don't know.
Assassination attempt, you know, because we see that they have their own terrorist... No, I thought we had that coming up.
There we go.
There we go.
There's the two of them right there.
You can see them side-by-side.
And there's some pictures you'll see.
If you Google it on the internet, you'll see the two.
There you go.
Got them right next to each other.
Absolutely amazing.
Of course, Jonathan Pryce is the actor who's in one of my favorite films, Brazil.
That was Terry Gilliam, who was with Monty Python.
That was his kind of Python-esque take on 1984.
That's one of my favorite dark comedies.
But you know, I guess this falls into the category, I guess we have to believe them.
They're not giving us any evidence.
They never do when the national security state says that they have just saved us.
You know, it's kind of like when Obama had jobs created and saved.
How do you judge that?
You know, the jobs that were saved, that didn't get lost.
You know, he includes those in a metric.
Now I guess we've got a new metric, and that is popes that they have saved.
But the reason he's coming, of course, is to sell climate change.
Now, there was a recent back and forth in the EPA with a House Democrat coming after Brian Shaw, who's chairman of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
And this is very interesting, because this goes back to one of the first stories I covered when I came to InfoWars.
Again, the EPA has issued its Clean Power Plan.
They did this last August.
They want to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired plants by 32% over the next 15 years.
This is part of Obama's war on coal.
He promised, and he's keeping to this promise, he promised that he was going to essentially stop all power production from coal.
And so he's trying to make good on that.
Now, this is very interesting, because it had a back-and-forth with this, where the Democrat Congresswoman Johnson came after Shaw and said, you're recklessly endangering the health of children.
And he said, no, CO2 doesn't kill anybody.
And she was absolutely flabbergasted because she was simply going off the EPA points.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to go back to the EPA's climate lies in just one moment because that is the agenda that we're going to be facing towards the end of this month.
There's a massive push, as I mentioned, that's what the Pope's visit to America is about.
He's never visited America before.
Never ever.
He's, what, 78 years old?
77, 78 years old?
Never been to America for any reason, but now he's coming to push a globalist government.
And the means of the globalist government, of course, is the climate change governance.
Because that's going to give them what they need to tax us.
You can't have a governmental structure without taxes, without an army.
And of course, we're also going to talk in this broadcast about the European army.
That's what they're pushing in Europe as well.
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Now going back to climate change, and this is very important because as we were talking about earlier, we've seen the President being given fast-tracked authority for these trade agreements that we know what is behind that.
It's not about free trade.
At best, it's crony capitalism, but we know that this is part of a longer-term movement for global governance.
But he was given that, and now some of the same people who gave him that authority are complaining about the Iran deal and saying, wait, it's not a deal, it's a treaty!
And we have to have this ratified by the Senate with 67 votes.
It's like, yeah, that's right.
When you ignore the Constitution in one way, it's going to come back and bite you in another way.
The next way it's going to bite us as well is going to be on climate change.
If he can just make deals with any country that he wants to without going through the constitutional process of having a treaty,
If he can make massive agreements that transcend our sovereignty, and that's what the senator who's looked at it the most, Senator Sessions, says that the Transatlantic and Trans-Pacific partnerships do.
They create a Transnational Governance Commission.
That will do things to us that have absolutely nothing to do with the economy.
Of course, it will have a lot of economic aspects to it, but there's going to be other issues in it as well.
If you can do that, then of course you can do it with climate change as well.
It can act as a dictator.
A good example, however, of the nonsense and non-science that underlies all of this is this back-and-forth exchange between
A Democrat Congresswoman, Bernice Johnson, and the guy from Texas, saying that she was flabbergasted.
She thought that this was something that was going to save children's lives.
And if you remember, when the EPA was hooking people up to diesel exhaust,
So that they could get stricter regulations on fine particulate matter.
We had the then current EPA director telling us that more people were dying of fine particulate matter than from cancer.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Monday, September 14th, 2015.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Today in the news we see California wildfires killing, they say, at least one person, destroying over 400 homes and businesses.
This is something I've been gone for about a week and a half.
I got back towards the end of last week.
We went out to the west coast of the Pacific Northwest.
We went around the Oregon area looking at that area as well as down to the tip of Northern California to see redwood trees, redwood forests.
It was absolutely amazing to see these massive riverbeds that were dried up.
Uh, there was a lot of chemtrailing, as a matter of fact, uh, as we drove around, as my wife kept pointing it out to me.
She was, she was very upset about it.
But, um, as we were driving through there, we saw, as we were in the plane, we could see the wildfires from the plane as we were driving through the areas.
We saw massive, went through massive, uh, choking smoke.
But one of the things that I thought was really touching was the signs of people thanking the firefighters who have come from all over the country to fight these fires.
They genuinely appreciated these people who were putting their lives at risk to save other people's lives, to save their homes, to save their businesses.
We saw massive encampments of people who had
Gone, basically taking their camper trailers and they just cleared out large areas for them to stay and they were camping out there as volunteers to work on these areas.
Incredibly sad to see what is going on there and you can see some of that footage there.
Moves very, very quickly through the forests and these massive areas.
Not so much in Oregon, but boy it really was dry and
In Northern California.
It was also dry for Oregon, from what everyone was saying.
We also have other news that we're going to cover this hour.
I want to talk about a West Point professor who called for the U.S.
military to target legal critics of the war on terror.
People who criticized our foreign policy, for example.
We're going to talk about what's behind that.
We've got a retired CIA agent saying that we run the Afghan opium trade.
He actually wrote a book about it.
And he claims that as he was about to publish this book,
He was set up with child pornography charges.
So we're going to talk about that.
We have spy chief James Clapper says the intelligence community is like Spider-Man.
Well, they do wear a mask.
The mask is national security.
And they feel that as long as they've got that mask on, they can do anything they want.
He actually did mention, you know, with great power comes great responsibility, but we haven't seen that.
What he was really focusing on, however, was Spidey's senses, you know, Spidey's sense of precognition.
James Clapper, the guy who lied to Senator Ron Wyden about dragnet surveillance just a couple of weeks before Ed Snowden did the massive release of information that proved that that was what was happening, of course,
Many people like Thomas Drake and William Binney and other NSA whistleblowers had, right after September 11th, had gone through channels trying to stop this.
They knew it was unconstitutional.
And we're going to talk about this in detail when we come back, but at the time,
They had ignored the NSA whistleblowers, even though they had charged Thomas Drake and tried to put him in jail as a whistleblower.
That had not picked up any traction in the mainstream press.
But the Ed Snowden documents, of course, did.
And just before that happened, we have the direct questioning from Ron Wyden, who also knew, everybody knew, that this was going on in the Senate.
All the Senators and the Intelligence Committee knew it.
Their staffers knew it.
James Clapper knew it.
And he asked him a direct question and said, are you doing dragnet surveillance on the American people?
You remember that?
He looks down and he rubs his head and he goes, well, you know, he lied about it.
Directly lied about it.
He is someone who very much knows about pre-crime.
He's been working with geospatial intelligence since 2000.
That was his first directorship.
That's what we've talked about, being behind Jade Helm.
We're going to talk about that when we come back.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Last week, David Knight interviewed the Sheehan family, who described decades of bombings, machine gun strafings, and even nuclear bomb testing, all done in and around their property.
Well, here's the story of Alan Vorwaller, who died when he was 43 back in 2004.
On his obituary, his wife listed his cause of death was repeated and continual exposure to nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare agents while he was growing up in Toole, Utah.
As a result of hunting and camping near the Dugway Proving Ground,
Alan suffered localized tumors in his lungs, knees, shoulders, and hip, which doctors credited to the atomic tests he was living downwind from.
But then they found another type of cancer, which was common to people exposed to biologically engineered germs, are gene-damaging nerve agents.
VX nerve gas was also tested at Dugway Proving Ground.
Before his death, Allen suffered a 105 degree fever, which doctors concluded after exhaustive testing could only have been caused by an exotic virus.
Just another story of our government testing on its own citizens.
Join us this Wednesday, September 16th for Operation Money Bomb at infowars.com forward slash money bomb.
Rob Due reporting.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We were talking in the last segment about James Clapper, the guy who famously lied to Ron Wyden about Dragnet surveillance just before he was proven to be a liar by the Edward Snowden releases.
He's talking about how the intelligence community is kind of like Spider-Man.
He does say, with great power comes great responsibility, but of course they don't live up to that responsibility.
He was really more focused on what he called the pre-cognitive spidey sense.
In other words, pre-crime, folks.
This is where this is all coming from.
James Clapper has been part of geospatial intelligence since 2000.
That was his first directorship.
The Geospatial Intelligence Conference that happens every year.
It's one of the fastest growing divisions of intelligence.
He has been a keynote speaker most of the year, so he is intricately involved in this.
And when he talks about a precognition, that's what he's talking about.
He's talking about pre-crime.
As we've pointed out when we covered Jade Helm, talked about, of course, Jade Helm is supposed to end tomorrow as the last day of Jade Helm.
We've not seen anything overtly on the streets about Jade Helm.
Isn't that interesting?
Is that surprising?
Not really.
They said they were going to be dressed as civilians and they were going to try to move around without being detected in America.
So these are American soldiers dressed in civilian clothing saying they were going to be moving around without being detected.
Now, that's kind of setting the bar pretty low, as Paul Joseph Watson and I were talking about that when that was first released.
Well, you know, if they're going to actually use this to train for foreign conflicts, as they always say that that's what they're using it for, instead of using it to operate here domestically against American citizens, they say, no, no, no, this isn't for you, this is for other countries we're going to go to.
Well, if they're going to do that, wouldn't you think
That, uh, that really isn't going to help them with their training.
I mean, that right there tells you that they're training for America.
But we haven't seen any major helicopter drops or anything else like that.
But we pointed out that the slogan of Jade Helm was mastering the human domain.
We did a very long report on it.
I talked with Rob Dew and we broke that down.
We looked at the geospatial intelligence conferences where they had a keynote speech that was mastering the human domain.
How would they master the human domain?
They would do it by predicting what you were going to do.
And of course, we're told by James Clapper, by Hayden, by others that, don't worry, we're not really listening and recording all of your conversations.
I believe that's a lie.
I believe that's what they've got the Bluffdale, Utah data center for.
But nevertheless, they say, we're just looking at your metadata.
Let me tell you something, James Clapper and the geospatial intelligence community and the special forces community knows that your metadata is even more valuable than your conversation.
They call it activity-based intelligence.
They call it human domain analytics.
If they follow you, if they monitor what everyone is doing, who they're associating with, what religious, political groups they're affiliated with, what their movement, their patterns of movement are, if they record all of that, they put that into their database, just like they do for law enforcement, and they see who pops up.
Who pops up out of their collection of database?
They just run all this through.
They say, we're not doing this deductively like Sherlock Holmes would do when he comes in and tries to solve a crime.
We're not looking to say, well, there's a crime that's been committed.
We want to see who had motive, who had opportunity.
They're not doing that.
They're doing this in a pre-crime mode.
And that's what the intelligence community put this together with.
They want to just collect all your information and see who pops up as being unusual.
Then they will focus on you.
Do you understand how different, how dangerous pre-crime and pre-cognitive intelligence is?
Do you understand the potential for false alarms?
For people to be singled out when they haven't done anything wrong?
And of course, that's the very definition of pre-crime.
You haven't committed a crime, but they think you might commit a crime, so they're going to come after you.
Now as they point out in this article from Mint Press when they talk about his spidey senses, they say, and of course this is something that's gone on for a long time, we've known going all the way back to the Church and Pike Committee hearings in the 1970s, we knew that the government was monitoring the citizens here in America.
That was a key part of it.
Senator Frank Church warned in 1975, they say, that this surveillance had vast capabilities, that the NSA had vast capabilities.
If it turned on Americans, it would mean that no American had any privacy left.
The agency could monitor everything from phone conversations to telegrams, and he said, there would be no place to hide.
Total information awareness.
That is the point of this surveillance that we see now coming from them.
And of course, the Pike Committee hearing that was chaired by Congressman Pike, that was the first time the public ever even learned of the NSA.
He called the director to testify, and he said, we want to see your charter.
Even the CIA had a charter.
The CIA was created with a charter, not necessarily with a law.
But of course, the NSA was created by an executive order.
There we are, back to the president as a dictator.
Except that was President Truman.
Going back to that point.
He created them with an executive order and the director of the NSA refused to show that executive order to Congressman Pike.
And Congressman Pike was outraged.
He said, we give you billions of dollars and we cannot even see the executive order that created you?
I said, that's right.
I'm not going to show it to you.
That's the arrogance of this secret, dark government that has set itself against the American people, that has set itself against the rule of law.
As I pointed out,
In this article, and we interviewed Thomas Drake, I hope to talk to him again sometime, NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake had concerns about domestic surveillance in 2001.
Immediately after September 11th attacks, he went to Vito Patenza, the NSA Deputy General Counsel.
In other words, these whistleblowers, Drake, Binney, Weirby, others, they went through internal channels as they should have done.
And they were totally ignored.
This is what Patenza said on PBS's Frontline program about this.
The program was called The Program.
Patenza, the General Counsel of the NSA, said, the minute that Thomas Drake, if he did say, you're using this to violate the Constitution, says, I mean, I probably would have stopped the conversation at that point, quite frankly.
So I mean, if that's what he said, he said, then anything after that I probably wasn't listening to anyway.
Oh, okay.
So you got somebody like Thomas Drake who puts his life on the line like the founders of this country.
He put his life, his honor, his livelihood, everything, his career on the line because of his loyalty to his oath to the Constitution.
When he was on our program, he said, I didn't take an oath to the presidency.
I didn't take an oath to a bureaucracy.
I took an oath to the Constitution.
So he goes to the legal counsel for the NSA and says, what we're doing is unconstitutional.
And this guy has the audacity
To go on PBS's Frontline documentary and say, well, the minute that Thomas Drake comes up and says, uh, what you're doing is against the Constitution, he says, if he said that, I don't know if he said it, I could care less, uh, if he said that, I wouldn't have listened to anything he had to say after that at all.
Because, you know, Constitution just doesn't matter anymore, does it?
And quite frankly, that's where we are.
Whether we're talking about treaties, as we did in the last hour, or whether we're talking about the activities of the NSA, they could care less what the Constitution says.
I've played the clip from Michael Hayden, where he went to Washington and Lee University, addressed students there in the legal department.
And he was talking about what happened.
He says, I don't need Section 215.
Section 215 is the part of the Patriot Act that the NSA says gives them authority to listen to
Our conversations and to spy domestically.
He said, I didn't need 215.
215 is such a safe harbor.
I, I had an order from the president.
And he was so smug and cocky when he said that.
We should play that clip.
I didn't have that prepared for the guys.
But it's just amazing to look at how smug and cocky he was.
I had an order from the president.
So when you operate like that, the word is called dictatorship.
That's where these guys are.
Take a look at this article.
This is from World News Daily Report.
A retired CIA agent says, we run the Afghan opium trade.
Where have we heard that before?
We've been telling you that for years at Infowars.
We had Geraldo Rivera standing in the poppy field, showing American soldiers, guarding the poppy fields, helping to load the poppy stuff and say, yeah, yeah, we want to
They need an economy, so we're doing this to help this.
I mean, it's absolutely amazing.
It's an open secret.
But he writes a book about it.
A retired CIA agent recently convicted of possession of child pornography accuses the U.S.
government of trying to frame him.
As he was about to release a book, he says, blow the lid off the CIA's drug smuggling operations in Afghanistan.
This is from the Cheyenne Herald in Wyoming.
John F. Abbotsford, a 38-year-old Afghan war veteran that also served his country as a CIA analyst, has recently been convicted of possession of child pornography.
Accusations that he claims were fabricated by the U.S.
government to stop the publication of his upcoming book, The CIA in Afghanistan, 30 Years of Drug Smuggling.
He says, this is a desperate attempt by the U.S.
government to shut me up.
If I'm going to face jail time, I want the truth to be known before they get rid of me in prison.
He says, I'm ashamed to say that I've participated in these drug smuggling operations on many occasions for a long time.
I tried to convince myself that we were doing it for the right cause.
But this burden is destroying me inside and I can't stand it anymore.
He said that to a court audience.
He said, the CIA has been dealing drugs since its creation.
And he's addressing the court here because
When they brought him up on charges for child pornography, and understand, with the NSA having the tools to everybody's computers, they're loading stuff on your computer all the time, folks.
It may not be child pornography, it may just be stuff to spy on you, but they can very easily put child pornography on anybody's computer if they want to take you down for political purposes.
He didn't even address the child pornography charges.
When he got up and addressed the court, what he talked about was what they were doing in Afghanistan.
I don't
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
And of course, every move you make, they will be watching you.
That's the whole point of mastering the human domain.
It's total information awareness.
It's predicting what you're going to do.
And metadata is a key part of it.
It's far more important even than getting your phone conversations.
We're going to go back and we're going to take a look at what's going on with the military and their deadly gain-of-function viruses, their select agents as they call them, bringing in deadly bacteria that are not indigenous to the United States, enhancing them, that's what gain-of-function is about, and then carelessly mishandling it.
Yes, over the weekend we had yet another report of this happening by the U.S.
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Let's talk about other things that might get into your body.
Things from the Department of Defense.
You know, last night,
My family went back and watched Aliens again.
We hadn't seen it for a number of years, and every time I see it, I'm just amazed at the parallels between this one character, if you remember, who wants to get the alien back because he can make a lot of money selling it to the military, weaponizing it, right?
I'm amazed at how irresponsible
Our real government is.
We have a government.
We have military contractors who will do precisely that in the real world.
They're bringing in pathogens that are not indigenous to America.
They are enhancing them.
They call them select agents.
They're enhancing them so that they are more deadly.
These are things that already have killed the vast majority of the people who contract it.
They try to make it more dangerous.
They try to make it more contagious, and then they're sloppy with the way that they contain it.
They bring them over in these biosafety labs.
We've talked about this earlier this year.
We talked about the leak in LSU, the National Primate Center, where they brought over Burkholderia pseudomallei, which is a bacteria that's not indigenous to the United States.
Somehow it got out of their biosafety level 3 lab and got into the wild, into the open acreage with these other primates that were there.
They had an investigation.
They couldn't figure it out.
Then one of the people who was investigating it tested positive for it.
But don't worry, I'm sure they didn't catch it, they said.
Didn't catch it here.
They must have gotten it from a previous exposure.
And then the head of the Tulane area said,
This Tulane lab said, uh, I wouldn't be surprised if we test the soil and find the bacteria there, because it was probably already there.
And somebody who was honest at the CDC said that has never been in the United States.
It only was existent in two other countries far remote from here.
He said that's never been indigenous in the United States.
But of course, that's what we're seeing over and over again.
Now the newest one.
We had anthrax shipped through the mail.
Live anthrax shipped by Department of Defense laboratories.
Now we've got samples of black plague and other deadly pathogens.
The latest CDC investigation started after CDC inspectors found a sample of the plague.
In a freezer outside of a containment area on August the 17th at the Edgewood Chemical Biological Center in Maryland.
Now, they say this is the chairman of the House Energy Commerce Committee.
Both of them, the Republican and Democrat, said anthrax being mishandled is disconcerting enough, but now we've got mishandling that includes the plague.
No, it doesn't include the plague.
It includes weaponized plague.
You understand?
Why are we even doing this?
Why would we even take deadly pathogens and weaponize them?
And then why would we give it to these people to let loose?
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
ISIS has demanded that Syrian Christians pay an Islam tax.
This is being reported by WorldNetDaily.
ISIS terrorists gathered together dozens of Christian men in Syria and told them either to pay a Sharia-inspired tax and sign on to a list of faith-based restrictions or pay a penalty that could include the loss of life.
Among the restrictions, Christians cannot own guns, build places of worship, show their crosses in public or even ring church bells.
The terrorists put forth their demands to Christians in a town that used to be dominated by the Christian faith, but has been taken over by radical Muslims.
And while many followers of Islam will condemn these actions, numerous people in power continue to fund groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
Whether it's airdropping grenades or leaving behind billions of dollars worth of vehicles that they can use against us, these terrorist groups always seem to find the best equipment somewhere.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
One of the articles that's up on Infowars.com are the topless protesters who are interrupting the Muslim conference on women.
You know, we have the news break that Darren McBrain did, where he's talking about how miniskirts and shorts, they warned people back in June in Germany, they warned young girls not to wear miniskirts, not to wear shorts, because they might get attacked.
Well, what do you think would happen
If you go to a conference with fundamental Islamicists and you rip off your burqa and your bra and get topless up there, well, what happened?
And interestingly enough, what these two fundamentalist preachers were talking about at the time, whether or not wives should be beaten.
Okay, well they should be beaten or not.
So these two women who had gone to the conference, they rip off their burkas, they're topless and they jump up on stage and they start yelling, no one subjugates me.
The other one said, I'm my own prophet.
They had stuff written on their bodies.
At that point, you can see here, this guy is kicking them.
A mass of men rush on the stage, and there's no debate as to whether or not they should beat topless women or kick topless women.
Not with the crowd of people that are there.
There you go.
That's the religion of peace there.
Taking those two women, knocking them down, and beating and kicking them.
We have an article from the American thinker, Tennessee Common Core teaches one nation under Allah.
National Common Core.
You know, that's the thing.
Remember when Jeb Bush was criticized for being part of an organization that funded Planned Parenthood?
And his defense was, well, I was doing that with Bill Gates and we were actually trying to push Common Core.
Not Planned Parenthood.
We were actually trying to push Common Core.
And even though we gave them $10 million, I actually reduced funding from the state of Florida for Planned Parenthood.
You know how much you reduced it? $300,000.
reduction in funding to Planned Parenthood while the foundation that he's a director of, Jeb Bush, gives them ten million dollars.
So he gives them thirty times more money privately than he took away publicly.
But what he was really trying to push was Common Core.
Well, what does Common Core do for us?
Well, we've had a lot of guests on to talk about the problems with Common Core.
One of the problems with Common Core is the fact that it's common.
The fact that we have
The federal government dictating to everybody what education should be, what should be taught.
Defining the education, defining the tests, and telling everybody what should be taught.
And of course, it is a horrible curriculum.
Deliberately dumbing down the population.
Of course, Charlotte Isserby, who we've talked to many times with Phyllis Schlafly, had written a book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America.
Charlotte Isserby did it from her
Time at the Department of Education in the Reagan administration.
She knew that this was a process that was deliberately trying to dumb down the American population.
The reason that Johnny can't read isn't because of incompetence, it's because of design.
It is a tool of social control.
It is not an instrument of education.
That's the way the Department of Education has been pushing things all along.
And of course we see the fruit of this now in Tennessee.
In this particular district, this is the Maury County School District, students were assigned a Five Pillars of Islam project that included the translation of the pillar of Shahada, as being there is no God but Allah.
Mohammed is his prophet.
Joy Ellis, the mother of a 7th grader at Spring Hill Middle School in Tennessee, said that Christian children should not be instructed to write this out.
She said, this is a 7th grade state standard and will be on TCAP.
She said, I didn't have a problem with the history of Islam being taught, but to go so far as to make my child write the Shahada is unacceptable.
Where's the ACLU on this?
Isn't this
Far more than what we've been seeing done with Christianity?
Well, of course, they're not having a problem with this.
You should have a problem with this.
You should have a problem with the Department of Education.
Remember, Ronald Reagan was going to get rid of the Department of Education.
He could have killed that thing while it was in the cradle, like Rosemary's baby, but he didn't.
Jimmy Carter had created it.
It was less than four years old when Ronald Reagan took office.
He ran, and one of the tenets that he was running on was he was going to get rid of the Department of Education.
When he left, it was several times larger than when he took office.
See, that's the problem.
That's the problem with the presidential elections, or as I call them, celebrity big brother.
Every four years, we get to pick a new big brother now.
And it's gotten to be more and more a celebrity operation.
And how do we know that even if these guys put out a position paper, how do we know that it isn't just a position?
It's not a principle that they are going to live by.
This is just a position that they're putting out so they can get the position of president.
How do we know that these people are going to stick to any of this stuff?
Of course, we don't know.
And we see over and over again that they don't do what they said they were going to do when they get elected.
How many times are we going to get fooled by this?
And nevertheless, we still see that we're moving to that yet again.
One of the ways that we move against this, of course, is with media.
And one of the things that we're trying to do with our money bomb that's going to start in two days, it will be a 27-hour money bomb, at the very least.
It may go longer than that, I guess, if we count Overdrive and the news wrap-up, which is a fourth hour.
We have a goal of reaching 400 million people in North America.
To do that, we need a million dollars.
We need your help to do that.
How are we going to do it?
We're going to try to do this by satellite broadcasting that can be picked up by local television stations to help give us more exposure.
We're depending on you to help us with crowdfunded donations.
Typically the way we support our operation, and we run a very tight ship here at InfoWars, we typically support it by the products that we sell at InfoWarsLife.com.
But to expand like this, we need your help in a crowdfunding operation.
So we're going to have a telethon.
I think it'll be very entertaining.
I think it'll be very informative.
The next issue of Celebrity Big Brother on CNN, the presidential so-called debates, will be happening that evening.
We'll be covering that live and reacting to what is being said.
Kind of like Mystery Science 3000.
We won't have any robots.
It'll just be us here.
We'll be talking about it.
But we've never taken a loan from anybody.
We expand our operation with your support.
So we hope that you will stay tuned for the money bomb and be aware of it and tell your friends about it.
We'll have a lot of auctions that will be involved in that as well.
Some interesting things that are going to be auctioned off.
And when I look at that, one of the things that made me think about that was this article.
There's a new documentary film that is called Truth.
And it's about Dan Rather.
It's a documentary.
Remember, Dan Rather was essentially fired or left or whatever it was because of some documents where he came after George Bush in 2006, events leading up to the election.
He says, a film called Truth should be accurate.
Well, I would think so, too.
But, of course, we've also had other films with Truth in the title, like Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth, which is really nothing but a convenient lie about global warming.
So, I'm not... This is a Robert Redford-starring Rathergate movie called Truth.
I guess Robert Redford plays Dan Rather.
uh... they say he says journalism is not an exact science but you know what is an exact science you can take a look at a document that's produced like the so-called letter uh... that they had there and you can say well this letter purports to have been written by some guy with the national guard uh... back in the nineteen sixties on his typewriter but look
The type is proportionally spaced.
And when you type a date, like the 13th, that TH is in tiny superscript.
That might be an indication that it was done with a modern word processor.
It looked exactly like something that was put out by Microsoft's word processors at the time.
It did not look anything at all like something that had come out of a 1960 typewriter.
So yeah, journalism is not an exact science, but there are exact sciences that you can use to verify your facts.
But of course, now they're trying to take Dan Rather's conspiracy theory.
And here's the deal.
I'm not defending George Bush's draft-dodging issues.
There's other ways that they could have taken him down.
They could have come after him for the lies about Iraq.
They could have come after him for subverting the Constitution with the Patriot Act and essentially enacting martial law, because that's what we're under.
Let's understand that.
We've been under martial law without any doubt about it since the Patriot Act.
When they say that they're not interested in the Constitution, remember I said that earlier?
We had the guy on PBS Frontline Documentary who was the legal counsel for the NSA.
He said, Thomas Drake came to me and said something about the Constitution.
If he said that, I would immediately just ignore him.
I could care less about the Constitution.
So we're under martial law.
So, if you're going to come after Bush, if you're going to try to take down a liar and a dictator, don't do it by telling a bunch of lies.
Tell the truth.
There was plenty of truth that they could have used to take down George W. Bush, but instead, they fabricate something off to the side.
And you ask yourself, why would they do that?
Why would they do that?
Because CBS, the mainstream media, the rest of the news organizations don't want to take down this national security state.
They're a part of it.
They're the front line of the propaganda.
You're not going to hear these kinds of stories.
You're not going to hear what the NSA is doing.
You're not going to hear what the CIA is doing from the mainstream media.
That's why it's important for you to support InfoWars.
That's why it's important for you to support the Drudge Report.
As I mentioned at the very beginning of the program, we now have iOS 9 from Apple is going to try to present itself as a news aggregator.
Because Drudge is putting out information and stories that the mainstream media would not cover.
He began that way by covering the Monica Lewinsky scandal, the perjury of a sitting president with a legal degree, Bill Clinton.
That's how he got his start, by covering the stories that mainstream media would not touch.
And now, Drudge is the largest news aggregator in the world.
In the world.
And does everyone an incredible favors.
Very important to the freedom of press.
Absolutely important to the freedom of press.
But of course, companies like Apple, they would like to replace that just for business reasons, but also they may have some political ties in that as well.
They have been playing footsie with the NSA.
We know that from Apple.
It's very, very clear that's what's been happening.
So it's very important to keep a free and open press.
Very, very important.
Let's take a look at what just happened in the last week or so.
Of course, over the weekend, we had the story about 29% of the people supporting a military coup.
Isn't that interesting?
I even find it more interesting that we've got yet another story of a crazy West Point professor, and we've had these stories in the past.
We had the retired history professor of West Point who had put out the scenario in South Carolina saying that the Tea Party had allied with Islamic fundamentalists, and that was the background training scenario.
Remember that in Darlington, South Carolina?
That was the scenario that they were pushing.
Well, now we've got another West Point law professor who called on the U.S.
military to target critics of the War on Terror.
Here's what he had to say.
This is a story that was broken by The Guardian at the end of August, and he said,
This is William C. Bradford.
He said, as part of a war against undifferentiated Islamic radicalism, that war ought to be prosecuted vigorously, he wrote, even if it means great destruction, innumerable enemy casualties, and civilian collateral damage.
Now this guy could get on the stage of the GOP debate.
Because they could care less about our foreign policy.
That's what they're always arguing for.
We don't care how many people die from collateral damage.
We don't care how many casualties.
We don't care how great the destruction.
We just need to take these guys out.
And that's going to make us all safer, isn't it?
No, it isn't.
But here's what he had to say.
He called his paper, The Treason of the Professors.
And he wrote it in French.
I guess it would be Traison des Professeurs.
He said, the critical law of armed conflict academy
Is an Islamic fifth column.
And of course when he referred to treason of professors and when he wrote that in French, it was a self-conscious reference to a purge of French intellectuals in the 1920s.
It was absolutely amazing some of the things that he had to say.
Let me read you a quote that he had about people who were sympathetic to Islamist aims.
He said, ought to be imprisoned, attacked, and as implied, even killed.
That's what drew the most criticism, they say.
But of course, when he says that you're sympathetic to it, the way that he defines this is anybody that opposes the foreign policy of war abroad.
See, if you oppose their war, remember George Bush?
You're either with us or against us.
That's where this essentially leads.
You have treasonous scholars who don't support his all-out total war against Islam.
That makes them Islamic collaborators.
They're not funding the Islamic terrorists.
Actually, that's our government.
That funds the Islamic terrorists, OK?
They created ISIS to take down Syria.
But if you point that out and you say, we don't want to have a war with Syria, then he says, you're an Islamic sympathizer.
You need to be jailed or imprisoned.
That was actually what his paper was going through.
So he was actually fired.
But let me read you this quote.
Doubts and disputes about this war should be muted.
"...lest around them coalesce a new set of self-imposed restraints that prevent Western forces from waging war with sufficient ferocity and resolve, so that either Islamicism is discredited and the political will of Islamic people to prosecute a jihad collapses, or if necessary, all who countenance or condone Islamicism are dead."
So, we need to have doubts and disputes about the war be muted.
How do you do that?
You do that by controlling the press.
And understand that it goes way beyond Apple trying to become their own news aggregator to replace the Drudge Report.
We had a year or so ago, maybe it was two years ago,
There was a law that had prohibited the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe from broadcasting or operating in America.
They were set up as propaganda institutions.
But they were only going to be used abroad.
They were only going to be used against our enemies.
But, they fairly quietly, of course mainstream media didn't talk about this very much, they removed that prohibition.
So now, Voice of America and Radio Free Europe can propagandize Americans overtly.
Not content that the mainstream media was doing a good enough job.
They didn't feel like the mainstream media was doing a good enough job, so now they're going to do that above board.
They're going to do it openly.
Remember what James Madison said.
He said the means of defense abroad will become instruments of tyranny at home.
And that's true of the First Amendment, as well as a physical war.
We're heading into a position where Google is going to try to delist news articles.
They already do that to a large extent, but they're going to push overtly and deliberately bury news reports.
We're going to have aggregator sites that become embedded into your iPhone, like the new iOS 9 system, to try to make it very easy for you to use their aggregator instead of going somewhere else to look for the news.
If you don't fight that,
You are going to be losing the information that you need to be an informed citizen.
And how dangerous is this?
Well, over this weekend, we had on Infowars.com a YouGov poll.
It was done by YouGov and I believe it was CBS at the time.
29% of Americans would support a military coup.
Think about that.
Think about how dangerous that is.
And then ask yourself, maybe that's already happened.
And even more than 29% are okay with it.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We've got a couple of amazing stories here.
One of them, a proud mother refuses $900,000 payout from the police who killed her black son because they wanted to gag her.
Another one, a black lady who was kept in New York for eight days, injected with heavy drugs, considered kept in a psychological evaluation ward.
Because she insisted that the BMW was her car.
They wouldn't believe that.
We're going to cover those stories here.
Before we do, I want to let you know this hour of the Alex Jones Show has been brought to you by the products that we sell at Infowarslife.com.
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Now going back to these articles I mentioned, the first one in Daily Mail.
A proud mother refuses $900,000 payout because the police who shot her black son said, if you take this, you are not going to be able to talk about him publicly.
She said to me, it was a gag order.
Like, here's $900,000, here's $1,000,000.
Let's just call it $1,000,000.
It's so close to $1,000,000.
Here's $1,000,000.
Don't ever say Darian's name again.
And she refused to be bought out.
Good for her.
If we would refuse to be bought out.
If we would refuse to sacrifice our freedom for the promise of safety.
That's the bargain.
That's the Faustian deal they're always presenting to you.
They're always saying national security trumps everything.
Saying national security trumps your individual liberties.
We're going to make you safe.
Don't worry, we've got these police who are going to serve and protect you.
When you give up your freedom, you are nothing but a slave and a prisoner.
We've said it before, I'll say it again.
Prisoners and slaves are never free, and that's what you are if you don't have liberty.
Liberty has to be the first and foremost consideration.
If you have liberty, you may get safety.
But you will never have safety if you give up your liberty.
Here's another one.
This isn't your BMW, they told her.
This woman
Here's what they did to her.
They injected her with heavy drugs.
They forced her to spend eight days in a psychological evaluation ward.
She was given a $13,000 hospital bill.
Here's how it happened.
She was pulled over September the 12th.
She was pulled over back in 2014.
She's sitting at a red light.
And a cop comes up to her and says, why aren't your hands on the steering wheel?
Why aren't your hands on the steering wheel?
And so she said, well, I'm not driving.
He didn't like that answer.
I'm going to tell you what happened after we come back from the break.
This is an amazing story.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I was... I'm gonna finish the story that I began in the last segment.
The story about the black lady in New York.
She stopped at a stoplight.
This is almost a year ago.
September the 12th, 2014.
She stopped at a red light in Harlem.
And a cop asked her, why aren't your hands on the steering wheel?
And so she talked back to him and said, I'm not driving.
I'm listening to music and I'm stopped at a stoplight.
He didn't like that answer.
He told her to get out of the car.
He arrested her.
He took her down to the precinct.
She was held for several hours, then released without charge.
But she was told that she could not pick up her 2003 BMW 3205ci until the following day.
She goes back the following day to get her car.
The police officers refused to believe that she could own that car.
Maybe because she's black, I don't know.
But they refused to say, they said, that's not your car.
We're not going to give you that car.
It's too luxurious.
You, you know, you don't own that car.
Isn't that amazing?
Isn't that amazing?
So she insisted and got angry, I'm sure, that that was her car.
So how did they respond?
Well, they put her in a psychological evaluation ward for eight days, injected her with drugs, and she wound up with a $13,000 hospital bill.
Now they're going to wind up with a lawsuit, and they should end up with a lawsuit.
I've experienced this, not even as a black man.
I've had the same type of harassment myself from the police.
When Hurricane Fran came through North Carolina, took out our power, and for the only time that we were in business, we had our stores closed for several days because there was absolutely no power anywhere in the area where we had our stores.
One of the stores, actually two of the stores, got power back after three or four days.
And so we kept those stores open.
Towards the end, as it was starting to get dark,
We had some police officers come by and tell us that we had to shut our business because they had enacted a curfew.
I said, oh really?
Are you going to shut down Walmart across the street?
Oh no, we're not going to shut down Walmart.
You have to shut down.
That made me really angry.
But we were already shutting down because there wasn't that much traffic out there.
So we went ahead and shut that down.
We went to the next door.
My wife was with me.
My sons were young.
They were in car seats.
They were in the back.
And we go to the next door.
She goes in to get the daily receipts out of the safe.
And I'm stopped, and I've got the engine running.
I've got the two kids in the back, and I let them out of the car seat.
And a cop comes over to me and says, you can't park here.
There was nobody else anywhere in the entire shopping center.
Nobody else but me.
I've got the engine running.
And I said, I'm not parked.
I'm stopped.
And he goes, hmm.
And he looks at the kids who are out of their car seats and goes, you've got to get them back in the car seats.
I said, I'm not driving.
That's why they're out of the car seat.
I'll put them back in the car seat when I start to drive.
He didn't like that.
He had to find something.
So he goes, give me your license.
So he starts to write me.
I said, fine, we'll talk about this in court.
At that point, my wife comes out and starts locking the door and he looks over and goes,
Well, what's this?
And she says, who are you?
She got into him pretty heavy.
And he goes, you own this?
I said, yeah, we own this store.
And he goes, oh, well, I didn't know.
And he starts to back off.
And I was pretty amazed.
I mean, it wasn't that he was going to give me this made-up ticket.
He was going to find some reason to fine us, find some reason to give us a ticket.
And I just was not going to... And I understand exactly where this woman is coming from.
We should not have to be the servants of law enforcement.
We should not have to ask how high when they tell us to jump.
When they give us unlawful orders, we do not have to obey.
It is simply a power trip.
It is simply harassment.
And I'll tell you what's going on in New York City, too.
There's another dimension to this as well.
And I'll talk about that when we come back.
What Adrian Schoolcraft showed when he was a New York City police officer.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Last week, David Knight interviewed the Sheehan family, who described decades of bombings, machine gun strafings, and even nuclear bomb testing, all done in and around their property.
Well, here's the story of Alan Vorwaller, who died when he was 43 back in 2004.
On his obituary, his wife listed his cause of death was repeated and continual exposure to nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare agents while he was growing up in Toole, Utah.
As a result of hunting and camping near the Dugway Proving Ground,
Alan suffered localized tumors in his lungs, knees, shoulders, and hip, which doctors credited to the atomic tests he was living downwind from.
But then they found another type of cancer, which was common to people exposed to biologically engineered germs, are gene-damaging nerve agents.
VX nerve gas was also tested at Dugway Proving Grounds.
Before his death, Allen suffered a 105 degree fever, which doctors concluded after exhaustive testing could only have been caused by an exotic virus.
Just another story of our government testing on its own citizens.
Join us this Wednesday, September 16th for Operation Money Bomb at infowars.com forward slash money bomb.
Rob Dew reporting.
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We're good to go.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
I'm going to take some of your calls this hour.
The number to call in is 800-259-9231.
Again, that number is 800-259-9231.
Before I go back to the news, I want to finish up with a story of those of you who didn't
Here, the top of the hour.
Some stations carry news at the top of the hour.
I'll recap briefly what happened to this black lady who was committed to a psychiatric ward because she insisted that she wanted her BMW back, that they had confiscated from her.
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Now before I go to the calls, I want to finish up on this story.
I was talking about it in the last segment of the hour and I talked about it in the first segment of this hour.
Again, this was a lady who was stopped at a stoplight.
The policeman started harassing her because she didn't have her hands on the steering wheel.
Did you know that was a crime?
See, this is something that we've seen happening in New York City for quite some time.
It was documented by Adrian Schoolcraft, a whistleblower with the New York City Police Department.
This is a guy whose dad was a policeman.
He believed in law enforcement.
He believed in being a good cop.
They punished him because he would not write up useless tickets that they wanted him to do.
He recorded them for two years, wearing a wire.
He did it on his own.
And he recorded them talking about creating quotas, how they wanted to arrest people for no reason whatsoever.
They'd say, when it was coming up to Halloween, they'd say, just go out and grab the first three or four people you see, bring them back to the station, and we'll figure out what to book them for later.
And then go out and get some more people.
We just need to get as many people in as we can.
They would harass people endlessly for nothing, for nothing at all.
But then when it came to a serious crime, like rape, like car theft,
They would discourage people from reporting those crimes because they didn't want to look bad on the FBI statistics.
Adrian Schoolcraft exposed this.
They knew that he had a wire.
His father, who was an honest cop and the kind of cop that he wanted to be, knew that this was happening, knew that they were gunning for him.
He disappeared.
His father started investigating, couldn't figure out where he had gone.
They came to his house, they threatened him,
And when he wouldn't give up the recordings, they took him away and committed him, just like they did this black lady.
The interesting thing is, is that he not only had a wire on him in his own apartment, but he also had one on the shelf.
And his father found that.
And now you can hear that as part of the investigation.
You can hear them threatening to take him away, which they actually did.
They put him, without notifying anybody, they put him in an insane asylum.
His dad was able to get him out.
He became a key witness in an overturning stop and frisk.
An amazing story.
But here you see this still going on, harassing this lady for absolutely nothing.
She has her hands on the wheel.
They arrest her, then they let her go.
But they impounded her car.
The next day she goes to get it back.
They go, that can't be your car.
You can't be somebody who owns a BMW.
We're not going to give you that car.
I don't know what basis they were saying that for.
But they committed her to an insane asylum.
She wound up staying there for eight days.
They injected her with heavy drugs.
She got a $13,000 hospital bill.
And now, the people of New York are going to get a big lawsuit.
This keeps happening.
You know, there was an article in 2009 in the Cato Institute.
One Bill of Rights for you, two Bill of Rights for them, for law enforcement.
And they point out, and this is very relevant because of what's going on with Joe Biden lately.
They say, back when he was a Senator, Vice President Joe Biden had a pet piece of legislation that he would try to ram through the Senate every year.
The bill was called the Peace Officers Bill of Rights.
An attempt to amend the Omnibus Crime Bill, Streets of 1968.
Even though Biden is no longer a senator, they said, his legacy continues as a congressional bill that has now been introduced back in 2009, Law Enforcement Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act of 2009.
That was introduced that year by Bart Stupak.
Democrat and Eric Paulson, a Republican, and they say the legislation seeks to limit how police departments can investigate cases of police misconduct, how they can discipline police officers found to have committed misconduct.
The bill also contains a provision that would exempt disciplinary records from public records, records laws by forcing those departments to keep all personnel records sealed.
When we have a police chief or a sheriff who wants to come after an officer who acted in a criminal manner, he's frequently stopped by the police union or by one of these law enforcement Bill of Rights types of things.
And of course, Frank Serpico, who's been a guest with Alex Jones many times, has made the point, and rightfully so,
That in any profession, you are going to have bad people.
Cops are one of those professions.
You're going to have bad journalists.
You're going to have bad cops.
You're going to have criminals in every line of work.
But the question is,
Can you purge those bad people out of your organization?
Or are you going to tolerate that?
If you tolerate it, it becomes systemic.
It corrupts the system.
And that's what we have.
And a large part of that is because of this Law Enforcement Bill of Rights.
Maryland's Law Enforcement Bill of Rights that was established in 1972.
Listen to some of these issues.
Officers can wait 10 days before talking to investigators after a trial, after an incident.
Investigators must be fellow officers and no more than two can conduct questioning at the same time.
Lying to obtain an admission of guilt is forbidden.
This is standard procedure, however, for non-police suspects.
Harassing, threatening, or offering rewards is forbidden.
That's all stuff that they do to the rest of us.
A union representative can be present during questioning.
A three-month statute of limitations against people filing complaints against officers, even if the person is hospitalized.
Complaints and investigations against an officer may be purged after three years.
He may appeal his case to a hearing board of fellow officers whose decision is binding before a decision on discipline is made.
So that's just Maryland.
All these different states have these different Bill of Rights for the officers.
The difference between their Bill of Rights and our Bill of Rights is that they actually enforce theirs.
They don't enforce our Bill of Rights.
They destroy our Bill of Rights.
But they make sure that their Bill of Rights is enforced.
And so who was it that was pushing all this?
Remember when I started this article?
It was Joe Biden.
That was his pet project.
To make sure that the police officers get a different standard of justice than the rest of us do.
He put that out.
Now Joe Biden is being called the Hamlet of the 2016 American election.
No, not the Mad Prince, not because he's crazy, but because he's sitting there to run or not to run.
That is the question, okay?
They're saying that Joe Biden suffers, many people say, from a lifelong foot and mouth disease.
Quite frankly, Joe Biden has been very candid.
That's what's gotten him in trouble.
And even though he said some crazy stuff, remember when he was talking about Barack Obama, and he said, I think he's very clean, and a lot of people construe that, say, oh, they're saying that he's clean because he's a black man and implying, you know, a lot of things that he said that were really awkward.
Nothing to the level of Donald Trump.
But that kind of foot in the mouth, or if you want to call it candor, okay, that will serve him very well in this election cycle.
I mean, just look at what's going on with Donald Trump.
My problem with Joe Biden, even before I knew about this law enforcement Bill of Rights issue, my problem with Joe Biden goes all the way back to the Clarence Thomas hearings.
I can remember vividly, my wife and I were traveling the Appalachian Highway on vacation, and we were listening to the proceedings, and I heard him interrogating Clarence Thomas, and he had a problem with natural law.
And he's trying to pin Clarence Thomas down on his positions on natural law, and Joe Biden was absolutely livid, genuinely angry that anybody would believe that there was such a thing as natural law.
What is natural law?
Natural law is the principles that are laid down in the Declaration of Independence that says that
We are not subjects to the government.
We do not exist at the pleasure of the government.
They do not grant privileges to us.
We possess certain natural rights based on the fact that we're human beings.
We possess those rights from God.
Those were the principles of the Declaration of Independence, and Joe Biden was absolutely livid.
And of course, Clarence Thomas didn't argue with him, because Clarence Thomas said, just forget I said that.
I want to be Supreme Court Justice.
Let's just pass on that.
That's the kind of guy Joe Biden is, but he could do very well in this presidential election.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with your phone calls.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to go to some of your calls right now.
We were just talking about the police state, how we lost our Bill of Rights without question, certainly after 9-11.
There were a lot of infringements on it way before that, but it got very overt at that point in time.
But of course, our Bill of Rights, which is no longer being enforced, the police have two Bill of Rights.
It's one of the reasons why we see such a problem with
Police officers who step over the laws, that there's a systemic bias against that.
And of course, we tied that back to Joe Biden.
That was one of the things that he pushed for many, many years.
I've got a couple of callers here who want to talk about that.
Let's go to Tom in Maryland.
You say you're a former police officer.
Go ahead.
Hi, Mr. Knight.
Thanks for taking my call.
I'm retired.
I was going to call earlier.
You were talking about how the government was infringing on
Liberties and breaking the law relative to phishing cases.
That's what we used to call it when they would actually gather information and you're absolutely right.
That goes back, I know personally, to the 80s.
In fact, I was working with a
AT&T Pullman, who had come to me and said, you know, I've been finding these black boxes on the lines, and what are they?
I looked at him and said, I'm not a tech, I don't know, but tell me about them.
He said, well, I think they're some type of tapping device.
Come to find out, he had taken it to someone who actually did know, and sure enough, that's exactly what they were.
So I told him, collect them, bring them to me, we'll try to put a case together.
Well, oddly enough, he got a couple of them, and according to him, somehow, he had them in his truck, and he was trying to get ahold of me, and he was called into his office by
Very high supervisor who he had never dealt with before.
There was a federal agent there.
Told him to turn over what he had taken off the lines, never to take those off again, and not to be in touch with the local police.
So that goes way back.
And it was something that we had suspected for some time, because we had federal agents coming in and making cases that we had been working on, and they had information that
That really, we believe, only could have been gotten by Ogaden Range.
Yes, yes.
And they call that parallel construction now.
And it's started to unravel after people have become more receptive.
Used to be, when you talk about anything like what you just mentioned there, Tom, people would say, oh, you're a conspiracy theorist.
That's not really happening.
The government would never do anything like that.
But after the Snowden leaks, people are more receptive to understanding that that, in fact, does go on.
Are you familiar with the Stingray program, the Harris Semiconductor Device?
I've heard about it.
Now, I retired in 2003, so a lot of this
It came to my knowledge after the fact.
I started working on some government cases towards the end of my career and we started making cases and arrests of government officials and in fact my unit was shut down.
I was out for a week on vacation and I found out that my offices were raided by another unit within my department.
And my staff was fired.
At that time, I was a commander of a unit in special operations.
I reported directly to a colonel who was in charge of the division.
He was serving, and this is where they have a lot of these people, really by the short hairs.
A lot of these higher positions, it's called serving at the pleasure of.
Which means when a new chief comes in, someone of very high rank, they can bring in their own people and demote, fire, do what they want to with the folks who are in these higher positions.
I happen to have the only position within special operations that wasn't serving at the pleasure of.
So they didn't fire me, they fired everyone else except for the colonel.
Now, anybody familiar with
Hang on, Tom.
It's a very interesting call.
Can you hang on through the commercial break?
We've got to go to a commercial break, but I want to come back to you and ask you a couple other questions.
Can you do that?
We'll try to.
We've got to go.
Okay, great.
That's Tom from Maryland, former police officer.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back.
I thought I heard the music coming up.
Do we have a little bit more time?
Okay, we got another minute.
I'm sorry.
Go ahead.
I'm sorry.
I'll wrap it up quick and I'll tell you something not to go awry.
So at any rate, fired my staff, all my people, which, you know, was completely unfair to them.
And relative to the Colonel, if you're familiar with any type of military, paramilitary structure,
It's pretty tough to take the wings off of a full bird.
They did it to him and they put me in a patrol car for the rest of my career and basically sent a message to anyone coming on our heels not to do what we did.
And that was to investigate any type of government corruption, which we were finding a lot of.
Now, real quick with the Bill of Rights... Hang on, hang on.
Let's hang on through the break.
We do have a break coming up right now.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us if you want to call in.
It's 800-259-9231.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Over the weekend, the Obama administration dropped its original plans to create a website to rate colleges, and instead released all the collected information to the public.
The rating system received relentless opposition from colleges, universities, Democrats and Republicans alike.
Why is that, you ask?
Colleges and universities already receive more than three times the amount of what students are paying in tuition.
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Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Be sure to join us this Wednesday, September 16th for Operation Money Bomb.
You can find more information at InfoWars.com forward slash money bomb.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
I asked Tom from Maryland, who's a retired police officer, he said he retired in 2003.
I asked him to hang on over the break because he wanted to talk about not only the Bill of Rights, the Law Enforcement Bill of Rights, but also about his personal experiences in terms of black box recorders that were surreptitiously placed around.
What he told us was that he was alerted by some people who worked on the railroad.
They said, hey, we found these black boxes.
We think there might be some illegal wiretapping going on here.
As he started to investigate it, he found out that this is something that was being done internally.
He was made an example of his department.
Of course, we have seen this subsequently.
Probably, I'm sure the devices have changed since 2003.
Now, in the last couple of years, we've seen several cases involving Stingray devices made by Harris Semiconductor.
We have the FBI that are pushing these to the local law enforcement.
There was a very famous case within the last year, I can't remember the exact date of when this happened, but they had a guy who had been arrested, I think it was for burglary or something like that, he was going around burglarizing houses, and the judge asked how they got the information.
And they said, well, we can't tell you.
He says, what do you mean you can't tell me?
And he said, well, we have a non-disclosure agreement that we've signed, that they've signed with Harris Semiconductor.
And he goes, you don't have a non-disclosure agreement with me.
You're going to have to tell me what this is.
So rather than having a fight with a judge, getting in contempt of court, they simply let the criminal go.
That's called parallel construction.
They use these listing devices for the NSA or typically for the DEA or whatever.
They get this information.
They don't have a legal search warrant.
And then they are given the information nevertheless, and then because they have the information, they know somebody that's doing something, then they go in with parallel construction and start to do it legally because they've been tipped off about something that's going on.
I want to get back to Tom in Maryland before I do.
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He's dropping identity theft because it's not just the police.
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I want to go back to Tom in Maryland.
Tom, you said you wanted to talk about the Bill of Rights issue as well.
Go ahead.
I did.
But you bring up a good point, folks.
You may not think you're doing anything wrong, but the latest stats show that with all the laws that have been passed, the old saying that ignorance of the law is no excuse really is ridiculous.
It really doesn't apply.
And to tell any court that you had no intent
Uh, and you were not aware of certain laws.
I'm not talking about obvious felonies, but, uh, some of these more ridiculous, smaller laws that a lot of people don't know about, even people in law enforcement.
You know, Tom, some of the things that are now felonies are ridiculous.
There was a case not long ago of a man who was on a beach.
He released four mylar balloons filled with helium.
They were heart-shaped for his sweetheart.
And he got busted for four counts of a felony because they had made it a felony to release balloons on this particular seashore because it was protected wildlife area that he didn't know about.
So there's a case where he's not only ignorant, but it is an incredibly... He's now charged with four felony counts.
So there's those kinds of entrapments that are always out there.
You talk about the reasonable man standards in court.
Judges talk about it.
It's applied all the time.
And that's what I'm talking about.
And you brought to mind when you said, folks, you may not think you're doing anything wrong, but the latest stats actually show that every American, every day, is breaking between three and six walls.
That sounds crazy, but look it up.
Google it.
It's actually true.
And by the way, before I forget, I'll make it quick.
You talked about all of this land
That the government is looking into the Senators, they're taking note of what they have, and you were wondering, I think it was yesterday, exactly what was going on.
Were they just taking inventory of what they want to control?
Well, I got hold of a lien that was filed by China.
And it was filed, interestingly enough, here at the Comptroller's Office in Maryland.
It was also filed in D.C.
And it's for all real property in the United States, and awarded very oddly, a lien against all men and women with arms and legs, and it stated a dollar amount of $4 trillion.
And I'm looking in to see whether or not this actually is on record with these offices.
If you'd like a copy of it, I can talk to your screener.
Yeah, give that to the screener.
I'd like to say, is that something you found on the internet and you're trying to verify whether that's true or not?
Yeah, someone said it to me.
And it's a good source.
So yeah, I think it may actually be something that we might want to be concerned about.
As for the Bill of Rights, I just want to let you know, it cuts both ways.
I've been down that path before, after what I told you about, like I said, their job was to make my life miserable and to make me an example.
And I wasn't the only one.
Other honest policemen, there's a lot of them out there, go down this route as well.
Now, with the Police Officers Bill of Rights, in Maryland at least, was designed so that police officers, the police, weren't taken advantage of.
And to give you an example, like I said, with military and paramilitary organizations, you can be brought up on departmental charges, and you go to
For instance, in Maryland, you go to what's called a police trial board.
Well, it's like a court.
You go there, you need an attorney if you want to have success, and you need a good attorney.
It costs money.
And there are real penalties if you're convicted at these trial boards, just like in a military tribunal.
And, by the way, double jeopardy does not attach.
So you can be tried, convicted, punished severely at the police tribunal.
And then you can be charged in state court.
And if they want, they can charge you in federal court.
I've known where this has actually happened.
So you can go through the ringer three times.
So it does cut both ways.
So it protects police when they're wrongfully charged.
And it does happen.
They go after, like I said, they go after police who are trying to do the right thing.
Now I know it can also work for the ones that are not doing the right thing.
And by the way, also in Maryland, police, just for an example, and I don't have a problem with this, an average citizen, peace can be disturbed.
A police officer's peace cannot be disturbed.
So that's something that
We're not afforded the privilege of being able to have a piece to start.
We have to be above that.
So, again, this is just some of the ways that it does cut both ways.
Well, here's what I would like to see, Tom.
I would like to see, instead of the police losing rights way back when, and then having them restored in a different and unique way, and then having the rest of us lose our rights and not having them restored, how about if everybody has the rights that we possess as individuals under the Bill of Rights and you don't lose those rights if you become an employee of the government?
I mean that's, we see that over and over again.
Many people are talking about these clerks who refuse to enforce laws they feel violate their First Amendment rights.
I don't think government employees should lose their human rights that are enumerated in the Constitution because they become a government employee.
I would like to see the same, if we had the same
The same legal structure for everybody, whether they were government employee or non-government employee.
I think the government employees would watch out for our rights as well because our rights are their rights.
But when we have two separate standards, then that opens the door for, you know, a different, a preferential treatment for one group versus the other.
You don't want me to have to investigate a bad cop like I would a citizen.
You want me to grab him right away.
He shouldn't have the same rights as a citizen.
We should be able to take him off the street immediately and do to him what we can't do to a regular citizen because he has the power to endanger people more so, oftentimes, with what he's being given, his authority, than an average citizen does.
Yes, I agree.
And certainly I would like to see that happen.
I just feel like this separate process where they can wait 10 days before talking to investigators, it actually works the other way.
Keeps them in process, you know, it doesn't, it doesn't, it delays things rather than accelerates them.
Thank you so much, Tom.
Thank you so much for calling and listening.
Let's go to Murphy in Arkansas.
You said you wanted to talk about harassment of small business owners.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I run a business where I do odd jobs.
I, you know, fix trailers and I, you know, change wheels and axles and things like that.
And I plow in the winter too.
I put the blade on my dually and, uh, you know, I, I take care of business.
It's not a, you know, glamorous living, but, uh, you know, it's a living.
Now the police around here, they've been making it basically impossible, you know, uh, using them laws.
To try and make it so I can do my job.
They gave me tickets for having the snow plow, the blade on my truck for too long.
They, you know, they've been harassing me and everything else.
I just don't understand why they think they can do this to your average American and have us not rise up against them or something like that.
You're in Arkansas, and when I was talking about what was going on in New York City, that's exactly what that whistleblower within the New York City Police Department, Adrian Schoolcraft, was talking about.
He said, they want me to go around and harass small business owners that go into the barbershops and write them summonses because they've got too much hair on the floor because somebody is smoking in the barbershop.
Or if they go outside and they stand outside of the barbershop to smoke, then I give them a ticket for, they want me to give them a ticket for loitering.
It's that type of thing.
They would be on top of everybody very closely for minor infractions that are going to generate revenue for the New York Police Department.
Remember that Eric Garner, the guy that was choked to death on the street, was selling loose cigarettes.
He would buy the cigarettes, pay the taxes, and then break them up and sell them individually.
They didn't want that to happen because they wanted to collect taxes on each and every individual cell.
So they
Started harassing him and it turned into a confrontation because he said he wasn't selling him that day.
It turned into a fight.
He got choked to death.
So we see that kind of pattern whether it's in New York City or whether it's in Arkansas that the police are really more interested, Murphy, in enforcing policy and acted at the local level as kind of meter maids or tax collectors at the local level and not so much interested anymore in protecting people from violent crime because
As we saw in New York, if they report violent crime, if they investigate that, then they look bad as a police department on the FBI statistics.
Yeah, there's no doubt about that.
I mean, what the police are doing nowadays is nothing more than revenue generation and tyranny.
You know, it's just straight up tyranny.
I mean, if my son, who is 13 years old, wants to smoke cigarettes, I don't see what the problem is, to be honest with you.
We do that in the trailer park all the time.
Yeah, what is the problem with that?
Yeah, exactly.
Thank you so much, Murphy.
I want to move on to VET and FEMA Region 9.
We want to talk about the TPP.
We talked about that earlier.
Go ahead, VET.
Yeah, hi.
Can you hear me okay?
Yes, I gotcha.
Go ahead.
I gotcha.
Let's see.
Yeah, I got a couple things.
I know you guys have a big money bomb coming up, and I thought
Hey, what if, uh, what if the Inco Wars started some kind of campaign that really kind of go against this whole tyrannical TTIP and TTP, et cetera, et cetera, and I have a great idea for you, but because we wouldn't want to lose the element of surprise with this, I think I'd want to talk with you, uh, with you guys, um, off the air about what, what the idea is for a big, like a, an advertising, a billboard campaign that basically kind of
Take on the Trans-Pacific Partnership head-on.
Okay, great.
Yeah, give that information to our call screener and he'll email that to us.
But yeah, that's not something we can't get a billboard campaign up before the money bomb because that's going to be just the next couple of days.
But certainly, we all need to work against the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
And as I mentioned earlier, I'm very happy to see that Donald Trump
He's using this as a campaign issue.
He's met with Senator Sessions, who really knows what's going on.
And I think it's more than just a political issue.
At first, Donald Trump says, I don't agree with the TPP because I don't trust Obama to be the negotiator.
Well, you know what?
I don't trust any individual to negotiate this stuff and do it in secret, including Trump.
If he becomes president, I don't think it should be done that way.
We have a constitutional process.
This is a treaty.
We need to call it a treaty.
We need to make sure that it has to pass by 67 senators.
That the document itself is not negotiated and kept secret from the public as this is being done.
This is being crafted over a number of years by corporate lawyers.
We know that it involves far more than just trade.
This involves many aspects of sovereignty.
So I have an issue with a lot of these things.
But one of the things that was encouraging was that when Donald Trump met with Senator Sessions, he came out of the meeting and he said, hey, China can be added to this after the fact.
And that's what...
What Senator Sessions has been trying to explain to people, that this creates a transnational governance commission that can change the parameters of these agreements at will, without any involvement from our elected leaders.
We are not stakeholders in this.
Understand that.
When they talk about stakeholders, they're not talking about you and me.
They're not talking about our representatives.
That's why it is kept secret from our representatives, because we have no stake in the future that they are planning.
And it needs to be stopped.
And for whatever reason, I don't care if it's for his political campaign or whatever, if he can lend his weight to that, I'm all for that.
I hope that he will stand up against the TPP.
Let's go to Gene in Minnesota.
Gene, you had a comment about Supermail Vitality.
Go ahead.
Well, actually, I first wanted to say that I hope Alex knows what a gem he has in you.
You are intelligent, you're clear, you're concise, and you get more news across and have great stories.
I'm just amazed.
I did have my own experience with the cops in way back in 1984, where my husband and I, we were 22 years old.
On a four-lane highway in the middle of North Dakota and pulled up behind this state trooper that was going exactly the speed limit.
Now, we were driving three and a half hours to get back to college, so we just pulled into the pass lane, you know, went a couple miles faster than he was going, carefully pulled over, and he immediately turned his lights on.
My husband pulled over.
And by the time he was up to the car window, he had his gun out.
And yes, he demanded that my husband, you know, provide documents.
We did.
Hang on, we got to go to a commercial break.
I want to hear how this ended.
We're going to be right back.
We're taking your calls.
The number is 800-259-9231.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
In the next hour, in the fourth hour wrap-up, we're going to have Leanne McAdoo joining us.
We're going to be talking to her in the next segment at the top of the hour about what she's going to be talking about.
Of course, it's going to be some subjects like automation.
The irrelevancy of higher education and other things Leanne is going to be doing the fourth hour wrap-up.
Before we go back to our callers, I just want to let you know that we are now getting close to the end of the two-week introductory of the prices of the InfoWars Life Select products.
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Now just before the break, we were talking to Jean from Minnesota.
She was telling us about being pulled over by a police officer.
She said he was going to speed limit, they were in a hurry, they pulled past him about three miles an hour faster than he was immediately, put on his lights, pulled him over, and then got out of the car with his gun drawn.
So we wanted to hear what happened next, Jean.
Well, I was just absolutely floored that he had his gun out.
Um, I'd been ticketed many times for speeding and, and I've never seen this, but it was dark.
It was night, middle of nowhere, no traffic.
He asked my husband to get out of the car.
He told me to stay where I was.
And he had my husband walk around the back of the car to the trunk.
I thought I was going to lose my husband.
I was scared to death.
So he wanted to search the car for drugs?
Is that it?
He just gave him this big lecture of how dare he pass the state trooper and blah blah blah.
He went on and on and on.
Gave him this big lecture.
It was just intimidation.
But to have his gun out...
Well, we just saw that recently with a situation where a guy was filming a police officer and you can see the police officer pulling his gun out and the guy saying, are you serious?
You're pulling your gun?
I'm standing here with a camera and you're pulling your gun out?
And the guy says, what are you, some kind of constitutionalist or something?
I mean, that type of thing happens.
The other side of this, though, has also happened.
I had an experience years ago in Montana before, I think they've enacted a speed limit law.
When we were going through it at the time, they didn't have a speed limit law.
We were going, because there's no speed limit and it's a large area, we were going well over 100 miles an hour.
And I saw a cop and we just went right past him.
And I was surprised when he turned on the lights.
And he pulled us over and said, I didn't think you had a speed limit here.
And he says, we don't have a speed limit, but I just want to let you know that there's some road construction up ahead.
You might want to slow down a little bit.
Have a good day.
And it's like, wow.
That's the way it ought to work in America.
That's the kind of country we ought to have.
I appreciate police officers like that.
I appreciate states that don't have speed limits as well.
Stay with us.
Right after the break, we're going to talk to Leanne McAdoo, and she's going to tell us what's coming up in the fourth hour of the wrap-up of the InfoWars radio program with Alex Jones.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Radio Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
Taking over for this fourth hour is Leanne McAdoo.
She's going to do the news wrap-up and joining us now in the other studio is Leanne McAdoo.
Leanne, welcome.
Hi there, David.
Very excited to be back here in the captain's chair, getting ready for the InfoWars Overdrive Hour here.
Very excited.
Tell us what you're going to be talking about this next hour.
Well, I kind of want to talk to the callers and see what do they think we should be focusing on with this next debate.
Every election cycle, we always seem to be taken back and forth between the identity politics and never really get to the real issues.
A lot of things are happening.
I mean, the economy is tanking.
We're going to have a student loan debt crisis here as well.
And I think a lot of people just, you know, they're getting a little bit distracted with some things that aren't really important, which of course is by design.
It's all about identity politics.
If you look at that first debate that Fox News did, it was all about them individually.
Or they might have if they were governor.
Well, explain to us how you're going to fix the economy single-handedly from the White House.
You know, how many jobs did you create?
How many jobs are you planning on creating?
You know, it's absolute insanity, the level of questions that they have there, and of course there's many topics that are completely off limits.
It's one of the reasons why I really want to see Rand Paul in these debates, because he's the only one that's talking about so many issues of limiting government in terms of surveillance, in terms of the abuse of police power, trying to get back
The rights that we possess as human beings that are explicitly recognized in the Constitution.
Nobody else is even concerned about that, Leanne.
Well, and that's the other thing I do.
I agree with you that there with Rand Paul.
I mean, he's consistently been fighting against the surveillance state.
So these are things that are on his record.
It's not just, oh, hey, I'm running for president now.
All of a sudden I care about the Constitution or I'm going to give you some empty rhetoric here about our jobs and this and that.
I mean, he's been spoken out about the drone program.
And how are we going to use that here on U.S.
And, you know, so I think that that's
I don't
Well, it's Celebrity Big Brother.
It really is Celebrity Big Brother.
We get to pick a new big brother, a new dictator, every four years.
That doesn't make us free.
That's not our form of government.
But it has really become a TV reality show.
And I think we've seen the voters, especially Republicans, but also Democrats as well.
I mean, there are many things that Obama promised to do that he didn't do.
And many things that his constituency did not want to see done.
But look at the Republicans.
Look at Boehner and McConnell.
They said they were going to stop Obamacare.
They were going to close the borders.
We might have had a clue that they weren't going to do that since while they were in office, they never did a single thing along that direction.
You're talking about Rand Paul.
He's actually introduced legislation to do a lot of the things that he's talking about.
But of course, Boehner and McConnell had blocked
Yeah, what's their record?
And that's what, you know, don't give us empty rhetoric and lies.
What will you do?
What have you done?
And I mean, granted, in the first debate Trump comes out and says that he's paid off politicians in the past.
So that's his record.
Yeah, and when we look at things like, when we look at Ben Carson for example, a lot of people like Ben Carson, they feel like they can trust him because they have been lied to so much by politicians, they're very anxious to get somebody who is outside the political process.
I understand that.
I feel that as well.
But it isn't like he hasn't made statements in the past when he talked about Second Amendment rights.
He said that that was fine for people in the country, but people in the city didn't really need that.
He favored mandatory vaccinations.
That's a real warning signal that there's something fundamentally wrong about his understanding of individual liberty.
Stay with us when we come back.
Leanne McAdoo will be taking over the show during the fourth hour of Wrap Up.
Over the weekend, the Obama administration dropped its original plans to create a website to rate colleges, and instead released all the collected information to the public.
The rating system received relentless opposition from colleges, universities, Democrats, and Republicans alike.
Why is that, you ask?
Colleges and universities already receive more than three times the amount of what students are paying in tuition.
That's about $180 billion a year coming from grants, tax breaks, work-study funds, and student loans.
And you know how liberals love their free money.
Another interesting fact is that the Department of Education was given access to graduates' tax records so they could post how much students are making after graduation.
This opens up a whole new level of personal and financial information that could be hacked, like we saw back in June when the Office of Personal Management was hacked by the Chinese to get the personal data of 4 million government employees.
On top of that, the information provided by this new study shows that most people are better off getting a job out of high school than going to college.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Be sure to join us this Wednesday, September 16th for Operation Money Bomb.
You can find more information at InfoWars.com forward slash money bomb.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Radio Show.
I'm your host, Leigh-Anne McAdoo, hosting this fourth Overdrive Hour here.
And I want to open up the phones now.
I really would like to talk to you guys out there about what do you think is really important?
What should we really be focusing on with this next GOP debate, as well as the rest of this election cycle?
We know the establishment media really kind of tries to push us into
Arguing about what they tell us is important.
And then, you know, we we've seen time and time again, we elect celebrities who just, you know, give us empty rhetoric and don't really get to the real issues.
We're also going to be talking a lot about the irrelevancy of higher education coming up as well.
So anyone that has any stories about that, issues they're having with student loans and maybe some success stories where they've branched out on their own
And how, you know, they were able to succeed without going into massive debt.
Now, I just obviously wanted to say a huge thank you to Alex Jones for giving me this opportunity to helm the ship of one of the most biggest and baddest radio shows in the country.
Shout out there to the crew.
You're going to be seeing a lot more of the crew as well as their personalities coming up this week.
When we launch the historic 27-hour broadcast of our Money Bomb, we are going to be here for 27 hours.
It's going to be a jam-packed show.
We're going to have a lot of reports, a lot of interviews we haven't aired.
I think we're going to be having some items up for auction.
Possibly some artwork.
So that's very exciting.
You know, still some secrets there.
I can't spill everything, but we're really excited.
That's going to be really awesome.
So I guess I'm going to go ahead and open up the phone lines now to, let's see, Jeff in Canada.
He wants to talk about the presidential debates.
Go ahead, Jeff.
Good afternoon, Leanne.
Thanks for taking my call.
How are you?
I'm doing all right.
You know, here's what I think we should be focused on on this next round of debates from the U.S.
Absolutely nothing.
Turn off the television.
It's an absolute distraction.
Even insinuating, thinking that we have to somehow expose ourselves to more of a false paradigm, a left-right paradigm, is insulting to my intelligence.
I have absolutely nothing to learn from a fascist named Donald Trump.
I don't
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
And quite frankly, I think that part of the show or this discussion is just a little bit of a distraction, but that's okay.
I appreciate you taking my call.
I thank you for your time.
Well, thank you.
Now obviously we have Hillary kind of taking a nosedive in the polls, so I mean is that something that's boosting the confidence there in the voting public that perhaps they're finally starting to see behind the curtain and that perhaps Hillary Clinton's crimes are catching up with her?
I'm going to throw to a John Bowne report here in just a few minutes, but I'm going to go ahead and take another phone call from Lauren in Ohio.
Go ahead, Lauren.
Hey, I have to agree with that man that just called.
I voted for Clinton.
I was in my, you know, early 20s.
And I watched this thing go back and forth.
And what I came to understand when I voted for Clinton and he said that he wouldn't vote for NAFTA with an 8 to 1 wage differential is that politicians lie.
And so when I started researching what exactly is our government supposed to be, it's supposed to be them constrained by the Constitution, not them telling us what to do.
So I'm kind of on the same vein he is.
Come out of here my people.
Stop paying attention to these fools and stop doing what they say.
When they say take vaccines, no.
When they say put your children in school, no.
When they say eat poison food, no.
And you go your own way.
They can only control you if you believe they have the power and then you yield and obey illegitimate authority of government workers instead of obeying the God that created you that tells you if a man doesn't work, nor shall he eat.
You know, you're not supposed to be having welfare and all this free money for illegals that come here.
All you have to do is stop that flow, is stop giving them money.
But the criminals who are helming the government at this point are using our resources and our allegiance to do what they say.
So, my quick answer for this is, first, obey God.
Ten commandments.
It's easy.
You know, nobody wants to be stolen from, nobody wants to be murdered, nobody wants to have, you know, their things coveted by other people like Bernie Sanders.
Obey the 10 is my motto.
Then the second thing, keep your money in your pocket.
Quit giving them tax money you don't owe them.
If you don't understand, check out Weiss Paris, W-E-I-S-S Paris dot com.
And this man has won 2,000 cases in US tax court using the law and it shows you exactly how to
Volunteer out of the IRS system that you basically enrolled in when you filled out your 1040 and also keep your children in your home or put them in a private setting where they actually learn the truth instead of putting them in these schools that teach them lies.
You were talking about the uselessness of advanced education.
My children can go to college free.
They have a fund that they can go to college free.
They're not going.
They're going and getting their naturopathic doctorate.
So, we have to understand that the Constitution, God made the men, the men made a club, the club made rules, codes, regulations, and statutes for the maids and the butlers that work for the government to obey.
If we understand things properly, we'll realize that we're never, if you just look at when the Congress was supposed to meet, they were supposed to come together the first Monday of December, which means they were home by January.
They changed that to the first Tuesday in January so they could meet all year to run our lives.
They can only get away with this because we keep going along with it and it needs to stop.
We need to arrest the bankers.
We need to arrest and charge these people with treason.
I don't
Questionable things, and then they go on a long vacation and then deal with the fallout when they get back.
It's become such a joke.
Now I'm going to play a report.
Lauren, thank you.
It sounds like your kids have a really great role model in you.
Thanks for the call.
Now I'm going to throw to a John Bowne report, which he's basically putting it on display.
Hillary Clinton, her campaign will do anything to win, but it looks like her polls, the numbers there are tanking.
So let's go to that report.
Hillary Clinton's campaign has gradually gone from a bid for the highest seat in the land to a bonafide, deplorable circus of failure.
But Bill Clinton's first-man ticket to four more years of a New World Order-backed gravy train just keeps on moving down the track.
Pay no attention to the campaign stop in Columbus, Ohio that looks more like everyone on Hillary's bus just pretended to be the crowd.
According to Ed Henry's pictures, one photo shows the tiny crowd and the other shows the rest of the empty hall.
And this wasn't some small town in the middle of nowhere.
Columbus, Ohio is the 15th largest city in America.
Perhaps she thought folks from the Columbus neighborhood of Clintonville or Ohio State University would turn out.
Well, they didn't.
And we can build an America where every father can say to his daughter, you can grow up to be President of the United States.
It has gotten so bad.
Supporting Hillary's damaged criminal and blood on her hands reputation might get you punched in the face.
They thought it said Hillary for President.
So I'm sitting here and the bartender finally walks over and he goes, you know what?
I've been pacing back and forth back here just so angry that you would walk into my establishment wearing a Hillary for President 2016 shirt and then I noticed it had Hillary for Prison.
He said, I was seconds away from sending my bar back over here to punch you in the face.
He said, you know what?
Since you're wearing a Hillary for Prison shirt, you don't have to buy drinks here.
Everything's on the house.
The astonishing power of James O'Keefe's investigative divulgence reveals the hubris within her dismal inner circle.
Project Veritas put the Hillary campaign on high paranoia alert after staff was approached by two women attempting to catch the campaign in illegal activity that appeared to be members of Project Veritas.
Project Veritas spokesman Daniel Pollack replied, Project Veritas does not comment on investigations.
Real or imagined.
What Project Veritas did uncover is that Hillary's staff will do anything to solicit votes, even violate state election laws.
This is Christina Gupama, a Las Vegas attorney and campaign worker.
She helps manage the Clinton campaign's voter registration drive.
Do whatever you can.
Whatever you can get away with, just do it.
Until you get kicked out, like totally.
Speak to a voter on the subject of marking his or her ballot for or against a particular question or candidate, unquote.
Violation is a felony, along with up to $20,000 in fines.
Why did you say that?
Hillary Clinton's campaign sinks into its own filth.
That's at the Alex Jones YouTube channel.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is the 4th Hour Overdrive.
I am your host Leanne McAdoo.
Now in the last segment we were talking a little bit about the GOP debate and of course this just serendipitously falls on the day that we are going to be doing the Money Bomb.
So we'll be doing a live broadcast watching that GOP debate with you where we are going to give our commentary and
Crash through the lies there and the propaganda of these silly questions that I'm sure they're going to be asking.
And then we're going to get to the meat of it all and we'll kind of be breaking that down and discussing it.
So be sure to tune in to get our live commentary.
I believe we're going to have the live stream there on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.
Now, I want to talk a little bit about this immigration debate.
Now, Donald Trump, obviously he's the frontrunner there on the Republican side.
He's made a lot of comments that people are, you know, they're a little upset with.
And people are saying that Trump has become so popular because of this white nationalism movement.
Well, he's getting support from an interesting party.
It's rapper Azealia Banks, and she is saying how Trump's message basically should be resonating with black voters.
Now, Azealia Banks, she's a rapper.
You may recall she made headlines in March of this year.
She was declaring her hatred for this country and white Americans.
We're good to go.
Her support for his plan is based on the detrimental impact that mass immigration has had on the black community.
She says, black Americans still have not been paid reparations for slavery.
It's selfish, but America has been really good at convincing me that everyone else's problems are more important than my own.
And if the United States of America is an aircraft on its way down, I must put on my own air mask before I assist others.
And this is, of course, something we're saying all the time.
I mean, it's heart-wrenching to see these images of capsized boats and children crossing the border here at our own southern border and things like that.
It's heart-wrenching to see this, that people are trying to escape.
Gang violence and poverty.
But at the same time, look at what's going on in our country.
We have children here who can't eat, you know, three meals a day.
Things like that.
A lot of families are suffering.
Record unemployment.
And yet we're bringing in more people to live off of this welfare state.
Of course, all of that is by design.
And now this goes on to say that an increase in immigration, as far as the black community is concerned, they're going to be taking the jobs.
Why would you want to flood the country with more people who are going to compete for
We're good to go.
And the answer is, we're all going to be paying for this.
Now, Senator Jeff Sessions says, if your goal is to create more stable social conditions, greater access to the middle class, higher unemployment and wage rates, then it is clear that you should stop adding millions more low-skilled workers to the labor market
Particularly at a time when automation is steadily reducing demands for workers.
So, I mean, my goodness, the writing is there on the wall.
We're going to see just some catastrophic future for us as well if we don't get this under control.
Who cares if this message isn't really popular with a lot of people?
It's something that we need to be concerned about, especially
You know, this next presidential candidate coming in is going to have to be dealing with massive unemployment, as well as the fact that a lot of jobs are moving to automation.
And so we have all of these people spending years in school, getting themselves prepared or unprepared for the coming workforce.
And then there's not going to be any jobs for them when they get out.
A lot of these jobs are going to be automated.
Anything that you've got basically pushing buttons, well, say goodbye to that job as well.
We're going to be talking about that a little bit coming up in the next segment.
Just what are these jobs that robots are going to be stealing and how can you, as a human, prepare yourself?
What are the type of qualities that aren't going to be automated?
You know, those are the things that we really need to be building upon, but our school system, the way it's been set up over the last decades at least, is just turning everyone into a society of robots.
Can you push the buttons?
Can you continue, you know, the machine?
And that's what we need to dismantle.
We need to get back to our humanity and our entrepreneurial spirit as Americans.
That's what we need to be doing.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Last week, David Knight interviewed the Sheehan family, who described decades of bombings, machine gun strafings, and even nuclear bomb testing, all done in and around their property.
Well, here's the story of Alan Vorwaller, who died when he was 43 back in 2004.
On his obituary, his wife listed his cause of death was repeated and continual exposure to nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare agents while he was growing up in Toole, Utah.
As a result of hunting and camping near the Dugway Proving Ground,
Alan suffered localized tumors in his lungs, knees, shoulders, and hip, which doctors credited to the atomic tests he was living downwind from.
But then they found another type of cancer, which was common to people exposed to biologically engineered germs, are gene-damaging nerve agents.
VX nerve gas was also tested at Dugway Proving Grounds.
Before his death, Allen suffered a 105 degree fever, which doctors concluded after exhaustive testing could only have been caused by an exotic virus.
Just another story of our government testing on its own citizens.
Join us this Wednesday, September 16th for Operation Money Bomb at infowars.com forward slash money bomb.
Rob Due reporting.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
It's the time of the season.
We've reached a critical juncture in the globalist program.
That's why we're launching Operation Money Bomb 2015.
And with the money we raise from this, we will be able to stay on the satellites and get on cable stations across North America, reaching
Tens of millions of more people right at the time they're receptive and looking for answers.
Starting September 16th through the 17th, we're going to broadcast live for what I believe will be the final Money Bomb that InfoWars ever runs as we prepare to launch to the next and final level of global awakening.
Go to InfoWars.com forward slash Money Bomb for all the information.
Join us this September 16th and 17th for the 27-hour Money Bomb.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Sam Adams would be incredibly proud of what you've done in defense of human freedom, in defense of true liberty.
Well, that was Alex Jones and his call for the Money Bomb.
This one needs to be epic.
As you all know, we are 100% crowdfunded by listeners just like you.
We are not beholden to Big Pharma.
We're not, you know, we're not like PBS.
We don't get any taxpayer public funding and we've never taken out any loans.
A lot of people ask, you know, how can you do this?
It really is because of listeners like you.
Of course, another one of the ways that you guys have helped support this operation all along is through purchasing our products.
One product that I can give my own personal testimony for is the Super Female.
Now, when Super Female first came out, I started taking it and it was pretty...
Let's just say it definitely worked, but unfortunately I started taking it right when my boyfriend and I broke up.
So these were some, you know, this was some courage and vitality that I kind of didn't really want to be having as a single woman, if you catch my drift.
I will say, however, it made me very confident.
I felt very confident, very sexy.
I kind of woke up in the morning saying, wow, you know, I just, it was really nice being able to get out there and turn heads when I would go to the grocery store and everything.
So I definitely helped boost my confidence during a very sad point in my life.
Um, but, you know, I had to kind of stop taking it because it was working a little too well.
But now I am back on the Super Female Vitality.
I am back out there.
But another thing, you might have seen an interview that I did with a good friend of mine, actress Emmy Robin.
She's an actress, she's a singer, and she's been helping me get back in shape.
And she was having some issues with her gallbladder and so we got her some of the liver shield and she did the cleanse, the full cleanse, had tremendous success with that and she's a relatively healthy young woman but she was having golf ball size
Things coming, gallstones I guess, coming out of her gallbladder.
And after seeing that, I was really inspired to go ahead and say, let's do this challenge together.
So she and I are going to be doing the deep cleanse this time.
She is now working on a movie, so she won't be able to do this deep cleanse with me until October.
But we're going to be doing it together.
We're going to be uploading some video tutorials.
I think so.
Um, in just a few days, the last time we had it out.
Um, it's in limited supply, so be sure to get your products now.
And, um, you can score Deep Cleanse at InfoWarsLife.com.
Again, get your products now before it sells out because Emmy, Robin, and I are going to be going on a Deep Cleanse adventure with you, all of our viewers.
Now, this, the Money Bomb.
Let's get back to this, because we are going to have a lot of interviews that you have not seen, never-before-seen interviews, and one of those is an exclusive interview that we did with Larry Nichols.
Obviously, Clinton insider, he has some bombshell information that he wanted to share only with us, and here is a little teaser of what you're going to see on the Money Bomb coming up this Wednesday, the 16th.
I was there at the beginning, inside the Clinton machine.
I saw it all happen, from the corrupt to the absolutely corrupt.
And that's when I thought about my father, who was dying of lung cancer.
And what he would do if he knew the man I'd become.
And then I thought about my daughter.
What if the cocaine they were bringing in was to end up getting used by her?
I hit my knees that day and asked God to forgive me.
I wasn't a good person.
I worked in special operations, Central America, South America.
I did a lot of bad things.
But I hit the bottom that day and said I was going to make up for it.
And now, I just want to see these criminals brought to justice and get their just due.
Not make Preston, but put where they belong.
In jail.
One thing about Hillary, Bill was just a good-timing guy.
But Hillary, she's an animal.
Hillary is the one that I promise you, she pulls the strings.
She pulled them in Arkansas.
She pulled them in the White House when she was there as the First Lady.
And my God, if she gets to be president, what you see out here now is gonna change.
We thought it changed with Obama.
There's nothing compared to what's gonna happen with Hillary.
And I tell you right now, I will stop Hillary.
We've gone further than anybody we know of, and
That's all we're going to say.
And people can ask us a hundred different ways, you know, from a hundred different directions.
And we're just going to leave the ultimate decision up to the American people.
I really just want everybody to take a deep breath and relax and just, you know, sit back because here they come again.
We're going to have to just ride through this as we have so many of these other false accusations.
All right, and that was just a preview of an interview that we're going to be airing in full on the Money Bomb.
You can actually re-watch that at the Alex Jones Channel.
It's called Clinton Insider Tells All, the preview.
Now this is a huge leap of faith we're taking and we need your support.
So be sure to show us the love during the Money Bomb.
It's coming up Wednesday the 16th, 27 hours.
We're all going to be here.
I think they're setting up some air mattresses in the back so no one
You know, no one tanks out.
We're going live, 27 hours, so really looking forward to that.
It's my first money bomb.
I'm pretty excited about it.
Now, let's get back into the topics of discussion.
I wanted to talk about the irrelevancy of higher education, even in the face of a massive student loan debt crisis.
We're hearing rumblings of a bubble.
We're good to go.
A tenured professor, Oliver Lee, and he says, I have one of the best jobs in academia.
Here's why I'm walking away.
And he was one of the lucky ones.
He was able to get a tenured job right out of university, but now he says he's walking away from it.
And no, it's not because of all the libtarded students that he has to deal with, these entitled, oversensitive students.
It's not that he's an out-of-touch professor.
He says the university system is the problem.
The federally backed approach to subsidizing higher education through low interest loans has created perverse incentives with disastrous consequences.
And this is the system that must be reformed.
So obviously here, he's basically making the argument that if you make it harder for students to take out these loans, then you're going to force underperforming private and public universities out of business.
And for-profit universities, he's saying this should be barred altogether from getting these federal loans because this way you can only charge consumers what they would really be willing to pay for getting questionable services.
A lot of people aren't even making $10,000 a year after they graduate some of these schools.
And if you shrink the easy access to these student loans, universities would be forced to compete on a cost-per-student basis.
Those students that still could afford to pay to attend college would likely focus their studies on subjects with an immediate return on investment.
Now, basically the argument is that the Academy is no longer an investment of time worth making.
We all are allotted a very short amount of time to us in this life.
Why are we wasting it in higher education when you're seeing now this college scorecard that's just been released by the government?
And it's so bleak.
It's basically just showing you that people are going into massive debt.
And more than half of hundreds of schools, people that they have checked in about 10 years later after they graduated, more than half of these people are making less than high school graduates.
So not only are they saddled with all of this debt, but the schools kind of duped them into thinking that it was an absolute necessity.
I don't
And it's not really very clear.
Like I said, it's a data dump.
So they're kind of putting the onus on you, the parent, to be able to sift through a lot of this information here.
But basically, how much money are students borrowing?
And then what is that exchange in earnings after graduation?
And of course, they were trying for years to get this information out there, but there was relentless opposition from colleges and universities.
And of course, why?
Because now that this information is out there, people can see that it's a racket.
If you are able to get a job afterward, or if you're going to be making low wages, and what the rate of you repaying your student loan debt is, they're not worried about that.
They're not concerned about that.
And that's the big issue with the way that they're getting these taxpayer, this federal funding, is that there is no accountability, and that they're not having to show that it's worth it.
They're just this front-end enrollment of pumping that free money into these universities.
We are going to answer one more phone call here.
Mike from Washington's been holding for quite a while.
I wanted to hear what Mike from Washington has to say about this.
Yeah, yes.
Actually, Washington State.
Hi there.
Go ahead.
Oh, hi.
How you doing?
Yeah, I'm from Washington State.
A lot of people, you tell them you're from Washington, they automatically go to D.C., you know.
I'm actually from the state of Washington.
I noticed you've been talking a lot about the debate, and I think a lot of Americans feel that it's just kind of hopeless to even vote.
We're controlled on so many levels.
We're controlled, you know, even down to the fluorine in the water or the pharmaceuticals that the doctors are pushing or the GMO foods.
I mean, I would love to see the list.
Of how many different tools and things we are controlled by.
I feel like we're influencing things in the Middle East or the old Ottoman Empire right now that has nothing to do with what our intentions are or what we need to focus on.
I mean, it's just like everything's going to hell in America.
No, you're absolutely right, Mike.
I mean, there's so much that we should really be concerning ourselves with.
We're actually seeing the forging of World War III happening right now.
Russia has positioned themselves there in Syria.
We're getting all of these
Reports of 95,000 Russian troops, all these war games are going on, and there is an assault on us here presently in our own country, and yet we're having to be concerned about what's racist or sexist and it's just all a huge distraction.
I wanted to quickly throw to a report from John Baum where he gets into this forging of World War III and what's really going on.
So guys, is that report ready?
Go for it.
According to Reuters, Russia has demanded Washington restart military-to-military cooperation to avert unintended incidents near Syria at a time when U.S.
officials say Moscow is building up forces to protect President Bashar al-Assad's government.
Of course, Assad is backed by Russia and openly blamed by the United States for attacks on his own people, attacks that just don't add up.
This is a big issue that we're facing here, and Americans have seen the lies of WMDs in Iraq.
They've seen the lies that brought us to Vietnam with the Gulf of Tonkin.
We've seen so many of these staged events, so many of these false flags.
Now, I want to be clear as well.
I believe that there was some type of chemical attack.
The numbers aren't clear.
The media has tried to claim already Alex Jones says nothing happened.
No, something happened in the middle of a battle zone in the capital city, Damascus, of Syria.
And now Assad's come out and said today, why would I attack
A bunch of civilians knowing that the West has said that that's their red line a year ago to the day.
That they would come and bombard us and back up the rebels.
Do I want to get arrested and killed?
Do I want to be thrown out of power?
Do I want to see every church in Syria burned to the ground because the Al-Qaeda groups Obama is supporting have said that?
And I talked to a lot of special forces people on and off air.
Uh, including today.
And they said, yeah, none of this makes any sense and the West is on record funding the rebels with even heavy weapons like tanks, heat-seeking missiles, you name it.
So this is really incredible.
BBC News admits they put out a fake photo
From a real massacre Saddam had been involved in from 2003.
But they lied and said these were the thousands dead from Assad when it looks like max it was a hundred.
The Obama administration claims to be fighting ISIS while plenty of evidence shows the Obama administration has long supported ISIS.
Now, the hornet's nest is stirring in Obama's inner circle.
The Guardian reports, Barack Obama's intelligence chief, James Clapper, is said to be in frequent and unusual contact with a military intelligence officer at the center of a growing scandal over rosy portrayals of a war against the Islamic State.
James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, is said to talk nearly every day with the head of U.S.
Central Command's Intelligence Wing, Army Brigadier General Stephen Grove, which is highly unusual.
Alright, well that, you can see the rest of that report at the Alex Jones YouTube channel.
It's the forging of World War III.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Leigh-Anne McAdoo, hosting the Overdrive Fourth Hour.
Very exciting to be here.
Now, I wanted to talk a little bit more about this irrelevancy of higher education and to show you just what a racket it is.
Now, this is a report coming out of ThinkProgress, how the government could make public college free for all students.
We know that they do this in other countries, but not here in our civilized US of A.
Now they say tuition at public colleges came to $62.6 billion in 2012, and that's less than what the government spends to subsidize the cost of college.
So they're subsidizing the cost of college via grants, tax breaks, and work-study funds.
They spent $69 billion subsidizing.
So they could just basically use that money to make college free for all students.
And in addition to that, the United States government spent another $107.4 billion on student loans.
So they spent more money helping people take out loans than they did.
They could just make college free.
More than twice I guess they could pay twice around and people wouldn't have to worry about going to school.
We would have a lot of people getting higher education.
They wouldn't have to worry about the cost.
It could also incentivize private colleges to reduce their costs in order to compete with the free option.
So that's
What a racket this is and the fact that there is a student loan crisis that we're all going to have to be dealing with here in the coming years.
It's ridiculous.
This could be wiped away and of course student loans are one of those things that are almost impossible to get rid of with the bankruptcy discharge.
Possibly that could be something that could be changed in the future as well.
Now in the last few minutes here,
We can talk a little bit about the coming automation of jobs, and we've talked about this a lot here at InfoWars.
I've covered it a lot on the InfoWars Nightly News, but there are just certain jobs that are going to be replaced, such as chefs, salespeople, and even models, if you can believe that.
About 35% of jobs, they say, are likely to be taken on by robots in the next 20 years.
Now, when I spoke with some experts at an artificial intelligence conference, they kind of scoffed at that and said that it's going to be a lot sooner than that.
But the researchers were also kind of calculating some advantages that humans have over machines.
And so these are the certain traits that we want to be really investing in.
And these, going back once again to that humanity, these traits include creative endeavors like writing, entrepreneurship, and scientific discovery.
Again, going back to that spark of divinity.
I mean, we are all given a spark of divinity when we are born.
We are God experiencing himself here on this planet or herself.
You know, God's divinity.
Everyone of us has that little spark and no one can do what I can do or what you can do.
So I think that this is kind of letting us know it's time for us to find out what is our passion?
What is our calling?
What is God calling us to all do to put forth into this world?
The world is missing what it is that you have to offer because you're so busy being a robot pushing buttons for the machine for your employer to keep this huge bureaucracy going and they don't want you to wake up to that divinity.
They want us all to stay sort of in this trance.
Stay programmed to forget that we are sparks of the divine.
So I'm Leanne McAdoo hosting this InfoWars Overdrive Hour.
Tune in to the InfoWars Nightly News tonight with Jakari Jackson.
We're going to be talking about all of this and more and I will catch you there.
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