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Name: 20150911_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 11, 2015
3301 lines.

In this radio show, Alex Jones discusses how society has changed since 9/11 and its consequences. He criticizes Hollywood for promoting violent video games but not allowing children to write about military weapons in school essays. The show covers topics such as individual freedoms lost since 9/11, control of language by the government, marriage licenses, role of religion in society, criticism towards homosexuality being a eugenicist and anti-family movement aimed at recruiting children while forcing tolerance without enslavement. They express concern about public schools promoting transgenderism and homosexuality to children, urging Christian parents to consider homeschooling. The danger of international bodies like the UN influencing American standards and laws is also discussed. Products like firearms, health supplements, and survival foods are promoted on the show.

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And your support is helping us defend liberty worldwide.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, here we are, my friends, 14 years after the tragic events of September 11, 2001 that were used to transform not just the United States, but many other nations across the world into Orwellian police states that, as you notice, as Benjamin Franklin's warning comes true, giving up security for supposedly safety or giving up
Liberty for so-called security and safety leads to absolute total enslavement.
I just had a Freudian slip there.
I was trying to quote him from memory, teleprompter free, that those that give up liberty for security will receive and deserve neither.
And so I was saying those that give up security for safety are idiots.
Because I see liberty as security, so you don't get safety out of giving up your security.
The two things are interchangeable, so my mind just changed the word in midstream because I'm so dedicated to neurotically telling the truth.
It goes without saying, if you give up freedom,
If you give up your basic rights, if you let an outside group, a centralized secretive group, control your resources and your life, you will wake up very, very soon being enslaved.
That's the history of the world.
It's absolute common sense.
And as the checks and balances go out the window, it becomes more transparent than ever.
We have quite a lineup today here on the broadcast.
We have the barber.
He contacted us.
He's going on Fox News today.
He said he wanted to come on here first.
He saw us talk about it.
Barbershop fined $750 for refusing to cut a woman's hair.
It advertises as a men's barbershop.
And a woman came in and said, you're going to cut my hair, and they said, we don't have the equipment to cut your hair the way you want it done.
Go to a women's haircutting place and Pittsburgh, find them.
You can say, yeah, okay, it's ridiculous, but why are you obsessing over this story?
Because this is the future.
They're not going to find any women's haircutting places for not cutting men's hair.
They're going to persecute and harass any bastions of male identity or male behavior.
It is a culture war.
The feminists are gonna talk about men being sexual objects, but if a man does it, you're gonna get arrested.
That's already happening in some areas of Europe.
This story was out yesterday.
Feminists claim it's sexist to compliment women
Feminazi publicly shames man for complimenting her.
Another lawyer came by her LinkedIn, this is in the Telegraph today, we reported on it a few days ago, and said to her, you've got a stunning photo, best profile photo I've seen.
She then publicly shamed him and was praised by Phenoscripts for standing up to the oppression.
Well, turns out, London Telegraph, lawyer who accused Barrister of sexism has described men online as hot stuff and trolled around telling them they're hot.
See, it's all about power to these people who aren't really that smart or aren't really that powerful to play the political correct game of sexism or the race card as a get-out-of-jail-free card.
And when you bow to them, you only empower their bizarre behavior.
But that's coming up in the second hour.
It is obviously the 14th anniversary of 9-11.
We're going to be breaking down a lot of key new developments on that front.
Cops on high alert for Black Lives Matter violence targeting 9-11 events.
NATO says they're caught by surprise by Russian move into Syria.
We'll also get into two out of three Hispanics oppose immigration increase in a new Gallup poll and a lot more today.
Stay with us.
Today is September the 11th.
Never forget those planes that crashed into the Twin Towers.
Never forget our corrupt government that allowed it to happen.
Never forget all the innocent people who died that day.
And the many American men and women who signed up for the armed services to fight in a lie that died.
Never forget that.
Never forget the fact that our government was in cahoots with the Saudi government to allow and create this to happen.
Never forget how we took Osama bin Laden and made him a martyr so he could rise up in the ranks.
Never forget this day because this day has forever changed America and we're still trying to get back to the way we used to be.
Never forget the reason that they did this was so you could get patted down and groped by the TSA.
How you'd have to prove you weren't American everywhere you went, but if you're illegal, you can do whatever you want.
Never forget that.
I'm Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Well, every broadcast is a doozy.
Every broadcast is jam-packed with key intel.
Every broadcast is extremely important.
But today's is going to be particularly important.
Joseph Farah is going to be joining us, the founder of WorldNetDaily, the target of the Clintons for destruction via the White House papers that have been released by their library foundation.
He's got a lot of new intel for us and what he sees in his crystal ball.
Joseph Farah will be joining us in the middle of the broadcast.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin, an outspoken, eloquent, true Christian leader, will be looking at the situations with Christians being arrested for not issuing marriage licensure, and Romans 13 that's being used to suppress Christians, not just here but across the world, the radical Islamic invasion being supported by traitorous Western governments and more.
And then the owner of the barber shop, Johnny Interval,
They're in Pittsburgh that is a men's barbershop.
And a woman showed up and wanted her hair done the way women have it done.
And they said, lady, we don't have the equipment.
Well, she got to have her little victory and ran off and got them fined for it.
So next fraternal orders like the Masons, will they have to accept women?
Next, can I go to a black fraternal club and demand that I be made a Prince Hallmason?
Or, we had a guest in here a few days ago who made the point, if I have a Dodge, can I go into a Toyota or a Mercedes-Benz or BMW or Saab or Ferrari or Lamborghini or Nissan dealership and say, hey, I've got a Dodge.
I want you to work on it.
They go, do you see the sign, sir?
There's a Dodge down the street.
We work on Toyotas here.
Or we work on German imports here.
Oh, why are you discriminating against me?
I got a Dodge.
Well, sir, we can't afford all the equipment for all the cars.
And we have the mechanics for German cars.
I mean, it has nothing to do with oppressing women, and they know that, and it's like men used to go join the military to earn their bones, so daddy, who was a veteran, would respect them.
I mean, that's why most men end up joining the military, because daddy was in the military, and his daddy was in the military, or most guys become cops because grandpa was a cop.
And every male purview, every male reservation, every male place, has to be overrun and taken over in some bizarre Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation-directed, paramilitary operation of weird, power-tripping women, who are now discovering what it's like to have six-foot-four, 350-pound, in one case, man,
In their dressing rooms, at their gyms, and at their clubs.
And they're freaking out.
But see, they're trumped by a transgender.
Here's one, San Francisco, LA Now, LA Times, San Francisco jails to house transgender inmates based on gender preferences.
Well, the women don't have to worry too much about a bunch of men who say they're women, wanting to be over at the women's prison or the women's jail, because let me tell you, the transgenders are going to want to be with the men in most cases.
Can you imagine?
I mean, I've seen the documentaries on PBS.
First time I ever saw, when I was a kid, my parents let me watch PBS, and not a lot more.
They called television brain rot, and I saw some documentary about Death Row.
And it showed men who were allowed to be given hormones to be women.
That's where they did the social engineering test in the 80s, was on the prisons.
And it showed like, on TV, documentary, men with big breasts fondling each other.
And I was like to my dad, who was out of the room, I go, Dad, what is this?
And he goes, yeah, that goes on in the prisons where men adopt the fact that they're a woman
To basically have a place in the prison and they get passed around and most of them get HIV.
And he goes, and they also give their blood to get the drug money.
And the prison's selling the drugs.
I kind of rolled my eyes, you know, it was my dad that told me, don't, don't be an organ donor.
They'll kill you in the hospitals and sell your organs.
And I said, Dad, that's crazy.
And he goes, well, okay, well, I've rewired jaws in hospitals where they say, don't sign the organ donor card to the other doctors.
He was an oral surgeon.
And then years later, 60 minutes,
Dallas, Texas, Chicago, Illinois, killing people in the hospitals for their organs.
My dad said, I'm not going to repeat it all to you.
He just, it's like the movie Coma.
And I said, what's the movie Coma?
And he goes, go to the video store with your mother and rent it if you want to know.
Turns out how right my dad, I guess he was the original conspiracy theorist in the family because he was right.
But that's all this is.
So you're a woman in prison and a 250 pound guy comes in
And he's a lady.
And you see, if they can get away with this, they can do anything.
In fact, they just pulled up an article.
Mass murder was given the right to taxpayer-funded sex change in prison.
And man, Death Row is a party.
It is a party and they work the system.
So, we've got the owner of the barbershop coming on, and then we've got Joseph Ferret, and we've got Pastor Chuck Baldwin today.
It is the 14th anniversary of 9-11, 2001, and before I get to the latest on 9-11, I think Leanne McAdoo did a superlative job with the rest of the hosts last night on the Nightly News going back over some of the more bombshell
interviews we've done including a high-level recently retired senior firefighter who talked about the bombs in the buildings and what really happened that day.
But I just want to look to what's currently happening and what's going to happen and how 14 years later Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Saudi Arabian proxy armies are bigger and badder by a scale of
I don't want to exaggerate.
They admit there's about 250,000 operatives they know they have.
Al Qaeda had a couple thousand before.
So a couple hundred thousand versus a couple thousand.
I mean it's just exponentially bigger.
Do the math yourself.
We're going to tie that in now with the former deputy director recently stepped down of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Saying that they were basically ordered to make up false intelligence to cover up Al-Qaeda and ISIS's spread.
That's on Infowars.com.
And it dovetails with former DIA director, US made willful decision to support ISIS in Syria.
So the good news is our own government, our own CIA and Defense Department,
I mean, who do you think I've had on blowing the whistle on 9-11?
CIA people, FBI, others.
The deputy director of the FBI was killed on 9-11, John O'Neill.
He gave a speech two weeks before in England, the Telegraph covered it, saying our government basically runs Islamic extremists, they're protecting them, they're going to allow them to attack and take our liberties.
He was then called in the day of 9-11 and blown up in the building.
Can't make this up.
Can't ever make up reality compared to fiction.
Reality's so much wilder, it always is.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
So we're gonna be getting into all of that today.
But here's the really big news, and this is what I experienced growing up in Dallas, Texas, living in Austin, Texas, spending a lot of summers, at least a month,
Each summer, for a lot of years, with my cousins down in San Antonio, so my parents could have a break, that I'd say from the polls I've seen, what I've experienced, about 65-70% of Hispanic Americans are really upset about illegals, because they know they work the system and work jobs, but then also get welfare, driving down wages.
And the Hispanic Americans, who just want to be called Americans, are generally pretty prideful folks, don't have abortions, don't have as many divorces, don't call the police as often, own guns, and work as hard as they can to play by the rules, and are military veterans, and they really get upset by the illegals.
Because the illegals, not all of them, but a portion of them, are very tribal.
I mean, Mexican towns have fights for the next town all the time.
This is what humans do.
And they basically fight with each other.
And they understand what's happening.
So when you hear this hoax that 2 plus 2 equals 5, or you can keep your doctor under Obamacare, or it's free, or you didn't build your business, or raising the debt limit doesn't raise the debt limit, it is a giant hoax.
When you hear the hoax that Republicans are going to lose the election because they want to have a little bit of a border and not let people have their babies for free.
Well, I mean, now the majority is Chinese women having their babies for free.
Upwards of 10,000 a week pouring in.
It's just not fair!
And we're going bankrupt, and people are playing by the rules, paying all these taxes, and can't make ends meet, and they're watching Eastern Europeans, Africans, Chinese, Mexicans, Guatemalans, Nicaraguans, Brazilians, you name it, getting everything free, and they're mad!
What sane person wouldn't be?
And here's a Gallup poll, one of the most scientific out there, two out of three Hispanics oppose immigration increase.
Well, that's because a lot of Hispanics have also been down to Mexico, or been down to Central America, and there's a lot of beautiful places, a lot of cool stuff, but let me tell you, it's dangerous and scary at the end of the day.
And there's new stuff out.
In the British and German news, migrants in concentration camps.
Migrants, shades of Nazi Germany is the BBC headline.
Another headline in the Telegraph, I'm going to read it when we come back, is, it's like Guantanamo Bay.
Well yeah, if you've got 80,000, 100,000 people in a sports stadium or in a train station, and they're robbing and raping each other, because that's what happens with any human group,
Weeks penned up.
Literally walking into Europe.
And when the aid workers go in to try to give them food, they get attacked, they get beat up, they get robbed, and so they're throwing sandwiches and water over to them, with people screaming they want to kill them.
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If you're a radio listener, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
You may have missed the videos that we've played here on the TV portion of the transmission that we simulcast.
But we have countless videos of carjackings, trucks being robbed, aid workers trying to come in with bags of food or bags of money, little envelopes, and they are being mobbed, they're being robbed, they're being attacked.
And so now in Hungary and other areas, Hungary has upwards of 300,000 illegals that have just poured in the last few months.
These folks show up at train stations demanding to be let on trains.
Now that Germany and Austria have halted trains, well Austria is halting trains that would go through to Germany.
Germany wants the people, that is their communist leadership does.
They are walking across the country.
And so if you go into these mobs, if the police go into these mobs, they are attacked.
And you can see people fighting for the food.
And so they're throwing them the sandwiches because things are completely out of control, and then the media spins it that they're Nazis.
When Hungary was attacked by the Nazis.
It's incredible.
I mean, these people...
Take boats across, or they walk in out of the Middle East.
Middle Eastern countries won't take any of them, but that's okay.
But then they're Nazis.
China says USA must take more Syrian refugees, but will take zero.
That's an actual announcement.
Breitbart breaks that down.
Finland, as I said yesterday, to raise taxes on the, quote, wealthy to cover refugee costs.
Sweden is to make citizens' housing legals.
There are migrants now when they move into your house.
Trek to Vienna after Austria suspends trains, Associated Press.
I know I already mentioned all this, but I'm just showing you the articles.
Video shows refugees fed like animals in a pen in Hungary camp.
Austrian volunteer who filmed footage in Hungary
Says treatment of refugees like Guantanamo in Europe.
No, it's not Guantanamo in Europe.
But that's the Austrian volunteer, who I bet isn't even Austrian, who thinks that Austria is the place for the whole world to come to get free stuff.
No one else is taking these people, but fundamentally the West, who's bad, has to.
I'm sick of it.
I'm tired of it.
Here's another article.
BBC video compares sandwiches being thrown to migrants to Nazi concentration camps.
Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars.com.
Emotionally manipulative propaganda piece reinforces media narrative of refugee crisis.
It's like Serbia had food aid stations that the Croats, and I'm not a Serb, I'm not a Croat, I'm not a Muslim, so I'm not taking a side.
It's a fact this happened in the mid-90s.
ITN and BBC had to admit they were part of it.
Famous photos, you can pull them up online, of a guy that has TB up against the fence trying to get into the food trucks.
Now, you watch the rest of the footage, there's fat people right next to him.
But he had TB.
He got food.
But they said, here are Serbs putting people in concentration camps.
No, the Serbs fought the Nazis.
They're not Nazis.
They didn't start the war either.
The globalists did.
But again, it's an inversion of reality and the Clintons bombed that country repeatedly.
Even though the UN admits double the Serbs died of any other groups, and our government funded Albanian radical Muslims connected to Al-Qaeda to attack and take one third of Serbia.
So, radical Islam is being used to take over Europe.
We can see the pattern.
It's a playbook.
It's being done.
But meanwhile, we have the footage.
Can we show the footage we showed yesterday of the guy trying to give them aid out of the bag?
They're in Hungary and being mobbed and attacked.
If you're a TV viewer, show that so that folks can see this.
I mean, he's here trying to give teenagers bags of aid and they just rip it and take it away from him.
But he's a Nazi because he did it, you see.
It's not nice to give people food, you white European scum!
What's your problem?!
You should have slit your throat and poured blood into their mouths!
Gouge your eyeballs out with corkscrews.
And if you have any white children, you should have barbecued them and fed them to these gods.
You filth!
You scum!
You aid worker!
You... You're bad!
Guantanamo Bay torture!
And that's what BBC and all of them are putting out.
I mean, this is so horrible.
How dare him give them food!
We were against doing this to Syria and all these countries.
This is a global destabilization program.
These people are victims, most of them, by the way.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
ISIS has demanded that Syrian Christians pay an Islam tax.
This is being reported by WorldNetDaily.
ISIS terrorists gathered together dozens of Christian men in Syria and told them either to pay a Sharia-inspired tax and sign on to a list of faith-based restrictions or pay a penalty that could include the loss of life.
Among the restrictions, Christians cannot own guns, build places of worship, show their crosses in public or even ring church bells.
The terrorists put forth their demands to Christians in a town that used to be dominated by the Christian faith, but has been taken over by radical Muslims.
And while many followers of Islam will condemn these actions, numerous people in power continue to fund groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
Whether it's airdropping grenades or leaving behind billions of dollars worth of vehicles that they can use against us, these terrorist groups always seem to find the best equipment somewhere.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
It's the time of the season When love runs high In this time Give it to me easy And let me try With pleasured hands To take you in this time
My main directive, for my gut, for my heart, for my soul, is to warn people, is to take action, and is to get the population out of its comfort zone into action.
You know, before you go for a jog, or before you go for a hike, or before you go for a swim, before you go for the gym, sometimes you don't feel like doing it.
But 15 minutes into it, you're like, man, I ought to do this more often.
This is fantastic.
Well, it's the same thing with getting politically involved.
It's kind of like travel.
You might go through periods in your life where you don't travel a lot, but once you start traveling, you catch the bug again, and you want to travel the world.
Or you want to go two hours away to some town on business.
It's still interesting to go see something different.
Well, fighting tyranny is the same way.
We need to get people out of their bubbles, taking action, getting involved.
And I don't care if it's in organic farming, or taking youth groups out shooting, or planting trees, or going to the border and showing how it's wide open, or exposing corrupt police, or supporting good police.
Or getting involved in your city council, or getting involved exposing the private Federal Reserve, promoting libertarian economics.
There's thousands of things you can do.
None of us are going to save the world by ourselves.
But by promoting a culture of liberty, by getting involved, and by voting with our dollars, and supporting those that support a free open society,
We will crush the central government engineers.
That's why they want us to follow their language, do what they say, follow their political correctness, because they can only rule over a bunch of jellyfish automatons.
They cannot rule over free men and women.
Let me go through news now, continuing with two out of three Hispanics oppose immigration increase.
Oh, but the media told me all Hispanics want wide open borders, and you are racist and hate Hispanics if you don't want to have wide open borders.
I mean, if we had wide open borders with some country that was rich and powerful and successful,
That'd be one thing, but when we are bordering countries that are imploding and we're falling apart, you can't have open borders.
I mean, it's just simple.
And of course, from what I've seen statistically, the Hispanics I know are more concerned about open borders than the lazy, stupid, politically correct white people I know.
But therein lies the paradox, and that's why the globalists are trying to bring in as many illegals as they can under the Democratic Party to forge them into a new socialist communist wing who will not assimilate.
That's why they're trying to not have English taught in schools now and have it be Spanish only, primary.
Across the country, it's shifting to that.
Even though English is the world language, they don't want Hispanic children to have the world language and to be able to be upwardly mobile.
They want to keep them on their plantation under their Ku Klux Klan leadership of Mecha and La Raza, which are carbon copies of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
They're just simply Hispanic.
Just like the new Black Panther Party is
Even more extreme than the Ku Klux Klan.
I mean, the exact same ideology, the exact same rhetoric, the exact same mindset, all the Jew bashing that goes on.
And by the way, I've gone and covered Mechel and the Raza groups.
All you hear about is the Jewish conspiracy.
You go cover black groups that are racist, all you hear is about Jews all day.
You go cover a white extremist group, that's all you hear.
And then, of course, everyone who's successful works for the Jews, of course.
I didn't get up in the morning and do research.
I never had any success myself.
Jews gave me everything I've got.
Hell, they're so deceptive they'll even take that clip and say I admitted it.
Because they're failures and they want to claim somebody else was given what they got.
Really, I've had the ADL people attacking me and trying to get me shut off the air.
That's really what's been going on.
And they've had some success.
I've been thrown off quite a few stations.
In the old days, people don't listen to it anymore.
It's just weird to be attacked by the leftist Jewish lobby, and then to be attacked by the white supremacist lobby, who just makes up some weird narrative that, you know, Jews tell me what to do, and I go to Tel Aviv and get orders.
I've never been to Israel, but let me tell you, it's really historical and neat.
I've had family that's been there and visited.
I'm going to visit Israel soon, and I'm going to go do reports while I'm there as well.
Um, but I won't be there getting marching orders.
It's like folks that said I was at the Vatican to get marching orders.
Yeah, that's real funny.
Marching orders from the Communist Pope.
You know who gives me orders?
My guts.
My heart.
And then what's between my legs?
I'll be honest with you.
And by that I don't mean sexually, you know, the little parts thing for the big part.
I'm saying my manhood.
I cannot stand con artists.
I cannot stand scum.
And I know our listeners can't stand it either.
And I'm sick of it.
I'm tired of it.
And the truth is, it's a hoax.
Hispanics aren't suicidal.
They're not insane.
And they know how rough Latin America is.
And they don't like people getting free health care and free babies and free tuition.
When in many states, citizens of the state don't get in-state tuition, but illegals do.
It's discriminatory and it's wrong.
And here's another Gallup poll showing that.
Continuing, ladies and gentlemen.
Mama Merkel, that's the close quote from French news agency, cheered by Syrians at refugee camp.
You know, we've had Syrian Girl on, I've covered the plight of Syria, there are some real refugees from Syria that, quite frankly, because NATO and the West did this to Syria, we probably do have a responsibility to take them.
But here's the difference.
Most of them, we've looked at it and it's been broken down, aren't even from Syria, or they're from the areas ruined by ISIS and Al-Qaeda and folks that are Wahhabist or Sunnis working with them.
Most Sunnis don't support this.
Who are now basically been turned against by Saudi Arabia, who can't get into Iraq, so they're coming into Europe via Turkey.
Turkey's letting these folks come in, get on trains, but not stay.
All the other Arab states won't take them either.
Because it's criminals, it's poor people, it's folks with diseases, it's people that are crippled, and I'm using the politically incorrect term on purpose.
I'm not anymore using any of the terms they tell us to use.
People need to get used to hearing the real, original language.
My grandmother got polio.
She's a wonderful, beautiful person.
She's crippled, not disabled.
If a ship's got its engine blown, it's crippled.
If my leg's broken before I get it fixed, I'm crippled.
Our economy is being crippled by the New World Order.
Our culture has been crippled.
We're being crippled for the takedown.
Again, they get us using their words.
Now, can't use mother and father.
I'm gonna say it.
Mother and father.
Husband and wife.
You cult!
You freakazoids!
What kind of country is this?
Mama Merkel, the communist.
Admittedly, a communist home is a communist.
Mama Merkel.
Hungary calls in army soldiers given shock powers to use rubber bullets on migrants.
Oh really, when they use rubber bullets on citizens rioting, it's okay, but oh my gosh, hundreds of thousands of illegals running around robbing people.
And so, if you gotta control them, you shoot them with rubber bullets.
I'm not defending that.
But the point is, this is what happens during a collapsed society.
What were they running from?
Why won't anyone show what happened in North Africa?
What happened in Egypt?
What happened in Syria?
That our government's financed and funded and ran.
Oh my gosh, Hungary's so bad.
Islamist in Germany trying to recruit young refugees.
Kuwait and Israel admit they refuse to take refugees because migrants don't assimilate.
Video shows refugees again fed like animals in pens.
Now, I want to shift gears as it all ties together to 9-11 14 years later.
And 9-11, 14 years later, we have this new clip today.
Former CIA Deputy Director calls for investigation into Obama administration's intelligence manipulation.
This is a very, very serious charge.
50 intelligence analysts at CENTCOM
Well, let me just read the article and we have the clips.
Former Deputy Director of the CIA, we're going to put the Mike Morrell clip first, guys, has called for a full investigation of the allegations from over 50 intelligence analysts at CENTCOM that higher-ups altered their assessment reports on ISIS in order to fit with the Obama administration's public narrative that the terror group is weak, so it could spread under Saudi command and take over, I would add.
We told you this four years ago before it was called ISIS.
We had all the experts on.
We laid everything out.
We told you they'd start attacking Europe.
They'd use refugee flows, weapons.
It's here!
The charge was revealed by Daily Beast article this week.
It has been described as a revolt by spies from the military's intelligence apparatus.
When push comes to shove, they're not going to be total traitors against this country.
Remember four years ago when the troops said we're not going to be the air force for Al Qaeda?
They know you changed the name to ISIS.
They know what those flags are.
They know they've been given U.S.
weapons and resupplied in Iraq.
Let's go ahead and play this clip.
Then we're going to play the other clip of Michael T. Flynn, the former head of Defense Intelligence, saying, yeah, they were ordered to put ISIS and Al Qaeda in command.
He said, I just followed orders, but I'm on national TV telling you.
That's who runs our government, boys and girls.
They'll put people in power in Egypt, until the Egyptian military kicked them out, and in Syria and in Libya, who chop the head off of every Christian they find, except the young girls they rape.
Hundreds at a time.
They rape them.
Hundreds of men will rape one little eight-year-old girl, and you're not going to hear one fat word out of that
Punk-mouthed Hillary Clinton who helped run the whole thing, or Rachel Maddow, or any of these women lecturing men that if we like to go hunting, we're male chauvinist, or you know, all this other crud.
Just shut up, scum!
You want to tell us how to live?
You shut up, you filthy trash!
Playing games with people's minds?
Your reign of brainwashing is over, scum!
You are scum!
Anderson Cooper praising Al Qaeda, praising ISIS, praising these groups in the Arab Spring.
Call them freedom fighters.
As they blow up every church they can find and crucify Christians upside down, you trash.
And you criticize the Egyptian military when they take them out and took the country back.
As our government set up our 30-plus-year ally that brought stability to that country, who wasn't perfect, but then you put in the most horrible, wicked, murdering scum you can, that's who runs our country!
And I used to think they were only destabilizing enemies like Serbia giving a third of their country to Albania and the radical Muslims.
Now I realize they're going to give everything to the radical Muslims.
Because the globalists like totalitarianism.
They've lowered our political immune system to be so liberal we'll put up with anything, we'll say what we're told, we won't have any free speech, and then they'll bring in radical people who'll bully all the rest of the Muslims into total tyranny and us along with them.
Man, that's filthy!
Man, that's evil!
Man, that's out of control!
How dare the Democrats call us racist for not supporting Obamacare that doubles and triples cost, written by the insurance companies?
How dare you have bodyguards Michael Moore and try to keep poor people from defending themselves?
How dare you try to start a race war in this country?
How dare MSNBC try to get people to randomly kill police so then the police can be forged into a paramilitary force to oppress the inner city more?
How dare you, you wicked trash, knowing full well what you're doing, consciously, premeditatedly,
Let's go to this clip of the former Deputy Director of the CIA.
I want to get your thoughts this morning about a story in the Daily Beast about 50 intelligence officials who have said that in some cases their reports have been altered by senior officials in some cases to make it look like the fight against ISIS and Al Qaeda is going better than it might be.
What's your reaction to that?
So these are analysts at the U.S.
Central Command, CENTCOM, which is actually conducting our operations in Iraq and Syria.
One of the central tenets, one of the key aspects of the policymaking process in the United States is that analysts get to say what they think without any interference, without anybody changing it.
So this is a very, very serious charge.
I think it needs to be fully investigated.
And if there is truth that somebody has been meddling with their analysis, I think somebody needs to lose their job over it and there needs to be full transparency into this.
They've been falsifying all of it.
Look, when the military figured out we were openly arming Al-Qaeda, they changed the name to ISIS, we told you all this.
They didn't even change their name officially, they just told the West that.
And then claimed Al-Qaeda had fallen.
This is a Saudi Arabian proxy army.
Now, let's go back to the clip from three weeks ago that we've been airing with Michael T. Flynn, the former head of Defense Intelligence Agency.
This is General Flynn breaking down, covering his own butt, that, hey, we put al-Qaeda in charge.
We knew they were doing it.
I followed orders.
And here's what's larger.
They also launched chemical weapons attacks on Syria and then blamed it on them.
And that even came out, the Iraqi government admitted it, others admitted it, because the jihadis aren't fully controlled.
They want to be rock stars.
They shot video of themselves launching the chemical attacks and running around screaming Allah Akbar.
Obama goes, you launch chemicals, we'll invade.
And then Al-Qaeda launches chemicals.
I mean, it's so old.
So let's go ahead and go to this clip.
For the sake of our viewers, in 2012, your agency was saying, quote, the Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda in Iraq are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.
In 2012, the US was helping coordinate arms transfers to those same groups.
Why did you not stop that?
If you're worried about the rise of, quote-unquote... I mean, I hate to say it's not my job, but my job was to ensure that the accuracy of our intelligence that was being presented was as good as it could be.
And I will tell you, it goes before 2012.
I mean, when we were in Iraq, and we still had decisions to be made before there was a decision to pull out of Iraq in 2011.
I mean, it was very clear what we were going to face.
Well, I admire your frankness on the subject.
Very clear what we were going to face.
Let me just, before we move on, just to clarify once more.
You are basically saying that even in government at the time, you knew those groups were around, you saw this analysis, and you were arguing against it.
But who wasn't listening?
I think the administration.
The administration turned a blind eye to your analysis.
I don't know if they turned a blind eye.
I think it was a decision.
I think it was a willful decision.
A willful decision to go support an insurgency that had Salafists, Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood.
A willful decision to do what they're doing.
Which you have to really ask the President what is it that he actually is doing with the policy that is in place because it is very, very confusing.
No it's not.
Let me break it down.
You guys at the Pentagon
Are so close to this and you think you're not going to be sold out, you haven't got it yet.
They are going to turn the Middle East over to radical Islam, merge with communism.
That's the checkmate move by the New World Order and the central banks in Saudi Arabia.
Do you understand that?
Do you have that through your head, okay?
And then if the states don't go along with it here in the United States, the globalists are going to bomb stuff and say the patriots did it.
Or they're going to find reasons to indict people like the Texas Attorney General.
I know they're trying to indict the governor right now.
And I'm not going to get into any more of that.
I mean, do you understand they got feds following the governor around all the time right now, trying to find him with a crooked toenail to throw him in jail.
And by the way, the FBI doesn't like doing it.
I mean, most people in the FBI are not really bad.
They're compartmentalized.
But it's so dirty now, they're just going, I cannot believe we're this evil.
And I'm not going to get into my sources, folks, but I mean, I have sources.
That's a problem my job, man.
I know so much more than I can even say because I can't reveal sources, but the reason I know they're making their move is it's bad.
It's bad.
They're looking at a whole bunch of governors they're going to arrest.
They're looking at taking out people in legislatures.
Government's even looking at sending hit teams around to kill key people that aren't going to go along with this.
And all these generals that are now telling the truth and stuff, you know they're going to send a hit team to kill you and your family, right?
They'll say you suicided your wife and kids.
So I'm going to tell the generals and everybody else something right now.
You're going to preside over the destruction of America and the world sliding into a new dark age and you are going to end up getting locked in prison or killed, probably.
Because of your inaction and your cowardice.
I mean, I'm going to say it right now.
It's not enough to say, you know, why are we turning the world over to Al Qaeda and radical Islam?
It doesn't make sense.
It's not enough to say they're fixing intelligence.
You gotta go all the way, or we're gonna lose everything.
I mean, do you understand that?
I hope you understand that.
Because they're looking at taking out the state governments right now.
They've got the military training to take out state governments right now.
Why do you think the military is so freaked out and sending signals out going, uh, something's not right, uh, we shouldn't be funding Al Qaeda, false intelligence, this administration isn't too good!
Because they actually have come to the brass now and gotten them ready for this and had a huge purge of the top people and then put in a bunch of
desk jockeys who've never been in combat in all the key positions.
And I don't know if the communists and the socialists and all these people realize, and even George Soros has never been in combat.
He's taken down a bunch of countries.
This is not going to be like taking down Iraq or taking down Ukraine or something.
This is much more complex and it's not going to happen.
I mean, you're not going to get away with it.
You may blow the country up in the process,
But it's not a battle you win.
Do you understand that?
This is mutually assured destruction.
We know who you are, globalist.
We know your game plan.
The military now knows.
The military listens to this show.
We've already sent the analysis out, which anybody else can see what it is.
We're just willing to say it openly.
Other people are now parroting it.
Do you realize it's game over unless you just want to blow the whole country up?
I mean, do you think all the lemmings and all the trendies, just because you've got 45% of the public that can't wipe their own hind end, those people don't count in a game like this.
Just because you've got a bunch of morons that will do whatever you tell them and are cult members and will speak like you say speak and do what you say, doesn't mean that with real people, you're going to have a victory.
But now is the time for police, military, FBI, you name it.
The country's been taken over.
You are disloyal to yourself, to your family, to your own skin.
I mean, it's getting so obvious now with how evil this new world order is that they plan to get rid of the old existing power structure, which wasn't perfect, but at least it wanted to boss hog and be a big, powerful, rich country.
And knew cutting taxes brought in more money to the government, so why not?
You know, Boss Hogg, you know, Kennedy, why not cut taxes by 50% and more money will come in?
And he did it and it happened, so they said, you know, I'm going to cut taxes more.
And they said, no you're not.
We've got an elite that wants us poor and stupid.
I'll take Boss Hogg over that any day.
I'm not romanticizing the old power structure.
This isn't even the old power structure.
This is just people in the system who aren't completely insane.
You gotta understand that it's a fetish.
It's a power trip with the globalists to bring down America and bring down Europe.
Because it's the source of their power.
It's where they get their money, their innovation, their brains.
But they're worried about it because
The destruction of the elites, the centralized elites, has come out of Europe and the United States before.
So, they want American and European power, but they also despise it.
And they want to sew up everything, bring down the world, and be the last men standing on top of the hill of skulls.
And that dog isn't going to hunt.
You're not going to get away with it.
And because your battle plan has been laid out, the more you execute it, the more what we've said will be seen as prophecy.
When it's not prophecy, I've got your playbook.
I know what your hand signs are.
I know what your mindset is.
I've been watching you, and I've got other people watching you, and more people watching you.
Our people don't take orders from anybody, but their heart and their guts, and our people, people that love freedom,
Don't even have a cell structure you can penetrate.
What are you going to do?
Go off their internet searching histories?
What, you're going to find out there's a hundred million people?
You can't stop us.
You can't buffalo us.
You can't bluff us.
We understand that there's no quarter.
We understand you want to destroy us.
We get it.
And now you've acted so brazenly, you've just confirmed it to fence-sitters.
And they're choosing sides right now.
And all I'm telling those fence-sitters is this.
It's never too late to be honorable.
It's never too late to join your ancestors who may have been honorable.
It's never too late to pull out until you're dead.
Pull out now.
Commit to being honorable now.
Don't go along with the tyranny.
Stand up for what's right.
I've skipped a network break.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The globalists are moving on every front across the planet to cut off resources to any group or organization or people they don't control.
They are openly bringing in their planetary world government on the ashes of sovereign nations and individuals.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're now into the second hour of worldwide broadcast.
Coming up in the next segment, we have the barbershop owner in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who was fined for not cutting a woman's hair.
And how that ties into all this other important social engineering news.
Joseph Farah of the Western Journalism Center and World Net Daily joins us with key information on the Clintons and more.
And then Pastor Chuck Baldwin joins us on the fall of the church and how it was taken over in America.
This is key information.
It's all coming up today.
In the next two hours.
If you just joined us, it is 14 years later, 9-11.
2015 and I just played the former deputy head of the CIA and the former head of defense intelligence openly saying that they were ordered to basically back Al Qaeda.
They were ordered to fix intelligence to cover up ISIS and now it's all coming out.
To then turn them loose to commit incredible crimes all over the Middle East
And then the West would encourage, with freebies, that we won't ship you back if you come to Europe.
And so it went from a few hundred people a day, to a few thousand a day, to tens of thousands a day, to hundreds of thousands a week.
And now they're saying we must accept them.
And the word is, it may be millions a month now, just giant mass floods, as the crisis to bring down Europe.
I mean, it's so diabolical.
And the same thing's been done saying, oh, we're just taking children in America, and the government buses them into Democratic Party offices and gives them voting cards and driver's license and welfare and Anchor Baby, and, oh, and adults, too.
Only 17% are under 18.
Actually, it's adults.
And then two-thirds, two out of three Hispanics, oppose immigration increase.
In New Gallup Poll.
Despite all the propaganda saying it's racist to not have open borders.
Hispanics aren't stupid.
But what are you going to do with the giant groups of people from all over the world showing up?
Latin America was the majority.
It's not now.
It's the whole world.
Asia, the Middle East, the poorest areas of Africa.
I go into some areas of Austin now and it looks worse than third world countries I've been in with just people just squatting under trees.
The ones that haven't gotten recycled in the Democratic Party yet.
People fishing with beer cans and lines from Guatemala down in the creek with fires going.
I mean, it's just like, we're gonna look like Brazil.
I want to build up Brazil.
I want to build up Mexico.
I want to have them be first world.
But this is to make us third world.
Have you been to some areas of L.A.
It's scary.
And the decision's been made to turn us into a third world country.
I thought folks might want to know that.
And are we safe for 14 years after 9-11?
Al Qaeda's been given Stinger missiles and all these weapons.
They've changed their name.
They're taking over.
They're being supported by our government.
Top generals have gone public.
No one gets in trouble.
And Homeland Security is busy through their Democratic Party front people in Travis County and other counties around the country, not just in Texas, going after Republican and Libertarian-style governors that are fighting the New World Order.
But there's a political purge and takedown.
You know, that's what Hitler did at first, the first six, seven years in Germany, before he really went hardcore.
He would just have people set you up for political stuff, for petty crimes, and then they'd put you in jail for that, and then, oh, you'd die in jail.
Oh, boy.
Let them come pick up your, uh, disabled child and say, oh, they just stopped breathing last night.
Oh, boy.
Today is September the 11th.
Never forget those planes that crashed into the Twin Towers.
Never forget our corrupt government that allowed it to happen.
Never forget all the innocent people who died that day.
And the many American men and women who signed up for the armed services to fight in a lie that died.
Never forget that.
Never forget the fact that our government was in cahoots with the Saudi government to allow and create this to happen.
Never forget how we took Osama bin Laden and made him a martyr so he could rise up in the ranks.
Never forget this day, because this day has forever changed America, and we're still trying to get back to the way we used to be.
Never forget the reason that they did this was so you could get patted down and groped by the TSA.
How you'd have to prove you were an American everywhere you went, but if you're illegal, you can do whatever you want.
Never forget that.
I'm Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
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Then I will return live this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
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We're going to be broadcasting for 28 hours, we've added an hour, coming up starting next Wednesday into next Thursday.
So that special 28-hour broadcast launching the radio and TV shows onto television satellite will be happening next week.
We have several
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It's really going to be an amazing 28-hour live broadcast with about 22 hours of it being live.
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Next Wednesday and Thursday.
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Now on Monday, I saw a story in the Associated Press and also in local news.
Barbershop fined $750 for refusing to cut a woman's hair.
And it described the lady coming in and they said, look, we're a men's barbershop, just like there are women's salons, just like there is curves for women's only fitness gyms that my good buddy founded and owns.
The CEO has been on the broadcast.
It's just crazy.
And one guest we had likened it to if you owned a Dodge car going into a Mercedes dealership and saying, I want you to work on my American car.
And they go, we work on German cars.
Or going into a Japanese car place.
I mean, they've got the equipment, they've got the parts, they've got the mechanics, they know how to work on a Japanese car.
It'd be like going into an Italian Ferrari repair shop and telling them to work on your
Ford pickup.
It's not discriminatory.
That's what they do.
It'd be like showing up to NASCAR and saying, I want to see a circus.
They'd look at you and say, we race cars.
We don't have lions and tigers and bears, oh my.
But this is where political correctness has gone, and people laugh at it as kooky.
No, he got fined $750 for gender discrimination.
I personally
In my life, go to barber shops, since I was a little kid.
You go in, you wait 5-10 minutes, your dad gets his hair cut, you get your hair cut, you're in, you're out.
A lot of these men's barbershops have playboys laying around.
Or they have beer.
I don't know about this gentleman's barbershop, but I know that's a trend where you got women's shops and you got men's shops.
Or maybe there's pin-up girls on the walls and beer.
Or video games.
I don't know about his barbershop.
I'm just guessing.
Now there's articles out, feminists claim it's sexist to compliment women.
A lawyer sent a woman a message saying he thought she was quote stunning in her LinkedIn photo.
She went public attacking other feminist groups, shamed him saying you don't talk to women.
See they're God, you don't even talk to them.
Lawyer who accused Barrister of sexism has described men online as hot and trolled for men.
So see, it's about a power thing.
That's in the London Telegraph today.
Most women are great.
Most men are great.
Are there some men out there that are arrogant pigs?
Are there women out there that are crazy?
But with the modern feminist movement, it's about power.
And we see Christians getting locked up for not, you know, giving out marriage licenses.
We see all sorts of persecution if somebody won't bake a certain cake.
I mean, am I going to go to some black fraternal organization?
And demand I be allowed in?
Or, how about a Masonic order?
They have them for men and women.
Can I go join Women of the Eastern Star?
A Masonic female organization?
Look at this.
San Francisco jails to house transgender inmates based on gender preference.
And then they had national debates about this the last few days.
Our guest, Johnny Interval, now has the website BarberStandsUp.com
He's going to go on Fox News today, but he wanted to come on first here because he's a listener.
We're honored to have him.
Johnny, thank you for coming on.
My barbier, I believe I'm pronouncing it right, is the name of your barbershop.
I'm told it's an upscale men's only facility.
They have men's only gyms, too.
I mean, I guess those are hateful.
This is crazy.
Describe to us what exactly happened and where all this is going now.
Well, where it's going and what happened.
A few months ago, about four months ago exactly, a young lady came in to get a haircut here at our barbershop and she was declined service because she's a woman and we have an all-male clientele here.
At that point, she became very irate.
We tried to comfort her, offering another place for her to go.
We've had women come in in the past
I think so.
Well, you should talk to a lawyer about your particular state laws, but in general, this is outrageous.
They have curves, the biggest fitness chain in the world.
You made that point to me off-air.
It's a great parallel that's for women only.
They have golf courses that are for women only, tennis courts that are for women only.
I think that's totally normal.
Sometimes women want to get away from men.
They don't want to have to dress up.
That makes sense.
Sometimes men want to go be part of a men's club and not be around women so you can tell jokes and do whatever you want.
I mean, it's just common sense.
They're waging war against this.
It's bizarre.
And so, if I was you personally, describe it for me.
Was it a state or local agency?
I know you're in Washington, PA, right outside Pittsburgh.
I mean, describe exactly what agency did this.
I don't want to describe exactly how the gentleman came down from Pittsburgh.
I assume he was from the state.
He came in and, uh, sort of, you know, strong understood to talk.
And I told him that I'm a very honest person, you know, I told him exactly what happened, same as I'm telling you right now.
And my statement is really what got me in trouble saying that, yeah, I did turn her down based on gender.
So according to the law, you know, I did break it, but you know, according to the law of
But that law is unconstitutional.
I think so.
Well, I mean, you're allowed to have a barber shop for men, just like they can have salons for women.
I would think so, but yeah, it's a state law.
The answer is, you know what I mean?
And that's when I called their lawyer to ask, you know, what should I do to this guy?
What can I do?
He said he couldn't tell me.
You know, I called the state.
And he said, it's a conflict of interest.
I can't give you any information.
I said, how can I prevent this in the future?
Can I put a disclaimer on my website?
And he would just read me over and over the four sentence umbrella law.
You know, you can't discriminate against, you know, any race, sex.
And that's it.
I mean, this is bottom line black and white.
So, you know, this appeal I think is going to be an uphill battle.
Well, I'll tell you the answer is for I don't want to give curves any trouble, but because they're patriots, but I would I would find some women only gym and I think you should go on the news camera and say I'm here to go in the women's locker room and I'm here and you got to let me work out and just see how they like it.
Because this is this is about terrorizing men.
Now, tell me about your place.
I see a guy drinking beer back there.
I'm told it's a place, I mean, it's really just kind of like a bar where guys can hang around and shoot till you know what.
I can give you the grand tour if you like.
Yeah, let's do it.
You want to do it?
Basically, this is the place.
This is Max.
He's kind of a gentleman right now.
He's enjoying a frosty beverage.
We've got three stations.
We're a very small place.
Um, you know, I just, uh, one guy trying to make a living out here.
And then we have a bar area.
And in our bar area, we have a kegerator that is completely complimentary.
And we have, you know, different boozes and a wine fridge.
And then, for the kids and stuff, sodas, water, Gatorade, stuff like that.
And there's a little coffee area over there.
And, uh, that's pretty much it.
Well, I would come get my hair cut there if there was a place like that.
That's awesome.
Yeah, yeah, it's a pretty, uh, people like it.
That's for sure.
Do you think that, well I mean from my experience, if you pay this, because I've had some similar things go on, then they probably will have the EEOC come in next and say, give us $100,000.
There's folks that make a living off this.
I know.
I know that's going to happen, dammit.
We, the young lady and I, I had sent her an apology.
I didn't want any, the initial newspaper, I told them, don't put her name in there, you know, because I didn't want any kind of
We're good to go.
Uh, you know, whatever.
And she responded by, uh, hopefully, what she said, it will, uh, well, you know, will help me out.
But she said she was only coming here to make sure that I was up to standards.
I knew it.
She got her boyfriend the week after.
Because she demands perfection in her haircuts.
So, I don't know, man.
Then there was some other choices.
Sounds like a really sick power trip.
And I'd say to this young woman,
Do you understand this is social engineering by very sophisticated foundations on record to break up the family, turn everybody against each other, and you know it's called being cool and minding your own business.
So what if guys want a place to get their hair cut and drink beer?
Women have all their places.
Do you really want men coming into where you're at?
I'll give you a great example.
We do a lot of wedding parties here.
You know, guys getting married, brings in his whole crew.
We lock the doors, close the blinds, we're reading playboys, smoking cigars, drinking beer, doing shots, swearing for it, whatever guys want to do.
If, say, a woman were to come in, they would immediately lose that vibe.
They would immediately have to act gentlemanly.
They wouldn't be able to swear, drink, fart, read the playboys, that type of high things.
And immediately the entire atmosphere of the shop would change.
You know what I mean?
It wouldn't have anything to do with me, it would have to do with them.
They would feel like they had to act a certain way, like they're in public now, you know, when the blinds are closed.
Sure, sometimes I go out with my buddies, and you know, if the girls go, it's a totally different vibe, a totally different evening.
And so, I mean, are guys allowed to be alone?
That's what this comes down to.
Are we allowed to have any male culture?
It doesn't seem like it.
I know when a guy comes here with his girlfriend, he never brings her the second time, I'll tell you that.
Well, I mean, I've seen similar places.
I know they're popular, I know they're growing, so I guess that's the type of place it was.
And it just, you know, Seattle has told city employees, you'll be fired if you bring a brown paper bag to work.
We see this as a symbol of hate.
No one ever said a brown paper bag was a symbol of hate.
No one ever said, it's just about them being able to ban whatever they want.
And I would just say to this young lady in the state, so,
If I want to go to Curves, or I want to go to any other women's only thing, or to a women's church group, then we can fine them if you don't let me in.
I mean, is this really where women want to go?
I don't know.
I guess it might be.
I certainly hope not, because that's a shame.
Somebody told me that you have to call children purple penguins in school now.
They can't be associated as boys or girls.
They must fall in love.
I mean, there are 15,000 million viewers right now.
Come on in and say hi.
It's not American, you know?
It's incredible.
I mean, what it is is a cult brainwashing facility.
Because, you know, first they said a decade ago at the universities, we need to ban he, she, boy, girl, man, woman, husband, wife.
Because if you're not a husband or a wife, it's hurtful.
If you're not a boy or a girl, it's hurtful.
As if you existing, you see, hurts them.
It's the opposite of tolerance.
They're intolerant, and so now schools across the country
I don't know.
It was the first time I heard it yesterday.
I don't even know how to respond to it.
It's insane.
With leather barber chairs and guys reading Playboy and drinking beer.
That's chauvinistic.
That's bad.
That's evil.
And that's why this happened to you.
But I think in the end, they're gonna probably change the law.
They're gonna probably back off of this because it makes them look so stupid.
And I would guess you're gonna end up getting a lot more business.
You know, I hope so, and I hope I can aid in that fight against this, you know what I mean?
A lot of your listeners actually contacted me, and they said, you know, you would be a good place to...
I mean, I can't do it by myself.
I mean, I'm just one guy.
You know what I mean?
But I think right now it's a hot topic and I'm at the forefront, you know, one of the people at the forefront of it.
And I certainly want to do my part to have this not become the norm.
You know, I want to get rid of that.
Well, the harassment of small businesses in this country by these people is just getting completely out of control and insane.
Now the EEOC is saying that if someone has a secret disability that you don't know about, they don't tell you about, that they can later claim you hurt them and their disability even though you weren't aware of it and then pay damages.
So this is meant to sabotage our industry.
How are we supposed to operate as a country where these type of totalitarian rules?
You can't.
You absolutely cannot do it.
You just can't.
They said everything against you.
There's no way that you can make it.
You know what I mean?
It's just absolutely ridiculous.
It gets worse every day.
Every single day it gets worse on Mars.
Well, you tried to be sweet, Ture.
You tried to be a gentleman.
I think the answer is stop being... I mean, still be gentlemanly, obviously.
This is my opinion.
But start being a little more aggressive.
And I would have pulled a camera out.
I know you're a nice guy, a business owner.
I'd say, lady, there's women's places all over that don't do men's hair.
Are you saying they're bad, too?
You know, why are you starting a fight with me?
Uh, and that's what it comes down to.
I think when you did apologize, when you were nice, she took that as weakness, wanted to push it, probably's got a lawyer, and, uh, you know, there's not a lot of jobs in this country, so, you know, maybe, maybe you're gonna be bankrolling her future.
I mean, I'm not saying that's what's happening.
That potentially could be happening, and we need to put an end to this.
I certainly am worried about that.
I certainly would not want that to happen.
I'd burn this place to the ground before that happened, but to be honest with you.
You know, I go to work every day.
You know what I mean?
I believe everybody should have a job, should do what they're supposed to do.
Every one of my family has worked for generations and generations back.
My family's been business owners in this city for, God, five generations back.
From ice cream stops in 1921 all the way up to my barbershop now.
You know, we're starting to try to tear it down.
You know, if it doesn't... I don't know anything about her personal life, but...
You know, from our actions, it clearly, you know, it says it all.
It speaks volumes.
Actions speak volumes, I think.
Well, all over Europe, especially in England, they have men and women's clubs.
And women go after work and have drinks and smoke cigarettes or whatever and read magazines and talk about women's stuff because they want to be around women.
And then men have their clubs and then they have clubs where both men and women go to them.
That's just normal.
Why do you think there's this attack on just normal human activity?
I don't know, but I made a point the other day that it just seems like they're intentionally starting these fights with us.
You know, a couple of weeks ago there was that some sort of award show where Caitlyn Jenner won an award for being a hero and a Marine lost the award.
And it just seemed to me like
They just invented that whole scenario, you know what I mean?
Like, why a Marine?
Because a certain group of people are going to get pissed off when a Marine, you know what I mean, and a certain other group of people are going to be upset if she didn't, and they're just pitting each other against each other all the time.
And, you know, the blacks versus the whites, the gays versus the straights, whoever, you know, the guys versus the girls, the penguins versus the purple people, you know?
It's just, that's what's going on.
I mean, to me, I preach it all day long on my show.
If any of my guys can tell you, you know, I...
I preach.
Well, I mean, I would guess you're a live and let live, probably a libertarian type guy, too.
The thing is, libertarians and patriots are some of the most open people out there, but we want to be able to live our lives like we want.
That's what real freedom is.
Not adopt this new totalitarianism.
We got about three minutes left.
Well, obviously, Johnny Interval, get an update from you as this unfolds.
I know you're going on Fox News and some other channels today, but I would just point out when you're on there, this is a culture war.
If they can make men's barbershops accept women, then they can make us accept anything.
I love women, but women deserve to have their own places like curves.
You know what to say, but just say that this is part of a war on men having any area.
The new James Bond, they're saying, is going to be politically correct and apologize for being a chauvinist.
Not in this new movie, but the next movie.
They are really just attacking men being men.
It's crazy.
It really is, man.
I mean, I don't know what's next, but it ain't gonna be good.
You know, it ain't gonna be good.
At least on the path we're going.
And, like I said, I hope I can aid in the fight for this, you know.
I certainly intend to.
Well, good job speaking out.
A lot of folks would just cower and hand everything over and apologize and just say, here's all my money, here's my car, put your kids in the street, worship her, slit your throat.
You know, give her bites of blood and just say, I'm sorry, and that wouldn't be enough.
But you've stood up mybarbiere.com or barberstandsup.com.
John, we've got about a minute and a half, closing comments.
Thanks for having me on, for sure.
I'm definitely a supporter of the show and will continue to do that.
I'm sure you gained some listeners.
If you didn't already have enough, you got some more today from just my guys.
There's certainly a lot of people chiming in on my news feed.
That's really it.
Go to barberstandup.com if you want to help me
Fight these injustices, uh, I'm gonna need your help, you know, so... Well, we gotta stand together or hang separate, and whenever you're in Pennsylvania, uh, nearby Pittsburgh, I know next time I'm there, I'm gonna, I'm gonna drive out to your town and get my hair cut, brother.
You stop in.
Any of your listeners, come in, man, we'll take care of you on the house, first time.
Alright, brother, that's awesome.
We'll talk to you again as this unfolds.
Johnny, thanks for reaching out to us.
Thank you, sir.
God bless you.
Folks, we're not buying into the war with men against women and vice versa.
We're not buying into the black versus white.
But the social engineers in the Democratic Party are doing it.
And just like the Democrats controlled things when they ran the Ku Klux Klan, they are running things today.
And a lot of these women that are going along with this are useful idiots.
And meanwhile, they believe this is their coming-of-age event to stand up to the men.
And it's truly sickening.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A humanitarian crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War is happening right now across the globe.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Joseph Farah?
An icon of independent media will be joining us in about three minutes.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin on the fall of religious freedom in America.
You can really mark it as September 2015.
It's here.
He'll be joining us for a full hour.
We'll open the phones up on this Friday edition.
I'll be back this Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Central time with the Sunday broadcast.
The Nightly News is tonight 7 o'clock Central.
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We also, in closing, have made in America, printed in America, Hillary for prison shirts.
And on the back it says Legalize Freedom, Infowars.com.
And Joe Biggs went out this weekend and folks bought him drinks, bought him dinner.
But a few folks walked over and wanted to fight him until they saw it said prison.
So Hillary is about as popular as cyanide right now, even in a liberal town like Austin, Texas.
And speaking of that, our next guest can speak to the situation with the Clintons.
He can talk basically to all of it in the 25 minutes we have with Joseph Farah.
Joseph Farah worked for some of the biggest newspapers in the country as editor.
He then started the Western Journalism Center in the early 1990s that was listed as the number one enemy of the Clintons in the documents they got last year from the Clinton Foundation.
They're based at his library.
And Farah said it was so stunning when he first got it that he only released a small part of it.
Now they're doing more stories on it and ready to tell us more about what's in it, but released Clinton files on media enemies and how they foresaw the rise of new media they wouldn't control.
Now Matt Drudge was in Politico yesterday as the number one news.
Political site in the world, even dwarfing Facebook.
But we go back to who really was first.
And you've got to say it's Joseph Farah.
Sure, Ron Paul was with newsletters and so were other folks out there and we owe that to them.
Barry Goldwater was talking like we're talking back in the 50s and 60s.
Senator Goldwater.
What a great president he would have made.
But Joseph Farah really deserves our thanks.
There's so much to get in the limited time we have, but he warned in the last election that we were going to really see an attempt to overthrow the country.
And now we're seeing, and I want to see what he thinks is coming next.
Joseph Farah, I could ask a lot of questions, but what do you think is front and center, my friend?
Well, I think, Alex, we're seeing something going on now with this invasion that's been going on in the United States for a long time, as you've been reporting, for many, many years.
A lot of people didn't really get excited about it until massive numbers of people started coming over the border here.
Now we're seeing it, of course, in Europe.
And we've got, you know, the President of the United States saying, hey, we'll take some of those refugees off the hands of Europe.
You know, we've got plenty of space in this country.
We can handle virtually an unlimited number.
of so-called refugees who, you know, I don't think they're refugees at all.
What's stunning about what we see going on, I think, in Europe particularly right now, is that, you know, these are mostly Sunni Muslims who are, you know, storming into Europe and they're not the victims of what's been going on in the Middle East for so long.
The Sunni Muslims are the perpetrators of the horrors that we've seen.
Not just recently, but really for a very long time.
They're the ones taking over Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq.
They're the majority.
I'm not demonizing them as a whole, but undoubtedly they're Saudi Arabian-backed.
You're absolutely right.
So what is the West thinking, Socialist Merkel and others?
Advertising come here, so hundreds of thousands turn into millions, and they tell German women don't wear short skirts.
I mean, where are the political correct people on this?
Why does the left have a fetish on sexual mutilation, women can't drive cars, and wearing bags on their heads?
Why does the left worship radical Islam?
Really, it shows that they don't mean what they say they mean.
There aren't too many more stark examples than this.
You know, these are the multicultural people, too.
They're the ones who are always telling us, you know, every culture is great.
They're all equal.
Some are more equal than others.
And apparently, this one that perpetrates horrors on women, anybody who disagrees with them in terms of their spiritual outlook, or pretty much anything else,
They embrace these folks.
So where's the tolerance that they're always talking about?
Where is the pluralism that they're always talking about?
All these values that the so-called progressives espouse, we can now see that they don't really mean what they say.
Getting back, Alex, if you don't mind, to the point I was trying to get at is, you know, they're real victims in the Middle East.
Are the Christians and other religious minority groups, but of all of them, the Christians are the big targets.
They're the ones who are caught in the crossfire.
They're the ones who are a real distinct minority.
You know, you've got Sunnis, you've got Shia, and the next group is the Christians who are not armed, who are not attacking anybody, who don't want to, you know, they don't commit jihad.
And they're being, you know, their very lives are at risk every single day in the Middle East.
Do we do anything to help those refugees?
By the way, these refugees, I'm one of them.
I'm a descendant of these refugees.
These refugees would assimilate so quickly into our culture.
They'd be a blessing to our culture.
They love liberty.
They are hardworking people.
They don't come to take handouts.
Well, like George Norrie.
George, good example.
I think Trump has made this point.
I tell you, all the Lebanese Christians I see have big successful businesses and are building buildings.
It's kind of a cliche, but I haven't found many Lebanese people in America, Lebanese Christians, that aren't really contributing.
Yeah, we're employers, we're entrepreneurs.
I don't know why it works that way, but their values are good American values.
I'll give you an example.
My dad grew up speaking Arabic, okay?
He wouldn't speak Arabic in our home.
I mean, I used to beg him to teach me Arabic.
He wouldn't do it because he wanted us to be Americans.
He didn't even want us to think about the old world.
And that's kind of the attitude that you have to have if you're a true immigrant, you know?
These are not immigrants.
That we're talking about here.
These are invading forces.
They force their way ahead of other people in line.
People who, you know, fill out all the forms, who wait, and this is what we're seeing.
Now, why is this happening, Alex?
I've been thinking about this.
Why is this happening?
I'm not talking about why do people want out of their predicament or want into our country, but why is government
Why are they actually incentivizing it?
Why are they going along with this?
Why are they taking initiatives even before these invasions started to bring more and more of these folks into the United States and into Europe?
I think it gets back to one of your themes.
I think that this is about the empowerment of government, the empowerment of internationalism, and ultimately it's about the lessening of liberty everywhere, in the United States, in Europe, etc.
Government wants to be in control.
Hey, what's wrong with bringing in a bunch of folks who, you know, who are indebted to you for their very presence here?
And that is ultimately, I think, what's at the core of the immigration problem.
I hate to say immigration, because it's not immigration.
No, it's an invasion, and they won't even call it immigration.
They call it migrants.
It'd be like if I showed up at my neighbor's house and said, I'm moving in with you, I'm a migrant.
We have the video of the screaming, the cussing, the Allah Akbar's, the anger.
We have the video of them attacking aid workers.
We have the video of them posting on Facebook, a lot of jihad fighters.
And ISIS said six months ago, we're going to send 500,000 immigrants and amongst them will be our people.
What is Merkel and the French and the U.S.
going to do and Obama going to do when ISIS, who's already been attacking Europe, really starts attacking when they've brought these people in and advertised?
How will they get away with that?
Well, I think ultimately it doesn't matter what happens.
This is why I said a long time ago, probably on your show, that what is Obama all about?
Obama is about instilling and advocating and encouraging chaos.
Domestically, internationally, it doesn't matter.
Everything he does is about increasing the potential for chaos.
Yeah, they're financing groups that say kill police!
I can't even believe that a socialist would do... I mean, I know socialists are bad, but I mean, that really is making me think he really believes all that 60s revolution stuff.
Right, but what is chaos?
Chaos is an opportunity for the government to step in and solve the problem for people, right?
Of course, their solution is worse than the problem, always, because it means a lessening of liberty, it means bigger government, and all that goes along with that.
How do you think it's going for Obama, and do you believe the reports that there's a split between the Obamas and the Clintons?
Your take on election 2016, the persecution of the press, you've been enjoying the persecution of the Clintons, you were their first target.
Could we see the end of the Clintons, or what do you think's going on?
I think Hillary's got a real problem.
I don't think she's going to get the nomination.
I didn't think so before the email thing even started.
I have a few friendly wagers in place on that.
I think she's got two problems.
She's got herself.
And she's a lousy salesman for what she believes in and for herself.
Let's face it.
She was the heir apparent back in 2008.
She didn't make it when she had everything going for her.
I don't think she's going to make it this time.
She's got two problems.
She's got herself and she's got Barack Obama.
I don't believe that she would be his preference.
Sure, so what do you think about Biden?
What do you think is happening with this election?
Well, you know, I don't have a crystal ball.
I don't know whether Biden's going to run or not.
I suspect he is going to wind up being, you know, coaxed into the ring.
You know, he gave an interview last night where he sounded really ambivalent at best, but maybe that's a game he's playing.
Of course, if there's going to be a savior for, you know, Obama-ism in this race, he's got to be identified quickly and he's got to get into the race.
I think Biden's probably
Well, I don't pay any attention to what these sources say.
My own eyes can see.
And here's the thing that I think is very encouraging about Trump.
Whether he stays in the race, whether he wins, he certainly wouldn't be the guy I would pick to turn America around, but he's there.
And he's saying a lot of good things.
And I think you agree.
And what's so great about Trump
Is that whatever he talks about, whatever issues he raises, they cannot be ignored.
Donald Trump cannot be ignored.
News agencies have tried to do it, but it's only to their own detriment if they don't cover what Trump says and does.
And so, this is a factor I don't think any of us expected to happen if you go back six months ago.
Well, they attacked him and it blew up in their face.
The mainstream media is so hated that they crowned him when they attacked him.
And we can go, we can pick an ideal candidate who agrees with everything we believe in, right Alex, but we can't get them elected.
Well, I don't think Trump wants to destroy America like Obama does.
Do you think Obama will go quietly?
What's your overall feel for the country?
We're about to go to break, but in 60 seconds...
Obama's not going to go quietly.
He's going to have a say in this race.
Hillary Clinton is not his say.
I think that divide is very real.
It's unmistakable.
He can decide it, of course, with the FBI investigation that he keeps expanding into all of Hillary's problems with the email thing.
That's a real thing!
I mean, if you and I did something like that, Alex, we'd already be in jail.
There wouldn't be some FBI investigation.
We'd be, you know, they'd throw us in jail and they'd throw away the key.
And so, that is real and it's in Obama's power, what happens with Hillary, and I think she knows that.
Uh, she's already starting to be- give signals of criticism toward Obama.
So, I think Obama's gonna have his say.
Uh, but I don't think they can field anybody on the Democratic side that could stop Donald Trump.
So let's talk about a President Trump on the other side.
Uh, even if he was one of their operators before, uh, these folks will certainly not sell themselves out.
He might want to be President.
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It's really hard to have Joseph Farah only on for two segments.
There's so many questions I want to ask, but the six minutes we've got left.
Looking at this, clearly they're flooding the United States and Europe with the cheap labor as a political checkmate.
And to basically get a new dependent class in here, because they realize politically people are waking up.
There's a new Gallup poll out.
Two-thirds of Hispanics don't want more immigrants and don't want to expand immigration.
So that whole narrative that Hispanics all want open borders, it's racist if you don't, we've always known that's bull, but it's coming out.
And just the instincts for national survival, I think, will trump, pun intended, a lot of their actions, but
What curveballs do you see them throwing?
What are you most concerned with?
The class warfare?
The attack on the family?
The injection of trannies everywhere?
Men's barbershops getting fined for not having women?
I mean, it's becoming so crazy I can't even believe it.
You're right, and it's more than the cheap labor thing.
Ultimately, I think, for instance, let's narrow it down to this invasion.
Why would this be a good thing for people who want bigger, more powerful government, less individual sovereignty?
Because you want to have people who are not even capable of self-government themselves.
You know, that's what the founders had in mind for this country, was the idea that, you know, we basically govern ourselves and
And government would be strictly limited in its powers.
And of course, we've drifted so far from that over such a long period of time.
But now, it's on hyperdrive.
And I think, ultimately, it's much more than the cheap labor thing.
Sure, the government can sell that to big businesses.
You know, you want cheap labor?
This is good for you.
Go along with the Chamber of Commerce.
But I don't think this starts with the business sector.
I think it starts with government, which is interested in always expanding its power at the expense of individual liberty.
And what better way than to have a bunch of sheep?
I agree with you.
In closing, I want to get you back.
In the next few months to get into those documents you got, you said some of it was so incendiary you had to carefully dole it out.
When are we going to learn more about what you got from the Clinton Library?
I mean, what you released was bombshell.
Yeah, well, there's a lot of good stuff in there, but, you know, when I look at it, I think, this means something to me because I experienced it.
You know, how much can I put out there without people thinking I'm just being self-indulgent and just being this... But it doesn't matter.
This is how they plan to shut down new media and how they... I mean, it's really powerful.
They thought of shutting down New Media even before we got started, Alex!
I have to hand it to them.
They saw what a threat we were at such an early stage in the development of New Media.
And so now, you know...
Now with guys like you and Breitbart and Drudge and the rest, they really got their hands full and they'll be more serious than ever.
But look, we've experienced it all with Obama already.
Let's face it.
I mean, I don't think the Clintons have any tricks that Obama doesn't have.
He has done things that I don't think Hillary could have gotten away with, Bill could have gotten away with.
He has subverted the Constitution beyond my wildest imagination.
Do you think he's going to try something to stay in office or sail off to the sunset?
No, I think he wants to pick his successor.
He's also a genuinely lazy person.
I don't think he likes being president.
There's all the trappings that come with it.
I don't think so.
Joseph Farah, WND.com.
Thank you so much for all you've done.
We would be in even deeper trouble if it wasn't for you guys.
Thank you, sir.
Third hour.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Third hour coming up.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Very important guest joining us, too.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Master Chuck Baldwin's written some really powerful editorials as of late.
In fact, I forgot to print off his last four or five.
You guys do that, thanks.
Dealing with the death of religious freedom in this country, but it's beyond that.
The new rite of passage, you know, for a Comanche young man, it'd be go out and steal horses, and then after that it'd be go out and kill an enemy in battle, Count Coob.
For a young American to be joining the Marine Corps, but for women now, the rite of passage out of four years of university is that men are the devil, all sex is rape, and that you've got to go out and you've got to report them.
You've got to take a scalp.
We had the guest on earlier, Associated Press reported it, barbershop fine, $750.
They were threatened with $10,000 if they didn't pay that.
And they sent a state investigator out and everything.
I said, this is a men's barbershop.
Of course, if he'd have let her in and she'd seen Playboys, she might have gone after that as being evil and hurtful to her.
And of course, under all free association rules, you should be able to have something for men or something for women.
But I just illustrate how serious this is.
You know, I mentioned this article.
Feminists claim it's sexist to complain
See, I think it's sexist for her to complain out of 40 to slip.
Feminists claim it's sexist to compliment women.
Feminazi, to use the Rush Limbaugh term, publicly shames men for complimenting her.
And now in the London Telegraph today, lawyer who accused Barrister of sexism, the same woman, has described men online as hot stuff.
Ooh, a thought crime there.
I mean, a mammal will be attracted to the opposite sex.
That's not a crime.
Having the name he or she or boy or girl, it's not bad to be he or she, see?
I mean, this is how freakish this is getting.
A lawyer who accused a fellow barrister of sexism in England after he described LinkedIn profile as stunning had previously praised men for their physical appearance online, telling them they are hot stuff.
Yeah, she just chose to do this and Feminist Group said, good, name him in shaming.
To get her stars and bars.
Charlotte Proudman, 27, said she felt objectified.
Oh, that's why you had your hair all done up and stuff on there.
After receiving an online message from Alexander Carter, 57, she had invited to connect on a professional networking site.
So she invited him to connect.
He said, wow, I love your photo.
It's stunning.
How dare him?
I mean, I'll be sitting there and there's an old lady checking me out at Dillard's or something buying a shirt and she's got a cool watch or something.
I don't say it if I don't like it.
I'll go, that's a really nice watch.
Your hair really looks nice.
I mean, that's just something my mom does, my dad does.
I see a guy get, you know, on an elevator with me with a cool sports jacket or a cool Rolex or cool bag.
I'll say, man, that's really cool.
I'm just being nice.
Plus, I like it.
This is sick, telling us that our very communication is bad, putting us in smaller and smaller boxes.
But it's all selectively enforced.
If you want to have liberal Hollywood, sexism, sex stuff, debauchery, torture, murder, that's okay.
You can have kids play violent video games all day, but if they go to school and write an essay about the Marines, and mention an M-16, here come the police.
He wrote, I appreciate this, that this is probably horrendously politically incorrect, but that is a stunning picture.
Oh, he even admitted it was politically incorrect.
He even prostrated himself before her, that I'm so sorry it's politically incorrect, and that signaled her like a bug-eyed piranha to come in and go after him.
You see, they peck members of the cult even more.
I'd be... You know, what I've found is these women that are fake feminists, I've talked to a lot of guys about this, like Democratic Party operative women and stuff, actually want to be debased and want to be called pigs and stuff.
And so the problem was he groveled to her.
I'm not saying with her, but that's what I would imagine.
He just said, hey, you pussy, it's time for us to get together right now.
He's been partying that night probably.
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Thank you for joining us.
Well, Pastor Chuck Baldwin's been the Constitution Party national candidate.
He's been an outspoken critic of tyranny, filmmaker, author, you name it.
And his son's a constitutional lawyer.
They've co-written books together on so many subjects that are near and dear.
I was out at dinner with people I would call quasi-liberals a few nights ago, and I thought of Chuck Baldwin, and I had a caller bring him up yesterday about some of the latest articles he's been writing at ChuckBaldwinLive.com about the fall of Christianity, the fall of the First Amendment that we're seeing.
And these folks were saying to me, you know, you're a conservative, we're liberals, but we agree with some of your ideas and the things you said.
And I said, listen.
Thomas Jefferson was a liberal.
George Washington was a conservative.
These terms mean nothing.
I'm a constitutionalist.
But they were saying, we agree with you.
Marriage is no point being married now.
It's been bastardized.
And I said, listen, it wasn't bastardized with homosexual marriage.
It was bastardized when the state got involved in 1901 in New York City with marriage licenses to the race hygiene boards.
They're like, oh, well, let's move on.
I said, no.
Don't you want to know where this really came from?
Francis Galton, eugenics, funded by the crown, 1854, becomes national policy by the 1880s, London sets up the first health boards, they start sterilizing people with low test scores, and the mentally retarded and others, you can argue there was a reason for it, but it moved on to everybody.
Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood, the Nazis, all of it.
You shouldn't have a marriage license to begin with.
The church is, and they owned it.
That's where the institution came from.
Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or freedom of the press, or of the people's right to peaceably assemble for redress of grievances.
They're like, oh, I guess the First Amendment does get into religion.
Yeah, Congress doesn't have a jurisdiction.
So we don't have a state-run religion.
We don't have government in religion.
We have individual freedom.
That's true freedom for you to not believe in God or to believe in God.
But marriage is a contract between a man and a woman, and then if they choose to go do that through their religious group, they can have it certified.
And then by the 50s, we get 501c3.
And I'm not judging your church if they are, but you're not a church.
You are a governmental body.
You are issued license as a charity.
And now look, they haven't issued but one in six years to any conservative group.
The 501c34 and the rest of it.
The power to control something is the power to end it.
So now we've got the jurisdiction over language.
Don't say boy or girl.
Don't say he or she.
And they're doing it.
It was hundreds of public schools a month ago.
Now it's thousands.
And people are going to the principal.
In their forms they fill out saying he or she.
This is a cult.
They mean business.
They're not liberals.
They had to take over the liberal renaissance movement.
And the Christian movements of egalitarianism that were expanding 500 years ago, beginning 500 years ago, and in their greatest flower by 1776, they then had a counterfeit of it that is modern liberalism that was the French Revolution, Jacobinism, and the Illuminati, which were all of that.
George Washington wrote about this.
This was like major newspapers of the time.
You can just search newspaper articles about Illuminati 1789 or George Washington letters on the Illuminati Library of Congress.
You can read it all in his handwriting.
So I talk about this.
This isn't some national treasure fiction, folks.
This is the reality.
And the Jacobins, the Illuminati, wanted to end the family.
They wanted to end language and turn the general public into slaves that lived in pits, with the high priest above them controlling them with a nine-day-a-week work week, new holidays.
They wanted to invert everything, play God.
And that's what you're seeing now, is
Being stomped on, being trampled, being dominated, anything wholesome under attack.
That's my rant.
And Pastor Chuck Baldwin talks about this all day.
It's Christianity that ended slavery.
Real Christians.
It's Christianity that gave us the free market.
It's Christianity that gave us due process.
It's Christianity.
They say get rid of what's old?
They're bringing in the old barbarism of the occult.
And of a dumbed-down public controlled by the high priest who tells you give him your kids to sacrifice or your daughters to have sex with or the snake god won't vomit out the moon at the next eclipse.
The age of reason begins with Christians.
Not the phony churches that are government, state-run churches like China or Russia under Stalin.
Now that's my rant.
Chuck Baldwin joins us.
He has written the book that we sell, Romans 13, The True Meaning of Submission.
But I've heard Christians call into conservative radio and say we should submit and issue these marriage licenses and all the rest of it.
This is a conquering, folks.
This is a takeover.
This is a domination.
Because standing in the way of world government and a microchip population and a cashless society is the true Christians.
That's why the Pope will travel the first time to Cuba to be worshipped by the communist dictator and his brother Raul.
That's why he's coming here to meet in secret with Boehner and then address Congress.
The globalists are making their move.
They blackmailed the Catholic Church.
This even came out in The Guardian to put in the Jesuit Pope calling for world government.
There are a lot of good Catholic people.
I'm not attacking you.
The Protestant churches have been taken over as well.
But it's here.
It's happening.
It's happening, and so many Christians say, praise God, it's a sign of the end of the world.
What a cop-out!
If you believe in Christ, standing before Christ at the White Throne Judgment, would Christ say, I know you if you didn't stand up for unborn?
But here's what I want to tell the phony Christians.
It doesn't matter what you do at your 501c3 church, where you want to feel good and make some business deals.
Like a Pharisee.
I'm not judging you.
God will.
There are good people infiltrating Planned Parenthood.
There are good people in the Pentagon exposing Obama funding ISIS.
There are people of conscience who can't submit to tyranny because they've already submitted to God.
And if you've submitted to God, and I'm certainly not perfect.
Then there's no way you can submit to open conscious evil.
Chuck Baldwin, ChuckBaldwinLive.com.
Thank you for joining us.
You've written some powerful editorials as of late dealing with the situation in this country, but we've talked about things compacting.
And accelerating.
They are now at light speed and only speeding up.
What are we watching right now?
And I hope folks know, historically, the judgment, once a nation becomes reprobate, always comes as night follows day.
Thank you for joining us, Chuck Baldwin.
Thank you, Alex.
Well, appreciate everything you just said there in the opening monologue of this hour.
I just want to kind of reiterate some things that you said.
First of all, relative to the marriage issue,
You're exactly right when you say that the real problem here, and this is what churches and Christians should be noticing, is that years ago, toward the middle and the end of the 19th century, as you've already noted, the institution of marriage, to use your word, was bastardized by the means of which they placed it under the authority of the state.
For over 1800 years of church history,
The state had nothing to do with marriage.
The institution of marriage is a divine marriage, is a divine institution.
This is not a civil contract.
And this is the thing that some of our libertarian friends are missing.
They're applauding the Kim Davis jailing in Kentucky, and they're talking about this being a right of civil contract.
We all understand that every American citizen has the right to enter into civil contracts, including homosexuals.
That's not the issue.
Marriage is not a civil contract.
It is a divine institution, created by God in the very beginning of the history of mankind.
Therefore, this is not a jurisdiction of the state.
It never has been and never should be today.
But going into the 20th century, when the Church sat back
And allowed the state to begin to exercise authority over marriage.
Then it became a civil contract.
It became something under the auspices and authority of the state.
Just as the church did in 1954 with the advent of the 501c3 amendment.
And we're now making the state truly God, and then all these liberals think they're getting rights from the state when it's a total fraud.
And here's the thing that makes this Kentucky case so interesting.
Because Kim Davis was actually the one who was obeying the law.
Now think about this.
In 1996, President Bill Clinton, after the Congress and the Senate had passed the Defense of Marriage Act, DOMA,
Clinton signed it.
It became the federal law of the land.
That marriage was between a man and a woman.
That was in 1996, signed by a Democrat president, Bill Clinton.
That was the law of the land nationally.
So now what this decision was basically doing was reviewing the DOMA decision, and we know what the court did.
What the court did is they ruled against DOMA.
That was the essence of the court's decision.
So the court's making law?
That's the other part that I wanted to get out, is the fact that our first article in the first section, all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in the Congress of the United States.
The Supreme Court has no authority to make law.
It renders opinions, okay?
So it made an opinion on DOMA, is what this was all about.
So what happened whenever the Supreme Court
I don't think so.
So right now there is act- well, what people are saying is that now it's the federal law of the land.
No, what the decision actually did was negate DOMA, which was the federal law of the land, meaning now that there's no federal law relative to America.
That's right, so it does revert to the state.
Stay there, this is key.
And then now they've jailed her.
I mean, this just shows their mindset.
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Alex Jones here back live.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin of ChuckBaldwinLive.com joins us.
Of course his son's a constitutional lawyer.
Works with him there in his operation.
But Chuck Baldwin really knows his stuff.
I've studied this in depth and he knows more than I do about it.
But the break kind of stole his thunder.
He was about to give us the fact that she was following Kentucky law.
But even Madonna's brother, who is a homosexual, and I used to try to be friendly and say the word gay, but it's about controlling language.
So now they say I can't say father or mother or boy or girl or he or she.
So I'm gonna start using the scientific words because it shows how they
Get you to start doing what they say and pretty soon everything's banned.
Pretty soon telling a woman she's attractive is banned.
Pretty soon men's barbershops are banned.
Pretty soon brown bags are banned.
This is a cult of fighting with each other.
And Chuck Baldwin, it really is an attack on humanity itself.
It's so alien against the main biology of humans that men and women loving each other
is somehow inherently bad because it hurts someone else who doesn't feel like that.
This is outrageous control freak behavior.
The state and weird creepy groups trying to insert themselves into our lives, our marriages, saying our kids belong to the state.
Creepy MSNBC host.
I mean, these people are really villainous, sick perverts.
It's not about freedom at all.
It's about tyranny of the mind.
And I think that's the battle that's going on today, and you're exactly right.
Kim Davis was obeying the laws of the state of Kentucky, which she swore an oath to, which now become the law of the land because DOMA was overturned by the Supreme Court decision, meaning that the Constitution that was written established that the
Congress only can create law that the Supreme Court does not make law.
So by negating DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, marriage between a man and a woman, it now reverts to the laws of the states.
The state of Kentucky had said in their Constitution that marriage is between a man and a woman.
Kim Davis was upholding her oath.
What's interesting, too, is that in the state of North Carolina and the state of Utah and in the state of Alabama, there are county clerks and courthouses all over those states
That are refusing to marry anyone, heterosexual or homosexual.
And by the way, as a minister, that's the decision I've taken.
I have made the decision, after the June decision by the Supreme Court, that I will no longer do a ceremony over any couple, homosexual or heterosexual, and of course I won't marry homosexuals anyway.
That have a state license.
In fact, I'm happy to report, Alex, I just had my first marriage a couple weeks ago without a state license.
Fortunately, here in the state of Montana, common law marriage is still recognized as lawful.
There's only about five or six states, unfortunately, in the country that still recognize common law.
And that's a subject that I think the listeners of your program should take note of, and they should be appealing to the legislatures.
Absolutely, because we have to take our power back or we'll be usurped by the impostors.
When I say perverts, there aren't just perverts who want to pick kids up in parks.
There's perverts that want to get in our lives and our families and tell us what to do.
This is outrageous!
Why would anyone want to live under something like this?
And think about this, now with this Supreme Court ruling, we've got transgender bathrooms that are being put in just about every school system across America.
Transgender bathrooms... Which just shows they're going to teach the kids to do this!
Yeah, and think about this too, you know, all these people talking about, well, you know, it was right to put Kim Davis in jail because she violated the government.
Think about this, 1962, 1963, Supreme Court removed prayer and Bible reading from the public schools of America.
But what's happening across the United States today?
In school district after school district, there are prayer rooms that are being put in the public schools to accommodate the Muslim students.
The Muslim students are allowed to leave classes during school time, go to those prayer rooms, and conduct their Muslim prayers on school property during school time.
Now, where is the, you know, where... Well, that's it.
Why is it selectively enforced only against Christians?
That's exactly.
It's because this is an attack against Christianity itself.
That's why I wrote the column a couple weeks ago talking about the collapse of Christianity.
And here's the thing that gets my goat about the whole thing, Alex, is I don't blame the Supreme Court, and I don't blame the liberals, and I don't blame the secularists and all these people that are pushing this agenda.
I blame the churches, the pastors of America.
They're the ones that have the power and the duty to stand up against this stuff.
Instead they're getting up and saying Romans 13 because they're state run.
And that goes back to the book that Tim and I wrote.
About the, you know, the true meaning of submission, Romans 13, because it's just, it's right out of Hitler's Germany.
This was the same doctrine that they taught to the churches in Germany during the... Well, Hitler has famous quotes about, I hate the Bible and it's a bunch of, you know, baloney basically.
He says it's not, it's a fraud, but I do like Romans 13.
Stay there.
We're going to come back with Chuck Bolan and break down
They hit Larian Romans 13 out of context, which flies in the face of the entire Bible, that Christians are supposed to submit to any order.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Today is September the 11th.
Never forget those planes that crashed into the Twin Towers.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The law that founded this republic said that the state was not God.
Even some of the people that weren't true Christians who were founding fathers, most of them weren't Christian, agreed to all this because they understood that the state then wouldn't be God.
They could set themselves up as God.
And that's what all the foolish liberals ought to get is that God wants to give us free will.
True Christianity gives you the right of choice.
So in America, you got the right to exercise free will at a level never before seen.
As long as you didn't force it on somebody else.
Now we're seeing tyranny, and we're seeing what occultism does.
It seeks to make you accept what it's doing.
It tells you, your kids belong to us, you're going to do what we say, you can't have fathers and mothers, because that hurts somebody else.
You can't have wealth, because that hurts somebody else.
And then the elites themselves are totally exempt from all the rules they foist on us.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin is our guest.
If you'd like to talk to him about this issue particularly, and where this country's going, 800-259-9231.
I'm going to plug here for a moment and then get back to that, but I'm going to say this first.
My parents were pretty conservative growing up, but also liberal in ways.
They grew up in the 60s.
More fiscally conservative, but they were live and let live.
I call them libertarians.
And I'll be honest.
I don't have a dislike bone in my body against homosexuals.
They run the gamut of different types of people.
And I'm not up here judging people.
I've got my own sins in my life.
Things I do that I know isn't the best lifestyle, like drinking sometimes or having anger problems.
Stuff like that.
I mean, none of us are perfect.
But it's the consciousness of hurting people that's bad.
It's trying to take free will that's bad.
And I'll say this.
The homosexual movement worldwide is a eugenicist, depopulation, anti-family movement.
I've proven it.
I've made films on it.
And they're putting chemicals in the food and water to change the sexuality of people.
That's declassified.
We're being messed with.
And now as people are changed, and as things become different, and some people you can say were naturally that way, some people genetic, whatever, this stuff's always gone on in history.
What I'm getting at is, just as Sodom and Gomorrah, whether you believe that Old Testament story or not,
It says they were coming to people's houses saying, we're going to force sex on you, you're going to do what we want.
That's where this has basically come.
And the homosexual activist Gore Vidal said all sex was about power.
And he made movies with trannies raping men.
Now I'm not judging Gore Vidal.
The point is, is that sex in my life is not about dominating somebody.
And so you got some really screwed up people leading these movements and the whole homosexual movement at the top is about taking over society, is about recruiting children, is about dominating and controlling.
And I'm not here to be dominated.
I'm not here to be controlled.
I'm tolerant.
But I'm not here to be enslaved.
And again, even Madonna's brother has come out and agreed and said that's the case.
And he said, why can the Muslims do whatever they want?
And why do we have to adopt what they say, but then very open-minded Christians we say are the enemy?
And he is a homosexual.
But see, he's not a tyrant.
And so I know tyranny when I see it.
And this is textbook tyranny.
So we'll get Chuck Baldwin's take on that and more and take your phone calls.
This TV that usually has the calls on, it's dead, guys.
We can fire that back up.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
I mean, making transgender bathrooms is about starting the conversation, getting kids into it, having it in books, and nudging them into that lifestyle.
It's psychological warfare.
Just like when they started death education in 1990, within three years, every school that did it had a tripling in suicides.
Even 2020, ABC News did a special on it.
I covered it.
At the time.
In 95, when they actually had the piece about what happened in the years after it was adopted.
It taught the kids how to commit suicide.
The DARE program teaches you how to use drugs.
And the truth is, five-year-olds aren't thinking they're a girl.
Six-year-olds aren't learning normally about oral sex.
That's what's taught now.
And it's sick.
It's teachers at a school with a curriculum not just telling your kids what to eat, and that parents can't pack lunches now all over the country, and that you can't have dodgeball or whatever because it's competitive and hateful, but that, you know, Bobby has two daddies or Heather has two mommies.
I mean, this is being forced with people sexualizing our children and it's pedophilia.
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Okay, going back to Chuck Baldwin of Chuck Baldwin Live.
Get into Romans 13, please, sir, and then speak to what you think we're being conquered by.
Obviously, it's the devil.
But my faith has always been strong, but now it's so strong, Chuck, because you can see this isn't of this world.
I describe it, if I was a science fiction writer, of how an alien force would infiltrate and end a species.
You end the family, you confuse the sexuality.
I mean, Texas A&M has helped come up with stuff to eradicate the fire ant, eradicate different types of maggots that get into beef.
By attacking their sexuality with pheromones, with chemicals that confuse the sexes.
This is how if I was aliens I'd take out the planet.
You look at what the globalists are doing, it is a takedown of humanity.
How can the idiot Obama supporters not get that their healthcare prices have gone up?
How can they not get that black unemployment's doubled?
How can they not get they're being preyed upon by he that comes to kill, steal and destroy?
Well, and how can the pastors and churches not get that their obedience and submission is due to Christ, not the state, not Caesar?
I think a lot of our pastors and churches today are saying, in essence, what the Pharisees said 2,000 years ago when they said, we have no king but Caesar.
And that's exactly the way they're acting.
Because of the 501c3 issue,
They're scared to death that they might lose their tax-exempt status, and therefore they're afraid to deal with any of the issues that are confronting their churches and their communities, which has basically neutered the churches of the pastors.
They've become completely mute on these issues.
Think about it, Alex.
We've got over 300,000 evangelical churches in America today.
Think what would happen if just half of them
Or a quarter of them would stand up in their pulpits and strongly take a stand on these issues.
Think about what would have happened in Kentucky if the pastors and churches had stood up.
That situation there would have never taken place.
This is being done because of the lack of courage and involvement of the pastors and churches in America.
We have no one to blame but us.
And the reason for this is largely the Romans 13 misinterpretation.
This thing has been propagandized for the last 75 to 100 years to the point that it's now a part of the psyche of the Christian community.
They don't even think about it.
They just accept it carte blanche.
And this is one of the most perverse teachings of Scripture that I know anything about.
The whole Bible is people not submitting to tyranny!
I mean, if you took out every example of the Bible
Of people, men and women, who deliberately disobeyed the higher power, the civil government, based upon a moral conviction under God.
You get rid of Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks!
The book of Daniel, the entire book of Judges.
Go through the book of Acts.
Go through the Old Testament.
Time after time you see disobedience, willful disobedience to the government because there is a higher law
Thank you for having me.
Because they're not churches.
That 501c3 status of the IRS, they became a government corporation, and the officers became government officers.
It's corporate officers.
So therefore, they're acting in accordance with that.
They're not prophets, they're not watchmen on the wall, they're not speaking... They're not Paul Revere, they are state-run.
Exactly, they are state-run.
They're state-controlled, and they know it.
And that's the thing about it is that the third rail out there, it's an invisible rail, but they know it's there, and they refuse to touch it for fearing that the influential members of the congregation, the people that are giving a lot of money, well, they might not be inspired to give if there's a threat to the non-profits.
And let me throw this in there, Pastor, because I want your expert take on this.
The last six months, you could see the hammer dropped by the collectivists.
The takeover is on.
And suddenly, I got some family that goes to Methodist churches and kind of Baptist churches and stuff, and I go to some of them.
Man, it's like here in Mount St.
Tongue or something.
The new pope openly calling world government, saying abortion's okay.
I mean, it is on.
They are really showing their hand.
Why do you think that's happening?
Well, I think it's happening because it's now the politically correct thing to do.
And unfortunately, the thing that's motivating most of these church leaders is success, quote-unquote.
And I'm taking that word not because that's what I'm saying, but because of George Barna's research a few months ago documented this brilliantly.
The average church leader in America is motivated by success.
Success means bigger crowds in the audience,
Bigger offerings, more programs, more staff members, and larger square footage of building.
That's what success means, according to Barna's research, in the average church.
So it's not about preaching the word, it's not about standing for truth, it's not about preparing... But it's not success if you've just got some government-run social club with a cross hanging on the wall.
And in Nazi Germany, and if you've ever read Hitler's Cross, a tremendous book,
You see the photographs of the Nazi flags in the auditoriums of the churches of Germany, and sewn right in the center of the Nazi flag was the Christian cross.
I mean, that's how integrated the church had become to the state.
You talk about separation of church and state.
We don't have it.
We have the state that is taking over the church.
The church is nothing but a mouthpiece.
For the state.
I know, and I talk to liberals and they go, separation of church and state.
That doesn't mean the government runs the churches.
It's just so inverted.
It's absolutely inverted.
And the result is the loss of freedom.
Not only that, we don't understand natural law anymore.
You can't even get Christian pastors to give you any kind of an explanation.
Can you give me just a brief summary of natural law?
They can't do it.
You say, where is natural law in the Bible?
They can't do it.
Chuck, I was criticized over the years as a libertarian Christian for not being more upset about the homosexual lobby.
But I've just got to say, now I can really see that it is what people said.
I mean, it is a takeover.
And it's just so weird to see weird socialist, communist, and homosexual groups
Allied to bring down Christianity with radical Islam, which would cut their throat in a minute.
And the feminist groups have nothing to say about radical Islam and all the horrible things they do.
These are really just sick, evil people that are controlling all of this.
I mean, they really are, at the end of the day, their hunger to attack real Christians and to take us over.
And our children really shows they're animated by the spirit of the devil.
Yeah, what are Christian parents going to do now?
I mean, look, this term just started up around the country.
They're going back to a transgender curriculum in the schools.
They're going into transgender bathrooms in the schools.
I mean, where are the Christian parents on this?
Are they really going to allow their kids to be subjected to this five days a week in the public schools?
If we should ever be thinking about homeschooling, it is now.
But is it not pedophilia to come in and make education about sex with little kids?
I mean, this is perverted!
At one time, it would have been considered a crime.
In the United States, it would have been considered a crime, contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
That's exactly what... Well, we always wondered how NAMBLA would get in.
We know the UN wants to legalize it all, and these judges have been calling in Europe for legalizing it.
And, you know, the day's coming where a 20-year-old or 50-year-old knocks on your door and wants to date your 7-year-old, and if you don't do it, you'll go to jail.
Well, you know, what's going to be next?
I mean, you know, Judge Roberts predicted in his dissent to the Supreme Court decision in June that this was going to segway into polygamy very quickly.
Where do we go from there?
Yeah, how do you say no to people who want to marry five women?
Well, and how do you say no to people who want to marry minors?
I mean, we can see the age of consent that's going to be going down to accommodate people who want to marry minors.
Yeah, because that's their preference.
I mean, you don't want to be bigoted.
Where is it going to end?
Like you said at the beginning of this hour in your monologue, Alex, when a society gives itself over, and we're not saying that there's always been immorality.
In society.
We understand that.
We're not trying to play God.
We're not trying to go in people's bedrooms.
And I'm the last one that promotes that kind of stuff.
I mean, people that accuse Chuck Baldwin... No, they're coming into our houses!
...for private morality.
They don't know me.
I don't do that, Alex.
I don't.
But when a society itself, as a whole, when it gives itself over to moral indecency and perversion,
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It's up on InfoWars.com.
It's up at DrugsReport.com as well.
We'll put it back on screen for TV viewers.
I hurt myself.
Storm strikes Mecca in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
65 dead after crane collapse.
And I wonder, looking at Mecca, will they put transgendered bathrooms in there?
See, nobody asked Saudi Arabia to take the refugees caused by the wars they've been starting.
It's just sick how they guilt us, the West, so open-minded into submitting to all this craziness.
Chuck Baldwin, there is an awakening happening to this.
And I think the establishment's smoking a lot of its own dope.
I want to give us some phone calls in this segment and the next.
There's a whole other hour coming up, fourth hour, with Rob Dew and others and David Knight and you name it hosting.
But Chuck Baldwin, how does the left work with radical Islam that would slit their throat in a minute?
I guess that just shows the true hate is of Christianity and freedom.
Yeah, I don't think there's any question that the secularists in general have a disdain against Christianity and Christian principles.
And I do believe that there is a correlation there.
And I think that the fact that America was founded by Christian men, largely, mostly,
And that the fundamental tenets of our Bill of Rights and the principles of our Constitution, and especially our Declaration of Independence, are all founded and framed on Christian principles, and on biblical principles, and natural law principles.
I think that the men and women who reject those ideals
...have a natural propendency to reject Christianity in general, because they know that that's the basis of our liberties and of our freedoms.
And if you are tyrannical in nature, if you are dictatorial in nature, then obviously you have to cut to the root of that which is the source of liberty and freedom.
And that, of course, is the principles of the Bible and the principles of natural law.
And so I think that there is a natural tendency on the part of the people you're describing to target Christianity.
I don't think there's any doubt about it.
It's a complete double standard.
Because everything that they're denying Christians, they are readily acquiescing to Muslims here in the United States.
Well, that's the thing about political correctness.
It's all selectively enforced.
Feminists can have sex with whoever they want, objectify men, but you can't do it to them.
I mean, it's just sick.
And you look how bad a shape women are in now.
It's just crazy.
Pete in Indiana, you want to talk about 9-11.
Go ahead.
It is the 14th anniversary.
I just wanted to comment.
9-11 is now commemorated as Patriots Day.
And the irony of that is that since 9-11, and since the wars we've been involved in, and since our police have been militarized, that Patriot's Day is more like a slap in the face to people who are patriots.
Patriot's Day is April 19th.
They now call this the new Patriot's Day, and they talk about those that died, but not about those that died from the dust, not the prior knowledge, how it's been used to take our liberties.
Chuck Baldwin, what do you think of 14 years after 9-11?
I think that there's more questions unanswered than there are answered.
I mean, you know, when I was traveling around 2008 as a candidate for President of the United States on the Constitution Party, I was asked that question quite a bit.
And my standard response was, I'd just like for somebody in authority with some kind of documentation and scientific evidence to show me why Building 7 collapsed.
I mean, we can't even get a straight answer from anybody.
I talked to the Deputy Emergency Manager.
He said they blew it up.
He was dead two weeks after he was on.
Pete, that's what I'm saying.
I'm saying nobody in an official capacity, nobody that, you know, that could have a real part in bringing some solution to the minds and closure to the minds of the hearts, especially the families.
And now...
The former head of defense intelligence and the former deputy head of the CIA came out and said our government runs Al Qaeda and ISIS and is protecting them and Obama's covering it up with Saudi Arabia.
I mean, we got a coup in this country by Saudi Arabia, folks.
I'm not saying entirely, but nobody talks about them.
And boy, when we do, let me tell you, they don't like it.
We're going to be right back.
Stay with us.
Check BaldwinLive.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Taking your phone calls from Chuck Baldwin, I'm Alex Jones.
Mike in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
I've suspected for a long time and I don't know if either you understand what the actual issue is in this world or if maybe you're just not giving it to the people.
Because the truth is, the reason why this has been happening in this country and pretty much all over the West is because people just don't believe in God anymore.
And so the truth is that the war is on God.
It's a war on God, not a war on Christianity.
So, you know, you're always talking about being, you're not anti-Islam, you're not Islamophobic.
But the truth is that you either come off as ingenuous or you're ignorant about Muslim culture because, you know, I converted and I've been to a Muslim country before and I've seen what it actually produces and Muslim people are actually people of faith.
Let me ask you a question.
Can I preach Christianity on the streets of Saudi Arabia?
Uh, as far as I know, not that I know, but he's a... No, you can't.
In fact, it's an executable offense.
Can you teach Islam on the streets of California?
Okay, you talk about Saudi Arabia... You're not getting to answer my question.
Here's what I don't like.
I give Islam, and I know a lot of Muslims are nice people, in a lot of ways they're more moral than what we've got here in this country.
So I don't judge Muslims across the board.
I try to stop them from being invaded.
I try to stop them from being taken over by the globalists and a class of civilizations.
But the truth is, radical Islam is being allowed to take over, and being allowed to persecute Christians, and I'm sick of it, and I'm tired of it, and I'm standing up for Christians.
Now, I want to give Chuck Ballen a response to what you said, Mike.
I'll let you comment back.
Well, he obviously doesn't know me very well, and he hasn't read too much of what I have to say, because I'm one that has taken a lot of grief from the right.
On my statement that there are many, many, many peace-loving Muslim people here in this country and around the world.
There are.
And that our foreign policy, our aggressive war doctrine, our preemptive invasions, our drone attacks, etc., this New World Order machination that's being played out in the Middle East is doing more to create
The radical Muslims that you're talking about.
We are creating, we created ISIS through our CIA, of course.
And that is to disease the good Islam, I guess you're talking about, sir.
So there could be a clash of civilizations.
We have all the documents.
So that's what I'm saying.
So what I'm saying is the gentleman needs to understand that my position, and I think yours too, is we're not talking about Muslims in general.
And we're not even attacking, at least I'm not, I'm not even attacking the Muslim faith per se.
But the radical implementation of Islam in this country is a problem.
And it's created by a New World Order doctrine, which is bent on controlling the entire Western world under one global environment.
And that includes London, it includes Saudi Arabia, it includes the United States, it includes Israel.
And whenever we stop and realize that the fallout of this, the blowback, the CIA term of this, is this perpetual war that we see going on.
And to fight the perpetual war, we've got to have a police state erected.
It's a global destabilization.
Great point.
Chuck Baldwin, we're almost out of time.
I wanted to have Mike be able to counter back.
Mike, the truth is a lot of Muslims want to defend the fact that a lot of Islam has become totalitarian.
I'm against totalitarianism across the board.
And the truth is you can't preach Christianity in Saudi Arabia.
You can preach Islam here.
So that's what I was saying.
You keep talking about Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia has no part in this.
You make it seem like... Saudi Arabia pretty much runs Islam.
That's not true because no Muslim that I know really believes that Saudi Arabia is in control of anybody.
Everybody knows that the Saudis are a bunch of degenerates and they do not run Islam.
They don't represent the Muslim community.
And you see, you're always talking about how the Saudis have a hand in ISIS and so does the West and so does Israel.
So how all of a sudden...
Saudi Arabia is a perpetrator.
No, they're part of it, definitely.
Well, sir, I mean, you say that we don't have a war on God here, and you say that we don't expose other people involved.
I've been doing that the whole show today, so you must have been listening to another show.
Better check your dial.
Chuck, powerful interview.
Thanks for the time.
God bless you.
Thank you, Alex.
Coming up, Rob Dew hosts the rest of the show.
Then next week, it's going to be David Knight.
They've all been doing a great job.
He's covering 9-11.
There's no doubt that our country is in serious trouble right now.
And if you're wondering how on earth we ever got in this situation, well I'll tell you how.
When the Democrats showed their true colors, you got angry and you elected Republicans.
And then when the Republicans showed their true colors, you got angry and elected Democrats.
And when anyone suggested to you that both parties were corrupt and that neither side were looking out for your best interest, you acted like they were crazy.
But the real definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
That's why it is vitally important that you wake up, America, and break the matrix.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
I'm going to be in here for the rest of the hour live.
You can either tune in to your radio station if they carry it.
If not, give them a call.
Tell them to carry the fourth hour.
If they're not carrying it, go to Infowars.com forward slash show and you can watch the whole thing live in TV.
I'm going to have some articles here.
We're going to play some 9-11 videos.
We're going to have a guest on at the bottom of the hour.
He's a TV guy in Britain and he refused to pay his BBC license back in 2013 because of the BBC's presentation and it's a video I'm going to show you in just a second and he says they had foreknowledge of what was going on in 9-11 therefore they're part of a terrorist organization so he went to court
He fought against it, now he's working on a film about the subject, and 9-11's affected everybody.
I mean, there's not one person in this world who hasn't been affected by it.
If you were on the side of the terrorists, you were definitely affected by it, because we invaded the countries that actually didn't attack us.
And so you're probably actually scot-free if you're in Saudi Arabia now.
We've got the 28 pages.
We're going to talk about it a little bit.
I'm going to play a report that Derry McBreen put together in our short five-minute segment coming up next.
Um, but, uh, and I'm also going to cover an interview we did last night with a family who is in Nevada.
They have a mine there and a family mine they've had since the 1870s.
I think Ulysses S. Grant is on the deed.
He signed it over to them and they have been harassed by the government who want this land.
They want this 400 acres.
And there's the headline right there, shocking area, 51 family describes bombing, machine gun attacks, that's 50 caliber machine gun attacks, and nuclear testing done by the feds.
And take a look at this picture right here, this is what they sent me this morning.
This is actually a picture that they took.
uh... from their uh... from their house and this is a nuclear blast right here there's the cat is the family cat checking it out and there are the families members of the sheehan family this was twenty miles from their house this is what the american government thought of these people they thought they could open air test nuclear bombs twenty miles from their house now you tell me that is not ludicrous and uh... if if if the government is going to do that
Test nuclear bombs next to families and homesteads?
What makes you think they won't kill 3,000 to 4,000 of their own citizens to further their agenda?
Which is consolidate, consolidate, consolidate.
So let's actually, let's go to that BBC video right now.
And this is what Tony Rook, who's going to be my guest at the bottom of the hour, this is what he was so pissed off about that they would have the gall to talk about a building that collapsed when it's actually standing right behind the reporter.
So let's go to that video.
...moments ago was talking about the Salomon Brothers building collapsing.
And indeed it has.
Apparently that's only a few hundred yards away from where the World Trade Center towers were.
And it seems that this was not a result of a new attack.
It was because the building had been weakened during this morning's attacks.
We'll probably find out more now about that from our correspondent, Jane Stanley.
Jane, what more can you tell us about the Salomon Brothers building's collapse?
Well, only really what you already know... Her head's blocking it right now but you can see the corner of World Trade Center 7.
Yeah, the building is still on fire behind her, smoking.
And you can see the corner of it behind Jane's head.
There it is.
They zoom in on it.
So there you go.
We're going to have the story behind that and the filmmaker who is so mad he didn't want to pay his BBC license.
They call BBC auntie over across the pond in England.
Let's get to some 9-11 stuff that may happen today on 9-11.
This is from BizPakReview.
Cops on high alert for Black Lives Matter violence targeting 9-11 events.
Some members of the Black Lives Matter and F-U-K-O flag movements are organizing and calling for the murder of more police officers.
This is from the Daily Caller.
And they have an interesting, scroll down a little bit guys, and you can show them the flyer right there.
We are free of your lies.
Your world has ended.
We will continue without you.
On 9-11 we will reveal the truth.
That will change everything.
Together we are the future, featuring Black Riders Liberation Party, Black Supremacy, and Black Radicals, I guess, of America.
So, they are planning on doing some events at Stone Mountain, which they claim is a racist site, even though it's a mountain and people go there and hang out and families go there.
So, we'll see what happens.
Daily Caller also picked up on this Black Lives Matter attacks on 9-11.
Uh, be on the lookout alerts from several law enforcement agencies are saying that Black Lives Matter and FYF 9-11 are calling for the murder of police officers.
And there's even, if you go back actually to the BizPak review article, there's another poster down here that shows
I guess what they're planning on.
Scroll down to the bottom of that, guys.
It's real small on this, but you can see there's a Klan member hung up, and right next to him, a police officer.
So they're equating the police with the Klan, even though maybe the Democratic Party actually started the Klan.
A lot of these guys, I bet, identify as Democrats.
So you've got that.
If anything happens or if anybody wants to report on anything having to do with these Black Lives Matter 9-11 style attacks, you can call in at 800-259-9231.
I will take your call if you have something to talk about this.
If you're at one of these locations, you see something happening, you have breaking news, we will get you on immediately.
But don't call in if it's not about that.
If it's not about that, if it's about anything else, I'm not going to take your call.
And if you do come on and try to get on, I will cut you off very quickly.
Now, I want to go to an excerpt of an interview we did last night with the Sheehan family.
They were just done Fox News, and then they called us, or we got in touch with them.
They said, sure, we'll come on.
We did about a 30-minute interview, and that is linked in this article.
Shocking Area 51 describes bombings, machine gun attacks, and nuclear testing by the feds.
And so this is about a minute and a half in.
We're going to play a couple minutes of that, so let's go to that now.
You know, the gunnery range and that had been established.
And at that time, they started to strafe the property with, you know, aircraft, .50 caliber rounds.
Let me show you these.
They started using your private property as a shooting range.
Basically, yes.
And there were people on property, our grandparents, both of our fathers and our mothers, along with, you know,
In some cases, kids.
And this continued through the 50s.
The big, big problem started in 1951 with the first above-ground nuclear test.
A test they did not even inform our family of.
So if you can imagine, you know, you're out there a considerable distance from, especially at that time, from anything.
And this bomb goes off.
And not only are you, you know, you think
Oh my God, what is it?
The nuclear don is here.
And you can't Google it.
You can't call anyone.
You have no idea what occurred.
Those above ground tests really started the demise of what the fortune that our grandfather had built.
Everything was paid for.
The mill was paid for.
His equipment was paid for.
He just didn't know anybody.
And he was making really good money at the time.
Let me ask you about health effects, because a lot of people are concerned about the long-term health effects of the nuclear radiation that was carried by the wind.
Of course, the military exposed soldiers to these above-ground nuclear tests.
Were there any effects in your family?
Yes, there was.
Some of that, and I'm going to hold this up, and I hope you can get it.
If not, we can tell you where to find it.
But right here, this is a picture, and that is our grandparents
Dan and Martha Sheehan, along with Ben's dad, Bob Sheehan, and Cleo the cat in the corner, you can see him there, that's about four o'clock in the morning.
That picture was in a 1953 issue of National Geographic.
This story ran in the Sacramento Bee, and if you look,
The story focuses on death, disease, followed tests.
Families in the U.S.
silent on radiation risks.
If you're interested in learning more about the Sheehan's, you can go to facebook.com forward slash groom mine.
And there's actually some videos on there of some of the elders.
They're talking about the health effects that they suffered after the nuclear testing going on 20 miles from their house, 20 miles from their house.
So they're being used as guinea pigs by the federal government.
And you think this government, if they will do this to just regular old people trying to make their living in an independent way, you don't think they'll do it to 3,000 people working in the World Trade Center?
In fact, let's just look at what the official story is.
The official story is that terrorists with box cutters took over four planes.
They got 100% of their targets hijacked.
And then they hit 75% of their targets, bypassing this multi-multi-multi-million dollar aerospace defense system that we have located.
It was NORAD.
Just, were able to fly on by, do whatever they want to do.
And nobody got fired.
Nobody got fired.
Nobody got reprimanded after 3,000 people died.
And you believe that there's no inside job, that it was just terrorists.
If you believe that, you're a total moron.
Also on Infowars.com, video Oath Keepers vow to guard Kim Davis from further imprisonment.
There's an interview there with Stuart Rhodes that you can check out.
I just want to read a little bit of Stuart Rhodes' statement.
We believe the Federal District Court Judge David Bunning grossly overstepped his bounds and violated Mrs. Davis' due process rights, and in particular, her right to a jury trial.
The judge has assumed onto himself not just the powers of all three branches of government, but also taken on the powers of judge, jury, and executioner.
What matters to us is not whether you agree with her position on gay marriage or her decision not to issue marriage licenses.
What matters is that the judge is violating the Constitution in his anger and desire to punish her for going against his will.
That is the real story.
That is the real story here.
Not whether or not she's going to issue state licenses to gay people who want to get married.
It's the fact that a judge put her in jail and she had no trial.
We have to have due process.
Whether you agree with what she did or not, if you're not for due process, someday you won't be getting that due process.
So we have to stand up for everybody or none of us will be getting anything.
So also I'm going to do a little preview on an article.
Wayne Madsen is going to be on the nightly news tonight with David Knight.
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Federal Agents!
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Pedophile-enabling prosecutors and officials try to run a PA Attorney General out of office.
This is an investigative report that Wayne Madsen did exclusively for Infowars.com.
He's going to be on the nightly news tonight with David Knight, I almost said Darren McBreen, with David Knight talking about how this ties into the Sandusky issue.
If you don't know, Penn State was where Jerry Sandusky was raping little boys in the shower and he's now in jail for it.
Now I want to jump to the 28 pages piece that Derek McBreen put together and this is one of the big smoking guns out there right now.
So I think we're going to go straight to break from this and when we come back we're going to have Tony Rook who's actually putting together a film where he stood up against the BBC and what he believes is their 9-11 cover-up.
I believe it too.
So let's roll the 28 pages.
Rand Paul has joined the fight to get the federal government to release the missing 28 pages of the official 9-11 commission report.
And that was blocked and kept secret by the Bush administration.
And that's because they know full well that the documents will prove once and for all that the Saudi Arabian government was directly involved in the attacks on September 11th.
So very embarrassing, not to mention treasonous, by George Bush and Dick Cheney, who are both implicated here in a massive cover-up.
And remember, it was George W. Bush himself, the hypocrite, who had this to say about anyone harboring terrorists.
Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make.
Either you are with us,
Or you are with the terrorists?
Oh, is that right, Georgie?
It's going to be like that, huh?
You're either with us or you are with the terrorists.
Well, you're the one, George W., who vacations with the Saudi royal family.
And you're also the one who used to vacation with the Bin Laden family.
And you're also going to find yourself in prison if these documents ever see the light of day.
This is sort of shocking when you read it.
As I read it, and we all had our own experience, I had to stop every couple pages and just sort of absorb and try to rearrange my understanding of history for the past 13 years and the years leading up to that.
It challenges you to rethink everything.
And so, I think the whole country needs to go through that.
That's right.
These brave gentlemen have seen the 28 pages and they want the documents released.
You heard representative Thomas Massey say right there that it will challenge you to rethink everything.
Whatever is in those documents is going to change world history.
I want those documents declassified.
I'm embarrassed to be associated
With a work product that is secret.
But wait, there's more.
Former Senator Bob Graham, who also co-chaired the Joint Senate House investigation into the September 11th attacks, he says, I am convinced that there was a direct line between at least some of the terrorists who carried out the September 11th attacks and the government of Saudi Arabia.
He called it a smoking gun, and he went on to say the reason for this cover-up goes right up to the White House.
Meanwhile, here's what they are saying in the New York Post.
The Saudis deny any role in 9-11, but the CIA in one memo reportedly found incontrovertible evidence that Saudi government officials
Not just wealthy Saudi hardliners, but high-level diplomats and intelligence officers employed by the Kingdom helped the hijackers both financially and logistically.
And if the Saudi government did indeed help finance and train the hijackers, well that, my friends, that is an act of war.
And I'm so glad to see the truth finally beginning to surface.
Senator Rand Paul has just introduced legislation called the Transparency for the Families of 9-11 Act.
And that would force the Obama administration to release the 28 pages.
Over a decade ago, a bipartisan congressional committee investigated the 9-11 attacks and wrote a report.
28 pages from that report have never been released to the public.
We're here today to call for the release of those 28 pages.
The survivors, civilian heroes, and families of the victims of September 11 terrorist attacks, some of whom are here today, deserve the full truth.
We cannot let page after page of blanked out documents be obscured behind a veil, leading these families to wonder if there is additional information surrounding these horrible acts.
So there you have it.
Rand Paul thinks that we all have the right and that the 9-11 victims' families have the right to see what's in those documents.
No matter how embarrassing or how incriminating it might be to George W. Bush.
So what do you say there, W?
Why don't you let us see what's in those 28 pages?
That's right.
You can watch the rest of that video on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
We just uploaded it.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Do you know what it means to be an American?
It's more than a flag.
It's more than knowing the star-spangled banner.
It's knowing the Constitution.
It's understanding those rights and fighting for them.
Our country's falling apart because people have forgotten to fight.
To stand up in the face of tyranny and do the right thing.
It's putting your life on the line to protect your country from enemies both foreign and domestic.
The Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government and no government should refuse or rest on inference.
So the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Broadcasting live from the Central Texas Command Center, it's the Alex Jones Show.
This is the fourth hour of Overdrive.
I'm your host, Rob Dew.
We're going to have different hosts sitting in here from time to time.
It'll be myself, David Knight, Leigh Ann McAdoo, Jakari Jackson.
In the final segment, I'm going to have Joe Biggs in here.
He's going to have some updates from the Fox Lake police shooting.
It's getting weirder.
And I actually made the call a couple days ago to him.
I said, this is starting to look like somebody was suicided.
But we'll see.
He's got some updates.
I don't exactly know what he's going to be reporting on.
But before we get to that, are you prepared if, say, the lights go out for two or three weeks, there's an earthquake in your area or a massive flood and you're stuck and not able to get to, you know, the store or maybe the stores aren't working, maybe everything's shut down.
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The beatings will begin until morale improves.
Anyway, we also have a new shipment of Brain Force in, and Alex has been taking this.
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I have yet to take it on a regular basis.
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It's Brain Force.
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Now I want to bring on my guest.
He is famous for a couple years ago winning a lawsuit against the BBC for daring to call them terrorists and not wanting to pay his TV license.
He didn't want to pay them their due diligence.
Everybody in the UK has to pay a TV license fee.
And he said, nope, I'm not going to do it.
Here's an article from the Daily Mail from back in 2013, February.
TV license evader refused to pay because BBC covered up the facts about 9-11 and claimed Tower fell 20 minutes before it did.
Here's another one.
BBC 4 Knowledge of 9-11 collapse of WTC Building 7.
British man won lawsuit against BBC for 9-11 cover-up.
We have the man now who's actually working on a film on this.
It'll be released in just a couple months.
It's called Incontrovertible.
My guest is Tony Rook.
Tony, how are you doing today?
I'm okay, Rob.
How are you doing, man?
I'm doing great.
Of course it's sad that we have to bring this up every year and talk about 9-11 because people refuse to get off their keisters and demand that the government tell us the truth.
But it's good to see people worldwide are fighting for this.
What first got you into wanting to explain this?
Was it just the £130 that they wanted you to pay?
No, no, I mean, originally I saw a video by a guy called Mike Rupert who was a Los Angeles detective and he was complaining about the importing of drugs by the CIA.
And it was just a segment of that that mentioned 9-11.
I wasn't
Particularly knowledgeable about it, but as the years went by I did some research and then of course I saw Building 7, like so many of us, and that began to worry me greatly.
And then the BBC in this country
You have to pay £140 a year for the privilege of watching the television.
And when I'd seen Building 7 go down and realised that the BBC had reported that a couple of times, 23 minutes before it occurred, I decided that maybe I shouldn't pay the licence fee anymore until they could tell me the original source of that report.
And to this day, they've never told me the original source of that report, so I decided not to pay them and went to court.
There you go.
Well, that's, you know, that's the example of one man standing up and saying no right there and caused a whole bunch of hubbub.
You won a lawsuit against them and there's actually a video on that Global Research News.
It's you outside the courtroom, I think, right after it happened.
But I want to go to a clip of your new film that's coming out, your documentary.
Incontrovertible, the 9-11 truth vs. the BBC court case.
And this is Matt Campbell who had a family member die in 9-11.
And he kind of guides the film, I guess.
We're just going to play a part of this.
Start at the beginning, guys, and I'll just cut you out when I feel it's right.
It's a longer clip.
But this is exclusive, isn't it, Tony?
Yeah, it's the first time anyone's seen this.
Alright, so let's roll away, guys.
We went to go and visit a chief inspector in West Sussex.
And you present her with stuff that clearly is not aligned with the official narrative.
They still choose to do nothing.
And I've encountered that at all levels of the British authorities.
You know, whether it be the police, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, say it's essentially outside their jurisdiction and they rely on the official narrative of the US.
You can't see something, be confronted with such evidence that is in direct conflict with the official story and just choose to do nothing.
You know, unless you're going massively into denial, cognitive dissonance, whatever you want to call it.
I mean, whoever you are, whether you're in the police or not, you know, you've got to look within yourself and is that what you should be doing?
Is it right?
The police force.
They're regular people.
And yep, there's going to be some fear that they may lose their jobs.
But this is going on everywhere.
People are waking up to corruption and just things that are blatantly not right.
If we just choose to be silent on that, it's not going to end well for any of us.
Alright, those are universal words for anyone out there who is covered or confronted by untruths or evil deeds and doesn't stand up.
You have to stand up.
Would you agree, Tony?
Tony, can you hear me?
I think we might have lost him.
He's there, but I don't know if he's getting my signal.
So the film is incontrovertible.
It's coming out in October.
And it was shot in the U.S., Denmark, Switzerland, Scotland, Italy, and the U.K.
Features retired cops, firefighters, politicians, and ex-military.
And the aim of the film is to give serving law enforcement officers, firefighters, an insight into the problems with the official 9-11 narrative through the eyes of their own colleagues.
Many of whom have greater experience than themselves.
And also illustrate the very notion of a false flag, especially an American one, is far from ludicrous.
But actually documented via the Northwoods document, something we covered here a lot on InfoWars.
And to paint a picture of the modus operandi used in the past and now recently.
And also to rip a new arsehole.
Out of my old buddies, the BBC, which they call Auntie, and I guess today on the BBC, it's nothing but Queen love, because I think the Queenie is now the longest-running UK monarch, is that correct, Tony?
She is, and I'm thrilled about it, Rob.
Are you bowing down to the Queen?
I guess you're not.
So, what are some of the big smoking guns and evidence that you uncovered while working on this, that you didn't know beforehand?
Well, I mean, before I started work on it, I knew all of them, really.
I didn't know that there were an awful lot of police officers in America and in the UK that knew about it.
I mean, I was very aware of it, but I wasn't aware.
I got a list of cops and firefighters, especially cops.
He knew about it from my friends in loads of places.
And I was amazed.
And everyone that we spoke to in the course of making the film, I always asked them the question, do you have any friends who agree with you?
And they said, yeah, loads.
So for the handful that we interviewed, I would have to say there must be thousands in America.
Um, who, who realized that we're being lied to.
So that's the reason I made the film.
Um, and God willing, you know, when people see that, they'll, they'll realize that.
All you have to do, we were just showing up, up there, uh, controlled demolitions next to building seven and it fought.
And in addition to the foreknowledge, which the BBC had because they've reported on it 20 minutes before it fell, you can also just watch the building fall.
Buildings don't fall like that.
Unless it's a controlled demolition.
And if it's a controlled demolition, that means somebody was setting explosives inside the building.
Last night on the Nightly News, we played a clip of emergency manager who worked inside Building 7, Barry Jennings, who was hearing explosions coming from underneath him.
He's trying to get out of the building, and the buildings hadn't fallen yet.
They were still up at the time when he's trying to get out.
He walks through the lobby, and it's strewn with bodies.
It's totally destroyed.
And he thinks so.
He can't figure out why.
And they keep telling him, well, it was the boiler room that was on fire.
And he goes, nah, I'm a boiler guy.
I know what a boiler explosion sounds like.
And that was no boiler explosion.
Well, he gets leukemia and dies before he's going to testify.
Isn't that amazing?
And then we also played a clip of Willie Rodriguez, who was a janitor there, who heard explosions underneath him at the World Trade Center before the planes hit.
So, but these guys will never see the light of day, and they're not in the government NIST report, they're not in the 9-11 Commission report, they're left out of everything.
So, it's a few small individuals that we have to fight against, but it's good that people are waking up.
This next clip has a, it's Ray Savage, who's a 15-year Sussex police officer.
How did you meet up with him, and what's his, how does he tie into the film?
Ray trotted up to, when I went to court against the BBC, he turned up and we met.
It was refreshing to meet a police officer when you go to court against the BBC or the establishment.
And told me that he felt the same way.
And I said, well, would you be willing to go on camera?
He said, yes, he would.
And so I filmed him and went to his rather nice house in Sussex, near where I live.
And we chatted for an hour or two and we have this little clip you're about to show.
Yeah, let's roll the clip now and then we'll come back and finish up here.
I joined as a cadet in 66, became a regular officer in 68.
In my 19th year, I was posted to Brighton.
So really, one of the highlights of my career was working on the Regional Crime Squad.
I did intelligence work with the 6th Regional Crime Squad, which now doesn't exist.
It's some other form.
I also worked as a terrorist officer at Gatwick Airport.
In counter-terrorism, and quite a few other things.
I did a lot of surveillance work, taught surveillance, was in the training department.
Quite a chequered career.
I had great disquiet, really, about when I saw the evidence of Building 7 and the collapse of that.
I'd actually seen many controlled demolitions.
Actually, police wanted to.
And, you know, when I saw that Building 7 pancake, I absolutely knew that that was a controlled demolition.
There was just no doubt in my mind from the experience of seeing demolitions, as a police officer having to go there and actually throw a cordon around the building whilst it was pancaked down.
So that really had me questioning.
And then, of course, when I saw the BBC News programme, the 24-hour programme with Jane Stanley announcing
That Building 7 had fallen, and seeing the disparity of the time, I think it was about 20 minutes in advance.
Obviously, she had very strong psychic powers, or perhaps the script was read in advance, and that's certainly the version that I prefer to believe.
So really, my whole questioning of that incident started then.
There you go.
That's a 15-year veteran police officer who doesn't buy what he's seeing.
You can find more information on Incontrovertible at killingauntiefilms.co.uk, killingauntiefilms.co.uk.
Now Tony, did you ever get a hold of Jane Stanley?
Were you ever to confront her and get her side of the story?
Well, no, because Jane's been interviewed before, and I don't hold any grievance against Jane Stanley.
I don't hold any grievance against Philip Hayden, who was the news anchor in London when that happened.
I don't think they had anything to do with it.
No, I don't think so either, but they got the talking points and they read them.
They did.
I mean, Philip Hayden has been interviewed.
You can go onto the internet and see that.
But no, I didn't bother to get a hold of them.
I just got hold of law enforcers who were used to analysing evidence and used to analysing
You know, the story of a crime from beginning to end, and see what they have to say.
Yeah, people using logic and deductive reasoning, which is what, exactly opposite of what you got with 9-11 and the commission report.
You got a bunch of hearsay, you got a bunch of blacked out documents, 28 pages are missing.
Hey, who cares?
Exactly, yeah.
You know, now we're going to go fight wars, endless wars in the Middle East and try to conquer that for oil.
We're going to get the Brits involved.
What's been the total fallout in your country?
I mean, in terms of the devastation of sending men to war and those men coming back.
We have a lot of wounded veterans here who are totally distraught.
They're on psychotropic drugs.
They commit suicide.
What's the fallout like in the UK?
The mainstream media reported, Rob, that we have more men committing suicide than have died in combat.
Or men and women, I guess.
I shouldn't exclude ladies.
And, you know, it's going to cost this country an awful lot of women.
England remains the wagging tail of American foreign policy.
And much as I love America, and I do, I lived there for many years, and I love the United States.
But your government, really, is... I don't want to use the word on the internet.
But yeah, we have 22 a day, isn't it, in the United States that are committing suicide.
We have more guys committing suicide that have died in combat in the UK.
So that's the fallout.
And yes, that is the real tragedy going on there.
It's not just going into other countries and killing other people and taking their land and property and resources.
It's also when the guys come back, they feel guilty.
They see what they were doing was a false mission.
They see all the hypocrisy behind it.
And then they can't live with themselves.
And that is, it's very sad.
So I guess we got about a minute and a half left here.
What's the final information that you would like to impart to people?
And when your film is going to release in October, how are you going to release it?
We're going to have a screening in London, at a cinema in London, so people can come along and buy the DVD.
The concept of the film is very simple.
We're going to sell the DVDs at the screening.
You can buy it online at Killing Aunty Films.
It will be released in a very small sort of paper sleeve, so you can give it to...
There you go.
Tony, I recommend you put it out on the internet for free as well.
That is something Alex Jones pioneered, and he's still able to sell DVDs.
You still will find people to support you, so I'm glad you're getting the word out.
I really encourage you to continue doing that.
Thanks for making this film.
And we'll be right back.
We're going to have Joe Biggs here in the final segment with some updates on Fox Lake.
This is the InfoWars, uh, I almost said InfoWars on the news, the Alex Jones Show Overdrive Hour.
I'm Rob Due, your host.
Stay tuned.
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Final segment of Overdrive, I'm your host Rob Dew.
Joining me riding shotgun is Joe Biggs, retired Staff Sergeant from the U.S.
Tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News, David Knight will be interviewing Wayne Mattson covering this story.
Pedophile-enabling prosecutors and officials try to run a PA Attorney General out of office.
So that should be interesting to see what Wayne has to say.
We sent him there on assignment to Harrisburg.
Now Joe, you've got some updates on what's going on in Fox Lake.
You are actually there on the ground running around what turned out at some points was a wild goose chase and now it turns out that the men that were on video aren't really suspects.
So what's going on in Fox Lake?
Yeah, I mean this is a really interesting scenario that's unfolding before us over in Fox Lake.
Like you said, when I was there they sent us on this, you know,
Goose chase through cornfields looking around.
Thousands of people, manpower, helicopters, airplanes flying in the air for what essentially turned out to be a hoax.
And then you've got this manhunt going on for three men, two white males and a black male suspect.
They finally get security footage, the three people that are walking out where he was killed at that time, the cops came out and said, well, those guys have nothing to do with it.
So now they're basing their entire investigation purely off of the 911 call or the radio call from Lieutenant Joe Glinowitz saying that he was in pursuit of three men.
So that's all they're going off on.
But what we do know
Is this 52 year old lieutenant had been shot twice now once towards the back of the neck and one the interesting shot the fatal blow that the coroner said was under his vest in the stomach in the torso region and they said that's due to maybe possibly someone coming in that knew him got close to him and was able to kind of get that shot in there so here kind of comes the the weird scenario what happened the coroner came out he says
He's not saying that it's just a homicide, he's not ruling out suicide, and he's not ruling out an accident.
So that's the controversial comments that have been coming in.
The coroner's comments say it put the entire case at risk, and the police officer and the people there in the task force are upset that he came out and said that.
So there's something really weird going on.
He was a GI Joe.
This police station has been under investigation.
The chief of police there was just basically forced to step down.
Prior to him being killed, and he was known to have, like you said, been a Boy Scout.
So, did he see something?
Did he uncover something that was going on in this investigation?
Is that what got him killed?
Is this entire, you know, three-man pursuit a complete and total hoax?
Is it false?
So that's what we're trying to find out.
And I thought it was interesting you brought up a connection kind of with this story with Terrence Yakey from the Oklahoma City bombing.
Yeah, a lot of people don't know about Terrence Yakey because he's kind of, you know, that was pre-internet, the Oklahoma City bombing.
But we have a film here at InfoWarsStore.com called The Noble Lie, which covers a lot of things about the Oklahoma City bombing, which are fishy.
One of which is the death of Terrence Yakey, who was a man who was on the scene rescuing people.
He was police officer of the year.
He saw some things that he didn't like and he had some evidence in a storage building.
And he was got real paranoid.
I have interviewed one of his fellow officers, Don Browning, who was saying, yeah, he was he knew something was up.
He had information.
He wasn't ready to go public with it yet.
And then they find him in a field.
Dead of several knife wounds, some slashes, a couple shots, and what they say is he crawled, it had to be hundreds of yards, from his police car cruiser, which in there they said it looked like a pig had been gutted, and dragged himself all the way over to a tree and then decided to kill himself there.
He said he was being followed by two men, of course we never hear anything about that, but they listed it as a suicide.
Which I find highly improbable.
Everybody that knows him said it's highly improbable that he did this.
Yet, we're left with suicide.
So, when I started hearing about this with the police officer and there were two gunshots, I started, my spidey sense started tingling.
So, you're going to do a full report on this, right?
Yeah, it's interesting.
Like you said, his last words were, as soon as I shake these feds, I'll be back and we'll go out to dinner.
I'm assuming he said that to a wife or something like that.
But it's the same thing with Michael Hasings.
The feds are after me.
I'll be back.
I'm going off the radar for a little while.
And then his car blows up.
So this is what happens.
It doesn't mean it's a conspiracy.
It doesn't mean that there's a hoax.
But we're rolling out, buddy.
Do that.
Put all that in your report.
This has been the Overdrive Hour.
I'm your host, Rob Doo.
We'll see you next week.
Join us tonight for the Nightly News, 7 p.m.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well here we are my friends, 14 years after the tragic events of September 11, 2001 that were used to transform not just the United States but many other nations across the world into Orwellian police states that as you notice as Benjamin Franklin's warning comes true giving up security for supposedly safety or giving up
Liberty for so-called security and safety leads to absolute total enslavement.
I just had a Freudian slip there.
I was trying to quote him from memory, teleprompter free, that those that give up liberty for security will receive and deserve neither.
And so I was saying those that give up security for safety are idiots.
Because I see liberty as security, so you don't get safety out of giving up your security.
The two things are interchangeable.
So my mind just changed the word in midstream because I'm so dedicated to neurotically telling the truth.
It goes without saying, if you give up freedom,
If you give up your basic rights, if you let an outside group, a centralized secretive group, control your resources and your life, you will wake up very, very soon being enslaved.
That's the history of the world.
It's absolute common sense.
And as the checks and balances go out the window, it becomes more transparent than ever.
We have quite a lineup today here on the broadcast.
We have the barber.
He contacted us.
He's going on Fox News today.
He said he wanted to come on here first.
He saw us talk about it.
Barbershop fined $750 for refusing to cut a woman's hair.
It advertises as a men's barbershop.
And a woman came in and said, you're going to cut my hair, and they said, we don't have the equipment to cut your hair the way you want it done.
Go to a women's haircutting place and Pittsburgh, find them.
You can say, yeah, okay, it's ridiculous, but why are you obsessing over this story?
Because this is the future.
They're not going to find any women's haircutting places for not cutting men's hair.
They're going to persecute and harass any bastions of male identity or male behavior.
It is a culture war.
The feminists are gonna talk about men being sexual objects, but if a man does it, you're gonna get arrested.
That's already happening in some areas of Europe.
This story was out yesterday.
Feminists claim it's sexist to compliment women
Feminazi publicly shames man for complimenting her.
Another lawyer came by her LinkedIn, this is in the Telegraph today, we reported on it a few days ago, and said to her, you've got a stunning photo, best profile photo I've seen.
She then publicly shamed him and was praised by Femiscripts for standing up to the oppression.
Well, turns out, London Telegraph, lawyer who accused Barrister of sexism has described men online as hot stuff and trolled around telling them they're hot.
See, it's all about power to these people who aren't really that smart or aren't really that powerful to play the political correct game of sexism or the race card as a get-out-of-jail-free card.
And when you bow to them, you only empower their bizarre behavior.
But that's coming up in the second hour.
It is obviously the 14th anniversary of 9-11.
We're going to be breaking down a lot of key new developments on that front.
Cops on high alert for Black Lives Matter violence targeting 9-11 events.
NATO says they're caught by surprise by Russia moving to Syria.
We'll also get into two out of three Hispanics oppose immigration increase and a new Gallup poll and a lot more today.
Stay with us.
Today is September the 11th.
Never forget those planes that crashed into the Twin Towers.
Never forget our corrupt government that allowed it to happen.
Never forget all the innocent people who died that day.
And the many American men and women who signed up for the armed services to fight in a lie that died.
Never forget that.
Never forget the fact that our government was in cahoots with the Saudi government to allow and create this to happen.
Never forget how we took Osama bin Laden and made him a martyr so he could rise up in the ranks.
Never forget this day because this day has forever changed America and we're still trying to get back to the way we used to be.
Never forget the reason that they did this was so you could get patted down and groped by the TF
I say how you'd have to prove you were an American everywhere you went, but if you're illegal, you can do whatever you want.
Never forget that.
I'm Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Well, every broadcast is a doozy.
Every broadcast is jam-packed with key intel.
Every broadcast is extremely important.
But today's is going to be particularly important.
Joseph Farah is going to be joining us, the founder of WorldNetDaily, the target of the Clintons for destruction via the White House papers that have been released by their
Library Foundation.
He's got a lot of new intel for us and what he sees in his crystal ball.
Joseph Farah will be joining us in the middle of the broadcast.
Pastor Chuck Baldwin, an outspoken, eloquent, true Christian leader, will be looking at the situations with Christians being arrested for not issuing marriage licensure.
And Romans 13, it's being used to suppress Christians, not just here but across the world.
The radical Islamic invasion being supported by traitorous Western governments and more.
And then the owner of the barbershop, Johnny Interval, there in Pittsburgh, that is a men's barbershop,
And a woman showed up and wanted her hair done the way women have it done.
They said, lady, we don't have the equipment.
Well, she got to have her little victory and ran off and got them fined for it.
So next fraternal orders like the Masons, will they have to accept women?
Next, can I go to a black fraternal club and demand that I be made a Prince Hallmason or, we had a guest in here a few days ago who made the point, can I, if I have a Dodge, can I go into a Toyota or a Mercedes-Benz or BMW or Saab or Ferrari or Lamborghini or Nissan dealership and say, hey, I've got a Dodge.
I don't