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Name: 20150909_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 9, 2015
3071 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses political correctness and censorship in media, the state of global affairs, and individual rights. He highlights stories about barbershops being fined for not having equipment to cut a woman's hair due to political correctness and Hillary Clinton apologizing for using a private email account during her tenure as Secretary of State. Additionally, he mentions recent violence in Chicago despite its strict gun laws and emphasizes the importance of individual self-defense through the Second Amendment. Alex also promotes products from InfoWarsLife.com such as Deep Cleanze, a cleansing supplement, and Survival Shield X2, a source of pure iodine. Donald Trump discusses various issues including migrants, charities, globalism, race, gender, and the breakdown of society in this speech. He criticizes the idea of giving money to charity and discusses his own contributions to various organizations. Trump talks about how countries are being captured by criminal organizations involved in trafficking and other illicit activities. The speaker discusses various topics related to immigration and surveillance, mentioning Donald Trump's comments about Latin America and accusing Verizon of promoting anti-gun, anti-hunting, anti-wildlife, and anti- science content on its canceled Sportsman's Channel. Ted Nugent criticizes the current state of America and accuses the government, media, and academia of forming a stranglehold on the minds of many Americans.

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Offend Liberty Worldwide!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yesterday, I said it had been too long since Ted Nugent had been on the broadcast, and I guess they heard that, as his media people called us and said, hey, he's ready to come on.
And man, the story he's got to tell, it just fits into the massive censorship of libertarian and conservative ideas in this country, and the reign of terror of political correctness.
They have decided to go full board.
I have two articles, one from Washington State and one from Washington, Pennsylvania.
Strangely enough, I noticed that looking at the articles, one out of ABC News, one out of CBS News, the one out of Pittsburgh, they sent a political correct operative in there, a woman, to a barber shop, and said, do my hair, and they said, we don't have the equipment to do your hair.
There's a women's salon down the street.
So, she went to the government, they fined them, and just like the folks that won't bake the cake for the gay people,
They'll end up in jail if they don't submit to it.
So he said, I guess I'll get the equipment and the hair rollers and all the rest.
I mean, barbershops are for men because you want to be in there 10 minutes.
I've gone to barbershops most of my life.
I want to go in.
I want to get my hair cut.
I want to be gone in 15 minutes.
I don't want to get my hair cut over 45 minutes an hour.
And you've got salons that are for women.
I mean, there are salons where there's nothing but women.
It has nothing to do with putting women down.
But that's indicative of the war on just being male.
When they say, we're going to ban the word father or mother, boy or girl, he or she, they mean business.
And this is the takedown of civilization we're witnessing.
And turning people just against themselves, where being married or having children is fundamentally a crime.
Or having a single family dwelling is a crime under World Treaty, Agenda 21.
Where half the roads are turned into robot roads in the next 5 to 10 years.
And then they're going to phase them all out.
That was announced in the LA Times yesterday.
Of course, I told you this 20 years ago.
We're here.
They're making their move to destabilize things and consolidate power.
I have a stack of news here where they are waging war on the family and our very biology.
Hillary Clinton says she's sorry about the private email.
We're going to play that clip.
Trump has come out and said, we have to accept migrants here from Syria because they're quote, in a hell.
But nobody else has to.
Not Saudi Arabia, not any of these countries.
And of course, he's trying to score politically correct points now that he's the frontrunner.
That's what I've been worried about with Trump, is that once he starts getting closer to the election, he'll moderate towards the Democrats.
Well, if the Democrats want to commit national suicide, you can't moderate dragging a double-edged dagger across your arteries.
You can't moderate jumping off a thousand foot cliff without a parachute.
You can't moderate things like this.
This is designed to suicide the West, and I don't even mean racially.
It's designed to suicide us with Balkanization, Tower of Babel, Divide and Conquer, Cloward and Piven bankruptcy.
So that's all coming up today as well.
And then I saw this on local news yesterday.
It's now national news.
Two football players in high school spear the referee and then afterwards said it's okay, he was racist.
With no proof.
Over the Labor Day weekend, we had reports of 8 being killed and 46 being wounded.
July 4th of this year, we had reports of 9 dead and 53 wounded.
And let us not forget, July 4th of last year, we had reports of 14 killed and 82 shot.
And these are not nationwide stats.
All of these numbers come from the city of Chicago, the city with some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.
Which is to say, if criminals expect you to be unarmed, they're more likely to attack you.
Not to mention the fact that much of this violence is linked to gangs or drug activity.
Meaning that for all the gun buybacks and anti-gun commercials, criminals just haven't decided to turn in their firearms.
And I understand that police have many responsibilities and they can't be every place at once.
But that's why you have a Second Amendment so you'll be able to protect yourself.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live.
It's InfoWars Live.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We return weeknight 7 o'clock central with the InfoWars Nightly News.
Then Sundays 4 to 6 p.m.
with the abbreviated live broadcast 4 to 6 p.m.
World Bank Chief Economist warns the private run-for-profit Federal Reserve to delay rate rise.
Peter Schiff says everybody's got it wrong.
They're not going to raise the rates.
He says they're going to leave them the same.
I tend to agree with him.
All the indicators show that, especially with China further devaluing their currency and beginning to dump U.S.
Upwards of $115 billion in the last week.
That is only going to make the Federal Reserve want to continue to race to devalue as well, in my opinion.
Obviously, anything's possible with these globalists.
They throw so many curveballs.
They could do a mix too.
They've been talking about giving central banks free money still with 0% interest, but then raising it for the public in the prime interest rate.
So that's probably what you're going to see.
In fact, we've kind of already seen that really, where from what I've seen in the business publications, talking to business people, talking to private individuals, credit started to go up in a lot of sectors.
Interest rates have been going up.
So I think I kind of just answered our own question right there.
Hillary has said she's sorry.
For illegally having secret emails.
Well, why did the head of the EPA have to stand down two years ago when she got caught using secret ones?
Because it violates the National Security Act and it violates the Freedom of Information Act.
The Open Records Act.
Three acts.
They're all felonies.
She now says that it was a mistake, an interview on ABC News.
Donald Trump has made a shocking
We have to accept migrants here because they're living in hell in Syria.
There are people living in hell all over the world.
I don't have to accept them or pay for them.
If I want to give money to dig wells in Africa, or I want to give money to the Heifer Project, as I've been given for more than 12 years, to buy cows for African villages, or if I want to buy medical tables and medical beds for people in Central America, which I've done, and if I want to give money to the Salvation Army, which I've done.
I mean, I don't talk about my charity, but I'll go ahead and talk about it.
I don't tithe to churches, establishment whorehouses.
If I found a good church, I would.
There are some good ones out there.
I tithe directly to charities that I know give upwards of 85 percent, that's a good metric, to the actual people.
With no strings attached.
I have to go do major research that they're not forcing inoculations or they're not focusing a particular socialist worldview attached to that money you're giving to then politically take over those areas.
You want to give money?
Give it to Salvation Army.
So, I give way more money than probably anybody statistically that I know of.
And I do it because I have a job to do that.
If I'm for low taxes, and if I'm for a small government, then I'm supposed to give.
And that's what built this country.
And so, I actually try to help people.
In fact, I try to get into all the charity I've given, all the organizations I've been involved in, and, you know, the sponsoring of children and all the rest of it.
The problem is, it's a minefield to not have your money used to basically put them into a psychological and spiritual prison.
Because, yeah, they'll buy them breakfast and shoes.
But then, are you getting the full story of what happens with those charities?
That's something I've been wanting to do, is do research on charities.
Nobody's perfect, no charity's perfect, but to try to create basically a section on the side of charities that we've researched and that we believe are some of the better charities.
United Way and the Red Cross
Are some of the most evil organizations in the world.
Doesn't mean if you volunteer for the Red Cross, you're bad in a hurricane.
A lot of good folks volunteer.
That's their front.
About half the money in both groups goes to gun control, teaching your kids all sorts of horrible things in school, open borders, globalism, world government, you name it.
And that's all come out in the news.
But I'm already digressing.
You give your money to those organizations, you are insane.
I told you before it was ever in the news about the Clinton Foundation being an organized crime operation.
They're heavily involved with the Bushes.
It is despicable when there's a hurricane or a earthquake in Haiti and then the Bushes are up there on TV with Clinton going, give money to our foundations.
We're combining our foundations so they can pay for private jets and hotels and houses.
I mean, it's a sick joke.
I don't care if they paid for jet flights and hotels, but that ought to be 10% of the money.
A healthy charity doesn't spend more than 15% on overhead.
That's just a fact.
So that's a good metric right there of a charity.
If they're spending 20, 30, 40%, look out.
Now I've got all this world news and I'm digressing here.
They are banning in Germany and in Poland and other areas publicly criticizing wide open borders.
That's called living in a dictatorship.
You're going to accept millions of people running around screaming, you know, at the top of their lungs that it's everything free, carjacking, robbing.
I mean, the videos are legion.
And if you criticize it, we're going to arrest you.
Boy, the EU is really free.
Associated Press, the latest Polish authorities ban anti-migrant rally.
You're migrants!
If I want to go to Saudi Arabia, I got to have a visa.
If I want to show up and get on welfare there, they'll laugh at you.
They're not taking any of the migrants.
But if you want to criticize it, they're going to arrest you.
And now in England, and the rest of the UK, you try to criticize it, the police arrest you.
Oh, what free countries you live in!
You are captured by a criminal organization, a mafia, a narcotics, child trafficking, sex trafficking, snuff film trafficking, globalist system.
You look into NATO, you look into Interpol, you look into these groups.
I mean, they are the worst of the worst.
They are Spectre.
They are Cobra.
I want to play Jacari Jackson's great intro he did on the allegory of Cobra in the real world.
And I make the point that major newspapers have made jokes out of that I think Cobra's real.
No, in the video I say the allegory of Cobra is real.
Secret organization in and out of government, arms trafficking, drugs trafficking, money laundering, wearing masks, corporate board meetings, hiding who they are.
The globalists always symbolize themselves as a hydra, a snake, an octopus.
That's who they are.
And so the new movie, James Bond's coming out.
It's all about the Vatican and secret societies and Spectre.
What do you think the Bilderberg Group and Club of Rome are?
They are Spectre.
They're beyond Spectre.
They've been putting fluoride in the west water for 60 years, knowing it's a chemical warfare agent.
They're feeding us GMO they know creates mass birth defects.
They know neurological disorders are up several thousand percentage points.
So is type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Breast cancer is up many-fold.
Lung cancer in women is up seven-fold, even though smoking's gone down.
Do you have the nerve and the will to investigate and find out this is true?
Or do you want to go quietly into the night and basically be exterminated?
Because let me tell you, as I've said, you're not in Kansas anymore.
This is the real deal.
Now that said, I've been trying to think how to quantify this best to explain that our national symbol, our national identity is having chips on our shoulders and racially freaking out and everyone making excuses for what they do because of what class or sex or supposed race they are.
And I look at the headlines today, barber shop fined for refusing to cut woman's hair.
They just said, lady, we don't do women's hair.
We don't have the curlers.
We don't, we don't dye hair.
We don't, we just cut hair.
And they fined him, saying it was discrimination.
I guess you can't have a fraternal order of men or women.
Marine Corps Women in Combat Experiment gets mixed results.
Washington Post.
They're not going to have humans in combat soon.
That's why they're putting the women in now.
They're phasing it out.
They're sabotaging the human system.
Football players who rammed ref claim he made racial slurs.
Folks, I played football in one of the most un-racist areas.
You're gonna find, even when I played football, is the football field where half the people on average are black.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
And there's no evidence that they made these slurs.
They physically attacked the ref, speared him in the back, which can kill somebody, and then they're saying that it's because he said something racial.
Racial slurs.
So, and of course these kids go watch movies about discrimination in the 40s and 50s and stuff and baseball and it becomes their identity.
They relive football players and baseball players having racist things said to them.
They relive that, they go out, and then if you don't like the ref's call, you just attack them.
Could be called attempted murder.
Somebody's not wearing pads to hit them in the kidneys full on with your helmet.
And then even the coach is defending it.
This is just the breakdown of society.
Total thug society.
And then meanwhile, the new James Bond is going to be politically correct.
And the new James Bond movie will be the one coming up next.
And the new novels will be lectured by women on how being a man is bad.
This is all coming up.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns.
Well, the Ayatollah Khomeini says Israel won't survive the next 25 years.
Taking to Twitter, Iranian leader says Zionists won't find...
So that is Iran's response to the West trying to work with them.
And you gotta ask, what is Obama's real endgame here?
And I don't want to attack Iran.
I don't want to destabilize Syria to try to bring down Iran.
I don't want to have war with Iran.
I want prosperity for the Persian people.
Upwards of 75% in international polls don't like the ruling Shiite rulers.
But Saudi Arabia is the majority of Islam.
It controls Mecca.
It controls the Wahhabist sect that is taking over Sunni religion.
It's very diverse and is radicalizing Islam.
It is the big threat.
So I wonder why Iran plays into the globalist program of acting like villains.
Shiites are 19% of Islam.
They are not aggressively expanding.
They do not generally launch terror attacks in the West.
They do run real paramilitary operations, though, against Western forces in the Middle East.
But they do have real sleeper cells all over the West of serious military operatives who will take action if there's a war with Iran.
And then Saudi Arabia is going to hit them with nukes along with Israel.
So there's no winner in any of this.
And if you collapse the Middle East further, you're going to have even more refugees pouring into Europe.
And now, Paul Watson has the article up on Infowars.com.
It's incredible.
Image after image showing the jihadists, by name, on their own Facebook pages, showing what men they are.
Now as refugees, holding up their machine guns, their .50 cals, their rocket launchers, now on the streets of Europe, pouring in.
And Al Qaeda and ISIS said, three months ago, two months ago, a month ago, we're going to hit you with 500,000 refugees in the next few months, and we're going to flood in with our operatives and we're going to hit you.
And now the attacks have started,
And if you try to go out and protest it, you're in a town of 1,000 Germans, 2,000 illegals show up one week, you are arrested.
And then Donald Trump comes out and says we've got to take the Syrian refugees.
Most of these people aren't even Syrian.
They're Pakistani, they're Afghan, that's in the news today, and they're just showing up.
They're North African, you name it.
No one else would take these people, but our sick ruling class that can't wait for the class warfare and all the weird... and oh, we've got to adopt, for their culture and their political correctness, German women are being told, don't wear short skirts now, it offends the Muslims.
Well, I mean, I don't want to offend you, you've got your life, I've got mine.
And I'll live how I want to.
But see, not a word from the feminists.
Because they're not feminists.
They're sick freaks that want to go in a barber shop with just regular schmoes in Pittsburgh and go, give me a haircut.
Do my hair in curlers.
Ma'am, we don't do women's hair.
We don't have the equipment.
Oh, really?
You're a sexist?
We're a barber shop.
We cut men's hair.
I'm going to fine you.
I'm going to the EEOC.
Boom, you're fined.
But, oh!
We're not going to search the headdresses of the Islamicists.
It's because Westerners are tolerant.
We're not just tolerant of Third World Stone Age culture coming in and dominating us, because we have no culture.
I mean, I watch these illegals.
We're tolerant of the hen-pecking government that wants to end masculinity because it's something that might stand up to them.
I mean, this is a full-on war.
And I just look at the women of the West that have bought into all this hype and the men that have done it, they're all alone, unhappy.
By the time they're 35, 40, they're desperate, there are no men around.
I mean, show me women by 35, they're like, I was a big feminist, I didn't want a man that wore the pants, I didn't want... Now I do!
Where are they?
I want one!
And there's all these guys trying to act like trendies and metrosexuals, thinking they can get women that way.
You act like a real man, you'll have women climbing over themselves, no matter even how you look.
You see these guys that get it with their pot bellies and their wife beaters on.
They're treating their wife or their girlfriend nice, but, you know, they're the boss when it comes to many issues of women.
Eat it up!
Because it's what humans do.
But don't worry, you want the state to be your husband?
He'll give you cancer viruses and GMO.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
ISIS has demanded that Syrian Christians pay an Islam tax.
This is being reported by WorldNetDaily.
ISIS terrorists gathered together dozens of Christian men in Syria and told them either to pay a Sharia-inspired tax and sign on to a list of faith-based restrictions or pay a penalty that could include the loss of life.
Among the restrictions, Christians cannot own guns, build places of worship, show their crosses in public or even ring church bells.
The terrorists put forth their demands to Christians in a town that used to be dominated by the Christian faith, but has been taken over by radical Muslims.
And while many followers of Islam will condemn these actions, numerous people in power continue to fund groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
Whether it's airdropping grenades or leaving behind billions of dollars worth of vehicles that they can use against this, these terrorist groups always seem to find the best equipment somewhere.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
Another major health threat.
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You're listening to InfoWars Live.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the two big news sites.
You can find the free video feed, audio feed, podcasts, free Droid app, free iPhone apps, and more at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Please tell friends and family and neighbors and acquaintances or strangers for that matter about the broadcast.
Whether you're listening on a local AM or FM station,
Like we're on three stations in Albuquerque right now.
Or whether you're listening to shortwave of the internet or satellite.
I just mentioned Albuquerque as I talked to the station owner yesterday about maybe coming out there sometime to speak to the big audience.
That's why I just said an example, Albuquerque, with three radio stations, 2 FM, 1 AM.
Coming up, Ted Nugent is coming on.
Verizon has dropped Sportsman Channel, one of the most popular channels they had.
And basically what's happening is they're phasing it out because they're anti-gun.
Just like I have the London Telegraph here with the owners of the franchise
of Ian Fleming's character, James Bond, saying he's misogynistic, he's bad, and the new James Bond in the future, not this next movie, but after that, in novels and in film, is going to be politically correct.
And I actually say here in the article, a cast of characters will point out the error of his chauvinistic ways, including messages about smoking causing cancer, women who give him a run for his money, and an outspoken gay friend.
And the point is, it's a directive.
It's everything.
From your five-year-olds being taught how to be cross-dressers, to women in frontline combat, to estrogen mimickers in the food, to being fined for being discriminatory because a barber shop doesn't cut women's hair.
I mean, it's like walking in and saying, I want you to color my hair, or I want you to bleach my hair.
And they said, lady, we don't do that.
We just cut hair.
We got razors.
We got clippers.
We got scissors.
That's it.
And the guy's interviewed saying, I guess I'll get the equipment.
We don't really have women come in here, but okay.
He said, I respect the law, I'll pay the fine.
Isn't even going to fight back against it.
See, it's that attitude of rolling over.
Are you going to support the law if they say black people are slaves again?
I mean, that's not going to happen, but that was a law.
You going to support the law that they can sterilize you if you make a C minus?
That was the law until the 30s, late 30s.
You going to support the law if they ban alcohol again?
The law is just a law that people make.
And folks don't even fight back against these laws if they're unconstitutional.
They just say, alright, I didn't mean anything.
I mean, I just told her we don't do women's hair.
I don't know how.
I've been cutting men's hair for decades.
Okay, I'll do what you say.
Good, I just came in here and pecked on some men.
This bastion of male chauvinists in here.
No, it's men that want to whip in, like they did since they were kids, and get your hair cut in 10 or 15 minutes and not have to wait.
Where you show up and the guy that's going to cut your hair is doing some woman's hair and he's 30 minutes behind.
They're called barber shops.
Women don't go to them.
Women want their hair done more fancy.
Unless they're Rachel Maddow.
I guess she might go to the barbershop.
Who cares?
Janet Reno, barbershop.
Hillary Clinton, barbershop.
Hell, I'd go into the barbershop.
Hillary's there like, hey Sam, hey Bob, hey Hillary.
Of course, Hillary wouldn't want to work at a barbershop if there's no women in there.
And I get it.
Hillary, I like women too.
The difference is I don't want to be forced to adopt your entire culture because you want to dominate me culturally and lecture me all day.
So we've got Ted Nugent joining us and then Carl Pittman running for sheriff in Harris County where we saw the police officers, sheriff's deputy executed.
He's running down there and he's a decorated Marine and police officer.
Sheriff's deputy.
He's worked all over the country and he's got the endorsement of the Constitutional Association and of course helped promote and push and launch the international career now of Sheriff Clark in Milwaukee and there behind Carl Pittman
He was on last week with Joe Biggs and Jakari Jackson.
Really impressive type of guy.
He's also got Sheriff Joe Arpaio's endorsement.
He says, simple, he's not left or right.
He's a constitutionalist and he will uphold the Constitution.
It's not about being black or white.
It's about being a constitutionalist.
And I'll vote for anybody.
I don't care what color you are.
It's such an insult to have to even say, you know, I'll vote for somebody no matter what color they are if they stand for the freedom.
Well, of course I would.
But see, with the Democrats more and more, they vote racially.
That's how they're branding all of it, because they can look at the demographic, and just like the Democrats could win back when the country was majority white, so they were the party of the Klan then, as soon as the Republicans pass the Civil Rights Act, they then flip sides.
And now they've turned the minority coalitions basically into black and Hispanic Ku Klux Klan type rhetoric organizations.
So Carl Pittman's going to be in studio coming up here from H-Town up to the ATX Austin, Texas.
So we look forward to that.
Both guests amazing today.
I want to get into the incredible news on the flotillas hitting Europe.
I want to get more into political correctness.
I want to get into the World Bank and their announcements there.
All of this is coming up.
But first, Knockout is back.
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It basically hits you from all angles.
And I got one bottle of it.
It sold out in three, four days.
I wanted more, didn't have it.
This went home with me last night.
I took two bottles home and I'm taking it and I'm also
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It's hard to get them up at 6.30 in the morning when they've gone to bed at 8.30 the night before when I give them this.
If not, sometimes they're up in the middle of the night.
You know how kids are.
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That product's back.
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And your purchases of the products makes the entire transmission possible.
In closing, we do have the Hillary for Prison shirt.
Looks like a normal presidential shirt on the front.
On the back it says legalized freedom.
She can explain to people about InfoWars.com.
Great way to spread the word and try to bring this woman that makes Nixon look like an angel to justice.
That's also at InfoWarsStore.com.
And then finally, please spread the word about our local A&M Affiliates.
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Support their sponsors, but most importantly, spread the word about the affiliates.
I cannot tell you how important that is in the fight.
If you want to thank me for what I'm doing, I want to thank you for your support and spreading the word.
I want to thank you for supporting our local Aminathem affiliates.
I mean, listen, we're going to lose everything if Patriots don't put out the full push.
We've beat them on their gun grabs, we've beat them on so many issues, so they're just
Opening the borders, flooding us, shutting off our power plants, putting in regulations to shut down jobs, forcing Obamacare through to break our political and financial back.
They need to break us right now because they know we're on the verge of a massive political realignment.
And they admit that themselves.
So that's why they're being so naked.
It's a con game.
Yeah, you can't say father or mother.
You know, wearing the pants as a man is racist and hateful.
It's government and global social engineers getting in your family, getting in your life, trying to sabotage you at the cellular political level, at the family level.
This is a revolution takeover.
They're not going to keep all this in place once they've taken over.
It's going to be very fascist.
They're going to cut back most of the welfare and dependency.
You'll just have a government-appointed job that you work your butt off at.
It'll be very paramilitary.
It'll be drone-operated.
It's a very scary future that's coming.
But right now is the spoiling and the rottening.
Right now is the getting all the dumb collaborators and boobs and fools and everybody else that are foundation-funded to bring the country down.
And the exact same tactics are being used in Europe.
So we see the arrogance and the floodgates being opened
That's because they are trying to compress, being 15 years behind in their agenda, 15 years into two or three years.
So that's why all hell's breaking loose.
That's why suddenly, yeah, we're setting up world government.
If you don't like it, we'll arrest you.
Yeah, we're going to give you forced inoculations.
Yeah, we're going to have world taxes and world regulations.
Yeah, we're banning your kid picking up tomatoes in your garden.
That's child labor.
Yeah, we're banning lemonade stands.
Yeah, we're telling your kids don't listen to your parents.
Yeah, we got green police.
Yeah, we've got your computer watching you at home and tracking everywhere you go.
They're just throwing the gauntlet down.
Yeah, we're going to bring millions of illegals a year and legalize them into Europe and just make you accept them.
And if you try to protest it, we're going to arrest you.
That's Associated Press.
In Poland and Germany.
And now France says, if somebody wants to carjack your car, you give it to them if they're any legal.
No police reports are filed, nothing's done.
There's videos and photos, old ladies being drug out of cars, jihadis posted on their Facebooks, hey women, you know, I'm in Prague now, I'm in Berlin now, you want a hot jihadi, here I am, and they post on their Facebook, I'm here, I'm a refugee, now ladies, let's party.
And the welfare is given to them, boom,
And it's done.
Posing with rocket launchers and machine guns.
And then when they attack, when there's terrorist attacks, you will lose your freedoms.
You will lose your basic liberties.
You will have your rights taken to keep you safe.
And you'll probably be screened like when I've been in Europe.
I just find it ironic that it's hardcore practicing Muslims, women with their hands covered, their faces covered on the sides, searching me.
And I'm not against Muslims in general, but radical Islam is being given the power by Saudi Arabia and the West to take over, bully everyone into it, and then you go to England, you go to Germany, you go to Spain, you go to Italy, and you're there and half the people screening you, sometimes more.
Are folks that can't hardly speak English, or can't speak Spanish, and they're grabbing your genitals.
And America and Europe deserves to be conquered, we deserve to be overrun, we deserve to be slaves, because we are!
We're slack-jawed, pathetic slaves that don't stand up for the Constitution, and that don't deserve freedom.
I hate to be nasty about it, but it's true.
Donald Trump struck a nerve when he pointed out that Latin America is collapsing.
They have 100,000 dead people in nine years in Mexico.
It's unraveling.
And we've got millions of illegals a year coming in here.
People having their babies for free.
Everything paid for.
A lot of them criminals.
And Donald Trump points that out and they act like it's crazy.
He said the sky is blue and that the sun is yellow.
And he told that fish swim in the ocean.
He's crazy.
And they all act like it's wild and upturn reality, invert reality.
We're going to go out to break with Donald Trump, saying we've got to accept the immigrants.
You know, he tells the truth about these Arab countries and African countries won't take them, but that we've got to because we have the moral high ground.
The whole world's collapsing into depression.
We can't take billions of people, especially if they're put on welfare.
This is suicide.
Let's go to the clip.
Well, it's a serious problem.
We haven't seen anything like it since the Second World War, and it's getting worse and worse.
And I was actually impressed in one way, but surprised that Merkel in Germany allowed this to happen, because they're really flowing through all over Europe.
And if you notice, Russia's not taking, and China's not taking, and the Gulf states, whether you look at Saudi Arabia or Qatar or any of them, they're taking none.
But some of them are, and some of them are actually being very generous.
Really, Donald, being generous with the Germans that pay some of the highest taxes in Europe, or the French that pay 84% on average, for people to come in and get put on welfare?
I mean, you read the scams that third world immigrants run all across the place.
Somalis up in Minnesota, Afghans in Germany.
I mean, they just don't pay the taxes, they do whatever they want, they run black market operations, and they get welfare.
And then, oh, I want to commend Merkel.
She's so generous.
Hey, Trump, shut your fat mouth, you punk.
I knew you'd start flip-flopping.
My gut told me something.
How about you give your $5 billion to him?
I'm telling you, man.
He was against abortion, then he was for it, then he was against it, all the rest of it.
He loves Hillary Clinton.
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It was in 2004 that Paul Watson wrote an article when Google put out a press release to its shareholders saying we're going to use the microphones and cameras on computers to listen to everything going on in your house and watch it and then put it into an algorithm so if we hear a dog barking was the example, we will then have dog food or dog accessory ads pop up on your computer.
Then we saw in California and Pennsylvania and other areas where kids would be at home with their government-issued laptops, and then one girl was eating Skittles on her bed in her nightgown, and the teacher called the police on her.
And they said, yeah, we watch you at home.
They didn't tell anybody.
It's not creepy.
See, they just do it in plain view.
And then I was just talking to Joe Jennings, and Marcos Morales has noted this too, with the Macs in our office.
We'll be talking about something, but it knows what it's listening to.
It only samples sometimes.
This is now I'll admit it.
But they go, it's not a person, it's a computer with keyword.
I want to get a new bed.
I was thinking about, you know, getting one maybe with like black leather and then a black leather bed an hour later pops up in an ad.
Joe Jennings car.
He hadn't searched it.
Let's talk about it right now.
I'll talk about Donald Trump more.
Joe Jennings has a Samsung phone, Samsung in its terms of agreement, with its cell phones and its TVs, going back a year and a half ago, put in the terms of service, watch what you say and do, we're listening, we're watching, and selling it to third parties.
So he hadn't even searched yet on his phone, he was checking the weather, he hadn't even searched yet on his phone for a battery.
His car battery was dead.
He rode it on his motorcycle this morning.
And it had car battery ads for him.
Because I can show you their announcements they're doing.
Let's go to Joe Jennings.
Joe, again, people know this is Big Brother, so they have a tendency to say, oh, this isn't happening.
But everyone I know the last few years, this is happening to, where it knows what's going on in your house, or it knows what you're saying, and then they admit they're doing it, but still people can't believe it, Joe.
Yeah, it's just kind of weird.
I mean, usually I can understand if you're typing it in and, you know, you're searching on the web or whatever.
Gotta admit, cookies are doing that.
But I had not searched car batteries today.
Didn't search anything like that.
Just mentioned today to CJ and the guys that I had to ride my bike in because the battery in my car died.
And then when I searched the weather to see what I'm going to ride home in,
A car battery ad comes up.
6% off.
Car batteries.
Need a battery?
It's just kind of weird.
Well, the first time it happens, you're like, oh, that's a coincidence.
How about the 30th or 40th?
It's constantly happening.
Oh, yeah.
And that's, you know, I got the newer Samsung phone, so it really listens to you.
Well, they admit it is!
I mean, I want new listeners to understand.
It's a normal response to go, this is crazy, it's not happening, this guy's nuts.
Look it up!
There's an InfoWars.com article.
Just type in Samsung TVs, admit they're listening, and we can put it on screen.
I forget the exact headline, but it was from last year.
And this is really going on.
Just like I told you five years ago, in the Obama deceptions, that they're going to ban the word mother and father, and now they're doing it.
I'm going off what the globalists say they're going to do.
Samsung responds to privacy concerns over TV's recording personal conversations.
Yeah, that's the second article when they responded to us.
Go to the original article.
And they even have a video tutorial.
There'll be a link in that article.
Put it back up and I'll show you.
There it is.
Samsung admits private conversations being sent to internet server.
Smart TVs prompt privacy backlash.
And I was told by a Time Warner executive
A high-level engineer, in 1997, that the Scientific Atlantic digital cable boxes that were coming in had a microphone in them, and that it was being listened to.
He also told me DVRs would soon come out and record shows, that they watch what we watch in algorithms.
That came out a few years later.
We broke it apart, I did on TV, and showed people, I got death threats.
Okay, so they didn't want you to know about this.
We'll be back with the whole Donald Trump thing, and then we got a special guest in studio.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Donald Trump says Germany's generous.
Take all the illegals in!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got the great crew back there in the control room, flipping all the switches, deep in the heart of Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide.
Look, I want to support Donald Trump.
What he's been saying has been true.
My problem is, is that he's flip-flopped so much, talking about how much he loves Hillary Clinton in the past, been for an abortion.
I just don't trust him.
But as he champions liberty causes, you have to defend what he's saying, because they're trying to destroy him.
Even if he is a straw man.
Well now he's come out and pointed out that all these other countries won't take all these islamicists filled with ISIS and Al-Qaeda people.
That's now admitted.
And he says Merkel's being very generous and he commends Germany and that we need to take some of these immigrants.
That's what Obama's about to do.
So, I would much rather take Latin American or Chinese immigrants, even if they're getting free welfare and stuff, than radical jihadist filled groups.
They, I mean, Al Qaeda admits they're putting their people in these groups en masse, and now we have photos of them with rocket launchers and machine guns today on InfoWars.com.
It's a sensational article.
We've got to get it out to everybody.
In fact, I want to do a Facebook mentions.
During the next break, Buckley, I want you to go back right now if you're listening.
I know you're doing work.
Talk to the sheriff's candidate as he walks in.
I want it live as we meet and stuff.
And then during another break, I'm going to be doing the Facebook mentions at our main Facebook, talking about this because
It's just insane to have images show jihadist militants entering Europe as refugees as ISIS promised they would do.
That needs to go mega viral.
It's on Infowars.com right now.
But here's Donald Trump, and you know, I don't want to call him a punk.
But he's really smart, he's one of the slickest speakers I know, he knows full well what he's doing, and I warn people, Rand Paul needs to be radical now, and then if he has to moderate to get the presidency later, that's the strategy to win.
Not be moderate now.
And then, be radical later.
Because I know Rand Paul's good.
If he plays a little politics, I'm not really for it, but I understand it.
With Trumpists, he was always basically a Democrat before, and a Hillary lover, and involved in a bunch of shenanigans, until now.
And so that's why I've said, watch it.
Here is the clip, just play Trump, here he is on O'Reilly last night.
Well, it's a serious problem.
We haven't seen anything like it since the Second World War, and it's getting worse and worse.
And I was actually impressed in one way, but surprised that Merkel in Germany allowed this to happen, because they're really flowing through all over Europe.
And if you notice, Russia's not taking, and China's not taking, and the Gulf states, whether you look at Saudi Arabia or Qatar or any of them, they're taking none.
But some of them are, and some of them are actually being very generous.
It's just really, I wonder, you know, where all these people are coming from exactly, and what are they representing?
Because do you have people from ISIS in that group?
You know, there's a lot of security risk with it.
But something has to be done.
It's an unbelievable humanitarian problem.
Israel's not taken any, Britain's taken a few, maybe 5,000.
You know thousands will come to the United States as migrants.
Now do you object to migrants who are getting out of the Middle East and North Africa?
Do you object to them coming to the USA?
I hate the concept of it, but on a humanitarian basis, with what's happening, you have to.
You know, this was started by President Obama when he didn't go in and do the job when he should have, when he drew the line in the sand, which turned out to be a very artificial line.
But, you know, it's living in hell in Syria.
There's no question about it.
They're living in hell.
They're living in hell?
And then he goes on with a full clip out of the transcript here, for some reason I cut off early, saying we gotta take him.
That's just insane.
And then he acts like Obama drew a line in the sand to take out Assad, as if he didn't take out Assad, that's why this happened.
No, NATO backed the jihadis to do this, and now they've invaded back into Iraq, and most of these people coming in, they've checked, are Wahhabists, and are the ones trying to take Syria over, but they couldn't, so now they'll just take the welfare in Europe.
I mean, this is the shadow army of the globalists invading.
Over the Labor Day weekend, we had reports of 8 being killed and 46 being wounded.
July 4th of this year, we had reports of 9 dead and 53 wounded.
And let us not forget, July 4th of last year, we had reports of 14 killed and 82 shot.
And these are not nationwide stats.
All of these numbers come from the city of Chicago, the city with some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.
Which is to say, if criminals expect you to be unarmed, they're more likely to attack you.
Not to mention the fact that much of this violence is linked to gangs or drug activity.
Meaning that for all the gun buybacks and anti-gun commercials, criminals just haven't decided to turn in their firearms.
And I understand that police have many responsibilities and they can't be every place at once.
But that's why you have a Second Amendment so you'll be able to protect yourself.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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I'm Alex Jones for Super Mel Vitality and InfoWarsLife.com, and I salute you, our supporters!
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Thank you for joining us.
We're now into the second hour of this worldwide Wednesday, the ninth day of September 2015 broadcast.
Carl Pittman comes highly recommended.
Ted Nugent, who's on in the next hour to talk about huge, under-the-radar attacks on hunting, fishing, the Second Amendment culture, you name it.
He's going to be joining us and he helped kick off Carl Pittman's campaign for sheriff in Harris County.
Down in Houston.
What, third or fourth biggest city in the United States.
That's the county it's in.
The county itself is just exploding.
That's where Carl Pittman grew up.
He was in the Marine Corps for more than a decade, then started his own successful private business in real estate, then went back into law enforcement and has worked at a lot of different levels of the Harris County Sheriff's Department, running task force, you name it, then internal affairs.
So he's done a lot
I tell you, I've seen this guy give speeches.
He was on the show last week when Jokari and Joe Biggs were hosting.
And just as patriotic, just as good, just as articulate as, say, Richard Mack or a David Clark.
I mean, this is the type of sheriff we need.
What a victory in one of the biggest counties in the country to have a constitutional sheriff.
He's not right-wing or left-wing.
I'm not speaking for you.
I've followed you quite a bit.
He's not right-wing or left-wing, folks.
He's a constitutionalist, which means follow the rules of the country.
And so it's great to have you, sir.
We're very honored you drove up from Houston to be here with us.
Obviously, I want to cover the waterfront with the lawlessness of the government.
Your words, we're talking before you went live.
What do you think the large strategy is?
What do you think Soros is doing with his agitators openly out promoting, deck the halls with dead cops at Christmas, put wings on them, fry the bacon?
Obviously there's some bad police out there, there's bad anybody, but what do the Democrats think they're doing?
Seems like jumping the shark to just nakedly try to start a war with local police.
Is that an attempt to intimidate local jurisdictions into going under, not even federal control, but this leftist, globalist control?
Break down your worldview, some about yourself, what you really think is happening and what you would do heading up one of the biggest counties, most populous counties in the country.
Well Alex, I'll tell you.
What we have going on in the United States right now is an attempt by those in our government
Those that have been elected to lead this country, and we find that these people are much more concerned with their own agendas than the agenda of taking care of the people in this country.
And I think what we've seen lately, whether it's in Ferguson or Baltimore,
When you see what the President of the United States has done, and I'm quite embarrassed that he has spent most of his time apologizing for America instead of standing up and supporting and defending the Constitution.
But, you know, he's quick to go down and support, you know, support activity that, in my opinion, is just simply bad behavior.
So, you know, Michael Brown, the situation in New York, the situation in Baltimore, we are watching the absolute erosion of law and order in this country.
And so it's a dangerous thing.
It's what we have to get away from.
It's what I would encourage every single law enforcement officer in this country to do.
But a special call out to the elected sheriffs of the county.
You are in the perfect position to stand up against this kind of behavior, because if we do not do it, we're going to witness the collapse of America, and I just don't want to see that happen.
I used to hear old timers like General Benton K. Parton, who headed up
We're good to go.
And then basically use that crisis to have a war on the police and the military.
They want a violent overthrow.
And I read Saul Alinsky and the rest of it, and I knew that was part of the plan.
I knew the Weathermen had basically tutored Obama.
But still, you don't imagine that once they get control, they'd really want to wreck the country and make it poor with Cloward and Piven.
But that's what they're doing.
When you see them really trying to bring the country down, our founders said this country couldn't be taken down from without.
We'd beaten the greatest empire the world ever seen.
But we could fall from within.
And we are, I think, seeing the fall.
What do you think their endgame is?
I think their endgame, if you have paid attention to this new world order, and there is such an attempt to destroy capitalism and the way that most of us have come to recognize America, this is against everything these people believe in.
So is it any surprise that Barack Obama,
is so supportive or silent when it comes to even calling ISIS, ISIS.
I mean, there is a reason why.
You know, I look back to my childhood.
If you want to know who I am, take a snapshot and look at my mother.
My mother
I'm what she produced.
Barack Obama is a very good product of his mother.
So if you want to do a little reading and find out why he is the way he is, take a look at his mother.
Those are the influences early in his life.
And so what we're seeing shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
What surprises me is that he managed to get re-elected.
Well, you've been the American success story from a constitutional perspective.
Tell folks who's running for sheriff why Ted Nugent's endorsing you, Sheriff Arpaio, Sheriff Richard Mack, and so many others.
Because this is bigger than just Houston.
We need to get people like you of every race, color, and creed to run for sheriff around the country and support good peace officers that have good records like you do.
Talk about your life.
Well, you know, simply put, I was born in a foster Texas, two-room house, no running water, until I was 15.
And my mother simply taught us after my dad died when I was in first grade, that if we worked hard we could do whatever we set our mind to.
We didn't have to accept where we started as an end point.
And so therefore I applied myself, I worked hard, but by the grace of God I was able to accomplish many things in my life.
But had I fallen into this thinking that I need to wait for the government to do everything for me, I might very well be sitting in that same little two-room house in Fulcher.
And it was something that I believe that I owe something.
To not only those members of my family that came before me, but I owe something to all of the Americans that came before me across the spectrum of the races.
Because there were sacrifices made for this country that, quite frankly, those trying to destroy it ought to be ashamed.
But, you know, I have the endorsement of Joe Arpaio because Joe absolutely understands that if we do not stem the tide,
Of this illegal alien problem, and I call it illegal alien problem because it is illegal and they are aliens.
Well, notice they're taking the giant influx out of North Africa and out of the Middle East filled with ISIS people, migrants, but no one else calls them migrants.
Saudi Arabia won't take them.
They tell us what words to use, like we're in a cult or something.
Well, I mean, you're right.
They are illegal aliens.
Mexico, if I try to go down there and have a baby for free, calls me an illegal alien under their federal law and will put me for a year in a labor camp.
So why don't they get criticized?
Why do we have to give everything for free?
Please continue.
Well, I think the problem is, is the liberal left, the Democrat party in this country, they're hunting votes.
They want votes.
So they think if they can make friends by allowing all of these illegals to come in, they're going to fall in line and give them their votes.
You go back and take a look in the history of this country, and we'll take just a snapshot of what LBJ did.
LBJ knew absolutely for sure that if he did not figure out a way to get black Americans on board with the Democrat Party, it was going to be a short, short time before that party was gone.
Because blacks were conservative and wouldn't go for communism.
And go back and start.
You look at what Lincoln did.
I believe Lincoln ended up giving his life, ultimately, for getting slaves freed in this country.
But so many black Americans fall in line with this idea that the Democrat Party is there to help them.
You look at the Jim Crow laws in the South, written and promoted
Along with the Klan, promoted by the Democrat Party, but most black Americans that fall in line with that thinking, that the Democrat Party is there to help them and save them.
All this free-for-all, give-everything-away does is create, in my opinion, it is a continuation of many blacks have never been able to leave the plantation, and that is a sad, sad state of affairs.
Well, they admit under Cloward and Piven, they want everybody black, white, Hispanic.
The economy's so bankrupt, you gotta go on welfare.
I mean, that's their endgame plan.
They don't hide it.
That's what's so crazy.
Well, many of these people who are falling in and thinking that the Democrat Party's there to help them, when all this goes bad, it'll be far too late for them to figure it out.
But the endgame is there's going to be the super elite and those with nothing.
That's where it is.
Nothing in the middle.
That's why George Soros.
How does Soros, because I mean I would never say this because I'm not a cold-blooded killer and I believe people should be tried for crimes they've committed.
I want due process.
How does Soros get away and then the White House as well, the Justice Department?
Clearly running and funding groups saying go out, kill the police, just randomly police are to blame for all the problems.
And why are police groups around the country, they're starting to respond but it seems like
They're not fighting hard enough against this and saying, we know what you're doing.
I just can't believe they're this arrogant.
Well, quite simply, this idea of being political correct, politically correct, has got people scared to death to stand up and say what needs to be said and do what needs to be done.
So, Barack Obama can virtually do anything he wants, he's going to get a pass.
So people are paralyzed?
Oh, absolutely.
Paralyzed with fear because God forbid if
A conservative, particularly a white conservative, says something against the president, instantaneously deemed to be a racist.
You know, I look at it and say...
I'm going to judge this man on his performance.
The only thing I'm going to pick by color is maybe a suit or maybe a car, but everything else I'm looking for good performance.
Barack Obama has been one of the most radical, poor-performing president, at least in my lifetime.
Black unemployment's doubled!
Yes, absolutely.
And most black people are still supporting him for one reason, simply because he looks like him.
And that's
That's the opposite of what Martin Luther King said.
It's inverted reality.
It's insane.
We're going to come back and talk more about what he thinks coming in the future.
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Carl Pittman, an impressive guy.
You know, we love having good sheriffs on.
We also love having people that are running for sheriff, and he's got a lot of backing, doing good in the polls.
He has a very good chance of winning.
I want to talk about how we get you and other sheriffs elected, but he also wrote a book, The Personal Journey of a Black Common Sense Conservative.
Carl Pittman.
The book is available on his website, and I can't wait to read it.
Carl For Sheriff.
And if you want to join us on air, we'll take a few calls before this hour ends.
It's 800-259-9231.
I'll tell you what I appreciate about Ted Nugent.
Ted is the real deal.
He's not a fake.
He is a maniac.
I love maniacs.
And he travels around the country just like Charlton Heston did, who was a big part of the real civil rights movement when Republicans got it passed.
It wasn't the Democrats.
And again, I'm not even a Republican because the leadership's so bad.
They're a bunch of blue blood rhinos.
Speaking of inverting reality, I've been asking a lot of the questions here, but what are some of the other points you want to get out about what this country's facing?
Because what I like that you have to say in your speeches is, we're in a lot of trouble.
I mean, we're not embellishing this.
In fact, I keep getting amazed, sir, at
How aggressive and crazy the left is.
They're not even the left.
It's like a totalitarian criminal cult that knows exactly what they're doing.
So, Sheriff Pittman, what do you say about that?
Well, remember what is helping to push this movement.
Because of social programs in this country, welfare, there's a lot of people out there that have attached their existence and livelihood on getting free stuff from the government.
So, can you imagine anyone that would advocate getting rid of that would obviously be viewed as the enemy.
When conservatives simply want to empower people to take care of themselves.
Now, that's a problem for a lot of people.
If you've watched your grandmother, your mother, sit at home and wait to open the mailbox to get a check or food stamps or free phones or whatever housing subsidies,
It's really difficult to convince these people that getting up, going to work's a pretty good idea.
Now, I grew up my entire life doing it.
I'm sure so did you.
When I was 13, my dad said, go get a job.
Absolutely, that's what it's about.
You know, I hate the fact that I'm paying taxes and I don't like paying taxes.
And I surely don't want to pay high taxes.
But the fact that I know that there is some cost to make this country work
I would be so pleased if simply the government would do what the Constitution gave it the authority to do.
Hell, just deliver the mail on time.
That'd be pretty good.
But they've dipped themselves into everything, and what we keep watching happen.
Is this idea that it's certain people against certain other peoples and I think race is one of the most dangerous and volatile issues because they know that it is something that they can bring people into their camp to do some pretty bad things.
Ted Cruz called it the fascist left and I agree with that because this isn't the left I've known in the past that had some good ideas.
This is really a group crazed that wants full power.
And I think they're doing it because they realize there's a movement against it gaining steam, and this is really a desperate act of arrogance and fake bravado to try to finish their takeover.
I think they're doing it because they know they're in trouble.
Well, they are in trouble, and you know, every time they, I can guarantee you, if they see more and more black conservatives start stepping up...
Uh, that scares the hell out of them.
Because the commentary in this country has been for a long time, for several decades, that blacks tend to vote Democrat.
90% of them.
And so we have to start changing that by simply putting out the truth.
And the truth is, the Democrat Party has done very little
To help minorities in this country that was not somehow aligned to pushing their agenda.
And they will use any tactic necessary to get it done.
And we must...
I think we've got to take a few plays out of their playbook and start hitting back.
Do you think, though, they've jumped the shark trying to start a localized civil war with police?
Well, you know, I think when you go back and look at some of the legislation that has come about in past years, whether it's things that have happened through the Patriot Act or NDAA, you know, it's scary to believe that Barack Obama has his finger on the ability to declare martial law in this country.
Hold on, stay there.
This is bombshell because you go further than a lot of these constitutional sheriffs.
You're like Mac.
You know what you're talking about.
Break down this move towards tyranny and why the Constitution is so important.
When we come back, I'm going to give you the floor.
I'm going to let you roll, sir, with just all your knowledge, the situation with the execution of police around the country, where you think that's going, and more, and phone calls.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, the next Sheriff Mac, the next David Clark, Carl Pittman, he's got a good chance.
He's right up there as one of the frontrunners in a highly contested race for Harris County, one of the most populous counties in the United States.
Is Houston the third or fourth largest city now?
Houston is the third.
If you look at the county itself, if we took just the unincorporated part of Harris County, we would be the fifth largest.
So, if you look at Harris County on a map,
We've got about 4.2 million people according to the last census, but I think we are obviously continuing to grow.
Harris County is about the size of Rhode Island, so it's a pretty big footprint in Texas.
Yeah, I mean when you start driving south from Austin, after a couple hours you hit the edge of Houston, it takes an hour and a half to go through it.
It is just, and that's if there's no traffic, just gigantic.
Especially since I was a kid down there visiting my dad's uncle.
You were interrupted by the break getting into the executive orders, the power grabbing, the bipartisan Patriot Act, the announcements by Homeland Security.
They're not worried about Islamic terror.
They're not worried about drug gangs out of Mexico.
They're worried about veterans, gun owners, Christians, conservatives.
These are groups statistically from the criminology, as you know, the lowest crime rate.
That's like saying they're worried about little old ladies blowing stuff up.
Can you speak to that in your own words, the New World Order, the whole nine yards, and what you would do as sheriff to try to educate people about that?
Well, you know, I really want to focus this on the office of the sheriff.
I'll use an example, and I kind of pick on the TSA quite a bit.
Every day in this country, every day in Houston, TSA breaks the law, in my opinion.
Whether it's groping and doing searches that are so outside the confines of what the Constitution would allow.
But why are we doing it?
We're doing it because we've had this story sold to us that they're doing it for our safety.
Well, to my knowledge, I don't think the TSA has discovered one single terrorist.
However, if we were to divert those resources being wasted, in my opinion, at the airports down to the border, now we just might stop some terrorists from coming into Texas and to the states.
But that does not fit the storyline that wants to be peddled by those in Washington.
Before the break, we were talking about the National Defense Authorization Act.
Now, is it too far-fetched to believe?
That this racial strife that we see building in this country could be someone's attempt to create enough civil unrest to bring Barack Obama to a point to say he wants to impose martial law, of course for our own safety, and possibly even consider suspending the upcoming elections.
That may be far-fetched to a lot of people, but
Not too many years ago, the Obamacare would have been far-fetched to think Americans could be forced into buying insurance.
So, I think a lot of these things, we have to open up our minds and understand there is an agenda happening and we don't need to wait and let this happen and try to respond to it.
We need to right now, and I do mean right now, do something about this because this experiment known as America, if we don't, is going to fail.
That's right.
America hasn't been perfect, but if you study history compared to others, it had some of the most original ideas, was exceptional.
That's why the world started modeling itself after us.
Now Obama promised to radically transform America, and they are doing that, running it in the ground.
I mean, I remember reading six, seven years ago that
Social engineering professors wanted to ban the family single-parent homes and the word mother and father and you don't say boy or girl.
They're now reprimanding kids in public schools across the country who use the word boy or girl.
I mean this is just, I call it a cult.
I mean if they can tell us what words to use and now say boy and girl is sexist or racist or something, it just shows these people are over the top.
There is no limit to what they will do or what they will try to do, and so we must be on guard.
We must absolutely stand at the gate and say we're not going to let this happen.
Folks, if we lose this,
Where do you go?
Where do we go if we let America slip away?
Yeah, these other countries aren't going to let us come in.
And we're sure not going to be able to go there and get stuff for free.
Yeah, a lot of these people, a lot of these countries that we give billions and billions of dollars to, they don't like us.
So, in my humble opinion, I think we ought to let them not like us for free.
And we don't need to give them anything.
That's a great idea.
Let them not like us for free.
Well, I want to go to some phone calls and things, but I don't know if you've heard some of these new Black Panther Party radio shows and others, where they specifically say it's time to go out, start killing the white cops, killing white people, and even kill black cops of their cops, and they just sit there calmly talking about this.
I mean, if I talked like that, which I wouldn't, I guarantee you, I mean, I've had the police, I've had the FBI, I've had
And that's only happened a few times, but I know they show up here over comments on the message board.
How do these groups get away with this?
Because it's not free speech when you say, go out and randomly shoot somebody in the back of the head when they're pumping gas.
I mean, that is so cowardly.
And then now we've got this whole race thing getting pushed so hard.
Down in San Antonio, two kids spear the referee in the back.
It could have killed him.
And they say, well, we heard him say something racist.
Who knows if that's even true, but it's like,
The race card has become this get-out-of-jail-free card, so can you address both those?
Well, you know, there are a couple things in my life that I have never bought into.
I don't play the race card.
I think it is ridiculous.
I don't buy into affirmative action.
To hurt one person in order to benefit another is exactly what the civil rights movement in this country was supposed to have been about.
Dr. King would absolutely have to be doing backflips in his tomb to watch some of what has been done, supposedly continuing on his life's work.
But what we see is an absolute move to lawlessness.
Because if we can get this thing to where there is no expectation of decency or law, that allows people to do anything they want.
I look back years ago, Alex, I was a young sergeant in Southern California in a police department there in San Diego County when the Rodney King riots happened.
And it's interesting that I asked myself then, how many of these people out looting and rioting in LA were out there because they were truly offended and bothered by what was done to Rodney King?
Or how many were out there simply because it was an opportunity to behave badly?
And I think that's what we're seeing in this country.
If you want to handle a problem from a law enforcement standpoint, for example, in Baltimore, the day they were going to bury Freddie Gray,
The law enforcement community should have been on tactical alert in that city.
Had I been sheriff in that county, we would have done that.
I'm not going to say it wouldn't have started, but I can guarantee you it wouldn't have lasted long.
You cannot play soft-handed with people who do not want to comply.
Well, the mayor said we wanted people to blow off steam and let them do it.
In my experience, that's what makes cities burn down.
Letting something start is what makes it happen.
It doesn't stop it.
And that's the beauty of an elected sheriff.
An elected sheriff does not take his marching orders from the mayor.
And that is what we want in this city.
We need to get politics as far away from law enforcement.
What about that mayor you had that talked about arresting people that don't support lesbians or something?
I mean, it's just bizarre.
And this lady getting arrested for not doing the gay marriage license?
I mean, it's just getting weird in this country.
Well, sure.
Down in Houston, Mayor Parker promoted an ordinance, basically, you know, the Hero Ordinance, as it was called, trying to create equality where there were more than enough laws and rules on the books to not have any of these folks harmed.
Here is my point.
As a law enforcement officer, professional law enforcement officer, this is my 30th year since I came into the business.
I don't care what party you're on.
I don't care what your lifestyle is.
My job is to protect and serve and to defend and protect the Constitution.
Sure, well, I'm a libertarian.
I'm not even bashing those groups.
We've got barber shops getting fined because a woman walks in in Pittsburgh and says, do my hair, and they go, we don't have the equipment to do that.
We just, and they go, that's discriminatory.
I mean, there's nothing discriminatory about we do men's hair.
There's places that only do women's hair.
I mean, it's just getting so crazy.
Well sure, I don't know what's next if somebody has a Ford and they drive into a Chevy dealer and Chevy says, we don't have the parts.
Is that discriminatory?
Don't get my ideas.
That's true, that's exactly what it is.
That's a great analogy.
That's exactly, the guy's like, of course we don't cut women's hair.
I mean, a barbershop is where you go in for 10 minutes.
You know, but again, this is what we see happening in this country.
There is such a promotion for people to do anything that they want.
And unfortunately, the leadership, starting in Washington,
Is almost fueling this behavior.
You know, I've often thought there must be some vapor coming off the Potomac that just makes people lose their minds when they go to Washington.
Well, it's divide and conquer.
Here's my example.
Young men throughout history want to prove their worth.
They want to fight for their tribe, their country, their city, whatever their political geographic area is, to prove their manhood.
Okay, I get that.
And people want to be adventurers.
They want to go off and see the world.
I get that too.
But now with the controlled left in this country, the fascist left, it's like they want to make their bones, they want to join the military, but it's like the leftist military.
They want to go sign illegals up to vote and give them driver's licenses.
They want to go run voting scams.
They want to go get people on welfare and, you know, run money laundering operations.
I mean, there's really a lot of criminality, I find, in that party.
It's true.
I mean, look at Akron and the rest of it.
And so that's how you make your bones is you find a barbershop
You walk in and you go, cut my hair, put it up in rollers, sorry ma'am, we don't do perms, we cut men's hair, and then you make your bones by suing them or getting the city to fine them.
It's just, it's like they have something to prove.
You said that during the break, that's why I brought that up.
You said it's like some kind of weird payback.
Can you explain that to me?
Well, you know, when you watch and if you follow the history, and it's really important that we know our history, folks.
We have many, many black folks in this country who are obviously descendants of slaves.
And there's a lot of anger that still exists today.
Now, with here being in Texas, something very important happened on the 19th of June, 1865.
In Galveston, Texas, the news arrived that slaves were free.
Now, if I do my math, that's just over, just a couple months past 150 years ago.
So, what is the beef?
What is the problem for any black person today to be mad at a white person today simply based on race to try to blame them for something that happened 150 years ago before they were born?
This is the most stupid thinking I've ever seen.
Judge people on that person.
Do not try to put a blanket... It's the same thought that all cops are bad.
That is lunacy.
I've been in this business a long time.
I know a lot of good officers.
I've known a few bad ones.
And what we have to do in law enforcement is make sure when we run across a bad one, is we get them out of this business immediately.
And if that means we get them out via jail or prison, that's okay too.
But we all have to follow the law.
That's my point.
That's what every sheriff in this country should be doing.
Well, I know you're a constitutionalist, I love your platform, and I hope you win for sheriff, and I hope then you move on to state politics and beyond, because we need to stop, and I'm not bashing lawyers, but we don't need 90% of Congress to be lawyers.
We need them to be shopkeepers, ranchers, police officers, former Marines, you know, folks like that have actually lived out there.
Medical doctors, people like that, school teachers.
It's just, we got a bunch of politicians up there, believing their own phlegm phlegm.
I want to go to phone calls, but
Getting back to the situation with the war on police, do you agree with Sheriff David Clark of Milwaukee County up in Wisconsin that this war on police has been launched by Obama?
I believe that Obama has played a huge part in this because he has stood so silent
When something happens in the black community, whether it was the Trayvon Martin issue that really didn't have direct police involvement, or it was the Ferguson incident, the New York incident, the Baltimore incident, he is in the Rose Garden giving speeches, and somehow, a man that I knew,
In Harris County, Texas, was executed.
And it took the president three and a half, four days to make a private phone call to the widow.
Nothing, no press conference, no nothing.
So he didn't humanize him?
No, it was business as usual while I think he was flying to Alaska to rename Mount McKinley.
That's how important it was.
That is embarrassing.
That's hurtful.
Police officers guard the gate, folks.
And if you don't think it's so, imagine for a moment that 911 calls went unanswered.
Nobody showed up.
You would quickly find out who's more important, the police officers or Barack Obama.
Well, I'll say this.
The Democratic Party can't try to take our guns and then have a war on police.
It just shows a pure criminal communist instinct.
I mean, you can really get down to it.
That's who they are.
I never believed General Partin.
I thought he was right about most of it and all those other top experts saying it's communist, it's communist, it's communist.
It's not just an ideology they use, they plan it.
And they just, that's what they're into.
It's insane.
It's dangerous.
Finally, then I'm gonna go to calls here.
I'm gonna skip this network break.
I'm only one today.
Try to be a good boy.
But you talked about it earlier.
If we don't stop this, what are the people going to do that have bought into this system when all the freebies are cut off?
Because that's what totalitarians do.
They have a phase where they hand everything out for free, but then they take it all away.
Is the public so dumb that's gone along with this that if this all falls apart, they'll never even know what hit them?
A great many of them.
Yes, I hate to use the word dumb, but if you're not willing to educate yourself with what's going on, you could be left in the dark.
And I think a great many people in this country are in for one heck of a shock when the free stuff stops.
I've never been anti-police, but I've been on air 20 years.
I saw the development of the police state, the end of the Constitution, which came from the central government.
I wasn't against police themselves, I was against the move towards totalitarianism.
And we always said they'll then scapegoat the police before they really drop the hammer.
That's always done in every other country, whether it be fascist or communist, it follows pretty much a formula.
But the reason I've really reached out to police the last five or six years was they reached out to me or I experienced it with veterans, active duty, and police.
Veterans are the most awake, then police after that, whether they be federal or local.
That's why they want us to have a war with police, is because the globalists realize the most awake group
is the police and military.
I've experienced that.
Have you experienced that?
That behind closed doors, the police really, compared to the public, I talk to cops, I mean they're super awake compared to the public about how stuff works, who's behind things, what's going on.
We can bash cops all day, but I just discovered they're one of the most awake groups to the New World Order conspiracy.
Well, you know, we have to be, Alex.
You know, we live this stuff.
I mean, the streets are not exactly a safe place.
And so if police officers are not paying attention to their surroundings, that's when we die.
And we have to get better at doing what we're doing.
We have to get much more
In tune with everything happening around us.
So, you know, one point I wanted to make, you brought up the military and I'm sure you've covered this.
If you look at what Barack Obama has done by getting rid of all of the senior military officers,
And I believe there is a very, very clear reason why.
If you look at the oath taken by an enlisted member of the service versus the oath taken by an officer in the service, the officers take no oath to the Commander-in-Chief.
It's only to the Constitution.
So to get rid of these senior officers is very important.
If you can bring in your own flunkies, I'll call them, that will do what you want.
So I think it is very telling to me that some of these very, very senior decorated generals and admirals have been expelled from the service.
They're getting rid of combat vets.
I noticed they put a lot of Harvard...
Uh, pencil pushers were never in combat as top people.
Yes, and again, you know, you look at this move that they want to promote taking guns away, Second Amendment rights away from veterans.
Why do you think that is?
You know, I think it's because, well, if you've been to combat, uh, it's probably a pretty, uh, good chance that your ability to defend yourself with a weapon made you pretty proficient at it.
So, don't fall for this thing about that guns are bad and guns kill people.
Bad people kill people.
And, you know, I could lay my weapon on this desk, it'll sit here for into the next millennium and not gonna harm a soul.
It's gonna take an evil heart to do it.
So, this push to get guns, they can't get the guns, you know, you've seen the DHS buying more ammunition than the military has.
What could that possibly be for, if not to possibly be used against us?
Oh, they admit that's what it's for, and it's so creepy that it's all happening
And we just see it progressing and it gets crazier by the minute.
I just hope that the bureaucrats up there and the socialist professors that think they're running this show, I hope they realize if they actually start this, they're not going to win it.
And believe me, I don't want it to start.
I don't have any delusions of grandeur.
I just don't think they are really tuned in to what a true civil war in this country is going to look like.
Americans are, we're a unique bunch because when you say American, what do you think about?
Do you think about a particular color?
You think about an ideology.
We're a people from everywhere that have come here and call this place home.
And so we're pretty protective of this place.
And the thing that holds it all together is our founding documents.
And that is why we must do everything necessary to protect those documents.
And anybody who steps into office who does not uphold that oath that they take, that needs to be a criminal offense.
Because it's bait and switch, and it's the most dangerous kind.
Let's go to calls the next six minutes and five more minutes with our guest.
Then we're going to have Ted Nugent on at 8 after next hour.
He's impressive.
Carl Pittman.
He needs to be on cable news.
He needs to get financial support.
We need to put him in as sheriff.
You want to fight the new world order, folks?
You've got to get down in the trenches.
Getting this guy elected as sheriff over
Harris County is a big win.
That's four plus million people that'll have a constitutionalist in there and not a bunch of crazy totalitarians because Battleground Texas, the left, is trying to take Houston over right now.
And I mean, they mean business, folks.
Let's go ahead and I don't know who to go to first here.
Let's go to Ned.
Ned, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I just want to applaud Sheriff Pittman.
I think that he epitomizes what all sheriffs should be like.
I live here in FEMA Region 10, Southern Oregon, and we've got a new black sheriff here who is really good, too.
I don't
Through the legislature saying that everybody here in this state has to register with the federal government.
Yeah, no, that's so they can come after, exactly, even though it's not a law, it's constitutional, so they can have a persecution of gun owners.
That's right.
And it's also ammunition.
They're doing the ammunition thing, too.
I know, they're coming for the guns.
How about this, Deputy Pittman?
They came out and announced, as you know, outside of law, they're going to apply this algorithm that the VA has to everybody on Social Security that
And the FBI said, if you're getting your check wired to you, that means you're financially inept, and so you're going to be declared inept and lose your guns.
I mean, that's crazy!
Well, you know, that example played out here in the United States not too long ago, and strangely enough, in support of exactly what I'm talking about, the sheriff of that county
With others, stood and protected that veteran's right.
That was in Oregon, too.
No, Washington, yeah.
And so that's just important.
It goes to tell you all the things we're worried about.
If we can truly get good constitutional sheriffs in as many counties in the United States as we can, we can stop a lot of these government overreaches.
We always hear about a police state.
It's aimed at everybody just to collect revenue and all the rest of it.
I'm against that.
But that's not the average cop.
I'm surprised people haven't
I'm surprised the police response and their restraint not going after people on radio saying it's time to go out and kill cops.
I mean, if somebody said something about my family or my crew, go out and kill them, I would start, I would have trouble controlling myself.
Well, but that's why we are professional law enforcement officers.
If we go out
If you decide that you want to engage yourself in a conflict with law enforcement in this country, and I can tell you, when elected sheriff of Harris County, if you decide that that's what you want to do in Harris County, and I truly hope you don't, we're going to make it an absolute point that you lose.
Well, I mean, Louis Faircom, we're talking about him on the show, and I don't want to get in a fight with him, but some of these other groups, they talk about having a war and, like, winning.
Nobody's going to win this.
It's going to be horrible.
Yes, yes, we don't need that, but there are some people that are, they have a foregone conclusion that they are trying to push this thing to some sort of armed conflict, and that's a dangerous thing for everybody involved.
That's because they're politically not going to win.
They want to turn over the chessboard.
Let's talk to Brandon.
Brandon, what state are you calling in from?
Go ahead, sir.
You're on the air.
We've got about a minute and a half in this segment.
All right.
I wanted to start by getting Senior Deputy Pittman to give his take on urban warfare drills.
It seems like up here in Richmond that they happen almost every week.
These drills are just, they're normal people that'll be the enemy.
Whether it's pro-life or 9-11 truth, there's people protesting.
You're saying you're a Marine Reservist.
I see that on screen.
We have it in the news that they are training to take on veterans and gun owners.
They have the Marines training for that.
I have video of it.
Thank you for the call.
It's a great question.
What do you make of this open buildup, you alluded to it earlier, for war with veterans?
Well, you know, I like to believe that I can speak only for myself.
That oath I took many years ago to protect and defend the Constitution means just that.
Did not die when I left the Marine Corps.
And it is very similar to the oath that I took when I came into law enforcement.
So, you know, I'm not going to tell you that there might not be some officers out there that would behave badly.
I'm not going to tell you there might not be some members of the military.
But I have a lot of faith in the folks that... Absolutely.
...that they'll do the right thing.
I think it's going to backlash if they order gun confiscation.
I think it's going to be big because those refusals and Katrina to do it, we've never heard about it.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Final segment with Karl Pittman.
If you don't support him, even if it's $10, $20 donation around the country, you're insane.
And if you live in the Houston area and you don't support him, I don't know.
People always want to do something.
It's a war, folks, against organized evil.
And we have to get good people elected.
We are taking phone calls here in this last five minutes, and Ted Nugent, a friend of the Sheriff's Deputy, is going to be joining us, just showing all the great folks that are endorsing him.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kevin in California.
You're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Hey listen, much respect for you both of you.
You're both hard chargers.
Mr. Pittman, I have a question for you.
I'm in Los Angeles County and unfortunately I'm with Oath Keepers and I'm also with the CSPOA and I've gone out here and I've talked to the sheriff's out here and I do not get an answer.
To the effect that I'm looking for, I'm getting a no on that they will follow the Constitution in California at this location.
Well, you're not in America.
I mean, L.A.
is not America.
Might as well be Moscow in the 70s, but yeah, go ahead.
I understand that, and I also, you know, being with the Oath Keepers, you know, I served in the United States Marine Corps, and when I separated from the Marine Corps under medical conditions, I did not hand over my oath and say that I was going to give that back.
I hold that oath to the date, and I'm in uniform right now working on the borders between Nogales and Naco.
As an Oath Keeper, and I get all good signs from the sheriffs that I work with down there.
Sheriff Ohio, Sheriff Bayview, everybody's giving us good, even the Sheriff of Cochise County.
Well they admit half Arizona's under Mexican control now with the Narcos.
Thank you for the call.
I want to give Sheriff's Deputy a chance to respond.
What is your view of the Oath Keepers?
Well, again, anyone who has taken that oath and is going to follow it, more importantly, we can absolutely not participate in any action in violation of the Constitution against the citizens of this nation.
There are no what-ifs, there's no buts, but we just can't do that because every time we start to negotiate
Those things away, we'd lose more and more.
So I commend Oath Keepers for doing that.
I'm not a member of Oath Keepers, but I am an Oath Keeper also because it's my oath.
I am a member of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association that was founded by my good friend Richard Mack.
Absolutely, and again, we're doing Facebook mentions right now, some behind-the-scenes stuff coming up here in a moment.
Carl Pittman, carl4sheriff.com, running down in Harris County.
Four and a half million people in the county, not just counting the city.
So the county's the fifth largest jurisdiction of people in the United States.
Really exciting to see constitutionalists running and winning across the country.
I want to jam in one quick call from Robert in Missouri.
Real quick, what's your point, sir, and we'll get the Sheriff's Deputy's response.
Well yeah, I'm a former Marine too.
I was locked and loaded on a 5-ton at Camp Las Folgas when the whole Rodney King went down at Camp Pendleton there.
I live a stone's throw from Ferguson.
I'm here in St.
They've stripped
The sheriffs in my area of their powers.
Now you have police chiefs in both St.
Louis County.
That's a great final question.
Hate to cut you off, but I gotta get a response.
What about this federal globalist move to get rid of sheriffs and merge the departments?
How do you get rid of a state charter that the sheriff selected?
I mean, that's insane.
Well, the only way that's going to happen is the legislators in your state have allowed this to happen.
That is the simple answer.
The sheriff here in Texas is a constitutional office, which means it is required to exist by our state constitution.
Yeah, whatever, but I tell you what will happen.
Again, we're watching this continued erosion of our country and there are people that have some bad intentions for us.
Well, it's like TPP and all these globalist treaties that circumvent Congress.
You get rid of the sheriff, get rid of the governor, get rid of Congress.
Just make George Soros God.
Sheriff, I'm going to be supporting you for winning that.
Great job.
God bless you.
Yes, sir.
God bless you.
We got your buddy Ted Nugent coming up here in just a moment.
So thank you so much.
Thank you.
He's too busy to even stay and have lunch.
Well, he's going to run back to work down in Houston.
We'll be right back.
Over the Labor Day weekend, we had reports of 8 being killed and 46 being wounded.
July 4th of this year, we had reports of 9 dead and 53 wounded.
And let us not forget, July 4th of last year, we had reports of 14 killed and 82 shot.
And these are not nationwide stats.
All of these numbers come from the city of Chicago.
The city with some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.
Which is to say, if criminals expect you to be unarmed, they're more likely to attack you.
Not to mention the fact that much of this violence is linked to gangs or drug activity.
Meaning that for all the gun buybacks and anti-gun commercials, criminals just haven't decided to turn in their firearms.
And I understand that police have many responsibilities and they can't be every place at once.
But that's why you have a Second Amendment so you'll be able to protect yourself.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we're ready for the wild man from Motor City down here in Texas to call in.
Ted Nugent's on the road.
He'll be calling in any minute.
I shot up the bat symbol yesterday and said I want to get Ted Nugent on, and they called us last night, so he should be calling at any time.
Ted Nugent on serious censorship of the Second Amendment.
Censorship in media.
Very, very clear.
We'll be breaking that down here in just a moment.
Then, coming up, Frankenvirus emerges from Siberia's frozen wasteland.
World Bank chief economist warns Feds delay rate rise.
moves to block Russian military buildup in Syria to fight ISIS.
Simply insane.
That's all coming up.
The Ayatollah Khomeini says Israel won't survive the next 25 years after getting the peace deal and says basically that America is the great Satan.
I just don't get it.
So that's all coming up.
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That you continue to support the Infowar with the high-quality products.
We have a new shirt that is a best-seller.
We printed some up right here in America two weeks ago.
They sold out.
So the truck just arrived from our factory yesterday with an even bigger order in all sizes of Hillary for Prison 2016.
Now this has been going on for six months, but we just jumped on the bandwagon, made our own shirt, and Joe Biggs wore his out downtown last weekend.
People went crazy supporting it.
Some people didn't like it.
I'm going to go downtown the next few days wearing a Hillary for Prison shirt as well.
On the back it says Legalize Freedom, Infowars.com.
So it is certainly a game changer.
Now, joining us, joining us via the telephone is the one, the only NRA board member,
Multi-platinum artist, the Motor City Madman, transplanted down here to Texas and we love it.
That's Ted Nugent.
And we just had on Deputy Pittman, who he's endorsed for sheriff down in Harris County, on with us as we fight to take back our local governments and to defend the Second Amendment.
But the reason Ted Nugent is joining us, tednugent.com,
I was aware of this a few years ago, but I wasn't aware of how widespread it was.
I have a lot of friends with History Channel and Discovery Channel shows.
I myself host several shows on History Channel and Discovery Channel dealing with unsolved mysteries, America's Book of Secrets.
I've been a guest host of Brad Metzler's show on America's Secrets as well.
I mean, I'm on currently five shows on History and Discovery.
I can't talk about Inside Baseball because you have to sign
That's basically non-disclosures when you're part of these shows.
But I've been part of gun shows that were produced back when Sandy Hook happened, and they know the hottest shows on history and discovery.
Hands down are stuff like Duck Dynasty, which is of course on A&E.
I was also offered, and I know that some top folks are involved in it, in a show to replace Duck Dynasty.
So they know that is the top show on any channel, A&E, I don't care what it is.
You want popular, libertarian, constitutional, John Wayne, guns, rock and roll, freedom.
It's what America is.
Everybody watches it.
Black, white, Hispanic, liberal, conservative.
And I know, and we're going to Ted Nugent here in a moment, but he just joined us.
I know what he's saying is true because I have experienced it with a whole separate show.
That they wanted me to host, and I said, I think this will be cancelled.
I've seen it before.
I'll be a guest, and if it gets picked up, then I'll be a regular on it, because I'm too busy.
And sure enough, they shot a TV show for one of these networks of high-powered guns, you name it, stuff blowing up, cars jumping things.
I mean, super exciting.
And guess what?
They didn't air it.
Even though it cost four million dollars to film six episodes.
Okay, so I'm giving you some inside baseball.
I'm not going to say any more because I don't want to get sued.
Now Verizon TV drops the Sportsman Channel, their most popular channel.
And Ted Nugent is exposing it.
This is part of killing the culture.
I have a London Telegraph article, the new James Bond is lectured in the new novels and not this movie but the next, by women and quote, gays the whole time.
Well I'm not against women and gays, the point is, everything is a socialist brainwashing message now.
And so, if they can't beat you, they just shut you off.
See, you don't get ratings then become the top show.
You get ratings, you get thrown off TV.
Or you get SWAT teamed, like Ted Nugent has when he does his shoots by local socialists.
So I'm gonna shut up now and give him the floor and skip this network break.
I can't help it.
Joining us is Ted Nugent to break down some of this.
But I wanted to give you some background here that I have experienced this and others I know have experienced it.
That they don't want libertarian or pro-american messages or conservative messages on television, even though it's a big hit.
Ted Nugent, am I accurate?
Absolutely, Alex.
I bring you freedom-drenched and freedom-threatened greetings from the beautiful hill country of Texas.
And I'd just like to shout out, loud and proud, Hillary for Prison 2016.
Absolutely, brother.
You gave a wonderful, as always, accurate background to
One of the issues, I mean, my God, Alex, the number of freedom-abusing, freedom-destroying, fundamental transformation, abuse of power, and corruption, and fraud, and deceit, and anti-Americanism that runs amuck in this country from the president on down,
It breaks the hearts of good Americans by the hour across this country.
So the main point of my phone call today, obviously I'm high on elk meat right now because I just got back from Colorado where I'm celebrating the natural instinct of the hunting season, but I have to earn that joy and that positive
That buoyancy, that American, you know, we the people dream.
I have to earn it by exposing the bad and the ugly, as you do every day, in order to celebrate as much good as possible.
What Verizon has done is they have taken the Sportsman's Channel that has more than three times, what I understand, many, many times the radiance of, shall we say, Al Jazeera.
Boy, there's a real pro-American, pro-freedom voice if I ever squashed one.
And Verizon has cancelled Sportsman's Channel, which is just a pure, honest, down-to-earth, nature, God's creation celebration.
of the natural hunting season that culminates with Thanksgiving where hundreds of millions of Americans, they thank you God for your renewable pantry of life-sustaining wildlife protein and obviously there's other natural resources but when Verizon cancels Sportsman's Channel, it's a direct result
Of the anti-gun, anti-freedom, anti-hunting, anti-wildlife, anti-science, anti-Americanism!
That has infested our media across this land, and I hope people will visit my Facebook, which, by the way, Alex, I mean, I'm just a goofy guitar player.
I not only wrote Wango Tango, I actually believed it.
I set records with 33.6 million Facebookers off and on for the last four months.
Currently, I'm down to 22 million Facebookers.
But the point is, is that what Alex Jones
What you represent, what working hard, playing hard Americans represent, what the great Carl Pittman represents, what the NRA represents, what Ted Nugent represents isn't individual presumptions or hunches.
It's self-evident truth.
And it's alive and well across this country, so if people want to celebrate self-evident truth, logic, common sense, science, irrefutable evidence, they should visit my website, TedNugent.com, and certainly my Facebook, which I'm on
In between every morning and afternoon hunting adventure, and I communicate with people that are not just like-minded with me, they're like-minded with truth.
They're like-minded that America's fundamental transformation is an engineered train wreck.
Of course!
You've got to be kidding me!
Ted Nugent, he's on fire, and I forgot earlier in my rant to tell the kicker, I'm sitting around in LA, as I know you've done countless times, and they're pitching these TV shows, they're talking about the one that just got cancelled, and I'm sitting there talking to one of the heads of one of these major reality TV production shows, and he said, listen, he said, all they want
is guns and Americana and John Wayne and he said Ted Nugent.
He said that's what everybody wants and the people up above at the networks are panicking.
They're saying these libertarians, these conservatives, these crazies are taking over.
The bitter clingers are taking over.
I'm having this repeated to me.
So no matter if it kills these networks, we've got to shut all this down so I guess you're the last to fall because they will not produce gun shows now.
They will not produce hunting shows now.
Well, here's the beautiful thing in this.
I know you love me, Alex.
I feel the love, you know, but the real reason you don't even know the real reason you love me, and the real reason is because Ted Nugent's Spirit of the Wild has been the number one hunting show in the history of the world for 24 years on our channel, even though everything I say, everything I do, everything I show, everything I celebrate with maximum enthusiasm on Ted Nugent's Spirit of the Wild every week,
No, I know!
So they would destroy themselves!
So they've got to cancel it outright, which now you'll just do your own thing or go somewhere else.
That's what I'm saying.
Is this a desperate attempt at censorship and banning the word father and mother and boy and girl?
And they're doing it in schools.
Is this their death rattle?
Because it's just it's to see these totalitarian control freaks
Well, you know, your question is based on your demand for logic, your logical mind.
We have to get up in the morning every day.
We have to be productive.
We have to have a semblance of personal hygiene, in spite of what Michael Moore preaches.
We have to be positive assets to ourselves, our families, our neighborhoods, our country, our fellow man, the good Mother Earth.
We are driven to do this, and everybody I know does and is.
But when you start asking,
Why would Hillary Clinton not be in jail?
The logic probes in your brain will start to fizzle.
Because why is Lois Lerner not in jail?
Why is Eric Holder not in jail?
Why is Barack Obama not in jail?
You've got to be kidding me!
Why is Wendy Davis not in jail?
Why is Wasserman Schultz not in jail?
It's because the liberal government abuse, the liberal media dishonesty, and the propaganda ministry known as academia in America today, the big tri-power of anti-Americanism, government, media, and academia, they've got so many Americans in a stranglehold.
God, what a great song, 40 years later.
Those that allow themselves to be brainwashed, those that allow themselves to be in a stranglehold, they're getting what they deserve.
But those of us who are driven to be as productive as possible, to be as positive as possible, to be as law-abiding as possible, our heart, we cry tears of blood, Alex, when we see a mural in New York that says, save a life, kill a cop.
This is the devil at work, and the devil's got voices, and he comes from Barack Obama where he sides with black thugs every time and always manages to make a disparaging, negative, even hateful remark about law enforcement when Wilson in St.
Louis defended his life from being attacked by a monster thug, Michael Brown,
And then Obama sends in his so-called Department of Justice with the so-called Attorney General Eric Holder at the time to investigate Darren Wilson instead of looking at the videotape that the
Well, Ted Nugent, let me ask you this question.
And she has broken federal law after federal law after federal law, going all the way back to the cattle futures scam in Arkansas.
Oh, it's incredible.
Claiming that we don't need security in Benghazi, that her emails are her own personal... Look at Fast and Furious, let me...
Let me ask you this.
What is the endgame?
Because it's a bold move through Soros, through the Justice Department, through Nancy Pelosi with her staff members running Black Lives Matter.
It's been confirmed it's run out of White House groups.
What do they hope to get causing a local civil war and taking angst and focusing on random cops shooting them in the back of the head?
How do they think that's going to get them power?
Are they trying to start a civil war so Obama can declare a civil emergency?
You're a smart guy, an entrepreneur, not just a great musician.
In your gut, what is your spidey sense of Ted Nugent, you know, the Tarzan of North America?
What do you think's going on?
What do you think he's planning in his last year and a half in office?
Well, it's clear.
A cursory review of the Barack Obama heritage proves that he was influenced, raised, and brainwashed overwhelmingly
By the Frank David Marshal Davis.
The Saul Alinsky's and the Cloward Pivens and his entire gang in the White House right now.
He's a communist, and every time somebody would say something like that, including me, racist this and racist that and extremist and radical and hater.
I'm not a hater.
I love freedom.
But I do hate slavery.
I do hate criminality.
I do hate communism.
I despise people that would take the greatest quality of life in the history of the world, which Barack Obama is doing.
His fundamental transformation is spreading the urines around a little bit.
His social justice, which is such a joke.
His income equality, which is such a joke.
But it's not even that!
I mean, look at Obamacare.
It's a giant scam raping poor people.
The people that vote for him are getting it in the ass more than anybody.
I sit back and I go,
You know, Alfred E. Newman would not have published this in Mad Magazine, because it's not funny, it's stupid, and it's cruel.
So I think, to answer your question, even though logic has no role in the review of Barack Obama, or the Liberal Democrats, or any of these lying scam artists, the endgame is that they believe if you work hard, you're cheating.
They think if you save for a rainy day, you're cheating.
Now, nobody can explain why they think that, unless you have been completely brainwashed in the Mao Tse Tung, Karl Marx, Barack Obama agenda, that we're all sheep, and no matter whether you don't try, or you try really hard, you should get the same bowl of rice.
And that is anti-human.
I totally agree with you.
There was a famous Trotskyite who wrote a book, I'm going to pull it up in a moment, back in the fifties, and that's where we get the term that liberalism is a mental illness of self-hating, of wanting to overthrow things, but of wanting to control other people.
It creates nightmares everywhere.
But Thomas Jefferson was a true Renaissance liberal, meaning more freedom.
These people today, we use the term liberal because that's the term people know, but Ted Cruz calls them fascist liberals.
I just call them a cult of freaks with a bunch of dumbed-down idiots following them who then hate everyone who's got more than they do, not understanding that more wealth means more wealth for everybody.
I mean, I just don't know where it's going when you've got 100 million people on government assistance.
What are they going to do when they shut down all the producers?
It's like France has an 84% tax rate.
They're collapsing, and their answer is more taxes.
Then it turns out the Socialist Party's exempt.
Ted Nugent's our guest.
We're going to come back and let him kind of steer things.
I've been asking some of the questions.
I want to ask, what do we do?
Where's his show go now?
The number one hunting, fishing show in the country.
We're going to talk about the election, who his favorite candidates are, what he thinks of the immigrant crisis in Europe.
Where he sees all this going, Ted Nugent of tednugent.com.
I started ranting and forgot we were going to break.
We'll be back.
I'm Alex Jones.
You can follow us on Facebook as well and at Twitter at RealAlexJones.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
ISIS has demanded that Syrian Christians pay an Islam tax.
This is being reported by WorldNetDaily.
ISIS terrorists gathered together dozens of Christian men in Syria and told them either to pay a Sharia-inspired tax and sign on to a list of faith-based restrictions or pay a penalty that could include the loss of life.
Among the restrictions, Christians cannot own guns, build places of worship, show their crosses in public or even ring church bells.
The terrorists put forth their demands to Christians in a town that used to be dominated by the Christian faith, but has been taken over by radical Muslims.
And while many followers of Islam will condemn these actions, numerous people in power continue to fund groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
Whether it's airdropping grenades or leaving behind billions of dollars worth of vehicles that they can use against us, these terrorist groups always seem to find the best equipment somewhere.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Here I come now, baby!
It is a distinct pleasure to play Stranglehold, one of my all-time favorite songs.
I remember going to see Ted Nugent in high school.
In Dallas when he was packing out crowds of 50,000 people.
And now here he is on the radio with us.
And I like Ted, I love Ted Nugent because he's not a coward.
He tells it like it is.
That's why he's successful.
That's why Donald Trump's successful.
People are sick of milk toasts.
They're sick of things being watered down.
So one thing they do is they misrepresent what we say and what we do.
I pointed out that our government has funded Al Qaeda.
And it allowed them to operate.
Now they're doing it in Syria.
Now they're turning them loose all over the world, calling them ISIS.
Criminals in our government!
And the media spins it, oh, I'm saying that, you know, our government had bombs in the buildings and ran the whole deal.
No, I'm not.
I'm saying criminals in our government are allied with radical Islam and Saudi Arabia and allowing it to take over.
And I've been vindicated now as the 28 pages I've had Congressman Jones on.
I've played clips of Senator Graham, who's read it.
Rand Paul's come on and talked about it.
It says Saudi Arabia ran the attacks and then basically they covered it up because they didn't want that info out.
And that's a whole separate area.
But now we have Obama trying to block Russia putting aircraft in Syria to battle ISIS.
So it's incredible.
I want to ask Ted Nugent about that.
I want to ask Ted Nugent about moves to restrict deer hunting in Texas.
Moves to kill private herds on people's own
I want to get into what he thinks Obama's going to do before he leaves office.
This move to block social security recipients from owning guns.
Applying the system they use at the VA to restrict veterans owning guns.
This is the last year and a half of this.
And they're going to go for broke.
And Ted Nugent joins us to cover the waterfront.
But listen, it's a big deal that Verizon has dropped their top channel
Aired nationwide, the Sportsman Channel.
They're not even talking about, you know, re-airing this stuff.
They're just talking about killing it.
And I've been in the boardroom meetings, not with this folks, but with all the others.
I mean, you name it, when I say all the others, I mean, History Channel, Discovery Channel, A&E, to the point of when they call me up wanting me to host some show, I just go, no.
Because I've produced three of them that get killed.
I mean, I've been in them.
I mean, I'm not just saying that.
I am the host on five shows on cable TV right now, okay?
Some of them, you know, top on their channels.
And I won't be part of it now, because they censor so much, they restrict, or they just don't let the show on.
Because again, our culture of America is sexy, people want it.
I'm ranting here.
TedNugent.com is the website.
Ted Nugent joins us.
Ted, just getting back to this briefly, and then we'll cover the waterfront and take some calls, and you can cover all these other issues, and tell us the next shoe to drop in your view.
How do we protest this?
Do we drop Verizon phones?
Do we call them?
Or do we just support where the channel goes or other pro-gun type programming?
I mean, how do we respond to them basically... It'd be like if you're a NASCAR champion, they just blow your car up right when the green light turns on.
I mean, they're just not letting us on the racetrack.
How do we respond to this type of rigging stuff?
Well, it's great that you ask how we respond because I think the real curse, the self-inflicted scourge in America today isn't necessarily the lying scam artists of Barack Obama and Eric Holder and Hillary Clinton at all.
The real horror, the real engineered, self-inflicted suicide of the American dream came from none other than we the people.
We the people?
Who failed to realize that in order to earn an experiment in self-government, in order to earn your American dream, we the people have a daily responsibility to function and actually participate in this sacred and unique experiment in self-government by putting pressure, polite yet pressure,
On our elected employees, admitting that they are indeed our elected employees, and in the absence of we the people pressure, we the people monitoring and demanding, i.e.
the Tea Party, I mean the Tea Party is demonized because we the people demanded accountability from our elected employees.
You can't get any sicker than that.
But the real guilt rests on those Americans.
Who do not call their senator, do not call their congressman, do not communicate with their mayor and their governor.
The real guilt is the apathy and the sheep-like misbehavior of so many Americans that will fall for the hands-up, don't shoot lie, and they may as well just say, bend over, don't spank.
It's all a lie, and it's a direct result of so many sheeple in America not giving a damn
About using the freedoms that the military heroes have provided at such great cost and sacrifice so that we can earn our own way, we can keep what we earn, and we can inspire others to earn their own way by not enslaving them with handouts and the welfare boogie.
So, right now, for example, you played Stranglehold.
Stranglehold, I wrote 41 years ago.
It's celebrating our 40th year of my first solo album where everybody in the music business, Alex, told me, well, you know, Ted, the feedback guitar, that's like, that's not cool anymore.
And you'll need a keyboard and you'll need some pop songs.
You need to have a pop song.
You need some background singers and you need more harmonies.
And I said,
I can't say on the Alex Jones Radio Show what I said, but it was a Detroit colloquialism that is a basic door slamming in your face, and I continued to make the music that the people that I played 350 nights a year in front of responded to enthusiastically.
And when I travel today,
It's not just a stranglehold musical statement.
It's a stranglehold, I stand up for what I believe in.
I still believe in the American Dream.
I still believe in the U.S.
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Golden Rule, and the Ten Commandments.
And it is alive and well across this country, but because at least 55% of Americans don't give a damn, we've got a gang.
We've got criminals.
Running our government, our media, and our academia, and they do not reflect the positive, law-abiding spirit of good Americans everywhere.
You come to my Facebook with 22 and a half million people.
You get the occasional freak.
It's a good word that you choose.
They are freaks.
If you don't think venison is food, you're a freak.
If you don't think Thanksgiving is celebrating the annual harvest of
Billions and billions of renewable wildlife resources.
You're a freak!
If you don't believe in the right to keep and bear arms and the instinct to self-defense, you're a freak!
You should immediately move to Cuba, where all your freak ideas are already policy.
Ted Nugent!
So this is not a Ted Hunch or an Alex Hunch.
It's a we the people reality.
And if you're not involved in this experiment of self-government, you're a punk.
Something I've been saying for 20 years that I now want to basically amend is that I would always explain to people, look, the Second Amendment is about the right to keep and bear arms, defend us from a tyrannical government or from thugs or criminals.
Everybody would obsess about hunting and our rights to hunting, but now I get it.
It's nothing to do with hunting.
Exactly, and of course that's something we sell all the time, it's true, but I get why they're trying to restrict hunting, why they're trying to demonize it, why they banned it in most areas of Europe and the UK is because that is a normal human culture and a normal human instinct and it's very enlightening and empowering and you get high from it because it's something you're meant to do.
Like a dog gets excited when it chases a rabbit.
We're meant to be hunters.
It's a bonding experience for men and women.
They're trying to kill our culture.
So, it is about hunting, even though the Second Amendment isn't.
Hunting supports it, and supports the Second Amendment.
That's why we've got to defend it.
You're absolutely correct.
You can hear all the liberal anti-gunners and anti-freedom freaks.
Every time they bring up gun rights, they always reference, well, if you have a gun that's proper for sporting purposes, we can see the ownership of sporting purpose firearms.
But, wait a minute.
As if our founding fathers were worried about sport after they left the tyranny of King George!
Well, they had the war over not turning the guns in.
I mean, the war was over them coming for the guns.
That's my next question.
Obama says he's going to use executive action to come out with the guns.
They're already doing it all over the country, under the table, going after Social Security recipients' guns.
I mean, that's mainstream news.
We broke that.
People didn't believe it until Fox News had it a week later.
They may push too far.
They clearly want to start a civil war.
How do we walk that line, not let them push us into violence, but at the same time stand up for our rights?
How far do you think they may go?
Well, they'll go as far as we allow them.
And once again, that brings my main point of the apathy.
Right now, I got to tell you, Alex, I hear a lot of squawking from
Petty individuals.
I'm not a member of the NRA because they didn't call me back.
I'm not a member of the NRA because they didn't help my uncle when he got caught drunk with a shotgun.
You know, if you're not a member of the National Rifle Association, Barack Obama loves you.
And if you're not a member of the National Rifle Association, you have no voice
In the battle for freedom, because when it gets right down to it, it is the NRA and the members of the NRA who stopped the attempt to ban 223 5.56 ammo.
When they went, Barack Obama was doing double back flips trying to ban the most powerful, the most popular round, it's not powerful at all, the most popular round in America
And it was the NRA members that went, no way, punk, and we stopped him.
So they, the anti-gunners, would turn us into Cuba tonight if they could.
And they've already done it in Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York.
It's just criminal, the flagrant infringement, that's a constitutional violation in all those states I just mentioned, where you can't keep or bear
Jack Squat, and that's because not enough citizens in those states stood up to the tyrannical outrage of Cuomo and even Chris Christie, and certainly the governors before them.
But those five states, Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey, they don't have Second Amendment.
Well, I mean, look at the governor of New York saying, if you're pro-gun, get out of the state.
If you're pro-life, get out of the state.
These are fundamentally gangster thugs who all have bodyguards, but want us to be disarmed.
And I've got to be honest with you, Ted, they're moving quicker, and I've been the alarmist all these years, than even I thought they would.
They seem so arrogant, so aggressive, and I just hope people realize the LA Times announced yesterday
They're going to close half the roads and make them for driverless cars, and they admitted in the article to make traffic worse, and they used the Cloward and Piven term to nudge you into getting out of your car, and they admit to make you use their mass transit.
I mean, these people are the most sickening control freaks, and that's the problem with Americana, John Wayne, Mom and Apple Pie,
type people is we're too proud and we're too cool to get aggressive.
We don't want power.
We got our own lives.
We want to be left alone.
We don't get in our neighbor's business.
We try to stay out of the way of control freaks.
It's time to get aggressive like you've done in these people's faces.
They're not going away.
We've got to stop complying.
There's an article out of Pittsburgh where it was a barber shop, 40-year-old barber shop,
They send a feminist in to say, cut my hair, do my curls.
They say, ma'am, we don't do that.
We only, you know, trim short hair.
She went, have the city fine them for discrimination.
It's not discrimination.
You know, it's like saying if a woman came in and said, give me a vasectomy in a doctor's office, and they said, well, ma'am, we only do that on people that have, you know, testicles.
I mean, I hate to talk like that.
The guest earlier made the point, it'd be like if you had a Chevy and brought it and told a Ford shop, you know, to put Ford parts on it.
Sorry, we don't do Chevy parts.
I mean, they've banned brown bags in Seattle saying they're racist.
I mean, these people want to control reality.
They are a group of cult leaders.
I'm sorry I'm ranting.
The examples you bring up, I could just gag laughing except it's so cruel, it's so real.
Let's just jettison now to the forefront of freedom.
I moved to Texas 13 years ago because Michigan turned into a suburb of Chicago.
The laws up there, I can't even have an uncased firearm in my truck on my farm.
I'm not allowed in Michigan to have an uncased bow
My bow and arrow has to be completely enclosed in the case when it's on my four-wheeler or in my truck.
In Michigan, Alex.
And I could go on and on while all my friends across America are hunting doves on Labor Day.
In Michigan, they're flying all over the place.
Michigan produces more doves than all the quail, pheasant, woodcock, and grouse combined.
You can hunt all those four species, but morning doves are against the law to hunt in Michigan.
I felt like I had landed in Cuba, but let's jump right to the last best place, Texas.
I have undying reverence for the great heroes of law enforcement, especially in our fishing game here in Texas Parks and Wildlife.
What a great bunch of men and women.
What a great job we've done in Texas managing our wildlife to be the healthiest, most flourishing wildlife ever.
Yet, in Texas, the Texas Parks and Wildlife are going to a private ranch in Texas that has a breeder whitetail operation
And with a bunch of armed law enforcement members, they are going to pull another Waco, another Ruby Ridge, and they are going to force the slaughter of a private herd of whitetails, not in Massachusetts, not in Illinois, not in Michigan,
In Texas, Alex, under the guise of the CWD, Chronic Wasting Disease, scam.
And they came in and they forced the owners of the ranch out of their own home and off the property.
They forced all the employees off the property.
And at gunpoint, the way I understand it, at gunpoint, Texas Parks and Wildlife is threatening
To slaughter a private herd of white-tailed deer.
They've already forced a bunch of other ones to slaughter their own property, Alex.
And then when they did the test, none of the deer had the disease.
Let's expand on that.
There is a move for urban hunting with bows because in Travis County, they'll spend thousands of dollars per deer to load them up when they're overpopulated in cages and fly them out to West Texas to die.
Why not bring in urban hunting and use this resource?
Like they do in about 40 other states because it's already been proven.
I'm going to tell you, I love Texas.
But we ain't perfect yet.
So I'm giving a call to the great Governor Abbott, Mr. Greg Abbott.
I'm giving a call out to my elected employees in Texas.
Stop the Texas Parks and Wildlife chronic wasting disease scam!
It is a scam because somebody on the Wildlife Commission doesn't like deer breeders.
I've got the proof.
And if we, the people in Texas,
Allow another Waco, a deer version of Waco, where even citizens, Alex, are being threatened if they interfere with the government coming in and slaughtering private wildlife.
It sets a very dangerous precedent.
They want a monopoly over these resources.
And meanwhile, there's just deer all over the place in cities with no predators, overpopulated, stumbling around, starving to death.
Bowhunting should be brought in immediately.
We'll be back, final segment with Ted Nugent.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
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If your station would like to pick it up, certainly direct them to it.
Infowars.com, of course, is the news website.
Final segment with the Motor City madman of Liberty, hair on fire, Ted Nugent.
And in the five minutes we've got left, I tell you, you ought to hear the behind-the-scenes conversations.
You were getting into getting tough, and what the candidates need to do, and some of the articles you've got coming out.
So, Ted Nugent, tell us about that.
Repeat what you said to me off-air.
Well, everybody is paying attention.
There's a bunch out there.
I travel all over the country, Alex.
In every restaurant, every airport, every hunting camp.
I mean, I just got another letter and I get hundreds a year from an entire group of U.S.
military commandos over in Afghanistan that are doing a bunch of, you know, they're putting their lives on the line every day and I put their letter on my Facebook and it represents the pulse of America, especially those that are at the top of our species, the warriors, the guys on the front lines of the war on terror.
He's thanking me for using the freedoms that their buddies died to provide.
They support me because I am radical.
An experiment in self-government is radical.
To dare call us, we the people, is radical.
To demand that we have the right to keep and bear arms, that's radical in a world of tyranny and dictators and tyrants and EDMs and punks all around the globe.
Of course we're radical.
What the Founding Fathers did was radical.
Rosa Parks was radical.
If you're not radical, you're a sheep.
And what I'm finding is that more and more people are being angered because the only guy that's really acting radical and standing up in a culture war fight is Donald Trump and Ted Cruz to a great part.
Ted Cruz is a great man.
And Rick Perry's a great man, but Donald Trump is the only guy calling a spade a spade and representing the frustration and the heartbreak at the corruption and the power abuse running amok in our government, media, and academia.
So everybody out there right now, the best thing you can do is be a member of the NRA,
Get everybody in your family to work and at your hunting camp.
You've got to be National Rifle Association members.
You have to communicate with your elected officials.
I write some old pieces every week for WND.com, WorldNetDaily, DailyCaller.com.
Even DeerAndDeerHunting.com and about 20 sporting and conservation publications.
But I don't need to do any of this, Alex.
I could just go hunting and go play my guitar and teach my grandkids how to hunt.
But you've got to defend.
You've got an instinct to not want to be a slave.
And you were telling me you're surprised if these news pieces don't get you a knock at your door.
I know this.
We're good to go.
Then they act like we're not coming for your guns, when they are coming for our guns, because they have an instinct to want to dominate men, and to want to break the will of America.
The parasites that have taken over hate the strength of this country, even though they're living off of it.
They're going to be their own doom if they succeed.
Ted Nugent, we've got 45 seconds.
What's your bottom line?
Bottom line is we the people have a responsibility, a moral and intellectual and spiritual obligation to participate in the sacred experiment of self-government.
There are heroes of the military dying so that we can.
How dare we not do so?
I want to salute OperationFinallyHome.org for helping the heroes of the military.
And remember, freedom is not free.
Get engaged and demand accountability and join the NRA.
That is the first step to taking this country back.
Well, Ted Nugent, thank you for coming on the broadcast, and you told us you'll come back on a routine basis.
We'll continue to track your stories at WND.com, Daily Caller, and when they're linked up at DrudgeReport.com.
Fourth hour coming up, InfoWars.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
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Here's the bottom line.
The social engineers, the Republicans are part of it too, are involved in class warfare.
And they've got people now that work in the system, corporations and government, that actually smoke the dope, that drink the Jim Jones Kool-Aid.
And they really believe that it is a race war, a class war.
And the people running things really want to create depression so then they can take over and be the total boss, even though they'll destroy the entire country and the world.
I mean, I look at the mayors and people that they're electing, and you know, I've always been somebody against the Republicans and Democrats, but the Democrats are making their move to take over.
They've got the Republicans so intimidated that they're rolling over to it.
And so that's why I've thrown my full weight against the Democrats.
If we had a Republican in doing anything like this, I'd be doing the same thing.
I mean, I thought Bush did some bad stuff and was totally critical.
This is all so over the top, it makes my head spin.
And I hear Democrats go, yeah, we're criminals.
Yeah, we want to arrest libertarians and veterans.
Yeah, we're going to have a civil war.
And then you look at them, they're sacks of weakness.
I mean, you think you're going to have some war with the military and the police and conservatives?
You're going to kick our butts?
I don't care how many federal buildings you blow up and blame on us.
It ain't going to fly.
That dog ain't going to hunt.
So listen to me.
I'm a man.
I'm not the toughest guy around, but I can take care of myself.
I'm not afraid.
But I'm not into needless violence.
And I'm going to explain something to all you chicken necks out there that think this is cute and funny because you've lived off other people's strength.
You try to bring this country down, you keep doing this, you're all going to be held accountable.
You want to shoot your mouths off about open season all day?
It's going to be open season on you!
You keep pushing it, you keep starting it, believe me, believe me, you're going to get your ass handed to you.
And you're just the useful idiots.
The globalists up above you, they're going to be offshore.
They plan to wreck the country in the civil war that will win the patriots, and then they're going to bring in their people after.
So we got Leanne McAdoo co-hosting with Rob Dew coming up out of the new studio, or out of the old radio studio, we got a new studio being built as well, bringing the fourth hour back.
And let's go ahead and throw to that control room, I should have asked who's even hosting the fourth hour today, I've been so busy covering all this news I didn't get to it, but they're, pardon me?
And, I'm talking in my ear, they're bringing in a world system.
The globalists are bringing in a tyranny that doesn't need humans.
At the end of all the race wars and the police wars and the deindustrializations and the plagues and all the rest of it is the rise of the machines, the AI.
This has all been stated.
So you're not on some winning socialist team run by a bunch of offshore billionaires who are connected to the most horrible stuff you can imagine.
You're idiots.
Become pro-human, start believing in the unborn, start believing in yourself.
The truth is you're projecting.
You hate yourselves, so you hate everybody else.
See, I love myself.
And I love you.
I want to see you win.
Leanne McAdoo, I see you in there in the control room.
Are you co-hosting?
Let's punch Leanne McAdoo up.
She's a lot more interesting to talk to than me.
Leanne, tell me about some of what's coming up today.
I know I'm just springing this on you.
I just saw I'm sitting you down in there.
Tell me what all's coming up in the fourth hour today.
Well, we're going to be talking a little bit about ISIS threatening to send 500,000 migrants to Europe.
Psychological weapons.
Well, they did it.
I mean, they threatened it.
Now they've done it.
Why are you being bigoted against ISIS?
They have a right to kill women and put bags on their heads.
I know.
I'm racist for not inviting them into my home.
I've actually put in a petition.
I'm going to bring in some ISIS militants.
Wait a minute, we should put out a joke petition at whitehouse.gov, because they're already doing it in Sweden, calling for the White House to house the Islamic militants.
Exactly, or the Vatican.
They got golden paved streets.
Leanne, stay there.
I'm going to come back and throw it to all of you.
As I promised, some days I'll be co-hosting the fourth hour with you.
But Leanne McAdoo.
And who's hosting the nightly news tonight, Leanne?
Jakari Jackson.
Jakari Jackson.
I can't say his name normally.
It's kind of like... No, you can't.
And Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And Marcos Morales.
Alright, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Schools in Germany are ordering teenage girls not to wear miniskirts or shorts as to avoid offending Muslim immigrants.
Parents were warned that their children should not wear revealing clothes for fear of misunderstandings that could lead to attacks by the migrants.
Children were also told that derogatory or racial remarks will not be tolerated.
The letter was actually sent out at the end of June, but it is drawing fresh attention in the light of Germany's plan to accept 800,000 new migrants before the end of the year, and 500,000 a year for the foreseeable future.
InfoWars has been contacted by families in Germany who say that their schools are telling girls not to wear shorts, even in hot weather, to prevent sexual assaults by immigrants.
Need to learn more about this story right now at InfoWars.com.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Leon McAdoo's in the control room.
Rob Doo's in the radio studio.
I'm in the main TV studio.
We're building another TV radio studio so we can cut to reporters with breaking news on the radio slash TV broadcast.
Have other guests in studio as well.
Building an entire new center here.
And by the way, I didn't even plug any products the second hour.
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I should be plugging pretty much every segment to fund our operations.
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But that's how we're doing this.
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It's how we want to have a small war chest and not just operate on fumes.
But if I would do my job and plug every couple of segments, we would.
But that's why I'm doing this now.
So I want to thank all of you for your support.
Here's what it comes down to.
The globalists are scientific about their plan, but their scientific plan manifests their own mental illness, their eugenics control freak, transhumanist worldviews of playing God.
And they disdain themselves, so they're projecting that onto the general public, and by a feedback loop, have done the public down to the level of
Self-propelled stomachs, goblin-like creatures, B.E.I.
demon people.
There was the new Mark Dice video.
They aired in Overdrive yesterday that I meant to air today where, you know, he goes out and they're like, yeah, you know, let's ban selling the Bible in bookstores and on Amazon.
And finally, one guy bows up and says that's horrible and almost gets in a fight with him.
That's a normal response to basically book burning.
And I mean, I'm talking well-spoken liberals.
Find it.
That's not liberal.
They're like, oh yeah, let the radical Muslims mutilate their women, sexually put bags on their heads, tell German women they can't wear short skirts.
But you can't sell Bibles.
There's the article, liberals want Bible ban from Amazon.
This is the craziness.
These people are evil.
Because they get off on the control freakness of saying, yes, I'm with the government, so I want to ban whatever they say.
In the real world, they're moving towards this in Canada and other places, and arresting people for their religious beliefs in the U.S.
because they're in a power cult.
They have no power.
They're nobodies.
But when Mark Dice goes out, and we've gone out and done this stuff before, too, and shown the same thing.
Ban the hydrogen monoxide for the earth.
That's water.
Table salt, if we use the scientific term.
They all agree.
They're ignorant.
Put gun owners in forced labor camps.
Yes, I agree.
Gun owners are evil.
Let's put them in a forced labor camp.
You're sitting there with someone who, if they take me to a forced labor camp, they want their son to have a job there.
I mean, these aren't liberals.
These people, I keep saying it, but it's only hit me now, are a diabolical group.
The Russians were good, hard-working Christian people.
They did bad stuff under bad leadership.
The Germans were incredibly smart, hard-working, moral people.
Under bad leadership, they turned into some nasty folks.
And man, I'm here to tell you, I've studied history, I've looked at what the German Nazis did and the Russians and stuff.
We've gone bad, and I think when we rot like rotten milk, we're going to be the nastiest, stinkiest, just filth the world's ever seen.
That doesn't mean all of us.
But man, it's time to stop giving lip service and go, you know, I'm not against gay people, but don't try to teach my five-year-old, you know, how to give oral sex.
Or why is every show about transgenders and gay people are the boss, because they're the new royalty, not because they matter to the elites.
Hell, the government in the 70s and 80s put hepatitis shots, HIV, that's come out in the news.
It's just they're the new group to obsess over as a distraction and to screw our kids up.
I mean, this is a bold takeover.
Sending in weird feminists to say, you've got to give me a haircut at a barbershop.
They go, man, we don't have the equipment to give you a perm or color your hair.
Okay, well, I'm gonna go have you fined for discriminating.
And they did it!
It's about power!
Leanne McAdoo, then we're going to throw it over to you and Rob Dew with what's coming up today.
I mean, this is getting crazy.
China, Russia, the Middle East won't take all these really dangerous, a lot of them refugees, a lot of them are Al-Qaeda and terrorist fighters.
We have the video up on Infowars.com of them on Facebook bragging that they're veterans of ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
And then Donald Trump comes out and says, man, you've got to really admire Merkel.
You know, we've got to take these people in.
I mean, this is Freakville.
You think she's got us on the hook now?
Leanne, where do you see all this going?
I know you don't even see yourself really as a conservative.
More of a humanitarian, more libertarian.
I don't want to speak for you.
Being here three years, I mean, and I'm changing my views.
I'm getting more radical because it's just reached cult freak show level.
What do you make about my whole five-minute rant you just heard?
Well, I just don't understand how all of this seems to be appearing out of the blue.
I mean, how do you not see hundreds of thousands of people pouring across the border?
You know, hundreds of people raping and rioting and dragging people out of vehicles.
Like, the globalists have set this whole thing up, they've instigated the chaos, they know it's coming, and then all of a sudden we see the images
When it gets extreme, whereas in America we were never allowed to see the illegal immigrants pouring across our border, even though it was hundreds of thousands, because it didn't fit their agenda here.
You are totally on, in fact this morning I meant to make that point first and foremost, and then I get so upset by the time I go on air reading all the news that I just can't even do it, that you can see how they sort of tell the immigrants years ago, come, giving them freebies, they destabilize the countries, they let them in, they let it build till 800,000 are now coming in total in the last few months.
They're pouring through everywhere, that's the number we have, it's probably worse, and then suddenly their answer is, we gotta take them all in.
You can see the premeditation of this.
Right, and then if you don't want to take them in or if you're a bad person, you're racist or you're evil, and getting everyone to sort of fight amongst themselves and fight against these, some of these people who truly are fleeing madness, you know, to be angry at them rather than angry at the people who have instigated this chaos.
And the policies and the war and the, you know, borders wide open policies that are bringing them all in.
So it's, that's what we should be focusing on and fighting against.
But instead, it's like, you're a bad person because you don't want, you know, boys to use the girls bathroom or, you know, stuff that doesn't matter.
Well, it's all just psychiatrists on record came out with this to mess us up.
They said in the 60s, this was the whole plan, just to create total obsessions with our wee-wees, you know, instead of like the big, giant issues of cancer viruses and the vaccines.
You and Rob Deere are going to be hosting the rest of the show.
I'm going to punch you out of here, but...
These people mean business?
They're moving on all fronts?
And I wanted to ask Rob Dew, what do you make of Donald Trump now suddenly flip-flopping and going, yeah, we need to bring these illegals, these migrants, into the United States, and Merkel's doing a great job?
I mean, you think conservatives are so on his hook now that they're going to now want jihadis in their bedrooms?
I think this goes back to the fact that he signed that pledge, his loyalty pledge to the Republican Party.
And now they're saying, look, you got to start playing ball with us or we're going to undercut you.
We're going to get you out of this race.
Like what they did with Ron Paul.
You won't even get mentioned.
And then you'll you'll go into obscurity because, you know, right now, every time they say something positive or negative, his ratings go up.
So it doesn't matter as long as they're mentioning Trump.
It's just like the golden goose.
He keeps laying golden eggs for him.
So I think he's starting to play ball because he got the message at some point on some level.
And he probably will never admit it.
It might come out later, like what happened with Ross Perot, when he got out of the race and then he got back in, but it was too late to really affect the outcome.
I mean, who wants a President Trump if he's President Obama?
Or President Globalist, whoever, you know.
They're all the same guy, they just change out the face.
There's a great graphic you had, I believe it was an Obama deception, as the guy pops up and then it changes to the next one, changes to the next one, and it doesn't matter who's really in charge.
Those guys aren't in charge.
What do you and McAdoo got coming up today?
Well, I found a video from RT put out basically echoing the same things we've been talking about with this migrant invasion that's going on in Europe and how nobody, the mainstream media here in the United States is taking the angle, oh, we have to help these people.
What's the president going to do?
How are we going to help these people?
And not the focus on this is how ISIS is getting people into the country.
You know, the only thing the American media is talking about is the Hungarian camera woman who tripped a migrant.
Well, you know, these people are coming in illegally.
I kind of agree with what she did, trying to stop invaders coming in.
Stay there.
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All right, we are live.
It's the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Rob Dew, sitting in here in the original radio studio that we built back in January 2009 and December 2008.
Moved in here when I started in February.
It was just one little part of a building and slowly with your help and your support we've been able to expand
I don't think so.
This is a short segment.
I've got Leanne McAdoo in the control room.
We're going to play some clips that I saw from a report that RT put out.
And they kind of sound a lot like what we're doing here at InfoWars, but you don't see any of these angles coming out of the mainstream media here in the United States.
Well, now there's football season.
Now there's deflategate.
We can just keep talking about these issues nonstop that really don't mean anything.
I want to get into that starting off.
We're also going to get into a little bit of information about the food babe coming up probably towards the end of the hour.
But thank you for joining us.
This first video I want to get into.
Here's the article.
ISIS fears hungry TV reports suggest militants posing as refugees crossing to Europe.
This is something we've been telling you all about for a long time that ISIS is going to use and
Be infiltrating into Europe and then also coming into the United States going in through the southern border because it's basically wide open.
It's basically controlled by drug dealers so they can come into South America.
I remember we were playing a clip and covering that a general, and this is back January, February of this year, it might even have been the end of last year, where a general was talking about how they were finding guys from Africa who were getting into Central America and then getting on the beast train coming up into the United States unfettered as long as they paid their way.
So this is how ISIS is going to get into America.
We've seen the attack in Dallas.
So they're already ramping this stuff up and now they are in Europe.
And let's go to this first clip from RT.
This is RT ISIS in Europe.
There is alarm in Europe over allegations that Islamic State militants are infiltrating the continent by blending with crowds of migrants.
One Hungarian TV network is even reporting that the security services have detained two militants who revealed their identities in photos on social media.
And so he's speaking Hungarian there.
But what he's saying is Islamist terrorists disguised as refugees have shown up in Europe.
And he was showing some pictures that were uploaded to Facebook.
I actually have some more photos.
It's clip number three, guys.
ISIS Europe photos.
Let's just go ahead and roll that right now.
And you can see
No, we're good.
So I think it's just very telling.
I also want to show you this clip.
This is after they show the clip of the camera woman tripping the migrants.
People are saying she's horrible and she got fired for doing that.
And maybe she should not have interfered, but I think at a gut level, she said, look, these people are just pouring into my country.
I got to do something.
And as a journalist covering it, then I guess she also felt she had to step into the fray and she did trip a couple of people.
I don't agree that she should have been tripping people, but I understand where she's coming from trying to defend her country.
But let's go to clip four.
This shows the mess that the migrants are leaving behind.
And I just want you to look at the quality of tents that the migrants are being supplied with.
Many of the migrants gave up waiting for buses to take them into a refugee camp and tried to break through police lines.
Hundreds fled into the surrounding cornfields, aiming to reach Budapest on foot.
But this is what was left behind when the refugees continued their journey.
Images of trash strewn roadsides like these are being spread online, along with plenty of criticism.
But migrants say they simply had nowhere to put it.
This is just one of the latest developments in the continent's ongoing crisis.
Well, I'm interested to find out who is supplying them with brand new tents.
They look like they just went to Academy or REI or something like that and just loaded up with brand new tents that they're being given.
They're being given these from somewhere.
Maybe there's a guy at the docks in Syria passing out tents as they go along.
Interestingly, there's a graph, and I don't have it in front of me now, but it was like 77% of the refugees are men coming in, which is
That is not families.
That is mostly men coming in and they're doing that so they can disguise the fighters that are coming in.
They're blending them in.
It's really, really disturbing.
Also, I want to cover, this is something we tweeted out a couple days ago.
Guys, I'm going to bring up the tweet over here and it was from
Paul Joseph Watson showing how Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman, it's up right now, are not letting in any of these migrants into their countries.
They're keeping their borders closed and we're going to talk about that widely in marketing when we come back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Schools in Germany are ordering teenage girls not to wear miniskirts or shorts as to avoid offending Muslim immigrants.
Parents were warned that their children should not wear revealing clothes for fear of misunderstandings that could lead to attacks by the migrants.
Children were also told that derogatory or racial remarks will not be tolerated.
The letter was actually sent out at the end of June, but it is drawing fresh attention in the light of Germany's plan to accept 800,000 new migrants before the end of the year, and 500,000 a year for the foreseeable future.
InfoWars has been contacted by families in Germany who say that their schools are telling girls not to wear shorts, even in hot weather, to prevent sexual assaults by immigrants.
Need to learn more about this story right now at InfoWars.com.
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So on September 7th, Real Alex Jones, or at Real Alex Jones at Twitter, tweeted out the number of refugees that were being admitted into these very rich, very well-off Middle Eastern countries.
Ones that made their money essentially selling oil to the rest of the world.
And now, and there's a reason behind that, and I'm going to get into more of that and why that reason is.
We're going to get Liam McAdoo's take on these clips as well that I've been showing.
But first, I just want to remind everybody out there that we are listener supported, and by becoming a PrisonPlanet.tv member,
It supports everything you see here.
All the TVs sending reporters out, the massive amounts of paper we print out every day to show you articles, to show you that this stuff is real and it's happening.
The satellite system uplinks, which is why we're throwing the money bomb on September 16th and 17th.
That's going to be a really big event.
We're going to go for 28 hours straight broadcasting here in all the different studios, and it's going to be quite a feat.
We haven't done one of these in a couple years, so I'm really excited to put on another one again.
And I'm going to broadcast I think two different times.
One late at night and then early in the morning with Paul Joseph Watson right before the radio show.
But there it is.
We want to raise $1,000,000 to reach $400,000,000.
And we can't do that without your help.
So go to Infowars.com forward slash money bomb.
You can already start contributing if you feel like it, or just wait for the money bomb day on the 16th and 17th.
And by doing this, it's going to allow us to pay for the cost associated with sending a signal into a space to a satellite that can then go all over North America.
That's Canada, the United States, Mexico.
And we can really wake up a lot of people.
It'll actually be more than 400 million people if we're able to get on all the local stations out there.
So, I encourage you to participate in the Money Bomb on September 16th and 17th.
You can go to InfoWars.com forward slash Money Bomb.
If you're listening to this on the radio right now and your radio station is carrying the fourth hour, call them up and thank them.
If you are watching this at InfoWars.com forward slash show where we put out the free stream that then recycles for 24 hours until the next show,
Call your local station and ask them to take the 4th hour because we're now going to be doing the 4th hour every day.
You will now get a bonus 4th hour of Overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
He did it for a while and then he stopped.
Every once in a while he'd do Overdrive.
Well now, Alex put the word out that we are going to be doing this every day.
So it'll be myself, Liam McAdoo, Jakari Jackson, David Knight.
Joe Biggs, Anthony Gucciardi, sitting in here hosting.
It's been a real pleasure for me to be hosting this the last few days.
It's really exciting, and especially after a few days you really get used to it.
But now I want to go back to those videos.
Leanne McAdoo, are you there?
And what do you think of what has been going on now that, you know, it looks like RT is, you know, almost parroting InfoWars with the information we're putting out, but we don't see this anywhere in the mainstream media here in the United States.
Right, well that's the exact same thing we were experiencing with the illegal immigration issues at our own border.
That they didn't want anyone to know that criminals were coming through and drugs are coming through and you know they just want you to see the images of the young children and the families because that's how they can convince you to go along with the globalist solution.
They create the chaos and then
You know, the solution is this globalist, borderless world that they control.
Where you can't say anything bad about Muslims, but they can cut your head off if they don't like you.
Or they can cut your hands off.
Or they can make women cover up.
Or if you're in Germany, you're not allowed to wear a skirt now because you might offend somebody.
But they can do whatever they want because, you know, they're Muslims.
And I'm not trying to single out Muslims.
That's how the political correctness culture
Breeds itself.
It could be any group that they perceive is being hassled by the system.
Now I want to go to this clip here talking about, you know, we tweeted out that no migrants were accepted by these countries.
We were actually lying.
It's actually changed now.
Apparently they're opening their borders up and let's see how many they're accepting now.
This is no Mideast help.
...flow of migrants from the Middle East.
Gulf states are coming under fire for keeping their borders closed.
Human Rights Watch has criticized wealthy Arab nations for refusing to take in asylum seekers.
The countries do provide significant financial and humanitarian help to people affected by Middle East conflicts, but are keeping their doors firmly shut since the war in Syria started in 2011.
Kuwait has accepted just seven refugees, the United Arab Emirates 16, and Saudi Arabia only four.
All right, so we stand corrected.
We have to correct ourselves.
We had zeros for everybody, the big donut, but it's actually 27 migrants have been brought into those countries.
27 compared to the hundreds of thousands that are heading to Europe through Turkey, going in through Eastern Europe, going into Greece and the island of Lesbos, where you have
Syrian refugees have turned Lesbos into a war zone.
Residents claim as migrants chant FU at Hungarian police amid fears ISIS using the crisis to enter Europe.
That came out today in the Daily Mail.
And it's just amazing.
What do you make of that?
There's a small trickle, Leanne, going into some of these well-off, high society... I guess there's no wars going on in any of those countries at this point, other than the oppression of their citizens.
Leanne McAtee, what do you make of that?
The economic war that's being waged against the citizenry there.
It's just frightening to me.
I mean, you see those, the lifeboats that are sinking with all those people on board.
I mean, that's the perfect metaphor for countries that can't afford to bring in more people.
Or, you know, countries like Hungary, they say, well, we're a Christian foundation.
So if we bring a lot of people in who are going to fundamentally change our society,
You're in a sinking lifeboat.
It's just frightening.
And meanwhile, you have, and this came out in the Washington Times, which I'm surprised they report on it, agents say 20% of illegals caught at border have criminal records.
So what Donald Trump was saying is actually partially correct.
20% of the ones that they catch at least, and we've talked to border agents, we've sent our guys down there, and they say they think they catch about half of the people that come across illegally.
So you've got
Maybe 40%.
Maybe even larger numbers of people that aren't being caught that are criminals.
We shot that.
That's a picture that our camera guy Josh Owens and Joe Biggs, when they were down at the border, shot that of those guys coming across the border, dumping in what looks like 50 kilo batches wrapped up into a car.
That car takes off right in broad daylight.
And the border agents that were there
Leave five minutes before the shipment arrives.
Very coincidental.
And this political correctness goes all the way, how you're not allowed to say anything bad about the migrants, you're going to be criticized.
Well, I think we should bring all this stuff out, that ISIS is using this as a smokescreen to enter countries.
And no, we're not being racist about it.
And maybe some of these Mideastern countries that are causing the problem, okay, they're actually causing the problem.
Let's look at this last clip.
This is how the Saudi border is set up.
Now, they want to fund all these radical Islamic movements, but then they don't want to take any of the fallout.
So here's that clip.
Saudis are putting up a 900 kilometer razor wire fence on the border with Iraq.
There are also underground movement sensors capable of triggering silent alarms.
The issue here is very clear that the Gulf countries are more interested in funding armed groups in Syria rather than assist the Syrian people, invite them to live in the Gulf instead of having them travel in the midst of seas and in the dangers that we see very clearly.
So I want to give kudos to RT for reporting on that and actually telling what's really going on.
That's what we're trying to do here at InfoWars.com.
What do you think of that border?
They actually setting up a fence, but they have a double, a dual barrier with the motion sensors, which I think we went and interviewed a local rancher
Out in Arizona, who set up the same type of system with motion sensors that actually pop drones out into the sky so you can get a bird's eye view.
That's easily a system with the technology we have here.
We could put a lot of people to work actually building a system like that just to track our border.
Not to necessarily go in and kill people who are crossing the border, but to see who's coming in, find out where they're going, and then bring people in.
You know, the ones that really need help, let's help them.
The ones that don't need help, let's get them back into their country and get them out of our country.
Right, well they just want to create the terrorists.
And frankly, they're building that fence around their country because they know that they're the number one target.
The chickens are going to come home to roost at some point, so they're stopping that.
They know that they're guilty, which is why they want to close that off.
It was late August, I actually went and shot some footage of UT removing the Jefferson Davis statue along with Woodrow Wilson, removing that from UT.
And this is how far the political correctness has gone here, because Jefferson Davis was head of the Confederacy, he was elected to be the leader of the Confederacy, and at one time he did own slaves.
And then you got Woodrow Wilson, who's, he was a supporter of the Klan, created the Federal Reserve, which is essentially created, turned us all into debt slaves.
So we have that.
But, John Bowne, we played a report last night on the Nightly News, where John Bowne points out that here's a Confederate statue that nobody's gonna remove, nobody's gonna take down, and it's because he is part of the in crowd, and that's Albert Pike.
So, if you guys have that video queued up, let's go to it, and then Leanne, we'll get your comments on it.
Is Biggs ready to go on?
The University of Texas pulled the Jefferson Davis statue from its campus because of a growing irrational fear of American history.
On the northwest axis of 3rd and D in the nation's capital sits the Albert Pike statue, dedicated to the leader of the southern jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, a title Pike held for 32 years.
He was also a Confederate brigadier general.
He was also the Chief Judicial Officer and Arkansas Grand Dragon of the newly formed Ku Klux Klan.
This is the only statue in Washington, D.C.
commemorating a Confederate soldier, much less a founding member of the Klan.
In fact, Pike was said to have owned a bracelet that allowed him perpetual communication with Lucifer himself.
So if the Confederate flag is being denounced and Jefferson Davis and other Confederate monuments are under consideration for removal,
Why does this statue still remain simple?
Pike is highly revered by the very occultic groups in control of the puppet government installed in Washington, D.C.
His 1871 letter to Illuminati Mafia founder Giuseppe Mazzini predicts a succession of three world wars, a game plan followed to a tee by the global elite.
It was Pike that wrote the rituals that would create a secret society within a secret society.
The 33rd degree.
The 33rd degree would serve as a continuation of the Luciferian goals established by an older order known as the Order of the Palladium.
All master masons brought into the higher degrees would have to take orders from higher masons.
This long list of initiates includes presidents, Supreme Court justices, and military leaders.
It was Pike and Illuminati conspirators that infiltrated the world of Freemasonry, armed with a doctrine to establish a One World Order.
These conspirators, such as Lord Henry Palmerston of England and Otto von Bismarck of Germany, built global hubs for
for the Illuminati, and these hubs, known as the Supreme Councils of the Scottish Rite, like the one located at 1733 16th Street Northwest in Washington, D.C., have been in operation ever since.
Washington, D.C., itself, is reputed to have been designed to represent a pentagram in the Masonic Square and Compass, which would add to the confusing manner in which the streets of the District of Criminals are set up.
Masons have long argued that Pike was not a member or founding father of the Klan.
However, the 1905 publication, Ku Klux Klan, Its Origin, Growth, and Disbandment, by J.C.
Lester and D.L.
Wilson, clearly lists Albert Pike as one of its founding members.
This book was intent on glorifying the Klan and its origins, hardly an effort to spread misinformation.
If awareness grows, the very people behind the liberal agenda to spread political correctness while abandoning our ugly American history
We'll have clumsily uncovered a nest of treasonous activity and Luciferian dogma exposed in the light of day.
Albert Pike issued this statement to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world.
We worship a God, but it is the God one adores without superstition.
To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren.
of the 32nd, 31st, and 30th degrees, the Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.
Albert Pike, July 14th, 1889.
John Bound for Infowars.com
Yes, they're promoting their race war.
You're not going to see him talk about the Albert Pike statue and how it needs to be brought down and why.
Here's a guy that was a part of the Confederacy.
He also helped found the Ku Klux Klan, which people try to dismiss, and he was a 33rd degree mason.
But you're not going to hear about that anywhere else but here at InfoWars.com.
Leanne, what do you make of that?
Well, kudos to John Bowne.
He is always coming with the fire on his reports, but that's what we see.
They'll kind of throw us a bone and say, oh, well, they're really upset about those Confederate statues, so we'll take these down and those down.
But they don't get to the root of the problem, and we've stated that from the beginning.
Like, it's just a piece of cloth that's not going to get to the root.
Same with this Freddie Gray payout.
They just decided
You know, 6.4 million going to the family, and that's because they didn't want more riots if a jury decided, you know, something the people weren't happy with.
And that's because you're racist against one of the founders of the Klan, Albert Pike.
Call the Southern Poverty Law Center.
We found her racist.
Yeah, it's just amazing.
You won't even hear the name Albert Pike mentioned in any of those Confederate generals that they want to take down.
You'll never even hear about him.
And if you do, it won't be talking about how he was part of the Klan and part of the Confederacy and a Masonic 33rd degree Mason, probably higher than that.
And how he says in his quote there, he wants everybody to follow the Luciferian doctrine.
Well, it just goes to show you these dark oppressors that are ruling our planet and why it's so hard to effect change and to get people to wake up and why we're programmed daily, television, radio, everything.
I mean, there are dark forces that have been in place for a really long time.
Totally agree.
Hey, now this next segment, you're actually going to go on out and get ready for the news.
I think you're helping Jakari with a couple reports.
I'm going to have Joe Big sitting here.
He's going to be modeling the Hillary for Prison t-shirt and talk about the reaction he got.
He said he's worn it out a couple times and he's got some amazing stories of what happens when you put the truth out there in people's faces.
And I also want to remind everyone out there,
Those of you, that one person who gets the Hillary for Prison t-shirt autographed by Hillary Clinton, you get video of it, put it up on YouTube, send it to us, and I'm personally going to give you $100.
I am not superly rich.
I got kids that take all my money and spend it.
But I will give you $100, definitely.
And if Alex wants to match that or increase that, that's his prerogative.
But me personally, this is what I'm saying I will do.
Putting my money where my mouth is.
I want to see her in prison.
I want to see her sign that shirt.
I want to see her pose in a picture with it because she doesn't really read it.
Because our minds are so programmed to just...
See certain things.
So she's going to see that and see Hillary for President 2016.
Because President and President start with a P. So I have no idea.
I'm going to sign that.
Thank you for showing up.
Everyone buys a shirt, get a picture of yourself in it, and then tag her on Twitter and everything.
Let's all show our support for Hillary and where we think she should go.
I still think, you know, people were debating today that now that Joe Biden's going to come in, he's going to take it.
And Fox News is bowing down to Joe Biden, how he's going to be the savior.
Nah, I think Joe's just another ringer to be thrown in to take away the eye of Sauron on Hillary.
But we're looking at Hillary right now.
We know what she's up to.
So we'll be back.
Our final segment of InfoWars.com, the Alex Jones Show Overdrive.
It's Rob Due hosting.
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Final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
This is the Overdrive Hour.
We're here every day Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I wanted to say 2 p.m.
but now we're doing that extra hour overdrive.
3 p.m.
Central and then back from 4 to 6 on Sunday.
Tonight we got the nightly news at 7 p.m.
Jakari Jackson's gonna be hosting.
So I want to show you a quick article here from Foodbabe.
Foodbabe, the shocking email from Monsanto, why I am submitting an FOIA request there on the computer.
She's discovered some emails of this guy who's been attacking her consistently out on the web anytime she puts something up.
A man named Kevin Folta is always attacking her from a system of academia.
And he's chaired the Hoda Cultural Department of the University of Florida.
And it's come out that he was getting, he got a $25,000 grant right there from Monsanto and unrestricted money.
And so he's out there promoting that.
And in fact, he even says in an email to them, I'm grateful for this opportunity and promise a solid return on investment.
Both erode after receiving a $25,000 check.
But that's just a small, if you think $25,000 is the end of what Monsanto is, it goes a lot deeper than that.
So check out the article on Infowars, and then also there's an article on Independent Science News, the puppet masters of academia, what the New York Times left out.
Now, finishing up here, I want to go to Joe Biggs.
Let's get a shot of Joe Biggs wearing that Hillary for Prison 2016 t-shirt.
Joe, I'm going to give you the floor.
Tell me about those stories, especially about the one where you sat down at the bar and the guy wanted to come punch you out.
Well this Sunday I went out, Sunday Funday since we didn't have to do anything on Monday, and I decided to wear this shirt out, kind of promote it, see what kind of vibe I got from the people in Austin with this shirt.
And this is a very liberal town and surprisingly
I probably spent hours giving high fives, taking pictures with people.
People love this shirt.
We put up a new picture today on the Alex Jones Twitter, on different, our Facebooks and all that.
Everyone loves it.
Now, Sunday when I was out, I went to this one bar.
I'm sitting down to order a drink.
And I'm up there for about 20 minutes waiting because the bar staff is actually having a discussion about whether or not they should come over and serve me because they thought it said Hillary for President.
So I'm sitting here and the bartender finally walks over and he goes, you know what?
I've been pacing back and forth back here just so angry that you would walk into my establishment wearing a Hillary for President 2016 shirt and then I noticed it had Hillary for Prison.
He said, I was seconds away from sending my bar back over here to punch you in the face.
He said, you know what, since you're wearing a Hillary for Prison shirt, you don't have to buy drinks here.
Everything's on the house.
And that's the kind of love I got from everyone wearing this.
So I want, you know, everyone out there, go to the InfoWars store, get one of these shirts, and go out, take pictures, let's get video of your interactions with people.
Because everyone's saying that there's a lot of people out there who want to support Hillary.
If I'm in a liberal town and everyone's coming up and giving me high fives saying, hell yeah, that's an awesome shirt, I want one, where do I go get that?
I'd wear that every day.
Then you know people out there are waking up and they see that this is a lying scumbag person who's trying to run for president.
People don't want that.
We want someone who's going to be out there and be honest and serve us and do the right thing and Hillary is by far not the choice.
She is the worst human being on the face of the planet.
And it's not by overthrowing countries like Libya who haven't done anything to us.
It's not about setting up arms deals and then killing ambassadors and then standing by and pretending like you know nothing.
That's not the kind of person we want in office.
People keep saying that women are in huge support of Hillary.
I had more women running up to me, coming over, saying, hey I love that shirt.
Where do I get that shirt?
Let me get a high five.
Can I take a picture?
I want that.
Women don't support Hillary.
It's all a lie.
That's right.
And you can get that shirt at the InfoWars store.
Get it.
The hashtag Hillary4Prison is already out there.
Take your photo, upload it, send us your photos.
We'd love to put together a giant montage of people that love Hillary and put some quotes of Hillary on top of it.
And that's our show for today.
Thank you for joining us.
This has been the fourth hour of Overdrive.
I'm your host Rob Doo.
You can watch it every day at Infowars.com forward slash show in TV and join us September 16th for the Money Bomb.
Thank you all.
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