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Name: 20150906_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 6, 2015
1662 lines.

In this segment of the Alex Jones Show, Alex discusses various topics related to conspiracy theories, current events, and products available at InfoWarsLife.com. He emphasizes the importance of staying informed about what is happening in the world and making wise decisions despite the presence of evil. Some of the products promoted by him include a brain health formula, a potent Oil of Oregano formulation, and Deep Cleanze - an all-in-one cleanser made from organic ingredients and nanocolloidal zeolites.

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You're watching the InfoWars Nightly News, which airs 7 p.m.
Central at InfoWarsNews.com.
And your support is helping us defend liberty worldwide.
Riding on the highway!
From the InfoWars.com studio, it's Alex Jones.
Promoting liberty and freedom!
Gettin' took!
I'll tell ya!
Welcome so much for joining us.
I really appreciate you tuning in today.
There's a lot of football games on, a lot of sunny skies out there, a lot of good stuff happening, a lot of bad stuff happening as well.
You have a lot of choices out there in the media and I appreciate folks being concerned about what's happening in the world.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
It's four o'clock Central Standard Time.
Already, already, hard to believe,
The sixth day of September, 2015, and we will be live here, my friends, for the next two hours, as we are every Sunday.
Every day I start the broadcast, and I'm just honest with you.
Wow, we got a lot of news!
And usually I cover about 20% of it.
Some days I cover 60-70% of it.
Every once in a while I cover 90-something percent of it.
Today's one of the days I really should cover all of it.
Because when you look at this world, there are two types of people when you boil it all down.
There's different subgroups, but there's dogs and there's cats.
And I got this article right here out of the National Post.
Your cat doesn't love you, scientific studies show.
I don't need a scientific study to show me that my cat, and I do have one cat and two dogs, does not love me.
It only wants to pretend I'm its mother and make biscuits on my stomach in an infantile manner.
But it could care less if I fell down and died tomorrow.
It doesn't have anxiety when I'm gone, except it wants to bitch and gripe and ask for food.
It wants a free handout.
My dogs, on the other hand, would basically die and have heart attacks if something happened to me.
And that's clear.
And it's that spiritual connection, it's that honorableness of the dog, which isn't perfect, but it has honor.
Silly and ignorant but has guts and guts is enough, is why I'm a dog person and not a cat person.
And people out there that think they're getting ahead being cat people, folks that think they're getting ahead not caring about other folks, you think you're cool, only caring about yourself, you're an idiot.
It's like people that get in a hot tub and take a crap.
And I hate to be gross here, but you think you're getting away with it, go to the bathroom!
When you crap on everyone else, you're crapping on yourself.
And these are just elementary understandings here.
Cats are not pack animals unless you look at lions in Africa and they still feed on each other.
Dogs are creatures of honor, first and foremost.
And if I had to have an archetypal totem animal, it would be the dog.
Cats are cute, cats are funny, but make no mistake, they won't be there for you when you're in a jam.
And if somebody comes in your house and attacks you, they're not going to stand up for you.
Dogs will.
You don't hear about cops going to people's houses and shooting their cats, do you?
It's the dog, because they're not cowards.
Even if they're little or they're big, they stand up because they love you.
And our society is imploding because we're becoming a cat society, not a dog society.
And listen, people that don't stand up for themselves, people that don't care about you, don't stand up for them.
But people that are willing to stand up for you, people that have will, that's who I'm gonna stand up with.
Now, we got a lot of news.
We're gonna cover it all here today.
And we've got the last three minutes of a 14-minute video I shot yesterday, when the spirit of liberty, you could call it, was really upon me.
The spirit of Paul Revere was strong yesterday.
And I shot this video yesterday morning, total emergency alert update.
The global meltdown has begun.
I can say that with confidence now.
We're going to intro with that in the next segment and then we're going to launch straight ahead and you ain't seen nothing yet.
I'm going to put it all on the line, straight ahead.
Because if I don't, I'm a sellout.
I've got to give my full will to liberty.
I'm a piece of filth.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It's Sunday.
We're live broadcasting worldwide on the 6th day of September 2015.
Here's the tail end of a 14 minute emergency alert I issued yesterday that's gone mega viral with millions of views on Facebook, hundreds of thousands on YouTube right now.
Total emergency alert.
The global financial collapse has begun.
Here's the tail end of that report.
Defensively, but offensively get out there and warn people.
And let me tell you, the military is waking up.
Police are waking up.
That's why they want us to have a civil war with them.
They're not perfect by any means.
But we just need to be peaceful.
We need to promote liberty.
We need to stand up for ourselves.
But also, people need to get firearms.
They need to train with them.
They need to get prepared.
They need to get ready for self-defense.
So that's what it comes down to, ladies and gentlemen.
I don't know what else to say.
I'm going to post this video to InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm going to get it out on Facebook and Twitter.
It needs to not get, you know, 1.6 million views like it got on our channel and then a couple million on other places.
This video needs to get 50 million views.
I'm risking my life bringing you this intel.
The enemy attacks us every day in major newspapers and TV for a reason, folks.
We know what we're talking about.
This isn't a game.
And I am basically playing chicken with the globalists, not because I want to play chicken, but because I have to for my family and for honor, going head up against these people.
This is not a game.
This is deadly serious.
And people not taking it serious are going to allow this to come to fruition.
Look in my eyes and look at the evidence.
You think I'm playing games?
You think the police are freaked out?
You think the military's running around preparing for civil unrest and admitting they are for no reason?
We have a depression this time.
Tens of millions will starve to death.
Seven million died during the last Great Depression from malnutrition.
Look it up.
University Studies.
This isn't a game, folks.
This spoiled, rotten, decadent population out there, about half the population, will eat us alive, the producers.
The giant criminal gangs that have been armed.
The time bomb.
You ever wondered how America would be taken down and a bunch of other countries at the same time?
An organized, worldwide depression.
With shadow, radical Islamic armies there to create the crises whenever the governments need to come in and take liberties.
The government's got a decision.
A lot of good people in government.
You want to be collaborators with this or you want to wake up and face the facts?
The corporations, people that work in them, have a decision to make.
But most importantly, look in the mirror.
Look in the mirror.
Let's get right over here.
Let's look in the mirror right here.
You look in that mirror right there.
Look at it.
Look at that mirror right there.
You need to look in that mirror.
You need to ask yourselves where you stand.
You need to ask yourselves what you're going to do.
Because this is it.
We don't get involved now.
They're test ballooning us.
They're trial ballooning us right now.
They're testing.
And we fail this test.
You like Obamacare?
You like totally open borders?
You like being lectured that you can't say mom or dad or boy or girl in school?
You want to live in a cult?
You want to be a slave?
You want a spy on every corner telling you what to do?
You want to be force-fed GMOs and force-inoculated?
We're already getting gang-raped.
This was just the foreplay.
All right, you've been warned.
Total emergency alert.
Get it out to everybody.
We are the Paul Revere's of this age.
You are the Paul Revere's of this age.
Every race, color, and creed.
Alex Jones signing off for InfoWars.com.
The rest is up to you.
And that is just the tail end of a fourteen minute report.
The last three minutes, the first eleven minutes, I break down all the news articles, the documents, the graphs.
It's all
Detailed at Infowars.com right now if you want to see that video and then email it to friends and family to warn them.
Because exposing this may stop it.
I remember about six months ago as the massive immigrant waves out of North Africa and the Middle East.
After Saudi Arabia launched a bunch of wars against peaceful countries, as these immigrant waves hit, ISIS, which is Al-Qaeda, bragged in the news, it was in Associated Press, it was everywhere, we're using immigrant waves to hide ourselves and our operatives to invade Europe and the United States, and we're going to have sleeper cells start attacking.
And that's down one folding.
On Friday, ISIS issued a new video and a new statement, WorldNetDaily covered it, DrudgeReport linked to it, so did Infowars.
ISIS smuggler.
We will use refugee crisis to infiltrate West.
ISIS now has more than 4,000 fighters ready throughout the European Union.
Do you have any idea how much havoc
If 20 hijackers or 19 hijackers could cause the havoc you saw on 9-11, can you imagine what 4,000 can do?
And yes, I'm the guy that exposes an inside job.
But it's a real threat manufactured synthetically by the criminal globalist and then allowed to operate and turned loose.
The average cop, the average judge, the average FBI agent is not involved.
It's staged, but it's real.
And I'll use the analogy for the hundredth time.
If I bred a hundred black widows and hated my neighbor and went and dumped him in their bed during the day, knowing they go under the bed, but at night they'd come out and bite him, because he'd roll over on them, did I run the black widows?
Did I command them?
Did I control them?
But I'm still aiding and abetting.
I'm still premeditatedly trying to kill my neighbor by dumping the black widows in the bed.
Do I run a rattlesnake I put under your car seat?
But I knew what the weapon would do.
And that's the difference.
And then when they attack, they'll take our liberties and our freedoms.
It's 101.
Russia has moved more than 200 pilots in and 200 fighter bombers.
They're battling Al-Qaeda, known as ISIS right now.
And the State Department has warned Russia of all-out war, UPIAP, if they continue to battle Al-Qaeda.
Do I defend Russia?
Have I ever been to Russia?
Am I Slavic?
But Russia's in the right!
They're fighting Al-Qaeda.
Our government runs Al-Qaeda.
Truly sick.
And now the Pope has come out and said Catholic churches across Europe, the same ones here in the U.S.
that take the illegals in, that the feds ship in and give them vouchers, got to take in all the refugees of North Africa and Europe and got to integrate them into society while a large minority of them are ISIS sympathizers.
Upwards of 30% of France now says they endorse ISIS in national polls.
Just as France is not French, it's Islamic.
And the Pope and the rest of the establishment are backing the radical Islamicists.
The Pope's also calling for carbon taxes and world government.
Here's the epic moment we've reached.
The legendary moment, the historical moment, the moment of decision.
The collectivists, the globalists, the financial interests are making their move.
World War III has begun.
It's cultural.
It's economic.
It's medical.
It's spiritual.
It's a new kind of war.
And it's on.
Whether you are in Europe or the United States or Canada, the borders are wide open.
The illegals are pouring in.
They're being given the driver's license.
They're allowed to vote.
They're getting freebies from the government.
They're voting 90 plus percent socialist.
Bernie Sanders leads Hillary in New Hampshire by nine points.
This is the endgame.
You wanted to see the fall of America, the fall of Europe, you're going to see it now.
And the globalists are going to sit in their billion-dollar palaces above the law with their jet copters and their private jets as the rest of us live in absolute squalor.
They're flooding the lifeboats that were Western Europe.
They're flooding the lifeboats that was America.
They took down Gaddafi that was building up Africa.
They took down South Africa that was building up Africa.
The globalists don't want prosperity.
They want Cloward and Pivot on steroids.
They want world government.
They want Agenda 21.
And they're getting it.
And it hit me like a laser beam, like a diamond bullet.
To quote Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now, last night after I put my children to bed at about 930, after we had family over and barbecued, it hit me like a diamond bullet.
When we come back, I'll tell you what hit me.
Straight ahead, but... You're not gonna have to wait for world government and tyranny and depression anymore.
This is the beginning.
If we wake up to it and say no to it, it'll dissipate, it'll lessen.
But if we bow down to this political correctness and all the rest of it, we are captured.
It's so outrageous.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com's the site.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
I've talked about the basic problems that face humanity and none of this is new.
Everybody knows this deep down.
I'm just speaking truth that everyone already knows.
But truth they don't put out on the news.
Or truth when they put it out is only limited to direct you towards an establishment goal.
They'll speak the truth occasionally, but only to sell you on their agenda.
So the end of what they do doesn't basically manifest what the ultimate goal should be.
We don't have empathy.
We don't have a sense of a great human continuum and living on through our progeny.
That's been stolen from us.
We've had our cultures taken from us.
We've been raised by television.
But last night at about 9.30 after I put my children to sleep, I sat back out there on the porch, looking out into the stars.
It was a very clear night, I could see the Milky Way galaxy.
And it hit me.
All the studies, all the research, all the admissions, the globalists like Bertrand Russell bragging in the 30s about how they would use vaccines to brain damage the public and make it servile.
And now we've gone from 1 in 25,000 with autism to 1 in 58.
It'll soon be 1 in 3, CDC admits.
And I thought about the cold-blooded will to hurt children.
Because last night we were digging through some old trunks that were 5, 6, 7 years old with my children and I sat there and I looked at art they'd done when they were 2, 3, 4, 5 years old.
Because they're 12, 11 and 7 now.
And I looked at those sweet little images of teddy bears they'd drawn and houses and pretty yellow suns and flowers.
Those beautiful souls.
And I thought about the will to know you're putting cancer viruses in a vaccine, to know you're giving a child a hepatitis shot that destroys their liver, to know you're giving them a tetanus shot with hormones in it to sterilize them once their female organs begin releasing key hormones.
I have all the documents, the garnitural shots, all of it.
And it just was so overwhelming.
My God.
We're really facing pure evil.
And I know I say that every day, but it just hit me so strong that I was a piece of filth, that I was a scumbag, that I was a sellout, that I wasn't doing enough to expose these people.
I should be on the air every day with the vaccine inserts.
That it can give you type 1 diabetes, it can cause Guillain-Barre's, and neurological disorders, and genetic disorders, and trigger autoimmune disorders.
I mean, it's all there.
They even tell you, in a mesophysical rule, they've got to tell you what they're about to do to you.
Who are these people?
But more importantly, who are we?
Because if we don't stand up to this, if we don't say no, we're aiding and abetting it.
You know, I shot, only a couple hundred people have it.
It's bizarre we got it.
A bunch of listeners requested it.
People on Facebook, we have like 3 million likes on Facebook between our 7 channels.
One of them has like a million basically.
It's like 980 something thousand followers.
And so we got this thing called Facebook Mentions about a week ago.
The algorithm kicked in and gave us that like Brad Pitt and The Rock and only a couple hundred people had it, like 200 people had it.
And I was doing it.
I did like four of them and like each one got 200, 300, 400,000 views in like a couple hours.
And I was sitting there thinking, I can just turn on something and talk to 300,000 people
Most folks would be on some ego power trip.
I'm like, what do I do with this platform?
That's why do not call in and tell me how great I am.
Do not call in and say how much you appreciate me.
Appreciate me?
I'm fighting for survival!
I'm not doing you a favor.
Do you understand that?
This is not special to fight evil.
It's not special to stand up against it from my perspective.
It's survival.
They're injecting children with things called vaccines that aren't vaccines.
They're social control to brain damage them and hurt them.
My God, what type of elite do we have?
And then they write books like Ecoscience and Bertrand Russell writes books from the 30s right through the 80s and the 90s bragging about it.
These people think they're gods and they say the public doesn't care.
We must have the right to do it.
You see,
At a spiritual, intergalactic level, at an interstellar level, there are rules just written on the universe by God.
And if you don't protest something, if you don't say no to it, then you are acquiescing and accepting.
And that's what I'm trying to get at here.
Because all the things that are happening here are tertiary, and I've got a lot of news here.
Boy, let me tell you.
To the real world that we have submitted
To the point that these weird, creepy cult members are on TV.
I played it last Friday, last Thursday, going, well that's right, in California, and in Florida, and in Texas, and in Missouri, and in Michigan, and in Illinois, and in New York, was all these newscasts, all by The Globalist, all written, all staged.
We don't say boy and girl now, that's hurtful.
And it's like weird teachers with weird big eyes going, we don't say boy and girl now, we do what we're told, we eat what we're told.
I mean, it's a cult of flaming crazies!
But they're not crazy, they've got a plan, they've taken over.
They're ending the human species as we know it.
It's war of the worlds, folks.
Whether these globalists came from a trillion miles away, or whether they came from another dimension, or whether they're people doing this, all I'm telling you is, they're out to get us.
And there's no mistake, it's diabolical, it's well-planned, it's scientific.
And I don't know what I can say or do to get you to click to that, but I'm here to tell you it's real.
And these people want to kill you and your family.
Am I an enemy with some brainwashed cop out there writing tickets to fund this whole thing all day?
The globalists are just there to raise taxes and things to bankrupt everybody.
I got a report coming up on that.
The Fed's plan to get rid of all small businesses.
Not even letting them have bank accounts.
The cashless society is here.
So when they get up and say, you can't say the name mother or father or boy or girl, you didn't build your business, and two plus two equals five.
You think that's outrageous because you're not young, you're not 10 years old being taught all this.
You were an earlier group, partially brainwashed, but not totally.
You think it's ridiculous and funny.
These aren't environmentalist wackos.
These aren't liberal kooks.
These are scientific entities of evil, here to conquer and take over resources, following a handbook, a directive, a battle plan, a program, a stratagem to take over.
And we have their stratagem.
And we are humanity that faced all the threats that came before us.
That built civilization.
But we must pass this great test to get off world.
And escape this system and become a Type 1 civilization.
But first we must transcend the parasites and the globalists.
And the Info War is only here to give you the idea of the opportunity to transcend.
Will Donald Trump sign the GOP pledge precluding a third-party run?
According to a close associate, the GOP candidate intends to sign the loyalty pledge that would bind him to endorse the Republican nominee and would preclude him a third-party run.
The Republican National Committee has made it clear that they want every candidate running for nomination to sign a pledge not to break off and run as a third-party candidate under any circumstances.
The GOP is worried that third-party campaigns will jeopardize the party's chances against the eventual Democratic presidential candidate.
And as he's currently the most popular candidate, the GOP is concerned that Donald Trump may break off from the pact, and he has repeatedly threatened to do so.
Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul reminded everyone that it was Ross Perot who ended up giving us the first Clinton, and if Trump breaks off, he could give us another Clinton.
For more reports, visit InfoWars.com.
Alex Jones here to tell you about how you can help spread liberty worldwide while also enjoying what I have found to be the best-tasting, 100% organic coffee on the planet.
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That's HDfirearms.com or call 770-485-7015.
When cells become toxic, they die early and aging sets in.
No one has put together a formula that focuses directly on brain health, nerve growth factors
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Used since before the days of the Roman Empire to support the body's natural systems.
Introducing the new Infowarslife.com oil of oregano formulation.
We have now procured the most high quality and potent forms of oregano oil on the market.
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You will no longer need to endure the burning of liquid oregano on the tongue.
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That's Infowarslife.com or call 888-253-3139.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You walk into this room at your own risk.
Because it leads to the future.
Not a future that will be, but one that might be.
This is not a new world.
It is simply an extension of what began in the old one.
It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time.
It has refinements, technological advances and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom.
But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule.
Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
This is Mr. Romney Wordsworth.
In his last 48 hours on Earth, he's a citizen of the state, but will soon have to be eliminated.
Because he's built out of flesh, and because he has a mind.
Mr. Romney Wordsworth, who will draw his last breaths in the Twilight Zone.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
This is it.
The desperate weak attempt to rouse humanity.
But all great movements start weak.
They start with the heart and they grow.
Humanity will prevail.
We will go through great pain on the journey to the next level of our development.
This great challenge that we now face
We'll decide the destiny of humanity forever.
The enemy hopes you never realize that.
They hope to brain damage you at birth.
You know, the autistic children are those that were hit too hard.
They're only meant to be stunned, slightly brain damaged.
But some children are terminally brain damaged.
Some died.
Some of us will survive.
Survive on to fight.
And that's what we do now.
In the face of this onslaught.
To the new viewers, to the new listeners, will you join us in this fight or will you cynically decide that even though you ran head-on against the truth and it knocked you over to the ditch, you just dust yourself off and pretend like you never saw it, but the hair on the back of your neck is standing up.
You know you've seen the truth.
You know you've been visited by reality.
You know that
Honor and strength is greater than evil.
And so in this world, you would be warned, not just once, not twice, but a hundred times, and then again a hundred.
I have before me incredible news.
AFP on screens brain-damaging children.
Bernie Sanders leading Hillary Clinton in new Hampshire polls by nine points.
The rise of political outsiders.
The US warns Russia against more aid to Assad as he fights Al Qaeda and ISIS.
Britain wants to quit Europe.
Shock new poll shows EU no camp ahead for the first time as Cameron prepares to face down Tory rebels.
Wealthy Gulf nations are criticized for temporary response to Syrian refugees.
They won't take their own refugees when they launch the attacks on these countries and expect the Christian West to take their Islamic refugees.
Europe's biggest bank dares to ask, is the Fed preparing for a controlled demolition of the market?
The head of the Chinese central banks
Zhu Zhanghong has come out in Bloomberg News and says currency tension has now caused the bubble to burst.
It's coming out that Steve Jobs was a nightmare totalitarian authoritarian who oppressed people and was evil.
Well, he doesn't let his children before he died play with iPads or iPhones, but he wants yours to.
And he had deals with Foxconn in China for forced abortions and forced drugging and organ harvesting.
But he had kind of a mullet.
And he wore t-shirts like Zuckerberg.
So he was non-threatening.
Because everyone knows if you're in a yellow Volkswagen wearing a grey suit and you're a 16 year old girl you get in it.
Because it's a conspiracy theory to think there might be someone out there who wants to hurt you.
Take the vaccines, eat the GMO.
We represent honor.
We are willing to slam like battering rams up against the enemy.
But our power is limited!
You give us the power!
You give us the will to run into the enemy at a trillion light years speed.
And we're ready to do it.
But you have to make the spiritual decision to break with Lucifer and the devil and the god of this world and the fraud that has control of this planet and join with the Creator.
You have to decide that Jehovah is what you want to follow, and not the devil!
And the moment you decide to join God, you will transcend the New World Order forever!
The devil Pope, the communist servant of evil, calls for world government, calls for the West to accept the giant Islamic hordes.
That the West itself has triggered to flee their countries through Saudi Arabian attacks to balkanize and create civil war in our nations.
Do I hate the average Islamic person?
Absolutely not.
Are they good people on average?
But there is a purge of good Muslims and a move run by the New World Order to put radicals in charge and bring them in with weapons to launch attacks in Europe and the United States out of which a system of total control will rise!
Can we show the footage I shot a month and a half ago in Rome of the 30-foot walls?
And the security and the above-the-law tax-exempt sovereign state of the Vatican who now tells Catholics around the world that they should pay the money.
All you'll do with the six and a half billion third world people wanting to get into the West that's only 600 million.
All you'll do by accepting them is cause more thousands of deaths coming across the Mediterranean, more deaths, more robberies, more killing, more collapse, as the military globalist takedown of the West launches the new war of the 21st century.
It stands that you would be told the truth.
It stands that you would be able to see the reality.
It stands that you would be given the choice, but the enemy is out in the open, an arrogant, above the law, man that claims he has the keys to temporal and spiritual damnation, comes out!
Crossing those keys when other popes have fought against abortion and communism.
He crosses those keys.
And does he block the borag of abortion climbing across the city?
He says Catholics should stop opposing abortion when he first got into power two years ago.
And now he comes out and he says to the world on Thursday
You will be forgiven of your abortion!
Have your abortion!
No, you will be forgiven of your abortion if you repent and admit it was wrong.
You will not be forgiven if you then accept it's okay and do it knowingly because some pontiff, some man claiming he's God on a black throne told you it was okay!
He is the whore on which the Antichrist will ride!
We are seeing it manifest!
Alex Jones here with a very important news alert for InfoWars listeners.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
You have the power.
Humanity has the power.
We have the power.
Do you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
One must be clear.
I judge a tree by its fruits.
I've never been anti-Catholic.
I know so many great people that fight the globalists that are Catholic.
I have to say predominantly the largest group fighting world government, communism, anti-family activities, it's been the Catholic people.
And that's why I've been criticized a lot for not coming after the Catholic leadership.
But with this Pope, he is so nakedly Mao Zedong.
So nakedly Fidel Castro, who he's going to visit in a couple days, that I just absolutely would be a sellout if I didn't speak out against him with my full will.
Despite the great dangers of that, obviously.
This is an anathema, Pope.
Calling for rural government, calling for carbon taxes that will kill a billion people in the next ten years.
Lord Monckton's analysis shows, and I concur with it,
It's truly sickening.
Here's the headline, Lennon Guardian, Pope Francis abortion pardon, a great gift for Catholics in Boston, as if he's God.
Not Christ forgiving, but a papa.
And then we see the shocking images of a drowned Syrian boy, show tragic plight of refugees.
Our government, five years ago, launches Al-Qaeda in Syria, kills 300,000 of these innocent people,
And when Russia and Syria fight back, we call them terrorists.
And our own media says that, quote, take out Assad, that'll stop ISIS, when that's a group attacking.
And they show a dead little two-year-old toddler in the sand.
But they won't show the tens of thousands of dead babies that I've seen online.
And you've seen online that were killed by Western-backed rebels in Syria.
So they create the crisis and then say, look, a dead baby!
Let all these people in and pay for them!
Because the Pope says!
That's crazy town!
But that's a system targeting people that are politically uninformed of what's happening.
I want to open the phones up in the next hour, early in the next hour, on any of these issues, and I haven't scratched the surface of the news yet.
The toll-free number to join us is 800... Well, that's the weekday number, excuse me.
The toll-free number, because we produce everything out of house on Sunday, is 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539, and I haven't done this in about three weeks.
It's first-time callers.
First time callers, your chance to get on air.
International callers, country code 512-646-1776.
We'll start taking your calls at the start of the next hour.
I'm going to come back and blitz through a lot of news in the next segment, but I wanted to go to break since I mentioned it with a Slate article.
The government's secret war on small businesses, Operation Chokepoint, was meant to stop fraud.
Yeah, the government runs the drugs.
So why is the program going after legitimate businesses?
They're shutting down everything that's mom and pop.
It's a vertical integration.
That's what world government is.
Here is the report.
Operation Choke Point was a program created by the Obama Administration's Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force.
The government says it's over now, but business owners across the country claim that's not true.
It's a task force that most Americans probably have never heard of, but it has more control over the choices and decisions that Americans make than almost any other agency in the government.
Brian Wise is the president of the U.S.
Consumer Coalition, a consumer advocacy group.
Chokepoint was supposed to be focused on mass-market consumer fraud when the program started in 2013, but it quickly morphed into something much bigger.
A way for federal regulators to strong-arm banks into punishing any type of business that didn't meet their approval by putting them on their list of high-risk merchants.
Government regulators are essentially telling banks that they need to be morality police.
That these banks have to make moral decisions on who they can and cannot do business with.
And they have to make moral decisions on what consumers should have access to.
And what kind of businesses were on this list?
The usual suspects were there.
Debt consolidation scams and online gambling.
But also completely legitimate and legal businesses.
Like firearm sales, coin dealers, tobacco sales and more.
In the same way that we say that racial profiling is bad, you're saying that without any due process, these industries and the merchants within these industries are guilty of some kind of wrongdoing simply because they offer a legal product to America's consumers.
And that's just part of the report that's up on InfoWars.com.
That's what the Cashless Society is about.
In the last decade, we've seen newspapers refuse gun shop ads, sporting goods store ads if they carry guns.
We've seen banks refuse, Smith & Wesson, Remington, others, having bank accounts.
People compare Hitler to so many things, but I mean, Hitler really started in the mid-30s, 35, 36, denying certain political and ethnic groups the right to have bank accounts or businesses.
And we've seen the IRS go after Christians, Libertarians, Conservative groups.
This persecution is real.
We've seen the New York Times admit, last year, that some lady, they use this as an example, but there were hundreds of thousands of cases in the last decade, would like deposit $1,400, $1,000 a day from her little Mexican cafe in New York, that had been around for 35 years,
And she would pay taxes on the money.
But they just said, because you made small deposits for decades, that's a fraud, we're taking your entire savings, less than $50,000.
No judge, no jury, they just did it.
And then it comes out that the major central banks, Wachovia, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, all of them,
Are laundering hundreds of billions of dollars of drug money a year.
But see, cops don't raid the big banks.
Cops bust your dumb teenage daughter when she's stupid enough to be caught with ecstasy or marijuana.
And I'm not defending those drugs.
It's just, you don't bust the little dumb girl or the little dumb teenager boy.
You need to bust the kingpins shipping this crap in here!
And then you've got this Pope
Openly pushing world government carbon taxes.
That's a death sentence on the third world and pushing class warfare and pushing abortion.
And American conservative, but also mainline Catholics are really freaked out.
And now they're telling Europe and I've got the headlines right here.
You are going to allow anybody in we want whenever we want.
And if it's a million a month or 10 million a month, you're going to house them.
You're going to pay for them or you're going to hell.
I didn't join some Jim Jones cult being a Christian, and this guy wearing some hat is not my guy.
If he was opposing communism and abortion, I'd say he's a good guy.
But his fruits are what come out of the end of a jackass.
Now continuing, here's the New York Times.
Wealthy Gulf nations are criticized for tepid response to Syrian refugee nations.
Yemen, Saudi Arabia, the ones launching the attacks in North Africa and the Middle East and Syria and Libya, causing the flood of people they've run out as they kill non-radical Muslims and Christians, they then won't take a single refugee.
I hear criticism of Israel all day.
Fine, criticize Israel, but be honest!
Does Egypt take them?
Does Jordan take the Palestinians?
And now we're supposed to take all these people and give them everything free!
And then don't politically criticize their religion, though our religion can be criticized.
Don't you see the setup?
It's sick.
Oh, but look, a little dead boy.
Oh, a little dead boy.
What about the hundreds of thousands you killed?
Here's another one.
Again, I mentioned this.
Pope calls for Catholics to shelter Europe's migrants.
Oh, it's our job just to shelter the giant, ballooning Islamic population.
Candy and cuddly toys.
Migrants finish epic trek to Germany.
Germany's advertising new companies.
Germany doesn't have kids.
Germans have 1.3 kids.
They're like, hey, we're the new caliphate.
We're the new Islamic State.
Come here.
We're the communists.
Come to Germany.
You got German towns of 1,000 people now that have had, this week the New York Times reported, 2,000 new migrants.
They're told, you house them in your house.
But not at the Catholic Church.
Not at the Vatican.
Refugees streaming to Germany as Pope urges Catholics to put them up and encourage more, more, more, more.
Just like our open borders.
See, it's all happening unified worldwide.
It's a globalist takeover.
And it only intensifies.
On the island of Lesbos, where 161,000 illegals are, the police clash with them as they demand everything free.
Can you go to their country and demand something free?
But does it matter?
What we're seeing is economic warfare with refugees against the West.
When the globalists could care less about these people and want to inject them with cancer viruses as soon as they can give them shots.
They're just desperate political minions that'll follow whatever edict they're given.
Second hour straight ahead.
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Used since before the days of the Roman Empire to support the body's natural systems and enhance overall health.
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That's Infowarslife.com or call 888-253-3139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, let's do this.
I haven't gotten to ISIS saying we'll use refugees crisis to infiltrate the West.
I haven't gotten to Russia being told don't fight Al-Qaeda or we'll attack you by the State Department.
I haven't gotten to the homeless crisis in New York City.
I haven't gotten to the head of the Chinese Central Bank saying the meltdown has begun.
Welcome to America, the degenerate Saudi King to visit.
Harp's being fired back up.
Latest on Steve Jobs.
I want to go to your phone calls right now.
That's all coming up, but let's go to your phone calls right now.
Let's talk to Robert.
Let's talk to Robert in North Dakota.
Robert, thank you so much for calling today.
You're on the air worldwide.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
Do you remember a little while back, you had a caller on your show that identified himself as Gabe.
And after his call, you made reference to that that was kind of a very creepy call.
I don't know if you recall that call.
No, I don't recall.
They all kind of blur, but what did he say?
Well, he gave you a warning that it has begun and that it was in reference to the Blood Moons.
And so on and so forth.
If you look back in the archives, it was a few months ago, but I remember I was listening to the show and you were pretty shook up after that call.
In fact, it's kind of creepy for me, too.
I remember something vaguely.
I mean, I'll be honest with you, but I don't remember exactly.
All I know is the globalists are launching a full offensive at every level.
They're coming out of the closet.
It's on.
They're telling us how to speak.
Don't use the word mother and father.
This is cult level.
What do we do about it?
You're hitting a nerve.
Davis contacted me, and he is not going to call your show anymore, but he wants me to relay some information to you.
You are absolutely right, he says, that this pope is the false prophet.
This global economic crash that is coming and will happen is tied into the coming microchip RFID mark, quote-unquote,
And the fourth and final blood moon, a warning from God, is due to arrive the 28th of this month.
And he wanted me to relay this to you that you are absolutely 100% correct to keep getting the word out for people to prepare because they're not going to stop it.
There's no way to stop this.
It's already, the final stages have already been set in motion.
But people can prepare for what's happening, and they should.
Well, listen, I appreciate your call, and God bless you.
Look, I want to say this.
I don't know if we're going to have total, like, financial collapse individually in the next six months.
All over the world, hell has broke loose.
All over the world, countries are collapsing.
All over the world, our leadership is funding the bad guys.
All over the world, economic indicators are redlining.
But we're like an island.
All an island is, is a mountain in the ocean.
We're an island above the water.
We're watching other islands go under and people drown, but we're thinking, oh, we're safe, but the water's coming up.
That's what I'm getting at, is that being politically involved, being aware that the globalists want to wreck civilization and bring in this giant population-culling event in their own words is key.
These people have bad intentions, bad will for humanity.
I don't know about the Shemitah, and blood moons, and astrology, and... I know the elite are into all that, and I'm not criticizing people that are into it or not into it.
All I study is politics, economics, the real world, history.
And the elite are bad, they are moving towards evil goals, and I just look at people's children out in the street, at the grocery store, at the movies, at the mall, at church, and I just want to warn people.
I mean I did a I mentioned this earlier never told the whole story I went out and did a little jog on the hiking bike trail and I got like a million views or whatever when I was sitting there talking to people on the Facebook
Video feed just warning people about vaccines.
People are like, man, that's crazy.
He warns people.
I mean, I know they're bad.
Not the science is bad.
It's that what they're putting in them is bad.
So it's normal.
It's not superhero to warn people if their house is on fire.
We'll come back with your calls.
There is a shocking video posted right now at InfoWars.com where a man dies in a jail lobby after an encounter with sheriff's deputies.
Surveillance footage released by the Sheriff's Department last Friday shows 48-year-old Arlington resident Joseph Hutchison frantically running inside the Dallas County jail lobby on August 1st.
Witnesses say Hutchison was not violent but he appeared distraught and was seeking help.
He didn't have a weapon and he wasn't swinging at the officers.
Witnesses say a deputy threw Hutchinson to the ground and put a knee to his throat.
He couldn't breathe and his face turned pale blue.
After a few moments, he lied motionless as visitors continued to pour into the lobby.
Officers are seen attempting to resuscitate him, but it was too late.
Joseph Hutchinson had died.
His brother James is organizing a demonstration at the Dallas County Sheriff's Department building this evening.
For more details, go to InfoWars.com.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Gosh, thank God I don't serve the New World Order.
Thank God that I spiritually am not part of their system.
Thank God my will is still strong.
And I thank the Creator for that every millisecond.
I realize a lot of people pray when they have dinner or pray when they launch some new venture, but I realize I'm constantly praying.
When I consciously think about it, I'm always praying to God.
I'm always connected.
And make no mistake, all of us are entering the real danger zone.
Not for our physical bodies, but for our souls.
You don't know if you're free until you're ready to put on the line.
We're launching a major new operation to syndicate the daytime show and the nightly news on the television across the country.
I've already launched the satellite.
I've already signed the contracts.
It's already on.
It's already live.
Coming up the 16th and 17th, we've got a big announcement.
And I'm coming right back to your calls after this special alert, promo, and then the rest of the news.
Here it is.
Totalitarianism comes in many different flavors throughout history.
It can come from the right wing, the left wing.
It can come from religious cults.
It can come from a foreign invading army.
And in the modern 21st century, it's basically coming from political correctness.
Masquerading as the Renaissance, masquerading as liberalism, it seeks to shut down free speech.
And the controlled globalist left has willing accomplices in the Republican Party and other conservative and libertarian organizations and groups throughout the world.
The robber barons that control this planet are not free market.
They are monopoly men who seek to have systems free of competition controlled by offshore combines above the law.
The main mission of InfoWars.com and my 20 years on air.
...is to shatter the left-right paradigm and to get the public to become aware of what's really governing and controlling society on a mass scale.
Bottom line, we have reached that legendary, colossal moment in history.
Where the next thousand years of human development, our very destiny is being decided.
That's why we're launching Operation Money Bomb 2015.
The first money bomb I've done in three years.
Because we only do these if they're critical to be able to build up our infrastructure.
And with the money we raise from this, we will be able to
Stay on the satellites and get on UHF, VHF and cable stations across North America reaching tens of millions of more people right at the time they're receptive and looking for answers.
Starting September 16th through the 17th, we're going to broadcast live
From 11 a.m.
on the 16th through 2 p.m.
on the 17th for 27 hours with an amazing lineup of guests, investigative journalists, documentary films, and more.
We are seeking to raise a million dollars
So that we can reach 400 million extra people potentially in the next year.
Because if you do the math and if you look at the numbers that we're already getting from affiliates and from the internet and from YouTube and from Facebook and all the platforms.
We are reaching 20 million people a week.
If you put all that together over a year, that's upwards of 200 million different individuals around the world is how the algorithm metrics come out.
So I simply want to double that in the next 12 months after launching this money bomb.
Just the satellites, the closed captioning under federal law and other regulations will cost us right at
$39,000 a month, which if you add it together is over $400,000 a year alone.
When you talk about cameras, crew, studio, million dollars is only a portion of what we need to do this.
But it's an important part to ensure
With the collapsing economy and the hard times we're going into, that we have the funds it takes to keep this beacon of truth exposing globalism and dehumanization operating.
So join us this September 16th and 17th for what I believe will be the final money bomb that Infowars ever runs as we prepare to launch to the next and final level of global awakening.
Because as Mahatma Gandhi famously said,
First, they ignore you.
Then, they laugh at you.
Then, they attack you.
Then, you win.
We are in that process of being massively attacked.
And in the face, we're charging up, getting ready, and going in.
Go to InfoWars.com forward slash money bomb for all the information.
And in closing, I want to say this to all of you patriots out there across the globe that spread the word about our operation and that have supported us.
History is happening right now.
The destiny of humanity is being decided right now at InfoWars, which you the viewers and listeners and activists stand at the heart of.
is the engine that has made all this possible.
You're not standing behind the Infowar.
You are standing at the center of it.
You are right beside us in this fight.
And I guarantee you, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Sam Adams would be incredibly proud of what you've done in defense of human freedom, in defense of true liberty.
So from myself, Alex Jones, and the entire Infowars crew, we salute you.
Join us this September 16th and 17th for the 27-hour Money Bomb in defense of human liberty.
Would there be a defense?
Would people stand against the genetic takeover, the biometric enslavement grid, the world government?
We're just here attempting to stop it.
We're going to come back from break here in a few minutes and go directly to your phone calls.
Jack and Dominique and Angel Visits, Doug, Corey, John, Alamo Joe, Mike, Sam, Amy, Nick.
We will go to all of you.
I'll get to everybody today, starting at the beginning of the next segment.
It makes me angry at the social engineers when they put the cancer viruses and the chemicals and the vaccines to brain damage and sterilize our people.
When they show an image of a dead Syrian toddler washed up on the beach and say, open up Europe.
Open up and accept the entire Middle East or you're racist.
When our own governments destabilize and wreck those countries.
It makes me physically sick.
We have to get serious.
We have to become aware of how the globalists operate.
We have to get real.
Or we will contribute to more innocent deaths.
I mean, look at this headline.
Bernie Sanders leads Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire by 9 points.
Senator would receive backing of 41% of Democrats.
The Clinton's 32.
The Guardian.
Bernie Sanders is a bumbling, addled communist.
The country is bankrupt.
We can't offer the world more freebies.
We've never had more people, a hundred million and one, not working, getting paid!
Do you understand that it's... I'm not against welfare because I'm a greedy bastard.
I'm against it because it domesticates you, it destroys the economy.
While they double our power prices, while they shut down our fuel, while they ship our jobs overseas, they want to give you freebies to make you controlled by them for their endgame.
And once they get their endgame, it's all over, people!
The stupid Vermont Senator is what the Democrats would vote for.
I don't know if I trust Donald Trump or not.
But what he says, historically, is true.
So I'm forced to defend the ideas themselves.
But is it time to evacuate this country?
Is America done?
When the majority of Democrats is bad as Hillary is.
She's a fascist new world war parasite, but they run to Bernie Sanders.
I guess it's a positive thing saying they're anti-establishment.
We're seeing the rise of outsiders, but you're not running to an outsider.
You're running to their controlled opposition.
Socialism creates and communism creates nightmares untold.
We'll be back in three minutes with your phone calls on this station.
Stay with us.
This is History Happening.
Alex Jones here with a very important news alert for InfoWars listeners.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Not only evil has a will, but good has a will.
And I feel very humbled to be in the position of good, but I can state unequivocally we have goodwill towards humanity.
We want prosperity, we want honor, we want justice, we want security.
We got 45 plus minutes left, 47 minutes left worldwide in broadcast.
I want to go to your phone calls from Sweden to Fox Lake.
Illinois, from South Carolina, to Tennessee, to Florida, to FEMA Region 9, to Colorado, to Atlanta, and Alberta, Canada, Tennessee, and California.
Right now, let's go to Jack in Sweden.
Thank you for calling, Jack.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Can you hear me?
I can, brother.
Thanks for calling.
You know, Alex, I mean, I feel so sorry for people when I realize what's happening.
And I have something to say, you know, I've been aware of this since I was a child.
My father's a high-ranking government official, and he let me know what was going on from an early age.
And you know, I've been listening to you for about 10 years, Alex, but I gotta say something.
Is that when these bastards threatened my father because he didn't want to cut 40,000 people's Social Security benefits for mental health,
And create panic in the island of Maui.
You know, these bastards, the FBI, who's right above him on his building, started sending him rocks in the mail, coming by his office saying, oh, did you receive anything weird?
You know, generally just threatening him.
You know, I knew the jig was up.
I knew, I knew they wanted to just kill and maim and threaten everybody who wasn't going to go along with this plan.
I mean, I think about how many of my friends have literally gone crazy from trying to understand the truth.
It's gang government.
It's global government and it's coming to a head.
It's designed to enslave.
It's designed to rob.
How do you stop it?
It's the death of honor, is what it is.
Well, I mean, long live the Draco Slayer.
Long live those that would fight lies.
Alex, these people hate us.
They have no regard for human safety.
They have no regard for dignity.
And I have something to say to everybody who's living in Hawaii.
These bastards with Monsanto are turning it into a global... They're turning it into a fucking disease ridden... Alright, I gotta let you go, because when people start cussing, we gotta cut you off.
If you want to be cut off the air, use profanity, you'll be cut off immediately.
That's kind of like, instead of just hang up, because that's what you're doing.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go to Nick in California.
Nick, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I'm calling because I... Okay, go ahead.
And a couple days ago all our communications were shut down in the entire county and it was like 9-1-1 services for the entire county were down.
You had to go walk to the police station if you needed police.
Well that's a whole other story how we're depending on satellites, cell phones, just-in-time delivery.
This civilization is very precarious.
Yeah, so they blamed it on vandalism of the fiber optic line and the cell phone towers were completely turned.
They were down.
Satellite television signals were turned, were disabled.
So what do you think happened?
So I'm just thinking this is a part of the whole Jade Helm thing, is my point.
Well they did have drills in California, this is in mainstream news, the military taking over your town, so I don't know.
I mean there's normal outages of things, there's all sorts of technological problems, but that's certainly a part of it.
There was a satellite that was launched, a military satellite too, that was launched out of Florida a day before this happened.
Well, who knows what's really going on.
I know we're totally dependent on the so-called smart grid.
It's really a giant surveillance grid.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you, Nick.
We'll look into it.
Alamo Joe in FEMA Region 9.
I guess that's in the Pacific Northwest, a former state now under FEMA control.
Alamo Joe, go ahead.
Yeah, thank you, Alex.
A couple weeks ago, you asked a question about why globalists laugh when carrying out their evil deeds.
Do you remember that?
Yes, I do.
Yeah, I just wanted to share it from a Christian's point of view.
That's because we were created, Alex, to glorify God alone.
And these globalists are demon-infested.
They are lowlifes, and they glorify Satan instead of our Lord.
And everyone, whether they know it or not, has to serve a God.
You and me serve the Lord Jesus.
Some that do serve Him, serve Him with all that's in them.
Those Christians are usually called on fire.
Those on fire Christians have a counterpart.
Satan has his own on fire church known as the Spirit of Antichrist, or better known as the New World Order.
Those people, those same people, don't believe in God.
They don't believe in his commandments.
They will worship, in other words, their own man.
The man-god.
The man of their intellect of humanism.
The man of narcissism with a power trip.
Once they do that, they throw all the man's moral laws that God gave us, they just throw them out the door.
And once that's done... But notice while they say there's no law, they said don't use boy or girl, father or mother, give us all your money.
It's like, there's no rules but we got all these rules for you.
They're flaming totalitarians.
They don't bring liberty, they bring enslavement.
God is liberal.
God gives you freedom.
God gives you free will.
These people are enslavers.
They're just pathetic scum.
They want to conquer us.
That's what makes me sick.
Me too, Alex.
I can't stand that term about purple penguins.
Yeah, you can't say father, mother, you're a purple penguin, boy or girl.
It's happening all over the country.
When you sit there and go, I won't say I'm a boy or girl.
You're right.
You're the government.
You're just some sack of crap telling me this.
I mean, it's just, it's a cult.
Will we drink the Kool-Aid because we're ordered to?
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
Good points.
John in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you?
I just did some living in the twilight zone, brother.
Do you know Walt Whitman?
Let me hear your barbaric yelk.
You've had some moonshine tonight, brother.
Listen, I need to call in every day, because you have got me.
I've been listening to you for three or four years, and I give you mega dittos.
I'm not going to thank you, because you're not doing anything that I'm not doing.
It's that tower.
Well, it's a refusal to lay on and die to tyranny.
They tell us don't have kids, no mother or father, it's just die.
It's like aliens invaded.
Mama and daddy don't exist!
We're liberal!
Don't have babies!
Take the shot!
We love you!
It's like, no, you want to kill me, you flaming bastard.
I mean, you know, it just comes down to that.
It's like an alien invasion.
I don't know what it is, but it might as well be.
We'll be back.
Thank you.
God bless you.
And Dominique, and Amy, and Sam, and Mike, and many others.
We'll be back after the news.
Straight ahead, InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
Let me think, just let me think.
I suspect even now orders are being sheltered to telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Settler.
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen,
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You designed it, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You told me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and subverting your submission.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the InfoWar.
We're going right back to your phone calls, but here is the final bottom line.
The globalists are social engineers.
They've written white papers, books.
We've made films about it.
We've covered it.
They have a disdain for humanity.
They don't believe in us.
They think they're gods, even though they live off of us.
And I'm here to tell you, they think their greatest reign is here.
Their fall is here.
Let's go to Sam in Alberta, Canada, then Amy, Mike, Corey, Doug.
Avalitz, if I pronounced that right, Dominique and others.
Go ahead, Sam, you're on the air from Canada.
Yes, Alex.
It's a pleasure to talk to you.
I've been listening for you for like six years, and this is my first time calling, and I'm really, really, really happy.
Well, welcome.
I'm flattered to have you here.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
I just want to say something about your product.
They helped me a lot.
They were great.
And I've been telling everyone about them.
It's just amazing how they work.
You know, the first year I was listening to you, I was surprised with all the information that you had.
I continued listening to you, and then I started noticing a pattern that the Globals follow.
It's almost like a script.
And I needed you in the beginning to help me decode the script.
That's right.
But once you see it, you know, it's clear as day.
And when I tell people about it, they don't believe anything that is going on.
In reality, it's happening everywhere.
If it was GMOs, fluoride, you know, all these things, you can't avoid them, but the Holy Grail for the globalists
It's geoengineering.
You cannot run away from the air.
It is.
It's changing the Earth's atmosphere, it's changing the environment, changing the plants, changing the seeds, genetically changing things, where they control the keys to creation, then you're dominated by them.
This is the ultimate revolution against humanity.
And they're almost like not human.
They are like some kind of alien from another world.
They've decided, if you read, you can just type in, Elite believe they're a new species.
You'll get one in Telegraph, Associated Press.
They believe they're a breakaway species.
They believe they're aliens here, creating a merger with machines, with AI,
So we're yesterday.
We're the buggy whip.
We're the horse-drawn carriage.
And all I'm saying is, hey, I might want to merge with machines.
I might want to... I'm not against progress.
Just you're not going to govern it while keeping us in the dark, distracting us with Dancing with the Stars and American Idol.
And I just want the public to realize the world's moving on.
The real world's happening.
You're in a science fiction movie.
These people admit it, and they've got us debating over mother and father needs to be banned.
I mean, these are flaming crook anti-human scum.
They shouldn't be wiping our butts, much less governing the planet.
Yes, and they think that people lining up to get their new iPhone, that's technology.
No, that's 50-year-old crap.
The true technologies, they have it.
The true technologies, our mind, and our genetics that every scientist that's in genetic engineering understands isn't even of this world.
We're made in the image of the creator that made this planet.
We predate this planet.
The elite all know that.
They're just, they're dumbing the public down to not get it.
We're not, we're not, we're not...
We're not, like, seeking after the elves.
We are the elves.
And they know that, and they can't stand it.
They want to keep you from that knowledge.
They're aware of what we are.
They want to play God while we run around watching NFL.
That's what the joke is.
I don't have any favorite idol.
My idol is myself, to tell you the truth.
Well, my idol is human ingenuity and going to the stars and fulfilling God's destiny.
And that's what we need to show our children and try and reach as many people as we can.
I agree with you.
God bless you.
I got to jump, but this is not an elite that would put stuff in vaccines to lower our IQ and put fluoride in the water to lower our IQ.
An elite doesn't seek to dumb people down.
Let's say the elite are some alien species.
I'm not saying that, but let's just hypothetically.
What type of elite alien species wants to dumb down a planet and make people a bunch of retarded idiots?
I mean, you know what?
You're not my god!
A real god wants to build me up and give me promethean fire!
Not control me!
No, no, no!
You are not God.
You are fallen, degenerate scum standing in the way of the true creation that dominates you.
They hate humanity.
They hate honor.
They hate beauty.
They hate creativity.
Because we are their God!
You understand that?
The elite cannot stand true humanity.
They will go to hell before they capture anything!
They're a joke!
They're only there to provide us with the stress to make us go to the next level.
Just get that straight through your heads, okay?
They are fallen, they are failed, they are scum.
So let them play their games, let them win for a season.
We win for eternity.
Praise Jesus Christ.
I don't mean to be getting so hardcore today, but I prayed last night at like 10 o'clock at night.
I said, God, just let me tell the truth.
I am tired of backing down to these people.
I'm tired of watching them have their way with humanity.
Just turn me loose and turn humanity loose!
Amy in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
You are so passionate, and I am such a passionate person, and I am one of those Christians that are on fire for God, so my giggles
My giggles are coming because you are awesome.
And God bless you.
No, you're a sweetheart, ma'am.
I'm nobody.
I'm just a man.
Go ahead.
I understand that.
I pray for you, your safety, the safety of your family.
And you just keep doing what you do.
And if you gotta scream and yell, you scream and yell.
And if you gotta stand up and jump up and down, then you stand up and jump up and down.
You just keep doing what you do.
I'm just trying to get folks out of their trance.
I understand.
And honestly, if it wasn't for you, you know, I have had a wonderful, wonderful idea of the Word of God and His plan for us in the end times.
I get that.
But I did not and was not drawn into the full focus of the enemy's plan until it come upon you a couple of years ago.
And I thank you so much for opening my eyes to this because it helps me to understand where my family and myself and the rest of the whole entire globe is headed these coming days.
As for the Pope, people will criticize you, just as they do me.
You have nothing against the Catholic people, nor the Church itself.
Except for... No.
The gentleman who was talking about the Blood Red Moons.
The gentleman who was speaking of... It's almost like a script.
No, it is a script.
It is a script.
And just as, you know, God has a role for his people, well, the enemy has a role as well.
You know?
I mean, we're not in this alone.
And we can't just lay down.
We have to fight.
You know, Christians and people who believe that they deserve...
Oh, Alex, listen... No, I hear you.
There's no doubt, ma'am, that manifestation of evil is upon us.
And there's no doubt that the evil believes is taking over right now.
And your words are powerful, Amy.
God bless you.
Thank you.
I'm gonna come back, go to Corey, Doug, Anvins, Dominique, and others.
Mike in Colorado and others.
Straight ahead.
Final segment, straight ahead.
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That's HDFirearms.com or call 770-485-7015.
Alex Jones here with a very important news alert for InfoWars listeners.
We've confirmed through our major suppliers attempting to resupply Survival Shield X2 Deep Earth Crystals that elite corporations are buying up the supplies all over the world.
So prices are going up and it's very hard to secure it.
We have been able to secure a limited supply of the Pure Deep Earth Crystals and have now been able to produce more Survival Shield Nascent Iodine X2.
This is the good halogen.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Anna Levitz is up next.
Get ready, Anna Levitz.
Who are they?
The workers.
The strivers.
The builders.
This is our land.
These are our people.
The workers.
The strivers.
Who are they?
Who are they?
They are the Dark Armies.
The dark, murdering armies whose only honor is atrocity.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are launch.
Final segment back tomorrow, Lord willing, 11am to 2pm central for the weekday transmission.
Thank you for joining us.
I want to jam in five or six phone calls here at the end.
I'm not trying to gloom and doom you folks.
I'm just trying to be honest about how much trouble we're in.
I was just talking to one of the crew members, Richard, earlier when I was badmouthing cats.
I love cats.
Cats are cute.
Cats are funny.
Cats are neat.
They're not honorable like a dog that would die for you.
If a cat weighed as much as you, it would try to eat you and kill you.
There's a new study out, Your Cat Doesn't Love You, Science Shows, National Post.
And the globalists are like that.
They think it's cool, they don't care about anybody.
We built a civilization via honor.
Corruption held us back.
So I want the age of the dog to be upon us, not the age of the cat.
I want to transcend the feline instincts and move on to what's real.
The heart of a dog is ten times out of a cat.
That's why they got dogs that can kill lions that weigh three times more.
I want to be dog-like in my devotion to humanity.
Almost stupid in my will.
To not sell out.
Because it's the crafty feline mind that goes along with submitting to evil.
And I don't mean to demonize cats.
They're incredibly honorable compared to the globalists.
But the allegory still holds true.
And the science holds true.
Who's the caller from South Carolina?
Anna Lovitz.
I'm sorry I butchered your name earlier.
Welcome to the airwaves.
Thank you for holding.
That's Mordecai and I love it.
You might want to Google that name.
Anyway, Alex, what I really want to talk about is what's going on in your mainstream talk radio.
I personally try every once in a while to get through and quote you and quote a lot of stuff I find on the internet and talk about the Bilderbergs and stuff like that.
And these people won't even, you know, they'll hang up the phone.
Yeah, I remember Limbaugh 20 years ago said the CFR didn't exist.
Then he said it didn't have power.
But now the Pope calls for world government.
I mean, where are they now?
You know, they won't even talk about it.
What I would suggest, callers, call up your various talk show hosts.
These are false prophets.
And by the way, one of the worst is Glenn Beck.
This man badmouths people like you, and yet this guy pretends he's some kind of a holy man, a prophet, and he won't go into... He won't talk about, for instance, Sandy Hook.
He won't talk about Boston.
He won't talk about any of that stuff.
He'll basically say, you know, oh, we gotta get together in March, this and that, like he's some kind of a new Martin Luther King or something.
But really, the man's a total phony.
And I find most of your talk show hosts are.
Well, that's because they get called in rooms and offered the world if they sell out.
And I don't want to sit here and judge Glenn Beck.
He said things about me that aren't true, but he does a lot of good as well.
I just think the average person gets so scared when they get close to this, but God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
I just don't want to judge people.
I mean, I know that Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton are evil.
I know Al Gore is evil.
I know Barack Obama is evil.
I know John Boehner is evil.
I know Michael Moore is evil.
And I'm just going to expose them.
Beck does a lot of good.
And I just forgive him.
Because life's so short.
And I hope that he uses the platform he has to fight the tyranny of the New World Order.
That's all I can hope for any of these people because it's all just an illusion.
Let's go to Corey in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, what's up Mr. Alex Jones?
Welcome, brother.
First time caller.
What do you predict Obama is going to do about the ongoing crash?
And also, what's your take about the
It's millions.
It's millions.
It sets the precedent that it's our job to pay for everybody when they use them as a political class to bring in socialism because they're addicted to government money from the beginning.
It's a military cultural assault on the West to bring us down and the Pope
is now a prime agent coming to lecture Congress and six other cities in the United States on world government.
I talked about it.
We have the head of the Chinese Central Bank saying, quote, says the bubble has burst, world depression's here, right as the Pope announces you better let the imploding third world in when he's pushing eugenics and carbon tax policies that will bankrupt the third world and make billions die.
They're going to come here.
I mean, it's not just that I look at him and say, oh, you live in an armored palace above the law.
You say, I got to pay for illegals.
It's not that.
I love these people.
It's that he's using him as a human wave weapon against us.
It's pure diabolic.
And it's happening at a key point right now.
Also, what's this about him only get to choose two families to get into Vatican?
I mean, he's asking all the country to do millions.
The Vatican has trillions of dollars.
The Vatican's above the law.
The Vatican's incredibly greedy.
I mean, inside St.
Peter's Basilica, it looks like a nightmare Las Vegas whorehouse.
I mean, I've been there.
It is the spirit in there, whether it was like that before or after, I had to get out of there.
Family I was with was like almost vomiting.
It was like being in a poltergeist movie.
And I'm telling you, it's bad news.
I mean, I've never been some basher of things, but this Pope is an open demon.
And as far as I'm concerned, he should crawl right back to hell where he came from.
I mean, I'll just be honest with you.
All right, let's move on now.
Doug in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Christian, brotherly love to you, my friend.
I buy all the products pretty much from Infowars Life, and I love them all.
Well, thank you, brother.
You're helping fund this operation.
Thank you.
I'm calling to wake you up about what's really going on with geoengineering, and I appreciate that you do talk about it.
And you always say it's classified, which it is, officially.
Well, I mean, they admit all the secret programs and the atmosphere modification, but then they go, but details are classified.
But, I mean, they admit it's going on.
I've been researching it for years, and I've dedicated my life to making people aware of what's going on in the direness of the situation.
Well, it's the perfect allegory to how there's this whole shadow government changing the food, the water, the air, and everybody calls in and goes, it's like it's aliens.
Yeah, it's demons.
I mean, whatever you want to call it, we're in deep trouble.
This planet is being screwed over, and it's being built to not house us, but being built for something else, a bunch of elites merging with AI machines.
Yeah, research is showing that the reason that now that the globalists are doubling down and they're going for broke is that the climate is unraveling and they know it and they're hiding it.
It's a possible moment.
People in the U.S., especially the eastern half of the country, the most populated area of the U.S., they're purposely being fooled and being kept asleep by the geoengineers.
Oh, I know.
I know, brother.
Do a YouTube video on it, speak out, expose it.
I want to gram in two more, Dominique and Mike, for you in the broadcast.
Go ahead, Dominique, in Fox Lake area where the cop got executed.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Alex, I just want to let you know I am from the region area of Auschwitz.
Auschwitz of Poland where Germans murdered not only Polish people but Jewish people and everybody else that they could kill.
People do not understand what it means to have cema camps in their neighborhoods.
What is coming is basically a picture that they should
Google or witness in their own eyes to see what people are capable of.
Because if you don't see it, you don't believe in it.
And what is happening is exactly what you're saying.
That's right.
There's massive preparations for classical tyranny.
There's world financial collapse by design.
I just want to try to stop it.
I don't have all the answers.
I just know people better be concerned.
And then if we stop it, we'll be blamed.
Oh, it didn't happen.
Well, thank God.
I'm ready to be blamed that it didn't happen.
I want to try to stop it.
How do we stop it?
I'll tell you.
We stop it the way you're doing it.
I came here five days ago, I listened to you in Poland, and you do have a lot of listeners all over the Europe.
The picture that you show us, it basically shows the camp that we already had, which is history now, but people forgot about it.
Not everybody, not Europeans, not people, family, that we lost our
Well, there's my sister.
You've been through it.
You've been through it.
Yeah, the Nazis and the Russians, too, killed over 10 million Poles.
I'm out of time.
Sorry to Dominique and others.
Lord willing, I'll be back tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Central, 12 noon Eastern, for the weekday transmission.
Great job of the crew.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!