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Name: 20150904_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 4, 2015
3065 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including mainstream media, government cover-ups, health issues, and his website InfoWarsLife.com. He criticizes the mainstream media for focusing on trivial issues while ignoring important global events and conspiracies. In an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola, they discuss health topics such as Monsanto's manipulation in the food industry and the health ramifications of GMOs. The text also promotes emergency food supplies and alternative news sources such as Infowarslife.com's Super Mel Vitality supplement and MyPatriotSupply for stockpiling food.

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You are watching the Infowars Nightly News, which airs 7pm central.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi filling in for Wing Commander Alex Jones on this Friday, September 4th, 2015 broadcast.
Coming up in the next segment, Alex joins us with a key video.
He's going to respond also in this show to Louis Farrakhan's calls to start killing people.
But specifically, he's got a video breakdown coming up in the next segment that is absolutely essential to watch.
Also, I know you miss Alex, but this show is absolutely jam-packed with exclusive key news.
We're going to break down the newest segments of Black Lives Matter, calling to kill cops, the newest attacks on the police, and also we're going to get into some real news, not just distractions.
Headlines that we have today include, Iran commander, we're getting prepared to overthrow Israel.
Migrant smuggling in Europe is now worth billions, and from Infowars.com we have a massive, massive stack of absolutely ludicrous news here, such as shock video, man dies in jail lobby after encounter with sheriff's deputies, U.S.
military ordering troops in Iraq to dust off chemical weapons suits,
New York Clerk's Office will issue marriage licenses Friday without the clerk and a lot of other news including some economic news and the economic collapse.
We're also going to get into Trump.
We're going to take your calls and we have a very special guest, Dr. Mercola, the largest natural health website in the world, Mercola.com, and we're going to speak with the March Against Monsanto founder on a little bit of a short update.
And we're really going to get into key things that you can do, solutions economically, whether it's health or going along the lines of this breakdown in the economic system.
For example, we have this from CNS News.
Record 94,031 Americans not in labor force.
Participation rate stuck at 38-year low for third straight months.
S&P hovers near correction.
Dow plunges triple digits after jobs.
Greenspan, the Fed can't solve every problem.
Of course not, they actually create all of the problems.
And U.S.
job growth slows.
Unemployment rate falls to 5.1%.
Obviously we are in a state, no matter how you look at it, where there is so much corruption and so much deception and so much collapse in all areas that it seems, it seems as if there's nothing we can do about it.
But the truth of the matter is, and so many people talk about, oh, I want positivity, I want solutions and all this, the best way is to cover these issues.
That's what this show is so powerful in doing.
And like I said, Alex is coming up next segment to cover a lot of these different issues.
He has a key breakdown, actually just shot it.
And it all ties in with the idea that if we can really highlight this information, we can do something about it.
I also want to hear later on today your calls on Trump because the newest attack on Trump is that he's apparently fumbling questions on terrorist leaders.
We have the breakdown of the interview here in which he is asked about some of the Al-Qaeda type operatives and he doesn't know their name.
Oh my!
And he kind of says, well, you know, it's not that big of a deal because there's new Al Qaeda operatives all the time, and by the time I'm president, it'll probably be an entirely different set of individuals.
But apparently, the liberal media thinks that him not knowing some names of these operatives is the biggest attack yet, as they call it.
So we're going to get into that.
We're also going to talk about
In some new ways, we found whether or not Trump is the real deal.
Today on this broadcast, I think what it ultimately comes down to is sifting through the distractions.
I mean, we have these Black Lives Matter individuals, you know, the phony ones, saying that it's time to kill cops, and obviously it's happening, shooting cops at the gas station for pretty much no reason at all other than to kill someone.
So we're going to go ahead and break down all that information, talk about
The true Black Lives Matter quote-unquote true Black Lives Matter protesters versus the ones that just want to incite this type of violence and how I think we can really solve that problem based on the analysis of numerous experts because today we have headline MPD officer confronted by crowd hunched police say and in this article they talk about
It's time to go on the offensive.
It's time to kill cops.
It's time for mass chaos.
So we will be back in the next segment with Alex Jones.
He has a key video and he's going to also talk about some of these subjects.
And today we have his message to Louis Barracon.
Stay tuned.
There is a shocking video posted right now at InfoWars.com where a man dies in a jail lobby after an encounter with sheriff's deputies.
Surveillance footage released by the Sheriff's Department last Friday shows 48-year-old Arlington resident Joseph Hutchison frantically running inside the Dallas County jail lobby on August 1st.
Witnesses say Hutchison was not violent but he appeared distraught and was seeking help.
He didn't have a weapon and he wasn't swinging at the officers.
Witnesses say a deputy threw Hutchinson to the ground and put a knee to his throat.
He couldn't breathe and his face turned pale blue.
After a few moments, he lied motionless as visitors continued to pour into the lobby.
Officers are seen attempting to resuscitate him, but it was too late.
Joseph Hutchinson had died.
His brother James is organizing a demonstration at the Dallas County Sheriff's Department building this evening.
For more details, go to InfoWars.com.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here on this live, September 4th, Friday Worldwide Broadcast.
Anthony Giugiardi is going to be co-hosting the show today.
I'm going to have special reports followed throughout the transmission and we have some special guests as well.
Dr. Mercola with the largest health site, alternative health site in the world, will be breaking down some major developments coming up in the second hour today.
Ladies and gentlemen, the globalist buildup towards world financial collapse is certainly here.
The planetary destabilization, almost 15 years after 9-11,
Has never been more crystal clear.
Criminal globalists within five private central banks are funding the anti-family, the anti-free speech agenda, the destruction of language agenda, the open borders agenda, the dependency agenda.
They are advertising free welfare and free family services and basically anchor baby status for anyone who can get into Western Europe or the United States or Canada.
This is causing hundreds of millions of people to try to get here, hundreds of thousands a week.
Trains are currently shut down in many areas of Europe, westbound out of Eastern Europe.
There is just bedlam breaking out right now across the board, and what's important to understand is this is orchestrated.
15 years after the tragic events of 9-11, we've lost more of our liberties than ever.
Al Qaeda has metastasized into ISIS and has 200,000 people attacking.
Our government is clearly backing them and supporting them while acting like they're fighting them.
Our politicians think we're so stupid they go on the news.
And they say that we need to attack Assad because he is basically backing ISIS.
This is what the political ignorance of the people has allowed.
And as Christ said, and as the Bible states multiple times,
The people perish for lack of knowledge, and InfoWars is here just dealing out the knowledge, breaking down the facts, really trying to transcend party politics, racial politics, tribal politics, and getting right down to what the social engineers are doing from their perspective so we can make a decision and think about what destiny we want.
Let's just look at some of the headlines on InfoWars.com and DrugsReport.com.
Taxpayers fleeing Democrat-run states for Republican ones.
Godfather, that's Chicago, proposes largest tax increase in modern Chicago history.
94 million Americans not in the labor force.
Participation rate lowest in 77.
That was a depression then, basically.
A huge recession of stagflation.
Drop in stock market futures signals anxiety over payroll reports.
Rate fake.
Greenspan baffled by intense focus on Fed first hike.
Folks, I mean, that's like saying he's baffled by farmers worried about the farm report or about the weather report.
I mean, in this system where the private Federal Reserve with its subsidiaries runs the world, the IMF, the World Bank, the Ex-Im Bank, in this type of world, where it's all based on the fiat system, that's everything.
If they stop doing QE3, the economy will stall.
We're good to go.
The very important question is the stock market too big to fail?
And yes, we are in trouble if they do let it implode, and we're in trouble if they continue to let it grow, because it sucks in the whole economy.
Everything else is based on fraud, is devalued.
But the Fortune 100 that control the stock market that are
We're good to go.
And then you look at the ideology of the globalists.
It's transhumanist, it's eugenicist, it's anti-human.
It's sell the baby parts, lie to the public.
Feed us GMO that makes the rats sick.
It is feed us fluoride.
It's this criminal attitude towards the people because the banks have stolen the world.
These handful of families, less than 20, that control and run all this, see the world as theirs.
They've stolen it through fraud.
Now they want to clear it out of the 7.5 billion people and they're just trying to figure out how to do it.
First they've got to bring in a worldwide collapse to get us really on our knees with them as the saviors before the next phase comes in.
Yes, sir.
We're good to go.
She cooperates with the investigation, and now they're basically looking at calling in CPS, because why wasn't she there?
Well, you tell mothers not to have men around.
You pay mothers' welfare not to have men around.
And then if your kid's caught playing in the backyard at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the CPS is called.
Or if you're an 11-year-old, in other cases, caught playing across the street at the park, the police come and arrest the mother.
So this is how they set this up.
Don't talk about guns at school.
They have all the video games that shoot them up all day at home.
It's like, look but don't touch.
Touch but don't taste.
Everything is a nanny state, but it doesn't make us safe.
And the system knows this, and so as things unravel, as things degenerate,
And it's bad to have your 11-year-old defend yourself because mom's got to go out and work.
This is all about domestication.
That's the endgame plan.
Now, when I get to my message for FAIRCOM later, I'm going to mention this story from the Associated Press.
Man faces charges after tweeting, kill all the white people in town.
Bail set at $250,000.
All I've been saying is some of the bloggers have clearly said go out and attack.
White people and police to kill them, have not been getting in trouble, but that other people have.
Telling me, the folks connected to the Black Panther Party, the new Black Panther Party and others, not the old Black Panther Party, that was a pretty good group actually.
They have been saying and doing things that if I said it, I'd be arrested.
I'm not saying I want to say this either.
It's just that if I said that or you said that, you'd be arrested.
So why is that happening?
Why is that unfolding?
After Dr. Mercola joins us, I'm shooting a report that's a message to Louis Farrakhan on that front.
Shifting gears back to the big picture, I mentioned this earlier, is the stock market now too big?
Yes, it's a bubble.
Yes, it's filled with all this fiat currency.
Yes, it's getting bigger.
But if you deflate it, then that will shut the economy down.
But if you don't, it's designed where only that free money, only that fiat money, goes into the stock market as a place to put all of that counterfeit, and so it consolidates power for the globalists regardless.
And they're social engineers, so you almost want it to come down.
Just like we want McDonald's to come down because they're a globalist.
We want to break the GMO farm companies that are trying to force us to eat their GMO.
It's not that we want to break things, but they're trying to dominate us.
They're trying to take us over.
They're trying to wreck our future.
They're trying to consolidate control in a scorched earth siege policy.
So it's our right to defend ourselves by voting with our dollars.
Two, shut them down before they shut us down.
That's why it's great news that Coca-Cola is in trouble.
It's great news that McDonald's is in trouble.
It's great news that Walmart's in trouble.
Because this is the globalism they built and they wanted, that was meant to consolidate power.
But now as we fall, they fall.
And now as we remove our support from them, they wanted us to collapse before
And then they have the new paradigm come in when we were fully on our backs.
But instead we're withdrawing from them before the collapse is complete so they collapse first.
That's basically what I'm getting to.
Now we don't have much time left in this segment, but we are going to be breaking all of this down more in the broadcast today with special guest Dr. Mercola.
That's right.
Alex just broke it down and we do have more news as well as Alex's powerful message to Louis Farrakhan.
You will not believe what he said.
You have to watch this later on in the show.
We'll be back with more news.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi sitting in for Alex Jones.
And as Alex described in the last segment, we will perish for lack of knowledge.
And speaking of knowledge, I have a solution for all of the hate between Black Lives Matter protesters killing cops and some cops killing Black Lives Matter protesters.
I have the ultimate solution and it has to do with knowledge.
I suggest that all of them go back to kindergarten.
If they were to go back to kindergarten, they would have learned to respect one another at the most basic levels of human instinct.
They would have learned that tweeting, kill all white people, is probably not in the best interest of their own or of the species as a whole.
If they were to go back to kindergarten, which could by the way probably be taught by a 12 year old boy, they would understand that murdering each other is not going to further any race equality.
In fact, the very origin of Black Lives Matter versus All Lives Matter is the first indication that such a movement is going to actually cause racial divide.
Because what's the first word?
Black Lives Matter.
They're making it more of an issue.
They're now saying to go out and murder white people.
That is not race equality.
And the article Alex was talking about in the last segment when he eloquently broke it down was
On Infowars.com right now, Black Lives Matter activists arrested for a quote-unquote, kill all white people tweet.
Suspect charged with threats of mass violence.
And the article reads, police in La Plata, Maryland have arrested a man after he posted a tweet calling for the murder of white people in the town.
Specifically, it goes on, the 20-year-old Charles Hollins was charged Wednesday on a $250,000 bond.
He tweeted, quote, tonight we purge.
Kill all the white people in the town of La Plata.
Tonight we purge.
Let's kill all the white people.
Do you see how a kindergarten education could fix that?
A fundamental realization that at the most core levels of our human value system, not even a first grade, second grade, and kindergarten, the most core levels of our value system, if we wanted all lives to matter, would be to say, hey, let's unify.
Let's come together.
Who cares about the skin color?
We're all the same human being.
We're all the same creature on this planet trying to manifest our destiny, which is 100% true.
And that's why we have a video also today from Senator Tim Scott.
And he had the audacity to say that all lives matter.
Oh my God!
Cue the Hillary laughing pen.
How dare he say that all lives matter.
What a bad person.
Only black lives matter, apparently.
And he said, hey, if that offends you, if all lives matter offends you, that's your problem.
Let's play that video from CNN.
We'll cue it up here in a second.
But the point is, all lives do matter.
And the biggest issue is when they make it a marginalized issue of all black lives matter, and we see what that gets.
Second article here to continue on what Alex was speaking on last segment.
Senator Tim Scott, if all lives matter really offends you, that's your problem.
We're queuing up the video.
On CNN tonight, Scott told Brianna Keillor, if it causes offense to say that all lives matter, black lives, white lives, police officers, if that is somehow offensive to someone, that's their issue, not mine.
I 100% agree.
Because all police lives do matter.
And to marginalize the system with Black Lives Matter is further causing the problem.
But to get away from... We've got the clip?
Let's go ahead and play that clip.
I want to ask you about something you said when I asked you about the Black Lives Matter movement.
You said all lives matter.
And Black Lives Matter, people who associate with Black Lives Matter, they hear that as an oppositional statement to them.
To them, they hear that as saying that there's no acknowledgement that Black Lives Matter, and that is something that is rebuffing their slogan.
When you say that, what are your...
What is your reaction to that if it's something that causes offense to people who are part of the movement?
Well, I will tell you that if it causes offense that I say that all lives matter, black lives, white lives, police officers, jurists, all of us, even politicians, all of our lives matter.
If that is somehow offensive to someone,
That's their issue, not mine, to be honest with you.
At the end of the day, what we have to do in this country, and I think we've seen it over the last couple of years, we've seen a regression in race relations.
One of the ways that we move this country forward is to talk about what we have in common, to find common ground on issues, and to look into the future together, to face our challenges, the hiccups, the potholes, the walls, and make sure that we're working together to either fill them or to remove them.
How dare he!
He's not helping the racial divide by saying only black lives matter?
What a bad person!
Wait a minute, he's black too?
You mean he's actually smart?
And he's saying we should all be together because we're the same exact human being?
Oh my god.
And guess what, we're going to come back with Dr. McCullough, talk about health solutions, ways you can take control of your own health, some of the issues he sees on the forefront.
And also we're going to talk about Democrats in Congress refuse to watch videos exposing Planned Parenthood selling aborted babies.
Well, gee, maybe that's why they're not doing anything about it.
They won't even watch the videos.
Clinton aide refusing to cooperate with FBI probe observer.
Stay tuned.
Dr. McCullough is coming up.
And Alex Jones, later in the show, responds with a powerful message to Louis Farrakhan.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're being told that Snowden's window for a plea bargain deal is closing.
Bloomberg reports a national security specialist saying, Many people in government believe the journalists who receive Snowden's material are not capable of protecting it from a competent and committed state-level adversary.
Even if Snowden did not give the material to others, they argue it would have been ripe for the picking.
Well, isn't that true of Hillary's handling of emails?
Didn't her violation of protocol expose above-top secret data to state-level adversaries?
Snowden exposed criminal actions of our government done in the name of national security.
Hillary compromised national security for her own convenience or to cover up her misdeeds.
If national security is more important than the Constitution, if national security is more important than our rights, why isn't Hillary being prosecuted?
Why is Snowden called a traitor and Hillary Clinton is called presidential material?
For InfoWars, I'm David Knight.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi.
Delighted to sit in for Alex Jones here on the program.
And it is your support that makes all this possible.
We're about to talk to Dr. Mercola on some ways to transform your health.
Real solutions at an individual level.
Some of the things he thinks are the most important.
Later in the show, Alex is going to actually release a powerful message to Louis Farrakhan that you do not want to miss.
This will be later on the program.
First and foremost, this segment of the show and really everything at InfoWars.com and the Alex Jones Show is brought to you by your support.
It is brought to you by you.
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And I'm super excited to help Alex promote these products because they do work.
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And Deep Cleanze at Infowarslife.com is really an all-in-one cleansing product designed to help the body clean itself out naturally.
I think it's probably going to be the new flagship product based on the reaction of people and the things they're saying.
I'm going to read a review right now from Infowarslife.com on Deep Cleanse.
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This product is fantastic.
The Shilajit is an amazing ingredient.
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I've recommended all my family and friends to try this remarkable product.
Good job guys.
Keep up the good work.
Well thank you and yes the Shilajit is truly an insane ingredient.
It actually comes from the Himalayan rocks and when they quote unquote breathe or sweat it produces Shilajit.
So it takes a long time for these rocks to kind of create that Shilajit.
Another one from Sean in Ohio.
Well, thank you, Sean in Ohio.
Infowarslife.com, check out the products.
There's a lot.
Deep Cleanze is back in stock.
Now, we're going to go to Dr. Mercola and we're going to talk about the ways we are winning.
We're going to talk about solutions.
We're going to talk about a number of different items.
But first and foremost, as you probably know, Dr. Joseph Mercola is obviously a doctor of osteopathic medicine.
This is a little bit from his website.
Dr. Mercola has been passionate about health and technology for most of his life.
As a doctor of osteopathic medicine, he treated many thousands of patients over 20 years.
In the mid-90s, he integrated his passion for natural health with modern technology through the internet.
And of course, Mercola.com is now the largest natural health website in the world.
Dr. Mercola, thank you for joining us.
Thank you for having me, Anthony.
So first and foremost, I want to ask you what's on your radar.
I want to know what the number one health topic for you is right now.
I don't know if we singled out any specific one other than helping people understand the massive corruption that's available in the industries that seek to deceive and manipulate their
Uh, understanding of the reality so that they are not able to make intelligent choices about how to control their health.
Right, and that seems prevalent.
It seems like everywhere you turn, you have a Monsanto, or you have a General Mills, or you have a Kraft.
And it seems like so many people at the same time, though, are really awakening to all of these issues from so many different fronts, with the political front, with the economic front, to the health front.
Do you think that we're really making a lot of progress?
Oh, we're definitely making progress.
You can just see what's happened recently with respect to, well, Monsanto.
Let's take Monsanto, for example, one of the most pernicious evils on the planet, who understands that their name has been associated with
You know, definitely negative public perception.
So, in their effort to change that, they sought out to buy Syngenta last week.
Initially offered them $42 billion.
That's billion with a B, billion dollars.
And that wasn't enough.
Syngenta said, we need 5% more.
So they upped their offer to $47 billion.
Not only that, they gave them a $7 billion poison pill.
So the FTC decided that they couldn't join.
Syngenta would get $7 billion.
Unfortunately, or fortunately, Syngenta's board of directors wisely decided to not go for that deal, which was a major victory because that would have been a disaster.
So that's a good one.
Right, and Monsanto lost $128 million last fourth quarter in 2014.
Yeah, I think they've been down 35%.
Yeah, they're continually down, just like McDonald's and Subway and so on and so forth.
And they're trying to buy Syngenta, because Syngenta, I think, is even a next step above Monsanto.
Syngenta is what we're going to be hearing about in the next couple years with their biopharmaceutical crops, all the stuff they're doing in the medical field that even trumps, in many ways, what Monsanto is doing.
So it's almost like a little evil baby trying to swallow up a Goliath.
Of Syngenta, which I think will be even bigger on the forefront.
And speaking about GMOs and Monsanto, I have some headlines here.
I also noticed on Mercola.com, you have a good headline, is the public health ramifications of GMOs and herbicides.
And I also want to get into your story on the new scientific analysis which confirms saturated fats have no link to heart disease, which is something you've been talking about for, what, decades now?
And I know you were under fire.
Definitely, over about close to 20 years.
Yeah, and I mean, you were under fire for that for so many years.
I mean, you had so many attacks, and now they're all being forced to admit you were 100% right.
How does that mean?
How many times does that happen?
It seems like it happens over and over again, doesn't it?
It happens pretty regularly.
It's a consistent pattern, and it's not necessarily related to health.
It's just anyone who's opposed to the traditional way of thinking in any field undergoes the same type of reaction.
But if you're careful in your objective and you critically analyze the data, it's pretty clear
That what the direction of health should be, so.
You know, it reminds me also, sorry, I want you to finish the second here, but it reminds me also in the vein of being right and being proven right, the study from the New York Daily News that cell phone radiation is actually giving you brain tumors.
And I'm sure you were speaking about that years and years ago, and as was I, and I remember sitting in a doctor's office one time speaking to somebody about it,
And they said, you're one of those conspiracy theorists that doesn't use their cell phone all the time, aren't you?
And I said, well yeah, it's not good to put your cell phone up to your brain at all times for hours and hours a day.
It microwaves your brain.
It gives you brain tumors.
It's electromagnetic radiation.
Even the World Health Organization in 2011, they classified cell phone radiation as a class 2B carcinogen, which means possible human carcinogen.
And glyphosate was just last year classified as a class 2A, which means probable human carcinogen.
So, you know, it's definitely, and the other important thing to consider about glyphosate is that it's the main ingredient in Roundup.
But there's a number of experts, I mean, true scientific
Good to go.
They make like a glyphosate on steroids, and that is of course what's sprayed on all the GMO crops.
And then even if you argue, oh, maybe GMOs are safe because of the manipulation, it might only cause sterility in the next few generations or some crazy argument, right?
Well, it's the Roundup that's also giving you the cancer.
But the reason I also mentioned the cell phone thing is because there was a new study that came out today that your cell phone screens could be giving you skin cancer.
I mean, it just goes on and on and on and on.
So speaking of all the things that are giving us cancer and killing us, my whole thing is, as long as you're making an effort, as long as you're trying to eat organic, as long as you're trying to avoid the toxic fillers, drinking purified water, taking the right supplements, you're better off than about 99.9% of the public, I believe.
And I think it's impossible to avoid everything.
So what are your most key tips to give everyone listening right now on ways that you can really avoid all the toxic fillers and try and take your health into your own hands?
Well, it's really quite simple.
The three simple words is to eat real food.
And that's a pretty comprehensive statement because when you eat real food, you avoid processed foods.
And processed foods have tens of thousands of chemicals that don't even have to be labeled because they've been categorized by industry trade groups as grass or generally recognized as safe.
Even though they've never been tested for human safety.
So you avoid all these tens of thousands of chemicals if you eat real food.
Someone, either yourself, your spouse, or someone you pay, needs to invest some time in preparing that food in the kitchen every day.
So eat real food is the key thing.
And then move.
You need to move.
Even if you're working out every day for an hour a day, and incredibly fit, and if you're sitting down at a desk, and I know Alex understands this, he implemented it in his whole team over there.
That you've got to move around.
You should be standing up.
You should be walking.
So walking 7,000, 10,000 steps a day, four or five miles a day is really an essential part because we were designed to move.
So if you get to sleep, of course, most of us don't sleep enough.
I violated this rule for many years of my life.
Thought I was I was somehow exempt, but it was only getting five hours for decades.
But now I pretty much average eight and a half hours.
So you've got to get enough good sleep, clean water, like you mentioned, eat real food and get the movement and exercise.
You know, speaking of sleep and speaking of the other characteristics too, but I thought the same thing.
I really don't like to go to sleep.
I like to stay up all night if I can.
You know, I'll just sit there on the computer reading about news and stuff.
There's tons of stuff to do.
There's tons of stuff to do in this ever-evolving insane world, right, where everyone's shooting cops and everything.
So I like to stay up maybe
You know, 2 a.m.
The problem is I try to wake up at 7 a.m.
and I wake up and I think I'm fine but then during the day I'll notice I'll be emotionally out of whack and I always fail to correlate it.
Sleeping is such a big deal and if you have something like sleep apnea you're not getting any real sleep and it just really really messes you up and at the same time people don't understand
It's, it's, it's, it's at a hormonal level too.
People are so upset and so mad.
I was in a parking lot the other day and I was just parking and I stopped for like one second to look at something to the left of me.
Someone was walking or something and this woman starts screaming at me, F you, screaming at me, blaring a horn because I stopped for like two milliseconds.
And it's people like that that unfortunately are sick, they're constipated, their hormones are out of whack, and they don't even know what real food is.
You know, they go to... I didn't think that happened at Austin.
I didn't think that happened in Austin.
Believe it or not, it does happen in Austin.
Austin is definitely better off in many areas, but overall... So let's say someone goes into a grocery store, though.
What do they avoid?
I mean, some really tips for the audience, because most people will say, okay, eat real food.
What's real food?
Well, real food is food that hasn't been manipulated or processed, and it's typically not in a package.
So, that's generally food around the peripheral, you know, the middle of the store is designed where all the processed foods are.
So, anything that's processed and has a label on it that has a long list of ingredients, many of the words that are very difficult to read unless you've had some scientific training, are typically foods you want to avoid.
So, you can have some of them occasionally, you know, but the bulk or majority of your food needs to satisfy that criteria.
You know, so that could be fruits and vegetables, and you have to be careful of the meats because many of the meats are available in traditional commercial grocery stores are KFOA, Confined Animal Feeding Operations, which are fed the processed foods, the GMO grains, and given the antibiotics, you know, 80% of the antibiotics being used in the country are given to animals, so you don't want to get them indirectly through the meat that you're eating.
So, and then eggs, ideally from cage-free animals, you know, that are locally grown, which are relatively easy to find in most communities.
And if you don't know where they are, you go to a health food store, contact the local Weston Price chapter, and they'll connect you up with a source of local food that is healthy and can nourish you and your family.
Well, Dr. McCullough, you're kind of like the grandmaster of nutrition.
What do you eat on a daily basis?
What do you eat for breakfast?
What did you have today?
Well, it's not only what you eat, Anthony, it's the timing that you eat.
What I've learned recently is that to restrict the food that you eat within about an eight-hour window.
And you could either skip breakfast or skip dinner.
I used to say skipping breakfast was a wise strategy, but I've come to realize that skipping dinner is probably more useful because then you'll be fasting longer.
When you go to bed, you really don't want any food in your system for at least four
Have some rice and sunflower seed sprouts and avocado, some sesame seeds.
So hey, let me switch gears up a little bit and talk about where you see all this going.
Because obviously, you know, you've got your lifestyle in check.
A lot of people are doing so.
They're getting their lifestyles in check.
They're following these protocols.
Like you said, fasting.
I mean, it's been used for thousands and thousands of years as a natural detoxification method.
That's what people do.
That's what they did for years and years and years.
But many people... Genes are designed for, they're optimized for that.
If you don't do that, you're going to not have optimal functioning for sure.
Well, it makes sense.
I mean, you're only going to eat... If you're hunting for food, you're only going to eat... You're not going to sit there and glut on deer for 24 hours every single day.
You're going to have a hunt, and you're going to eat some deer every now and then, and then you're not.
You're going to forage for some vegetables, you know.
It makes a lot more sense than glutting all day.
But in the grand realm of things, with the opposition to the GMOs, with the opposition to the toxic fillers, with the reception now of super high quality organic foods, with the reception of organic supplementation and everything, overall, in the next five years, what do you see as a prediction?
Well, I think we're going to have continuous victories that we're seeing, and more people are becoming aware of these.
Because it's difficult to suppress truth for long periods of time.
I mean, they certainly can do it.
They did it successfully with the cigarettes.
Nearly a century or so, but interestingly, many of these same organizations, Big Soda, Monsanto, they're using the same front groups and PR groups to disseminate their lies.
So they can confuse people for a while, but eventually people like Alex and your site and mine and others inform people the truth.
And because we have these new tools and technologies like the Internet, which allows us to circumvent traditional media, which is typically bought out,
By these large corporate interest groups.
So I think we'll see a wider adoption of these truthful pieces of information which will allow people to prevent chronic degenerative diseases.
I would agree completely, and you are right.
Sites like Mercola.com, Infowars.com, MySiteNaturalSociety.com, all these alternative news powerhouses, we put out articles, and I know on your site and on Infowars and Natural Society, I mean, often times there's 500,000 shares on Facebook on some of these.
With the DARK Act, which would make GMO labeling, mandatory GMO labeling, illegal in the United States.
I wrote an article for that up on InfoWars and Natural Society, and each of which have about 100,000 shares.
And I've seen your posts on Mercola.com just go mega, mega viral.
It shows that people want the truth.
They want the information.
And an interesting new development, I think, is legal action to do so in a big new way.
And here's a headline.
Department of Agriculture sued for withholding safety information on GM crops.
The Department of Agriculture has been violating the Freedom of Information Act for over 13 years, according to the Center for Food Safety, who is now suing the agency for withholding information on the lack of safety of GMO crops.
The Center for Food Safety filed a suit against the U.S.
Agriculture, Animal and Planet Health Service, and they basically are saying that the jig is up and they are going to do something about it fast.
Do you think legal action is really going to work in this case?
And in closing?
I think it's a, I'm not sure if legal action is the correct approach, but certainly political actions where you're using the same strategies.
I mean, these large multinational corporations have been using these strategies for many, many decades, and they were.
That's why they use them.
They're not stupid.
They're very strategic and very clever.
So I think that many of us are starting to understand that and employ very similar strategies to making influences.
I mean, because it's not just lawsuits.
There's far more comprehensive strategies that you have to do to engage the behavior.
I think we are making strides, making victories.
Dr. McCullough, we're going to come back in the next segment and talk about more news.
Alex Jones' powerful message to Louis Farrakhan is also coming up in the show and much more.
Stay tuned.
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Welcome back to this Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi sitting in for Alex Jones.
Coming up later on the show we have a powerful message to Louis Farrakhan that Alex recorded today that you do not want to miss.
We're here with Dr. Mercola of Mercola.com and we're going to get into some news.
Next segment we're going to come back and talk about a scuffle between Trump staffers where protesters dressed up as the KKK and got into a tussle with Trump's people.
Clinton aide refusing to cooperate with FBI probe observer, of course, which was put in a bathroom, very secure.
Feds want evidence they let Mexican drug cartels buy guns, kept quiet.
Lots of amazingly happy news that we're going to cover and some really, really shocking stuff on Infowars.com right now.
But Dr. McCullough, you were telling me that you have some really, really powerful information on Coca-Cola that you wanted to reveal on air.
So please tell me about that.
Yeah, we just had some
It was actually covered in the New York Times, which is good, so it's getting wide exposure.
One of the common strategies that large industry will use, either drug companies or just as equally the food industry, in this case Big Soda, is they have something called astroturfing, which means they create these front groups that look like they're
Beneficial to the community and they're really serving the public.
But when they're nothing more than front groups for the industry that's funding them.
And the big exposure was this Global Energy Balance Network.
I think we published this article on Friday.
I'm sorry, today's Friday.
And it's really interesting.
The strategy that the soda companies are using, because they're getting a lot of flack for this in the media, and actually Marion Nestle's coming out with a great book in October 15th, I believe, it's called Soda Polishes, which goes into this great detail, and I'm going to be interviewing her for that launch, is that they have these behind-the-scenes activities in front of these astroturf groups, and they're getting a lot of flack, though, for this.
Yeah, absolutely.
We'll get it on screen.
Yeah, there it is.
If you're watching on PrisonPlanet.tv, we're on Makola.com highlighting the article right now.
He is the spokesperson for the Global Energy Network, and he looks like about the least healthy spokesperson you can possibly be.
But the emphasis, just freeze it there, you can take a look at him.
But it's really...
That's shocking because they want you to believe that it's not about drinking soda at all.
It's just because you aren't moving enough.
Now there is some truth to the fact that we don't move enough.
Well, Dr. McCullough, calories in, calories out.
There's no such thing as good or bad food.
You're a conspiracy theorist.
You don't want to eat trans fat and aspartame and GMO and Roundup.
Calorie in, calorie out.
Yeah, that's the conventionally taught thing.
And if you go lower down on the page, you'll see a one-hour lecture by Zoe Harcomb, I also interviewed.
Phenomenal researcher from the UK.
She's a PhD initially in, I think, physics or math, mathematics, and wrote this book.
But I've never seen a more definitive destruction of that whole
It's just another area where we're starting to see some good progress in that respect.
No, absolutely, and it seems like time and time again we have to break that myth that all food is created equal.
And it reminds me of, it might have been Coca-Cola, it might have been Pepsi though, paying off health leaders to say that it's a healthy drink, you just have to exercise more.
And I don't know about you, Dr. McCullough, but I'm certainly not paid off by Coca-Cola or Pepsi to say it's healthy.
And I'm going to tell the truth on air, and I know you do too.
And thank you for fighting all this.
And in closing, a final statement that you'd like to make in terms of all this.
Well, just to know that you can take control of your health.
I mean, you have the opportunity.
Don't be deceived.
Don't be fooled.
Make sure you get information from all sides so you can carefully understand it.
And, you know, ultimately, you're responsible for your health.
That's right.
Thank you so much.
We'll be back with more.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That's Hillary Clinton laughing right now.
On the Hillary Clinton pen, Hillary for prison, it's the Hillary Clinton pen at the Infowarsstore.com website.
She's laughing because not only are her servers in a bathroom and she doesn't want them investigated, but she's headed to Puerto Rico and ignoring all of it and saying, well, we had a little setback, but it's no big deal.
She's also laughing because she is a hardcore supporter of Monsanto.
In fact, she lobbied for them and was part of numerous organizations affiliated with them.
That's why we're going to get an update right now from Tammy Cannell, who is the founder of March Against Monsanto, which has reached millions and millions worldwide, and get a little update on the fight.
And then we're going to start talking about some news, such as how the Democrats in Congress refuse to watch videos exposing Planned Parenthood selling aborted babies.
Feds want evidence they let Mexican drug cartels buy guns.
Kept quiet.
And of course, Alex's premiere response and powerful message to Louis Farrakhan.
But first, Tami Canal of March Against Monsanto.
How are you doing?
Hi Anthony, I'm doing good.
How are you?
Great, well thanks for joining.
And first and foremost, a little bit about March Against Monsanto.
Why don't you explain to the viewers what March Against Monsanto is and the powerful message on how you really started it.
March Against Monsanto is an education and awareness-based organization.
We're trying to really let the masses know what's going on with our food supply, the toxic chemicals being used to grow it, and Monsanto's collusion with our government that is basically selling the people of this country down the river.
And I've supported March Against Monsanto for years because I think it's a great group.
And really what it is, it's a grassroots movement, which is key.
I mean, it's grassroots.
I mean, you are, I believe, a stay-at-home mother, right?
And you started this because you didn't want to give your kids GMO junk, like Dr. McCullough just said.
The World Health Organization has already admitted Roundup is causing cancer.
It's mega glyphosate on steroids, and that's what's put on all these GMO foods.
And you have the audacity, by the way, how dare you to say that you don't want to eat Monsanto's GMOs.
So you started a grassroots movement that's now reached, what, tens and tens of millions worldwide.
Your reach on social media is like 50 million a month.
I mean, it's just grown massive.
Yeah, it's really incredible.
I think that the more people know, they can't go back.
And that's really the big point behind the education.
Things like the D.A.R.K.E.
Act that are basically going to happen if we don't stand up and fight.
Monsanto spent $30 million to get the House to vote yes on the DARK Act, when 94% of the people in this country want labeling.
And, I mean, personally, labeling to me is a sad Band-Aid on a severe injury.
Labeling doesn't solve the problem of the bee crisis, and it doesn't solve the problem of cross-contamination.
And it also legitimizes the use of chemicals like Roundup and the newly approved 240, which is even more of
Glyphosate on steroids as you put it.
So we are just trying to educate people to what is happening and we are doing an event in DC on October 16th and 17th and we really would love for the country to come together and descend on our politicians backyard and make them uncomfortable and let them know we're not going to go quietly in the night.
We are going to get the change we are demanding.
That's exactly right.
And March Against Monsanto already has the backing of celebrities and certain politicians and everything like that.
But your Food Justice March in D.C.
in October is going to be super big.
I'm already hearing that a number of celebrities are most likely going to be attending and promoting it.
And overall, all of this comes down to, I mean the D.A.R.K.
Act, which would ban GMO labeling, mandatory GMO labeling in the United States, all this comes down to fierce opposition.
I mean, what you have done is amazing with your grassroots activism.
I mean, what Alex has done with Infowars.com.
I mean, it reaches, most people say millions.
I mean, we're talking millions.
He reaches billions with a B. And just with my small natural society website, I mean, we've done so much.
We've really, really launched a lot of informational missiles out there.
And Tammy, I want to thank you for what you're doing.
In your last final closing here, what do you think is going to come the next five years?
Are we going to have some victory?
I absolutely.
You know, the power lies within the people.
We are many and they are few.
And we will be victorious.
I agree.
We will be victorious.
The age of Monsanto is over.
Thank you, Tammy.
Coming up, we've got more news, more videos, and a message from Alex later on the show.
There is a shocking video posted right now at InfoWars.com where a man dies in a jail lobby after an encounter with sheriff's deputies.
Surveillance footage released by the Sheriff's Department last Friday shows 48-year-old Arlington resident Joseph Hutchison frantically running inside the Dallas County jail lobby on August 1st.
Witnesses say Hutchison was not violent, but he appeared distraught and was seeking help.
He didn't have a weapon and he wasn't swinging at the officers.
Witnesses say a deputy threw Hutchinson to the ground and put a knee to his throat.
He couldn't breathe and his face turned pale blue.
After a few moments, he lied motionless as visitors continued to pour into the lobby.
Officers are seen attempting to resuscitate him, but it was too late.
Joseph Hutchinson had died.
His brother James is organizing a demonstration at the Dallas County Sheriff's Department building this evening.
For more details, go to InfoWars.com.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show, Friday edition, September 4th, 2015.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi, in for Alex Jones.
He's got a powerful message to Louis Farrakhan coming up in the next segment, so stay tuned.
And right now, what we're gonna do, is I'm gonna break down the facade of the mainstream media system, right here and right now.
And what I'm going to show you is North Korea's mysterious fake town and how that exactly relates to the current media system in the United States.
For those who are unaware, on the DMZ, the Demilitarized Zone in South Korea and North Korea, where there is a meeting of about a mile wide between the two countries, there's a lot of insanity that goes on.
North Korea has an entire fake town set up.
They call it Propaganda Town.
New York Post has an article on it.
It's called, The Mysterious Fake Town on North Korea's Border.
It reads, From the outside, the North Korea village of Kijong-dong looks like any other town.
Brightly painted houses, schools, daycares, and even a hospital.
But on closer inspection, it's not all it seems.
So as sitting in the heavily guarded DMZ that separates North and South Korea, Gijang-dong is widely referred to as the propaganda village and is believed to be a decoy for lowering South Korean defectors.
They just spam constant propaganda in this facade.
They say the two and a half mile wide DMZ that was set up in 1953 as an armistice to end the Korean War, the town claims to have 200 residents and boasts an image of economic success.
That's the key right there.
This town, obviously, is completely fake.
It is set up to act like North Korea has an amazing economy and they have plenty of food and everything is amazing.
The economy is going to be just fine.
In fact, do you know what the North Koreans who would potentially say that Kim Jong-un is not their god and that the economy is totally in ruins would be called?
They would be called conspiracy theorists.
And they would be killed in North Korea.
In the United States, we are living in a facade.
We are living in a world in which we are told by the media what to think and what to believe, as many of you know.
This facade in North Korea is so similar to the United States in the sense that if you were to question the reality that is given to you, of course you would be attacked.
You'll be laughed at, you'll be attacked, and you'll be criticized.
The reality is, though, that we can escape this facade system and we can know what is really going on.
And that's why we here, on the Alex Jones Show, and what Alex does every single day, is cover this news over and over and over again.
That's why you have the Dow playing a yo-yo system.
There's so much deception going on behind the scenes, it's just like this North Korea facade.
And this, this informational outpost on the DMZ, which is the Alex Jones Show and Infowars.com, acts as kind of a tower behind enemy lines to kind of sniff out what's going on.
If you think about it for a minute, and you realize, and what I'm tying this into, that the media acts as this mysterious town to act as if it's huge, act as if it's big, act as if it's the only voice out there.
But the truth of the matter is, I would estimate about 70% after speaking to the experts of people, obviously this listening audience, but in people of the United States are fed up with it and they are not buying the lie anymore.
What that means is the mainstream media system, like this mysterious fake town in North Korea, is just in shambles.
It is nothing more than a facade.
And we are crashing through it with a massive informational sledgehammer, just plowing through it over and over and over again.
And that, I believe,
Is the core issue with all this insanity going on, that the media is making you believe and making you think that white people are evil, kill all the whites, that the black lives matter, it's chaos in the streets, it's insanity, that's the only issue!
The immigration issue is the only issue!
Trump is bad because he wants to deport illegal immigrants.
All of this stuff is manufactured reality.
And I want to get on that, get on those subjects right now, on the immigration issue.
Because as this article talks about, it is now a billion plus dollar industry in the smuggling realm.
Smuggling in immigrants is a billion plus dollar industry.
They're making billions and billions of dollars.
And then we have Jorge Ramos.
This is from the Los Angeles Times.
Jorge Ramos is on the defensive over his role as journalist and immigration immigrant advocate.
After a testy encounter with Donald Trump at a press conference last week, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos has found himself on the defensive, trying to explain how his self-proclaimed position as an advocate for immigration reform does not undercut his role as a journalist.
And he's saying, I'm a journalist.
I have no actual activism in this immigration.
It was all just me trying to be a true journalist and talk to Trump.
And it's just, they act as if you are some type of Satan worshipper for not wanting illegal immigrants in the United States, while also saying we love Hispanic people that come here legally, we love everyone from Mexico that actually goes through and does the test and does all that information.
I mean, I was speaking to someone from Germany the other day, and they came here legally, and they went through all the processes, and they had said to me, what upsets me, and this guy was like literally cheering up, and this happens often,
What upsets me is those that ruin it for everyone else.
And I said, what do you mean by that?
And he said, it upsets me having to go through all this process to come here legally and bring my family here.
He's married now.
Is to have these illegals running over the border.
I mean, making everyone else look bad, making real, true immigrants look bad.
I mean, my family has only been here for a couple generations.
We came from Italy.
We're all horrible, evil people, right?
But no, we came here legally.
And have actually helped input and generate economy.
But at the same time, there's hundreds, thousands I guess, of illegal immigrants crossing borders.
And what's in other nations in Europe right now, as we speak, Paul Watson's investigating it.
And they are just telling them, you better bring them water and give me your house or you're a bad person.
That's how this ties into the media facade.
I don't think that people are buying it.
And I also want to talk about a video that we're going to play here of this 911 call, or a dispatch report, and talk about the insanity in the media and what it results in.
The byproduct of this insanity.
Is cops being killed?
Is Black Lives Matter protesters blocking highways for no reason?
Is shooting and killing white people because they're white.
Is attenuating the fact that black lives matter and not all lives matter.
I want to play this video and really see what happens when the media gets all fired up about these race issues.
That we should all be celebrating our own lives and humanity as a whole.
But when they get all fired up about these race issues, here's the type of thing that happens.
Let's play this video.
Looks like the male that called it in assaulted his wife and child, so possibly two patients.
And he is also threatening suicide, so possibly three patients.
They are talking to the subject now.
He's outside talking to them, and he has a knife in his hand.
So Mark, it sounds like this all started as a domestic call, right?
What more do we know about Flores?
Right, well it began as a domestic call.
Deputies were dispatched to the scene around 11.30 a.m.
on Friday.
Now they arrived and found a woman with a gash in her head holding a baby who may have also been injured and reports indicate that Flores was outside and was armed with a knife at the time.
Apparently there was a lengthy confrontation prior to the actual shooting that is not seen in the video that was played by our local TV.
But exactly what happened in the time leading up to shots being fired is still unclear at this point.
Right, and that's what Michael's...
Right, and it says right there, suspect threatened suicide by cop.
There is this insane narrative of pinning up against each other, the police, and obviously anyone, pretty much, in the world right now.
There's so much hatred towards the cops, and on the flip side, there's so much hatred from the cops and cop supporters against protesters or activists or whatever you want to call them.
I think, really, people that kill anyone are just savages, period.
Whether they're a cop or a citizen, it does not really matter.
But all this does is pin people up against each other.
And then we have the issue of transgendered students.
That also ties into this media facade.
The media loves to talk about transgendered issues.
They don't love to talk about the economy and jobs collapsing all over the place, and the Dow playing a yo-yo because it's completely manipulated.
Watch as the Dow crashes and silver goes down at the same time, which historically makes no sense, and gold goes down.
It's completely manipulated, completely corrupt, and you have people making billions and billions of dollars every time it goes down, every time it goes up, because they know how to play the system, and we're all getting screwed.
But, the media loves to talk about bathroom access for transgender teen kids.
I mean, hey, that's key, guys.
Let's not talk about anything else.
Let's not even talk about the illegal immigration issues, which are being blown up and made insane.
Let's not talk about anything.
Transgendered bathrooms.
Oh my God.
So I'm going to play for you.
A video about Missouri teenagers protesting a transgender student's use of the girls' bathroom.
And this is what the media focuses on.
This is the facade.
This is this DMZ facade that I was talking about in North Korea, where the media acts like they can spin the news.
But guess what?
The alternative media is winning, and we're taking it away from transgendered bathrooms and this nonsense of fake racism that they keep pushing on us to make us hate each other.
Let's play this Missouri teenagers protest transgender student's use of girls' bathroom right now.
I love that I had so many people out there that went to counteract the people who walked out.
Around 200 walked out of class for nearly two hours at Pillsborough High School.
30 to 40 showing their support for senior Lila Perry to use the girls locker room during gym.
There's a lot of ignorance.
I don't...
And they are claiming that they're uncomfortable?
I don't believe for a second they are.
I think this is pure and simple bigotry.
Lila Perry was born a boy, but says she identified as a woman since age 13.
Down the street from the school, two men who claim they had relatives at the high school held signs.
Boys need to have their own locker room.
Girls need to have their own locker room.
If somebody has mixed feelings where they are, they need to have their own also.
Lila says school officials have been very accommodating, understanding, and compliant with Title IX federal law.
To solve the controversy, they offered her a private gender-neutral restroom.
She turned it down.
I wasn't hurting anyone, and I didn't want to feel segregated out.
I didn't want to be in the gender-neutral bathroom.
I wanted to be... I am a girl.
I shouldn't have to be
Pushed away and just off to another bathroom.
How dare that one guy, by the way, reference basic biology and say that he was born a boy.
Look, I love everyone.
I don't care.
I believe Alex doesn't care either.
Who cares?
Anyone can be transgendered.
That's not the issue.
That is not the matter.
But forcing it and making it the number one topic in the media and saying we all should just let transgender people walk all over us.
Everyone has the same rights.
Next up, Alex Jones has a powerful message for Louis Farrakhan that is coming up in the next segment.
Do not miss it.
We'll be back in two minutes with a message for Louis Farrakhan.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Friday, September 4th, 2015 edition.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi sitting in for Alex Jones, and coming up, Alex's powerful message to Louis Farrakhan, and we're going to break down what exactly Louis Farrakhan is up to.
First and foremost, we're going to cover how Iran is going to get $150 billion, and then they turn around and say that they're getting prepared to overthrow Israel,
And how they're promising to set fire to United States interests, and what Biden has to say on that, of all people.
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Anyway, now we're going to get into some of this Iran news.
First and foremost, I want to play this clip from Joe Biden on what he has to say, how it's understandable.
It's understandable if we give $150 billion to Iran, they probably use it for terrorist activities.
That's fine.
So let's play this video.
The way I look at it, the sanctions relief from this deal is a second piece, and it goes to the second issue mostly.
Well, Joe, even if
Even if I believe you were able to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, you're going to give them a whole lot of money, Joe boy.
And they're going to go out and do more of the bad things they're doing now, do it more efficiently, and threaten our friends in an existential way because they'll have so much more money and capacity.
Totally legitimate argument.
In Concern.
Totally legitimate argument and concern that Iran might do something bad with the $150 billion we're giving them.
Well, how about this headline from the Washington Free Beacon?
Iran promises to set fire to U.S.
A senior Iranian military official has vowed to quote-unquote set fire to all U.S.
interests in the region and maintained that the Islamic Republic welcomes war with America, according to regional reports demonstrating that Tehran is still committed to fighting the United States.
And then we have a nice little one here.
Iran thumbs nose at U.S.
even as Obama rallies support for a nuke deal.
Eve from Fox News.
Even as President Obama was securing the Senate support necessary to assure passage of the nuclear deal with Iran, Tehran's top defense officials were scoffing at U.S.
claims that the pact will restrict the Islamic Republic's military ambitions.
That's right.
Well, hey, we'll sign a deal with you, then we'll just destroy you.
We'll just completely wipe out all your assets.
And guess what also they're going to do?
This is from PJ Media.
They're also going to apparently overthrow Israel.
This is from the Iran commander.
Quote, we're getting prepared to overthrow Israel.
As the White House secured their last needed vote to block a veto override in the Senate on the nuclear deal, Iran unleashed a double-pronged attack, vowed to block inspector access to some sites and vowing to continue preparations to destroy Israel.
Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Daqan said today that the International Atomic Energy Agency, which linked confidential deals with Tehran that Congress has not been able to see, would not be able to see all the facilities that it wants to.
And he says, Iran does not plan to issue permission for the IEA to inspect every site.
So, that's fine, we'll make a deal with them, we'll give them $150 billion.
Joe Biden says they'll probably use it for bad, and hey, they can't see their nuclear sites or anything.
Hey, we're coming back, and in this next segment, we are premiering the powerful message from Alex Jones to Louis Farrakhan.
You don't want to miss this one.
This is going to be a good one, and we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A humanitarian crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War is happening right now across the globe.
Syrian refugees streaming into Europe refuse to be put into camps and are boarding trains for Germany where the government has pledged billions of dollars in euros to support them to cover the cost of social benefits, language courses, and refugee integration into the labor market.
Germany expects 800,000 refugees this year, up from 200,000 last year.
More than 4 million more wait to enter Europe from camps in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon.
Most of the refugees are Sunni Muslims, but yet these wealthy Sunni Muslim countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain have refused to take in refugees.
The unfolding humanitarian crisis in Europe, the largest since the Second World War, is a direct result of the effort by the United States and the Gulf Emirates to overthrow the Syrian government.
Leanne McAteer reporting for InfoWars.com
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Sorry about that.
Alex has a message that we're going to premiere right now to Louis Farrakhan.
It's really a balanced take on the whole issue because Farrakhan says a lot of good stuff too.
And Alex is actually going to call in after this video premieres, live on air, exclusive video right now, and break down some key points he forgot to mention as well.
Now, I really think this video is a fair take on it because, like I just said, Farrakhan said some good things, but there's also some headlines like this one.
Quote, stalk and kill them, Farrakhan says, calling for 10,000 volunteers to reportedly kill whites.
And from this article it says, this is a quote from Farrakhan, from the conservative post, retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breaths of those children who have been slain.
So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us.
Stalk them and kill them and let the pain, feel the pain of death that we are feeling.
It also ties into this article we covered earlier.
Man faces charges after tweeting, kill all white people in town.
And he basically said, tonight we purge, kill all the white people in the town of La Plata.
So this is what's happening after these comments.
Let's go to Alex's video and see what's going on.
And I saw a Mr. Alex Jones on television recently with Piers Morgan of CNN.
And he said, before we allow you to take our guns from us, 1776 will play out again.
Alex Jones here with a message to Louis Farrakhan and the followers of the Nation of Islam.
I've been on air for 20 years and I have followed your work intently.
And I'll be honest with you, I admire a lot of the aspects of what your movement promotes and the courage that you've had and what you've done.
But you are somewhat of an enigma.
There's the reports about the connection to the Nation of Islam and what happened to Malcolm X.
I don't believe the establishment, but I also don't believe other groups.
I don't know what the truth is there.
There's also some of the aggressive militaristic rhetoric, and I have concerns about that.
I'm going to speak to that here in just a moment.
But at the end of the day, what I do admire is someone standing up and saying we should spend money in our own community.
We should build ourselves up.
We shouldn't use the drugs that the establishment ships in for social engineering.
We should be strong men and take care of our wives and children.
We should reject this whole gangster culture.
The fact that the Nation of Islam has fought against the CIA's weaponization of hip-hop and the whole cop-killing culture.
That's something that's been amazing.
Before I knew about vaccines being deadly and then seeing the facts and the documents, the Nation of Islam newspaper was reporting on it 30 years ago and having scientists and people on and exposing it.
The Nation of Islam has exposed the fact that HIV is a weaponized, race-specific bio-weapon.
And it is a fact that Africans contract it at a much higher rate than Northern Europeans.
It's very hard for Northern Europeans, that's in the medical literature, to get it.
I've talked to scientists who admit it.
I remember hearing this from doctors back in the 90s, sitting around talking to my dad, who's a retired physician.
That's the real big agenda.
And when Louis Farrakhan talks about the depopulation agenda, the minimum sentencing agenda, all of this stuff is absolutely true.
And I can say I support that.
Louis Farrakhan can believe what he wants to believe when he gets into mother wheels and Elijah Muhammad up in space and all this stuff.
It's to me, even if that was true and you believe it, it's discrediting, I think, to mix it in with all these other true things that are happening.
If I wanted to discredit the important message you're putting out, I would mix that in.
I notice I've not been hearing that rhetoric for about 10, 15 years, so maybe you figured that out.
I'm not here lecturing you.
You're probably smarter than I am.
You're a very talented orator, speaker, everything.
So I'm not here telling you stuff you don't obviously know.
That said, the speech you gave a month ago, and I think we've seen what's happened since then, is very thinly veiled.
You know, if they kill us, we go out and we kill them.
We basically creep up on them.
The Quran teaches persecution is worse than slaughter.
Then it says,
Retaliation is prescribed in matters of the slain.
Retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breath of those whose children have been slain.
So if the federal government
Will not intercede in our affairs!
Then we must rise up and kill those who kill us!
Stop them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!
And then now we've seen the different radio shows and the new Black Panther Party call for the same thing.
But more specifically, time to start killing cops, time to start killing white people, maybe kill all cops, you know, black cops.
This is the type of rhetoric, pigs in a blanket, put wings on pigs, fry them like bacon.
King Noble, Black Supremacy.
And I want to talk about the shooting of the white deputy sheriff in Houston, Texas.
Reminds me of a Bob Marley song, I Shot the Sheriff.
To me, what the Houston, Texas, brutal execution before the public represents to me is it's open season on killing whites and white police officers and probably killing cops, period.
It's open season towards the police department and the police.
So now you got some black militant or some angry black man
Walks up and executes a cracker cop in broad daylight.
This is real.
It's open season on killing white people and cops.
It's unavoidable, inescapable.
It's funny that now we're moving to a time where the predator will become the prey.
Yes, they said there will be a race war and that we cannot win a race war.
We can't win.
We're outnumbered.
They got weapons, they got drones, they got this, they got that.
But I remind you of the buffaloes, who outnumber the lions.
They're bigger than lions, and they move in larger herds, but they're picked off by lions, one by one by one, picking them off.
Today, we live in a time where the white man will be picked off, and there's nothing he can do about it.
His day is up.
His time is up.
We will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before.
We see with the Houston, Texas shooting, and we see with the news reporting shooting in Virginia.
It's about to go down.
It's open season on killing white people and crackers.
The Black Lives Matter movement wasn't enough.
We tried to appeal to them to let them know that this type of thing would come.
It would happen.
They thought they were indestructible and invincible because they took advantage of the weakness of black people for too long with all this police brutality.
And now they've got black men out there that just can't take it any more.
And they're willing to act out.
And they're willing to get you when you least expect it.
Come at you when you're not thinking about it.
It's not safe no more to be white in America.
Lurking behind any corner could be an angry black man ready to take your ass out.
The globalists, the same ones that are putting cancer viruses in the vaccines, the same ones that are putting fluoride in all our water, targeting everybody.
They are pushing through George Soros this whole Black Lives Matter movement.
I mean, Farrakhan, if you came out and said, what really matters is they're aborting 52% or 51% of black people, and here's Margaret Sanger, which I know you've talked about decades ago, if you did that now in context, and said the globalists are funding this, Obama is funding this, to get us all fighting with each other right as the financial collapse happens, I'd say, man, Louis Farrakhan's a great guy.
Instead, you play along with the very rhetoric being put out by the White House, the Ford Foundation, George Soros, all the usual suspects.
And that's where I really, really, really have a big concern is that it just fits into that whole narrative, and I don't want to see you being played by that.
Also, your supporters calling in mad, saying that I implied you're calling for violence, can't have it both ways.
Because there is a big call for violence.
And it's not going to get the respect of the police.
It's not going to get them to stop.
It's going to encourage more of an us against them mentality.
I know there's bad departments.
I know black people get discriminated against.
I know there's things like driving while black in many areas.
There's also things like being white in a downtown area and being attacked because you're white.
I mean, I hear black people so sad for themselves and crying all day and so full of anger because the media always rubs the salt in about how you've been treated.
I mean, I grew up in Dallas, Texas, for heaven's sakes.
No, I don't want to exaggerate.
I've probably been in 75 fights with black people.
Never started one up.
And I never was talking to my parents to whine and say I was racially attacked, even though it was, I'm going to kill your cracker ass for getting off at the bus stop at the wrong place.
And then being 14, having to fight some 18-year-old man.
But I want to say something to the racist blacks that attack me.
You helped make me who I am.
I'm one mean son of a bitch now because of it.
But I'm not low enough to sit there and hate black people in general because I was racially attacked over and over again by black gangs.
You know when I was attacked by redneck gangs?
Probably only 20-something times.
And I was attacked by Hispanic gangs.
I've been in the hospital.
I have a pin in my leg because of it.
I've had concussions.
My eyes probably don't point the right direction.
I've been beat so hard, but I've fought right back, believe me.
And so that which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.
So I forgive the racist black people, and I want to try to save the blacks that are being aborted, just like I want to save the whites and Hispanics, and just like with Gardasil.
Forcibly inoculating all the Mexican girls, and the convulsions they're having, and the deaths that are happening.
We're all under attack.
They play us off against each other.
At one level, the racism's real.
On both sides.
On all sides.
But above it is a scientific plan that you know about.
So, you get all excited when I talk about 1776 commencing again.
You try to take our guns, and you get all excited.
That makes me think you probably really believe what you're doing.
You probably are somebody who
Is a good guy in their heart.
Who's tired of being pushed around.
And I could admire not wanting to be pushed around.
And I can admire people that are sick of being stepped on.
But black people are strong, black people are smart, black people are emotional, just like everybody else.
But it's those emotions that are getting manipulated.
And I don't want to see black people played like a fiddle.
You yourself are a musician, and you know that we're all getting played here, and I'm sick of it.
Here's the fact that he's now meeting, the reason I shot this video, with Eminem.
Say he should encourage people to have a good message in hip hop and how they can fight back against the establishment.
Well, that's great.
But is it really the best message to tell people if they make us die, we make them die?
Even if you figuratively understand what you're saying, an eye for an eye, it's going to be used now by operatives and others who are going to stir people up.
And then meanwhile, when somebody puts it out, kill white people.
They end up getting put in prison.
They get their lives ruined and then nobody's there to save them.
I mean, look at this guy.
Look at this black guy that was telling people to be killed.
I wonder if he said white people attack him 75 times.
Maybe he said cops.
Maybe attack him 10 times.
I don't know.
But I mean, I grew up in Dallas, Texas, in just the most insane situation where everybody got in fights and where the minorities were the majority, and they were constantly attacking white people when they had a chance.
So I'm just, you know what?
I don't have a chip on my shoulder.
You know what?
I want you to live.
I want you to thrive.
But I want you to be honest.
And I want you to understand that slavery, racism, tribalism has always gone on.
And I want to invite Louis Farrakhan on the show.
After he talked about us a few times years ago, we invited him on.
They said the minister's aware of the show.
He'll keep in consideration.
Okay, whatever.
I would like Louis Farrakhan to come on and do a polite interview.
I don't
Or even have a debate with Louis Farrakhan.
I know Farrakhan puts himself up there and is very controlled how he does things.
The point is, is that I want a real dialogue.
I want to go after real racism.
I want to bring humanity together.
I know it's great to have racial politics and people like it, Farrakhan.
And I don't begrudge you doing that.
People under attack stick together.
It's just be honest.
You know what you're doing.
And I'm trying to figure out exactly what your endgame is.
Alex Jones signing off for InfoWars.com.
Back to the live transmission with Anthony Gucciardi.
And I saw a Mr. Alex Jones on television recently with Piers Morgan of CNN.
And he said, before we allow you to take our guns from us,
1776 will play out again.
We intend to return America not to a democracy.
You're lying to the American people.
You're robbing them of democracy.
This is not a democracy.
This is an oligarchy that is leading America into fascism.
You are stripping the American people of their rights in the name of fighting terror.
You are the terrorist!
And there's Alex's powerful message to Louis Farrakhan and some Louis Farrakhan quotes as well.
And actually Alex is so fired up about this he called in and he's going to give a live take right now via phone line on this message.
Alex, you there?
Thank you, Anthony.
I was just listening to it and realized when I shot that at about 9 o'clock this morning, taking care of a major story we're working on, it's a business, watching the TV network, I realized that I didn't add the most important point to where I wanted to have my message to Farrakhan.
So now I'm going to say that message right now, and then I guess Rob Duke can cut it in there as an addendum to the end, and it starts right now.
Finally, via phone, I just want to add an addendum to this message to Farrakhan.
This is the point I forgot to make in the video.
And it's this.
I watched his entire 30-minute long speech after Muammar Gaddafi was murdered four years ago, four and a half years ago, outside of Tripoli, and tortured to death.
And I could see the reason Farrakhan's popular is that he does come across as genuine.
You could tell he was really upset he was friends with Gaddafi.
And I've studied Gaddafi.
People had dartboards of him back in the 80s and loved to hate him.
Turned out that was a false flag.
He didn't bomb the Lockerbie Scotland plane.
I'm not saying that he was an angel, but compared to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and others, he was a reformer the last eight years.
Before he was taken out, he invested his money in the West, gave up his WMDs.
Worked with the West, apologized for things they hadn't even done.
He was giving almost all of Libya's money to Africa to build Africa up.
I know Farrakhan had gone there many times and was really supporting it.
So I thought that was something good Farrakhan was doing.
And now we see the globalist Hillary Clinton and others go in, Obama, set Qaddafi up, take him out.
And I saw him really get upset and basically say that Obama was evil and a piece of garbage.
And a tyrant.
I mean, we can pull it up.
It's worse than what I said.
The actual quote.
Just pull up, you know, Farrakhan on Qaddafi and Obama on the death of Qaddafi.
And so that's the point I'm getting at.
The very people running Obama.
The very people that staged the Qaddafi takeover.
And the ones that are taking down Syria right now and killing all the Christians and non-radical Muslims and others.
They're the very people trying to push this race war.
Of course there's reasons to be upset.
Of course there's a lot of police brutality and surely racist cops that target black people.
But there's a lot of racist black people targeting white people and it's all part of this stupid war they've stirred up to manipulate us.
So again, just remember what happened with Gaddafi.
Remember what happened to somebody trying to build up Africa and trying to help people and actually building roads and aquifers, everything else.
That's been destroyed.
Libya is now a failed state.
So that's what this comes down to.
Louis Farrakhan should not be involved promoting a project of race war.
But the globalists are pushing.
I get the right to self-defense.
But if you said specifically go after the people that did X, Y, and Z by name, that'd be another issue.
But when you say just in general, and then a month after you push it, it's being parroted everywhere to go after white people, period, it's very clear what's going on.
And you're smart enough, I think, to understand, unless you've got brain cancer or something, and I don't mean that sarcastically, unless you've got a brain tumor, that this is going to start a war that you're not going to get out of, and people like me aren't going to get out of, and it's going to be bad for humanity, period.
So start talking about black abortion.
Start talking about GMOs.
Start talking about vaccines.
Get back to what really helps people, and not jumping on the bandwagon, encouraging your followers, who respect you and believe in you, to go out and be part of this.
I mean, I know George Soros is evil.
And I don't want to think you're evil.
I could sit here and earn brownie points with a conservative audience just attacking you all day, but I'm actually trying to get something done and reaching out to people.
So we'll see what happens.
But we need to de-escalate the situation right now.
It's not because I'm afraid of a whole race war because the white people are going to lose it.
No, I'm afraid we're going to have a race war that humanity loses and the globalists win.
Back to Anthony Gucciardi on the live radio transmission.
Well thank you Alex for calling in, and I think the key point there is that you're not just going to attack him for what he said, what he apparently intended on saying.
Instead, you're saying let's all come together as one human race, as humanity, and instead of further fueling his attacks and
You're not saying go out and kill people.
You're saying, hey, let's not even go against that with attacking that guy.
Let's say let's fix this once and for all because ultimately a race war is the opposite, I believe, of what everyone would want.
You'd have to be, as he said, mentally insane or have a brain tumor to think that calling for the death of anyone, cops, whites, blacks, you name it, anyone like that in a large group from any type of leader is obviously going to incite violence and we've already seen violence.
We've already seen, as we mentioned earlier, tweets from people saying, kill all whites, whites need to be exterminated, let's launch the purge, let's clean the town out from whites.
You've heard the YouTube clip of that one individual, Major, whatever his name is, where he says we need to go out and start
Stalking, killing all the whites and everything like that, and he calls them crackers.
Which, by the way, if you were to say the reverse negative word about a black person, you'd be hung and basically killed.
But he, of course, can say, oh yeah, pop a cracker.
I mean, this is totally insane.
What we're going to do is we're going to open up the phone lines.
And we want to open up the phone lines right now only to callers to get their reaction on this, on what Farrakhan is saying, what Alex is saying, the overall attack
All right.
Federal judge eager to challenge NSA bulk snooping again.
So hopefully we might actually have some leverage on that.
A federal judge who called NSA surveillance practices almost Orwellian says that he found a way to revive a constitutional challenge to the controversial program after a federal court lifted his 2013 injunction blocking the program.
Here's an interesting one.
Three injured in machete attack at University of Arkansas, officials say.
Not a gun, a machete.
A machete-wielding man injured two people and himself Thursday in a wooded area of the University of Arkansas campus.
Spokesperson Zee Voorhees said the attack happened at 7.15 p.m.
and obviously someone went in with a machete and started attacking people because machete control is now what we need.
We need to ban machetes.
New York's Towns Daily Labor Law ruled unconstitutional.
Federal judge has struck down as unconstitutional a suburban New York town's law banning day laborers from soliciting for work on public sidewalks.
Just a bunch of stuff at Infowars.com.
A massive stack was brought in to me so I was just going through that.
So what I would like to do is I would like to go to a couple callers before the break and then we're going to come back.
With more news, more videos, your take on the Farrakhan issue and some other subjects as well.
But it looks like we already have Chuck from Oklahoma who wants to talk about the Farrakhan and the race war.
Chuck, what's on your mind?
Well, you know, I wanted to really just kind of see what y'all believe that this is deriving from, you know.
It seems like a lot of this has started towards, you know, the end.
You know, globally, and with Obama, you know, being put into office, you know, I don't know, is that a pretense to this, you know, help starting this race war?
You know, it's an interesting question because I think what, like, black people that are normal and don't want to kill all white people think is, you know, at some point, Obama being black and being a president is a move forward for the black community, you know, the first black president.
And then, on the flip side, there is that
Radically insane group that thinks great Obama's black now.
We need to get rid of all the white people white people are terrible Everyone needs to be black in office, so you could say Obama be you know becoming president fueled this But I really say that most most people most black people white people aren't Mentally insane and they understand that it's a great leap forward for a black president, but that Obama is terrible It has nothing to do with his skin color right so I would say that it may have contributed does that make sense Chuck I?
That makes sense, sir.
And this is my last question, and I appreciate it very much, and you can actually take this off air, answer this off air, is, you know, with the Border Patrol thing happening over in Europe, I believe, or...
And yeah, over there, you know, they've got a lot of people coming in and I hear they're even putting people into camps right now because they can't control how many people are coming across.
They're even talking about building a border like, you know, they did for Mexico.
Have y'all got any more info as far as, you know, them putting the people into camps and what kind of treatment's being done and what's going on on that stuff?
Well, as usual, it's up to the United States people and the taxpayers to make sure that all the illegal immigrants that come over must be housed and taken care of.
Forget the law.
I mean, Hillary Clinton, we're going to play a video actually coming up, talks about how it's like a holocaust if we were to get rid of illegal immigrants.
And also I'm going to talk about how, news story from Washington Post, the Arab world's wealthiest nations are doing nothing to help Syria's refugees and letting us take care of it.
Stay tuned, more coming up on the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas...
Alex Jones.
You're dialed in to the watch post against tyranny, corruption, and everything in between.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi sitting in today for Alex Jones.
We're taking your calls, and we're going to get into a video in the next segment of Hillary Clinton comparing getting rid of illegal immigrants to a holocaust.
And I also have some more immigration news about how countries are making America and other nations foot the bill for all illegal immigrants.
Now, first and foremost, we have a video that I want to play here.
We are going to be taking calls on a number of different subjects.
We have Mike in Wyoming, Doug in Minnesota, Steven in Florida, Brandon in Texas.
We're going to talk about that.
But first, we have an interesting report from John Bowne called the Nazi British Crown.
Let's see what that's about.
Their Royal Highness, indeed.
The Sun published a secret 1933 film showing Queen Elizabeth being taught the Nazi salute by her treasonous uncle Edward VIII, the Prince of Wales.
He would later be known as King Edward VIII and Emperor of India, but would be quietly removed from the throne less than 12 months later as he remained pro-Nazi, even after the war accelerated.
His scandalous marriage to a doubly divorced American woman would be his downfall.
As the history books would have you believe.
However, the once and future king was pigeonholed to the Bahamas as its governor because his Nazi sympathies became widely known during World War II.
Two years before his death, Edward told an interviewer that he never thought Hitler was such a bad chap.
An MI5 report featuring a British admiral who had attended Hitler's 1937 Nuremberg rally said that Hitler would soon invade, but there was no reason to worry about it because he would bring the Duke of Windsor, formerly King Edward, over as king.
So how far back has the German parasite sat on the English throne?
The lineage is long, but begins with the Act of Settlement of 1701 when the Parliament of England granted the English throne to Protestant heir Sophia of Hanover.
A German lineage of King Georges soon followed, as did the American War for Independence.
In 1840, Queen Victoria married her first cousin, Prince Albert, the son of the Duke of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha House in Germany.
Up until the First World War, the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and another German aristocratic name, Wettin, were used.
Those names were replaced with Windsor, essentially a cover for a hard line of German aristocrats occupying the British throne.
Queen Elizabeth married Prince Philip.
Prince Philip is from the German house of Glücksburg.
Two of Prince Philip's brothers-in-law fought for the Nazis, and many of his relatives were linked with the Nazi Party.
In a frank interview, he said they found Hitler's attempts to restore Germany's power and prestige attractive.
The genealogy shows that I'm descended from Vlad the Impaler, you see.
So I do have a bit of a stake in the country.
And Prince Andrew, who was accused of child sex charges after now allegedly being part of Jeffrey Epstein's case of pedophilia.
And Prince Edward, whose wife Sophie was embroiled in a scandal involving sex tours, drugs, and gay prostitution after she was recorded by a reporter posing as a sheik.
And have they stopped?
No, they've increased!
The Royal Carriage!
Oh, the Royal Carriage!
Almost every time I see CNN it's... The Queen of England, gracious leader!
Oh, we love you!
They'll have that British reporter on.
They're probably having pea soup or something.
Proper meal.
And again, I'm not an Anglophobe, ladies and gentlemen.
I love England.
Love a lot of the culture.
It's amazing.
Led with the Magna Carta and the real Renaissance worldwide.
So much has come out of the British Isles.
But not the globalist and the Transylvanian royal family perched like giant stinking vultures on the carcass of the UK!
So, when German Prince Harry dons a Nazi insignia at a private party and sheepishly apologizes to the adoring brainwashed public, and films are revealed of Queen Elizabeth giving the Heil Hitler salute, real Britons, though full well, they are under occupation.
John Baum for InfoWars.com
There is a shocking video posted right now at InfoWars.com where a man dies in a jail lobby after an encounter with sheriff's deputies.
Surveillance footage released by the Sheriff's Department last Friday shows 48-year-old Arlington resident Joseph Hutchison frantically running inside the Dallas County jail lobby on August 1st.
Witnesses say Hutchison was not violent but he appeared distraught and was seeking help.
He didn't have a weapon and he wasn't swinging at the officers.
Witnesses say a deputy threw Hutchinson to the ground and put a knee to his throat.
He couldn't breathe and his face turned pale blue.
After a few moments, he lied motionless as visitors continued to pour into the lobby.
Officers are seen attempting to resuscitate him, but it was too late.
Joseph Hutchinson had died.
His brother James is organizing a demonstration at the Dallas County Sheriff's Department building this evening.
For more details, go to InfoWars.com.
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It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, my friends.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi sitting in for Alex today.
We're taking your calls, blitzing through the news.
We've got some videos lined up, too.
And later on in the segment, we're going to premiere something else.
So first and foremost, check out this headline just brought in a few seconds ago.
Egyptian billionaire offers to buy an island from Greece or Italy to provide jobs so fleeing migrants can build a new country.
A telecoms tycoon is going to pay up to $100 million for the island.
He's also offered to provide jobs to build housing, schools, and hospitals.
He says, the way they are treated now, they're being treated like cattle.
More than 2,300 people have died at sea trying to reach Europe this year.
Also comes into this insanity.
Feds say company discriminated against illegals orders back pay.
This kind of stuff scares me because as a business owner and someone who does massive amounts of investing and everything like that, this really scares me.
Obama will perform Big Brother compliance monitoring of company.
The Justice Department says Nebraska Beef discriminated against an illegal alien, a bunch of illegal alien workers actually, by asking them for proof of citizenship.
They discriminated against the workers who are illegals by asking them for proof of citizenship.
It goes on to say, the DOJ's Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices objected to non-U.S.
citizens being targeted because of their citizen status.
The illegal aliens are being targeted because they're illegal aliens.
So now they're going to have to pay them money.
Nebraska Beef is going to have to pay them money.
It's hard to run a business these days.
It's honestly almost not profitable in most cases.
And I wasn't even going to plug, but Alex doesn't get outside funding.
This is all self-made.
He funds it all himself.
He doesn't take much profit, to be honest with you.
And he doesn't like to say that on air.
He really does not.
He puts all of it, pretty much, back into this operation.
I would encourage you, personally, from my heart, to go to InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, and also go to InfoWars.com slash moneybomb.
Because Alex, he doesn't promote it enough because he doesn't plug enough because he wants to cover all the news and he wants to talk to you guys, understandably so.
But he doesn't plug enough that he's doing a Money Bomb in September.
It's Infowars.com slash Money Bomb.
September 17th is the date.
I apologize.
September 16th is the date for the InfoWars money bomb.
And you can actually start donating today and it will count and you'll see it live on there towards the money bomb on September 16th.
But anyway, in closing, I had to talk about that because it's just so impossible now to have business these days.
Illegal immigrants can sue you for asking if they're illegal immigrants.
That is the United States of America that we're in right now.
There's a reason that companies are collapsing and the economy is going down the toilet because of things like that.
Now I want to go to some calls.
I want to talk to Brandon in Texas because he has a response.
Alex had a message for Louis Farrakhan, which I think was balanced and really, really good because he said, hey, Farrakhan, I'm not your enemy.
You've said some good things, but it does seem like you're calling to kill cops and others and inciting your followers who trust you and believe you to go out and kill people, which is totally insane.
It goes back to what I was saying earlier.
You guys need to go back to kindergarten.
Everyone who's saying kill cops and kill white people and learn basic human values.
Brandon, what do you have to say about that?
Yeah, man, I agree with you, Anthony.
You're doing a good job, buddy.
As far as Farrakhan goes, if Alex has him on the show and does debate him, I really hope he turns up the heat because I really felt like he played it safe with David Duke and just let him talk more than he should have.
And I definitely think that Farrakhan can kind of
Play the whole semantic game and kind of sound like he's kind of on message.
And he really means well, like Alex said in his little speech.
But the guy is extremely radical.
So if he does have him on the show, I really think Alex needs to turn up the heat.
And I think most of the viewers wanted to see him do that with David Duke and he didn't.
That's just what I have to say.
You're doing a great job, man.
Thank you.
I can understand, by the way, a lot of my black friends have had periods of time where they just really did think a lot of things were racist, because there is real racism.
And they would think, oh, that white person is being racist towards me, because they've actually been, you know, the subject of racism.
But myself, growing up in Philadelphia, outside of not just one, but two nearby murder capitals of the United States, Camden, New Jersey and Chester, Pennsylvania,
I happen to know a thing or two about racism in the terms of black people being racist towards whites.
And there's been numerous instances where I've experienced that firsthand as Alex said too growing up in Dallas in a serious physical way.
But I'm not skewed to this day coming up here saying because they beat me up or whatever that I hate black people.
And Louis Farrakhan, also I believe,
You know, you can't just say because of a cop, one white cop, that did something to a black person that was unarmed or whatever, that all white people are bad.
That's just not how this works.
And it goes back to going to kindergarten and getting a kindergarten education on basic human respect.
We've got Stephen from Florida.
What's your take, Stephen?
Yeah, hi Anthony.
I wanted to say this about this issue with Farrakhan and this whole race war they're pushing.
A couple things.
First of all, I don't like Farrakhan simply for the fact that he does not come across to me as genuine.
I think he's a showman and he capitalizes on tragic situations for his own personal profit.
He has an agenda and that is just fostering his own ego.
I have nothing against the guy because of the color of his skin.
And let me say this, I'm a Christian.
I believe in Jesus Christ.
And my God, Jesus, is colorblind.
He made all men of all colors, and he died for the whole world.
So, anybody that wants to claim they're a Christian, and yet they're trying to push some kind of race issue based on skin color, ethnicity, whatever, you're not a true Christian.
You're not a true believer in the one true God.
Now, that being said, I want to make people aware, I just talked to a friend of mine in Texas this morning.
He lives not too far from Houston.
There's a man in Houston, he's an activist, a black man, his name's Quanell Axe.
He's kind of a junior Farrakhan, but he's not as extreme as Farrakhan.
And anytime there's any kind of, you know, bad intent toward people of color, he immediately speaks out and takes up on their behalf.
He's not making extremist statements like, you know, Farrakhan, obviously, like, we need to kill them if they're killing us, etc.
But the thing I wanted to say is that this deputy in Houston who was just killed, Quannell, to his credit, has actually rallied the black community there in Houston.
They are having a funeral for this man today.
He's actually out there in support of this man.
Hey, so guess what?
Actually, apparently we had this guy on the show.
Alex had this guy on the Alex Jones Show in 2013.
So the producers know who you're talking about.
And I would also say, well yeah, they better speak out against killing a cop at a gas station.
I mean, if you're on the team that's for shooting random cops at a gas station because they're white,
That's not a winning team.
You better be against that.
Oh, wow, he's against that.
He better be.
Steve, don't you think so?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, because, you know, again, how can you, you know, distinguish and make statements and judgments?
I mean, that's what the word prejudice means.
You prejudge.
You don't judge a book by its cover like, you know, Martin Luther King said.
You've done it by the character, and this is what's not brought up in this whole Black Lives Matter thing, because again, it's fostered by a Nazi, George Soros, who's a white guy who's using these brainwashed black people to further the agenda of the New World Order.
That's what they need to wake up.
That's right, Steve.
Thank you for your call.
Let's go to Doug in Minnesota, who's got another take on this issue.
Hey, kudos, Steve.
You hit it on the head.
Yeah, Steve did a great job.
But the black people gotta understand, this is a white guy that hates everybody.
And his agenda is to create problems.
They need to look at that.
And as far as Alex and Farrakhan, I mean, they both have good points.
And Alex, like he said, you gotta join together.
Take the megabanks and our government as an example.
Hey Doug, do you think for a minute though, do you think that most people really buy into this fake race war?
Don't you think most people kind of don't believe in it and they want to come together?
Or do you think this is really what's going on?
Smart people don't buy into it.
But like Alex said, there are people out there that have been brainwashed or just, they look around at their surroundings and they feel helpless.
They say, what have I got to live for?
There's nothing out there for us.
There's no jobs.
There's nothing.
Your life's purpose, really.
I mean, if you're just a loser, unfortunately, for a lot of these people, and I say harsh words because I mean, they're out here killing people.
If you're just a loser, and you have no life, and you have no passion, and you don't know what you want to do, and you're just jealous of everyone, and envious, and greedy, and uh, you're going to want to go out and do bad things.
That's why all the school shooters, not only doped up,
On pharmaceutical drugs that are known to link to aggression and things like that, but they're always angry enemies of everyone else.
And if you just find your life's passion and decide you want to help people, that all goes away.
So many people say they can't do things.
I can't do this.
I can't do it.
I wish I could do it.
If you just decide for a minute that you have a mission in your life, all those other things are in your peripheral.
If those people who decided to, like the new shooter, killing someone because he wanted their job,
If he actually sat down and decided to be passionate and help others and do his own reports and become an alternative media or something like that, he could probably have been a star.
But he decided to kill two people instead of doing that.
And for those who kill cops at gas stations, he could have done something with his life.
If he really wanted to push race equality, which all he did was the opposite, by the way, by killing a white person for no reason, if he really wanted to push race equality,
He could start a foundation or make YouTube videos with a cell phone talking about how we need to come together and love one another.
That's what this program is about.
You notice what I've been saying for these past two hours is that we need to come together.
Not fueling the Black Lives clashing of police and protesters who just want to further inequality and destroy the human spirit that pushes us.
So I encourage everyone out there to be part of humanity and join the fight for coming together as opposed to fueling all this madness.
We'll be back on the Alex Jones Show next up.
We're going to keep taking calls.
We're going to switch subject matter a little bit and talk about some more news breaking on Drudge Report, InfoWars.com and more.
Stay tuned.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi sitting in for Alex.
And what we're going to do is we're going to reopen the phone lines.
We're going to switch gears.
Last segment we were talking about Louis Farrakhan and what's going on with the call to kill white people across the globe.
And Twitter users saying kill all the white people, purge them, so on and so forth.
Total insanity and how we really need to just come back to the passion of the human spirit and come together.
I'm going to open the phone lines again specifically though.
I want to hear your awakening aha moment story.
I want to hear what led you to realize there's something wrong here with our society, our government, our system, and led you to realize what was really going on, whether it's with the food supply, in the world economy, in immigration reform, anything.
I want to hear all of your stories.
I remember years ago what led me to all of this.
The tip of the spear for me that plunged into my gut was when I got Lyme disease.
I was so sick that I went to sleep and I took a quote-unquote nap for 24 hours.
And I went to the doctor and he told me the only thing I could do was take steroids.
So there's nothing else you can do, nothing else will work.
You're really screwed, right?
And I said, there's no way that's the case because these steroids I'm taking are making me feel terrible.
I mean, I was just vomiting.
I really thought I was going to die.
He goes, well, you should probably go to the hospital, but keep taking these steroids.
I went online.
There was like nothing online at the time, and I tried to find stuff about natural cures, and what could I possibly do?
And I learned that these pharmaceutical drugs I was taking, well gee, they're loaded with toxic garbage.
And I learned about things like oregano oil and colloidal silver, which I started taking.
Let's put that in my protocol.
And I was like, well, maybe I should buy this organic food.
And my friends and family were like, oh, you're insane.
That's just a trend.
It's just a way to steal your money, all that kind of stuff.
And I told my doctor I was going to try it, and he told me I was totally crazy.
He said, you're nuts.
It's not going to do anything.
You should just stop wasting your time.
Just listen to me.
I've gone to Harvard.
I know what I'm talking about.
You're just some stupid kid that doesn't know what he's thinking.
So I tried it, and it actually worked.
You know, in like 42 hours, I was feeling better.
The natural solutions worked.
And I went to my doctor and he told me I was insane.
Once again, there's no possible way.
Now, he is a listener to the Alex Jones Show and watches my videos and takes products at Infowarslife.com.
You can't make this stuff up, right?
So, now, it seems it's so much more accepted all these things are true.
It seems so much more accepted that alternative medicine is the real deal.
It seems so much more accepted that the corruption at the deepest levels of our government is pouring through the disgusting cracks in this establishment.
All of this is so real.
And that's why I opened up your calls to hear about your awakening story.
Because for me, it was kind of like waking up from a dream and realizing all this insanity out there.
It's somewhat overwhelming, but at the same time, it's also fulfilling and a great thing to do.
A lot of people use the cave analogy by Plato.
But anyway, so we're going to start some calls and listen to your waking up experience, and we're also going to cover some news.
We've got stacks and stacks of news here from InfoWars.com.
I wanted to play a video as well.
There's a lot to get to in this segment.
It's a loaded, loaded segment, and we're going to come back on the long segment and cover more.
So first of all, let's go to Chris in Carolina.
He wants to talk about his awakening story.
What's up, Chris?
Hey, how's it going?
Tell us your story.
It's kind of a, you know, when 9-11 happened, I was still in my late teens, I guess.
And, uh, early 20s.
And, uh, you know, it kind of happened and, you know, I didn't think much of it at the time.
I watched Loose Change and then a while went on and, um, a few years ago, I saw Jesse Ventura's show on, uh, one of the TV networks.
I can't remember which channel it came on, but they were having a marathon that day.
And, uh, I sat and watched the whole marathon.
I was like, wow.
And then, you know, Alex was on a few of the shows.
That's how I found Alex Jones and I've been listening to the show ever since.
This guy is actually saying stuff that makes sense.
And then that's what happens is all these mainstream media people think like, oh, we're doing Alex Jones a favor by covering him.
They have no actual visitors.
They have no visitors on their websites and no viewers on their TV program.
Infowars.com is in the billions now of views.
Hi, thank you sir.
Yeah, I uh...
I grew up in the People's Republic of Minnesota and I remember in high school in the 80s I wanted to do Sutton's work and Quigley's work in history class.
I was somewhat politically awake in there.
Hey Derek, we're going to hold you over.
We're going to come back to you in a minute.
We're going to cover some news, take some more calls.
It's a loaded segment and a long segment.
Next time after the break.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Will Donald Trump sign the GOP pledge precluding a third-party run?
According to a close associate, the GOP candidate intends to sign the loyalty pledge that would bind him to endorse the Republican nominee and would preclude him a third-party run.
The Republican National Committee has made it clear that they want every candidate running for nomination to sign a pledge not to break off and run as a third-party candidate under any circumstances.
The GOP is worried that third-party campaigns will jeopardize the party's chances against the eventual Democratic presidential candidate.
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Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul reminded everyone that it was Ross Perot who ended up giving us the first Clinton, and if Trump breaks off, he could give us another Clinton.
For more reports, visit InfoWars.com.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Hillary Clinton compares rounding up illegal immigrants, quotes, to somewhat of a holocaust.
We're going to play that video for you.
She also bashes Snowden for classified emails.
How amazing, right?
First and foremost, we're going to be taking your calls throughout this long segment.
We're going to have some updates and we're going to get right down to some immigration news.
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So what I want to do,
So I'm going to get back to calls here in a minute, but first I'm going to lead off with this headline.
Taxpayers fleeing Democrat-run states for Republican ones.
Americans escaping high taxes and welfare states.
In 2013, more than 200,000 people on net fled states with Democrat governors for ones with Republicans, according to an analysis of newly released IRS data.
You know, what this ties into, and I don't believe in the false left threat paradigm debate, Republican versus Democrat either, but it is pretty insane how some of these so-called liberals are getting so degenerate and so out there and bizarre and outlandish that people can't handle it anymore.
Let's go to this video clip here in which Hillary Clinton starts implying, it's called Networks Ignore Hillary's Holocaust Invoking Boxcar Blast at GOP.
Here's the clip.
How would you plan on dealing with 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S.?
Well, I'm glad you asked me that because I know that there are some on the other side who are seriously advocating to deport 11, 12 million people who are working here.
I find it the height of irony that a party which espouses small government
Would want to unleash a massive law enforcement effort, including perhaps National Guard and others, to go and literally pull people out of their homes and their workplaces, round them up, put them, I don't know, in buses?
I just find that not only absurd but appalling.
I will oppose in every way I can what I consider to be nothing but a political stunt and will also raise questions as I'm doing today about what the realities of that kind of claim actually are.
Look, I'm not defending the Republican Party, which has its own problems.
But when Hillary Clinton says things like, the GOP's insane because they want to get rid of illegal immigrants, that's really stepping over a line.
And I think that's why so many people are responding.
So many people are, like this article says, fleeing Democrat-run states.
I mean, I used to live in a Democrat-run state, primarily, in Pennsylvania.
At least Philadelphia, which is a completely Democrat, blue area and city in the state of Pennsylvania.
And let me tell you, the taxes there are insane.
Even just starting a business out of your house, you have to pay certain city taxes and fines.
I think the base rate is $250, even if you want to have a website domain, you're supposed to technically give them $250.
That stops growth.
That stops industry.
When you mega-tax people, especially business owners, and as a business owner I understand this, all you're doing
Truthfully, is you're making them not want to hire more people.
You're making them not want to help people.
And even though I'm taxed at such a massive rate and I have to pay all these weird bureaucratic system taxes and everything for my own business with my different companies including Natural Society,
I still give money.
I still donate to feed over 500,000 people every single year through different organizations that take the food at the grocery store and give it to those who need it because the grocery stores just dump tons of food out.
But at the same time it makes me really question whether or not I can give every year because of the fact that they're taking all of it away in taxes and things like that.
So anyway, moving on, I want to also highlight this next video, in which Hillary has the audacity to come after Snowden for classified emails, right?
After she has her server with classified emails sitting in a bathroom, which is not even locked up or anything like that, and there's like 30 judges investigating.
It's totally insane.
Let's watch the second video clip.
I believe that he should return to this country, and rather than taking refuge under Putin, who, so far as I know, has not been transparent about everything Russia does, and I know a lot about what Russia does.
Every time I went to Russia, I'd leave all of my electronic equipment on the plane with the batteries out.
Uh, and so he's sought refuge in a country that is one of our real competitors for getting information about what the other does or doesn't do.
He is a lawbreaker.
He violated American law.
He violated his duties, uh, that he assumed when he took the job that he had.
Uh, and if he is as, um,
Proud of or as secure in his belief that what he did was the right thing, he should come home and defend it.
That's Hillary right now laughing as we buy her bogus as she insults Snowden for leaking information that the NSA is compiling every single thing we do into a database and calling us terrorists.
That is funny!
This, of course, so if you're not a TV viewer, we have the Hillary pen.
Hillary for President, more like Hillary for Prison Pen at Infowarsstore.com.
Alex has messed around with it before.
You've probably heard it on the show.
Such a beautiful laugh, really very soothing to the soul.
Now Snowden has responded.
And fired back at Hillary.
There's articles about that now on InfoWars.com.
And this whole weird system is just getting a little bit too much for me.
We also have another video clip I want to fire out.
It's Bobby Jindal.
And he says it well.
He says, immigration without assimilation is invasion.
This is on Face the Nation.
Let's go to that clip real quick.
We need to insist people that want to come to our country should come legally, should learn English, should adopt our values, roll up their sleeves and get to work.
One of the things I've been emphasizing as the son of immigrants who came here legally, we need to insist on assimilation.
You know, in Europe they're not doing that.
They've got huge problems.
Immigration without assimilation is invasion.
That can weaken our country.
We don't need to go down the path of Europe.
Let's insist on being the melting pot.
Let's forget this politically correct left notion that we're not a melting pot anymore.
Political correctness is destroying the United States of America completely, and destroying its focus and putting it on transgendered issues and all these weird race-baiting topics that we've covered over and over again.
I think it's time to shift the focus completely, and that's why I want to bring Derek back, who is patiently holding from Wyoming.
I opened up the phone lines to talk about your awakening experience, escaping the mainstream media, escaping this system.
And Derek, I apologize for holding you over for so long, but I wanted to ask you your take on all this because it seems so obvious to me.
I mean, with the Nebraska Beef Company being fined for asking if their illegal aliens were illegal aliens in the first place, is this not just so in your face?
I can't imagine people can't see this, Derek.
Yeah, well, you know, a lot of them are asleep and being poisoned.
You guys cover this very well.
And, you know, they're just asleep.
The public's asleep.
Alex covers it all the time.
I've been a pretty faithful listener for a couple of years.
PrisonPlanet.tv member.
And I was looking for a venue.
I woke up about five years ago because I got saved.
And after that, I was kind of politically awake.
I shared a little bit of that.
I kind of wanted to quickly work as a history book in 11th grade.
I almost got kicked out of school.
And what other than that, nutraceuticals, oil of oregano was also the one I used.
I was a mechanic for years and poisoned my system by washing my hands in the solvent tank and all that welding smoke and all that good stuff.
So heavy metal, toxic.
And then I found you guys' products.
But yeah, people are half-asleep, you know.
And I push people to the InfoWars program and that, but it's very hard for them.
So I found out different ways to do things.
I mean, we can be activists in our own area.
The Hegelian Dialectic, they're really turning up the pressure now.
And I've talked to older people in their 60s, and it's kind of spooky there because they're going to ask for the police state, these people.
There certainly are some people that are going to ask for it.
But at the same time, I do think about 70% of the United States, I would call it sleepwalking in a way that they know what's going on in their bones and they don't appreciate all of this race baiting and all this insanity by the mainstream media.
They want to come together as one humanity, as one humanity together, and come together and say we're done with all of it.
But they don't have the right activation, the right passion.
Derek, thank you for your call.
We have Rob Dew standing by in Studio A. And I want to bring him on the program right now via Live Link and bring him on to ride Shotgun while we take some more of these calls and cover some more news.
He's going to be hosting the fourth hour of the show today, sort of an InfoWars Overdrive that Alex is launching four hours every single day for the program.
Rob, are you over there in Studio A?
Yes, I am, Anthony.
And it is great to be here.
Great to be doing the fourth hour.
Four days this week now, and today I really want to put out a message to the globalists and the vaccine pushers.
So I want you, start at the fourth hour, I want you guys to call in with your vaccine horror stories, any major side effects that you or your children experienced.
We have to put this information out there because this is the season right now, the fall season, where they want the kids to get vaccinated.
They start pushing the flu shot.
And last year I remember covering the stories of the little girls who were taking that, they were getting vaccinated for the flu shot and then dying from the same strain of flu that they were supposedly vaccinated against.
So the 1-800 numbers 800-259-9299.
The start of overdrive.
We're going to start taking your calls.
I'm going to do it the whole hour.
I've got some other vaccine news that I want to cover.
They now want pregnant women to take the whooping cough vaccine.
And I'm going to get into all the lies that they tell you to your face.
Okay, we have to stop this.
We have to put out our own brand of information to shove it in the face of the globalists and the mainstream media who are bought and paid for by these giant pharmaceutical companies.
You know, my mind, my understanding of things has evolved a lot over the past few years, and I really didn't understand the vaccine issue for a long time.
And I think I finally understand it.
When activists say they want clean vaccines, I think that is the most hard-hitting message.
Because there's so much information out there and so much colliding nonsense and craziness about the vaccine movement, right, and about vaccines in general.
What it really comes down to, on the FDA website it admits it, that these vaccines are loaded with hormones, antibiotics, different fillers and contaminants, different cells that are known from
Research that it actually can be devastating to your body.
So my issue with the vaccines is what's in them.
Is the loaded additionals that they put on top of the vaccines.
And I'm wondering why they can't make clean vaccines without all these hormones and antibiotics and GMO particulates such as the Gardasil vaccine which has genetically modified recombinant specimens inside of it.
So why can they make it without those?
Apparently they do and they make it for the globalists and they call them clean vaccines.
Well, I want the clean vaccines.
I don't want the vaccines filled with hormones and antibiotics and GMO contaminants.
I totally agree, Anthony.
And on top of that, they also make them out of aborted baby cells.
They call them diploid cells.
And that's in a list, that's in several vaccines that they want to push on you, your pregnant wife, your kids.
So if you want to be a party to all this, that's your business.
But we're going to put the information out there starting in the fourth hour.
We're just going to go nonstop.
I want to take as many calls as I can.
I want you to have your stories ready.
And we're going to put this out as one piece, a message to the globalist and vaccine pushers.
Because we're not just going to stand by while there's rooms of little girls.
You know, yesterday we showed that video and I thought it was from Mexico because it was a Mexican Facebook page.
It was actually little girls in a coastal town of Colombia that are writhing on the floor after getting this shot, this HPV shot, and they're all having seizures.
But they're saying, don't worry, once the seizure passes, they're fine.
Also, Rob, it ties in with these headlines that we see.
I mean, how are we supposed to trust the government with this type of operation?
Here's a headline.
Feds want evidence they let Mexican drug cartels buy guns kept quiet.
Quote, the defendant should be precluded from mentioning Operation Fast and Furious.
This is from Sputnik on InfoWars.com.
Prosecutors in the trial of a murdered U.S.
Border Patrol agent are trying to keep details about guns found on the murder scene from the jury because of their connection to a scandal-ridden federal program.
Between 2006 and 2011, the Arizona Field Office of the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, ATF used a tactic known as gun-walking in a secretive program known as Operation Fast and Furious.
We all know about that.
During that time period, the ATF purposefully allowed licensed firearms dealers in Phoenix and Tucson to sell weapons to illegal straw buyers with the hope of later tracking them to Mexican drug cartels.
Oh yeah, they wanted to help you, right?
That's not allowed to be talked about.
Please, don't let them know that we helped Mexican drug cartels.
But then at the same time, trust us on everything else we do.
Trust us.
It's all safe, guys.
Sure, we do this, but don't talk about that.
You know, sure.
Well, the FDA approves every single horrible thing in our food supply, but vaccines don't have anything bad in them.
And again, I've evolved my knowledge on this.
I think we all have, understanding that it's about the clean vaccines.
You're going to cover that in the fourth hour, so I want to get into some other news.
I want to take some calls.
First, here's some more stories on Yahoo.
The White House monitoring reports Russian military is in Syria.
That's a whole... I mean, we can't... As we talk about
You know, Farrakhan meeting with Eminem and he's telling to kill people and everything like this and all these people on Twitter saying to kill all white people.
Russia moves in.
I mean, as all this happens.
Cops give woman back her stolen car filled with guns and drugs twice.
Quote, at this point I can't tell if it's real or fake but all I know is my hands have been on too many illegal things.
Man arrested for mocking mayor on Twitter wins big in a lawsuit.
Hillary Clinton's email, the definitive timeline is all on Infowars.com.
Migrant smuggling in Europe is now worth billions.
We talked about that earlier.
It's a huge industry.
You want to make some money, start smuggling some illegal immigrants.
Refugees threaten Europe's Christian roots, say Hungary's Orban.
It's all madness.
But we've got to trust the government because they help us and they are loving.
Truth of the matter is, people are waking up.
We're going to take some more of your calls on waking up when we get back.
And then Rob is going to take over for the fourth hour.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We've got more videos ahead, more news, more awesome information.
Stay tuned.
Thank you for joining us.
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Kit Daniels just brought in some breaking news on InfoWars.com.
This is the Alex Jones Show, and I'm sitting in for Alex.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi, and I want to read this headline for you right now.
Trump, evidence suggests Obama protecting ISIS.
Sub-headline, Trump is closer to the truth than he realizes according to Pentagon.
This is on Infowars.com right now, just released.
The fact that the Obama administration is leaving known ISIS training camps alone suggests the White House is protecting the terrorist group according to presidential candidate Donald Trump.
This is a big statement from Donald Trump.
Says, well, you would knock the hell out of the training camps, that's one's a given, and it's incredible we don't, since we know, okay, this is a Michael Savage show.
He says, it's almost like we are protecting these people.
So he is obviously saying Obama is protecting ISIS by not targeting their camps.
This is on Infowars.com right now.
We have another paragraph.
Trump is closer to the truth than he realizes.
A secret U.S.
government document obtained by Judicial Watch reveals the U.S.
and other NATO nations deliberately backed al-Qaeda in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups, overthrow Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Well, of course.
U.S.-backed Syrian rebels that chopped off the heads of Christians by the dozens in central towns.
They would just round them all up and chop their heads off.
Screaming Allah Akbar.
And that's what we paid for.
We would give them rocket launchers and Reuters covered in 2011 that Obama was supporting all this and supporting Syrian rebels going around blowing towns up and killing everybody.
That's the kind of stuff we support here in the United States of America.
Rob, I mean, we talk about this a lot, but I mean, what do you think about Trump?
He's now saying that Obama's protecting ISIS.
This is some hard-hitting stuff.
It is, and you really got to hand it to him because he's not controlled by a bunch of outside interests.
He can say things that other candidates aren't going to touch.
I kind of, I think the signing the loyalty pledge is a double-edged sword where they can now really go after Trump and put the hammer down on him and get him out of the race, which is what I think the Republicans are planning on doing by him using that, signing that loyalty pledge.
They're going to say, hey,
Now we don't want you in here and you're not going to run third party.
And so now they've got him in a vice grip, essentially.
Unless he wins, he's out.
So he can't really influence the election after that.
But you gotta hand it to him.
He is saying some really good things, some things that need to be said.
And it's great that
You know, the mainstream media is unwillingly giving him that platform to put out these ideas that the American people already know and already want.
The reason he's so popular in the polls is because they want to hear stuff like this.
They want to hear this type of rhetoric.
They want to hear these types of attacks going on with the establishment.
You know, he might just be a genius in the way that he positioned himself, even if he doesn't win.
The way he positioned himself with all of the early, you know, scandals and stuff that really no one cared about, but the media started picking him up and became like a TMZ type issue, now he can insert real things in there.
He can insert that Obama is protecting ISIS amid all of this crazy TMZ stuff.
Like, oh, Donald Trump's seen in limousine with, you know, girls or whatever.
Now he can just be like, oh, by the way, Obama's supporting ISIS and backs the Syrian rebels which behead Christians in central squares in the Middle East and bomb cities and destroy relics.
We gave them the missile launchers.
We gave them the AKs.
We gave them the Jeeps.
We gave them all their funding.
He can support and push that in there in a super genius, kind of like media ops level operation, where he can start putting in truthful information.
Well, and the mainstream media knows that, oh, Trump gets ratings.
So we're going to talk about Trump.
Whatever he says, we're going to go with it.
We're going to go with it.
And they don't even realize that they're putting out
I think so.
We shall definitely see.
And Rob, coming up, the fourth hour, available at Infowars.com forward slash show, if the radio station you're listening to does not carry it, is coming up.
I'm going to sit five minutes over with you.
The 205, it is coming up in the next segment.
And I think we're going to talk about a few things, Trump and beyond.
And vaccines.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back 4 to 6 p.m.
Central on Sunday.
I'm Anthony Gucciardi filling in for Alex Jones.
Thank you for watching the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
There is a shocking video posted right now at InfoWars.com where a man dies in a jail lobby after an encounter with sheriff's deputies.
Surveillance footage released by the Sheriff's Department last Friday shows 48-year-old Arlington resident Joseph Hutchison frantically running inside the Dallas County jail lobby on August 1st.
Witnesses say Hutchison was not violent but he appeared distraught and was seeking help.
He didn't have a weapon and he wasn't swinging at the officers.
Witnesses say a deputy threw Hutchinson to the ground and put a knee to his throat.
He couldn't breathe and his face turned pale blue.
After a few moments, he lied motionless as visitors continued to pour into the lobby.
Officers are seen attempting to resuscitate him, but it was too late.
Joseph Hutchinson had died.
His brother James is organizing a demonstration at the Dallas County Sheriff's Department building this evening.
For more details, go to InfoWars.com.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, we are still live.
It is the fourth hour of overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Rob Dew sitting in and it is my pleasure to be here today because I really want to send a message to the globalists, to Big Pharma, to all the vaccine pushers out there.
If people get this video out, we're going to put this up by itself, this last hour of people with their vaccine side effects stories.
We're going to put it out.
We're going to let people know this is happening.
When they say they're safe and effective, they're lying to you.
And I'm going to prove it in more ways than one.
I also have some articles here that I'm going to go through.
But let's go ahead and let's take our first caller here.
This is Matthew calling from Florida.
Matthew, what is your story?
I do.
Yeah, hi, I are.
I have a four-year-old son who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes back in August of 2013, and I noticed some symptoms right after he had the hepatitis B vaccine.
And, you know, I'm still pretty frazzled.
I live in Florida.
We actually moved from San Francisco in 2012.
And, uh, you know, I'm just at a loss.
And, you know, he's in pre-K now, and I'm, you know, getting all sorts of pressure.
I got a letter that was sent home saying that, uh, you know, if he wasn't up to date with his immunizations, that he's gonna get, uh, he's not gonna be allowed to go back to school.
And, uh, that's the gist of it.
Well, one thing they'd never tell you, and I'm not sure what the laws are like in Florida, is that there are exemption forms.
Usually, I think there's religious exemption in all but two states, and I think those are Mississippi and West Virginia, and then you have conscientious objection and a lot of other
Other states, there are a few that don't allow that, but most states do allow a religious exemption.
In fact, a mother just won a legal battle to refuse vaccine for her child made of aborted baby parts.
This is out of Life News.
A New York woman has won a legal battle to refuse a vaccine for her child because it was made from aborted baby parts.
The vaccine MMR for measles, mumps, and rubella are required by New York City schools for enrollment.
However, the woman was granted the exemption on religious grounds because she opposes abortion and the vaccine used from tissue collected from them.
So, there's an Activist Post article that ties in with that.
Aborted fetal cells in products and vaccines.
And if you go through a few pages of it, it lists the vaccines and who makes them.
And MMR2, measles, mumps, and rubella from Merck.
Right there, the chicken pox.
Verifax, the chickenpox vaccine there, the polio vaccine, hepatitis A. So it's all in there and all these are made, they call it diploid cells, that's their code word for it.
But they take these aborted baby cells and that's how they grow this type of medium to make the vaccines.
So thank you for your story, Matthew.
We're going to go to Mankind in Arizona.
How are you doing today?
I'm doing all right, Rob.
Can you hear me?
I can hear you loud and clear.
Go ahead.
All right, cool, cool.
Yeah, first I just wanted to say, you know, it's kind of like an aha moment.
I just want to make two points and then I'll let you keep rolling with the show.
But the first aha moment, this whole situation with the Farrakhan, you know, leading the, you know, Million Man March again in October and stuff like that.
People need to keep an eye on that because that
Mixed with the information that Trump is now putting out as far as for, you know, Obama being the head and basically being the front runner for ISIS, which are, you know, Muslim, you know, not not saying anything against the religion, but that's everything put together.
It's almost like a no brainer what's about to happen next.
So I just kind of want everybody to keep their eyes open on what
You know, the Million Man March was going to happen in October.
And the last thing that I wanted to say was, as far as for with the vaccine, I'm actually, I used to, it's kind of a hard story to tell because I actually used to be, you know, I worked for a pediatrician.
And, you know, you get into the job for the right reasons to help these kids and stuff like that.
And, you know, I used to give,
Shots to the kids thinking that it would help them, you know?
And... Because they tell you that, they're safe and effective.
They ground that into your head, safe and effective, safe and effective, don't they?
And after a while, I actually started to see the same thing.
I was, because you know, it's a pediatrician's office, you see the same kids coming in.
And I started noticing that whole situation to where it's like, they're
Their lights look like they got put out from taking the vaccines and the mothers would come back in and ask me, Hey, you know, um, you know, ever since, uh, they got their shots and you know, this and that happened or whatever.
Um, sometimes they would have seizures or they would say they're just not, they haven't really been the same.
They've been violently sick and blah, blah, blah.
And they would actually start asking me because they,
Didn't really trust even what the doctors were telling them at that point.
And it was at that point that I actually took some of the inserts from the vaccines, read the whole thing myself, and there's a million words on there.
But I found that exact same situation where it's like, it says right here that it's not helping.
It's not helping you at all.
It's almost like a trial.
And I actually ended up having to
Quit my job because literally, morally, I couldn't take it anymore.
It was either get paid or continue and continue to hurt kids or
You know, and I had to take the alternative.
I had to quit.
Yeah, and we played a lot of work.
We played a portion of an interview that David Knight did talking with a nurse who admitted that they knew they were giving preemie babies the vaccine, the regular vaccine schedule, and they knew these kids were going to be hurt.
So they were getting the intubators ready so they could help them breathe when they stop breathing.
These things literally kill you and they have to put the intubator in so the kids don't die.
It's crazy.
And, you know, it takes great courage to step away from that, but people need to start speaking out, because if you look at the vaccine schedule from where it was when people like you and I were born, compared to now, it's almost triple, quadruple of what they were giving kids back then.
And, you know, I know plenty of people my age now that have allergies and this and that, and that's where all this stuff comes from.
When the brain gets attacked, it goes into defense mode.
And defense mode can come in any forms.
In fact, if you guys can roll the video of the girls in Columbia writhing on the floor after their HPV shot.
I mean, this is what happens.
And the only reason we see it here on a mass scale is because they're doing this all at school.
And so all these girls are having the reaction at the same time.
In your case, it's happening on a case-by-case basis.
So parents aren't seeing the connection.
And these people, I had one of our interns was translating this, they don't know, they're like, we don't know what's going on, we need help, we need help.
And the reason they're not getting help is because the establishment, Big Pharma, knows that these are side effects to their vaccines, and they let it happen.
So, thank you for your call, mankind.
Buck, what is your vaccine story?
Well, I've got a four-year-old granddaughter, and at about a year and a half,
This is before I knew of any of the dangers of vaccines.
You know, I had no clue until I started listening to Dr. Ken Kenney and I kind of just kind of went down a rabbit hole and found this information.
But at a year and a half, our granddaughter came over to our house two days after she'd had her vaccination.
And it was like the light had gone out of her eyes.
She had a blank stare on her face.
She wasn't the same.
I looked at my wife and I said, what's the matter with her?
You know, we couldn't figure it out.
So, I ended up going to the pediatrician after I'd done some research with my daughter, and the pediatrician just lambasted me, you know, for even being there and even questioning.
How dare you question us?
He was trying to ask a question.
Yeah, exactly.
We go to school for this, man.
Yeah, exactly.
But here's another point, you know, in that article about the Mexican
They said that 1 in 10,000 has the gene.
Well, if it's 1 in 10,000, how many people were in that room that happened to be 1?
It was way above that.
What was it?
1 in 10?
Not 1 in 10,000.
It's not the gene.
That's just an excuse they give you to say, you're predisposed to have seizures after you get a vaccine.
It's okay.
You'll be fine once the seizure passes.
That's their cover story.
Now my son just had a baby six months ago.
He's been totally unvaccinated and he is the brightest.
I mean, you can just look in his eyes and just see the sparkle and see the joy and see the wonderment that he has.
You know, everything.
It's amazing.
It's a totally different story.
Thank goodness that my four-year-old granddaughter, whose name is Harmony, and
Thankfully, you know, she is, she is harmony.
I mean, in a true sense.
Thank goodness that she didn't fall susceptible to that Russian roulette of vaccinations.
Because how many people do?
You know, a lot of people do.
That's sad.
You know, both of them now are totally off vaccines.
They're totally healthy, and thank God that they didn't suffer any truly adverse... Now, who knows?
You know, five years, ten years down the road, maybe my granddaughter, who did have the vaccine, you know, I had no idea.
I saw him.
I was there, and I saw him vaccinate my 12-hour... She wasn't even three hours old when they gave her the Hep B vaccine.
It just blows my mind.
So was the three hour old baby, were they using intravenous drugs?
Were they having anal sex?
I mean, that's why you get the Hep B vaccine if you're leading that kind of lifestyle.
And you believe that it actually works.
You don't get it.
You don't give it to babies who aren't practicing that, but they do that to cover the nurses who might have Hep B. It's disgusting.
They're more concerned with how their outlook appears instead of the real children's health.
That's not what they're concerned with.
They're concerned with the bottom line.
We'll be back with more of your calls, and I'm going to just show you how they lie to you about now they want pregnant women to take the whooping cough vaccine.
It's the InfoWars.com Alex Jones Show.
This is Overdrive.
I'm your host, Rob Duke.
Stay tuned.
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1-866-295-5305 The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
That's right, we are live and we are taking as many of your phone calls as we can at this point with your vaccine stories.
How have you been impacted in your life by vaccines?
Because that's what it all comes down to.
What is the final interaction?
How do we get this message out to people?
How do we let them know that these things aren't safe and effective like they like to beat it over your head over and over again?
Here's an article that came out.
Prominent vaccine denier site applauds Trump for saying vaccines can cause autism.
And I believe the, it looks like the article came out of Natural News and ThinkProgress was trying to, he's already secured the racist vote.
Now Donald Trump is saying, swaying vaccine truthers.
So you can tell where their head is lying.
They want to have, they believe in herd immunity.
That's what their problem is.
Now, last night on the InfoWars Nightly News, which airs every night 7 p.m.
Central, you can find it here on InfoWars.com, you can find it at PrisonPlanet.tv, and then we also put it out on YouTube after it airs live here.
But Darren McBreen found an actual Gardasil ad that is about 30 seconds long and, you know, this is actually the truth.
This is what they should be saying about Gardasil.
So here's that ad.
Gardasil, destroying little girls' lives one injection at a time.
And now, boys, too, can get the Gardasil shot.
My stepson, 10 months ago, had the HPV immunization, and a week later went blind in the left eye.
Yeah, they can't wait to give it to boys.
May cause convulsions, grand mal seizures, deafness, circulatory collapse, blood problems, leading to unexplained bruising or bleeding.
Fainting or brief loss of consciousness, chronic fatigue syndrome, foaming at the mouth, blindness and death.
There you go.
And they want to now mandate that in Rhode Island.
They actually are trying to put that on, and you can only get out of it with a religious exemption.
And I'm going to play a bit of a video of a parent confronting the health director in Rhode Island.
I'm going to play that coming up probably in the next segment.
But first, let's go back to your calls.
Joseph in Michigan, what is your vaccine story?
Hey, thanks for having me on.
I'm kind of getting notified about this last minute.
Calling about, uh, vaccine-injured children?
Sure, yeah.
My sister Lauren, 31 years old.
1984, she was 4 months old.
She got her first DTP shot.
About half hour, 45 minutes later, she went into a 15 minute long grand mal seizure.
My sister has cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and autism from the DTP shot.
That started me being a conspiracy theorist 31 years ago.
I've had a long time to study and do a lot of research.
I researched the ethylmercury and how it bonds to the membrane on the mitochondrial DNA and how it permeates and saturates and gets inside of that membrane to permeate the cell and then switches to a methylmercury which is like 10 times more toxic and it starts confusing
The caspase-3, 7, and 10, which are your biological time clock for your RNA-DNA transfer, and it confuses everything about your development.
And when the aluminum hydroxide attaches to the red blood cell and coats it to the point where it cannot transfer ATP, energy, anymore, and also the same thing with the DNA transfer, it cripples the child immediately.
And in going through the research and doing all these links with the polysorbate 80 and the MSGs and the formaldehydes and what they do to the immune system, they said that they've been talking bullshit now for these last... I'm sorry, I'm getting a little elevated.
We'll bleep that out.
They've been denying it.
They said back in the 80s,
Lift your child over onto their belly, or onto their back, because if they're on their belly, they're suffocating, you know?
But that was when they started putting the ethylmercury into the vaccine.
And the children that were dying of SIDS, they knew why then and they know why now.
SIDS now is at its highest rate in history.
And so is the vaccine schedule.
What a coincidence.
The vaccine schedule is the highest in history.
SIDS is highest in history.
We have the worst infant mortality in the developed world.
You know?
What they did was they changed the ICD code so that they don't use SIDS anymore.
They put lack of respiratory, stop breathing, other.
They don't say SIDS anymore.
So SIDS, you know, supposedly has gone down, but it's actually, it's worse.
But when I looked at it, when the ethylmercury gets in there and it starts confusing the caspase 3, 7, and 10, those trigger a cellular apoptosis that goes after neuronal cells and immune cells.
And when the neuronal cells that are under attack from the apoptosis that is
This is naturally supposed to occur in our bodies.
When they're involuntary motor neurons, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems fail.
Hey Joe, Joe, I'm gonna let you finish that up on the other side of the break.
We're going to break right now.
But you sound very educated.
You need to start making some YouTube videos.
We'll be back with more.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A humanitarian crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War is happening right now across the globe.
Syrian refugees streaming into Europe refuse to be put into camps and are boarding trains for Germany, where the government has pledged billions of dollars in euros to support them, to cover the cost of social benefits, language courses and refugee integration into the labor market.
Germany expects 800,000 refugees this year, up from 200,000 last year.
More than 4 million more wait to enter Europe from camps in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon.
Most of the refugees are Sunni Muslims, but yet these wealthy Sunni Muslim countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain have refused to take in refugees.
The unfolding humanitarian crisis in Europe, the largest since the Second World War, is a direct result of the effort by the United States and the Gulf Emirates to overthrow the Syrian government.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com
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This is going to be the next big question for all these presidential candidates, how they feel about mandatory vaccines.
It's time to get back in their face.
They're trying to bully us into medical tyranny.
I wanted to take issue with you anti-vaxxers, right-wingers, rednecks.
It's about Big Brother, but on the other hand, some things do require some involvement of Big Brother.
What gives you the right to tell me that I should get a shot, that my children should be shot?
I don't think there's anything extraordinary about resorting to freedom.
Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to voice her support for vaccinations.
Meanwhile, the insert says it can make you get measles.
Understand that?
We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
But I think the parents should have some input.
The state doesn't own your children, parents own the children, and it is an issue of freedom.
But the 10% can't go to school unless they get vaccinated.
The science of vaccines, which work effectively,
100% of the time.
And the white race... Oh, wait a minute.
I'm sorry, you haven't read the CDC memo, have you?
It was 99% last week.
Now they're telling people it's 97%.
So, it's not 100% even by their own statistics.
Meanwhile, the outbreak was caused by vaccinated people!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
And what you saw Alex Jones doing right there, getting loud, getting in people's faces, that's what we need to do.
But we also need to be respectful of that.
And I'm going to show you the right way to do it later on in the show.
We're going to go back to your calls here in a second as well.
And I'm also going to show you how they're lying to you about this DTaP vaccine, which our caller Joseph was just talking about.
His sister got it and has cerebral palsy, autism.
There's one other condition that she is suffering.
And I mean, that's and now they want to give it to pregnant women.
So I'm going to tell you how they lie to you about that.
But first, one thing you can do to protect your health is the use of colloidal silver.
That's one thing I use, personally, on a regular basis.
If I'm getting a sore throat, I feel bad, gargle a little bit of colloidal silver and swallow it.
I like to also swish it around in my mouth after flossing and brushing.
To me, that's my daily use of it.
I'll take two or three dropperfuls, swish it around, maybe put a little water in it, and it makes my mouth
If you have really bad breath, you should try this just to see how your mouth feels after you do it.
You'll be amazed at the bacteria living in your mouth that is immediately washed away by using silver bullets.
You can get it at Infowarslife.com.
I would recommend having three or four of these in your house at any one time because you never know when you're going to need it.
Also, if people are out there
You can make your own colloidal silver too by getting a colloidal silver generator.
And that's another way to have a higher dose version.
In fact, you should do your own research on this and see what kind of parts per million you agree with.
This is 30 parts per million.
I make it at 10 parts per million.
But to each his own.
Because the medical paradigm out there isn't really interested in helping you.
They're interested in profits.
Now here I want to go to this Daily Mail article and then we're going to get back to Joseph.
Pregnant women urged to have whooping cough vaccine after cases of disease rose 24% in one year.
So pregnant women are being urged to have whooping cough vaccine after figures show an increase in the number of cases.
Experts believe women are put off having injections during pregnancy as they fear they might have negative side effects on their unborn children.
But of course, officials are saying we can provide reassurance that the whooping cough vaccine is safe to use for use during pregnancy with no known adverse side effects for the mother or baby.
They say it right there, right under the picture with the guy with the needle.
You can read that where they say it right there.
It's totally okay.
But now let's look at three inserts of three whooping cough vaccines.
It's also called Pertussis for those of you out there who don't know it.
We're gonna look at the Infarix.
And this is a insert that I just went online and found.
So there's INFERIX.
You can see Acellular Pertussis.
That's one of the vaccines in there.
It's Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis all in one.
Section 8, Pregnancy.
Let's go to Section 8.
Let's go see what they say in Section 8 here.
Use in specific populations.
Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with INFERIX.
It is also not known whether infarcts can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity.
Well, they just say it right there.
And then pediatric use.
Safety and effectiveness of infarcts in infants younger than 6 weeks of age and children 7 to 16 years of age have not been established.
Infarcts is not approved for use in these age groups, yet they want you to give it to pregnant women.
And they haven't even tested it, and they admit it in the insert.
That's why I say, hashtag, read the damn insert.
Let's look at the next one.
This is from, uh, Dap-Daptasil.
This is from, um, I think this is from Pasture.
The other one's from GlaxoSmithKline.
So they also have a Section 8 on pregnancy.
And you can do this.
Just type in vaccine inserts, and you can go pick out which ones you want to look at.
Very easy to do.
This is a little smaller, but same thing.
Pregnancy Category C. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with DTaP-Cil vaccine.
It is also not known whether DTaP-Cil vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or affect reproductive capacity.
It is not approved for infants below 6 years of age and children 7 years of age or older.
They just admit it right there.
Alright, and here's an actual vaccine insert.
And this is, I think this has seven different vaccines and it's called Pentasil.
And once again, you open it up.
Pregnancy animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with the Pentacil vaccine.
It is not known whether Pentacil vaccine can cause harm when administered to a pregnant woman or affect reproduction capacity.
Pentacil vaccine is not approved for use of women of childbearing age.
So they don't even want women of childbearing age to take this vaccine, yet they're pushing it in this article from Daily Mail.
So Joseph, I want to go back to you.
What do you think of that?
They're still pushing it on pregnant women, yet there's studies saying that they've never even tested it.
That's in the insert.
What do you think of that, Joseph?
I've done some extensive research into toxemia and preeclampsia.
And preeclampsia is when the fetus now is becoming toxic.
And the mother and the fetus both know that there's an issue when the blood is toxic because the child, the fetus' kidneys and liver are not developed.
So the mother is responsible for the cleaning of the blood, correct?
And when the mother gets vaccinated, now the mother's blood has become toxic.
The toxic blood goes to the fetus.
The fetus is under attack now.
So the mother knows that there's an issue now with toxic blood going to the fetus.
So there are so many preemies because of this, because the mother will shed the child in order to save it from further exposure of toxins from her own blood.
But the preeclampsia and the toxemia, they kill so many children.
Because the blood is so tainted with so many toxins, there are metallic neurotoxins, that there's no way that a brand new baby's kidneys and liver can start to function right away.
And then they put the hep B in, right?
Right away!
Second day, they want to give them the hep B. Yeah.
Right, right away.
So they want to add insult to injury right on the kidneys and liver, bang, right away.
And then on top of that, when they do early clamping, when they clamp off the umbilical cord too soon, imagine this, the lungs now are full of amniotic fluid, right?
When they're in the womb.
So they're not breathing.
They have no oxygen saturation in their lungs.
So they clamp off the umbilical cord.
The child's not even developed oxygen in the lungs yet.
So now the brain is starved from oxygen because you've just cut off the blood flow.
From the mother to the fetus, the infant's brain.
And you're spanking the child trying to get it to breathe.
So it takes a little bit before the oxygen will actually saturate in the lungs and get into the blood.
So now you've just starved the brain for oxygen that way also.
On top of the blood being coated with toxins that don't allow the transfer of oxygen anyways.
So preeclampsia and toxemia right now kill so much.
And I want to get out, hopefully before I lose you, that I started this research when my sister first got injured and people tried to deny me back then.
And I hate losing an argument if I don't have enough facts.
So that is why I research all the way to the molecular level.
So that when somebody rebuts back to me something that doesn't make any sense, I'll explain it to them molecularly.
Well, you sound very educated on this, Joseph, and I want to get you as a guest on the Nightly News next week so you can really flesh this out maybe for three or four segments.
I mean, we'll give you like 30 minutes where you can just lay your research out that you've done as a layperson because I want people to know that they can also do this type of research and find out this information and they're not, they don't have to just listen to the authority figures to where they get their health information.
Can I tell my show that I actually started, or the case of being an alertist, an alarmist, to try to inform people?
Sure, tell your show, go ahead.
Where does your show air?
Our show is on the net.
It's on CAVE Radio Broadcasting dot com.
It's C-A-V-E Radio Broadcasting dot com.
The name of our show is Freedom Works.
Freedom and then works is W-O-R-X.
But FreedomWorks on K Radio Broadcasting, we do it every Sunday from 2 to 5.
We talk about vaccine injuries, and the vaccine protocol, and how allopathic medicine is nothing but legalized eugenics.
And we explain, you know, all of what we know.
And we're also open for input from anybody else that may have a correction if we're not going the right way.
Because I'm an electrician by trade.
Right, right.
I'm not a doctor.
And that's how this is.
You know, we all have to do our own research because it's our responsibility to look out for our kids.
It's not the doctor's responsibility.
It's not the healthcare industry's responsibility.
Their responsibility is to make money for their shareholders.
That's what their responsibility is.
So they don't have any responsibility to the actual health of our children.
They may tell you that in ads.
But as we just played that one ad that Darren McBreen voiced, that's not what happens.
They don't really care about the health of your kid.
Jo, we're going to run, but we're going to be talking to you very soon.
Zee in Florida, what is your vaccine story?
I have three grandchildren that was given those shots.
And before they were given the shots, they were kind of like happy and playful.
And now they just kind of like sit around.
They're different ages.
One is 14, one is 10, and the other one is 5.
But I'd like to share with you something that might be helpful to everyone concerned about that, because two or three days, maybe before the child gets ready to take those shots, if you would start giving them activated charcoal,
I activated charcoal and the minute that thing hit their bodies, it will be drawn straight out through the charcoal.
And that was something that everyone who is afraid to stand up to the government or, you know, those that are have this law going on, which is not a law.
We know it's not a law because I read it.
Myself were, and I sent it to my son-in-law, but he just chose to ignore it and have all the children vaccinated.
So that was not a very good choice for him to make, but I just want to share with the others.
If I had known when he was going to take them to, to get shots or anything like that, I would have had a slurry, uh, charcoal and water, have him drink it down several couple of days, maybe before.
And when they take that shot, it would draw it straight out of their bodies without being comfortable.
I appreciate that, Z. I appreciate that bit of information.
That, you know, it's amazing.
Activated charcoal, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide are all things that are very inexpensive to buy that also have amazing health benefits, and I encourage you to do the research on that.
Thank you very much for that story, Z. I'm sorry that your grandkids had to go through the full vaccination schedule.
It doesn't sound pleasant.
Sylvia in California, what is your vaccine story?
Okay, um, back in the 60s, you know, the vaccines weren't near as bad as what they have now.
And, uh, I had to have some vaccines for school.
Plus we were going to go overseas to Europe to visit my mom's relatives.
And the doctor gave us these shots.
And the next day I was standing on this brick, like bench around the tree and I was, everything in the world was spinning and I passed out.
My mother's reaction, she ended up in the hospital.
He tested us and he said we're allergic to the preservatives used in vaccines and advised us not to have any vaccines, especially flu vaccines.
For all these years, I haven't had to have any vaccines.
When the swine flu came out in 76, we just sweat it.
We just got under a bunch of blankets and did stuff to try and sweat the virus, whatever it was, out of us, you know?
And we were only sick three days.
But now I'm scared because they're passing all these laws in California wanting to force people to have vaccines.
And you know, there's all kinds of situations.
What if you have to go to the hospital?
What if, um, what if there's just some situation where you have to be in a place where there's groups of people and they want to require you to have shots there?
Um, what if I, a few years ago I was arrested on a stake in identity.
I looked like somebody that robbed a,
Gas station, and they had me there for two days and then they checked my fingerprints and everything and found out it was the wrong person.
But they were requiring people to take TB tests and all this stuff.
And they asked about a vaccine and I said, no thank you.
But you have the right to say no.
What about all these different situations?
What are people like us going to do?
People are going to have to stand up.
People are going to have to stand up and take action in a peaceful, lawful way, but just stand firm and say no.
I mean, you can't let people put stuff in your body.
It's criminal to let people do that and to force that on you.
And I applaud you for that.
You've known this for a long time.
There's a lot of people out there that don't know.
There's a lot of people that don't know that when you get some of these shots, you shed the virus.
For weeks at a time.
Especially the measles.
That's why a lot of people are getting measles and transferring it in this Disneyland thing.
We're already vaccinated, because they were actually shedding the virus, getting other people sick.
So, thank you for that, Sylvia.
Now we got James in California.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi.
Thanks, gentlemen, for having me on today.
Wonderful show, great topic.
My experience was, my son, he's five now.
During delivery, my wife and I obviously were in the hospital.
And, uh, you know, this is 2-3 o'clock in the morning.
Uh, extremely tired, extremely stressed.
And when they're ready to, you know, shoot your kid up with these things, it's just... Before they even ask you, they got these needles out, and they're just ready to stick them.
I mean, it was, uh... I mean, I'd still wake up in the middle of the night and, um, just freaked out, thinking something's gonna go wrong.
Um, but luckily,
We haven't experienced any difficulties yet with our son.
He's bright.
He's smart.
Uh, no problems.
Um, I think part of the thing that we did do that was right as soon as my wife became sorry, I'm getting a little, uh, upset about this, but, um, you know, I live here in crazy for anywhere.
They just want to push this garbage on you.
Now we're forced to have our kids shot up with it.
Just trying to go to school.
We have our son in a private school right now.
And basically, when he's ready to go into the first grade, we're going to be moving out of here, because we just don't want to deal with it.
But just the pressure they put you under, you know, during a stressful time like pregnancy and delivering your baby, and now they just want to shoot you up with this stuff.
It's crazy.
We had an all organic diet.
As soon as she became pregnant, filtered our water.
We still have an all organic diet.
We don't eat any GMO processed foods.
I need that garbage.
Use clear mason iodine.
Use super male, super female.
And, you know, right now everyone's healthy, and thank God for that.
Yeah, definitely.
And I like the fact that you're taking action and going, you know what, we're not going to stay around in this system.
We're just going to move our lives somewhere else.
And that's what you have a lot of people doing.
You have a lot of people putting their kids in homeschool.
You have a lot of people just moving out of the state of California because they don't want to put up with the medical tyranny.
We're going to be back.
I think we're only going to have time for those last three callers, Alden, Dr. Mike, and Crystal.
I wonder if Dr. Mike is pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine.
That'll be interesting.
He's in Wyoming.
So stay tuned.
We're going to find out here next on the Alex Jones Show.
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Day after day, alone on a hill
We're going to continue with your calls here for this last segment of the Overdrive Hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Rob Doo.
Coming up tonight, 7 p.m.
Central, Leanne McAdoo is going to be covering the refugee crisis and show you how it's been manufactured, essentially.
Well, one, by the U.S.
and NATO going and bombing other countries and creating instability, which is creating refugees who want to get out of that.
And then you've got Obama at the same time taking selfies out in Alaska, pretending, you know, about this global warming crisis.
At the same time, he's giving money to Iran, Saudi Arabia, and these countries aren't doing anything to help this immigration crisis of what's going on and just how all that folds together.
She's going to be covering that and a whole lot more on the InfoWars Nightly News tonight.
Prison Planet members at PrisonPlanet.tv can watch that live as it airs at 7 p.m.
And if you're not a member, I encourage you to get a membership today because you can share your username and password with up to 20 people at one time.
So that's 20 Infowarriors for the price of one.
Now let's get back to your calls.
We've got a short segment.
Alden, make your story quick.
Go ahead.
I've got two quick stories for you.
One's about my sister.
About eight years ago, she got a Gardasil shot when she was 18.
And shortly after that, she got chronic fatigue.
And she had that for about a year, and they called it mono.
She got rid of it for about six months.
Then, uh, it came back with like vengeance.
And ever since it came back, she's had it to this day.
And, uh, yeah, it's a very emotional, but I found out about the Gardasil, uh, facts and whatnot.
And, uh, I talked to my mom and, uh, she said that she already had the same conversation with my sister about it and that, uh, she thought the same thing, but about me.
A very similar thing happened to me when I was 18 about the same time frame as the vaccine my senior year and about three months after that time I had a migraine come in December 20th.
2009, I've had that same migraine every day for the past five plus years.
And I've had a stack, like you know that stack of paper you have on that desk?
That's like my file of the medical documents.
Like, have you seen the Botox commercials on TV?
I've done that.
It's sunk into my eye sockets and I was blinded for two weeks.
So I mean, I've had a horrible problem since and my family has kind of been cursed because of it.
They've created a one-size-fits-all situation for people and are trying to cram everybody into it and it is disgusting.
John, I want to go to Dr. Mike next and see what he has, make sure we get him in.
Dr. Mike in Wyoming, can you hear me?
Yes, just fine.
Can you hear me?
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, to the woman from California who had passed out after vaccination, I would suggest that she go back to the Asian doctor who diagnosed her with an immune reaction to that vaccine and see if he would help her make out a medical tag for medical alert.
So that if she does, you know, if she's ever in a car accident or whatever, they don't vaccinate her while she's unconscious or unable to fend for herself.
I tell you, I've written op-eds in the local paper, and if you want to see operatives come out of the woodwork, pharmaceutical companies must scour the newspapers, even in a small town in southwestern Wyoming.
They ferreted out my piece and wrote an opposing piece.
Fortunately, I had enough ammunition to fight back from Dr. Sherry Tenpenny and her website and others.
I just completely shot this guy down and never heard from him again.
But I warn people, especially pregnant women, away from the Hepatitis B vaccine, which they will jab into your child's thigh before he takes his first breath.
Which makes absolutely no sense in this country.
So I do try to warn people, but it's kind of a gray area.
If you look at the data that people have compiled, the number of autism and related cases start to rise very quickly.
There's an inflection point back in the 80s.
I totally agree.
Dr. Mike, we've got to run.
That's our show for today.
Join us back here tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central and the Nightly News tonight at 7.
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