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Name: 20150903_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 3, 2015
3511 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers topics such as police brutality, alternative health remedies, conspiracy theories, and product promotions. In one segment, the host interviews attorney Adam Lowy who discusses the importance of holding the government accountable in civil rights cases. The show also promotes various products related to survivalism, healthcare, and alternative news sources while discussing current events and listener call-ins.

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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, I'm getting revved up for a powerful transmission.
Obviously, the news just gets more intense.
Joe Biggs will be joining us from Fox Lake, Illinois for an update.
He's going to be coming back home on one of the latest police officers killed.
And we have a Austin attorney who's really at the center of both sides with the situation with the crisis with police brutality, but also the crisis of police being executed all over the country.
He'll be joining us in studio to look at the race war that I can really officially say has been artificially started in this country and is truly despicable.
We're going to get into the latest on Donald Trump, the latest on Hillary, the latest on the giant immigrant waves slamming into every Western country.
It is an intensifying globalist takeover.
And we're going to open the phones up early in the first hour.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Again, I am your host, Alex Jones.
Here's John Bowne's report on Obama's Al Qaeda buddies.
ISIS has threatened yet another document of human history.
In war, there are essentially three ways that historic monuments are destroyed.
Either in a hail of gunfire as it's exchanged by warring soldiers, or demolished by bombs dropped from the air.
Or more recently, by a Frankenstein monster of religious zealots arrogantly expressing their domination of a captured area and destruction of idols.
Hundreds of casualties in air raids on Syrian market.
And the media is demonizing the Syrian government saying, how dare they?
It looks like a bunch of civilians got killed because Al-Qaeda, ISIS, as they always do, base their head base in the city they've taken over, this is admitted, in the middle of the market.
Because there's buildings within the market.
Syria has now turned the tide against the rebels two years ago.
Now they've had the tide turned against them.
The rebels hold more than 60% of the country.
They're taking major towns and cities every week.
Russia is basically starting to withdraw support from Syria.
It looks like it's going to fall to Al-Qaeda.
And they are going to murder every Christian and Jew they get their hands on.
And then you'll hear our media go, gee, Syria's so failed, they're killing everyone, it's so sad!
Just like Libya.
Recently, Syrian scholar Khalid al-Assad was beheaded by ISIS militants as a stark message to President Bashir al-Assad as ISIS wages its United Nations and CIA-backed horror across the Middle East into the jowls of Damascus.
The legendary 82-year-old scholar had been interrogated for a month over the location of treasures from Palmyra.
His beheaded and mutilated corpse was hung from one of the Roman-era column ruins in the ancient Assyrian city.
With him dissipates decades of world history and irreplaceable relics that stood for thousands of years.
Before the destruction of Palmyra, the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrod, the site believed to have been where the Tower of Babel was built, was destroyed in March.
Secretary of State John Kerry said he was disturbed by the destruction in Nimrod.
Yet, none of this would have happened without Kerry's hidden hand allowing the ISIS monster to grow on his watch.
Mark Altwill, Professor of Archaeology at University College of London said, I would describe Nimrod as one of the really unique archaeological sites in the entire ancient Near East.
Nimrud is the capital of the first empire in this long series of empires that have profound significance in the way this region develops and ultimately how it affects our own society.
In March of 2015, ISIS ravaged Iraq's antiquities, destroying the ancient royal city of Sargon in Khorzabad, northeast of Mosul.
The ancient city of Hatra and the Mosul Museum, where many of the Assyrian artifacts were housed, was destroyed.
The multi-million dollar Mosul library that housed thousands of ancient books and manuscripts were looted and used for firewood, and Jonah's tomb was blown up.
Jonah's story being one that is spread among all faiths.
Meanwhile, the United Nations stands by and wrings its hands, deeming the destruction a war crime.
All right, we'll be back.
A humanitarian crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War is happening right now across the globe.
Syrian refugees streaming into Europe refuse to be put into camps and are boarding trains for Germany, where the government has pledged billions of dollars in euros to support them, to cover the cost of social benefits, language courses and refugee integration into the labor market.
Germany expects 800,000 refugees this year, up from 200,000 last year.
More than 4 million more wait to enter Europe from camps in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon.
Most of the refugees are Sunni Muslims, but yet these wealthy Sunni Muslim countries like Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Bahrain have refused to take in refugees.
The unfolding humanitarian crisis in Europe, the largest since the Second World War, is a direct result of the effort by the United States and the Gulf Emirates to overthrow the Syrian government.
Leanne McAteer reporting for InfoWars.com
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Alex Jones here with a very important news alert for InfoWars listeners.
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There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
We think, just let me think.
I suspect even now orders are being shouts into telephones and men with guns will still be on their way.
It's Chancellor Settler.
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words are for the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have sensors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and subjecting your submission.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
Thank you for joining us, ladies and gentlemen, on this Thursday, the third day of September 2015.
We'll be live tomorrow with the Friday transmission.
We'll be live Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
as well.
And I'm going to tape and also put together a best-of show that'll be a mix of new reports and also some of our best-ofs coming up on Monday over the holiday-long weekend.
And of course, there's InfoWars Nightly News, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time that you'll be able to tune into
Sunday broadcast four to six, the nightly news of course seven o'clock weeknights.
I am just so incredibly frustrated and outraged by the clear, naked, open promotion of racial division and race war
in this country and the shocking rhetoric of Louis Farrakhan and other organizations that if any other organization or group was saying it, you would have investigations, you would have indictments.
But because we have a Justice Department and a White House and then George Soros above that,
Quarterbacking the operation, it is seen as acceptable by the minions in the government who then won't respond or do anything about the promotion of what is clearly terrorism in this country.
Going out and shooting and killing and executing people.
And regardless of what you think about some of the police out there, they have a right to a judge, they have a right to a jury, they have a right to due process.
And I know the argument is some of these judges and juries and grand juries are corrupt and cops get away with a lot.
And in some jurisdictions that's certainly true.
In some jurisdictions the good cops get targeted.
All I know is there is an organized, planned program
To start a civil war in this country, ignited by race war, right at a time that the globalist social engineers are causing conflicts all over the planet.
And they'll take any division they can, exacerbate it to create, divide, and conquer.
They'll come in and hype Crip versus Blood to get blacks killing each other.
And now look where that is today.
So it's a very serious situation.
And I know that the audience of this broadcast is fully aware of that.
I know that the audience of this radio show slash TV show understands that, but we have to get that information out.
To everyone else in the country and the world, and we have tens of millions of regular listeners.
We've probably got upwards of 10 million hardcore listeners and fans of Liberty that tune in each and every week.
We've got four or five million people.
We have all the metrics that tune in every day.
We have over 10 million people that kind of passively come through the show and the different platforms of the broadcast every week.
And those are the real people we're trying to shake out of their doldrums, shake out of their trance, to realize the big picture, and understand the epic historical developments that are taking place right now.
When they're bold enough to start renaming mountains, and the president is operating as a dictator shutting down power plants, opening borders, funding ISIS,
When they're bold enough to be selling body parts of babies and whole babies.
When they're bold enough to be putting fluoride in the water known to lower IQ and cause brain damage and bone cancer.
When they're bold enough, we have new footage out of Mexico of girls convulsing and collapsing and writhing after they're given the Gardasil shot.
That video is up on InfoWars.com.
And this is the response that's happened in other parts of the world.
They push it, it's trendy, cool, wonderful, from Australia to the United States, and a good minority of the girls that take it have convulsions within an hour of taking it.
A smaller minority die.
Others have autoimmune disorders.
Others get Guillain-Barre, narcolepsy.
It is admittedly a super dangerous vaccine that has been banned in many countries.
And they're forcing every girl in Mexico
Every school-age girl to take it.
They do it at the school and they give it to them in the morning and by lunchtime their infirmary is full of girls writhing around having convulsions, blood coming out of their noses and they can just do this and just push it as establishment and get away with it.
Just like yesterday in the fourth hour, we re-aired a David Knight interview from the Nightly News a few months ago with a whistleblower nurse.
She sent us her ID, she sent us all her proof from the major hospital that she's a senior nurse at.
Of course, we didn't show all that on air.
Another whistleblower report, the woman did use her name, and they said, we run the preemie departments.
They could be six months, seven months, they could even be doing well for a week.
We get the order, inoculate them all, and we get ready to get respirators, defibrillators, we get ready to fight for their lives.
We hold their hands, we give them the vaccines, and the poor little things start convulsing, and they start losing them.
This is the modern firing squads.
And it's done hidden in plain view.
And they don't care if you're an FBI agent's baby girl.
They don't care if you're an auto mechanic's baby boy.
They don't care if you're Hispanic.
They don't care if you're black.
They don't care if you're white.
They don't care if you're an immigrant from Russia or Mexico.
The New World Order wants to inject you and just normalize all the death, all the mental illness.
All the brain damage, all the neurological disorders, all the autism, all the autoimmune disorders, and just normalize that suddenly there's all these sick people everywhere.
And we had 1 in 25,000 with autism 30 years ago, and now it's 1 in 58.
CDC's own numbers.
They estimate 1 in 10, then 1 in 3.
1 in 10 by 2025, 1 in 3 by 2030.
Just type it in.
You can pull it up yourself.
And it'll be normal just to... Don't be against everybody that's in wheelchairs and can't talk while you're being hateful of the crippled people.
Don't use the word crippled.
Be politically correct.
Use the term handicap.
See, it's all about don't use the word crippled, but don't care why everybody is crippled.
See how they play these games?
We don't sell the embryonic tissue of babies in the first three weeks.
We just sell the fetal tissue up to nine months.
It's all semantical games.
All little jokes.
All little scams.
All so funny.
Gaming all the unconscious TV heads.
They're like little children.
I walk around and see the general public.
They're like little kids.
Their eyes are just kind of open.
In a trance state, just putting on fronts of how they're tough, how they're cool, how they're smart, how they've got money.
All of it's just like reef with bright colors showing off to each other.
Well, I'm not a stupid reef fish.
I'm not a parrot either to repeat things.
I can see clearly what's happening to us and it's nightmare.
It's just crazy town.
And people don't even know they're living in the beginning of a total dystopia.
They have no idea.
It's all scientifically planned.
I've looked at it closely.
It's very alien.
And I have no proof of aliens.
I don't get into UFOs.
But the more I research this and look at it, this is not of this world, man.
I'm a Christian.
It's the devil.
That's all I can handle.
It's the devil.
Every culture said there's this evil force that gets people to do bad things, and that there's a master design behind it that's beyond humans, and I'm telling you, I've looked at this, and it's so sophisticated, and the formulae is so sickening, that I want to believe it's an entity, a spirit, and not my fellow humans.
But the truth is, you get seven and a half billion people, there's a large
group of people in this world that'll sell their mama out for a stick of bubblegum and then there are very small groups of people that have super high IQs and are almost like Asperger's idiot savants when it comes to manipulating people and they're cold-blooded and they have a real hunger for death a real hunger for enslavement and just other people don't see it
You read history, you see it, but I don't even need to read history, I have.
I can tune into their BS.
And it's just like living with these people.
And seeing, and they're smirking, they're laughing, they're gang signs, they're Illuminati garbage.
Makes me sick.
I mean, these people are evil.
Evil, evil, evil.
I'm gonna come back, get into our top stories, and then I'm gonna open the phones up, and we start the bottom of the hour segment.
I'm gonna go to your calls very, very soon.
Stay with us.
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Joe Biggs is going to pop in for about five minutes at the start of the next segment.
Then we'll go to your phone calls.
Ran around all night with the police, searching in fields, you name it, for whoever shot the police officer.
The three men, one black man, two white men, there in Illinois a few days ago.
And there's been more police shootings since then.
In Boston, a police car got shot up and blew up.
And there's more calls for police to be killed.
And these people sitting around calling for folks to be killed have never really killed anybody, I don't think.
It's one thing to go out and kill somebody.
That's bad enough to just sit around, yeah, kill police!
Go and shoot them!
I mean, it's just calling for premeditated, cold-blooded murder of people you don't even know by a bunch of wimps.
I guarantee you that I've never killed anybody.
It shows people that are disconnected from reality.
It's like the ultimate example of people that'll send you threatening emails.
Studies show, but they won't do it in person.
They'll send you really rude, hateful emails in person.
People you know.
But in person, they won't do it.
Something about the internet, something about giving a speech that people don't get that it's actually having an effect.
But police charged a woman for false report and cop killer manhunt.
Biggs was there when this all went down.
We're going to be talking about that.
We're going to get into Europe's borders continuing to collapse by design.
Report on Infowars.com.
Trump to sign GOP pledge precluding a third-party run.
Refugees from U.S.-Saudi-sponsored Syrian war flood into Europe.
Neutron bombs used in Yemen?
The shocking video that Rob Dew got off Spanish television, off Mexican TV.
Young girls convulsed on the floor after HPV shot.
News on the economy we're going to be breaking down.
And the economics of Bernie Sanders.
That's some of the news in the featured news area of InfoWars.com.
We've got a report out I see on Drudge.
Hacker threatens to sell Hillary's entire unreleased private emails for $500,000.
FBI scouring server for evidence of spying.
Aid expected to plead fifth before House panel.
So now Hillary's people are pleading the fifth, they're getting ready to.
Crowley, Clinton's plan to counterattack Obama.
See, now it's basically admitted that there's a fight between the Clintons and Obama over who will control the next dynasty.
There's a flashback about how Julian Assange will be Hillary's worst nightmare.
In 2016, another report, Buddha passed on the brink.
That's Hungary.
We won't be taken to the camps as hundreds of thousands of illegals pour in.
Some of the Eastern European countries that don't have any money and are already collapsing are like, look, we're bussing you out.
We're taking you out.
We're getting rid of you.
And they're like, no, we won't.
We're going to stay.
Shocking moment.
Desperate father throws himself, his wife and baby onto rail tracks in Hungary after releasing
Their train to Austria is actually taking them to a refugee camp.
And there is video of that, again, that we can play for the TV viewers, the radio listeners can simply go to Infowars.com or DrudgeReport.com and see it.
But the woman, Muslim woman, with her husband and the baby, throwing themselves on the railroad tracks,
rather than being sent back to their country.
And then we have ISIS and Al-Qaeda forces funded by the West ravaging these Muslim countries, destabilizing them, so they then flood into our nations.
But you'll never be shown these images of what's happening in the countries they're fleeing.
No, no, no.
It's just once they get here to elicit a response of feeling sorry for them.
But this is what's going on, and there's six-plus billion people that want to come here.
There are six-plus billion people of the seven-and-a-half billion, really it's more than six billion, that want to come here.
And I mean, it'd be one thing if the hard-working ones, the ones that had skills came here and there wasn't welfare, but I mean, we're already bankrupt.
This is game over.
This is the political takeover.
And we don't know why they have political correctness where you can't criticize radical Islam under their model.
It's because they plan.
I never used to believe this when I heard folks talk about it at WorldNetDaily or Glenn Beck.
But I've actually got to say, they've been proven right.
Or Jerome Corsi.
There really is a plan.
To bring in intolerant groups and then force us to accept their way of life under political correctness while we lose our freedom of speech.
There's a billion plus Muslims and the plan is to radicalize them then bring them in.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Will Donald Trump sign the GOP pledge precluding a third-party run?
According to a close associate, the GOP candidate intends to sign the loyalty pledge that would bind him to endorse the Republican nominee and would preclude him a third-party run.
The Republican National Committee has made it clear that they want every candidate running for nomination to sign a pledge not to break off and run as a third-party candidate under any circumstances.
The GOP is worried that third-party campaigns will jeopardize the party's chances against the eventual Democratic presidential candidate.
And as he's currently the most popular candidate, the GOP is concerned that Donald Trump may break off from the pact, and he has repeatedly threatened to do so.
Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul reminded everyone that it was Ross Perot who ended up giving us the first Clinton, and if Trump breaks off, he could give us another Clinton.
For more reports, visit InfoWars.com.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Thursday, the third day of September 2015 worldwide broadcast.
Joe Biggs is going to pop in from Fox Lake, Illinois, the site of the police officer that was killed a few days ago.
He ran around with the police during their manhunt last night.
He reported to us last night, now it's in the news today, USA Today.
Police charge woman for false report in cop killer manhunt.
And he witnessed that last night.
We've got a bunch of HD footage he sent us that we're going to be premiering.
It's very interesting, the nightly news tonight of him running around in fields, pretty much with the police with flashlights.
And again, this is simply embedding himself in the middle of it when the rest of the press just sat back waiting for press conferences.
To actually see what was happening.
Just a snapshot of what's happening in America.
We're going to your phone calls here in just a few minutes.
Taylor, Neal, Otter, Cash, Wilde, and others.
Go ahead now and we're going to flip over to video Skype on the ground with Joe Biggs reporting for InfoWars.com.
Joe, what have you witnessed so far since we talked to you yesterday?
Joe Biggs here with InfoWars.com.
Now I'm standing outside of the Fox Lake Police Department yet again.
Day 2.
Last night, or yesterday I should say, I got a few tips that police were going door-to-door again throughout the neighborhoods, right across from where the police officer was shot and killed.
Now earlier yesterday morning, the police came out and said that they had suspended the search in this area.
But then they started following up on leads that they were getting through social media, which brought them back to the neighborhood across from there.
And I had the opportunity to go through and take some pictures and video of these guys going door-to-door.
Now, these guys weren't dressed up in regular cop gear.
These guys had on, you know, bulletproof vests, Uzis, assault rifles, shotguns, everything you could think of.
And they said, hey, we're going door-to-door.
We're looking for a suspected cop killer.
We have to treat each home like there could be a violent person in there.
So these guys are going around doing that.
And during that time, there was a vigil that was going on as well for the police officer, which had a lot of folks distracted.
A lot of people were gone.
There was about a thousand people who showed up for Lieutenant Glinovich's vigil that was going on.
So I had the opportunity to walk up and down the street without a lot of traffic and watch these guys as they went from house to house, following leads and, you know, whatever you have you with that.
During that time, a lady came out from her house with a cell phone
Instead, a friend of hers called her that works at the Dollar General.
Joe, your Skype's breaking up.
Wait a minute until it gets better and then go back about 10 seconds.
A lady came out of her house with a cell phone.
Please continue.
Yes, a lady came out of her house with a cell phone and a friend of hers had called who worked at the Dollar General, which is not too far up the road from where we were at, about a five minute drive.
And the lady said that two girls had walked into the store and were bragging about who had killed the cops.
They knew who it was.
So, she handed the phone over to the U.S.
The Marshals talked to that lady, the Dollar General, and they had a further walk.
They took their time.
They had a good, you know, quarter of a mile walk to get back to their vehicle.
My vehicle is only 100 yards away.
So, I talked to the lady.
I said, hey, what information did you just tell the Marshals?
She says, yeah, my friend's working up here at the store.
Uh, some girls came in bragging that they knew who, uh, you know, killed the cop.
So I jumped in my vehicle and beat feet over there and got there before the police did.
And when I walked up, the lady goes, she just seemed freaked out.
I said, Hey, did you just call someone and say that you saw someone talking about, uh, who killed the cop?
And she flipped out.
She says, I can't talk to you.
The U S marshal told me not to talk to anybody.
So at that point in time, that's when things started to heat up because the marshals pulled up.
They started talking and then that's when you start seeing more police presence coming out.
Then a few hours later, you get this bogus call coming in.
It's about 9.20pm last night.
This lady calls in, says that she was driving down the road, her car broke down, and she was on the side of the road.
Two guys approached her asking if they could get a ride into Milwaukee.
And she said, by her story, is that they ran because they were scared that she was going to call the cops on them.
And she gave the description of what the police are looking for.
We know that there's two white male suspects on the loose and a black male.
She said that there was a white male and a black male that tried to essentially rob her and take her car.
So this began an all-night manhood.
I stayed up for 24 hours straight yesterday.
I haven't eaten.
And quite honestly, I'm pissed.
I hope they throw this woman under the jail because if the suspects weren't out of town and they were in Fox Lake yesterday,
Guess what?
They're sure as hell going to be gone now because all they had to do was turn on the TV and see all the helicopters flying overhead, the airplanes, hundreds, you know, if not even maybe one or two thousand police officers running around up and down the streets through cornfields, which I was involved in.
I'm going through cornfields looking around.
I'm not scared to go out there.
So we're out there running around looking for this because we thought this was a credible threat.
And the next thing you know, you start getting
People are calling in saying, hey, there's suspicious people walking through our yards, this and that.
So next thing you know, there was this wild goose chase going on all night and till about two, three o'clock in the morning.
And it was all because a lady lied because she wanted attention.
She was a nanny and she was looking for attention from a family that she was working for.
Well, she's going to get attention now.
I mean, I've never seen one of these cross burnings in modern times where it wasn't people doing it for attention.
I mean, there's been some real Nazi murders and Klan murders, but not really cross burnings in yards.
Every Jewish center we've seen, without exception, with the swastikas put on it, has been fake.
Every time a dorm gets a swastika put on it, it's been fake.
I mean, it's almost always, I think there's been a few real ones total, it's almost always a false flag.
And same way women that claim three black guys raped them and, you know, carved stuff on their face, turns out that's a lie.
Or a black lady claims white people raped them, that's a lie.
There is a penchant
In criminology, just like men commit most murders, women commit most of the making stuff up to get attention.
It's just bizarre.
They'll claim they're raped all the time.
And that's why so many times the police don't believe a woman when she claims that they've been raped if there isn't hardcore evidence because so many women lie and say they've been raped.
I mean, I just don't get the psychology of claiming that, you know, you get carjacked or you get attacked if you didn't, Joe.
At the end of the day, this is just so sad, especially for this community.
There was a thousand people who showed up to this police officer's vigil.
That's a lot of people.
I hope that many people show up if I die to something.
You know, that's amazing to show you that the community really liked this person.
You know, we hear about a lot of bad police officers, but this was a good police officer.
I mean, there were people that have known to have been scumbags in this town who showed up.
People respected this guy and showed up for him.
And this lady threw it all away.
She disrespected the community.
She screwed up the entire manhunt.
Because like I said, all these guys would have had to have done last night was turn on the TV and see that these guys were south, and they could have just walked out of here free.
Because there was no cops up here.
They were all down here.
And all the news was up here at the police station, about 15 minutes away or 10 minutes away from where everything was going on.
Yeah, lying woman blows manhunt.
Joe Biggs, I'm going to go to calls.
Great job.
Are you planning to come home today or tomorrow?
Yeah, today.
Alright, well anything else you want to add about what you've seen, what you've taken away from this?
Well, I do find it's very interesting the fact that the police said that they were going to come at this armed door-to-door and treat every home they go to like there is, you know, some armed suspect, especially when we have rights.
I mean, you're innocent until proven guilty, so I think that's a little messed up, but that's the message that they put out, that they're going to go around armed like every home they go to is a potentially a violent situation.
Well, if these guys are hiding there, that's certainly the case, but there's always bad guys hiding somewhere.
So, absolutely, it's an escalation of the threat continuum and basically turning everyone into suspects in a police state, which is going to sow distrust and only cause the war between the people and the police to accelerate.
Joe Biggs, great job.
We'll see you back here tomorrow in the studio to break things down.
Thank you.
Thank you for having me on, Alex.
You bet.
Thank you.
Great job going up there.
Now, we're going to go to your phone calls, and then coming up, speaking of that, there is a dead police officer memorial just about a mile away from where the deputy was executed last Friday in the county where Houston's based, Harris County.
And folks have been egging that, and there's been more calls on radio and TV to kill police.
I mean, this is insane asylum level.
And it's only being allowed by the White House to start a civil war.
And I know I keep repeating that, but I've been saying it the last few years, every day.
Now it's clear it's happening.
We're trying to stop it.
This thing has basically been on slow burn.
Now the fuse is burning very, very fast.
And for all intents and purposes, this stuff has already begun.
If it goes one level higher of escalation, it's going to chain reaction.
We are right on the verge of hundreds of police getting killed.
And then the police are just going to go completely crazy.
They're going to stop responding to regular crime as they've done in Baltimore and other areas.
And then crime is just going to explode.
Especially in the areas where people are disarmed.
But even in areas where we have guns, crime is going to go up.
Right as the economy falls apart.
And you can just see the writing on the wall.
This is a sickening situation.
I'm going to your phone calls now.
I knew it'd be a hit.
We came out with our own Hillary Clinton for Prison t-shirts.
And we've already sold about a third of those.
We've got more on order.
But if you do want to support the broadcast and also wake people up, the fact that Hillary Clinton is a criminal, it's a collector's item.
We're only going to make these in the last few months of this year.
We've got a lot of special edition t-shirts.
This is one of them.
Hillary for Prison 2016.
On the back it says InfoWars.com Legalize Freedom.
Using a Ron Paul quote.
So, people can say, what do you mean Hillary for President?
Well, here's the thing she's done and, you know, if we punish her, we can start punishing other politicians.
We need to bring the fear of God into these people, legally and lawfully.
And, well, who are you with?
What do you stand for?
Well, Infowars.com.
Well, what's it?
Well, it wants to legalize freedom.
It's a movement of people that are sick of corruption, want common sense,
And judge individuals on the character of their deeds, what they stand for, not what color they are, not what group they're part of, but what they stand for, how they live, what they do.
So the Hillary for prison.
Rob Dew had a great idea when he was hosting in the fourth hour yesterday.
We brought that hour back, but now kind of a wrap-up roundtable show.
Fire at Will.
We're thinking of the name of it.
Should it be just a wrap-up show?
Should it be Overdrive?
Fire at Will?
Or should there be sections in Overdrive, like Fire at Will, where each reporter in here covers ten stories in, you know, two minutes or something?
I don't know, but we're really going to heavily program that fourth hour.
By program, you know, actually script it more with clips and
Guest and we're formulating it right now, but it's gonna be probably one of the hottest hours of the four hours every single day here.
And it's up on the satellite for all of our radio affiliates to pick it up if they would like to.
The fourth hour will now be live every day except like on holidays.
So the Hillary Clinton for Prison, Hillary for Prison shirt available at InfoWarsStore.com or by calling toll free to secure yours 888-253-3139.
Again, that's 888-253-3139.
And finally,
After three months being sold out, Liver Shield is back for the liver cleanse.
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Blow that up and I can read it.
It's so small.
I believe it has a 4.8.
The point is, of all of our products, it's really amazing.
It's back.
It's very hard to get the herbs and have them purified and organic and concentrated.
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And it's available at Infowarslife.com, and we also have the new Deep Cleanse that was sold out for about a month and a half.
It's back in in limited supply, and hopefully we're trying to ramp up production, but these both will undoubtedly probably sell out by next Tuesday or Wednesday.
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Adina Silkeball, there you go.
So, no teleprompters, so it's hard to say these words from memory.
Infowarslife.com, and your purchases help fund the launch of the TV network, expanding the transmissions, the news websites, the special reports, the reporters on the ground.
So thank you all for helping build Infowars in a win-win situation.
Okay, we're gonna have open phones right through the next hour and news.
I said go to calls early in this hour, that at least means I get to them in this hour.
But we will take a lot of calls today, so thank you for holding.
Taylor in Michigan, you're on the air, thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, I've got in my possession a Department of Homeland Security document that's went under the radar.
This right here is bombshell information.
This is the cherry on top of the pie of the volumes of tyrannical literature that the DHS has put out, labeling every facet of the American people as constituting the number one domestic extremist threat to our national security.
Okay, it's the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency National Exercise Program.
And it's entitled, you can type this in, it's entitled National Exercise Program Capstone Exercise 2014 Scenario Ground Truth.
And in this exercise, under section 6.1, under Cyber Operations, the exercise... Sure, sir, just slow down for just a minute.
I've seen a lot of documents, and I think I've seen this one before, and some are real, some aren't, and so I'm not saying you're wrong.
Give me the title of it right now, and I'll type it in and pull it up for my... I'll type it in and pull it up for myself.
I just had my... I just had my mouse here, but I'll try my best to get it.
Go ahead and give me the headline so myself and everybody else can follow along.
What is the name of the document?
Okay, it's National Exercise Program, Capstone Exercise 2014.
Go slower.
Go slower.
I'm not a typist.
Sorry, I was just trying to move along.
You're doing great.
I'm going to ask you again.
I'm slow here, but I'm going to do it myself.
Go ahead and give me National Level Exercise.
National Exercise Program.
Go ahead.
Capstone Exercise 2014.
Yeah, I remember this.
Okay, thank you.
I wasn't trying to be rude.
I just wanted to get it.
Now go ahead, sir.
It's called Scenario Ground Truth, too.
Yeah, I found it.
You can document it right in here.
Okay, go ahead.
Yeah, FEMA Capstone 2014 National Exercise.
Yes, we covered this at InfoWars.com.
And then they've got the Army training manuals to put us in FEMA camps.
No, I know, sir.
It's all public.
Yeah, and I just wanted to point out, you know, for the people that have any doubt as to what is coming, the military puts a name on the face of the enemy they're going to fight.
Under Section 6.1, quote, this is the scenario story setting, the U.S.
Northern Command mission of defense support to civil authorities has led to increased activity by some anti-government organization.
Currently, the most vocal organization is Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny.
Using social media, they advertise anti-U.S.
rhetoric focusing on the Department of Defense, as well as to recruit like-minded individuals to join their cause.
And they go on to say that their number one focus is sympathizers within the government and military.
To the cause of free Americans against socialist tyranny.
I mean, this is bold right here.
Yes, I remember whenever this came out, InfoWars wrote a story about it.
Homeland Security exercise targets free Americans against socialist tyranny.
Paul Joseph Watson wrote about that in March of 2014.
Sir, I'm glad you're freaking out about this.
I'm glad you're upset.
I'm glad you're concerned.
Do you understand we have the Emergency Centers Establishment Act?
We have the
Civilian inmate labor camp program.
We have the internment resettlement army document.
We have the military telling us they're training for this.
And so they're gearing up to go after gun owners and veterans and local police officers, you name it, while funding a race war.
They're clearly gearing up for something big.
And I just wonder, how do all these crooks in the Obama administration and people above them think they're going to get away with this?
But they've certainly got some plan, and the answer is... False flags!
To be blamed and that's why they kind of gave like a catch-all fictional name so that Homeland Security people reading that document would try to search that and wouldn't find any real groups bearing that or would then find doppelgangers run by the feds that put out hateful rhetoric.
Understand that's not really a real group from my research last year back at the time.
It's just a catch-all so the people reading it for themselves can't go out and find out if it's true or not.
It's just, oh people against socialists.
And yes, they are preparing this, and that's why you add the move with the White House protected groups saying kill police.
How are they going to then say kill the police, but then still blame the patriots?
Well, how are they going to create Al Qaeda and ISIS, turn them loose all over the Middle East to kill everybody?
And then turn around and say we've got to bomb Assad to stop ISIS, when Assad is fighting ISIS.
See, that's how crazy this is, is the public is so illiterate when it comes to politics and terms.
That's what George Orwell said.
You destroy language, you destroy people's minds.
It's like trying to talk to, and I'm not being mean, but it's like trying to explain algebra to somebody that's got Down syndrome.
I mean, I have trouble doing algebra.
I don't have a very mathematical brain.
But I can figure it out.
I can pass the class.
I can do some trigonometry.
But you try to teach it to somebody with a 70 IQ, it ain't happening.
Well, they've artificially, with chemicals and TV and the culture, done this to people now where they might say that, you know, groups killing hundreds of cops, even though, you know, it's Black Lives Matter connected groups, they might come out and say the patriots did it.
I mean, they say I'm behind the Boston bombing.
They say I want cops dead with no proof.
I said at the time, they'll end up within a year blaming Assad for Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
And they did exactly that.
So I actually believe once they start a wave of cops being killed, they're going to have some patriot group they run be set up for killing a bunch of cops at some police event or something.
A bomb, who knows?
And then they're gonna say, we're done with cops being killed, we're arresting the patriots.
And the average person will just say, okay, do it.
I mean, it's so warped, it's so sick, it's so upside down, it's so illogical.
I don't even know what to say at this point, brother, but it's definitely happening.
Anything else?
Yeah, I would like to add.
My friend is in the Detroit State Police.
I played hockey with him.
I can give you his name off air.
He specifically, my friends were asking him at the bar, this was in October of 2013, they're asking him, hey, are you still being trained to go after the Libertarians and the Ronald Paul supporters?
And he kind of like laughed it off.
And then he straight up told us that they're being prepared by the DHS for all out civil war in 2017.
I just, I mean, I vetted that for quite a while.
And now it just, it really seems to be,
Coming to fruition.
I just thought that was interesting.
I know.
It is coming to fruition.
I don't wish any black people harm, any cops harm.
I don't wish any Hispanics harm.
I don't wish any Asians harm.
I just want to have free market and have a country and let us have power plants and let us grow food and let us eat good food that isn't GMO and don't shoot kids up with deadly vaccines and let us be healthy and not have us surveilled all the time and, you know, just have a basic, decent, prosperous country.
But that isn't what the globalists want.
They want to capture and break the back of this country.
And this is modern globalist warfare right now.
And I really appreciate you, Taylor, for calling in, you know, short of breath.
Oh, FEMA document says it wants to go after the patriots and round us up with the military.
It's at FEMA.gov.
And I can't believe you're not.
We did talk about it.
But I should be talking about this more.
But that's my problem is I've been so close to this so long.
That maybe I should just drink fluoride and take all the vaccines and just get cancer and die.
And just worship the government and worship, you know, I'll have a sex change and just die of cancer and worship tyranny and worship Satan.
And just worship all the babies, you know, worship the government killing the babies and selling their body parts and be glad little kids are dying everywhere of bone cancer from fluoride in the water.
And just be glad everybody's becoming mentally brain damaged and just go find a trash dump somewhere and just roll around in piles of garbage.
But I'm not going to do that.
I mean, I'm a sick freak.
I just like good, clean, healthy, happy things.
I like justice, I like freedom, and I'm a bad person because I'm not like the world, I guess.
I guess you're bad too out there, listeners.
Neil in Arizona, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, hi, Alex.
I'm an author of a book called Global Economic Collapse, The New Dark Ages, and I actually wanted to talk about... It's a good title.
It's a good title.
Thank you, sir.
Yeah, it's going to happen.
I was on your show and talked to Lyndon LaRouche before, and he introduced me to the Glass-Steagall Act.
I wanted to talk about the borders, though, being down here in Tucson and it becoming a sanctuary city because we have a liberal mayor and a liberal sheriff.
And out here, you have to basically own a gun to protect yourself in the rural areas.
And I'm going through a situation where I've been targeted by corrupt police.
I'm kind of a whistleblower.
And I complained about police corruption and them ignoring our complaints.
And there's even an article about it.
If I can listen,
If I could say the title of the article, is that okay?
Yeah, man, I don't screen your calls on air, bro!
I don't do it!
I don't do it!
Whoa, man!
What do you mean if you can say the title of an article?
Well, I didn't know if there's copyright restrictions or anything.
Sir, there's no copyright on your speech to say the name of articles?
You never know nowadays if you ever hear everything.
Okay, please Google the Saga of Three Points, and it's about an area out here 100 miles north of the border.
Hey, I don't mean to be rude to you, Neil.
Just stay there and I'll come back to you in 70 seconds.
We start the next hour.
It's just, you see how political correctness works and copyright stuff?
We all censor ourselves.
Where he thinks he can't say the name of an article.
I mean, brother.
Oh my God.
Alex Jones here with a very important news alert for InfoWars listeners.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Neil, sorry.
We're just taking calls.
We just joined us on stations out there.
Callers always call me and they either thank me, which is fine, but like Rush Limbaugh said 20 years ago, just say dittos.
Thank you for the thank, but let's hear your info.
Listeners want to hear what you have to say.
I want to hear what you have to say.
Then they'll go further and they'll say, is it all right if I cover these topics?
Because they're used to talk radio.
You call up and get interrogated and have to get permission to get on air.
We don't screen the calls on air.
I'm not a call screener.
So it's become a pet peeve, you might as well punch me in the nose, to ask me if you can say something.
Now, all you can't do is give out phone numbers, because you could give out the wrong number or somebody else's number.
But it's a public number, I'm fine with it.
But other than that, you can, listen, we'll put you on air, you can agree with me, disagree with me, you know, plug stuff, whatever, as long as it doesn't go on too far.
I like to really let people on air.
I like to really hear what you have to say.
So I apologize, Neil, for kind of freaking out earlier.
I'm in a really bad mood today.
I'm going to be honest with everybody.
I probably shouldn't even be on air, but we're having some good informative radio because I really care.
This stuff gets to me.
To live in a country where the government is run by crooks so evil, they're running movements to start shooting cops, and I got to sit there and watch them get away with it while they got Homeland Security breathing down my neck for no reason.
I'm sick of the, and I'm not scared of it.
I'm sick of the injustice.
I'm sick of the betrayal.
Man, this country's run by bad people who don't like good people.
And I'm sick of good people laying down.
I'm telling you right now.
And I'm telling Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and David Rockefeller and the New World Order and all of them something.
You're not going to get away with starting a civil war in this country.
You might pull it off, but in the end, you are going to be brought to justice.
Your plan cannot succeed with people knowing about it.
So I want listeners to get aggressive!
Telling people what's happening, getting the word out.
This is real, folks!
They're gonna start a civil war!
They're starting a war with Russia!
Do you understand?
The cakewalk won't go on forever!
They're gearing up for hell, man!
So we need to get past the point of caring about copyrights.
People always ask, can I put your bumper sticker on my car?
Can I paint your website on the side of my building?
You can do whatever you want, it's free speech!
Please do!
Anyways, I'm ranting.
I apologize, Neil.
I really do.
You're a nice person.
You're a good person.
Good job writing the book.
I commend you for what you've done.
I apologize for being a rude person.
Go ahead, Neil.
What else is on your mind?
Tell us about this place you were telling us about.
Okay, um, I put my story out on a blog, guncontrolextremism.blogspot.com, and the other site, of course, was the saga of Three Points, and they're extremely corrupt out here by the border, and I take care of my disabled mother on dirt roads, and it's run by, you know, liberals out here, and we, like, have no roads to drive on, and no trash services,
And I have to take care of my disabled mother while the borders are down, and I'm like the only defense out here, and the police ignore all of the complaints out here.
I've complained so many times about them.
It's unbelievable.
And I'm targeted by them, and another driver claimed to have seen my gun.
And they're trying to get me six years in prison, and I have no criminal record whatsoever.
Oh yeah, they're using all sorts of laws, BLM laws, you name it, to just go after everybody.
That's what I mean.
The system is predatory.
It's going after good people now.
And the cops need to realize that they can't go along with this anymore.
They're going to be destroyed then as well.
God bless you, sir.
I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with that.
Otter, Cash, Wild, Nathaniel, I'm coming right to you after the break.
We've got a powerful intro, then we're going right to your phone calls and a ton of news we haven't covered yet.
And then we have a special guest, of course, joining us, a lawyer in studio, Adam Lowy, who deals with the whole situation with the police brutality and the police and all the rest of it.
Stay with us in fullwars.com.
A humanitarian crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War is happening right now across the globe.
Syrian refugees streaming into Europe refuse to be put into camps and are boarding trains for Germany where the government has pledged billions of dollars in euros to support them to cover the cost of social benefits, language courses, and refugee integration into the labor market.
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Leanne McAteer reporting for InfoWars.com
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It's the plan!
Kill the country!
World government!
It's here!
The challenge is how to build.
Okay, we'll do it.
Never before has a new world order had to be assembled from so many different perceptions, or on so global a scale.
The governments don't rule the world.
Goldman Sachs rules the world.
This is, we are going to carve up the world according to the way we want to.
Unelected world government looting you.
They've exercised power for actual world of global control.
I know what North Korea is.
I know what the TSA is meant to be.
You want to shut their energy systems off?
You want to break up their families?
If you have so much power,
In play.
You can do anything.
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever.
You understand?
You're living in a science fiction movie.
I'm living in it.
The government has just approved the use of a computer chip that would be implanted under your skin.
When complete, everyone will have a unique 12-digit identity number.
That DNA is stored even without your consent.
But I mean, did they point-blank say, we're putting a chip in you?
Uh, yeah.
It was an interior barcode, if you will.
This makes my head explode.
That your television could be eavesdropping on your conversations and then sharing it over the web?
All the cars now have tracker boxes that can remote control your vehicle.
In them!
The Justice Department is building a national database to track in real time the movement of vehicles around the U.S.
storing hundreds of millions of records about motorists.
It's like the elite or space aliens or something with a master plan.
It's so evil.
It's so sadistic.
No, it's the devil.
I mean, that's it.
This galactic force of destruction that's animating people to do this.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, as promised, we're taking a lot of phone calls today.
And then we're going to have a lawyer in studio.
Uh, who I met downtown years ago and learned he was a listener and then we ended up having him on as a guest before and he mainly sues police departments, uh, in questionable police actions.
So I think it's important to get a perspective from someone that's upset with the police and the way they're behaving, uh, who, who, who isn't calling like Louis Faircon for going after him.
And he's a pretty smart guy and you know basically looks at both sides of it.
But I think it's important to really investigate this so he's going to go over some cases with us in studio in the next hour.
Right now we've got open phones.
There is a lot of important news obviously up on Infowars.com.
Donald Trump is saying he will sign the GOP pledge promising not to run as a third party.
That means he's even more of a serious candidate, because if he runs, he'll mainly pull conservatives away and put a Democrat in.
So, that's a really good sign.
Now, if somebody more liberal ran third party and pulled away from the Democrats, but Democrats work like such a herd, that isn't the case.
You know, with some of the other perennial candidates like Ralph Nader and others, they just only pull a few percentage points, so it doesn't do anything.
There's an amazing video up on Infowars.com where John Bowne asks, are they using neutron bombs in Yemen?
I mean, their explosion is just so big, it's no way it's conventional bombs.
He's not saying it is.
He's questioning because we know these weapons exist.
These are weapons that
Basically send out a huge radiation wave, but then don't damage too much actual material.
But they don't even look like neutron bombs to me.
It looks like an atomic bomb or something.
It's just really wild video of what's going on over there.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
Right now, ladies and gentlemen, let's go ahead and go back to your phone calls.
Otter in Massachusetts, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Well, greetings, Sons of Liberty 2.0 Constitutionalists.
How you been?
Man, I'm doing all right, brother.
I just can feel the quickening.
I can just see it intellectually, but also feel the fact that we're all in great, great peril.
Can you feel it?
I can feel it.
It is just thick as mud.
I don't know what to call it anymore.
Ditto, ditto, and ditto.
Synchronicity, I can't really get into talking about anything because you're covering it all!
You're on it!
You're just, you're hitting every thought I have!
So I'm going to say that in June I did the detox, the gallbladder and liver and it was extended due to different things that were happening in life and it went on for two and a half weeks that I was prepping for it.
And my goodness, I'm knocking on 67, and the things that came out of me, and I have lived a relatively clean life, non-smoking, non-meat-eating red meat.
Since I was like 13, I'd begun to do supplementation because I knew that the nutrients in food were going down, having come up on the farm.
Exposure to DDT, exposure to Agent Orange, exposure to the geoengineering and everything including what Dr. Group was talking about yesterday clearly has the air, the water, the soil, the foods have taken a toll on me and I do feel considerably younger and I'm actually seeing air follicles come in that weren't
A lot of them aren't places I particularly need them, my arms and chest, but as well my hair is thickening on my head.
The products that you're selling are fanatical in your efforts and they are proven through their use.
So I wanted to thank you all for all that effort and I guess I'm going to let you go on to the next person.
I would go on to labels and I would go on to Bilderberg Jr.
that just went down here where I am.
Go ahead!
Go ahead.
Well, Bill was walking around all over the place.
And I saw Bill six blocks away from where I sit right this moment.
Bill Clinton?
I would say that he probably, from what you could tell, had more one-on-one face time physically.
But this place just became... You could not go anywhere that it wasn't propagandists, medias, authors, politicians, musicians,
You name it, all groveling.
It was just grovel central.
And it was mind-boggling.
I mean, in one sense, I ran into a fellow, I was talking in a grocery store.
And a number of people were around me and you could tell some of them were listening and were approving and some weren't and some were entering into the dialogue.
And then this little skinny chicken neck guy who was probably 20 years older than he looked comes in and says, you think Obamacare is screwing you now?
Wait until you see what happens in the future.
Kind of scary.
I know.
I mean, they are really planning to drop the hammer on this country.
They brag about it.
They're very arrogant about it.
And it's just amazing.
The good news is, people are waking up, but that's the bad news, because it's making them move quicker.
They're not going to give up.
So it's like two freight trains coming at each other down the same track.
Thank you, Otter.
Wild in Wisconsin.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Mr. Jones, before I get to my first point, I'm curious to know how it feels for you when you hit that pedal to the metal in that Hellcat?
Well, I don't like to do it a lot because I have three children.
The salesman sold me on it when I was just there trading in an old Jeep.
And because you could get the equivalent of a top Ferrari for one twentieth or one thirtieth the price, it just seemed like pure Americana.
I had to have it.
And I've driven other people that I know who have 600 horsepower Porsches.
My cousin likes to take his friend's really fast car out to the track.
I haven't done that because I don't want to endanger myself, but it is fun to be able to be going 55 on a lonely stretch of highway because I don't like to take off fast from a stop because that can be dangerous.
And to hit the accelerator, and you're going 150 in seconds.
I mean, the car will slam you back in your seat, and that's just in regular drive.
If you put it in a lower gear and hit it, it is, it's just, it's faster than most NASCARs.
Because they have to dial those back now, people get killed in them.
And it's just an example of the rest of the world's... I got it because of the little things like
Easy cars or car to go that are designed not to even really save gas but to just put you in a tin can and lower our standard of living as kind of a middle finger to Al Gore and the rest of them as just a piece of Americana.
And it's kind of like why I have two .50 caliber rifles, you know.
Plus they've gone way up in value, so they're a good investment if I ever have to.
I'll sell them to keep the radio slash network going.
So the Hellcat's more of an investment because it basically doubled in value right after I bought it.
You can buy them for like $63,000.
I had offers to buy it a week after I bought it for $120,000.
They wanted to buy it back because they have to like legally sell it.
Um, for the price listed by Dodge or they won't get any more.
Well, all of Austin only got like three.
I hardly ever see them.
Uh, and so, uh, now they're coming out with more and they're going to be a lot more.
Uh, but it's just a piece of Americana.
I kind of treated myself.
Uh, but I think I might actually sell it because God let it on my heart that it's not really prudent.
For somebody like me that's got so much riding on what I'm doing, people counting on me to put myself in something like that.
But I tell you, what I really love about it... I'm going to this whole plug about that car.
I love it like a woman.
The problem is, is that it's absolutely me.
It doesn't look like anything.
I don't
And the fact that it's 780 horsepower, because they're supposed to be 707.
The truth is, they tested the drivetrain, and they wanted to get it under some government standards.
It's really 780-something horsepower, according to Car and Driver and others.
So you're sitting in a 780-horsepower car.
It's just sexy!
And it's even sexier because it's more than meets the eye.
And I really like that.
I really like that it isn't standing out.
People... I've been on the highway.
One time I was on 37.
Didn't have the kids with me.
And I was coming back from the beach.
Kids were with my parents.
Right when I got it, it had about a thousand miles on it.
So I was one of the first to get it.
I put the order in like a year before they came out.
Because the salesman told me about it, so I waited.
And this guy pulls up one of these Fast and Furious littler cars, souped up Toyotas or whatever.
Wanted to race me, and I shouldn't have done it, but it was ridiculous.
And then I'd let him get back up to me, and then I'd, wham, just like fly down the road.
So, alright, now I'm not in a bad mood anymore.
You just did it.
Wild, stay there.
I'm gonna come back to you.
I've gone from being depressed and upset and angry...
I feel like I need to fire up a cigarette.
You know what you do when you fire a cigarette up in the old movies?
It's kind of like that feeling.
I just thank God for all his great creations.
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That's disgusting!
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We're back live, folks.
Thank you for joining us.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Wild, you got me off on an Americana Hellcat love letter, so I'm going to shift gears out of that, pun intended.
What is the main issue you called in about?
No problem.
Just lastly, you deserve it.
I think you deserve that Hellcat.
God gave it to you.
Okay, so audience listening, Alex is beyond right.
It's beyond a Manhattan Project times a thousand.
We are less than 10% down the rabbit hole.
But it's not bad or good.
It is exactly what we deserve globally.
And I guess it's just judgment.
We've all gotten corrupt.
We've gotten decadent.
Myself included.
Nobody's perfect.
Our government is allowing the secret sale of body parts and trying to deny it of little babies.
They're keeping them alive.
They're harvesting them.
I mean, the sky's the limit.
Imagine what we don't know that's going on.
It is about population reduction.
It is about dehumanization.
It's about the decision by the culture that we're crap collectively and we're going to abort humanity.
And that's the sick feeling we have is the bottom has fallen out.
And I'm not trying to be negative.
We should be honest about where we are so we can do something about it.
I appreciate you.
Sorry, go ahead.
Okay, I don't think they look at us like crap, unfortunately.
I think they look at us lesser than.
But, you know, it's kind of, I'm not saying anything by this, I have a strong father, but it's kind of like how, in certain ways, the father controls the son.
You know, you look at the control, you know, God controls man, father controls the son.
Yeah, there's free will, but there's still the control.
We're being bothered and trained by our government father.
The problem is here is that that father, the government father, is not in control of himself or herself or the group as a large.
It's intoxicated by his own actions and ego and bound by his mind.
You're absolutely right, brother.
You hit the nail directly on the head.
Appreciate your call.
Cash in Missouri.
Thanks for holding her on the air worldwide.
I want to ask you a favor, Alex.
But first, I'd like to say that my wife and I have been listening to you for years, and we actually refer to InfoWars as the real street media.
But we've never heard more financial experts say that the physical cliff is getting closer and closer and closer.
So, with our limited physical assets and our income, we're stepping up our prepping.
Mainly, we're stocking up on food and water, silver coins, firewood, and ammo, and a lot of your health products.
And now we're even building a chicken coop.
But last night, we were watching several YouTube videos of hundreds and hundreds of tanks on railroad cars and mile-long convoys of armored vehicles in over a dozen different states across America today.
And I just wonder, how many of these soldiers practicing martial law drills
We'll follow the orders to confiscate our guns, mow down innocent Americans that they have been brainwashed to believe that we the people are the enemies of America, simply for standing up for our God-given rights.
But my wife and I believe that InfoWars has become the largest military, or has the largest audience of military active-duty soldiers as listeners.
And so, Infant Wars has the bully pulpit, or maybe better said, the anti-bully pulpit.
So, here's my request.
Please take at least one day a week to dedicate the entire show, or at least a fourth hour, now that you have that, to look these soldiers in the eye, grab their ear, and help them see past that compartmentalization, and help them connect the dots.
We may have the guns behind every blade of grass in this country, but the military guns are bigger than ours.
And we've been chopping off the tail of this snake, but if we had their support, and their big guns, and their billions of rounds of ammo, we could blow the head off of the snake, and the top of the pyramid where these Satanist Bankers snakes hide.
We believe that the good military outnumbers the bad military members.
Well, that's definitely true, and look, but the globalist strategy is built around two things.
We're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back and try to detail what you've said historically and why it's not one of the main options we want to go with, at least until everybody's educated.
We've got to get more people educated before you would even look at anything like that.
But clearly the crimes of the people that have taken over
Well-justified, removing the people at the top of the government.
The problem is they're set up for that, and set up to stop that, and set up to demonize that.
So, there's alternatives.
See, you look at how their attack-defense profile's set up, then you find their weaknesses.
And it's two-fold.
And we'll break it down when we come back.
God bless you, sir.
We appreciate you, Cash.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Will Donald Trump sign the GOP pledge precluding a third-party run?
According to a close associate, the GOP candidate intends to sign the loyalty pledge that would bind him to endorse the Republican nominee and would preclude him a third-party run.
The Republican National Committee has made it clear that they want every candidate running for nomination to sign a pledge not to break off and run as a third-party candidate under any circumstances.
The GOP is worried that third-party campaigns will jeopardize the party's chances against the eventual Democratic presidential candidate.
And as he's currently the most popular candidate, the GOP is concerned that Donald Trump may break off from the pact, and he has repeatedly threatened to do so.
Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul reminded everyone that it was Ross Perot who ended up giving us the first Clinton, and if Trump breaks off, he could give us another Clinton.
For more reports, visit InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
I'll tell you this, we've been working on a lot of Jade Helms stuff, we've been working on a lot of new government documents that have been coming out, and it's all just sensational.
It's basically all the same.
It's like this article from last year, Homeland Security exercise targets free Americans against socialist tyranny.
And that links through to FEMA capstone 2014 national exercise.
And it just says in the document that we're preparing to basically take on the Tea Party and
The number one enemies of the government.
It's just completely treasonous.
It's what you'd think you'd see in a science fiction movie.
Like, they find the document.
The government's planning to go after real Americans who stand for the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
It's a martial law plan.
Oh my gosh, get this information to the President.
He'll stop the group in Congress.
But instead, it's just, ehhh, it's out in the open.
Yeah, the armored vehicles are the Constitutionalists.
And it's just like, wow!
Because we know they're the takeover.
We know they're the criminals.
And so it just becomes open and shut.
It's just completely cut and dry.
And now they're pushing groups to, say, kill the police to start a civil war.
I mean, they're just so villainous.
It's gotten to the point where I almost can't even talk about it anymore.
In fact, I'm not doing this for theatrics.
I'm not doing this to...
I love doing this radio show, and I just really enjoy it, and I love fighting tyranny, I love covering issues, but some days, it doesn't happen very often, I get in here and I look at the girls from the Gardasil shot having convulsions, and at a certain point, I can't be on air.
In fact, I just told them during the break, go get Rob Due, he does a great job, he can interview this lawyer.
about the police and everything that's happening in studio.
And then they can do a whole fourth hour.
If they don't, they don't have to do it today.
I just can't be here.
And you know what?
I think it's really just gotten to that point where the evil is so over the top.
I just need to go pray for a few hours.
And I just need to really get my head screwed on straight because every indicator is something big is about to happen.
And it's like the last caller said,
Wow, you really are, this is the tip of the spear.
And then there's that realization of I don't feel worthy to be sitting here talking to tens of millions of people and I don't know what the lever is we pull or what we do to try to stop these people.
It's like
Watching a giant evil spider with big stinking fangs creeping towards little babies in their cribs and it's already eaten a whole bunch of them.
There's these little sucked dry skeletons with the skin sucked onto the face and the eyes sucked in and the spider's singing this evil happy song and then it goes over to the next baby and sucks it dry and the next one and I mean spiritually that's what it's like watching it
And then just covering this and sitting here, I just, I get to the point where I can't look at it anymore.
I feel like I should go out in the desert for, you know, six months or something or the mountains and just get my head straight and what to do about these people.
I just can't handle it anymore.
I mean, God, they're so bad and they've gotten us in a trance where we're just accepting what they do by increment to now all this incredibly macabre stuff is out.
Brain damage, children everywhere, body parts of dead babies being sold, open borders, total insanity, world government, GMO killing the rats they feed it to, fluoride in the water, all these giggling, simpering trendies, banning free speech.
But there's good news taking place.
You know, I'm gonna go to some phone calls.
I got my video list here.
I saw this a few days ago, but it's back in the news today.
Where Missouri teenagers protest a transgender student use of the girls' bathroom.
And it's just some guy, everybody knows in the school, and now he's in the girls' bathroom.
And the argument is, oh, be nice of what he thinks he is.
But the truth is, with all the issues in the world, this is just an assault to confuse everybody and create, you know, all these problems, like making taxpayers pay for sex changes.
It's just all part of the weird fog that's injected.
And I see students protesting, having to wear biometric ID cards and stuff.
The students are fighting back.
They get what's happening.
They're saying no.
And the number one issue in America is not men with a bunch of chemicals in them thinking they're women.
And I don't dislike these people that are like this.
Don't bring me down to that level of actually buying into all this.
It's just complete fruitcake land.
This country is being sabotaged.
I mean, they've spent how many hundreds of billions on a fighter plane that isn't even as good as an F-16?
That's all to sabotage everything, to end human flight.
It's all going robot.
Human programs are being sabotaged.
I've had top astronauts on, repeatedly, concurring.
Humans are being sabotaged!
Humans are being sabotaged!
You can call it whatever you want, some, you know, weird globalist projection, because they hate themselves, so they hate the general public, and want to eradicate us, or it's the devil, or it's whatever it is, that's what's going on.
Our prosperity, our will, our creativity, our honor is so great, that if we just stand up for what's good, humans can transcend.
We are incredible.
We're made in the image of God.
But instead, we are watching the Great Sink.
We're watching the Great Fall.
And it's just absolutely unspeakable.
So let's go to this piece.
Let's go to this piece right here.
Out of the local news.
Here it is.
But why would you want to?
I mean, I think it's good when you say somebody's a he or a she and he called me.
That kind of tells somebody something.
If you go, I'm gonna go meet Z.
Somebody's thinking you're meeting somebody from a different planet, I guess.
For some, like State Representative Bill Dunn, it's a foreign concept, using words like Z instead of he or she.
But UT's Vice Chancellor of Diversity and Inclusion says these pronouns have been around for a while, and they have been part of campaigns and dialogues at other campuses in the country.
They're not so new.
They've been around, you know, if you do a Google search for it under inclusive language, you know, it'll come up.
It's a way to
Being respectful of students who identify as gender non-conforming.
I thought somebody was sending an email around that somebody was just, you know...
And then when I found out it was true, that we actually have people getting paid a lot of money to sit around and come up with this nonsense.
During the first week of class, UT suggested teachers ask students to provide a name and pronoun instead of calling role.
That's because a name on a roster may not reflect the same gender the student uses now.
It makes me think about how might this impact
This is about everyone changing their language, getting rid of the English language to adopt cult speak.
With a weird guy with like weird cult eyes going, we want to make them feel like they're included.
As if, so that people start seeing the language as going to that.
It's making the whole school a giant re-education camp while they're putting chemicals in the food to say you're a girl when you're a boy.
You're a boy when you're a girl.
And you can't use that language anymore and it's happening all over the country.
And I'm grieving what's happening.
What you're seeing with me here on air is an ongoing situation where I constantly have guilt that I'm not figuring out what to do with this incredible platform, that I'm not doing enough to articulate to people just how over the top all this is.
And I know you know.
But it really does take getting retrospective and getting off the treadmill of life, getting off the hamster wheel and really getting down to brass tacks.
Because I'm a guy that doesn't go to calls most of the time, doesn't have a lot of gas, because I like to talk, I love to cover news, but every once in a while, when this stuff really hits me, and it's happening more often, it is incredibly painful, like watching my family killed in a firing squad, to focus on these people, and I just need to get out in nature, and I just need to pray to God.
Because the betrayal of this age, and the evil that's rising, I can feel it in my soul.
And I just want to live in peace with everybody.
I want to see humans work together.
And I know you want to see that as well.
And we have very bad people that don't.
Let's back this up 10 seconds and go back to this bizarro person.
I mean, this is just some of the most disgusting brainwashing.
And I told you they'll start getting rid of the language.
This is it.
This is a real cult takeover.
This is what the colleges are putting out, what the churches are putting out.
This is the big move.
The Pope's about to show up.
He's saying abortion's okay.
It's no problem.
World government's good.
I mean, you're seeing the globalists uncloak.
They're making their move.
Something big's about to happen.
Is it a big war?
Worldwide financial collapse?
Probably all of it.
We've been holding them back, holding them back.
They finally decided to make their move.
The battle's on.
Let's go to the clip.
I need to sit around and come up with this nonsense.
During the first week of class, UT suggested teachers ask students to provide a name and pronoun instead of calling role.
That's because a name on a roster may not reflect the same gender the student uses now.
It makes me think about how might this impact
Oh, man.
So, again,
They get everybody to be inclusive, which most people are.
I mean, whatever.
Live, let live.
Most Americans are libertarian at heart in major surveys.
They're not Democrat or Republican.
You ask them dry questions, they identify as libertarian.
I mean, America's been the freest country ever.
In many respects.
But that's not what this is.
That's not what this is.
This is change the language.
Mother, father, boy, girl, he, she.
This is training us to talk exactly how they say.
I told you it wasn't whacked out weird when they said we're going to ban brown bags, or don't use the term brown bag.
I told you it was whacked out when... Again, it supposedly comes off as whacked out.
I'm saying it's not whacked out.
It's scientifically designed.
And we're in the clutches of these mind warriors just jacking with everybody cold-bloodedly.
They don't adopt and believe
What they've been pushing?
What they've been doing?
They absolutely think their gods are going to merge with machines and live forever and all this other crazy garbage that we've covered here where they say it themselves.
I mean, I'm not really coming up with any of this on my own.
I've just read what they have to say and it's crazy.
And what's even crazier is the general public is faced with this, and they think it's a joke.
They think it's funny.
It's not.
In the next segment, we're going to air John Bowne's, Were Neutron Bombs Used in Yemen?
If you're a radio listener and you want to see the video of this, infowares.com forward slash show.
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And I want to thank you all for your support.
You make this broadcast possible.
Nathaniel in South Carolina, you're on the air.
Yeah, at the top of the hour, you asked a question that I'm perplexed with myself.
It's kind of a ridiculous question.
You asked, how do they get away with it?
How do they think they're going to get away with it?
George Bush murdered a million Muslims, you know, he and Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz.
How did they get away with it?
You know, Ronald Reagan brought
You know, thousands of pounds of cocaine into the black community.
How did he get away with it?
Lyndon Johnson lied about the incident in the Gulf of Tonkin, led to a million and a half dead Vietnamese and 58,000 dead Americans.
How did he get away with it?
Because they always get away with it.
Now, the reason I called is because I'm going to take issue with you about what you've been saying about Minister Farrakhan.
Because you've been being deceitful, okay?
If you play what he said,
What he said is absolutely on point.
He said if we are murdered, and you can probably tell I'm a black guy, if we are murdered and we have no redress from the federal government, we should stalk and hunt and kill those who kill us.
No, but then that was integrated in, clearly, at police in general, not at the actual... Listen, I've said I agree with a lot of stuff Liz Farrakhan says.
Liz Farrakhan said he agreed with my 1776 comment.
There's some stuff I disagree with.
I think that rhetoric, from my perspective, I disagree with your perspective.
I don't think he's calling for as much as the blog talk radio guy saying go out and kill cops.
But, I mean, I took that as, just in general, they are white, they are cops, and I agree there's a bunch of globalists that are above the law.
And I've made films about Lyndon Johnson and the Bushes and the cocaine drugs being brought in.
I don't think Reagan knew about that, but George Bush Sr.
was running it.
So I've exposed that, sir, and I totally agree with you.
But the thing is, I just attack all the stuff that I see is corrupt, and I don't think Louis Farrakhan would be able to get away with that unless he's either intimidated the government, which may be, or whether he's been given a green light by Obama.
I mean, I played the clip whenever he said that Obama basically murdered Gaddafi, and it was wrong.
That was absolutely true.
So, I just call it like I see it.
You may disagree with me, that's fine.
I mean, either Louis Farrakhan is just really angry and wants to go and have a war, which I can, you know, get that, or he's with the globalists, and I don't know which one it is.
What do you think it is?
You... you can't...
You can't take what he says out of context.
You constantly complain about MSNBC, CNN, taking things you say out of context.
What he said in context is absolutely correct.
And I promise you, if some cop pulled your wife over and put a gun to her head and blew her head off, and you had no redress from the Department of Justice, the federal government, or anybody else, you would take matters into your own hands.
Yeah, well I would take my matters into my own hands.
I would take matters into my own hands against the individual.
I wouldn't do it with a cop pumping gas.
That's exactly what he said.
He said kill those who kill us.
That is specific.
Listen, I was saying it in the context that he should condemn the Black Lives Matter chant of give the pigs wings and all that stuff.
He should condemn people shooting innocent cops in the back of the head and then say specifically that the people getting away with murder need to get in trouble.
Like I said, the cops shooting the Hispanic for no reason in San Antonio better get in trouble.
Or the white cops shooting the black guy only get in two years.
That was a travesty of justice.
I agree with you.
On a lot of those points, but in the main debate, the way Farrakhan's been taken for a month, and once he said that, the change reaction began.
So I can see your point and I think it's fair, but I think it's fair from my perspective.
I'm not being deceitful or twisting.
Here's the clip itself.
So if the federal government
Will not intercede in our affairs!
Then we must rise up and kill those who kill us!
Stop them and kill them!
And let them feel the pain of death!
That's a part of this.
I'm just exhausted and sick of it.
You know, at a fundamental level, hearing white people are bad, white people are going to pay, that doesn't intimidate me.
It makes me upset.
And then I know what weak-minded people are going to do.
They're going to do some bad things.
So I'm very, very sad.
I'm very, very nauseated.
He's following the narrative, and that's why I said he might be in with the feds, of where Al Sharpton said the goal is to get the feds to come in and federalize police.
Remember that clip two months ago?
When the Feds themselves have been taken over by the globalists, and the Feds are the ones that killed the millions of Muslims that I was against.
And it's the Feds funding the Wahhabis right now to kill the non-radical Muslims.
So that's what's going on.
And he's saying, Feds better come in and do something about this, or we're going to go after the people.
He's talking about locals.
And the locals are a patchwork of good departments, bad departments, mediocre departments, some good, some bad.
And it's just, I mean, I disagree with you fundamentally about the overall thing he's saying.
I can see your perspective, but if you're honest, I think you can see my perspective.
But go ahead.
You got 60 seconds.
This is the problem, okay?
Since the 1970s, okay?
Cold Kush crew, uh, Afrika Bambaataa.
There are songs from the 70s, rap songs about cops murdering black people, okay?
In the movie The Departed, Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg talk about how Irish policemen join the force so they can split a nigger's head open.
This is not our imagination!
You and I have been living under tyranny when it comes to police for the last 10, 15 years.
We've been living under it for decades and we're sick of it!
My son!
But this past summer, he's 17 years old.
We live in a decent middle-class neighborhood.
He walks home from the pool with his friends.
He's been approached by the police this summer.
No, I hear you.
It's harassment, and it's because of a lot of different factors.
Old customs, racism, things like that, but also movements, the gangster hip-hop culture pushed by MTV, the whole cop-killing narrative then gets stereotyped and projected onto your son, which is going to get worse.
I'm saying the cold-blooded social engineers, sir,
Are manipulating us all against each other.
I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
Rob Dew is coming up.
I got to check out of here.
This is just too depressing.
I do this every once in a while.
I'm checking out of here.
We're going to hold you over after this John Bowne report and then Rob Dew will come back in that first five minute segment and let you finish up.
Then we got a guest coming in.
And I'm going to go out.
I didn't eat breakfast this morning.
I also got low blood sugar.
So that's part of what happens here.
So I've got to eat.
And I gotta take care of this issue, but let's go to John Bowne's report.
Samuel Cohen, the inventor of the neutron bomb, once said, the question I ask of myself was something like, if we're going to go on fighting these damned full wars in the future, shelling and bombing cities to smithereens and wrecking the lives of their surviving inhabitants, might there be some kind of nuclear weapon that could avoid all this?
Cohen went on to invent a hydrogen bomb without the uranium-238.
Real early on, I began to see radiation.
Nuclear radiation as an effective means of waging ground warfare in a relatively moral way because the neutron bomb is the most discriminative weapon ever devised.
There's a very sharp cutoff between the radius out to which the enemy will be killed
And where the friendly troops are positioned.
The neutron bomb would essentially increase the radiation output to as high as 80% without the massive destructive blast.
The relatively small kill zone would spread into enemy troops, liquefying their living tissue with the emitted massive dose of neutrons.
In 1975, the Ford administration, under the guidance of Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger, proceeded to build the neutron bomb.
Protests in an arms race soon followed.
Anti-nuke President Jimmy Carter dropped the program, but President Ronald Reagan eagerly supported it, saying,
Very simply, it is the dreamed-of death ray weapon of science fiction.
It kills enemy soldiers, but doesn't blow up the surrounding countryside or destroy villages, towns, and cities.
Here is a deterrent weapon available to us at a much lower cost than trying to match the enemy gun for gun, tank for tank, plane for plane.
However, support for the neutron bomb had changed by the time Reagan took office.
and military leaders were skeptical of its use on the battlefield and the potential it had to affect civilians.
Plus, the bomb had only reached a small percentage of its intended neutron radiation output.
The bombs were then dismantled by the Bush administration.
Or were they?
Back in 2012, UK ex-Defense Secretary Lord Gilbert suggested dropping a neutron bomb on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Up in the mountains, on the borders between Afghanistan and Pakistan, there's nobody living there except a few goats.
They had a lot of people handling them.
If you told them that there was going to be some ERRB warheads dropped there, and a very unpleasant place to go, they wouldn't go there.
Right now, as President Obama desperately gathers support for his one-sided deal with Iran, the Saudis are waging a full-scale campaign of genocide against the people of Yemen.
Among the banned US-supplied cluster bombs used by Saudi airstrikes, there is now unconfirmed evidence of a neutron bomb in play.
Who is supplying these bombs remains to be seen.
It could be the U.S., France, Israel, or China, which have all detonated at least one neutron bomb.
The bottom line is, Obama's pending deal with Iran will only heat up the arms race in the already volatile Middle East.
John Bowne for InfoWars.com.
And we'll be right back after this.
It's Rob Dooley.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, this is Rob Dew here live for the third and fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to be hosting, I think, in the fourth hour.
We're going to have Leanne McAdoo and Jakari Jackson joining me.
If you are listening to this on the radio and you'd like to watch it in video, go to Infowars.com forward slash show.
And you can watch a video of everything that's going on here.
You can see the studio that was helped paid for by PrisonPlanet.tv members and also supporters of TheInfoWarsStore.com.
We're going to go back to Nathaniel in South Carolina, who is, I was listening to this just in my office and very angry.
And I think, you know, very justified why he's angry.
I just want to say this before I go back to him.
If you start a shooting war with the police, it's not going to end well on either side, and we have to defeat this with the info war, using cameras, putting this stuff out, and just inching forward.
It's not going to change overnight, I can tell you that.
But Nathaniel, go ahead, finish with what you were talking about.
I can't speak for the idiot member of Black Lives Matter that had that obscure blog talk radio show that probably 50 people didn't hear until Alex put it on his airwaves.
And you know, millions of people hear it.
Which, you know, I got a question, what's the motive behind that?
But again, we're dealing with an obscure blog talk radio guy that probably didn't have 50 listeners.
I'm not defending that.
You don't indiscriminately go out and kill anybody.
What Minister Farrakhan is talking about is
That 12-year-old boy in Ohio, where the cops roll up and shoot him dead.
There's no redress.
There's no way to get justice.
I absolutely understand taking a weapon and going out and serving justice on that police officer.
On anybody who would kill somebody unfairly and indiscriminately without them having no redress.
That's a family having no redress.
That's what any man would do.
So, my problem is Alex Jones constantly attacks the mainstream media, and rightfully so, for developing narratives and then running with it.
Whether it's climate change, gay rights, whatever they're doing.
Well, the right-wing media has developed a narrative also, and they're running with it.
Which is that Black Lives Matter is the new third right.
You have some idiot members of that organization talking about murdering people indiscriminately?
Are they funded by SARS?
I don't know.
I haven't looked into that.
But I can assure you, it's not an organization of millions of people looking to kill white people indiscriminately.
Just like if you go to any Tea Party rally, you can, you know, the left-wing will always record the two or three who talk about the Negros and the no-good Mexicans.
And then,
Alex complains that all of the Tea Party is fainting with that broad brush.
The same thing here.
And I didn't even call to defend Black Lives Matter.
I personally am not concerned with them.
I'm concerned with taking what Minister Farrakhan said and twisting it and then tying it to what that idiot at Black Lives Matter said.
They're two completely different things.
Completely different.
And that's indefensible.
He can't complain about his words being taken out of context when it comes to the Boston bombing and being deeply racist.
And then he twists the words of somebody else.
That's my issue.
I understand, uh, dealing with the police and, and, and, and things of that nature.
I scared to death for my son.
Well, Nathaniel, I can tell you this.
That radio talk show that we played, that was not an isolated incident.
We have video that we shot ourselves of an open carry march, and it wasn't, I don't think it was the new Black Panthers, it was a different group, but they were shouting the same things while they were armed.
I think it was oink oink bang bang.
That's what they were saying.
And there's other talk shows, and those were new Black Panthers, that were saying, you know, you should go out and it's going to be open season on white people.
This is not a isolated incident.
But I hear what you're saying, too.
I mean, this is why we have to come together and have this open discourse.
And I thank you for calling.
We're going to be back with attorney Adam Lowry to talk about a case of, you know, where the police murdered a guy, shot him in the neck, just for going to a bank.
So we'll be back with that.
It's Rob Due, Infowars.com.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Kill whites and cops.
Black Lives Matter affiliated radio show calls for a race war.
In a disgusting audio broadcast via blog talk radio yesterday, an individual who admitted affiliation with the Black Lives Matter movement
Called for listeners to murder white people and police, declaring it open season for executions.
Open season on killing white and white police officers.
And I want to talk about the shooting of the white deputy sheriff in Houston, Texas.
It's open season on killing white and white police officers.
And probably killing cops, period.
It's open season.
Picking them off.
Today we live in a time where the white man will be picked off and there's nothing he can do about it.
His day is up.
His time is up.
We will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before.
For updates on this story and breaking news as it happens, go to Infowars.com.
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We're good to go.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, you are tuned in to some of the, I think, the hardest, the most hardcore radio station or radio show in the country right now.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Rob Due.
I'm hosting for the next two hours and this is my guest Adam Lowy.
Did I pronounce that right?
He's going to be joining us.
I'm going to get to his story.
He's an attorney representing the family of Larry Jackson.
And this was a story that about two years ago hit Austin.
Mr. Jackson went into a bank trying to cash a check or do something, do some business at the bank.
The doors were locked.
He was confronted by a police officer.
He ran off.
There was a scuffle.
I'll let Adam tell you more about it.
Coming up in the fourth hour, I'm going to show some of the shocking video that I posted yesterday on Infowars.com of the young girls in Mexico convulsing on the floor after receiving HPV shots.
There's at least 10 to 15 girls on the floor having these convulsion attacks.
This is just one of the ways people are being attacked is through these soft kill vaccines.
Another way is through overzealous warrior cops who come after people and are trying to be judge, jury, and executioner all at once.
We saw this earlier in the week when we showed the video of the man being killed in San Antonio.
Put his hands up and he gets shot.
He is standing still with his hands up for at least two seconds and he was murdering cold blood.
But first I want to go
To that video from KXAN that will give you a little bit of context to the story.
It's a couple years old now, so let's run that video.
You can see around four o'clock that afternoon, Larry Jackson Jr.
peers into a bank.
It had been robbed earlier that morning.
After he speaks to a bank employee, Detective Kleinert walks out of the bank and starts talking to Jackson.
Two minutes later, Jackson decides to take off.
You can see Kleinert run after him from three different camera angles.
The chase ended near Shoal Creek with Jackson shot dead.
Prosecutors have charged Kleinert with manslaughter.
His lawyers say his gun went off accidentally.
Kleinert is now awaiting a decision from a federal judge about whether the case can be tried in federal court.
At the time of the bank robbery, Kleinert was working on a federal task force.
There you go, so overzealous cop.
I think he commandeered a vehicle too, didn't he?
Something you see in the movies.
Get out of the car, chases him under the bridge.
What happens under the bridge is he attacks him, starts beating him, and then while Larry was on his hands and knees, Kleiner put a gun to the back of Larry's neck and pulled the trigger.
And when I say the back of his neck, the autopsy report confirms and we saw the body.
There is literally a muzzle imprint that was on the back of his neck.
It was an execution-style killing, and he murdered him.
I think that the indictment, while we are grateful there at least was an indictment, the indictment is wrong.
It should not have been a manslaughter indictment.
It was not an accident.
It was not reckless.
It was intentional, and it was deliberate.
And I think that because of those facts, it's without question the worst police shooting in the history of this city, and one of the worst in the nation.
And so, you've had to deal with the city and the police department in this.
What are some of the things that are not coming out about this case that you can see publicly in press and on TV, but that they're not really telling you that you know of?
Well, the biggest thing is the position of Larry's body.
What you hear, the narrative from the city and the police department is this was an accidental shooting.
They keep repeating that.
It clearly was not accidental.
And there's a lot of reasons why it was not accidental.
Was he handcuffed?
He was not handcuffed.
And here's an important point too.
The grand jury testimony has leaked or was filed by the district attorney's office.
Kleinert himself in the grand jury testimony stated that Larry Jackson was not a threat.
So unlike other police shooting cases where the police officer says this guy was a threat, I was in danger, Kleinert's not saying that here.
So he wasn't a threat, he was shot in the back of the neck, and he was on his hands and knees when he was shot.
And I think that, put together, the city and the police department simply have not educated the public about what happened here.
And I will tell you, if it wasn't for the work of my law firm and the forensic experts that we've hired, this family would have never known the actual facts here.
We have done extensive investigation and done a lot of reconstruction about how he would have had to have been shot if he was shot in the way the bullet went through his body.
And we have no doubt that he was on his hands and knees.
And you know, this goes back, there was another case in I think Oakland where the cops were arresting some people.
I don't know all the details of it but the guy he says he was pulling at his taser to tase a guy and he shot him through the back and killed him.
He used his gun.
It was the Oscar Grant case.
This is actually fairly similar to that in certain respects.
Except there's video of that.
There was video of that and that officer was eventually convicted.
This is different.
I think this case is much worse than that case because I think this was so deliberate.
He was tracked down.
I think the Oscar Grant case was one in which the officer clearly was unjustified in the use of force, but it was a
Cautious about how this thing's going to play out.
And I'm very nervous about how or whether this officer is going to have to face a jury over this.
And so they're people, they're trying to get this case thrown out.
How is that working?
So the police officer, he had worked for the police department, Austin Police Department, but he also was on a federal task force.
And there's a lot of these federal task force around related to a variety of things.
But because of that, he and his lawyers were able to argue he has what's called Supremacy Clause Immunity.
And this is a type of immunity that literally is from the 1800s.
There's literally only about 20 cases about this type of immunity.
And in short what it is, it was created for when we were a frontier nation and the federal government was worried about
Who killed a resident in Austin, who is an Austin resident.
The case should be in Austin.
He was able to remove it to federal court.
And the problem with that is, he is trying to argue he has Supremacy Clause immunity.
Which means, if it's granted, he cannot be prosecuted for manslaughter.
That is the current argument before the court.
And sadly, they have some cases to support that.
I'm confident that the judge is going to let this go to a jury, but you never know.
Just the very fact we have to worry about this is very disturbing.
And I think it shows the lengths in which it is so difficult to hold government accountable when they kill someone.
Obviously, if I killed a police officer, I would have no immunity claim.
I would be prosecuted for first-degree murder, as I should be.
But in this case, you have an officer who clearly committed a crime, who was indicted for manslaughter, but he's allowed to use all of these defenses, these immunity defenses, which I think are very troubling.
Very troubling.
And I think that's something we're going to see more in the future as you see the federal government and state governments, especially in the police forces, coming together.
You're going to see a lot more of this.
Well, hey, I'm on a federal task force.
I can do certain things that I couldn't do as a police officer, but now I can do them because I have this federal protection and they seem to be using this.
The federal government does it.
If you go out into the woods and a forest service guy comes up, these guys think they have the power of God.
It's a very little understood part of the law unless you actually deal with it, and that is immunity.
People don't realize the government, by and large, is immune from being held criminally or civilly responsible for anything they do.
And it's a long set of laws that's created by the government because the government creates the laws.
It's fairly obvious.
Well, and if you do something to a federal agent, it's like worse than if you were to do it just to another person.
If you go up and hit a regular person in the jaw, it's assault.
If you go up and do it to a federal officer, it's assault of a federal officer and that takes, there's more penalties than that.
And I think that there's some arguments as to why the government should be protected legally from a situation like you described.
But the problem is on the other side of the coin, when the government kills and to have the local authorities be so inhibited,
I think it is very important.
That this case goes to a jury trial.
I think it will be a travesty of justice if this officer is allowed to get off, literally get off on an immunity defense.
And I think it needs to go to a jury trial.
We're going to see.
I think we'll find out.
Is the officer currently working now?
The officer actually retired.
And I put that in quotes.
He was going to face a disciplinary hearing.
And the evidence shows that Chief Acevedo was going to fire him.
But this officer, who is a 20-year veteran, elected to retire in order to preserve his pension.
So the city, or more specifically the taxpayers, are paying this guy $7,000 per month for the rest of his life because he was able to preserve his pension.
And that's really a whole other topic of conversation that I think is a very sad aspect of this case.
But he is not working in law enforcement anymore, and he never was officially fired because he retired before that happened.
Yeah, and that seems to happen in all forms of government.
They know action is about to come down so they either resign or retire so they don't have to face the music, they don't have to answer, they don't have to come before grand juries.
I guess in this case he would if at some point this case does go to trial.
So what is the status of the case at this point?
So the status of the case is it is two years old.
It's literally over two years now, which is really unbelievable if you think about how long that is.
There is a trial set in November, but we are all waiting on the immunity decision, which should be around October.
But even if the decision says it has to go to trial, we are anticipating that his lawyers will appeal that decision, which they legally can do to the Fifth Circuit.
So I don't see this thing ending for another year or two.
Oh, wow.
Well, we're going to be back here with Adam Loewy.
Adam Loewy.
Sorry about that.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
This is Rob Dew hosting.
You can watch us live at Infowars.com, forwars.show.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are back live.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Rob Dew.
Join Adam Lowy.
He is with me.
He's an attorney representing the family of Larry Jackson who was killed by an Austin police detective back in 2013 for simply not wanting to sit there and be hassled as he was going through his daily business.
And of course the cops did kind of run a demonization campaign against him after they said he had
Past indiscretions.
Oh yeah, that's always the M.O.
in every police shooting case.
You're not an angel, so therefore you deserve to be shot in the neck.
The police automatically will pull the criminal record.
They will automatically contact their mainstream media sources to have them put it out there.
And make no mistake about it, it's planned, it's deliberate, they know what they're doing.
And so in this case they claim that he went to the bank to commit an identity theft.
We're good to go.
Bank robbery or an identity theft, a federal crime, but his alleged partner has never been charged.
The truth of the matter, it wasn't.
And when you start looking and start digging into the details, I think that what you pointed out is correct.
They will always attack the character of the victim because it helped shape the narrative in how they were going to have this thing play out.
Right, and it also stops the public response, like well maybe he was a bad guy, maybe we should just stand down.
There was just a, it looks like they had a protest at the end of August here.
Were you involved in that?
That was a meeting, a panel that the mayor was on, that I was on, that the police chief was on.
Over 700 people showed up.
It was extremely well attended.
There were some protesters, but most of all it was a pretty good dialogue.
And I think by, you know, I've done this for 10 years and I've been to a lot of these town hall type meetings.
Five years ago you would have had 50 people there.
Now you have 700 people there.
I think that it's obvious this is a huge issue for people not just in the minority communities, which it's been an issue for decades for those folks, but so-called white America now realizes how bad this issue is.
And I think we're living a very interesting and important time in our nation's history because of that.
Well, that and people getting on social media and making us think about stuff like this.
In all the different avenues that you have, you know, you have email lists, you have newsletters, you have Facebook, Twitter.
I mean, you could just go on and on and you keep flooding it out there and you keep people aware of what's going on.
And that that gets them interested instead of like, well, I should just go and watch TV.
Well, maybe I should go get involved in something about my community, because maybe I don't want to be on the wrong end of a gun at some point because I was just walking up to a bank.
And that's the big thing.
If you think about five years ago, especially ten years ago, if you had a police shooting, you would have the shooting, the police narrative, and then the media would control the entire narrative.
The media relies exclusively for their sources on the police.
So they're going to repeat what the police say.
The difference now is with Twitter, with social media, with shows like y'all have here,
There's other voices that people can listen to.
And that's why it's a truly revolutionary time, because people don't just have to accept what the government's telling them, and that generally was the case until the rise of the Internet.
And there are no government officials here telling us what to say, although they'd probably like to do that.
We're going to take calls in the next segment.
Adam, you ready for that?
You ready here?
I am.
We had Samuel earlier who was very, very angry, and I think justifiably so.
But I want callers who are coming up, we've got Dionne, Kristen, Chris, and Jimmy, I want you guys to have a question or comment for the guest, and then if you want to bring up something else real quick or, you know, ancillary to that, feel free to, but he's worked with, you've worked on CPS cases, you've worked in police brutality cases.
What are some of the cases you've done in your career?
The main focus of what I do is personal injury, which is the traditional car crash, truck crash, things of that sort.
The sub-specialty I have is police brutality, so I've handled everything from wrongful imprisonment, police shootings, taserings.
I was on the show about a year ago when Noe Niño de Rivera was tased in a high school in Bastrop.
He was the young man that was tased.
And he hit his head.
Brain injury.
And so we look at all cases and we've handled many of them.
And they're very important cases.
They're very important cases.
Most lawyers will not touch these cases.
Needless to say, these cases are very difficult.
You're suing the government.
You're up against public opinion.
You have issues of race you must deal with when you try these cases.
Because often, especially here in federal court, the jury is generally all white and generally it's minority victims.
And so it makes it very complicated, but I think it's extremely important.
That these cases are brought because the government must be held accountable.
And if the government is not held accountable in some way, the government will continue to do worse things.
And so I think that's why these cases are so important.
And, you know, the work you're doing isn't flashy.
It's not exciting.
I mean, I guess when you're in the courtroom it is, but the overall general approach.
But this is the way we have to do this if we're going to live in a civilized society.
We have to
Follow the rules that are set up and do it the right way, but you can get justice, I think, if you really work at it.
Our guest, Adam Loewy.
Adam Loewy!
We'll be right back.
It's Rob Dewitt with the Infowars.com Alex Jones Show, and we'll be right back after this short break.
Stay tuned.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We are live.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
You can watch it or listen to it.
But if you want to watch it live, you go to InfoWars.com forward slash show and you can watch a free stream that we put out.
And if you're a PrisonPlanet.TV member, you can just go to PrisonPlanet.TV and you can also share your username and password with up to 20 people and you get them educated.
Right now we have Jimmy, we have Scott, Kristen, Chris and Hal.
We're going to go to your calls in this segment.
But first,
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Now we're going to go to some calls.
You ready to take some calls?
I am.
All right.
You look like you're ready.
Jimmy, from Michigan, you've been holding the longest.
What is your question for our guest, Adam Lowy?
Hey, yeah, I was involved with the, I've been involved with the militia for several years, Mark Hornkey and what have you.
And I was also involved with the Uttari militia.
Uh, which we're accused of basically trying to do the same thing that's going on right now in our country.
Yeah, they put out some interesting videos at one point that looked, they looked a little suspicious.
They kind of look green screen and whatnot.
Is that, is that the videos you're referring to?
I didn't refer to anybody.
Oh, I guess I referred to them, but is that the same Hattari militia that you're... that... did they put out those videos?
Yeah, yeah.
Oh yeah, the nine people, all nine of those people were very good friends of mine.
They did two years in prison and were let go on the... two of the day.
Two years, two of the day.
Anyway, that's beside the point.
I understand you, you know, you
Defend people that have been brutalized by police.
You probably, you know, and you see that sometimes police officers are justified and absolutely they are.
How do you really look at the case?
Do you decide it on the merits or the circumstance?
Because I understand that the law says one thing, but the circumstances could certainly say another, you know?
That's what I'm getting at.
I think it's a very good question and I would first answer it by saying that I look at a lot of these cases and I would say without a doubt the majority of them are justified.
Meaning that the police officer is justified in the use of force.
And there's people who do civil rights cases who would strongly disagree with that.
But I don't look at myself as an activist.
I look at myself as a lawyer.
And I focus on the facts.
So I think most of the time, on cases you often don't hear about, there is a justification.
And so when you're talking about the 20% that may not be justified, and I think it's about that number, I think it's a very, very fact-specific analysis.
The law very much favors the police officer.
If you look at a jury charge, the law is very much in the favor of a police officer in what the police officer can say to get off.
And so you must be very careful about what cases you're taking and you have to look specifically at each factual circumstance.
And so I've done this long enough to have a pretty good feel on how the case is being reported from the beginning, what the police officers, excuse me, what the police department is saying or not saying to raise a red flag in my mind about this.
This doesn't sound right.
And this is a case that we should look at.
There you go, Jimmy.
Hey, I got one question for you.
Those guys were all released afterwards and they had no charges after that, is that correct?
It was all like gun charges that ended up getting dropped, is that correct?
No, they did not have... there were three of them that pled guilty to crimes that they actually did commit.
But the other six
We're completely set free.
Now, one of these guys I've known for over 20 years, he is now the constable.
The constable.
I'm not lying.
He got out of jail, ran for constable, and won.
To change the system, right?
To work on changing the system from within.
And a lot of these people were precinct delegates for the Republican Party.
We've been fighting to try and change the Republican Party for a very long time.
You know, and this is what the militia does.
The militia is about citizenship.
It is not about violence.
Totally agree with you.
People need to understand that.
And anybody that's in the militia right now, when you see a cop filling up his car with
Hey, that's great advice, Jimmy.
Thanks for calling in.
Kristen, NPA, what is your question?
Thanks for calling.
Yes, hi.
What's up?
Thank you for taking my call.
I just want to let you guys know, you guys rock, seriously.
I had a question, and then for your gentleman guest, and then a comment.
Do you... I apologize, I lost my train of thought.
Anyway, do you... I've noticed that a lot of these cases, you know, they drag them out.
It seems like they do it on purpose, trying to get people to forget what, you know, what had happened.
When you were just saying that this is already going on over a year, it's going to be two to three more years.
So, I guess that's your question.
Is this a tactic they use?
Kristen's spot on.
It's a deliberate strategy to delay... To drain the pockets, I think.
Well, it's also just so people forget about what happened.
I mean, at the end of the day, the longer something goes on, the more the public doesn't pay attention.
And in this day and age of Twitter, of instant media, people forget.
So, Kristen's exactly right.
Here in Austin, they always say that we have six months to investigate the shooting.
And in six months, we will report to the public what the results are.
And then they will often want an extension of that six months.
And then it'll go six months, eight months.
Here's the truth of the matter.
Whenever you see a police shooting on television, something that just happened, when the police department comes to the scene, they know what happened within 20 minutes, maybe an hour.
They always have their top investigators on it.
This stuff is not rocket science.
It's very obvious what happened, whether it was a clean shoot, whether it was a suspicious shooting.
The very idea this needs to take six months or a long time is nonsense, but the government does it for Kristen's exact reasons, so people forget about it.
And so lawyers can wordsmith the investigation and go, well, we've, we've ended up, we've calculated that there is no culpability in this point.
The longer it goes on, the more it benefits the government.
People forget about it.
Witnesses disappear.
It's just not that big of an issue.
I think you've seen that in other cities that have made national news and that is absolutely a strategy.
All right.
Kristen, anything else?
I just, I also, Alex was talking about some things and, you know,
I feel the same way.
My spirit has been heavily, heavily burdened here lately.
And, you know, I'm a God-fearing woman, you know.
I read the Bible and always look to the Lord first.
And as much as I want to see things change, to see that this is, you know, things are heading predestined, you know.
Things are going to get so bad that there's only one person who can fix it, and that's God.
And it's awesome to see people coming together, and I do believe, you know, the Lord is showing people, you know, the truth, and He wants people to take a stand with the, you know, the Planned Parenthood issue, with, you know, the violence on civilians against the police, you know, the corruption in our government, the list goes on and on.
But I really see more than anything, you know, we all consistently talk about a Great Awakening happening, and I believe the Lord is showing these things.
He's allowing these things to come to light.
Yeah, he's casting light on them so good, honest people can go, hey, this isn't right.
We have to take a stand at this point.
Because if we don't, we only have ourselves to blame in the end if we sit back and go, well, God's going to take care of it.
No, God is showing us so we take care of it.
We're the ones here.
We're the ones put here on this earth to take care of it.
Hey, thanks for calling, Kristen.
Really appreciate that.
FEMA Region 3.
What is your question?
Hello, can you hear me?
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, I want to start off by saying, um, the reason why people need to watch InfoWars is one reason, and that's because nobody else really understands what the term New World Order means and can explain it like you guys.
And until people do, they just cannot debate your platform on an intellectual level.
With that being said, I have a question and then a serious prediction on the next false flag.
First, my question is, um,
Let me start by saying a lot of people get stopped because a cop can ask them for their ID or whatever, but a lot of times there's instances where people just get stopped walking in the street where you're not even required to have an ID on you, and then what do you do at that point?
Do you be subservient and just do what they tell you?
Do you risk, you know, getting shot in the back of the neck?
And I have a real prediction after that question.
All right.
You answer that question, and I have a little story about the same, about that type of incident.
But go ahead.
Well, I think at the end of the day, you need to use common sense.
I understand, as someone that practices constitutional law, that there is a series of rights that the citizens have, that they don't have to show a police officer an ID, they don't have to stand and talk to a police officer, so on and so forth.
But at the end of the day, if you want to get home,
I would talk to the police officer.
I mean, there's one thing about proving some sort of constitutional principle in theory or in law school when you're debating it, but when you're on the street, I would just be respectful to the police officer, show him the ID, and treat him professionally.
I think a lot of these issues arise when people don't do that and the whole situation escalates and it gets to the point in which the police officer then overreacts.
Yeah, do you want to turn it into a three-year chapter of your life?
Over NID?
And I'm, hey, I totally respect people who stand up for their rights.
I do it.
There was one incident though.
I was in Detroit, Michigan with Aaron Dykes and we were shooting B-roll, a time-lapse of the city at night of Detroit.
We were at a park across a river, actually on a little island, and we were shooting this footage.
Cops roll up, they get out, they start talking to us.
One's a good cop, one's a bad cop.
And they want to see ID.
And Aaron's like, I don't have to show you my ID.
And they're like, yes, you're actually, you don't.
You're right.
And I actually, I just pulled out my ID.
I said, I know I don't have to show it to you either, but I'm going to give you this so you will figure out that we're no, we're no problem here.
All we're doing is shooting video and then you're going to leave us alone.
They said, yeah.
They looked at my ID, handed it back to me.
They got in their car and left.
So we could have turned that into a big incident.
We didn't, and we went on with our lives, and they went on with their lives.
So there's something to be said with, you know, using a little bit of common sense in these situations.
So, Hal, go ahead with your prediction.
Thank you for that answer.
Pretty much got what I was looking for there.
Yeah, what I was predicting, though, is something that I've been kind of picking up on in a lot of subliminals about, like, an assassination.
And I know you guys had a guest on.
I can't remember who it was.
Predicted that whenever the final false flag came in it was actually going to be in FEMA Region 3 where I'm calling from and then it's just all this weird timing in September and with Obama going to Alaska to shoot this weird episode with Bear Grylls in Alaska and changing the Mount McKinley.
Research to President McKinley was and there were some
Don't say it was a guy named Denali.
If you say that, I'm going to freak out.
Yep, and with the Pope coming in to Philadelphia, which is in FEMA Region 3.
That was my question, yes.
I just thought that basically this is how I predicted a long time how it would go down, was that it would be an assassination on somebody, like a sniper assassination, and that person would be wounded.
Everybody would think he's dead, but really he would be in critical condition for a while.
And I'm not sure what would happen after that, and that's my prediction.
And thanks a lot, you guys.
Love you guys.
All right, we'll mark it as a prediction.
And if it comes to pass, you will be known as a prophet.
In FEMA Region 3.
Let's see who's next here.
Scott in Nebraska.
What is your question for our guest, Adam Lowy?
I've got a statement, and then I've got two questions.
All right, go ahead.
They've been using these false flags and this MKUltra.
They've been winding them up.
And basically,
Starting a war, you know, and they're starting a war now between the police department, military, and the citizens.
The ultimate goal of the confiscation is the gun.
To conform to the New World Order.
You know, Obama's saying the same thing, that we gotta be like the rest of the world, that nobody can have guns and all that.
And ultimately, that's gonna end up with a mark of the beast where you have to have a mark to buy or sell.
Don't we need an army of lawyers to stop this war?
Because when we're talking military and police,
We're getting dangerously close here.
And the other part of this is, do you have someone that you can recommend as an MK lawyer?
MKUltra lawyer?
Do you know what MKUltra is?
I don't.
Well, I'm going to tell you after the break because it's going to take a little bit longer than the 10-15 seconds we have here.
Scott, we're going to answer that question when we come back and take a couple more calls and then that'll be end of the show and then we're going to do an hour of overdrive.
I'm going to have Jakari Jackson and Leigh-Anne McAdoo in here.
We're going to cover some stories, show you that shocking video that really sickened me to my stomach yesterday when I put it out on the Alex Jones Channel.
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Final segment of the third hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Rob Due.
Once again you can watch this on TV at Infowars.com forward slash show and the reason I keep pushing that is because I was one of the people that helped put this studio together in terms of wrangling construction people and designers and lighting people.
It's a gorgeous studio.
Let me tell you, I'm in love with this studio.
I really do like it.
I love the shiny floor.
It is a pain to clean every once in a while, but we do it and it looks great.
To me, it helps enhance the image of what we're putting out.
It gives our information more credibility.
And having lawyers on sometimes helps.
I have a love-hate relationship with lawyers, although I do love my old lawyer, Stuart Rhodes, who helped me out.
I got arrested in 2009 at the G20 in Pittsburgh.
Scott, you were asking about MKUltra, and that was the mind control program run by the CIA where they would use LSD to dose people up to make them more suggestible and then get them to control their actions.
Ted Kuczynski was in the MKUltra program.
He even wrote that in his manifesto.
Some people think the shooter in Colorado, the Batman shooter, was also involved in this because he was in some weird mind control stuff too in his college.
But so, Scott was asking if you could recommend a lawyer for these types of cases.
Scott, I cannot recommend a lawyer for those types of cases, but I'm certain lawyers are out there that do them.
I would just Google an MKUltra lawyer, but I do not focus on that type.
The big thing is being able to show damage, right?
At the end of the day, you have to be able to show you've been damaged some way and have some sort of proof of that.
And, you know, that is hard.
And I'll also say this.
I can't overstate this point.
The hardest thing to do in the legal system, in my opinion, is suing the government.
When you look at the hurdles that you have to deal with.
Or defend yourself from the government.
The government's coming after you.
You're dealing with an entity with unlimited money, with unlimited resources, and this is what the public often doesn't realize, the way they write the laws completely favor the government.
And because the government writes the laws.
So the government is not going to make it easy for you to sue the government.
And that is a fundamental fact that
I often have to explain to people and explain to my clients that it's difficult.
It's challenging.
And so a case like that would be extra challenging because you'd be up against the federal government, dealing with classified information.
And they could hide behind that very easily.
Very easily.
They always do it.
Let's go to Chris in Florida.
Chris, go ahead.
Counselor, do you handle, my first question, do you handle civil rights cases?
Great, and maybe I missed this, but did you mention, is it difficult, the first question I have is, is it difficult for an attorney to be a civil rights attorney because they're afraid of going in front of the judges and losing, you know, they're basically being muted by the same judge in the same jurisdiction?
There are certain jurisdictions where I think that's true.
I think here in Austin, Texas, that's not true.
I've never experienced that.
I think that most judges realize that we have civil rights for a reason and they properly adjudicate the cases.
And truthfully, the judges don't need to make it extra hard than it already is.
It's already difficult because the way the laws are written.
And so I haven't personally experienced that.
I have had colleagues that I have talked to that have experienced that, though in other cities.
And if you want to get in contact with Adam, you can reach him through his website at lowefirm.com.
L-O-E-W-Y-F-I-R-M dot com.
There it is right there.
Got some nice-looking office ladies with you.
I do.
I have a great team, and it's a new design by our great marketing director, Kate Terry, and I think it makes me look good.
All right.
Hey, you want to do five minutes of overdrive?
We'll take the rest of these calls.
Let's do it.
We're going to do five minutes of overdrive with Adam Lowy, attorney for the Larry Jackson family, and he's going to take some of your calls.
We're going to finish that up, and then we're going to have Chakari Jackson and Leanne McAdoo here.
I'm Rob Dute.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
You're tuned in.
I hope you like it.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
My guest, attorney Adam Lowy, was just asking me, um, do you have Secret Service come here?
And they've been here, I think, at least once, maybe twice.
Uh, Texas Rangers have been here, FBI, usually because of some, you know, jerk puts a weird comment about killing police on our message board and, you know, they want the information on it.
A couple times they've come here, I think it was the Texas Rangers, and David Knight takes on his camera.
And he starts filming the guys.
He goes, please don't film me, sir.
And David goes, I hear you.
He just kept filming him.
You know, that's the one thing.
I think if you can give any advice to me, it's have a camera ready at all times.
And anytime you deal with authorities, film it.
Well, I think that the filming of police officers is a game changer.
I think that I've seen this in ten years of doing this kind of law, is that ten years ago there never was going to be a film and now there is.
And so I think that at the end of the day, it's healthy for the democracy, for transparency.
The chief in Austin, Texas always talks about that it's healthy for transparency.
Whether he believes it or not is up for debate, but I think that the cameras are a very big issue and I think that it is
In the long term, a good thing that more of these things are being filmed.
Hey, John, Mike and Sherry, you guys are each going to have one quick question.
John, I'm going to you first.
What's your question?
Well, actually, I have a statement and a brief account because I've had several bad incidents right there in Texas with DPS.
Hitchhiking to Spring Break with a girl I met at college right there in Austin.
I was coming to Austin from the University of Alabama.
A DPS officer picks me up on the interstate.
And it had been a cold, windy day, or cool, windy day, but very sunny.
I was wind-beat, tired.
I asked him if he minded if I went to sleep for a few minutes or took a nap.
He said, just fine.
I wake up, the car's bolting around.
I look around.
We're in the desert.
I look over at him and ask him, where are we?
And he's got a gun pointed at me.
He gets me out of the car out in the desert.
I don't know where I am and pistol-whipped me and left me in the desert with two concussions.
And it was about four o'clock in the afternoon when I finally came to and woke up.
He's gone.
And I had to end up spending my spring break in the hospital in Austin with two concussions.
I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for these police.
They randomly pick us out, brutalize us for no apparent reason, and then when somebody does the same thing to them, it's all of a sudden a national problem and a national issue.
Quite frankly, they're reaping the whirlwind.
They're reaping the seeds that they sowed.
I don't buy this at all.
And if there were good cops, they would rein in the bad cops and refuse to work with them.
And I'm sorry, but that's my position.
I don't have any sympathy for them.
Alright John, you kind of echoed the sentiments of Samuel earlier, and I think there is a little bit of the chickens coming home to roost.
The cops have been able to hide behind the blue line for so long, the bad ones, and it's finally coming out.
Mike, are we going to Mike?
Sherry, Sherry, go ahead, what is your question?
What I'm curious about is if he could speak to the difference between an attorney and a lawyer.
Because when you look up lawyer in the phone book, it says the attorney.
So there must be a difference between the two.
And what is their allegiance?
Is it to the court or to their client?
And I would also say that... Well that's good.
Hold on.
Let him answer those two first.
Go with those.
What's the difference between an attorney and a lawyer?
That's a century-old riddle that is very difficult to answer.
I don't know the answer to that question.
I think that it's semantics.
I think it's the same thing.
So I'm not really quite sure how to answer that.
Where does your allegiance lie, lawyer?
So that also is a very interesting question.
Ethically, my allegiance lies to my client.
My duty is to my client.
But I'm also an officer of the court, so you have to respect the laws and respect the court.
There's been millions of pages written about various examples and hypotheticals in which there's contradictory allegiances.
And that's why we have hundreds of law school and law school professors that debate that all day.
All right.
Mike and Sherry, I'm sorry I'm going to jump.
Mike, go ahead real quickly.
What's your question?
Hey, MikeParsons.org is the website so you can read the narrative because we can't cover it now.
But basically, just average Joe, got fed up with the corruption, ran for office.
One, they split the vote, stole the election, so I sued.
Then I'm railroaded into jail when a man that partners with the guy I was suing attacked me and shot at us and killed our dog right in front of us.
Mike, send me an email on that.
It sounds interesting.
We'll be back with Overdrive.
A humanitarian crisis of a magnitude not seen since the Second World War is happening right now across the globe.
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This is going to be the next big question for all these presidential candidates, how they feel about mandatory vaccines.
It's time to get back in their face.
They're trying to bully us into medical tyranny.
I wanted to take issue with you anti-vaxxers, right-wingers, rednecks.
It's about Big Brother, but on the other hand, some things do require some involvement of Big Brother.
What gives you the right to tell me that I should get a shot, that my children should be shot?
I don't think there's anything extraordinary about resorting to freedom.
Hillary Clinton took to Twitter to voice her support for vaccinations.
The science is clear.
The earth is round, the sky is blue, and vaccines work.
Let's protect all our kids.
Meanwhile, the insert says it can make you get measles.
Understand that?
We have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
But I think the parents should have some input.
The state doesn't own your children.
Parents own the children, and it is an issue of freedom.
But the 10% can't go to school unless they get vaccinated.
The science of vaccines, which work effectively,
100% of the time.
And the White... Oh, wait a minute.
I'm sorry, you haven't read the CDC memo, have you?
It was 99% last week.
Now they're telling people it's 97%.
So, it's not 100% even by their own statistics.
Meanwhile, the outbreak was caused by vaccinated people!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right, and we are now in Overdrive.
This is Rob Dew hosting the Alex Jones Show, the Overdrive Hour.
Riding shotgun, we've got Leanne McAdoo, Jakari Jackson.
I want to thank our guest, Adam Loewy.
You can check him out at loewyfirm.com.
L-O-E-W-Y-F-I-R-M dot com.
And I appreciate all the callers calling in with their questions.
Now, you know, since we just had the vaccine intro,
And I do a lot of vaccine research.
I don't know if you can call me a doctor, but I do a lot of vaccine research.
And yesterday, I was floored by this video that was sent to me.
It was a link to a Facebook page.
It was sent to me via Twitter.
Quickly shot a version of it because I couldn't figure out how to get the video off Facebook So I just shot it with my camera on my phone talked about it immediately put it up I don't know how many hits it has not had 26,000 this morning which is 26,000 more people that are awake to the fact that these Vaccines cause damage and these are young girls go ahead and roll that video the young girls convulsing on the floor after HPV shot and I'm gonna read to you guys the Translation there's there's a Facebook post you can see
Oh, you guys are actually playing my... I actually put actual video from the Facebook page.
I actually screenshotted that, so that's what I want y'all to bring up.
And not the special report because it's actually clearer.
It's the actual video.
So see if you as we talk about these vaccines do.
I know we've seen the stuff down in Mexico also places like Syria and people say, well, if it's if it's that serious, if it can potentially harm you, why don't you hear about it on the news?
Because they don't want you to hear about it on the news.
They don't want you to know about.
The World Health Organization going and giving these vaccinations to the Syrian kids, and then they die.
And then you have the situations in Mexico and other places.
And then watching it on TV, watching it on TV, when they put the young lady on Katie Kirk's show, and she's saying, hey, I took the vaccine, I was sick for a year.
And then they have the lady sitting next to her like, well, these side effects are very mild and they don't happen to most people.
Meanwhile, the girls spent thousands of dollars at the doctor, it has all these health defects from the vaccines, but they don't ever want to talk about that.
And this Gardasil shot is what's bad.
That's actually, there should be two videos that look like that.
I want the one with all the kids on the floor.
There you go guys, play that one.
That's the one that is really shocking.
And turn the audio down because this guy talks really loud.
But you could just see, and people were telling me that this was fake because some of these, it looks like they recruited young boys here to help hold the girls down while they're convulsing because you could really hurt yourself.
You could break your neck pushing yourself back into a wall or something.
A couple of these kids smile, but this is because this is not something they see all the time.
If this is something they saw all the time, they would probably be
You know, a little more freaked out.
But this looks like an occurrence, you know, these kids at least haven't seen this.
There's a doctor in there, there's several adults in there.
There's no way this is fake, first of all.
I mean, these poor girls have all been given the Gardasil shot.
And now, either that or it's either the Gardasil or the Cervix, Cervrix is what they call it, is the other HPV vaccine.
But you can really, I mean, it's...
This is the damage that is going on in their brains right now.
This is their body reacting to their brains being damaged.
That's what you're seeing right now.
You'll hear people say, oh well, this reaction, it subsides after a little bit.
You know, they're just convulsed for a little bit.
Oh yeah, you're going to be fine, don't worry.
Hopefully they'll be fine.
And then, just to dovetail on what Leanne said, they said, well this type of reaction is normal.
It may be normal, but is that healthy?
What is normal about that?
That's not normal.
Well, first of all, that's not normal.
Watch this girl.
She's going to slam her head back here in a second.
The girl that's sitting up.
She's going to go through another round of seizures.
And these are febrile seizures.
And this is a documented side effect of this vaccine.
So she's recovering right now.
Slams her head back.
That is not acting.
That is... It sickens me that this is...
That this type of video is out here and this is what our government is trying to mandate that people take.
They're trying to mandate HPV vaccines.
Governor Perry tried to make all girls get it and there was a huge outcry.
He tried to say it was a law and he lied.
And you have some women here are suing the makers now because they had their pre-menopausal, you know, 18 years old.
They can never have kids.
And that's what these are designed to do.
This is designed to be population control.
These girls are at Carmen de Bolivar District.
That's what I did a translation of what it says.
And this guy's saying the population is completely neglected by the health system.
There's anguish that exists in the population.
How can this keep happening?
Do you not understand how the interest is clearly not the protection of underage girls?
It's violating the right of healthy.
Where is the international human rights, UNICEF?
Because all these people are in on it.
That's why you don't see that.
And then at the end, no more Russian roulette.
These images are real and speak for themselves.
No human papillomavirus.
So no shots.
He has a little icon, emoji of a shot.
No shots for the human papillomavirus.
Now this other video, it was right underneath it on the Facebook post, and I put a link to the Facebook post there.
You can go check it out yourself.
I mean, I put the links right there.
It's all sourced.
If you scroll down a little bit more, go to that other video, and this is a girl in a hospital bed who's having a seizure.
So her parents were obviously so concerned they brought her to the hospital.
At some point.
And you guys actually have that video.
Y'all had it up right before that.
It's the girl in the hospital bed.
Yeah, there you go.
She's doing the same thing and then she's going to stop and her body is in recovery.
This is like if you've ever seen someone give birth, they're going through contractions.
The body's going up and down and then it goes up and has the seizures again and comes back down to a little bit of rest.
But I mean, this is what these drugs are.
These vaccines are doing to people and it's disgusting.
It's not a necessary vaccine.
I mean, yes, I know obviously you want to protect young girls from potentially getting cervical cancer, but just like we've seen a rise in breast cancer after so many women are on birth control, it has the adverse effect and most people, HPV clears itself
From the system after about two years.
As long as you have a healthy immune system.
It's one of the most common STDs that's out there.
And it's not necessarily sexually transmitted.
You can get it from sitting on a bench at the gym.
And someone has sweat on the bench at the gym.
So it's, that's why it's so common.
It's so prevalent.
And a lot of people don't even know they have it.
But they put out the myth that everybody's giving it to everybody and it causes cancer and we could help eliminate cancer and it's just a big, it's a big BS story to get more people to get injected with vaccines so they can make more money and now they're creating patients right there.
Look at all the patients they're gonna have.
Oh, well now you have narcolepsy.
You've got something to treat you for that.
It actually makes you more susceptible to other strains of HPV.
If you go and get this Gardasil, yeah, it might protect you from this one strain, but there's like 17 different strains of HPV.
So you're actually more likely to catch one of those other strains because your body, the defense is, you know, just like it is when you get a vaccine from
You know, chicken pox.
Yeah, just like if you can go to Walgreens, CVS and get an insert.
We have several in the back right now where you can get the flu vaccine insert and it says on the insert that this can potentially give you nausea, headache, diarrhea, but it sounds just as bad if not worse than the flu that you would have got anyway.
You know, and people, it's like this, it's like this disparity.
People can't understand that like, yeah, you can get it from the shop, but I have to go, have to go get it.
And what's wrong with you?
I want my herd immunity.
I'm like, bro, you can,
You can get the flu from that shot you're taking right now.
Herd immunity is a myth and people should, there's plenty of videos out there of people who used to work for these drug companies who come out and said look I even did their own research because when I had kids I wanted to make sure.
There's one guy who who did it in the 90s before the internet was around and he was looking at stories.
The stuff he found that vaccines were damaging was about this tall, the stack, and he said the stuff that said they were fine was about this tall.
And that was in the 90s when people really weren't, you know, weren't able to get this information out as widespread as we can now.
And that's the great thing.
Like, you know, I saw this on Twitter late last night.
I was about to leave.
It's like 7.15.
I said, you know, I got to shoot a video on this.
This is so disturbing.
It really, it makes me angry that this is going on in our world and it's being done by people who claim that they have your best interest in heart.
And they don't, they do not have your best interest in heart.
Their, their interests lie elsewhere and in other realms.
Yeah, it's definitely not on earth.
So, you know, now we've gone through that.
We're actually going to cover that again tonight on the InfoWars Nightly News.
I'm going to come in with Darren, and I'm going to look up some more stuff.
I want to see about what is causing these febrile seizures, like what is actually going on in the brain and why that happens, because that is where the damage is being done.
It's being done in the brain, and your body's just reacting to it.
You're damaging, obviously you're doing nerve damage.
And you're having seizures like that.
And later, at the second half of the hour, I want to take some calls at the bottom of the hour.
So, I guess we can go ahead and start loading up the phone lines again.
On any topic you want to bring up, unless you guys have anything specific you want to... Oh, no.
Just whatever I got.
All right.
And what do you want to talk about next in our next segment?
Well, I saw something on the top of Drudge.
This may not be a whole segment, but I saw the headline for the Kentucky clerk that was jailed for refusing the gay marriage licenses.
And I thought that was kind of interesting that they would jail her instead of firing her.
You know, if it came down to it, if it was, you know, that big of a deal, you know, why would they fire her instead of putting her in jail?
But it's very odd, in my opinion.
She's the government employee.
She might even get fired.
And that's in Kentucky?
You know, forcing people to do things they don't want to do, that's what, you know, that's what you're going to get when you try to force people to do something they don't want to do.
And it's going to end up worse as this PC culture ramps up.
And we're living in the midst of it right now.
And you can see it on Twitter.
You can see it on Facebook.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Rob Doo.
Riding Shotgun, Leanne McAdoo and Jakari Jackson.
There's still more show.
It's Overdrive.
So stay tuned.
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All right, we are in the midst of the overdrive hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host Rob Dew, riding shotgun Liam McAdoo, Jakari Jackson.
You can watch this live.
At Infowars.com forward slash show.
I think that's amazing that we have the technology to just shoot it out over the internet.
The middle of the month, though, we're going to be launching into space, right?
We got the money bomb September 16th and 17th.
We're going to start at 11 a.m.
on September 16th.
Go overnight.
And then finish up at the end of the show, which will now be not 2 p.m.
like we normally do, it'll be 3 p.m.
on the 17th.
So 28 hours of live, power-packed radio.
I forget how many money bombs this will be for me, but we haven't done one in a couple years, so I'm really excited to get on the air and just, especially in those later hours, it's commercial-free.
So we're just going to go.
There's not going to be any stoppage of breaks.
The only time we're going to get a stop is when we play a video report or something.
So join us September 16th and 17th.
Go to InfoWars.com forward slash money bomb to learn all the information about what we're doing, why we're having a money bomb, because we haven't had one in a couple years.
And we're doing this to get InfoWars on satellites.
To shoot it over to networks all over North America.
And if you look at the distribution of channels, there's about 2,500 independent stations in the United States.
You've got about 1,500 in Mexico, a few hundred up in Canada.
All of those can potentially be reached with the satellite stream that we're going to be sending out.
Right now, we're going to start at five hours a day, four hours for the Alex Jones Show and then one hour of the nightly news.
And we're going to let we're putting it out.
It's called free to air.
We're just going to put it out there and let people grab it and put their commercials in at the designated spots.
It's a great way to spread the message, to wake people up, and to get rid of this left-right paradigm mentality that people have been spellbound under for so long.
I'm looking forward to it.
I think, Jakar, you're going to be co-hosting the nightly news.
But what's interesting is that night is the debate, so we're going to do that Mystery Science Theater 3000, basically talk over the goons while they're trying to tell us why we need to elect one of them to the highest office in the land.
Getting back to that, finishing up on the vaccines, here's a story.
China finds GlaxoSmithKline nearly $500 million for bribery.
And if you read, the UK company is found guilty of offering bribes to boost its business and will have to pay the fine to the Chinese government of 3 billion yuan, which is 489 million.
So, but what do they make per year?
Don't we have that link up as well?
How many billions do they make per year?
It's like 3 point something.
Yeah, so this is a billion.
This is a drop in the bucket for these guys.
This is probably, yeah, 3.4 billion.
Geez, yeah, that's not going to hurt him too much at all.
And this had to do, this didn't even have to, they were just raising prices on people.
This is what this is all about.
I think that billion was just in the fourth quarter.
Oh yeah, there it is.
It went up.
In the fourth quarter from a year earlier.
Oh wow.
And that looks like pounds too.
Find out their revenue for the year 2014.
It's probably in the realm of $12 billion a year.
Yeah, I didn't think $3.4 billion.
And, you know, that's what they want to do.
That's their end goal is to make more money.
So that's why they go out and fund politician campaigns, they fund ads, they fund studies that aren't true.
To prove that vaccines are safe and effective, then they try to force them down everybody's throat, and then they run this PSYOP campaign of making people who don't want to vaccinate their kids seem like they're crazy because they actually read the insert.
Yeah, and they don't want to teach you about proper nutrition and proper pH balance.
What was that?
23.1 billion.
Yeah, there you go.
I was wrong.
I said 12 billion.
Pretty big.
That's a drop in the bucket.
It's always going to be more than you can even conceive.
That's the cost of doing business for GSK.
And they're like, you know, when we get caught, we'll pay them off.
That's what the banks do when they get caught laundering drug money.
You know, they launder billions.
They pay several hundred million.
Yeah, it's as if they got a slap on the wrist for two days worth of business.
Hey, you robbed that bank for $50,000.
You're going to have to pay a fine of $3,000.
It sounds worth it to me.
So hey, next segment we're going to be taking your phone calls 800-259-9231.
We have CJ in Michigan, Denise, Dion, Gerald, Patricia.
We will be going to all your calls.
Looks like some people want to talk about vaccinations, which is good.
We got a CPS call in there.
Gerald also has something about lawyer versus attorney.
Maybe he found out what the difference between a lawyer and an attorney is.
They both suck blood.
Yes, they feed on it.
But Adam was one of the good guys, so it was great to have a good guy.
We do need more good guy attorneys in here.
We need more that are going to fight on the side of good and not for the side of evil.
It's Rob Doo, Leanne McAdoo, Jakari Jackson, Infowars.com, Overdrive Hour.
It's the Alex Jones Show, and you can catch it at Infowars.com forward slash show.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kill whites and cops.
Black Lives Matter affiliated radio show calls for a race war.
In a disgusting audio broadcast via Blog Talk Radio yesterday, an individual who admitted affiliation with the Black Lives Matter movement
Called for listeners to murder white people and police, declaring it open season for executions.
Open season on killing white and white police officers.
And I want to talk about the shooting of the white deputy sheriff in Houston, Texas.
It's open season on killing white and white police officers.
And probably killing cops, period.
It's open season.
For updates on this story and breaking news as it happens, go to Infowars.com.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
We're at the bottom of the hour of the overdrive hour for the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be doing this regularly now, so hope you enjoy it.
One more hour to cover the stories that Alex couldn't cover, play some of the videos he didn't get to play.
And today he took off an hour early and just feeling low blood sugar and just I think the weight of everything that's going on in you know in his personal mission is just he's just getting weighed down.
It's heavy.
Yeah, it is.
It's a lot of horrible information.
We just showed you some of the shocking video of those girls on the floor convulsing after getting the HPV shot.
Over on InfoWars, take a look over here.
We got Trump says U.S.
would have to defend Iran against Israel attack.
That's from Kurt Nemo.
Cites terms of nuclear agreement.
Special report, this is from Joe Biggs.
He just filed this this morning.
Hoax sends police on wild goose chase in Fox Lake Manhunt.
If you were on our Ustream channel last night, you could watch the adventures of Joe Biggs on the police scanner, following the cops around.
He got so fed up that they weren't going and looking for these guys, he started looking for them.
Yeah, he went to a cornfield.
Yeah, he got freaked out.
You can watch it all on Alex Jones Live on our Ustream channel, and we're going to be putting some of that footage
Over his report and playing it tonight on the Nightly News.
Also, report Trump to sign GOP pledge precluding a third party run.
You know, this could hurt him in some ways because if he does sign this, then they can easily just dismiss him and then he has no recourse to come back and say, well, I'm going to run third party.
Well, that's when they think they're really going to start exposing all of his bad things.
And if he does run third party, then we have Queen Hillary.
So it doesn't look good for the American people are screwed either way.
Refugees from U.S.-Saudi-sponsored Syrian war flood into Europe.
This is truly becoming almost biblical with the amount of people they're picking up.
There was a horrible picture on Drudge yesterday of the little boys drowned.
You know, those images are designed to pull on your heartstrings and say, invite the whole world into your country.
Don't fix their problems.
But you know what?
We caused a lot of the problems.
No, absolutely.
They're even coming here now.
I saw they were coming to Dallas.
It's somewhat of a hub for the people from Syria.
And I definitely understand they want to get out there, but as you're pointing out, you know, Obama gets out there and he says, they crossed a red line referring to Assad.
And he's like, well, I didn't say that.
Somebody else said that.
And then at least in one of the videos of the chemical attacks, it has the al-Qaeda watermark on the video.
They think we're that dumb.
And they do.
They do think we're that dumb.
They do think we don't pay attention.
They do think we have an army of intelligence officers.
And it's the American people and citizens worldwide who don't want to succumb to the tyranny, who call in with their tips, who shoot video, who make it a point to point out the hypocrisy.
Let's see.
Neutron bomb used in Yemen?
That's a John Bowne report.
This is one that I filed last night.
Shocking young girls can false on the floor after HPV shot.
Rise of the Inhumans.
And Dave Stockman is taking a very not Lego movie look on the economy.
He's saying the economy is not awesome.
So everything is not awesome.
Everything's not awesome.
Yeah, I'm sorry to tell you, but the economy's not doing too well.
So, but Leanne, you brought this article in from Science News.
Very creepy article.
Right here, ask not what your gadgets can do for you, ask what you can do for your gadgets.
So what is this about these nanogenerators they want to implant into your body to power your wearables?
Yes, well they're implantable but I guess in these first stages they're just going to be kind of stuck on you like a band-aid or something like that.
They're nanogenerators.
They're going to harvest the body's energy to power your devices.
And I mean this is, it just makes me think of the Matrix in this scene where all the humans are actually in these pods and the aliens are like harvesting their energy.
We are these energy conductors and here they're already working on ways that we can, through our moving our arms around or even breathing, it's harvesting that energy and so now you won't have to plug in your devices anymore.
The things we do for convenience, because I remember that office, I think David did a report about it, where they had people have chips to use the copy machine.
I can walk up to the copy machine right now and use it without a chip in my hand.
Well, some companies, not this one though, let me tell you, InfoWars definitely prints a lot of paper, but in some companies they actually have quotas at what you can print.
So you would have to put in a card and it would measure how many copies you made, and if you went over your limit, then they would take it out of your pay.
Oh wow.
So that is why you see that in some areas.
Not that I'm condoning the use of chips for copying machines, but that's how crazy it's become and how like penny-pinching some of these companies are.
Just like, well we can only have 12 copies of this and that's it.
Yeah, to see who's wasting.
But we don't do that here.
Unfortunately, kill a lot of trees.
But it really does.
You do see, you know, just laying out the articles before you, you can see all the madness that's going on.
Let's go to a caller.
CJ, Michigan, in Michigan.
What's on your mind?
How's it going, man?
Uh, yeah, I mean, I guess I'll touch on this because I saw you guys, uh, talking about it earlier, the vaccine video where all the girls are convulsing on the floor.
Um, I actually had a friend over last night who happens to speak Spanish and he was, uh, I asked him to translate for me.
He's kind of, uh, out of the loop a little bit.
So I was trying to have him watch some stuff.
And, uh, uh, he was, I was like, can you translate that for me?
And he was like, yeah, they're pretty much saying, you know, it's a big problem in the country.
And it doesn't even tell me the,
You know, they know that the shots are causing it.
Or any of that.
So they just have girls convulsing on the floor, but they're not putting two and two together?
Is that what you're saying?
Yeah, that's what it sounds like.
And they're pretty much asking for help on the video.
Does anybody know what's causing this?
Yeah, no, the doctor said it's safe and effective.
That's what it is.
I think one of the comments, somebody did say that, it looked like it was an exorcism or something like that.
And that's what they'll tell them if they don't.
They might.
And if you're in, you know, if you're not educated enough to go, no, wait a minute, I just took a shot.
You know, there's people in these African villages, they're chasing off the health care workers because they're like, no, we don't want your damn shots.
We don't want your- And we don't even need to read the answer.
We know they're bad.
You know, and so kudos to them.
Thanks for calling CJ Denise in Texas.
You're in our state here.
What's going on in Texas?
Hey, I just wanted to tie in everything with the CPS, what was going on.
Well, with my family, my grandson started having seizures, okay?
He has like an abnormal brain.
It grows bigger than, it's growing bigger than it should.
Seems to think that, you know, it was because of a vaccine when it got... But we don't know.
They're not going to tell us anything.
But every time he has a seizure, CPS is called in.
So they call the hospital or the ambulance to come get him because of the seizures and then CPS shows up?
The school will.
Oh, so he has them at school.
I don't know if you know anything about Weatherford, Texas, but it is the most awful town in Texas.
It's like the left has taken over the whole city.
It is horrible.
I went to visit my daughter.
That's where she lives.
Well, okay, now, now CPS says, you know, they have to go live with their dad.
And they will not let me see him.
The CPS lady says that she does not know me.
I am, I have cooperated with her.
I gave her my driver's license, my social security, and everything.
She told my daughter that she cannot believe that I am not a felon.
Okay, I've never been in trouble.
I am serious.
The CPS people are right in there with what the rest of this country is doing.
Oh yeah, absolute power.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and they think they have absolute power over you.
The thing you need to do, and this is what I would do, anytime you have interactions with these people, I would be recording it in some way, shape, or form.
Texas is a single party consent state, so only one party has to consent to the recording.
So anytime you're on the phone with these people, that's what I would be doing.
I'm not a lawyer, but you know, you gotta protect yourself.
You have to assume that they're going to try and take your kids.
And they will use anything.
They will come into your house and go, you have dirty dishes.
Big kids having seizures.
Oh, we have to come in.
And it's caused by these vaccines.
And they're doing that so they can get your kids.
And then they get money for them.
It literally is a bounty system.
They get money for placing kids in foster care.
And that keeps more money coming into the system.
It's disgusting.
And I'm sorry you're having to deal with it right now, but that certainly is very sad.
But that is the times we live in, and we have to protect ourselves.
And we have to speak out against it, and I'm glad you're speaking out, Denise.
Dion, Illinois, what's going on?
You want to talk about mandatory vaccination?
Yeah, there's mandatory vaccination passed August 3rd in Illinois.
Grades 6 through 12 have to take the meningitis vaccine.
There's a school in Lake Forest where 95% of the seniors have been vaccinated.
I just wanted to know, do you think this is going to be a trend throughout schools?
And what do you think these people are going to go through after they take the vaccine?
Thank you.
Well, this is definitely going to be a trend that continues.
California is the place where trends start in our country.
They start out west in California and they come this way.
And what you're going to see, I think you're going to see two things.
You're going to see a rise in adverse reactions because these kids are going to start getting a bunch of these at once.
And so parents need to be aware that if you are going to give your kid one of these, you better be aware of what the adverse reactions are.
And two, you're going to see a rise in homeschooling, which I think is a positive thing.
I think we need to see more kids in homeschooling because you're not under that oppressive system that is basically teaching you to be a cog in the wheel of a giant corporation instead of a free-thinking person who can solve problems with ingenuity.
Speaking of ingenuity, there's some interesting stuff going on out in Burning Man, but it's not what you would normally think.
It's not girls in bikinis and art, it's the FBI using spy technology?
What's going on in Burning Man this week?
Yeah, so the Burning Man festival happens every year.
It's been going on for about 29 years and it's basically like an
Free expression arts festival.
People head out there and for a week they don't exchange any money.
Everything's on the barter system.
It's all about sort of kindness and shedding your ego, shedding the old self and just, you know, living free from the state basically.
So here we have this this culture out there.
Well now, the undercover FBI agents are spying on the Burning Man Festival.
They say to prevent terrorism, but they're also testing out new intelligence collection technology.
And of course, the document where it shows where they're kind of speaking back and forth to the law enforcement there in Nevada, that part's redacted.
So we don't know exactly what type of intelligence collection technology they're using, but
Here we have, you know, these people that are out there figuring out how to live free from the state.
It's the barter system, free expression.
Our government is funding terrorists all over the world, but they're doing anti-terrorist stuff at Burning Man.
It's ridiculous.
I'm back!
Hey, you feeling better?
Yeah, I'll tell you what happened.
I'm not complaining.
They got me breakfast tacos and I didn't like them, so I didn't eat.
And then when I don't eat, it uses all the sugar up my brain.
I'm mildly hypoglycemic.
I don't have a serious case of it.
And you exercised this morning, too.
And I exercised super hard.
I climbed a mountain, pretty much.
I mean, I hiked up one today.
Me and Buckley calculated it was like 34 minutes straight up never stopping.
It's not that big a deal.
The point is is that I didn't eat and I've been up since 6 a.m.
and then I just get super doomy and gloomy and it's like torture being on air.
And then you're reading all this doom and gloom and it's not making it any easier.
Yes, but...
I'm not pouting when I'm not here tomorrow, I'll be honest.
I think I have sleep apnea.
Because I'll get a massage or something and say I quit breathing for like a minute.
So I'm finally doing a sleep study tonight.
Oh, that should be it.
And I won't get any sleep, so I won't be here tomorrow.
I plan to come in later in the show and be a guest on the show.
Gucciardi's going to be hosting tomorrow.
And you guys are going to be in as well.
But I'm not phasing Alex Jones out, don't worry.
I'm coming in Sunday to be live, by the way.
So it balances out.
Literally the hardest working man in show business.
No, not in show business, but as that's a saying that people say.
In crazy business.
I didn't mean to interrupt you on the Burning Man thing.
Did you know I went to Burning Man?
I know.
Over ten years ago.
I tried to talk one of our crew members that went into filming.
Yeah, I hope he's filming.
He said, I'm going to be relaxing.
You don't relax at InfoWars?
He doesn't realize that the FBI is gathering intelligence on all the activities out there.
Yeah, there's definitely feds and there's a lot of rich people there too who kind of skirt the system of what's going on there.
Everything gets tarnished at some point.
The only thing I had to worry about when I was in Burning Man was somebody stealing my bike.
That was it.
Which happened once, but I found it.
Well, for me, I just kind of thought this was tied into the whole Jade Helm geospatial intelligence in the human domain, because here, of course, they're going to be very interested in a society of people.
If you had a tie-on, it would look better.
This could be the new way.
You know, I went and ate some Mexican food, and I'm fine now.
There you go.
So, t-shirt, Alex Jones.
You could actually watch all this.
I mean, I like salacious crumb.
Let's hit some Java the Hutt.
I've seen your Java the Hutt.
You can watch all this at Infowars.com forward slash show.
See Alex Jones in studio in a t-shirt.
His white t-shirt.
He just got done eating.
He needed to go get... I guess he didn't like your breakfast tacos.
Is that what happened?
Well, you're working on it though.
That's the thing.
If you're working on it...
You know, you can't really get down on yourself.
What do they call it?
They have the skinny bodies, they have the middle-sized bodies, they have the fat-style bodies.
They say big-boned.
No, no, they have the endomorphs, that's the ectomorphs.
What's the middle one?
I mean, I have the middle-type body.
You never know what's going to happen.
You never do.
Now, when you get your car, he's got the good seat.
You have the body of like a guy that's 6'4", 6'5", but it's your legs that are short.
Because you really, you should be about 6'5".
So I'm like a basset hound.
You don't have the ears of a basset hound.
Hey, we do have, guys Google Alex Jones turns into a dog.
Oh yeah, Ruff Ruff Jones.
Or Alex Jones changes species.
You were training species there for a few days.
That's your new identity.
We actually, we had to take him out and walk him every couple hours.
He refused to use the bathroom.
It was crazy here at InfoWars.
It was the weight of the world, I think, coming upon Alex Jones.
It's always an adventure.
I can't remember who it was, but we got a guest in one day, and it was the day we were shooting the Super Mill commercial with Shane Steiner.
So we had this big guest in, and Shane's walking around like a caveman with a sword.
I'm like, this is what we do, man.
We're setting up as a crazy-looking lab.
Hey, what about the quarterback?
Getting reinstated.
Oh, Brady?
Well, Joe Biggs is probably rejoicing about that.
That was always a scam.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
That was just to keep people interested in nothing, really.
It ended up being a whole show about nothing.
Sort of like a giant Seinfeld episode.
Yeah, you gotta keep people talking about the NFL.
When I was a kid, speaking of the NFL, my parents would have parties at their house.
Everybody wouldn't watch TV.
I was standing in front of the TV.
So I'm kind of still doing it this time.
There he is.
Yeah, look.
He had those, those ears were surgically attached and then we had to surgically unattach them after we talked him, talked him off the... Someone else took that.
Someone else took that, yeah.
You guys got to type in Alex Jones Channel because Google loves to try to keep the truth from the people to show how popular it is.
We'll be back with more.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Rob Dew, Leanne McAdoo, Alex Jones and Jakari Jackson all in studio right now.
And my head is being squished.
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You had a heart attack last year.
Oh, I know.
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Then why are you digging?
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Is that a new drug?
No, not a drug.
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How can that help?
Well, actually, we've taken herbs for thousands of years.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, during the break, CJ popped in and said, it's like Bohemian Grove for the masses.
And in a way it is.
There is a lot of giving yourself up, we're not gonna, but there's no redwoods.
And then they do burn a giant effigy.
Actually, they burn several things while you're there at Burning Man.
It's very pagan, even the way that everything's set up.
It's like a big sundial.
It is, and you know, they're just taking, you know, the symbols that we've had in our world throughout time.
Some are pagan, some are Christian.
There's a guy there that builds some amazing, he changes the names of them every year, but he builds them out of these puzzle, goes to puzzle piece factories and gets these intricate looking wood cutouts that are like gonna be thrown away.
He collects them all and builds giant temples out of them.
It's really amazing stuff.
I think his name is David Best, if I remember.
But, getting away from Burning Man, let's try to get through another couple callers.
We've got Gerald in Arkansas.
Are you going to tell us the difference between lawyer and attorney?
Yes, I want to say you guys are doing a great job.
Can you hear me okay?
I can hear you loud and clear.
Go ahead.
I'm a big fan of it.
I'm from the old school.
I was a former Marine under John F. Kennedy.
So I know about all this stuff all the way up to now.
So education is what you guys are doing and that's what the people need.
Now here's the thing on the attorney.
You can look this up under Google.
The word attorney comes from the French word, a torn.
A-T-O-R-N, which means to take from the people and give to the landowner.
That's the old feudal system.
But what we're under here, and I hear hardly anybody ever bring it up, we're under common law.
That's where all of our laws, or the Constitution, was written on common law.
Yeah, yeah.
I'm going to cover that tonight.
I'm going on the news with Jeremy Breen.
I'm going to pull that section.
Right, under Uniform Commercial Code.
Mm-hmm, UCC, yeah, got it.
Hey, Gerald, thanks.
Yep, go ahead.
Says the statute should be construed in harmony with the common law.
There you go.
All right, well, hey, thanks for that.
Patricia in Arizona.
The purpose is to make it all confusing.
Go ahead.
I just, I called about the vaccine, and when my daughter was in high school, she is, she is 35 now.
But when she was 16,
She came home from high school and she said, um, today they gave out vaccinations, but they told us we didn't need our parents consent.
And I said, no, no, no, no.
I said, you always need my consent.
And she said, well, they gave us a choice.
So I just went ahead and took the vaccine.
And she has spent almost a hundred thousand dollars to have two little boys because her,
Aren't you tired to eat?
I gotta go to bed.
She had all the side effects, you know.
Not all of them, thank God she didn't die.
But I could not believe that the school just told them, you don't need your parents' permission.
Yeah, your children belong to the state.
Yeah, we've seen that in other parts of the country as well.
That is a horrible story.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm glad she's doing better.
You know, what you do, there's ways to help yourself after these vaccinations, and there's plenty of people out there.
I think Dr. Blalock put some stuff online about how to help yourself.
Join us tomorrow.
Anthony Gucciardi is going to be in here with a whole host of health news.
It's thealexjonesshowandinfowars.com forward slash show.
I'm Rob Due, Liam McAdoo, Jakari Jackson.
We'll see you back here tomorrow.
Nightly News tonight, 7 p.m.
Great job, crew!
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