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Name: 20150902_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 2, 2015
3290 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses a Black Lives Matter radio show that called for violence against whites and police officers. He criticizes media portrayal of it as a political issue. Jones also talks about Planned Parenthood's sale of fetal tissue and how the media distracts people from important issues like increasing violence against white people and police officers. Infowars correspondent Joe Biggs reports on recent incidents involving law enforcement, including conflicting reports about evidence found at a crime scene related to the murder of an officer. The radio show also discusses concerns over nanotechnology in food packaging and vaccines, water quality and cleansing methods, as well as emergency preparedness products."

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Infowars.com and nightly news reporter Joe Biggs joins us in 30 minutes.
He's on the ground.
He flew up there early this morning and he's now there.
North of Chicago.
50 miles north of Chicago there at Fox Lake where the veteran police officer lieutenant was shot and killed yesterday morning.
Part of the ongoing epidemic
of police being killed in cold blood.
He'll be joining us at the bottom of this hour.
Then, Dr. Edward Group, with the most important information he's ever covered.
I wanted to get him up here this week to cover some other issues that we'll get to as well, and he said, I want to cover what's more deadly and bigger than GMO, and what the whole GMO fight is distracting from.
And as soon as he said it, I went, absolutely.
I knew that.
I've seen the mainstream articles, I've seen the government reports, the medical studies, but haven't talked about it enough.
This is big.
What we're going to be discussing in the second hour today, and then we'll have open phones in the third hour.
Coming up, Obama prophesies climate nightmare, famine, floods, fire, fumes, and fighting.
Not from economic collapse run by the big mega banks, not from race war started by the Ford Foundation, George Soros and the White House, Media Matters and others, MSNBC.
No, not from the genetic engineering of the crops, not from the geoengineering of the climate.
No, you didn't pay carbon taxes to the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, Obama and Al Gore that all sit on the exchange boards of the Chicago mercantile and the London exchange of carbon.
You pay them money or the Earth's doomed.
That ties into this EU migrant crisis.
Trains, ships, the tunnel, all shut down.
Eurostar passengers wait 16 hours as Cameron says UK shouldn't take more refugees.
Millions pouring in a year.
Hundreds of thousands a month into Europe.
160 plus thousand illegals on one tiny island in a month in Greece showed up to the island of Lesbos.
One German town of a thousand now has 2,000 illegals in it in one week.
And it's only intensifying.
You wake up and there's 2,000 people in your tiny town and they want everything free.
And they're crapping on the sidewalk, they're mugging your wife, and they're there with the left right behind them saying, you house these people in your house, you scumbag European.
You are inherently a bad person, and you're gonna pay for all this, and you're gonna bankroll it.
When the very same elite pushing the open borders then says, well, we bombed Africa and the Middle East, and so it's our fault, we gotta take them.
You did!
Those wars were unpopular, they were a fraud.
We're captured.
And Obama's opened our borders up to refugees as well.
This is a planetary takedown.
And the Pope says we haven't accepted enough illegals and paid for everything and that we should repent and say our prayers to the Papa.
Pray to the Papa.
The Papa says pray.
Kiss his ring.
And he will forgive you.
Jesus will forgive you.
He has the keys to both temporal power and spiritual power.
And he says you'll be okay.
Pope, did you pray and ask forgiveness that you didn't take the hundreds of thousands of African migrants pouring in every six months or so into Italy?
They're all over the streets of Rome and all over the streets of Naples and just running around mugging people and sleeping under trees and begging everywhere.
Did you take them inside your big 30-foot walls?
With the armed guards with submachine guns?
Did you take them?
No, you didn't, Papa!
What a sick New World Order puppet!
You can say what you want about the Catholic Church.
Its fruits have varied throughout history.
But let me tell you, this Pope is no Pope at all.
This is like having Fidel Castro at the Vatican.
Of course, Fidel Castro doesn't take, uh...
Refugees from anywhere in Latin America, they shoot you if you do.
But that's okay, he's got a big beard, he's a communist.
Here's a story for all you supporters of the war on drugs.
Cocaine production plummets after DEA kicked out of Bolivia from the website TheAntimedia.org.
According to data released by the United Nations, cocaine production in that country declined by 11% in the past year, making the fourth year in a row of steady decrease.
It was just seven years ago that the DEA was kicked out of Bolivia, and only three years after that, progress was finally made.
The strategy employed by the Bolivian government may surprise many prohibitionists because it did not involve strong-arm police state tactics.
Instead, they worked to find alternative crops for farmers to grow that would actually make them more money.
Bolivia has adopted a policy where coca cultivation is allowed in traditional areas alongside alternative development and others, said Antonio D'Leo from the UN Office of Drugs and Crime.
The US is still involved in Afghanistan and
Look at the heroin production coming out of that area.
It has skyrocketed.
Is the United States really against the war on drugs?
Or is it just against the people who use them?
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
Subscribe to the Alex Jones Channel for more reports.
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Alex Jones here with a very important news alert for InfoWars listeners.
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You walk into this room at your own risk, because it leads to the future.
Not a future that will be, but one that might be.
This is not a new world.
It is simply an extension of what began in the old one.
It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time.
It has refinements, technological advances and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom.
But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule.
Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
This is Mr. Romney Wordsworth.
In his last 48 hours on Earth,
He's a citizen of the state, but will soon have to be eliminated.
Because he is built out of flesh.
And because he has a mind.
Mr. Romney Wordsworth, who will draw his last breaths in the Twilight Zone.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Wednesday, the second day of September, 2015.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to break down an investigative report in the second hour detailing what is even a bigger threat than GMOs and vaccinations.
A bigger threat than additives.
A bigger threat than bisphenol A and glyphosate.
I concur with our guest analysis that this is the new big threat that's actually been taking place for a decade.
And we're going to raise the awareness and the consciousness of this so that action can be taken.
And the good news is this radio slash TV transmission and other similar formats that are outside the political control box are more and more forcing real issues into the public mind and are beginning to take control of the debate.
You can see that on so many fronts.
People don't believe the establishment.
They're running from the establishment in droves.
It is a badge of honor to be censored and persecuted and attacked by the system.
Because as Mahatma Gandhi said, first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they attack you, then you win.
And we are in the attack phase right now, but quite frankly, we're also beginning to go into the winning phase.
And of course, in a complex world with thousands of different fights going on, some things are in the laugh at you phase, the ignore you phase, the attack you phase, or the winning phase.
It's a mix of those, but more and more, we're moving into the attack phase and the win phase.
We're winning on some fronts.
We're being laughed at on some fronts.
We are in the attack phase on others, and it's an epic historical time to be alive.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Joe Biggs will be joining us at the bottom of the hour from Fox Lake, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, Second City.
Three cops murdered in less than a week.
Another officer is found slaughtered in his Texas home amid growing safety fears and a manhunt
For the Illinois cop killers who got away.
We'll be breaking that down.
And Joe is there on the ground.
We talked to him 15 minutes ago.
He said a lot of the door-to-door has been suspended, but that's not been announced in the news yet.
But Joe heard the police actually talking about it.
He's got a lot of video he's shot since he got on the ground an hour ago.
And they just got announced.
Again, a homicide suspected in an off-duty Texas officer's death in his home.
We have another cop shot, of course, in Houston over the weekend.
We have the TV reporter and the cameraman killed.
And much of it is black-on-white activity.
With Louis Farrakhan, we played the clip yesterday saying, it's time to go out and start killing people that are killing us.
And that ties into the different radio shows that are out there where folks are calling for the murder of police officers.
A very, very
Dangerous precedent.
The articles on Infowars.com with the audio and video.
Kill whites and cops.
Close quote.
Black Lives Matter affiliated radio show calls for race war.
By the way, this is based out of Texas.
This was done.
It's about to go down.
It's open season on killing white people and crackers.
Well, you know, it was the drug doubt
mentally ill white supremacist a few months ago that killed nine innocent black people in Charleston, South Carolina.
And he said he wanted to start a race war.
And of course the White House wants to start one as well.
And Sheriff David Clark and others have pointed that out.
We've pointed that out, of course, ad nauseam.
And they're having some success.
This is truly sickening.
And it's despicable.
And the people getting away with it, you know, I used to hear Hal Turner
A prominent white supremacist who attacked me basically every time he was on the radio and called for folks to come after me for no reason other than the fact that I really am anti-establishment, really trying to change things.
And I said there's no way he's allowed to call for killing judges and killing people and attacking minorities if he wasn't a federal informant or probably a high-level national security asset of the Southern Poverty Law Center or ADL.
But he's definitely with the FBI.
When that began to come out in court, hackers hit his computers, released the info, and right after it came out that he was FBI, which was later confirmed, they indicted him for his statements, which they admit he was authorized to make.
So, they even set up their own people.
And Hal Turner didn't believe a word of what he was saying.
Turner's probably a fake name.
But certainly didn't even look like he was, you know, this big Anglo-Saxon he claimed he was.
So, this is the type of stuff going on behind the scenes.
And we know Black Lives Matter is White House and Ford Foundation and George Soros funded.
We know Hillary's involved with her staffers.
Nancy Pelosi is involved running major groups and putting out the talking points.
This shows how cold-bloodedly evil these people are.
Now, that said, we're going to get into a video after we cover abortion, because all this ties together.
From KSAT out of San Antonio, we have the unedited video of a fatal deputy-involved shooting.
And it shows a guy kind of running around in the yard, pointing his finger.
He puts his hands up.
And then the cops, clearly, one officer shoots him and kills him.
We've enhanced the video because it's shot from about 70-80 yards away and I don't see him with a knife in his hand.
I don't see anything.
We're going to play this video coming up and they put a huge bug right over it which is just ridiculous but whatever we're playing it fair use to document this and they shoot him in the
In the chest, in the torso, and killing.
And the cop just, his body language acts like he cared less and they're just having an excited manhunt or something.
And the police department, sheriff's department came out and criticized KSAT, ABC News 2, for releasing this.
We're going to play the enhanced video now, if you're a TV viewer.
saying that it it it hurts the officers who haven't been charged yet well you know what it's america you got your surveillance cameras everywhere and who knows what story you were gonna put out before this came out but his arms his hands are clearly up and they kill him and he looks like what i call a white hispanic a lot of hispanics identify as white as far as i'm concerned they look like they're white spain is european
And the whole point is, if this was a black person, you would probably already have riots going on over this.
And that's because you've got the White House in there, stirring everything up, because they've doubled black unemployment, they're screwing black people over, they're targeting them with abortions, but if they get up there and act like they're racially aligned with black folks, they'll continue to stay on the globalist plantation, the globalist reservation.
But here's what I'm getting at.
Whether it's that homeless white guy being executed in Albuquerque and the cops laughing about it, or whether it's the cops executing this guy in San Antonio, there are some dangerous, mentally ill people on police forces that have no business being ushers at a movie theater, much less executing deadly force on people.
But if you look at what happened in Albuquerque, the cop that did the first shooting has been indicted and looks like he's going to serve prison time.
But in San Antonio, they execute Gilbert Flores Jr.
in his middle class neighborhood, kill him dead in a hammer,
All because it looks like the cop is trigger happy and is so afraid and so ready to pull the trigger that he's the type of guy that would be deer hunting and would shoot a neighbor's cow over the fence line thinking it was a deer.
We've all taken people hunting, if we're hunters, who you learn have no business hunting.
Because you'll hear all this shooting 20 minutes after you put them on the deer stand and you get there and they're just shooting blindly at the bushes or whatever.
And those type of people do not need to be police officers.
Now, that said, I'm going to tie all this together when we come back.
There is a new Planned Parenthood video, I guess this is like the ninth video that's been released, where a company that specializes in getting intact babies makes the little joke, oh, the babies just fall out on the floor, and then we can excise their organs a lot better.
Now, that's what I told you before all this came out.
Because I've aired documentaries before on my local TV show and covered it with the experts.
Footage shot in the 90s where insiders admitted that they would commit crimes.
I'm going to skip this network break.
This is too important to talk about the babies.
I'm not going to stop right here.
Thank you.
They would take the babies out, have the mother drugged, have a sheet up in front of her,
Push her out of the room, and then they would very quietly take the baby over, keep it alive.
In some cases, if it's like an eight-month, they can really make hundreds of thousands.
The word is, they'll even put them on life support, like China does with political dissidents.
They'll even put them on oxygen and stuff, and try to limit bleeding while they do the surgery, and then remove the heart and lungs last.
Well, now this has come out.
And there's video of them talking about it.
But they make a little joke, oh the baby just falls on the ground.
Abortionists call it the ultimate nightmare.
They call it basically different terms.
But what they do is, if it's a 6, 7, 8, 9 month old baby.
And the surgeons and people blow the whistle on these documentaries.
I've aired some clips of them here.
They hold the baby up against the cervix.
It's through the cervix.
I don't want to be gross here, but this is going on, so we're going to medically talk about it.
It's a documentary radio show.
Slash TV show.
They hold the baby up, just touching the woman.
And as long as they claim legally the baby never doesn't touch the woman, then technically it's not a born baby, it's a fetus.
And they play semantical games and do that.
But when they say it hits the ground, under federal and state law, the baby's now got to be saved.
Now before they were selling body parts 20-something years ago, there's a lot of famous people, a black lady, a white lady, I forget their names, we've had one of them on the show before, we've got to get them back on.
Who were dug out of dumpsters by pro-lifers when they were seven and eight months old, respectively.
One of them had her thigh broken and cut open.
She's a blonde-haired lady, so she always limps up to the stage.
She's a beautiful woman.
Ended up having kids on her own right.
She was dug out one hour after she was aborted out of a dumpster.
So was the black lady.
She was dug out almost a day later out of the dumpster.
We've had the blonde lady on.
We could never get the black lady on, but you... I forget their names.
Just Google woman survived abortion.
There's a whole bunch of
Women, not many men, female babies are a lot tougher than male babies.
Any medical doctor will tell you that.
Especially if they're a Ron Paul type doctor that delivered babies.
But, this is what they do.
And they keep them alive, reportedly, some of these outfits.
So we have this audio, we have this video.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Planned Parenthood baby parts vendor, ABR, pays off clinics.
They say intact fetuses just fell out.
Ha ha ha.
But the most important clip of the two we have is where they explain under Bush one and then the next Bush where they all said, oh, they won't let us have embryos for medical research.
You know, they're just a few cells.
No, that's how they legally did it in Congress and fooled the Christian right and everybody or folks that just think all lives matter.
People that have empathy is they go, oh,
We're not killing embryos, but under the classification, a fetus, which is up to nine months old, hasn't left the womb, a baby, but called a fetus, it can be killed and it can be sold.
But it's a baby once it's no longer touching the mother.
Umbilical cord connected doesn't count.
Once the baby's not touching the mother, once it's come out, once it's been, quote, delivered, it's now a baby under all these weird regulations and laws that dehumanize.
So here they are all macabrely admitting this, as usual, slurping wine, sitting around enjoying themselves in a restaurant.
And we're told scores of more videos are coming out.
And they're putting these videos out, unedited, three hours long, two hours long, five hours long, six hours long.
And then, of course, others like ourselves go in and cut out the actual clips and play the meat, no pun intended, of what's going on here.
But black lives matter.
Cops' lives matter.
White lives matter.
Hispanic lives matter.
Old people's lives matter.
Veterans' lives matter.
Babies' lives, everybody's lives matter.
And you cannot get the leftist-controlled, communist-controlled, Soros-funded, hateful, black Klan groups who are going around calling for killing crackers randomly and killing cops randomly.
It's like a double goody if you kill a white cop for them.
You can't get through.
I've gone to their events.
I've tried to talk to them.
I've tried to get David Duke on to explain they're aborting all the black babies.
And there's a larger program against everybody.
And you just can't reach out to the racial groups because they're all in their own group.
They all have their own spiel that they put out that you cannot get past.
And so that's fine.
I'm here trying to reach out to people who in their hearts love innocence, love children,
Love our veterans, love good police, love innocent people that are killed.
When I hear about a cop getting shot cold-bloodedly in the back and I see the video, it makes me physically sick.
When I see this poor guy in San Antonio executed by this little dwarf cop, it makes me sick.
When I see this cop killed up in Illinois, execution style, it makes me sick.
I have empathy when I saw that black woman gunned down in DC for being scared of a checkpoint.
It made me sick.
It was black and white cops shooting her up.
But I don't hate all black people because there's some racist black people out there targeting white people.
I don't hate all white people because there's some racist white people out there targeting black people.
I don't hate all the police because there are some mentally ill ones, some thugs, some gangbanger types, some psychos.
They just indicted a cop up in Oklahoma who would pull over women, turn off a squad car camera, reportedly tell them, have sex with me or I'm gonna bring you in for your warrants.
And he's arguing, well they agreed to have sex so it's okay.
No, you intimidated them with your power.
So you've been indicted.
But they have indicted him.
And it was the state police that found out and busted him.
And that's good.
But don't cover it up because then you're aiding and abetting it.
Our society is unraveling.
The globalists want destabilization.
We don't want to go along with what they want.
We want to bring unity of liberty and freedom and then recognize the globalist social engineers as the enemy.
They're the people poisoning our water with fluoride.
They're the ones harvesting our babies organs.
They're the ones putting the veterans on don't treat death list.
They're the ones preparing Homeland Security to go after gun owners.
They're the ones
Working with tyrants and funding ISIS.
They're the bad guys.
They're the problem.
They're the premeditated evil.
That's why they want us fighting with each other.
Let's go to the first clip.
Which one do we have queued up first?
I'm sorry I wasn't clear with our great...
Okay, so here they are in Los Angeles, this new video, the ninth video, Baby Parts Scandal focuses on Advanced Bioscience Resources, Inc., the small and secretive company that has harvested and sold fetal body parts at Planned Parenthood clinics longer than any other entity.
And here they are.
Oh, sometimes they just fall out and we've got the whole baby.
Oh, it's an accident.
Doesn't matter you claim it's an accident and the baby couldn't be terminated.
Now it's a baby because it fell out.
And it's a federal crime once the baby is outside the mother to do this.
Here it is.
The whole point is not to have a live birth.
And so the doctors have all, unless it's somebody who has had six pregnancies and six vaginal deliveries.
And then it just kind of pops out.
They put lambs in and she comes in the next morning.
And I literally have had women come in and they'll give me OR and they're back out in three minutes.
I'm like, what's going on?
Oh yeah, the fetus was already in the vaginal canal whenever we put her to serve.
It just fell out.
But then what do you do?
Well, there have been clinics that have been indicted.
There have been head surgeons that have been indicted around the country.
It's one of the most common ways we can indict these people.
When their staff admits, no, the baby was alive, they wouldn't put it in a bucket of water.
But see, the way they terminate babies now is if you are a preemie,
They will shoot you up with vaccines and they know the baby then quits breathing.
The nurses then, under law, fight to resuscitate.
They give them electro-defibrillation.
They put tubes on their throat, but it's bye-bye.
They turn blue and die.
And we have callers that call in and go, yeah.
Yeah, my sister had a preemie, six months old.
They gave him shots, died that day.
Because of what we're doing, because of his fetal tissue, we don't want to, um...
We want to be as politically correct as we can.
We don't want a whole lot of people coming in and, you know, slapping us because, you know, you're doing this and you're doing that.
You're getting all these scientific people here and they're all agreeing, you know, that kind of stuff.
It's kind of counterintuitive, isn't it, right?
Like, normally, like, embryonic is the reason for the big controversy, or like, whatever.
And you know what the really weird thing is?
Embryonic, there's still a lot of controversy about that, you know?
Was it ever, Conrad?
I mean, I'm young, so I don't know.
It was never outlawed.
Where during the Bush administration, Bush 1, it was no federal funding could go to stem cell research.
See, but it can go to fetal.
See how they played you?
See how the Bushes played you?
See how it's all a big joke?
Oh, they can have babies that are seven months old and chop them up, but not the little embryo.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kill whites and cops!
Black Lives Matter-affiliated radio show calls for a race war.
In a disgusting audio broadcast via Blog Talk Radio yesterday, an individual who admitted affiliation with the Black Lives Matter movement called for listeners to murder white people and police, declaring it open season for executions.
Open season on killing whites and white police officers.
Black Lives Matter.
And I want to talk about the shooting of the white deputy sheriff in Houston, Texas.
It's open season on killing whites and white police officers.
And probably killing cops, period.
It's open season.
Picking them off.
Today, we live in a time where the white man will be picked off.
And there's nothing he can do about it.
His day is up.
His time is up.
We will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before.
For updates on this story and breaking news as it happens, go to InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We're going to play the chilling audio of one of these Black Lives Matter radio shows.
Saying, hey, I want to talk about the deputy in Texas.
There's going to be more of this.
Whites are going to be executed.
This is what's being pushed, and we're going to play the clip of Louis Farrakhan a month ago, basically saying the same thing.
This would not be happening, guaranteed, if this had not been greenlighted from the White House to bring this country down.
And the fact that they're doing something this reckless means they're going for broke.
This is an unprecedented time to be alive.
And again, we have babies, black babies, Hispanic babies, white babies, mixed babies, by the millions every year, being dissected, having their body parts stolen, and the government playing games going, oh, ban fetal tissue or ban embryonic, but don't ban fetal.
This is the semantical word games
That they play.
And I told you when the Pope first got in a few years ago after they had the coup d'etat inside the Vatican with the Jesuits using the sex scandals that even the Guardian reported was a blackmail operation to bring in Pope Francis.
He wants world government.
He wants carbon taxes.
He wants everything.
He's coming here.
First Pope ever to lecture Congress and travel around the country basically campaigning for the Democratic Party.
He came out and said Catholics need to stop obsessing so much over abortion.
Well, now he's in the New York Times.
Today, Pope Francis eases path to absolution from abortion.
He has the path.
Not Christ.
God's not the judge.
He, speaking from the cathedra, from the big black throne.
Is it called ex-cathedra?
He has the keys to hell and death, not Christ.
He was given the keys, he says.
And now, he will tell you that abortion's okay.
Well, it's God that can forgive you, and absolutely you can be forgiven.
In my heart, I know that, if you truly repent.
But whether you're a Christian or not, this guy, if you read the Christian doctrine, is not Christ.
He doesn't forgive.
He doesn't sit on the white throne of judgment.
He sits on a black throne at the Vatican.
Why wouldn't the Vatican have a white throne?
I just have trouble understanding that.
Pope Francis eases the path to absolution!
I absolve you!
Pope Francis announced Tuesday that all Roman Catholic priests would be empowered to offer absolution for the sin of abortion during the Church Holy Year of Mercy, which begins in December.
So, hey!
That's basically, hey, don't worry about drinking, say, you know, 10 Hail Marys.
Oh, whatever, you cheat on your wife, say 20 Hail Marys.
Oh, you killed your baby, say 50 Hail Marys.
I mean, wow!
That is sensational, baby.
And I told you, the next shoe is dropping.
You're going to see the most wild stuff you've ever seen in your life now.
This is it.
World government, world famines, wars, banning the word father and mother, boy and girl.
The church coming out and endorsing that, the Pope did that three days ago, saying, yes, these are hurtful, and endorsing a lesbian writer that's basically calling for this.
I mean, it's on, folks.
It's on.
And they used pedophilian stuff to take over the church, and now they're going to legitimize it now that they've conquered it.
And again, this is a sex cult.
It's what brought down Rome before, in the time of the Caesars.
And you can just see the destabilization taking place.
I'm going to get to the new incredible video and audio.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Kill Whites and Cops, Black Lives Matter affiliated radio show, calls for race war.
It's about to go down.
It's open season on killing white people and crackers.
And then that'll be open season for mentally ill, hate-mongering white people to go out.
And you know it'll just be some totally innocent black lady or some innocent black guy coming home from work, some plumber.
Or some little kids in their car, and then some crazy meth-head white guy is going to spray the vehicle.
And that's why the White House and the Justice Department lets these groups do this.
They're federal-run.
And I want to say shame on the FBI, shame on the ATF, shame on all these federal marshals, all of you.
If you don't take matters into your own hands and get, you'll go talk to local grand juries, whatever, you've got influence.
Have locals indict these people.
Because when you start saying it's time to kill cops, it's time to go out and shoot people because they're white, that's not free speech.
That's a call to action.
Just like if the Ku Klux Klan says it's time to go lynch black people and burn up their churches, that's a call for violent sedition against people's peace and freedom.
And it is calling for organized murder.
It is attempted capital murder.
I'm no prosecutor, but I've studied the law and I guarantee you, some white guy calls for white people to go kill people and it starts happening?
When those people get indicted for it, you get indicted as an accomplice!
Does the head Don in a mafia organization go out and kill people?
No, his soldiers in muscle do.
But he'll get the death penalty when they get the death penalty if he gets caught.
Because he gave the order.
And it makes me sick to watch the George Soros run criminal operation.
Try to take over alternative media, try to destroy the libertarian movement, try to go after patriots, and then try to put out a narrative that we want to kill cops, but they can't ever show a single clip of us saying it.
That helped me wake up to this thing.
What is this obsession with killing cops?
They want to kill cops, and they say we want to kill cops.
Then I realized, oh my gosh, they're going to false flag us like 95.
The good news is,
They're bad apples.
They're bad training.
It's globalist culture.
There's some really bad departments.
But overall, stacking the police up against the public, the police are more awake than the public probably five times.
The average cop I talk to, whether it's LA or Austin or New York, is like, absolutely we know Oklahoma City's an inside job.
Absolutely we know the government's funding Al-Qaeda.
Absolutely we know the government ships in the drugs.
Absolutely we know there's a planned purge of the veterans and police down the road.
Absolutely we're pro-gun.
Look at national polls.
98% of cops in national polls are pro-gun.
If George Soros wants us to have a war with the police, what does that tell you?
And if they take these examples of bad cops and create the perception
But the police are out killing everybody, just like people have a perception that gun crimes weigh up.
It's down 50 plus percent since 92.
Even the liberals admit that.
In the LA Times and New York Times.
Just type it in.
We can type it in.
Gun crime way down, but public thinks it's up.
Same thing.
Now, cops shooting the public
is pretty much flat since about 2000.
It was up in the 80s because of the whole crack war, but it's still way too much.
And there are horrible cops.
These fraternal orders protect bad people in many cases.
It's shameful.
And you're destroying your own good name and your own profession.
And I am the guy that wrote the book on fighting the police state, but not the police.
Fighting the twisting and the destruction of peace officers and our local systems of government.
There's CNN, gun homicides, violence down sharply in the past 20 years, just department owned numbers.
But they admit that here and there, but never in the general.
So, I want to put together a special report, where we got Louis Farrakhan calling for violence, we got these Black Lives Matter groups, kill the pigs, give them wings, pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon, and then compare that
So what would happen if I called for that?
But I mean, why would I call for killing black people randomly?
Those are human beings.
It would feel terrible.
But then there's this mindless attitude like, well, we'll get you and then we're gonna get you back.
It's like when the globalists pushed a culture of black people couldn't kill each other because they were different colors.
So it was like, oh, you're wearing blue or you're wearing red.
And what is it, 76 to 90% depending on where you are in the country?
90% in Chicago, 90% or higher in, say, Compton, places in South Central LA.
When you go and you look at those places, it's blacks killing blacks.
Here's the crack cocaine, here's the music telling you it's cool, and then here, you know, this guy's a crip, this guy's a blood.
That's how stupid all of this is.
And now they want us all to dress up like crips and bloods and just kill each other like a bunch of morons.
This is so transparent, so over-the-top, and I can't believe that our government is that reckless.
But our government isn't our government.
It's a bunch of offshore globalists who'll destabilize the whole world.
They'll turn ISIS loose, destroy the whole Middle East and Africa.
Order out of chaos, that's their game.
But I am calling
They got probable cause, these people are organizing murder of police and citizens.
These people putting out these videos need to be raided today.
And I guarantee you, you're going to find the literature and the statements and the plans to kill people.
And they need to be indicted right now.
And if they've got white supremacist groups running around organizing mass murder, they need to be indicted.
But the white supremacists won't even shoot their mouths off like this.
But see, they got White House backing to destabilize things.
They're not going to crush these radical racist black groups until all hell hits the fan.
Oh, they're going to get arrested.
They're going to get killed.
They're going to get put in prison.
But they're going to be used first to start the nationwide riots.
How about the police do their job, and the grand juries do their job, and the feds do their job?
And how about, oh, I'm sorry, Eric Holder was a big radical communist, black radical himself.
Well, how about this new lady?
Stops this.
And how about you shut these people down?
Oh, I'm sorry, George Soros put Obama in the White House.
I'm sorry!
These people are doing their jobs, aren't they?
Let me talk to the young idiots who are shooting their mouths off.
Some of them don't know they're run by the feds.
You're the biggest morons on the planet.
And you better come out right now and reverse all your murderous planning and all your murderous talk, or let me tell you something.
You're going to end up in federal prison, or you're going to end up with the police when they finally unloose their leash, or they're going to kill you dead in a hammer, you stupid idiot.
And Louis Farrakhan all crazed up there with a bunch of guys with bow ties?
Louis Farrakhan isn't stupid.
His buddy Qaddafi got set up and murdered by his precious Obama.
What do you think they're going to do to you?
You think they're going to let you get away with this?
They're going to set you up in the end, Farrakhan.
Maybe that's why you live in the Caribbean nine months out of the year.
And flies in real quick to make these statements and gets out real quick like all the other billionaires.
What is your problem, Farrakhan?
Trying to start a race war in this country.
I get the fact you don't like black people with their minimum sentences and people getting killed.
But let me tell you something.
What you're doing is not going to help black people.
Let's hear you talk about abortion.
Let's hear you talk about infanticide.
Let's hear about All Lives Matter.
Instead of shooting your mouth off.
I guess Malcolm X stopped saying all white people are evil.
We know what happened to him, huh?
How long has the Nation of Islam been on the FBI payroll?
How long has the Nation of Islam been on that Nation of Islam gravy train with the FBI?
Because I'll tell you something, I used to read that and hear that and I didn't believe it.
But let me tell you, I've never seen anybody be able to get away with what you said and not get in trouble.
But maybe you are just crazy, because you sure seemed to love it when I talked about 1776 commencing again if they try to take our guns.
But that's because it will commence, not because I want it to commence!
I was there warning him that he better back down right now with his red coat garbage and the globalists better understand that they're not going to have their takeover!
It wasn't because I wanted innocent people to get killed.
And yeah, I tell ya, if the cop that shot that black guy in the back, who they've indicted, doesn't end up getting a hard prison time or the death penalty, then I could see it.
I wouldn't condone it if somebody went after him, but that would be logical.
That would be justice.
It's not justice to shoot some innocent cop in the back.
Now, I'm done ranting on that subject.
I'm gonna get to these videos in a moment and finish up on it.
But first,
Leanne McAdoo, the lovely, the intelligent, one of the anchors of the Nightly News, is here with us.
And the shirt is a little big on her.
It's a medium.
I should have got her a small.
I wasn't thinking when I said, here, have McAdoo model this for us.
I appreciate her doing it.
People wanted it.
They just came in on the truck.
We have a limited supply, but we can get more in a few weeks.
Hillary for prison, 2016.
I think we have the best design out there of many.
And on the back, there's two variants.
One says Infowars.com, and the other says legalized freedom.
I mean, you can't see it under her hair, but it's there.
And when people say, what do you mean Hillary for prison?
Say Infowars.com.
So I think
There's a lot of kind of underground made ones that I think look fine.
Ours really looks like a real campaign shirt.
I'm proud of it and your purchase of it helps fund this operation, the true tip of the spear for true human empowerment and enlightenment.
Hillary for prison 2016.
I wanted to make this shirt for months.
I finally cracked the whip, and we got this designed, and it's got printed up right here in America, just the last few days, and the truck's just pulled in.
We got a second order in that'll be in in about two weeks, but I think this limited quick run, I said just ship me whatever you can get in.
We don't use a mom and pop, it's not a huge place.
And they got this into us really, really quick.
It's available, $19.95, and it will certainly turn heads.
And look, people can say they're all crooks.
They are a lot of them crooks.
But Hillary's one of the chief ones.
She's one of the most convicted in public opinion.
She's one of the most known crooks.
They're pulling down Hillary for prison signs all over the country.
They're trying to stop the sale of them online.
They're scared of this.
So please get your limited edition.
I'm only going to sell it for the next three, four months or so.
We're only going to sell the Hillary for Prison shirt till the end of 2015.
It is a limited edition shirt, so if you want it, get it today.
Hillary for Prison.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Leanne McAdoo, do you have any breakdown or view on the escalating open call to murder police and white people?
I mean, is this not getting epic?
It really is.
We called it months ago.
I think all of us were behind that, you know, natural spark of revolution that happened fighting against the militarization of the police state.
But then we saw it quickly shifted into divide and conquer, black versus white, us against the cops.
And all that's going to do is create an even bigger police state.
So, you know, I think it's pretty obvious what's happening here.
We're already seeing, you know, a white guy in Texas here now calling to attack the other race.
So, we predicted it, and it's happening, and it's pretty frightening, actually.
Well, some of them are mentally ill on both sides.
But others are federal or foundation operatives, guaranteed.
And you guys were saying something out here.
What were you saying?
Oh, absolutely.
The Hillary Clinton pin is also in.
I called the distributor of this.
We just ordered these.
A bunch of these are in a truck on their way here.
I don't know if it's up for sale yet, but I think it will be.
This truck gets here next week, next Monday, but the t-shirts are here.
She's laughing, because we're dumb.
Hillary Clinton for prison 2016, the t-shirt.
Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt you, but look at how they got the Republicans to say we're going to ban embryonic
Tissue sale.
Well, that isn't even a market.
Then they ignored fetal, which is up to nine months, and then Planned Parenthood's sitting around laughing about it.
See how they bait and switch us on every front?
Right, and they get you all excited about this over here, so everyone says, no, ban that embryonic tissue, that's terrible, terrible.
And meanwhile, they don't tell you what they're actually using, what's more valuable to them.
So it's, I mean, we see that bait and switch with everything.
It's time to open your eyes.
This is sick.
You know, I didn't know some idiot white guy was calling for more violence.
I want to see that after the break.
Let's find that.
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Joe Biggs has been waiting in the wings.
He's got a live feed from Fox Lake, Illinois right now.
We'll be talking to him briefly in the next hour before Dr. Group joins us for the last half of the transmission from about 12.20 to 2 o'clock today.
Central covering what's even bigger than GMOs, what's an even bigger threat.
on so many fronts but right now let's go to this live feed with Joe Biggs right in front of the podium with the press conference and we might want to go with his video but with mainstream media's audio because that might be a little bit better we can mix those two signals but let's go ahead and go to Joe Biggs feed from where the police officer was executed where the manhunt is ongoing.
Let's go ahead and go to that feed.
And again, we're looking at mainstream TV where they're not really caring and I guess only local news stations are.
In light of the fact that it's been reported that one or two of these individuals had some physical contact with the body of Lieutenant General Lynch, my question is, were you able to get any fingerprints or any DNA from that crime scene?
I'm not sure where you obtained that information, but I can tell you that our evidence technicians did process the crime scene.
Everything collected at that crime scene has now been turned over to the Northern Illinois Crime Lab.
They're currently expediting processing any type of evidence, whether it be fingerprint evidence, DNA transfer, and we probably won't have those results for at least a day or two.
Can you say whether or not the officer's fire is done?
And can you say what made them suspicious?
Why did he want to stop them in the first place?
Again, I can't reveal that information related to the firing of any weapon.
As far as suspicious persons, obviously I can't speak for the officer.
Whatever the case was, the only description was that he was going to be out with those two subjects.
How do you look for three suspects with such a scant description?
Again, we're going to rely on information and there's processes involved in the initial investigation, canvassing, talking to people in the area, reviewing those videos.
Somebody had asked the question.
Joe could ask the question, why do they think coordinating the area is going to stop them?
How do they know they didn't get out of the area?
That's right, that's what caught their
Marathon-bombing Patsy was a citizen, not the martial law.
I haven't talked to Joey.
I don't even know if he got a question, and this started about 20 minutes ago.
He sent our reporters to most big events now.
We're going to go to break, but Joe, I know you can hear me.
We'll come back in a minute or so.
Try to ask the question, do we think this is connected to the call to kill police by Black Lives Matter?
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are covering the Fox Lake police officer's death press conference.
They had a huge manhunt in and around the town, searching hundreds and hundreds of homes with no leads so far, no luck.
Joe Biggs is trying to get questions in.
Right now, let's go back to that live feed.
All of you in the media who've been experienced, and I'm sure you've been to a number of these press conferences, know that these types of investigations have made twists and turns that could happen within a couple of days.
What type?
Is there any action going on right now?
We have investigators out canvassing the event, following up on leads, knocking on doors that we didn't get to yesterday evening near that perimeter area.
It says there were FBI, NYPD, which are equivalent of a SWAT team,
Sheriff's Office will speak to you in a few minutes.
So, you want to call them.
It's kind of frustrating that after all the issues yesterday... Search.
Is there a polo out?
No, man.
We're going to take action now.
Now it's a little muddy when the Chief Officer is speaking, but you can hear the questions being asked.
Joe Biggs will be able to upload an HD version later.
We're going to go to break here in a few minutes, come back with Joe, and get a report from him of what he's witnessed there on the ground.
It's always important to have people actually on the ground, focusing in, looking at what's happening.
But I want to play a clip.
I'm going to play it again when we come back from break, and then Louis Faircon
One more time, this audio is up on Infowars.com.
Kill Whites and Cops, Black Lives Matter affiliated radio show, calls for race war.
And now they've got this retired jail guard coming out, saying he's gonna hunt down and kill these people that are doing this.
I mean, this is already escalating out of control.
So right now, let's go to that clip from the Black Lives Matter affiliated radio show.
King Noble, Black Supremacy.
And I want to talk about the shooting of the white deputy sheriff in Houston, Texas.
Reminds me of a Bob Marley song, I Shot the Sheriff.
To me, what the Houston, Texas, brutal execution before the public represents to me is it's open season on killing whites and white police officers and probably killing cops, period.
It's open season towards the police department
And the police.
So now you got some black militant or some angry black man walks up and executes a cracker cop in broad daylight.
This is real.
It's open season on killing white people and cops.
It's unavoidable.
It's funny that now we're moving to a time where the predator will become the prey.
They said there will be a race war and that we cannot win a race war.
We can't win.
We're outnumbered.
They got weapons.
They got drones.
They got this.
They got that.
But I remind you of the buffaloes who outnumber the lion.
They're bigger than lions and they move in larger herd, but they're picked off by lions one by one by one.
Picking them off.
Today we live in a time where the white man will be picked off and there's nothing he can do about it.
His day is up.
His time is up.
We will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever had before.
We see with the Houston, Texas shooting and we see with the news reporting shooting in Virginia.
It's about to go down.
It's open season on killing white people and crackers.
The Black Lives Matter movement wasn't enough.
Stay there.
Oh my goodness.
Let's back this up.
We're gonna come back and play the whole thing I edited.
I'm gonna play Louis Farrakhan.
But this is just yesterday.
This is the response to the dead sheriff's deputy.
I mean, this is so crazy, folks, to know the White House and George Soros are running this.
It's just amazing.
Kill whites and cops.
Black Lives Matter affiliated radio show calls for a race war.
In a disgusting audio broadcast via blog talk radio yesterday, an individual who admitted affiliation with the Black Lives Matter movement
Called for listeners to murder white people and police, declaring it open season for executions.
Open season on killing white and white police officers.
And I want to talk about the shooting of the white deputy sheriff in Houston, Texas.
It's open season on killing white and white police officers and probably killing cops, period.
It's open season.
Picking them off.
Today we live in a time where the white man will be picked off and there's nothing he can do about it.
His day is up.
His time is up.
We will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before.
For updates on this story and breaking news as it happens, go to Infowars.com.
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I'm Alex Jones for Super Mel Vitality and InfoWarsLife.com, and I salute you, our supporters!
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Joe Biggs, always the hard charger, said yesterday, I want to get on a plane, go to Chicago, get up there to Fox Lake and cover this manhunt with the three men reportedly that gunned down a veteran police officer, an Army veteran.
One black, two white.
Was it a robbery?
Was it a criminal operation?
Or was it another group wanting to execute police?
And we have this new article up on InfoWars.com.
Fast food worker refuses to serve cop.
Example of growing animosity towards law enforcement.
Saw another story a few days ago about Chuck E. Cheese.
On-duty cop comes in.
They say, you can't be in here with a gun on your side.
That shows the anti-police, anti-gun culture, which again is George Soros' White House run.
First they train the cops to act like thugs, cause a lot of problems, and set them up for a fall.
And I was playing the chilling clip earlier, that I'm going to play again in a moment because I didn't play all of it, of a Black Lives Matter affiliated group.
And it's every major Black Lives Matter march I've seen is put wings on pigs, put them in blankets, fry them like bacon.
You've heard the clips.
New clips in Minnesota, new clips in Dallas over the weekend.
People saying, yeah, you better watch out, deputies.
That's what you get when you kill innocent black people.
But the point is, that's isolated in some departments, and most of the cops that do it, who are in the wrong, are getting indicted and going to prison.
You don't know some random deputy pumping gas did jack squat to you.
But it shows how racial it is.
Well, they're white, just like this white drug head that went and shot the nine black people.
Now all these white groups are calling for killing black people.
That is so stupid!
The race war, I will officially say, has begun.
Now, we'll see how serious it gets, but it's being driven by MTV.
I mean, they are up in the rhetoric, in the movies, in the culture.
Whether the stories are true or exaggerated from N.W.A., it's totally anti-cop and glorifies it.
You've got MTV coming out with all this stuff.
You've got, you know, slap a heterosexual white man at Berkeley.
It's just a full-on leftist orgy, and they want to start
A nationwide crisis to be able to bring in martial law, and they're seriously looking at doing it.
It is incredible.
It is just amazing.
And then meanwhile, any real reform of police departments won't happen.
They're just going to get globalized and federalized under all this.
It's a leftist takeover.
Let's go to Joe Biggs, who was just inside the press conference covering things.
We were getting a lot of mindless questions from the press that we were hearing.
Joe, you've been on the ground a few hours.
What have you seen?
What's happening?
So far, Alex, I'm standing in front of the Fox Lake Police Department here in Illinois.
Now, myself and a whole lot of journalists are out here right now.
It's essentially a media circus, followed by a lot of people in the neighborhood, in the town, that are coming to add stuff to the memorial that they've set up out front.
What we know so far is there's some conflicting reports with whether or not
The weapon of the police officer was found at the scene and or if it was taken by the three suspects.
So that's still circling around.
The cops would not confirm or deny whether or not that was going on.
But someone on the inside did ask a question.
They got a tip saying that there was some DNA found at the crime scene and that does seem to be the case on at least one of the suspects that has been sent to a crime lab and that is being tested.
They're expected for that to come back in the next day or so.
So right now, what they've done is they've suspended the search in this area locally.
There was a two-mile radius around the Fox Lake area.
That search has been suspended.
They feel like they've exhausted every ounce of looking in this area.
They believe that these people have not, they're not in this area anymore.
Now, over this way across me, right down from the police department, a mile away, is a train track area along a marsh.
Where the police officer was killed and they believe it's possible that the suspects could have possibly jumped on a train passing by and maybe got out of town that way.
So what they've done is they've expanded the search out, they're only calling it canvassing here locally, but they've expanded out with the help of the DEA, ATF, FBI, or not the DEA but the ATF and the FBI, the US Marshals,
And some more officers around the surrounding area, but they've pushed out further.
So you're not seeing that door-to-door search like we saw in photographs yesterday and videos.
I haven't seen a helicopter yet thus far, but I did hear one off in the distance earlier.
So I'm gonna follow some leads and what I would like for people to do, Alex, is if you live in this area, you see where a lot of the police are searching, if you could send us in an email to ShowTips and put my name in the title so I know to look for that.
When I go through there so I can try to follow some of these leads and see where the police are looking for these three cop killers.
And give folks, the listeners, we have a lot of listeners there who've even called in and been on air yesterday that live in that town and surrounding areas.
Maybe our listeners can help find these guys.
We have them in every town, every city, listening on Shortwave Internet.
We also have two affiliates in the Chicago area, both AM.
What can people do?
Can they hit you at your Twitter, Joe, to get you live, up-to-date photos or links or map coordinates?
Yeah, of course, Alex.
That'd be a great idea.
Right now I'm out here.
I've got my vehicle.
As soon as we're done here, I'm going to start chasing leads.
So if you're out here and you live in this area, in the surrounding area, and you know something, find me on Twitter, at Rambo Biggs, and send me your pictures, your updates.
If you've seen the police searching around, if they've come to your house and asked for anything, whatsoever, any kind of information, anything will help out at this point in time.
Because most of the journalists here are going to stay in this little meeting area, like always.
I like to get out and venture and actually go door to door.
That's right, we'll stay up there.
Stay up there today or tomorrow or as long as you think you need to, but exactly, get out there and try to hunt these guys down, try to follow the police, see what they're on, try to talk to some of the police when they're on break in a restaurant or whatever, and let's see if our listeners can hopefully give us some tips to try to track down where they're at.
That doesn't mean we're going to do it, but if everybody tries to keep a lookout, they may be able to do it.
See, we're all for looking for bad guys once a crime's committed.
In a police state, you look at it before it's committed.
No, that's not how we operate.
Once it's been committed, though, we are after it.
If you see folks online calling for killing black people or calling for killing white people, send us tips at ShowTipsAndInfoWars.com because we're going to be on top of it trying to stop George Soros, the Nazi collaborator scumbag, and Obama, the piece of filth trash, and the Clintons, and all of these criminals from starting a giant race war, Joe Biggs.
Joe, it's getting really transparent.
Have you heard the new Black Lives Matter-affiliated popular radio show calling for killing more police and white people?
Yeah, I just heard the audio clip you were playing previously, Alex, and I also heard about the, uh, there's a lady in Texas, she goes by Sunshine, and she also has a lot of hate-filled messages that she pushes out as well.
She was outside protesting at the jail cell where Sandra Bland died.
So she was one of the ones out there calling for the, you know, the death of White.
But I mean, Sandra Bland said she was going to commit suicide in videos and told people.
Well, I mean, and just like the rhetoric being spewed by Black Lives Matter with the whole hands up, don't shoot thing, we know that that's a lie based on information that's been given through even black witnesses who were there as well who saw it out there in Ferguson.
Meanwhile, we have a Hispanic man shot by another Hispanic.
Cold-blooded murder is what it looks like in San Antonio and the police are trying to cover that up right now.
Very shameful.
But again, it's just crazy cops killing people.
It's not racially based in most cases.
The statistics show that.
Yeah, exactly.
And I don't think that this case right here exactly... This police officer just happened to pull over when he saw us to be three suspicious suspects, and then it just escalated out of control.
I think it was a...
Uh, something that just happened.
I don't think this was planned in any kind of way.
And based off what I've heard thus far, I don't think you think that either.
But it's part of this climate.
But it's definitely happened because we have the police officer in Abilene who was found murdered in his home.
So there's definitely that going on.
So you can tell that these people are going to be looking over their shoulders.
You're going to start seeing more cops riding together in vehicles versus being alone.
You're going to see more pairings of them.
And this is what happens.
You know, they think they're doing the right thing by going out and killing these cops, but all they're doing is going against the entire thing they're trying to get rid of, which is the police brutality.
They're angry because they're saying that white cops are killing black, uh, you know, unarmed men.
But now all they're doing is they're going to militarize the police more.
Once cops will threaten to a point where they can't safely go out and patrol, what's going to happen?
You're going to get MRAPed.
You're going to get the
I guarantee you Alex, you're going to get to one point in time where a lot of police are going to say, you know what, I give up, it's not worth me dying anymore, and you're going to have total and complete chaos.
And you have the left trying to take citizens' guns that will cause even more chaos.
It's Operation Chaos.
Remember I called it Operation Chaos a month ago?
Said they're launching a race war to stop Operation Chaos?
Here it is.
I can't believe it's actually happening.
Joe, get out there, file your reports, upload them to YouTube, we'll cover them.
If there's anything else breaking, we'll talk to you again in the next hour.
Great job.
Thank you, Alex, for having me.
Thank you.
Let's play Louis Farrakhan right now, and then when we come back I'm going to play the other clip and I'm going to adopt a group.
But let's play Louis Farrakhan a month ago, saying go out and kill people, and then now you've got all these groups echoing that, and it's starting!
And all that does is legitimize attacks on innocent people on both sides.
It's just totally wrong.
How about All Lives Matter?
I mean, it's really just that simple.
Let's go to this sickening clip.
So if the federal government will not intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us.
Stop them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling.
It's a total shut up.
And I get people wanting to fight back, but when the globalists wind us up to do it?
I mean, the whole thing's a setup.
George Soros just pulled this off in Ukraine two years ago, funding the radical right wing to overthrow the government.
It's just bizarre to see this over and over again.
Gartner Group's coming up at the bottom of the hour.
They'll be with us for a full hour and a half today in studio.
When I come back, I'm going to play more of the actual clip that's up on Infowars.com.
Kill whites and cops.
Black Lives Matter.
Affiliated radio show.
Calls for race war.
And then that ties into everything else that's happening.
Video shows officers ignoring man in diabetic distress.
He dies in jail 15 hours after arrest.
That's what's barbarous, is that lives don't matter.
Babies don't matter.
Veterans don't matter.
Cops don't matter.
Blacks don't matter.
Diabetics don't matter.
Nobody matters.
We need to start caring about justice and standing up for all lives, not being played selectively by the race-baiting Democratic Ku Klux Klan party.
We'll be back.
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The truth is, there's injustice in every country.
The truth is, America's had a lot of problems.
And everybody that knows I've been on 20 years of radio, I've stood against some of the mandatory minimum sentences for black people, the fact that black folks have had drugs shipped in their neighborhoods, criminal elements of the CIA.
I mean, we've been pioneers of exposing that.
Because I want justice.
But the mainstream media and the Democratic Party putting chips on people's shoulders, using examples to hype everybody up like they're personally having their mama or their daddy killed, pushing this whole gangbanger culture, tying it into attacking the police.
It's evil.
And then when Louis Farrakhan and other groups call for going after police and white people, I mean, I'm white.
I'm part Native American too.
And, you know, I got white children.
And it's no crime of me that I was attracted to a white woman and had children.
I don't tell folks how to live their lives.
And it's bigoted to say white people are the problem, go after them.
I mean, that's fundamental.
But then when violence is called for, it's illegal.
And I just want it on record that it's the left and the groups they control calling for violence and destabilizing things and trying to shut down the economy and raising our power prices so folks go bankrupt, so jobs shut down.
They want to break this country's back.
This nation is under classical economic and cultural siege.
And the arrogant people that are probably working for the Feds, if they aren't, they got screwed over some, you know, by the cops when they were a kid, or some racist, and now they project it on everybody.
I mean, I had bad cops when I was growing up.
I had black people that were racist against me when I was growing up, and I was sophisticated enough to not hate all cops or all black people.
And so it's really just a bunch of babies that like to play the part of victims and think they're going to be big, tough honchos out in some race war.
If a real race war starts in this country, it's not going to be pretty for, quote, either side.
But if you look at the historical lines and armaments and the way things are broken down, two different groups can play at the game of going and picking people off.
This guy talks about, we're going to go pick you off one at a time, like the lions pick off the, I guess he thinks, wildebeest.
The lions don't go pick off
Water buffaloes.
Water buffaloes kill more people probably than anything in Africa.
They're more vicious than a lion.
So are hippopotamus.
Let's just show this guy's ignorance.
And he calls himself the king, the lord.
It's all part of this narcissistic, sick hip-hop culture.
Let's go ahead and play this sickening clip.
It's King Noble, Black Supremacy, and I want to talk about the shooting of the white deputy sheriff in Houston, Texas.
With my neighbor Bob Marley song, I shot the sheriff.
To me, what the Houston, Texas brutal execution before the public represents to me is this open season of killing whites and white police officers and probably killing cops, period.
It's open season towards the police department and the police.
So now you got some black militant or some angry black man.
Walks up and executes a cracker cop in broad daylight.
This is real.
It's open season on killing white people and cops.
It's unavoidable, inescapable.
It's funny that now we're moving to a time where the predator will become the prey.
Yes, they said there will be a race war and that we cannot win a race war.
We can't win.
We're outnumbered.
They got weapons, they got drones, they got this, they got that.
But I remind you of the buffaloes who outnumber the lion.
They're bigger than lions and they move in larger herd, but they're picked off by lions one by one by one, picking them off.
Today, we live in a time where the white man will be picked off and it's nothing he can do about it.
His day is up.
His time is up.
We will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before.
We see with the Houston, Texas shooting.
And we see with the news reporting shooting in Virginia, it's about to go down.
It's open season on killing white people and crackers.
The Black Lives Matter movement wasn't enough.
We tried to appeal to them to let them know that this type of thing would come, it would happen.
They thought they were indestructible and invincible because they took advantage of the weakness of black people for too long with all this police brutality.
All right, that's enough.
And now they've got... You know, I had David Duke on the show, and he had the courage to come on.
I'm going to challenge King, Noble, Supremo, Grand, whatever his name is.
I was making fun of the Klan for all their pimp names, and this guy's got a pimp name as well.
This is ridiculous.
You're a grand jackass is what you are, King Noble.
And I want to challenge this guy to use his real name and come on this show and spout all his bull here.
Because I want to try to explain some things to him.
I'd have a little more respect if he was saying don't abort your babies, or if he was saying don't take Gardasil, or don't drink fluoride water.
That's where the real kill is going on, dummy.
And it's happening to everybody.
But instead, you want to sit there and have the media use the few bad examples out of 330 million people to cause a race war.
Do you have any idea what's going to happen if a real war starts, dummy?
I mean, number one, people are going to come after you.
Number one, you're not going to just be some big mouth hiding on the internet.
We'll be right back.
Kill whites and cops!
Black Lives Matter affiliated radio show calls for a race war.
In a disgusting audio broadcast via blog talk radio yesterday, an individual who admitted affiliation with the Black Lives Matter movement
Called for listeners to murder white people and police, declaring it open season for executions.
Open season on killing white and white police officers.
And I want to talk about the shooting of the white deputy sheriff in Houston, Texas.
It's open season on killing white and white police officers and probably killing cops, period.
It's open season.
For updates on this story and breaking news as it happens, go to InfoWars.com.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
You know, in Bob Marley's famous song, I Shot the Sheriff but I Didn't Shoot the Deputy, we have this bumper music here.
Sheriff John Brown has a bone to pick with him.
He gets out of prison and Sheriff John Brown pulls a gun on him to shoot him.
So he shoots him.
And then of course they frame him for killing somebody else.
So the whole story's about corruption.
He's saying, no, I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot the deputy.
Well, if I'm innocent and somebody pulls a gun with the intent to kill me, I'm going to defend myself.
I don't care who they are.
But that's a justified defense.
That's not shooting a cop pumping gas.
Dr. Edward Group, good friend of mine, one of the top supplement formulators in the country as well, joins us for the next hour and a half.
I'll have open phones in the next hour for Ask Dr. Group.
We'll also cover the waterfront with him.
For two months, it's been sold out.
He wanted me to order a whole bunch.
It took him years to formulate it, and I was like, no, we don't need that many bottles.
Okay, you say it's the greatest cleanse ever, and it'll just pull all this stuff out of the body, and it can be integrated in with apple cider vinegar and other things.
And then I guess the foodies and the supplement experts looked at it.
They went, oh my gosh, this is a game changer.
It's sold out in three days.
We've never had a new product sold out in three days.
It sold out in a week before.
It took two plus months to get it in, and unfortunately, he's expanded his factories, his laboratories, but the standards are so high.
It's another limited run, but more is coming in like 2-3 weeks.
So if you want to get Deep Cleanse, in fact I forgot to ask Anthony for some of the reviews, those have poured in.
It's got a 4.8 on average of total 5.
Unprecedented by power reviews, Deep Cleanse.
Now he didn't come here to talk about Deep Cleanse, we had him come in and set up a week ago, but he's here now.
And we really appreciate Dr. Edward Group coming in.
So we're gonna get into what is the ultimate threat even beyond GMO, beyond pesticides, herbicides.
And when he brought this up to me about a week ago, I said, absolutely.
I see that here and there in medical journals and scientific journals and the news, and it's so creepy.
So we're gonna be breaking down the number one threat beyond GMO.
That they're pretty much, you know, focusing on only we're having some victories on.
They've already moved on.
It's kind of like Planned Parenthood new videos out today that we played last hour.
They go, you know what we did?
We got them to think they were banning, you know, selling baby parts.
But really we said embryonic.
Well, that's only a few weeks.
That's tiny.
Then we can sell all the babies because we call them fetuses.
But once they're born, we can't.
Once they're delivered, they're called a baby.
They talk about, you know, trying to keep them, you know, up against mom while they get the organs and stuff, because then they have rights once they're not touching mom.
That's the federal law.
So it's all very, very macabre.
New Planned Parenthood video.
Sometimes intact fetuses just fell out.
And they didn't get sent to the infirmary with the preemies.
They got sent to Mengele.
So how about all lives matter?
While these total innocents
Per capita, black people.
You're not hearing one word about that from Black Lives Matter because they're Democrat-run.
They're George Soros-run.
They want blacks absolutely hated.
Only friend they got is the Democrat system and welfare, but everybody else is scared.
And they're giving them the horrible curse now of winding up some stupid black people to go out and kill white people, and then stupid white people are going to go out and kill them, and then they get to have a civil emergency.
The average cop isn't part of this, but the police need to speak out before this unfolds.
So we're going to briefly
Breakdown, before we get into the news, why Deep Cleanse is so important at Infowarslife.com.
With Dr. Group, then we're getting into the big enchilada here that so many people are tuning in to hear about today.
I just saw massive activity even on Facebook today about you and this announcement and you telling your listeners and people and your supporters that you'd be really revealing some big stuff that's hiding in plain view but nevertheless hasn't gotten the attention it needs.
But first,
You were a former Army Special Operations guy yourself before you went off and got your different degrees and decided to fight the medical tyranny.
But just as an American, as a patriot, as I know a guy that I'd call classical liberal that loves everybody, do you agree or disagree with me that they're trying to orchestrate an all-out race war?
I mean, I knew they were doing it, but it's one thing to know it.
It looks like they've pretty much ignited it now, and I can just see mentally ill, upset,
uh... right wing white people loading their weapons right now i guarantee it's either they're loading them up right now and planning to strike back and when they go out and tell a bunch of black people and i think it's gonna be just historically very vicious uh... because culturally generally anglo-saxon culture strike out a lot if it does it's usually sustained vicious and ongoing that's just well-known even in criminology
I'm really concerned.
Do not engage in violence.
Do not strike back, even at the thugs, the racist thugs that are calling to kill white people.
Do not, and police, do not be part of it.
Anyways, I think I just answered my question.
You said a year ago you had a bad feeling.
Six months ago you said it was over the top.
Me too.
Everybody else feels it.
Economic meltdown's begun.
Race war's begun.
They're destabilizing other countries, playing groups off against each other, whatever the cultural differences are.
Are we really dumb enough to do this, and are we reaching
This critical moment.
I think we've already passed into the event horizon.
I think we're inside the meltdown.
What does the Dr. Group think?
Just from your military background, your cultural background, what do you think about the point we've reached?
Well, I agree with you.
I think we've reached a critical point in time right now, not only with healthcare, oil and gas, resources, geoengineering, race wars being generated, negative media, creation of fear.
I mean, it's just all culminating right now.
It's just fear-based
You know, end-of-the-world stuff which really reduces the immune system by 50%.
And if you look at the... I kind of look at the effects of all this stuff.
How is this, all of this stuff combined, how is that going to affect the individual person?
Or how is that going to affect society as a whole?
And what we're seeing now is we're seeing everybody walking around in a state of fear, people are confused, people don't know what's going on, they're seeing the stock market go up and then all of a sudden crash, down again and then up again and it's artificially inflated.
You know, these are some times I think that if you pay attention to what's going on in the world and if you pay attention to what's going on in all the factions which are the pharmaceutical companies, the
News media, the presidential elections, the race wars, all this stuff.
I mean, personally to me, there's a lot of diversions going on.
And that means that something usually is brewing up.
Even bigger.
Probably war with Russia.
Or something along those lines.
Or huge tectonic events.
They admit the whole Pacific Rim is about to go up.
But here's the deal.
We are in a time of massive change.
The globalists know that.
So we're not creating fear.
We're explaining to people what's behind it so they can get prepared and understand.
Right, exactly.
That's our purpose.
You have to, in order to come up with solutions to these things and to not be in fear, you have to be comfortable and you have to understand what's going on.
I feel sorry for all the people that watch MSNBC and Fox News and CNN out there that are just hearing this diversion information out there, the non-truth.
But I also feel really good and blessed to be part of coming on here and sharing information with all of your followers.
We're blessed to have you as well.
That they know the truth, and we're giving them solutions to not only change the way they think, the way they feel, but also giving them real-time solutions on what to look out for and giving them warnings to what not to pay attention to.
What do you think this next big shoot-a-drop is going to be?
Because all Hades is breaking loose on every front.
I mean, most of the world's in depression and warfare and just crazy town.
The government's digging in, gearing up.
What do you think it is?
I really don't know what it is because I'm keeping myself, trying to keep myself really calm, eating healthy, I'm trying to meditate a lot more, spend time in prayer.
I don't know.
It's almost like whatever's going to happen is going to happen.
I know there's a lot of good forces at work.
There's also a lot of negative forces at work.
I think that we're definitely going to see things that we've never seen before.
The Pope's endorsing abortion, basically.
Yeah, I mean, it's just one thing after another.
Every single day there's something that comes out now that you just cannot believe is on the news or you cannot believe is happening.
At the same time, I think people are waking up.
I mean, I wish I knew what was going to happen.
How bold is it, though, to have the White House and George Soros openly fund groups saying, go out and murder white people and police?
I mean, that is so criminal.
And I just can't believe they're that bold.
Yeah, I mean, right now it's just like, let's just put, let's just tell everybody what we're going to do.
And they're getting bolder and bolder and bolder because nobody's doing anything about it.
You know, we are making some progress on a lot of different fronts.
But still, they're on top running the show at the top.
So it's almost like we're awake, but we just know we're slaves now.
Either that or they know what's coming and all the underground bunkers and they're, you know, making preparations.
I've got a big article on RT about the Hadron Collider with even Hawking admitting it's dangerous.
That's right.
I mean, it's just what I mean.
Just everything seems to be activating right now.
You can feel it.
You can see it.
And all I want to do is try to have peace and have people live in peace and have prosperity.
But there is a force.
Evil's activating is what's happening.
Evil's making its move.
That's the big event.
I mean, I think behind all of this, evil's making its move because it knows the awakening's happening.
That's right.
And that just really just came out of my heart right there.
I got, I was beyond chills.
I was like on fire when I said that.
But that's it.
I know.
That's it.
That's exactly what it is.
The awakening is happening.
And so the evil's making its move.
And evil's making its move.
I mean, we talked about it last time.
I mean, this is serious stuff in CERN with this collider.
I mean, we're talking about opening up another dimensional, we're talking about opening a portal.
That's in RT.
Stephen Hawking says it will open another portal.
And we don't know what's in the other dimension.
That's right.
We could just... A lot of them think it could cause chain reaction explosions.
It'll be like antimatter.
They open a portal to antimatter, which is what a lot of physicists think.
It's a chain reaction.
They're trying to disprove the Big Bang Theory.
They're creating the God particle.
So, I mean...
If they're saying that the God particle created the Big Bang, then there's a possibility of when they fire up the reactor that it could create major explosions.
It's the biggest machine in the world.
But meanwhile, let's just kill each other over skin color.
That's what really matters.
I mean, I want to grab these Black Lives Matter people and slap them in the face and say, do you understand that they're targeting black people for extermination via abortion?
Why don't you go say something about that, you little scumbag?
But they won't do that because they're Democrat-run.
I'm sorry for ranting.
I want to get into more of the madness, the biggest current threat that we know is going on in our food, in our water, and in also packaging, because it's everywhere.
It's something we haven't covered enough.
I've been aware of it.
I've mentioned it some, but we're going to do a detailed breakdown of this for about 20 minutes to the next hour, and then take your calls.
Questions for Dr. Gritt, but before we do that, let's do a plug for Deep Cleanse.
You did a great one last time you were here.
Sold out, like I said, in less than, it was about two and a half days.
I've done the Deep Cleanse.
Even more stuff came out of my skin.
Just so healthy.
So much energy.
Tell folks what's in Deep Cleanse and why it's so important and what it does.
The latest product at Infowarslife.com.
It's back in stock, folks.
Well, I'll tell you what, it's been a long time in the making, and we talk about the contamination of toxins coming in the body on a regular basis, and today we're going to be talking about nanotechnology and nanomaterials, basically engineering nanomaterials, and there's not... It's already in the food!
It's already in the food, and I tell you, this was brought to my attention, I've known about it too for a while, but
I didn't know the scale of what's been going on because there's really not a lot of information out there on it, and there's absolutely zero regulations.
And I feel after doing the research that I've done over the past couple weeks that the whole GMO labeling issue is great.
We've come together on that, but at the same time,
I think that, you know, all the attention has been brought on the GMO issue and people are not, don't even know about the engineering nanoparticle technology that's being used in foods.
And that's why Deep Cleanse also is so important because there's not too many things that can eliminate or grab nanoparticles.
And when we talk about some of these... We're talking about packaging that's, you know, in the Oreo cookies.
We just saw a news article
Where it's artificially created matter is being put into the flavoring, the packaging, to keep it static free.
I mean, there's no telling.
Notice allergies are exploding.
And it's because of stuff like this.
That's right.
If anyone remembers Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, this is another prime example of them introducing something.
Before it comes out?
Well, Willy Wonka had all these specialty foods, even had that magic gum where you eat and all of a sudden you have a tomato soup in your mouth and then you have roast beef in your mouth and it goes through ice cream and blueberry pie and the little girl ate it and she turned into this, you know,
This is
With nanofood engineering to where it's activated with a microwave pulse machine.
So in other words, you're going to eat something or activate it with a microwave pulse and it can take you through flavor profiles or and even they're working on drinks right now to where you get a clear liquid and you can pretty much decide what flavor and what color.
And people say, oh, I love this gum.
It lasts for five hours.
Yes, but it's totally artificial.
That's why they add aspartame to every major gum line out there, because yeah, it lasts for 20 minutes instead of 30 seconds, but it's totally toxic.
It's programmable food when you take the basic structure, so instead of... Smart food!
It's smart food!
It's just like anything with smart in front of it, you have to immediately throw up a red flag, like the smart meters.
They can monitor you, they can put... Tell folks what's in deep cleansers, because we're going to come back and break down all this.
I know you're hot to get into it, but tell folks what's in deep cleansers, because that's what's so exciting.
The main ingredient that I love... I mean, it's thick, it's oily, this is not your regular cleanse.
...called Shilajit, and Shilajit comes from the Himalayan mountains.
It's a very clean source, and it's really high in fulvic and humic acid.
It contains over 80-something minerals.
So, Shilajit is highly effective at detoxifying and remineralizing the body.
We couldn't even put this out for a while because we couldn't get the organic source from the Himalayas.
We finally got it again.
It's almost like the iodine.
It's a very unique product.
It's really the decomposition of up to 7,000 plants that decompose over a long period of time and the mountain pressurizes this stuff and it leaks down in and during the summertime in the Himalayan mountains they compress and this black ooze comes out of the rock and that's what the Shilajit did.
And then we compress it again and concentrate it.
That's right.
With our process we concentrate it, but we also have the zeolites in here, and zeolites are the only compound known that will absorb nanoparticles.
I didn't realize how big of an issue this is, but not only nanoparticles, different types of toxic man-made chemicals, phthalates, all this stuff.
What I tried to do with Deep Cleanse was put
A lymphatic cleansing herb in there, put a liver cleansing herb in there, a blood cleansing herb in there, a chemical by a couple different ingredients in there.
They should have called it total cleanse but deep cleanse is a good name.
Deep cleanse because it really has to go deep into the cells and that's another thing with these these nanoparticles they actually go through the cell wall and we'll talk a little bit about that later.
But that's why it's so important to utilize cleansing on a regular basis and make sure you're eating the proper foods, repair your liver, cleanse your blood, all that stuff so you can have the strong body you need moving forward.
Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
Dr. Group is our guest.
I see you're looking for the camera.
The camera you're on is for 800-259-9231.
It's like being interrogated here with the lights.
Well, usually you have the red light on over there.
Something's different today.
We'll be back.
Deep Cleanse now available.
Thanks for the support.
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He turned out on town.
He was coming to shoot me down.
He wasn't pumping gas.
I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot the deputy.
Alright, we're going to start the next hour and really plow through nanotech and what it's doing.
If you're a new listener, we have produced game-changing
I don't know, two-thirds of the InfoWarsLife products Dr. Gribbs developed and manufactured or helped us work with the top laboratories in the country.
When we go put out a coil of silver, we consult with him.
Or when we go and we put out one of our other products, we consult with him.
But a lot of the products, he himself puts out.
And some of the products he dopplegangs and puts out through his company, Global Healing Center, not Deep Cleanse.
This is totally proprietary to InfoWarsLife.com.
One of the other products that, obviously, he invented over a decade ago that's used in Hollywood, been written up in national news, is Oxy-Powder.
What a game-changer.
Everybody gives this five-star reviews I've seen.
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It is simply amazing.
Rob Dew in one week lost 12 pounds.
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He had a scholarship for basketball, you know, in college.
He's a good basketball player.
He's, you know, 6'4".
And he says he feels like he's a young man again with super mental vitality, the X2 and the Oxy powder.
He hadn't done the deep cleanse yet.
I have and it's simply amazing with my lifestyle what it's done.
Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
And before you go today, I'll read a few reviews and go through all the ingredients in it.
But stopping there, give us in the four minutes we have left a little preview of what is a bigger threat than even GMO, the next level and how prolific this is.
Nanotech on our food.
Tell us about this so-called science.
Well, it's called ENMs.
Engineered Nano Materials.
Oh, yummy!
And basically, the way that the big companies are looking at this is they can use these nanoparticles
To incorporate flavors, compounds, basically anything.
Plastic, phthalates, metals to use for flavor enhancement, to use for beverages.
So in other words, you can modify food or for that matter, even create man-made foods.
It's kind of
A whole nother level than genetically modified foods because let's say with nanoparticles you can take the actual carbon, hydrogen, oxygen...
Nitrogen, put it together to where you can create a food, molecularly, because it's working on the atomic and the molecular structure, without having to grow it.
In other words, you can do it without sunlight, without soil, and without water.
How loving!
How loving, you're right.
But... What's scary for me is reading over this, they even admit you're showing mainstream articles about it.
That there's regulations on GMOs, some on other things.
This, there's nothing.
They don't even do studies.
They don't even know what it's going to do.
That's the scary part, because there's zero FDA oversight.
There's zero USDA oversight.
Imagine what these big eugenics-based companies are going to piggyback and Trojan horse.
Every other smart thing they put out really has another agenda.
What could the agenda be here?
Well, I have right here from BioBased US that BASF is using it.
They're trying to get a patent filed right now.
And it says it is more stable and the killing capacity of the chemical, the herbicide, insecticide or fungicide is optimized.
So not only... So now they're coming out with a nanotech fertilizer?
Nanotech fertilizers and pesticides and get this Syngenta actually has a product that is available right now is a nanoparticle formula to grow food in a drought resistant or a drought
Oh, they're chemtrailing.
Oh, and don't worry, I'm sure they're going to have nanotech baby milk.
Your baby will die, but it's loving.
No, I mean, it's like now they admit the preemies are all dying of the vaccines.
They just go, fine, we're going to kill them.
Loving, liberal, uh-oh, shot, shot.
I'm liberal, uh, die.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
By the way, we had a caller yesterday that mentioned some of his family.
Had a preemie baby, I think he said six plus months, was fine.
But they gave the baby the inoculations as they do a few hours after birth and the baby quit breathing and died.
And we've had whistleblower nurses on about how they say, all right, we're being ordered to inoculate all these preemies.
Get ready with the respirators, get ready with the defibrillators, and get ready for death.
And they go in, they follow orders, they salute, and the injectors go.
This, this, this is the scientific packaging of slow death, soft kill.
Just kidding.
It's used to, oh, you know, 1 in 50 with autism.
Now 1 in 3.
They say about 2,025.
And it's all just done.
And the nurses, the doctors, they're compartmentalized.
They don't know what's going on.
After a while, they go, everybody dies when we do this.
Or they almost die.
Maybe we should stop this.
Well, David Knight did an investigative report with a whistleblower about six months ago.
I thought we should re-air that today in the fourth hour when Rob Doob
And others host the fourth hour today.
They should re-air that and tie it in.
You know, new Planned Parenthood video shows after-birth abortion.
Because they're not just getting the babies in the womb now, they're getting them with the vaccines.
And so if people have a premium, they need to know they're planning to kill your kid.
And we're not joking with rhetoric.
Just like we told you they sell their baby parts 20 years ago, and I told you they hold the baby up against the woman while they dissect it, they try to drug her, because legally they can get felonies if the baby doesn't touch the woman.
It's born now.
And now it's a baby, not a fetus.
But a lot of these facilities just take them in the back, keep them alive, put them on a breathing apparatus, and then last thing they take is the heart.
They want to get full dollar for those organs.
They want to vivisect them properly.
And you notice it's all in the news now.
This is just part of what's beneath the surface.
Meanwhile, nanotech, please continue.
Dr. Group.
Yeah, like I said, I mean, this is something that is pretty scary as far as being able to create our own foods and nanoparticles.
I did want to mention, though, because as I was doing my research, I wanted to see if there's been any statements by the Environmental Protection Agency for Syngenta, the one that's using nanoparticles in the pesticides and herbicides right now.
Lovicides, not pesticides.
Yeah, or if there's been any feedback from the US government and actually the US Environmental Protection Agency
Said, a pesticide newly formulated as a nano emulsion would not require regulatory re-examination since it would not be a new chemical, new chemical form, nor a significant new use.
But by definition the whole molecule's been changed.
Holy Toledo!
This is a stealth way to get
Very damaging particles into the cell wall, which have been shown in trials, and you can pull this up on PubMed, as a matter of fact, here's an abstract right here.
It goes through the cell wall.
That it goes through the cell wall, and the health complications, especially damaging to the lungs, the spleen, causes an inflammatory response in the gut, and also an inflammatory response in the body as a general.
Crohn's type diseases are epidemic all of a sudden.
Inflammatory diseases are epidemic all of a sudden.
Autoimmune diseases are epidemic.
So it's just another thing that you need to be aware of and look out for.
And even the National Organic Program, we still allow nanoparticles to be used in organic foods.
All right, stay there.
You know the short segments at the end of the hour, the start of the hour.
It's the clock we have.
It's one of the standard ones.
I hate it.
Some stations don't even carry this five minutes.
When we come back, I'm going to shut up for the 12 minutes.
I want you to start over, run through it all, then get through your whole analysis, because this is so stunningly important.
And if you, the viewers and listeners, send out this audio file today from the podcast to your friends and family, or the video link, or the YouTube tonight or tomorrow, it can have a big effect.
I mean, so many times, what we cover here first
Maybe we should try to get the food babe, who we promote her stuff, you know, our audience does, get her to go after nanotech as well, because we need to get a chain reaction going here, because this is really the big issue.
Dr. Group, stay there.
We'll be back.
Kill whites and cops!
Black Lives Matter-affiliated radio show calls for a race war.
In a disgusting audio broadcast via Blog Talk Radio yesterday, an individual who admitted affiliation with the Black Lives Matter movement called for listeners to murder white people and police, declaring it open season for executions.
Open season on killing whites and white police officers.
And I want to talk about the shooting of the white deputy sheriff in Houston, Texas.
It's open season on killing whites and white police officers, and probably killing cops, period.
It's open season, picking them off.
Today, we live in a time where the white man will be picked off, and there's nothing he can do about it.
His day is up.
His time is up.
We will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before.
For updates on this story and breaking news as it happens, go to InfoWars.com.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're talking nanotech, and for a decade or more it's been in food packaging, it's been put in the foods, but now they're rolling out with completely changed foods that last longer, taste better, have more flavor, and it's just totally untested.
And then you've got nanotech also in vaccines.
We reported on this years ago, what I called brain-eating vaccines.
Just like, they go, oh, we don't sell baby parts, we sell fetus parts.
But only embryos are restricted.
The tiny ones you can't sell, the big ones you can.
And then they laugh.
That's how we play the game.
It's the same thing.
They go, oh, we have a vaccine for depressed people.
For the veterans.
And then it's a live, engineered, nanotech virus.
It's a virus, it's just information.
That goes in and programs the body.
Simply amazing.
Yeah, scroll down.
We can show TV viewers the actual video.
And they just announce it like it's fun.
Get your new shot and you won't be depressed anymore.
It's literally a lobotomy that goes in and eats certain parts of your brain.
So this is the brave new world we're facing.
And I wonder how far they're going to go.
Bill Gates talks about nanotech delivered vaccines.
He talks about forced inoculations, nanotech in foods that inoculate you, where the nanotech
Crystallizes the live pathogen, then dissolves in the body, but can be grown into the crops themselves.
Dr. Group, you've got the floor.
Then we're going to go to phone calls.
The toll-free number for questions for Dr. Group, 800-259-9231.
Dr. Group, go ahead.
Well, there's really still not a lot of information on this.
If you search nano-foods or nano-ceuticals or nano-pesticides, there's really a limited amount of information.
So, it is something to be aware of, and the best solution that I can come up with is try to avoid any type of packaged and processed foods.
Even though there is nanoparticles in organic foods, the one that you really want to look out for is going to be titanium dioxide.
Zinc oxide in sunscreens, as a matter of fact, is nanoparticle-ized, and that's causing different types of problems in people.
We all know that with the geoengineering and the chemtrails, that aluminum nanoparticles are being sprayed in the air.
Another reason why you need to continue to detoxify, clean the air in your home, in your office, put some live plants in there, get a good air purification system so at least you're going to be breathing clean air, eating clean food, and drinking clean water.
Some of the things that have been documented out there to contain nanoparticles in there are going to be Mentos, the little mint, M&M's, coffee creamers,
Chocolate, milk, yogurt, dairy substitutes.
I had something happen to me about two years ago where I had intense neck and shoulder and headaches for about two weeks and I had to finally I had to start eliminating everything in my diet and I realized that I was using a certified organic coffee creamer whenever I had a cup of coffee which is like once every couple of days or something like that but this was severe pain and stiffness.
I could barely even turn my head.
I finally realized when I traced it back to the or certified organic coffee creamer that it had titanium dioxide in it.
And titanium dioxide is used as a whitener.
It's also, you know, all the pop tarts out there with the white frosting on it or anything white that they want that white color in.
So I would highly recommend everybody look for titanium dioxide on the label.
That's probably one of the biggest health concerns out there.
And when I realized it, and I actually typed in titanium dioxide toxic online and was able to pull up a whole list of symptoms, fibromyalgia type symptoms.
So it kind of led me to believe that, hey, maybe fibromyalgia is
Caused by toxic chemicals.
So anyway, that's one of those pieces of advice I would give to everybody out there.
Just read the ingredients and look for titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, and be aware of the possibility of nanoparticles in your food.
Especially if you're using processed, canned, boxed, non-organic food items.
Doc, I'm giving you the floor, because you get me so excited, I don't want to interrupt.
Keep rolling with all this research you've done.
Well, I mean, that's about it, really.
I mean, really, these particles were introduced actually in 1959, so they've slowly been gaining speed and gaining speed, and I think it's just at the time right now where we need to
Educate people and educate the viewers out there and the listeners to just be aware of this.
And also, how do you get these things out of your body?
And that's another reason why it's so important to cleanse, cleanse, cleanse, because all of these damaging effects... Let's talk about cleansing, because obviously you designed Deep Cleanse for InfoWarsLive.com.
I want to go over some of the ingredients, then go to callers and talk about some of the reviews.
But basically the infomercial won't last more than five minutes here.
But last time you were here, you also talked about other parts of the cleanse.
Apple cider vinegar, pure water, sweating more, exercising more.
I mean, let's go through a cleanse that people can do, even if they don't get deep cleanse, from Infowarslife.com to Supercharged.
Well, one of the easiest and most effective ways to cleanse your body is just water.
I mean, water in itself detoxifies you.
And I'm not talking about tap water, obviously, but if you get a good purified source of water, add some organic apple cider vinegar to it,
You're going to get minerals.
You're going to get live enzymes.
You're going to get probiotics in the organic apple cider vinegar.
You're actually going to get different types of vitamins in organic apple cider vinegar.
So, that alone is a really good effective way to kickstart your body.
Or if you don't have a lot of money and you want to continue to detoxify yourself, just drink a lot more water.
About half your body weight in ounces a day.
And if you do that for a period of like six or seven days and drink only that, and that means not consuming any coffee, not consuming any alcohol, not consuming any of the other damaging beverages, then you're going to be able to detoxify your body.
And that's why
All of the old cultures used to do fasting.
They used to do 40 day fasting or 10 day fasting or a week fasting from time to time just to give their body time to detoxify.
Although now we have a thousand fold more chemicals in our environment.
Then those cultures did way back when, and now we have so many poisons in the air, and the food, and the water, and everything else.
So, that's one of the good ways.
If you do have the money, then I always recommend the first part, damaging part, is the gut.
I mean, you really have to focus on cleansing the intestinal tract.
So, apple cider vinegar, do the oxy powder cleanse, and then take our deep cleanse.
And how do you recommend people take the deep cleanse?
Well, I recommend starting off slow, following the instructions on the label.
You can even start off with a dropper full twice a day, once in the morning on an empty stomach and then another dropper full in the afternoon.
If that causes you to have what's called a Herxheimer reaction or a healing crisis, then I would back off on that.
Amount of dosage just because you can sometimes pull these chemicals and metals out of the body too fast and that could cause a headache, it could cause some fatigue, it could cause some muscle... Swollen lymph nodes.
Swollen lymph nodes and you know you got to give your body time to detoxify and that's what like what you said, sweating.
Sweating is a natural detoxification pathway.
So if you can even join a club, even if you're not a big exerciser, and get in the steam room for 20 minutes a couple times a week.
Guys have four ways to eliminate toxins and chemicals from their body.
You sweat them out, you breathe them out when you're doing heavy activity and you're actually respirating, you urinate them out, and you defecate them out.
And that's it.
That's the only way you're going to be able to get rid of these toxins.
Women have the menstrual cycle too.
Women have their menstrual cycle.
So women actually have five ways.
So really what you want to do is you want to open up all your elimination routes and start eliminating the sources of the chemicals that are coming into your body
And with the assistance of like the oxy powder and cleansing and neutralizing the toxins in the intestines, the deep cleanse which is going to go into the lymphatic system, the blood system, the liver, the spleen, the kidneys, it really is a deep cleanse that's going to happen.
And with the components in there, not only are you going to be providing the body with essential minerals and nutrients,
But you're also going to be extracting and bonding some of those harmful substances and getting them out of the system.
And we know now that some of these chemicals can be stored for 20, 30, 40 years.
We've had people that have done the liver shield and the liver cleansing program and taken their stones into a chemist, had a friend at a college, at a university and taken them in and
They were analyzed and they even found like four or five pieces of gum in there that came out from 20-30 years ago.
So we know that the body actually holds, especially gum sometimes, deep in the tissues.
I don't know if those were stored deep in the intestines or if those actually really did come out of the liver, probably the intestines.
We do know now that it does take time.
Sure, a liver cleanse is just absolutely spectacular what it does.
We're going to be talking about that again soon.
Here's New York, in New York, have this to say as a review of Deep Cleanse.
I'm always toxic cleansing.
This product in combination with others is a must for me.
It couldn't be easier to take.
I look forward to it twice a day.
Life outlook is so much more positive.
This replaces my heavy metal detox.
It goes on.
The only bad thing is that I run out of it.
I love it.
Here's another review by Still Free in Idaho.
I don't know any other way than to say I just feel better in general.
An overall sense of improved well-being.
So I started taking this at the beginning of August.
I will be reordering.
So thank you for your support and thank you for checking that out.
And again, folks, none of us are perfect.
It's a process.
I've gone from job of the hut levels five years ago to, you know, losing almost 70 pounds and having a lot more energy, a lot healthier skin.
My mind works a lot better.
Makes my temper worse.
It seems to be like when I'm kind of in a haze, I'm not that mean, but
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We're going to come back and go to your phone calls and shift gears out of the plugging to Dan, Ernie, Matt, Jim, Peter and others but most importantly
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Waging war on corruption.
Alright, you are go.
You are go.
Alright, you are go.
By the way, Dr. Group during the break was talking to me, and I was like, hey, don't plug liver shield that you developed for us.
That's been sold out for four months.
He goes, no, it's not.
The truck is on its way here from his laboratory.
And I went out and talked to the guys.
They checked the tracking.
It'll be here tomorrow.
So I'm putting it up on the shopping cart, InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com right now.
If you want to try to get it again, get the apple cider vinegar that we don't sell, the oxy powder that we do, and do the six-day cleanse, there's nothing in a week more dramatic.
I think X2 probably is the most important of everything.
Takes about two, three weeks to hit.
If you have been iodine deficient, this is the true iodine.
I'm going to stop plugging there.
It's just that Liver Shield is going back up in the next 10 minutes and Infowarslife.com as well.
Okay, going back to the phone calls, or to the phone calls now.
Dan, Ernie, Matt, Jim, Peter, and many others.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Who do you want to go to first, Dr. Group?
Let's go to Dan in Indiana.
Dan in Indiana.
You're on the air.
Hey guys, Dr. Group, I have a question for you real quick.
A few years ago, I was actually diagnosed with skin disorder, vitiligo, and I've changed my diet, gone off wheat, avoiding dairy, and taking a lot of your products, a lot of the vitamin B, B12, the cleanse, the bowel cleanse.
Just wondered, in your opinion, if it were you,
What you might do to accompany that?
Dr. Group?
Well, usually what I do for skin conditions is I, first of all, clean the intestines with the oxy powder and then use a really good probiotic blend and it can take a little while to kind of repair the bowel.
Of course, eliminate anything that can be damaging.
Also, like an ozonated olive oil to put on the skin sometimes work, but also a vitamin D
Seems to be pretty effective, but you have to be like what I would do is take about 20,000 I use a day, and that's the winter Sun also Iodine is associated with the skin and every single skin cell so sure how is your just interrupt?
How is your kind of Michael Jackson disease as they call it?
How has that?
Has that gotten any better since you've been cleansing or what happened?
Well, I've been dealing with it for probably about five years, five to seven years.
It just, it kind of came on light and then got worse, progressively worse, but it hasn't gotten any worse since I've been doing this.
Well, hopefully it stopped the progression.
Let me just ask myself this question.
I have a friend named Scott, great musician, famous guy actually.
He has that and the doctor told him
He got it about three years after he got on Paxil.
And they said, no, that's a side effect of Pascal.
And he looks like a vampire.
I mean, he actually has, you know, like a black pompadour and he looks kind of handsome.
But it's kind of like, man, does this count Dracula?
His skin is totally white.
And they admitted Paxil did it to him.
Have you heard of that?
I have heard of that.
Yeah, I have heard that different variety of pharmaceuticals can change the melanin-producing compounds within the skin cells.
As a matter of fact, there is a company, and I've been looking into it, that actually is
Selling a powdered melanin.
And also, just as a side note, the chaga mushroom is very high in melanin.
So another thing I might recommend is that you take a chaga mushroom extract or powder supplement.
When you told me four years ago, when we were about to get in business together, you said, take my proprietary iodine.
It's not out yet, but take it.
Because you've got these aging spots, sunspots on your face.
You won't have as many of those.
And after about a few months on it, a lot of those went away, 90%.
And I get tanner easier now, before I just burned.
I mean, now I can get as dark as a Mexican.
I love it.
I mean, I love having dark skin.
It looks good.
It feels good.
I enjoy it.
I enjoy the sun.
But wow, I mean, how did the iodine make my skin get darker?
Well, because iodine is used for every single cell in the body, and when you start providing the nutrients... See, the skin takes a beating because it's the outside.
It's the same epithelial tissue as the bowel.
And the good thing about it is the inside of the bowel regenerates every 24 hours, and the skin does this, why it flakes off all the time.
But if you don't have the proper nutrition coming into your body, because your skin layers start deep, and the deepest layer will ultimately rise to the top.
So the cleaner you are and the more nutritious you eat will provide a healthier skin cell to come.
So what happened with you is you started regulating your diet, you started eating healthier, you had the iodine which was balancing out your hormones better, your thyroid was getting balanced out.
And your skin cells, deep below, were getting the iodine to produce everything that they needed to produce.
The oils, the melanin... My skin has gotten oilier.
Everything like that.
So, as it came up to the surface, your skin was healthier and it'll continue to be healthier.
That is one thing.
My skin has gotten oilier.
It's gotten healthier.
But it has gotten oilier.
I guess the iodine does that?
Yeah, which is great because the oil is there to protect you from the sun and protect you from... So instead of putting lotion on, my body's giving me my own.
All right, sir.
I hope that answers your question.
Thank you, Dan.
You got a lot of info.
I hope you get better.
God bless you.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Kill whites and cops.
Black Lives Matter affiliated radio show calls for a race war.
In a disgusting audio broadcast via blog talk radio yesterday, an individual who admitted affiliation with the Black Lives Matter movement
Called for listeners to murder white people and police, declaring it open season for executions.
Open season on killing white and white police officers.
And I want to talk about the shooting of the white deputy sheriff in Houston, Texas.
It's open season on killing white and white police officers and probably killing cops, period.
It's open season.
Picking them off.
Today we live in a time where the white man will be picked off and there's nothing he can do about it.
His day is up.
His time is up.
We will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, offshore banks have taken over the country and our universities.
They've divided the people against themselves.
And now they're trying to scapegoat police as the only problem in society, hoping that the revolution that's coming never focuses on the New World Order itself.
We'll be covering this a lot more in the fourth hour today.
I've been doing three hours here for many years.
We're starting a fourth hour into syndication with myself many days, but also my other great anchors, reporters, and researchers.
And we're going to look at the fact that babies are being aborted after birth, on purpose, with whistleblowers, and they're killing them with vaccines, knowing it's killing them.
And this is part of the program.
Just like Bayer knew for 12 years, working with Bill Clinton, that they were shipping out of Arkansas prison system blood with HIV and hepatitis A, B, and C in it.
And when it came out in the memos, it was the corporate meetings going, we need to get rid of these hemophiliacs anyways.
They're a weight on society.
Ship the blood.
So it's this weird attitude like, kill somebody who's a hemophiliac or
Kill a baby that, you know, a premium weighs four pounds.
I mean, this is really an evil death cult, what I call the death wing, that we're facing.
And I don't have words to describe how evil these people are.
I try to fund our operation and become successful and large.
In the face of the globalists, that's the only way you can fight them, by selling and promoting things that aren't going to block everything they're doing to us, everything we've done to ourselves.
It isn't all the New World Order.
But you do the liver shield, liver cleanse every day with water mixed with apple cider vinegar for six days, twice a day?
And then on the sixth day, you take the olive oil, about six, eight ounces of that, drink it, and lay on your side that has your liver and your gallbladder on it.
And of course, every night for the six days, take four to eight, depending on how big you are, of the oxy powder, higher level oxygen that releases in the upper and lower intestines, the large and small intestine.
It is spectacular.
I mean, I lost like 10 pounds when I did it the first time, five pounds the next.
Rob Dew lost 12 pounds.
We should really put all those testimonials together.
Liver Shield is back in tomorrow.
The truck is on its way here.
Deep Cleanse is now back in our facility.
It's actually been in for a few days.
We're waiting for Dr. Group to get here.
Both these products are now available at InfoWarsLive.com or 888-253-3139.
And cleansing yourself will at least push a lot of the garbage that's sitting in your gallbladder or sitting in your blood or sitting in your bone marrow out.
My dad, you know, is a chemist and a retired oral surgeon and dentist and he's formulated nutraceuticals for FDA approval before.
That's why we got him working with the company and he does a great job.
And he always told me, don't do it all the time, but if you get exposed to something toxic, he goes, I do it occasionally.
Do a week.
Of basically not eating solid foods, drinking, you know, lemon and stuff with water.
This is what he'd been told by old chemists, you know, decades ago that would be exposed to bad stuff.
Grignard reagents is what he called them.
He was told this by an old UT chemist.
Lemon with the water, I guess that alkalizes you or something, I'm not sure, fast for a week, but the water needs to be distilled.
And he said, more than a week or so, distilled water he believes is toxic because it
I guess is a chelator as well, and it drags toxins out.
Is that correct, Dr. Group?
Well, according to the research, yes, that is correct.
Right now, I think we have so many.
I mean, distilled water is really a dead water, but it's also the cleanest water, because that's the only way that you can get all of the chemicals and the fluoride.
But it has an effect, though, of pulling stuff out, right?
It does have an effect.
It's a hungry water, so it does have the effect of pulling toxic materials and could potentially pull other good minerals.
Well, he was told that by an old top chemist at UT.
Do you think that's true?
I think it is true, but the good thing about it is he also recommended putting lemon juice in there.
Lemon juice is a real highly negatively charged compound and that's why it's so good at cleansing and anybody that has, it's an old remedy we used to use for years and years for kids.
Every grandma says you got a cold, you know, shot of Jack Daniels or Jameson's with a whole lemon in it.
Yeah, well, I tell you what, for kidney stones, it's, you know, having somebody just fast on lemon juice and water, it's great because those negative electrons will break down those stones slowly over a period of time.
So it is a good cleanser, and that is a good way, you know, take three or four days and just drink nothing but water and lemon juice and you will be able to clean your body up pretty good.
So it's not just getting our products, folks, but it's anything to counter the globalists.
Ernie in California, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hello there.
I'm so glad that I could finally connect with you, AJ and Dr. Rupp.
Glad to speak with you too.
I have a suggestion for you, Alex, and also a question for the doctor.
Can you hear me okay?
Loud and clear, brother.
My question for you, Dr. Group, and I'd like for you to answer after I've given my comment to AJ, if you don't mind, I'll get off the line at that point.
I recently moved, I had to move to an upper unit.
It's only temporary.
I moved knowing that the cigarette smoke at the lower, on the lower unit, was going to really be a problem.
It's a huge problem, just expanded problem more so than I thought it would be.
What would you think would be the best way to help mitigate the toxic effects of the secondhand smoke that comes up from the plumbing and wherever else?
And how, on an ongoing basis, can I protect myself until I can manage to move out as quickly as I can?
AJ, I'm in complete accord with what you've been saying about what appears to be an agenda of creating racial tension for a specific purpose.
And I've been watching and observing
I have a suggestion.
Since I started listening to you back in 2009, when I became aware of just the extent to which the media was hiding the natural born issue, and Obama is not natural born, that you have engaged periodically in sort of offensiveness to mitigate evil.
Whether it's, you know, you do video contests or info bombs or whatever, I'd like to suggest to you now that you look, you and your fantastic crew, put your heads together over time, as short a time as possible, and really come up with something innovative, something that, consider this block talk
I don't know.
Sure, like en masse to go in and have an effect.
I mean, there's a lot of ways to do that, and we should think about that.
Really great question, great comment.
My research on secondhand smoke is tobacco itself is very psychoactive.
Extremely powerful.
The Mafia used to wear rubber gloves underneath leather gloves in the winter.
They would come up and throw pure nicotine on somebody on their back or whatever.
It would go through their shirt.
They'd have a heart attack 20 minutes later and die.
It's, I guess, a visoconstrictor.
I don't know.
When you smell cigarettes now, I mean, they smell like the most nasty crap on earth.
And that's one reason I quit smoking cigarettes.
I never smoked them really heavy, but I smoked some here and there when I had beer or whatever.
But about six, seven years ago, they started tasting so horrible, no matter what brand, with the fire retardant in them, that, I mean, no one could smoke that.
I still, somebody has a cigar, and it's a good one, I like it.
So something's changed in tobacco.
It's gotten even more weaponized.
And when I smell one now, just blowing outside, it makes me sick.
What's going on with cigarettes and what could he do to try to detox or mitigate that?
Well, for secondhand smoke, the easiest way to mitigate that is to clean the air in your environment.
And I recommend, there's a company called RGF, and they have plug-in units, and they have whole house system units that are available.
And that's the same company, it's a US-based company that actually developed the air purification systems during the SARS outbreak in China, when China put together a research team to try to determine the best air purification systems.
And they use an ionized hydroperoxide system.
That's the one I use in my house.
But you can also put two or three live plants in each room of your house.
It's amazing at how many toxins plants will absorb.
And then, of course, you want to look at not putting any paints that are going to emit any volatile organic compounds, etc.
And then, of course, cleansing your body, cleansing your lungs.
We do have a formula here called Lung Cleanse, which is a very effective product at cleansing and regenerating the lung tissue.
I've used it.
Many people around the world have used it.
There's amazing reviews about it.
Anything from, you know, difficulty breathing to lung health.
It's really kind of hard to clean the lungs, but secondhand smoke and all of the things that we're exposed to in the air every single day, it's a vital part.
That's why I developed a product specifically for the lungs because
We breathe 30,000 breaths every single day.
We have to have some way to clean the lungs.
Well, Dr. Group, again from theglobalhealingcenter.com, joins us.
For me...
It's just realizing the natural things that God gave us in the environment are the counter to all this, and it really works, and it's that obvious.
But even drug companies and nutraceutical companies, we're under a lot more regulations than, say, the cigarette makers, not when it comes to taxes or where they can sell it, but their additives.
All these grandfathered laws with food additives and tobacco additives, where they can put hundreds of chemicals in that are incredibly toxic and addictive.
So there's this whole science to frankenfood, frankentobacco,
You name it, that's the real problem.
Jim in Colorado, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
Hi Dr. Group, I called to thank you.
I was listening to you about two and a half months ago, and I had suffered for several decades with discomfort under my right side ribcage.
As I always do, I was listening to Alex in the background while I was doing things here in the house, and I heard you speak about gallbladder cleansing and liver cleansing, and my ears perked up because the things you were describing sounded exactly like the discomfort and pain that I had been enduring.
So, I tried this, and it was a miracle, man.
Let me tell you, I passed so many stones, it was disgusting.
I couldn't believe that stuff was in my body, because I had always kind of prided it, taking
Three years ago, just to interrupt you, three years ago...
Anthony was back there when he first started working here and he was doing a liver cleanse because he worked here for about six to eight months before he was ever even on air.
I guess he'd been a guest before, but before we even announced he was actually working here, because then he was just a consultant.
And he's going, you've got to do this liver cleanse, you've got to do this liver cleanse, you've got to do this liver cleanse.
You know, we need to come out with our own, you know, special brand of this concentrator that Dr. Gribbs is developing.
And I showed the online photos of gallstones and gallbladders and I said, I don't believe that.
And finally, after a year and a half of him pecking at me and you, I did it.
And I don't want to get into details.
It didn't happen the next day like it does for most people.
It happened two days later when I was at Alamo Draft House about to walk in and see a movie and I said, excuse me one minute to my friends.
I was out with my kids.
I made them sit out there on the bench and I went in and I'm not going to get into details, but let me, it's like a horror movie.
And I had the black balls, which they say is even worse than the green ones.
Oh, don't put it on screen.
The point is, no wonder these things rupture.
Because your body is trying to process stuff that isn't natural.
It just balls it up.
It doesn't know what to do.
So I interrupted you.
Start over with what happened to you, sir, Jim.
Well, Alex, mine were actually tan stones, and I had a bunch of stuff that looked like grit and sand that came out as well.
Well, to be short, I had had so much pain under my right ribcage, Dr. Group, that it felt like it was popping in there.
And if I pushed on it, I could actually feel it popping.
Well, now my guess is I had so many stones in there that they were grinding against each other.
I did this thing that you suggested, got the liver cleansed, and I turbo-boosted.
I did some research on the internet, and I turbo-boosted it by doing Epsom salts as well.
And I passed, it had to have been easily 100 stones.
And today I feel better than I did 30 years ago.
I have more energy and when I urinate I can smell it actually from feet away so I know my body is just
Blowing toxins out that the bile ducts must have been previously completely blocked up or something.
Well, you know, I forgot.
I called Groot the next day and I said I didn't pass the stones.
And he goes, you may have to do another one.
You may be really backed up.
And he said, I tell you what, go to the store, get the little caplets, get Epson salts and take five or six of those tonight.
And then that was the next day it did it, but I had to take the Epsom salt.
I forgot.
So I guess that's how you turbocharge.
When do you recommend you take the Epsom salts for people like Gemini?
Well, we actually added the Epsom salts to the actual program itself.
So the day that you drink the olive oil, earlier in the day, around one or two in the afternoon, we have you do the Epsom salts, mix them in water and drink that down.
And then later in the evening that day, which is the flush day,
Is when you drink the four to six ounces of olive oil, of course cold-pressed organic olive oil.
And the reason why the olive oil is included and the reason it works so good is because it's like oil pulling which is an ancient Ayurvedic tradition of circulating oil in your mouth and it pulls toxins out.
So what happens when you drink that much olive oil it goes in, it goes through the liver,
You're lying on your right side, and the four days beforehand, when you're taking the liver shield, what you're doing is you're softening all the stones, you're turning them into sponge-like stones.
You're opening a liver.
And you're breaking them into littler pieces, and the gallbladder.
And so, that day, the heavy amount of oil from the olive oil is actually going to contract and squeeze, almost like you have a sponge full of water, and you squeeze that out.
Without the olive oil, you don't ever get that squeezing effect.
This should have been on Oprah and Dr. Oz.
I didn't believe it!
When you guys were telling me, I just said, come on, I'm not going to have green balls come out.
Okay, so think of all the money spent on gallbladder surgeries every year.
Think of how many people have their gallbladders taken out every single year.
I don't have that estimate in front of me, but I know it's, it's, there's millions and millions and millions of dollars.
It's got to be billions.
It's got to be billions.
So why... I mean, total health care is like...
Some ridiculous number, like 500 billion a year or something.
So if you could save your gallbladder for $5, let's say, with $5 worth of olive oil, you know, what we're doing is actually making it safe with the liver shield, you know, taking it, you know, the way you should do it, so you don't get stoned.
I want to just briefly go back to Jim, because we're going to go to break, come back with two more segments, and then do a full hour of Overdrive, fourth hour now live.
But talking to Jim, Jim, how would you just, in, you know, 10 words or a statement, describe the doctor group InfoWars Life Liver Cleanse?
Man, it really, it saved me a lot of money from an operation, like Dr. Group was saying.
It cleansed out my body where I smell more toxins coming out now.
I have more energy.
It was a big lifesaver for me.
I'm definitely going to try the OxyCleanse now.
I'm a big advocate of natural remedies, and I'll always listen to your show, and anytime Dr. Group's on, I perk up and try to take in his advice.
Now's the time to detox.
Thank you so much, Jim.
Peter and others, your calls are straight ahead.
I want to ask you this.
When we come back, I want you to answer it.
What does it mean?
Because I'd say 95% of people have it within a couple days.
About 80% the next morning, but another 15% or so, you know, takes a few days like me.
Some people, though, like 5-6% say nothing happens.
What does that mean?
They do this cleanse, nothing happens.
We'll be back.
So I say to Market Lunch, look, you know, I keep hearing from the government that, you know, they're worried someday ISIS may get here.
And I go, duh, Garland, Texas, Mohammed cartoon shooting, ISIS is already here.
I'm not waiting for these people to defend me.
If they don't know ISIS is here already, they got no clue, I'm taking care of myself.
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Get up, stand up.
Stand up for your right.
Stand up for your rights!
Get up, stand up!
Stand up for your rights!
All right, we're taking your call for this segment.
Five minutes in the next, then we're going to have InfoWars Family News Director Rob Duke come in and host 55 minutes of the show.
I think it's Leanne McAdoo and Jakari Jackson coming in with him when David Knight's back next week.
He'll be in doing the show.
I'll be doing the fourth hour sometimes as well.
We have a lot of special reports that are going to premiere in this new fourth hour.
We're going to make this one of the most important hours of the transmission and cover a lot of the news that's just broken or that we haven't gotten to yet.
And certain stuff I'll say, hey, I want you to cover this.
Like the EU migrant crisis out of control.
Ten mind-blowing facts about CERN.
I'm going to give these to you and I'm going to say, I don't care when you do it, just cover these during your hour.
That way some stuff we didn't get to that's important, they'll end up covering in that fourth hour.
When it is, just another hour to pack more info in, take your calls, you name it.
Peter in Washington, you're on the air with Dr. Edward Grip, the founder of the Global Healing Center.
Go ahead.
Yes, you can hear me, can't you?
I can, brother.
Thank you.
Okay, fine.
Dr. Group, I've been taking paracetam about 20 years on my own recommendation, sometimes with liquid choline nitrate.
I have no complaints, but I'd like to hear your opinion, and then secondly, whether it would be compatible with your product.
Well, I'm guessing you're probably taking that for pain somewhere?
Can you give me a little bit of... Paracetam?
No, no.
Paracetam and Neutril, that's an early...
Smart drug came out over 40 years ago.
You're not familiar with it.
Okay, yes, yes, yes.
I don't think there's going to be any type of contraindications.
I always recommend, though, whenever you're taking any natural supplement, spread it out as much as you can, especially 30 minutes before or after any type of pharmaceutical or any type of other nutraceutical if you can.
And just play it by ear, you know, test it out.
Yeah, just play it by ear.
The most important thing is
Anything that you're taking, you want to look and see if it has any toxic fillers or excipients or binders in it.
I'm pretty sure you might have some excipients and binders in that.
And those usually accumulate in the liver.
So again, it all goes back to how clean your body is.
And ultimately, what the body needs to heal itself and reactivating the body's self-healing mechanism.
Well, I was on an airplane with a chemist, I looked him up, he's well-known, flying back from Toronto.
He lives in California and he runs major pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities in Toronto.
And he said, look, most drugs today were getting approved.
You know, he said most of the drugs were approved 20, 30 years ago.
We couldn't get approved today.
He said, if you take Tylenol and you drink alcohol, you might as well just cut your liver out.
And he goes, and no one will tell anybody that.
It's deadly for your liver.
And people popping this stuff all day and they just don't know.
He said Advil was fine.
But people just don't know that just because something was approved before, and I'm not saying your drugs are.
There's tens of thousands who could know them all.
Just, you know, research it for yourself.
That's the great thing about the Internet is there's so much research out there and just check out what's credible for yourself.
I know Dr. Merkul is on as a medical doctor on Friday.
We'll go through a lot of this with him, or we're trying to get him on right now.
Thank you, Peter.
God bless you.
Let's jam in Matt in Connecticut.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
I had a question for Dr. Group about retinal-vein occlusion.
Yeah, go ahead.
In the eye?
Yes, go ahead.
Retinal-vein occlusion, if the doctor knows anything about it.
Well, usually any type of retinal vein occlusions are going to be from a toxic buildup, and that could be from a combination of different things in your diet.
So that's even more the reason to cleanse the liver.
When the liver becomes congested, then you start getting particles, toxic particles, into the bloodstream.
When you start, that's also another reason why people start losing their vision around 40, at least their
Uh, their close-up vision, they have to have reading glasses because you start getting tiny occlusions in the retinal veins and arteries.
Hey Matt, that was a great question.
Gotta jump.
We'll be right back in one minute.
We'll be back in one minute or 70 seconds.
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Another major health threat.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Final segment with Dr. Edward Group.
We're taking your phone calls right now, then 55 minutes or 1, 2, 3, 4 segments of Radio Slash TV with Rob Due, host of the 4th Hour.
And if this goes well, I'll be honest with you, I'm just gonna start creating new radio shows, TV shows, you name it.
Spending them off, reaching more people, gardening shows, mechanic shows, Second Amendment shows, and putting them on GCN.
That's down the road.
Uh, Dylan!
In FEMA Region 10, then Cash and others.
Go ahead, Dylan.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex and Dr. Group.
It's good to talk to you guys.
Good to talk to you.
So I have a quick question about your guys' secret 12.
My father has a genetic disease called pernicious anemia.
And from what I understand, it's passed down through the male line.
And it's the inability to digest.
Is that like Cushing's?
Or is that where you don't release the right hormones?
I'm not quite sure.
All I know is that he has to take B12 intravenously.
So he has malabsorption?
Yeah, absolutely.
Would Secret 12 work for him?
Well, here's the thing.
Usually when you have that condition, pernicious anemia, you have a problem breaking the B12 down and most of the B12 is in this cyanocobalamin form and it's even hard to break down when you get it in meats and eggs and stuff like that.
So, the secret 12, I'm not going to say it'll work for him because I don't have enough information about his case.
I just think you should try it and see what happens.
You have the two cofactors.
I mean, this is a B12.
Secret 12 is the methylcobalamin.
Nobody sticks them together.
Explain that.
And the adenosylcobalamin.
So when B12 gets broken down into the body, it gets broken down into two cofactors.
Methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin.
There's a lot of methylcobalamin products out there, but each one have kind of a different effect on the body in balancing the neurological system and also utilizing it for different components within the system for hormone production or whatever.
So we actually combine, the adenosylcobalamin cofactor is extremely expensive.
I think it's something like $40,000 a kilogram.
That's why we're 20% that.
80% methylcobalamin.
80% methyl and 20% adenosylcobalamin.
So any type of B12 deficiency or problem, I would highly recommend trying it out.
Because injectable is going into your blood.
Same thing if it's under the mouth, that's going into the blood vessels as well.
So basically, from your research, and it's common sense, it's as close to injectable as you're going to get, but we're not making medical statements here, right?
Most of the injectable is cyanocobalamin anyway.
They do have injectable, which is the methylcobalamin, but they're still losing the other coat.
I go to an organic medical doctor, they give me methylcobalamin.
But they don't have adenosylcobalamin.
They only have methyl.
Yeah, sure, I would definitely give it a shot.
You know, I mean, you want to make sure you clear that with your dad's healthcare practitioner, but this is the best form of B12 that's out there and that's biochemical.
Yeah, I mean, we just set out, I mean, it cost me a lot to produce it.
It cost him a lot.
I mean, this is Rolls-Royce level for a very low price.
God bless you.
Hope your dad gets better.
Let's talk to Cash in Missouri, last caller I have time for on this subject.
Go ahead, Cash, you're on the air.
Yeah, three quick questions, Dr. Group.
First, I heard Alex say that you're a military veteran.
Is that right?
That's correct.
Okay, great.
And my second question is, my wife has insomnia.
She's suffered with it now for probably the last only two or three months.
I don't know what brought it on, but any recommendations there?
Well, yes.
If she has insomnia, it could have... I mean, there's a lot of different factors that could be involved.
I don't know if you guys just recently moved or whatever.
We're sold out of knockout, but go try, you know, the melatonin at the store.
Go try the other things that are well-known out there.
I mean, is that a good thing to do?
5-HTP, I mean, there's a... Exercise?
You gotta look at what's causing the insomnia.
Is she going through extra stresses in her life?
Does she have thyroid issues?
Does she get close to menopause?
Does she have hormone issues?
Is she ingesting phthalates or plastic somehow?
You know, you definitely want to cleanse the body, and that would be with all the cleansing products that we have here and try to address the root cause.
But another free thing she can do that works really good is stress reduction, deep breathing, and meditation.
And I would tell her to exercise more, because I'm... Absolutely, exercise.
I know electronics keeps me up.
When I'm in a hotel, I can never sleep.
When I'm out in the middle of the woods, I sleep like I'm dead.
I mean, it's all the stuff.
Who knows what it is?
You'll have to, you know, keep removing stuff until you find out what it is.
God bless you.
On Sunday, Cruz removed the Jefferson Davis and Woodrow Wilson statues from the UT Main Mall.
Since the church shooting in South Carolina, the Black Lives Matter movement had been calling for the removal of Confederate flags and Civil War statues from across the country.
But did you know 12 U.S.
presidents owned slaves, including Ulysses S. Grant?
Now let's look at Woodrow Wilson.
Here's a president that intentionally prolonged World War I at the behest of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace so America could be fundamentally changed.
And if you look at the transfer of wealth that has taken place since then, a case could be made that Woodrow Wilson is probably the biggest purveyor of slavery in the United States.
He also signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
The Federal Reserve is still printing up free money and bailing out banks.
The policies that he signed back in 1913 are keeping us all debt slaves today.
But you won't find any mention of Woodrow Wilson, the Federal Reserve Act, or debt slavery in the mainstream media.
You can see video of the statues being removed on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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It is concentrated herbs and natural organic compounds known to energize the body's natural processes that are blocked by estrogen mimickers and other toxic elements in the food chain.
Super Mel Vitality from InfoWarsLife.com has sold out multiple times in the last three months.
We're good.
As a community moves towards despotism, respect is restricted to fewer people.
That's veteran Denver Police Officer Charles Jones IV smashing an unarmed suspect in the face six times.
Officers accused of using excessive force on a suspect and then trying to erase the evidence.
I'm observing what they're doing in the room.
Save me!
I don't understand what's going on!
A community rates low on an information scale when the press, radio, and other channels of communication are controlled by only a few people.
Does it raise ethical questions about the use of government money to produce stories about the government that wind up being aired with no disclosure that they were produced by the government?
How can you ask such a question?
What difference at this point does it make?
When a competent observer looks for signs of despotism in a community, he looks beyond fine words and noble phrases.
There are actions I have the legal authority to take as president that will help make our immigration system more fair and more just.
Tonight, I'm announcing those actions.
What I say, go.
I'm the law around here.
He came, you saw, he died.
Yes, in modern warfare, our military leaders are finding that words and ideas are highly effective weapons.
You just have to be repetitive about this.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
We are trained to deceive if we have to.
You really don't have to trust me.
You shouldn't trust me.
In fact, by my actually participating that, I will taint the news.
In communities of this kind, despotism stands a good chance.
Nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Okay, Ms.
Hughes, well, we're gonna do everything we can to help you.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, in your mind.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
This is Overdrive.
We're going to start doing this regularly now.
So this will be five days a week.
We'll be going into the fourth hour.
I'm your host Rob Dew.
Joined here shotgun Leanne McAdoo wearing the wonderful, check that out, the Hillary for Prison 2016 shirt.
I remember seeing this on Twitter just a couple weeks ago.
People putting those signs in their yard and I guess people were tearing them out.
Because, you know, some people don't like free speech apparently.
So what do we do here?
Double down!
Yeah, everyone needs to get this shirt and troll any Hillary event.
She'll probably make you turn it inside out because that's, you know, that's who's running for president.
Someone who's so against the First Amendment.
I want to see somebody
And I'll personally give $100 to whoever goes and gets a Hillary for Prison 2016 shirt autographed.
I will send you $100 out of my pocket.
I have no money left, but you have to shoot video of it, and you have to let us use the video.
If you can get her signing that shirt, I'll give you a hundred bucks.
Right out of my wallet.
Yeah, I'm curious as well if people, you know, at first glance, if they're gonna be like, oh, hooray, yeah, Hillary for president.
Yeah, they just don't see it.
People don't really read things.
They just see the Hillary and they'll just go, alright, a hundred bucks right there on the line.
Get your shirt today, go out to a Hillary event, get her to autograph it and get video of it.
And if you can stand it, we're selling these cackling Hillary pins too.
Oh yeah.
Can you imagine if she's president and we have to listen to this every week?
That's what she said right after she killed Qaddafi.
He came, he saw, he died.
So let's tell you what we're gonna do for this hour.
We're gonna play a report really quick here on a John Bowne report that he did.
On George Soros, about who this man is.
This is a great evergreen report, just like general knowledge of George Soros' background.
But at the bottom of the hour, we are going to really dig into this ninth Planned Parenthood video that has come out, and also tie it in with an interview that David Knight did back in May and also in June with a nurse, talking about how they knew these vaccines would damage these poor preemie babies.
They would come out, inject them with the vaccines, and then they would have incubators and
I don't know the proper term, but they're like breathing machines that they stick on their face, and I'll get the guys to look it up so I don't sound like an idiot.
But they have these ready for the kids because they know they're going to need them.
They say, we have four preemies, get four beds ready, because as soon as they get their shots, they're going to need them.
This is horrible.
This is what they're doing to our children.
And people out there, you have to stand up, you have to speak out.
You're responsible for this if you stay silent.
You're just as culpable as the people running these programs.
And if you're a nurse and you're not speaking out,
There's got to be something wrong with you because you're there to help people.
You're not there to hurt people.
And these vaccines and these kids are not helping the situation at all.
So we're going to get to that at the bottom of the hour.
We're also going to take some phone calls.
I'm going to give everybody the phone number.
We'll take a few phone calls when we come back.
That's 800-259-9231.
And let's go to that report now about who is George Soros, Darth Soros, as they like to call him.
Every life matters.
And that is why this issue is so important.
Black lives matter.
White lives matter.
All lives matter.
How long before Black Lives Matter protesters are chanting George Soros' Divide and Conquer scheme is what matters?
The Washington Times reports, liberal billionaire George Soros has built a business empire that dominates across the ocean in Europe while forging a political machine powered by non-profit foundations that impacts American politics and policy, not unlike what he did with MoveOn.org.
In all,
Mr. Soros gave at least $33 million in one year to support already established groups that embolden the grassroots on-the-ground activists in Ferguson, according to the most recent tax filings of his non-profit Open Society Foundations.
The sad fact is, one of the 30 richest people in the world, not an American civil rights leader, is funding a divide-and-conquer movement that has disrupted political speeches, places of business,
And the real progress Americans have made in the United States regarding race relations.
Meanwhile, Soros has fueled the division in Ukraine.
George Soros admitting he's behind the open border move and the illegals pouring in.
Admitting he's behind Ukraine saying, I did it.
Which I think he's taking too much credit, he's a big part of it.
They're part of the Arab Spring and turning loose all these groups that it's... I mean, on every front, George Soros.
If it was a racist nation, we would not have had the top guy ahead of law.
As a black man, Eric Holder, and now Loretta Lynch, another black woman.
We would not have the head of the United Nations.
It was Susan Rice.
You would not have a Secretary of State as Condoleezza Rice or Colin Powell or others.
So let's not call it a racist nation.
If you want to point the finger, point it at Obama.
Point it at Holder.
Pointed at that low-life man who never convicted one head of the White Shoe Boys.
Too white for you, Eric?
And we are distracted, just as the Cloward-Piven strategy would have us.
Of course, all lives matter.
All lives matter, and I'm a black guy.
Of course, chanting pigs in a blanket will lead to execution of police.
I don't think chanting or singing chants that are basically promoting killing police officers is peaceful.
And of course, inciting violence for the sake of violence is a trap.
I would prefer to be remembered as a part
The 13 million black babies that Soros supported being wiped out and the 41% welfare spending increase Obama has brought us are the real steps backwards.
And those ensnared by the violent elite engineered full rights movement will eventually find themselves eager participants in a divide
All lives matter.
That police officer that got killed by that black man.
Because that black man listened to what y'all was saying by going out and killing white people.
That police officer's life mattered.
That nine-year-old girl in Ferguson, Missouri, that got shot in the head while she was doing her homework in the drive-by shooting that none of y'all protested, her life mattered.
So governments like to split people up.
Categorize human beings, divide so they can conquer them.
These people that don't even think that they can see the world because they need permission to see the planet Earth.
And I think that report really says it all about what we're dealing with.
We're dealing with these billionaires who don't want to pay taxes, who want to be above everyone else and control us and create a communist-type system where they own property, we're not allowed to own anything, and we're treated like, you know, debt slaves, which they're almost there.
I mean, everybody's in debt.
You don't really own your house because you're paying property taxes.
They can take it away from you.
So their plan is definitely coming into fruition on a worldwide scale, not just country by country, which is how they used to go about doing this stuff.
So I think that's a great piece and it kind of lays the groundwork for where we're going to go, especially in the second half of the show, talking about this ninth Planned Parenthood video and then tying it in to what they're doing to the poor preemie babies and how it's just a, it's a eugenics operation.
That's all
That's really all you can call it.
You can't say much else.
Now, before we get into those stories, I guess we'll lighten the mood just a little bit.
There's a story...
That came out, and the title of this is DARPA's Next Generation of Super Zombie Soldiers.
I guess I'm really not going to make it any lighter.
DARPA, an agency under the U.S.
Department of Defense, has started a heavily funded project that aims to enhance human ability in war zones by altering the genetic code of their soldiers.
They hope to achieve supremacy by making soldiers that are stronger, smarter, more focused.
Well, that all seems good.
Oh, and lack empathy.
By the way, and lack empathy is
Zero empathy, so they can kill women and children and civilians.
That's what's coming your way.
That, in addition to the drones that have no empathy.
So they're looking to create humanoid drones to go out and sweep the streets whenever, I guess whenever the next disaster is manufactured.
So we'll be back.
We're going to take some phone calls in the next segment.
We got Zach, David, Steven, and Kylo will attempt to get all to you.
This is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Rob Doole, Lee Ann McAdoo, Riding Shotgun.
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So I say to Mark at lunch, look, you know, I keep hearing from the government that, you know, they're worried someday ISIS may get here.
Then I go, duh, Garland, Texas, Mohammed cartoon shooting, ISIS is already here.
I'm not waiting for these people to defend me.
If they don't know ISIS is here already, they got no clue, I'm taking care of myself.
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Okay, honey, I have to ask, and be honest here.
Have you been taking a little blue pill?
Because things have been pretty good in the bedroom lately.
No, I swear.
You didn't pick anything up at the pharmacy last month in Cancun?
Well, something's different.
I have been taking that heart and body extract you bought me.
But that's for your heart and to control your cholesterol.
Well, I read HP Extract also promotes healthy prostate function.
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We're good to go.
We are back live.
It is the fourth hour overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to start doing this regularly now.
If you are listening to this on radio and you'd like to see the TV portion of this, log on to Infowars.com forward slash show and you can watch a free stream of the show and you can check out Ms.
McAdoo's Hillary for Prison 2016 shirt that we just put on sale today and Ivan threw down the gauntlet for a challenge which I'll talk about at the end of the show.
Now real quick, this is a story that came out last week.
Associated Press sues FBI over fake news story.
So basically the FBI put up a fake, they wrote a fake story, made it look like it was from a mainstream media outlet, sent it to this kid's MySpace account, so then they could then get a geolocate on him and then go after him.
They said he called in some bomb threats, but the AP is now suing them for doing this because they made it look like it was an AP article.
And here's the FBI director says we do not use deception or we do use deception at times to catch crooks.
At times.
You know, it's just the way we do it.
I'm sure that was the only time though.
Oh yeah, they don't do it any other time.
Not with informants, not with anything else.
Hey, so let's go to Stephen in Florida.
You've been holding the longest.
War against each other in the Planned Parenthood.
What do you have to say, buddy?
Yeah, hey, good afternoon.
Hey, first of all, Rob, I just wanted to say
I hope you understand that you're sitting next to the most attractive and intelligent woman in the media in America today.
Here's what I wanted to say.
I sent you a lengthy email yesterday and I wanted to just mention part of what I said for the listeners benefit.
Okay, I'm going to show you the connection between this whole war that they're now pushing and Jade Helm
And Planned Parenthood and what's come out about them.
Now, follow this.
Jucati did a report about two months ago on Jade Helm.
Really, really good.
And then when Alex came back on, it was a pre-recorded report, Alex came back on and gave his commentary.
And he made this statement.
And when he said this, boy, this really clicked and put a lot of the pieces together for me of what's been going on.
He said that what this Jade Helm is about with Master the Human Domain,
Is using the military to round up Americans.
Now, what is Monsanto, who you guys are covering a lot, mentioned today, the GMOs and all what they're doing, nanotech, what is their flagship product called?
Oh my god.
Okay, which is what?
It's a weed killer.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, made it clear that her reason for founding that organization was eugenics, which she termed as exterminating the what?
The weeds of the human race.
And now you look at what's coming out with Planned Parenthood, with all these videos, you put that all together and what you've got is...
I've come to the conclusion of believing that GMO not only stands for genetically modified organisms, but global military or murder operation.
Hey Steve, that is very astute.
Thank you.
I'm going to check your email again if I didn't respond back to it.
I'll check it out and I'd like to look at more of what you have to say.
Thank you for that very much.
Let's go to Zach next.
He's in Virginia.
He's talking about a new ISIS video.
Zach, what's going on?
Hey Robin, how are you doing?
I'm fine.
It's about an hour long video and you know it starts out talking bad about the financial reserve and then talks about you know the fractional reserve banking and then it gets on to you know just everything that you know us libertarians you know see as issues.
That's probably CIA made, I haven't watched it yet, but to start discrediting the Liberty Movement saying we're in league with ISIS because that's a narrative they want to push but continue.
Well they're pushing their own money.
Go ahead, Zach.
Ron Paul.
It like has a snippet of Ron Paul using Ron Paul kind of as like a guy they should look to.
And then it shows the InfoWars report with, you remember the documentary with Edward Griffin?
Yeah, it has that exact video, you know, cut and put into this video.
You know that Dinar, how they're minting the gold Dinar?
Right, right.
It's the ISIS video to kind of, you know, promote them, like they're handing out their coins, you know, the citizens who they clearly bribed, you know, say they love it.
Well yeah, that or being beheaded.
Or say you love it or get thrown off a roof or get put into a firing squad.
Yeah, that is all created to give the impression that the Liberty Movement is in league with ISIS, which is something that the sheriff's groups are even talking about in some of these states, like the sheriff up in Spokane, Washington.
Yeah, that those radical ideas are all one.
Yeah, and that's further from the truth.
Getting rid of the Federal Reserve is a terroristic idea.
Right, exactly.
That's to make anybody that wants to say the Fed is bad and go after them.
Alright, so we're going to be back and we're going to get into this 9th Planned Parenthood video and tie it into the whole eugenics operation with what they do to these poor preemie babies when they're born after they want to inject them with disgusting toxic vaccines.
It really makes me sick what they're doing.
It's Lover Drive Hour with Rob Due and Leanne McAdoo.
We're sitting here firing at will.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Another time in the Age of Wonder.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
That's right, we are live.
It's the fourth hour of Overdrive of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Rob Dew, riding shotguns Leanne McAdoo.
And, you know, our last caller, the caller before the last one, Steve, really brought it all together.
How Roundup, GMOs, Jade Helm, how it all kind of ties together with this weed control.
Weed extermination.
Yeah, and that's how they see us.
They really do.
They see the earth as this Garden of Eden.
And they are the chosen ones, and we are the ones that need to be culled.
We're the weeds.
And that's the fight that we are up against.
And, you know, people may not believe it, but just do the research for yourself.
A good place to start is in-game.
And, you know, one way to start fighting this stuff is to get your body healthy, and that's cleansing yourself out of all the nasty stuff that's inside.
And this is a product that we came out with a few months ago.
We just got it back in, Deep Cleanse.
And the first ingredient on here, Shilajit.
Uh, it is an amazing, it's like, um, say if the earth was a giant, like, press, and it was pressing out, like, uh, you know, like a resin substance that has all kinds of
We're good to go.
People who are watching on Infowars.com forward slash show can actually go and check out that video for themselves because this stuff really, it comes from the Himalayas.
They scrape it off by hand and get this kind of resin that is pressed from the rock.
Secret rock blood of the Himalayas revealed.
And that's on the Infowarrior.
That's one of our sub channels, but you can also find it on the Alex Jones Channel.
Didn't Dr. Group say he was actually searching for that ingredient for
Over 10 years.
Really intense.
It doesn't just walk its way out of the mountains.
You really have to plan ahead.
This just came out on Infowars.com from Kit Daniels.
Democrats hire illegal alien to recruit new voters.
No wonder this nation has a border and illegal alien crisis, Judicial Watch said in its response.
So that just came out.
I haven't even looked at this yet, but it says DNC hired Cindy Nava with full knowledge of her undocumented status.
The government watchdog reported pointing out that federal law prohibits foreign nationals from contributing directly or indirectly in the decision-making process of federal, state, and local election-related activities.
You covered that last night with a Project Veritas video, didn't you?
Yes, there was a Canadian woman that wanted to buy some merch there at Hillary Clinton's biggest campaign event yet and that is seen as foreign money being put into the campaigns because merchandise is seen as a
You know, it's a campaign donation, basically.
So, in order to skirt past that, she handed the money to an American woman and let her make the purchase.
And it was Hillary's compliance manager who was right there.
Who made it all, said it was all good.
But this is the first event on the compliance manager.
Little did they know, Project Veritas was there with a hidden camera to showcase that she came here.
She was the American.
I know, she was the American.
It was ridiculous.
Alright, now let's get to something serious.
Oh, by the way, we're going to have the Money Bomb on September 16th.
That's another way you can support us.
We are getting ready to do a major expansion.
We're actually going to redo one of the old studios, the first Nightly News studio.
We're revamping it and we're going to be launching this baby.
Four hours of the Alex Jones Show, one hour of the Nightly News starting.
That's going to be our starting point, our launch point to go on satellite.
So everybody around the nation can pick this up on their television set.
Yeah, spreading the word.
One way to break the paradigm is to get people thinking outside the box and not just confined to the left-right paradigm mantra that were sold from Fox News and CNN and MSNBC and all of those.
And that's how we can talk about the Planned Parenthood story because we are funded by the viewers like you.
And the viewers want to hear about stuff like this because they're sick and tired of it being pushed under the rug and not covered by the mainstream media.
Here it is from Steve Ertlitt.
From Life News.
Ninth shocking video.
Planned Parenthood sells intact aborted babies.
One just fell out of the womb, and we're gonna go to that clip first.
But Leanne, let's, before we do that, recap the other videos.
There's eight other videos that each one seems to just get more shocking as they come out.
Right, well, the ninth one was just released, so you'll recall, you know, they talk about being really good at getting the heart, lungs, and liver.
Then we had another... Not crushing the head.
Yeah, we don't crush them.
You know, a less crunchy technique is what we'll use.
The other, the next, the second video, the lady said that she wanted a Lamborghini.
That was the big hashtag trending on Twitter.
Then in the third video we saw former SimExpress employee Holly O'Donnell talking about how she fainted in horror over handling baby legs and all these parts.
And then in the fourth one they talk about how they don't want to, you know, sell these baby parts for a flat fee of just like 200 bucks per item works better because then they can see how much money they can get out of it.
And then the fifth video, they just basically are talking about how good they are at getting intact fetal cadavers and how the research department there basically adds so much to the bottom line.
They're one of the biggest affiliates in the state.
In the sixth video, technicians
The Holly O'Donnell once again is talking about technicians taking fetal parts without patient consent.
She said there were times when they would just take what they wanted and these mothers didn't know and there's no way they would know.
Like how are you, I mean you're expecting them to have ethics to say, oh the mother didn't sign off that she was okay with us taking this baby part so we'll leave that.
Yeah right, not when there's a lot of money to be made.
And then in the seventh video, Holly O'Donnell describes the harvesting or procurement of these organs and how one of the doctors there was like, you want to see something cool?
And then tapped the heart and had the heart start beating once again.
Yeah, so it just starts beating and that was when she really was like, I gotta get out of here.
And then the eighth video, STEM Express CEO Kate Dyer admits Planned Parenthood sells a lot of fully intact aborted babies.
They're the volume institution where they're getting all this from.
It's like the most disgusting version of the Island of Dr. Moreau that you could come up with.
And this ninth video focuses in on ABR, which was founded in 1989 by CEO Linda Tracy, charges $340 per second trimester fetal tissue specimen, yet seems less concerned about the tissue quality than other harvesting companies.
So whenever we have a smooth portion of liver, she says, we think that's good.
Or that's Lartin.
That wasn't attributed to her.
So let's go to that first video.
Let's play that and we're going to continue on trudging through this.
The whole point is not to have a live birth.
So the doctors have all...
Unless it's somebody who has had six pregnancies and six vaginal deliveries.
And then it just kind of pops out.
They put lambs in and she comes in the next morning.
And I literally have had women come in and they'll go to the O.R.
and they're back out in three minutes.
And I'm going, what's going on?
Oh yeah, the fetus was already in the vaginal canal.
It just fell out.
I'm going, what's going on?
Oh yeah, the fetus was already in the vaginal canal.
And ABR stands for Advanced Bioscience Resources, so hiding it in plain view.
You know, they're not saying baby harvested ink, but just disgusting the way they do this.
And this next video talks about how, oh,
Guess what?
It was the bushes that created the loophole that allowed them to do this.
What a surprise!
I remember that.
I was very young then, but I remember there was this whole uproar about, and everyone was really angry about doing this research on these embryonic stem cells.
It was all about stem cell, stem cell.
And kind of like, look over here and we'll preserve the fetal tissue.
Because that's what they really... It's all lawyer talk.
It's all lawyer talk.
It really is.
So let's go to that video now.
Because of what we do, because we use fetal tissue, we don't want to...
We want to be as politically correct as we can.
Right, I know.
We don't want a whole lot of people coming in and, you know, slapping us because, you know, you're doing this, I'm doing this.
You're getting all these scientific people here and they're all agreeing, you know, that kind of stuff.
It's kind of counterintuitive, isn't it, right?
Like, normally, like, embryonic stems the reason for, like, the big controversy or, like, whatever.
And you know what the really weird thing is?
Embryonic, there's still a lot of controversy about that, you know.
But then fetal kind of got lost in the mix.
Was it ever?
I mean, I'm young, so I don't know.
It was never.
It was never outlawed.
During the Bush administration, Bush 1, it was no federal funding could go to stem cell research or to embryonic cell research.
Fetal tissue was taken out of that.
So we continue to send tissue to people like NIH.
Even though the government was paying for it, fetal tissue weren't put in that little box of
That's gonna, I'm gonna be out of a job.
I'm not gonna be able to harvest babies anymore.
Well, I think you could call this this whole section George Bush's abortion loophole exposed because they
I don't know.
Well, it's like what Alex said, the mothers aren't getting any money from this at all.
They don't see any benefit.
It's just these companies that are perched over these abortuaries like vultures, just ready to pick apart baby carcasses.
And the Planned Parenthood CEO, they sent a letter to Congress this August 27th where they talk about how they currently receive just $60 per tissue specimen.
So you're thinking, oh, you know, that's not that
Well, per tissue specimen, so that means a leg, an arm, a liver, a heart, a head, anything that they're able to chop up and ship off, they're getting at the bare minimum $60 per that.
So it's, I mean, they're making hundreds of dollars.
And it adds up, and who knows where it's getting...
Chopped up from there.
It's really disturbing to talk about this.
So say the baby comes out and it's a preemie and it's alive.
Well, we got to keep it alive.
Well, now they're injecting them with vaccines, even though before they said we're not injecting preemies with these.
Now it's just like every baby that's born has to get a vaccine.
I think the UK just passed something where they want to give the hepatitis B right when they're born.
I'm not sure if it's that.
I'll have to look in one second.
But they just passed a new law where they want to make it mandatory.
But here we have two articles that are written by Jeffrey Jackson for InfoWars.com.
On May 5th, Nurse Reveals Routine Vaccine-Induced Injuries.
Talks about how the nurses are all aware that these vaccine-induced injuries happen and they're ready for it.
It's no big deal because they're ready to help the baby when it's having breathing problems, or it can't breathe or eat on its own after that.
And then later, we got confirmation on it, so new JAMA study confirms nurse whistleblower routine hospital vaccine damage happening to infants.
This came out June 22nd.
David Knight had the nurse on, again, Michelle Roughton.
So this is the second interview he had on with her.
I think when this came out,
We have so much news that comes out, we didn't even realize how big it was.
It took Jeffrey Jackson grabbing it and saying, hey guys, this is a big deal, check it out.
And it is a big deal, and that's why we're talking about it again today and tying how it ties into this whole eugenics package, how they see us.
Just like the caller Steve said, they see us as weeds.
So let's go to that video.
This is about four and a half to five minutes from that longer interview that's up on YouTube now, but check it out.
This is David Knight interviewing Michelle Roughton.
Well, I had mentioned that they go ahead and vaccinate premature infants on time, meaning that once they are two months old, they're ready for their two-month vaccines, regardless of the fact that they may still have supposed to have been inside their mother's stomachs and not even born yet.
And some of the things that we're seeing and are being said are things like a neonatologist calling from the step-down unit down to level three to the more intensive unit saying, hey, I'm going to give these four babies their two-month vaccines.
This weekend, so I just want to make sure you have four beds ready, because we know they're all going to have issues and need increased care.
And that was bombshell information, because that violates one of the core ethics of the medical profession that we've always seen, and that is first, do no harm.
They knew this was going to harm the children, but they were going to go ahead and blindly follow this schedule.
You know, and I mentioned that I had sat in a call room before with a bunch of providers saying, hey, we have this 25 weeker that was so strong, they never required intubation with a breathing tube to actually go onto the vent, had a less invasive type respiratory support.
And you come in and they're like, oh, how embarrassing.
We gave that baby his two month immunizations and now he's intubated on the vent for the first time.
And it's just kind of blown off.
That was amazing.
So you told us that on May 1st, and then you contacted me last week and told me about this JAMA study, Journal of American Medical Association, the official organization of MDs, and here they do a study about the adverse effects after routine immunization of extremely low birth weight infants.
Tell us about that study.
Well, first, extremely low birth weight infants are 28 weeks in gestation or less, or under 1,000 grams, approximately 2.2 pounds or less at birth.
And you had a group of physicians and a practitioner that went into a database of a large neonatology corporation with almost 14,000 infants looked at.
And what the results said were that the
They were looking at the pre-immunization period versus the post-immunization period, and their sepsis workups went up 3.7 times in the post-immunization period, and sepsis means a blood infection, and so there's multiple labs drawn, blood cultures, urine cultures.
They go ahead and they start those babies on antibiotics right away while they wait for results, so it's not a benign thing.
That's life-threatening, isn't it?
It's life-threatening, and even if it ends up not being an infection, they've still had pain, they've had invasive procedures, and they've had antibiotics given, which is not a benign thing for these babies that have very sensitive intestines.
And so it's a big deal.
And then we had increased respiratory support two times higher in the post-immunization period.
And then intubation, actually getting intubated with a breathing tube and going on the vent was about 1.7, 1.8 times higher.
And what really shocked me, I had to read it about three times, was when I got down to the conclusion, they said, based on this, there was no difference in reaction between single shots and combo shots.
And so you can just go ahead and keep getting the combo back seats.
Yeah, it's no big deal.
No big deal at all.
Just keep giving the shots to the kids because we have to keep them on that schedule.
That schedule is the most important thing.
It doesn't matter if there's adverse reactions because we have the technology to keep them alive so we can give them more shots.
That's how evil it is.
Oh, I'm so afraid of having a child in this country right now.
Well, you know what?
It's actually not hard to not get your kid vaccinated.
It's not very hard.
You can do it.
There's plenty of people out there that do it.
So, you know, if you think that they're there for your health, they're not.
They're there to push Big Pharma's products on you.
So we'll be right back after this.
We're going to take these last four callers that are here.
Cash, Taylor, Dave, Kylo, stay tuned.
We're going to go to your calls.
We're wrapping up the fourth hour of Overdrive on the Alex Jones Show.
Rob Due, Leanne McAdoo here with you till 3 o'clock.
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I'm not a crook!
I'm Robb Dewey reporting in the voice of Richard Nixon.
Actually, I'm Alex Jones here.
Rob Dew is working on a breaking story.
Actually, he had a meeting already scheduled before this all happened, when I said he was going to start hosting the fourth hour.
So he'd forgotten he had that meeting, so he ran into the meeting.
He was already about 20 minutes late, too.
He's doing a great job.
My fault for making folks pull double duty around here.
This studio is like a sauna now.
Yes, it's a sauna.
I know you like it hot, so you're enjoying it.
This feels like hell to me right now.
Massachusetts police cruiser shot at, catches fire.
Yeah, this is breaking news.
A police cruiser in Millis, Massachusetts caught fire after being shot at Wednesday.
The Massachusetts State Police tweeted, we have no word on whether
They were injuries.
Massachusetts State Police aircraft were being used to survey the area.
Again, this is how you destabilize a country.
You get disenfranchised, angry folks.
You have mainstream media and authority telling them to go out and attack.
It begins.
Joe Beggs has got a report on this.
Here it is.
Joe Biggs here with Infowars.com with some breaking news.
Police say a gunman has opened fire on a police car in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts State Police say a Mills Police cruiser was shot at Wednesday.
The department said in a tweet, MSP Air Wing also responded to Mills area following a report of cruisers shot by a gunman.
We have no word on whether injuries yet.
MSP also responding, detectives, ballistic unit, crime scene techs.
And fire investigator to Mills.
Crews are caught on fire after being shot.
So the Massachusetts State Police has tweeted out saying that the patrol car was shot at by gunmen.
This is happening right now in Massachusetts.
We'll try to keep you informed on what's going on.
Currently I'm standing outside of the Fox Lake Police Department as we're trying to get updates as to what happened with the officers shot yesterday.
I'm Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
I tell you, these folks calling for killing cops and white people have got some huevos, because there will be repercussions even if the White House is giving them backing.
It's just crazy.
I mean, it is crazy.
I know we've got loaded phone lines, but we're basically out of time here.
We've got people, Homeland Security drills, American terrorists, martial law drills is what they want to talk about.
Maybe call back tomorrow, folks.
I apologize, we've got to end this now.
We're here into the fourth hour.
Isn't it crazy how people can put that kind of call out there, those videos and things like that on social media and everything, and it doesn't get taken down?
No repercussions there with the free speech.
But then when we show some news clip without the guy even shooting the lady on YouTube, we cut it out.
On the video it's like, we're cutting this out!
And then we get a Community Guidelines strike, it's totally fake, we'll have it reversed by the very people claiming we're censoring them.
Don't show the Planned Parenthood videos, but talk about killing cops all day.
Well, it's just going to legitimize the total police state.
I mean, the people that run this country are doing this for a reason.
They're going to be able to really oppress black people now, especially because of these operatives they've got in their midst.
And black folks need to be decrying these people big time.
And I know a lot of these groups are.
They are.
The problem is they won't let those folks on MSNBC or CNN to counter it, or MTV.
MTV is weaponized media by 90-something-year-old Sumner Redstone that hates you and your family even more than Hillary Clinton does.
And we just need to understand that there does not need to be any tit-for-tat or it'll start a crip blood war that idiots were involved in.
I mean, are the patriots out there that dumb?
No, but there are some mentally ill white supremacists and people that are undoubtedly gonna go out, you're gonna have stuff like Charleston now.
And then the black folks are going to kill people, the idiot black folks.
And then it's just going to be a big stinking snowball.
And I hope Louis Farrakhan feels good now.
And I hope, you know, all these other people pushing this, too.
I mean, it's sickening.
But you know, it's like a Turner Diaries dreams of this big race war.
The white supremacists put out the same crap.
It's always these old men putting it out who aren't the ones that are out there going to be dying.
All I know is anybody tries to hurt me or my family, I'm going to defend myself.
And there's not going to be any holding back.
I don't care who you are.
I'm going to take the safety off, officially.
Good job, Leanne.
Nightly News Tonight, 7 o'clock Central.
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