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Name: 20150814_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 14, 2015
3311 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Alex discusses various topics including the Clinton email scandal, Ken Starr's investigation, the transfer of MIRV technology to China and Russia, an assassination plot against Queen Elizabeth II, increased security measures in Britain due to terror threats, collusion between British intelligence and Islamic extremists, U.S. support for ISIS in Syria, and Jeb Bush's proposal for a no-fly zone in Syria. Jones criticizes the government for using fear-mongering tactics to take away people's rights and argues for unity against globalist forces dividing society. He also mentions his intention to invite David Duke on his show for a discussion about world events and eugenics.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, Peter Schiff has predicted a global meltdown being triggered by China, just like Mr. Dent has.
He'll be joining us in the second hour today, and we'll have open phones.
There is so much news we're going to be getting into.
Look at this headline of the Financial Times of London.
Chinese launch floating fortress project directly out of 1984.
And it ties into this article of the Chicago Business News, the dirty truth.
Of hospital cleaning, thin science, he says it has to do with China and floating fortresses.
Well, it turns out that infections in hospitals are killing more people than in America's biggest wars.
And speaking of biggest wars, classified Pentagon exercise reveals U.S.
would struggle to win war with Russia.
It would, quote, take everything we had.
Well, who are we?
Our country's been hijacked by offshore globalists.
And here's Paul Watson's report dealing with the color revolution the West is trying to launch in Russia right now.
While everyone was obsessing over Caitlyn Jenner, Cecil the Lion and Donald Trump, the United States was accelerating its plan to provoke a color revolution in Russia that could lead to a toppling of Putin's government and a complete reordering of the international power structure.
As I first highlighted last month, Russian parliament member Yevgeny Fedorov went public to reveal a plot on behalf of the U.S.
State Department to contrive a staged Kiev-style revolution that would force Putin to step down and lead to the collapse of the Russian Federation within two years.
Just as they conducted the same negotiation process on Yanukovych.
After August,
I think that through winter, through a fall in the standard of living, he'll be able to get hundreds of thousands of people out on the streets by spring, like in Armenia.
Simply because... They'll use a drop in living standards to cause a revolution.
Same thing here.
Then Soros leads it.
Here and in Russia.
Fedorov's revelations were confirmed by the fact that Moscow is now banning organizations from Russia that were involved in the Ukrainian coup d'etat, including the National Endowment for Democracy and Freedom House.
As F. William Engdahl notes, the NED, along with Freedom House, has been at the center of all U.S.
State Department-financed color revolutions in the world since 2000, when it was used to topple Milosevic in Serbia.
This action was taken after Putin signed into law a measure which effectively criminalizes the activity of non-governmental organizations that threaten to undermine Russia's constitutional stability.
China also recently passed a new law which restricts the activities of foreign NGOs.
The two superpowers are finally waking up to the fact that regime change plots in the modern age are achieved not via bombs and tanks, but via mass subversion.
Expect to see an intensification of the propaganda campaign against Russia over the next few months, starting with a blame game being laid at Moscow's door for the downing of Flight MH17.
Some will be skeptical as to how a president with an approval rating in the high 80s could possibly be overthrown.
But the very fact that NATO and the White House are even considering this,
illustrates their staggering disconnect with reality, which, blinded by neo-colonial imperatives, threatens to place the world in the most dangerous jeopardy since the height of the Cold War.
And what's the Pentagon thinking?
You can't win a war with nuclear weapons.
Turns out it wasn't just yoga moves on Hillary's server after all.
After months of denials and delaying actions, Hillary Clinton has decided to turn over her private email server to the Department of Justice.
Well, she really doesn't have much choice.
These weren't just ordinary secrets found in Clinton's private server, but some of the most classified material the U.S.
government has.
In other words, top secret.
But what difference at this point does it make?
Right, Hillary?
Especially after it's been revealed that Chinese email hackers have been spying on top US figures since 2010.
And Clinton's server was completely unencrypted for several months.
If the Democratic frontrunner, who's now under a criminal FBI probe, has her security clearance revoked, can she even be the president?
You can find more reports at InfoWars.com.
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We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you so much for joining us on this live Friday the 14th 2015 worldwide transmission.
Hard to believe that 2015 is already more than half gone and getting long in the tooth.
I will be back this Sunday, live, in studio, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
And of course, there's the InfoWars Nightly News tonight, as there is each weeknight, Monday through Friday, at 7 p.m.
All Times Central.
Overwhelming headlines, overwhelming information.
Hillary Clinton is being called the Democratic Party's ticking time bomb.
She is a testament to the fact that she's a Democrat and she's a woman.
And so she is allowed to get away with bloody murder.
Not just taking money from foreign dictators at the State Department to sell them weapons.
Not just being involved in Benghazi.
Not just being involved in cattle futures and deaths and corruption and all the rest of it.
Going after our guns.
Trying to ram through the first Obamacare scam.
There's literally hundreds of bad things Hillary Clinton's done.
Caught lying to Congress over and over again.
Involved in Fast and Furious.
Involved in IRS Persecution Gate.
But now, after a year of refusing to turn over her emails or more, she wipes the servers, which is obstruction of justice on its face.
There are subpoenas, there are search warrants, and sure, here it is, erased.
Just like the IRS did.
So she's finally handed it over after it's been professionally wiped clean.
But Obama, that means the Clintons, run the Justice Department, and so she is basically above the law.
The majority of Americans support a criminal investigation of Hillary emails national polls show.
That's out of the Washington Times.
Here's another one.
Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party's ticking time bomb.
The countless crimes of Hillary Clinton, special prosecutor, needed now.
Like Ken Starr that'll do nothing.
Go after him for sex, but not for missile secrets to the Chinese government.
You know, now that we're on the verge of war with the Communist Chinese,
And the Russians, who they shared it with, not that the Russians needed our technology, we've got a lot of it from them and the Germans, but the Chinese certainly needed it.
They allowed Lore Allen Hughes to transfer the MIRV technology and the liftoff and separation technology so that their Long March missiles in the mid-90s, every one of them was blowing up on the launch pad or a few thousand feet in the air.
They couldn't get up into orbit.
Well, after they got all of NASA, all the German and all the Russian research, that the Russians had shared with the United States as well, all their missiles basically get off the ground now and get into orbit.
And then they sit around saying, don't criticize the government, it undermines confidence, or we need to take all your rights away, ISIS is set to strike when the border is wide open.
They're saying there is an imminent plot to try to assassinate the Queen of England,
In the next week, that video report is up on Infowars.com.
For the first time ever, they're going to randomly ask for everybody's IDs in London, on the streets, as if that's going to stop some type of jihad attack, like we've seen in Paris and other areas.
When our own governments financed and run these organizations, and England has been more heavily involved, of all the countries involved, Turkey, France, you name it,
Arming ISIS, letting them recruit in the West, and now they'll use the threat to take people's rights in the UK.
It is truly disgusting.
We're going to get into that.
Drudge Fox News could be censored under new federal rules, expert warns.
Well, yeah, they've said in Congress that's the plan.
The Justice Department joins private discrimination lawsuit against Arizona's Joe Arpaio because he dares arrest illegals when they commit crimes.
They're also readying a lawsuit against the black Democrat sheriff of Travis County, they've announced, because he deports between three and seven illegals a week who are aggravated felons.
Or he gives them to the feds to deport.
And the Democratic Party says, you will release aggravated felons.
This is in the newspaper with a straight face.
They go, yeah, it's terrible.
He's a Democrat.
He's black, but it's pretty racist that he deports between three, five, seven, the numbers vary every week, less than 10.
He should be deporting all of them.
But no, he deports aggravated felons so he's in the news every week, the devil.
And the Travis County Sheriff's Department is a pretty good sheriff's department from everything I've seen living here for 25 years.
And so they've now got him on the national news, the local news demonizing him to run the sheriff out because you can't have one shred of sanity in America.
You can't have one county or one city anywhere where there is sanity reigning.
Oh, you're a rapist.
Oh, you're an arsonist.
Oh, you've assaulted and stabbed people.
We're going to deport you.
No, no, no.
So we've got that.
Jeb Bush won't rule out torture tactics.
Says they're effective.
How about they're illegal?
We're going to talk about that.
Chinese launch floating fortress project.
Oil price hits lowest level in six and a half years.
Fish oil helps minimize disorders for those at risk of schizophrenia study finds.
We already knew this, but now it's in Newsweek and Time today.
And then this crazy headline that I'm going to John Bowne's report here in a moment on the imminent
Assassination of the Queen, they're saying, total hype, total fear-mongering.
The dirty truth of hospital cleaning, something that kills more Americans than anything else, that's coming up.
Any other unnatural cause, I should say, heart problems and then cancer is really the number one cause, then automobiles.
Classified Pentagon exercise reveal U.S.
would struggle to win war with Russia.
It would take everything we had, is the headline.
That's all coming up.
But first, here's John Bowne's report on the situation in the UK with the British treasonous government using the ISIS group they've helped create to now take UK freedom.
Here it is.
High alert in Britain as the facade of terror attacks similar to the ones orchestrated in Boston supposedly threaten the lives of the Royal Court.
Scotland Yard's Royal Protection Branch and the Home Office have been informed of the plot that includes the Queen and also reportedly includes Prince Charles and possibly the British Prime Minister David Cameron.
The attack will supposedly occur at an event next weekend to commemorate the anniversary of the end of the Second World War.
Locations allegedly targeted include the St.
Martins-in-the-Field Church, the Field Marshal Slim statue, and Westminster Abbey.
The unsubstantiated threat will result in increased security for the event.
Veterans have been told they must provide photographic identification to obtain tickets, according to the Daily Mail, something they've never been asked of before.
But is this just another mass Zionist
Another rollout by the global military-industrial complex to prepare the public for future orchestrated attacks?
The colluding ties between British intelligence and Islamic extremist leaders reach back before 9-11.
In 1996, British intelligence paid al-Qaeda around $160,000 to fund an assassination plot against Libyan leader Muammar al-Qadhafi.
The British press was banned from discussing the case.
The New York Times asked,
Did the British government try to assassinate Colonel Muammar al-Qadhafi, the Libyan leader, in February 1996 by planting a bomb under his motorcade?
And did the plan go awry because agents from MI6, the Foreign Intelligence Service, put the bomb under the wrong car, killing several Libyan bystanders?
Britain's may never know the answer.
A sweeping injunction has barred newspapers and television news programs from publishing the embarrassing allegations about the inner workings of Britain's security services, brought up by a disgruntled former officer.
The media have been forced to discuss the allegations without actually saying what the allegations are.
Abu Hamza al-Masri, the imam presiding over the infamous Finsbury Park Mosque.
Hamza began working for British Intelligence and Police in 1997.
He informed on fellow Muslims and was granted favors by MI5, including the release of suspected terrorists.
Hamza told his aides he was beyond the reach of British law.
In 1999, Hamza would be implicated in the kidnapping and murder of Western tourists in Yemen.
He would tell police he was following the Koran and would be released.
The police returned to Hamza audio tapes packed with usual messages of intolerance and hatred and culminating in exhortations to kill the enemies of Islam.
Harun Rashid Aswad, a top aide to Abu Hamza,
would later be singled out as the supposed mastermind of the London 7-7 bombings, as Watt is also suspected of working with British intelligence.
Omar Bakri Mohammed, who collaborated with Osama bin Laden, also worked for British intelligence.
The British government knows who we are, he said.
MI5 has interrogated us many times.
I think now we have something called public immunity, Bakri admitted in 2001.
Like many jihadists, the Syrian-born Imam was connected to the Muslim Brotherhood, a documented British and later CIA intelligence asset.
The terrorist who trained the London bombers was a U.S.
The London Guardian reports, citing his exceptional cooperation in working with U.S.
authorities, a New York judge released Mohammed Junaid Babar, despite him pleading guilty to five counts of terrorism.
The 10th of December of last year, six years after his initial arrest and subsequent guilty plea, he was sentenced to time served and charged $500 by the court in a special assessment fee.
Other leaders of Islamic extremism protected by the British government in what is now being dubbed Londonistan
...include al-Libi, implicated in the alleged al-Qaeda bombings of two U.S.
embassies in Africa.
Abu Qatada, the radical imam, told MI5 agency exercised powerful spiritual influence over the Algerian community in London.
The clerics' sermons were found in a flat in the German city of Hamburg, used by some of those involved in 9-11.
In May, the British government fast-tracked a proposal to allow police to monitor the conversations of alleged terrorists.
We will introduce legislation to combat groups and individuals who reject our values and promote messages of hate, said Home Secretary Theresa May.
Since 2000, the government has introduced five major pieces of terrorism legislation, often in response to anticipated events like the supposed plot against the Queen.
A theater of fear has persisted worldwide, with all of the roles inhabited by government patsies time and time again.
In order to pass illegal, liberty-destroying legislation,
How is this latest threat any different?
In the words of Thomas Jefferson, when government fears the people, there is liberty.
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
John Bowne for Infowars.com.
And I've had Colonel Schaeffer on who is graduated above the military now and is involved in very secretive intelligence operations.
And he says basically the entire military, Army, Marines, Air Force, Navy, are very upset, as you know, two and a half years ago, saying no to attacking Syria, no to giving them air support for the rebels, because they estimate from on-the-ground assessments, 96% of the rebels are foam at the mouth,
Salafists, Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, Wahhabists.
They fly Al-Qaeda flags.
They attack resuppliers when they're trying to give them weapons.
They hate Americans and Westerners so much.
It is joke level.
And of course you've heard whistleblowers, CIA contractor retired, Tosh Plumleon, who was given from NATO folks three years ago when all this first went down, the intel.
And Congress has been briefed.
They know.
And so that's what the Pentagon's like, coming out going, yep, we were ordered to do this.
It's Al Qaeda.
We don't like it.
They even sent General Dempsey in.
As you know, two and a half years ago, to tell Obama, the military's not going to stand for this.
They were going to attack him, and now Obama has announced air support for the rebels against Assad.
There are no good rebels.
Syria did nothing to us.
Assad is good compared to these people.
He's good compared to Qaddafi.
It's like, Assad's good compared to Qaddafi, Qaddafi's good compared to these people.
Saddam is good compared to these people.
But he did some stuff at least.
These people have done nothing!
It's one of the few safe havens in the Middle East where Christians, Jews, and non-radical Muslims live in peace.
And our government is destroying the country over five years, killing 300,000 people.
And now using the scum army, they've let breed.
Again, they don't run the army.
They put a big vat out in the woods of stagnant water so the mosquitoes could breed in it.
And now the globalists are walking around selling mosquito propellant to everybody.
Mosquito repellent.
They're not even trying to kill the mosquitoes, they're just selling us anti-mosquito systems.
These expensive things they put on your houses that don't work too well.
And it is disgusting, so here's that clip.
For the sake of our viewers, in 2012, your agency was saying, quote, the Salafists, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Al-Qaeda in Iraq are the major forces driving the insurgents in Syria.
In 2012, the US was helping coordinate
I mean, I hate to say it's not my job, but my job was to ensure that the accuracy of our intelligence that was being presented was as good as it could be.
And I will tell you, it goes before 2012.
I mean, when we were in Iraq, and we still had decisions to be made before there was a decision to pull out of Iraq in 2011.
I mean, it was very clear what we were going to face.
Well, I admire your frankness on this subject.
Let me just, before we move on, just to clarify once more.
You are basically saying that even in government at the time, you knew those groups were around, you saw this analysis, and you were arguing against it.
But who wasn't listening?
I think the administration.
The administration turned a blind eye to your analysis.
I don't know if they turned a blind eye.
I think it was a decision.
I think it was a willful decision.
A willful decision to support an insurgency that had Salafists, Al-Qaeda and Muslim Brotherhood.
Well, it's a willful decision to do what they're doing.
Which you have to really ask the President.
What is it that he actually is doing with the policy that is in place?
Because it is very, very confusing.
I'm sitting here today, Matty, and I can't tell you exactly what that is.
And I've been at this for a long time.
OK, well, let's go back to IRISE.
Powerful video.
Sometimes when you play videos out of the computer, they play off sync.
We're going to fix that video, re-sync the audio, and play it again.
Or the media will say it's a fake clip, because the audio was about a half second off.
But that's an extremely powerful admission.
And you heard him say, look, I was just following orders.
But my job was to give accurate intelligence.
And yes, we were funding Al Qaeda.
And then Jeb Bush, we played the clip yesterday.
Gets up in a speech, Tuesday, and says, we need to take out Assad to stop ISIS.
I mean, that is such an insult to everyone's intelligence.
That's like saying the Pacific Ocean is off the coast of New York.
I mean, it's that big a flaming lie.
No, the Atlantic Ocean is.
And I'm not even joking around here with my analogy.
I mean, Assad and his government and his people, he's very popular in Syria, he was democratizing the country, he was working with the West, he got set up!
And they turned loose a bunch of Saudi Arabian nutbags.
And others they recruited to run around murdering everybody, and our government is funding it!
Just like they're funding and pushing selling baby parts.
Bad people run the government!
They're illegitimate at the top.
Most of the people in the FBI, in the local police, in the military, are upstanding, hard-working, good people, like the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
But they've given orders by criminals, and at a certain point, you've got to stop following the orders.
And that happened two and a half years ago.
The globalists blinked.
The Pentagon was told by its officers, we're not doing this.
We're not going to, we've already been funding them, giving them weapons.
We're not going to be their air force.
This is crazy.
And they had to back off.
Now they're back again.
And now they've got Jeb Bush, the Republican.
Connected to narcotics, trafficking, everything else, saying we need to attack Assad and that he's with Iran and all this stuff, when we just made a deal with Iran.
But does it matter?
Assad's not offensively working with Iran.
Assad's working with whoever he can to not be defeated.
It doesn't matter.
You don't offensively attack somebody that hasn't done anything to you.
Here's Jeb Bush.
A no-fly zone is a critical strategic step to cut off Assad, counter Iranian influence, keep the pressure... Let's hit pause.
Do you understand that when Al-Qaeda double-crossed the West and went back into Iraq to resupply, that we officially asked Iran and their top general to lead attacks to stop them taking the whole country over?
Do you realize they've actually, because Al-Qaeda got out of control, have actually let Iranians in to fight them?
I mean, Jeb Bush, it's just crazy town to sit there and listen to him talk.
So now they want to flip back to supporting the Al Qaeda rebels openly again and start bombing, and notice that's what Obama's saying too.
This is so Machiavellian now, they don't even know which side they're on.
Because at a certain point, all this double dealing, all this quadruple dealing, it just becomes a disaster.
Historically, that always happens.
These people think they're so sophisticated, so duplicitous, that they have a method of their madness.
But pretty soon, they're just confused.
Let's go back to the end of the clip.
It's the West that started the attack on Syria five years ago on record and gave chemical weapons to Al Qaeda to attack.
Again, it's reality turned upside down.
Go back to it.
When we talk about no-fly zones in Syria, precision airstrikes in Iraq, or any projection of military power to meet or deter threats, all of this assumes that such power is there when we need it.
Yet here as well, the short-sightedness of the present administration will leave a cost.
We're in the seventh year of a significant dismantling of our own military.
That's enough.
In almost inverse proportion to the... That's enough.
He goes on to blame Iraq on the Democrats when it's his brother.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Drudge and Fox News could be censored under new federal rules, experts warn.
Article by Washington Examiner, a Washington D.C.
appeals court is set to hear arguments later this year on new net neutrality rules, which critics say could lead to government regulators censoring websites such as the Drudge Report and Fox News.
Classified Pentagon exercises reveal U.S.
would struggle to win war with Russia.
Article up by Paul Joseph Watson.
Two defense officials who refuse to be named told the Daily Beast that Washington is not ready for a sustained conflict.
Tracker chips for welfare recipients.
Article up by Kurt Nimmo.
Pasi Manranta, a member of the Nationalist-oriented Finns party, has suggested implanting tracker chips in Finland's welfare recipients to prevent them from joining the Islamic State.
He said some welfare recipients continue to receive payments while in Syria and Iraq.
I'm Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And I'm simply trying to get the public to focus in on the real issues and the incredibly historical things that are unfolding right in front of us.
In the final equation, it's so key to realize that individuals have power, what we stand for...
What we purchase, what we say, what we talk about, how we vote, not just at the ballot box, but at the grand jury box and the jury box, and when we vote on Yelp or we vote on TripAdvisor or we, you know, vote on the Internet, all of that has a massive effect.
And shows us that it is the knowledge of the crowd, historically, any philosopher will tell you, that ends up being more knowledgeable and having a greater deep wisdom than the social engineers themselves.
And that's if you have social engineers that mean well.
Now I want to be clear, we have a giant unwashed masses out there, maybe half the population, that is in a trance, that cannot find their
Rear ends with both hands, as we say.
But of the group within the mass that's awake and involved and having their voice heard and that cares enough to fill out a card at the restaurant about what they thought about the service, or click on the internet vote, or make the internet comment, or say something about the hotel they stayed at, or send a letter to Congress,
Those people give most of the charity, they do most of the community work, they're involved the most, they're the people that actually care about civilization and society.
And in Canadian, British, and US studies, you can just search engine this, conservatives and libertarians are six times more likely to give money, six times more likely to be involved in charity,
Six times more likely to be involved in their communities?
Or to volunteer for the military?
And in the inverse, those calling themselves liberals and environmentalists are six times more likely to not give money and to steal and to not physically volunteer.
And I'll tell you why that is.
Because modern conservatives and libertarians, who aren't perfect, there's a diverse group of people, are the liberals.
If you go back to 1776, they were called liberals.
They have again flipped everything on its head.
Where Planned Parenthood loves the black people, when it was founded to kill the black people.
George Soros is a top Nazi living collaborator.
Should have been in Nuremberg trial.
He is the most highly decorated member with awards from the ADL, the leftist Jewish organization.
It is again a sickening joke.
A sickening, ridiculous, macabre hallucination.
Now I want to get into more of the news.
I've already mentioned quite a bit of it, but I haven't drilled into it yet.
I want to get into the economy.
Peter Schiff's joining us on that front.
We'll have open phones for him and then totally open phones.
It'll be a free-for-all to quote the great Second Amendment champion Ted Nugent in the start of the third hour.
In fact, you ought to get that song.
I got me a rock and roll band!
It's free for all!
I got me a radio show, TV show, with 20 million listeners and viewers a week!
It's free for all!
No teleprompters, none of it!
Just raw love of liberty, raw research, raw common sense, toe-to-toe with high-tech brainwashing.
So before I get to any more of this news and a on-the-street video report shot right after they walked out of the theater, I love these movie reviews that Jacari Jackson and Kit Daniels do together because they're good buddies and go out and play pool together and stuff like that and sports.
So they also go to movies.
Someone knows McAdoo goes out with the crew as well and joins them.
But straight out of Compton, what they're not telling you, a movie review by Jacari Jackson and Kit Daniels, that's coming up in the final segment
of this hour as well.
Before I get into Jeb Bush pushing torture, let me tell you about some of the exciting developments at InfoWarsLife.com.
There are so many amazing products at InfoWarsLife.com, but amongst them is Brain Force.
And I wanted to
Give you a review by Loss from Panorama City, California on Brain Force.
Didn't think much was happening.
Was taking it for a week with the Secret B12.
I cannot stress enough that
Brain body is missing.
When I skipped it one day, I felt like I was either missing screws or loose screws in my head.
Great for concentration and focus.
I take it after lunch, for energy, and the rest of the day, thanks to all the info warriors.
Yeah, that's the thing.
When I don't take brain force, I feel it.
And that's what's so amazing about it.
Somebody ran off of my open bottle.
I need to take one.
Or no, it was put down here.
When I don't take the brain force, that's when I notice it.
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We try stuff out for six months to a year, after different variations, before we even sell it.
And I've never been a vitamin or nutraceutical guy.
In the last four or five years, I've lost 60-plus pounds slowly getting back into shape from gaining 98 pounds and not working out for 15 years.
Because I thought they'd kill me any minute 15 years ago when they physically attacked me and were death-threatening me and I just, yeah, I'm just gonna go eat a steak, I'm gonna drink a six-pack of beer at night, I don't care, I'm gonna quit working out.
I was the opposite of a narcissist.
And I just was kind of letting myself go.
And so I slowly started bike riding and slowly started exercising, but I could lose 10-15 pounds with the rest of the state on me.
Once I began taking Beyond Tangy Tangerine from m4warshealth.com, a longevity product, I lost about 20-something pounds.
Because I was not as hungry because I was missing all these minerals and trace elements.
The mainstream media says you don't need, but Dr. Wallach's research shows you do, and deficiency is such a big part of it.
And then I researched iodine, the best forms of that, got on survival shield, NX2.
Like this morning I took, I put in a bottle of water when I went to work out, two squirts of super male, which isn't as strong as under the tongue, but I like it that way, and a squirt of X2.
And then I drank that, so I've got a ton of energy, felt great.
I'd forgotten to take the brain force, because
I'm just not a vitamin and mineral guy, but when I do remember to take seven or eight of the products a day and to do the Beyond Tangy Tangerine, which I give my children every day, it's just amazing!
And then I ask myself, why aren't I taking all the InfoWars Life and InfoWars Health products when I'm here endorsing it and have seen such an incredible response?
And it's because I'm not a habit-driven guy.
I'm not dominated by it, and it's very hard to start new habits, but if we'll just start the new habit.
These nutraceuticals have been game changers.
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All there at InfoWarsStore.com.
Okay, I'm done ranting.
I'm not going to plug again this hour, but I've been forgetting to plug, and skipping breaks the last few months, and we're a little bit behind, so I've been doing some mid-air refueling to fund the operation here, especially with what looks like a depression coming up.
And it's more essential than ever
To support our local AM and FM affiliates, to tell them thank you for carrying the show, to become a sponsor locally, even if it's small or large, or to support local sponsors.
That is as important as supporting InfoWarsTore.com.
So thank you, I salute you, and want to just absolutely commend you for that.
You know what, I think I'm going to air the Straight Outta Compton piece right now with Jakari Jackson and Kit Daniels as we analyze culture, analyze media, because so much of the propaganda is embedded in media, not even so much news.
We know the news twists things now.
Or the talking points in news, too.
But, so much of it, I'd say 80% of the propaganda is in movies and TV, and you see that message.
So, I appreciate Jakari and Kit going out and getting the job done on this report.
Here is that report, and we'll come back with the latest on the build-up for war with Russia, and then Jeb Bush on torture tactics, saying they're effective.
That's like saying child molestation is effective, or arson is effective.
It's illegal, you little beady-eyed jackass commie!
Slimy Kenny Bunkport, blue blood, been feeding on the East Coast back since your family were Tories in the Revolutionary War, and setting up Skull and Bones, and then Nazi collaborators, and now urinating all over us, excuse me.
Just with Republicans like this guy, there's no wonder we're in so much trouble.
And John Boehner and all the rest of these scum.
And it's not good to make it personal with these gangsters.
They can just make a call and have you killed.
But what's gotten us in this position is cowering to this filth.
And somebody's got to stand up against them.
Just tell it like it is.
Let's go ahead and go to that report.
Kid Daniels here with Jakari Jackson, who's behind the camera.
We just got out of the Alamo Draft House, and we just saw the latest movie straight out of Compton about the legendary hip-hop group N.W.A.
Now, overall, I definitely recommend the movie.
It was way better than I thought it would be.
You know how a lot of movies are kind of hyped up beforehand?
This was no exception, but this movie almost lived up to the hype.
And even if you're not a big fan of hip-hop, I'd definitely still recommend it just so you could see a glimpse of popular culture
As well as the history of the late 80s and early 90s at the time.
Now there was one scene in the movie that I thought was very interesting was the musicians were at a press conference after they were arrested in Detroit after a riot.
And I think it was Ice Cube who said that their art, meaning their music, reflected their reality.
Now the reality at the time was, and it's still true today, is that the CIA controls the international drug trade.
And they do that
I think so.
And to glamorize the drug trade and drugs to ensure that there was a demand for drugs from the American inner youth to ensure that the CIA would still keep getting money off the drugs they were importing through the country.
It was back in 1996 that a journalist by the name of Gary Webb who was writing for the San Jose Mercury News
He revealed that a former drug kingpin in the 80s, Freeway Rick Ross, one of his cocaine connections was actually tied to the CIA and that created a huge scandal.
Now, Rick Ross was on the Alex Jones Show back in November and he said this.
I'm letting you know right now that the establishment is using hip-hop to prime these kids for a life that's going to send them to prison, just like they did with me.
See, when I was coming up, there was Superfly, Tequila Sunrise, Square Face, all these movies to make you think that you could start with nothing and then you could have the whole world at the palm of your hand.
Only that there was no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
It was a set of handcuffs and shackles.
And you want to know why the CIA symbol is behind me?
Because they were the guys behind me when I was selling drugs.
And now, they're behind hip-hop and rock and roll.
This prison, hip-hop connection, they're behind that too.
If it was good for them to sell drugs, then it should have been good for me to sell drugs.
The money from the drugs went to buy guns for the country.
Even if you don't read my book, warn your kids.
Let them know.
But I advise you that this book is worth reading.
Definitely for your kids.
Even if you don't read it, get it for your kids.
Get it for your loved ones.
Let them see what the drug culture is all about.
So to sum it all up, the drugs that you saw in the movie and the drug lifestyle and the decadence of the inner city, that was all created by the CIA to ensure that there was still a demand for drugs and to bolster the CIA's profits.
Now, Jakari, what did you think about the movie?
Thank you, Kit.
Now, if I could take one quote away from this movie, it was when the guys were all together at a press conference and somebody brought the point that we have AK-47s from Russia, none of us have a passport.
We have drugs coming in from South America, none of us have a passport.
It reminded me of that line in Boyz II the Hood where Lawrence Fishburne
It's talking about we don't have any planes, we don't have any ships, how does this cocaine get here?
And it goes on to the point that Kit was bringing about that even these guys rap about this stuff, they're not the ones who actually bring this stuff into the country.
And there's another aspect, the free speech aspect that Ice Cube touches on in the movie, and I think he is still a vocal free speech proponent to this day.
That these guys have the right to go out and say whatever they want to say, and talking about their situations, their involvement with the police.
Now, if there is a villain in this movie besides Eazy-E's manager, the police are definitely the villain.
But these guys are talking about what they see.
That was their experience growing up in Compton.
Alright, we're going to break.
The full report, what they're not telling you about straight out of Compton, is up on InfoWars.com.
We're going to come back and get into torture.
They're back promoting that this time, and they're pushing war with Russia and the survivability of it.
This is insanity.
Stay with us.
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So I say to Mark at lunch, look, you know, I keep hearing from the government that, you know, they're worried someday ISIS may get here.
Then I go, duh, Garland, Texas, Mohammed cartoon shooting, ISIS is already here.
I'm not waiting for these people to defend me.
If they don't know ISIS is here already, they got no clue, I'm taking care of myself.
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We're good to go!
Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss, another laugh.
Well, Clinton has finally handed over a server after it was professionally wiped clean.
FBI examines have backed up elsewhere.
Majority support criminal probe, classified data, found in May.
I mean, she blocks for over a year releasing it and then releases it professionally wiped.
That is obstruction of justice.
She's convicted.
Five to ten years in federal prison is the precedent.
The statute's 10 years for obstruction in a felony case.
Willful, wanton, premeditated, organized, professionally done.
And whoever did it with her is guilty.
I mean, that's one of the first things that they teach people in criminology.
One of the first things they teach at places like Quantico.
Every FBI agent knows that.
This is a hardcore crime in front of everyone, but so is being the head of the State Department and taking money from third world dictators.
And then the next day, the next day in some cases, after she'd get a million dollars from foreign governments in one case, they would take the export ban off weapons.
And remember, Tosh Plumley exposed it, later came out, who was allowing the weapons transfers outside of congressional approval?
The State Department.
Hillary Clinton.
But see, the elite want to put her in as president because she's so blackmailable.
Man, that's amazing.
That's some of the headlines up on DrudgeReport.com.
Infowars.com has some really good news.
Judge on abortion videos.
There's been six of them now.
Gag order is a restraint on the First Amendment.
That's exactly what I said.
That the previous judge was trying to declare the abortion videos a state secret.
And violate the First Amendment.
The decision brings us one step closer to today.
It's just amazing that that's going on.
Simply, simply, simply amazing that that's all unfolding.
Now, before we go any further, I'm going to talk more about this after Peter Schiff leaves us because it's a pretty big deal, but a classified Pentagon exercise reveals U.S.
would struggle to win war with Russia.
That's like saying, Secret Classified Pentagon Report reveals that ducks swim around in ponds, and that bears live in woods, and that dogs have hair, and that whales spout water, and that Easter bunnies aren't real, and that Santa Claus isn't real, and that Obama's a big fat liar, and that 2 plus 2 equals 4, even if he says it doesn't, and raising the debt limit does raise the debt limit, and you can't keep your doctor, and it will increase your Obamacare prices, and you did build your business,
Classified Pentagon exercise reveals U.S.
would struggle to win war with Russia.
It would take everything we had.
What happens once nuclear war starts and they got 20,000 nukes and the U.S.
has 20,000 nukes?
How's all the Rothschild and Rockefeller and Queen Elizabeth, Heil Hitler money then?
How's all the Bush, Nazi gold gonna be worth anything when it's got a half-billion-year half-life on it?
I mean, I look at Jeb Bush and his beady eyes, all sweaty up there, and Hillary.
I mean, these are sacks of garbage.
These are bags of you-know-what.
Of dog crap.
And I hate to use those analogies, but they just fit.
They are sacks of criminal activity.
They're dirtbags.
And we just sit here and bow down to them while they commit all these crimes in front of us.
I'm sick of all of them!
And Boehner, and all those snot noses.
We need somebody like Rand Paul.
Or even the female Republican candidate.
At least she was a CEO and she says you shouldn't have to take vaccines.
It's not a radical statement.
It's common sense.
Any of these people are better.
The physician's great.
I'd vote for him.
I'm just sick of all of this garbage.
The people were being force-fed by the establishment.
The people being given all the billions in money.
Hillary and Jeb.
That's who you don't support.
When we come back, Jeb's pushing torture.
I will get to it.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Alex Jones here with a very important news alert for InfoWars listeners.
We've confirmed through our major suppliers attempting to resupply Survival Shield X2 Deep Earth Crystals that elite corporations are buying up the supplies all over the world so prices are going up and it's very hard to secure it.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the news websites.
A news story up on InfoWars.com by Steve Watson is very important.
Judge on abortion videos, gag order is a restraint on First Amendment.
The decision brings us one step closer to the day that STEM Express and Planned Parenthood have been dreading.
The Superior Court of the State of California has ruled that biomedical company Stem Express cannot legally suppress the release of videos obtained by the Center for Medical Progress and does not have any right to the footage or documents that the anti-abortion activists have obtained.
Yeah, especially when there's evidence of what appears to be criminal activity.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Joanne O'Donnell explained that the restraining order taken out against CMP will no longer stand and it represents a restraint on the First Amendment rights.
Yeah, they've lied and said it's edited videos.
They released the full video.
It was only like five and a half hour videos and stuff.
And it's even worse when you sit there.
I sat up one night and like scanned through a five and a half hour video.
I probably watched two hours of it.
And I mean, it's just the smacking of the lips and the guzzling of the wine, you know, all the videos and the restaurants and the puffery and the sycophantic nature of these chicken neck week ghouls, these grave robbers.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
They're not even grave robbers.
They're chopping up living people.
They're body snatchers, vampires, Jeffrey Dahmers.
I mean, I don't know what you call people that chop up little kids, or they pull them out, keep them alive, wheel the woman out drug, get the organs out.
And you sit around talking about Lamborghinis and everything, while you eat fancy food and drink wine.
I mean, it's just, it's the image of serial killers with women in cages in front of them, with a big banquet table, heaped with meat and fruit and, you know, honey glazed giblets, enjoying themselves.
The injunction, plaintiff seeks, would prevent defendants from
Disseminating the videotapes, said the judge.
First, the proposed injunction would constitute a prior restraint on the defendant's right under the First Amendment and the parallel protections under the California Constitution.
Plaintiff does not persuade the court that the discovery it seeks is necessary to obtain the preliminary injunction.
This is because it appears unlikely the court is going to grant the preliminary injunction.
Judge O'Donnell said yesterday.
It really means the CMP will be able to release the remaining footage it has on Stem Express employees without fear of reprisal.
Attorneys working with the CMP believe justice has prevailed.
Let's think about whistleblowing.
If you were in somebody's house, and you'd been let into the house, and let's just say you believed you were there as swingers or whatever, to have sex with a couple.
And then you release that video without them knowing, you're super liable.
I don't care what state you're in.
You're going to end up doing jail time or getting fined.
Because nobody's hurting anybody.
Even if you think that's immoral.
But when you're sitting around at a restaurant, talking about selling body parts, and you met in a meeting with somebody, it's covered under the First Amendment.
But whistleblowing goes further than that.
If you work in a company, or a government institution, and they're laundering money, they're selling drugs out the back, they're doing whatever it is that's illegal, and you videotape that and expose it, it doesn't matter if you're in a two-party consent state under wiretapping, because that's exempt when you're exposing a crime.
You have a responsibility under the Good Samaritan Code, an uncommon law that's expressed throughout all Western law,
To render aid, or if you know a crime's being committed, to report it.
Or to physically try to stop it.
And what really makes civilizations rise is when people are civically involved.
And themselves ferreting out corruption and exposing it.
Now that doesn't mean you tattle on your neighbor because they're 10-year-olds playing in the backyard until 6 at night because you're at work.
That means you also go after real crime, not nanny state BS.
So there's a delicate balance there as well.
We'll be back.
Drudge and Fox News could be censored under new federal rules, experts warn.
Article by Washington Examiner, a Washington D.C.
appeals court is set to hear arguments later this year on new net neutrality rules, which critics say could lead to government regulators censoring websites such as the Drudge Report and Fox News.
Classified Pentagon exercises reveal U.S.
would struggle to win war with Russia.
Article up by Paul Joseph Watson.
Two defense officials who refuse to be named told the Daily Beast that Washington is not ready for sustained conflict.
Tracker chips for welfare recipients.
Article up by Kurt Nimmo.
Pasi Manranta, a member of the Nationalist-oriented Finns party, has suggested implanting tracker chips in Finland's welfare recipients to prevent them from joining the Islamic State.
He said some welfare recipients continue to receive payments while in Syria and Iraq.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, Joe Biden, the guy that promised he wouldn't come after any of our guns, is now basically getting ready to run for president, saying he's just going to run for one term.
I'll break that down at the bottom of the hour.
Clinton has finally handed over her server after it was professionally wiped clean.
That is obstruction of justice in a felony case.
You're talking 10 years in the statutory law, federal prison, that's nine and a half years she would serve.
But she runs the Justice Department and the Clintons run Obama.
But it's just getting too naked, too out in the open.
She makes Richard Nixon look like a good person.
A anti-corruption good boy.
We've had an earthquake rattle New Jersey.
The map is up on InfoWars.com and DrudgeReport.com.
And a pretty good-sized one.
For that area, an M2.7, all sorts of weird geological stuff happening around the world.
They say, of course, San Francisco is due to have a seven or larger any time now, according to the computer program models.
Coming up, there's a new video that's going viral.
They're back.
Donald gives hope to black lives.
Trump, I'll face Biden in general election after Clinton unravels.
And they're talking about Hillary, again, being a time bomb, the Democratic Party.
But, I mean, really, no one can believe that she still hasn't dropped out of the race.
But, I mean, don't expect that.
She's the lady that's getting most of the money.
She's the lady the establishment's behind.
And they can play the whole thing, you just don't like women, like Bernie Sanders said on Monday.
In a CNN interview, we played the clip, he said, it's sexist to criticize Hillary, I think she's a great person, doing a great job.
I mean, then what are you running against?
And that he's a socialist.
So, that's all coming up.
Up on InfoWars.com by Steve Watson.
Judge on abortion videos.
Gag order is restraint on First Amendment rights.
Special report.
They're now saying Al-Qaeda slash ISIS is set to hit and try to kill the Queen this weekend.
This Saturday.
I think that's just fear-mongering to take more liberties.
They're now pushing tracker chips for welfare recipients.
We've got the report right there at InfoWars.com.
Classified Pentagon exercise reveals U.S.
would struggle to win war with Russia.
It would take everything we had.
46 million Americans go to food banks and long lines for dwindling food supplies.
The lines begin at 6.30 a.m.
across the country, and food banks are running out.
A hundred million people are on some form of food assistance, but 46 million are on direct assistance.
Imagine a food line, soup kitchens, with a hundred million people a day lined up.
But instead it's all digital, so it's hidden.
Also, video services showing Ferguson shooter Tyrone Harris.
Video shows Ferguson shooter Tyrone Harris flashing a gun at Mike Brown protests.
And again, there's video of him pulling a gun out on the cops and getting shot.
And then again, they go, oh my gosh, they killed him because he's black.
No, if I pull a gun on the cops randomly, they're going to shoot me.
Does that mean there isn't some discrimination against blacks in some areas?
But is it the number one issue in America?
The media pushes it for divide and conquer and will not touch the really big issues.
That's some of the news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Now we have Peter Schiff joining us for the balance of the hour.
I appreciate him coming on on short notice but
There's four or five financial guests we have on that pretty much line up on a lot of the same issues, but they have different perspectives from their life experiences.
And, you know, I can't tell you which one I think is the most accurate.
They're all really accurate.
Peter Schiff had about a 98% accuracy rate until he said a few years ago that he thought the bubble would bust by then.
But if you look at the third world, and I'm not defending him, it's just a fact, if you look at what's happening in the old world, there's depressions in most areas of the planet.
In South America, Central America, most of Africa, the Middle East, a lot of Eastern Europe, Asia.
Japan's been a recession for 20 years, but now it's clearly going belly up.
And more and more analysts, from Ron Paul to you name it, are saying they believe the Day of Reckoning is here.
Now, we had Mr. Dent on yesterday.
With his demographic cliff, and he was very bold and said he believes we're in a dead cat bounce.
Within two weeks, the Chinese stock markets will start racing down.
He believes it'll pull the other major ones down and that there's going to be a real estate bubble popping by the end of this year.
So we'll get Schiff's take on that.
But I also want to walk through the election with Schiff, what he really thinks about Trump, what he thinks about Hillary.
I mean, just the state of this country, how can there be confidence in anything when criminals are running absolutely free and the IRS is now persecuting over 100,000 people, admittedly jailing hundreds of people a year for their political views?
That's now come out in her emails, how she's gonna get Republicans and get conservatives.
Peter Schiff's father is one of the most famous
Anti-New World Order patriots, for people that are older.
He's been in jail for, what is it, a decade.
I don't mean to get into that story, we only mentioned it last time.
He's been on the show probably 50 times, never talked about it.
He used to come on my show in 95, 96, 97, 98, right through the 2000s.
And then the judge, federal judge said, you keep publishing your book saying the IRS is a fraud and a collection agency for the Federal Reserve, I'm gonna put you in prison.
He is in jail for the First Amendment.
A true political prisoner.
So now we see this is happening, and they've issued one tax exemption to a conservative group in three years, 10,000 plus to Democrats.
This is a tyranny.
And it's bipartisan.
But the Democrats are the tip of the spear.
So I want to get your economic prognosis, of course, Europac.com.
Billions under management.
I host the Peter Schiff Show and a lot more.
You can find out the details at EuroPAC.com.
I've thrown out probably ten different stories or more since you've been holding five minutes.
What would you like to tackle first?
I mean, I'd kind of like to just get into politics first, just as an American, to get your view on just all of this insanity.
How much more crazy can it get?
Well, probably the craziest thing is how popular Bernie Sanders is, right?
I mean, you've got an admitted socialist who is drawing the largest crowds.
Um, is that me?
I think that is you.
It's okay.
Hey, it's good to have a newsroom.
It's busy.
It's the real world.
He's getting the largest crowds.
He's leading in some of the polls.
I mean, most Democrats, you know, there are a lot of them that are socialists, but they don't come out of the closet.
They don't admit it.
This guy is not, you know, ashamed of being a socialist.
And look how many Americans want to vote for him.
He may be the Democratic frontrunner.
Yeah, you know, and of course, you know, Hillary is self-destructing, so that's probably helping it.
That's probably why Biden wants to get in, because he doesn't want to leave it to Bernie Sanders.
He probably senses there's some vulnerability there.
But, you know, people, the Democrats want to jump all over the Republicans because of Donald Trump.
But look at how many Democrats are going for Sanders.
Remember, I did that video last year at the Democratic National Convention.
If you haven't seen it, it's on my YouTube channel.
I've seen it.
Yeah, and I asked if they would be in favor of a law banning corporate profits, and these were the delegates to the Democratic Convention, and they were in favor of it.
They said, yeah, let's ban profits.
They're all socialists there, and now you've got one of their own coming out and admitting it, and he's leading in the polls.
This is where the nation is going.
And you predicted it in that viral video.
We'll play some of that at the bottom of the hour once we pull it up.
But again, it's on the Peter Schiff YouTube site.
In fact, I'm glad you raised that because you were Ron Paul in the first campaign, Congressman Ron Paul's chief economic advisor as a top Austrian economist in your own right.
What would you be advising Rand Paul to get back in the lead to do right now if you were his advisor?
Well, you know, I gave Rand my advice.
Hopefully, you know, he will heed it.
I mean, I think it's good.
But, you know, rather than attacking Donald Trump, I don't think that is the right strategy.
I don't either.
Donald Trump is hitting a nerve where he is appealing to the people within the Republican Party who are fed up with both parties and who are fed up with career politicians and want something different.
And I think a lot of those Donald Trump voters can really be Rand Paul voters in transition.
Because Rand Paul is not a career politician.
Just because he's a U.S.
Senator, he never was in politics until he won that seat.
And he ran for Senate as an eye doctor, as a small businessman.
That's how he needs to run for president, the way he ran for Senate.
Because the field is crowded with career politicians and the only one right now that's standing out is Donald Trump.
But he needs to get those Trump voters.
He needs to wait for those Trump voters to evolve and realize that the real outsider in this race, the real game changer, the real break from the establishment in the Republican Party and the Democratic Party is Rand Paul, not Donald Trump.
Sure, and I mean, Trump's hooked in with the Democrats and all the rest of it.
Do you think, though, Trump's for real?
Because he is, you know, he has a big ego.
To be successful, you gotta have it.
I mean, I think the guy's really smart.
I like almost everything he's saying.
Do you think, though, he might not just want to be a stepping stone for the Democrats and Hillary and Biden?
I mean, maybe he really wants to be president.
I mean, I think Donald Trump would be a lot better than Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton.
Well, the bar's pretty low there.
So yeah, he might be, but he wouldn't be as good as Rand.
Obviously, the guy would like to be president.
I mean, who wouldn't want to be president if somebody just was going to make you president?
The problem is getting elected.
It's very difficult.
I don't think this is some kind of plan to try to help elect a Democrat.
I mean, I don't think he's in it for that reason.
Uh, but some of it might be ego.
I mean, it's something that he might want to do.
I mean, you know, it's one of the only things really you can't buy.
I mean, Trump can have whatever is for sale.
And generally the White House is not, at least not for the people who occupy it.
Maybe it's for sale to the people who, uh, you know, who, um, who make all the, all the donations.
But, you know, I think the candidacy really says a lot about, you know, the country and where we are.
I don't think he can win the nomination.
I think when the field narrows, it will be harder.
Sure, when you have 15 people and they're all the same, and Trump's the only one that's different, he's like the none of the above vote.
He's not perfect.
But if you're out in the ocean, a piece of driftwood is like an oasis.
And so Trump's the only one that's not a complete
You know, buffoon, anti-American piece of garbage.
Yeah, and you know, a lot of the things that he says are right.
He's right to be concerned about our deteriorating trade balance, about our escalating national debt.
But he doesn't really articulate the right solutions.
It's not about just hiring smarter negotiators.
That's not what's going to do it.
We have to radically transform this country back to what it used to be.
We need massive cuts in government spending.
We need to abolish agencies and departments.
We need free markets.
We need to get rid of this welfare state.
We need to acknowledge the problems that exist.
You know, you talked earlier about the fact that we haven't had this day of reckoning yet because the masses still believe that the Federal Reserve saved us.
They still think their policy worked.
They still think there's a real recovery here.
They still think the Fed is going to embark on rate tightening.
That isn't even close to true.
Let's talk about it.
Let's start walking through it because I skipped this network break to give you more time.
What we just saw in China, what we are seeing in Greece, what we're seeing with the yuan being lowered.
Walk us through each of those and give us the big picture.
Well, first of all, nobody is talking about the real story of the Chinese yuan, right?
People are missing this.
Everybody's focusing on the devaluation, which is tiny, two or three percent.
What is important is the principle here.
China said that they want their currency not to necessarily be pegged to the dollar, but to kind of reflect fundamentals.
Everybody forgets that the dollar has risen maybe 30% against the basket of currencies over the past couple of years.
That means that Chinese Yuan has also risen by the same percentage because it's been pegged to the dollar.
And China is saying, we don't want to be pegged to the dollar.
We want our currency to be more in line with other currencies.
And the big problem is going to happen when the dollar reverses.
This is a dollar bubble.
And so the next time the dollar starts to go down, China's not going to catch it.
China's not going to have our back.
When the dollar was falling from 2001 to 2008, China was there to keep buying U.S.
Treasuries and mitigate the dollar's decline.
And in the currency wars in 2010 and 2011, China was buying dollars and buying Treasuries to prevent its currency from rising.
So this is huge.
You're saying now that they're going to let the Yuan just basically free fall and not back the dollar up.
Could this signify the end of dollar hegemony?
What I'm saying is when this dollar bubble bursts and the dollar starts to fall, the Chinese are going to let their currency rise.
They're not going to try to keep their currency weak with the dollar.
They're not going to buy all these treasuries to suppress the value of the Yuan.
They're going to let their currency rise with all the other currencies of the world.
Oh, so you see it as they're going to stop manipulating their currency and just let it float.
Like it did before, which means we're going to have to deal with the impact of a weak dollar with higher domestic consumer prices and higher long-term interest rates and this could be the beginning.
This is like the first shot that nobody's heard around the world that ends this currency war and the United States ends up being the loser and we have a real dollar crisis and then we might actually end up with that hyperinflation.
You know, the Keynesians, the Paul Krugmans, they're taking this premature victory lap.
They're saying, all the people like Peter Schiff, who are predicting inflation, it didn't happen.
It's gonna happen.
It's just happening later.
And because they engineered this sucker's rally in the dollar, the dollar's just gonna crash from a higher precipice.
And the crisis is gonna happen later, but means it's gonna be that much worse, because we've exacerbated all the problems by delaying the consequences.
Now again, you've been very successful predicting markets.
That's how you've made billions of dollars for your clients.
I'm just a layperson that sits here and tries to study this and the basics.
And I have people on like Harry Dent, then I have people on like you, I have a lot of other analysts on, and they all generally agree we're going towards a bubble implosion, a group of bubble implosions, and that this currency war can't go on forever and QE can't go on forever.
But he thinks that
They're printing all the money and issuing the money to cover up the deflation.
I get we've had some deflation, but at a certain point, Weimar Republic, Zimbabwe, Mexico, there's a devaluation that comes home and then the value of the money is lost in every case in history.
So I don't understand how then we're not going to see
Faster inflation.
Explain to me the two different schools of thought.
Because both ways are bad.
And then tell us, do you think things are deteriorating faster?
Is the moment of reckoning about to be here?
Again, we are going to see more inflation.
We're already seeing it in ways that are not being measured or called inflation.
You got a bubble in the stock market.
You got a bubble in real estate market.
You've got bubbles going on in rare cars or fine art.
Prices are rising all around us, yet it's not considered inflation if it's an asset price that's going up, but it's still inflation that's driving the increase in those prices.
Also, rents are rising very sharply.
For some reason, that doesn't get captured in the CPI.
We know college tuition is rising.
We know healthcare costs are rising.
Insurance rates are rising.
Taxes are rising.
We know the price of food is going up.
All sorts of prices are rising, yet for some reason, it doesn't show up in the government-calculated numbers.
I mean, I think that's very convenient, but I don't think it's honest.
And I think that anybody that wants to hang their hat on these government-created numbers as proof there's no inflation,
You know, you have to realize the government has a significant interest in under-inflation.
Well, they admit.
I mean, they admit they cook the unemployment numbers, the inflation numbers.
I mean, all of it.
They admit it's cooked.
Yeah, and the unemployment numbers, you know, the official rate means nothing when you have a collapse in the labor force.
We have the lowest labor force participation since 1976.
We have the lowest home ownership rate since 1967.
People are dropping out in droves.
People who are working part-time, they want to work full-time, but those jobs don't exist anymore.
Yet they're still counted as being employed just because they have a lousy part-time job.
But these numbers don't sell the whole story.
The fact that guys like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are getting the most crowds, that tells you the real story.
The people are fed up.
They are not living in a fantasy recovery created by the media or by Wall Street.
They're living in the reality of this Obama recession.
So what happens as the fantasy fog lifts?
Won't that just accelerate the decline?
A. B.
If we are going into a major correction, what do you expect it to look like?
What could the next shoe to drop be?
This is a pause.
QE is not over.
QE4, QE5.
The Fed is just getting started.
The balance sheet is not going to shrink.
It is going to explode out of control.
It's $4.5 trillion now.
It's not going down.
It's going up towards $10 trillion.
It's going higher.
As soon as people get their arms around that reality, then it's going to be like a watershed, right?
It's going to be like opening up a dam, and the dollar is going to tumble, and that is going to be a game changer.
And China has already said, we're going to get out of the way.
We're not going to get drowned in that deluge.
We are going to let our currency go up.
You're not going to sink with the American Titanic.
Well, it has sent their stock market back up now for the best in two months since they did this.
But I mean, isn't it overvalued?
It's doubled in the last few years.
And what do you expect to see happen in China?
How will that affect us?
The Chinese market is pretty inexpensive.
I mean, take a look at it.
I mean, the Chinese market is still a lot lower than it was in 2007.
I mean, look at the Nasdaq.
You want to see something expensive, look over there.
You know, people are exaggerating the decline in the Chinese stock market.
China's stock market is positive on the year.
The U.S.
market is down this year.
China had a big drop only because it had a huge rally right before.
There was a spike in volatility in the Chinese market.
That's all.
There wasn't a market crash there, and I don't think there's going to be a market crash there.
I actually don't even think there's going to be a market crash in the United States.
There should be, and if the Fed did the right thing, there would be, but they're not going to do the right thing.
They're going to print a lot of money.
Okay, so what's the time frame in your mind then?
Look, something's going to happen by next year because everybody expects the Fed to raise rates this year.
And if they do, if they come forward with a meaningless quarter point rate hike, that's not going to be enough to prop up the dollar.
The Fed is going to have to do more.
But I think a quarter of a point is too much for this fragile economy.
Look at the first half GDP.
It was 1.45 percent.
Atlanta Fed GDP now this week, they lowered their forecast for Q3 to 0.7.
A year ago, the economy grew 5% in the third quarter.
Peter Schiff, stay there.
I want to come back and walk through this, because again, I'm not an economist like you, or a money manager, but it just seems crazy.
They're now saying, don't raise interest rates because of China.
So, damn if we do, damn if we don't.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The FBI has arrested a pair of ISIS wannabes in Mississippi.
The newlyweds allegedly claimed via social media they plan to travel to Syria and join ISIS.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Erwin Schiff's his name, best-selling underground author, really great radio interview, used to be on GCN Radio Network for about five years at night, syndicated on at least 50 stations around the country, and he just wrote books explaining that the IRS was never properly ratified for the amendment in 1913, and it was all documented, and that they made you waive your
Fourth Amendment rights when you fill out the IRS forms.
They also went after a federal, a treasury officer, armed officer of the IRS, of course, who we've had on as a frequent guest on this show, Joe Bannister, and twice he had jury trials and they didn't put him in prison because he had juries.
And this was for giving speeches saying the IRS is a fraud.
That's like arresting you for saying Planned Parenthood sells body parts.
And you know those, what was it, twelve different IRS agents that were in full-page ads in USA Today?
Of the twelve, nine are in prison.
So the IRS is the Gestapo in this country.
The IRS is like the KGB or the NKVD, the internal police that politically, the commissars that go after people.
And it's shameful.
He should be abolished.
He should be gotten rid of.
And Rand Paul, of course, has called for that.
We need to see that as well from folks like Donald Trump.
It can selectively destroy whoever you want.
Fortune money, they've all done it.
30 different tax preparers.
50 different tax preparers.
The Wall Street Journal a few years ago got 100.
And they gave 100 different answers.
30 different answers.
50 different answers.
You cannot pay it correctly.
It's designed to screw you over.
It's designed to put you in prison.
And now we have the emails.
We know they're targeting libertarian conservatives.
And I was asking him how, because I've never had Peter Schiff, who's separate from his dad, author, researcher, manages billions at EuroPAC.com.
I didn't really bring up his dad.
I brought him up a few weeks ago, four weeks ago when he was on.
He said, yeah, dad's in prison.
Got, you know, all these years left for publishing this book.
He was ordered not to, for saying the IRS is a fraud.
That's how scared they are.
And I was asking him again, how's your dad?
And he said, well, I don't know if I should make this announcement.
It's not public yet.
But the family would like to get a chance to see him before.
And now I'll let Peter Schiff talk about this on air.
It's some really sad news for this political prisoner who I knew so well.
Peter, tell us about your dad and what's happened.
Yeah, well he is, you know, a political prisoner.
He's not even kind of a pseudo-political prisoner.
He's the real deal here in the United States because he is in jail for his political beliefs.
He's not in jail for breaking any laws.
And you know, you mentioned, you know, the tax code.
His real issue has always been that
At the Internal Revenue Code, the laws were written voluntarily.
You hear it's based on voluntary compliance.
Well, that means you're not required to pay.
And the reason that all the laws were written voluntarily is because otherwise they would have violated numerous provisions of the Constitution.
The Constitution is really inconsistent with a mandatory direct tax on your income.
Sure, they get you to opt in to a corporate contract, then that's how they come after you.
It's not really a corporate contract.
I mean, the laws were written voluntarily.
If you just ask the IRS, is the tax system based on voluntary compliance or compulsory compliance?
I'll tell you.
Say it's voluntary.
And then you'll say, well, but I don't want to volunteer.
They'll say, well, you have to volunteer.
Well, but then it's compulsory.
No, it's voluntary.
You know, and the reason that they want it to be voluntary is because it was illegal, right?
You can lie on your tax return.
You can do whatever you wanted on it, and they couldn't use it against you because of the Fifth Amendment.
But also, you know, there's all sorts of violations of the Constitution in the income tax.
I'm just trying to
I forgot that I had this program up and I'm getting phone calls.
I have a Do Not Disturb.
So there's all sorts of ways that a compulsory income tax would violate the law.
You know, the income tax is based on self-assessment.
You're supposed to assess yourself and if you don't do that, there's no legal authority for the government to do it.
So there's a lot of legal arguments.
Sure, they get you to waive your Fourth and Fifth Amendment on its face.
Yeah, and of course the taxing provisions of the Constitution that were not changed by the 16th Amendment.
You know, Congress, if they want to level a direct tax on income, they still have to apportion it.
The 16th Amendment didn't change that.
The 16th Amendment just said, well, you know, if you don't want to apportion the income tax, then you have to levy it as an excise tax.
But the government's not doing that.
The government is violating numerous Supreme Court decisions in the way it enforces the income tax.
My father just tries to point all these things out.
But of course, the courts are routinely rubber stamping government action that violates the Constitution.
You know, as far as the government is concerned, there's nothing, or rather, as far as the courts are concerned, there's nothing that the government can't do.
The government is in no way inhibited or restrained by the Constitution.
The government has unlimited power.
And, you know, that's one of the things that my father still never really understood or accepted, because even though he's been in jail for 10 years, he continues to fight, thinking that he's going to get out, thinking he's going to get justice in a justice system that has no justice.
And, you know, which gets me to the news that we want to talk about is that my father, who is 87, and who has been in jail for 10 years, was just diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.
And, you know, initially he told me the prison doctor said he had maybe four to six months to live.
But then I'm not really sure.
I tried to talk.
He may have longer than that.
I don't know.
Maybe he has a year.
It's hard to say.
You know, they did have a cancer specialist that talked to him.
But, you know, he's still in jail and he still has another year and a half or two to go.
And so in theory, he won't survive the rest of his sentence.
And so is he would have an amount amounts to a life sentence for a nonviolent tax crime.
And, you know, but we are still trying to get him out on a compassionate release.
The crazy part about it is my father doesn't even want to get out yet on a compassionate release.
He still wants to get out on the merits of his legal arguments.
But I think we've been able to persuade him to, you know, to allow the compassionate release process.
But, you know, who knows how long this thing is going to take?
The whole prison system is so inefficient.
Well, it's very saddening to me because I probably had dinner with your dad when he would come to Austin to give speeches, and in a few events I spoke at in Dallas and once in Vegas, probably had dinner with him ten times.
And man, the stories he tells, I mean he is like a real...
Archie Bunker type guy.
Real Americana.
And it's just so sad to hear all the persecution he's gone through.
But they hated his guts because he was traveling the whole U.S.
speaking to crowds of thousands.
He was on the radio.
He was selling books by the tens of thousands a month.
I mean, he was really giving them a problem.
And they threw his butt in jail.
And now, I guess they hope to see him die there.
Yeah, they wanted to make an example of it.
They wanted people to, hey, don't fight the IRS or you'll end up like Erwin Schiff, right?
You'll end up in jail.
And that's the whole purpose of a political prisoner.
You're trying to send a message.
I mean, clearly my father is not a criminal.
The most you can say about my father is that he's mistaken.
But we don't put people in jail for having good faith beliefs that turn out to be wrong.
But he's clearly right, though.
Yeah, well, you know, I think he's right about a lot of things.
But I know there's no, nobody can argue that my father is insincere.
That he's some kind of con man, that he doesn't believe what he says.
Of course he believes what he says.
There's no doubt about it.
Remember, the judge said, do not publish the book anymore, you can walk away right now.
He could have put another book out.
He said no, and started putting the book back out.
Yeah, well they actually banned him from selling his book, and I think it's the only time that's happened since Lolita.
But they didn't ban the book itself.
And of course the book is the Federal Mafia.
They just banned my father from selling it.
But you know, here's another interesting angle to talk about.
When I talk to his caseworker, because I'm trying to get him released into my care, and one of the things that would happen is if he ends up getting out of jail and able to live with my house, I have to make sure that I get rid of all my guns.
That I'm not allowed to have any guns in the house if you have an ex-felon, which is so ridiculous that I have to surrender my Second Amendment rights in order to care for my sick father.
I mean, the reality of it is, my father is practically blind.
You know, and all my guns are locked up in states.
Even if I gave my father the combinations, he still couldn't open them.
I don't even think, I don't even think he could load the gun, let alone shoot it.
And yet, just because he's a tax offender, he can't be in the house if anybody has a firearm for self-defense.
So I have to disarm myself in order to take care of my father?
I mean, that's just another, you know, violation of, you know, the Second Amendment.
But, you know, everything the government does violates our constitutional rights.
So, you know, why should they, why should they stop there?
Well, he's in the federal prison there in Dallas.
Folks need to contact the Federal Bureau of Prisons and just say, release the political prisoner, Erwin Schiff.
And I would do it nicely, but I would say, look, he's got terminal lung cancer.
Normally, they release nonviolent, quote, offenders when they have something terminal because it's a drain on the system.
This is ridiculous.
He's been in there 10 years.
For selling a book that says the IRS is a fraud.
That's like going to jail for saying Hillary Clinton's a witch.
I mean, it's just a prima facie fact.
And now with all this IRS news of them persecuting everyone, it just really is a cherry on top of how evil this government is.
Who are these people?
Man, I would feel like
I mean, I feel like if I do something bad, it's going to come back on me.
I wasn't taught that, I just feel that.
I can't screw over good people.
And I wonder how the government, I wonder how that judge sits around knowing that they put some guy in jail for 10 plus years and he may die there for putting out a book.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
Well, I mean, obviously, it's more than just the book.
I mean, they're going to say, well, you know, he was advocating non-payment of taxes, he was helping people.
What my father was trying to do was educate people as he understood the law, and he encouraged people to make their own decisions.
And I always remember when my dad gave seminars, he would always encourage lawyers and accountants to show up.
If he ever talked to somebody about not paying taxes, he would say, look, bring your accountant, bring your lawyer.
He would always say that on my show.
He'd go, I'm not telling you to do this, it's what I do, but here's the facts.
Yeah, and you know, I've sat around many people who have admitted to me, you know, I've seen, you know, where lawyers have said, look, you know, your dad is technically right.
He's legally right, but the government won't let him get away with it.
I mean, that's an important thing.
When people, lawyers, I've talked to judges who have told me that.
Okay, yes, technically your dad may be right, but it doesn't matter.
Well, shouldn't the law matter?
Are we a nation of law or are we a nation of... Well, here's the bottom line.
Your dad's the kind of guy that made America great.
He's willing to go to jail and stay there and won't recant for the truth.
I mean, that's what we're missing in this country.
If more people were like your dad, we wouldn't have to go to jail for the truth because we wouldn't allow this to happen.
Yeah, you know, he's very rare in that sense.
Look, I don't do it.
I mean, I pay taxes.
I pay a lot of taxes.
And, you know, not because I believe I'm legally required to do it.
But if they're the mafia, they'll break your legs.
Yeah, I mean, you know, I'm like the store owner that pays the protection money because I don't want to stand up to the mob.
My dad stood up to the mob, and he's been in jail for 10 years.
That's the spirit that made this country.
Look at our founding fathers.
How easy would it have been for George Washington, a very wealthy guy, and all the other framers.
They didn't have to stand up to King George.
They didn't have to stand up to those principles.
They had good lives, and they risked it all for a concept.
For freedom, for an idea, right?
And most Americans, you know, weren't even involved in that.
But can you imagine today?
I mean, would we have had any kind of revolution if the type of Americans who are around today were around, you know, in 1776, if America
We'd still be ruled by the king, by England, but who knows, we might even be better off.
The British did a pretty good job with Hong Kong, so maybe they would have done a good job with us if we had stayed under the crown.
But what Americans are willing to accept today, the type of taxation, the type of regulation, is off the charts compared to the tiny little bit of government that Americans were protesting from King George.
You're absolutely right.
Peter Schiff's our guest, EuroPAC.com.
We're going to get the specifics up the next day or so.
I'll probably launch it Monday because Friday's a bad day to do it.
We're going to take the video from his live radio TV show, put out a call to arms politically Monday with an article.
With the addresses for folks to just say, have some basic decency and, you know, let this guy out.
They let the average murderer out of state prison within four years, federal within 10.
Those are national numbers.
Your dad's been in over 10 years for his political speech.
And do they really want to make him a martyr where he dies?
I mean, it'd be better for him to get out, see his grandkids, spend some time with you.
Right, Peter?
Well, absolutely.
And the thing with the government, they don't care if they let a murderer out.
Because what's the worst thing he can do?
Murder some people?
They don't care about that.
But a tax protester?
That really scares them.
Because he gets out, he educates people, he shines a spotlight on the illegal actions of government.
And the government is afraid of that.
The government wants to keep my father in jail to keep him quiet.
That's right, and let's be fair, he said he's not going to shut up.
I mean, he stands by what he stands by.
Yeah, I mean, look, he's still there in jail fighting this fight.
You know, he still hasn't willing to concede that he's lost, even though he spent the last 10 years of his life in jail.
And, you know, ultimately, in the long run, he has his books out there.
I think he'll be vindicated, you know, in the things that he stood up for.
But it might not be in his lifetime, but it may be maybe in my children's lifetime.
Well, America, freedom to fascism really scared him too, Aaron Russo.
There's so many, Congressman Hanson fought the IRS, they put him in jail and tortured him.
I mean, folks, let me tell you, these are real heroes for this republic that have stood up against this organization.
They come after you, they try to take everything Aaron Russo had.
When he put that film out, then he suddenly died of cancer.
I mean, they mean business, and it is so dangerous.
We didn't have time to get to calls today.
We've got a final segment.
I want you to get into the economy.
When we come back, Peter Schiff, Europack.com.
Stay with us.
We're going to go to break here in just a moment.
And this is what I keep trying to hammer home to people.
I've sat here and watched them kill and set up and destroy hundreds of people.
And they've tried a lot of dirty tricks on us and had me beat up in a parking lot and told me to shut up.
And I mean, this is real.
Now we've gotten so effective and so big that whatever calculation they've made, they've left us alone at this point.
In about the last year, man, they tried a lot of dirty tricks behind the scenes.
I'm not gonna even get into it, but it was like a movie.
Do not take talk radio for granted.
Do not take libertarian ideas for granted.
There's a big Examiner article.
Drudge Fox News could be censored under new federal rules.
Expert warns.
I've seen ten different members of the administration call for the Fairness Doctrine to be brought back.
They're trying to arrest Joe Arpaio and they're suing him right now.
I mean, just understand.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, Alex Jones here, InfoWars.com.
Up on screen, a small business person has Uncle Sam as a partner.
Again, a small business person has Uncle Sam as a partner.
A partner who puts up no money, does no work, and wants 30 or 40 percent.
And will throw you in prison for saying that.
And again, they want to intimidate and shut everybody up.
But I'm telling you, it's going too far.
All right, we've got about six minutes left in this segment.
I'm going to cover news, clips, special reports, and your phone calls next hour.
And what would war with Russia be like?
The Pentagon's been wargaming it.
Jeb Bush is back out promoting torture for the very groups the West is funding.
Just absolutely ridiculous.
But finishing up with our guest from EuroPAC.com, Peter Schiff.
Peter, getting back into China, the economy, what's happening?
I mean, do you think it's going to degenerate quicker, as a lot of people are saying, or you're saying it's next year?
What's the next shoe to drop for you that you're watching?
Well, again, the only issue, I think, is going to be the realization that the Fed is not finished with quantitative easing and that the U.S.
recovery isn't real, that we're back in recession.
In fact, all of the economic problems that created the Great Recession still exist.
In fact, they've been exacerbated by the very cure that the Fed chose to try to heal us, right?
The cheap money, quantitative easing, 0% interest rates,
It was the Fed's manipulation of money supply and interest rates that inflated the bubbles.
Sure, they had help from Congress, but I think the chief enabler is the Federal Reserve, and they've done a lot of damage.
And I think when people come to terms with this reality, it's going to be a huge game changer.
I think the bottom is going to drop out of the dollar.
In a very big way, I think you're going to see a spectacular reversal in gold prices, silver prices, commodity prices, when people realize that we are just going to print and print and print.
The Fed is just getting started.
The helicopters are still in the hangars.
They're getting warmed up.
This is going to be more money printing.
And this is not going to end well.
This is not the happy picture, the smiley face that Janet Yellen is putting on this or all the Wall Street economists.
And there's not a lot of time.
You know, people have been riding this bubble on the dollar.
The U.S.
stock market made new highs.
People need to act now.
You know, people need to open up accounts, you know, with me at Europe Pacific's capital so that they can get their money out of U.S.
assets, get out of Dodge before the bullets start flying.
You got to get into foreign stocks and the right stocks.
I mean, there are certain countries, Switzerland, Singapore, New Zealand, I mean, Hong Kong, there are places that you should invest to escape the carnage.
And you've got to get out of U.S.
You've got to pick the best foreign currencies.
You've got to own real money.
You've got to own gold and silver.
You've got to look at the opportunity in the mining shares that have been beaten down because people have no idea what's going on.
The people who have been selling gold, selling gold stocks, these are the same guys.
Well, the elites are hoarding and buying gold.
That's admitted.
And gold's gone back up a little bit.
I just don't see... There's got to be, in an inflationary system, even if we're in a depression, gold's got to go up.
We know in the Great Depression, towards the end, it did go way back up.
Yeah, look, again, people have confidence in the central bankers.
They have confidence in Yellen.
Just the way they had confidence in Donald Greenspan in the 1990s.
And that was a disaster.
That was false confidence.
And it's the same people that have bought into the same monetary magic.
They've been fooled again by the sleight of hand of the Fed.
And they have no idea what's right around the corner.
If they were surprised by the financial crisis, they ain't seen nothing yet.
Because this next crisis is going to be much worse, but it's also going to be much different.
Because it's not going to be a credit crisis.
It's going to be a currency crisis.
It's going to be a crisis in the U.S.
You don't have to worry about the yuan going down.
It's the dollar going down.
We are going to win this currency war, which means every American who is not prepared will lose.
And I just hope those dollars don't come back and they can hide it and maybe lower oil prices to cover that.
But it's certainly a balancing act.
We've all got front row seats to it.
Peter Schiff, thanks for joining us.
We'll talk to you again, hopefully, in a few weeks.
Thanks, Alex.
Have a good weekend.
You bet.
You too.
And tell your dad when you talk to him.
The cavalry's coming.
We're going to try to put some pressure on next week.
And obviously you can work with us on that.
Thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up, we're going to play the video of what Jesse Ventura, who's coming on later next week, has to say about Donald Trump.
He says it's shaking the system to its core.
That's Paul Watson's latest article up on InfoWars.com.
Experts, weeks till global collapse.
They've got that breakdown video from yesterday's interview with Mr. Dent up on InfoWars.com.
You know, I tend to listen to Schiff's analysis on inflation, and I see evidence of it, but I also see some things being deflated, and I don't know who's more right, him or Dent, but I tell you, any way you look at it from any angle, and believe me, I'm not wanting this, I just know we're sitting on top of the biggest bubble the world has ever seen.
Real estate, currencies, debt, derivatives,
And elites are building armored redoubts, and gearing up for martial law, and there's huge military actions taking place.
Is it all for naught?
And many areas of the world are in depression.
I want to talk about this subject with listeners.
You can call in about anything you want, but I'd like you to also give me your take on, do you think the global collapse is coming?
What do you think it's going to look like?
It's already really bad in a lot of parts of the world.
Or just can this keep rolling on forever?
What do you think all the preparations are for?
Classified Pentagon exercise revealed U.S.
would struggle to win war with Russia.
It would take everything we had.
Paul Joseph Watson article, InfoWars.com.
The Pentagon has been running a series of exercises throughout the summer based on the hypothetical ground war with Russia, which reveals the U.S.
would struggle to defeat Moscow.
Their Navy's not good, but they got missiles, they got tanks, and they got nukes.
Two defense officials who refused to be named today told the Daily Beast that Washington is not ready for a sustained conflict.
Could we probably beat the Russians today in a sustained battle?
It would take everything we had, one official said.
What we are saying is that we are not ready as we want to be.
But if nuclear weapons get used, none of it matters.
And there's a good chance they would.
So stop looking at having this war.
Stop trying to topple the Russian government.
If our government had the moral high ground and wasn't a bunch of criminals, I would still say if the Russians aren't invading other countries, aren't trying to take over, don't mess with them.
You just, as common sense historically, that's criminal.
But we have a disgusting government trying to turn the Middle East over to Al Qaeda and the Saudi Arabians.
So there's just no moral high ground anywhere here.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have depleted the U.S.
Army's ability to maintain a sufficient troop presence.
The exercise is revealed.
There would also be little time to sufficiently train airmen for the conflict.
Against an adversary like Russia, this is a quote, we can't take the kind of air dominance we've had in conflict since 9-11 for granted.
Yeah, you're not even in a position like you were in Iraq or Afghanistan.
This is the Russians.
And yes, they have a rotting Navy, and let's bring Joe Jennings in, if he's there at his desk, because he brought up the fact, why don't we just have Putin and Obama get in a boxing ring and fight like they did in old times, our two champions, instead of us having nuclear war and killing the planet.
Do you want to add anything else, Joe?
Yeah, I think that'd solve two problems.
You know, that's a race war.
We could solve the race war problem right there.
I guess you could say the Russians are behind the African slave trade.
I mean, Putin is white.
It's his fault.
It's his fault.
Who do you think would win in a fight between Obama and Putin?
Oh, come on.
Obama's a smoker.
Putin's a Russian bear.
I'd love to see that fight.
I don't know.
I mean, Obama grew up in Chicago.
He's probably pretty tough.
They'd probably poke him in the eye.
I think he could take out the KGB agent.
You know.
I don't know.
Old Pootie Poot.
No, no.
Pootie Poot does jiu-jitsu all day and martial arts.
I think he would probably dispatch old Obozo pretty quick.
But they're both puppets in it today.
Drudge and Fox News could be censored under new federal rules, experts warn.
Article by Washington Examiner, a Washington D.C.
appeals court is set to hear arguments later this year on new net neutrality rules, which critics say
Could lead to government regulators censoring websites such as the Drudge Report and Fox News.
Classified Pentagon exercises reveal U.S.
would struggle to win war with Russia.
Article up by Paul Joseph Watson.
Two defense officials who refuse to be named told the Daily Beast that Washington is not ready for sustained conflict.
Tracker chips for welfare recipients.
Article up by Kurt Nimmo.
Pasi Manranta, a member of the nationalist-oriented Finns party, has suggested implanting tracker chips in Finland's welfare recipients to prevent them from joining the Islamic State.
He said some welfare recipients continue to receive payments while in Syria and Iraq.
I'm Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Oh, I recognize that music.
One of my favorite B-movies.
Escape from New York.
Another amazing classic from the great director.
You know, speaking of Escape from New York, since you guys came in with this intro, that ties in.
Let's pull up in a minute the trailer you can find on YouTube from Escape from New York, this that came out in the early 1980s, where you got a shadow government, black helicopters, New York's been turned into a giant prison colony, which is something the French and others have done with islands before.
And the president gets brought down by a terrorist in the middle of New York City, if you haven't seen the John Carpenter classic, and they put exploding microchips in the arteries of Snake Plissken, a special ops guy, and send him in.
We were just talking about having Obama and Putin in a ring, give them both baseball bats with nails in them, instead of us having nuclear war.
How about they get in a ring?
I mean, back in the old days, when they'd have wars in Spain between the different Christians, they wouldn't have wars most of the time between one city-state and another.
They would just have their champions fight.
And back then, it was usually the king or his son.
Like, you didn't get to be a king a thousand years ago in Spain or in England unless you didn't lead the troops.
And see, I can see back then you admired the king because he'd be like your war champion.
You know, the toughest, smartest guy around.
Nowadays, we have these
Globalist slime bags, you know, that get advice from Gruber about how to lie to everybody.
Oh, what great leaders you are!
So I'm told we already have it.
That was quick.
Good job.
So why not, before I go to your phone calls, play the trailer for Escape from New York?
I think this is the answer.
How about Escape from the New World Order?
And then we're going to cover the news I haven't hit, I've already mentioned some of it, and take your phone calls on the world financial collapse that I think is pretty clear
It's starting to unravel.
Is it this fall, this winter, next year?
I don't know, but it's getting closer, and the elites are bunkering and digging in.
What do you think's going on?
It's a free-for-all.
Everybody can call in.
Your calls are coming up in the next segment.
But without further ado, Escape from New York!
New York, 1997.
The entire city is a walled maximum security prison.
The bridges are mined.
The rivers are patrolled.
Oh, dude, this was Chicago and New York.
And the United States Police Force has everything under control.
We don't have a United States Police Force.
We don't have it.
Cameras everywhere.
Communists taking over.
It's actually happening now in 2015.
The president's the commie leader.
Duke number one.
I love going and I think I'm gonna sneak in some more stuff.
...escape from New York.
The high adventure of the future.
One man must go in where no man has ever gotten out.
And if he comes back alone... His nightmare has just begun.
Who are you?
John Carpenters escaped from New York.
Heard you were dead.
This stuff is like gold around here, you know.
That's a great movie.
I think I'm going to watch that tonight.
Escape from L.A.
is horrible.
to fall off in the ocean.
Of course, that's not funny.
It might actually do it.
It culturally has already fallen off in the ocean.
Here's the deal, as stuff unravels, which the elite is orchestrating, as they want a post-industrial world, as they kill NASA, kill developments, kill technological developments that they don't control, I'm going to be in the rear with the gear out in the countryside.
I'm doing my best to try to stop all this from unfolding, but
There is no enemy to even attack in a civil war.
They're going to try to brand it as if you go shoot cops or shoot the military, you're winning.
That's the plan is to chew up the police and military during a martial law crackdown to then after a year of the lights being off or more, bringing in the UN forces.
And that's not out of movies, folks.
That's out of the admissions.
In fact, I ought to pull all that up.
I've talked about it.
We got the documents and actually show that.
Because I've seen it in the Washington Post, where like, during emergencies they'll bring in foreign troops to stabilize the United States.
You want to know how they're going to handle states that rebel?
Governors that don't go along with stuff?
They're just going to turn the power off.
Because all the microchips in these power plants and these grids, the globalists have the codes to.
You see, that's what smart growth is, that's what the smart cities are, the smart trans, the smart appliances, is all maximum overdrive for real.
But it's not Skynet being run by machines, as I always said, it's Skynet run by the humans, using the machines against the rest of the humans, which in the last term, and they're not the latest one, I haven't seen that, but the last one,
That actually got produced by guys hooked in with the Bilderberg Group.
I'll just leave it at that.
It's a human brain at the core of Skynet running the operation.
And that's basically what we're dealing with here in their freaked out minds.
You're like, why would they want to do that?
Because they believe that's how they're going to live forever.
And before you think, oh, that's fantastical.
That's not going to happen.
Biometrics was invented in the 1850s, eugenics, all of it, by a British royal commission that funded a bunch of scientists to come up with a plan for social control for the Transylvanian royalty that rules Britannia.
Now that's more freaked out than a movie, isn't it?
Vlad the Impaler's great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren, I think it's like 20 generations down over that thousand years or so, to these people, and then their plan has actually worked, and they've now got almost planetary government, and think they're going to merge with machines.
And who knows, the machines might double-cross them.
I mean, it's so dangerous.
It's like the astronauts said we had on a few days ago.
We're in a little bitty blue lifeboat with 20,000 nuclear weapons.
More like 40,000, but he said 20.
I guess he means operable.
This is crazy town.
But then the globalists created all of this, proliferated the weapons, and then want world government, or they're going to detonate them.
Give them the power, give them world government, give them control, or they'll have nuclear war, and they've used our tax money to build the bunkers.
You know what, let's just go to calls now, and then I'll get to the news after that.
I've already covered a lot of it, but there's some good news, some bad news, some crazy news, some insane news.
Healthcare.gov is giving illegal aliens the free healthcare.
Nobody else gets it.
But if you... they don't verify social security numbers, citizenship status, none of it.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh at all.
This is just so ridiculous.
Let's go ahead and go to your phone calls.
Robert in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling in today.
Yeah, I'm having trouble on your phone.
It may not be connected.
Go ahead and try again.
I'm going to have to put that caller on hold.
We may have a failure on his phone or a failure at the network.
Let's put you on hold.
Let's go to Andy in Tennessee.
Andy, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Good, go ahead.
Hey listen, a couple weeks ago you were talking about a thing, I think of it as a movement called What's Your Cause?
And this really struck me because as I listen to the show, there's such a plethora of topics and issues that we're dealing with and I hear you when callers call and they talk about, you know, they praise you and you're not into that and I, you know, I get that.
You know, we do all have the power.
The problem is, is that with all of this inundation of trouble, it's hard to nail down what exactly our cause is.
And when we're able to figure that out, how to pursue that cause and rise up in that cause.
Now, I hear you.
So, so I'll let you continue, but let me just throw this out.
I highlight
The solutions, in my view, get rid of Boehner, put a patriot in the speakership, expose the private fellow reserve, abolish the IRS, get us out of the United Nations, stop starting wars with foreign countries, stop funding radical Islamists, control our border, stop advertising free welfare to all of the unskilled workers of the world.
You go down the line and say no to the globalist agenda, you cut off the blood supply to the New World Order.
Absolutely, but this is the thing though, is with all of these topics, any one of us can latch on to one and then reach out to other people who have taken that on as their cause, and then grow that cause to be a force within this battle against the globalists.
But it's difficult to do that because it's hard to say where to start.
And if there were a place, and I use your YouTube site as an example, on your YouTube channel you have it broken down by topic basically.
And if we were able to have a clearing out where we can
Explore each thing, and then find the one that really targets us, that really is on our... Sure, I agree.
We should have a specific video on the Federal Reserve, a specific video on genetic engineering, and a specific video... That's all great ideas.
I'm gonna come back and let you finish your point on solutions.
Then we'll go to Frank, Gerald, Carl, Frank, and others.
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We're taking your phone calls in this third hour.
Mandy in Tennessee, specifically, what is it you think we can do better?
Because there's a hundred things, a thousand things I could do better.
InfoWars, though, is not the rise and fall of the Liberty Movement worldwide.
That is in individual hearts and minds everywhere.
We're just a focal point
Breaking down history, trying to mobilize others to take action in their area, and then there's no way that the bad actors can stop us.
That's why they want us decadent, dumbed down, not believing we have power.
But you specifically, you know, have some ideas.
Go ahead.
Well, thanks for bearing with me.
But I'm thinking in terms of, I mean, maybe even just on your website, to keep it simple on your end, if you had
We're good to go.
What have you?
And then it's out of your hand that goes to the people, you know, the people... No, I gotta jump, Andy.
I gotta jump.
We have the links up to the group putting out the videos exposing Planned Parenthood.
Anybody could just follow the video and link to them.
We have the pro-life groups on and plug their websites.
I mean, we actually spoon-feed all this.
When you get down into local groups, I can't specifically say go to this group or that group, because I don't have the human intelligence to say what's a group, what's a bad group.
That's for you to suss out, or for you to start as your own organization.
But I hear you.
We could do better, we'll try.
Frank in New York, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you?
Good brother, go ahead.
Very good, thank you.
Oh, just to let you know, basically, you're my Morpheus.
You actually woke me up to everything that's going on.
And everything that I know today, all the knowledge that has occurred, that I've actually known, is because of you.
And I just want to say that.
I think that you're part of my family every day.
Well, I'm honored.
I'm honored, sir, and it's a humbling job, but I'm just an average person who woke up to this earlier than you did.
We were all in the Matrix at one time, and so I'm very honored, sir.
Thank you.
Okay, my question is this.
From the Pope, from our world leaders, from our bankers, from all the people that are causing all these tragedies around the world, basically they want their Messiah, which is the devil, to come up and appear.
I don't want to sound religiously.
I'm a Catholic.
I don't trust the Pope.
I think the Pope's a phony, in my opinion.
Um, I just want to just tell those people out there who are non-believers, the first-time listeners to you, that you should start waking up, tell your friends and family what's going on, even though they're probably laughing at you, but unfortunately one day they're not going to be laughing at you because everything's going to turn out to be true.
Hopefully that's not the case, but the way things are going right now, it's happening.
Well sure, Christ told us look out for wolves in sheep's clothing, and again, I mean, I wouldn't criticize the Catholic Church before because for all its problems, I saw mainstream media attacking it, which is a sign that they didn't like it.
Well, that's because they were taking it over.
You could say whatever you wanted about different periods of the Catholic Church.
Now, it's promoting socialism and communism, not fighting abortion, pushing world government, carbon taxes.
I mean, Pope Francis is the most powerful globalist leader promoting the New World Order other than Obama right now.
And it's just sickening.
I mean, I watched like an hour-long video
Last night it was on Infowars.com of an upset Catholic, you know, saying, I want my church back out in LA at an event.
But I didn't really watch him so much.
He was like two-thirds of the way in.
And the media acted like it was outrageous and he stood up and started yelling.
It was like a communist meeting with them just organizing all the Catholics.
But listen, I've got family that are Methodist and I've gone to their Methodist church 15 years ago and five years ago and a year ago.
Now you go there?
They got a husband and wife team up there.
They got rid of the old preacher who was anti-war and a pretty good classical liberal.
They've got people in there and I mean it is like hearing a Fidel Castro speech or something.
But then they mix into it a bunch of eugenics and Planned Parenthood and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
I mean, the churches are Democratic Party run.
And they can be political as they want, they're left alone.
If a conservative church says we shouldn't kill babies, the IRS comes after them.
So there's a reign of intimidation and terror in this country.
So I'm not just picking on the Catholic Church, but to have a Pope behaving and acting like this, you know we're entering the final phase.
This is a big deal.
Go ahead.
I work with all these trendies at work and all these college students and all that stuff.
And they, I'm telling you, they're so brainwashed.
I tell them what's going on, they think they're so cool, they think they're part, you know, they think because they're educated, they're part of the establishment.
I guess that sounds crazy that you're saying that, but basically these people are very damn ignorant and it's just so damn frustrating.
You're talking about eugenics, you're talking about... Oh yeah, all they have is their cult!
They don't have a future, they don't have a job, they don't have health, but they have the cult that they're part of the intellectual team, and then we go out and interview them and they want to put gun owners in forced labor camps.
They are a cult of sniveling, dangerous, shallow, vapid scum.
And I'll say it, they're a danger, a clear and present danger.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Are we seeing the beginning of another financial crash?
China's central bank, which has cut interest rates four times since November to spur growth, just yesterday slashed the value of its currency 1.9% against the dollar, the biggest one-day move since the 1990s, which caught the markets completely off guard.
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Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Mother, tell your children not to walk my way.
Tell your children not to hear my words, what they mean, what they say.
Mother, Mother,
Can you keep them in the dark for a while?
Can you hide them from the waiting world?
Oh, mother!
Yeah, Globalist, can you keep them in the dark for life?
Gonna show her my world!
Not about to see your Illuminati light!
Fox News can be censored under new federal rules.
Expert warns.
I'm going to get to the news.
I'm going to take a few calls.
Go into news and back to your calls.
Major breaking news is about to go up on Infowars.com.
They're going to bring the story in here in a moment.
It just went up.
I'll be telling you about that as well.
And I'll be back this Sunday.
Lord willing, I don't take anything for granted.
4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
And here is the new video.
Spokane County, they've done it again.
Sheriff compares Constitutionalists.
Remember they said last year they need the armored vehicles for the American people?
Mikkel Thelen wrote this article.
I believe this is the type of story that should go viral.
Doesn't mean Drudge should link to it.
I just call it Drudgeworthy.
We'll get it up on our Facebook and Twitter.
Sheriff compares Constitutionalists to ISIS.
There are some of these folks that want to overthrow the government, period.
This is how ISIS starts.
So he's compared, and we're going to have that video, they're grabbing it right now, and we're going to be playing that here for you on air.
Right now, let's go to some more of your phone calls, and we will be going over that as soon as we're able to grab the video, but that just broke.
Mikel Phelan, InfoWars.com.
Then let's grab the Spokane video from last year where the SWAT team commander goes, we need this armored vehicle!
There are a lot of gun owners and veterans and constitutionalists and we've got them in Indiana saying the same thing.
Constitutionalists haven't done anything to anybody.
I mean, maybe three cops a year.
On average, I think four got killed in 2013, three in 2014, and I think two cops so far have been killed by constitutionalists, where the media could link it to a group, Sovereign Citizens.
That's one of the lowest crime rates of any group out there.
But if you watch MSNBC, you'd believe there is just an epidemic of police being killed by right-wingers.
And it's total baloney.
But they keep saying it's going to happen.
And a lot of it is that it gets the police in this attitude of messing with constitutionalists, and then you get a self-fulfilling prophecy.
So as soon as we get that video, we'll be playing it.
The video is up on InfoWars.
In fact, I'm in the article and in the announcement.
In an article featured in the August 2015 edition of The Inlander, the Washington State Sheriff
Draws comparison to ISIS terror group while railing against everyone from Infowars Alex Jones to Washington State Representative Matthew Shea.
Yeah, we've got the photo of like six Washington State reps wearing... Will you guys bring me one?
I wear it on one of my jackets.
One of the made in 1776 pins.
Because really, anybody can wear an American flag.
We need folks to start wearing 1776 lapels, or little Paul Revere pelt.
And the cover is him standing on a map, let's show that again for TV viewers, of Don't Tread on Me People, standing on the snake.
Spokane is one of the most patriotic, anti-New World Order, awake areas.
In fact, that's it!
I'm going to speak with George Norian in a week in Toronto, but I'm going to Spokane.
That's it.
This sheriff has done it.
I'm going to pick a date today, and I always get busy, I'm going to pick a date in like the next month or so to go to Spokane
And to broadcast live from there, and I'm going to go to the Sheriff's Department nicely, and I'm going to ask for an interview with his Lordship, and I'm going to say, man, knock it off!
I don't know who's running you, who's in control of you, but you know they're trying to start a civil war with the Patriots.
And by the way, they're not just right-wingers in Spokane, they're like libertarians that know what's going on.
They're super awake.
It's one of the most conservative cities in the country, in an island of just brainwashed
Libtards is the word.
I call them tyranny-tards because they're not liberal.
There are some of these folks that want to overthrow the government.
No, no, the government was overthrown by foreign globalists.
We want the government back.
They want to hit a reset button.
The sheriff said.
If they're willing to lie to get that reset button, this is how ISIS starts.
Oh, I'm a liar now.
The Inlander piece highlights the sheriff's ongoing campaign against local conservative groups who he feels are pushing dangerous rhetoric.
When asked to specifically name those responsible, he named both Representative Shea and all those folks who created the video about the deputy.
The deputy, yeah, he says it's a lie.
The deputy says constitutionalists are why they have armored vehicles.
And we have that video.
Here is that video.
So I'm thinking that is totally appropriate in Iraq, but what kind of a situation in the US would you see that happening?
I mean, we've got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
A lot of ammunition.
I mean, we've got a lot of constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
A lot of ammunition.
They have no weapons here locally.
Oh my gosh!
And by the way, then the sheriff said it was edited, so they put out the full five-minute interview, and he said even more worse stuff!
It's like the Planned Parenthood thing!
I mean, we have police departments and sheriff's departments from New York to Indiana to Washington State to Colorado to Florida making the exact same statements.
This is amazing.
So this news is up on Infowars.com.
Artist rendition of the sheriff standing on a don't tread on me flag in August issue that just came out.
In fact, we can click to enlarge that and put that on screen for TV viewers.
Radio listeners, just go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
I want that red-linked.
I mean, what is wrong with this sheriff?
He can't be that stupid to fall into George Soros' hands.
They've spent countless billions.
In the last few decades, you get a civil war going between the gun owners and the police.
I mean, number one, that's traitorous.
Number two, most of the cops they know are conservative or libertarian.
As bad as some of the police are, folks, they're more awake than the general public.
I mean, it's a fact.
They're not our enemy.
We need to reform the police from the feds, who themselves are captured.
And so you got these little stars of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which he admits he's advised by in the ADL.
Criminal organizations, in my view, anti-American organizations, clearly.
I mean, the ADL's lost lawsuits.
They've been caught breaking into police departments to steal intelligence files in San Francisco.
They are so creepy.
And that's the ADL.
And I just don't know what to say anymore that he would be dumb enough to be part of this whole movement to start a fight with the Liberty Movement.
And the globalists are very close to staging terror attacks and blaming it on us.
That's very clear.
And this is their ace in the hole.
That's why they keep saying, I want to kill cops.
I support the Boston bombing.
Blah, blah, blah.
Just out of the blue, the Oath Keepers are there threatening people with guns and they work for us.
They're not threatening anybody.
And they don't work for us either, but we support what they're doing.
All these misrepresentations because... I'll get up here.
And have an investigative journalist on about Jeb Bush connected to narcotics trafficking.
Or Hillary Clinton connected to third world dictators.
And yeah, I'm aggressive about it because if I'm going to risk my life, I mean, I'm angry!
I'm going in!
This is real, people!
It's not a game, having the Pope call for world government.
It's not a game, all the different things they're doing to us.
Fluoride in the water, on record, is to brain damage us and lower our fertility.
That enough is reason for revolution, but it's not revolution.
Criminals, eugenicists, hijack the country.
The window into it all is the baby parts.
A month ago they were saying it was fake video.
Then they said it was edited.
Then they said it wasn't true.
Now they are defending the sales!
It's a lot worse than the baby parts.
And yeah, I'm angry about it.
But as a man, at a genetic, cellular, spiritual level, I'm like the Tasmanian Devil, man.
I am ready to fight.
And I understand 90% of war is physical, so I am savagely attacking them with the truth.
And notice the sheriff says we're liars.
I remember the articles we wrote about last year when all this broke.
And his video press release where he says Infowars are liars.
Buddy, I'm a liar!
Like I'm a Chinese jet pilot from Pluto.
I mean, my problem is I can't control myself and I tell the truth.
Sometimes when I should just keep my mouth shut.
I crave the truth.
I live the truth.
I want to be the truth.
I mean, I'm so truthful that when, you know, girlfriends and stuff would ask me, does this dress look good?
I tell you, no.
Or does this shit on the end of my nose look bad?
Yeah, it looks bad.
So what?
All I got is my integrity.
That's why they always attack it.
Because they got my phones tapped, my computers tapped.
They know all about me going back to high school.
They know how real I am, how I went up against drug dealing cops when I was 16 years old, 15 years old.
They know I've always been involved.
I've been involved fighting tyranny since I was 14 years old, before I even knew I was doing it!
I'm at a party?
With my buddy's older brother.
His older brother's getting drugs for cheerleaders.
I noticed it's a guy in a uniform driving off in the Corvette.
I say to his brother, was that a cop just sold you that pot in that ecstasy?
I wasn't smoking the pot or taking the ecstasy, it was for the cheerleaders.
And he said, yeah, keep your mouth shut.
I think I was like 12 or 13 then.
By the time I was 14,
I'd see cops that I knew were dealing drugs and I'd be like, they'd pull over me and my buddy who was older, driving with a six-pack of beer under the seat, and they'd go, I'm gonna take you to jail for this, and I'd say, I saw you deal drugs a few years ago.
And the cop would just freak out and start hyperventilating and say, you want me to kill you, kid?
And I said, man, I don't know what you're doing, but you're not gonna take me to jail for beer when you're a drug dealer!
14 years old!
I understood that stuff.
And Texas Monthly didn't believe me, so they went and investigated in Rockwall, and found out the sheriff went to prison for cocaine importation, and that the police department had been implicated in drug rings.
Hell, they ran the prostitutes, they ran the drugs, all of it.
And I wasn't involved in it, I lived in a wealthy, golf course, upper middle class neighborhood, and I mean, I just saw it for myself.
And I'm not talking about me anymore.
It's not about Alex Jones, it's that I had these experiences, and I'm not going to be signed on to it aborting babies.
Because if I go along with it, I'm involved in it.
I'm not going to go along with DynCorp grabbing five-year-olds and putting them on slave trains.
I'm not going to be involved in it.
And let me tell you, if I don't fight it, I'm involved in it!
I mean, I feel guilty that I'm not doing enough to fight it.
When I cover this stuff, I feel like I've done it.
That's what I call God-fearing.
I mean, explain how this feels.
I feel guilty for all this stuff.
I mean, I've seen like white thugs, black thugs.
Hispanic thugs, you name it, repeatedly in stores, in my life, or at a gas station.
Smart off with some old man or some old lady.
And I probably shouldn't do it.
And now that I have kids, I don't.
I got, you know, something else in the car to defend.
And I'll just say, hey listen, start a fight with somebody you think you can.
They'll start blowing up, I'll go, line up, I'm gonna beat your ass right now, you sons of bitches.
And I'm sorry to have to talk like that, but that's true.
And you know what it is?
I know at those points I could wipe the floor with all those people.
And it's not because I'm the toughest guy around.
It's instinctive that I don't like punks and thugs running wild and running roughshod on people.
That's a normal male response.
You want to shoot your mouth off to an old lady?
Why don't you say it to me?
Ya punk!
And I don't like seeing cops that act like gang members either.
And that's what we have a problem with is men that didn't have fathers around, who think acting like a thug and following what gangsters taught them is what's tough.
That's not tough!
That's not manly!
That's cowardly!
That's weak!
That's pathetic!
A man will stand up to the three gang members, knowing full well you can get stabbed to death and tell them I'll stomp your brains in.
And let me tell you, I've done it too.
And I'm not up here talking about how tough I am either.
There comes a point when you gotta stand up against scum.
There comes a point when it doesn't matter what happens, that you gotta stand up or you're no longer a human!
And we reached that point a long time ago, so I don't give a you-know-what about the New World Order or what they do to me or anybody else.
I've put my whole thing on the line, my family, my treasure, my name, all of it on the line, a hundred percent.
And when they bury me six feet under, you can know for sure I'll never compromise, I'll never sell out, I'll never submit, I'll never back down because it's not in me to do it.
And the reason we're in the position we are today is because other people don't have that attitude.
This sheriff is either stupid, or he is a globalist, federal, wannabe gangster.
And he makes me want to throw up that he's so dishonorable.
And I'm gonna go to Spokane, and he needs to man up and talk to me.
Instead of sitting there talking trash about his constituents, they need to vote this guy out.
Alright, I'm gonna stop right there, excuse me.
I get mad sometimes and I try not to.
We're in an info war, ladies and gentlemen.
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Hammer that link to the enemy.
Hammer all these good sheriffs, bad sheriffs, with the links, with the videos, and go look at all the evil and the corruption.
Quit convincing yourself to go along with the globalist takeover.
It's meant to impoverish the country and shut everything down.
Do you really want to be signed on to that?
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It is not my intention to have a show that sounds like a WWF wrestling match, but all that just mimics what guys act like when they really get mad.
It's just I'm so tired of seeing the corruption and us being run over by tyranny.
And I think about all the thugs and the liars and the scum.
And it makes me really, really angry.
We'll do a little bit of overdrive to finish up with these calls.
There's a few other news items I need to hit.
Some good news.
Time Magazine and others are reporting, so is the LA Times, that fish oil helps minimize disorders for those at risk of schizophrenia, a study finds.
Yes, so many neurological disorders are physical, not genetic or, quote, mental.
Like toxicity in the body, heavy metal poisoning.
If you're, say, 20 years old and you go in and you're seeing little green men, they'll tell you you're schizophrenic and put you on medication.
They won't test your blood for metal toxicity.
I mean, they knew 30 years ago that if you take fish oil, it massively decreases epilepsy.
And so there, another study about how great fish oil is, and it goes over it all.
The omega-3 fatty acids, so important in supplements, new research found.
But even people predisposed for schizophrenia, where it runs in family, who took the supplement had massive positive effects.
I mean, I know
That I can be angry and upset at like 7, 8 at night when I gotta keep working and my dad a decade ago said, son, fish oil.
And I can take like 4 or 5 fish oil and I get like high off of it like I had 2 beers.
I mean, it really works!
What do you think Brain Force does?
What do you think Super Metal Vitality does?
What do you think all these products are real?
It's natural compounds!
Not drugs!
I need to probably take some fish oil.
In fact, my longevity fish oil from Forest Health is back there in the cabinet.
Somebody bring me some EFAs.
It does act as a sedative as well.
I apologize for getting mad earlier.
Believe me, it's not an act.
I get exhausted after I do it and I shouldn't do it.
It's just for this latest article with these stupid sheriffs.
I don't want to be this guy's enemy!
I know we're right.
We just don't want to destroy the country and bring in basically corporate fascism.
And so we're bad for no reason?
You have made yourself bad by doing that.
I want to go to something positive, too.
This is these two sisters stumping for Trump.
Story's up on Infowars.com and Drudge has it.
They're back.
Donald gives hope to black lives.
And whether Donald's good or not, at least it's getting past black-white.
At least they're getting into an Americana idea of free market.
Here it is.
Hey y'all!
So I'm here just talking to my African American brothers and sisters.
Now listen, I see your frustration and I can feel your pain, but we can no longer take and parade the narrative Black Lives Matter in front of people when we don't feel like our own lives matter.
When we take and we burn down our neighborhood.
When we take and we kill our brothers and sisters.
When we rob from them.
When we do destructive things.
What we're telling people is we don't care about our own lives and sometimes that's why people can't care about us.
Now what I want you all to do is to take and take that energy and channel it behind someone that I know that care about all lives.
And that's Mr. Donald Trump.
Look, he is working to bring jobs back to this country.
As a matter of fact, you have jobs, keeping their jobs over here.
Companies keeping their jobs over here for people like us so that you can become employed.
And not only would you just be surviving in this country, but you should also be thriving in this country.
So I'm appealing to you to get behind the candidate, Mr. Donald Trump, that's going to do something for you, that's going to give you a hand up instead of a handout, baby.
Now, my brothers in the streets, I understand your frustration, but it's time for you to get back to work, baby.
Full video on Infowars.com.
And the point is, it's breaking the Democrat monopoly over black folks.
We'll be back in Overdrive.
Infowars.com forward slash channel.
We'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
This is Infowars.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Frank in North Carolina, thank you for calling, thank you for holding.
You're on the air, Frank, welcome.
Yeah, thanks for taking my call, Alex.
Um, yeah, I'm angry, too, and, uh, you know, I hope you'll give me a moment.
I've been on hold for almost an hour listening to you talk about how you're gonna beat everybody up, but, uh, you know, I'm proud of you.
I know, I know, I know.
You can stomp my ass to the ground.
I was talking about standing up against little gang members picking on old ladies.
Okay, go ahead.
Make your point.
Well, I heard you making some disparaging remarks the other day, inferring that he was one of the most disgusting people out there today.
Who did you hear me talking about?
I'm going to lay out a little bit where I'm coming from.
You know, all this diversity stuff, you know, the whole system is lined up against white, straight, traditional society.
I mean, obviously that sheriff or that cop
Uh, you answered the question yourself, what's behind it.
He wants to be on what he perceives as the winning team.
Just like all these evangelical preachers, the Vatican, the Catholic Church, they all want to be on the winning team, we all know.
I agree, it shows they're trying their takeover right now, and I'm doing 30 minutes overdrive, so you've got plenty of time, go ahead.
Okay, uh, you know, I think he's among the most eloquent voices of reason out there today.
He's advocating not just for the white race, he's advocating not just for the white race, but for humanity and for western civilization.
What is your major bone of contention with Dr. David Duke's work?
Well, I'll be honest with you, I haven't followed much of what David Duke has done.
I do think that he is an eloquent speaker from the speeches I've seen him give.
I do not like organizations that sneak around in secret eugenics programs like the real Klan did, and then they run all this race war garbage to dominate and control society.
But I'm not putting that on him, even though I know he was a grand dragon.
I know this, I've been sent multiple clips with David Duke saying I basically am a fraud or cover-up for Israel and all this bull.
I have nothing to do with Israel.
I just don't obsess over it.
And if I fall down on a banana peel...
I don't blame Jews for it.
There are some bad Jews, there are some good Jews.
There are some bad Germans, there are some good Germans.
There are some good Chinese, some bad Chinese.
That's where I stand.
And the whole race cult groups, not even so much David Duke, but the white supremacist hordes
Hate me because they get their Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL Connection funding and the rest of it.
They're there to make the liberty movement be race-centric in the prison complex divide-and-conquer where everyone is forced into their race group and then we don't have a unifying idea of basic human liberty and freedom.
So of course there's a war on whites.
But there's also a war on blacks and a war on everybody else directed by the same global technocrats.
So that's where I stand and I don't care what color you are.
I don't want you aborted in the womb.
I don't want to speak for David Duke because I haven't read his books.
I've seen him in TV debates.
I've probably heard clips of his radio shows 10-15 times.
I've seen maybe 10-15 of his videos.
I don't have time to follow it.
It's usually, hey look at this clip, David Duke's talking trash about you.
And I barely even listen to it.
So all I know is, is that people want to feel like they're better than me.
Because they can say Alex Jones works for the Vatican, or he works for Israel, he works for this or that.
No, I'm a real person with integrity.
I work for the ideas of basic freedom as best I see them.
Doesn't mean I'm perfect.
And so I just don't see legitimacy out of the general white supremacist crowd.
Do I hate them more than I hate the black supremacists?
Do I get a lot of their views, understand why they think that?
I get it.
But I get why black supremacists operate the way they do.
It's a paradigm manipulation.
So that's what it comes down to.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I mean, I hear you talking a lot about, you know, genocide of blacks and everything.
And I mean, that's a legitimate point.
But I don't hear you talking a whole lot about the very engineered genocide of the white race.
I mean, diversity, I believe, is really code for anti-white or white genocide, and you can go and find
You can go find people, very prominent people, even in government, basically advocating... I'll tell you what, stay there.
I gotta go to break.
Frank, I'll come back and you can finish up with... Absolutely.
There's an attempt to get rid of any individual culture by itself.
There's a corporate overwrite, a synthetic takeover.
There is that agenda.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
When white people organize and persecute black people, we expose it and say it's wrong.
When people try to set police up, though, for things they haven't done and make them the enemy, period, because they're in blue, that's more tribalism.
We expose it.
When cops act like thugs and gangs, we expose them.
So I'm really against tribalism.
I know humans are so tribal they use it to control us.
I want tribalism of private property, of sovereignty, of the power of the family.
And yes, whites are under attack.
Yes, they have free slaps for whites at Berkeley.
Yes, they're telling whites that being white is inherently bad and evil.
All of this is going on.
All of this is unfolding and happening.
But then separately, there are government programs to basically pigeonhole and attack and go after black people, Hispanics, you name it.
I mean, look at Gardasil, which is known to cause reproductive problems and all sorts of other major, major issues.
That's being targeted against basically, what is it, three or four Latin American countries.
Mexico is chief amongst it.
And you don't hear Mecha, La Raza.
Mecha means, well, I mean, their slogan is for everything, for everybody in the race, everything.
For those outside the race, nothing.
When you look at what La Raza means, it means the race.
And it's just like a Ku Klux Klan organization.
So why is it bad for there to be a Ku Klux Klan for white people, but then it's okay for the Hispanics?
No, it's all manipulative.
It's all bad.
Because if you look at how a prison's run,
Eugenics and the Nazi movement.
So I'm gonna try to get David Duke on.
I've actually thought about this for a long time.
I was a guest on a radio show one time where they surprised me and had him on like in 1997 or something.
He probably never knows he's been on the air with me.
And I know he's talked about me repeatedly because I've been sent the clips.
I'm gonna invite David Duke on for a full hour discussion.
I was just thinking about that a few weeks ago.
And have a serious discussion about world events and how does he square eugenics
And all these covert programs that are going on targeting everybody, if it's just a conspiracy against white people.
What I'm saying is, they put the fluoride in everybody's water.
They push the Gardasil on black, white, old, young, they don't care.
While they play us off against each other, while they weaponize gangster media to destroy the black family, they're doing it to everybody else's families.
And of course they push agendas where if you're white and want to have a white wife because that's what you're attracted to, you're racist.
Or they tell black people, you know, if you want a black wife or husband, you're racist.
You know, all the studies show people like folks that look like them.
Sometimes they're exceptions.
So I get the whole agenda.
I see it.
But all you hear out of the white supremacists, half of which have been connected over time to the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center and the feds,
is that hammered all day and that's all you hear, not the rest of the pieces of the puzzle to see the big picture.
And then, you know, you got the Catholics running it all crowd, you got the Jews running it all crowd, you got the Masons running it all crowd, you got the Space Aliens running it all crowd, and they will all attack me because I won't say it's one group or the other.
When I'm trying to really cover the real system,
of scientific manipulation and control.
I mean, there's secret government programs spraying barium salts, aluminum dioxide, and other radioactive isotopes by the thousands of tons a year into the atmosphere.
There's all sorts of other huge breakaway civilization programs, and terrier waves over televisions to mesmerize the public, and the IQ's dropping, and the brainwaves are dropping.
This is mainstream news.
I told you about it 20 years ago.
I mean, there's big stuff going on, body snatcher level stuff going on.
And I'm going to get David Duke on the show, if he'll come on, and I think he will, he likes to debate, I know that much.
And I'm going to ask him, I'm going to have documents, articles, okay, great.
You can have five minutes to talk about the Jews and black people, and then I've got five minutes to say, what about this?
What about that, okay?
What about this statement?
You know, Planned Parenthood, I'm saying there's a whole agenda above this.
Why would Edward VIII help push to create the state of Israel while he worshipped Hitler?
Why did Hitler want a state of Israel and to send the Jews out?
Why did rich Jews pay a demand of a million dollars at the time in American money, that's how it calculated out, to let Jews get out of Germany?
I mean, that's all George Soros was, was one of those people.
See, I mean, it gets weirder and weirder.
There's something bigger here.
It's much worse.
And it's limited.
And so, that's what I'm saying.
That's what I'm getting at.
I mean, is there Jewish supremacy?
Is there Jewish mafia?
But does it mean it runs everything and it's the source of all evil?
It's like Italian mafia.
I'm against the Jewish mafia, but I don't hate individual Jews themselves who are very diverse people.
It's more complex than that.
I mean, are there race laws in Israel where if someone comes to the country to work and they date a Jew, you can be arrested?
Is that apartheid?
Why does Israel promote
Racial stuff over here, but then doesn't live by it there.
I get all that.
I call Israel out on that.
Israel, some of the Israel lobby promotes gun control here, but wants guns over there.
But do the white supremacists or the white separatists or whoever they are ever say, oh, he told the truth?
No, they lie about me and say I get orders from Israel.
And then we'll find some legal office where I filed a corporation once.
And out of a huge law firm of 40-something lawyers, once they did a liquor license in Texas for Seagram's to sell alcohol.
And so I must work for the Brothmans because a lawyer at a firm had done a liquor license for liquor stores.
What the?
I mean, it's that type of, where people think they're scoring points, proving something that isn't there.
So, the whole anti-Catholic crowd discredits legitimate criticism of the Catholic Church by lying!
The whole white supremacist crowd discredits themselves by the incessant lying!
The incessant making stuff up!
The incessant, this person's a Jew, that person's a Jew, everyone's a Jew!
I'm a Jew!
No, I'm not a Jew!
I mean, I look like everybody you see from Wales!
I've been to Wales, like a bunch of Alex Joneses are walking around.
The point is I wouldn't be ashamed if I was Jewish!
You think you gain some point on me by saying, fine, I am Jewish, 100%.
I'm Ashkenazi from Russia.
Okay, it's not true, but believe it.
You're a better man than me now.
I get it.
You can kick my butt, right?
Could you build a media empire by yourself?
Could you do everything I did?
You're better than me!
I know you said you were, because you said I was a Jew!
That made you bigger!
That made you a man!
That made you tough!
The difference is, the stuff I say is true!
I did do the things I said I did!
So I just find the black racist, the Mexican racist, the white racist, it's all about how somebody stole something from them so they can feel like they're better than everybody else and say everybody else is a crook.
Well, I'm not a crook.
To quote Nixon.
So there's my rant on that subject, Frank.
And I've actually been thinking about getting David Duke on the show.
I think it would make for good radio.
And maybe I could get some of the
KKK people to ask themselves a couple questions.
Why does the left worship the KKK's icon, Margaret Sanger?
Because there's a level above it.
And I know everybody wants to stay at the level they're at, but I'm here to actually get people to think and come together.
Does that mean you should have your culture overwritten and be forced to?
Does that mean I'm mad at black separatists or white separatists wanting to have their own lives?
That's your right.
I understand your view.
I respect it.
But the globalists want to set each other's throats, and we don't need that.
I'm going to skip this network break.
I don't want to get to all the other callers.
But Frank, you've got about two, three minutes.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thanks.
Yeah, I think that's a really good idea to have David Duke on.
I think it would make for great radio, if nothing else.
I don't think he's a white supremacist.
I think he would disavow that.
I don't think he's a white supremacist.
What was that, 40 years ago?
40 years ago or something?
That's a long time ago.
You know, I think there's a lot of people out there that probably aren't proud of things they did 30, 40 years ago.
Hey, hey, hey!
Listen, being a Grand Dragon is the same thing as being a La Raza chapter leader.
I'm not judging him for it.
My point of view, though, I've got to go with the hand that I've been dealt.
And I think white men need to stand up for themselves and stop being cucks.
You know, I'm sure you're familiar with this new term, cuckservative, because we are under attack from every freaking direction, even traitors.
I would consider them traitors in our own race.
And I think white men are going to have to stand up for themselves.
That's just a reality.
And another person I think you should have on
A very eloquent person as well.
An Italian-American was born in Italy, moved here when he was very young.
His name's Angelo John Gage.
And I think he would make for great radio as well.
Don't know that.
And all I know is the whole white supremacist crowd just says the same stuff over and over again.
And I get it at a certain paradigm level from their perspective.
I understand what they're saying.
It's just that
I'm not a traitor to life, and the globalists have a master plan to divide and conquer and control us, and I think somebody should expose the master plan.
Does it mean that if you grow up and you get attacked as a white person and told you're bad and physically attacked because you're white, does it mean at some primitive, instinctive level you don't want to go join other white people that have been abused and get it?
Black people do the same thing.
The rhetoric is so close to each other, it's ridiculous.
Meanwhile, the eugenicists have a plan to bring all of our communities down.
They are the enemy.
And I want to hear from somebody like David Duke, who's so close ideologically to the left, when it comes to things like Planned Parenthood.
I mean, I want to have a real discussion with Dr. Duke about all of that.
I appreciate your call.
And by the way, when I get up here and talk about beating up drag rats or something, it's not me thumping my chest acting tough.
It is an explosion from being on air for three hours, frustrated by all this.
And angry, and thinking about the things I've seen gang members and scum do that makes me physically angry.
That's what I'm talking about.
And we need to translate our anger into action, and that's all I'm saying people need to do.
You know, so many white supremacists are like, we need to keep abortion around to get rid of black people, and you write that in comments on InfoWars and all the rest of it.
Would you really take a one-year-old black baby and beat its brains out?
I mean, because that's what we're talking about here.
I mean, you're just like Khalid Mohammed.
How do you hate Khalid Mohammed saying, kill all the white babies, but then you want to kill the black babies?
And I'm not saying you, Frank, but... My gut, my soul, recoils from that.
I don't need to read it in a book or know it, intellectually, even though I do, to know that's not good!
I'm not gonna get ahead...
Posing as a liberal and making sure Planned Parenthood gets built in a black neighborhood when I go around and basically talk about how much I hate black people at night while I live off the government.
And I have seen all these liberal white racists.
I've seen how they live.
I see how they operate.
They're snakes!
And the black leaders they bought off are even worse.
They hate black people.
And I will not sit here and kick people around and feel good about myself sitting there stomping on members of the human family.
It's disgusting.
And yes, they are winding up the black people, on average, to act like complete idiots.
But so does the rest of the public.
And if you're being approached by five racist black thugs who want to physically attack you, they come after you, pull your gun out and shoot them!
Same thing if the Klan tries to come kill some black family!
That's why I'm all about guns!
Let me tell you, it's scary.
Bunch of big black guys looking at you like they want to kill you because you're white and wanting to rob you and hating your guts.
But I'd imagine it's scary back when that would happen to black people.
With the hands of a bunch of white people.
And let me tell you what the Klan does in the South, because I've experienced it, not much, but if you're driving a nice truck and you had a good-looking girl in your car, you'd have some toothless scumbag come over with three or four guys and threaten to kick your butt in a parking lot, all because they were jealous of you.
What you doing around here, Yankee?
We're the Klan.
You better watch us.
You know what I'd do?
I'd open my car up and I'd get out and I'd say, go ahead, let's go.
And you'd call up and go, oh, you're real tough, you don't scare me.
Listen, buddy, I don't need to use my fist anymore.
I reach 20 million people.
But I have seen the degeneracy of the Klan, just like I've seen black thugs act just the same way.
You people are the same, and I don't like any of you.
You understand that?
I am not sinking down to your level in the crap.
I'm better than you.
I want to build people up.
My dad grew up in East Texas.
And he would go, he lived out in the country.
Family helped found the county.
He would drive into Teague, Texas to go to the public swimming pool where his mother was a teacher in Teague.
And it wasn't all the kids, it was always the scummy ones.
And they'd come over and go, we're with the Klan, you're nothing but a Yankee, you need to get out of here.
And when my dad was older and a teenager, he had to kick some of their asses.
It's because they were shooting their mouths off.
Because they were in a gang, the KKK.
Whoop-dee-doo, baby!
And by the way, I'm not gonna fist-fight anybody at age 41.
I'm gonna pull a gun out, you try to attack me.
Whether you're a bunch of black supremacists, white supremacists, Hispanics, I'm gonna put bullets in you!
You understand that?
And I know how to use it!
And I'm not afraid of nobody!
You can all go to hell, all the death threats I've gotten from the white supremacists.
Bunch of cowards!
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Let's try jamming some calls now.
Carl in Arizona.
I've gone on a rant today.
Too much brain force.
This hour brought to you by Brain Force.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Nah, it's alright, man.
I love when you get mad.
Because that's the type of attitude you need for these, um, globalists.
They treat us like crap.
They poison us.
They're poisoning our kids.
Nobody really cares.
They got jetliners with the fuel added poisoning us and we're supposed to argue about what color we are.
But, um, calling about Trump, I personally think he's just another, um, a shill.
He's being used to take away attention from Rand Paul.
Rand Paul was doing his thing right before Donald Trump.
He was the leader.
And then all of a sudden all his numbers just dropped.
I also wanted to talk about one more thing, if I can.
I don't want to take too much of your time.
No, take it!
And, uh, I want to call you President Alex Jones.
Because, um, that's how I see you.
That's how I see you.
You're like, you represent what America, how it started.
Which was, you know, for the people.
It wasn't for the British Crown.
And, um, a lot of people don't study that.
They, like, you had the videos with, um, the people celebrating July 4th.
They didn't even know what the hell they were celebrating.
They thought it was like from the 60s or something.
I know it's crazy.
And again, they can point out that nobody was perfect then.
It was the ideas that were revolutionary, what they wanted to do.
And it was that they tried, and exactly.
And now those ideas are under attack, my friend.
And then people say, oh, it was only that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had slaves.
The slaves were helping in the war, fighting against the British crown.
Well, that's because the British would also take you as slaves.
They just didn't call it slavery.
They called it press gangs.
It was absolutely anything else.
I just want to say free truth about March on Twitter, March 20, excuse me, August 28.
Uh, 1355 Market Street in San Francisco, California.
And I love you Alex, man.
You woke, you were part of me waking up a whole lot more than I was.
I thought I was awake, but somebody was like, yo, you sound like Alex Jones.
And then I looked you up and I found you and you just like opened it up even more.
Like, whoa.
Well, God bless you and thanks for putting up with me.
I'm going to do one more segment overdrive because a lot of people, they've been holding too long.
And it is true, I make you hold too long.
Most of us would just hang up on the callers if they weren't going to go to calls.
But I probably shouldn't even be on air today because I got upset earlier because I just started thinking about stuff that's happened in my life and I have like flashbacks basically to it.
I guess they are like flashbacks.
And the older you get, the more those flashbacks, when you have them, really hit you.
And I think more than anything,
It's like I'm struggling to not be a slave myself.
I just fundamentally, it's like when you're like 10 years old and five or six bullies are sitting on top of you and they're kicking you and they're hitting you and you finally just find this explosive strength to throw them off of you and you like beat four or five of them up and it's like at that moment you're empowered.
And you realize that you've got this strength that you never knew you had, and it wasn't until you were in deep trouble that you used it.
We need to use our strength politically that we've got now before it gets physical.
Because once they kick off a civil war and a race war, it's going to be so hard to communicate with people.
And there'll come a time in a race war where you don't want to have to kill people that are attacking you, but they will hate you because of your race, whether you're black or white or other side, and you're just gonna have to defend yourself, even though you know they're robots that are following a brainwashing program.
And I'm just here trying to short-circuit that program.
Because we're following a globalist game.
And there's truth from every perspective.
Everybody's got real issues.
But there's a bigger plan.
And I'm just here, what the caller just said, and God bless you, trying to get folks to think about that.
We're going to talk to Garland, Judy, Tom, Paul, and a few others when we come back.
And I will hit some of that news.
I'm so angry.
It's probably like 70 degrees in here, but I'm sweating.
That's what happens when I really get angry.
And it's, again, I'm just explaining it.
It's metabolic.
I'm in a fight mode.
When I really, when all this comes home to me, how real this is, it's so fantastical that I start sweating and I want to start throwing stuff.
And that's a normal response, folks.
People need to get out of their comfort zone and wake up.
And that's the only reason InfoWars has been able to reach out to people, is we do have passion that cuts through the brainwashing, that cuts through the trance, that cuts through the spell.
InfoWars.com is the website.
We'll be right back.
I mean, I just... There are so many bad Jews in the New World Order that are horrible, smart people that use their intelligence for domination.
Then there's somebody like Aaron Russo, a great Jew who fought against tyranny and was a wonderful man and really cool.
Or Erwin Schiff, 10 years in prison, dying for fighting the IRS, a great patriot.
I mean, I know so many Jews, they're just great people.
And people just hate them because they're Jewish.
It's just sick!
The Empire's on the run.
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Lord willing.
I always say that because it just seems like bad luck and pretensions to think life's going to continue on forever.
I can even be on air.
Every day alive is a miracle.
Every day on air is a miracle.
There's so much good around us.
We're on a planet in space.
We have all these incredible developments.
We can do so much together.
But the ruling controllers want us to fight with each other.
They want to stir us up.
They want to get us at each other's throats.
And some of my frustration came out earlier.
I just want to ask all the white supremacists, your best friends ever, the left want to kill black people.
That's the apple of their eyes.
So, but then they want to take the ones that are left and get them to fight with white people.
I mean, can't you see what's happening?
They're attacking everyone.
The globalists are attacking everyone.
We have to come together against it.
And then if we want to kill each other later, that's fine.
I'm being sarcastic.
Let's go to your calls.
You've been holding long enough.
Gerald in Arkansas, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex, listen, you're doing a fantastic job.
You're fulfilling First Thessalonians 521.
The Bible says, search and prove all things.
This is what I tell people.
Your opinion, if you got one and I got one and we can't prove it, it's a Mexican standoff.
But you show documentation, you read from the document.
It's not your opinion.
It's what they said and what they've been doing.
Now, I have two big questions here that I'll answer from the Bible, basically.
Who is behind all this?
You said it before, it's a spiritual battle, good versus evil.
Satan is the one influencing these people who will be influenced, and sad to say, the lust for power and greed and selfishness is so prevalent on our planet, like that sheriff you showed a picture of.
Look at the yellow fringe flag behind him.
He hates the Constitution because that's founded on godly principles.
That's right.
He wants to be God.
He wants unlimited power.
Now, how is this being done?
If you go back, take this back to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 for our country.
Now, the bankers are international, so there's Jews, there's a lot, quite a few Jews in the banking system, but then there's others too.
So, it's no monopoly there, it's human nature at play.
If you're a selfish person, look at those women in the Planned Parenthood video, gleeing over a baby, selling baby parts.
Well, they're despicable, they're evil.
And Satan has put that kind of thinking in their mind so life is not valuable.
God is the only one that can, that gives life and he can restore it.
So that's why we, the Ten Commandments says, Matthew 19, 17, thou shalt not murder.
Because you can't restore that life.
God is the only one that can.
And of course, murder means in cold blood.
Then they lie and say you can't defend yourself.
But clearly, thou shalt not murder.
And then they turn it into thou shalt not kill.
But you're right.
Murder and killing are two different things.
Now here's the thing.
You had Peter Schiff on a little earlier.
His dad, his dad was the forerunner of identifying the Federal Reserve and the IRA.
I know, you've got, exactly, you've got a Jew there fighting the Federal Reserve that's got a lot of powerful Rothschild interest in it.
Exactly, so it just shows, it's evil can manifest in any group or people or individual.
And so that's it.
It is good and evil.
And if we promote good, many people will resonate by example and will grow up into good and be strong and not overtaken by evil.
Yeah, you're right.
Wherever we're at in time, though, the computer age, Alex, has changed everything.
Now, he talked about printing money.
They don't print much money anymore.
I mean, they haven't printed a $100 bill, anything bigger than a $100 bill since the 60s.
So because, and look at it, it's fiat.
There's no redeemable for what?
So the computer, you can get on there and you can put trillions in there, but you can't do that with ink and paper.
There's not enough.
That's my point.
So the computer age has allowed them to multiply their fraud beyond our comprehension.
You've brought it up many times.
What is it?
2,000 trillion?
Just in derivatives.
Just in derivatives.
Yeah, yeah.
There's no way.
Those numbers are impossible even for the mind to even figure out.
And then they can go into Russia and spend like a hundred billion of fiat made-up money and buy all their politicians.
I mean, that's what I mean.
But again, that's why they attack morals.
Because if you have morals, no amount of money will make you sell out.
But beyond morals, if they can make you starve to death, even the best person to feed their children might sell out.
That's why they're bringing in
Agenda 21.
Because once they can have people totally desperate, then they can say, you gotta take a microchip for your welfare.
You gotta take a Gardasil shot for your welfare.
And they're now announcing, make you take vaccines to get your welfare.
Make you get sterilized to have your welfare.
Make you take a microchip to have your welfare.
I mean, ten years ago, if they announced that, I'd be all over it.
I'm so conditioned now that it was in the news today, I didn't even cover it!
Microchips to get your welfare.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you, Gerald.
Thanks for putting up with me.
Because let me tell you, this show is a train wreck a lot because of me, but it's real.
And that's why it's so popular.
Let's go ahead and talk to Judy in Florida.
Judy, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
God bless you and your crew.
I think about, you know, wondering if the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
I think that everything that's being
Portrayed in the mainstream media right now could be a major diversion about the fact that, you know, I would say it's a better than 50-50 chance that we may not have a 2016 election.
September is supposed to be this more or less ominous month, being the end of the Shemitah cycle, you know, the blood moons, you know, everything mixed into it, the Pope visiting Congress
I mean, I have lived through part of the, you know,
Decimation of the middle class.
I mean, it's not just white males, black males.
It's, it's, uh, exactly.
We're all being targeted.
My former in-laws went through, um, because they were building counties in Virginia, you know, Fairfax County and, and then other counties.
I mean, Cole and Powell used to shop at this place that used to be my former in-laws establishment.
So did Sonny Jorgensen.
It's, it's, you know, what I've gone through myself.
I mean, your anger resonates with me.
Much more than you could ever realize, because I know it's happened to both of my families, you know, meaning my ex-husband's family and mine.
And, you know, where my two children stand, because they're polar opposites, I mean, one is a trendy, one knows exactly what's going on, and it makes his blood boil.
And he can't listen to me very much because of what it does to him.
And, you know, and I see, and I'm a born-again Christian, and I, you know,
You said it yourself, it could either be the playbook that they're using, being the Book of Revelations, or the End Times, or this could be the End Times, and, you know, all I know is that, I mean, I've lived through a lot of the same types of experiences that you have, and I'm angrier than I can express.
I mean, I'm amazed how you express the anger on air, and other people get on and watch you, you know, because they're feeling the exact same thing.
Um, the other thing I wanted to say is that, um, if there was a, it would be wonderful.
What one caller is trying to express it maybe, but the main problem that we have is that we're atomized people that have good sense, people that have high morals, people that love America and you know, whatever happened to the constitution, I have no idea, but it's like all the different issues that are out there assailing us.
It's like,
If there is just a central place, you know, a website where people could be vetted, and yes, there are different causes that people can go after, but how do we find each other is the question.
And yes, there are websites out there, but you know, if we can't find each other and believe that something is legitimate, nothing goes anywhere.
I've tried all sorts of stuff.
We've had some success.
I think the biggest thing is the Liberty Movement is atomized.
And that we can't see how successful we've been.
But if you were a well-known prominent person, you would be mobbed, and anywhere in the world you went, and then you would know just how awake people are.
But then there's the question, but if we don't know, how do we communicate with each other?
Well, we just wake up others that aren't awake, you start your own little organization or group, and then that will draw other people in, and then we can all connect together that way.
I think the surest way to stop the globalists
Is to simply get active.
All of you should do YouTube channels.
All of you should use the enemy platform Facebook.
Not to tell folks what you're eating for dinner, but to share political information.
Everybody should try to start a local radio show or access show or put on a newsletter or tell their friends and family about this broadcast.
There's so much you can do.
I want to, thank you Judy, I want to go to Tom, Groovy and Paul.
That's going to be it for calls.
We're going to end the transmission and go back to retransmission at 51 after.
Briefly, because I didn't plug enough today,
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I don't know.
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uh... turns purple you know the crystals when you heat them up on top of plate hot plate i mean it's it's amazing and it just goes to your body and grabs the toxins grabs the garbage uh... you will detox most people in two to three weeks and for a couple days maybe a week you don't feel too hot but after that it is it is amazing and when i forget to take it for a couple days i remember take it and just feel so good now be careful talk to your physician first because it's it's a real
Yes, sir.
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Let's talk to Tom in New York.
Tom, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, right now I'm on the X2, the B-12, the D-3, and the Brain Force.
And I'll tell you, it takes an axe that would chop down trees and turns it into a sword that'll split heads.
Wow, so you have had a good effect?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
I mean, you know, if you're already sharp to begin with, it just makes you even more so.
So regardless of what you've been losing sleep here to stay up to catch up with you, Frank and North Carolina, wah, wah, wah.
I mean, that's not the attitude this country was built on.
That's not what's going to fix this.
And with all the racial divide politics, I mean, the thing is, everybody wants to take it personal within their own race.
Why don't we start taking things personal as a human race?
And then maybe we can have some success against those that are working against us.
True or false?
I mean, is that not more or less what you were trying to elaborate on earlier and get to?
Yes, I think you just crystallized it a lot simpler than I could in my bumbling fashion.
No, it's all good.
I mean, I'm saying, like, you know, when you talk about, oh, God, I'm so sorry for getting angry, that's like callers thanking you all the time.
It's like nails on a chalkboard.
Don't, don't, don't psychoanalyze your anger.
If you ain't got anger, you're not human in all this.
No, I hear you, brother.
It's just that I wish I could control myself.
I mean, I usually control myself.
I was coming back through customs.
The lady knew who I was.
She started giving me all this dress down.
I just said, come on.
Hillary Clinton takes money from dictators.
The government ships the drugs in.
You're going to let all the illegals in.
I see you doing it.
You're harassing me about what I got in my bag.
You know, I got a bunch of souvenirs for my kids.
I don't know what it's worth.
She's like, well, is this an accurate number?
And I said, it's probably more higher than what I have.
Would you put a false number down?
I go, I don't know.
Pull it out, search it, do whatever you want.
She goes, yeah, we are going to search it.
And I said, good, go ahead, feel powerful.
She's like, oh, Alex Jones, you just act like this all the time.
The next guy comes over, what's your problem, Alex?
I don't expect this from you.
And I said, hey, you know, this government's corrupt.
You're interrogating me about what's in my bag.
Just go ahead and search it.
Then the main manager comes out.
He goes, I'm not going to search your bag, Alex.
I understand you're not smuggling things.
You can go.
But, you know, and I didn't mean to be I wasn't mad at him because they were particularly bad or their job isn't important.
I was kind of scapegoating them, but still, she was on a power trip, that why am I being scrutinized when the governments and the corporations are so corrupt?
I mean, obviously, you know I have no criminal record, no warrants.
You're just supposed to check that I'm who I say I am.
You know who I am, lady, and you're getting off on interrogating me for three minutes, so I'm going to start smart-mouthing you.
You know, let me ask you some questions.
But then I felt really bad after I got mad because I didn't yell or scream, but I was losing control.
And at 41, running a major media operation, I need to get in control.
I know it's fun to see me meltdown.
I get it.
But that's why I'm frustrated.
But God bless you.
Appreciate you, Tom.
Groovy and Paul, you're up next.
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I'm not going to belabor it so I can take your calls.
Final segment here on this Friday edition, extended four hour transmission.
There is a lot of important news, videos, articles, you name it, at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
And way past Alex Jones up here ranting and raving on air, we have a lot of important guests, a lot of great reporters, a lot of investigative journalists, a lot of important info that needs to be sent out to other people.
People are ready to hear the truth, so please keep spreading the word, and I want to thank you, the listeners.
Don't thank me.
Paul and then Groovy.
Paul in New Mexico, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex, I'll try to be as quick as I can.
I just wanted to throw out some points.
You can put a timer on me or whatever, two minutes or whatever, but I'll let you know when I'm done.
I just wanted to throw out some stuff for you.
Okay, I disagree with you as far as giving Trump the benefit of the doubt because I don't feel our country has the time.
This could be the last election.
That's like going into a casino.
I'd rather place my bets on Rand Paul.
You know, I feel he's like a two-to-one, a two-to-one odd versus on the roulette wheel, placing my hundred-one bet on Trump.
I don't feel Trump has any character.
Okay, and let's just spend our time and money on races that we can win, you know?
I mean, and like you were saying the other time, but I feel Trump's, they say, I think Trump's real popular is because he,
He's an outsider.
That's why people feel he's an outsider.
He's not a career politician.
But actually, I feel he's an insider.
He's actually an insider of the globalists to sabotage all the other candidates.
So as far as that goes, I wrote down a bunch of stuff.
I'm a little nervous.
No, I think you're... Listen, you're probably right.
And when I say benefit of the doubt, it doesn't mean I'm endorsing him.
I've said Rand Paul.
It means that...
We'll see what he ends up doing.
Does that make sense?
He's blackmailable.
We don't want anybody like that.
Well, I think you made some eloquent points, and I think you're right, that if you look at his past and what he's done, you judge a tree by its fruits, and he is a casino-owning
I don't
Wow, brother, what a bunch of great callers.
I will not vote for any candidate, Republican candidate, that won't call out the biggest lie ever told.
Global cooling, global warming, and now climate change.
It's a crock of crap.
And I... I'm just so fed up.
Well, let's just say it's real.
What is paying Al Gore carbon taxes do to fix it?
We're letting China have three new plants a week.
We can have none.
I mean, this is a way to tax and run our lives.
It's a giant power grab.
The Pope's pushing it.
And it is a fraud.
It's biblical and...
I hope to God this ain't the last election.
Thank you Alex.
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Great job this week with the crew.
Fabulous job.
Powerful guest this week.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock Central, PrisonPlanet.tv.
And then, Lord willing, I will return live in the radio studio this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
We'll see you then.
God bless you.
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