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Name: 20150813_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 13, 2015
2304 lines.

The radio show discusses a range of topics including Jeb Bush's connections to drug cartels, Hillary Clinton's email scandal, the rise of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic nomination race, an ongoing investigation into Planned Parenthood, and promoting products available on HDfirearms.com and InfoWarsLife.com. The speaker expresses concerns about the 2016 presidential elections, focusing mainly on Donald Trump. He discusses political correctness and globalism creating a worldwide mafia system above the law with diplomatic immunity to control money and implement planetary and local regulations. The show also touches upon recent undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood's selling of aborted fetal tissue, highlighting the importance of attacking the root cause and exposing the true nature of the abortion industry rather than focusing solely on individual cases. Furthermore, it promotes various products available through InfoWarsLife.com and InfowarsStore.com while discussing the ideology shared among powerful individuals such as the Bushes, Clintons, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and other royal families from Europe.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen joins us in the next hour.
Jeb Bush, conclusively linked to major drug cartels and money laundering.
Well, his dad headed up the CIA, the cocaine importation agency.
What do you expect?
But the Bushes classically get massive amounts of campaign funds out of Latin America from major drug cartels.
That's come out before.
And of course Iran-Contra, and the rest of it.
Hillary gets her money from third world dictators for weapons transfers, and also from major drug cartels as well.
They are a bunch of gangsters.
And of course the FBI has now raided her hard drives, but it's being sent to the Justice Department, run by them, to basically deep-six all the information.
But the Democrats are in major panic mode.
They're in turmoil and Bernie Sanders, the socialist, is surging to the head of the line.
That's some of the news that's up on Drudge Report.
If you go to InfoWars, you can see the Wayne Madsen report.
He's a reporter for InfoWars.com.
Breaking all of that down, it is again an exclusive story on InfoWars.com.
Jeb Bush linked to cartel money laundering while serving the CIA.
Jeb should explain his association with violent cartels.
He spends much of the year in Mexico.
He goes to very secretive conferences with Mexican leaders, even when he's not governor.
I mean, he is a major capo in organized crime, in my view.
But I mean, his grandfather was the top Nazi agent in the U.S.
We reported that 17 years ago, but it was in the London Guardian, even the New York Times in the last six, seven years.
And the week they were going to arrest him, Prescott Bush, he created a bunch of veterans organizations right as World War II was starting.
Including the ones where they get the, you know, Hollywood folks and entertainers to go entertain the troops.
And so, oh, you know, too big of a PR stunt, can't do that.
And it was because so many of the political elite were involved as well, they didn't want to have the embarrassment.
Just like Edward VIII.
The King of England had to step down because he was a Nazi.
And when that came out in the news two weeks ago, people were all apologizing to me three weeks ago.
I was getting all these emails and calls.
It's like, it's all over the news.
The Queen of England hailing Hitler.
Queen Elizabeth II in video and in film footage when she was a little kid with her uncle, the King.
I'm telling you folks, and I want to be clear.
I'm not saying this is a Nazi conspiracy.
I'm explaining that that's the mindset of these people that they got on board with the Nazis because the Nazis got on board with British and U.S.
And so if you want to understand what's currently happening today, if you want to understand
Why the elites operate the way they do, that's what this is.
The vaccines, the GMO, the fluoride, it's all social engineering, and these people wrote books about it.
And we make films showing you the books, showing you the statements, and if we ever push it out in the open that Planned Parenthood created the Nazis, created them.
If we ever push it out in the open that they funded the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute and created Nazism before Hitler ever showed up.
And took over the National Socialist Workers Party.
If we're ever able to push out the organ harvesting of babies, then every other domino will fall.
And now, major political Republican candidate, Dr. Ben Carson, who I think would make a great president, by the way.
I mean, that would be a real black president right there.
A patriot, a Christian, a brain surgeon, a smart guy with a libertarian bent.
He's come out on the news and said Planned Parenthood are the Klan, are the Nazis, are the enemy.
And picked up our push with Dr. Childress and others to say all lives matter and all black lives matter.
Because they obsess over, you know, maybe 100 blacks shot a year in questionable circumstances, like it's the end of the world but George Soros funding it, while we've got millions of blacks a year getting chopped up inside the womb and it's part of the Nazi operation.
Turns out it wasn't just yoga moves on Hillary's server after all.
After months of denials and delaying actions, Hillary Clinton has decided to turn over her private email server to the Department of Justice.
Well, she really doesn't have much choice.
These weren't just ordinary secrets found in Clinton's private server, but some of the most classified material the U.S.
government has.
In other words, top secret.
But what difference at this point does it make?
Right, Hillary?
Especially after it's been revealed that Chinese email hackers have been spying on top US figures since 2010.
And Clinton's server was completely unencrypted for several months.
Willfully mishandled such highly classified information face severe punishment.
At minimum, they have their clearances suspended pending the outcome of the investigation.
If the Democratic frontrunner, who's now under a criminal FBI probe, has her security clearance revoked, can she even be the president?
You can find more reports at InfoWars.com.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen has done it again!
Infowars.com reporter will be joining us coming up at the start of the next hour to break down his report at Infowars.com exclusive Jeb Bush linked to cartel money laundering while serving the CIA.
And the Clintons are linked to it too.
That's why these two families work together and why they call each other family.
Truly disgusting!
And I hope he's for real, but Donald Trump is hooked in with both groups as well, and is talking about a third party run, which you better believe will put Hillary Clinton in the White House.
But a lot of people say Bush's don't run to lose, so it could be Jeb Bush.
Well, I'm going to be politically correct, because I don't know which one I hate more, Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush.
So I'm going to support Hillary over Jeb Bush.
I can't even say that.
I was being quasi-sarcastic, but I'm going to throw up.
It's like one of those choices where Robbie the Robot can't compute, and he goes, cannot compute, cannot compute, and smoke starts coming out your ears.
So instead, I'm going to focus on going after Speaker of the House John Boehner.
We are very close to having the votes, as Congressman Walter Jones talked about yesterday, to remove
him from the speakership, and if we had one-tenth, or even less, of the energy that patriots, libertarians, constitutionalists, paleo-conservatives had focusing on the dog-and-pony show that is the 2016 presidential election, if we had a micron
Of that energy focused on going after these rhino globalists that help ride Obamacare, who are pushing for open borders, who are pushing to expand the national debt.
These people that are just as bad as Nancy Pelosi, just as bad as Harry Reid, and they are the reason we can't get this country out of a rut.
And we had Rand Paul just three months ago, the frontrunner.
He'd been the frontrunner for a year.
Now in the middle of the pack because of the Donald Trump extravaganza.
So here's all I'm saying.
I think most of what Trump's saying is dead on.
I like the fact he's aggressive.
He doesn't apologize.
That's refreshing.
He's confident and he has knowledge.
Make no mistake, if he wanted to, he could win the presidency and he knows tactics and techniques of free market and cutting taxes that would reverse this country's nosedive and pull the world out of a depression.
But the very globalists that he's worked with his whole life don't want that.
They want to bring down national sovereignty in the middle class and the single-family home and all the rest of it under the global treaty, Agenda 21,
That is the plan.
Standardized from Germany to Australia to the United States.
From South Africa to Chile, all these countries are basically under the same system.
And so, I don't see Donald Trump delivering on that.
I hope he does.
I'm giving him benefit of the doubt.
And there are people that get violently angry if I don't denounce Donald Trump.
There are people that get viciously angry if I don't fall down on his feet and worship him as the second coming of Beelzebub.
All I know is, I smell a big stinking rat.
Now there's a lot of news we're going to be getting to today.
I could feel death.
Massive explosion rocks Chinese port city.
Martial law declared, 42 dead, 9 firemen, over 400 injured.
Another environmental disaster, EPA contractor behind
Colorado mine spill got $381 million from taxpayers.
One of the biggest scams and boondoggles is these so-called environmental cleanups.
And even the government, even the different accounting offices that have looked at this, you can pull it up yourself, admit that a lot of the times these cleanups do more environmental damage than what's already there.
But you got a lot of these no-bid contracts going to selected friends, selected groups.
Billions and billions of years spent on this.
And now the EPA may have been trying to hide the identity of the contracting company responsible for causing a major wastewater spill in Southern Colorado, but the Wall Street Journal has revealed the company's identity.
Environmental Resources, LLC, a Missouri-based firm, was the contractor whose work caused a mine spill in Colorado that released an estimated 3 million gallons of toxic sludge into a major river system.
The Wall Street Journal was told a source familiar with the matter.
The paper also found government documents to corroborate what their source told them.
We'll get into that.
Creepy School, that's their quote, rolls out iris scanning for cafeteria buying and selling.
I mean, yeah, that's the mark of the beast.
The Spy Satellite Secrets in Hillary's emails.
Not News, unarmed white teen killed by cop, two white cops killed by blacks.
Call it the Ferguson Effect.
We're going to get into the massive economic bubble and the crisis with China.
With Harry Dent, who predicted it all with precision, formerly with Bain Capital, one of their chief strategists and analysts.
He'll be joining us to talk about the economy in the third hour and the demographic cliff.
People weren't listening when he was on five years ago, or a year ago, or six months ago, predicting all of this.
But boy, they're listening now.
That's what's crazy.
People never listen when the information could really help them.
They listen once the bus is about two feet away from you, about to run you over.
And quite frankly, again, they say a cobbler's children have no shoes.
A shoemaker's children have no shoes.
I'm the same way.
I haven't really gotten ready for all the stuff coming down the road.
I'm too busy running around on the parapet like a chicken with my head cut off trying to warn people.
And I've mentioned this since last week, but I'm going to play the clip coming up.
Former head of Defense Intelligence Agency, former intelligence chief, ISIS rise.
It was a willful Washington decision.
Former DIA director, the U.S.
made a willful decision to support ISIS in Syria.
And I say that now because Obama started NATO bombing campaigns against any Syrian forces that try to fight ISIS or al-Qaeda.
We ought to get Michael Maloof on to talk about that sometime this week or next week.
That's a WorldNetDailyWND.com article.
Here's some of the news up on InfoWars.com.
State Department establishes propaganda training program in Lithuania to combat Russian media as they prepare to start a color revolution there.
And they're trying to launch a color revolution inside Russia.
Talk about stirring up the Russians.
I mean, this is what Obama's doing.
And of course, if the Russians were communist or evil or doing something to America, I'd say go ahead and do that.
But Russia's not doing anything to anybody.
George Soros overthrew Ukraine a year and a half ago.
And it's starting a proxy war, and he's trying to start a race war here in America.
I mean, these people are like Legion of Doom villains from a cartoon or something.
They're funding ISIS, they're attacking Russia, they're stirring everything up, they're starting race war.
I mean, it just, it's hard for me to believe how villainous these scum really are.
's arrested a pair of ISIS wannabes in Mississippi.
Two more morons that were gonna use a honeymoon trip, reportedly, the F.B.I.
says, to try to join ISIS.
That's all coming up today as well.
Here's a quote on the front of Infowars.com with a graphic of New York City.
The nightmare get in the minute we wake up to the fact that there is a globalist predatory plan against us and normal action is to get aggressive, to get upset,
And politically, take our cities, counties, states, and federal government back.
And it comes down to that.
When we return in a prelude to Reverend Childress joining us, who started the All Black Lives Matter movement, that's become quite successful and now been picked up by Dr. Ben Carson.
We're going to play some of those clips where he talks about Margaret Sanger Eugenics Philosophy on Fox Live with Neil Cavuto.
And again, this is old news to our audience, old news to you.
You listen to the show, you were informed before you ever heard the broadcast.
You want to hear these guests' analysis?
That's the big secret.
Our audience is already awake.
I didn't do the waking up.
We just all kind of focus here and then get the intel and get it out to others.
But it's news now to mainstream media.
It's coming out in mainstream newspapers that, hey, why is there a whole wing of the Smithsonian worshipping Margaret Sanger and Cold Springs Harbor and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute?
Because that's what popped Adolf Hitler out.
Margaret Sanger is Hitler's mommy.
And so we're going to dig up Confederate generals, let's dig her up and throw her ass in the Atlantic Ocean!
Or send her back to be buried with Hitler or something.
I'm so sick of these people.
Alright, we're going to go to break, come back and get to all that.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alex Jones here, back live.
What's this broadcast about, if you're a new listener?
We're about civilization.
We're about transparency.
We're about common sense.
We're about basing human systems on merit, on quality, on free association, and real choice.
Political correctness and globalism is a worldwide mafia system, a planetary corporate government above the law, with diplomatic immunity, with the power to create unlimited digital currency and counterfeit financial instruments.
With that, they then force buyout the nation states, companies and individuals.
Ah, you're not going to sell.
They have written global regulations being implemented at a planetary and local level to make it impossible for you to operate, to bankrupt you.
Again, microcosm example.
One conservative group in three years by the IRS has been given tax exemption.
10,000 plus have been given to socialist, communist, liberal, and NAMBLA type organizations.
If you're NAMBLA, you get it.
By controlling money, they control everything.
It was George Washington that said, famously, the power to tax is the power to destroy.
And then the head of the Supreme Court decades later quoted Washington and expanded on that, that the power to tax was the power to destroy.
If you run government as the General Electric that sat on the President's Economic Commission, and you get him to
put in place regulations outside of law to shut down, now it's upwards, to a thousand power plants.
A thousand coal-powered plants, most of them of new manufacture, totally clean, and then General Electric's given a five-year waiver that's about to be up.
We'll see if Obama re-issues.
He gave it to them his first, about a year into office, this was five years ago, a five-year waiver
Where they could stay open and operate.
What happened in five years?
General Electric expanded its power output and increased profits massively.
But couldn't supply enough and so power prices went up.
And industrialization collapsed further.
The federal government, traitorously, outside of law, literally increased electricity prices by almost 100% in the last six years.
And they're just getting started.
In his last two years in office, Obama pledged two weeks ago to further, quote, cripple coal.
And every time I talk about this, they have articles in newspapers.
I mean, there's no kidding, probably 30 newspapers attacked me yesterday.
I haven't even checked today.
Saying Alex Jones, paid off by Big Energy, promotes coal.
I've never been paid one micron, not one stinking red penny, from coal.
Does it matter?
Just say I'm paid off by coal and let the president go around giving speeches saying, you can build a coal power plant, but we will bankrupt you.
That's a quote.
There's the one in Telegraph.
Barack Obama's green plans could cripple America's economy.
Do you know who followed everything in the UN Treaty to a T in Europe and who now has 42% unemployment?
It's called Spain.
Gorgeous country, incredible resources, smart, hard-working people.
And flying into Spain from the aircraft, all I saw was windmills on their coast and in their mountains.
Windmills that don't produce a third of the power for the cost, and are incredibly expensive to maintain, and have to transfer the power over long distances, and it's crippled their country.
They are crippled!
Spain is crippled!
And that's the plan.
And now they're going under EU dictatorship.
And just as I said a month ago, Spain is next to fall.
It was in the Financial Times of London when I flew back to the United States last Sunday.
They walked over and said, Newspaper, sir, we've got the Daily Mail.
We've got the this.
We've got the that.
We've got the Independent.
We've got the Financial Times.
And I said, I want all four of them.
And guess what was right there on the cover of that Financial Times of London?
Spain is next to collapse, and they even admitted central banks are licking their lips to buy it all up for pennies on the dollar.
I mean, the architecture, the people, the culture, amazing in Spain.
Beautiful cities, smart people, hardworking.
I mean, I gotta say, people always say Europeans are lazy and don't work.
I found the Italians and the Spanish were just the service, jump to, smart, hardworking, amazing.
And they can't pay their bills.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The FBI has arrested a pair of ISIS wannabes in Mississippi.
The newlyweds allegedly claimed via social media they plan to travel to Syria and join ISIS.
This follows the arrest of another ISIS wannabe in New Jersey earlier this week.
This latest incident follows a now well-established pattern, engaging in online conversations with FBI agents posing as terrorists.
In May, declassified defense documents from 2012 revealed the U.S.
and its partners in the Gulf states and Turkey supported the Islamic State and planned to establish a Salafist principality in Syria.
And in 2011, a report revealed the FBI organizes nearly all terror plots in the U.S.
FBI agents and operatives find suspects that could potentially carry out lone wolf attacks and then more or less encourage them to do so.
Only to bust them before any of the events fully materialize.
You can find more reports at InfoWars.com
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I'm Alex Jones for Super Mel Vitality and InfoWarsLife.com and I salute you, our supporters!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Wayne Madsen with Bombshell News, investigative journalist for Infowars.com, former NSA officer.
We'll be joining us, exclusive Jeb Bush linked to cartel money laundering while serving in the CIA.
That article is up on InfoWars.com.
We need to get that out to everybody.
And the Clintons are obviously mafia'd up as well.
We're going to be looking at that.
It just shows why the power structure pushes these two families is because they are so mobbed up and so corrupt and can be basically blackmailed.
Now joining us is Reverend Clennard Childress of blackgenocide.org, radio host, author, filmmaker, and he was just on with us a few months ago when he started the movement, All Black Lives Matter.
And then, of course, he ultimately went on to point out, no, all lives matter, period.
And when you've seen Democrat candidates who aren't Hillary or aren't others come out and say, no, all lives matter, then they get attacked by the George Soros funded movement that wants to make this a race war instead of humanity coming together for life, period.
But he started the All Black Lives Matter movement, and now we see that being picked up by Dr. Ben Carson, the brain surgeon who's running as a candidate for the Republican Party.
And I think he's a very moral guy, very intelligent, good policies, good ideas, light years better than a Jeb Bush.
I'll say that.
I'm supporting Rand Paul because I know him.
I know he's for real.
I know he's a patriot.
But I would not cry myself to sleep at night if Dr. Ben Carson ended up being president.
In fact, I'd love it.
He has come out on Fox News and talked about Margaret Sanger's eugenic philosophy and her ties to the Ku Klux Klan.
And I know for us that's old news.
You can just type in Margaret Sanger at Klan rallies and it's them all around her worshipping her.
The Rockefellers funded them.
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute is what Hitler got educated by.
He gave her awards.
She gave him awards.
They were pen pals.
People overuse the term, this is Nazi, that's Nazi.
I mean, when you're talking about Planned Parenthood, it's the Nazis' mama.
And they're digging up Confederate generals that had nothing to do with any type of racism.
And they're saying, get rid of the battle flag and all this stuff just because some racists use it.
Okay, get rid of it, but get rid of Planned Parenthood and public funding for it, and get rid of it.
Inside the Smithsonian, where they have whole areas worshipping her, worshipping eugenics, Cold Springs Harbor in New York, that set up the Nazis and their philosophy.
The Nazi science came from Cold Springs Harbor and the Rockefeller Foundation and Margaret Sanger.
And of course, the head of Cold Springs Harbor had to resign two years ago, remember, three years ago?
Dr. Watson, because he said blacks weren't humans.
Remember that?
So, that's what we're dealing with here, is the so-called Democrats, so-called liberals.
I've been around them, folks.
At the high level, they're the smart racists.
That's why George Soros, Nazi collaborator again, you can't make this stuff up, funds the radical right-wing in Ukraine.
It was even in Newsweek that blacks need not apply, that Ukraine's racist in the West.
Well, of course they are.
I mean, it's Nazis.
I'm not saying even a majority of the Western Ukrainians, but the large group our government's funding.
So, when they're really racist, like Hitler told Rolling Stone, I want to be like Hitler and I don't like black people, in 1977, he gets awards from the ADL.
Because he's a Nazi!
But when you fight the real deal, they have MSNBC come out and say I'm deeply racist and then show no proof.
This is how they operate.
But the great news, the reason we got Reverend Childress on on short notice, is before I was going to play this clip at the start of the show, I thought, assuming we get Reverend Childress on,
Because it shows that you can take action and throw that rock in the pool and it sends out waves forever.
He had the idea and gave speeches and traveled around the country just three, four months ago saying, let's stop the race war, let's talk about all black lives matter, let's hijack this George Soros term, and let's point out the real genocide that's going on that blackgenocide.org exposes.
And now that's happening.
And now it's in mainstream news that Margaret Sanger was a Nazi and that Hillary says she admires her and all the rest of it.
Let's be fair, she gave birth to the Nazis.
If anybody was their mama, because they had a lot of mamas, but she was the big mama.
And of course the Rockefellers were the big daddy.
And that's why when some dumb, ignorant, trendy looks at you because you don't want to turn your guns in, or you don't want to have your kids raised by the state, or you don't want to have high taxes or Obamacare, and they call you a racist like it's a power word, you need to get in their face and say, shut your stupid mouth, you little ignorant creature, until you actually know what's really going on out here.
Stop using terms like that when you sit there and work for the most racist, evil, anti-human people this world's ever seen.
I'm ranting.
I'm going to go to our guest.
But here is one of the clips of Dr. Ben Carson on Planned Parenthood.
It's a controversial group, but Democrats have seized on Republicans' concerns about Planned Parenthood as being a war on women, that you're out to get women.
Well, you know, maybe I'm not objective when it comes to Planned Parenthood, but, you know, I know who Margaret Sanger is.
And I know that she believed in eugenics and that she was not particularly enamored with black people.
And one of the reasons that you find most of their clinics in black neighborhoods is so that you can find a way to control that population.
And I think people should go back and read about Margaret Sanger, who founded this place.
A woman who Hillary Clinton, by the way, says that she admires.
Look and see what many people in Nazi Germany thought about her.
And they couldn't kill all the black people.
She said that was her goal in letters.
So instead they came in, broke up the family, paid women not to have men in the house, MTV funded gangster rap.
And I've talked to former MTV top executives.
They were in the meetings in the early 90s.
They said rock and roll is going out.
We're going to go with violent gangster rap.
That's the directive from the government.
And part of that's been declassified.
And I've had top rappers
I mean, you know, from public enemy, you name it, who have exposed this as well.
I mean, this is the plan.
Before that, rap was about empowerment, the community, hip-hop, and then it just got taken over, and now it's a disease spreading across the world, causing crime, you name it, in every population.
Weaponized media.
Joining us now is Reverend Clynard Childress.
And he joins us, blackgenocide.org, and since 1974, he's been fighting against the extermination of everybody, but particularly the main focus, the apple of the eugenicist's knife, is black people.
And if they can't kill all the blacks, they'll just kill their culture.
They've done a pretty good job, now they're killing everybody else.
So, it's like Tony Brown has said on this show, what they do to the blacks, they do to everybody, folks.
So joining us, Reverend, thank you for coming on.
I know you've got to feel a little bit of satisfaction that finally who Margaret Sanger really is, is breaking out big time.
Is that exciting to you, sir?
Oh, this is absolutely awesome.
It's going far beyond what I thought originally, but
Unquestionably, I want to give kudos to Dr. Carson and certainly his platform right now is basically saving babies because people are beginning to connect the dots.
I'd like to personally thank
George Soros for funding Black Lives Matter because certainly it has connected the dots to the womb and it's doing just as we thought it would.
I know we both thought about it at the same time and we're getting out in the public square.
We were at the NAACP convention.
It was just unbelievable.
People, when you start the conversation, Black Lives Matter.
They're in agreement.
He's plowing up the ground for me, for us to come in and say, well, what about here in the womb?
Do you know that 1,786 African-American children are killed each day?
Do you recognize that 52% of all pregnancies African-American end in abortion?
Isn't that genocide?
Do you recognize that this group is targeting African-Americans?
And if they didn't know it before, how sinister and insidious Planned Parenthood is now.
Thank God for the Center for Medical Progress.
This is all coming together.
It's like a crescendo of God helping the pro-life activists, giving them the tools that they need.
We can't take credit for it because it certainly is an act of God, totally.
But we have to ride the wave, and so... Sure, and as you know, it's not about taking credit, but we do need to get people's morale up because we're having victories every time good people take action.
I told you about Mikael Phelan here.
Separately from you, months after you were doing it, we didn't even know, even though you've been a guest and part of our work.
We didn't know you'd launched originally all Black Lives Matter.
He had the idea.
I thought we ought to get Reverend Childress on and see what he thinks.
And you go, yeah, I launched it months ago.
We looked it up.
It was like simultaneously or just the spirit moving us, whatever it was happening.
Oh, you got it.
You hit the nail right on the head.
It was the spirit.
And that really encouraged me to know in that this was the thing to invest my time, resources,
our ministry in and really take it to a level that we've never been before.
Let's spend more time, let's be more time on the radio, let's really begin to totally, you know, sacrifice ourselves in this mantra that they had created for us and just add all black life matters and expose the hypocrisy
And I have to tell you this story, just give me one minute.
We're out there at the NAACP, I won't say the person's name, but a top-ranking NAACP delegate from a city where they are holding the position of Vice President, they are a pastor.
She came out and took pictures of every one of our signs.
And she's looking at it and she's comparing them.
She says, this is wonderful.
We have to get this to our city.
And so my wife happened to be there.
She walked her over to me and she says, we have to bring this program to our city.
I'm the vice president of my chapter.
And I said, what chapter?
She said, the National Action Committee.
I got to get Al Sharpton involved in this.
So, I said, well, that would be a great thing, ma'am.
Hopefully you let me know of your success.
I tell you, I kept a straight face.
His Skype just froze for a moment.
I'm sorry, your Skype froze, Reverend.
You said you kept a straight face?
Okay, I kept a straight face and didn't let her know what she'd be in for, but I'm just totally letting you to know the ignorance of African Americans when it comes to the abortion politics, and it exposes how well
These leaders like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP have censored the message.
Really, here she is, a high-ranking officer in the National Action Committee in her town, and she doesn't know how Al Sharpton really manipulates this subject.
Well, here's the good news.
This is why this is so huge, folks.
This is coffin nails to the globalist agenda.
If this ever comes out, it's a game changer.
When they're over there race baiting, using a few sad stories of cops in questionable positions, shooting somebody in the back, cops get indicted, whatever, they're totally distracting from the real issue.
And if that ever comes out, if that narrative ever gets in the discussion, it's over for the Democrats and the party of the Ku Klux Klan.
Well, that's the most exciting thing about it.
Once again, you hit the nail around the head, and I'm trying to get pro-lifers to recognize this is the nail in the coffin.
This changes the narrative in the minds of millions.
This is an eye-opener where people objectively really then now have to step back and say, what is going on here?
What is this institution about and why have we been censored from this message?
Instead of just saying they're babies, they could live outside the womb, they're humans, be sweet.
That's part of the debate, maybe a third of it, but they never want us to strike at the root where it came from, what it's about, how sinister it is.
I found you put the truth out, that defeats it.
And that's why when we go out and demonstrate for All Black Lives Matter, literal demons
I mean, I'm sure you've seen the video.
Show up, black demons, white demons, you name it.
They are literal demons and they start professing they love killing babies, they love the devil.
At the State House, have you seen the video where they start saying hail Satan?
I mean, these are sick people and by us, you and others, going out and confronting them, it makes them come out from under rocks and show people
We're good.
We're slowly gaining ground, but we need decisive victories, and by changing the whole debate from, you know, the old kind of stale pro-life thing to really striking at the heart of it, we could see the collapse, we could see them defunded, we could really see them defeated.
And that would be the greatest blessing for America in the last 200 years.
So we're right now at that front line.
I ask your listeners to be supportive, to carry the narrative on their Facebooks, on their conversations.
It's getting to the black community such as never has been before since I've been involved.
And I'm just so deeply excited about the fact that politicians now are going to have to give an answer.
First, Cecil Richards now has to explain about the blob she told those young girls that she had in that blob was arms, legs, livers, brains that she was selling for more profit.
Now politicians have to explain their vote to fund Planned Parenthood.
Every Democrat, and if there's any Republican, they should be held accountable.
I mean, right now.
You cast that vote to fund this heinous institution that is purely racist and that is targeting African Americans.
And we need to really now, we have a tool, a means really, to shake the system.
I mean literally shake it.
So, I say to all those who are listening, don't be afraid to carry this message.
They started it, so let us come in now and really take this to the level where it needs to be and connect the dots back to the womb.
The Democrats are in big trouble right now.
If we lay back, if we do not go forward, if we don't charge,
This is a time to charge.
Storm the gates.
Don't let the conversation go to the back burner again.
Mr. Politician, do you support Planned Parenthood?
Will you continue legislation that will be supportive of Planned Parenthood?
You could have ever imagined Planned Parenthood would now be one of the main issues in 2016 while we have all these bombshell videos, while they're being exposed, while you and others have hijacked the Black Lives Matter fraud.
I mean, it's just beautiful.
We're attacking from every angle.
We're storming the gates, my friend.
Yes, and literally, we must storm those gates.
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In today's world, abortion supporters routinely attend pro-life rallies and attempt to bully activists.
If you have a problem and need a smelly group of commie devil worshippers, maybe you can call the A-Team.
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
I kill my kids.
Hey, we saw your Facebook with your communist hammer and sickle.
That's pretty cool, man.
Is that you on the Facebook?
Is there a Facebook page of you with a hammer and sickle?
I don't think so.
How do you get your abortions paid for?
I pay for them.
Yeah, how many do you pay for them?
Oh, upwards of 50.
Oh yeah.
F**k you, you piece of s**t!
Bunch of misogynistic motherf**kers!
Take your male privilege somewhere else.
Tyler, you're being aggressive.
I'm being aggressive?
Come on, Alex!
Get him, Alex!
Watch out!
At least that's the guys that attacked Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I don't want to get preachy here.
I do not judge people who have had abortions and believed it was just birth control and didn't do it because they love death and hate their children and want to sell body parts.
But the people running the racket, they're the ones that have the bad hearts.
That's the big evil.
And for a lot of pro-life folks out here saying, well, what are you doing, you know, telling people that have been involved in all this that it's okay.
I've studied the psychology.
People get into the abortion movement because they're guilty for what they've done, they get judged and attacked, so they double down and commit to it.
But I've had incredible success, because I myself am guilty, of reaching out to people and saying, look, what matters is how your heart was.
And especially if it was early on, whatever, you know, in my gut,
All that matters is you repent.
And then realize you were fooled, you were deceived.
And that's part of dehumanization.
But, look, I get there's a lot of racist black people.
In fact, a lot of black leaders, if you've been more honest, have pointed out that black people on average are some of the most racist people you're ever going to find.
Does that mean a majority are racist?
Absolutely not.
Does that not mean they're not wonderful, beautiful black people with incredible culture and art and everything else who I love?
But I grew up in Dallas, Texas.
And let me tell you, there's a lot of racist black people.
I've seen a lot more racist black people than I have seen white people.
But it's racist white people at the top that are running things.
And what they've done to black people, they're doing to everybody else.
And at a gut level, I don't sit here and go, yeah, there's too many black people, they don't like me, good, go ahead and abort them.
I've had Democrats tell me so many times, off record, they go, you really want more black people running around?
You really want the gangs all around?
I go, listen, that culture's been injected in.
Black people weren't like that 70 years ago, 60 years ago.
I know the numbers.
And I've talked to people that were alive then.
Government engineering, social engineering, collectivism did this.
And I'm not going to sign on as some elitist and go, okay, Planned Parenthood's taken out the garbage.
Go ahead and, well, you know, like the Republican leadership, go ahead and let it keep operating because it's getting rid of the minorities.
The, quote, minorities that end up living, then, just like whites or anybody, are turned into these socialist brainwashed bots.
I want to free people's minds.
I want people to understand how they've been enslaved.
No, I mean listen, you sign on to killing black people, or anybody else, you're sick.
And just because there's a bunch of racist black people, because they feel sorry for themselves, and the media created this victimology, doesn't mean I'm going to lower myself to that level and hate them.
You understand that?
I'm here to build people up, I'm here to build everybody up, and what you do the least of me, you've done to me, Christ said.
That's what it comes down to.
So I forgive people that are dumbed down and ignorant.
I don't forgive the globalists that know exactly what they're doing.
We'll be back with the next hour.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Now into hour number two.
I'm pretty wound up right now.
I played this clip last hour.
I didn't play the second clip.
I want to play the first clip again before Wayne Madsen joins us on Jeb Bush's connection to narcotics trafficking.
That should probably be the headline.
It's a strong headline, but it's not strong enough.
Exclusive Jeb Bush linked to cartel money laundering while serving CIA Wayne Madsen.
The headline should probably be exclusive Jeb Bush linked to drug cartels
Exclusive Jeb Bush link to drug cartels, money laundering.
Because, I mean, that's really what it is.
And then I'm just going to have the crew in there pull up El Paso Times, Chicago Tribune.
You just type in, head of drug cartel, work for CIA, or head of drug cartel, secretly work for government.
And this came out three years ago in court.
That the major heads go in and say, I actually work for the CIA, here's my secret code name, and they shut down the prosecutions when the DEA is going after the head of Sinaloa, the head of Los Setas.
I mean, it's a sick joke.
And again, the entire CIA isn't even involved.
It's compartmentalized groups at the top.
The CIA, since it was the OSS, was doing narcotics trafficking and heroin into Europe to finance resistance groups against Hitler.
There it is, Business Insider.
Confirmed, DEA struck a deal with Mexico's most notorious drug cartel.
And that's a Business Insider kind of whitewash article.
If you read the El Paso Times and others, we actually broke this four years before with former DEA agent Sully Castile and others on air naming him and others.
And that's what happens once your cover's blown as an operative, they then arrest you.
That's like when Hal Turner got his cover blown as an FBI operative, they then indicted him.
Why would you want to be an FBI operative or a CIA operative when they flush you down the toilet?
And of course they do that to scare everybody that works for the agencies.
It's all just gangsterism.
It's incredible.
The Texas Attorney General dared stand up against him, so he's facing prison time now.
For not telling two people that he was invested in a company that he was telling them they ought to invest in at dinner.
And not paying a thousand dollar filing fee.
Because he quit being a commodities trader and a securities trader years before, but still kind of halfway did it.
You know, it's like the Amish they tricked a couple years ago into selling their neighbor cheese.
They had a year and a half sting, cost a million dollars or more.
It was over a million, I forget the exact number.
They just kept saying, sell me cheese, please.
And they said, just have the cheese.
And then after scores of times of giving him cheese, the Amish finally went, okay, you can pay me for the cheese.
And then the government
The Feds went and sold it across state lines.
And after they sold them the cheese, they said, Great!
My cousin loves it so much, I'm gonna sell it to him the next state.
The Amish didn't know what that meant.
And then they SWAT teamed the Amish.
Here's video, we played it.
Put their heads in the ground.
That's for the jury, because if the government's putting your head in the ground, you must be bad.
Get down, get down, get down!
To the Amish, no criminal record selling cheese.
But again, it's all theater.
Whole world is a stage.
Each of us players upon it.
I could bounce a check, and they would get me for wire fraud, and come in here, that's what they did to Lennon LaRouche, and run in here with machine guns, and aim it, and then show that on the news.
I must be bad, because there's machine guns, and I'm on the ground!
Meanwhile, Warren Buffett's bank got caught laundering hundreds of billions of dollars, hundreds of billions in drug money, running the aircraft.
But he's a nice old man with an ice cream cone and a photo.
He owns Dairy Clean and 80% of the mobile home companies and everything to leech off everyone.
It's okay.
Warren Buffett's a nice old man.
He sits on the eugenics board and is a eugenicist with Bill Gates, but that's okay because he's liberal.
And he's the biggest recipient of the banker bailout, your tax money.
A big, fat, disgusting, degenerate gangster squatting on everyone.
Wired is reporting that hackers can disable a sniper rifle or change its target.
In two weeks at the Black Hat Hacker Conference, a pair of researchers plan on presenting results of a year's worth of hacking a pair of $13,000 tracking point self-aiming rifles.
The hacker couple has developed a set of techniques that could allow an attacker to compromise the rifle via its Wi-Fi connection and exploit vulnerabilities in its software.
Their tricks can change variables in the scope's calculations, make the rifle miss its target, permanently disable the scope computer, or even prevent the gun from firing.
The Riflemaker Tracking Point launched in 2011 sold more than a thousand of its Linux-powered rifles with a self-aiming system.
The scope allows you to designate a target and dial in the variables like wind temperature and weight of the ammunition being fired.
The result is a weapon that can allow even a gun novice to reliably hit targets as far as a mile away.
But, like everything else tied to the grid, these two researchers are showing that it can be hacked.
For more information on all the things that can be hacked in this world, and what it means to you, go to InfoWars.com.
Rob Dew reporting.
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From his Central Texas Command Center deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption, crashing to the lies and disinformation?
He's written for some of the top newspapers in the country.
He was an officer in the Navy in submarine warfare and signals.
And then he was very high level in internal security.
That is making sure there was no spying going on inside the National Security Agency.
He has broken hundreds of international news stories.
Wayne Madsen now works as a correspondent and will be at least once a month going on the road as part of investigative reports.
And his articles that first appear at
WayneMadsenReport.com, appear daily at Infowars.com.
The latest big breaking story is exclusive, Jeb Bush linked to drug cartels and money laundering.
We're going to be going over that story with him and then other issues coming up.
Some of those issues we're going to be discussing.
We have Harry Dent joining us, formerly of Bain Capital, who predicted six months ago that by now China would have a plunging stock market and causing a depressionary spiral and would lower the yuan.
It happened, and of course he's made a bunch of other predictions that come true, probably of all our guests, and they're all right up there with about 97% accuracy rates.
He's becoming probably the kingpin of accuracy.
Sickeningly accurate.
And I wish he wasn't that accurate, because this is not going to be fun.
But we'll look at all the aspects and angles of the situation in China that affects everybody, obviously.
Because we're all under the same fraudulent system.
People go, oh, Greece isn't that big.
Oh, Iceland's not that big.
Oh, Ireland's not that big.
Venezuela's not that big.
It's all interconnected.
And the U.S.
has bigger debts overall, and you count them all per capita than these countries do.
So it is just a ticking time bomb.
So that's coming up in the third hour.
And we'll open the phones up for your questions for Mr. Dent.
We're going to open the phones up the last 15 minutes of this hour for your questions or comments to Wayne Madsen on the history of government narcotics trafficking and more.
Jeb Bush or Hillary comments, whatever you like to discuss.
We'll get his take on Donald Trump as well.
And also, Europe in crisis.
Everyone from Putin to ordinary savers is stockpiling gold.
And gold's going up, obviously.
London Telegraph.
We're going to tie it into, uh, departing U.S.
Army chief says Iraq may have to be partitioned.
The plan that Wesley Clark and others have exposed a decade ago is to break Syria in three parts and is to break Iraq in three parts.
And to give Saudi Arabia a piece of each one of them that they will then put together in the
West of Iraq, west central area into the east of Syria and make their new Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra, ISIS wonderland.
And the public thinks we're so dumb they have people like Jeb Bush out two days ago.
In fact, I never played this.
Let's get that queued up for Wayne later.
He goes on CNN and says, yeah, we need to take out Assad because that's how we defeat ISIS.
When Assad's battling ISIS.
I mean, this is just total geopolitical illiteracy by the public is what allows this.
This is crazy town.
It's like saying the Washington Redskins are the
Dallas Cowboys, with a straight face.
It's like when Bush said that Iran was supporting Al-Qaeda and that Al-Qaeda was Shiite, with the then-president of Afghanistan, Mohammed Karzai.
And Karzai said, Your Excellency, I apologize for correcting you, but no, it's not the same group.
Knowing to his public, that was just ridiculous.
It's like saying Oliver Cromwell was Catholic.
It's just ridiculous!
So I'm going to get Wayne's take on that as well.
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And now we're going to shift gears back into the interview with Wayne Madsen.
So, Wayne Madsen of WayneMadsenReport.com joins us, also a correspondent for InfoWars.com, and he has the exclusive article, Jeb Bush linked to drug cartels, money laundering, and the CIA.
Well, yeah, his dad used to head up the CIA, and I'm going to put on screen, El Paso Times, Business Insider, Chicago Tribune, when it turned out that the Los Zetas and Sinaloa drug cartel heads were really CIA agents, pled that in court,
And we're released in the last four years.
So this has come out that Wachovia and Wells Fargo, that's Warren Buffett, were caught laundering $378 billion in drug money, again four years ago, and got a $111 million fine.
They even owned and ran the aircraft with the drugs, and then those were connected to torture flights and rendition.
Now again, a lot of people say that he's a Nazi, they're a Nazi.
With the Bushes, and I made a film about this 15 years ago, but it's now in the London Guardian.
The Bushes.
Prescott Bush.
Who was before, you know, Bush 41.
He was the top Nazi agent in the U.S.
That Brown Brother Harriman.
That's why they're so secretly rich, is that when the Nazi wealth collapsed, a lot of it was hidden in the U.S.
and in Latin America.
And you know who got the Nazi gold?
These guys are some of the richest people in the world, by the way.
And so, I mean, I guess it pays.
But whatever, Nazi, Hitler was on the cover of Time Magazine, he's a great guy, 1938.
I'm not just demonizing the Bushes out of hand, I mean, they thought they were on the winning team.
But we'll digress into that with Wayne Madsen, he's an expert on that subject as well, but Wayne, thank you for joining us, we're going to skip this network break to give you more time.
Here, coming up in a few minutes, you're breaking so much big news, I want to fly you
on the campaign trail if you want.
I know you're in Florida part of the time to track Bush to really dig into this, but great job.
Suss out for people exactly the connections you were able to document.
Well, I discovered, and you know, a lot of this isn't new about the Bushes and their connection to the CIA and the drug trafficking and money laundering.
Gary Webb pioneered on this topic back in the 1980s, as did Bob Perry.
But I discovered in the CIA archives a very interesting letter
Written on Texas Commerce Bank letterhead, 1977, from J.E.
Bush, that's Jeb Bush.
You know, Jeb isn't his name, that's an acronym.
His name is John Ellis Bush.
Anyway, it was written on Texas Commerce Bank letterhead, that's the bank that belongs to the James Baker family, to Robert Gambino, the Director of Security for the CIA, thanking him
For his indoctrination, security indoctrination given to Jeb Bush in 1977 before he took off for two years to be the vice president of Texas Commerce Bank in Caracas, Venezuela.
When he was in Venezuela, of course, what was he doing there?
Of course, he had connections, he made connections that would be very fortuitous for the future with the Cali and Medellin drug cartels in neighboring Colombia and anti-Castro Cubans who were operating out of Venezuela.
So when he leaves Caracas with his Mexican wife,
I don't
I think Reagan knew about the dirty business involving the Bushes, but Bush was forced on Reagan's ticket by the money people out in New York, including William Casey, who later became the CIA director.
So Jeb Bush, after his dad becomes Vice President, is meeting with all these Florida-based bankers, CIA assets.
Responsible or involved with a lot of the savings and loan collapses in Florida and elsewhere.
Of course, that's how the CIA got a lot of its operating money, its slush fund money, from these made-to-fail... And then we know from Terry Reid, the CIA pilot, who we can't get in touch with these days, he's been on many times, who wrote the book Compromise Clinton Bush and the CIA, he was there at MENA years later in the 80s.
Watching all these famous Republicans and Democrats going and coming at the airport, and he looks in the C-130s and they're just full of cocaine.
Yeah, that's true.
And you know, one of the pilots who was in and out of MENA was Phil Marshall, the guy who they said killed himself and his two kids and a family dog out in California a couple years ago.
I flew out there to investigate that.
You know, if that was suicide, I'm the Queen of England.
Why do you think they killed him?
Because he might have been involved in that or because he was a 9-11 truther investigating?
Probably they feared the fact that he knew about the CIA and all their operations from the time of MENA and the 1980s that he, and being a pilot for 757 and 767, he was a great threat to expose the 9-11 incident.
That's why they had to get rid of him.
This guy was, I guess you could call him a man for all seasons when it came to exposing not only the CIA.
Did he have a book that was about to come out?
Just like Gary Webb.
He had written three books.
One, a novel about his time flying people like Barry Seal around with the CIA, and the two others on questioning the 9-11 official story.
He was working on yet a third book about 9-11, but the hard disk disappeared from his home.
Death, and we don't know what became of that.
The last I heard, it was in the computer lab of the Justice Department of the state of California in Sacramento.
Well, from my research, even pilots that play ball and think they're safe living in Hawaii or whatever, they end up just, by the time you get old, they just drop by your house, poison you or kill you.
Why would anybody want to work in these dirty operations knowing it's a death sentence?
Well, I think if you talk to a lot of these people that originally worked for the CIA, I think it was the, you know, the excitement of flying for companies like Air America in Laos, flying down to Nicaragua and Colombia.
But then again, you know, these guys soon found out in some cases they were transporting illegal narcotics, whether it was heroin out of the Golden Triangle in Southeast Asia or cocaine out of Colombia.
And by the way,
If you're a new listener, they had the Solicitor General for the CIA admit all this in 97 in hearings that you covered.
We're talking about things that are admitted, and then still mainstream media will call us conspiracy theorists, you know, for saying that Washington's on the Potomac.
I mean, we're talking about admitted facts here.
You've just ferreted out more connections with a Jebby boy, who isn't he really George Herbert Walker's favorite?
Yeah, and he's probably the most sinister of the lot.
I mean, George W. Bush was bad, but he was kind of an ignoramus when it came to what's going on around him.
That's not the case with Jeb.
Jeb fully knows what's going on.
He's not a dummy, but he's extremely corrupt.
So when you look
At the period of time before he became governor of Florida, he's involved in all kinds of skanky real estate deals with known drug smugglers out of Miami.
He's involved with African dictators too.
I mean, this guy's busy bee.
Oh, Nigerian scams.
Most of us laugh when we get those emails from Nigeria.
Jeb Bush was actually involved with some of these gangsters in Nigeria with a water company he was involved with.
So the guy is absolutely corrupt.
And, you know, but he keeps that Bush mystique going.
This is a crime family.
And what Jeb Bush did is he basically extended the Bush crime family's operations from Houston and Dallas to Miami.
And Florida became one, like Texas was and still is, I believe, a Bush criminal operating ground.
He added Florida to the
I don't
Since when Bush became president in 1989.
So here we have just another example of this Bush, what I call the Bush crime family in action.
And the mere fact that Jeb is on that stage debating other Republican candidates for the nomination just shows the hubris of this Bush family.
When it comes to their role in America.
And her emails?
I mean, even if the Justice Department is controlled by them, it's bold that the FBI raided these, or is that to keep them from Congress?
And what's the inside intel, because you're up there on the Hill every week or so, on what's going to happen to Hillary?
Are they planning to put her in, or Jeb?
And we know it's those two.
We know her campaign manager went to Bilderberg.
No other political manager was there.
We think Jeb might have been.
He was in Austria at the time, but we couldn't confirm it.
So maybe Jeb and Hillary were both there, at least her manager.
It's admitted her manager was there and so where is all that going and what's the poop on Trump?
Well, I still believe that Hillary and Jeb are the odds-on favorite to rest the nominations of both the respective parties, because the money is currently with them.
Now, that may be changing a little bit.
I know there's some elders in the Republican Party that are looking at John Kasich, who did very well in the debate, and is probably the more electable of all of them on the Republican side.
But $2 billion, potentially, in Hillary's war chest, $2 billion
Potentially in Jeb's war chest.
This is going to be a $4 billion general election.
I'm not even counting the primary here.
It's an obscene amount of money that's going to be spent on getting control of the Oval Office.
As far as Donald Trump is concerned, I mean, I...
You know, everybody I talk to, Democrats and Republicans, are just sitting back and laughing at the fact he's actually, in his own way, making a mockery of a system that should be made a mockery of.
He said he owned half of the people on the stage during the last debate in Cleveland.
He's absolutely correct.
I look at Donald Trump, really, he's a
He's kind of a billionaire version of Archie Bunker.
What he's saying is catching on across the country.
Just like back in 1972, there were these Archie Bunker for President bumper stickers and buttons popped up all over the country because people related to this fictional character played by Carol O'Connor on All in the Family.
Once again, Trump, we know you need money to run as an insurgent candidate, whether it's as one of the two major parties or as an independent.
Ross Perot showed that in 1992.
And I think we're in one of these election cycles where a Trump is able to catch on because people are sick and tired of the system.
Well, sure, they're sick of the mealy-mouthed double-talk, and that's why he's so refreshing.
But separately from that, we know he's big buddies with the Clintons and the Bushes.
He's talking about a third-party run.
I see him as a third-party run, obviously hurting Jeb a lot more.
The question is, in the Clinton-Bush crime family, where they call each other family, where, you know, Barbara calls him son, Bush calls him brother.
I mean, it's just really sick.
They've got foundations they money launder out of, where they keep half the donations for their private jets.
I mean, really a sick group of freaks here.
Republicans love them because they're anti-gun pro-abortion.
I guess they love it.
That's our so-called Republican leadership.
But there's got to be something going on there.
Do you think he's just doing this for himself and attention?
Or do you think he's working for Hillary?
Oh, I think, you know, when you look at Trump, you've got to look at the ego.
Trump has a huge, overly inflated ego.
I think he's doing it for himself.
Look, whether he's the nominee or not, and I don't think in the end he's going to be the nominee, because we know what the Bush family is capable of, even against a powerful and wealthy guy like Trump.
Remember, Ross Perot dropped out of that 1992 race, which really killed him.
He was running around 33% at one time.
He was actually ahead of Clinton and George H.W.
Bush in the polls because he cited the Bush campaign was trying to hurt his daughter's wedding by putting lesbians in there.
That was true.
The Bushes were up to that.
Well, let's talk about the dirty tricks they did against Perot to understand what's happening now.
And he finally came out and said, they're threatening to kill my family.
He said, I'm done.
America wants this?
Fine, I'm out of here.
And of course we know Perot's hooked in with the CIA big time, like antlers on a deer.
I mean, it's redonkulous.
We'll be back with Wayne Madsen.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Are we seeing the beginning of another financial crash?
China's central bank, which has cut interest rates four times since November to spur growth, just yesterday slashed the value of its currency 1.9% against the dollar, the biggest one-day move since the 1990s, which caught the markets completely off guard.
This move had an immediate impact on the stock market.
The U.S.
stock market responded by dropping nearly 500 points in two days.
Many fear this is the start of a currency war.
Regular viewers of the Alex Jones Show and InfoWars Nightly News will note that we have been covering this story for many, many years.
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This is a manufactured crisis to create a global currency by which every transaction can be analyzed and controlled.
Stay tuned for more reports on the InfoWars Nightly News and the Alex Jones Show.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So let's be clear.
The ideology of the Bushes and of the Clintons is the same ideology of Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, the Queen of England, her husband, Prince Philip,
Her son, Prince Charles, Queen Beatrice of the Netherlands, her son, now the king.
Go research any of these people.
The Rothschilds, randomly.
Just go research them.
And they're funding eugenics, they're funding banning single-parent homes, they're funding abortion, they're funding open borders, they're funding taking your guns, they're funding not letting you have GMO labeling.
They're involved with big banks laundering drugs and money.
Weapons deals?
I don't care if it's Prince Bernhardt or Prince Philip, any of them, I've investigated them all.
I look at hundreds of news articles every day for 20-plus years.
And they're quotes, and you'll see ABC News.
At the Rockefeller Institute, royalty and others with the Rockefellers met secretly, and Oprah Winfrey was there to discuss overpopulation in world government.
And it was even in the London Guardian, secret world government meeting.
I mean, this stuff is crazy!
And then they ship drugs in, and they have Hollywood movies that act like there's money and sex and it's cool.
Don't use drugs, kids, it's the DARE program.
They don't even tell the cops that are doing it that it doubles and triples drug use in kids.
Don't use it, here's the crack pipe, here's the marijuana.
Of course, in the school I went to in Rockwall,
The cops involved in the anti-drug programs were then out dealing drugs.
Most departments aren't like that, but it even gets that corrupt.
You know, where the cops own the topless bars and run the whores and everything else, and then the public... Amnesty International came out and said legalize prostitution yesterday, and I agree with that.
It's not that I agree with prostitution overall, it's that
Making it illegal is done so the mafia and government can control it and keep it hidden to oppress women and others.
All the major studies show you decriminalize drugs, you decriminalize the sex trade, it doesn't let the system sit there and then control it.
It makes drug use, prostitution, all of it actually goes down when you legalize it.
Portugal made narcotics legal.
What was it, 15 years ago?
And they've seen more than a half drop in crime.
Yeah, people are out robbing to get their drug fix.
I'm ranting, we got Wayne Madsen.
WayneMadsenReport.com joining us.
I'm going to give the toll-free number out for your quick question or comment to Wayne Madsen.
The toll-free number is 800-259-9231.
Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist for Infowars.com.
I've been bringing up a lot of the questions, a lot of the points here.
I want to get more into
What you see happening with the attacks on Assad, saying take out Assad so that we'll stop ISIS.
I mean, that's crazy.
I want to get into what's happening with China and the economy, but I know you're always working on a bunch of big stories.
So you got the floor for the next 10 minutes or so.
What's on Wayne Madsen's radar?
Well, while everybody was focused, Alex, on this debate in Cleveland between the Republican, you know, the kiddie table team that went on at happy hour and the adult team that went on later, I was in Chicago investigating the presidential election, not of 2016, but of 2020.
And the word is that Rahm Emanuel, the current mayor of Chicago, who just won re-election against
I don't think so.
That Rahm Emanuel is building up a political war chest to run for president in 2020.
And also, it's quite apparent why former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich received an unbelievable 14-year sentence in federal prison
I think?
Refuses to reduce Blagojevich's sentence.
This 14-year sentence is crazy when you look at this as a supposed crime.
But this is the idea behind it.
The 14 years would, of course, cover Obama's eight years in the presidency.
In addition to Rahm Emanuel's eight years as mayor of Chicago, and if Rahm Emanuel is elected president in 2020, the first four years of the Rahm Emanuel presidency, Rod Blagojevich isn't due to be released until the year 2025.
And that's because if he's released, we know he likes to talk,
Part of the reasons he got himself in trouble.
He's already, I understand, in prison.
He's working at the prison library.
He's connecting all the dots on who did this to him and other politicians, especially in Illinois and Chicago.
And if he's out, he's going to start squawking about Emmanuel.
Now, let me tell you where Emmanuel's money is coming from.
This was a bit of a surprise to me.
I was talking to traders who work at the Chicago Board of Trade who spoke to me anonymously because, let's face it, Emanuel's running a thugocracy in Chicago.
He makes Al Capone look like the fairy godmother.
And where Obama's getting his money from, Ari Emanuel, his super agent Hollywood brother, who is just as nasty and foul-mouthed as Rahm, invested up to $15 million in this rideshare company called Uber.
And the Chicago cabbies hate it because they spend as much as $425,000 for a cab medallion and Uber is basically rendering that worthless.
And David Plouffe, who was the architect of Obama's two presidential wins,
I think so.
I think?
No other politician was able to do.
And one can argue about machines, but the daily machine, I believe, was more of a benevolent machine than the malevolent political machine that Emanuel is running in Chicago, which is only benefiting the upper 1%.
Those who live on the North Shore, those who are making money from the introduction of casinos in Chicago, something that Blagojevich was opposed to.
And, you know, who are Emanuel's buddies?
Well, it's the Pritzker family.
Penny Pritzker is Obama's Commerce Secretary.
The Zell family.
Zell used to own the Chicago Tribune, which we should remember once employed David Axelrod as one of its reporters.
And the Crown family, which is another one of these wealthy Chicago oligarchs.
So this is what is being planned in Chicago.
And unfortunately, the rest of the country isn't hearing about this because the good old days
Of the muckraking journalists like Mike Royko, who worked for the Sun-Times and the Chicago Tribune, and Irv Kupfsenet, and even the non-movie critic commentary of Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert, it's all long gone in Chicago.
You know, the number one investigator for Chicago WBBM-CBS2, her name is Pam Zechman,
Well, she was once married to James Zagel, the trial judge who put Blagojevich away for 14 years.
So herein we see the nice little circle of friends that are basically helping Emanuel seize control of the Oval Office in 2020.
Why did they go after Blagojevich overall?
I mean, didn't he come out of the same axle rod nest and they just basically saw him as a rival and he knew where the bodies were buried?
Well, he came out of the machine politics of Chicago, but his wife, Patty, her father, his name, he was like a
Thirty-two year alderman in Chicago.
He was a member of the Daily Machine originally, but the Blagojevich-Mill dynasty broke with the Emmanuel Axelrod crowd, and Blagojevich, of course, was trying to ensure that the person who got Obama's
Senate seat was somebody more to Blagojevich's liking and not, you know, at one time they wanted Valerie Jarrett to get that seat.
That's what the Obama people did.
I want to go to some phone calls shifting gears into geopolitical activities.
I see a lot of admissions in the press that the West is launching yet another color revolution attempt to overthrow Russia like they've done Ukraine.
We see the China situation dropping their yawn and threats between the West and China there.
We see stock markets in trouble.
What's your take on that?
Well, it's always been the ultimate intention of these color revolution fanatics, these neocons, who basically overthrew two governments in Ukraine in 2004 with the Orange Revolution, and again with the most recent overthrow of the Yanukovych government
Last year, you know, they've done it in Georgia, the Republic of Georgia.
They've done it, they tried to do it in Macedonia, they succeeded partially there.
Victoria Nuland, this is her thing.
She's the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs.
She works hand in glove with a lot of these neocon ambassadors in these countries to foment these revolutions.
The ultimate goal, whether you're talking, you can talk about Ukraine and Moldova and Kyrgyzstan, the ultimate goal is Russia and China.
That's the peanut crowd's wet dream when it comes to these color revolutions.
They will end on the streets of Moscow and Beijing if they have their way.
And they don't care whether they cause World War III to happen in the process or not.
Because one thing we know about the neocons, these are ruthless people who do not worry about the
Sure, what do you make of Jeb Bush, because that's a segue into this, blaming Obama and the Clintons for Iraq?
I mean, of course, Obama and the Clintons are all part of it.
They're guilty like he is, but that's just asinine.
Well, he wants you to conveniently have amnesia when it comes to recent history.
I mean, there's a reason he uses Jeb as his campaign slogan.
He doesn't put Bush on those buttons and those stickers because he don't want people
To remember Bush.
So it's, you know, basically he's an acronym followed by an exclamation.
Sure, he's inverting reality again.
Just like he says, take out Assad to defeat ISIS, when Assad's battling ISIS.
Let's play a clip of Jeb Bush.
We and our partners should declare a no-fly zone in Syria and then work to expand that zone to prevent more crimes by the regime.
Enforce that no-fly zone and we'll stop the regime's bombing raids that kill helpless citizens.
It could also help stop Iranian flights from resupplying the regime and Hezbollah and other bad actors.
A no-fly zone is a critical strategic step to cut off Assad, counter Iranian influence, keep the pressure on for a settlement, and prevent more needless death in a country that has seen so much of it.
When we talk about no-fly zones in Syria, precision airstrikes in Iraq, or any projection of military power to meet or deter threats, all of this assumes that such power is there when we need it.
Yet here as well, the short-sightedness of the present administration will leave a cost.
We're in the seventh year of a significant dismantling of our own military in almost inverse proportion to the threats that are multiplying.
I mean, Obama's following a pure neocon strategy.
It's so clear.
And they're breaking Iraq in three pieces.
It's a bipartisan plan.
And then he sits up here and acts like Assad started it all when the ally of the Bushes, Saudi Arabia, quarterbacked this whole fiasco.
I mean, it's just incredible.
He's so creepy.
I mean, he's so creepy and disingenuous and obviously a dirtbag.
Wayne Madsen?
Well, Jeb's pretty good at reading talking points from the American Enterprise Institute and the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, both notorious neocon think tanks.
But look, he talks about the regime.
The regime we should be putting pressure on is the regime in Turkey.
Which is now pummeling Kurdish positions in Turkey and Iraq.
The Kurds are fighting against ISIL.
Assad is fighting against ISIL.
Iranian forces are fighting against ISIL.
I'll give President Obama this.
At least his opening to Iran with the nuclear deal, he recognizes the fact if we're to suppress
And of course, he's got people in the Senate and his own party, for example, Charles Schumer, who's acting as Brutus with Julius Caesar in the forum, sticking a knife in President Obama's back.
Sure, my view is it's all theater, and they're going to double-cross Iran, and Iran's out of control as well.
I mean, the whole situation is just insane, but now Obama's saying he's going to bomb the Syrians when they attack the good rebels.
We know there's really no good rebels.
Wayne, we're going to come back with two short segments and take phone calls with you.
Wayne Madsen, WayneMadsenReport.com, and we'll also talk to you off-air about some of the future
Uh, trips are going to be on for InfoWars out there reporting around the U.S.
and the world for us.
We'll be back after this quick break.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Super smart, super dangerous Russian foreign minister has come out and cursed the Saudis, calls them imbeciles.
Translators say he called them expletive imbeciles.
I mean, the Russians are really heating up right now because they're completely surrounded being attacked.
Again, I'm not lionizing them, but it's a war crime to start wars with them when they're not expansionist.
It's just not in America's interest.
This is not an American empire the neocons and the Obama-oids are building.
It's a globalist bankster system that's parasitic.
Now we've got this short segment and the next to take calls for Wayne Madsen and he's leaving us and Mr. Dent's joining us on an in-depth analysis of the economy and where he says this is going next.
But now it goes from probability to serious probability of something bigger than 2008
And potentially way worse.
So that's coming up in the next hour on your calls.
Mike in Louisiana, thanks for calling.
You're on the air with investigative journalist Wayne Madsen.
Yes, good day, good day.
Hi Wayne, nice to speak to you again.
This is Mike in New Orleans.
I want to ask you this about, you say that if it gets to a Bush-Clinton election, for one,
I think there's a better chance we're going to have a revolution in this country before we see an election.
We have an economic collapse coming.
I could see riots, martial law, a breakup.
That's why they're going to cause a race war to claim the collapse was that.
But I agree with you.
They got some nasty stuff stirred up.
Well, you know, people are looking at yet another Bush vs. Clinton election in 2016.
I mean, it's like a pressure cooker.
When does it go off?
When does it reach that point where people have had enough?
They're so arrogant!
This is so obviously fixed!
People quit watching heavyweight boxing because Don King runs it!
I mean, yeah, the whole thing is a charade.
The one thing about Fox's so-called debate, that was more like a reality television show.
That wasn't a debate.
If we had real debates, let them bring back the League of Women Voters that used to basically moderate those debates, not somebody like Megyn Kelly, who's now in some sort of big fight with Donald Trump.
It's like she's all tarting around.
I'm so sick of it.
It's like Celebrity Apprentice, you know?
He said this, he said that.
That business has no place in our political system.
But, you know, Fox saw a record audience for that and they'll continue to basically tarnish our political system with foolish so-called debates.
Well, they're dumbing it down into bread and circuses by design.
This has been done before.
Steven in Florida, you got a question or comment?
Go ahead.
Yeah, good afternoon.
Okay, two quick questions.
Wayne, first of all, you had done a bombshell article for InfoWars several years ago showing the deep ties Obama has with the CIA to his parents and grandparents.
And Alex had put out a documentary after Obama got in, showing that there was ties between Bush and Kerry through Hugh Hefner up there in Chicago, being blood brothers.
First of all, is there ties I've read stuff where Obama is actually related to the Bushes?
Yeah, we know Obama is closely related to Dick Cheney.
Are there any relations between Obama and the Bushes?
Not that I'm aware of.
Look, both Jim and Obama, as I've reported, worked as assets, at the very least, for the CIA.
But just because somebody works for the CIA or any of the other intelligence agencies doesn't mean that they're totally useless.
I think Obama, in his opening to Iran, is like Nixon going to China.
Nixon had ties with the CIA also.
That's right, and if you're a new listener, we just pulled up the Guardian, Bush and Obama cousins.
We're not making this stuff up.
I mean, when we say Prince Charles is the Arrow Count Dracula, we're not making it up.
I mean, truth is stranger than fiction.
The more I learn, the more I realize that is the greatest cliché.
It's totally true.
Third hour coming up.
Five more minutes with Wayne Madsen, then Mr. Dent.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Going to your phone calls.
We're going to go to Missouri now and talk to Alex.
You're on the air with Wayne Madsen and Alex Jones.
Alex, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
How are you doing today, buddy?
Good, my friend.
Go ahead.
Hey, uh, well, first of all, I wanted to say, my name's Alex Jones, too, man.
Well, there are a lot of Alex Joneses, or are you a prank caller?
No, no, I'm for real, man.
I just wanted to say hello to my wife, Penelope, and my daughter, Bethany, and my son.
He's also named Alex.
He's Alex Jr.
But I gotta tell you, man,
I love everything you have to say.
You are definitely one of my most, you're like my idol.
I'm so excited to be on with you today, Alex.
Okay, well thank you.
I'll have to say, you don't sound too sincere, but, or maybe you're so sincere you don't sound sincere, sweetheart.
But go ahead and ask your question to Wayne Madsen.
Okay, well, what I was going to ask Mr. Madsen is how are we going to stop the Bushes and Clintons from getting in office as the American people?
I mean, I think there's a revolution coming for sure.
That's a good question.
Thank you very much.
Very funny.
Go ahead, Wayne.
We'll get some lemonade out of that lemon.
Go ahead.
Well, I mean, you know, again, an informed electorate is an anathema to the Bushes and the Clintons.
The more people know about those two candidates and the more they know about the alternatives,
I think the better off we are.
Look, there's a reason why Bernie Sanders is catching fire over on the Democratic side and has now gotten Hillary, he's beating Hillary in the polls in New Hampshire.
And Jeb, everyone thought his performance in Cleveland was very lackluster.
So, uh, even with all their money, it doesn't mean it's a foregone conclusion they're going to be the candidates.
Although that's where the wise pundits, uh, that's what they're saying.
But, uh, we know Hillary thought she was being coronated in 08.
And a guy named Obama came along, and, uh, that was the end of her dream.
Well, she's reportedly got a lot of health problems, so, you know, the good Lord may have something to do with stopping her as well.
These people are not God, even though they think they are.
Jesse in California's got a question for you.
Wayne, go ahead, Jesse.
Hey Alex, wasn't there another Bush brother, Neil Bush, and he was involved in the saving and loan scandal back in the 80s?
Yeah, there's a whole crew of them.
Neil was, it was a Silverado SNL collapse.
You know, when you look at where these bushes were placed, you had W placed in Texas to go on to the governorship, Jeb in Florida who became governor.
Of course, they both wanted, you know, one became president, the other one wants to.
The two failures, of course, were Neil in Colorado, plans to get him involved in
Uh, politics and become potentially governor.
Colorado went down a drain with the Silverado SNL collapse and Marvin Bush in Virginia, the one we don't hear anything about, which I, I investigated him years ago.
You know, his maid was run over by her own SUV, uh, in parked in front of his home, uh, back when W was president.
And I looked at that and, uh, and, and Marvin Bush on the police report was actually listed as witness slash
Suspect in that death, and of course the Washington Post didn't give it much attention, but I looked into it.
She was actually, when she was run over by her own car, she told Marvin that she was getting a videotape out of her car, and he said, oh really?
Let me see it, and that's when the car ran over her.
So to me, that's still an unexplained death, but you know, there's a lot of dead bodies associated with the Bush clan.
Well, we know one thing, they're not conservatives, and I don't know how any Republican out there could ever vote for them, and Hillary's a fascist dirtbag.
I mean, I'm just so sick of these people, but we may just see the crown... Now they've got the Bush grandson elected here in Texas.
I mean, it's like herpes or something.
It just won't go away.
It just keeps giving and giving and giving.
Very scrofulous.
Thank you so much, Wayne Madsen.
We're going to be talking to you today about some of these investigative reports.
You're going to be doing it on the road.
We'll be hearing a lot from you now that you've joined the InfoWars.com team.
Thank you so much, Wayne Madsen.
Thank you, Alex.
Sorry to the other callers.
If you want to hold over and talk to Dent, you can.
We were talking about economics and the huge situation with China on the other side.
I believe that there's a major correction coming.
Turns out it wasn't just yoga moves on Hillary's server after all.
After months of denials and delaying actions, Hillary Clinton has decided to turn over her private email server to the Department of Justice.
Well, she really doesn't have much choice.
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government has.
In other words, top secret.
But what difference at this point does it make?
Right, Hillary?
Especially after it's been revealed that Chinese email hackers have been spying on top U.S.
figures since 2010.
And Clinton's server was completely unencrypted for several months.
People found to have willfully mishandled such highly classified information face severe punishment.
At minimum, they have their clearances suspended pending the outcome of the investigation.
If the Democratic frontrunner, who's now under a criminal FBI probe, has her security clearance revoked, can she even be the president?
You can find more reports at InfoWars.com.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
You'll take my life, but I'll take yours too.
You fire musket, but I'll run you through.
When you're waiting for the next attack.
You'll take my life, but I'll take yours too.
You fire musket, but I'll run you through.
So when you're waiting for the next attack.
You better stand, there's no turning back.
But on this battlefield, no one wins.
We have a war with Russia, a war with China, nobody wins.
That's why we don't have big wars anymore between superpowers.
Because it would end the planet, not just humanity.
But we see major military build-up against Russia, major military build-up against China, China lowering its currency, China manipulating its stock market.
No one out there predicted this in writing, on record, like Harry Dent at harrydent.com, best-selling author, author of The Demographic Cliff, made a lot of famous predictions that have come true the last 20-plus years.
He's been coming on our show five, six, I guess seven years now, actually.
But he's just been hammering that he believes China
We're good to go.
You know, you have Turkey on Thanksgiving.
It's a conspiracy theory.
I mean, this is a war against reality happening.
He, of course, has an MBA from Harvard Business School and Bain Company, a strategy consultant for more than 100 companies.
He's also been the CEO of several entrepreneurial growth companies and very, very successful in that right.
I'm not going to go over all of his bio.
Folks know who he is here.
But we're hitting the demographic cliff.
And historically with that, they'll try to start wars, a lot of other insanity.
And you notice he used to be on about twice a year, then he's on three or four times a year.
Last year, now he's on every month.
We appreciate him coming on.
He even came on a few days after his dad died a few months ago, and we appreciate that.
And now I'm really listening carefully because
I want to hear how he thinks we might go over the cliff as we get closer to it.
Are we going to see the big correction, 2008 big, bigger?
What will it cause?
They only increased the derivatives.
They only increased what got us in this situation.
Will there be new banker bailouts, new tax increases to give it to offshore corporations that cheat on their taxes?
Mr. Dent is here to join us.
He's got charts on civil unrest increasing, everything.
We're going to go over these in the next hour.
In the last 15 minutes or so, we'll take a few questions at 800-259-9231 for Mr. Dent.
Okay, Mr. Crystal Ball, here we are.
Now we've gotten closer to it.
I'm sure you've got more of an electron microscope view of this.
What in Hades is going on?
Well, you know, Alex, the biggest thing since we last talked, China's bubble and stocks finally burst.
It means nothing when a stock bubble bursts 10% or 20%.
That can just be an ordinary correction.
35% in a little over three weeks, and how much would it have been if the government had not come in with a half a trillion dollar fund to buy their own stocks?
And this came after the government in China had been buying empty real estate to prop up that market that's been falling, and after they created the greatest bubble in history by moving a half a billion people
We're good to go.
Of the global bubble bursting again.
China was the first thing, actually before that in March.
Germany, the leading market in Europe, looked like it peaked to me.
And then the China crash in late May and end of July.
And now I think the U.S.
markets are going to start heading down by early September, probably peaking in the next week or two.
So I think this is happening.
And the other big factor is that
And I don't get why the oil miners don't totally get this.
In the stock markets, oil keeps dropping.
You predicted three years ago that when we hit the cliff, oil would go to 40.
Now it looks like it's worse than you say.
Bloomberg's talking about $30 crude.
Yeah, I'm actually talking, I've been talking for years about 10 to 20 down the road.
I think we're going to see $32 in the next few months.
And what that says is, and again, the markets still don't fully get this because everybody's thinking oil is going to come back to 70, 80.
The fracking industry.
A trillion-dollar industry that's created hundreds of thousands of jobs, directly and indirectly, $600 billion in junk bonds and highly leveraged debt.
This industry is going to be dead.
It's a bubble industry.
It's a high-cost industry.
The debts, because I know because a lot of folks in Texas are involved, the debts are all coming due.
By next year, it's all bankrupt.
Could that be the detonator in the U.S.
Yeah, exactly.
I think China is the detonator for the global markets in the world because it's the biggest bubble.
And it's kind of like Japan in the early 90s cracking.
But for the United States, I think the first debt bubble to crack will be these frackers.
And when they start defaulting, jump on rates will go up for other high risk borrowers.
And then you get a whole thing like the subprime crisis in 2008.
There was only four states that had a big subprime problem.
And underwater household and it triggered a global downturn.
That's what happened.
Too much in debt.
All it takes is a trigger.
It's not that the subprime crisis was the biggest trend.
It's that the whole world was too much in debt.
Demographics were starting to decline as we predicted for years.
And this whole thing has only been kept together since 2008, when it started to crash last time, by endless money printing.
Sure, sure.
I mean, you've documented the problem.
You've been 100% that on.
It's frightening.
What happens next, now that you're closer?
You said, until we got real close, you couldn't...
You know, break down with the trends exactly how it might unravel.
Are you close enough now to tell us?
You say within weeks?
I mean, how bad?
How does it cascade?
Is it a big bust?
Or is it unraveling?
What do you see happening?
Well, you know, first of all, our overall picture has been that, you know, we've seen higher highs in every boom and bubble, again in 2000, and then again in 2007, and then 2015 now.
Every crash has taken us to lower lows.
We're seeing that we're going to go from a Dow recently of 18,300, we might get a little higher than that, I doubt it, but down to 5,500 to 6,000, that's a bigger crash than we had last time, the largest crash
Since the Great Depression in 29 to 32.
So, but that's going to take a couple years.
What I've been warning investors, especially in the last several months.
When you have a bubble like this, you can't wait to prove that it's over and then get out because the first downturn is typically 30 to 40 percent.
That just happened in China.
35 percent down in a little over three weeks.
In the 2000 tech crash, the first downturn in two and a half months, 40 percent.
In the 1929 bubble burst in the United States, 40 percent down in the first downturn.
So you have to get out ahead of this
I think we just bounce off of this Chinese devaluation move, another desperate move to save a failing economy, and I think we'll bounce for a week or two, and then the Chinese market will turn back down and start collapsing.
Oil prices will bounce from 42 here, which is something I predicted just weeks ago.
So we are in the dead cat bounce right now?
Yeah, we'll get a little dead cat bounce in stocks.
Actually, stocks may hit a new high slightly.
Oil will bounce from $42 to, I don't know, $48 or $50.
And then next thing you know, it'll be at $32.
When it hits $32 for the second time since 2008 in that massive crash,
Stock market's going to finally realize in the junk bond market that finances these risky companies that the crackers are dead.
They're over.
They've run out their wells at low cost once they've developed them, and they don't ever build any new wells again, and a trillion dollar industry dies and starts at the fall.
So that, again, is the biggest trigger in the United States, I see.
Wow, and then we've got all these other economic things happening.
You talked about Europe, you talked about the EU, you talked about Greece defaulting.
Looking at Europe, how does that play into all this?
Then we've got Obamacare hitting, that's like a wet blanket on the economy.
We've got Obama taxes just wrecking everything.
And it looks like Washington is trying to put the country into a cardiac arrest.
Well, you know, again, what governments are really doing, they created this bubble in the first place.
They overstimulated, they pushed interest rates artificially low.
And then when the whole thing started unraveling in 2008, they started printing money out of nowhere.
You know, like 10 trillion dollars around the world, 4 trillion just in the United States, just to keep the economy from collapsing and the banking system from collapsing.
But they created the bubble in the first place.
So they're just covering up what they're doing.
And you can see China's situation keeps getting worse.
You know, they do X, then they do Y, then they do Z, but then they have to do another thing.
It's because they're failing.
You cannot keep a bubble going forever.
And China is the largest in history, but Europe has its bubble and they keep trying to stimulate.
The U.S.
has our bubble.
We keep trying to stimulate.
This thing's going to come
I think.
Crashes usually hit the hardest and strongest, so I'm telling people this market may have a week or two left.
I would not be in stock after August 25th.
Okay, when we come back, I want to get your view on, and I know you've predicted with incredible accuracy, you don't like to get down into little micro stuff because it's impossible, but in your gut, what you expect this fall to be like, what you expect Christmas to be like, you know, elites separately I know are moving to like countryside redoubts.
They're acting scared.
And I've seen this building for years.
They all know.
Like you said, they've been covering it up.
I mean, they know what's going on.
They just won't tell people.
And then what's going to happen when the bottom falls out, geopolitically but also domestically with the unrest?
I know you've got charts on that at harrydent.com.
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Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed.
Everybody knows the war is over.
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The poor stay poor.
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That's how it goes.
And everybody knows.
This is a short segment.
There will be a long segment.
Obviously, an 18-minute segment coming up next.
We'll take some calls then.
If you're watching us via TV, it's a free feed.
If you're a radio listener, it adds depth and documentation to things.
I'm not just saying, you know, there's photos of the Queen of England hailing Hitler.
We can actually show it to you, or we can actually show you the chart on the Yon, or show you the chart on their stock market.
We can show you Mr. Dent's chart.
The $100 trillion in financial assets could disappear.
We're going to put that on screen.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
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Another chart, S&P 500.
And some of those other numbers.
And in the next segment, it's longer, we'll get into what he thinks is going to happen next.
How this, he says within two weeks it can start.
What does the start of that look like?
But getting into your hundred trillion in financial assets could disappear.
Let's talk about that chart.
Yeah, you know, people don't... I always talk about deflation coming out of endless money printing and people go, what?
They're printing money.
That should cause inflation.
They're only printing money rapidly, desperately to fight deflation.
Deflation happens in history every single time.
That you have a credit bubble that creates way too much debt.
Debt grew 2.6 times the U.S.
economy from 1983 to 2008 and then started to collapse.
That debt causes financial asset bubbles in stocks and real estate and commodities and all these sort of things.
And when those debt bubbles deleverage, when those financial assets, and again what this chart shows,
Is it a globally the best estimate today?
$231 trillion in financial assets.
These are stocks, bonds and loans.
It doesn't even count real estate, which is huge.
And I'm saying that in the Great Depression, in times like this of deleveraging, those financial assets, loans fail, bonds go down in value, and especially stocks, that money gets wiped out.
It disappears.
And it took 24 years for stocks to get back to their highs in 1929.
In real estate, 10 years to get back to their highs.
This money disappears and when there's less money in the economy, you get deflation.
There's less money chasing the same assets.
It's a reset.
And it's an important reset.
It's good.
It's good that if homes cost less.
It's good that if mortgage rates are less.
It's good that if
Public education and college education costs less because we get a reset and all these crazy... Sure, but they don't let us have real resets.
They're going to come in with bailout packages that only help the insiders.
So that's a good question.
What do you expect them to respond to this with, looking at what China's done, adding a chainsaw to their juggling act now?
Well, yeah.
China's done it.
China keeps responding with more stimulus measures, more fight-the-bubble bursting.
The US has been doing this in Europe since 2008.
Everything governments have done around the world has been to fight this bubble from bursting.
Nobody's written down hardly any loans.
What you have to do when a bank or banks or financial institutions lend too much money to bad creditors,
That they should have to write those loans down and take losses, and their shareholders should have to take those losses.
Nobody's allowing that to happen.
Instead, the everyday person is paying for this with declining wages, and the rich are making more money than ever because money is free.
They've had to make money free to stop this crisis.
Zero short-term interest rates.
And they get first access to it and then loan it out.
Yeah, and well actually what happens is these financial institutions, the way they're surviving, they're not lending money to small businesses and everyday people.
They are speculating in markets that are rigged to go up by the government.
Our second chart shows that the S&P 500 since 2011 has gone straight up with only a 10% range of volatility because the government just said, we're going to keep pumping money in the markets, we're going to keep interest rates at zero.
And now banks charge you to keep money with them because they've got so much free money.
It's crazy.
But the free money causes these financial assets, like stocks, to go up.
Half of the gains have been because companies are buying back their own stocks with free money.
They're buying back their own stocks and making their earnings go up for sure, even though they're not growing.
It's crazy.
Well, let's talk about then what that will do when they rush in and try to prop up the market like the Chinese did, what you expect, how long they can prop it up, or will it fail like China just failed?
I mean, China has failed, and now they're dropping their currency, which hurts the rest of the global economy.
I mean, it is amazing.
Stay with us.
Mr. Dent's our guest.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The FBI has arrested a pair of ISIS wannabes in Mississippi.
The newlyweds allegedly claimed via social media they plan to travel to Syria and join ISIS.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Luke, Chris, Adam, Austin, Dion, and others.
Your calls are coming up here in a few minutes for Mr. Dent.
You can go to his website, harrydent.com, and find free chapters of his book, find specials, On the Demographic Cliff, read articles, and a lot more.
Be sure and take advantage of that.
Quite frankly, you're crazy if you don't.
We're going to go back to him in just a moment.
I want to talk about my philosophy here just briefly.
Most long-time listeners know it, but new ones may not.
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I used to be 100% sponsor-supported, but I gotta mess with it, I gotta vet it.
Sponsors can come and go.
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I wonder what he's talking about there.
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Infowarslife.com is just a subsection of that online shopping center.
But it's all about free will.
We don't take a gun, put it to your head, and take money for banker bailouts.
We don't take money and give it to NPR, MSNBC, and stimulus money to give Rachel Maddow.
You know, a raise so she can interview Michael Moore.
We're just here saying we got great products.
If you believe in what we're doing, buy them.
And then we're a platform to have people like Mr. Denton and others.
Now, I'm ranting.
I want to go to phone calls.
I want to go back to our guest.
Harry, you're a gentleman.
You don't like to pitch your stuff.
But let me tell you.
Out of all the great guests we have on, and they've got really good track records of being accurate, they say a lot of the same stuff you say, but you say it with research, precision, and frightening accuracy.
Put a plug in for your book at harrydent.com, the demographic cliff.
Yeah, again, this book came out a few years ago.
We're offering it for free.
All you pay is shipping and handling.
And this is the real shipping and handling, not on the 1995 commercials where, you know, you pay more and it's just $4.95.
Again, if you like what you're hearing here, we have a full analysis of the global economy, of debt around the world, of demographics around the world.
And demographics are so important and economists are so clueless.
About it.
And we even show why real estate will never be the same.
People just don't get that real estate went up in our lifetime because the first middle class generation came out of World War II and bought homes massively for the first time.
Sharon, I hate to interrupt you, but you predicted that would be the final trigger would be a Chinese housing crash.
Here it is in the Financial Times of London two days ago.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, yeah.
But I mean, even when we do see this global crash in real estate, it's not going to come roaring back.
Maybe in India, but not in the United States or China or many places like it did in the past.
So, you know, we help people see what you need to do now to protect your money from a big crash.
But where do you
We're good to go.
Well, people should go get the book.
I've read the book a while back and it's just, you can't argue with it.
And now we're hitting that wall.
Let me ask you this question.
And I asked it earlier, but I want to talk about a few minutes ago to some phone calls here, specifically zeroing in on what you think is going to start happening in two weeks.
And then what some of the other triggers could be and how this could look.
Because major university studies estimate 7 million people died during the 10-year Great Depression from association of malnutrition and diseases from the collapse.
And we had 90% of people being rural, most of them self-sufficient.
And we had 7 million people starve to death or die as complications from malnutrition.
Now, if things go belly-up, and we got a lot of hard-working Americans, but we got a lot of spoiled brats, too.
And this whole entitlement society and Hollywood pushing, you know, gangster culture and all the rest of it, I mean, I look around me and it scares the daylights out of me to think about what a hardcore depression will look like in this country.
Yeah, I mean, there's more political polarization than I've ever seen in US history.
There's more extreme inequality than we've seen since the late 1920s.
This cannot end well.
A lot of people are going to blame each other when this happens, and nobody's going to be totally true about that, but they're going to blame each other, and people are not going to be happy.
And I tell you, if you think it's going to be bad here, don't even imagine being in China.
When the biggest urban migration in history falls apart, and these people can't even go back to their rice patties because they've been paved over with empty condominiums.
It just so I think people like really need to hunker down and say, look, I mean, and I don't even know.
How bad does this get on a civil level?
I just see that it's not just going to be a financial collapse.
There are going to be civil problems and you need to live in a safe place.
You need to protect yourself in just very basic ways, not just your investment.
And just say, how can I be as safe as possible if the world kind of melts down?
And it doesn't melt down forever.
I'm not a doom and gloomer.
I've been bullish most of my life.
But I am a doom and gloomer now because all the fundamental trends point down.
And it worries me the most, Alex, that governments have fought this so hard.
Governments have never
A downturn and a reset in financial assets and debt so hard.
You have to let a lot of this debt go.
It's like a financial detox, you know, just like people would do on diet or something if they want to get healthier, if they had cancer or something.
We need this and they just won't let it happen.
So when it does happen, it's going to be worse than it would have been.
So I say protect yourself and say, where do I live?
How liquid are my financial assets?
How flexible am I?
That's the way to survive this.
And then when things fall apart, it's going to be like Joseph Kennedy in the early 30s, where you're buying stuff for 10, 20 cents on the dollar.
That's right.
Boy, I tell you, what are all the pundits and people that sold all these ideas?
What are they going to do?
Just hope the public has the attention span of a goldfish?
Well, again, you know, I listen to all the great experts and the hedge fund managers, and I hate to say it, Warren Buffett, nice, decent guy, great investor.
He doesn't have a clue of what's going on in the economy.
He's been a cheerleader for the government.
All these other financial experts and Wall Street, they're all want to keep the bubble going because they all benefit when this thing bursts.
They're going to get hit the worst.
The richest people in the world are going to get hit the worst, except for the smartest ones to get out of the way, because they own the most financial assets.
These financial institutions who are levered up unbelievably and now are speculators instead of lenders or investment bankers, which is even worse, they're going to get hit horribly.
So again, I just tell people, there's nothing you can do about this.
There's nothing I can do about this.
All we can do is get out of the way.
And the elites, I know, are scurrying to the hills.
I want to go to some phone calls with Mr. Dent here.
Again, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show on stations across the country.
Please support these local affiliates, folks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Austin in Florida.
I thought Austin was in Texas, but another lame joke.
Austin, go ahead.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
Okay, my question is, when the financial collapse does happen, let's say in, I don't know, this winter, let's just say, how will this affect the U.S.
Will this cause a war with Russia or World War III?
And will American people buy into it as well?
Sure, here's a question.
What do you expect to do to the dollar?
Because if other countries are collapsing worse, will the dollar go up?
I mean, I don't think anybody really knows for sure, but what's your gut tell you, Mr. Dent?
Well, I do know for sure on this one.
In the last
Crisis, when things really went down and Lehman Brothers went down and we had a financial crisis, the US dollar went up 27% in a matter of months, oil collapsed, gold collapsed, silver went running the money, real estate went down, stocks around the world went down,
The dollar is the safe haven, not because we're doing the right things, but we're the best house in a bad neighborhood.
Europe is stimulating much more than we are now.
Japan is stimulating three times as much as us.
They are in much worse shape when this thing boils down.
When the global economy goes down, a lot of these financial assets are priced in U.S.
And when these U.S.
dollars get destroyed, guess what?
The U.S.
dollar goes up in value because there's fewer of them and it's going to buy more.
We have 23 aircraft carriers.
The next largest country has one or two.
France has the SS Croissant, as you know.
I mean, this is there's nobody else to run to.
What happens to interest rates?
What do you see interest rates do in the next six months?
Okay, they may go up at first for Treasury bonds when people worry about another downturn and higher deficits, but ultimately the Treasury bonds will go down even further with deflation and prices
But junk bonds, higher risk bonds, will go up astronomically and junk bonds are like stocks.
We told people two years ago to sell the junk bond indexes and junk bonds because a higher risk economy will create greater defaults.
But for treasury bonds in the strongest countries like Germany and the United States, they will tend to
Hold their value and increase over time.
In the Great Depression, the only sector of investment, other than cash, that had higher value were the treasury bonds and the highest quality AAA corporate bonds, stocks.
Sure, well I think the best thing to do is just be in cash so when everything bottoms out, like you said, you can do a Joe Kennedy.
I want to go to Kohl's here, but a lot of them are asking the same thing.
Luke and Adam and others want to go to them.
Uh, and we'll get your answer, but it's, I mean, here's the headline in the Telegraph.
Europe in crisis.
Everyone from Putin to ordinary savers is stockpiling gold.
If commodities are going to go down, we've seen gold go up a little bit the last few days, why would they be stockpiling?
I think it's because it is a good emergency backup if governments start confiscating cash, but they could do that to gold too.
We'll get Dent's take on that.
Luke in Arizona, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, go ahead.
I just, I had a statement and I wanted to ask a question.
You bet.
We're not screening your call.
You're on air.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
First, there are, right now, bullion checking accounts available to Americans.
I have one.
I use Filter all the time.
It's a debit card that works on the Visa network.
And especially listening to the guest today, I'm going to be out of dollars, you know, coming the 25th.
I don't want to be anywhere near the system.
I guess my question for Mr. Dent was, do you think that China's
Yeah, I think so.
We're good to go.
Scarcity of gold, which I've said I think it'll go up as things get worse.
Other commodities will go down.
Just in my gut, we see that happening.
Dent disagrees with that.
And I'm not saying I'm right.
I hold some gold.
This is a total emergency backup as a form of cash.
What do you say to what Luke just said?
Thank you, Luke.
Well, you know, in the last crisis, gold went up in the first several months.
Stocks peaked in October 2007.
Gold peaked
And I think, like, June or something, and then went down when the crisis hit.
So I think the same thing could happen this time.
In the early stages, gold could go up.
Gold is way oversold right now.
If anything, I mean, I'd rather own gold right now short term than stocks, but I think stocks are about to crash.
Gold could go up.
But when we see deflation,
Um, gold is going to go down again like it did last time.
So, so I am not a fan of gold.
Longer term, short term, I am somewhat.
But super long term, you think it's the ultimate winner, right?
Oh, well, well, yeah.
2040, I think gold could hit $5,000 an ounce with the next commodity bubble that's going to be driven by the growth of emerging countries.
And guess who consumes the most gold in the world as consumers?
Indians and Chinese.
Off the charts.
But we're in a commodity downturn and I was the first to forecast this several years ago.
Commodities are going to be down for years and gold goes up and down with the commodity index since it stopped becoming a monetary metal in the early 70s with Nixon and stuff.
So people got to get over this
Sure, sure.
What if the globalists out of this world crisis bring in the SDR and try to back it with a currency basket and a commodities basket made up of silver and gold?
I mean, you know they're kicking that around.
You can't do it!
All of the gold in the world would fit in an Olympic-sized swimming pool.
You cannot back today's modern, information-intensive, service economy with gold like you could in the Roman Empire or even the 1800s when we were still mostly farmers.
Gold is a standard.
It was a good standard.
We need a standard.
Gold cannot and will not, and I will predict this until I die, will not be the standard.
What's the standard going to be then?
No, you're gonna have to have standards where governments make agreements among each other that you can't push down your currency artificially.
So you're talking about go back to a new Bretton Woods?
And you cannot let debt grow more than X percent of the economy.
It's just a simple, it'd be a quantitative standard, but you can't back today's economy with a commodity like gold.
So you're talking about a monetary treaty?
I mean, why would we want to back it with gold if there was a strike in South Africa and gold would be cut back and the whole world would collapse?
It's crazy!
No, and I get what you're saying.
I was asking the question.
You know it's being bandied about by some of the top policymakers as a new currency, a new bubble.
Okay, okay.
Ultimately, a basket of currencies could be better, but if I'm right, and then what happened in 2008 occurs again, and the U.S.
dollar rises and almost every other major currency falls, who's going to want a basket of falling currency?
The U.S.
dollar, I think, for the next two to three years is safe as the reserve currency.
After that, we do need a better monetary system.
I've told people when I retire and have a little extra time, I'm going to figure a way to have a better global monetary system because even these floating exchange rates where a company in the United States would be competitive one day and then not because the dollar
Rows in value?
That's crazy!
It's perfect for speculators.
We're building the whole planet for speculators.
Dion in Illinois, you're on the air with Mr. Dent.
Yeah, Harry, I don't know which jobs are going to be wiped out by the collapse and which jobs you think will be on demand and what's going to happen to the people that are out of the labor market.
Thank you.
You talking about stocks?
No, he was talking about what jobs are secured and which jobs aren't.
Well, you know,
The jobs that do the best are the ones that are being demanded by the aging baby boomers.
Jobs in healthcare, jobs in travel, cruise ships, things like that.
Even eating out is probably peaking now.
Auto sales are going to peak this year and drop off like housing did many years before.
Demographics will tell you what's going to do well
And the economy will hurt almost all industries to some degree, but I tell you, healthcare, things that serve older people, maintenance services for houses.
I tell you, in Japan, you know what's doing well?
Convenience stores and pharmacies.
That's what's doing the best.
Well, you can see that.
They're building a Walgreens or CVS on every corner.
It's going to be robots, servicing robots.
Robotics, exactly.
How do you replace young people and workers you can't afford when old people need more service?
It's just going to be unbelievable.
Well, one thing's for sure, it's not going to be boring into the future.
Let's go to Adam.
Adam, you're on the air from Ohio.
Go ahead.
Oh man, I can't even believe I made it through.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Pretty much my question was answered just listening to both of you gentlemen talk.
And first of all, Alex, I want to say how much I appreciate
All that you do, Endgame, was a fantastic documentary.
Thank you.
And I do apologize, I am a little nervous right now.
Well, I'm nervous too about what's happening, brother.
Go ahead, you got a question for Mr. Dent?
Well, it's more of a comment now.
I just want to remind people to get involved in their church, get involved in their family, and just
Keep the good fight.
You know, I know it looks bad, but it could always be better.
Well, Adam, God bless you, and I'm really glad Adam raises that because there's financial wealth, but we could recreate it overnight if we have cultural wealth of free market liberty, merit-based economies, transparency, and have our health and have our friends and family.
That's the real wealth.
Having a garden is the real wealth.
Having children is the real wealth.
And I think we're going to see a major renaissance in people getting back to basics during this global depression.
What do you think, Harry?
Do you think that there's going to be some good come out of this?
Yeah, I mean, you know, Alex, I study cycles.
I was a cycle guy way before I was a demographic guy.
I just stumbled on demographics as the most important cycle in this new middle class world, increasingly in the emerging world.
But to me, one of the cycles I look at that is very, very clear.
Every 250 years, we have a cultural, political, social revolution like democracy in the late 1700s.
And it's set to hit in eight years, isn't it?
And so that's the next
Decade is going to see a major revolution that is going to be powerful for emerging countries and is going to restructure developed countries around the values we need.
So I think that's going to be the most positive thing that comes out of this crisis.
People don't get clear.
Don't make clear decisions.
Don't go into the burning barn and save the horse and the dog and the kid and the baby until there's a crisis.
And when there's a crisis like 9-11, people just get incredibly clear and intelligent.
I think this crisis is going to bring a big revolution.
We've been destroying the free market capitalist system that's made us so prosperous, especially over the last three decades.
And we're going to learn how to bring it back with greater wisdom.
And I think that's going to be the payoff.
All right.
Well, the book is free.
I know about shipping.
If you pay people to ship it and even ship it media mail, I think you're losing money at $4.95.
I'm losing money on the book.
We're breaking even on the shipping.
But again, harrydent.com.
This is the time to get a book like this.
Yeah, and you've been a many times New York Times bestseller.
I guess you just want to get this out to people.
Well, look, I appreciate you.
We look forward to speaking to you again very, very soon.
Sorry to other callers, but we're out of time.
And again, anytime you've got something breaking and just want to pop in for 10 minutes, you know, don't just wait for us to call.
We appreciate you coming on.
We really, as this unfolds, want to have you back a lot more.
So thank you for the time, sir.
Alright, harrydent.com.
That's it for the transmission.
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