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Name: 20150624_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 24, 2015
2331 lines.

The Alex Jones Show covers topics such as firearms, politics, and privacy while promoting products like liver cleanse packs, belt buckles, and water filtration systems. Jones criticizes elites and public institutions and discusses technology's impact on personal lives.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're gonna start this transmission with a key report on Hillary launching a full-out assault on the Second Amendment.
By the way, she's the frontrunner to win the presidency and she's got the Bilderberg nod.
Then, incredible intel on every imaginable front coming up after the break.
Ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for Hillary Clinton!
Speaking at the 83rd annual U.S.
Conference of Mayors Saturday, the former Secretary of State said she supported President Obama's calls to further infringe on the Second Amendment if it means it will help the victims of gun violence.
For me and many others, one immediate response was to ask how it could be possible that we, as a nation, still allow guns to fall into the hands of people whose hearts are filled with hate.
You can't watch massacre after massacre and not come to the conclusion that, as President Obama said, we must tackle this challenge with urgency and conviction.
Now, I lived in Arkansas and I represented upstate New York.
I know that gun ownership is part of the fabric of a lot of law-abiding communities.
But I also know that we can have common sense gun reforms that keep weapons out of the hands of criminals and the violently unstable while respecting responsible gun owners.
What I hope with all of my heart is that we work together.
To make this debate less polarized, less inflamed by ideology, more informed by evidence.
So we can sit down across the table, across the aisle from one another, and find ways to keep our communities safe while protecting constitutional rights.
It makes no sense that bipartisan legislation to require universal background checks would fail in Congress despite overwhelming public support.
It makes no sense that we couldn't come together to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers.
You lie.
Or people suffering from mental illnesses, even people on the terrorist watch list.
That doesn't make sense and it is a rebuke to this nation we love and care about.
The president is right.
The politics on this issue have been poisoned.
But we can't give up.
The stakes are too high, the costs are too dear, and I am not and will not be afraid to keep fighting for common sense reforms, and along with you, achieve those on behalf of all who have been lost because of this senseless gun violence in our country.
In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, President Obama and Charleston Mayor Joseph P. Reilly Jr.
both rushed to issue statements demonizing the Second Amendment over the shooter's actions.
But let's be clear.
At some point, we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries.
It doesn't happen in other places with this kind of frequency.
Meanwhile, black Americans took to Twitter and rallied around firearms, the Second Amendment, and the God-given right to self-defense, declaring a call to arms in rejection of the white supremacist ideology.
Candidate Clinton first made her anti-gun stance clear in April, asserting, we cannot let a minority of people, and that's what it is, it is a minority of people, hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of the people.
And now from the first comment for this article from John Smith.
Hey Killary, you want common sense gun reform?
How about not sending guns to ISIS?
How about not sending guns to Mexican drug dealers?
How about stopping senseless wars?
Now that's gun reform I can live with.
John Baum for InfoWars.com
Ladies and gentlemen, it's already Wednesday, the 24th day of June 2015.
We're going to go to break.
And when we come back, we're going to cover the waterfront.
They are gearing up and coming out against the Second Amendment.
We knew the new attack was coming.
If Fast Track passes today, secret trade treaties with Asian and European nations will be unstoppable.
As Senator Sessions, who has done more than anyone else to expose the secret Asian treaty, has said... It is a breathtaking event.
Basically the same language used to start the European Union.
This is not a trade deal.
It is a deal made by traders.
Who are putting not just our economy, but our food, our medicine, our internet, our sovereignty in the hands of multinational corporations and a transnational committee.
Why do we have to create a transnational union?
It will be a living agreement with powers to discipline and set rules outside the powers of the United States Congress.
Some senators have felt the heat and have switched their vote.
Call them today.
Demand that they not surrender our economy and our sovereignty.
For more information, go to Infowars.com.
I'm David Knight.
Ladies and gentlemen, you haven't really ever heard firearms manufacturers as sponsors on my syndicated radio show, or the nightly news, or the news website, InfoWars.com, because the companies I've been approached by were not the highest quality, and they weren't as affordable as they should be, so I refused.
Probably 30, 40 firearms manufacturers over the years will then
About six months ago, we get contacted by Head Down Firearms.
Owned and run by a bunch of former Navy SEALs and Special Ops people.
They're veterans, they're patriots, they're listeners of the radio show, and they want to support the broadcast.
It's always about
Thank you.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
We're here live, ladies and gentlemen, Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Time.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We'll be here for the next three hours today.
I plan on opening the phones up.
I plan on also having economist, father of Reaganomics, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, joining us in the third hour.
We'll open the phones up when he's with us as well.
We also have a lady joining us, a journalist joining us, who's been going out and documenting some of the bizarre activities of so-called feminists and the totalitarianism that they're promoting.
The big story today is not what's happening with the Confederate battle flag.
It's what's going on with the new fear-mongering by the eugenicists, by the exterminists,
That the Earth is dying right now and the answer is basically forcibly reducing human populations.
And there's a story out of the Washington Post, Earth is on the brink of six mass extinction scientists say and it's humans fault.
We first covered this when it broke in England on Sunday, reporting on the US government funded studies.
Now, what they didn't tell the public in the BBC or the Washington Post was that Paul R. Ehrlich, who co-authored with John P. Holdren and his wife Annie H. Ehrlich, wrote in 1974, the year I was born, Ecoscience, where they talk about putting fluoride in the water to dumb you down
And to reduce your fertility.
I mean, they're quite public.
This book was much of the current globalist plan and then a projection forward.
And of course, everything it predicts in the book about the people bomb and total collapse by 2000 didn't happen.
Now a lot of things humans are doing from my research is unsustainable.
The problem is these guys are greasing the skids while posing as the saviors and they actually hate humanity and want to have a downfall.
They want to watch Rome burn.
And a lot of yuppies that have never
A lot of trendies who've never really been through a crisis, never been through adversity, who've been so sheltered and shielded, kind of think it's cute and go, well, yeah, society is going to collapse.
Yes, humanity is a parasite and it's all over.
And of course we have to reduce population.
But they don't want to reduce their standard of living.
They don't want to be killed.
And they'll lecture you all day about a confederate battle flag and how it's the ultimate evil and we've got to worry about people's feelings.
It just doesn't congruently connect together.
If they were concerned about dehumanization, worldwide slavery being worse than it was in numbers 200 years ago, if they were concerned about all these type of issues, then if they got on a high horse about the Confederate flag and said it was hurtful to them, I'd probably listen.
But it's only about creating division.
And then
Remove statues of Thomas Jefferson to take him off the money.
So I'm going to cover this now, but only because it's a way to get people to understand outside of the rhetoric, outside of Coke versus Pepsi, Cowboys versus the Steelers, Ford versus Chevy, it's not you're either for the battle flag or against the battle flag.
That's a diversion overall and a gimmick in and of itself.
But when you see where the agenda is going, then it becomes clear it's about censorship of speech across the board and really draconian attacks on the First Amendment.
I said this yesterday.
I'm not saying he stole it from me, because we're on at the very same time.
But Rush Limbaugh said what I said yesterday.
And what I said the day before.
The American flag is next.
Because in its name, a lot of bad stuff's been done.
And there have been more slaves under that flag than there were under the Confederacy.
But before I get into all this news, and eBay, and Amazon, and Walmart, all of them, you know, pulling the different variants of it,
It's just important to understand that if you really study history, and this is 101, when you go take history classes that aren't just politically correct propaganda, and most of them are now, but in old school history, the most important thing to do is to research who the people were in their time and what they stood for.
It's easy in 2015 to look at George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, born into
I don't know.
Basically went native, you could say, and was, you know, literally, there were different types of slave owners operating.
There was the Django style, where people were getting beat all day, and then there's the completely other style.
And the more successful plantations, it was just like sharecroppers.
In fact, they were, historians, French historians said, they were in better shape than the white sharecroppers.
That's not endorsing any of it.
It's that our nation's identity is not 2%
of the North and the South having slaves.
2% of the population.
Our culture is not about obsessing and opening these wounds up constantly.
Has the rebel flag been used by haters and scum and ne'er-do-wells?
But gangs in Oakland, California that go around killing people like to wear Raiders jerseys.
I'll never forget, I was like 21, wasn't even really a Raiders fan, but I needed a ball cap.
And I was at one of those sporting stores, like, that's a cool black and white hat, I'll wear a Raiders hat.
And it was the only time I ever had cops come up to me, and I was 21, had already started my radio show, went with some friends to play pool at a bar, and I had an off-duty, I guess plain clothes, not off-duty cop come over and ask me if I was in a gang.
And I guess maybe it was racism, because some of the folks we were with were Hispanic and black, and I was wearing a 49ers hat.
And I said, why do you say that?
And he goes, well, it's a... I mean, not a 49er, it's a Raiders hat.
I don't even follow football anymore.
He said, well, A, that's a Raiders hat, and B, you've got it on backwards.
And I said, well, I'm inside.
But that's an example right there, because gangs use a Raiders hat
Or, I guess in Chicago, gangs wear bulls hats for basketball.
Are we then going to ban it?
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
But it shows how, in an incredibly dumbed down culture, this is all the public knows, is how to be offended and how to get upset about brown bags in Seattle.
That the city, three years ago, said, don't bring brown bags.
It might be offensive.
And I looked it up.
No one had ever said a brown bag was code for racism.
No one had ever even imagined it.
It was like looking at clouds and, you know, seeing a swastika and saying, ban that cloud.
It looks like a swastika or a pentagram.
I mean, it's just schizophrenia.
But the power structure isn't schizophrenic.
They want us to only be able to obsess all day long.
Over words and to be offended and then to be managed by the media like a bunch of basket cases.
It's mental illness.
So Leanne McAdoo already had the idea this morning when I came in and she was already going to do it.
So she's going down to UT and down to the hiking bike trail today.
To call for George Washington's statue at UT and Thomas Jefferson's statues at the Statehouse to be pulled down.
And I guarantee you 60-70% of people, I would guess, are going to sign it.
Because, well, it's hurtful George Washington owns slaves.
Well, it's hurtful.
Thomas Jefferson had, quote, slaves.
Yeah, and in Germany at the time, most of the country was in different sections.
It wasn't even called Germany then.
It was a host of Germanic kingdoms.
The people there were slaves.
The Hessian soldiers we fought were raised from birth to be soldiers and were owned by the state.
Germans today don't even really know that or care, because it wasn't drummed into them an identity that they're a slave, they're a victim, something's wrong with them, over and over again for political gain.
So in the context of this, this is how they bring the country down, this is how they divide everybody while the big offshore central banks get Obamacare passed to destroy our health care, increase our prices, establish computerized control, taking doctors out of the decision-making process.
We're being conquered under the TPP that's set to pass today in the Senate.
Think about that.
The TPP putting us under a secret, shadowy group, and then Congress's laws, there on out, have to comply with it.
The conquering of our nation.
That's not rhetoric, that's what it is.
It's breathtaking, as Senator Sessions said, and it's not in the news.
All we're hearing about is every week or so, it looks like cops shoot a black man in the back.
And every week I see three or four articles where they shoot a white guy in the back.
There's a lot of crazy bad cops out there.
Is there some racism towards blacks?
The point is, it's not the whole universe.
We could have an asteroid coming towards the planet to kill us, and I'm convinced we'd just obsess all day about what color we are.
Because this is our culture.
Our culture is infighting, it's ninnying, it's identity politics, it's gang mentality.
It's the same way the globalists manage prisons, by putting people in racial gangs.
It's divide and conquer.
Stay with us.
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Come and take it!
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
I'm going to get into the Atlantic article, The World Without Work, the phasing out of humans.
They're now making all the announcements that we warned you about 18 years ago, 15 years ago.
It's now following the plan.
We need to come together against the globalist program, develop a culture that's pro-human, to build a world for people, not just for a tiny group of globalists that are enslaving all of us in the technocracy right now.
But before I get into all the latest on the Confederate flag, the battle flag, the rest of it, let me give you a condensed, gestalt, short history lesson if you're a new listener and just think that I'm desperate to keep rebel flags flying when personally I could care less.
And know a lot of times it's been expropriated by ne'er-do-wells and racists and you name it.
So I get both sides of it, but where it's coming from is to restrict free speech and to set the precedent.
But let me just give you a gestalt.
600 years ago, the Western world was still in the Dark Ages.
And then the printing press got developed, small guilds got developed, a small middle class got developed, the royalty and the church lost its monopoly on control, and the Renaissance began.
It wasn't until the 1880s that the last German serfs, that just means slave, they were slaves.
Were released.
They were slaves to the land.
And if you tried to run off, they would come and arrest you and say you hadn't paid your bills and put you in the stocks till you died, in many cases.
And the media always, when you raise that, goes, you're taking away from black slavery because that's how they keep the country divided.
No, I'm not.
I'm simply stating the facts.
That it's a shared human condition of most of our ancestors were slaves.
And I think it's embarrassing if you're related to royalty.
I mean, there are probably 10 million people or more in the United States that came from England that are related to some royal house or not.
I mean, I'm related to a whole bunch of them.
I'm embarrassed about those connections to the Tudors and other people.
And of course, it's tenuous and I don't really care.
The point is, is that people are proud of that.
I'm not really proud of that.
It's interesting.
I'm proud of ancestors that I had that stood up against tyranny.
The pinnacle of the Renaissance was 240 years ago at this country, where they almost banned slavery at the Continental Congress, but the South threatened to leave because it was their only industry.
And the rich landowners had leveraged the wages down against 98% that didn't have slaves.
So, slavery was a very bad institution for everybody except the plantation owners.
And you bet, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were born into that.
But they were great men who tried to help end it and who then put out ideas that were the greatest level of freedom the world had ever seen.
That's the new model.
The old model is what we're going into right now.
Everybody's in their own little gang group.
That's how they divided Rome up, was into ethnic groups.
The Greeks and the Roman Quarter.
And that's how they had it divided.
The Gaul Quarter, the Germanic Quarter, the Austria-Goth area.
That's how they divided it all up, and they used it to control people within the city of Rome itself.
So I've studied just so much history, it gives me a headache to sit back and watch the public groping around in the dark, not having any idea how this stuff really works, and to know
That at the very end of the Civil War, when the South was collapsing, and was already defeated basically, but wouldn't give up, the Emancipation Proclamation came out.
It still took months to get down to the folks that were slaves.
And it was done to further destabilize and cause a breakdown.
And that's what was done, and it's on record, and it's just a fraud.
It's a hoax.
Like saying Obamacare's free to say that the Civil War was about a bunch of white supremacists.
It's just not true.
And now they've had the Alabama governor come out and order all the battle flags taken down off the Capitol.
He's a Republican.
And you know what?
I find that fitting.
Because it was the Republicans
That sacked the South for 10 years under Reconstruction.
It was the Republicans, by the way, that did pass the Voting Rights Act and all the rest of it.
But see, in the flip-flop, upside-down world, they're the ones that get blamed with being the Klan and all the rest of this.
Just like the NRA is being called the new Klan.
And there's new articles out today with MSNBC saying the Confederacy was for the Second Amendment.
Let me tell you, the real racism against blacks accelerated after the Civil War, when the North came in and had real elections and put black folks in government.
And then it was the working class poor whites that felt bad, and they were the ones that then really gravitated into racism as their new identity.
And that's when all the Klan and the rest of it gets started.
But that's real history, not the garbage that we're taught.
I'm going to go over some more of these articles when we come back.
Hillary Clinton on course to win presidential election.
Poll says.
Then I'm going to tie that into the real threats we all face.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Since 1949, the U.S.
Department of Agriculture has been demanding a portion of California's raisin crop without payment from the farmers.
They gave some to schools, some they sold and kept the money.
In 2002, farmers were told to hand over 89,000 tons of raisins, 30% of their raisin crop.
Medieval serfs typically paid only 10% in taxes, rarely more than 15%.
The federal government treats Americans worse than medieval serfs.
But when one farm family refused, the USDA sued them for the value of the raisins, $480,000, plus a penalty of $200,000.
The Supreme Court just struck down the USDA's theft.
There was a time when Americans declared their independence from a government that sent swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.
For Infowars.com, I'm David Knight.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This morning, when I woke up at about 5.30am, it really hit me hard.
A conviction on my heart, on my intellect, to really try to give a powerful speech from my heart to the listening audience out there.
Really, a call to arms, politically, in the information war, to truly warn humanity and to cut through the din
of distractions and diversions that are out there to try to galvanize some type of core emergency beacon so that as things get worse and worse for our species we understand why it's happening.
Because all the rest of this news really is just window dressing.
When you understand the core driving goals and the mindset of the planetary scientific elite and what their goals are.
They're on total power trips.
They are able to take our resources
that are basically unlimited and construct parallel civilizations that are secret from the public and then to watch them engage in systematic brainwashing and wrecking the human psyche and scuttling our societies
It's mind-blowing.
Simply put, on this whole race obsession issue that's used all over the world in balkanization and divide and conquer, the public in this nation has gone from the most literate in reading, writing, and arithmetic, and business, and innovation,
Americans were the creme de la creme.
The best of the best.
And that wasn't U.S.
historians saying that.
We were exceptional.
Because we were wild, wild west and that brings out the best in people.
There weren't any freeloaders.
There weren't folks putting up with scammers.
Criminals had to live out in the bush because folks were hunting them down.
Compared to every other culture.
It was rough.
And it produced so much strength and so much wealth and so much innovation and power, the world marveled.
Now we are the dumbest of the industrialized world, behind a whole bunch of third world countries.
The language is shrinking, the IQ itself is physically going down.
I'm gonna get into why.
But we're experts on hundreds of different trendy groups and weird cultural, basically religious dogmas based on guilt.
This country is a ninnying, basket case, mentally ill wreck.
We got something like a third of the population on mind-bending prescription drugs.
The family is redlining, falling apart, across the board.
Diabetes is up almost 3,000 percent, type 2, something like 5,000 percent in Hispanics.
Cancer is up, depending on the cancer, some types are up tenfold, like lung cancer in women.
I mean, we are under massive attack, it's designed.
And the Globalist write books, I'm going to get into it in a moment, bragging about it.
It's Twilight Zone meets The Outer Limits meets THX 1138 meets Brave New World meets 1984.
It's like a Dagwood sandwich.
It's just layer after layer of every sickening technocratic mind control program all laid on top of each other in the most
Well-orchestrated abomination the world's ever seen.
I mean, the globalists are going for broke.
They understand they'll never be able to conquer the planet until they conquer humans.
The elite believe they are a different species than us, look it up, and they're attaining godhood as we speak, and that we've got to be killed in this holy
Jihad crusade that they've launched.
And yes, that's over-the-top epic and it's true.
And we've got adult people out there thinking they're doing goody-two-shoes work, pulling down rebel flags and banning the sale of rebel flags on platforms everywhere.
As if a school might not want one for an educational thing or a museum.
Europe's banned the sale of Nazi paraphernalia.
I remember being like 18 at a gun show.
I bought a pocket knife, an RAF pen, and a Nazi pen, because I thought they were interesting.
When I was a kid, I had army tanks with German symbols on them and the Allies.
Does that mean I was a Nazi?
I mean, it's... I almost bought a Civil War southern sword once.
It was too expensive that those go for a lot more because there were less of them, so I bought a northern sword.
I've got a northern saber.
Those things are so... They're like those deals you used to cut paper back in school, but they're longer.
They're so heavy they would just cut through anything.
But this is the mental illness where we're experts on obsessing on everything that doesn't matter.
And now the UN wants urgent measures to control guns after Charleston killings.
And they use these events where, oh, our hearts are hurt.
Oh, black Christians got killed.
And that's why all these Republicans now are pulling down the flags and coming out and apologizing and saying on the news, I thought it was about pride and how the South fought so hard, but I apologize.
It's bad.
Because people like to repent, even of things they haven't done.
Good people do.
And the bad people sit there poking and manipulating good people who think they're doing something nice that's full of hospitality.
It's not about hospitality.
It's about being conquered to where only what the system says is acceptable is acceptable.
Wow, the media sells it as trendy and fun and happy.
Hey, robots are replacing you.
Hey, your computer is watching and listening to you, but it's fun.
We went out yesterday in front of Google, downtown Austin, and I was told, I haven't seen the video yet, the report will be ready for the nightly news tonight.
I'll play it tomorrow.
For David Nightwell, I'm going to my cousin's wedding.
The vast majority of them said, yeah, I want driverless cars and I don't care if I can't drive anymore.
They're ready to submit.
Now you've got to go to trendy areas to do this.
But you notice wherever Google puts down a carcinogenic tentacle, it's all surrounded by like colors and trendy people with different colored socks going, I'm not threatening.
I'm not threatening.
I'm not threatening.
Don't run.
We're your friends.
When it is already an AI system gobbling everything up.
And building a world on record that is designed for the orderly removal of humanity.
And almost all of their crew members aren't even paid, and they've got degrees.
I mean, the whole system was set up for this.
Down on 2nd Street in Austin, Texas, there's a shot of it.
If you're a TV viewer.
And it's all plushy couches and, you know, everything.
You get to come in and, oh, yes, driverless cars are rolling around.
Meanwhile, working for the NSA, hacking your computer, stealing your data, cameras and microphones watching you.
But it's okay, they have adult slides.
Adults can act like kids, too!
That's right, act like a child who's ignorant and who'll get in the van.
Because Google's got free candy.
When you go over, they've got free cupcakes and free candy.
And a bar.
And basketball.
And it's, come on in, we're non-threatening!
We're non-threatening!
Really, it's the equivalent of an alien mothership that landed.
And listen, you're all gonna find out, okay?
The decision's been made to wipe you and your family out.
As soon as the grid's in place, we're all dead.
And you will see it all unfold.
And you will see them ban the American flag.
And you will see them ban single home dwellings as Germany's now doing.
You will see them ban fireplaces.
You will have computers in your house that watch everything you do.
And lovingly tell you when you're doing bad things in a very soft, non-threatening voice.
And if you try to resist,
Drone attack helicopters will come and blow you off the road.
But it won't matter because your car will be hardwired where it's driverless.
Most new cars are already driverless.
They already have the programs, the software.
The car's already brake and stop.
They'll already kill you if it means it'll save a school bus, they claim.
But they're just going to start rolling it out and announcing that, oh, discounts on your insurance if you go driverless.
I'm talking within like three, four years.
Everything is compacted at the end.
Already they're phasing the drones to fully autonomous.
They decide when to kill people.
And see, that means that when the troops refuse to follow an order to kill innocent people, it won't matter because the computers will be doing it.
The robots will be doing it.
This is the plan.
But don't worry, CNN hosts suggest taking down racist Jefferson statue.
Video on Infowars.com.
We knew that was next.
UN wants urgent measures to control guns after Charleston killings.
Hillary Clinton on course to win presidential election, polls says.
And coming up in the next hour, you gotta listen to what she says.
She made a chilling statement.
We heard the video and audio at the start of the show today.
In the John Bowne report, titled, Hitler launches all-out attack on Second Amendment.
And she says, you know, it's not reasonable.
We've got people on the terrorists don't fly list.
That are able to get guns.
And it sounds reasonable.
Yeah, you're on a terror watch list.
But see, it's not really called a terror watch list.
It's called a no-fly list.
Last time we got numbers, it was 3 million people.
It was 1 million and 3 million people on the don't-fly-or-watch list.
And then Rahm Emanuel comes out when Obama was running for office and said, if you're on that don't-fly list, you lose your Second Amendment.
See, no judge, no jury, no indictment, no charges.
You don't get a gun, and you don't know how or why, and you can't get off the list.
We had an election about change.
People are clear about the special interests.
They are tired of that gridlock that special interests cause in Washington.
And I think the most simple thing we can do, and we've got to make this a number one issue, is a test vote and then take it into the election.
That is, if you are on the no-fly list,
Because you are known as maybe a possible terrorist, you cannot buy a handgun in America.
Key word.
Because you're known maybe to be a possible terrorist.
And last time I heard it was like 14 or 15 members of Congress were on the no-fly list.
My dad was on it.
Because he has a common name, David Jones.
Three million people.
And they've never caught one terrorist with a TSA, because it's not designed for that.
It's there to break your will and train you to be a slave.
And Hillary, again, said in her speech yesterday about the Second Amendment, she said, we need to do what Rahm Emanuel called for.
They're coming!
And now they're saying again, guns are racist.
Remember that talking point?
Gun ownership is racist?
When we come back, I'm going to try to be as succinct as I can.
It was so clear this morning what I wanted to say to the public.
I almost shot a video at 5.30 in the morning.
I really was on fire.
I woke up, jumped out of bed, with just such a sense of urgency.
Man, I am... I am just...
Beside myself.
The decision has been made to end our species as we know it by horribly wicked, horribly anti-human people.
And they know how to tribally stir us all up against each other just like a prison warden manages things by putting people in racial groups.
And then pretty soon you've got to because you've primed the pump.
That's how it's all based.
And they've got the nerve, while they divide and conquer us, to sit around and talk about how they love us.
But folks are gonna have to decide which side they're on.
I need to create a tax-free foundation.
or organization that educates the public and puts out flyers and does email campaigns and puts up billboards that just directs people to a website that shows the globalist master plan in say ten easy videos and how they're planning to end humanity as we know it with all their quotes and just basically call it the choice and the human defense league or the human defense corps or the human defense force and just
Because this is an attack on everybody.
I don't care what color you are.
This is the end of humanity.
I mean, our DNA is unraveling right now by design.
Third generation mammals under GMO are almost completely sterile and completely mentally retarded.
Those are the ones that live.
Organs growing on the outside of our bodies.
Just, just, just... You understand, they're not just killing us individually.
They're killing the species as if they are an alien race, folks.
It's the only way to describe the globalists.
They might as well be.
I mean, I've said this hundreds of times.
It is so over the top.
And it's all rolling out right now.
I have trouble even breathing when I really...
When I really face all the intel, it's just such a bad situation.
But it's so insane, if people can just admit it and know what's happening and become alerted to it, we can avert it and turn the tables.
So I have time.
I'm going to skip this network break, but it's going to be the last of the week.
David and I can't skip any tomorrow or the next day.
It's because I've done too many, and we've got
A bunch of special reports that are going to be airing tomorrow.
David's got a bunch of great, informative guests coming on.
He does a wonderful job.
It's a real blessing to be able to work with him and the other reporters.
But I care about my fellow humans.
And I know I'm right about all this, but to know that it was worse than we thought, and that it's all true,
I mean, it takes a lot of will to put hydrofluorosilicic acid in the water, knowing it lowers IQ and causes all sorts of cancers.
It takes a lot of will to design stacked traits in the major GMOs that are designed to pass foreign DNA and RNA into the genetic code.
And the scientists are looking at it now and they're saying, it's like this was designed to destroy the DNA.
Well, yeah, it was.
I don't know why the elite would want to wreck human DNA itself unless they were an alien species.
Shin here.
And some deal's been made to wipe us all out.
And again, I'm not saying it's aliens.
It's just the more I look at it, man, it's so bad.
What does the Bible say?
It's an interdimensional entity that wants to kill God's creation, humans.
It's the devil!
I mean, I don't know what else to tell you, folks, is that we've got to come to realization that whether it's archetypal, interdimensional, that would be spiritual,
The ancients didn't know about dimensions.
That's what it is, something from another dimension.
If you read the Bible, the Old Testament, that's what it says, that they come out of another realm, and they want to kill us.
And then I'm like, oh yeah, right, maybe the atheists are true, maybe they're into God.
Yes, everybody has those doubts in their life.
And the older I get, the more I study it.
And the bohemian grove, and skull and bones, and the devil worship, and wanting to grab little kids and torture them to death.
I mean, whatever it is, it's evil, it's bad, it's got to be opposed.
And it's got us all fighting with each other.
You know, how much the liberals love black people, that's the ones they can't abort.
And they'll pull on our heartstrings and manipulate good people to want to do what they say.
Forget the rebel flag, whether it's good or bad or a mix.
It's about, we do what they say, they're the boss.
It's about, they culturally are the police, the commissars.
The apparatchiks.
And when I get around these globalists and their minions, they know they're evil, they enjoy the raw power, and they hate instinctively, at a spiritual level, virtuous people.
They hate people that have goodwill, that want to help others, that want to build, and they manipulate us to serve them by claiming they are the great priest and priestesses, the anointed ones, that we must all follow.
And they're all total hypocrites.
And they have adopted the most evil, sinister plan they could.
Their public argument is, oh, it's total evil to block the greater evil of non-control.
And after we bring in total control using evil, we're going to remove all the evil and restore balance and create a utopia.
You're going to keep going on doing horrible things because it's what your father does and you're of your father the devil.
I had a six-hour dream last night, from the time I went to bed to when I woke up at 5.30, that was the most vivid of my lifetime.
I can only describe it as a vision of the future.
You could say scientifically, it's what my brain with all the study has basically postulated.
My God, I didn't know you could have such nightmares.
I mean, it was like 20 years of observations.
Seeing things, it was unbelievable.
Oh my God.
And whether it was a dream or real, whether I was peering into the future or not, it doesn't matter because I can intellectually look at the enemy operation and tell you without a shadow of a doubt.
That's where they're taking us.
So whether it was a vision or whether my mind, our minds are so incredible.
Created this giant 20-year 3D movie complete with smell-o-vision so that I could try to wrap my mind around what faces our species and try to find the lever to move the world back from the brink of destruction.
We'll have a guest on for 30 minutes and then I'm going to try to collect my thoughts and I always say I'm going to give you the New World Order Master Plan, but it's so big that it's hard to articulate, but at the bottom of the hour I'm going to write some notes and I'm going to do my best.
I almost called Buckley, but he's getting married Saturday because he lives near me.
To have him come at 5.30 in the morning with me and my, you know,
White t-shirt, my underwear.
I had to put clothes on, but I mean I was ready right then.
It was just to lay it all out.
But basically it's this.
We know the course now.
The time for denial is over.
You're either going to stand with humanity and try to develop a system that will allow humans to go to the next level and protect our precious planet, or make the decision to join with the evil ones
And there are rationales that the globalists are saving the earth and just join the team that's going to wipe out almost the entire population and try to protect yourselves.
But I'm going to explain something.
The globalists are the ones that are destroying the earth.
They try to block people that actually try to stop things that are truly hurting the earth.
They're creating microplasms and weird funguses and stuff that many scientists believe are going to get out and create a scenario like you see in the excellent movie
Where there's a blight in the atmosphere, eating the atmosphere.
I've run into government documents, you can pull them up, where they're not just working on antimatter weapons, they're working on global atmospheric blights that's beyond a doomsday bomb, it will eat the atmosphere.
What you see in that movie, they've made that type of stuff.
Because they're crazy!
Last night in my dream, I've studied them so much, I was like tuning in basically to my mind's reconstruction of their minds.
It was like being possessed or something.
It was just absolutely horrible.
Because it was like a 20 year dream.
It just went on forever.
It was like hell through their eyes while they were doing all this stuff.
My God, it was horrible.
Oh my God, it's so horrible.
The future is going to be just hell on earth, people.
And the churches won't warn anybody.
It's all name it and claim it glitter bugs up there.
I'm going to briefly do some mid-air refueling.
We need money to fund this operation.
I want to hire ten more reporters.
I just don't want to have to crack the nut of that.
So we're going to hire a couple more and a couple more riders.
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Why am I even doing a plug?
I just skipped a break right there.
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Thank you for your support.
Second hour coming up.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I had read the sheet wrong.
Our guest is at the bottom of the hour, so I'll be able to come back in the next segment and try to break down, again,
How they are turning off our survival instincts, their master plan, what they're building, what they've decided to do.
And I realize why I call them the equivalent of space aliens, our own species that are doing this to us, because you are basically the identity you take on in your mind.
You can make the joke and say you can't be trans species and claim you're a dog,
But with archetypes of human activity, you can take on other cloaks.
And the establishment has taken on the mindset of God and the devil.
But that's really what the devil does, is claim he's God.
No, you're the devil.
Because you're against free will, claiming you're selling enlightenment and empowerment, when you're doing the opposite.
So I'm going to try my best.
The problem is when I start thinking about it, I really should write all this down.
There's so many interconnecting pieces that it's hard to articulate it all.
And I know I've said that many times.
Mainly when I pull back and look at the design, I marvel at it and become speechless.
But the reason I liken them to space aliens is to create the thought process that these folks aren't alien to the average person.
They just want friendship and kinship and love and passion and art and creativity and wanting people to do good.
Wanting to help people?
I mean, God Almighty, give it all these little kids, these damn diseases!
Makes me so angry!
It makes me feel very violent!
But I realize the enemy set it all up, where I can't just go out and defend children from these people, because it's all done and couched through these guilds, through these systems, through plausible deniability.
I mean, it's coming out in these David Knight reports, as they release and declassify in lawsuits, that the government knows giving preemies
Vaccines kills them and brain damages them, and they do it, and they tell the hospitals how to cover it up!
And then you gotta ask, why do they want to hurt them?
Well, their argument is they've got to set the precedent to kill people and cover it up.
It's all scientific testing, building towards their main move!
We have seen nothing yet, people!
And I just can't believe everybody's gonna stand by and watch these pieces of crap do this!
And I want to know the whole truth, as Patrick Henry said.
I want to make preparation for it.
And good Lord above, I just... I say it's got to be aliens, because I can't believe our species would do this to us.
But you look what criminals and child molesters and sickos do.
They are alien psychologically and spiritually from us.
And they want to be different, and think humanity is ugly, and they want to merge with machines.
So they're not human.
They have dehumanized themselves by dehumanizing us.
They revel in saying that the infirm and the weak need to be destroyed, while selling us on giving them power in the name of protecting the weak.
And they're great at deception.
But what you do the least, you've done to yourself.
And that's the metaphysical, galactic, intergalactic, interdimensional rule.
That it will come back on you.
The allegory of firing the nerve gas in World War I, and it blows back on you.
I mean, the globalists are smart when it comes to being psychopathic.
When it comes to being sociopathic, when it comes to being cold-blooded, but they are not when it comes to flesh and blood, because flesh and blood needs flesh and blood.
I want to continue to be human.
I don't want to give my humanity up.
I certainly don't want to be ordered to roll over and accept the technocracy, which isn't even really there to deliver me to this foul holla, but to hell!
Former CNN host and gun control advocate Piers Morgan has called for all white people who use the n-word to be thrown in jail.
The debate began yesterday shortly after President Barack Obama used the n-word during an interview about racism on the WTF with Marc Maron podcast.
We are not cured of it.
And it's not just a matter of it not being polite to say n****s in public.
That's not the measure of whether racism still exists or not.
Shortly after the interview, the term n-word quickly began trending on Twitter, which later resulted in Piers Morgan's response to jail all white people who used the term.
So I guess since Piers Morgan failed in his attempt to take away our second amendment, now it looks like his eyes are on the first.
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Another major health threat.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
This morning I was on the elliptical.
I was watching CBS Morning News.
Charlie Rose and others up there preying on their victim viewers.
Everything was conditioning them for their increased enslavement.
And you'd have thought it was the Alex Jones Show 18, 19 years ago.
Except I was warning people saying it was a bad thing.
It was thumb printing to buy and sell.
It was robots are going to take your jobs.
It was, yeah, we're in a recession, but don't worry, the government's going to save you.
And then lots of product placement woven in.
But in amongst it, they had the cover of the Atlantic magazine, A World Without Work.
For centuries, experts have predicted that machines would make workers obsolete.
That moment may finally be arriving.
Could that be a good thing?
Yeah, and robotics was supposed to make us work less hours, but all over the world people work more hours because they're designing economies that are sucking up our time and energy.
And so all we're going to do is spend our time complying with government and corporate edicts and paying taxes until we're bankrupt because there's no jobs.
Then you've got to waive your rights to go on government assistance.
Can be forcibly inoculated, sign agreements not to have children, be sterilized, live in coffin, 250 square foot housing.
This is all their admissions.
That's why they've made the decision not to engineer a world for humans to have jobs, for humans to be involved.
There's no organization I know of that's saying we're the Human Defense Corps.
Or there's no business association worldwide or nationally where it's, hey, made by hand, pro-human!
I've seen it one time.
I bought a Ford Raptor four years ago when they were first widely starting to come out.
And it said then on the door, made by humans, I ought to show this, made by humans, by hand, at the Ford plant, and said where?
I looked at my buddy's new Raptor, doesn't say that.
Just a high-powered F-150.
Great truck.
Now that other pickup truck is just the best I've ever driven.
It'll just go up incredible angles, upgrades, you name it.
Ford ought to pay me to say that, they haven't.
But they're just phasing us out.
It's, oh, you're obsolete, oh, humans are dumb, oh, humans are bad for the earth, so the elite are going to merge with robots and computers and be gods and we're going to phase out the general population because we're not going to let you just lay around like WALL-E on some floating cruise ship weighing 400 pounds.
And so no one can organize against it.
They dumb the culture down.
They break up the families.
They get us all infighting and obsessing over brown paper bags or, you know, over American flags at schools from Texas to California being banned because they're offensive to the Hispanic students who are from Mexico.
Because the leftists running the school that came out in Colorado and California told them to be offended by it.
Nobody's saying that flag symbolizes something perfect, but you sure wanted to get here to the U.S.
because it had a little more freedom than Mexico did.
But don't worry, soon that'll all be gone.
So, humans are being phased out.
The elite tell us all day how we're a scourge, we're scum, we're bad, too many kids, making the planet worse.
And you can argue a bunch of lazy, dumbed-down people who have been given welfare, white, black, Hispanic, you name it, wandering around is disgusting.
Hell, the Globalists have even enticed Asians to get on the welfare train.
Something they had a lot of trouble doing.
Stereotypically, very hard-working, not wanting to be on welfare.
Because they don't want somebody around their lives.
But they've now gotten Chinese women, now the biggest group coming into the U.S., eclipsing Mexican women, to have their babies for free and be put on welfare, and they advertise in Chinese newspapers how to come here and do it, and on CNN.
But that's only in the phase to bankrupt everything, get the nations in debt, get rid of the jobs, so that then we can be social engineered as the resources are turned off.
Nobody asked you if you wanted driverless cars.
They're just rolling them out and saying they're fun, they're cool, they're trendy.
The cars are already becoming driverless, where they give you this order, give you that order, report to the police over the embedded GPS system, create a whole history of where you went.
All new cars for five years, worldwide, made in the West, from Japan to the United States, from Germany to Mexico, have the driverless car software, taxing, wireless tracking software in them.
And the government just went this year, oh gee, the system's already in there, we'll just start taxing you, and they're starting the test this year,
In Austin, Texas, and in San Francisco, and in New York City.
Those are the main test cities.
And they roll it all out as non-threatening, as cute, as fun.
Hey, come on into Google!
We got some free cupcakes and plush couches, and everybody's funny, and wears bright colors.
We're non-threatening.
We're your friends.
We're non-threatening.
We're friends.
World's first self-driving trucks are already on the highway.
And as I told you over a decade ago, and I'm not bragging, I'm just proving I know what I'm talking about, they're then gonna say, well, driverless cars are safer than humans, you gotta pay an insurance premium to drive yourself.
And then, oh, you know what?
This guy had a heart attack at the wheel.
He ran right into the school bus.
The nav computer shows it.
If the car would have been, by law, under computer control, which was already in the car, if Mr. Johnson would have enabled it,
The car would have come to a safe stop.
That's it.
We're implementing the new law.
It's federal and international.
All cars will now be driverless.
You can put it in the mode where you're driving.
If you're a good enough driver, the computer allows it.
You go above the speed limit, it takes control, slows you down, gives you the ticket.
Now, I could foresee the enemy doing that when I first heard of talking about this 18 years ago.
I could just extrapolate where they were going, knowing their plan.
Now, all of it's being announced.
Exactly as I said.
Because we know how they operate.
We know their plan.
We know their blueprint.
And now, you won't be educated in how to sew, or how to work on a carburetor, or how to clean a fish tank, or how to be a school teacher.
You will be taught
How to run around in ninny and henpeck everyone around you to socially conform to the new global religion of political correctness.
And I mean, I read in UN documents that we cover in my film, Endgame.
I keep going back to that film because it's got a whole bibliography online.
What is the endgame?
Dot com.
Is that the URL?
Let's pull it up.
Thank you.
Every 30 seconds of film has an online bibliography to the documents.
Yes, what is the endgame.com?
They want you dead.
And in there they break down how in the future
They needed to bring in the religion of the environment and the religion of political behavior and make it the entire culture.
Where you don't even know how to tie your shoelaces, but man, you know how to go around ninnying everywhere and do what you're told.
As a hospitality, you don't hurt anyone's feelings, because you'll be arrested in the future, or you'll be fired already if you violate any of the canons of this religion that'll be changing and expanding and becoming more draconian all the time.
And it's only meant to fragment, balkanize, atomize, and stun humanity like a spider first bites a bug,
It lets it rot for a few days while it's still halfway alive before it exsanguinates it.
We're now getting bound up in the spider's web for the meal.
So the Atlantic, a world without work.
And they break down how, sorry, you're not going to have any jobs.
Gee, we don't know why.
There was supposed to be a service economy, but it's going to shut down, too.
And then, meanwhile, Earth is on the brink of six mass extinctions, scientists say, and it's humans' fault.
And you read this big governmental three-university study, and no one tells you who authored it.
Until way down in the story, Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich said in a video created, we are now moving into another of these events that could easily, easily ruin the lives of everybody on the planet.
But in the headline it says, it's human's fault, so you do what they say and then they'll protect you.
Let's start going to this clip now.
Here it is.
Five times in the past, something has happened on the planet that's killed off a very large portion of the life forms and has taken a million years to re-establish.
Fortunately, the last one was 65 million years ago when the dinosaurs bit the dust with a lot of other things.
We are now moving into another one of these events.
That could easily, easily ruin the lives of everybody on the planet because we're utterly dependent on the other organisms for our food, for our climate, for all sorts of things that we must have.
The so-called natural services that other organisms provide is all kinds of... And all of that is completely true!
The problem is they've been deployed by the Rockefeller Foundation in his own book written in 1974, Ecoscience in My Hand, with the White House Science Czar to put chemicals in the water to sterilize us and reduce our IQs to make us more manageable.
And you'll never hear, hey, stop GMO or stop genetic vandalism, worry about all this nanotech.
No, no, no, it's always just humans are bad, pay us carbon taxes, humans are bad, let us run your life.
Because they believe they can't save the earth, they must leave the earth.
We're gonna come back and finish the rest of it.
But that's who's involved in all this.
Put it to you this way, Obama lands in his big giant jet with a bunch of other jets and tells third world populations you can't have cars or air conditioning.
Not, hey, we need to get you clean cars and clean air conditioning, or we need to get you, you know, clean bullet trains, or hey, we've got, they've got all these super sciences that was the stuff of science fiction that they're suppressing.
While they... How do you suppress it?
They run the alternative energy system and put out boondoggles that fail.
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He's going the distance.
He's going for speed.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show, and Alex Jones is trying to warn humanity about what is now publicly admitted.
I discovered this stuff, like I said, in the last 25 years.
Really got informed 18 years ago.
Been on air 20.
And, I mean, when I learned what the globalists wanted to do from their own books and publications, I thought, man, this is wild, but I saw them always carry out each step of it.
And they intend to carry all of this out.
They've got a lot of will.
They control our planet right now.
They're putting in a total cashless tracking grid to tax and regulate every facet of our lives, selectively to shut down all competition and end free markets.
Africa's collapsing, the Middle East is collapsing, Latin America's collapsing in many areas, and the answer is from the EU and NAU,
AFP reports today, Europe's identity at risk as migrant tensions rise.
Europe has taken more immigrants than even the United States.
From all over the world, and given them all this welfare, now they're saying, we have to let in even more.
A billion?
Two billion?
Five billion?
That'll only accelerate the collapse, you see.
Bring down civilization, because the globalists are in technological reservations that are exempt from all of it, under national security.
Everything else is overrun by the third world apocalypse.
They use our humanity to say, let them in the lifeboat, when it doesn't even save them, while globalists have put policies in, militarily and economically, to collapse the third world, and the IMF and World Bank documents were leaked in 2002, admitting it's a planned implosion.
That's the key.
They're imploding it, watching it burn,
While they're behind glass walls, safe.
And they've kept their whole system invisible because mainstream media won't talk about it.
Now they've got so much of their program in place, they're now decloaking it, but selling it like it's fun.
Oh, there's no plan to put a box in your car and text you by the mile.
Don't listen to Alex Jones that crazy when the box is already in your car.
And so I'm here
Simply saying, I know we've become deaf, dumb, and blind politically.
But as things get worse, people are going to listen, and we have to create a culture about being pro-human, state the enemy takeover, let folks know they're living in a dystopic science fiction movie, make preparations.
And the good news is, most of the scientists, doctors, and former government people know this is all true, and they're heading for the hills, at least trying to create their own microcultures, trying to get co-ops going for farming goods.
They understand.
The elite themselves are trying to get into redoubts as well.
But the mid-level servant class knows this is true.
And I can't tell you how many times microbiologists, scientists, famous people in science have gone, what, you didn't think we know this too?
We knew this before you did, Alex.
We tried to work in the system to influence it to be pro-human.
But it didn't work.
They go, the public is too weak.
And so we're not joining with the elite to kill everybody, but we're not joining with the public either.
They're going to be the main threat during the collapse.
And that's the truth.
Because we're stuck between the psycho elite vampires and this mass of just dumbed down, entitled idiots.
I don't care if they're black, white, hispanic, trendy, whatever.
We are a weak nation, folks, because like a spaceship has no gravity, and your heart fails after a year in space, your muscles rot, your bones break, the decadence of the modern society and how good we've had it for so long, we have basically been living in zero gravity.
And so we're falling apart.
I'm not judging anybody.
I'm falling apart!
I'm weak!
I'm decadent!
I need to be a leader and codify this into a book, a film, create an organization.
I need to go out and be really focused and really use my oratory skills to move people to see the threat and to try to recruit leaders and wealthy people who aren't joining evil to challenge them to either join humanity or join the elite or commit suicide.
I mean, this is epic, folks.
You need to choose a side now, and I can't do everything.
I want to do everything, but all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Man, I used to work 16, 18 hours a day up here until I started just getting dizzy all the time from burnout.
I didn't work out for like over a decade, because all I did was work sickening amounts of time.
And finally, about three or four years ago, I said, I want to be with my children.
I want to have a life.
I can't physically do all this.
I wasn't born with organizational skills.
I wasn't born with a lot of it.
We built a lot.
I need your help.
But we're in this together.
And get past the spirit of just giving up.
As Thomas Jefferson said, there's an animating contest of liberty.
Get into this fight for humanity.
Get into positions to resist it.
And it starts by just coming together and recognizing the threat and not complying.
Millions of New York gun owners are refusing to register their firearms because the gun confiscation has begun.
That's where it starts.
Don't comply with tyranny.
We're done.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's Alex Jones.
Lauren Southern is our guest.
We're going to be talking to her in just a moment.
It was a few weeks ago we posted one of our videos at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com showing what feminists call a slut walk and they have these in Austin as well and it's just a bunch of women running around screaming, cussing, yelling, acting weird and just declaring that men are raping them.
And saying the West is rape culture, but not countries where it's actually the culture.
I mean, I've seen the statistics, rapes are at an all-time low, and it's the West that started the move towards women's rights, historically, and the end of slavery.
Why are we the progenitors of it?
Because they know the West has guilt, and as Christian, even if you're not a practicing Christian, you have that morale, you have that idea, that morale,
And so you're basically bullied into it.
We're gonna be talking to her here in just a moment.
But before we go any further, I just wanted to finish up with the whole takeover that I was breaking down.
Really, my call today is just an announcement.
To myself and everybody else, and I hope you make the declaration with me, that we need to repent for our decadence.
We need to be aware that screen time and being immersed in this false culture and buying into the system, even if we do it from afar, only partially, is physically brain-damaging us.
I mean, they admit TV watching is causing neurological disorders, early onset of Alzheimer's.
Our children are just brain-damaged zombies.
I'm not judging anybody.
But this is a very unhealthy world we're in.
We're living completely different than we lived 100 years ago.
Totally different.
And we see the results, it's bad.
And the globalists hijack all that and go, yeah, this is bad, this is unhealthy, we're gonna fix it for you, when they're making it worse in every case, and don't even plan on having humanity as it is currently operating in any shape or form in the future.
And here's the news.
They don't get to decide the future.
They don't get to dominate me and my family.
They don't get to ram through laws that are totally unconstitutional and tyrannical on their face.
The Declaration of Independence doesn't give me my rights, but it points out I've got a right, if I'm under a tyrannical, oppressive government, to throw it off.
But physically is not the most effective way.
It's the emergency way.
The First Amendment is the way, and all this Confederate flag business is about setting the precedent that the political elite, just like they ban Nazi flags in Europe.
I don't like the Nazi flag.
I almost didn't exist because of the Nazis.
Both my grandfathers almost died in World War II.
But I said don't ban the Nazi flag in Germany.
Because you ban that, next you're going to ban everything else, and basically they have.
They've banned public assemblies to criticize open borders, and radical Islam, and sexual mutilation of women.
And there isn't one stinking feminist group out there that'll talk about Saudi Arabia executing women that try to go out and drive cars, or arresting reporters that criticize the government.
Because, oh, that's something different than the West.
We don't criticize, it's kind of cool.
They got hookah pipes.
Like the Trendies all kind of adopt this whole radical Muslim thing and they don't even know what's in it.
I'm not bashing Muslims here.
The radical Muslims are overtaking the moderate Muslims, who are interesting, cool people.
But the point is, anything Western has to be destroyed.
Anything not Western is God.
These are just suicidal, spoiled brats.
But instead of committing suicide, they want to crap all over everything in the West and bring it down.
And they are the idiot rabble!
It's like the French Revolution meets PCP, where anything wholesome is overthrown.
Not tolerated!
See, now the deviant want to overthrow those that aren't deviant, or aren't their brand of deviant.
Everybody's a little twisted.
We're all human.
I don't sit up here and judge people.
But, man, I have good will towards humanity.
We're going to go to our guest.
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Alright, Lauren Southern is a contributor to TheRebel.media from Vancouver, B.C.
She's a second year student studying political science at the University of Fraser Valley, is well known for being very opinionated and vocal.
Yeah, real going to college is, go to college but do your own media while you're at it, or do your own political events, or whatever it is.
You know, go apprentice somewhere in your industry, or you're going to get nothing out of college.
And she's got a very popular YouTube channel, and she's been featured all over global TV, CBC, radio, and so much more.
And now she joins us.
I want to play this video first, or part of it, where she goes out and tries to talk to the slut walk, that's their name for it, not ours, the feminist, and they just freak out on her.
We had to bleep some of the profanity.
You've seen the feminist, third-wave feminist here, running around screaming, I stink, I have arm hair, I love Satan, I kill my babies.
Maybe cue those up.
That's quite a claim without playing it.
It's like the news saying Mercury's good for your baby.
I mean, I don't like to say that CBS News said that without playing the clip.
They really did.
It just shows this inverted reality.
But anybody can go out and do this.
You need to become a reporter now to expose this craziness.
You need to become a blogger now.
All of you.
Start a local newsletter.
Hand out cards with InfoWars on it.
Call in to talk radio.
Go to the Statehouse.
By the way, what's the latest on TPP, guys?
I know we're tracking that.
The Senate's set to try to pass it today.
That's going to come up in the next hour.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to her piece that's at therebel.media.
You should know better.
Go after the system, then excuse it, hide it, ignore it.
Hello, it's Lauren Southern here with Rebel, and I just got in a huge confrontation with the slut walk, which we are following right now.
Essentially, I held a sign that said, we are not living in a rape culture in the West.
Which we are not.
It is intellectually dishonest to think that we are living in a rape culture.
Rapes do happen, but the majority, or the minority, the vast minority of men and women are rapists.
And when we do find out they're rapists, they go to prison, they are punished.
Whereas in third world countries and other places, men can get away with rape there.
And it's insane to focus on this one issue and say that we are living in a rape culture.
Rapists don't get high fives.
We don't have the government funding rapists.
Even men get fired from their jobs just for making rape jokes, not even raping.
So to say we live in a rape culture is, quite frankly, ridiculous.
All right, let's go follow the walk.
No means no!
No means no!
No means no!
You are attacking our cameraman.
No, he was the one who touched me first!
Excuse me.
Oh, come on!
So how do you believe your outfit is going to stop perpetuating rape culture?
It's my body, it's my choice.
I can wear what I want.
This is exemplifying how it's a crime scene.
Wearing the caution tape that they would normally put around a physical crime scene when it's not regarding a person, but regarding me.
Regarding people, it's not considered a crime scene.
That's f***ed up.
It should be.
It's a violation of a person's rights.
So, is this stopping rapes?
Do you have any stats to back up anything that you've said this afternoon?
You said that rapists go to jail.
Can you give me a stat to back that up, based on the number of rapes that are reported, the number of rapes that get taken to the cops, the number of rapes that get prosecuted?
Could you give me some stats to back up your pseudo-reporting here?
Well, first of all, out of the amount of rapes that happen, out of 100,000 people, 1.7
Yeah, you know that less than 10% of rapes are actually reported.
It's just victimology.
It's from all of the women's organizations.
You can look it up online.
You can find it through the socialized organizations that study rape.
I participate with an organization that works as a rape crisis center.
We base that on the number of calls the police know based on the unofficial reports, the third-party reporting, and the direct reports.
This is not a secret that about 10% of rapes are reported.
So how do you know 10% of rapes are reported if the others aren't?
Because those people call the women's centers, they ask for help, they seek medical attention.
So they are reported.
Do you actually think we live in a rape culture?
Um, unfortunately, I think so.
I was actually just chatting with my friend about, um, even, you know, the viral craze going on where people come up to reporters such as yourself and are saying that awful phrase to the live cameras that's F her right in the P. And that kind of language that is considered funny is something that, you know, it might seem like an innocent thing at the time, but it's just an example of how the language we use is absolutely involved with rape culture.
Or if somebody does poorly on a test, they're like, oh, I got raped by that test.
And it's like,
Why are you talking that way?
Do you actually think we live in a rape culture though?
Because I'd say for the most part we demonize rapists, we send them to prison, guys who make rape jokes lose their job.
I think we're making great strides in doing that but at the same time there are girls and guys who believe that it's just kind of like you kind of force each other on or like if
All right, that's enough.
I want to go to our guest.
I think it's even more insane.
We'll try to play some more later.
We've got her with us until five after next hour.
Lauren Southern reporting from Vancouver, British Columbia.
And I know you get into it with them, but I mean, what about cultures like in areas of Africa or areas of the Middle East where women are literally prisoners and they're being executed for no reason?
I never hear Gloria Steinem talk about that.
The West is where women developed their rights.
The West has been the best.
To quote Jim Morrison, I mean, I just don't get this hatred of the West
This foaming at the mouth, and then feminists I know at major universities now teach all sex is rape.
I know there's also a big kind of a pick-up deal that butch lesbians use.
I'm not attacking them, but it's basically saying that men want to rape them.
I really think it's this whole anti-human thing.
I mean, targeting men.
Tell us what you witnessed there and your view on all this and what spurred you to go out and shoot this report.
Well, speaking of whether it is a hatred of the West or whether they think it's an actual issue, I honestly think that a lot of the whole slot walk is about making individuals and women here look like victims.
And they want women here in the West to look like victims.
They want it to be an attention thing.
You can tell by how they dress at the slot walk, calling it the slot walk.
They don't want to focus on the real issues there.
They want to focus on issues that affect them and will gain them attention, is how I see it.
Because if you're talking about...
Rape cultures in other countries where women are legitimately stoned for the crime of being raped, suddenly it makes it seem like, oh hey, it actually isn't that bad here in Canada.
Women actually don't have it that bad here.
But the feminist narrative is they want it to look like all women are still extremely oppressed so that they can get all of these entitlements and privileges just for the sake of being a victim.
Sure, that's the new thing.
It's a new form of royalty.
If you're a protected group and a victim, then you basically are now the new nobility.
And you will... no one can question you.
You look at what I did.
The only reason I could question this group is because I was a woman.
I do think that if a man had gone and spoke his mind, used his freedom of speech, held up a sign, he may have been arrested.
He probably would have lost his job.
He probably would have gotten ten times the flack that I did.
But because I'm a woman and I went and questioned it, that's why feminists hate me so much, is because they have a hard time
complaining about me expressing my opinion as a woman, the only thing they can really say to me is internalized misogyny, which is just insane.
The fact that I would hate women is just ridiculous.
I am one.
But that's a big reason why I wanted to go to the Slut Walk.
One, because I think that it is exaggerating and fear-mongering and it has an agenda to do that, to keep the feminist narrative going.
And the other one is I think that it
Really doesn't represent women who were victims of brutal rapes that didn't do anything that took every precaution possible.
This kind of says all women who are raped kind of... I don't know.
It doesn't represent a certain group of women who have been assaulted or raped that took all the precautions necessary.
And that's not victim blaming to say that.
Women should take precautions in some cases.
I don't think it's anyone's fault if they do get a little drunk or dress inappropriately and get raped.
It's absolutely the rapist's fault.
But, I don't think the slut walk should be speaking out against taking precautions.
I think they should be encouraging it.
Well sure, when we come back, I want to get into, there's so many cases of this, in this liberalism culture of victimization, where most of the black churches get attacked, people do it themselves, or most of the Jewish centers that have swastikas put on them, it turns out, it was an inside job, the dormitories, we see that in the news all the time, but the false reporting of rape too.
It's like this new weapon that's thrown out there.
But my big issue is, I don't know why we can't get any of the leftists or any of the feminists concerned about the Middle East to just keep bringing up where in places like Saudi Arabia, I mean, women have less rights than a dog.
And you just can't get them to talk about it.
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In today's world, abortion supporters routinely attend pro-life rallies and attempt to bully activists.
If you have a problem and need a smelly group of commie devil worshippers, maybe you can call the A-Team.
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids!
I kill my kids!
Hey, we saw your Facebook with your communist hammer and sickle.
That's pretty cool, man.
Is that you on the Facebook?
Is there a Facebook page of you with a hammer and sickle?
I don't think so.
How do you get your abortions paid for?
I pay for them.
How many do you pay for them?
Upwards of 50.
Oh yeah.
You, you piece of f**king s**t!
Bunch of misogynist motherf**kers!
Take your male privilege somewhere else!
Tyler, you're being aggressive.
I'm being aggressive!
Pardon us!
Excuse us!
Watch out!
Watch out!
These, that's the guys that attacked Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I don't know what these modern feminists are, because they run around and go, I stink, I have arm hair, I love Satan, I love to kill babies, and you shouldn't have any free speech that hurts my feelings.
And then they just repeat the same line.
We're misogynistic and we'll attack your signs.
And they'll call you racist.
It's like they're really stupid people.
I wouldn't call them liberals.
I'd call them more like some kind of cult.
But let's play a clip from Lauren Southern's piece where she gets in this argument with these people at the slut walk.
They do these all over the world.
Where they say, we're allowed to flaunt our bodies.
I mean, you see women flaunting their bodies everywhere.
Nobody's doing anything to them.
I mean, it's just bizarre.
But let's play this clip where they're in public saying you can't videotape us and we don't give consent.
Well, there's no consent in public in your news gathering.
If you wanted to take video of them in a public place and make them your mascot, then it would be copyright because you're using them to sell something.
But not when it's news gathering.
First Amendment, which they also have in Canada.
It's called free speech.
I know the news rules all over the Western world.
They're all the same.
Let's go ahead and go to that clip.
There's a group of women that were here and they're wishing to withdraw consent to use the footage that you had, I guess, gotten.
Can you please make sure that is done, and make sure that any of the stuff that they have... We may or we may not use the footage.
It is a public area, so we do have legal rights to use the footage.
But you, like, interviewed them specifically, right?
So, like... Yes, and they gave us consent to interview them.
Well, now they're withdrawing it, so... That's not how it works, but...
Which is interesting given the event that you're at, right?
Like, that's a little bit contradictory.
What do you mean it's a little bit contradictory?
Well, I totally say it, that's not how it works.
Well, you can't just withdraw consent the next, like... Well, that's interesting.
Why is that interesting?
No, no, no, tell me, tell me why.
Like, a rally for, like, rapists?
Like, you know, consent and, like,
With John consent, saying like, no means no.
They're saying no, and you're saying that, like... Okay, so if someone gives consent the night before, and then they have... No, no, no, listen.
If they have sex with a man, and they give consent to him, then the next day decide, oh, I regret it.
I'm gonna report him for being a rapist, even though I gave him consent.
You're saying that's okay?
So you're sounding a little bit like a 12-year-old, because this is irrelevant.
All right, we finally made it back here to the bank.
Oh, there he goes.
She won the debate.
Every time.
Lauren Southern's amazing.
Really smart.
Can think on her feet better than I can.
But I can't believe she starts laughing, basically saying you're a rapist.
They're in a public place, she's news gathering, and now she's a rapist.
We're going to break in one minute.
Five more minutes with our guest coming up.
But Lauren Southern, I mean these people are amazing.
You know what's hilarious about it is if you look at halfway through that little clip you showed, a girl walks into the background with a sign that has a middle finger on it, and it's a big bright yellow sign.
That's one of the girls in the interview that they're asking to not be shown, and they are walking in front of my camera.
So they're actually raping your free speech more than you're, quote, raping them.
I mean, but everybody's a rapist.
I mean, we know that.
We'll be back in 70 seconds.
More in Southern.
The Rebel.media from Canada.
GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I've been ranching a lot.
Lauren Southern, TheRebel.media.
She's a political science student up in Canada.
She's got a great YouTube channel.
Tell us more about your media operation and then spend a few minutes making other points.
But that's just incredible that they come up and basically say you're raping them by videotaping them in public.
I mean, there's just no end to these people.
The biggest issue I have with them
Comparing my videotaping to rape is that they are trivializing what rape is and I think that's what this all is about.
Them saying that a guy whistling at them here in Canada or America is rape is trivializing and co-opting the word rape to serve a certain exaggerated purpose.
They are taking words like sexism, rape, misogyny, even racism and all these things and using them incorrectly
To exaggerate situations, to portray a certain narrative of the West is sexist, the West is racist, the West are a bunch of misogynist rapists.
When you look at the actual definitions of these words and you say, no, whistling at someone isn't rape, no, not hiring a woman over a man at a job because she had worse qualifications isn't sexism,
Not being friends with a person of a different race because you don't like their personality isn't racism.
There are so many words that this group is co-opting and rape is one of them that I think is very, very serious and it's very serious to trivialize because that
That totally is wrong against people who have actually lived in rape cultures and aren't supported by their government, where here, if I say I was raped, I know I would have support, I know I could go to a women's center, I know the police would investigate it.
It's just so intellectually dishonest, in my opinion.
Well, no doubt things aren't perfect and some rapists just do get away with what they're doing, but this whole push to promote it is about saying that basically anyone that doesn't submit to socialist, communist, pro-abortion women is a rapist.
And they really illustrate there that it's a rape culture that they project onto people that aren't engaged in it.
Yeah, for sure.
They even posted in their Facebook group that they were asking, can we use Lauren Southern holding up her sign as an example of rape culture?
So my questioning them, just trying to get in a debate with them, is supposedly an example of rape culture.
That's right.
You submit to them and that they have all knowledge and are the great oracles, or you are a rapist.
The other thing they'll do is they will try to portray people who question them as evil, offensive and triggering.
I got multiple letters that were sent to me, as well as friends of mine, as well as people who worked with me, saying that
These individuals were so triggered they vomited all night because of my sign.
I actually got a message that said that.
A girl said she vomited all night because she was so triggered that I disagreed with them.
And they tried to lie about me, get positions that I was in taken away.
They tried to message my friends and tell them that I was screaming over rape survivors and telling them the rapes didn't happen, which
Did not happen.
So these people were trying to demonize me because I had a different opinion and they didn't want to address my arguments or address what I was saying, but instead they want to attack the source and not what the source is saying, not the actual argument.
And that's what's happening with a lot of these
We're good to go.
Should have their views questioned and deconstructed.
Oh yeah, question me, you're a rapist.
Question me, you're a terrorist.
Question me, you're a racist.
Well, amazing.
I didn't even know it was that bad.
You should write an article about it.
We'll post it on InfoWars.com.
Laura Southern, other reports, please send them to us.
And I want to get you back on the nightly news sometime next week to really brief David Nye or Jacari Jackson or Leanne McAdoo and go over all of this because it's worse than I knew, but they didn't try to persecute you.
Simply amazing.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
I want to open the phones up at the bottom of the hour with your specific economic or geopolitical questions for Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, American economist, former editor, the editor of the Wall Street Journal.
Writes for Creator Syndicate Today, a multi-time New York Times bestseller, head of policy number two at the Treasury under Reagan, the father of Reaganomics.
I'm not going to get into all the big think tanks he's been part of.
He's well known to this audience.
PaulCraigRoberts.org is his excellent website.
We carry his articles at Infowars.com.
But I wanted to get him on just about the waterfront.
The insane escalation of moving heavy weapons into Ukraine and Lithuania.
The bizarre Samantha Power speech two weeks ago openly threatening Russia.
I was just rereading last night about Napoleon's invasion of Russia.
He was undefeated.
And how the Russians burned Moscow rather than let him have it.
And he was gravely mistaken, and he lost only a few thousand of his men came back.
There's a famous historical, I think it's a West Point graph, where they showed the trajectory of Napoleon's troops.
You can look at it online, just type a graph of Napoleon's troops going into Russia and coming out.
And then, of course, Hitler with Operation Barbarossa.
Just in, just in Russia, they lost eight million troops.
And then they lost millions more when the Russians came in.
A total of 21 million Germans died, or about a third of their population.
That was a good idea, right?
Attacking Russia?
And they say, empires don't just go to Afghanistan to die, they go to Russia to die.
And again, no one's lionizing Vladimir Putin or any of these people, but we're on their doorstep, we're attacking them, we're hiring radical Muslims to blow stuff up all over their caucus region.
The older Czarnev brother was on a State Department visa over there in a CIA program.
Look how that worked out for him.
The Russians blew his cover two years before the false flag in Boston.
And now Pelosi is set to vote for the TAA, fast-tracking, paving the way for Obama trade agenda.
And the Washington Post says Obama poised for major trade win.
Burnishing his foreign policy legacy like it's about his legacy that the Republican leadership has joined with him, the horrible neocons and rhinos, to make the president basically a dictator with these foreign banks to do whatever they want.
Ted Cruz has finally read some of the bill.
Now he says he's against it.
Because it opens the borders and everything else.
This is crazy.
And The Atlantic is out today.
I'm just setting the table here for Roberts to comment on what he wants to get into first.
The Atlantic has a big article.
It's like 25 pages long.
A world without work!
And they ask, will it be a good thing that they're setting the economy up to offshore the jobs and the jobs we do have will be done by robots.
So do we even need people anymore?
This is like kind of a replay of does the future need us or why the future doesn't need us from Wired Magazine 15 years ago with Bill Joy.
Going to the conference with 200 computer company owners, billionaires, and the decision was made at the conference that no, we don't need a general population anymore.
And you can argue we don't need a decadent slob population like Wally laying around, but this isn't even really being discussed until now.
So we're going over the edge into this global depression
They've turned radical Islamists loose all over the Middle East, truly, from a historical basis.
And I'm a novice historian.
I love reading history books from every angle.
It's better than fiction.
It's Paige Turner.
We are a tyranny now.
We are a very oppressive, evil empire that is acting insane.
It needs to be stopped.
Okay, that's my rant introducing Dr. Roberts.
We'll get into the economy, the bond bubble that Ron Paul thinks is about to go under.
Could this be the moment this winter, early next year?
No one knows.
But my God, it's just crazy to see how the megalomania has escalated.
No one stopped Hitler yet.
Is Hitler about to turn into Russia?
I mean, I'm not trying to go there with that allegory, but it does fit.
Dr. Roberts, I mean, are we not at a breathless moment, what we're witnessing?
Certainly are.
You put a good summation on it, Alex.
You know, the thing about all these threats to Russia,
I wonder sometimes if they're real, because I know the neocons are crazy and that Obama's government is totally incompetent and unrealistic, but I would think even crazy people would not actually want to go start a war with Russia.
And so I sometimes wonder if all of this isn't just trying to intimidate Russia or make them accept the sum of American hegemony.
It could just be a strategy.
But of course, the trouble with a strategy like that, if indeed that's what it is, is it can very quickly take off on its own and get away from you and lead to war.
So I do agree with you that this administration is recklessly dangerous.
They are endangering all life on earth.
And I blame also the European countries because they enable this.
You know, if they were simply to say, look, we're not any longer going along with this.
We figured out that NATO is the mechanism you use to generate conflict with Russia and we're out of NATO.
You're on your own.
That would put a stop to it.
I even have some hopes that if the Greek government were simply to default
Leave the EU, leave NATO, turn to the East, that it would begin the unraveling of NATO, because Spain and Italy are also subject to the looting that Greece is.
Sure, you said that here a year ago, that was the Financial Times of London headline on Monday, was, quote, US fears Greece going to Russia.
Look at Egypt, our ally has been forced into Russia's arms, just out of necessity.
Well, these things could redeem the situation.
I don't know that they will.
But it's dangerous if something doesn't happen to redeem it.
The propaganda, anti-Russian propaganda, the anti-Putin propaganda, this is extreme.
We've never really seen this before.
This is the highest level of hate.
You know, the other day, Robert Perry reminded us of George Orwell's 1984 when there's two minutes of hate.
You flash the image of the enemy on the screen and the population goes into two minutes of hate.
Well, that's what the New York Times does with Putin.
It performs the same role of Big Brother in Orwell's book.
So, it's a dangerous situation.
I have no idea what is going to happen.
It looks though that the Russians are taking it very quietly in stride.
They're not getting their back up.
They're not responding in provocative ways.
So that's good, because it takes two people unless the idiot Obama regime decides to have a preemptive nuclear tax.
And you do know that neoconservatives in this crazed government of ours favor that.
Some of them do.
You were in the highest levels of government and been in some of the biggest think tanks.
You were the editor of the Wall Street Journal when it had the top respect.
Not so much now with Murdoch.
I mean, you were there.
You knew Ronald Reagan well.
He brought you in.
Ronald Reagan helped break the Soviet Union's back, which was a corrupt empire.
You helped negotiate a lot of that.
I know you don't like to brag, but you got awards from France and stuff for doing it.
Versus the government you knew then, which certainly wasn't perfect, versus this one.
Just the way they act on the surface seems reckless.
And the recklessness of Wall Street, all of it, really is the type of stuff historically that does lead to war, as many historians have said.
But now we've got nuclear weapons.
I mean, we just can't do this.
Yes, well, you're right.
The government is so different from anything that I experienced or would have ever expected.
You know, how do you work things out with a country that you are demonizing?
Whose leader is demonized?
You know, it's not like that Putin is unpopular.
He's got 86% of the Russian people behind him.
This is unheard of in the West.
But when you, when the United States
says okay we get all-out propaganda all-out demonization then there's no basis for diplomacy and so it does look like the Obama regime is driving to war.
That's exactly what it looks like.
Why do they hate Putin so much?
I mean did it start with him arresting the oligarchs that turned out to be western front men?
They hate him because
You know, the neoconservative doctrine, the Wolfowitz Doctrine, says that the first objective of American foreign policy
Is to prevent the rise of any other country that could serve as a constraint on Washington's power.
That's right.
So anybody doing okay is a threat that has to be destabilized.
Hence the destabilization moves everywhere.
That's right.
And so when you see Washington was used to Yeltsin just letting them do whatever they wanted.
And then Washington got involved heavily in the Middle East in the wars.
Remember the Kekwa war that's still going on?
The surge in Afghanistan.
I mean, we've been totally defeated.
And the neocons got all involved in that.
And Putin came along and restored Russian sovereignty.
And they noticed it.
That is, the neocons noticed it when Putin blocked Obama's invasion of Syria.
Stay there, sir.
So this is an attack on sovereignty is what you're saying, more than anything.
It's an attack on Russia for being a sovereign state.
Its global government doesn't want them to have a sovereign state.
That's exactly right.
We've got the Pope promoting global government for carbon taxes.
I mean, it comes down to that.
Russia stands in the way of the world government and New World Order.
And that's why it has to fall.
We'll be back.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
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This is the Wednesday edition of the World Wide Broadcast.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is our guest.
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If you look at PNAC, Dr. Roberts was just getting into with the neocons, who themselves were founded by Trotskyites.
It's bizarre.
And already have a hatred of Russia kind of embedded.
It's about absolute power and Pax Americana, but not even helping America.
They use American muscle to build this corporate world government that's exempt from taxes, and to do that they've got to get rid of rogue nations.
Well, they see China as rogue, they see Russia as rogue, they see Iran as rogue, they see Syria as rogue.
Does that mean some of these countries don't have problems and aren't totalitarian?
But you just...
If they can't beat the Iraqis, and they can't beat the Afghans, no one wins in a war with Russia.
I know that's not rocket science, but how do we get that message across to the elite, Dr. Roberts?
And some people, you kind of alluded to this, they actually think maybe Putin's in a backroom deal with Obama, and this is all to make him popular at home, and to have weapons sales over here, that this is all paper tigers.
But I've studied history, and I'm looking at this.
This doesn't look fake to me, Dr. Roberts.
Of course it's not fake, no.
I think you summed it up well when you said that the neocons see themselves as the new world order.
It's not something that's being imposed from the outside on the United States.
It's something the neocons are imposing on the world.
It's an ideology, and people who are in the grips of ideology, they don't hear facts.
They don't hear criticisms.
And so I don't think there's any chance of the neoconservatives realizing that no one wins in a war with Russia.
Particularly since Russia and China are now allies.
A war with Russia means also a war with China.
And the United States military is simply not capable of fighting Russia and China simultaneously.
Even in a nuclear context.
So it is dangerous, we agree on that, and we'll just have to see what happens.
You know, I said there are some hopes, there's some hopes that the Europeans will finally realize that they are pawns in this game, they have nothing to gain from it, and that they will break off from it.
And if they do, then Washington loses the NATO mechanism that it needs in order to generate conflict with Russia.
So we'll just have to wait and see.
If you want to turn to the bonds, the bond market has been a bubble now for how long?
Six or seven years?
Yes, we've got a long segment coming up, but we can start here.
This is a short segment.
We're hearing a lot of increasing signs from mainline economists that the bond bubble's in trouble.
What's your view on that, sir?
Well, my view is the Federal Reserve can keep the interest rates low because they can print all the money they want to buy up all the bonds.
And so, to have the bond bubble go, if the Fed is opposed to it going, would require trouble with the dollar.
The dollar will have to go.
Because the Fed can't print foreign currencies with which to buy dollars.
So I've always felt that the Fed could keep the bond bubble going until the dollar itself got into trouble.
Because if the dollar itself gets into trouble and starts losing exchange value, and the Fed keeps printing more dollars to buy the bonds to keep that bubble alive,
That would add to the pressure on the dollar.
And since the basis for American power is the dollar as world reserve currency, the Fed would have to let the bond market go in order to save the dollar.
That's always been my view on it.
Now I may be wrong.
Who knows?
So are we approaching a crisis at that point?
Or could this Ponzi scheme go on indefinitely?
Well, I think the Ponzi scheme can go on as long as the rest of the world is content to hold the dollars.
And you see right now, in fact for some time, Washington has had the European Central Bank printing Euros and the Japanese Central Bank printing Yen.
So the other two large currencies are also being printed, just like the dollar.
So that prevents pressure from rising on the dollar.
And as we've talked on previous shows,
The Federal Reserve allows the bullion banks, the big banks in New York, to sell naked shorts on the Comex to drive down the gold price.
So it's totally rigged.
Stay there.
Explain that to us when we come back.
All right.
Explain that.
Sorry to cut you off at that key point.
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
PaulCraigRoberts.org is the website.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
A lot of news on the site.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Again, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show on stations across the country and of course at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
During the break over our internet audio feeds we air little vignette daily news updates and one of those reminded me of a story yesterday where this has gotten so ubiquitous that I didn't even report on it.
That Google indeed has been caught
With their Chrome users, their browser users, with the code, activating your microphones and cameras, watching and listening to you.
They told their shareholders 10 years ago that, we wrote an article about it, and back then people couldn't believe it.
Kind of like when we got the secret documents that the Pentagon's preparing to take out the Tea Party, gun owners, veterans, stuff like that.
Now everybody knows that's the case, it's all over the news.
I mean, it really is mentally ill level crazy.
And there's just this corporate and governmental arrogance now of who would want to have a world where Google drives around with driverless cars with antennas stealing everybody's passcodes.
They're worse than the NSA.
And Microsoft is horrible.
I mean, government's not just our problem.
We've had it so good so long that there's almost a trance state
That corporate people are in where they're so insulated by the corrupt courts in the system to commit these crimes, and it is a crime when they do this.
It's not a crime because Samsung makes you, when you buy it, sign an agreement.
All their new TVs say, we're listening and watching you and giving it to third parties.
So if you're dumb enough to take that in your house, they can get away with it.
Not with Google though.
It's not in their terms of service yet.
They may add it.
I'm not at war with 99% of people at Google, but at the top they admitted to Wired Magazine a few months ago that they were set up 16 years ago in a government program with In-Q-Tel, CIA, to create an artificially intelligent supercomputer that tracks everybody and taxes everybody.
So, it's just megalomania.
Dr. Roberts, you were getting into the bond market and how long it could go and what could happen, and I'm just kind of here metaphysically wringing my hands, but what do you make of just the overall bizarre level of flagrant violations of basic common sense human rights?
Why would the establishment make the decision to implement things that are
The opposite of a free society.
There seems to be a lustful jumping into bed with any and everything bad.
No institution, public or private, in the West seems to any longer have any integrity.
Now, I don't think this was a decision made by the establishment.
I think it's a result of a whole bunch of forces and factors.
But it's certainly true that integrity is missing.
It's missing wherever you look, whether it's the corporations, whether it's public institutions, or whether it's private institutions.
There's just no intent, and there's no sense of, oh, I have to look myself in the mirror.
I've got to do something.
I've got to behave appropriately.
I can't look myself in the mirror.
It's almost the reverse of that.
If I'm not ripping somebody off, I can't look myself in the mirror.
If I'm not a crook, if I'm not stealing from somebody, I can't look myself in the mirror.
It's just a total change in values.
So I certainly agree with you, there's no integrity and we can't rely on it.
You can see this every day.
Look, we've had one of the chief prosecuting attorneys of the SEC.
We've had one of the SEC commissioners herself say that the SEC is failing.
It doesn't do its job.
It issues waivers to felony actions by the banks.
So, there's no law enforcement against the privileged.
They're like the aristocrats of hundreds and hundreds of years ago.
So, wherever you look, you see this is the case.
The police, they shoot down people in the streets, including 12-year-old children, and very, very seldom do they suffer any consequences.
So, the entire segments
In the public sector are just simply becoming immune to law.
The executive branch essentially is immune to law.
The president says that he can kill people without any evidence or own suspicion alone.
That he can throw people in the jail without bringing a case against him in court and winning.
Well, these are horrendous things.
The Western civilization fought for hundreds of years, centuries and centuries, to stop that type of behavior, and now it's all thrown away in the 21st century.
Eight hundredth anniversary of Magna Carta.
Maybe you can speak some of that before we go to some of these calls and talk more about the economy or other issues you want to get into.
But I think at the end of the day, we've got to look in the mirror collectively.
And I think it's our lack of integrity individually, even if we have integrity, the average person who's decent.
We have to go further and say no to the establishment, and at least do radio shows and write articles and file lawsuits and run for office, things you've done.
And I'm not up on a high horse myself, it's just that people have become spectators.
And they just think, hey, we'll let the government run it, it's some complex thing, we'll let... And then we know that under the rubric of national security,
Government has become, like you said, the new nobility and the corporations have with diplomatic immunity.
And so the classic festering happened.
Really bad people got in.
They recruited more people.
They got away with more and more.
And now they're emboldened to try to start war with Russia.
And all the rest of this craziness, and I'm worried about the planet itself.
I mean, I really think there's a good chance that, as you said earlier, the whole planet's in danger because the elite have gone completely insane.
Yeah, that's right.
I saw something just the other day.
It said that Americans get more upset over somebody flicking them the middle finger or over politically incorrect words than they do over the fact that in the 21st century they destroyed seven countries, millions of people, all based on lies.
This doesn't upset them at all.
But use a politically incorrect word and they just go berserk.
So I think that shows a huge failure in the population itself.
We've had our real morals taken.
It's okay to kill a million and a half Iraqis.
It's okay to put ISIS in charge to kill every Christian, non-radical Muslim.
It's okay to wreck all these nations, do all these horrible things.
But if you talk bad about
Caitlyn Jenner or whatever her name is, you're a bad person.
Or if you don't embrace it, you're bad.
They've now been given faux rights that don't matter to the establishment.
It's just sheer madness.
I agree.
Other areas of the economy, you've talked about the Cook numbers forever, so has John Williams.
What about earlier in the year, 0.2 growth?
Does that really mean negative?
Ron Paul has said the day of reckoning is coming in the stock market.
You've always said it could take a lot longer than they say for the bubble to pop.
You've been saying that for eight, nine years coming on the show.
You've really been, overall, the most accurate in your predictions, because you haven't really made a lot.
You just talked about the general things.
In your gut, I mean, what do you think's happening?
We see all these elites building armored redoubts, going to New Zealand.
We see it in the news.
I mean, that to me signifies that they know this house of cards can't go on forever.
Well, usually House of Cards can't.
That's why they're called House of Cards.
They don't stand very well.
This one's gone on a long time, in part because of greed.
People are content for it to keep going because they can keep making money.
So, as for the first quarter growth, yes, I'm sure it's negative.
But you see, as we've talked before, they don't measure inflation correctly.
They don't measure unemployment correctly.
So if there's no inflation, because they don't measure it, then you can have positive growth, even though it's not really there.
And you can have a low unemployment rate if you don't measure the unemployed.
So, since the measures of economic activity themselves have been perverted and no longer have any integrity, they don't really mean anything.
You can't tell what's going on by looking at their numbers.
You have to realize that these numbers are rigged to make it look better than it is.
So all of that helps to support a positive psychology.
And until the psychology really turns negative on them, they can keep this house of cards going.
So really America and the West has become a cult?
In a way, yeah.
Actually, people live in the Matrix.
They live in unreality.
And they don't see the reality in front of them every day.
They live in unreality.
And it's the function of, say, Wall Street economists, is to keep this unreality going.
You know, they work for brokerage houses like Merrill Lynch, and Merrill Lynch doesn't want them saying, hey, the economy's going to hell.
Merrill Lynch wants them to say, hey, look, this is this possible, this is possible, this is possible, to keep people in the markets.
So the whole thing works to create Paul's picture.
Sure, well we know this though, when it finally does go belly up, which it's got to, I mean, it will be more spectacular than ever.
I'm going to take a few phone calls for Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.
You can find his books and more at his website, paulcraigroberts.org.
We have links to it on infowars.com at the bottom of every article he writes.
Kevin in Florida, thanks for holding.
You're on the air from Florida.
Thank you, Alex.
My question, actually, maybe you could piggyback on to get your opinion on this, but I just feel like once the economy goes belly up, because we all know it is with the TPP and everything, these false bonds, the Ponzi schemes, I just feel like the New Age depression is going to be like a combination of like Terminator, RoboCop, where there's going to be a lot of GMO fed
Dr. Roberts, I mean, to quantify that...
We know they're going to autonomous drones, autonomous robots.
That really removes the soldiers saying no and rebelling.
And this whole autonomous society, that's why the elite call themselves technocrats.
What do you think of Davos folks calling themselves technocrats and installing technocrats as leaders of European nations?
Well, I kind of think there's not enough of all of them.
And if you get a really bad depression, like worse than the Great Depression,
The inability to cope with the population.
I just don't know that violence on the part of the elite will work.
Think of all the violence we applied to Iraq and Afghanistan.
Did we prevail?
Well, the United States is a much larger place.
And so I'm not sure if the elite who may be betting on controlling the situation with high-tech violence
Whether this will work for them or not.
Thank you, Alex.
I wanted to ask Dr. Roberts about Vladimir Putin's column on this, our guest column he had on today.
Is it as bad as the Cuban Missile Crisis was?
Is this that point that we reached, you know, the choice where either we all go extinct or we all use this grid to make it?
Well, I didn't see Putin's article.
Putin said that?
Are you saying Putin said that?
No, he did not say that.
He just drew a line in the sand, it seemed, between the bricks and the west.
Well, that's another point.
It seems like this policy is driving people to Russia and actually undermining the dollar because people don't like to be bullied.
Dr. Roberts, what do you make?
Is the situation currently worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis?
No, because Putin doesn't represent an ideology intending for governments of the world.
You know the kind of Cold War between the Americans and Soviets this was a different kind of clash and Putin is more or less Ignoring the provocations at least publicly they may be boosting their military capabilities and their strategic capabilities, but they're not replying in kind and They're not making aggressive moves.
They have not invaded anybody
You know, that's what I always say when people say, who are you for, the U.S.
or Russia?
Like you said, this is a group of criminals that are taking control of our government.
It's not America versus Russia.
And Russia hasn't invaded six or seven countries in the last 15 years.
They've done nothing.
It's America doing it.
Yeah, so I think that there's not... I don't think the situation is dangerous in the sense that it will come from Russia.
They've shown they'll take a lot of provocations without responding in any decisive way.
But Putin keeps telling the United States that it's a waste of time to deliver ultimatums to Russia.
We don't pay any attention to them.
And we need to work out any disagreements.
I believe in diplomacy.
I'm willing to talk to you at any time and work things out with you.
Now, it's the American side that says, oh, no, you can't even be a member of our groups.
We don't want to talk to you.
You're Hitler.
You're more dangerous than Ebola, blah, blah, blah.
So a lot of the world sees
Thank you.
It looks like that domination is coming to an end.
Well that's what always brings down empires is the hubris and we're seeing that right now.
One last caller real quick and I'll talk to others after he leaves us.
Sherry in Texas.
Quick question.
Thanks for calling.
Thank you, Alex.
My question to you, Dr. Roberts, is regarding the likelihood of war, and instead of saying it's us against an Obama regime or us against our administration, which seems to pit us against ourselves as a sovereign government, is it not instead like a war machine or a military-industrial complex that seeks to undermine Obama as President of Peace, and the same war machine does it not
Sure, sure ma'am.
Let me get this quick 30 seconds.
I think he's gotta go.
The Republican and Democratic leadership work as one.
Look at TPP.
So I don't think Obama's innocent in this.
Dr. Roberts, final comment.
Well, I think she is right that the president is not as powerful as many of the private interest groups.
And there is a deep state that tends, you know, I think that John F. Kennedy was assassinated by his own government.
And so there are these other elements.
But still, Obama, I think, is chosen.
So he is not
Alright, Dr. Roberts, we lost some of your Skype right there.
Thank you so much.
A powerful interview.
We'll be right back.
Thank you.
We'll talk to you again soon.
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This is what's happening.
I'm about to sum it all up.
We are in a trance state, watching TV.
We're comfortable.
We're surfing towards the apocalypse.
Economic, biological, chemical.
I mean, there's so many serious threats.
And the elite only address those threats to try to then get more power, but never do anything about it.
In fact, make it worse.
And we have a very immoral West.
I mean, Russia's got its incredible corruption problems, China's horrible, but our government's moved our jobs there, all these globalists make billions of dollars off of it, but then separately want war with China.
They're threatening to shoot down each other's aircraft.
I mean, I hope cool heads prevail, but you get enough of these conflicts going, somebody's going to end up pulling the trigger.
And then where is Caitlyn Jenner going to be if nukes rain down on LA?
I mean, the goddess must be saved.
And if you don't love the goddess, well, you're just a homophobe.
And if Europe doesn't open its borders up to the billions that want to come in, well, Europe's not sweet anymore.
I mean, that's what AFP says.
There's such a will to dominate any existing middle-class money in the West by the globalists.
They're in the conquer phase.
They're willing to destroy everything to get that in place.
I'm going to do some overdrive and talk to Carlos, Dion, and Jack, and that's all the time we'll have in the next little segment.
I want to close out this part of the transmission just pointing out that
I know I'm not perfect, I don't claim to have all the answers, but we're dialed in overall on the big picture.
More than any other transmission out there.
This is a hardcore broadcast.
And it's reaching a lot of people, and it's having a good effect.
I hope TPP by a miracle doesn't pass today, it looks like they have their votes.
I think that's why Ted Cruz first said he'd vote for it when it was close, and now they've got the votes, he says he's gonna vote against it.
But whatever, better late than never.
I mean, I don't want to just attack Ted Cruz.
We had a bunch of gun bills passed, one for him and Rand Paul, but Rand Paul was doing the right thing from the beginning.
I just want the establishment, who isn't corrupt, because they're not all bad, to really sit back and look at things and realize that you're not safe by keeping your head down.
We're safe by doing the right thing and really dialing stuff back and just not acting so insane.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It's just so creepy.
Hillary with all these young women all over.
It's like Hugh Hefner.
I'm not attacking her because she's a lesbian and has that beard daughter to cover it up.
It's just creepy like Hugh Hefner in his
Smoking jacket, you know, he's 89 years old, all these women on him.
It's just weird, ugly woman with a bunch of girls hanging on her in public.
And then I'm just looking at videos on our YouTube channel and next to it, confirmed Google caught using microphones to listen.
Comes out mainstream news that what we warned you of a decade ago is indeed going on.
We just knew they were bragging to shareholders they were doing it.
Now, it's just there.
I mean,
The fact that I've gotten comfortable with this.
I mean, what's next?
And we just get it.
They know we love tools.
We know we end up loving our iPads, our Droids, and that we just, even though it's a Trojan horse, we can't help it.
It's so pretty.
We want the gift.
Let's jam in some calls.
Carlos in Connecticut, thanks for holding.
Thank you, Alex.
I was calling
We know that the media has been keeping a pretty good hold on the rest of us knowing what's going on in Russia, the war, the war train.
But as far as them pushing propaganda of the Olympics and demonizing Putin,
How can we tell the establishment that we know what they're doing and their plans to take over Russia with the New World Order, but how can we all... I think you just tell people that.
I think you just point that out.
You say, our government's launched six wars and invaded and killed millions of people.
Russia isn't.
And they go, what are you, for the Russians?
I'm for America.
We have foreign globalists running things here.
Globalism is alien.
It's turning our side.
Russia isn't signing us on to the TPP today to make the president king.
Basically, it makes Obama viceroy for a foreign cartel.
He's actually not king.
He's just the legate, the imperial front man.
God bless you, Carlos.
Great point.
How do we stop this?
Dion in Illinois, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, have you heard of LD Brown?
Uh, refresh my memory, I have heard that name.
Uh, L.D.
Brown is Arkansas' strict state trooper.
He said that Hillary and Bill are swingers.
Oh yeah, I've had L.D.
Brown on the show before, years ago.
In fact, we should get L.D.
Brown back on, yes.
Okay, uh... And listen, here's the issue.
We can, if you're a Christian or whatever, you can make a moral statement about that.
The point is, it makes them totally blackmailable.
That they're part of all this sex stuff.
And that's what we're getting at is they're blackmailable.
The fact that Obama's bisexual, that he's blackmailable.
That's why they put him in there.
Just like Hastert's a pedophile.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, why don't they just come out in the open since everyone is politically correct?
Part of that crowd now.
Why don't they just come out in the open with their lifestyle?
I think they'll probably do it when she's president.
And it won't matter who she kills or what she does, she'll have such courage to admit, you know, but of course if a guy was having sex with all the women in the office, it'd be terrible.
But with Hillary, it's, again, questioning a feminist is racism, questioning them is rape.
I mean, did you see the video earlier, the audio, where a reporter's out in public and videotapes, and they say, you're raping me?
Yeah, I think we're going to become decent.
Look, if you don't give your wife to Hillary, you're a rapist, okay?
Everyone should just deliver their children to Hillary, you know, to be her minions, and then your wife you deliver to Hillary to be her consort.
Anything else, sir?
Yeah, I was going to say, why doesn't Russia erase Greece stuff like it did with some of the South American countries?
I hear you, I appreciate your call.
I mean, Russia has enough power that it could play the same games the West has been doing, not to the same extent, maybe one-third of it.
That's why they gotta be taken out.
The globalists can't destroy every country, annihilate societies, rape people's rights for real, when there's any place to run, even if that place isn't perfect.
It has to have one system to rule them all, and in the darkness bind them.
Nightly News is tonight, 7 o'clock Central, hosted by Jacari Jackson.
David Nye will be hosting the next two days because I'm going to my cousin's wedding.
He's wearing a Dutch Frey line from Michigan.
So I'm going up there.
I'm going to be reporting live from Detroit Friday.
Secret trade treaties with Asian and European nations will be unstoppable.
As Senator Sessions, who has done more than anyone else to expose the secret Asian treaty, has said... It is a breathtaking event.