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Name: 20150615_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 15, 2015
2538 lines.

The radio broadcast by Alex Jones on GCN Radio Network covers various topics such as the Bilderberg Group, health issues related to clothing materials, promoting InfoWarsLife products, advertisements for Head Down Firearms and InfoWars Life supplements. Other discussions include the importance of owning silver in times of crisis, brain health nutraceuticals, the dangers of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, gun control, immigration and national security, community trust, historical events, Father's Day gift recommendations, wireless technology protection, disaster preparedness, ammonia and chlorine in water supplies, electronic pickpocketing, 9-11 conspiracy theories, illegals breaking into vehicles in North Africa, Hillary Clinton, Vince Vaughn, and the destabilization of countries through globalist agendas. The show promotes SimpliSafe as a wireless security system and urges listeners to purchase ProPure Pro1 G2.0 Water Filtration System from Infowarsstore.com. Political criticism is also present in the broadcast where Jones emphasizes on limiting power through revolutionary documents like the Magna Carta.

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Well, there is massive, just absolutely massive amounts of key news and information we're going to be covering today.
We're going to phase out Bilderberg coverage, but finally here is a boil down of the best moments as the globalists were confronted in Europe, there in Austria.
Black limousines with darkened windows converged on a hotel where private security guards imposed ironclad control.
The limos carried royalty, political power brokers, and industrial titans to a secret meeting that will last all weekend.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
The Bilderberg Group consists of the heads of all the managing roundtable groups that steer individual countries.
Picture the elite power structure of the world as a giant pyramid, with only the elite of the elite at the tip-top of the capstone.
The group has been so secretive that until the mid-1980s, the controlled corporate media denied its existence.
Into the late 1990s, coverage only consisted of rare one-line mentions.
With the rise of the alternative media, their stranglehold on information has begun to slip.
In Bilderberg's long history, many reporters attempting to cover the group have been harassed, detained, and even jailed.
The thing that first impressed me most was calls in 1957
By the late, great Westbrook Pegler, widely syndicated columnist.
He wrote two lengthy columns about how approximately 100 leaders of international finance, heads of state, public officials, were meeting behind armed guards that closed doors on Jekyll Island, sealed off.
What are these powerful internationalists doing?
And why is it so secret?
Why do they have armed guards outside?
Why is it sealed off?
The newspapers totally ignore it.
Not a word.
Total blackout in the United States.
120 of the world's most powerful men.
Heads of state from Europe, high officials of the United States government, Treasury, White House, State, Defense.
They're setting the world agenda now.
The reason they want secrecy is because they're doing evil.
Evil is done under the cover of darkness.
Good works are done in sunshine.
They're planning the corporate agenda, they're not planning the democratic human journey agenda, in my opinion.
Mussolini had a definition, it's when the interests of the corporation take completely over from all other interests, and that's fascism.
He said it should probably be called corporatism.
Well, call it corporatism, call it fascism, call it neolib, neocon.
There's a whole variety of political words, depending on which side of the stripe you come from, to start with, which describes the thing.
But what they are describing is the complete end of democracy, the end of what matters to people, the end of what happens to the human journey.
And for that reason, I think this is revolting.
To all of you, we tell you, you are not our queens, you are not our kings, you are not our gods.
We do not belong to you.
We are not your slaves.
We stand as free humans, as stooges since the beginning of time, against the strong men, against the thugs, against the bullies.
We will defeat your world government.
We will defeat world taxation.
We will defeat your control grid.
God is on our side.
I stand before the creator of the universe, and I ask the creator of the universe, as our founding fathers did in 1776, to lead, guide, and direct us, and to give us the power, and the foresight, and the understanding, and the will to stand against your entire agenda, including your final plan of world population reduction of 80% that Henry Kissinger penned in 1973.
You will, and you are failing now.
Your New World Order will fall.
Humanity will defeat you.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
We're going to break.
Get ready.
Start your engines.
You've probably heard that synthetic ingredients in your food could be harmful to your health, but what about the clothes on your back?
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And as with any movement, the best way to have your voice heard is to vote with your dollars.
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And always choose clothes produced using natural dyes.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com
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Alex Jones here.
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You will be supporting a free press, all the while enjoying a truly great tasting cup of my favorite coffee.
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We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
You can see the earth from here.
It's infested by technocrats using scientific systems of social control to dumb down and disease the population, the host population, to make them more servile, more manageable.
Well, this broadcast is here.
To ring the alarm bell, to raise the red flag, to blow the warning trumpet on the parapet, to let the people know that this infestation is taking place.
To say that we have a full plate today is a very, very serious understatement.
Syndicated Radio host George Norrie is going to be joining us to give us his take on a wide spectrum of world events for the third hour.
In the meantime, we haven't been taking a lot of calls.
As of late, we'll open the phones up on specific issues.
I'd love to hear from callers.
And the first round of callers, of course, will be first-time callers.
I'll give that number out coming up here in a few minutes.
All I ask of the listeners is that they cover one of the news items that I raise.
And then you can tie it into anything you want.
But I want to focus in on this compendium of information.
Let me just go over some of the top stories in the stacks here.
Jeb Bush expected to officially announce his running for president today.
And he made an announcement along with that that he cries and that he's a real person.
That's an actual quote.
He cries.
And Hillary's announcing how she's a real person and a commoner as well.
And she cares about women.
But Jeb cries.
So, everything is okay.
Archbishop quits after Archdiocese charged with cover-up of pedophilia.
And another bishop in the U.S.
has resigned as well.
And the Vatican is to hold first trial of senior cleric for pedophilia.
So they're actually going in to begin trying to ferret out the pedophile network that has basically taken over much of the Catholic Church.
And it's not just the Catholic Church, it's Congress, it's government agencies all over the world.
That's what this disease does.
Over and over again throughout history.
From the Bible and Sodom and Gomorrah coming to the door and saying,
Give us your family, give us your kids.
To today, it's the same story.
We're going to be looking at that report.
GOP leadership's latest Obama trade ploy revealed a small business tax hike that violates the GOP's anti-tax pledge.
Well, the goal is shut down small businesses.
After all, you didn't build it.
That's what globalism is, and we know what the agenda is.
Open borders, global corporations tax-exempt, small businesses tax hikes.
That's what Boehner and Ryan and all these people are going to bring in.
Isn't that just special?
In fact, I just actually found the article.
It's out of the Telegraph.
Jeb Bush.
I cry.
I cry.
I'm introverted.
But I want to be president.
Russia says it will retaliate if U.S.
weapons stationed on its borders are deployed.
Again, Russia says it will retaliate if U.S.
weapons are stationed on its borders.
We're going to be going over that as well.
Here's another headline.
Just give me an idea of what's in the stack here.
Michigan police seize kids from family for camping.
Just last week it was an 11-year-old.
His parents were an hour late home.
They got home at 6.
The child got home at 4.30.
The 11-year-old played basketball in his backyard and was taken from the family.
They were charged with neglect.
And the news media reported it with a straight face, like they were a horrible family.
Everyone I know has had to wait for their parents to get home by the age of 9, 10, 11, 12.
But that's not even the issue.
Did the youth not know where the hidden key was?
It doesn't matter.
This is the prison state that we live in.
It's the laws that need to be changed, ladies and gentlemen.
Continuing, Greece's debt drama, the possible scenarios that could bring down the Euro, but three or four separate times they forced massive tax increases in Greece, massive sell-offs of their infrastructure, and notice it never pays off the debt.
It never fixes the problems.
Because it's not designed to.
The debts have been rigged by signing countries onto derivatives that are impossible to pay back if you gave the private banks all the debt in the world.
But it's the private mega-banks that created the derivatives.
Continuing, some good news.
France bans sale of Monsanto herbicide roundup in nurseries, in plant stores.
In public challenge to Obama, family of drone victim asked, what is the value of an innocent life?
Shock video, rioting migrants attempt to hijack truck heading for the UK.
We're going to break that down in a moment.
Gangs intent on getting access to country's generous welfare system.
And meanwhile, the UN, the Vatican, and every other globalist organization.
This is in ABC News.
are saying open the borders up.
It's your job to basically take on unlimited third world populations as the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America collapse.
You've got to take all these people on and then give them free everything.
And give them voting cards and let them vote.
This is how the West is being conquered, and it doesn't help the third world populations at the same time.
Before I get into all that, and there's a lot more in science news, in economic news, I'm going to drill into all this news today.
There's the huge report on the Supreme Court races, the clock on gay marriage, Obamacare, and more.
And they're already sending out announcements, trial balloons, that, oh, get ready for Obamacare to be reaffirmed by the U.S.
Supreme Court a second time.
And I've had so many constitutional lawyers on from across the spectrum.
The rulings we're seeing out of the Supreme Court are now anti-gun.
They were pro-gun just six years ago.
They are now completely anti-border.
They are completely anti-sovereignty.
They are totally pro-abortion.
So we saw the court turn back towards the Constitution and then suddenly veer.
And an example of that, Supreme Court won't revive North Carolina abortion law saying you've got to show somebody an ultrasound.
Now when you go in at the
Second trimester, and they know you want to keep the baby, they show you an ultrasound.
Basically hoping they can find something wrong so they can convince you to have an abortion.
This is how the system is basically geared.
Doesn't mean the doctors and nurses themselves are bad.
And the Supreme Court says no, it violates the doctor's free speech to show you the human.
So does it violate their free speech if they don't show you holes in your heart with an ultrasound?
Or if you have a broken leg, maybe their free speech says they don't want to tell you that you have a broken leg, so they just tell you to go home on it.
Or maybe a compound fracture of the wrist, a bone sticking out.
You know what?
I don't feel like telling you that's broken, so I'm not going to tell you.
That's right.
It's the free speech of the doctor to not tell you there are other options.
That sounds completely reasonable, if you're about to kill a child.
In fact, the Feds have been pushing, and Planned Parenthood have been pushing, the Eugenics League, you know, they changed their name, they've been pushing, and have gotten it successfully passed in many states, to ban these mall kiosks that show you a 3D shot of your baby.
They have kiosk in malls, and then they send you to their facility to actually do the scan.
They claimed it was medically dangerous, maybe.
Or, in other states they claim, well you're not a medical company, so you're cutting in on the medical mafia, so we're going to get laws passed.
A whole bunch of states have done this so you can't see the baby.
It's okay to kill them, but we're not going to show you the baby.
In fact, most medical centers will not even show you a 3D shot, even though for decades the ultrasounds all basically have it.
There's the headline, FDA warns against keepsake ultrasounds.
Oh, it's safe when the hospitals do it over and over again, when the doctor does it over and over again, but when you go to get it done,
In Southern California, well, we've got to ban it.
No, the truth is, it was cutting in on the abortion mill.
Because you could humanize it, it wasn't just a blob of tissue.
So this signals where the Supreme Court goes.
There's another article out today saying that get ready for Justice Kennedy
A relic of the Great Society to support Obamacare because it helps poor people.
Yeah, by cutting the quality of the care, death panels, turning doctors into nothing but minions of government computers following orders.
It's a VA model.
The voice of opposition passed.
Justice Kennedy may save Obamacare.
Isn't that just special?
So get ready for total betrayal.
The Supreme Court just ruled last week that San Francisco can massively restrict the Second Amendment.
Basically, it disagrees with their D.C.
Heller ruling and other rulings on Chicago.
So the Supreme Court's definitely being blackmailed.
They're definitely now ready to drop the hammer and start a civil war.
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Let me give you an example of a microcosm of how much trouble this society's in.
And how the yuppies, the trendies, the proto... Uh, future humans...
How upside down this world has gotten.
I talk a lot about Michelle Obama and the bizarreness, the ridiculousness of having the first lady be the figurehead of the federal lunch program lecturing adults and children on what we're supposed to eat.
And then you go look at what she recommends.
It isn't stay away from GMOs.
It isn't stay away from trans fats.
It isn't stay away from toxic additives.
It's keep your calories low.
Don't have any fat.
MSG is fine.
Aspartame is fine.
And you read what they're pushing, what they're recommending.
It is a reduced calorie diet.
It's social engineering.
And what business does the federal government have telling us individually what to eat?
And so, maybe every four or five months, I will get Mexican food from a place called Guero's in Austin, Texas.
It's pretty close to our office.
And I guess that translates to the gringo or something.
And the Mexican food's okay.
It's a little bit simple, but it's decent.
And so I said, hey, I think I want to eat out today.
I didn't bring any lunch today.
Will somebody go pick me up some gueros?
I'd like to see their menu.
And they said, okay, it says on their website it's meatless Monday.
And I went, wait a minute.
Isn't that Michelle Obama's directive?
And sure enough, they say on their website that they're basically following Michelle Obama's directive.
Meatless Monday at Guero's.
We're proud to be part of the national initiative to help promote healthy eating.
There's a reason mom always told you to eat your vegetables.
But now your mom is big sister Michelle Obama.
This is the cult!
So, that's it.
I'm not going to eat at Guero's again.
I'm done.
School's out.
It is.
To quote the great Alice Cooper.
I don't live in Nazi Germany where I eat what the Fuhrer says.
By the way, the Nazi Party told people what to eat.
I don't live in some freakish Soviet system under Joe Stalin either.
And it's all about big corporate combines being able to shovel crap food on people and then have us accept this new austerity.
You go into Whole Foods and they've got magazines everywhere about the new austerity, how it's cool to be poor.
And these trendies, these trust fund kids will go live out of vans and things and not take baths just to show how cool they are when all they're getting ready to do is accept the new poverty that's coming to this country.
And so I'm digressing here.
It's just such mind control, such cultural sickness.
If you want to be a vegetarian
More power to you.
If you get the right protein, there are some real health benefits to it.
There is no doubt about it.
Meat overall has some health benefits if it's clean, if it's good.
But this is not about being reasonable and having food protein that is produced humanely.
This is about taking over society.
In fact, maybe if you guys can search engine it, it's the Megaopolis cartoons, PSAs they show to British school children in the UK, where it shows the world in 20 years, and you only get meat on your birthday.
And the government computer tells you where you work and what you do.
The Watson IBM computers already say which vets to treat and which ones not to.
Now they're going over Obamacare.
Now they're going over pet care.
I saw an IBM commercial this morning.
But the globalists programmed the computers.
You understand?
It's tyranny.
It's the opposite of local.
It's evil.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
If you want to have veggie day, that's fine.
Don't do it when Michelle says it.
Man, I can't ever go there again.
I'm done.
Tonight, on the InfoWars Nightly News.
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Alex Jones here.
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We ain't gonna take it!
We're not gonna take it anymore.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right.
You know what's funny?
I was actually thinking about getting vegetarian enchiladas.
But I wanted to see if they had a special on that, because they have daily specials.
And then my cousin Buckley ran in here and he said, you didn't know Guero's is Bill Clinton's favorite restaurant in Texas?
And I was like, no, I didn't know that.
But see, I only go there every once in a while.
I've been going there since it opened 20-something years ago, down on South Congress.
And I just really realized, you've got to investigate every business you do business with, and if they're globalist,
And if they're socialist totalitarians, or fascist, you cannot support them, period.
One of the only powers we've got left, other than the cartridge box, going to the guns, is voting with our dollars.
And we've had devastating success on GMOs, on Roundup, and again, Michelle Obama's not worried about any of that.
And these big corporations that get the contracts for the horrible, cruddy school lunch food that's worse than Supermax prison food, literally.
And then all these trendy restaurants say, sorry, you can only eat vegetables today.
Mommy says, your mommy, Michelle Obama isn't my mommy.
So I just ordered beef enchiladas from another place that's even better.
They just take longer.
That's it, we gotta stop going convenience.
I'm gonna throw up.
Look at this.
It wouldn't be the first place in town named after a president's order.
During a 1995 meal at Guero's, President Bill Clinton ordered breast of chicken taco, one beef taco, one tamale and guacamole.
That order was immoralized on the Mexican joint's menu as the El Presidente, along with the tagline, he ate all of his.
Oh, isn't it cute?
But wait!
There was meat on that!
Bill Clinton
I'm done talking about it.
It's just a window into these control freaks.
Is it a free country when the First Lady tells you what to eat?
That's not liberal!
That's not more freedom!
That's not your business!
And it's the GMO and the additives and the trans fats and all the weird crud in the food that's making people's pancreases fail.
I've looked it up.
We had higher caloric intake in the 50s than we do now.
People ate like pigs.
Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
And they didn't look like this.
We're bloated because of toxicity.
It's a fact.
We have record cancer, record thyroid problems, record issues across the board because of all sorts of dietary deficiencies, because the soils are played out.
You add a bunch of chemicals to that, your body holds water, adds fat to try to basically buffer all the garbage.
That's known.
I've got so much news to get to in a short time to get there.
I've got to get into this TPP news.
They're trying to bring it back Wednesday or Thursday.
They're talking about tagging it onto some other bills.
That's in the news.
Senator Sessions is warned in the Senate.
Senator Sessions is warned in the House.
Not related.
One's from Texas in the House, one's from Alabama.
And sure enough, Boehner and Obama
And others are running around on the news saying it's a good thing.
We've got to try to get it passed this week.
Paul Ryan is truly sickening.
But to tell you how unpopular all of this is, even Hillary Clinton is saying, well, she doesn't know about it.
It needs to be tweaked.
How about it needs to be released?
Let me ask you a question.
Can you tweak a dead animal in the ditch?
No, you throw it in a hole, or you let buzzards eat it.
You can't tweak something that's a giant con job.
We've got three sections of it.
Each section alone ends this country's sovereignty as we know it.
I mean, it's just a giant nail in the coffin.
It is incredible.
Because each section says, and the Commission can change this to do anything they want at any time, and you've got to abide by it.
It's like Article 30 of the UN Charter where it says you've got all these rights unless we say.
No, it's not if you say it's then suspended and you can change it whenever you want.
I want to get into Hillary that made her disgusting announcement yesterday and tie that into Jeb Bush in a minute.
It shows the disconnect, the arrogance, the false aplomb.
Or maybe it's not.
Maybe they're going to win.
You've got these crime families that we know work together at MENA, work together in narcotics trafficking, work together in money laundering, work together in the Central Intelligence Agency on record.
Bush Sr., when he was head of the CIA, directly ran Hillary and Bill when they were in Europe.
I mean, that's all been partially declassified.
Totally staged.
The Clintons are the Bushes.
That's why Bush 43 calls Clinton Bubba.
And the matriarch, Barbara Bush, calls him son.
I'm going to throw up.
And so we've got these two boxers in a Don King heavyweight championship, and everybody's still gonna go basically pay for pay-per-view, who's gonna buy into it and watch the Don King boxing match, even though it's as phony as a $3 bill.
Well, it's the same thing here.
These people are a joke.
Their agenda is exactly the same, just different rhetoric.
And it's not even that different.
They all support open borders.
They all support DPP.
They all support abortion.
Jeb Bush is a gun grabber.
And as soon as he starts running against Hillary, I will have affiliates.
Most of our affiliates are really smart and good people, but this has happened before.
Call me and say, stop bashing Jeb.
He's not perfect, but he's running against Hillary.
That's how the scam works.
I mean, Jeb Bush looks like a demon.
He acts like a demon, because he is a demon.
We need to see sanity reign here.
Like we saw Tea Party Republicans, Libertarian Republicans, with real Liberal Democrats, who are not insane, demand that their
Elected representatives, their servants, vote down the TPP.
It's secret?
The three sections we got are a giant rape job.
This is the United States, not North Korea, where we have hegemonic families, where hereditary dynasties are formed.
One senator said the presidency is not a crown to be passed between two families.
But they're not even two families.
Just like IBM was worried about trust-busting, so they created Microsoft as their front company, the Bushes created the Clintons.
And they run them.
And they run the Obama administration right now.
That's why the Republican leadership, when it comes down to it, is defending Obama and carrying his water on getting your guns, on opening the borders, on Obamacare, on every other scam.
Because it's one sick group, with a bunch of pedophiles working for them, who they can burn anytime they want.
That's why they go and they recruit the Dennis Hasterts out of nowhere to put him in charge everywhere because they can call him up and don't have to pay him.
Don't even have to give him payoffs.
They go, listen, you want the FBI to raid you next week?
You vote like we say, or we're going to come arrest you.
They slam the phone down.
That's how this country's run.
With blackmail.
As the aircraft landed Mina, to this day, C-130s full of cocaine.
So heavy, they come in hard.
The trucks are unloaded, it's shipped into your communities.
And you love it.
I've interviewed Terry Reid, who was CIA, at the airfield.
Saw all of them out there.
Just, it was a party.
That's why they keep drugs illegal, so they can put you and your family in prison if you're dumb enough to use it, or they plant it on you.
Yeah, this is hardcore radio.
I've already gone so far, why not just go all the way?
Somebody's got to tell the truth.
We're going to get into Bill Clinton, his latest, you can't have people walking around with guns, close quote.
Can we find the, um, Dianne Feinstein, Mrs. and Miss America, turn them all in?
I want to find that clip as well.
Oh, but nobody wants our guns.
They've just banned them in every city and country they get a hold of.
Oh, but nobody wants your guns.
That's a conspiracy theory too.
Just like the death panels or Obamacare doubling and tripling cost.
And there is no Bilderberg group, right?
Remember that lie?
And there's no cancer viruses in the vaccines.
And they don't give you diabetes type 1, even though it says it on the insert of the MMR shot.
And they just think you're dumb, and they just think you won't go look it up.
By the way, Terry Reid wrote Compromise.
Clinton Bush and the CIA.
He's been on the show probably 15 times over the years.
We can't get a hold of him.
If anybody knows how to get a hold of him, I want him back on the show.
Please send us his phone number or contact info.
Or get a hold of him and tell him to call us.
I want him on the show.
I know he did work with WorldNetDaily like 10 years ago.
Maybe you can call Joseph Farah, guys.
I want him.
I don't care how we do it.
I want him on.
And I want to get Larry Nichols on, too.
We used to have his number, but that doesn't work.
And I know he still, he used to work for Bill Clinton, basically his unofficial chief of staff for decades.
He can tell you everything.
I can't believe we're having to warm back up
The research, you know, take it on a deep freeze on the Clintons.
I'm having flashbacks, I'm getting nauseated looking at Hillary.
A narcissistic, murdering witch.
And these throngs of idiot women who have such weak identities that they go, oh, you just don't like Hillary because she's a woman.
No, I don't like her because she's a crime boss.
Just like I don't like Jeb Bush because he's a piece of crap.
That's why I don't like him.
I'm sick of it!
Get out of your identity politics!
Have some basic smarts!
Have some basic dignity!
Have some basic common sense, you morons!
Man, you make me want to throw up.
I'm gonna stop right there.
Uh, briefly...
We will run out of it.
It did run out for about three days.
I told you a limited amount was there at the laboratory.
It was completed.
It was shipped here.
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It is P.O.
Blow that up for me so I can read it.
I never give the P.O.
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Mail order is P.O.
Box 1-9-5-4-9 Austin, Texas 78760.
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And again, you fund our entire operation.
We salute you.
So, here's Bill Clinton saying you can't have people walking around with guns.
He says
The civil unrest in Ferguson, the civil unrest in Maryland, the civil unrest in other areas is because of guns.
Maryland has some of the strictest gun laws out there, and they've not been having shooting problems against the police there, or vice versa.
It's been cops shooting people that's questionable.
Well, you can't have the cops with guns?
This is them inserting the demonization of the Second Amendment wherever they can towards federalization as the solution, as Al Sharpton admitted a month ago.
So here's Bill Clinton, the cokehead criminal, back in our face, running a fake election against Jeb Bush.
And who knows what deal they've got behind the scenes?
Who they plan on installing?
Jeb or Hillary?
But boy, give me a barf bag.
Let's go to that clip.
What's killing all these communities is that everybody thinks every tomorrow is going to be like yesterday.
You're toast.
You can deal with poverty, adversity, anything, as long as they think it can be different.
The Baltimore thing came on the heels of what happened in Ferguson and what happened in New York City and all these other places.
And there's a big national movement about whether the lives of young African-American men count.
Hashtag Black Lives Matter.
You can't have a bunch of people walking around with guns.
I used to tell people whenever, when we did Bosnia, Kosovo, anything like that,
You get enough people with weapons around and there will be unintended consequences.
Simply incredible.
We're going to come back with Feinstein and her inner clip earlier.
Ladies and gentlemen, the West on record funded KLA Al Qaeda out of Albania to invade and attack the Serbs.
When their military repulsed the Al-Qaeda attack, they were called terrorists and their whole country was bombed.
Their water plants, everything.
And I'm not saying the Serbs were perfect, but the UN's own report said the Muslims and Croats killed double what the Serbs did and started it.
And then that war criminal engaged in that.
But this is the UN model of victim disarmament.
We'll be back.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Vote for Jeb, or you're just f***ing stupid.
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By the way, Shaquille O'Neal, someone controlling I guess his Facebook, put out some questions about the official story of 9-11.
I mean, it's admitted now that Saudi Arabia was at least behind the supposed hijackers and that our government stood down.
So, all of us that are 9-11 truthers all deserve a major apology from the left and the right.
We've been proven correct yet again.
I mean, of course governments stage events.
Of course governments allow attacks to take place.
Of course governments provocateur.
But Shaquille O'Neal said, oh, I'm going to fire whoever did that.
And that was basically the end of it.
So a little bird told me that we're going to try to get in touch with him today on air.
I'll leave it at that.
We'll see what happens.
But, uh, truly disgusting.
There's nothing worse than bloated cowards in the system who sit there and act like it's weird to point out that 9-11's been used to take our freedoms and set up a police state.
And terror is what's being used to end our republic as we know it, and now the anti-terror initiatives
are pointed at veterans, conservatives, libertarians, gun owners, and local governments.
This is a foreign globalist takeover.
The tools of war will be used on the people, and it's not for security.
Now the CIA came out last week and blamed Bill Clinton, saying he dismantled the anti-terror system.
That's actually true.
Bill Clinton could have killed bin Laden repeatedly and ordered stand-downs.
And did dismantle a bunch of the networks watching Al Qaeda.
But it's beyond that.
But notice now, the CIA is trying to distance itself from what happened because they know it's all coming out.
And how are people going to feel when all of what happened on 9-11 came out?
Do you really think you're going to get away with something that big?
You're not.
Oh, there might not be trials, there might not even be arrests, but in the court of public opinion, and the documents, it's all coming out.
But you just heard Bill Clinton go, you can't have people with guns.
And then he talked about a government with guns.
You see, opposing the UN's guns.
The UN and NATO bombing Belgrade.
Bombing Kosovo.
And to this day, every week it's in the foreign news that radical Muslims move into new towns and cities and murder the Christians.
When it becomes a majority Muslim area, the killings start.
And they go, oh it's liberal, allow more in, do more, it's good, it's loving.
I've got some sickening Hillary Clinton clips and Bill Clinton clips that are coming up in the next hour.
But speaking of that, UN Human Rights Chief urges Europe, and I'm going to show this video, a shock video, rioting migrants attempt to hijack trucks heading for the UK.
We'll show some of this video now as I talk over it.
UN Human Rights Chief urges Europe to accept more migrants.
Not illegal aliens, not people coming in and out of Eastern Europe, or coming in and out of Africa, or coming in and out of Asia, or coming out of... No, no, no, no.
This came out under Tony Blair at the Channel.
At the French side, they load the illegals up from all over the world.
Basically, they get on trucks, they get on top of them, and the British police don't stop them when they drive up out of the tunnel.
There's famous footage of them cheering as they jump off trucks and trains.
Giant hordes as the third world collapses.
The answer is, bring them into collapsing Europe, bring them into collapsing U.S., give them voting cards, and within just a few years, there are police officers who can't even speak English ruling over us.
The governor, Joe Biggs is going out there next week to report on it, the governor of Hawaii can't even speak English.
That's how you conquer the West, and the Globalists have done a great job while they sit offshore on their yachts in Switzerland and a few countries that don't let people in.
Everywhere else is brought down.
Ladies and gentlemen, you haven't really ever heard firearms manufacturers as sponsors on my syndicated radio show, or the nightly news, or the news website, InfoWars.com, because the companies I've been approached by were not the highest quality, and they weren't as affordable as they should be, so I refused probably 30, 40 firearms manufacturers over the years.
Well then,
About six months ago, we get contacted by Head Down Firearms.
Owned and run by a bunch of former Navy SEALs, Special Ops people.
They're veterans, they're patriots, they're listeners of the radio show, and they want to support the broadcast.
It's always about security.
Thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up at the start of the next segment, shock video, rioting migrants attempt to hijack trucks heading for UK.
And again, if you know the rest of the story, I tried to find this again.
It was 1998.
It was a British newspaper article, but they had the video embedded.
And it was shocking, as trucks came out of one lane and trains on another, like the South American train of death, or Central American train of death, people were on the sides, on the top, and on trucks.
And they would cheer and run past the police as they got off.
And it turned out Tony Blair, you can look this up, this does come up.
had done a secret deal with the EU.
Well, now the EU just says you will set quotas of the millions of illegals you're going to bring in.
And again, I have nothing against the desperate people out of Africa, the desperate people out of the Middle East, the desperate people out of Eastern Europe, the desperate people that are pouring in.
But man, folks, have you been to India?
Have you been to Africa?
I haven't, but I've seen long-form documentaries and stuff.
I've talked to folks that have been there.
I mean, you want to talk about scary?
And then you add welfare to it?
Game over!
Sure, a lot of these immigrants, if you get them there and there's not welfare, they are hard-working.
But there are criminal gangs that feed off of them and organize them.
And now government, mainly liberals,
are doing this all over the world.
This is their cloward and piven checkmate.
This is how they bring the folks in to socialize and then bring down the country.
We're going to play that video with audio as a shocked Kiwi videotapes it, who was visiting France, about to go under the tunnel.
And it is just shocking.
Shocking what's going on.
Joe Biggs is going out to Hawaii, one of our hardest working reporters, and he wanted to take a vacation slash working vacation.
And I said, absolutely, please go.
But he's going to be documenting the giant immigrant shantytowns that are there now lining major highways and how they just let the illegals come in off boats and ships now to the point of locals, and I mean the actual Hawaiians, are freaking out about what's going on.
And it's one thing if the invaders bring, you know, running water and television.
You can still say that's bad if it's not your culture.
But what when people just bring disease and poverty?
And again, people say, well, why don't you support the globalists and their sterilization program?
I want to industrialize the third world.
I want to build these people up.
Once you industrialize, you have on average 1.4 children within one generation.
The Globalist on record, on the Royal Commission, put out in 1949 out of England, had a plan to not develop the third world, create a third world bloom in population, and then use those populations to keep the third world destabilized so they could extract their resources easily, and then use those third world populations as a weapon to bring down the West.
This is a military operation.
And the globalists put a human face on these migrants, on these immigrants.
You bet they're humans.
Just like if I was getting off the Titanic, and I was in the boat with my wife and my kids, and the water was already coming up to the very edge of the boat, and splashing over, and we're bailing, and there's 50 people right off
Our bow, begging to be let on in the freezing water.
If you let them climb over, the ship is going to go under.
It's going, and that's the plan.
It's clouded and pebbled.
In fact, it doesn't matter.
We're already done.
You'll all see.
You'll all see.
Just enjoy.
Because the whole third world's collapsing.
They're going to collapse it into the west.
And it's going to go bottom up.
Then they're going to seal the borders entirely and bring in a police state.
I mean, it's amazing.
But not before enough are brought in to divide and conquer.
This is how we're being taken over.
The film, The Magnificent Seven, is about to be remade.
The story of a village oppressed by both banditos and federales.
The villagers realized that until they were able to defend themselves, they would always be slaves and victims.
So they hired professionals, not to be their protectors, but to teach them how to defend themselves.
It's a timeless tale of the power of the community of Posse Comitatus.
Our founders knew that permanent standing armies would mean a permanent state of war abroad and tyranny at home.
And as we've maintained the largest standing army in the world, we have had a permanent state of war.
If our increasingly militarized domestic law enforcement were an army, it would be the fourth largest in the world.
The concepts of a militia and a posse kept power in the hands of the people, to be led as needed by a few professionals.
Until we reclaim that constitutional heritage, we will remain helpless peons.
For FOWars.com, I'm David Knight.
Ladies and gentlemen, you haven't really ever heard firearms manufacturers as sponsors on my syndicated radio show, or the nightly news, or the news website, InfoWars.com, because the companies I've been approached by were not the highest quality, and they weren't as affordable as they should be, so I refused probably 30, 40 firearms manufacturers over the years.
Well then,
About six months ago, we get contacted by Head Down Firearms.
Owned and run by a bunch of former Navy SEALs and Special Ops people.
They're veterans, they're patriots, they're listeners of the radio show, and they want to support the broadcast.
It's always about security.
I think so.
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What's his name?
He's so good, they won't leave him.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
It's a military mission in North St.
Heavily armored vehicles are rolling into town and don't be alarmed if you see those over the next seven days rolling through your neighborhood.
If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, do not be alarmed.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
NSJS Late News 12's Jeff Ferrell discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
If you've got a business, you didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
Blackhawk choppers soaring through the night sky, but this is only a drill.
Heavily armed officers in Watertown search for the suspect, house to house.
It's a joint military training exercise involving local police, also military.
In your apartment!
I am in my apartment, sir.
Go back inside right now!
I am inside.
I have two words for you.
Predator groans.
You will never see it coming.
The dramatic scene played out in front of our cameras.
Parents grabbing their children and running after spending the night hunkering in their houses and then finding themselves face-to-face with the muzzle of a SWAT officer's rifle.
They let them in the area, they told them they could come in, and now they're coming in like they're trespassers, punching and shoving people.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not backing down!
If you want them, come and take them!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
This is the heart of 1776!
Well, Bill Clinton says all our problems are because of guns.
You just can't, quote, have people walking around with guns unless it's the globalists, unless it's the UN.
I'm going to play that clip again and then tie it in with some very important clips from Hillary Clinton and her announcement yesterday.
But here's Dianne Feinstein saying if she had the votes, she'd ban all your guns.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
In case there's any doubt, we have this from the NRA, GOA, and others.
They're warming up for another assault on our guns.
They're coming.
Let's go to that clip.
If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it.
I could not do that.
The votes weren't fair.
All right.
So as soon as they get the votes, that is the plan.
Now let's go back to Bill Clinton.
You can't have people walking around with guns talking about Baltimore as if that's what caused this.
It was cops shooting people in a questionable fashion or breaking somebody's neck.
It's police brutality that at least is what the White House is stirring up to cause the clash so the feds can come in and take over.
It's that simple.
Al Sharpton admits that.
Should I play the clip again of him saying we need to federalize all the police?
But he then makes it about gun owners and ties that to when we did Serbia.
I guess you did do Serbia like the mafia does somebody.
You're talking about a government that you attacked.
So now even governments can't have guns.
The West came in and armed the Croats, armed the Muslims, had them attack the Serbs.
This is on record.
The Serbs fought back, won, and so NATO came in and took them over.
Just like you've got the West funding Al-Qaeda and ISIS to attack Syria right now, and they're calling Syria the bad guys until the public didn't buy it.
They went, oh, you're right.
The bad guys are Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
We've got to go in and take over and get rid of Assad so that we control the country and not him.
As if he's behind it.
It's sick.
Here's Bill Clinton.
What's killing all these communities is that everybody thinks every tomorrow is going to be like yesterday.
You're toast.
Back it up, please.
You can deal with poverty.
I can't believe, after 20 years on air, I still have to deal with the Clintons.
I mean, I started my talk radio show in 1996, started on TV in 95, when these guys had just carried out Oklahoma City.
I'm not going to do a whole show on that.
I've been in films on it.
Made a film on it.
Done countless shows.
Had the police officers on that were there and witnessed it.
I mean, that was a government operation.
A criminal element of the government.
We know the names, everything.
And just to have to... I care about you so much.
You just can't have these lives being lost.
I care so much about lives.
And the headline on CNN yesterday was, Bill Clinton brushes off foundation questions.
They're foundation getting money from third world dictators to be taken off the State Department list so weapons can be shipped there.
I mean, you pay Hillary money, you pay Bill money, and then she's at the State Department and lets weapons go to your country.
Let's go back to that quote.
It's just hard to listen to Pumpkinhead.
Here it is.
What's killing all these communities is that everybody thinks every tomorrow is going to be like yesterday.
You're toast.
You can deal with poverty, adversity, anything, as long as they think it can be different.
The Baltimore thing came on the heels of what happened in Ferguson and what happened in New York City and all these other places.
And there's a big national movement about whether the lives of young African-American men count.
Hashtag Black Lives Matter.
You can't have a bunch of people walking around with guns.
I used to tell people whenever, when we did Bosnia, Kosovo, anything like that.
You get enough people with weapons around, and there will be unintended consequences.
People will make mistakes.
People will do wrong.
Things happen.
To hold a community together, you've got to have a high level of community trust.
Somebody that's in your family gets shot, you want an answer from somebody you know.
And you want to be able to ask questions and get them answered.
This is truly sickening.
They had police officers, citizens, teenagers murdered who knew about the drug dealing in MENA.
And he sits up there talking about how much he loves everybody.
When he turned Al-Qaeda loose in the Balkans.
And then blew up the infrastructure killing tens of thousands and dropping depleted uranium cluster bombs on Belgrade.
A war criminal!
A liar!
And he's up there explaining to us why there's problems with guns in America.
But you know, something he said is true in a twisted way.
You can't have armies quartered amongst you.
You know, that's in the Bill of Rights.
You can't have a heavily armed, huge paramilitary force in your country.
You will end up having problems.
In every third world nation, the military or the paramilitary police end up taking over.
Stability and confidence is destroyed, the country collapses.
Latin America, look at it.
No success stories.
All because of their standing armies.
That's why our founders in 1776 and forward said no standing army.
We can have a navy.
We can have an army that's put on ships.
We can have marines.
That's how the marines get around Posse Comitatus, even though it's an 1878 law.
The marines operating predates that.
You can control your borders.
You can have a navy.
And in modern parlance, you can have an army.
But you do not station it or use it domestically ever.
And by the way, the founding fathers didn't invent that.
The Dutch had that on the books.
The Swiss had that on the books, look how successful they've been.
And where did they get it?
Well you gotta search when, I know it was 40-something years BC, 40-something years before the birth of Christ.
Will you please give me the year Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon?
Just type in the crossing of the Rubicon, the date that happened.
You see, the Romans, for 200 plus years, it was an execution offense for a general to lead his armies south into Northern Italy, across the Rubicon, basically close to the border with what's Austria today.
And if a soldier, unless it was a parade, wore their uniform, they could get in big trouble.
Because you don't suit up the troops inside the country.
Nowadays, this Jones guy's crazy.
He doesn't like troops marching up and down the streets everywhere, and running checkpoints, and working with police, and admitting they're preparing to take on the Tea Party in army times.
Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon 49 B.C.
The crossing of a small stream in northern Italy became one of the ancient history's most pivotal events.
They went from republic to dictatorship.
Caesar became synonymous with king.
Continuing with the quote.
From it sprang the Roman Empire and the genesis of modern European culture.
So there you go.
Julius Caesar crosses the Rubicon.
The genesis of European culture?
It began to collapse Western culture into a dark age that lasted over a thousand plus years.
It took 400 plus years for Rome to degenerate to its final sacking in 410 by the Visigoths.
So the phone rings, and I pick it up, and it's Mark.
And Mark says to me, hey, third Sunday, June, Father's Day, I ordered Dad a gun.
It's here.
He's going to build it out, and we're going to go out on Father's Day shoot, and you want to come?
And I said, yeah, what a great idea for a Father's Day gift, an AR-15 rifle kit from Guns80.com.
I think I'll get my dad one.
He says, go ahead.
See you out on the range.
So we're going to meet on the range on Father's Day.
Get your dad an AR-15 rifle kit at Guns80.com, Guns80.com, or call 844-2GUNS80.
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Honey, it's time for dinner.
What are you doing over there on your computer?
I'm shopping for a new wallet.
Mine is falling apart.
Hey, did you know there's a company called ID Stronghold that makes shielded wallets to prevent electronic pickpocketing?
I didn't realize there was such a thing as electronic pickpocketing.
What is that?
Well, apparently many of the new credit and debit cards being issued have radio chips inside them called RFID to transmit our banking information to card readers when we pay.
Unfortunately, a bad guy can also get one of these readers and go around the city scanning people, collecting their credit card numbers and personal information without us knowing it.
That sounds scary.
Since you're getting a new wallet anyway, you should definitely get an ID Stronghold shielded wallet.
Are they more expensive?
In fact, I can get a shielded leather wallet from IDStronghold.com for the same price or less than regular unshielded wallets from other stores.
Sounds great!
My wallet isn't falling apart yet, but let me pick one out too.
I want to be protected, and these wallets at IDStronghold.com look fantastic!
I've got Shaquille O'Neal's personal cell phone number.
And we're going to call him live on the air coming up in the next segment.
We tested it a few days ago.
I've kind of forgotten about it because he's not that big a deal, big deal basketball player.
And I'm going to call him up on air and ask him about
If he has any concern about crimes being committed inside this country, he'll probably just hang up on us, but we'll see what happens.
Of course, he came out last week whenever someone on his Facebook, working for him, questioned 9-11 and said he was going to fire whoever did it.
I'm going to ask him if he knows about the 27 pages or 28 pages that have been made secret of the 9-11 Commission showing Saudi Arabia basically quarterbacks the operation.
Just like they're quarterbacking the attack on Syria right now.
And you might want to rethink firing whoever did that.
But I'll guarantee you they gave directives to act edgy and act like he's involved with the community and he doesn't like where it went.
Those companies you hired to do that, I've researched them.
Try to follow a profile you give them.
And if we can hijack popular culture, we'll do it all day long.
Try to get folks out of the Matrix.
Coming up, I'm going to play these sickening Hillary quotes about how she's for the little guy and wants to fight the oligarchs and the robber barons, basically.
I mean, this is really getting rich.
Because the big money's behind her.
Bilderberg had her campaign head at the meeting.
She's been to Bilderberg.
Nobody else was there.
From the Republican camp or the Democratic camp.
That means that's who they're looking to push.
She was at Bilderberg in 2008.
I was there covering it.
We saw the armored cars go in.
We saw the Secret Service.
They were all over the news saying, where's Hillary?
Where's Obama?
We knew where they were.
We later confirmed they were inside.
Well, again, it's an inside job, folks.
Rigging it.
By controlling the field, and the media is now telling us it's Jeb Bush and Hillary.
They're the choices you have.
Meanwhile, UN Human Rights Chief urges Europe to accept more migrants.
I mentioned this, but I'm going to play the audio and video for TV viewers.
I'll narrate for radio listeners.
The video is up on Infowars.com.
It's also on DrudgeReport.com.
Shock video, rioting migrants attempt to hijack truck headed for the UK.
The footage filmed in the French port town.
of callous shows desperate migrants attempting to break into delivery trucks.
Well, what's wrong with breaking into things?
That's okay.
They released 36,000 violent illegals just this year in the U.S., but they got a manhunt for two guys that broke out of a state prison.
That's okay.
Heading to the United Kingdom in another illustration of how the country's generous welfare system acts as a beacon for illegal aliens.
The clip shows huge gangs of migrants roaming around the highway, just blocking the road, attempting to attack vehicles, breaking into buses, holding doors shut, ripping open 18-wheelers, I guess with crowbars, breaking into the back.
I mean, this is what's going on because the police don't stop them.
They could have a 500 police stationed right there and stop it and let the illegals know.
And the French could tell them that, hey, we got folks coming in on the trains and cars.
They don't because they want this.
And it came out in 2008 that Tony Blair had a secret deal with the French government and the EU to let them in.
But Michael Savage can't come into England because he criticizes radical Muslims.
It is a conspiracy to bring down Europe.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip.
You're not allowed into the country?
It looks like a hundred angles.
So don't panic, guys.
We've locked all the doors in our van.
And basically what the holdup here is... Is that... There's actually... Some mines... Sorry, some... Europe's gonna fall harder than America.
So don't panic, guys.
In the U.S.
you'd get shot doing that.
Chivas, we don't want to run over someone, eh?
This is why they disarm people.
Chivas, man, we saw this stuff on TV.
Now the illegals have climbed on the bus, they're holding the door shut.
Oh my gosh.
They're trying to sabotage the truck so it can't drive away.
God Almighty.
See, the government wants disarmed slaves.
But now the country doesn't have an immune system, no one can fight.
And so when the people pour in out of Morocco and out of Africa and out of other areas, just no one knows how to stand up to it.
It's like goonie birds when the sailors, they didn't run from the sailors, they all got eaten.
And so just hordes of people roaming around.
I mean, look, weapon or not, you start trying to climb in the cab of my truck, I'm gonna beat your brains out.
But see, the French have been trained to lay down.
In England, you're indicted if you defend yourself from attackers in your own house.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The U.S.
media blackout on Bilderberg has been broken.
Well, sort of.
The Washington Times are the first mainstream U.S.
news outlet to cover the secret of Bilderberg meetings.
Yet in typical mainstream fashion, they downplayed the significance.
Of the global elite meeting in secret to set world policy.
Bilderberg group meets amid conspiracy theories, heavy security and news blackout.
Was the headline last week from the Washington Times.
Whose coverage made it seem like the infamous Bilderberg meeting was nothing more than a gathering at a country club.
Of course this contradicts what David Rockefeller said in a speech at a Bilderberg meeting in 1991.
Where he said, quote,
We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years.
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If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it.
But I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.
We just have to be repetitive about this.
It's not enough to simply have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
Mayor Bloomberg, how you doing?
Jason, I grew up in Brooklyn.
In the spirit of gun control, will you disarm your entire security team?
You'll get back to me?
They may feel that it's part of a romanticized culture.
There's an aspect of this, a kind of Wild West, cowboy, Dirty Harry aspect.
There's also an aspect... So they're macho men and they gotta have a gun?
Go ahead.
Make my day.
Anybody that wants to disarm me...
A trio of would-be burglars picked the wrong Albuquerque house to break into.
Police say when the three teens pried open the door, a brave little girl was waiting for them, locked and loaded.
It's harder to use an assault weapon to hit something that is a shotgun, okay?
You don't need an AR-15.
It's harder to aim.
It's harder to use.
In fact, you don't need 30 rounds to protect yourself.
Buy a shotgun.
Why shotgun?
Vice President Biden and I had a meeting with a group of technology people and talked about how guns can be made more safe by making them either through fingerprint identification, the gun talks to a bracelet or something that you might wear.
Anybody that wants to make me unarmed and helpless, people that want to literally create the proven
Places where more innocents are killed, called gun-free zones, we're gonna beat you.
We're gonna vote you out of office, or suck on my machine gun.
That's why you're going to fail, and the establishment knows, no matter how much propaganda, the Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
I believe that as Americans, we have a right to arm ourselves against criminals, but we don't need the ability to arm ourselves against the army.
Or the police.
The United States military is not out to get us.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
The Second Amendment is there, and it was put in there not for hunting and fishing, like they like to say, because back when they did it, if you didn't hunt or fish, you didn't eat.
It was put in there so the citizens would have the ability, if their government became oppressive, they could defend themselves against oppressive government.
Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chavez took the guns, and I'm here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
I'm the hootness, tootness, shootness, Bobtail Wildcat in the West!
I don't want that man to have a gun.
I wouldn't feel comfortable having an argument with him in his home where he had access to his 50 weapons.
Challenge Alex Jones to a boxing match, show up with a semi-automatic that you got legally, and pop him.
I'd love to see that.
In uniform.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're not turning our guns in!
And we're not running!
And we're not backing down!
If you want them, come and take them!
Now, if you're a TV viewer, you've seen it.
If you're a radio listener, you haven't.
It looks like over a hundred illegals, predominantly out of North Africa, running around at the Chunnel border station on a major highway, breaking into buses, holding the door shut, the bus the people are on videotaping, breaking into 18-wheelers, climbing up into cabs,
It's incredible.
I don't care if you're black, white, what color you are, from North Africa or from the moon.
I'm in a car, you try to break in, I'm going to attack you.
Here in the United States, I'm going to shoot you.
But there, I guarantee you, I'm going to attack you.
I'll use the car on you.
But man, I'm not trying to run down the French.
They're great people.
But they just, they just sit there and take it.
Because they're so politically correct.
You've got basically
Over a hundred people, just you can see in the camera shot, up the road and up in front of the cars, about 50 or so milling around, they're all around the bus.
And this is only from one vantage point of the camera.
We'll show some of that footage for TV viewers.
Shock video, rioting migrants attempt to hijack trucks headed for the UK, and it's gangs!
And they're laughing at the people!
I mean, you try going to North Africa and doing this.
A military truck would pull up and shoot you.
And that's because if they didn't, the whole society would collapse.
This is what the so-called left is doing to Europe now coming out in ABC News and saying that the UN wants them to just open the borders basically entirely.
And then that will accelerate the gold rush, the rush.
They're already announcing record illegals from Central and South America coming up through Mexico to get to the US because of all the freebies.
It's insane unless you want to bring the country down.
And I'll guarantee you, in this type of lawlessness, breaking into vehicles, the rest of it, that goods are being stolen.
Few people get shot, they'll stop doing it.
But the system wants lawlessness, while they are at armored hotels, behind thousands of police and helicopter gunships, meeting in secret, running the EU, while the public is domesticated, fighting for their lives.
It's incredible.
And again, is radical Islam defeated after 14 years of post 9-11?
No, it's bigger than ever.
And it's running around attacking innocent, moderate Muslims that were the majority around the world, and overthrowing their countries, overthrowing our allies, overthrowing neutral countries, and putting radicalism in.
Why would our elite be doing that?
Because they're de-stabilizing the planet.
And as the Middle East collapses, and as Africa collapses, and now that Libya, that was stabilizing all of Africa, Libya was doing it.
I'm not for socialism or dictators, but Muammar Gaddafi was spending about 98% of the money on the people.
From the oil revenue.
He lived in very modest government facilities compared to others.
And he was stabilizing Africa.
Now that it's fallen, North Africa is just descending into hell.
It's descending into hell, and hordes are coming into Europe.
Boats, every few days, are sinking, full of so many illegals.
And that's the same allegory of once they get to Europe.
They've already sunk Africa, now they're going to sink Europe.
But they're not the enemy.
The enemy is the globalist that set up a system like this.
Africa could be a jewel.
The West has done everything it can to keep it destabilized, so they get those raw materials super cheap.
And so they have dictatorships and oligarchies in that they can buy off very cheaply.
Middle classes are the enemy of the globalist.
Progress is the enemy of the globalist.
Let me tell you, if there was some African country with a higher GDP and cooler people, and it was free, I'd go there!
But there isn't.
There was one country in South America that was one of the richest in the world, and it's a hellhole now after the globalists took it over.
As rich as in Argentina.
And I talk a lot about that because the globalists want us poor, they want to wreck us, and they will.
This is a formulae they're following 110 percent.
Big boats, little boats, you name it, coming across the African waters of the Mediterranean into Europe, and the EU says, invite them in, pay for them, and then the numbers just flood.
Then they let them in, and then more flood, and now they want to go to Europe, from Europe to the UK, that's got even more welfare.
And the police stand down while they pour a cross.
This is the false flag attack.
This is the takeover.
I want to get to these chilling Hillary Clinton quotes.
They're so deceptive.
In the words of Richard in the control room, this lady's the devil with how she inverts and turns reality into upside down.
But here are the headlines.
Well, whatever, fine.
If you don't agree with that, that's fine.
He has that right to do that.
But you don't have a right to demonize people that question major events, because so many of them, from the Gulf of Tonkin to get us into Vietnam, to Operation Ajax, to Fast and Furious, have been false flags to take our freedoms.
And some attacks were real, but they still use them to take our freedoms, when that doesn't protect us!
We're always being told that
It's a balance between freedom and security.
No, the more freedom you have, the more secure you are.
Government's being armed, historically, is dangerous at a central level.
I'm not against locals being armed, heavily armed.
As long as it's decentralized and compartmentalized, that's why we have jurisdictions.
So if one town goes corrupt, one county goes corrupt, the others aren't.
Our founders were smart cookies.
There's a reason we've been the greatest country in the world.
For Bill Clinton to demonize the individual being armed, that's the ultimate equalizer.
Because there are more good people than bad.
Bad people don't like being around armed people.
They move to Chicago or New York or D.C.
where they've got disarmed prey, just like in France, they can rob and kill whoever they want and burn down whole cities.
Everybody says, well, it's politically correct, let the radicals do it.
Let's call Shaquille O'Neal right now.
This is his phone number.
This has been changed in two days.
And I have zero butterflies doing this.
I could care less about basketball players.
I mean, it's really boring.
But let's go ahead and call him.
He comes off as just an arrogant idiot, but maybe he's a nice guy.
I'm going to ask him, don't you want to live in the real world?
We'll see what happens.
Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system.
He answered two days ago.
Alright, yeah, fade it back up once the number's done and I'll leave a message.
At the tone, please record your message.
When you have finished recording, you may hang up or press 1 for more options.
Hey Shaq, it's Alex Jones calling.
A mutual friend gave me your number.
And I just wanted to say that, look, you shouldn't fire the folks at that company.
I have nothing to do with the company.
You should try to defend free speech.
I understand that it's your website.
And you have a right to tell them that you don't want them to do it anymore.
But the fact is, the majority of Americans in major polls, you can look them up, believe 9-11 was an inside job.
The 28 secret pages have been partially leaked by congressmen and senators.
And Saudi Arabia was behind the attacks.
Our government stood down.
And Shaq, being a basketball player, being narcissistic, being arrogant, that'll get you nowhere in your short life.
You're probably a very unhappy person because worldliness will never fully fulfill you.
I think.
You look so sad in your eyes.
That's probably the case.
You will feel fulfilled if you stand up for humanity and really do something.
So please look into false flag stage terror.
Please care.
Please don't be a coward and find out that Fast and Furious was staged to blame the Second Amendment.
Find out that George Soros is trying to get riots against the police going.
Charles Barkley, one of your colleagues who actually thinks he's a smart guy, has talked about that.
And just realize that playing it safe with the establishment at the end of the game is not smart.
Because the establishment, just like Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia, is getting ready to screw everybody over.
So, Mr. O'Neill, again, I'm Alex Jones, ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
If you'd like to contact us, I'll try to call you back at a later date when we're off air and have a further discussion with you.
So maybe you can come on the radio show and explain to us why you think it's disrespectful and distasteful to question 9-11.
I think it's patriotic to question a government known to lie.
Our own government's funding ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria right now.
Well, I helped expose all that with my audience, and we're not going to stop, Mr. O'Neill.
In fact, we're all owed an apology by the establishment who said that we were evil for questioning 9-11.
All right, well, enjoy yourself.
Usually guys that are as big as you are and as tall as you are have a lot of heart problems by your age, and I would guess by taking a look at you that you probably got
You know, some thoughts in your mind about the other side whistling past the graveyard and things like that.
There's still time to reprieve yourself and not just be a fake media icon selling soft drinks for the establishment.
This is a friendly message.
I hope you have a great time and I hope you turn your life around.
Thank you so much.
Well, I think that was a friendly message, don't you guys?
Just off the cuff, teleprompter free, that's what it's all about.
Just, you know, I do this so much, I'm so exhausted half the time.
You get up here and talk for three hours and I just hit you with where my heart's at, where my mind's at.
Maybe it wasn't the friendliest message, but I happen to know behind the scenes how incredibly rude and narcissistic and arrogant and weird people like Michael Jordan are.
Uh, and I don't really know much about Shaquille O'Neal.
Well, I know a little bit, actually.
Behind-the-scenes stuff, but, uh... Never mind.
The point is, is that all these sports players, who are arrogant egomaniacs, really come off as weird.
And I guess arrogance is kind of the flavor of the day.
A lot of these guys call themselves kings, or god, or lord this, lord that.
Uh, I'm just not into royalty, I guess.
And I just think we've had our heroes stolen from us.
Like, speaking of black, you know, heroes, I mean, I really think Martin Luther King was a great speaker, a great mind, he had a lot of courage, I admire him.
I really admire people like Martin Luther King.
I do not admire Shaquille O'Neal.
I mean, I just, just, people that can put balls in a basket, I just do not admire it.
Maybe just basketball's not my sport.
I mean, I don't dislike basketball.
It's just boring.
It's absolutely boring at the end of the day, all the worship of it, and all the obsession over it, and men on TV sitting around for hours every day, you know, talking about every angle of it.
Men aren't supposed to spend their lives just obsessing on petty garbage.
Men are supposed to be involved in their communities, informed, standing up, making sure their country doesn't get taken over.
I mean, Shaq, did you know there's a global secret treaty we barely beat last week that they're bringing back this week, the TPP, to hand over our sovereignty?
To foreign corporations?
I mean, that's a big deal.
And so I do admire folks in Hollywood and sports who do care about politics and who have a libertarian bent.
Folks like Vince Vaughn.
Because he can get a lot of heat for coming out for the Second Amendment, so that means he's a real man who cares more about principles than just being famous.
And I would like to admire you.
I just have never seen anything out of you, but
Dumb arrogance.
Whatever you do, Shaq, don't drink fluoride water, don't give your kids inoculations, care about your family at least, don't trust the system.
You know, I bet you're not as stupid as you act.
You probably already know all this.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back with the Hillary Clinton clips and more.
I'm Alex Jones.
Whatever Hillary has to say about the TPP, stay with us.
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Well, the Supreme Court has come out and struck down a state law
It's a shame that you've got to talk to folks about how big the baby is, basically give them an ultrasound.
That's a North Carolina law.
The voice of opposition passed.
Justice Kennedy may save Obamacare.
It's back up again before the Supreme Court because so many parts of it are obviously illegal.
But they'll certify anything now.
We have a criminal takeover.
We don't have an elite that wants prosperity and wants to just skim off the top of that.
They want it all.
They want control.
They've got a score to settle with the bitter clingers.
They want to break and conquer the American people.
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Let's go ahead and go to Hillary Clinton's disgusting announcement, telling us what we all already knew, that she's running for president.
And if you're not for that, you're against grandma.
Here is Hillary Clinton.
You brought our country back.
Now it's time, your time, to secure the gains and move ahead.
And you know what?
She talks to them in this slow cadence like you talk to a dog or you talk to a two-year-old.
You brought the country back, electing the Lord and Savior, Barack Obama.
And these people just want to sit there and feel like they're important.
An important person is telling me I'm important.
She's feeding on you, idiots.
It's incredible.
Let's just go back to the club.
America can't succeed unless you succeed.
Pause again.
You ever heard cult leaders talk?
All over the world they have this saying.
You know why you're here?
Come into the cult.
Release yourself.
I mean, this is Jim Jones stuff.
I just, I can't even look at her.
God, she's got to be proud of it.
Or I gotta look at Jeb Bush?
I may have to leave.
I just can't handle it anymore.
Please, I can't look at it.
Just go ahead and play her.
I'm not going to look at her though.
Go ahead and play her.
That is why I am running for President of the United States!
That wasn't a lecture.
It was like a robot talking.
I'm running to make our economy work for you and for every American.
Now, there may be some new voices in the presidential Republican choir.
Hey, pause.
We've got to do a whole new report on this.
This is Delphi Techniques slash NLP.
I mean, she definitely is trying to trance people like a robot.
And that's not even her voice.
You notice when she goes to Kentucky, though, she goes, How you doing there?
Good to have you with me.
Because the anthropology shows that'll put them into a trance.
I'm here to take care of you.
How'd you like some pasta today?
I mean, when she talks to Latinos, she's like, Hello, would you like taco?
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We should do a video saying, looking for Hillary's real voice, because we've got her.
Talking to Hispanic crowds.
Very patronizing.
Talking to them in a fake, whatever Hispanic voice is.
And then we've got her talking to people in Kentucky going, I mean, I'm not even exaggerating.
And then now, when she talks to a bunch of women,
Because all the photos are like women behind her and women like, we're coming.
Oh, it's so creepy.
Bunch of dumb fluoride head socialist women who already wrecked the country, turned their kids into little spineless wrecks, now they're gonna bring us down.
When the whole society collapses and everybody's starving in the streets, these people are just gonna blame us, not themselves.
That's how scummy they are.
But anyways, getting back to what I was saying, her real voice
That's how she really talks.
So we need to do a compilation, you know, discovering the real voice of Hillary.
The truth is I just hate women.
It's not that I don't want to turn my guns in.
It's not that I don't love Obamacare, that totally cheats me.
It's not that I'm upset about her being a criminal and all the deaths and Vince Foster and Cattlegate and Benghazi and Fast and Furious and her foundation being one of the most corrupt ever.
Mainline foundation groups say it is.
You know, money from dictators for weapons.
You know, lying about all these wars.
Blowing up Serbia, lying about being shot at in, you know, on a C-130.
It's not that, it's that I hate women, it's true.
I've just got to own up to it.
Let's go back to her in this weird mind control, like if aliens landed.
We have come here to assimilate you.
We come in peace.
Let's go back to her literally talking to her brain dead audience.
She knows her audience are unconscious, in trance, fluoride heads.
This is how they talk to their victims.
Same old song.
Same old song.
A song called Yesterday.
A song called Yesterday.
Creepy, look at her smiling at her victims.
I stood up to adversaries like... I can't look at this!
...reinforced allies like Israel and I was in the Situation Room on the day we got Bin Laden.
Oh, more bulls!
More fairy tales!
It is way past time to end the outrage of so many women still earning less than men on the job.
Oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh.
Look at those idiots in the audience.
So stupid.
And women of color often making even less.
Oh, like the black unemployment doubling under Obama?
You reap the rewards.
Oh yeah.
Where we don't leave... I don't want to hear anymore.
Turn it off.
Earlier though, that slow droning, that's mind control.
Let's go out to break with part of her promising to battle the rich fat cats that she's totally funded by more than anybody.
Let's go to that clip.
You have to wonder, when does my hard work pay off?
When does my family get ahead?
I say now.
I say now!
I say now!
I'm bossy!
You know, prosperity can't just be for CEOs and hedge fund managers.
Democracy can't just be for billionaires and corporations.
Prosperity and democracy are part of your basic bargain too.
So you can vote to be screwed over worse.
Now it's time.
It's your time to secure the game.
You want your country back?
You ran it for eight years with your husband.
Now you've run it for seven years with Obama.
And now you're back acting like you're not the establishment?
I mean, and they've got just endless armies of victims.
And they're going to say, well, what are you going to do, vote for Jeb Bush?
No, I'm not voting for any of them.
It's all a backroom deal.
It's all a big joke.
I mean, man.
I'm not kidding.
I look at Hillary, I feel claustrophobic.
I mean, I don't want to cover her for eight years.
I don't want to look at her.
Can't she just go crawl back in the hole she came out of?
I mean, that's it.
I mean, having the Clintons climb back from under their rock is really sick.
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I want my candy!
I want my video games!
That's right.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is a big news hour, the third hour.
We're honored to be joined by George Norrie, who we're going to in a moment.
You can say he's the number two, number three, maybe number one talk show host in the world.
Talk radio is the only outfit that still has 5-10 million listeners a day on some of these giant shows.
16-18 million listeners total just in North America.
Think about it.
Top shows on TV have like 5 million viewers, maybe 10 million.
The Super Bowl, 70 million.
That's why it's the biggest thing around.
Imagine me and George Norrie with 7, 8 million listeners a night, 16 to 20 million a week, not counting the internet.
That's exciting.
I've got three million listeners a day and it just absolutely is a huge responsibility.
And tens of millions every week or so just on YouTube alone.
That's what's exciting.
We still, though, kind of like even when I was a man and bigger than my dad when I was a teenager, I still looked at him and he looked bigger to me.
And I remember suddenly when my mother, who always looked big to me, suddenly looked little.
It's like a flip in your mind.
And somehow, we look at mainstream media, corporate broadcast TV, cable, and we think of it as powerful and big because they have fancy sets.
Well, we just built a fancy set too!
By the same guys that built Fox News Studios.
We can do that.
So we've got the audience to match, Fox.
And we've got the studio to do it.
So it's all optics, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, to be clear, Fox has as many viewers and listeners as I do basically 18 hours of the day.
So Fox is obviously much bigger than InfoWars.
But that's in the aggregate, not my show itself.
And look, I'm not up here bragging at the start of this hour
About how big my audience is, I'm simply pointing out that 500 major newspapers went out of business in 2014.
The others are in free fall.
Broadcast TV.
Cable is in deep trouble.
And it's not just because of more choices and competition, it's because mainstream media has been caught lying and carrying the water for special interests and others for so long, people see through it.
What is the establishment thinking putting up a Hillary Clinton
Who's basically been running the Obama administration for seven years, was in office for eight years, and then running the Bushes when they've had three administrations as well.
This is crazy.
Two administrations of Obama, two of the Clintons, that's four administrations, and the Bushes have had three!
Bush Senior, Bush 41, had one, and then Junior had two.
Regardless of what you think, as the Senator said, I forget who said it, the presidency is not a crown to pass back and forth.
People are sick of it, and everybody heard MSNBC say Obamacare was free, then they said it was cutting your prices.
Then they said you could keep your doctor.
Then they said there were no death panels.
And now all of it's come out.
Now we know for over a year veterans are on secret don't treat list.
Speaking of veterans, George Norrie is also a veteran of the Navy.
Three-time Emmy Award winner for TV news production.
And of course came up from the bottom in talk radio to have the number one show in his city.
And then of course be picked up and syndicated nationwide.
And he's the guy that had the courage to put me on Coast to Coast first to talk to their 16 to 20 million listeners.
And that certainly helped get the info war out to another level as well.
And again, I really admire people like Vince Vaughn.
That had the will to come out against the globalists and for the Second Amendment and again, I mean, this is how we're going to take things back.
And in the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man, hated, feared and scorned.
But when his cause succeeds, the timid join him because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
And that is George Norrie.
I don't do this a lot with George either.
But George Norrie took the show and changed the degree of it about a hundred degrees.
Not a hundred and eighty, not a hundred and sixty, but about a hundred degrees towards hardcore, patriot, anti-New World Order, exposing vaccines.
He would just read the vaccine insert on air.
He was the first on mainline talk radio to really start to fight so much tyranny.
And I can just count how many victories we've had that George Norrie
was the detonator of with his audience.
And his audience deserves the credit as well.
But I think we should celebrate leaders who support freedom.
It's not about left or right, it's about being sane.
Fighting the TPP ten years ago, George Norrie was.
You see, we have to understand that and appreciate it and not take this show or his show or other shows for granted.
Does that mean I'm perfect?
Does it mean George is perfect?
But we want to live in a free country.
We're for common sense.
I think we can say we're populist.
Constitutional populist.
Now, I've been ranting, George.
I know you were coming on about world events and
No curveball to you, Alex.
I'll do that a little bit later, but one, thanks for having me on.
Two, the best move I ever made was putting you on our show because I got three million more listeners that way.
Pretty smart, huh?
It certainly is, my friend, but you know you took risks doing that.
I did.
I did.
I put my head in the noose.
You know, I have a conservative network.
But they let me run with this show.
And I said, I want this guy.
He's different.
He's patriotic.
And let's do it.
You know, yesterday was Flag Day.
I was on the air.
I do the first or second Sunday of every month.
And I played James Cagney.
It's a grand old flag to end the show, and I've got to tell you, it brought chills up and down my spine, because that's what America's all about.
It's about doing something for people, and you know, not manipulative groups and building corporations.
It's for helping people, and so many of our politicians have forgotten that.
I was just listening to these clips you were playing of Hillary Clinton, and
You know, unbelievable how these people will just position themselves for power.
It's disgusting.
We're not going to do that.
We're going to be the watchdogs of everything.
We went after TPP last week, and I think we helped contribute to its defeat.
Let's hope it stays defeated.
It's supposed to come up for another vote this week.
Our next move is to insulate the power grid so that we're not up a creek if
Somebody launches a nuke in the atmosphere or the sun hits us with some kind of solar flare.
And I'm not going to stop, Alex, and you're not going to stop either.
That's right.
You've launched with a bunch of former military generals and others a national initiative.
It's only a few billion dollars, what, two to five, depending on which number, to harden things.
We get hit by one of these EMPs or a sun.
I guess a Carrington event, you're the expert, but I've had scientists on, it will blow the electrical grid and put us back in the Stone Age, and they know that, and they know we've been hit before.
We were an industrialized society, and metal lining buildings, you name it, basically caught on fire.
Describe that threat for people that aren't aware of it.
They're predicting 90% of the Americans will die within the first year if the power grid goes out in total.
This is not scary talk.
This is real.
This is a possibility.
That a rogue nation, or any nation that has a nuke, has the capability of detonating it in our atmosphere, it creates gamma waves, and it literally fries the electrical grid, and we have no power.
The sun can do the same thing if it's got a big enough X-flare that it emits.
Yeah, and we're not protected.
Now, some states are starting to protect their own grid, so they may be self-contained.
Texas is thinking about it.
But in terms of the country in whole,
We haven't done anything yet.
We've got some great people out there, but Peter Pry, for example, has been trying to get legislators convinced, let's just do it.
There's a representative out of Michigan, Fred Upton, who has been stymieing the SHIELD bill.
He's been holding back, maybe the lobby of the electrical companies, you know, have gotten to him.
So I turned my audience loose, and they just flooded his
His phone line in Washington D.C.
and in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
We've got to get these legislators to simply say, we care about America.
We care about people.
This is ludicrous.
Fix this thing.
Well, let me back up what you're saying there.
I mean, I've had so many mainline scientists on, but as you know, the audience may not have just tuned in.
They've had congressional hearings the last few years where the Pentagon admits, and that's where that 90% number comes from, that if we have a Carrington event, like we had in the 1850s, we'll put that back on screen for TV viewers,
That it will heat up the power lines and other systems and blow them, as happened to telegraph wires across the U.S.
in 1859 and other parts of the world.
So, a partial Carrington event, X-Flare, would blow out incredible amounts of stuff and cause amazing devastation.
But a full one, we're talking Stone Age level behavior.
Now, I understand folks like to say North Korea or ISIS could do it or something, and I get that if you detonated an A-bomb or hydrogen bomb in the atmosphere right, that it can blow out electricals, and that happened during nuclear testing.
But I don't see that, George, as the big threat.
I see it as the sun, because according to the physicists and astrophysicists we've had on, they believe we're overdue for another one of these Carrington events.
Oh, we are overdue.
We lucked out a few years ago when a huge X-Flare went out at the side of the sun.
It wasn't facing us directly.
Had it hit us directly, we would have had some severe problems.
We lucked out there.
This could happen at any day.
Anytime the sun emits a huge solar flare, it could hit us.
Carrington, they were lucky.
They just had the telegraph system.
If that same flare hit us today, Alex, you wouldn't be on the air.
I wouldn't be on the air.
You wouldn't get to your ATMs.
Gasoline stations wouldn't be able to pump.
Water stations couldn't pump water to your house.
It's over.
That's right.
I remember a few times in the 80s and then in the 90s when I was younger.
This was in the 70s and 80s.
I remember my dad talking about it and like,
AM radio wouldn't come in, FM barely wouldn't.
They said satellites failed, gas pumps, they couldn't take credit cards inside.
I remember those events.
Imagine now if we get hit.
I know it.
It could be just devastating and we're going to prepare ourselves.
We're going to keep going and keep pushing and devoting incredibly valuable airtime to get this done.
To me personally, it's the biggest issue I have ever faced.
Beyond anything else that's been going on under the table, you've got to get this thing fixed.
The UK, the US, and a few other countries they control, and then when one of these things inevitably hits, we'd be the only country standing.
Why on earth would they not spend the couple billion dollars to harden the power centers themselves?
Explain what would be done to harden it.
Well, technically, we've got the engineering to do it.
The estimate is about $2 billion to fix the power grid, make sure that things are periodically caged, that transmitters are taken care of, that everything we've got is fixed, insulated, and that's all doable.
Our engineering is excellent.
Two billion dollars is no money compared with what they spent just during the bailouts in 2008.
I mean, let's do it.
I would as a taxpayer.
Isn't it basically just from the engineers I've had on a surge protector at the power plants and at the power relay centers in between the lines and the final equipment so if it hits you don't blow up all the equipment and so it doesn't cause a chain reaction?
That's most of it.
That's most of it.
But you'd still have to do it in individual states.
But it's easy to do.
The technology's there.
The manpower's there.
And my God, one day it's going to happen.
And the nation that has not protected itself is literally toast.
It will look like the Pentagon predicts, and I agree with them, like the road.
Viggo Mortensen's a listener.
He's been on.
But have you ever seen the road come out about eight years ago?
Yes, I did.
But this is going to be worse than Mad Max.
Well, they believe in a collapse of society, even a total economic collapse.
Within 15 days, most people become cannibals.
And most people don't even know how to wipe their noses now.
They're not self-sufficient.
It's a very entitled society, living off a bunch of hard-working people.
Can you imagine all these entitled, spoiled brats during a collapse, George?
Oh, unbelievable.
There was an old Twilight Zone show called The Shelter, Alex, where this guy had a fallout shelter, and that was very prevalent in the 1960s.
Well, his neighbors all knew he had a shelter.
They knew that he had water put away and food put away, and he was ready in case the Soviet Union at the time launched.
Well, guess what?
A alarm went off that a nuke had been detonated and everybody was trying to break down his fallout shelter while he and his family were in it to get to him.
They all wanted in.
And that's what's going to happen here.
People are going to go ballistic.
The haves and the have-nots are going to go at it with each other.
It's going to be unbelievable.
A nightmare beyond biblical proportions.
You're absolutely right.
I mean, government itself is digging in.
Elites are running to New Zealand.
All the billionaires have left Israel.
You know, we saw this coming way back.
Things are unsustainable.
And you add to all of that, they're blocking new technologies and things.
Now more than ever, people need to get prepared because I can feel it in my bones.
Oh, this is the question I wanted to ask you and I wanted to get you on a few weeks ago.
Everybody, and when I say everybody, I mean everybody I talk to, but separate people at restaurants and at hotels, I'll hear them talking going, yeah, everybody feels like something bad's coming.
I can feel it.
And intellectually, we can then see the reasons for that, but is it war with Russia?
Is it economic collapse?
Is it that people are awakening and we feel kind of that group consciousness of concern?
Or do you disagree, you don't think something big is coming?
What's your take?
Oh, I've been saying for a couple years now, Alex, that something big is happening, and that people have been acting strange, weird.
You've seen it, you just talked about it.
And they sense something.
There's something out there in the cosmos, this wireless internet that we're all connected to, that is telling us something big is about to happen.
I had a story about a rabbi on last night, who in Israel, he was in Haifa, Israel,
He went into the cave, which apparently was the cave of the prophet Elijah, and he claims that he came out and was told by the prophet that Israel will sustain soon a huge war and that many would die.
I mean, these are frightening prophecies.
We're not making this stuff up.
These are people who are
Legitimate in what they do, everybody's talking about something that's going to happen.
I mean, the United States moving military equipment to Europe.
I mean, this is shades of the Cuban Missile Crisis all over again.
Do you think Putin's going to allow that?
Well, George, you know, the older you get, the more you learn to follow your gut.
And my gut's never wrong, and I've never
I think we're on the brink of a third world war.
A war
That nukes may be used that will change the face of this planet for the rest of our lives.
If we do have the rest of our lives.
I mean, I've got six grandchildren, Alex.
I adore them.
I want them to have a future.
I still think there's a piece of me that because of all of us and the way we think we can get through this.
Some of these leaders just don't seem to get it.
I mean, they just don't seem to get it.
If you ever go to Vegas, you see people of all walks of life.
You see people from Africa, China, the rest of Asia.
You see Russians.
You see Americans.
You see people from Mexico.
People are all out there having fun.
You sit down, you play a little blackjack next to somebody from two different countries.
They don't want you dead!
Yet, there's something else afoot here that I just don't get.
You know, ISIS for example.
These people are driving with new trucks, new Humvees, waving their black flags.
Why isn't anybody taking them out?
They're right out there.
It doesn't make any sense.
Generals during World War II would have had that thing destroyed by now.
That's a different thing.
There's something else going on here.
I can't put my finger on it yet.
Well, it's a global destabilization and criminal elements in Western governments have been funding radical jihadis to destabilize.
And then you tie in now Africa collapsing after Hillary's invasion of Libya.
Which she bragged, she came, she saw, he died.
And now thousands a day are streaming across into Europe.
They're now getting to the Channel, and the British government is allowing them to basically hijack trucks and drive through into England.
I mean, this is getting insane.
It's like an evil force wants to collapse the world, George.
There's no doubt about it.
Look, Saddam Hussein, not a Boy Scout, kept things in check.
Muammar Gaddafi in Libya.
Not a Boy Scout.
Kept things in check.
Mubarak in Egypt.
Not a Boy Scout.
Kept things in check.
The Middle East is a different animal.
It cannot run the way we run our democracy.
It just doesn't happen that way.
We should have realized that a long time ago.
Instead, we wanted to topple these regimes, and we've got a disaster on our hands.
I mean, we cannot fix that problem.
I don't care how many troops we might have to start sending back in.
We can't fix it.
All we can do is contain it, but George, if you pull back, criminal elements that want to destabilize, want a war on the police, you name it, it's the same picture everywhere, the same M.O.
They want this crisis, then they're going to use the threat of Al Qaeda and ISIS to take our freedoms domestically, and we're back at the Hegelian dialectic.
That's exactly right.
I mean, who do you trust?
Even if we lived in a world of total peace,
There'd be some groups that I would not trust who would want to disrupt our way of living, and they would create false flags just to keep things going.
The elitists do not want stability.
They do not.
George Norrie, Coast2CoastAM.com, stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The U.S.
media blackout on Bilderberg has been broken.
Well, sort of.
The Washington Times are the first mainstream U.S.
news outlet to cover the secret of Bilderberg meetings.
Yet in typical mainstream fashion, they downplayed the significance.
...of the global elite meeting in secret to set world policy.
Bilderberg group meets amid conspiracy theories, heavy security and news blackout, was the headline last week from the Washington Times, whose coverage made it seem like the infamous Bilderberg meeting was nothing more than a gathering at a country club.
Of course, this contradicts what David Rockefeller said in a speech at a Bilderberg meeting in 1991, where he said, quote,
We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years.
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We're good to go!
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
George Norrie is our guest.
ConspiracyCulture.com is putting on an event up in Canada that I'll be attending.
We'll tell you about that.
BeyondBelief.com is his TV show.
George Norrie is our guest.
He's launching something new as well that he's about to tell us about here on air today.
Then I want to get into the economy with George Norrie.
I want to get into these riots going on, police brutality, George Soros involved, where he thinks all that's going.
Russia says it will retaliate if U.S.
weapons stationed on its borders, hence the war pigs coming in.
Saying Russia's perfect, nobody's saying Vladimir Putin's a sweetheart.
They're not offensively over here, though.
The West, Samantha Powers gave a speech last week in Ukraine, threatening the Russians.
I mean, this is unprecedented, even in the Cold War.
What has changed?
Why are our leaders so arrogant?
We'll ask George Norrie that as well, but George, first off,
I heard you're launching something new.
First, let's get into Toronto.
I'm excited.
I was at one event.
You did it five, nine years ago.
I've been to a few other things with you.
These things are always sell-out crowds.
I've been a video guest at two of the other events.
Tell us what's coming up in Toronto.
Oh, this is exciting.
Now, yes, over the last couple of years, Alex, you've been our guest via Skype, and they just love you in Toronto.
But this time on August 22nd, we've got a live stage show event, and you'll be there with me.
Nick Pope will be there talking about
You're a great singer, by the way.
I've seen it via Skype.
It's pretty good.
I've had some fun, but if people in the greater Toronto area, or even Americans want to come to Toronto, it's a gorgeous city, just go to georgenoreylive.com.
They're selling tickets, or they've already sold to Alex.
The mere mention of your name, in two days, they sold 150 tickets.
Just like that.
Well, that's exciting, and I can't wait to see you in person.
That's the real reason I'm going up there, is to hang out with you and Tom, and the rest of the crew, because you guys are a lot of fun as well.
We're going to have a great time.
So georgenoreylive.com for the Toronto event.
It's August 22nd and all you need to do, folks, is bring your passport and in you go.
Alex, I'm sure they'll let you into the country, right?
Well, that's the only issue is I need a letter saying I'm speaking there.
I mean, last time they held me for 15 hours, said I was arrested.
It made it all over the papers.
Then they had to release me to cover Bilderberg.
Maybe they'll let me speak.
I'm going to be like, I'm back.
I'm just here to speak.
I'm not bad, but we'll see.
Yeah, we'll get you in some way or another.
And then the other thing that we have just launched, I've got to tell you this, at these same events,
People would come up to me and they would say, I need to meet somebody who understands me, who gets me, who knows conspiracies or about life after death.
And I just can't find somebody, help us.
So after hearing that at another event, I said, okay, from here on in, we are starting a dating service for people.
Ironically today, the country of Iran has set up a matchmaking site.
But we've got ParanormalDate.com.
For people with like minds, it's free to sign up.
If for some reason they decide to stay there and they want to hook up with people, use my name, George, in the code, and it's like $4.98 a month.
Four bucks or something like that.
It's a great idea.
It's growing.
When I first heard the name, I'm glad it's a success, I thought maybe I could date Slimer or Casper.
You just might.
You can have ghosts.
You can have Bigfoot.
You can date anybody you want, Alex.
Well, that's doable.
We'll do it live on my show.
That's a joke before the New York Times quotes us.
We're having some fun.
Oh my goodness.
But they say it's the fastest growing dating site they've ever seen and it continues to grow and we decided we wanted sign-up members to be free.
And then if people decide, hey, I want to stay here, I want to hook up with somebody, I want to meet someone, go ahead and, you know, do what you do with the membership.
So it's ParanormalDate.com ParanormalDate.com.
And again, for all your listeners, if they use the code named George,
If they decide to stay on it, it'll give them a substantial discount.
Well, I love it.
It's a great idea, George.
You're a great entrepreneur as well.
Best-selling author.
You name it.
George Norrie, the syndicated radio host and TV host, joins us right now, shifting gears out of that fun news.
I'm out of the closet.
I like Slimer, folks.
It's from Ghostbusters.
In fact, let's put my secret boyfriend up on screen.
Can you guys... I wasn't planning to do this today, but I'm going to come out of the closet today.
Maybe it'll be as big as Bruce Jenner having a sex change.
I actually am dating Slimer.
And you can actually see a scene of it in the new upcoming Nosebusters movie.
Okay, I'm being sarcastic.
You guys Google Slimer again?
Can we show him coming down the hall, please?
This is my attempt at humor, which I will engage to impromptu at the event.
But your guest, though, is a really serious researcher.
He was pretty high level in the Ministry of Defense.
Tell us about that guy.
The Nick Pope Ministry of Defense, I had a little lag there, but Nick Pope was in the British Ministry of Defense.
He looked at UFO files.
He investigated them and he's just a riveting guest.
He's a no-nonsense guy and he's going to tell the audience, well I'm not going to tell him everything that he's going to tell them, but he has seen things
That nobody has seen in those files, and we're going to talk about that, but he's a great guest.
He's been a guest on Coast to Coast for years now, Alex, and he's just a superb UFO investigator.
And again, he was there.
He was in the Ministry of Defense in Britain, and he saw things, and they're real.
Well, George, speaking of UFOs,
It's such a giant galaxy, and we know there's billions of galaxies that Hubble has photographed.
We understand all that.
Clearly, we're probably not alone.
But you don't see a movie like Interstellar, which is long but excellent.
Where it's actually humans from the future trying to save the Earth, and that kind of creates that time warp loop continuum that's so fascinating.
But I'm really concerned about Project Bluebeam that's been partially declassified, and Iron Mountain and other plans to unify the planet under world government with a fake UFO landing.
And with the CG and with the technology we know that they've suppressed, they could easily do that with animatronics.
We see the Pope
Getting everybody ready.
Saying, you know, God has other flocks.
Aliens are probably real.
We see the Vatican getting folks ready.
I mean, I really see this preparation in movies and culture pushing this.
What's your take on that?
Oh, you are so right on.
You know, they want to fake eventually.
It's like the day the earth stood still.
They're going to want us to flock to government begging for help.
Oh my God, the extraterrestrials are here!
They're going to eat us!
They're going to take us!
They're going to capture us!
Please, governments, please do what you can.
And under this guise, this is incredible, of using holograms and everything else, they're going to, they think, they think we're going to flock to them for help, like sheeple going underneath a tree during a storm.
I don't think it's going to work.
I think people are so tuned into this already, through shows like yours and mine, that they're going to look at this and go, ha, they faked it.
But they're going to make it as realistic as possible.
They might even have some fake alien, you know, standing next to President Obama saying, you know, we are taking over your planet now.
It's going to be unbelievable.
It'll be like the Simpsons.
It's a two-headed monster, but as long as you go for one of the heads, everything's okay.
There's the headline.
Vatican astronomer says alien life will be discovered, but will not prove or disprove God.
Speaking of the big questions, I knew Raymond Teague, who died last year, who was on the front line of the NASA Apollo missions.
You can watch the film footage.
He's right up there in mission control, controlling the cameras on the spacecraft, on the lander.
And so much more.
He basically ran Skylab.
It was all so classified that he came over to my house a lot.
He'd say, I'm going to tell you, I'm going to tell you.
And then he would just, he couldn't say it.
But he said, listen, we went to the moon, but we have some advanced stuff.
I didn't want the Russians to know.
We had, you saw most of the mission, but basically it was linking up with other stuff.
And then he just said, I'll get killed if I tell you.
And I mean, he really was on the front line of NASA.
And he would get really upset when he even talked about it with me.
I met with him at a hotel, actually the former SAC base at the Hilton for a hamburger whenever he was picking up some family that was in town.
He said he'd meet me there and he was going to tell me stuff right before he died because he had another heart attack.
He was going in for surgery.
His heart blew up like two weeks later.
And he says, you know what, I'm not going to tell you.
It's too dangerous.
He said, I care about you, Alex.
They'll kill you.
So to the government, he never told me what it was.
He just said, look, we went to the moon.
Well, separately, they say the SR-71 Blackbird is the fastest plane in the world.
It was in service in 55.
Who believes that?
We know they're suppressing technologies.
We know that they've gotten really arrogant about these technologies.
But how advanced is the Secret Space Program?
And from all your research,
Who do you think's really running things in this global government?
And are they so arrogant now with the Russians and others because they've got such super weapons?
Or is it just old-fashioned arrogance?
Well, I think it's arrogance and it's power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
I think we've been to the moon.
There's no question we've been to the moon.
I've interviewed too many astronauts.
These people aren't lying to me, Alex.
But the question is, have we been back to the moon since?
And were we there
Millions of years ago.
And that we have structures on the moon.
Well, you know, Plato wrote about Atlantis like it was real and flying machines and everything.
Oh, that's absolutely, yeah.
In India, they had the Bhumanas, which were flying machines.
I mean, they clearly wrote about it.
Pictures in Abydos, in Egypt, you will see what looks like a helicopter and a submarine and a flying apparatus.
I mean, it happened.
We had, whether it was extraterrestrial technology or ours, we had the ability to do these things.
Something happened on the planet where everybody got obliterated and we started all over again.
And that's a lesson for all of us, because good old planet Earth regenerates itself.
And, you know, we could all get wiped out.
Every building you see today would crumble to dust.
And in a hundred million years, it could start all over again.
Well, I agree with you and I don't want to get into speculation because then the media runs off with that and demonizes me.
I can't get folks to admit FEMA camps when they're called Emergency Centers Establishment Act, Civilian Inmate Labor Camp Program, Geoengineering's admitted but they go, oh that doesn't exist.
So I can't get folks to admit what exists.
And in the area of research, you know, there's some kooks out there, some charlatans, but also a lot of real folks.
I was in L.A.
even after he'd been on the show and I talked to Buzz Aldrin
At length.
And then after this happened, he didn't say I couldn't talk about it.
But after I talked about it, I guess he got in some trouble and won't come back on.
But Buzz Aldrin came on this show and never told anybody else this.
It's online.
And said, oh yeah, you know, those same aliens that built Egypt, they're the ones that have got an obelisk, that that's what we based the movie on, 2001.
It's out on the moon, the small moon of Mars.
Mars has one little moon.
And yeah, by the way, the next time I talked to him a few months later, I'm out in L.A., and he goes, this is over the phone, on speakerphone.
He goes, Alex, in about six months they're going to crash a probe in looking for water on the moon.
The truth is, we already found it.
We're just going to let them think they found it, but we're sending them there with the probe.
We've got a secret deal with the Indians, and we want them to have this find.
But there's a whole ocean of water, basically all under the moon, and that's all I can tell you.
I mean, I'm talking to Buzz Aldrin.
Six months later, it happens, and they find the water, and it's a whole ocean.
Which shows, we were just told something they knew.
We now know, they've released the text out of Portugal, that they knew what the Americas were.
The Vikings had been here, the Chinese were doing trade with the Aztecs and people.
I mean, the truth is, the elite, the Illuminati, already know all this history.
They've kept it from us.
I mean, Buzz Aldrin told me publicly that aliens built the pyramids on this show.
Have you ever heard that clip?
It just didn't happen that way.
There was some other kind of incredible technology, and I believe it was extraterrestrial.
I had interviewed Zahi Hawass, who was the Antiquities Director.
Not anymore.
He got tossed out after Mubarak fell apart.
But, you know, you bring up the thought of ETs to him.
He's livid.
He'll chase you up and down with a baseball bat.
I mean, he believes so much that Egyptians did this, and there's no way.
There's just no way they could have done that.
So many mysteries on this planet, Alex, that just boggle the mind, including, of course, the conspiracies that you and I deal with on a nightly basis as well.
Sure, well, they claim the step pyramids were practiced, then they built the big ones, but now scientists, as you know, have tested them.
Now, the little ones are humans trying to make them, trying to copy the real ones.
It is just so bizarre.
And again, folks, I don't even get into all this because people can't even deal with basic reality like Bilderberg group existing.
Hey, George, what do you make of us, you know, 13 years ago or whatever, talking about Bilderberg and nobody knowing about it?
And then now it's admitted it exists.
You have pinpointed exactly what's going on on this planet.
We are years and have been years ahead of ourselves.
That people are now beginning to get caught up.
And I'm amazed.
I had Daniel Estalon, and who was very complimentary about you, by the way, on my show last week.
And we were talking about the Bilderberg Conference in Austria.
And how that they're so public now, on one hand, they've got their website up.
They put down who some of the members are.
Yet some of the other people, it's clouded in secrecy.
They try to jam reporters.
They don't want people in.
You can't really report on what they're talking about because they want it to be a free-airing conference with them.
But we were years ahead of ourselves, and you, of course, you were the pioneer about this.
Well, I mean, you get a lot of credit, but separate from credit, we were right is what matters.
We're not making this stuff up, is the point.
It comes down to that.
That we're being lied to.
We don't claim to have all the answers.
We're simply looking for the truth and try to be honest.
And that's the difference.
George Norrie, Coast2CoastAM.com.
I'll be speaking with him coming up in a few months in Canada.
Look forward to seeing you all up there.
I'm going to leave this totally wildcard.
I've got a bunch of topics I want to raise, but when we come back, I'm going to just let George bring up what else he thinks is important.
It'll be a surprise for all of us.
Straight ahead, the final segment of the transmission with George Norton.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
Spread the word.
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What is that?
Well, apparently many of the new credit and debit cards being issued have radio chips inside them called RFID to transmit our banking information to card readers when we pay.
Unfortunately, a bad guy can also get one of these readers and go around the city scanning people, collecting their credit card numbers and personal information without us knowing it.
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Some of the headlines on InfoWars.com.
It's Alex Jones here in the final segment.
Cop chokes Taser's 13-year-old in the spine for skateboarding.
And then the globalists will use those type of actions to further create a war between people and the police, which is meant to destabilize the country.
How do you fix that?
Police release pre-crime smartphone app.
Can't make that up.
Shock video.
Rioting migrants attempt to hijack trucks heading for UK.
They do hijack them.
David Cameron's clueless on Magna Carta.
Doesn't know what it is.
This is its 800th anniversary today.
The 15th day of June, 2015.
And of course,
It was way back in 1215 that the Magna Carta took place.
And I even saw an article demonizing Magna Carta.
I'm going to do a report on this for the news.
Demonizing Magna Carta by NPR saying that it's backwards and horrible.
Of course it's not perfect today.
It was the first evolution of power going to the people.
Simply amazing.
That's some of the news on InfoWars.com.
Don't forget, we have high quality products, the best water filters, the best non-GMO seeds, the best storable foods, highest quality, the best systems, the best books and films and nutraceuticals like Survival Shield, Nacin Iodine X2, that's back in for a limited time, available at InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLife.com.
And it is your shopping with the good guys that helps us fund this operation.
Revolutionary in talk radio and TV that we're self-funding thanks to your help.
So God bless you.
We really appreciate you.
George Norrie, we got four minutes left.
You've got the floor.
What else do you want to release on the public?
Well, there are a lot of things as we've been talking about, Alex, that are going on, but I want to once again talk about the
Power Grid, and I would hope that everybody listening to me right now contacts their congressperson, their senator, and simply says, listen, you've got to protect the Power Grid, the SHIELD bill, which is out there floating around somewhere.
We've got to get it to a vote and for two billion dollars, which is chump change, let's secure the integrity of our infrastructure and our country.
It is so important to our children and to the future of this nation.
We have got to do it.
It is by far one of the simplest things to fix of what could be one of the most tragic events ever.
And I just don't get it.
I don't understand why this government, why some political candidate isn't using this as a platform.
Ruth Gingrich wanted to do it back when he was toying with running, but of course, you know, he fell on deaf ears.
We've got to get people convinced to do this.
Two billion dollars is nothing, Alex, for the preservation of the United States.
You're right, and you would think the elite that spend so much time trying to dominate the public to secure their power would want to do something to shield them from a mass coronal ejection, a super X-flare hitting the earth and blowing out the telecommunications on the ground.
It just sounds like a total no-brainer that they would do that.
Is there some reason that they know something we don't know that they don't care?
Are any other governments hardening their power grid?
What if the rumors of reducing the world's population from 7 billion to 500 million are true, and that the globalists and the elitists have already built their bunkers that are fully contained with generators and power systems and food and water, and that they're okay, and that these places are located strategically all around this world for them?
And so they go in when this happens, lock themselves in, they stay for six months or a year, they come out to a devastated planet, and then they start rebuilding all over again.
Does it sound far-fetched?
I don't know, maybe not.
I think it's happening, and they're building emergency secret seed banks, DNA arcs.
I think you're hit on the big enchilada.
George Norrie, Coast2CoastAM.com.
Thank you so much.
I'm coming back with Overdrive.
You are listening to GCN.
To hit Magna Carta.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
Another major health threat, this one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Finally today in this little piece of overdrive.
They're going to try to ram through TPP again this week.
We need to get massive opposition mounting to it yet again.
And we need to understand that the Republican leadership, led by John Boehner and others, are enemies of this country.
They try to pass secret legislation and hands over our sovereignty to foreign institutions.
And it really illustrates how the Republican and Democratic leadership, just like Jeb and Hillary, are really working together like a Don King match or a mafia-run horse race.
And even the London Telegraph has come out today with an article, perhaps the world's conspiracy theorists have been right all along.
We're going to cover that article here in a moment.
But first, Magna Carta.
800 years ago today, it was signed.
After the Battle of Runnymede, the tyrannical king had been out slaughtering and murdering and had been defeated.
And they said, you either sign the Magna Carta, that you're not above the law, or we're going to chop your head off.
He signed it, then still tried to go back on it, and the rest is history.
He was defeated.
Magna Carta.
Its proper name is Magna Carta Libertarium.
Latin for the Great Charter of the Liberties, is a charter agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede near Windsor on the 15th of June 2015.
First drafted by the Archbishop of Canterbury to make peace between the unpopular king and a group of rebel barons.
It promised the protection
Now, some will say that, oh, so an oligarchy of barons.
Yes, you have to look at the history of when it was.
Were we perfect with 1776?
Declaration of Independence?
Then the Constitution, Bill of Rights?
But the ideas in there were revolutionary, and then were expanded on, and became more and more realized.
This is revolutionary!
Magna Carta!
First time in world history, other than a short time in Greece, that people say the government isn't God, the king isn't infallible, he can't do it.
And that the Lords
Had to be responsive to their vassals as well.
So there had to be juries and grand juries.
Had to be warrants to come in your house.
A man's home is his castle.
All of this flows out of 800 years ago Magna Carta, the heart of Western common law.
The heart of jurisprudence.
And I'll never forget Tony Blair when he got elected back in 96.
He said, I'm declaring war on Magna Carta.
We're getting rid of it.
We don't need that anymore.
And now Cameron said three weeks ago, oh, we're not going to say you have free speech anymore.
You see, they know they attack it and act sneaky.
It's like they're doing something wrong.
But if they attack it boldly, yeah, Magna Carta is horrible.
I'm getting rid of it.
It's like, well, it's all a confidence game.
Neither side stood behind their commitments, and the Charter was annulled by the Pope, Innocent III, leading to the First Barons' War.
And again, as I said, it wasn't even enforced right up front, but then it took hundreds of years, with the Parliament Act and other things, to divest the crown of its power and to transfer it first to barons, then to lords, then to parliament, then to the councils, then to the people.
And it's always this struggle, but it was an evolution that led, in great part, to other developments of freedom in the continent of Europe that led to the Renaissance with the acceleration, the nitrous oxide in a race car, of adding the printing press.
The Gutenberg.
And so it's a big deal here today to see the president saying he's above the law, saying he can open the borders if he wants, he can change laws, he can sign executive orders to restrict power plants or sign executive orders to go after guns.
This is tyranny.
This is a president playing God.
This is what the UN and Bilderberg and all this is about is the new royalty saying they have diplomatic immunity, they are above the law.
No, you are not above the law.
And Magna Carta and all these other great signposts continue on as we promote them and breathe life into them.
Hi, John Huebner from Midas Resources.
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