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Name: 20150614_Sun_Alex
Air Date: June 14, 2015
1684 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including King George III's presidential run, Hillary Clinton's campaign announcement, language and logos in politics, a recent event in Dallas involving an attack on police officers, Operation Gladio and false flag operations, the defeat of TPP in the House, and the importance of firearms manufacturers. Jones confronts Bilderberg Group members at Innsbruck Airport in Austria, criticizes their secrecy and globalist agenda, and discusses health crises such as microcystin outbreak in Toledo, Ohio. The group is later asked to leave a hotel by staff members due to security concerns and encounters resistance from authorities during their attempts to gather information on the Bilderberg meeting. Jones interviews his European reporters who attended the Bilderberg Group conference in Austria about their experiences confronting attendees, including Franco Barnaby, a head of Rothschild Worldwide Europe. The speakers discuss excessive security measures at the event and criticize Bilderberg's power and influence despite media claims otherwise. They also promote various products such as Oil of Oregano supplement, firearms owned by former Navy SEALs, DNA Force formula for brain health, and water filtration systems.

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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, King George III, or the would-be King George III, has announced his presidential run.
He's announced today that he'll announce tomorrow, which is the same thing.
And Hillary, of course, is officially announced today, as if we needed any dinosaur media to tell us that that dropping was about to hit the ground.
And it's all how she's a grandma, and someone who loves women.
It's Hillary!
It's Jeb just dumbing it down to the most mindless logo you could imagine.
And one of the producers of the show pointed out an article from Zoom Creative showing the dumbing down of logos from the seventies until now.
A great example is Starbucks being a complex image of a goddess in the middle of two circles, coffee, tea,
Spices, Starbucks, and then being dumbed down now to simply a green dot.
Hillary, Jeb, Red State, Blue State, what is the point of that?
To dumb the language down, which is the Fabian socialist admitted plan for this country according to George Orwell, Eric Blair, who was a member of the organization.
Truly disgusting.
But I'm not going to digress off into that too much today.
I shot a video yesterday in the early afternoon saying that, look, this may not have been a false flag up in Dallas.
This homemade armored vehicle, we were told, attacking the police department may just be
Suicide by cop, but more complex.
But I said, if they come out and say he was a conspiracy theorist and a listener of this show, you know it's a false flag 99%.
And why is that?
Because the whole narrative is patriots are going to attack police departments with pipe bombs for about six years.
It's not a question of if, but when it's going to happen.
And then when it starts to happen, out of the clear blue sky, in basic criminology research, when it's never happened before, you would go then and ask, who's claimed this was going to happen?
They're one of the main suspects.
Southern Poverty Law Center, Federal Government, ADL, and others are the ones putting out this propaganda.
Sure enough, they said it was a homemade armored truck.
No, it wasn't.
No, it wasn't.
And on top of it, it's in Raw Story, the usual suspects and others.
Dallas Shooter was a conspiracy theorist who threatened to shoot up schools and churches reports.
Well, that's illegal.
Why wasn't he arrested?
You've got this two-time felon who couldn't even pay his bills, and then this all happens.
And I'm not saying the police themselves were involved in false flag.
What you do is, this guy's dead.
Then they have a special team, foreign mercs, you name it, do it.
They then get out of the vehicle, his body's in the van, they call the people in, give them the orders to snipe him, blow the van up basically, and the rest is history.
Because they've done this before in other countries, in Operation Gladio and others, similar false flags.
But the fact that the narrative fits so perfectly, and now you've got Jade Helm coming this summer?
I've said many times, it could be the cover.
For terror attacks that are staged, and if the people staging them get caught or busted, they'll use the cover of Jade Helm, claiming it was part of a drill.
And we've seen this on so many other terror attacks in this country and others.
7-7, 9-11, the list is long.
They'll claim a drill was going on.
When local police showed up in Oklahoma City, two minutes after, Terrence Yakey and others, and said, why are you in bomb gear, ATF, why are you all waiting?
Did you know this was going to happen?
Why weren't you in the building?
And they went, we knew something was happening.
It was a drill!
A drill!
And of course, McVeigh was told it was a drill and was shut up.
So, the thing stinks.
It stinks bad now.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Sunday.
Hard to believe it's already the 14th day of June 2015.
We're going to be live here for the next
Two hours as we are every Sunday, four to six p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Wow, where to start really is a big question.
Where to begin?
And I seem to say that at the beginning of every broadcast because it is so true.
First off, the really good news.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership that's been developed for 10 years in secret by megacorporations worldwide will merge the North American Union that's been integrated by stealth, rammed through by stealth, and the European Union, also put in by fraud and secretly, then to be unveiled later.
These totalitarian systems
are basically being finished up right now.
The good news is, after 10 years of them trying to finagle this behind the scenes, this corporate takeover.
You know, they say God destroyed the world with water, next time it's fire.
Well, in the past, countries got taken over by military force, now you get taken over by corporate fraud and long-term strategic systems.
Well, the really good news is, getting to it,
Is the TPP got shot down by a healthy margin in the House on Friday.
Nancy Pelosi had voted for it.
She ran back up and changed her vote when she saw that it was already defeated.
Talk about the consummate coward.
So she can lie to her constituents and say that she didn't support it.
Truly amazing.
The Republican leadership did not change their votes.
They are pressuring Obama to pressure the Democrats
And it's truly nauseating.
It's illegal on its face.
It hands over our sovereignty.
Three sections have been leaked by WikiLeaks.
It gives Obama total open borders, total amnesty, allows corporations to shut down any businesses they want or sue them.
It is dictatorship by a bunch of megacorporations.
They've already gone to the UN and tried to get, and partially got, diplomatic immunity for international brokerage firms.
I mean, it's just new titles of nobility.
That's all it is.
Above the law garbage.
And the articles by Kurt Nemo up on Infowars.com, it's very important, please get it out to everybody, because we just had a big victory, but they're coming back, which is outrageous in and of itself.
We just voted it down.
They're going to tack it on to a new piece of legislation.
Global has planned to ram through TAA next week, which basically ties into the TPP.
That's that trade authority to allow him the fast track to allow the president to act as dictator.
Senator Sessions warns TAA and TPA, which are again part of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, will undermine American workers.
No kidding.
Oh, but Al Gore told us on Larry King Live that it was a good deal.
Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions warns there will be another attempt in Congress on Tuesday to push through the TAA and fast-track authority.
And it just goes on from there.
If it happens, it will empower the President to form a Pacific Union encompassing 40% of the world's economy and 12 nations.
Each will be equal one vote.
Once the Union is formed, foreign bureaucrats will be required to meet regularly to write the Commission's rules, regulations, and directives impacting American jobs.
Wages and sovereignty, Sessions says in a statement posted on the Senate webpage.
Yeah, that's what we know from the three sections we've got is that it's like Obamacare.
It's pretty much open-ended.
It just says the Commission can do whatever it wants and your countries voted irrevocably to opt into this.
Well, that's a fraud too.
Now, who's supporting it?
The Republican and Democratic leadership.
Paul Ryan,
The traitor, there's no other word to describe him, on trade vote.
Obama must sway Democrats to salvage deal.
And again, the Democrats are wrong about taking our guns, they're wrong about opening our borders, they're wrong about so many things, but they're right, the grassroots are, about labeling GMO and they're right about not handing our power over to foreign corporations and having secret votes on it and not releasing the text of what's in it.
But that's the Democrat grassroots.
Who else fought it?
The Republican grassroots, the Libertarian Tea Party.
But Democrats need to understand, if you don't like the TPP, you shouldn't like open borders, because this is globalism.
Don't you understand?
You think it's going to be votes for the Democratic Party so you get more free stuff?
Because I get the class warfare.
It's the mega-rich funding the class warfare to get rid of the middle class, bring in a voting bloc, game over.
And it won't matter because the power is already being transferred to international bodies!
The leading House supporter of trade legislation the Democrats drove to defeat this week said Sunday President Obama must sway his own party to save the measure.
Well, I've got clips.
We'll play it if we've got time later of Obama's radio address slash TV address.
And he's up there saying we've got to ram it through.
It's so good for American workers.
Truly sickening.
But the good news is they said it was inevitable.
They said they had a whole bunch of extra votes.
It got shot down.
We've just got to maintain our vigilance.
And listen, even if they try to pass this secret agreement, that is they give the president the right to sign on to this blank check to a foreign shadowy
Corporate governmental dictatorship?
England, the UK, never got a vote in the late 80s, early 90s.
There were three different votes, the Maastricht Treaty and others.
They never got a vote to be brought into it.
They were told, conspiracy theory!
There's no EU, it doesn't exist!
And you're not going under it, and don't worry about these meetings, and you can't see the treaties.
And now, over 80% of their laws on record get made by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels.
They're done.
They're pushing and they've got record members of parliament setting it to have a vote to withdraw from the European Union.
Because see, once you identify this stuff's going on,
Anybody living who has half a brain in Europe remembers the EU started as a, quote, trade deal like NAFTA or GATT or TPP.
They're not trade deals.
They're takeovers.
And we now know they're takeovers.
So the public may be dumbed down to a certain extent, but not this dumb.
So I salute the good Democrats who aren't insane.
I mean, even the corrupt elites of this country.
I would imagine wouldn't want to sell out sovereignty and the source of their long-term power to international bureaucracies and megacorporations.
But they want that big giant payday now, and they're given positions in the new global government.
But it is the most treacherous insanity I've ever heard of in history.
But it's done through corporate systems, not military.
Now later it's backed up militarily.
The Feds enforce these international IMF rulings.
IMF rules against you through these treaties, your business.
You don't comply, here comes the SWAT team.
And by the way, we know from the NRA that's talked to Republicans that have been able to see the secret sections, there is gun restriction in the treaty as well.
28 sections, cut down from 33.
Three have been leaked.
They're so draconian, I can't believe it.
And that's why he got shot down last week.
It got leaked on Wednesday by WikiLeaks, another section, and it said, yeah, no, the president has given any authority on borders, immigrants, corporations, any hospitals.
It's got Obamacare in it worldwide.
I mean, it is just crazy.
It allows foreign companies to come in and control our health care and to sue a city-owned hospital that's already there because it competes with a globalist corporate hospital they want to build.
I mean, it's not free market.
They sell it as free market.
What it is, is piracy and looting.
We're going to be back.
Stay with us on Bilderberg.
Big developments there.
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Ladies and gentlemen, you haven't really ever heard firearms manufacturers as sponsors on my syndicated radio show, or the nightly news, or the news website, InfoWars.com, because the companies I've been approached by were not the highest quality, and they weren't as affordable as they should be, so I refused probably 30, 40 firearms manufacturers over the years.
Well then,
About six months ago, we get contacted by Head Down Firearms.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming up, where did unemployed, multi-time felon, bankrupt, jobless James Bulware buy an expensive armored truck?
That was advertised as a zombie apocalypse assault vehicle.
Of course, I'm talking about the attack in the early morning hours, Friday night into Saturday morning in Dallas, Texas, against the police department.
And don't worry, the Democrat-run, White House-run media is already blaming, quote, conspiracy theorists.
That means anyone who questions known government liars.
Anyone that understands this country's been taken over.
It looks bad with Jade Helm coming up.
You know, I talked about him stirring up things, staging events, smoke screening it.
I'm not even saying the police are involved because it's, it's... I'm gonna explain how you can stage these things.
I wasn't sure it was staged.
Shot a video Saturday, asking the question.
Shot it at the nursing home while visiting my grandmother.
So I'm outside the nursing home, went out and shot it.
Is the Dallas police attack a false flag?
And I said, probably not.
Unless they complete the final piece of the narrative and blame conspiracy theorists to quote InfoWars.
Now happened.
You're like, oh, so anytime you're blamed, it's staged.
No, we've seen them staged up before and blame us over and over again.
I mean, we can't be behind everything bad, right?
It's a narrative.
There's never been people attacking police departments with pipe bombs and armored vehicles, except for the weathermen, and they're the folks that advise the White House.
On record.
It's not really ever happened.
And they keep saying it's imminent, it's giant, it's gonna happen, get ready, get ready, and during Jade Helm, they're doing drills just like this, quote, simulating illegal activities against police and others.
They've had multiple special forces people killed outside Fort Bragg doing stuff like this before.
Look it up.
Where they tell them it's a drill, it turns out to not be a drill.
I don't know if this was staged, but man, it's looking bad.
So, Joe Biggs and Jakari Jackson didn't even have to be called Saturday morning at 7 a.m.
I called Joe first, he answered the phone.
And he said, I'm already driving north, Jakari's already there, we're going to two different locations, where the armored car got shot up, the armored van, and the police department.
Jakari, which is an armored van, Biggs, the police department, those reports are on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
So Joe Biggs will join us at the bottom of the next hour to give us his take.
But it's starting to really smell.
And there are real events, like the guy with the bulldozer running around, running into things, and, you know, the whole Black Lives Matter thing being funded by Soros that then, you know, promotes with Time Magazine and Newsweek saying it's heroic to, you know, to attack police and firebomb things.
I mean, if I said that, I'd be arrested, folks.
It's a call to action.
Plus, firebombing police is going to bring in a civil war, the last thing we want.
Only scum are promoting that.
And some people go, Alex, what are you doing not wanting to go after the police?
Hey, idiots!
The globalists want that.
Number one, that tells you it's bad.
Number two, intellectually think that over.
We don't want to attack our local governments.
It's the globalists that seize the federal government.
They're taking over.
We want the cities and counties and states controlled by people that support basic Bill of Rights.
And by being tricked in a fake civil war, you know, the way to protest is attack police, they push, to destabilize things, creates a vacuum for the feds to come in, themselves controlled by the globalists.
They've been taken over.
Okay, I said I'd cover that later.
I'm already ranting about it.
It's just so elementary.
It's so simple.
If George Soros is spending hundreds of millions, 33 million just in Ferguson alone, groups connected to him running around with Moloff cocktails and saying, kill police, do you think killing police is a good idea if George Soros is out there promoting anti-destabilization?
This guy just overthrew Ukraine a year and a half ago.
He didn't play in games, okay?
Did the same thing there.
Legitimate problems with the government, funded street mobs to firebomb attack the police, owes to the government, put dictators in.
Now they're on the verge of war with Russia.
I've got that stack of news.
In fact, you know what, before I hit Bilderberg, I'll hit Bilderberg next segment.
Let me go ahead and cover the Russia situation right now, okay?
Go ahead and get into that.
MI6 recalled secret agents from abroad for fear of uncover by Russia and China.
Russia's now gone offensive, folks.
They're breaking into everything.
Because they're surrounded.
Moscow has gained access to over 1 million classified files that contain details of secret intelligence techniques and information, basically a list of spies.
So, the Russians are penetrating MI6 right now.
And undoubtedly have done it before.
Now, if you know how British intelligence works, that's probably on purpose and pure disinformation.
And the Russians know that.
And I'm not lionizing them either.
Point is, they're not over here trying to take my guns and trying to teach kids, you know, how to wear... little boys how to wear dresses.
The globalists have surrounded them.
They're trying to poke them into a confrontation.
So see, I don't go to a bar and find some big, really mean guy and go over and just start poking him for no reason.
Now, if he comes over and tries to do something to me, number one, I'm not going to be in a bar like that.
Number two, then I'll have to fight.
But I don't just go around looking for fights.
And that's not what America does.
That's what tyrants do.
And the ash heap of history is full of countries that go this direction.
And I meant to cover it on Friday and Thursday.
Samantha Powers, the U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N., I saw the video of it in the morning on Thursday, and I saw the transcript.
She threatened Russia and said, we have the military to defeat you.
I mean, if you had the military to defeat Russia.
You don't go taunt them and you don't send a woman, who's never even in the military.
I mean, if it was some female general who was a war hero and some great mathematician or something, then you'd do it.
But the image of a civilian and a woman in a business suit, threatening the Russians and organizing troops against them, I mean, this is the stuff that World War III is made out of.
It is an obscene image to the world.
And hey, of the weirdo psychiatrists and psychologists at Psych Warfare, think you got it all figured out?
You're crazy.
You're nuts.
Look at these headlines.
The Cold War heats up as the U.S.
and Poland discuss weapons deployment in Eastern Europe.
They've already been deploying them.
The troops, the advisors, the armored vehicles, the rocket launchers.
This is sick.
Decision whether to station heavy U.S.
equipment at warehouse in Poland.
They already announced they're sending it.
That's out of the Guardian.
Here's another one.
Are you crazy?
People in Moscow widely oppose fake petition to nuke America.
We had on Thursday
Mark Dyson, or was it Friday?
I forget.
He went out and asked San Diegans, should we nuke Russia?
And almost every one of them said, yeah, let's kill them all.
None of them said, hey, they got nukes too.
They went to the Russians, and every one of them said, are you insane?
Are you crazy?
And would get mad like they were going to punch the cameraman.
Because see, they know there's nuclear weapons aimed at them.
So you don't attack someone with nuclear weapons because before the nuclear weapons get there, more have been launched at you.
See, they're crazy because they don't want to die.
They're crazy because they know how to find their butt with both hands.
We've got that reported and another one here.
I mean, it's just insane.
I'm gonna come back.
Huge news on Bilderberg.
We got into the Bilderberg Hotel.
Reporters got thrown out.
They got helicopter gunships.
We confronted the head of Rothschild.
This is Joe Biggs with InfoWars.com with hot topics for June 12, 2015.
InfoWars mugshots featured at Bilderberg Checkpoint.
Article up by Mikhail Thelin.
After being flagged yet again for a vehicle search, InfoWars reporter Rob Dew noticed the passport photos of himself
Josh Owens and Paul Joseph Watson prominently placed on the interior wall of the officer's checkpoint booth.
Bilderberger, we welcome the general interest in the conference.
Article posted by Steve Watson and a statement provided to the Washington Times, a Bilderberg spokesman has claimed that the group is happy that the public is interested in its activities.
A suggestion that flies in the face of a huge security operation surrounding the meeting in total secrecy in which its dignitaries operate.
While we understand and generally welcome the general interest in the conference, we simply cannot provide the levels of access or transparency that certain individuals or groups would like to see.
You can find more articles like this at InfoWars.com
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Ladies and gentlemen, you haven't really ever heard firearms manufacturers as sponsors on my syndicated radio show, or the nightly news, or the news website, InfoWars.com, because the companies I've been approached by were not the highest quality, and they weren't as affordable as they should be, so I refused probably 30, 40 firearms manufacturers over the years.
Well then,
About six months ago, we get contacted by Head Down Firearms.
Owned and run by a bunch of former Navy SEALs, special ops people.
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When cells become toxic, they die early and aging sets in.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network
Those are just two of our main websites.
But this whole operation is the InfoWars.
We're being assaulted by globalists who are controlling our government, having us create unlimited debt that is impossible to pay back, that we don't even owe, assigning our children's names to it, our names to it.
We're being assaulted.
By their entire agenda, it's the Bilderberg Group companies that organize it, that are funding the move to get our guns, to get rid of our borders, to fund ISIS, to destabilize the Middle East.
They are the fount.
They are the progenitors.
They are the engine.
They are the mommy.
They are the daddy.
They are the greedy, greedy granny.
Of so much of the bad things in the world.
Because as globalist managers, they can get power out of the crises they create, because they also pose as the saviors.
Hegelian dialectic.
Our reporters are joining us at the start of the hour.
The final report from Bilderberg 2015 in the Alps of Austria.
Right next to the Swiss border.
They're going to be joining us for about 30 minutes at the start of the next hour, then Joe Beggs will be in the studio investigating what really happened up in Dallas with the Friday night, Saturday morning attack on the police department.
Was it a crazy, angry, disgruntled person?
Or was it something else?
Because we know government and other groups have staged things before.
That's been admitted, declassified.
So we have a right and a duty to look at it.
It's like we said, Saudi Arabia was clearly involved in 9-11.
Now members of the Senate and the House have read the secret dossier, the 28 pages of the 9-11 Commission.
Indeed, our government knew Saudi Arabia was planning the attack of 9-11, running the supposed hijackers, and NORAD stood down for the attacks to be carried out.
I've had members of Congress, like Walter Jones and others on this broadcast, break down what they've read in the pages.
You know Iraq is enemies with Al-Qaeda.
They're fighting them today.
You know them as ISIS.
But we attacked Iraq for 9-11.
You see how that worked?
Saudi Arabia had friends inside our government that they knew were ready to blame their enemy, Iraq, to take them out.
Criminals in our government knew and bare minimum stood down.
That's former Senator Graham.
That's current Congressman Walter Jones.
That's others in Congress that have read the 28 pages.
It came out in secret Congressional testimony from the Pentagon.
Because people in the Pentagon knew the truth and they don't like what happened.
And they tried to expose it.
Siebel Edmonds was a NSA translator for the FBI.
She got NSA intercepts.
And in the months before 9-11, she heard the whole thing.
The FBI do the whole thing.
That leaked back to the FBI field offices in Dallas, Phoenix, Minneapolis, St.
Paul, and other cities.
They tried to stop the attacks.
You know, it all came out that they were ordered to stand down.
So see, we knew all this 14 years ago.
It came out that the FBI had their hands tied.
So I said, hey, it's a cover-up.
And the media called me a traitor.
No, I'm not a traitor.
I'm an American.
As American as it gets.
I don't want to sit here and... Look, if you come here and you love liberty, you love free market, you love guns and the Second Amendment, and you got here when you were 10 years old and you're a citizen now, you're as American as I am, whether you're from the Czech Republic or from China or Mexico.
But don't be a little globalist minion and tell me I'm not American, because I say my government's done evil things and my government's been taken over, because that's a fact.
But I don't want America to fail.
I don't want these criminals to take it over.
It is territorial for me.
Because my family on both sides was on the Mayflower.
And my family on both sides was involved in 1776 big time.
And my family was involved more than anybody else, basically, you're going to find in Texas and start in this state.
I mean, it's sickening how much my family was involved.
I mean, we're talking about detonators in that revolution.
And I'm a detonator in this one, but not a revolution.
I want to restore our republic.
I want a revolution.
I want to be the detonator for the restoration of the American Republic.
You want to have some UN-style Truth and Reconciliation Commissions?
Oh, we'll have them, Nuremberg-style.
We'll restore this country's good name.
And we will actually promote and realize the true Renaissance ideas that this country was the greatest expression of.
We're going to come back and play incredible confrontations with the head of N.M.
Reporters confronting them.
Bilderberg Group minions had to get to the private airport to get on their Gulfstream jets.
Our reporters and others were there.
The videos are on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
They're sensational.
But Josh Owens at their hotel tonight, after they got through, the Bilderberg Hotel, the elites left today, but then they drove into the checkpoint, the cops leave, and got into the Bilderberg Hotel.
Obviously a lot of intel could be there.
A lot of intel, leaving it at that, about what goes on at these criminal meetings.
And they freaked out and threw them out, that's all coming up.
We're gonna break it down.
But before we do that,
Let's go ahead and go to some video for TV viewers, the radio audience.
Audio from 2006 when I bullhorned the Bilderberg Group in Canada.
And they basically got really upset about this.
This is audio of my bullhorning put to the Bilderberg members scurrying at the airport in Austria trying to leave with our reporters filming them.
Here it is.
From InfoWars.com.
The video is on InfoWars.com right now.
The first 30 seconds or so, just helicopters landing and globalists getting on the Gulfstream jets.
The video's titled, Powerful Bilderbergers Flee from Press at Innsbruck Airport.
It's the fourth link down on InfoWars.com.
HD video of the black armored limousines pulling in on the police there, guarding them from the press that would dare want to talk to 150 world leaders, heads of banks, bank regulators.
It's mainly bankers, that's who runs the whole show.
Scurrying and fleeing.
Here's part of my speech to them nine years ago.
We tell you, you are not our queens.
You are not our kings.
You are not our gods.
We do not belong to you.
We are not your slaves.
We stand as free humans and stood since the beginning of time against the strong men, against the thugs, against the bullies.
We will defeat your world government.
We will defeat world taxation.
We will defeat your control grid.
God is on our side.
I stand before the creator of the universe.
And I ask the creator of the universe, as our founding fathers did in 1776, to lead, guide, and direct us, and to give us the power, and the foresight, and the understanding, and the will to stand against your entire agenda, including your final plan of world population reduction of 80%.
You will and you are failing now.
Your new world order will fall.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
The answer to your 1984 world is the world of 1776.
The human spirit has always risen against tyranny.
The human spirit has always overcome fear.
The human spirit has always resisted the bully.
And we are resisting you now as we will for eternity.
Because ideas are bulletproof.
And as we all here standing are flesh and blood, the idea of human liberty and human freedom is bulletproof.
And you will fail.
Your children will rebel against you.
Your wives will rebel against you.
Your husbands will rebel against you.
Because the truth and decency and freedom is beautiful and is wonderful.
And it is the holy grail you've been seeking that's been right under your nose.
Be good.
Turn from your wicked ways.
Say no to global government.
Say no to engineering the human species into a slave state.
Your tyranny has failed.
You've already been defeated.
You can already feel the rumblings as your supports crumble underneath you.
The crises you thought you would create to bring in world government... We're going to come back and finish the end.
I went to this late.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Your children will rebel against you.
Your wives will rebel against you.
Your husbands will rebel against you.
Because the truth and decency and freedom is beautiful and is wonderful.
And it is the holy grail you've been seeking that's been right under your nose.
Be good.
Turn from your wicked ways.
Say no to global government.
Say no to engineering the human species into a slave state.
Your tyranny has failed.
You've already been defeated.
You can already feel the rumblings as your supports crumble underneath you.
The crises you thought you would create to bring in world government is the crisis that will undo your system.
History shows it.
You believe you're students in history?
Look at history.
You will reach your world government.
You will gain your new world order.
But right as you grasp it, you will feel the more beneath you falling.
At the very moment you gain the apex of your power, at the very moment you climb to the summit of that mountain, your defeat is ensured.
What you seek is your undoing.
You have been defeated.
Again, that's the end of my little speech I gave Bilderberg back in 2006, and then the late Richard C. Holbrook of the State Department came out to speak to us.
And I wish I wouldn't have yelled at him more, because then he went like ten feet away and turned away and walked away.
I was like, good Holbrook!
Get over here and talk to me!
You have to understand, these really are the folks trying to get rid of cash, trying to get rid of local businesses.
Bilderberg set up the Euro, they set up NAFTA and GATT, they set up the TPP.
Are there other globalist meetings?
Yes, but David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, it's come out in former German Chancellors books, like Men in Power, a political retrospective by Helmut Schmidt, German Chancellor, that they make decisions at these.
These are the secret G7s.
These are the secret summits with corporate leaders deciding the future of our world.
Deciding to give banks taxpayer money.
Deciding to let them be too big to fail.
And it'd be one thing if we propped up big banks that were helping the economy.
They're not helping.
They're absolutely doing everything they can to consolidate control.
Now, Franco Barnaby, the head of Rothschild Worldwide, one of the most powerful organizations in the world, Franco Barnaby, the head of Rothschild Europe, but that's really the head of the whole five systems,
And Bilderberg's steering committee member, one of the heads of Bilderberg, was confronted at the train station in Innsbruck by InfoWars European reporters.
And here's part of this lengthy confrontation, part of it's in German, we're playing part of it that's in English, but the whole thing's up on InfoWars.com right now.
Let's play a clip of that.
Could we have just one statement for the press and I leave you alone?
Is it really that dangerous to talk about it?
There's no danger, absolutely no danger.
So why is it so strict?
There's no strict rule.
But then you can say just one sentence to me.
Get lost.
Get lost.
Back it up five seconds.
It's no strict.
This is the head, the private corporate head, because the Rothschilds are too lazy to run their own empires now.
This is the guy that heads up basically the Rothschild empire.
He goes there every year, he basically runs Bilderberg, under Etchanian, Davignon, the Count.
I mean, you can't make this up.
He's like the number two guy in Bilderberg.
Queen Beatrice used to be number two, but now she still goes.
The head of the Netherlands.
She owns Dutch Rochelle.
Her wealth is a state secret.
Probably worth a trillion dollars.
Conservatively, what she actually has is estimated at a trillion.
Tens of trillions leveraged.
This guy is in there, and he's not strict.
They had helicopter gunships six miles away.
Checkpoints everywhere.
Eleven-year-old Austrian kids will be playing in parks.
Police will come talk to them six miles away.
But nothing important is happening.
Let's go back to the clip.
There's no strict rule.
Then you can say just one sentence to me.
What should I say?
What should I say?
What the issues you talk about, who you are.
I mean, we find this out anyway, so... Yeah, you will find out.
We got the list already, so... Yeah, you will find out.
The list is published.
Yeah, the list is published, yes.
So there is no secret about this.
And there is no secret about the... So why are you so silent about it, then, if there's no secret about it?
Back it up again!
Back it up again!
For 40 years they said this doesn't exist.
It's big jokes, conservative talk show hosts, it's a made-up word, no Bilderberg, what is that, a hamburger?
But then we've actually gotten documents out of it, and others have.
And so now they're forced to admit it exists, but now, oh, it's no big deal, you're still the theorist, there's no smoky room.
You're right, this is not our grandpa's smoky room.
Back to the head of the Rothschild Empire.
It's published.
Yes, this is published, yes.
So there is no secret about this.
And there is no secret about the... So why are you so silent about it then, if there's no secret about it?
There's no secrecy about this.
Then just one statement.
It paused again.
We force them to admit it's real.
So the last few years they put out a list of who's there, of course covering up who's really there.
There's always folks we catch sneaking in.
A lot of them government officials, a lot of them the very banking regulators.
Who are in cases against the very people they're meeting in secret.
In the case of HSBC, they have the head of HSBC, the three underlings of HSBC, and the EU and the UK regulators of the banks, including the head of the Exchequer, which is the banking regulator in IRS.
So you've got the banking regulators meeting in secret with the very mega banks that are laundering money and everything else.
It's not secret.
I know nothing!
We're engaging in real journalism here, folks.
Mainstream whore media will not cover this.
Let's go back to it.
No, no, no, no.
This is Barnaby at a train station, because he's still got to get from his limo that dropped him off from the train to wherever he's going.
So this tells the audience more than you just saying one sentence to me.
This tells it all.
There's nothing to say.
There's no secret.
Everything is published on the side.
Everything is published on the side.
Why were there three days?
Why was there 2,100 cops and security?
There will be a statement released by the limo.
That didn't exist.
So, sir, I guess I can't do that.
It's too good for me.
Oh, that's good.
Why do you have to take the train?
Why no private jet?
Oh, that's what you're looking for.
Why don't you go to the airport?
Oh, we'll go later.
Oh, we have.
We went to this one the most time already.
We'll go later, because your face is so familiar to me, but I don't know.
Oh, okay.
You should look.
You're some banking boss or something like this?
No, no, no.
I'm not.
No, no.
I have no power.
Probably, yes.
I have no idea, man.
That's me, Anakin.
The Jedi are taking over!
Could you at least tell me which bank it is, or which group, which financial group, or which... Neither bank nor financial group.
Or maybe you're an academic?
Not at all.
He's not involved with banks, he's the head of Rothschild.
Media, media.
I know bank, I know nothing about bank.
Where you living?
You're wrong.
So what do they tell you when you come in about Chatham House rules?
Is it like, do they say, hello sir, you're not allowed to talk about this at all?
Or do they say, you can give out something, a small thing to the press?
Well, normally when you participate in these events, there is an unofficial statement and we should rely on your opinion.
There is nothing secret.
You just have to look at the unofficial site of the event.
What do you say about the influence?
I mean, there's very powerful people there.
Why does it have to be so secret?
There's absolutely... I talked to the hotel guys.
This is just a private meeting.
I talked to the hotel concierge to the... Folks, we're going to break.
The full videos are up there.
Second hour straight ahead.
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We're good to go.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Paul Watson, Rob Dew, and Josh Owens will be joining us in the next segment.
Their final report from Austria as Bilderberg 2015 closes.
Usually you get most of your good intel before at the start.
This time it all came
Basically, at the end.
And so I'm very excited about the job they've done.
They'll be joining us.
Then we're going to get into Cruz and Paul push for a ban on indefinite detention of U.S.
We'll also get into the California water crisis.
An excellent report on that.
We're going to look at
The attack on the police department up in Dallas.
Both our reporters went up there to investigate it.
Joe Biggs will be joining us in studio.
Hillary Clinton launches her campaign officially.
King George III to launch his campaign tomorrow.
That's Jeb Bush.
But first, here is the amazing video and audio because the Bilderbergs all leave by noon on Sunday.
They always follow an exact thing since the 50s.
So our reporters went up to the hotel to try to find any paperwork on the trash can or try to see what was going on and they were thrown out.
So here is the audio and video of that.
This just happened like four hours ago.
Here it is.
So we've just been asked to leave the hotel from one of the staff.
Mr. Abe has asked us, due to I guess other reasons, they're still keeping the hotel closed for reporters or anyone like that.
So we're being escorted back down to the basement where we parked our car.
So I said it's under surveillance.
Yeah, so everything's still under surveillance.
Well, probably there, in this hotel.
There's lights everywhere.
And I ask you, the property and the ground, they don't know.
Without discussion?
Otherwise, so I don't want any discussion with any one of you, you have to leave now.
The ground, the hotel, the whole area, you know?
Okay, please.
I think understand means something different.
Okay, so... Where are our cars parked?
Here, here, here.
Wrong direction.
No, no, our car's parked here.
You go out here.
You go out here.
One... How many cars?
Okay, two guys go and take the car.
The other ones go out here.
Okay, please.
Jason Statham is escorting him out.
Okay, you leave the property right now.
If you come back, you have problems, okay?
No, we're not looking for problems.
You don't looking or you looking?
No, we're not looking.
Okay, hang on.
But I'm saying, the police here let us in.
You wait here until your car is here and then you leave.
Okay, we leave you alone.
Tell everyone we see you.
Private property?
Verboten, right?
Is that the correct term?
Yeah, I learned a little German.
Your people are very nice.
Alright, so that was the managing director asking us to leave.
Don't come back, tell your friends, don't come back.
Obviously they've turned other people away.
And let me get a last shot of the hotel as we leave.
There it is.
Go ahead, you can take it.
Give us some money, Lebowski!
Leaving never to return!
We want some money!
Very rude.
Don't worry, these men are cowards.
So, they're mixing some big Lebowski in with it.
There's Rob Duda, of course, making his jokes.
One of those guys was a police detective.
I wonder if we're ever invited there.
That looks really beautiful.
I want to go visit.
Never been to Austria.
Who knows?
Maybe I will.
Alright, we're going to talk to our reporters from Austria.
I'm sure that at the end of this five harrowing days, they're soused.
We'll see what they're up to there.
From the Alpine Kingdom.
The former Germanic stronghold of Austria.
Straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
The secret Bilderberg meeting might not be worthy of news coverage from the corporate media, but it's certainly getting attention from the police, military, and intelligence services.
You've seen our reporters being harassed at checkpoints all week.
Well now, an exclusion zone has been secured around the entire Interalpen hotel grounds.
Trespassers face two weeks imprisonment and a hefty fine.
A 30-mile no-fly zone extends to drones, planes, paragliders, even hang gliders.
The ban also extends to video and audio recordings made within and around the area.
Apparently, Bilderberg is so afraid of media coverage that police checkpoints miles away from the hotel aren't enough.
Now, InfoWars reporters on the ground say that Bilderberg has deployed a high-tech jamming system to shut down communications around the site.
This will effectively strangle media coverage of the event, ensuring that over 130 heads of finance, government and the corporate world are able to meet in total.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are back live, coming on a little bit late here in the second hour because I've been on the phone to Austria the last few minutes.
We can't get a Skype connection or a phone connection on our regular equipment.
I could via my cell phone to get a final report.
Bilderberg, a big globalist secret enclave meeting that set up the Euro, they've released those documents to the BBC, that has set up pretty much the modern state of the Western world.
Just completed its meeting.
And we caught the globalists flying on their private jets.
You name it.
Those videos are up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And it's by identifying the shadowy groups that control things like the TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, that we can ignite the public's interest to start being concerned and caring about the real world.
Here's an example.
We hear things like, this football player or this basketball player could cement their place in history by winning this championship.
And it's, oh my gosh, it's history, it's so important.
Or, the lead singer of the Foo Fighters this weekend
As he did, broke his leg falling off the stage, but he came back out and finished it with another song.
He's now a legend in rock.
Everybody's like, whoa, unbelievable.
Okay, great.
But see, used to before the modern era, and it's all been declassified, it's all come out that the nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays, and others,
We're hired by the Department of War to change their names to the Department of Defense and to sell us the current world we basically live under today.
And so we think of somebody winning a basketball game or winning a World Series as epic, as, man, we tribally had a victory, this is important, yeah!
I've made this point thousands of times.
I'll make it again.
But when we shoot down the TPP that signs our sovereignty over a bunch of globalists that are known for screwing every country they get a hold of, seven ways to Sunday.
And then again and again.
So bad, it's beyond comic book villain stuff.
Comic book villains are just based on these people.
Bond villains are based on these people.
Ian Fleming was MI6, he admitted that.
He said before he died, Spectre is basically real.
That's what runs the world, these corporate boards.
He was talking about Bilderberg.
We go cover the real Spectre!
Oh, you'll go watch some fake model actor fight Spectre in the upcoming movie.
My reporters went and they faced attack helicopters, secret police, midnight raids on their hotel rooms, harassment, the whole nine yards, and guess what?
We kicked Spectre's ass!
We got the footage.
We exposed their agenda.
We, the people, shot down their TPP Friday.
We're blowing them wide open.
They are on their heels.
They are on the defense.
We're on the offense.
They want to play this game of we don't exist, nothing happening.
That doesn't work.
We're not children at a magic show.
We know you got a table with an invisible door on the top and you reach down in the hat and the rabbit is inside a box.
Do you understand?
I don't care if you tell me the rabbit came out of the damn hat.
I know where it came from, punk!
Don't play mind games with me!
It's a good thing I'm not a storm trooper in Star Wars!
You tell me these aren't the droids you're looking for!
I know they're the droids I'm looking for!
Don't play your mind games with me!
It's over!
The trance is lifting.
They have the head of N.M.
Rothschild, worldwide, one of the most powerful banking heads in the world.
One of the most powerful people in the world, the co-chair of the Bilderberg Group.
You're a banker?
Talking to us like we're two-year-olds.
We're not two-year-olds.
We're not the general public you prey on.
Have you not figured that out yet?
And the answer is yes.
They were preying on viewers and the audience.
Like a mother bird that acts like it's wings broken to keep you away from the eggs.
But these aren't mother birds.
More like mother demons.
We are in a global battle against tyrants that want to usurp everything and turn off resources and control human development to a very nightmare end.
This is epic, legendary stuff going on.
A trillion times more important than the arrogant narcissist LeBron James running around on ego trips.
I'm all into celebrating humans and sports and everything else, but they misappropriate our energies.
The energies you have for cheering is for when your tribe wins, not for when someone does a simulated combat maneuver.
The real world economy, the human future, is not about guys on a court throwing a ball in a hoop, or guys on a
Vista hitting balls.
And I get basketball.
I get golf.
I like golf.
I like watching basketball.
The point is, it isn't God.
It isn't our future.
It isn't what's important.
Bad groups have seized control of our banks, our government.
They are screwing us over.
They're getting ready to do it even more.
They think we're so pathetic.
And we're fighting back.
Bilderberg's in trouble.
All these other globalist groups under him are in trouble.
They're right at the top of the capstone.
Are they the most elite group?
They're co-equal to a bunch of other organizations, but it's all run by the same people.
Most people in power are scared to even say their name.
We're willing to charge in and take them on head to head.
That's epic.
So I want it on record.
Whatever happens to me, I took the field against these people.
I've personally been to five of their events.
I personally send my reporters out to confront them.
And my name is signed like John Hancock.
John Hancock wasn't a narcissist when he signed his name five times bigger than George Washington's on the Declaration of Independence.
He knew they were coming after his family.
He knew they were coming after his treasure and his life.
And so he said, you know what?
I'm going to sign it big when I sign my own death warrant.
Because it's either the life of my country or the death of my body.
And he signed it.
Liberty or death, that's what it's about.
So let me sign my name real big on 2015 Declaration of Independence.
Alex Jones, baby!
That's my name and you know it!
I'll never be a parasite like you!
Now, we take you now live to Austria.
We're going to come back in the next segment with more time, but I got wound up here.
Paul Watson, tell us what's coming up.
Tell us what happened in this last day.
It seems more important than all the days before it at Bilderberg, the five days you guys have been there.
Well, it was definitely the best day, Alex, in terms of the footage that we got on the confrontation.
So, basically started off with us again driving up to the hotel past the checkpoint.
And it was the most lax day of all, despite the fact that, you know, over a hundred Bilderberg members were driving down the road.
We would literally drive past them.
Didn't even check our IDs after days of harassment and ID checks and vehicle searches and bag searches.
They didn't even check us once, which again illustrates the fact that they knew we weren't a physical threat to any of the Bilderbergers because we were bright in their faces at the airport.
This was all a tactic designed to intimidate the media and prevent the media from going up there, which is why, apart from Infowars, RT was the only, you know, international media organization that was even there physically.
So it completely
Debunked the notion that this was to do with genuine security and they had police six miles away halfway up a mountain harassing us when today we could get right up to the Bilderberg members faces right at the entrance to the terminal building of the airport.
So that was the first thing of course then we went straight to the airport.
And it was a trickle at first, but after a couple of hours it was literally a free-for-all, and we can get into that after the break.
Paul, your Skype is epic.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
That you are.
Big Brother.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I went in my hole and ran about sports figures and movie stars earlier and now they're not important.
I'm not attacking them as individuals.
Any celebration of, you know, human accomplishment I love.
It's that we're told that's what's epic history.
No, epic history is shooting down the TPP so far.
Epic history is going and confronting the shadow government globalists.
That's what humans are supposed to do to not be slaves.
Paul Watson from Austria.
Bilderberg 2015 just ended.
I'd say we've got record intel.
Their TPP got shot down.
Their entire agenda is in trouble.
Please continue, Paul Watson.
Yeah, so we got to the airport, we were trying to find a good vantage zone, and we decided the best place would just be right there at the terminal entrance, because many of them started to pull in.
As I said, at first it was a trickle, then it was a deluge, and basically it was a free-for-all.
They didn't know where to pull in.
The police changed the location for where the cars were pulling in several times, and so we were able to get right up on them, ask them questions, get right in their face as they were entering the hotel building.
But before that, our friend Tillman, who we're going to speak to shortly, hopefully, he was able to go to the train station, because some of them were travelling by train, the ones that live in Italy and nearby countries, as opposed to going to the airport.
So he had a confrontation with Franco Burnaby.
We played it last hour.
Yes, it's the top story on Infowars, who is the head of Rothschild in Europe, former Italian telecommunications CEO, and a steering committee member of the Bilderberg Group.
So this is one of the top guys in Bilderberg.
Didn't we see Robert Rubin too?
Yeah, he was there too.
Former Treasury Secretary.
Yeah, but this is one of the guys who decides what they discuss and who to invite.
So this is one of the key, most influential people in Bilderberg.
Barnaby is a kingpin of kingpins.
Yeah, exactly.
So it was a 12 minute conversation.
It wasn't a 10, 20 second confrontation.
This was an actual conversation in which Burnaby basically said, oh Bilderberg will put out a statement that will answer your question.
Well, no, they won't put out a statement.
The only statement they put out was to say, we welcome general interest in the conference, which is completely ludicrous because they surrounded themselves with a ring of steel.
With 2,000 police, with police on the mountain harassing us miles away.
So then... Helicopter gunships, radar jamming, I mean it was crazy.
Exactly, because they used the same security that they used for G7.
It was obviously a complete overkill.
You could tell the police knew that within two or three days.
So it started to get more and more lax.
Obviously the mountain police didn't know that because they were further away, but the police that we dealt with
You know, some of them were cool, some of them were mean to us, but by the end of it, they just really didn't give a damn.
As I said, we went straight through the checkpoint on the last day.
As all the Bilderberg members were driving down, they didn't even check our ID.
So it completely belies the notion that this was all necessary for the security of Bilderberg.
But remember, it doesn't exist.
They still have publications writing articles, Paul, saying it doesn't even exist.
Well, the media in the past has harped on about the fact that it has no power and influence.
And for the first time, I think, this year, there have hardly been any news articles that try to claim that.
There's been a couple.
But in fact, if you look at Jose Manuel Barroso, the Prime Minister of Portugal, former EU Commission head,
Yesterday it was announced that he's been appointed as a steering committee member and in fact Sol, SOL, one of Portugal's major newspapers said that this appointment held equal importance and influence as his position at the EU Commission.
So again,
He's now a steering committee member.
He has equal or more power.
Being a steering committee member like Franco Barnaby of the Rothschilds is as big as being EU president.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
Or bigger.
They even suggested that it was bigger.
So Tillman got the Barnaby confrontation, which we got.
Then we were at the airport.
They were actually going into the airport, eating at the cafe in the departure lounge before you go through security, where there's a flight deck observation where you can see the planes taking off and landing.
And they were just sitting there drinking coffee.
And both Tillman and Rob Dew were able to just walk up to them and have confrontations and conversations with them again.
So in comparison to previous years, this and in particular this final day is the closest we've got to confronting Bilderberg members and having actual conversations with them.
And in the case of Barnaby,
He cited Chatham House Rules.
If you actually read what Chatham House Rules means, you can say what happened, but you can't say who said what.
But he claimed that because of these Chatham House Rules, he didn't say a word.
Again, a complete lie.
He's obviously paranoid about the fact that if he speaks out, if he lets anything slip, then he's no longer going to be... Well, I mean, let's face it.
You're getting in the face of global, real corporate mafiadons.
And so you guys are very arrogant.
You say you've got some of the local reporters that did some of this.
You want to interview somebody?
Paul, you want to bring somebody in right now?
Or who should I talk to next?
Yeah, we'll bring Rob Dew in for that interview in a moment.
But yeah, they're arrogant.
I mean, Rob confronted another individual up there on the observation deck.
Oscar Bronner, who is the Austrian media mogul, he owns Der Standard, and he was traveling with Karl Sevelde.
Bronner didn't say very much, but Sevelde was more chatty.
And in fact, he said, when Rob asked him his name, he held up his name tag and said, can you read?
So again, complete arrogance.
Everyone we confronted basically showed their arrogance.
So again, we got numerous confrontations, they showed their arrogance, and they've been exposed completely.
As TPP begins to crumble, we've had more access than ever before at Bilderberg 2015.
Well, it's just unprecedented, and it's funny how we got the least amount of info because of all the security this time, but then got the most at the end.
It just shows that perseverance is what matters.
It's what comes through.
I've got Joe Beggs coming in here to report to the next segment, so I want to get this rolling, but great job, guys.
You're going back to the UK tomorrow.
Rob Dew and Josh Owens are coming back here to Austin, Texas, and we'll have more of the HD footage, more of the confrontations going up in the morning.
No, just the fact that...
Again, the most paranoia was centered around the conference itself, because they're desperate to avoid leaks from the conference.
They don't actually care about physical threats to Bilderbergers.
That's why it was such a ring of steel, an encampment, because they didn't want anyone getting close.
They care about the criminal meeting with the banking regulators, meeting with the banks that have been indicted.
And Rob will talk about this more, but we went back to the hotel tonight where it was open.
There were no checkpoints.
We got in, we were immediately kicked out, and Rob can tell you more about that soon.
And we played the footage of that.
We're going to break in 30 seconds.
We'll come back, briefly talk to Dew and others, and we've got Joe Biggs here to break down the media-blaming conspiracy theorist.
If you slip on a banana peel, it's conspiracy theorists for the attack on the Dallas Police Station.
It's all coming up.
You know, we're those conspiracy theorists that go to the imaginary meeting with the troops, and the helicopter, and the thousands of police, and the gunships, and the radar jamming, and the cell phone jamming.
Yeah, it's all imaginary.
It doesn't exist.
Ladies and gentlemen, you haven't really ever heard firearms manufacturers as sponsors on my syndicated radio show, or the nightly news, or the news website, InfoWars.com, because the companies I've been approached by were not the highest quality, and they weren't as affordable as they should be, so I refused probably 30, 40 firearms manufacturers over the years.
Well then,
About six months ago, we get contacted by Head Down Firearms.
Owned and run by a bunch of former Navy SEALs, Special Ops people, they're veterans, they're patriots, they're listeners of the radio show, and they want to support the broadcast.
It's always about
Thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We didn't come out immediately and say the Dallas Police Department attack was a false flag, but Joe Biggs went there, and you add it to the information I have, it doesn't look good.
We don't know who's false flagging, but it's leaning that way.
And Joe Biggs is a combat veteran.
Even the police chief of Dallas said that we thought people were shooting from an elevated position.
This story just does not add up.
We're going to talk about it in about five minutes.
Obviously, if they're not on planes tomorrow, I'll have them on to debrief what happened at Bilderberg.
We're limited on time right now, but we've got Rob Due now joining us.
He's been there since last Sunday.
And of course, Josh Owens, and they're talking to one of the local European reporters that got so many of these amazing interviews.
So, Rob, we've got about five minutes.
Finish up with what happened to you today, overall Bilderberg news, and tell us about this reporter that got so much footage.
Sure, well, it was an amazing day today at the airport and we got a lot of footage.
And we met a guy, Mr. Tillman, who's a reporter from Germany.
And he said, hey, I've got a confrontation here with Franco Barnaby.
Let's check it out.
We went up, we were editing it up in the cafe.
And just as we had finished, we were exporting it out and getting ready to upload it to YouTube.
And then walks in Oscar Brawner, Carl Sevelda, and Rudolf Schulten.
Rudolf Scholten and Karl Svelte are these big international bankers.
Oskar Brawner is the publisher for DeStandard.
And I immediately saw Oskar Brawner because I recognized him.
And I said, there he is.
Tillman was so quick on the draw, he put his memory card back in his camera and was up before I could even get out of my chair confronting Mr. Scholten.
And then I went up and confronted Oskar Brawner, asking him if he was going to actually spill the beans on what really goes on in Bilderberg.
And I said, you know, you need to come clean.
Otherwise, people are going to keep asking you questions about this and confronting you.
And he goes, don't worry, I am clean.
You know, just in this typical Austrian bodaciousness that I've been seeing from the cops here.
You know, these people on the upper echelon just think they're better than everyone else.
And it's totally disgusting.
But I want to bring the Uber mention.
Yeah, exactly.
So here's Mr. Tillman.
He actually, I really respect what he did.
He's got a camera, cost him about 80 euros, but he was still able to get probably two of the biggest confrontations at Bilderberg.
So Tillman, let me ask you a question.
How did you feel when you were confronting these guys?
What was going through your mind?
I mean, yeah, it went all pretty fast, so it was actually by accident, so I was... I actually wanted to pick up a friend at the airport, at the train station, and then a car from the Interab pulls up on me, and there's a guy coming out who looks kind of familiar to me, so I knew him because he walked out also 2011 in Switzerland,
So I knew I gotta build a burger here.
I know at the train station no one can protect him and he had no bodyguards, no police.
He was totally coverless.
So I just thought, okay, let's attack him as long as possible.
So I really made like
12 minute footage and I also have a YouTube channel in Germany.
I confront politicians too, so I'm used to this.
You ever said?
Yeah, I'd stay on them.
Tell them your YouTube channel.
It's called Bürgerberg.
It's like German.
We are change.
It's like my own project and I do this with a lower budget and a smaller camera, but I confronted politicians from the Green Party, the Liberals.
You've got a big heart.
You're having a big effect.
Mostly Bürgerberg because it's like an easy question to ask.
Yeah, exactly.
And that's the thing.
He's doing it with a smaller, inexpensive camera, but he's still confronting people.
And I tell you, the Burnaby confrontation is big because it just shows how bodacious these guys are at the end of the day.
And this was a Rothschild.
You bagged a Rothschild at Bilderberg.
Because they now farm that out, because they're so inbred, they can hardly... The point is, is that, I mean, this is one of the head globalists.
He's on the Bilderberg steering committee.
This is a big deal, so we salute you.
Good job.
You actually confronted a major mafia don.
Yeah, and I think what's big is that he didn't take no for an answer, he didn't back down, he kept... And then he started preaching to them about what's going on at Bilderberg.
He did the same thing with Mr. Scholten.
Mr. Scholten didn't really want to talk to him, but he just kept saying more and more and more.
And just letting him know that the people do not agree with what's going on at Bilderberg.
Hey, I don't think the Bilderbergs are too happy about TPP being in deep trouble and being voted down Friday.
I want you to get a full interview with him that will air when you get back this week.
We'll also debrief all the on-air.
But this is one of the most successful Bilderbergs ever.
Great job.
They've got to really be upset.
Their agenda all over the place is in so much trouble.
And they're now identified.
I mean, once they're identified, it's the beginning of the end.
We're not just obsessed with soccer players and football players.
It's the beginning of the end of this shadow corporate world government.
Totally agree, Alex.
And it was quite an ordeal dealing with these people all day and all night.
And now we finally have some, I think, some peace in just getting these confrontations out in the open and letting people know what these people really think.
They think of us as kind of dirt.
This guy, Oscar Brawner, really didn't want to talk to me.
He was kind of looking down at me.
Who are you with?
And then Carl Civella is taking pictures right in my face like I'm a criminal when he's one of the criminals here.
Well, con artists always have their bravado, their chutzpah.
That's all they got.
And you know, not all powerful people are scum like that, but these type of folks that work at these combines, they have disdain for the public.
The Bilderberg is all about hurting the public.
It's a eugenicist global plan.
They don't just discuss money there.
It's about the larger depopulation program.
Their own documents have been ferried out.
They've been blown wide open.
They're in deep trouble.
I salute you all and Josh Owens.
If you guys have time tomorrow and aren't on a plane yet, I want to interview you guys as well.
But regardless, Tuesday in studio.
Great job, man.
I really want to commend the job you've done.
Alright, we'll see you then.
All right, thank you so much.
Great job, Mr. Tillman.
Good to meet you.
And there were so many other citizen journalists out there that are having a big effect.
I see it as more honorable when you're a citizen journalist with a hundred-dollar camera, or 80-euro camera, or whatever it is, than when you're a big, whored-out New York Times of Germany like this Bronner guy.
As Matt Drudge has always said,
Every blogger, every person with a camera, every YouTuber is just as important as the New York Times.
Well, the New York Times is so discredited, we're more important!
We don't put on all these airs and an act.
We're here taking action!
You didn't see mainstream media getting up at 7 in the morning or 6 in the morning to drive to Dallas and cover the events up there with a shooting.
We did!
Because that's what real journalists used to do.
Now media just waits for a press release from the police
Or from the government, and regurgitates it.
Alright, Joe Biggs, we've only got about three minutes to break, you'll have the next segment.
You and I both were like, might be a crazy, angry about something, we'll see.
Then they tell us, oh, it was his own makeshift armored vehicle, and oh, well that's not true, and then none of it adds up.
Now the bullet angles, I saw this on the news myself, and I'm a shooter, I know what stuff looks like, but you're an expert.
Combat vet, multiple tours.
What do you make of the whole situation?
Now they're in Raw Story saying that James Boulware was a conspiracy theorist.
By tomorrow morning, you're going to hear Alex Jones listener.
I said, they keep saying people are going to attack police departments with no history of this.
They're going to blame the Patriots.
Jade Helms coming up.
I said, if that narrative continues, we know it may be staged.
Well, a lot of red lights are going off here, Joe Biggs.
Yeah, when I first got out there, it was kind of hard to tell, you know.
I was looking at a lot of the evidence that I could, listening to the different stories, reading the different articles in the area.
Most of the police weren't saying anything because they said the FBI was still conducting an ongoing investigation.
They were still picking up evidence.
They were doing a lot of things like that.
And then we found out, hey, around 3 o'clock, we're going to allow you guys, a select number of you journalists, we're going to take your name, the association that you work for,
And we're gonna bring in a reporter and a cameraman.
We're gonna allow you to walk through the crime scene to each individual spot where the shooting began.
And we're not saying the average cops are involved?
Let's be clear.
But one of the big things was, what I noticed, is we got to the police vehicle that was fired upon.
Now the police vehicle was facing the police department, the front of the police department.
And we're showing photos you took on screen.
Yeah, when you look at the bullet holes that were at the front of the windshield, now there were two officers in that vehicle.
There was a driver and a passenger.
Now, how they survived this, you know, like they say, there's no atheists in Foxhole.
I'm pretty sure if these guys didn't believe in God, they found him really quick.
Yeah, we're not saying the attack was fake.
This could have killed somebody.
Barely missed him.
Two of the rounds came right through the windshield into where the driver would have been, through there and out the back, into the back seat.
Now, the bullet holes in the windshield are high, a couple low, which means they would have had a straight, you know, triangulation going through.
But there was two that came from a high angle, and then the two exit holes in the back of the seat, where that fiberglass area is, where they use protect, you know, from a passenger in the back, were the very bottom.
So if this guy was standing up, there's no way he could have shot around and then it kind of, you know, went down.
So the firing... Unless it's a magic bullet.
Yeah, unless it's a magic bullet.
Dallas does have magic bullets.
Yeah, apparently, yeah.
I mean, that one hit Kennedy like five times.
The grassy knoll.
Then it fell out undamaged on the stretcher.
Yeah, I mean, these things...
There was either no cops in that car, and that's a complete lie in the story, or these are two of the luckiest men in the world.
Well, I saw it this morning.
I don't have time to scramble and get it.
It just clicked, though.
The police chief came out.
I bet he was a pretty nice guy.
He said he thinks there might have been people up higher shooting.
We'll come right back.
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Ladies and gentlemen, you haven't really ever heard firearms manufacturers as sponsors on my syndicated radio show, or the nightly news, or the news website, InfoWars.com, because the companies I've been approached by were not the highest quality, and they weren't as affordable as they should be, so I refused.
Probably 30, 40 firearms manufacturers over the years will then
About six months ago, we get contacted by Head Down Firearms.
Owned and run by a bunch of former Navy SEALs, Special Ops people.
They're veterans, they're patriots, they're listeners of the radio show, and they want to support the broadcast.
It's always about security.
Thank you.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Well, if you go to Dallas, as our reporters did physically, Jakari Jackson will be in studio as well tomorrow.
We're going to break more of this down.
And you've got bullets coming in at the top of the car, and then they go down at an angle, and they're supposedly shot from gun ports that are basically at the same level as the police car.
So they should be...
Going through with a flat trajectory, you know there's a cover-up.
And we'll have this by tomorrow.
The police chief saying, we thought they were shooting from roofs.
So that shows the police department probably isn't involved in this.
They don't know what's going on.
And I'm not, from my experience, you don't see like departments staging false flags.
You see globalist organizations doing it, giving an official narrative to the department.
Then the van races away.
They first said that it was a, you know, something he'd made.
Turns out he bought it on eBay, even though he had no job and was bankrupt.
And it's a armored van that, like, police or others would use.
You can buy these on the civilian market.
Might be a good vehicle for the Infowars crew, actually.
Here's the headline.
Bull wear, get money to buy a zombie apocalypse assault vehicle.
Family said attacker did not have money to pay for mental health care.
So he may just be a mental patient cut out of some other group.
And you add Jade Helm coming up with quote the military simulating illegal activities.
I'm not saying that's what's happening, but they use drills as a cover.
And other weird stuff's going on.
Joe Biggs, you've got the floor for the final eight minutes.
This is bombshell.
You've got video and photos of Jakari.
We'll have it all in HD tomorrow for folks on the weekday show.
We're just codifying this now, but at first we thought just another crazy nut.
It's starting to look suspicious.
You even said that.
Yeah, once you actually get out there and look at the evidence and you get, you know, boots on the ground and you're able to look at these different scenes, it just doesn't add up.
And like I said, the biggest thing is the trajectory of those bullets coming through.
It doesn't add up that this guy was shooting an assault rifle through these portholes on the side of a van.
A van doesn't sit that much higher.
You can't physically shoot down at that angle unless he's on the roof!
I mean, he would have had to have been, like, right there, parked on the very front of the hood.
Like, just had driven right on the hood to be able to get that kind of an angle.
I know, but I'm looking at the porch.
That wouldn't even be at that angle to shoot that way down.
I mean, maybe.
They were saying that he was firing towards the police department.
And then, uh, I'm assuming at that point in time he heard the car.
Come on!
The front desk where there would have been, you know, like ladies, civilians working to process people, you know, help them at the front desk, went through that and into other offices as well.
Then they took us down to the next area where the bag that had the pipe bomb went off in the parking lot and you could see bits of screw, PVC pipe, all this different stuff.
It completely took out the front end of the vehicle and smashed some windows and some surrounding vehicles.
Then they brought us back around and then brought us to the left rear side
Of the police vehicle, where you could see where the bullet went.
I'll say this, them letting you in so quick does not add to it being a false flag.
But again, the department's probably not involved in this.
When you look at staged events, they'll have the cutout in the vehicle, somebody else gets out before he gets caught, or they leave a dead body in the van later and then call on the tip to the police.
I mean, I've seen this done in other countries, I've seen it done here.
It may not be a false flag,
But it's just not adding up.
And part of your homework, Joe, is you can do it.
I saw that clip this morning.
It's on Infowars in one of the articles.
The police chief gave a press conference.
He talked about believing there were other shooters up higher.
So the police are obviously noticing the same thing.
Yeah, well, there's a bunch of apartment complexes and lofts that you can rent surrounding the police department right there.
So there's a lot of high vantage points for something like that to happen.
But like I said, the police vehicle was facing the police station, so that meant that shots had to have been fired from the police station to get that angle down at the- Repeat what you told me earlier, because I interrupted you.
The bullets are at an angle, we have the photos, they're from up high, that's even bigger.
The angle is from the department.
Yeah, it's from the department, I mean, no doubt.
Explain it.
There's no way, because the way the vehicle pulled up, it was facing the front of the Dallas Police Department right there.
So the angle when you look at where the bullets come through, through the windshield to where the driver would be sitting, through the backseat and out the back, you can see how the metal tore, how it came from a high trajectory.
So it had to have been because the police vehicle was aiming, pointing towards the front of the vehicle.
It would have had to have come from there.
You told me months ago that when you were in Iraq and Afghanistan that sometimes if you just got shot at once, I don't know if you remember the story, we were out having a beer, that you'd stop the Humvees and then you could, once security got set up, see the angle and pretty much find out where it came from to go find the people.
I mean, so that's where your skill in this comes from.
But anybody can see where a bullet's coming in.
I mean, what angle?
Well, I mean, a lot of the reporters out there were asking some of those cupcake questions.
I mean, I was just in awe of how stupid that entire thing went.
You know, what do you think?
And just some of the dumbest stuff.
And I'm sitting there saying, that looks like a .308, maybe a 7.62.
It's like a .308 assault rifle or probably a Kalashnikov or something like that.
The guy would have had to have been elevated, and then one of the camera guys was an old Vietnam vet.
And he goes, yeah, that's what I was thinking, too.
It had to have come from a high- Oh, I forgot.
You went to a press conference.
Did you get any of these questions in of, why are the bullets coming in at an angle from the top?
They wouldn't let us ask anything that didn't have to do with just the crime scene itself.
It had to be about actual that.
Okay, why are the bullets coming in from an angle at the top?
As soon as anyone would ask something like that, they said, no, no, no, we'll answer that another time.
They wouldn't ask anything like that.
They wouldn't answer anything.
For those that don't know, you can stick pencils in there and see the angle.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, I could see it.
That's what they did.
I mean, they let me get right close to it.
I looked at it.
It came from high up.
It had to have come from a... But see, if they were involved in the cover-up, they wouldn't let anybody in there.
Well, I think... Notice, notice the Rot Rally.
They're still not releasing any of that footage you're letting hang out.
Yeah, from the Waco thing.
Not the Rot Rally, the Waco thing.
Speaking of Watt Rally, you saw them Friday night with sniper rifles downtown.
Yeah, they were walking up and down the street with these sniper rifles attached to their backpack.
And these are the same guys in green uniforms that we saw in Waco.
Those are the ones that assaulted like it was Normandy.
On this Twin Peaks, and that was one of the questions I had before that.
Is it going to be handled the same way?
And luckily... Somebody shoots, you just shoot the crowd.
And then seal everything.
Now that's definitely a cover-up.
But one of the things I did think was one of the most suspicious things was the fact that it was an ongoing crime scene.
You're letting people outside come in that could possibly contaminate it.
They could come back later and say, you know, one of these reporters touched something.
You see, I see it as they're not...
Covering it up, so maybe it's true, but you're saying, and I get what you're saying, why let you into a crime scene?
Yeah, because they had the FBI right there.
The FBI crime scene investigators were on scene.
They had these different devices out that measure the angles and all this stuff, and there was shrapnel all over the ground, and we were just walking over it.
The cops were like, oh, it's okay, just walk over here.
Just if you see a white piece of paper with a number on it, just don't step on that part.
But we're walking through essentially contaminating a crime scene, and yet there's no problem with that.
You know, any time I've been to any kind of thing like this before, it takes days before they let you in.
I thought that was one of the most suspicious things, is that the day of, they're bringing 20, 30 people through.
Well, part of it is the guy's dead.
But no, I see what you're saying.
See, I was thinking they're not covering it up, so maybe they're telling the truth, but I get your point.
Why would they just let you in?
But that kind of bodes towards it being real, because everybody's, you know, reality is a lot more disjointed.
I tell you, it's confusing.
Well, I mean, what about the angle of these bullets?
That's really suspicious.
I mean, we just remembered back this past Thanksgiving, we had a similar incident here in Austin, Texas, downtown at the police department.
A guy came in.
I had just gotten back with Jakari from Ferguson.
It was in November.
We had just gotten back and landed.
I'm like, all right, I'm tired of being shot at.
I need to go downtown on 6th Street, have a beer, relax, and just get away from all the gunfire.
And some guy comes through in downtown Austin.
And when I was just at the police department the other day, bullet holes riddled all across the front.
Hasn't been repaired.
And, you know, it's just, it's crazy.
They still haven't repaired the police department?
Not at all.
It's all over the inside window when you go up and like hand them your ID to say, hey, I've gotten a ticket.
I need to pay for this.
This is who I am.
Bullets all over there.
Holes all through there.
What a country.
And why is it all happening in Texas?
Something's going on.
Well, I told you, you know, Jade Helm was labeled hostile.
And it seems funny ever since we came out with these documents saying that Jade Helm is or that Texas was hostile on the Jade Helm documents.
Everything's been going crazy.
Garland, you know, McKinney, the Dallas shootings, all these different things keep happening in Texas.
Well, Texas looks pretty hostile to me now.
It looks like they're getting what they wanted.
Well, we don't know what's happened here.
It doesn't add up.
I mean, it's just really suspicious.
Because I saw your photos this morning before I even got back.
And it's at an angle, and I'm going, those are at angles.
And then even the police chief saying, we thought they might have been on roofs.
Because they were coming in down at an angle.
Yeah, they changed their story actually about that two or three times yesterday, because my initial reports that I heard were, yeah, we think there's multiple shooters.
Because a lot of the witnesses out there said that, hey, we heard multiple gunfire from different areas.
We think there's probably four shooters.
And then one of the guys yesterday was like, no, no, no, we just think this is a lone gunman.
There's no one else.
But now they're changing it again.
This is bigger, I tell ya.
Joe, let's try to codify this into an article, into a video.
I need you and Jakari, who are there, both here tomorrow.
You've got HD footage.
Great job.
Thanks for working seven days a week.
Joe Biggs, InfoWars.com reporter.
I'm Alex Jones.
Great job to the crew, great job to the listeners, our affiliates.
Lord willing, we'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, with the weekday transmission, InfoWars.
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