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Name: 20150522_Fri_Alex
Air Date: May 22, 2015
3248 lines.

Alex Jones talks about various topics such as the passing of Trans-Pacific Partnership, police action against bikers in Texas, a lawsuit at Blinn College related to carrying anti-Obama and pro- gun signs, promoting colloidal silver, criticism towards pharmaceutical industry and education system for causing lack of focus in children leading them onto dangerous drugs. Jones also talks about eugenics, abortion, media silencing opposing voices, extreme liberalism in Sweden, a biker gang situation in Waco, Memorial Day's significance, and promoting products related to tax debt relief, food supply, gold investment, and an exclusive report about gold that the Fed hopes people won't see.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we've got bad news.
The globalist
Trans-Pacific Partnership that transfers pretty much whatever sovereignty was left of this country to private corporate global bodies has been rammed through by the Democrats and Republicans.
Obama's trade bill narrowly clears key Senate hurdle that it had failed to clear last week.
Deals details not released to the public.
Conservatives could push over the finish line.
Mexico weighs U.S.
meat products sanctions.
Congressional approval ratings collapse.
Yeah, polls are out on this.
Over 85% of Americans in a Gallup poll last week are against the TPP.
Hard to believe there's 15% that want a secret global treaty to be passed that no one's allowed to see.
And WikiLeaks has released only part of it.
And that's where the internet has turned over to select corporations and there's no free speech.
You just can't make this stuff up.
The world is plunging into tyranny.
And I'll be quite frank with you, this is a very stressful job to be aware of all the things that are happening.
I mean, I'm not complaining.
I'm just saying sometimes if I seem angry or upset on TV or radio, it's not fake.
I blew up ten minutes ago before I even went on air because it just, it is overwhelming how over the top all of this is.
And that's the globalist's plan.
Just ram the whole stinking thing through, throw it in everybody's face, be over the top,
Invert reality and then declare those of us that want basic sanity and basic freedom to be tyrants.
Or those of us who aren't racist say that we're the racist.
And just dumb the political debate down to the most mindless level ever imaginable.
Last night and this morning reading the news and coming in today looking through the stacks, just all of these stories are totally insane.
There's one out of Associated Press.
There's another one out of Reuters.
Police want bikers off streets after deadly Texas shooting.
And all these days later, five, six days later,
They're still saying Harley-Davidson is closed across the state and they're asking bikers not to drive down highways because the snipers may come after you because we're expecting retaliation from the Bandidos.
And the Bandidos are on TV going, you think we're insane to start a war with the police?
I guess only George Soros does that and gets away with it.
You know, Nazi collaborator.
And I'm not defending the Bandidos.
The point is, this is a major power grab.
So Joe Biggs, if it quits raining, is going to ride around in his Harley today.
And we'll write up the cops and say, you know, do you think I'm a terrorist because I'm riding around on my motorcycle?
It's just everything is a power grab nowadays.
And that's just one of the cuckoo stories I've got.
There's hundreds of them.
Yesterday, I ran into the cream of the scum.
I mean, I ran into what this artificial decadent society has produced on every front.
It was the most bizarre confluence of hypocrisy and bizarro-landness.
The video's up on InfoWars.com.
We're spending a lot of time on this today.
Shock video, militant communist attack pro-life protest.
And they were pulling up in like $80,000 brand new Jaguars.
I went and looked it up.
And then I got in my Dodge Challenger and they were screaming one percenter.
I mean, it is just crazy town.
And the women saying, how dare whites try to adopt black babies?
Abort them, abort them!
I killed my babies!
I killed them!
I mean, just... I love Satan!
Hail Satan!
I mean, just... And then they're so weak on top of it.
I mean, it is unbelievable.
The latest example of liberal free speech oppression is brought to you by Kit Daniels in the article, Campus Police Intimidates Student Over Her Anti-Obama and Pro-Gun Signs.
A college student is suing her school after three campus cops and an administrator ordered her not to carry an anti-Obama sign and a pro-gun sign on campus without special permission.
Nicole Sanders, a student at Blinn College in Brenham, Texas, was recently demonstrating with the signs when she was told she needed special permission for them and had to stay in the college's free speech zone.
I needed to fill out a form stating what I'm doing, where I'm doing it, who's involved, and what outcome we were expecting, she said.
We have to wait until four administrators sign it.
In response, Sanders has filed a lawsuit against Blinn College stating its policies and their enforcement are unconstitutional.
This story is eerily similar to an incident at California Polytech earlier this year in which school officials were also requiring students who engage in First Amendment activities on campus to apply for a free speech permit.
You can find more stories like these at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Rob Due reporting for InfoWars Nightly News.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Just to keep a-comin'!
Ladies and gentlemen, I salute all of you that stand for human liberty and the next great renaissance to the stars.
To all the freedom fighters today, in the future, and from the past, we salute you!
Alex Jones, your host.
We are going to have in studio today to get their breakdown from every different angle of the war on free speech Rob Doo.
David Knight.
Jakari Jackson.
We're going to also have Paul Watson in here.
Coming up at the bottom of the next hour, we're going to have in studio with us Jakari Jackson and Anthony Gucciardi, witnesses to just the bizarro land happenings yesterday in Austin that I'm going to break down in a moment.
And then we're going to have Leanne McAdoo in, along with Paul Watson via Skype, and then Robb Due in the last 20 minutes of the show or so to give his breakdown on the situation.
I talk about stories that are Rosetta Stones, decoders.
If you have this decoder, if you have this block that has the different alphabet codes spelled out, you can then read the tea leaves.
And there are a lot of these stories every day that connect the dots together, basically.
But I'll be honest with you.
I did not intend, I mean I wanted it to be, but I didn't think.
Sending out the reporters to demonstrate and point out that Planned Parenthood was founded by Margaret Sanger and she helped set up the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute that bankrolled Hitler and that she was one of his top advisors and Hitler wrote that one of her books was his quote Bible.
And I cover all this in the film Endgame.
I show her writings, I show it from the university archives, I show her book, I show Hitler, transcripts of radio addresses, thanking Margaret Sanger.
I mean, she went to Germany and met repeatedly with Hitler, so did Thomas Watson, the founder of IBM, who did have like a 180 IQ, but was a flaming racist and wanted to exterminate every black person on earth.
And then you notice IBM funds all the multicultural push and all this stuff because they want to get blacks on the plantation, in the inner city control grid, on welfare, socialized, so they can be destroyed.
And boy, have they destroyed them.
I mean, they have wrecked the black community.
They have devastated it.
Every metric shows that.
So regardless of where you stand on abortion, I'm not judging you if you've had an abortion.
I'm not on some high horse.
I'm not saying you're a devil.
I'm pointing out where it came from, and why they're pushing it, and what the agenda is.
And then once they collectivize things, they say, see, we don't want to pay for all these poor people, kill them.
We don't want to pay for these old people, kill them.
We don't want to pay for these veterans, put them on no-treat list.
And this is what they say to me, how dare you not want to abort the black babies?
Nobody wants them.
I've had whites, blacks, all of them tell me that.
And I finally caught it on video.
I've told you about being in pro-life demonstrations back when I still did stuff like that 15, 16 years ago.
And it all started from guilt from abortions that I was involved in.
I've never hidden that.
I'm ashamed of that.
But I'm honest about it.
And I'll admit my serious failings.
And I wasn't driving or pushing women to do it, but I could have pressured them, could have said, I'm going to marry you.
It would have changed the whole course of my life, but I wish when I was 16 I'd have gotten married.
I wish I wouldn't have been passively involved.
But then when I was 20 again, I repent for that every day.
Quite frankly, it's why I'm not afraid to die.
Subconsciously, sometimes I just hope somebody walks up when I'm in public and shoots me right in the head.
Because I'm a sinner, dammit!
And that's what it comes down to, so I'm willing to do whatever it takes to stand up for the unborn.
I don't want to die.
I want to be here for my children.
I want to fight the globalists, but I'm saying, at the end of the day, I am fearless.
Because I know that's what I've got to do.
It's something I can't even describe.
I've got to be fearless, I've got to have the will to do whatever it takes, or I'm not going to be redeemed.
And that's not out of some fear, either.
My soul knows it and wants to be good.
And Lord knows I'm bad.
Lord knows I'm bad.
These little wannabes want to be wicked.
What they don't know about the hearts of good men and women is that we... Our goodness is huge and large and strong and beautiful.
Just like our whole soul is big.
But our bad side's bigger, deeper, meaner, sicker than these filth can ever imagine!
I cannot believe how weak servants of evil are.
That's all I can do to not want to just smash them.
They love death so much.
Why do they want to visit it on others?
Why don't they visit it on themselves?
So we have events, we see things that happen.
Points, Rubicons that are crossed.
And so, it all started three weeks ago when Mikael Phelan
One of our great writers, investigative reporters, said, you know, they're talking about Black Lives Matter all day.
It's a few hundred blacks a year that get shot in questionable situations by the police.
Lord knows the police in some areas are out of control, being federalized, but we ought to do a story about, put out a meme on Facebook about Black Lives Matter and show the abortion numbers, 17 million, 16 and a half, 17 million, the numbers vary, of the 56 million people, says Roe v. Wade.
And I said, even better, let me talk to Jakari.
I know he's pro-life and a Christian.
We ought to see if he wants to lead a demonstration just to point this out.
And we're sure the media will attack it and demonize us.
And then we can probably get these going around the country and try to hijack this Soros war with the police movement.
And then I have Reverend Childress on to promote this event and didn't even know since February he's been doing it at blackgenocide.org separately in South Carolina and other areas and having a big effect.
So see, our minds think alike because we're directed by the same energy.
We're on the same page.
We're brothers at a spiritual level.
And that's when you really start getting into this, start warring against the globalists.
You become more spiritual and you get closer to God, folks, because you will face devil worshippers.
At the bottom of the rat hole is always an evil Satanist.
And I've told you so many times that the anarchists, they're never anarchists, they call themselves anarchists, they're all about deception, and I told them, as soon as I saw them, ten seconds in, we went to break, I said, you see those folks in black, I can tell by their demeanor, their look, they're going to start blocking, attacking people, try to tear down signs, they're going to say they're anarchists, they're going to be communists, and then they're going to be satanists.
It starts getting announced instantly.
And I've seen them from England, to Denver, Colorado, from New York City, to L.A., they could be black, they could be white,
They could be Hispanic.
They all act and look the same, and they radiate weakness.
They radiate fallenness.
They radiate just a death wish for innocence.
They radiate hell.
And I don't like being in their presence, because I'm going to be honest.
They are an abomination.
They are what comes after the innocence.
They are the enemy.
They are the enemy manifest.
And if you don't want to throw yourself against that, God's spirit's not in you.
And I'm not up on some high horse, folks.
I'm here to tell you right now, if you aren't repulsed by these people, something's wrong.
Now, we go out to this demonstration.
The videos are on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And I see him being mean to David Knight's wife, getting in her face, shoving on her.
I said, that's it.
I'm going down there.
I get there.
A bunch of them run and leave when they see me arrive.
I get out.
I go over.
I'm just doing interviews.
I'm being nice.
They come over and cuss on the microphone.
Then they all link arms, try to run over us, knocking people over.
One of them punches me, grabs at me, grabs the mic, I get it back, grabs it again.
Everybody's seen the video or heard it happen live on the radio here.
The video's on Infowars.com, but we didn't know who we were dealing with.
I just said, they're going to come, I can just look at them.
On Skype for five seconds, go to break, I told the whole crew, I said, well I said on air too, I said those are going to be, they're going to say they're anarchists, then they're going to be communists, but that's only going to be a front for a bloodlust.
And I've been around communists more than a hundred times.
We have footage, actually, we have a footage a few times in New York.
It's the same group, Maoist Red Guard.
It's a real national group.
And there were these older folks there, and they come over, and I go, well, Stalin killed millions, and Mao killed millions, and they go, too bad they didn't kill you.
And as soon as we turned away and walked off, they walk over and we go, they said, we take over, you're dead.
And I had a major, well-known socialist here a few years ago to be in a film, and I couldn't morally even put him in the film because I went to dinner with him, and Robbie was there.
And he said, listen, we take over, we're gonna kill millions.
There's gonna be blood.
You better join us, we're gonna kill.
We want blood.
We want death.
And see, when you learn that Lyndon was really a Satanist, all of it clicks.
That's even in mainline history books, you can dig in.
He was a devil worshipper.
And there's groups on their site saying they want red terror against me and all the rest of this.
As if I'm... I go up against the globalists, the Hart, their masters, George Soros, the Nazi collaborator that funds these anti-police groups.
Do you think I fear you?
I mean, what a joke.
You are only one tiny little magnifying glass of the rot for us to examine as a study piece.
As an educational prop, as a textbook example of what serving wickedness will turn you into.
When we come back, I'm going to get into all of it, but then we go to their Facebook, and it's all them.
We ask them, you know, are you these communists?
Are you doing this?
And they say, no, that's not us, when it's all them.
We have their names, everything.
It's on their Facebook.
They didn't shield their private group settings.
And it's all how we're going to kill the police and all this other stuff.
I mean, it is just, it is insane, folks.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got tons of world news, huge NSA news, massive FBI Patriot Act news, huge TPP news.
We stopped at the Senate last week.
They went ahead and passed it out of committee.
Big trouble, ladies and gentlemen.
Looks like it may pass now.
Congress approval rating plunges to an all-time low.
That treason is coming up.
When I start the next hour, I'm going to cover the main body of global news.
Then we're going to continue to focus on the war, on the First Amendment.
Rob Dew is going to come in the last 30 minutes or so with universities all over the country banning libertarians, conservatives, Christians, and pro-veterans groups and pro-police groups from being able to have demonstrations when they're even activists on campus or being able to hold up signs.
And again, whether you're for the police or not, or for pro-livers or not, or whatever, they have cops shutting people's free speech down under orders.
It is anti-American.
It is the end of this country, if it continues.
And speaking of that, I didn't know who we were dealing with yesterday, if you just joined us.
Again, Alex Jones here, back live.
A lot of you watched it on the live, free streams at InfoWars.com forward slash show, or you listened on the radio.
We're about an hour into the show.
I'm covering other news.
Popping in with Jakari.
I see these bottom-feeding, cave-dwelling, glow-in-the-dark, crawl-out-from-under-a-rock scum show up.
I see them start pushing on people, blocking signs, and I say, that's it, I'm going down there.
So I drive down on the live feed, get there.
And pretty soon I realize, oh, I've seen this before.
They start saying, I love the fact I killed my children.
I love Satan.
You know, basically all whites are bad.
Don't try to help black people.
That's racist.
Just true scum of the earth.
Devilish stuff.
Weird guys that look like vampires, like zombies attacking people.
I mean, right out of all those images, the guy looks like a serial killer.
I'm not saying he's a serial killer.
He just looks like the Hillside Strangler or something.
He has that same crazy look in his eye.
That same empty, shark-eyed look.
And they're not trying to act like that.
They are giving over to it.
Just soulless, zombo stares.
And then talking about, I kill all my kids, and licking their lips.
And they're not saying that to sound crazy.
This is really what they're into.
It is a sacrament.
And I've run into a lot of women over the years that go, you bet, I had an abortion, and I like it, the devil loves it, hell yeah!
And I mean, you'll have women that are clean-cut and nice at the Texas Capitol two years ago, saw pro-lifers praying, and just suddenly women who didn't even know each other just circled hands and went, Satan!
Hail Satan!
I mean, we've played the video, it was national news!
You will see, I mean, where does this come from?
Women who aren't even into the whole gothic, pib, vampire movement suddenly going, Satan, Satan, Satan, Satan!
It's like something out of The Exorcist.
Your mother's in hell!
And when you see these people, you realize, oh my gosh.
Whether it's an archetype, group consciousness, demons, you know, space aliens, whatever you call it, something is influencing these people.
These are demons.
They weren't always like this.
They are just crawling on the ground like Grommer Wormtongue or something from Lord of the Rings or Gollum.
Just, ah, you have never, ah!
And it's just, you just want to grab them by the throat.
I mean, these are maggots.
And then you go to their websites.
and it's just kill the police and they have a demonstrations with rotting pig heads and and and and we're gonna get you and it's time for war and they're so weak and then the cops didn't arrest them treated them lovingly, patted them and oh were so sweet to them and then did nothing when they were running around assaulting and hitting people and breaking microphones and doing all this in front of everyone because the city of Austin supports this
The city of Austin loves it!
George Soros funds these groups.
In fact, we're looking into it through UT.
We're doing research.
We've already connected them to a group that is Soros funded and their top advisor.
Which again, is one of these Islamo-fascist socialists.
I mean, you just cannot make this stuff up.
You cannot.
I mean, just being deployed by UT.
They have these MAL meetings at UT.
Where they sit up and pretend that they're the new Politburo and are deciding who's going to be re-educated.
I mean, it's sick!
And this is standard!
This is standard in America!
They're in the national news saying Alex Jones wants to kill police, Alex Jones is a terrorist, Alex Jones wants violence.
No proof!
Meanwhile, there are bottom-feeding exorcist candidates writhing around, hissing like snakes,
Just, just, we love Mal!
Kill the police!
This is our country falling.
This is our country in judgment.
This is our country overrun by filth at every level.
It is just... And then they lecture us about, you're racist, like it has power, like they're on some high horse.
And then some of the people are like, no, I just want to adopt black babies.
And, you know, I adopted minority babies.
Yeah, we'll see what happens.
I kill my babies.
We're going to play that when we come back.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In case you missed it yesterday, the hashtag Black Lives Matter protest was interrupted by members of Red Guards Austin, a political organization that admits they are a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist collective.
These guardians of the people attempted to block other people's free speech, yelled at them, and then even started to agitate by bumping into people, pushing people around, and even stealing and breaking some of our broadcast equipment.
Luckily, it was all caught on camera, and we were able to explain to the cops what happened.
If you go to the Red Guards Austin Facebook page, you can see pictures of some of these individuals who showed up yesterday.
During the live broadcast, we were able to show Facebook images of these individuals carrying communist sickles, burning American flags, and basically trying to get everybody into a race war against the police.
Of course, they were there dressed in all black saying, we're here for women's health.
But then even on tape, they talked about how they love to kill babies.
Check out our YouTube videos on the Alex Jones Channel and the articles on InfoWars.com.
Rob Due reporting for InfoWars.com.
Another major health threat.
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In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
We let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are assaulting us.
Targeting of patriots engaged.
They are never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
Block free iPhone ads at InfoWars.com.
Block free podcast and video feed.
Destroy Britain's minute TV.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun and you can feel it.
Aborted babies incinerated to heat the UK hospitals.
Soylent Green, ladies and gentlemen, is made out of people.
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It is the secret.
The powdered flesh from dead babies.
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Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day.
The supply of Soylent Green has been exhausted.
You must evacuate the area.
The federal court ruled that the shareholders of PepsiCo, Big Bilderberg Group Company, are not allowed to know what they're using the baby parts for in the flavoring, but we already know.
So enjoy the flavor!
We're going to get the real solution, which is going to be a combination of death panels and sales taxes.
I'm consistently pro-death.
I'm for assisted suicide.
I'm for regular suicide.
I'm for whatever gets the freeway moving.
He is spending a million dollars on that last three months of life for that patient.
Would it be better not to lay off those 10 teachers and to make that trade up in medical costs?
But that's called the death panel, and you're not supposed to have that discussion.
They told me to say that they were sorry, but that you had become unreliable.
Is this the kind of society that you want to live in?
Any kind of society that would do this to its children will do it to its senior citizens.
It will do it to its dissidents.
That kind of society will also eventually turn on its police, on its army, on its prison guards, on the quizlings and the collaborators who make that possible.
This is nothing but a suicide cult.
The scoops are on their way.
The scoops are on their way.
I repeat, the scoops are on their way.
You will find out why Soylent Green means life.
You will find out why Soylent Green means death.
We've got to stop them!
That is the secret of Soylent Green.
Soylent Green is people!
They gotta stop him.
Next thing, they'll be breeding us like cattle.
For food.
You gotta tell them.
And that piece was made two years ago.
Which one of our great info warriors put that piece together?
I forget.
Was it Jakari Jackson?
Was it Darren McBreen?
I think it was Darren.
Darren McBreen, yeah.
Amazing work.
Amazing broadcaster.
That was made two years ago.
Almost two years ago, and you notice David Knight was talking about they'll turn on their police, they'll turn on their military, they'll turn on the quizlinks that help the system do this.
That's what always happens, and notice now George Soros is funding that.
We're not endorsing the excesses of the police and how they've been mutated in many areas and how they're being federalized.
We told you the plan was attack the police, blame them for the imploding economy, blame them for the globalism.
Blame them for every problem, and not the globalists who are training them and executing this takeover, and who are sucking the country and the planet dry of resources and money and freedom, who are dominating the globe.
And when they start going into that phase of revolution, like they did in Ukraine to overthrow Ukraine a year and a half ago now, when they start funding an Arab Spring not to bring freedom to the Middle East,
But to enslave, you know.
You know that you're in trouble.
And now, there are major moves to basically start World War III in Ukraine, and George Soros has come out and said he's worried about World War III.
That's like an arsonist calling the fire department after he sets fire to a building.
Headline, conspiracy theorists are causing militants to abandon ISIS.
Steve Watson writes about the announcements made by NATO and others.
The ISIS-Ramadi victory and the breakup of Iraq, we're going to break that down.
Shock video, militant communists attack pro-life protesters, we're going to hit that in a moment.
But do you know that it came out in the London Independent that Assad, the leader of Syria,
Directed his ministry to republish Infowars.com articles.
And you know why?
Because they're true.
We exposed the nerve gas was launched by Saudi Arabian operatives that came out a year later at the UN.
We exposed the fact that it was a proxy war against Russia with our guests like Colonel Schaeffer and others the day it all started five years ago.
We predicted they would then break up the country and create a new Islamic State connected to Saudi Arabia and a caliphate because that's their stated plan and the West is directing it.
And we said that they're recruiting useful idiots out of the radicalized Muslim communities.
That are being allowed to operate and recruit and that most of their ground fighters are useful idiot morons to their controllers who are commanded by MI6, by CIA, by Turkish intelligence, by some units of Israeli intelligence and some factions of Pakistani intelligence to destabilize the region.
And quarterbacked by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and others.
And it's that decompartmentalization is the real power of this broadcast.
Because if you read the article, they're now admitting that the conspiracy theorists out there saying that ISIS is globalist-run to break up the Middle East and cause a Muslim civil war to destabilize the area and bring it back to the Stone Age, and that it's anti-Muslim to do that, it's anti-the people that live in that area,
And that it's a culture war bomb, and now ISIS's biggest problem is getting their funding cut off because we're trying to keep Congress from funding this Free Syrian Army that is ISIS and Al-Qaeda, and we are exposing to their grunts that they're really working for the New World Order.
That's why ISIS for two years, back when they were even called Al Qaeda, were threatening us and saying they were going to attack us.
Now the official ISIS puts us in their videos and says we're coming for you and all the rest of it because they're angry.
I'm here to take on the communists, to take on ISIS, to take on the New World Order.
I'm here.
And listen, I'm here to show you what the people can do.
We're fighting a bunch of vipers and trash.
And they can't trump the Ace of Spades, and that's the truth.
We've got the truth.
That's why at the highest levels of NATO, the highest levels of the Japanese government, the highest level of major governments around the world, the Russian government, you name it, you know what they listen to?
They listen to this radio show because other people don't have the will to just tell it like it is.
Folks in government listen to this show because they're somewhat decompartmentalized.
And they go, yeah, this guy knows what he's talking about.
His guests know what they talk about.
No one else will talk about the real paradigm, but more and more people are.
And once the new paradigm of reality is there, and people see from a globalist perspective how they're manipulating things, see, we're in the seat of the globalist.
But we don't want to carry out their operations.
We've gotten in their position from their point of view to understand their operations.
We get other people to get in the enemy's position.
That's how a good general wins a war.
He gets in the mind of the other generals he's fighting.
He learns everything he can about how they operate.
How do you catch a serial killer if you're a good detective?
You get in their mind.
You study them.
You immerse yourself in the clues and what that's connected to.
And that's what we've done with the Globalist.
And thank God we've now escaped.
And by that, they could kill me, shut me down now.
We've gotten out of gravity.
The rocket was successful.
I can now declare real success.
I've known this for about a year, but now I can really say it.
And the enemy now recognizes this.
So when foreign media is here, national media, they pretty much quake and say, you know, you don't deserve this much power.
You're dangerous.
Everyone's listening to you.
No one's listening to us.
They're only listening to me because I'm a messenger telling the truth.
I am nobody.
Do you understand that?
But I can declare to the whole world right now that we have gotten out of the enemy's grasp
Because now the paradigm is understood by hundreds of other talk show hosts and millions of people and writers and bloggers and seeing things from the globalist perspective, from their command center, as we have basically been able to reverse engineer.
Once that genie's out of the bottle, once that secret is released, the enemy cannot shut us down.
Nothing they can do can stop us at the point we've now reached.
And it's important for the enemy
Of humanity, the enemy of progress.
It is important for the accuser.
It is important for the globalist to understand that you will not succeed.
And I know in your literature you say you'll just blow the planet up rather than not take over and succeed.
We'll see if you're able to do that.
Because your own people, right below you in many cases, now realize what's happening.
They understand where this is going and they're only looking for more support to bring you down.
And you know that.
You're scared.
You should be.
You're trying to accelerate your program.
All that's going to do is wake people up faster.
What's going to happen is everything we've talked about comes true.
Already so much of it has.
People now understand we know what we're talking about.
What are you going to do, New World Order?
I'm like a cop with a bullhorn to a bunch of bank robbers that have got hostages inside a building.
And I'm out here on the bullhorn going, we know who you are.
You may hurt those people inside, but you're not going to get out of here in the end.
We know exactly how you operate.
And then I just sit here and talk to them about what they like, what they do, that I understand their mindset, that I know what... We can beat these people if we get aggressive.
And if we get the truth out, and if we warn people, and if we're leaders, we can turn the tide.
But for this show and InfoWars, I can declare in 2015, on the 22nd day of May, that this operation has hit the enemy directly between the eyes.
We've hit Goliath directly between the eyes, but he's only stunned, he's only been knocked to the ground.
Politically, we've got about one minute to get over there with that sword, while his supporters are stunned, and heft that sword up, not violently, but in the info war, and sever the globalist head.
But even if we don't do that, everyone has seen what the underdog can do.
The paradigm is shifting, you can feel it.
And I talk about the anxiety I have and the concerns I have, and that's because I can feel the enemy moving in a counter-offensive, lashing out, expanding, driving all of their programs in a hysterical frenzy against humanity.
Now, that's it.
Yesterday, we are out protesting, doing a live feed with Jakari Jackson, leading the event.
He just joined us.
And I'm seeing the live feed, and as we go to break, I say, that looks like anarchists, well, communists that will say they're anarchists.
And then, as soon as I get out there, because they were going after our folks, grabbing at the signs, covering things up, shoving people, shoving David Knight's wife.
I went down there, David Knight took over.
And I pull up and immediately they start cussing at us, pushing us, shoving us.
They lock arms, trying to run a bunch of people down.
They grab the microphone once, I grab it back, they grab it again later.
One of them punched me in the chest.
Another one clawed me on the arm.
And they were just stumbling around like reanimated corpses.
It was so sad to see these former humans just devoid of souls.
The only time they feel alive studying their mindset is when they're doing something really nasty or evil or declaring something that's abomination.
And whether you believe in God or not, the archetype's real in a Jungian way.
Because they are manifesting like a moth to flame, just evil, evil, evil!
I kill my babies!
The group they're part of.
You go to their Facebook.
We're going to put some on screen.
It's Red Guards Austin.
It's a Maoist group.
F the police.
I saw some signs on there.
Kill the police.
Some other signs that said, you know, hands up with your rifle.
Take on the police.
All this kind of stuff.
And how horrible the Austin Police Department is, and just burning American flags, hammers and sickles, Mao and Lenin tattoos, all their little UT communist meanings, donate to end capitalism.
Unless they took it down, I know we have screenshots of the one, there's one that says kill the police.
And there's one that says shoot the police, so can we please, earlier I wanted those, that's what I want.
Number one maximum, I need that from the beginning of the show.
Or have the crew in there, go get them for me and bring them in.
Now, I want to go ahead and go to this first clip.
I want to play the shorter clip, not the big montage, of two leaders of it.
I guess, I think they're boyfriend and girlfriend, one white guy and one mixed girl, who is sitting there talking about how he gets money in the community to pay for abortions.
He's killed 50.
And then another, and then his girlfriend, who we believe is his girlfriend,
Says that she's killed her baby.
She kills her baby.
She doesn't have babies.
And it's David Knight's wife, who's a very loving sweet lady, who tried to adopt black babies.
They wouldn't let her when she couldn't have children.
So they got a sweet young girl who's 13 years old now from China, who was basically starving in an orphanage.
And she says, yeah, that's you white people trying to save the world.
No, they're just loving Christians that wanted to have children.
And then as soon as they adopted, God blessed them and they had their son.
And then they adopted another child.
So they're just really sweet, nice, smart people.
And like demons, she's hissing at them.
So I want to play that clip.
Here it is.
I pay for that.
I pay all my money for that.
I get free abortions on demand without apology.
And I'm going to hell.
Yeah, I still pay to kill babies, though.
Oh, yeah.
How do you get your abortions paid for?
I pay for them.
How many do you pay for them?
Upwards of 50.
Oh, yeah.
I raise money from the community for it.
Oh, you don't use your money?
Multiply your efforts.
Why are you so worried about a zyko?
And ultimately, your sympathies do not lie with black people.
They lie with your racist white middle class agenda.
And that's where we'll always lie and you will be destroyed holding that line.
Okay, I adopted two children.
Good for you, white savior.
Aren't you so proud?
You're not white.
He's not white.
Exactly, you're a white savior.
You think that it is the white man's duty to fix everybody's problems, right?
How many did you adopt?
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
I kill my kids.
Then we show shots of the website.
And they did fine, they killed the police stuff.
On the Facebook.
We're going to put that up here in just a moment.
Sir, I saw one of the minions was attacking you.
What was it?
Did you see the look in their eyes?
Crazy look, just out in space.
I mean, the guy had to be... I mean, it's beyond the stuff I've seen from the Manson family.
It's incredible.
I mean, the way they look.
They're nothing.
They are nothing.
I can see your soul.
I love you.
Love you, too.
God bless you.
We're going to beat these people.
I hate the new one.
In Jesus' name!
Damn right!
People ask me why I'm a Christian, why I talk about God.
I don't mean these fake churches.
I face the New World Order over and over again.
They're all devil worshippers!
We know who they are, and we're sick of them!
You've been ousted!
We see you hurting children, you filth!
We see you!
We see you, and humanity's rising!
You stop at him, Peck us, and tell us to submit.
We'll never submit to you!
And humanity's rising!
That's right!
And God sees everything!
God sees everything!
Now, if you're a radio listener, we're playing audio here, but you can see the video at Infowars.com forward slash show.
I'm going to skip this network break, but the last one, I've skipped a whole bunch this week.
It's out of control.
I apologize.
Now, you have to understand that they're not joking around when they're saying this.
They're very, very serious.
And it's religious, and there is a sick demonic power in killing your child.
Especially if you don't repent.
We did find the photos on the Red Guards Austin site where it says, you know, get your guns, rise up, arms up, shoot back, solidarity with Ferguson.
And then I saw another one on there where it says kill the police.
So they may have taken it down.
But the point is that that is on the website
That is the type of stuff that is being pushed.
Wage people's war against the pigs.
The police are the enemy.
We're finally finding some of these.
And then they've got dead pig heads hanging up at their demonstrations.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
And they even like North Korea.
I mean, talk about tyranny.
Some weird little 30-year-old fat guy walking around killing people with anti-aircraft guns.
I mean, look at that one with all the children worshipping Mao, the painting right there on the right-hand side, middle.
Yeah, click on that one.
That's it.
I mean, this is bizarro land.
Mao was kicked out by the Communists in China.
He killed, the Chinese government says, 84 million.
CIA says 65 million.
By the way, who likes Mao?
David Rockefeller wrote an op-ed praising him when he died in the New York Times.
Just type in, um, New York Times, David Rockefeller, Mao Zedong, you'll get the full scanned New York Times.
I mean, they're just into anything nasty and bad.
In fact, can we pull up the former Green Beret, Larry Grathwald, who just died last year, who infiltrated and helped convict a weatherman, and he was in these meetings with them where they were talking about how they're going to put 50 million of us in slave camps and kill half of us that are in the slave camp.
That was in the 70s.
These are Obama's advisors.
Obama came out of this.
This isn't some
Some, some miscreant subset.
This is what you run into when you go to a campus.
These are the enforcers that go hang out with the professors and sit around and discuss this stuff all day.
They're lovers of death.
Truly, truly, truly sick.
And I told you, they're lovers of death.
That's why they're out there at an abortion clinic.
It's not about women's rights, not about choice, it's not about any of that.
It is about killing your own children.
I want to go ahead and air, at least part of this montage video, I'll narrate some of the parts that don't translate well for radio, from what happened.
A bizarre, shocking video as communists, as Hellraiser rats, these are like the bugs that would run out from under a demon, out of the pit of hell, like a dead horse on the side of the road, maggots,
I mean, these are names that describe them because you've got to be around them to feel the aura of weakness and failure and just how they're so weak and so soulless that they've just given themselves to the worst thing they can, hoping for power.
And they can't hide the fact that they're so nasty.
But let's go ahead and again the one minion they sent against us was like out of a movie a zombie with translucent white skin and dead eyes going just bumping into people.
He wasn't acting.
He was just mind blown.
This is what the devil can send against us?
When we're out there trying to save children?
And I love how, in fact, I'll play the montage coming up the next hour.
Back it up to the clip we just played, where David Knight's wife is like, lovingly, going, no, I, I, she reminds me of my grandfather's mother.
Not that she's old, but just that she was so sweet and so ladylike, but not fake sweet, like just genuinely super sweet.
So sweet, you could just like, you know, just hug him and sing into him.
And when she's making me cookies or lunch or something, and she's like, oh, you know, I'm not racist.
I, I want to, I tried to adopt minority children and I did.
You're like, shut up, you racist.
Stop trying to help people.
We just want to kill them.
I killed my baby.
I mean.
Their mother's in hell!
Their mother does such and such in hell!
Ha ha ha ha!
Let me spew some!
I'll get you and your little dog, too!
Ha ha ha ha!
Jumps on a broom!
Dee dee dee dee dee!
These are not liberals, I keep telling you!
They're death worshippers!
The secret police would come in to Lennon, who they worship, and would say, sir, we've killed half of the people in this town, and we're raping the women, we're taking them to camps, we're slaughtering, and everyone's submitting, no one even rebelled, and he would say, I want more blood, I want more terror, more... This is in mainline Russian books, put out by them.
And he would start flopping around on the ground going, blood, blood, and he would go to an island.
That's why in, what's the movie with the dude and Clint Eastwood where they're bank robbers and at the end he dies because he had his head knocked in?
It's a really good movie.
There, a crazy guy pulls over his car and opens the trunk and starts, white rabbits start pouring out and he's shooting them with a shotgun, real crazy?
That's actually from V.I.
He would go to this little island overpopulated with rabbits and would just shoot them and cut them and eat them and just flop around for hours.
I mean, that's what you're dealing with!
So let's go ahead and go back to her when she thinks with her power, I'm going to lecture you.
I'm going to call you a racist.
I've never probably even had a job.
I'm, you know, lavish with UT and all the rest of it.
I sit around dreaming of red terror, but I'm going to point my finger at you, a woman who saved a starving child from an orphanage.
I'm gonna point my finger at you and I'm gonna tell you I got the moral high ground and most people just bow.
Oh my gosh, you're a nobody filled with evil.
Let me bow to you.
Stop bowing to them!
Stop being intimidated by them.
Let's play the demon again.
I'm worried about a psycho.
And ultimately, your sympathies do not lie with black people.
They lie with your racist white middle class agenda, and that's where we'll always lie, and you will be destroyed holding that line.
Okay, I adopted two children.
Good for you, white savior.
Aren't you so proud?
You're not white.
Exactly, he's not white.
Exactly, you're a white savior.
You think that it is the white man's duty to fix everybody's problems, right?
How many did you adopt?
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids!
I kill my kids!
All right, that's enough.
And these people are all over the country.
In fact, I'm going to start sending my reporters out to these anarchist things, and we're going to track back how these different groups are funded by the Obama administration, Justice Department, groups like that, Soros.
We're going to go to break, come back, get into other world news, and then we'll revisit this at the bottom of the hour and get some of the witnesses in here to this.
But I haven't gotten any really dramatic footage or information yet.
You need to understand what we're facing, what we're dealing with here.
Abject, pit of hell, control freak nobodies who think that they're going to be like communists who take over and rule.
I mean, it is just unbelievable.
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I want more candy!
I want more video games!
I think so.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You want to know what American universities owned and run by the big mega banks are doing?
They're creating glow-in-the-dark communists of the most servile and pathetic type who've never probably worked a day in their life.
The way to disperse them is to have a helicopter drop job applications on them.
I'm going to air just a few minutes of this, then come back from break.
And get into all the international and world news, but we went out to a pro-life demonstration yesterday that we organized.
And the communists showed up and tried to block free speech, grabbed our microphone, assaulted people, and then began to tell us how they love Satan.
I haven't gotten to all those clips yet.
And how they weren't the Red Brigade and weren't communists and how we were conspiracy terrorists, even though we have all the photos.
And then the police basically pampered them and allowed them to assault people.
I mean, it's just a fact.
I mean, they haven't been arrested yet.
I would have been.
I've been arrested because I refused to be in a free speech zone four or five times.
I'm not here to bash the police.
I'm just telling you, you know, you just follow orders, I guess, because you go to their website, it talks about get arms, take the guns off the cops, then it goes on to basically say prepare for revolution against the police.
And that's fine.
That's their free speech until they say, you know, kill the police.
But that's what's coming out of some of the groups affiliated with this one, or at least on this Facebook.
Severed rotting pig heads at their events.
I mean, this is, this is, this is macabre.
This is a cultic.
This is just evil.
So let's go ahead and play a few minutes of that clip and then huge news that just broke.
Conspiracy theories are causing militants to abandon ISIS.
Stay with us.
We're going to go out to break with some of the communist assault.
Get the **** out of here!
Excuse us!
Oh, you gotta chill, bro!
Yo, stop!
Watch out, watch out!
Look at these clowns!
Get the cops!
Why are you so worried about a f***ing zyko?
Ultimately, your sympathies do not lie with black people.
They lie with your racist, white, middle-class agenda, and that's where we'll always lie, and you will be destroyed holding that line.
Okay, I adopted two children.
Oh, good for you, white savior!
Aren't you so proud of your f***ing wife?
They're not white!
How many did you adopt?
How many?
I kill my kids.
I pay all my money for that.
I do free abortions on demand without apology.
I'm going to hell.
Yeah, I still pay to kill babies though.
Oh, yeah.
How do you get your abortions paid for?
I pay for them.
How many do you pay for?
Upwards of 50.
Oh, yeah.
I raise money from the community for it.
Oh, you don't use your money?
Yeah, I think that we're going to continue forward as a country and we need to
The latest example of liberal free speech oppression is brought to you by Kit Daniels in the article, Campus Police Intimidates Student Over Her Anti-Obama and Pro-Gun Signs.
A college student is suing her school after three campus cops and an administrator ordered her not to carry an anti-Obama sign and a pro-gun sign on campus without special permission.
Nicole Sanders, a student at Blinn College in Brenham, Texas, was recently demonstrating with the signs when she was told she needed special permission for them and had to stay in the college's free speech zone.
I needed to fill out a form stating what I'm doing, where I'm doing it, who's involved, and what outcome we were expecting, she said.
We have to wait until four administrators sign it.
In response, Sanders has filed a lawsuit against Blinn College stating its policies and their enforcement are unconstitutional.
This story is eerily similar to an incident at California Polytech earlier this year in which school officials were also requiring students who engage in First Amendment activities on campus to apply for a free speech permit.
You can find more stories like these at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Rob Due reporting for InfoWars Nightly News.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption, crashing with lies and disinformation.
Broadcasting worldwide, well into the second hour now.
Thank you for riding shotgun with us today.
Whether you're listening on AM and FM stations across the country, or watching via InfoWars.com, or some of the cable and TV systems that pick up the TV side of this transmission.
Don't forget, the nightly news will be this evening, 7 o'clock Central, as it is weeknights.
And I will return.
This Sunday, live, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I will be live in studio this Sunday.
Normally I'd probably take off the Sunday and tape a show or do a rebroadcast on the eve of Memorial Day.
But I didn't do the show last week.
David Knight did it.
So it's important to do that Sunday show at least three times a month.
I did take 15 minutes, I guess 20 minutes, for the show that afternoon.
So it was partially an original transmission.
And then David did a great job.
I think sometimes a better job than I do.
And so that's why I like having him fill in.
Because David Knight, Jakari Jackson, Robb Dew, John Bowne,
Leanne McAdoo, the writers, the crew behind the scenes, they all have a lot to contribute and add as well.
I'm just here to try to give historical perspective and also fire folks up in the face of an enemy onslaught.
And I do that naturally because I'm fired up.
Let me just say, in the gym this morning, I worked out for an hour and a half and did not stop.
Except for maybe like two or three one-minute breaks.
I was throwing those weights around like nothing.
I mean, I was just ready to... I need to get out more often and get in the face of scum because it energized me.
If you just joined us, I'm about to get into some fabulously positive news.
It's as good a news as the feds coming out a month ago and saying, yeah, we're going to cut the fluoride completely out of pesticide and cut it by half in water because it's causing brain cancer and a bunch of other stuff.
Just devastating victory.
Oh, I thought we were conspiracy theorists.
I thought we were evil.
I thought we were bad.
I thought that we were, you know, these terrible, horrible people.
No, the truth is we know what's going on.
We understand that those that love death come to the parents, the spiritual fathers and mothers of the type of scum I was covering in the last hour.
Hate humanity.
It's like Dr. Bianca at UT that says he wants to see Ebola released to kill 90% of us airborne weaponized.
Or Prince Philip saying he wants to come back reincarnated as airborne Ebola to kill the majority of the population.
This is what they get off on.
This is what they are into.
And if you just joined us, what I'm speaking of is a pro-life demonstration that we launched to not just be the average milquetoast pro-lifers that go out with some signs and talk about, hey it's a baby and you're gonna go to hell if you do this, but hey!
This came from eugenicists who started it all to exterminate the black population.
Here's the quotes.
And Hitler was funded by these people.
Their names are the Rockefellers and Margaret Sanger.
And so understand a lot of the arguments you hear are false.
Let's have a real discussion about this.
I mean, we can't even get partial birth abortion stopped when you could adopt the baby at, you know, eight, nine months.
I mean, this is out of control.
Now it's, yeah, get rid of old people.
Yeah, now kill kids up to age 3 or 5.
Yeah, now don't give, you know, veterans treatment.
I mean, this is not ending.
Slavs, Latin, and Hebrew immigrants are human weeds, a dead weight of human waste.
Blacks, soldiers, and Jews, oh yeah, the elite always hate soldiers, because you're strong, you'll fight.
You generally come from the common folks.
Let me read her quote again, I'm sorry.
Slavs, Latin, all Hispanics.
See, she wants to kill you.
Slavs, she hates you.
Because Slavs are so strong.
And Hebrew immigrants.
I'm going to read all this again.
Slavs, Latin, and Hebrew immigrants are human weeds and dead weight.
Of human waste.
No, you're human waste, you piece of crap.
Excuse me.
See, I'm pro-human.
These are the real racists.
These death lovers, they want to kill little kids.
And they sit there and tell us we're racist.
I take that as a badge of honor by these scum to call me that, because it's a total fraud.
They're the anti-humans, the human race.
They're against our race.
They think they're going to merge with computers and become gods.
They think we're ugly.
You're the ones that are ugly.
You hate yourselves, you hate us.
I love myself.
I love humanity.
I'm proud of our achievements.
We're made in God's image.
We're builders, master builders, constructors.
Beauty, mathematics, classical music, we're incredible!
Our God's a trillion times more incredible, infinitely more!
Your God's a God of death that hates us!
Because we're beautiful, you filth!
You trash!
Put her back on screen!
See, I said I have all this news, but... Slobs, Latin and Hebrew immigrants are human weeds, a dead weight of human waste.
Blacks, soldiers and Jews are a menace to the race.
This is the Queen of the Liberals!
The God of the Liberals!
She said that in 1922, ladies and gentlemen, in a major newspaper.
I mean, this is all published.
This woman reportedly dated one of the top Rockefellers.
She was just one of these skags, one of these skanks that they picked up to run the op.
There she is being saluted by the Ku Klux Klan.
I mean, I don't care if it's a black racist gang or a Mexican racist gang or the Klan.
It's all just gang members that want to organize as gangs and say they're the best because as individuals they can't excel and have people want to support them and follow them naturally.
And that's why you want to get everybody fighting with each other, because you get power out of that instead of unifying humanity around strong freedom, and strong families, and strong private property, and strong defense, and raising our men to be strong, to be chivalrous,
And to be honorable to other men and women and to be living by their creed and their family name, but when you start a fight with them, they're ready to flip the switch and go from being Mr. Nice Guy that helps a little old lady around the street to not playing games and just grabbing you Globeless right by your heads and taking your head down to that concrete and just BAM!
And watching your brains splatter all over the pavement.
We'll show you strength.
You think these little communists can sit there and break somebody's head open on the ground?
They don't have any strength, because their God is weak!
And Christians have been taught to be pathetic, servile minions of this scum.
That's not in the Bible.
That's not what the prophets did.
None of them!
Christ went into the Money Changers Temple with a cat or nine tails and overturned tables and like beat up 25 people.
Oh yeah, that's a real wimp right there.
Went in there and was just kicking people, whipping them, throwing tables over on people, rampaging.
And I'm not calling for violence.
I'm simply explaining the spirit of liberty and defense of human life that these people hate so much.
They hate us because spiritually they can see how strong and beautiful our souls are.
I could see the souls of those men and women, black, white, Hispanic, the women that were out there.
Even if they weren't, some of them, you know, super classically Marilyn Monroe beautiful or whatever, and they were all very, very pretty, their eyes were on fire!
And were piercing and beautiful and strong, these women!
And then I look at the dead eyes of the enemy's women, I mean, it was just night and day.
And what I saw in those women's eyes is what I saw in my grandmother's eyes, both of them.
That's a real woman right there.
That's a strong, loving woman with a soul.
And then I see the men's eyes and I can then see their souls of the loving, good, strong people that understand what's valuable.
They weren't watching David Letterman's last show.
They weren't into, you know, sitting there playing fantasy football or basketball at work at lunch.
They were out there standing up for unborn children.
So don't you ever thank me.
I want to thank you.
I want to salute you for how amazing you are.
I am honored to be around such people.
And you've got my commitment that I will do everything in my power.
To summon the will and the strength and the semantical repertoire to touch the hearts and minds of the people worldwide, to have humanity rise against the cult of death and rise against the wing of death and rise against this legion of evil, this legion of filth, these soulless, dead-eyed, piles of trash, vampires, sniffing around a facility where tens of thousands of babies have their lives
Snuffed out every single year.
Vampires trying to warm their dead souls on the hot, beautiful souls going straight to God.
They're there like moths to flame, believing it's giving them power, when all it is is them from afar marooned on their little deserted island watching a cruise ship pass.
You think you had victory over those children?
You think you had victory and power over them dying?
Cue her up, talking about how she killed her own children.
Your children are now free of your horrid little grasp.
I said I'd hit the news.
I'll tell you, there is some really important news today.
We're going to devastate the globalists on every front.
Conspiracy theorists are causing militants to abandon ISIS, and of course the mainstream media is saying, oh no, no no, ISIS isn't run by Western intelligence agencies, even though it publicly is, wanting them to get their recruitment, you see.
Radicals complain recruits are turning away as they discover Western intelligence controls extremist groups.
A report in the official propaganda magazine of ISIS this month bemoans the fact that the terror group
Is losing members because of so-called conspiracy theories.
Just like these communists said, you're a conspiracy theorist.
We're not in a Red Brigade.
They're all on their own website saying they're the leaders of the Red Guard.
The Western intelligence manipulates and controls extremists for its own agenda.
And see, ISIS is saying that now, and they put us in their videos.
They're so upset that we're not letting them recruit young dumb idiots.
The International Business Times see we wage war against the enemy on every front and the truth is what trumps them.
The International Business Times reports that the magazine, Dabiku, or however you pronounce it, condemns conspiracy theorists, referring to their ideas as beliefs as sinful.
That's right, they're sitting there telling these poor dirt farmers and people, you know, that don't listen to them, they are sinful, they are western intelligence.
Yeah, yeah.
Western intelligence is on record funding the Free Syrian Army and funding Al-Qaeda and ISIS and giving you the weapons and letting you take over for Saudi Arabia and we're going to continue to expose you no matter what you do and no matter how many threats you put out.
We're coming for all of you in the Infowar.
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We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, Obama trade secret ahead of vote.
And even the guy driving it, Mitch McConnell, along with Boehner,
And the House says that he doesn't even know what's in the TPP himself.
That's a quote.
So it's secret from you.
He doesn't know what's in it.
Bunch of foreign corporations run it.
And if you go study those corporations, they're the ones that fund communism, socialism, and every other failed system, because they're all exempt from it offshore.
Simply mind-blowing.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Obama's trade bill narrowly clears key Senate hurdle.
Deal details not released to public.
Conservatives could push over the finish line.
Mexico's weighing in on U.S.
meat product sanctions.
Congressional approval ratings collapse.
That's from DrudgeReport.com.
But of course, the establishment doesn't care.
Of course, because they work for different bosses than the United States.
They work for the globalists.
And again, you want to know who funds open borders?
You want to know who funds going after our guns?
You want to know who funds breaking up the family?
It's the big mega banks that push the anti-family, anti-male, anti-freedom agenda on every major channel they've got.
Then they've got the nerve with all their snotty-nosed armies of trust fund kids running around in black outfits acting cool to say that they are fighting the establishment when the establishment is pushing what they themselves are exempt from.
That is the bottom line.
But the good news is, conspiracy theories are causing militants to abandon ISIS.
Radicals complain recruits are turning away as they discover Western intelligence controls the groups.
That's right, the International Business Times reports on the official Al-Qaeda, now known as ISIS Magazine,
They go on to say, if the Mujahideen liberated territory occupied by the infidels, they would say that the infidels allowed them to do so because the disbelievers' interest is necessarily a prolonged war.
The article states, according to these theories and theorists, almost all the events in the world somehow link back
See, I'm a sinner, folks.
Infowars has long highlighted how Al Qaeda and ISIS, who they put us in their videos, I mean, they're talking about us,
I'm not bragging, folks.
Why is everybody talking about us?
Hundreds of newspapers a day attacking us.
Governments attacking us.
Media matters attacking us.
ISIS attacking us.
Putting Joe Biggs in their videos, threatening him.
Because we know the enemy blueprint.
We have them.
We have them targeted.
But we're just, we're the targeting system.
You are the weapon in the info war.
You now have to expose them further and cause a mass awakening with your friends and family.
We are on the verge of massive breakthroughs.
And that's why the enemy is scrabbling and freaking out because they want to take us to the road to hell.
We want the road to freedom.
InfoWars has long highlighted how Al Qaeda and ISIS are, at the very least, used by intelligence agencies in a grand game of geopolitical chess.
It is indispensable that Al Qaeda was seeded by the CIA, indisputable, and that Saudi intelligence in the late 70s, early 80s, and that right through today, Western intelligence is funding it.
Clearly the ISIS propaganda piece was published before it was revealed last week by Western intelligence that Osama Bin Laden himself was an avid conspiracy theorist.
According to newly declassified U.S.
government documents, and it goes into Bin Laden's reading list, if you can believe that.
That was his body double.
Well, the real point here, and Steve did a good job, he can add this to this, is Colonel Schaefer's been on, we've all documented it.
The headline is 90% of Free Syrian Army is Wahhabist Al Qaeda.
That's who we've been funding.
And then now they've just resupplied themselves going into Iraq, and they're to be given the
Western Central Area, the Kurds, the North, the Shiites, the Southeast.
That's it.
And then if they get outside that area that they're being given, into the Kurd area, or into the Syrian area,
We're on the march.
The dead meat.
The maggots have been inserted.
And then they will be removed.
Osama Bin Laden was a 9-11 truther?
Cy Hirst just released an explosive story debunking the U.S.
government's version of events in the 2011 Bin Laden raid.
Apparently in response, the White House released a trove of documents they supposedly recovered.
So just what was on Bin Laden's bookshelf?
Well, around half of the books recovered were about conspiracies, 9-11, and the Illuminati.
Imagine Bin Laden, curled up on his couch, fascinated with the myriad of 9-11 conspiracy theories, knowing that he himself had masterminded the attack.
The other possibility is that the entire list has been completely fabricated in an effort to smear conspiracy theorists as terrorist sympathizers.
Fun fact, you can actually find some of the books on Bin Laden's bookshelf right here at the InfoWars store.
Find out just what was on Bin Laden's bookshelf by reading the article, Osama Bin Laden was a 9-11 truther, at InfoWars.com
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Listen to Baker Street.
Beautiful music coming out of beautiful minds playing these instruments.
I'm a fan of humanity.
I'm a fan of those 56 million babies in the U.S.
alone exterminated by abortion.
And I've learned protesting abortion clinics and following them that always people come over and say, I want to kill babies, I love Satan, I love communism, death, death, death.
Whether they're black, white, or Hispanic, they always love death.
We're going to play some of these videos coming up, and the audio of your radio listener, InfoWars.com forward slash show.
But I wanted to get Anthony Gucciardi, who was there, his take on it all, and also Jakari Jackson, who was leading the demonstration, until I came down and jumped in the middle of it, because the listeners were all, Wyatt and Alex there, if it's in Austin, and stuff started getting hot.
Folks didn't wait for orders from headquarters.
Watching the live feed, our shipping department manager,
A good friend of mine, Weldon Henson, went down there.
It was a good thing that he went down there and that Jakari was there or I definitely was going to end up getting in a fight and defending myself with the Count Dracula guy because I guess he thought that he was a big guy that I was scared of him.
I came within one millisecond the second time he shoved me and then he hit me.
I went ahead and drew back, I was going to punch him right up under the jaw.
I don't think that guy had any idea that the last four times, and I'm not exaggerating, that I punched somebody full power in the jaw, I broke their jaws.
I mean, it's not hard.
You punch somebody full power in the jaw, I mean, you break their jaw, you break their teeth off.
And I, even though he was a soulless vampire, I did not want to hurt him.
But he was assaulting me, and I just, within one millisecond, one millisecond of letting loose into his jaw.
But I didn't.
You can see it, maybe we can slow it down on the video, but I was just... I tell you, then that would have turned him into martyrs, I guess, but thank God everybody controlled themselves.
They assaulted us.
They broke the microphone.
He came back and hit me again and then ran off.
But that time it wasn't that hard.
He hit me and then grabbed the microphone.
Like, pop, grabs the microphone.
But again, it was the punch of about a 12-year-old
I don't let my son hit me all the time.
He likes to come in the kitchen, you know how 12-year-olds are, and he'll haul off and hit me in the arm or whatever.
I don't hit him back.
And he actually hit me this morning.
I actually hurt pretty bad.
So I'm sorry.
My 12-year-old son punches harder than this guy.
So it's a total joke.
And I'm not bragging, I've had my butt kicked plenty of times, but, you know, I go with these big guys and MMA guys, you know, the carnival, and they got those boxing deals, and I can knock it all the way to the top, and they can't.
So the point is, I can punch pretty hard, not bragging.
That guy came real close to getting his jaw broken, is all I'm saying.
And I say I didn't want to do it, let's just be honest.
I kind of vacillate back and forth.
Those people I don't think have ever had their ass beat.
And I think, me and Jakar were talking this morning, I think that was one of the major problems in their life is that they just think they can go around bullying folks and that's the larger message.
That I want to put across here is that these are bullies that tried to block our signs.
These are bullies that broke our microphone and cable.
These are bullies that were pushing over women.
And these are bullies that were saying they love Satan.
We haven't played this yet.
That they're feminists.
That they're not communists.
And I'm a liar, even though they lead a major communist group in Austin, according to them on their own Facebook.
There's photos and video.
Just everything they say is a lie and a distortion, and then mixed in is rise up with guns and go after the police with rotting pig heads like you'd see in some sci-fi dystopia movie, Road Warrior.
I mean, except in a Road Warrior scenario, you wouldn't be living very long.
It would be a bunch of veterans that were still alive.
I mean, it is just absolute... I mean, can you imagine these wimps in a real Road Warrior situation?
I mean, what a joke!
What an absolute joke!
I'd be alive in a Road Warrior situation, not because of my brawn, but because I would organize people into a defense group, into a true system of liberty working together.
They'd try to have some collective and make everybody be under one communist leader and they'd all starve to death, like North Korea.
These people, these people probably can't even wipe their own hind ends.
But I'm digressing.
You go to Infowars.com and see the American flags being burned, Infowars publications being burned.
This is what they do.
Little did I know that I'm downtown eating and I see a fire down on Congress a few weeks ago and it was them burning my magazine and burning American flags.
So see, I mean, I ought to be honored that filth like this, pit of hell filth, hates me so much they're doing this.
So, this is what unfolded.
And they're vehement totalitarians and this is the mainstay at major universities where they're banning free speech.
This is what's going on.
And we're not on a power trip here when I explain that ISIS is mad at us and making threatening videos because we're hurting their recruiting at the West, let's happen, to then overthrow countries.
Because young Muslims are listening and not joining.
They're hopping mad that we're exposing militarization of police and the military training to take on Tea Party and gun owners, so they're misrepresenting what we say there.
You notice now, every day, we're affecting national and international news because we have the truth.
It's not that we're cool, it's that we understand the globalist paradigm.
It's not hard.
Once you think of the system from their perspective,
It's run by Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski and Carol Quigley and it's all in there because their own minions have to know how to run this.
They've got tens of thousands of high level minions, 6,000 super class, about 18 families that own the Anglo-American system.
Nothing to do with white people.
It's the name of the British East India, Dutch East India, Anglo-American Combine, Anglo-American Dutch Oil.
It's a cartel, and they've got ways to take over countries.
They send in operatives, they spy on the population, they then train people how to fight with each other, they hire community organizers, so they took over India.
Less than 5,000 Brits using this were able to take over India when it had over 100 million people.
Now it's a billion.
I mean, we understand their operation.
We're blowing their operation.
We're going to continue to blow their operation.
You understand that?
We're the organic response.
How dare them call us racist when we're there trying to stop 51% of black people who've been aborted since Roe v. Wade.
They're the racist against the human race!
They want you to think only about skin color instead of about how we're all being screwed over by foreign banks.
I want to play this clip and then get Jakari Jackson and, of course, Anthony Gucciardi's take on all this.
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God bless you all.
All right, I'm ranting.
Jakari Jackson, thank you for coming in with Anthony Gucciardi.
Give me your take on this entire situation, what you witnessed.
Have I exaggerated that these people look like vampires?
No, that is by no means an exaggeration.
You know, we got out there early in the day and there's probably about 20 people.
The crowd continued to grow as the day went on.
And these communists who deny they are communists, even though we have them on their Facebook pages claiming that they're communists and doing communist activities,
Uh, they come out there, they're intimidating the crowd, they start out shoving people in the crowd with the signs.
Then they, uh, continue on to intimidate women and young children.
They even came up to David Knight's young daughter, and, you know, trying to beast over her.
She's like, get out of my face!
And they also spit on her, and I'm sorry if I'd have seen that, I would have gone ahead and hauled off.
I didn't know they did that.
Yeah, I didn't know that until later.
Because all that craziness happened, they tried to push Reefer Seed, who's a well-known Austin activist, out into the street, an older gentleman.
He's a sweet guy, but he has a traumatic brain problem.
He was hit by a car.
So he's an old cripple, man.
They were beating him up.
That's what I mean, they're scum!
And that's what it came to, because after all this stuff happened, and they've been trying to bully people all day, attacking old men, young ladies, older women.
I said, I had enough of it.
So I jumped in the guy's face and I was like, you guys want to fight?
You can come and fight me.
And he didn't really want to do that.
He's like, well, actually, this is a guy who can actually defend himself.
Maybe I should just go snatch the microphone and run off like the little girl that he was.
Well, let's not be mean to little girls.
Oh, well, yeah.
Dave and I started stood up to him.
So I guess a 13 year old girl stood up to him.
And this is how these guys act.
You know, then he runs off, runs around the corner, spikes the microphone, trying to break it.
He gets away.
They captured two of them, I believe it was.
The other, the main guy got away, the vampire-looking guy.
He was able to get away.
I saw a lady's footage, I hope she uploads it to YouTube, on her cell phone, the cop shot video, that video, with their camera, running with those vampires, helping him, climbing on a dumpster and jumping in somebody's backyard.
I believe it.
I believe it 100%.
But mainly, you know, we don't want to get all the way off on this stuff, because it was a day to come out and bring attention to the things that were happening in our communities, because we all know hashtag Black Lives Matter is being used to bring attention to police brutality, which very much is real and happening, but the thought was... But they siphoned it off to Soros support and to fund these groups.
That's the problem, is it's these people that are running the thing to reform the cops, not to reform them, but to have a violent revolution.
Yeah, they do want a violent revolution until they actually are met with somebody who can stand against them.
Because you noticed, Alex, you were right there in the middle of it.
You know, these guys, they bow up, they link arms, they come in there looking for a fight.
And then we said, okay, you want a fight?
We'll give you one.
And then they decided to run off.
So, I mean, if these are the guys who are trying to take over our country and they think they're going to do it with some type of violence, I think we're very fortunate that these are the type of people we have to contend with because they're not looking for an actual fight.
When they see somebody who's actually willing to stand against them, they just scurry off.
And you notice the people who remain, they just sheepishly stood there by the fence, you know, hoping that nobody would mess with them for the rest of the, for the rest of the, uh, for the rest of the protest.
Well, then let me go further and then I want to expand on this with Anthony Gucciardi and Jakari as well, covering the pro-life demonstration that was attacked by communist vampires is the only way to describe it yesterday.
And we're going to play some of the clips of I love Satan, I love killing babies, all that coming up in just a moment.
I simply saw them running off, and then when our cameras followed them, they would go sit down.
I said, oh, they don't want us to follow them because they're linking up with a vampire who's hiding in the woods.
The guy that went and jumped in the neighborhood.
He ran over to the quick lube and climbed over the dumpster and literally jumped over, you know, those concrete walls that divide neighborhoods from the highway.
And so I wanted to find him because the cops wanted to arrest him.
I told the cops, I'm going to go find him, I'll call you.
So I had the guy's phone number.
The cops said, okay, I'm waiting over here.
We went over to go find him.
Now they've put out stuff saying I'm putting out where they live and I'm coming after them.
No, the guy assaulted us and broke my microphone.
On camera.
We're pressing charges.
We're sending all the video to the police.
Nobody's coming to your houses but the police, okay?
So then they go, we're going to publish where Alex Jones lives, and then they say all these places I don't live.
I don't live in the Amelie downtown.
I don't live at this poor Alex Jones guy who called me four years ago over other stuff and said, please tell people that you don't live in Westlake and that there's ten Alex Joneses in Austin.
I have people every week at my house.
And I said, sir, they won't listen.
So, I know an Alex Jones guy that works for AP that moved out of Austin.
Because of it.
I think his website is Silver Spider or something, for these idiot groups to actually call him and find out.
I mean, you're really messing with different people.
I mean, that's what's insane.
That's what's totally crazy, is that they sit there and they say where I live as if I'm afraid.
I mean, I've got a fence, a gate, dogs and guns.
You people ought to be afraid coming around my house.
I mean, I know you're into death and everything, but let me tell you.
Anybody comes to my house, around my family?
Yeah, there's the poor Alex Jones who's been harassed because of me and others.
That's not me, folks.
You, if you've got a death wish, come around my house.
I mean, there's not going to be any playing games.
I'm going to warn people right now.
I will protect my family.
I think everybody will.
And that's what they realize.
You're not too worried, are you?
No, not at all.
It was those guys, you know, I don't think I have much to worry about.
Anthony Gucciardi, what do you think of these people?
You know, as a lover of humanity and a proponent and a researcher of self-development, which is really just going and intellectually trying to figure out how we can help humanity and the things that we can do to advance the race as a whole.
You know, it really concerns me when people result to dirty tricks.
So they're not coming out and they're not saying, Alex, you know, I disagree with you because of this.
So they're not actually saying anything to forward us in any way.
They're just literally siphoning off energy.
They're coming and siphoning off your energy, attacking you, assaulting you, stealing your microphone, and then threatening you online that they're going to show up at your house.
And saying I did that.
And then saying that you did that.
Oh, they're not communists either.
Everything they say is a lie.
It's, it's, ultimately, it's funny you use the word vampire, because remember, a vampire, what they do is they suck blood and they suck life force from someone because they don't have enough of their own.
Ultimately, they die without stealing a life force system.
So, if a vampire... See, I'm the opposite.
I'm just flowing with life force.
I mean, I can't even handle it, I got so much.
I'm not bragging, it's just like... Isn't that the essence of passion?
Well, women just walk up to me on the street my whole life and just go, man, I'm not bragging, they just go, what do I feel?
It's called life, and these guys don't have it.
What they could have is a real passion system if they actually found reality and found life and found the love of humanity, but instead they choose to side with the opposite of that, which is a vampiric style of evil in which they have to siphon energy to exist.
And it's this spirit we're fighting, whether it's in gangs, thugs, the police, whoever.
It's a spirit.
It's good versus evil.
It's not black or white.
It's good versus evil.
Yeah, and it felt good to be out there opposing those guys because we weren't really so much anticipating that.
I didn't know how many people were going to show up because right before I went to Cleveland it was raining pretty hard all throughout the weeks leading up to that so I didn't know.
I just said, I remember I said I got a feeling we're pulling trigger next Thursday, rain or no rain we're going out there, I said about 100 people will show up.
And no rain, you know, and everybody came out there and it was a great time.
We're going to come back and play some of these clips where this woman says she kills her babies.
And this is while David Knight's wife is trying to just talk to her sweetly.
And it's just the hate of these women.
And you get around the feminists and these people, this is who they are.
To a woman.
They are lovers of death.
Clothed in black.
Like the black grapes that they don't even have the honor to put over the dead bodies of the chopped up children.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, Anthony Guicciardi and Ikari Jackson.
We're both at the Pro-Life Black Lives Matter event.
Just trying to get other people around the country to hijack the George Soros anti-police stuff.
Again, not that we're for some of the police problems.
You're not going to reform it.
Funneling energy and media coverage in to empower community organizers from the Marxist left, and that's who they are.
By the way, these vampires aren't exceptions and the nastiest of the nasty.
They are the nastiest of the nasty, but the nastiest of the nasty is the common denominator when you go out to these events.
They look the same, act the same, whether it's New York City, whether it's Denver, Colorado, whether it's Austin, Texas, they always say, I love killing babies, I love Satan.
I haven't gotten to the I love Satan clips yet.
We'll try to cue those up.
I've got so many clips, but here is the lady talking about how she kills her babies.
Here it is.
Here's her boyfriend bragging about 50 babies.
I do free abortions on demand without apology.
And I'm going to hell.
Yeah, I still pay to kill babies, though.
Oh, yeah.
How do you get your abortions paid for?
I pay for them.
How many do you pay for them?
Upwards of 50.
Oh, yeah.
Wow, you must make a lot of money.
I have money from the community for it.
Oh, you don't use your money?
Multiply your efforts.
Why are you so worried about a psycho?
And ultimately, your sympathies do not lie with black people.
They lie with your racist white middle class agenda.
And that's where we'll always lie.
And you will be destroyed holding that line.
Okay, I adopted two children.
Oh, good for you, white savior.
Aren't you so proud?
You're not white.
Exactly, he's not white.
Exactly, you're a white savior.
You think that it is the white man's duty to fix everybody's problems, right?
How many did you adopt?
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
I kill my kids.
We're not really editing that because right after that,
The other one jumps in.
Is it in the longer clip towards the end where they deny that they're communist?
And then we show their faces from Facebook.
And then the other one says, look at my big such and such, we can't play it on air.
Look at my underarm hair.
Oh, I'm a feminist and I love Satan.
Do we have that?
Yeah, we'll have to scrub to it, but it's the end of that line.
Alright, well as soon as you find the I Love Satan goblin, the goblin creature, we'll go to that.
Anthony Jacari watching that, and we've got a bunch more of this we haven't gotten to, do they realize how evil they look?
I don't know if they realize exactly how they portray themselves, but it reminds me of this article that Kit has out right now.
Communists call for a red terror murder campaign to exterminate America's middle class, because as you saw in the clip when she was talking to David Knight's wife, it's you racist, white, middle class person, you.
She doesn't know her from anybody else, but she just comes out with this rhetoric that rolled off her tongue quite easily, which makes me think it's a talking point that she says at a somewhat regular pace.
That's the classic feminist thing they teach everyone at UT and every other university.
That's what they teach.
Yeah, exactly.
And you can tell that by... Well, it's a power trip!
I mean, here's some middle-aged white lady who went and saved a girl out of a starving orphanage.
I mean, she was literally malnourished.
They kill a lot of them in those orphanages.
They went and saved her.
She actually did something humanitarian.
Now she's a great, educated, sweet 13-year-old who was out there.
She doesn't have to do anything.
She just has the moral high ground over her elder.
Says, you're a scum.
I'm somebody.
You didn't go adopt somebody because you love children.
You did it because you're bad.
You did it because you're white.
Oh yeah.
They believe that.
That's sick.
Should have just killed your babies.
That's moral, Jakari.
How dare you say of a Chinese girl!
How dare you?
Kill them!
Kill your babies!
It's liberal!
Shut down people's signs!
Take away everything!
And hail Satan!
It's liberal!
Just let us have your guns, they say, though.
Just turn those guns in.
We're gonna take real good care of ya.
That's what they say.
They want our guns.
They're gonna have their way with us.
They are vampires.
We'll be back.
They want to put us in re-education camps.
We're gonna play that clip coming up.
More with Jakari Jackson and Anthony Gucciardi.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Say that again, who do you love?
And you're not Stalin supporters?
No, I'm not!
I'm a f***ing anarchist, sir!
Hold on, so there's not a Facebook with you saying you love Stalin?
I'm just asking, I don't know.
Go away!
Go away!
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids!
Ultimately, your sympathies do not lie with black people.
They lie with your racist, white, middle-class agenda, and that's where we'll always lie, and you will be destroyed holding that line.
You own that label!
You are misogynist!
You are misogynist!
Wait a minute, you marching a Black Lives Matter thing with a hammer and sickle?
Is that you?
What do you mean?
We're just asking.
Are you hearing that?
We have the footage.
As I'm waving it with the right finger right now.
That is really impressive.
Hey man.
It's just lizards.
Lizard people.
I've never met an alien before.
What's it like?
Which planet?
What do they sound like?
It's a friendly, it's serious though.
Yeah it is.
Anyways, do you have any language skills other than cuss words?
More pathetic than Gollum.
More pathetic than Gollum from Lord of the Rings.
Oh wait, you don't want to talk?
Not to you.
You just want to block everybody else's microphones?
I don't want to talk to you.
Why the f*** would I want to talk to you?
You sure came out here and you sure made fools of yourself, so thank you.
I think it's interesting about this, Alex, and I've encountered this a lot when I go out to these demonstrations.
I meet people who are anti, you know, whatever the cause may be.
They have to come up with just something ridiculous.
Like you heard the girl in the clip saying, what's it like to meet an alien?
I was like, I've never claimed to meet an alien or Bigfoot or all these other things that they concoct in their minds to try to destroy our argument.
She didn't understand that Alex had been speaking with the producer in an earpiece saying, what's that, producers?
What's going on?
And she's like, what are you speaking to, aliens?
And what's so interesting is you notice none of those
Because they don't know how anything works!
There's no substance in it.
There's no actual substance in what they're saying to you.
They're just cursing at you and cursing at you and telling you they love Satan and they want to kill babies.
And they're like, we're going to win, we're going to destroy the white middle class.
Oh, okay.
Those guys, yeah, it's the real A-team out there.
I hope they put those guys out there.
And I'll tell you what's scary, a lot of them will end up running federal departments and stuff.
You watch that.
It's those people.
In fact, we have the Larry Grafwald clip where he's in with the Weathermen that trained Obama and they're talking about putting us in re-education camps.
I mean, they actually have North Korean and Maoist propaganda running around with posters.
I mean, we can laugh at it and I know it's funny at a sick level, but
They were on their phones going, we're not allowed to leave yet.
Okay, is that what he says?
And we've tracked him back to this UT professor that does have money behind him and his sorrows connected.
So this is their jobs.
There was a guy driving around in a Jaguar waving money out the door to them.
An $80,000 one.
Yeah, waving money out, which we speculate it makes the most sense that he's saying, hey, whoever causes the most trouble, you know, get some cash.
And not to mention, I've been downtown having some dinner one time when they had, they took over.
It's so funny they accuse us of taking over Black Lives Matter.
They infiltrated the Black Lives Matter protest downtown and put communist propaganda in it.
Basically saying, kill all cops, kill pigs.
And here the cops are, this was the most ridiculous part.
They were being nicer to them.
Yeah, driving on their bicycles behind them saying, it's okay guys, no big deal, let's not cause any issues.
And they're like, kill cops, kill cops, pigs, cops!
And they're like, well, hey guys, you know, let's make sure, and they blocked off all the roads for them.
They blocked off all the roads.
Yeah, we saw it went out there.
Yeah, and the cops are super nice, kill all the cops, kill the pigs!
And yeah, you're going to destroy the white class Americans, right?
With your amazing ideology of Mao who killed 84 million.
And they have tattoos of Stalin and... Final comment, Jakari.
Great job, Anthony.
Final comment.
I'm just happy everybody came out today, or came out yesterday, and we saw the true colors of those communists.
Everybody loves it when you jump in front of me when I'm about to fight that guy.
They even mess with old men and young ladies.
I just, I couldn't take it anymore.
I was like, you guys want to fight?
Then let's fight.
What were you going to do if he hit you again?
I would have did what I had to do.
You know, I didn't provoke the guy.
I said, you need to stop what you're doing.
If you take a swing with it, it's going to end there.
And he decided not to do that.
Well, I wish he would have.
In case you missed it yesterday, the hashtag Black Lives Matter protest was interrupted by members of Red Guards Austin, a political organization that admits they are a Marxist-Leninist Maoist collective.
These guardians of the people attempted to block other people's free speech, yelled at them, and then even started to agitate by bumping into people, pushing people around, and even stealing and breaking some of our broadcast equipment.
Luckily, it was all caught on camera, and we were able to explain to the cops what happened.
If you go to the Red Guards Austin Facebook page, you can see pictures of some of these individuals who showed up yesterday.
During the live broadcast, we were able to show Facebook images of these individuals carrying communist sickles, burning American flags, and basically trying to get everybody into a race war against the police.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, you've got to get attention in this world.
You've got to snap people out of their trance.
And so I am launching and have been launching a frontal assault on the globalists in the Infowar to draw them out, to show people who they are.
And if that means them destroying me, so be it.
I don't want that, but if that's in God's plan, I do.
I'm committed.
Like a kamikaze coming in.
I'll tell you this, it feels good to be on the right side.
We've got the globalists in the strangleholds.
We've got to realize we have the power.
We're not going to be held back by the New World Order.
This is our greatest test we're now facing.
There is so much to cover.
Net neutrality faces First Amendment challenges because it's not really net neutrality.
World's oldest person dies at 116.
I'm reading Drudge Report headlines.
A lot of these are up on InfoWars as well.
A magazine saying it could be the demise of the Democratic Party because they're pushing the stagnant Hillary.
Hillary forgets where she is in public.
But the really big bad news, the disgusting news, Orrin Hatch on trade, Bill, I don't know fully what's in the TPP myself.
There's actually a video of that.
It's on Breitbart.
Drudge Report has it linked.
Senator Elizabeth Warren went to the Senate floor to push for a media-considerational bill that would make the Obama trade text public.
You've got a coalition of liberals and Tea Party fighting together against the establishment Republicans and Democrats.
Right now, Congress has to go to a secured room to read the text, thousands of pages, and take notes or to discuss what
is in it with the public.
The motion failed when Senator Orrin Hatch, Republican in Utah, objected since it required unanimous consent.
Then they go on with the quote here with Orrin Hatch and others basically whitewashing it and Orrin Hatch saying he doesn't know what's in it himself.
Well, it's 30 plus points, only one of which is leaked, and it's incredibly draconian to free speech, the end of internet freedom as we know it.
It's a consortium of private corporations and lobbyists, with government representatives from China, you name it, on the board, with voting power to veto the United States, and Congress isn't reading it, isn't letting it come out, and is turning it over.
This is world government.
This is corporate world government tyranny in your face.
This is what we're dealing with.
Now I mentioned the really good news if you just joined us.
The official Al Qaeda slash ISIS magazine and videos have come out attacking Infowars.com and they're saying that they're sick of the conspiracy theorists claiming that Western intelligence is funding their jihad operation, that they're having trouble getting recruits out of the UK, Europe and the United States and Canada.
Again, I've explained how this works.
They've had the controlled opposition come out
And say that Jones is being CIA again, claiming that ISIS is real, it's all fake.
So they have that fake attack, and then they got the other attack saying, no, no, no, it is 100% real, not partially fake like Alex says.
What's really going on is, this is a large synthetic terror group, funded with over 5 billion dollars by the United States alone, several billion from NATO, the French and others, Turkey, you name it, big coalition, officially sending in jihadis trained in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other areas, with backups from the West.
Uh, to go in as basically mercenaries.
They've taken two-thirds of Syria, or close to it.
They've taken part of Iraq.
They're going to create a new Islamic State out of it.
It's run by Saudi Arabia.
That was always the plan to break Iraq in three parts.
Just Google, Pentagon plans to break Iraq in three parts.
That was out 15 years ago.
That's, Wesley Clark talked about it, okay?
I just happen to know what's going on.
This is not rocket science.
And there's my video from last week.
The ISIS-Ramadi victory and the breakup of Iraq order out of chaos through Sunni-Shia conflict.
Kurt Nemo wrote about it.
I guess he's written a new article about it, but there's the video where I covered it last week, going over it all.
And they're hopping mad that I sit there with a map and just explain to everybody.
In fact, if they're so mad, can you guys bring me a hands-free microphone for later once Doug gets in here?
I'm going to go over to the map over there of the Middle East, and I'm going to explain this even better for people.
Because it needs to be done for all the young Muslims out there.
They want to radicalize Muslims so they can have a clash of civilizations and destroy your culture and destroy good Muslims, okay?
And that's why the globalists are funding both sides to collide, and you know that's a fact.
And the real sin is killing Christians and non-radical Muslims and not being tolerant.
And the real sin is working for the satanic Saudi Arabian government and going around and persecuting people.
Repent now!
Repent now!
I'll guarantee you your soul's in jeopardy if you're a Muslim, Christian, whatever, if you do these type of atrocities and if you don't repent of it.
It's never too late!
But you need to repent of what you've done, and you need to leave ISIS, leave Al-Qaeda, and stop it right now.
I want to warn you though, they'll grab you on the way back because you're not real Al-Qaeda, if you haven't participated in stuff yet, because they know you may speak out.
So you may never be able to go home again.
So you really got set up, you were part of something really sick, and your best bet's just to get out of Al-Qaeda or ISIS, and go back and shut your mouth, they may leave you alone.
So yes, we are and fullwars.com and our listeners are the main contributors in helping break up ISIS.
That's right.
Our government could take them out anytime they wanted to.
They're waiting until it gets out of control.
Then they're going to send them in and push them back into
Western Iraq into that area of Syria.
That's been the plan.
I said it last year.
I said it four years ago.
It's always been the plan.
But again, we're decompartmentalizing where their own operatives cannot defeat us because we're telling their people what's going to happen before it happens.
You can't beat the fact that we have your game plan.
And again, I'm on a power trip, but I've realized we need to let the listeners understand how epic this time is, and how powerful you are, and how powerful truth is.
Now, Leanne McAdoo joins us.
Right through the rest of the hour, I'm going to have her in here with Dew when he comes up, and Paul Watson.
And Paul Watson's holding on Skype right now.
He'll be with us as well.
We're going to have a big roundtable discussion for the rest of the hour.
Before we go to Paul Watson, your take on the free speech attacks yesterday.
Recap where we were, what we were doing for new listeners at the Pro-Life Rally.
You were here watching it live.
You helped discover, along with CJ, their Facebook, that they were communist.
That I'd already covered them before and didn't know it.
And then they would deny, live on TV and radio, when we had their pictures up and videos up, that they were communist or Maoist.
And then the, I love Satan, I love killing my children.
And, you know, they had devil tats and all of it.
What would you call these people?
Scum of the earth?
Under the rock dwellers?
Psychic vampires?
The biggest losers in the galaxy.
Really sad and confused.
I mean, here we have the one girl who seemed to be sort of the leader, yelling at Karen, calling her a white savior and stuff.
Well, the leader was a little blonde and she's a Time Warner operative over there, I guess, over there working at Time Warner.
We're going to investigate that and talk to Time Warner.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, I mean, obviously confused because she has tattoos on her arms of two racist white people who are, she like bows down to them.
Hello, Stalin, Lenin, what are they?
You know what I mean?
Like, how confused do you have to be to say how against you are of the, you want to take down the white race and then you get them tatted on your body and you, I don't know.
It's totally sick.
I mean, what did you make of her saying I kill my babies?
Well, I gotta tell you, I couldn't sleep last night.
I was up really late last night because that just... I can't believe that there are people like that.
They're real people who are organizing a lot of young people and who are mobilizing young people in Austin and other cities around the country.
That's who leads them all over, I'm telling you.
It's frightening.
It's so frightening and I was like, I mean it really shook up.
I could not fall asleep last night.
I just kept replaying that over and over in my head about how they'd, they'd say, excuse me, pardon me, as they're barreling through you.
Or they would shove and push and then as soon as someone shoved and pushed them, they're like, oh calm down, calm down, oh.
You're assaulting me, I'm gonna sue.
Yeah, and like everything they say.
They'd be like, oh hello officers, we like you so much.
We want our website kill pigs.
Right, and it's the opposite.
Rotten pig heads.
It's the opposite of the truth.
Everything they say is the complete opposite.
That's what communists are like.
Leanne, here's what's scary.
I've been doing this 20 years.
Well, 25 as an activist.
That's normal.
I mean, to think... They all get PhDs and go on to run things.
They look the same, they act the same.
Each generation, I've had them come over and grab you and go, we're going to kill you someday, Jones, when the commies take over.
We're going to get your children.
I mean, that's who they are.
And they're very patient, and they'll wait decades to implement this plan.
I mean, how many more people have to die?
Smart psychopaths don't just go grab kids off the street.
They go and they become the government.
And they plot, and they plot, and they say, everyone just calm down and wait.
We'll let you know when we're ready to attack.
So that's the thing, is that they plot this, and they'll wait years, decades.
I mean, you see these policies, like you said, Obama graduated out of that, and now here he's the President of the United States, decades later.
We're going to break.
Watson's with us the rest of the hour, doing a great job over at InfoWars.com.
Paul, you watched us from afar, but giving us your take from London, what really stands out for you?
Well, it's just the irony and the hypocrisy of it, Alex.
I mean, we've got them on video calling themselves anarchists.
They call themselves anarchists while embracing the most violent form of statism in recorded history.
The Cultural Maoist Revolution, the Great Leap Forward, which killed at least 60 million people.
State-imposed genocide, and they call themselves anarchists.
And in fact, their own name, Red Guard, the Red Guards, comes from what Mao called for to enact that violent, brutal revolution.
So that's derived directly from what Mao called for back in the 60s.
And it's also, again,
The hypocrisy of, you know, protesting against state murder.
Black Lives Matter against police brutality.
When you're calling for state murder, always a genius, Watson.
You're gonna come back and break it down.
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There's a woman in the night.
She's got a baby in her hands.
According to these people we've been talking about, they need to be fed on a garbage disposal.
Not empowered.
It's just the anti-human attitude, and these people have been running the country and the world for the last 60, 70 years, and look how hellish it is, and now humanity's falling apart.
Because having no value on people creates a hellish world.
Not a good one.
We've got breaking news, they've got a group of US military veterans, a group of veterans building an army, raising funds to put down the rabid dog of ISIS.
Let me tell these guys this.
It was the U.S.
military a few years ago that said no to openly backing Al-Qaeda, so the government changed the name to ISIS to confuse you, and is actually funding them.
The way to beat this is info war, explaining that ISIS is funded and run by Western intelligence and trained openly in bases in Turkey.
And now, even Al-Qaeda's coming out attacking Infowars.
I say Al-Qaeda, they call themselves ISIS.
And saying, don't listen!
We are not part of the West.
We're not Western funded.
And Steve Watson did a story, it's great, we could do another story adding even more admissions to, hey, directly to ISIS.
A message to ISIS fighters.
Here's how you've been conned.
Here's the whole history.
Don't be part of this.
Leave now.
And we could have ISIS basically shut down and collapse.
The military won't be sent in until they've already established their state, part of Syria and part of Iraq, breaking Iraq in three parts.
That's always been the plan.
Kurd, Shiite, Wahhabist.
Three parts, that's the plan, with the third part extending into Syria.
And then breaking the rest of Syria up into other groups.
Basically Western run on the coastline to get the pipelines, to get the oil and gas.
Paul Watson, I want to get back into the vampires and
Finish up with them, but first, pretty big news to have Al-Qaeda putting us in their videos, ISIS putting us in their videos, and coming out directly and saying, don't listen to the conspiracy theorists of their own recruits, and admitting it's hurting them.
I mean, that is exciting.
It shows the truth trumps everything, Paul Watson.
Is it starting to get just too much, though, to even believe how InfoWars is changing the world on a daily basis?
Well, I mean, we're definitely steering the narrative.
And I think, given the news that it's, quote, conspiracy theorists who are making all these militants flee from ISIS, you know, I think we're owed apologies by the mainstream media and by the White House because it was their...
...directives as far back as 2008 in the Bush administration, which said that, quote, conspiracy theories were a recruiting ground for terrorists in the Middle East.
And now it's actually worked out the opposite way.
While they're getting all these, you know, mysterious airdrops of weapons from the U.S., that we're the ones that are convincing them to leave by pointing out... That's right, the Iraqi president has documented the airdrops to them.
Exactly, and you know, Belhadj, the guy in Libya who is leading ISIS forces in Libya, he was armed and funded by NATO, by the UK, by the US in the first place when we went in and took out Gaddafi.
The fact that they're waking up to this and realising that the goal of ousting Assad, which was their goal for years, is now being achieved to a large extent by ISIS, they control half of Syria now, that really, what does it benefit the US military-industrial complex to fight ISIS?
So, again, we're owed apologies by all these people who claim that we were the terrorist recruiting ground for ISIS.
Getting back to the vampires, you're making a great point.
They claim they're anarchists, but then they got Lenin and Stalin all over them.
They love Mao, the ultimate total statist, who lived like kings, while killing tens of millions apiece.
And then you expand on that, I mean, just the idiocy of it, and then cremally saying, I kill my children, I love Satan.
How would you describe these people?
Just the most spoiled, rotten, little maggot punks, disconnected from reality?
I mean, how would you describe these rats?
I think you really don't need to throw many pejoratives at them.
They discredit themselves with their own behaviour.
They have the debating skills of six-year-old children on the playground who can only hurl insults because
You know, they've got no debating skills whatsoever.
Their ideas are so cliched and shallow that only, you know, arrested development infantilized man babies could ever adopt them.
And that's why they were there at the protest yesterday, refusing to debate, refusing to talk, because they can't defend their own opinions.
Well, they're all mad at their middle class or rich parents, and they're rebelling to freak them out.
And they're all freaking out hearing this right now, not knowing how we know this.
I mean, come on, you guys are a joke.
You're the same everywhere.
A lot of them are little trust fund kids, and they're there on their, you know, parents paying for their education, bitching about the country.
I mean, they're just... I don't normally use words like rat and scum.
I'll just say what people said and say they're tyrants and the enemy, but these people are a spiritual type, and they love death, and I think God will probably give them what they want.
Sooner rather than later.
Paul, stay there.
Leanne, stay there.
We've got Duke coming in as well to add to the discussion.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the Info War.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Think you've got nothing to hide?
Well, a group of activists is challenging that mentality by placing hidden tape recorders throughout New York to protest the NSA.
The campaign called We Are Always Listening is currently collecting private conversations of unsuspecting citizens and then uploading those intimate conversations online in an attempt to discredit that nothing-to-hide narrative.
The group's website says, citizens don't seem to mind this monitoring, so we're hiding recorders in public places in hopes of gathering information to help win the war on terror.
The site encourages those who are angry about surveillance to contact Congress as section 215 of the Patriot Act reaches expiration on June 1st.
You can listen to some of those audio recordings embedded in the article, activists place hidden tape recorders throughout New York to protest NSA at InfoWars.com.
This is Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
Just recently started using your products.
Everything you said about them is correct.
Me and my wife both use a lot of them, and it's made a lot of changes in our lives here.
Well, thank you, brother, because it also funds our operation.
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We're good to go.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
I just keep a-comin'.
Gonna take you down.
Down, down, down!
So don't you fool around!
Pull the trigger!
We're here live.
I think we played this liner twice today, but that's okay.
Twice is awesome.
Twice is awesome.
Gonna fire at will!
Like riding around in my car, huh?
The band I've seen the most.
Of all the bands I've ever seen.
Just seen them many times.
I've taken foreign exchange students to see ACDC.
You know, here's the deal.
I love God.
I'm not perfect.
I know rock and roll's got its rebellious tangents.
But the point is, all these fake Christians sit around and go, he has rock and roll music, but I don't see them out trying to save babies' lives in an abortion clinic, or trying to get fluoride out of the water, or trying to actually expose the devil worshippers.
You know, humans are wild, we're aggressive.
Look at King David, look at Solomon.
They weren't perfect, but they loved God.
Their heart was right.
Yes, they were worldly.
And I'll say it all day, I'm not up on some high horse.
I'm not attacking people that have had abortions.
If they're not saying, I'm glad I killed my baby, I love death.
That's the big difference here.
And I want to get back into that with Paul Watson.
Rob Dues here to get into the overall tyranny of the so-called left on universities for the end of free speech.
That's what political correctness is.
It's where they can be racist, they can be hateful, they can do whatever, but you don't have any speech, period.
All speech is labeled bad, and they're the authority.
They're the arrogant little authorities because they've been knighted by the professors that live in their own bubble, you know, spewing all this garbage.
You pay a hundred grand for your kids to get a UT education or whatever school it is, and if it's not in engineering or whatever, it's basically like toilet paper.
All you learn how to do, you know, is how to hate men.
And the average man's just dumbed down, stumbling around, not having any idea what's going on, because the leadership's been taken out.
How can Little Info Wars be in international news every day, be changing debates, have major governments admitting they listened to it, have ISIS recruiting plunging
Doing what the U.S.
military isn't allowed to do, because we know the truth!
The truth will set you free!
The truth has power!
Everybody should be looking at what we do, and going, why is it so effective?
Because it's true!
It's true!
I mean, I... I'm watching the feed live yesterday, when David Knight's in there, and the instant I saw him, I went, oh my gosh, they're gonna say they're anarchists, they're really communists, but they'll be Satanists.
In fact, I said it on air.
I said, in my opinion.
We go down there, it's them.
I see that look, I see those, I mean, I saw him from like 50 yards away on the camera.
The camera was like 50 yards away.
And I instantly, the bearing, the spirit, the nastiness, the... the evil.
Rob Due, I want to get your take on all of this.
Watching it, seeing it, what was it like here as the InfoWars Nightly News News Director watching it?
Well, I was out there shooting from across the road and immediately... That's right, you were there.
And I'm like, I'm zeroing in on these guys.
They're going to cause trouble.
Because I've seen this type of behavior before with these types of people.
How could you tell though?
One, it was the clothes and the way they were dressed.
But then, you know, they weren't really organized.
They were kind of bumbling around.
And then, like, it was so pathetic watching them try to block the signs.
And they were just trying to throw them up in the air and block them.
And people had bigger signs that were holding them up.
And I just thought it was amazing.
It was the weakness.
And you could feel the weakness.
All of our protesters, the people that came in for the Black Lives Matter protest, didn't say anything to them.
They were being respectful.
They're like, I'm just going to put my sign in front of yours.
And they would get in front of them like, well, I'll just move my sign in front of yours.
And then they started bumping him.
Then they started like throwing the tar paper on them as they were trying to like walk away.
Like, I'm gonna go walk in front of you.
And it was just going, and then we go, Jakari goes and asks the guy a question.
He goes, don't be aggressive.
I mean, that is just, that is baby.
Like, I can't think of anything more baby to say.
Somebody asks you a question, you go, don't be aggressive.
I should have let that guy hit me again and then just said, don't be aggressive when I broke his jaw.
Yeah, don't be aggressive.
As soon as he walked away, he was like attacking the guy with the sign.
Well, and I got the shot from behind.
When I saw them all linking arms, I knew they were going to do something.
I didn't think they were going to try to run over a crowd of people, which I think was the dumbest move.
Including, like, eight-year-old kids.
Well, and the first guy that hits this old guy, and he's just standing there, and they just run over him.
And then they go after you guys, and they ran into Weldon Henson, who's just, you know, he's a good old boy.
And he's like, I'm not moving.
I have to go around.
And I mean, it was just great to see that.
And I liked how he started hitting him, so he just started choking two of them.
He just grabbed two of them by the throat and started choking them to the ground.
He's like, you better calm down.
And that's how you have to be.
And you're right.
Those people are bullies.
And they want to walk around and get in your face and say stuff.
And then if you say one thing, don't be aggressive.
It's just so... Help me, I'm weak.
It's hitting, hitting, hitting.
And then they're like, ugh, don't... I told you the Jedi...
But that the breeding ground is the universities because they teach you about free speech zones and they teach you how to not say the wrong thing because it may offend somebody.
Because they're the boss.
It's all about they control.
Oh, I'm liberal.
Say what I say or I'll denounce you.
Denounce me all day as a heretic.
I'm sick of you.
And having to get your signs approved and what you're doing.
And I just went back and just did a few searches.
One which really stood out was the Young Americans for Freedom.
They were passing out constitutions back in 2014 and they were stopped.
They were told you can't pass.
It was banned.
And then there's other students that were just trying to pass out, it was pro-gun signs, the anti-Obama sign.
That was just this week.
That was this week.
And then also in George Washington University, they told the students there, actually at Dixie State, that they couldn't have signs lampooning Bush and Obama.
It's like you can't do anything.
And of course the university used to be about the place where anybody could do anything anytime if you were a student.
Now all you can learn about is white privilege and white gift cards.
And do you remember back in 2011 you had my brother here?
He was doing the paper on Ron Paul and how the media was ignoring him.
And he already had his degree in statistics.
He was going to do another one.
Are we allowed to talk about it?
They threatened his master's when he did work for us.
Right, exactly.
And they didn't like the fact that he was talking about Ron Paul.
They told him, they said, this is something you shouldn't be covering.
You shouldn't be doing this.
This is a non-issue.
This is a non-issue.
They just couldn't stand it.
They're all about stifling.
It's the opposite of what a university would be in the Renaissance.
Right, exactly.
It's like, hey, let's ask more questions.
Why can't we just ask more questions?
That's what it's supposed to be about.
You know, when you take your philosophy... And in fairness, there are good professors at every university, but their impact pushed around, demoted, kicked out.
I mean, yeah.
The only thing is the party line.
We ought to have your brother in to tell that story now that he's out.
Oh yeah, he's out and he's doing statistics for a pretty big company now, a company I used to work for.
So, he's doing great.
But he didn't let that stop him.
He still said, nope, I'm going to publish my paper, I'm going to do it.
And then he put it out on InfoWars.
They got so mad when it came out on InfoWars.
They were so mad.
Is that a victory for them to shut him up?
Oh yeah, totally.
I know so many executive scientists, you name it, that go, we'll be attacked if I speak out, I'm going to shut up.
You're going to lose everything if you don't speak up.
So what if you lose your job?
If we don't beat these people, we're going to lose everything.
Don't you get it?
There'll be other people who are offering you a job.
By speaking out, you'll get other people just to go, wow, that guy's got balls.
He's who we need as a major person in this company.
Let's bring this guy in.
He's not afraid to speak his mind.
And that's what we need more of.
And that's what we don't have enough of in this country.
Everybody's worried about offending somebody, and everybody walks around like this.
Well, that's why the cops I later learned today knew those were the kill the cop, kill the pig people, and they just kissed their butt, intimidated by them.
I don't see why.
If they're totally pathetic, scum, breaking the law, violating the First Amendment, villains, why does everyone have to bow to the weakest pile of horse crap?
That's a good point.
I mean, I want to understand why as a country we bow to whatever's pathetic.
I think that's a long-standing tradition in our country for the last 30 years.
They've been training people not to speak out.
To go with the herd.
And that's what we don't do here.
We don't go with the herd.
That's it.
Not with the herd.
That's the slogan.
Chuck Norris loves it.
There is one good news.
There's actually a college in the University of Georgia.
They actually stopped their free speech zone.
There was enough outcry from it in this year.
Hey, I was arrested in New York for not being in a free speech zone.
There were thousands of lawsuits.
They don't do that anymore.
Austin used to say free speech zone.
I would say no arrest me.
Well, that's what it is.
The story we just reported on, that's in a Blinn College in Blounton.
So that's the good news.
We're saying no, they're failing.
You say no and then you file a lawsuit.
That's what you have to do because otherwise they... You want a lawsuit against the police when they've arrested you?
That was a free speech.
That was a big free speech moment.
And we weren't doing anything but standing on a hill covering an anti-police brutality... And the cops are being given illegal orders.
They should have said no, but we don't hate them.
We're not their enemy.
We want to reform them.
We sued them and won to teach them that you will not violate the First Amendment.
Right, and then it becomes a policy in their department.
They don't know, they're just following orders.
Well, and that goes only so far at some points.
Well, at the same time, there's a difference between not liking MRAPs and checkpoints and the police state run by the globalists, when the very same globalists now want to scapegoat the cops for everything, and then you go look from Ferguson to Maryland to everywhere, it's this exact scum, Soros-funded,
That is agitating at all.
So I will never join with those people.
They don't have anything, anybody's best interest in mind but creating this revolution where they think they're going to have anything.
Those people are pathetic.
They couldn't build a school.
They couldn't build a road.
They couldn't do it.
They would have no planning.
Here's the deal.
R. Day Cervantes has been in this office many times.
I want to get him back on.
I think he's a good guy overall.
You know, means well.
He's done some good reforms in the police department.
The department still has a lot of problems, any big city would.
But overall, I think we have a model police department compared to the wreck that, say, Albuquerque is where we're on the radio.
You know, major problems there.
He will fire bad cops, he does routinely.
But I've seen changes, and it wasn't that bad before compared to other cities.
It was a pretty good department.
But I think it's gotten bad.
But he said in the hallway here one day, he goes, hey, don't you say I'm a... I didn't mean to poke you that hard, sorry.
He goes, hey,
We had to flee Cuba.
You know, my dad fought against, you know, Fidel Castro.
I went and looked it up.
It was actually true.
He was involved with the CIA.
You name it.
He goes, you don't call me a communist.
I go, wait, you're setting up warrantless checkpoints.
You're taking blood, which got overturned in the Supreme Court.
You're doing stuff.
So all I'm saying is be an anti-gun.
Going along with your orders from the Democratic City Council is violating my rights.
And it is Mao Zedong-type garbage, Fidel Castro garbage.
And he goes, well, listen, just don't say I'm a communist because I'm not.
Well, that's fine.
But here's the deal, Arne Seveda.
Those punk
Kids are going to get in a lot of trouble or end up getting hurt next time they punch somebody or attack somebody, and this needs to be investigated.
Them attacking a free speech rally and doing the things they did, and on their Facebook talking about attacking police, which goes over the line of free speech, okay?
So if I did that, the police would be here and they should be.
I want something done about them!
I'm sick of this crap!
I'm sick of it!
I want the APD to do their job right now.
We had people come here saying you were threatening people just because people were posting comments on your website.
With cops.
They're on their website saying, I'll go back to Paul Watson, saying that I'm threatening them to come to their hovels.
And then they're posting other people's houses that I don't live there.
And fine, go to those houses, go harass these poor guys named Alex Jones.
There's ten of them.
Three of them have gotten visits.
Not since this, but other people.
A lot of visits, crazy fans, you name it.
The truth is, is that I don't even live in a house under my name.
So you morons going to Alex Jones' houses, you're not getting there.
Plus, if you get there, it's a gate, dogs, and a gun.
Ain't nothing gonna happen, except, except you might, you, you threaten my family, you're gonna be pushing up daisies.
And that's not a threat, it's a fact.
I've got my rights.
So, again, that's the bottom line here, is that no, we're not threatening you.
No, we're not coming to your house.
Everything they say is a lie.
We're not communists.
They're communists.
I'm threatening to come to their house and hurt them.
No, I haven't.
And then they do it to us.
It's just sick!
I mean, and do these morons really?
This shows what they're so dumb.
You think I'm scared of you when I take on the entire New World Order?
I mean, do you have any idea the people that listen to this show and support it inside the system?
If you did, you'd be scared right now, okay?
Not of me!
I don't have to do anything or say anything, okay?
You have no idea who you're jacking with, punks!
Excuse me, I want to bring Paul Watson on.
Paul Watson shifting back into just the war on free speech by the so-called left.
How do we stop calling them the left?
How do we, because they're not liberals like Thomas Jefferson, they are snake cult, wing of doom, wing of death.
I mean, what do you call people that say, I want to kill my baby, I love Satan?
Well, they're vicious authoritarians and they don't believe in equality.
This is the core of it.
Leftists don't believe in equality.
It's this oppression Olympics.
They believe in this hierarchy of victimhood where truth is ascertained by degrees of gender and skin color.
And as you said earlier, it's all coming out of the universities.
What you saw yesterday during that protest isn't happening in a vacuum.
You know, every single week on Twitter, these social justice warriors attack me.
In fact, I was in Cosmopolitan Time Magazine and Marie Claire for simply making a tweet about how to spot a feminist.
I was bombarded by all these death threats.
They threatened to put me in a gulag in front of a firing squad and execute me with a guillotine, behead me, simply for making these tweets about radical feminism.
Do a story on that, because I saw those.
Some of these are prominent feminists calling for your murder.
Again, why is the left allowed to call for killing people?
Over and over again.
They're crazed and aggressive and violent.
But we're the extremists.
These are actually, we've got a story in the UK at the moment for example, a diversity officer at a major university, she banned white men from attending a diversity event.
She still remains in the position.
Then it came out that she had tweeted under the hashtag, kill all white men.
A male supporter, and the university has refused to fire her.
Well that's like the diversity head of Sweden joining ISIS, but let's expand on that Paul.
They make US Army soldiers wear red high heels and march in public now.
Yeah, I mean, in Sweden, politicians there are talking about bringing back jihadists who have fought with ISIS and giving them jobs and counselling at taxpayer expense, which, you know, the Swedish troops don't even get.
So it's, again, extreme liberalism is a mental disorder.
And in places like Sweden, they've literally got, you know, rape is off the charts.
They've got entire Muslim NoGo area ghettos where fire crews, ambulances get attacked.
But now they're talking about giving them jobs and counselling, and making the taxpayer pay for it, for ISIS terrorists, and that's liberal.
What it is, is these are deviants at the end of the day.
That's why they're like, I'm an anarchist, I'm a satanist, I love killing my kids, I love, you know... My armpit hair.
I love, you know, I don't use mayonnaise, I spread poop on my bread.
I mean, that's basically who these people are, is they're like a bad cat that, like, urinates on the furniture.
I mean, they're just screwed up people that can only survive in this rich, decadent society that they want to destroy.
I mean, these people wouldn't survive 10 minutes in the jungle in a barbarous fight.
I mean, these people are a joke!
Because there's no one to get free stuff from.
They'd be looking around, where's the free food?
Is the fish not coming out of the stream to jump into my plate?
No, that's not how it works.
You gotta actually catch the fish.
And we did some research on some of these people.
They're failed artists, is what it is.
They're just disgruntled artists.
They're, oh, the system's so bad.
Because if we just kill everybody and shoot police, that'll fix it.
And that's their answer to police brutality, is to usher in a totalitarian regime that's responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of people.
Imagine if these idiots who can't even tie their shoelaces tried to go kill a bunch of cops, what would happen?
They want to go attack a bunch of trained killers.
It just shows how stupid they are.
I mean, look what happened to those bikers up in Waco.
They didn't last very long up when they were getting shot at by the cops.
Well, more and more that is looking like a setup.
Like maybe one guy pulled a gun out, they want to start a war on the biker groups.
And I mean, I don't like some of the outlaw motorcycle clubs, but there is a war against anything American.
And they leave all the Mexican drug cartels alone, but they're coming after the biker gangs.
Because a lot of times they're actually patriotic.
Letting the commies run free.
As Joe Beggs is looking into that, we'll be right back with Paul Watson.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Paul Watson's got to leave us.
I'm going to do 30 minutes of overdrive with Joe Biggs on the whole biker situation and some research he's been doing.
These guys were all shot, sinner or master, right between the eyes, basically, by snipers, it looks like, set up.
We're not saying the police are bad on this yet, but it looks bad when they're saying no bikes riding around the state period and other bizarre statements in Reuters.
Before we go any further, I've got final comments from Paul Watson.
You guys are with us five more minutes.
Then Joe Biggs after that in overdrive.
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Paul, closing comments on this whole fiasco.
Do you think these miscreants realize how big this blew up in their filthy leftist faces when they acted like demonic Renfields?
No, because last night on their Facebook page they were literally getting deluged by our readers and listeners, and they were deleting comments as quick as they were coming in, so I don't envy the person having to do that, because they must have been up all night.
But, you know, it's a badge of honour to be attacked by these sycophants, basically, to the religion of death.
And it goes back to abortion in general as an argument.
You know, from a libertarian perspective, I can see that it's a state violation of the body.
But the problem is, a lot of these pro-choice advocates, to a greater and greater degree, as he mentioned earlier,
are celebrating abortion as this great riot.
This isn't just a bunch of communist students.
This is Gloria Steinem wearing a t-shirt saying I had an abortion with her arms up celebrating the fact, using a coat hanger as the symbol for her organization.
This is people like Emily Letts who
Did a Cosmo piece about how great her abortion was.
She said it was cool.
She said it was a special memory.
And she gets all the press, she gets all the media attention.
So it's this idea of elevating abortion, which should be a regretful, somber experience, to the point where it's now being openly celebrated and promoted while these people chant, you know, Hail Satan in the Texas State Capitol building.
It's disgusting.
Well, they also post on their video still of me yelling at them.
That was a message to them.
As long as they caught me doing something.
That's my humanity.
That's my war face.
Well, they turned it around and said that you were there because you were against black women.
Because that was a Planned Parenthood that serves a mostly minority community.
Because Margaret Sager, the founder, said they're weeds they wanted to kill.
Yeah, right.
And the young guy pointed out how Planned Parenthood was set up at the minority school.
Even arguing with these people, it's incredible.
Look, I've been around a lot of these leftists, and they really are racist.
I don't know about these idiots, but I mean, I've been around the Democratic Party people.
They're like, you really don't want a bunch of blacks, do you?
Including black people.
And I'm like, what?
I mean, it's just incredible.
Paul Watson, thank you so much.
We'll read your writing at InfoWars.com.
Overdrive starts now.
We'll be back this Sunday, Lord willing, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central with a Sunday transmission.
Visit GCNlive.com today!
We're good.
Alex Jones here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We've got major breaking news on the motorcycle situation with Joe Biggs coming in the next segment and some other key news I haven't hit yet.
Rob Dew had a story about what the government's involved in.
Finally, the federal government's actually running a business that, you know, creates some GDP.
I'm joking, but tell folks about that headline.
Yeah, this is out of the New York Post.
DEA staffers secretly owned strip club with illegal immigrant dancers, and they had dancers from Brazil and Russia, but they were also cited by the feds in the past for taking money for sex in the private lap dance.
Well, that's how they ended up taking them over.
This is a real scam cops run in general in bad departments, is they come in and basically muscle in and say, make us part owner in the bar.
We'll leave you alone.
And then they'll run drugs and stuff out of the bars.
But I mean, why don't they just say, hey, they're running a sex operation.
They're running a white slavery operation.
That's what they're doing.
I mean, they're sex traffickers.
I was being sarcastic when I said they're doing a good job.
Yeah, I know that.
But like, you know, this is what they got busted for in Mexico.
Partying with the drug dealers.
And they're supposed to be protecting us from.
Of course.
I mean, it's a mafia situation.
I mean, why is this department still in existence?
They had just resigned in disgrace because they got caught doing a whole host of other things, including running drugs.
I mean, these people are disgusting.
And yet, that's where our tax money goes to.
That they are collecting record amounts now in taxes to pay for stuff like this.
Leanne McAdoo, you've got some reports there.
Well, I just wanted to point out how, you know, ISIS is saying that conspiracy theorists are ruining their jihadi membership by saying, you know, we merely are pointing out who's actually running them.
McCain is in a photograph with the so-called rebels who ended up being... A bunch of, yeah, the leaders of ISIS.
I mean, so how is that a conspiracy theory?
And he says they're good people.
When he's asked about it, those are good people.
I know them personally.
I mean... I mean, these are their jihadis.
They've been funding them.
Well, McCain and Kerry both wanted to leave the POWs behind.
They never actually went in and they never backed that movement to go in and find all... But are you saying McCain and Kerry are bad?
That's what I'm saying.
They're super bad.
And now we got Kerry running around... You know what the bad news is?
They're ramming through the TPP right now.
That's even worse.
Yes, they're got that and the Patriot Act.
That's really our big story tonight is not so much the demon dwarfs or the demon smurfs or whatever you want to call those.
I mean, they are like rat people.
What did you call them earlier?
I liked that.
What was that movie?
With the pinhead guy?
Hellraiser Minions.
They look like worms or something that would be crawling around at the feet of the Hellraiser people.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, I think I was in Spawn.
The clown would walk out and the little black things would run and just kind of slug around.
Here's the thing.
The media and all... They'll probably say that was racist.
They'll use the word black.
Apologize, white patriarch!
I've got white middle class privilege.
Buckle under your guilt, white man.
I swear.
You know, I got my bike stolen by some kid recently, and I was recruiting some of the neighborhood kids to help me find it, and one of them came over, and he goes, oh, I know why they stole your bike, because you're rich.
I'm like, no, no, this is what you get when you work.
This is what you get when you actually work for a living and keep a job.
Oh yeah, you deserve to have it stolen because you have a bike.
Yeah, because I'm rich.
I'm farthest thing from rich.
Well, I wish you were.
Have they seen your van?
Have they seen the car you own?
See, we're even giving into it.
I have a crappy 15-year-old van, or 20-year-old, or whatever it is.
Bought it in 2000, yeah.
It's an amazing van.
Well, it does look like it's been in a war or something.
It looks like a total creeper purr-vent.
It does, but you know what?
Nobody breaks into my van.
Yeah, that's it.
I could keep stuff in there and nobody messes with it.
I've got candy!
Somebody did put free candy on there one time.
I'm telling you, like, if the central casting was getting a pitot van, they'd get that.
I'm not saying you're bad.
You should be allowed to have a white Astro van.
I never get pulled over.
I never get messed with.
And that's, you know, if you look like you have money, people will mess with you.
Because they think, oh, why does he have that?
And it's like this jealousy thing.
The other day, I had a neighbor trying to sell me a Mercedes.
And it's not even an expensive one.
They've got them for like $40,000 now.
I had people honking at me and hating me and stuff, and I'm like, whoa, I don't want to... I don't want... no, man, I don't want this.
This is like... people hate my guts now.
That was a lot of baggage.
Maybe that's why he's getting rid of it.
There's too many... too many left... Beep, beep, beep, beep, you know.
Why is it not electric?
I got henpecked today about... hen... er, henpecked today.
Oh, I'll tell you that later.
No, no, no, no.
Hold on, I gotta hear this.
We got Joe Biggs coming in.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're back live, going to the bottom of the hour, now with former Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs in studio back from Cleveland waiting for that verdict.
We've got Rob Dues still riding shotgun with us as well.
The headline, conspiracy theories are causing militants to abandon ISIS.
That's the official ISIS Al Qaeda magazine.
They've put you in some of their videos, InfoWars and others.
We've told folks even before that happened that they've been sending threats over here.
The law enforcement is aware of that.
Before we were aware of it.
These are real threats.
Again, Al Qaeda is now being disbanded.
It was funded by Western intelligence groups, not the entire intelligence groups, criminal globalist networks to destabilize.
It's like they fund both sides.
ISIS now is a giant 300,000 person armed group recruiting out of the entire world, but mainly Saudi Arabia.
They've been trying to take over Syria, the military found out about it, wouldn't be part of backing them, so now they've just changed the name to ISIS, let them resupply in Iraq, getting U.S.
weapons depots, they allowed them to happen.
That wasn't enough, so they've been air supplying them, because the troops will not land and give them the weapons.
So they tell the troops, drop on this grid, and it's really to ISIS, so then our own military tells the Iraqi president what's happening, he goes public.
We're the only medium!
The Tozer to Bin Laden thing was fake.
Now it's coming out.
I'm not bragging.
It's scary, actually.
We explained how this is all fake with ISIS.
With people like Steve Pachinik and Colonel Schaefer and, I mean, real sources.
Real sources.
So now they are hopping mad at us right now.
Conspiracy theorists are causing militants to abandon ISIS.
And they've specifically attacked InfoWars.
Now you've got a group of veterans building army, raising funds to put down the rabid dogs of ISIS.
And Joe is saying he wants to go join them as a video embed and also kill some of them.
I'd be fine with that.
You know, Al-Qaeda people are scum, they're a real terror group.
The problem is, you've got to expose its globalist run.
That's what will make their people quit and leave, because the bots at the grassroots don't know, up the chain, they're basically run by a Hydra or a Spectre type group.
And it isn't that the criminals in government imitate Spectre or Hydra.
Fleming wrote
The James Bond stuff, he was MI6 high-level spy chief.
That's how it works.
There is a global Hydra.
In fact, that's even the intelligence people I've had on and people that have written books about it, people like Colonel Craig Roberts, you know, he wrote a whole book on the Octopus Project and called it a Hydra.
That's what it is.
So you go see a Captain America, they call it Hydra.
You go see a James Bond movie, they call it Spectre.
That's what Bilderberg Group is.
That's why they said it didn't exist at first, and then we went and forced them to admit it exists.
Now they say it's no big deal, and have a security company, Dew's going to be there covering it, with Paul Watson and others, called Cobra.
You cannot make this up.
Cobra's headquarters, actually, is in a castle.
I mean, it gets so weird.
I'm getting some pictures of it.
I'm going to be doing a report on that.
In 1973, they moved their headquarters to such and such castle.
I'm like, what?
Hail Cobra!
You cannot make this stuff up.
A security force called Cobra based at a castle is going to be protecting the biggest conglomerate.
Because where do you think these authors get all this?
They're imitating real life.
It's not the other way around.
All right, I've been ranting.
Biggs, give us your take on, first off, these troops say they want to go in.
Will they be allowed to go in?
Will they embed with Iraqi forces?
And then what do you make of Al-Qaeda, aka ISIS, Islamic State, upset that we're waking up the idiots they're trying to recruit?
Well, I think they'll go in kind of like these contractor groups, like the Blackwaters, the XEs, all these different groups out there.
I don't think so.
When it's filmed in these wars, by the time it gets back to the States, it's been cut and edited by the Army, whoever, and you kind of only see bits and pieces of it.
So you're going to reach out to this group and say, if they deploy, you want to go?
What'll really be interesting is when they're finding dead fighters, ISIS fighters, looking at their guns, looking at the stuff they're using and seeing where it's made in the USA.
Well, you said you want to go further, though, Joe.
You said you want to... Oh, yeah, I'll take them out.
I mean, they're sending me tweets saying that I'm the face of evil, so I kind of feel like it's my duty now to, you know, let them see that face.
Here's the problem, Joe.
Now that you're political, they may try to Pat Tillman you if we send you over there and it'd be friendly fire or something.
It's always a possibility.
I could get hit by a bus.
Well, you better watch out.
I mean, you're a good guy.
I'll send your ass over there again, but I don't really want to do that.
I mean, I got just as good a chance at walking outside right now and getting hit by a car or struck by lightning.
I might as well go out there and fight these guys.
And you're not going to make him take shots before he goes out there either.
No extra vaccines.
No vaccines.
I don't know, Joe.
I'm just sending you off to your potential death.
I think it'll be a lot more dangerous going to fight ISIS than it will be driving your car, but I get it.
But I mean, what do you make of them openly upset that, quote, conspiracy terrorists, and they name us in some of their videos, are hurting their recruitment?
It was funny, though, too, though.
I was watching a Fox report where they said they released some of the books that bin Laden had at the compound, and it was Bloodlines of the Illuminati and a bunch of books like that.
Well, we published that, yeah.
Those are the books that he had with him there, and then you have this going on.
I mean, it's just funny.
By the way, let's get Fritz Springmeier on.
I forgot to tell Nico to do that.
He's booked for next Thursday.
He's already booked for next Thursday.
Great minds think alike.
He's on Osama's reading list.
I almost said Obama, but that's so weird.
It's on his body double's reading list.
Nevertheless, it's interesting.
Let's shift gears into this Reuters article.
He told me this.
I believed it, but I double-checked.
The state police are saying don't ride your motorcycles basically anywhere in the state.
They've closed down Harley-Davidson dealerships.
Saying they don't know if you're going to attack police.
So now the motorcycle clubs, 99% of them are good people, mainly veterans, patriots.
They just like to go out and have fun.
A lot of them are Christian.
That's the most common motorcycle gang I see are ministries.
Now they're saying if they see any type of team jacket or group jacket or MC jacket that they might be terrorists.
As if the Bandidos, who I've criticized before because they've acted like thugs in my presence,
As if they would want to go out and start killing cops.
Well, motorcycle clubs have pride in their uniform.
They don't take off their cut.
That's what you call it, a cut.
They don't take that off.
So a civilian riding around...
That's obviously a civilian.
These guys, they get hounded, they get penalized, they can lose rank, so to say, if they're seen out in public not wearing their cut.
And that's how that works.
It's a pride thing.
That's their uniform.
They fight to get to that patch.
They have to prospect, they have to do all these different things to become that.
And once they get that, that becomes their life.
It's the brotherhood, it's the family of them existing together and having each other's backs.
You know, it's your brother before yourself.
And that's the way they look, that's their whole lifestyle.
And it's really strange because a lot of these guys, or most of them that were shot, they had head shots and chest shots.
Now, if there's two rival gangs having a shootout at a Twins Peak, don't you think there's going to be a lot of stray shots in the shoulder, the chest, the stomach, the legs, the head, some grazes?
Not center mass in the head and in the chest.
That seems like something that's been set up.
It means people were kind of just standing there when it happened.
Well, they said SWAT was there.
Yeah, SWAT was there.
They already contacted the Twin Peaks management prior to that happening, saying, hey, you guys... Sure, and if guys are running around in a firefight, as you were describing in there, doing the moves, even with good snipers, they would be grazing, missing, and things.
Instead, it's all dead on.
Yeah, these guys have to be from really good positions, from far back, where they don't have to worry about catching any kind of rounds from anything.
And the only round that I've heard of being fired by an MC member came out of the Twin Peaks restaurant, popped one shot and ran back in and hid.
And that's the only thing I can find so far.
And the security footage shows them running for cover.
Yes, running for cover.
It doesn't show them fighting.
You know, they're not like, hey, we're going to come here and fight everybody.
I've got a buddy whose friend is the head of the Banditos North Houston chapter, and they said no shots were fired by them.
It was the cops.
Well, I know this.
We've got an article up on Infowars.com.
Law enforcement officials say Bandito's MC planned to kill cops with C4 Moloff cocktails.
Group disputes claim says Obama would call out military if they tried to kill cops.
Just think about this, though.
There's probably some, you know, undercover fed guys in these MCs.
They're trying to take them down, and they're like, hey man, whatever we're trying to do isn't working.
Let's stage something.
You know, that's another way that things like that could go down, because time and time again, those kind of people infiltrate everything, especially a motorcycle club.
Yeah, I was reading they infiltrate mainline motorcycle clubs.
I mean, it's possible, but I mean, you know, the banditos are one percenters.
I mean, that's a lot of drug running, meth, things like that.
I wonder what they're going to do.
There's a Sturgis rally in the summertime, and I think we have... Did the Rot Rally happen?
Rot Rally's getting ready to happen, yeah.
So I wonder what's going to happen here in Texas at the Rot Rally right after that.
Will they even try to stop it?
Am I a criminal now because I ride a motorcycle?
I mean, that's what I want to find out, is if I roll up into Waco on my bike, am I going to be shot at by these snipers that they say they have set up out there?
Yeah, that's the big news.
That's why you're here.
I forgot to mention that.
In this Reuters article, they say snipers are set up on I-35.
So now if you're riding a motorcycle and wearing a leather jacket, are you being targeted?
Well, I've got a leather vest, so I'm going to wear all that stuff.
I think I'm going to wear my bulletproof vest this time.
But, you know, it's interesting that they're going to go to that kind of length to say,
You're not going to go after the motorcycle club.
You're completely like banning the motorcycle.
That's like... That'd be like if somebody ran over somebody with a blue Ford truck, you're going to ban all trucks.
They almost did that in LA.
They started shooting at everybody that had a pickup.
It wasn't even the right color.
I mean, they just overreact to everything.
And when the cops were there...
If the cops didn't want any trouble, why didn't they stop the people from getting together if they were so worried about something happening?
Just block out the parking lot, don't let them in.
It's just like when I was in the military.
If we had prior acknowledgement of something, we would go and be proactive and try to stop it before it got out of control.
That's the whole thing with a peace force.
You're supposed to be a peace force.
You should be there, de-escalate the situation before it escalates.
You're saying the military was more of a peace force than what you're saying from the police?
From what I've seen since I've been back, yes.
In a lot of instances.
Way more than you would think.
Well that's the problem with militarization of police.
It then escalates.
And there's a reason smart governments have non-military police.
It's because they understand it ends up causing civil wars.
When you have the police turn into a military.
It's what started us in 1776.
Final segment with some other breaking news.
Straight ahead on TPP.
Stay with us.
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There must be some kind of way out of here.
It's a joke of the deep.
There's too much confusion.
I can't get no relief.
Like I said, it's hard to turn this off.
Crank it up.
There's too much confusion.
They put that out on purpose.
They said the world's too confusing while the globalists control the big foundations and the systems and the central banks and they're in control.
Oh, they create chaos, but only to then pose as the saviors.
But we see through their eyes, we know their battle plan, and we are decompartmentalizing it.
Obama's trade bill narrowly clears key Senate hurdle, and even CNBC saying don't do it.
In their top story right now, Republicans help pass it with Obama to give him fast track.
Now it's got to go through a few other hurdles, but then it's done.
This is really bad news, and it just shows how out of control these people are.
Quick comments from Joe Biggs and Rob Dew on this.
I want to shift gears into the situation yesterday at the abortuary.
Secret bill, you can't read it, and the Republican leadership working with Obama to trump liberals and Tea Party people.
See, real liberals are smart on some issues, like GMO and this, and notice the Tea Parties with them as well.
We have to find those issues that we both agree on and attack at that moment.
Look, this is where we agree upon, let's go fight the empire, you know, and on real issues.
That's right.
I mean, when we're going to start dealing, sir, you want to buy a car?
Well, first you have to pay for it, and then we're going to tell you what you get afterwards.
Are you gonna go to this concert?
We want you to pay for it first and then you get there and it's like 10 hours of Miley Cyrus.
I mean, that's ridiculous that I have to wait on it to pass before I can find out what it is.
Yeah, come see our movie.
We're not going to tell you what it is.
That's John Ashcroft singing.
Let the eagle soar, like it's never soared before.
But I mean, but they think we're crazy to question that.
Meanwhile, if you ask them to do something like that, like, alright, go pay for this car.
It's going to be $45,000.
But it's the same thing with the FCC.
Like IKEA.
Let's play the devil cupcake out there at the abortuary yesterday saying she killed her kids.
Here it is.
I kill my kids!
I kill my kids!
And we've got him saying, we don't shave our arms, we love the devil!
Uh, you know.
I'm just glad I wasn't out there.
I mean, I would have probably been a little too angry and not been able to control it.
What was you done of that?
Did you see the vampire guy I was talking about?
You told me you were at the airport.
Describe that.
Oh yeah, so I'm sitting in Chicago, uh, Midway at the airport at some little, like, Irish bar or whatever.
So I'm holding up my, uh, my big phone and everyone, like, I've got them over my shoulder.
We're all sitting there watching, like, what is going on?
This guy runs up, he's, like, trying to swing at you and then grab the microphone.
And I'm sitting there just yelling in the bar.
I was like, someone chase that guy down!
Choke him!
And everyone in the bar is just like... When I got back watching the rebroadcast, you know, the crew back there did a great job.
Mixing in all the elements, putting stuff on the screens.
I mean, just really using the studio to its full effect and just being able to, you know, eviscerate their blank arguments that they had while we were there.
Hey, you're the guy that runs the local Red Brigade.
No, we're not.
Yeah, you got a Facebook with you all with commie flags.
You're crazy racist.
Hey, you talked to aliens.
You talked to aliens and then cussed them and were like, we love mail!
I'll kill everyone!
Weren't they asking for donations on their website too, so they're using capitalistic ways to push communism?
Dude, they had a guy in a brand new $80,000 Jaguar pull up and drive him off.
That's probably that time, wasn't it?
She was driving a brand new, like $40,000 Honda.
Trust fund babies.
Oh yeah, they're getting back at daddy big time.
But don't worry, daddy's proud.
Soros, we're tracking it back to this professor, we're narrowing down the Soros link.
I can't wait.
You know, my Henpeck story that happened this morning.
I was pulling up into the doctor's office to go with my wife.
We're having another baby.
And they had this compact car.
Four kids!
That carbon footprint's a little big there, dude.
That's right.
That's right.
Well, so there's a ton of handicapped spots that are open.
So I can't park there.
So I go to where it's a compact car.
It's the only spots that are open.
And the spot that I pulled in was even bigger than the compact car spots.
But it was in that area.
And I get out and the guy in the cart, the golf cart, goes, do you read the sign?
I was like, yeah, it says no skateboards.
He goes, do you read the sign?
I said, it says no bikes parked over here.
He goes, no, the other sign.
I said, oh yeah, compact cars.
He goes, well, why don't you just wait for somebody to pull up?
I said, look, dude, I'm in a spot.
I'm pulled up farther than the compact cars.
Look, you can see it.
Get a tape measure.
He goes, oh, what are you getting all bent out of shape for?
I'm like, you're hand packing me, bro.
If you're going to start it, I'm going to finish it.
And he goes, I just wanted to show your son how stupid you are.
Because I was there with my son.
I'm like, really?
And I looked at my son, I said, do you think I'm stupid?
He goes, nope.
Well done, Lord Vader.
Don't henpeck me, bro.
Don't henpeck me.
And this is an old man henpecking, which is the worst type of henpecking, because they think you can... That's what they do.
They all want power, but they want to do it in a cowardly way with the system.
We're done!
1776 worldwide, filth!
I'll park in your compact spot anytime I feel like it.
God, it's ridiculous.
I think it's Miller time.
Oh yeah.
We still got another show to do.
I'm just joking.
Alright, remember that thing in the 70s and 80s?
It's Miller time.
Didn't Bill Murray say that after on Ghostbusters?
It's Miller time.
Jameson time.
Oh my gosh, it's Senorita time in your universe.
Hey, Nightly News tonight at 7.
God bless you all.
We love life.
We're doubling down.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In case you missed it yesterday, the hashtag Black Lives Matter protest was interrupted by members of Red Guards Austin, a political organization that admits they are a Marxist-Leninist