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Name: 20150519_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 19, 2015
2782 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics related to politics, health, and society in his show. He covers the upcoming Black Lives Matter demonstration, promotes products available at InfowarsStore.com, and talks about One World Way's whey protein powder benefits for older people. Other segments touch upon water emergency in Toledo, Ohio, globalist system conspiracy theories, and the importance of supporting the media operation by buying products from InfowarsLife.com. He expresses concerns about federalization of police and Obama's plan to end immigration enforcement by local and state police. The show includes a discussion with Tucker Carlson on political strategies, establishment tactics, and deep resentment towards America among some on the left. Topics include identity politics, potential collapse of the country, tech companies becoming overcapitalized, isolated militarized police stories turned into race war fodder, federalization to make the feds appear as saviors, and mainstream media misrepresentation of conservatives as potential enemies. The show highlights Tanya Reeves' death due to a perforated uterus at an abortion clinic, raising concerns about lack of legal action taken against the clinic and hypocrisy in media coverage in similar incidents involving black people. Health topics covered include iodine supplementation for PCOS, natural remedies for pain relief, utilizing technology for chiropractic care, Ancient Defense Herbal Immunity Blend, Big Berkey water filter usage, medical tyranny, tonsillitis treatments, and thyroid disorders. The importance of hope and a positive mindset is emphasized for healing through natural methods.

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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The phenomenon is undeniable.
Everyone has experienced it.
You could be at the park, or the mall, or the grocery store, or in a restaurant.
You feel someone's gaze.
Their probing stare, burrowing into the back of your head.
You turn around, and like clockwork, they could be staring at you with love, hate, or just curiosity.
You felt it.
Both of you, momentarily startled,
Realize that your minds have just touched.
Anyone who listens or watches on a regular basis knows that we're teleprompter free at InfoWars.com.
We don't follow outside talking points.
We research what's happening in the culture, what's unfolding in the news, and try to give the public the most accurate analysis that we can.
All right.
We don't engage in a lot of speculation either.
We're live, ladies and gentlemen.
That is just the first minute from an impromptu 10-minute video special report that I shot last night that aired on InfoWars Nightly News titled, Something Big Is About To Happen.
Or you could have titled it, Something Big Is Happening.
Ron Paul has talked about the big event coming, the financial meltdown.
We're undoubtedly already seeing it in different parts of the world.
35 million people a year, the UN says, starve to death.
And those numbers are only going up.
We have been pretty much insulated from that here.
We've been partially insulated from the horrors that are globalism.
But more and more, that is changing.
And I could clear the decks today.
In fact, last night, when I was really just in my gut, upset about the entire climate, and trying to put my finger directly on it.
I said there was a good chance I would just cancel guests tomorrow and open the phones up for three hours to discuss basically the hundredth monkey phenomenon or syndrome.
But we do have Tucker Carlson coming on today, always informative.
Mark Crutcher, Pro-Life America, and Dr. Ed Group.
We'll be here in studio to open the phones up to ask Dr. Group your question about health, supplements, nutrition, some of the great gains we're making in educating the public, some of the big victories.
So we'll do that, but undoubtedly, sometime this week, we will
Spent pretty much the entire broadcast just opening the phones up to ask, are you feeling the feeling of anxiety and disquiet and concern like something bad is about to happen?
Because I've been privately feeling this really intensely for about three weeks and my gut has never been wrong.
But I can't even guess or imagine what it is.
And separately, other people have been telling me about this.
People that aren't even listeners of the show or viewers.
And I've been talking to crew, they have family members that aren't listeners, that are just bringing up the same thing.
So when I put this video out last night, if you go to InfoWars.com or if you go to YouTube, the vast majority of people are really resonating with it.
And saying that they're basically saying the same thing.
We need to take the concern of our subconscious mind and bring it to the conscious level and ask, why is everybody so much on edge?
A lot of different reasons for that.
I'll talk some about it here today.
But when we come back, there's just so much news that we're going to have to get to.
Just wait till you hear the latest Obama news.
We're going to cover right out of the gates on the other side of this break.
The hashtag Black Lives Matter is being used by demonstrators all across the country.
But why should it be capped with the actions of police?
What if it was expanded to include another area where lives are being lost?
It wasn't that long ago that New York reported it had more black babies aborted than born.
With this in mind, join the Black Lives Matter demonstration this Thursday, May 21st from 11am to 2pm
At the Planned Parenthood on Ben White Boulevard in South Austin.
The demonstration will be aired live on the nationally syndicated Alex Jones Show.
Make your own Black Lives Matter signs and join us this Thursday, May 21st from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
at the Planned Parenthood located at 201 East Ben White Boulevard in Austin.
Be sure to use the public right-of-way and let's put truth into action.
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And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
Television, music, fast food, GMOs, sugars, you name it.
Young humans have not yet developed their nervous system and are being
We're good.
We're good to go.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us on this live Tuesday, the 19th day of May 2015 Global Transmission.
Tucker Carlson of TheDailyCaller.com and Fox News will be joining us to cover the waterfront at the start of the next hour.
Then we have one of the leading pro-life organizations in the country joining us to talk about the real genocide in this country against black people.
51% since Roe v. Wade never making it out of their mother's womb.
We're going to have a demonstration in Austin, Texas on Thursday led by Jakari Jackson when he gets back from Cleveland and coverage there with Joe Biggs.
Pointing out and handing out flyers with the history of the KKK, basically helping Margaret Sanger fund, with the Rockefellers, the founding of Planned Parenthood.
So we're going to be talking about that today.
We have our reporters Sha'Carri Jackson and Joe Biggs joining us with a quick update on demonstrators that have been blocking roads and more in Cleveland.
Ahead of verdicts against a police officer up there, police officers in the shooting of two unarmed black men in 2012.
As all that comes to head as we move quickly into the summer of rage.
Before I go any further, let me just give you some of the headlines here.
There's some good news, there's some bad news.
Supreme Court strikes down Maryland income tax law, saying it's unconstitutional.
That is a big, big deal.
Saying that if you have state taxes and federal taxes that double tax, they're unconstitutional.
Simply amazing.
That's from Courthouse News Service.
Another really positive piece of news.
Federal judge says D.C.
Kerry law is unconstitutional.
Heller ruled this six years ago, but they came out with new gun laws that were also unconstitutional, so that's been stricken down.
We're going to break that down.
Also, Texas legislatures reduced penalty for guns at airports.
CHL holders who are stopped by security will be allowed to put their guns in their vehicles or check it in their luggage.
Yeah, they're concealed carry holders.
They don't have a criminal record.
They make us safer.
If they were going to bring a gun in illegally, they would just do it.
So leave them alone.
Let the pilots have guns.
You trust them to fly the plane, let them have guns.
The answer is more guns, less crime.
Just super news.
So that's just some of the positive news.
Here's some of the bad news, and believe me, there's plenty of it, but also plenty of good news.
My point is, there's not just evil in the world, there's good in the world, there's common sense in the world.
That's why the system sells mental illness, and insanity, and unstableness, and twisted art, is to fundamentally confuse people.
Obama seeks to end immigration enforcement by local and state police.
That's right.
He's already ended it federally outside of law.
Now he's moving with his Black Lives Matter movement and the Justice Department stirring up destabilization to bait and switch and try to attach federal funds and withhold them if police basically arrest illegals for any reason.
You've seen the Border Patrol memos three months ago where they're told, let them go for crimes.
Let them go with guns.
Let them go with drugs.
Let them go if they're drunk.
Just let the illegals go.
Because they want them here to drive down the wages and be a new political bloc with Divide and Conquer, Tower of Babel 2.0, where none of us can communicate with each other.
But regardless, it's discrimination against citizens.
I don't care what color you are.
There's another special report out of ABC News, agents under attack, and it just goes into how hellish their job is.
So we'll be going over all of that.
And again, these are just the top stories in each little stack.
I've got more than 15 stacks today.
Where should I begin on these other stacks?
Iraq forces flee as ISIS gains control of Ramadi, U.S.
officials say.
And I was sitting there this morning watching the news while I was exercising,
And it shows ISIS driving around in their armored Humvees and we see the Iraqi security forces trained by our military fleeing.
What's really going on here?
Saudi Arabia has proxy armies.
Funded by NATO and others that have been trying to bring down Syria for five years.
They fly Al-Qaeda flags.
They're engaging in all these crimes and all they are is a proxy army being given a large portion of Iraq by the West and then our media acts like they're an enemy and acts like our military can't do anything.
And then when ISIS ends up attacking the U.S., because it's a real terror group, they've just been funded and protected by the West, they will take our basic liberties and our freedoms.
In fact, I rarely agree with Piers Morgan, but the washed-up talk show host, because he came here to lecture Americans on getting rid of the Bill of Rights with his snooty, snooty fake accent,
It's a fake Uptown, you know, Richie Rich British accent.
In his country it's fake.
The Brits have explained to me.
He's saying that there will be ISIS attacks in this country.
That's a Kurt Nemo article.
I don't require my reporters to agree with me on everything.
I don't really agree with Kurt that there's zero evidence.
We've already had an ISIS attack.
We know they're coming across the border.
We know they're recruiting in the West.
It's different than the previous al-Qaeda groups that were totally synthetic and led by Western intelligence agencies completely.
Then they would have wind-up toy useful idiots below them carry out some attacks.
That was a paper tiger.
ISIS has been given major funding by Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, some Israeli money, other funding out of Europe, out of England.
They've been allowed to recruit.
It is a real terror threat.
That doesn't mean give your rights up because it is happening because at the end of the day it was still created by the West as a pretext to menace us into giving up liberty.
Giving up liberty does not protect us and we should not be held hostage and we should reverse the liberties that we've seen lost in the name of fighting terrorism.
Even the head of Interpol said last year the answer is arming citizens like in the U.S.
worldwide to fight back against radical jihadists when they attack shopping malls and colleges and community centers and schools and things like that.
These scum love to attack innocent targets.
They love victim disarmament zones.
They love countries where the public's been disarmed.
I get Kurt's point about
They're hyping the threat, and at the end of the day, it's synthetic, but not synthetic in the way Al Qaeda, the granddaddy of ISIS is.
ISIS is a real army, equipped and trained by the Saudi military and others, who were trained at bases in the Middle East, from Jordan to Turkey to Iraq,
And then that Free Syrian Army was handed over to Saudi-run Wahhabists who fly the Saudi Arabian Wahhabist flag.
You know it as Al-Qaeda.
It's just a Wahhabist flag.
It is the Al-Qaeda flag.
But notice you never hear that.
We hear, oh, Al-Qaeda's done.
We killed their leadership.
They're gone now.
Here's ISIS, the new enemy, just to confuse everybody because they don't really fight them.
They always wanted Iraq broken up into three parts.
That's what's now been done.
And they may just give, again, one area to the Kurds, one area to the Al-Qaeda folks, the ISIS people, Islamic State, part of Iraq in the West and part of Eastern Syria.
And that's been the goal.
And you're just seeing it.
Our media just goes, oh my gosh, look at ISIS, they're so terrible.
Oh my gosh, we better get rid of our Bill of Rights and have the NSA spy on us and internet kill switches and, you know, checkpoints when the border is wide open.
It's all a total fraud.
Here are the headlines.
Iraq forces flee as ISIS gains control of Ramadi.
official says Iraq security forces were pushed out by a smaller ISIS force.
They say it's pretty much over now.
The U.S.
military official told Fox News.
And now they're saying they may take the whole country.
They will be allowed to get, if you put up an Iraqi map on the wall, the central western area right into the far western area into the central eastern area and far eastern area of Syria.
That is Islamic State.
That is the new command base.
Just like the U.S.
and England helped create Israel as a land-based aircraft carrier in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia will now have its own command base right in the middle of it.
And that's the plan to further Balkanize.
The war against ISIS in Iraq just took a dark turn.
Business Insider admits that the whole country could fall to Saudi Arabia.
Meanwhile, says, oh, we just can't beat them.
Oh, the Iraqis are turning and fleeing.
And that's because everything our government has done was to break down Iraq and make it be a failed state, just like Libya now turned over to the very same jihadis.
So Saudi Arabia is just being given the keys to the Middle East.
Now we come back.
Pentagon admits that they're preparing for mass civil breakdown.
Joint drills rake in cerns.
A contingency plan in the event of wide-scale social unrest.
That's out of Investment Watch.
Same as we told you years ago.
So we're going to break that down when we come back.
And so much more.
Stay with us.
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The story is from Investment Watch and the Western Journalism Center.
And it breaks down the video we're going to be playing in the next segment.
Pentagon admits preparing for mass civil breakdown, joint drills, raise concerns, a contingency plan in the event of wide-scale civil unrest.
The program, costing millions of dollars, try billions, has been designed for the purpose of
And that's admitted in the Washington Post and the New York Times and Forbes and Army Times and Stars and Stripes.
And then we just go, oh look!
They're having a big giant drill we should investigate it and the mainstream media acts like none of this exists.
That's how crazy it is.
Meanwhile, Obama, we're going to cover this, has come out and the London Guardian has the story and is claiming that he's going to ban
The M-16s and the armored vehicles and the helicopters and all the rest of them from being given to local police, when it's the feds that have been doing that all along, and it is accelerated, expanded, ballooned under his tutelage.
And I predict, it's not hard to predict, it's very nebulous what he says, that this is all smoke and mirrors and the opposite will be done.
Obama to ban military gear that can alienate and intimidate.
The recently revealed documents add that the purpose is further to inform policy implemented by combatant commandos and commands.
This all started back in 2008 when the global banking crisis
formed the impetus for DoD and the Minerva Research Institute.
The DoD then decided to partner with universities in order to improve DoD's basic understanding of the social, cultural, behavioral, and political forces that shape regions of the world of strategic importance to the U.S.
And that's that mastering the human domain, including domestically in the U.S.
A special forces unit based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina is conducting joint exercises with local police forces in the surrounding area of Columbia, South Carolina.
The exercises, which involve the 3rd Special Forces Group and the Richmond County Sheriff's Department SWAT team, will be taking place and are currently taking place.
So it's just ongoing.
And the Pentagon comes out and makes the announcement.
Out of one side of their mouth, but out of the other side says that we're basically making it up.
Do I need to play sheriff's departments in Indiana and Washington State and in New York saying the MRAPs are for veterans and gun owners because there's a coming war with us?
What do you have planned so horrible it's going to start a civil war?
We really didn't have the violence that we see today.
The weaponry is totally different now than it was in the beginning of my career.
Plus you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
This is California.
The riot police, the military, the army.
They attack when he says he's a sovereign citizen.
I'm a sovereign citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
That's the cue for the attack to be launched.
So this is what's going on everywhere.
The Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL basically quarterback it.
And they don't want us to have a national debate about it.
Well, we're going to have the debate about what you're building.
So that as you unveil it, people know that it was premeditated and you didn't just launch a total military takeover overnight.
That it was pre-planned, pre-positioned, prepared.
That the military was tested to see who would follow orders.
And then there's the bigger question again.
Why is there this big buildup?
And why are they saying gun owners and veterans are going to be attacking police?
And some will say, oh well that cop, that SWAT team commander in Indiana, talked about violence is worse today.
No, gun violence is down 50 plus percent.
60 according to Professor Lott.
The way I crunch the numbers in the Justice Department is 51.
And yeah, you saw the big shootout up in Waco.
Nine people killed.
That's what gangs have always done.
Gangs have always killed each other.
Back in the days of Al Capone, there were sometimes 15 people killed a week in Chicago.
It's nothing new.
In fact, actual gang violence is down in the U.S.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Here are some stories breaking now on InfoWars.com.
Paul Joseph Watson writes about the French mayor forced into a mental institution for Islamophobic comments he made on Twitter.
And Piers Morgan calls for war.
Kurt Nimmo writes, Piers Morgan joins the neocons and their fellow travelers who call for more war.
Following the lead of the Democrats, he puts a liberal spin on his warmongering.
His calls for more war and murder underscores the fact that there's little difference between the Democrats and Republicans.
Both are cheerleaders for endless and perpetual war.
And we have a video going viral on the Alex Jones Channel.
Something big is about to happen.
Alex Jones' sixth sense has been going off in recent weeks and he wanted to take some time to share some of his thoughts and call for a discussion on what the future has in store for humanity.
Please join in at the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
You can find more news and reports on InfoWars.com.
Rob Dew reporting.
Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
If there's a water emergency, will you be prepared?
Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
We're here at a supermarket in Toledo.
You can see the shelves empty where water once was.
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In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are assaulting us.
Targeting of patriots engaged.
They are never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
Block free iPhone ads at InfoWars.com.
Block free podcast and video feed.
Destroy Britain's minute TV.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun and you can feel it.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
That's Smashing Pumpkins bringing us in.
I am still just a rat in a cage.
And we're being put more and more into an artificial globalist system.
We've got our reporters that have been on scene in Maryland, in Baltimore, on scene in Ferguson, on scene on the South Texas border where the Border Patrol told us to come meet them secretly and to document the fact that they're told to load illegals on buses and give them voucher cards to be bussed anywhere they wish in the country to Democratic Party offices, to be set up and given voter ID cards, a driver's license, you name it.
And we'll have our reporters at Bilderberg 2015 as well.
I haven't decided if I'm going to be going yet, but Paul Watson's going to be there, Josh Owens is going to be there.
I may send some other reporters, but it comes down to funding.
We're going to be talking to our reporters who are in Cleveland.
Where the verdict could be any minute now.
They were saying it'd be yesterday, the National Guard standing by in the case of police officers charged with the shooting of two unarmed black men that killed them.
Before we go to them, I wanted to play a clip from Obama to ban police military gear that can alienate and intimidate.
And see, this is the beginning of the globalization, the federalization of the police.
I'm going to break that down in just a moment.
We're going to cue up the Al Sharpton clip here in just a second after we play the Obama clip.
But first off,
We are able to have the reporters, have the writers, have the nightly news, have the daily radio show, have the news websites, and run this whole operation and defeat external and internal attacks, you name it, because of your support, your prayers, and you spreading the word about the broadcast.
And the fact that you do buy the high-quality Patriot apparel, the high-quality water filtration systems, the high-quality non-GMO heirloom seeds, the high-quality shortwave radios, the high-quality cook stoves, the high-quality storable foods, the high-quality products at InfoWarStore.com is the reason we're able to fund this operation.
We also have sponsors.
Who make the broadcast possible, but most of those are the network sponsors.
If I only operated on sponsorship, I could have about 15 employees.
I've got about 50 right now.
And I want to be able to get one or two more camera people, and I want to get one or two more reporters slash news anchors, and one or two more print writers, researchers, investigative journalists.
We need that.
We're short-staffed.
I am set in the next few months to launch us, and it's now a set date, I'm going to announce it later, on satellite and the type that will go to cable and TV.
We have a big list of stations ready to turn us on, some that already download the show every day and play it.
It's very exciting.
That's all lined up, studios are done, everything else is submitted, but the fuel
This media operation is like an American-made, 707 horsepower Dodge Hellcat.
It's pure muscle, it's ready to take on the globalists, we're ready to be put on the field for the next level.
I'm ready for the gate to open and go out against gladiators twice the size we've fought so far.
We're ready.
But, you've got to open the gate.
You've got to get on the chains and open it.
You open that gate, I will stomp directly out to the middle of that arena and I will face them with my reporters and my crew.
We're ready.
Open the gate, let me out there in the ring, I'm ready.
That's why they're coming after us, that's why they're pulling dirty tricks.
They know we're reaching 20 million people a week globally.
But only, according to the Google Analytics and other systems we can cross-reference, only 8 million of those are in CONUS.
Eight million are in the lower 48.
Now that's still a large number, but I want to reach 50 million domestically.
I want to go down in history like my forebears, changing the world for the better.
I want to be hardcore.
Hardcore and nothing but hardcore.
I am committed.
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If you're listening in Southern California, same thing.
If you're listening in Oregon, same thing.
If you're listening in Utah, same thing.
We're in a war!
The globalists are trying to shut down all independent media right now.
They're announcing it.
They're coming because we're beating their butts.
Look at these headlines on DrudgeReport.com.
I mean, just look at this.
Clinton hides from reporters.
Security forces race across Iowa, 95 miles an hour, to dodge pursuing journalists.
Worst day of campaign.
Three to five business days response time for media requests.
Clinton shuts down reporter trying to ask question.
New York Times, Hillary circulated Sid Blumenthal intelligence memos.
Paid by foundation, media matters.
Well, yeah, that's the White House.
Who attacks us every week.
Sometimes every day.
Role blurs lines of politics and business.
House committee may subpoena video.
Voters love her no matter what.
New Mark Dice video.
Judge orders rolling release of Clinton State Department emails.
Dems panic.
Draft Biden, get serious!
You've got the establishment trying to force-feed us this bumbling, lying, female Brian Williams.
But she's made her bones, unlike Brian Williams.
Brian Williams claims he's this commando.
Hillary's actually run, you know, murder squads.
I mean, she's actually had a lot of people killed.
Her and Clinton, you know, presided over that.
Had her boyfriend Vince whacked.
She's got more girlfriends than Al Capone did.
I mean, she's a monster.
And let me tell you, if she gets in office, you think Obama's been bad?
And imagine, oh, don't talk bad about women.
You're just against women because you don't like Hillary.
I'd vote for a woman in one second.
I'd vote for a black man in one second.
I care less what color you are or what's between your legs, as long as in your heart you love freedom and in your brain you understand what's happening in this world.
But you wonder why every movie now is about how men are inherently bad and how great feminists are and how, you know, the new Mad Max, all the men are killed at the end and a utopia is created.
That's called the end of humanity.
This is sick and it's all to grease the skids for Hillary.
The establishment is behind her as they try to force feed us rotten vomit that she's spewed up.
All the crimes she's committed, all the abortions she's pushed, all the souls in her rotten gut.
She vomits it up.
We're supposed to just beg her like it's manna from heaven.
But here's the good news.
People are waking up.
Under Obama, we've seen the MRAPs and the machine guns.
I don't care if the cops have fully auto or in big cities they have armored vehicles because you may need them sometimes.
What I don't like is that they're directed against the veterans and gun owners.
But notice now under 7277, we told you this was coming in my film Police Day 2000, made in 99, that they would then foment civil war with the police after they set them up, had them do things like acid formature seizure and things the feds taught them how to do, demonize them, then they bring in federalism and globalism and disarm the police.
Obama to ban police military gear that can alienate and intimidate, here's the clip, and we're going to Cleveland,
to talk to Jakari Jackson and Joe Biggs.
We're waiting for another verdict.
Oh, by the way, they're protesting.
There's photos online in Ferguson at the different George Soros compounds demanding their pay, claiming they didn't get paid their next paycheck for demonstrating.
I guess $33 million was all Soros spent.
They wanted more.
So now they're demonstrating outside the different Soros Justice Department front groups.
I mean, just talk about astroturf.
This is it.
The opposite of grassroots.
Let's go to this Obama clip.
Here it is.
Today we're also releasing new policies on the military-style equipment that the federal government has in the past provided to state and local law enforcement agencies.
You know, we've seen how militarized gear
Can sometimes give people a feeling like there's an occupying force as opposed to a force that's part of the community that's protecting them and serving them.
Can alienate and intimidate local residents and send the wrong message.
So we're going to prohibit some equipment made for the battlefield that is not appropriate for local police departments.
You know, there is other equipment that may be needed in certain cases, but only with proper training.
Let's stop right there.
So they're going to give them all the armored vehicles and everything, but they've got to be federalized.
Just like Al Sharpton said, we have that Al Sharpton clip.
And we told you that's what all of this was about.
Obama to ban police military gear that can alienate and intimidate, but then you hear what he says, oh no, we're still going to give it to you, you've just got to be federal, and then they'll use it a lot nicer.
Let's go ahead and go to that clip.
I've been frightened of all over the country, which is why we're going to do this march from here to Washington.
We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country.
In the 20th century, they had to fight states' rights to get the right to vote.
We've got to fight states' rights in terms of closing down police cases.
Police must be held accountable.
I don't think all police are bad.
I don't even think most are bad.
But those that are, need to be held accountable.
And by federalizing them, we'll all be safe.
Now we go to Cleveland, Ohio, where Jakari Jackson is reporting.
He's been talking to folks about the federalization.
Do they think it's a good idea?
He's been watching the demonstrations.
The street's getting blocked.
Jakari, update us on what you've seen so far and tell us about this case and why folks are so upset and what you're expecting to see happening after you've stuck your toe in the water and measured the climate out there.
Jakari Jackson reporting live from Cleveland, Ohio.
We're right outside the Justice Department.
They had a, I guess you'd call it a demonstration yesterday.
Nothing on the grand scale we've seen in cities like Baltimore and Ferguson.
But you know, it's a very quiet scene out here right now.
Not only are there not large crowds, there also isn't a large police presence.
You don't see the SWAT teams and the National Guard like we've seen in other cities.
So thus far, everybody's keeping a really cool head.
I'm sure they are ready to mobilize.
Should some incident occur.
And as what you were talking about earlier Alex, the clip of Obama and I guess Sharpton doing his two cents as well, this idea that we need to federalize the police and to anybody out there who thinks all this stuff is going to disappear, the MRAPs and the grenade launchers, once they get these guys federalized, that is not going to happen.
They're still going to have it just like you said, they just want to have it under a federal banner.
So I don't think that's going to help anything.
Now particularly with this case, it's Officer Brello.
Who was involved in the shooting as well as several other officers, but he's the guy who's on the line right now.
Back in 2012, they were pursuing some suspects, unarmed suspects, I might add.
Brello decided to jump on the hood of a car, fired multiple rounds, five of which were considered fatal, and now he's on trial, the charge being manslaughter.
So it's a very...
It was a completely just ridiculous scenario to think that you'd have to jump on the hood of a car and fire multiple times at two people who are of no threat to you.
Because if I was involved in some type of incident and I really thought somebody was armed in a threat to my personal safety, I wouldn't jump on the hood of a car in front of the windshield where they had a clear view of me, but that's my personal opinion.
So right now everybody we've met has been pretty calm, pretty peaceful, haven't had any issues with the police.
No major road closures that I've seen thus far, but we'll continue to monitor the situation out here and see if anything develops.
That's right, and they're talking about other charges down the road, depending on how this court case goes.
Jakari Jackson again reporting from Cleveland, Ohio.
I just clicked.
You're in the hometown of Obama Phone Lady, so I want you guys today to give her a call.
If you don't have her number, we'll send it to you.
And to go check in on her, I was always talking about going up and interviewing her at her home and seeing what her daily life's like, so I'd like you and Joe either today or tomorrow to go do that.
Briefly, Jakari, we've got coming up this Thursday, you're going to have to come back regardless, you're going to be leading a demonstration, a real Black Lives Matter demonstration outside the Planned Parenthood death camp on Ben White here in Austin.
Yes, it's the, I believe it's 201 East Ben White Boulevard in South Austin.
Anybody who's in Austin or can get there, come out there between 11 and 2 during the hours of the Alex Jones Radio Show.
You guys can come meet us.
Be sure to be respectful of them.
They have very strict rules.
They don't want you on their property or, you know, yelling at their employees and stuff like that.
So if people are driving in, just let them drive in.
But you're welcome to come.
Stand peacefully.
Bring your Black Lives Matter signs.
You can make your own signs.
And come out there and meet the Infowars crew.
We're going to be right back and get Joe Biggs take on what you've seen so far.
Stay with us, Sha'Carri.
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Ira Hayes.
Ira Hayes.
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Coming up, it's just epic.
Talking about federalization of police.
Alex Jones here, back live.
Obama seeks to end immigration enforcement by local and state police.
That's what federalization means.
More lawlessness.
Recommendation from task force set up in wake of Ferguson riots.
So Soros funds riots for the administration and the Justice Department helps fan the flames and the answer is open the borders up and have local police
Not arrest illegals when they commit crimes.
We're going to be breaking that down.
Rand Paul vows to do everything possible to block Patriot Act renewal.
But Chris Christie, on the other hand, calls Snowden supporters, quote, civil liberties extremist.
Of course, you swear an oath to that when you're in office, but this is the mental illness in his latest desperate neocon diatribe.
So that's some of what's coming up.
Burglars use drone helicopters to target homes.
Unilever boss urges world leaders to reduce carbon output.
That means pay the corporate chiefs a carbon tax that they run.
That's just some of what's coming up.
Renowned experts warn of slow motion financial collapse.
That is just a small smidgen of what's coming up.
Tucker Carlson will be joining us and more.
Don't forget you can always watch the show at InfoWars.com.
or slash show the daytime three-hour radio slash TV multimedia transmission then
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Let's now get a quick update ahead of the verdict.
Do we know when this verdict's set to come out?
We thought it'd be yesterday, today.
What's the word, Joe Biggs?
Joe Biggs, InfoWars.com.
I'm actually standing outside of the Cleveland Police Headquarters and the Justice Department where this is all going down.
Today is supposed to be the earliest they're going to come out with this.
Now the problem with that is
Like, uh, Ferguson in November.
They kept dragging it on.
Remember how they say it's gonna be released tomorrow?
It's gonna be released the next day.
And all that did was give time for these outside agitators to come in, get prepared, get set up, and that's how the city burnt down.
The best way that they can handle this is to go on ahead, pull the Band-Aid off quick, get it done, get it over with.
And just move on.
Because if they keep waiting, more people are going to come in from L.A., from New York, from RevComm in Chicago, and this place is going to get set up and it'll be ten times worse.
And that's what a lot of people are worried about.
You know, you can't go into a restaurant or an area and not hear someone talking about this.
And for much reason.
I got intel earlier from Dew about how the police department here has told the officers that they're not allowed to take leave or anything like that.
It's all been canceled.
All leave, all vacations have been canceled.
It looks like it's on purpose again.
Remember how they ordered to stand down in Baltimore and the Justice Department was running that.
Are there any indicators that this is being Justice Department handled?
At this point in time, I'm not sure, but I have intel as well that there are people, outsiders, being bused in.
They're staying at a Holiday Inn in an area called West Park.
It's a suburb outside southeast of Cleveland.
Let's go document that.
That's huge news.
Yeah, if I can catch the buses and who they're bringing.
Now the police department here, the officers here, are 100% aware of it.
I asked them if they knew about this intel.
They said they're well aware of it, but there's nothing being done at this point in time.
And the word on the street is that around 3, 3.30 this afternoon, something is gonna happen.
Regardless of what comes out with a verdict or anything if it does today, something will happen.
Alright, we'll stay there.
We're back in 60 seconds.
Man, you've got a lot of information.
I want to hear more on this and get your take on the biker shootout Sunday in Waco.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Joe Biggs and Jakari Jackson are in Cleveland, Ohio, where the verdict on this police officer case, the shooting of two unarmed black males,
Fatally, it's set to come out any time now.
They're busing in demonstrators.
I have the article here.
In fact, I meant to give it to you guys to print.
It's on my iPhone from this morning.
Where they're up in Ferguson protesting the George Soros-funded group at their offices because they, quote, haven't paid the demonstrators their final payment.
So this is total astroturf.
Joe Biggs was getting into that.
A nice listener just walked up.
And offered to get the guys lunch, so we've got listeners right there in Cleveland, Ohio.
Joe, does the listener want to say hi to us, or is she shy of that?
Yeah, she's shy.
She kind of, she scurried off when we mentioned that.
Oh, so the Floyd line didn't want to be on TV.
Yes, you don't want to be on TV.
Actually, there's a lot of people.
I went out last night to a couple places and I just wanted to get the feel of the environment and the emotion of people about what's going on.
And you'd be surprised, there were a lot of listeners.
I mean, I went to one bar and I was completely bombarded by about 15 people in one area.
Listen, four years ago at Bilderberg, or three years ago in England, I went out to the bridge.
Well, it's not London Bridge, it's the modern bridge that goes right across towards Big Bend.
And every other person for like 30 minutes of the live feed was like, Alex Jones, Alex Jones, Alex Jones.
And they were British, they were Scot, they were Irish, they were Australian.
Basically, none of them were Americans.
There's video of this.
Half of them were listeners and viewers.
And we're not bragging.
That just shows how popular freedom is, Joe.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, I sat down and I was ordering a drink, and this girl goes, hold on.
She goes, you work with InfoWars, don't you?
And I went, yeah.
She goes, you're Joe Biggs.
And I said, yeah.
She goes, man, I've been listening to InfoWars since 2010.
And she was just telling me all the stuff that you have to be covering.
Did you behave yourself, Joe?
Yes, always.
Anyways, what else is he saying?
So, what we're going to try to find out... Let's just get away from the news and talk about what the women were saying.
Let's just go back... I'm joking.
Yeah, so the interesting thing is if we can find out if people are being bused in and someone's paying for that, then you know that this is all another...
Part of the game, what they're trying to do to escalate this entire thing.
And one of the things I'm very fearful for, for Cleveland, is right now the playoffs begin tomorrow.
The NBA playoffs or whatever.
The East and the Western or whatever that is.
And they start playing Atlanta tomorrow in Atlanta.
But next week, they will be back here in town.
So that'll be tons of people who are in the downtown area.
So if they wait and they push this until next week, it could get very bad.
Because it reminds me of what happened in St.
People going outside the ballpark, harassing all the people.
So that's one thing they need to avoid at all costs.
Like I said, pull the band-aid off and get it over with quickly.
Now, the jury
Have they come to their decision yet or are they holding it?
Because I've heard they've come to their decision.
What's the details on that?
That's what I've heard so far too, that they already pretty much know that's why they went on ahead and notified the National Guard ahead of time.
Just so they could get people in place for whenever they're ready to come out and give the information.
But like I said, the longer and longer they play the waiting game, the more outside agitators come in and then the same thing will happen in Ferguson.
It'll just all go to hell.
Well, the good news is people are waking up.
I mean, are most of the fans in the inner-city area?
Are most of the fans in business districts?
Or are the listeners kind of a cross-section of society there in Cleveland?
You have different divisions, like you have Cleveland Heights.
That area, there's a lot of people who watch.
They came out last night because they knew we were in town.
People from the west side of Cleveland as well.
So, people from all over, people downtown, I mean, this whole area, people are, they watch the show, they're pretty awake to what's going on.
Well, you and Jakari are doing a great job.
Be safe out there.
You may end up being by yourself, or we may have to have Josh come relieve Jakari, because he's got to lead that Black Lives Matter for real demonstration against the abortuary up there at the death camp, up there at Planned Parenthood in South Austin, right down the road from our office.
Thank you, Joe Biggs.
We'll be watching the live streams at Infowars.com.
It's being called the largest gunfight in Waco City history.
On Sunday, a biker brawl left nine dead and more than 160 arrested.
Members from five different motorcycle gangs have been charged with engaging in organized crime.
The brawl started in the bathroom of the Twin Peaks Restaurant.
Just off I-35 in Waco.
Witnesses said it quickly escalated into the bar and then out into the parking lot, and that's where shots began to be fired.
Interestingly, police were on the scene in seconds.
Well, they had the restaurant under surveillance.
In fact, New York Daily News reports that several law enforcement agencies, including uniformed Waco police officers, were already outside the restaurant as hundreds of gang members converged.
Despite their presence, the shootout ignited, with officers returning fire amid the pandemonium.
Sergeant Patrick Swanton informed the press that off-duty cops were also on the scene and jumped in to help during the fight.
Aside from the whole story sounding fishy, this proves that we need our Second Amendment more than ever, because even a preemptive massive police presence failed to stop guns from being drawn and fired.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com
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And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
Television, music, fast food, GMOs, sugars, you name it.
Young humans have not yet developed their nervous system and are being hammered daily by globalist concoctions.
It's no wonder they can't focus and calm down and then are put on dangerous psychotropic drugs.
I think so.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Joining us for the next 25 minutes is Tucker Carlson, a person who needs no introduction.
He, of course, is a host on Fox Television and an investigative journalist and pundit, libertarian.
I wanted to get him on a few weeks ago and we finally have him to talk about just this summer of rage, the Justice Department transparently stirring it up, George Soros, and now it's perfect timing that he's here today because Obama has come out and said, we're going to stop giving military equipment to the police unless they get trained by us.
Well, they've been trained by you.
It's the feds, both political parties, that have helped militarize the police, the whole phony drug war, all of it.
So it's just more talk from Obama.
Then we've got the implosion of Hillary.
We've got the Republican leadership blocking real reform.
I want to get Tucker Carlson's take on the climate in this country today and how he thinks Obama will try to basically
Spend his last year and a half in office because everyone's concerned.
We've seen such lawlessness on the borders, such lawlessness on energy, lawlessness on all these military operations outside of Congress.
So much is happening.
I think the world is getting a lot crazier right now.
The economy's slowing massively.
Tucker Carlson, I just threw out a constellation of things, but they all kind of orbit together.
What do you want to hit on first?
Well, first, thanks for having me, Alex.
It's great to be on, and I agree with everything you said, and I think you're absolutely right that this is the beginning of a long, ugly season.
I mean, it is, like, axiomatic.
Anyone who's around law enforcement can tell you that civil disturbances increase as the weather temperatures rise.
You almost never see rioting in cold weather.
You're telling me that we're going to get through July and August?
I mean, I hope we will.
I hate that.
That's terrible for America.
But you're not going to see another Baltimore or worse?
No, you likely are.
And I also agree with you that the president has done virtually nothing to make the situation better.
I think he benefits from it politically.
I think his sympathies are with the looters.
That seems pretty clear from listening to him.
And I think it's a really, really scary mix.
I do sort of differ from maybe a lot of conservatives, as I think that there is abuse by the police.
I don't think most of it is racial.
I don't think most cops are racist at all, but I do think some of them are abusive.
I used to cover them.
I've been hassled by the cops personally, and I think it's worth reminding law enforcement.
I respect law enforcement.
I'm on their side fundamentally, but I do think it's important to remind them from time to time that they are citizens, they work for us, and that politeness and respect are not
Optional, they're required when you deal with the public.
Sorry, those are the rules.
Tucker Carlson of course also founded and heads up the super successful Daily Caller, dailycaller.com.
Well absolutely, I'm the guy that made four police state films, wrote a book on the subject, because I didn't want to see us degenerate into a third world banana republic.
That said, the arrogance of government rolls downhill, the militarization of police, the acid forfeiture seizure.
It's super bad news, and I agree.
The best way to support the police is to not just worship them and choose a side, but choose the Constitution.
But the Soros people are betting, it seems, everything on social unrest because all they've delivered to inner-city poor people is double unemployment, what blacks had seven years ago.
And so it's just crazy to see a U.S.
president betting
Everything on class warfare, divide and conquer, and it's surreal, though, to see them trying to sell a federalization of police, really a new soft civil war, in Al Sharpton's new words, you know, it's just crazy.
It's crazy.
Why do you think they're betting so much on this?
Because ethnic politics and identity politics work.
Really well.
It's the fastest way to get people out to vote.
It's the fastest way to divert their attention from your own policy failures.
It's also really dangerous.
I mean, I've been to a lot of countries and the one thing they mostly have in common is really, really deep ethnic divides, which are permanent and dangerous and flare up into violence from time to time.
The thing about a political
We're good to go.
In effect, making excuses for and therefore encouraging that kind of behavior.
It's scary.
I mean, they categorize people by race, in a way.
You know, you can't even imagine, 30 years ago you would have said, wait a second, that's Nazi stuff!
They've taken Martin Luther King and the Republicans and folks that gave us the Civil Rights Act, and they've now inverted it into, as you said, total identity, racial politics, and now video games.
Almost every movie, The New Road Warrior, they kill every man at the end to create a utopia
And it's not surreal.
They're serious.
It's not satire.
So now they're really getting more intense on just saying men are bad, period.
This is an establishment that is simply trying to balkanize the country.
And I don't understand what the establishment's doing, because all it does is fundamentally make the country fail.
If the establishment is already dominating the country and milking it, Tucker Carlson of DailyCaller.com, why then, in your opinion, would they be trying to fundamentally destabilize the country?
Well, I mean, because for a couple reasons.
First of all, I don't think they see it that way.
I don't think the president wakes up and says every morning, I'm going to destabilize the country.
But I think there's a deep well of resentment there on the left about America, you know, that America is not as good as it's been
As it's proclaimed itself to be.
They're deeply suspicious of America as an enterprise, I think.
It's fair to say.
So they're smoking their own leftist dope?
Yeah, that's totally right.
That's totally right.
But I also think, again, that it's useful.
That's how they campaign, and it's also how they govern.
They divide the country into demographic groups, and they appeal to each one separately.
So the idea that you have this melting pot, a bunch of people from different places and backgrounds and religions, and they all kind of come together as Americans sharing a common culture, that's not the way they see the world, that's not the way they run their campaigns, and it's not the way they run the government when they win.
At all.
They see it as, you know, the gays and the blacks and the Hispanics and the women and the men and the whites and the, you know, whatever.
They see each group as distinct, with distinct needs to be pandered to distinctly.
And what they don't fully understand is,
That is fire, man.
You should not play with that at all.
That stuff, again, does not go away.
It's really dangerous to act that way.
You should de-emphasize differences between groups.
Because those differences are real.
They're absolutely real.
And that's why you should not accentuate them.
You should not take it to scale.
I agree with you.
Tucker Carlson's our guest.
Then where does this go, looking at the sociology, the history, the anthropology of culture?
I mean, undoubtedly, I see this backfiring on the establishment.
I don't know what the end result's gonna be, but I don't see it going the way they want.
It seems like everything they touch...
is unraveling.
People aren't buying it anymore.
Case in point, Hillary.
Do you think she's imploded?
Or is she on the verge of imploding?
Or will she rise like a phoenix from the ashes?
Because you've got the whole Democratic Party machine behind her, even though they're sick of her as well.
Are they really arrogant enough to try to force-feed Hillary Clinton to us?
Well, the Democratic primary is like a Soviet grocery store.
You know, you get one choice and you're going to like it.
And you're not going to complain about it.
That's not allowed.
I do think there's potentially a problem with the establishment on the Democratic side hoisting Hillary on Democratic voters.
I just don't agree with her on a lot of stuff.
They're way more to the left than she is on economics.
They're anti-establishment.
She is the establishment.
I think in the end you could see a problem there.
But for now, look, I know what they're thinking because I just talked to one of the guys who's running the campaign and he said to me really clearly, it's about identity politics.
She's a woman.
She's been done wrong by men.
The majority of voters in America are female.
And all she needs to do is win, you know, the Democratic base and then a few women from the center, or maybe even Republicans, who look at her and say, you know what?
I identify.
Her husband cheated on her.
She stuck with him.
She ran against Obama, she lost, but she served him dutifully anyway.
It's her turn.
And she'll survive having a string of girlfriends, and all the corruption, and all the dead bodies, and all the Cattlegate, and McDougal?
I mean, she'll survive the hundreds of scandals that have already come?
Well, they're... I mean, I don't know the answer to that question, and I'd like to think we live in a fact-based society where
You know, data actually matter?
Where, you know, like the details about the way someone lives his or her life determine how well that person does?
You know what I mean?
Like, I don't want... I want the just to succeed and the wicked to be punished.
I mean, just like everybody.
But I suspect that we have been trained as a society, not just the left, but also the rest of us,
I mean, I dare you to criticize Hillary in public and you get attacked as a sexist.
I mean, I have three daughters and a wife.
I like women better than... But still, you're guilty.
You're a man inherently, so you're bad.
And so, we're talking about identity politics earlier.
We go to another subject, and he goes back to that.
They have dumbed it down, and so this is the triumph of
Just mindlessness, the triumph of tribalism, of gangsterism.
That's exactly right.
Now here's the one way Hillary loses, is as you just pointed out, there is such deep resentment for the establishment on both sides.
Because honestly, the establishment, the people who run America, are not that impressive.
That's what we've learned.
They're not.
They're greedy.
They're all about themselves.
They're not actually vested in America as an idea.
This is a generalization.
They're not noble.
They're not noble.
And they're not at all altruistic.
It's all about them and their advancement.
And by the way, they see themselves as citizens of the world as people, you know, if America implodes, they'll go to S.T.A.T.
That's right.
They want to graduate to the global level.
So, but I think, I mean, in the end, these are contests that are determined by the majority, like, you know, actual voters.
And I think there's so much resentment toward the establishment right now.
You never know what could happen.
This is the one year that something totally strange could happen where average voters on both sides say, you know what, I'm not, you can put the dog, you can run a marketing campaign on the dog food and you can dress it up all you want, but I'm not eating the dog food because I just don't like it.
And that could happen, I think.
You're absolutely right, and I hope the establishment is smart enough that that is the different groups in it that are radicalizing things to understand this is a very dangerous path.
But I think you hit the nail on the head.
There's a London Guardian article, a New York Times article about elites buying armored redoubts in New Zealand, in Luxembourg, in Monte Carlo, in Switzerland.
They're globalists.
They've got huge private jets that they, you know, fund off of donations to Haitian kids, i.e.
Hillary, and they just have gotten away with so much so long.
Marie Antoinette may have been, you know, killed when they stormed the Bastille, but if she'd had a helicopter on the roof, she'd have been okay.
And I think that's what this comes down to.
Exactly right.
Marie Antoinette's problem was she was stuck in France.
She couldn't split for the Caymans.
You know, she couldn't go to Namibia.
And that's the difference between the people.
So, like, if you were a monarch in the Renaissance, right, or the Middle Ages, or at any time, you're basically stuck with the country you presided over.
And if you did a bad job, you could be overthrown and you would be killed.
Like, that happens.
And so even, you know, there was always that backstop, that limit, where you would be held accountable because it was your country and you couldn't leave it.
Now, the people in charge, again, not all of them, but I even know people on the right.
I have a friend who's a conservative, who's quite affluent, who was telling me the other day, well, I'm getting citizenship in a foreign country.
He was a very patriotic person.
Like, well, why are you doing that?
Well, so I can punch out if necessary.
I don't know.
Where's the stay and fight mentality?
Well, that's why I'm always criticizing the FBI or the CIA or government and then I meet these people.
They're as awake as I am and they're like, dude, you better get out of the country.
And I'm like, wait a minute.
I'm not giving up on this republic.
And that's what's sick is we've just like given into the corruption and just decided it can't be defeated.
I mean, there's nowhere to run long term.
It's all coming down because
Because the same globalism, where they can escape responsibility, same thing that the liberals do at the grassroots, is allowing them to escape reality.
Just like QE Unlimited allows us to escape reality on the debts, Tucker, but only so long.
How long can it go, Tucker Carlson?
Well, it's magic, Alex, and you know that.
I mean, they've suspended the laws of physics.
It's a fad.
I mean, there's no reason for there ever to be a final accounting because
You know, Econ 101 is no longer valid.
We've found a way out, and that's just print more money, and there'll never be a day of reckoning.
At least, the calculation, and you know exactly, as well as I, what the calculation, the people making these decisions figure, well, I'll get out with mine, or I'll be dead by then, or some other generation will deal with it.
I mean, I don't know the answer how long, but I can tell you, I mean, read the piece in the New Yorker this week.
It's kind of a crummy magazine.
It's a good piece, though, by Tad Friend on Marc Andreessen and all the tech gurus on Fantail Road around Palo Alto, the people funding the tech revolution.
You read that and you come away thinking, this is so overheated, this sector is so over
Capitalized that it's going to crash.
We're going to see another 2000.
The question is when, but probably sooner rather than later.
I mean, this is just not sustainable.
It's built on air.
Some of these companies are real companies.
A lot of them aren't, and they're still getting a billion dollar market cap like that.
That can't go on forever.
It's it's it's the Herbstein flows.
I know you're familiar with.
If something can't go on forever, it won't.
And that is true.
Dailycaller.com, Tucker Carlson.
It's great to see Daily Caller out there and DrugsReport.com and WorldNetDaily covering a lot of the same issues we cover, doing a better job in many cases.
We do a better job in some.
I'm not in competition.
I want to save this country.
I want to have a future for my three children.
I'm not leaving the country.
I'm not getting an escape plan.
I am doubling down, putting everything on the table and committing to this.
And then if it all collapses, then maybe if I can get out, I will.
But I don't think that's the case.
History shows that when you really take action and have leadership, that you can fix things, or at least make them better.
And we are seeing a really big awakening.
And I think the awakening is going to manifest sometimes in strange ways.
And that's where I wanted to go next with Tucker Carlson.
Everybody knows that I've covered the police state and I've covered military drills and Katrina gun confiscation.
You're a newshound.
I've seen it in the Daily Caller.
The military's training and saying, yes, we've been given orders under Obama that the Tea Party and veterans are the number one threat.
That's been in the Associated Press.
It's been in Forbes.
We can put the article on screen, how the Pentagon would crush a Tea Party rebellion.
All we did was say, look at this 10-state training drill.
It lists every conservative area or libertarian area as hostile, and it says they're going to be simulating illegal activities with the police, and they're doing door-to-door gun raids.
I mean, that's happening in other cities right now, before Jade Helm, and I've never, ten times, the attacks I've ever seen, ten times conservatively, Tucker.
We're talking 200 to 500 articles a day, lying, saying that I said an Obama takeover was imminent this summer and he'd take our guns.
I've never seen CBS, NBC, Fox, to a certain extent, they didn't completely lie, they just, you know, said that I was a kook and stuff.
The point is, they're saying, why are the senators listening?
Why is the governor listening?
MSNBC, all of it.
As a media expert, you've worked at so many big networks, launched your own media operation.
You're, I don't want to call you an insider, but you're a libertarian on the inside.
It's kind of creepy to see such a wall of coverage.
I know they say, just spell my name right, but a selfish question, what do you think's going on with this level of attack, and then what's your take on Jade Helm?
Well, because, look, I mean, you know as well as I,
There's nobody in the press who is culturally on the same page as you are, or I am for that matter.
There's nobody who owns a gun.
Nobody goes to church.
Nobody's pro-life.
I mean, you're just looking at a solid wall of culture that's different.
I mean, and they just, you know, they think that anybody who has a gun is suspect.
Anybody who, you know, believes in the Second Amendment is probably a danger to the rest of us.
I mean, the bias on that specific subject, that and abortion and religion, those actually, those three subjects, is so overwhelming that you're considered crazy just prima facie for even bringing it up.
By the way, you're totally right.
If they had, if Congress didn't exist and the White House could do whatever it wanted, you wouldn't have a single firearm in your house.
It'd be complicated.
You'd be in jail for even having them.
You know that.
They don't want you to have guns, period.
Um, so I think you're... And they play this game where they go, no one wants your guns, and then you go to their violence policy center and they admit their goal is the abolition of civilian ownership.
Well, of course, of course.
I mean, it's beyond debate.
But let me ask you this.
Why do you think they flipped out over just our mild coverage of this and misrepresented?
I mean, what does that signify?
And then what do you think of the militarization of police?
Well, I think I've always been on your side completely with that.
I think it's ominous.
I don't, you know, I have always fundamentally been on the cop side.
You know, I believe in order and stability and I abhor violence.
But, you know, one of the reasons I've always loved America is that it's not like Latin America in that, you know, you walk down the street, you don't see people in fatigues with machine guns.
It's a pretty peaceful country.
You don't need, the cops don't need howitzers and tanks and infrared
You know, attachments on their AR-15s and all the rest.
Like, I'm kind of happy to live in a country where the cops carry, you know, snub-nosed 38s.
You don't want to live in North Korea?
I really, really don't.
And I don't think I'm a paranoid crackpot at all, and I don't think I'm irrational.
I just, I think it's overkill, and I think it whips people into a state of fear, and it's just absolutely silly.
What was your dad, who ran Voice of America back when it actually promoted American values, what would your dad today think about all this?
My views on almost everything come directly from him.
He was the first conservative I ever knew to say, you know what, I'm not into having the police look like Delta Force.
I don't like that.
It makes me uncomfortable.
He was also the first person, 20 years ago, to say, you know, I don't really like this mindless wealth accumulation.
These people are greed heads, and I'm all for the market, I'm all for capitalism and everything, but there's something gross about these finance people.
He was the first conservative
Well, we just lost Tucker Carlson.
I want to get him back on for five minutes to finish this because it's interesting to hear him talk about that.
Yeah, and the greed heads got their money through derivatives and scams, signed us onto it, and are now financing civil unrest so we can all have a revolution while they all helicopter off while we kill each other.
I mean, it's scorched earth.
Bank robbers setting fire to something, you know, across town while they rob the bank.
I mean, I mean, that's all this is.
And I get the police have problems and they're serious issues.
The point is the bad guys are trying to get us fighting with each other.
These are good interviews with Tucker Carlson because you can actually, you know, get his ideas out and not just be kept down to two minutes on Fox News.
But pretty powerful interview.
We have another guest coming on dealing with pro-life issues and where the country is on that subject as well.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The hashtag Black Lives Matter is being used by demonstrators all across the country.
But why should it be capped with the actions of police?
What if it was expanded to include another area where lives are being lost?
It wasn't that long ago that New York reported it had more black babies aborted than born.
With this in mind, join the Black Lives Matter demonstration this Thursday, May 21st from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
at the Planned Parenthood on Ben White Boulevard in South Austin.
The demonstration will be aired live on the nationally syndicated Alex Jones Show.
Make your own Black Lives Matter signs and join us this Thursday, May 21st from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
at the Planned Parenthood located at 201 East Ben White Boulevard in Austin.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
If they end up staging events in this country, if they ever start putting political dissidents in prisons, on a mass scale, I will call for physically resisting.
But when George Soros and the globalists
Are taking isolated, sad, militarized police stories where cops kill innocent people and are turning it into race war fodder.
It's clearly being done to federalize police and to make the feds the saviors and to make everything about racial division and not about black unemployment numbers doubling from 7% to over 14% since 2008.
Highest unemployment rate in the country.
Leaked list shows Ferguson protesters paid by Soros front group.
Hashtag Black Lives Matter is a phony astroturf movement funded by the establishment Paul Joseph Watson just broke at Infowars.com.
They're now protesting today.
In front of the Soros front group in Missouri, saying Soros didn't pay him all the money.
He only spent $33 million getting it going.
This is the guy that wants your guns, this is the guy that wants to get rid of the sovereignty of the country, this is the guy that got laws passed to exempt him from taxes, while he and Warren Buffett lobby to get middle class taxes raised.
Because they get bank or bailout money.
Just search the term, McClatchy AP.
Warren Buffett was the biggest recipient of bailout money.
And he wants abortion.
He wants your guns.
Whatever their agenda is, it's anti-freedom.
Now, we're going to have a demonstration in front of the main Planned Parenthood facility off of Ben White in South Austin.
We're going to put the address on screen for TV viewers.
I'll give it out for radio listeners.
And Jakari Jackson is going to lead it.
We're going to have a live feed here on the radio Thursday.
We'll be checking in with them in the first, second, and third hour.
Because regardless of what your view is on abortion, the facts are Margaret Sanger got awards from Hitler and gave awards to Hitler.
We have the Colgate Foundation letter she wrote calling them black weeds that had to be exterminated.
The Klan was her biggest supporter.
Planned Parenthood is on record getting huge donations to target blacks.
It is set up to kill black people.
Over half the black people in this country since Roe v. Wade are not born.
And we have Mark Crutcher on the broadcast.
He's an American pro-life activist and author.
He's a founder and president of Life Dynamics and the creator of the documentary Mafa 21 that gets into the targeting of black people for extermination.
He's from Denton, Texas.
He's involved in
Just absolutely energizing the pro-life movement and humanizing these babies, whether they be Hispanic, Black, White, Asian, they're all equal in God's eyes, and they need to have a chance to be in the world.
Notice the left that's against the death penalty.
And by the way, I don't trust the death penalty because you can't trust the federal government.
But I am fundamentally for the death penalty in the spirit of it, just not in the letter of it, because you can't trust the system.
I don't trust North Korea to carry it out, but I digress.
We're going to our guest.
But then the very same people say it's a choice, and I get it.
You could argue first trimester.
I'm against it, but you could argue it.
No, no, no.
The feminist groups last week called it inhumane not to kill 8- to 9-month babies that could be adopted.
They don't even tell these women there are foundations that will give them $30,000 to $50,000 for that baby not to kill it.
That'll put them up in a house while they're pregnant, get them a job after.
You go in, they counsel you to kill the baby.
And I get the arguments, these are poor people, what about their future?
Well, if you say everybody's trash, since we did this, what's happened in the black community?
15% illegitimacy to over 80%.
Prison populations exploded.
When you write off people and say they're garbage, they begin to act like that.
Now, I want to get Mark Crutcher on to give some of the background on this, but Jakari Jackson's going to be out there, and I'm asking all pro-life groups to be out there because we're going from another angle.
We're going to have Black Lives Matter signs and point out, hey, George Soros, over a few dozen black men getting killed every year, suspiciously, wants you to go out and riot.
To divert things, and then that'll bring in a bigger police state.
We don't want that.
How about you go and demonstrate and educate black folks on not killing their kids?
Because blacks are 13% of the population.
They're, what is it, half the abortions in the country?
I mean, it's crazy.
Well, I guess there's been 55 million abortions, 17 million are blacks, but in certain years, I know it's half.
Mark Crutcher's the expert.
Well, it's a brilliant idea.
And I can tell you that recently, a group of blacks in North Carolina did something very similar with tremendous results at a black college there.
And so they've had some tremendous results in this.
And the black community has been lied to and been deceived by, you know, people like you and I are always called the Christian Right, and I don't have a problem with that, as long as we make sure the other side is known as the Godless Left.
But the godless left has become the new plantation, any way you look at it.
And, you know, when you start looking at the numbers, you're talking about police departments.
I mean, I did some very preliminary figures the other day, and I used very conservative numbers.
So what I'm going to tell you is actually a lot worse than what I'm going to tell you.
Every 17 hours, you're talking about police departments.
Uh, killing innocent people and no one wants to see that happen.
I can assure you no one wants to see that happen.
Um, and I think that the police departments around this country, uh, do need to have some, some, uh, more scrutiny put onto them and more oversight put onto them than what is currently going on.
But the fact is, if you add up all of the blacks that are killed in a given year by every police department in the United States combined, you add them all together,
That's fewer blacks than are killed by Planned Parenthood in less than 17 hours.
Every 17 hours Planned Parenthood kills more than every police department in this country combined kills in an entire year.
And yet these godless leftists like Soros and Buffett and the rest of them, and by the way, they are pure 100% eugenicists.
I'm writing a new book right now.
I'm going to have a chapter in there about what these people are doing.
And it is an absolute obscenity what is going on with people like George Soros and Warren Buffett.
But blacks need to be paying attention to the fact that they're a big enemy.
Even in the situation where you have these rogue police departments that are not being run properly, that's not their biggest enemy.
Their biggest enemy is Buffett and Obama and Soros openly pushing, targeting blacks, and so of course they're acting like they're buddies saying, oh yeah, look, the cops are bad, I'm your friend.
Just those numbers are so incredible.
Well, let me give you a real world example of this.
And you always
I wonder where are the race pimps like Jesse Jackson and all the others that are so quick to jump into one of these situations, Al Sharpton, these guys jump into these situations when they think there's some political advantage for them.
But let me give you a real world example.
In 2012, a 28 year old African American young lady
...goes into a Planned Parenthood facility in Chicago, Illinois.
Now, this facility had had some problems with botched abortions, and they were very sensitive to the fact that when ambulances start pulling up out in the front and the pro-lifers are out there, they take photographs of this and start publicizing the fact that these people are botching these abortions.
This 28-year-old girl named Tanya Reeves goes to this Chicago Planned Parenthood.
They perforate her uterus.
In the performance of this abortion.
Now, a perforated uterus can be very dangerous, but in most cases, if medical attention is sought quickly enough, it can be sutured, and no harm will come to the girl other than the perforated uterus.
But because they were sensitive about the fact that they'd already had ambulances pull up out here in the front, and there was a PR nightmare to have another one, when they perforated Tanya's uterus, they just rolled her out into the hallway, and we did what is called a pack-off, packed her off.
To absorb the blood that she was hemorrhaging.
They left her there for five and a half hours before they called emergency care for her.
She bled to death.
28 years old, she bled to death.
If you read the Illinois statute on what's called depraved indifference murder, it reads like it was written for that particular case.
And yet,
We called on the Chicago authorities to at least investigate them for depraved indifference murder.
They would never even do that.
Well, that's what I've noticed.
The abortuaries are so above the law, and I've protested them scores of times in different cities.
And I've never seen police act as aggressive as they do when you're peacefully out there protesting them.
And that's because the system puts so much pressure on them.
But what about separately four years ago when we got the documents that a major bioethics group
In a medical journal, said kill kids up to age three.
Now they're saying up to age five.
Now they're saying put the veterans on do not treat list.
Now we learned that the Watson computers, by the famous eugenicists who created the Nazi computers, that's why the Jews had those numbers on them, was for that computer for those that don't know, the Hollerith machine.
Now we see what you and others warned of.
Now it's not just the unborn.
Now it's up to age 5.
Now it's the old people.
Now it's the veterans.
I mean, this is insane.
What we do to the least of us, we do to all of us, right?
But let me ask you this question, Alex.
Let's imagine that instead of this situation with Tanya Reeves, they murdered her.
Don't make any mistake about it.
This was not an accident.
This was not medical malpractice.
They let her sit out there and bleed to death?
They let her bleed to death.
This was depraved indifference murder.
They should have been indicted.
And the abortionist that killed her was a white female.
Now, let me ask you this question.
Let's say that instead of the Tanya Reeves situation, a 28-year-old black male had been shot by the Chicago Police Department.
And instead of calling an ambulance for him, they allowed him to lie in the street for five and a half hours and bleed out.
The country would burn when George Soros and the media hyped it up.
And this is in the hometown with Jesse Jackson.
And Jesse Jackson has never said one solitary word about his buddies at Planned Parenthood murdering Tanya Reeves.
Well, you know, Reverend Childress, and he's coming on tomorrow, and he's documented a lot of this, and I brought it up to him, being around the pro-abortion community that's led by a lot of black folks who are Democrats, they have said to me many times, nobody wants these black people, these are bad people, let's get rid of them, we've seen other abortionists.
Say, who are minorities.
Hey, nobody wants these ugly black babies.
This is a statement they make.
This is the big dirty secret is you have these black managers who actually hate black people and are presiding over their execution.
And then I brought up Childers and he goes, of course, that's all I've heard my whole life.
That's standard.
So, so, so they'll call somebody like Childers and Uncle Tom because he doesn't want to kill black people when the real Uncle Tom's are the people managing this.
Well, that's what I say.
It's the new plantation.
You know, after the end of the Civil War, it was not uncommon for plantation owners to call all their slaves together and say, OK, now you're free.
You can leave if you want to.
But you can't really do anything.
You can't go anywhere.
You can't get a job.
In other words, you can't make it without me.
So if you want to stay around, we'll work on shares, sharecroppers.
And, um, they weren't any better off as sharecroppers than they were as slaves.
And sometimes they weren't as well off as they were as slaves.
Not to, not to defend slavery.
The media says we're defending it.
It's historical fact that it was worse in some cases.
Some cases it was worse for sharecroppers.
And, and what was done to African-American people is a, a black eye in American history.
It's something we should all be ashamed of and should all try to rectify.
But to suggest that people like Al Sharpe and, and, uh,
Jesse Jackson and all these other race pimps have that as their goal is preposterous.
They have a goal of making sure that blacks are told that they can't make it without the Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's of the world.
And that's why I call it the new plantation.
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are no different than the plantation owners who told blacks they couldn't make it without them.
I want to put on screen for TV viewers, I'll read it out for radio listeners, when this event is.
It's this Thursday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
That's when the show is live.
I'm going to be here in studio directing the live feeds down there so all of you around the country and the world can see it.
But if you are just pro-life and don't want to see half the black people in the country not born,
Then come out there and stand up for reality and point out that they're covering up the real genocide.
201 East Ben White, 78704.
And again, 290 is called Ben White.
That turns into 71 out in East Austin.
But you can't miss it.
It's just in South Austin, right off I-35.
We're just going to be out on the sidewalk with our signs.
Call the media.
If they ignore most pro-life stuff, this is the type of thing they may bite on.
And then we can take all the Soros, White House, Justice Department, divide and conquer and bring people together to really save black lives.
But shifting gears, Mark Crutcher of ProLifeAmerica.com is with us.
He syndicates his radio show, his TV show.
Tell your stations locally to pick it up.
It reaches millions of people.
I want to talk about some positive things and come back in the next segment and let you cover whatever you want as a wild card instead of me asking the questions.
But can you talk about some of the numbers?
Correct me if I'm wrong.
We're starting to turn the tide mentally, spiritually, with America, especially with young people, against the modern human sacrifice that is abortion, aren't we?
And let me tell you something.
It's not just you and me that are recognizing this.
I can show you quotes from a lot of people in the abortion lobby who are out here saying that they're in a crisis situation right now.
They're in a meltdown situation.
The public opinion polls are showing the public is starting to have serious second thoughts about legalized abortion.
More people now label themselves pro-life than pro-choice.
And I remember going through years
When sometimes these polls would show three and four and five times as many people claiming to be pro-choice than pro-life.
So we went through the bad times.
We're now winning this deal.
When I started Life Dynamics in 1992, Alex, I think I've talked about this on your show before, there were 2,126 freestanding abortion clinics on the day that I started Life Dynamics in 1992.
Today there's about 570.
We have closed down two-thirds of the abortion clinics in this country permanently during that length of time.
Now, you'll have a lot of people say, well,
That doesn't mean much, because what happens is, when the abortion train closes, women just go to the next clinic.
And that has absolutely, completely been proven untrue.
The United States government has even done studies on that, showing that that's not true.
Sure, if it's 200 miles away, it massively cuts the fact that they're going to do it.
And they make it a sacrament, a woman's right.
Women that have had, you know, are guilty so they defend it.
The point is abortion is being directed for population control and eugenics and Adolf Hitler was for it.
People need to understand that.
We're going to come back in the final segment with the head of Life Dynamics.
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Come on, folks.
Use your common sense if you're a new listener.
Get past all the hype.
There's an anti-human, anti-life agenda going on.
Came out last year, they put the troops on a secret death list.
Nobody got in trouble.
They're aborting babies up to nine months by the tens of thousands.
They're coming out in bioethics journals and pediatric journals saying, yeah, kill even healthy kids up to age five.
This is sick!
ProLifeAmerica.com, Mark Crutcher's our guest, the head of Life Dynamics.
Undoubtedly, this guy and his family and the folks that have supported him have saved millions of lives.
And it's true that as people get older, they become more pro-life because they realize it's a life they're dealing with.
It's come out that states are trying to ban the 3D ultrasounds at the malls, not because they're dangerous, but because they know if you see a 3D, you're not going to kill your kid.
That's why when you go in to have a child, the mainline medical facilities won't show you real 3D, most of them.
Well, again, I just want people to be
You know, you look at all this stuff, and it is all depressing, and sometimes it looks overwhelming.
But the fact is, we're winning this battle.
As somebody who works in this 24-7, I can tell you, the evidence of this is overwhelming.
And even if you're pro-life and you don't believe that, I guarantee you, your enemies believe it.
They know that we're winning.
And the technology is favoring us.
The American people are starting to have real second thoughts about this.
But one of the neatest things is the largest and fastest growing segment of pro-life sentiment in this country is among the very young.
And this is what is scaring the devil out of the abortion industry because they realize if you have somebody that's 15 and pro-life, they're going to be around a lot longer than somebody who's 80 and pro-abortion.
So the fact that young people are flocking into the pro-life movement
In numbers that we've never seen before, is scaring them to death.
What's doing it?
I mean, is it just that they are rejecting the whole false paradigm and know they've been lied to?
Or is it God touching their heart, or is it both?
It's a combination of a whole bunch of things.
One of them is, you've got to remember something, Alex.
These kids grew up with sonograms.
We've got people now who are old enough to vote in this country who can go home and pull out a VHS tape or a DVD of themselves as an unborn child.
So they're having empathy.
The humanity hasn't been driven from them.
Not yet.
Not yet.
And it's like when you go on college campuses.
You know, we're here in Denton, University of North Texas.
If you go on most college campuses and you perceive them as a hotbed of ultra-leftist
Ideology, Marxist ideology.
But if you start breaking it down, what you see is that it's the professors that have this ideology, not the kids.
And the young people know they're under it.
In the last minute we have, so it's starting to backfire.
Do you agree with me?
It's backfiring?
It is backfiring.
And my daughter is getting her master's at North Texas, and she and her roommate both graduated from there as undergraduates.
And you know, they're saying, you know, we used to just kind of laugh at some of the things some of these professors would say to us.
That, you know, we're saying, oh yeah, this is just another godless leftist.
He's a worn out, drugged out, left over from the 60s.
And that's who's on these college campuses.
And it is scaring the godless left to death.
That so many young people are not buying their Marxist agenda any longer.
Mark, I want to do a one minute break and do five minutes and we'll let you go.
We've got our next guest coming up.
Do five more.
One minute break.
I want to come back and ask you from ProLifeAmerica.com, Life Dynamics founder and head, reaching millions every week through their TV and radio shows and films.
I want to ask you how the empire is going to strike back because we've given people the good news.
I mean, across the board, people are waking up on so many other issues as well.
But how will the empire strike back?
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm pro-life.
I don't care whether they call it leftist or right-wing.
I do the research and then I cover it.
Glyphosates have been proven to cause cancer.
Monsanto, by the way, funds the abortion industry.
They're all part of that same eugenics group.
They tell you you can drink it.
It's not true.
That's being removed all over the world.
That's a big victory.
People are waking up to vaccines and saying no.
That's a big victory.
People are waking up all over the world saying no to abortion.
That's a big victory.
It's not a choice because there's a person inside of you.
And they use the argument of rape and stuff like that.
You know, the one in a million to distract.
Or the life of a mother.
If there's a medical procedure to save the mother and the baby doesn't make it, it's not called abortion.
So they just change all these definitions around.
Mark Crutcher of ProLifeAmerica.com, in the next four or five minutes we have, thanks for staying with us, how do you expect the death mill, the death culture, the eugenicists, because they're losing the culture war,
To common sense.
How do you expect them to fire back?
I mean, we see them tripling down on propaganda, but that seems to be making people basically revolt.
Where do you see this fight going?
Well, they're already in that fight back mode because they are sensing that they've lost the cultural war.
They're losing that war and they don't know how to turn it around.
But what they're doing now is looking more toward coercion.
You're seeing situations where
States are now taking up legislation, California just took it up, to require, for example, crisis pregnancy centers to give abortion referrals.
They won't have any choice.
So you'll have somebody, a pro-lifer at a crisis pregnancy center, that then has to give a referral for abortion if the woman says that's what she wants.
You're seeing now them working in medical schools.
To force medical students to do abortions.
You take a rotation at the local Planned Parenthood death camp, or you don't graduate from medical school.
We're already seeing that happen.
So they're trying to make you join the cult, kind of like gangsters will go out and have to rob an old lady to become made members, or kill a, you know, convenience store clerk.
Now you've got to go out and cap some kids if you want to be able to get your full degree.
And you're seeing, you know, just the issue of government funding of abortion.
It wasn't that many years ago that the abortion lobby was out here lying through their teeth saying, look, we understand if you don't want to pay for abortion that you shouldn't have to do that, but then you can't tell me I can't have an abortion if I'm willing to pay for it.
So as long as you're not paying for it, it's none of your business.
Now they're saying that we have an obligation, that you and I,
Have an obligation to purchase an abortion for someone else.
Hey, I live in Travis County, where they take part of the property tax and pay for abortions.
Yeah, you've got Austin, Texas.
You know, and of course, Austin has been an embarrassment for the state of Texas for many, many years.
It's the Moscow and the Brazos down there.
Where the city council, at one point, I don't know if this is still true, but they were the only city council in the United States that was using city money to pay for abortions.
Yes, yes, and the county does it too.
Yeah, the county does it too, but there may be others around the country that are doing it now, I don't know.
But there was a point, just a few years ago, when Austin, Texas was the only city in the United States paying for elective abortion.
I remember.
I know, it's sick.
So that's how they're going to strike back, is just ordering it through fraudulent law and using taxpayer money.
Through coercion.
I mean, look at the history of the world since World War II, Alex.
What have
Communist or Marxist done in any country that they could not take over internally, they took it over through force and through violence.
That's right.
That's the way these people operate.
And, you know, one of the things that's interesting about that is, I'm not saying this would happen in this situation, but it certainly could because these people worship death so much.
But if you look at countries that have fallen to communism over the years, they always had internal people helping them.
That's right.
That's right.
Mark, God bless you.
Great job.
Thank you, sir.
Here are some stories breaking now on Infowars.com.
Paul Joseph Watson writes about the French mayor forced into a mental institution for Islamophobic comments he made on Twitter.
And Piers Morgan calls for war.
Kurt Nimmo writes, Piers Morgan joins the neocons and their fellow travelers who call for more war.
Following the lead of the Democrats, he puts a liberal spin on his warmongering.
His calls for more war and murder underscores the fact that there's little difference between the Democrats and Republicans.
Both are cheerleaders for endless and perpetual war.
And we have a video going viral on the Alex Jones Channel.
Something big is about to happen.
Alex Jones' sixth sense has been going off in recent weeks and he wanted to take some time to share some of his thoughts and call for a discussion on what the future has in store for humanity.
Please join in at the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
You can find more news and reports on InfoWars.com.
Rob Dew reporting.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
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to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live.
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InfoWars Nightly News.
Find showtimes and details at PrisonPlanet.tv.
Then, we're back Sundays, 4 to 6 p.m.
Dr. Edward Group, frequent guest, the guy that helped us formulate
of the 15, probably 8 or 9 of the Infowarslife.com products is here with us.
He heads up the Global Healing Center, worldwide renowned.
And he wanted to come in.
I was inviting him in a few weeks ago.
He said, yeah, but I want to do Ask Dr. Group and talk about some of the victories we've been having.
So we're going to open the phones up to talk to Dr. Group.
Your question, your specific question or comment for Dr. Group.
On pretty much any issue out there.
He's a really smart guy, but mainly on nutraceuticals, alternative health, on the battle for that, and more, here on this Live Tuesday edition.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
We'll be going to those calls at the start of the next segment.
But before we do that, I'm just going to document cam for TV viewers.
For radio listeners, I'll give you the source of these articles.
Look at what just came out in the last few weeks.
lowers fluoride levels in drinking water for the first time in 50 years, cutting it in half, siding the cancer, the tooth decay, brain damage.
It does everything they say it stops.
That's London Guardian.
Bermuda suspends glyphosate-ridden Monsanto Roundup.
A bunch of other countries have done it as well in the last week.
USDA develops new GMO free certification and label for foods.
Why GMO labeling may finally win voters approval in Colorado and Oregon.
See, we couldn't get the states to do it, so now they're having to cave in at the federal level.
Roundup weed killer has probable carcinogen.
UN says they now have human studies.
Folks, they test on rats because rats have the same nervous systems as we do.
Rats are pigs.
And that's why they've used them for over a hundred years, they know that.
It kills rats, it kills us, okay?
Continuing, the Supreme Court won't stop them from suing farmers, but more and more Monsanto for the first time is losing in court, before they were undefeated.
We've got to move though with them counter-striking, with forced inoculations, but that's getting beaten back in many areas of the country.
So the battle is joined.
And a lot of really good things are happening.
A lot of bad things are happening.
But we're on the march.
The empire is on the run.
And we see every week, or every couple days actually, a major from Chipotle to McDonald's to Tyson Chicken to Dreyer's Ice Cream.
Just every couple days, huge Fortune 500 companies, the big cereal makers coming out and saying, we're getting rid of the additives, we're getting rid of the dyes, we're getting rid of the GMOs, we're getting rid of the hormones, we're getting rid of the growth hormone.
Dr. Group, what's happening right now?
Is this the tipping point?
And what do you expect the enemy to do to strike back?
It is the tipping point because we're watching it every single day and it's because everybody is educating themselves.
I mean, it's becoming mainstream from everything that you're out there saying.
Even some mainstream news agencies are reporting on it now.
It's in major newspapers.
Moms at schools.
There's a fight because nobody's getting better.
They're understanding.
They're looking at the childhood disorders, ADD, ADHD.
They're linking them to chemicals, food dyes.
They're seeing the negative effects, the cancers that are being caused from all the chemicals, the glyphosates, the herbicides.
So extremists don't like having brain damaged or dead kids, and people don't like dying or being debilitated, and they can now read the thousands of studies and discover what happened.
Yeah, it's like mass consciousness.
Everybody's starting to wake up.
I mean, that's the good news, that we can sit here and actually report that the U.S.
government is actually lowering fluoride, that the government is now requiring labeling on GMOs, that glyphosate, people have signed, thousands upon thousands of people have signed petitions to ban glyphosate.
So it's the people, it's everybody out there that's actually standing up, once and for all, is what we've been talking about.
I mean, I probably sign four or five petitions a week.
But now it's got to the point with social media, the internet, people sharing these things, and not just saying, hey, these things are bad, but actually sharing the proof, the clinical trial.
The problem is they're striking back.
Internet kill switches, censorship, black op disinformation.
They're coming after you, me, the food babe, everybody else.
But that's only making people realize how real the fight is, and they're only intensifying their actions.
So it's beautiful, and I feel so honored to be even involved, and I don't feel worthy to have a platform this big, but all the praise goes to God.
I just ask God to lead God and direct me.
This is an epic time, a legendary time, Dr. Group, to be alive.
What do you expect to happen next now that clearly we're reaching the tipping point?
Well, you can actually see them firing back, I mean, with the mandatory vaccinations that are happening.
They don't want to lose this control.
They don't want to lose the chemicals.
People aren't buying as many.
But that only validates what we say when they're forced to take chloride out, when they're forced to try to force-inoculate.
I mean, that's really waking people up.
I mean, there were thousands of people in California lined up outside of the building for SB 277, and now in Texas there's a big fight for all the forced and mandatory vaccinations.
And that's just one issue, but it all comes down to people are actually standing up and people are realizing the dangerous effects of all of these chemicals.
We're learning that when we fight, it's fun, we get stronger, the enemy gets weaker.
Because when you have the moral, spiritual high ground, as Dr. Martin Luther King said, justice, the universe bends towards justice.
And people are understanding that, and this even goes into the pharmaceuticals.
I mean, people every single day are actually
Getting themselves off of pharmaceuticals because they feel horrible.
Every time they go to the doctor, the doctor wants to put them on another one or two or three pharmaceuticals from the symptoms that the ones they're on have caused.
And I get calls all the time with people who are just like, I'm sick and tired of being sick.
What can I do to get off these pharmaceuticals?
I'm not getting better, I'm only getting worse, and it's contaminating my liver, which these pharmaceuticals do.
And then, because of the mental illness that the pharmaceuticals cause, because of the fluoride and everything else in there,
They're going to the psychiatrist's office and getting on antidepressants or anti-anxiety or anti-psychotics.
Yeah, I've talked to medical doctors and others on there that have broken this down.
I remember you were the first to tell me about this like six, seven years ago.
I was reading an article on your website about it.
They know that the glyphosate goes in as a pesticide.
I've done extensive research into the gut health, obviously, because that's the first exposure point to all the toxins that actually cause every single symptom and disease, including
I call it mental illness.
But really, if you look into it, there is no such thing as mental illness.
The DSM was created by psychiatry and the pharmaceutical companies just to sell you more medications.
And if you look at the root cause of disease, which is what our job is, the root cause of all depression, anxiety, bipolar, any type of brain dysfunction, is not a chemical imbalance in the brain.
It's a chemical
It's chemicals that you're taking in through the food and the beverages and everything else that are altering the way the brain works.
Well, more and more they admit that most schizophrenics actually, when they test their blood, have high lead and mercury, which they knew 200 years ago.
This one was going crazy.
They say, you're mad as a hatter because people that worked in the hatteries, it was done with lead and mercury.
They were crazy.
Right, right.
So all these toxins and chemicals that are entering through the intestinal lining, 80% of your immune system is in your gut.
Destroy the gut, leak into the bloodstream.
It's very simple.
I mean, that's the root cause of all disease.
And as well, it's the root cause of all mental conditions as well, where they can come on the back end with no definitive diagnosis.
That's why there's never any blood tests for depression or anxiety.
Never any urinalysis tests.
They can't determine any type of mental illness from x-rays or CAT scans.
Although now, they want to diagnose mental illness
In the womb, using certain type of... They actually first said that in the British government about eight years ago.
It's in my film, Endgame, and people don't believe it.
They say they want to start drugging children in the womb, claiming that the parents are predisposed to be mentally ill.
Right, and giving...
Females that are pregnant, not only flu shots, but, which contain mercury, which alter the brain, the heavy levels of aluminum that people are consuming every single day, BPA, estrogen, endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
I mean, it's just a slew.
But the good news is, it's actually fun to report good news.
I mean, you know, how many times have we said, oh my gosh, and you can look in the news and actually see some of these things?
I mean, this is the best time, but it's also a time where they understand that, you know, the globalists understand what's going on, and there's more chemtrails in the air, and there's more... And they realize we're not backing down, and their own minions that were compartmentalized are now researching what we say, and finding out they're being screwed over as well.
I think there's really an awakening.
Now, a lot of people I talk to, when I come back and go to calls,
Dr. Group, they'll say they are feeling a lot of anxiety.
They're feeling something bad's about to happen.
I've been feeling that in past times in my life when I feel like that something big does happen.
But I wasn't really sharing this.
Other people were sharing it with me.
People that don't listen to the show were sharing it.
I put a video out yesterday that's gone viral.
Something big is about to happen.
Is it just anxiety that I'm feeling as other people wake up because they're scared?
Do you know there's a sixth sense connection?
Or is it because we're picking up on all the wars?
How much danger we're in?
What is it?
I think it's kind of the collective consciousness.
It's funny you say that because a lot of, even a lot of the comments on your video are saying, you know, we've been feeling the same thing too.
And I actually told Anthony when I came in today, I said, it's really weird.
I've been having like anxiety in the middle of the night, just waking up with anxiety.
I mean, it's like something's about to happen.
You didn't even know that I was talking about that.
No, I didn't even know.
I didn't even know you did that.
People at restaurants, I hear people talking.
They're like, something's wrong.
Something's wrong.
Yeah, you can feel it.
What do you think it is?
I don't know.
I mean, I don't know what it is, but you get the state of like something big is about to happen.
And we've got this.
I mean, you know, a duck has it.
We've got ten times.
I mean, we have the ability to feel like these energetic changes.
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We are back live.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
This is a short segment, long segment coming up.
We're going to Zach, Antoine, Rose, Michael, Anthony, and many others.
The toll free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
During the break though, tell the story.
You come into the office, you start telling Anthony something.
Repeat what you just told me during the break.
Well, I was actually down in Mexico for the last week on a vacation with a little bit of work.
But I was looking and meeting with and studying the Mayan culture and looking for medicinal herbs down there that could grow here in Texas.
And so I was kind of relaxing and doing some research at the same time.
And it started about a week and a half ago to where I just I've been having this feeling and kind of this anxiety.
I'll just wake up in the middle of the night.
It started about three weeks ago for me.
Everybody's in the last two to three weeks.
Yeah, last two or three weeks.
And then this morning when I pulled up, Anthony was outside and I got out of my car and I was like, you wouldn't believe what happened to me.
I had this weird night and I woke up two or three times and I just had this anxiety that something's going to happen.
And he goes, really?
I did too.
And then we got in.
And I was sitting down in his office and Buckley came in and Buckley said something like, wow, that video Alex did has gone viral.
And I was like, what video did Alex do?
And then he said, well, he did a video that he just had this feeling that something's going to happen with the earth.
And I said, oh, that's wild.
That's what happened.
That's what's been going on with me.
It's almost like there's going to something's going to happen with the earth or
There's going to be this major change or something that's going to happen, but... Well, I mean, we're having record earthquakes, a ring of fire is going crazy, something like 54 volcanoes are going off right now.
And I mean, I've had this feeling before.
And I get mugged, you know, in an hour.
Or, I've had this feeling before and then a car runs a red light and hits me, you know, ten minutes later.
This is way more intense, it's sustained.
It's almost like a, and I'm a pretty calm person and I meditate, but it's almost like a sustained, it's like an anxiety that goes, it's almost like a waveform or something that's coming in.
Exactly, it is like a waveform.
The reason I'm sort of talking about it is, I hear other people talking about it.
They don't even listen to us.
I know.
It's, you know, I take... Who knows, they might have turned on something with harp.
They say that can manipulate them.
Who knows what the stuff they're doing?
It's a mystery.
I can tell you this, the amount of rain, the belt that's been going down around Huntsville and Lake Livingston and stuff like that, 500-year floodplain.
Our farm is over there.
We have a biodynamic farm and it's...
It's so high over there.
Some of the creeks and the rivers over there are 40 feet above normal.
I mean, this is something they've never seen before.
So, I mean, I think there's definitely some weather modification.
There's really weird stuff going on in Texas right now.
With the forced vaccination stuff, with the shootings that are happening, with Jade Helm, I mean it's almost like there's this weird energy bubble or something that's going over Texas.
I even got these weird, the school where my kids go to school, sent home these weird government forms saying that we need to have all your kids' vaccination records sent in by the 15th.
of next month or something like that.
It was like some weird organization on there.
Bold print.
The school sent them home to us.
They said, you have 15 days to submit all these to us.
I know this happening because I talked to doctors.
No, I know.
It's crazy.
And everything's just coming out in the open now, too.
So is it earth changes?
You know, rats again pick it up the day before an earthquake and get all excited.
That anxiety has been proven.
Or is it
Are these wars are trying to start?
Is the Hadron Collider?
Is it something Harp's doing?
Is it something in the food?
I mean, what is it?
I don't know.
Is it the mass awakening and we're just feeling the public's anxiety?
I guess we'll have to wait and see.
I mean, it's definitely something.
Whenever I feel like this, it's only been a few times.
I felt like this before 9-11.
I did too, I told people about that before it happened.
I said call the White House, they're going to blow up the World Trade Center.
Your new listener to this video on YouTube, folks, I'm not joking.
There really is like a high negative energy and there's a high positive energy that's colliding.
It's like a battle, that's it.
Yeah, it's like a battle, it's just like... It's like I'm not even scared, I'm more like, ahh!
Like you've been waiting for this to happen, almost.
Like it's like this is finally happening, who's going to win, the negative or the positive?
I think that's what's happening, is evil's coming out of the gates, but good's rising against it.
Definitely good's rising against it.
I mean, more and more people are... When you're healthy inside, and you start decalcifying your pineal gland, and you start waking up, because really, we're the most awake, like the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, where they were completely pure.
Pure water.
Pure food.
Detox bodies.
You become awake.
Your pineal becomes, you know, active again.
The more and more people that are turning, you know, it's like the hundredth monkey phenomenon.
Once you get to a certain point, more and more people start waking up.
It's almost like that.
You know, you just, you almost have like a mass awakening right now.
I mean, you can see it.
I mean, you can see it happen.
So, it's good.
In fact, I think I just put my finger on it.
It's the legendary epicness of everything that's already happening.
And just our minds and our souls are just in wonder.
And there's the good, the bad, and the ugly.
We're going right to your calls after this break, I promise.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Who do you prefer?
Barack Obama or George W. Bush?
Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, these guys are corporate spokesmen.
They're not leaders.
I mean, they both started illegal wars.
Hell, they both tortured people.
They bailed out criminal corporations and they spied on you.
They both violated the Constitution and they even committed war crimes.
So what's it gonna take?
I mean, what will it take to finally wake you up?
Think about it.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're in the danger zone.
Used to be about 20 million people starved to death a year, now it's about 35 million according to the UN.
We're also starting to empathize more as we wake up and we feel the overall
Pain that's going on, and it's been proven.
Just like in a room, when you know somebody's looking at you, you turn around, sure enough, they're looking at you.
And you don't feel embarrassed, and they don't feel embarrassed because they were looking at you, it's because your mind's just touched, and it's exciting.
When you realize that that's going on, well, there's a lot unseen happening.
And now is the time to be awake, to be vigilant.
No one should be bored right now.
Dr. Edward Grube is our guest here.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're going to go to Antoine, Zach, Rose, Michael, Anthony, and others.
Antoine, in California, you're on the air for your questions for Dr. Edward Grube.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
How are you doing?
Good, sir.
Go ahead.
Yeah I was looking at allergic reactions to iodine and it said some people have hypersensitivity to iodine and I was wondering because I'm allergic to shellfish and that's in a lot of seafood.
I was wondering if I had an allergic reaction to it or do you know anything about if people can have an allergic reaction?
Well, I want him to answer that, but that's why we say consult your physician before taking it.
We haven't gotten any reports of that that we know of.
We have a folder for each supplement if we do get reports, but we haven't gotten any reports with any of the products of allergic reaction.
But is it iodine in fish that makes people have a reaction?
Or shellfish, Dr. Group?
That's a controversial subject.
I believe, with working with thousands upon thousands of patients, that it's not the iodine that is causing the allergic reaction.
It's actually other constituents in the shellfish.
Now, with that being said, again, like Alex said, always consult with your health care practitioner.
But there's a difference also in the different types of iodine that are out there.
There's potassium iodide.
I mean, iodine in itself, coming from the earth, is a toxic compound.
What I recommend people do in that case, from the people that I've worked with, is you start off with just a drop, but make sure that you're using a good detoxified form of iodine, like the X2.
You can start off with a drop on your skin, see if you have a reaction.
You know, you might want to make sure that you're by a hospital or something like that.
Yeah, that's it.
And you're not saying, you know, consult your health care provider first.
That's what you do.
First, you would just test it on the skin, then a little bit under the tongue.
Maybe one drop under the tongue.
And personally, I haven't had anybody that's had a reaction.
That's not to say, you know, everybody's different.
Everybody's biochemistry is different.
That doesn't mean you might not have a reaction.
But what I have seen is people that avoid shellfish are extremely deficient in iodine.
And that's an issue that
Uh, they start having other problems because they're told that iodine's a natural compound.
I mean, it's very hard for the body to be allergic to something like that.
Explain the different types, though, and how ours is different.
Well, you have the raw iodine from the Earth, and that's the crystalline form, which will outgas, and then you have the potassium iodide, and you have different types of iodine salts.
And the difference is the processing that it goes through to make it into a usable form inside the body, so your body doesn't have to break it down and utilize it, and so it can utilize it properly.
Why does our iodine that you help secure and develop turn bright blue, electric blue, other iodines turn red or black?
But then, in the periodic table, in the books, true iodine is purple-blue.
Well, because we're the only one that's using the pure iodine crystals.
We're not taking it from kelp, which is damaged by Fukushima and with all the radiation, so it's contaminated with all the plasticizers and everything else in seawater.
You know, those other chemicals, when you take that from the kelp, which most people take the iodine from, you have a slew of other chemicals in there.
And they're not processed.
And we have the lab tests.
This iodine has nothing in it.
It's completely clean.
I mean, this is about as clean as you can get.
When you buy iodine, you can buy 96%, 97%, 98.5%, 98.8%, USP, British Pharmacopoeia, and then you can get high, high, high grade iodine, which is the 99.9%.
And that just means that if it's 99.6%, you have
A point four percent contaminants in there.
No one is going to clean that stuff out of there and that might lead to some sort of reaction and that's why some people with shellfish allergies that have taken over-the-counter iodine.
We're going to jump to the next person.
Thank you Antoine.
I hope that helps you out.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rose in Illinois.
You're on the air with Dr. Group.
Go ahead Rose.
I had a question for Dr. Group and I also had a story about vaccine brainwash.
Um, so my question is, I've chronically had a blocked sinus, um, since I can remember.
And I went to the doctor, but the doctor didn't find anything.
Yes, ma'am.
Yes, okay, so for blocked sinuses, that could be a couple of different things.
It could be that you're having an allergic reaction and maybe, you know, secreting extra mucus up in there.
A lot of times, though, with chronic blocked sinuses,
You have these ethmoid bones that move out of position, and there's actually a procedure where they'll insert a little balloon up into your sinuses and blow it up, and they'll readjust those bones.
It's one of the best things.
I can't remember what the procedure's called, but you could probably type in... Joe Rogan's done it, and others have.
You've especially... Say that again?
I believe it's called balloon sineoplasty.
Balloon sineoplasty.
And Joe, they removed like a huge scar tissue growth, his voice changed, he quit snoring, breathes better.
Some of the folks in the office have had it done.
And they say if you've had your nose broken in car accidents or whatever, most people have that all smashed.
Yeah, it's an amazing procedure.
We were doing some research probably three years ago or so on it, and talking to some people, and they all had great success.
And not only does it correct the sinuses, they notice increased memory from it.
Because there's pressure on the brain.
You know, because usually when those bones move out of position, you also have the tendency to catch more flus, and you're sick, and it's the neurological system in your face gets a little bit messed up.
Sure, so ma'am, what specifically was your question, Rose?
Um, yeah, so my question was what to do about that.
However, I do know someone who had a balloon sinoplasty and they had a horrible experience and it didn't help.
Well, sure.
We've just heard positive and those are medical doctors.
You know, we're not, we're not selling that.
It's just that the folks I know that have done it really, really liked it, but I'm sorry they had a horrible experience.
Um, what was your, a vaccine story?
Oh, so I was speaking to a friend the other day and I was trying to inform her about the MMR vaccine, about some of the data that came out about it and how Dr. Andrew Wakefield
Which hasn't killed one person in 20 years in the United States.
So as this person said, I'd rather my daughter or my child or son have autism and be in diapers when they're 30 than get some red spots on them and a fever for one day.
That's, I mean, you know, that's just the uneducation of people out there.
It doesn't take long when I tell people, listen, don't believe me, go do your own research.
I mean, you can type in vaccine danger and pull up a massive list of documented scientific facts.
For that matter, you can go to the CDC and...
I was just in shock, and I said, you know, the measles isn't really a deadly disease for young children.
And she said, no, I'd still rather my child have autism.
Yeah, well that's a person that submits to the system so much that it's their God.
And if they told her to sacrifice her child to Moloch, she might do it.
Thank you for the call.
There's always been people like that throughout history.
You had one of your patients or friends or something call you with a story last week, and I think we have their number.
So we're going to call them.
A pretty interesting story about medical tyranny.
So let's get that person on the line.
We'll introduce them next after we've talked to Zach in North Carolina.
Zach, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how's it going?
I originally wanted to call in and ask about tooth fillings with the mercury amalgam and the BPA and what are some good alternatives.
But actually it's funny that y'all started talking before the break about all this anxiety and stuff going on.
Yeah, because I'm somebody that doesn't have anxiety when there's riot police in New York beating people in front of me and I go to jail.
I mean, I don't sit around having anxiety.
And when I start having anxiety, you better believe something's about to happen.
Yeah, um, my buddy sent me a text over the weekend and he was like, look up, you know, September 23rd, 2015 prophecies.
And man, I did.
And, you know, I didn't get freaked, you know, worried about Y2K or 2012 or anything, but, um, you know, with, with this Jade Hound stuff going on, it's just, you know, I looked at like the first video on YouTube about the, about that date and I've read a few more things about it and it's just,
I don't know.
Have you heard about some video out there?
It's like some French minister with John Kerry said we have 500 days to avoid climate chaos.
And that was like, you know, exactly till September 23rd.
They got the CERN stuff in Switzerland and Jade Helm going on.
Bob always said they can launch.
The Secretary of Defense Cohen said they have weather weapons and tectonic weapons.
They're partially declassified.
They can launch weather weapons, say it's from global warming to pass the global carbon tax, and out of that global crisis build their world government.
Yeah, I mean, I've actually been sent multiple videos about September 23rd and September 24th about anything from the rapture to meteors.
It's very interesting stuff, actually.
I was looking at some of the videos on there and there's people that have actually broken it down
With biblical... But I'll say this, in my experience, whatever, when I have six cents before, it doesn't tell you what it is.
And so I'm very suspect of people who have absolute specifics, and then they say, oh, we said this was gonna happen, it didn't happen.
All I know is, I'm sitting around restaurants, the gym, wherever, in the office, and somebody's like, yeah, my uncle's real freaked out, never has been, he thinks something big's about to happen, and you know, another guy comes in and goes, man, I've been having these really bad dreams.
I know, I've known this guy for ten years, Weldon.
He said something big is going to happen.
I mean, you walked in saying it today.
I mean, I've never seen anything like it.
I mean, you know, I was just telling Alex this is something, you know, I think something's going to happen probably within the next three weeks or so is kind of what I'm feeling.
That might change.
I don't know.
But I also said, you know, from now until the end of the first week of October,
is uh... something might happen again but yeah regarding your dental uh... it could just be earth changes though because we have these magnetic cells in our brain that pick up magnetic lines.
They've proven that.
Maybe it's something good that's going to happen.
I mean, who knows?
I mean, but the earth tectonically is moving a lot.
There's earthquakes all over the world now, including in the middle of the U.S.
So we're picking that up.
It's just our brain picks it up.
But it's like a sensor.
We don't know why we're getting upset.
Well, somebody said they drew a straight line from the volcano that went off in Chile exactly to the place where the earthquake was in Nepal.
Did you hear about that?
I did.
Yeah, I saw the map.
Something like that.
I mean, who knows what's going to be.
Thank you so much, Zach.
Let's talk to, I think, your friend.
Is this a listener?
Actually, you guys are sponsoring him.
He's been a longtime InfoWars fan, and he just called me for some health advice lately, and I was in shock with his story.
And basically, you told him what to do.
So his name is Telly Blackwood.
He was a wrestler.
Oh, I know him.
By us sponsoring him, I didn't even know he was getting on.
He's a famous actor, and also a famous wrestler, and then he also got his video banned for criticizing Michael Moore, but it got restored when it had like 4 or 5 million views, whatever it was.
And so, he went through a medical journey, so I know who this is.
And by sponsor, he says he loves the products, but he hasn't become a spokesman yet for them.
He has lost a bunch of weight.
So Telly Blackwood is on with us.
He's been able to call in.
I just know you had somebody with a testimony.
Tell us about the medical tyranny, sir.
Oh, the medical tyranny.
Here we go.
Well, last Thursday, well, not by decision, I came down with tonsillitis and strep throat, luckily.
And I went to the hospital and they did the test, the swab, and they're like, well,
We need to remove these as soon as possible.
I'm like, why?
Why do you have to remove them before?
There's no way we can take care of this.
And they almost didn't let me leave.
And they're like, well, you can't leave.
We need to get you into surgery or you're out of the way.
Because it was swollen to the point where I can break even a small liquid.
And so he didn't force me to do anything, for one.
There's plenty enough people there to do that.
So, I signed my little name in the form of a happy face and left the hospital.
And I got home, I called up Dr. Group, I'm like, help me, what can I do?
I don't want to lose my tonsils.
I've been in pharmaceutical free for four months since I started this whole weight loss adventure with everything.
I don't want to keep it that way.
And he had me go ahead and mix some of the silver, silver bulletin with the lung cleanse.
So I started doing, you know, spraying and giving my lungs a bath.
And I also started taking niacin iodine.
I started doing the drops back in the throat, grabbing with water and salt, and sometimes just taking it straight and falling into the water.
And my tonsils, in 24 hours, were not swollen anymore.
And within 48 hours, which was probably around late Friday, early Saturday, I felt normal.
Well, the same thing has happened to me and I didn't even know we were doing this today.
I just heard it was a medical attorney story because a guy called in.
I didn't get the name, but last year
Uh, chest cold, killed my uncle, killed my great uncle, killed my cousin.
And it was a mystery on us all over Texas and other areas.
Wasn't getting any media attention but a few local newspapers.
I couldn't shake it, my dad couldn't shake it.
I took antibiotics and I thought, why don't I take a clove of silver?
Antibiotics, two rounds didn't work for my dad or me.
We did take large amounts of clove of silver.
I talked to the doctor before we did this, I took like...
You know, like basically a bottle every two days.
Took about two bottles, knocked it completely out.
And again, it is toxic to the, you know, bacteria and viruses, folks.
But we're not saying use a consultant physician.
But I know the other stuff wasn't working, and this stuff was so killer, it wiped out three people in my family.
And my dad was sick for a month, so I made him drink all the silver.
So undoubtedly, SilverBullet at Infowarslife.com, that's what I was taking, absolutely had an amazing effect for me.
And even hospitals now are using silver for disinfectants.
Thank you so much, Kelly.
It was good to hear from you, Telly.
I want to get him on as a full guest.
I'm going to talk about
What the products have done.
I mean, I've seen him lose all the weight.
He said he wants to come on and talk about it.
So we'll get him on the Nightly News or the radio show soon and then kind of show some of the videos he's produced, some of the work he's done.
But before we go to break and come back with Michael in Canada and Anthony in New York and others, let's do a little plugging because it's what funds the operation.
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What is in the super male vitality and super female vitality that gives people such an amazing response?
I tell you what, that's probably been one of the most successful products.
I mean, and you know, if you go to your site and you pull up Super Male Vitality or Super Female Vitality, you'll just see endless 4.8 star reviews of how it's changed their life.
And because of all the estrogen mimicking chemicals, the hormone disruptors, pretty much 100% of the males and females
I say over the age of 40 for males because that's when your hormones really start to decline but I mean we're seeing hormone disruption in children right now.
We're seeing five-year-old girls going to puberty.
So I mean it's so successful because we took the proper ratio and the herbs that a combination of herbs maybe one herb is going to help boost
Testosterone naturally, one herb might help balance your growth hormone, one herb might help balance your DHEA, but it's about combining the certain percentages of these high-tech herbs into one formula, but putting it in a therapeutic value.
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Ten pounds of herbs in a gallon of glycerin, which we use, which alcohol itself destroys.
It's an endocrine-disrupting chemical.
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Thank you.
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This is the type of insane garbage that's going on.
I told you that when the specifics came out, they're still going to give MRAPs, M16s, and federal training to the police.
They're just going to make sure they're fully federalized.
Feds exempt MRAPs from prohibited police department equipment, admitting they're militaristic in nature.
Even some police are surprised by MRAP exemption.
That's the big black tanks, the armored vehicles.
I mean, this is just all pure bull.
Everything he says is a lie.
It is just over the top.
Who is up next here?
Who should we go to next, Dr. Group?
Michael from Canada.
Michael in Canada.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, this is great to talk to you guys.
I have a question for Alex and one for Dr. Group as well, if I could.
Sure, brother.
First for Alex, I did buy your male and female Vitality yesterday, ironically, and I used Bitcoin.
How have you been enjoying Bitcoin in the store?
People like it.
It's an open cryptocurrency, so I support it.
I don't endorse its longevity, you know, and say that I think it's perfect, but I think it's a good experimental alternative currency, and I think it's a lot better than the private Federal Reserve System, and it's what we need as they try to end cash and force us onto one controlled digital currency.
We need competing digital currencies.
So it's been working well for you at the store, though?
We've had some people using it.
You know, I've not been following it.
I just know they tell me it's working.
Dr. Gu, I have been for about three years suffering from Graves' disease and they radiated me and since then I've been bouncing back and forth between hyper and hypothyroidism and
I didn't know whether, I've been cautious about using some of your products because I'm not sure whether I should or shouldn't use them.
I went ahead and ordered the Male Vitality yesterday anyway and it's great that I got in today to talk to you.
Thank you.
And is there any comment you have on that?
Yeah, you're not alone.
What we're seeing right now is pretty much a thyroid epidemic across the nation.
And it is.
I mean, you have hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and a combination of both, which is Hashimoto's.
Why is it hitting women even worse?
Well, because of the estrogen dominance and because of the amount of... Women are just very sensitive.
Women's thyroids are like four times as big as men's thyroids.
So they have an affinity to suck in too much of the chlorine, the fluoride, the bromine.
I think a lot of it also has to do with everything they're spraying in the air.
I mean, the fact is the thyroid glands in everybody are taking a beating right now and it's all due to the chemicals
Seeping through the intestine.
But the good iodine fills it up and displaces the toxins.
That's one of the best solutions for thyroid disorders is iodine, because when you're having thyroid dysfunction, the liver can be congested, but it's really the amount of halogens that are being stored up in the thyroid.
Let me ask you, when I started getting on X2 two years ago, three years ago, whenever it was, when it was experimental, I mean, I literally got high off of it, energy-wise.
Now I've been on it so long, I just take it twice a day and that's the way it is.
But some people say, well you take too much of that, it can burn your thyroid out.
How much should I be taking?
Well, everybody's different, but what I do is I take probably about 2,000 to 10,000 micrograms every single day.
One drop is around 600 and something micrograms.
How are you energy-wise?
Do you have as much energy as you had when you were in the Special Forces?
I do have actually a lot of energy, but I also keep my intestines clean, I keep my liver clean, I take the oxy powder on a regular basis, I take the super male vitality.
I mean, I think every guy
That's over the age of, let's say, 35, when your hormones start to decline, should be on the Super Male Vitality.
I mean, it's amazing what it does.
Folks, you will notice, you've heard the reviews, the next day, in the morning.
There's millions of products out there that are male enhancement products and all that.
This isn't that.
What this does is help the body naturally produce and regulate your own hormone levels.
One of the best things you could do for your thyroid is to eliminate the source of chlorine, fluoride, and bromine and all those chemicals and toxins coming in, clean your body, and get on a good iodine supplement.
Because you'll die without iodine.
Thank you so much.
We're going to go in a little bit of overdrive.
Talk to Anthony in New York and Delina, Chris, and Frances.
We're trying to get her body.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right.
And the GCN Radio Network.
Anthony in New York, you're on the air, you've got a Parkinson's question.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Good, my friend.
Alright, first off, you guys are putting out the best products out there.
I just want to let you know that.
I use most of them.
They're awesome.
From the CQ12, to the Lung Cleanse, to the Silver Bullet, they're all awesome.
Well, thank you, sir, because I've got allergies.
Austin's the capital of them, and I couldn't even be on air if it wasn't for Lung Cleanse right now.
And I've been taking it.
God bless you.
Thank you for the support.
Yeah, I've been on Claritin for about 18 years since my allergies hit, about 3-4 years after I lived in Austin.
This is just so many different types of plants.
I have been off of it pretty much for a year.
Maybe I take it once a month.
Used to I took it like three or four months out of the year all the time.
And maybe irritable, cloudy because it's speed basically in the long term makes you dumb.
Now I don't take it hardly ever.
I take the lung cleanse.
I just drink more water and a lot of other things like that.
But absolutely I have been taking herbs.
I've not been taking it.
So the reason I called is my mother-in-law has Parkinson's disease.
And the medicines they give her are just actually making her worse and worse and worse.
What can I do for her?
Well, let me throw this in too, Dr. Group.
Again, look it up.
Parkinson's and brain neurological disorders are off the charts.
What's going on?
Well, what's going on is the aluminum and the mercury and the metals that are accumulating in the brain.
If you look at what happens when you put mercury and aluminum in a petri dish together, you have a violent neurological reaction.
One of the reasons you're seeing a lot of excess aluminum up in the brain is because practically everything, food, aluminum, aluminum deodorant, aluminum cans.
And I digress, in a limited time, obviously we can't give advice to him or his mother-in-law right now, or mother, his phone was breaking up some, but what are some of the things you've seen that have helped folks?
Well, what's helped people the most with cleaning out the metals from the brain is any type of chelation therapy that you might go through, cilantro.
As a matter of fact, we're going to be launching a new product for you here coming out soon, which is called Deep Cleanse, which is designed to not only cleanse the brain, but the lymphatic system and almost work as a full body cleanse.
It's about pulling those chemicals and heavy metals
Out of the brain.
And it can be a long process to go through, but there's definitely... What about the good fat diets?
More of the good fat.
That helps, right?
Well, that, yeah, that always helps.
I mean, avocado oil, olive oil, just eating avocados is really good.
What about coconut oil?
Coconut oil is incredible for Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.
I mean, it's... Yeah, I mean, my uncle was in a motorcycle accident, my dad's brother, not my mom's brother, that died last year, and they told him, like, 20 years into it, they just, he was like 16, they should start eating, you know, the coconut oil.
That was like 20 years ago.
It cut his seizures back by like 80%.
I mean, boom!
Just magic.
Well, another thing you want to do, too, I mean, if possible, is to slowly start looking at her environment, what she's eating, what she's drinking, and stuff like that, and try to illuminate any excess coming in.
She might have, if she's older, she's probably got a lot of mercury amalgams, and the older you get, the more mercury vapor and the more mercury gas goes into the brain, and that accelerates Parkinson's.
So, you know, you want to get rid of the root cause, you always want to look at the root cause of why you have things, eliminate those.
Anthony, thank you for the support.
God bless you.
Let's try to jam in one more.
Delaina, I'm sorry that we're out of time for the others.
Go ahead, Delaina from Texas.
Yeah, I just had a question for Dr. Group.
Dr. Group, I have a lot of womanly medical issues.
I just had my left ovary removed in September.
I have surgery on my now one existing ovary about every six months.
Good Lord.
I'll tell you what, I'm going to have to go into overdrive, man.
Don't hang up.
Frances, don't hang up.
Will, don't hang up.
Chris, don't hang up.
And others.
You need one more segment?
All right, we're going to come back.
I don't mean to be rude.
I'm going to give Dr. Group the floor.
In fact, it's not that I want to stay in here, or don't want to stay in here, I'm going to let you host this next segment.
You're going to come back, you can go right to those callers on the board, go right back to Delaina, then Francis, Will, Chris, and others, okay?
Sounds good to me!
Alright, we'll have a 12-minute segment, Dr. Group's taking over, and then I'll be back tonight, I'm going to shoot a special report for the Nightly News, 7 o'clock Central, and I believe it is Leanne McAdoo hosting the transmission this evening.
Dr. Group, straight ahead, will host the InfoWar.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hi, I'm Dr. Group, filling in for Alex Jones on this Overdrive segment.
And what we're doing now is taking health questions.
We had Delana on the phone.
Delana, go ahead and finish your question, please.
Yeah, I just wanted to know, I have had plenty of issues with my ovaries.
Again, I just had my left ovary removed in September.
I see my OBGYN probably about every two weeks due to the fact that my right ovary is normally between four to ten times bigger than it should be.
I have had surgery about every six months.
I have it drained, have cysts drained.
I've had three miscarriages.
I take the female vitality.
I take the silver.
I think I'm pretty healthy, you know, otherwise, besides having these issues.
I have PCOS.
So, the only symptoms of my PCOS is the ovary problem that I have.
So, my question to you is, do you have any recommendations on what could help me?
You know, I don't work.
I haven't had a job since 2011.
I see a pain management specialist to control the severe pain that I go through every day.
Well, anytime that you have a situation with a cyst, because that's really what it is, I mean, one of the main things that we've found is that it's an iodine deficiency.
And I don't know, have you been taking any of the X2?
I don't think so.
So, what we used to do, and we used to see a lot of individuals that were trying to get pregnant, they wanted to have a kid, and it was either the male or it was the female, but a lot of ovarian cysts, PCOS, and what we would do is go ahead and take two steps back, because what is the root cause of PCOS?
Why do you have cysts?
I mean, that's what you really have to know, and your doctors probably have not explained that to you.
The reason why you have PCOS is because your endocrine system is not working function and functioning properly because it's toxic.
And that could be a common, usually is a combination of chemicals and toxins coming from the air that you breathe, the food that you eat.
The beverages that you drink.
So what we do is take two steps backwards and then start cleansing the body.
Start off with an intestinal cleanse using the oxy powder.
Then go into liver and gallbladder cleansing.
Then go into, you know, maybe multiple liver and gallbladder cleansing.
Because usually what we found is before you get cysts in your ovaries or cysts anywhere in your body, your liver is contaminated.
So you're really going to need to do a liver
And then, cleansing your body and supplementing with iodine.
And usually within 90 days of you doing a good chemical and heavy metal cleanse, deep body cleanse, there's multiple ones available online.
With the products that we're using here, you're doing the Super Female Vitality, which is great.
The only addition I would add to that would be the X2 Survival Shield.
And that alone, if you look online, you'll see
You can just type in iodine and PCOS.
Iodine and cysts.
And you'll see a direct link between cysts in the body and iodine deficiency.
So, hope that helps.
Next, we're going to go to... We're going to go to Chris in Florida.
Chris, are you there?
Yes, I am.
I'm here.
How are you, Doctor?
I'm doing great.
What's your question?
Okay, yes.
A few years ago, I was in a motorcycle accident, and they put me on hydrocodone for a couple of months, and then they put me on oxycodone for a couple of months, and then they put me on tramadols for two years.
And then I went back, and there was a different doctor.
I saw a different doctor in the same office, and she took me off and put me on a gabapentin.
And whenever I got the... I always read the list of, you know, side effects and the, you know, the thing that you get when you go to the pharmacy.
And it was an epilepsy drug.
And I called them up and I said, hey, look, you know, I don't have epilepsy.
I think maybe you gave me the wrong prescription or something.
You know, I didn't look at the prescription that I took in there, but... And they told me, they said, no, that's... They double-checked and they said, no, that's exactly what you were prescribed and blah, blah, blah.
And I said, but I don't have epilepsy.
Our records show that you were on Kramadol for a couple of years, so you will, you know.
And I'm like, what?
They said you will have, you know, because of the effects of Kramadol.
Chris, let me ask you a question.
Are you in pain right now?
Actually, it comes and goes.
I am constantly in pain.
I had two orthopedic surgeons examine me and take
Look at my x-rays.
I have H-lip disc in my back.
So here's what, you know, obviously people are finding out all the time that the medical profession only treats the symptoms and not the root cause.
Yes, you were in an accident.
But you have to remember, there's only two options for you if you go the medical route.
There is surgery or medication.
Does surgery fix the problem?
Most of the time.
I mean, I'm not bashing medical doctors.
You know, in an emergency situation, we have the best medical system in the world.
You get in a car accident, motorcycle accident, break your bones, they'll put you back together.
But that still means that you need to fix the problem or correct it internally.
And it's really hard for people like you, especially there's so many people out there that suffer in pain every single day.
A few of the things that I've used is...
Unfortunately, you're not going to be getting better over a period of time, especially when they start giving you more medications and more medications and more medications.
That's not addressing.
All that does is just, you know, put you comatose on the couch and you can't even get up and the pain is still there, it's just you can't feel it.
So natural remedies, I mean one of the best things, and talk to, you know, find a good natural health care practitioner in your area that might be able to work with you, but some of the things that we've used are inversion tables for back.
You know, whenever you have slipped discs in your back, or, and me being a chiropractor, which is another really good
Uh, way to help eliminate or help repair some spinal injuries through chiropractic, deep tissue massage, acupuncture, some essential oils work to help control pain, uh, inversion table.
It sounds simple when you hang upside down, but that was the whole philosophy behind yoga.
Hanging upside down actually stretches your spine and what that does, there's actually spinal decompression machines now too.
These are natural ways to actually decompress the spine and suck some of those discs back in.
If they're slipped or if you have herniated discs, to a certain degree, natural ways can be used to help deal with the pain and some of those conditions.
What's going to happen with you taking all those pain medications is you're probably going to be chronically constipated because pain medications destroy the stomach and they also destroy the gut lining.
So it's a good idea for you to, you know, take a proactive approach.
Have hope because, listen,
I mean, I've had people with devastating health conditions, cancer, that in the medical profession just doesn't give you any hope out there.
I'm telling everybody, there's always hope.
I've seen every single condition reversed.
As a matter of fact, hundreds of thousands of conditions reversed using natural remedies, and just having the mindset that you can heal yourself, you can get better.
If you want, you can contact me at my office or something.
I can get a little or contact somebody here at InfoWars and we can find maybe a regimen of the InfoWars Life products that you can take that will actually help with the healing process itself.
You know, there's always natural ways to do things.
So my advice to you is
Take what I said, you know, find a natural chiropractor that can work with you.
Use some of those technologies and try to slowly eliminate those medications.
Also, you might want to look into CBD.
CBD is an extract from the hemp plant that has shown great promises for pain.
Another thing that is extremely effective for healing the tissue in the body is high-dose vitamin D. So, check out the winter sun here.
And the winter sun, high doses of vitamin D. There's been books written about it.
You can get more information online.
It's actually been shown to help the body repair damaged tissue because scar tissue, when you have an injury, grows like this.
In a matter that is like an X form instead of a nice drawn-down matter like this is how you're supposed to heal but scar tissue is like this.
So they found that because most people don't have enough vitamin D in their bodies that they heal like this instead of like this.
So doctors are doing research now with like 20,000 IUs
Of course!
I mean, there's thousands of reviews on the website about that.
I highly encourage everybody go and read on Infowarslife.com because you can see we're not allowed to say all these things on the air.
I mean, unfortunately, we're not allowed to say and give people success stories.
So I highly encourage you to go over there and the best part about it is.
It funds the operation.
It funds Alex's operation.
And not only that, you can wake up and you can become a healthier person.
So I think we might have time to squeeze one more in.
Let's go to Francis, who's been holding for quite a while.
He has a question about colloidal silver.
Francis, are you there?
Yes, I am.
How are you, Dr. Group?
I'm doing great.
What's your question?
I have a quick question for you regarding colloidal silver.
Is it true that that actually cures gum disease, or am I incorrect?
Well, you know, there's been a lot of research on silver over the years.
I mean, I personally think that silver is one of the best things that you can possibly do for a multitude of health conditions.
Again, I always go back to, let's look at the root cause of the problem.
Why do you have gum disease?
Either you're eating too much sugar, or you're having an overgrowth of certain bacteria in your mouth, you're having chemical reactions in your mouth because you're doing certain things.
Yes, if you look at the studies that the Department of Defense did, silver
Is one of the most effective agents.
That's why it's being used in all the hospitals now and is being used in band-aids and everything else because it controls microbes and it limits microbial growth.
So when I take silver, I, you know, soak it around in my mouth for a little while and then swallow it and I do the same thing with iodine.
Uh, I think iodine is really effective for strengthening the gums and the teeth.
So, everybody out there, thanks for listening today.
Break 4, stay with us.
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