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Name: 20150515_Fri_Alex
Air Date: May 15, 2015
2617 lines.

This passage discusses a Second Circuit ruling that the U.S. government's telephone metadata program violates Section 215 of the Patriot Act, and how Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has proposed a stopgap measure to maintain the current program. It also mentions Alex Jones discussing various topics such as gun control legislation, a pro-life demonstration outside Planned Parenthood, InfoWars' ChildEase supplement for children, and their sourcing of coffee beans from Chiapas farmers in Mexico. Finally, it encourages listeners to continue spreading the word about InfoWars and PrisonPlanet through various means." " In this passage, Alex Jones discusses his nightmare, shares personal stories about BB King with Jimmy Vaughan, and reflects on the cultural impact of King's work. He then moves on to talk about gun control legislation and the attempts of the government to take away guns. The author also mentions an upcoming pro-life demonstration outside a Planned Parenthood center. Additionally, InfoWars has created a calming supplement called ChildEase for children, which includes herbs like chamomile and lemon balm. The team at InfoWars also discusses the disrespect of the American flag by globalists, the need for unity among patriots to prevent a civil war, and how they source their coffee beans from Chiapas farmers in Mexico. Listeners are encouraged to continue spreading the word about InfoWars and PrisonPlanet and to access content through various means such as local affiliates, free podcasts, and videos."

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
On May 7th, the lawsuit ACLU v. James Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, was decided.
A three-judge panel for the Second Circuit held that the telephone metadata program exceeds the scope of what Congress has authorized and therefore violates Section 215 of the Patriot Act.
Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?
No, sir.
It does not?
Not wittingly.
There are cases where they could inadvertently, perhaps, collect, but not wittingly.
James Clapper's attorney, Robert Litt, claimed that he wasn't lying when he wrongly told Congress in 2013 that the government does not wittingly collect information about millions of Americans.
He just forgot.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already put forth a new bill as a stopgap measure to allow time for a forward debate on the issue.
His stopgap?
A five-year reauthorization with no changes to the current program.
Section 215 of the Conspicuously Subversive Patriot Act, commonly referred to as the Library Records Provision.
215 allows the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, as applied by the Director of the FBI or an official designated by the Director of
Access to tangible things deemed under investigation.
This investigation must be conducted in accordance under the guidelines laid out in Executive Order 12333 and must not be carried out on citizens whose activities are protected by the First Amendment.
All orders must be granted by a FISA court judge.
This breach of trust by the federal government was exposed by whistleblowers and undermined by the intelligence community on a massive scale.
I made the statement about that the greatest threat to our constitutional form of government since the Civil War is what's happening now in terms of spying in the United States.
And that's the domestic spying program, Stellar Wind, that they started in secret and have been running in secret.
So they're violating the constitutional rights of everyone.
First Amendment rights are violated because you have the right under the First Amendment to have a free association.
It doesn't say you have the right to free association as long as the government knows about it.
That's a direct violation of that one.
Meanwhile, the mouthpieces of the American counter-terror movement project the PSYOP needed for the unconstitutional legislation.
Expect to see more blatant extortion thrown at the feet of the American people.
Threats like these will increase as the scrutiny of unconstitutional surveillance grows.
Is the U.S.
the new front line in the fight against ISIS?
Well, we're certainly vulnerable, and this is all part of ISIS's strategy of conveying a winner's message.
The motive is, let them attack, have the mainstream media never point out that our own government's funded them, created them, protected them, and allow them to attack, and then, bet your bottom dollar, we're going to be attacked when more attacks happen, Paul.
Uh, for pointing out that our government allowed it to happen, bare minimum.
Here's a tweet.
Americans take pride in carrying handguns.
What's your little gun gonna do when an IED explodes, spraying shrapnel faster than sound?
So they're now, um, demonizing the Second Amendment.
Oh, they're total cowards.
Our government's gonna say, roll over, give your rights up when we get attacked.
When we get attacked by their ISIS slobs, uh, we're gonna hold our traitorous government accountable.
We're putting the narrative out now
We've been doing it for four years.
So when your jihad force, globalists, hits America and Europe, you're gonna get the blame.
You hear that, Obama?
You hear that, Henry Kissinger?
You hear that, all of you?
North Com, South Com, you're gonna get the blame!
Please explain how a Subway restaurant worker has her Twitter and Facebook accounts immediately shut down after supporting the heinous murder of two police officers in Mississippi, but ISIS member accounts are allowed to stay online to threaten the global populace at will.
John Bowne, InfoWars.com.
Very powerful report by John Bowne.
If somebody was recording at about 845 Central this morning on Fox,
We need you to put it on YouTube.
I was on an elliptical watching Fox News at the gym and it showed ISIS forces rolling around Syria and Iraq in MRAP U.S.
armored vehicles.
Regardless of what you think about the Jade Helm operation coming up this summer, the main thing to always remember as an American is to question your government.
That is something that you have a right to do.
Americans have pretty much lost all faith in government at this point in time.
The mainstream media is not doing their job whatsoever.
They simply sit at their desk, read their teleprompters, and just spew out whatever words the government or Pentagon has told them to say.
The fact that Lieutenant Colonel Mark Lestorian, Thomas Meade, said that the government sat back while these private landowners were approaching them, asking them to use our land, to please come out here, deploy your troops, and not take any money whatsoever.
And now we know.
As of yesterday, the mayor of Big City in Texas says that they will be getting compensation.
They will be receiving money.
And in fact, the government came to them.
So if you'd like to see more about this, go watch a video called Caught in a Lie.
It'll be up at InfoWars.com.
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Alex Jones here.
For the last two years, I've been working with top doctors, nutritionists, and chemists to design a nutraceutical formulation that has truly life-changing health benefits.
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Experience the benefits of combining over 14 ancient herbs and extracts with exciting new advances in nutraceutical science.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
Television, music, fast food, GMOs, sugars, you name it.
Young humans have not yet developed their nervous system and are being hammered daily by globalist concoctions.
It's no wonder they can't focus and calm down and then are put on dangerous psychotropic drugs.
Working with my team, we set out to find the best formula with the highest quality ingredients that children would actually like and take.
We worked with the leading manufacturer in nutritional supplements that are safe for children to bring you the most affordable and powerful calming formula out there.
Introducing ChildEase with herbs and calming extracts like chamomile and lemon balm and essential nutrients that taste great.
Obtain your ChildEase today at InfoWarsLife.com.
That's ChildEase exclusively at InfoWarsLife.com.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial commons.
In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas.
The first reports say that President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting.
It is a big idea.
It was almost as if it were a planned implosion.
It just pancaked.
Either you were with us, or you were with the terrorists.
I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We're going to take all of them.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
Global governance at last.
Is it one world?
The central bank is in charge.
But aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?
As for me, give me liberty or give me death!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this live Worldwide Friday edition, already the 15th day of May.
The 15th day of May, 2015.
Just amazing that we're already close to halfway into 2015 and beyond.
The news is completely twilight, zonish today as usual, but it's only getting more intense.
We're going to have open phones today.
A free-for-all, any issue you want to raise, any comment, any question.
If you disagree, agree.
I'd love to hear from you.
We're going to do first-time callers in the first hour.
The toll-free number is 800-259-9231 on any issue.
This is the type of news
That I have in the stack.
This isn't even our top story, or even close to it.
It just gives you a flavor of the atmosphere.
UK Prime Minister David Cameron, just re-elected, came out and said, it's not enough to follow the law, you must love Big Brother.
That's the headline.
That's what Glenn Greenwald
The investigative journalist basically described his statement as, but here's the actual statement put out by the Prime Minister officially.
For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens, as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone.
And then he goes on to say no longer.
They are now trying to put in regulations, it's not even laws,
Where they will arrest you if you criticize anything that's politically correct.
This is from the conservative Tory.
And you notice in Europe, they already have this in some of the countries, where they say if you hurt someone's feelings, you can be arrested.
That's why you can't criticize ISIS.
Because that hurts their feelings.
In fact, Paul Watson had a special report yesterday, I want to play, coming up.
It's on Prison Planet Live and on Infowars.com, where he breaks down Sweden and other countries are going to have taxpayer-funded programs to bring the hundreds of thousands of ISIS fighters back, I guess tens of thousands for Sweden, to then put them through political correctness training after their trauma.
But if you criticize them, you will be arrested.
There's a great political cartoon on Infowars.com about two-thirds of the way down on the right-hand side that shows a big pink Trojan horse coming into the castle that says America.
And the pink Trojan horse, My Little Pony Unicorn, I guess, says political correctness on the side and Obama's opening the gate smiling up at it, but out of a hole in the back, under the tail,
There's an ISIS fighter with an ISIS flag and he's saying, shhh.
Well, no, actually, if it was an accurate rendition, it would be Obama and NATO and the globalists loading the Trojan horse full of weapons at ISIS and then they'd be ordering the men at the gate to open the gate and then they'd be pushing it in.
Because ISIS is Al Qaeda and is the
Fighting force being used by Saudi Arabia to destabilize the entire planet.
And then the West is financing it so they can clamp down and take liberties on the other end of it and spend trillions fighting the supposed ISIS threat, which they don't really fight.
And I said a year ago when they rebranded the name ISIS Islamic State out of Al-Qaeda, it's Al-Qaeda flags, Al-Qaeda operatives.
And that's all come out in the news, in their five-year war against Syria, that they would let them be resupplied in Iraq, give them big weapons caches, and then send them back in.
And they indeed did do that.
And then I was watching Fox at 8.45 roughly this morning, almost fell off the elliptical trying to pull my phone out of my pocket, that I was listening to music on, because I had closed captions on, trying to get photos of it, and it was at the gym so I couldn't TiVo it.
Somebody needs to go back and find this and play it, but they didn't show it once they came back from break on the outro to come back and talk about ISIS.
They showed MRAPs rolling down the road with ISIS flags, and I didn't know that we'd given them
The big MRAPs that the local police are getting.
I mean, this is just crazy.
And of course, the Iraqi government, the president has said, in his release video, that our government is still arming Al-Qaeda slash ISIS.
But they know our military woke up to this, as we've talked about at nauseam.
Colonel Schaefer's been on to document it and back us up on this.
We know that they've simply just rebranded it as ISIS.
To confuse the public, so the public doesn't understand that it's all being financed by the West.
And that it's all basically staged war.
Syria's back in trouble.
Syria had fought back and pushed back ISIS.
But $6 billion of US, French, and other taxpayer money wasn't enough to bring down Assad, backed by the Russians.
And so they've resupplied ISIS in Iraq, and now they've invaded again into Syria, and they're taking major cities right now, and they're putting to the sword every Christian they get their hands on.
Of course, Jews could live in peace there as well.
They're being put to the sword, those they can find, though they were smart enough to flee.
The Christians don't have anywhere they can flee.
Israel will allow Jews to flee there.
Headline, barbarians at the gate.
Syria says ISIS approaching ancient city of Palmyra.
Fox News.
It's such a crime.
And I had Al Jazeera here interviewing me last night with their American reporter.
This guy had the perfect elite New York accent.
You know the one they use in Ferris Bueller?
It's a day off.
I happened to see some of that the other day.
It was on cable.
Great movie.
And when he's got his buddy calling the school to get his girlfriend, he's going, I'm here to tell you something, buster.
You better have her out there right now, or you're in major trouble.
Is that understood?
And I'm sitting there with this guy from Al Jazeera, and I was so tired of like 7 at night being interviewed, because I was interviewed by a bunch of other radio and stuff yesterday, because I'm so afraid to do interviews, according to Stephanopoulos, on this week.
Boy, didn't he get some instant karma.
And, not instant karma for lying about us, but just instant karma.
I came in and everybody was like, instant karma, instant karma.
Like a happy trip of meerkats.
What a great crew we have here in the meerkat nest.
But, uh, that's kind of what the InfoWars operation's like.
And he just kept going, isn't it dangerous seeing the invasions imminent of Texas?
And he had his producer, super good looking woman with him, who was smiling at me all fake the whole time, and telling me how sexy my voice was, and I was just like, oh my god, this is gonna be the ultimate hit piece.
But I sat down, and I'm sitting there, and he's like, well, how you gonna feel if something goes wrong after you stirred all this up, buddy?
And I was just like, is that a real accent?
He had the perfect pinstripe suit, he looked like a six foot four Ben Affleck.
And I was like, I started talking back to him, I was like, how much money are the Saudis paying you through your operation in British intelligence to do this piece?
So, it should be a really interesting interview if they actually air any of it.
But, it was just crazy.
And I'm here to tell everybody, CBS, NBC, ABC, this week with Stephanopoulos, I want on your show, Dirtbag,
I'm sick of you people lying and saying I didn't show up for the interview when you said, no, we're not doing it live.
We said, OK, we're not doing it then.
And then you show up a day and a half later to pick me up for the live show 12 minutes before.
Alan Combs was marveling about this yesterday.
How's it a big national news story in hundreds of newspapers and on?
They were asking me from Al Jazeera.
So why didn't you show up for the interview?
But you're showing up with us.
Let's go out to break with Stephanopoulos apologizing for lying.
Here it is.
Now I want to address some news you may have seen about me.
Over the last several years, I've made substantial donations to dozens of charities, including the Clinton Global Foundation.
Those donations were a matter of public record, but I should have made additional disclosures on air when we covered the foundation.
And I now believe that directing personal donations to that foundation was a mistake.
Even though I made them strictly support work done to stop the spread of AIDS, help children, and protect the environment in poor countries, I should have gone the extra mile to avoid even the appearance of a conflict.
I apologize to all of you for failing to do that.
We'll be back!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Mr. Jones, thank you for sitting down to speak with Al Jazeera.
You're pretty bizarre, aren't you?
You claim America is turning into a police state.
You claim the military is going to be taken over.
No, I don't claim it.
It's happened.
I mean, look at this quote by the Prime Minister of England.
See, that's what this whole police state's about.
The government's getting ready to politically eat our wealth, and they want to get us bullied into line right now.
David Cameron's recent language, the London Guardian reports, the measures would give the police powers to apply to high court for an order to limit the harmful activities of an extremist individual.
The definition of harmful is to include a risk of public disorder
A risk of harassment, a risk of harassment, alarm or distress, or creating a threat to the functioning of democracy.
And what are they saying on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, this week against yours truly?
He's got a right to free speech, but not to yell fire in a theater.
And Alex Jones is yelling fire in a theater.
In fact, yesterday, with the Al Jazeera reporter, that's how he was talking to me.
Boy, what if things get out of hand?
What responsibility do you have for violence?
The government is gearing up for a total takeover.
We don't know if it's this summer, a year from now, or when.
It's incrementally already happening.
And they just keep making jokes about it.
Well, the economy's going into freefall.
We have a stack of articles on that front.
This is a short segment.
When we start the next segment, we were able... I guess they went back on our TiVo.
Guess it records all the time now.
It's not even a TiVo.
I just call any DVR a TiVo.
It's kind of like in Texas, everybody calls any soft drink a Coke.
This is how we do it.
I guess you call any truck a Ford.
I don't know.
I guess that's why they call any good looking woman in Australia Sheila, huh?
That's a good name.
Let's go out and find us some Sheilas, huh?
But we're going to break all of this down coming up in the next segment.
Buckley ran back and found it.
And I'd forgotten the really bad part about it.
I thought this when I saw it and was reading the closed caption this morning because I was on the elliptical at the gym.
They're like, Obama is telling the media to stop showing video of ISIS in Syria and Iraq in convoys because they've already been disrupted and they're not in convoys anymore.
Don't show the convoys.
Well, I can watch foreign footage.
There's new convoys.
And you know why?
Because it's Toyota trucks.
It's MRAPs and it's armored Humvees that they didn't accidentally get at bases.
I predicted when their whole invasion began that they would accidentally get everything from the bases.
You know what they do to the bases if they can't keep them or give them to the Iraqi Army?
They fly in special forces in a matter of hours to blow them up in place.
That's standard procedure.
This was just like Benghazi.
Benghazi wasn't an accident, that's come out.
It was arming the Al-Qaeda rebels to have plausible deniability.
Now we're told, brace for ISIS to attack, brace for Stinger missiles to shoot down airlines, just like we said.
So coming up in the next segment,
We have all of this footage, and we have Paul Watson's article about the college student confronting Jeb Bush about, quote, his brother creating Al Qaeda.
You know, it's a little bit beyond that.
And I'm not even saying Bush did it all.
Let's be honest.
Jimmy Carter, with Zbigniew Brzezinski, created what is Al Qaeda today.
Reagan, believing he was fighting the Russians by the early 80s, began ramping it up.
And it just continued through George Herbert Walker, through Clinton, remember when he was protecting Bin Laden, wouldn't let him get killed in 96, 97, that came out in the news.
The FBI just talked about it.
And then under George W.
There was actually a quasi-war on them, but their leadership was all basically Western intelligence.
And now they're just retiring all the old fake heads of Al-Qaeda, because it was never really an operational force.
It was a cut-out.
And they've shifted to this real jihad army, with real jihadis.
That's why I'm saying the terror threat's real.
It's still synthetic.
It still got built and wound up by the globalists.
But speaking of that,
There's just so many angles to this.
We're going to come back and break it all down here.
But, it's just like the West helped fund Hitler, helped build him up.
That's on record.
The congressional hearings on him, Anthony Sutton.
Tony Sutton helped expose it as a congressional researcher.
But it doesn't mean that Hitler was run by the West.
He was wound up.
He was wound up.
They're called wind-up toys.
Progen zombie dictators.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Today's Hot Stories at Infowars.com.
On May 15, 2015, article up by Steve Watson, school orders student to remove offensive U.S.
flag from truck.
A school in York, South Carolina has come under fire for ordering a student to remove a U.S.
flag from his truck because it could possibly be offensive to some people.
Well, that's the exact town where my mother lives, and the way these people reacted is exactly what I would expect from the citizens of York, South Carolina.
Way to stand up.
Article by Kit Daniels, National Guard, police gearing up for potential Cleveland riots.
The Ohio National Guard is alerting soldiers to report to duty in preparation for potential riots following the trial of Cleveland, Ohio, police officer Michael Brello, according to an insider.
Accused of manslaughter for shooting two unarmed black suspects, at least one National Guard company, was ordered to report to home station on May 17th.
The verdict of Brello is expected on May 18th or 19th.
For more reports like this, go to InfoWars.com.
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Alex Jones here.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, here's what I want to do.
They're still getting that Fox News clip off the DVR and transferred over, so I'm going to, at the bottom of the next hour, do a whole presentation on the world waking up to the fact that
Western governments are giving weapons and armaments to Al-Qaeda, now known as ISIS.
And it ties into Jeb Bush being confronted on it.
It ties into a whole host of issues.
That is coming up at the bottom of the next hour, because I do want to start going to your phone calls.
There is just stacks of over-the-top important news.
Gulf states agree to counter Iran's destabilizing activities.
That ties into the ISIS situation.
Forty volcanoes are erupting right now and 34 of them are along the Ring of Fire.
Oh yeah, the Ring of Fire is the most active since volcanologists and seismologists have been really studying things over the 200 years.
I mean, it is definitely, definitely getting hot.
And so is the supervolcano Yellowstone.
We're going to get to China's secret space weapons targeting U.S.
Soon every satellite will be at risk.
We're going to break that down.
Video, school orders students to remove offensive US flag from truck.
We're going to get to that.
And this isn't South Carolina, this isn't like it's in San Francisco.
People say, well that's just crazy, it makes no sense.
No, it's totally dominating and training you that you have no free speech.
But then every other socialist or radical group does.
These are totalitarians, people.
Oh, so they're dumb.
Why don't they want freedom?
They're not dumb.
They're conquering us.
General Electric's not dumb when it finances Obama to get into office, and they shut down a thousand-plus power plants not owned by GE, and then GE coal power plant profits more than double because they're given a waiver.
McDonald's isn't dumb when it pays Obama to give them a waiver for Obamacare on their thousands of stores, but their competitors don't get a waiver, so their food costs more.
It's how you create monopolies.
Look at this headline.
Pro-abortion group labels 20-week babies, not killing them, inhumane.
That's their words.
See, it's about inverting reality with these people.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference calls for amnesty for rioters, looters in Baltimore.
Can't make that up.
Including folks that beat white people's heads in and put them in comas.
Because racially attacking whites is okay.
They deserve it.
Just like jihadis are freedom fighters and for some reason are allied with socialists and collectivists and progressives.
And if you're against radical
Stone Age, Dark Age cults.
I mean, I don't care if it's some weird Christian cult that wants to dominate and control women, or if it's some Islamic cult.
I mean, just stay away, cults.
Because I'm a classical liberal, see?
I'm into real freedom and being tolerant, but that means you're gonna be tolerant of me!
Do you understand?!
My private property, my guns, my views, my religion!
It doesn't mean I accept what you want!
Doesn't mean I turn my five-year-olds over so you can teach them how to give oral sex!
Doesn't mean I gotta shoot all your vaccines up!
You wanna shoot your kids up and have them have convulsions?
And take care of them and have thirty-year-olds in diapers?
Knock yourselves out!
I'm not paying for it through Socialist Healthcare.
Oh, but you already got me.
I'm in a collectivism now.
I see.
See, I mean, I just, there's like 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 stacks.
I just got through a third of one.
I'm going to stop right there before I get too angry and I want to go to your calls.
Bottom of the next hour, I will get to all of these tie-ins and the fact that they, Obama isn't asking the news media.
To stop showing footage of the fact that ISIS has armored vehicles because it makes them look like they're tough and scary.
They want to train the media to not cover military operations when they say so.
And they don't like the fact that there's giant convoys of armored MRAPs that they didn't just accidentally get.
Next we're going to hear ISIS accidentally got nuclear weapons from, you know, the nuclear laboratories in the US.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
I'm going to play Paul Watson's report, Total Proofs that Political Correctness is a Mental Illness.
That, of course, coined by Savage 20 years ago.
I don't know, 15, 16 years ago to be technical.
And yes, the followers are mentally ill.
But the technocrats are not mentally ill.
The George Stephanopoulos' are part of a mafia.
And they get up and they go, I'm sorry, I didn't disclose, I gave 75, it was 50, $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
When I've been reporting on them and saying they're not corrupt.
As if it's a conflict of interest.
It's a conflict of interest that you are Bill Clinton's Chief of Staff when all the murders and corruption and missile secrets to China and Panama Canal handovers and just every other corruption you could imagine.
When you turn on CNN, ABC, any of it, it's just filled with Democratic Party operatives like Paul Begala and Wolf Blitzer.
It's all a conflict of interest.
You're all a bunch of Brian Williams pig droppings, in my view.
George pig-dropping Stephanopoulos is now apologizing.
Again, talk about instant karma.
These are a pack of liars, folks.
They said, we're going to have you on live, we promise.
I told Nico, watch, they're going to cancel that on Friday and say it's taped.
Friday, they go, it's taped now.
We go, oh, let us guess when.
6 a.m., three hours before airtime.
No, we're not doing it.
Okay, how about 8 a.m.?
Okay, we'll talk about it with you.
Next, 12 minutes before air time.
Oh, we're here to pick you up!
As I'm unshaven with my hair sticking up, drinking coffee, and about to cook my children breakfast.
I mean, I was getting cartons of eggs out.
As they came out with their hair sticking up,
And I just didn't even answer the phone.
And they get to turn that into afraid to go on your show.
Because I would jump through all these hoops and, oh, yes, let me just wait by the phone till you maybe call us back after a day and a half not talking to us so I can come on your stupid show.
Oh, because I want to be on with George Stephanopoulos.
I could care less about being on your show.
I can't stand being around you people.
But I love running you over and disrespecting you, clown.
But let's go to this little mafiadon, another dropping like Rahm Emanuel.
The guy that says they're gonna put you on no-fly list if you're a gun owner, outside of law, so you can't fly.
A guy that says once we have national ID cards, they'll just turn conservatives' ID cards off.
You know, if they're harassing every conservative, libertarian, and Christian group with the IRS, and arresting people for no reason, and persecuting everyone, and even going after FBI, you know, agent foundations that are for libertarianism,
What do you think they'll do once they've got everything digital controlled?
I mean, these people are totalitarian monsters!
Let's go ahead and go to Stephanopoulos one more time apologizing.
Now I want to address some news you may have seen about me.
Over the last several years, I've made substantial donations to dozens of charities, including the Clinton Global Foundation.
Those donations were a matter of public record, but I should have made additional disclosures on air when we covered the foundation.
And I now believe that directing personal donations to that foundation was a mistake.
Even though I made them strictly support work done to stop the spread of AIDS, help children, and protect the environment in poor countries, I should have gone the extra mile to avoid even the appearance of a conflict.
I apologize to all of you for failing to do that.
By the way, what you get in that foundation is their fleet of jet aircraft to fly you to luxury destinations, tax-free, exempt, and then to stay in hotels.
Over half the money goes for the travel, the houses, the hotels, the jets.
Then a large portion of the other 45% goes to other infrastructure, and a very small percent goes to, quote, Africans or others.
So, this is what they do.
And it's a mafia foundation, period, and he's part of the mob.
And so he thinks he'll get away with it, but he's nothing but another Brian Williams liar.
Hey Stephanopoulos, why don't you, like your boss Hillary, tell us you were in combat, or a helicopter got shot down, or you got shot at in Serbia.
I mean, you're a joke!
You're a nobody!
Your ratings are down because people don't want to watch weak, little, mealy-mouthed political hack operatives.
But your political class has taken over, so you can't help yourselves.
You've all got to give yourselves TV shows that no one will come watch, no matter how many billions of dollars you've got behind you.
We can sit here in a studio and a system that costs one-thirtieth of what your operation does, I've looked it up, and crush you.
You think Tardinophilus likes the fact that we have 20 million listeners and viewers a week?
And they know that.
Al Jazeera was like, yes, we've looked at your numbers, and you do have around 20 million people that watch or listen to you every week.
You know, don't you think that's dangerous?
You know what?
I think it is dangerous to people like you.
Because here's the deal.
You're a bunch of knuckle-dragging gangsters, and you'd love to just come after me, but you don't want to make me a martyr, and you've surveilled me and have my M.O., and you know I'm going all the way, so you don't know what to do.
Let me explain something, scum.
None of us are backing down or shutting up.
We're going to go to Bill, Jordan, Donald, Chris, Chris and others here in a moment.
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How long is Watson's report?
I saw it last night.
It's like four minutes long.
I'm going to play this report, come back, and then just go bam, bam, bam, the calls.
Bill, Chris, Chris, Donald, Jonathan, Jordan, everybody else that's holding.
But don't forget, get Prostagard and the 20% off on the Infowars, Supermail, Superfinal Vitality and Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
This is a great report by Watson, but he says the total mental illness of liberals.
I guess they are mentally ill that they're tyrannical, gibbering control freaks who in Canadian studies are six times more likely to steal or to not give to charity.
Because they're not real liberals.
And I just don't think they're liberals.
I think they are gangs of insecure babies that guilt good people into serving them as minions.
Let's go ahead and go to Paul Watson's report.
If you want a glimpse of what happens to countries when they embrace the mental disorder of extreme liberalism, look no further than Sweden.
And no, this is not a hoax.
It's not satire.
It's not out of the onion.
This is a real story.
Socialists in Sweden want to tax the population to pay for returning ISIS terrorists to get jobs and reintegrate into society.
That's because they're a shadow army.
This is all funded by the West.
Orero municipality councillor, Rasmus Persson, wants to offer psychological help to enable jihadist militants overcome traumatic experiences they may have suffered while fighting in Iraq and Syria.
I'll help them.
Put a bullet in their head.
Sweden's official coordinator against violent extremism, Mona Salin, wants to take the idea nationwide and impose a tax aid for immigrants who fought with ISIS.
Taxing citizens to pay for the reintegration of violent nutcases through beheaded people, throw gays off buildings, and stone women to death.
It's liberal!
And remember, this is a country whose taxpayer-funded expert on Islamophobia went on to join ISIS.
Swedish soldier Fredrik Brandberg fired back at this insane proposal by pointing out that the country's combat veterans, some of whom are currently fighting against ISIS militants in Iraq, don't even get offered jobs when they return home.
Swedish armed forces responded by saying that was, quote, no longer our business.
Marie Hoff was completely ridiculed for days on end when she made her infamous jobs for ISIS argument.
But there's no ridicule in Sweden.
This is being treated as a legitimate debate.
Now there's also a big debate at the moment in Britain about how to prevent ISIS wannabes from leaving the country to go and fight in Syria.
God knows why.
I mean just go and let them blow themselves up for all I care.
But at least the hundreds of jihadists who are now returning to Britain are actually being arrested.
In Sweden, they're about to be given counselling and employment all at taxpayer expense.
But to be fair, Sweden is the shining light in terms of cohesive and beneficial Muslim immigration into the country, right?
Well, no, actually, they're the rape capital of Europe and have entire no-go Muslim ghettos where police, firefighters and ambulance workers are attacked on a regular basis.
But hey, pandering to violent rapist criminals just isn't progressive enough.
Let's roll out the red carpet for terrorists who kidnap women and force them to undergo surgery after every act of rape to restore their virginity.
That's compassionate liberalism!
Stick a fork in Sweden, because it's done.
And this once proud nation can now only serve as a warning to others about what happens when governments become afflicted with the mental disorder of extreme liberalism.
And expanding on all that here, radio listener, while Paul is talking he's showing mainstream news articles pushing it like it's legitimate.
And I was reading about Sweden where these families prepare their daughters for the third world populations who don't even have a culture anymore.
They adopt kind of US gangster rap.
And then, whether they're Eastern European thugs or Muslim radical thugs, whatever, the families then deliver their daughters, when they're about 15, to date them and then to be handed over to prostitution, basically, and to have cigarettes put out on them.
I'm serious.
It's a sacrament.
You just hand your daughters over, and your tax money, to the rapists.
Because it's trendy.
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Democracy don't rule the world.
You better get that through your head.
This world is ruled by violence.
Go ahead, turn your guts in.
From Broadway to the Milky Way,
That's a lot of real estate.
Old Bob Dylan.
And a man's gonna do what a man's gotta do to quote John Wayne.
Alright, let's go to your phone calls, and then I'm gonna get into all this other news throughout the day, and a bunch of breakdowns, special reports, it's gonna be jam-packed, but they have to teach you to be mentally ill to accept anything, so that you have no morals, so you can be dominated and controlled.
And that's why political correctness sounds so crazy that you can't have an American flag on your shirt or on your truck at a public school in South Carolina.
Or you can't play with a Nerf gun in your backyard.
The school says they have no jurisdiction.
They do it to train you that they can take you a million miles.
You're being hit by psych warfare.
All right, let's go to Bill in California.
Thanks for holding.
Thanks for calling in.
Go ahead.
Yeah, good morning.
Let's let's do some good news today.
And that's Texas State Guard, which is not the National Guard.
They are purely a state organization.
The governor, Craig Abbott, commander in chief, Major General John F. Nichols is adjutant.
They are composed of
True patriots who are volunteering their time... Oh, by the way, I mean, I've seen these jokes in the media going, our army can destroy the Texas Guard.
The Texas Guard is one of the few states that has this.
It's a great organization.
I know a lot of these people and a lot of them are the very best of the best that do this to volunteer to help the state of Texas and this country.
And so you're absolutely right.
There are great people and folks that make fun of them
Like they're ROTC or something, have no idea what they're talking about.
Not at all.
These are seasoned veterans, usually, and they are the cream of the cream.
They're well-educated, very experienced, and true patriots.
And I would suggest that you get Joe Biggs out there to set up a little
special on them and who they are, what they do, and the courage that the governor has shown in putting them against the Jade Helm.
By the way, almost all states have a state guard.
No, I know, but ours is more robust and Texas is truly independent.
I know most states have a state guard and folks that come out and help with traffic control and things like that, but the state guard here, particularly from what I've read, is different than other states.
Isn't that correct?
Not much, no.
It dates all the way back to 1823.
They were chartered by the Emperor of Mexico.
And, of course, moved over to the Republic when it was formed.
So they are the oldest of the military forces in Texas.
I knew that.
And I know their charter is different because Texas is the Lone Star State, the only state to enter by treaty.
But thank you so much.
Great call, Bill.
Thanks for holding.
We're going to be back in 70 seconds with Chris.
Chris, Jordan, Donald and others.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the Info War.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, the USDA has published a healthy food photo to combat the hashtag Thanks Michelle Obama meme.
Southern Christian Leadership Conference calls for amnesty for rioters, looters in Baltimore.
Video school children ordered to remove offensive US flag.
Pro-abortion group labels 20-week ban inhuman.
It's inhuman to not want to kill babies.
Up is down, down is up.
Caught in a lie, Jade Helm 15, excellent report.
With Joe Biggs, Seymour Hersh slams establishment media, says, I'm not backing off anything I said.
China's secret space weapon targeting US, soon every satellite will be at risk.
Corporate gods order Obama to ram through the TPP.
That's just some of what's coming up today.
We're taking your phone calls right now.
Let's go to Chris in Chicago.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
Thank you for calling, brother.
I'm watching you on your Prison Planet TV.
I've been a subscriber for about three months and I recommend it to everyone.
It's a very, very good way to enhance your radio show.
Alex, the Fast and Furious episode seems to have gone down the memory hole, except with certain patriots like yourself and I and your listeners.
We remember this.
And living in Chicago, I've wondered that it seems similar that so much violence is going on and you can't buy a gun in Chicago.
I know that there's no limit to the depravity of some of our leaders, and I'm just thinking myself, it just crosses my mind all the time that our government might be supplying guns.
Why wouldn't they be supplying guns to the gangs in Chicago to help get rid of your and my gun rights?
And I just wanted to get your thoughts on that.
You know, it's amazing you bring that up.
We've caught them engaging in Fast and Furious and other gun-running operations to destabilize Mexico, Southwest, track the guns, blame the Second Amendment, CBS News got those documents, the reporter released them, she ended up losing her job over that.
I remember at the time going, how is CBS doing this?
Well, they had a real reporter.
When Al Jazeera was interviewing me yesterday, I said, okay, the interview's over.
They went, wait, wait, wait, and the producer,
This woman, she goes, wait a minute, I've got questions about guns.
And so he starts asking the gun questions.
He goes, you claim there's a move to ban guns, but everyone knows it's not true.
And I went, they've banned guns in Chicago, New York, D.C.
Even though the Supreme Court's ruled they've got to reverse it, they haven't.
They've made it incredibly hard, almost impossible.
They go, no, they haven't.
You can own guns anywhere.
No one wants your guns.
It's like Bloomberg writes articles going, I'm the most pro-second-minute person anywhere.
I believe in it.
It's like Don't Run, We Are Your Friends from Mars Attacks.
This is what they do.
And so according to Al Jazeera, there is no move to get your guns, sir.
You can go buy guns anywhere in Chicago.
Of course, that's not true.
And these gun groups admit in their internal documents that gunman's what they want, but there is no Jade Helm, there is no NSA spying, there is no open borders, there is no funding ISIS, there is no... But that's a great point.
We know that corrupt police departments use the guns that they confiscate from gun dealers and people they raid that don't have their documentation and have been caught selling them out the back door to criminals.
That's come out in the news so many times, it makes my head spin.
Now, I don't think they ever caught them where it's been directed by the police chief.
I'm sure that might have been happening.
It's usually rogue groups doing it because...
I'm not for corruption in police, but I do get not wanting to destroy valuable firearms and wanting to sell them.
And most of the time they end up selling them to gun dealers or legitimate people out the back door, and then giving the money to fraternal groups or whatever, and that is criminal and shouldn't happen.
I get it though.
You know, not the letter of the law, spirit of the law.
But no, departments have been caught selling them to gangs.
That's because a lot of times gangs are the puppet henchmen, like in motorcycle gangs they'll have puppets, like Hells Angels has puppet grips, front grips, for the police departments themselves.
So it's an excellent question, Chris.
God bless you, appreciate your call.
We'll be back with more calls in three minutes.
Stay with us.
Today's Hot Stories at Infowars.com.
On May 15, 2015, article up by Steve Watson, school orders student to remove offensive U.S.
flag from truck.
A school in York, South Carolina has come under fire for ordering a student to remove a U.S.
flag from his truck because it could possibly be offensive to some people.
Article by Kit Daniels, National Guard, police gearing up for potential Cleveland riots.
Article by Kurt Nemo, Southern Christian Leadership Conference calls for amnesty of rioters, looters in Baltimore.
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Baltimore People's Power Assembly and the BeMore United Coalition are calling for people arrested during violent protests in Baltimore to be released.
According to the Reverend Courtley C.D.
Witherspoon of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the protesters will march from McLean Square through the Inner Harbor demanding amnesty for those arrested during the Freddie Gray protests.
For more reports like this, go to InfoWars.com.
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We're good.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're going to cut this segment short because I understand we have an urgent phone call right now from Admiral Ackbar of the Rebel Alliance.
Admiral, thanks for joining us.
You know, we were just talking about the internet kill switch.
And Barack Obama, you know, he just said that he thinks we should hand power of the internet over to the federal government.
I think that sounds like a scary thought.
And Obama says it will be used fairly and distributed equally.
What do you say to that?
It's a trap!
What happened?
Did we just... Did we lose him?
But of course, ladies and gentlemen, in the real world, the takeover of free speech and the internet won't be done overnight, in just a few seconds, like that satirical piece that Darren McBrain produced for the Nightly News last night.
It'll be done incrementally.
But, even in an incremental push,
You finally get to a point where you're cooked.
You put the frog in the pot, at first it's cold, then it's warm, then it's hot, then it's boiling, but by then the frog's passed out.
We are getting to the frog passing out point, but now the frogs start to try to climb out a little bit.
Texas and other states are going, why are you saying you want to take on veterans and gun owners and your list in the state is hostile and you've got these drills where you say you're going to be simulating illegal activities
And the Army goes, we're not simulating any illegal activities.
That document's probably not real.
Alex Jones makes stuff up.
Okay, the document's real, but we're not going to be paying anybody off for doing anything illegal or in plain clothes.
Really, here's your manual and here's your spokesman a month ago saying it.
Never mind that.
Why do you hate the military?
Well, we don't hate the military.
That's why it's mainly veterans that are upset and current active duty.
And there's been three different C-SPAN shows that we've heard about and then gone to the archives and watched.
Rob Dewey had a piece on it with Liam McAdoo a few nights ago on the Nightly News, where they'll take an hour with a Pentagon guest on any subject.
And, let's not exaggerate, eight out of ten calls are on Jade Helm and saying, I'm a veteran, I see through this, I just got out five years ago and we would be brought to giant training centers no matter what the terrain was.
This is for domestic acclamation of the public because they understand there's a state's rights movement and Obama's been shutting off, you know, our infrastructure and doing things unilaterally.
Thank you for the call from Colorado.
Now let's go to the Independent line.
Well, I've just got to tell you, and there'll be a woman on there, that, you know, my husband's acting right now, and he's concerned, and... Next caller!
This is so healthy, that people see through what's happening.
The problem is, and I'm going to your calls, the problem is, I'm trying to figure out why they're hyping this so much, why they're making such a big deal about it, why they're misrepresenting everything we've said so much.
This is, conservatively,
Ten times!
I thought about this a lot.
It's about ten times any previous attack we've been under.
Hundreds of newspapers a day, TV shows every day, national news, lyingaboutinfowars.com, and yours truly.
I don't want to speculate, but I think they may be getting ready to attack military personnel during Jade Helm.
And I've said coming up, they'll have false flags where they have Patriots target military personnel.
Personnel get targeted, then they say it's all your fault, Alex Jones, that this group of militia attacked the military.
And of course, it'll be contractors, probably foreign, that do it.
They will grab one mentally ill patsy who's being watched in a militia group led by feds, who has a low IQ,
They'll be drugged up, never again seen like McVeigh or Czarnev, you know, brother.
Even if they plead not guilty and say they were set up, they'll never see the light of day.
They'll be put in a Supermax prison.
And if you look at who's in the Supermax prison,
I was doing some studies on the big one in Colorado.
I spent like four or five hours this weekend looking at it, and I noticed it was all political people, like Theodore Kaczynski and Terry Nichols and others, who basically said they were set up later and it was part of a larger operation.
And they admit the Justice Department then runs what they eat, who they can talk to, and that they're never allowed basically to ever talk to the media or anybody.
So it's just where they send you when you're the new boogeyman, new cutout.
Because, I mean, you notice that Terry Nichols never attacked anyone since he was arrested.
And Terry Nichols came out in affidavits from the time, from lawsuits.
I've interviewed people that were in jail with him as well.
I've interviewed the lawyers of FBI agents on air.
To FBI agent's credit, two of them, I remember in the LA Times, went public about five years after Oklahoma City and said, no, we saw the footage.
McVeigh was with a bunch of other men and there was a cover-up.
They seized all the surveillance cameras from surrounding businesses and the YMCA.
And they just stick him in that Supermax.
He gets out a couple hours a week to stand in a tiny courtyard where he can see the sky.
He talks to no one else.
Jail guards slide the food under.
And every time he gets to talk to somebody, he goes, McVeigh was Black Ops Special Forces there to set up militia groups.
He didn't want to go out with the bombing.
And he came to the house and told me, that's why I'm here.
And then we have all the documents where he was high-level infiltrator.
You know, highly decorated.
Worked for Schwarzkopf, all the rest of it.
Put into an intelligence infiltration operation.
We know the name of the German National Intelligence Officer, the FBI agents, the ATF officers in a team.
The whole, we have the whole thing from every angle.
We know exactly what happened.
And you notice he's in a supermatch.
All because McVeigh basically ran to his house and told him and cashed some stuff there and said, if anything happens to me, this is what's going on.
I'm being set up.
I'm going to try to stop the bombing.
Hi Alex, it's a pleasure to speak with you.
You know, just, uh, I believe just as a basic point, our veterans deserve more than memorials.
I think they deserve the truth.
And, uh, basically when it comes to patriotism, patriotism isn't just an allegiance to say the American people, if you're American, it's, it's an allegiance.
It's also an allegiance to the principles that the country was built on.
So, uh,
Just some basic political theory.
Our founders devised an arrangement of governmental checks and balances all served to restrain each other's power.
uh... washington described government uh... is not reason it is not eloquence it is force like fire well sure they also described it like a arch where you have the opposing forces together that that brings stability that's why everything is broken into threes everything has checks and balances on the other because if you get rid of checks and balances it's game over uh... you're enslaved that's why
That's why, because of our checks and balances, and the authors, well, the authors of the Constitution understood that phenomenon.
And they understood political power being the greatest power on earth.
So, and they also understood that it's, you know, extremely dangerous unless it's confined.
And they had a dream of being able to compete in an open market, because the real reason George Washington went to war, he wrote about this, was because he couldn't ever
Run his own business?
He had to go do all the work!
And then have a lord over him that was able to get all the contracts and everything.
You couldn't manufacture firearms.
You couldn't manufacture furniture.
You couldn't manufacture anything that was a finished good.
You couldn't get clothing.
You couldn't make carriages.
You had to buy everything from England and then buy it through the aristocracy that was in the colonies.
And everybody was so sick of monopolies.
And that was the real reason that this happened.
I mean, much greater men like Benjamin Franklin, who invented over a thousand things.
I mean, Benjamin Franklin probably had like a 200 IQ.
And he was a womanizer in the whole nine yards and probably part of the Illuminati as well.
But the point is that they did not like royalty.
They did not like people being given things.
They were amazing.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Absolutely, and I believe that's why the globalist plan must be stopped.
If all power is vested in a single international authority, what force except God himself could save us from the abuses certain to follow?
You know, that's why our country
Has never really experienced a genocide or police state terror like other parts of the world.
Can you imagine foreigners would come here before the war and after and they'd say being in the presence of like George Washington and people was like they could hardly stand being in the room with him, it was so strong.
The King of England, when George Washington refused to be king, said George Washington is the greatest man in the world.
That's who founded this country.
That's why there's not movies about him, nobody knows about him, he's just some old guy on a picture on the wall, because there's power in that.
In honor.
I mean, our founders were so honorable, even in their day, they were admired worldwide.
And that's why they're so demonized, because they were so special.
They understood world history.
Also, they've been in three wars in the last 20 years, so they were intellectuals, they were smart, they were inventors.
The rock stars then were, how many languages can you speak, what can you invent, and if somebody smarts off to you, will you go out in the road with a sword and hack each other to death?
I mean, they were just super badass!
I mean, we think of somebody like John Wayne, an actor, as really manly.
And he was a cool guy, but he was nothing compared to the Founding Fathers.
And that's the whole issue here.
Is that we need to discover true honor again, and then we'll understand death before dishonor, death before we'll be slaves, then we won't be afraid anymore, then we'll have the strength it takes, and the leadership it takes, to turn the tide against evil.
God bless you, Chris.
Captain America.
Chris and others.
Stay with us.
Go now.
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Alright, here's what's going on.
I haven't seen Old Brother or Who Art Thou since it came out.
That's a good movie.
I need to watch that again.
From Old Kentucky, we're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
And then, of course, we will return this Sunday, Lord willing.
We take nothing for granted.
4 to 6 p.m.
I do want to remind the listeners that we have the establishment breathing down our necks like never before.
And I'm not complaining.
I asked for it.
I've told everybody on air that I'm committed.
I've told everybody on air that we're going to go at the enemy's juggler.
I've told everybody that we're going to try to really pull out all the stops and really expose what they're doing.
And I've told the listeners, everybody else, that we are preparing very soon to launch on satellites and to go on different cable and TV systems.
And I expect the globalists to even come after us worse.
But in that conflict, in that struggle, in that animating contest, in my heart, I trust in God's providence that we will come through the fire and be stronger on the other side.
Even if I'm not there after that contest.
Everything we've done, everything I've talked about, everything we've laid out is a compendium of work.
A testament that will stand against the enemy for all time.
And as things get more serious and hardcore, you're going to notice that this show, quote, gets more credible.
We're beyond evergreen, ladies and gentlemen.
That's a term in books, in literature, in film, in art.
Is it evergreen?
And true artists struggle to produce art that is evergreen, that touches the human spirit forever.
We know the enemy's battle plan.
We understand what they're doing.
We know how to beat them.
It's educate the public on how horrible this plan is, and get them to admit it's real, and tyranny will vanish like phantoms at dawn, to quote Thomas Jefferson.
What did Jefferson say?
Educate and enlighten the public on the principles of liberty,
And tyranny and tyrants will vanish like phantoms at dawn.
I believe is the paraphrased quote.
Can we look up Jefferson's quote on phantoms at dawn?
Let's go to another call here.
Jordan in Michigan, then Donald.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
I've been listening to you for about two years now.
I felt compelled to call in for the first time today and just congratulate all the influencers because I believe that
Our calls to Fox News had something to do, for sure, with you getting on Alan Combs.
That's the power that we have.
Sure, I mean, Alan Combs is on over 100 radio stations, it's a moderately syndicated show, and he ridicules me a lot, but I was happy to go on there, because it's live.
But I still haven't been invited on the Five and other people that want to sit there and crash me.
Why don't any of these shows want to invite me on?
Because they're scared.
And again, ABC wanted to play games.
And wanted to act like they were going to have me on, but then mess it all up so they could have their cake and eat it too.
I mean, it just sounds like something that comes out of the squirrely brain of Stephanophilus, doesn't it?
Well I have to agree with you and it's hilarious that he made those claims about you and now he's in hot water himself just days afterwards.
But I thought you had a great interview with Combs and to his credit he gave you a chance to speak.
I think it was nothing like Pierce Morgan interview.
You were cool and calm and I think you woke some people up and I'd like to greet everybody who's tuned in today from having listened to that interview and just encourage them to
To see the world in a different way, because things are crazy out there.
God bless you, sir.
Anything else?
Nope, that's it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I want to go to Donald, but I don't want to cut him short.
I'm going to come back to Donald and Captain America, Chris, and Bubbles, and then I'm going to shut down calls for a while, and we'll just let folks on hold.
I'm going to get to this Al Qaeda situation, this ISIS situation being run by the West, and more.
I'm not going to talk about it now, but I had a very exciting discussion with Michael Savage last night, and I had some other very exciting discussions yesterday evening as well with some other people.
There is a lot of really neat stuff going on right now.
People really understand the big picture.
And America is really starting to get just how serious the situation is.
That's all I can tell you.
But I can also assure you that we've hit the zeitgeist.
And I don't say that with any pleasure.
I do say it with pride of the effectiveness of what we've done in God's providence.
I'm ready to take my licks and go to the next level, but just understand, if anything happens to me or this operation, I knew it was coming.
The enemy didn't win.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You've probably seen plenty of pundits and late-night talk show hosts make fun of parents who are skeptical of vaccines.
And even though it takes a room full of writers to produce one grade school-level joke that couldn't get an audience to laugh without an LED panel directing them to do so, they don't seem too keen on exploring the why some parents are concerned.
Such as vaccines maiming around 30 children in Mexico, two of whom died, and zero of the funny guys we want to talk about.
Or how about the kids in Syria dead from vaccines courtesy of the World Health Organization?
But you may be thinking, well, you never hear about that kind of stuff here in America.
Well, that's because Reagan passed a law stating that you can't sue the vaccine makers.
So to all the guys who can't tell a joke without reading it off a teleprompter or having your producer whisper in your ear, stick to making your designer suits look bad and leave people's children the hell alone.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
We're all riders on the storm.
Into this world we're thrown.
His brain is squirming like a toad.
Let your children play.
The system doesn't want us to have discernment.
They call it discrimination.
Like going to a restaurant and the food's bad and they say it's racist or it's hateful if you don't keep eating there and you're like, the hamburger patty was frozen in the middle or there was a roach in my soup.
Shut up.
No, there was a conspiracy theorist.
Here it is.
That's all this is.
They want you to be trained to be bullied to submit to whatever new bull the system brings up.
We're gonna go to Donald and a few other callers here and then get into this breakdown on Al-Qaeda.
Now the public's starting to wake up to the fact that the West is funding it.
But this morning, I had come into town to work out with my personal trainer.
And I'd gotten on the elliptical, and then I was lifting weights, and then I was leaving.
And I just saw this guy walking with kind of a prison-yard, just bizarre, insane-looking swagger.
And I went in a shop and grabbed something and came out.
And there were all these cops.
And then I ended up separately getting a call from one of my friends who had seen what had happened, it just so happened, and that he had assaulted some woman.
I remember when I saw that guy, minutes before, I thought, that guy is up to no good.
But see, I should have just gone, no, it was a white guy, but he was, you know, acting all thuggish, white, black, whatever, it's thug culture.
And if I was walking down the street with my children,
And a guy like that started walking up towards me.
I'm not embarrassed to act like I'm concerned and start getting ready into a fighting stance when that person comes by me.
And I'm going to walk out of their way.
But I'm not going to act scared while I do it.
I'm going to sit there and walk onto that person and get ready.
And then see, I'm the guy who gets left alone by the thugs.
I've sat there and seen it when a family asshole's scared or something, then the thugs come over and say, hey, can I have $50?
Because they're not mugging you.
They're like, I really need it!
And I've had white guys and I've had black guys do that to me.
I really want that money!
One, I'm a big black guy a few months ago, and I was just like, dude, you're really joking, right?
He kept yelling at me, baring his teeth, and I went, I just started, I started to step back, just got ready.
And the guy got mad and ran off.
But I mean, I just, I got ready.
Got in the fighting stance.
I sat there while I was doing it, kept doing it, and I just went, alright, I'm in a fighting stance right now.
The politically correct people would never do that.
Guy did that to Joe Biggs a few weeks ago, he beat the living daylights out of him downtown.
This is what it is to be slaves.
And that same thuggery you see from somebody on the street is what the government's doing to us now.
And it's illegitimate!
And I am in a fighting stance with this government.
Not because I'm looking for a fight, but I'm not gonna roll over in the ditch.
I'm gonna fight this corrupt system with everything I got.
And the people have power.
If you realize the power you've got, we can turn back the tide very quickly.
And I'm telling you something about the fighting spirit.
The enemy miscalculates because they're cowards.
They think that if they destroy some of the Patriots, or if we lose some of the first battles, if this gets physical, that they're winning, they're losing.
That's why they're going to stage terror attacks, because some of their operatives know they need to act like we started it first.
This is not 1995 where you're going to do this and nobody's going to basically blow the whistle.
Of course, I say that.
General Parton was there within two days of them blowing up Oklahoma City.
Three-star general, former head of Air Force weapons development.
Three PhDs in engineering.
Developed most of the weapons you see today.
Continuous rod warheads, you name it.
They did press conferences showing the blast points, and where the bomb was, and all of it.
Can you imagine when the globalists pull something next time?
You think an internet kill switch is going to protect you?
You're done!
You're done!
You have the motive, you have the history, you have the means, and we're telling everybody how you operate, so go ahead and try something.
You think you're going to pull some martial law scenario and whack out some patriots and scare everybody?
No, you're just going to take the handcuffs off and the restraint's going to be over.
And if you think the patriots are dumb enough to go out and just have a war with the police, you're going to send the police on missions that starts that war, but that'll just be getting over an obstacle to the target.
Go ahead, bankers!
Go ahead, New World Order people!
You better hide in Switzerland, and Luxembourg, and Monte Carlo, and in Grand Cayman, and in the Cook Islands, and in your airstrips in New Zealand, where you're already running to, because let me tell you, you are never going to get away with what you've done.
We're calling you all out right now, ahead of time.
So just understand, you are lit up!
You got light on you, everybody knows who you are, and you go ahead and play your hand.
You go ahead and try it.
I mean, really, I'm just a citizen cop here with a bullhorn telling the criminals with the hostages inside, you're never getting out of here.
You're never getting away with it.
Yeah, you're going to be going to prison, but it's a lot better than what you're going to get if you hurt those hostages.
Now, you just think that through.
And that's all I'm doing right here.
I'm just bullhorning right at you going, we see you, we know who you are, we know your tricks, we know everything about you.
We've been watching you for a long time.
And all I am is just one little place where this liberty movement emerges above the waves.
Under the waves?
Wolf packs of patriots loaded for info war and for everything else.
Let's go to Captain America, no Donald's first.
Donald in Minnesota, thanks for holding your trooper, go ahead.
Alex, I pray for you every single day, especially to the Holy Spirit.
Thank you, I need it.
Oh boy, we all need it.
Are you aware that when
The border was finalized between Mexico and America that Mexico offered to cede the mouth of the Colorado and that finger of territory called Bahia of California.
Are you aware of that?
I did know that there was some negotiations for that area, yes.
Yeah, well you see, if you look at the map and you understand that the Rio Grande is a very poor border.
And if we wanted to, we could easily annex that territory that today would be worth billions.
The Colorado would be worth billions.
And we allowed them to have that to ensure that they would secure the borders for us on their side.
Maybe you could look up
The entire treaty.
Now before I go, did you hear about the big operation at the Mayo Clinic today?
No, I didn't.
What happened?
Doctors cut off a man's left side.
He's all right now.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
I didn't even get that joke at first.
Thank you for the call.
Let's talk to Captain America.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Yes, Alex, glad to talk to you.
It's been a while.
I have a couple things I want to talk about today.
And one thing is my friend Adam Kokesh is going to be at Brave New Books tonight to talk about his thing.
And I got a hold of Joe Biggs and let him know.
And I was hoping he could come down and interview Mr. Kokesh about maybe Jade Elm's thoughts on it and so on.
And also, I wanted to ask you if you have read the book, The Red Amendment.
Have you heard about it and the Texas National Movement?
I'm aware of the Texas National Movement.
I know that Texas could secede, but that would need to be done by the legislature or by a referendum of the state, not by people meeting in East Texas or South Texas or wherever.
And announcing that they've elected themselves the presidents or whatever.
And you know, because the guy's got a bass boat, he's an admiral.
And because the guy's got a tractor, he's an army commander.
That was done pretty much by the establishment giving them attention in the 90s and lately to discredit the real secession movement.
And I don't particularly want a secession movement.
I'd like to have my republic back.
If the Republic is captured, the entire country, then Texas could pull out to reform the United States with hopes to work with other states to reconstitute the Republic.
And so I am for emergency secession, but only because the United States no longer exists.
We're under a new corporate body, the North American Union, part of the Trilateral World Government Program.
What this book, I've been reading it, and what this book is about is mostly exposing the myth about the amendment, especially the 14th Amendment, how it has stripped us of our rights.
Because we have the Bill of Rights, and then when it, after
Yeah, so that's why they killed Lincoln, because Lincoln wasn't going to go along with that.
He wasn't going to go along with Reconstruction being violent.
And so they executed him and then engaged in a decade-long looting operation of the South.
And that's absolutely true.
It's similar to what happened to Germany during the whole Versailles Treaty.
It's similar to what the West did to China when they controlled it for a long period of time over a century ago.
So good to hear from you, Captain America.
Appreciate that call.
I want to go to Chris and Bubbles and Dave and Steve and many others that are holding, but first let me get to that report I was talking about earlier.
Now, everybody knows, I mean it's even on the mainstream news, even Senator Cruz talked about it, even Rand Paul talked about it, that we shouldn't aid Al Qaeda in Syria, that most of the rebel fighters are Al Qaeda.
That we shouldn't be their air force.
Everybody pretty much remembers that from two years ago.
So the Council on Foreign Relations and others were very upset and said, we've got a problem.
The fact that we're working with Saudi Arabia and NATO to take over the Middle East using these jihadis.
It's coming out.
The military is very upset.
Because after all, this is Al Qaeda.
So they changed the name to ISIS last year and a half.
And had them resupply by invading Iraq.
And now they're back in Syria taking the country over again.
Now that Russia's busy fighting in Ukraine instead of backing up Syria.
It's a proxy war against Russia.
That's part of it.
But I was watching at about 8.45 this morning, Fox News as I said, and
They had a report about Obama is telling us and the media not to show ISIS vehicles, armored vehicles and stuff, because now they don't have those.
They've been greatly defeated and they don't go around in convoys anymore, which by the way is true.
But you don't have the president telling media what to show.
Just like you don't have the president's wife telling school kids what to eat with their lunches.
But then I was sitting there watching it and I went,
That's not what this is.
They don't like the fact that it was Toyota trucks from the U.S.
that were U.S.
Special Forces.
It's the exact trucks.
The way they're designed and augmented in the U.S.
It's MRAP armored vehicles.
And it is armored Humvees.
The types that got sent in later when folks complained about them not having enough armor.
And then here's this headline, Military.com, from last year, Pentagon to send 250 MRAPs back to Iraq to fight ISIS.
But the Iraqi government has come out, including the President last month, and said, no, they're delivering these to ISIS.
I was watching at the start of the news piece when they said, we're going to come back, actually, before the news piece, and it showed the MRAPs and stuff.
I mean, that's how dumb they think we are.
Is that they're showing us all this in our face.
Let's go ahead and go to part of that Fox News piece.
So meanwhile, as ISIS gains new ground, we're talking about the pressing that they're doing on Ramadi right now, the Obama administration is pressing a point of its own about optics.
It is reportedly asking television networks to stop airing this video that you see, that you've seen quite a bit, admittedly.
They say this is the old picture of the way that ISIS was moving, in convoys, in broad daylight.
They say these pictures are misleading.
Instead, they want us to air pictures of US trainers, of Iraqi soldiers, and also what they say is closer to the way that ISIS now travels.
Quote, one Toyota speeding down the road by itself at night with the headlights off.
Okay, let's just stop for a minute.
So there's two narratives here.
I didn't go review that beforehand, so it's my fault.
I'm going to tell the crew something about the DVR back there.
That's not the clip.
The clip is before they go to break.
To come back with the piece you just talked about, they show the big M-Raps.
It's 10 seconds long.
Now that did show the Armored Humvee and some of that stuff, but we'll get that clip and I'm going to play it.
Coming up.
Now before I go any further on this,
Now we're being told we're going to be attacked here domestically by these groups, when again, they're the very groups empowered by the West, and who the West, from the U.S.
to Germany, from England to Canada, allowed them to recruit inside the West to do this.
So, the word needs to be gotten out on this.
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I've been watching and I've been waiting for the American people, the people of the world, to wake up.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're going to go to Chris and others here in a moment.
I have not even begun to get into large portions of the news.
I'm going to do that for a while when we start the next hour.
And then back to phone calls.
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Coming up, I'm going to play the video, School Orders Student to Remove Offensive U.S.
Flag from Truck.
When I first started reporting on this about a decade ago, people thought I was lying.
And I'd be reading NBC News out of San Francisco, and they'd go, that's not true, Alex.
You've gone too far.
Kids are allowed to have American flags on their shirts.
No, they're not.
Federal judge just ruled a month ago, no, that's evil.
Because they're getting rid of free speech selectively.
Now, the schools have got free speech to teach your six-year-old how to do stuff I can't mention on the radio.
And you've got the free speech to sit down and shut up and worship world government.
The truth is it's all a bluff.
We do still have free speech.
There is no law to take vaccines, and if they pass one, I'm not following it.
The line in the sand is being approached.
All it asks is what your line in the sand is.
In fact, the next round of callers, what is your line in the sand?
What is your line in the sand?
You've got a minute and 40 seconds.
Chris in South Carolina, where they're banning American flags on kids' trucks.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I was calling about
For some reason they're bringing in Syrian, they say they're refugees.
On the thing it says 50% of them would be considered our Christian brothers and sisters and I think that's a bullcrap number.
Yeah, you gotta love it.
Our government, I saw this in the news, finances the destruction of Syria and then brings in a bunch of jihadis, some of them are Christians, and says, oh, we gotta protect them.
Go ahead.
And then, didn't you, at the same time, in the same county that you were talking about with this flag, they have this place called Islamville, and only Islams can live there.
All over the country there are Muslim only communities, but you don't see any lawsuits though or any groups going after them.
But if a Christian community tries to form, or you say I'm only going to sell my house to a Christian, or this church only hires Christians and you don't want to hire a church Satan person, I'm not kidding, then you are sued.
Because Christians don't have any rights.
We are scum.
You didn't know that?
I knew that.
I knew that all the way.
But, I just, I feel it's really crazy because George Soros is funding it.
You know, I did see that.
Yeah, George Soros is already, stay there.
I want you to finish up any other points you got, and then we're gonna go to bubbles and others.
Stay with us, I'm Alex Jones.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We're now on to hour number three.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we're continuing with your phone calls.
I never got to it.
I want to hear that clip where the student confronts Jeb Bush.
Pro-abortion group labels not killing 20-week-old babies as inhumane.
That's a close quote.
Not putting children in gas chambers is evil too, I guess.
According to these people.
But right now, finishing up with Chris.
Chris, I knew that the U.S.
government was bringing in a bunch of Syrians, and the word was they were using the claim that they were refugees from a Syrian conflict that our government helped fund.
To bring in people to be trained here, but now we see that George Soros pledged 1 million to support robust global response to ongoing humanitarian crisis in Syria of the 3.8 million to bring these people in.
So that is simply incredible, isn't it?
And again, I'm not against bringing real refugees in, but do you think our government that's financing the takedown of Syria
Would then actually want to help the Christians they're slaughtering.
What do you make of that, Chris?
I honestly say it's Bill McCoy.
Hey, Mr. Lee.
Mr. Lee.
If anybody, honestly, would go look at Isaiah 10, God talks about it being there on His arm.
Yes, sir.
I'm listening to you.
I'm sorry.
I just got quiet.
I apologize.
Well, yeah, it'll be quiet if I'm not talking over you.
Yeah, okay.
Here, I'll talk over you.
Does that make it better?
I'll just talk and then you talk.
No, I'm joking.
Go ahead.
No, it just really wowed me about the whole thing.
It's biblical.
And then, you know, you sit back and you think, you know, then now Fort Braggs is working with Columbia, Richland County, which is only, like I want to say, a county away from York County.
Yes, for those that don't know, they were doing gun confiscation drills basically a few days ago.
We covered that.
Thank you for the call.
The people running things are bold enough to try to get the military prepared for a takeover.
We don't know if Jade Helm is that takeover.
Certainly now that everybody's watching and looking at it, I don't think it's going to be the case.
If I was thinking like the Globalist, who I know have been preparing the public that the Patriots are going to attack the military, you would then take this story, hype it up, pretend that I'm calling for violence, have violence, which is either stirred up or manufactured, and then use that to demonize anybody that's against a military rollout on the streets of America.
We also have the military doing wellness checks door-to-door that are really knock-and-talk.
And I mentioned Knock and Talk last week, and I saw a bunch of emails saying, Alex, there's no such thing as that.
Police aren't coming to people's doors asking about what guns they own.
Strangely enough, I haven't seen any news about Knock and Talk in about a year, but I know it's still going on in all 50 states federally funded.
And they'll give police departments sometimes millions of dollars for cameras or uniforms or cars or whatever the case is, but written into the stipulation of the contract,
is you will do X number of knocking talks with X number of officers and boy in Dallas it didn't fly they went into the rich areas knocked on thousands of doors over and over again during the day asking rich housewives to come in and inspect their husband's guns and so now that we mention that
Will you guys, search engine on YouTube, police do knock and talk for firearms?
And then do it on Google too and find me some articles, because I understand why new listeners tune in and think, that's made up, that's crazy, there's no way.
Because, I mean, that's tyranny, isn't it?
We've got footage, I know I've seen it, years ago we aired it, in Boston where they don't take no for an answer, they force their way in at the knock and talks.
And of course you saw what happened after the Boston bombing.
They did it to everybody.
So it's just all about getting rid of the Fourth Amendment.
So we'll find some knock and talk too.
We're going to take more calls.
Stay with us.
Today's Hot Stories at Infowars.com.
On May 15, 2015, article up by Steve Watson, school orders student to remove offensive U.S.
flag from truck.
A school in York, South Carolina has come under fire for ordering a student to remove a U.S.
flag from his truck because it could possibly be offensive to some people.
Well, that's the exact town where my mother lives, and the way these people reacted is exactly what I would expect from the citizens of York, South Carolina.
Way to stand up.
Article by Kit Daniels, National Guard, police gearing up for potential Cleveland riots.
The Ohio National Guard is alerting soldiers to report the duty in preparation for potential riots following the trial of Cleveland, Ohio, police officer Michael Brello, according to an insider.
Accused of manslaughter for shooting two unarmed black suspects, at least one National Guard company, was ordered to report to home station on May 17th.
The verdict of Brello is expected on May 18th or 19th.
For more reports like this, go to InfoWars.com.
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Another major health threat.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Coming up at the bottom of the hour, Jakari Jackson's got breaking news on the war against ammunition.
Second Amendment news coming up.
I'm going to go to your phone calls.
I'm going to get to the attack on the First Amendment.
Cy Hirst says he's not backing off anything he said about the Bin Laden raid not being as they said it was.
Actually, he is.
He came out two years ago and said it was basically all false, 100% false.
And then he started backing off that.
The whole thing's fake.
It was a body double being held there at the facility next door to the military base.
The whole thing was totally staged.
We've had the Navy SEAL families on who had their children killed, their sons killed, and we know how the whole thing went down.
Oh, and I told you how it all went down within three months of it happening, because they blew up the helicopter to get rid of the witnesses, and then we got all the intel.
So, and look, it all came out.
See, they're not invincible.
I want to go to Bubbles and Dave and Steve and Wild and Corey, and then that'll be it for calls for the day, but cutting to Jakari Jackson real quick.
Jakari, you've got a special report you're filing that we're going to premiere here at the bottom of the hour.
They'll give us more analysis, but tell us what this,
Yes, we have an article on the site, I believe Adon put it out, House Bill seeks to eliminate online ammo sales, and this is a New Jersey representative, Ms.
She has H.R.
2283, which is basically the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2015, and what this will do, Alex, is require face-to-face purchases of ammunition.
So they can register the fact that you own ammo like Walmart and others have been trying to get people's names and info and the reason this is important is this legislation is getting introduced all over the country.
Just like the forced inoculation started three months ago in California as legislation is now in more than 40 state legislatures moving its way through.
The fight is on.
It's getting voted down in some states, being passed in others.
So thank you so much, Shaqari.
We'll get details on that coming up at the bottom of the hour with you in studio.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I'm going to go back to your calls, but I never got to this
Last hour, when I was getting into the fact that Al-Qaeda has MRAPs that they supposedly, you know, got from the Iraqi military.
And we played a part of that newscast, but we don't yet have the part that I wanted.
But as soon as we do get that, I'm reminding folks we're going to do that, the kind of direct stuff just from here on the air.
I'm going to integrate it in with this clip of Jeb Bush being confronted about his brother being involved helping basically expand Al Qaeda.
So that is going to be coming up as well.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to Bubbles in Utah.
Bubbles, you're on the air.
You know, be nice, boy.
I confiscate it.
Yeah, I'm having some audio problems, Bubbles.
Were you talking to me just now?
Yeah, I may bet.
I'm going to have to let you go.
I'm going to have to let you go.
Your phone's got a problem.
Dave in Missouri, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
This here's Alex Jones.
I got some snake oil for sale.
That's what I thought.
These are prank callers sometimes.
We don't get prank callers very often, but then they only come through in groups.
And that's what's starting to go on here.
Because that's all the establishment does, is they make fun of people in the West or the South.
And I guess because they're from the East, they think they're smarter than everybody.
I like folks from the East that are regular people.
I don't like folks that put on the fake Atlantic accent or the fake country club accents of, how dare you not want to turn your guns in?
I'm going to have bodyguards, but you're not going to have any guns.
I'll tell you what, would you rather I speak in a slimy London accent for you?
Would that make it sound like I was more intelligent?
In fact, let's do that for a moment.
Stephen, Texas.
I bet because you live in Texas, you don't even have floors.
You live on dirt floors, and I would imagine that you sign your name as an X, you leave your mark, you're part of those hillbillies for stuning themselves with spittoons, and that I would imagine that you're a bitter clinger.
What do you have to say today, Steve, about the backwardness of your state?
Hey Alex, I've been listening to you for about 15 years and I'm not any, I may sound like a hillbilly, but my family's been in Texas since 1843 and I live in Bastrop County.
Well what's wrong with having a Texas accent?
I get, I get crap for it for years.
The whole time I was in the military they called me Tex and everything else.
What I called about, so not to take up too much of your time, I want to, I want to say
Today Fox News released some video footage of what's going on in the battle for Ramadi.
And those guys are in black uniforms with patches on it.
The uniforms are well taken care of.
They're wearing Kevlar helmets and they've got helmet cams on and they're using U.S.
made weapons.
I know and I mean I saw it this morning on Fox.
If we don't have it today, we'll have it on Sunday.
And I saw them on Fox, and they got a different clip than what I wanted, and it's my fault because I wasn't in there to tell them which clip, but it's people in black uniforms with U.S.
equipment and U.S.
training with the whole Special Forces get-up.
And they've got Special Forces Toyotas that were fitted for Special Forces.
They've got Special Forces equipment.
They've got regular Army MRAPs.
They've got everything.
And I'm gonna get Joe Biggs to do a whole report on this tonight.
But absolutely, here, in fact I'm told now we do have the clip of the MRAP.
Here it is.
All right, breaking his silence, ISIS releasing an audio tape said to be from their leader, who has not been seen from in months.
Why this has American security analysts worried.
That's coming up after the hour.
See that?
So meanwhile, as ISIS gains new ground, we're talking about the pressure that they're doing on Ramadi right now.
Special Forces, Toyotas.
The Ramadi administration is pressing a point.
And news articles have been written by this, by the Iraqi government, where it shows the trucks that are armored, the Toyotas, and then it shows them being made in the U.S.
a few years ago.
I mean, through Saudi Arabia, through Qatar, through Turkey, taxpayers are paying for ISIS.
Do you understand?
The guys with black flags are trained by the U.S.
and trained by NATO.
And there is the MRAP, a giant, full-size, armored truck flying two al-Qaeda flags.
And then, I'm glad you mentioned this, because I've been on my elliptical this morning for just 30 minutes, and I just kept, and then it showed them in, and I'm no soldier, but I studied this, it looked like U.S.
Special Forces equipment, but the uniforms were black.
Go ahead, Steve.
Now, I was in the military, I was a hospital corpsman, and I was with the Marine Recon Unit, and also spent a little bit of time around the Navy's field, so I know how these guys operate.
And they're tagging each other on the back, moving, and those type of, uh, so they've had American training, but some of them aren't American people because they're not holding their rifles in the right position.
So some of them, and they're all clean shaven, they don't have beards and stuff like that, but there's a guy in whip gear, he's got green whip gear over his black uniform, and he's got a Kevlar helmet on, that guy's a team leader, and he's US trained.
I can tell you right now, he's a westerner.
Well, that's the word, is they've got traitorous special forces retirees that are contractors that are leading these teams.
And they admit they've been in there leading the Free Syrian Army against the Russians.
And so, I did see that.
And again, imagine my poor crew.
They're trying to go through a whole hour of Fox from 8 o'clock this morning trying to find what I want.
But I did see that, and I thought, man, that looks like
Western-trained people.
And I thought, wow, ISIS is in some sharp uniforms now.
But what do you make of Obama coming out and, quote, ordering the media to not show this footage?
But they're claiming because it makes them look too strong.
No, because it shows just like in Ukraine when they come up to the soldiers and they're Americans.
They don't want that scene.
Go ahead.
Well it fits his narrative, but also in one of those scenes there's a guy running and he's got a boomy cover on, and he's clean shaven, he looks like he shaved at 7 o'clock in the morning just like any other military person would, like they're supposed to.
The only time they wear beards is when they're told to.
And I don't know if these guys are Syrian special forces or Israeli special forces that are embedded with some US special forces.
Well, it is true that Israel, incredibly shamefully, and this is not an anti-Israel statement, it's a fact, Israel has been through Lebanon and Golan openly aiding the Free Syrian Army because they've got the Arab spies that are trained and they are a big part of this as well, you're absolutely right.
The build of these guys, just from watching different military groups,
Uh, is mixed.
I mean, I can't tell, uh, but it doesn't look like the usual, uh, Western recruited, snot-nosed, usually rich kid, Muslim, uh, who wants to make a name for themselves, who goes and joins all this.
It doesn't look like the ragtag people we saw the West funding the last few years.
Uh, it looks like probably different Arab special forces, uh, mixed in with Westerners.
What do you say?
I totally agree with you.
And just so I can give some validity to who I am, I live here locally.
I live over in Bastrop.
I won't give my address, but I really don't care because I've been in this fight for a long time.
And you asked what it would take for somebody to have the line drawn in the sand.
There's so many parts of the United States that we've already lost that I have flagpoles in front of my house.
I'm about to put the flag upside down.
The only thing I have left is Texas is my line in the sand.
Well, the country's just completely gone.
And you're right, and they're just going to keep raising property taxes until they come after us.
They're creating paramilitary teams in every city to attack us.
And in their briefing rooms, all they do is talk about the Patriots and how horrible we are, because they're coming after us.
Can you imagine how silly it is when the police and military try to march against the Patriots, what's going to happen?
It's going to be horrible, Alex.
I can sustain myself but I can't sustain myself against a Cobra helicopter.
Well you know those Cobra helicopters land but I don't think any of that's gonna get to that point hopefully.
And the people that fly them, they go to restaurants, they live places, they, you know.
What matters is the people giving the orders.
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That's B.B.
King with Thrill is Gone.
And he died at age 89.
I hadn't gone through some of these stacks of news.
I don't really follow pop news, but I am a B.B.
King fan.
I've actually seen B.B.
King a couple times when I was a kid.
When he'd come to Dallas, my dad was a big fan.
Listen to that voice.
And I've seen Fats Domino.
I know Jimmy Vaughn, my good friend.
He's really good friends with B.B.
That is a bummer.
Eric Clapton.
A rolling video there in the background of your radio listener.
The thrill is gone.
And now Lucille, his guitar is a widow.
When Willie Nelson dies, Trigger will be a widow.
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And then when he goes in another room, Trigger goes with him.
When you're on his bus, Trigger's sitting right there next to him.
I think they ought to bury that guitar with him.
I got a Willie story.
Willie actually went to a burning house to save that guitar.
I've heard about that.
Tell us the Willie story.
It's that.
His house was on fire, everything else burned, but I think he got some heat damage from grabbing Trigger.
That's right.
He told me about it.
Remember him telling me about that.
In fact, I think the guitar even is partly burned.
It's hilarious.
I tell you, that guitar is going to be worth a lot of money when he makes the jump into hyperspace.
Blues legend B.B.
King dies at age 89.
Blues legend B.B.
King, who took his music from rural juke joints to the mainstream and inspired a generation of guitarists from Eric Clapton to Stevie Ray Vaughan, has died in Las Vegas.
He was 89.
King, inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 86, had said in May he was in hospice care at the time of being hospitalized in April with dehydration related to diabetes.
The blues has lost its king, and America has lost a legend.
President Barack Obama, always praying on every event, said in a statement recalling how he sang Sweet Home Chicago with King at a White House blues concert three years ago.
may be gone, but the thrill will be with us forever.
And there's going to be one killer blues session in heaven tonight.
Yeah, like you believe in heaven, Obama.
Give me a sick joke break.
By the way, they found a bunch of videos on Knock and Talk where the police come to your house and... We want to talk about your firearms.
Mind if we come in?
And the reason I raised that point was, is the military is now doing that, but everything's okay.
We'd like to just take a look at your firearms.
We're from the U.S.
You can trust us.
How are all these traders going to feel at CNN and MSNBC and Fox News and this week, as all this stuff unfolds in the years to come, and you're sitting around telling everybody it isn't going to happen?
You know most of the public doesn't believe you, doesn't buy what you say anymore.
We've got Jakari Jackson coming in with breaking Second Amendment news in a moment, but first, Wild in Wisconsin!
You're on the air, thanks for holding.
What's up, Doc?
I had an original kind of
Well, I have a lot of nightmares.
And I've had so many nightmares since I've been involved in all this that they're actually entertaining now.
So, it's really sick.
When I was a kid, I'd have nightmares every once in a while and I hated them.
And now, they're quite enjoyable.
Because it's my subconscious brain working through fear it already has.
And so, going through all the things I go through in these dreams, I mean, you name it.
And when I have nightmares, maybe it's like once a week, it's like all night long in sessions.
Sometimes I'll wake up after one and move on to the next.
Um, I just see it as my brain wargaming, getting me ready for stuff to come down the road.
Well, that's a great question.
What kind of dreams do I have?
Just the most wild, fantastical stuff right down to dreams where I'm editing video, or dreams where I can't get anybody to take the garbage out at work.
Or dreams where I keep spilling coffee on the carpet?
You know, just the stupidest frustration dreams.
Dreams where my kids won't do what I tell them?
That's a nightmare.
I'm gonna... I'll come back and finish up with that.
That's a good question, Wild.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Today's Hot Stories at Infowars.com.
On May 15, 2015, article up by Steve Watson, school orders student to remove offensive U.S.
flag from truck.
A school in York, South Carolina has come under fire for ordering a student to remove a U.S.
flag from his truck because it could possibly be offensive to some people.
Article by Kit Daniels, National Guard, police gearing up for potential Cleveland riots.
Article by Kurt Nemo, Southern Christian Leadership Conference calls for amnesty of rioters, looters in Baltimore.
The Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Baltimore People's Power Assembly and the Be More United Coalition are calling for people arrested during violent protests in Baltimore to be released.
According to the Reverend Courtley C.D.
Witherspoon of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the protesters will march from McLean Square through the Inner Harbor demanding amnesty for those arrested during the Freddie Gray protests.
For more reports like this, go to InfoWars.com.
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I want more video games!
I think so.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You know, sharing your dreams is a very personal thing, but my whole life is about sharing my dreams with people.
I'll tell you one of my most recurring dreams.
It's basically different variants.
It's not really a dream, it's a nightmare.
of the 1982 or whatever it was remake of the thing put out by John Carpenter but it's not set in it's not set in Antarctica
It's just set like in neighborhoods, and then I've got my family, and people look like they're normal, but they're not, and the entire biosphere, the entire genetic code of the planet, the trees, the grass, everything has been overtaken, and then my children get overtaken.
And absorbed right in front of me, and it's just intense grief and pain watching my family killed in front of me.
And I have that dream, different variants, all night long, about once a week.
And what it is, is my brain getting me ready to just deal with losing everything.
So that I don't fear when I'm conscious and awake.
But when I sleep, I do.
That's the kind of stuff I dream about.
Then I have political dreams where I'm just like at work reading news articles and having political understandings and it's like I'm working while I'm asleep.
I have those type of dreams.
I have dreams where I'm video editing.
I have dreams where I'm tearing the trash out.
I have dreams where I'm fishing.
I have dreams where I'm back with one of my grandfathers, you know, camping.
I basically have a wide spectrum of dreams.
I have dreams sometimes where I'm like, it's in all this vivid color, and it's like you're on a space station, but it's nothing like you've ever seen or imagined.
There's just all these beings of light, and like space bridges, and interdimensional gates, and of course it's, you could say it's human imagination, whatever, it's fantastical.
Those are the type of dreams I have.
But really, in dreams, we know, and you can read about this from Carl Jung, it's pretty accurate from my experiences, that it's archetypes, and that it's the subconscious mind learning to deal with things.
The GMO, the culture, even if you want to take care of your kids, you're almost betting when you have them on the future and putting them into a dangerous world.
So I have intense guilt at a
Binary, you know, base code level that I have three children that I put into this world knowing everything I know.
But I intend to have more children if I can.
Because I've got to go through the fear and I've got to bet them and myself and everything on freedom and that we're going to make it out of this, even if we individually don't.
I'm not going to just give up and say it's all over.
It's not going to happen.
I'm going to make the spiritual decision to go to that next level.
But we do see our children taken away from us.
But in life, it's generally your children taken away from you by their husband or their wife and the other family, and then you still love them, but there is a little bit of frustration that they're not with you anymore, that they've got their own life, but then you see them have their own kids, and then it's a wonderful thing.
That's if you really love your kids.
So many mothers end up disliking, you know, their son's wife.
That's one of the most well-known things because they see their son being taken away by that woman at a very primitive level.
And it's not all women that do that, but that's the most common type of thing.
But this isn't some other family taking away your child.
This is your child having their mind taken, their soul taken, their health taken, their genetics destroyed.
And so, to have a child today, you are entering them into the singularity of the technotronic war, the AI war, all the craziness that we're already in, that's just going to get more wild and more insane.
So you can say it is an act of evil to have children, but I really don't think it is because we have to do that so we do everything we can to change what's happening in the future.
I didn't really think all that out, but that's what comes from my heart.
Now shifting gears, we're going to go to Jakari Jackson.
BB King died today at 89.
We just played one of his best known songs.
Yeah, I'm at home.
I'm in Austin.
Well, I didn't know B.B.
died while I was looking here in the stack.
Everybody else knew.
And then I said, well, I'm going to call Jimmy.
So thanks for coming on on short notice.
Yeah, my pleasure.
We heard that he passed away last night.
And of course, everybody announced it this morning.
So he had been sick and we noticed last week they were saying that he was under hospice care and
And things like that, so.
But it's truly incredible.
B.B., you know, was probably, I guess, B.B.'
's the greatest blues guitar player that, you know, ever lived.
And, you know, all the guitar players that you think of as blues guys from the 50s, I think they would agree with me.
Buddy Guy and Otis Rush and
Uh little Milton and uh we could go on and on and on uh most all of them including myself and Stevie uh and many others uh Mike Bloomfield and uh we can we could have a list for you know a hundred uh hundred names um pretty much basically learned how to play off B.B.
King records and uh of course his his big influence was um
According to him, was T-Bone Walker and Django Reinhardt during his time, but he took it to a whole new level and he was a completely original guy, is what I'm trying to say, and he was a fabulous singer, too, and he's made over a hundred albums.
Who, as you say, is the real granddaddy of blues versus the granddaddy of rock and roll?
The granddaddy of rock and roll would be Chuck Berry, right?
Yeah, yeah, I would say so, and Little Richard.
But I mean, all the rock and roll guys listen to B.B.
King, too, so... Now, you were really good friends with him.
I don't know if I can tell any of these personal stories, but... I mean, you told me about B.B.
I mean, you've told me quite a few interesting stories.
I know you're... Well, you know, B.B.
was just a really sweet guy, and a loving guy, and one time I got to play on the Crossroads,
Um, in Chicago, and I got to go on, uh, with B.B.
I was on Willie's bus with B.B., and they were talking about Nightlife, which is a song that Willie wrote that B.B.
made popular, uh, in the, um, in the 60s, in the mid-60s, I guess.
Uh, a lot of people recorded that song, but also did B.B.
King, and, um,
You know, the blues and a lot of that country music was really the same thing, as far as I was concerned, and it crossed over on both sides, you know.
And it'd be tough to say enough about B.B.
You know, he influenced everybody around the world on the guitar.
Even if you don't play the blues, you know, you had to be influenced by B.B.
I mean,
Didn't your daughters call him Uncle B.B.?
Yeah, we called him Uncle.
Actually, my wife, that's how we met, I met my wife, we went on tour with B.B.
King, my band.
King would have like a traveling blues festival every year, and I went
And did that tour a couple of times, but then one year, I filled in for the Neville Brothers for three or four shows, and that's where I met my wife, Robin, and she knew Bebe from working on the tour.
That's right, she used to run the House of Blues, too.
Well, she used to work there for that organization, yeah.
And she, I worked at Gibson and everything, but, and B.B.
played Gibsons and, you know, it goes on and on and on.
And, uh, I mean, I, I learned how to play, uh, guitar from, uh, I got in a band when I was about 15 and, uh, started making pretty good money for a 15 year old.
And I went down and bought every B.B.
King album that I could get.
I mean, I had like 20 of them and brought them home and, uh,
And would put the record on and, you know, learn the intro and the solo and the ending.
Just let the LP play and just play along with it.
So is he your biggest influence or is it Chuck Berry?
Well, all of them.
I'm influenced by all of them.
I mean, I listen to all their stuff, you know, I still do.
But I mean, B.B.
was, you know, B.B.
was the greatest and sort of the
The grandfather of the whole thing, as far as bending the strings, they call it like singing string, because it sounded like a woman singing it sometimes, you know.
And that's where all the, you know, Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck, all the English guys, Jimi Hendrix, all these people, you know, learned really from
From Buddy Guy, all I've learned from B.B.
King records, really.
You know, I've got to get you on sometimes.
You've got the Robert Plant stories, you've got the Jimi Hendrix stories, you've got everything, Jimmy, but you've got to write a book someday, I tell you.
You have seen everything, my friend.
Well, thank you.
I was real honored and it was my pleasure to see B.B.
so many times.
He would always come through town and we would try to go see him or we'd see him somewhere
And he would always be real sweet to my kids and he was just a great guy all the way around, besides being a fabulous musician.
I mean, growing up, that's what my dad listened to.
When my mom was putting the records on, it would be Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, Rolling Stones.
When my dad was playing stuff, it would be Fats Domino and B.B.
He took me to see both of them.
I've seen B.B.
King twice and Fats Domino once.
It's just amazing.
Some of these guys are still alive.
You hear B.B.
King so loud and you go, gosh, that guy's like the granddaddy of it all, and then they're finally gone.
It just shows you they are human.
Yeah, well, it doesn't seem real.
It's one of those things where it just doesn't seem real.
You know it's true, but it doesn't seem real, you know.
The last time we saw him was at Crossroads and I guess here in Austin at the, you know, downtown at the theater, the Paramount.
And we got to go down there and see him.
Oh, he was just fabulous.
Did you cry?
When did you hear he died and did you cry, Jimmy?
Ah, last night.
Yes, I did.
Yes, I did.
And, you know, he was very fatherly to my family and we would always go see him and he would always, you know, talk to the kids and bounce them on his knees and all that stuff, you know, just like a relative would, you know.
He was the greatest.
Well, a big, big bummer, Jimmy, but, you know, he's got incredible accomplishments behind him, and he's given birth to so much great art in this culture.
It's really amazing.
I wonder what your brother thinks about all this.
Well, I was wondering if maybe, you know, they're together now.
That's what I think.
I don't think there's any doubt about it.
If there is a heaven, and we know there is, they're there together, and I don't know, they're playing harps up there, probably playing guitars.
I think they're playing guitars.
Alright, Jimmy Vaughn.
Jimmy, tell us about what's coming.
I know you've always got tours going, you've always got stuff happening.
What's the best place for folks to find out everything Jimmy Vaughn and company?
Well, they can go on my Facebook or they can go on JimmyVaughn.com and see where I'm going to be.
It's all posted.
Well, Jimmy, tell Robin and the girls I said hi, and I'm sure we'll see you at my daughter's birthday party if you're in town coming up.
Thank you so much, Jimmy.
All right.
You do the same.
Thanks, Alex.
All right.
Thanks for seeing B.B.
off here on the show.
All right.
That is a gentleman right there.
Jimmy Vaughn, I've known him like 15 years now.
Super classy.
And I met him the same way I met Willie Nelson.
He came to the showing of Road to Tyranny, 2002.
And there was his girlfriend, Robin Vaughn, and we hung out and talked a little bit.
And I got to know him real good after that, but it was weird.
I've seen more of these movie showings.
That's how folks come out and see me.
Like, hey, it's Willie Nelson.
He's here to see the movie.
It's great.
How many of these guys are Patriots, though, Jakar?
It's exciting.
Yeah, we had a chance to see Reverend Horton Heath.
We went out a couple weeks ago, a lot of us in the crew, and he's a real big fan.
Joe was telling me that.
Who isn't a fan of the show?
I better behave myself with all these viewers and listeners.
Hey, he said he's down to come on, so I don't know what his tour schedule is.
Well, next time he's coming through, we can go interview him on the scene or something.
I tell you, Jakari, and we're not bragging about the show being big.
It's actually scary.
It's just that freedom is popular, Jakari.
It is.
We're going to skip this network break so I have time to go into Overground and take calls.
I got Jakari in here, but right during the last break at 33 after I went, Buckley, here's my cell phone, call Jimmy Vaughn, but he's not on tour, he'll probably answer.
Get him on, and he came on, so that happened.
I mean, you know, B.B.
King is a big cultural icon, so I think it's important we spend some time on that.
Because we spend so much time on negative crap, why not celebrate the cool people?
Oh, absolutely.
And then you can have somebody on, like Jimmy Vaughn, to liken it to, you know, bring it full circle.
Let people know that people in the entertainment industry, they are awake and aware of things that are going on.
Yeah, I know my dad's gonna be bummed out.
I think B.B.
King's probably his favorite person.
I mean, music-wise.
My dad was a real big Hendricks fan.
Oh yeah, Jimi Hendrix, amazing.
But see, that all came out of B.B.
I mean, it's just amazing.
See, think how this show is influencing people.
I'm not comparing myself to B.B.
I mean, the bad stuff I'm doing is influencing people.
It's crazy to have that much influence.
Jakari, this is just the newest attack on guns.
It's not just New Jersey.
Other states are doing similar stuff.
So check your state, folks.
But tell us about this.
We're going to air this special report.
Yeah, because Alex, we started out the year talking about the green tip ammunition, the ATF coming after that.
And before that, we were talking about the sanctions on the AR-15s, the AR-15 ammo.
And of course, we also see these proponents, these anti-gun politicians coming after your guns while committing gun crimes themselves.
We saw Senator Yee last year in California.
Running guns, and also earlier this month, we saw the representative in Michigan, you know, shooting his wife's car with a shotgun.
Just all these wild things going on.
Yeah, what is it about these anti-gunners?
They're the ones misbehaving with guns.
Well, I think it's to the point where they think everybody's like them, and they know how they are, so we gotta ban everybody's guns.
That's actually, who's the guy that threatened to shoot me?
What's that guy's name on Peer Morgan?
Buzz Pissinger.
Buzz Pissinger.
He said, later in the article he wrote, and in another interview, he goes, look, I'm crazy, I'm mentally ill, I'm on medications, I spend millions of dollars on women's clothing, I'm not the one making this up.
Yeah, I saw the picture of the guy.
He said, I'm crazy, don't let me have a gun.
And so that's what they say, don't let him have one, he's crazy too.
So he thinks I'm nuts like him.
Yeah, I think that's what it is.
They understand their own fallacies, and like, well, they can't be any better than me, so we have to take away all the guns.
So, but now we have this latest attack.
This is from a New Jersey representative, Ms.
Bonnie Watson Coleman, and this is HR-2283, known as the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2015, and basically it will require a face-to-face
We're good to go.
And that's the move, and we've always known they wanted to do that, and restrict the lead.
And then, meanwhile, I had Al Jazeera interview me last night, and this guy was American.
He kept saying, no one wants your guns, no one's taking guns.
They always, and I went, here's a gun, and he goes, no they're not.
For like 10 minutes, I just said, dude, I'm done.
It's just like when you guys, we all went out to the Alamo, but you guys had a chance to talk to the anti-gun group out there.
Nobody's trying to take your guns while they hand you a flyer saying, ban all fully automatic rifles.
Or semi-automatic.
Yeah, I mean, it's this mental illness, and they're saying nobody's trying to take your guns.
You got Feinstein, you got Bloomberg, you got Boxer.
Yeah, yeah, if I could, if I had the votes in the Senate, I would have picked up every single one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turned them all in, but nobody wants your guns.
And they take these people... What is these games they play?
Yeah, and they take people failing at their attempt to take away guns as nobody's trying.
Just like I talked to that guy, was it South by Southwest?
He's like, nobody's trying to take your guns.
Like, yeah, they are trying to take your guns.
They keep trying and failing.
But that's not for lack of trying.
These people want to take away your firearms because they understand their own values.
And hey, now they're saying nobody wants a secret treaty because TPP got voted down for now.
So we keep barely having victories.
Because of their tactic of denying it's happening.
I mean, it doesn't work on us, Jakari, but remember the general public's not paying attention.
So they actually hear this and go, oh, there's no problem?
Yeah, I'd go back to watching SportsCenter.
Let's play this breakdown.
This wasn't going to be on the nightly news.
It still will be, but we're going to premiere it here on the radio right now.
Here's another way they're coming after the Second Amendment.
With Jakari Jackson and the InfoLog.
Chikari Jackson here, InfoWars.com.
We have a new article on the site, House Bill seeks to eliminate online ammo sales.
And this is a New Jersey representative, Bonnie Watson Coleman, and HR 2283, known as the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2015, and it would require face-to-face purchases of ammunition.
And with our Second Amendment in the United States of America, I don't have any issue with you buying your ammunition over the internet, and I don't think that personal sales of firearms or ammunition require background checks.
I know a lot of people want to have those on ammunition sales as well.
I don't agree with this, because you could just as easily walk into Bass Pro Shop, Cabela's Academy, wherever, put down, you know, $1,000 by $1,000 worth of ammunition.
Yeah, that's, you know, catches people's attention, but it is very much legal in the United States of America.
And to anybody who would say, well, you know, they're stocking up all this ammunition, they're gonna go out there and shoot somebody.
Oh, look what just happened in Garland, Texas.
And I definitely hope that Ms.
Representative Coleman here
Take a
You know,
Gun like this and smiling and grinning and then we wonder why we have shootings like what happened to Tamir Rice when you're teaching these guys that you know some child could easily be your enemy is out to kill you
So that's what's going on on that front.
Also, they're trying to ban body armor in states like California, which I'm also against because, you know, just me doing the job that I do, myself, Joe Biggs and some of the other crew members, we go out to very dangerous situations and sometimes we take body armor with us.
And it's not everybody's like, well, you got to worry about the crowd.
When I was out in Ferguson, I had little to no issue with the crowd.
Like, yeah, there's some guy who wanted to argue me about
And how cool it was to burn down buildings and stuff.
But by and large, I was more concerned about my safety from what the police were doing.
The police were shooting rubber bullets, at least when we were there back in August.
In November, they were much better behaved.
But when we were out there in August, they were shooting rubber bullets indiscriminately into a blinding cloud of tear gas.
And Joe Biggs, of course, got shot with a rubber bullet, had a nice big bruise to show for his efforts.
So we have body armor.
We have soft body armor.
We have a hard-plated body armor, which is like basically strapping a skillet to yourself and running around.
But we have it just to deal with these type of situations.
Gas masks as well.
And you know, other people, they may have them for other things.
If you just want to
Bulletproof vest for home defense?
That's your business.
I don't think the government should be able to tell you not to do that.
And while we're talking about the DHS arming up with so many rounds of ammunition about people using these things for self-defense, let's also talk about the other things that are going on in our government.
Let's start with running guns into Mexico with Operation Fast and Furious.
New documents obtained by CBS News show Attorney General Eric Holder was sent briefings on the controversial Fast and Furious operation as far back as July 2010.
That directly contradicts his statement to Congress.
And for you guys who don't know about this, no I'm not talking about Vin Diesel and all those guys.
Operation Fast and Furious, which happened under the Justice Department, was a plan to give, well not just a plan, something that was actually implemented and done.
They handed over
Functioning weapons to Mexican drug cartels to track the weapons.
So I guess their logic was like, yeah, we'll let these guys take these guns, functioning guns, not malfunctioned or not deformed or any way.
We'll give these guys the guns to go out there and commit crimes, and then when we catch these guns at the crime scenes, we'll know these guys were handlers of the guns.
We'll be able to trace the guns back, which makes no sense because how many innocent people are going to die in this plan before it comes to fruition?
And also, beyond that, you want to talk about arming the people, let's talk about arming ISIS rebels.
The article came out last year, airdropping grenades into the hands of ISIS.
And people will say, this is not a big deal.
A pallet of grenades is not going to take down the US military.
I do agree.
But what about all the innocent civilians who are unarmed in those regions?
They have to conflict with this now.
Disarming people isn't the way to go, and we saw this recently with the representative in Michigan, you know, shooting his shotgun at his ex-wife's car.
Jakari Jackson signing off.
You can find more reports on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
Alright, that's a good report Jakari put out, but what Jakari's really doing, I asked somebody in the office to step up and do this a few weeks ago.
Jakari's volunteered.
Next Thursday, he'll be on the show this Sunday, at least calling in or in studio, to announce a very important demonstration.
A pro-life demonstration we're going to have next Thursday during the show.
We'll announce this Sunday or Monday.
We haven't picked the Planned Parenthood place yet.
We're going to be outside of it, not on their property, holding up signs that say Black Lives Matter, because 50 plus percent of black people are aborted.
We're going to do that.
It could become national news.
We need to get...
All the pro-life people out there to be at this event next Thursday, and we'll announce that this Sunday.
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That's ChildEase exclusively at InfoWarsLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Drought blamed on irreversible climate change ends after rainfall.
USDA publishes healthy food.
Photo to combat.
Thanks Michelle Obama meme.
I've seen these school lunches myself.
From local parents I know.
I mean it's worse than prison food.
Ibbots following the Michelle Obama program.
I went to public school and quite frankly those lunches were tasty.
They might have had a little too much caloric intake, but good salads, good hamburgers, enchiladas, soups.
But not now.
You look at the food now, man.
It is supermax prison food beyond.
Corey in Minnesota, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How's it going?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
Oh, and I apologize.
I didn't see that you said you were active duty.
They gotta make me look at what's written under this.
I shouldn't have made you hold for 45 minutes.
What's your take on Jade Helm?
Oh, Jade Helm.
It's just another step in the process, I guess.
I'm not necessarily too worried about it.
It's just simply for the fact that there's so many people, ordinary people,
I agree.
Why are they freaking out over something when we've covered stuff way more hardcore?
There's a shift.
The media can only do one of two things.
They can either cover it up or they can report on it.
And if they report on it, then it makes everybody freak out.
But if they cover it up and then come to find out this is legitimate, it makes them look like liars that much more.
Well, exactly.
And the fact that they're misrepresenting and saying that I said it's an imminent takeover.
I said day one, it's conditioning.
The public's gone with the fact it's a takeover because of the map, but that's not going to work when nothing happens this summer.
And I'm hoping nothing happens.
I really pray that some globalist operation doesn't attack a helicopter or something and say patriots did it.
What do you think?
The patriots, in all honesty, that's actually what I'm worried about the most.
As a matter of fact, I'd like to give you kind of a gist on something real quick and I'd like your take if that's okay.
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, I'm a patriot.
I've had four tours to Afghanistan.
I was growing up from a kid always been told, you know, you serve your, you do your time.
Well, that being said, I have pride in my country.
You know, I take pride in that flag that they so step on recently.
Now, I noticed that there's not
So much as a, yes, I do see that we are divided, but there's got to be that great division point come at some point in time where the left is against the right, you know, every man for himself kind of thing.
But I'm not seeing that.
All I can see is this, this left is so extreme and everybody just thinks they're so ignorant.
Well, I can tell you one thing, me being active duty, I see it every single day.
Absolute disgust.
Absolutely disgust.
People are so angry with what these people are doing stomping on these flags.
I mean, they're talking every single day about, we got to do something about this.
We got to do something about this.
And you know, I'm one of them.
When I see someone stomp on my flag, every man before me has absolutely laid his life down.
Sure, well the flag is a symbol of the Republic, so we respect it, but it is like a capturing of the flag, it is a desecration, so that we'll accept more and more in the future.
But the flag symbolizes the First Amendment, so idiots have a right.
The larger issue is what the flag symbolizes is being desecrated.
I'm going to do some more overdrive, Corey.
I'm going to come back, let you finish your point, and then go to Nelson, Aaron, Clarence, and Rebecca.
That'll be it.
I'm just going to 20 after.
But we will discuss this more.
Don't hang up, Corey.
The globalists want to use the military to take the country over, but they want to destroy the military in that process and take out both their enemies.
That's why we have to stop them starting a civil war.
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Cory is active duty.
And he was saying that he's sick of seeing the American flag being banned.
If it was a Nazi flag, I'd be upset, or a New Black Panther flag, or a La Raza flag, a Mecha flag, whatever, an extremist flag.
A lot of people don't like the American flag because it symbolizes all these wars and stuff, but you've got to compare our country to other countries as well throughout history, and the ideals that that flag originally stood for.
But you have to also look at the perspective of the people that do want to pull down the American flag and urinate on it and burn it.
They are saying, we've conquered you, we've dominated you and your First Amendment.
That's why I hate ISIS.
I mean, they don't just brutalize innocent people and all the rest of it.
They are here to destroy free speech and our renaissance system.
Our classically liberal system.
That means you have real diversity, not you adopt what the outside minority coming in says to prove you're not racist.
Basically, political correctness is about giving up your own culture, giving up your survival instinct, and being a slave.
And living in a guilt-ridden, mind control system.
But since Cory mentioned it, and we'll go to Nelson and others,
Here is a clip dealing with what happened in South Carolina at the school where they said you can't have a flag on your truck because it's offensive to some.
And then it expands from there.
People began to protest and everybody basically came back with flags.
They had to back off.
Here it is.
Outside York Comprehensive High School, there's no shortage of flags.
When I hear that you can't fly the flag, it makes my blood run red and my blood is red.
Or support.
Or patriotism.
We fought for it.
I fought for it.
Lines of people are here because senior Peyton Robinson was told he couldn't fly any flag from his truck Wednesday, including Old Glory.
I've had family in the military who've served.
It's not just that, but
Every American has the right to fly the American flag.
They won't.
School leaders called it a safety concern.
Anytime you get a flag of any kind flying, it creates a visual distraction.
Despite a warning, students came bearing flags anyway.
Lots of them saluted by veterans in the process.
That was freedom!
You want to fly a flag?
Fly it!
What the heck?
By noon it was clear the Stars and Stripes weren't coming down.
That's enough.
If you read what really happened, they said they couldn't have the flag because it was offensive to some.
Then they spun it to do that, just like in all the other cases saying it's this and that.
Here's the deal.
On one end, people that just freak out about the flag all day, it's annoying because they don't care about any of the basic liberties it symbolizes.
They won't defend those.
But a lot of folks that do like the flag, do do that.
I like old glory.
I mean, it's... But what I really like is the First Amendment, and the Second Amendment, and the Tenth Amendment, and the Fourth Amendment, and that's been destroyed, to a great extent.
And now they're coming in for the remnants of what's left, because they know that out of that, out of those ashes, freedom could rise again.
But yes, in a country where
Kids were chanting last year at a San Antonio basketball game that I went and looked at the schools, demographics, both schools were about 60% Hispanic and San Antonio is very military.
They were chanting USA, USA when they were winning.
And someone on the other team said they thought that was racist.
That's like saying brown bags are racist.
It's almost an idiotic thing people do.
I mean, sometimes it makes sense.
Like, if somebody defends the First Amendment, then you chant USA, USA.
I've been at an event being arrested for demonstrating, and people were chanting USA, USA while I was being detained.
They let me out of the police car, actually.
It was down at the contested election between Al Gore and George Bush.
There were Democrats and Republicans hitting each other and fighting and, you know, everything else.
And some ABC News guy charged me and pushed me in the throat.
So I yelled back at him.
The cops come over.
And then there was some Republicans thought that I must be with the Democrats.
So as I was being, I guess I was technically arrested, but wasn't taken to jail, they were chanting USA.
Boy, that's, yeah, yeah.
Somebody's going to jail for their free speech.
I just love how the school spun it, because it was first in the newspaper that, no indeed, the American flag can be seen as offensive, and other schools are putting in similar policies across the country.
Corey in Minnesota, any closing comments on that?
Yeah, I just, you know, everybody's so sick of it.
It's so ridiculous.
The people that are out there that are just so clinging to their Game Boys and whatnot, they just won't wake up.
Well, what type of country is creating a climate where the politically correct think you can't have brown paper bags or American flag because something might be offensive?
I appreciate your call.
I mean, it really is crazy town.
Hey, can you hear me Alex?
Alright, so I wanted to talk about waking people up.
I spoke to you before about
Trying to have these concert events in towns and promoting the Constitution and celebrating and remembering while we have it and call it We the People Constitutional and Freedom Tour.
I think this is a great way to create info warriors in each town.
That's a problem that people don't have the proper information.
And I think we should... No, I hear you.
I just can't even organize anything else.
I'm maxed out.
So people need to do that.
You also wanted to talk about other ways to wake people up?
That's the way I've been trying to, you know, I'm a musician here in South Florida and I put it on all my material, you know, being a foreign citizen.
Go to InfoWars.com.
The future of America depends on it.
And people come up to me all the time, like the gentleman before me just spoke, how people are fed up.
Well, that's what I'm running into, too.
And I protest on the side of the roads with my signs that say, honk to impeach Obama.
And everybody honks.
That's wonderful.
You know, I'm trying to create, you know, events where, you know, it's all about celebrating a family and, you know, Mayberry and what America used to be.
And, you know, my name is Nelson Williams, and I want to, you know, be on tour.
I sing Haggard, Waylon, and Cash.
You know, that's what I do, and that's America's music, and people love that.
And they love my message when I'm out singing, and I think of... No, no, I hear you.
It's incredibly positive.
I gotta jump to get to everybody, Nelson, but thank you for what you're doing.
That's why they want to get a civil war going, because we're winning.
People are fed up across the board.
It's only mainstream media and some of their idiot followers, a minority of people, mainly a bunch of white trendies, who are trying to stir all this up because they know.
They're not in control just because in every sitcom and every movie they lace their messages.
People are sick of it!
And once the public knows they're being force-fed, no amount of it is going to work.
In fact, you can get a major backlash.
And that's happened.
And when there's a backlash against them, they will blow stuff up to blame it on us.
They will shoot stuff up to blame it on us.
And you better believe they're getting ready for that.
Just like I told you, get ready for ISIS to start shooting up public places.
And it started.
All over the world.
I mean, I've studied these people.
I know how they operate.
I'm not bragging, I'm just saying we know what we're talking about.
Rebecca in Washington, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
Yeah, hi Alex, can you hear me?
I sure can, thank you.
Hey, I just wanted to talk to you regarding the GMO food that they're feeding our population and making us all sick so we can't fight back.
You know, a sick population can't fight if they're sick.
And now they've put it in the alfalfa grasses
It's contaminating all the organic alfalfa that feeds our animals.
And I am just, I am so upset and cannot believe that the USDA would allow them to, that Monsanto have the farmers feed their alfalfa with this GMO food.
Well, when we know what they're doing to us, yes, it is crazy.
Again, it's all over the top, Rebecca.
Well, how do you... It's even causing division in families.
Because, you know, they're so uneducated, and you try to talk to them about it, and they don't want to hear it.
They want to be lazy.
Listen, I know people that are in the Liberty Movement.
And they'll offer me a piece of gum, and I'll say, can I see that package?
And I'll go, it's got aspartame in it.
They go, oh, big deal, everything's bad for you.
And I go, no, no, no.
This is really bad for you.
This is wood alcohol.
They go, well, all I know is, is that regular gum, sugar gum, doesn't taste good in a minute or two.
This tastes good for 20 minutes.
And I said, yeah, because it's, I said antifreeze for cats, you know, tastes good too, but it kills them.
It's just crazy because people get in an environment, they get comfortable, and they think it's okay.
I'm out of time.
I tried to rush.
We don't have time to go to Clarence, Aaron, and Dawn.
I apologize.
I'll be back, Lord willing, this Sunday.
Retransmission is about to start in T-minus 60 seconds.
I'll be back Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, with a lot of breaking news and key intel.
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That's why we're growing so fast, and why the system's so scared.
And if I don't get... It was the fellow that exposed JFK, Jim Garrison, said the only way he stood and stayed alive was to get bigger and stay in the spotlight.
That's where I'm safe.
So I've either got to get bigger or totally quit.
Or they're going to destroy me.
So we made the decision to go all out against the Globalists.
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