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Name: 20150514_Thu_Alex
Air Date: May 14, 2015
2550 lines.

The video covers topics such as media coverage of information, military exercises, and the need for people to be aware, informed and prepared. Alex Jones discusses concerns about the increasing militarization of police, potential global events or collapse, the Jade Helm military exercise, and the importance of supporting local AM and FM radio affiliates. Percy Schmeiser shares his experience fighting against Monsanto's patent infringement lawsuits and highlights the dangers posed by GMOs. The discussion ends with product promotions available for purchase on various websites to support the program.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
To quote the Beastie Boys, I wear a hat, not a visor.
I drink Budweiser.
And the reason I'm being silly is we have Matt Visor from the Boston Globe.
He's going to be joining us in studio today.
I don't have time to do an interview after the show or before the show.
And we've got Al Jazeera flying into town to interview me.
I'm on Ellen Combs' radio show.
All that said, because I'm so afraid to be interviewed.
With that whole stunt ABC This Week pulled that is still in newspapers every day.
It's just, Alex Jones won't defend himself on Jade Helm, the coward.
And now one of the Fox News, the Five guys, says, oh, we're not going to have you on via his tweets.
In fact, I've got Joe Biggs printing them off right now.
He's going to come in and talk about it, because Joe's been tweeting back and forth with him.
Staff reporter Joe Biggs, and former Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs.
Now this particular Fox News Five host wants to meet me
We're good to go.
Okay, we can, like, fly to some third world country and have pay-per-view.
I think we'd probably make about $10 million a piece, but you're too stupid to want to actually do that.
You want to dance to the puppeteer's orders there at Fox News and make crap up.
And I don't mean to diverse and to diverge off into side issues, and I apologize, but Matt Visor will be in studio.
First, he said, oh, my editors won't let me interview you live.
And I said, fine.
We can't do it.
So now he should get here in a few minutes.
We'll see if that happens.
And then they can interview me about imaginary Jade Helm, according to them, coming up.
And like I told ABC News, Fox News, everybody, I stand ready anytime live.
They've got scores of satellite uplinks downtown Austin.
I am 110% ready to face you anytime, anywhere, anyplace.
Now, at this point, I'm just going to open my veins politically.
You want to come tape stuff, go ahead to, but here's the proviso.
And I was going to do this when I did a tape with them, but then they wouldn't respond.
I'm going to tape it like I did once with CNN about five years ago when they didn't air it for Anderson Cooper.
And I'm going to have a crew member there with a camera videotaping what I had to say.
CNN wouldn't let us jack in and record their questions, but we're gonna have what I said, so when you don't air it or you edited it, we'll at least have that.
And that's how this works.
We are not going to let you play your sneaky underhanded tricks anymore, you backbiting crew of scallywags.
That's just how this works.
We're done with you, we know you're not media, you're propagandist, and we are not backing down, we are not standing down, we are not going away.
Now, weeks ago, we're having such victories against Monsanto, I had Nico start working on a... Hey Alex, I hate to interrupt.
I just got a text from him.
He said, Mr. Visor said, another editor was leery of this interview to go on the air, so he's backing out.
Now they'll say I backed out, though.
Yeah, now he's backed out.
Can we show the text without showing your phone number?
Yeah, I'll show you the text right here.
But listen, this is what I've told David Knight and I've told you and I'm telling myself now.
So when I'm lecturing you, you're not bad, I'm telling myself this.
We're going to shut down if we keep responding to all these reporters.
I mean, hundreds of articles a day, dozens of requests a day.
I'm so busy I can't even, you know, do really important stuff.
Like, you know, have a phone call with Michael Savage.
So, we need to only go with the big interviews because we have to do this dance with all these reporters and all their little neurotic, you know, OCD editors BS.
So, I just said they probably wouldn't show up.
That's good.
We're done.
So, I don't have time to talk to him now.
We've already talked to him last night, this morning, going through all these gesticulations.
I told him I'd do a phone interview with him today when I'm in traffic driving home to pick my kids up.
But that's it.
We're done talking to them.
They want to have a stand-up fight.
We'll have it.
But we're not going to play patty cake with these reporters.
We'll be back.
Alarming video footage shows a U.S.
Marines training drill which, in plain English, was about subduing, arresting, and incarcerating irate citizens during a martial law style scenario.
The exercise took place on April 18th in Yuma, Arizona and revolved around assault support tactics training.
The video shows Marines practicing apprehending unruly citizens one after attempts to escape before being chased down and handcuffed by an armed Marine.
Some role players are heard chanting, food and water!
While another shouts, let me out!
More physical struggles and chases ensue between role players and Marines before some of the citizens receive mock medical treatment and one Marine can be heard describing injuries as gunshot wounds to the chest.
Army manuals have made it clear that such operations will be used against American citizens during a national emergency.
To read this article in full with pictures, visit InfoWars.com and watch the video for yourself on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
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I want more video games!
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It's 11am.
We're here, my friends, Monday through Friday from 11am to 2pm Central.
We return weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News.
Don't forget the Sunday transmission, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central time as well.
Coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
Broadcasting worldwide.
And this transmission is where the bullet hits the bone.
Where the bullet hits the bone.
That's part of the song right here.
Falling down a spiral, destination unknown.
Double-crossed messenger, all alone.
Can't get no connection, can't get through.
Where are you?
Well, the night is heavy on his guilty mind.
This far from the border.
When the hitman comes, he knows damn well he's been cheated.
Thank you so much for joining us as we step into the reality zone, which is much stranger than fiction.
The cliche rings true because it is true.
Things are mounting right now in a big, big, big way.
Because the public is investigating, the military is leaking,
Vital information to the Republic.
There is a battle for the future of this country and the world right now.
If you go to InfoWars.com, you can see the Red Link story, video, Marines practice subduing citizens inside internment camp.
It's linked on DrugsReport.com on the right hand side.
Under the headline, Texas landowners paid to give up property for troop training.
But the Pentagon lied and said that it was volunteered beforehand.
How asinine.
Defiant rancher refuses to surrender home to the military.
It continues, Marines practice subduing citizens inside internment camp.
Here's another headline.
Rogue military drone lands in man's backyard.
Yes, my friends, we are not in Kansas anymore, as they say.
And the other news just gets even more insane.
It's hard to believe now that it's like a year ago that Jakari Jackson, Adon Salazar, and others went down to talk to our Border Patrol ICE connections
And boom!
There it was, the video of the Border Patrol loading the illegals on the buses, giving them vouchers and busing them into the U.S.
It took the New York Times five weeks to put in a story that indeed that was true.
We got no credit for it.
I mean, that's just a sensational story.
Then the Border Patrol came out on Fox News and said, yes, we complete the smuggling process, close quote, the deputy head of the union.
Quote, we complete the smuggling process.
In fact, just search, Border Patrol agent, we complete the smuggling process.
We ought to queue that video up.
Now, there is video, and World Net Daily has a story, DHS caught, caught, busing in Somalis from Mexican border.
Directly from the main hotbed of ISIS recruiting in North Africa.
You cannot make that up.
You cannot.
The U.S.
is bringing in 100,000 Muslims every year through legal channels, such as the United Nations Refugee Program, but now there's a whole other secret program.
And how do they bring all the illegals into England?
Remember that secret program Tony Blair was involved in?
I remember covering the secret program when it was coming out in the late 90s.
People said, oh, there's not a secret program.
He apologized for it two weeks ago.
Because he's hated for it.
So, let me explain something.
They're bringing in people from known terrorist hotbeds.
But the Marines are trying to take on the American people.
And if I was allowed to get on controlled corporate brainwashing media, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, Fox,
If I was on the five, I would just quote Eisenhower.
We must guard in the councils of government against the unwarranted influence of the military-industrial complex, whether sought or unsought.
He goes into the danger, exists and will persist, of a technological takeover by the elite.
You have to read the whole quote.
In fact, we've done this before, but I really want to just get it
Where we go into the whole speech, it's on PBS online, it's on YouTube, and it's a 21-minute speech, but I want to get the whole part about the technological elite taking over, and then how they control the military industrial complex, because no one seems to know the first part.
That's the most important part.
In fact, if you pull up the text of Eisenhower's farewell address on screen, I can just read it word for word for people.
Because, I mean, no wonder they can't debate me, but say I'm a coward on Fox to go on shows and then they're not having me on, or I won't go on ABC.
And again, it's not about me, it's about they're Decepticons, people.
They are liars who believes I wouldn't want to go on those shows.
It's just flabbergasting.
And we're now four days after it became a national news story that I'm chicken and I've gotten... Nico, have we gotten any calls or emails today since I asked yesterday from ABC to have me on this Sunday?
And they may just say I didn't show up next week again.
I mean, why not?
MSNBC says that I influenced the Boston Bombers, then show no proof.
How about I ran the Holocaust?
How about I crucified Christ?
How about I blew up the Lusitania?
Not a German U-Boat.
Not a Wolfpack.
They found the Eisenhower speech.
Do me a favor, Ctrl-F technological.
Now there's the quote in the Councils of Government.
We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought by the military-initial complex.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
Yeah, but now Ctrl-F technological or elite and then you'll get the part about the takeover.
Yeah, there you go.
And if technological's in there a bunch, you just keep hitting enter on the F and it'll search to the point.
There it is.
Yet in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that the public policy could itself become the captive of a technological elite.
And then he goes on to how it's the task of statesmen to not allow elites to use super technology to brainwash and dumb down the public or to game the economy.
And everything we see today, a high-quality steak six, seven years ago was $25 in a decent steakhouse.
It was $45 two, three years ago.
It was $60 six months ago.
The exact same steak at the exact same steakhouse that I've been going to for 10 years was $89 last night.
And you know, I had the money to buy it, but I'm gonna, I'd give that to charity or something for it, it was obnoxious.
So I got a hamburger.
And I was sitting there talking to my friend,
I was out with a couple friends and they said, man, we ought to get in the cattle business.
And I said, no, no, no.
Cattle business is going bankrupt right now at record levels.
My family's in the cattle business.
It's all actuaried and gamed out by three major packing companies that use the FDA in the last 20 years to shut down all the small packers.
So they have a monopoly at the buying now to buy the beef at record low prices and then sell it to you at record high prices.
And then you add inflation in as well, and a $25 stake in five, six years is $89.
That's the technocracy.
That's AI.
That's computers gaming everything.
That's a screw job and that's what it's doing to productivity.
This stuff could send us to the stars.
They've already had in the 50's plans and they've tested them in computer systems with space elevators.
We could already have space elevators.
Do you know what you could do with a space elevator?
They could build a city in space in a year.
They could have huge space bases built in Earth orbit and be launching them.
But no, no, no, no, no.
We're going to use technology to screw ranchers over.
What a wonderful elite we have.
What a fabulous group we have.
And then, meanwhile, I've got to have hundreds of reporters calling us every week, wanting to do fake interviews.
By fake, it's like I'm a prop, like they talk to me.
They won't actually quote me.
Or they'll take something out of context.
They just want to make their readers think they talk to us.
And then other reporters call me back and they go, well I did a fair interview and they won't let me publish it now.
So I'll only do live TV or live radio.
I will not sit here and play games anymore.
That way I can have the Boston Globe reporter in here
You'll hear the real interview.
They can write their imaginary piece.
We can compare them.
That's why the editors won't put their people in here.
Now when we come back, the bombshell information.
Just everyday new documentation.
Video after video.
Marines training to put Americans in camps.
We have the footage.
It's bombshell.
It's on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, DrudgeReport.com.
It's a war between reality and fraud.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we played the clip yesterday.
Marco Rubio says that there's no NSA spying, period, in America.
Even though it's all admitted.
And there's also, again, not a sun in the sky at high noon.
Eric Bolling has been tweeting at InfoWars, basically saying he wants to meet me in a parking lot and fight, and that I'm full of it, and that our latest article, Marines practice subduing citizens inside internment camp.
He's like, no, it's subduing terrorists.
Yes, under your definition, Eric, it's true.
Tea Party, gun owners, veterans, Christians.
Do you understand, Bowling, your viewers can go read Forbes, AP, and hundreds of other publications where they admit they're training the Marines and the Army and the Air Force MPs to take on gun owners.
Do you understand that?
Stop misrepresenting that we're against the military.
We are against them being given illegal orders.
And Joe Boogs is going to come in and talk about this in a moment, because we've been challenging him.
Hey, have me on!
I'm scared to come on shows.
Have me on The Five.
I'm ready right now via satellite.
Or if you announce I'm coming on, I'll jump on an airplane tonight, I'll be in your studio tomorrow.
I mean, I've been on The View, I've been on Good Morning America, 20-20, Nightline, CBC, BBC, Live Tape, Japanese TV, Russian TV, Scottish TV, Brazilian TV.
I mean, to say I'm scared, like they keep saying on Fox, that I won't come on the show when you haven't asked us, is dishonest crap!
And it's not that I'm mad that you're trying to say I'm a coward, I'm mad that you're liars.
So, this week better have me on.
See, they don't really want ratings.
You know they get more ratings.
They just pulled a stunt to act like they tried to have me on.
Because everybody's like, why don't you have him on?
So they gotta act like I won't come on.
This is their whole culture.
Meanwhile, InfoWars.com alarming video footage from U.S.
Marines training drill, which took place in Arizona last month, shows armed troops chasing down unruly citizens at a mock internment camp while role players chant for food and water.
Now, before we get to that, let's play from a month ago, right around the same time in California, next door, the Army National Guard
training to take on sovereign citizens and when the sovereign citizen says I have rights I'm a sovereign citizen that's when they attack with their batons.
So let's play that clip then we'll play the new clip.
But if you're a radio listener you gotta see this footage.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
We're streaming it live.
But let's go to the previous clip.
Here it is.
I'm a sovereign citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
Yeah, let's go to, and we've got other troops saying it, and we've got police saying, what's the armored vehicle for?
Oh, it's for the patriots, it's for the veterans, it's for the constitutionalists.
Should I play all those again and show you 25 articles?
I got a whole stack of mainstream news right here.
I had them reprint them before when the media guy came in.
The Boston Globe, where I was like, here, here, here's dozens of mainstream articles admitting they're training to fight the American people and gun owners.
Here, here, here, this is for the Boston Globe.
But see, their editors don't want me to show you the man behind the curtain.
They don't want me to go, here!
Here's the proof, jackass!
Here it is right here!
They want to just go, liar!
Hates the military!
Boston bomber!
I mean, you know.
It just doesn't work anymore.
There's a massive gear up for martial law.
And they won't call it martial law.
They'll call it civil.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let's hear this guy in Indiana, the Sheriff's Department.
Let's hear him one more time.
Talk about who this is for.
Then we'll get to the new video and audio that the Marines basically shot themselves and have released.
I mean, this is not even hidden.
They're training for it, but then saying they're not.
Let's go to the clip from Indiana.
We didn't have the violence that we see today.
The weaponry is totally different now than it was in the beginning of my career.
Plus, you have a lot of people that are coming out of the military that have the ability and the knowledge to build IEDs and to defeat law enforcement techniques.
Can we queue up the Spokane SWAT team commander, Washington, saying it's for the Constitutionals who have guns?
Can we just keep doing this for everybody?
While Fox News sits there and says none of this is happening.
None of it.
Alex Jones!
So I'm thinking that it's totally appropriate in Iraq, but what kind of a situation in the U.S.
would you see that happening?
I mean, we've got a lot of Constitutionalists and a lot of people that stockpile weapons.
A lot of ammunition.
But again, none of this is going on.
We're going under global treaties.
Our borders are wide open.
We're living in a globalist dictatorship.
We're smart enough to try to politically take the country back.
We're gearing up to defend ourselves as the military trains to attack us.
We need to get the police to understand to protect themselves they need to say no to this narrative and not have the Civil War.
We're gonna come back with the Marine footage.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
France has finally launched a criminal inquiry into alleged sex abuse of children by French U.N.
French authorities were notified nine months ago by a U.N.
whistleblower, Anders Compass, of the rape and sodomy of at least ten starving and homeless boys, some as young as nine, over a period of seven months in the Central African Republic.
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was far more upset about the leak of the information than he was about the crime, calling it a serious breach of protocol.
And he took immediate action against the whistleblower, not against the U.N.
sexual predators.
This is far from an isolated incidence of U.N.
troops preying on civilians they were sent to protect and having the U.N.
cover up their crimes.
Identical atrocities committed by U.N.
soldiers in Haiti surfaced just three months ago and it's happened in virtually every country U.N.
peacekeepers occupy.
Yet neither soldiers nor the U.N.
have ever been held accountable.
This is David Knight reporting for InfoWars.com
I want more candy!
I want more video games!
I think so.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
InfoWars building independent media operations.
We let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Crime directive discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
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You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
I want to just say something here.
It was March 20th, five, six weeks ago, that Joe Biggs
Came into the studio about 30 minutes before I got him on air and said, we've confirmed these Jade Helm documents.
I've talked to my army buddies the last few days.
He'd been working on the story.
He hadn't told me about it yet.
This doesn't look like any training drill we've seen before.
It's definitely for domestic operations.
And I said, well, I believe you.
I'm an expert on these domestic operations.
You're an expert on the Army, being a retired staff sergeant with terrorist Iraq and Afghanistan.
You have these sources.
But let's not say that we're sure it looks like it's domestic.
Let's just say it should be investigated.
He comes in.
We talk for 10 minutes.
DrudgeReport.com links to it in like an hour.
The Army comes out and says, this drill isn't even real, it's probably fake documents.
Yeah, where do these documents even come from?
Yeah, so at first, you know, we're making stuff up.
Yeah, exactly.
First, it just doesn't exist.
Then, they come out two days later, we hate the military.
And they have all these new lies.
And then I'm a supposed veteran.
That's right, even though you've been in the Army, Tom, with a bunch of articles.
So all of this PSYOP goes on, we're going, whoa!
We hit on something big here, why are they freaking out?
We cover military drills all the time.
Every week there's some new footage of the Army, the Marines, the National Guard, training to take on veterans, gun owners, there's new footage today.
I shot footage in 99, when Clinton had this going on, but it was much lower level, much rarer.
Now it's ramped up 10, 20, 30 times.
I mean, it's just, it's just exponential.
And we're going to play that old footage and the new footage coming up here in a moment that we haven't gotten to yet.
Again, for radio listeners, you can see the video at InfoWars.com.
We have it posted, red-linked video.
Marines practice subduing citizens inside internment camp.
Again, InfoWars.com.
For war on, for your mind.
Now, expanding on that situation,
Joe has been working since yesterday and came in.
He said, hey, I know you want me on about my interchanges with Eric Bolling, who came out a few months ago and said we need militarized police.
In a Fox clip we played, not satire, Fox calls for over-militarized police.
That was in January.
He's saying he wants to meet me in a parking lot.
He's saying we're full of it.
I was just gonna... and he goes, I don't really want to get into that.
What you need to know is I'm working on a story.
I've gotten the guy's military ID.
I've gotten photos.
I'm getting authorization to post all this.
Not his ID, but the other intel.
We're double checking to make sure none of it's classified because...
Yeah, exactly.
Joe has major breaking news on Jane Helm.
Now we've dug up that mastering the human domain goes to these major training operations that are joint forces to dominate America but the rest of the world to run human operations to learn how to take over local government and to quote stabilize it.
We have all these new documents coming out we covered yesterday that I'm going to go over where they admit
That this is about domestic operations and the commander of it has been the one for NORTHCOM, not just SOUTHCOM and CENTCOM, preparing for stabilization of the country.
They don't call it martial law.
So there's this massive exponential ramping up.
Then we get him saying, in earlier speeches, this Meade character that's running it all, the civilian that the colonels and people take orders from publicly, they turn to ask how high they should jump.
He says, yeah, we're going to be doing suspicious things on the street, out of uniform.
Then they come to Bastrop a month later and say, no, we're not.
We never said that, you're a conspiracy terrorist.
And it's right there in the slides that they denied, and then had to come back and say, well, yes, these are in fact the slides.
So we have this, exactly, and I'm going to give you the floor in a moment.
We have this whole background going on.
And the media, 200 to 500 articles a day, saying we're liars.
I mean, I've never seen anything like this on any subject.
I mean, this is a major global firestorm.
It's all over the news worldwide.
It's causing a debate about militarization of police, wire troops on the street in England, in Europe, in Australia.
This is a global gear-up for something.
World War III?
Financial collapse?
Nuclear terror?
I don't know.
But let me tell you, folks, it's like when Germany was lining up troops in 1939 on the Polish border, and the Poles kept saying they're getting ready to invade.
Everybody's like, oh no, they're not.
Don't be a conspiracy theorist.
This is a major buildup.
And in war, you look for truth movements.
You look for what they're training to fight, because then you know what their mission is going to be.
It's us, the American people.
They train for how they're going to fight.
Joe comes in here with stuff even bigger than Marines practice subduing citizens inside internment camp.
We're going to get to that in a moment.
Joe has just bombshell info.
Former Staff Sergeant, U.S.
He vetted this guy that's currently in that's so freaked out, he's just considering walking off.
And believe me, that's going to happen big time if they try this.
Joe, there's a chance, even though this guy's real, that they could be trying to stir us up to hoax us so that then when they don't do it,
It makes us look bad, but it doesn't matter, we help stop it.
Or they could be testing, which they've done before, to see if the special forces will do this.
We know they use live ammo in Miami.
uh... years ago that was in the Miami Herald uh... we know they use it in other cities so it it it could just be that uh... but regardless this fellow has never seen anything like this tell folks the information you've been documenting
So yesterday, I'd say around 6 p.m.
hour time, central time, I got an email from an Oath Keeper that I know saying that, hey man, this guy just came to me with some really scary information.
I'm going to take screenshots of this stuff, send it to you.
So he sends me this, you know, email and I'm looking and I'm like, there's no way this can be true what I'm reading right now.
We've got to vet this guy.
Can you get him in contact with me and tell him I need a copy of his military ID so I can at least get that part going so I can make sure this guy is who he is?
He tells me what his MOS is.
It's a 15 Sierra.
That's an OH-58 repair.
And that is a Kiowa helicopter that we use in Iraq and Afghanistan.
It's a little small bird.
We call them little birds.
It just holds two guys.
And he gets me the ID, too.
I'm like, alright.
And I ask him a few questions.
Seems legit.
And what he's telling me is he is so freaked out because what they're doing, he said they were loading live ammunition on these Kiowa helicopters and these are going to be specifically used for Jade Helm.
And they're already...
And like I said, I didn't go to this guy.
I didn't seek this person out.
This person reached out and I was put in contact with him and I'm currently vetting and trying to find out more information if I can get some pictures and video to go along with this.
So you did get a photo though of the... I've got the photo of his ID, his military ID.
And a helicopter.
And a helicopter, yeah.
Now, for those that don't know, that's another helicopter they're trying to get out of the military that Special Forces says is the best.
That's phenomenal.
They're also trying to kill the warthog that is the best.
Describe the battles you've been in with these weapon systems, what they do, close air support, and then what this signifies.
Yeah, when I was a BSP-7, it's a little border security point area on the border of Pakistan, and that's the main supply route for the Taliban.
They would come in and out through there.
We would set up ambushes.
We were 20 plus miles away from any kind of convoy support whatsoever, so we, you know, mainly
Had to rely on these Kiowa helicopters to fly in really quick.
They're small, they're maneuverable, they shoot .50 caliber ammunition, Hellfire missiles, and then also the Warthogs as well.
We had to wait on them to get in the racetrack where they spin around above you.
You can hear them going, you know, overhead and then they drop in and do these gun runs.
No problems whatsoever.
Phenomenal aircraft, both the Kiowa and that.
And for some reason our military wants to get rid of those things and put in these more expensive
Jets that are failing and not, you know, working as well.
They want to have 100 million dollar jets that are total pieces of junk because they, because the military industrial complex wants to make money.
But expanding on that, because all this is interconnected, what it signifies
To have special forces, regardless, involved in, quote, blending in with the public.
This is unprecedented.
As Congressman Gohmert said, and he was an Army veteran himself, an officer, he's never seen a training drill or a preparation, and Congress goes over this stuff, where they are pointing out the American people.
Where they're saying the American people are the target, or where they call states hostile.
I've been talking to a lot of different Special Forces soldiers over the past, you know, number of weeks, and every one of them has a different aspect on what's going on.
A lot of them really understand what it is we're coming from.
You know, when I tell them, hey, you have to look at the entire administration, how they've been treating veterans, what they've been doing, how they've been lying, they haven't been transparent like they said they would be.
The spying, all that's going on.
You have to understand how people have concerns and why they are not ready to jump into that mainstream narrative to just trust what the government's saying about Jane Elm.
And then the fact, like we said before, we came out with the slides.
I brought them to you on the show.
We showed those slides on the show.
And then two days later, Army Time comes out.
They get a quote from some SOCOM guy saying, we don't know where these slides came from.
That's another lie.
And then also, Jakari Jackson and I were in Bastrop for that meeting about Jayden Helm, what was it, a few weeks ago, and Lieutenant Colonel Mark LaStoria shows up, and one of the questions asked is, how did these landowners find out about this?
How did you get in contact with these people?
And Lieutenant Colonel Mark LaStoria goes, well, the landowners came to us.
They came to us, and they're not getting any kind of compensation whatsoever.
So if we can, can we go to the footage real quick of that?
Sure, we've got that queued up.
Let's go ahead and go to it.
So how counties were picked in Texas comes down to this.
The land was volunteered by the private landowner.
They came to us.
They are not getting any reimbursement for volunteering their land.
They believe in training America's Special Operations Forces, not only at work, but also in deed.
And that's how these counties were picked.
Now, they went on to say no one's being paid.
Well, in the manual, it says they're paying.
In other speeches, they said they were paying.
And it's in mainstream news today, linked on Drudge.
I'm going to click on that link right now and show TV viewers, and I'll describe it for radio listeners, that they are paying them.
And that's out of News West 9.
So that's out of Channel 9 TV.
What's so frustrating is
They just incessantly lie when the truth would serve them better!
Because all they know is to deny everything we say.
Well, they're adding further speculation to this entire exercise.
They keep trying to demonize us and say that we're completely wrong, yet they keep flip-flopping.
But you got called two days after we broke this, in March, from your old army buddy, getting in your face, first email when you talked to him, saying, yeah, I'm here at Southcom,
We're CENTCOM, and we're here at Special Operations, and yes, this is a PSYOP, now stay out of it.
Yeah, exactly.
What was the exact words?
He said, he said, hey man, why are you guys messing with this?
Leave it alone, it's just a PSYOP.
And he was calling you, what, out of special forces?
Uh, he was out of Tampa at Eglin.
Or at, uh, wherever Eglin is.
I can't think right now off the top of my head.
But that's where they're, uh, the main SOCOM.
That's where they run a lot of the operations from.
That's where the Jane Helm will be operated out of, too, as well, where that'll be ran as well.
And he admitted it was a PSYOP, too.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, he said, why are you even worried about it?
He said, it's a PSYOP.
He's like, just leave it alone.
Let's do our job.
Yeah, he was acting like we thought it was a real invasion.
No, it's a PSYOP to conditions.
That's what we said.
Yes, we know what it is.
I mean, that's what people don't understand is the fact that seeing this out here gets, it just puts off the wrong idea.
I mean, even this guy, he probably doesn't even know what Info Wars is.
He's just a regular homeowner saying, hey, I'm not going to accept any amount of money where I have to surrender my home to troops.
I support our troops, but when they're trying to take over our civilians, that ain't cool.
I mean, when I was in Bastrop with Jakar, there was a lot of people who had no idea what InfoWars was, and that's what the mainstream narrative keeps being pushed is that by Fox, CNN, that InfoWars is the only people that look at this and see this as something wrong.
No, we're concerned, Gohmert's concerned, Paul's concerned.
Cruz is concerned.
Abbott's concerned.
The President dissolved the borders last year.
The President's shutting off the power plants.
The President's threatening to shut down our trade without Congress.
I mean, it's out of control.
And DHS was caught in the, what is it, off the California border today, busting Somalians.
And you guys caught them at the border, Jakari and Adan Salazar, shipping the illegals in.
Yeah, Kit and Sha'Carri.
I guess they were all down there.
I just can't even... It's just getting Twilight Zone, man.
I mean, every other day it's something that's just mind-blowing.
Let me ask you this question.
Why do you think, and we're getting to the new Marine video, why do you think they're freaking out so bad?
Well, I mean, this is what I always say.
If someone calls me something that calls me a name, and it's not true, I mean, I'm not gonna get mad.
But if someone says something that really strikes me, that's when I kind of bite back.
And I think we've struck a nerve with these people.
I think they know that we're on to something.
Like you said, we talk about tons of military exercises every day.
This one is the one that they're hitting us hard on.
That means there's something going on.
I don't think it's wrong for any American citizen out there to question the government and to find out what's going on.
And quite, you know, it adds further speculation.
Every time we go and ask them questions, they deny it.
Then they say, oh, it's true.
Then they deny it.
And then there's Jade Helm-like training in South Carolina and Nevada.
Yesterday at South Carolina, with the police doing no-knock raids, drills, and then now we've got this footage.
Let's start rolling some of this footage.
Uh, shot with U.S.
Marines from the 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment.
Uh, took place April 18th in Yuma.
This just now got released by them.
Uh, and revolved around assault support tactics training.
The drill was part of standardized tactical training and certification of a unit instructor qualifications to support marine aviation training and readiness.
According to the description accompanying the video.
In plain English, the exercise was about subduing, arresting, and incarcerating irate citizens during a martial law scenario.
Here it is.
These are Americans.
Again, narrate this for radio listeners.
It's got tactical teams tackling folks.
It's got people practicing running away from them.
It's basically riot control.
Subduing people.
Just like the Miami footages of them.
No-knock raids.
Dragging role players out in the middle of the night.
They're being very rough too.
I mean, they're throwing them to the ground and just manhandling them.
And then the response by the Fox News reporter tweeting at us, Eric Bolling, is, this isn't training for civil unrest, it's for fighting terrorists.
No it's not.
He said domestic terrorists.
Homegrown, that's what it is, homegrown.
Which we're told the number one enemy is the veterans.
Of course, these guys are military mainly, and some role players they've hired.
But then we're able to get the video and the audio, which we played earlier, they're saying, I'm sovereign citizens, I'm Tea Party.
And when we come back from break, we have a couple minute clip from Police State 2000, shot in Operation Urban Warrior, where I witnessed troops from five countries training to take on Americans.
And we have video where they say, where are you from?
I'm from San Francisco.
Where'd you get the gun, the helmet?
Uh... and uh... screaming, I'm an American, I have rights, you can't put me in a camp.
I mean, I have the audio.
And when the Marines found out I had this, they flipped out.
And a lot of bad stuff then started happening after that point.
And then later I learned that I was under surveillance the entire time by Navy SEALs.
And they knew full well all I was doing was out there covering it.
But we're wrong for questioning all this stuff.
Meanwhile, there's Chicago black sites
Detaining people.
They just had to settle multi-million dollar lawsuits.
Yeah, but we're crazy to question all this.
And then at every major event, G20, you name it, they snatch and grab people off the street in front of everyone.
Black vans pull up and they just disappear people, but everything's okay.
The president just dissolved the border.
It's okay.
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We're going to get into previous trading that's going on, but I'm going to explain this.
Then they spin it and go, this has been going on a long time.
Yes, but it's exponentially ramping up.
I would cover military police state stuff 18 years ago, real drills that happened.
And they'd say, it didn't happen, Jones is insane, there were no Delta Force in Houston or San Antonio.
I'd go interview the police chief, saying I told them not to do it, but they still did it, and they bribed the entire city government.
And I told them no, and they brought me $200,000 in cash.
I'm an Army combat veteran, Army intelligence, I'm not going to be part of this.
I mean, I have the video.
So, they've bought off most of the government.
This is the same tactics that are used to take over a third world country like Iraq.
I mean, you guys had the pallets of billions, and that's how you stopped the insurgents, right Joe?
It's the same thing, but they're doing it here to preemptively take over, and this is being run by the CIA, basically.
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Now, here's footage from Operation Urban Warrior.
Just part of the two-hour film, Police at 2000, where the Marines train to gun confiscate in California in 1999 under Harry Clinton.
Here it is.
I need to get to the town mayor.
She's in a meeting.
Okay, let's go and bring those two in.
Thank you.
We need to get paid.
We're gonna get paid.
Let us out there, sir.
He's pregnant!
Attention, attention, attention.
American forces are here to help.
Remain calm.
We will not tolerate civil disobedience.
Having a good time?
How's it going over at the camp?
Oh, very well.
The guys are doing a bit of exercises now.
They're doing very well.
So the camp situation is going good with the disarmament and things?
Oh, yeah.
Because we saw them over there disarming people.
Is that what the exercise is?
Yeah, they're exercising now, yeah.
Where are you from, sir?
From Holland.
Oh, okay.
I'm from the best Marines.
This is them practicing going door-to-door.
There's gun conversations.
It's a two-hour film.
Then we have them admitting it's for America, and then CNN going, for Macedonian training.
Of course, it's all dual training, Joe.
20 seconds.
What do you think of this?
It's crazy.
Like you said, this is all incrementally happening over time.
It was slower, and now it's starting to ramp up more and more.
I want to get more of your take in 70 seconds.
Hour 2, coming up with Joe Biggs.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Joe Biggs was just responding to footage we played of your radio listener of Marines training to confiscate firearms, round people up.
Back in 1999, like 17 years ago, we played new footage shot last month the Marines released of it ramping up.
We're not saying a massive takeover is imminent, it's an incremental frog in the pot.
And Joe was telling me during the break about all the subtle threats he's getting, past colonels he had calling up.
Describe the heat you're getting on Jade Helm reportage.
I'm getting a lot of, I would say not as much negative.
I'm getting a lot of previous colonels are coming at me like,
Why are you talking about this?
Leave it alone!
You know... You know, we never did that.
You used to be a good soldier.
Why are you talking about this?
You know, and I'm like... I think I'm still being a good soldier by questioning what's going on.
You know, maybe I wasn't able to question as much then, which is why I wasn't as highly liked.
Because I never... I wasn't a robot.
But... I was born to question stuff and I will continue to do that.
Well, the country's being dismantled in front of us!
I mean, this is the thing though.
We've talked about so many military exercises in the year that I've been here, but not once do you get any kind of feedback, hostile feedback, from soldiers.
You know, now you're getting all these people, they're just jumping up and it seems like they just say the same thing all the time.
Leave it alone, why are you talking about it?
No, just be a good soldier, just leave it alone.
Why don't you say that when I talk about the dirty bomb exercise in California?
It was supposed to be a dirty bomb exercise, but in fact what it was was, you know, rounding up a...
Constitutionalists, the sovereign citizens.
Well, that's the truth.
They've been given a traitorous mission.
They're scared.
They don't want to discuss it.
Now, the troops themselves, we've talked to, are upset and agree with us.
Well, yeah.
But it's the officers that want to just go play golf.
They want to just get paid.
They want to get their little under-the-counter bonuses that everybody knows they get.
And listen, guys, we're going to lose the whole country.
This hit him 20 years ago.
This is all coming to a head.
You better choose the right side.
Don't sign up with Hitler.
It's not going to go well.
Sorry, go ahead.
A lot of the special forces guys that have reached out to me were, I think, more confused.
I think that we at Infowars hate special operations guys.
And I had to talk to them, like, no, it's not the operator that we have a problem with.
That's a total psy-op.
They don't even... Yeah, but I mean, it's the people at the top.
It's the ones who are making those
It's the people of the Pentagon.
We don't really, we don't have a problem with the everyday soldier.
I've had General Stubblebine, who was the head of Special Forces on 10 years ago, 5 years ago, 3 years ago, saying this is all coming.
I mean, they were trying to get him involved in stuff like this 20 years ago.
They've been, the globalists have been wanting to take over forever.
They're always trying.
We're here pointing out this mission takes us there.
And this is happening right when they're trying to go to driverless cars too.
They want to control our movement.
And they're doing these to put people into camps, it looks like.
They're doing all these exercises.
They're testing all the control grids.
But let's be clear.
The public's awake.
Folks are upset.
The majority of the troops we talked to agree with us.
But there is a minority of regular trips, and then you've got the officers that are really engaging in a psyop.
Yeah, and then you've got people like Eric Bolling, again, has this huge audience on Fox, and he's mocking us, saying, you know, why are we talking about this, this is all a conspiracy, you know, or not everything's a conspiracy, leave it alone, you guys are, what, a bunch of gullible nutbags, or something like that, he said.
So I got on Twitter this morning, and I said, hey,
I challenge you to come out here.
You're starting to get really lippy.
You're starting to get jumpy.
Why don't you have Alex on your show?
Are you afraid that you're going to get a Piers Morgan whooping?
I don't know if he's got the tweet up or whatever.
And then he responded with, I'll meet Alex in the parking lot.
Yeah, he's like, meet me at the corner of Lex and something after recess or whatever.
But uh, these guys are scared.
I mean, they want to pre-tape it.
They want to be able to go in and... Yeah, they're just telling me to meet me at the corner of Park and Lex after school.
So he's making a joke like we're little kids.
Now, we're schooling him.
Yeah, he's scared.
He will not do it live because he knows he will get manhandled.
He didn't respond and say he'd do it taped, did he?
Oh no, he didn't say anything about that, but I mean... Look, at this point, I'll even do it taped.
Because I'm going to tape it, and then I'm going to show what they turned it into.
Yeah, we take our own camera crew in there and show them what really happened.
Alright, Joe Biggs, we'll have more on this Denali News tonight at 7.
We're going to get into some victories we're having right now on GMO that they said was good for you.
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That's ChildEase exclusively at InfoWarsLife.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up in the next hour, Percy Schmeiser, the first farmer to prominently go up against Monsanto and be victorious, was first on with us when he started this fight.
Fifteen plus years ago.
And he hasn't been on since.
No, he was on the Nightly News once.
Now Monsanto has been derated from a good investment by major investment firms to a risky bad investment.
Their profits are in trouble.
McDonald's is in trouble.
They're both an allied operation.
This is frankenfood.
And they get up there and they lie.
And they say, oh, it's just like George Washington Carver crossing two tomatoes.
Because those tomatoes are closely enough related that they're able to breed together.
But just like if you get a donkey and a horse, very similar, to have sex, they can procreate, but they have a sterile offspring.
It's called a mule.
I'm not a geneticist, but I know these basic things.
It's like a liger.
A tiger and a lion?
You can breed them.
The offspring, a liger, is sterile.
What happens when you breed two tomatoes together that are far enough apart that they're able to get together and share their different traits, but they don't produce seeds, or the seeds don't produce more fruit?
Tomatoes are fruit for those that didn't know.
They've gone beyond that and created GMO where you'll have 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 traits in it.
Where it lasts longer, it doesn't die.
Bugs can't eat it.
If they do eat it, they die.
Because there's a natural pesticide produced.
And they argue, well, it's a natural pesticide, yeah, but you boost it a thousand times or more.
Yeah, the plant produces a pesticide or invites a fungus to grow on it that's poisonous, but it's not at that level.
It's not inside the plant.
You wash it off.
Didn't used to kill the honeybees.
And that's all 20, 30-year-old technology that's wreaking havoc right now.
But as all this comes out, the system is panicking.
At the bottom of the hour, our guest will be with us for the hour, I will do a five-minute news blitz on incredible economic news, incredible world news, just over-the-top intel.
We've got economists coming out, mainline ones with headlines like this.
Millions upon millions of people are going to die on a worldwide scale when the debt bubble bursts.
Video student confronts Jeb Bush, your brother created ISIS.
Iowa man arrested for Facebook post calling for murder of white cops.
Roomba maker to develop smart robots to surveil your own.
Manslaughter charge against black officer in gray case derails race agenda in Baltimore.
Video of Marines' practice of doing citizens inside internment camps.
That's linked on DrudgeReport.com.
It's on Infowars.com.
Rand Paul visits Secret Room to read Obama Trade, the SPP.
Or the TPP.
Calls for public release of deal.
Yeah, it's thousands of pages long.
There's a photo in the article.
It's a locked door.
They search you.
You can't have anything on you.
And then you go in.
And that's since lawmakers demanded to see it a few months ago.
For the last two years while they've been writing this, the corporate lawyers globally, for this Asia partnership, Congress can't see it.
I mean, just think about that.
And it's the same thing.
Who sits on these boards, Monsanto?
Who sits on the IMF advisory boards?
Who sits on the World Trade Organization board?
You guessed it, Monsanto representatives.
Who sits over the FDA and EPA, Monsanto?
And back when I would get Jeffrey Smith and Percy Schmeiser and others on, Monsanto was suing people that criticized them then.
With slap suits.
And they still do.
But that intimidation didn't work.
Folks that brought you Agent Orange, Dioxin, dumped in black communities.
I mean, the people that brought you Aspartame.
They bought Serl.
They couldn't get it approved.
In the 70s, they got it approved in 1981.
Now admitted to absolutely give you cancer.
You name it.
Kill monkeys in lab tests.
I mean, this isn't a joke.
Monsanto is the most devilish company I could think of.
I mean, they really are wicked.
And now, the world is waking up.
Every couple days, a new country is banning the importation.
New studies have come out linking it to cancer in humans.
The UN has come out.
I mean, humanity is awakening.
And by the way, it didn't come from the top, it was the UN scientist.
So, more and more,
Just like FDA scientists in 2000 and again a few years ago, almost unanimously, it was like 99% of them sent letters to their bosses saying hydrofluorosilicic acid is causing bone cancer, brain damage, IQ reduction.
Here's our studies.
Here's our Harvard studies.
It needs to be pulled out of the water.
It doesn't help the teeth.
You need a little bit of calcium fluoride.
This is hydrofluorosilicic acid.
If you're going to put it in there, you need to put a little bit of calcium fluoride.
This is deadly poison.
They just reduced it by half in the water and have now banned it in all pesticides.
Already banned worldwide.
We're having some devastating victories right now.
This is very exciting.
And the man spearheading so much of this, and we sell his books and his films, Jeffrey Smith is international best-selling author, award-winning filmmaker, executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology, and a leading spokesman on the health dangers of GMOs, the most recognized consumer advocate promoting healthier non-GMO choices.
And he's the author of the documentary and the book, Genetic Roulette.
He's the Executive Director of the Institute for Responsible Technology, Non-GMOShoppingGuide.com, ResponsibleTechnology.com, CaesarDeception.com.
Invite all his books and films at InfowarsStore.com and support both of our operations.
Am I overstating?
And it would mean we're overall winning the war.
We've been losing it horribly.
America's the dumping ground for everything.
We know that.
The test tube.
But if we were behind 50 points in a football game, have we just come back 37 points and we've got a quarter left and are we just
Lobbing Hail Marys and catching every one?
I mean, it doesn't mean we won, but are we not racing back to a global awakening?
I mean, are we on the cusp of a new renaissance?
Because it was dark having you on 14, 15, 16 years ago.
Having Percy Schmeiser on 16 years ago when he first launched his operation.
Now it seems like, you know, courts are coming out admitting Monsanto planted their stuff on their crops.
Monsanto, everything's reversed.
I want to talk about how they're striking back, part two of this interview, but am I accurate with you at the center of this who testifies to, you know, major political bodies worldwide, where are we right now in the global fight to not have poisoned food?
Well, we're definitely winning, Alex, and the chief victory is among consumers.
As you know, in 1999, consumer concern on GMOs caused a tipping point of consumer rejection, and it was this very specific moment in time when the food companies realized that using GMOs was going to cost them money.
That moment in time was April 27th, when Unilever said no more GMOs in its European brands.
The next day, Nestle said no more GMOs in its European brands.
The next week or two, everyone else followed.
That tipping point of consumer rejection occurred in the natural products industry in the United States in 2013, when Whole Foods announced that when a product becomes third-party verified as non-GMO, it increases sales by 15 to 30 percent.
Immediately, thousands of products were enrolled in verification.
There's over 30,000 non-GMO verified products in the United States that tipped the natural products industry.
Now we see products like Cheerios and Grape Nuts and Ben & Jerry's and Target Home Brands and soon Hershey's all declaring non-GMO on their package.
As soon as they start increasing in market share in the United States, the rest of the food industry will realize, I can't wait till my chief competitor goes non-GMO before me, or I'll start losing customers.
So we're looking for a tipping point of consumer rejection in the United States this year or at the very latest next year, and we think there'll be a clean-out of GMOs and direct ingredients over the next three years, and for animal products over the next five.
And Monsanto is caving in all over the world and pulling its push in Europe for GMOs.
I mean, I liken this to Hitler's collapse on the Eastern Front, launching a counter-offensive on the Western Front at the Battle of the Bulge.
I think that's the point we're at.
If we beat them at the Battle of the Bulge in the next couple of years, I believe we're seeing a collapse-level event of these operators.
Not only that, but we just got incredible ammunition from the World Health Organization last month that declared Monsanto's Roundup and its active ingredient glyphosate as a probable carcinogen.
Since then, 30,000 Argentine medical doctors have petitioned their government to ban it.
The federal prosecutor in Brazil has said that their government should ban it.
The president of Colombia said they're no longer going to use it to spray on the cocoa fields to eradicate that trade.
It was banned in Richmond in California and it continues to be a subject
Bermuda just banned it.
So what's happening now is all over the world, they're realizing that Monsanto actually has known about these health dangers for decades.
In fact, an EPA document became available showing that there was concerns about cancer back in the late 1980s.
Similarly, there was evidence showing birth defects back in the 1980s.
They've been covered up by Monsanto and regulators, and it turns out in Argentina, the peasants that are sprayed with this Roundup or glyphosate have much higher levels of birth defects, 400% increase region-wide, 70 times in one hospital, and an increase in cancer of 300% in one area and higher in other regions.
We also saw in China when they started introducing genetically engineered roundup ready soybeans for their soybean oil, it was reported that cancer and heart disease and other problems skyrocketed.
I was there giving a presentation in Beijing last year.
A general who was in the audience had earlier reported that he warned the government and warned the people that this new genetically modified roundup ready soybean oil was linked to all of these increased in diseases and the army
In fact, that came out in the news that the Chinese elite are obsessed with non-GMO and were found to have secret government-funded gardens.
It turns out that Bush, the past Bush administration, absolutely insisted that their kitchen be organic.
And evidently, Obama has followed through.
So, it turns out that those that know the situation don't want to risk themselves.
In fact, a former Monsanto scientist told me that three of his colleagues were doing the safety studies on their kitchen.
Stay there, stay there.
This is amazing.
I want to hear it when we come back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Ladies and gentlemen, I get so excited about voting with our dollars, voting with our euros, voting with our yens, our yuan, our rubles, our shekels.
That's why they want to get rid of cash.
It's why they want to force you into big box stores.
It's why they want to make you only shop with the big megacorporations because they have a plan for a global monopoly.
Monsanto and other big GMO companies have admitted they want to make everything GMO from trees to grass and patent it.
Now they're coming out and saying, you know, that words are going to be copyright where you supposedly can't use them in language.
They're now saying you can't work on your own car.
In fact, this morning I was talking to a lady, and she was telling me about her Keurig coffee maker.
And how her one that she had for two years broke, so she bought a new one.
And I said, yeah, I have one of those.
But I said, mine's old.
She said, well, you put the new little canister in there.
It's not one of their coffees.
It won't work.
It's got a RFID chip in it.
She was a listener, and she was telling me how she heard about that years ago, and oh, yeah.
And so you have to go in and basically put tape over it or cut the chip off so that her other, in this case she said organic coffee, we were having an organic discussion at the gym, would go in there.
So see, that's the type of monopoly they're trying to create.
And I'm kind of diverting off into another subject, but it all connects.
We were talking about Volkswagen.
You buy a Volkswagen two years later, your battery doesn't work?
You go get a third-party battery, same battery, works great.
They remotely from the factory turn it off, you have to go in and pay a $150 service charge to have them certify it as theirs.
That's where all this is going.
And with this genetically engineered food, that's where it's going.
This is a short segment, Mr. Smith.
Long segment coming up.
We're going into victories right now.
I'm glad to hear from you, the expert, that I'm not overestimating how exciting this is.
Let me shift gears and we'll go back into good news and where the rest of the fight is in the next segment.
In this short segment, as we talk to Jeffrey Smith, ResponsibleTechnology.com, probably the leading spokesperson fighting this stuff,
On the GMO, there's Mercola and others, but they cover the whole spectrum.
Let me ask you this question.
How is the Empire going to strike back?
What's going to be their battle the bulge counter-offensive?
What are they doing?
Well they're spending millions of dollars now promoting the quote benefits of GMOs through media and also trying to discredit those of us like me and Vandana Shiva and others claiming that we are anti-science and uncredible.
So they're actually cornered against the wall and in discussions with my colleagues around the world it's clear that they're doing a full court press.
I'm here in Ecuador, where the country actually has a constitutional amendment saying that no GMOs are allowed.
If you look at WikiLeaks, the United States government had a plan to undermine the Constitution here and get them to overturn it.
So they actually paid for
Bringing reporters from Ecuador to the United States so that Monsanto can train them how to report on GMOs.
And sure enough, they started giving Monsanto's false talking points in the press here in Ecuador.
Then they surrounded the president, who does have the ability to overturn the constitutional prohibition, and he came out saying that GMOs could increase yields by 400% and he's now against the constitutional provision.
It turns out GMOs actually do not increase yields at all.
In fact, many times decrease yields.
But agroecology, which was recommended by the world's experts, that increases yields, which he's ignoring.
So they're focusing on the four targeted areas, politicians, media,
The general public and farmers, and trying to use as much evidence as they can, which is false, to try and convince them that this is absolutely necessary to feed the world, to save economies, to prevent the use of agricultural chemicals, all of which has been demonstrated as false.
Sure, but the effects of it are so deadly, we're 30 years into this nightmare, that no amount of BS is ever going to paper over the prima facie reality.
Well, I'll talk about it in the next segment, about the specific diseases that we now know are probably linked to GMOs.
I'll say probably, but I'm very confident, as thousands of physicians in the United States are prescribing non-GMO diets, they are very confident that these particular diseases are linked.
And why it's so important now not to just buy non-GMO, but to buy organic, because Monsanto's Glyphosate or Roundup is sprayed on wheat, barley, lentils, sweet potatoes, potatoes, sugar cane, over a hundred different crops are now authorized to have high levels of Glyphosate residue, and it's sprayed just before harvest as a ripening agent.
Briefly describe in one minute why Glyphosate, I mean they admit it grows breast cancer, why is it so deadly?
Well, I can do it in one minute, but we should spend a little more time.
It's definitely a probable carcinogen according to the World Health Organization.
It's linked to birth defects.
It's an antibiotic that kills the beneficial gut bacteria.
It causes an overgrowth of negative gut bacteria.
It blocks the gut bacteria's ability to produce tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin and melatonin, so it could affect mood, behavior, sleep, blood sugar chemistry, as well as obesity.
It also is linked to an endocrine disruptor.
It also blocks the liver's ability to detoxify.
Oh, stay there.
I want you to recap all that when we come back.
And I'm sure it's all an accident that these eugenicists that gave us all this other bad stuff at Monsanto came up with this.
I'm sure it's all an accident.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You are obsolete, Mr. Wordsworth.
A lie!
No man is obsolete!
You have no function, Mr. Wordsworth.
You're an anachronism, like a ghost from another time.
I am nothing more than a reminder to you that you cannot destroy truth by burning pages!
You're a bug, Mr. Wordsworth, a crawling insect, an ugly, misformed little creature who has no purpose here, no meaning!
I am a human being!
Words, Mr. Wordsworth, that have no substance and no dimension, like air, like the wind!
I don't care!
I tell you, I don't care!
I'm a human being!
I exist!
And if I speak one thought aloud, that thought lives!
Even after I'm shoveled into my grave!
Delusions, Mr. Wordsworth!
Delusions that you inject into your veins to make you think you have a strength when you have no strength at all!
You have nothing but spindly limbs and a dream!
And mistake has no use for your kind!
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
And what is the state we're facing?
Well, 550 years ago, the state was corrupt religious institutions and corrupt royalty.
And we had a renaissance, and then it itself got taken over by the robber barons the last 120 years.
We now face corporate global governance that masquerades as liberal, masquerades as conservative.
It's really just oligarchical totalitarianism carried out by corporate institutions that are anti-free market, crony capitalists.
And they use socialism to control the general masses below them with a small sliver of GDP.
So it's a bifurcated upper and lower house system.
And that is not my opinion.
That is the real political system of the globalists.
I first read about it in None Dare Call a Conspiracy, published in 1972, two years before I was born.
And then I read None Dare...
After I read None Dare Call a Conspiracy by Gary Allen, whose son runs and founded Politico today, the late, great Gary Allen, I went and I read the books they recommended that they were quoting from, Tragedy and Hope, The Anglo-American Establishment, both by Carol Quigley, other books like the Technotronic Era by Zbigniew Brzezinski, and others.
And you read those and they explain everything from their perspective.
So you need to understand, this is about fighting a global monopoly.
We're going back to our guest.
I'm going to give the floor right through this long segment so you can really break down what we know Goliath Estate's doing.
He's a major target, so he puts provisos in there.
That's a whole other story here.
Because Monsanto went after farmers, researchers, scientists, persecuted people.
I've had top genetic engineers on the show that were making millions a year, who even own percentages.
I've had a bunch of them on.
Ian, new potatoes that were coming out, and new corn.
And they would say, hey, this is sterilizing the rats.
This is killing the guinea pigs.
And they'd say, shut up or you're fired.
There's been a war, a long history of persecution that I hope our guests can talk about maybe in the next segment before he leaves us and before Percy Smizer, a true hero, joins us.
Because they've gone through hell to bring us to where we're now here.
Kind of like they, I think, manipulated the vote in California and other states to not let GMO labeling happen.
But the fight educated everybody so it even blew up bigger.
See, George Washington lost almost all the first battles for the first five years of the war.
Then began to win the battles the last year and a half.
But every time they lost a battle, they still escape with enough of a force to reconstitute to wear out the juggernaut.
So it's perseverance, ladies and gentlemen, that wins.
That's why if I get destroyed, I get set up, I get, you know, brought down, believe me, I get plenty of threats, we're in the zeitgeist.
We're not touching it, we're in it.
Doesn't matter because I know the war will be won!
And it's not some heroic reason I'm doing that, it's self-preservation for the species.
I really do, I'm an individual, but when you become a real individual, you then understand the collective.
They try to bring a collective that you submit to and give up your individualism.
We as individuals gravitate to what's the core of the human spirit, the human drive, and then we collectively radiate those ideas and actions and then build a harmonistic collective.
But the collective comes out of the individual.
Not out of the collective.
And that's my own philosophy and my own ideas, but I know it's true.
And so I am the planet.
I am the people.
You are the people.
We are the species.
And we have to decide that we care about everybody.
But that doesn't mean then being told, oh, do this to show your moral.
You've got to go do research to really follow the right path to really help people.
You can't just give away your free will to the false corporate collective that it tells you is moral.
I'm ranting now.
Briefly, we're running two specials right now.
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Infowarslife.com, Infowarsstore.com, or 888-253-3139.
And thank you for your prayers and support.
And I was saying it wrong earlier.
It's responsibletechnology.org, not com, responsibletechnology.org, non-gmoshoppingguide.com, and seedsofdeception.com.
Jeffrey Smith at the tip of the spear.
So get into what it's doing to us.
Where are the rest of the fights going?
And then people need to realize those that have gone through hell to stand up and tell the truth.
And thank God it's not in vain because we can save millions of lives if we go ahead and finally discredit this deadly chemical.
Go ahead, Jeffrey Smith.
Thank you.
I'll talk about Roundup.
I also want to talk about the new apple and potato before we break with a new technology that may be far worse than anything we've seen.
Now, Roundup, or glyphosate, its active ingredient, was originally patented as a descaler to clean industrial boilers and pipes.
That's because it chelates or grabs minerals, all sorts of minerals, all the metallic minerals, zinc, chromium, magnesium, manganese, calcium, all of those.
Now, when they discarded the glyphosate on the ground, it killed the plants.
And so Monsanto patented it as an herbicide.
Now it turns out that it can deplete the minerals in the crops, and the animals in the United States eat mostly roundup ready crops, so the animals in the United States, the livestock, have a universal deficiency of certain minerals like manganese, according to the veterinarians that send in organs for evaluation.
So we're eating weak and sick mineral-deficient plants, weak and sick mineral-deficient animals, and residues of Roundup that further chelate or bind with our minerals, making them unavailable.
Mineral depletion is linked to a whole host of diseases.
Now, because it blocks certain minerals, it's also an antibiotic.
But it's selective.
It kills the beneficial gut bacteria, the lactobacillus, the bifidus, the stuff we pay for, but not the negative stuff, like botulism and salmonella and E. coli, which can cause an overgrowth of the negative gut bacteria.
This alone can create holes in the intestinal walls called permeable gut or leaky gut, and that's linked to cancer, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, autism, food allergies, inflammation, and autoimmune disease, to name a few.
Now, some of our gut bacteria is used to produce what's called aromatic amino acids, including tryptophan, which is necessary for the production of serotonin.
Serotonin is a good thing.
If we don't have enough serotonin, we may not be happy, we may be depressed, sad, etc.
It also regulates our blood sugar.
It also regulates our ability to say, I'm full, I can stop eating.
So if we have a deficiency of serotonin because Roundup is blocking the production of tryptophan, that could cause a whole effect in terms of mood behavior and health.
It also affects the melatonin, which relates to sleep.
In addition, it blocks another pathway in our liver that helps detox.
So that means all of the other poisons that we're exposed to may become amplified because the ability to detox to the liver is hampered.
It also is an endocrine disruption at very, very tiny levels, at parts per trillion, at parts of the amount of glyphosate that's currently in our water supply.
Now, it can change the balance of estrogen and testosterone.
Rats that were fed Roundup in the water supply, which was less than the amount allowed in the United States, the females had more testosterone and lower estrogen, the males had more estrogen and lower testosterone.
And it could also affect the aromatase.
And what do we see here?
We see, and it's just a fact, they admit this, butch, more butch women, bigger women, and I'm not attacking what's been done to them with the chemicals, it's just a fact, and more effeminate men.
Lower sperm counts, lower testosterone, metrosexual activity.
And again, the media always spins this like I'm bashing people for their sexual preference.
We don't even get into that, folks.
It's a fact that in mammals, but also in the runoff from fish,
You name it, that this stuff's happening.
You look at Prozac runoff, and it's causing the fish to commit suicide, literally swimming up to birds, not afraid.
It's causing risky behavior.
I mean, we are just bathed in this garbage.
I know I'm digressing off into other chemicals, but we know this is happening.
In addition to causing endocrine disruption, it also could affect the ability of the sperm to move because manganese, which is chelated by glyphosate, is needed for sperm mobility.
In fact, when they fed genetically modified soy to female rats starting two weeks before they got pregnant, more than half of their babies died within three weeks compared to 10% of controls.
For hamsters that were fed Roundup Ready Soy, which is sprayed with Roundup, by the third generation, most were sterile, some had hair growing in their mouths, and they died at four or five times the rate.
Now, birth defects are also linked to glyphosate big time, both in animals and in the human population in places like Argentina, where they spray a lot of that.
Roundup also damages the mitochondria, which means that we may get tired, and there's a lot of diseases that can link to that.
It also is, as we say, a promoter of tumors, and you saw on the screen just now some very, very large tumors of rats.
This was a study done by Seralini and others in Europe, where they fed Roundup-ready corn to rats for two years.
Now, the rats ended up dying at higher rates than earlier, they had damage to their liver, kidneys, and pituitary, and they also had multiple massive tumors.
Now, they didn't know whether it was the Roundup or the GMO that caused the problem.
So as part of the study, they fed Roundup ready corn that had not been sprayed with Roundup, and that group had multiple massive tumors, early death, and organ damage.
And to another group, they fed the Roundup without the corn, and that group also had multiple massive tumors, early death, and organ damage.
So the Roundup was worse than the GMO?
Well actually no, both.
They both contained the same outcome.
Early death, organ damage, and multiple massive tumors.
So what's worse?
It's hard to know, but we've tracked in the epidemiological trends what is related to the increase of GMOs or what's related to the increase of Roundup.
The list of diseases is astonishing.
Deaths from stroke, deaths from senile dementia, deaths from obesity, deaths from high blood pressure, deaths from intestinal disease.
And by the way, we see all that going up.
I mean, every week I hear about some 25-year-old woman or 30-year-old guy who just dies of a stroke.
It's just crazy.
And I talk to thousands of people who say when they get off of GMOs, they get better from a lot of these same diseases and disorders.
In fact, thousands of doctors are prescribing to people to stop eating GMOs.
I speak at those medical conferences, and they tell me people are getting better from these same diseases and disorders, the same ones that afflict the lab animals that are fed GMOs, and the same ones that the farmers and veterinarians tell us their livestock gets better from when they start feeding them non-GMO corn and soy.
And so, it turns out there's a correlation between what's afflicting the lab animals, what people are reporting getting better from, the livestock getting better from, pets are getting better from, and those things that are on the rise in the U.S.
Now, there was a mysterious kidney disease killing up to 25% of the labor force in Central America among farmers working in sugarcane plantations.
They spray the sugarcane with glyphosate just before ripening.
We're good to go.
Sure, what about the massive sicknesses in India associated with it?
Oh yeah, so there's all these people who touch the cotton plants either while they're harvesting or while they're cleaning it and get rashes all over their bodies.
They allow animals to graze on the cotton plants after harvest and thousands have died.
I visited one village where their buffalo, 13 of them, all of them died after eating the cotton plants after a single day.
These same buffalo had survived eight years eating natural cotton plants after harvest.
So that's a bioaccumulation?
Yeah, well bioaccumulation is interesting because Monsanto said that glyphosate is water-soluble and can just go out of the body.
But it turns out the glyphosate amount in the breast milk in humans is so high, it demonstrates that it does bioaccumulate, which means it's probably in higher levels of our milk and probably higher levels of our meat.
So it's also found in rain samples and air samples in 60 to 100 percent.
In the Midwest, where it's sprayed a lot, it's found in our water samples and it's found in our urine.
In fact, the amount has increased so much because the herbicide is now being resisted by weeds.
There was an increase in herbicides because of GMOs the first 16 years.
Sure, it's a nightmare.
And as you said, it kills the soil and won't even work after a while.
That's why the farmers then commit suicide in India.
We're going to break.
I want to come back and let you hit other key areas for this segment and one other.
And then Percy Smizer joins us at 5 after.
But let me ask you this in the next minute and a half.
If they knew about this in the 80s, and I know about those studies and their own internal concerns, why would they approve this and roll it out?
I mean, are these people directly like Hellraiser, like some type of demons?
I mean, what's their problem?
Well, we know from the FDA memos made public from a lawsuit that GMOs in general were described by FDA scientists as dangerous.
They said allergens, toxins, new diseases and nutritional problems may be created and we need to test them carefully.
But the White House had told the FDA to promote biotechnology because it was going to increase U.S.
exports and domination of world food trade.
So the FDA brought in Michael Taylor, Monsanto's former attorney, later its vice president, and then later back at the FDA as the U.S.
Food Safety Czar, to be in charge of the GMO policy.
His policy ignored the scientists' warnings, claimed that GMOs have no difference, therefore no safety studies were needed.
And now the world is rejecting our food and it's doing the opposite thing.
So it's a political influence over the scientific process almost every time.
And there's a new example of like this I'd like to bring up after the break.
We'll do that.
And then I want to hear about some of the victims of Monsanto.
Folks, you need to remember the true veterans of this war.
By the way, folks, this is so sick.
I don't know what to say at this point.
It's just, thank God people are waking up.
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They will.
Because man.
First step.
There's another line from Bob Dylan.
Sundown on the Union.
They're gonna grow corn on the moon and eat it raw.
Look at these headlines.
EU passes controversial GMO food law.
EU agrees to opt-out deal for GMO imports.
Monsanto secretly gave money to farmer caught contaminating organic farms with GMOs.
Record U.S.
farmers switching to non-GMO crops in 2015.
Hundreds of farmers block roads in protest of Monsanto GMO crops.
Thousands of Polish farmers and GMOs land rights protest.
Booming organics.
farmers forced to import organic crops to meet non-GMO demand.
That's what's in this TPP coming up, is more forced deals to accept all this.
But they won't let us label and just make our own choice.
They're totalitarian.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, I want to go back to our guest.
Jeffrey Smith, ResponsibleTechnology.org.
You can find his books, his films there.
Also, InfoWarsStore.com.
He's going to be with us for another five minutes to the next hour.
Then Percy Schmeiser joins us.
We're really focusing in on this today.
I've got some other geopolitical news I'm going to get to.
I haven't yet.
I said I would.
There's just so much of it.
It's on InfoWars.com and PrisonButter.com.
You wanted to get into one other issue before you got into the persecution that these groups, it's not just Monsanto, it's a whole combine of these organizations, but I'd say they're the biggest head on the Hydra, or I guess kind of the main head of Medusa, but there's a lot of snakes up in her hair.
Maybe that's the best analogy.
Please continue.
By the way, I'm in Ecuador today because one of your listeners heard our interview earlier on, started studying my work, and invited me to come and speak in Ecuador.
So thank you for that.
Well, thank you, brother.
I was on the Daily Show recently and they did a terrible job in their coverage of the new genetically engineered non-browning potato and apple.
I wrote a very long article on my website, ResponsibleTechnology.org, as to why this new technology may be far more dangerous than any of the other type of GMOs produced.
It uses something called double-stranded RNA.
Now the code on the RNA, little piece of RNA, matches up with the code of the DNA and silences the gene.
So it silences the gene that produces the browning for the apple and the potato.
But it turns out that if we eat the apple and potato, this double-stranded RNA code may match up with our gene code and silence or change our gene expression.
Now, as an example, they fed some double-stranded RNA to honeybees, and it was supposed to have no effect.
It was supposed to be the control group.
It turns out it changed 1,461 genes levels of expression.
That means 10% of the entire genome of the honeybees were affected when they were fed one single meal of double-stranded RNA.
RNA is what viruses are made of, and when you then bring RNA into a plant or a human that's designed like this, it's beyond a virus.
It's a turn-off or turn-on switch.
It just sounds like something that would give you cancer to me.
Well, it certainly could make changes that could possibly cause cancer, but we don't know.
Now, the USDA's own scientists said, we don't have an assessment available to protect the public and environment from this double-stranded RNA.
We need to completely revamp our risk assessment.
Two years later, without revamping the risk assessment, the USDA went ahead and approved double-stranded RNA in food.
Now, their excuse, their excuse as well as the excuse from regulators around the world is based on science that's 10 years old.
Well, think how insane this is, though.
It turns brown to let you know it's not as fresh.
This is normal.
It's like a vampire injection.
So you don't need to have any oxygen, but you still are alive.
I mean, this is just, this is insane.
I mean, there's still...
These apples can last 18 days without turning brown.
The potatoes won't turn brown at all.
They'll just dry up and disappear.
And we don't know we're eating... Stay there, stay there, sir.
We got a call.
This is insane.
It just gets worse by the second.
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I think?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Already into hour number three, the hero farmer.
The first one to really take on Monsanto in a big way and go through hell but still win.
He's going to be joining us.
He was first on this like in 1999 if memory serves.
Percy Schmeiser is going to be joining us coming up.
Final segment here with the man that heads up one of the premier organizations documenting what's happening and traveling the world.
Responsibletechnology.org, Jeffrey Smith.
We've got about four minutes left.
I'll finish up with potatoes that never turn brown, they just dry.
And then apples that take 18 days or whatever you said.
I mean, this is just crazy, and then they're changing the RNA to do this, and as everybody knows, you change one area of the genes, then it starts chain-reactioning every time.
It's just, we're just not ready to do this, bare minimum.
Go ahead.
Well, you're absolutely right, Alex.
When they looked at the honeybees with the 1,461 changes in genes, some were directly changed because of the matchup between the double-stranded RNA and the genes, and some were what were called secondary effects.
Now, we had no way of predicting any of this.
And yet, this is right in our face, in the literature, published and peer-reviewed.
Not just in insects, but a mouse that they fed double-stranded RNA from rice, it changed the expression of a gene in their liver.
So, the excuses by the regulators are so obsolete, they say, oh, RNA won't have an effect, it'll be destroyed before it gets into the bloodstream, it'll never have an effect on mammals.
All of that has been proven untrue.
Well, I've seen study after study, as you know, that DNA and RNA
From plants and GMO stuff, both leaks through and interfaces with us.
The difference is we're designed to be in harmony with all this other stuff over all these years, not all this new stuff.
Precisely, and the changes can be inheritable because of epigenetics.
Now, I have to end on good news, Alex.
I can't scare people about reprogramming their DNA and then saying goodbye, have a good day.
Let me say this.
You may be able to do that, I can't.
At ResponsibleTechnology.org, I'd like to recommend that those who would like to see us implement our master five-year plan to eliminate GMOs, we could use your donation.
We are so far now advanced along the way of creating tipping points in the United States and elsewhere.
We see that we can eliminate GMOs for our food supply within three years from animal feed within five years.
We have a very specific plan and we were looking for donations to support it.
Now the fact that we were even at this level where we could have a five-year master plan to eliminate GMOs shows that the work we've been doing for, in my case, the last 19 years has been successful.
And by the way, you're doing the kind of stuff that'll make them really come after you, so we salute you.
You are a great place for people to donate to maximize an effect for humanity.
And 40% of Americans now say they're avoiding or reducing GMOs.
Even two years ago, 75% of Americans were uncomfortable with it, mostly because of the health issue.
And now we have chains like Chipotle's and other things where they're declaring non-GMO and getting huge publicity.
So we're seeing all the early signs of a tipping point.
Now we have to make sure that moms know the truth, that chronically ill people know the truth, that pet owners know the truth about their pets, that doctors know.
So we have very targeted demographic groups, very specific powerful information, and because thousands of people say that when they avoid eating GMOs, they get better, their kids get better, we have stories to tell.
Backed by the science, we have the communication tools necessary to change people's diet.
It's really very... Is this not so exciting?
I mean you were coming on the show like in 99 and stuff and back then this was... I mean... Did this movement have 2% of the power it has now?
I mean...
Right now, we are so further along, it's unbelievable.
I speak to doctors' conferences that I spoke at seven or eight years ago, and they tell me, since I was there, they've been prescribing non-GMO diets, and people after people after people are getting better, and they describe gastrointestinal problems, rashes, allergies, asthma, weight loss.
Yeah, I mean, weed killer's not good for you.
What a revolutionary thought, but Jeffrey Smith had to say it.
Jeffrey Smith, we salute you, ResponsibleTechnology.org.
Let's talk to you very soon.
As soon as you get back from Ecuador, if you ever come through Austin, we want to get you in studio.
We'll be back with Percy Smizer, the farmer that took on Goliath.
You've probably seen plenty of pundits and late-night talk show hosts make fun of parents who are skeptical of vaccines.
And even though it takes a room full of writers to produce one grade-school-level joke that couldn't get an audience to laugh without an LED panel directing them to do so, they don't seem too keen on exploring the why some parents are concerned.
Such as vaccines maiming around 30 children in Mexico, two of whom died, and zero of the funny guys want to talk about.
Or how about the kids in Syria dead from vaccines courtesy of the World Health Organization?
But you may be thinking, well, you never hear about that kind of stuff here in America.
Well, that's because Reagan passed a law stating that you can't sue the vaccine makers.
So to all the guys who can't tell a joke without reading it off a teleprompter or having your producer whisper in your ear, stick to making your designer suits look bad and leave people's children the hell alone.
And while you're at it, check out the reports on InfoWars.com.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Words like violence break the silence.
They come crashing in into my little world.
Words like violence break the silence.
They come crashing in.
All I've ever wanted.
All I've ever needed.
Is for us to keep our mouths shut, right?
That's what Monsanto wants.
Well, we're being violently attacked by GMO.
We're being violently attacked by Glyphosate Roundup.
We're being forced to not be able to have labels that say what's in it.
We're sick of it!
And if we can bring down the globalists on their Monsanto and their McDonald's front, or force them to stop, which leopards don't change their spots, the devil doesn't put away his horns, ever.
Then the vaccine fraud is going to implode, the medical tyranny is going to implode, and on every front, we are winning the intellectual battle.
That's why they're counter-offensing right now with forced inoculations worldwide, lying about that.
That's why they're counter-launching, trying to push GMOs worldwide.
It's not working.
Now, it was back in 1999 when all this started.
And Percy Schmeiser had Monsanto coming after him.
They were claiming that even though he had the record of buying his seeds, that he needed to pay them because his crops had been contaminated.
And when they contaminate you, they then try to charge you.
Now, I've interviewed him several times over the years, but I tell you, the tables have turned muy grande, big time.
They have changed in a big way and fast.
Big, big.
We just went over that in the last hour.
And listen, this is a microcosm.
Well, it's actually huge.
This huge victory, this huge war, connects to all the other things we're fighting.
It's the same eugenicist, globalist agenda.
And we're so close.
That's why they're tripling down on everything they're doing.
And then doubling down again and doubling down again, because it's all coming out.
Yes, there's illegal NSA spying that's being used for political control and blackmail.
Yes, they've gotten rid of the borders for North American Union.
Yes, we're going under global treaties of these corporations so they can rule us.
Yes, our government's funding radical Islamists to destabilize the Middle East and take our liberties at home in the name of stopping them.
Yes, they're trying to bankrupt small farms and ranches across the world to consolidate for Big Agra.
This is a consolidation, vertical integration war.
In the big corporation's own words.
And Percy Schmeiser is again a farmer from Bruno, Saskatchewan, Canada.
I interviewed him when it was literally first in the news.
I'm proud of that fact.
He specializes in breeding and growing canola.
He creates his own amazing seed line.
They didn't like that.
That's who they target.
They've bought up the original seed line.
See, it's a monopoly.
He became an international symbol and spokesman for interdependent farmers' rights and the regulation of transgenic crops during his protracted legal battle with multinational agricultural company Monsanto.
He was the subject of the 2009 David vs. Monsanto film.
Schmeiser served as mayor of Bruno from 66 to 83 and as town councillor since 2003 and currently serves as the deputy mayor.
In 2000 he received the
How do you pronounce that?
Mahatma Gandhi Award for Working for the Good of Mankind in a Nonviolent Way.
That's a big global award, the Mahatma Gandhi Award.
I guess it's given by their family.
In 2007, Percy Schmeiser and Luis Schmeiser were named winners of the Right Livelihood Award for their courage in defending biodiversity and farmers' rights and challenging the environmental and moral bravado of current interpretations of patent laws.
And he joins us now.
And again, if you're a libertarian or right-wing listener, I'm just a patriot.
I just love humanity.
I just want freedom.
There are some issues the liberals claim to own, some Republicans claim to own, conservatives, like Second Amendment rights.
Well, listen, I just look at each issue as what resonates in my soul, my heart, and for my political research.
I'm pro-life.
I'm pro-Second Amendment.
I'm pro-private property, pro-family rights.
Pro-choice in your medical decisions, though, for what the government wants to put in you.
Like vaccines.
But real liberals, who are farmers and folks, just do the research, they tend to be more educated, and they understand how dangerous vaccines and GMOs are.
They'd use GMOs if they worked and were safer.
They're not.
And, so, we have to transcend all these labels and come together.
And that's what we see.
Upwards of 80% have now turned against GMO in this country, when just a decade ago, most people were for it, smoking the dope, that it was no big deal.
So we've hit a major tipping point.
I want to recap his story.
I want to get into what he went through.
But first off, Percy Schmeiser, I've just been ranting for five minutes.
I'm so excited.
You've been through this saga.
You've been through the ringer.
Are you glad you did it?
And is it bittersweet?
Or how fulfilling is it?
Because in my life, when I've been persecuted, gone through hell, when I go through it and I'm victorious, those are the things I value most in my life.
I mean, I look back on things that were horrible at the time, where I did the right thing, and people were attacking me, laughing at me, coming after me, but later I was proven right.
I savor it.
And I'm not an arrogant person, but I don't savor status or money or power or any of that stuff, but I do savor
The adversity, the hard road, doing it my way, doing the right thing, and winning.
You are an incredible hero.
I mean, you're like a movie star to me.
What you did, one of the first and only people to stand up when nobody else was, to go through the gauntlet, through the ninth circle, and here you are.
What is it like for you today to see global victories against this wicked institution of Monsanto?
Well, it is a very gratifying thing that has happened.
We would never have changed, or never would change, what we have done.
We would do the same thing over today if it would happen again.
No one, and that's the stand both my wife and myself took, should be able to control the future of life, and especially the life of the seed, and take your rights away.
No one should have that right.
And that's why it was happening to us, and that's why we showed up to Monsanto, because we believe in the freedoms of our people and the people of what people eat, and the rights of farmers to use their seed from year to year.
You've got the floor.
I mean, I could go anywhere with this, but where do you want to start first?
Well, there's so many issues, you know.
There's the issue of the environment, the issue of labeling, the issue of the farmer's rights patent law.
So there's so many issues and then if I look back at what we were told by especially Monsanto back in 1996 and 1997 when GMOs were first introduced in both our countries, Canada and the United States, and what has happened today, it's just amazing and it just shows
How the people were laid down by the ivory tower.
And so, again, there's so many issues that come to our eyes.
And I think there was a time when often we would say, will this ever end?
Will we be successful?
And believe me, in the last two years, it's been gratifying to see.
Now, before it was an issue of farmers, but now it's an issue of everyone.
The right for people to know what's in their food, the right for people to know and have labeling so they can have the right food for their children.
Wow, I mean it's just to see in the last month the tipping point begin and the implosion of McDonald's, Monsanto being derated down to a bad investment by major brokerage firms, to see all these hundreds of big companies saying they're going to start getting the GMO out, the Roundup,
Uh, the aspartame, the additives.
I mean, it's not just on Roundup, and it's not just Monsanto.
Across the board, I think we've hit the tipping point.
Uh, what do you think?
Very much so, because I mentioned the food that we eat and the ability to know what we eat, but the whole issue, besides the control of farmers, is the whole issue of health, which is causing a lot of problems.
And I think that's why, like you mentioned, it's not only one company, there's a number of companies involved in this whole issue.
And I believe that it has taken this long for it to come full circle.
And people now know and realize what it's all doing to them and the health issue, the environmental issue, the control, the patent issue, the control of people or farmers in what they grow and the ability of the farmers not allowed to use their seed from year to year.
To give you an example, canola in Canada right now.
You have to buy from a company.
There's really no conventional canola left.
It's all GMO.
So that just shows you to an extent.
And that was the plan.
Explain that.
I mean, they targeted the farmers first to take over the market, to monopolize, like Walmart does, coming in and getting rid of all the businesses around it, and then jacking up prices.
I mean, explain how they did this, where you can't even get... I mean, they've destroyed the original system of sharing the seeds.
Exactly, and to give you an example, it used to cost a farmer around 90 cents an acre to seed a canola crop.
To seed that same acre today, because you're forced to buy the seed, costs you close to $60 an acre.
And you have no choice.
If you want to grow canola, you have to buy genetic-altered canola.
And if you were to go to Australia or Germany somewheres and get non-GMO canola and think you're going to seed it here, you can do that, but I guarantee you by the time fall comes or harvest time comes, it's contaminated and you could be fined on top of it for growing a crop with GMOs in it.
Yeah, let's get this straight.
You buy it certified from Germany, as again, you were, I mean, I want to go back when we come back from break and recap what you were doing.
You have your good seeds.
You've got the receipts.
Uh, and then their stuff blows into your crop or they plant it there.
As we know, there's evidence of that's probably going on.
Then they have their people, usually former FBI agents or rural amount of police.
They go and pull the plant out of all the others they know is theirs.
And then they sue you saying you stole their stuff, even though they've contaminated Percy Schmeisser.
And here's another thing that the court had ruled that time.
The rate of contamination does not matter.
If it's even half of one percent...
You are liable for patent infringement, and they can take your crop, make you burn your crop, and charge you so much an acre, and they will, under the patent law... Stay there, I want you to break down and explain it, because it's not like a plant has one daddy, one mommy.
A plant can have, you know, a hundred dads or moms in there, because it's cumulative with pollen.
So if they get one little bit of their pollen on your plant in your field, and it's half a percent Monsanto, they take everything you've got.
That's because they wrote the laws, and it's unbelievable premeditated takeover.
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Percy Schmeiser, the Canadian farmer who was one of the first to be sued by Monsanto.
Percy, I think before we get into the big picture and what's happening, where this fight's going, I think you should recap for folks, this is a short segment, long segment coming up, the next five minutes, what happened to you 16 years ago, and the fight, and your victory, and then where it's all gone from there.
Because, I mean, early on, they controlled the courts, they wrote the laws, a lot of that's reversed now.
But, I mean, they really, they snuck attack agriculture, and they used North America as their
As their nesting operation before they invaded the rest of the planet.
And when I say invade, I mean they've got secret projects to infiltrate third world countries and plant and get around their laws.
I mean, they are hardcore.
Percy Schmeiser, worldwide hero against the juggernaut, the Goliath that's now on the ground.
We haven't cut his head off yet, but he's knocked out.
He's been hit in the head by one of those smooth river stones.
And I think all of us collectively have got that big sword up.
All we've got to do is have the will to drop it and deal the killer blow.
So Percy Schmeiser, tell your story.
When we come back, I want to talk about dealing the death blow.
Okay, I'm really glad you asked me to comment on this particular area.
My wife and I had a lawsuit laid against us by Monsanto in 1998, two years after the introduction of GMOs into the U.S.
and Canada, and that was on canola, soy, corn, and cotton.
But a lot of people don't know the other lawsuits that we went through.
So this was the first lawsuit.
It was a patent infringement.
Thank you.
To the first court, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.
Monsanto at the Court of Appeal laid another lawsuit against us.
I'm going to tell you this because of how they tried to stop us.
They laid another lawsuit of a million dollars against us to try and stop us financially.
So we had that lawsuit to fight also.
Now, we questioned, where do you arrive at the million dollars?
And he said $750,000 for legal and expense for Monsanto, $250,000 for disbursement cost.
So we had to fight that.
So at the end of that trial, the
Court ruled that we would not have to pay Monsanto any money until the final decision by a court would be made.
So that was bad enough.
We had to fight the million dollar one.
But what was worse than after that, they did again tried to stop us.
They laid a lien or a caveat.
They tried to seize our home, all our farmland, our bank accounts, and our farm equipment.
So now we were back in court again.
Uh, to fight.
So we had, by the time we were successful to have this case heard all the way to the Supreme Court, uh, there were three lawsuits by Monsanto against us.
And what made it really bad at one point in time towards at the last lawsuit laid against us, we ran into one of Monsanto's representatives that, uh, in fact, this was at Cape Town, South Africa, at the Agra, at the Parliament.
And coming out the door of the Assembly of the South African Parliament, one of Monsanto's reps ran into my wife and myself and he shook his fist in our face and said, no one, no one ever stands up to Monsanto.
We're going to get both of you somehow, someday, and we're going to destroy you.
So you can imagine the pressure that we have had on us at a time this went to the Supreme Court of Canada.
Stay there, Percy.
We're going to give you the floor in a long 18-minute segment coming up.
Sounds like the Borg!
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Submit to Cybertron.
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Hand yourselves over to GMO.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alarming video footage shows a U.S.
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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
If corporations can take over the genetic code of humans and the planet and every life form on it, and be allowed to contaminate whatever they want, that's total domination.
But see, we're designed to fight foreign armies or invading clans.
We're not designed to fight corporate suits with lawyers and new systems.
But we're learning how to fight.
We're not just adapting to learn to be slaves.
We are adapting to overcome the tyrants and having victory on every front.
Things have gotten very dark.
Things have gotten dangerous.
The enemy is having many victories.
Those are in areas we haven't ramped up our resistance yet.
It's fun to resist tyranny.
It's good to do this.
Anthony Gucciardi, who does a lot of our health and medical news here, he heads up National Society, of course, one of the largest news sites out there dealing with the alternative medicine and anti-GMO movements, and also StoryLeague.com.
He writes for InfoWars.com and lives here in Austin.
Percy Schmeiser is our guest, and I'm going to give him the floor for about 5-10 minutes before Anthony has some questions and some news on Monsanto.
So we're getting into how they were persecuting, what they were doing to you, Percy Schmeiser.
They were going to destroy you.
This is back in the late 90s.
They were going after farmers everywhere, saying, look, we're going to take plants out of your yard without a warrant, no matter if it was the U.S.
or Canada.
If we find 1% or half a percent of our genetics in yours that we contaminated in the pollen blowing in the wind miles,
We're going to go to court.
We're going to say you've stolen our patent.
It'd be like patenting arsenic or, or, or, oh, let's use something that, you know, some of the gold purifiers will do, cyanide.
And then it runs out into a lake and kills a bunch of animals or people's fish or people's kids.
And then they sue you and they sue your dead kid because their poison got into them.
Well, they can't patent that.
They can't patent cyanide.
But they're basically saying they can patent their GMO, and then when they contaminate you, that's the case.
So Percy Schmeiser, break down how this worked, and then the saga and what you went through finally being victorious.
That's correct.
Then, about two years, the Supreme Court ruled that Montana's patent on a gene is valid.
But my wife and I did not have the Supreme Court rule
...rule that we did not have to pay Monsanto any money from all the three lawsuits, but we had to pay our own legal expense, because they said we did not profit by the fact of being contaminated by Monsanto.
So in other words, what the court has ruled is that a patent law by a corporation is over and above farmers' rights.
Now, we thought it was all over at that time with Monsanto, and this was by that time, 2004.
But because we were seed developers, especially in canola, my wife decided that we would never want to go through what we did again.
We decided to not grow canola anymore and we would start doing research on yellow mustard, table mustard.
And we were preparing some land for that, about 50 acres, and in the fall time before the year that we were going to seed it, we noticed that there was, again, canola growing in it, and there was no canola had been planted in that land.
So we knew it was blown in by seed by farmers hauling to the market, to the crushing factory or facilities and so on.
So we did testing and here we found out that it was Montana's canola.
And in the end, we took Monsanto to court for contaminating our land on it, and we were successful.
Monsanto had to pay for the contamination cleanup.
Now, the amount that we received for the cleanup was not that much, but the fact was that Monsanto laid a precedent
For future farmers, if they are contaminated by Monsanto, there's an avenue, a new legal method that they can take Monsanto to court and be victorious.
Because, as I said, a precedent was set.
So that was a major, major victory.
And you can imagine why Monsanto, even today, still tries to come after us and to do or run us down or ruin our reputation by whatever means they can.
But anyway, we feel
That it's been a great victory in the end for farmers, right?
That if they lose their ability to be organic, which they surely will happen, they can take Montana to court.
But the only thing that's wrong with this is that you have to have a lot of money to be able to stand up to a big corporation in court.
They have millions of dollars to spend.
To give you an example, my court case to stand up for what we believed in cost us a half a million dollars, my wife and I, and we had a lot of help.
The mental attitude, you can imagine what that puts on you.
Well, you had the will, and you were a seed developer on your own, you knew it was all a fraud, and you struck back and became an international hero, and people came and aided you.
And we don't even need a minority, just a tiny minority to say no, and that will change history, and you're one of those key people in that.
Please continue with other points you'd like to make about your battle with Monsanto, where it went.
And then some of the things they've been up to today, and then your take on just the sea change we see happening globally, but now finally here in the US, their command base, where the whole world seems to be turning against them.
I mean, I know why that is.
You go to the fanciest restaurants when I've been out in Hollywood or whatever, or in New York or wherever, when I've been invited out by different people that have invited me there, and no one will eat anything that's GMO.
No one will eat anything that isn't organic.
It's on record that George W. Bush and the Clintons and all of them only eat organic.
That's what they have on their aircraft.
It's what's in Air Force One.
The Chinese elites, the European elites, they won't take the vaccines.
The Prime Minister of Australia is in the news saying, my kids don't take vaccines, but you've got to.
I mean, you can't make this up.
So how can they force something on us when they avoid it like the plague, Percy Smizer?
Okay, what has happened is this.
What we said would happen back in the late 90s is that more chemical use and so on.
And what has happened now, we've developed superweeds that are resistant to this chemical.
And now they have what we call out new superchemicals to try and kill this new superweed because of the introduction of GMOs.
And there is another thing too, like what has happened, a lot of people don't know,
That in the harvest time, a lot of times farmers now will spray Roundup or the herbicide Roundup to kill their crops so it ripens more even, especially if they have rolly land.
And now you have that residue in the dough or the milk of that seed, so it's not only the chemicals that are sprayed on the land before seeding to kill the weeds, now you have it to kill the crop so they can harvest it sooner or ripen sooner if you have
You don't have total flat land.
So now you can imagine the residue that we have in our food.
And that's why there's such a demand for people to know what's in our food, the labeling, so they don't have to eat this.
Not to mention the water table.
I was seeing a number just the other day that 97% of U.S.
water is contaminated with Roundup.
Exactly, and it's the soil, the air, the environment that has really taken a beating from the massive increased use of chemicals.
Now, the chemicals that they use, one of the chemicals they use in the culmination
Of genetic altered chemicals is, I'm trying to think the name of, Agent Orange.
And we all know what Agent Orange did to the people in Vietnam.
That's in some of the chemicals that are being used today in both our countries.
Well, you got the top lobbyist, Patrick Moore, one of the top ones from Monsanto, who ran around for years saying, I'll drink a glass of it.
Well, finally he got called, I guess it was last year, by a reporter.
In Canada.
Okay, go ahead and drink it.
And here is the video of what ensued.
Pesticide lobbyist refuses to drink.
What he's out there pushing.
In fact, we'll put the headline back on screen.
Pesticide lobbyist refuses to drink.
Lobbyist Center proclaiming it's safe to drink.
Again, that's up on InfoWars.com.
That was actually in March of this year.
Time's flying.
Let's go ahead and play that clip.
I do not believe that glyphosate in Argentina is causing increases in cancer.
You can drink a whole quart of it and it won't hurt you.
You want to drink some?
We have some here.
I'd be happy to, actually.
Not really, but I know it wouldn't hurt me.
If you say so.
I have some glyphosate.
No, no, I'm not stupid.
Ah, okay, so you... So it's dangerous, right?
No, people try to commit suicide rather than fail fairly regularly.
Tell the truth.
It's dangerous.
It's not dangerous to humans.
No, it's not.
So are you ready to drink one glass?
No, I'm not an idiot.
Interview me about golden rice.
That's what I'm talking about.
Okay, then it's finished.
Then the interview is finished.
That's a good way to solve things.
You're a complete jerk.
I mean, these guys are a piece of work, man.
All these years, no one would call him on the conga game.
I'll drink this!
Go ahead, drink it!
Oh, are you kidding?
I'm not an idiot!
Percy, what do you think of that clip?
Have you seen that?
No, I haven't seen it, but I'll tell you what happened.
Just quickly, in Australia, I was at a meeting, giving a presentation, and after the presentation, one of the people got up to ask questions about the contamination of
I think so.
When they have to maybe try, and somebody asks them to drink it or spray an insecticide in your mouth, they won't do it.
Well that's the thing, an insecticide, an herbicide, I'm no rocket scientist.
I'm not a chemist, or an epidemiologist, or a toxicologist, but I've had them all on talking about how bad it is.
But weed killer that's killing rats that eat it, it doesn't sound like a good idea for me to ingest that.
I mean, call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, I'm sure they will, but... Drink?
Weed killer?
I mean, come on!
Anthony Gucciardi's here.
Do you have any questions for this hero, Percy Schmeiser?
Well, you know what's interesting, Percy?
All three of us on this program have something very interesting in common.
We've all been attacked by Monsanto-backed groups, but when I was researching you, and I know about your story, but I was just pulling up some articles today that I was interested in, I noticed...
That Monsanto had spent a lot of money taking over your search results.
And in fact, they actually have this piece now.
It must be pretty new.
Looks like it's fairly new to me.
It's called Myth.
Monsanto sues farmers when GMOs or GM seed is accidentally in their fields.
And they actually name you.
Here's what they say.
They say it's a total myth.
It says fact.
I sent this to the producers as well.
Perception that Monsanto would sue a farmer was accidentally, if GM seed was accidentally in his field, likely began with Percy Schmeiser, who was brought to court in Canada by Monsanto for illegally saving Roundup Ready canola seed.
Mr. Schmeiser claims to this day the presence of Monsanto's technology in his fields was accidental, even though three separate court decisions concluded his claims were false.
And of course they say this quote-unquote fact because the systems are so rigged up that you are a bad person and you illegally sold their seed.
So they can actually say it's a myth, but they've never sued anyone for that.
Yet, of course, every single news organization admits
Yes, it always goes on.
This is from Salon.
The Supreme Court won't stop Monsanto from suing farmers.
A lawsuit would have protected farmers if their fields became inadvertently contaminated with patented seeds.
It's in the news every single day.
But then once again... They were suing Indian farmers.
On Monsanto's article.
Monsanto sues farmers.
You know, did you hear?
It's a myth.
It's a myth.
The sun came up this morning, Anthony.
It's also a myth that Canada, Australia, and I believe it was Japan two days ago issued an international warning over GMO contamination saying that we cannot stop it, primarily also because if we get contaminated and we say something about it, you know, farmers, independent farmers, Monsanto will sue you.
So you can't stop GMO contamination.
Percy, what do you make of this new Monsanto Connected article saying that they've never sued a farmer for trace contamination?
Well, you know, I'd like them to talk to the lawyer that defended me.
How many cases he's had where Monsanto has taken people to court.
Now, sir, are you saying Monsanto lies because they told everybody Agent Orange didn't hurt humans either?
I mean, they don't lie.
These are good people.
Even though at their own facilities in the U.S.
and Canada, on record, the CBC reported, they will not have any non-GMO scientists in the cafeteria.
But still, it's fine though, right, Percy?
Well, I'll give you an example of what they did here.
My case was going on.
They went to a number of farmers and offered $20,000.
If they would say something negative about me, and it would be not in cash but in chemicals, they would give them a chemical to use worth $20,000.
They said it didn't exactly have to be exact, but as long as you say something to try and ruin my reputation or degrade me.
Or they would take farmer's fish on a fishing trip.
No, they're nice.
That's why they dumped dioxin in black neighborhoods and covered it up.
They're good people.
That's why they had to pay 90 million dollars to the town of Nitro for killing all of them.
They're good people.
And, headline, Monsanto sues farmers for 16 years straight over GMOs never loses once.
Since 1997, Monsanto has filed 145 lawsuits, on average about 9 lawsuits every year for 16 straight years, according to farmers who have improperly used their patented seeds, like you, Percy.
Biotech giant hasn't lost a single case, and by the way, it's way more than 145, this is just on this one issue.
This includes when farmers tried to sue Monsanto over cross-pollination of their GMO crops with GMO seeds.
Yeah, but Monsanto, they said they didn't ever do that.
No, they say they don't.
Oh no, they said!
Marco Rubio said there's no NSA spying on anybody in America.
Which means there's not.
He said it!
And the military's not training for domestic operations either, Anthony.
Monsanto sues no one.
Absolutely no one.
In fact, they don't even exist.
It doesn't exist.
It's a conspiracy theory that there's even GMO crops.
It's not on all these 20 articles that I have right here.
Sorry, sir, go ahead.
In fact, Percy Smizer doesn't exist.
Sorry, sir, I was imagining things.
Go ahead, sorry.
If you go to the Center of Food Safety in Washington, they documented 100 cases where Monsanto had taken farmers to court, and the average settlement was $150,000 for each farmer.
But notice they change the subject and go, no, we didn't, just to have a debate about that.
See that psych warfare tactic?
Hersey, why do you think there's such ball-faced liars?
Well, I think that there's no morals,
The issue is just the bottom line and everything has to give for that bottom line.
There's a lot of, I often say there's a lot of good companies out there but there's a lot of companies that are not so good and they'll do anything to, it doesn't matter how it hurts people with their health, their food issue, the environment, how much you destroy the environment, destroy biodiversity, destroy
Indigenous seeds, heirloom seeds, that doesn't matter to them as long as it's the bottom line.
Stay there!
One more segment with Percy Spicer, because you're a seed expert.
It's on record they're buying up all these companies and harassing people.
They're trying to take over all the seeds globally.
I want to talk about that with Percy Spicer when we return in the final segment.
I'll do five minutes overdrive with Anthony Gucciardi to get into some other subjects.
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Come and take it!
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to show this article in a moment.
Monsanto, Alex Jones here back live, has been downgraded by one of the major financial institutions as a risky investment.
They've also lost $156 million in fiscal fourth quarter.
It's like McDonald's is in trouble.
And look, it's our rights not to buy their crap.
They want to take our life over?
How about we take you over?
You want to go heads up, play chicken?
We're ready to smash into a thousand pieces.
Full power!
Just ram the accelerator down.
Balls in the walls.
We're done.
We'll see when we bang heads who wins, scum.
The point is, report National Guard, police gearing up for potential Cleveland race riots.
Outside agitators from Soros already pouring into city in anticipation of
Michael Brillo verdict.
We'll have more on that on the Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock.
It's the top story on InfoWars.com.
Percy Schmeiser, in closing comments, anything else you'd like to add?
We salute you.
We appreciate you.
You're a testament to doing the right thing, being steadfast, and going through the furnace to come out stronger on the other side.
Their move against global seed stores to try to buy up any heirloom original seeds, it's been simply amazing.
Percy Schmeiser.
Yes, there's been many areas where the total control of the seed issue or seed plants and seeds have been trying to be taken over by a corporation.
Now, I'll give you a quick example on this.
They've been trying to bring in, in North America and even Asia, the Terminator gene, where all the seeds
I don't know.
It's not really even a life form that can't reproduce.
They say one of the signs of life is reproduction.
It's like a... It's an abomination is what it is.
It is.
And to me, any company that tries to bring that out, how far do you go with it?
A seed plant?
What about a human being?
That the future of life would be totally controlled by a corporation.
A lot of people don't realize how far this is going to try and control the whole issue of the future of life.
Whether it's a seed, an animal, a human being, it doesn't matter.
Full spectrum dominance.
Percy Schmeiser, we salute you.
And there's so many films and books written about what you've done.
But I remember you were cheerful when I first interviewed you before.
This was even a huge issue.
We were interviewing you right away.
I saw it on some of the natural health sites, you know, where I'm going to have a 99 or 98, whatever it was.
And I just remember you were like, hey, I'm going through this.
I'm going to fight them.
It's the right thing.
And here you are all these years later, an example to young people and folks everywhere.
So thank you so much, sir.
Well, thank you very much, and like my wife and I said, we're going to fight this to the end, and we're going to go down fighting for the rights of people and the farmers to always be able to control and use their own seed from year to year.
No one should take the future of life away from anyone, including corporations like Monsanto.
Well done, my friend.
Again, we salute you.
Well done.
God bless you.
Thank you very much for the chance to bring this message to people around the world.
Thank you, sir.
There he goes, Percy Schmeiser from Bruno, Saskatchewan, Canada.
I like how at the end of the Blade Runner movie, he says, you've done a man's job.
That's what it comes down to.
The guy's been fighting them like 17 years, and now he's absolutely crushed them.
And then the floodgates started opening.
No one had beaten them, and then just the floodgates opened.
It's just amazing, but even though he'd have been destroyed by them, now we're having victory, it'd be like the Alamo, he'd even be greater.
People don't even understand that.
It's not that we want to be destroyed in this fight, it's just that we offer ourselves up to it, and that's when, as Martin Luther King, quoting in other states, when I forget who, said, justice, the universe bends towards justice.
Providence, what George Washington talked about, and I know this, whatever it is, whatever you think it is, I want to be lined up with that.
I want to be lined up with the Providence.
I'm telling you, that's the big stuff upstairs, and I love it.
All right, but you got to be open.
It's free will.
We'll be back in 70 seconds with Overdrive.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It's the best of times, worst of times.
Channel 2 Series.
I can't quote Tell Two Cities without quoting the whole thing.
Will you guys pull up the opening passage?
So I can actually read it.
Anthony Guttiardi, you had some other news you didn't get to.
We're in overdrive.
Get to it.
I don't know.
Monsanto loses $156 million in fiscal fourth quarter.
That's been happening every month.
That's why they're trying to buy up biotech giant Syngenta, which is even more concerning.
They make genetically modified animals.
Well, I was going to do that next with Percy, but I never did.
Going back at least 10 years, you see articles where somebody goes to get gene therapy, but they gave a blood ampule when they were born.
And the companies have bought that from the government.
They go, sorry, we own your genes now.
$200,000 for a breast cancer treatment.
But it should cost you $500.
And they're going, no, we own your jeans.
And the Supreme Court ruled they don't?
But they're still doing it!
They're still doing it.
And Monsanto sees big picture, because I think when you see a company losing money like this, hundreds of millions of dollars, they're actually gearing up to the next level stuff.
So they're actually gearing up now in a fight or flight stage to buy up Syngenta so they can start making genetically modified cattle, genetically modified chickens.
Which by the way, they're already doing in China.
They've had for at least 15 years part human cows that produce human milk, that grow baby, well, actually, humanoids.
For organ harvesting.
Even goats that eat GMO soy, we found, have weird milk.
They don't even know what's wrong with it.
They just said it's disturbingly different.
That's what they said.
Well, it's just sloughing viruses.
No, exactly.
You're just eating the augmentations in the milk, in the food, everything.
And when they actually modify the animals, it's going to get even worse.
I tell you, it's like space aliens have hijacked the planet and are actually doing this on purpose.
I mean, this is so evil, man.
Well, you know, the weirdest part about it is that people still support this.
Yeah, why are you being racist against GMO?
Yeah, why are you being racist against GMO?
They go out, though, and they buy.
They don't understand they're buying their macaroni and cheese that's full of GMOs.
They need to learn how to identify these things only by non-GMO.
But then Michelle makes it all about fat being bad, not trans fat being bad.
Or they say salt's bad when scientists say we have too little.
Like, they want to ban calories when it's not calories, it's what the calories are.
As she has a non-GMO organic garden in the White House, where she only eats from.
It's all distractionary techniques, just like the Michelle Obama lunch program, which obviously is beyond Supermax food.
It is the most garbage thing in the whole world.
It's worse than Supermax, I looked it up.
Yeah, it is.
Prisoners actually, I think they did a poll, they did a question, prisoners wouldn't eat it.
But I've seen, I was looking at it last night for this show, I never got to today, they have photos of the Supermax food versus this, it's night and day.
I mean, they feed the Al-Qaeda people at Gitmo lavish meals compared to this.
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Alarming video footage shows a U.S.
Marines training drill which, in plain English, was about subduing, arresting, and