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Name: 20150513_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 13, 2015
3613 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various conspiracy theories and current events including Jade Helm military exercise, government's attempt to confiscate guns, secretive nature of trade agreements, mainstream media deception, colloidal silver health benefits, SWAT officers threatening with guns in Watertown, globalist plan playbook, MyPatriotSupply food supply offer, Supernatural Silver product, BlockItPocket protection against wireless technology, KDArmor body armor package, and InfoWars. France has launched a criminal inquiry into alleged sex abuse of children by French U.N. soldiers. Jones warns about the potential dangers of Jade Helm military exercise and emphasizes the importance of being prepared with the right filtration system for emergencies like water scarcity. He also talks about suspended disbelief, a concept where individuals are willing to ignore their critical thinking abilities in order to enjoy movies or TV shows without any logic or realism, which has been used by propagandists like Joseph Goebbels and Edward Bernays to manipulate the masses into believing complex lies by making them simple and easily digestible. The hosts also discussed a variety of topics including Fox News, Jon Stewart's show, and challenged other media personalities to a boxing match as a way to prove their courage in the face of criticism.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's already Wednesday, the 13th day of May 2015.
We don't have any guests today, but we have a ton of vital special reports that we're going to be premiering here on the radio slash TV transmission.
We're going to be taking your phone calls.
We're going to be going over just the progression of globalist operations.
Where they're making major strides against free humanity and basic liberty and security.
Where we're holding them back and where we're having victories.
But it is a full-on war continually.
And I've got to go through all this news today because there is just so much happening.
I've been so busy I didn't air the ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC clips of the last two or three days attacking this radio host, this Infowars.com operation with their deception.
But I will air some of those, like the Fox is the Five, and then compare that to what's really going on.
They're freaked out that Ted Cruz and Congressman Gohmert and Governor Abbott and Chuck Norris and so many other people are concerned about military operations in the U.S.
And it's because in the last six, seven years as the military publicly began training to take on veterans, gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, Christians,
Folks didn't believe me at first, but they went and read the documents at army.mil and at the Army War College.
And they saw training in their cities and towns.
And they see the movies and TV and entertainment branding the next war as domestic against the Patriots.
This is the final mop-up operation.
They just want to set all this up and not have a debate about it.
So they want to just keep saying it doesn't exist, like NSA spying or open borders or the rest of it.
They want to play that game so we never have a debate about, hey, do we want preparations for martial law?
And why are they being made?
They then change the subject in line and say that we say martial law is imminent.
When in truth, under the executive orders that are already in place, we're under martial law.
They just haven't implemented all of it.
But the heat's on.
Now, I could kick myself because
I already knew all this and I just get up here on air and we write articles and do films and show you news articles where they admit they're trying to take on the Tea Party and veterans and things like that.
But I didn't get into reports that we wrote about.
In fact, guys, if you just take these terms of the crew in there, I forgot to tell you this, type them into the NSA search engine Google.
And then at Infowars.com, out to the end, you'll find articles that we wrote in 2012 when this was said at a major Pentagon conference, that much of which was televised on C-SPAN.
And they said, CONUS will be dominated, we will master the human domain, we've played some of these clips, domestically, and we're going to roll out troops on the streets as part of Brigade Homeland,
And when we're done we're going to have rotated jobs out of the last batch of military recruits that have now served three to five years.
We will have 400 plus thousand domestic troops on the streets of America.
That was in the news in 2012 and I was reading an article at InfoWars.com today by Daniel Taylor
And it was quoting these generals and then linking to where they said it.
Document Jade Helm Commander plans to operationalize the CONUS base.
Now that's today.
The guys just googled what I said.
You found an article that we wrote a couple years ago.
Let's pull it up.
Good job finding it that fast.
Document, well that's another article.
We had one before that.
Army manual outlines plan to kill rioters, demonstrators in America.
Yeah, that's 2012.
Thank you.
Print that for me.
Because now one of our auxiliary riders has dug up the same thing.
It's kind of a nightmare where I keep rediscovering stuff I've forgotten.
Now, this is all important because it's all public army documents how they're going to mow us down and kill us.
But when you go past that, we now have new video from two days ago where the military is trying to confiscate guns.
Daimler Trucks has obtained a permit from the Nevada DMV to operate the first licensed autonomous truck on public roads near Las Vegas.
Over 200 journalists from around the world came to the event as the governor emphasized safety, saying, Well, not so fast.
As part of their legal requirements, Google just notified the public
Well, maybe Google wasn't at fault.
But I wouldn't be a passenger in a car with a driver who had had three accidents in eight months.
And while they tell us their cars were not at fault, California DMV said it's not able to release details of the accidents.
You know, kind of like the secret trade agreements that are being negotiated.
We're not allowed to see the details.
And all the while, they'll be touting how their cars, programmed by people, are always safer than cars driven by people.
For Infowars.com, I'm David Knight.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
People are assaulting us.
Targeting of patriots engaged.
They are never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
Block free iPhone ads at InfoWars.com.
Block free podcast and video feed.
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You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it.
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In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
I order all those assembled to immediately disperse.
It's a military mission in North St.
Heavily armored vehicles are rolling into town.
And don't be alarmed if you see those over the next seven days rolling through your neighborhood.
If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, do not be alarmed.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
If you've got a business, you didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
Blackhawk choppers soaring through the night sky, but this is only a drill.
Heavily armed officers in Watertown search for the suspect, house to house.
It's a joint military training exercise involving local police, also military.
In your apartment!
I am in my apartment, sir.
Go back inside right now!
I am inside.
I have two words for you.
Predator Globes.
You will never see it coming.
The dramatic scene played out in front of our cameras.
Parents grabbing their children and running after spending the night hunkering in their houses and then finding themselves face-to-face with the muzzle of a SWAT officer's rifle.
They let them in the area, they told them they could come in, and now they're coming in like they're trespassers, punching and shoving people.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not backing down!
If you want them, come and take them!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
This is the heart of 1776!
America is being captured right now.
The Republic is on its knees, its borders have been dissolved.
We have been signed on to half of the global 2.2 quadrillion fraudulent debt.
The debt we actually owe is over a hundred trillion dollars that we've been maneuvered into.
Every day I get up for about two hours and look at Infowars.com news alone.
And I go over to Drudge, and I go over to CNBC, and I go to the London Guardian.
I mean, I go to a lot of publications, but it's just Twilight Zone.
I was thinking today
There are headlines about free speech to be banned in England.
If you even criticize gays or Muslims, you'll just be arrested.
They're actually trying to pass a law, what we always warned of.
And then articles about forced inoculations going on all over the Western world, even though there's not a law in place.
And just the most bizarre, tyrannical things you can imagine unfolding.
It makes your head spin.
And announcements by the Democrats that they want to regulate the Internet and free speech, as we warned you they would do.
And the Republican leadership being part of it.
But then at the same time, there's a lot of good news that I see every day.
And the reason the power structure is coming down with both feet right now, worldwide, the reason the establishment is on a warpath, is an attempt to keep us all on the reservation, on the plantation, because they know there's a slave revolt happening.
These Western governments, on average, have less than 10% approval ratings.
Congress has an 8%.
So they are illegitimate.
And if you look at the tyrannical moves with executive power grabs and foreign corporate boards being given governmental power and selective business enforcement to shut down the establishment's competition in every sector, from communications to energy, from textiles to transportation,
It's on.
There is a orgy of consolidation.
There are over, what is it, a thousand billionaires now, and they're making new ones every week or so, because the select elite, nine times out of ten, are the new billionaires who are given the inside contracts, given the inside new technologies that are developed, given the only access to markets,
Given the access to IMF, World Bank, Ex-Im, International Bank of Settlements money, and given the unlimited QE worldwide, not just our currency being devalued, but a five-year race to devalue currencies, with the elites getting free trillions to buy up every water district, every mining district, every infrastructure,
Every bridge, every school.
It's not privatization, it's private groups that have hijacked the government, giving themselves government power, and then saying everything they do is secret and you can't see it.
And then of course we're going to have paramilitarized police and cameras and NSA spying.
Of course we're going to have armored vehicles on the streets.
Because we're going into law of the jungle here.
Because when you create consolidated combines, it kills productivity.
And guess what?
They have built that into their philosophy, that it's good to have us poor, good to have us with nothing.
Africans can't have air conditioning, or cars, or a nice house, Obama says, while having the biggest carbon footprint in the world.
And it's the same thing for the West.
And they sell feudalism, and serfdom, and squalor, and bondage, and not having society progress as progressive.
Everything with them is an inversion of what the word means.
The Patriot Act is the opposite of being a patriot.
The New Freedom Initiative to force drug half of America's school children, that was the goal, is the opposite of New Freedom.
It's the inverse.
The good news is, every day I see very exciting things.
Another major nation has just banned glyphosate.
I'm seeing a major country ban glyphosate every two to three days now.
We'll get to that.
Every day, major companies, many of them Fortune 500, say no more GMO, no more artificial flavors, chemicals.
No more bovine growth hormone.
It is beautiful what's happening.
So the truth is there is a cresting
Awakening happening.
But they know if it crests again, the next wave is going to be so big, it's going to be a renaissance that is taking us to the stars.
But then this tiny elite doesn't get to control human development and they crave control.
They'd rather stifle and stunt human society so that it's their little twisted bonsai instead of a giant forest.
That's what's really happening right now is they're battling to hold back progress.
They're battling to dumb down our species.
They're battling to make us infight.
This morning I was at the gym and there was three TVs in front of me.
And one of them was Fox News, the other was CBS, and the other was MSNBC.
And I was watching wounded warrior ads on one channel with arms and legs blown off.
And on the other, I was watching CBS for like 30 minutes on the elliptical.
I was just watching the subtitles.
And it was all about, three stories in a row, how men are hurting women in Hollywood and when women can't get the jobs or be behind the lens and be directors.
On and on and on.
And it was all just teaching us how to fight with each other and to see problems as the other gender.
Divide and conquer.
And I was watching MSNBC and it was all how whites are suppressing blacks and suppressing trans trainees or whatever.
Just in-fight, in-fight, in-fight, in-fight while we're being conquered by AI supercomputers, the globalist control, that are now rigging the entire global economy and setting up systems where it's impossible to survive or live, unless you're inside the system.
And then inside the system, you'll have to have forced inoculations and all the rest of it if you're going to be part of the new welfare program.
I mean we're watching the end of humanity as we know it.
The good news is there's been a giant uproar on why can't the public see the TPP?
Why can only select senators see it?
And the pieces we've seen that have been leaked come after the Second Amendment, come after our jobs, force us to eat GMO, don't let you label the food, ends internet freedom.
I mean, the little pieces we've got, it's totally totalitarian.
Which totalitarian, that's a double underline, because totalitarian means total tyranny.
But it is total totalitarianism.
Good news.
I just gotta go to RT to hear news like this.
Senate votes against fast-tracking TPP.
Failure to reach threshold puts the future of the trade agreement in jeopardy.
It's not a trade agreement.
The EU started as a trade agreement.
The North American Union started as a trade agreement.
It's the trilateral, three-part plan.
Senator Goldwater exposed it.
He had full access to the secret committee hearings.
He wrote a book on it.
And we're watching the whole plan right now.
We have the entire playbook.
And when they're going to play the plays.
You know, it's one thing if you've stolen the other team's playbook.
You don't know which one they're going to play at what time.
We even know when they're going to play in what order.
Now when we come back, the biggest Jade Helm news yet.
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Come and take it!
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
You can run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later, gotta cut you down.
Sooner or later, gotta cut you down.
Go tell that long-tongued liar.
Go and tell that midnight rider.
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the backbiter.
Tell him that God's gonna cut him down.
Tell him that God's gonna cut him down.
You tyrant's will, he defeated.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
So, the world is watching.
Newspapers from Russia to Japan, South Africa, the UK, Europe, Mexico, Chile, the United States, upwards of 200 to 500 a day, saying there is no plan for military domestic operations, it does not exist,
And misrepresenting everything we say and do.
But they're freaking out because constitutionalist Republican leadership, the main enemy of the globalists from all the high-powered Republican and Democratic meetings that leak in the news, they are afraid of a Tea Party takeover of the Republican Party.
And the Republican and Democratic donors are combining forces, the National Chamber of Commerce with the Democrats,
To break America's back once and for all.
Just like the Republican leadership is working with the Democrats to force through TPP and saying it's normal, you're not allowed to read it.
So a secret board with a Communist Chinese government heading it is going to make more rules than Congress.
Sit down and shut up.
But it doesn't fly.
The dog doesn't hunt.
People understand now.
That outside of law, Texas in seven years has had half our power plants turned off.
Do you understand how much that hurt our state?
Everybody I know, even rich people, are hurt by the expensive electricity.
We used to have cheap electricity here.
In fact, I looked it up online because I've been paying online for about ten years for power.
I had a bigger house seven years ago.
I mean, much bigger.
And my power bill was $300 less than it is now in a much larger house.
And everyone I know says their power bill has doubled.
They shut down the four city-owned, high-quality, clean power plants.
And I know I rant on this, and people say, why is he so obsessed?
In war, you turn off the enemy's power!
We're having our power turned off!
You know, like in 2001 Space Odyssey, where he's turning off the power to each cell of the computer?
I'm afraid, Dave.
I'm afraid.
They're turning America off.
I'm watching them turn it off.
In front of me.
And then they take all the power and all the money and all the energy and give it to themselves!
And just mass this evil against us!
And launch wars against Russia!
And turn Al-Qaeda loose in the Middle East!
And then they're shutting down our energy sources!
I'm gonna cover the military news when I come back.
It is so over-the-top that I can't even get into it.
I don't know how to explain it.
The most over-the-top sensational stuff, I don't feel worthy to even cover.
And I talked about this at the start of the show.
6.30 this morning.
I get up, I go in, I'm looking at Infowars.com, and I go, I know Paul Watson, he publishes at about 6.30.
He hasn't published yet, I bet he publishes in one minute.
I go over, make coffee, walk back over two minutes later, hit refresh, boom!
There's the article.
And I read the article, and I already know everything in the article, but it makes me sick that I'm so right.
And it makes me sick that these traders and media know they're lying about us as the country is prepared to be completely taken down.
And then I read another article about 30 minutes later that goes up, and I get really upset.
And do you know why I got upset?
I knew every word in the article.
In fact, when you guys print me the article, I ask you to pull up, if you Google that term,
The headline is Army Trains to Kill Demonstrators.
And it goes back to the Army document 2012 and mentions NORTHCOM and domestic control of everything we do and surveilling everyone.
Army manual outlines plan to kill rioters, demonstrators in America.
But in that it mentions the document
That's, that's, that's in the new article today.
Document Jade Helm Commander Plans to Operationalize the CONUS Base for the Contiguous US, Continental US.
And it's all right here that, yes, Jade Helm is run and is a domestic takeover plan.
That's why they're freaking out so much.
And there's more when we come back.
Gun confiscation drills with the police.
They're preparing.
And people say, well, I'll start a civil war.
That's the plan.
That's the plan.
France has finally launched a criminal inquiry into alleged sex abuse of children by French U.N.
French authorities were notified nine months ago by a U.N.
whistleblower, Anders Compass, of the rape and sodomy of at least ten starving and homeless boys, some as young as nine, over a period of seven months in the Central African Republic.
Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was far more upset about the leak of the information than he was about the crime, calling it a serious breach of protocol.
And he took immediate action against the whistleblower, not against the U.N.
sexual predators.
This is far from an isolated incidence of U.N.
troops preying on civilians they were sent to protect and having the U.N.
cover up their crimes.
Identical atrocities committed by U.N.
soldiers in Haiti surfaced just three months ago and it's happened in virtually every country U.N.
peacekeepers occupy.
Yet neither soldiers nor the U.N.
have ever been held accountable.
This is David Knight reporting for InfoWars.com
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson Alright, I'm gonna try to focus myself and as best I can give you a presentation
On exactly what's going on with Jade Helm.
And before I do that, I'm going to be very honest with you.
I say I don't let enemy propaganda get to me.
But when I'm right, I'm right.
And I just need to engage in leadership and not even sit here and defend what we're saying.
But just lay it out.
More and more, I need to come in here on the big TV screens behind me, if you're a TV viewer, and just like a professor, walk through with exhibits exactly what's happening.
And just not even address the propagandists.
Because they just want us to address them and change the subject about making this a debate.
It is nauseating.
How many thousands of white papers and books and statements and C-SPAN hearings and Defense Department briefings that are online at the Defense Department's websites.
So much of this stuff that I can't even consciously remember 5% of it.
And then I'll be doing research on what's currently happening and then just go back over the same research we've had for years and I'm like,
Wow, I forgot they had the admission of the civilian inmate labor camp program and how they're going to break up our families and processes with social security numbers and put us into forced work brigades.
I mean, that's on army.mil.
Or how they admit domestic total CONUS domination to take out empowered individuals who are politically motivated and leading others.
It describes shutting down peaceful citizen activity, taking over the states.
And that's just in one army document for CONUS under the meeting titled, Mastering the Human Domain, 2012.
And I was mentioning this last week.
We did special reports with David Knight and others on it on Monday.
And then our listeners and other writers went and dug in and went, yeah, the commander of Jade Helm had press briefings
And in the manuals is the preparation to take on the American people.
That article, Master the Human Domain, the Domestic Plan for Jade Helm, Pentagon Goal of Information Domination Hidden in Plain Sight.
It's taken over the local newspapers, the local towns.
I mean, it is designed for full nationwide occupation that'll make the reconstruction in the South look
Like a primitive operation compared to this.
Now obviously it was a primitive operation.
It was in the late 1860s, 1870s.
And yes, I'll get into the whole commuter train situation and the rest of it.
They're saying it might be terrorism, another commuter train was hit by a projectile before it's crashed.
Let me tell you, nine times out of ten, in fact more than that, probably 95% of the time, when you hear about passenger derailments or regular trains that are carrying freight crashing, they haven't updated in about 50, 60 years the rail beds in this country.
You used to, when my dad was a child and his mother was getting her master's degree in Houston, my grandmother, they would get on the train in Teague, Texas.
They'd drop her off in the morning and it would bullet train at over about 105 miles an hour.
This is like in 1955, my dad's about five years old, to Houston.
On that very same stretch of line,
It was a small, particular, union-owned railroad.
I know, because my grandfather's grandfather ran it.
The point was, is that my dad worked for the railroad.
That's why I know about railroad stuff.
You can't make freight go over 45 miles an hour on that very railroad today.
105 miles an hour was the safe speed in 1955.
Now you can't go half that, basically.
That's why the trains are flying off the tracks.
They are pieces of junk.
When you're on New York subways and they're flying around and it's jumping up and down, it's rotting.
But nothing compared to the general rail lines.
So, what else is there to know?
The railroads are basically the worst in the world.
We have Mexican trains get up to 75 miles an hour.
And they've got bad railroads.
Six dead, hundreds injured after Amtrak train derails in Philadelphia.
Yeah, I won't get near an Amtrak, and I'll tell you why.
Horrible government service, checkpoints, they'll steal the money out of your bag claiming it's drug money, even $500.
That's in the news today.
And you don't get anywhere because you're going 45, 50 miles an hour, and they'll speed up to 60, 70.
Man, it is a death trap.
A death trap.
There it is, DEA takes $16,000 from a train passenger because it can.
Any crash, any cash is inherently suspicious and can be deemed guilty, close quote, by the seizing agency with no corroborating evidence, no hearing, no judge, no nothing.
I mean this country is so far gone it'll make your head spin.
But let me just settle down and stop right there.
And we'll get into the latest developments because we have these new
I mean, again, we're overwhelmed here.
We have hundreds of news articles saying the military's main enemy is the gun owners and the Tea Party and the veterans.
Veterans first, and Christians.
But veterans are first, number one enemy.
I mean, that tells you the government's been taken over by enemies right there.
I mean, case closed.
You've got hundreds of articles saying, isn't it great that the military's trying to take on the evil Tea Party, because they're probably going to blow stuff up.
When the Tea Party's done nothing wrong, but the Justice Department's saying, oh no, to every police department, they're getting ready to kill you.
Can anybody say frame up getting ready?
I mean, two plus two does equal four?
But then you go look at the commander.
See, we start pointing out, hey, look, this Jade Helm logo is part of a larger operation mastering the human domain.
That's an overall program that's 10 years old.
Accelerated the last three years for total domestic domination of the U.S.
and the world and total control of all information and then paramilitary forces lined up to back that up.
And then we go, hey, let's look at the commander.
Oh, he's the one tasked with domestic takeovers and the one talking about shooting demonstrators.
And there's a new report, we've got the video, InfoWars.com, it's on DrugsReport.com, special forces trained with cops for house-to-house raids.
South Carolina residents warned they may encounter military drills, and they're told by the local news, oh don't worry, it's for overseas.
Yeah, with the local police practicing busting down the doors.
No it's not.
There's been a secret program for at least 20 years, it's in my film Road to Tyranny,
The documents, the photos, the Marine Corps officer.
I'll just say it was not non-commissioned.
It's above that.
His face blacked out.
The only reason he called me, because he lives here in Austin.
He owns a computer company now.
He was driving and there was an army checkpoint on I-35 searching cars.
And they wanted to search his car.
And he heard me talking about it and heard the news saying it didn't exist, so he brought me in and he was showing me nothing classified, but photos of him at Space Command doing guard and running some guards and all the things he did and how they would raid gun shops in police uniforms, basically.
And then we got documents from the FBI on video.
I mean, it's in my film, Police Take to the Takeover.
Where there's an army checkpoint on 35 and a car pulls up, an FBI agent gets out, hands Mike Hanson a document and says, now get out of here.
You've been given what you asked for.
And Mike had already been there two hours so he said okay.
And then Mike gets in his car and it's classified.
It says restricted, but we later learned it was classified.
And it's like the districts in Texas and how the Army serves warrants secretly and how they also do helicopter surveillance and ground penetrating radar.
I mean, it's in the film.
The documents are on InfoWars.com.
So this has been going on.
But the point is, it's exponentially going up.
But we have footage of an FBI agent getting out of a car.
Walking over, as the army flips out on us, and after the police start threatening to arrest Mike, Mike says, I'm not going, I want to know who's in charge.
The FBI shows up, one guy gets out of his LTD, and hands Mike a secret document.
I mean, my life is a twilight zone, folks.
Mike doesn't want to come on the show.
He doesn't want to be in public life anymore, and I just talked to him the other day, and his mom's been sick and stuff, but, and he's very successful in business,
But he just doesn't want to come on the show.
I've got to make Mike Hanson come on the show.
He was my cameraman and went on all these trips.
He's seen everything.
Of course, we have the footage he shot too, but that'd be a great interview to get.
He's seen everything.
He went into Bohemian Grove with me.
He saw the Special Forces guy try to set the fire in Florida.
He saw the dirty tricks.
He was there when the four guys, five of them total, the four attacked me outside the TV station.
He came out right at the end of it as they were helping themselves into the blue Astrovan.
I'm not saying I'm the toughest guy around, but I mean, four guys start pounding you, you get pretty mean.
But that's when you either curl up in a ball and give up or you open a big can of Tyrannosaurus Rex and start really, really hurting some people.
And I can't help it.
I'm a primitive animal at that certain level.
I actually relish the fact that I tore one guy's nose off and stomped another guy's head in and just savaged them viciously.
But the point is, is that we need to understand this is really going on, ladies and gentlemen.
I get really upset about this stuff.
We're going to get to this footage coming up in a moment.
I'm going to give you a whole presentation.
I'm going to skip this network break.
That's the last of the day.
I've got to stop.
Before I go any further,
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All of this fused together, all I know is, I feel like I'm 18.
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It's just my body, wow, has the fuel it needs.
What an original thought.
I mean, my Dodge car, or my Ford truck,
They didn't have gasoline or oil, they wouldn't run very long.
So it kind of comes down to that.
Now we're going to skip this network break.
We're going to break down, right now, the biggest news yet on the Jane Helm front.
Now again, recapping.
We have 200 to 500 mainstream news articles at national TV stations every day.
International as well, saying there is no militarization of police, there is no police state, there is no military plan for domestic operations in America, even though the Army War College, NORTHCOM, SOUTHCOM, CENTCOM, all have missions domestically, all admit they're training to take on the public during insurrection or during demonstrations or during rioting, while the Justice Department tries to stir up the rioting as the pretext to incrementally roll this out.
We're not saying martial law is coming this summer.
We're saying that this is part of an incremental conditioning.
And in a national poll, voters say that they're worried about military exercises leading to federal control of states.
45% in a national poll.
At least 45% are somewhat awake.
It's beyond that, ladies and gentlemen.
Al Sharpton says they want to federalize the police using these Justice Department George Soros stirred up events.
So they're providing the pretext as well for the rollout so the public will ask for it.
Then the media makes it about the troops and says we hate the troops.
That's not what's happening.
The military on record
...has been training for gun confiscation, domestic operations, under the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, under Homeland Security.
You've seen it in Katrina.
You've seen it in other areas.
We've seen drills all over the country.
We've shown the video.
Of them, the police ask, why did you get armored vehicles in Indiana or in Washington State?
And they say, four veterans, four gun owners, four constitutionalists.
And then we have the FBI and Justice Department training manuals for the police departments that are reissued every year and sometimes every month in bulletins, so we have thousands of them.
And they're all basically the same thing.
Gun owners, veterans, Christians are bad.
They're coming.
We've got to get them.
They're about to stage terror attacks when Christians and gun owners aren't doing anything.
So when the attacks come, you better believe the prime suspects are those that stand to gain from this who want to demonize us.
It's a clear, clear, clear setup.
Now I want to get to this piece first.
Here's the new huge Jade Helm news.
We're going to get to it.
The commander of Jade Helm runs the domestic homeland security operation to suppress the American people during unrest.
That is in an Army document linked at InfoWars.com to the Army, document Jade Helm commander plans to operationalize the CONUS base.
Going to read you the quotes.
That's today, InfoWars.com.
Now here's the new one from InfoWars.com and Gary Franchi has compiled at the Next News Network.
He has compiled special forces trained with cops for house-to-house raids.
South Carolina residents warn they may encounter military vehicles.
This is what they said Jade Helm is, working with local police.
Well, we know from Iowa and Arcadia, stuff that happened four years ago, and others, it was for gun confiscation.
They admit it in the newspaper.
We're going to practice raiding a local gun shop and then confiscating guns door-to-door in the town of 600.
Roughly about 300 homes.
It was in the newspaper.
We read out of the newspaper.
Then they came out and said, no it's not true, Alex Jones made that up.
This is what's going on.
So let's go ahead and play this report out of Richland County, South Carolina.
This is not the SAGE operations and others that they've had in the past.
This is the preparation to condition the public for snatch and grab teams
To augment the police and the nationwide rollout of what was quietly being prepared in 2005, 2006, 2007, which was previously rolled out under Clinton, but then suspended.
So I'm not partisan, but under Democrats, the domestic arm of this grows.
Let's go ahead and go to this special report.
It's on Infowars.com.
Here it is.
Breaking news out of South Carolina in what appears to be the second such drill.
Special forces have been deployed domestically alongside local sheriffs to train for midnight raids in Richland County.
The footage you're seeing right now is a third special forces group out of Fort Bragg conducting a nighttime raid during an exercise.
This is the special forces unit deployed.
Sheriff Leon Lott stated that, quote, Richland County is an ideal location for training that cannot be replicated at Fort Bragg.
Coordinating with the Special Forces will be the county's Special Response Team, or SWAT, to provide, quote, simulated scenarios for the military.
What's more chilling than coordinated domestic raid training is that official reports state that live ordnance and gunfire will be employed.
To top it off, the media has been restricted from any kind of embedded reporting to provide transparency for the drills.
Target's on the objective!
Now you can add this drill to the long list of domestic training exercises that have occurred so far this year.
FEMA Camp Roundup drills in Florida, Martial Law training in California, Marines prepping for riot control in Virginia, and of course the mother of all drills, Jade Helm.
This is another glaring example of the militarization of local police nationwide who have received nearly half a billion dollars in military equipment from the Department of Defense.
So this begs the question, who is training who?
When local sheriffs receive military equipment and then the special forces train alongside SWAT, the lines are blurred.
The color of authority is transferred to the local police as they become a militarized force.
Local law enforcement can't violate posse comitatus.
But they can use the same equipment and tactics as the military, making them one and the same.
Just a different jurisdiction, thus skirting the law and violating the Constitution.
The next question is, who is the intended target?
Well, I'll leave that up to you in the comment section below.
I'll give you a hint.
You train where you deploy.
For the Next News Network, I'm Gary Franchi.
And when you read into all the documents, and I'm going to get to one right now, they say it's for America.
And understand, it's exponential, and it all comes from the RAND Corporation, and we have it on screen.
Can we go back to the very top of it?
The PDF, the RAND Corporation, and then scroll to the title of the document, please.
This is the National
Police Stabilization Force.
There it is.
A stability police force for the United States.
Justification and options for creating U.S.
I first saw this in 1998 being pushed by the Austin American Statesman.
So I went to the document itself at the UT Law Library.
It's updated yearly.
And it said they'll have the local police under NORTHCOM.
This is before they even set up NORTHCOM officially.
That's the continental U.S.
And that they would then have the local police under NORTHCOM fully integrated into the U.S.
I mean, this is everything George Washington warned us about.
And they think you're stupid on Fox News and CNN.
They get up there on the 5.
I never played this yesterday.
We're going to play it in the next hour.
Why are they listening to Alex Jones?
Why does Senator Cruz listen to a kook?
What is wrong with Chuck Norris?
What is wrong with Governor Abbott?
I mean, this is crazy.
Why do they hate our troops?
We don't hate the troops.
Hitler deployed the military in Germany.
I mean, the military wasn't bad then, but they were under the control of a bad guy.
And they're ramping it up.
While they start announcing there's no free speech, they're going to take over the internet.
While they start banning free speech in Europe.
I mean, there's tyranny worldwide here.
The article is on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Right now you can see the video.
We detail it all and add a bunch of other backup videos to it.
And of course, Joe Biggs just talked to some of his Fort Bragg sources.
There's actually a footnote in the article they were calling and saying, you know this is the second year they've done this.
And there's always this idea that, well, we've done this before so it's okay.
See, well, we've always had armored vehicles on the streets.
Well, we've always had NSA spying.
Well, we've always had open borders.
Now the next thing you want to read, document Jade Helm, commander, plans to operationalize the CONUS base.
Military seeking to gain full spectrum picture of everyday lives of their adversaries.
And they go on in the document with the quotes to say, and the same document talks about taking on demonstrators and killing them.
Special Ops Command seeks to operationalize the homeland, informationally aware smartphone, enable urban populations and their satisfaction or lack of satisfaction with local, regional, and even global conditions.
See, it's sociology.
It's anthropology.
I'm reading from the document.
And that's what it is.
General Cleveland, who runs Jade Helm, penned a strategy document in September 2014 titled, ARSOF Operating Concept 2022.
Let me go back to this other document from 2012.
In the multipolar world, non-state actors with access to internet and other communications will be able to interface and influence each other around the globe.
The significant difference will be greater ability of non-state actors to defend themselves and to influence or attack other populations.
Let me find the part about the CONUS base and motivated individuals.
General Cleveland penned the strategy.
The strategy outlined in the document seeks to
Establish a worldwide network of military influence to gather intelligence on key populations and non-state actors of empowered individuals.
Then they go on the document to talk about domestic groups who are empowered, and then that term ends up in Southern Property Law Center documents.
Shea, I mean, this is for America.
And it gets into working with local police, again, to understand the populations.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, if you just joined us,
We're breaking down the latest developments on the Jade Helm Front.
I just aired a breakdown showing pieces of local newscast that Gary Franchi put together, did an excellent job on, investigative journalist, founder of the Lone Lantern Society, document Jade Helm Commander plans to operationalize the CONUS base
And they admit that Army Manual outlines plans to kill rioters, demonstrators in America, but first they'll have the psyop media stir people up to go out and do it, so there's an excuse to bring the military on the streets.
How do we stop this?
Special forces train with cops for house-to-house raids.
South Carolina residents warn they may encounter military vehicles.
So basically Jade Helms is just one part of larger operations.
If you go to DrugsReport.com on the
Right hand side, he's got the story.
Right above it, a major newspaper calls for making cash illegal.
That way they can track everything you do and turn your smart card off and you can't buy or sell.
Then they have police mop up any of the farmers markets or anything else.
They're moving to make barter illegal.
We're moving into an area, folks, where we've... See, because voting with your dollars is power.
And if you keep voting against GMOs and voting against tyranny with your dollars and supporting independent media, it's over for them.
So they're moving in with the Cashless Society control grid, the smart grid, very, very, very fast right now.
So that's all coming up.
I want to specifically hear from first-time callers about what is your take on all this?
What is your take on my breakdown and analysis?
This is undoubtedly for domestic operations.
Why is it ramping up exponentially?
And how do we stop it?
If we know that most of the military is awake to what's happening, they're upset to the fact they have a domestic operation.
They know it's dual use.
They know the non-commissioned officers in UP have been told, no, it's for domestic.
They ask, why are we fighting role players wearing John Deere hats in every scenario we've seen, and screaming, I have rights, I'm an American.
The National Guard's asking, the regular army's asking, the Marines are asking.
So now they're having this big peer pressure deal where they say, none of this is for domestic, you're a kook if you say it, and people in the military.
Are being told, shut up, it's not for America, when they admit it's for America.
So it's the PSYOP, PSYOP.
I think in 1984, they call it Crime Stop.
Where you know something's one way, it's like you're reporting on your dad for something, the big brother.
Your dad's disappeared.
But then they tell you, you never reported on your dad, you have to actually believe you didn't do it, and even though you know you did do it, you then convince yourself you didn't.
I mean, it's basically mental illness.
They're teaching people how to be mentally ill.
I mean, they're still saying there's no NSA spying.
They're still saying, when all the documents are public, it's admitted, it's all come out, they're saying, we don't listen to any of you illegally.
In fact, we don't listen to any of you.
Because they define it as metadata, the entire recordings, everything you said.
Metadata would be who you called, the phone record.
I mean, they record 80 plus percent on the last thing that was leaked, they admit it was accurate.
80 plus percent is being totally saved.
Email, faxes, phone calls, and they're building new giant centers everywhere, all over the country, to get over 100%.
You say, what do you mean, over 100?
They're going to grab everybody else's data and record it.
See, it's the compression.
Remember 10 years ago, you couldn't keep more than 20 songs on a, or 30, 40 songs on a iPod?
That didn't keep thousands?
So I want to hear from you.
How do we stop this?
Or am I wrong?
Do you disagree with me?
I'd love to hear from you.
First time callers.
We'll give new callers a chance to be involved on air.
And we've got so much other news as well.
New ISIS attacks.
You name it, it's all coming up.
We don't know yet the cause of the train derailment that currently has six dead and over 200 injured.
Was it a failed infrastructure?
A result of Washington kleptocrats who make themselves rich while the country goes off the rails?
Or was it a deliberate act of sabotage?
Just as many people will wonder what happens when the U.S.
crashes, the aftermath will be just as bad as this train crash.
Except, there won't be any outside help coming.
This horrific train crash is a metaphor for the trends that are about to derail and crash our economy and nation.
We just saw a train robbery by Drug Enforcement Agency thugs taking $16,000 in cash from a man for no other reason than that they could get away with it.
Our legal infrastructure and our economic infrastructure are broken down.
Like two rails of a train track, these foundations of our country are crumbling.
And it's not benign neglect, but the deliberate sabotage of our nation and our economy.
This is David Knight reporting for InfoWars.com.
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Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
If there's a water emergency, will you be prepared?
Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, there's now newscast where special forces are training with local police basically for house raids, snatch and grabs, gun confiscations in South Carolina.
We now learn that Jade Helm Commander is actually over a plan for a domestic takeover.
That's all on InfoWars.com with the videos and the documents.
But don't worry, George Bush told us nine years ago there was no illegal NSA spying, period, inside the U.S.
And now Senator Marco Rubio, the darling of the Republican neocons and rhinos, has come out and said there is no spying.
Just period.
It's just not happening.
And the NSA has come out and said they need more domestic surveillance.
In fact, a GOP senator has come out and said domestic surveillance needs to be ramped up.
80% of your phone calls and everything else is recorded.
On record.
Totally illegal.
Clapper said there was just none of this happening.
And his lawyer came out and said, well, when he said that, he didn't know about the program.
He just headed up the National Security Agency.
Of course, everybody knows that that's as big a lie as Bill Clinton saying he didn't have sex with that woman.
It's all games.
And our story is linked on DrudgeReport.com.
Special forces trained with cops for house-to-house raids.
And then they admit under NORTHCOM that is their new mission.
But here is the Senator.
This is worse than Obi-Wan Kenobi saying these aren't the droids you're looking for.
Move along.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Move along.
Move along.
But you know, we laugh at that.
We're not, the listeners of this show, and other people, a large percentage, but not a majority, are not in a total, just a sense of disbelief, dreamland.
I mean, whenever I, this is the formula, and Marvel Comics admits it, where they'll put out the first Thor, and it's silly, it's for kids, but it's entertaining, and
Well done.
And then every subsequent one is just basically a video game on the screen with CG.
I mean, they use video game programs.
They used to do a fight scene with video game characters.
They even have the lines on their arms and legs, you know, from the computer game.
Because the public accepts it.
And then each one gets dumber.
No one saw the new Avengers.
My two children laughed at it the whole time.
It was just over-the-top bad acting, over-the-top stupid.
The first, Captain America.
The second one, Winter Soldier.
Pretty well done.
Good acting.
I mean, really, first-rate movies.
I talked to folks in Hollywood, they said the next one coming out is going to be just like the others, just totally screwed up and over-the-top stupid.
And they're doing that on purpose to basically dumb down the public.
You give people dumb art, it makes them dumb.
But see, what does that have to do with the takeover?
It's suspended disbelief.
The public, after just a few minutes, they found this in major studies.
You can look them up.
Once you've gotten acclimated to going to suspended disbelief, for those who don't know what suspended disbelief is, or what happens to your brainwaves under it, do you like kids making noise or running around when you're watching your favorite TV show?
You want to put them to bed.
And then you want to get in there, it's like 9 o'clock at night, close the door, close the windows, you don't hear the planes flying over or whatever, or cars honking, and you get in bed and you turn your favorite TV show on.
You get some popcorn.
I mean, even I sometimes watch movies or TV.
And that's what you do.
That's because you want to get into suspended disbelief.
But I've got to watch something like The Godfather that's like so good it's like reality.
Or I've got to watch Full Metal Jacket.
I've got to see something by a master director and master actors that can bring me into it.
Suspended disbelief is a willingness to suspend one's critical faculties and believe the unbelievable sacrifice of realism and logic for the sake of enjoyment.
And Joseph Goebbels, I've read his writings, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, he said to the Nazi High Command and the Propaganda Division, this Gruppe Fuhrer, Gruppe Fuhrer, Gruppe Fuhrer, you can read these writings, just search Joseph Goebbels writings on propaganda, like Scribd, and you can read hundreds of pages of it, and you go, oh my gosh, that's what they're doing now.
And his contemporary in the U.S.
was the nephew of Sigmund Freud, who wrote the book Propaganda, Edward Bernays.
And they had a plan when they took the U.S.
over, they wanted to kill Bernays, because they were... They also wanted to kill H.G.
Wells, because they were contemporary propagandists with a global government plan, and Goebbels hated them.
But that's a side issue.
They were competing propagandists, all three of them.
And he says, don't make the propaganda fancy or complex, because that makes the mind think complex, and it hits synapses that will then identify it as bull.
Don't make it a puzzle.
Make it real stupid, real dumbed down, and real loud.
And then people will buy into it.
That's the old, the bigger the lie, the more they'll believe it.
Because it's just so over the top, it's the whopper.
It's like, if you're gonna steal, steal big.
Steal a billion, they make you a senator.
Steal a hundred dollars, they put you in the pen.
So they're all over the news, still saying there is no NSA spying on you.
It's all metadata.
No, metadata is phone records.
Billy called Jenny.
Jenny called Carol.
Carol called Wilbur.
I mean, it's been declassified that for 20 years, at least, the DEA runs the domestic NSA system and is flagging people that look like they're buying more stuff than they're actually making money to the IRS.
Without warrants.
People they think are dealing drugs from the phone call records.
Then they go make up a fake case to go before a judge.
The judge knows it's all fake.
It's called parallel construction.
I mean, they go and perjure themselves in every major case.
They've had heads-up computer displays for at least six years at the threat fusion centers, where where you are in live time, they hit one button and there you are.
They hit another button, the phone turns on, even if it's off, doesn't look like it's on, and sends them the audio back.
Or the video.
Do you understand?
I knew about this 20 years ago and people didn't believe me.
Now it's old hat.
And the DEA doesn't care if you're in a car or a train and you're a well-known local arborist.
This case happened in Houston a few years ago.
The guy won his lawsuit.
Most people just roll over.
He was flying down from, what was it, North Carolina to Houston.
He'd pull up the case and every year for over a decade he would bring cash because he got a discount.
They weren't hiding it, it was after-tax money.
Then the other person was paying the stupid taxes.
No one even alleged any of that to buy the trees he was getting out of Texas that would then be shipped.
But he came and picked the trees he wanted, hand-selected, and they were loaded with 19-wheelers.
Well, they just took his, I think it was $85,000, and he said, no, I'm going to buy trees.
And they said, sorry, we're taking it.
You see, this is where we live.
Oh, but we're not going into martial law.
But don't worry.
The Senator says there is no spying.
Get used to it.
Just shut up.
There is no Jade Helm.
There are no open borders.
Even though the Border Patrol comes out and says we complete the smuggling process, we load them on planes and cars and give them money and send them to Democratic Party facilities to be given voting cards, ID cards, within one month.
Total criminal felonies, organized crime, racketeering, takeover.
Oh, but there's no threat!
The Army just admits their main enemies, the gun owners.
But see, they don't want to debate about this, because we forced a debate on TPP, the Senate just voted it down.
Senate votes against fast-tracking TPP.
Huge victory, doesn't mean we won the war, we just won this battle.
We got the moral high ground.
What the globalists are doing is so over the top, it's ridiculous.
But then the senator, presidential candidate, comes out and says, the sky's not blue.
Here it is.
The perception has been created, including by political figures that serve in this chamber, that the United States government is listening to your phone calls or going through your bills as a matter of course.
That is absolutely categorically false.
The next time that any politician, senator, congressman, talking head, whatever it may be, stands up and says that the US government is listening to your phone calls or going through your phone records, they're lying.
It just is not true.
Except for some very isolated instances in the hundreds of individuals for whom there is reasonable suspicion that they could have links to terrorism.
And then he provides no proof.
That man is an enemy of this country.
He is a bald-faced liar.
He makes me want to throw up.
We're gonna go to break.
Come back and go to your phone calls and then I'm gonna get to a bunch of other video clips of military training to invade your house with the police.
I cannot believe the lies.
I mean...
I was told by a law enforcement person 15, 16 years ago about how they have these heads-up displays, how they can track everything in live time, and it's like a cult of lying.
They get them in there, and then they go, okay, you're in the cult now, don't tell the public.
And then people leave the cult and tell us, and we have everything, and the documents, and even how to run all this stuff, and they just say, doesn't exist.
And Rubio gets up there with his
I mean, Ancestry.com, it's come out, shares your DNA with the police.
When you go to any major hotel or rent car, it runs through the police database.
I mean, this is all admitted!
I had a high-level Time Warner engineer.
At my office 18 years ago, opening up a Scientific Atlantic cable box to show me the camera and the microphone.
The microphone at that time.
Two years later, the hidden camera.
It was before video games interacted.
It was all wired in.
People in Australia found cameras in the damn boxes.
I mean, Samsung admits they watch and listen to you now with the smart TV in the terms of service.
I mean... But don't worry, Marco Rubio said, get in people's faces.
See, they want to get the ignorant mass of people
In our face saying we're liars.
We'll go to your phone calls when we come back.
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It seems like yesterday, but it was long ago that we were a free republic.
Now we descend into technocratic tyranny.
Deadlines and commitments.
What to leave in.
What to leave out.
First time I met Willie Nelson.
People told me, you know, Willie Nelson's here at your showing of Endgame.
Back when I would go show films when they came out at theaters, give speeches.
And I went, yeah, right, Willie Nelson.
And then at the end, I'm signing DVDs and all of a sudden he just comes around the counter, shoves his hand to mine and I looked at him and I said,
And I said, deadlines and commitments, what to leave in, what to leave out, and then I talked about so many miles a minute in the air, and I got the quote right under pressure, don't remember it now, and he looked at me and he says, give me your phone number.
I gave him my phone number, and like six months later, I gave him my producer's phone number,
Producing isn't like in movies where the producer owns the movie.
In radio, the producer sets up the guests and stuff.
And back then, it was Trey Kincaid working for us.
And he works over at 590 right now.
And he comes here to Brady and goes, Willie Nelson's on the phone and wants to talk to you.
I'm not sure if it was Willie Nelson, but it's just an interesting story.
I'm not bragging about that, but it's fortune favors the bold.
And I've had so many blessings fighting tyranny, getting involved, being out there.
It's just been amazing, and I wouldn't do it any other way.
And you know, I want to go fly remote control airplanes with my son.
I want to go skeet shooting.
I want to go fishing.
I want to go to Colorado.
I don't get to do most of those things because I... I can't.
I'll be out skeet shooting half of the time of my life and I just...
At the back of my mind I go, I gotta go fight the New World Order, I gotta go fight the New World Order.
But I wouldn't have to live like that in this desperate death battle if more people out there, wonderful, smart people, very race, color, and creed, realized you're leaders too.
And the journey of a thousand miles, as the Chinese rightfully say, starts with a single step.
Cleaning the garage starts with moving the first thing out.
Getting your life together.
Stopping drinking, or getting in shape, or whatever it is.
Getting your grades up, whatever the case is, reforming the police, it all starts by first taking action.
And then on the journey, you'll learn it's really the destination.
But the things I've seen, the people I've gotten to know, I could never, even if I was a billionaire, or the CEO of a major company, or a movie star,
I could never have gotten the respect I've gotten.
And I don't even want that.
It's bizarre.
I feel humbled.
To have, you know, to find out right before he died that Kurt Vonnegut was a listener and then to get a chance to talk to him and have him send me a hand-painted painting I have.
To get the talk on the phone to the former, he was on the show before he died, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Moore, about the Globalist Takeover Plan for America.
To know that General Boykin, the former head of Special Forces, is a listener.
Or that Chuck Norris is a daily listener.
Or that a third of Congress listens every day.
I mean, do people understand how dangerous this broadcast is?
And I sit here, I'm not bragging.
I want you to realize how important you are as listeners.
You're the foot soldiers.
I sit here blazed in light.
Spotlights on me.
And the only reason I'm still alive is the good Lord above, and the fact that they don't want to make me a martyr, and in blazing everything I've said, and of all these points,
Not the most important, because Providence of God's most important, then the establishment understanding that destroying me will be too obvious, so they just want to kill my name, which is kill your name.
We're all in this together.
Is that there are people in the government that know what's going on and don't like what's happening, and are in there quietly trying to blow the whistle, and so the criminals are afraid because they don't know who's who, and that's why they really have the NSA, is to watch the rest of the government, and that's come out.
I mean, it's come out that the NSA spies and the CIA spies on the Senate listens to their phones, tracks everything they do, blackmails them.
It's come out MI6 blackmails Parliament.
That's the government!
You wonder why the elected government won't do its job and just lets the bureaucracy do whatever it wants.
The bureaucracy run by special interest and headed up by special interest has hijacked the country and is blackmailing.
We're going to come back and go to your calls, get into the five report I never got to, get into ISIS claims responsibility for Karachi bus attack, why is China taking control of physical gold pricing, HSBC warns the world economy facing a titanic problem, we're going to get into Jeb Bush's lower poll ratings than Hillary, it's all coming up.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You've probably seen plenty of pundits and late-night talk show hosts make fun of parents who are skeptical of vaccines.
And even though it takes a room full of writers to produce one grade school-level joke that couldn't get an audience to laugh without an LED panel directing them to do so, they don't seem too keen on exploring the why some parents are concerned.
Such as vaccines maiming around 30 children in Mexico, two of whom died, and zero of the funny guys we want to talk about.
Or how about the kids in Syria dead from vaccines courtesy of the World Health Organization?
But you may be thinking, well, you never hear about that kind of stuff here in America.
Well, that's because Reagan passed a law stating that you can't sue the vaccine makers.
So to all the guys who can't tell a joke without reading it off a teleprompter or having your producer whisper in your ear, stick to making your designer suits look bad and leave people's children the hell alone.
And while you're at it, check out the reports on InfoWars.com.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Something so smooth, so soothing,
About that grating voice.
It's real simple.
I am not a slave.
I am not a minion of the Globalist.
And I know where they're taking us leads to absolute squalor.
So, out of my way!
That's what this Bible talks about.
Get out of my way, Satan.
Get behind me.
That's what the system does.
It gets in your way.
It makes you submit to it.
It makes you pay it tribute.
We're going to be going to your phone calls here, and then there's just so much news that I'll start going to after I take a round of calls or two.
I saw this yesterday, but it's back in the news today.
It's just amazing.
EU pushes mandatory quotas for migrants, military action against smugglers.
Africa is collapsing.
The Middle East is in turmoil.
They've got record numbers of illegals flooding Europe.
They had secret quotas under Tony Blair during that whole period.
And now they're getting ready to just open the floodgates.
And it's Europe's job to take on all these unskilled, uneducated people, then give them welfare, and of course then they get to vote.
And it is the takedown of Western civilization.
Except for the armored university, government, and corporate reservations, that would be total high security reservations, where they're exempt.
In fact, they even have rolling power outage rules in Austin.
But Tarrytown, the elite neighborhood, and the downtown area are exempt.
And they're exempt from power gouging.
And they even have all these secret security plans for the elite in this city.
That's why a lot of elite are moving here.
But other cities have it as well.
I mean, it just never ends.
And if you live in one of those sectors, it's bizarre.
I've talked to folks.
You just get left alone if you actually live there.
I mean, we're not in Kansas anymore, boys and girls, and let me tell you.
And if you're a globalist, with your retina scan or your ID card or your chip, just like Rockefeller told
It's, it's, kiss my you-know-what's, what he called it, to the cops and everybody else.
It's a diplomatic community that the UN already has, will now, to any one part of the globalist system, including police, bureaucrats, corporate people, notice they're trying, and partially, the word is it's in the TPP, to give diplomats, they've asked for it publicly but didn't get it,
To give the stock market heads and the big hedge fund heads and the carbon traders diplomatic immunity.
Now they'll still burn cops here and there as a snack, but in the future if you've been federalized you're going to be above the law.
And actually even USA Today wrote an article two weeks ago saying federalizing police is the worst thing we can do.
But Al Sharpton admits that's the plan.
And again, we're right basically on everything.
I've been telling you for the last few years, they want to federalize police, they're financing people to riot, they're funding it, George Soros, it all comes out.
Because I saw the signs, looked at the names of the groups, they're all Soros.
And let me tell you what liars they are.
I've had, not once but twice, I'm not going to tell both stories, I had the head writer, not the head person who works for the White House, but the head writer call me, that's the editor, a few years ago,
And they said, we're writing an article, we're journalists, you work for the White House, you get George Soros money.
You have weekly meetings, it's all over the news, and they go, no we don't!
I pulled up the Federal Elections Commission numbers and said, there's three million from George Soros this year, and here you are as a White House group in your weekly meetings, and they went, haha, let's move on now, so you don't like black people, huh?
And I went, no, I never said that.
So you're not a racist?
I'm just like, so you just want me to just respond, like, did I rape my wife today thing?
Or, you know, did I rape the dog today?
Or did I rob a bank today?
I mean, it's just this... It's this question that automatically... I mean, it's... But you realize, they're villains!
And they know they're villains!
And the weird thing about it is, you meet them in person...
They're real weak cowards.
And they'll start going, because I've been around these people, Oh, hi, you know, I really, I know you're not that bad, we all just kind of do our job, and I hope everything turns out, it's kind of scary, you know, I'm just really kind of scared.
I've had military officers, police chiefs, and others, who aren't that slimy, but they go, listen, a lot of us know you're right, but it's dangerous where this is all going, and some of us want to be on the right side of this when it comes down, so we're just waiting to see what happens.
So keep working hard.
I mean, it's beyond a James Bond movie, folks!
You're living in a 21st century corporate takeover war!
I just got chills.
And I'm normal.
Folks, it's normal when you're going under secret treaty.
It's normal when they're coming after your kids and your guns.
It's normal when they're trying to force inoculate.
It's normal when they're trying to force fluoride in your water.
It's normal when you're under tyranny to get upset and say no.
I'm gonna go to Chris, Ed, Stigma, James, and Ron and others here in a moment.
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So, InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or 888-253-3139.
Let's go ahead and start going to your phone calls.
Chris in New York, then Ed.
For those that just joined us, bombshell video at InfoWars.com of the military training in South Carolina to basically take on citizens with the police and go door-to-door in roundup and gun confiscation.
And then we've got the head of Jane Helm on record admitting they're doing a domestic takeover operation.
He admitted this two years ago and then four years ago in public documents.
So that's on Infowars.com.
It's just really scary.
But the fact that it's scary is that at least we know can force a public debate about it.
The military doesn't want to be part of this.
We have to give them the political cover.
Like we did on Syria so they can say no and have that argument and not be the only one standing up.
We need more people to speak out.
Chuck Norris has come out against Jade Helm.
We need Chuck Norris to come out and give speeches.
We need American icons like that to join the Governor Abbott and others.
I mean, now's the time.
We're going to lose everything if we don't all put out a maximum effort.
Again, it's Twilight Zone.
I'm on air saying, Chuck Norris, we need you.
Help me, Obi-Wan.
I mean, it is just bizarre!
It's bizarre!
Pinch me!
When do I wake up?
Christian New York, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
I want to talk about, although you already talked about pretty much all the points, but that guy that was taking the phone calls,
I don't know.
The training that they had on sovereign citizens and also all these George Soros, Nazi funded groups like Black Lives Matter and the other one.
I forgot the names.
I see that as agent provocateur.
Of course.
They're coming in with a solution to the riots while stirring the riots up with the other hand.
You add another thing to the equation, like that mayor from Baltimore that I think should be arrested or indicted, at least given a stand-down order, to let things get out of control, to then have the all-sharp and suggestive federal police
Take over the whole situation.
Another thing that I would like to address, this is a very key point.
We need to stop calling it martial law.
Because you know they're not going to call it that.
They're going to call it Civil Emergency National Stabilization Force.
Federal Emergency.
That's it.
They are experts at, you know, playing games with the world.
Yeah, they go, there's no FEMA camps.
We call them emergency centers.
We call them mass shelter compounds.
Now you are locked up at night and we do forcibly inoculate and there is work.
Well, let's look at that.
You should do a repost of the report that you guys did on the field manual 3-39-40.
I think that was excellent.
Yeah, Army.mil, the plan for the civilian inmate labor camps and everything else.
But again, they're not called FEMA camps, so they go, there's no FEMA camps!
It'd be like if we didn't call water, water, and then we said there's no dihydrogen monoxide.
Well, most people don't know dihydrogen monoxide is water.
So, we're calling it water, and they go, no, there is no water in America.
And then you go, is there dihydrogen monoxide?
And they go, yeah, there is.
They play these semantic games.
It's like Bill Clinton reportedly only got oral sex hundreds of times from Monica Lewinsky, so he doesn't consider that to be sex.
Okay, whatever.
He said he didn't have relations whether he's a liar.
So, again, you're absolutely right.
Great caller, Chris.
Chris is on target.
But see, still we fall for the trap, which we have to.
Because we just tell the truth.
We have to keep going.
No, there's all these manuals.
Here's all these documents.
Here they are training.
And they go, no, it's not for domestic operations, liars.
And then we go, yes, it is.
And again, I call that a slow loris attack, like in hacking.
Where they don't send a bunch of data to your computer, they keep asking the basic command over and over again.
It's like a handshake, where you keep reaching out to shake somebody's hand, but never take it, and run your fingers through your hair.
You just keep reaching out, reaching out.
It's the same thing.
They just keep having us go, yes it is, yes it is, yes it is, never getting to, okay, we're taking over, so we can have a debate about it.
They never even let the debate get there, and we go, here it is, it's all over the place.
We could have troops coming out of the sky on us, and they go, there are no troops.
That's a military tactic from before World War I, where you're overrunning people, and you've got people on loudspeakers saying, this is not an assault.
In Mars attacks, they lampoon it as a joke.
The aliens are landing in Las Vegas, they're killing everybody with their ray guns, and they say, don't run, we are your friends.
And even though people see other people getting shot, disintegrated, they stop.
And then the aliens laugh.
That's what's going on.
There is no NSA.
The fluoride's good for you.
The vaccines are good for you.
There is no open borders.
There is no world government.
We are your friends.
Don't run!
In fact, we used to have an outro.
Instead of saying, we're on the march, the empire's on the run.
It was, don't run, we're your friends.
Don't run, we are your friends.
I mean, that's all they do.
We're not taking money out of people's wallets without evidence.
The IRS doesn't do anything wrong.
But you watch the movie, whether they're in Kansas killing people or in Las Vegas or D.C.
It's all about they're the friends.
Remember the president comes?
He goes, let's be buddies.
Jack Nicholson, let's work together.
And he puts his hand out.
The alien goes, ah, here's my hand.
And then he takes it and the hand disconnects.
It's a robot and stabs him.
Like a scorpion.
Let's go to another caller.
Ed in California.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Showtime, a listener, a first time caller.
First of all, I want to say I just graduated from a for-profit school in electrical engineering, and part of our general education was to write papers.
And for my last English paper, I researched and wrote a paper about the coming Second American Civil War.
My take was a little different than the Jade Helm thing.
The Jade Helm thing has really been an eye-opener over the past few, I guess, weeks or months here.
Our take was more of the cartel coming up from Mexico once our borders have really been collapsed and turning into a southwestern war.
Oh, I agree.
There is a plan to break up the U.S.
down the road, and they will use cartel warfare to do it, and intimidation, and you're absolutely right.
That's part of a larger North American Union destabilization plan, and then out of that, they will bring in the North American Union security perimeter as the answer.
That's actually in the BAMF Canada 2007 documents.
Okay, and I don't wear my collar on my sleeve.
Well, stay there.
I'm going to come back to you, Ed, and then Stigma, James, Ron, and others.
But here's the deal.
They've got lots of different destabilization programs going, and then as one works better, they'll start betting on that number, or if something else looks better, they'll go with that.
They've got multifaceted, multivariate, long-term strategic operations.
The issue is they're now all growing and accelerating and beginning to go operational.
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Some folks are born
Some folks are born made to wait to fly.
Ooh, the red, white, and blue.
Get along.
We're doing footage of the Aliens from Mars Attacks, Tim Burton's best film.
Shaking hands with the President, the Ambassador.
Lovingly making a deal.
Don't run.
We are your friends.
Oh, the Federal Reserve wants to help!
And then it kills him!
Don't run!
We are your friends!
It's like the public doesn't get why the globalists are taking over.
They're psychopaths!
They like it!
And if you don't have an instinct to resist being dominated, you will be dominated!
A nation of sheep will be ruled by wolves, Thomas Jefferson.
Well, I'm not stealing this from American Sniper, because it's an old saying.
I don't know where it comes from.
Maybe you guys can look it up, but I heard it a lot growing up.
In fact, I got the exact speeches from basically both my grandfathers and my dad that is in American Sniper.
Where we're not wolves, we don't feed on innocent people, and we're not sheep.
We're sheepdogs, and we will defend the sheep
And that the violence and the aggression and the will we've been given is a gift from God.
And it is.
And I am sick of these wolves tearing the guts out all around me.
And now, they can take down sheepdogs too, folks.
And believe me, they don't like us.
They are... It is just so sick.
I'm sorry.
I apologize.
I'm going to get to Stigma, James, Ron.
I'm going to get to all the video clips, all the news.
Ed, finish up with this treatise paper you wrote for your degree on American Civil War.
What do you think is destabilizing?
Let's go ahead.
Well, you know, I was trying to say earlier that I am African American, but I don't wear that on my sleeve.
I'm also part Native American, part European.
I'm from Illinois.
I'm happy to see the C-SPAN showing Barack Obama.
We're good to go.
Um, I'm not happy with Obama anymore.
I look at John Boehner, he reminds me of an early, early character from Mississippi Burning.
I've seen Hillary and Bill and Michael constantly.
Um, I'm scared of racism being galvanized in this country.
He's in my work right now, so I got all the spirit out of you.
No, that's what they want.
They want to energize racism so we fight with each other instead of fight with the globalists.
It's classic divide and conquer.
And lastly, you know, I live with a very intelligent woman.
She's a multi-degreed, a master's degree in education, a diehard Democrat, and it's hard to convince her to see what's going on.
That's because she's loyal to her cult.
I gotta jump, but I want to speak to that.
They have cognitive dissonance.
They don't want to admit their worldview's wrong.
They tune into things that back up what their worldview is.
But the Pentagon and other armies developed this.
The Russians tried to as well.
They developed a gay bomb.
To spray men with pheromones that make them want to have sex with each other.
That's London Guardian.
If you don't believe me, look it up.
The media makes fun of that when I say it, like, because they think you're dumb and won't look it up.
They prey on you being lazy and not looking it up.
But also they developed different sprays that makes people get violent and start killing each other.
And of course they tested it in Vietnam on people, different chemicals and things, PCP, things like that.
They got stuff far worse than that.
Just to tear each other apart.
Well, that's what they've given us, but through psych warfare, where we're going to tear each other apart.
You spray an enemy base, that's the people, with this cultural tyranny, we tear each other apart.
We'll be right back.
We're going to go right to Stigma, James, Ron and others.
And I'm going to get to the financial news.
Man, there's a lot of it.
Third hour coming up.
I want my candy!
I want my baby again!
We're good to go.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming at you live from deep in the heart of Texas.
Go into your phone calls right now and then.
I will get to a lot of important financial news in the next segment after other calls.
HSBC warns the world economy faces a titanic problem.
That ties into why is China taking control of physical gold?
Huge news on oil market volatility, new ISIS attacks, and more.
Even the Hill newspaper criticizing the Federal Reserve reckoning for the Fed.
It's all coming up.
But right now we're talking Jade Helm.
The callers really haven't gone to my question, though.
They're calling in on Jade Helm, which is nice.
What do we do about it?
I mean, we know it's for domestic operations.
We've got more video of the military training to raid houses with the police and take guns in South Carolina.
We know what's happening.
What do we do?
Stigma in Florida.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex Jones, I want answers.
Listen, quick though, I think that C.D.
Jackson was more Thurble's contemporary than Bernays.
But anyways, listen, I'm a homeschooler of two kids that are unvaccinated.
What do I do when CPS shows up at my door like they did in Kentucky?
What will my neighbors do?
Well, you very calmly open the door or don't open the door and make your decision.
At first, I wouldn't open the door.
I don't open the door for strangers on my time.
Uh, and, uh, but if you do, just tell them, uh, listen, there's no law that you have to vaccinate.
Uh, so no, I'm not going to let you in here to try to cook up stuff, you know, so you can claim you saw something so you can try to, uh, take my children away.
And I know my rights.
So I understand that you've been given some report or something, but it's frivolous.
So I demand to face my accuser.
Uh, and I've been through this before.
That's what I've done.
But as long as you're very confident, being scared of them is what they want, if they're bad ones.
They have the highest turnover out there, a lot of them aren't bad and just quit.
So you end up with a bunch of bad ones left.
But I actually know some social workers, they're some of the most upset people about what's happening.
I know social workers that take care of old people that are really good people.
And they're the ones blowing the whistle on nursing homes and hospitals, not taking care of folks, and then they get in trouble.
So just, again, it's like blaming TSA.
Well, the government put them in charge.
By the way, that's in the news in my stack.
Came out Judicial Watch.
In fact, I've got to find it.
I had it here and I can't find it.
That they knowingly grope genitals for fun and then make fun of people while they do it.
I mean, it is sexual assault.
But they're trying to pass laws to make vaccines mandatory.
They want to make you take hundreds of them.
And it's basically a firing squad.
I mean, Mexico just banned
Uh, giving several vaccines this week because it was killing people.
But there's the headline.
Sexual abuse.
Travelers have breasts, penises felt while screeners roar with laughter.
Stuck his hands down my pants and grabbed the top of the penis and placed his fingers in the butt crack.
I have, in Vegas, had a man grab my genitals, first time ever, only time, and he just smiled up at me and looked like he'd seen his heavenly destination.
And so, I mean, I've never been sexually assaulted, I guess, until then.
And I guess he did it in a friendly way, so, I mean, you know.
I did, once, in Juvenile Hall, have the guy put me in the shower and say he wanted to have sex with me, and I said, you know, I'm going to physically defend myself.
I was 14, I wasn't a wimp.
I was in there for beating somebody's head in, who started a fight with me, but I had to wait until the next week when there was a court hearing.
And I said, and my dad's going to kill you.
So the guy said, fine, I'll go get somebody else.
But I never had him actually put their hands on me until then.
But I'm sorry, I digress.
Go ahead, Stigma.
Yeah, no, I just think that, you know, your answer to Jade Helm is, you know, neighbors need to get to know each other, and when that slot truck rolls up, then just, it goes down.
Because it's got to stop somewhere.
Well, here's what happens.
The first contact will be a bot probe.
Stay there, I'm going to come back to you, Stigma.
The first probe will be a bot to come out and see if you'll just submit to be assimilated quietly.
Don't run with your friends.
Then if you refuse or ignore a court thing, then maybe a SWAT truck comes later.
So if you're talking about going down with a SWAT truck, you don't wait till they come if you're going to go offensive.
I just want to explain to everybody, you don't wait till they come.
Daimler Trucks has obtained a permit from the Nevada DMV to operate the first licensed autonomous truck on public roads near Las Vegas.
Over 200 journalists from around the world came to the event as the governor emphasized safety, saying, Well, not so fast.
As part of their legal requirements, Google just notified the public that their autonomous cars have been in 11 minor traffic accidents.
Three collisions since September.
Well, maybe Google wasn't at fault.
But I wouldn't be a passenger in a car with a driver who had had three accidents in eight months.
And while they tell us their cars were not at fault, California DMV said it's not able to release details of the accidents.
You know, kind of like the secret trade agreements are being negotiated.
We're not allowed to see the details.
And all the while, they'll be touting how their cars, programmed by people, are always safer than cars driven by people.
For Infowars.com, I'm David Knight.
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Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
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Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
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We're back.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm a firestarter.
And the type of fires I want to start are in the minds of men and women.
To burn away the fog of sleep, the trance that the general public is under.
And to ignite the drive to reclaim our birthright of human freedom and dignity.
We have a caller, Stigma, who's homeschooling his children.
He says he's not going to give them forced inoculations.
California's trying to pass laws to do it.
But in areas like Kentucky, well, there's not even laws.
They're showing up and taking people's kids, saying, you are not inoculated.
We say that that is neglect, when it's not neglect.
Neglect is giving kids deadly vaccines on record that are killing people and making them sick.
And the good news is people are waking up to this and they're getting upset.
Now, I want to explain something.
I've read Total Resistance from different resistance movements against the Nazis.
I've probably read five or six books on guerrilla warfare.
I have studied it.
Not because I'm planning guerrilla warfare, but because I've studied so much military history and so much political history that I have found histories on guerrilla warfare interesting.
Guerrilla warfare.
But then you can also add it into what's currently happening today and they program everyone through the media to believe what you see on TV is how stuff goes down.
The reason they want to go after the military veterans and say in hundreds of published reports, well it's actually thousands because AP would be in thousands of papers, thousands of published reports that the veterans are the enemy and are a terrorist force that may destroy America and must be dealt with.
Well gee, what's the globalist force planning that they know veterans will fight back?
Well they're going to take their pension funds, they're already taking their guns incrementally, it's a test.
It's happening right now, outside of law.
First, they can't buy guns, then they get a police visit and they take their guns.
And the wife's there saying, do what the police say, honey.
But the cops are just errand boys.
It's like in Apocalypse Now, he's talking to Colonel Kurtz, the assassin, the army officer.
And he says, what are you?
And he goes, I'm an army officer.
He goes, no, you're not.
I'm an assassin.
No, you're neither.
You're an errand boy sent by a grocer to collect a debt.
Man, the writing of that movie is just so incredible.
Everything is like a lesson, every line of it.
And it's so true.
But the feds had to discredit the militia movement back in the 80s and 90s, so they went out and created most of the major leadership groups to then act foolish
So they could brand it as silly and as hidden and as cornball.
All the real militias are just shooting clubs and military history clubs.
And they're all made up mainly of veterans.
And they're real.
And believe me, the feds know about them.
But the military is the enemy because in the next 5-10 years, and things are accelerating,
The entire military in actual combat is going to be autonomous robots.
Ground, sea, air, undersea.
That's all been announced.
They're announcing 90% of workers within 10 years in China will be robot.
They're announcing you won't have doctors soon, it's going to be a robot.
And a robot anesthesiologist.
That was all announced yesterday.
This is a plan!
Do you understand?
It's AI!
You want to know how AI was going to take over?
They're just building it and believe they're going to merge with it like it's their god.
Robot pets are going to replace real ones because they're going to have regulations and laws against their poop saying it's bad for the earth.
See, they're going to charge you for everything to socially engineer you.
And they have to have an artificial economy to where you can't afford anything and have to do what they say so you comply.
Oh, I can't afford the insurance to drive my car myself so the robot does it.
And then soon that's too expensive so you ride the bus, see?
And they've all said this is the plan.
They have children's cartoons in British school showing the world in 2025 where you get meat once a year and you never get to take showers and where you live in a 250 square foot coffin apartment if you're well-to-do.
That was out six years ago.
It's now already being implemented.
Do you understand the systematic regulations of the Global Compact Agenda 21?
The Rio de Janeiro Global Treaty.
I just got chills again.
My God, this is so evil.
A systematic evil takeover.
And getting us under their control in compact cities is only to get us lined up while they then exterminate the third world with wars and soft kill weapons that are just being tested right now.
It's going to be off the chart.
Thank God we're in these compact cities.
Thank God.
And they're going to shut the borders at that point.
They're just bringing in enough immigrants to cause infighting right now.
Can't be in the rural areas.
Contagions can spread in those.
We've had nanotech get out.
And there's going to be all these controlled, contrived crises.
And then, what's going to be left?
There's going to be 45, 50, and 60-year-old veterans.
Who still know how to fight, who've still got weapons buried, who will be ready to maybe when stuff's so bad, and they're watching plagues rage, and you know, billions die, they'll remember everything that was said, they'll know that the old-timers told them what was happening, they will engage the local computer centers, it'll be satellite backup, it's Terminator, folks, we're about to face it, okay?
For real.
And they'll take out some of those centers and then they're going to have the big global robot armies directed by the UN and others are going to come in and try to dig us out.
They're going to have nerve gas, bioweapons, everything else.
They're going to try to mop up.
Their main enemy, they're just preparing, is going to be the vets.
Because it's only going to be combat vets working with scientists and people that are technocrats but who aren't evil.
are going to be in a huge war.
It is going to be the most incredible war ever.
And more and more I realize I just need to get ready and get people ready for the battle space.
I need to just try to affect the future battle space.
I'm not an enemy of the cops.
I'm not an enemy of the military or the bureaucrats even.
Ninety-five percent of these people have no idea what's going on.
But we're trained by sitcoms and movies that the SWAT team invincibly pulls up at your house to get the rebels.
And they stack up at 3 a.m.
and, you know, you think bedbugs bite?
Well, we're really going to bite you.
If a real civil war breaks out, which I don't think they want to do right away, they want to have some smaller ones, just a beta test,
You don't, and I'm not saying do this, I'm saying if you really were going to resist, you don't go out and engage the SWAT team.
You don't go out and engage, notice their branding, you protest with the Soros money by shooting a cop in the head.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
But the point is, it's the bureaucrats and the criminals and the leadership.
In a war, you don't go for the grunts.
You go for the big boys.
And I'm not even talking about these puppet politicians.
I'm talking about these globalists.
We all know who they are.
And there's millions of us in every major country that know the enemy, know we're in a science fiction movie, understand what's going on, and we're not going to give up.
And when it really gets bad, you think people are awake now?
When people know they got nothing to lose?
That's why they're getting ready to go after the military incrementally?
You're going to see this twisting, this demonization in movies and sitcoms and books where the vet's the bad guy.
The vet releases the bioweapon.
The vet does this, the vet does that.
Because it's going to be those battle-trained groups, when they phase out the military and steal their pension funds and put them on death panels and no treat list, that are going to be there, that are going to form the fist
That the pro-human intelligentsia, in a death battle, are going to throw at the enemy.
Just hoping humanity makes it.
I mean, we're getting ready for the huge AI war, folks, up against an AI system wired into everything.
It's already sentient.
That's clear.
It's already operating.
You can, I mean, it was a couple years ago, looking at all the data and everything suddenly shifted, and we were up against something so much more sophisticated.
I saw everything shift at that point, and it's gotten worse.
And by sentient, it doesn't think of sunsets pretty, folks.
It's wired into everything we're doing.
It's based on our brains, and it's learning off us.
It's learning how to drive cars down the road.
It's learning how to kill us.
It's learning how to farm.
It's learning how to... I mean, it's autonomous.
It is autonomous and it's sentient.
And that's why all over the world, inoculations are forced now.
All over the world.
You can't have cash now.
It's all going to start accelerating.
My God, it's so epic.
And believe me, the part of me just says, you know what?
Give up.
Move out in the country and just wait for everything to unravel.
I'm not going to do that.
I've had three children.
And you know what, I think I'm going to have more.
I'm going to double down and bet on God.
And I'm going to commit myself fully to fight these people.
And I'm going to pray to Christ to give me the words and the intellect and the discernment I need and to control my anger because I'm so upset at these people.
I'm so mad knowing them, studying them, having to look at them, the psychopaths, I hate them.
I just, we all need to pray and get ready because I'm going to come back to stigma when we come back and James and Ron.
I'm not even holding for an hour.
I've gone too long here.
I apologize.
It's just that all that matters is, is the species survive now and we not be taken over by this evil.
I mean, my God, folks, the vets are on don't treat death list.
We abort millions of children a year.
We're killing the old people.
I mean, the future is just hellish.
The bioethics.
Disposable humans.
I mean, human life's always been cheap.
We're in the mopping up process.
Do you understand?
The decision's been made.
It's just like Chuck Norris said to his son, you know, you can get killed making this movie with Alex Jones and Gary Haven.
And he meant that as a good thing, you know, you understand what you're getting into.
But we're all gonna die anyways, and let innocence be taken over by evil if we don't fight back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
And there's a war on for your health, and a war on for your family, and your soul, and your future.
The caller, Stigma, was asking earlier, segment four last, I went on a rant, what do I do when the SWAT team pulls up before something inoculates and there's not even a law?
Well, the answer is, you're not there when they show up.
You make it hard, you go to a family's house, you go to another state.
You engage in low-intensity information warfare, waking people up now in a campaign ahead of that to affect the future battle space.
But then, if the Civil War kicks off, or part of the Civil War, a precursor, and they're coming after you, you don't kick it off with their minions who they can care less about, and who they want to make martyrs.
You start identifying the power structure now, and you begin attacking them in the Info War,
Letting them know they're being lazed and targeted.
Just like special forces will mark a target first for what's coming in behind it.
And that's all we're doing here is trying to have a peaceful discussion so the elite aren't totally insane.
So we pull back from Armageddon.
So we pull back from all this evil.
But regardless, we know it's all coming on.
So we make preparation.
And you do that by engaging the enemy in the info war.
And we're doing it.
And you remember, they're not the authority, they don't have the power, they're losers.
They signed up to a God who's a loser, who isn't a God at all.
Their God is a fraud.
Stigma, does that answer your question?
Yeah, you know Alex, I feel like a piggy bank to my municipality, and you know, I'm not necessarily worried about unfortunately inoculating, I'm worried about them coming and grabbing the kids like they did in Kentucky.
You know?
Well, you know, they were on Facebook, they were on Facebook showing their ideal life.
And they unfriended somebody who then filed a report.
And they saw ten blonde-haired, blue-eyed kids.
You can get half a mil a piece for them.
And so you do the math, that's five million dollars.
And so, uh, yeah.
Uh, you know, and if you got a black-haired child with green eyes or blue eyes, there's quotas of up to a million bucks on them.
We had a state senator on who was about to expose it.
They killed her two days before she was gonna come on.
Shot her in the back of the head.
At her house.
They are.
They just need to quit serving no-knock warrants for misdemeanors and civil infractions.
You know, if not, I think that they're taking a risk themselves.
Well, they prepared the SWAT teams with Daryl Gates from the CIA as he classified in the 60s and 70s as an exchange going after terrorists or bank robbers.
Well, yeah, big cities could have units like that.
Now they have them for the most pettiest stuff.
And it's death squads.
It's an intimidation force.
It's what horrible third world nations in North Korea have.
And now we have it.
But CPS warrior Nancy Schaefer gunned down.
Remember, that was five years ago.
Associated Press.
Let's go to more calls.
Ron and then James and then Smith and Luke.
Ron, you're on the air.
Hi Alex.
I do understand.
Something happened in Vermont yesterday that helped put the puzzle together for me.
You know, it's...
You know, the Jade Helm thing, you know, they're trying to, they're successfully demonizing groups.
Cops versus the blacks in Ferguson.
I'm not a cop, and I'm not black.
But you can see the artificial manipulation.
People don't need to pick a side, they need to pull back and realize it's all bull.
If you could let me finish, you know, I'm neither of those.
You know, when the BLM
You know, went after the libertarians.
You know, I'm neither a rancher or a libertarian.
You know, I'm neither.
I'm not a veteran.
So when they, you know, took their health care away, I didn't care.
But, you know, yesterday, Vermont took away the philosophical exemption.
And this really strikes
You know, the mainstream population, because it affects everyone.
And, you know, remember you said that DHS was getting targets of pregnant women.
And, you know, like, well, how can you put that together?
Well, you know, when there were 300 of us at the state capitol giving testimony, you could see, you know, how
And I don't care if 98% of the people that show up in California or Vermont are against forced inoculation, they just do it.
And yes, for those that don't know, Vermont just voted to get rid of philosophical exemptions saying you're not smart enough to say no, you don't have free will, we're going to let Big Pharma force something into your body.
There was amendments, but it got defeated.
But some senators actually wanted to jail people.
I know.
Who conveniently would lie to get on the religious exemption.
But see, then they're going to phase out the religious.
They're coming.
I hear you, brother.
You want to add something else?
Go ahead.
Because GMO will allow them.
They won't have to rely on fetal tissue any longer.
They won't have to rely on... Stay there, I'm gonna come back to you.
The Empire's on the run.
All you had to say and then we're gonna go to Alex Jones.
Luke Schmitz, James, everybody.
We're gonna go to James after Ron.
Who do you prefer?
Barack Obama or George W. Bush?
Well, if you haven't figured it out by now, these guys are corporate spokesmen.
They're not leaders.
I mean, they both started illegal wars.
Hell, they both tortured people.
They bailed out criminal corporations and they spied on you.
They both violated the Constitution and they even committed war crimes.
So what's it gonna take?
I mean, what will it take to finally wake you up?
Think about it.
If Joseph Stalin ran for president as a Democrat, and Adolf Hitler ran as a Republican, one of them would end up leading our country.
It's elephants and asses screwing the masses.
And your choice between the two parties is a myth.
Because in reality, it is a two-party tyranny with one ideology.
Divide and conquer.
So join the revolution and break the false left versus right paradigm.
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There is a signal broadcast every second of every day through our television sets.
Even when the set is turned off, look around at the environment we live in.
Carbon dioxide, fluorocarbons, and methane have increased since 1958.
Earth is being acclimatized.
They are turning our atmosphere into their atmosphere.
We are like a natural resource to them.
Deplete the planet, move on to another.
They want benign indifference.
They want us drugged.
We could be pets.
We could be food.
But all we really are is livestock.
Our impulses are being redirected.
We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central and then we come back.
Weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, InfoWars Nightly News with the great Jakari Jackson, David Knight, Leanne McAdoo, Darren McBreen, Rob Dew, Marcus Morales, and many others behind the scenes.
And let's not forget, we have the great radio slash TV crew that also helps the Nightly News.
There they are in there.
We're going to cut to a feed of them doing a fabulous job as usual.
And they have evil founding USA flags behind them.
George Washington and the Don't Tread on Me and our own Moulin Lambe flag.
I just realized we ought to put that gold on black flag and make a flag a Moulin Lambe flag.
A lot of those have Moulin Lambe flags that are a rifle or something, but how about with the Spartan helmet?
Now before we go any further, Anthony's got a bunch of really cool news, exciting positive news and some negative news on the whole Monsanto roundup front and more.
We'll be going to him in about 5-10 minutes, but I wanted to finish up with Ron, James, Lawrence, Smith and Luke, but here's the deal.
I end up talking over the guests, then they talk, and then we make points.
It's very spirited, good discussions.
I've got to get through these calls to get to the other news I haven't hit yet.
Ron in Vermont, you're on the air, finish up your point about them coming with the forced inoculations and wanting to have amendments.
I saw that in the articles I have right here to arrest people.
Yes, can you hear me?
Yeah, you know, Catholics, you know, take the religious exemption because aborted fetal tissue is used to grow some of these cultures.
And again, the same is true for the Jewish community where the gelatin in the vaccines are used from pigskin and hooves.
But with GMO coming down the pike, you know, you're gonna see all of that done away with and then there will be no more reason for religious exemption.
No, you can just say that you as a person with your experience with God do not trust this and that God's told you not to take it.
But you can also just say common sense has told you not to take it.
I know they've gotten rid of the religious exemption.
You need to change those politicians.
You need to get involved.
You need to remove them.
Every time a child gets hurt taking vaccines, everybody needs to put it on YouTube.
We all have to be media activists or we're going to lose everything.
That's the thing.
Thank you, Ron.
They're coming for everybody's freedom now.
The hammer's dropping!
And I told you this four years ago, that we'd look ahead a few years and you wouldn't believe how insane it was, and then two years from now you'll look back, this will be a great time.
And then ten years from now, it's going to be robot cars almost everywhere.
Ten years.
It's going to be the whole military basically robots, but they'll still have human brigades that'll be celebrated, so you'll still have this ceremonial humans.
So the public won't even know most of our military is robot.
Already most of the aircraft are.
I mean, I've learned how the enemy operates.
Autonomous, battle, ground robots, you name it.
And they keep showing for 15 years, you know, these different MIT robots that are just nothing.
You know, that run off lawn mowers and stuff.
No, no.
The real robots are submarines and jets and fighter bombers, and then they've got for decades, and I was told about classified stuff a long time ago by a colonel, and since then it all came out.
Imagine a Ford F-150 Raptor, okay?
I happen to know this is some of the stuff they've got.
Imagine it's got a robot gun in the back,
That goes off of heat signature, sound, you name it, 50 cal, can scan, shoot people for miles while it's driving.
While it's driving, not aiming, you know, just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
And then it looks like a joke.
In fact, part of this came out in the Honolulu Advertiser or whatever it's called a few years ago.
It showed one of these, quote, robot tanks.
It was just really a truck.
And it looked like a joke, like a kid drew it, but it was real.
It had like 10 guns on the front.
And drones that have, like, nerve gas and everything else, just a little drone, but it flies up, throws out canisters of nerve gas, you're all dead!
I mean, it's on, folks!
It isn't... robot, like Terminator.
It is... it is over-the-top existing platforms.
They've got current stuff that's like out of the movie Minority Report, but it's not as elegant as the little spiders.
But you're locked up in your house, and a robot that's small, that has like eight legs, just vzzt vzzt vzzt vzzt up your steps.
It walks up to your front step.
Targets the door with its shotgun or other systems.
Some of them have a laser that will just cut a hole for itself.
It cuts a hole basically.
Some of them have a welding thing as well.
Doesn't matter if your house catches on fire, it doesn't care.
Or it's got an extinguisher.
And it just comes through.
It's got a shotgun.
I mean, this is the stuff that's going on here.
And the humans are done, according to the elite.
But here's the thing.
These autonomous systems are being hooked into these big battle computers that are pre-programmed, that are hooked into the larger... They admit the Pentagon has this map-of-the-world supercomputer that's classified.
Its existence is admitted, but it's the one that they basically call the big brain that is probably sentient, and it's tied into Google, and it's running all this stuff, and the smart meters in your house, and your car, and everything, and Google, and NASA, and everything's just all merging, and it's...
I mean, it's sitting there looking at everybody right now.
You want to see where its millions are here?
It dials in, it's got all your photos, where you went, what you did.
It can listen to you, it can photograph you, it can videotape you.
This is its little node that you carry and love, and oh, where is my little smartphone?
This is it.
And they built it.
They say what it's for.
Bill Joy, again, 15 years ago, went to a meeting of 200 top computer owners, billionaires, and they had a weekend meeting at a luxury hotel, and over beers, they discussed what do they do with the people?
And they said, you know, if we just let people play video games and play virtual reality games, and they'll still hurt the earth, and it's just the best decision is just set up a grid, organize it, entertain them while we kill them.
And so you see the whole thing being phased in.
I'm going to go to more calls now.
James in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, how you doing?
I'm just going to hit a couple quick points here.
I know you're crunched on time.
I'm an army reservist and I work in psychological operations.
You know, I'm somewhat abreast of the Operation Jade Helm.
By the way, I'm going to apologize because I don't really read what's out by people's names and people volunteer it.
I thought you wanted to talk about Army PSYOPs.
I didn't know you were in a PSYOP group and I apologize for making you hold for 50 minutes.
So James, you've got the floor.
What type of PSYOPs are you in?
Well, I'm in Psychological Operations with the U.S.
It's more specifically known as a PSYOP Specialist is the job title.
No, I mean, I know what it is.
I'm saying specifically they got you working on domestic stuff or foreign stuff now?
Oh, it's foreign.
I'm in a reserve unit.
Okay, so go ahead and give us your take on Jade Helm.
Well, in Jade Helm, I don't know the exact orders that are being given for their mission objective, but the way psychological operation works, as you probably already know this, you've read all the army manuals, it's all public knowledge, it's to, the main mission objective is to gather information, i.e.
intelligence, and to use that information later on in your mission,
To use all pertinent information that was gathered from your target audience.
In this situation, the target audience would be the American people, obviously.
But as I was saying, I've been on multiple field exercises.
I haven't been deployed on any specific mission.
If I was, I probably wouldn't tell you anyways.
The exercises we're doing are almost identical to the news I've been hearing about Jade Helm.
That's what I've been saying.
Jade Helm is just one big 10-state operation.
They're already clearly going on simultaneously all over the country.
Yeah, exactly, exactly, Alex.
It's actually referred to as scenario training exercises, in which there's an invading force, such as special forces or infantry, and a small team of psychological operators are attached to that team, or, you know, special forces are also trained in psychological operations.
And it can be a reasonable mission, but the larger, unspoken mission that the troops might not even know is to acclimate the locals.
I mean, are you guys aware of that, or what is your view of Jade Helm?
Well, see, my view of Jade Helm is what they're doing is they're placing these troops amongst civilians so they have a more realistic training environment.
I don't know exactly why they're trying to acclimate troops.
To the American public, if they are trying to take on the American public or not.
I'm not sure why Silicon decided to run with this mission in the manner that they have.
But as I said before, their main objective is to
Their focus is the target audience, and in this situation, the target audience is the American people because they have soldiers, operators, out in public, who are in sterile uniforms.
They're completely unrecognizable as soldiers or operators, and they're basically going around and probably questioning people, trying to strike up a normal conversation,
You know, just taking notes on people's everyday lives.
But as I said, I don't know any exact details.
Yeah, they're training them to be comfortable working with the local police and others, and then selling the PSYOP that it's for overseas when obviously it's dual use.
But we know from the training operations we've exposed that they are in some of these training to take on militias, American gun owners.
I found out one of the most popular things is ROTC with the officers, or people that are going to be officers, that they quote, take on a militia.
I have, Alex.
I'm not too sure how I feel about that.
As a reservist, I've contemplated going active duty and, you know, I'm not really too keen on what's going on right now.
I'm not really sure if I want to pursue a career in such a... Sure.
What's your bottom line?
What else did you want to get out?
I mean, the reason you called into the show.
Well, that really was my main point.
They use what they call in training exercises, they use OPFOR, individuals who are playing as role players.
In these training exercises, like I said before, it's all scenario playing.
This isn't a scenario.
They're actually training among real people, so this is the real deal, like you said before.
People need to take this seriously.
They need to not be vulnerable sheep.
They need to pay attention to their surroundings.
Well, I tell you, this is blowing up in their face.
This is blowing up in their face.
And it's really meant to condition the military to accept this and to gauge who will do this in the military.
And I don't know exactly everything they're going to pull because it's so big and so long, but I know this.
Over and over again, they use drills as the smoke screen to carry out real operations, which they then false flag and blame the patriots.
And so this could be a cover for something larger.
What do you have to say to that?
Roger that yeah, that makes complete sense a lot of times they will use that the military will use the smokescreen tactics as As a false flag like you said Especially in the world of special operations.
You know I'm just a low-level grunt, but uh I read a lot of I'm fairly abreast on the literature of former special operations that have been conducted throughout the world and That is a common tactic that is used.
It's in the army.
It's in the army
Special Operations Training Manual that WikiLeaks released, which they said was real.
They're trying to indict the folks involved in it.
And it says, you know, go here and take this class in false flags.
So, I mean, they have a false flag class at the Army.
And I don't need to be told about it.
I had family that told me about this stuff from multiple angles.
And I mean, let's just say this.
The public just isn't ready to handle all this.
God bless you, I appreciate your call.
All I know is it's ramping up, it's aimed at us, and that ain't good.
I mean, I'm against aiming at innocent countries that didn't do anything to us, like Iraq.
I can't believe Jeb Bush came out and said he'd do Iraq all over again.
Iraq did nothing to us.
Our government put Saddam in.
Our government had Saddam attack Iran.
Saddam had women in college and Playboy.
I'm not saying Playboy's good, but I mean, they were free, compared.
Saddam could go stand in front of 15,000 people with AK-47s.
Any citizen that wanted guns could have them.
And when Iran or Saudi Arabia tried to send in operatives to take over Iraq, he'd round them up and kill them.
I'm not saying that's good, but let me tell you, compared to everybody else, Saddam was a cupcake.
And now, look what you got going on.
Anthony Gucciardi joins us.
I'm going to go into overdrive to talk to Luke and Smith and Lauren and Brandon.
I'll get to everybody.
But Anthony, you've got some really exciting news to break down with us on the Monsanto and other fronts.
Tell us about some of those articles that are coming up.
It's so insane because just like you were saying, the attack right now is so incognito and so concise that most people don't get it.
They just don't think like that.
They don't think, just in the realm of glyphosate, Monsanto's chemical in their number one best-selling herbicide Roundup, they don't think in the way that even the World Health Organization researchers did when they said, hey, we're going to go against the World Health Organization.
A branch of it went and they researched it and they found that it was indeed causing cancer.
They've now done human tests.
They've now done the test.
They've done the research.
They've made the announcement.
It is causing cancer.
Mainstream media was forced to admit it.
And the result is cities now, countries, you name it, are banning glyphosate.
Countries every day or two?
And Bermuda is the latest one.
And Bermuda suspends glyphosate-ridden Roundup indefinitely.
And the announcement was, effective immediately, all importers of glyphosate will be notified that the approval for glyphosate products have been suspended pending the continued assessment of emerging research.
And let's explain, this isn't like a little bit of lead can give you cancer and then they hype it up and ban, you know, some piece of furniture and it's all fake.
Because it's bound to the paint or something.
This is in all water supplies in the US.
It does give you cancer.
It grows breast tumors.
If you want to see your wife and daughters die, you know, keep drinking it.
It's even in New York City, in Central Park, they were finding all these people were getting cancer.
They didn't know why.
They were spraying it with Roundup and glyphosate over and over again.
And people walking in the park were getting sick.
Well, these are the folks that created Agent Orange.
Oh, absolutely.
And of course, the big secret is they knew they were adding, actually adding, this was declassified.
I had a general on about it.
They were adding nerve toxins to it.
It was actually a nerve gas.
It wasn't really for plants.
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I read the news today.
An angelic voice.
I love humans.
I was thinking about how opera singers can break crystal with their voices.
Oh, but the globalists say we're all ugly and pathetic.
So we'll feel ugly and pathetic and lay down so they can have the world for themselves.
You know, I've got an idea.
Not going to happen.
I'm going to do at least 20 minutes of overdrive.
Infowars.com forward slash show if your station doesn't carry it because I want to finish with your calls and all this other news and the five piece I haven't gotten to for two days for some reason.
But we've got shocking, horrible news.
A federal bill would require all public school students.
Notice worldwide this is happening.
The global push is on.
Because it's in the TPP Treaty.
Forced inoculations.
Vaccinate All Children Act does not contain exemptions for reasons of conscience or religion.
It's just national forced inoculation.
Because they want to help the children.
We had that nurse on at the big hospital.
They go, all right, we got 70 preemies in there.
The orders give them all shots for the bio board, the bioethics board.
And they say, all right, get the emergency teams ready, prepare.
Get the defibrillators, get the innovators ready.
They're going to start dying.
They give them the shot.
Within 10 minutes, convulsions, blood coming out of the nose.
Then they battle to save them.
It's like cutting your leg off and giving you a tourniquet.
Ah, the government loves you!
But Marco Rubio, Anthony, he says that there's no NSA spying!
He said it!
By the way, we have a Monsanto, one of their top lobbyists, who says he's not a lobbyist either, up in Canada, saying he'd drink Glyphosate, but then saying, actually, I won't.
So, here's that clip.
I do not believe that glyphosate in Argentina is causing increases in cancer.
You can drink a whole quart of it and it won't hurt you.
You want to drink some?
We have some here.
I'd be happy to, actually.
Not really, but... Not really?
I know it wouldn't hurt me.
If you say so.
I have some glyphosate.
No, no, I'm not stupid.
Ah, okay, so you, you, you... It's dangerous, right?
No, people try to commit suicide with it and fail fairly irregularly.
Oh, they fairly irregularly fail in India?
No, it's not.
So are you ready to drink one glass of it?
No, I'm not an idiot.
Interview me about golden rice, that's what I'm talking about.
Okay, then it's finished.
Then the interview is finished.
That's a good way to solve things.
Anyways, that's the guy that popularized, you can drink it!
He goes, you know, people fairly regularly survive drinking a cup.
Wow, sometimes you live!
That doesn't sound bad at all!
I think I'm going crazy.
I really, this is just, I mean, how much more, the thing is it gets more insane every day, Anthony.
Well, that's how they win.
If it's so insane, it's normal.
It's so insane that your brain can't handle it that you just accept it.
Just like that guy saying he'll drink a whole glass of it when he knows fairly well that fairly regularly people survive by trying to kill themselves every 30 minutes in India because Monsanto goes over there, gets them to sign contracts, the Indian farmers.
Says, you'll make so much money, you'll have so many yields.
The Indian farmers make no money.
They're poor.
They're in debt.
And then it's a smart way to rebel.
It's like burning yourself alive.
They drink it and it kills them.
Well, they have honor, so they go ahead and they take the same biopesticides they were given at the roundup and they drink it and they get sick.
That's killing their family.
Everybody gets sick in the village.
And I would change his quote to, uh, people eat this fairly regularly and, uh, don't die.
Because we're eating it every day.
Now, the honeybees die when they get it, but it's okay.
Who needs them?
They're racist.
I mean, you know.
Oh, they're racist.
And we're bad too, because we eat it and ultimately get cancer, but it's hard to prove a long-term thing like that.
But they just had a big study out of Europe where they did the town that uses it, but they had towns that didn't, and like cancer was like triple.
Oh yeah, well we know it's causing cancer.
The World Health Organization.
All right, we're going to go to Bright and come back to your phone calls.
Just ride shotgun, Anthony.
You've got a bunch of news with us.
Some stations don't carry the fourth hour.
Some do.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to take some of your phone calls, intersperse them with a bunch of medical and economic news.
I haven't gotten to HBS Warns, HSBC Warns, the global economy hits a titanic problem, I'll hit that at least.
We're taking your calls today.
Luke in Arizona.
Luke, I am your father.
Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father.
This is CNN.
Actually, it's not.
It's InfoWars.
This is InfoWars.
Go ahead, Luke, you're on the air.
Thank you, sir.
I had a theory about Jade Helm that I just wanted to share, and it's one of these things that kind of
Give an explanation and sort of give an overarching idea of what's going on and maybe just a solution also.
I think a lot of Jade Helm, especially in the stuff that's ramping up right now in America, is because, and I know this is going to sound a little weird, but it's because of, for instance, things like the SDR and the IMF.
We've always known that they want this
I think so.
And then the next thing we know, people, not really people, excuse me, Apricom wants to come in and take over.
Well, there's no doubt that's what that's all about.
But, look.
Dictators love to hyperinflate currencies, buy everything up when it still has value, then flee the country after it collapses.
You know, and watch the country basically sink into despotism and total tyranny from afar.
The globalists are hyperinflating worldwide, and then out of that implosion they will bring in the new SDR global government.
That's all been announced.
Barry Goldwater exposed that in the 70s.
So we're now, though, maneuvered to the edge of the abyss.
And they're going to hit us with forced inoculations, forced GMO, open borders, global treaties, ordering we let third world populations in.
That's being announced.
I mean, it's on.
But you're right.
It's all about...
Any totalitarian despotic oligarchy wants paramilitary on the streets.
I mean, it's just, it goes like a horse and carriage together, or like a Hitler mustache on Hitler.
Or an Easter Bunny with pink eggs.
I mean, it just, you know, it just goes together.
Throw an Easter Bunny into it.
I mean, that's how it is.
So just drink some glyphosate.
Obama loves you.
Good points, Luke.
Anthony, anything to say to what he just said?
Well, you know, people survive fairly regularly from drinking glyphosate.
I think empires survive fairly regularly from a military takeover.
As in, they don't.
And I think, ultimately, they're counting on less than 5% of the public to actually do something about it.
With all of the things they do.
Not just Jade Helm, but forcing all these things on us on a daily basis, and the training exercises, everything that... I remember, and my dad was a smart guy, and he's still here, but I mean, he still believed in America and the system we know had been taken over.
I remember being a kid with him spraying weed killer when Roundup had come out in the early 80s.
You know, he told me how pesticide was dangerous and he thought it hurt his dad.
Uh, Coopertox was really just like a cyanide thing.
You put it on a bag of cows.
It took care of the flies though.
Uh, and I'm like, Dad, he goes, no, they say you can even get this on your skin.
You can even drink this.
I remember my dad repeating their propaganda.
Oh, they say a lot of things, too.
Remember DDT?
That was totally, totally safe.
Or RBGH, the recombinant bovine growth hormone, which was made from cloned, genetically modified cows.
Which hits women's genetics more.
That's why you'll have, like, a 5'5 woman and a 5'9 dad.
They've got, like, a 6'3 daughters.
And the pesticides hit men.
That's what causes aggressive prostate cancer.
It's so insane, as you were saying earlier, that people can't handle it in their brains.
And I was talking to someone the other day and they told me, they said, look, I don't think that's happening.
I said, why don't you think that's happening?
Why don't you think that these things are actually dangerous to us?
They said, because no one has the capacity to do that.
They can't think in those ways.
No one is sitting up there thinking about all the ways to hurt us.
But really, I mean, in the 50s, the Joker was always obsessed with binary weapons where he'd sell cosmetics and when you put the two on, that's what kills you.
But they could never find out what was killing him because they would test them individually.
So comic book writers knew about this.
Stan Lee, I guess, knew about this.
But not them!
So many icons know about this and put in all of their works.
Just like the latest Captain America.
That was basically one of your episodes, one of your Alex Jones Show transcripts put into a movie.
It's about Winter Soldier?
Well, we now know from Hollywood, actually, that the show did influence it.
That was an excellent film.
The New Avengers is unwatchable.
I mean, my God, it's the worst movie ever made.
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Welcome, my friends.
Thank you for staying with us.
I want to go back to Smith, Warren, and Brandon.
I'll try to get to Alex, but I need to hit a few of these news items I mentioned.
Anthony, I got you in here 30 minutes ago.
We haven't gotten to all these news articles yet.
Hit some of those, and then I briefly want to talk about Prostagard.
This is undoubtedly the best prostate formula out there.
I don't know why people didn't soup theirs up or add everything into it that's known to help.
And it just does so much amazing things.
My doctor, again, over a year ago when I turned 41, or 40 now, I'm over 41, you know, said you really ought to be on one of these natural prostate things that are out there.
And I just said to Anthony, I said, why don't we develop with our researchers and doctors and people something that's even better?
Because what I was paying was over $40 with tax for something that's not even as good.
In fact, let's plug this right now.
With all the stuff bombarding us, there are natural compounds, we don't really know why, that are known to counteract a lot of this.
And if you're not on niacin iodine that they don't want you to have, if you're not on the different quality prostate guards that are out there, ours is the best, if you're not getting purified water, if you're not doing some of the things to mitigate, well, okay.
Then I guess you just want to die.
It's very popular.
We got 5,000 bottles of this produced.
And at current sales rates, it'll be gone by next week.
But we're going to be able to produce this pretty quickly.
We want to be able to produce enough of everything to always have it.
But we never know what's going to be a hit, what isn't going to be a hit.
But we try to bring you things that we're really proud of and that will face scrutiny by enemy operations that test our stuff, government operations and others.
Going over to the fine-tooth comb, I give you my word, this is the best deal you're going to find anywhere on a prostate guard.
That's why it's called ProstateGuard and FullWarsLive.com.
Briefly, Anthony, tell folks about this.
I'll tell you why I'm really happy about it.
Because we looked at, hey, the American Indians were using some of these ingredients like lycopene-based derivatives or salt palmetto, right?
So they were using this countless centuries ago to the point where they were saying they already had issues with their reproductive health, right?
Or I'm being racist.
And they were taking this, I'm being racist.
Now, look what we're up against.
Deadly pesticides linked to increased prostate cancer risk.
Researchers have begun examining the link between pesticide exposure and the development of prostate cancer with scientists documenting increased prevalence of prostate cancer among older men exposed to certain pesticides.
What's funny here... You mean pesticides might hurt you?
That sounds like a conspiracy theory.
And what's funny, and we have this over and over again, and what's funny though is the research about junk food causing aggressive prostate cancer, like soda, that has to do with the pesticide content.
Everyone is getting exposed to pesticides.
If you go outside, you're getting exposed to pesticides.
Why does soda pop?
...to using ink term.
Why does it have so much pesticide in it?
Well, because whatever is as cheap as possible to make, these multinational conglomerates will do.
So if it saves five cents to use the crappiest junk made from China, grown from China... Well, the high-fructose corn syrup, yes.
The corn takes poison out of the soil.
Yeah, not to mention it's genetically modified and filled with mercury from the pest.
They're spraying it with glyphosate.
Yeah, they spray it, they douse it with glyphosate, just douse it with Roundup over and over and over again, so that nothing happens to the crop.
So it's cheaper.
It's cheaper to produce when you douse it with all this garbage, and then you're going to mill it up and you're going to put it in the soda, and then the actual...
What's funny is, they have preservatives which are basically pesticides themselves, because they also need to preserve the soda content in the huge batch systems, and they also don't want to get sued, because they don't want to have any type of growth in there, they don't want to have any type of foreign... That's right, it's harder to be organic, it's harder to have quality, but I mean, even leading competitors in nutraceuticals that have pretty clean stuff, but it'll have like one ingredient at a level we know is costing them $2 a bottle,
And then we just go, we'll just put $9 of stuff in there and sell it for $19 and make, change the whole industry.
I just don't get, like, why don't they, people just, we're like light years better than almost everybody is what I'm saying.
We are just so good at Infowarslife.com, it's sickening.
And just think about when we talked to one of those executives that came on the show actually, Breckler, our good friend there.
He came in and told us about manufacturers that were sweeping herbs off the ground from the conveyor belts and dumping them back on to put into the supplement capsules.
We don't do anything like that.
And secondarily, he was telling us about these companies, and I already know about this, we've talked about this time and time again, some that you would know if I said, which I'm not going to, they cost 13 cents sometimes a bottle.
For the actual content.
The bottle and stuff cost a little bit more, but 13 cents.
I know, and I thought, because that's a top brand, I was like, I want to do what they've done.
People say they're the best.
We went and researched, we're like, we had it tested, we're like, oh my gosh.
We're not touching that.
I mean, our margins... Look, we're not just saying this.
I mean, because, I mean, even crap.
Herbs are so powerful that even cruddy brands are better than nothing.
I mean, no one would put out pure iodine like us.
And just no one still does.
They just don't care.
Because it's expensive.
Yeah, and that's also... I mean, well, why?
Why not put out the best?
This is a free market capitalist.
If I had a car, I'd want to have it at the most, like Henry Ford, the most affordable price that makes me a good profit, that destroys my competition, that's quality.
Because I want to dominate the market.
But nowadays, it's all about, just from a, you know, sinister view.
Also, just want to have high quality, want to be a good guy and survive attacks.
But it just makes sense to the right thing, Anthony.
It does.
And then that's why these stores that contact us, the brick-and-mortar stores, hey, we want to carry your stuff.
Okay, great.
Here's what we get it for.
Here's what you can sell it for.
They're like, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You need to jack your prices up by about three to four times, and then we can do that.
They think that we're not selling it high enough.
Yeah, we're like this $19.95 bottle is $9 a bottle.
This $30 something bottle is $16 a bottle.
This $130 bottle is like $60 a bottle.
And they're like, well, you need a three or four time markup.
And then we're like, listen, we'll split the profit with you, put it in your store, we'll make $5, you'll make, no, no, no.
They told us we need to sell Prostagard for at least $40.
That's what I was told from one of the leading labs working on this.
I know.
But we still make a big profit to fund the operation.
And then everybody's going to come to us.
They just don't get it, man.
I tell you, sometimes I don't think I'm that smart.
But compared to the general public and even corporate people, Breckler's super smart.
But a lot of these other people, they're not smart, man.
Well, they think that if they screw everyone... They think screwing someone gets them ahead!
And then what happens is people understand that and they're not going to buy... People want to know why all the Hollywood folks and all the generals and all these trans people love me?
Because they've been watching me for 20 years.
They know I'm for real.
I don't screw people over.
I don't release info on people.
I treat people like I want to be treated.
Golden rule, baby!
I mean, I don't know why folks don't get that.
You know, I think it all comes down to motivation, because obviously we want to have the financial support to do what we're doing and continue to make a difference in all these things, but at the same time, we want to actually give quality products, because we understand, even if we were bad, right?
We understand, hey, maybe we should make something that's not junk, right?
But these companies, they make junk, and then they jack up the prices, and they sell you garbage, and they expect you to keep coming back, when that's just not going to happen.
Well, it's the Walmart view.
I mean, I don't know how many times I did this until I won't do it.
My kids would want a toy at, I didn't really go to Walmart, but say Target or even some smaller store.
It would break before you got out of the box.
I mean, you'd get out of the box, it's broken, or it breaks in an hour.
You spent $45 on some robot and it breaks in an hour, and you know, it's like, used to America was known for quality, or Japan still is.
They know what they're doing, like a Toyota car or a Honda.
No, it's true.
That's why German-engineered cars are usually the best, too.
It's sad to think that these days, when you're buying a vehicle, you think, well, as long as I don't get something that's American-made, unless it's the higher-end one, then I'm pretty much... But America got better.
The statistics are better.
It has actually increased.
And that's also, I think, why we're seeing more quality stores.
Just McDonald's, for example, losing all the money.
It's because competitors to Whole Foods are rising up.
And that's why Whole Foods recently was on the news, had to lower their prices.
Because competitors in the organic U.S.
market are coming in.
And that's the same for furniture and cars and toys and everything.
Competition is the answer.
It is.
And as we see the bureaucracy decrease, we'll see the capitalistic
Competition increase, if that ever happens.
I totally agree.
Two trillion in bureaucracy laws and regulations last year.
Well, you can find the whole family of Infowarslife.com products at Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
If you're above 40 and you're not taking Prostagard, you're insane.
And I mean, if you're not filtering your water, you're insane.
With a filter that cuts out glyphosate.
I mean, glyphosate's worse than fluoride.
Because it's hit everything.
I mean, look at the Mayo Clinic.
I never even got to that yesterday.
Mayo Clinic on saw palmetto.
One ingredient in our formula.
And this is not an endorsement of our product, but I'm just talking about Sal Palmetto, and this is really powerful.
So, this is from the Mayo Clinic, super, super respected, number one hospital in the United States every single year.
Sal Palmetto is used popularly in Europe to treat symptoms of enlarged prostate.
Although it is not considered the standard of care in the United States, it is the most popular herbal treatment for this condition.
More than 2 million American men use Sal Palmetto for enlarged prostate, and it is commonly recommended as an alternative treatment by the U.S.
That's some powerful stuff right there.
And then it goes into what it does.
Because you go to your doctor and what do they say?
Oh, it's time to start radiation.
It's time to start radiation, you name it, we're going to go in and do the surgery.
I can't tell you how many 50, 60, 70 year old guys that we're going to have to have surgery that then tell me, that's why it's such a popular product, you hear the ads everywhere for prostate stuff, with just salt, palmetto.
Because it just shrinks up and it's back and then suddenly it's working again.
And then critics say, well, there's been a lot of research.
Salt Palmetto is great, but there's some things that it's not good for.
That's where Lycopene comes in.
It's the new Salt Palmetto.
That's why we put it in this formula.
This is actually groundbreaking.
This is really new.
A formula that includes Selenium, Salt Palmetto, Lycopene, Vitamin D, Copper, Zinc, Plant Sterols, Zinc.
This is all of the things.
So if you're taking salt and pimento, great, you're doing a good job.
But then someone can come in and say, well, it doesn't do this for certain forms of aggressive prostate cancer with type B and blah, blah, blah.
Well, that's why we have those.
This isn't a culmination of all of the... We got all the top formulators, the top guys, the latest literature.
We make the highest quality product we can for half the price of the leading competitor that doesn't even have all this.
Just total win, win, win, win, win.
The reason we talk about this at length is because we're proud of it.
You see, people with products, they want to hawk and they want to push in you that aren't high quality.
They say, oh, well, we have this, by the way.
We sit here and talk about it at length because it's content, it's powerful, it adds value to others, and it adds value to this operation.
The brand system of Infowars Life is so powerful that talking about it is actually thrilling.
I'm going to skip this network break because I've got to go to these calls.
Anthony, stay with me.
You're absolutely right.
Look at this.
Reckoning at the Fed.
I could have spoken the whole show about this.
A Hill article about how corrupt the Fed is, how they screwed everything up.
I mean, Federal Reserve in deep trouble, not Federal.
Just a hoax after hoax.
Let me continue here, ladies and gentlemen, and get to this piece of news.
Where did my articles just go?
Here it is.
Why China is taking control of physical gold.
Big article there.
And it basically shows them hoarding it.
The country's currently lobbying to be included in the International Monetary Fund's reserve currency.
Gold has a lot to do with that.
So they're going to back up their new global currency with that.
And then HSBC has come out.
The world economy faces a titanic problem.
Treasury yields have not risen.
Budget deficit's not falling.
Welfare payments are on the rise.
Oh, this was supposed to fix all that.
QE Unlimited.
But now their chief economist, Stephen King, is already thinking about the next recession.
It's already here, folks.
We've been telling you.
In a note to clients Wednesday, he warns, just like JP Morgan did a month ago, we got that internal memo, the world economy is like an ocean liner with lifeboats.
If another recession hits, it could be truly titanic struggle for policymakers.
You hear that?
We're talking about titanic events.
Sinking events.
Establishment people making it to the lifeboats.
That's why
Morgan's like, prepare for fortress mentality.
We are in the command base, but this crisis will be the great decider.
This new system we're entering will be unparalleled, and we may survive to dominate everything, but brace yourselves.
I mean, whoa!
I'm paraphrasing, that's what he basically said.
I mean, what do you think is going on here?
Well, it's pretty simple.
All the people that are in the know that are actually going to listen to the top executives that they work for or know, personally, are going to sit around and they're going to go to the bar and they're going to say, hey, something really bad has happened.
I hang around with, you hang out with billionaires?
No, I don't.
Who do you think they want to hang around with?
Not the average snot-nose that wants to watch sports all day.
This is all they talk about.
The general public just needs to know, folks, we're in trouble.
I spoke to one the other day, and he is the kind of guy that's, he's a fun guy that isn't always stressed out, but he just looked at me and he just said, just be prepared, just start saving money.
And that's all he said.
And these people are also really smart, because they're not going to tell you exactly what's going on, because they hear from their buddy who's, you know, has the insider information.
But everyone knows, at that level, that none of the general public is going to listen to you.
They're going to tell their friends and their family, and that's what JP Morgan is doing.
They're going to warn the people that'll listen.
But the other 95% of people are not going to listen, and they're going to criticize Alex Jones for going on the air and even talking about JP Morgan saying that.
And that's how it turns into this never-ending strategy of, we can say anything we want, anywhere, and no one's going to listen, and they're going to attack the messenger.
They laugh about it and they think it's funny.
That's why they say the economy's imploding, get ready, get prepared, to those
Maybe less than 1% of the people that actually are going to take action and do things, and this audience included.
And then the rest of the people are going to run around and say you're a conspiracy theorist until it happens again.
You're right.
I don't want Alex to hang up.
Guys, make me start reading what people say.
Wife got visited by TSA at work.
Yeah, that's the new thing.
They're on the streets.
And I saw them 14 years ago say they'd do that.
People are like, how'd he know that?
They said they would.
It's like, how do we know they're going to replace the troops with robots?
They said!
They said they put flora in the water to dumb us down.
I mean, you know.
And then Smith on Jade Helm and Sean on Health Comments.
I may just end up doing the whole hour here because I just want to keep rolling here, Anthony.
This is key intel we're going over.
But we're going to go to these calls in a moment.
But first, I've been promising yesterday and today to play this.
I want to play a clip from The Five, now on Monday.
And I was going to cover it Tuesday, and this is just one of many TV shows attacking us, but they're there saying, how dare Senator Cruz, Abbott, listen to Alex Jones.
Well, I'm like somebody at the parapet going, enemy forces just came over the hill.
They're there.
Not that the military is the enemy.
The globalists are in control of this.
They're acclimating.
And so they want to ridicule this when everybody knows we're going into a police state.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip and analyze it.
They got Texas flags on the TVs.
They're shitting around.
There are all kinds of conspiracy theories floating around about an upcoming Pentagon training exercise called Operation Jethelm 15.
It's a program that's going to run eight weeks in seven states beginning in July with troops practicing certain military maneuvers.
In Texas, the prospect of armed federal troops has sparked an avalanche of speculation, including fears of a government conspiracy to launch a hostile takeover of the state.
Good pause.
In the words of Jon Stewart, they already took over.
We're pointing out that it's an acclamation for just general occupation with the TSA on street corners as they now are in every major Texas city.
I mean, you know, we have the documents.
Let's continue with the Five.
Here it is.
Although the Defense Department vows there are no such plans to do so, Senator Ted Cruz understands the concern.
I understand the reason for concern and uncertainty, because when the federal government has not demonstrated itself to be trustworthy in this administration, the natural consequence is that many of the citizens don't trust what it's saying.
Oh boy.
Former Texas Governor Rick Perry understands as well, but thinks Americans can trust the military.
I don't think it's a problem to question your government.
I do it on a regular basis.
And I think that's a healthy thing to question your government.
I don't think it's particularly healthy to question the military.
Good pause.
Good pause.
The military is run by the politicians that are putting us under secret treaties right now.
I mean, imagine how they talk to us like we're five.
We're talking about the command of the military.
It'd be like in World War II, if the Nazis are propaganda going, it's okay to question Hitler, but don't question our military.
I mean, you know, it is just insane.
Let's continue here.
Let's go back.
Wow, and Governor Abbott of Texas has apparently sent the National Guard out to make sure the Army doesn't get too out of control.
So, can we just all agree?
Why don't you show what he said?
He said to allay fears and to monitor the feds as a state function.
We'll have them there.
And they're actually working with them in some of the more legitimate drills.
Let's go back to the clip.
I'm ready to come on live via satellite, please, right now.
I mean, this was in hundreds of papers, saying that I'm a chicken.
I mean, this is the dirty tricks they gotta pull.
None of my listeners buy it.
Okay, I'm ready.
I'm ready to come on right now.
Your show.
So, see, you can't even discredit what I stand for, so you just sit there and act like I wouldn't come on ABC.
In fact, I want my listeners to call Fox News.
Guys, can you find me Fox News phone number in New York?
I want an article out by whoever wants to ride around here, challenging Fox News, ABC, everybody.
I'm ready to marathon.
In fact, I'm ready, if you want to have me on when I'm here, I will have David Knight do the show tomorrow, and I will come.
In fact, I'll fly to New York to be on The Five.
Right now!
I mean, it is just, it is just, I just hit this and broke my... I think you're cowering in fear as ABC News says.
Look at you.
You are cowering in fear at the opportunity.
I just hit the table and just broke the audio thing.
I have no audio now.
I'm cowering in fear.
Everybody knows I'm cowering in fear.
It's like I'm going up because the club is going, ahhh!
And then it's like, then I'm afraid to go on their show.
That is the face of fear of an interview.
I'm afraid to do my own show now.
I just faked breaking that.
I'm so shook up.
I won't be able to hear the audio, but I'll just go back to it.
Here we go.
Can you guys come jack this into something else, another wire in here?
Let's just do it live on air right now.
I don't need another headpiece.
I need to plug into one of the guest plug-ins right here.
That's all I need.
I hit something and broke the connection in here.
To my hookup.
He was too afraid to go on ABC News.
I'm too afraid right now.
That's why I'm going 30 minutes over the show.
That's why I won't even take calls to have guests half the time.
I'm afraid to talk.
I'm so scared of being on air.
They were in here live yesterday with two other hookups.
Anyway, I can't even go back to the clip right now.
Thank you, sir.
Okay, yes, I have audio.
It's back.
You'll see I broke it.
I don't know how I did that.
A breaking thing.
I know.
I'm so afraid.
That's why I'm taking on the whole New World Order.
Let's go ahead and go back to him saying I'm afraid.
Here we go.
Look, Alex Jones is a 9-11 truther, he's an Oklahoma City truther, and any opportunity he can to perpetuate a conspiracy theory, he will.
Simulation, military simulation, is an important way of training people for an emergency.
You don't want to do it after or during, you want to do it before, and that's all what this is about.
But Kimberly, what's weird to me about this is you've got the governor of Texas.
The governor of Texas saying, I can understand people's concerns, so I'm going to deploy the National Guard to make sure
That the army, the military doesn't get out of control.
Is that a little too far?
Well, I don't know.
It's a little excessive.
A little.
But the thing is, obviously he has a constituency that is really giving him a panic attack about this because they're probably a very vocal minority that feels that this is the case.
So they're going to be calling him, they're going to be emailing, they're going to be driving him nuts.
He's got to do something.
Tiny vocal minority.
It's a talking point.
They were breaking the law.
Maybe I shouldn't stay out long with them because they'll claim I didn't show up for that and cancel it.
Back her up.
As if we said they're physically taking over.
She's like, they pick an easier state.
Did they show anything we had to say?
They just make crap up, lie to their victim audience, of, I'm sorry, elderly people on dialysis.
I mean, they're talking to people barely hanging on for their lives, who think, you know, that nice young lady exposed that to me on the show.
We're going to go to Alex when we come back.
Smith and Shawn.
GCN Radio Network.
I'm afraid I'll run out of here.
What's going on here?
I'm afraid.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Anthony, you should take the show.
I can't be live.
I'm too afraid of ABC and the media and the Five.
They say I'm afraid.
I'm afraid to go on air.
That's why I take on the Globalist and the New World Order.
Do all this, Anthony.
You've got to protect me from them.
Oh my gosh, no, no.
Again, they're scared to have me on these shows.
That's why, I mean, I'll go on Fox any time.
I've been next door, supposed to go on the Paulitano Show back when he had one, and Glenn Beck threw a fit like four years ago.
I've been on The View that morning and CNN.
The Bayhar Show or whatever her name was and then but I'd flown to New York to be on Fox and they said no you can't come on.
It's Fox that's afraid to have me on.
And maybe somebody out there can search engine.
If you actually look in our phone directory we have the phone numbers to Fox producers that are still good.
And so we have their internal phone numbers.
But New York, New York.
Call them and say the 5, Bill O'Reilly, any of them.
I'm ready to come on and quote Eisenhower and talk about why this is dangerous.
But see, they can't have that, so they've got to say, I'm scared.
So I'm ready to fly to New York, do a New York tour, and go on all these shows.
Call Fox and say, we want Alex Jones on.
Tweet at Fox.
Uh, at their main Twitter.
Tweet at the five and say, I want to come on.
Same thing for this week with George Snotnose Nofanophilus.
I'm ready.
In fact, in fact, I'm sick of these cowards.
I'm ready to fly to New York City or D.C.
right now.
In fact, I want to be in the studio with them like Piers Morgan.
Now, they know I'll dominate.
That's why they won't do it.
Because they're sacks of chicken crap.
And they know that I would dominate them.
With just history, and here's this article about them training for the Patriots, and here's this one, and then there's this film about them taking the guns, and then here's what Eisenhower warned us.
I mean, countries get taken over by the military all the time.
I'm not blaming the troops.
I'm blaming policy.
Look at Obama opening the borders up.
Everybody knows about this.
I mean, I'll just blast them with truth.
They call it the avalanche technique of debate, and then it's over.
I will laugh at them when they laugh at me.
I won't cower and play games with them.
So, they have to announce that I'm scared to go on with them and misrepresent that Texas has got a lot of guns!
They ought to try to invade California!
Somebody can go laugh at Alex Jones and go, huh, he thought they'd try to invade Texas to take our guns.
He'll never have them.
You think they'll do that?
Porky Pig meets Gomer Pyle meets Foghorn Leghorn.
I see, boy.
I see, I see.
Get away from me, boy.
You bother me.
How about I come up to the Five and I take all those ladies out at night?
I mean, you know, just take them out to dinner.
And I will be there to chaperone the ladies and make sure they behave themselves.
Because I'll go further.
Ladies, I'm scared of ladies.
And I'm very scared to take you out to dinner.
Of course, you're not really that attractive, but the point is, is that still, I can tell you ladies haven't been around a real man in a while.
And so, let me just say, we'll all get a hotel room and I'll teach you how to play tiddlywinks.
Alright, I'm joking.
It's a family show, I'm just joking.
Have a little bit of fun.
You'd cower in fear, probably.
Oh, I'd cower in fear.
Anthony, you know how I'd cower in fear.
You would cower in fear.
I would absolutely cower in fear.
I love it!
What other tricks do you think they're going to pull to claim?
Because everybody says, why don't you have him on?
So they just claim I don't show up.
Well, why don't they just say that we tried to invite him on, but he didn't respond?
That might happen.
Oh, we tried to get him on.
We sent him an email, but he didn't respond to us.
He doesn't want to come on because he's a coward.
That's how easy it is.
Just like, oh, he didn't show up because we didn't actually send a car till 10 minutes before.
So now he's a coward, quite frankly.
And then notice, Fox News hates ABC News.
Yet they're backing them up.
There's a unilateral push against the Jade Helm quote-unquote conspiracy that is actually even happening now.
And they're just all unifying together just like they did for Obama.
Just saying this is really, this is really good.
Jade Helm is great.
Everyone who says it's bad is insane.
And for the first time Fox News now is going and quoting Stephanopoulos and talking about how great he is.
Isn't that interesting?
But they could even play that sensational clip of me making a joke about a hotel room with them.
I'm giving them stuff right now.
But they know it's so sensational, it gives us so much attention.
But we already have a big audience that's growing.
We don't need you!
But I'll be happy to come on and mop the floor with you and your faux tough guy.
In fact, I'll challenge that host to a boxing match.
Bare knuckle.
I mean, he looks like a pretty tough guy.
Doesn't matter.
I'll knock his teeth out and break his nose because I'm afraid.
Get in the ring with me and I will stomp your ass into the ground.
And let's do it in Vegas with all the proper stuff.
We can give it to the charity if you want.
Because I'm a coward.
How's that sound?
I'd put a bet on that.
But they're not real showmen.
They're there for corporate executives to load their teleprompter like a PEZ dispenser
And then they just sit there and spout BS at people.
Well, you can tell that too, because she kept messing up the words.
You know, she was reading the teleprompter very quickly, saying, you know... She sounded like she had a... She had a helm and twoops and... She sounded like she had a foot-long chili dog shoved in her mouth.
All right, I'm going to stop.
I kind of get bad in the third hour, fourth hour, look out.
I start losing control.
Let's go back to these idiots up there, lying to their viewers.
Over any state?
It wouldn't be Texas!
They are probably better off than most of our military.
Maybe go for a blue state, with all the gun laws that are out of California or Vermont or Washington, something like that.
That's the one to shoot for.
We just let Texas succeed, what do you think, with this kind of behavior?
No, but the fact is, the government has taken over some states.
We know that.
By the way, they're doing this... I can name them, but I don't have time.
This is all being done to distract us from the chemtrails.
The chemtrails are what's ruining us.
By the way, the thing that kills me about conspiracy theorists is they believe that they reflect, like, a higher intelligence or a higher skepticism or a sense of awareness, when in fact, every conspiracy theorist you know is gullible.
They're the guys that always forward you the email that's been forwarded a thousand times.
I'm just saying.
I'm just saying.
You've got to speculate.
A lot of it's going to be wrong, but not from us.
And they're so insulting and cruel.
Show us what we did that was wrong.
Saying that what happened in Boston, when the bodies were still fresh, was a false flag operation performed by the FBI.
While these people are mourning their dead, they're the worst and they're the most gullible and the dumbest people.
I can't stand them.
I just don't like that they show everyone's email on there instead of, right?
That's the most annoying part.
Oh, you're more mad about the forwarded email.
Oh, yeah.
So Dana, you work for a guy who used to be governor of Texas.
Now we forwarded everyone's email.
Well, you know, I'm confused about something.
No, we didn't even say the FBI.
We said, we don't know.
These brothers were under CIA control.
That came out in the news.
There was a drill.
There was clearly a scan down.
There's a cover up.
Something's going on.
How is it a conspiracy theory that's bad for the federal military to come into Texas as a state and do training again?
And then interact in civilian clothes doing simulated illegal things.
How is that a conspiracy theory?
While we have new video of them training to confiscate guns in South Carolina!
I'll tell you why though, because it's an emotion-backed response that he just gave to that by saying people are crazy and chemtrails and Hitler and Boston and talking about victims dying and crying.
How dare him not like the victims!
How dare him not like the troops!
You could, I could go into a mall, right, and I could watch someone shoot five people and then the cops question me.
I can't, you know, if I was a complicit in the crime, I can't talk.
There were so many dead victims.
It just hurt me so bad.
Okay, okay.
You know, you're not allowed to talk about anything any further if you say, well, people are crying and there was victims and there was bloodshed.
That just derails any argument.
That's why 9-11 is so successful.
People died.
It's so sad.
Of course it is.
Of course it's sad.
What was that Ben Affleck movie that just came out that was so good?
I don't even like Affleck.
He's a horrible gone girl.
But in that, like, she's been through a lot.
She can't talk to the detectives right now.
That's a perfect example.
And after, basically, not to give the whole, who cares, but anyway, basically this woman, it's a long story, but she had committed the crime she was guilty of.
And they were asking about it.
I'm just so sad.
Don't you understand?
I'm in emotional distress.
Okay, let's let her go, guys.
Well, everything they did was in Texas.
It's tough.
Army couldn't take them.
Everything is to manipulate their audience.
Why is Jon Stewart so big?
It's because he's not actually sitting there spewing facts and information.
He's making an emotional mockery of it, which then says to your body, okay, this is just funny.
It's like if you're in an argument.
The best way to defuse an argument in a relationship is to make a joke and lighten the spirits, not to actually logically conclude the...
You can be in arguments with women and just make a joke.
Don't have the argument.
Just make a joke about it.
That's the only thing.
No, listen, listen.
I was joking around earlier.
I would actually like to go up to Fox, the five, I'll take them all out to dinner.
And then if both those guys want to get in a bare knuckle box match with me, I'm serious, I'll challenge them both to a fight.
Since I'm such a coward.
And you'll cower in fear in the match.
If any of these guys ever call me on it, I'm going to go and get in the ring with them.
Hey, forget Mayweather vs Pacquiao.
This is the fight of 2015.
Yeah, and I'm not going to be holding him.
I'm not going to be moving out of the way.
Yeah, pretend.
I'm going to come up and want to get hit in the head to turn it on.
Just challenge all your enemies to a boxing match.
Oh, I'm just doing it as a joke, because then, remember, on Piers Morgan, they said, no, we're going to kill you.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
And then they said, oh, I'd like to take a gun out and shoot him.
But that's OK, though.
That's OK that they said that.
But could you imagine if you said that?
Well, she said, we'll do it wearing a uniform.
The ambassador's daughter, and they're all, oh yeah, oh.
As if wearing a uniform gives them some kind of power.
It's OK if you do anything, as long as you're in a uniform.
A lot of those guys look like they probably wear like ice cream truck uniforms.
Let's go, yeah.
Let's go, come on in, we'll have puppies in the back.
Let's go, lollipops.
Anyways, let's go ahead and go back to the club, here it is.
Alexis, could you imagine?
No, and I actually think that the set up for those, for Cruz and Perry, and even talking about Abbott, I actually think that
They're in a position of responsibility to give some tough love.
But you just said about Alex Jones, nutjob, this is not true.
That actually should have come from them.
I agree.
That should not be on the five.
Who are we?
We are nobody.
But if you're in a position of elected leadership... Back it up.
They're saying call Alex Jones a nutjob.
Denounce him.
This is the new litmus test.
Well, that's a great way to attack.
It's like when the enemy's got you chained down, torturing you, denounce him!
And usually it's like the show whose name we will not utter.
Because I'm going to show you government documents at army.mil where they're training to take your guns and take your town over.
I mean, they don't like that.
The ultimate form of flattery is not mentioning you by name.
When they actually have to mention you by name, it means they're so desperate that they now are forcing other people to denounce you by attacking them.
That's their strategy.
Well, they're saying, listen, and they've been saying denounce me for five weeks.
It's a threat.
It's saying, look guys, look Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, everybody, denounce Alex Jones or we're going to keep attacking you.
Even Fox News is not going to be on your side.
We're unilaterally going to push against you as a media conglomerate if you do not denounce him.
And I'm told the other shows are all doing it.
Denounce him, denounce him, denounce him.
You want to denounce me?
Like at Body Science?
You want to do it?
Go ahead and do it.
I need to just actually what I need to do is it needs to be I need to sit here with my thumbs up or down like a gladiatorial tribe and just put my thumbs down.
Just cower in fear.
I just love that I say I'm afraid.
Oh, you're absolutely afraid, obviously.
Sitting here challenging them to a boxing match, let alone an interview.
I think you're obviously desperately afraid of them.
Not to mention, what's the whole... You've been on those shows countless times.
It's funny to me, you're on The View.
I mean, you know, you've been on the mainstream media television programs over and over again.
It's not like it's some big deal.
They act like it's some... I'm, like, well known for showing up to everything.
Like, he won't be on ABC, oh my goodness.
You know, it's not even that big of a lie.
No, it's meant to mean like I'm hiding under the table and I'm afraid to defend myself.
But your voice is every single day on the radio.
Why don't they talk about that?
They don't actually want to talk about anything you say.
And you'll notice that I've never seen one time, not one time, have they actually played a full clip from your show where you're actually reaching your conclusion and beginning your conclusion.
They always take a little snippet that makes you sound... It's like, it's like an invasion map.
Yeah, exactly.
But everyone else gets the justice of at least 30 seconds of a clip, and they know they can use 30 seconds.
They could use two minutes.
Well, they would even play the whole Ted Cruz where he says people don't trust Obama, and why?
They don't want to give any credibility.
I mean, Obama's power-grabbing everything.
Here, let's go back to the clip, and then to your calls, Alex, and others.
That actually should have come from them.
Not from the five.
I mean, the five, we can... Who are we?
We are nobody.
But if you're in a position of elected leadership... Pause.
Drag it up ten seconds.
Who are you?
You're the former propagandist for George W. Bush.
Perino, or Perina, or whatever your name is.
Dogfood is your name.
If you want to ride my Mercedes, I'm sorry.
The point is... No, I'm quoting Sir Maxwell.
The point is...
I saw you get up and say there was no inflation or there was no dollar devaluation when the dollar lost 30% of its value like eight, nine years ago.
I mean, you are a consummate BS artist who will read off a teleprompter.
You are nobody.
Let's get that straight, ding dong.
And by the way, I'm ready to be attacked by all these Republicans.
Do you know why these Republicans are the leaders of the pack?
And why Abbott won so big?
Because their constituents have read the Army documents and the news articles admitting the military's trying to take on the Patriots.
So keep shoving lies at your audience, jackasses.
Please, folks, call Fox News.
Tweet them.
Tell them I'm ready.
Right now.
They're like, oh yeah, you really want to be on our show?
Actually, yeah, I would get a lot of publicity out of it.
Not just to have 3 million viewers, but that it wouldn't be in big news.
In fact, I really should have just submitted.
I had a plan.
I said, I'll only do live.
They said, sure, of course it's going to be live.
And then the day before, two days before on Friday, on this week, they said, oh, it's going to be taped now.
We'll pick you up at 8.
We'll tape at 8.30.
And then it airs at, you know, I was like, OK, whatever.
Next thing, we're going to pick you up at 6.
These are the emails we put them out.
And we're like, uh, I'm like, I told Nico, I said, no, tell him it's just, uh, you know, basically I'll do the eight or I'll do the thing while I'm done.
Let me hit, we didn't hear back.
So I'm done.
Then they send a car to be live 12 minutes before airtime.
We couldn't even have probably gotten to the studio.
I'm in my underwear.
My kids have just gotten up wandering around saying, cook me breakfast.
I looked at my daughters.
They were asking for food.
There's nobody there to keep the kids?
I told them I guess I'm not doing it, so... No!
I'm not going!
But see how they just... It's just ridiculous.
Here, let's go back to the club.
I agree.
Does she give some tough love?
He's fragile.
Well, I have to say Rick Perry, to his credit, called it for what it is.
He basically said, this is nuts.
Rick Perry, congratulations, actually stood up.
Oh, they did?
Oh, you gave us a treat.
Who came out and said, this is crazy and we should- Hit pause, I'm gonna stand for them.
Okay, just close shot on the camera.
On me.
Err, err, err, err, for you, please throw me a fish.
Err, err, I'll bounce a ball on my nose.
There's no police state, no NSA spying, the military's not trying to take over the United States in hundreds of news articles.
Everything's fine, and I apologize, Jane Helm's no big deal.
Err, err, err, now give me a fish, Fox News.
They'll probably play that clip.
I don't care.
All it does is bring me more audience, they find the truth, slimeballs.
The truth trumps piles of scheming, traitorous, cowardice, filth.
I'll never be a coward like you, no matter what stunt you pull.
And that's why neither one of you little punks will get in a ring with me.
Now let's go ahead and go back to the clip.
I understand the skepticism, after all, since we do have a Kenyan-born president.
That's true, I've been to Kenya and I saw his phone.
What's with all the bullets, homeless, Cherokees?
On that note, one more thing is up next.
There you go, that was actually such a good segment.
Yeah, we're back in high school where we laugh, where we laugh at the kid that's in astronomy class, the mathematician who'll end up owning the computer company.
And it's, yeah, we never grew up, we just laugh.
I'm skipping this final network break.
I'm shook up right now.
See, let me tell you something, guys at Real Teleprompters.
I built this company.
I run this.
I call the shots.
I skip network breaks when I want to and lose $3,000, $4,000.
Do you get to do that?
No, because you're not your own man.
You're not a trailblazer.
You're not an American.
You're a collaborating sack of crap.
I want to go to these calls.
But, uh, Anthony, any comments you have, and we'll go to the calls.
What does it mean when all of these media groups that apparently hate each other are coming together and just attacking you and forcing everyone to denounce you or else with all these weird threats?
Does it mean that they are so desperate now that they know their audience is big?
And perhaps it's because they're preemptively attacking you before 2016 elections as they know you have a big voice in it and they want to disarm you to ensure that you actually, in their plan, which it won't work, to try and ensure that you don't have a voice in the 2016 elections.
Well, you know how it is for Rupert Palpatine when he's under attack and he needs help, he's weak.
He gets more powerful.
These people are such little cowards.
I love it.
They don't get I'm enjoying all of this.
Good, good.
They think in the mindset of a corporate drone reporter where if they mess up they get fired or whatever happens.
You don't care.
Your audience is still going to be there because they know you're real.
I'm in a death battle.
I'm ready for them to come after me.
I don't even care.
Hey, if something happens to me, this whole thing's happening.
I'll just become more powerful long after I'm shoveled into my grave.
I don't even care about me.
It's not about ego.
It's about fighting the tyranny.
I win no matter what.
It's just they don't even get, they don't understand it.
They just, they're like they're blind, Anthony.
They don't have the developed neurological systems, whatever you want to call it, spiritual, whatever, to understand a purpose greater than their own actions.
So that when they're doing these things, they're conniving and attacking, they don't understand that you're not actually just conniving things, you're actually pushing a message that you care about more than yourself and more than... Exactly!
I'm committed to it.
Sure, I get hyped up to do it, because it is, it takes some chutzpah, but I mean, at the end of the day, that's it!
I mean, I know the world they're protecting is what's destroying us.
And so all I can do is set my will against them.
That's all they know, though.
See, you're operating on this level of will and power, and that's how you do all this with, you know, even with no sleep.
Well, that's how anybody does it.
Yeah, absolutely.
It's happened throughout history.
It's just, now you're standing on this precipice, on this peak amount, where we're hitting into 2016, which is going to be an insane year for everyone.
And they're freaking out, saying, what are we going to do when we lose control?
And that's the result.
Well, they're also getting ready for the financial collapse, and I hope it doesn't come, but all the indicators are there.
And there'll be troops rolling around the streets, and they're gonna go, he hates the troops!
I mean, you know, it's just... Yeah.
Alright, let's go to Alex.
I really appreciate Holding and then Smith and others.
You're a real trooper, Alex.
You say your wife got visited by the TSA at work?
Of course, that's in the news.
I don't just believe the caller.
It's infrastructure protection, but pretty soon it's down to the Walmarts.
What happened?
Well, Alex, pretty much, I was on my way back home and wife, she sent me a text and said that the TSA is here at work and she works in the city TSC, which is the Traffic Operations Center, you know where they have like the video cameras everywhere and they monitor traffic.
I knew it would be an infrastructure protection area, yeah.
The feds are taking over the infrastructure, but go ahead.
Yeah, but anyway, she texted me and she said that they've never had an inspection, the TSA is there for like a random inspection.
She said that the Feds have never ever been there.
They randomly came in and she said the reason was for they're doing a security assessment of surface transportation and I've...
I know I've been listening to you for a while.
And notice that's when the train just happened.
They're claiming a projectile hit one.
Whether it was terror or not, get ready for more TSA.
It's a rollout of everything.
I mean, but that's a conspiracy theory to have known facts and then extrapolate.
I mean, you might get laughed at by Fox News.
We better not talk like this, Alex.
They control reality.
Didn't you know?
And don't say, don't use the word bossy because that makes feminists mad.
We better do what they say too.
How's that sound?
I completely agree with you.
I mean, isn't it just easier, Alex, just to submit and do what the smart people say?
Or tarts on TV might laugh at us.
Oh yeah, I know.
Because apparently my IQ that's over 100 does not really count for anything at all.
Well, so the TSA, it's more about federalization.
What are the Feds doing showing up at your traffic relay system?
They're showing up everywhere, but I was guessing, I hadn't talked to you yet, that it'd be infrastructure.
It's power plants, it's road interchanges, it's construction companies, it's food processing.
But they said, in the C-SPAN briefing, where they said everything they do in 2002, I watched for two hours.
That's why I'm an expert.
Because I saw them say it.
Every job will be approved through your national ID card, which is the driver's license.
It's already standardized.
To have a job, you'll have to go through TSA.
And that's what InstaCheck is now, to make sure you're a good person.
You go in for an interview.
They're getting you ready where everyone's going to get an interview.
But sometimes in the line, you'll be taken away.
They're still all going to be there.
But that's how they do it.
It's very loving.
Anything else, Alex?
No, but like I trust them wholeheartedly, completely, because everything they do is for the good of me and my kids.
That's more like it.
Let's take another evil person's call.
Let's talk to Sean in California.
And then Smith.
I gotta go quick here.
Go ahead, Sean.
Hey, I got two things.
The first is I'm just so, so thankful that I found Dr. Walsh through your show.
It's changed my life.
Everybody needs to get out and get the book Epigenetics.
Everybody needs to check out Dr. Wallach and Dr. Glidden.
We have to go, you know, against the medical, you know... No, no, the government loves us.
Forced inoculation is never coming, but now it's here.
Just take all the shots and have a convulsion, or let your baby die with the shots.
Oh, it's beautiful.
Oh, I love the government.
Oh, loving.
Inject the black people with syphilis.
Trust the government.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I was just having a dream of tyranny.
Take me away.
Instead of a bubble bath, tyranny.
Take me away.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
We have to get back to basics and get the nutrients we need, like Wallach said.
Everybody, everybody listening right now, if you haven't got the book or watched it, you've got to check it out.
It is.
It's revolutionary.
I'm going to jump.
God bless you.
I just got to jam in a few more.
Smith in Virginia.
You're going to be our tail gunner.
Sorry to the others.
Smith from Virginia.
We salute you.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate you taking the call and I hope this goes out and that the people that can hear it do hear it.
Helm to Jade, and Jade Helm stands for jadeite.
It's a mineral.
Hopefully everybody will look into this helm, this helmet.
They've been tracking for about eight months a two and a half mile wide asteroid that's going to hit off the coast of South America between September the 15th and the 28th.
That's what they think.
That's why they've moved troops into that area.
Well, I gotta jump, but I'll look into that.
Now they'll say that I said that on the news.
But who knows?
Ladies and gentlemen, I know a big asteroid's passed in about a day, just something like 400 miles or something.
Ladies and gentlemen, we take you now live to the planet Klandathu, where our brave forces are battling, led by General Hillary Clinton.
It's a Starship Troopers joke.
Would you like to know more?
Good job, Tony.
Alright, that's it.
Up, up, and away!
You know, uh, first time I met Charlie Sheen's wife where they got divorced, I told her, I said, do you take me now live to Klamathen?
And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
Television, music, fast food, GMOs, sugars, you name it.
Young humans have no