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Name: 20150510_Sun_Alex
Air Date: May 10, 2015
1682 lines.

This audio clip discusses various topics including InfoWars ranking dropping due to manipulation by mainstream media outlets like MSNBC, conspiracy theories about Jade Helm military exercise, and the alleged use of false flags as a tactic by certain groups. The speaker also promotes new health products available through InfowarsLife such as Oil of Oregano capsules, Ancient Defense Herbal Immunity Blend, and ChildEase for calming children. He emphasizes the importance of staying informed and alert in order to protect oneself against potential threats posed by these events and tactics."

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Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Infowars.com, yeah.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Der Spiegel, The London Guardian, The Financial Times of London, CBS News, The New York Times, all of them today.
And in previous days are writing multiple stories misrepresenting what Infowars.com is reporting.
And they are misrepresenting what the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, is saying.
They're misrepresenting what Ted Cruz, Texas Senator, is saying.
They're misrepresenting what Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas is saying.
Because this is all they can do is misrepresent and run dirty tricks.
They can't have a square, upfront debate with the people.
And quite frankly, I'm just tired of it.
Number one, we're going to break down the deception of this week with George Stephanopoulos, the former Clinton Chief of Staff.
I mean, need I say more?
When we come back after this break, but they called us on Tuesday.
And they said to my producer, yeah, we want to get Alex Jones on life.
And I said to Nico, I said, agree to it, but say only live.
We have all the emails right here.
And I said, but watch.
I said, prepare yourself because by Friday they're going to say, oh, sorry, it's taped.
Then I said, when we refuse to do it, they're going to ask us if we're afraid.
They did all that.
Niko has worked here about three years, though, but now runs a lot of the setting me up for media interviews.
He said, I can't believe they did exactly what you said they do.
Because I've been doing this 20 years.
I mean, I was on ABC News, CBS News.
I was on Good Morning America like 18 years ago.
I've been on The View.
I've been on Fox 20-something times, CNN 20-something times.
I mean, you name it, I've done it.
And they just want to claim they tried to interview you as a prop.
And I said, there's a chance they're going to, like, not have the car show up right or whatever to pick me up because they demand to send a car for their guests as if you're under their control.
Saw people on the InfoWars comments saying, why'd you want a car, Mr. Fancy Pants?
That's what they do.
So they have the guests, you know, in their hands.
It actually makes sense if somebody's flown to New York to be on some show, and New York's a big city, you send basically a taxi cab to get them.
A black taxi cab.
Early Uber-type system.
They've had it for 50 years.
And it's not about Alex Jones.
You know, this show, I don't want to make it about me and what's happened to me.
But what's happening to us is a microcosm and a roadmap, a textbook to understand the different dirty tricks these people are basically running.
So, then Saturday my producer calls me, Nico Acosta, and he says, yeah, sure enough, they want you to show up at 6.15 there to tape something for a 9 o'clock show.
And I said, no, it's a five minute segment, they're just doing that to mess with me.
This has happened probably 30 times over the years.
They will end up just...
Getting me up early to mess with me.
This is kind of dirty tricks they run.
And then never airing it or cancelling when I get there.
To the studio.
The satellite studio.
That's a favourite tactic of CNN.
They've done that to me probably seven, eight times.
But not in the last ten years or so because I just refuse to be part of it.
You notice I was in studio live with Piers Morgan.
And sure enough, I get up this morning, I walk around in my robe, cooking, you know, breakfast for the kids and stuff.
And I even stayed in town so that I could be closer to the studio.
I live outside town most of the time.
And 12 minutes before airtime, before 9 a.m., when it's live, they call and go, there's a car downstairs.
All so they could say I chickened out and didn't show up.
I mean, this is the type of theater these people engage in.
Used since before the days of the Roman Empire to support the body's natural systems.
We're good to go.
Alex Jones here.
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That's Infowarslife.com.
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, by about 10 a.m.
today, Central Standard Time, we're live on this Sunday edition, already the 10th day of May, 2015.
I was getting tweets popping up on my iPhone, my phone rang, Joe Beggs called, I had some family call, and they were asking, why didn't you show up for this week with George Stephanopoulos?
Is it true you chickened out?
And I went, no.
We were in negotiations with them for me to come on, but they changed the deal.
So we told them yesterday that we weren't sure we were going to do it.
We have the emails.
Until they got back with us and they didn't get back with us.
So I didn't go on.
And this is not about Infowars.com.
It's not about Alex Jones.
It's not about a talk show host that sits there like most of them do and just talk about myself all day.
This is an example of media manipulation and deception and what they do to good political candidates, muckrakers, investigative journalists and others.
Remember the CBS News reporter that exposed Fast and Furious investigative journalist so they fired her?
Or the other journalist at ABC News that was exposing what was happening with the IRS persecution, so they fired him.
I mean, this is what they do.
There's a war on journalists, there's a war on whistleblowers, and everybody knows about it.
A month ago, the president of the Associated Press came out and said, never in modern history has there been such a war on free speech in this country.
And such a war on journalism.
And whether this week with Stephanopoulos, the former Clinton chief of staff, I mean, talk about deceptive.
That is like Pinocchio's archetype.
You need to just understand that all these people can do is deceive.
So, long story short, Jade Helm is being called a firestorm by the Financial Times of London, the LA Times, the New York Times.
It is a huge moment where states stop trusting the federal government because the federal government is basically run by special interests.
Eisenhower said beware the military-industrial complex.
Whether sought or unsought, you need to understand that it's taking over.
He was a top general, patriot, Republican president.
And when I was going to go on this week with Stephanopoulos today, I was going to start with a quote by Eisenhower.
And I'd even memorized the exact quote.
Will you guys put it on screen?
As of yesterday, I actually had it printed up and had read it 10 or 15 times to get the full three-paragraph quote together.
He must beware the influence, whether sought or unsought, of the military-industrial complex.
And then he went into why.
And so I was going to start with this three-paragraph quote and just say, please let me speak.
Everyone knows we're turning into a police state.
There's a national debate about militarization of police.
And I was going to hold up Forbes and Reuters and Army Times with headlines about the Army preparing to take on gun owners, veterans, and the Tea Party in the headlines.
How the Pentagon would crush the Tea Party.
I mean, I always have exhibits and they know that.
So even if I got one minute, I was going to quote Eisenhower, and I was going to hold up articles and say, this is why we're concerned.
And we're not against the rank-and-file military.
Stop building a straw man.
But I knew, I told my producer when they called and emailed Tuesday.
He said, hey, this week once you want.
And I said, listen, I'm not going to do it.
I don't even want to respond, because this is what's going to happen, Nico.
They're going to wait till Friday.
We're going to demand it be live.
They're going to say, of course it's live.
Then they're going to say, so in case there's any satellite problems, which are less than 1% out of 1,000.
This is totally made up.
It's more than, I mean, less than 1% out of 1,000.
It's just, you might have seconds of down satellite time in a feed a month.
I mean, it's just, do the math.
I said, then Friday they'll say, in case there's satellite problems, we want to tape it.
Saturday or Sunday.
And then sure enough, he calls me Friday night.
Yeah, they just emailed and called.
They want to tape it.
And I said, next, they're going to say it's not 10 minutes.
It's not five minutes.
It's two minutes.
And then, of course, he's on the phone with them.
They start telling him that.
And I said, they'll probably just get me at, say, five or six in the morning to harass me, drive me into town.
This has happened to me just total more than 20 times with all the networks, like eight or nine times or something with CNN.
I mean, to the point that I just won't respond to CNN.
I've been flown to New York City and cancelled on CNN.
And Fox News.
I just don't do it anymore.
But then some of the times I refuse and they go on the air and go, he's chicken, he won't come on.
Well, I can't live on airplanes flying for you to cancel me.
Or you play your little games.
I won't do it.
I mean, I'm the narrator on two or three Discovery Channel shows, history shows right now.
What's incredible is I don't even watch the shows I'm on.
Everybody tells me about them and I know I didn't go into the interviews.
I've got a syndicated radio show.
I've got millions of readers a day.
I make documentary films that get seen 30, 40, 50 million times apiece.
I don't need this week on ABC because all you're going to do is distort whatever I've said.
So I only do it live.
This is a microcosm of their deception.
We're going to play the piece coming up.
It's like six minutes long to analyze it.
They had a guest host today.
And so, Nico calls me yesterday.
I'm out shooting firearms.
I'm out shooting the incredible head-down vigilance gun.
It translates out of Latin into vigilance, or to win before.
And I'm out there shooting these amazing firearms with Joe Biggs and Shane Starr and the rest of the crew.
He calls me about two o'clock.
The Provictus.
That's what I was shooting.
I was shooting two different variants of that.
And he goes, yeah, they want you to be picked up at 615 for an 8 o'clock taping.
And I said, that's insane.
It takes 30 minutes to get into the studio.
I'm not going to do it.
Just tell them no.
In fact, live or nothing, like we agreed last Tuesday.
Those emails are all sent.
I have them right here on screen for TV viewers.
I'll show you the emails coming back in the next segment.
And then we never hear from them.
Next, 12 minutes, and there's screenshots in the article at InfoWars.com, 12 minutes to 9 when the show goes live.
12 minutes.
I have the one text, because they're claiming at like 8.15 they're calling me and texting me.
No, they're not.
No, there's one text at 8.48.
We can show it on screen for TV viewers.
48, as you can see, today, sent to your iPhone, your car, is at the, for the studio, Neil.
And I ended up coming into town, staying downtown, with my kids, just so I wouldn't have to drive 30 minutes, so they could make sure I'd be there.
But I'd set that up days before.
I already knew it wasn't going to happen.
So this is the hoax they run.
Then they go on television and say, I didn't show up.
Then they have their minions tweet that I'm afraid.
Oh, I'm really afraid.
I would love to be put in the arena with you chicken necks.
I would love for you to put me anywhere, anytime, live, satellite or in person, with George Stephanopoulos, Bill Clinton, anybody.
I mean, I've confronted Hillary, Bill Clinton, I've confronted Janet Reno, I've confronted George Bush, I've been arrested for doing it, I have protested at Fox and their cover-up of 9-11 and the Saudi connection, I've been arrested and beat up, I mean, all on footage.
I've been on The View.
That's a big show with like 15 million viewers, not 5 million like the Sunday News Show, which is big.
I mean, for imploded mainstream media, it's one of the biggest things left out there.
But I got 20 million viewers and listeners a week.
I mean, I don't need you.
And they were so upset.
And they said like four or five times that I wouldn't show up during the whole panel discussion.
We wish we could have asked him this.
We wish we could have asked him that.
Oh, yeah, right.
You wish you could have asked me.
As you misrepresent and deceive everybody up there.
So you say, no, we're not doing it live, after you promised it'd be live.
And by the way, I was still intending to go down there taped, because I was going to have my cousin come, Buckley, who lives downtown, and videotape what really happened.
I've done it on CNN before.
So that I can show how you edited it?
But then we never heard back from you, jackasses!
So you go on air and then claim I chickened out, while I challenge any live ABC programmist's news.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Thanks to David.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones, who, as David said, has been one of the leading proponents of this theory, had agreed to join us this morning, but he did not show up at our studio.
So let's... So let's continue with our propaganda.
I'm going to play the entire unaided clip coming up here in just a moment.
This is such a prism into every angle of this.
You can watch the full clip at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Dirty tricks, ABC claim of Alex Jones no-show is a hoax.
And again, in just a few minutes we're going to air the clip from the beginning.
Network blames its own screw-up on radio host.
Now that's Paul Watson writing an article today on Sunday, trying to be a journalist, trying to be fair.
I've done this hundreds of times.
I've been in satellite studios 300 times or more.
You'll notice you don't see me a lot doing it now because they just edit what I have to say down to 10 seconds to misrepresent what I'm saying because I don't just put out sound bites and also talk theoretically or rhetorically or I'll quote others.
And they'll do stuff like, I'll quote Hitler and say Hitler was bad.
They'll show me quote Hitler out of context like I'm pro-Hitler.
I mean, I've had that happen.
You've all seen MSNBC say that I was behind the Boston bombings and then give no proof.
I mean, we're talking outrageous craziness.
And it's because of what I'm covering.
But I know what happened here.
They wanted to have an edited 30-40 second piece to make it look like they were fair journalists and pretend journalists and that they interviewed the person that, quote, broke this story, the media system that first talked about this.
And when I didn't show up to be taped because I told them I wasn't doing it yesterday in phone calls and email,
They had to then.
Oh gosh, I guess let's get him live.
But wait, that'll look bad if he's live.
He'll take over like Piers Morgan and other shows and BBC.
And so I get called at 8 48.
It would take that long for me to go and get in the car and maybe get there.
I was sitting right there with coffee at the computer reading news.
Cars downstairs.
I didn't call them.
Because I don't worship them.
I'm sick of just waiting for the mainstream media and going to their studios three hours before.
They want to be there at 6 a.m.
Or to be picked up at 6.
And then it's just, sit there, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, in case a bunch of Washington wonks.
I mean, have you seen?
Yesterday, at least, had interesting reporters, interesting newsmen and women who you wanted to watch, who were stars.
Tom Brokaw, Dan Rather, Marlee Safer, all these cool people.
Now you watch it, it's all a bunch of political operatives of the Democratic Party, mainly.
80% of them, on average.
A bunch of boring mummies on TV?
I mean, imagine if Karl Rove had his own show, it'd be boring.
I mean, it's just, it's just, it's just, you wonder why you don't have any viewers anymore.
These Sunday news shows used to have 10, 15 million viewers.
Now they got 3, 4, 5 million and they're lucky!
And then I'm just going to let you edit what I have to say.
Eisenhower warned of the military industrial complex taking over.
We have the military training to take on gun owners and vets.
It's all over the news.
The military is telling us about it.
They don't like us.
Exposing this.
Here is the Eisenhower quote.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist.
Should I play the actual TV clip?
I was going to go on and quote that.
And I had gotten myself where I'd memorized it yesterday, and I was going to open with that.
And then I was going to clean their clocks.
I was going to say, in every other third world country in dictatorship, the military's been used to take over.
From the Soviet Union, with the rise of the Bolsheviks, to Nazi Germany, to Mao Zedong, political power goes out of the barrel of a gun, and here I have Forbes, and here I have Reuters, with the headlines that the military's main mission is taking on the American people.
Now, as Senator Cruz has said, the mainstream media has lost credibility, and so has the government.
And so Texas is concerned and Governor Abbott simply said we're going to monitor it to allay fears.
And you then put out hundreds of editorial articles and editorial cartoons showing Texans picking their nose, wearing Alex Jones fan t-shirts and tinfoil hats, pointing guns at Governor Abbott.
That's the LA Times cartoon graphic that we'll put up on screen from the LA Times
Uh, itself.
But you type in Alex Jones, Jade Helm, there's 250 something articles today, and this cartoon is one of them, with the Alex Jones fan, and the Texans eating their buggers, and the Texan with a rebel flag, uh, putting a gun to the head of the governor.
What's constituent?
Must be fancy word for patriot.
And as the governor's saying, I know the U.S.
Army is not about to take over Texas, and lock up everyone in Walmarts.
But since my constituents believe it, I'm sending in the State Guard.
That's the... and then the seal of the state of the paranormal.
Really, the paranormal?
The militarization of police.
The President acting as a dictator outside of Congress.
That's why Louis Garment, Army veteran, came out and said, no, I'm concerned about martial law.
We don't think this event's going to be it, but it's clearly part of the long-term acclimation program for it.
But this itself is an example of how they respond.
Let's go ahead and go out to break with the first part of the White House run and staffed by a bunch of White House operatives face the nation.
Here it is.
Now to a Texas-sized conspiracy theory, sparking headlines across the country, including this week in the New York Times.
The theory?
I'm going to analyze this this week, Face the Nation, they're all the same.
This ABC News piece, very slowly.
First, their god is the New York Times.
That's where they get their main talking points.
So they didn't start reporting on this this week until the New York Times reported on it, even though it had already been on CBS, ABC, NBC, all the nightly news.
They didn't start reporting on it on the major policy wonk show where the establishment tunes in to get their talking points until the New York Times got to it.
And then it's a Texas size, you know, Texas tails.
No, Texans.
Have the lower taxes, have more of the basic freedoms, have the right to private property, things like that.
That's why everyone, like a lifeboat, is fleeing the East and the West and California and other areas to come here.
So you make the jokes, you show some country music and some hayseeds and imply, we're all a bunch of bumpkins, don't know what go on.
Now we know the John Warner Defense Authorization Act, the Patriot Act, the rest of it.
So again, we're going to go to break, so we have plenty of time.
I'm going to come back and I'm going to play this and just analyze this from the front to the back.
But remember, they wanted to claim that they tried to have me there to debate me, but magically it didn't happen.
Because they knew I was going to come out and say, I told you only live, you agreed to it, you stopped.
So they wanted to be able to say, we wanted to talk to Mr. Jones, but he wouldn't show up.
To imply I've got something to hide.
I've had them do it before, this is what they do.
They want to play it journalist.
Most of the time print media calls us in an interview, it's just to act like they talk to us.
They won't even quote us.
It's all just theater.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I want to be clear, this is bigger than InfoWars.
We're not covering this because we're all over the news.
It's the anatomy, the structure, the tissue, the makeup, the skeletal undergirding.
Of the takeover, incrementally, of this society.
I mean, I'd get up here with James Bamford, former producer of Nightline, in like 1998, when he had a book out about NSA spying with all the documents.
It's basically everything Snowden's told us.
And people would say, Jones claims he's exposed the NSA, and that they're spying without warrants.
Ha ha ha!
That's illegal!
Everyone knows that's impossible!
Good guys run the government!
And now we know they're spying on Congress itself.
The bureaucracy.
The worst, the worst.
I mean, Congress came out on Friday and said, we're allowed to insider trade again, and shut down an SEC investigation into massive insider trading.
Corruption's been legalized at the top.
But little people are under attack.
And they want this gravy train to continue, and as Texans and others wake up and don't want to be slaves, don't want Obamacare, don't want their kids taught how to have sex at age 5, don't want forced inoculations, you just call us kooks, and there are, no exaggeration, more than 15 news articles I saw today where they have me or others wearing tinfoil hats on our head.
Where's your debate?
Where's your argument?
Jade Helm mastering the human domain, we have now discovered, back to Pentagon documents, is indeed for domestic psyops and to condition the public under sociology to understand how to take over America.
And I love how they have Republicans and Democrats, and including this panel, saying, listen, you can not trust the government, that's fine.
But you don't question our military.
That is such a bizarre statement.
Our military is run by the government.
It's self-run by special interests.
It's like saying, you can question Hitler, but you don't question the German Army.
Well, who runs the German Army in 1939?
It's just the logic has left the building.
But I saw a video on Infowars.com and a news article Friday where the majority of New Yorkers who spoke English
You know, these were domestic people.
Few of them had accents.
They knew what World War II was.
They didn't know what World War II was.
They thought it was Desert Storm.
Most of them.
Yeah, we fought Hitler and that Saddam guy in the desert, right?
I mean, these shows target, and you know the demographics for this week, senile old people.
Nothing against old people, but only senile folks are watching it, mainly.
And kind of government types and people getting their talking points.
So they're just preying on people.
And that's why we have a bigger audience than you.
I mean, we've got five million views a week on one YouTube channel.
You have three and a half, four million viewers a week.
I mean, where is the prestige?
We have 3 million radio listeners rated a day listening.
You add all the aggregate systems together, it's 20 million.
There's the article.
VE Day, that was the 70th anniversary on Friday.
Americans don't know what World War II was!
See, that's the type of American that these shows have helped create.
Totally dumbed down.
Totally mindless.
Now I'm going to try to shut up and not pause too much during this.
And maybe just write notes because it is really hard to listen to.
But let's go ahead and go to the piece that they claim I chickened out on.
Does anyone really believe I chickened out to debate these people?
They chickened out and said I couldn't come on live.
And then I said, why do you want me there three hours early to tape it?
I'm not doing it.
I'll do live or nothing and they didn't respond and then showed up 12 minutes before airtime so they could claim with their $50 taxi cab that I was a chicken.
He wouldn't come on and debate us.
Well, we win!
Let's go to another rigged fight!
Or they took the engine out of our NASCAR and claimed that we were scared to race.
Here it is.
Now to a Texas-sized conspiracy theory, sparking headlines across the country, including this week in the New York Times.
The theory?
That an upcoming Pentagon training exercise is actually part of a plan to impose martial law.
To many it's farfetched.
To many it's farfetched, but not to Texas, because, you know, they're knuckle-draggers.
We have said that is preparation for all out conditioning.
And that, then we show the Pentagon documents.
So let's go back to her.
Fetched, but not to some of the top politicians in the Lone Star State.
And you know why?
Because they know, as Louie Gohmert, the Congressman, said, it's in all these Pentagon training manuals that take on veterans, gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, and Christians.
So see, everybody knows because you're on MSNBC promoting how we need to arrest all the Tea Party and how great it is to have the IRS persecute people.
I mean, they own up to all that.
You guys shipped guns into Mexico to blame the Second Amendment.
You've opened the borders up outside of law.
Obamacare is gang raping the country.
You're saying we can keep our doctor and all these lies and you're not...
So you can sit there all pretentious with your shrinking audience.
Like an African waterhole.
You're all like a bunch of crocodiles in there.
There's not about to be any water left.
You're just snapping.
But you're still a mighty crocodile.
Even though you're on your last legs, you still are arrogant.
You still are a predator, aren't you?
Just another control freak predator.
I can't even look at her.
Just go back to the clip.
He sees David Wright.
From Willie Nelson on down, it's practically the slogan of the state.
And that may explain the reaction to Jade Helm 15, a multi-state training exercise for U.S.
Special Forces planned this summer for the Southwest.
Talk show host Alex Jones, among the many, stirring up concerns on conservative websites and social media that Jade Helm is a Trojan horse for a federal invasion, a dress rehearsal for martial law.
This is in preparation for the financial collapse and maybe even Obama not leaving office.
I mean, I'm telling you, this is so huge.
Never mind the Pentagon's reassurances to the contrary.
Is the U.S.
military planning to overtake?
Back it up.
This is the Secretary of Defense about to speak.
And deny it like it's a big joke.
Everybody laughs.
Like little lap dogs.
Trained seals.
Er, er, give me another fish.
They show the Jade Helm document itself, despite the Pentagon's assurances, it's the document that admits they'll be doing stuff that's illegal.
It's the document admitting it's to win hearts and minds domestically.
It's the document that lists Texas and Utah and Orange County as hostile.
So see, they'll use
It'd be like Jeffrey Dahmer to the cops going, I don't, I didn't kill anybody.
And he opens up the refrigerator and it's full of dead bodies.
Now is that, excuse me, let me take a bite off his bicep here.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
Has an arm in his hand.
I mean, I mean, come on.
Look, Charlie Manson with a dead baby in his hands.
He's cut out of Sharon Tate.
He's like, come on, police.
I didn't do anything.
Or the bank robber caught in the vault going, I'm not stealing anything with a mask on and, you know, loot in his hands.
Let's go back to the deception.
Never mind the Pentagon's reassurances to the country.
Is the U.S.
military planning to overtake Texas?
All we want to do is make sure that our guys are trained for combat overseas.
At a town hall meeting in Central Texas, this lieutenant colonel got an earful.
It is a preparation for martial law.
That is not a preparation for martial law, sir.
That's what you say.
Remember the Alamo?
Texas does.
Only in this remake, those wouldn't be Santa Ana's troops marshalling in the desert.
Texas politicians have added fuel to the fire by taking those concerns seriously.
You know, I understand the concern that's been raised by a lot of citizens about Jade Helm.
And I think part of the reason is we have seen for six years a federal government
That's Ted Cruz.
Of course they edited it out to say he doesn't think the military is bad and doesn't think this is a takeover to make it sound like he does.
This is how they deceive you.
But it doesn't work anymore.
So just keep deceiving, keep playing like you only have the big audience and then we don't.
And just keep playing like in an imaginary make-believe land that you're in charge, because you're not.
You got your pants down, we see you, and that's why the elected representatives in Texas know that.
Did you know that the tipping point for global warming started back in the 80s?
The UN reported that we were hurtling towards an unstoppable climate shift that would have dire consequences.
Fast forward to Prince Charles' warning back in 2009 that we only had 96 months to save the planet.
The clock is ticking on that one.
And let's not forget Al Gore quoting studies back in 2007, stating that the polar ice caps would be completely gone by now.
Earlier this year, we saw articles with headlines like, 2014, the hottest year on record.
The same articles failed to mention cities like Chicago, Illinois, which saw its coldest weather in over 100 years.
No mention of big ice-breaking ships getting stuck in ice?
So remember, when these carbon tax pushers tell you to lessen your carbon footprint, they're about to leap into their multi-vehicle convoy, drive to their private jets, and then go to sleep in one of their many houses.
Some by the sea.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
Check out the new videos on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And what's the New World Order?
It's the Bilderberg Group, the Davos Group, the very same globalist robber barons, folks like George Soros and others, that control the world's currencies and credit, that are bringing in a planetary standardized system where they're above the law, have diplomatic immunity,
We've got to pay them selectively enforced taxes.
It's just a return to feudalism, with an oligarchy sitting on top of us.
And the good news is, all over the country, people are waking up to Agenda 21, to open borders, to gun control, to militarization of police.
This is all really about Federalist takeover.
Not the old federalist system of sharing power between the states and the feds, but the federal takeover, the feds themselves controlled by offshore interest.
Jon Stewart comes out on Comedy Central and makes fun of us and says, you've already been conquered by the army!
And that's their view.
See, there are no states.
There is no sovereignty.
There is no individual freedom.
Didn't you know?
Ha ha ha!
But America is waking up to just how captured we are.
They want kids to grow up thinking it's normal to have troops all over the streets and TSA sticking their hands down your pants.
And the even better news is mainstream media would have done a better job for themselves and their foreign owners if they'd have just kept their mouth shut about Jade Hellman and ignored us.
But by lying five weeks ago and saying there is no Jade Helm, Jones claims he has a document, he doesn't have proof, then, oh, Jones says it's secret, but it's not.
Never said that.
Building straw men.
Building fake arguments.
What's the big deal about the troops?
There's no plan for domestic takeover when we have hundreds of articles where the mainstream media is pushing that the Pentagon's needed for veterans and gun owners.
And see, the people showing up at town halls all over Texas, not just Pastrop, where they're canceling different Jade Helm operations, it's just Jade Helm is based at Camp Swift, in the hostile territory of Texas, under FEMA.
Almost all those people there are my listeners or other folks that are already awake.
They've already read Reuters and Forbes and the Associated Press and the Army War College.
Let me tell you, the average Texan's out there with the internet.
They're on the Pentagon website.
The average Texan that's there owns a couple businesses, super hardworking, has a couple degrees, a bunch of people working under him, a lot of refugees from the East and the West, and they understand what's going on.
It's why our state's a boomtown compared to others.
But see, ABC has this thing where we're all a bunch of country bumpkins, and the LA Times has got us in cartoons with fingers up our noses, and it says, Alex Jones eats boogers!
Alex Jones fan, and then a kid eating boogers.
Well, I guess that proves I'm wrong, huh?
Why, you drew a funny picture.
That means I'm a liar.
I want to take your calls on this subject.
Why are they betting everything on Jade Helm?
Why are they going so crazy right now when they've had thousands of other drills where the military trains to take our guns on video?
See, everybody's seen these, just the last month, five or six videos with army drills with the role players saying, I'm a gun owner, I'm an American veteran, I'm a tea partier, I'm a sovereign citizen, you can't take my guns, as they're billy clubbed.
Or, local news, why do we have armored vehicles here in Spokane?
For the veterans and gun owners, we're getting ready for a war.
Or, in Indiana, Sheriff, why do you have the armored vehicles?
Well, we got a lot of veterans where there's a coming war with them.
I mean, everybody's like, really, the veterans?
And then we're like, hey, the military's trying to take on veterans.
Shut up, you hate veterans, you anti-American trash!
That Jones is a commie working with the Rooskies.
I mean, look.
The people, watch, let me explain something to everybody up there in their ivory towers.
You're all a bunch of know-it-alls there in Washington and New York City and, you know, we all have outhouses and we don't have opposable thumbs and you just, you know everything.
Except most of your family's already fled your state because there's no jobs.
Listen, you're a cancer.
You're a bunch of narcissistic know-it-alls, and thank God you're not as evil or tough as Stalin or Hitler.
You're evil, but you're just not tough.
You're lazy, you smoke your own political propaganda, you believe your own BS,
You're getting high on your own supply, so just keep doing it.
Keep telling people there's no Jade Helm, and there is, or then say I'm a liar and I hate troops and I don't, when the military's the one giving us all this intel.
You're done!
You're done!
It won't happen today or even next month or next year.
But you're on your way out.
Every indicator shows it.
So go ahead and throw a big fit.
Blow some stuff up to blame it on us.
Like you did Oklahoma City.
The dog don't hunt.
The bird doesn't fly.
The engine doesn't start.
Go ahead and play your hand.
Go ahead.
Go ahead and fill your hand.
Go ahead, because we're not backing down, scum.
You got it.
We know.
We're watching everything you do.
We don't believe a word out of your lying, fat mouths, you traitor.
You pieces of trash collaborators.
The sick part is they know what they're doing up there, with all their deceptions.
It's the same playbook.
Let's go ahead and go back to their propaganda.
I'm going to play it.
Come back in the next hour, take your calls.
The number is 877-789-2539.
Different number than the weekdays.
We produce the whole show here in Austin on Sundays.
Let's go back to what was the biggest news show in the country this week with ABC.
Now a remnant
In fact, I said it had 15 million viewers.
I was looking up earlier.
This show had over 20 million viewers just 10 years ago.
Now, on average, three and a half million.
Some weeks, five million.
On Mother's Day, even less.
So, here they are, the mouse that roars, lying to their viewers.
The reason they only have... No offense.
I went and visited my grandmother today, you know, at her assisted living.
But, I mean, that's who you got watching.
You've got people at assisted living facilities watching.
Here it is.
Last week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott called up the Texas State Guard to monitor U.S.
troops and protect the constitutional rights of Texans.
Drawing this wisecrack from Jon Stewart.
Oh, dear Lord.
Oh, Jon Stewart, his brother runs the New York Stock Exchange?
He has a fake name?
Oh no, don't do that.
But in the Lone Star State, plenty of people are worried.
Now telling Washington.
This week, David Wright, ABC News, New York.
Our thanks to David.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones, who as David said, has been one of the leading proponents of this theory, had agreed to join us this morning, but he did not show up at our studio.
Bravo Sierra!
So let's bring back the round table.
Back it up ten seconds.
Back it up ten seconds.
I even told Niko, I told him Saturday, I said there's a good chance with this weird 6 a.m.
time that they're gonna pull games with the car and have it not show up or show up late and claim I didn't make it.
I just said, tell them we're not doing it.
We agreed to live.
They broke the agreement.
And they just don't care.
They're going to prey on their victims.
I mean, this is run by George Stephanopoulos, Bill Clinton's main liar.
I mean, you know.
So, here's the deal, ABC, George Stephanopoulos.
George Stephanopoulos, I will debate you
Anytime you want live, punk, just come out on air and say, I'm debating Alex Jones for 10 minutes live next week.
You would actually have 10 million viewers, doubling what you have, guaranteed.
You'd have 10 million viewers.
Highest ratings Piers Morgan ever had was having me on.
But I destroyed his career.
It was a dead count bounce.
I took him out like Gladiator.
You put me in the ring with you, I will tear your literal propaganda intestines out.
And you know it!
And you're such a coward, you gotta then lie and say, I'm scared to get in the arena with you?
You're like a legless, eyeless Pomeranian in a fight with a top-pit bull.
I mean, you really think I'm... I mean, I don't even get vocal and eloquent until I'm in a fight with somebody politically.
I'm not bragging, it's just a fact.
I will clean the floor with you.
Come on, any ABC News show that's live and national, I'm ready!
Just open the gate!
Let me in there with you, please!
Piers Morgan rightfully described me in a news article he wrote for The Guardian as a gorilla pacing in its barred enclosure.
Wanting to get at him, and that's absolutely right.
I mean, no one believes that I was scared to come on and debate a bunch of mummies.
It goes on for like five more minutes.
Let's play another minute of it.
Here it is.
Our thanks to David.
Radio talk show host Alex Jones, who, as David said, has been one of the leading proponents of this theory, had agreed to join us this morning, but he did not show up at our studio.
So let's bring back the roundtable to weigh in on this.
Boy, this got some real legs, this story, and it certainly had to do with Greg Abbott and Ted Cruz talking about it.
Rich, while they're pandering to a vocal minority, and I'm all in favor of a healthy distrust of the government, but not paranoia.
There are many threats to our liberty.
The U.S.
military isn't one of them.
And besides, federal... And the Roman military wasn't a threat to take over Rome under Julius Caesar.
And most third world countries don't fall to the military.
And our founders didn't warn us about having a domestic military that would take over.
The number one threat is always the political class.
Use the military to take over.
I mean, that's what Eisenhower said.
These people are telling you that up is down, down is up, and black is white, and 2 plus 2 equals 100.
They're liars.
And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
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Young humans have not yet developed their nervous system and are being hammered daily by globulous concoctions.
It's no wonder they can't focus and calm down and then are put on dangerous psychotropic drugs.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, there's something big here in Jade Helm.
The globalists are getting ready, clearly, to roll out more military on the streets of America.
The FBI is saying brace for Al Qaeda attacks, aka ISIS attacks, any moment.
I haven't figured out every angle of this yet, but our researchers here at InfoWars, David Knight, Jakari Jackson...
Rob Dew and others dug into the logo and there it was, Mastering the Human Domain.
Turns out that's the name of an entire Pentagon program fusing domestic intel and sociology and anthropology together for domestic takeover.
And they admit that in working with local police.
And we knew from the document a lot of it was domestic.
And then they lied and said they never said that in the document.
But, man, they're really freaking out over this, big time, and they look freaked out when they talk about it, and I think there's more to this than I even know.
I don't claim to have all the answers, but we've covered so many military operations, and a lot of them are legitimate, others are treasonous, and we get warned of those by the military personnel that are
Very patriotic and follow their oaths as Americans a lot better than the average citizen.
And I've said this for a decade.
The military is the most awake patriotic group we've got.
As absolutely horrible as the minority of police are under federal training doing bad things, the police are the second most awake group.
That's why Soros wants to have a civil war with them.
But something's big here and I need your help to understand what it is in a brainstorming session here today because stuff's moving really fast.
Mark, Chris, TJ, Matt, Jim, Lars, Chris and others.
We're going to go to all of you.
What do you think's going on here and why do you think they're acting so deceptive and why do you think they played all these games about me being on their show?
I think it was all just so they could claim that they had me on and try to discredit me that way that I was a coward or was a shame to myself and wouldn't defend my ideas.
What do you think?
Ever since I've been listening to you, you've been reporting on all these huge exercises and they have never freaked out like this.
So it's definitely really weird that they are freaking out
On a scale that they are, just about this exercise.
Someone has a lot of information that I'd like you to have on if you could.
Dave Hodges.
Dave Hodges.
Of the Common Sense Show.
It's really weird.
All these things are lining up at the same time.
You've got Rabbi Kahn talking about the Shemitah and a financial collapse in September.
You've got the exercise ending in September.
You've got a lot of European militaries doing the same huge exercise on a huge scale at the same exact time that we are.
You've never had an exercise this big.
And it's not just Special Forces.
It's a lot of National Guard.
It's a lot of regular Army.
Oh, sure, sure.
We've got the backdrop of National Guard all over the country training for civil unrest against Tea Party.
I mean, we have the video.
There's this whole backdrop.
Well, let me ask you this.
What do you think Jay Holm could really be?
The smoke screen for preparation?
If I was going, if I was in the military and I was going to institute martial law, you would never just roll up the tank and come and do it.
You would want to acclimate everybody and normalize it by having a big exercise.
You would want to put the people at ease at first with normalizing it by having a huge drill.
It could go live at any time.
We're talking about
Supposedly ISIS talking about how they have soldiers ready to, uh, ready to go out and do something.
You've got, uh, weapons missing off of bases now.
You've got all sorts of just crazy stuff lining up.
Scott Bennett, uh, the, uh, NSA workabler at these army flyouts.
He's been talking about this, too.
And it's all just lining up, and it's just creepy that there's so much talk about it.
There is so much activity that it's a ten on a Richter scale.
It's like a fire ant bed, and I can't see all the angles.
All I know is all our sources in the military and law enforcement say something big's coming.
And I don't know if it's war with Russia, financial collapse, massive ISIS attacks all together.
It could be one or all those.
It could be more.
Great call.
Thanks for the points, Mark.
And they want to discredit the Liberty Movement ahead of all this coming out.
In fact, I think something just clicked.
I think, I think... We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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There are of course those who do not want us to
We think, just let me think.
I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will certainly be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sutler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words are for the means to meaning, and for those who will listen.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You designed it, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have sensors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and selecting your submission.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
This is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
The time to choose sides has come.
I have looked at every angle of this, and we're going back to your phone calls in a moment, the out of proportion, insane, mega massive, five week response where Jade Helm, the military exercise to be conducted in ten states, it was to be seven, now it's ten.
I have never seen such a crazy response to it, and so much deception.
And a lot of people think that means that something's going to go live during or after Jade Helm.
I don't know if that's the case, but the way they're trying to brand patriots as anti-military during this is clearly part of the PSYOP itself.
Just like the previous PSYOPs and all the training manuals say, returning vets will attack police departments, will attack military bases, with no evidence, no proof, or no history.
It's whole cloth.
Clearly, as an investigator, if there are attacks, you go to who said that the patriots were going to do it, because they have no history, when those that are demonizing the patriots have the motive and kept saying it was coming.
I mean, open and shut that you need to have prime suspect
Be the whole Soros combine.
I mean, even Fox News four years ago, we ought to do a special report on this, pull all the clips together, went to Democratic Party memos that were only going to, like, billionaires and hundred millionaires and million-dollar donors.
Put it to you that way.
People worth billions.
And it was like, don't worry, don't think we're down.
We're going to take over.
The right wing's going to stage terror attacks and we're going to blame it on the general conservative movement and we're going to take over.
And it's paper thin that they're clearly talking about false flags in those.
And we're going to blame talk radio and take it over and end free speech.
And you look at all that and all the preparations and the confidence of these people.
We come out against Jade Helm.
They roll the military out.
They have provocateurs attack the military.
I'm wargaming here, I'm not saying this is news, I'm saying I've really soul-searched, I've thought about this, I've prayed about it, and then I realized just about an hour ago, and then again just a few minutes ago, that the whole battle plan pretty much has clicked in as my prime projection.
Doesn't mean it's what's going to happen, but folks know that usually it is what happens when I break down these analysis, because I just live this stuff.
They may attack troops during Jade Helm because they keep saying, isn't this dangerous?
Have the military out now and these people have lied about them?
And I kept saying years ago, they would then attack military during drills.
Blame us for it, and then start the Civil War that way, and then they'll use the giant drill to bootleg putting in their mercenaries or foreign forces who will launch the attack with compartmentalization, and then it's blamed on us, and that's how they start the Civil War.
And then they've got me as the main progenitor of the whole Jade Helm criticism.
And then they can criticize Governor Abbott, Ted Cruz, Louie Gohmert and others and tie them to it and claim that we hype people up to carry out the terror attack.
Against Jade Helm.
I've got them.
That's their plan.
I've got their ass.
That's it, people.
I'm telling you right now, that's their plan.
I have war game this in my brain.
I have prayed.
That is their plan.
We've got them.
That's it.
That's why they're so freaked out on these shows, why they're acting like they're on the main bridge, the main attack.
I mean, I mean, it's like it's the Battle of Midway to them.
They are just shaking, because this is it.
I can see it in their eyes.
They're acting crazy.
They're acting jumpy.
They're moving, folks.
They're moving.
They're moving.
And I don't know why I didn't see it sooner.
Oh, my God.
They're about to drop the hammer.
Ho ho ho ho!
We've now got it!
Oh my gosh!
And this was clicking last night, it was clicking today, it was clicking last week, but I just didn't want to believe it, and I just, when that caller was talking, it all just crystallized.
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh, this is their plan.
Mm mm mm.
Oh boy, we're in a lot of trouble.
Well, we've got to think about how to stop it.
Sabotage it, obviously.
We've got to sabotage their plan.
I mean, we have them.
We have them saying for at least six years that, to every police department, veterans will IED you in the near future.
They will bomb you.
They will attack with the Tea Party and massive training for it.
Now they have a giant HUMET operation for domestic takeover.
We've now documented that and the report's confirmed on Friday.
The name is confirmed, Jade Helm, for domestic operations.
We have all the other operations that are admitted as well.
And so they're rolling it out, and this is how they do it, and they use Jade Helm to smokescreen it, but now we may have blown their operation, because when the Special Forces learn about this, and when the regular troops learn about it, they'll be decompartmentalized and ready to recognize what happens before it happens, and that may make the enemy pull back during this operation.
Now that's one major vein I know they're preparing for.
With all the data, because there's so many pieces of data, when you put them together, just laying them out without placing them where you want, you just, you pull back, you see where they're laying, it's crystal clear, this is a major continuum plan.
There are other plans as well.
Let's go to one call before we go to break, because I want to get to everybody here.
But they are coming after the people.
I mean, this is it.
TJ in New York, thanks for holding.
What do you think is going on?
We've got really bad phones today.
There are people on speakerphones.
Can you get off your speakerphone?
I'm going to let you go, TJ.
I'm sorry, but you can't be on speakerphone.
Matt in New Hampshire.
Matt, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Can you hear me alright?
Yes, I can.
Go ahead.
We may have a phone system problem today.
I'm going to put you on hold.
We're going to find out during the break what's going on with our... Yeah.
Yeah, I'm sorry, Matt.
Can you hear me?
Put him on hold.
Go over this a little bit later.
We're going to figure out.
We don't do the show out of the studio but once a week anymore.
And I heard the same distortion on all those calls.
So I think we've had folks in here using the equipment for voiceovers.
Yeah, we have an issue.
It's our... Our phone system's got a problem today.
Well, I apologize to the listeners.
We'll try to line that up and get you on after the break.
This stuff happens occasionally to anybody.
I've seen Larry King back in the day have problems with his phone system, so we'll try to figure that out as best we can.
We'll pre-test it beforehand now, and we will go to break here in a minute and come back with you, but this is epic information, folks.
We have video from Illinois, from Tennessee, from California, from Texas, from Utah, just pouring in.
We've been playing in all last week where they're training the
Military, National Guard, Regular Army, Marine Corps, you name it, to take on veterans, gun owners, conservatives, libertarians, because in the role-playing they scream, you know, I'm a gun owner, you can't take my rights, or you can't take my farm.
I mean, they're preparing for this war.
All of this is going on.
And then now we've got media acting like we're crazy and we mention it, but tell them the military prepare and police departments for veterans to attack you with no proof.
You can really see where this is all leading.
And I'm trying to get inside their mind.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Bottom line, there's giant paramilitary preparations by the police and the military to take on the American people.
The military and police have actually raised the alarm, given us incredible information and others over the years.
That's why we're having a debate about it now.
And I was talking to CJ during the break, one of the producers of the show.
CJ, you were saying basically what you think the whole plan is and why they're hyping this up.
Because we've covered hundreds of operations and always said it's just part of an incremental conditioning.
Why are they freaking out so much right now and misrepresenting what we're saying?
I think the worst thing that could possibly happen would be something like a Patsy being set up.
Going out and shooting a G.I.
out in a hayfield and wearing an Infowars.com shirt and making us look that much kookier.
Because they've already gone to shootings before where they were our enemies doing it.
Like the Poplowski guy that shot three cops, a white supremacist who stalked us, hated us, said he was going to kill us.
They said he killed the cops for me within two hours of his arrest.
Now, I forced a retraction in seven newspapers.
Because it wasn't true threatening to sue him.
But you're absolutely right.
That's where this is all going.
Backdrop that Bastrop little meet and greet they had.
People wearing Infowars.com shirts.
Not just our reporters.
Well, I mean, they've got us in hundreds of papers a day now.
They've never given us this much attention.
Branding us now and connecting us to this.
They're making their move.
They're making their stand on Jade Helm.
And I'm telling you folks, they're doing this as part of a larger program.
They've got something big planned.
And then I look at all the police training manuals.
They say, you will face veterans.
They will attack you soon.
They will bomb you.
They will kill you.
And they tell the military that too.
The military is like, veterans are going to kill me?
But see, then they have black ops attack the military during a drill.
Most of it's a legitimate drill.
Then the new enemies, the Patriots, they buy into this.
But the military sees through it, most of them.
I don't see this working.
All right, I want to go to Matt.
Jonathan, Aaron, Jim, Lars, Chris, Peter, Chris, and others.
Earlier we had a phone computer problem, but it's fixed now, I'm told.
Matt is saying he's in New Hampshire and seeing military drills there.
Yeah, yeah.
Jade Helm doesn't start until August, but it's already going on.
This is already happening, and every video we get is taking on patriots.
So what are you seeing, Matt?
Well, Alex, there is a lot of activity up here.
I actually saw online yesterday, 20 miles from my house, I've driven by the shop, there is a armored vehicle with military guys, it's either National Guard or it's the military, sitting there in full dress with helmets on, poking their heads out right downtown Merrimack, New Hampshire.
Okay, and that was actually a photo that was taken by someone that had sent it to that guy David Hodges' site that previous caller was mentioning.
But at the same time, Alex, down here at the National Guard, I live in Manchester, and this is that city, you guys had run an article, it was about seven months ago, about a grandmother that got shot, they were in a drug bust, okay, and the National Guard here in New Hampshire
Their annex is filling up with equipment, with generators, with the Humvees, and there is so much stuff there.
Oh I know, but listen, they admit under FEMA, under NORTHCOM, generators, weapons, armored vehicles, tanks, rocket launchers, machine guns, they're pre-cashing them all, and then they have these public training events where they admit it's for the patriots and the veterans.
What do the veterans do except get put on don't treat death list?
Right, and go out and work for us.
You know what I mean?
And that's the whole point.
I think one of the reasons why they're trying to really, they're throwing rocks at you right now really hard, Alex.
Let's be clear, I'm not throwing a wrench, you the listeners are.
And other talk show hosts that wish they were getting this much attention, it is not fun to be stuck in the fiery furnace.
Believe me, when you look at political operatives on ABC Sunday shows, and they're shaking, and look like they're passing an anvil,
Uh, you know, out of there.
You know what?
I mean, they're freaked out for... They know something we don't know.
Something big's coming, and the pucker factor is off the chart, but I hear you.
We did find some of the photos of the trainloads of MRAPs you were talking about being deployed against us.
If America wasn't concerned, we'd be crazy.
And America's finally starting to realize we're in trouble.
I mean, the President's operating as a dictator.
I don't want to fight with the President.
I don't want to fight with the FBI and the government.
But it's been seized.
I mean, it's overthrowing the whole Republic, lying about everything.
As a citizen, as a person who loves freedom, I have a duty to speak out against this.
I'm just sad because it's crazy.
I mean, what's going on is crazy.
Thank you, Matt.
Peter is active duty military out of Fort Bragg.
Thanks for holding.
I missed that you were calling.
What is your take on this?
Oh, hey, Alex.
My big thing is when I first heard this, because I don't really listen to the mainstream media too much.
I do check up on it once in a while.
I originally thought you were blowing jade how about a proportion because anybody who's been at Bragg for more than a day knows about Robin Sage, which is the Special Forces Q course for 50 years.
Yeah, exactly.
And I honestly thought you're blowing jade how about a proportion.
And then the mainstream media and how they reacted was kind of like,
It blew me away because you've gone over a million of these over the years.
Why is Jade Hell more special than all the other training exercises they've done over the years?
What do you think's going on?
Uh, I have, honestly, I have no idea.
This is what's weirding me out a lot.
Um, but my big thing is, how do they not know?
Like, how many discussions do I have at work with people who are like,
Well, why would we confiscate guns?
Am I gonna go to my own house and take my own weapon?
Like... The active duty military is full of people who are gun owners.
Deployment, you know, veterans, like, we fit into all that stuff.
Exactly, so war game, war game from a globalist perspective, how do you convince the military, who's the most patriotic, best people we've got, it's just true, how do you convince them to then have war?
You stage an event and then make it like the people hate the military, then you attack the military and try to get a civil war going.
I mean, I'm trying to figure this out.
Honestly, the only way, because generally, there's all walks of life in the military, it's a cross-section of America, but generally it's more conservative than anything.
I would actually venture to say that you would have to ramp up all these riots and things in Baltimore and Birkenstein that they have been doing, because for them to be like, well, I'm gonna go take on the same type of people that I grew up around and then join the military and work day in and day out doesn't make any sense to me.
I hear you.
There's a major mystery here.
I'm trying to figure out what's happening.
I'll be honest with people.
I don't...
I don't know exactly what's going on, but I have a good idea and it doesn't look good.
God bless you, appreciate your call.
Skip's a truck driver.
We've seen a lot of equipment moving around.
We'll talk to him next.
Alex is from Russia, has seen Jade Helm take place in this country before.
Chris has comments on mainstream media and the hoax of ABC Report.
I've never finished playing that.
Jim doesn't know why Alex is letting people get him upset.
Aaron says he wrote some article calling me a chicken.
Oh my gosh, don't call me a chicken.
You're right.
You're right.
I'm scared to go on air.
Texas Rep.
Louie Gohmert is joining a long list of congressmen who are actually doing their job and addressing the concerns of their citizens.
Gohmert says he understands the concerns Texans have about the upcoming Jade Helm exercise.
The congressman took particular issue with the map's labeling of Republican-majority states as hostile.
Gohmert called on the Pentagon to change the map, the names on the map, and said the tone of the exercise needs to be completely revamped so the federal government is not intentionally practicing war against its own states.
Former Texas governor and potential presidential candidate Rick Perry has some different thoughts, though.
Perry said, it's okay to question your government, but the military is something else.
Leanne McAteer reporting for InfoWars Nightly News.
To keep up with all of the breaking Jade Helm news, visit InfoWars.com and subscribe to the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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What is happening with Infowars?
Who's this Alex Jones guy?
I'm just an average person that doesn't want to be a slave.
I've done my research.
America is sliding into a tyranny.
Who can deny that?
And I'm non-partisan.
I just want my Bill of Rights back.
Who can deny it's being dismantled?
And now we've covered hundreds of military operations.
Many of them for domestic takeover.
That's admitted.
And now they've picked Jade Helm to stake everything on.
What's happening?
What's going on?
We're taking your calls.
I haven't aired all of ABC's this week where they ran this whole hoax that I didn't show up when I said I'd come on because I was scared and Montel Williams went out and a bunch of other talk show hosts are saying Nanny Boo Boo, Alex is hiding, he's discredited, he's afraid to cover any of the issues.
This is the type of fake victories they engage in.
It's like Amazon working with the White House, delisting every conservative and libertarian website from the ratings.
When the ratings are going up, according to Google Analytics and every other system we have analyzing it, whether it's Drudge or WorldNet Daily or The Daily Caller, they just say, no, our ratings are down by 70%.
It'd be like giving yourself a degree or something.
MSNBC's mad that we've got, you know, a thousand points higher in the rankings.
A thousand points.
Then them, just pay Amazon to flip the numbers.
Or, just don't set up an interview with Alex Jones and say you did.
And then say he's afraid.
I mean, don't you think they'd put me on all these shows?
No, they're afraid because I run over them, dominate,
It becomes a huge news issue.
Their show gets higher ratings for a whole week.
They don't want that.
They want to push their line of bull.
Remember Piers Morgan?
I mean, does anyone believe that I was actually scared to go on?
I'm gonna give you about a minute, Aaron.
We're not here to...
Plug your website.
I don't care if you plug it.
I think I've seen it before.
The point is, is that do you actually, Aaron, believe that I was scared to go on this week with Stephanopoulos or his doppelganger?
Do you actually believe that as a human being?
Go ahead.
So see, so no facts.
You're gonna make a chicken noise.
You actually believe I'm scared to go on mainstream television?
Yeah, because you've never won a debate.
You can't handle it.
You blow up.
And you know it.
So instead, how about a solution?
I say you send Joe Biggs and LeAnne the Latina McAdoo out there and let them... If you're too jaded, and that's what you're basically saying, pardon the pun, because you've done it all, you've seen it all, let them people who haven't.
They need the experience.
And then they'll argue the story for you.
So you are, because I mean we have the emails, we have the texts, they're on InfoWars.com, Dirty Tricks, ABC, Clint of Alex Jones, no show is a hoax.
You actually believe that I was scared to go do a TV interview?
That's right.
Okay, good.
I appreciate your call.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, yes.
That was it.
It's so scary to sit in a chair with a camera aimed at you like I'm doing right now and quote Eisenhower about the military industrial complex and to talk about and hold up news articles
I was looking forward to it, but it shows the intellectual dishonesty of somebody like you to create fake victories for yourself.
But I should be glad that you're so delusional, because we'll beat you, because you are delusional.
Thank you.
Here's that last caller, Aaron.
Good job, Aaron.
Good job.
That's right.
Hey, why don't you just announce that you just won the Indy 500?
You didn't, but just announce it.
Or just announce that you trailblazed like Lewis and Clark.
You actually discovered the Western Passage.
Or you were the first man to walk on the moon.
I mean, live in delusion!
Tell us that socialism works.
You're not concerned that they stage stuff to act like I was scared to go on TV because no one dares say my name on the news or debate me because they know I'll literally destroy them?
Skip in Texas, truck driver, what's your take on all this?
Oh, my take is, you should have thrown some foghorn leghorn on him.
I said, whoa there, boy.
I say, I say, I say, you're afraid to go on TV with a bunch of pinheads.
I say.
I have seen all sorts of militaries deployed for the last 10 years.
Starting up west, they had, I first noticed railroad cars for Harlem prisoners.
This was somewhere up off of 80, about 10 years ago.
Had the barbed wire and everything.
But for the past four or five years, I've watched it come out of Texas because I've just been running up and down town from Florida to California.
Primarily coming out of Katy, Texas, they've built these, it was the BAE systems out here that shipped this stuff everywhere.
But they've since closed that.
No, I've seen it.
It's like little single-person prison modules videotaped nationwide on the back of
Boxcars just all over the country.
Yeah, it's a huge Manhattan-level, bigger project going on right in front of us, and they don't want us to discuss it.
And today I've seen probably half a mile of tanks and, you know, just military armored vehicles being shipped on a train.
I've seen that out of Lordsburg, New Mexico, heading west.
Last week seeing about the same thing.
I took some pictures.
I know, the pictures are all over the web.
God bless you.
What do you think of that last caller making a joke about all this?
Well, it's probably somebody from ABC.
God bless you, brother.
Thank you, Skip.
Keep getting those photos out.
Send them to ShowTipsAndInfoWars.com.
Alex in New York says he's from Russia.
He's seen Jade Helm take place in his country before.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
What do you think of all this?
Let me explain some more points.
I've been in a situation when I saw, let's say, let me make it simpler.
Yesterday, I have enough money to buy, in my account in a bank, to buy a used good car.
Next morning, going up today, there's money enough money to buy a pair of Benz.
That's what you have to have in Russia.
That's what you have to why people
I think I heard what you said, let me translate it for folks.
You were in Russia, one day you could buy a car with your bank account, the next day you couldn't buy a package of pens.
That'll make people go crazy.
Yeah, because people lost everything.
All money, all savings, everything except to have a cash.
And another point, in Russia, if you have a single bullet in your pocket, you're gonna go into prison.
Three years, minimum.
Unless you have a hunting license.
If you don't, you're in prison just for one bullet in the pocket, or in the car.
Or, also, they can pound a bullet in your freaking house, then, same story, you're in prison, minimum.
Sure, so what do you think of Jade Helm and what you see happening to America?
I'm afraid the dollar will collapse.
And that's why they tried to raid it.
I agree with you.
They've got the military out, not just Jade Helm, everywhere, trying to go after the Liberty Movement.
What do you think of that?
I'll tell you this.
I'm right now in upstate New York, and they have a few military bases around the area right now.
I saw a big line of trucks loaded
That's right.
There's unprecedented movement.
God bless you, Alex, from New York.
Thank you.
Jim, Chris, Ed, Jonathan, Jason, and others.
We're going to take your calls in the final segment straight ahead.
We're simply being ever vigilant to restore the Republic.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's always a tough boat because the average person thinks raising the debt ceiling must mean that we're running up our debt.
Raising the debt ceiling, which has been done over a hundred times, does not
I never even aired the whole newscast where they kept just saying I was scared to show up and Alex Jones isn't here, we wish we could talk to him.
Then they lied and said they'd have me on live and then they wouldn't so I said forget the interview and then they showed up right before the show started to pick me up when there was no way to even get to the studio.
Just their little games!
Because all they do is just sit around thinking about how to deceive and manipulate all day long.
So I challenge ABC News.
Anytime you want, come park a satellite truck out here at my office.
I'll sit out there five hours a day debating every show you've got.
I'll clean your clocks.
I'll destroy you.
Let's go.
But no, you won't do that.
You'll just say I'm scared to show up.
It's what cowards do.
They don't win the real gladiatorial event.
They just put up the newspaper they did.
Let's talk to Jim, Chris, Ed and others.
Jim, you're on the air from South Texas.
Go ahead.
How are you today, Alex?
Good, brother.
Yeah, I just wanted to tell you, you know, I think a lot of what you've done as far as studying what's been taking place is a good thing when it comes to Jade Hound because if we had something like this happen back around the time of 9-11,
I think things might have turned out a little bit different with a bunch of Saudi Arabians flying planes into our buildings.
Well, you're right.
There were a bunch of military drills before and on 9-11 and nobody looked at them.
But I wanted to get to, before I forget, I just want to give you some information.
If you go to YouTube, just plug in Ranger Retires Because of Obama and States America's Future.
It's an hour and four minutes long.
The gentleman is currently a deputy in the St.
Louis, Missouri area.
He was the head of all Army Rangers during the theaters of Iraq and Afghanistan.
His best friend was the head of MRSOC at the same time.
You might want to take a look at that video where we might be listening to this program if you really want to know the truth about what's going on.
I will look at it, but give us a synopsis.
What does he talk about?
Um, it's called World Government.
It's called Agenda 21.
It's called the plan having to start to take place in 2015.
The ten regions in the United States, which are basically encompassing our country.
It sets up the other nine regions throughout the world.
And, uh, it goes through a lot of different things that have been talked about on the outside by so-called conspiracy theorists.
But, uh, it's actually coming from somebody that's inside that actually was- Well, I'll tell you, it's true.
I mean,
We're here.
There's treaties.
We're under world government.
We're going into it right now.
That's why everything's accelerating and it's crazy.
God bless you.
I just feel sorry for all the traders that have been part of this.
I mean, it's all real.
We don't know exactly what's going to happen, but we know major stuff is coming down.
Let's talk to Chris at Indiana.
Thank you, Jim.
Go ahead, Chris.
Hey, Alex, and happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
Hey, you know that Aaron caller, first of all, I can tell that he's an everyday listener and he's just trying to call in to provoke you to be mad.
So just don't get upset about him.
Just ignore him.
Because I'm an everyday listener for like the past six years and I've heard him call in periodically.
Just ignore him, please, Alex.
I mean, don't give him too much credit.
No, I know.
It's just that... Who really believes that I didn't want to go on a big morning show and debate these people?
I love it.
I wish I'd have been there.
But they never responded, and they said it was taped, and then they showed up 12 minutes before.
And now I have to sit here and hear people say that I was scared to go.
It doesn't even make me mad, it makes me sick.
Go ahead.
I don't believe that for a second, and I gotta tell you what, just like your buddy Dave Mustaine, who can rip off an improvised guitar solo at any moment, the system is scared because they know that you have the vocal cords to rip off a
Rant on the soapbox of liberty at any moment, just like Dave Mustaine can rip off a super good guitar solo.
I mean, you have great improvisational skills and the system knows that.
You got a gun on your back at San Antonio at the, you know, at the, um, LMO and you're like, give me liberty or give me death.
They know that they're scared and they don't want that going out.
Like I got a buddy of mine that I turned on
That I turned on to you, and he's an everyday listener, and he's even more of a Patriot than me now, and it was only a couple months ago I mentioned it to him.
Well, that's the thing, I'm nobody special, I just woke up 20-something years ago.
Patriots are waking up everywhere.
It's like coming out of a deep sleep, that's what scares them.
Did you see the show, how freaked out they all looked?
And how the hosts looked completely whacked out of their mind?
I mean, something big's coming.
They've been let in on something, and they're scared.
What do you think it is?
It's just that they're so scared.
They see the ratings dropping and they see... That's why Alexa's gotta pledge all the numbers and everything because they don't want the following.
I saw that a few months ago like, what the heck?
Like a year ago, Infowars was like 300 in the U.S.
Now it's dropped to like 1,200?
I don't understand why that happened.
And then you flushed all that out in the past couple weeks, and that explains it.
Our numbers now is more like number 160, according to the Google numbers, the old Alexa numbers.
But it doesn't even hurt us.
It just shows they're crazy.
I mean, they really are going for broke.
Yeah, and they're just scared.
They see how we're on an upturn and they're on a downturn.
And obviously this isn't going to be an overnight thing, but they see the trend.
And hey, Happy Mother's Day, Alex.
I'll get to the next caller.
God bless you, brother.
Appreciate your call.
Ed in Hollywood, California.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
What I was thinking about earlier was you were trying to pin it down to one particular purpose.
I don't think there's one particular purpose to this.
I think a lot of different factions of the government and the military have all put in there their little agenda and none of it's good but
I don't even think they know exactly what they're doing.
I think they're still putting this together.
It's not even in final production yet.
I agree.
And then now everyone's watching it, so they're trying to figure out how to edit what they were going to do beforehand.
And their whole story was flimsy from the very beginning.
That they were going to do this for foreign
I mean, it doesn't make any sense.
They're trying to make us believe something that is not possible.
Well, everybody knows the NSA is spying illegally, and we have militarized police, and the military is training for a homeland mission against the evil veterans, and that's their words.
Then they just try to go, nothing's going on!
You're crazy!
How dare you ask questions!
How dare the governor ask questions!
That's what freaks them out, though, is the political class that aren't total traitors realize that the majority is waking up, so they're siding with us right now, and that's what's sending them into conniption fits.
Well, the NSA is one of the factions.
Obama's got his agenda.
The military has their agenda.
I don't even think they know what's going to happen.
This is a big giant extravaganza that's gotten out of control, and it might make a difference to keep at it.
Keep hammering it.
Really smart caller.
Smarter than I am.
Thank you so much, Ed.
Jonathan in Kansas.
Though we're not in Kansas anymore, Jonathan is.
Jonathan, what do you think's going on?
Well, they do say that's set to blow up in the next hundred years or so.
You think it's going to be a natural disaster?
Well, there's been earthquakes all over the United States, 4.0.
There was even one in Dallas yesterday.
Yeah, there was even one in Kalamazoo this week.
And first of all, the hot spot where the Yellowstone volcano first started is now all the way into the Juan de Fuca Plague, and it's starting to erupt.
I saw that on motherboard.vice.com.
So if that entire area from the end of like 250 miles outside of Oregon all the way inland to Yellowstone blows at once, then that would be like the worst disaster
No kidding, it'll cover basically all of Conus in several feet of molten ash.
That'll kill basically everybody.
And that's maybe for the, you know, immediate or way ahead future.
But there was also something at the end of this month, a natural disaster that might be occurring that I've been hearing rumors about, that I've been doing stuff about, and it's kind of loosely based on Nostradamus.
I don't know if I should say anything about it or not, but...
I don't think Jade Helm itself was that big of a deal.
It was just one more
Conditioning process.
It's their response to it that really makes me question what's happening.
I'm sorry to other callers, Jason and others.
We're out of time.
Lord willing, because I don't take anything for granted in this climate, we'll be back tomorrow live.
11 a.m.
Central Standard Time with a weekday transmission.
Great job to the crew coming in on Sunday and all of you tuning in.
Jade Helm is huge.
The response to it, the media, all of it, this is big.
We're going to continue to try to investigate and find out exactly why they're going so crazy and why they're attacking us.
God bless you all.
Get out there and warn somebody today.
People are really ready to be awakened right now.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!