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Name: 20150506_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 6, 2015
2530 lines.

Alex Jones's radio show covers a range of topics such as censorship, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, health products, government surveillance, Jade Helm military exercise, criticism of politicians like David Dewhurst, Infowars website under attack, free speech, conspiracy theories, and a discussion between Alex Jones and Freeway Rick Ross about government secrecy, the war on drugs, mandatory minimum sentences, education and medical treatment instead of relying on government prohibition.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show on this Thursday, May 6, 2015.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We have a very busy show today.
We're going to be joined by Freeway Ricky Ross in the third hour.
He's going to be here live in the studio.
We're going to talk to him about the war on drugs, and I think it'll be very interesting to talk to him about perspective of what's going on in Baltimore.
He's someone who came from a very poor family.
He got caught up in the war of drugs, as I put it, because we need to understand, and Freeway Ricky Ross is a great person to understand this, that it is a war of drugs.
It's not a war on drugs, it's a war of drugs.
Our government, as we can see when we talk to him, is involved in creating
And supplying the drugs as well as creating and supplying a police state, a prison industrial state to take advantage of it.
Most of our freedoms that have been lost, the precedence for that were set in the war on drugs and so we need to pay very close attention to what prohibition has brought to us.
Of course there's a big story up on Infowars.com right now.
Facebook, our Facebook account, the Alex Jones Facebook account has been blocked.
for posting a picture.
Go to the site and take a look at it.
You can see at the top of Infowars.com.
I'll try to describe this to the people who are listening on the radio.
It's a pretty amazing picture.
All it is is a Islamic flag in the background, a guy with a hood over his head wearing some camo, and a quote from Stalin.
There's no blood, there's no violence, there's nothing that anybody should be offended about.
Unless, perhaps, maybe you are a cultural Marxist and you don't like somebody talking about your hero, Joseph Stalin.
The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror.
It's also very easy to gain control of a population when you censor free speech.
So we're going to be talking about free speech.
There's a lot of free speech issues today in the news, of course.
We've been talking about it all week because of the attack that happened in Garland, presumably against the freedom to mock and put out hateful speech.
I do think the speech was hateful, but it's interesting to see how people are lining up on this.
Of course, the press came out and said, you should have known.
You should not have provoked these people.
You should have known that drawing a cartoon that offended them would cause them to try to commit mass murder.
And she said, well, that was actually the point I was trying to make.
Now, we have an article that we're going to talk about later today.
There were actually Muslim leaders in the community and elsewhere that said that they supported her right to have that.
They did not disagree with the convention that they had drawing cartoons.
They said that's her right under the law.
Nevertheless, we now see that people like Franklin Graham, Christian,
Is coming out and saying they shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff.
Now, I don't think he's calling for the government to actually shut that down and censor it.
I understand where he's coming from.
I don't like to see Jesus mocked.
I'm a Christian.
I don't like it when Fox Family Guy mocks Jesus.
You can go to the Fox Family Guy wiki and you can see pages of the ways that they have mocked Jesus.
So, they make pretty much a career out of mocking Christianity in that particular cartoon.
I don't like it, but I don't want the government to shut them down.
And of course, nobody expects any Christians to come and murder the cartoonist at Fox, not even the cartoonist at Fox News, almost at Fox News.
But yeah, there's a lot of cartoon reporters at Fox News.
We're going to talk about what's happening with vaccines.
Of course, there are bills
In Vermont, they're pushing ahead.
Other places, like California, that they're trying to take away our informed consent.
And I have to say that just like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, if they're going to do things like the Trans-Pacific Partnership in absolute and total secrecy, and of course we now see that Mitch McConnell is going to join with Obama in that, if they're going to do that in absolute, total secrecy, the answer ought to be an automatic no.
If they're telling us, if they're telling our elected representatives as well that we're not stakeholders, that ought to be an automatic no.
And when it comes to vaccines or any kind of medical treatment, if they're going to give themselves legal immunity, as they got in 1986 under Ronald Reagan, and they're going to hold a gun to our head and force us to take vaccines, the answer ought to be an automatic no.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
The big problem with renewable energy, like solar and wind, is that it varies widely in output, and there's no effective way to store the energy for ready availability.
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...is that it consumes CO2, the boogeyman of the climate alarmists, and it short-circuits the schemes of carbon pimps like Al Gore.
I'm David Knight for InfoWars Nightly News and Prison Planet TV.
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There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
Saturday, Wednesday, May 6, 2015, Alex Jones here calling into my own show.
Things have developed so serious with the stealth takeover of the internet and free speech, not just here, but all over the world, that I'm being forced today to actually not do the radio show, to legally do some research and contact a different legal counsel on some of the actions that we need to take.
First, let me give you some basic background.
You've heard many political analysts from Ron Paul to Max Keiser to Dr. Paul Gregg Roberts to Jesse Ventura to countless others say that I'm seen as a canary in the coal mine.
That if they ever come after Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com overtly, that everyone knows that that means it's the beginning of a major crackdown.
Drudge Report is also seen as the same.
And you notice that one of the FCC commissioners two days ago
Well, they're claiming that all political speech is not First Amendment, that it's regulated underneath the Federal Elections Commission.
And they're saying that they are now in discussions, again, to shut down the Drudge Report when it comes to political speech.
Now remember, we have federal courts that rule Obamacare is constitutional.
We have federal courts starting to rule that they can forcibly inoculate you.
The courts have completely fallen to tyranny.
And from Australia to the United States, forced inoculations are beginning.
And they're trying to ram through legislation.
So there's an overall atmosphere of tyranny.
We've seen the greatest oppression of American media and the press in history, according to Jonathan Turley, a top liberal constitutional law professor.
We've seen massive amounts of reporters indicted and imprisoned for reporting on corruption.
We have seen the Tea Party, gun owners, Christian groups, veterans groups audited, harassed, indicted, arrested on political orders of the White House, making Nixon's crimes look
We're good to go.
And it basically says corporations above government will have governing power to shut down anybody's website, anybody's company, or anyone's identity on the web with global internet taxation and global internet ID, where they claim you've engaged in copyright violation.
They're the judge, they're the jury in Megacity like Judge Dredd.
And you're shut off.
Tail switches are in all the devices, the phones, the smart refrigerators, the washers, the dryers.
The government admits that license plate readers are tracking everywhere you go, and Stingray systems are stealing your cell phone data.
All of this is happening.
And now, in the last month,
Outside third parties on our YouTube channel have almost taken it down three times.
We have had Facebook suspend us on all of our accounts that are over 3 million people.
The largest one, 800,000.
That was just today.
It shut down right now.
We can't post to it or use it right now.
All of this is intensifying.
Alexa has delisted us, Drudge, Fox News, anybody not seen as pro-Obama.
October 1st is when it launched.
It's now completely clear from last year that October 1st is the nexus point.
We have those graphs.
So what they do is they incrementally attack you so that you don't realize what's happening so I don't realize what's happening as it intensifies.
But all of this is happening now.
Congress can't even see the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
But Boehner and Obama say, you don't need to see it, you need to just support it.
And Hillary's been acting like she's against it for the grassroots when she, of course, is one of the main people behind it.
So we have been overtaken and a new level of power grabbing is happening.
Zuckerberg two months ago met with the Chinese communist censors.
We've seen massive intensification of censorship there.
We're seeing just all sorts of dirty tricks behind the scenes.
They legalized domestic propaganda last year with the Pentagon.
That's what you see with Jade Helms.
CNN attacked us not once but twice last night.
David Nott will play one of those clips.
Cutting what I said down to three seconds where it sounds like I'm saying they're going to invade Texas when in the full video I say this is part of preparations down the road for federalization of police and law enforcement and state houses as the White House operative Al Sharpton said two days ago.
So it's on.
The lies, the dirty tricks, the deception, the censorship, the audits, the harassment, the tyranny.
A iron curtain of oppression is now descending down over this constitutional republic.
And I need everyone out there to realize that if they can take down Drudge, and if they can take down Infowars, and if they can say that we don't have political speech, and if Facebook can ban us because we put up an image with no blood, no gore, of an ISIS fighter,
And had a quote about terrorism on it as a alternative or mainline news entity or a private citizen.
You should be able to post that.
They let ISIS operate on there, but they use that to shut us down.
The last time they did this is because we were posting memes by a Navy SEAL group exposing Benghazi that just said that Hillary stood down and let our people die.
No blood, no gore, no nothing censoring us.
Well, now they're saying they may just completely suspend our account for good.
And that means all of the three million people that get our information every day over Facebook.
And again, people say, well, Facebook owns its own thing.
Don't use it.
Listen, it's been given media promotion.
It's been given dominance in the market.
It was allowed to do an illegal pump and dump with its stock.
He's been to Bilderberg.
They advertise as an open comment.
Our content gives them value.
Then they selectively don't let us operate, but let the White House, and Media Matters, and CNN, MSNBC, and the Young Turks operate.
That's an unfair playing field that is torturous interference.
It is true discrimination.
And as our credibility rises, you're going to see the system more and more come in and try to shut down free speech.
So here's the bottom line.
The canary is being strangled right now in the coal mine.
The gas is in the mine.
We are the Paul Revere's warning people.
And if they can shut us down, they can take everybody down.
The plan is implode the world currencies, nationalize the private and public pension funds, tax them, regulate them, raise taxes by executive order.
They're now blaming the people up in Garland by Dallas that got shot at by the jihadis, saying it's their fault the news, that free speech should be restricted because it causes violence.
You see where this is all going.
They're coming after everybody, but
Up front is DrudgeReport.com and Infowars.com.
If they can get away with harassing us, shutting us down, lying about us, manipulating, doing all this, and curtailing, it will be everybody else as well.
In fact, that's already started.
The system is a foreign corporate takeover.
We have been hijacked.
We're going under TPP right now, merging with the NAU and the EU.
It is a trilateralist plan.
And I hope coming up that whoever got to it yesterday, that David Knight will read the quotes by Barry Goldwater on this.
Senator Goldwater, it's here.
Everything we talked about, we're now coming in to the final major phase of Agenda 21, of Cloward and Piven, of the total implosion of our society.
But the good news is, historically, this can backfire.
You, the people, have the real power.
You truly are the resistance.
And if you see this for what it is,
And tell your friends, your family, your neighbors.
Infowars.com is under attack.
Listen to this local AM or FM affiliate.
This is when the show's on.
Or if you become a sponsor of a local affiliate.
Or if you support those sponsors and tell them why.
More stations will pick us up as they're doing.
So we're being attacked because we're growing.
We're being attacked because we're able to set the news agenda.
We're under attack because we're able to break out and get real stories out there.
And the dinosaur media is so weak now.
They were arrogant before.
Now they realize they're on their last legs.
They're dying.
And so they're coming in right now trying to shut down free speech and overturn the chessboard because they can't win with their tyranny fair and square up against liberty.
So use Facebook.
Use Twitter.
Use YouTube.
Use Pinterest.
Use Craigslist.
Use every internet system there is out there.
But also go low-tech.
Write InfoWars.com on things that are passed back and forth to people.
We're good to go.
They've legalized propaganda domestically.
They're putting out lies.
They're coming after everybody.
This is so incredibly serious, and on a Richter scale, used to censorship dirty tricks were two or three, now they're like a seven or eight, and we can see them ramping straight up into the stratosphere.
I also shot a video today on the road, but it was unable to upload.
If we're able to get it up later in the broadcast, I do want that 10-minute emergency alert.
We're good.
And it's not even really stealth, but it's stealth for the public because they don't pay attention.
The FCC's grabbed the web.
They're coming in saying they're going to apply election rules to the web.
They're saying what's being discussed is going after drugs.
That means everybody.
It's here.
We're barely able to stay on YouTube.
We're barely able to stay on Facebook.
We're barely able to stay on Twitter.
We have all these bots coming after us.
We're being delisted from Amazon's Alexa.
They are probing.
They are pushing.
They are coming in.
This is a Nixonian administration on LSD and steroids.
They mean business.
It's here.
So you need to support the info war or lose it.
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All right, finishing up this incredibly important information.
I'm going to throw it back to David Dye.
I want to explain I'm having to take off today just to talk to lawyers and decide what I'm going to do about Facebook, about Alexa, about companies online manipulating stuff that's going on.
I know, according to current law, stuff that's going on isn't going to fly in court.
Again, the level of intensification of tyranny is off the chart.
I want to explain something.
The TPP being negotiated in secret, I can't believe I'm saying that, that Congress can't even see, the one section we got, and David Donald will talk about this coming up because I know he's an expert on it, is worse than SOPA and CISPA.
And so they're basically already operating like SOPA and CISPA are in place.
And that's what EFF and other foundations said, is that these corporations will just claim you violated terms of use because they're so wide open.
They can discriminate against you.
It's the same thing of like saying you won't sell a house to a black person or something.
Well, folks know that
That's an unfair trade practice, and so there's laws on the books.
But what about if you're a conservative or a libertarian, and then people advertise a Craigslist or a Facebook or a Twitter, and they say, sorry, you can't be on there.
Already all over the country, they're saying on Craigslist or on other platforms or on newspapers, you can't have a sporting goods shop advertise and sell guns.
And now banks are saying to establish sporting goods stores.
Remember it came out last year, they were doing it to Cabela's and others.
Oh, you can't
We're good to go.
They said, label this conspiracy theory.
Shut down new media.
We can't allow this to start growing and let people think on their own.
These are White House memos.
Well, guess what?
We did get on the web.
The Western Journalism Center and World Net Daily did get there.
Drugs did get there.
InfoWars got there.
And now we're there.
And the question is, will the people value this information, or will you let them shut down talk radio?
Which they're openly talking about doing with the Fairness Doctrine, bringing it back under a new name.
Will you let them come in and federalize the police?
Will you let them come in and shut down our industry?
Will you let them put us under these new treaties?
It's up to you.
The answer is, use it while we've still got it to make it so big and so strong they can't shut it down.
Let them see that you respond to this.
Let them see that it upsets you.
That in coordinated action, across the board,
From Facebook to Alexa, we're seeing intensified censorship and open calls at the FCC to censor political speech, claiming that it's all basically a form of money.
And so that when I say I'm against Bloomberg, or I'm against somebody that I'm basically that's political speech that counts as money.
And so I only have $4,000 of speech a year, which I would use up in five seconds.
That's basically the metrics they have.
But Bloomberg can give hundreds of millions of dollars to local candidates to take your guns.
He's left alone.
So, understand, this is here, and don't say it won't happen.
Yeah, just like torture wouldn't happen, or open borders wouldn't happen, or Obamacare wouldn't happen, it's all happening.
The good news is, people are upset, they're awake, they know what's going on, they know about militarization of police, they know about the military training to take guns, they know about Katrina, they know about the... it's out there.
And so, the battle is joined, the battle is now.
Spread the word.
At the end of every email you send, have a link to InfoWars.com forward slash show and say this is forbidden information, free audio video feeds to find out about what's really happening.
Put that on Facebook right now.
Put that on Twitter right now.
We're going to put an article out about this.
Get it out to everybody you know.
And let the system know.
They may try to suppress us spreading freedom that's popular on these globalist platforms, but we're going to do it at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
But they're coming after those as well, with censors, and with hackers, black hat hackers, and with the establishment, and with everything else.
They're coming after it.
That's why I've got a whole bunch of different websites, so they can't take them all down as easy, so we'll still have an ace in the hole.
We're designed and built to take attacks.
But I'm telling you, as a censor, as a bellwether, as a weathervane,
We are here telling you the storm is here.
As you already know, we don't know what it's going to be.
Global war, dollar devaluation, soft martial law, race riots this summer.
The point is they're intensifying the crises everywhere and out of that they want to bring in the planetary regime.
Out of that they want to bring in the planetary tyranny.
The most important thing to do is to also spread the word and financially support us at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
Buy the products, buy the water filters, buy the nutraceuticals, buy the books, buy the t-shirts, buy the videos.
We fund ourselves the old-fashioned way.
Free will, free association with high-quality products.
A win-win.
Support us.
You've been supporting us.
We've built this operation because of you.
We're going to continue to move forward against the enemy because of you.
And I salute you and you have this pledge in closing.
I'll never back off.
I'll never shut up.
I'll be on the street corner with my own voice.
I'll be hanging up flyers at night if they shut me down completely.
And join me in that pledge.
Never shut up.
Never back down.
Get on the march again.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Did you know that the World Health Organization recently classified radio frequency EMFs as class 2B carcinogens?
That's right.
Frequencies from radios, TVs, microwave ovens, cell phones, and Wi-Fi devices are now in the same category as exposure to lead, chloroform, gasoline, and the pesticide
DDT, a recent scientific report titled, Why Children Absorb More Microwave Radiation Than Adults, argued that children and fetuses absorb more microwave radiation because their bodies are relatively smaller, their skulls are thinner, and their brain tissue is more absorbent.
Another study published by the British Medical Journal determined that exposure to cell phone towers alters brain function in alarming ways.
Lack of concentration, irritability, difficulty sleeping.
Ah, but don't worry, there's a pill for that!
To learn more, subscribe to the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
We are currently the test subjects in one big human experiment, which we won't know the results of for several decades.
And it's that type of behavior that spurred me to do the research to develop a true nutraceutical formula that was designed to smooth out and help children focus.
All of our children are hit with modern mind control.
Television, music, fast food, GMOs, sugars, you name it.
Young humans have not yet developed their nervous system and are being hammered daily by globalist concoctions.
It's no wonder they can't focus and calm down and then are put on dangerous psychotropic drugs.
I think so.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
But the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are a
They're never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
You've got to set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Wednesday, May 6, 2015.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be your host.
You just heard Alex Jones calling in from outside of the studio.
As he pointed out, he's looking for ways that we can respond to the recent attacks on InfoWars, of course.
We had a report yesterday.
Alex went over that in great detail.
There was an article by Paul Joseph Watson about how our metrics are being manipulated.
Not only just ours, but the conservative press, the libertarian press's metrics are being manipulated by Alexa, owned by Amazon, which does significant business with the government.
And of course, Jeff Bezos, who owns Amazon, is very interested in politics.
He paid $250 million for the Washington Post.
That shows you how interested in politics he is.
Not his core business.
Unless you're looking to get permission for doing drone delivery or anything else that you want that greenlighted, it's very helpful to have the biggest paper, one of the biggest papers in the country, but certainly the biggest paper in Washington.
Today we had a story and we talked about this and we've got a special report coming up from Alex at the bottom of the next hour about Facebook blocking us for a very benign picture.
And you can see that picture if you go to our website.
We also tweeted the picture out.
I'm informed by Kent Daniels came in and said that they have found a workaround for being able to post by using a different admin account.
So that's something as a warning for any of you people who are doing things that you think you might get censored on Facebook for.
And who knows?
We would have never thought this would be something that would censor us.
But as you can see in the article, I took a screenshot of when they blocked us from posting for three days for that admin account.
And you can see what the picture is.
And I'll describe it for the people who are listening on the radio.
Basically, in the foreground we have a quote from Joseph Stalin.
Then there's a man there that is wearing like a ski mask over his head.
I forget what they call a specific term for those types of masks.
And he's wearing camo.
And behind him... Balaclava.
Balaclava, yes, thank you.
He's wearing a balaclava.
He's wearing camo.
You don't see any gun.
You don't see any knife.
You don't see any blood.
There's nothing that is violent whatsoever about it.
He's just standing and looking with a flag in the background.
Now that was enough for them to ban the account from posting for three days.
And here's the quote.
The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror.
Joseph Stalin.
Or, as I point out at the beginning of the hour, maybe an even easier way is to put in corporate censorship, because that's what we're going to get with the Trans-Pacific Partnership that is coming through.
It is about far more than free trade.
If it was simply about economics, it would be bad enough.
And we can talk about that, and we will talk about that later in the program.
If we look at what's happened with trade deficits, there's been a lot of opposition within the Democrats.
There has been no opposition within the Republicans, I'm sad to say.
Not even from the people who are running for president.
People who should know better.
Ted Cruz, Rand Paul.
People who typically will stand up for the Constitution.
They're very silent or they are supportive.
It appears that Rand Paul is going to support this.
It looks like he's going to support it right after the election.
He started talking about free trade.
Very disturbing if he does.
He should know better.
As Alex Jones pointed out.
Even Barry Goldwater knew how this is going to break down decades ago.
Here's a quote from Barry Goldwater.
He said, let's read this quote and let's go through this quote.
The Trilateralist Commission is international, says Barry Goldwater, and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.
See, it's not a trade agreement.
It is a sovereignty agreement.
There's politics involved in it.
And Barry Goldwater goes on to say the Trilateralist Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power.
Political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical.
So certainly you can understand the political and the monetary.
When you look at the intellectual and the ecclesiastical, I would say that the way that that shows up is in the political correctness we have that seeks to censor people, to destroy both
We're good to go.
We understand that it's a consolidation.
And of course, we have seen that the different groups, the Council on Foreign Relations, for example, and there's all these groups, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, all of these different groups, it's pretty much interlocking directories.
There's so many of these groups, these guys can basically go to whatever meeting they choose to go to, whether it's the Bilderberg group, or whether it's the CFR meeting on a particular topic, and they can catch each other up on what's going on.
And we understand that this is a globalist agenda, that they are creating, in the name of free trade, in the name of trading blocks, they are creating different areas.
And I started to talk about the Council on Foreign Relations, there was a special report that they did about ten years ago, involved Ted Cruz's wife, and they were talking about how they should make one border that went around the perimeter of the three nations that were in NAFTA, Mexico, the United States and Canada.
One physical border that would be patrolled by our police state, by the U.S.
police state, because, you know, we are the policemen of the world, and that's how they're going to use it.
They're not going to make you safer.
They're going to create a jail, essentially, for you, seal you in.
But of course we also see that in Europe now, especially with the problems with Greece, we've had Alan Greenspan as well as the head of the largest bond fund in the world, Pemko, both say that Greece will probably leave, that the EU will break up unless the states cede sovereignty to the EU.
So that is the direction that this is all headed.
That's why they're putting these trade agreements together.
That's why we should be very concerned.
But just the secret nature of the trade agreement ought to be enough to stop it right there.
I want to go to that right now before I go into any more of this free speech.
I have a lot of information about free speech because that's been on the news this week.
But just understand that Mitch McConnell is fully on board with President Obama.
Listen to the wonderful things that he has to say about Obama when it comes to this trade project.
It's been almost an out-of-body experience, says Mitch McConnell.
But we've been working closely with the White House.
We're working together to get this across the finish line.
At the risk of having some of you literally faint, I want to compliment President Obama for the way he is handling the trade issue, says Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell.
You understand?
That they're just two sides of the same puppet controlling both of them.
And of course we see a lot of Democrats who are caving in on this as well.
They report that a number of Democrats are saying that they're willing to vote for the legislation just over the past few days.
Now there's 16 who have publicly said that they will support it.
The latest two are Democrat representatives Amy Barra of California and John Delaney of Maryland have both said that they will vote yes.
And a representative from Oregon is also coming out in favor of it.
So, you need to get on the phone, whether you're a Democrat or a Republican, you need to hold these people's feet to the fire because we should never have a situation where we have a trade agreement that our senators are not allowed to see, they're not allowed to talk about.
This is the story that was up on Drudge Report yesterday on Politico.
They are turning the Democrat members towards voting for this.
Now listen to what happens if you try to go in here and look at this trade agreement.
They say if you want to read the details, you have to go to a classified briefing, you have to leave your staff, you have to leave your cell phone at the door.
Can't take any pictures.
If you're a member of Congress who wants to read the text, you've got to go into a room in the basement of the Capitol Visitor Center.
You'll be handed it one section at a time.
And of course, there's many different sections.
There's sections about open borders.
There's sections about copyright.
There's sections about the Internet.
This is not simply a trade agreement.
That's one of the reasons why the Democrats are going to fail, is because they're not focusing on the broad scope of this.
There are so many different aspects.
And of course, I don't expect them to talk about the bigger picture of regional consolidation being a stepping stone to a one-world government being run by multinational corporations.
Of course, they will talk about how the corporations are going to be elevated to the level of nation-states or higher, but they won't draw that conclusion.
Nevertheless, this is what you have to do.
You have to get rid of all this stuff, and you're handed it one section at a time.
They watch you, if you're a congressman, as you read the bill.
And they force you to hand over any notes that you've made before you leave.
Now, when you look at this, ask yourself, who is the real government here?
Is it our congressmen, who are watched like school children?
Who said, they're giving them one section at a time, you can't take anything in, you can't take any notes out with you, you gotta leave your cell phone, you gotta leave your staff.
Are those leaders?
Are those people with any real power?
I don't think so.
I think the real people with power are the corporate lobbyists and the corporations that they work for, who are making these rules for our congressmen.
You understand now how the facade has come off of this fascist corporate state.
Just read this, this Politico article, and you understand who has the power, who has the control, and they're going to consolidate it to the point where they own and control everything.
Now, we've been talking about how Facebook can just shut down our postings because of an innocuous picture, they claim.
I think there's more to it than that.
Alex thinks there's more to it than that as well.
I mean, look at that picture.
There's no way that they could justify, under the most politically correct agenda you can imagine, that that would be offensive to anyone.
There is no offense about that.
It is purely directed at us.
And let me tell you how this is going to work.
They have tried this with SOPA, ACTA, PIPA, CISPA 1, CISPA 2.
Now they're coming back with CISA.
They took the P out, although the protection is still in.
And the protection is not to protect you.
The protection is there for the corporations to protect them from turning over third-party, to protect them from civil liability when they turn over your data that they call third-party data.
They also want, through these copyright assertions, okay, it works for the corporate state because they want to own everything.
I mean, we talked about this before, how John Deere and General Motors are saying openly now, because of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, they say that you don't own your car.
You have an implied license to use that car because the software is now what's controlling that car.
You're not allowed to work on your own car, or your John Deere tractor, because you would be working with their software.
See, they want you to be a serf, a slave, a sharecropper, if you will, who doesn't own a single thing.
And that's what's behind a lot of this Trans-Pacific Partnership, what's going on with the copyright stuff.
But the way that they're going to censor the internet is also through the copyright stuff.
So, it works.
See, the government and the corporations both get something out of it.
The corporations get to own everything, and the government gets to control everything.
So they'll take a look at your website, and if they don't like you, they'll make some bogus claim about copyright infringement, just like Facebook just made a bogus claim about something being offensive.
And then they will shut you down.
Without any due process, without any delay, they will just flip the switch and your website goes down.
You see, we've put up with civil asset forfeiture in the name of the war on drugs, where the police can just pull you over because they don't like the way you looked at them, or because they think that you look like somebody they might be able to shake down and steal something from.
And then they just take it.
They charge your cash with committing a crime.
They do it civilly, so they say, well, it's a civil matter, so the Constitution doesn't apply.
So that's only for criminal charges.
We call this civil charges.
And by the way, you know, we don't have any constitutional rights for property, so if the property is committing a crime, we can seize the property.
That's the kind of legal fictions that they use.
But they can just, without trial, without due process, they can just take your stuff, wherever they want to.
Now, that is the same thing you're going to see with the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
You're going to see civil website forfeiture, where they just take your website.
They do it as a civil action, or they do it through a corporation.
The corporation says, well, you know, you violated our rules of service, or whatever, you know, that fine print that you see all the time.
You violated our rules of service, so we're just going to take it down.
And it just goes away.
Now, there are economic reasons to oppose a Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Alan Grayson, a Democrat, who is opposing Obama and the Democrat leadership on this, has pointed out that basically this has not worked very well for us with NAFTA.
He says it's not free trade, it's fake trade.
It is crony capitalism.
It is the bank or bailout in advance.
This is exactly what this is laying the foundation for.
He says before NAFTA was enacted and went into effect, this country never had a trade deficit as much as $140 billion a year.
However, since then, for 20 years, we've never had a trade deficit less than $140 billion a year.
I think it was Clinton who was selling it, said we were going to have an immediate trade surplus of $200 million.
No, it's, I'm sorry, it was 200,000 jobs is what he said we were going to get.
We've lost almost 700,000 jobs.
But nevertheless, we had immediately the biggest trade deficit we've ever had, $140 billion, and we've never had a smaller trade deficit than that.
He points out that we have had an average of half a billion dollars now for the last 14 years, a trade deficit.
And it is increasing rapidly.
We just had a one-month deficit of $51 billion, which was a 40-some-odd percent increase over the previous month.
Now, the way they're selling this, and they're telling us that it is so secret, and we have to have it secret because, you know, national security.
That's always the excuse they use for the secret state.
We have a secret court, the FISA court.
We have secret court decisions that are made by the FISA court that you are never allowed to see, but they maintain that they alter the Constitution.
We have a secret trade agreement that's being developed now, and this article that's on Infowars.com, ultra-secrecy surrounds Barack Obama's new global economic treaty.
When they go through this, when they try to justify this, just as they did in Politico, they said, well, you know, this is basically a national security issue.
It may not seem like a national security issue, but it is, because, you know, China.
China's involved.
So, this is a threat to our national security.
Not true.
Listen to the way that they have manipulated this story.
It's all broken down in an article on the New American.
And this is a confession from a Chinese diplomat.
They have tried to portray the TPP as the good trade agreement, which is going to be in opposition to the bad trade agreement that China is putting together.
They call that the FTAAP.
I'm really getting sick and tired of these acronyms because I'm getting sick and tired of the government that creates them.
Anyway, what they say is there's been many videos in the U.S.
that have described the TPP and the free trade area of the Asian Pacific, that's the FTAAP, as two competing trade initiatives.
And labeled the competition as a China-US tug-of-war in the Asia-Pacific region.
So you see, they create this false dichotomy, which they always do, to scare us into doing what they wanted us to do all along.
Now, the false dichotomy here, their bifurcation, is that we've got a bad trade agreement that's being created by China, so we've got to create ours in opposition to them.
That's the TPP.
Now, they're not making that argument with the European agreement.
They're just doing it.
But that's what they're telling everybody, and that's why they say, it has to be secret because, you know, this is national security.
An absolute lie.
And listen to what a Chinese diplomat said.
This is what a former counselor of the Foreign Ministry of China said.
He said that although they appear to be rival, the rivalry doesn't exist.
The hype is overblown.
And they are compatible with each other.
And it was Pete Sessions, a Republican, who pointed out that they can add any nation they want and they can change the terms because it's a living document.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to be joined in the next hour with Joe Biggs.
We're going to talk about Jade Helm.
We now have the former lieutenant governor of Texas is making the talk circuit round.
He is appealing to people's patriotism, to their blind patriotism.
Telling them, move along.
There's nothing to see here.
We need to understand where this guy came from, and we're going to talk about David Dewhurst.
We're going to talk about his CIA background.
We're going to talk about his involvement in shutting down a bill that would have stopped the TSA pat-downs, let's just call it that, politely, where they stick their hands down your pants, where they sexually molest children without the parents' approval, where they search people without a search warrant.
Let's just put it that way, okay?
Where they search people without a search warrant.
Putting their hands on you far more than we ever saw in any movie about occupied France by the Nazis.
There they just demand your identity papers, please.
Here they want to stick their hands on you because you are their slaves.
You are their pets.
They can do anything they want to to you.
And of course, David Dewhurst worked with the TSA to shut this down.
He sabotaged this after it passed unanimously in the Texas House.
He shut it down in the Senate.
At the same time, the TSA was threatening to turn Texas into a no-fly zone.
Now he's out telling people, don't worry, the government doesn't have any malice towards you, they respect your liberty, they respect your rights.
I don't think he's a very credible spokesperson for that and we're going to talk about his CIA background as well as the things that he's been saying when we talk to Joe in the next hour.
At the bottom of the hour we're going to have Alex Jones reply to what happened, a special report from him about what happened with Facebook.
And of course we've been talking about the article where they suspended our
Admin privileges for our main admin account because of an innocuous picture that was put up.
Picture that was not violent, showed no blood, no weapons, nothing.
Merely a man in a balaclava and a camo with a flag behind him and a quote from Stalin.
Any excuse to shut things down.
That's where we're headed.
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You know, when I look at the fluoridation of water and we look at the fact that they're trying to mandate vaccines for people, as I look at the removal of informed consent, I say, you know, they removed that a long time ago when they started fluoridating our water.
If you can dump stuff into people's water supply, if you can mass medicate the public without their consent,
They can do anything, and now they are doing that to people, because we have tried and been unable in most jurisdictions to get the fluoridation process reversed.
So they basically pay large amounts of money for corporate waste, which they then dump into the water, and even if, even if you believe that this is safe or effective, and it is neither, and we're not going to go into all the details of fluoridation, we've talked about that many times, but even if you think that it's a healthy thing,
Let me ask you how you control the dosage when you just dump it into the water supply.
And of course, the federal government has just admitted that their allowed dosages were far too high.
And they have just lowered that.
And those allowed dosages are twice what we have seen in other countries producing deleterious effects on people's health.
But they're giving you the same dosage whether you're a child or a full-grown adult.
Stay with us right after the break.
For those of you who are listening, we're going to talk about what's going on with the vaccine bills that are mandating this, that are taking away our freedom.
And then we're going to have, in the next hour, Joe Biggs joining us to talk about the latest developments in the propaganda war of Jade Helm.
Stay with us.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Visit GCNlive.com today.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Wednesday, May 6, 2015.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Joining us in the next segment will be Joe Biggs.
We're going to talk about the latest developments in Jade Helm.
Right now, it is a propaganda war.
It's a PSYOP war, and that's a large part of what it's going to be as well.
We're going to talk about what's going on, the latest developments in it.
Of course, one Texas congressman has come out bravely and said, yeah, we need to be concerned about what the government is doing.
We need to watch what the government is doing.
Louie Gohmert, and of course, he knows that he's going to be vilified.
He knows that they are going to ridicule him, that they are going to come after him personally, make strawman arguments about how he's irrationally paranoid.
I would say
If there's any party on the earth that is irrationally paranoid, it has to be the federal government.
They criticize people who are preppers, they criticize people who want to understand what our government is doing, yet they are the ones who are doing the most extreme things everywhere and then demanding that we not pay any attention to it at all.
This, for example, this story that's up on the Drudge Report right now from InfoWars.com, DHS funded spy tag knows when you visit the bathroom.
And when I saw this, I thought about the Drudge Report story that's been up for the last couple of days about the mayor here just north of Austin, a place called Georgetown, Texas.
Passed the torch over to the Mayor Pro Tem and went to the restroom and had a lav mic on.
Remember they had that guy that had killed several people.
They caught him in a documentary when he went to the restroom and he says, I'll kill them all.
So now he's under arrest.
He had beaten the rap for decades, but he got nailed by a lav mic that was still turned on.
Well, the same thing happened in Georgetown.
The guy walks off, and that video is very funny, especially when he flushes the toilet.
Everybody breaks down laughing.
At the time I saw it a couple of days ago, it had 2.8 million views.
So that is everywhere.
But this stuff is serious.
We have a paranoid, dangerous government that wants to know everything about us.
They want to track everywhere we go.
When they negotiate trade deals in secret, when they pass laws in secret, when our congressmen, our elected representatives are told, get out of here, you can't see this, when they talk about stakeholders are going to put this together, then you understand that we, the people, don't have a stake in this.
Our elected representatives don't have a stake in it.
We are not stakeholders.
It's the stakeholders who are putting together the Trans-Pacific Partnership in secret.
And we need to just shut up.
And now we got Mitch McConnell just giddy, just giddy about how he and Obama are now buds.
You know, they just, you won't believe this, but, you know, we just get along great on this trade agreement.
It's like, no, I believe it.
I believe it.
I know where this is going.
Alex Jones has been talking about it for decades.
We all know where this is going.
Barry Goldwater knew where this was going decades ago as well.
We just read that quote earlier in the show.
We know exactly where this is going.
Mitch, I have no problem at all believing that you and Obama are just laughing it up over what you're doing to the American people.
But this is a government that wants to know everywhere we go, including the bathroom.
As Paul Joseph Watson points out, a new RFID tag designed to track objects or people in a closed environment, unquote,
Which is being funded by the Department of Homeland Security, even has the ability to know when you visit the bathroom.
And as one person says, how long before they incorporate this technology into driver's licenses?
That's a privacy blog, MassPrivateEye.
Can you say Real ID?
DHS's National Driver's License Tracking Program?
When they're installed in your driver's license, they'll know which vehicle you're driving.
Well, yeah, you know what?
They've already got black boxes.
We've talked about this over and over again.
They've already got the black boxes in your car.
They just need the Wi-Fi capability and they have mandated that.
I believe that the V2V technology, which the Department of Transportation out of Washington laughingly calls talking cars, that's going to be here within, I think, it's either 2016 or 2017.
I don't know.
New claims made by ISIS.
The terror group says they have 71 soldiers trained in 15 different states ready to attack any target they desire.
The post also claims 23 soldiers have signed up for missions like Sunday.
A reference to the attack in Garland, Texas that resulted in the wounding of a security guard
And the killing of the two attackers by a single police officer with a sidearm.
ISIS claims their target in Sunday's attack was Pamela Geller.
Abu Ibrahim said in the post, we don't care what land she hides in or what sky shields her, we will send all of our lines to achieve her slaughter.
Geller heads the group responsible for the Draw Muhammad event in Garland, Texas, which is part of a larger network of neocon organizations.
Working behind the scenes to stoke tensions between Muslims, Christians, and Jews.
She responded, This threat illustrates the savagery and barbarism of the Islamic State.
They want me dead for violating Sharia blasphemy laws.
What remains to be seen is whether the free world will wake up and stand for the freedom of speech, or instead, kowtow to this evil and continue to denounce me.
Go to InfoWars.com for the latest updates.
Rob Due reporting.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Wednesday, May 6, 2015, joining me now in the studio is Joe Biggs.
I guess we've been featured in the news.
We've got former Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst is going around making the talk show circuit.
See, immediately jumped on this as soon as Governor Abbott sympathized with concerns of citizens because, you know, somebody with a CIA background, Joe, like David Dewhurst,
You know, citizens don't need to know what's going on, number one.
Number two, you don't need to be concerned if they have concerns.
Just ignore them.
They're just peons and peasants.
They're not stakeholders.
So, just ignore them.
So, he criticized, of course, making some political points, and now he's going on CNN.
We're going to play a clip of that in a moment.
Everybody goes on to say that, you know, a lot of people go on, you know, and say Texas is one of the greatest states, and this kind of proves a fact.
We have a good governor, as well, who's willing to help kind of calm everyone down a bit.
He's heard his constituents, he's heard what people are worried about.
And he's going to actually do something about it.
I think that's amazing.
And I don't know why they want to attack him over that.
The people, that's his job.
He's doing his job.
I would like it to have some politicians who are aware of what our concerns are.
Yeah, exactly.
In Bastrop, we've got the judge there, who basically, he's not really like a legal judge, a judicial judge, he's actually the chief administrator of the county.
Basically, he had that dog and pony show there of the lieutenant colonel that was involved in the operation, and he said, we're not here to change people's minds.
And it's like, well, what are you here for?
You know, in other words, you care less what we think.
It was a televised psyop.
That's all it was.
Because what they did is they were doing damage control from when Thomas Meade of Metrics Global originally posted that video where they were talking about Jade Helm and he really told the truth about what was going on.
That there would be interaction in civilian attire in the public and that cops see someone to pull them over.
Things like that.
This time it was Lieutenant Colonel Mark LaStoria as the puppet for this, you know,
Contract company for this guy and then you know, I think Jakari is actually working on a video We're gonna show how many times Mark LaStoria looks back at Thomas Meade to see like is it okay?
Like checking with his puppet master like oh, am I doing the right thing?
Because that's all they were they were just trying to damage like just like we see with the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
You can't read that agreement
Uh, you can't take any pictures of it, you can't talk to anybody about it.
Just trust us when we tell you what it says.
Yeah, exactly.
But I mean, we see that even our congressmen don't have any power, right?
And so you got this guy who's a lieutenant colonel, and he's looking at this guy in the suit from the private company for authorization for everything he's gotta do.
Everybody that attended that meeting had that comment.
They couldn't believe how he kept referring to that guy.
And then there was actually a guy who stood up and said, uh, well you've introduced yourself, but who is this guy in the suit that you keep talking, looking at, and talking to?
Because he will be the one running the operation.
Lieutenant Mark LaStoria is just a puppet.
He is just a face for SOCOM to go up there and stand and to help calm some people with his little psy-op that he was running out there.
It was complete and total BS.
The people there did not buy what he was saying.
I didn't buy it.
You know, Jakari would, I mean, me and him would look at each other and be like, what is this guy talking about?
It completely contradicted the original thing they came out to do.
I mean, it's...
Well, of course, the spin was that they were going to do this on private property, okay?
They already had permission, so you got a problem with private property?
Just shut up!
It's none of your business what's done on private property.
Making it sound as if private property owners had initiated this whole trading operation.
Well, yeah, like they put out some Craigslist ad or something like that.
Hey, we're so calm, do you mind giving up your hundreds of acres so we can come out here?
And then these people called and implied, no.
And what I talked to, I've got a guy that I'm going to go on his property when the training starts, and he's next to, he's lined up with another property who gave up 100 something acres for this.
And he said that the government came, knocked on the door to people's properties saying, hey, can we come do this?
So they lied in the entire... Well, the whole slideshow that was up there, the very beginning of it.
They denied it too.
It says the purpose that we're here.
The purpose we're here to give you this slideshow.
And they went to all these different local governments all over Texas, Utah, everywhere that they're going.
And they said the purpose is to get a written invitation from local city council, from the county government.
Why would they need to have written permission from the local governments if it's all about
Private property.
So, you know, he keeps spinning this one way after the other, and it was interesting when I got the call from the local ABC affiliate asking me, you know, why are you guys so afraid?
And she had gone to the Bastrop meeting, and she had even written an article on it the day after, on Tuesday.
The Bastrop meeting was on Monday, she wrote an article on it on Tuesday.
I talked to her on Wednesday, and when I mentioned that, I said, well, look at the very purpose here, and she says, are they not telling you the truth about something?
I said, yeah, they said they're looking for written permission from the local governments, and then they say this is all about private property, so just shut up.
I said, and she said, where'd you read that from?
That's in the slideshow they put out!
That's the document!
That's the basis for this whole report, to start with this.
But of course, you know, we've been doing reports on the militarization of the police for a very long time.
But the point is, is that the press is not really doing any investigation on this.
We see nothing but just using the term conspiracy theory, dismissing it that way.
Becoming a mockingbird press, and that's what the CIA is.
It's the same cookie cutter answer every time from CNN, from Fox, and all these places.
They say the same thing, they push out the same narrative.
None of them have done any actual investigation.
I mean, just like when they say there's no ISIS in Mexico or in Texas.
Okay, now we know.
You know, we actually went and looked.
They don't do it.
They just read off a teleprompter, and that's what's ridiculous.
I don't know how people can...
As a reporter, I mean, they don't even go in and Google this to look up what's going on.
They don't know anything about what unconventional warfare is.
They haven't looked at the documents.
They don't know the history of the training.
You and I were in Fort AP Hill, which is an asymmetric warfare center, a year ago.
We were walking through it.
Alex was broadcasting it live.
They spent $96 million to create a replica of an American city
That was very different from the kinds of urban warfare that you've seen in practice with bombed out buildings and that sort of thing, going building to building.
They spent $96 million, and of course, it was supposed to be somewhere in the $60 million.
There's some clips of it right now of where we were last year.
It was originally budgeted for $60-some-odd million, so that's 50% over budget.
Just like the Pentagon always does, but that's not good enough for them.
They've got to come into America.
Yeah, so that looks just like Iraq right there.
Yeah, there's a school bus.
The roads don't have potholes from IEDs.
Oh, wait, there's a mosque over there.
I mean, we have Muslims in America.
Wait, there's traffic lights.
Oh, there's a church.
Man, this looks just like Afghanistan.
My mind's blown.
It was very creepy when we were there because there were underground tunnels that connected the mosque to something that looked like a torture facility, but also the fact that they've got working traffic lights, they've got the underground subway.
You and I stood at the corner of 1st and Main.
I took your picture at the corner of 1st and Main.
I mean, that is not a foreign country.
When you look at this, they're training for domestic operations.
And we know that there's a lot of things that could cause, that they could use as an excuse for martial law.
That's what they're training for over and over again.
That's why we're concerned about the scope, the frequency, and the scale of these things continuing to increase every year.
What people don't understand, and I have to go back and look at some of these original hit pieces against us, when we posted those slides, when we showed that initial SOCOM report,
SOCOM came out and said they didn't know where those slides came from.
Yes, exactly.
People have to go back and look and look at the underlying things that are going on.
They are continuously lying to the American people every day.
And then the Pentagon goes, oh, we don't know anything about this.
We deny this.
Well, the Pentagon denies everything.
The Pentagon doesn't know where they are half the time.
I mean, it is mind-blowing to see how they try to hit us on every angle.
And if it was nothing at all,
They wouldn't even talk about it.
They know it's true.
That's why these Pentagon puppets are going, hey Fox, CNN, you've got to discredit these guys.
You've got to discredit these guys.
They're finding out what's going on.
I told that to the reporter.
I said, from the very beginning, they denied that... I have no knowledge of that.
I don't even know what you're talking about.
You posted it on your page!
But of course, Drudge linked the actual document on Scribe.
They could go to Scribe and take a look at it.
But that was their response.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
When it got big,
That's when they came out and then they started changing their story.
And they keep changing their story because fundamentally, fundamentally, this is a psychological operation.
And my friend even said that.
Yeah, if you look at what unconventional warfare is, it is a psychological operation.
It is a means, and quite frankly,
What Obama has been doing to this country, what George Bush was doing to this country was unconventional warfare.
It's basically destroying a country's economics, destroying their civil liberties, taking away people's ability and their will to resist.
And that's the way you do it.
That's in the military documents.
You destroy them economically, you destroy their civil liberties, you take their rights away, you treat them like slaves, and make them realize they don't have a future, and then they just give up in hopelessness.
And as this entire saw up is going on, what else is going on?
The militarization of the police, the dropping off of these huge MRAPs and tanks in different cities across America.
They are strategically placing
All this heavy armored equipment all over the country while people are concerned now with the conspiracy theories and all this.
They're putting all their chess pieces in play.
And they do it one at a time.
It was a couple years ago that Watson found the FedBizOpps procurements for
Billions of rounds of ammunition, as we did the math at the time, if you added up what Homeland Security was buying, and these are hollow point bullets, this is not allowed under Geneva Convention to be used by the military, it was being purchased by Homeland Security, it was hollow point bullets, which governments are only allowed to use against their citizens, and they got billions of them, and as we pointed out, that's equivalent to 30 years worth of the rate that they were going through it in Iraq.
Yes, please wait.
I don't
They're buying up all the ammo, they're buying up all the guns.
Meanwhile, places like in Baltimore at a Walmart outside, like 30 minutes outside of there, are going, whoa, whoa, whoa, we're going to need to pull the ammo off of the shelves.
And the BB guns.
Yeah, the BB guns.
We can't have this.
I mean, there's a civil unrest going on.
Well, that's when you kind of need to be able to protect yourself.
That's the entire point of having that right.
To be able to protect yourself and your property, your family, if something happens.
Yes, exactly.
When you disarm us, what happens when people are disarmed?
ISIS attacks.
Look what happened when ISIS came to Texas.
We carry guns.
Don't mess with Texas.
I guess that's something ISIS never heard about.
We got guns.
That's right.
And it isn't just the hired security guards.
They paid $10,000 to get a lot of off-duty cops, and these guys know how to shoot.
But of course, there's a lot of Texans who know how to shoot and are carrying as well.
We'll be right back with Joe Biggs, and we're going to play you what former Lieutenant Governor David Hearst, former CIA agent, is saying about us.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, joined in studio with Joe Biggs, and we're going to be talking about Jade Helm in this segment.
We're going to talk specifically about the former Lieutenant Governor of Texas, David Dewhurst, who's going around talking about Jade Helm, telling people, hey, there's nothing to be concerned about, move along.
I mean, if you're a patriot, what problem do you have with the government training
To take people out in the middle of the night and putting them in white vans and driving them off.
I mean, you shouldn't have anything at all to say about that.
That's what Americans are not like that.
So we're going to play the clip from him.
It's about a one-minute clip on CNN.
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Always a good idea to have that for natural disaster or for man-made, right?
Let's go to this clip from David Dewhurst on CNN where he's talking essentially about us.
Let's play that clip.
Former State Representative Todd Smith, again a fellow Republican, sent a scathing letter to Abbott.
He accused him of, quote, pandering to idiots.
Is Governor Abbott pandering to idiots?
So he's saying people who are scared are idiots.
No, I think Governor Anthony was simply listening to his constituents.
I think this was fueled by talk show hoax.
Talk show hoax that are more interested in their ratings than telling the truth.
And so all I try to do with my editorial and talking everyday to people is to remind them that we've had training exercises going through Texas since we were first formed as a republic and now as a state.
And that Texans love the military.
We support the military.
And if I've got any message, it's to all of our active duty.
This is unpatriotic to question the mission of the military.
We appreciate you.
We got your back.
Huge doubt by the Obama administration.
No one trusts them.
That's what Ted Cruz said.
And you know, I quite frankly, I don't know what to say except that
It is our right and it is our duty as citizens to ask what our military is doing.
And when they tell you to just shut up because I'm wearing a uniform, I'm sorry, I don't live in that country.
I'm never going to live in that country.
I don't honor that kind of response.
Look at the way they've got the map there.
You're either permissive
Or you're hostile, okay?
That's their bifurcated world, okay?
That's their two choices.
You either permit them to do whatever they want without them telling you anything about it, without them answering any of your questions, and how dare you even talk about what the rightful mission of our military ought to be?
Okay, because then you're anti-military.
There's a big difference about that, and we need to understand that.
We've had that discussion before when we've talked about whether or not our government should be involved in wars.
I don't want to get back to this saying, just shut up, we're going to invade this country, we're going to invade that country, and you don't have any say so on it, and if you do, you're un-American.
That's essentially what he's telling people.
I mean, people have to look at the fact, look at all these lies that are building up time after time.
They keep saying these training exercises are, oh, they're dirty bomb drills, or this is to help further our National Guard, or this is to help hone our skills against a foreign enemy.
Okay, so why does your dirty bomb drill have nothing to do with a dirty bomb and have to do with the soldiers taking on sovereign citizens, constitutionalist patriots?
That doesn't sound anything like a dirty bomb to me.
And they're saying, oh, Jade Helm, it's just so we can hone our skills for overseas.
And we just had the Pentagon come out and defense officials said on Monday that this is all just wild speculation.
Internet-fueled claims.
Okay, well, why do they not say that it's wild speculation?
When they do these scenarios, as Forbes reprinted it, how the military would take out the Tea Party.
Isn't that wild speculation?
Maybe that's just wild speculation.
Why don't they take that back?
Why don't they explain to us these repeated training scenarios where they come after people who are conservatives, libertarians, Tea Partiers, people who voted for Ron Paul, and of course, Louie Gohmert had the courage to come out today, even after
All this mud has been slung, and I would say a lot of this, you can understand the politics behind it, okay?
David Dewhurst is not simply speaking for the CIA.
He's speaking for David Dewhurst, politician, and so is Todd Smith.
They mentioned Todd Smith.
This is an obscure Texas legislator.
Who lost in the primary in 2012, 65 to 35, because his big issue that he championed was no voter ID.
He was a Republican.
He was a Rhino.
Same as David Dewhurst.
But you got Louie Gohmert coming out and saying, yeah, I understand why they would be concerned about this.
He said, when leaders within the current administration believe that major threats to the country include those who support the Constitution, who are military veterans, or
We're good to go.
Joe and I walked through the live target, AP Hill, the Asymmetric Warfare Center, which was an American city.
It had the same effect as those no hesitation targets.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back with a special report from Alex Jones about this Facebook attack on InfoWars.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You've probably heard a lot in the news recently about Jade Helm.
The Army says it's a harmless drill that uses states like Texas to simulate rugged foreign terrain.
Let's take that at face value.
They're training in an area that simulates the locale where they plan to fight.
Got it.
With that said, if they train where they plan to fight, then why do we see military drills in downtown Miami, Florida?
What cave in Afghanistan does that resemble?
Why did we see the military team up with the Halo Corps to run a drill in San Diego, California?
What desert in Iraq does that city look like?
I'm willing to hear these guys out when they say, let's train now so we don't bleed later, but that opens up a whole new can of worms when they train in facilities like Fort AP Hill, a facility that looks like any American city, complete with soccer fields, churches, and street signs in English, presenting even more questions that have yet to be answered.
Check out the new videos on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'm joined here in the studio with Joe Biggs.
We've been talking about Jade Helm and we're going to go back to Jade Helm but Alex cut a special report today about this Facebook blocking our account on Facebook.
They put up a notice that we were blocked for three days from posting.
We have now found a workaround for that.
Nevertheless, if you look at this image, it is totally innocuous.
There's absolutely nothing controversial about it.
There's no blood, guns, knives, nothing.
Simply a guy in a balaclava with a camo suit and a flag in the background and a Stalin quote.
And for that, they were going to block our Facebook account for three days.
Here's what Alex Jones has to report.
In Nazi Germany and in many other nations that have fallen to tyranny throughout history, generally the takeover is done incrementally.
That's the surest way, long-term, to take a free society and to be able to convert it into a despotic system.
The United States, according to rafts of university studies around the world,
is trending into a total fascist system.
Controlled by foreign offshore corporate interests that are above the law.
Bilderberg, Davos, they're transferring all the nation state powers in due process into things like the TPP, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and other systems, the WTO.
They're militarizing our police.
They are surveilling us without warrants.
From Australia to the United States, from Germany to England,
From South Africa to Mexico, the same systems of tyranny are being globally standardized and deployed.
InfoWars is in trouble.
InfoWars is under massive attack.
And a lot of pundits, a lot of analysts have always pointed out that InfoWars.com is seen as a canary in the coal mine.
That when the system really starts to come after us,
In the Infowar, that Hillary admits we're winning.
You're winning.
You are the Infowar.
We're just one focal point of that, that the hammer's dropping.
And it's not just us, and I'm going to break down what's happening in a moment.
It's the internet power grab by the FCC.
It's the TPP provision, the one part that got leaked, where it gives total internet control over to private corporations under copyright, or under terms of use violation, where you're banned from the web, internet taxes, internet IDs to track you.
Zuckerberg from Facebook meeting with the Chinese censors two months ago.
It's on.
And we've seen a seismic increase of persecution of the press, not just here but all over the Western world.
A seismic increase, exponential, in censorship.
But in the last month, whether it's been YouTube, or whether it's been Facebook, or whether it's been Alexa, owned by Amazon, and dirty tricks behind the scenes you wouldn't believe.
The system is intensifying massive attacks against us right now.
And if they can shut us down or cripple us, they can shut you down.
Infowars is breaking national news every day.
We're generating top news stories that affect change every week or so that become the biggest stories in the country, like Jade Helm, the TSA, you name it.
One of the committee members of the FCC, one of the commissioners, came out three days ago and said they've been in meetings and they're looking at trying to take down Drudge.
They could take down Drudge under Federal Elections Commission, claiming his free speech is electioneering.
It's over, folks.
Do you understand?
We've been basically delisted by Alexa saying we have no visitors, even though our ratings are up.
And every pro-globalist organization has gone up as we go down.
Every libertarian or conservative group.
Fox News was delisted and lost 80% of their traffic the same day we did.
But the traffic's still there.
That's where ad agencies go to make purchasing decisions.
Fox News won't even stand up for itself, because I guess it's basically part of it.
They're attacking us as well.
I was attacked by CNN last night, saying that we believe the military is going to take over this summer, when we said it's all part of conditioning.
They literally edited the tape down to three seconds to make it sound like I said that.
We're going to play that coming up, here with Dave and I today.
I'm taking off the radio show, this is so big today, to get with lawyers, talk to some lawyers in New York.
And to decide what I'm going to do, because I have to try to talk to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the EFF and others.
They've helped us out before we've had issues.
I've had to sue people before.
I don't make a big deal about it.
Some of the lawyers involved have lost their licenses, you know, that have gone after us.
There's a lot of stuff I've got to deal with.
I have to come to a decision today and start pulling some triggers.
But most importantly, just know this.
The canary's sick.
The canary is under attack.
There's gas in the mine.
This is affecting everybody.
They're coming after your internet freedom.
They're power-grabbing on every level.
They've got the IRS persecuting Second Amendment groups, Christian groups, veterans groups.
They got veterans on Don't Treat Death list.
And a year's gone by and nothing's happened.
They even admitted last week in the news, oh, nothing's changed.
I mean, stuff's getting crazy, folks.
And why are they allowing censorship?
They're testing it.
Use another bird analogy, like a parrot or bird will test a perch to make sure it's stable with its beak before it gets on it.
They're testing to see what happens, they're probing, they're pushing.
Obama dissolved the borders, didn't get in trouble.
Obama put our military under NATO command, didn't get in trouble.
Funded ISIS and Al-Qaeda, didn't get in trouble.
Overthrew our allies in Egypt, put Muslim Brotherhood in, didn't get in trouble.
And he's just a front man for this agenda, but the globalists are very bold right now, starting a war with Russia, destabilizing countries, destabilizing our nation, shutting down half our power plants the last seven years.
We're under attack, and that's why the population's lost trust in the government, because it's illegitimate.
And now, the system knows people are listening to InfoWars.com as a conduit, so they're coming in on us.
And just to understand that, ladies and gentlemen,
That you need to pray for us.
Even if you're not a Christian, just try to support us.
Tell your friends and family about the broadcast.
Send them links to the podcast, to the InfoWars.com forward slash show page.
Tell them about local affiliates in your area.
Get aggressive about this because nothing can stop human intelligence and human action and word of mouth.
You're the reason we're exploding.
You're the reason citizens are putting up billboards for InfoWars.com across the country.
You're the reason we're gaining affiliates.
But if they can delist us, as they did today, and kick us off Facebook.
We have 3 million likes.
Our biggest, we have like 14 different Facebooks.
Our biggest one has 800 plus thousand.
We noticed it was going towards a million, suddenly started getting reversed about a month ago, started losing them.
Now they used us putting up an image, no violence, in a news article of ISIS.
And they banned us for three days.
They said they may permanently ban us.
You go to CNN's Facebook, there's images of ISIS all over it.
People say, well, they own that, they can do that.
No, they advertise that you come there and put your content on, and as long as you follow their rules, they won't take you down.
But then they selectively violate that.
No one's safe if they can take your website down because you put an image up of an ISIS fighter, and we basically say they're terrorists.
And I guess it's because we call them terrorists, and the Obama administration won't, under new political correctness, and they've told us, you cannot call them terrorists.
So under new political correctness, you cannot call radical Islam terrorists.
A federal judge ruled kids can't wear American flags at school because they're offensive.
I mean, if we lose our speech, we lose everything.
And it's all intensifying.
It's coming down.
Look at the economy.
Look at the 0.2% growth.
It's probably like 3%, 2% negative.
It's what most economists say.
We're in trouble.
Something big's coming.
Is it the dollar devaluation?
Is it a bigger war?
Governments are gearing up.
There's a lot of preparation.
Soros is trying to start riots with the police.
This country is being destabilized.
And Infowars is under attack, like you've never done before.
In their face, we need to...
Promote InfoWars, promote the radio show, promote the video feeds, promote these articles you see on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Nothing can stop you from posting it on Facebook, and Twitter, and YouTube, and on your own message boards, and Pinterest, and Craigslist, and everywhere else, and at the end of your emails, a link to our video feeds, our audio feeds.
Get out there and show them the power you've got.
Let's have a people bomb against tyranny.
Let's have a anti-tyranny bomb today, on this Wednesday, what, the 6th day of May, 2015, to let the system know we're fighting back.
Because the good news is, this is the empire striking back.
We're beginning to win.
That's why they're launching this operation.
But I've got to take action to defend the First Amendment.
They're trying to ram through the TPP right now, that's secret, the one provision that was released because WikiLeaks got it.
They admit internet freedom and allows corporations to kick you off the web, not just their sites, because they say so.
No judge, no jury.
Corporate global governance.
And whether it's Zuckerberg or the head of Amazon, they're all working with Obama to shut down free speech.
My God!
Where is the so-called left on this?
I attacked Bush for his tyranny.
It was nothing compared to this.
This has gone into overdrive.
Are you really going to let them arrest people in the Tea Party and shut down Christian churches and tell the troops they can't be Christians and the Founding Fathers were bad people?
I mean, this is like a giant re-education camp this country's being turned into.
And just support our local affiliates, we support them.
We get the ratings, we get the advertisers for folks locally, but it isn't enough.
Because the establishment is targeting our affiliates as well in dirty trick campaigns.
They're lying and saying that we said things we didn't say.
If you don't hear it out of my mouth, we didn't say it.
When MSNBC says, I'm a racist or I influenced the bombers, the Boston bombing, and then they don't show a clip.
They wouldn't be getting that outrageous in their propaganda if they weren't desperate.
I'm Alex Jones.
I'm going to pass the baton to David Knight.
I'll be calling in later with some updates on this, but this is a big deal.
And if tyranny came, would we notice?
If tyranny came, would we do something?
If tyranny came, would we wake up and say no?
You're being tested right now.
They're not just coming after us.
The censorship is intensifying across the board, but we're being hammered by name in over 100 publications a day.
CNN and Fox News last night.
It was ABC News the night before.
Last week, every channel lying about what we say.
David Dewhurst, the CIA operative, former lieutenant governor, came out in ABC News and said that the groups criticizing, and my name was in there, Jade Helm, want to spit on the troops like Vietnam.
What the hell?
The troops don't want to be part of Jade Helm.
They know it's part of a conditioning operation.
You see how they're operating, folks?
And they got the Republicans working with them on these globalist operations, on TPP, on all of it.
It's here.
We're being conquered, we're being usurped, and they don't want to have a debate about it.
They want to shut down people who are engaged in legitimate journalism.
Modern Paul Reveres, all of you, right now, get the word out and send people to InfoWars.com because it's the information they don't want you to be aware of.
I'm Alex Jones from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We now go live to David Knight from the InfoWars.com News Center in Austin.
The house that the people built.
The house where patriotism and the resistance lives.
And you know, when I look at that editorial that David Dewhurst wrote that went into the Dallas Morning Herald, it was absolutely obnoxious.
The thing started out with a bunch of pictures of medals and essentially came back and said, give the military the carte blanche, don't question anything that they have to say.
If you do,
You hate the military.
Let's talk about who hates the military.
It's the VA that has confiscated the guns.
When you look at the National Background Check database, 99.3% of the people who've had their firearms confiscated have been veterans who were turned in by the VA.
And of course the veterans are prominently figuring in all of their training scenarios for domestic operations.
It's veterans, people who want constitutional government, people who want limited government.
Not people like Lieutenant Governor Dewhurst.
Well, they're attacking soldiers in other ways too, though.
While you're still in the military, when you're still active duty, whether it be Army, Marines, or whatever, they push all these opiates on you to a point where you become addicted to it, and then when they kick you out, or you get out, and they suggest you get out, then when they send you to the VA, they're like, oh, you have a drug problem.
And then next thing you know, these guys end up shooting themselves.
They go, you know, it's crazy.
By the way, you're talking about the war on drugs.
We're going to be talking to Freeway Ricky Ross, who's going to be joining us live in studio in the next hour.
And you want to talk about, you know, we talk about the war of drugs and the war of terrorism because both of these things are being run by our government.
They're training terrorists.
They are growing the poppies in Afghanistan.
They were running the drugs into L.A.
with the crack cocaine trade that he was a part of.
As part of the Iran-Contra scandal with Ronald Reagan.
When you look at that, just think about that.
Who are we supposed to be afraid of the most today?
Supposed to be Iran.
What did Ronald Reagan do?
He secretly armed Iran.
They had a lot of planes, they needed parts because we had installed a puppet there for decades.
Well the battleships and stuff they have now are the old ones that we gave them.
Yeah, yeah.
We had a ruthless dictatorship that was set up and trained by the CIA, the SAVAK.
Now, in order to get leverage with his war in South America, Reagan sold those people who were supposed to be our enemies, sold them parts, and then sold drugs into California and the rest of the country at the same time they were telling everybody, just say no.
Here's the drugs, but just say no.
We're from the government, we're here to help you.
We're going to keep you off of drugs, and we're going to help you get drugs at the same time.
So you look at that, you look at the Iran-Contra, there is a war on terror, there is a war on drugs right there in a nutshell, and it is a war of drugs and of terror against the American people by our own government.
They're snatching up Americans left and right, throwing them in jail for these little petty crimes, having like an ounce or a little bit, I don't even know all the measurements, but like a little bit of marijuana
And we're just, our prison systems are all overflowed, you know, or full because of this war on drugs that they created in the first place.
Opium production went up 900 times what it was in 2001 when the Taliban was at its peak of control in Afghanistan.
It was like 10% of the world's supply, now it's over 90%.
Yeah, exactly.
Getting bigger all the time.
We've got a clip from Jade Helm, and I want to get back to that, and I want to get back to David Dewhurst and basically look at where this attack is coming from.
But let's play this Jade Helm clip from CNN, then we'll respond to it.
By directing the State Guard to monitor the operations... Don't mess with Texas is Republican Governor Greg Abbott's message to the Pentagon.
Abbott called out his State Guard to keep an eye on U.S.
Special Operations Forces.
The governor says he wants to make sure Texans' constitutional rights, private property rights, and civil liberties will not be infringed during an upcoming military war game called Jade Helm 15.
1,200 personnel, Army Green Berets, Navy SEALs, and Air Force troops will train across seven states this summer.
Do Texans really have to worry their own freedom is at risk?
The site Infowars has led the internet buzz, insisting it's all a plan for the Army to wage war on Americans.
Publishing a military PowerPoint slide showing Texas as red enemy territory.
I've hardly ever heard of something joint like this unless they're actually planning an invasion.
Republican presidential candidate Senator Ted Cruz says he understands Texans' worries.
I think part of the reason is we have seen for six years a federal government disrespecting the liberty of the citizens.
And that produces fear.
Chuck Norris, one-time Walker, Texas Ranger TV actor, says on the conservative website WorldNetDaily, what's under question are those who are pulling the strings at the top of Jade Helm 15 back in Washington.
Governor Abbott now says all he meant to do was have his state militia coordinate with the Pentagon.
We have been provided assurances by the special operations forces that there is nothing for the public to worry about.
But now Democrats are calling on Abbott to apologize to the military.
A former Texas Republican state lawmaker says the governor went too far.
And I just, as a patriotic American, do not believe that it is appropriate or necessary to use state resources to protect me from the American military.
The White House is trying to stay out of the governor's fray.
I have no idea what he's thinking.
I might have an idea of what he's thinking, but I'm not gonna.
I appreciate the opportunity though.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
Joining me in the studio is Joe Biggs.
And we've been talking about Jade Helm.
We heard the report from CNN that you just listened to just before the break.
And of course they took Alex Jones' comments very brief, took them out of context to make it sound like we thought this was an all-out invasion.
It was the beginning of martial law.
That's not what we said.
We were concerned about the fact that this is constantly building.
That we have these training exercises being conducted in cities outside of military bases, outside of federal land, that this is part of conditioning the American public to living with the military on the streets, like we're some kind of a banana republic with nuclear weapons.
When I talked to the reporter here at KVUE, the ABC affiliate,
Uh, she came back, she said, well, you know, they might have some real legitimate uses for having the military in the United States.
Maybe they need to protect us from ISIS or from drug dealers.
I said, well, maybe then they could put the troops at the border.
And we've got this report that just came out at the end of yesterday.
This is something that happened back in June 26 of last year.
You said you'd heard of it at the time that it happened.
Now Judicial Watch used a FOIA request to actually get the documents from DHS and their records detail how Mexican government helicopters crossed the border and fired on Border Patrol positions there.
That's the Mexican government coming across the border in military helicopters and firing on people.
But of course,
We have to have the military to protect us with these drills.
They're not going to put them at the border.
That's the last thing.
But if you're Andrew Tamorsi and you drive over the border, they throw you in jail.
That's right.
You know?
That's right, yeah.
Yeah, that Marine that was picked up for a long time.
He got funneled in, and I've had this happen to me before with toll roads.
Get funneled into something, they won't let you turn around.
I just need to come, I need to turn around.
No, you can't.
You gotta come through.
Oh, now you're in.
You're under arrest.
Yeah, exactly.
You're not leaving.
Yeah, exactly.
So we were talking about what's going on.
Of course, there's a full court press.
It's very interesting that it seems like the lead apologist for Jade Helm is former Lieutenant Governor David Dewhurst, who ran unsuccessfully against the current sitting governor.
So there's a lot of politics involved in this.
He took some swipes at Infowars.
But it's not the first time that we've had a back and forth with David Dewhurst.
If you go back to 2011,
Paul Joseph Watson reported about then-Lieutenant Governor, Republican Lieutenant Governor, killing a TSA bill.
And again, what happened was, this is a bill that was put forth by David Simpson, a great libertarian legislator here in Texas.
It would have stopped the manhandling of men, women, and children by the TSA, the violations of our Fourth Amendment, the violations of just common decency.
This bill passed unanimously in the House.
And then, it looked like it was going to pass in the Senate, so people like David Dewhurst got busy with the TSA and scuttled it.
That's precisely what Senator Patrick said, Dan Patrick.
He said, Dewhurst came up with this elaborate political play to kill the bill without his fingerprints, but his fingerprints are all over this.
And Patrick went on to say, someone who will undermine his members, someone who will not stand up to the federal government, you have to ask yourself,
Is that the kind of person we need in the U.S.
Senate, said Patrick about Dewhurst, adding that he had sideswiped him on Tuesday night by turning members against the bill.
He says, I hear he's thinking about running for governor.
I hear he's thinking about running for senator.
In the last 24 hours, he's given me some things to think about.
This is a guy who worked for, he portrays himself as a Vietnam vet, and that disgusting op-ed piece that he put in the Dallas Morning News, as Alex Jones pointed out in his report at the bottom of the hour, he said that he was mistreated as a Vietnam vet.
He doesn't want to see that happening to people.
Well, you know, we're concerned about the way the vets are treated, and they're being mistreated by the VA.
We've talked about that over and over again.
That's where the biggest mistreatment of American vets are.
We're not talking about mistreating vets.
We're not talking about mistreating servicemen.
We're talking about what is the mission of the United States?
What is the legitimate mission of the United States?
Because they're not being transparent.
Well, thanks for joining us.
Stay with us.
We're going to have Freeway Ricky Ross joining us in the next hour, and we're going to have some news here at the top of the hour.
Thank you so much, Joe.
Appreciate it.
Joe Biggs.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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I think so.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Joining us in the next segment is Freeway Rick Ross, and we're going to talk to him about his experiences in prison.
We want to get his feedback about what's going on in Baltimore and the police state, but at the heart of his experience.
is the Iran-Contra War.
Something that showed us the lies of the American War on Drugs and the American War on Terror.
So we're going to talk to him about that as well as his personal experiences and get some words of advice because this is a man who has turned his life around and did it under very difficult circumstances.
I'm looking forward to talking to him.
Again, we have a story that's up on Infowars.com and linked on the Drudge Report.
DHS funded spy tag knows when you visit the bathroom.
They know everything about you.
And you know what?
These guys like to pretend that they're Santa Claus.
They know when you're sleeping, they know when you're awake, and they've got all these wonderful gifts for us.
But, you know, I just don't think it's going to work out that way.
I've got my suspicions.
I guess that just makes me a conspiracy theorist.
No, actually I'm a skeptic of a government that demands to know everything about you, that wants to track you even when you go to the bathroom, but will not tell you anything about itself.
Passes laws in secret, passes trade agreements in secret, has court trials in secret, and openly violates all of our guaranteed rights under the Constitution.
Are God-given rights that are recognized under the Constitution.
And now, this tyranny that we have seen on display in America, that has paraded itself now openly without anything happening to it, even after the Snowden leaks, far after the leaks by William Binney and other NSA whistleblowers, now this is metastasizing to other countries.
Yesterday, we learned the French Parliament approved new surveillance rules.
They say the law on intelligence gathering, this is the BBC reporting, adopted by 438 votes to 86, was drafted after three days of attacks in Paris.
Now, what are they giving them the rights to do?
This sounds very familiar.
If you know about the American police state, the surveillance state, they're going to define purposes for which secret intelligence gathering may be used.
They're going to set up a supervisory body, the National Commission for Control of Intelligence Techniques, with wider rules of operations.
Does that sound all familiar?
You know, they did all of that.
They called it the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
They did that after Frank Church's committee pointed out how our government was spying on American citizens, getting dangerously outside of their mission, turning themselves against the Americans.
They weren't going to protect us against foreign dangers, remember?
Remember what Madison said?
Those things that we do to protect us from foreign dangers become instruments of tyranny at home, like the CIA, like a standing army.
This is what eventually happens.
And so, we've seen this all before.
We've been there.
As a matter of fact, earlier this week, they had statues of Snowden, Assange, and Manning unveiled in East Berlin, Alexanderplatz.
It's the biggest square in East Berlin.
It's very famous in East Germany, the home of the Stasi, the home of the...
Police state that everybody refers to.
The police state that William Binney watched for decades.
And now William Binney says, we're not this close to a police state, it's already here.
See, America has become the poster child now, not East Germany, but now it has become America.
We have taken on the mantle of the police state, the surveillance state.
So now, you've got people that the American government is after for being whistleblowers.
People like Manning, Assange, Snowden.
The people who exposed criminal actions, who exposed wrongdoings, they're the ones who go to jail.
We just saw this this week in the UN, went after a man who was part of a human rights commission, talking about how UN troops were molesting children.
Interestingly enough, his name was Compass.
I guess they don't have a moral compass, and neither does America.
As I said, they're erecting statues to remind people of the heroes that the American government has prosecuted.
But don't worry, Jade Helm, there's nothing to worry about.
That military exercise in your backyard?
Don't worry about it.
We'll be right back with Freeway Ricky Ross.
Did you know that only six corporations control 90% of what millions of Americans see, hear, and read every single day?
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It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, your host, and joining me in this hour is Freeway Rick Ross.
Now, you may have heard of him, you may have seen the movie Shoot the Messenger, and of course, Rick Ross features prominently in that.
He's recognized by many people as being a pawn in the CIA drug wars, and of course, if you look at the Iran-Contra scandal, as we pointed out, it involves elements of both the war on terror,
Supposedly helping Iran for money to go after other guerrillas in other parts of the world, as well as the war on drugs.
They're running both sides of this.
They're running the war on terror.
They're funding the terrorists.
They're funding the drug organizations, the growing of the poppies in Afghanistan, and of course, the cocaine that's coming from South and Central America.
And with us today is Exhibit A, and this is Freeway Rick Ross, of course.
We sell his book here at InfowarsStore.com.
It is a bestseller on Amazon, and you can read about this.
It's called The Untold Autobiography of Freeway Rick Ross.
And again, as I said, you can get that here at Infowars.com or at Amazon.
It's a top seller.
Thank you for having me.
Now, we've seen a lot of back and forth in the last couple of weeks, of course, about Baltimore.
We've seen Al Sharpton come in and say, well, you know, we need to federalize the police.
It's like the police... What do you think of that?
I think that's crazy.
We have enough policing already.
Yeah, yeah.
And of course, Al Sharpton was an FBI informant, but what he is saying is, essentially, I would think many of us believe that it is the federalization of the police and the way the Federals have taught them to shoot first that is at the heart of this issue.
I totally agree.
Talk to us about, you grew up in poor circumstances, of course, in LA, right?
Absolutely, yes.
So, talk to us about people's responses to this.
I mean, what do you think about the looting that's going on there?
Is that appropriate?
If not, if that's not appropriate, what do we do to change things?
It's definitely not appropriate, but you know, when you smash somebody up, you know, and you back them in a corner, they're going to come out with the only way that they know how.
You know, and some of these people, they're not
Well-educated, you know, our education system in the black community is down, you know, we don't get the best teachers.
I feel, I mean, you know, when I go out to these schools and I speak to a lot of these inner-city kids, let me tell you this, they want to read my book.
But do you know the schools won't buy it for them?
Something as simple as a book that they could get for $10, $7.
Well, they got their own agenda.
They have their own agenda.
It's filled up and they don't want you going outside of that agenda.
They don't want the kids to get the information that the kids want.
Oh, this is what you get.
This is where you stay.
It's almost like keeping you in your place.
It's like another form of slavery all over again where you gotta stay in your place and if you step out of your place, then you're on your own and we're gonna have our police force to deal with it.
And your story is something that people should hear, because just looking at your biography on Wikipedia, in terms of some of the dollars, how big this operation was in L.A.
In 1980 dollars, they say that you had $900 million with a profit of nearly $300 million, and today's dollars would be $2.5 billion gross with an $850 million profit.
So, I mean, it sounds like you were living the life and the success, right, that everybody is looking for.
And you're talking about a kid that they said, in school,
Was a dummy.
They had me feeling as if I wasn't going to make it in life.
The system gave me low self-esteem because I wasn't functioning in the way that they felt that I should be functioning.
That made me lash out.
That made me look for ways that I could be successful.
It made me go and start hanging out with gangsters and people that would accept me.
Because if the mainstream society don't accept you, you want to be accepted.
By somebody.
And so your story is something really that inner-city kids ought to look at, because here you were offered what they would all dream of, the pinnacle of success, and yet it was a Faustian bargain with the devil.
The government.
The government, you didn't know it at the time, but you had made a deal with the devil himself.
And after a few years of this success, it came back to bite you with a life
A life sentence without the possibility of parole.
Yeah, yeah.
So, I mean, that is amazing.
And then you turned your life around.
What turned your life around?
And that's not even the most amazing part of it.
After I got the life sentence, I was totally illiterate.
This dumb kid that couldn't succeed in school, wind up being smarter in the courtroom than a Harvard graduate, a Yale graduate, and the top judge.
Because once I taught myself to read and write in prison...
I explained to them why they couldn't give me a life sentence and why them giving me a life sentence was illegal, was against their own books and they didn't understand that.
It reminds me of the New Jersey weed man who had like a pound of marijuana and he was a medical marijuana advocate and they picked him up and because of the quantity they were going to put him in jail for trafficking and he said well you know I don't really think I'm going to get much defense from a regular lawyer
So he looked at it and he said, you know, most of the people don't agree with our laws on marijuana.
They think they're draconian and out of a line.
So he goes, all I have to do is get one person out of 12.
It's like 8%, right?
And he knows that like 50 to 60% of the people, some cases higher, disagreed with the laws at that time about two years ago.
So he defended himself and he used jury nullification.
Well, the first judge says you can't tell them about the law, you know, and have them hold you in contempt.
But he still got seven people to vote for acquittal.
They came after him a second time.
That judge let him put up the law right out of New Jersey, okay, that showed that they have, juries have the right to judge the facts of the case, not just, the law rather, and not just the facts.
He'll tell you, you've got to just judge the facts.
Don't consider whether you agree with the law or whatever.
No, that's your
That's your duty and your right as a jurist.
He got completely quitted.
Twelve to nothing.
They want to take that away from us.
That's why it's so important, you know, that you guys here at Infowar continue to do your work.
Because we have to wake the people up and let the people know that you are in charge.
You know, Obama's not in charge.
None of these politicians are really in charge.
Listen, we give them their power.
We give them all the power that they have.
And they're supposed to be doing exactly what we tell them to do.
The agenda that some big corporation who's lacing their pocketbooks to tell them what to do, you know?
What would you tell the people in Baltimore, the young guys in Baltimore?
Obviously, they're frustrated.
I'm frustrated.
I mean, it's not just black people that are having this kind of... I'm hoping that I'll be going there pretty soon to give a lecture to them.
And just right off the top, I would tell them that
Violence is not the way.
You can't beat these people with guns.
Because they've taken away all the guns from the citizens.
They have the most powerful weapons in the world.
And they have no problem with shooting you.
As we see.
And it's going to be justified.
You know, we see over and over again.
All they have to do is say that they were afraid for their life.
Even myself, you know, I was shot at.
Running from the scene.
I had committed no crime that day.
I had been selling drugs before, but that particular day I absolutely had no guns.
They shot at me three times.
Still, unless you're actually a threat to the life of the officer, the safety of the officer, unless you're running at him, or unless you're pointing a gun at him, if you're running away from him unarmed, they should not be allowed to shoot you in the back.
I see old carry classes and I understand what the law is for me as a citizen when no one is threatening me.
If somebody breaks into my house I say I've got a gun and they turn around they start running away and I shoot them on my front lawn I'm gonna go to jail for manslaughter at the very least.
I agree I agree I totally agree but I'm telling you out of from experience.
You've been there.
I've been shot at from running away from a scene and not because I committed a crime only because I've been threatened by the police that they had told my friends that they were gonna kill me and
I've also been handcuffed after I surrendered, got on my knees, put my hands on top of my head like this here, they cuffed me and went to assault me.
These scars on my head is from police brutality while I was handcuffed.
And I hadn't put up any struggle until after, you know, once they started hitting you so much, the pain gets so...
Oh, what's the word for it?
It gets so where you can't tolerate it anymore that you start to fight and move so you don't get hit here again, you'd rather get hit back here.
It's just natural instinct.
You try to protect yourself, right?
You're flinching and then they say, oh, you're struggling.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
What would you tell them to do?
You would advise that they act as Martin Luther King told them, in a demonstration rather than a riot?
We've got that clip that Darren McBrain put together.
This is a demonstration, this is a riot if you can't tell the difference.
No, no, what we got to do is we got to become educated.
You know, we got to start getting the information just like what you guys here at Infowars are doing.
And I'm so glad that I became exposed to Infowars at the time that I did and got educated, you know, and start to learn that if we think for ourselves, then we can do better.
But when you don't know, a lot of times you think you're fighting.
That's definitely not the right thing to do and burning up buildings is not going to fix anything.
It's just going to tear up our neighborhoods.
What we have to do is we have to sit down and come up with strategies and techniques to educate ourselves and put the people in power that's going to
Help us.
Let me ask you this, because the thing that concerns me when I see Al Sharpton get involved and others is they always turn this into something that is simply racial.
They say this is simply against the black people.
And of course, it is much higher in the black communities, no doubt about it.
But when I look at this, what I see is a beta test for all of us.
Because the violence that is going on now, even though it is higher, we see
Increased levels of violence against all people.
White people, pregnant women, white pregnant women, whatever.
I mean, what has changed is the way that police react and are justified by the system in reacting to the public.
And that's what really needs, and we need to come together instead of saying, well, this is a black problem.
When they say that, that basically pushes the white people off the side.
We've got to come up with a break.
I want to get your answer to that when we come back.
How do we unify together?
Get everybody to understand that this is all of our problems.
We have a problem with the police state.
We have a problem with the surveillance state.
We all need to come together, regardless of color, and fight this common tyranny.
We'll be right back with Freeway Rick Ross.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and joining me is Freeway Ricky Ross.
He is on a book tour, promoting his book, Freeway Rick Ross, The Untold Autobiography.
We sell it here at Infowars.com, and it is a top seller at Amazon as well.
An interesting read.
It's something we're pointing out really ought to be read by a lot of kids in school who are very poor and think that maybe the way they can get out of this is with the war on drugs, but it is a trap that has been set up by the government.
And we're going to talk about the government's involvement in the crack cocaine business, as well as the Iran-Contra affair, because that was all part of it.
That essentially brings these two justifications for our police state, for our surveillance state, the war on drugs, the war against terrorism, they say.
Brings that into perspective, because you can see in the Iran-Contra scandals that the government was running both sides of both of those wars, as they continue to do today, Rick.
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Now, you're doing this book tour.
Uh, and, um, you've also got some websites we want to talk about, too.
You've got, uh, what is DefyVentures.org?
Well, it was, it was funny.
This company contacted me about, about three months ago.
And they told me that they were interested in helping, uh, guys who had went to prison and got out, uh, help them get on their feet.
Uh, by giving them training and helping them get loans to start businesses and they said that they had pretty good luck because one of the things they found out with drug dealers is that they had a tendency to stay with their business.
They didn't start something and quit.
So they're the company... It's a big kind of entrepreneurs to start with, right?
So it's a company that came up with the idea that if we start to help these guys start businesses, they won't go back to prison.
That's great.
So that's one of the companies that contacted me and I'm working with them now.
And of course, your other websites are FreewayRick.com and IAmTheRealRickRoss.com.
So you can go there and you can find out about both of those.
That's very important, too.
Somebody coming out of prison, they want to get their life back together.
They'd like to go straight.
They probably have got some organizational skills if they were successful at what they were doing.
And that's one of the biggest things.
And a lot of times they just need a hand.
You know, Dave, you get out of prison, and I'm fortunate that I had a few people to help me.
Besides, my family was in real bad shape when I got home.
You see the documentary, you'll see a couple months after I was out of prison, my mom got kicked out of her house.
Remember the market scandal that went on?
My mom is 85 years old and they came to her, bought a loan, and loaned her $400,000.
And she was like, I never got $400,000!
But anyway... Yeah, the banker scams.
That's part of what they're doing.
Of course, they're running an even bigger scam right now.
That's this trade partnership where they're basically going to take everything from everybody across the world.
But we've been talking about how they're negotiating.
That is secret.
When you look at this and you look at the impact of the war on drugs, of course, one of the biggest things about that is breaking up families, destroying families with these mandatory minimums for people who are non-violent offenders.
I mean, not somebody... The prison's full of us.
You were a big-time dealer, and as we pointed out before, you know, you had, in today's dollars... But with no violence.
Not an ounce of violence in my... The only violence I had, that they say I had, was when the police had beat me up and handcuffed me and shot at me.
And then they said, well, he did all this and that's why we did what we did to him.
Yeah, yeah.
But other than that, if you look at my arrest record, there's absolutely no violence in my jacket at all.
The rest of my
Suspected crimes.
We're all drugs.
And one of the things that I have a problem with is that at the same time that they created the civil asset forfeiture laws, which now they're using to just steal property from people left and right.
At the same time they did that, they did the mandatory minimums.
Taking away, somebody could have been a first-time offender, maybe they were growing marijuana in their closet for their own personal use.
Yeah, and because the quantity, okay, it was a federal mandate about how long they would have to go to prison, and they were locking people who were non-violent up in prison for such long periods of time.
We had so much prison overcrowding that they were letting violent people out.
That was the thing that really concerned me 20 years ago.
I wasn't in the drug trade, I wasn't using drugs, but I was like, you're letting violent people out?
Well, you know, I saw a documentary on that.
Now, as you mentioned, I saw a documentary on it where this guy was a homicide detective.
Smart guy.
But he said he stopped doing homicide because he could get better raises and higher promotions by going out looking for drug dealers.
That's where the focus was.
They focused everything on that because that was what was going to give them power.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back with Freeway Rick Ross.
We're going to talk about his experiences in prison, something that's going on right now in the corporate prisons you won't believe.
But we're also going to talk about the Iran-Contra situation.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and joining me in studio is Freeway Ricky Ross.
He's on a book tour promoting his book, Freeway Rick Ross, The Untold Autobiography.
You can get that at the InfoWars store.
Help support our operation.
It is also a bestseller at Amazon.
It's selling like hotcakes because this is an important book for people to read.
As we mentioned before, the government came to you
One of the things that is very important about your story, and we're going to talk about that in this segment, of course, is the involvement of the American government in setting up the crack cocaine trade there that you were a part of.
You didn't know that you were working for the CIA.
No, I didn't.
And even when it came out, you know, when Gary first broke the story, I still didn't believe it.
Yeah, yeah.
Of course, Gary Webb.
And if you've seen the movie with Jeremy Renner, Kill the Messenger.
I think I said it was Shoot the Messenger earlier.
It's Kill the Messenger.
Very, very good movie.
They kind of leave it a little bit open there at the end.
They imply that he committed suicide.
We don't believe that he committed suicide.
We can talk to you about that.
But I wonder, before we go to that,
I want to talk a little bit about prison, some of the things that are going on in prison.
There's this article from the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Of course, they get involved in defending digital rights.
And they're talking about the corporations that run the prisons, and that's a lot of what's driving this war on drugs.
Okay, there's a lot of profit in locking everybody up and keeping them in with the mandatory minimums.
It's absolutely, that is a real crime, what they're doing with these prisons.
Oh, no question about it.
That is a real criminal operation there.
You're taking advantage of the people who are less capable of having anything.
You know, you take a guy, you put him in prison, and then his phone call is 25 cent a minute to talk on the telephone to talk to his family who are
Say for instance, me, I was in Texarkana and my family was in California.
$0.25 a minute.
And they charged me $0.25 a minute to talk on the phone to my kids.
And I, you know, when I went to prison I had five kids.
That's amazing.
Well, it's getting worse.
Because now they've got this company called J-Pay.
They say they want to be the Apple of the prison system, okay?
That's the way they're going to make a lot of money.
They're going to give you, they say there's an extra charge.
It's not going to show up on your credit card, but it's the fact that you're surrendering to them your rights to letters, to pictures, to video, to any form of creative expression.
That's the user terms of contracts that you have to sign with these people who are going to be running the prison email and phone systems there.
They say you acknowledge that J-Pay owns all the content, including any text, data, information, images, or other material that you transmit through the service.
So, for instance, if you wrote a poem and you sent it to your mom, okay, they own that, so you couldn't publish it.
But listen to the way that they applied this, Rick.
They had a person, Valerie Buford, was running an internet campaign to get her brother Leon Benson's murder conviction overturned.
In August of last year, she used J-Pay to record a 30-second videogram thanking his supporters, asking them to attend an upcoming hearing in his appeal.
He posted it to Facebook.
When the prison staff saw it,
His access was suspended, and according to the Indianapolis Star, he was disciplined, sent to solitary confinement, and stripped of good time days.
Because his sister had put a video up asking people to support his hearing.
To justify the discipline, they said it was because they were enforcing J-Pay's intellectual property rights.
So they put him in solitary confinement to support his hearing.
I've been through that too before, while I was there.
Not on the internet, but over the telephone.
Uh, say something over the telephone or do something over the telephone that they don't approve.
Uh, you know, we used to have what they had, what they called freedom to talk to the press.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, they've taken that.
After 9-11, they...
Alex took away our freedom to speech where the news can't come down unless an award and OK's it.
So I know exactly what they're talking about.
We did interviews with Barrett Brown who is a political prisoner in my opinion.
Up in Dallas we did a phone interview with him.
We were in correspondence with him with email and they subsequently took down his email, took down several of the other political prisoners that were there as well.
Well you know Alex tried to come and see me in Texarkana and they said no way.
That's right.
It's a whole other thing when they strip you from your family, strip you from the ability to correspond with the world.
I mean, everybody should have the right to go on Facebook and plead their innocence.
Even if you're guilty, maybe, even if you're guilty, you still should have the right to say your side of the story, you know?
And I don't think that it was ever meant
Uh, our forefathers, when they gave us the freedom of speech, that somebody should strip your rights, even if a jury say you are guilty.
But if you're still saying, because, you know, we have plenty of people now that's been... But we still have a right to appeal.
You can appeal to the court of public opinion.
And DNA has proved that we've had people wrong that was on death row.
Oh, absolutely.
So just because 12 people say that he's guilty doesn't mean that he is guilty.
You know, somebody may see something on his Facebook or whatever it is and say, you know what, I don't believe that he's guilty and I want to help this guy.
Now, we talked about the fact that the business that the CIA set you up in, of course, you didn't know that you were dealing with the CIA at the time.
I didn't.
That was discovered by... No, I didn't believe it.
When Gary put it out.
Jerry Webb, the journalist, did a series, Dark Alliance, it was in the Mercury San Jose Press, if I remember the paper correctly.
And first, everybody celebrated it until the government came in.
I was one of those guys.
I was one of those guys that would be like, I don't believe in conspiracies.
That's right.
This is just a crazy conspiracy theorist.
Yeah, yeah.
And you were at the heart of it and you didn't realize it because you were compartmentalized.
I couldn't believe it.
I mean, how could I believe that I was involved with the CIA, you know?
That's right.
I'm the guy that they hunt, that they're supposed to be putting in prison, so now you're telling me that I've been selling their drugs?
I mean, even... See, this is why when we talk about false flag attacks or whatever, people who are first responders, people who are there at the scene,
They don't have the full picture.
They've been compartmentalized.
So here you are, you're running this massive retail organization for the wholesale supplies coming from the CIA, so they can then turn around and fund their Contra War against the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, and you don't know about it because you're compartmentalized.
And you don't believe that it's going, you just think it's a conspiracy.
You know, when I started to believe it, well the CIA, the head of the CIA come down to my cell, they interview me,
And then about six months later, they do their report.
And they say Gary Webb was right.
That's when I said, wow!
You mean to tell me, I mean, that's when it really hit me that... Because even the CIA is compartmentalized.
Not everybody in every organization knows what's going on.
Some people know what's going on.
There's good guys in each organization and there's bad guys in each organization.
And when they keep everything secretive in the name of national security, that's when they can get away with it.
That's easy to do.
You know, I think it's interesting, you know, Ronald Reagan said, you know, the nine most terrifying words in the English language are, I'm from the government, I'm here to help you.
Throughout the 80s, we heard the government say, we're going to keep you off of drugs, just say no, but then at the same time, Ronald Reagan and Ollie North are coming in and they're helping you to sell the drugs, like, hey, hi, I'm from the government, I'm here to help you set up a crack cocaine operation, right?
It's what they're doing.
It's really weird and scary at the same time, you know, to think that all these years I thought that
I was anti-government and doing something against the system and then I was actually helping the system.
And now that you see so many young black men in prison and just Americans in prison.
We have 600,000 black men in prison for non-violent offenses and then we have another probably
Five or six hundred thousand just citizens of this country that are in jail for non-violent drug offenses.
You're talking about some billions that we have just sitting there where they're just warehousing people.
A lot of money.
And all these Republicans who think that the government can keep people off of drugs by force for their own good realize that you people are the ones who are getting the bill for locking people up.
But they rebel.
They rebel in prison.
When you put somebody in jail for using drugs
Most of them want to rebel, you know, because they felt that they had the right to use drugs if they want to.
You know, people feel like, you know, if I want to get drunk, if I want to drink alcohol, I want to smoke cigarettes, I had a right to do that to myself if I'm not hurting anybody else.
And it's hard for anybody to argue with.
I feel that it should be hard for anybody to argue with somebody who
Yeah, it's the difference between a vice and a crime.
Vice is something, as Lysander Spooner pointed out in the 1800s, he said, vice is something you do that harms yourself.
A crime is something that you do that harms other people.
But of course, we understand that this is to push the government's agendas.
Every one of the things that we're seeing now come to fruition.
All the internet surveillance.
All the collection of your information.
All the loss of your due process.
The government just being able to steal property without even charging people the crime.
All of this stuff started with the war on drugs.
It's getting worse with the war on terror.
But it all started with the war on drugs.
They need search warrants to search you.
They could just go through your bags and go through your car.
They could just pull you over and down the highway and just go through your car.
Back in the old days they couldn't do that.
None of this is changing, because we look at Afghanistan, and as we were talking during the break, they had, under the Taliban, before the U.S.
government went in there, they were only supplying about 10% of the world's population of opium, and opium products.
Now, it's well over 90%, and every year they've got a bumper crop.
Listen to this article that just came out from AP.
Says, this is in Afghanistan, they say the cash crop of the Taliban in the scourge of Afghanistan is the country's intractable opium cultivation.
This year many Afghan poppy farmers are expecting a windfall as they get ready to harvest opium from a new variety of poppy seeds.
Okay, now here's how they describe it.
The plants grow bigger, faster, use less water than seeds they've used before, and they give double the yield of opium.
And here's the kicker, Rick.
They say no one seems to know where the seeds come from.
You think maybe they come from a big ag lab or something?
They got a lab over in Afghanistan, right?
That's right.
I mean, here we are, you know, this looks like something that's being refined, and of course it could be done by some body that's not connected with the American government, but nevertheless, we've seen troops guarding the fields, we've had Geraldo Rivera point that out, we've played that clip over and over again, and we know what's happened there.
They have gone from a very small portion of opium to virtually all of the consequences.
And heroin is growing in inner cities again.
Yeah, that's right.
Now you've got a heroin epidemic just like the crack cocaine.
Young kids are using heroin again.
I mean, you know, back in the days nobody would use heroin because they all was educated on it.
But people stopped educating them on heroin and started educating them on crack.
Now crack is down and heroin is climbing.
Yeah, they're going to come up with something.
But that's a clear sign that education
Education over incarceration.
Education over incarceration.
And medical treatment and addressing people's needs spiritually, economically or whatever, as opposed to thinking that you can stop this with the iron fist of government, with prohibition.
That's the thing that really bothers me so much, to see how many Christians want to rely on the government to change people's hearts, to change their lives, and to do it with the iron fist of government, rather than to do it with a helping hand.
Yeah, oh wow.
And with understanding and with saying, look this is a medical problem, this is a spiritual problem.
Instead they just turn it over and say, no we're going to make it a law enforcement problem.
And I've talked many times to law enforcement officers against prohibition.
Leap.cc is retired for the most part, some of them are active, but for the most part retired prosecutors, police, who have seen this side of it.
Men of integrity who say, this isn't working, it's only making things worse.
And it's hard to get somebody that's on the other side to say that.
So if you get somebody to say that, you know you have an honest man.
Because they get paid very well for that.
Now the guy that was at the heart of this, and for people who don't know the history, I mean, I know Iran-Contra really well.
It happened a couple of decades ago, so there's a lot of people who don't really know it.
Of course, Iran was the big boogeyman then as they are now.
And they had a lot of weapons that we had given them because we had installed a dictator, the Shah of Iran.
We overthrew their democratically elected government.
And then we trained a ruthless police state organization called the SAVAK.
They were trained by the CIA.
Now when they were overthrown, that's when most Americans' history of Iran begins, when the embassy was overthrown.
They forget about all that stuff that happened.
They don't know or care anything about the CIA's SAVAK.
They don't know about the overthrow of the government.
So when all that happened, and they took the embassy hostage, that's when Americans started paying attention.
They never paid any attention to it before that.
Now, as Ronald Reagan came in, really kind of on the cusp of people's disgust with Carter's inability to do anything to get the embassy hostages out, Reagan was going to be very tough with Iran, and yet he was making these deals to give them spare parts for the planes that we had already sold them, and what he was doing to fund that
Uh, he was taking the secret money, giving them parts, and funding his other war in South America.
Well, you know, Ali said that he didn't have any problem taking the Shah's money, Iran's money, and giving it to... And that he would continually do it.
Remember, he said that at the hearings.
That's right.
At the Congress hearings.
And then you've got Oliver North running the Iran-Contra stuff, right?
Okay, so they're funneling money, selling weapons to our terrorist enemies, okay, and then creating a war of terrorism in Nicaragua, at the same time then taking that, using the drug trade they created with the crack cocaine industry to also fund their terrorist work.
Because guess what?
You know they needed money that they didn't have to show, because Congress had told them not to bother the Contras at all.
They had, that was against the law.
To do anything with the conscience.
So they did it anyway.
So much for the law, so much for the respect for the Constitution.
I mean, they didn't respect the Constitution, they didn't respect the law, but it's amazing to me, as things change, we see how little they change.
You know, in this particular case, as Gary Webb investigated it, he found at the source a guy, Oscar Danilo Blandon.
He had close ties with the Contras.
He interviewed him several times.
He put all this stuff together.
This is all part of your story, okay?
And as you mentioned, this guy, Blandon, went to jail for only 24 months, but you got life in prison.
And you didn't even say how much drugs he had.
Yeah, tell us how many.
10,000 keys.
Well, and he got 24 months in jail.
What about the mandatory minimums?
My first cellie was 18 years old.
They arrested him on his 18th birthday.
He got 20 years in prison for 2 ounces of crack cocaine.
First offense.
And this guy had?
10,000 keys, but it was powder.
It wasn't crack.
A big difference, right?
Yeah, so then he gets out after his little, of course, it's like we see this all the time.
I mean, you know, HSBC is involved in money laundering for drug cartels and funding terrorists and everything and they get a very, very small fine and nobody goes to jail, okay?
But if you have a small business and they don't like the way that you did your cash reporting when you put that money in the bank, you can go, you can have that money confiscated.
They can even send you to jail for structuring.
Okay, so the little guys are going to jail, the big guys are going free.
This particular guy, Vlandone, after his 24-month sentence, he gets out and he gets a job with the DEA.
He goes straight from the CIA to the DEA, as you mentioned.
Wow, without a green card.
Oh, that's right.
No, no, no.
They made him up a green card, too.
You know, they made him up one.
He didn't have a real green card.
The DEA got him, you know, a fake one.
So he was an undocumented CIA worker.
He was.
Then he became a documented DEA worker.
Well, talk to us about what turned you around.
Well, when I was in prison and all this stuff started to come to me, and then I started to feel like maybe I'd been duped.
Maybe I wasn't dumb, but I've been taught to be dumb.
So I started to just test myself, you know, I taught myself to read and write while I was there.
I eventually found an issue that got myself out of prison.
I started to write this book.
While I was still in prison, this book was gonna be my way, if I never got out, to give back to all the kids in this country.
To educate them on what I went through, how I became a drug dealer, because I didn't want to be a drug dealer.
It was not my plan.
When I was 18 years old.
Somebody would have told me when I was 18 years old, six months before I started selling drugs, that I was going to be a drug dealer out of that.
Hang on, we got to go to break.
We're talking to Freeway Rick Ross about his book and about his book tour.
We're going to be right back and I want to get your reactions to Al Sharpton.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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All the leaves are brown And the sky is gray
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight and I'm joined here in studio with Freeway Rick Ross.
We've been talking for the last hour to him about his amazing lifetime.
He's had a situation, started out very poor in the inner city, went into the drug trade big time, became one of the biggest drug dealers ever, then went to jail.
I don't know.
Yeah, I think so.
Possibly one of the best writers of that time.
It was very well documented.
He won awards, the LA Times covered all this, and then all of a sudden, somebody flipped the switch and they all came after him.
Then the LA Times had like a large group, and I forget the exact numbers, like 10 or 12 reporters set up to just to discredit him.
Jesse Katz was the main one, a reporter that I had a relationship with.
Well, I was in prison, and after I was out of prison, and matter of fact, Jesse's on the documentary, my documentary, Cracking the System, and he explains that him going after, being a hired gun, basically.
He was a hired gun and went after a... Character assassination.
And as they always say, you know, first they assassinate your character, then they assassinate you.
It was initially reported that he'd shot himself, that they'd been shot twice in the head.
Once you, you know, assassinate his character, now everybody thinks that he's mud and, uh, whatever you do to mud, you know, is okay.
Just get rid of it.
They reported that he had been shot twice in the head.
Then they said, no, it's suicide.
And I said, oh no, we never said he was shot twice in the head.
And yet, he had been on Alex Jones multiple times just before he died.
He was coming back with another book.
And he was very much still a fighter, just as Aaron Schwartz was.
I don't believe Aaron Schwartz was driven to suicide either.
Play this Al Sharpton quote for you, but before we do, real quickly I want to say that we've got a promotion code at InfowarsStore.com for our biggest sell on ProPure water filters.
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You can also buy Freeway Rick Ross, The Untold Autobiography.
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So that's a great book to read.
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Let's play this clip real quickly from Al Sharpton.
Alright, let's do it.
They've been fighting all over the country, which is why we're going to do this march from here to Washington.
We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country.
In the 20th century, they had to fight states' rights and to get the right to vote.
We've got to fight states' rights in terms of closing down police cases.
Police must be held accountable.
I don't think all police are bad.
I don't even think most are bad.
But those that are, need to be held accountable.
Okay, so he makes this, he says, we had to fight states' rights as part of the civil rights move.
You think that that's the way to approach this, by federalizing the police and making all of them come from one location?
No, I don't think so.
I think that this is a citizen's issue.
This is a thing where the citizens need to take control of their communities.
We're about out of time, and I'll tell you what, I want people to know where to find you.
FreewayRicky on Instagram, Twitter, you can find his book details.
Thanks for joining us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and I have with me Freeway Rick Ross and I wanted to go into overdrive because I wanted to give him a little bit more time to respond to Al Sharpton and also want to let you know where he's going to be on this particular book tour.
Now we played that clip from Al Sharpton in the last segment.
He was saying that we need to fight to have the police controlled by the federal government.
How do you feel about that?
I don't think that that's the case.
I believe that
Policing should come from us as a people, not from some one body or one person determining how our police police our communities.
I believe that the police should come from that community.
You know, more so than from outside.
What I'm finding is a problem with most of these areas is that the police are not from that particular area.
They don't know the people in that area.
They don't get out.
They saw our country, the right way to protect our country, would be something like they have in Switzerland, where the people take responsibility.
The people have, you've got a militia, essentially is what they called it, what the founders called it, where they're trained to defend the country.
Switzerland doesn't get involved in foreign wars like America does.
We get involved in foreign wars because we have a standing army.
But now we have a standing army of policemen.
Because we have said we're going to give people uniforms and badges to stand over us and the community is not going to be involved with its own security.
Yeah, that's terrible.
I mean even to the point where they say you can't talk back to the police.
In Houston just the other day, and they're teaching the kids not to talk back to the police, you know, and in a lot of ways they're teaching them to save the kids' lives because, you know, if you talk back you could get killed.
But it shouldn't be like that.
It shouldn't be like that.
It should be that if you look sideways at somebody, that they're just going to shoot you or they're going to beat you to death, and we see that happening in reality in America, in the streets of America.
Absolutely, absolutely.
We used to have a situation where there would be one sheriff and a couple of deputies, and if something big happened in the community, if the bank was robbed, I'm talking about a Western, we've all seen the Westerns, right?
They'd get the posse together, okay?
Posse comitatus was the power of the community.
You saw the same sort of thing with the Black Panthers in the early days, the old Black Panthers, where they would patrol that particular area.
We saw the same thing with some police in New York.
There was a whistleblower, Adrian Schoolcraft,
When he was blowing the whistle on the police as punishment, they would put him walking a beat.
And he said, that's what I want to do.
I get to know the people in the community.
Yeah, you can't start just a standard and think that this standard is going to work for every place in this country because this country is so diverse.
From city to city it's different.
I mean, I'm having the privilege now of just traveling from city to city, something I didn't even do back in the days, and I'm just seeing how people are the same, but they are different.
You know, they look at things different, they act different, they speak different.
When we try to solve everything outside in Washington, what we do is we remove government very distant from the community.
So if we were to follow Al Sharpton's recommendations, you wouldn't have more community involvement, you would have less.
It would be dictated to you by people that are thousands of miles away, as you point out, very different as you travel the country with your book tour.
And let's talk about that.
But just to say that when you centralize everything, you also centralize the opportunity for corruption.
You can have corrupt individual governments, but not have that.
Your book tour, you're going now to Killeen, Texas, where are you going to be?
Yeah, I'll be in Killeen, Texas, the 8th.
I'm not sure of the bookstore, but you can go to my Instagram, my Twitter, and it'll be posted on there.
That's FreewayRicky, so you can go to Instagram or Twitter, FreewayRicky.
Also go to FreewayRick.com.
I am the real Rick Ross dot com.
Thank you for joining us, Rick Ross.
Thank you for having me.
I enjoyed it myself.
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