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Name: 20150505_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 5, 2015
2657 lines.

The Alex Jones Show is a broadcast that discusses various conspiracy theories, such as government control and media manipulation. It encourages listeners to call in with their opinions on topics including Jade Helm, federal control over policing, states' rights, natural alternatives to synthetic chemicals, energy drinks, and more. The show also promotes products like respiratory infection treatments, herbal immunity blends, emergency food stockpiles, body armor packages, private Federal Reserve independence, custom coffee blends, and water filtration systems. In one segment, Alex Jones criticizes website rankings manipulation, white racists in police departments and the FBI, brain-damaging fluoride and vaccines, modern technology dangers, declining black and white families, trade deals like TPP, and mafias engaging in drug and prostitution activities. The show also discusses Jade Helm 15, a military training exercise that took place in Texas in 2015, criticizing claims that it is preparation for martial law and a federal takeover. It further covers topics such as unconventional warfare tactics, political correctness, civil unrest, preparedness for military actions, reliability of military forces, sensationalism about economic collapse and civil war against police, and natural disaster videos promoting a government-backed preparedness app.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are guest free on Five Five.
This Tuesday,
Fifth day of May, 2015, worldwide transmission.
Again, thank you so much for joining us.
We are going to have wide open telephones throughout the three hours because I didn't take any phone calls Sunday or yesterday on any issue.
If you agree, if you disagree...
If you hate my guts, if you love me, if you have a poem you want to read on air, you name it, it is free for all Tuesday.
It could be free for all Wednesday if we announced it, but today is free for all Tuesday, and we will be taking your phone calls throughout the transmission.
But the first quadrant of the broadcast today, the first hour or so, we are going to open the phones up to people that disagree.
If you truly disagree, if you legitimately have a beef with this broadcast, if you think that we've gotten something wrong, or you think I'm making something up, or you want to accuse me of being a 14-year-old reptoid from the planet Pop-Tart, or a Vatican assassin, we would love to hear from you.
It's just totally wide open, free-for-all today.
But people that disagree legitimately
You are welcome to call in first, and we're going to keep the phone lines open.
Now, that's always a problem because the network only has six phone lines.
Here at my offices, we have, what is it, like 20 phone lines?
And so perhaps we should fire up our internal phone system.
But again, don't call it unless you disagree in the first hour, because we want to actually let those people get through.
And I don't want to hear a bunch of satire where people call in and act like they disagree with the broadcast.
Like I think Smitty's doing.
I don't think he's for real.
We've been sending messages on Facebook that, hey, I'm Smitty, I'm being a fake.
Who knows, that could be fake.
I want to hear from the real Smittys out there, and they've called before.
I want to understand your mindset.
By the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL, pushing for what Al Sharpton's come out and promoted.
Al Sharpton reveals federal agenda.
Quote, we need the Justice Department to take over policing.
That video is on Infowars.com.
Totally have the feds in the states as we know it.
That's already basically happened to a great extent.
They just want to put the nails in the coffin as states begin to move in the direction of sovereignty.
So when the feds torch Waco, who's going to oversee them?
Well then it's the U.N.
It's the U.N.
saying we're not legalizing enough illegals and paying for all their welfare and having babies and jobs and the rest of it and letting them vote.
The most spread-leg country in the world to immigration.
Sorry about that allegory, but it's true.
And it's not enough.
And the U.N.
is coming out
Saying that we need a federal police force under UN control.
So once you federalize, you've basically globalized, and that's what the occupiers of this country want.
Strangely enough, though, there's an article in the USA Today op-ed area by Glenn Harland Reynolds, who we should get on the show, saying, want a lawless police force?
Federalize it!
Yeah, you really want lawless?
The feds
...are scary because they basically get away with things more than any other police agency.
Are there big problems with state and locals?
You bet your bottom dollar.
Some departments are excellent.
I don't just say it because I live here.
Compared to other departments, Austin is excellent.
Other areas like Albuquerque?
But it's now being reformed.
It's kind of hit rock bottom.
We're going to hit that.
Huge Jade Helm news.
Huge economic news.
Huge military news.
It's all coming up.
You've probably heard a lot in the news recently about Jade Helm.
The Army says it's a harmless drill that uses states like Texas to simulate rugged foreign terrain.
Let's take that at face value.
They're training in an area that simulates the locale where they plan to fight.
Got it.
With that said, if they train where they plan to fight, then why do we see military drills in downtown Miami, Florida?
What cave in Afghanistan does that resemble?
Why did we see the military team up with the Halo Corps to run a drill in San Diego, California?
What desert in Iraq does that city look like?
I'm willing to hear these guys out when they say, let's train now so we don't bleed later, but that opens up a whole new can of worms when they train in facilities like Fort AP Hill, a facility that looks like any American city, complete with soccer fields, churches, and street signs in English, presenting even more questions that have yet to be answered.
Check out the new videos on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are assaulting us.
Targeting of patriots engaged.
They are never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
Block free iPhone ads at Infowars.com.
Block free podcast and video feed.
Destroy 30-minute TV.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
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We're good to go.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Now you heard it, Al Sharpton last night
And this is what I've been telling you.
Obama is the closer.
Like the closing pitcher.
He comes in to reignite racial division in the country.
He comes in to make the people basically be so confused and fighting with each other that we're not even aware the country's been conquered by outside interests that totally run the federal government.
One of the last hopes is to have the states line up and say no to that outside takeover.
Are the states perfect?
And under our federalist system, the states have half the power, the feds had half the power, and they shared the power, and half of the
Power was shared by the House in the legislative, the other half by the Senate, and the Senate was appointed by the states, by the elected legislatures, when they got rid of that in 1913 with the 17th Amendment, and brought in the income tax, and the private federal reserve.
The globalist foreign banking cartel mothership had landed in the District of Criminals, and British intelligence began to take the country over completely.
In 1922, they set up Pratt House in New York with the express aim of anglifying the United States that had been out of British control for 140 years.
And 102 years later, they're in control.
That doesn't mean the British people.
No, it means the corporate, financial Rothschild-Sachs-Koburg-Gotha elites.
Starting in the 20s, they began to pay for newspaper and magazine ads promoting Anglophile culture.
The Queen on tea sets.
The coolest Astors and Vanderbilts would have royalty over to their homes and be on the silent newsreels.
It was the coolest thing in the world.
England had a Hollywood before we even had one, and sent in Anglophile, pro-British Empire propaganda.
To where you weren't considered part of the elite unless you took up all the British equestrian activities and effected what they call today an Atlantic accent that is buffooned and lampooned in Gilligan's Island with Thurston Howell.
Thurston Howell III, oh lovey!
Thurston Howell's wife speaks with a British accent.
That's what happened to our country.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, we are under that system and are now part of that same global philosophy.
That's why we follow the exact same policies under the exact same name, run by the exact same people.
That's why it's the UK and the United States and the Rockefellers that founded the League of Nations, founded the United Nations, founded absolutely everything.
Now, continuing here today, let's hear that one more time from Al Sharpton.
Al Sharpton telling a press conference what the real goal is.
In the 60s, we stopped states' rights.
Well, no, really, that was Lincoln decided that the states had been conquered, but then that got reversed in Congress decades later.
So they say that guns decided that the federal government has total control.
Well, I say that's a tyranny.
And I say, let's see you try to use guns again to do it.
And I say we peacefully stand up with ideas and say no.
But now Al Sharpton says it's going to be the police.
And that means your local counties and your cities.
That means your sheriffs that the feds have been for 50 years trying to fund initiatives at the state level to have your police departments take over your sheriff's departments.
That is backwards.
The counties are chartered by the state.
The sheriffs are elected.
If the municipal government, the lowest level of government,
Wishes to vote for the citizens to raise taxes to create a police force under municipal law they are allowed to.
All over the country, which is why we're going to do this march from here to Washington.
We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country.
In the 20th century, they had to fight states' rights and to get the right to vote.
We had to fight states' rights in terms of closing down police cases.
Police must be held accountable.
I don't think all police are bad.
I don't even think most are bad.
But those that are, need to be held accountable.
And the only one to do that, the only group to do that, is the federal government itself, openly run by five foreign mega-banks that own the private Federal Reserve.
The Bank of England Consortium,
Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and you look at who owns the stock in those, it's the same private families that own the stock in the private 1913 Federal Reserve Charter.
The Federal Reserve is just a private holding company with governmental quasi-power, but the shareholders are private, and it was in the newspapers in 1913 and never again.
It's a state secret
How much the Queen of England's worth?
Or how much the Queen of the Netherlands or the King of the Netherlands is worth?
It's a state secret.
How much money the Federal Reserve's got?
And who owns it?
And when Alan Greenspan gets asked about that, when he was the head of the Fed, he says, we're above the law.
No one can investigate us.
In fact, can we pull that clip up?
Alan Greenspan says the Federal Reserve is above the law.
For new listeners, Congress makes the laws.
Congress raises the taxes.
How did we get to a private bank that calls itself the Federal Reserve?
I mean, I could open a federal pizzeria and hire some New York Italians to run it.
It'd probably have good pizza, but it wouldn't be federal.
Just like Federal Credit Union isn't federal, or Federal Express isn't federal, or Federal Ammunition isn't federal.
In the old days, a federal bank was trusted because you could redeem gold at them.
So old-timers in 1913, who were just a few decades out of the last century,
And riding around on mules in the desert, they thought that sounded really credible.
Well, that's a federal bank!
That's what we need!
It needs to run it!
Not all these robber barons who they had running news articles all over the country saying they were against the Federal Reserve.
to trick the public into supporting it.
They still couldn't get the support, if you go back and read the newspapers, so they passed it on December 23rd at 11.55 at night, a quorum call of three senators.
You say, how'd they do it?
That's the committee system.
They got their underlings to vote in committee to let them be able to have a quorum call.
They did a quorum call and nobody was there at 11 o'clock at night.
They'd all gone away for Christmas to eat turkeys and hams.
This is the coup over the country.
And you've got Al Sharpton, and George Soros, and the White House, and the Justice Department, who shipped thousands of guns into Mexico, killed thousands of people, hundreds here, involved in Benghazi, funding ISIS, every crime you can imagine, saying they're taking over the media, internet kill switches, doubling black unemployment, massively increasing funding for black abortions.
You talk about decimating the black community, but it doesn't matter.
They'll get up there and go at every funeral.
Obama sends folks, or he goes, and Trayvon looks like his son, and he cares.
Talk about manipulation, and now the answer is federalize the police.
And funny, this happened in Baltimore with the mayor, who's one of three mayors on that commission on federalizing police with Obama, and it happened in a city where the entire city council, except for one person, is black.
The police chief, last time I checked, was black.
More than half the force is black.
Three of the cops that supposedly killed this guy in wrongdoing are black.
And then last night there was a backfire in downtown Baltimore and people started rioting again basically saying that people got out in the streets and got ready to start going crazy because the police said, okay, we think shots were fired by an officer.
They believe the mob of people being manipulated who don't speak for most Baltimoreans.
You can see the whole plan unfolding.
I told you over and over again, and now they're saying it.
And I can't believe that even USA Today has an article.
Want a lawless police force?
Federalize it.
And that says it all.
Because if you have a federal government that's been captured, run by foreign interest, following UN treaties,
Shutting off the power plants outside of law.
Opening the borders outside of law.
Raising taxes, Obama says, outside of law with executive power.
And you've got a dictatorial federal government that takes orders from foreign, corporate, and governmental interest.
Are you a conquered nation?
We are, by the very definition, like colonial China, or colonialized Africa, or Latin America.
We have been captured.
We have been manipulated.
We have been divided and conquered, as Martin Luther King warned.
This is a protest.
And this is a riot.
If you can't tell the difference, then you are part of the problem.
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Here's what Alan Greenspan has to say about the private Federal Reserve that has dominated this country through fraud.
He says it's above the law.
What is the proper relationship, what should be the proper relationship between a chairman of the Fed and a president of the United States?
Well, first of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means basically that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take.
So long as that is in place and there is no evidence that the administration or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing, then what the relationships are don't frankly matter.
And that's done with a straight face by a mild-mannered, well-spoken, friendly little old man who takes his little doggie for walks.
He actually headed up the cartel that launders over a trillion dollars in drug money worldwide.
500 billion a year in North America alone.
Look it up.
So understand something.
The private Federal Reserve, no oversight from any government agency, not Congress, nothing.
It's private.
But oh my gosh, we can't have the states have any independence.
And we've got to have the world government, through the UN, who's already telling the Justice Department what to do, on guns, you name it, and on borders, telling us what to do with our police departments, with city councils we elect and we control.
Oh, but it's all done to stop racism, right?
We talked about it last week, and I said I wanted to get it organized and do it.
If you want, I'll call the shots.
I'll pick the day, the Planned Parenthood, or you guys could, and we need to send out folks and call for folks to join our reporters to hold up signs.
Black Lives Matter outside of Planned Parenthood.
Because Obama says black communities are basically at a disadvantage.
They were actually at an advantage being suppressed.
It made them stronger.
I'm not saying the oppression was good, it just did what Nietzsche said, and what Victor Hugo said, and what Carl Jung said, and every other philosopher and psychologist said, that prosperity makes monsters, adversity makes men.
But we know now what's happened to the black community.
It's been destroyed.
And the very same science of control is being deployed now against everyone.
And you can see it.
American culture's dead.
The family's pretty much dead.
We're in free fall.
We're a debtor nation with 100 million people on welfare.
And we now have race, tribal politics, and total ignorance.
And young people, I don't care what color they are, don't even talk to each other.
They play video games and play on iPads all day.
We are in free fall.
Fighting with each other down the toilet.
Let's go ahead and go to Al Sharpton with the next phase of the conquering of America.
They've been fighting all over the country, which is why we're going to do this march from here to Washington.
We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country.
In the 20th century, they had to fight states' rights to get the right to vote.
We're going to have to fight states' rights in terms of closing down police cases.
Police must be held accountable.
I don't think all police are bad.
I don't even think most are bad.
But those that are, need to be held accountable.
Now, black unemployment's doubled.
The number of blacks being put in prison has accelerated the last seven years.
Just look it up to all-time records.
Just search.
Blacks incarcerated all-time high.
The social welfare net for inner-city blacks has been removed partially.
But it's okay, because Obama's supposedly black.
I guess he is part African.
I guess we're all kind of African at the end of the day.
That's where humans, they believe, originated.
But then if you expand on that,
The federal prisons are full of black people.
But it's okay because she noticed the last Attorney General was black and the new Attorney General is black and a woman, even better.
Better not criticize her, or you're sexist too, not just racist.
That's a double goody.
It's all about blacks in the inner city seeing the feds as the savior, so they'll say federalize, federalize, and the police departments will roll over so they get left alone.
If you try to control the border, if you try to arrest drunk drivers, or illegals, or felons, or arsonists like Sheriff Arpaio, you get SWAT teamed, and you get federal indictments, and federal lawsuits.
Because the feds work for the private, run-for-profit, federal, in-name-only reserve that says it's above the law.
So, the federal reserve's above the law, and no one ever dared talk bad about it,
And I guess the president's above the law now.
Everything is above the law except the Congress and the people and the legislature.
See, everything that's actually constitutional, oh, is under attack.
It needs to be dismantled.
We better trust the bureaucracy and the foreign interest, because Alan Greenspan said so, and Al Sharpton, the thug, who doesn't even have to pay his taxes.
Well, of course, he's a made man.
He's the Don Carleone of Brooklyn.
What's that area of New York City?
I'm having one of those moments.
He's the Don of America.
He's our Lord and Savior.
Did you know that the tipping point for global warming started back in the 80s?
The UN reported that we were hurtling towards an unstoppable climate shift that would have dire consequences.
Fast forward to Prince Charles' warning back in 2009 that we only had 96 months to save the planet.
The clock is ticking on that one.
And let's not forget Al Gore quoting studies back in 2007, stating that the polar ice caps would be completely gone by now.
Earlier this year, we saw articles with headlines like, 2014, the hottest year on record.
The same articles failed to mention cities like Chicago, Illinois, which saw its coldest weather in over 100 years.
No mention of big ice-breaking ships getting stuck in ice?
So remember, when these carbon tax pushers tell you to lessen your carbon footprint, they're about to leap into their multi-vehicle convoy, drive to their private jets, and then go to sleep in one of their many houses.
Some by the sea.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
Check out the new videos on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
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I'm beginning a new effort to fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own.
I've also directed Secretary Johnson and Attorney General Holder to identify additional actions my administration can take on our own, within my existing legal authorities, to do what Congress refuses to do and fix as much of our immigration system as we can.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We're good to go.
Dirty Deeds!
Dirty Deeds!
Dumb Dirt Cheap!
Dirty Deeds!
Dumb Dirt Cheap!
Dirty Deeds!
Dumb Dirt Cheap!
Dirty Deeds and the Dumb Dirt Cheap!
Dirty Deeds and the Dumb Dirt Cheap!
You've got problems and you're not falling in!
But the old establishment...
...knew how to keep corruption down to a minimum because it would eat into production and prosperity.
Then the globalists fully adopt eugenics, which is really neo-feudalism, and decided, hey, we'll make everybody poor and dumbed down, stir them up, make them fight with each other, and we'll build the economy around scarcity and set up a predatory system of oppression
And we'll teach them from school how to be obsessed with what color they are or where they came from instead of what they actually stand for.
And we will conquer these people and they will never even know it.
And that's exactly what has now happened.
I got a bunch of clips I want to get to.
A huge trade deal they're ramming through that's not a trade deal at all.
It's the North American Union merging with the Pacific Union and the Asian Union exactly as the Trilateral Commission said they would do.
In fact, will you guys print me Barry Goldwater's quote from No Apologies in the 70s where he talks about the Trilateral Commission's plan?
Thank you.
That's a former senator and presidential candidate who almost beat LBJ and we wouldn't have had the Great Society and all the things that happened and the nightmare that's now unfolded.
And I'm going to tie that into Obama saying some communities have odds stacked against him.
And then big Jade Helm developments that I'm not going to get to yet, but this is really the anatomy of propaganda that we're going to be dissecting and breaking down here today.
But before I go any further, we have the very best, made in America, Patriot apparel, Molon Labe in Latin, come and take it in English, whether it's an M16, AK-47, or a Canon design, Liberty or Death sweatshirts, long sleeve, short sleeve,
We've got Camouflage, Infowars.com, Don't Tread on Me shirts, the long-sleeve Molon Labes that are so popular, those are finally back in.
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You can explain it to them.
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You can see Leanne McAdoo there, sporting one.
And they're very inexpensive for a Made in America shirt.
Comparable Made in America gold foil shirts like that would be $60 at the mall.
They're $24.95.
I can tell you right now, Made in America with gold foil, they cost us about $14.
And so usually in clothing, there's a two or three times markup.
But hey, you want choices?
We have made in Venezuela, made in Mexico.
You know, made in China.
Whole section of t-shirts that are a lot less on the site.
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Mass murderers agree.
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And we are under massive sustained attack now, as you know.
The system is coming after the Liberty Movement.
There's a big article on Infowars.com today.
Alexa caught fixing ratings to target anti-Obama news sites.
And he did a great article.
I contributed a small amounts of my names on it.
But I think, Paul, you're doing a great job.
You should add that Nielsen's been caught fixing ratings for MSNBC and CNN five years ago and then again two years ago just to show the tissue of lies and the MO of these people.
I'd also show Arbitron caught manipulating stuff against certain shows.
You can look that up.
And I would also
We need to get our graphics department to take InfoWars.com October 1st last year and Alexa side-by-side and show MSNBC.
And on October 1st, we go down, they go up.
It's the inverse.
On that day!
And then you see InfoWars climbing, though we're down in a pit, Drudge climbing down in a pit, Breitbart climbing down in a pit, The Blaze climbing down in a pit, WorldNetDaily climbing down in a pit, and then we show our Google Analytics right next to it with a 30% increase!
I mean, it's a fraud!
A stinking giant, and of course the head of Amazon worships Obama, and announced three months ago he's working with the CIA, letting them put servers inside to take all your data.
Just Google Alexa and the CIA co-locate servers.
October 1st.
And we have all those graphs.
I want to have our graphics department simply take a screenshot.
of InfoWars in the last year and MSNBC and show them, put them over each other with them going up, us going down, it makes an X. The exact point, October 1st.
And then every other site's the same.
I mean, that's what's powerful.
That's what's over the top.
Absolute proof in your face.
Now, before I get to
The dismantling of the country and the evidence of that.
I want to play this clip.
Obama, some communities have odds stacked against them.
And you know what, that's actually true.
But he's not telling you what's stacked against you.
We're going to play this and then come back and break it down.
Here is who Jamie Foxx calls the Lord and Savior.
Notice I haven't talked about the Mayweather fight.
It's funny, it's a three dollar bill in my view.
People that watch it say it looks fake.
And then you gotta see Jamie Foxx singing the National Anthem doing a horrible job, I'm told.
And just the elite all landing in their jets to all be seen like a bunch of narcissistic peacocks.
When I was a billionaire, I'd be broadcasting from, like, super cool, you know, fabulous destinations, and seeing all the beauty of the world.
I wouldn't be hanging around like a peacock up in a tree, chirping.
I digress off on a Jamie Foxx.
Here is Obama creating disunity, class warfare.
Here it is.
We can't guarantee everybody's success.
But we do strive to guarantee an equal shot for everybody who's willing to work for it.
But what we've also understood for too long is that some communities have consistently had the odds stacked against them.
That there's a tragic history in this country that has made it tougher for some.
And folks living in those communities, and especially young people living in those communities, could use some help to change those odds.
It's true of some rural communities where there's chronic poverty.
It's true of some manufacturing communities that have suffered after factories they depended on closed their doors.
It's true for young people of color, especially boys and young men.
You all know the numbers.
By almost every measure, the life chances of the average young man of color is worse than his peers.
Hit pause.
I could spend an hour on why Appalachian whites can't get out of poverty.
And on why blacks can't get out of poverty on average.
It's not really true.
Blacks are actually becoming some of the wealthiest subgroups and largest upper, upper middle class groups.
When it comes to that demographic of upper, upper and nouveau riche, blacks are just exploding.
But that's blacks that see through it all and escape it.
Dynamic, smart, hardworking, competitive, don't have chips on their shoulders, don't make people feel uncomfortable, they go right to the top.
Right to the top.
Whether it's journalism or science, corporate sales, CEOs, managers, alpha male black guys who don't have chips on their shoulders make some of the best executives out there.
That's well known in corporate America, but I'm digressing.
Massive chips on their shoulders, taught to have chips on their shoulders, taught by MTV and the gangster culture since the 70s and 80s to go out and join a gang and to hate everybody.
And to think everybody's out to get you?
I know a lot of white yuppies like that and slackers in Austin, who won't work, who are trust fund kids, who are spoiled brats, and they remind me of growing up in Dallas of black people that had chips on their shoulders, I know.
And thought everybody was talking crap to them.
But if you look on the graph of the 1960s, black illegitimacy, black crime rates, black bankruptcy, black suicide, on and on and on, it was as low as the whites, or lower.
Because blacks knew that they'd been screwed over, and they figured something out that Louis Farrakhan talks about.
I disagree with a lot of what Louis Farrakhan talks about, but when he says this is true, you want to buy local,
You want to build a community, you want to have your own banks, you want to get your clothes cleaned at black owned shops.
I mean, that's one way.
If you're going to think whites are all out to get you and do that, and back then the whites were in many areas.
And so, black people had lower illegitimacy on average in the 20s and 30s and 40s.
Then that all changed.
The highest in the world, the highest criminal rate, everything.
I mean, did white men make gangster rappers always go shoot each other every two days in the news?
Whether it's some hip-hop event and people shoot each other, or they try to shoot the... Because that's what people see as cool.
That's being sold in the white community now.
There's like this hip-hop rap country now that's all thugged out.
We're like guys with grills in their teeth and long mullets, rapping to country.
And I mean, you can go find areas in the country and
Suburb white areas where it's like some mutation between thug culture from the blacks and thug white trash culture.
It's just unbelievably horrible.
I'm supposed to embrace all that.
I can't stand a black thug or a white thug.
They all act just the same.
They're all arrested development.
Crazed looks in their eyes.
Little kids think they're tough.
Attack you when you start banging their head in the concrete.
They always cry for their mama.
It's like that movie Spring Break with a
Franco in it or whatever his name is.
That's really how that is.
It's disgusting.
And I grew up around it.
And now it's spreading all over the country.
And illegitimacy and the imprisonment.
We're just converting to absolute animals, folks, across the board.
I mean, what does it say that the main civil rights leader in this country is not somebody like Martin Luther King.
It's Al Sharpton.
I mean, a guy who wore purple leisure suits.
And weighed 400 pounds, and was an FBI informant, coke dealer.
I mean, what a joke!
I mean, you know, but just take no responsibility.
Let me tell you something.
Winners, real winners, cannot be held down.
Now, the CIA, you want to know about what's really holding blacks back?
It did, because it was seen as acceptable by white racists.
in police departments and the FBI to ship drugs into black communities and let prostitution, gambling, and all be in the black community, run by Italian, Jewish, Irish, and WASP mafias.
But they would run it in the black communities because whites wouldn't put up with it.
And they would go into a bad black area, not a big Christian, upper-class black area, but they'd go into the poor black areas
And they set up shop.
So that's where a lot of that seed of that culture came from.
So, yes, the white man actually did engineer it and is to blame.
Here's the newsflash.
I didn't do anything.
I'm not part of it.
Most whites were against slavery.
We fought a civil war over it.
We reversed it.
England was the country with Christians that started banning slavery worldwide and invaded parts of Africa and invaded the Middle East to make Arabs stop selling black people.
I'm not bashing Arabs.
Don't blame them today.
It's just a fact.
So, that's the reality.
Germans weren't freed in some areas of Germania, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, until the 1880s.
Do you hear Germans that have a German surname that's linked to that whining?
They don't even remember it or know or care.
Lot of my ancestors came over here as sharecroppers.
I mean, do you hear me talking about it?
It is a mindless chip on the shoulder.
You add fluoride, vaccines, into the mix, you just have a brain-damaged public.
I mean, it comes out of that.
And so this is social engineering, and if you go back to the Great Society, on the graph in the 60s, that's when the decline of the black community and the rest of the country starts.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
You know, most talk show hosts lean on their collars.
Like a man losing a boxing match leans on the ropes, or grabs his opponent.
I said I'd take calls this hour, you notice I haven't.
Because I've got so much news to get to.
I will open the phones up for people that disagree with me in the first 30 minutes of the next hour.
Then David Knight is joining us with some of the most bombshell testimony ever of the most vicious child abuse you can imagine.
We've interviewed a nurse, and it's on record, up until five years ago, they would not give premature babies vaccines.
They would not give pregnant women vaccines.
Now we have eyewitnesses to where they know that it's basically maiming and killing them, and they say, get ready to get the trauma unit, the emergency unit in here, get ready to try to save their life.
They follow the order, they give them the shots, the baby starts dying on the table in front of them.
This is human sacrifice.
This is leading children up to idols and throwing them into fiery pits.
This is following orders unto death.
And the inserts said until five years ago, do not give it to a pregnant woman, do not give it to a premature baby.
And most of the children go into convulsions, a lot of them die.
He'll be joining us bottom of the next hour to break down this and we're going to air part of this interview with a registered nurse exposing it.
And we're going to do more investigative reports.
Because of HIPAA laws, you can get indicted, but there's got to be an investigative loophole to be able to get in, because we have sources that want to let us in, basically, to see the babies dying.
And I know it's a conspiracy theory to want to save the babies, but all of you out there that worship the government and are into having faith in it, come on.
They just cut the fluoride by 50%.
They've ordered it removed from pesticide, because the proof is, it's massacring our brains, our DNA, it's giving us cancer.
Evil's running the country, let's just admit it.
But see, the evil's so over the top, people don't want to admit it.
Now, what else is hurting black folks that are the main test group inside this country?
What else is hurting them?
It's hurting everybody.
But blacks, more than anybody, in places like Detroit, you name it, former industrial centers,
I've been very clear that
TPP is good for American businesses and American workers.
Just like NASA?
Regardless of what China's doing.
And we will make the case on the merits as to why it will open up markets for American goods, American exports, and create American jobs.
Will you roll Al Gore out again?
This is not a defensive agreement.
This is something that is going to be part and parcel of our broader agenda moving forward.
But we're not allowed to see it.
The Federal Reserve's above the law.
95% of the world's markets are outside of the law.
The private corporate boards are above the law.
Only the police.
They have to be under federal control.
Okay, let's go to Boehner.
The Republicans, by the way, are quietly supporting this, but Boehner acting like he's not for it to full constituents.
Here's the Speaker of the House.
The President needs trade promotion authority to continue to try to get an agreement with the Asians on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Hillary Clinton was for trade promotion authority.
Hillary Clinton is for the trade bill with the Asians.
She just won't say so.
And the fact is, is the President needs her help in order to get Democrat votes in the House and Senate to get this passed.
You think some House Democrats look at this... Boehner's on something.
She's on the ballot.
I better... Every Democrat leader... Word is he's a co-kid.
...in Congress is opposed to the President's position.
Now listen, we've got a majority here in the House and the Senate, but we can't do this by ourselves.
How many hookers a week do you think he has?
Now we're going to carry the bulk of the votes.
Alright, we're going to go to break.
Again, he acts like he's for our jobs.
He acts like earlier he was against it, now he's for it.
I mean, here they come.
Both parties screwing us over.
Let's just have a race war instead, huh?
That's what they're pushing.
Big second hour coming up.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into our number two.
Vayner, who acts like he's for jobs and against shipping jobs overseas, has come out and basically said Hillary Clinton isn't going quick enough to start promoting the open borders that come along with these agreements to all these foreign goods, so they don't have to basically have any tariffs put on them, even though China and India and Mexico and others put their own internal illegal tariffs on our goods.
And that's what's hurting communities across this country regardless what color you are.
I want to open the phones up in the next 30 minutes and get to other news as well.
Big development on Jane Helm I haven't hit yet.
And I want to hear from people that disagree.
Now in the second half and into the next hour we can talk to folks that are on any subject.
Agree, disagree, have a question, have a comment.
But I want to hear
From those of you out there that legitimately disagree with me.
Now again, if you're calling on some other subject, we're not going to put you on air.
Because it's hard to get to the callers that disagree because so many hundreds of calls come in with folks just don't listen to a word I'm saying.
If you disagree, we're only taking those calls at first.
And I really want to hear from you.
I see one there that disagrees on Jade Helm.
We'll see what the person has to say on that front.
I wonder if they'll actually disagree with what I've said or with the straw men.
Now, there's a bunch of news articles on Jade Helm today, over a hundred.
I couldn't read them all.
But if you go to Google and type in Jade Helm, there's hundreds.
And if you type in Alex Jones, there's about eighty today.
But there might be more now.
I'll not check that.
John Stewart mocks Lone Star Lunatics, which is an anti-westerner, anti-southerner.
People say, Texas is in the south.
The left that's always embarrassed about Texas' southern roots, always is ashamed of the fact that Texas
Was part of the Confederacy, and that Texas was the gateway to the West, so it's kind of a quasi-Western slash South.
But, just like Missouri's part of the South,
And just like Louisiana is part of the South, or Alabama, or Tennessee, Texas was founded by people out of Tennessee, Alabama, and other areas.
That's the original Texans were from Tennessee, Alabama, and South Carolina.
That's where almost all my family's from, except for my mother's side that were the big, you know, Texas founders, a bunch of my dad's side too, but
We've got it on my mom's side just everywhere.
I mean, you name it.
I'm not bragging or anything.
It's just kind of ridiculous.
David Ayers, William Ayers, the guys that stirred it all up and brought in the Bibles and the printing presses and got stuff going in Washington, Nebraska.
Put it this way, he was going to be the first treasurer of the Republic, but he was so obsessed with not being corrupt that he would refuse to even touch the money.
And then that's who Colonel Travis dropped his son off with when he went to the Alamo.
But I digress.
There's this demonization of Texas by folks in New York and other areas.
And when I meet people from New York, they go, man, I had no idea Texas had all these laboratories and science and everybody's so cool.
And I really thought you rode to work on horses.
Yeah, down at NASA in Houston, in the giant refineries and the laboratories where they've invented, you know, things like most of the cancer research and heart surgery.
Because, you know, when the Queen of England comes to Houston to have medical procedures done, or when her dad did, it's because we're so backwards.
We actually drag our knuckles when we walk.
Is that why you're all... I'm not knocking New Yorkers people.
I'm talking about the young people that don't know what's going on.
Jon Stewart plays into that and basically calls us all a bunch of trailer trash because our state's concerned about federalization.
We're going to play that coming up as well.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
Let's talk about the real war on women.
First wave feminism was a noble cause.
But modern feminists?
Well, instead of fighting for, say, paid and protected maternity leave, they want to ban words, shirts, and manspreading.
Come on!
That's cultural Marxism, which asserts that culture and language is responsible for oppressing women, and not the state.
The truth is, the state encourages gender wars.
It's a divide-and-conquer tactic designed to keep us fighting amongst ourselves.
In fact, the feminist movement was hijacked by the political class to exploit women.
As the late Aaron Russo revealed, the Rockefellers bankrolled feminism.
Not because they had any interest in women's rights, but because women in the workforce was the ultimate trifecta.
The state collects more tax dollars, children are indoctrinated at an earlier age, and the traditional family structure destroyed.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I was just telling a story about some of my family that was involved in the founding of Texas on my mother's side.
And my dad texted me.
So I was talking about how Texas was mainly founded by Tennesseans, Alabamans, South Carolinians, Virginians.
And my dad texted me because I'd forgotten to add, that's why I was talking about David Ayers, that he was from New York.
So folks were from all over that founded Texas.
But it's so frustrating to see people like Jon Stewart and just folks from California and also the East Coast, kind of with a stereotype or a bigoted worldview, think that if someone speaks with a Texas or Western accent,
Or New York accent, we're stupid.
When test scores, recruiting, you name it, shows that people in Texas and in other western states are just as smart or smarter than anybody else.
In fact, when it comes to corporate recruiting, you name it, Texas has some of the highest numbers.
But beyond that, why is everybody from the Northeast, Southwest, you name it, moving to Texas?
They're moving here because Texans are smart enough to try to keep taxes low compared to the rest of the country.
They're still high, historically, compared to, say, what we had under Kennedy, who was a Democrat.
It's just incredible to see everybody move here and then badmouth it.
And then Jon Stewart, that's not even his real name, his family is one of the most powerful in the country, in the Federal Reserve, part of the Central Bank, part of the ruling class, and Jon Stewart's brother runs the New York Stock Exchange.
Look it up.
Just Google, Jon Stewart's brother runs the New York Stock Exchange.
You can find out all about him.
And he plays this anti-establishment role, that he's there exposing the Republicans and the Democrats, when the guy is anti-gun, pro-open border, globalist, and I'm on your phone calls, Frank, Chris, John, Josh, Mike, and others, callers that disagree, when he comes out, the videos on InfoWars.com, Jon Stewart mocks Lone Star Lunatics over Jade Helm concerns.
And he builds the straw man.
Just like the newspapers do every day, whacked out crazy Texans, Lone Star Lunatics, and A-holes as he calls us, believe Obama's going to invade.
He goes, hey, let me give you a little newsflash.
You've already been taken over by the Feds.
I know, I know, John.
Or whatever your real name is.
And Mr. Stewart, it goes further than that.
And you know that.
The feds have been taken over by the globalists.
And Al Sharpton, in fact, let's play that first.
Al Sharpton, in a press conference last night, said we need to federalize the police.
That's the new movement.
No states, no states' rights, no checks and balances on the out-of-control government.
Even the USA Today wrote an article, want a lawless police force?
Federalize it.
But we're run by a Federal Reserve that says it's above the law and can't be audited and is God.
Well, we're going to call that bluff.
I played that clip last hour.
We're run by foreign families whose wealth is global state secrets.
And you want to federalize the police using a few hundred suspicious police shootings a year and make it racial when crazy cops are shooting all sorts of people.
And so are the feds.
And it's the feds giving them the training and giving them the armored vehicles and it was a federally trained run department, black run as well, that supposedly, you know, broke this guy's spine.
And they've been indicted.
We gotta have a crusade.
Not a crusade to stop the TPP, Trans Pacific Partnership, that'll kill our jobs even more.
Not a partnership to stop having the CIA ship drugs into black communities.
Not a partnership to... No, no, no.
It's a partnership to screw everybody over.
But it feels good to get manipulated, doesn't it?
Let's go ahead and go to Al Sharpton.
They've been fighting them all over the country, which is why we're going to do this march from here to Washington.
We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country.
In the 20th century, they had to fight states' rights.
And to get the right to vote, we had to fight states' rights in terms of closing down police cases.
Police must be on the counter.
I don't think all police are bad.
I don't think most are bad.
They've got to be federalized, yeah.
I mean, that's it.
That's why the Justice Department and George Soros are funding this.
People are like, well, why don't you get on board?
We hate the cops.
Not just black people.
And I'm like, don't you see?
We've all been manipulated.
We're all being screwed over.
We can reform the police from the elected level.
It's never going to be perfect.
Instead, they're going to become totally federalized.
And then the feds will wave a magic wand, as USA Today admits, and give them carte blanche to do whatever they want.
I mean, the FBI admits they've basically been framing people for 40 years at their crime lab.
Blowing up Waco, Ruby Ridge, 98% conviction rate in federal trials.
I mean, you want the feds run by the New World Order in control with nobody to call them?
Man, Katie, bar the door.
You don't ever see state grand juries indict feds anymore, do you?
Because they're too scared.
And the feds are globalist run.
I'm going to go to your calls.
John disagrees on Jade Helm.
Chris disagrees from George on taxes.
Frank disagrees.
Says Alex has a double standard from North Carolina.
Josh disagrees with Alex.
You know what?
You want an Alex Jones quote?
Reality is beyond sensational.
Mike in Canada says Alex is losing the edge.
I want to hear these calls.
And we'll go to him before David Knight joins us in studio.
He'll come in the middle of the way, about 40 after.
He'll be here waiting in the wings, but I'm going to get to your calls first.
At least the first few rounds.
But first, let's...
Let's analyze Jon Stewart, and this is what they do in the Dallas Morning News and Austin American Statesman and the New York Times.
They ridicule and go, crazy Alex Jones thinks Obama's going to invade and take over Texas and kill everybody.
No, he said it's more conditioning, more federalization, like the MRAPs and the military admits their main enemy is the Tea Party, and we're going to force a national debate about it.
But you don't want to debate the sensible stuff we said, or what Governor Abbott said when he said we're going to, you know, watch out for people's rights.
You're going to create a distortion.
Orgo, we've already had a bunch of drills, so it's okay.
See, they're setting the precedent.
We've been having abortion for 41 years, what's the big deal?
You know, Hitler's been putting people in death camps for a long time, so it's okay.
Hey, slaves, we're slaves for thousands of years, so what's wrong with slavery?
It's an appeal to precedent.
And I'm going to skip this network break so we have more time to take calls.
But right now, let's go to Jon Stewart.
The question, of course, was yesterday's attack in Texas an isolated incident or part of a more menacing trend because we've been hearing about this fictionally for a while now.
At least 10 ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas.
ISIS knocking on our Texas border.
Oh, that's easy.
Just don't answer.
Hit pause.
If ISIS knocks, just shut the lights out and lie there.
Hit pause.
What's going on is, they know the borders are wide open, so their narrative about terror, give your rights up, doesn't make sense.
So they don't want to discuss that, and just gear up to attack the Tea Party with Homeland Security, who they admit is their main enemy.
And so ISIS is coming across, because they're recruiting in the U.S.
as well, they're a globalist army, but they can blow back and attack us.
So, Stewart's been saying that doesn't exist, so now he's got to make a joke about the fact that we're right.
Let's go to the next clip.
But never fear, Uncle Sam's not going to let ISIS ring and run you, Texas.
In fact, not only is the U.S.
military conducting training ops right now for missions against ISIS-like groups, guess where they're doing them?
Texas is one of seven states where the exercises will be held.
The special forces training operation... Doesn't say it's for ISIS.
...called Jade Helm 15.
Jade Helm 15!
I have that issue.
It's a... It's a... She... It's a comic book.
He makes a joke.
President's Captain American, Jedopolis, I think.
Rest easy, Texas.
Good guys with guns are on the case.
Conspiracy theories are running wild tonight about the Army's plan for a multi-state training exercise this summer called Jade Helm 15.
Well, the military says it's just training soldiers for... They had one five years ago in four states around Tennessee where they ran checkpoints on the highway and searched everybody.
I mean, these things end up going live.
We've got the footage.
Everybody knows it.
But again, they just make jokes.
Let's continue.
The realities of war.
Critics say the Army is preparing for modern-day martial law.
Some are calling it a Texas takeover.
They edited Fox News down to make it sound like they were agreeing with it.
Fox News attacked us like Stewart did.
So it's deception upon deception upon deception.
Let's continue.
You know who's calling it a Texas takeover?
Lone Star Lunatics.
Yeah, we know your brother.
Dallas Dicks and Houston Assholes.
There's no Texas takeover.
The United States government already controls Texas.
Hey boss, back that up five seconds.
No, the U.S.
government doesn't.
The private Federal Reserve that your brother works for does, and you know that.
You are our conqueror, Stewart, but not for long.
Make me sick.
Let's go back to the clips.
There's no Texas takeover!
The United States government already controls Taiwan.
Again, we never said it was a takeover.
We already said you took over.
And we're going to expose the foreign interests that have taken over.
And they're trying to dismantle what little freedom and economy and family rights are left.
You push too far!
And notice, you're getting upset because none of your propaganda works.
Now let's be ridiculed more by the man up on the hill, just like Rachel Maddow, the authority, the Michael Moores.
They tell us what to do.
Since like the 1840s!
And then he left and he came back and... Just borrow a textbook from a neighboring state.
It's all in there.
Implying we're all ignorant and scum.
That's what MSNBC does.
All Republicans or Libertarians are dumb.
That's why we just make more money on average.
And start companies and hire people.
See, it's all about a cult of how they're smart and patriots aren't.
Though we have hundreds of manuals and training manuals where the Army is training to take on veterans, gun owners, and the Tea Party.
And then goes out and does gun confiscation drills from California to Iowa.
See, our listeners read all those local news articles going, isn't it wonderful the Army's here training to take the guns?
You know, we saw Katrina too, Stuart.
I know you got bodyguards and don't want me to have guns to protect myself, but it's game over.
We're waking up the sleeping giant.
Let's go back to Stewart.
Here's how unbelligerent the U.S.
military is towards Texas.
They sent a lieutenant colonel to a local Texas town hall to waste his time.
All we want to do is make sure that our guys are trained for combat overseas.
It is a preparation for martial law.
That's because it's not a preparation for martial law, sir.
That's what you say.
Yeah, let's make fun of the old combat vet who knows what he's talking about.
A lot of these combat vets from Vietnam and Korea, folks ran operations like this in countries, rounding people up.
They know what's going on.
I mean, I can show you 15 mainstream news articles admitting the Army's main mission is the Tea Party and veterans and gun owners.
I mean, I'm not going to even show it.
You know what?
For the Stuart people, pull up Forbes, How the Army Would Crush a Tea Party Rebellion, Army War College Trains to Take On Veterans, Homeland Security Says Veterans Number One Threat, Number One Terror Group, Founding Fathers Wouldn't Be Welcome in the Military, blah, blah, blah.
Don't try it.
We're putting it on screen.
Radio listeners, look it up.
Brigade, Homeland, Army Times, all of it.
Let's go back to the clip and then your phone calls.
Everybody really, truly wants this to be over.
See that right there?
That right there?
Yeah, those are these weird Obama supporters.
That's the face of someone realizing they're not getting around to public comments on the planned parking lot down by Kroger's, not today.
Hit pause.
No, those were Obama supporters, the only two there who, our people were behind, who would sit there and write everybody's name down and take photos of everybody.
Probably on some federal contract.
And then they have the news say half the public wanted Jade Helm, lying because the media has turned into an enemy propaganda arm.
Don't you think the 300, 400 people that were there all went and watched the news that night and heard that half the people supported Jade Helm, even though no one spoke in favor?
Don't you think they know they're in trouble and they're not in America anymore?
Your big fat lies and your slicky pants, Federal Reserve, New York, Wall Street, flim flam, doesn't work forever.
And it doesn't work on Texans, boy.
Oh, you don't like it we talk like that, do you?
You just want everybody from Texas to fill up the military to work for the Federal Reserve and take over the planet for you.
You want our strength, you want our will, and in the end you're scared of us once you take over and want to make us the enemy.
Now let's go ahead and go back to the clip.
Not in this meeting.
Come on, crazy people attend local town hall meeting.
Isn't a Texas specific story?
I think the Constitution says you can't hold a town hall meeting without crazy people.
I think it's in there.
Is that like this is being taken seriously by anyone who holds actual power?
On Tuesday, Governor Greg Abbott ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor military personnel movements and training exercise schedules and ensure that safety and constitutional rights of Texans were not being violated.
Oh dear lord.
Good boss.
I want Rob Dude to take this and take clips from my police state films where they blow up a school, scare people, folks have heart attacks, a helicopter crashes, the military attacks two sheriff's deputies, they shoot and kill one, wound the other, this is in previous drills, where they tried to bribe the police chief, show the Associated Press, where the military is doing hits.
But see, Stewart knows his audience is never in the military.
They don't know that they're doing dirty tricks training for America.
And other legitimate missions nestled within it.
He just is preying on his moron trendy audience.
Let's go back to the clip.
Yet another waste of Texas funds that could have been spent on actual threats.
Like your infamous chainsaw massacre.
There was an actual chainsaw massacre showing his ignorance.
Now, let's expand on that.
Governor Abbott
He knows that Obama has shut down half of the coal power plants in Texas in six years.
Devastating our economy.
Devastating it.
It's like Helter Skelter.
We're coming down fast but miles above you.
We're not falling as fast as the rest of the country, but we're falling.
He knows they're shutting everything down.
He knows that the borders are wide open outside of law.
And so you've got the biggest military training exercise pretty much ever.
Different than a lot of the others.
Saying they're going to be simulating illegal activities in cities, and so Abbott says, okay, I'll have the state guard, where they're running their drill out of Camp Swift, the state guard's base, we will monitor it.
A reasonable statement, just like Ted Cruz, and they misrepresent it like he's crazy.
This is what these enemies of America do.
Preying on the public, here it is.
Texas, it's not as if I don't find it adorable that your governor thinks your state guard could take on the United States military.
It's like a little dog growling at you.
Let me tell you something, Stewart, and I'm sure you know this, because I know you're a PSYOP operative on record, like Anderson Cooper.
You're above CIA, you're Federal Reserve.
The U.S.
Army's the reason we know everything.
The government is hopping mad that I get the training manual saying the founders are bad, and men are bad, and the military's racist, and Hillary Clinton's our messiah, and homeschooling's bad, and Christians are bad, and the Tea Party's bad, and that the military's trying to take on gun owners.
I mean, who do you think gives us that?
The Army.
The Federal Marshals.
The Sheriffs.
So again, this is also meant to manipulate Army members who watch this to go, that's right, I can beat up Texas!
See, within it is this anti-state animus, the same thing being pushed by Albert Sharpton and Albert Gore and the rest of these scallywags.
So see, everything he says is written as sci-war, as disinfo.
Our military, though there are a lot of brave men and women, couldn't hold all of Baghdad against a few thousand fighters.
So, yeah, if Texas actually gets up on its hind legs with 30 million people and probably 5 million veterans, I don't know, can 100,000 U.S.
troops beat 5 million veterans?
Oh, who's the big dog now, you little punk?
Now let's go back to the clip.
A dog growling at a big dog.
Or an eight-year-old picking a fight with the predator.
But enough of the fear-mongering.
You know these types of exercises have been going on in Texas for years, right?
You've got to have marine air out here.
You've got to have marine ground.
Yeah, in Fort Bliss, Texas, in the desert.
Air Force Air, Navy Air.
All fighting jointly.
It's good exercise.
Yeah, in Texas!
He cuts to video of an Apache helicopter blowing up old tanks.
Hey, I tell you what, if the military wants to go out in West Texas on private property and blow up tanks with helicopters, that's what they're supposed to do.
They're not doing that.
They're trying to take on gun owners and veterans.
You slack-jawed, carnival barker, con man, piece of crap, Stewart!
Why don't you use your real name, Stewart?
Are you ashamed to use your family name?
Your family might get ashamed of what a piece of crap you are!
He's now retiring to float off and make movies.
Doesn't like to work every day.
Like his brother over there running the insider trading stuff at the Federal Reserve.
Over there at the New York Stock Exchange, the whole thing's an insider trading scam.
I'm tired of people like a cross between a Carnival Barker and Ken Lay lecturing me all day and making fun of my state.
Why is everybody evacuating New York and New Jersey to come here to get away from people like you?
Let's go back to the clip.
In fact, the 2001 Roving Sands operation was the largest exercise of its kind in history.
But did then pre-oops Governor Rick Perry start spreading fear about a Texas takeover?
He did not.
Texas was fine with the concept of widespread military operations in their state in the 2000 aughts.
So they use an appeal to Republicans to make it look like moderate Republicans are for it.
Oh, it's all because of Obama.
America elected a brutal socialist, Muslim, Kenyan, ineffective Harvard-schooled constitutional professor, agitator, warlock.
Well, all of that's true except the Kenyan party from Hawaii.
It appears you're on the verge of being taken over by ISIS or the United States of America.
No, it's not the United States of America.
So you have a choice to make.
And when you make it, just remind yourself, and I never thought I'd be saying this, what would Rick Perry do?
We'll be right back.
All right, I'm going to move David Knight back to the start of the next hour to get into this bombshell how they're killing and maiming babies by design in the hospitals knowingly.
Incredible hardcore eugenics, incredible breaking news at 8 after next hour.
Then we're going to get Jakari Jackson and Joe Biggs to pop in for part of a segment to talk about their experiences in Baltimore, Maryland and then their take on the other things that are happening.
I want to go to your calls.
We're going to go directly to John.
Frank, Chris, Josh, and Mike, when we hit the other side of this break, I'm not going to plug or anything first.
I'm going to go right to your calls in T-minus three minutes, ten seconds, as we go out to break right here.
There's a lot of other breaking news at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that's off the chart.
The enemy's trying to suppress us, you see that.
Don't take these sites for granted.
Promote these stories, these videos.
This is so important.
Get them out to everybody.
This is so important.
Get them out to everybody you know now.
Shove it down the throat of people like John Conard Stewart.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
There's no doubt that our country is in serious trouble right now.
And if you're wondering how on earth we ever got in this situation, well I'll tell you how.
When the Democrats showed their true colors, you got angry and you elected Republicans.
And then when the Republicans showed their true colors, you got angry and elected Democrats.
And when anyone suggested to you that both parties were corrupt and that neither side were looking out for your best interest, you acted like they were crazy.
But the real definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
That's why it is vitally important that you wake up, America, and break the matrix.
Visit InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.tv, and the Alex Jones Show, because there's a war on for your mind.
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I want more video games!
I think so.
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With key ingredients backed by real clinical studies, the new Oxy Powder, available through InfoWars Life, was invented during Dr. Group's research on the toxification of our bodies.
Many herbal colon cleansers are harsh on the body,
I think so.
I think so.
I want to tell you about Texas Radio and the Big B. Comes out of the Virginia swamps, cool and slow, with plenty of precision.
The backbeat narrow and hard to master.
Some call it heavenly in its brilliance, others mean and root for the western dream.
If you are receiving this transmission live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, we're here live, InfoWars Live, hosted by yours truly, Alex Jones.
Then, we return weeknights, 7 o'clock Central, with InfoWars Nightly News.
Thank you so much for joining us.
I'm going to go to your phone calls now, and then coming up on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, racist facts, close quote, white people don't dare talk about.
Another story, parents shocked their five-year-old, handcuffed and shackled by police, was a special needs student.
Washington Post laments that Pamela Geller offers no apology after terrorists attacked her event in free speech.
They're running up the white flag on free speech by design to use the threat of terror as an excuse to shut down free speech.
She's saying, you endanger people when you have free speech, therefore we shut it down.
Alexa caught fixing ratings to target anti-Obama news sites.
We show the graphics and the proof in our internal numbers that show our ratings are going up, but they say they've gone down 70% or so.
I had our graphics guy, and we're going to add him to Watson's article right now, take Drudge, InfoWorldz, WorldNetDaily, and show, we're going to show this a little bit later after I take calls, because we're adding the graphics now, they just finished them.
We take it off Alexa.com, owned by Amazon, basically run by the Obama administration on record, and we lay them over each other showing October 1st is the date they engaged in this behavior.
So we're going to be adding those.
The graphs are already there, but we've overlaid them.
It's stunning.
October 1st last year.
And we've seen all manner of other dirty tricks going on.
I mean, this is big.
This is, again, preying on their customers.
Preying on people that go there to get accurate info on where to advertise.
This is, in my view, and the evidence is there, organized fraud.
Organized unfair trade practices.
And it's like they always announce, drudge has viruses, and then it's not true.
Different companies will go advertise their website on Drudge and then have a virus on their site, hoping you click through and then saying Drudge is giving people viruses.
I mean, there's no end to them.
They've tried it on us, different groups.
These people won't stop.
They want to shut us down.
Do not take InfoWars.com for granted.
Do not take PrisonPlanet.com for granted.
Do not take this news organization for granted.
It is a miracle that we're still on air.
All right, without further ado, drumroll please.
We are going to your phone calls.
John from Texas disagrees on Jane Helm.
Josh in Dakota disagrees with Alex on sensationalism.
Well, I mean, reality is sensational.
Obama opening the borders without law is sensational.
Mike in Canada says, I'm losing my edge.
Frank in North Carolina, I have double standards.
Chris disagrees on taxes.
You don't have to preface it that you like me or this or that.
Just tell me where you disagree and I'll give each one of you about a minute and a half and then I will rebut and go to the next person.
So, John in Texas.
The former state of Texas, now FEMA Region 6.
Occupied, as John Stewart said, by the Globalist.
He celebrated it.
Welcome, John.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Go ahead.
You know, to cheat him, I think more has to do
We're good
I actually totally agree with you.
This is having joint applications for Eastern European deployments.
NATO admits they're preparing for that and wargaming.
They're wargaming off Alaska.
They're wargaming off Nova Scotia.
I've said from the start that I'm not mad at you, John, but that's a straw man because it has dual training.
But they are also doing infiltration of local government training.
No matter how you look at this exercise, Alex, what it has to do with us
Or a foreign invasion or attack.
It's evil.
Either way you look at it, it's evil.
Well sure, but they're having riot control drills from Tennessee to California that they won't let us into, but we shoot through the fence.
And then it's, I'm with the Tea Party!
I'm a sovereign!
You can't have my guns!
I mean, I went to a Marine Corps drill with 3,000 Marines and over 2,000 foreign troops.
And they kept saying, it's for Macedonia.
It's for Macedonia.
Well yeah, they had a joint mission.
They had role players screaming, I'm an American, don't take my guns!
No, not the camp!
And they had overhead satellite tracking, and they were training to fight militias, and they would catch, they let me in, but then their PR guy kept throwing me out.
But we sent in people posing as citizens for a tour, you know, they were recording off streets.
It was in the city of San Francisco and, what's the town there, Oakland.
I mean, it's a two-hour film, people can watch it.
So it was dual use.
But then I had Marines, two non-commissioned officers, who were friends with some folks that I knew, show up a year later at Access Television in 1999, this was 2000 then.
They're like, Alex, we like your show, but you have no idea what was really going on.
And they were simulating terrorists attacking by water, and the terrorists were patriots.
Uh, and they were simulating, and then they had drones up, and it's, it's, it's video, they're going, Death Star, Death Star, we're in control, we're, we've got them moving, and they go, we're just going to show you a minute of this, and then they showed us coming out of the hotel, the Marriott, and, and me throwing coffee on the ground that had been left in the car, and uh,
Peeing up against a tree and stuff like that.
Like we were added role players and we didn't even know it.
So, believe me, I know all about these exercises.
I've covered, personally, more than 30 of them.
Go ahead, anything else, Sean?
Well, I think maybe you need to change the exercise, Alex.
Maybe everybody in Texas ought to open carry.
Everybody just don't get threatening.
Everybody carry their stuff with you.
That's sort of sending them a message right there.
It's going to be like the SAGE event they've been doing for 50 years, which is legitimate, except that
It gets violent.
People don't know what's going on.
They've had people killed, I think, three times, twice by citizens, once by cops.
Because you see people breaking into a warehouse and they've got guns.
I mean, you know, the average person pulls a gun out and says, hit the ground.
The Jade Helm guys think you're, think you're part of a drill.
And then they point the gun at you and you shoot them.
I mean, this has happened three times outside Fort Bragg.
Because they operate 30, 40 miles out.
I mean, what are the cops supposed to do when they see somebody, you know, somebody else at gunpoint?
They just shoot you.
It's what you're supposed to do.
And that's why people are really concerned.
In fact, since she said this, and I'm going to Mike, Josh, Chris, Frank, don't hang up.
These clips are short.
Here is Thomas Meade, who actually runs with a private contractor, this giant multi-thousand special forces.
You got 10 to 1 support, tens of thousands of troops, private contractors.
Here he is in another Texas town.
Admitting that they're going to be getting in people's cars, doing simulated illegal stuff.
And then we have the Colonel, I'm going to put this in a report by the way, saying none of that's true and that we're liars.
Two weeks later.
So see, they're lying to us.
Their own Jade Helm handout says the things we've said.
And then they tell the media it doesn't exist.
Thank you, caller, John.
Let's go to that short clip.
Here it is.
Within the cities, you won't see most of this, I would tell you.
For example, increased aircraft in the area at night.
You'll see that out in the rural area.
We have a resupply, an aerial drop that will occur, and then some paratroopers as well will jump into Martin County in early August.
It won't happen within the city limits.
And there's another clip we should play.
Let's go ahead and roll that one.
One of the things that we do as well, they will be carrying weapons, but it won't be live ammunition.
It'll all be blank ammunition.
Just to correct one thing that was in the newspaper on Sunday, that I read, was they'll have blank ammunition, but there will not be any explosions.
We won't be setting off live demolition out here.
The guys will be wearing civilian attire or a mixed uniform.
They may be wearing, um, fatigue bottoms and a t-shirt, but that's not an ordinary thing that's happening in West Texas from what I've seen, especially during running season.
And they may be driving civilian vehicles throughout the area.
So really, within the city limits, if you notice my guys, they're probably really doing something wrong.
Then they came to Austin and Bastrop and said none of this was true, and they never said it, and laughed at us.
Should we play the clip?
We've got that cut out, right, where he says, uh, the colonel, with this guy behind him puppeting him, says, no, we're not going to be in the towns, we're going to be in plainclothes.
That's ridiculous.
It's just crazy.
We should call it the lies of Jade Helm.
Mike in Canada says I'm losing my edge.
Go ahead, Mike, and then we'll go to Chris and others.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, so what I wanted to hit on was, you could break the news tomorrow that America is being invaded, and America would just continue on like normally.
But when you have debates, and you come out on top of those debates, you'll notice with Pierce Morgan, look what happened.
I miss those.
You had a little bit with Frank Ueber.
Also, you had some good debates with Max Keiser.
Well, here's the deal.
My show's big, but it's my audience.
They won't let me on TV because I take over, I dominate, I break the news, and then the people's ratings go down.
I destroy people.
Because I break the matrix.
I go, look, it's all a trance.
It's fake.
You're a foreigner.
You're wanting our guns.
This is crazy.
Get out, red coat.
Because I don't have it within their false paradigm.
I circumvent Jon Stewart.
Jon Stewart!
They've tried to set me up on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
Let me not exaggerate.
Since it started back in 2000 or whatever it was, or 99, I don't know how long it's been around, I have been called by them, let me not exaggerate, 20 times.
They've even bought the tickets before.
And then it always gets cancelled.
So I don't even respond when they call now.
They've attacked me on there probably 20 times.
That and also on the Colbert, uh, cat litter report.
So, so, that's what these people do.
They won't get in a ring with me.
They'd rather buy the radio stations I'm on to kick me off the air or put out ratings that I have no listeners and play games.
This is what these scallywags do.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, you know, I was watching quite a bit of videos of you back in the day being on RT, being on Fox, and I mean, some of them, there was one where there was a woman who was asking you about your big claims and for proof, and you went off on the Vietnam, that
Golf of Tonkin.
They asked when?
It was Fox News.
They said, when is there?
It was Geraldo Rivera, who he told me I'm banned from there.
Not by him, by the executives.
He said, oh, they love you when you come on.
The people do, but not others.
And other people told me I'm banned.
That's all fine.
Fox asked me to come do a trailer up there years ago and basically meet with their executives.
And I just said, you know what?
And I told the other person that wanted me to come, I said, now watch, they're going to cancel it.
And sure enough, they did.
The next time they invited me, I didn't go do it.
I mean, I've flown to New York to be on Fox News like 10 years ago, and they didn't put me on.
And they go, oh, go enjoy the day.
Here's a gift certificate to a steakhouse, OK?
I've been through it.
They won't get in the ring with me.
They won't get on the racetrack with me.
I will smoke them.
And it's not that I'm anything special.
I mean, I was debating these ladies on there, and they're like, oh, come on, our government's never staged something.
And I went, the Maine, Operation Ajax in 53, Gulf of Tonkin, 1964, declassified, staged events, Operation Northwoods, and Geraldo Rivera looks at them and goes, well, that is true.
So, yes, they won't let me on because I have facts.
God bless you, Mike, I appreciate your call.
But you say you disagree, I'm losing my edge.
They won't put me in the arena.
They're coming at, look, I don't want to whine because I'm not, I expect flack, but I expect to be backed.
They're coming out of the woodwork against us, folks.
I'm attacked by hundreds of newspapers a day.
CBS News, NBC, ABC, all of them.
All of them attacked me on the nightly news last night.
And last week.
I mean, do you understand, folks?
They didn't all attack me last night, it was last week they all attacked me.
This is going on.
Why do you think?
Because I've got them.
I've studied them.
I'm willing to be put in prison or killed.
I just, I don't look forward to it, but I mean, I'm not worried about it because I'm not backing down.
I'm never going to sell out to these people.
And I'm in a fight.
And that's why I'm so aggressive.
It's because I'm in, this is life or death, I'm in a death battle, people.
I am in a death battle!
I am in a death battle!
A death battle!
We have been usurped by criminals that put poison in vaccines and kill babies on purpose.
They're killing babies all over the country, euthanizing them with vaccines.
Newborn, premature babies, that's coming up in the next hour.
Eyewitnesses, the convulsions, the deaths.
That's what I want.
In fact, they know secretly that I dare them to come after me.
I'm not worried about it.
And I hate to use a cheesy Obi-Wan Kenobi thing, but I'm telling you, if they were coming at me, I might just stand there and take it.
In fact, I've already thought about it.
The only thing that keeps me from doing it is my children.
Only thing that keeps me from not putting myself in positions where I know the enemy will take me out is my children.
I want to stay here for them.
I need to take care of my children.
That's the only fear I've got.
I am committed.
And that's a strength they don't have.
They don't have any will.
They're not honorable.
These people are crap.
Excuse me.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Georgia.
Go ahead.
Alex, hey.
Listen, I wanted to take issue with you on taxes, but since you start talking about Texas history, I want to take issue with you on that.
Can you hear me okay?
Yeah, we're going to break.
I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to the breaks.
Go ahead, make your point on taxes and I'll come back to you.
Alright, well, I'm switching to Texas history because I think you got a couple things wrong.
Well, of course I get a lot of stuff wrong.
I'm just going with the gestalt.
You can nitpick anything I said.
I'm going to come back to you.
Okay, fine.
We're going to disagree on Texas history when we return.
I can't wait to hear this.
We're going to go to break.
And then we're going to come back to you.
Then we're going to go to Josh, Frank, Joshua, and others.
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Crashing the lies and disinformation.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
I'm going back to Chris and Frank, Joshua, Josh, Truth Raider.
We'll get everybody that says they disagree.
You know, there's so much to get into here.
I just briefly want to show this on screen because I asked for it.
It's being added to the article.
Alexa caught fixing ratings to target anti-Obama news sites.
We have the untouched graphics in there proving it, but what's stunning is if you take InfoWars.com and MSNBC or Drudge Report and MSNBC or Drudge Report and the other sites or WorldNetDaily, on October 1st exactly last year, they lower all of us and turbocharge these other sites.
So if the graph was in reality, you just keep it going, and then the spikes you see, it would have been flat, and then spiking.
Going up about 25-30%.
So in truth, Fox News is plunging.
Oh yeah, Fox News got their thing cooked too.
But then Fox News is going back up.
So in reality, Fox News is going up, they've got them going down.
In reality, daily cost is going down.
They've got them going up.
I mean, this is just incredible.
They go to one of the major rating services and cook it and don't even phase it in over a few months.
They do it October 1st.
And I guarantee you, when they get sued or whatever, they're going to go, well, we just changed our algorithm.
To where anybody that doesn't hate the country.
I mean, look at Infowars.
They really hate us.
They dropped us by almost 80%.
And then when you look at our Google, we're up 30.
PBS is up, you know, 200%.
We're down massively.
I mean, it's just, MSNBC's up 200%.
We're down 80%.
I mean, it's just, media matters.
Remember the White House?
Look at that!
Look at all, that's kind of like Michelle Obama's fake Twitter accounts.
They said, what, 96% of them were fake or something?
Just, it's all fake, it's all fraud.
My listeners are all there, our viewers are all there, but let's make them really angry.
Let's tell everybody about the show today.
Send out, email out, Facebook, Twitter, on their platforms, our videos, our articles, get them out every day.
Make the commitment, I salute you.
Okay, Chris in Georgia, go ahead, what do you disagree with?
Okay, Alex, you know, you gotta keep in mind, I greatly appreciate... No, no, no, don't preface, don't preface, don't preface.
Tell me where I'm wrong.
Okay, I know you know Texas history better than I do.
Not that good!
You also know this as well, when Lee and Grant, U.S.
Grant and Robert E. Lee were junior officers in the Mexican-American War, they both went home protesting the atrocities that the U.S.
Army was committing against Mexicans.
Up to 40% of U.S.
troops defected
David, have you ever heard during the Mexican-American War, because they were so demoralized... Well, that's because our troops were moral compared to a lot of their armies.
It's absolutely true.
Have you ever heard of the St.
Patrick's Battalion?
Yeah, that was Catholics, made up of US... yeah.
The US-Irish soldiers that defected and joined the Mexican side.
And I'm not saying that makes the cause of Texas today tainted or anything.
I greatly appreciate the example of Texas.
What does the Mexican-American War have to do with Texas?
The Mexicans were coming all the way up in Oklahoma, killing anybody they found, the Mexican Army.
They were committing atrocities.
Hell, there were atrocities in World War I with Black Jack Pershing, when the Mexicans attacked Texas.
So, he went and committed atrocities back.
No one's... These are all strong men, Chris.
I never said that there weren't atrocities committed in the invasion of Mexico.
All I'm saying is that I haven't heard you illustrate that side of it yet, and it just purifies your discussions when you show more of a balanced point of view.
Now, I told you I greatly appreciate the example of Texas.
I was there at my daughter's graduation in Austin last year, and I saw more three times as many Texas flags as I did U.S.
flags and chuckled.
It's just the opposite here in Georgia.
That's what we need is states' rights.
God bless you.
I appreciate your point.
That is a legitimate criticism.
I should get to more angles of history like that.
Plus, it's super interesting.
I'm just going to think of a parallel.
Look, when they attack the American people, you're going to see the whole military defect.
That's why they want to go to robots.
The globalists can be pushed over.
I'm telling you, they're a joke.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Frank in North Carolina, then Josh and others.
We're talking to callers that disagree today.
It's very interesting.
They're making some good points, but...
Not really attacking me direct on.
Lord knows there's plenty to disagree with.
I hear my show rebroadcast and think, I didn't say that correctly or I'm wrong about that.
It's hard to think on your feet and not have a teleprompter.
But then again, it's even harder to be a slave.
Let's talk to Frank in North Carolina.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Alex, man, I'll get into the ring with you any day, man.
Just send out the call and promise me you'll do that.
Well, you haven't made me mad.
But you might beat me up.
I'm sure I could beat Jon Stewart.
So I don't want to get in the ring with you.
Plus, I mean, when I get super famous, I mean, it would help me get the word out to get in the ring with Piers Morgan or somebody like Jon Stewart.
I mean, I don't actually like fighting, so, I mean, what would I get from fighting him?
I'm not famous.
I probably couldn't make you famous.
I know a guy down here that's famous, though.
He's one of your bigger supporters, Keith Barson at WBT Radio.
He's been promoting your show for so many years.
Every opportunity, he's always talking about InfoWars.com.
Well, he's awesome.
I don't know who he is, but maybe I've been on the show.
I can't keep track.
So go ahead.
What do you disagree with?
I don't know if you've ever been on there.
He's always talking about you.
But, you know, I've seen the 9-11 truth movement.
I've been watching it for about 10 years and the fire seems to have gone out of it some years ago to me.
I know this.
I've become aware of this woman.
She was a flight attendant for 30 years and she just woke up a couple of years ago.
And she's written a book, and I'd really wish you'd get her on there, but I think this will reignite the 9-11 truth movement.
She's become very prolific.
She's on a lot of radio shows out there.
People are waking up.
Airline, commercial airline pilots are ordering her book by the truckload.
Okay, what's her name?
They're like, how come we never saw this before?
Her name is Rebecca Roth, and the title of her book is Methodical Illusion.
Uh, but I, you know, I called in about the double standard.
I just...
I feel like you have.
Wayne Mattson, I give you a lot of credit for having him on.
I've heard him for about 10 years on your show and I think he's pretty good.
He's pretty hardcore.
He's a little bit too far to the left, perhaps, for me, but I notice over the years, more and more, you've been becoming more and more comfortable and kind of buddy-buddying up with the kind of neocon, kind of fake conservative or Zionist wing of, you know,
Of the political element.
Well, that's because I work for them.
That's because I get direct orders from Tel Aviv every day, man.
Yeah, well, I don't know about that, but it's just something I've noticed.
I mean, you know, you woke me up.
You were on George Norris' show one night.
I think it was in December of 2005.
Listen, listen, you made your statement.
I appreciate it, but let me be serious with you, okay?
I've been very critical of many of the policies in Israel.
There's a leftist U.N.
move to destroy Israel that's part of a larger global government plan.
Just like I don't agree with the police, but I don't want to have a civil war with them.
On many fronts.
The same thing with Israel.
I'm not obsessed with Israel.
I'm sick of hearing about it.
I'm trying to promote a culture of liberty, free market, family, and due process and choice, like on vaccines.
So I don't try to get into bashing Catholics, bashing Jews, bashing this, bashing that.
And I've had the anti-Israel crowd make up outrageous things about me.
So I've got to say, the folks that are bashing Israel, I bet a lot of them actually work for some of the Israeli lobby, because that's what Cass Sunstein said they do, to discredit legitimate criticism of Israel.
You know, you've got these professors exposing five years ago that Israel lobbies manipulating our internal operations.
I don't like that.
I don't like any foreign government doing that.
That said, though, it doesn't mean I then embrace the whole anti-Israel crowd, who a lot of them are just big losers who want to say they're big men and just say, I work for Israel.
But then they'll say, Alex Jones woke most people up, but man, he works for the Israelis.
I mean, it's just not real.
And so, there is no double standard.
I am not a Israel-phile.
But, because, either way, I don't worship Israel.
I don't obsess on Israel.
I'm gonna let you finish up when we come back.
Stay there.
You've probably heard a lot in the news recently about Jade Helm.
The Army says it's a harmless drill that uses states like Texas to simulate rugged foreign terrain.
Let's take that at face value.
They're training in an area that simulates the locale where they plan to fight.
Got it.
With that said, if they train where they plan to fight, then why do we see military drills in downtown Miami, Florida?
What cave in Afghanistan does that resemble?
Why did we see the military team up with the Halo Corps to run a drill in San Diego, California?
What desert in Iraq does that city look like?
I'm willing to hear these guys out when they say, let's train now so we don't bleed later, but that opens up a whole new can of worms when they train in facilities like Fort AP Hill, a facility that looks like any American city, complete with soccer fields, churches, and street signs in English, presenting even more questions that have yet to be answered.
Check out the new videos on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
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We're not gonna take it.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
It came out last week in Australia, a week after the Prime Minister called for forced inoculations or that tax refunds would be withheld basically from the general population of the country.
The tax exemption where you get some money back for the number of children you have, similar to US law.
But if you didn't take the vaccine, upwards of $15,000 to $20,000 in Australian would be held back each year.
Then a 2006 interview came out when he was in the general government, not prime minister, where he said, I will not give my daughters the Gardasil shot because of the problems with it.
He's now mandating Gardasil for girls, even though the insert says doesn't protect you from human papillomavirus, even though it's been banned in places like Japan and India.
What we're about to cover is over-the-top.
And I want people to very quietly just focus for a moment and center yourselves, myself included, so that what we're about to cover doesn't just get lost in transmission.
Because the group of stories David Knight's about to cover, and our eyewitness we're going to play a clip from, gives you the entire picture.
We're under what I call soft kill.
Actually, Colonel Alexander calls it that.
Silent weapons for quiet wars.
Where you're hit with radiation, you're hit with chemicals, you're hit with biologicals, it kills you 30 years later.
It debilitates you first and puts pressure on the population.
The 223 round developed for Vietnam and the Colt M16 was actually a great weapon.
It's been perfected now.
Had its problems.
But it was designed to maim and to debilitate and to hit bone at high speed, 2,500 feet a second or faster, and break up.
And that's what happens when you shoot wild hogs, deer, you name it.
But I've shot telephone books with them, you name it, with full metal jacket or hollow point.
They fragment.
Other rounds don't do that to anywhere near the same extent.
.308, .50 cal, other rounds used by NATO.
That is a soft kill weapon, and Colonel Alexander in his paper talks about it.
And then when you study soft kill, you look around you and you realize it's what they call unconventional warfare.
And David's going to break down from the Army War College their definition.
It's on Wikipedia.
Yeah, absolutely, Alex.
You know, when we talk about unconventional warfare, and that's the way the military talks about Jade Helm, some of the reporters I've talked to would say, well, they report it, this is unconventional, but it's realistic military training.
And it's like, you have to understand
That unconventional warfare is a very specific term, just like asymmetric warfare.
If you go to Wikipedia, you'll see this.
Now there's a DoD Wikipedia entry that doesn't really get to the heart of the matter.
The other one is far better because it's got quotes from John F. Kennedy and others.
But they say this, the general objective of unconventional warfare is to instill a belief that peace and security are not possible without compromise or concession.
Specific objectives include war wariness, curtailment of standard of living, taking away civil liberties.
Where have we seen all this before?
And of course that's the essence of it and so we are living under an unconventional warfare and one of the aspects of it, Alex, is medical tyranny.
And the reason I don't get a lot into this specifics with the nurses, it's so painful when you actually talk to them and you learn they're withholding food and water from old people that can walk and are fine but are wards of the state.
That was even the Wall Street Journal with a Wesley Smith series of articles.
Then we discover years ago that there's don't treat list in the VA.
It breaks last year and it goes from premeditated Watson computers from IBM deciding not to treat people that are treatable, young and old,
Male and female, black and white, horrible slow deaths, they won't give Joe Big surgery, won't help him.
Same deal, he's on a don't treat list, he's been there like 50 times, they won't help him.
And we know, you do what you're told, you're put on a don't treat list.
We hear about how we love veterans all day, but they're killing them right in front of us.
Well, what about seventy percent of foster children being on psychotropics, and on average, seven.
National average.
Same average in Texas.
You can pull up those headlines.
Seventy percent of foster children on antidepressants, and on average, seven drugs.
And medical doctors have gone public in Texas and said, I used to be for this, but we put them on seven drugs, next they have convulsions, next they're dead.
These were healthy kids, in two years they're dead.
It's soft kill.
And they're testing to see what they can get away with.
You had a nurse on.
We're going to play clips of this.
And you have these incredible quotes.
I'm going to give you the floor here for the next five minutes, David.
I just hope the listeners realize how over the top this is.
And I hope the enemies of this broadcast, when you lie about us, when you censor us, when you attack us, when you delist us, when you do that, you're signing on to the other side.
Do you really want to be part of euthanizing troops and little babies?
And be careful!
Those of you that have never been in a fight, never been in a big car wreck, never been kidnapped, never been hurt, never been through pain, never been in combat, you sit there in your soft position going, yeah, go ahead, I don't care.
You will have hell visited on you, not by us.
Even if I don't believe in God, the universe has a way of what comes around goes around.
I'm God-fearing.
I can feel the will of the universe.
I'm going to call it that.
And I can feel, when I even think about the stuff you're doing, how much my soul shakes.
So you think before you make jokes about what we're about to cover here.
David, I want to drill into this.
I want to get more nurses, more whistleblowers.
I know this is going on.
Five years ago,
They changed, or now six years ago, the inserts that said never get a pregnant woman the shot, never give a newborn baby or a premature baby this, never give a baby that's already sick or has autoimmune problems the shots, because they knew it would exacerbate it and kill them.
And they're settling lawsuits about this, but they're setting it up.
She of the nurses will sit there and kill the kids.
You have incredible testimony.
Break down her quotes, then play the clip.
This is Michelle Roden.
She's with Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines.
It's an organization.
She is a neonatal nurse practitioner.
For people who don't know, that is training and clinical beyond a registered nurse.
It's a baby expert.
We talked to her for quite a while because, of course,
The title of the interview was, first they came for the nurses.
We know that they're using the same kinds of pressure points against the nurses, just as they have, as you mentioned, in Australia.
You know, they threaten you, say, you can't have your kid in school, we're going to come after you because the kid is going to be...
You're totalitarianism.
I think we are doing them too young.
I think we are doing way too many at once if you just look at how fast the schedule has grown.
But I think what a lot of people don't realize in a closed space like a NICU
They've decided that we need to vaccinate these babies on time.
Two months after they're born, bam, there it goes.
This baby could be four months early and still supposed to be inside their mother and weighing three or four pounds and getting the same amount of vaccine as a 200 pound man and I've sat in a
In a room with all of our on-call staff, physicians, and practitioners, like, oh wow, this is so embarrassing.
This 25-weeker never actually required a breathing tube and going on the vent, you know, after he was born.
He was so strong, but we gave him his two-month vaccinations and he got intubated last night.
Ha ha ha, oops, how embarrassing.
Like, it's funny.
Oh, he can't breathe now.
The step-down units are calling the NICU saying, hey, we're going to go ahead and give these four babies their two-month shots today.
Make sure you have beds ready because we all know they're going to have increased breathing difficulty, feeding and digestion difficulty, apnea, you know, forgetting to breathe and bradycardia.
This is what goes on.
So the whole medical ethic of first do no harm just goes out the door so they can follow the vaccine company's schedule.
Somehow, it's just everybody's on this straight, they're marching the line of this is what we need to do.
And so, now that I'm in private practice in the clinics, you just see these kids, they are so sick, and they come in sick.
For life.
And a lot of pediatricians are giving them vaccines while they're sick, even though that is a contraindication, and they're just getting kicked while they're down over and over and over again.
Kicked while they're down.
You want to know what 1984 is?
The future is, Winston?
A boot stomping on a human face forever.
We're going to come back to David Knight after this break and give him the floor.
In fact, I'm going to let you host the next segment so you can really focus for six minutes entirely on this.
And I'm going to have my lunch and watch in the control room and let you finish up.
But this is what tears my guts out.
This is a beautiful, smart woman with like five degrees.
We had him on screen.
She goes, I don't know what's going on, I don't understand.
And they all make jokes because they're so uncomfortable.
They want to hurt and kill these kids.
The kids stop breathing.
They're killing them and then keeping them alive to have a life of hell, autistic, brain damage, cancer.
You shoot the enemy with a .223, it takes 10 people to take care of them.
You shoot a child when they're down.
And now they're gonna be in diapers till they're 45 and attack a police officer on the side of the highway screaming mommy.
45-year-old's in diapers running around totally insane.
You wait, autism's gone from 1 in 30,000 to like 1 in a couple, you know, 56.
Imagine those kids are all gonna be 20, 30, 40, strong as hell.
And they're all gonna be out there, giant armies.
And soon, by 2025, 1 in 10.
One in ten.
That's mainstream news.
MIT said that two weeks ago.
One in ten will not know what planet they're on.
But nothing's happening.
Alex is a conspiracy theorist.
Love the government.
Hand over your firearms.
We're gonna go to break.
Our guest host in here to take over.
I'm going to come back and go to Josh, who disagrees, and Malik, and Casey, and Joshua, and Truthreader, and everybody else.
And then I'll hit some other news as well.
But I didn't even plug last hour.
I was so busy battling.
If you believe in what we're doing, spread the word.
Tell your friends and family.
Send them links to the videos, the audio feed, InfoWars.com, Ford's last show.
I'm fighting back.
I'm not submitting in the ditch.
I'm standing up for these babies, because I don't want to be treated like that or my kids be treated like that.
I have empathy for them.
Where's your humanity?
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But most importantly, pray for us.
We'll be back with the execution of babies.
I think so.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
I'll be hosting this segment.
Alex wanted me to talk a little bit more about this interview that we had last week with Michelle Rowden of the Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines.
She had a bombshell admission of what she had seen in hospitals where, knowing that these premature babies were not in physical condition to deal with the vaccines,
They were going to give them anyway.
Even to the extent that they would say, get the extra beds ready, because we know that they're going to have problems with increased breathing difficulties, with feeding and digestion difficulties, with apnea, with bradycardia, and it goes on, she says.
Kicking the kids while they're down.
Giving it to sick children over and over again.
And of course, we just got this news break in.
This is about the Nepal quake.
They're now going to use this as an opportunity to vaccinate 500,000 children.
They haven't got enough to deal with, so they're going to give them the vaccines.
This is going to be done by UNICEF and the World Health Organizations.
And here's what they're telling everybody.
Measles are very contagious and can potentially be deadly, so we have an opportunity in Nepal after this earthquake to vaccinate all these kids and save them from measles.
That is not the agenda.
As Alex Jones pointed out in the last segment, drawing parallels to real unconventional warfare, drawing parallels to the guns and the ammunition rounds that were not designed to kill, but designed to maim.
We've seen militaries do that.
We've done that.
We've engaged in that.
And of course, unconventional warfare is, at its heart, about destroying the will of the people.
Alex made a brilliant analogy when he said, if you get one of these kids damaged for life with vaccines, and of course that happens, the damage for life, you not only take them out of the game, but you take down their family as well.
You take them out of the game because now they are caregivers for life.
And then, after the parents die, the children become a ward of the state, a burden to the other people to take care of.
Because they gave them these vaccines knowing
The damage that it would do.
Now again, going back to unconventional warfare, because Alex was talking about just before we came in here with the vaccines, he was talking about Jade Helm.
And at the center of Jade Helm is unconventional warfare.
If you look at the center of that logo,
There is a shoe, the military has described that as a sabot, a wooden shoe that was used by the French to sabotage machinery.
So it's a symbol of sabotage.
That is essentially what unconventional warfare is.
And that is essentially what has been happening by our federal government to our economy, to our civil liberties for decades.
It is a war of sabotage, an unconventional war.
And let me read to you again, the purpose of unconventional warfare
Is to make people believe that they cannot succeed.
To destroy their heart, to destroy their economy, to destroy their civil liberties.
Doing it in the name of greater security demands.
Saying that there's going to be economic hardship because it's linked to the cost of war.
Hopelessness to defend against assaults, terror, depression, and a disintegration of morale.
That is what this trade agreement that is being negotiated in secret is about.
And quite frankly, when I look at the Jade Helm exercises here, why are we being considered to be hostile when we merely want information about what's going on?
We have a government that writes laws in secret, a government that writes trade negotiations in secret, we have a government that spies on us in secret, and of course the military, whenever we question them,
Get some attitude.
You should never question what we do.
If you notice on the Jade Helm map, everybody is either permissive or hostile.
We have to ask ourselves if it is hostile to the military, for our elected officials, or for the people to question what they're doing, to question the wisdom of their mission.
Are we already ruled by a military dictatorship?
Let me read this quote to you from JFK.
He said, there's another new type of warfare, new in its intensity, ancient in origin, war by guerrillas, subversives, insurgents, assassins, war by ambush instead of by combat, by infiltration instead of aggression, seeking victory by eroding and exhausting the enemy instead of engaging him.
It preys upon unrest.
The ultimate goal of this type of warfare is to motivate an enemy to stop attacking, to stop resisting, even if you have the ability to continue the fight.
We want to understand, and we want you to understand, that we do have the ability to continue the fight.
We do live under a government that believes that everything should be secret.
That they should know everything about us.
They should have all knowledge of us and we should have no knowledge of what they're doing.
And unfortunately we have a lot of people in America who don't even want to know what the government is doing.
They just want to look at the latest entertainment or sports event.
They don't want to be bothered with it.
I wonder how many people in Baltimore that are out rioting could even mention
Or even knew the names of their elected officials who even understood the process.
We have to understand the process.
We have to understand the medical tyranny as well as the other forms of tyranny.
If they can force vaccinate us at any time they want, then we have lost.
If they remove our informed consent by calling it a personal belief exemption, we have lost.
But we're not going to let them.
We are going to continue fighting.
We're going to continue resisting.
Stay with us, Alex.
We'll be right back.
Did you know that the tipping point for global warming started back in the 80s?
The UN reported that we were hurtling towards an unstoppable climate shift that would have dire consequences.
Fast forward to Prince Charles' warning back in 2009 that we only had 96 months to save the planet.
The clock is ticking on that one.
And let's not forget Al Gore quoting studies back in 2007, stating that the polar ice caps would be completely gone by now.
Earlier this year, we saw articles with headlines like, 2014, the hottest year on record.
The same articles failed to mention cities like Chicago, Illinois, which saw its coldest weather in over 100 years.
No mention of big ice-breaking ships getting stuck in ice?
So remember, when these carbon tax pushers tell you to lessen your carbon footprint, they're about to leap into their multi-vehicle convoy, drive to their private jets, and then go to sleep in one of their many houses, some by the sea.
You can find more reports on InfoWars.com.
Check out the new videos on the Alex Jones Channel on YouTube.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Now, I promise that we're going to go to Josh, who's been holding an epic amount of time, a legendary amount of time, and Truth Raider, and Casey, and Kato, and Malik before this show ends today.
But I do have Jakari Jackson and Joe Biggs in the studio.
They got back yesterday, or I guess they got back Sunday, but they took off yesterday, rightfully so.
So they're here on the Tuesday edition to get their take on Al Sharpton coming out saying, let's federalize the police.
I mean, we knew that's where this was going, but this is so transparent.
Also, Jon Stewart attacking us over Jade Helm, implying again that we said that a physical invasion was happening and that we'd all be in FEMA camps.
No, we said it's just all part of that long, incremental march.
I want to get their take on a host of issues.
Plus, it's Cinco de Mayo today.
We can get a wide shot here.
Last year, Joe Biggs had a report on it.
A judge ruled this year that it is hateful to have the American flag if people don't like it.
So public schools are banning it, the display of it.
Not just on Cinco de Mayo, but other times.
So Joe ordered
That's a good-looking sports jacket, actually, for what you said you paid for it, from this custom place.
I want them as a sponsor.
I want to plug it.
It's a good-looking sports jacket, 99 bucks, and it's customized American flag.
The Socialists, and I'm not kidding, I saw it from my friend's balcony window.
By the time I got down there, they'd already marched back.
We got some footage.
Were burning an American flag, and they had communist hammer and sickle flags on May Day, Friday.
And it's Friday night, so that's what we saw.
So I guess if they saw you, they'd want to walk on you.
Yeah, they'd have a hard time, Alex, trying to walk on me.
I'm not just going to lay there.
Well, you're a bad person then.
You should lay down and let the system do this.
We're going to talk to you guys here in just a moment and then go to those calls.
And if you're a radio listener and you want to go to InfoWars.com forward slash show, you can see the free feed that we put out every day for three hours.
And you should be spreading the word about our local Eminem affiliates.
You should also be sending the web links to friends and family that don't have local affiliates in their area.
This is an all-out war.
You notice I've been pushing that harder than ever.
That we have millions and millions of listeners.
If you'll just wake other people up, that's how you found the show.
Pay it forward.
We need to explode in the face of the enemy.
With the massive rating censorship we've proven, with Alexa and others, I mean, they are coming out of the woodwork.
They're attacking us all over the news.
They're lying about us.
They have government groups and others coming and offering to advertise if stations will take us off.
I mean, they're coming after us because they know the American people know we're no-nonsense, teleprompter-free, and I'm acting like a maniac sometimes, but people look up what I say and they know I'm for real.
At a base level, people connect and know that I really believe what I'm saying and I prove it.
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And I want to thank all of you, since the attack has intensified on us.
In the last week I've been saying, I need to get satellite uplinks, I need to get all the stuff, which I'm weeks away from signing a deal.
They all want two, three-year deals, it's expensive, there's a lot of agreements, but we're there.
We're lining up all the cable systems, TV stations.
Quite frankly, it's like standing on a 300-foot bridge about to jump off the water.
I'm hesitating, because I say I'm ready to fight some water, but this is really... I've got to use the allegory just to be truthful.
It's like slapping them in the face.
Well, it's worse than that.
It's like pissing on the table.
I'm sorry.
The point is that we're going to the next level here and we need your support.
Just buy the books, the videos, the products.
Spread the word about the transmission.
And you've done it.
There's usually a dead part of the year for anybody in retail sales.
That's how we fund ourselves.
Old-fashioned free market.
So you gotta have quality, you gotta have dependability, you gotta have customer service, and your customer's gotta like you.
That's how we fund the operation.
Used to not even try to make money because I wanted to stay small.
Then they tried to destroy me, came after me, and I said, you know what, I'm gonna get big.
Because big fish eat little fish.
And Big Fish survived.
So we've grown.
We've gone from being 100 feet long to about 500 feet long.
I want to go to 3,000 feet long, folks.
There's a lot of bands out there that I know that are on tour right now across America.
They all take Super Mel Vitality.
I'm dead serious.
When I go to these shows, they bring their bottles and pull it out to show me.
That's crazy.
You've sent me photos.
You ought to tweak those.
You randomly show up at pretty popular bands, and they've got it.
Yeah, when we were in Baltimore, there were fans out there, people who listened daily, coming out and showing us that they had gotten the products, you know?
When I forget to take it, um...
Let's just say the feminine equation doesn't notice us.
I'm sorry.
Alright, anyways.
I forgot you have all those photos of bands with.
That's crazy.
Yeah, I go out all the time.
I got a really good friend who manages all these big bands across the country.
I mean, from all these celebrities and I go out and he gives me backstage passes like I'm going to go see Slayer and I take him stuff, give him stuff.
Very Christian, Joe.
You are a Slayer though, aren't you?
You are something else.
People can see him right now in this outfit.
So anyways, please support us.
All right, gentlemen, let's cover Cinco de Mayo first.
For folks who think we're joking, a judge did say you can ban the American flag if it's offensive.
That's the new political correctness.
They've banned Halloween at most colleges because they say it might offend somebody if somebody's a geisha girl or, you know, whatever.
Fraternities have been banned from having
Fiestas, because again, only Hispanics can have those.
I ate Mexican food today, does that mean I'm racist?
I mean, this has reached a mind control level.
I want your take on it, Joe, and then your take, Jakari.
I mean, it's a crazy world that we're living in.
When you go out and there are people trying to kick you out of apartment complexes for hanging the American flag, for a child to wear an American flag t-shirt and be told he can't come into school that day because that's racist.
Someone might find that offensive.
I find that offensive that in our own country we can't
Well, even if you hate what the flag's been used for, still the idea of Bill of Rights, Constitution, private property is a great one.
We're taking the flag back, but it could be the Nazi flag, which I really don't like, or the Communist flag, which I don't like.
Still, I'd say, no, you've got a right to have that.
I mean, they're saying the American flag we can't have.
I mean, what's next?
Brown bags?
Oh, I'm sorry, they're already banned, though.
Well, I'd like to see someone try to step on me today, so that's not going to happen.
I'm going to go out and go through Austin and see what happens with that.
That's what I love about you, Joe.
I'm like, you ought to go out and do interviews.
You're like, I'm already doing them.
Who do you think I'm in this outfit for?
Anyways, keep going.
What else were you going to say?
Oh no, that was it.
I mean, I've got some interesting stuff to tell you about Jade Helm as well that I found out over the weekend, but we can get Jakari's take on the... Oh yeah, the flag thing.
I remember we went out and did the interviews last year and talking to people about how they say it's racist and discriminatory to have the American flag in the United States.
I can't imagine, you know, going to some place like Russia, like, your flag is offensive, take it down.
Yeah, they'd knock you upside the head.
Probably, yeah.
Only in this country, only in America, can your own flag be considered racist, can it be considered horrible?
I mean, this is what our country is coming to.
I mean, it's just mind-blowing.
Well, I mean, the political left, the social engineers, what Ted Cruz calls the fascist left, they want to ban outrageous things, you know, things that aren't outrageous, so it's outrageous to set the precedent.
We tell you to jump, we tell you how high.
Yeah, that's right.
Like, I guess we'd have to switch to that TSA flag of the guy getting his genitals punched because I guess that's the only thing that's acceptable now in the United States of America.
Or an ostrich sticking its head in its own, you know what?
That should be the new... Can we make a new American flag that is just an ostrich with its head, not in the sand, but in its hillary?
I like that term.
We should get a coin with that.
Well that's what we call, okay I'm going to stop right there.
I'm out of control, I apologize.
Let's get into Jade Helm from both your perspectives because you went out and covered it.
What are the new developments we know as, I'm not exaggerating, every major news channel, hundreds of local stations around the country, running the hoax that, A, we hate the troops,
They have Republican leaders going, well I'm sure sad they hate the troops.
They don't deserve to be spit on like Vietnam.
That was an actual quote from the former lieutenant governor on KVU locally.
So people think I want to spit on the troops now.
And we see imminent invasions happen when we just said it's part of the conditioning.
I mean, all the troops I come across are, you know, pretty pro-info wars.
That's why they're telling them we hate them, hoping that they believe that.
Well, it's interesting, this Sunday I was at another concert, and this buddy of mine who put the concert on the Lone Star Jam, he had one of his Special Forces buddies who was in town.
And he goes, oh yeah, I know who you are.
He's like, you guys are a little out of control with this Jade Helm thing.
And I was like, well alright, let me get your take on it.
And he goes, you know we've been running Jade Helm for 10 years in Germany?
He said it's been going on in Germany for 10 years.
It's an occupied country.
He says we've been over there operating that and he says the reason we can't do it in Germany more is quite frankly the Obama administration just won't give us the money to go over there anymore.
That's a big angle.
He says we have to come here to America to do it now because they won't fund us, they won't give us the proper money that we do to go over there and I said
Well, why do you think a lot of people are upset?
He's like, well, I guess someone up at the top made a mistake by labeling Texas as hostile.
He said, we haven't got any good feedback and I very seriously doubt we'll ever do this again here.
Well, if they did it to fight tanks or something like the drills at Fort Bliss, because Stuart shows a Fort Bliss thing and it shows tanks being blown up.
Well, that's legitimate training.
Well, I mean, did you explain to him that we have the Army manuals where they're trying to take on veterans and stuff?
Yeah, well, I mean, I asked him, too.
I was like, have you heard about the asymmetric warfare training area called Fort A.P.
Hill in Virginia?
And I said, why does that look just like an everyday American city?
It's labeled D.C.!
I mean, why do our special forces troops need to train in that environment unless they're
Planning on doing something here.
What a shame.
And it goes beyond Jade Helm because we talk a lot about Jade Helm because it's in the news, obviously, but you know, you guys know how they've run drills in Miami.
They've run drills in California with the Halo Corporation.
So if you have this argument, we're training in Texas because the rugged terrain identifies as something as Middle Eastern or whatever, then why are you running drills in downtown Miami, Florida?
It doesn't look like Iraq or Afghanistan.
Well, and then the people are screaming,
I'm a patriot, I have rights.
I mean, they're training for here.
And sure, part of the training is other stuff, so they can point to that and say we lied.
Well, the biggest thing, too, though, is when you listen to Thomas Meade explain the entire exercise, but then you go and you hear Lt.
Mark LaStoria down in Bastrop, when Jakar and I were there, two conflicting reports.
Yeah, Meade, who's the head civilian running it all.
He says, yeah, we might work with foreign troops down the road.
Yeah, we're going to have some stuff.
Yeah, we're going to be in your streets.
Yeah, we're going to be in plain clothes.
And we talked to the colonel.
He's like, no, none of that's happening.
Well, it was damage control as far as I can make out from it.
I mean, what do you think?
Oh, yeah, exactly.
Damage control.
Because, I mean, just basic stuff that everybody kept asking because it didn't add up.
He's saying, we're running this drill so we can mingle in with the population and be able to move around.
And people ask the very basic question, how do you plan to interact with the crowd if you're on private property at two o'clock in the morning?
You know, basic stuff like that.
And he's saying they're going to bring in $100,000 or whatever the number is into the local economy.
And people say, well, how are you going to bring in that much money if you have 60 guys coming in for a short period of time?
And even if they were going to bring in that much money, the majority of the people who were there, you wouldn't know this if you watched the local news reports because they just lied about it, but the majority of people there were not in favor of the drill.
It doesn't mean they were absolutely against it.
They were just saying, can you guys take your training someplace else and not do it here in Bastrop?
I mean, the people are speaking.
I mean, they keep going back and using this whole narrative.
Oh, we've been doing this forever.
You know, we did the training in North Carolina for years and years and years and no one ever cared.
Robin Sage is what it's called.
Robin Sage.
Now they'll be saying, we gave MRAPs to people for years.
We've set up checkpoints for years.
This is the first time there's been a massive awakening to what's going on.
People are getting the facts, the information about these training exercises, and it's pissing them off.
Well, that's what Ted Cruz said.
If people knew about them years ago, this would have already, we've already had these discussions years ago.
But they've been lying to people.
They've been hiding.
They say, oh, there's no black helicopters.
What about how they freak out with the governor saying, yeah, I'm going to watch what's happening, and then the senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, says, no, people don't trust the government.
This is legitimate.
Obama illegally shut off half our power plants.
I mean, do you anybody understand?
Without any law, he just did it!
People realize how much trouble we're in down here?
Yeah, he does it all the time at midnight, somewhere where there's no one, no cameras around, nothing like that.
He sneaks somewhere and he goes somewhere and does it.
Anything that has to be hidden in the cover of darkness like that by our government is just out of control.
It's like the bipartisan treaty the Republicans are supporting that hands over all our rights.
We got one subsection of 30, it totally takes over the internet.
And they're fighting that Congress not get a copy of that.
They don't want you to know what's going on.
In California, they tell us, in Richmond, California, oh this is a dirty bomb drill.
The reason you didn't want us to come there is because what you were really doing was practicing to take on constitutionalists.
Yeah, the sovereign citizens.
And they got the footage and they lied to us.
You lied to us 500 times.
I mean, we'd be crazy to listen to you.
Guys, you've done a great job.
I know you're going to go out and shoot some videos today.
I hope one day was enough off.
You're doing an amazing job.
Breakdown, in hindsight, what it was like in Baltimore and now
God forbid they set it up this summer where if anybody gets shot by the police, and Lord knows there's some bad cops, all hell's gonna break loose.
Ninety-six percent of people in a major poll believe that there could be, quote, race war coming this summer.
I mean, I don't think it's that.
I think they're just trying to hype civil unrest.
Where do you see this going?
Well, I feel that the prosecutor, Marilyn Mosby, came out a little premature, a little early.
I think it was done to almost kind of
Quieten or calm down the citizens out there who thought that, you know, they weren't going to get justice.
I think it was a political move by them to do this, to calm people down.
And then months down the road when it comes out that they might put one of the guys in jail or something, everyone's going to get mad because not everyone got what they wanted.
You know, no one knows what their definition of justice is.
Well, if they believe they were too quickly and overcharged to botch it on purpose.
I mean, I think they just came out to quiet everyone down, and then the real chaos is going to happen when they actually have to come out.
What do folks think that half the cops are black?
They really didn't come up as an issue.
You know, they were just against these, well not the shooting, but the incident that happened to them in general.
You were there.
How are the cops in Baltimore?
Honestly, I didn't have half the issue with these cops we had with the cops in Ferguson.
So, I can't... The cops in Ferguson were pretty bad.
Yeah, they were pretty bad.
I don't know if it was because they had Ferguson to look to as a what not to do, but the people out there, even the National Guardsmen, I didn't interact with a lot of them, but the ones I met, they were very polite.
Yesterday, a guy even gave me a bottle of water.
So, they were much better behaved than what we saw in Ferguson, but at the same time... So, they treated you guys like humans?
They didn't shoot you with rubber bullets again?
No, when they saw the guy riding next to us, this guy was riding his bike.
He was like... Just sort of wailing on him.
Because he was riding around saying, I'm not going to go home for a curfew.
Yeah, it was pretty ridiculous.
I mean, he wasn't threatening the guys that I could tell.
He wasn't throwing anything at them that I could tell, or not that I saw.
And he was just riding around in a circle.
Hey, cops go home.
They shot him in the butt with a rubber bullet.
Yeah, he said, stop occupying my town.
Stop occupying our city.
Get out of here.
We don't need you here.
And the thing about it was they weren't too keen on arresting people, at least the first night we were there.
We got there, I think, on Tuesday, Wednesday, and they would more or less shoot you with a rubber bullet to kind of scare you off.
They didn't rush out and arrest you and take you home.
Now, we did, of course, see the footage of them snatching a guy and pulling him off in the MRAP or the Humvee and just driving off.
I guess that's a rare occurrence.
I didn't see too much of that going on, but by and large, the cops were better behaved.
I mean, the people were too.
I mean, all in all, I mean, you know, in Ferguson, people were saying, you know, screw this F you, I'm not going home.
When you tell me to, I'm grown.
And they would stay out there and tussle and rustle with the cops, you know, in Baltimore.
You'd hear people right up and down the street playing that song, F the Police, but as soon as 959 came, you didn't hear that song anymore, and there was no one on the streets except for... Marshall Law USA, you guys are veterans of the info war now.
We've got to chronicle all the stuff you've done with the rest of the team.
Great job.
Call's coming up on Alex Jones.
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What happens if you defy curfew?
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And I am against these curfews for adults and children, but it ends up being for everybody.
That's why I'm against them.
And that's why they stood down to get the crisis going, to set the precedent.
This is all run by the White House.
So they can then get some police brutality on tape and then come in and federalize them.
Here's the video of your TV viewer.
I'll describe it for radio listeners.
The guy's out there, it's exactly 10 o'clock at night, they walk over, shoot a whole bottle of chemical pepper spray in his face, and then jump on top of him and take him to jail.
When there's no reason, he's not resisting.
But see, standard police training, I think, is abusive.
So here it is, boom, spray him right in the face, he's standing there, and then he's wearing an F the Police shirt, and then now, boom, slam him to the ground.
Yeah, how about we break his tailbone for no reason?
Now when you use excessive force, that all just comes back on you.
And now they jump on top of him.
This is just ridiculous.
But that's what a police state looks like.
But oh, there's no militarization of police.
Oh, there's no curfew.
There's no MRAPs.
There's not a problem in America.
And the White House is there stirring the whole thing up.
I don't like what the police are doing, but I'm not playing into the whole mind game of the Civil War so we can be federalized and have the U.N.
take over.
Joseph, and then we'll talk to Truth Raider, then Casey, Anthony, and Malachi.
Go ahead, Josh.
Thanks for holding so long.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
There's several things I disagree with you on, but the one thing I was talking about when I said sensationalism
It's just this idea that there's going to be an economic collapse and there's going to be a civil war against the police.
I just don't see that happening, man.
Even if there was an economic collapse, I really don't see the American people having enough energy to do anything.
The only people that hate police are inner-city teenagers, and I mean, there isn't going to be any of that stuff happening, man.
That's what I think.
The White House is stirring it up, and if you get
Where the bread lines aren't full anymore.
50 million people on bread lines.
They're just digital.
You're going to have all hell break loose.
The globalists have done this in other countries.
It's in an IMF plan that got leaked in 2002.
It's in my book, Descent into Tyranny.
It's free online.
But it was in the London Guardian.
Their plan to destabilize countries with economic collapse.
It's called Cloward and Piven.
It's one program of many.
It's impossible to ever pay off all these debts.
They've signed us on to all these derivatives.
They're creating social unrest.
I mean, when I say civil war, I mean, in pockets around the country, a slow burn civil war.
The thing I wanted to say was something that you had mentioned earlier in the show about an hour ago, right before you went to one of the breaks.
You said that these military guys, they're not going to follow orders to take guns and they're not going to fire on the American people.
I disagree with that.
There's a lot of these military guys that I've known in my life.
I was 18 years old when 9-11 happened, so half the dudes I grew up with were military.
I wasn't.
You know, but a lot of these guys, they don't understand that gun rack, apple pie, free-range America.
They don't understand it.
They really do view it as being terrorist.
And if they're ordered to fire on the American people, I guarantee you they will.
Sure, sure.
Well, we're talking about a lot of Americans that, it was more like 20% of the callers said 40%, that defected with atrocities the U.S.
committed inside Mexico.
Because the U.S.
didn't just kick Mexico out of Oklahoma and Texas.
They marched all the way down to Mexico City, the halls of Montezuma.
They just slaughtered, they smashed four or five armies, and then just started raping and killing.
And that's what a lot of armies do.
And then a bunch of people defected and fought that.
That's what the guy was talking about.
And so I wasn't saying they'd all defect, but I know the military, and I know the ones that actually engage in the combat.
Now, there is a lot of gang infiltration, white supremacists, black supremacists, you name it, in the military.
The military is in trouble.
But I don't think the military is going to go along with all this.
That's why they're shifting to drones and robots and autonomous vehicles to take out the people.
And that's when we're really in trouble 10 years down the road.
We're going to go to break.
I'm back with Truth Raider Anthony and Casey.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Spread the word.
Don't take the show for granted.
Pray for us.
They want to shut us down.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we're in that little dessert portion, the Spumoni transmission area.
Some Spumoni ice cream would be good.
Let's go ahead and talk to Truth Raider.
Truth Raider, thanks for holding her on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
Just 10 seconds.
Let me get this out to America.
If you live in a garden apartment complex and you have multi-level family housing people there, they can violate all the rules you want.
You can make all the complaints that you want.
At the end of your lease, you will be thrown out in the street.
It's fucking bullshit.
Thank you, Alex.
Okay, we'll have to delay that out.
I don't know if we're going to let Truth Raider on for a while now for doing that.
Guy's been calling in for 10 years.
Yeah, let's talk to Casey in Oregon.
Go ahead.
Hey there, I've got breaking news on the AARP subliminal.
If you go to the AARP YouTube channel page, they rolled out a three-part natural disaster set of videos with this video with the subliminal on it.
Now if you go there, they're pushing a preparedness app from the government
And they do a PSA showing a guy putting his family into an underground bunker, taking a smartphone in there, which is a big no-no.
Now they're also pushing a Ready.gov website.
I go there, and you hover over the Be Informed portion, click on Shelter.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and there's a box about Mass Care Shelters.
This is FEMA camps.
It tells you how to behave in the FEMA camps, and to... Oh my God, this is huge!
We need this on the nightly news tonight.
Uh, so... And I did it.
So, again, where do you go to hover over?
It talks about Mass Care.
Hover over Be Informed, and click on Shelter, and scroll down to the bottom.
I covered this on Breaking the Conditioning, using my YouTube channel.
I covered the whole thing on there in depth.
Alright guys, let's get his video.
Look at it if it's good, which I'm sure it is.
Link to it on Infowars.com.
Because I don't want to just put out our own report on this.
I want to promote grassroots people stuff.
Because who knows what'll happen to us.
I mean, I just wanted to beat the enemy.
Alright, Casey, anything else?
Thanks for holding to tell us that.
Anything else you want to tell us about this?
Folks thought we made that up and we showed the subliminal.
But I guess they now admit it all, huh?
It's true.
They are admitting it all.
I actually just read the right-wing extremist paper.
I read the white papers about how to psyops.
I've just been reading all these white papers.
I recommend everybody do that.
You can find them all on Google.
No, they're going to put us in camps.
They're going to take our kids from us.
And other than that, just get in the comments and keep jamming the transmission.
Well, something else they're going to do in FEMA camps is admit it.
They do it to our troops.
They'll just keep inoculating you and then say, oh, the records are lost.
Give you 300 shots till you die.
And then just stand around going, oh, look, he died.
We're liberal.
Ah, liberal, liberal.
I mean, it's all because they, again, these people are sick.
We've been overrun by absolute psycho criminals.
And the Republican Party's working with them.
We are just, it is just over the top.
Anthony in Florida, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes sir, go ahead.
Yeah, I'd just like to say that, as far as this racial stuff is concerned, it's definitely manufactured because of the fact that, if you think about it, I mean, they say, oh, they suffered 400 years.
Well, you know what?
The Irish suffered 700 years of brutal occupation at the hands of the British, and yet they were able to rise above that, and especially, too, not just that, in the early 19th century.
Well, that's true, but, but, but they didn't have different color skin completely, so assimilation was easier.
There are real problems, but it's never going to get fixed with the social engineers throwing gasoline on it.
I mean, that's the problem, is they're there doing it.
And then, like you said, too, what do you call it?
What do you call it?
I'm trying to remember.
In the early 19th century, when the country was largely white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, they were still picked on, and yet they were able to go into the inner city.
They became the first major
Well, the Irish certainly did, but they were leaving something really bad.
I mean,
You look at the stuff the Irish went through in Ireland with the British occupation.
It was bad.
That concentration camps were invented by the British for the Scots and the Irish, then adopted here against Native Americans.
It doesn't mean these countries haven't done evil bad things.
Let's not re-experience it now.
Alright, I'm sorry to Malik.
Call me back tomorrow.
I'll go to you, Kato and Joshua.
We gotta end the transmission.
Nightly News tonight, 7 o'clock.
You've probably heard a lot in the news recently about Jade Helm.
The Army says it's a harmless drill that uses states like Texas to simulate rugged foreign terrain.