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Name: 20150423_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 23, 2015
2338 lines.

In this edition of The Alex Jones Show, various topics are discussed including Obama's regrets on accidentally killing Americans with a drone strike, Chinese scientists genetically modifying human embryos, and the Saudi prince's reward for 100 fighter pilots who have been bombing Yemen. Other topics include opposition within the Democratic Party towards the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Carly Fiorina's entry into politics, a new cyber sharing bill, election transparency issues in the United States, government surveillance and erosion of civil liberties through legislation such as the Protecting Cyber Networks Act, the EPA experimenting with particulate matter, Monsanto being shut down by organic farmers in Hawaii, modern feminism and its effects on society, InfowarsLife.com's Secret 12 vitamin B12 formulation, potential consequences of increased automation on job markets and open borders policies, Marines being trained to deal with civil unrest due to high unemployment rates caused by automation, concerns about military training exercises taking place across the United States, the MIAC report from 2009 warning law enforcement agencies about potential threats posed by political dissidents or conservatives, the "Credit River Decision," concern over banks' control of the economy, and the promotion of Ancient Defense herbal immunity blend.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
On this Thursday, April 23rd, 2015, we have a lot of news today.
We've got reports coming up.
We've just had a press conference from Obama saying that he has now killed Americans, accidentally of course, with a drone strike.
No word about any regret for all the thousands of people in that area that he's killed.
Innocent people.
Men, women, and children that they've killed over the years.
Never a press conference.
Never any regret about that.
It is a tragedy to kill three Americans, I think it's one Italian is the death toll in this particular case, back in January.
Nevertheless, when you ignore these thousands of deaths, or in the case of Lindsey Graham, when you brag about the fact that you have killed thousands of people,
It's a pretty corrupt country.
It's a pretty corrupt government.
We're going to talk about ethics today.
Of course, we've got Chinese scientists genetically modifying human embryos.
Where is that going to lead?
And we had, remember that story we had yesterday about the Saudi prince?
He's a major backer on Twitter and he tweeted out, in Arabic, that he was going to reward 100 fighter pilots who had been bombing Yemen.
No regret about that.
He's going to give them Bentleys.
He said, well, after that went viral, he's taken that post down, but I'm sure he will still make good on that.
A multi-billionaire, he's going to hand out Bentleys to people who are very good at killing.
You know, that's what Obama said when he was talking about drone strikes.
He made that comment, reported in one of the books.
He says, you know, I'm really good at killing.
Yeah, he is really good at killing and he's pretty poor in terms of ethics.
He's pretty poor in terms of apologies.
We also got on the same front with Obama.
We have him doing a back and forth with Elizabeth Warren.
There have been briefings with Democrats about the Trans-Pacific Partnership because, of course, the Republicans seem to be full on in supporting this, saying that it's a free trade act.
It's not free trade.
We've talked about this, how it is managed trade.
This is corporate bailouts.
This is crony capitalism to the nth degree.
But of course they're portraying it as if it was a bailout, a free trade, but of course the Democrats are not buying it.
They understand the loss in jobs that happened after NAFTA.
This is far, far greater than that.
Nevertheless, they are opposing it.
She says, if people really knew what was in there,
They would oppose it.
That's why they're keeping it secret.
And so there's been a back and forth with Obama and Elizabeth Warren.
We're going to talk about Carly Fiorina.
She's saying she's going to throw her hat in because, of course, we need somebody to counter the identity politics of Hillary Clinton.
And so she offers her own version of identity politics.
Some of the most racist, I should say sexist, sorry, some of the most sexist statements I have ever seen come out of a candidate.
But of course, she's not a political neophyte, she points out, she's done consulting work for the CIA.
Got another one of those coming for us.
We've also got the House passing a new cyber sharing bill.
The PCNA, Protecting Cyber Networks Act.
This is something that is not the CISPA bill, the reincarnation of CISPA, but again, it is information sharing between corporations and the government.
And of course, this is going to block your FOIA requests.
At the same time, we learned yesterday with an article that was posted on Facebook is collecting text that you don't even send.
That's how bad it's gotten.
They send out text, they collect the text, store that, even as you're thinking about it, you say, well, you know, maybe that's a little bit too inflammatory, maybe I don't want to use that kind of rhetoric so you don't send it out.
Well, they're going to keep that.
And they're going to use that to analyze you, and of course, they're going to be sending that out.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Beth Clarkson, Chief Statistician for the National Institute for Aviation Research, filed an open records lawsuit in Sedgwick County District Court as part of her personal quest to find an unexplained pattern that transcends elections and states.
She found patterns and results that favored Republican establishment candidates over Tea Party candidates in primaries and in the general election.
This is not an anomaly that has occurred in one place, Clarkson said.
It is a pattern that has occurred repeatedly in elections across the United States.
InfoWars has extensively covered the work of Bev Harris from blackboxvoting.org.
There you can find the four key items to election transparency.
One, who can vote.
Two, who did vote.
Three, counting of the vote.
And four, the chain of custody.
Now remember the words of computer programmer Clinton Eugene Curtis next time you step up to a touch screen to cast your ballot.
I wrote a prototype for President Congressman Tom Feeney.
It would flip the vote 51-49 with whoever you wanted it to go to and whichever race you wanted to win.
It was Joseph Stalin that said, the people who cast the votes decide nothing.
The people who count the votes decide everything.
Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Hi, I'm Alex Jones.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I weighed 180 pounds, I lift weights 5 days a week, I can swim 2-3 miles.
Then I discovered the New World Order, the globalists, their agenda.
I started an access television show.
I was so dedicated to my work and hanging around with radio guys that I began drinking.
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Take the InfoWarsLife.com challenge today at InfoWarsLife.com or give our crew a call.
They can answer all your questions or tell you about any of the specials at 888-253-3139.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Thursday, April 23rd, 2015.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're going to be joined later in the show with Paul Joseph Watson from the UK.
We're also going to have Jakari Jackson step in and talk to us.
We just had a press conference this morning from the Obama administration offering their regrets for some innocent people who were killed in a drone strike.
Three Americans, I think one Italian, I believe, is the, let's see, two American Al-Qaeda operatives were killed though, so I guess that makes it okay.
Now, they say that it just isn't sufficient for them.
No words can fully express our regret over this terrible tragedy, said Press Secretary Josh Earnest.
But you know there's been no words of regret for the thousands of people that have died.
The thousands of innocent men, women and children who have died from these drone strikes that Obama is doing all over the world in his new open assassination policy.
You know we used to be ashamed of the fact that we had a government organization that would assassinate people.
The CIA used to keep that quiet.
There were church committee hearings.
Senator Church
Ran hearings to see what the CIA was doing and the public was appalled, but now we do that openly.
The mask has come off.
In the same way that they now openly spy on us.
We just had another bill passed through the House.
More collection.
More dragnet surveillance of the American public.
This one is called Protecting Cyber Networks Act.
It's just been passed by the House of Representatives.
Voted 307 to 116.
It wasn't even close.
Now under the PCNA, data that's shared through the government could be exempt from disclosure under FOIA.
Creating, quote, a new secret cyber intelligence coordinating body.
I'm sure that's the purpose.
They also say that it would allow for data to flow between corporations via government intermediaries.
Of course, that has been what they've been selling the public after this Sony hack all along, saying we've got to do more cyber intelligence sharing.
And of course, that was what CISPA was all along.
It was sharing of intelligence between the government and the corporations.
The corporations turning over information about you as they do business with you under the fiction that this information belongs to these corporations.
Nevertheless, they have some legal exposure, so CISPA was there to protect them from any liability.
So they just keep passing these laws.
It's not that they're going to do something different.
We all know that they're spying on everything that we do illegally, unconstitutionally.
They're collecting all this information.
They're just giving themselves legal cover at this point.
They say civil liberties groups criticize the bill for allowing any data to also be used with the Espionage Act.
And of course, we've had two-thirds of the people who have been charged under the 1917 Espionage Act have been under the Obama administration.
I think there's been nine people total before Obama, from 1917 to Obama, there were three, and now there's been, I believe, nine, unless he's added to that list.
They say it would make it right for things like surveillance of journalists and their sources because they have been the targets of the Obama administration in the Espionage Act.
So this is really kind of a double-down, in-your-face tyranny.
And of course it was just yesterday that Rand Paul said our founding fathers would be mortified by the NSA.
Yes, they would.
And they should be.
Yet, for a second time, and I did talk about this yesterday, Jeb Bush now has got these talking points.
He's going around to all the neoconservative talk show hosts.
He went to Hugh Hewitt, then he went to Michael Medved, most recently, and he's saying the same thing in all these places.
He said, one of the great successes of the Obama administration has been their dragnet surveillance.
I'm paraphrasing him.
But he says, the problem is that Obama isn't bragging about this.
You know, we need to sell this to the American people.
And so he said, uh, we need to understand, and this is Jeb Bush talking, he said, the first obligation, I think, of our national government is to keep us safe.
That's the first excuse of a criminal government, is that they're going to take your liberties to keep you safe.
You never get safety when they take your freedom, you just become a slave.
And then he goes on to say, we can do this while we're protecting civil liberties.
So he always throws it out there saying that they're going to protect us and they're going to protect our civil liberties by taking our civil liberties.
Now there's pushback against Obama from Democrats as well.
Again, on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Elizabeth Warren is going back and forth with Obama.
She's leading the opposition within the Democrat Party because there is no opposition in the Republican Party, as I mentioned in the last segment.
They have blocked members from discussing any specifics.
They say they've been giving briefings on the deal to members of Congress, but they say the briefings are classified because they are sensitive and ongoing.
Well, actually the reality is that they've signed these non-disclosure agreements, and they have senators like Senator Wyden who has looked at it.
He had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
His staff had to sign a non-disclosure agreement, so they couldn't talk to anybody about it.
And so that right there should disqualify it.
As Elizabeth Warren says, the government doesn't want you to read this massive new trade agreement.
It's top secret.
And she said why?
The real answer people have given me is we can't make the deal public because the American people, if they saw what was in it, would be opposed to it.
And she says the obvious.
If the American people would be opposed to a trade agreement, if they saw it, then the trade agreement should not become law in the United States.
And of course they're making all kinds of shortcuts because we don't have a government that obeys the law anymore.
They're not doing this as a treaty ratification with the Senate, with the two-thirds.
They're going to go with just a simple majority vote because they know they can get that passed.
So there's game after game after game being played with this, but that in and of itself should tell you that that's a problem.
It should be a problem when you understand that all these mandatory vaccine laws that are coming in are trying to force you to buy something that they have given full liability protection to the pharmaceutical companies that sell it, going back to 1986.
And yet, we see all kinds of shenanigans being played in California with SB 277.
Of course, Leanne McAdoo has a
A very good report talking about the tricks that they have played to move that bill forward in the California legislature.
You can see that on the Alex Jones YouTube channel.
I want to play for you an advertisement from a District of Columbia abortion spa.
Now, this is going to sound, and if you're watching this, it's going to sound, as they point out in this article, this was put up by Western Journalism, it's going to look like a Saturday Night Live or a comedy sketch, but it's not.
And I want you to listen to the very end of this, because that's when things really pick up.
There's a little bit of silence, so I'll kind of narrate it as they're playing this.
Let's go to that clip now, guys.
I heard she had appendicitis.
So these are real proper ladies.
Well, I heard she went to the countryside.
Studying through them gossiping.
And looking at each other.
Wait a minute.
You guys are talking about abortion.
Because there's no shame in it.
We do that.
Because there's no shame in it, abortion, yeah, we do that.
So they've got these ladies that look like they stepped out of a 1950s sitcom or Mad Men, and they're sitting there with their pearls and their hair up and they're raising their eyes about, well, we think that she went to some other place, and she says,
It pans back, for those of you who can't see this, it pans back to a younger girl.
She got her feet up and she's wearing those red high heels, you know, they have the National Guard and the Marines wearing now.
She's wearing those red high heels, she's very trendy and she's sipping coffee and she goes, yeah, it's abortion, we do that.
In your face.
See, we have to have a discussion about medical, yeah, there's a picture for those of you seeing it.
We have to have a discussion about ethics.
You know, we have to have a discussion about informed consent.
That's the basis on all of these mandatory vaccine laws.
And if you stop and look at it, the people who are selling you abortion, in most of these cases, it's the women who are saying, yeah, we're all pro-choice, and we're going to do this, and we're going to be proud of it.
And yet they won't give you a choice about vaccines.
You understand that, of course.
This is not even about the medical treatment.
It's about the principle that you have a right to make these decisions in your life, not other people.
And they can't see that.
They tout the fact that they're going to kill a seven-pound baby, but they won't give you a choice about your health care.
They won't let you choose what you're going to inject to that baby.
They're going to force that upon you.
Think about how this is going, okay?
It's the same as losing our due process or innocent until proven guilty.
Yeah, we've already done that as well too, haven't we?
Look at what they did in the nuclear experiments with troops.
Exploding these above ground tests and then sending the nuclear troops in right away.
We've got an article on Medium.com talking about how this came out.
They say, the soldiers were more than five miles from ground zero when the explosion named Shot Dog went off.
Afterwards, the soldiers moved out to inspect equipment, fighting positions a mere two miles from ground zero.
Then the troops moved even closer, in single file, to the epicenter to check out even more gear, fortifications and sheep.
Technicians put the animals out in the open and foxholes inside structures.
Now, they say the Army declined to inform the troops that they were headed into a war game.
They declined to tell them that they were going into an area where they had just exploded a nuclear bomb, and they didn't tell them what the dangers were.
Now, of course, when they went through this, they said that they found that 80% of the participants weren't phased at all by what was happening.
They didn't care.
They said, yeah, I would have volunteered if they would have told me.
See, there's a difference, though, between consent and informed consent.
They didn't tell them what the dangers were.
They were learning what the dangers were, using these soldiers as guinea pigs.
They can use you as guinea pigs on any kind of vaccine that's coming in, and they don't have any, any liability because of the vaccine court in America.
We had people who took the swine flu vaccine back in the 1970s.
They consented to do that as well, but they were lied to on the information package that they sent out.
They told them about some studies that have been done on a different vaccine than the one that they took.
A lot of people were damaged by that and of course that was one of the precursors to them setting up the vaccine court so they didn't have to pay people for the damages that they do to them.
Do you understand that we're headed down the same path if we lose our informed consent of what they did to people at the Tuskegee experiments?
What the Japanese and the Germans did to people when they took out their blood and replaced it with seawater saying this is for the good of everyone.
We're going to destroy this individual for the good of everyone.
That's why we have to keep informed consent.
It doesn't matter.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're just talking about this new ad from a DC abortion spa.
And of course, I think this in-your-face attitude that they have makes it very clear that this is...
Not, they have absolutely no shame in what they're doing.
They make that very clear.
We've been told for a long time that this is to support a woman's choice.
And yet we see the same people who are trying to take away your informed consent and medical procedures.
And it's not just about vaccination.
If they can take away your informed consent for one thing, they can do it for everything.
And I want to play that clip again.
Play that, just the punchline there, what she says at the end of this commercial.
Oh, wait a minute.
You guys are talking about abortion.
Because there's no shame in it.
Abortion, yeah, we do that.
It's really about valuing life.
Because if you don't value the life of a seven pound baby, you're not going to value the life of an elderly person.
And you're not going to value, eventually, the life of somebody who's in their prime, but has an expensive medical condition.
Because we're going to make the argument that it's in the best interest of society to withhold medical care from that person.
Because that's the argument they're making to take away your informed consent.
That was one of our sacred principles.
We enshrined that in the medical ethics community.
We reinforced it after the Nuremberg trials.
We saw people experimented on in the name of coming up with more effective medical treatments.
Of course, that was what Joseph Mengele was saying.
That was what the people that did that in Japan were saying.
They said, we're going to do these experiments to see how we can better protect our pilots from extreme conditions, for example.
But you can't do that.
We said we're not going to do that as a society.
And yet we have.
We did that with Tuskegee experiments.
We have done that just a couple years ago when I started here at InfoWars.
We had the EPA trying to extend their regulatory control over fine particulate matter so they could shut down coal plants.
They went before Congress and said, you know, this is not just making people sick, this will actually kill you.
And at the same time, Lisa Jackson is saying that in Congress.
The EPA is running an experiment close to where I lived at the University of North Carolina, subjecting people, selecting people who have respiratory and heart issues and subjecting them to levels of fine particulate matter that are 70 times higher than what the EPA said would kill you.
Hooking them directly up to a diesel truck exhaust pipe.
We tried to get that stopped.
We tried to get a restraining order on it.
And the federal government said no.
We're not going to do that.
See, under the Nuremberg Code, even if you give somebody informed consent and it's something that is life-threatening, that's still unethical.
You can't get informed consent from somebody if it's going to be life-threatening.
But our new federal government said, no, that's not a problem.
So then they went ahead and did it again in California.
They continued those experiments in North Carolina.
They did it in California.
Then they came back and they selected some more experiments where they were selecting for 15-year-old black males who have asthma.
Sounds an awful lot like Tuskegee, doesn't it?
Except in today's America, the federal government isn't ashamed of it any more than Obama is ashamed of his assassination drones.
We do these things in the open now.
That's how far we have fallen.
And you have to understand that just as we've given up our due process and our liberty and it hasn't made us safer or more secure, when you give up your informed consent, your right to be treated like a human, you're not getting herd immunity.
You're just going to be treated like part of the herd.
You're going to be treated like an animal.
That's the way they see you.
They're going to do whatever they wish to you, and they're going to justify it in the name of the collective good.
Now there's a, guys do you have this Magic School Bus parody?
Because it is a full court press to try to take away our freedoms.
Let's play a little bit of this and I want to comment, leave my mic open as we're running this thing.
Any of you that are college age or older, you know the Magic School Bus that was a PBS series.
This is something that got 1.7 million views on YouTube.
And of course, it's not produced by the Magic School Bus people.
It's a parody.
Some college students put it through.
But this is the strawman argument attacking people as kooks who don't want to lose their informed consent.
Let's run this.
What a marvelous day!
Nothing gives me more joy than teaching my students about the human body.
But, since your children aren't vaccinated, it's incredibly unsafe for them to come to school.
Oh, sorry!
I just believe that vaccines are the parents' choice.
And I believe they're unnatural.
They're a conspiracy!
So, instead, I'll be educating you.
For, though you are grown adults, you all need a lesson in biology.
Draw main arguments in cartoon form.
Oh, they go into the measles vaccine, and here we are, they're going to inject this into somebody and show you what goes on.
At the measles vaccine enters the bloodstream, the immune system is activated.
You see?
Those white blood cells are learning how to protect the body from the disease.
Sure, you say that, but where's the proof?
Where's the evidence?
It's literally outside your window.
Just turn your head.
We're on the march.
Okay, that's it.
We're going to come right back.
Jakari Jackson is going to be joining us.
Stay with us.
Freedom and liberty lovers, listen up!
The Republic of Liberland is looking for citizens to inhabit what used to be a three-mile patch of no-man's land between Serbia and Croatia.
With the motto, Live and Let Live, Liberland's creator, Vit Jetlinka, wants to create a European tax haven where honest people could prosper with minimal to no interference from a centralized government.
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Croatia has reported that it will not recognize the micronation.
That's right!
We can't let people run their own lives with minimal government harassment.
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Go back to work.
We still have a few more days till Tax Freedom Day.
Rob Due for InfoWars.com
I don't want more candy!
I don't want more video games!
I'm good.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
Joining me in the studio now is Jakari Jackson, and I want to get his feedback, especially on this Magic School Bus propaganda, because you're just right.
As a child, I grew up with the Magic School Bus.
I very much enjoyed it.
And they're not going to talk about the cases where you've got 99.5% of the people vaccinated yet they still get the disease.
We've had a lot of different cases that show that this herd mentality, this herd mentality, I keep calling it the herd mentality, herd immunity does not work.
If it doesn't work for the individual,
It's not going to work for the herd.
That's what people need to understand.
It comes down to the effectiveness of it, but it also comes down to the fact that they're giving them legal immunity.
You should be very concerned about anything that major corporations are pushing to force you to take
And that they have absolutely no liability for.
That's a pattern that we're seeing now.
You know, because you always hear the stories about, you know, somebody goes to a restaurant and a whole bunch of people get sick.
You know, then they go investigate it and they go have sanctions against the restaurant or whatever.
But when it comes to your vaccines, that doesn't exist.
That's right.
And the thing about it is, like, if you're eating something, you can stop eating it.
If the vaccine's in your body, it's in there.
It's going to do whatever it's going to do.
That's right.
They don't want to inform you what the risks are because it's like this abortion ad where they say, yeah, it's abortion.
Yeah, we do that.
And you know, the other thing that they do is they increasingly, as I pointed out yesterday, all of this Trans-Pacific Partnership and Transatlantic Partnership, these so-called trade agreements, they're all about holding a gun to your head and forcing you to do things that you don't want.
Holding a gun to the head of countries that have outlawed genetically modified organisms because they have concerns about them, they want to see what the long-term effects are, or they've already seen effects that they don't want to allow into their country.
So this is about forcing, holding a gun to the heads of those people and saying, no, you're going to buy the product from this corporation whether you like it or not.
Yeah, that's what we see because people always talk about, you know, I want freedom to do this, I want freedom to do that, but then they're being forced to do stuff by the government and they don't really have a big issue about that.
Yes, yes.
And I would also point out that this article that just came out, this is pretty amazing, someone sent this to me, Cuba to export cancer vaccines to the U.S.
and the New York governor confirms this.
They say they're going to import a therapeutic vaccine against lung cancer that's been developed in Cuba.
It is going to go to the Roswell Park Cancer Institute of New York.
She says, signing this agreement means we can immerse ourselves in clinical trials when we return to New York.
So everything is a vaccine.
And again, that comes back to the vaccine court.
You know, if they were to give you a pill, and it was to do harm, then they would have legal exposure.
If they were to give you an antibiotic, same thing.
Any other kind of medication or surgery, they would have some legal exposure.
But if it's a vaccine, huh.
It's like, it's the sacred cow, you know?
It's the thing that you cannot touch.
Because you see these guys, the late night guys, they like to make fun of the vaccine parents and all this stuff.
But even though, and it's always the argument, if vaccines are harmful in any way, why aren't people on TV talking about it?
Well, besides the fact your big major networks have pharmaceutical ads at every single commercial break, you do see people, Piers Morgan got sick from a vaccine, the young lady on Katie Couric.
Well, I think it just doesn't pass the sniff test.
You know, when you look at legal immunity, it's very much like these trade agreements, just like Elizabeth Warren was saying, why won't they tell you what's in it?
You know, why won't they tell you what's on the trade agreement?
Why won't they let you have labels that show if it's got genetically modified organisms in your food?
And then the whole argument, David, saying that if we label these things it's going to cost these companies all this money, it's going to raise your price of food.
Every time they have a big football game, the big summer blockbusters about to come out, they change the packaging on the food anyway.
Contains GMO, whatever the label has to say.
That doesn't cost them anything to do that.
It's a bogus argument and we ought to all just stop when they're going to take away our informed consent.
When they're going to take away our right to come after them and get compensation if it does harm for their product.
When we see these negotiations being done in secret, all that stuff should be a giant red flag and we should just pull back and say, if that's the way it's going to go down, it isn't going to go down.
We ought to just stop at that point, and of course we have talked over and over again about the various aspects and case histories of these vaccines, but it ought to stop at the surface level is really where it ought to stop.
I've got some news and we want to talk about this announcement that Obama had today.
Before I go to that, Jakari, I want to let people know that we've got InfoWarsLife Silver Bullet on sale at the InfoWarsLife.com store right now, 50% off.
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The other thing I want to mention before we go to the press conference, there's a couple of protests coming up, very important ones.
We talked earlier about the gold mine out in Oregon.
Now the BLM was moving against some miners who'd had a mine there since the 1870s.
And there was, the BLM was talking like they were going to take it by force this coming Saturday, just two days away.
We had oath keepers go out there and set up a security perimeter to protect the people there from any kind of precipitative movement by the BLM like that because they wanted to go through the legal proceedings, get due process.
They were not giving them their day in court.
So we need to at least have a day in court because we have rights to this mine that we've kept a chain of title going back to the 1870s.
So they've got protests that are scheduled today.
I just want to let people who are in the area know about that.
That's going to be at 2 p.m.
Central Time.
It's going to be noon Pacific Time for the people who are out there.
They're going to have a rally at the BLM offices.
And after that information came out, the BLM said, well, we're going to close our offices.
So it looks like the BLM is backing down.
They're not in aggressive mode right now.
They're not even going to have those offices open because of protests.
But it was an interesting press release from them.
They said that, and they called on people, they said...
They're calling on all miners, loggers, farmers, ranchers, and freedom lovers everywhere.
It said if you can't get to the BLM out there in Oregon, go to your local BLM office and protest what they're doing.
Tell the people, tell them that the people of this country are sick and tired of the way they've been conducting themselves.
So today at noon central, and I'm sorry, noon pacific time, that'd be about two o'clock central at the end of the show.
Also there was
A lot of pushback against Jade Helm here locally.
Bastrop is the city that is just southeast of Austin and that was the first one listed on the Jade Helm cities.
There's been a lot of concern there and I think this actually made the Drudge Report
The fact that they're going to have another County Commissioner meeting, and that's going to be this Monday, April 27th, for people to show up and express their concern about the military exercises that are being held there.
They say this will, they will again present information to the County Commissioners because they did this secretly and then privately with nobody paying any attention to this a couple months ago.
That's what they did in all these locations.
Now there's so many people in Bastrop that they're going to basically
I think so.
What cave in Afghanistan looks like downtown Miami, Florida?
Doing drills in Minneapolis.
Doing drills in San Diego.
What desert in Iraq looks like San Diego, California?
You know, so it's just basic stuff.
What are these guys training for?
And when you ask this question, or you're a conspiracy theorist, it's like, I just really want to know.
You know, you wouldn't put on football cleats and go run on a hardwood basketball court.
You know, you train where you're going to deploy.
And they said that.
In L.A.
When they were doing these drills in L.A., they got on the local news and they were talking to the guy and he says, well, you train, who are you going to fight?
If you're going to fight the mountains or the desert, that's where you train.
We're training to fight here.
And they were working in conjunction with the police.
And so when we look at this drill right here, this is an article.
We're going to talk to Paul Joseph Watson about this.
These are some Marines now training in riot control.
Why would you have Marines training in riot control?
This is very disturbing, but it's all part of a pattern that we've seen going back.
You talked about the report we did.
That was back in 2013.
And of course, last year, Joe Biggs and I went to one of the places where they were training for this.
AP Hill.
In AP Hill.
There's a separate base inside of AP Hill that was fenced off.
We walked through that.
And here's the thing, Jakari.
If they want to train for urban warfare, they've been doing that in the past.
They have these burned out, bombed out building shells that they can go around and they can practice going building to building.
But when you go to the Asymmetric Warfare Center in A.P.
Hill, this is a completely intact city.
Okay, completely intact.
At a subway.
The traffic lights were working.
Yeah, they had the subway, they had all the different transportation modes there.
And of course, in Camp Lejeune they have, that's where the Marine Base is, they have another city that they train with there.
That's why it's not a surprise for me
To see that the Marines are working on crowd control and riot gear there because the one that they have at Camp Lejeune is a more rural setting.
There it's more suburban stuff, it's also farm areas, but it's very much American.
When we were at AP Hill, at the Asymmetric Warfare Center, we stood at the corner of 1st and Main.
We saw traffic lights that were operational.
They are training to go through a city that hasn't been attacked, isn't part of a war zone.
And I very much object to this, but this is what the Jade Helm exercise is.
It's moving this out to the next level.
We're seeing this happening everywhere.
Part of this is a PSYOP operation.
The entire thing is, at the very least, a PSYOP operation to get troops used to operating in America on the streets and to get the people of America used to seeing them on the streets, just as if we were living in a banana republic with nuclear weapons, which we are.
Yeah, exactly.
Let's talk about this announcement that Obama had today saying that they very much regret and there's absolutely, the press secretary Josh Earnest said, there's no amount of regret that I can express that would be sufficient to cover these
Americans, an Italian that died, innocent people when they attacked Al-Qaeda terrorists with their drone strikes.
And yet we have never seen any apologies about the people who live there, the men, women and children.
We see these pictures of them blown to death, you know, their bodies blown apart.
Horrific pictures.
But never any apologies, never any regrets.
It's why we are hated throughout the world and justly so when we allow our government to do this sort of thing.
We all have
Culpability in this.
This isn't just Obama's issue.
And let me tell you, this is going to intensify under a Republican president.
We've got Lindsey Graham bragging about the number of people that they've gotten and he could care less about the innocent lives lost and he wants to step this up.
That's exactly right, because, well, David almost said Alex, but you're embodying Alex here with your rant.
Yeah, because they do these drones, and actually the guys have the piece, I think it's one of the best pieces we've produced my time here at InfoWars.
I didn't have anything to do with it, but it's Obama orders children murdered.
I believe Rob Dew put it together.
It's a very powerful piece.
If you haven't watched it, go to YouTube and check it out.
Obama orders children murdered, and he goes through, I believe it's
2012-2013 when he made it, but he goes through and lists all these drone strikes that were just available to us at the time.
And actually, David, I have a few articles if I can go over.
And they should embed that in the article that we've got up on InfoWars about Obama's announcement today.
They should put Rob Dew's report in there if they haven't already done that.
Yes, and I just have a few things I want to point out here.
I have this report from The Guardian.
41 men targeted, but 1,147 people killed.
drone strikes the facts on the ground.
And this is just one of the many reports that you can see.
You can see the reports of the children murdered just right behind you, David.
You can see all these facts popping up on the screen, talking about all these innocent people who have been killed.
Also, the famous wedding party.
The wedding party that became a funeral.
We're out there looking for the insurgents or whoever, and they strike a drone on us, they strike a wedding party, kill the people in the party, we're like, oops.
And that's pretty much all you get.
And then Obama gets up there in the press conference last year, whatever it was, he gives that weak statement like, yeah, we have killed innocent civilians in our campaign, but we're going to continue.
And the thing about this is, is they're trying to perfect their technology, you know, in a live theater.
You know, they're not out in some, you know, desert base, you know, blowing up dummies.
They're out there targeting real people, hoping that they improve their aim, so to speak.
Well, look at that video that was the one that got Manning put in jail, that went through WikiLeaks.
You could see the footage from the helicopter at a distance, and they're looking at the people there, and one of them is a reporter.
They're shooting these people in cold blood without any empathy whatsoever, waiting for the responders to come, a hospital truck trying to take these people out, then shooting that to pieces.
It's absolutely horrific.
You know, they were shooting at camera guys who had cameras.
And then a gentleman pulls up with his family in his vehicle and he tries to help the men out and then they start shooting at the guy with the kids in his car.
And then you can hear one of the guys in the helicopter say, well don't bring your kid to a war zone.
They live in a freaking war zone.
It's not like they live here in Austin.
They don't like Austin.
They can go down to San Antonio.
They didn't bring their kids to a war zone.
The American government brought the war zone to their kids.
That's right.
And they have absolutely just cold-blooded killing.
And of course, what happened in the wake of that?
Well, the people who exposed it, they came after them.
They came after Julian Assange.
They came after Manning.
Put him in jail.
Let's run this clip from Judge Napolitano when you guys get this up there about drone strikes killing more people than Boko Haram.
Yeah, let me know when you get that.
I'm absolutely amazed when I see this, and yes, okay, they should apologize for killing innocent people, but where is the regret for what they're doing on a daily basis?
And where can we stop this?
We can't turn to the Republican Party.
Nobody in the Democrat Party is stopping them.
Let's play that clip from Judge Napolitano.
The president's drones have killed more young women than these crazies from Boko Haram have kidnapped.
So the president does not have what we call clean hands when it comes to this.
No, he doesn't have clean hands.
He doesn't have a clean conscience.
And America can't have a clean conscience on this either.
It's absolutely horrific.
It's just one of the many instances where our government now openly violates the law.
Whether it's confiscating people's cars and cash on the highway, whether it's assassinating people abroad, they simply don't care.
What they do.
There's not any shame.
As I pointed out earlier, we had the church committee hearings.
People were mortified to see the gun that the CIA director was holding up and talking about how they could, you know, special guns that they would use for assassination and the many different ingenious ways that they were killing people.
And so what they did was they created the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
And now they're using the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and the court and the judge as a kangaroo court, that FISA court is a kangaroo court, to give them blanket authorization to go after everybody.
They go in with just one judge and one order and that authorizes dragnet spying across the country on all these different cell phone providers.
That's where we've gotten.
No due process, the Constitution doesn't apply, and no matter how bad it is, they're never ashamed of anything they do.
No, and when they get caught, nothing happens to them.
At first it was a conspiracy theory that this stuff was happening, then you find out that it's true, now people don't care.
I guess they're doing a really good job with the PSYOP, getting people conditioned to it before they actually admit it, so then by the time it's admitted, people are like, oh, I don't care.
Well, we're going to come back.
Stay with us right after the break.
We're going to talk about a new comic book called Rebels, and Jakari is going to break that down for us.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, hosting today and with me is Jakari Jackson in the studio.
We've been talking about Obama's newest drone casualties.
He had a press conference this morning.
We're going to talk in this segment about an article that's up on Infowars.com.
1776 comes to comic books.
It's a new comic book called Rebels.
There's an article up there, an interview that Jakari had with the author of the comic book.
We've got a copy of the comic book right there.
But before we do,
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Okay, Jakari, let's talk about this comic book that you've got.
Of course, we've got Paul Joseph Watson coming up with us in the next hour, and we're going to talk about an interesting interview with Robert Downey Jr.
promoting The Avengers coming up next week.
But let's talk about this comic book now.
This is set in 1776.
They're getting ready for the War for Independence.
And I had a chance to speak with the author of the piece, Brian Wood.
And for anybody who's interested in it, it's basically the story of the militia getting ready, gearing up for the war against the Redcoats.
But it goes beyond that.
Brian was very quick to point out that it goes to the social issues, the things that kind of led up to it.
It's not just about them fighting the Redcoats, it's about all the things that led up to it and the other things that happened around it.
So I think it's a pretty interesting piece.
You know, it's a piece of historical fiction.
It's definitely a fictional tale, but it's kind of the type of entertainment.
You can be educated while you're enjoying it, but it's not, you know, after-school special.
You know, kind of bland and dry.
So I think it's an enjoyable piece anybody's interested in.
The history series that they had was laughable.
We started to watch it and I think we turned it off maybe about two minutes into it.
It was so ridiculous.
We had read the reviews of it.
I don't
Not just an action series section, we would have sections about different wars and we would even subdivide it to that point.
We couldn't find, but about two or three videos that are, you know, movies that have been done about the American Revolution.
We got The Patriot from Mel Gibson.
We've got, I think it was Johnny Tremaine from Disney.
There really wasn't much stuff.
There was a musical, 1776, that was produced.
It's a musical, okay.
It's pretty hard to watch.
But it's very rare that it's there.
And when you see something like the History Channel that they did, it was just an excuse to have a period action piece that had absolutely nothing going on to it.
So, it'll be interesting to see that.
And I'm very excited about it.
And anybody who's interested can see the interview with the author Brian Wood on InfoWars.com.
And you know, it's interesting as we look at, as I mentioned, we're going to talk about the political aspects and the way that Robert Downey Jr.
was shamed for having said something about conservatives and liberals in this interview when he was promoting the Avengers coming up.
It's interesting, next year they're going to have, in the Avengers series, it's going to be Civil War.
And you know comic books, and you know that when they came up with the Civil War series, it was done in reaction to the Patriot Act.
And the idea that they were going to violate people's privacy, that they passed a law saying that all the superheroes are going to have to unmask.
And so it kind of sets up a conflict between Captain America and Iron Man, where Iron Man becomes the face of the military-industrial complex.
Well, he already is.
He just becomes the fire on the pillar.
Yeah, he wins the Sheldon Adelson primary, I guess, backing him in the Civil War.
Well, thank you very much, Shikari Jackson, and we're going to be back in the next hour with Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to talk about that interview with Robert Downey Jr., as well as the Marines training to take on Americans on the street.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
And with me in this segment is Jakari Jackson.
And we've been talking about a variety of issues.
In this segment, I want to talk to him about something he covered last night on the Nightly News.
And of course, if you're not a subscriber to the Nightly News...
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But last night, Jakari, when you were hosting the nightly news, you talked about this article, the VA's office is colluding with the FBI and the ATF to disarm vets.
That's right, so basically if you're a veteran and you go to the VA, even if you have the most benign reason, you just happen to mention to the doctor, I'm having difficulty balancing my checkbook, that's somehow now a red flag for gun confiscation.
You can't be trusted.
Or you're having difficulty sleeping or whatever, you know.
Oh, okay.
They can just, merely one person can label you.
And then once they label you in the system, now they're sharing that information with the FBI.
With the FBI and the NICS background check system.
So if you guys go to any gun store, you go to Cabela's, you go to Academyware to buy your firearm, now this information is going to be included in that background check and could potentially cost you the right to purchase a firearm.
And it's very interesting to me, David, that they'll send these guys overseas to die, to fight for their country, but the guys who survive,
They come back and they try any excuse to take away your firearm.
They come back and they tell you you can't worship the gods you want at Fort Hood.
It's completely ridiculous what they're doing to our veterans.
As he points out in this article that we have up on Infowars.com, says the VA will provide an encrypted compact disc exchanged via mail to the FBI no less than quarterly.
Inclusion in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.
That's the NICS you're talking about.
And this is the comment from one of the veterans that's in the article.
He said, what concerns me is basically they've taken away constitutional rights without due process.
They said they would maintain all this information in only the VA database.
So if she were to go out and get a firearm, they said, sure.
But we found out that they send all that information to the FBI and the ATF.
They basically lied to us.
It's like a no-fly list.
Once you get on it, you cannot get off.
That's right, because David, you remember when everybody was talking about these gun registries, everybody wanted you to believe that, oh, we're going to take your information, but we're just going to keep it in this one little box, regardless of where you went.
You went to the doctor with Obamacare, whatever.
This shit's going to stay here, and that's all that's going to happen to it.
But now we see clear as day, even though we knew it was going to come down to this, is they're sharing your information with other people, trying to take away your Second Amendment rights.
And I remember in the wake of some of these mass shootings, hearing
Republicans, conservatives, even the NRA, pushing the idea that we needed to tie into psychiatrists' database and medical databases and everything.
We needed to screen people for this.
And at the time I said, they're going to misuse this, they're going to, this is just the opinion of one person.
Basically can take away your civil rights without any due process whatsoever.
That's the danger of this.
And lo and behold, you go to the doctor and there's somebody who just hates guns in general.
And now they're like, well, you don't need a gun in the first place, but now I'm going to deem you mentally deficient, mentally incompetent to even own a firearm.
And who gets to decide?
And that's the thing that people don't understand, is you have people who don't even like guns in the first place trying to discredit you from owning one.
So any little thing about you, you know, if, you know, I can't even think of.
It's just the opinion of one person.
The property, okay, with committing a crime and take that property.
So I think maybe the people who ought to be committed into an insane asylum are the people who wrote these laws charging property.
They certainly ought to be put in jail.
Thank you so much, Chakari, for joining us and stay with us in the next segment.
We're going to have Paul Joseph Watson joining us from the UK.
We'll be right back.
We're good.
A great way to fight the vax-pushing big pharma propaganda comes from Natural Blaze's article, Parent Offers Epic Response to Vaccine Homework.
The brainwashing excerpt comes from a reading comprehension homework assignment titled, Medicine, and reads, Sometimes during a checkup, the doctor will give you medicine that helps keep you from getting sick.
This medicine is called a vaccine.
A vaccine can keep you from getting measles, mumps, and other illnesses.
The diligent parent crossed out the reading assignment questions and wrote the following, Please send homework.
I've decided not to have Blink do this homework and will ask to not have her do school or homework on drugs and shots.
This is a serious and complicated issue that should be between her parents and her health care provider.
At her age, she cannot make the informed decisions about the risks.
This appears to be propaganda.
Author Heather Callahan concludes, if children are brainwashed to believe that vaccines are a necessary part of health, they'll never flinch at the idea of forced injections.
She is correct, and there appears to be a collusion between publishing, education, and big pharma industries.
Like you didn't know that already.
Kudos to this parent for speaking out.
Rob Dew for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today on this Thursday, April 23rd, 2015.
And of course, we've been talking to Jakari Jackson about the Obama announcement of the collateral damage.
The innocent people who were killed back in January, three Americans, an Italian,
And of course saying that they very much regret that that happened.
Making a formal apology about it.
Never making an apology for the thousands that they've killed.
The open criminality, I think, is the theme that we see today running throughout the news.
It's certainly what I see.
The fact that we've got a government that not only moved to hold a gun to our heads to force us to buy insurance in ways and means that we didn't necessarily want.
Taking away our choice in that.
Now they're holding a gun to our head to take away our choice in medication.
They've already held a gun to our heads and stolen property from us on the streets, civil asset forfeiture, where they don't charge us with a crime, they just take that.
We've also got the government who is openly spying on us, without apologies, without regrets, and without making any excuses about how they're violating their oath to the Constitution.
And so, when I look at all that, I see this news about cities that are
Robbing people by shortening the yellow light times.
And to me, even though that may sound like a small thing to you, this is a lot of money.
And this really hits us where we live, and I think if we look at some of these things that are close to us, we can wake people up who are basically asleep to the larger issues, who don't really understand how they're putting together a complete infrastructure of tyranny and connecting all the pieces together.
It's not just the secret trade agreements.
They're putting all of the pieces together.
That's what we're going to be talking to Paul Watson about when he joins us as we see them training to take on Americans in the streets with the military.
If we do wake up, if there is some kind of a catastrophe or an economic collapse, they are going to use the iron fist against us.
That's what they're training for.
But just take a look at this kind of corruption.
This kind of in-your-face corruption.
We've got six cities caught shortening yellow lights.
Is this one where you live?
I don't
They say the city of Chattanooga was forced to refund $8,800 in red light camera tickets issued to motorists trapped by an illegally short yellow time.
So they have a legal limit as to what that's supposed to be.
And the reason that's there is because it makes it a lot more dangerous if you shorten it up to red lights.
People will slam on their brakes and get rear-ended.
And that's what we see happening with these red light cameras.
So it's not just a racket that they're doing, but it's also a racket that makes it more dangerous on the street.
And it's a racket that they do in cooperation with corporations.
We've got LaserCraft in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the private vendor that runs the camera program in return for a cut of the profits.
There you go.
Give me a cut of the loop.
And they lied to them.
They lied to the judge when they took this into court.
The judge, however, went out to this one particular intersection in question and he timed it himself.
He said, you guys are lying.
Now, Dallas, Texas.
The city's second highest revenue producing camera.
The second highest.
They did the same thing.
They shortened it.
They got 9,407 tickets worth over $705,000 in just eight months in 2007.
Crime pays, doesn't it?
Also, Springfield, Missouri is another one.
Lubbock, Texas.
Nashville, Tennessee.
In Nashville, Tennessee, the way they found it in 2006, was a resident there, Joe Savage, obtained data on every red light running ticket issued on Broadway Street since 2000.
You can shut it down.
One person can shut this down, especially if we stand together.
But this was a major factor even going back to the recent election in Chicago, where Rahm Emanuel was running for re-election.
He was forced into a runoff, and the guy who was running against him, I think his name was Chuy Garcia,
Made it a big issue.
Now the Illinois House has voted to ban red light cameras, except in Chicago.
Chicago gets an exception.
The reason, they say, is because this is in municipalities that don't have home rule.
In other words, they have less of a population than 25,000 people.
They say that the Chicago Tribune did a report.
It triggered a federal investigation into allegations that the Chicago camera company was involved in a $2 million bribery scheme.
And the alleged bag man in the scheme has pled guilty to bribery.
They have also indicted the former CEO of the since-fired vendor, Red Flex Traffic Systems.
So we'll see what happens with that.
But nevertheless, they have made a lot of money.
Just in Chicago, there are millions of tickets that have been done in the last several years.
And when they shorten up these lights, that's the way they rob you on the streets.
Again, I'm reminded of the fact that Lysander Spooner said the difference between the government
And a highway robber is the highway robber steals your money and leaves you alone, but the government takes your money and then follows you, nagging you down the road.
And we also have an election coming up.
And there's people who are tossing their hat in to the ring pretty much every day.
One of the people who came out yesterday, it was reported on the Drudge Report, this is Carly.
Hear her roar.
He linked to this article from Eleanor Cliff.
Now, of course, Eleanor Cliff is not a Republican, so she was kind of harsh on Carly.
But, you know, if you hear her in her own words, it's bad enough.
It's one of the most sexist things I've ever seen.
Now, she's saying that she's going to take away the gender card from Hillary Clinton.
And she says she's not going to allow Hillary Clinton to run on identity politics.
You know, vote for me simply because I'm a woman.
We're hearing that all the time.
And yet, listen to what Carly Fiorina said.
Let's see, is her name Fiona?
Yeah, Fiorina.
She's in California.
She ran for Senate there.
She couldn't even beat Barbara Boxer.
I don't think she's going to be able to beat Hillary Clinton.
But this is what she said.
Carly said, get women involved in any problem and the problem gets better.
Can you imagine if a man were to say that in reverse?
Get a man involved in a problem and the problem gets better.
The data is clear.
That's what she said.
She says, it's not that we haven't seen a man's judgment clouded by hormones in the Oval Office, in a not-so-veiled reference to Bill Clinton.
But of course, she also pushed back against claims that she didn't have any experience in government.
She says, well, I'm not a political, not a professional politician.
Well, the only reason she's not is because she couldn't beat Barbara Boxer.
But then she gives her qualifications.
She says that she's worked on consulting gigs with the State Department and the CIA.
Well, I guess she's eminently qualified if she worked for the CIA, because that's the way the entire government works now, is if everything is a national security secret.
Of course, we've also got a massive case of hypocrisy going on at MSNBC.
We've got multiple people now.
It's up to four.
This is the fourth one who's come out with, you know, they're constantly pushing big government, constantly pushing wealth redistribution.
And yet these people apparently are not paying their taxes, even though they're telling you that you need to pay your taxes and redistribute income.
But it's nothing compared to what the Clintons are doing.
Reuters did an investigation on their own of the Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton Foundation, and they found that the family's charities are refiling at least five annual tax returns after they found errors in how they reported donations from governments.
And they say they may audit other Clinton Foundation returns in case of other errors.
Now, for three years in a row, beginning in 2010, the Clinton Foundation reported to the IRS that they had received zero funds from foreign and U.S.
Those entries were untrue.
Actually, several foreign governments had contributed tens of millions of dollars to the Clintons.
And it's interesting that not only is Reuters doing this investigation, but the New York Times is looking at this as well.
We've got the book that's coming along, and they referred to this book, Clinton Cash, that's going to be released shortly.
But they also did a full article about another pay-for-play scandal.
Cash flowed to Clinton Foundation as Russians pressed for control of Uranium Company.
And I gotta say that when the New York Times is piling on to the Clintons, they're in big trouble.
I still think she's going to come out of this, but it certainly looks like even the establishment liberal press is coming after her big time.
Listen to what happened back in January 2013, they say.
There was an article that detailed how the Russian Atomic Energy Agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium mining stakes that went from Central Asia to the American West.
Now this has made it one of the largest uranium producers in the world,
And when the Russians took this over, it brought Putin closer to the goal of controlling the global uranium supply chain.
But, the untold story, they say, behind this is one that involves not just Vladimir Putin, but also Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton.
At the heart of the tale, they say, are several men who are leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who were major donors to Bill Clinton and his family.
They eventually sold all this off to the Russians.
They created a company called Uranium One.
Now, the reason that the State Department got involved with this is because, of course, uranium is considered to be a strategic mineral with national security implications, so it had to be approved by a lot of different government agencies, including the State Department.
And the interesting thing about it is that when Hillary Clinton's State Department approved this, they immediately received donations from these Canadian mining executives.
And this is something that is going to be explored in detail in the upcoming book, Clinton Cash.
But as I point out, the Clinton Foundation right now has $250 million in assets.
And here's the punchline.
At the very end of the article, they talk about how, well, they looked at this and there was supposed to be no export allowed of this uranium.
That's how they justified this.
That didn't happen.
They're exporting it to a lot of different countries.
And they have changed, they've taken the company private, and they have changed the name to ARMS.
There you go.
Right out in the open.
That's what I say.
The corruption and the pay-for-play
Is right out in the open.
One of the things that we always look at this, of course, is to know that elections are an advanced auction of stolen goods.
As I've mentioned before, that was what HL Mencken pointed out, and it is even more true today.
It's always been true, but it's also not just buying influence before things happen, but it is also now quite clearly a selection, more than it is an election.
We just pointed out yesterday that we've got a lot of Republican candidates that are going to be going to the Koch Brothers to get donations.
Well, of course, there's something called the Sheldon Primary.
And we're going to talk about that when we come back.
A very rich casino operator who spent nearly $100 million on the last election, he has his own personal primary because there's a pot of gold at the bottom.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
Joining me now is Paul Joseph Watson from the UK.
Of course, next week we're going to have the premiere of The Avengers Part 2.
And Robert Downey Jr.
is making the tours, promoting the movie.
He went to an interview in the UK where the guy tried to shame him and out him as a conservative.
We're going to play that for you and let Paul break that down with some comments on it.
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Joining us now is Paul Joseph Watson.
Paul, thanks for joining us.
Hi, David.
Good to be back.
Let's start out real quickly.
Let's just run this clip and we'll get your comments on it.
This is Robert Downey Jr.
Of course, this is part of his promo tour for Avengers 2 coming out next week.
Let's run this clip and see what this interviewer in the UK did to him.
I'd really like to ask you about a quote you gave to the New York Times.
I don't want to pry, so if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine.
But what you said to the New York Times once was, it was after your incarceration, and you said, you can't go from a $2,000 a night hotel suite to a penitentiary and understand it and come out a liberal.
And I just wondered what you meant by that.
Well, the funny thing is, and I appreciate your point of view, things that you said five, seven years ago were things you said in an interview that made sense to you at the time.
I could pick that apart for two hours and be no closer to the truth than I'd be giving you some half-assed answer right now.
I couldn't even really tell you what a liberal is, so therein lies the answer to your question.
The statement sort of stands by itself, doesn't it?
I mean, does that mean you're not a liberal, or that you came out of prison not being a liberal?
Are we promoting a movie?
To me, the thing is that it's... I'm certainly not going to backpedal on anything I've said, but I wouldn't say... Actually, I wouldn't say I'm a Republican or a Liberal or a Democrat.
I think when I was talking to the person who was doing the interview that day, and that just happened to be my opinion.
That's the nice thing, is you can have opinions and they kind of change and flow.
Yeah, well that's life and that's growing older, I suppose, isn't it?
I mean, you say we're promoting an interview, I mean, uh, promoting the movie.
I mean, obviously you're doing a promotional round of interviews and that's why we're talking about the movie, but we also would like to talk a little bit about you and I don't know how comfortable you are, you know, talking about yourself at the moment.
You have as much time as anyone else will.
Yeah, well okay, well then let me just ask you a few more questions and you can answer them if you want to and not if you don't want to.
Well I think we've got three more minutes on our agreement.
Your foot's starting to jump a little bit, you better get to your next question.
The reason I'm asking about the past is that you've talked in other interviews again about your relationship with your father and the role of all of that in, you know, the dark periods you entered and taking drugs and drinking and all of that.
And I just wondered whether, you know, you think you're free of all of that or whether that's still something you... I'm sorry, I really don't.
What are we doing?
Well, I'm just asking questions.
Okay, at this point he gets up and he walks off.
Paul, what about that?
What are your comments on that, Paul?
It's pretty amazing.
Well, this guy Krishnan Guru Murthy, who is a vehement liberal, is known for these kind of gotcha interviews.
He did one with Quentin Tarantino, probably about a year ago, where he pushed him over and over again on the question of violence.
So he begins by saying, you know, I'll ask you this question, if you don't want to answer it, that's fine.
Downey Jr.
answers the question and then he keeps pushing it over and over again.
And basically, behind the scenes it's known that Downey Jr.
is a conservative slash libertarian.
But in Hollywood, not being a liberal is a career killer.
And James Woods, another famous actor, came out back in 2013 and said that he never expected to get any work again in Hollywood because he criticised
Our Lord and Saviour, Barack Obama.
So the reaction to this interview, and at the end of it Downey Jr.
basically walks out because he starts asking him about his prior drug use and his relationship with his father when he was supposed to be there to promote a movie.
The reaction is that this is basically conservative shaming.
I mean, he says, you know, over and over again, so you're not a liberal, you're not a liberal.
He's trying to shame Robert Downey Jr.
into admitting that he's not a liberal.
And this is a guy that has not injected politics into his career.
He has these views privately.
And yet there seems to be this obsession with this dominance in Hollywood of liberalism over conservatism to the point where holding any kind of conservative outlook... Hang on a second, Paul, we've got to take a break.
We're going to be right back.
Yeah, he said at the very beginning of the interview, I appreciate your point of view.
He wasn't fooled.
He knew exactly where this guy was going.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Facebook announced its plans to alter users' news feeds yet again on Tuesday in a move that will allegedly provide the right mix of updates from friends and news pages.
In a post entitled, News Feed FYI Balancing Content from Friends and Pages, the Facebook product manager and user experience researcher
Lay out how media content will be altered under the site's newest algorithm.
Media content is a key part of the experience for people on Facebook and we're committed to helping publishers find the right audience for their content, the article states.
A mere footnote at the end of the article also admits that the new change could negatively affect a page's reach.
Earlier this month in an article from the Columbia Journalism Review,
Freedom of the Press Foundation Executive Director Trevor Timm criticized Facebook's growing power over online news.
Go to InfoWars.com and read Facebook changes news feed algorithm to affect media content.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and joining us from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson.
We were just talking about and playing in the last segment the clip with Robert Downey Jr.
being interviewed in the UK.
Immediately the guy comes out, starts asking him whether he's a conservative or a liberal.
At the very beginning, Paul, he said, yeah, I appreciate your point of view.
In other words, like he knew exactly what this guy was doing.
And then he tries to walk this back and says, hey, you know, you can have opinions.
And they change over a period of time, but the guy just kept coming and coming.
And as you point out, you need to be an overt liberal to work in Hollywood.
It works against your career very much so, if they think that you're conservative or libertarian.
I think it was interesting, Paul,
The Wikileaks posting of these Sony emails, the logo that's at the very top of the posting is, and there you can see it right now if you're watching, it shows Sony, and of course Sony has the Marvel rights, and it was Robert Downey Jr.
was promoting The Avengers 2, another Marvel film, but Sony has the rights to Spider-Man.
And so they show Spider-Man, and he's lifting up his mask,
And instead of a face, what you see is the donkey logo from the Democrat Party, because that's what these emails show, Paul.
They show that the Sony Corporation has worked intimately with the Obama administration on issues like SOPA, TPP, the Transatlantic Partnership, also promoting with the interview the assassination of the North Korean president.
And they worked very closely, Paul, to get Obama elected, releasing Zero Dark Thirty, portraying Obama as being this decisive, heroic leader who took out Osama bin Laden days before the election, and promoting his torture programs in the process.
Your comments, Paul.
Hey, Paul?
Okay, we don't have Paul.
I think we've lost Paul on the feed there, guys.
I can hear you now, David.
Okay, okay.
Go ahead, Paul.
Your comments.
Yeah, the whole tone of this interview was accusatory.
It was about shaming Robert Downey Jr.
into admitting, you know, God forbid, that he's a conservative.
And why that's important is because we know that Hollywood has vast influence over the minds of millions of Americans.
That's why the CIA, the US Army, gets involved with these Hollywood blockbusters.
In many cases, vets the scripts of top Hollywood films.
Because they know the influence that it wields culturally and in a narrative sense over the minds of millions of Americans.
So, it's, you know, Stephen Crowder wrote, quote, culture is upstream from politics and liberals know it.
They have to protect and maintain their territory in Hollywood.
People with dissenting viewpoints must be snuffed out.
They don't want libertarians or conservatives who have influence in Hollywood and over their fans.
I mean, you know, Robert Downey Jr.
is huge at the moment.
He's in The Avengers.
He's in Iron Man.
They don't want those kind of people with that influence.
Influencing the millions of Americans who watch their movies with differing political viewpoints than the standard progressivism that the usual Hollywood set propagates.
And we know this because in LA there's this secret underground, almost secret society, network of 2,000 people
A lot of actors, other people who work in Hollywood, who are conservatives, but have to hide their political beliefs so as to maintain getting work in Hollywood.
And that was revealed by Victoria Jackson, a former Saturday Night Live cast member.
She revealed that to the Huffington Post in 2012.
And then, of course, you had James Woods saying that he would never get work again as a result of criticising Obama.
So literally in Hollywood, there are libertarians and conservatives that have to conceal their political viewpoints because they know they won't get work.
They will be discriminated against for not towing this leftist narrative.
Yes, exactly.
And we've seen, as we pointed out earlier this week, these revelations of the Sony emails.
I mean, first when we saw it in regards to the interview, we saw the State Department and the Rand Corporation.
Actively working with Sony saying, yeah, we need to put out this narrative.
We need to show the assassination of Kim Jong-un so we can get that into the mindset of the South Koreans.
And we know that those DVDs will go across the border into South Korea.
We can establish that with the South Koreans as well.
And we see all of this tight coordination between Sony and the Obama administration, not only just to get Obama reelected, but also to push their agenda.
I think it was interesting when Robert Downey Jr.
said, wait a minute, are we promoting a movie here?
He said that in the interview.
You know, and that's the thing.
People need to understand how the movies are being used to program us.
And I think that's one of the valuable things we can get from looking at these Sony emails that have leaked out.
Of course, one of the other things is the upcoming movie about Ed Snowden.
That's going to be done by Sony.
And they just edited the press release just this last week to say, well,
Don't say that they're criminally spying on people.
Just say that it's controversial.
Don't say that they're bugging people.
Just say that they did various actions.
I mean, they really toned that down in it.
I think, Paul, when we look at Marvel Studios, they've done a much better job.
I look at Captain America, Winter Soldier.
I can't imagine that movie.
We're good to go.
Yeah, and I think there's been a noticeable shift in Hollywood and, you know, in the movie industry.
Ten years ago, in the few years after 9-11, there was a huge emphasis on statism and surveillance being good and, you know, everything being for the greater good.
Over the past five, six, seven years, I think we've kind of seen that shift.
Like you mentioned with Captain America and other movies, where drones are not seen as a positive force and surveillance is not always seen as a positive force and we can't always trust the government.
So there's been a shift, but there are still, for example, sitcoms.
A lot of the propaganda is now more in sitcoms.
We had a story a couple of months ago, a Comedy Central sitcom, I can't remember the name, but they had one of the main characters sitting there reading a website with a crazy headline, something about Elvis and Michael Jackson, I can't even remember.
But the design of the website was a mirror image almost of Infowars.com.
And then obviously Alex talks about the other movie which completely failed, again I forget the name of it, I haven't watched it, where the guy's up ranting about, you know, Jews and the N-words and saying, I'm an Alex Jones listener.
So, you know, we still see some of that propaganda, but in general I think it's starting to shift in the movie industry, where more pro-liberty, anti-surveillance messages are being put through.
And obviously they're very concerned about it, which is now why they're trying to shame people
For holding libertarian viewpoints.
Yeah, I think it's very interesting, especially in the Captain America franchise, and I think it's going to take on a life of its own.
Next year they have the Civil War series, that's where Captain America is headed, this conflict between Iron Man, who represents the military-industrial conflicts, and Captain America, who represents
The America that used to have a rule of law, the America that used to respect civil liberties and the Constitution.
And so, that's going to be a very interesting story narrative as it's developing.
So, I don't know, this particular one that's coming up next week, it may just be a popcorn movie, but it may have some of those themes in it.
I think they've got so many different superheroes in it, they probably won't get into anything very deep like they do in the Captain America series.
Again, I think that you're not going to see that kind of thing coming out of Sony.
Out of Sony, you're going to see direct programming.
So it kind of makes me wonder.
I know Oliver Stone is a pretty opinionated director.
He's got his own ideas about how he's going to do things.
I wonder if there's going to be a big conflict between Sony and Oliver Stone as he does this Ed Snowden movie.
We've already seen how they've censored the press release for it.
Well, of course, there was already an Ed Snowden documentary released, I believe it was late last year, early this year, called Citizen 4, which was excellent because it just told the story of basically what he went through and what happened.
It wasn't, you know, dramatised or anything like that, and that was a really good documentary slash film.
So, you know, Oliver Stone is...
Obviously, he's quite an extreme leftist, but in terms of surveillance, I think he's probably a good ally, so if he's behind it, I would expect it to be of quite high quality.
Yeah, I think he's pretty much in the same position as we are in terms of being alarmed at what our government is doing in terms of destroying the rule of law, in terms of dragnet surveillance.
Let's talk about this other article that you've got up, Marines Conduct Riot Control Drill.
Tell us a little bit about that, and we'll play that video after you set it up.
Yeah, this was another drill, yet another drill.
We've seen a spate of these in recent weeks.
Out of Virginia, where they're basically training at the Naval Weapons Station in Yorktown, Virginia.
Again, to take on angry protesters.
It shows Marines with batons, pepper spray and rifles going toe-to-toe, basically, with these protesters who are throwing objects at them.
And the interesting thing about this is
The Marines themselves released the video.
This is quite a high-quality production.
And again, they say, this is only for overseas operations.
Yet, they're releasing the video for the consumption of the American public.
This is just a private training course, a drill for overseas combat.
Why do they feel the need to put it on the internet in the first place?
What kind of message does that send?
Let's make it clear that
The U.S.
military has never operated in terms of, like, on the ground, in the streets, troops to control riots whenever they occupy a country.
And we go in, like, just as the British military would do, just as the Romans would do, they get local people to do that.
That's why we have the Iraqi police that they created, that they trained.
So they're going to go in, and they're going to not use Marines to do this kind of thing when they go into an occupied country.
They're going to get some citizens who will work as police for them to do this.
So, this is something that they're doing to train here for America, and we should be very, very concerned that this is something that's being done by the Marines.
This is not even the National Guard.
I mean, we just saw the National Guard in this Richmond, California exercise, and they said it was a dirty bomb exercise.
The people who videotaped that and reported on that said they didn't see any exercises where people were being helped.
Merely they had crowd control exercises, and of course there was that person that we got a videotape of, they sent to us.
He started saying, I'm a sovereign citizen, you don't have any authority over me, and then at that point they charged them and started pushing them back.
So now the Marines are doing this as well.
Let's run that clip.
They're all massed up together.
They got shields.
Breaking news, this just in.
We just received a tip about an operational readiness exercise conducted at the Naval Weapons Station in Yorktown, Virginia.
Marines training for riot control.
That's right.
Marines training for riot control.
Per the usual, the exercise was given the cover story of overseas preparation.
Sergeant Andrew S. Wilbur, a non-lethal weapons instructor, said of a similar exercise, quote, Consider they are hypothetically operating within an embassy.
However, as we've been following for weeks, public concerns are running high amidst the recent Fort Lauderdale FEMA camp roundup drills and Ontario, California, martial law training.
Participants in this latest training exercise were the Bravo Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team Company.
Oddly, the high production footage you're seeing right now is directly from the Department of Defense.
It is a professional news package intended for the public to see.
So this exercise actually has a two-fold effect.
First, the Marines are training for riot and crowd control on American soil, where Tea Partiers and Constitutionalists are constantly demonized by politicians and the media.
In the event of civil unrest, these same Marines could deploy this training upon Americans.
Second, the media production aspect of this is chilling because it shows they're doing this in full public view.
They want this to be seen.
Because they want the public to accept Marines, not police, conducting riot control during the coming martial law and societal breakdown.
You're absolutely right.
While training is a common part of military life, these tactics are suspect in context of our other reports.
I implore you to please review the content that is on this channel to gain the full perspective.
And, most importantly, please be prepared for the unknown days that lie ahead.
I'm Gary Franchi.
Yeah, he's signing off there.
That's Gary Franchi of the Next News Network, and he was the one, that was the voice that you heard.
That's truly amazing, but you know, his conclusions, I agree with him 100%.
Paul, Gary Franchi said that this is to condition the American public.
I think that's a large part of what Jade Helm is about, and of course, they're coming back to Bastrop County.
They're going to have another county commissioner's meeting, because they've already had one.
To give them the okay when the public didn't know about it.
Now the public is upset about this in-your-face propaganda, the military training on the streets.
And so they're going to have another meeting this coming Monday evening, April 27th.
So people who are in Texas, we need to show up there and tell them what we think about this.
Go ahead, Paul.
Yeah, the key point again, the Army, the National Guard, whoever it is, they always regurgitate this idea, this talking point, this is for foreign overseas operations, and the mainstream media, again, just parrots that every single time.
But if you read the Army's own manuals, which is in our article, Beyond Denial, Preparations for Martial Law on Info Wars, Civil Disturbance Operations, this is a leaked 2012 Army manual, dozens of pages,
It makes it clear that this training is dual purpose.
For quote, dissidents within CONUS, the Continental United States.
Yes, it's for overseas, but it's also for domestic unrest.
Because if you actually dig into that manual, they talk about re-educating Americans into a new appreciation of US policies.
Within, this is a quote, within the United States or US territories during civil support operations.
So the army makes it clear that this training is dual purpose.
And then you place it in the wider context of what came out of the Davos Economic Forum back in January where the economist Robert Johnson said,
The elites, the wealthy, are buying hideaway remote places and land in countries like New Zealand and others because they're afraid of this growing wealth inequality, a lack of faith in the political system in America.
Which could lead to civil unrest, like we saw in Ferguson, Missouri.
So not only do the US Army admit that they're preparing for this domestically, now the elite recognize this threat.
That's why they're buying these secret remote hideaways in countries like New Zealand.
So when you place it in that wider context, it completely eviscerates the argument that this is solely for overseas operations.
Well, and of course, as you pointed out, we see that in their documents.
They talk about how this is for use, CONUS, on continental United States.
We also had some of the documents that showed that they were talking about collecting social security numbers for the people that they were putting in these re-education camps.
I think it's very chilling to see the drill, for example, in Fort Lauderdale, where they've got civilians that they're rounding up in the dead of night.
They've got them marching them single file with soldiers on either side of them and then putting them in white vans and then driving them away.
This isn't what they do in other countries.
And you know what?
It isn't what we need to be training to do anyway in other countries.
We need to back off of being invaders, back off of being an empire that occupies countries.
We need to realize that we have never won as a government in asymmetric warfare where we are the occupying forces.
Haven't won it.
They readily admit that when they're talking about it back in 2005.
We looked that up when we went to A.P.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back.
Paul Joseph Watson.
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We're good to go.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and we're talking to Paul Joseph Watson in the UK.
We've been talking about the new video of U.S.
Marines, and this is something that was not taken by citizen activists.
This was something that was professionally done and released by the Marine Corps for the public to see.
So we can see that they're going to use the Marines to shut down any unrest in America.
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Let's go back to Paul.
As we were just talking about this, I think one of the things that concerns me the most is, of course, the founders of this country did not want to see a permanent standing army.
They didn't want to see our government getting involved in foreign wars abroad because, as they pointed out, every time that happens, these standing armies that are fighting supposedly to protect us abroad always come back and are the means of tyranny at home.
And so I'm not reassured when I see these types of things and they say, well, don't worry, we're not going to use this against you.
We're only going to use it abroad.
I know how that eventually turns out, even if they were to do something like that.
But that is not the way they have fought these asymmetric warfare exercises.
That's not the way they occupy a country.
They use indigenous people as the immediate police.
They come in with different kinds of military operations in these counterinsurgencies.
Yeah, and we know that the true target is eventually the American people.
I mean, it came out a few days ago, CNN, the Missouri National Guard, and this is aside from the whole Michael Brown argument, but they identified the demonstrators there as quote, enemy forces.
That's what they described them as in their own internal memos.
And then we can go back to the New Hampshire situation where they purchased that Bearcat armoured vehicle.
The police chief justified the purchase of the vehicle by saying they needed to deal with the threat posed by Occupy activists and Libertarians free staters in New Hampshire.
So this is why we're seeing this militarisation of police.
And it's a massive concern, as is Jade Helm.
But then you get this counter-narrative, which is being seized upon by the mainstream media and used as ammunition.
Where, you know, these closed Walmart stores are all being turned into FEMA camps.
Which again is complete bunkum, there's no evidence for that.
They would not build FEMA camps in public view.
And yet, while that's being peddled on YouTube with hundreds of thousands of views, we have the orders, the contracts from KBR and Homeland Security from 2006-2011, where they're contracted to build internment camps.
Yet that gets ignored, the concrete meat and potatoes that you can prove, and replaced by all these wild theories about Walmarts being turned into FEMA camps.
The mainstream media seizes upon that and says, look, these conspiracy theorists who are concerned about martial law and civil unrest, they're all insane because they think Walmarts are going to become FEMA camps.
This is crazy.
And it is.
And that gives them the opportunity to ignore what we document in the article, you know, Beyond Denial, Preparations for Martial Law.
This step-by-step, verifiable, manifestly provable advancement towards martial law, towards this, you know, training to deal with domestic unrest.
Hang on, we've got to go to break.
Can you stay with us one more segment, Paul?
All right, great.
We're going to talk about this more when we come back.
And of course, in New Hampshire, the retired military officer said very quick, better than we were in Fallujah.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, and joining me from the UK is Paul Joseph Watson.
We've been talking about this video that was released showing the Marines, and it was released by our government as, I think, a PSYOP operation to get us accustomed to the idea that we've got military in the streets.
I think that's a huge part of what Jade Helm is about.
Joe Biggs actually got an email from one of the people that he used to serve with, who, when we first started talking about Jade Helm, he said, be quiet, you're going to ruin the PSYOP.
This is a PSYOP.
So, we know what they're training for.
We know they're training for the American people.
It's kind of like when they did a training exercise right at the border of Russia, and there was that interview with Vladimir Putin, and the guy was asking him about that, and he said, well, those aren't directed towards you.
And Vladimir Putin just laughed for about 20 seconds.
Come on.
We know when they're training for us.
We know the way they're training.
We know the asymmetric warfare centers that they've got inside the military bases.
We've seen the scenarios they've talked about.
And we know that there's a lot of people who are rightfully concerned about an economic meltdown.
Look at this story that just came up on Infowars.com.
This is from Reuters.
Puerto Rican officials
Warned that the government shutdown there is imminent.
They say that they are broke.
Puerto Rico's top finance officials said the government of the U.S.
territory will likely shut down in three months because of a looming liquidity crisis and warned of a devastating impact on the island's economy.
We look at that and we look at all the news about the war on cash and we talked about that just yesterday with Paul Joseph Watson how they are telling people you can't
Thank you.
Well, I mean, I came on here long before the Ferguson riots and said that there are going to be riots and civil unrest inside America, and that's been proven correct.
The CFR, they exhibited their concern about it last year.
They said this is all part of the American distemper, in their own words.
You know, we have the big new Brzezinski saying there's a global political awakening, which has basically spiralled out of the control of the elite.
We see these statements continually again out of Davos.
Robert Johnson said that the elite are buying hideaways in New Zealand to prepare for mass unrest as a result of wealth inequality.
And this lack of faith in the political system, you know, Congress record low approval ratings,
And they're genuinely concerned about it, so people should get beyond the denial, but also have discernment in not thinking that because Walmart closed these five stores across the country for reasons of, in one case in California it was to oppose unionization and the employees trying to get better pay and working conditions, don't then conflate that with all this documented evidence of preparation for martial law.
Because, you know,
Two police cars parked outside a closed Walmart doesn't mean that they're going to turn it into a FEMA camp.
It means that they're guarding the stock from looters because there's nobody there.
There's no staff there.
So we've got the admitted examples of where they're contracted to build these internment facilities.
That kind of gets ignored and dismissed.
I'll tell you what's interesting, Paul, is that they keep... And then the media seizes upon it.
And it's like, oh, look at what the tinfoil hatters are saying now.
Walmart, FEMA camps.
They do the same trick every single time.
And what we're going to hear, I know when they have this Jade Helm 15 meeting in Bastrop County, we're going to hear that we do this kind of training all the time.
We all know that this is not customary.
We all know that this hasn't been going on all the time.
And very few people know, we reported it here at InfoWars, but it was last summer.
That the Pentagon shut down a program giving surplus equipment to fire departments.
They shut it down for about a month.
They said they were going to discontinue it.
They've been doing that for 60 years.
And at the same time, they couldn't get enough MRAPs and armored personnel carriers into the hands of people who had arresting authority.
That's what Section 1033 was.
So they wanted to shut it down to the fire department and give it to the people who could arrest citizens.
Thanks for joining us.
Paul Joseph Watson, stay with us.
Anthony Gucciardi of Natural Society is going to be with us right after we come back.
He's going to talk about the deceiving vitamin studies and Monsanto's efforts to discredit the American Professional Trade Bureau.
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I see the red moon rising.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host, and joining me now is Anthony Gucciardi from Natural Society.
And of course, we've talked a lot on this show about how the new model for corporate cronyism is to basically hold a gun to your head and force you to buy their products, to use the government to do it.
But there's also...
They still operate in the old-fashioned way, and that is by deception and by marketing and by propaganda, and we've seen that this week in terms of the articles coming out, a couple of articles talking about how taking extra vitamins can do more harm than good and increase the risk of cancer.
And whenever I see this, I always ask, well, um, who's funding this?
And I looked at this article and they had numbers for the, well, this will go up this much percent and that sort of thing if you take too much.
But it's like, what is too much?
They don't even define what too much is and they don't even define
What they're talking about in terms of, you know, what kind of vitamins these are.
We just had a report not too long ago, Anthony.
It was beginning of February.
We learned that GNC, Target, Walmart, Walgreens were all accused of selling adulterated herbals and vitamins.
They said they had garbage in them.
That wasn't, in many cases, it wasn't what was advertised.
They're being called on the carpet about that.
So, I guess the question was,
What kind of vitamins were they getting?
Who was funding this study?
And what do they consider to be too much?
None of that stuff was put out there, but they do a very good job of firing a shot across the bow of anybody that's trying to help their health by taking supplements and doing research.
You know, I have a very unique perspective on this, because I've heard all the radio shows debating about this, and they have the experts on the nutritionists, and they're saying vitamins are good, all that.
We know that.
I actually agree with the study, and I'll tell you why.
Because they're studying the big pharma-run garbage vitamins.
So specifically, we're talking about the vitamins that, they say adulterated, it just means they're full of so many fillers that there's no real herbs inside of them, and that they're complete junk, and oftentimes made in China.
So, I think it is true that taking too many of certain vitamins can give you cancer, can give you heart attacks, you name it.
I think it destroys your endocrine system, and the research is on my side.
However, this study is extremely, extremely deceptive.
And it brings me back to 2011, when I actually wrote a piece called, Why Many Vitamin Studies Are Absolutely Worthless.
And this is 2011, when the real attack on vitamins began.
Now, specifically, what happens is they take, let's say, like vitamin E, which is one of my favorites, because every single time a vitamin study comes out, they always use vitamin E on the forefront, because they know, the researchers, if they have half a brain, that the natural form of vitamin E is super good, it has anti-aging effects, it gets rid of oxidation in the body, it's an antioxidant in many ways.
But then, the synthetic form, which is a petroleum-based version, so it's the runoff byproduct of petroleum,
The synthetic garbage kind, that can actually kill you and give you birth defects.
And you know, cause birth defects in children and cause other reproductive issues and destroy your endocrine system, like BPA does.
So they go in and they say, well gee, that form of vitamin E is bad.
So then what they do, these studies, these big pharma-backed studies, they go and create a system that says that vitamins are bad, where they only study the synthetic, fake, petroleum-based forms that we already know give you cancer.
So, the study's right, 100%.
If you're going to go into a pharmacy and you're going to take a $2 multivitamin, or now I see them as low as 99 cents, you go into that pharmacy and you buy that multivitamin, it's full of synthetic garbage chemicals, then of course you're going to get cancer.
And it's not just the vitamins either.
I mean, as you notice, a lot of these studies use Centrum.
Backed by the major big pharma corporations that make it.
And some of these actually have, I'm going to read a short little list, this is just a short, short list, some of these chemicals that are inside of these vitamins.
Aspartame for flavoring, first of all.
Synthetic vitamin forms, which we covered, so the fake vitamin E that we know causes birth defects, endocrine system disorders.
The coal tar extracted artificial coloring agents.
Right, so that's the FD&C Blue No.
2, Red No.
40, Yellow No.
6, hydrogenated oil, and of course they also have, oftentimes, GMO corn and other GMOs.
Yeah, that's like saying that corn is bad for you because so much of it is a GMO.
We know that if they're going to do a study on corn and see if people take a lot of corn.
Most likely they're going to get genetically modified corn, which is not the same as what many people are thinking of as corn.
But they don't want us to see that on the label.
They don't want us to know if it's organic corn or if it's non-GMO.
They hide that information from you, just like they're hiding that in these studies.
And it's funny you mention the GMOs.
It's exactly the same thing.
Because also, take it a step further.
The synthetic vitamins are bad, and GMOs are bad.
But are GMOs inherently bad because of the organization of the actual genetics inside of the crops and the seeds?
Probably, but what we know is bad is the roundup that Monsanto has created as the number one herbicide that is inside of the corn and sprayed on all the GMO crops, because they're resistant to it.
It's systemic.
It's not even something that you can wash off.
It's inside the corn, genetically put in there, so you can't get rid of the pesticide on the GMO corn.
They engineered it to have glyphosate inside of it.
Just like you can't get rid of the fillers inside of these vitamins.
And as long as it wasn't genetically modified, they could still spray it with pesticides, they could still do all that other kind of stuff, you know, but, and that would make it cheaper for them to raise, and people think that they're getting something that is quote-unquote organic when it's not.
That's the subtle ways that they use this labeling stuff to deceive people.
That's the big scam.
And it's just like how we've known for so long that Monsanto's Roundup herbicide with glyphosate in it, which they created and have the patent for, is killing people.
And the World Health Organization now agrees it's causing cancer, but we're spraying it anyway.
And scientists are saying, ban it, ban it, ban it.
And the debate is still not about whether or not we should be using Roundup, it's about the GMOs.
But the very reason that the GMOs are also toxic is the Roundup.
It's so complicated, but it's so simple when you break it down.
I wanted to talk about this study.
This is just one study.
There's thousands of them.
This is from 1992.
So this is talking about the differences between organic and garbage vitamin E. And it's breaking it down.
You can read the abstract here.
I've actually read the whole study.
Basically, what they find is that synthetic vitamin E, as I mentioned, causes birth defects and messes up the endocrine system.
And this is what we've been knowingly put into vitamins for so long.
And this is the petroleum-based form.
And then that's the reason I had to write this story that's up on InfoWars.com right now in the featured box.
How vitamin studies deceive the public into big pharma profits.
Now, this is really a deceptive, disgusting trick to say that vitamins are killing you without telling you what it is, as we've discussed.
So what it comes down to, in my opinion, is that they are losing the battle.
Big Pharma is losing the battle, Monsanto's losing the battle, and that ties into another report about how they're actually using trolls to attack us.
Because it's now been confirmed by a Monsanto employee, nonetheless, that Monsanto has an entire department
We're good.
It's someone that you've all seen them on the comments on Facebook or on InfoWars or wherever, where they're stirring up trouble for no real reason.
We've known they existed for a long time, the government doesn't, but now a Monsanto employee in an investors meeting publicly stated, not knowing that this was open to the public, that there was an entire department, because everyone's freaking out.
The World Health Organization is saying Roundup is bad for you and it's causing cancer.
They were all freaking out saying, what are we going to do about this?
And he said, rest assured, my friends.
We have an entire department working around the clock to discredit these scientists.
These scientists that care about your health.
They have a department to discredit us and they use BS and slander in attacking us on the comments over and over again.
Well, of course, if you look at these studies, I remember when we got those horrific pictures of that study that was done in France, feeding the rats GMO food, and they had these massive tumors all over their body, right?
And so then, what does the industry do?
They run another study, and they say, look, it didn't happen with our rats because they ran it for a very, very, very short period of time, compared to what the other guys did.
Okay, so that's the way they can game it.
They can fund any kind of study that they want.
They've got the media on their side, as you point out, because pretty much every ad that you hear anymore is an ad for the pharmaceutical companies or for Monsanto.
I remember years ago, we used to go to, we used to live in Florida, we used to go to Disney World pretty often and Epcot, of course, the food exhibit, the land, well, it was all sponsored by Monsanto.
You know, they had hydroponic gardens and they were showing how science was going to feed the world and everything.
What they weren't telling you about was the glyphosate.
The GMOs and all that sort of thing.
But they hung out there.
It's a massive, massive PR campaign.
Well, it reminds me of the town of Nitro that received $90 million because of the mass poisoning through Agent Orange and the creation of all that with Monsanto.
And it's just like, imagine, it's almost like idiocracy where Monsanto is just trying to prop itself up as some great corporation.
They should just take all the money they spend on marketing and use it for something else.
I mean, no one's buying it.
They've been voted the worst company in the world over and over and over again.
We've launched press releases declaring them the worst company in the world.
Everyone totally agrees that their reign is over, and that's why they have these trolls.
And on the flip side, Big Pharma is making more money now than ever.
This was the record year, even bigger in 2013, which was considered the pharmaceutical boom for a lot of people, because of course, Obamacare and all the deception on that.
But specifically now, Big Pharma
Is now becoming the new Monsanto.
They're launching these attacks on vitamins to keep people away from them, to think that their paradigm, their old health paradigm of pharmaceutical intervention is still the only way to live.
When we all know, everyone listening knows, that's total not true.
And they go to vitamins and they find, oh my God, it's actually changing me.
Oh my God, when I take these things, I'm actually having a difference.
I'm actually feeling better.
And they simply can't have that.
So what they say is it's a placebo.
It's a mental effect.
Because if they can psychologically get your mind, then they can get your physical body, and they can get your wallet, and they can get your paycheck.
That's the whole system.
If they can think, make you think that you're a quack.
See, they make you disbelieve that things are happening.
I mean, we've had people... It's just a conspiracy theory.
It's just a conspiracy theory.
It's just a conspiracy theory that they're creating petroleum-based vitamins.
I didn't know that about vitamin E. I knew that there were artificial sweeteners they wanted to avoid because they were petroleum-based.
It just amazes me that they would feed us petroleum.
It's just beyond soil and grain.
Stay with us.
We're going to be right back with Anthony Gucciardi of Natural Society.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight and we have with us Anthony Gucciardi from Natural Society.
We've just been talking about the ways that big pharmaceutical companies as well as Big Agra is deceiving us and lying to us.
We're getting some victories.
I think they're getting the message that people really want cleaner food.
This article from Mercola says that Coke and Pepsi are now going to remove flame retardant chemical from their products.
Isn't that nice?
We can now have that without drinking flame retardant.
It's just like I guess we can get bread from Subway without getting rubber mat chemicals.
You'd think they'd do that in the first place, obviously.
Just like you would think McDonald's 10-15 years ago would have started removing the crud from their food trying to stay competitive.
But the good news is that we are forcing them to do all these things.
Just like Hershey's, the major chocolate manufacturer, just agreed to remove high fructose corn syrup from the Hershey Kisses and their chocolate products.
That's good news.
I mean, it shouldn't have been in there in the first place.
High fructose corn syrup has mercury in it and it's undoubtedly making us fatter and killing us.
It is good news that these corporations are being forced to change, because after all, they haven't changed in how many decades, right?
So we've been pushing them over and over and over again and receiving victories time and time again.
And as far as I understand, Vermont just had a big GMO labeling victory as well, and we're still getting some more intel on that.
But over and over again, we seem to have these huge victories with Monsanto losing money, and it just ties back into how we were talking earlier about these companies paying internet trolls.
It reminds me of an article where Coca-Cola was found to pay these health leaders.
In different incentives like, oh, we'll give you a free car or whatever it was, in order to say that a healthy snack option was like a little bit of nuts and a small can of Coca-Cola.
So they were trying to say that Coca-Cola can fit in anyone's healthy diet as long as we have caloric restrictions and blah, blah, blah, which is total garbage, obviously.
But they were paying them off to say these things because they are desperate.
They won't have to pay people to say these things if it were true.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Now, what they're going to be taking out of this is BVO.
That's brominated vegetable oil.
They say that it was first patented as a flame retardant, but it's been added to American sodas for decades.
And, Anthony, this reminds me of what they're doing with this dye, this dye component.
They're getting pushed back in California, and it's been banned in a lot of countries.
But, of course, Coke and Pepsi, for years, would continue to put this dangerous dye into their sodas.
And the things are brown.
I mean, what is it?
I mean, it's not like it's some bright color that is going to increase consumption.
I mean, it's just to make it brown.
How many different dyes do you need to make something brown?
And of course, Coke said we're going to take it out and did take it out.
Pepsi, not so much.
They're going to continue to do it.
Yeah, Pepsi is going to continue to put that in.
It's like, why is that so important to them?
I mean, why do they have to have a fiery tarnish?
Why do they have to have dangerous dyes in their products when their products are brown?
It's just insane.
Well, you know, having an inside scoop on the supplement industry, talking to some of the biggest manufacturers, in fact, the biggest manufacturers in the world, sourcing products and everything like that, I can tell you why.
Because with companies like that, where it comes down to millions or billions of bottles and not thousands of bottles, one cent per bottle matters a lot.
I mean, a lot.
So if they can save two cents a bottle with a chemical that they get from China en masse for less than a penny per bottle, then they're actually going to fight millions and millions of dollars in lobbying fees to get that.
Because it will save them in the long run, maybe, because they don't think, like us, they don't think, well in a month, they think in 30 years it'll save us 500 million dollars.
And we're talking now,
We're good.
That's how serious it's getting.
They're marking it up over and over again with total contaminants, and that's what's happening with Coca-Cola and Pepsi.
They care about the one cent per bottle.
And I know that's true of the fast food companies, too.
That's why I don't like to, you know, if I'm going to get a hamburger, I want to eat at a local restaurant.
They advertise they've got organic burgers or organic meat or whatever.
I know that the local people are not going to try to cut corners like you point out.
If they can shave a penny off here or a penny off there, that's big bucks to them.
But it's going the local companies, the local restaurants are not going to do that because they know it's going to hurt their business and it's not going to save them much money.
So they have a disincentive financially to do that, whereas the other guys have an incentive to do precisely that.
We're talking about the way that they're pushing back on stuff and I think
One of the important things that happened in this last election, and we talked about it at the time, was that in Hawaii, there were organic farmers there that shut down the growing of Monsanto's GMO products there.
They did that in the election.
And that's been far more effective than trying to get the labeling through, is to shut it down at the source.
But there's an article up on Infowars.com today that now a federal judge is going in.
It looks like they're going to overturn the desires of the voters and the farmers.
Well, of course they are.
I mean, at the end of the day, also, the Supreme Court even has a Monsanto justice on the bench.
Well, we're out of time.
Thank you so much, Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Let's talk about the real war on women.
First wave feminism was a noble cause.
But modern feminists?
Well, instead of fighting for, say, paid and protected maternity leave, they want to ban words, shirts, and manspreading.
Come on!
That's cultural Marxism, which asserts that culture and language is responsible for oppressing women and not the state.
The truth is, the state encourages gender wars.
It's a divide-and-conquer tactic designed to keep us fighting amongst ourselves.
In fact, the feminist movement was hijacked by the political class to exploit women.
As the late Aaron Russo revealed, the Rockefellers bankrolled feminism.
Not because they had any interest in women's rights, but because women in the workforce was the ultimate trifecta.
The state collects more tax dollars, children are indoctrinated at an earlier age, and the traditional family structure destroyed.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
I'm going to take your calls in just a few moments if you want to call in about the stories we've been talking about today.
Of course, Obama expressing regret that he accidentally killed some Americans, never expressing any regret that he's killed thousands of innocent people with the drone assassination program.
We've also been talking about the video that was released by the government to condition us, I guess, to the idea that we're going to have Marines in our streets.
Working against anyone who is protesters, doing crowd control, doing riot control.
This is the way it begins, and of course you can see that footage right there.
We talked to Paul Joseph Watson about that quite a bit.
If you want to call in and talk about that or anything else we've talked about today, give us a call at 800-259-9231.
Before I get back to the news, I just want to let you know again that we have Silver Bullet, InfoWars Life's colloidal silver is now 50% off at InfoWarsLife store.
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I just want to run down through some of the news that's up on Infowars.com right now.
We've got, as I mentioned, with Paul Joseph Watson, Puerto Rico officials.
Or warning that there's going to be a government shutdown imminent in the next couple months unless they get bailed out.
That's the way it's starting.
It's not just in Europe, it's also here.
Of course, they're trying to find ways to stimulate the economy.
That's why they're talking about negative interest rates.
They've got to get us all to take our money out and spend it real quickly.
So they've got to punish us if we try to save it.
It's not enough to punish us through the tax code.
They've got to punish us with negative interest rates and to make sure that we don't just hold the cash in our pockets, in our mattresses.
They're going to try to do things to tax the cash, to abolish actually having cash.
That's been talked about by Citibank's chief economist.
We also have ex-CIA chief David Petraeus to be sentenced fairly soon for leaking military secrets.
Wow, do you think he's going to get the same kind of sentence that Manning did?
I don't think so.
I think you'll probably, he probably won't get a long enough sentence that he will miss this June's Bilderberg meeting.
I bet you'll see him there.
I don't think he's going to be doing any time in jail.
Not at all.
Of course, we've also got Deutsche Bank, which is not going to be doing any time in jail.
They've been fined a record $2.5 billion in rate rigging.
This was reported by Reuters.
and British regulators have fined Deutsche Bank $2.5 billion and its British subsidiary pleaded guilty to criminal wire fraud.
But of course, no matter what they do, whether it is money laundering or wire fraud, whatever, they're too big to jail.
We've got the LIBOR scandal, we've got money laundering that Citibank was caught in, as well as HSBC, now Deutsche Bank have been caught doing that.
But of course, Eric Holder said it wouldn't serve the interests of our country to put any of them in jail.
So they gave them a fine that amounts to a very short period of their profits.
Nothing against the individuals who set this up, who set up the money laundering for drug cartels, for terrorist organizations.
Nothing for these people who are rigging the financial markets, the LIBOR market, the commodities market, the stock market.
They just do whatever they want.
So, you know what?
I don't think David Petraeus is going to serve any time in jail either.
Like I said, I think it's June that is coming up, the Bilderberg meeting, and he's become a regular there.
He now works for another Wall Street firm.
Kohlberg, Kravitz, and Roberts.
These are the guys that were behind the massive leverage buyouts a few decades ago.
They're still in operation.
Also, old models of work are broken.
This is a story that's up on Infowars.com.
No sector will be immune to the changing nature of work and of value creation.
And of course, many people are talking about how in just a few years we're going to see 50% unemployment.
Okay, you think it's a big deal when they shut down five Walmarts?
Imagine what's going to happen when we got 50% unemployment.
Oh yeah, that's why they've got the Marines training to fight the crowds.
Look, they're going to replace truck drivers, they're going to replace people in every industry, are going to be replaced with artificial intelligence as well as robotics, and if they can't replace you with a machine, they're going to import people into this country to take your job.
It's all part of taking down the West.
It's all part of the deconstruction plan.
Of course, we've talked a lot this week about the Trans-Pacific Partnership and how that is pulling these different regions together into a global governance by multinational corporations.
Another part of that, though, is to basically alter the countries with open borders.
We see that in the UK, Nigel Farage is saying, send them back.
He backs the policy that they have in Australia of returning all immigrants, so they can stop the millions who are trying to cross the Mediterranean.
And of course, there's this situation in Libya, as we reported earlier this week.
We've got a lot of people that are dying and trying to get from Libya to Italy.
They're saying turn them back to stop this flow of immigrants.
Some people are saying, well, that would be inhumane.
Well, perhaps that would stop the flow of immigrants if they were to not know that they would not be able to get in.
But of course, at the very source of this is our foreign policy.
Overthrowing the government of Libya.
Every time we go in, as Rand Paul pointed out, every time we go in to depose one of these secular dictators, we wind up with a quagmire, usually being run by a radical Islamicist, and that's what we see in Libya as well.
Now, we also have this article that was up at the top of Drudge.
Uh, yes.
Uh, and, and take down the existing legal system, cultural systems, uh, set up different groups against each other within the countries.
That divide and conquer strategy will allow them to set one group against another as they take down the different Western economies.
And then there was this interesting story that came out a couple of days ago, uh, from Breitbart talking about a Mexican theme park.
That is, offering illegal U.S.
border crossing practices.
Actually, they've got a situation there that's called EcoAlerto, and those wishing to play as if they were false illegal immigrants can pay 250 pesos to experience a simulated border crossing where they wade through mud, tunnels, and across rough terrain without torches or water while trying to evade border guards, thieves, and dangerous drug traffickers, all being played by actors.
There we go.
I'm reminded of the comment that Jeremy Clarkson, maybe it's one of the reasons he's not on the air anymore, because he just wasn't politically correct.
You know, he said there weren't any, the Mexican country didn't have an Olympic team because everybody who could run, jump or swim was already in America.
And so I guess they can go to this Mexican theme park and practice exactly doing that.
And again, pointing out that this is not just an American problem, but it is also a problem throughout Europe.
The New York Times reports that Germany's small towns are feeling the cost of Europe's migrant crisis.
They are crying out for money because they cannot afford to take care of everybody.
See, what they do is they set up the welfare state, the entitlement state in all these western countries, then they open the border to the entire world, and that will take us down, just as the sociologists Cloward and Piven forecast.
They said that this is the way that we essentially destroy the existing states so that we can rebuild our socialist utopia on the ruins.
Just as we were talking earlier in the program about the coming Avengers program, and the interview with Robert Downey Jr.
That was in the last Captain America.
There was a lot of rich illustrations there of how this is being played out.
Not only with Operation Paperclip, but also with the character being played by Robert Redford saying we have to destroy the area before we can rebuild it into the utopia that we want.
That is the strategy of Cloward and Pivot.
To create an entitlement state, to open the borders, to tell everyone to come in.
And of course, what people don't realize is that in the Trans-Pacific Partnership that is there, the Transatlantic Partnership, something for Europe as well as for us, as there's an entire chapter there about open borders and open immigration.
And that, my friends, is why no one in either party is doing anything about our open borders, is because that is part of NAFTA.
Let's go to some of your calls right now.
I want to see what your comments are on what we've been talking about.
Let's go to Brian in Colorado.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Brian.
Hi, yeah.
Doing a great job.
I want to talk about David Crowley.
He was the director for Grayskate.
And his apparent murder-suicide.
There's a string of these things going on, and these people, they really need to be brought to justice.
And to be quite honest with you, all you guys that work there, you're in danger for any of this stuff happening.
So I would suggest anybody listening to this that's an advocate for freedom in this country,
That this could happen to them?
Maybe get a camera and hide it and just share that information with very close people so we can at least get the guys, the henchmen, behind this.
Well you know it's interesting because that's the way Joe Biggs got here to InfoWars was because he was speaking out about what happened to his friend and Michael Hastings
And there was, at the very beginning we looked at the accident of Michael Hastings, and again I don't know about the gray state, we've heard from people, we've been in contact with people on both sides, some people believe that it was a suicide, some people believe that he was murdered, but clearly with Michael Hastings from the very beginning,
The way the automobile accident was set up, I didn't buy it.
Pretty open now.
I mean, we've got drone assassination programs.
They're still not openly talking about the fact that they would assassinate filmmakers or people who are journalists who criticize them.
They're still keeping that quiet.
They're still not talking about that openly.
But yeah, we all understand that that's a risk.
Go ahead, do you have another comment?
Not really.
I just would encourage everyone that, you know, with today's technology, the means, you can get a camera and not stash it in your house.
That way you've got peace of mind, that you know that if they go and whack you, there's a good chance you might be able to find the people that are responsible for this.
And in saying that, if we do catch one of these guys, they could lead us to who told them to go and do it.
You know, that would be the greatest thing ever.
And keep up the good work and move right along the chain of calls.
Thanks a lot.
Have a great day.
Thank you, Brian.
Yeah, you know, when you're talking about keeping an extra camera there, that reminds me of the Adrian Schoolcraft situation.
Of course, he was a New York City Police Department whistleblower.
And he had recorded for a couple of years the fact that the New York City Police Department was encouraging people to go out and make arrests that were unnecessary, to do things, to hide serious crimes so they would look good in the FBI statistics.
Nevertheless, ruthlessly persecute people to try to collect petty fines.
He was very upset about that.
And so he started recording that.
When they found out about it, the number two in command went to his apartment and
They basically gave him an ultimatum and said, you know, you need to turn over these things or we're going to basically, or we're going to commit you.
And we have that recording because he was, not only did he have a recording on him at that time, and then they found that, and you can hear when they found that recording device on him in his apartment, but he also had another recording device up behind the books on the bookshelf.
And they did not find that one.
And his father, who was a police officer after he went missing, searched his apartment, found that recording, and knew that they had committed him somewhere, but he couldn't find him for several days.
Now you talk about
I don't
Maximum, what you're going to get from that is a change in policy because again, like the bankers, like David Petraeus, nobody goes to jail in America if you're breaking the laws.
It's only the whistleblowers apparently that they come after, but we're going to change that.
Let's go to James in Italy.
You want to talk about the Marines on the street, James?
Go ahead.
Hi, I just want to bring up a point that the Fleet Anti-Terrorism Security Team video that you guys have posted, you're bordering on disinformation, okay?
Those Marines are stationed there at Camp Allen, Norfolk, Virginia.
I am a former B.A.S.T.
Marine myself, and these guys will deploy to Rota, Spain, Bahrain, and Japan.
To basically set up security for three sectors of the world if and when a U.S.
Embassy would be attacked.
They would go in and set up security and clear out the building if there were any hostiles involved.
Well, let me ask you about the asymmetric warfare center that they've got at the Marine Base and Camp Lejeune.
That's an asymmetric warfare center that's different from the one in Fort AP Hill.
That the one in Fort AP Hill is set up essentially for city with a lot of urban types of transportation.
The one that Marines have is one that's set up for more suburban, rural aspect.
Why do they have those there?
Is that for the Marine Embassy?
Is that what they're training for?
An embassy in the farmlands?
I was never involved in any of those areas.
All the areas that I trained in were specifically mock embassies.
And these Bravo Company Marines, formerly Third Fast, actually went to Benghazi when all that was going down.
So you can understand why these guys would be training in this video with fellow Marines as opposition forces.
Because they get put into very
Go ahead.
Yeah, are you aware of any of the training scenarios where they have talked about getting people's social security numbers, where they have talked about how the enemy is the Tea Party, conservatives, and libertarians?
Are you aware of any of those training scenarios?
I haven't been in the Marine Corps since 2010, and all the stuff that's coming to light lately, I never had any involvement in.
Well, you know, the MIAC report that came out in 2009, that was saying that, that was warning law enforcement coming out of a Department of Homeland Fusion Center, that was warning law enforcement, be on the lookout for people who have stickers that say that they voted for Ron Paul or for Chuck Baldwin or people that have Gadsden flags, that type of thing.
People who are
I don't think so.
But of course, we see that they're using this in a lot of different scenarios.
When I went through Fort A.P.
Hill, that was an American city, and so I have to wonder why they have the military training to take over an American city.
Are you concerned at all about these training exercises that you see throughout the country?
Uh, Jade Home has me concerned a bit.
Um, but I just want to get back to the point.
Uh, this video was filmed in Yorktown, Virginia, which is home to Charlie, uh, sorry, Bravo Company.
Um, Second Fast, formerly Second Fast.
And you can see that they're, they're on a military installation.
And I believe that there's like hype to this.
And, uh, it's just,
These guys aren't training for civilians in America.
I mean, they're training for overseas deployments to protect the United States Embassy.
Alright, thanks for letting us know, James.
We're out of time.
Stay with us.
We're going to come right back after the break.
We're going to take more of your calls.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
In this last segment of the show today, we're going to go back to your calls.
We just had a call from James in Italy talking about the video that we had showing Marines training for crowd control and I think on the heels of the National Guard tapes that we just saw from the dirty bomb drill that were made by people in the area showing the National Guard moving against role players who self-identified themselves as sovereign citizens and that was the cue for the National Guard to go against them.
I think that it's very concerning to see the military training over and over again in these, in our cities, in these scenarios and even, and he says that unit that's there is a unit that is tasked with protecting embassies.
Fine, I understand that.
Nevertheless, we have the military at all levels and all divisions training throughout America in the cities
At a level we have never seen before.
And I don't think we should get used to this.
I don't think we should tolerate this in the cities.
And I'm very concerned about that.
Again, as you're looking at this, you can see some clips from a couple of years ago.
I think this one was in L.A.
It looks like the night clips that they had in L.A.
But of course, it was just... This was Fort Lauderdale.
This was Fort Lauderdale, just a couple of weeks ago.
Yeah, where they're lining people up, marching them off, and taking them in the dead of night, putting them into white vans.
Is that the mission that we want for our military?
Again, as I said, do we even want them doing that in foreign countries?
Because that always has a history.
That's the way human nature has always worked.
That's the way empires have always worked.
They always wind up using that against their own citizens, even if it was going to be used abroad.
Let's go to some of your other calls.
Let's go to Rich in New York.
Hey David, how you doing?
Doing good.
Okay, listen, I had called once before, but it was the end of the show, and I just really want your opinion on something.
The opinion is, there's a court case, it's called the Credit River Decision, and I don't know if you're familiar with it.
We don't have a lot of time, so give us a quick executive summary of what it is, because we are coming up against the end of the show again.
Yeah, okay, unfortunately.
Basically, it's based on the laws of a corporate agreement to be able to bind the contract.
This gentleman fought a mortgage case up in Minnesota and wanted the guy as a lawyer, and the thing was called a credit risk decision, and he based it on the fact that you have to supply legal consideration and assume a risk in order for a contract to be binding.
There is no binding contract with frauds, Federal Reserve notes, and when the bank just moves numbers on a ledger, they're not assuming any risk either.
So to me, this is a very important thing.
I mean, he won that case.
You know, how many cases have been won on Roe versus Wade?
This is a really important issue that people need to check out because then it nullifies any contract.
Any mortgage, any credit card, if you look at it, they would have to find the person in favor of the person who's being harassed.
Well, the interesting thing, Rich, is that, you know, just yesterday we were talking about how, I think it was JPMorgan Chase, was going to outlaw cash being used in deposits.
We've had other talk about the abolishment of cash.
It says on the dollar bill that it's legal tender.
You can't do that sort of thing.
We see that they can do whatever they wish, whether it's money laundering, whether it's rigging the LIBOR rates, the stock market, the commodities market.
They do whatever they wish and they never go to jail.
They just get a free pass.
We saw that with John Corzine.
That's the way it works in this country, and if they can get away with those kind of massive frauds, if they can do it out in the open and get away with that, we're not going to be able, as long as we let that happen, we're not going to be able to take them down on some finer points of law.
As long as the American society tolerates that kind of open corruption and doesn't demand that these people go to prison, that's what's going to happen.
And we saw that at the very beginning of the day with Obama
Wringing his hands about a couple of people who died because they were Americans, ignoring the thousands of people that he's killed with his drone assassination attacks.
Join us tonight at 7 o'clock.
The Nightly News.