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Name: 20150421_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 21, 2015
2485 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses various topics including Jeb Bush possibly attending the Bilderberg conference, Citibank economist calling for elimination of cash, US involvement in Middle East conflicts and the possible use of biometric identification methods for PayPal payments. The InfoWars radio show discusses the Bilderberg meetings, civil asset forfeiture, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, corporate actions, and products offered by InfoWars. The show encourages listeners to support them by subscribing to Prison Planet TV and purchasing products from InfoWarsStore.com and MyPatriotSupply.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today on this Tuesday, April 21st, 2015.
We have a lot of bizarre news, and we also have some replies from Bloomberg, a direct reply to an article we had up yesterday about Jeb Bush possibly going to Bilderberg in 2015.
Of course, they announced that he's going to be going to
Poland, Estonia, and Germany in early June.
That's about the time that the Bilderberg conference is going to be held in Switzerland.
And there was a very sarcastic, condescending article that came out of Bloomberg.
I mean, what else would you expect?
Talking about that.
Not talking about Bilderberg, but basically talking about us.
You know, we're conspiracy theorists.
And we're spouting all this nonsense.
And he actually tweeted out
The question is, is Jeb Bush going to go to Bilderberg?
And he got a response from the Bush campaign.
So we're going to talk about that.
Actually, Alex is going to join us in the next segment.
Alex Jones is going to come on and talk about Bilderberg.
I find it very interesting that for decades,
The press, the mainstream media, had nothing to say about Bilderberg.
And as Jim Tucker used to say, isn't it amazing that the most powerful people on earth, in government, in business, in the military, can all meet together, do it in secret for a week,
And there's absolutely no media coverage.
Isn't that interesting?
And of course David Rockefeller thanked them for that courtesy, thanked them for helping to keep certain things that they wanted to do quiet.
And of course Bilderberg, I should say Bloomberg, maybe we should call it that, the Bloomberg-Bilderberg Report.
They do a good job of covering up for that.
And there's also an interesting story where
A Citibank executive, an economist, who famously said just a few months ago that gold is in a 6,000 year bubble.
Think about that.
Is that a bubble that's lasted throughout recorded history?
By definition, that is not a bubble.
Okay, but the same economist that said that, that's chief economist for Citibank, of course, always pushing the central bank agenda, no matter how absurd.
He's now calling for something very dangerous, and that is getting rid of cash, because, you know, cash is an obstacle to negative interest rates.
They've held interest rates at 0% for so long for us.
Not for them.
I mean, they're charging Greece 28%.
They charge you on your credit card that or more.
Sometimes they go up to 50% if they can come up with a rationale for it.
But of course, in terms of what they have to pay to the central banks, the main bankers get a 0% interest rate.
But they want to take it to a negative interest rate for us.
They're not content just to use our money for free.
And at that point, people are going to say, well,
Why would I pay to have money on deposit in the bank?
I'll just take it out in cash.
So, one of his solutions, and he talks about possible solutions, is just to outright ban cash.
We've seen a war on cash, many different levels.
It started with money laundering reports.
And structuring reports from the government.
When you put the money in the bank, now they want reports when you take more than $5,000 out.
Many cases in the US and the UK, people have been refused to have their money taken out.
Now they're reporting that to the government, as if it's a crime.
We know what's coming with this.
We know what's coming with the Jade Helm training.
We know that they are concerned about financial collapse among other different scenarios.
They're working to set up martial law.
And of course, they don't want you to be independent of their system.
They don't want you to have cash.
They don't want you to have Bitcoin.
But it's a very upside-down world.
As we're moving towards
Uh, gunboat diplomacy in the Middle East, uh, going to Yemen, going to Iran, threatening them, of course.
We have, uh, John Kerry.
This is a story on Infowars.com.
The world, uh, the U.S.
is helping commit atrocities in Yemen and pretending that it's Iran's fault.
And, of course, he says, uh, Iran needs to recognize the U.S.
is not going to stand by while the region is destabilized.
If we do anything, it's not destabilizing.
But if our political enemies do it, it's destabilizing.
We can invade a country, we can occupy a country, that's not destabilizing.
What we did in Libya is not destabilizing.
But we have to worry about our enemies destabilizing things, no matter how absurd.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back with Alex Jones.
Do you enjoy shopping online using PayPal, but hate signing in with your username and password?
Well, Jonathan LeBlanc, PayPal's global head of developer evangelism, has now suggested that implantable microchips, among other biometric systems, could be used to pay in the future.
That's right, the mark of the beast used to buy and sell is being proposed in his recent Kill All Passwords presentation being circulated in the US and Europe.
In a Wall Street Journal article titled, PayPal Wants You to Inject Your Username and Eat Your Password, LeBlanc said that identification of people will shift from antiquated external body methods like fingerprints
...toward internal body functions like heartbeat and vein recognition, where embedded and ingestible devices will allow natural body identification.
These devices will include brain implants and attachable computers, which put users in charge of their own security, he said.
Well, now that Obamacare will have total open access to your medical records, your entire biometric makeup will soon be hackable.
But hey, at least you'll be able to buy a vibrating head massager or a motorized pepper grinder with a wave of your hand.
That is, unless all your biometric credits are confiscated by the government.
Rob Dew, reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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That's Infowarslife.com or call 888-253-3139.
Hi, I'm Alex Jones.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I weighed 180 pounds.
I lifted weights five days a week.
I could swim two, three miles.
Then I discovered the New World Order, the globalists, their agenda.
I started an access television show.
I was so dedicated to my work and hanging around with radio guys that I began drinking.
I began smoking cigars and then even cigarettes.
I transformed from looking like a white Bruce Lee to looking like a Jabba the Hutt.
So I began a journey five years ago to shed the almost 100 pounds.
I started taking super male vitality and saw dramatic results in just a few weeks.
When I added to the mix
The key products developed by Dr. Group for Infowarslife.com.
The results were incredible.
Take the Infowarslife.com challenge today at Infowarslife.com or give our crew a call.
They can answer all your questions or tell you about any of the specials at 888-253-3139.
Renewed hostile actions against United States ships on the high seas in the Gulf of Tonkin
You have today required me to order the military forces of the United States to take action and reply.
Dr. Martin Luther King, the apostle of non-violence in the civil rights movement, has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
Senator Perry has been shot.
Is that possible?
He still has the gun.
The gun is pointed at him at this moment.
Take a hold of this bomb and break it if you have to.
People calling themselves members of the Weather Underground last night planted bombs in federal office buildings in Washington and Oakland, California.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
Survivors of the USS Liberty are demanding a congressional investigation into what happened and acknowledgment that the Israeli Air Force bombed a U.S.
intelligence Navy ship.
The death of Bin Laden marks the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat Al Qaeda.
The Taliban is taking responsibility for shooting down a U.S.
More than 30 people were killed and there are reports this morning that most of them are U.S.
Navy SEALs.
There may be a false flag incident where a ship goes down and you'd be used to accelerate the next war.
If there's one thing that has unified Democrats and Republicans, and everybody in between,
It's that we all hated the bank bailout.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
They estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these re-education centers.
And when I say eliminate, I mean kill.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Radio Show.
I'm David Knight, here live on Tuesday, April the 21st, 2015.
We have a report that came out yesterday, an article.
It asked the question, is Jeb Bush going to Bilderberg in 2015?
It's a good question because his campaign announced that he's going to the general area at about the same time that the Bilderberg convention is going to be held this year, the meeting.
And as we pointed out in the article, InfoWars correctly predicted in 2007 that Texas Governor Rick Perry would run for president in 2012 after going to the Bilderberg Conference in Istanbul, Turkey.
It's also reported that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton disappeared off of their schedules mysteriously for a couple of days while the Bilderberg Conference was going on in Northern Virginia.
Uh, so it's kind of interesting to see that his schedule coincides.
That's what we just asked that question.
It's a very secretive organization.
They don't really talk about what goes on too much there, especially if it's certain political figures.
They don't talk about who comes there.
They do release now a list of attendees.
They pretended for a very long time that it didn't exist.
And so did the press.
But now, in response to this article, we had a reporter at Bloomberg, a Dave Weigel, says, woe if true, that's his series there, Jeb Bush, Bilderberg, and the secret rulers of the world.
A very sarcastic article.
Talks a lot about us being right-wingers, that we believe there's reptilians, there's ever-spurting founts of Bilderberger panic that are coming from our radio show.
No, you know what?
They deny that it existed for decades.
They didn't cover it for decades.
Jim Tucker talked about the fact that it was very strange that you could have the most powerful people in politics, in the military, in corporations, all meeting together in secret,
No oversight, no press coverage.
Isn't that interesting that that would happen for decades and it would not be covered?
And they would laugh if you even suggested that it existed just about 20 years ago.
Even if you suggested that Bilderberg existed, you were a ridiculous conspiracy theorist.
Well, what happened in this story was he tweeted our story and he tweeted it to Jeb Bush's campaign.
And he said, Tim Miller quickly saw the tweet and responded.
And he said, no.
And I guess that just settles it.
So maybe we could settle what's going on with Walmart by asking them why they closed five stores suddenly.
I guess they could give us a one-word response, plumbing, and it would be done, no matter how ridiculous.
We've got a special report.
Alex called in from the road with a special report about this, Bilderberg.
Let's go to Alex Jones right now.
That's right, David.
I'm coming to you via cell phone.
I'm out here working on a story that we'll be breaking in the next few days, shooting some important videos.
Appreciate you doing a great job with the broadcast.
How am I coming through to you?
Coming through good.
Okay, fantastic.
I call things Rosetta Stones, or basically decoder ranks.
And this story in Bloomberg opens a whole window into how they control people.
A, as you said, how they said Bilderberg didn't exist all these years, now they have to admit it.
But larger than that, we're not saying Bilderberg is even the only top of the pyramid.
It's just one spot where this shadow government global corporate system shows itself.
We're good to go.
In the next week or two, we sent you to Copenhagen, Denmark, last year, obviously.
But when you read the article, and they say, well, it's all settled.
There are no secret groups making decisions.
There are no secret elites influencing politicians.
Everyone knows the powerful interest in secret groups, meaning smoking rooms for hundreds of years, well, for thousands of years, but 500 years since tobacco was imported to Europe as cigars.
So we know all of this goes on.
We know it's happening.
And here's Bloomberg, in the same packaging, lecturing to us, David.
Oh, ha ha ha, it exists, but, you know, Jeb Bush has said he's not going, so there's your answer.
There's no secret stuff going on.
They imply that Hillary and Obama weren't at Bilderberg.
I watched the Secret Service drive by as they pointed MP5 submachine guns at us.
It's on video at Obama Deception.
I watched as all of this unfolded.
He disappeared.
They put the press corps on an airplane and flew it to Chicago.
He was there.
Hillary then stepped down two days after and announced that she wasn't going to run anymore.
They were both there.
That even later came out in some of the European press.
So we're doing the media's real job.
We're not idiots getting shanghaied on an airplane, being told that Clinton and Obama are going to Chicago.
And they all get on the plane, on the Obama plane, and they close the door.
And Gibbs gets up and says, you know, well, he had a wish to be alone, so we put you on the plane and basically kidnapped you.
Hillary, back in the 90s, going to the Bilderberg meeting was fined several hundred thousand dollars for following the Logan Act.
Rick Perry went.
When I was, two years ago, in England, north of London, covering Bilderberg with 3,000 plus demonstrators, a helicopter came in with world leaders and the Prime Minister drove in.
You know, in an armored motorcade.
This is all on video.
So they sit there and act like this isn't happening.
The truth is, Bilderberg's now gone public because they couldn't hide it.
Davos is now their public front.
The International Bank of Settlements and other groups are all chaired by the same people.
Just like this Pacific Partnership trade deal's secret.
Just like the takeover of the Internet was secret.
It's all secret.
And they sit here and lecture us like we're children.
It doesn't work anymore.
But you read that article,
Which is crazy.
But here's the good news.
Somebody like Jeb Bush, major power broker, you know, one of the two major crime families that share the crown of power, that share the ring of power, here you are having to respond to something that they said didn't exist before.
So it's just crazy.
Clinton, a little-known governor, 1991, goes to Bilderberg.
Two years later, he's president.
I could go on and on.
Tony Blair, little-known member of parliament, goes to Bilderberg.
Three years later, he's prime minister.
I could go on for day after day, mentioning all the major deals.
We have been given secret papers from the 60s, when I was at Bilderberg a few years ago in Virginia, by a federal archivist.
Uh, that was Bilderberg taking over the unions in the 60s to actually destroy labor and all this stuff.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, this is a fact.
We're exposing the shadow oligarchy that controls things.
They don't like it.
And it's just important that we put an article out countering them and showing all the places that the major power brokering goes on, that we do a piece on the nightly news, showing the clips from Obama deception.
We're good.
In probably 15 to 20 major publications today, sometimes hundreds, were attacked on CNN, MSNBC by the White House.
Media matters now on a weekly basis.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is not fun to say this, but it's true.
We are now, when it comes to fighting tyranny, at the very tip of the spear, thanks to your support and prayers.
I've prayed to God to help put us in a position to fight the New World Order.
God has granted those prayers.
But now that we've prayed that David be put up against Goliath on the field, now we have to pray that we be given the skill and discernment to make sure these rocks
Hit the enemy right between the eyes politically.
So this is a big deal, folks.
We are now openly in contention to really expose large sectors of the globalist operation.
And I'll end with this.
Remember two years ago when the military, through Infowars.com, the noncommissioned officers, but also officers by the thousands, put out images saying, I won't fight overseas for al-Qaeda.
I won't be part of this.
I won't go into Syria.
Then the head of the Joint Chiefs had to go and tell Obama they couldn't launch that operation.
That's the type of thing where info war, where truth, where David against Goliath can absolutely expose these incredible evils that are going on.
And it's the same thing with the situation with the Bilderbergs.
So great job, David Knight and crew.
I know Leanne Mackin is coming up live in studio.
I know you've also got a state rep on who's leading the fight all over the country to repeal asset forfeiture seizure laws.
So we're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Thank you so much, David Knight.
Thank you, Alex.
Yes, you mentioned that rep that we're going to have.
That's Kendall Croker from Wyoming.
Of course there was a civil asset forfeiture bill that would rein in that process in Wyoming that was passed in both houses.
It was vetoed by the governor.
Some Republicans changed their position.
But Kendall Croker was very outspoken on that.
He talked about all the different aspects of the Bill of Rights that civil asset forfeiture destroys.
And so we're going to have him on in the second hour.
We're going to talk to him also about other efforts that are going on there as well as in other states to essentially establish our rights to due process.
To say that you're not going to have property taken away from you unless you're actually charged and convicted with a crime.
Imagine that!
Imagine that they wouldn't give you excessive fines.
Wouldn't that be interesting to live in an America like that?
Stay with us.
When we come back, I've got an amazing story about the Miami Herald and how they covered up the Bay of Pigs.
Of course, that was just a conspiracy theory at the time.
We'll be right back.
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Hi, I'm Alex Jones.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I weighed 180 pounds.
I lift weights five days a week.
I can swim two, three miles.
Then I discovered the New World Order, the globalists, their agenda.
I started an access television show.
I was so dedicated to my work and hanging around with radio guys that I began drinking.
I began smoking cigars and then even cigarettes.
I transformed from looking like a white Bruce Lee to looking like a job of the hut.
So I began a journey five years ago to shed the almost 100 pounds.
I started taking super male vitality and saw dramatic results in just a few weeks.
When I added to the mix the key products developed by Dr. Group for InfoWarsLife.com, the results were incredible.
Take the InfoWarsLife.com challenge today at InfoWarsLife.com or give our crew a call.
They can answer all your questions or tell you about any of the specials at 888-253-3139.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, April 21st, 2015.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
Before I get back to the news, and I have more to say about this ridiculous Bloomberg article, before I do, I want to let you know that at our InfoWars Life store, we have a special on Silver Bullet right now, 50% off.
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And of course that allows us to actually have a voice here, you know, for years.
I would hear that... I remember the early 90s in the Libertarian Party, people would bring up the Bilderberg Group, and I would laugh at them.
I didn't believe it existed.
We didn't have internet then.
It was the early 90s.
And of course, the media is completely controlled.
There are a few people like Jim Tucker who are laboring in the wilderness, Daniel Esslin writing books covering it, mainstream media pretended that it didn't exist.
And so now what they do is they mock anybody that talks about it.
That's what this Bloomberg article is, talking about the New World Order's dictates are being hammered out at Bilderberg according to us and we're always spurting fonts of Bilderberg panic.
That's the way he puts it.
Interesting thing is,
Is that as he tweeted our article to the Jeb Bush campaign, they come back and he says, and this is the subtitle of his article, the likely Republican candidate's campaign debunks Alex Jones.
You know what he did to debunk us?
He just said no.
Oh, that's it.
The royalty has spoken.
The Bush campaign has spoken.
All they have to do, single word, they debunk us.
And then, of course, this idiot who works for Bloomberg writes a little mocking story.
Well, let me tell you how the press really works.
Let's take a little bit of a history lesson.
This is a Mia Culpa from the Miami Herald.
They say, the Miami Herald, the CIA, and the Bay of Pigs scoop that did not run.
Now this is a story that ran the end of last week.
And they start out with a quote from JFK.
He says, it was the beating of our lives.
Kennedy said a few days after he wondered why nobody had talked him out of the Bay of Pigs.
And so,
This article says, well, could the Miami Herald have done that?
Could we have talked him out of it?
Actually, seven months before it had happened, they had a story, talking about how it was going to happen.
And it's pretty amazing how they came across this story.
They had a 16-year-old, his name is John Keough, and he was working on a farm.
He had a bunch of his friends who were going to come over and gather up some chickens for somebody that they were going to sell them to.
The person never showed up, so all these 16-year-old kids are kind of hanging around with nothing to do.
They decide they're going to drive into town and just kind of hang around, see if they can find somebody to talk to, have some cokes or whatever.
One of the guys said, hey, I saw something really weird.
There's this camp of migrant farm workers and they're dancing around the fire at night and acting really weird.
So he said, so we thought we'd go by and see what they're doing.
And when they got there, one of the guys said, hey, I've got some firecrackers, it'll be funny to see what happens if we throw some firecrackers and scare these guys.
So, they light some firecrackers and they throw them, and guess what happens?
They take out, as they say in the article here, a host of weapons, including 30 caliber machine guns, opened up from inside the camp.
One of the bullets came through the window of Keough's pickup truck, hit him in the back of the head, and left him blind.
Over the next 72 hours, he had to have three surgeries to survive.
Now when the police got there, they were told that these were members of a Cuban counter-revolutionary army that was training to overthrow Castro.
The police were not impressed.
They picked these guys up, they arrested 15 of them, they charged two of them with attempted murder.
They never went to trial.
These charges get kind of set there.
They say even the most routine legal proceedings were unscheduled.
Then they found out when a cop told a reporter, a reporter saying, you know, why isn't anybody being charged with this?
What's going on?
A cop whispered to him and said, the State Department has asked for us to throw these things out.
Well, then you had a reporter doing his job.
Today he would be called a conspiracy theorist.
But he started doing his job, so he started calling around.
They said, try to find out what's going on with the State Department.
Well, they didn't want to talk to him, but the Justice Department did.
He had some contacts in the Justice Department.
They said they had a feud that was going on between FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and the CIA.
The CIA wanted to train an army of Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro, but the FBI was charged with enforcing the Federal Neutrality Act.
So that kind of made it illegal to do a military exposition.
We have laws that the FBI is trying to enforce, they're charged with enforcing that, but the CIA wants to do it anyway.
So the bottom line is, they do a story.
And Dulles calls up the owner of the newspaper, and he says, spike that story.
Story never ran.
What would have happened if we had known that they were trying to overthrow the Cuban government?
What would happen if we knew that our government was trying to overthrow the Constitution and enact martial law?
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to be joined in the next hour with a representative from Wyoming who worked very hard to try to overturn civil asset forfeiture there.
We need to understand that if we don't uphold property rights for people, then we become essentially slaves.
That's what you call people who don't have any property, who don't have any rights.
And of course, civil asset forfeiture not only directly attacks our property rights, but it attacks all of our rights to due process as well.
It takes away our right to have a trial and be found guilty, you know, to be charged with a crime.
It just confiscates our property.
And of course, there's no sense of proportion.
As we've pointed out many times, they'll go in, for example, and take a family's home, as they tried to do in Philadelphia.
Take the entire family's home because their teenager sold $40 worth of pot to somebody on the back porch.
That's the way civil asset forfeiture works.
So we're going to talk to him about the process there.
We need to understand there is a pushback at the state level.
It's very important.
He'll be joining us in the next hour.
Right now, I want to continue with what I was talking about in terms of the lapdog media, just as we had this Bloomberg mocking report about our questioning whether or not Jeb Bush was going to be going to Bilderberg as he's traveling to that area of Europe at about the same time.
A good question to ask, just as people are asking, what's going on with Walmart?
Of course, they're telling everybody it's plumbing that absolutely
Nobody believes that.
They haven't pulled any plumbing permits in any of these cities.
We've seen video where they have it heavily guarded with police.
Some people have gone in and taken shots of it.
You can see that they have cleared the shelves and they have barricaded with visual barricades the rest of the store so you can't see it.
So we don't know what's going on.
There's an article on Infowars.com asking if this is in retaliation to the unions, to the people who are trying to get minimum wage raised.
That's one possibility.
There are also other possibilities that people have talked about in terms of how this might be turned over to the government to use in these military exercises or whatever.
We don't know.
When you give people implausible stories, when you flat out lie to them, as Walmart is lying to people, as the government lies to people, that's when people start to investigate.
And then they dismissed that, calling it a conspiracy theory.
Let's look at what's going on with Sony.
Because, you know, for years we were telling you at Infowars, Alex Jones was telling you, they're listening to everything you say.
They're watching everything you do on your computer, on your phone.
They can turn on the camera on your monitor and they can watch and record you.
Oh, you're a bunch of paranoid conspiracy theorists with tinfoil hats, we were told.
Nobody questions that anymore.
And the sad thing is we're not stopping it either.
Now there's a story on RT about the new Sony picture.
They bought the rights to Glenn Greenwald's book about Edward Snowden.
And they put out a press release.
And the internal emails that were hacked out of Sony have all been released now by WikiLeaks so we can get a glimpse into their internal workings there at Sony.
Very interesting to see what they did.
In this particular case, when they put out this press release for the book that they're going to make the movie out of it, the book is No Place to Hide, Ed Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S.
Surveillance State.
That was Glenn Greenwald's book.
They're going to make a movie out of that.
So they put out a press release
And this is what the person who reviewed it on the inside said.
He says, I have a few concerns.
In the second paragraph, first sentence, instead of saying U.S.
government's illegal spying operations, I would propose U.S.
government's controversial intelligence gathering.
So, don't call it a spy operation.
Don't say the U.S.
government is illegally spying on people.
Say it's controversial.
It's not illegal, it's controversial.
It's not spying, it's gathering intelligence.
Oh, you know, because of our safety.
You know, national security and all that.
Second change.
Second paragraph, last sentence.
I would replace the term misuse of power with actions.
It's not misuse of power.
It's not illegal.
It's just actions that our government takes.
That's the way they cover it up.
And Sony is one of the worst companies at doing this.
Of course, with the interview, they were pushing for an assassination agenda as regime change.
They were propagandizing the American public, the South Korean public, and hopefully, they thought, the North Korean Republic, too.
Republic, it's not a republic, whatever you want to call North Korea.
They were propagandizing everyone in a comedy film.
That they needed to have assassination.
They explicitly said that back and forth in the emails.
That's the way they propagandize you.
It's not just in the news that they don't cover.
It's not just in the news that they mock.
It's also in the movies that they put out.
Here's another one.
One of the other things they found when they looked at these hacked Sony emails.
They found out, surprisingly, that Sony had on its server pirated e-books.
Imagine that!
Wow, how's that for hypocrisy?
The same people who want draconian measures in place where they can shut down entire websites and take over the internet, shut down anybody that they don't like, just by alleging, and again, we're back to the kind of mindset that we have with civil asset forfeiture.
You don't have to prove that somebody's guilty of something.
You just merely have to be a large, powerful company or individual and allege that somebody did wrong, and then the government will step in for you and make it happen, just like that.
They will shut down an entire website based on an allegation.
That's the way these copyright things are going to work.
They haven't been able to get that through the Congress, through the legislature, so they're going to push it through with the Trans-Pacific and Trans-Atlantic partnerships.
That's the kind of thing that they're putting in there to push through.
So, Sony doesn't like pirating.
They want to be able to shut down entire websites if they allege that you have pirated some of their material.
And of course they believe, these few media companies, these five media companies, they believe they own the world.
They think they own everything, you know, from Happy Birthday tunes to you name it.
They think they own everything, so they'd be able to shut down anybody that they want.
Well, it turns out that they had pirated e-books on there, and here's the irony, okay?
The books are books about how to hack.
That's what they had on their server site.
There you go.
They didn't pay for the books, they stole them, and they had books on hacking on their site.
There you go.
Now we're talking about surveillance.
There was an interesting story that I saw that we had at the end of the week last week.
Mikhail Thelin put up on Friday intelligent street lights that we see in Jacksonville, Florida.
This is another aspect of the corporate surveillance state and the way that they co-opt the corporations, the large preferred corporations.
And of course, this is one of the most preferred corporations, General Electric.
The one that has perhaps the closest ties to the Obama administration.
Of course, a no-tax-paying corporation, of course, General Electric.
Now in Jacksonville, Florida, the city government is preparing to install intelligent streetlights.
It's going to be about 150 of them.
It's a pilot program by General Electric.
They call it the Intelligent City Initiative.
Now, they're going to have intelligent LEDs.
They say they're going to be a gateway to city-changing technology.
Yeah, no doubt.
Sensors, controls, wireless transmitters, microprocessors, all inside the LED systems.
We've talked about that as well, too.
That even your lights are being used to spy on you.
Petraeus was bragging about it, actually said it in a speech.
And when we reported it, we were attacked by people like Bloomberg for saying that we were conspiracy theorists.
The Internet of Things is actually a way to get everything in your house, collecting and reporting data to the government, to corporations.
Now in this particular case, GE's got some software that they call Predix.
Sounds an awful lot like Minority Report's pre-crime, doesn't it?
So it's going to collect and analyze data from these streetlights.
And they say it's going to deliver optimized tools for city challenges.
I wonder what kind of city challenges those would be.
I'm sure they'll find some way to make money off it, but here's the deal.
Here's the way this works.
And you need to understand this, because this is the way CISPA is set up, to why we have CISPA.
They say, data will be hosted on GE's network.
Citi and JEA, whatever that is, I don't know what that acronym is.
Anyway, I guess that's Jacksonville or something.
But the Citi officials can request that data and they can use it internally.
I'm sure they'll have to pay for it.
But that's the fiction that they use to get around, they say, the Fourth Amendment requirements.
They say, well, this data that you have with your cell phone company, this data that you have with your internet service provider, this data that we collected in public, that's not you.
That belongs to GE, or it belongs to AT&T, or it belongs to your internet service provider.
They own that information.
Even though it's your private information, even though it's something about you, the corporation owns it.
So all the government has to do is ask the corporations.
This is the corporation's data.
They can just turn it over to you.
They don't need to get a search warrant.
See, that's the way they're doing this.
They're saying that it's the corporation's data.
It's an outright lie.
And we need to call them on it.
But that's why they're putting out CISPA.
CISPA's Cyber Intelligence Sharing Protection Act, okay?
They put it out several times.
It was defeated by Aaron Schwartz and they, depending on who you believe, he was either driven to suicide or he was murdered to keep him from opposing it in the future.
They failed several times to do this, and you've got to understand it's coming back now.
The Republicans are very much into this entire surveillance state.
Pretty much everybody except for Rand Paul.
They're calling it CISA this time.
They've taken out the P. Maybe it's because people kept asking, well, where's the protection?
The only protection that's in CISPA, the only protection that's in this legislation, CISA, is protection for the corporations.
Because if they collect information on you, like this GE program in Jacksonville, if they collect that information on you,
Spy on you.
Let's just call it that.
It's not intelligence gathering.
It's spying.
Okay, they're a bunch of creepy illegal voyeurs, and we need to call them what they are.
If they collect this information on you and turn it over to the government, then you're not going to be able to sue them if they get this bill passed, CISA, which is again the multiple instantiation of CISPA.
There was also another article that came out this weekend, the end of the license plate.
This was linked on the Drudge Report, and it actually came from Cato Institute.
And when I saw this, my first response was, A2 Cato?
I mean, talk about betrayal.
The whole premise of this is that because we have cameras everywhere,
License plates are now a threat to your privacy.
Well, yeah, no doubt.
Everybody is looking at this.
The problem, though, is not the license plate.
The problem is the cameras.
But that's not their solution.
Their solution is to go one level further into a surveillance state.
Get rid of license plates and give all of your cars RFID transponders.
So you can't even get rid of your spy phone that you've got in your pocket.
You know, the iWatch from Apple, the iWatch U is what it ought to be called.
You can't even get rid of that.
They'll put it into your car.
Make your car spy on you.
And the guy says, I've testified to Congress about these cameras.
I've said that they are a big brother infrastructure.
Yeah, they are.
So get rid of the cameras.
Put rules on the cameras.
But no, we will go through and we'll do RFID.
And this is an interesting thing that he pointed out.
He said, if a law were proposed today requiring people walking on sidewalks to wear name tags, Americans would strongly reject such an attack on the freedom to move about anonymously.
Yes, they would.
I think they would.
Well, I don't know.
Maybe they wouldn't.
Maybe they wouldn't understand that that's important.
But I think, perhaps, that they would.
I agree with him.
The trade-offs, he says, don't make sense in name-tagging because people who are walking have far less capacity to harm another person than someone who's behind the wheel of a car.
There you go.
There you go.
Cato Institute making the argument that you should give up your liberty for security, for safety.
Cato, the libertarian think tank, supposedly, selling the idea that we need to give up our freedom, our liberty, for security.
As we've said many times, if you give up your security, as Benjamin Franklin pointed out, you don't deserve liberty.
But you know what?
History has shown us that you don't get it either.
If you give up your liberty, you're just a slave.
You're putting yourself in a maximum security prison.
That's where this is all headed.
So he says there's a few obvious alternatives to automobile licensing and he talks about the RFID thing and he says however he says
We could make laws against people recording and taking pictures of your automobile license, but you know, that would essentially be futile.
So what we'll do is we will, we can't enforce laws against people snapping your license plate, so what we'll do is we'll require that you put a spy transponder on your car.
And then that will be broadcast only to the government because we can trust the government.
Remember, this is the Cato Institute talking.
This isn't Hillary Clinton talking.
This is the Cato Institute, the libertarian think tank, saying, OK, we're going to report this back to the government, but don't worry.
You can trust the government.
It's just other people that you have to worry about.
Look, if you can't enforce privacy through automobile tags, you're not going to be able to enforce it through RFIDs.
You're creating an infrastructure of tyranny that is even more horrific.
And just as we look at this article that came out yesterday, District Attorney says encrypted phones may make you a terrorist because they can't be accessed by law enforcement.
What do we say about a society where all of our leaders do everything in secret?
I mean, that's one of the aspects of the Bilderberg Group, right?
The secrecy.
The fact there's no press there.
There's no coverage allowed.
It's Davos, as they said, without press passes.
That was what the Bloomberg article said.
Yeah, that ought to concern us.
When you've got the wealthiest, most powerful corporations meeting with the most powerful politicians and there is no oversight?
You don't even have an accurate record of who all is there.
They tell you some of the people that are there, you don't get a complete listing of that.
We ought to be concerned about that.
We ought to be concerned about a society where everything the rich and powerful do is secret, but everything the rest of us do is an open book.
Just as they're saying that PayPal wants to take a look at, they want to implant passwords into our stomach and into our brain.
They view us as cattle.
They're treating us as if we were prisoners in a concentration camp, as if we were their slaves.
That's the bottom line.
They want to get rid of these Apple phones.
You know, quite frankly, I don't necessarily believe that the Apple phones do give you anonymity.
Perhaps they're just saying that so that they'll get you to buy them again because we had those slides that got released as part of the Snowden documents that showed the NSA laughing about the fact, the connection between
Steve Jobs, Apple, and 1984.
Of course, they used the famous 1984 commercial to announce the release of the Macintosh in 1984, and they said, who would have thought in 1984, and they show that commercial, that this would become Big Brother, and they show Steve Jobs holding an iPhone, and then they show the crowd lining up like a manic crowd to purchase iPhones, and they said, and that the public would pay for it.
See, so now they're telling you, oh don't worry, Apple has created a phone that is dark, that cannot be accessed by law enforcement, even when a court has authorized us to look at its contents, complains the government, which has been working with Apple and Google and the rest of these companies to spy on us.
They say, that's going to be terrorist communications device of choice.
I don't know.
I think that maybe that's true.
I seriously doubt that they don't have access to that.
I don't think anybody finds it credible anymore that the government is not spying on us.
We know they're spying on everything.
As a matter of fact, Twitter now has moved their non-U.S.
accounts to Ireland just to get away from the USA.
They're required to turn over all this stuff by U.S.
law to comply with NSA-driven requests.
But if you're not an American,
You get privacy from the NSA.
Of course they say Ireland.
There's also another motive to this because Ireland doesn't have as stringent privacy regulations as they do elsewhere in Europe.
So there may be an economic basis of that.
But good for Twitter.
At least they get some of the people away from the NSA.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to be having a Wyoming state legislature representative joining us in the next hour.
We're going to talk to him about the efforts in that state to try to stop civil asset forfeiture.
Of course, it was stopped in New Mexico.
We had the legislature there, bipartisan.
Both houses, the Senate and the House, passed it unanimously.
One of them is controlled by one party, the other one's controlled by the other party, and the governor signed it at the last minute.
We were all wondering if she was going to do a pocket veto.
She waited so long, never said anything about it, but she did sign it.
So that's now become law.
New Mexico was one of the worst states in terms of abuses of civil asset forfeiture.
But this is a national problem.
This is something that came to us out of the war on drugs.
And it is a bipartisan movement.
There is a bipartisan movement to push back against this.
It's something that's happening at state legislatures.
It is something that's happening at the national level.
I want to play a couple of clips here from a couple of senators, Rand Paul as well as Senator Mike Lee, talking about asset forfeiture.
And it's also very much in the news right now because the
Presumptive Attorney General Jessica Lynch, the one who's been nominated to take Eric Holder's place, that's now coming to a head.
It looks like they're going to move forward with these hearings.
She is firmly on the side of continuing civil asset forfeiture.
So here's what Rand Paul says about Loretta Lynch and civil asset forfeiture.
Well, basically, the government can take money from you without ever convicting you, without ever even charging you.
In fact, the most famous U.S.
attorney for doing this is Loretta Lynch.
She confiscated $110 million worth of people's stuff
Never tried them.
Never even took them to court.
Just kept their money.
And it turns justice on its head because you're presumed to be guilty until you prove that you're innocent.
And so I'm very opposed to this.
I've met with the president about this.
And we're putting forward legislation that says they shouldn't be allowed to take your stuff without a conviction.
And let's also have, this is Senator Mike Lee talking about why asset forfeiture has exploded.
And again, we're going to have a state rep joining us in the next hour.
Do we have that clip ready?
Okay, let's go to that clip of Senator Mike Lee.
The Constitution says that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
Despite this protection that we have in our Constitution, the testimony today and recent news reports indicate that due process is often ignored when it comes to civil asset forfeiture.
Well we all agree that crime should not pay.
Federal forfeiture laws have enabled and even in some cases incentivized law enforcement practices that have great potential to threaten our liberty.
That's why I'm a co-sponsor of the FAIR Act along with my colleague Senator Rand Paul.
I look forward to working with my fellow legislators to eliminate the profit incentive that forfeiture creates and to adopt procedures that have a greater capacity to protect our constitutional rights.
That's right, and we're going to talk to a state representative who's working on it at the state level.
Now, when the governor in Wyoming vetoed what Representative Kendall Croker, who's going to be joining us in the next hour, when he vetoed what was passed there by both houses, Representative Croker, who we're going to be talking to in the next hour, said civil asset forfeiture violates the 5th, the 6th, and the 7th amendments to the U.S.
This is a discussion we need to have.
Very, very important.
And so we're going to be talking to him in the next hour.
And I want to remind you that if you're not a subscriber to Prison Planet TV, please consider supporting our operation.
That's where I typically hang out.
It's where Leanne McAdoo and Jakari Jackson are doing reports.
And of course, Leanne McAdoo is going to be joining us in the third hour as well.
So in the next hour, we've got Representative Croker coming on to talk to us about civil asset forfeiture.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to be joined in the next segment by Representative Wyoming to talk about civil asset forfeiture.
I wanted to go over some news at the top of the hour here.
As I mentioned earlier in the program, the article we have on Infowars.com, the U.S.
is helping commit atrocities in Yemen, yet pretending that it's Iran's fault.
Now, Noam Chomsky had an interesting comment on all of this.
Very specifically about Iran.
Because we had Secretary of State John Kerry saying that what Iran is doing is destabilizing the area.
Yet we are the ones who are sending a massive fleet there practicing gunboat diplomacy.
Noam Chomsky said this, he said the most interesting one is the charge that Iran is destabilizing the Middle East because it's supporting militias that have killed American soldiers in Iraq.
That's kind of as if in 1943 the Nazi press had criticized England because it was destabilizing Europe.
For supporting partisans who are killing German soldiers occupying those countries.
In other words, the assumption is that whenever the U.S.
invades, it kills a couple hundred thousand people, it destroys the country, it elicits sectarian conflicts that are now tearing Iraq and the region apart.
That's stabilization.
That's stabilization.
Yet, if someone resists that pact, that is destabilization.
That's the insane world that we live in.
That's, I guess, another example of American exceptionalism that is pushed by the American press.
That whatever we do, there's a different standard.
Of course, we know there's a different standard for our government in the way that it allows its employees to work as opposed to the way it allows civilians who are not in the military, who are not in the militarized police to operate.
But truly, this country is digressing into insanity.
Listen to this article.
We've got a judge in New York that gives chimpanzees human rights for the first time.
We've got a New York judge that said two apes are covered by habeas corpus.
Habeas corpus, you know?
When are we going to get that kind of protection for human beings?
When are we going to have rights?
I mean, what kind of, uh, you know, I first saw this, I said, was this a kangaroo court?
Um, we have plenty of kangaroo courts, actually.
We have kangaroo courts pretty much in every one of the bureaucracies.
But now they're going to give special rights.
They're going to get recognized human rights for chimpanzees when they don't recognize human rights for human beings.
That's precisely what we're going to be talking about in the next hour.
You know, when this was vetoed in Wyoming, the governor there, who is a former prosecutor, said, we have a right to do this.
In other words, the government has a right.
You don't have rights.
Only the government has rights.
And so the government grants you privileges if you're a good little ape.
But otherwise, they don't.
Now, just to understand fully the kind of brave new world that we're living in, this article on InfoWars.com, School Under Fire for Transgender Kindergarten Lesson.
Kindergarten lesson that they never informed the parents about, of course.
These are officials at the Mitchell Primary School.
And this is a situation where they have a book about a transgender child that was read to most of the school's kindergarten through third grade students.
They say, we have a practice of if a topic is considered to be sensitive, parents should be informed, so...
You know, they're not going to fire them.
They're not going to not do that.
Maybe in the future they will just tell you, uh, we're going to talk to your kindergartner about transgender issues.
Listen, I don't want government officials.
I don't want teachers who aren't the parents of my kids.
I don't want some stranger talking to my kids about heterosexual issues at kindergarten age.
End of story.
This is a brave new world scenario.
You know when they talked about sex education?
That's where this is leading.
Into this type of thing.
Where they preoccupy the society with this type of sexual preoccupation.
That was a strategy of Brave New World.
When we look at it, are we living in George Orwell's 1984 or are we living in Brave New World?
The answer is, we're living in both.
We get different approaches depending on what level of society you're in, what strata you're in.
But we're getting Brave New World and 1984 at the same time.
Stay with us, we'll be right back with Representative Kroger.
Tyrus Byrd recently won the mayoral race for the small town of Parma, Missouri, on the platform of Cleaning Up the City.
Mayor-elect Byrd beat the 37-year incumbent by 37 votes, and immediately upon taking office, five of the town's six police officers resigned.
Along with the city's attorney, clerk, and wastewater treatment supervisor.
The Huffington Post has jumped on this story saying it's all because of racism.
Well, according to them, everyone white is racist.
Unless you're a lisping MSNBC contributor.
Just look at the headline.
Police officials resign after small Missouri town elects first black female mayor.
Now let's look at the facts.
The town has one police officer for every 123 residents.
Total overkill.
She was elected by the citizens of Parma where she once worked as town clerk.
She probably knows where the proverbial skeletons are buried.
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Rob Dew reporting for InfoWars.com and InfoWars Nightly News.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
We're joined now by Representative Kendall Croker, and he is a representative from Wyoming.
We wanted to talk to him about the Civil Asset Forfeiture Bill that was passed in Wyoming.
Of course, this was a reform bill that would stop this practice.
We played in the last hour comments from Senator Rand Paul and Mike Lee, both talking about the dangers of civil asset forfeiture, how it destroys our
Basically, not only our rights, but our legal system.
It encourages the police to act in a corrupt way.
It gives them incentives to confiscate people's property without even charging people with a crime, let alone finding them guilty of a crime.
So we wanted to talk to him and see what the situation there in Wyoming is because it was vetoed by the governor.
It's being reported by FreedomWorks that Wyoming lawmakers may take another shot at offering some kind of a protection for people and their
We're working on it.
I'm a member of the Judiciary Committee and it has been picked up as one of our official interim topics.
Okay, all right, good.
Let's go back and talk about the basic problem.
We had Senator Rand Paul and Mike Lee, we had a couple of short clips in the last hour, they kind of laid down some of the problems for it.
Would you talk to the audience and explain why we should be concerned about civil asset forfeiture?
This is something that affects, we've seen bipartisan support in New Mexico as it got passed there, Democrats and Republicans, and yet we still see that with
The nominee for Attorney General Eric Holder, the replacement for him, Jessica Lynch, she is very much an advocate of continuing civil asset forfeiture.
So can you explain that to the audience, why that is a problem?
Well, it's a major problem because it basically just shoots a hole in the Bill of Rights.
The Fifth Amendment, among other things, says that no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process.
And to me, due process means that you get your day in court, you're innocent until proven guilty.
We're good to go.
Yeah, it's kind of like an Alice in Wonderland situation.
They're charging inanimate objects with being accessories to crime.
It's absolutely amazing what they do.
Yeah, it is.
It's just something that you just... I can't even comprehend that this happens in America.
I think this is another sign that our country really is on life support for the great country that we know.
You were mentioning earlier about the government thinking that they're the one that grants rights.
I mean, our original founding document, the Declaration of Independence, says that to secure these rights, governments were instituted among men.
So the only purpose that we have for government is to protect our individual rights and they've just flipped that upside down.
Yes, it absolutely is upside down.
It's very interesting because the governor there who vetoed this, and again, you had a bill that would have stopped civil asset forfeiture in Wyoming, and the governor had a couple of different ways that he approached this when he vetoed it.
Number one, we need to understand that he is a former federal attorney.
Is that correct?
That's correct.
He's a former federal prosecutor.
So he's coming at it from that standpoint because it was after all the federal government that gave us this legal fiction of civil asset forfeiture.
So he says it's important and it's a right.
So the first thing he says, just as you mentioned there, is that the government has a right to take your property without charging you of any crime, without giving you a trial, without finding you guilty.
They just take your property.
And they don't have to make it proportional to whatever the crime was.
That's also something that's in the Bill of Rights.
But then he goes on to say, crime should not pay, especially drug crime.
Well, it seems to me, Representative Croker, that crime is paying for the law enforcement agencies.
It's paying very well for them, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
In some parts of the country, more so than others.
Luckily, in Wyoming, we haven't seen the gross, gross abuses of this process.
Most of the amounts seized are smaller.
But to me, that's still criminal.
When somebody has $2,000 taken from them and they never get a day in court, if they want to get their money back, they have to hire an attorney and sue the government to get it back.
To me, that's not due process.
That's not innocent until proven guilty, and to me that is a crime right there.
One of the other things that he said, so first of all he says the government has a right to take your property.
He says crime should not pay, especially drug crime, but this kind of civil asset forfeiture is funding a lot of police departments, a lot of attorneys, prosecuting attorneys departments, and then he goes on to say that
It's not a problem in Wyoming anyway.
You don't have that kind of problem like you do in other states.
But of course, if we allow this kind of legal structure to exist, even if that were true in Wyoming, that it's never happened in Wyoming, we were warned by Madison
That if, you know, his famous thing in Federalist 51, he said, hey, if men were angels, no government would be necessary, but if angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.
In other words, we have to remember that government is comprised of men.
Who are just a cross-section of the population.
Like Frank Serpico said, you're going to have crooked cops as well as honest cops.
It's going to be a cross-section of society.
And so the question is, do we set up controls to keep from having systemic corruption?
That's the real issue.
It isn't whether or not somebody has abused this yet in Wyoming, but are you setting up a structure that allows them to?
I guess that's really the question, isn't it?
Yeah, and that's really the issue for us.
I mean, we as lawmakers, our job is to make sure that the law is right and just and fair.
And this law is not.
The law itself is abusive.
Even if it hasn't been abused further, then that means now is the exact right time to change it.
Let's change it before it does get abused.
If our current law enforcement community in Wyoming is doing an honorable job, well, that's great.
But who's to say who's going to be behind the badge 10 years from now, 20 years from now?
And so it's our job to protect future generations as much as our own generation, and that means fixing a bad law and changing it now.
Yeah, I know.
When Rand Paul was talking to people about some of these types of issues, he said to them, he said, I'm not saying that Obama is necessarily a bad man.
What I'm saying is you don't want to have a legal system that requires on having good men in office to keep from having abuse.
That's the whole reason.
We're good to go.
Vetoed this.
You said civil asset forfeiture violates the 5th, the 6th, and the 7th amendments to the U.S.
I think you talked about the 5th.
Talk about the other two.
Talk about how it violates those amendments to the Constitution.
Well, between the Sixth and Seventh Amendments to the Constitution, it provides for somebody who cannot afford an attorney to have one appointed for them.
And that's not the case at all.
If a person wants an attorney in a civil case, they have to hire it themselves.
And one of the scary things in Wyoming is that the median amount seized was around $2,000.
And for $2,000, you can't hire an attorney and go to court and have it cost less than that.
So it's just not practical.
The other protection there is the right to a jury trial in civil matters and in amounts over $20, I believe is what the Constitution says.
And oftentimes these people don't even get to court.
Our Attorney General in front of our committee meeting last week, I asked him about the due process issue and his response was, well, the Supreme Court has ruled that sending a notice to somebody in the mail that their assets are being seized is due process.
I don't know.
That black individuals were property and not people.
And so if you're saying that just because the Supreme Court says something that's right, well then I think that there's a lot of decisions in the past that have been overturned that you don't want to agree with.
I don't need nine politically appointed judges to interpret the Constitution for me.
It's not like it's written in a foreign language.
I can read it myself, and it's pretty clear.
And we have to understand that these ideas are coming from Washington.
I don't know that we're going to see a solution coming out of it in spite of senators like Rand Paul and Mike Lee.
And of course, they're joined.
It's a bipartisan effort.
There are some Democrat senators who have joined with them to stop this.
This is just a Republican thing.
Actually, interestingly enough,
Civil asset forfeiture began with Ronald Reagan as part of his war on drugs.
We ought to, we ought to recognize that and we ought to correct that.
But I wanted to talk to you about what's going on right now because I think really the solutions are going to be coming from the states and that's why I wanted to get a state legislator like you who understands and appreciates and the Constitution and obeys the Constitution, stands up for it.
I think that's really our only hope.
There's so much corruption in Washington that even if we have a handful of Democrat and Republican senators who want to stand up for our civil liberties, I'm still very skeptical that's going to happen.
Let's talk about what's going on in Wyoming now.
This was vetoed by the governor when it was passed, and then there were some Republicans who defected, so you couldn't override the veto at that point.
Is this coming back in another form, this civil asset forfeiture legislation?
I can promise it will come back.
And for me, the Senate choosing not to override the veto was the most frustrating part of the process.
It passed the Senate with a vote of 26 to 3, and out of the 26 Senators who voted for it originally after the Governor vetoed it, 20 of the 26 changed their vote and voted not to override his veto.
And that was what was really hard to take and hard to swallow.
Wow, political pressure definitely being brought to bear there.
That reminds me of what happened here in Texas with the bill to stop the TSA.
Stay with us, we're going to be right back with Representative Croker from Wyoming.
We're talking about civil asset forfeiture, efforts to rein that in at the state level.
We'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm David Knight, and we have joining us in this segment Representative Kendall Croker, a state representative in Wyoming, and of course we have him on because he is fighting for the rights of people in Wyoming to have due process, to have property rights.
Civil asset forfeitures, he was just explaining in the last segment.
Takes your property rights, takes your right to due process, as he pointed out when it was passed by the legislature and then vetoed by the governor.
He pointed out that it violates the 5th, the 6th, and the 7th Amendments of the Constitution.
I want to go back to him and talk to him about what's next in Wyoming, because they're going to come back with another bill.
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Representative Croker, we were just talking before the break about how you said there were 26 individuals in the Senate, 26 to 3 I think, and all but 6 of them changed after the governor vetoed it, and so they were not able to override the veto.
That reminds me of what happened here in Texas.
We had Representative David Simpson, who
Put a bill forward to stop the TSA from molesting children and adults.
And he would treat those types of molestations for what they were, sexual assault.
And it was passed with a strong majority.
I think it was even unanimous in one of the houses here in Texas.
And then we had the lieutenant governor as well as the governor get involved.
And they shut it down at the Senate level.
We even had the government, the federal government,
Threatening to make Texas a no-fly zone.
So there's a lot of political pressure, a lot of partisan pressure to toad this line.
What do you make of that?
It's frustrating, and it's politics.
But I think another thing that's frustrating about it is another case of us giving up our power in the legislative branch of government.
I mean, if we're going to bow down to the governor and let him determine what we're going to pass or not and not override him when we have the votes, well, why do we even meet as a legislature?
Why don't we just give him a list of what he wants to pass and then say, okay, it's passed?
I mean, I think our founders set up a system of a balance of power, you know, for a very good reason.
And we need to remain strong as a legislature.
And I mean, if it was right for the Senate to vote for that bill before the governor vetoed it, it should have been right for them to vote to override him.
Well, I can tell that you're someone who takes the Constitution far more seriously than they do being in part of a political club.
I really salute you for that.
I think that's a smart move, actually.
Quite frankly, I think a lot of people are really fed up with politics as usual.
They're really fed up with the Republicans and the Democrats who just go along and run roughshod over our rights so that they can toady up to the people in power.
I really appreciate you standing up to that.
You said that the Wyoming Legislature is going to offer another bill, you believe?
Is that going to be not as strong as this bill?
How is that going to be different, and why do you think that might be able to pass?
I think we'll be able to keep it as strong as we can.
A couple issues, the way Wyoming works, our general session, we're done with our legislative session for the year.
Now the committees will each meet two or three times during the interim to work on topics to bring back as committee-sponsored bills.
And our Judiciary Committee is looking at the topic again, and I feel pretty confident that our committee is going to hold strong and that if we come up with a bill that it'll be just as strong and it will require a conviction.
There might be a few changes that we can make here and there, some small minor changes.
For example, one thing that the prosecutors were upset about is our bill required a felony conviction before any asset forfeiture could take place.
And they've said, well, what about in the case of a misdemeanor?
Well, if it's a small amount of money, it might be appropriate to say for an amount of $1,000 or less that that's appropriate with a misdemeanor conviction.
So there might be some small changes we can make in our bill.
To me, the important thing is having that conviction, to make sure that you are convicted before the government forfeits your property.
And that's one of the frustrating things.
It's kind of a red herring talking point that's thrown out there by the governor when he says that crime should not pay.
Well, I agree.
And under our bill that he vetoed, crime wouldn't pay because it would still allow the government to forfeit funds from a drug crime if they were demonstrated that they came as profit from drug dealing.
The difference is, you have to convict the person and find him guilty, and then as part of the sentencing, it would allow the judge to forfeit those funds if they were direct profits from criminal activity.
And that's the problem is that he's saying crime should not pay.
They're determining that you're a criminal because they've taken away your presumption of innocence.
That's very important.
I'm sorry we're out of time, but thank you so much for joining us.
We're going to be watching that very closely, and I know it took a lot of citizen action to get that passed in New Mexico.
Over 5,000 people called the governor, told her to sign it.
Thank you so much, Representative Kendall Croker.
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It is a big idea.
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How is it that this organization is so well-funded, so organized?
Islamic State-linked militants have gained a stronger foothold in Libya, seizing new economically vital areas of the country.
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A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.
The Russians say they're negotiating with North Korea to hold joint military exercises.
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Only when this transformation is complete will we be able to take full measure of the opportunities presented by this new and involving world order.
It's known as the Bilderberg Group.
Could their objective be world domination?
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Now, what you just heard in that liner, of course, people talking about the New World Order, George Bush, as well as the Bilderberg Group.
Of course, we were attacked by Bloomberg for suggesting that Jeb Bush might even attend.
I mean, who would think?
That a presidential candidate would attend Bilderberg.
It isn't like it's happened before.
No, it has happened before.
We've documented it as Alex Jones joined us in the first hour and talked about how he got pictures of people sneaking in, the Secret Service cars bringing in Hillary Clinton and Obama.
And of course, I think they kind of arbitrated as to which one of them was going to run.
She dropped out shortly after that.
Nevertheless, Bilderberg is something we ought to ask questions about.
Just as I point out, people are asking questions about the ridiculous lies that are being told about the Walmart store closings.
Shouldn't we be concerned about the ridiculous lies that are being told about the European Union, for example, that began at Bilderberg?
That's the very first meeting.
We've got the minutes of the very first meeting have been leaked, and we can see that that's what they were talking about.
Sixty-one years ago.
So yeah, we should ask questions about that.
We should ask where this is all going.
Of course, in the last segment, we've been talking to a state representative from Wyoming, Kendall Croker, and we were talking about efforts there to stop civil asset forfeiture.
It's an amazing legal fiction that was foisted upon us as part of the war on drugs.
Put upon us by Ronald Reagan, just like mandatory minimums.
Except this is, in one respect, perhaps even more dangerous because of all the lies that are folded into this term.
For example, the idea that it is civil precludes you from having any attorney representing you.
And as Representative Croker was saying, the amounts that are typically seized are usually large enough that it's profitable for the police department, but not large enough that it would profit you to actually hire an attorney to try to get your property back.
And of course, your property is what is charged with the crime, not you.
Because they don't have to assert that you had anything to do with it.
In most cases, the people are never charged with a crime.
They just confiscate the property.
Read to you one of the abusive cases in New Mexico.
And of course, New Mexico just passed a law to stop this.
It was passed unanimously in the House and the Senate.
Bipartisan support.
It took quite a while for the Republican governor there to sign it.
Unlike the Republican governor in Wyoming, who vetoed this, the Republican governor in New Mexico did finally sign it.
Of course, 5,000 people, according to FreedomWorks, called the governor's office to get her to sign that.
But let me read to you
A particular example, just to give you a feel for how this works.
In one particularly egregious case, this is from ThinkProgress.org, they say, in 2010, state police in Albuquerque and the Albuquerque Police Department, the State Police Department and Homeland Security all conspired, this is not a conspiracy theory, this actually happened, to seize $16,925 from a father and son
Who had taken a road trip to Las Vegas.
They'd won this gambling in Las Vegas.
They had cash on them.
They were initially pulled over by the state police, the highway patrol.
They were going five miles over the speed limit.
They searched their car for hours.
They eventually found the cash.
They referred to the 60-year-old man as a boy.
And when they finally allowed the father and son to leave, the officer told them that their ordeal, quote, wasn't over yet.
And it wasn't.
They were subsequently pulled over by the Albuquerque police for, quote, improperly changing lanes.
So first they're pulled over for just going five miles over the speed limit.
They found some money.
Then they contact the Albuquerque police and they pull them over for saying that they improperly changed lanes.
Then a Homeland Security officer arrives at the scene, takes the money and their car, and leaves them stranded on the side of the road.
Now, the ACLU eventually won a lawsuit getting their money back.
And again, that points out that this is something that both the left and the right can agree that we should have.
Imagine that.
Due process.
That you should be presumed innocent.
That you should be charged with a crime.
That you should be found guilty.
And then, if there's a financial punishment, that punishment ought to be proportional to what the crime is.
I think the left and the right can agree on that.
And we have some bills that are coming up that is bipartisan support, Democrat and Republican senators.
We played a couple of clips from Mike Lee and Rand Paul.
I want to play one more from Mike Lee where he talks about how the deck is stacked against property owners.
This is Senator Mike Lee.
Under the status quo as it operates, in your experience, how hard is it generally for an innocent person to get his or her property back once it's been seized in a civil asset forfeiture proceeding?
It's very difficult.
It's extremely hard because as they testified before, the deck is stacked against property owners.
You're not guaranteed counsel and often the property is worth less than the amount of legal fees.
The agency will immediately start administrative forfeitures and the burden is on property owners to timely file a claim.
There have been numerous reports of even the
The notices that property owners get are unclear.
People don't know what agency of all the, you know, between the state and local that sees their property, where are they supposed to file this claim?
And there's no good cause exception.
If the property owner misses that deadline by a single day or even just minutes late from the filing deadline, it's administratively forfeited and that's it.
If they are lucky enough to survive all these loopholes and make it to federal court by timely filing a claim, then again, these burdens are still stacked against property owners.
And even in the end, they might be able to recover attorney's fees, but that provision has also been gutted.
Very frequently, property owners do not actually get, recover their attorney's fees under CAFRA.
So it is a very, a system that is stacked against property owners and that needs to change.
Yeah, to give you an idea of how it's stacked, let's take a look at the legislation that is before Congress, as well as before the Senate, that's also supported by Representative Tim Wahlberg, Republican from Michigan, in the House.
They've introduced, he's introduced along with Rand Paul, the Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration Act.
They call it FAIR.
Now, to look at the points of what they've come through with this, first of all, there's a profit motive.
Remember, the Wyoming governor said crime should not pay.
Well, crime does pay for the police departments that support their operations with what they confiscate for people.
You know, it was Lysander Spooner who said the difference between the government and a highway robber is that a highway robber merely steals your money.
The government steals your money and then follows you down the road nagging you, okay?
So that is not even a hyperbole anymore.
It is quite literally true.
They pull you over, they search you until they find some cash or something that they want, and then they notify their buddies in another jurisdiction, they pull them over, and they take their $17,000 and their car and leave them standing on the side of the road.
Okay, that's highway robbery.
And that's how they fund their police departments in many cases.
So first thing the FAIR Act would do would be to, and this is what any legislation that's going to pull this down at the state level needs to attack these individual points as well.
And it helps you understand really how bad this is, how far off the rails.
The American system has gone and fighting this futile war on drugs.
And I say it's futile because I'm talking to the people who think that that's going to stop our youth from abusing drugs, okay?
That's not done that for 40 years.
It isn't going to do it.
It makes everything worse.
It doesn't affect drug use whatsoever.
It just destroys our legal system and corrupts the government.
So it is doing what it was designed to do, and that is to make a lot of money for the government to provide a justification for virtually any kind of authoritarian police state they want to construct.
So the first thing you've got to do is remove the profit motive from them.
The second thing you need to do is have a standard of proof.
Right now,
The government just has to say, well, we've got a preponderance of evidence.
No, they would have to have a clear and convincing evidence that the property is even subject to forfeiture, number one.
Number two, you would be considered to be innocent until proven guilty.
What a novel idea.
I mean, we have had a lot of people die to establish these principles hundreds of years ago that we would be innocent until proven guilty, that we would have a trial by jury of our peers, that we would have due process.
So that would restore that.
So you've got profit motive, you've got standard of proof, you've got innocent owner defense, and then structuring.
This is where they take your cash because they say that you deposited less than $10,000 so you could avoid filing a report.
That was put in, ostensibly, to try to get to people who were laundering money for criminal actions.
But now they're taking money from people who are just business owners, who maybe were not even trying to avoid all the paperwork involved in depositing $10,000 for their restaurant.
They just go in and they confiscate that money, and of course the money was legitimate.
They can show that it was legitimate.
They're not trying to launder money for a criminal operation.
So first of all, they would have to show that the owner knowingly sought to avoid bank reporting and that it was not derived from a criminal source.
The next thing is proportionality.
The idea, as supported in the Bill of Rights, directly, expressly protected in the Bill of Rights, saying that when you were found guilty...
You will not have excessive fines or punishments, so it would be proportional to it.
Then also legal representation.
That's also in the Constitution, and we're ignoring that with the civil asset forfeiture.
Again, that's the idea, is that they do it civilly.
They charge the property.
They do it as a civil, not as a criminal process, and that's how they get around this.
And then finally, they would report what is actually happening, because this stuff is going on, and for the most part, it's not being reported.
And it's been going on for decades.
We need to understand that there have to be checks in place and we have to have a government that is going to respect the law.
But of course it's not just confiscating your cash along the side of the road.
We actually have a banker, the chief economist for Citigroup, who is saying we need to ban cash altogether.
Now, this is a guy, his name is Willem... I think it's Beuter?
Is that the way you pronounce his name?
Anyway, it's B-U-I-T-E-R.
He's the same guy that last year told us that gold was in a 6,000-year-old bubble.
You know, if it's lasted for 6,000 years, it's by definition not a bubble.
But nevertheless, he is the chief economist.
That's the brain trust there to say they've got gold in a 6,000 year bubble.
He doesn't believe that.
Greenspan doesn't believe that.
Greenspan said gold is real money.
He made that very clear.
He said that, I think it was at a CFR meeting, a Council on Foreign Relations meeting.
Uh, they first didn't, uh, put that up on their website.
They edited that out.
Somebody else that was there recorded it and put it up, and then they said, oh, well, you know, that was just an oversight.
Yeah, right.
Uh, no, they actually did put that up, and he actually did say that gold is real money.
It's the only thing that is real money.
Nevertheless, they will lie to you about it.
Because they don't want, they want, this is part of the deception.
Now he's coming out and saying that we need to ban cash.
Now here's the rationale for it.
They're saying that one of the ways that they can control the economy, that they can stimulate the economy, and this is Keynesian economics, they can stimulate the economy by reducing interest rates.
Well, they've played that card.
They don't have that anymore.
They've kept interest rates down at about 0% now for a long time, and guess what?
The economy is still flatlining by real measurements.
Of course, Obama will tell us that we're doing great.
And of course, the stock market is doing great.
They can pump money into the stock market, and they are doing that.
But in terms of other measurements, real measurements, in terms of the quality of jobs, the wages that people are having, the disposable income, many, many metrics, any real metric, it's not doing well.
So they're looking at other ways to stimulate it.
And of course, the very fact that they're looking at ways to stimulate the economy tells you that it's not doing well.
So he says, so we have to have something else.
You know, we've got zero interest rates.
That's still not doing it.
So we've got to go to negative interest rates.
We've got to force people to spend the money because if they save it, we're going to charge them a fee.
That's what negative interest rates are.
They're going to charge you a fee for the money that you actually save.
It's not enough that we have a tax code that rewards you for borrowing money and punishes you for saving.
It's not enough that we have banks who now give you no interest at all.
Now they're going to charge you a negative interest rate to have your money in the bank.
But he goes, but the problem with that is if we charge people a negative interest rate, they're going to take the money out in cash.
So what do we do?
What is a central bank to do?
Well, he's got three proposals.
Number one, they can abolish currency.
Just abolish it.
That's one way that they can confiscate your money.
The other way is they can tax currency.
Third way is they can remove the fixed exchange rate between currency and central bank reserves and deposits.
Well, let's talk about that first one, abolishing currency.
Now he says, there's a couple of problems with abolishing currency.
And again, this is the Chief Economist for Citibank, very highly connected in the elite financial circles, Willem Buiter.
He says, abolishing currency will constitute a noticeable change in many people's lives, and change often tends to be resisted.
Yeah, that's why you see all of these drills about martial law.
They're very concerned about that.
They're very concerned about what happens when this fiction called the petrodollar that was created between Richard Nixon and Saudi Arabia back in the 1970s, when that thing pops.
That's the bubble.
It's not gold.
Gold is not a 6,000-year-old bubble.
The petrodollar, now that's the bubble.
That's a bubble that supports the entire American economy.
When that bubble bursts, you're going to have massive economic consequences.
And that's why they're training for martial law.
So, you know, that would be a downside of abolishing currency, because that would kind of upset people.
I think it would, because they would understand what's behind that.
Currency use remains high among the poor and older people.
So he suggests to keep low denomination cash in circulation.
Nothing higher than a $5 bill, he says.
That might solve the problem.
And so he goes through a whole bunch of different scenarios.
He's got about five of them here.
But he dismisses each of these things in turn.
They say in the article, this is zero hedge.
He says, in summary, we therefore conclude that the arguments against abolishing currency are rather weak.
In other words, in plain language, he's saying, we have a good case to abolish currency.
So, all these objections, they're actually pretty weak, but, yeah, we got a good case to do it.
Now, of course, we've got Bloomberg, you know, the same people who mocked us today about reporting about Bilderberg, say, well, the chances of an administration taking the decision to abolish cash seem vanishingly small.
Oh, really?
You think so?
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Get up, stand up.
Stand up for your right.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We're going to be joined in the next hour with Leigh Ann McAdoo, and of course she is one of the anchors here at the InfoWars Nightly News.
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You never know what's going to happen.
This is what we're talking about.
They got the Citibank chief economist talking about how he wants to ban cash.
And look at what's happening in Greece.
I mentioned this yesterday.
The fact that the Greek government, in order to satisfy the bankers, is confiscating all government cash everywhere.
They're confiscating reserves from local governments.
They say the government, this is the opposition party talking, they say the government's decision to seize our reserves not only raises legal and constitutional issues, but also moral ones.
Yeah, absolutely.
They're taking it from the municipalities there.
They say no government.
Before this, has ever dared to touch the money from municipalities, from cities.
But of course we've seen this, interestingly enough, in Venezuela.
And this is a radical leftist party that has taken control of Greece as well.
They thought that the leftists would stand up to the bankers.
And you would think, wouldn't you?
That Hugo Chavez would have stood up to the bankers in Venezuela, but he didn't.
They bragged about how they got a 700% return on investment.
How the people there had to go to another country to get their food, their water, their medicine.
That's why you need to prepare.
Because you never know when that's going to happen here.
They think that these leftists in Venezuela, these leftists in Greece are going to stand up to the central bank and yet they toady up to them even more so than the other guys.
That's what's happening here.
They're actually going in and taking the money away from municipalities and they're not going to be able to follow through with their commitments in order to satisfy the central bankers.
That's one of the things we need to be very careful of.
We're looking at this Trans-Pacific Partnership, as I mentioned yesterday, the fact that
They're now pushing the people in Europe, telling them that the only way they're going to solve these financial problems is for the individual nation states to give up sovereignty to become a United States of Europe.
Alan Greenspan has said it.
The head of the largest bond fund has said it.
But there is so much more in these trade agreements.
As I said earlier, we see corporations like Sony who want to be able to shut down your website if they merely allege a copyright violation.
Of course, there's a lot of that type of stuff in these trade agreements.
There's also stuff that would require countries to not prohibit them from banning things like GMOs.
It would also force a lot of other
multinational corporation products on people.
Isn't it interesting that that's their model for how they operate anymore?
It used to be that the crony capitalism model was they would go to Congress and they would get legislation passed that would be a burden to the small competitors, that would essentially cut off the bottom rungs of the ladder of competition.
It would keep people from starting up new businesses and competition to them.
They would also get direct subsidies by getting contracts, but now what they do is they hold a gun to your head and they force you to buy their product, just like they're trying to do with vaccines.
If they can force you to buy health insurance and define what kind of coverage you're going to have, they can force you to take medicine, inject that into your children, they can force you to do anything.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host today.
We'll be joined in the next segment with Leanne McAdoo.
We're going to be talking about the current Surgeon General who wants to inject infants at a much higher rate with vaccines, and he's going to use Sesame Street characters to do it.
How about that?
That's what I was talking about.
That's what we see now.
We see not only is the government engaged in the kind of crony capitalism that we've seen going back even to before the Civil War.
Of course, that was one of the major issues of the Civil War and that was what they called internal improvements.
The idea that you could tax one state and then build something in another state.
For example, tax Virginia and build the Erie Canal up in Pennsylvania.
The people in Virginia didn't think much of that idea.
But of course, we've gotten completely used to that.
We don't even question whether or not the federal government should reward its friends in different places by punishing other people.
We just accept that.
That's good for all of us, we're told.
And we've been fed that line so long that we don't even think about that anymore.
The corruption that we saw after the Civil War with the robber barons, the railroads, they were already the corporate sponsors of Abraham Lincoln before he became president.
So we've seen that kind of crony capitalism for a long time.
The kind of crony capitalism that we saw with the bank bailouts.
But this is a different kind.
This is a kind of crony capitalism that holds a gun to your head and says, you're going to buy my insurance policy.
And I'm going to define what it is.
I don't care if you're single male, you're going to get a maternity policy.
It's that kind of crony capitalism.
That's what's behind this removal of informed consent that people are fighting in all these different states, desperately fighting in California with SB 277.
They're playing all kinds of legislative games there, but it is not only a conflict of interest.
I mean, the state senator there, Dr. Pan, he's taken money from Big Pharma.
He's part of the AMA.
They're forcing this on people, taking away their informed consent.
If you can do that to people, you effectively make them slaves.
And that's what we're seeing over and over again.
Look at this.
Look at what the automakers are doing.
And this will kind of give you an idea of the way the large corporations are going to be forcing us to buy their products, whether or not we like it.
And they're going to be using these trade agreements that are being passed off as free trade.
This is a story that Kit Daniels put up over the weekend.
Actually, I think it was right after the weekend.
There was an auto show that I went to this last weekend here in
And Austin, and I really wish I could have known about this.
I would have talked to the people that were there about it.
Automakers want to outlaw gearheads from working on their own cars.
There you go.
That's the 21st century dream of the megacorporations, that they own everything.
Even after you buy the car, they still own the car and you can't do anything to it.
Now this is an association of global automakers.
That's the name of the association.
The Association of Global Automakers, AGA.
It's a lobbying firm for 12 manufacturers.
They're asking the U.S.
Copyright Office to prevent car owners from accessing computer programs that control the functioning of a motorized land vehicle.
They say, hey, it's too complex for you to fix anyway, but we're going to stop it with copyright violations.
Copyright violations.
They say, in order to modify the automotive software for the purpose of diagnosis and repair, or for aftermarket personalization, modification, the modifier must use a substantial amount of copyrighted software that you have paid for.
You paid for that when you bought the car.
Copying the software is an issue after all, not wholly replacing it, they say.
Because of the heart, it's not in the entirety, the copyrighted work will remain in the modified copy.
So the amount and substantiality of the portion copied strongly indicates the proposed uses are not fair.
A lot of legal talk, which basically says, you don't own your car that you paid for, we own it.
We're going to maintain ownership of it.
You know, the Electronic Freedom Foundation said it's not a new thing to be able to repair and modify cars.
It's actually a new thing to keep people from doing it.
But that's the kind of corporate fascism.
That's what we've got to be concerned about with the trade agreements that are being negotiated in secret by these corporations.
We know exactly how they're going to use it.
And we know why the mainstream media is not covering it.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with Leanne McAdoo talking about forced vaccinations.
A man who was viciously attacked last week by Baltimore cops, seemingly for no reason other than being in a high crime area, well he has lost his struggle for life in the hospital.
Freddie Gray, only 25 years old, has become the latest victim in the epidemic of police murders of American citizens.
The aftermath of the attack was captured on video, you can see it right now at Infowars.com, and it shows Gray getting picked up off the ground, clearly with a broken leg, as the officers dumped him in the back of a police van.
Gray was hospitalized and put in critical condition, with a shattered vertebrae, a broken spine, a broken leg, and a crushed larynx.
Gray underwent emergency spinal surgery yesterday, where he died and was pronounced dead at the hospital.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on this Tuesday, April 21st, 2015.
I'm David Knight, your host.
Joining me in studio right now is Leanne McAdoo, and she's here to talk about our new Surgeon General, who is... We began the program, Leanne, by talking about how Bloomberg was attacking us for exposing Bilderberg.
Oh, you're a conspiracy theorist, right?
But of course,
What they do is not only not report that, but they advocate injecting infants and using Sesame Street characters to do it.
It's an amazing story by Jeffrey Jackson.
You're going to have an interview with him this week, talking to him about the different aspects of this.
Tell us about it.
We're good to go.
Okay, hang on a second.
They lost your audio, so they're just picking it up on my mic right here.
Yeah, it was something that he pointed out.
There's not only is there a conflict of interest in this, but it is something that, you know, this is what we really have to be concerned about because we know how the regulatory agencies have been captured.
We know how our congressmen have been captured.
It was just last week.
That they said, we're going to let corporate lobbyists write massive trade agreements with Europe and Asia that the public can't see, that we're not going to have any input into it, and it's going to be put up and it's going to be a total up or down vote.
There's not going to be any amendments.
So they're abdicating their responsibility to these corporate lobbyists.
And now we've got the Surgeon General out here with Sesame Street characters basically selling big pharma products.
Yeah, exactly.
They're targeting your children.
And we already know that they target adults with their behavior placement and everything, and they advertise directly to adults.
But that's against the law to advertise to children, especially when you're not providing a fair and balanced, you know, letting them know what...
What the troubles could be with getting a vaccination.
So I guess they're kind of skirting around that law by not specifically saying, oh, get a measles vaccine or get the flu vaccine.
They're just telling them about vaccines in general.
And the way he goes about explaining to Elmo is that the only way that his body can be protected from germs is by getting a vaccine.
Yeah, because they're going to stop doing all the other medicines because it's so much more profitable for them to sell vaccines because they have absolutely no liability if it hurts anybody.
If they harm you with an antibiotic, they've got legal exposure.
But not in the U.S.
if they harm you with a vaccine, they have protection.
So we've got the Surgeon General selling their products.
We've got state legislators all over the country trying to remove informed consent.
Renaming it a personal belief exemption.
Trying to mandate that you, I mean that in and of itself, apart from the fact that they're doing this on a product for which they have assumed the liability for all these pharmaceutical products, that right there should cause people to stop and ask what's going on.
We should never have our right to informed consent taken from us.
Yes, you know that they're lying to you when they do that.
You know they're lying to you when they give legal immunity to these corporations.
And the Surgeon General didn't point out to Elmo that, well, you know, GlaxoSmithKline just paid out $63 million to vaccine-damaged children in the UK.
They didn't point out that the U.S.
has paid out about $9 billion to vaccine-injured.
So he doesn't really point that out to Elmo.
He just sells it as this great thing.
So let's go ahead and take a look.
We'll kind of get to the middle of the clip there, to the meat of it all, where he's selling the idea.
Just like an umbrella protects you from the rain and a helmet protects you from hitting your head, a vaccine protects you from germs.
What's a germ?
Germs are tiny microscopic creatures that can get into your body and make you very very sick.
Oh no!
Elmo doesn't like being sick because Elmo feels bad when Elmo can't play outside with Elmo's friends.
Well the good news is your body can protect you from these bad germs.
Oh, good.
Okay, so Elmo doesn't need a vaccination.
Well, not exactly.
In order for your body to fight those germs, it needs information.
Elmo has information on his computer.
Elmo will go get it.
Oh, wait, Elmo.
That's not what I mean.
A vaccine has information about germs to help your body make antibodies to fight them.
What's that?
Antibodies are like superheroes.
They can spot the germs a mile away and kick them out before they ever make these hits.
I mean, why do we even need a Surgeon General?
I'm looking at this guy and it's like, what a useless, you know, why would he even be there?
I mean, what does a Surgeon General do?
I mean, it is just, what is it, just propagandize us?
Yeah, he goes in and he sells it right to the experts there, the children, the people who really need to know how all of this works.
And also, he doesn't point out
That if you read the package insert like we always say, it doesn't say the safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients have not been established, has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or for the impairment of fertility, hasn't been established measles vaccine in infants below 6 months or 12 months.
Why would they bother?
They don't have any legal immunity.
I mean, they don't have any legal exposure.
They've got immunity from the government through this vaccine course.
So why would they even bother to see if it's safe, let alone effective?
Hey guys, there's this article that came up on NPR.
See if you can pull this up.
FDA ponders putting homeopathy to a tougher test.
I think this says a lot.
If you just get a screenshot of this headline here, at the very top
Of this particular page, this is where NPR puts their medical news, and it doesn't show up on my paper printout of this, but it's called SHOTS.
There you can see it on the screen, people who are looking at it.
It's a hypodermic needle, and it's called SHOTS.
And that's what they call their medical reporting at NPR.
Now, if that doesn't tell you what the agenda is, it's all, I mean, all medicine now is vaccinations.
It's all shots, okay?
And the other part of that is that headline, where now the FDA, regulatory capture again, they've been regulatory captured by the pharmaceutical companies, by the AMA, they're now going to go after the homeopaths.
They're going after everybody that is their competition.
That's the way this has always worked.
It's always worked by using the government to attack your competition, to keep your competition out of business, or to shut them down.
But now the other model is to force you to buy their product.
That's what's really behind all of this.
And that's what it doesn't point out is that vaccines are a private company's medical product.
That's what this is.
And they've got these patents on it, you know, so they can protect their product and patent all their genetically modified plants and everything like that.
So it's, it's, it's not just for the safety and effectiveness, it's for more money in their big pharma's pockets.
But this is just a, you know, a larger or a small part of a larger problem, which is this whole behavior placement.
That they're putting in television shows, all sorts of television.
Children, of course, they don't really understand the power of advertising and how they're being targeted.
But adults now, with the invention of TiVo and things like that, people are skipping past their commercials.
So now they're having to find a way to get their message across to people within the programs.
And so it's not just that the character will drink a soda or something like that.
It's actually behavior placement and
NBCUniversal, for instance, will plant echo-friendly themes into a script of television shows so that they can start pushing that green agenda.
And viewers won't even realize it because it's their favorite character.
Which is what Sony did with that stupid comedy, The Interview, okay?
Instead of having a product placement of showing a Coke can sitting there subtly, you know, subliminal and subtle,
Instead, what they do is they have this very explicit thing where they kill Kim Jong-un, okay?
And they coordinated with it, we see from the emails, they coordinated that with the State Department, with the Rand Corporation, talking about how they were going to do that, very consciously doing that.
So they put that propaganda in there, they removed the prohibitions of having radio-free Europe, and what's the organization that ran that?
Voice of Liberty?
Voice of America.
Voice of America.
They removed the prohibitions of them propagandizing us in America.
So they're going to be explicitly propagandizing us, and that's exactly what this was when we see the surge in general.
It was just very blatant because it's at a Sesame Street level.
It's propaganda at a Sesame Street level.
So it's not as subtle as when they put it in a comedy film, you know, so that you will all think about, hey, yeah, we've got to get rid of that guy, and the only way we're going to do it is to kill him.
That was exactly what they were conspiring to do.
Right, and that's the danger of it because no one can argue with, oh, what's the problem if someone, if a TV character throws their plastic bottle in the recycle bin?
That's a great message for people to have.
And of course, nothing wrong with that.
But then, where are they going to go with that?
And just like you say, they're kind of
That small drip of, like, well, we need to assassinate Kim Jong-un.
Or, for instance, in Common Core, students are being targeted with genetically engineered crops.
And they're not being offered any alternative science.
It's just being slowly incorporated into their schooling of, like, here's what a genetically engineered crop does, and it's really great for you, and less bugs, and, you know, there's no alternative for you.
They'll be able to feed the world with soil and grain.
And that's another aspect of this trade agreement that's being constructed in secret by corporate lobbyists is the GMO aspect.
They're saying, oh, this is really going to benefit American agriculture.
Well, it's going to benefit the American agriculture that sells people frankenfoods that have been outlawed in other parts of the world, and they're going to cram it down their throats with this so-called trade agreement.
That's the whole purpose.
That's what's really behind this.
Yeah, it's just, I mean, I know that our audience is really savvy and quite aware that they're constantly being targeted and propagandized to through television and the media and everything, but it's just, it's really sad when they're explicitly now going after children.
And I don't know if we have enough time to show the part where the Surgeon General talks to Elmo at the end, but just the look that they give the camera.
Yeah, we'll do that when we come back.
It's about 60 seconds and we're coming up pretty close to a break here.
Uh, but it's, uh, it's about 16 seconds, she said?
Okay, yeah, go ahead and play it.
Go ahead and play it before we go out to break.
That's a good question, Elmo.
Maybe we should force them, Elmo.
And they just do the stare.
The dead stare at you parents that they're not vaccinating your children.
It's so easy!
Why doesn't everyone do it?
Oh, they're both puppets, that's right.
We're going to be right back with Leanne McAdoo.
Stay with it.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Radio Show.
I'm David Knight and joining me in studio is Leanne McAdoo.
We've just been talking about this article, this clip of a couple of puppets selling vaccines to people.
One of them is Elmo from Sesame Street.
The other puppet is the Surgeon General.
And we know whose hand is up that puppet.
It's the big pharmaceutical companies.
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I mean, people have gotten the information, you know, that along with the fact that Kraft is removing synthetic colors from iconic macaroni and cheese.
That's another article that's up on Infowars.com.
That's something the food babe has been fighting for quite some time.
So people are getting the message.
They understand they don't want a lot of pesticides in their food.
They don't want genetically modified food.
People have a right to make these decisions.
But then again, on the other hand,
You've got the Surgeon General shaming parents into getting their kids vaccinated with a product for which the pharmaceutical companies have no liability.
That's been removed from them by the federal government.
And NPR reports that the FDA is looking at putting homeopathy to a tougher test.
In other words, they want to crack down on it.
We can't make up our own minds, okay?
We can't have the freedom to choose whether or not we want to use a homeopath or to choose whether or not we want a vaccine or not.
They're going to force that on us because they own the FDA, they own the federal government, and they own this trade process.
That's where they're going to force genetically modified foods on us.
Yes, absolutely, and they know that those organic foods are so much more nutrient dense, they're so much more beneficial to our bodies.
They've known for a long time that the food coloring in Kraft Mac and Cheese and other kind of products are exacerbating ADD symptoms in children.
But they continue to say, oh no, it's safe and effective, but we're going to go ahead and take it out just because you guys really want us to.
When you think about what they do to our food and what we drink, look at the situation with Pepsi and Coke.
Pepsi refused to take out this food coloring that was there, that's been banned in a lot of countries because they believe it's a carcinogen.
Okay, but they refused to take it out here in America, even after they pointed out it.
Coke took it out, but Pepsi's like, I don't care.
We're going to leave it in.
I mean, it's brown.
Who cares?
You know, and who cares if you've got bright orange glowing Kraft macaroni and cheese?
Why do we have to have this?
Do they think that gives them some kind of a competitive advantage?
I mean, I know that they stick preservatives in their food, they stick it in the vaccines, because it gives them a little bit longer shelf life, and they can make a few more pennies, and everything comes down to dollars and cents for them.
But I don't understand this about the food coloring.
Why they have to make people sick makes you kind of think there might be some kind of a population control agenda behind that.
Yeah, and they're just so afraid of people
Understanding how beneficial homeopathic medicine is for people.
I mean, they don't want you to understand that you can just go out into the wilderness and pick dandelions, you know, if you're having stomach problems or something like that.
I mean, the earth is perfect.
God created everything for us to use and they don't want us to have that power for ourselves.
Well, that's what David Simpson said about his legislation to remove marijuana from the Texas legal code.
Just remove it completely.
We're not going to regulate it.
We're just going to remove it because God created it.
And so the government needs to fix it.
And there's a difference between use and abuse.
Yeah, exactly.
There's a difference between use and abuse.
And what the government is doing is they're abusing their power.
And that concerns me more than an individual who is abusing something.
You can take anything and you can abuse it.
I mean, they used to, it was nutmeg.
People used to get high on nutmeg back in the time of, I think it was Abraham Lincoln, I don't know, somebody called one of the
Presidents, when he was running, they called him a nutmeg head or something.
You know, said he abused nutmeg.
You can take anything and abuse it.
We should not allow the government to ban it.
And quite frankly, the government doesn't have, as I pointed out many times, they don't have the constitutional authority to do it.
And the evidence of that is the fact that we've got two amendments to ban alcohol.
I think it was the 18th and the 21st, if I remember correctly.
Why would you need an amendment to ban alcohol, but you can ban anything else that you want?
And that includes things for medicinal use.
It's not just recreational drugs.
And it's also, that's the thing that concerns me most about marijuana, is the fact that they would ban it for medicinal use.
And that's what David Simpson was concerned about.
He knows that their constituents in his district, that the only way they were able to get help was with medical marijuana.
So why would we take that from people?
Exactly, and why would you ban something that for thousands of years has been proven to have these medicinal qualities, yet you won't ban food coloring that is banned in other countries as a possible carcinogen?
Well, it's crony capitalism with a gun to your head.
That's where we are right now.
It's not just using government, but it's actually using government to put a gun to your head to force you to buy their products.
Thanks for joining us, Leanne, and we'll look forward to that interview.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Let's talk about the real war on women.
First wave feminism was a noble cause, but modern feminists?
Well, instead of fighting for, say, paid and protected maternity leave, they want to ban words, shirts, and manspreading.
Come on!
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The state collects more tax dollars, children are indoctrinated at an earlier age, and the traditional family structure destroyed.
Leanne McAdoo reporting for InfoWars.com
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It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight, your host.
I want to take your phone calls if you want to call in and talk about the subjects we've covered today.
The number is 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
Now in the last segment with Leanne, we touched on the different ways that corporations are using the government to force you to buy their product to prevent you from making decisions about your health, about your family's health, removing your informed consent, saying that they're going to come after homeopathy.
Saying that they're going to, well, as Marco Rubio wants to do and Chris Christie, they're going to come after even those states where they've allowed medical marijuana.
Marco Rubio went on with Hugh Hewitt.
I guess that's where the Republican candidates go on to brag about how they're going to create war, step up the police state.
That seems to be the place where they roll those things out.
And so he's talking to Hugh Hewitt.
And he says, well, a lot of, Hugh Hewitt says, a lot of people are criticizing the president for not enforcing immigration laws, but he's also not enforcing drug laws.
What do we do?
And Rubio says, yes, yes, yes, well, I think, I think, well, I think we need to enforce our federal laws.
Yeah, let's start with the Constitution.
Let's start with the fact that you don't get to just prohibit whatever you want to.
You don't have that power.
Everyone recognized when they did the 18th Amendment, they realized that the government did not have the power to ban alcohol.
But Rubio says, now, states do have a right to do what they want.
They don't agree with it, but they have their rights.
They do?
States have rights?
Well, actually, individuals have rights, and states do have some jurisdictional authority under the 10th Amendment, and that's why this is legal as well.
They're exercising a constitutional right.
The federal government is usurping a right that they don't have in terms of banning this.
He says, but they don't have the right to write a federal policy as well.
See, the federal government, in Rubio's mind, is above the states.
It's above the individual.
It's not a servant of the states.
It's not a co-power share of the states.
It's not a servant of the people.
It's over the people.
He says, they shouldn't be in the business of legalizing additional intoxicants.
You hear that?
Additional intoxicants.
Because we've already got alcohol legalized, right?
Because he says, for the primary reason, when you legalize something, you're sending a message to young people, it can't be that bad.
Because if it was that bad, it wouldn't be legal.
So I guess, because we have legal alcohol, it's okay for young people to have alcohol in this country, isn't it?
That's not the way it is.
We do have a lot of people, every year when college begins, you'll see articles about some new co-ed that drinks themselves to death.
Some guy or girl at a college, they go to a party and it's the first time they've been away from home, so they drink so much alcohol they die.
They overdose on it.
You don't see that happening with pot.
We need to understand there's a difference between abuse and use.
We need to understand there's a difference between vice and crime.
Lysander Spooner pointed that out.
He said, you know, crime is something you do that harms other people.
Vice is something you do that harms yourself.
Government cannot stop vice.
If it tries to stop vice, it only corrupts itself.
It can never stop it.
And we've seen for 40 years this argument.
That you're going to send the message that this stuff is okay.
We're not sending the message it's okay.
What we're saying is, is that, you know, this whole gateway argument, that it's a gateway drug, this whole reefer madness nonsense that's being sold to us by people like Rubio.
What we're saying is, is that the war on drugs is a gateway to tyranny.
Medical marijuana is not a gateway to harder drugs.
But this is, and we have seen how it has been with the SWAT teams, with the suspension of due process.
But of course, Chris Christie now is kind of sitting on the fence.
He kind of moderated this a little bit when he was confronted by a New Jersey marijuana activist.
Again, yesterday was 4-20, so that's the day that I guess
The New Jersey Weed Man came out.
I've actually interviewed Ed Fortune, the New Jersey Weed Man.
It was a very interesting interview.
I interviewed him, not so much because of the marijuana issue, but because of the effective way that he used jury nullification.
See, we need to nullify the federal government's abuses and overreaches of power.
By attacking them from the outside.
And jury nullification is a way that you can stop federal abuse of power and the way that you can stop state abuse of power.
And what the New Jersey weed man did was he had one trial.
He pulled up the New Jersey law that said that a jury has the right to judge not only the facts of the case, but whether or not it's a just law and whether or not the way that it's being applied is just.
And so he pulled up the state constitution and the judge told him, he said, take that down.
If you put that up again, I'm going to throw you in jail for contempt.
But they had already seen it.
And he knew, see he couldn't get a lawyer to represent him, so he represented himself.
He knew that at least half of the people, he said 60% of the people
Uh, did not agree with, uh, the drug laws, uh, for marijuana particularly, was what he was, uh, there for.
So he figured that they would, uh, he would get at least one person out of the, uh, twelve.
That's what I call the, uh, eight percent solution.
That's why we need to shut this thing down.
But anyway, he did get a hung jury.
It was seven voted for acquittal, but they came after him a second time and the second time he went to a judge that allowed him to leave that up and show the jurors that yes, according to New Jersey law, see the first judge didn't want the jury to even know what New Jersey's law was about jurors.
He didn't want the jurors to know what their duty was.
Not only what their right as jurors was, but what their duty was.
So when he was allowed to leave that up, they acquitted him 12 to nothing.
And they couldn't come after him again, even though the amount that he had was about a pound.
I mean, I think it's a really large amount.
Anyway, so he pulls up and he kind of, he uses a bullhorn on Christie as Christie's walking out of his house and asking him if he's going to veto legislation to decriminalize marijuana.
And Christie, why are you still locking people up?
And he goes, well, I'm not throwing people in jail anymore.
I don't know.
Christie has also said with Rubio that he wants to ignore what the voters in the states have said.
He wants to ignore what the state legislatures have said and he wants to reinforce prohibition.
So we'll see whether or not that happens or not.
Just a couple more things and I'm going to go to your calls Truth Raider in Oregon.
I'll be the first one coming up.
In terms of these political figures, I do want to talk about the attacks that are coming on Rand Paul from Lindsey Graham and John McCain.
I think it's interesting.
I criticized Rand Paul yesterday and Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio for signing on to this fast track of these trade agreements.
I don't think that they're free trade agreements.
They're crony capitalists managed trade agreements being negotiated, as we said, in secret by corporate lobbyists.
So I think that was a big mistake.
But it is good that Rand Paul is bringing up things that other people are not talking about.
Substantive issues that are typically not even a part of the debate.
And putting him up in a very thoughtful way for the American people to think about it.
I really want to see him in the process because he really has brought this stuff up.
But of course, he's getting attacked by John McCain and by McCain's puppet, Lindsey Graham.
And this is what Rand Paul had to say to their comments.
Let's play that clip that he had on Fox News.
Lindsey Graham said this about your worldview.
Generally speaking, you have done more wrong than right.
John McCain says you don't understand.
You display this kind of naivete since you came to the Senate.
What's going on there?
This comes from a group of people who've been wrong about every foreign policy issue over the last two decades.
I'll give you a couple of examples where they support the President's foreign policy and I don't.
They supported Hillary Clinton's war in Libya.
They supported President Obama's bombing of Assad.
They also support President Obama's foreign aid to countries that hate us.
So if there's anyone who is the most opposed to President Obama's foreign policy, it's me.
And these people who call loudest to criticize me are great proponents of President Obama's foreign policy.
They just want to do it ten times over.
But I'm the only one actually standing up and saying the war in Libya was a mistake.
The bombing of Assad would make ISIS stronger.
The arms to the Islamic rebels would make ISIS stronger.
So I'm really the one standing up to President Obama.
And these people are essentially the lapdogs for President Obama, and I think they're sensitive about that.
Yeah, I think it was interesting when Marco Rubio came out, he was kind of angling for Hillary Clinton and saying that he was the guy who was the new young guy.
So, you know, Hillary Clinton is going to be your female choice if you want a New World Order puppet, and Marco Rubio is putting himself out as the young choice if you want a New World Order puppet.
But you know, really, he may be young, but his ideas are failed ideas that have been tried for decades, unsuccessfully.
And that's the point that Rand Paul was making.
It's the same foreign policy that we see from Obama, the same foreign policy you're going to get from Hillary Clinton.
Except you may get more of it.
They may, instead of trying to get into six countries, maybe they'll start wars with ten countries.
Maybe they'll start a war with Russia.
I don't know.
These guys are truly dangerous.
John McCain, Lindsey Graham.
It's absolutely amazing that anybody would even pay attention to these guys.
I can't believe that they can get re-elected.
It's just amazing to me.
As Paul said, why did we ever go to Libya in the first place?
Every time we've toppled a secular dictator, a secular strongman, we've gotten chaos and the rise of radical Islam.
The other thing he had to say was, he said, it's time for the GOP to defend the whole Bill of Rights.
Defend the whole Bill of Rights.
And that's why it's important for Rand Paul to be there, I believe.
Like I've said many times, I don't think that we're going to fix the situation in Washington by sending a Mr. Smith there to straighten everything out.
But I think it's important that we have somebody who's going to bring up these issues so they can be talked about at a national level.
And of course, he also talked about the fact that Jessica Lynch, who is the nominee by Obama for replacing Eric Holder, is all about civil asset forfeiture.
And we spent a lot of time talking about that last hour, so I'm not going to go back into that again.
But again, we need to look at the entire Bill of Rights.
I want to go to your calls right now.
Let's go to Truth Raider in Oregon.
Truth Raider, go ahead.
Hi David, how are you today?
Doing good.
This is my take on Jane Helm.
I think what's going on, and I hope I'm right about this, my gut tells me that this is an exercise and a practice against the radical movement from the south, from Mexico, trying to regain their claim to the seven southern states as Aztlan.
And I think, yeah, there's many other factors are involved, but my gut feeling is that the troops are going there and doing this drill in order to try to squelch this potential civil war situation.
That's the best way I can describe it.
Well, I don't know.
I think I haven't heard anybody in the government express any concern about the Aslan movement.
As a matter of fact, I've seen a lot of people cozy up to
Uh, La Raza, which really means the race.
They're the ones who are really pushing that.
And I've heard, uh, officials, uh, like Nancy Pelosi say, uh, we don't have, uh, we just have two communities.
It just happens to have a border running through it, but it doesn't really matter.
I mean, it's kind of like the border that runs between Texas and Oklahoma, right?
It's not anything, it's not any issue to them.
I think that just as Petraeus said, and as I mentioned yesterday, they no longer see America as America, they just see North America.
They think that we've been consolidated.
In their mind, it's not just a trade agreement, it is a sovereignty agreement.
I think they see the three countries together.
We already see them handing over the right of eminent domain to a Canadian corporation to be used in the Keystone Pipeline against American farmers who've had their farm for a hundred years.
That's what they see.
They see corporate governance.
They see a loss of sovereignty.
I don't think they're concerned about people coming across the border.
They may try to sell it to us as this is ISIS coming across the border and we need to be protected against that.
Maybe that's the way they're going to try to sell MRAPs to people.
But right now they're using the war on drugs.
They're using the war on terrorism.
They may try to sell ISIS, but I haven't heard anybody speak about the people coming across as
Hey David, I just wanted to address the whole weed thing.
I'm a 19 year old kid, so I can really offer a perspective around young people who are for marijuana legalization.
I was working out at the rec center at my college the other day, and I saw on CNN this stuff about, you know, it's a new revolution, weed.
Now, you know, I don't—see, here's the problem with the liberals wanting marijuana.
It's all about the weed itself.
What these liberals don't understand is that the legalization of weed should be
Uh, really about the freedom to do as you please.
I like to refer back to John Stuart Mill's harm principle.
A man can act as they want as long as they don't harm anyone else.
But the problem with these liberals, they think, uh, you know, you legalize weed, oh, that's it.
We can let the government do whatever they want as long as they get their weed.
I call these liberals sort of half right, but when you think about it, they're not really right at all.
But I will say this.
A good way to wake up young people and liberals is to just basically ask them, hey, you ever tried freedom and liberty?
I think it's a really good way to wake people up the way I've seen.
Well, you know, the thing is is that, you know, Marx said that religion was the opiate of the masses.
So he tried to ban religion.
I mean, we could try to ban television or we could try to ban movies or video games because that basically people will just do that and drop out of society.
And of course, that is going to be a major thing.
That's going to be the next thing coming.
Video games are going to be so engaging with virtual reality that they will be like a drug.
People will just drop out of society.
They'll just hook up to the Matrix and maybe they'll just use their body heat to run the power grid.
I don't know.
But the bottom line is, is that you can make that argument about anything, just because you're going to have people who abuse it, just because you have people who are going to drop out about it.
What I've always been concerned about as a non-user of marijuana, and I always, I don't, that's my personal choice, I encourage my children not to use that, not to use alcohol.
I want to have the option, if certain things were to happen, I would want to have the option to try marijuana as a medical treatment.
I don't think any medical treatment should be off base to anybody, for any reason whatsoever.
I don't agree with forcing medical treatment on people and I don't agree with withholding medical treatment from people by force.
So that's one of my issues with it.
The other issue is we can see, and it's not even speculation now, we can see how this has corrupted our legal system, how it has militarized our police, how it was the basis
For the surveillance state, we now learn that for decades before 9-11, for decades before the NSA started using their Section 215, I think it is, to spy on people out of the Patriot Act.
That they were doing this with the war on drugs.
So this has been a horrific destruction of our country, locking people up, destroying people.
We have the most number of people per capita in prison, and it is primarily for marijuana.
So I've talked many times to law enforcement against prohibition, former prosecutors, judges, police officers, some of them still in that capacity, who say
They started out as drug warriors.
They realized that the right way to discourage people is not using the hammer of law enforcement.
This is really a psychological problem, a medical problem, a spiritual problem.
That's the way it needs to be handled.
And it's really sad that in this country, our response to everything is there ought to be a law.
And we need the federal government to step in here and do something.
Every time there's a problem, that's the way we want to tackle it, is with the federal government, with a federal law.
That just doesn't solve most problems, and we see that that hasn't really solved that either.
Let's go to John in Minnesota.
John, you want to talk about Jeb Bush and Bilderberg?
Yeah, I want to say something first, though, to you, because I've been listening for weeks and haven't been able to get through.
You guys engage, as well as the mainstream idiots, with propaganda words like lawmaker,
I'm sick of the word patriot, man.
The Patriot Act, that was all a false, you know, BS, and you guys still say patriot.
I mean, it's confusing.
What's a patriot?
A person who steals your identity, watches you all the time, or?
Well, I don't.
Hang on, we gotta go to a break.
I wanna come back to you, but you know what?
I'm not going to give up my language choices to the people who misuse it.
They use that, they deliberately chose Patriot so they could lie to people, so they could misrepresent it, but I'm not taking that out of the lexicon.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm David Knight.
We're going to go right back to our callers.
As a matter of fact, we were just talking to John in Minnesota.
He took exception to the fact that we would use the word patriot.
Well, you know, language is very powerful.
Labels are very powerful.
I'm not going to give up the long-term meaning of patriot because George Bush cynically tried to redefine it with the Patriot Act.
It isn't like they came up with a description of what they were going to do and just, oh look, that spells Patriot.
Wow, who would have thought of that?
That was a very cynical way to try to redefine the debate and we've seen that with many other terms.
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And when I talk about patriot, I mean people who take care of themselves, who take care of their countries, who defend individual liberty, who defend their country against enemies, foreign and domestic.
And that can sometimes mean your own government.
Frequently it does, because they're the ones who come after you.
Now, I want to go back to John in Minnesota.
And I just want to say, John, that, you know, we look at the term, for instance, liberal.
Okay, in the 1800s, a liberal was somebody who defended economic freedom and who defended civil liberty.
That all changed in the early part of the 20th century.
There was a split in the libertarian faction, if we can call it that, that came about during World War I and the Palmer Raids.
And we had people start calling themselves liberals who supported a lot of very strong government programs, but they were against the war.
I don't know.
But it's the labels.
And I think that we need to fight for these labels instead of just running from them.
I think we need to make sure that we keep the high ground of terminology.
So, yeah, I'm not going to run from the label of patriot.
Go ahead, tell me what you think we should do.
Well, liberal, from what I remember looking up in the dictionary, means open-minded and generous, and I think that's where a lot of American liberals today think that they're open-minded.
Well, they're not!
The Democrats usually suck up most of the liberals in the voting society, and Democrats are the most tyrannical group of people I've ever seen besides the SS!
Yeah, it used to be that you get a liberal education, that meant that it was a very open mind, in that sense, and not in the political sense, is what I was talking about.
In the sense that you're talking about, that would be going to college and getting a liberal education, getting a liberal degree.
But now there's a lot of intolerance, there's a lot of control in the schools.
So yeah, labels change.
And I think, though, that we should not give up labels like patriots that easily.
I think we need to not be afraid to identify with the people who have gone before and push back against the cynicism of the label that George Bush came up with in the Patriot Act.
Well, man, I wish I could listen to Alex Jones on the radio up here in the Twin Cities, but instead they keep giving us Rush Limbaugh during your time slot, and then Sean Hannity.
These two shills for the Republican Party year after year, going almost 20 years now, keep telling their listeners, oh, Hillary's bad, oh, Obama's bad, John Kerry's bad, but they keep telling you that this Republican guy is going to be good for you when Republicans have
Defecated on their own base so many times.
I mean, why would anybody be a Republican?
That's why I have a hard time wondering why you're even kind of hoping for Rand Paul.
I mean.
No, actually, no, I pointed out that I disagree with him strongly on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
And how did that work out for Republicans when they elected these guys this last time?
I mean, immediately, immediately they threw the base under the bus.
They didn't do anything about Obamacare.
They didn't do anything about the borders.
That was what they were elected for.
Immediately they passed a continuing resolution, so that would be off the table.
They wouldn't have any leverage on that.
I absolutely agree with you, and I am not in either party.
I would say that I'm like Gerald Cilenti.
I'm a political atheist.
That's it for today.
Join us tonight at 7 central for the nightly news.
This is GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
I want more candy!
I want more video games!
I think so.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.