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Name: 20150414_Tue_Alex
Air Date: April 14, 2015
2579 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses various news stories including forced inoculation laws in California, childhood being declared basically illegal, ISIS camps near the US- Mexico border, CPS kidnapping children from parents who let them play alone in the park, and the Pentagon warning soldiers about possible 9/11 attacks by the Islamic State. The show emphasizes how governments worldwide are using force de jure to engage in criminal activities on a mass scale, leading to utilities being turned off for those who do not follow their orders. Dr. Clinton Glidden, a naturopathic physician, is invited to discuss vaccines and the state of American medical system with Alex Jones. The discussion centers around the control that medical doctors have over American medicine, the corruption within the medical industry, and the monopolisation of MD-directed treatments. Dr. Glidden claims that nutritionists should be allowed to provide nutritional supplements instead of the current FDA and FTC control, which he believes is a form of medical tyranny. The video ends by promoting Infowarslife.com, a website providing natural health products and nutraceuticals."

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The news is over the top.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
It's unbelievable.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
So do we.
So does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, this is one of those days where my head is spinning.
We don't have a guest until the third hour.
That's kind of a good thing because it's going to take some time to cover all this and I've got to get to it.
In fact, I'm going to go back into some of the earlier articles that I didn't even cover yesterday properly as well, like kids being taken from their parents all over the country for playing, you know, in their backyard or walking to the park a half mile away.
Talk about 10-year-olds and stuff.
Calling it neglect, we've got forced inoculation, we've got just this entire push going on that really shows us the totalitarian world we're going into.
And then stacks of news like this.
CBS investigation, TSA screeners at DIA manipulated system to grope men's genitals.
Homosexual TSA workers would sit there picking out good-looking men that struck their fancy
And then they would grope them.
Now, we've known this is going on.
We've written countless articles about it happening to good-looking women, and them settling lawsuits where they go so far as to go, my God, you're so beautiful.
Will you date me?
And they've done this, what was it, to Miss USA in Dallas, and they settled another suit.
Was it in Amarillo?
Where the multiple TSA guys came in like it was Central Park, you know, where they gang rape women.
It was just like, baby, I gotta have your number.
They just are so disconnected from reality that this is what they're doing.
I've had TSA at LAX.
Call me Mr. Stinky Feet.
When I was wearing brand new shoes that I only worn a few times, I was out there on a TV show, and I'm neurotic about taking two or three showers or baths a day, and had put fresh socks on at my hotel, got in the taxi, driven to the thing, I had totally clean feet.
I want to say you could have eaten off of them, but I mean it was close to that.
So it wasn't that I even had stinky feet.
They were just two black guys being racial saying Mr. Stinky Feet.
And so it's all about petty people.
Some of them are white racists, want to mess with minorities.
Some of them are black racists, want to mess with white people.
Some of them are pedophiles, want to grope little kids.
Some of them want to grope women.
Some of them want to grope men.
I told the story of Vegas, and I'm not claiming I'm the best looking guy around, but I didn't want to do the naked body scanner, so I opted to be searched.
You can tell when they're just doing a real search versus the groping.
And I mean, this guy took
Four minutes, it seemed like it took an hour, and he got down on his knees in front of me and was just smacking his lips and it was totally homoerotic.
I mean, he was just really telling me he was a listener, just listened to the show, told me what was on the show the day before, heard me do the show from my Las Vegas hotel room in between shooting Jesse Ventura's TV show, and he was just overcome with lust.
I mean, it was like when I had women.
You know, getting excited before I was married or whatever, and you're about to, not to get gravid, but jump in the sack.
You know, that passionate look, I mean, it was like, guy on his knees looking at me, rubbing on my tight t-shirt down my chest, down to my groin, and I'm just like, this is unbelievable.
And I look down and he was smacking his lips.
I mean, I have experienced this.
Told you the story many times.
Here it is, confirmed.
And if it happened to me, folks, imagine if he was really a good-looking guy.
I mean, can you imagine if it was some hard-body beach boy?
What that would have been like.
And, oh, but it's okay, because they're gay.
Woman claims U.S.
airport security staff singled her out for her breasts.
Of course!
I've been there before, when TSA was really out of control.
I gotta say, they're not as bad as they used to be, I'm just gonna be honest.
They were really arrogant a few years ago, and I've seen them go, and they'll point at some super hot woman, and you're like, she's gonna get surged.
She's gonna get surged.
I mean, in fact, I've sat there in the line with Rob Doo, flying quite a bit, going, that woman's smoking hot, they're gonna pull her, and sure enough, bam.
I mean, those guys are on her, and they call a woman over, and the woman's getting off on it.
Woman's got a super short haircut, looks like Rachel Maddow.
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We're live!
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us on this Tuesday, the 14th day of April, 2015.
Tomorrow, you will be on your own business.
Write a check to the Infernal Revenue Service set up in 1913.
We have a quote on the front page of Infowars.com by Ron Paul, where he said that 2015 is basically a lot like 2014, the year before that, just more tyranny.
And yet another Ron Paul quote,
I'll tell you who I want to get some infographic
Images, memes going of, and that's William Blake.
I spent about an hour this morning, when I should have been researching news and information, reading William Blake quotes.
A listener posted a William Blake page of poetry in the comments of InfoWars.com yesterday, and it was very thought-provoking, extremely powerful.
And so I stayed up pretty late last night reading William Blake poetry, and then I thought, why not read some of his quotes?
So I got into those, and it was just pure Veritas.
I just resonated with every single line of it, and have experienced those exact same thoughts organically and independently.
That's when you know you're dealing with real truth.
Riveting, beautiful, more valuable than all the gems and jewels and medals and possessions of this world or this dimension.
Really helped crystallize things for me.
And if I have time, I meant to come into the office and actually get the guys to go to some of the quote sites and print me voluminous pages of William Blake
Truth, so that I could go over those on air and read some of those.
But, alas, never got around to it.
I love this William Blake quote.
I took some screenshots of some of these.
When I tell the truth, it's not for the sake of convincing those who don't know it, but for the sake of defending those that do.
A lot of this is just common sense.
Where mercy, love, and pity dwell, their God is dwelling too.
Just quotes like that.
Imagination is the real eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow.
The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction.
Where mercy, love, and pity dwell, their God is dwelling.
When the green woods laugh with the joy, with the voice of joy, and the dimpling stream runs laughing by, when the air does laugh with our merry wit, and the green hills laugh with the noise of it.
These aren't even the best.
I took hundreds of these screenshots.
Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself have any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a heaven, and helds a spare.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
The fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees.
I love this quote.
This is real simple stuff compared to his poetry.
It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.
Boy, isn't that true.
The Bird-a-Nest-a-Spider-a-Web Man Friendship.
Oh, this is my favorite quote of the hundreds I read this morning.
I must create a system or be enslaved by another man's.
I will not reason and compare.
My business is to create.
Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
Great challenge is what makes us great.
That's all the theory of great men and great women.
The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in its way.
Some see nature all ridicule and deformity, and some scarce see nature at all.
But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.
The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest.
And that's just a few quotes of hundreds and hundreds.
You know, it's funny.
I was reading what they even give the enlisted soldiers now in the U.S.
You've all seen it in the news.
The founding fathers are bad.
They wouldn't be welcome in the military.
Don't be part of the Tea Party or you'll be court-martialed.
Just outrageous totalitarian stuff that just shows us where the controllers want to take us.
And they have to say outrageous stuff to get us there, to prepare us to accept it.
They're conditioning us.
Because it's not as outrageous.
Two years ago I came out, sent to us from folks at Fort Hood, the commanding general saying, if you go to a Tea Party meeting or you're an evangelical Christian, and if you give them money, see, the globalists don't want us forming an Americana political movement.
That's what the IRS persecution is all about.
If you're part of that, legal, lawful stuff you can do in your own time, we will arrest you, we will indict you, we will put you in the brig, we will imprison you.
And no one believed me for about a week until Fox News checked into it, called the base, and the base admitted, largest military base in the world, admitted, yes, indeed, we did say that.
People couldn't believe that two years ago.
Now, today,
On a daily basis, there's new memos, new sensitivity training, and I have the new one today from the Daily Caller.
Historical Influences, Equal Opportunity Management Institute, and this is what's taught in the sexism courses in the military.
And it goes on to say the term, we the people, is racist?
That the great man theory that is held by some to explain history by the impact of great men, well that's what happens.
Great men, great women, who shift things and who aren't there to be sold out or bought off to believe in the great ideals of humanity, that's called leadership.
But oh, they're saying, imagine teaching the military, we're not about great men.
We're not about daring greatly.
I mean, if I wanted to sabotage the U.S.
military, this is what I would teach.
I mean, this is outrageous crap.
This is soul-killing poison.
But here's William Blake about the great men, seen as the great liberal poet of all time.
The liberals now worship him.
They don't even read what he wrote, because they say the opposite.
They say the opposite of what Martin Luther King said, or Gandhi said, but yet they claim all these people.
These are mafia thugs with idiot camp followers that wrap themselves in all the laurels that are not theirs.
They are imposters, they are pretenders, they are frauds.
Let me just read you the headlines because this is why I get so upset before I go on air and then can't even get to it because I'm so shaken by all the news I've read that then I just I almost like don't want to give you the bad news like your grandma died.
But we need to know the truth and the whole of it and make preparation for it to quote Patrick Henry in his famous speech, give me liberty or give me death.
So let me just do it.
Defense Department, the Bible, Constitution, and Declaration of Independence are all
Sexist, and it goes on to say racist.
I mean, you cannot make this up.
You just cannot make this up.
That's Daily Caller.
It's up on Infowars.com, too.
Let's go to the next one.
We told you that something was suspicious about this dirty bomb drill, and I got it wrong.
I told Biggs, look, I don't care if they told you you can't go to it, because I guarantee you the dirty bomb drill is just to legitimize troops on the streets.
And they'll be doing the real training somewhere else.
Well, that's how it usually is now.
They just lied and said it was Dirty Bomb training.
And now we have the role-playing memo from the Army, and we have from the video, another video, they're training to take on veterans, gun owners, patriots, and they say that in the memo.
I mean, wow!
No wonder they said InfoWars isn't welcome there.
Because the Citizen Press that got in was like 50 yards away, and you have to boost the audio to even hear it.
Man, I'm going to be getting to that.
I mean, you have the government that's illegitimate preparing for total war against us.
Because we hold the light, the spark of liberty.
We know what America is.
We know who the enemy is.
And fire, though it's small now, can spread.
The enemy's scared to death of us, and they should be.
Because we're not going to be bought off.
We're not going to be cowered.
We're ready.
We're committed.
We're going in.
Total commitment.
God, I love it!
That is what life is about.
People are looking for the secret of life.
It's being committed to fight evil.
And it doesn't... Evil always then rebukes the good man saying, oh look, you did this, you did that, knowing we have a conscience.
Our hearts are right.
They're pointed at God.
Intent is what matters.
Our intent is to do good.
Our intent is to have justice.
Our intent is to defend the innocent.
Our intent is to empower humanity.
Our intent is to be truthful.
Our intent is to protect the unborn.
Our intent is empowerment of all humans.
And God knows that!
The universe knows that!
You think you're in control of this planet, devil?
That's all you got!
And it's for one hour!
...scheme of things for a very short period.
So we enjoy pissing all over everything and vandalizing humanity, because you don't have that long.
Excuse my French, but I'm telling you when the words fit, use them!
You go ahead and have your fun, your moment in the sun.
All of you!
I hit two stories of like 50.
I'm not kidding.
They're all over the top.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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That's 866-229-0927.
Watch me!
Watch me!
Watch me!
I got it!
Watch me!
I got it!
I got something that makes me wanna shout!
I got something!
James Brown.
See, the globalists want to raise people up who are pretty much soulless.
They've still got the shadow of a soul, but they don't have the big, healthy soul they'd have for the experiences of life by shuttering their doors of perception.
We're communicating with one of these brain-damaged minions of the New World Order.
It's like trying to communicate to sheep.
What is grand in... What is grand is necessarily obscured to weak men, that which can be made explicit to the idiot is not worth my care.
As a man is, so he sees.
As the eye is formed, such are its powers.
I was angry with my friend.
I told my wrath.
My wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe.
I told it not.
My wrath did grow.
I'm going to stop reading some of these quotes.
In seed, time learn.
In harvest, teach.
In winter, enjoy.
The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.
I don't know if I agree with that.
Sometimes fools just keep repeating it over and over again.
Prisons are built with stones of law, brothels with the bricks of religion.
This is a short segment.
Let me just calm down.
And without getting into each article, just let me read the headlines.
Let me start over where I started and just see if I can shut up and actually read the headlines and come back and actually get into all this.
Defense Department, the Bible, Constitution, Declaration of Independence all perpetuate sexism.
And then the article goes on to say racism.
National Guard riot drill features angry right-wingers as role players.
That was the event we were banned from over the weekend in California there, where they're running the precursor of Jade Helm.
The whole thing is a cover story for practicing to take out the Tea Party.
I just can't believe they're actually doing it.
And they won't launch it without some false flags.
You can guarantee, like a horse and carriage, or bread and butter go together, that is a guaranteed.
See, I couldn't stop.
I had to talk about these articles.
We'll detail that more.
We actually have the video of them screaming, I'm a sovereign citizen, I refuse to recognize you guys.
As they baton him in the head.
UK opposes international ban on developing killer robots.
That's just one article at the top of the stack.
Bundy Ranch type standoff brewing in southern Oregon between miners and BLM.
Wait to hear this story.
How the FBI is whitewashing the Saudi connection to 9-11.
That's out of the New York Post that attacked me 12 years ago for saying that.
But hey, better in the end do the right thing than forever be a fraud, so good.
I'm not going to attack them, good job.
But we're vindicated yet again.
There you go.
Terror targets US troops urge to keep low profile, avoid military sling in public,
The Feds are saying in the Washington Times that the terror attacks in the U.S.
by ISIS are imminent, but the border is wide open and U.S.
military is still ordered under NATO to deliver weapons to them.
But all over the country, people are not allowed to get rid of rats or squirrels in their attics.
Florida man warned about stalking nuisance squirrels.
They added that word to make it sound like he was doing something wrong.
He was killing squirrels that were basically getting in his attic.
Doing things like that, but there you go, it's very hateful.
Very evil.
He had neighbors asking him to kill their squirrels, and then another neighbor tattled on him, and the police came, of course.
But the border's wide open.
I have an article.
Illegals, crimes, expose broken immigration system as next border surge looms.
And it just gets into the out-of-control crime wave hitting the United States from the criminals disgorged from Latin America who can come here and get a new fake identity under a new license.
Isn't that just special?
And then of course, I've talked a lot about this, but I'm going to cover this first when we come back.
CBS Investigation, TSA Screeners.
Manipulated system to grope men's genitals.
They would pick out attractive men to the gay TSA folks and then would grope their goodies.
And that's out of Denver CBS News.
Of course we told you about this a long time ago.
This has personally happened to me in Las Vegas.
And I've told you about that.
And that ties into hidden cameras reveal airport workers stealing from luggage.
I've also been robbed at JFK in New York.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We are on the march.
The empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Here's another William Blake quote.
Men are admitted into heaven not because they have curbed and governed their passions, or have no passions, but because they've cultivated their understandings.
The treasures of heaven are not negations of passion, but realities of intellect from which all the passion emanates, uncurbed in their eternal glory.
And that's from a man in the very oppressive times of the 1700s and 1800s in Victorian England.
Or they were taking a very aggressive, dominant group of people and putting them through imperial training to be submissive and to grovel to oppression.
Of course, that didn't work out too well at the same time over here in the United States, which William Blake was a big supporter of, the American Revolution.
I don't mean to go off into a side area on that.
We know that the TSA all over the country, with people like Miss USA and others, go inside the women's bodies.
In front of people.
And this is all an act of total domination over the public to see how much we will accept.
And top psychiatrists and child psychologists have gone public, you can just Google it, and said over and over again that
That's how pedophiles train children is they first touch them and test them.
And that the groping of children at airports is going to prime children to accept pedophiles attacking them.
And then how many thousands of articles have you seen with the hundreds of cases of the TSA being caught being pedophiles outside of work?
And that's because if you were a pedophile, what would you crave?
A badge and a uniform where you can mess with kids.
I'm not saying even a large part of TSA are pedophiles.
I'm saying statistically we know that juvenile workers, teachers, truancy officers, CPS workers are the highest level
of pedophilia because that's where they go craving the authority and the respect of the office to then carry out their operations.
It's well known in criminology that psychopaths also seek power, sociopaths, but pedophiles, deviants and others seek power, then they recruit more people in under them to protect them and the pyramid of evil grows.
They can do it in the Vatican, they can do it in a Protestant church, they can do it in a prison, they can do it in an office building, in a school, it can be any institution, can be taken over by cults.
And the most common throughout history from Rome right through today is the sex cult.
Now, if they use moral compass arguments, then they will create cults of homosexuality.
Because then if that's suppressed, they can use that for blackmail.
And then you go to the next level, and then it becomes underage.
You know, 16, 15, then 10, then 5, then newborn babies, then snuff films.
The top of the pyramid
To even get into the highest levels of the power structure in the Anglo-American establishment, and this has come out many times, you have to rape small children, and then they like to starve them to death while telling them they'll never see their mommy again in dungeons.
And Paul Watson's done stories on this.
I have.
If you don't live in Europe, you don't know about it.
They've had a bunch of stories in France, the Netherlands, and other countries, Sweden, you name it, where they find the dungeons protected by the government,
With the toddlers that are in cages.
And after they've been raped and used up, they then are terrified in the dark by Satanist dressed up in demon outfits.
And they believe that it's torturing the soul and horrifying them until the child goes into catatonic zombie state is the best way to really hurt a child.
And that's why it's not enough for them when the baby fights off the scalpel and the knife in the womb.
I mean, that's a pleasure, but it's not 100% conscious, so it doesn't give them the real satanic energy they need.
The true sacrament.
And if you're a new listener and don't know about this, just type in, uh, children found in dungeon in Europe, uh, you know, millions march against pedophile rings protecting government.
And I mean, there's just hundreds of cases and it turns out the top judges, the top prime ministers are involved.
And then it all stops because the government comes out and says, it's national security.
We can't release it.
They just said in England last month, the prime minister said, and the head of MI6 said, MI5, they were, they were all quoted saying, this is national security.
We have to shut it down.
It cannot be public.
Because when you learn the people running things want to put children in cages, two-year-olds, and have them... I mean, reportedly the Satanists will sit in there just for hours like it's music, the begging, sobbing children.
Ten seconds of that would tear my guts out.
Ten seconds of that in their presence would make me so violent, I guarantee you I could smash people's brains out with one hand.
But see, where that's torture for me and hell, that's heaven for them.
Yep, there's the headline.
National security could be threatened by the news story.
And what headline is that?
That's out of the what?
The Daily Mail?
Yeah, go to the top.
I want to get in the source.
That's the Daily Beast.
Yeah, I want to show them.
It was actually in the BBC headline.
Pedophile scandal, national security threat.
And then they say in the article, could bring down the entire government, so they're going to cover it up.
See, you commit a crime so big that it would bring the whole system down if it came out, and then you're protected.
That's what too big to fail is.
Where they sign you on to 2.2 global quadrillion in fake made-up money.
Many, many, many, many, many times bigger than all the real assets in the world.
And then, nothing can be done.
Because it's so attached to everything else.
There it is, Daily Mail.
Royal was part of suspected pedophile ring being investigated by Scotland Yard, but the inquiry was shut down for national security reasons.
That's pretty close.
The actual headline is, Pedophile scandal, national security threat, is the actual headline.
Now maybe click web, because it's a couple months old.
Maybe you're searching news that's getting drowned out by all the news stuff.
There's hundreds of news articles a day about it, and again, the police go in low-level and want to do something about it when they dig into a dungeon that's got, you know, 30, 40 skeletons in it, five, six little kids who are just gone.
You know, they weigh half of what they should.
Their eyes just stare out.
They've been savagely raped.
And then they try to do something, and they find out the police chief's involved.
Then they find out the governor's involved and it just goes up the chain.
CBS4 investigation.
TSA screeners at DIA manipulated system to grope man's genitals.
A CBS4 investigation has learned that two Transportation Security Administration screeners at Denver International Airport have been fired after they were discovered manipulating passenger screening systems to allow a male TSA employee to fondle the genital areas of attracted male passengers.
It happened roughly a dozen times according to information gathered by CBS News.
That probably means it's about a thousand times worse.
According to law enforcement reports obtained by CBS 4 Investigation, a male TSA screener told a female colleague in 2014 that he groups male passengers who come through the screening area at DIA.
He related that when a male he finds attractive comes to be screened by a screening machine, he will alert another TSA screener.
Yeah, they hit the button on you.
To indicate to the screening computer that the party being searched is a female.
When the screener does this, the scanning machine will indicate an anomaly in the genital area that allows the TSA screener to conduct a pat-down search of the area.
So see, the scanner hones in on your genitals already, and they pass those around, that's come out, but then it knows, it goes, wait a minute, this isn't a
Female, this is a male, so now we're going to have to grope you.
Although the TSA learned of the accusation in 2014 via anonymous tip from one of the agency's own employees, reports show that it would be nearly three months before anything was done.
Folks, this is nothing.
Notice they'll tell you about this though, but not about...
The Dine Corps, Halliburton, sex slave rings, which are in the Chicago Tribune.
I mean, it comes out, but it's not a big story.
Hidden cameras reveal airport workers stealing from luggage.
And it just goes over Miami and how they rob people.
And they'll rob you right there while they're checking your bags.
Yeah, I told the story many times.
It was about two years after 9-11.
I was at a 9-11 truth event.
Flew back.
I went to Tiffany's.
And bought like a $100 rattle and a $100 teething thing for my newborn daughter.
She's about three months old.
And they opened the little Tiffany Blue present boxes and just stole only one of the rattles.
Just stole it.
Just, you know, it's all part of freedom.
I'm just saying, this has all happened to me, so imagine how widespread it is.
I don't even fly that much.
Probably more than most people, but not like a business travel or something.
I haven't even gotten into this whole quadrant of news over here, but we will.
Before I get into Jorge Ramos recognizes historic nature of two GOP Latinos running for White House.
Hillary Clinton surprises with early attack on CEO pay.
More class warfare garbage.
We'll be breaking that down.
Auburn woman Suze Bates College says chick flicks were expected.
She's calling it sexual harassment or discrimination because she expected the job to be playing tennis and watching chick flicks to be the executive assistant to the head of the school.
And so she's saying, I don't want to work, I want to party, and I actually have a lawsuit here.
This is mainstream news, Sun Journal.
This reads like The Onion, but it's real serious.
Well, she's a woman and she feels harassed because she has to work.
It's like the woman that called the police because her Big Mac was cold.
So they arrested her for a false police report.
People are really becoming delusional.
That's the type of news I have.
Dutch anti-Islam MP rallies German protesters.
We're going to look at that.
Now they're trying to ban that.
We're going to look at this huge story.
Bundy Ranch-type standoff brewing in southern Oregon.
It's one of the oldest gold mines in the United States.
And it's privately owned.
And without law, the BLM is just ordering them in letters under their authority.
Because they're God.
Kind of like Obama.
You know, opening the borders up.
Launching new wars, because he says so, or shutting off power plants.
Now the BLM is just saying, you will shut down.
So that's the new Bundy Ranch situation heating up.
We'll break all of that down.
But, I want to drill into National Guard riot drill, features angry right-wingers as role players first, and tie that into the latest news.
I already mentioned it, but I want to drill into this first.
Then I'll continue with news in the next hour, open the phones up, right into the third hour.
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They did a bad, bad thing.
The Defense Department says the Bible, the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence all perpetuate sexism.
And you go on into the manual, as well as racism.
And then it goes on to demonize the Founding Fathers.
You cannot make this up.
It's just accelerating out in the open.
And then, meanwhile, National Guard riot drill features angry right-wingers as role players.
This is the drill that we were banned from in Richmond by San Francisco, same place I went to in the year 1999 for Urban Warrior 2000.
And I watched the Marines with foreign troops train with role players screaming, I'm an American, no, not the camp, please don't take my guns.
I mean, I made a two-hour film up close showing the Marines doing it, and a bunch of people watched it and said I had hired actors, it couldn't be real.
Rick Linklater told me that story about another director telling him that can't be real, and he actually had people that worked for him out there, he said, who were actually hired as role players to do it.
Of course, it was in the news they were doing the drills.
It was, Marines trained to fight overseas.
You get there, they were trained to take on the American people.
And I'll have it in video.
The armored vehicles, the Coronado landing, the landing ships, and the public back in 2000 said, when the film came out, they said, that's not real.
Just like when we gave you the document six and a half years ago, saying gun owners, veterans, conservatives, libertarians, we broke that, are the number one enemy, people said it's fake, it's a hoax.
Now people go, well of course we know the enemies, the veterans and the gun owners.
See how far they've taken us?
Again, just two years ago, people couldn't believe they were teaching that the Tea Party was illegal at Fort Hood.
And to be an evangelical was illegal.
They were.
People couldn't believe the IRS was persecuting Christians.
They are.
They haven't even stopped.
Do you understand, folks?
This indicts the people that are doing it.
They are the globalists.
They are the plague.
They are the problem.
They mean to take over, and you're like, no way they will.
Fortune favors the bold.
That's the SAS motto.
That doesn't just mean good people.
See, when good people take action, fortune favors us.
We just want freedom.
The tyrants have a fortune, total control, and they're bold.
Do you understand?
Do you read me?
Is it clear?
Is it understood?
In fact, click on the actual Fox News link or folks will say, that was fake on our website.
Gotta hit them hard with all of it at multiple levels.
Army labeled evangelicals religious extremists.
Well, no, it went further than that, Fox News.
It said they'll court-martial you.
I mean, no wonder people can't believe I'm saying it, because it's too over-the-top.
But I didn't do it.
I didn't write it.
Don't kill the messenger.
I'm going to explain this again.
The globalists are going to blow stuff up and blame it on you.
They're going to come after your pension fund.
They want to take down the Tea Party and gun owners and Christians and veterans because they know we're aware of what's happening.
But the target's everybody.
Don't think you're part of the power structure because you're a trendy out there.
And because you go along with this, they see you as a useful idiot.
That's what Lennon called his moron followers.
Look what happened to them.
They were the most abused group.
Stop being a moron.
Stop being dishonorable.
Recognize tyranny.
If the Republicans get in power and act like tyrants, I'm gonna go after them.
Go after tyranny, no matter what stupid letter is in front of their name.
I don't care.
I said I'd go to the clip.
I didn't get to it.
I'm going to play the clip.
Coming up.
We're on the Sovereign Citizen.
No, no.
And then they admit in their own manuals that the drill wasn't for a dirty bomb.
We didn't get the whole drill.
They were probably claiming the Tea Party was going to release a dirty bomb.
I'm not sure.
But they told us it was for a dirty bomb and we couldn't come.
And then it's Patriots.
They're targeting 800-259-9231.
First time callers.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm a sovereign citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
I refuse to recognize you.
That was interesting.
And that's the cue for the National Guard who really look like a bunch of wimps.
This is not what soldiers that I grew up seeing look like, even in the National Guard.
That looks like a bunch of 18-year-olds, I'm not knocking 18-year-olds, that couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag.
Can you imagine when they try to send in a bunch of 18-year-olds who've never even been in combat?
Try to take out all the combat vets?
I mean, this is not going to be pretty.
This is a civil war that they're setting up, as if the patriots are going to line up and go, you're a sovereign citizen, I don't recognize you.
That's the cue for them to be belly clubbed, while the feds, you can see the Homeland Security guys in their khakis and black shirts, overseeing their minions.
Of course, in a real battle, I wonder what would happen to the fella in the black shirt commanding them.
You idiots!
Of course, the larger plan is to get a civil war going that'll take out both sides, because we're all a bunch of morons if we have this stupid civil war.
Oh my gosh, it's ridiculous.
But you know what?
We like to follow authority, and if a bunch of jackboots up there at Hillary's level or the federal level say do it, you know, they'll do it.
Fox News will come out when they blow up federal buildings and blame it on us and say the patriots did it and turn on the libertarian movement in two seconds.
Everybody will be sitting there dumbfounded as the opposition to the takeover of America is framed for the false flags.
And at that moment, if we don't hit the streets en masse with banner hangs and posters everywhere and getting the word out, even if they shut the internet off, you can create the simple graphic saying, the government's been taken over, criminals staged the attack.
Encouraging others to take action.
I mean, if a hundred citizens per city scale billboards, you can turn those into your own message system.
The enemy's so badly courted, they'll never be able to expunge all the truth.
You will use basic, non-violent, French resisting tactics.
They had violent and non-violent.
That'll just get the word out during this whole operation.
And it's not going to fly.
Dog's not going to hunt.
Boat's not going to float.
And I think the system knows that.
I think they know that.
We've blown wide open and others have blown wide open these false flags over and over again.
And you know a lot of people that are only in the alternative media because they want to be famous or successful and there's nothing wrong with that in the final equation.
They're just not as effective because they don't have the energy to keep doing it because they really take it personal.
So they end up quitting.
Because they don't get all the fame and fortune they wanted.
Well, it's not about fame and fortune.
It's about defending humanity.
But I tell you, most people that are like that would be upset by seeing other people understanding how things work and putting out news that's popular with the people.
Not me.
When I see hundreds of websites and hundreds of other people prominently coming up with just as good as reports as we are, breaking major news, we just link to their stuff and promote them.
Because it's not about being the big enchilada.
As much as I get upset about how Glenn Beck lies about me and attacks me, he does a lot of good overall, so thank God he's there exposing agenda 21 and the new world order and the Federal Reserve and what's happening.
I mean, even if he's scared and intimidated to kind of water things down a little bit by the people he's got surrounding him,
Whatever, he's still not openly against the people.
Like a Rachel Maddow, like a Hillary Clinton, like a Michael Moore, like a Barack Obama, like a John Boehner.
We just all gotta come together and celebrate how big the Liberty Movement's gotten worldwide and just promote it to everybody and transcend labels.
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Hi, I'm Alex Jones.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I weighed 180 pounds.
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I can swim two, three miles.
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I started an access television show.
I was so dedicated to my work and hanging around with radio guys that I began drinking.
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Take the InfoWarsLife.com challenge today at InfoWarsLife.com or give our crew a call.
They can answer all your questions or tell you about any of the specials at 888-253-3139.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome to the second hour on Alex Jones, your host.
The federal government has been seized by outside forces.
They openly brag that we're now under global government on CNBC, run by the central banks, the International Bank of Settlements, and other private families.
And I have stacks of news here in front of me from Infowars.com.
We're going to play this clip in a moment.
National Guard riot drill features angry right-wingers as role players.
This is the drill we were banned from.
They claimed it was a dirty bomb drill, and as far as we can tell from what they've put out and what the press has reported, basically, I guess, the Patriots release a dirty bomb, they announce themselves as siren citizens, and the National Guard attacks them while under the command of Homeland Security.
Looks like FBI.
A National Guard drill based around dealing with civil unrest after a dirty bomb attack in California featured role-players acting as angry Americans yelling right-wing rhetoric.
The exercise was in force.
Reporters were barred from attending.
DrugsReport.com covered that.
It became a national story.
It took place in Richmond this past weekend and involved 200 soldiers, airmen, local law enforcement and firefighting personnel.
Footage captured by locals showed guards troops pushing irate citizens away from batons.
One of the protest group states, I'm a sovereign citizen.
I refuse to recognize you guys.
I refuse to recognize you.
And then it goes on to have them stating that they are training to take on anti-government types and right-wing sovereign citizens.
You can read the whole article in the quotes.
Here is a clip of when he mentioned sovereign citizens.
That's when they attack with the batons because that's a dirty word.
And then we have Daily Caller where they teach the Constitution.
The Bible and Declaration of Independence are sexist and racist.
And we have the actual training manuals.
They teach everyone in the Army that the Constitution they swear an oath to is bad.
And that great men changing history is sexist.
I mean, this is just total Soviet-style brainwashing.
Let's go to the clip from California that they don't want you to see.
Give me a break.
I mean those guys are gonna be in a civil war with the veterans
Just as against the general public.
I mean, the Tea Party, gun owners, constitutionalists, are the people that build this country, that pay the taxes, and that know what's going on.
Compared to folks that can't tie their shoelaces?
I mean, really Hillary?
This is your brigade homeland?
Can we show Obama's Youth Corps doing exercises, please?
It's in the beginning of the Obama Deception.
Just go to Obama Deception, the one with 14.5 million views on YouTube, and go about a minute into it, and we can see some of the commandos that they're sending to get us.
But see, they're not meant to beat us.
They're just meant to chew everything up and be a simulant for war so the globalists can stage terror attacks in the Civil War and claim we're doing it.
Blow up infrastructure,
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Let's hear some of the Obama brigades right now.
And you laugh, but it's in the New York Times that these very guys train to take on gun owners and veterans.
Because of Obama, I'm responsible to be the next doctor.
Because of Obama, I'm responsible to be the next lawyer.
Because of Obama, I'm responsible to be the next automotive technician.
Because of Obama, I'm responsible to be the next chef.
Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next architect.
Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next engineer.
Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next bomber.
Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next engineer.
Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next engineer.
Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next engineer.
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Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next engineer.
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Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next engineer.
Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next engineer.
Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next engineer.
Because of Obama, I'm inspired to be the next engineer.
Because of Obama
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can.
Yes, we can.
Obama's saying we need a national security force just as big and just as strong as our military.
Which is the federalized police within their little brigade spy tattletale gribs made up of the Boy Scouts and these gribs.
And I'm not knocking the Boy Scouts, but I can show you the New York Times and hundreds of other articles where it shows the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts training to quote take on veterans and gun owners and the Tea Party.
Going back six years.
We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
Our military accounts for 50 plus percent of global defense spending, so they want something as big as the largest military in the world domestically for us.
And the enemy designated is the Constitution, the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, and any great man.
I mean, you can go read the Army Training Manual.
Mainstream news.
It's on InfoWars.com.
I mean, you can't make this up.
George Washington, quote, wouldn't be welcome in today's army.
Yeah, because he actually founded it, and he actually led troops in battle, in hundreds of battles, and had incredible providence.
People all around him would get shot.
Everybody was shooting at him.
And then he would just ride out there like a Trenton.
His hat had bullet holes in his uniform.
Yeah, I guess he wouldn't be welcome in today's army.
These people are total criminal traitors, and they just run around bossing everyone with this helpless general public.
And you go down to UT, you go out to LA, where our reporters have been, and you go up and say, we want to put all gun owners in slave camps.
And Mark Dice talks to 15 people, and 14 of them go, yeah.
And by the way, some of them act educated.
They go, listen, you don't have to tell me, man.
I'm sick of these people.
They'll sit back in a minute and take your pension fund and your business and put you in a lock-up.
They'll even go put a uniform on and a bunch of cowards will chain you down and come in there and stomp your intestines out.
We went down to UT and we said, we want to abort kids up to age 5.
They said, you bet, let's do it.
We want to take gun owners and put them in FEMA camps.
Let's do it!
Yes we can!
Because these people can't have a job, they have no minds, they just go to college forever, and they just imagine the power.
Remember they had a White House petition with over 50,000 signatures to create communist militias to round up gun owners on the whitehouse.gov.
And they just dream of like some type of weird Soviet
Revolution against us.
I mean, it's not directed out of Russia.
It's directed out of the Pentagon, out of George Soros, out of the big think tanks.
And Hillary goes, we need to send men to fun camps to teach them about diversity.
Everybody laughs and goes, what a weird statement.
No, they're getting ready.
They got to hide it in plain view with their moral authority and get everybody in line.
They'll already take your kids if they're seen playing in the backyard.
They'll already come and take your kids now without even law and say you didn't inoculate them.
Now they're passing laws to do it.
They're coming!
Don't play games, people!
They've conquered hundreds of other countries.
They'll conquer you if you don't understand.
They are your enemy 100%.
I'm just here calling them the enemy because they are.
Tens of thousands of veterans and gun groups and Christian groups persecuted, indicted, arrested, and they go on MSNBC and go, of course we're persecuting you.
You're bad racist groups.
See, I'm a racist, according to them, so I deserve to be locked up.
I've been dehumanized.
Dinesh D'Souza, still in prison!
Serving his 10 months prison sentence.
For not even violating campaign law.
He pled guilty so he wouldn't get 10 years per count.
Of getting 5 friends to give money to a Senate campaign.
But Hillary can openly take tens of millions from Saudi Arabian princes, publicly.
And the news asks, is that legal?
This is how the New World Order rolls, and everybody that goes along with it in the government, you're just empowering the whole stinking house of cards to come down.
Because history shows it will come down.
Let's go to this next clip.
Florida man flips off cops.
He's an Air Force veteran.
He ran
for city commissioner and lost.
He flipped off the armored tank, the LRAD, so they chased him down.
23-year-old Florida man who ran for city commissioner, I bet Bunny's a listener, was pulled over by camouflaged deputies in an armored car after he flipped them off with his middle finger.
Lucas Jewell said he was angry with the county sheriff's deputies for turning his town into a Baghdad-like military force.
After all, Gainesville is a college town mostly filled with University of Florida students.
But deputies felt the need to dress up like soldiers because it was Orange and Blue weekend, a three-day celebration of festivities highlighted by scrimmage football game between Florida Gators.
You know, you might actually need to do that because society's degenerating.
The point is you should have left him alone for flipping you off and not acted like a thug.
I would even be worried if they had armored vehicles, if they weren't for the American people and crushing free speech, if they every once in a while had a standoff or something happening.
But no!
See, because I'm for the citizens having armored vehicles, so cops, whatever, just don't try to restrict us.
Let's go to the deputies pulling them over.
You're getting pulled over by a tank right now.
Yes, sir.
You know the Supreme Court actually ruled that you're legally allowed to flick off police officers?
That's not what we're talking here about.
We're talking about, do you have your license?
Who's on at signal 10?
Not this.
You got my wallet?
Step back here between the headlights, please.
He used to be one of the producers for Adam Kokesh, too.
You don't have to show him your ID.
So he doesn't know you, I won't get him on.
Come over here, stand right here between the headlights, please.
Mr. Jewell, please stand between the headlights.
Stand between the headlights where I told you to.
If I have to ask you again, you will be put in handcuffs and arrested for resisting.
Do you understand that?
Look at me.
Do you understand?
I will comply.
Thank you.
He didn't call himself back.
Wait till I take your pension fund, cop.
Now, Mr. Jewell, the reason that you're being stopped is for improper hand signal, which I don't know anything about a Supreme Court ruling that you can flick a cop off.
What I do know about that extending your arm out the driver's side window of a vehicle and flicking somebody off is an improper hand signal.
And again, it does stir up trouble, and I wouldn't have done it, but people are getting mad because the government above you is lawless, shutting off the power plants, shutting off our industry, opening the borders completely up, launching all these wars.
People are sick of it.
We're tired of it.
We know the government's gearing up for war, and not all of us are cowards.
People start gearing up to fight back.
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Major breaking ISIS news in the next segment.
I cannot believe this.
This is incredible.
I'm gonna wait till he's here with us at 33 after.
Then we'll start going to your phone calls.
Dave and Stephanie and Nancy and Rick and Mario and others.
800-259-9231 and others.
We'll go to Dave and others who say they disagree.
Maybe I'll just go to you here in just a moment.
And then come out, talk to Biggs, and then go back to your calls.
And then we've got a lot of other important news up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
If you look at one of our major YouTube channels, it has 495 million views.
You add that together with our other official channels, we have about 700 million views.
And if you add that to all the other channels that carry our material, it's really over a billion.
I always tend to underestimate, but MSNBC said last year 300 million.
It's more like a billion.
It was more like 800 million back then.
But what I'm getting at here is our Twitter, though, only has 300,000 followers.
Our Facebook's only about two and a half million.
Our main Facebook, under a million.
And that's because it's all gamed.
We don't have any fake followers.
Hillary and, it's turned out, Obama and others, 90 plus percent, that's mainstream news, look it up, other Twitter followers are fake.
They're just given them by Twitter and Facebook.
They're just given other people's Twitter accounts, but it's folks that really aren't active.
So it's all an illusion.
We really have two and a half million Facebook followers.
We really have 300,000 people on Twitter.
I came to Twitter late.
Fans made the sites.
I never promoted until a few years ago.
So if you got in early, it got bigger.
We need people to follow us at Real Alex Jones because we really send you breaking news, breaking video, you name it.
But the big issue is the reason you also need to support us is they're doing everything they can to game it.
Remember the Navy SEALS groups that were exposing Benghazi?
Kept having their Facebooks and Twitters shut down or they wouldn't let them promote a meme?
Every time we have some meme that's getting hundreds of thousands of shares, is about to hit millions, they kill it.
That's why if you go to other people's YouTube channels that are small, they'll have videos with like a thousand views, ten thousand views, then an Alex Jones video with a million and a half, eight hundred thousand, three million views, four million views, three hundred thousand views.
Because they don't have governors on those nobody sites.
And I'm not saying you're a nobody, that's how they see it.
There's governors slapped on that when we hit a peak, the algorithm cuts off.
We've talked to top consultants, people inside Google.
This is how they operate.
Hillary Critic says her campaign paid to have hashtags removed.
And again, can we punch up my YouTube About page for folks?
And then maybe, maybe just go there yourself and put it on screen because people can't see that, the way the camera's aimed on it.
I want to zoom in on the million subscribers and the 495,000 views.
I mean, 495 million plus views.
Hillary, there was a viral hashtag getting millions of retweets an hour yesterday.
Hashtag why I'm not voting for Hillary, mainly by liberals upset with what a tyrant she is.
She just paid, Kurt Demme wrote an article about it.
Critics says campaign paid to have hashtag removed, and they did.
We looked, they just removed it.
Social media now plays an instrumental role in political campaigns.
That's why Zuckerberg and others at Facebook and Twitter, they meet with the Clintons, they meet with the Communist Chinese, their head of censorship a few months ago, to learn how to do this.
So, that's how they're trying to game it, but it's not working.
They can't stop you at the low-intensity level, reposting our videos, giving them to friends and family.
And that leads me to this point right here.
You go to our main YouTube channel, the Alex Jones Channel, that I've been in lawsuits to keep up, okay?
I mean, I've been in battles with people just to keep this up.
And I'm not complaining.
This is a war.
We get stronger every time.
We learn how the system works.
There's a video we put out yesterday that only has 35,000 views.
It should have 10 million views by now.
Of course, they put a governor on it.
But regardless, get it, repost it to your channel, make copies of it, air it on your local radio show.
Don't let them stop you.
The video the feds don't want you to see.
We're going to retweet it at Real Alex Jones.
We're going to post it back to Facebook right now.
And it's the 14 minutes or so epic stand down of the Feds last year and why it was so important.
Why the Bundy Ranch is the second shot heard around the world.
It's a very important video.
And it needs to be seen.
So let's do a test.
The power of the people.
Go to Infowars.com to that page where it's being reposted right now.
Go to Twitter.
Go to Facebook.
Retweet it.
Post it on your Facebook.
Email it out.
Let's see if we can push that up over a million.
Our last Bundy Ranch video has 1,400,000 views.
And that's a big deal.
Listen, Hillary can't get a couple thousand views on her things.
Obama's videos on the White House site on average are about 5,000 views.
They're a joke.
We're dominating them.
What I'm trying to do is get the audience in the mindset of realizing you're the power of the show.
The reason we reach 20 million people a week is because you're taking action.
But it's a fraction of you that are really active.
What if more of you tell folks about our AM and FM stations in your area?
What if you get an ad in the paper telling folks about tuning into the show?
What if you put up a billboard?
What if you hand out cards to friends and family?
What if you buy the products?
I mean, that's how you support the transmission.
You have the power.
You take action, you're unstoppable.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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You are the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, it's no joke.
We're coming to you from occupied North America.
I'm coming to you from FEMA Region 6, Barmaley, Texas, Austin.
We've been taken over by foreign banks.
They're openly training the military to take on gun owners, veterans, conservatives, libertarians.
They're publicly teaching the military that George Washington's bad, that the Bible and Constitution is bad.
It's now being taught Pentagon and Army-wide, even to enlisted.
That's Daily Caller today.
The Bible is listed as racist and evil.
This is just the takeover, and they're not going to stop.
Meanwhile, we have some of the most incredible news ever.
Judicial Watch, highly respected.
They get four-year documents.
I've never seen Judicial Watch where they were putting out Bravo Sierra.
And talking to Joe Biggs last year when he went down there to the border, we wanted to kind of do an ode to the Veritas Project, who crosses an ISIS fighter from Canada across the Great Lakes and then basically went in and simulated an attack on a public place with bioweapons.
Joe Beggs crossed the Rio Grande, right where he thought they'd probably try to cross because it's so easy to come in, in the middle at a city park on the edge of El Paso, and he said this is the type of place that he would cross.
Now last year it was being rumored by Border Patrol and ICE that there was radical Islamist jihadis training over there.
Since then they've arrested a bunch of them, and Judicial Watch has confirmed on both sides of the border, what the FBI said a month ago, ISIS is operating in all 50 states.
There's a major recruiting drive, Saudi Arabia behind it, the same folks, Saudi Arabia, quarterbacking 9-11, that's in the New York Post today.
How the FBI is whitewashing the Saudi connection to 9-11?
Told you that 14 years ago.
Where are the apologies to me, folks?
That's your inside job, part of it.
Why is the FBI covering it up?
Because if it comes out,
What Senator Graham and others are saying, it's over for the globalists.
And so let's specifically go to the New York Post, because that's out today.
How the FBI is whitewashing the Saudi connection to 9-11.
That same paper has criticized me, and we're not trying to defend ourselves here.
We don't need to.
We just want to remind you that the truth does end up coming out, as the Bible states.
Now, we're going to go over what I covered last hour if you're a new viewer or listener, and I'm up here claiming that they came out and said the Bible's racist and sexist.
The Army now teaches that in official manuals.
We're going to go over that.
Meanwhile, ISIS is coming into the U.S.
We've had real credible threats ourselves by real groups.
I mean, these are concerned to quote law enforcement.
They're threatening all sorts of media.
They're now putting out videos that are going to blow up the White House and all the rest of this.
And take over the U.S.
and launch a new 9-11.
The FBI said all 50 states last month are infiltrated.
Now whether this is real or a false flag, they don't need a false flag.
ISIS is a real group, being funded and protected.
But they're real crazies on the ground.
I don't know how they're going to have open borders and then pull something off like this and not have the government get in trouble.
But Joe ran to me about 15 minutes ago and he said, look at this from Judicial Watch, ISIS camp a few miles from Texas, Mexican authorities confirm ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, Texas, according to Judicial Watch sources that include a Mexican Army field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police Inspector.
The exact location of the terrorist group that has established its base is around 8 miles from the U.S.
border in an area known as Anarpa, situated just between
Juarez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, another ISIS cell is west of Juarez in Porto Palomas.
Targets the New Mexico towns of Columbus and Deming for easy access to the United States.
The same acknowledged source confirmed and it goes on from there.
And of course they can also attack Fort Bliss.
Now, Joe Biggs is going to deploy in the Info War today, down there.
We've got sources in ICE, we've got sources with aircraft that are legally able to fly into Mexico.
Joe says he wants to go in and try to discover the base himself.
And I'm trying to talk him down from actually going in on the ground, but I bet we can probably get with some people that we know and trust to go cover this.
It needs to be exposed A, B, fortune favors the bold, and C, it's going to be one hell of an international story.
We can really catch them with their pants down, because we know Obama's helping fund all this with the Muslim Brotherhood and the rest of it.
It's part of some larger plan.
He could use terror attacks as a smoke screen to declare martial law.
Joe Biggs,
What's insane here is, this is where you predicted that, I said, well where do you want to go to simulate this?
He goes, well I would come through El Paso, because the military base is there, they might want to attack that, and it's just right across, and our sources say that it's wide open on the border patrol, and they just let them walk across under orders.
And since then it's come out that they get reprimanded or fired if they even stop them.
So, of course, this is a protected corridor for Al Qaeda, now known as ISIS,
I don't know how you predicted the exact spot.
We're going to play that report in a moment, and then go to these callers, some of them that disagree, like Dave.
Don't hang up, Dave.
This is amazing.
Joe Biggs, we're going to again play this video of where you simulated the beheading right there on the border to show how it's wide open.
What is your take on this?
Well, I mean, like I said before, I was stationed there for quite some time.
That's where I last served in the military.
That was my last duty station.
And when these reports came out about a year ago, I was sitting there thinking to myself, alright, right around El Paso, where would I
Come on!
At the most waist deep in some areas and then the others like you see in the video coming up about ankle deep.
So it's a very easy area to cross and in this document right here it says between Santa Teresa and Sunderland Park.
So that's the exact spot that I had.
Out of a 2,200 mile border you picked the exact spot that judicial watched the same folks that got
Thousands of bombshell documents.
The same folks that exposed that the FBI was ordered to stand down before 9-11.
I mean, this is, this, they're very credible.
Because the amount of corruption that happens out there, too.
The amount, the fact that they're letting all these illegals come through and they're trying to exploit that.
They know that that is a number one spot that, you know, word travels fast out there.
And that's where all these illegals are coming up through.
Because there's so much interaction between people who live in Juarez, who work in El Paso, then go back to Juarez.
So there's a huge amount of traffic in between that area.
So, I mean, that would be the key spot, if anyone was going to do it, to go to.
Well, I've seen a lot of controlled left that poses as right-wing, libertarian medium.
Always saying there's no Al-Qaeda, there's no ISIS, there's none, there's none.
When it's just rucksacks and literature and they're... I mean, the numbers are in the thousands every month from the released ICE
Numbers that have been mainstream news of others than Mexicans that are Islamists coming in.
Yeah, well the Mexican Army says that they discovered documents in Arabic and Urdu as well as plans for Fort Bliss, the sprawling military installation that houses the US Army's First Armored Division, which is what I was a part of, and the Muslim prayer rugs were discovered in documents
We're good to go.
And let's go further.
This is the Washington Times today.
Terror targets U.S.
troops urged to keep low profile, avoid military swing in public.
So they're telling him secretly attacks are imminent.
The FBI says they're in all 50 states.
But in all these military drills, including the dirty bomb drill you were banned from,
We're good to go.
I don't
You're now listed as the number one terror threat, Joe.
You are listed as the number one enemy.
It's disgusting.
Well, you know why?
Because you're willing to stand up against it.
They know you're willing to go and expose what's happening.
You are the enemy.
I mean, it's just because we're not traitors.
We're bad.
We're not here to just be told what to do and have our destiny controlled by a bunch of criminals that want to abuse us.
We don't want Obamacare.
We don't want to turn our guns in.
We don't want to have 100% taxation.
We're bad because we have some free will.
I want to go to your report.
And guys, put the YouTube up on screen before we play the video if we can, because I want to show the date of this.
When did you go down there, if you remember?
I don't remember the exact day.
It was... I went a couple times.
We're going to pull it up.
If you just go to YouTube and type in the video, a man simulates beheading on Mexican-Texas border.
You can find it.
Man crosses U.S.
border, addresses ISIS terrorist, simulates beheading.
And the date of that was September 5th, 2014.
So that was about eight, nine months ago.
So simply amazing.
We predicted it.
You predicted it, Joe.
You were the one that decided how to run the whole thing.
Let's go ahead and go to this special report.
Go ahead and get suited up.
Get ready.
Start looking into aircraft, looking into our border patrol sources.
And you make the decision whether you can find somebody that wants to go into one of the most dangerous areas of Mexico with you on ground, or you can try to get an aircraft.
It's already licensed to fly into Mexico.
As many hours as you need in a prop plane or whatever.
Get in there, no expenses spared.
Get in there and find that Al Qaeda base.
Roger that.
Good job.
Joe Big's deploying.
Pray for him.
I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, this is the real deal.
Let's go to him and our crew.
Who went with you?
Josh Owens last time?
That guy's always in the thick of it.
Here's their report from the border predicting eight months ago exactly what's now happening.
El Paso.
We're good to go.
We know our government has created and funded ISIS, so whether or not this is a real threat or a false flag, the globalists are now one step closer to their endgame, stripping us of all our liberties.
So we dress up like an ISIS jihadi to be as obvious as possible, to show and to illustrate just how wide open the border really is.
Thank you, Obama, for leaving your southern borders open so ISIS can terrorize America.
ISIS thanks you, President Obama.
We claim this land for surreal law.
If ISIS can enter America, then anyone can.
And the borders are wide open, we're being collapsed in the North American Union.
Stephanie, Nancy, Rick, Mario, we're gonna go to your calls right now.
But first off, Dave in Missouri,
Disagrees, so he goes to the head of the line.
Why do so many people from Missouri call who are actual Clinton supporters?
Dave, what do you disagree with?
Well, hello Alex, how's it going?
Is this the same guy that went by the name Smitty?
Well, you said first-time callers and I tried to get through and they hung up on me, so I had to call back and say that my name is Dave.
So you lied to get on air?
Well, Alex, you lie about everything that you, you know, say, so why wouldn't I lie to get on the air?
I'm just, you know, taking a cue from you, my friend.
Okay, well, we said first-time callers, but you're special.
We want to start having you on via Skype.
So, you called in yesterday under the name Schmitty.
Go ahead, and what do you have to say about all this?
Well, first of all, is Joe Big really the best that you can possibly do?
Out of everybody in the military, you pick Joe Big.
This guy is a knuckle-dragger.
He probably has about, oh, I don't know, a 75 or 80 IQ.
And it's pretty ridiculous that, you know, you would think that, you know, first of all, it would be really difficult to get in.
It shows, you know, how good your show really is and how many people, you know, really listen to your show.
I think you have a few illusions of grandeur, Mr. Jones, first of all.
Second of all, yeah, Joe Biggs, he's kind of a funny little guy.
I love his profile picture on Facebook, though.
It kind of looks like a little boys-to-men motif.
I think that maybe we should probably, you know, go and you guys should start a boy band.
I could probably be your producer if you wanted to.
But you've got a lot of troop hating going on and, you know, why wouldn't you guys, people like you, be the number one terror threat if you, you know, the way that you talk about how much... That's right.
The Tea Party has the lowest crime rate out there.
Look it up for yourself.
So we're bad and, you know, we like free market and private property and freedom.
We're so evil.
Joe is a really smart guy.
And he was distinguished in the U.S.
Army as an enlisted person and rose to the ranks very quick.
And he's been wounded repeatedly in combat.
And I like hanging out with him.
And he's just a regular guy.
He doesn't have a bunch of pretensions like you.
And he's got courage.
And so that's why I hired him.
Because he was the one that exposed the fact that they killed Hastings.
And then everything he said turned out to be true.
They murdered Michael Hastings' friend.
I said, man, you've already gone to school for journalism, you're about to graduate in RTF, why don't you come down here and work for us?
That's the kind of people I'm looking for.
Real, regular people.
That's what we're looking for here, is people that don't say they're left or right, but that want freedom, and then you call in with a bunch of names.
Because you're not a real liberal, you're a totalitarian on a power trip.
I'm absolutely a real liberal.
What do you mean I'm not a real liberal?
No, the so-called liberals that are out there are overriding every major freedom we've got, power-grabbing everything.
So you think it's good for the IRS to persecute the Tea Party and Christian groups?
Those are the biggest, most hateful groups that are out there.
Listen, jackass!
Even if they were hateful, it's called the First Amendment.
Do you understand selectively harassing people is the essence of tyranny?
So you're gonna try and tell me that when a Republican gets in office, they're not gonna do the exact same thing?
When Nixon did it, he had to leave office.
Nixon did it, he left office.
If Bush got caught doing this, he'd be out of office.
I would absolutely be going after Bush for this.
I did go after Bush.
Nixon is absolutely ancient history.
You are such a child.
You are such a... You think you get power because the Democratic Party commits all these crimes and like you're part of this big mafia and you feel tough.
You're a totalitarian wannabe.
You're not even one of the totalitarians.
I want to hear you own galactically.
You don't believe probably in spirituality.
I want you to own the persecution.
Say, God, if this is true, I don't want you to do it.
I join with the persecution of the innocent.
I think it's cute.
I mean, you own it.
You want to be part of this, right?
Skip the break.
It's too important.
Skip the break.
We're skipping the break.
I don't believe, I'm, I, sir, I am, I believe in science.
You don't believe in right and wrong, so it's okay for you to persecute people, but when you get persecuted, it's persecution and you whine.
You're a, you don't even have, you're not even a moral relativist.
You don't even have common sense or logic.
Mr. Jones, you are the funniest man on the radio.
I just, I laugh all the time when I listen to you because... Listen to this, I laugh all these attacks that are designed for weak-minded people to think he's winning the debate when you'd be thrown out of debate for what you're doing.
You would be thrown out of debate for cutting me off every time I try and get a sentence out of my mouth.
No, every time you spew another serpent-laden, forked-tongue vomit basket.
Okay, I tell you what, you got two minutes.
Go ahead and spew more hatred to people.
Alright, that sounds good.
First of all, like I was saying, Joe Biggs, he kind of seems a little bit like a sissy, but I bet he would be a really good friend to me and my roommate, as like I said, his Facebook picture is absolutely just fabulous.
He looks really nice.
And like I said, you as a 19-year-old, fabulous as well.
What are you going to do if Hillary doesn't get the nomination and then Elizabeth Warren does?
Because you hate women so much, you're going to hate Elizabeth Warren too and tell a bunch of lies about her as well.
Because you hate women.
You hate Muslims.
You hate women.
You hate everybody who has not been sexed, same as you.
And it's very transparent.
Well, here's the deal.
Elizabeth Warren does have the big globalist behind her because they know Hillary's pretty much in trouble.
And she's not as criminal as Hillary with her long record.
But she's been flip-flopping on a lot of issues, and so I have a lot of problems with her.
And there's no way that she would actually follow her policies that she claims she supports, because that's not what Wall Street wants.
But I don't detest Elizabeth Warren, the senator, no.
But it's because of her policies, it has nothing to do with the fact that she's a woman.
I mean, that's a moral mind game, thinking women are weak-minded.
That you say I don't like women, so women are then going to say, I don't like Alex.
This guy claims he likes me.
You know, I mean, here's the deal.
You don't know about the company and women, obviously.
Joe Biggs and I do.
So don't sit there and tell me what women want all day.
I know what they want.
Believe me.
Are you kidding me?
You think that I don't have plenty of female friends that are... No, and I bet you've got other fellow travelers that are isolated and don't have families and aren't happy and hate humanity and only like what isn't the standard genetic code of a mammal.
I understand you are a revolutionary against humanity.
Because you can't win within the paradigm of humanity that is the natural paradigm, so you construct artificial paradigms.
No, that's false.
All I'm looking for is actual, real unity.
Oh, unity!
Yeah, yeah, that's right.
Let's have the IRS go and seize the bank accounts of Christian groups and tell the military, you can't be in the Tea Party or Evangelical Christian group or we will arrest you.
Do you understand, sir, that that's like North Korea?
Do you understand that's the opposite of classical liberalism to tell the military?
That you can't be an evangelical Christian, or that you can't be in the Tea Party.
Do you support that?
Do you remember when the military... Answer my question, you authoritarian!
I'm sorry, would you repeat the question, sir?
I couldn't understand... Is it good that Fort Hood told all of their army soldiers you cannot go to a Tea Party event, or be part of an evangelical group, or you will be court-martialed?
Have those claims even been substantiated?
Sir, we got the document from Fort Hood.
Fort Hood responded to the local paper and Fox News, and basically defended it at first, and then said we're going to withdraw it for now, and now it's back, and it's in the news today.
Hey, you support sicking the IRS on the Tea Party, you support sicking it on libertarian think tanks, so is that where your tyranny stops?
Do you support court-martialing people for their religious views?
Answer the question.
Answer the question!
Would you stop screaming?
Answer the question!
Answer it!
The answer is no.
And here's the thing...
Yeah, I'm just going to try and settle down because you're kind of making me shake a little bit, so let me take a deep breath.
Is this for real?
What do you mean is this for real?
How can you sit there and you, if it's your opinion, it's okay.
You want to, you're saying... No, no, no.
My opinion is you can live however you want.
Don't try to teach my five-year-olds how to suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
Oh my goodness.
Would you start to class up a little bit?
Give me a break.
That's what's going on.
That's what's going on in the schools.
If only you knew how much it actually did go on in the schools and how much I was shaping the mind of the youth of today.
I'm sure you're shaping.
When you get caught, you're going to get in some major trouble.
Oh, so now you're going to accuse me of things and that's just ridiculous.
No, I'm not accusing you.
I think I meant like if you get caught, you're going to get trouble in the court of public opinion.
Now go ahead and catch yourself.
Tell us what you've done.
It's called Common Core.
We've implemented the new system to show people how to think for themselves, how to think independently and not have to conform to the traditional methods of
I don't understand.
No, that's not true.
So you are for getting rid of grades and getting rid of sports and getting rid of giving people Achievement Awards?
Well, nobody should have to feel like they are a loser.
All right, Dave.
Listen, we've got to schedule you for a full hour.
If you're a real person, I'll actually... I don't know if I can trust you.
You have to send a nondisclosure form to come down here.
I may send a crew up there to interview you if you're for real.
I've got to go.
I've got to get to Steven and Nancy and Rick and Mario.
I apologize you've been holding so long before our guest joins us.
These people, if he's for real, I just, I've run into him on the street, he probably is for real.
They're worse than that down at UT, man, I tell you, these people, if society collapses, God help us, these people don't even know how to wipe their rear ends, and I'm not kidding.
I mean, they are just gone.
They are gone, and their parents were already weak, and they're, ugh, giant hordes of stupid control freaks trying to dominate greater people.
Anyways, um,
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Steph Hahn in New York, and Nancy, Rick, Mario, and others, thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh my goodness, that took a lot... Alright, I know you were questioning if that guy was a real loser or a fake loser, but no, he's a real loser.
I went to high school with these kids, and that's how they... That's exactly how they act.
See, you got them when you... I know Loser Dave is still listening, he's still talking about them, but you got them when you said, oh, hang on, let me take a deep breath, because what happens is this.
They know that
See, he got the sense that, wait a minute, if what this guy is saying is true, then he has a drop on my whole entire argument.
So what they do is this, when you do tell them something, that they actually might come to their senses and be like, wait a minute, no, I actually do think that that is wrong, but I don't want to believe what you're saying because I just already want to write you off as... And so that's why he says, oh, I don't know if that's even true.
But then he's already saying he wants to basically arrest the Tea Party.
Yeah, and in a sense, whatever soul is still left in him kind of jumps out and says, wait a minute, hang on, what he just said is actually wrong.
Maybe Alex Jones is right.
Maybe that is a problem.
Maybe that is something that I should look into.
But then just the whole evil side of it, he's been brainwashed with, ah, no, no, no, come on, don't think that.
Then you're going to get that credit, and then it's going to sound credible, and then your whole argument is going to fall on top of itself.
These kind of kids, they grew up... Dave, you moron, you have to understand you're a new breed of liberalism.
See, you weren't like the original liberals that Alex Jones was trying to tell you.
Now what they're breeding is these new liberals where...
Where everyone's a victim.
You're always a victim.
So what they do... They're victims, but they're elite and wear a mantle of royal robes.
That they're intellectuals and you're not.
And all they do is go, you're racist, I'm intellectual.
You're racist, I'm intellectual.
Joe Biggs is a knuckle-dragger.
You're a trailer trash.
I'm an elitist.
You're a scum.
And it's just like... And in translation, what they're saying is, oh, you're a bully and I'm a victim.
You're a bully and I'm a victim.
So in their mind, they think that they're always right.
Because as long as they call you the bully,
Then they're still the innocent victim, the innocent bystander.
I'll tell you Steven, you're quite the philosopher.
You ought to launch a YouTube channel or something and describe this new mutated totalitarian that thinks it's liberal.
How do they not know that they're totalitarians?
How do they not know that they're not even what they think they are?
Because we grew up very spoiled.
Because I can already tell, that kid probably grew up on the East Coast somewhere.
Maybe in the Midwest, but probably on the East Coast.
Or maybe even on another coast, if I can tell.
The point is, is this.
Those kids, they're very spoiled.
You have to think of like the spoiled kid who's rich, who never really ran into a gang member, who never really got into a confrontation.
They never got into a confrontation with the government, where the government is treating them wrong.
See, you're at least smart enough
To have read books and understand that this... I almost cut it.
To understand that this stuff happens.
Now, unfortunately, these kids, they've been brainwashed that they're a victim.
They've, uh... I mean, this is a new breed of kids, man, and I'm seeing it.
Because, you know, I'm... They're these entitled, spoiled brats that think they owe you something, and usually they're white.
And then they come up to you and say, we've got to get rid of all the white people.
You're a racist, and you're just standing there.
You've done nothing.
And you go, I don't want to abort the black people.
And they go, yeah, yeah, whatever.
I mean, they just have no... I mean, I tell you, people think the Mark Dice videos are fake.
We've been out there.
They're real.
People think ours are fake?
We'll talk to ten trendies, and nine of them will say, let's kill babies up to age five.
Or let's put gun owners in slave camps.
And as long as you say, for Obama.
I mean, it's just... And then they have the papers all over the country, right about our abortion video, saying it must not have been real.
Or they went and found one woman who said, yes, abort the baby.
She goes, well, I didn't really mean it.
Because they're kind of having that moment of truth with themselves, going, wow, we really do want to kill kids up to age five now, and we really want to put people in forced labor camps, but Jones is a kook because he got us to say it.
No, you said it!
Look in the mirror!
Thank you so much, Steven.
I'm going to push my guest back about five, six minutes.
I know he's great, got breaking news, but I've got to finish these callers.
I'm going to talk to Rick, Mario, Nancy, and others.
When we come back, stay with us.
We're going to go bam, bam, bam through your calls.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're going to be going to Dr. Peter Glidden, one of my favorite guests, here in about five minutes with the balance of the hour.
We'll go a little bit into the next hour if you can stay with us.
We have loaded phone lines with folks that want to break down all the amazing news we've been covering so far.
We have forced inoculation laws moving through the legislature towards the governor's desk in California.
They say they have the votes.
We have childhood being declared basically illegal.
Everything from lemonade stands to 10-year-olds walking to the park 300 yards away.
We have Americans being pulled over in Florida by tanks and being threatened by the police while the border is wide open.
That is coming up and more.
A lot of breaking news at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
And the globalists are doing everything they can, on record,
To ban us, to restrict us, to block us, to block Hillary hashtags that other people have.
They're testing how to censor and control the web.
But people power can overthrow that.
That's why the globalists and Obama are always trying to get the grassroots into their organizations to promote what they're doing.
They need that real human, that human intelligence on the ground.
Look at the Democratic Party, what they're pushing.
Gay Man Starts Eye Bottom for Hillary Campaign.
Mexican authorities say ISIS camp located a few miles from Texas and New Mexico.
We need to tie in his video to that.
The exact spot Joe Biggs predicted.
We have the video the feds don't want you to see posted.
Weird nationwide Walmart closures spark conspiracy.
What it really is is they're trying to unionize.
Cops, CPS again kidnap kids from parents after they let them play alone in park.
I mean, everybody under the age of 30, I mean, doesn't know that used to you played outside.
Pentagon warns soldiers as the Islamic State threatens 9-11 attack.
That's just some of the stories up on InfoWars.com.
And we've got a new William Blake quote up there.
What is grand is necessarily obscure to weak men.
That which can be made explicit to the idiots is not worth my care.
That's right, he says, I tell the truth for those that hear it, not for those that scoff and laugh.
They can sit there in their indolence all they want.
Finishing up with calls, I want to race through as many of these as possible.
Rick in Illinois, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you?
Good, brother.
Listen, I got some breaking news from here in Illinois locally, and I do want to apologize.
I did tell whoever answered your phone that I have called in before, but this is really breaking and important.
But it's okay, we just need to preface it with a bunch of phone screening.
Everybody wants me to screen your call.
But let's start over and I'll screen your call on air.
Rick, your name's Rick, where are you calling from?
Farmer City, Illinois.
Okay, what do you want to call in and talk about today before we get on with Alex?
Alright, I've got some breaking news.
My community just posted a Facebook post last night.
And city managers say, stating that they are entertaining the idea of denying citizens' utilities if their children cause any kind of vandalism to city property or public property.
That is huge.
They are actually going to come in and turn off your utilities.
Did you showtip that?
Did you send that to showtips at InfoWars.com?
No, it's posted on my website, ConspiracyNews.com, and it's also on my Facebook page.
Ah, that's huge.
Now let me just stop you for a minute, Rick, because you call in with some good tips when you get in, so I appreciate it.
The reason we do first-time callers is just so we get new people who try to get in a chance to come on.
But expanding on that, for those that don't know, I meant to do a whole show on this today, but ran out of time.
Government worldwide is now going past law, Obama's an example of that, and just saying, you don't take vaccines, we won't let you have a job or travel.
You don't take vaccines, you won't get your tax exemption for each kid.
$15,000 a year in Australia equivalent.
You don't do what we say.
We're going to turn your power off.
We claim your kid did something.
No judge, no jury.
We'll turn your utilities off.
Yes, they're going to use the fact that we're domesticated in these control grids to really start jacking with us.
And it's a revolution by government to engage in criminal activity in such a mass scale that by force de jure, it becomes the common practice through what is known in common law as a taking.
Go ahead.
Well, Alex, they actually admitted that on their local interview on a local TV station, WCIA out of Champaign, Illinois.
Is it really called WCIA?
Yes, it's called WCIA.
It's out of Champaign, Illinois.
It's a local television station.
But the city manager and the mayor basically admitted in the video and dialogue interview that the juvenile court system here doesn't have any teeth.
They don't have enough teeth to make anything stick on these kids.
So instead of going through the proper court proceedings and charging people and getting restitution for damages or anything like that that they are considering, entertaining the option of turning off the utilities.
And that will sound good to turn the utilities off to some, you know, family that lets their kids be bad, but now they won't be playing video games in there all day.
They'll be out robbing more.
And again, it's not in line with legislation.
We will look that up.
We'll do a story and link to yours.
Good job, Rick from Illinois.
Over the top.
We got Dr. Glidden coming up in just a moment.
I gotta move quick here, but I promise I'll get to you guys.
Mario in California, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi.
Hey Alex, been a long time listener, first time caller.
I was calling about the drought in California here.
The other day I was watching the news and they were saying the water district just passed a new law putting new restrictions on all water usages around certain L.A.
Yep, and they're not letting you build new plants, they're not letting anybody build new for 30-40 years new reservoirs.
They're just going to jack up prices on you and they're training you to accept that right now.
Yeah, so I was going to ask, how can we expose, like, how do you show that it's an artificial scarcity?
You tie it into the artificial scarcity thing ran 15 years ago in California by Enron, where they got caught turning the power off and jacking up prices, claiming there was artificial scarcity when there wasn't.
You explained that they didn't let the infrastructure ever develop for what was needed to now hold you hostage and double and triple charge you, and that select corporations like Nestea get the water for free.
That's how you do it.
Gotta jump, Mario.
Great question.
God bless you.
I'll get to the other callers because they haven't been holding us long after we've been talking to Peter Glyden for a while.
Dr. Glyden is a very busy fellow with his private practice and the books he's written and all the work he does.
He's received his degree from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst and an M.D.
from Beresford University in Seattle, Washington.
He's a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Illinois Association of Naturopathic Physicians.
He's lectured to thousands of people over the last two decades, delivers lectures, and of course hosts his own radio broadcast as well, drglenn.com.
He's also contributed to Dead Doctors Don't Lie.
He's involved as an advisor to InfoWarsHealth.com and of course to Yongevity.
And I wanted to get him on today to talk about vaccines first.
Then I wanted to ask him, this is what he's really an expert on, if we have the best medical system in the world, why are illnesses such as heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, type 2, high blood pressure and obesity, autism, heartburn and cancer getting worse instead of better?
How is 21st century American medical system similar to 9-11?
What is the real problem with Obamacare?
How are naturopathic physicians different from MDs?
We're going to get some concrete examples of how naturopaths treat heartburn and arthritis.
All this and more.
All I know is that people like chiropractors are in the same constellation of groups that were around, along with MD medicine, that MD medicine is trying to phase out.
MD Medicine wanted to do surgery on my back when I shot a 50 cal handheld over a hundred times and for whatever reason that day threw my back out.
My spine bent to the left like three inches.
Looked like a basically a bow on the x-ray.
I went to a chiropractor.
It was painful.
Took three sessions.
They popped it 98% back and now it's totally back.
And the pain all left within two weeks.
They would shut that down if they could.
So that's just an example.
Dr. Glidden, thank you so much for joining us.
I want to just spend a few minutes we have here before the break on vaccines and medical tyranny.
It's here.
The bill has passed the committee.
They have the votes in the House and Senate, they say.
They say it'll be on the governor's desk in a month.
Forced inoculation.
Australia's taking away the tax write-offs worth $15,000 for a family of four.
If you don't take the vaccines, I mean, this is really a scary time.
Let's think about that.
Government forcing us to put in us vaccines on record on the inserts that can kill us.
Dr. Glidden, your take on this?
I mean, we've got to rebel now, and the question is how.
Well, you know, it's a good time for civil disobedience.
Just say no.
It's the same thing as Obamacare.
Forcing people to gain access to pay monthly checks from medical insurance to give them access to MD-directed medicine.
It doesn't give them access to chiropractors, naturopaths, homeopaths, Ayurvedic practitioners.
It's a one-trick pony and this is just another arm of the octopus.
My advice, just
Say no.
The vaccine science is fuzzy science at best.
If you look at the vaccine research objectively, scientifically, from an unbiased, unprejudiced point of view, then you would not be a fan nor an advocate of vaccines.
You know, drugs are like guns.
It's not the drug, it's how it's used.
Thank God for Novocaine.
Thank God for morphine.
Thank God for the sterile technique.
But for goodness sake, vaccines, well, you know, if they worked, that would be one thing.
Quite frankly, they do not, and God only knows what they're putting in them.
My advice, just say no.
This is, in fact, the tip of the iceberg.
That's right.
They're coming in and taking the velvet glove off the iron fist, because in the higher educated areas, upwards of 70% of people, in areas of Northern California and other areas, the higher educated, the less vaccines, people aren't taking it.
Many other areas, about 30% of the country aren't taking them with children, higher with adults.
It's panicking the system, so now they're coming in and saying we're going to force you to do it.
Simply amazing.
Well, one of the reasons is follow the money, right?
I mean, the pharmaceutical industry is in cahoots with the federal government.
The federal government has contracts, you know, dyed in the wool.
You have to make so many vaccines a year.
We're going to prepay you for them.
And so they already have the vaccine.
Now they have to get rid of them.
They have to get some of their money back.
So there's an economic factor that's at play.
Well, my kids aren't taking vaccines and neither am I.
That's right, Dr. Glidden, stay there.
We'll be back to break down key intel.
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Hi, I'm Alex Jones.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I weighed 180 pounds.
I lift weights five days a week.
I can swim two, three miles.
Then I discovered the New World Order, the globalists, their agenda.
I started an access television show.
I was so dedicated to my work and hanging around with radio guys that I began drinking.
I began smoking cigars and then even cigarettes.
I transformed from looking like a white Bruce Lee to looking like a Jabba the Hutt.
So I began a journey five years ago to shed the almost 100 pounds.
I started taking super male vitality and saw dramatic results in just a few weeks.
When I added to the mix
The key products developed by Dr. Group for InfoWarsLife.com.
The results were incredible.
Take the InfoWarsLife.com challenge today at InfoWarsLife.com or give our crew a call.
They can answer all your questions or tell you about any of the specials at 888-253-3139.
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Medical doctors, on average, individually are great people.
I've had a surgery on my leg.
That didn't go too well when I was 16.
I had a hernia surgery, hard to believe, just a week and a half ago.
It went superlative.
But that was something that medically had to be fixed.
It came out a few years ago that the federal government with MD medicine tried to shut down chiropractors.
Everybody I know uses chiropractors.
Rich people, poor people, it works great.
The Queen of England uses naturopaths.
So the point is, you deserve the choice.
And what Dr. Glidden just hit, under Obamacare, it doesn't force 37 million people extra to go out and get insurance that covers everything.
No, only MD medicine and drugs.
And now drugs are supplanting MD medicine, and more and more of what they're allowed to do is give drugs, like at the VA, not even the surgeries.
Dr. Glidden, I want to give you the floor in this short segment and the next long segment coming up.
After all the years of lecturing hundreds of thousands of people and tens of thousands of hours, I want you to talk about the key intel that you've developed that really gets people to wake up.
If we have the best medical system in the world, why are illnesses such as heart disease, arthritis, and type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and other things exploding?
What's really going on, Dr. Glidden?
How do we reverse it?
Well, here's the deal.
You know, the best place to hide something is in plain sight.
I mean, look at 9-11, right?
It's a controlled demolition right in front of everybody's face and nobody sees it for what it is.
We don't have a free medical market in the United States.
We haven't had a free medical market since the early 1920s after something called the Flexner Report.
That was when the MD profession rose to ascendancy.
And listen,
Your medical doctor might be the nicest person that God ever created, but your medical doctor, bless their hearts, does not know what's best for you.
They only know what they've been trained in, and what they've been trained in is one small piece of the pie of medical science.
Medical doctors don't practice medicine.
Nobody practices medicine.
Medicine is a vast domain.
There's chiropractic medicine, naturopathic medicine, ayurvedic medicine, homeopathic medicine, on and on and on.
The type of medicine, the philosophy of healing, the philosophy of medical treatment that your MD is trained in is referred to as allopathic medicine, right?
I practice naturopathic medicine.
MDs practice allopathic medicine.
Allopathic medicine is most spectacularly fantastic for surgery when it's necessary, for a handful of infectious diseases, and for trauma.
But that's the long and the short of it.
For most of the conditions that most people go to the doctor for most of the time,
Allopathic MD directed medicine does not work.
Well they wanted to shut my back open when most back surgeries we know fail and all I needed to do was have my spine line back up and now it's fine.
Yeah that's right and when the back surgery fails do you get a refund?
Because it's also, it's a self-policing industry.
You know, get this.
Remember, the best place to hide something in plain sight, the leading cause of death in the United States, MD-directed medical treatments.
The leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States, MD-directed medical treatments.
And this is what happens when an industry becomes monopolized, right?
It's good to be the king.
When you're the king, what you say goes, no matter what.
So even though while the MDs have been driving the bus of medicine, arthritis is going up, type 2 diabetes is escalating, obesity in the childhood population, obesity in the United States has risen to one-third of the childhood population in the last 20 years.
Half of Hispanics within five years, they're saying, are going to have diabetes.
It's crazy!
Type 2, that's all!
Chronic diseases across the board are on the rise and out of control.
And the reason for this is because the MDs are the wrong dog for this hunt.
Look, we don't go to chiropractors for open heart surgery.
If you have a bullet in your arm, heaven forbid, you're not going to go to the chiropractor because that's not their thing.
They're not trained in it.
You go to the person that's trained in that.
If it were a perfect world, it would be illegal for MDs to treat chronic disease.
But look at how they're even in a war now against nutritionists.
The FDA doesn't even want them to be able to tell people that eating vitamin C can help you.
They want to shut everything down where they take over society.
It's a big, bad voodoo daddy, Alex.
We can talk about that in the next segment.
If most people have any idea of the control that the FDA and the FTC have over the delivery of nutritional supplements in this country, there would, in fact, be a revolution.
We're going to break in a moment, but I know you've got an amazing Dr. Glidden Insider where you send out these daily and weekly alerts and videos and more.
How do folks sign up for that?
Let's go to DrGlittin.com, click on the link to become an insider.
I have over 120 hours of archived videos.
They'll tell you exactly what you can do right now to get on the other side of most chronic conditions.
Knowledge is power, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's lift each other up and move forward.
Alright folks, DrGlittin.com and get that info and pass it on to others.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.tv.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi, I'm Alex Jones.
When I got on air 20 years ago, I weighed 180 pounds, I lifted weights 5 days a week, I could swim 2-3 miles.
Then I discovered the New World Order, the globalists, their agenda.
I started an access television show.
I was so dedicated to my work, and hanging around with radio guys, that I began drinking.
I began smoking cigars, and then even cigarettes.
I transformed from looking like a white Bruce Lee to looking like a Jabba the Hutt.
So I began a journey five years ago to shed the almost 100 pounds.
I started taking super male vitality and saw dramatic results in just a few weeks.
When I added to the mix the key products developed by Dr. Groot for Infowarslife.com, the results were incredible.
Take the Infowarslife.com challenge today at Infowarslife.com or give our crew a call.
They can answer all your questions or tell you about any of the specials at 888-253-3139.
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We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I get up here on air and I say, Dr. Glidden, in the next six minutes I'm going to give you the floor because I want you to go over this breakdown you've got that's so important.
Out of thousands of speeches he's given, he's found this is the breakdown that's the most effective at informing and waking people up.
And then I start interrupting because it starts coming to me.
I'm like, wait a minute, they're trying to shut down nutritionists now, too.
And they just want to run everything, and I've got to pay all my money into government-run health care, and they want to forcibly inoculate me.
I mean, these people are tyrants!
And then I think about the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany and how, under Mao's China, how they use medical tyranny for the state because it has so much authority.
But I'm going to try to shut up here and get Dr. Glidden to really break down
This is
Well, your brain will die if you don't eat fat.
They confuse it with trans fats.
Notice the Michelle Obama school lunches.
It's all how many calories you get, not that it's GMO or full of all these additives.
I mean, I eat additives now, folks.
I get sick.
I remember growing up, I'd eat Doritos or something and feel horrible.
I'd have to go lay down.
I didn't know about Florida.
I'd drink Florida water and get a headache.
Then they have the media attacking that, saying, you know, force everybody to drink fluoride when they admittedly say it eats your brain.
So, we need to fight for true medical freedom and supplement freedom in this country.
That's also one of the ways we fund our operations.
Self Fund is, I go out and research what are the best supplements.
Well, Longevity are super high quality.
They have over 400 products for around 17 years.
They have a business system.
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So it's a win-win-win.
Sell at your store.
Sell it to your friends and family.
And then a lot of people are very successful at it.
Most folks just end up being able to make enough to, you know, pay for their key essentials.
And that gets demonized.
But then I talked to veterinarians and they know it's all about giving the 90 essentials to cows and horses and pigs to make them healthy.
And they don't want to give vaccines to their dogs and cats and pigs because they know it ends up killing them.
I've worked for a large animal vet and a small animal vet.
I worked for a large animal vet a whole year.
Full time.
And I saw it all.
And it's just, it's so frustrating.
It's key, folks, that you experience God's creations for yourself.
Things like ChildEase, the new product we've just come out with.
It's from one of the leading manufacturers of organic supplements in the country.
We've private-labeled it, but added a few things to it.
It's just got basic things in it, like chamomile flower, and hawthorn berry, and catnip, and lemon balm, and so many other key things that are just natural.
Clove fruit.
It's inexpensive.
Try it for yourself.
See what it does for your children.
See what it does to you when you take it.
See what happens when you try the Survival Shield X2 and all the InfoWarsLife.com products.
Now those are the products we've developed, a limited number, but they're high quality.
400 plus amazing products at InfoWarsHealth.com, InfoWarsTeam.com, and of course you can also go to Dr. Glidden's site, and he's a major longevity distributor.
You can go there as well.
And sign up and be part of this.
George Norrie's involved!
Because this is high quality stuff.
Get the book, Epigenetics, with all these scientists and medical doctors with other types of doctors coming out with what's really happening to our genetics.
Is it nature or nurture?
This is a revolution against them.
They're coming in after us right now because we're waking people up and folks are getting the truth.
Look it up.
The highest educated areas of the country are where the vaccine levels are the lowest.
The European government, the German and British officers, look it up, it's Der Spiegel, do not take the vaccine the troops get.
What's that tell you?
Most of them won't take it.
InfoWarsHealth.com, InfoWarsTeam.com.
There's phone numbers there on the sides.
We'll punch up InfoWarsTeam.com or InfoWarsLife.com and I'll give you a number if you've got any questions.
Want to sign up to be a distributor, you get 30% off.
You can get free shipping and sign up for auto ship and it supports the transmission.
888-789-9277, 888-789-9277, InfoWarsTeam.com.
And purchasing there directly supports our transmission.
But I don't care.
Go to drglidden.com and become a distributor.
Just get involved today.
Okay, Dr. Glidden, I'm going to shut up and try to have you go through your... If we have the best medical system in the world, why is cancer, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, autism, everything skyrocketing?
It's not just over-diagnosis.
We know it's happening in our own families until we get off the GMO, get the proper nutrients.
But the medical doctors won't tell us that, so continue with your breakdown.
Well, it's because they're not trained in it.
I mean, you know, you don't know what you don't know, and chiropractors aren't trained in open-heart surgery.
They don't know about that, so they shouldn't be giving any advice about it.
And one of the greatest ironies here is that when it comes to chronic disease, the research has been done, the clinical experience has been done, the results are in.
All chronic diseases are related directly to nutrient deficiencies.
If you have arthritis, it's not because you have the arthritis gene.
It's not because you have a voodoo curse.
It's because your body has run out of the nutrients that it needs to keep your joints healthy.
You have type 2 diabetes.
It's because your body has run out of the minerals necessary to metabolize sugar the way that God and nature intended it.
If you have heartburn, it's not because of an overproduction of stomach acid, it's because of an underproduction of stomach acid.
What makes your stomach produce not enough acid?
Because you're calcium deficient and salt deficient.
We are deficient in essential nutrients.
Is that why whole milk seems to be the best thing to kill heartburn for me?
Well, that's because you're getting milk that is extracted from cows who are feeding on grass that's grown in soil that has calcium in it.
Calcium, you know, a cow's body cannot make calcium and a plant's body cannot make calcium or any of the other minerals.
The only way that minerals get into the food supply is through the soil, but because of agricultural farming, you know, the industrial farming, the pesticides that they use kill the bacteria in the soil that help the plant to extract the minerals from the soil.
The greatest irony here, Alex, I got to tell you, man, I've been doing this for 25 years clinically.
I've been a licensed naturopathic physician for 22 years.
I've been in the front lines of private practice in the delivery of naturopathic medical therapeutics for a quarter of a century.
And I'm here to tell you that most chronic disease conditions will yield to the proper nutrition.
And it's not that difficult.
I mean, we've been socialized to believe, oh my God, I have to go and visit the doctor.
I have to do my copay.
I have to sit at the feet of the almighty white coat so that they can figure things out.
Well, it's important to have a good diagnosis so that you know you're not going to die tomorrow and it's not a tumor pressing on your brain that's causing your symptoms.
But for most people, once they know what the problem is, there's a nutritional solution that's science-based and clinically verified.
It's right here, today, right now.
So what can people do?
Well, you know, we need to be socially active.
We need to get involved.
We need to, you know, knock down the politicians who are forwarding these ridiculous pieces of legislation.
But in the meantime, you can take your own health back right now with simple stuff, simple solutions.
And you know, I've been doing this for such a long time.
I've had... It's very frustrating, isn't it?
Supplement companies, people don't, you know, you can only get as a licensed physician.
I'm here to tell you that Dr. Wallach's Nutritional Products, Dr. Wallach's Health Recovery Strategies...
And look, I go back to the chiropractic situation.
I only promote what I really believe in.
My back
They were saying I was going to have to have surgery.
They were claiming that the discs weren't fully herniated but they were bulging.
They were all bulging out on one side as it swung out towards the left.
That I'd have to have surgery, no way my back was going to fail completely in a few weeks.
I don't
And it does all this scanning to loosen the muscles so they'll unhook from being strained and pulling my back the wrong way.
I come back two days later, come back again the next week, and all the pain was gone and the back went back 98%, still a little bit crooked.
I kept going back.
That was fixed.
I mean, it's just miraculous, and I'm not selling stock in chiropractic companies.
I'm saying I know that works, and people like James Randi say it's a fraud and isn't real.
Well, bullcrap!
I mean, they just popped my back back instead of having to have surgery.
You know, and I'm sick of this attitude of connecting some fake preacher
You know, who says he's healing people with a radio transmitter in his ear to people saying, hey, you have lesions on your arms.
You don't ever get fresh vegetables, do you?
There's no vitamin K in your blood.
And then you start eating the vegetables and the scurvy goes away.
I mean, I know so many old people who have scurvy.
And, you know, my dad would see patients.
You know, he's a dentist and oral surgeon.
He'd say, you know, you have bloody lesions on your arms.
Are you eating any, you know, green vegetables?
Well, no, not really.
Well, you need to.
I mean, it's just crazy that scurvy's made a comeback, but they won't even call it scurvy.
My dad, he's retired now.
Some people with their teeth falling out because they just weren't even eating any vegetables.
Or if they were eating a little bit of them, they're so depleted they weren't getting it.
I mean, here's what happened.
I was in incredible shape, but I ate like a pig when I was like 20, 21, 22, running six miles every other day, lifting weights.
I mean, bench press 340 pounds, 350 pounds, squat 600.
I mean, I was addicted to working out.
That's why I did it.
It wasn't even a narcissistic thing.
I started working out with these UT football players.
I was already in shape before that.
Just went into crazy shape, got addicted to working out two hours a day.
But I was going with them to all-you-could-eat Chinese and Mexican food and, you know, cafeteria all-you-can-eat.
Well, then I start doing radio and TV.
I quit doing that, keep eating like that, and gain 98 or 99 pounds.
I don't know.
About 183 to about 279.
So, not 97 pounds, 98 pounds.
Then I start jogging, working out.
Now I'm fat.
Hurts my knees.
This is about five years ago.
Start swimming two miles every other day.
Lose some weight, but not a lot.
I finally get on the Infowarshealth.com, Longevity, Beyond Tangy Tangerine, and the rest of the Alex Pack products.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I mean, I've lost almost 70 pounds, and I've gained almost 100.
So I've got another 25, 30 pounds to go.
The point is, is that just in 45 days, a month ago, a month and a half ago, I lost another 6 pounds and gained muscle.
I mean, this is real.
This is real.
I mean, if you don't get vitamin C, you die.
If you don't get vitamin B12, you die.
If you don't get vitamin D3, you die.
And they're trying to lower via the UN Codex Alimentarius, with corporations as you know, Dr. Gleden, down to vitamin C and things that aren't even really survivable, a lot of experts believe.
What's behind that, Dr. Gleden?
Money, money, money, money, and money.
The medical profession doesn't get rich by healing things.
They get rich by keeping people sick.
And this is, I think, one of the biggest disconnects that we have not been educated on in the school system.
And it's not just in the United States.
It's all around the world.
Again, your medical doctor does not practice medicine.
They practice allopathic medicine.
And allopathic medicine believes
That the human body is a biochemical bag.
It's a bag of biochemicals waiting to break.
There is no spiritual force inside the human body.
There is no ability of the human body to heal itself or to fix itself.
So the medical doctor is trained not to cure the condition.
Not to cure the condition, but to manage the symptoms.
I mean, for goodness sake, medical doctors don't even know how to cure heartburn.
They can manage it with the little purple pill, but they can't cure it.
Because you don't want to cure it, because you then can't sell more bottles every month.
Well, and do you think that the profession that doesn't even know how to cure heartburn is going to be able to cure cancer?
This is what people don't understand.
We're taking the wrong dog to the hunt.
Ladies and gentlemen, my radio show used to be called Fire Your MD Now.
Not because I hate the MDs.
I love the MDs when I need the MDs, when we go to the MDs for what they're good at.
But for most of the conditions that most people go to the medical doctor for, most of the time, arthritis, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, etc., etc., etc., they've got nothing for you except symptoms suppressive expensive pharmaceutical agents, the intention of which is not to cure the condition, but simply to manage it.
Just ask yourself this question.
How good do you feel?
Are you healthier now than you were a year ago?
Are you healthier now than you were 10 years ago?
No, you're not!
And it's not because you're getting older, it's not because you have a bad gene, and it's not because of some electromagnetic Russian satellite.
It's because your body is lacking the 90 essential nutrients and you are eating food every day
That's hurting your body.
Well, I mean, I would go to big beef production ranches.
I mean, where they have, you know, 100,000 head of cattle or whatever.
I mean, some of the biggest ones in the country were in East Texas.
And I'd be out there with a whole bunch of other vets and a whole bunch of their hands with huge stockyard areas running the cattle through.
And I would hear them talk about it.
They'd say, well, the problem is that grass is getting grit on that chemical fertilizer that's only got a couple of ingredients.
That's what the plant needs, is those three.
And I've been hearing, you know, guys with medical degrees, from A&M mainly, vets, veterinary medicine, Admiral Husbandry, talk about it.
They would be saying, that's why you gotta give them this special feed that has, they'd say like 67 of the vitamins and nutrients.
I like this other one with 84.
And I know Wallach's a famous veterinarian, he also has a medical degree, but that's where he came up with all this as well.
But when I hear Wallach, this is what I've been hearing from vets forever.
He just took it to another scientific level that, no, you really need 90 things.
And my dad, before Dead Doctors Don't Lie was ever on the radio in the early 90s, my dad would always talk about that.
That the trace elements aren't there to then release the different enzymes and help your body build the enzymes for things he called ring structures.
I don't know all the science about a chemist like he is.
He also has a degree in that.
That's part of his degree.
To then let your body metabolize and uptake it.
So explain that to me when we come back because
You know, they say we only need a few vitamins and minerals, but why do you and Dr. Wallach say it's 90, and then why, if it's known that cows, say, up in the Dakotas, if they don't have the proper minerals, they freeze to death, but if they have them, they don't freeze in the winter?
I mean, that's why, look...
The business of animal production is money-making.
That's why they don't play games there, folks.
They know it's all about the minerals, because they don't want sick animals.
But with us, it's the inverse, because they want us sick, so they can keep milking us.
It's like breast cancer.
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Gonna do a little bit of overdrive with Dr. Peter Glidden.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And yes, we do some of the funding of this major media operation every few weeks, do an interview with somebody who's promoting products that we sell and promote.
But these are products that I got talked into taking about five years ago, and I wish I'd done it earlier.
Because as soon as I had all this, even though I was eating pretty organic and healthy, that stuff still, a lot of it from debilitated soils,
It just supercharged my life.
And it's done that for so many friends and family.
Infowarslife.com is my group of products that are excellent as well.
Infowarsteam.com is also part of the longevity operation.
You can sign up there, again, for like $10 and get 30% off the products.
Sign up for AutoShip.
And you get free shipping.
Those are major values at infowarsteam.com and infowarslife.com.
And then if you go to Dr. Glidden's website, we'll put him back up on screen.
You can sign up there and get his health alerts and get his drglidden.com insider there on the site as well.
Okay, Dr. Glidden, finish up with your breakdown here because it's not just like they're already doing all this bad.
Now they're in a major offensive to totally take over.
Is that because, as I've said, part of it at least is that there is a huge awakening?
We see that happening with labeling and people waking up to GMO, people waking up to what true organic vitamins can do.
Is it because there's that wake-up happening, and they're trying to counter-offensive, or are they trying to sew things up?
They've always been trying to sew things up.
They've always been trying to monopolize the medical marketplace, and that's really been a train that's moving down the track since the early 1920s.
This is just another iteration.
And most people in America, most people all around the world, they just don't have any education, they don't have any perspective on this.
And because everybody is sick all of the time, all around the world, people look around and they just assume that that's the way that it is.
Oh, you know, life, that's just life.
You have to be sick.
The older that you get, the worse your health is.
And that's not the truth.
The only reason that we get sick with a chronic disease is because we're eating all the wrong food all the time and our body is devoid of the 90 essential nutrients.
It's that simple.
All it takes, really, is a little bit of education here.
If you're smart enough to pass the driver's license test, folks, you're smart enough to know what to do to support your body.
Sure, well let's just take bodybuilders.
Let's take bodybuilders.
They've got the natural ones and the unnatural ones, but all of them will tell you, it doesn't matter how many steroids you take or what you do and how much you work out, if you don't take natural, pure vitamins,
That's what Schwarzenegger said.
People claim, the government says you only need the RDA.
But he said it's like saying you only need 100 cops in a town, but what if you had one on every corner?
I mean, it's the argument of you need them there and you need the other vitamins to be able to metabolize the other vitamins and nutrients.
They've all got to be there or they don't get metabolized.
Is that correct?
Yeah, and this is the meat and potatoes of the holistic approach, right?
And this is what naturopathic physicians are trained in.
MDs are trained in a reductionistic approach.
Naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, homeopaths, Ayurvedic practitioners are trained in a holistic approach.
And you know, if you took your car in to be tuned up and all they did was put air in the tires, well, you know, the car wouldn't be running so great.
You need to do an across-the-board fix.
Well, when you take all 90 essential nutrients into your body, switches start to turn on that have been turned off for years.
You're going to love the way that you feel this Thursday night.
I'm having a free worldwide webinar
That's going to break this down for everybody.
I'm going to explain to you for free, a 60-minute free webinar, how to take the 90 essential nutrients, why they're so necessary, and why you should turn everybody in your life on to longevity.
That's drglidden.com.
Folks can find out more there in the insider area.
DrGlidden.com and then the link for the free webinar should be right there on the front page.
All right, and we lost a little bit of your audio there for a moment.
You just said go to the front page of DrGlidden.com and they can find the link to the free webinar right there and sign up.
I mean, we're not going to save the world today with this show, but together with little things like this we are.
You know, organic food, local communities, filtering your water, everything they tell you not to do.
I mean, this is common sense, folks, with the glyphosate in the water.
We'll be back in some overdrive.
God bless you all.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network.
In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
Security alert.
This is Homeland Security.
Building independent media operations.
But the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
These people are a
They're never going to stop.
They're never going to deviate from their program until we stop them.
You gotta set your eye on the enemy, not worry about what propaganda they put out.
Intellectually, it's begun.
You can feel it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I want to have Dr. Glidden back in the next few months to take an hour of phone calls and get your questions, but really what he broke down really is the truth and is an indictment of the system.
And now the AMA, Big Pharma, FDA are moving in.
I don't know.
And he got out because he said there's no way to follow the law under Obamacare.
It's selectively meant to shut down the dental offices and medical clinics that aren't part of the big boys.
So as MD medicine gets attacked in this consolidation, we're going to see major resistance.
But, I mean, what's your take on that angle?
That we've got to really rebel with our actions now against this because they're going for broke.
And again, I've lost Dr. Glidden's audio.
We're gonna work on that with Dr. Glidden.
It happened earlier, and I'm not sure what's going on, but I'm not sure if it's on his end or our end, but it happened earlier.
And I wanted to try to get him to answer that question.
But again, that's what we try to do here is promote things that help you, that help us, that help everybody that we know have had good effects for ourselves.
And the system doesn't want that.
They want to sell you a light bulb that breaks in three months instead of in 20 years.
And they could have made the old-fashioned light bulbs last for years, but they didn't.
Because they want to keep selling you the same light bulbs.
We're not going with a planned obsolescence system.
We want to promote things that build humanity, make us stronger, because then humans will create new, powerful, dramatic systems.
Whatever messed up his audio, on his end or our end,
Okay, good.
Okay, I want to be able to say bye to him.
Dr. Glidden, go ahead and answer that question.
I mean, I see them even coming after MD medicine now and making it pure government, pure big pharma.
So they're going to replace surgery now that can be good sometimes with drugs.
Well, it's bad, and it's getting worse, and it's because, you know, the monopoly just rolls forward, and the people are uneducated, everybody's dumbed down because they put fluoride in the water, and what are you going to do?
You have to vote with your feet, right?
So, if there's a legislator in your area that says that if they get elected they're going to strike down Obamacare, then you have to vote for them, you have to support for them.
You have to give the people in the system who are rallying against the system, because there are people there, your vote and your support.
And in the meantime, for goodness sake, get your own health squared away first.
Get your own health squared away first.
It's a million times easier than you think it is.
Well, Dr. Peter Glidden, thank you so much for the time.
DrGlidden.com, that webinar, I'll try to watch that as well, because even though I know all this, it's taken me five, five and a half years to slowly, like turning a big ship around, to slowly start changing direction.
And now I've changed direction probably 60%, and it's just exponential now, the results of stamina, brain power, health, libido.
Of just doing the things that you and Dr. Wallach and other great people like Dr. Group have said is revolutionary.
And if we can just get other people involved, they'll see how real it is as they are, and they're going to tell others, it's amazing what's happening.
The proof of the pudding is in eating, and this is the only reason that holistic physicians still survive and exist in such a hostile political arena.
Because our therapeutics produce results.
Our therapeutics work for chronic diseases.
And this is the greatest thing about longevity.
This is the greatest thing about science-based, clinically verified medical nutrition.
I don't care if you believe it.
Trust us enough to try it.
Once you try it, you'll experience for yourself the benefits, and that's the best testimony.
But you gotta do it religiously.
That's the problem, is I did it half-assed and got a little bit of response.
More and more got a big response.
Started doing it every day.
It's amazing.
So that's the learning curve, right?
You fall down, you pick yourself up, you figure out how to do it, and life is good.
Yeah, I guess that's the AA quit drinkin' thing.
It actually works.
Alright, thank you so much, Dr. Glidden.
My pleasure, Alex.
I'll look forward to seeing you next time.
Alright, folks, we're out of time.
Making the right aircosts in Secret 12, the new Info