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Name: 20150409_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 9, 2015
2804 lines.

In this podcast, Alex Jones from Infowars talks about various topics such as bioethics, Rand Paul's presidential campaign, the VA scandal, and the case of Timothy Rogalski. He also discusses Hillary Clinton's decline in presidential polls, China's rise as a military power, and the importance of privacy in gun purchases. Jones promotes his own line of health supplements on his website Infowarslife.com and criticizes those who do not take proposals for killing children or elderly people seriously. He also discusses Secret 12, a vitamin B12 supplement, Super Nascent Iodine X2, a powerful iodine supplement, and the ProPure ProOne G2.0 Water Filtration System. In an interview with former IRS agent Joe Bannister, Alex Jones discusses government corruption, whistleblowers, and law enforcement. They touch on topics such as Lois Lerner and the IRS, the Walter Scott shooting in South Carolina, and perceived totalitarian nature of modern governments. Banister shares his experience with being acquitted of all charges after fighting four felony counts that could have sent him to prison for years. The conversation shifts towards heroism with Bannister sharing his experiences working in compartments within government agencies and how lifting the veil off and seeing the bigger picture can help people make more informed decisions about whether they are helping tyranny or not. They also talk about the importance of staying informed and supporting alternative media websites like InfoWars.com to stay ahead of the globalists' agenda. Infowars Life is promoting their newest product, Silver Bullet colloidal silver, as the most dangerous time of year for North American families' health approaches. They also promote their new product, Lung Cleanse, which can help combat toxic environments that cannot be escaped but can be fought against. Genstone is another promoted product that offers the look of stone at an affordable price and is easy to install without any mortar or mesh.

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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It is Thursday, the ninth day of April.
2015, former Special Treasury Agent,
An IRS whistleblower, Joe Bannister, joins us in the third hour to talk about Lois Lerner won't get any trouble for political persecution of innocent Americans using the fraudulent IRS code and selective enforcement.
And the congressional hearings and the fallout as we learn the IRS is accelerating seizing bank accounts and paychecks when no wrongdoing is even alleged.
No judge, no jury.
And that ties into just the incredible, benign neglect that we see with police response times in this country getting longer and longer, and citizens being killed.
And again, it's not the police job to respond and protect you.
They're there to respond to, quote, bring you to justice, to the people's court, to the jury.
But John Bowne has a report breaking this down because it's not just benign neglect.
VA makes little headway in fight to shorten waits for care.
They spend premeditated death lists run by IBM Watson computers on record.
Into, oh, we need more funding and to fix a problem because there's not enough resources.
There's plenty of resources.
They deny the care on purpose.
It's come out in the documents.
That's coming up, a whitewash by the Associated Press.
But don't worry, the White House has gimmicks for everyone.
In the White House, gender-neutral restrooms.
And of course that's a gimmick on top of a gimmick.
All it is is a single person restroom they've had forever that says men, women, baby changing station.
Now they just say trannies.
An individual restroom is for everyone because one person goes in at a time.
And I guess as they claim it on Facebook, there's 50 different sexes now in this country.
We're going to have 50 different bathrooms.
I mean, this is just all part of the joke.
We've got flooding subways and infrastructure explosions almost every day in New York City.
Steam mains blow up, and train derailments every couple days, and infrastructure rotting all over the place, and planes crashing at record levels, and just things degenerating, and identity theft exploding, and online fraud off the charts, cancer exploding, and neurological disorders exploding, IQs plummeting, but that's not the issue!
The issue
Is we need to have special bathrooms for men taking female hormones.
And then they go, oh see, you don't have an open mind.
I don't care!
I'm sick of hearing about it constantly!
It's a PSYOP joke!
It's beyond the most wild, sardonic, dark satire ever out of Kurt Vonnegut's mind.
Alright, I'm already going off the rails here because I have a headache.
I've been here for an hour.
I was up several hours this morning early reading the news and let me tell you, when we got a really big news day is when the smoke starts coming out my ears because it's all over the top.
On the end of our borders, illegal alien, globalist takeover, checkmate invasion, two mental health evaluations ordered for people that question Sandy Hook, official story, that's mainstream news, you cannot make that up.
And then they're reporting like it's a good idea.
Let's just disappear people in the mental health system if they disagree with official government narratives.
China, projections of power, financial times.
Jamie Dimon warns of next financial crisis.
Rand Paul up in polls.
Clinton down.
Reuters reports.
That's why Rand Paul is being attacked from every side.
Because if you look at his politics and where he stands, he is the number one candidate to actually win in the 2016 election.
And that's why they now have the little cutesy info babes at Fox, who he's been up there friends with the last year, suddenly attacking him like savage poodles on PCP.
Is because that's their job, shoot down any real libertarian candidate and get somebody like Jeb Bush in there.
So that's all coming up as well, plus a new virus that's in the US, worse than Lyme's disease.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin, broadcasting worldwide with our George Washington 1776 banners.
Flying proudly in the control room studio, I am your host Alex Jones.
Again, thank you so much for joining us on this Thursday, the ninth day of April 2015.
Pretty soon we'll be halfway into 2015.
The time just goes by so quickly.
Well, Rand Paul has taken the lead in Iowa as the press, both left and right establishment, goes into overdrive attacks.
A lot of top Democrats and pundits are saying Hillary Clinton's campaign is in free fall.
I said weeks ago that it's basically collapsed.
I don't see that she can be put back together again.
And Rand Paul, as we pointed out two years ago in major polls, the senator
is one of the only people out there that can bring the country together and defeat a Hillary Clinton or someone else on the controlled left because of his previous anti-war stance.
And that's why you got the neocons and rhinos coming out against Senator Rand Paul, because they've got his phones tapped, the government does, they know he's a good guy, they know he's been a listener to this show for years and been on the broadcast,
Twenty years ago, before anybody knew who Rand Paul was, and they just can't stand him.
I mean, they know he's a patriot.
And they know his dad's a patriot.
And by the way, Rand Paul and Ron Paul are not radicals.
In fact, they probably wouldn't even be seen as hardcore enough in 1776.
Just like I probably wouldn't be.
It's that compared to the radical, big government, globalist, corporate takeover, and the socialist underpinning to domesticate the public, compared to how radical the establishment is, we are radicals.
I mean, I remember five years ago we published the article about the Journal of Bioethics putting out a paper calling for killing kids up to age three, and then other bioethics journals calling for killing old people.
Even if they're not sick, just get rid of them.
That's George Bernard Shaw socialist talk.
If the state doesn't have a place for you, you die.
It's the opposite of a loving, compassionate, take care of the sick and elderly and the young and the infirm and the mentally ill.
It's the opposite.
It's a eugenics-based system.
And so they've had a whisper campaign by the Libertarian group saying he's not hardcore enough.
They've got the left attacking him.
They've got the right-wing establishment attacking him.
Because Rand Paul is the real deal.
That's all you need to know.
I mean, the establishment is attacking him because he's got a real shot at winning.
And that doesn't mean that Rand Paul
Basic freedom.
We want small government.
We want local control.
We want transparency.
We don't want foreign bailouts and foreign aid and corporate bailouts and corporate aid.
It needs to be curtailed.
Plus, we're going off the edge of a cliff going bankrupt.
But I was digressing into the whole discussion of when we first, five years ago, published an article on Infowars.com directly linking to the Journal of Bioethics, echoing what had been said by a bunch of other bioethicists and people like Peter Singer at Princeton and, you know, get rid of people up to age three, age five.
If you don't have a use for your kids, just kill them.
Folks thought we were making that up.
They wouldn't even go follow the link to the bioethics site, the bioethics journal.
Now, that was three, four years ago.
I said five.
They pulled up the article.
It was actually three and a half years ago.
Nowadays, you turn on the news, that's all over the place.
And it just shows how we've been conditioned to, despite the fact that we don't like what's happening, we still go along with it because we believe we're powerless, and that's not really the case.
And even if Rand Paul runs and doesn't win, he is injecting real issues and building a grassroots movement that opposes the statist right and the statist left, that are two birds in the same flock with the same agenda.
In fact, they're not even two birds.
They're two wings on the same bird of prey that's preying on us.
I mean, look at this AP article.
It makes my blood boil just to read the paragraphs of deception and manipulation and suppression to manipulate the public.
VA makes little headway and fight to shorten waits for care.
What a headline.
VA makes little headway and fight to shorten waits for care.
I can read that headline 45 more times.
VA makes little headway and fight to shorten waits for care.
What is deceptive in that headline?
Basically every word.
The VA doesn't want to make headway.
The VA is the author, is the progenitor, is the driver, is the daddy, is the mommy of the massive bloated bureaucracy that's all about attacking and demonizing and stripping the rights of and setting up veterans who are listed by the globalist occupational government as the number one enemy.
And that's not rhetoric.
We have an occupational government that's occupying us that is foreign, corporate, central bank run.
And they say in all their internal documents that are public that the number one enemy, again, is the American people who are not criminals.
If you want basic freedom, you're an enemy, because these are totalitarians and you stand in the way.
They know that you, at a fundamental level, can't be bought off and won't sell out to tyranny.
A year after Americans recoiled.
See, that's meant to placate you.
Oh, you recoiled.
A year after Americans recoiled at new revelations that sick veterans were getting sicker while languishing on wait lists, no, it was don't treat death list.
Just like the National Health Service in England, the VA is the model of Obamacare where you will not get the treatment if you are seen as a veteran or old or a smoker.
You go, well, yeah, we shouldn't have to pay in collectivism for smokers or obese people.
That's how it starts.
And then if you're politically correct, doesn't matter if you weigh 600 pounds or were a smoker, you're going to get that liver or that lung surgery.
But if you're a veteran, you're just not going to get it.
A year after Americans recoiled at new revelations that sick veterans were getting sicker while languishing on waiting lists, months after the Department of Veterans Affairs instituted major reforms costing billions of dollars, government data shows the number of patients facing long waits at VA facilities has not dropped at all.
Because it's an official policy.
Joe Biggs in our office.
Went over and over again, more than 10 times to even get a checkup and they kept recirculating his file, saying they didn't have his file, go get his file.
He'd say, excuse me, and grab the file.
I ought to get him in there, he's told me the stories.
He'd grab, I think he's going there with a hidden camera.
They'd grab the, he'd grab the file and there was his file right there.
Then he'd come back a week later, we gotta do a blood test again, we gotta do a blood test again, we gotta do this other test again.
And all of that accelerated once he started talking about the Michael Hastings case a few years ago.
They clearly put you on political lists.
Just like the IRS targets conservatives and Christians and gun owners and veterans and pro-lifers.
This is a system where the government controls things and gives select corporations the contracts and then prays and persecutes and oppresses everyone who's not basically a party member of the collectivist system.
And now the Democrats want a one-party system.
They don't even want to have the Republicans to share power with anymore.
They're moving to implode the borders and bring us in to a North American Union where it's game over.
And they just go over the VA's own whitewash report.
And now they've changed the subject saying, well, we at least had
The appointments, but the appointments aren't the test, aren't the surgeries.
So there you go, that's how they take something so over-the-top evil and just turn it into some process like watching paint dry.
And speaking of medical tyranny, mental health evaluation ordered for suspect in Sandy Hook harassing Cole's case
How do you pronounce this?
Timothy Rogalski, 30, of Wallingford, was going to put his son in the school, so he called four times and said, now you're not going to have any basically fake shooting drills, are you?
And, you know, he wasn't threatening a shooting.
They're not charging him with that.
They grabbed him and put him in a mental institution, and now put him on the news, in chains, like he's some type of criminal, for daring to bring up
The Sandy Hook Fable.
Story and video are up on Infowars.com.
I haven't gotten to any of the real news I'm going to cover yet.
I just did four or five stories.
Here's what's coming up.
There is so much to go over here.
Yemen rebels gain, as Iran calls Saudi air campaign, a crime.
Rand Paul up, Clinton down, 2016 presidential poll.
We'll get more into that.
The rise of China as a military power, very important article.
Doctors say tick-borne
Polacin virus is worse than Lyme's disease, CBS News.
A big stack on the economic front we're going to be covering.
Head transplant Russian man to become first to undergo pioneering, controversial surgery.
I don't think that's true.
I mean, Hillary Clinton had a horse's ass sewed on a long time ago for a nose.
So I don't know if this will be the first head surgery.
You know, Mark and I were talking the other day about guns80.com and how people really want ghost guns.
They want 100% privacy.
So guns80.com is allowing you now to call them, give your address, and they'll ship you out with a money order or some very private instrument.
You can work that out with them.
They'll ship you out a gun in a, like a brown paper wrapper so no one even knows you have it.
No records will be kept.
It'll be 100% private.
But you gotta call them.
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InfoWars Nightly News reporter John Fallon has a very powerful report dealing with the fact that government neglect
And not responding to crimes, and on top of it, trying to disarm the public, is complicit in state-sponsored murder, basically, known by university research as democide.
That's coming up.
I want to get into the unfairness of American citizens, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, it doesn't matter, Native American, having to pay for Central and South American immigrants who are here illegally
And then the immigrants have the nerve to complain, are now demanding their families be brought, which is part of the plan.
And again, this is the over-the-top nature of how American hospitality is being used against us, when we won't even give the veterans medical care.
Because they're trained killers, and the government's done with them.
They want him to go fight and kill overseas for the globalists, but as soon as you come back, they fear you, they hate you.
But if you come from socialist countries, and will comply and get in line, like Venezuela, the socialist Obama wants you.
And by the way, historic poll, Obama is nearly twice as popular in Cuba as he is in the US.
What a joke.
What a sick joke.
And again, people say, well, I thought he's a corporate fascist.
Why is he a socialist or communist?
The paradigm that is taught in schools is not the real paradigm.
When you get into deep political science written by Brzezinski or Carol Quigley or folks against them like the folks that wrote None Dare Call a Conspiracy,
You learned that the ultra-rich create socialism and communism to control the grassroots and make you dependent.
And they call it a people's paradise when it's a people's nightmare to centralize the power, generally to some offshore combine that is funding the communist or socialist regime.
And that's the IMF World Bank.
You see, the European countries are being brought into conservatorship and imploded into the EU.
It's self that will then be imploded and rolled into the larger unified global government.
That's the stated trilateralist plan.
Just three days ago, Henry Kissinger wrote an open letter saying that.
And on the heels of that, Larry Summers wrote one saying,
I mean that's what's frustrating is I'm only telling you what they said they're doing!
So why is the entire media attacking Rand Paul?
Because they know he's a patriot!
I mean, if I wanted to sound big and impressive, I'd tell you I've hung out and had dinner with Rand Paul, you know, 15 years ago.
But I'm not going to do that.
Because it doesn't even hurt him, his association with me, but I'm not even going to give Media Matters and the White House what they want.
They hate Rand Paul regardless because they know he's not a criminal like them.
And Leanne McAdoo's got a breaking update on him doubling down his rhetoric, not backing down when they attack him.
How dare you not want partial birth abortion?
What, do you want to kill seven-pound babies, the doctor said?
Here's Leanne's report.
The Associated Press tried to corner Senator Rand Paul on Abortion Wednesday by asking him to state definitively which exceptions to a ban he'd support.
When Paul danced around the question, the AP dutifully sent the story out, hoping that the rest of the media would continue asking him about his stance.
And that's exactly what happened at a presser yesterday afternoon.
But this time, Paul was ready for them.
I just want to know what you say on exemptions.
Should there be any exemptions for abortion or not?
What's the DNC say?
Why don't we ask the DNC, is it okay to kill a 7-pound baby in the uterus?
You go back and you ask Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she's okay with killing a 7-pound baby that is just not yet born yet.
Ask her when life begins and you ask Debbie when she's willing to protect life.
When you get an answer from Debbie, come back.
The DNC head responded rather quickly.
In an emailed statement Wasserman Schultz said, Here's an answer.
I support letting women and their doctors make this decision without government getting involved.
End of story.
Social media was on fire.
Quickly responded asking if the Democratic Party was united in this extreme stance.
After all, if you say you want abortion handled without government getting involved, it means you want zero government restrictions, right?
I mean, well, except for those government subsidies.
Senator Paul then crushed it with this reply.
Well, it sounds like her answer is yes, that she's okay with killing a seven-pound baby.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you approach the abortion debate with a partisan media.
This is Leanne McAdoo reporting, and you can read more about this story and others at InfoWars.com.
That's right, and see, he's not backing down.
So in the Washington Post and scores of other publications, they say he's angry, he's upset, he's got a problem with women.
They're starting that new mindless narrative.
He's still acting like he's running against Tiller.
They're scared of him, folks.
So we should all go vote for Jeb Bush, because they like him.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones at GCN Radio Network.
By the way, that was a joke.
I wasn't saying vote for Jeb Bush for real.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
If I leave here tomorrow
We're here, folks, Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central, back weeknight, 7 o'clock Central, with InfoWars Nightly News.
And then, please don't forget, we have InfoWars Nightly News at 7, but also the Sunday broadcast, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I want to open the phones up on the Rand Paul situation, on the economy, on the lawlessness of the globalists.
If you have questions, if you have comments, if you agree, if you disagree, wide open phones.
The first few rounds are going to be first-time callers.
In the next hour, I will do anything goes.
Long-time callers.
Callers who haven't called in six months.
Agree, disagree, it doesn't matter.
If you disagree with me on some subject, you can tell the folks that answer the phone.
I wouldn't call it screening your call.
We just make sure that you're not drunk or that you have a good phone connection.
But if you do tell us that you disagree in a serious way, we can put you to the head of the line.
In fact, I haven't done this in a while because the last time I tried it a few months ago, nobody called in on the subject.
I'd like to hear from Obama supporters, maybe from Cuba.
Oh, I forgot, you don't have telephones there.
Those are only in central government offices and you have to get authorization to call and you're so free, the government listens to everything you do, just like us here to a certain extent now.
I'd like to hear from you, because in Cuba, historic poll, Obama nearly twice as popular in Cuba as he is in the U.S.
Isn't that just sweet?
So the toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Let me just do this now.
Let me just go through a whole bunch of news.
And then we will start going to your phone calls.
And then in the third hour, Joe Bannister, former Treasury agent,
Who discovered that the Federal Reserve really was private, and that the IRS really was set up the same day in 1913, and that the taxes weren't even enforced until the 50s, and that it's used to bankrupt the country, and that the IRS code is written to imprison innocent people, that the big mega banks are tax-exempt, and he was a high-level agent for just being in there five, six years, and he was rising to the ranks very quickly, and he went to Superior and said, can we disprove this?
Because I want to go after these folks if it isn't true.
I want to speak out against them and they said you need to just resign right now for even bringing this to our attention.
Kind of like if you're in the DEA and you say we're only busting small-time dealers and the drugs they're selling came from up the chain laundered by big banks.
They go we'll take your resignation right now.
I've had five or six former top-level DEA agents on.
I mean, I had one who was the head of an entire section, all of Central and South America, where they had over 200 agents selling Castile.
And he said, you guys are flying cocaine out of this airport.
You're flying it right into the U.S.
And I know the contacts in Arkansas where it's being flown in.
And they said,
You need to step down right now or you're going to end up pushing daisies real fast, Bubba.
So, what we need is the public to stop being so ridiculously naive about all this.
And that's happening.
And that's why the power structure is coming down with both feet.
But the elite plan on bringing America down, that's why we have the oldest railways in the world.
Look it up.
It's why our infrastructure is rotting.
I mentioned it earlier, so Nico ran in with an article backing it up.
Bad bridges.
Federal data shows U.S.
infrastructure is crumbling.
But don't worry.
They got money to put in transgender restrooms at the White House.
And again, they just make us divert off into these faux rights, these little cutesy rights that are funny to billionaires living in hundred million dollar penthouses in New York.
Let us eat cake as things fall apart.
Report 39,000 immigrant kids coming to the U.S.
This is the second big wave and that's just a tiny part.
Former DOJ official, non-citizen, registering to vote through motor voter registration forms across the country.
Daily Caller.
Legal fight continues over Obama's executive action on immigration.
And the White House says that the judge has wrongly continued to prevent those lawful, common-sense policies from taking effect.
I love how everything Obama does is it's just a common-sense lawful, you know, to just outside of even an executive order where Congress just said the border's open.
And that's totally unfair.
Just to say, bring your families, bring everything, we'll pay for it.
Have a baby for free.
Nobody else in the world does that.
I mean, I saw CNN a month ago advertising, it was an advertisement, PR article, for women of the world to come here and how to fly in a month before, how to stay in an inexpensive hotel, and how to even write that off when you have the baby here and get everything paid for, including your plane tickets.
And I'm like, the IRS will SWAT team me if they think I don't pay them $1.
Newspapers advertising Mexico and China to come here and have your baby free.
Oh boy.
There's the headline.
How far Chinese moms will go to have U.S.
And then the article's an advertisement on how to do it and how great it is.
403 have applied to have Central American relatives brought to the U.S.
through Obama's administration program that has no limit on approvals that was just announced a month ago.
And again, they make it all about children.
What a PR coup.
And then we pick up on how they phrase it.
Like, hey, so what if a few hundred thousand, you know, kids came across the border last year and we shipped them into the country?
They're kids, but they were with their parents.
That was only a fraction of the people coming in, but see, they make it about that.
And then even I,
When I cover it, make it about the kids.
They just label things and we all take it hook, line, and sinker.
But don't worry, Rahm Emanuel, the Duke, the Don, the godfather of Chicago, has been re-elected.
And if you believe that, I got a bridge I'm ready to sell you.
It's some oceanfront property in Arizona.
There's another report I'm going to get into later.
Obama gun control push backfires as industry sees unprecedented surge.
More guns sold in 2013 than in any previous time, triple what it was just a decade before.
We're going to go over those numbers out of the Washington Times.
But folks, don't, don't, don't start popping champagne corks yet because
We've got to fund the gun industry.
I get zero money from the gun industry.
Quite frankly, I've been thinking about getting into firearms, accessories, holsters and stuff.
It's stuff that I use, stuff I like.
It can be profitable.
We're open capitalists to fund our operation and promote our ideas and try to take the society back peacefully.
But I am in consultation with several big gun manufacturers right now to not be cowards.
I'm digressing.
You've got to fund the industry because it's being sued.
There are over 200 lawsuits right now being funded by Bloomberg and George Soros and the usual suspects.
And some of those lawsuits have cost major manufacturers like Busmaster, I was reading, already over $15 million and could bankrupt them.
Talk about voting with your dollars.
Guns are only going to go up in value.
Guns I bought when Clinton was around, a range rifle for $200 goes for like $800 to $1,000 now.
A Ruger .223.
Bought it for $250 or something at Walmart of all places.
Back when Walmart sold guns, they had the best deal.
Back then I hardly had any money.
It was $30 cheaper than a local gun shop.
I went to Walmart.
That'll show you how the world's changed.
Bought that gun when I was 20 years old.
Still got it.
It's a fantastic varmint gun if you just want to ride around the back of a jeep shooting coyotes at 100 yards.
How dare you shoot the coyotes?
Well, they kill the baby deer.
Learn how that works.
And you're like, well, they're the natural predators.
I get it.
The point is,
That it's a good firearm.
See how I can't just tell one story, I go off into other things?
That's how my brain works.
But... The gun manufacturers are in trouble.
A lot of them have been going out of business because of the lawsuits and the regulations and all the rest of it that have been heaped on top.
So we're in the battle, but we're not winning the war.
And the minute we start thinking that we won the war with the Second Amendment, we're going to lose it.
Everyone else worldwide but Switzerland has lost it.
You look at that scoreboard, folks.
We are surrounded by tyranny from without and from within.
And I cannot express to you how dire our straits are.
Okay, that said,
Day after officer's arrest for shooting the unarmed black man eight times in the back, there have been protests.
George Soros funding them, of course.
And my issue is, what's the protest?
He's been indicted.
He's facing 30 years to life.
I mean, it's terrible what the cop did, and then framing the person he murdered.
And he's had the book thrown at him, but
This is being promoted and hyped to get everybody fighting with each other, and to federalize police.
I mean, that's just why the same media that's attacking the Second Amendment, and attacking the family, and attacking parental rights, and pushing abortion, and pushing open borders, and pushing world government, and pushing forced inoculations, are the same ones perseverating on the police.
Because they know the government has an 8% approval rating in Gallup, Congress.
And so if they can just scapegoat the police and make every problem about them, it diverts from us taking control of the government and stopping the unconstitutional directives and policies where it starts.
It'd be like if there was a big hole in a wall at a Dutch dike, would you try to get a ladle and scoop the water out as it poured down the road?
Or would you try to plug the hole up?
And attacking the police is like attacking water five miles downstream.
You've got to attack it directly at the source.
Guys, I have an error in here saying InfoWars is down.
Just tell me if that's the case.
Now it's not down.
But you want to talk about something we should all be together on and having demonstrations about, but George Soros won't be funding that.
heroin deaths nearly tripled in three years.
White House says Mexico is the primary supplier.
If you look at the graph put out by the USDA,
From heroin deaths from 2000-2013, you'll notice that there is a, scroll down you'll see the graph, you'll notice that there is a more than 13 time basic increase.
And on this graph it shows about a tenfold increase, but there's a 13 times increase in world opium supply, with 93% of it being produced out of Afghanistan, that was producing only 6% pre-invasion.
They ship the drugs in.
It doesn't come out of Mexico.
Yes, some black tar comes out of Mexico, but a very small number.
We even have Interpol's own numbers.
In fact, we should do a story showing Interpol's numbers, and the UN's own numbers, and the Pentagon's own numbers.
You can pull up BBC, you name it, that world opium supply, 93% is out of Afghanistan, and is up 13-fold since 2001, and that's where 93% of it comes from globally, and then they just blame Mexico to keep the phony drug war going, when our government loads it on C-130s.
We should do that on the nightly news.
I'll air it tomorrow.
Show the Fox News clip admitting we ship it in.
The BBC, the ABC, the NBC.
Where they have to hide it in plain view because the troops were blowing the whistle.
We're going to go to break and come back with your calls.
Pat Tillman was writing letters home about we grow the opium.
This is a total fraud.
There's no real Al Qaeda over here.
I do photo ops all day.
This is fake.
We're arming the radicals.
And the Pentagon said bust a cap in that man.
And they did.
So the troops were speaking out, so they said, how will we sign off this?
About seven years ago.
So they began going on the news and going, first time I heard it was BBC on my XM.
And I heard them do a 10 minute report admitting our government grows the opium and even allows it to be shipped out.
And the argument was, well, if we don't, Al Qaeda will, and we'll get the money.
That's what they tell the troops.
Oh, really?
That's why it went up 13 fold?
Give me a break.
Our government arms and funds Al Qaeda.
And then they get on the news and say, the number and rate of deaths in the United States from overdoses involving heroin nearly tripled in three years from 2010 to 2013.
It's way higher than that on the 10-year graph.
All the heroin in the United States is smuggled from abroad, and Mexico is the primary supplier of the drug to the country.
According to the White House Office of National Drug Council Policy, no, the White House and the big banks, Wells Fargo, Wachovia, and others on record are the main importers of cocaine, heroin, you name it.
And then of course they're heavily invested in the new Freedom Initiative to forcibly, psychologically, obsess all children and put them on prescription drugs, just as bad or worse.
So just the last four years, we've seen a tripling in the deaths.
But hey, listen, that's not the issue.
Let's not end the drug war.
Let's just...
Hate the police, and then have kill the police chants, and then shoot more cops in the head, so they get even more trigger happy and shoot more citizens, and then a civil war starts.
That's a wonderful idea.
Instead of just going, hey, I don't care what color you are, they're shipping it into our communities.
There are a lot of little white yuppies on heroin.
In fact, that's what's cool with the dumb white kids.
The dumb trendy black kids listen to their gangbanger music like cocaine.
And PCP, because that's been cool ever since the CIA taught them.
But the young, dumb, white kids like their schmack.
Okay, I've only covered 20-30 articles, which is good for me, and I'm going to stop now because I'm getting angry.
We're going to come back and go right to Chris, Thomas, Ryan, Tim, Rod, and everybody else.
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People stop me on the street and they say, why are you so angry?
That's weird.
No, it's not weird.
In this world where we're brought up to just sit there and watch television all day, and go to some job and sit in a cubicle, and act like we're doing something, as productivity falls apart, and then it's a small minority of people, of every race, color, and creed in this country, and across the West, that are still actually working and doing the thinking.
And the politicians don't want you thinking.
They want you sucking your thumb, believing all their bull.
Like 2 plus 2 equals whatever they say.
legalization of marijuana has hit Mexican cartels, cross-trade border, Time Magazine.
I can't believe Time Magazine tells the truth and admits that drug dealers don't like decriminalization.
That's why the big banks don't want heroin and cocaine legalized until 1933 and the Emergency Powers Act of Roosevelt and a bunch of other garbage he did.
Narcotics, pure heroin and cocaine, can be bought at any drugstore.
You could have it mixed up and put in your malt if you wanted to.
In fact, the original Dr. Pepper up in Waco and Temple was at drugstores.
And they would mix in some really good stuff for you that you took three times a day and believe me, you get a lot of work done.
Less drug use back when you could buy it on the shelf.
That's where I stand on this.
And I said I'd go to your calls and now I'm just so upset.
We're gonna get into China and their huge rollout of new military systems this month.
We're going to get into the economic front so much more.
Briefly, because I didn't really plug it last segment.
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And it's dramatic.
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That is 99 pounds, folks.
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And my muscles have gotten bigger.
That's the thing, is that I'm getting bigger muscle-wise, but losing the fat.
So, InfoWarsLive.com, your purchase makes it all possible.
I want to salute and thank all of you that do support InfoWars and shop with the good guys and who are patrons.
God bless you, you make it all possible.
We'll be back.
I'm going directly to your calls.
Chris, Thomas, Ryan, Tim, Rod, I'm going right to you, I promise.
70 seconds.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, here's the deal.
We've got massive Iran news, huge Rand Paul news, very important news on the rise of China, on the economy, and a new virus much more deadly than Lyme disease.
And folks, my dad got bit by a tick and got sick from that.
I've had family that's almost been killed by it.
I mean, I'm scared of Lyme disease, and that's a bioweapon.
So we're going to give you the rest of the story on Lyme disease coming up.
And we've got several reports by John Bowne and others that are excellent we're going to get to as well.
But right now, I apologize for not going to the callers.
Chris, Rod, Thomas, Ryan, Tim, here's what I'm going to do.
I'm just going to go to you, have you make your point, ask your question, or disagree with me, or whatever it's going to be.
Wide open phones, we're going to move the next person.
Chris in North Carolina, thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Yeah, you've got a phone problem there.
Maybe our phone system again today.
We had one yesterday.
Can you speak right into your telephone, Chris?
Let's put him on hold and see if that's our phone system.
Let's go ahead and talk.
Maybe we should just suspend calls from now on or take them on our end.
Rod in California.
Let's see if that was Chris's phone or our system.
Go ahead, Rod.
Yeah, it's the GCN system.
Alright, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to our backup system.
And it's funny, in this new studio I haven't moved our phone numbers in here.
I don't use our backup enough to remember it.
So do me a favor, run that in there and hang that up and let's fire up the phone system in that studio and there'll be more than one way to skin a cat.
It's not John Harmon's fault up at the network.
He does a great job.
You know, John Harmon is vestigial, but a very important vestigial part of the operation.
Going back, I think, 14, 15 years, John Harmon's worked here, and he's actually now a manager and an executive up at the DCN Radio Network that does a great job.
But by vestigial, I did this radio show out of my house for many years, like a remote.
And so then I would say, go to the calls, and Harmon would sit there on a chat screen and tell me who the callers were, and he would air the calls.
We can do the calls here, it's just that I like Harmon being there and he does it, and it's a little bit different.
Most talk show hosts have the control box right in front of them and actually do that, and I have the capability to do that myself, but I do things a little bit different.
In fact, you can say I do things a little bit of a cockamamie way, because I got used to doing the show like a remote for so many years.
I did it out of my house,
From 99 to about 2004.
Before that I was in different radio stations.
And so that's where that stands.
But we'll get that GCN radio network system up.
And they'll probably have to reboot it.
We need to start testing it for the show.
Or we can just do it right here on air the way we do things.
But we will take your phone calls today.
And as I said, we will fire up the phone system in here and we will let Rod and Chris and Tom and Ryan and Tim and everybody else have their first shot in on the phone system.
So please don't call until they've been able to get in on the line.
Then we'll open the phones up that way here today.
But like I said, we have got a lot of news to cover as well.
We're going to look at the different criminal operations of the IRS with a former top insider.
A criminal investigator with the Treasury Department, the guy that, you know, had the IRS SWAT teams.
And, of course, sometimes there were SWAT team and the Mafia and the rest of it, but the media always phrases it like, if they're raiding you, you must be a criminal.
Well, now it's more and more mainstream news and cannot be hidden what's really going on.
And what's really going on is the IRS is just an arbitrary criminal organization who doesn't even collect money to even pay off the debt now.
It's simply to control the economy selectively and have a reign of terror over people.
From Switzerland to Australia, people are now having to pay to put money in the bank as the globalists print so much currency that it loses value.
But at the same time, it's hard to get a loan, and the IRS will come after you over a few dollars.
And again, it's not about funding the government.
They have unlimited fake treasury bills and all the rest of it.
It's about squeezing the little guy out and destroying an independent, free, open economy.
I'm Alex Jones, dedicated to overthrowing the tyrannical system, lifting the veil, and breaking the trance, and getting folks out of the matrix.
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Another major health threat.
This one in Toledo, Ohio, where everybody in the entire city has been told not to drink the water.
Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
Did you know that the average person uses about 80 to 100 gallons of water at home every single day?
If there's a water emergency, will you be prepared?
Panicked residents forming long lines throughout the day.
We're here at a supermarket in Toledo.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, the Genesis phone system is having some hiccups today.
That happens a couple times a year.
And it happened yesterday, it's happening today.
So we're going to be on the in-house system here in Austin, Texas.
And that number is 877-789-ALEX.
It's the number you call on Sundays when the show is 100% produced here in Austin, Texas.
877-789-ALEX and it's on any subject you want to raise or talk about that we've already gotten into in the first hour.
And we already covered a lot of it.
The VA quote makes little headway in fight to shorten waits for care.
They were ordered to put people on no treat list as part of eugenics and bioethics.
The decision is made not to give them the care to set that precedent.
The VA are the ones running it.
Of course they haven't fixed it.
Because it isn't broken.
We can talk about that.
heroin deaths nearly tripled in three years.
They blame Mexico.
When you can go to Interpol or NATO and they admit 93% of it's coming out of Afghanistan.
Just a lie from the White House.
Preying on a stupid public.
Jamie Dimon warns next crisis could see more volatile markets.
Oh, that's the head of JPMorgan Chase at the top of the New World Order with Goldman Sachs.
I mean, you don't get higher up on the pyramid of these parasites.
This is like a fox telling the farmer, you know, there may be a weasel or a fox or something that's going to go in your henhouse and eat your hens.
I mean, this is like Hitler saying, you know, we might actually invade some countries or kill some people.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
Saudi Arabia to borrow to finance soaring deficit.
They're one of the biggest oil producers in the world, second biggest.
They have sweet crude.
They get it out of the ground for like $5.
A barrel and then are able to refine it for something like $12 a barrel.
It cost Venezuela $102 a barrel.
The US something like $75 a barrel last time I checked and they can't even run in the black.
Oops, I was just racist.
Let me stop right there and then I'm going to play a special report to go to your phone calls.
I have an article here in my stack.
That when I read it this morning, I had to read it three times to even make sense of it.
You know the little motocons or whatever you call them?
They're called something else when it's an Apple-based system.
Emojis, the little smiley faces, the little... If I want to meet friends after work for a beer every once in a while, I'll send them a, you know, emoji or a motocon, whatever they're called, of a beer.
If I want to go fishing, I'll send my buddy a shot of a kayak and a fishing pole.
Like, I haven't done that in like three years.
I need to go out and have some fun.
Then I'll be harassed by the Lake Police though if I try.
I'll just sit the country's gone.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me, but the border's wide open, right?
Clorox apologizes to Leach Tweet after racial uproar.
This is how politically correct and mentally ill the general public is.
Clorox complained
That out of hundreds of these symbols on the new iOS 8.3 for iPhones and Apple systems, in the chat and text systems, that Clorox wasn't an icon of hundreds of other products that are listed.
Because now they're listing products.
And because it was white, they're claiming it's some type of racial code.
And guess what?
They did the right political correct thing.
They apologized.
Brown bags in Seattle are racist.
No one ever said they were connected to racism.
No one ever said they were a symbol of bringing your own lunch.
Because a brown bag is strong paper that's flexible, lightweight, and inexpensive.
It's untreated paper, which makes it weak and makes it more expensive.
So, bleached paper is racist.
Unbleached paper is racist.
Saying I want Chinese food is racist.
Saying I went to the Chinese New Year fireworks display in New York is racist.
Gotta say Lunar New Year.
In Europe, they've changed the names of more than 20 species with Black in the name for birds.
Black Owl.
Black Warbler.
Black Lark.
Black Starling.
You know why they're called black?
Because they're black!
You know, when you say a red bird, a cardinal, it's not because you're racist against the color red.
The bird's red, folks.
The male of the species is red.
That's when I go down to the Gulf with my son and catch red fish.
Just a red drum.
Baby, we're calling it red because it's red.
And we catch a black drum, we're calling it a black drum because it's black.
This is how mentally ill... See, we all know how to obsess over paper bags and Clorox, but not 51 to 52 percent of black people ever being born.
Or Planned Parenthood giving awards to Hitler and getting awards.
My head is literally spitting at this point.
And I read this article and I kept looking, where's the tweet?
Where's the bad?
And it was just like, hey, Clorox ought to get added to all these products.
We want to be an icon.
Taco Bell launched a similar but less controversial campaign earlier this year in an attempt to rally support for taco symbols in the Apple emoji lexicon.
And then it goes, so you have campaigns to get your symbol listed.
Like I guess the Groucho Marx nose and glasses means I'm going in disguise.
Come to the Groucho Marx glasses nose party.
McDonald's has an emoji.
McDonald's has an emoji.
A skull.
Is it a skull?
I'm being facetious.
Well don't be racist against skulls.
In fact, we were talking about radiation yesterday in the studio during a break, and I said, you know, don't talk bad about the Fukushima radiation.
You're discriminating against radiation.
You're a racist.
The finalists include racially diverse emoji faces, zipper mouth face, prayer beads, a cricket bat, and a taco.
Well, everybody knows a taco's racist.
All over the country, universities, if you don't believe me, just look it up, have banned fraternities having fiesta parties because someone might get offended that people are drinking tequila, drinking beer, wearing sombreros, and having a taco bar.
And again, when I had tacos that I made for my children last week, and then I made chicken fajitas,
It wasn't because I wanted tacos and chicken fajitas and guacamole.
Gettin' hungry.
It was racist.
So see, symbols are now inherently racist and evil and must be banned.
But if you're the UN killing whole African tribes to force you off your land for a UN treaty, it's in the New York Times and AOK.
See, that's how sick these people are and how you don't learn in college or school how to get a job or how to be productive or how to be socially responsible for real issues.
You learn how to obsess on everything and be offended and stay in your little group.
This is mass mental illness.
All right.
We got our phone system up.
We got your calls on the board.
And I just want to make sure, guys, that we go to the folks that we're originally holding before I go to the others that we transferred over from the Genesis phone system.
Rod in California, thanks for calling in and being with us.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks for having me, Alex.
Can you hear me okay?
Yes, I can, brother.
So yesterday you were talking about House of Cards, and I had a thought.
We're an egalitarian species.
We're mesmerized by the myth of authority.
And as egalitarians, we don't really recognize authority, but only really persuasion.
And what really stuck with me yesterday is he said that there's a metaphysical rule that says they have to tell us what they're doing.
I think that's because we're egalitarian and we have to give our permission.
So like the lone gunman episode one, that was them getting America's passive permission for 9-11.
So my question for you is, for 3,000 years or so, God has had the opportunity to persuade mankind towards kindness and love.
Now we have guys like Frank Underwood and Raymond Reddington who are these affable, lovable sociopaths who commit purely evil acts, but it's for love, so it's okay.
Yes, they're inverting reality.
They're teaching us evil for good is good, the Ring of Mordor is good, but it isn't.
It is forged in evil and will always do greater acts of evil that will hurt innocents.
Well, my question is, do you think that these characters are the literary embodiment of the devil getting his day in the court of public opinion?
That's how it works.
That's why the truth is out in the open.
And so people are being given their metaphysical choice.
You're absolutely right.
And I also wanted to say, uh, congratulations on all your hard work working out, man.
I've been doing a lot of working out, drinking the Cheney Tangerine, and that's hard work, so you're doing good, man.
Keep it up.
Well, God bless you, brother.
I still eat too much and, you know, work late hours and do a lot of things that are bad for my body.
I mean, this new promotion we're doing is just the truth.
It isn't that I look like, you know, some beach model, beach boy or something.
It's just that I gained 99 pounds, and I've lost
65 pounds or so, and I got another 20 or 30 to go, and those are the hardest to go.
And I just show people how I was in great shape, how I got in Jabba the Hutt shape, and now how I'm kind of like Jabba on a diet.
And it's these products, because I've been doing the same amount of working out.
In fact, three years ago, I really went hard.
I was swimming two miles almost every morning.
I used to come in here at about 10 a.m., dripping wet, and then take a shower and then get dressed for the show.
Because everybody used to see me come in rolling right at 10 in swim trunks, even in the winter.
And all that happened was my muscles got bigger and the fat stayed on me.
Then I tried jogging, but I'm too old and too fat.
It was hurting my knees and weightlifting.
And now I just do weightlifting with high repetitions in a basic circuit and do elliptical
About five, six days a week for about 45 minutes.
And I'm doing less exercise and have lost more weight.
And it's all from the Infowarslife.com products.
That's what hormonally, clearly changed me.
The things I needed.
And you've heard the reviews.
It works like a charm.
I don't want to go into a plug.
We got free shipping on the Alex Challenge Pack at Infowarslife.com.
The three products that made it possible.
But enough about that.
I'm going to John and others straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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I was a highwayman Along the coach roads I did ride With sword and pistol by my side Many a young maid lost her babbles to my trade Many a soldier shed his lifeblood on my blade
Alright, let's go back to your phone calls here on the Alex Jones broadcast.
I'm going to go through ten or so and then I'm going to play the special report from John Bowne that's really powerful.
Then we're going to continue with your phone calls.
Who's been holding the longest here?
I guess that'd be Thomas in West Texas.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking the call.
Thanks for calling, brother.
What's on your mind of this plethora of stories?
Well, one, I want to thank you for helping break the chains that were around my mind and
And then when you're awake, you talk to the Federalist Citizenry and it's just ridiculous.
It's insane, like I'm watching a Looney Tunes show or something.
And it's getting more and more insane.
It's getting crazier.
It is, but I think it's also helping to speed up everyone to wake up to see what's really going on.
But the reason for my call is I listen, I drive, I'm in my truck all day and I listen to a lot of talk radio and there's a show that comes on before yours and his name's Gwen Fully.
And yesterday, he had a guy on there that he put up as his friend and all this stuff, and he says, you know, I kind of like Rand Paul, but what worries me is like father, like son.
And Ron Paul, he's just a fascist.
And so that's what worries me about Rand.
Well, I don't know who this local talk show is.
And of course, we don't really screen the calls.
We should ask what affiliate people are listening to.
You say it's on the same station as I am.
What station are you listening to us on right now?
It's supposed to be conservative radio.
His name is Lynn Woolley.
No, I know, but what station are you listening to me on?
Oh, I use your internet radio.
Okay, so you're listening to another local show.
Well, look, most talk show hosts just try to do what's safe and try to play along with the narrative.
And that's an old narrative from CNN and Fox from when Ron Paul first ran for president back when Obama went for his first term as well.
When they would say, Ron Paul's people are planning what they call a money bomb to blow up the Capitol.
Knowing their audiences were ignorant, didn't know what a money bomb was a fundraiser.
And Ron Paul's a racist and just all this other made-up garbage to then get the so-called right-wing attacking the proto-Tea Party that Ron Paul started.
When they couldn't destroy it, they just tried to then co-opt it
But the only problem with Rand Paul is he isn't enough like his dad.
But he is more presidential in that he's moderated, at least from the establishment's perspective, but they're still going to go after him.
But to call Ron Paul a fascist when he is a classical liberal, he's the diametrical opposite
By every historical yardstick of the two major parties.
And so that's what I would expect from mainline neocon radio is that that's what they do.
I mean Fox News is attacking Rand Paul right now.
They've been real nice to him until now because they know their constituent viewers like Rand Paul.
But now the knife's coming out because they're too close to the election and they can't have him in there.
So that's what they're doing.
There should be a major backlash against Fox News and others for trying to misrepresent what Rand Paul really stands for.
Anything else, sir?
Yes, sir.
I called in and I challenged both of them to listen to Rand Paul's farewell speech to Congress and tell me what in that speech was fascist.
And he just redirected and starts talking about that Rand Paul is pro-choice and that he's in for abortion and he likes abortion.
Yeah, see, again, they have the left and right attacking him.
He's not pro-abortion.
He's like his dad.
It's a state issue.
It should be done by the states, as all major medical laws should.
We shouldn't have a federal system over healthcare.
We shouldn't have Obamacare.
And he is fundamentally against partial birth abortion, and fundamentally against state funding of abortion.
And if you get down to his core values, and they know it, he really is for the abolition of abortion.
But he is playing politics on this issue because I think he's got advisors that think that by going along some of the system, he's going to win.
They're going to misrepresent everything he does, so he might as well double down and go, yes, I'm a flaming Americana, constitutionalist, libertarian.
And people will love him, including the real left out there that are sick of the Democratic Party.
People want someone real.
They don't want to totally even agree with someone.
They want someone that will do what they say they were going to do.
I appreciate your call.
And look, Rand Paul is not perfect.
But I know I can trust him.
He's a good guy.
And he does what he says he'll do.
And the system knows that, so they hate his guts!
This is not rocket science, people!
When the Republicans meet in secret and the Democrats meet in secret, it's leaked more than 20 times the last few years.
They're talking about the Tea Party and Rand Paul and how to destroy us.
I mean, the White House runs Media Matters.
They attack me every day, folks.
That's the White House.
Because I got their criminal number!
And if people start listening, it's over for them!
They know we're coming!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, or you're mine.
I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind.
There was something so pleasant about that place.
Even your emotions have an echo in so much space.
I knew too much, and that does make me crazy.
Alex Jones is crazy.
Infowars is crazy.
Joe Biggs is crazy.
Jacari Jackson is crazy.
Does that make me crazy?
In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
There's another parable.
I forget who said it or what culture it came from.
Is that the wise king woke up one day and a wicked witch had poisoned the well and turned everybody in the kingdom there around the palace evil.
So the wise king went and drank from the well and became evil and joined them.
And you two out here that parable and think that's really evil.
I don't agree with that, but I kind of get it.
God wants you hot or cold, not lukewarm.
And America has become as lukewarm as monkey vomit.
People think they're safe not having an opinion or just sitting there like a deer in the headlights, and that's what's gotten us to the point we're at now.
And as I've said a thousand times, I'm here to get people out of their trance.
It doesn't mean you've got to see the world the way I see it.
It doesn't mean you've got to agree with everything I say.
It doesn't mean I have all the answers.
It doesn't mean that I don't make mistakes.
It means, look around you, things are not like they're telling us.
Or a lot of times, they're going, there's no global government, there's no corporate fascism.
And then they'll have another report by the same reporter going, global government's the answer.
It's like when the foreign editor, I think it was like six years ago,
Yeah, because it's in the Obama Deception, the article.
The foreign editor of the Financial Times of London, one of the most prestigious newspapers in the world, where they have a lot of between-the-lines reporting telling you what's going on, he had an article called, and now for world government.
And he said, yeah, the Bilderberg Group did covertly found the EU, and we are totalitarian, we are autocratic, we are technocratic, he used those words, and we're taking over.
And we know best.
And the fact that we're in control shows that we should be in control.
I've had billionaires try to get me to join the Globalist and give me that exact speech.
It's an elitism club.
Most people go, wow, I'm part of the elitism club?
I get a 20-room mansion and a private jet and three mistresses and three Ferraris?
I'll sell out anybody you want!
You mean I get to hang around with you guys?
But see, most people sell out for almost nothing.
And then when the whole culture sells out, it's like the porn industry.
Porn actresses really were stars in the sense of making millions of dollars 30 years ago.
40 years ago.
Now, prostitutes in major cities make more than women that are stars in porn.
Wall Street Journal, look it up.
Because women went in huge gluts and got into porn until it was worth less than dirt.
And you devalued yourself.
So all you sellouts out there think you're selling out to the New World Order and you're getting so much power out of it.
You're not.
You're getting enslavement.
So the whole age of selling out and getting something for it is coming to an end.
And the elites have created such a destabilized world, they're having to build armored keeps, armored fortresses, armored redoubts, armored getaways, armored safe houses from Northern Canada to the Ozarks in Missouri,
to New Zealand with secret airfields.
They have helicopter pads and they have airfields, this is in the news, that are camouflaged.
And they admit they're digging in for total collapse.
Wow, great job!
You took over and now you're not safe.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful world you're building.
And the public has greased the skids for these kleptocrats to take over, because there isn't really a master plan.
Sure, there's a global master plan to have a global one-world currency for these central banks, but they're already in control.
But there isn't a master plan when it comes down to the rubber meeting the road for this actually to work, and no amount of computerized
Brainwashing and cultural rot and surveillance is going to glue this thing together.
It isn't going to work.
It's going to fall on its face, just like every other dictatorial group in history that thinks they're invincible ends up bringing everything down.
You people are a bunch of degenerate criminal psychopaths and sociopaths that couldn't
Run a hot dog stand!
All you can do is festoon yourselves in fancy outfits and put out PR garbage like it's totally legal and well thought out and reasoned and common sense what we're doing with the borders.
How dare a judge say we can't?
Meanwhile, NORAD Aerospace Command is moving back into the underground bunkers again.
I said I'd go to your calls and I'm ranting.
I am out of control today.
We're in danger is what I'm trying to explain to everybody.
And we haven't gone through cultural crises like our ancestors did, so we think we're invincible.
We don't have any cellular memory in this generation, in the last few, in the average person, of real crisis.
And so we think we're safe.
And we're not.
Who's up next here?
I'm gonna go to Tim in Canada.
Tim, you're on the air from Canada.
Thanks for calling.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
And first of all, thank you for all the things that you do for us, because we're all suffering here, you know?
Well, I know this.
We're certainly being screwed over.
And I know the unborn children are suffering.
I know the American or Canadian workers are suffering.
I know it's getting worse by design as they build a world, in their words, not for humans.
I mean, how creepy is that?
Go ahead, sorry.
Well, it's okay, Alex.
I'm just completely tired of the scam and how it's just making all the people get laid off now in Fort Mac because they're all suffering because of all the oil scams.
Anyway, Alex, I just want to make three points.
The Canadian economy and how we are doing, and myelin sheathing and how we are getting nailed by the video games, energy drinks, and how it's affecting us with loss of passion, not feeling so amplified with our emotions.
Absolutely, all the statistics show it, that we're being killed in this modern society, that we're becoming diseased, mentally ill, we're being screwed over.
It's unnatural, it's being done by design.
Tim, thank you.
Look, here's a microcosm.
Every psychological study for hundreds of years shows if you believe a war is righteous and good, then you don't commit suicide, you're proud of what you've done, you don't have a lot of problems from even serious combat.
But if you don't think a war was justified, you will have all sorts of problems and disintegrate.
Well, the general public doesn't have any morals, or has been taught not to have them, and so we're a rudderless society, so things are degenerating.
And that's done as a psychological warfare virus, just like a virus in a computer, to destabilize us.
Let's talk to Ryan in Pennsylvania.
Ryan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to send a message out.
I see it all the time, these people on Twitter that troll you and your website.
Of course, it's always some ad hominem straw man attack with no evidence.
Look, people say all the time that you're the only guy doing this, but you're not.
I mean, there are people out there like...
Richard Groves, Stefan Mahleman, Mark Pastia, John Taylor Gatto, Anthony Sutton.
Hundreds of people out there that are doing what you're doing.
Alex isn't the only guy out there.
This is a big movement.
So you people need to wake up.
And actually start reading stuff instead of trying to just destroy a guy who's fighting for freedom and liberty.
Well, it's beyond that.
It's a megaphone effect, an amplifying effect that Cass Sunstein wrote about eight years ago and then again seven years ago.
The White House regulations are, they have admitted bots.
But also real people that go out and get a discussion going, making up these memes to get us all infighting with each other.
And so it's simple disinformation.
More and more people, though, see the level of attack we're under and realize that that's because we're doing a good job.
But you're absolutely right.
There have been hundreds of super prominent people fighting this.
Tens of thousands of prominent and millions of somewhat active folks fighting it.
They had Barney Miller shows in 1981 making fun of people that believed in a Trilateral Commission takeover plan.
I mean, I'm nobody.
I didn't come up with any of this.
I'm going off what the globalists have openly said they're doing.
And so you're absolutely right.
But listen, brother, most of the people you see attacking us
Are either government or corporate operatives, or are a computer bot, this is all admitted, or...
are desperate and feel powerless.
They don't feel like they can fight the tyranny of the globalists.
So to say they're morally better than me is like giving themselves a general uniform or something.
It's like claiming they beat up Mike Tyson in his prime, even though they didn't.
It's like claiming they are holier than thou.
Oh, Alex is CIA, or Alex works for Israel, or Alex works for the Vatican, or Alex works for the space aliens, or Alex works for the whatever.
That's really a way to feel good about yourself.
Most of the people that attack me, who are not government operatives, do it because they already are awake, and so they just go one level further saying, there's no way we can win, everything's controlled, and Alex Jones is controlled.
Well, that's where the big breakdown happens.
And God bless you, Ryan, I appreciate your call on bringing that point up.
They don't believe in human power.
They may know about the globalist conspiracy, they may know about the eugenicist plan, they know about the Federal Reserve being private, but they don't like their neighbors.
They're parasitic.
And they don't like believing in other people, and they don't like believing that we can get out of this.
I'm a fan of humanity.
I believe in humanity.
I know we can go to the stars.
I admire humans.
That's why when I see a white human, a black human, skin color, whatever, anger at each other just over race, that's an artificial uniform projection that's been put out there to distract us from all the real issues of how we're all being screwed over.
And it's because we have a message of unity, of liberty, of freedom, of common sense, and of pulling down lies.
People that have bought into the lies don't like hearing, that's another group, don't like hearing that they're wrong, and don't like hearing that there's a problem.
And so they're going to say, no, there isn't a problem, and that guy's a liar.
But those people never counted anyways.
I mean, someone that's going to complain about folks trying to fix things, somebody who's going to complain about someone who has a track record of getting things done and taking action against tyranny and defending the individual every time and standing up for the underdog, people that are going to attack someone rallying humanity, we're never going to help us to begin with.
Haters are going to hate everybody.
I only hate those that are oppressing the innocent and running scams and creating monopolies and suppressing human development and renaissance.
I like seeing people that are wealthy from their own work.
I like seeing people that are successful from their own sweat.
I like seeing people that want to take action.
What you've got is a lazy malaise in this world with people living off the work of our ancestors who then want to sit around and claim that they are the highest, greatest
example of the Liberty Movement by running other people down.
Thank God I'm not one of those twisted individuals.
And I'll tell you, the older I get, the more I can't run people down and don't like doing it.
And I think it's an immaturity thing to just randomly run people down.
I mean, I wouldn't say something about somebody unless I know it.
I mean, John Boehner has been involved, going back into the 90s, in what I believe is criminal lobbying operations, and selling out the Liberty Movement over and over again, and will not get rid of Obamacare, and will not defend our borders, and will not go after Lois Lerner, and he is aiding and abetting treason.
And I say it, I stand by it, because he's convicted himself
But unless something's open and shut, I don't sit there and say it.
But let me tell you.
World government's open and shut.
Global tyranny's open and shut.
It's going on.
Fluoride in the water to brain damage us and lower our fertility?
It's a fact.
And I get angry that we got stinking, criminal, parasitic government up there making us pay to put stuff in the water that makes our teeth fall apart.
And gives us bone cancer.
Makes your teeth fracture.
Lowers your IQ.
Gives you diabetes.
Look up the studies.
I'm not a violent person, but I'll tell you what.
If people went after the companies that sell the fluoride in the lobby to put it in the water and did stuff to them, I'd say I think violence is the wrong approach, but you know what?
You get what you sow.
What comes around, goes around.
Things like that.
But just to randomly, because a white cop shoots a black person, go out and kill some random whites, or vice versa.
No, that's not justice.
That's not justice at all.
I don't want any harm to happen to David Rockefeller, because I don't want to turn him into a martyr, or Brzezinski, or Henry Kissinger, or Obama, or any of these people.
But you know what?
They are criminals.
They deserve to be in prison.
But you know what?
Vengeance belongs to God.
But you know, God uses people and countries and individuals as vengeance.
So many times the tools of God's vengeance are us.
So if we'll just pray that we see the truth and God give us discernment no matter what that truth is, and if we simply pray that God set us on the path to fight tyranny, God is a free will entity that created this entire dimension and everything around it.
And whether God exists or not, metaphysically, you have to, with your free will, say that you want something before the opportunity even arrives.
And if you ask God for discernment,
If you ask God for aid, in a good goal, in a real quest, then God will send the aid.
But if you sat there and pushed fluoride on people for 30 years, as a mayor, and then your granddaughter gets bone cancer and you pray to God to heal her, you know what?
I don't think God's gonna heal your granddaughter.
I think your granddaughter's gonna die.
But, in my spirit I know, if you've been fighting against the tyranny for 20 years, I think your granddaughter might get better.
That's how God really works.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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Federal agents, we are armed!
Joe in California, thanks for holding your on the air worldwide.
How may I serve you today?
Thanks for having me on the show Alex.
Thank you.
I want to talk about Rand Paul.
I think that we have a great opportunity to really make some huge changes in supporting someone that can really change the country and that would probably be either Ted Cruz or Rand Paul.
I think that we all have a duty to take some action and tithe towards his campaign.
And I think that we can all commit, regardless of who we think is the right one to do the job, to putting out $300, $500, $1,000, or if we have a business, maybe a couple thousand.
But Hillary said that she made an error last time around because she put a bunch of her money in towards the general election instead of the primary.
And the primary is where these guys really need a lot of support.
And I think that it'd just be so amazing if we could all commit to making some good headway with that.
Well, that's right.
And Reuters is reporting that Rand Paul is leading and is up in different key states.
Rand Paul up, Clinton down in 2016 presidential poll.
And that's why they're all attacking him.
And then I hear this libertarian purist movement out there saying, you know what, I don't think he's perfect, and so I'm not going to support him.
Or, oh, he's for abortion, I'm not going to support him.
It's not even true.
They're hitting him from every angle with disinformation, so people don't support him.
And we should support anybody being attacked by the system, like this radio show, this slash TV show.
Folks need to support, and buy the products, and spread the word, and not even so much defend us online when we're being attacked, but point out, hey folks, these are most likely bots.
Here's a link to Mainstream News admitting they have government bots and corporate bots against the Liberty Movement, and here's Alex Jones covering Real News.
They don't want us to discuss this, and then take over the conversation.
They want to divert it into racism,
In fact, we've tracked it with the IPs.
You'll have the same bot responding and writing so fast it can't be a human, posting on five or six articles simultaneously at InfoWars.com, saying, inward, inward, inward, inward, and then countering, going, you racist white, you racist white, and it's the same bot just spreading racial fighting.
In fact, we need to do reports on that.
We need to actually show that.
We need to really let people understand that when they're being hit with this info like that, that that's exactly what's happening.
And just point out that it's a load of bull.
And then we use their tactics, but not with deception.
We go in and say, they're changing the subject.
They're probably a bot.
Here's a link to that.
And here's a link to why they hate Alex Jones exposing cancer viruses in the vaccines.
Or things like that.
God bless you.
Appreciate your call, Joe.
Let's talk to Tobin in Maryland.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, buddy.
Go ahead.
I've had a bad year, and quite frankly, I don't want to really sound like I'm ranting, but if what's happened to me can happen to anybody else out there, there's
This is not America that I signed up for.
Tell us what happened to you.
Three things.
I own a small apartment building.
For the very first time in 20 years, I evicted a tenant.
Process, because of the screwed up, takes five months to get rid of them.
During that period of time, the tenant nails the apartment for over $40,000, and all I get is a thank you, and oh, by the way, I'm responsible for tracking them down to try to get the money from them.
Uh, the system is screwed up.
The worst one is after 22 years of employment, I'm sitting... Stay there, I'm going to come back to you in 70 seconds in the third hour.
Inside IRS Whistleblower and more coming up.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
Coming right back to you, Chubbin.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're desperately defending what could be the final days of the Republic, as every form of oppression and tyranny grows like a metastasizing hydrocancer.
We're talking to Tobin in Maryland, and when you talk about what's happened to people economically, the hard-working business owners of this country, I don't care what color you are, while they're busy raping our financial future, they're trying to get us to racially fight with each other.
Black unemployment's doubled under Obama.
And so all they do is sit there and promote racial division because that's all the George Soros's have got.
But this gentleman was talking about what renters go through.
And I don't know about your state of Maryland.
I know Texas is a little bit better.
That's why folks are coming here.
But federally they can still come after you if you kick somebody out.
They'll make all sorts of stuff up.
I know people that own rent houses and apartments.
And they'll do stuff like
Dude, bizarre.
What's happened to Mike Hanson?
They showed up and said, we've had a filing that the tenant was white and you were black and called him names.
And they showed Mike the report.
Mike goes, I'm white.
And the tenant was white.
And the person said, we don't care, Hanson.
We're still investigating it all and like a year later they were still messing with him and he had to get lawyers.
And he went, it doesn't matter in the report if we're both white and they claim I'm a racist black person?
I mean, it's just people, believe me, I've dealt with it.
People just make stuff up now.
Anyways, I'm ranting.
Tobin, finish up with what happened to you this year.
Did you get screwed over by renters and then you were saying you lost another job or what happened?
Well, I've had the same job for over 22 years.
They made us take a prevention in violence in the workplace online thing that looked like it was designed for somebody with a third grade education.
I have a PhD.
And I looked over to one of my co-workers because one of the things on it was they were discussing where they came up with the term going postal.
Unfortunately, a guy went a little bit, shall we say, nut.
That's right.
Yeah, hit rate.
By the end of the day, I was escorted out of the building and fired because I made... Oh, yeah.
I mean, look, look.
Clearly, that's why you, like, have the TSA, and they've been caught in this and had to back off.
People say, I don't have a bomb in there, and they'll go, bomb, bomb, he threatened bomb, he threatened a bomb, and then they'll misapply a terroristic threat, bomb threat law on you to put you in prison when you clearly weren't making a bomb threat.
Here's an example of that.
Mental health evaluation ordered.
For suspect in Sandy Hook harassing Kahl's case, he was thinking about putting his kid in school, so he called him in the morning, and he kept saying, you know, call me back, I want to know if you're gonna, you know, do another staged event.
Which, again, you could say might have concerned them, but it wasn't a threat.
He's in a mental institution, and it's on the news now that that's criminal.
So see, they're trying to make free speech criminal now in this country.
I mean, look, Clorox just got caught asking that
Um, it's...
This is not the America that I signed up for.
It's really... I cannot believe this.
22 years, and like I said, I'm not saying this for whining.
If this happens to me, it can happen to anybody else.
Oh, it is happening.
I know multiple people at different jobs, one at a car dealership, one at a bank, that talked bad about Obama, and the Secret Service came and ordered them to fire them.
And they didn't threaten Obama.
So, yeah.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
Just recently started using your products.
Everything you said about them is correct.
Me and my wife both use a lot of them, and it's made a lot of changes in our lives here.
Well, thank you, brother, because it also funds our operation.
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They want to stun and dumb down and energy drinks and stuff just cover that up for a while But then burn you out in my experience where a stuff that gets your glands naturally going goes right to the source So it's pretty exciting and I love it.
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Another major health threat.
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They took my saddle in Houston.
Broke my leg in Santa Fe.
Lost my wife and a girlfriend.
In defense of human liberty, Alex Jones.
If we can blame the New World Order for the New World Order, if we can show people their quotes, their statements, their books, their operations, and educate the public about the globalist menace
There is no way they're going to be able to continue their operation.
But if they can get us all in fighting with each other and destabilize the world and raise taxes and shut down jobs to where we're basically all dependent on government, corporate, or welfare assistance, it's game over.
Now joining us for the hour is Joe Bannister, a good friend of mine, going back to like 1999.
We'll continue with your calls.
Michael in Florida, and Elmer, and Jason, and Dylan, and Aaron, and Julio, and John, and Chris, and everyone that's patiently holding, I'll get to you.
And I'm humbled by your calls and humbled by your support.
I feel like I should be doing a lot better job articulating how ridiculous all this is
So that's why I said, please don't thank me.
We're all in this together.
I don't deserve thanks for fighting this tyranny.
This is like, if I had a bear trap on my leg, I'd be trying to get it off.
Alex, thank you for trying to get the bear trap off my leg.
Buddy, our leg is collectively in this together.
That'd be like if I came and warned you that your house was on fire, and you said, thank you for warning me.
And I guess folks nowadays would thank you.
I guess that is unusual.
I see these articles every couple days all over the Western world where some woman will be raped in full public, even in a nice neighborhood, and nobody helps her.
Because they don't want to even call the cops.
They don't even want to go out and help her.
And then she'll sit there and bleed to death between two parked cars.
That's one famous case up in Toronto.
I mean, I see a couple men raping a woman in a parking lot.
I mean, I'm going to grab my gun and come out there, and you're going to be lucky if you're alive.
And that's not because I'm a hero!
That's what I mean.
What's wrong with people?
I see these knockout game videos all the time.
That the black Ku Klux Klan websites promote.
That's what it is.
But it's seen as okay.
It's politically correct.
Oh, it's just black kids knocking out all white people.
But I'll see them, like, punch, you know, young white guys that are bigger than them, and they'll just kind of get in a fetal position, and vice versa.
But, I mean, where I grew up in Dallas, I never saw anybody get in a fetal position.
I mean, you could see thugs beating up a little guy to a little guy to fight back.
I just, I just, what happened to the human spirit?
I mean, I'm not a tough guy that if somebody assaults me, I'm gonna attack them with everything I got.
That's just normal.
And if somebody starts hurting me, I'm gonna black out and beat their brains out.
And that's not anything unusual.
That's what everybody was like before us.
Or you didn't survive.
I don't know what happened to people.
I don't get it!
Where is our guts?
Where is our heart?
Are we mice or are we men?
As for me, I'll quote Patrick Henry, man, I'm not going to sit here and play games with these people and let a big pile of pus like this government represents tell me what to do and run over me while they commit all these crimes in front of everybody.
I'm sorry, I'm ranting.
I want to go to our guest.
We can't recognize the two quadrillion we've been signed onto that aren't our dads.
We can't recognize our health going out the door with all the poisons in the food and water.
But, as I said, they've banned Halloween parties at universities everywhere.
Just outright banned many of them because everything's offensive.
Dressed up as a Native American, offensive.
Dressed up as a cowboy, offensive.
Dressed up as a geisha girl, offensive.
Have a Mexican-style fiesta party.
People think it's racist.
They're making language and communication racist, like 1984, where you can't even communicate.
And remember, they say, if you say the Federal Reserve's private, you're racist.
That's secret racist code talk.
ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, has been saying that for 30 years.
But see, it doesn't work anymore, does it?
Everybody knows the Federal Reserve's private.
Nobody knew that 20 years ago.
Now they're not debating is global government being formed.
They're just saying, oh, it's no big deal.
It's the next step.
Totalitarian, unelected, global government whose philosophy is transhumanist eugenicist meets social Darwinism meets robber baron.
And now I take you to our guest who could come on for 10 hours.
I mean, what a hero.
He didn't want to hear this either.
But let me tell you, he is a hero.
Because he was a special agent in the Treasury Department, doing the raids, the whole nine yards.
I'm not going to tell the whole story, most of you know it.
Joe Bannister went and researched, because he was going to go public and expose these people on talk radio, he heard, saying the Federal Reserve is private, and the IRS collects the money for them, and none of it goes to fund the country, and the code's all a fraud, and blah, blah, blah.
And he just said, I'm going to expose these people.
He was going to go public against them.
He was going to come out and speak out against them.
Two years later, he said, oh my God, it's all true.
Now they go on CNBC and admit it.
Yeah, the Federal Reserve is private and the IRS pays them the money.
We're just slaves.
Yeah, they're appointing presidents in Europe now.
The Goldman Sachs is, yeah.
Yeah, they're finding more dead kids at the Royal Family House.
They were raped to death.
Yeah, they found a secret torture dungeon at the BBC where they kill little kids, but no one's going to investigate because of national security.
I mean, you can't make up the evil.
It's been growing under national security auspices in the West since the end of World War II.
Unlimited money, unlimited funding with no repercussions, no oversight.
What do you think is going to happen?
The worst criminals will get in control because it's the only place they're safe.
You get into Homeland Security or top corporate governorship where you're too big to fail and the whole system defends you.
I had a top professor
That I interviewed, and we were in an article in the National Post in Canada, six, seven years ago, and the professor openly told me on the phone, forget their name, they're in the paper, well Alex, if this comes out, we know 9-11's an inside job, but if it comes out, it'll bring down the whole government.
And we want the Western governments to do good, we believe in radical egalitarian socialism, so we, on the controlled left, are not going to expose this.
They were honest.
But see, once you say, too big to fail, we're going to skip this network break to give our guests more time.
Once you go along with the idea that we can't expose evil because it'll bring us all down, you've just signed on to the very worst elements.
They will become the new norm.
And that's how tyranny accelerates.
To the point now that the corruption has reached
I mean, Obama is a dictator now.
He was elected, but he acts as a dictatorial despot.
A totalitarian.
That's all the constitutional lawyers.
That's the former head of the NSA Directorate saying we're under a total takeover of totalitarianism.
I mean, that's what it is!
And now they want to start arresting people for their speech and throwing them in loony bins.
They're like, well, why are you still on air?
Because I'm one of the biggest, loudest mouths.
And they won't go after me until they really drop the hammer.
But believe me, they're going after my name and trying to assassinate my character and trying to set me up all the time.
More than 50 times I was approached in grocery stores and at DVD signings and at bookstores by feds saying, hey, Alexa, you want to blow up stuff together today?
You want to attack the State Department and kill Hillary Clinton?
And I'm just sitting there going, you're like a six foot five, what are you, a marine attached to diplomatic services?
And they totally freaked out because I could just tell by who they were, who they were, and I knew who ran security for Bilderberg, and they all freaked out and ran off.
I mean, they've got six-foot-four Marines that look like they could unscrew your head, folks, trying to set me up, okay?
I mean, I think I was like 45 years old.
That's how evil this government is.
How could you get someone to work against their own countrymen that they know are patriots?
Joe Bannister faced prison twice for his speech.
It was publicized nationwide, his trial, but not when he was found not guilty twice.
They tried to put him in prison for decades for simply speaking about the IRS being a fraud.
And now, I take you to this piece of news.
Walter Scott shooting.
Why you must always question the official story.
The cop, two days ago, gets caught shooting the black man seven or eight times.
He fired eight shots, I think seven hitting.
They're debating the numbers that hit.
In Charlton, North Carolina, South Carolina, a video emerged showing North Charleston, South Carolina, police officer Michael T. Slagger shooting Scott in the back five times.
Fired eight shots total.
Kind of babbling through that without a teleprompter.
And here's the big issue.
You totally believed him, media, and Kit Daniels has an article about this, until the video came out and then the media questioned it.
It's normal to question anybody.
It's not a conspiracy theory or taboo or wrong to question individuals, government, corporations, you name it, especially when they have a history of lying.
And this guy clearly did.
But if you know that some police departments frame people as he got caught trying to do with that taser, dropping the taser on him, then how do you believe the Czarnev brothers carried out the Boston bombing when the older brother worked for the CIA on record?
Russia blew his cover.
He didn't kill a cop like they said.
He was gunned down and run over in front of everybody.
They tried to kill the other brother, then cut his throat out to keep him quiet.
He said he was not guilty.
Lawyer then came out and said, oh, he is guilty, right before the jury, and now he faces the death penalty in sentencing.
I take you now to Joe Bannister, joining us.
And his website is agentfortruth.com.
It's an excellent website.
He's also an author.
But just looking at this, I have the New York Times here.
That we'll put on screen because I can't find it.
Admitting the IRS takes tens of thousands of people's businesses and accounts with no proof of fraud.
And even the New York Times admits it.
They have congressional hearings.
Lawlets, IRS sees accounts on suspicion.
No crime required.
And then Joe Bannister speaks out against this and they try to put him in prison.
This is a totalitarian move.
But how can you believe anything the system says when the DEA for decades has been recording and tracking basically every phone call?
And lying about it.
Joe Bannister, thanks for coming on.
I kind of set the table there with a background of this persecution, and now Lois Lerner, the DOJ, says no contempt charges for former IRS official Lois Lerner.
She gets to persecute tens of thousands of people, wrecking their lives, causing suicides, imprisoning people.
These are the type of folks that came after you.
They're allowed to commit their crimes out in the open, Joe Bannister.
What do you make of that?
Well, thanks for having me on, Alex.
It's been a while, huh?
16 years since we met in that Chinese restaurant in Fremont, California, when you were doing the police state investigation.
The hole is very deep.
You're right.
I mean, I was tired of it a long time ago, as were you, where heads never roll.
You know, Lois Lerner, I mean, right at the tip-top, of course, Obama and the Commissioner of the IRS would be above her, and they're ultimately allowing this to go on.
But even someone like Lerner, and all of the underlings that she was ordering around, no heads roll.
They get their retirements, they get their pensions, their paychecks.
I want to know how they themselves can persecute even mainline pro-life and libertarian groups
And try to put people in prison or deny their 501c3.
I mean, they're just such conscious persecutors.
They're such conscious crooks.
Well, I mean, brimming with evil.
And again, all I can do, and you do so well and so much wider than me, is to try to continue to bang the drum and get the American people in much greater numbers.
To be sick and tired of being treated like chumps.
You remind people of this so frequently.
Let's go back and talk about, just briefly before we look at the current crimes and where you see the world going, because you're a smart guy.
I want to get your take on this.
You have a lot of family that's in law enforcement.
I want to get, you know, basically what they're saying now.
Because you told me previously, they used to think you were wrong.
Now they're, you know, you've said they're pretty freaked out as well.
And that's the same thing I get from other folks that I know as well that are in the enforcement system.
They now are having that moment of truth, like the military, realizing how real all this really is.
The denial's over.
Now is the moment of truth.
But describe for folks what they tried to do to you for simply speaking out about what they were doing.
Well, in a nutshell, Alex, I had some clients after I left the IRS, and frankly, the clients drugged me in, dragged me into dealing with the IRS on their behalf.
And I really wanted nothing to do with the IRS, but a particular client wanted to sue the IRS to get his tax money back.
So he had already paid the IRS the money,
The IRS lays out instructions, procedures to follow if you want to get your money back.
And so the client asked me to help him dot all the I's and cross all the T's to make sure that he followed the rules to try, just try, to get his money back.
Now of course the IRS, there's a civil process that goes on as you try to do that.
And the IRS can simply say no.
And then you appeal to higher and higher levels.
And that's the way it's supposed to work.
That's the way their manuals say it's supposed to work.
That's the way the courts say it's supposed to work.
But what the IRS did is they turned that process, the client trying to seek a refund and using a CPA to help them follow the instructions, they turned that into a criminal activity whereby we were fraudulently seeking a refund.
And it's very typical that the IRS will do this to people.
They'll pull out the criminal prosecution card, the specter of you being a criminal, in order to silence and discredit you.
And unfortunately, there's a fortunate and unfortunate part about this, you have to be charged criminally in order for you to get a jury of your peers to actually evaluate your conduct.
Most of what the IRS does, they do civilly, and there's no jury involved, rarely a judge involved, and so they can unilaterally do all the evil that they do.
But when you're charged criminally, you still have an opportunity for a jury trial, and I had a jury trial in Sacramento, California.
We were a little concerned because
Uh, the majority of the jury pool came from government service.
You know, Sacramento, California is the capital of California, uh, brimming with government, uh, bureaucrats.
And we had quite a few government servants on the jury, and yet they were the ones that were the most awake.
So, you never know how you're going to be surprised, and so June of 2005, fighting four felony counts that would have sent me to club fed for quite a few years, I was acquitted of all the charges, and deservedly so, because the jury saw the most ridiculous allegations, and then when we got to trial, the government had no case.
A couple of the jurors told me after the trial
They said, well, Joe, every time the government brought something up, it actually made you look better.
Aren't they supposed to bring up stuff that makes you look bad?
And I said, well, you know, I didn't have anything that made me look bad, and they couldn't even manufacture anything.
Well, then they came after you again.
There were other, I mean immediately after my acquittal, they started this six and a half year civil investigation.
And of course most of the civil investigations that they do are really just veiled criminal investigations where they gather up as much information as they can on someone and look for any possible angle to prosecute them criminally.
Yeah, it's been ongoing.
I've kind of, I resigned to the fact, I resigned in 1999 from the IRS, but resigned to the fact at that point that I'd probably be dancing with the IRS for the rest of my life.
So I'm kind of, you know, getting what I already expected.
And thankfully, I'm still very appreciative of the rights that do remain that we can still take advantage of.
Well sure, a lot of people will say, this sounds scary, I better submit to them.
But they go after people that go along with the system.
Then meanwhile, upwards of half of Congress doesn't pay taxes or owes taxes, mainly Democrats.
They then don't get in trouble.
Al Sharpton can owe millions of dollars, never pay it.
All the big billionaires have the laws written in the special accounting firms.
And I've had the CPAs and top lawyers tell me, Alex, you're not an insider, you're not allowed to have these tax exemptions and these, you know, the Irish shuffle and all these other things they do that are legal, but the way the IRS interprets it, I can't do it with a little bit of money.
Uh, but if you've got billions and you're part of the establishment, then you can.
And that's what's so frustrating.
I'm sure you saw the New York Times article and the congressional hearings a few months ago, where they just admitted, okay, the IRS does take innocent people's money.
They know they're innocent.
Old ladies that deposit, you know, from their small diner, 600, 700 bucks a day, pay taxes on it.
They now call that criminal, even though it's not criminal, and take everything the old lady's got.
I mean, this is just wild.
And then now we see asset forfeiture seizure through the feds and local police expanding.
I mean, it's getting so naked.
Is it getting worse or are we just more aware of it now?
Uh, I think both.
Frankly, uh, you know, in the 80s is when all the money laundering laws, the structuring laws, it all became, um, had a lot more power in teeth.
It was actually in the 80s that the IRS special agents were, um, enabled to carry their firearms 24 seven.
It used to be prior to the 80s that, uh, they'd have to check their gun out of, of a safe
They rarely would actually carry their gun with them.
So, the money laundering laws, the structuring laws, all these laws that are tripping up the average American.
This is something you speak about so frequently, you know, problem, reaction, solution.
They tell the public that, oh, we have to go after these drug dealers and get all these money laundering laws.
And sure, they could choke up the money launderers and the drug dealers if they wanted to.
But they don't.
But they actually want to use these measures to spy on the American people.
And the financial spying was some of the earliest spying that they did.
I mean, the structuring laws come from the Bank Secrecy Act of 1970.
So the planning occurs many decades ahead of time, and sadly, you know, we collectively as Americans, we keep getting boondoggled that, oh, the target of this is really these bad drug dealers, and I found when I was doing my investigations in the IRS that, wow, why is it that all these bad drug dealers, you know, we may pick off one out of a thousand,
But meanwhile, millions of Americans, every cash transaction that they do, is being monitored.
Well sure, you've seen the regulations change where they've gotten rid of most of the white-collar, armed investigators like you, that go after corrupt billionaires, and the headlines are, you know, more IRS investigators target blue-collar.
I mean, they'll do some $50,000 investigation over $1,000 of some blue-collar guy that can barely pay his bills,
Because they don't want the investigators going after the real criminals.
They want them going after the general public.
Joe Bannister, a true American hero, is our guest.
We're going to be taking your phone calls on the waterfront.
He can talk about any subject.
Michael, Joseph, Jason, Aaron, Dylan, John.
We'll get to all of you.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does Joe Bannister.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I'll be honest with you, I'm not really that big of a thrill seeker, but I do like 700 horsepower in a car and getting out in the middle of nowhere and opening it up.
Only one car in production made in America has that much horsepower.
But at the same time, I like to really take risk fighting tyranny.
It's in my blood, it's in my genes, it's in my guts.
But one reason I get aggressive and I have a lot of energy and I rant and rave is, I'm constantly thinking about all the times they've tried to set me up.
Or had five guys beat me up in a parking lot.
And I gave as good as I got.
And they were surprised that I would even fight back.
I mean, what do you expect?
Never happened again.
But I guess it is surprising that somebody like Joe Bannister would almost go to jail to tell the truth and be persecuted.
But I'll tell you, back when this country was a lot more moral, there were more people like him, so evil couldn't take over.
The evil is not all-powerful.
It's just that good men do nothing.
I think it was Thomas Jefferson said that.
And it's true!
But just the threat.
I mean, if I know there's somebody downstairs in my house, I am going to get so upset about them breaking in that I'm going to come after them.
That's an instinct.
And America has gotten this new inverted instinct to just grovel.
That doesn't protect you.
And so I think that's what I'm really trying to get at here is
People email me and they call me and they say, you're a fear monger.
It's scary talking about the IRS persecuting people.
Well, it's on C-SPAN and the New York Times what Joe Bannister was telling people 16 years ago.
I mean, they put Erwin Schiff's, Peter Schiff's dad in prison.
And I've read the stuff on air.
He's been a guest on my show.
The judge in the ruling put him in jail for decades and said, because you wouldn't stop publishing your book.
We have guests we get on from prison who are then banned from talking to the outside world!
That just happened last week.
I mean, folks, this is what happens in totalitarian countries.
And I... People just have a different perspective than I do, because they hear me talking about the IRS and all the stuff that's happening.
I think, man, this guy's trying to scare us to go along with the government.
And some people think that's why they leave me alone.
The government thinks you're cowards and just thinks that I'm up here telling you all this and you're just going to roll over in fear.
That's not how it works.
Let's say 95% of the public rolls over in fear.
And 5% doesn't.
It's way above that.
The globalists can't carry this out if we don't go along with it.
They need compliance.
We need to stop complying like Joe Bannister did.
Not be complicit in aid-in-the-bed, open criminal activity.
You know, I like the younger Le Pen over in France.
And we're going back to our guest and your calls.
But her dad came out, I think almost to sabotage her, and endorsed the Vichy French
Occupation with the Nazis of World War II.
France stood down and let the Nazis take over.
They didn't fight the Germans.
Hitler was there four days after the invasion in Paris.
Maybe 5%.
Halfway stood up.
And Hitler could barely beat the French.
And the French, who'd conquered much of the world and were known as one of the most warlock aggressive people, got a wimp reputation after that point that isn't even real.
What we have here is a foreign corporate takeover of our government, and you see it happening all over the world, folks.
This is illegitimate!
It should be so easy to say no.
And you know, I know I'm ranting here, Joe Bannister, former Treasury agent who went public with all this information 16 years ago and has been persecuted, but come out of it stronger.
I think what I'm trying to get at is people ask why I'm so animated.
It's because I realize how real this is.
You realize how real this is.
And then I want to just give you the floor to cover other IRS topics and some of the good news.
I know you sent me an email about some of the positive things and then I want to take some phone calls.
We'll be all over the map.
As you correctly point out, you know, part of the reason that we get so animated about this is
Because we actually pay attention to the people that are suffering.
Not only, you know, millions of Americans getting their bank accounts seized and liens put on their homes and financially devastated, but then those people who actually speak up about the IRS and about, you know, why we have an income tax.
Where did it come from?
It's the darling of Karl Marx, not Thomas Jefferson.
But the suffering that goes on.
Kent Hovind, you had him on your show a few weeks ago.
Erwin Schiff.
Another thing you illustrated is how we never know how they're going to attack you.
With you, there was a lot of this cloak and dagger, you know, coming up and whispering in your ear kind of thing.
They never did that to me.
Thankfully, you know, the stuff they had to do to me, they had to come out into the light, the light of a courtroom and a jury.
But there's so many tentacles to the octopus and how many different ways that they can attack you.
And I don't mean that to scare people, but that's why I try to encourage people to educate themselves.
If you think it's bad that Lois Lerner orchestrated this campaign against conservative people,
What about the fact that the income tax, as it's administered and enforced, it's a scam in the sense that most Americans aren't even required to pay the income tax.
There's no statute that's ever been passed by Congress that makes you liable to pay the income tax.
And that's how they got it through without properly ratifying it, was for 30 years after.
This is all in the history books for folks that don't know.
They said, don't worry, it's not for the general public.
Exactly, and that's what kind of, you know, we all have our pet peeve, but I so much wish that the American public, if you're mad that the IRS is attacking, you know, your pro-life group, or your pro-marriage group, or whatever it might be, how about the fact that they've been, they're taking money out of your pockets illegally, and they've been lying to you since, you know, well, since at least World War II, if not really all the way back to 1916, three years after the 16th Amendment.
So the lies are so deep, but the biggest lie is you don't even owe the tax, and we're really paying it just out of, you know, a gun to the head.
Gun to the head.
What about the cliche that, oh, we got to fund the government, it will collapse?
You're an expert on this.
Break that down.
Well, Sally, what people don't understand is the Federal Reserve is much like a credit card advance.
Most people probably understand that.
If you take a $5,000 credit card advance, because you qualify with your credit rating, they'll give you $5,000 in your account.
And as long as you pay the minimum payment every month,
You're fine.
If you stop making the minimum payment, then they'll get ugly with you.
But, you know, let's say, well, in the federal government's case, you have, you know, a trillion dollar cash advance you can take.
And as long as you're making that minimum payment, you're fine.
And, of course, the bankers, what they want to make sure is happening is, where does the government get the money to pay that minimum payment for the cash advance?
They get it from you and me.
And so the government doesn't care if they have to, well frankly, it's easier to lie to you and get you to come forward and give them the money than it is for them to actually tell you the truth or just do it because, you know, the law requires it and then enforce it.
It's so much easier to lie to people and that's what they've been doing for decades.
And I'm just, you know, part of my job, hopefully, is at least to infect the jury pool out there.
There's still Americans that serve on juries.
And I need, we need them to wake up and the next time that there's a tax allegation against some defendant, don't be so quick to accept that the government case that, oh, this is another tax cheat, he doesn't want to pay his fair share.
That's a load of crap, and people need to wake up to that, and how deep the lies go.
The other thing that got to me, Alex, I always thought, well, how can they be so brazen at taking our Second Amendment rights and our First Amendment rights?
What do they think?
And then I realized, well, if they can rip us off, take money out of our wallets via the income tax, and that's a scam,
That most Americans aren't even required to pay it in the first place, well then, sky's the limit!
They can do anything, right?
That's right, and now, if they can arrest reporters for reporting on WikiLeaks, and then ban them from talking to media while they're in federal prison,
Then the sky's the limit.
I mean, that's the thing.
We are so deep into this that I'm really worried about the next shoe to drop.
I do see an awakening, but it's kind of like being awake while you're being burned at the stake or something, Joe.
In your gut, where do you see all this going?
Well, I see hope and I also have great concern.
You know, America, freedom to fascism, which I'm sure a lot of your listeners have seen, but I always encourage people to get that film continue to be seen even by more people.
Aaron Russo did an incredible thing for us before he departed this world.
And he made it with bladder cancer.
He was in great pain while he made that movie.
That's right.
So, you know, watching films like America Freedom to Fascism, realizing that people like myself, or Kent Hovind, or Alex Jones, or anyone that's actually being attacked, they are your neighbor, okay?
Just because your neighbor down the street isn't being attacked, or you're not being attacked, or your cousin isn't being attacked,
Doesn't mean that people are being attacked by the IRS, by the federal government, being tripped up by these thousands of pages of regulations.
And we need to speak up and speak out louder, and what we really need is more numbers.
Sure, but also, the IRS won't even...
Answer calls or tell people how to comply with Obamacare as they prepare to start grabbing bank accounts and paychecks if you don't buy it, and then they lied and said they weren't going to do that.
I mean, it's just the lying, too.
I mean, how many lies do we have to buy from these people?
Well, again, that's why I encourage people to learn a little bit more about these tax laws.
You don't have to be a tax attorney or CPA to recognize the way that the IRS, like, for example, the 1099 situation.
Most people know what a 1099 is, and they think, oh, I paid someone over $600, therefore I need to issue them a 1099.
Look at the regulations governing 1099s, and you'll see
At a minimum, you may not even have to have a social security number put on the 1099, and you may not have to file a 1099 at all.
And that's what the regulations say.
Now, I recognize that the IRS will still try to enforce it as if these are requirements.
Well, it's indentured servitude.
They're making you report on other people in what should just be an open transaction, which is prior restraint and is antithetical to a free society.
That's right.
I mean, everybody knows we didn't have to live through World War Two.
We can read enough about it to know that it was citizens reporting on each other that enabled the tyrants to take over and keep control.
So we've got the same issue going on here.
Why are we reporting on each other?
And why are we reporting to a tyrant?
You know, it's one thing to tell somebody something about someone else, but when you're telling it to a tyrant, somebody with a known track record, as you say so often... That's right.
I mean, have I seen some... Absolutely.
One time there was this grocery store gas station that became a drug dealing operation, and they were obviously running all sorts of stuff out of there.
It was really seedy and gross.
So I did tell the Office of the Police Department about it.
I said, you obviously know this has been turned into a drug dealing brothel house.
Right here off William Cannon, right by my house.
I don't like it.
And nothing was ever done.
I'm not, I'm just saying, that was the local police I told about that though.
I would never call the IRS tyrants, even on my enemies, because then I would be complicit in the tyranny.
You're exactly right.
And you know, we have to recognize the IRS for what it is.
It's a tool, okay?
Individual IRS agents, a lot of them are probably, you know, good people, hard-working.
But of course, the thing that I fault them for is not, again, recognizing that if the agency is harming their fellow Americans, our fellow Americans,
Then they need to speak up about it.
And what's been sad, but not too surprising to me, is how few IRS agents, you know, followed me out the door.
And I don't mean to puff me up like I'm some, you know, great thing.
But you did, Lee.
It was a pretty big group, but statistically very small.
And a lot of those IRS agents are in prison right now.
Uh, well, for example, Sherry Jackson.
I mean, she, she paid a lot higher price than I've had to do.
And of course, that's why I don't, I don't like being called these names like Hero and these things.
I've, I've had it pretty easy, especially when you think of how
People have fought tyrannies and tyrants throughout the centuries.
What did I have to do?
Go to court and prove my innocence?
I've been very fortunate, but there are people that are still suffering even today.
I know there's a lot on our plates in terms of keeping track of all the ways that the tyrant is inflicting harm on us.
But we can't give up.
As you've said, I'm not going anywhere.
It sounds like you're not either.
We have families.
But then our families are getting in the fight.
And that's all we can do.
That's what's great is that your children and your wife, everybody supported you.
So many people, like Wolfgang Halbig and others, you know, his family's not supporting him.
And he's still going forward.
And it's just...
It's just so crazy how corrupt it's gotten and that a cop, because you know this goes on, but to watch this cop plant that taser on the guy he's just killed, that's why the cop's not going to go to prison, is because, you know, he could have said he was scared or thought he had a weapon or whatever and he'd have got fired.
Now he's going to go to prison because he would just cold-bloodedly kill somebody and then try to defame him by framing him.
It just, it makes my head spin.
Well, I'd like to remind everybody that, you know, the Constitution requires an oath that each federal employee, each worker, takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution.
Not their supervisor, not their agency, but the Constitution.
So, the founders, the Constitution designated each and every employee, each and every worker,
To that they had an obligation.
A watchdog.
To support and defend the Constitution.
And when you have everyone policing themselves, how much safer is everyone when that's going on?
But unfortunately in this day and age, they'll take an oath to support and defend the Constitution and never having read the Constitution.
And then they'll go to Southern Poverty Law Center training where they actually demonize the Constitution and say look out for people that talk about it and you've sworn an oath to it.
But isn't it kind of funny how it actually becomes, when they attack you, and this is something I found grudgingly, is that when you get attacked it actually gives you tremendous opportunities.
When you were attacked by Piers Morgan, look what you turned that into.
We probably got 50 more stations out of that and incredible support.
Absolutely, that's what I'm saying.
Going through the fire, being persecuted, at least in my life,
Because a Providence or whatever has only made us stronger each time.
But then I see people they've killed, they've put in prison.
That's why I'm exactly, I mean, if I get put in prison and tortured to death, yes, I'm going to be a hero, folks.
And I don't want that to happen.
If Joe was in prison right now, you could say he's a superhero, like some of the other folks out there.
But in a world of cowards, it is heroic to do what you've done, Joe.
And you went against the peer pressure.
And you know, they have studies that show that physical valor is more common than moral valor under peer pressure.
Uh, and it just takes a lot to go against that peer pressure.
And if we had more people like you in the government, it wouldn't be so out of control corrupt.
Uh, we're gonna go to break.
We're gonna go into Overdrive 2.
Michael, I promise I'm going right to you.
Then Joseph.
Uh, then we're gonna talk to Dylan, Aaron,
John and others.
We got two segments left.
Plenty of time to get to your questions and calls with Joe Bannister.
I know you're all over the map, but he can speak to all of it.
Michael wants to talk about government drug dealing.
Others want to talk about corrupt police.
We got Sheepdog calling in.
He wants to talk about intel.
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Yeah, hi Alex.
Yeah, I've never called in before.
I've been a big fan of yours for a few years.
I heard you talking about the government drug dealing earlier, so that's when I picked up and dialed, because it was weird, because my father, he was in the Green Berets for like 25 years, stationed in Fort Bragg.
And now he's older, he's been retired for a while, and we're just out there drinking coffee the other day with my brother and him.
And he was telling us about back in the 80s, they had an airstrip in Smithfield, North Carolina.
Where they were doing drills and everything and this also shows the compartmentalization because my dad, I mean, he was like in the midst of it, you know.
They're there, like planes are landing with CIA, like C-130, like you always say, like little biplanes.
So they're there, then all of a sudden the DEA shows up and my dad who's there doesn't have a clue what's going on.
They know there's drugs there, but they were told they're confiscating them and disposing of them.
And then the DEA just took it over the whole thing.
Over the whole thing.
And then it was funny because then the next thing I said was, because my dad, he's like brainwashed by Fox News and all that.
He's a good guy, but I was like, yeah, Oliver North,
As soon as I mentioned his name, you know, Master Conspiracy Theory, and he was there and seeing this stuff, and you still can't even talk to these people.
Oh, I've interviewed the CIA people, Terry Reid and others, who saw Oliver North with the Clintons at MENA.
And it is just, it is over the top.
God bless you, Michael.
Amazing call.
Thank you for holding so long.
I didn't have guests on earlier, right out of time, and I hold the callers.
Other talk show hosts just hang up on everybody.
I don't do that.
I try to get everybody.
I want to go to Joseph here in a moment, and others, but Joe Bannister.
I mean, just another example.
My dad's uncle.
I call him his uncle because my dad called him uncle.
He lived across the street.
He was really his first cousin, but older.
It was his mother's sister's first son.
He worked in super secret corrupt stuff and then said no to it and got out of it as an army officer.
I remember when I was a kid, you know, what he was like.
And he told my dad all this stuff.
I mean, but I mean, beyond that, the army hit teams they've got in the US, you name it.
I mean, the public is so naive, Joe Bannister.
Michael brought up a great point about compartmentalization.
I was compartmentalized in the IRS, working in the Criminal Investigation Division, compartmentalized away from the auditors and the collectors.
But once you lift the veil off and you actually lift away the compartments and see the bigger picture, you can see how your particular tasks actually help the tyranny.
So, you know, I would again encourage people to look at the bigger picture, see how you fit into it, and then you can make a better and more informed determination as to whether, you know, you're actually helping tyranny, you're actually helping to steal from your fellow Americans and take away their rights.
We're going to race through calls when we come back.
Joseph, you get a chance to talk to Joseph Bannister.
Then we're going to take the calls in the order they're received.
I might even go into more overdrive to get to everybody.
Joe Bannister is our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us in fullwars.com.
The Globalists do not want that website out.
Tell everybody, folks.
Come on.
It's a fight.
I'm going 100%.
We need your support.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Joe Bannister's our guest.
We're going to 20 after in overdrive here so we can get to John and Dylan and Aaron and Sheepdog and Ted.
And Jason, and have we talked to Jason yet or is it Joseph's up next?
Joseph, you're on the air with Joe Bannister, go ahead.
Alex, my brother in tribulation, good to talk to you.
Good to talk to you, my friend.
Been listening to you a long time.
I'm over here in the High River Valley, George Washington's stomping ground.
He actually stayed in a house up the road here from where I live.
That's right, he surveyed that area, didn't he?
Yeah, he actually named the town that I live in, actually.
But what I was calling in about, you know, just the corruption of the police, you know, it seems countrywide, you know.
But in the past year, you know, I've had state troopers come into my home.
I had three guys burglarize my house.
And one of them got hurt, you know, didn't shoot him or anything.
Anyway, like 17 cops show up, break in and take my shotgun out of my wife's hand.
And I mean, that's nothing.
I waved at some cops one day, just in the past few months, actually.
They pulled over, bugging their eyes out, you know.
Oh, we're going to beat you down and all this stuff.
But what I'm getting at is just probably about a month ago, I had a cop knock on my door, and he said, yo, state police, open up.
I said, well, do you have a warrant?
I asked him that, and I heard him out there, like, grunting and stuff.
Within three seconds, they kicked my door in half, had me down on the floor, started kneeing me in the back.
You know, they took me for five or six hours.
Nobody even knew they had me, you know.
Essentially, they took me to jail, you know what I mean, for asking them if they had a warrant.
Why were they there?
Did some neighbor make something up, or what happened?
Well, I guess there was an altercation out on the street, you know, like a week before.
My girlfriend was at church, and, you know, she had, like, a problem with these girls.
They came in, you know, and I guess I made one of them mad.
That was his excuse.
He's like, oh, you're a smart aleck.
So they made a plan to come back the next week and they planned it.
You know, but what I'm getting at, just the lawlessness, you know, the law is all we have.
I don't know.
Well, as you mentioned, Alex, I have relatives in law enforcement.
Two of my brothers are police officers and one's a battalion chief firefighter.
My brother, my youngest brother, Jeff, the San Jose police officer, he was just at a funeral last week for a San Jose police officer who was shot with a rifle approaching basically a domestic disturbance call in San Jose.
So, you know, I can see it from both sides and all I can do is try to really encourage both the police and the public, you know, be professional, be calm.
Sure, society is degenerating.
Every metric shows it.
And George Soros wants us to have a war with police.
What's your take on that?
Well, to resist that exact
Yeah, they want us all to hate each other while the foreign banks loot us.
I mean, it's real simple.
I mean, it's like criminals will set a fire to rob a bank or to rob a warehouse to divert.
They want a mini civil war to divert while they're robbing us.
I mean, it's so elementary.
We need the police to adhere to the Constitution, and do their jobs, and be polite and professional with the public.
But by the same token, the public needs to
Be good citizens and act like a good citizen so that the police can see the difference.
Now, you're still going to encounter, you know, the tyrant cop, but don't think that that applies to them all.
I mean, the banister boys are out there and they're good guys and they see what it's like, you know, what it's like to be a real cop and a good cop.
We're not going to play into the globalist Civil War plan.
Or at least we're going to try not to.
We're going to come to another break.
Final break.
Come back with Jason and everybody else.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Joe Bannister, the former treasury agent of the IRS who exposed the fact that it's all a giant fraud, is on with us live.
One more segment.
Let's go to Jason in Massachusetts, then Sheepdog, and others.
Go ahead, Jason.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
You there?
Yes, sir.
Hey, guys.
Joe, I just want to say, Alex, it's a huge honor to speak with you.
America, Freedom, and Fascism was one of the first movies I ever actually watched that woke me up.
And I'll never forget the scene from that documentary where the gentleman's business was broken into and his whole life was turned on its head.
So I just want to say thank you for all your work.
Do you know why I'm not in that movie?
I really resent the fact that the TSA was just starting all the genital groping when he was making that in like 2006 or whatever it was.
And I was so mad I was boycotting flying at the time and Russo wanted to fly me out to California.
Because he was too sick to add a few interviews in there.
He didn't want people to know he had cancer.
And we were friends.
We talked all the time.
And I'm like, you know, Joe, just send a crew.
I mean, I said, Aaron, I said, send a crew out here and do it.
And he goes, no, just come out here, Alex.
Come on.
Come on, sweetie cake.
That's how you talk to you off air.
Really New York character and Brooklyn character.
I'm in the field, Alex.
I sell capital equipment through the account for the production of vaccines, drugs, you name it, down this whole spectrum, diabetes drugs.
And you'd be surprised about the lack of quality control in a lot of these institutions.
It's really a joke.
We're talking about calibrated instruments, not calibrated for years at a time.
It's really, and the science is lacking in itself.
I just have one more comment also, if you want to, you know, if you want to go ahead, but absolutely.
All my friends out there feel like they go through this awakening process, right?
And I wake them up.
We're good.
They just go off the deep end.
Everything is a conspiracy theory.
They can't conceptualize the actual fact.
You know, I'm glad that you just crystallized that because I want to do a whole video or a whole show.
And of course, one person who's off the deep end isn't off the deep end to another person.
People can say I'm off the deep end.
But I at least cover things that are really going on.
You can disagree with a perspective or how I'm basically laying it out.
But yeah, a lot of people wake up to what's happening
But then they don't believe anything and then they almost think they can make reality.
That's a conspiracy theorist is just when they think.
Anything could be if they make it up.
They're kind of like fiction writers that apply that to reality.
Well, that's what the establishment is.
They just make up a bunch of stuff that Obamacare lets you keep your doctor and the Federal Reserve's federal and 2 plus 2 equals 5.
So it's more just delusion because people are lazy instead of actually... I see this all the time and I want Joe Bannister's take on it.
He's a smart guy.
I want his expertise on understanding it.
I will go.
Here is the passive aerosol spraying program, Department of Energy, $5 billion a year.
Here are the patents.
They add it to the jet fuel.
It aerosolizes.
They say it's a global sunscreen program.
The guy won the Nobel Prize in 92 for it.
But they won't give us the details of what they're doing.
They just admit it's happening.
And people go, oh, we don't care about that.
You know, 20,000 views on YouTube.
But then if I just randomly, or one of my reporters does, calls it chemtrails and says, what's this?
And it's just 5 million views and everybody talks about it.
It's like Emergency Centers Establishment Act, Civilian Inmate Labor Camp Program, RECS 84, CableSplicer.
These are Miami Herald, Congressional Studies, videos of C-SPAN.
I can prove they've built emergency relocation centers around the country.
But if you go pointed at some random building and say, we think there might be a guillotine in there, it'll have 50 million views, I won't do that.
But I don't get why the public loves to either believe the government lies or the opposite, believe the most vague rumor.
But then when you're giving them bonafide proof, they just will not look at it.
Joe, have you seen that or what would you call that paradox?
I have seen it and I hope I'm not guilty of it myself, but what I try to encourage people to do is remember that as you educate yourself and become more aware, others aren't necessarily following along.
And so it's so important so that you stay in tune with those people and you're able to communicate with them.
You need to try to remember as best you can what it was like before you were awakened.
And I'm not saying to just act like you're asleep.
But continue to be calm and patient and, you know, especially the patients.
I had a family member, I might have said this to you once before, who was really angry with me when I left the IRS.
And I just took it, you know, and I didn't really get that upset about it.
And it took a few years, but eventually that family member came to me and apologized without me saying anything about, you know, I've come to realize why you did what you did and how dangerous, you know, the things have become.
So that kind of illustrates to me how you we have to just really muster the patience.
And people will come around.
Well, I have a real estate lawyer.
I mean, I don't know him well, but I've used him on a few transactions.
He's one of the top lawyers in Austin.
And he's a former high-level state judge.
And I mean, I've had conversations with him.
And it sounds like he's, you know, one of us.
And the guy's a former Democrat.
And then I ran into another high-level state judge.
And the guy stops me.
And I thought I recognized him.
I went and looked him up later.
Sure enough, it was him.
And he stopped me in an office building, and he goes, I'm Judge Sutton Sudge, you know, I just want to say, I think you were nuts, but he goes, this IRS thing, targeting families, targeting groups, doing this, he goes, this is totalitarianism.
You're absolutely right, and I apologize to you.
And, but I mean, exactly.
People who aren't criminals themselves just can't believe it's going on because they're compartmentalized in the system.
But as this decompartmentalization happens, people are going to have that moment of truth.
What does your gut tell you is going to happen, Joe Bannister?
Well, I think the critical mass is getting there, Alex.
As you've mentioned before, it's a sprint to the finish line and it doesn't always get pretty near the finish line in terms of what the tyrants, they pull out the hats and the bats and the guns.
We've seen this happen in the Middle East.
We're doing everything we can to avoid that from happening.
And I think you're so right how we can make these changes in a non-violent manner.
It can happen, but we need more people on board rowing the boat.
And it's a war of ideas.
You know, so many revolutions are successful when they're non-violent.
They're just not called a revolution later.
That's one of the biggest psy-ops, is how they brand a revolution as violent, when those hardly ever work, because they want you to try what doesn't work, or tends to bring in something worse, when it's the velvet revolutions of ideas that happen, and it's called a renaissance.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dylan in South Carolina.
Thanks for holding your on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I know I don't have much time left on here because I know we're in overdrive, so I'm just going to get straight to the point quickly.
It's fortunate that the shooting in North Charleston here a couple days ago was resolved peacefully.
I actually have pictures in my possession of what a Charleston County police have in their armory that they're probably itching to use really bad.
They have multiple Bearcat armored vehicles.
They even have an armored mobile command center.
And they even have flying surveillance drones and over 200 M16 automatic rifles.
We actually also have a steel manufacturing company that produces MRAPs here in South Carolina that's only about 30 or 45 minutes away from Charleston.
And they've been producing them ever since 2007, I think.
And back in October in 2014, there's a nearby city named Somerville.
They actually have flying drones, metal detectors, and even a SWAT team on standby at a homecoming football game.
I know, it's all part of conditioning the public in preparation for economic collapse.
You're of course talking about the town where the cop got caught shooting the black man in the back and then framing him with a taser.
And of course the media bought into what the police said until
The video surfaced, and Kit Daniels has an article on InfoWars.com about that right now, but my point here is, again, they're pre-positioning the economic collapse, they tell the cops they're in a war, get ready for it, then they act like they're soldiers, then they get attacked, then they get federalized, when they know statistically the police are pro-Second Amendment, on average, and more apt to not go along with the globalists, so that's why this sophisticated sob's going on, but you notice,
Jurisdictions like this one in North Charleston, South Carolina.
Places like Albuquerque.
It's certain departments, and I've been now looking over the history of this department and this officer himself, and it's definitely a bad department from what I've seen.
You're saying you're a local.
I would love you to send us those photos and your commentary.
We do an article around that, Dylan.
Sure, what's the best way I can send them to you?
Just say something like North Charleston photos and send them to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com and then write a description to them and then we'll try to do it.
We'll first call and ask them about their NRAPs.
We'll do a search.
I'm sure they've shown them in public so we'll mesh them up with your photos.
We'll do some research and then we'll put a story out.
Alright, will do.
It's real simple, we'll just look at their MRAP, search that term, compare the numbers on it to what you give us, and then people just like the fact that it's inside the armory.
And if the public's not been shown it, and if they won't let us in, we can then call it secret armory.
Which it is, if it is.
And then we can get people to pay attention.
And I'm not a manipulator, but I'll just tell people point blank.
No one cares if I say inside the weapons cache of the South Carolina department that, you know, executed the black man.
No one's gonna care.
If I say inside the secret armory.
And there has been a secret buildup.
But see, it's that same thing where it's just folks will not
They care about something that's admitted.
They only want to care about what is like a whodunit Agatha Christie deal.
And I gotta tell you folks, 95% of the New World Order is out in the open.
And that's what's so frustrating about this is that you're not hearing what I think's going to happen.
You're hearing what they'd like to do.
So the only way I'm going to be wrong is if we succeed in slowing it down or stopping it.
Then I get blamed for all that's not coming true.
But you notice, that's not happening because it's almost all come true.
Thank you, Dylan.
Showtips at Infowars.com.
Let's put him on hold and give him...
Some of the other more internal emails so that doesn't get lost, John.
Thank you, John Harmon.
I want to go to John Aaron Sheepdog and Tim Sheepdog in a moment.
We're skipping this network break and going right to the bottom of the hour and then letting Joe Bannister get out of here.
And I've got a conference call on launching this system on satellite and TV stations nationwide.
So I've got to go at the bottom of the hour.
But briefly, hearing what he just talked about.
Remember when I was down there making a police state film in 99 covering Urban Warrior, which tried to confiscate guns in the Bay Area on record?
Nobody was talking about it then.
Now at least there's a national debate.
Joe Bannister?
Very much agreed, Alex.
And I mean, even when I think back of how little of the, you know, the pit that I saw,
And how much more you saw even back then.
I think your conversation with the judge illustrates how it's so beneficial that you delve into so many different areas.
And even myself, who focuses on taxation.
But we need to make our presentation as wide as possible.
Because you never know what line in the sand you're going to help someone cross.
With the judge, it had to do with the IRS.
But for someone else, when they see the arming of the police departments, that might be their line in the sand.
So it's really important to have a wide variety of topics because there's a wide variety of people out there with their lines in the sand that they haven't crossed yet.
But once you show them that key piece of information, all of a sudden they're with us.
And the globalists have done the math, and they know the military, number one, and police, number two, are some of the most awake people because they've been decompartmentalized, living it, that they're natural allies of local government and state government to take the country back.
That's why they want a civil war.
And I get a lot of criticism going, what's this butt-kissing of the police?
You're the guy that exposed the police state.
Yeah, so the globalists couldn't take over the police.
I tried to stop that.
It didn't mean I hated the average cop.
And, I mean, it's simple.
George Soros wants a war on the police to drive them into the Fed's arms and fully complete their journey to the dark side.
That's what's going on.
John Inwisk, no, no, Sheepdog's up next, sorry.
Sheepdog and then John.
You're on the air, Sheepdog, who's on the open road somewhere out there in a FEMA region.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
What's up, brother?
I'm a truck driver now.
I'm actually a former worker for JPMorgan Chase for about 10 years.
I was laid off about two years ago, and that was the happiest day of my life.
Uh, but I still have friends there and pretty high up in the corporate ladder, and one of them sent me a letter yesterday that was sent out by Jamie Dimon to all the corporate executives.
It has some very spooky wording in it.
It basically, I only got sent a screenshot of the first part of the letter, but the first three bullet points
That's what I wanted to bring up on the show.
Please, please, please, please.
Sugar on top.
Send that to ShowTipsAtInfoWars.com.
But tell us what's in it.
Yeah, the first bullet point is it basically says we have an outstanding franchise.
Our company has emerged as an endgame winner, but we need to earn it every day.
The second bullet point is we build for the long term.
We manage through the cycle and we always are prepared for the toughest times.
I do.
Sir, that is so dynamite.
Promise me, and I'll take all the headers and stuff off, but we've had national news so many times with internal bank stuff.
Pretty please, will you... How fast can you email me that internal chase document?
I can do it right now.
I stopped at a rest area so I can speak to you.
Okay, um... I'm gonna tell John Harmon, I'm gonna go off air here for just a minute and give him, um... give him a private email.
Oh yeah, that's right.
He's not on the Genesis system.
I forgot their phone system's down.
Yeah, when you're done with this call... Yes, sir.
We'll just get your number and then I'm going to hand you off.
Probably Paul Watson, because he writes a lot of the banking stories, but screenshot it, whatever, just get me that document.
That is so creepy.
You know, he's in the news today saying get ready for a huge crisis.
Did you know that?
No, I didn't.
I haven't seen that yet.
You know, one of the things that, you know, I like to do out here, I talk to every driver I can.
There's a lot of them that are awake out here.
The one thing that your store is lacking that I would be the first one to purchase
Would be, uh, if you made an InfoWars set of mud flaps for, for truck drivers.
That would be huge.
Weldon Henson's listening right now, and, uh, we could even go with our own style Yosemite Sam and say, back off my rights, InfoWars.com.
Oh, that'd be beautiful.
I'd have him on immediately.
I hate tyrants.
All right, listen, we're going to put you on hold, sheepdog.
Don't leave.
I want to see that document.
Get it emailed to showtipsandinfowars.com.
By the way, so many times we've gotten a Goldman Sachs or other document, and people don't believe it, and then, like, 20 more get sent in.
So I would imagine folks have that Chase document.
We really need those.
But yeah, in-game for Fortress Takeover.
We're in-game players.
Well, yeah, they engineered the last Great Depression.
That's their whole ballgame.
Wow, that was a chilling call, wasn't it, Joe Bannister?
I'll say that the plans call for us to be locked out of the party, don't they?
Well, Homeland Security has a declassified nationwide takeover plan called Operation Endgame.
It's just unbelievable!
We're going to be left out in the cold unless we wake up very, very rapidly.
Yeah, I mean, that's the thing.
A lot of people saw this 50 years ago and fought it, and they were mainly military officers, people in Congress, and police chiefs and folks who were being brought into some of this and saying, I'm not going to go along with it.
They held it back for so long.
Now it's here.
But the good news is,
We've been making provision for it, so we're not flat-footed.
I think the globalist plan didn't have that in mind.
John in Wisconsin, thanks for holding her on the air with Joe Bannister of AgentForTruth.com.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I'm glad you got your problem solved after about 14 years.
Oh yeah, my hernia?
Thank you.
This whole thing with Rand Paul yesterday in the news, that was the setup.
They did that purposely.
They put those women up there.
And to push his buttons and... Oh yeah, now it's the women in World Cup.
They don't like him.
Oh, of course.
Huge PR rollout.
Yeah, and now I see while I was waiting to get on to talk to you that they're going to release the dash cam footage of that shooting.
The police officer and that black guy.
And we'll see how edited that comes out.
And then one of my constituents here in Wisconsin got an ad that O'Hare
We're coming back from Turkey because he couldn't get into Syria today.
So, everything is going real well with the country.
Oh, yeah.
God bless you.
I love Jon's voice.
You can be like a character in a movie.
Aaron in Washington.
Moving quick.
We'll try to get Ted in Tennessee.
Go ahead, Aaron.
Hey, I must say that since you've taken the shirt off, you look amazing, Jones.
You really look yoked and everything, so congratulations.
Alright, look, I still don't look great, but I look a lot better than I did.
I've lost over 60 pounds, so I'm just showing folks what the products did.
If I could just suggest another good supplement, it's called Elysium Health.
And they have a great basis product if your info warriors want to check that out.
Can I live in the golden fields of Elysium?
I might try it.
There's a lot of great supplements out there.
I'm just saying we've got some really good ones and I appreciate folks supporting us.
Aaron, you're calling in from the District of Criminals.
What's your take on Rand Paul?
I'm sorry, it dropped.
I didn't hear you.
I see you called in about Rand Paul.
What's your take on that?
Listen, I think Rand Paul is great.
I'm just concerned that you might be a liability for him.
Do you think he's willing to take you on board?
Because I think you could be the guy that is his mouthpiece.
No, he listens to a bunch of establishment guys.
He's going through the system trying to win.
He's a good guy.
I could get him on the show.
I had him on a couple years ago.
I don't even try because I'd have to call him up at home the last time his people wouldn't let me through.
And I said, you know, I don't like the fact that he said he wanted to come on and you're doing this.
So I had to call him up at home.
And I'm just not going to do that or call his daddy up.
I don't even care.
I mean, obviously, yes, they're going to try to make me a liability, and if he says it's a liability, then he's gone to their trap.
People want someone who's radical.
They want someone who makes a major, you know, break with the system.
They're sick of the establishment vomit.
Aaron, I gotta jump.
Sorry to Ted in Tennessee.
You'd be our tail gunner, but we're out of time.
But what is your take on, should we water down what we're saying, Joe, or should we double down?
I think we should double down.
Of course, I'm not running for office, but I think it's so important.
I mean, Americans need to look at the track record of the Republican establishment.
They talk about making heads roll.
They put on a good...
Performance there at these hearings, but what ends up happening?
So do you want someone that's going to keep on saying we're going to get you and never do?
Or do you want somebody that actually makes things happen?
They've been coming after Rand Paul.
That's why you know he's the good guy.
Joe Bannister, thank you so much.
The GCN Radio Network.
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