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Name: 20150326_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 26, 2015
2550 lines.

In a monologue, Alex Jones discusses topics including national security, Jade Helm drills in Texas, government control over information, and media portrayal of events. He also mentions being on a list of people targeted for assassination. Infowarslife.com offers a potent form of oregano oil. Jones, Paul Watson, and others discuss military operations within the United States, including the use of foreign troops in exercises, the militarization of police forces, and drone surveillance of citizens. They express concern over globalist forces undermining U.S. sovereignty and commit to exposing these practices.

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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Last week, we had William Binney, former technical director of the National Security Agency, in studio with us for about an hour and a half.
That's basically at the top of the pyramid.
But coming up in the third hour, we're going to have a guest on who was with us about a year ago, who was at the bottom of the pyramid.
And that's a very important place to be because that's where the real rubber meets the road.
That's how Snowden was able to get so much because he was a quote contractor that had to have all the systems integrate together in and work.
And that's the data point that foreign governments, corporations and others would actually try to get in through and then monitor not just private networks, public networks, but the NSA network.
You heard William Benny
Talk about the fact that they will not allow any monitoring of who goes on the NSA network.
I'm going to say that again.
They've got machine gun nests and minefields around NSA buildings as if the public would try to sneak over a fence and go in.
But they do not allow any monitoring of who goes on the network so data can be stolen and be wide open.
See, all this national security is there to protect the globalist takedown of America.
That's not rhetoric.
That's what's happening.
In fact, at about 6 a.m.
this morning, I was up reading Jade Helm News, and I was reading a Houston Chronicle article titled, Covert Warfare Coming to Texas Sparks Some Fears of Federal Takeover That Attacks Us, and I knew what hit me like a ton of bricks, but I hadn't really set it on air.
The drill, the two-state, two-month drill, joint forces,
is about causing a stir and then allaying the fears and testing their psyops on the American people through the media.
I mean, they admit in the document that it is to condition the public to accept the military presence.
I mean, they quote in there that it's about working with local police and the general public.
That's not for overseas.
I've been to countless of these drills.
It's been declassified.
You heard callers where they'd be an Army Ranger and they'd have them in D.C.
just going around in EPA uniforms setting up sniper nests just to randomly simulate taking out Americans.
It was released in lawsuit so last year, the two years before that, the FBI had snipers in place to decapitate the leadership of Occupy Wall Street.
And it wasn't that they were even against Occupy Wall Street or for them.
It was actually Obama-funded and Soros-run on record.
Let's just say Obama-run, Globalist-run, Soros-funded.
It was about just seeing will the FBI snipers go out and train their beads
on peaceful demonstrators under a martial law scenario to decapitate.
I mean, let me explain something, folks.
It's on a list.
Tens of thousands of Americans under different scenarios that are being taken out.
And they've got large, I mean, we're talking 10,000 persons, what I estimate hit team in the U.S.
where they will task them with going out and killing someone every day for a month until everybody on the list is dead.
Now, once this starts, it's not gonna be easy.
The first few rounds, it'll be easy to kill people.
And I'll guarantee you, I'm on the top of the list.
Ron Paul, top of the list.
It'll just be Alex Jones shot himself, Ron Paul shot himself, or Ron Paul died in a grease fire.
Ron Paul died in a car wreck.
Ron Paul got hit while riding bicycle.
I mean, and you'll just suddenly, all those people are dying, and, oh, those conspiracy theorists think we're wiping people out.
I mean, they've killed like 500 microbiologists now.
We're not.
They've had them in Houston, where they, like, run over the guy with a van and then back, back over him in the university in a 10-mile-an-hour speed zone, and the police say, no investigation.
Not even a hit-and-run investigation.
They run over you, back, back over you.
Nothing to see here.
Move along.
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Another major health threat.
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Ohio's governor declaring a state of emergency.
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We're live, broadcasting worldwide.
I'm Alex Jones, and we're not in Mayfair.
The British are coming!
The British are coming!
Now the ride of Paul Revere Set the nation on its ear And the shock that Lexington heard round the world When the British fired in the early dawn The war of independence had begun The die was cast, the rebel flag unfurled
And on to Concord, marched the foe, to seize the arsenal, there you know.
Waiting folks, searching all around.
Till our militia stopped them in their tracks, at the old North Bridge, we turned them back, and chased those Redcoats back to Boston Town.
And the shocker around the world, was the start of the revolution.
The men and men were ready on the move.
It happened that they had planned, if the British was ever to come over here, that they'd put a light up in this high church steeple.
And Paul went down there to look, and sure enough,
Well, Paul, he jumped on his old horse and he lit out.
He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he had to go somewhere.
Oh, I wish you could have seen it.
That old horse with his ears laid back and his nostrils wide open, sucking in wind like a jet engine.
Feet pounding on them cobblestones, striking off sparks.
Paul holding on for dear life and a hollering at the top of his lungs.
He says, the British is coming!
The British is coming!
Get your gun, we gonna have us a revolution!
And them farmers come a-piling out of the hay like bead out of a beehive.
Minute men, they's called.
What's minute men?
Minute men?
They's fellas that had to be ready at a minute's notice.
And when Paul comes screeching down the road that way, they grab their guns and head out behind the weeds and walls and trees and everywhere.
And when the British come a-pranks and all dressed up in their red suits, they let them have it.
It was a sight to see.
And then it happened.
They fired the gun!
They fired the gun.
And the shot was so loud, it was heard clear around the world.
Oh, get out!
It's bad.
That's the way this country started.
It started when the empire came out and openly said it was going to disarm the people, and that it was going to put unelected governors over the colonies.
And you look at what's in the Declaration of Independence, the reasons for the rebellion against tyranny, and we are living under far greater oppression today.
And the preparations for the complete annihilation of every check and every balance are being made and are being launched right now.
There are counter movements as well.
We're going to cover the good, the bad, and the ugly here.
That's the commitment you get from yours truly, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Thursday, the 26th day already of March 2015.
We have a telecom insider from the ground floor.
We talked to William Benny at the top of the NSA, now we're going to talk to somebody at the bottom.
And when I say the bottom, it's not really the bottom, because sometimes the bottom's the top.
When it comes to actually being able to get into the infrastructure and know what's really there, it's where the rubber meets the road is where you find reality.
We've had the whistleblower insider on before about a year ago.
He's going to be joining us coming up in the third hour.
James Knox.
Hadn't been on with us in over a year.
And of course, he was breaking down the Snowden grid, the Snowden documents that showed the infrastructure specifics.
We know about the technology and how it works, but he was going over the specifics from the ground level and confirming and adding to the information we have from the first Snowden major data dump.
We'll also get his take on what he thinks Snowden's talking about when he says he may release information that will bring down Western governments.
They've psychologically inoculated us where we pretty much accept anything.
I don't know.
They could come out and say that the President's molesting children and the Trendies wouldn't care.
We've really become a broken nation where we'll accept anything.
And I say that very sadly.
We have to find our conscience, find our dignity again, and start to stand up against the incredible dehumanization.
There's so much unbelievable news, and I'm going to go over all of it today.
It's just over the top.
But first I wanted to mention an article out of BizPacReview.
UberLiberal Cosmopolitan Magazine just admitted babies can feel in the womb.
In a twist of irony, Cosmopolitan Magazine told its readers babies can feel in the womb.
And it was showing babies jolt awake and get high off the stimulant that is cigarettes, that is the poison nicotine.
And they were lecturing women not to smoke because you've got to take care of your baby.
Well, what about, there's so many ironies here, I'm going to go over my perspective.
A, you're not supposed to give pregnant women vaccines until five years ago.
Now they claim it's wonderful that you should, quote, take extra, when they know it causes miscarriages and deformities and all sorts of other problems.
But then they say, oh, pregnant women get your shots.
Well, then pregnant women smoke five packs of cigarettes and drink a gallon of whiskey, too.
No, it's not.
Must be good for you.
But the larger issue here is they show these 3D ultrasounds that, by the way,
Different states are trying to ban.
California and others.
They don't want you to see these.
This is what's killing abortion, is the 3D images of the babies.
When you go in and get an ultrasound now, they don't give you a super high-def one.
Because there might be something, quote, wrong, and you might want to terminate.
I've got friends that have recently gone in to have ultrasounds at the nicest hospital in Austin.
When I had children years ago, just six years ago of our last child,
They showed us low res and I said, why?
And they went, well, uh, well, I know why.
And I checked out the machine they had.
They could turn it up and have it be 3D, but they don't want to humanize.
With the ultrasound, they want it all black and white and gray where you can barely make out the sex and barely... That's because that's a window into social engineering.
You want to know why I get a headache doing this show almost every day now?
Because I look at one article and a hundred data points go out.
First I think of four or five angles, then I think of twenty angles, then a hundred angles, and then the headache hits.
Because you can take one article and understand the whole world.
Propaganda, disinformation, manipulation, all of it.
So I see something like the Cosmopolitan article and I get a headache.
You want to hear some of the other angles I see in this?
Why are we calling them liberals?
Because, oh, they say babies might feel... Oh, they're the liberal authorities that we all listen to, that condescend to us, and lecture us all day, and tell us what language to use, and how to act, and who to associate with, and what our kids are going to eat in school.
And, wow, they admit babies can feel!
How sweet of them!
Why, Hitler was nice to his German Shepherd, Blondie.
Don't write cuss words on your airplane but drop napalm on villages.
It's the same deal.
It's mental illness.
And they know what they're doing.
They're teaching people mental illness viruses.
Much of mental illness is not genetic or chemical or even, you know, nature.
It is nurture.
They are teaching people how to be mentally ill.
It is mental illness to
Obsess all day over sexual preferences and over is someone racist and let's have a discussion about race when you buy coffee.
That is meant to create a totally confused ship of people fighting with each other.
A total Tower of Babel.
Anybody knows that?
You go in your office, this is an office of like 40-something people, then some of the folks work outside the office.
I've learned over the years, anybody likes to gossip and stir up trouble, I just gotta get rid of them.
Because that's what they do.
That's their little mental illness.
They go in circles their whole life, chasing their tail, never trying to build something or do something or affect the outside.
They don't have missions.
Their missions are screwing with everyone.
We've all run into those people.
That's what the social engineers are, because they want us all to be failures.
They want us all to have chips on our shoulders and imagine things that aren't there.
And be filled with all these mindless anxieties that aren't connected to any real threat, while the real threat is we're being conquered by a technocratic elite establishing world government, writing hundreds of articles a week, thousands of books over the years, thousands of documents, admitting the world government they're going to build that is a hell hole for the average person.
It's gonna be so bad you're gonna wish you were dead.
Unless you're in one of the high-tech pleasure cities and you're gonna be bombed out of your brain on entertainment and drugs.
And it's all just ushering humanity out the door like aliens from Alpha Centauri's landed and set all this up.
I mean, it's that evil, that sophisticated.
The elite might as well be, as I've said, enemy aliens, shapeshifters, like David Icke says, and I don't really believe that.
The point is, the allegory still stands.
It might as well be that.
Because that's what they are, is anti-human snakes.
We have a report coming up, BBC less tolerant of climate skeptics than pedophiles.
Yeah, well, they're rolling out the pedophiles.
So that's where we stand as a society and as a civilization.
And I can keep going.
Now, I'm done talking about that.
What are we going to hit today?
There's some good news.
House effort would completely dismantle Patriot Act.
Gloveless will just blow some more buildings up to get us to go along with it.
Russia has constructed massive underground shelters in anticipation of nuclear war.
One of them, the Pentagon says, is 400 square miles.
We're going to get into the economy, the latest on Jade, Helm, and more.
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We're on the march, the empire's on the run, but they're fleeing forward.
Alright, let me give you the headlines, then we're gonna burrow into all of them.
Tornadoes hit Oklahoma, Arkansas.
One dead, several injured.
Look at this insane headline.
officials, military worries about easing transgender ban.
Another article, second graders taken on field trip given sex kits, lube and condoms.
If somebody gave that to your kid in the backyard, they'd go to jail for pedophilia.
Or soliciting it.
But the government doesn't.
It's okay.
Again, I don't hate men that think they're women.
They're women that think they're men.
They've gone in and done, you know, studies on them.
As soon as the man has a female brain, that stuff happens naturally.
But they're pushing it as like an option on the menu now, where, you know, you go to the thing and it has beef, chicken, pork, and fish.
And then now you go and there's a anteater on the menu.
Nothing against anteaters, but the anteaters aren't usually on the menu.
They're pushing it.
Kind of like they've overfished the ocean so they push tilapia on the menu at every restaurant you go to, like it's some fine fish.
Tastes fine, I'm just saying.
They are pushing this stuff because they don't want you having kids and they don't want families.
So at the end of the day, it's an anti-human operation.
If you were space aliens brought here, you'd add stuff to the water in a long-term program, demonize the family to break it up, and demonize having children to begin phasing out the humans.
So again, that's the alien agenda.
I'm not saying it's aliens.
I am transcending the debate and going, this is what aliens would do.
You start thinking about it that way, you're like, my God, I see the whole attack.
The elites are a predator class who see themselves as a new species.
BBC, look it up.
And within breeding and things, they are a new species.
They have a whole other strand of mutated DNA.
You look at the British Royalty and others.
Just like an inbred breed of dog will be really smart sometimes, but really weird and have all sorts of disorders and do mean weird things.
Like Siamese cats.
We are Siamese if you please.
We are Siamese if you don't please.
Where there are babies there is milk nearby.
Alright, I am really acting goofy today.
My kids love that in Lady and the Tramp.
In fact, can we queue up?
I bet that's online.
Siamese cats from Lady and the Tramp.
Can we have a little bit of fun and play that?
Because that's what the politicians remind me of.
There is that creature swimming around and around.
Oh boy.
Why play the original?
Your version's better.
You think so, CJ?
Where there are babies, there is milk nearby.
But the Democrats and Liberals are.
Well, there are babies that are organs nearby.
I'd butcher a baby for you and butcher a baby for me.
But I'd take your child if they play at park.
And they false flag and blame the dog.
Here's the Patriot Movement trying to stop the race wars, trying to stop the fight with the police.
We get blamed for everything.
That thing swimming round and round?
Maybe we could reach in and make it drown.
If we sneak in up upon it carefully.
That's exactly how cats are, tearing the blinds up.
There will be a head for you, a tail for me.
The bad dog trying to save the fish.
I think it's at the intro when they go up the stairs they go, where there are babies there is milk nearby.
I gotta stop it right now.
I say that to my youngest daughter and she just giggles every time.
I just drive in the car I say it like 50 times.
Well, there are babies that is milk nearby.
Say it again, say it again, say it again, say it again.
Well, there are babies that is milk nearby.
And my dad was at the beach with my mom.
He's like, stop, stop, stop, no.
What else was I doing that was driving him crazy?
I was doing something else that he was just like, please stop it.
I know Pat Riley was over at the house.
We were cooking steaks.
He saw it.
He was there.
I need to call Pat up and ask him what that was that was making my dad so mad.
See, this is a lot more fun than covering all this horrible news.
You know what?
Jade Helms is just fine, everybody.
Military's not being turned into a domestic force.
There's no police state.
There's no NSA.
There's no flora on the water.
They're not openly announcing they're getting ready to take your pension funds.
They've already begun.
Everything's fine here.
I'm going to call...
My buddy Pat up and ask him what it was that made my dad so mad.
I'm going to start doing that on here.
I think I'm actually starting to go crazy.
Where there are babies, there is milk nearby.
Oh my goodness.
You know, I hate cats so much, I'm going to just get one because they're so annoying.
It's a love-hate relationship.
Hey, Pat?
Hey, what was it?
I'm on air right now.
What was it?
We were cooking steaks a month ago that made my dad... What was I saying that made him so mad?
Remember I was saying something over and over again and he was getting real irritated?
I was saying slice!
That's right, okay.
Alright, alright, thanks.
Alright, I can tell you the slice story when we come back.
Thank you, Pat.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The government's Department of Homeland Security is buying up loads of ammo.
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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
And this is Real Talk Radio.
InfoWars Live.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
It's real.
No teleprompters.
Just real analysis, real facts.
And we have some fun here on the broadcast as well.
Coming to you from deep behind enemy lines.
I mean, I am in FEMA Region 6.
FEMA says they've conquered the country.
We're under international receivership, being maneuvered into total bankruptcy by public design.
And now covert warfare coming to Texas sparks some fears of federal takeover.
Oh no, there's not a federal takeover of energy, a federal takeover of education, a federal takeover of health care, a federal takeover of bureaucracies, a federal takeover of our children's minds.
No, there's no federal takeover.
Just how outrageous.
You could read this Houston Chronicle article, I think I'm going to read the whole thing on air.
A education on deception and fraud and manipulation of the sheeple.
And pacification.
Meanwhile, Jade Helm troops who operate undetected amongst civilian population.
And of course, the military people and the vets are not buying any of it.
They're not stupid.
You can read about how it's to get the hearts and minds and how to get the public used to working and the local police working with the military.
I mean, everybody who's been in the military knows about the secret EOD program going on for 18 years.
Their whole ordinance disposal, quote, the Army's going to show up to defuse a bomb.
But then you get the internal agreements.
It's for everything from warrant service to checkpoints with military personnel in nondescript blue jumpsuits, just like the Army Ranger called in and said they were wearing EPA blue jumpsuits.
It's always blue or tan jumpsuits.
And it might say EPA.
It might say police.
It might say Park Service.
I mean, I've videotaped Delta Force in these outfits, and then they sent a guy in uniform over to put a gun to Mike Hansen's chest and head on the ground in San Antonio after we'd had the police chief already throw him out.
They still came in, and then they put... Hansen wouldn't give them the video camera with the tape in it.
Back when they had tape.
And they took it, erased it, and gave it back.
You know, pull the gun out.
Stuck it up to him.
Oh, nothing's going on.
No, no.
They're just simulating killing and assassinating Americans in these stinking drills.
And they're going to have some, quote, drills where they'll chase a guy with a big turban on his head and a beard.
I've been to those, too, and they'll have that on the news.
Crazy Alex Jones says they're gearing up for a takeover.
Anti-American piece of trash.
Here's the video as they practice chasing Durka Durka Muhammad Jihad.
Team America.
Training with the police, training with locals, in plain clothes, quote, doing suspicious activities, is to train the police to work with the military in covert operations, and to condition the military to accept it, and to condition the public to accept it, and then when we cover it and talk about it, they practice the PSYOP in real time, putting out this information.
I can see the script from Army Times.
To Military.com, to Stars and Stripes, to Bloomberg, to Daily Beast, to Vice, to the Houston Chronicle, and no exaggeration today.
You go search Jade Helm.
There are now hundreds of articles, and in almost all of them, yours truly is being demonized.
Jones, who's warned of an imminent takeover for decades, I'm gonna read the quotes, keeps claiming it's gonna happen, but of course it never does.
No, it never does!
Checkpoints, TSA, open spying, highway dividers being put up nationwide, open manuals that the number one enemies, veterans and gun owners and Christians, I mean, come on!
This is the PSYOP!
And I guess no babies were aborted either.
And I guess, if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, and it's gonna cut your bill in half, and 2 plus 2 equals 5.
No, it doesn't!
Makes me sick.
You guys are showing news from a web search?
That's good.
But you can also show it, Stars and Stripes, all of it.
Click News, you can really see all the articles.
And it's just so frustrating to read the Houston Chronicle one because it just gives me a headache.
It gives me a headache that they're preying on the Houston readers.
That's the biggest paper in South Texas.
It's the paper to 10 million Texans.
7 million of them in Houston.
Two million people will probably read that stinking article.
And a bunch of family down there that makes it... I don't mind them making it look like I'm a liar.
It's that they are dishonorable and they know full well what they're doing.
They're giant steaming piles of traitorous evil.
And I just am tired of looking at them.
I mean, I'll be quite frank with you.
I'm not even scared of dying.
I'm not scared to fight these people.
I'm sick of it.
I am sick of looking at miserable scum.
All you fools in the mainstream media who've had your pay cut, most of you lost your jobs, and you still sycophantically run around groveling to the lies.
Any idiot could go research and read all the official RAND Corporation and Pentagon documents about the National Police Force and the brigades they're setting up, because they'll admit it out of one side of their mouth and then deny it out of the other.
In fact, let me just... I'm gonna get into the price of ground beef.
It's doubled since 2008.
That's your real inflation.
Huge article that's so important next hour.
Russia has constructed massive underground shelters in anticipation of nuclear war.
400 square miles.
This is a story that has hundreds of data points.
Ties into everything.
Gives me a huge headache to even look at it.
I'm not kidding.
I'm like a computer with smoke coming out of its ears.
FBI figures tweaked to show phony increases in mass shootings.
We actually have statisticians that volunteer their work.
Professors, people like that, and a lot of them don't want to come on air.
Rob Dews' brother is a statistician and a professor.
He's a PhD, becoming a professor, and they basically threatened his professor job if he ever came on the show again.
So we have other statisticians and they analyze the stuff and don't come on air because they'll lose their university job because the country's so free.
It's so free that they'll run them out of the university if they dare analyze stuff.
The country's so free and there's no police state.
They're just banning pro-gun groups and marches and student groups all over the state and all over the country.
But we reported two years ago when the 20-year FBI numbers came out, from 92 to 2012, and there was a 51% overall drop in guns being used in crimes, but mass shootings had gone up a little bit.
And then we noticed right there in the statistician we were talking to pointed out, you notice they've added certain classes of gang violence into mass shooting now, so if you take those out it's actually gone down.
But overall, in 2013 alone, there were 67 people killed in quote, school shootings period.
The memory serves, I think 40 something were mass shootings and most of that was gangs shooting each other.
And that's if you use the phony baloney New Haven stuff, but this is Fox News.
Of course they did that.
But let's go ahead and analyze this piece of this information.
And you notice, you read this, you go read all the others, it's the same article scrambled.
We ought to even check and see if Dylan Baddour is a human or if he's a CIA bot.
You think I'm joking?
I don't really think Dylan's a CIA bot.
A CIA bot could have written this.
I knew about 10 years ago they had government bots actually writing articles where they put in the disinfo, and then it scrambles it, makes it look like a person wrote it, and then puts a fake nom-de-plume pen name for the robot program on it.
You don't believe that?
Just type CIA developing fake journalist computers to write news.
It was declassified four years ago, but we knew about six years before.
But these things must be done a little bit more delicately.
So humans wrote the Stars and Stripes and the Army Times Disinfo, and then other humans just scramble it.
But not for long.
These people will be replaced with bots soon enough.
Just as they've announced they're getting rid of White House press conferences soon.
You know, the standard daily ones.
They're just going to have an announcement in their own video department, and that's it.
Because they already pre-screen them, but sometimes reporters want to be rock stars and will actually ask a real question.
No questions.
Because that's the paradox.
You ask real questions, you get famous and successful and make money.
People want that.
But you can't do it or they'll fire you, so it's a paradox.
Kind of like this show, everywhere we end up being on the air gets high ratings.
Mom and Pop stations end up beating the big juggernauts.
And we get taken off the air for having a race car that's 400 horsepower beating 600 horsepower race cars.
We beat them and so they go, oh, you can't be on the racetrack.
From New York to Florida, from California, it's happened over and over again.
Just destroy Rush Limbaugh.
The response is, take me off the air.
ESPN always comes and buys the station.
Covert warfare coming to Texas sparks some fears.
In fact, that's an industry inside joke that you put my show on for a year to up your ratings and sell your station.
Anyways, covert warfare coming to Texas sparks some fears of federal takeover.
Some fears.
So they write it to get you to read it.
Because when they want to bury something, they give it a boring headline.
But oh my gosh, federal takeover.
That's not happening.
This map from an Army slideshow.
See, first they denied it was real a week ago, a week and a half ago.
Then they said, oh, we're not sure if it's totally real.
Jones may have added stuff.
And then, OK, it's real.
So first, it's just, oh, we're not sure that's real.
We're not sure.
Oh, we're not sure.
We're not sure there's death panels.
Yeah, there are.
Just creeping around like evil Siamese cats.
This map from an army slideshow explaining Operation Jade Helm frightens some with its designation of Texas as a hostile territory.
It frightens some.
And this was all meant to come out.
They've called us and told Joe, yeah, it's a PSYOP, shut up, you can't do nothing.
Okay, we can't do nothing.
Resistance is futile.
The board will absorb you.
Texas stirred some ultra right-wing fears.
Ultra right-wing.
You know, I want 4th Amendment, 2nd Amendment, 10th Amendment, low taxes.
Horrible stuff the country was founded on.
Horrible prosperity-producing, common-sense, mom-and-apple pie, Ford and Chevy, John Wayne.
Bad stuff.
Really bad stuff.
Texas stirred some ultra right-wing fears of a government takeover.
I don't know.
I mean, two years ago, the legislature passed a law in the House to not let TSA grow up children, and they threatened an air blockade of... I mean, folks, will you show?
Feds threatened to block air travel into Texas over a TSA bill?
I mean, show them!
I mean, we're not playing... Oh, but nothing's happening.
They're just shut down a $3 billion power plant in South Texas that was finished, built, that would have cut our power prices.
Instead, they've gone up.
There's nothing go... Outside of a law, there was no law on the borders being opened.
There was no law on the bullet ban.
None of it!
But there's nothing happening, folks.
Just go to sleep.
Lay down, America.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Move along.
Operation Jade Helm will bring a coalition of forces including Green Beret, SEALs, and Special Operations Commands from the Air Force and Marines of Texas for two months of realistic military training in a simulated hostile territory between July and September this summer.
And it's in towns, they've already announced like 18 towns have said we're signed on as of last night.
And you're going to see the newscast all pre-planned.
Alex Jones is discredited.
Here the military practiced decontamination in case of a chemical attack.
And this army unit helped defuse a mock bomb.
Jones, you damn traitor!
Look at how discredited you are!
We're the mainstream media!
I mean, I can see the whole thing before it comes.
I'm sick of it!
I have had special forces jump out of the bushes and set fires and try to blame it on me!
I've had them pull guns on me!
Because these are the scum that'll do these domestic operations.
All the guys that would deal the drugs, all the guys that would be involved in the corrupt garbage, they're gonna use the larger operation as their operation to roll in with bags of money, like they've done in third world countries to buy off the cities.
That's what these drills are really all about, is cash.
Small town mayors get 50 to 100 grand.
Big city mayors get a million.
Police chiefs get 200,000.
And they get a little Department of Defense NorthCom card.
And the different agencies, SouthCom's competing to get more people in its operation.
And they're just all out there.
I mean, they tried to recruit my dad.
I mean, there's more people out there than there are Mary Kay and Avon salesmen.
And they weren't trying to recruit my dad.
He thought it was a setup.
Turned out they were trying to recruit everybody in his office.
They were trying to recruit
Dr. King, they were trying to recruit all the doctors.
He called other dentists and they go, how do you know about this?
I can't talk about it.
It's classified.
Some had already been to the meetings, already got their little card.
I got a card.
I got a card.
I'm a secret agent.
I'm a secret agent.
I'm a secret agent.
I'm a, I'm a, I'm an informant.
For a total takeover!
See, I can't even read this article.
I just can't even do it.
I read it this morning and I'm just in a
I'm sick of it.
I'm sick of these traitors.
I want to evacuate this place.
I'm sick of this country.
That's why I'm angry, man.
You idiots have no idea that it's been the patriots in this country that have kept a little bit of freedom we've got and we're losing it all right now.
They got spies all over the place.
They got InfraGard.
You want to play you a newscast, NBC News, where they go,
You're in a problem.
The biggest problem of the government is the people.
It's the needs of the government that are most important.
So we need to submit to them and go to the camp and take the shots and let them take our kids.
And by the way, it's of the Lord.
You need to just turn your guns in.
In fact, when you guys pull up Clergy Response Team, people won't believe me.
They won't believe CBS News saying mercury is good for your kid's brain.
No, it's not.
Mercury is not good for your brain.
Two plus two equals four.
I'm just about to throw up.
I just have so much data.
It's just ridiculous.
It's like saying Jeffrey Dahmer didn't kill kids when they catch him with a bunch of tanks full of dead kids and dead young men and photos of him eating them.
Okay, Jeffrey Dahmer existed.
He ate people.
He injected them with pool-cleaning acid to turn them into sex zombies.
It's real.
It happened.
And just because people are too weak-minded to admit it, it did happen.
Doesn't matter what you think or what you say, CENTCOM and Old South Com, you bunch of idiots!
Notice the officers don't take the vaccines, enlisted.
That's because they've been let in on the little joke.
That's how they spike the cannons.
That time delay stuff is going to fry you ten years after you're out.
And a lot of you are not as strong as the others.
It's going to hurt you on the spot.
Let me give you a newsflash.
When they shoot up a platoon of a hundred people, you're not supposed to have five or six of them in the hospital in an hour.
You're being murdered.
You think that's funny?
Go ahead, take your shots, and give them to your kids.
I know.
I'm right.
And you people need to find your humanity.
This is normal how I'm acting.
Which way you're supposed to act when you're being overrun.
My God, where's your survival instinct?
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Got our great crew bringing us in live.
Got Richard, CJ, and Joe, and the rest of the great crew in there.
Got George Washington, banners flying in the back.
Talk about extremism.
Moulin la Bay.
Don't tread on me.
Absolutely evil.
So extreme, so ultra right-wing.
They're so bad they like the Founding Fathers.
They're so bad they like a group of ragtag people that beat the biggest empire in the world that had never been defeated.
They actually reversed a lot of tyranny and created prosperity and believe in the individual.
How sick.
How sick.
Texas stirred some ultra right-wing fears of government takeover in the Lone Star State, but local law enforcement say they've long been aware of the drill.
So see, it's like, oh, we knew.
It's not a takeover.
We knew.
That's the whole point, collaborator, is you're being taught with reasonable missions up front, and then it turns into gun confiscation later.
I was in the Travis County SWAT team office in 1998, and was shown by then-Lieutenant Beck, who they basically fired over it.
He was trying to work at the airport after that, Vietnam veteran.
I told him, Delta Force is coming to pay you off.
Six months later, he calls and says, please come to my office.
Here's their card.
Here's the name.
How the hell did you know this?
And I said, do you think I came here to make all this up?
I've already interviewed the San Antonio police chief, emergency managers.
He says, I just thought you were making it up.
The SWAT team actually came over to the Travis County court where I was yelling at them.
When they were laughing at me, and then said, listen, we like your show, why don't you quit threatening everybody?
Because they were right next door then.
Why don't you come on over and have a coffee, Alex?
You know, we know the government isn't perfect, but we're not bad.
You can trust us.
And there they had, you know, Oklahoma City cover-up videos and everything.
They're like, we know what's going on, but the Delta Force isn't coming, and this is ridiculous.
All of a sudden later, how'd you know that?
The Delta Force came in here with a bunch of money.
And of course, they didn't take it, so then they used some political correctness to get rid of him.
Claiming that somebody said he might not have said a bad word or something.
That's how all this works, ladies and gentlemen.
That's just one little story of hundreds that I've experienced with this.
And then I get to read the news article.
Jones says it's an imminent secret takeover, but the police know.
I didn't say it was imminent.
I didn't say it was secret.
I said it's a long-term strategic RAND Corporation plan, and I provided in all the articles the document.
With a whole bunch of other proofs.
So again, they prey on their viewers and readers' ignorance.
And I don't have time to get to all of it.
I got a bunch of other news I want to hit.
The Russian bunkers, the beef prices, the FBI covering up crime statistics.
But here's part of the clip.
The first part is cut off when she says martial law.
You hear part of it.
She says, will martial law ever become a reality?
This was aired in New Orleans a few years after Katrina with the clergy response teams that are preying on their flocks.
Here it is.
Has this law ever become a reality in America?
Some fear any nuclear, biological, or chemical attack on U.S.
territory might trigger just that.
And as KSLA News 12's Jeff Farrell discovered, the clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
From my cold, dead hand.
You know what?
Tarleton Heston's famous declaration captures a truly American value.
Anyways, the whole point is, Chuck, I'm going to play the next hour.
It's a few minutes long.
But again, when they're PSYOPing, they come right out and admit, yes, we need you to go to a camp and turn your guns in.
And they got the clergy guy going, it's part of the Lord's mission to turn your guns in.
I mean, it's just so sick, okay?
And they have got files on people in the church.
What you tell these church counselors, these big churches, goes right into the NSA file.
I mean, it's bad.
And these guys get off on it.
I mean, it is sick.
It is sick.
It's the takeover, folks.
It's the Nazi, Gulag, Soviet, Stasi, totalitarian, authoritarian, oppressive Stasi state.
And it's just all around you, and it's exponentially gearing up, and the biggest way countries fall is the takeovers like this.
So it's basically already happened.
The takeover already happened.
They just want to gear it up, shut down free speech, and take your guns.
And if we don't push back, they will.
They're probing right now.
They're probing right now.
Alex Jones here.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You notice the last hour I didn't get into the whole air crash over in Europe with the German wings pilot.
I saw our commenters speculating yesterday that it would be a radical Islamicist or something crashing it on purpose, but they said it was a depressed, mentally ill pilot, 28-year-old.
Here's the deal.
Stuff like this can happen.
I'm not saying it's fake, but with these lying governments, who knows if any of it's true.
I mean, that's when you have discredited, known liars.
And the EU lies even more than the U.S.
I mean, it's hard to say they top it, but they do.
The EU bureaucrats publicly have Swiss bank accounts and don't pay taxes and exempt themselves.
But in the countries where it's illegal, they still do it, while raising taxes to 101%.
I kept saying 100%, it was 101% on middle class, just to bankrupt you.
I mean, it's called seed, it's called takeover.
But the co-pilot deliberately crashed plane, they've been saying, and I mean, I'll give you my angle on that.
It's going to be all pushed to have overrides from the tower.
Show that they can remote control them.
Well, here's the deal.
All the new aircrafts already have the remote control.
And they don't like the public knowing about that.
But it's actually in all the industry publications.
And both the aircraft that hit the World Trade Centers on 9-11 had remote control in them.
People are also pointing out the plane almost completely disintegrated.
Saying, hey, that shows Shanksville.
It could have gone into a hole.
And that shows the Pentagon.
Actually, the news has been showing kind of the end of the crash.
There are big chunks of the plane.
Big chunks of the plane.
But it does look a little bit like the other one.
But if you look at the top, there's big ol' chunks.
So, whatever.
It's just that to say that questioning known liars isn't reasonable.
You're supposed to question known liars.
I mean, if somebody lies to me one time, they're suspect.
I catch them lying to me twice, they're gone in my life.
I mean, unless it's something like lying about food being good or telling a woman something looks good.
I mean, I don't know any women that actually want to be told what something they're wearing looks like.
You just got to tell them, that looks better.
Does this look nice?
Well, yeah.
I don't know if it's really proper for this event, but I mean, I always ask people, how's this look?
Because I want to know, you know?
Uh, whatever.
I got really angry this morning reading the Houston Chronicle, and then it just blew my whole day.
I, uh... I may go take anger management or something.
I know it's part of the show, people like it, and the ratings go up when I blow up and stuff, but it's not an act, okay?
I have to control myself not to push this desk over all the time.
We're going to go to break in a few minutes.
When we come back, I'm going to just launch into a big news blitz, if I can actually do that.
And then I'm going to cover Russia has constructed massive underground shelters in anticipation of nuclear war.
We're also going to tie that into things that are happening here domestically in the United States.
We're going to look at the economy.
And more.
The price of ground beef again has doubled since last financial crisis.
What does that tell you?
And every other major staple's gone up.
Student finds worms in Michelle O's healthy lunches.
It looks worse than, like, Supermax food.
But, again, it's all about bids to companies to rip you off.
Get that money.
It's school lunch programs, Obama phones.
It's all about the money paid to the contractors.
And if Americans will put up with austerity and eating gruel with worms in it and rotten food, then your children will eat it.
You're racist against Michelle.
They make it all about Michelle.
Loves you.
Michelle Obama kid.
In Africa, you can't have cars or air conditioning.
But Michelle O can go on 50 million dollar vacations because she's liberal and loving and cares about us.
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In the near future.
When you realize how fake it all is, the football, the basketball.
Security alert.
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You let the worst people get controlled and tell us that we are the ones responsible.
Prime Directive.
Discredit Alex Jones.
Jones is the wildly popular conspiracy theorist.
A popular conspiracy theory talk show called InfoWars.
Alex Jones is now in an Austin jail.
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Excuse me?
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
I hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly.
I order all those assembled to immediately disperse.
It's a military mission in North St.
Heavily armored vehicles are rolling into town and don't be alarmed if you see those over the next seven days rolling through your neighborhood.
If you see military helicopters flying low over Minneapolis, do not be alarmed.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be armed.
We will take all weapons.
Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in.
Just really brainwashed people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
The Department of Homeland Security is apparently on a huge ammo buying spree.
It comes out to like 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
NSJS Late News 12's Jeff Ferrell discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families and recognize that kids belong to whole communities.
If you've got a business, you didn't build that.
Somebody else made that happen.
Mercury containing vaccines may help not harm kids according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
Blackhawk choppers soaring through the night sky but this is only a drill.
Heavily armed officers in Watertown search for the suspect house to house.
It's a joint military training exercise involving local police, also military.
In your apartment!
I am in my apartment, sir.
Go back inside right now!
I am inside.
I have two words for you.
Predator gloves.
You will never see it coming.
The dramatic scene played out in front of our cameras.
Parents grabbing their children and running after spending the night hunkering in their houses and then finding themselves face-to-face with the muzzle of a SWAT officer's rifle.
They let them in the area, they told them they could come in, and now they're coming in like they're trespassers, punching and shoving people.
We're not turning our guns in, and we're not running, and we're not backing down!
If you want them, come and take them!
We are on the march.
The Empire is on the run.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
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Will law ever become a reality in America?
Some fear any nuclear, biological, or chemical attack on U.S.
territory might trigger just that.
NSK's Late News 12's Jeff Ferrell discovered that clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem.
From my cold, dead hands!
Charlton Heston's famous declaration captures a truly American value.
The overarching desire to protect our freedoms.
But gun confiscation is exactly what happened during the state of emergency following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
troops also arrived.
Something far easier to do even now, thanks to last year's elimination of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act.
That forbid U.S.
troops from policing on American soil.
If martial law were enacted here at home, like depicted in the movie The Siege, easing public fears and quelling dissent would be critical.
And that's exactly what the Clergy Response Team, as it's called, helped accomplish in New Orleans.
Jeff, the primary thing that we say to anybody is let's cooperate and get this thing over with, and then we'll settle the differences once the crisis is over.
Such clergy response teams would walk a tightrope between the needs of the government versus the wishes of the public.
In a lot of cases, these clergy would already be known in the neighborhoods in which they're helping to defuse that situation.
For the clergy, one of the biggest tools that they will have in helping calm the public down or obey the law is the Bible itself.
Specifically, Romans.
Because the government's established all the law.
Romans 13.
You know?
And that's what we believe in the Christian faith.
Civil rights advocates believe the amount of public cooperation may depend largely on how long they expect the suspension of their rights might last.
Jeff Ferrell, KSLA News 12 reporting.
According to Tuberville, during Hurricane Katrina, the clergy response team provided 38 chaplains a day around the clock at eight different camps.
Oh, the camps!
Hillary says we need fun camps.
And they've aired pieces like that around the country, going, yeah, during martial law, you know, we're going to need you to go to the camps, take the shots, turn your guns in.
It's of the Lord, Romans 13, Hitler's favorite passage, out of context.
We've had pastors on, historians on, constitutional lawyers on.
It's we the people.
So we're the rightful government and the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
So even if you believe the distorted interpretation of Romans 13, you're violating it when you violate the Bill of Rights and Constitution, Declaration of Independence.
We now have hundreds of articles a day in the United States, and probably half of them in Texas.
Sounds like a lot, but they're doing it in 18 different towns.
They've announced they're going to have military drills this summer in them.
And they're all attacking Infowars.com.
They're all attacking PrisonPlanet.com.
They're all attacking yours truly, Joe Biggs, Alex Jones, saying, look, the police already knew.
There's no secret government takeover happening.
There will not be an invasion in martial law in the summer.
We didn't say that a year ago when they had troops for months in East St.
Louis rolling around and helping the police arrest people.
Or in Chicago where they've had governors call for troops on the streets and they have them now.
Or New York.
This is the acclamation when they have the National Guard with an M16 in the airport.
A real terrorist would go into the airport to the checkpoint and blow up the checkpoint like they do in Israel.
That's the target.
The checkpoint protects no one.
You can't be protected, ever, even in a total police state, from a crazy pilot that's going to crash a plane, or from a crazy person.
But they use these nebulous, rare threats to push this total takeover when it's the takeover itself that's the threat.
I'm going to say this very slowly.
Almost every dentist and oral surgeon and medical doctor my dad knows.
Two years ago, Homeland Security came to him, one of his patients, said, I'd like you to come to a meeting.
You can even get paid to be part of it.
We want you to be part of basically InfraGard under Homeland Security.
First, it was like CEOs and power plant managers and folks that might actually need to be part of that.
And he said, are they setting me up?
And I said, no, they're so ignorant.
They probably don't even know that you're my dad.
That's how lazy they are.
I bet they're recruiting a bunch of other dentists, because I knew they were, at the time, all over the country.
And he made some calls and found out almost everyone had either had the visit or signed on.
The older dentists all were like, what is this, Soviet Russia?
Because they'd say, what do you want me to look for?
Like, islamicists or, you know, or like a McVeigh type?
That's incredibly rare.
And they're like, no, we want to know what people are thinking and saying.
We want you to help influence.
You know, it's just helping in the community.
No, it's secret cores of propagandists and spies who, once they find out you're pliable, it's expanded.
I'm going to say this again.
We got it in the Associated Press after I interviewed the Chief of Police of San Antonio and Thomas Sanchez and others that the Delta Force and other people were doing it as well.
The Navy was doing it as well, not just Army.
The Delta Force serves the President and his Army and Navy and Marines, a joint group, as you know, people that have been recruited into it.
But they do the really dirty stuff.
Used to they'd go in and pay people off in third world countries and do assassinations and things and so-called rescues.
A rescue mission is their cover.
You know, the FBI hostage rescue team is a group of assassins, folks.
It's not the hostage rescue team.
And the Delta Force isn't a hostage rescue team.
Sure, they did that failed thing in Iran, which was a setup.
And I'm not saying Delta Force hasn't done a lot of good work as well, but large wings, or I guess they call them squadrons, of Delta Force
Are involved in domestic takeover training and compromising cities and counties and paying off.
I mean, you gotta hand it to them.
They'll come in, they use the uniform to sell it.
They'll come in, in their plainclothes or in their army uniform.
Here comes the colonel, with the two Delta Force guys with him, and says, we just want you to work with us.
And for doing that, we'd like to give you $200,000.
Keep it yourself or give it to a charity.
And think about it, most people in the cities took the money.
And they go, no, no, no, that'd be bribery.
What do you mean?
Just to show that you're a friend, we want you to take it.
And I know I keep harping on this, folks.
It's not my opinion.
That there are military takeover drills going on.
It's not my opinion.
It's a fact.
And this is the biggest ten-state, it was a ten-state operation ever.
They say they're going to be doing, quote, suspicious things.
They say it's to gain the hearts and minds, read it, of the American people and to create relationships with the local authorities.
This is, I guarantee you,
They're going to have big chests of money.
They are that corrupt and that arrogant.
They don't even care that I've blown their operation repeatedly.
I guess they do care.
I mean, that's why they tried to set fires in Brooksville, Florida.
And again, Mike Hanson was there with me, and I had to physically shove the guy back and say, look, I know you think you're the toughest guy on the planet.
I'm about to stomp your ass into the ground.
The guy started laughing.
I said, just go ahead and start that fire.
I'm going to hurt you bad.
And I said, when the people get here, you're not going to be able to say I did it.
I said, go ahead, try to set the fire again with that damn lighter and the lighter fluid.
I'm gonna stomp your head in right now, man.
I was ready.
I was gonna break that guy's neck if I had to.
I'm not gonna be framed for arson.
I mean, you people think this is a joke.
This isn't a game!
I've had the Army try to burn down crap and blame it next to a neighborhood on me.
So, live in the real world, people!
Live in it!
Don't be idiots!
They've recruited millions of traitor citizens who aren't even bad people.
They're weak-minded.
They think they're helping Jack Bauer.
Folks, you're not helping Jack Bauer.
And 95% of the military is good people.
That's why they're awake.
They know this is going on.
They've got pieces of it.
But they've got some really bad guys in these special units that are here domestically.
See, they even separate them within the SEALs within Delta Force and other groups.
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I'm sorry that I'm ranting.
It's just when I start looking into all these military drills and things, it reminds me of my 18 years, because I didn't know about this for about two years on air.
Until I was told by military, active duty, marine captains, army colonels, police chiefs, many of them on air.
People who've just gotten out, they're like, you know we're training for gun confiscation.
And then I would talk about it and then I would get contacted by emergency managers.
The 700 Club even had Thomas Sanchez on after I interviewed him.
The AP did its job and reported on the attempted bribery of the police chief.
I mean, folks, when you sit here and you read these psyops in the Houston Chronicle and in the Washington Post and everywhere, they're lying to you.
And it just starts, I wouldn't even call it flashbacks, it's just my memory starts flashing back to just all the craziness I've seen, all the newscasts, all the articles.
Generals, again, in the Washington Post, like 12, 13 years ago, I remember covering it, it's in one of my films.
It's in Masters of Terror.
Saying, we want to have Mexican troops patrol with Canadian troops to deal with American extremists.
I mean, they got plans to bring foreign troops in here.
That's not me!
It's the General in the Washington Post!
I've got footage of Cooperative Nugget.
93, 94, 95, 96.
Smuggled out by the Army.
There's good people.
In the military, because they know this stuff's true.
Training to take over U.S.
cities and confiscate the guns.
And we know they want the guns.
And if we can force a debate about this... And look, the globalists have failed.
There's a national debate about the militarization of police.
There's multiple bipartisan bills gaining steam to repeal the Patriot Act.
William Binney sent me this article out of The Hill today.
The former director of technical, like the number two or three guy at the NSA, sends us news articles.
And I'm not bragging, I'm just saying, we are the resistance here.
I could sit here with the former technical director of the NSA, and he said on air before that I have a greater understanding of the NSA than any other journalist he's talked to.
I could go to dinner with him, and he just says, I can't believe you know all this.
Because I'm not sitting around on my butt, ladies and gentlemen, I live this stuff.
I know what I'm talking about.
I'm not bragging.
I'm telling you, I'm looking out my window and seeing our house on fire here.
We gotta do something.
It's criminal.
And the military is being put in the position to follow these illegal orders.
We need to stand up and break the PSYOP and see through it.
And I don't know what to say about all the PSYOP people at the Pentagon.
Last year when the Pentagon came out and said they were going to engage in PSYOPs domestically by starting to tell the truth, and there was like a hundred people, civilians in the room mainly, who all looked sick at their stomachs because they understood this was the big plunge.
Look at the top link on Drudge.
You guys, it just did that on my big screen over here.
Will you aim a document cam over there?
Pentagon downplays troop training in towns.
Top story on drudge.
You know what that means?
It's one of the top stories in the country.
Army Special Operations Command pushes back against alarmist claims about upcoming exercise.
And they call us conspiracy terrorists and all the rest of it in the article.
Absolutely ridiculous.
Yeah, this is the same article that came out a few days ago.
We're just going to continue to break all this down.
Wow, they didn't want people actually going to our site?
Guys, I've got copies of this printed.
This is a news story right here.
They have expunged our names out of this article.
I wonder if they did that over at the Army Times article too.
And I'll guarantee you that's because Drudge is getting a big pushback saying you're not showing the other side of this.
Drudge, you need to show what we're saying about it.
What I'm going to do is
Oh, he is linked to our story right here.
Troops to operate undetected amongst civilian population.
Pentagon practices infiltrating American towns during controversial exercise.
Two InfoWars stories, and that's why the Pentagon is, I guarantee you, flooding Drudge with bots and saying, you need to show the other side.
So Drudge is doing that.
Good job, Drudge.
Do it.
But the point is,
I'm going to now get really neurotic, and I'm going to shoot a special report to the lair tomorrow after the show today, because I'm too upset right now.
Not about their current attacks, just bringing up all these memories.
I see police brutality, I don't even want to watch it anymore.
And I know about all their takeovers, and I just don't even want to... I've got to really control myself even to go into the data.
Because when I go into the data, it's just so treasonous and so true what's happening that I want to throw up.
I mean, I'm nauseous right now.
To actually watch the takeover of the country.
And to know what they're going to be doing, buying off all the towns and everything else.
I mean, it's just so sick.
Obama might be getting ready to make his move, though.
On a scale of 1 to 10, this is just exponential.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
It's one of the top stories in the country.
Hundreds of news articles today saying I'm a liar.
Basically that the military drills are for overseas and there's nothing going on, nothing to see here.
And then I basically have all this other news to cover, but I've just spun out and just gone into telling you stories about things that happened.
A lot of it's on video.
I made four police state films.
The first two are when I would go to the drills and go to the operations and then catch them running real law enforcement operations and all the insider interviews and the police chief interviews and
Then they even have foreign troops in a lot of these.
And then they say, oh, that's because it's for overseas.
But then you find out they're training to take on militias in America and admitting it.
And then they have it in other manuals that the preparations are being made.
And the Washington Post, that they're preparing to use Canadian and Mexican troops on us.
That's sensational.
That's what's so frustrating.
Do we have Paul Watson?
Not yet, we can't get a hold of him.
I'm going to call him.
Yeah, he has this tendency to be out of pocket because I want to have him write an article and I don't want to wait because I want to accompany the nightly news tonight so I have it tomorrow where we're going to neurotically
And he's the guy that can dig and find 12-year-old Washington Post articles about the plan to use foreign troops on Patriots, and the clergy response teams, and the Infra Guard, and the hardware being given, and the Marines running DWI checkpoints in California, and just, I'm going to hit them with everything.
I want an article that has like 20 points.
We'll stop at 20 because there's like 100.
Just bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.
Have we called all his numbers?
Yeah, I've called his phone.
I sent him an email.
I'm calling him on Skype now, but no answer.
Did you call his home number or his cell phone?
I'm not sure.
It's the one that I always call.
I'll call him.
Yeah, there's two numbers, and we always call the home one that he doesn't answer.
So I'd call the cell phone number.
If you don't have it, it sits right here on my phone.
Or I could do it, because I want to tell him the stuff on air.
He might be listening, and if he is listening, try him on Skype.
I know, he takes a jog in the evening and it's an angle and he might be jogging.
Thank you.
By the way, David Knight's doing the show tomorrow and Monday.
I was going to be calling in.
I'll just go ahead and say this because I don't know exactly what I want to do.
I've had a hernia for 14 years.
Got it as a sports injury.
And I've lost so much weight.
That's what I keep forgetting.
We've been doing that before and after.
Took a photo a month and a half ago.
I need to go ahead and just take a photo now because I might gain some weight after I have surgery.
I want to show folks with a super mental vitality and stuff how much weight I've lost.
And so Travis needs to take a photo of me in the office with my shirt off after the show in the same spot so we can do that for an ad.
But I got to go ahead and have surgery and I don't like having surgery.
I had surgery on my leg and that was not fun because it took a whole lot more anesthesia to put me under than normal people for whatever reason.
So I've got to tell myself to go under.
Um, or it takes a lot, even with the new stuff.
And so I've got to go do that next Wednesday.
I think I'm just going to be out all next week.
Because I want to spend some time with my kids.
I'm not getting back till Monday.
I want to spend some time with them before I have surgery.
But, um,
We're going to get Watson on, and we're going to do a whole article, and then after the show today, I need that stack from the last report I shot, and then I need to just get Clergy Response Team, InfraGard documents.
I need the guys in the back to tear the internet apart and search for the headline out of the Washington Post.
I think it's in Masters of Terror that I show the Washington Post article.
And it's some headline like, US and Mexico trained to fight terror.
And then you read later, it's like, they'll be used inside CONUS to deal with extremists as well.
So I just want to show the general saying that.
I mean, it's not just that you're training the military to take on American people and admitting it.
You want to use foreign troops.
You've had a long-term strategic operation to do this.
And you're trying to act like we're crazy and we're making something up as the government power grabs everything under the sun.
And as Congress comes out and says the president is acting like a dictator, but then does nothing.
I mean, what's it called?
Thank you.
What's it called?
When the president is
Opening the borders without law.
Coming after guns without law.
Shutting off the power plants without law.
Funding Al-Qaeda outside of law.
Overthrowing countries outside of authorization.
Just everything!
Power-grabbing the internet.
Power-grabbing with Obamacare.
I mean, it came out last year that they have secret death panels for the troops and no one got in trouble.
And that's why we're in so much trouble.
The bottom has fallen out.
Watson, thanks for coming to the line on short notice.
Are you on phone or are you on Skype?
Listen, this story is a top story on Drudge.
There's no exaggeration.
Over 100 articles attacking me by name today.
This is good.
We're really drawing major fire.
But we need to hit them hard.
Because we are so conservative that we're not hitting them with 10% of the truth.
I want to do a master article for tomorrow.
And I'm going to shoot a video tonight.
But the problem is, is that I don't have the hours and hours to dig up some of this stuff.
It's just in my head.
I need the Washington Post and a couple other, there's like five or six articles when they floated in 2002 using Mexican and Canadian troops against American citizens, what they called extremists and terrorists.
I want to hit them with that.
I want to hit them with the RAND Corporation, National Stabilization Force, police force.
I want to hit them with all the admissions that they want to get rid of passing commentatus and the Council on Foreign Relations calling for it.
And I want to hit them with all the admissions that they've got InfraGard, clergy response teams, that they're hiring citizens to be spies.
I want to hit them like, hey,
You know, since the Pentagon says all this about us, here is what they're being trained with, that the Founding Fathers wouldn't be welcome in today's military.
You know, the Fox News article, I want screenshots of it, not just links.
You know, here's even Fox News admitting that Fort Hood said, don't be evangelical or be a part of the Tea Party or we'll indict you.
You know, we'll court-martial you.
I just want to show it all to them because I got nauseous thinking about all the massive evidence and then watching these sickening stories saying we're lying.
And then I want to explain how the PSYOP works, Paul, where they imply that we say a real invasion is happening and that they're really going to take over.
Hey, is that a real photo on your Twitter?
What's that, Alex?
It's a selfie.
It's number six.
It's a selfie, Alex.
It's the prisoner.
You are, number 6.
Within the CONUS, the Continental United States.
And then for weeks after, we were constantly attacked saying, this is for overseas operations.
Oh, remember they said Drudge and Nemo were wrong when we were linked to like seven or eight mainstream articles about drones spying on farmers building new barns.
And then now they just admit they're everywhere.
I mean, it's just, I'm sick of it.
I don't know.
We're good to go.
So they're being caught in a lie just on that alone.
And how practicing infiltrating here, how does that teach you Ukraine or Afghanistan?
Look, they want us, here's the style, they want us to debate and then even have to prove, even though the proof's there, they want to make it about proving this is true instead of having a debate about why is this going on.
Militarization of police is all over the news.
We and others have forced it out there.
The American people are starting to wake up.
And I'm telling you, if Obama could get away with seizing power and staying in office, he would.
We're going to expose this so that it doesn't happen.
And we're not doing this to attack the U.S.
We're doing it to save the U.S.
military from being compromised and corrupted.
We're good to go.
Like the war on drugs was Mission Creep or the war on terror.
This is the federal globalist takeover of the United States.
And we're forcing a debate about it.
They just want to roll their PSYOP out and condition everybody to accept it.
And we're not going to go along with it.
Did you hear all the former Rangers and people that just got out last year calling in yesterday about how, yeah, they'd go out with sniper teams and just randomly train them on citizens in DC and stuff?
Of course, I know all about it.
It's all on record.
I mean, that's what they do.
And then they deal drugs, and then they kill people, and then they... I mean, this is what these teams do.
The more you'll do, the more they'll put you into the really dirty teams.
And they all hide under national security.
And again, most of our military is not involved in this.
But it needs to stop, and it needs to stop right now.
Paul, I want you to hit them too with the U.S.
Army running Los Zetas.
That came out in federal court.
With the FBI and the U.S.
Army, they were running two of the three major cartels in a Mexican destabilization.
And then the head, number two head guy of the Mexican drug cartel announced national security.
They sealed the court and the court let him off and said, yes, it's true.
He did it under the directions of the Department of Defense.
You always hear about him busting like army captains dealing drugs or killing people.
You know, you'll hear, oh, these army captains got caught running assassination teams on their own.
No, they weren't doing it on their own.
And people just need to understand this cancer that is growing, Paul.
Go ahead.
No, I mean, you mentioned the sniper training.
I mean, it came out during Occupy Wall Street.
There were plans to train snipers on those protesters.
And again, they did it just to see if the FBI snipers would actually go out to the peaceful protest and train sniper rifles on people.
Yeah, and remember there was already videos out even years before that of troops in camo fatigues, you know, snatching people off the street.
Also in the 2012 leaked manual you had...
They got into explicit detail about what weapons they would need to use to both incapacitate protesters and to kill people, to literally kill people.
And they also describe how they need to hire all these civilian inmate labor camp people for domestic and determine how to process our social security numbers and how to work with local law enforcement.
So the army came out in 2012 and said we were liars, it was for overseas, when it says, when operating in CONUS,
Exactly, and it's all geared towards this massive unrest that we've been predicting for years.
And Paul, your phone's breaking up, that's why I wanted to get you on Skype.
I just wanted to... Good.
Then you're on the same page as me.
You're bringing up, see, all this stuff I've forgotten about.
I forgot about public ads for internment specialists and public army documents about training to kill us and round us up.
I mean, it's always worse than I remember.
I mean, Paul, that's really our problem is, but can you do it as a bullet point?
People love those.
Kind of just explain up front, here's the total proof, in your face, globalist, those of you taking over the military for this traitorous operation, and just explain that we don't think this one operation is the end-all be-all takeover, and we never said that.
The takeover's basically already happened, and then just show it, Paul.
Yeah, I'm on it, Alex.
Alright, great job.
Give me a favor, because I'm really, I've been up since 6 a.m., and I'm really angry, and I try to control my anger, but when I do, I get really angry, and then I get really exhausted.
Send to Rob Due in an email all those points you just said, please, and then I will shoot the video, all the points we just brainstormed, I will shoot the video at the end of the show,
Put it all together, and then it'll complement your report that'll be out in the morning, because we've got a real chance, because the globalists have countered us and put us in the spotlight, and they can't help themselves.
They've already launched the operation.
Even though I'm announcing this, they're not going to be able to pull back quick enough.
I think we really got them here.
So, we need to put all that in together, and we're going to shove this back down their throat.
How's that sound?
Well, they've cancelled other quite similar drills in the past after concern raised by residents, haven't they?
So it could happen again.
Well, I mean, they're just doing the standard deal that we don't like the troops and we're dirty commies.
I mean, just give me a break, okay?
We don't want the troops running around with double bags of cash, buying off the mayors, okay?
And by the way, Paul, dig up the Ali Philippus interview and the AP article about Delta Force caught in bribery scandal in San Antonio.
Because people don't remember all this.
In fact, some were framed around the office.
It was up for years and then it disappeared when we built that studio.
Did we ever re-hang up all those framed articles out of the Statesman?
Where Delta Force and all that, we exposed them?
Because we could screenshot that or scan it and send it to Watson as well.
I mean, I want to create one article that just has it all in there so that we can just say, here, look at this and deny this.
Thank you, Paul Watson.
Anything else?
No, that's it.
Thanks a lot.
You're the best.
Thank you.
We do have a guest coming up.
I will hit the Russia Underground Bunker News when we come back and a lot of other really important stuff.
There's a lot of breaking news and InfoWars.com as well.
We've got news on the Iran situation and centrifuges and a deal on that front.
We'll break that down as well.
Just briefly, I've been so upset today at an hour and 50 minutes that I haven't even plugged any products yet.
We are the tip of the spear.
We are real.
We're not playing games.
I'm exhausted half the time.
That's why I talk fast and get aggressive because I just got to get fired up to even do this.
I'm way in over my head, but everybody's in over their head.
That's what I'm talking about when we come back in the next segment.
Oh, man.
That's why I got so upset this morning.
It all clicked.
With this plane crash.
You know, the pilot reportedly crashing it.
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Here's the bottom line.
Alex Jones here, back live.
The takeover happened.
The EAS kill switches are in place.
The NSA's spying on everything.
Foreign global treaties are being signed in secret.
Our sovereignty is ending.
The feds run everything from what our kids eat to the price of our power.
We are conquered.
And now they're getting ready to mop up what's left.
The military's been patrolling and running this stuff for 20 years.
It's just intensifying.
And so this is so we don't notice because it's incrementally done like the frog in the pot.
It's that simple.
And it's being done because they're going to break this country and they're going to re-educate us.
They're going to wreck the economy so bad, basically everybody's going to go on welfare or government contracts.
And our dignity is going to be destroyed and we're going to be in bondage.
And as a man, as a human, as an American, as a Texan, I take that really personal.
And that's why we're in so much trouble.
It's a normal response to get physically ill and angry and enraged by all of this.
But people don't have that outrage.
I mean, I think about how it came out that there are secret death panels killing the troops.
And then they just ran a whitewash saying it was an accident and it would stop, and it just continues.
Just like the derivatives, just like the abortions, just like all of it.
I mean, it makes me viciously angry.
And see, I'm a terrorist because I don't like criminals screwing everybody over.
Or people say, oh, it's extraordinary that he cares.
I'm going to get into the Russian bunkers with our guest, because it ties into all the same thing, because we've gone too far on time.
And then I've got one of my crew that I've worked with for, let's get it straight, 10 years, who's just a great guy, one of our IT people.
No criminal record until this all started.
Goes to church twice a week.
One of the most upright Christian people I know.
He doesn't want his name used.
And we knew they had license plate scanning stuff years ago, some of the police cars, because I'd be driving behind him from a restaurant, coming into work, late work at night, and the cops would just swing around and then pull him over because he refuses to have a license because the illegals don't have to have them.
And they're above the law and that's on record, so, and he understands it's going towards the mark of the beast.
And I got this document.
All he does is go and beat them in court.
And so, document cam please.
They list him as dangerous gang intel.
They say caution.
White male dangerous gang intel.
And I guess he's part of the Christian gang.
Then it continues.
The code is 10-0 sovereign citizen.
And this is what they put in these databases, but there's 40 million illegals who get free health care, free everything, bank accounts with no IDs, that's associated press, totally above the law, police are told don't arrest them, border patrol documents they're told don't arrest them for felonies.
Above the law, but a citizen with no criminal record.
Refuses to have a driver's license.
He has an ID card, a Christian ID card.
And man, you'd think that he was the devil.
And you know why he is the devil of these people?
Because they're going to make everybody have a cashless society card, and they're going to shut the economy down, and they are going to hunt down anybody with an underground economy.
They are SWAT teaming Amish every week in this country.
They are shutting the Amish down.
They are shutting anybody off the grid down.
They want you under their control, right here in CONUS.
Right here in whatever stinking FEMA region you're in.
And those of us that are still not under their control and aren't brainwashed?
Well, we're the enemy.
Well, I guess I am then.
Thank you for listening to GCN.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Look at some of these headlines.
Federal taxes hit record high.
And Obama wants more.
Oh, the DEA had sex parties in Colombia.
I'm looking at Drugs Report right now.
Cartel-funded sex parties.
Well, of course, those are authorized cartels.
I mean, see, the story is the hookers.
And, oh my gosh, instead of, oh, the DEA works with major cartels to shut down the other cartels.
It's all about a monopoly over the drugs.
The DEA is the Drug Importation Agency.
That's what the agents call it themselves.
And they'll only bring that out so they can burn whoever they want.
Just to keep them scared.
Now, if they were having pedophile parties at the White House, that'd be okay with the government.
I mean, they always will talk about Bill Clinton and a
Because that's only about that intern, it won't burn anybody else.
Not missiles to the Chinese, you know, MIRV technology.
Bill Clinton gave MIRV technology through Laura Allen Hughes, space technologies.
MIRV technology.
So an ICBM won't just have one big warhead in it, it'll have 10, 15, 20, 30, and dummies in it.
Let's say half of them are dummies.
So that when it comes back into the atmosphere, pops open, and deploys, say, 20 warheads, that's what their ICBMs generally carry, 12 to 20, 10 of them or so can be dummies.
And so the lasers and other things try to take those out, and then some get through, and then they destroy whole cities.
How's that sound?
Oh, but the government's doing all this for our national security, yes.
But let's talk about Monica Lewinsky a little bit now, and the blue dress, and the President's semen, because everybody kind of gets excited about that.
And Bill Clinton's crooked proboscis.
Who cares?
I mean, fine, if that would have brought him down, great.
I'm just saying in conjunction, though, we have to then think about all the real things that are going on.
You're playing God with the internet.
Republicans shouts at FCC chief during hearings.
I love Louie Gohmert.
I mean, he, you know, for the Second Amendment, you name it, you couldn't ask for better.
And he knows what he's doing.
Who was the congressman that told Obama during the State of the Union, you lie?
Because Obama was telling a bald-faced lie.
And remember, we have Republicans that passed in the House last year the partial birth abortion ban that got killed in the Senate.
Why didn't they pass it this year?
Because now we had the votes in the Senate to pass it, and they could have actually done something.
So now, oh, we can't let it out of committee, or if it does, we've got to vote it down, because we can't ban that.
Joe Wilson is the name.
Joe Wilson.
Yes, that's right.
Congressman Joe Wilson.
We ought to loop that.
And it's not really very audible.
We ought to augment it, you know, boost the audio, and then loop it where Obama says lies, and then he goes, you lie, you lie, you lie, you lie, and then just cut to lie, lie, lie.
McBrainer made that great Mayberry clip we played earlier.
That'll play one more time when we come in.
It's so good about where our country's come from.
In just 30, 40 years, we've gone from School of Rock teaching you about the founders,
And the Declaration of Independence, and the shot around the world, and Mayberry, to Philadelphia Inquirer saying, is it time to ban the Declaration of Independence?
And the FBI quotes in federal court cases that he was an extremist because he had a constitution in his house.
I mean, they swear an oath to it, and when they see it, it's like,
Nosferatu or Count Dracula has just come face-to-face with a giant silver cross and 500 gallons of holy water and a truckload of garlic.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We've got a special guest joining us.
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The British are coming!
The British are coming!
Now the ride of Paul Revere set the nation on its ear.
And the shock that Lexington heard round the world.
This was school rock in the 70s.
When the British fired in the early dawn, the war of independence had begun.
Now called terrorism.
The dial was cast, the rebel flag unfurled.
And on to Concord, marched the foe To seize the arsenal, there you know Waking folks, searching all around Till our militia stopped them in their tracks At the old North Bridge, we turned them back And chased those Redcoats back to Boston Town And the shout around the world Was the start of a revolution The men, men were ready on the move
It happened that they had planned, if the British was ever to come over here, that they'd put a light up in this high church steeple.
And Paul went down there to look.
And sure enough,
Well, Paul, he jumped on his old horse and he lit out.
He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he had to go somewhere.
Oh, I wish you could have seen it.
That old horse with his ears laid back and his nostrils wide open, sucking in wind like a jet engine.
Feet pounding on them cobblestones, striking off sparks.
Paul holding on for dear life and a hollering at the top of his lungs.
He says, the British is coming!
The British is coming!
Get your gun, we gonna have us a revolution!
And them farmers come a-piling out of the hay like bees out of a beehive.
Minute men, they's called.
What's minute men?
Minute men?
They's fellas that had to be ready at a minute's notice.
And when Paul comes screeching down the road that way, they grab their guns and head out behind the weeds and walls and trees and everywhere.
And when the British come a-prancing along all dressed up in their red suits, they let them have it.
It was a sight to see.
And then it happened.
They fired the gun!
They fired the gun.
And the shot was so loud, it was heard clear around the world.
Oh, get out.
That's the way this country started.
And the globalists hope to start a civil war.
It's even come out in Democrat memos where they stage false flags, blame them on the liberty movement, march the military and police out against us, start gun confiscation.
That will trigger real resistance.
They'll keep staging atrocities to blame it on us.
And they think we're so stupid from all their TVs and movies where they show militia always fighting the police.
And they always archetypally brand it that during a civil war, the patriot militia will kill police.
If a civil war kicks off, that's only if they're firing at you or trying to take you off to a facility.
Everybody needs to think about who the enemy is, who the real occupiers are that are running this thing.
They think you're so stupid they put a narrative out that we're all just going to kill each other.
No, that's not going to happen, George Soros.
That's not going to happen.
All of you people that have been part of this,
All the czars, 10 czars that have endorsed Mao Zedong on television, who killed 80 million people plus, that's the Chinese numbers, CIA says 65 million or whatever.
All of you people that have tried to bankrupt the economy, endorse Cloward and Piven, that is sedition, that is sabotage.
All of you that are saying you'll cut off emergency funds to states that don't endorse carbon taxes, that's terrorism.
You people have committed legions of crimes, lowering our borders.
By the classical sense, you are the ultimate criminal destroyer, usurpers.
You will not get away with it.
And that's why, by the thousands, the elite are buying Redoubts.
I told you this three years ago, when Cameron left, and everybody made fun of me, but now it's been in the Guardian and other places that know Hollywood, the billionaires, they're leaving.
They're leaving Israel, they're leaving the US, they're leaving Europe, they're going to
The eastern areas of the Pacific.
They are going to areas like New Zealand.
Just pretending on what part of the world you're in, you say it's the other part of the Pacific.
It's just so horrible.
And... Are we smart enough to figure this out and just not do this?
I mean, I don't want the Civil War.
Now our guest was coming on about the William Benny interview.
The former technical director of the National Security Agency.
We'll go over some of those slides for TV viewers.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
But then I'm also going to get his tags.
He's a smart guy.
James Knox on Russia has constructed massive underground shelters in anticipation of nuclear war.
I want to tie this into the plane crash at the bottom of the hour.
They're now saying that passenger shrieked as co-pilot deliberately crashed the jet after he'd locked the other pilot, the main pilot, out.
Notice it was a hardened cockpit door.
See how any move of security can then cause the opposite effect and be used.
Just like national security's been used to take our liberties, the main threat is the national security COG grid.
It's what can be used to take over the country and is being used.
I call it a reverse Valkyrie.
In Operation Valkyrie, some of the German high command tried to kill Hitler, not because they even were sad about what Hitler had done to minorities, but because they knew he was going to wreck Germany more and kill tens of millions more Germans.
At that time, they'd already lost about 16 million Germans.
And so when they tried to take Hitler out, it was because they were German patriots.
They cared about Germany.
And they used the COG plan that Hitler had for martial law to take over the military and they tried something to reverse engineer that and use that COG system to overthrow Hitler.
But it didn't work.
COG is what ends the government.
It is what ends the Republic.
Continuity of government is the system to take it over.
And remember what William Benny said.
Since the early 90s he tried to get the NSA to have taps on its internal systems to see who accessed it.
That's the first thing you do.
Everybody at my office has an access code so we know when they come.
They have a beeper that has their code so we know when they came.
That's not a police state, it's our internal operation, it's our internal security.
That's good, where everybody takes care of their security.
The first thing you do is monitor who comes on that network.
They spy on everything but the NSA.
And who goes on the restricted networks, so foreign governments and contractors can steal everything.
Now, if you're at the top of the pyramid, you're at the top, like William Benning, the equivalent of a multi-star general.
Then you've got at the bottom of the pyramid, people like James Knox, a master telecommunications engineer, who, just like Snowden, had access to just massive amounts of stuff.
He won't get into some of that, but he was talking about, and confirming the Snowden documents when they came out, just about the hubs he put in and puts in.
And this guy goes over multi-states doing this.
So see, the bottom of the pyramid is the top of the pyramid, and vice versa.
Police are the top of the pyramid, even though they're the bottom of the pyramid.
Because you're there where the rubber meets the road.
And you'll also go through the hell of these policies if they go through.
James Knox, in 1984, joined the U.S.
Army as part of a last class of 26 Vs.
He was honorably discharged in 1990.
He worked as an assistant, ComSec custodian, ran ARFCOs, lethal force authorization transport of theater, keymat, repaired and maintained TS communications center and equipment, performed destruction duties.
Tempest certification.
After discharge, he joined the commercial market, providing turnkey communications networks and maintenance throughout the United States.
And so part of that was putting in the NSA snoop ups.
Because that's what goes in everything, folks.
He holds multiple certifications, DC to daylight.
He likes to say he has done networks encompassing wireline, to microwave, to fiber optics, to both commercial and government clients.
And it was guys like him, and even more high-level, who told me, no, your cable box listens to you.
No, everything has spy hubs.
Everything has takeover boxes.
And then they would show me the documents.
And we're going to skip this network break, so we have plenty of time to talk to him.
Only break I'm skipping today, folks.
And I haven't been plugging today, so support us at InfoWareStore.com, but YouTube.com,
We're good.
But first off, what do you make of the massive acceleration of 10 state open infiltration takeover drills, and then now there's huge psyops saying it's for overseas when their own documents admit it's for domestic operations, and then we have legions of other documents admitting that it's exponentially going up.
They say in the Houston Chronicle and all these other publications that Jones has been warning about this for decades, it never happens.
Hasn't the takeover pretty much happened, James?
Yeah, and from my point of view, I've always seen it that nobody really understands that since 9-11, we've been under a state of emergency, which invokes continuity of government to
Some unknown state.
So those things are going on.
I don't have any actual facts.
I can certainly give you my feeling as to what they've done.
And I see this as a psyop, because if you notice in this document, there's no enemy.
Texas is a hostile place, but it never says why Texas is hostile.
And that's where I think we need to realize that they are, their word, mastering the human domain.
Well, when we talk about the sheep and the takeover, that's exactly what this is.
How do you get a citizenry to interact with these folks?
By getting these folks to interact with the civilians,
Such that, hey, I'm with the government and I am going to help.
And of course, in early missions, they are actually helping.
But the point is, it's a mission creep jurisdictional takeover for the National Stability Force that is really the takeover force in the RAND Corporation's master admission.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, it's an in-your-face, well, at least now, but that positive comment on it is
No longer with us.
Yeah, I noticed they would always say to me 15 years ago, 20 years ago, posse comitatus, it'll never happen.
Even when it was happening, people were denying it.
Now it's like, yeah, we got rid of posse comitatus and we're getting rid of due process and yeah, we'll disappear you.
And I've got a little tidbit that I'm looking into, uh, from a buddy of mine that this things like Jade Helm, um,
May have been going on and likely have been going on CONUS for
Some period of time, much longer than we are presently aware.
It's been going on since the 60s.
I mean, that's in my films, but it's exponentially going up now.
Before, they were beta testing just to see if they could get the military to do it, testing how they sell troops on doing it.
So really, it's about brainwashing the military first to accept it and to think it's a good mission, because most of these are good men and women.
And then it's about conditioning the locals to do it.
It's the exponential ramping up.
I mean, let's say it was a 1 on a Richter scale under Reagan.
And then, let's say it was about a 6 under Clinton, then it scaled back a little bit under Bush, but then the police state and other areas expanded.
Under Obama, it's gone to like a 7, 8, or 9.
I mean, it's just, it's just shooting up right now, James.
Oh, I would absolutely agree, and I think it's the fact that they're... I was kind of alluding to the Tier 1 architecture being involved.
Yeah, let's get into NSA.
You really liked the William Benny NSA technical director interview last week and contacted us, and I was really happy to get you on the show because I was already wanting to.
Give us your take on that interview from the top view and then from the ground view where you're at.
Well, William Binney, you know, I have nothing but respect for that man and think he's a hero.
You know, he exposed, the way I see Binney, I think he was involved in Carnivore, to what extent, I'm not sure.
No, he basically, he told me at dinner, he said, I don't like to brag, but I basically directed the building, all of it.
He said, the infrastructure, I designed.
And he doesn't like to brag, but the guy's a master genius.
Oh, affirmative.
So I think ThinThread then was a device to basically get around the objections of the congressional hearings of the Carnivore device, which then basically utilizing Thalia and that access that had been put in place by Brother Bill McWillie,
He turned everything on us and all the infrastructure was there because what he did with CALEA, creating that access, that's access to each and every POP, point of presence, or circuit in the United States at a minimum.
And a kind of treasure map is something he talked about that I would like to discuss.
Yeah, we're putting the slides on screen right now.
Break it down and then specifically talk about on the ground how the NSA jacks into everything.
Well, basically, I mean, that's just simple.
You can take a piece of fiber, and you can either, you know, you can cut it, connectorize it, put it in a patch panel, and then just put a prism in front of it, and you basically split that signal, and then account for the minor loss of that splitter.
And then you run fiber over to the NSA collection point,
For that point of presence.
And then the natural traffic flow discontinues through.
It is absolutely, you can't see it.
That's why I said there's no solution for it.
Because, and that was the complaint about Carnivore.
What they're doing is they're just slurping everything in and telling you that, hey, I'll filter it.
You know, trust us.
We're not going to look at that stuff.
And now we see that what has happened.
um and that gets into treasure map and that literally scares me to death and um i can get into that but just break down treasure map break down treasure now if we look at all those access points that you had just had uh configure those are places that that's happening that that data is being slurped up and all of it you know think of it like
The entire mission bitstream, which is going to be everything, you know, to include the metadata, you know, the unused portion, just that whole piece of fiber.
And they're taking everything that's on there and they're storing it at facilities like, what is it?
Something Bluff in Utah.
I always want to say Pine Bluff, because Pine Bluff is our sister, the Five Eyes, down in Alice Springs, Australia.
If you look at Fort Meade, basically Alice Springs is much like that.
And then you have other Five Eyes areas that are those things.
Matter of fact, my grandfather was the one that built the Conus
We're good to go.
Where if you're slurping everything in, you have just this mad amount of data that you then have to try to...
Uh, decipher and figure out what is, you know,
And they've been caught and aren't in trouble, and then major corporations are all basically surveilling people as well and selling the data, and then gaming economies with the information.
So many people, and what do you say to this James Knox, so many people say, if you have nothing to hide, what's the problem?
Well, you see people that put
Um, collectivism, uh, communism, um, but that's, I would diverge into something else there.
To me, how have we got here?
It's, uh, it's a psyop.
People have been led to believe, um, that all these things are good.
They make your life easier.
Um, it's really been fed to us on a, you know, on a platter of convenience and
Everybody was so sure that it couldn't happen here.
And with what you just said, it doesn't say any of that in the Constitution.
The Constitution basically says the opposite.
It says, you know what?
It's none of your business.
If I want to stand on top of Half Dome in Yosemite and make gurgling sounds and talk to the clouds and act like a fruitcake,
I can do that.
It doesn't matter.
It's nobody's business.
That's America.
If I want to be a, you know, whatever religion... It's none of their business.
Let's come back and talk about this and talk about what Benny kept hammering.
I want to get your take on this.
No one's allowed to see who goes on the NSA network.
I mean, that must totally open it up, then, to infiltration and hackers.
That is the most insane thing, because obviously the insiders don't want people knowing what they're doing.
So, the criminals can get away with this.
They've left us wide open.
It's the perfect plan to destroy us, in my view.
Stay with us.
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James Knox is our guest.
He's got a hurt back right now, so that's why he sounds a little bit subdued.
I think I should throw that out there.
We appreciate him still coming on today.
Boy, I had my back out last year as well.
It is not fun.
So we'll definitely pray for him on that front.
But James Knox is our guest.
Really smart guy.
I like to have him on occasionally just to get his breakdown on things.
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Going back to James Knox, finishing up on the whole NSA front that I want to shift gears with him and get his take on some other issues.
Where do you see this fight going?
I mean, we've got some good news here.
House effort would completely dismantle Patriot Act.
It's bipartisan.
Mark Pocan of Wisconsin and Thomas Massey of Republican Kentucky yesterday unveiled their Surveillance State Repeal Act.
Finally, a bill with a truthful name, Surveillance State Repeal Act, which would overhaul American spy powers, unlike any other effort to reform the National Security Agency.
This isn't just tinkering around the edges.
Hogan said during Capitol Hill briefing on legislation, this is a meaningful overhaul of the system.
Yeah, they estimate that just the spy grids between about 50 different agencies is a hundred billion dollars out of the giant budget.
And that's why, just like the movie Enemy of the State, they have killed people who try to do this.
So pray for those congressmen.
The bill will completely repeal the Patriot Act, sweeping national security law, passed in the days after September 11th.
That'll gut the NSA's takeover.
As well as the 2008 FISA Amendments Act.
So this is really, really exciting.
What do you make of that?
There's some other positive news here today.
I meant to cover this at the start of the show.
House revives bill to completely repeal the Patriot Act, dismantle NSA spying.
Uh, Kansas to join states allowing concealed guns without permits.
A lot of other great stuff like that.
So there's a lot of positive stuff going on, James, and people are voting with their dollars, destroying McDonald's and other globalist soft kill operations.
I mean, we're seeing some positive things happen.
Where do you see the battle right now if this was a football game?
Well, I think we're definitely moving the ball, because people are starting to wake up and understand.
And thank you for what you said.
By the way, it's the voice, not the mind.
And actually, L5 is fractured as I speak, so... I know, you sent us a shot of the x-ray.
I do appreciate that.
You know... Hey, you want us to show the x-ray on TV?
Oh, sure, go ahead.
It's kind of a dramatic image.
Well, I'm surprised you can even talk, man.
When my back was just thrown out shooting a .50 cal, like a hundred rounds downhill, when the spine flipped the other way, I mean, it was excruciating until the chiropractor finally got it back.
But it felt like I was dying when they were putting it back.
I don't shoot the .50 anymore.
I just stick with my .3378.
That's about all I can handle.
Is that a Lapua?
No, it's actually a 3378 Weatherby.
It's the fastest of the 30s.
It'll do a 180 grain average at 3450.
Yeah, I gotta say, I'm not a very good shot with a .50 caliber rifle.
With a .308 Remington 700, with the scope I've got, I bought it like 15 years ago when a Dallas SWAT team guy sold it to me, and it just, it's like a laser beam at 500 yards.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
308, it's been an inherently accurate round.
Certainly combat effective out to 1,000.
Yeah, but I didn't mean to digress.
I didn't mean to digress.
You were commenting on where the ball is right now.
Yeah, so I think we're moving the ball.
You know, one thing that the last comment you made before we went to break about it was kind of a negative thing.
You know, that really nailed it.
That brought me back.
I had made, I guess, some notes in front of me and we've kind of been
I've kind of missed a lot of them.
That brought me back to Treasure Map.
Can we go back to that first?
Yeah, let's do that.
So, you know, if we look at that, when we talked about what Kalia did and all that access, and then when William Binney talked about being able to get everybody's IMEI, which is basically your electronic phone or serial number of your phone, we also have to realize that every device,
Every device that has a NIC, a Network Interface Controller, has a MAC address.
It has a Media Access Controller, and it has a hexadecimal address associated with that.
And that's hardwired into an EPOM.
It's hard-coded.
It can be changed, but it's hard-coded.
Now, if what he said, if they go out and they actually are able to audit everything,
And know what, where, and, you know, all those devices exist and where those IP addresses physically are.
They take that data and they store it at, you know, Utah, Fort Meade, wherever.
So, you were talking about what we have to figure
That's what our children and our grandchildren and other generations because the other thing you've got to think about is he was talking about persistence.
They're not only looking at it, they're storing it.
Now they've just started doing that.
And through miniaturization and Moore's Law, you know, things are just going to keep getting smaller and smaller and smaller, which is going to allow them
Uh, greater and greater ability to store more and more data for a much greater length of time.
And they can also then corrupt and manipulate the data.
What do you make of the point I've been asking, and we'll go back to Treasure Map, about Benny, that they don't look at who's on the NSA network?
That, I mean, that is insane.
That's this silly assumption that they have that once you've been cleared,
And read on to a specific project or level of security, because there's only three.
And then beyond that, you'd be read on to a particular project.
So there's an assumption that inside, it isn't that way.
The funny thing is, that's not the way I knew it.
We used to
Well, I'll put it this way.
We used to watch our guys all the time.
I can't go into that, but... Sure, I mean, there's more than one way to skin a cat, and obviously, for people that are in the infrastructure itself, you can do whatever you want.
I mean, that's like Snowden.
Like I said, being on the ground almost gives you a better view than being on top of a mountain, doesn't it?
Absolutely, because the reality is,
All that spy equipment is, is really a tweaked version of some management suite.
So I'm the guy that has the management suite.
I'm the guy that can go in and hook up to the craft port or do a RAS session or remote access session and log into that device and I have a super user administrative password.
So I can go in there and it's as if I'm
You know, sitting in front of the device, or devices.
And, you know, I could do it from my smart device as things exist today.
Okay, well correct me if I'm wrong, but as a layman, haven't we then built a system that leaves us wide open, and is the opposite of something, you know, the system claiming that this panoptagonic, omnipresent spy grid is to keep us safe.
It sounds like we've created the doomsday device.
Because of this, well, exactly what you talk about and what Benny talked about, the really fast, awkward way that we've gone about this, I think it's done nothing but open us up.
You know, we talk about the grid.
I'll be honest with you, you know, I've been in every kind of energy facility that
The only reason that the grid is safe from hacks is because it doesn't connect to the internet.
That's right.
It's just that physical... Then aren't they beginning now to make the grid, quote, go smart?
Won't that open it up like Swiss cheese?
That's a possibility and I actually have a call in to an engineer I used to work with and as a
We're good.
Little bird mentioned something about actually setting that up and that's certainly disturbing.
Yeah, I've actually seen the trade publications.
It's also secret what goes in power plants and it should be, but it's not secret people in the industries that they're starting to put, you know, monitoring systems in and other things for all this energy trading and stuff and they think
That that's enough for them to get hacks into the computers.
And I guess that ties... Oh, I'm sorry.
It could be.
And in reality, all the way back to 2000, inside what they call power center operations, you're seeing that even to the point
That all substations now have audio and video surveillance.
Of us, the guys that work there.
Or, well, for me, used to work there.
We kind of don't like it because there's a lot of things that people don't need to see what we're doing.
Certainly the security people.
So, sometimes we have battles about that.
But that is definitely happening.
And I can tell you,
From being a native, California is by far the most corrupt state in the union.
Well that's huge news right there.
We have people selling that all the time and the security guard is the first level to break down.
Are you telling me they have internet-based cameras inside the power plant control rooms?
Which you can go to websites that have hundreds of thousands of government and private access cameras because people didn't change the code when they installed it.
They have internet-based?
That's a story right there.
Wow, that is a horrible security breach.
I tell you, this is crazy.
How far they've gone with that, I don't know.
But, yeah, it's nuts.
And nothing happens.
You know, you just
You know, people in my business, we, you know, we live our lives under a microscope.
So it's not like, you know, we go around and nobody knows what we're doing.
But to go this far, and then to have management, and this is what's happening, kind of like in the healthcare industry, where we have human resources and management controlling these systems, and they know nothing about them.
And all they're going to do is sink it.
Well, in California and in Pennsylvania, they got caught six, seven years ago watching kids on the government-issued laptops, the free laptops that aren't free, that we pay for.
And then they just defended themselves and go, yeah, we're watching girls shower at home with them, big deal.
We call the police because the Skittles look like drugs.
I mean, they're just so nonchalant about it.
Throughout the industry, and this
It's something that I personally have a significant problem with.
Break that down for us on the other side, and I'm going to hit this Russian bunker.
Stay there, James Knox.
James Knox, Darkcommo on YouTube and on Twitter.
Just Darkcommo, C-O-M-M-O.
I'm Alex Jones, Infowars.com.
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All right, what I'm going to do is I'm going to tape a special report for the nightly news tonight on Jade Helm and the Big Pitcher.
Not just this particular operation, but the backdrop of the corruption of the military and our government.
The institutionalization of the permanent surveillance tyranny state.
And then I'm also going to shoot another special report that will air tomorrow because David Knight's doing the show tomorrow.
I'm going out to California to speak at Cal Jam.
I'm 98% sure I'm going to pull the trigger on surgery next Wednesday.
That's not an April Fool's joke.
That's when they can do it with the surgeon I want on my hernia that I've had for 14 years.
I had been working out in about a year or two and I showed off to a girlfriend that, I guess my wife, I was just about to get married, but one of those rollers, you know, where you roll and she couldn't do one and I did like 15 of them real fast and then did a little tear, well now it's just gotten too big.
Since I lost all this weight, it's just, the guts are now starting to come out more because when I've got my clothes off, I mean, standing up, I have a little bit of a potbelly when I'm sitting down, when I stand up, it's like BAM!
I mean, I'm trying to get a six pack.
So I've got to, I've got to go do this.
I don't know.
I'm going to pray about it because I'm not scared of the surgery, but I also know they like to kill people while they're having surgery.
And I'm not saying they would do that.
It's a little too obvious, but they've done it to Jim Keith and other people.
So I kind of just throw that out there.
If they want to come get me, I guess they might try.
I got a torn Achilles that's come back a lot.
But I got to get that done.
So just pray for me, pray for me to make the right decision.
I mean, I'll be having the surgery if I don't come back, you know.
Monday or Tuesday.
I think I'm just going to have a surgery.
I think I'm just going to pull the trigger and get it done because I'm starting to have the intestines stick out and it's not a lot of fun.
You get nauseated when it happens.
So I'll cover the Russia thing.
I'm going to tape some stuff and I'm going to tape some stuff tomorrow too.
But that's the bottom line on that.
Appreciate all your support out there.
We're going to have you back up on the nightly news as soon as you're back.
It's a little bit better champ, but James Knox in just a minute or two.
Any other points you'd like to add?
You know, actually, I'll tell you this.
You know, when Benny mentioned 2.8 million square foot Tom Center being built at me.
Just off the top of my head, I can think of.
Oh, that should bring up to about six million square foot of comm center that I know about.
And that's a scary thing.
You know, one of the things that we could do to, I don't know, I guess, frustrate the powers that be, the NSA,
That's right, because I always think about how to attack at the Congress level just to get rid of it.
We should do that, but also we should frustrate it and degrade it because it's criminal.
That's a great point.
How do you block this and protect yourself?
Do a FOIA request on yourself.
To the NSA, to the FBI, to the CIA.
Now make these people do their job.
They're trying not to allow FOIA requests.
Let's overwhelm them.
I, you know, we need, I think we need to teach, you know, we made a real mistake when we did this, when we opened this up, when we put this infrastructure in.
But we need to remember that it's our infrastructure.
This, you know, public dollars paid for this.
So, we need to take it back.
But, again, I think anything that we can do to get them to realize that they are, in fact, servants.
And they took an oath.
Things like, you know, a FOIA request.
Anything that you see.
You know, they see something, report something?
Do it.
But report the stupidest things you see.
Because they're going to have to use resources and go out and look for it.
That's right.
They want us all tattling on each other.
They want us to see something.
We call Homeland Security about the ammo bans, about government drills, training to shoot targets at kids.
Just jam their spy grid tattling on them.
Yeah, because I think the more people... And be nice, you know, there's nothing to be gained by, you know, attacking these people, but if we go out there and we talk to them... Sure, let them know we're awake.
The minions aren't the problem, but we need to let them know and their bosses know.
I'm going to do five minutes of overdrive.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate our guest.
Of course, last show, you want to see the overdrive.
God bless you all.
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There's a war on between the forces of good who want to build things and have community and where we want to vote with our choices and basically build up the better attributes of humanity.
People that are prideful and honest and bring something to the table, build one type of civilization, a wonderful civilization.
Those that don't come and take over civilizations and destroy them.
And build idols to themselves and tell people how great they are.
And that's what we see happening classically at a very fast pace now.
I didn't really whine today.
It just really hits me how ridiculous this criminal takeover is.
It's foreign banks publicly, and they all brag about it at Davos.
I mean, it's just sick!
But I realize it's a confidence game.
With ignorant people, everything is about confidence.
With smart people, it's about the data.
And then confidence doesn't hurt.
But it's just the confidence of Hillary, you know, being asked a few months ago about, you know, in hearings about Turkey in arms.
She goes, a Turkey?
What about a Turkey?
You know, just the disdain, knowing the general public wouldn't even know what Turkey is, a country.
I mean, just playing games, folks.
That's what they do.
Oh, Alex has been saying the government's gonna take over forever.
Where is the takeover?
Where is the takeover?
Look around!
I mean, there won't be any freedom left very soon at this rate.
That's why I'm freaking out.
Is they're moving quick, man.
They're moving fast.
I mean, look at television, how it's changed from Schoolhouse Rock about the founding fathers until now.
I see articles and TV shows putting down the founders constantly.
And you know why they're doing it?
Because the founders were alive in their age, and they certainly weren't perfect.
But compared to every other country, they were promoting more freedom than anybody else.
And the ideas they came up with changed the world.
And there's a revolution against those men and women.
And I am just not going to sit here while I watch a bunch of lesser men spit on all of us and spit on George Washington's grave and Thomas Jefferson's grave.
We ought to have some basic pride.
If we don't have pride, we're going to be overrun.
Where are our instincts?
Where is our territorialism?
I mean, I know so many guys walking out of a store with a 12-pack of beer and bump into you acting tough or whatever.
Or if your dog goes, you know, in their yard, they come and...
I want you to go over there and pick up your dog's crap.
I'm like, that's actually happening to me.
Well, I'm sorry.
I usually take the dog out, but I'm sorry he got out and did that.
I'd be glad to.
Hey, you've been over at my house before and had a beer.
Why are you bugging your eyes out of me having a bad day?
And then I'll go forward and people get mad at me in a store or whatever.
I go, I wish you'd get mad about the government screwing everybody over.
Cause you know what?
I'm not mad when you're
You know, your cat comes and craps in my flower bed or vice versa.
You know, it's just, we need to get mad about real stuff, folks.
Like hydrofluorosilicic acid that brain damages you and gives you all sorts of bone problems being put in the water.
And they go, that debate's not settled.
Yeah, it is.
Or they say, the debate's settled.
Fluoride is good for you and so is mercury.
If you're a new listener, I'm not kidding.
I actually say Mercury's good for kids on the news.
There's major inflation in the economy.
I mention this a lot, but it's such a big deal.
We were just talking about this the other day.
The price of ground beef has doubled since the last financial crisis.
And that's on the national average.
It's actually gone up more.
Because they'll get together in different regions and quietly agree to run up the prices on it.
I mean, it's got to be triple what it was in Austin.
Since the depths, see, that's what computers can do.
Computers and NSA garbage and all these companies doing their own spying on the public.
It's not market research, it's gaming everything.
I mean, you want to live in a game society?
This is it.
Where billions are spent a year on the school lunch program, and then the kid, the paid-for food has maggots in it.
That's in the news today.
I mean, that's what they offer.
You want to live in a big fat prison where you're safe?
Like Chicago's Southside?
Welcome to hell!
Alright, I'm taping two reports to the Lair tomorrow when David Knight's in here live.
Spread the word, they're gonna be key.
Please, tell everybody about the show.
The enemy does not want this to be on the air.
That's because it's Veritas, and it hurts them bad.